#i had this idea since like june? lmao
oneforthemunny · 2 months
how you like them apples |cowboy!eddie munson x reader|
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prompt: you surprise eddie with his favorite fall treat, and, oh, is he surprised.
since i'm feeling so fall, i decided to write a ficlet around my love cowboy!eddie. also follows the lore that sweet girl is not the best cook lmao. super fluffy. genuinely nothing but the sweetest fluff and love.
Your head turned at the rumble of the truck, moving slowly down the gravel driveway towards the house. Eddie always drove much slower than you, always on to you about speeding down the gravel, flinging it everywhere. 
The red truck’s bed was filled with lumber, left over from the recent renovations the Ives’ family had done to their new fence, just up the road- well, that’s what Eddie always said, it was more like a good ten miles away. Irvine Ives had called Eddie up last night, asked him if he wanted it before he took it to the junkyard. He knew Eddie was repairing a patch in the fence a Bronco he was training had kicked out. 
“Back so soon?” You grinned, pressing a hand over your brows to shield you from the September sun. Not as bright as it was in June, but still unforgiving in the middle of the day. 
“Yep, wasn’t much, but I think I got what I needed.” Eddie hummed, turning the key and killing the ignition, cigarette still lit between his fingers. “Think I got enough to patch it though. Just gonna need to repaint it since it’s not the same kinda wood.” 
Your brows raised, walking over towards the driver’s side, leaning in towards the window. “I can help you with that.” You hummed, breathing in the cloud of smoke he exhaled with a content sigh. “I love to paint.” 
Eddie grinned back at you, a soft crease in his dimples that made your body buzz with excitement. “Yeah? We can go to town tomorrow if I get this done. Pick out a color.” 
“That sounds like fun.” You beam. “I was going to say we need to go to the grocery anyways, so that works out.” You hum, a large brown bag catching your attention, nestled beside Eddie in the passenger seat. 
“What’s that?” You ask, leaning on the door to see. “Apples?” 
“Yeah, Mrs. Ives insisted I take a few. Said their trees were overflowin’ with ‘em.” Eddie nodded towards the bag, lightly tapping your hand to move, opening the truck’s door. “Figure I’d give a few to Medusa. Try to do something with the rest, maybe.” 
You nodded slowly, wheels in your mind already spinning with an idea. Eddie handed you the apples, cradling the bottom until you got your grip on the heavy bag. “‘M gonna go start on this. Try to get it done today.” 
“Ok,” You hummed, hugging the apples to your chest. “Have fun, baby.” 
Eddie snorted in laughter, head ducking down, stealing a quick kiss from you. “I shouldn’t be too long.” He looked back at you, eyes narrowing in suspicion as you simply nodded, pulling the screen door open and slipping in the kitchen. 
Normally, you’d offer to come help him, sit with him and talk about nothing in particular, and hand him the tools while he worked. Not this time. You didn’t seem mad, or upset- really, you seemed perfectly happy. Which left him a little suspicious. 
The clanging of a large, steel pot falling on the floor soothed his worries, left him grinning to himself in humor as he started off to the barn. 
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“Sift? What does- like move it around?” You muttered, brows pinched in concentration that was teetering on annoyance. Your eyes squinted in concentration, trying to decipher the loopy, old school cursive on the faded, yellowed recipe card in front of you. 
The first time you found the recipe box, it was buried under piles of other things, lost in the mess that was Eddie’s bachelor pad before you moved in- really, before you were in his life. His Mamaw Munson’s recipes, all her best dishes, all in one tin box. He sat in the kitchen with you between his legs, he���d poured over each one, told you which ones were his favorite, sometimes even added a little anecdote that had you beaming with joy. 
“Oh, this one was one of my favorites, baby,” Eddie had said, eyes lighting as they scanned over the card. 
“Apple Cobbler. She’d bake it in this cast iron skillet so it’d stay hot, and we’d put vanilla ice cream over it- holy shit, it was so good.” Eddie swallowed his drool, he could practically taste it still. “She used to have an apple tree before it got blown away by this bad tornado one year. But she’d go and pick them every fall when they were ripe, and she’d always make it for us. It was my favorite thing.” 
Looking at the recipe in front of you, you could see why Eddie loved it so much. It did sound really good. 
It was just very complicated. 
“Take your peeled- shit,” You looked at the sliced apples, still with the skin on, in the bowl in front of you. “Why wouldn’t you say that before I added the other stuff, Mamaw?” You huffed, pulling the drawer open for the whittling knife. 
The kitchen was a disaster, sticky and flour filled, bowls piling high in the sink; and you hadn’t even gotten halfway through the recipe. Grabbing a handful of the butter and sugar rolled apples, you placed them on the counter’s free space, carefully carving around the edge where the skin was. 
This isn’t too bad, not taking as long as I thought it would, You thought to yourself, finally in a grove of cutting around the skin, tossing the apple back in the mixture. 
A smoky, sugary, thick smell alerted your senses on your last few apples. Turning, you saw the filling that was supposed to be simmering, now bubbling with thick, burnt globs in the pot. You grabbed the handle with a panic, shoving it to the free stove eye, turning the hot one off. 
The mixture, which was supposed to be a light caramel brown, was a deep dark molasses shade. You lifted the whisk, cringing at the toughness of the gooey substance. “It’s ok,” You shook your head lightly, looking at the clock. “That’s- whatever. It’ll bake and soften in the oven.” 
Pulling out the pan, you shoved the now skinless apples to the bottom, scraping the hardened filling mixture on top. The wooden spoon nearly broke trying to mix it in, sticking out of the cemented filling. 
You could see Eddie through the small window over the sink, down to the last stake in the fence, already beginning the wiring. He’d be done soon, this had to cook for forty-five minutes, and the kitchen was a disaster. 
“It’s fine, it’ll be fine.” You muttered to yourself, pouring the batter on top, not bothering to smooth it out like the instructions said- there was no time for that Mamaw. Instead, you slid it in the oven, turning the timer. 
Eddie came in just as you’d finished putting your last dish away. Your body surged with excited heat, smug that you might actually get away with your little surprise- well, as long as he didn’t go to the back porch, where the burnt filling was in the pan, cemented in. 
“Mm,” Eddie sniffed the air, sugary and a little… smoky? “Smells good in here, baby.” He gave you a dazzling smile, hoping you wouldn’t pick up the hesitancy in his tone. 
It was no secret that you weren’t exactly the best cook. Not that Eddie cared, but after you almost burnt the house down making lasagna, he was a little weary when you’d cook. 
“Does it?” Your eyes lit up, filled with excitement that he wouldn’t dare take from you. Whatever you’d made, no matter how charred or inedible it was, he’d scarf it down with a grin if it’d make you happy. Even if it gave him food poisoning like the chicken ala king did. 
“Yeah, what’re you makin’?” Eddie reached for the oven’s handle. 
You pushed it closed with a click of your tongue, smacking his hands away. “Don’t.” You shook your head. “It’s a surprise.” 
And you were true to your word. It certainly was a surprise. 
When you placed the concoction in front of Eddie, grinning so big, so proudly, he couldn’t bring himself to do anything but grin back. “Wow, you, uh, you made this for me, sweetheart?” He smiled, eyeing the plate in front of him. 
“Yes,” You giggled, topping the runny dough on top with a scoop of ice cream. “You said it was your favorite, and when you brought the apples home, I just thought I’d surprise you.” You chirped, sliding him a spoon. “I followed your Mamaw’s recipe.”
“You spoil me, sweet thing. You know that?” Eddie smiled, heart swelling at the sentiment. You really did spoil him, were too good and too sweet to him- even if you’re cooking wasn’t as good. 
“Try it.” You sat next to him, bursting with excitement. “I know it won’t be as good as hers, but I think I did a good job on it.” 
Eddie looked down at the plate, swallowing the dread building in his throat. He dug his spoon, sawing it through the thick middle until it finally came out in a clean cut. Taking a large scoop of ice cream, hoping it would mask the flavor, he took a bite. 
“Is it good?” You leaned forward, eyes rounded in hopefulness, scanning his features eagerly. 
Eddie hummed, his teeth cemented together from the filling, sure his crown might pop out from the material. The filling was tough, the dough undercooked and lacked something that made it rise, but the apples were delicious- just like his Mamaw’s except…
“Oh,” Eddie winced before he could help it, finger digging in his mouth. He pulled out the hard thing that was wedged in his molar, turning it with a brow raised. “Is that- is that a seed?” 
Your face fell, looking at the seed back at Eddie. “Well, yeah, from the apples.” You said, heart skinning in your chest. “I didn’t- it didn’t say to take them out or anything, so I just left them in.”
Eddie swallowed, stomach turning lightly at the bite. “No, it’s- I mean, it’s good, baby. Some people take them out, but- no, this is, it’s really good.” He nodded, smiling at you gently. “‘S really good.” 
“Really?” You squeaked. “Better than the muffins?” 
“Yes,” Eddie said truthfully, whole heartedly. That was the truth, this was so much better than the mess that was the blueberry muffins. “So much better. This is really good, sweetheart. You really surprised me. Too sweet of ya to do this.” 
You squealed, hugging him tightly, legs straddling his waist in the chair, lips pressing kisses over his cheeks, his chin, his lips. Eddie’s arms wrapped around you, squeezing you into him, playfully nipping at your jaw to hear you squeal, before his lips caught yours, pulling you into a heated kiss. He’d eat all your burnt cobblers if it meant you’d be happy like this, if it made you this happy. 
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zombvic · 3 months
They are talking in real life. I should’ve been more specific when I requested it
I’m sorry. I hope you have a good day 🫶🏻🫶🏻
I'D BE YOURS IF YOU'D ASK. (kenan yildiz x reader)
summary : in which y/n ghosts the turkish footballer during their "situationship" whilst talking to another football player
face claim : no-one
notes : thank you for requesting !! lets pretend the copa america isnt going on at the same time as the euros lmao
pairings : kenan yildiz x reader , angsty fluff (?)
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Y/n was familiar with the game of footballers. The heartbreak you'd get from talking with football players and then getting ignored out of nowhere, also known as ghosting. After multiple failed "talking stages" and "situationships" with various football players from all around the world, Y/n decided it was her turn to become the so-called ghoster. She enjoyed the sense of control and power it gave her.
As of June 2024, Y/n had been talking with a Turkish footballer named Kenan for about three months. After those three months, there was an undeniable change in the mood. She felt the conversations fade away, the replies becoming drier. After three months, you’d expect their relationship to progress, but instead, it felt like things were regressing.
A week had passed since she ghosted Kenan. She didn't choose the ideal time because the Euros were about to start. She thought maybe her absence would go unnoticed, or that Kenan would be too busy to care. But the truth was, she couldn’t handle the idea of being ghosted again. She took the first step to protect herself.
Kenan realized they hadn't talked in about a week while he was training for the Euros. The days were packed with intense practice sessions, team meetings, and strategy discussions. It wasn't until he had a quiet moment to himself that he noticed the absence of Y/n's messages. He checked his phone, scrolling through their last conversation, dated seven days ago.
He tried to brush off the feeling that she was ignoring him. Maybe she was just busy, maybe he was overthinking it. But as the days passed, he found himself missing her more than he expected. It wasn't just about the attention from her; it was the connection they shared, her way of always bringing his mood up, her way of cheering him up after a loss, the way she made him laugh, and how he could talk to her about anything going on in his life. He realized that he liked her much more than other friends do. He had a crush.
Even while training, Kenan's thoughts kept returning to Y/n. He made an effort to concentrate on the game, but it was difficult. What if she was truly over him? The thought of her abandoning him hit me like a blow to the stomach. Was she talking to another guy? Did she already have a boyfriend? Throughout the training, the worst-case scenarios couldn't stop forcing their way into his mind.
The day of the Georgia vs. Turkey game eventually arrived. Kenan decided to overlook the Y/n incident and concentrate on the match. However, he saw her in one of the VIP boxes as soon as he entered the field, he noticed her talking and giggling with a fellow football player, Kevin Alvarez. A wave of jealousy hit him. Why had she and Kevin come here? Is she trying to make me jealous? Is this some kind of game to her?
Kenan's attention split between the action on the field and Y/n in the crowd during the entire game. Kenan felt that Kevin was taking advantage of her companionship a bit too much. Knowing she was right there, laughing and giggling with someone else, made it difficult to focus.
Despite the distraction, Kenan played well and helped his team to win over Georgia. As the final whistle blew, he couldn't wait any longer. Eager to find out, he ran straight for the VIP box.
Kenan said "Y/n," as he walked up to her. Surprised to see him, she turned round, facing him. "Can we talk?"
Nodding, she followed him out of sight into a more peaceful area. "What's up, Kenan?"
He asked again, his irritation rising to the surface, "What's up? Why aren't you talking with me? And what's going on between Kevin and you?"
Y/n raised an eyebrow. "Kevin? We're just friends. What is your problem?"
"My problem? What is MY problem?! You ghosted me, Y/n. One day we're talking, and the next, nothing. Then I see you here with him, giggling, flirting like everything's fine. Like i"
"Look, every time I get into a so-called 'talking stage,' it always ends with me feeling like I'm bothering the person in question and never in a successful relationship. All I was doing is giving you space."
"Space?" Kenan frowned deeper. "I didn't ask for space. I wanted to talk to you. Instead, you left me hanging, making me think I did something wrong."
Y/n moved reluctantly, her eyes glancing away for a while before returning to his. "I am sorry Kenan. It wasn't my goal to hurt your feelings."
Kenan's jaw tightened, showing his simmering displeasure beneath the surface. "But why didn't you talk it out with me? We could have solved the problem, together."
Kenan shook his head, a mix of exasperation and relief flooding him. "Y/n, I like you. A lot. Seeing you with Kevin… it drove me crazy."
Her gaze eased as she turned to face him. "Kenan, I'd be yours if you'd ask. However, you have to understand that I can't deal with the constant unpredictability of our relationship."
Kenan held her hand in his. "Okay. So, I want to be your official boyfriend. I want to spend time with you, I want to take you out on dates, I want you to wear a jersey with MY name and MY number. I want a real relationship with you—not just a situationship or talking stage, an actual relationship."
As he was about to finish his sentence, Y/n hugged him. "Finally."
The tension slowly began to release as they stood there. They finally understood that they both wanted the same one thing: each other.
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im hoping this is what you imagined while requesting, if not just lmk i can change anything <3
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goldfades · 7 months
✮ 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞𝐧𝐭 | zegras' have more fun [evangeline's 1k celly]
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♡ ─ word count | 3k words
♡ ─ summary | the summer before umich, trevor and stass spend it with their closest friends, the hughes.
♡ ─ warnings | UNEDITED!!!!! drinking, kissing (but nothing more) luke x stassie and LOTS of jack/luke pining over her, fluff, angst
♡ ─ taglist | @43hughes, here is the taglist form if anyone is interested!
♡ ─ ev's notes | OOOO, this is so much drama. i also hate pitting jack/luke lowkey against each other but its kinda entertaining LMAO. lmk your thoughts!!!!! and don't be shy, if you have any ideas for this AU please send them in!!!
zegras' have more fun au masterlist !!
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June 28, 2022
It was the summer before college and Stass laid on the Hughes' yacht, tanning out in the sun. As soon as school was out, Luke had invited her and her family out to the lake house, something they had done every year since Trevor had befriended Quinn and Jack Hughes. Ava decided not to go this year because her friends had planned a trip up to Rhode Island for a summer trip and Griffin had work, so it was just Trevor and Stass.
"Want a beer?" Trevor's voice echoed across the deck as he stood near the cooler, shielding his eyes from the sun to look at Stass.
Stass, still adjusting her sunglasses, flashed a sun-kissed smile and replied, "Sure, pass me one."
"That was a test and you failed." Trevor shook his head as Stass glared at him. "If anyone offers you a beer you say no because you're staying sober, right?"
"Trevor, just shut up and hand me a beer." Stass rolled her eyes at her older brother. "It's not like I haven't one before, you force fed me one when I was like, 9-"
"That's a lie, Griffin did that. I tried stopping him but he was stronger." Trevor replied in a matter-of-factly tone.
Stass laughed, remembering the exaggerated stories her brother used to tell. "Whatever, it doesn't matter now. I'm legal, and I can handle a beer or two."
Trevor grinned, finally passing her a cold bottle. "Legal, responsible, and ready for college. Look at you, all grown up."
She nodded, pulling her sunglasses back down. The lake sparkled around them, and the distant laughter of friends echoed from the shore.
"You know," Trevor began, taking a sip of his beer, "I'm glad we could still make it out here, just the two of us."
Stass nodded, taking a sip of her own drink. "Yeah, it's nice. Quiet."
Trevor glanced at her, a small smile playing at the corners of his lips. "You're quiet. That's unusual."
Stass rolled her eyes playfully. "Oh, ha-ha. I can be quiet sometimes."
They fell into an easy silence, the only sounds the lapping of the waves against the hull of the yacht and the occasional call of a seagull overhead. Stass closed her eyes, letting the warmth of the sun seep into her skin.
"You excited about college?" Trevor asked after a while, breaking the silence.
Stass opened one eye to look at him. "Yeah, nervous too, though. It's a big change."
Trevor nodded in understanding. "Yeah, but you'll do great. You always do."
Stass smiled, feeling a warmth spread through her chest at his words. "Thanks, Trev. That means a lot."
"You know, I'm proud of ya, right?" Trevor added, quietly as he laid back in the chair.
"Aww, Trev, you gettin' all sappy on me now?" Stass teased, nudging him playfully with her elbow.
Trevor chuckled, his eyes crinkling at the corners. "Maybe just a little."
Trevor chuckled, shaking his head. "Maybe just a little. But seriously, Stassie, you've always been there for me, through thick and thin. I couldn't ask for a better sister."
Stass felt a lump form in her throat at his words. She reached out and squeezed his hand, the bond between them stronger than ever in that moment. "I'm proud of you too, you know," Stass said, her tone sincere. "You're out there in California playing hockey, like you always wanted."
"Thank you, Stassie." Trevor smiled back at her and a calm silence fell in between them again.
They shared a smile, in that quiet moment, as the sun dipped lower in the sky and the world seemed to slow down around them, Stass realized just how lucky she was to have Trevor by her side.
"Alright, enough of the sentimental stuff," Stass declared, breaking the moment with a grin. "Race you to the diving board?"
"Oh fuck yeah. I'm winning."
"Who left all those beer cans on the deck?" Quinn asked as he glared directly at Trevor, annoyance in his expression.
"It was Y/N." Trevor said plainly as Stass rolled her eyes, laying back further on the couch as she watched the TV.
"Fucking liar! Y/N doesn't drink beer and you know it." Quinn crossed his arms, clearly not buying Trevor's attempt to shift the blame.
Trevor chuckled, feigning innocence. "Well, maybe she wanted to try something new today. You know, living on the wild side before college."
Quinn shot a skeptical look at Stass, who raised an eyebrow in response. "Don't look at me, I was just trying to get a tan before I go home. Trevor's just trying to weasel his way out of this one."
"Fine, whatever. I did it."
"We let you borrow our fucking yacht and you trash it, Trevor. Go clean it up." Quinn ordered, his tone firm as he gestured outside.
"Now? It's almost 10, dude, I'll do it in the morning-"
"Trevor, just go do it." Stass rolled her eyes as she kept her attention on the TV, not paying attention to Quinn and Trevor fighting.
Quinn crossed his arms, his patience wearing thin. "Now, Trevor. I don't care if it's dark or if you'd rather be doing something else. You make a mess, you clean it up."
Trevor sighed dramatically, shooting a glare at Stass before heading out to tidy up the deck.
Stass couldn't help but chuckle at the scene unfolding before her. "You know, you really should have thought twice before trashing the yacht, Trevor."
Trevor shot her a mock glare. "Thanks for the sympathy, Stass."
Stass shrugged as she watched Trevor walk out the door and she looked at Quinn with amusement. "What a drama queen."
"Right." Quinn sighed in annoyance and threw himself on the couch next to Stass. "You excited for Michigan? You'll be with Lukey now, like you guys always wanted."
"Yeah but I'm kinda nervous." Stass shrugged as she turned her attention Quinn. "Everyone over there looks intimidating, you know? Like what if my roommate hates me or I can't make any friends or something."
Quinn gave her a reassuring smile. "Stass, you're going to do great. You're smart, funny, and easy to get along with. Not a lot of people can say that and plus, you've got that charm that wins people over. You'll be the life of the party in no time."
Stass chuckled, nudging Quinn playfully. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Hughes."
Quinn rolled his eyes, but his smile remained. "But seriously, don't worry too much. College is just a new chapter, and you'll adapt like you always do. Besides, you'll have Luke there, and I'm sure you'll make friends in no time."
"Yeah, you're right," Stass admitted, feeling a bit more at ease. "I guess I just need to embrace the change, right? No parents or anything telling me what to do."
"Right, but don't do anything stupid." Quinn added with a raised eyebrow, a hint of a protective older brother tone in his voice. Even though you'd known him a short span of time, he's grown up with you and Trevor so he was like family.
Stass laughed, recognizing the concern. "Don't worry, Quinn, I won't go too crazy. I'll save the wild shit for Trevor."
Quinn smirked. "Good call. Trevor's got that covered."
Before Stass could respond, she heard footsteps and talking behind her. Jack and Luke joined them in the living room as they settled onto the couch.
Jack flashed a grin at Stass as he flopped on the other side of Stass. "What's all this talk about going wild, huh?"
"Yeah, I'm gonna get fucked up every single night and it's gonna be so fun." Stass exaggerated as she spoke, earning a scoff from Quinn and a few laughs from Luke and Jack.
Quinn shook his head in mock disapproval. "Oh great, just what I need, another Zegras causing trouble."
Stass grinned mischievously, enjoying the banter with her friends. "Hey, blame Trevor for starting all this craziness. You know me, I have one up Trev."
Luke chuckled, leaning back comfortably. "Take it easy, Stass. College isn't just about partying, you know."
"Oh shut the fuck up, I see your snapchat story. You're always at a part-"
Stass's words were interrupted by a burst of laughter from Luke, who raised his hands in mock surrender. "Okay, okay, guilty as charged. But you know me, I work hard and play hard."
Jack joined in with a chuckle, nodding in agreement as Stass rolled her eyes. "Yeah, let's not pretend like we're all saints here."
Quinn shook his head, a fond exasperation evident in his expression. "Alright, alright, let's not get carried away. We all know Trevor is the most insane one."
They all hummed in agreement. As the laughter subsided, Luke glanced at Stass with a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "Hey, speaking of playing hard, how about you and I go get some food? There's a 24-hour diner just a few blocks away."
Stass' eyes lit up with excitement at the prospect. "Oh, hell yeah. I could totally go for some pancakes right now."
Jack and Luke exchanged glances before Luke got up from the couch. "Okay, I'll drive."
"Don't stay out too late, guys." Quinn warned with a playful yet genuine tone, a hint of concern in his voice. The late hour didn't seem to scare Stass and Luke, who were already on their way to the door.
"Don't worry, I know if anything happened to Stass, Trev'll kill me." Luke assured him as they headed towards the door.
Jack leaned back on the couch, watching them go with a conflicted expression. "Bring me back some fries if they have any, okay?"
Stass chuckled over her shoulder. "Of course, Jack."
They walked out of the house and went to Luke's car, getting in quickly. Luke turned on the car and backed out of the garage, soon driving to the diner.
"So, pancakes, huh?" Luke grinned as he drove on the empty road.
Stass laughed, nodding enthusiastically. "Pancakes, waffles, maybe even some milkshakes if they have them, I'm just hungry."
As they cruised down the quiet streets, the neon sign of the 24-hour diner came into view, casting a warm glow against the night. Luke parked the car, and they stepped into the warmth of the diner.
The scent of comfort food filled the air as they settled into a booth, menus in hand. Stass scanned the options, her eyes lighting up at the array of breakfast foods.
"So, you excited for Michigan?" Luke put down the menu to look at Stass, a smile playing on his lips.
"Very. Excited to meet your friends 'cus you can't stop talking about them, they seem fun." Stass replied, returning Luke's smile with enthusiasm. She set her menu aside, her excitement evident in her eyes.
"They're definitely interesting." He laughed as he laid back into the booth. "Hey, I missed you." Luke spoke quietly as Stass stared back, trying to decipher his expression.
"I missed you too, Luke." She smiled back nervously. There was a new type of tension in the air as she gazed back at him. "So..."
Luke's expression softened, his gaze gentle as he reached across the table to touch her hand. "I just wanted to say it, you know? Before everything changes."
"Nothing's gonna change, Luke. We're still gonna be friends and it'll be fun, if anything." Stass returned the smile but she couldn't help but notice Luke's expression change.
"Yeah, friends."
She's been friends with Luke, Jack and Quinn for three years now and they've all grown to have a special place in her heart. But as she glanced at Luke, she couldn't shake the sense of unease that lingered in the air, the unspoken tension between them tugging at her heartstrings. Despite her reassurances, she couldn't shake the feeling that something had shifted.
Luke let out a laugh as his head fell back on the lawn chair, a beer bottle in his hand. They were on the lake and they were drinking, all while Trevor, Jack and Quinn were inside making some food. As they relaxed on the lakeshore, the worries of the world faded into the background, replaced by the simple joy of being together.
She could feel the alcohol stir in her stomach as she spoke. "Hey, Luke. Wanna go for a swim?"
"Now?" Luke replied as he stared back, her expression serious. It was late at night but it was still warm. "Fuck it, why not?"
Stass laughed and stood up from the chair, taking off her shirt, leaving her just in her bikini. Luke swallowed as he stood up, watching her. Luke's gaze lingered on Stass, a flicker of something unreadable dancing in his eyes as she stood before him in her bikini. He felt a rush of warmth spread through him, the alcohol adding to the haze of the summer night.
Stass turned around with a smirk, and Luke's heart skipped a beat. "Ready?"
"Born ready," he replied, matching her smirk.
With a shared laugh and a moment of anticipation, they plunged into the lake, the cool water enveloping them in a refreshing embrace. As they swam beneath the starlit sky, the worries of the world melted away, replaced by the exhilaration of the moment. With each stroke, they felt the weight of the world lift from their shoulders, leaving nothing but the freedom of the open water.
"It's nice in the water." Luke spoke as he swam near her, keeping afloat.
Stass nodded in agreement, the water glistening in the moonlight as she swam beside him. "Yeah, it's so peaceful out here." She let out a giggle as her head fell back.
"How many beers have you had?" Luke asked, a laugh escaping his mouth as he watched her.
Stass grinned, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Hmm, I lost count after the third one. But who's counting anyway?"
Luke chuckled, the sound blending with the gentle lapping of the water against their bodies. "Well, as long as you can still swim straight," he teased, his tone light and teasing.
Stass rolled her eyes in mock exasperation, a grin playing at the corners of her lips. "Please, I'm practically a mermaid at this point," she retorted, her laughter echoing.
They swam lazily, the water embracing them in its cool quiet. The night air carried their laughter as they floated, creating ripples on the lake's surface.
Luke laughed, his gaze lingering on Stass as she floated effortlessly in the water. "A tipsy mermaid, maybe."
Stass splashed water playfully in Luke's direction, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey, watch it, or I might just drag you down with me."
"I'd like to see you try-"
Before he could even finish his sentence, Stass jumped on Luke sent them both splashing into the water with a loud splash. Luke sputtered as water engulfed him, his laughter mingling with Stass's drunken giggles.
They resurfaced, shaking the water from their hair and faces, their laughter echoing across the tranquil surface of the lake. They both rose up, laughing loudly. Stass' arms were wrapped around Luke's shoulders as they laughed. As they caught their breaths, silence took over as they stared back at each other. A silence took over within them as they gazed at one another, noticing how close they were with one another.
In that moment, the air crackled with a tension that neither Stass nor Luke could ignore. The laughter faded into the background, replaced by the sound of their breathing and the gentle lapping of the water against their bodies.
Stass felt her heart pound in her chest, the weight of Luke's gaze stirring something deep within her. Luke's expression softened, his gaze tracing the curve of Stass's face with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. In that suspended moment, time seemed to stand still, leaving only the two of them in a world of their own.
Without a word, Luke reached out, his hand brushing against Stass's cheek with a feather-light touch. His touch sent a jolt of warmth coursing through her, igniting a fire that burned bright within her soul. Stass' breath caught in her throat as she leaned closer, her heart racing with anticipation.
Luke slowly leaned in, Stass' eyes closing as their lips met in a soft kiss. They both stayed like that for a few moments before the kiss slowly became more passionate, Luke's hands gripped her hips as they kissed.
And on the shore, Jack watched, a conflicted expression on his face as he watched his best friend's sister and his brother make out in the lake. He couldn't help but feel jealous as he witnessed the scene unfolding before him. His gaze lingered on Stass and Luke, their silhouettes illuminated by the moonlight as they kissed in the water. Jack couldn't tear his eyes away, his heart heavy with the weight of realization.
A mixture of surprise, confusion, and a twinge of envy danced across Jack's features. He had known Stass for years, and Luke was not only his brother but also one of his best friend. For so long, he had watched Stass and Luke's friendship blossom, their bond growing stronger with each passing day. He had always admired the easy bond between them, the way they laughed and confided in each other without any worry. But as he watched them now, locked in an embrace that spoke of something deeper, Jack couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy gnawing at his heart.
He had never imagined that their relationship would evolve into something more, something that threatened to change the dynamics of their friendship forever. A part of him wanted to look away, to pretend that he hadn't seen what he had seen. But another part of him couldn't tear his eyes away, couldn't ignore the undeniable truth that lay before him. Luke had gotten to Stassie before he could.
"Shit." Jack ripped his eyes away as he mumbled, turning back to the house.
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thank you for reading all the way through, as always ♡
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sayakxmi · 1 year
I finally got myself together to finish the trolltags/lands I have for the dancestors, that I overthought to hell and back, so why not share. Explanations under the cut!
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(Also, I probably should mention that it's all in context of an AU, so if some things are confusing, that's why.)
vendicateThumomacule [VT] Kankri's original trolltag is, well, grey to hide his indentity, and is actually a small nod to John/June. Hence the letters are VT, absolutely taken from VanTas. Mostly, because ectoBiologist has EB like EgBert. You know how these letters are taken from the genetic code, but John/June ended up breaking from it? Well, Kankri's the opposite here. The very first mutation, someone who didn't belong there, but inserted himself there anyway.
Vendicate means to claim for oneself, whereas Thumomacule comes from two words - thumomancy (divination by means of one’s own soul) and macule, which can be either a) (in printing) to blur, as from a double impression in printing, or b) (in anatomy) another name for macula (a discolored spot on the skin). The second definition refers to his mutation, while the first, I'm kind of thinking about blur/double impression as a reference to The Signless, and seeing visions of another world. Personally, I love the idea that Kankri's always had these visions as well, so that's what I was going for here.
As for constructiveGrievance, I'll be honest, I've seen it once upon a time, I don't know where, and internalized it as his trolltag. He has a lot of grievances, and tries to be constructive about it. (Whether he succeeds is up for debate, lmao).
As for his land, the Land of Conduits and Valves: Conduit: - a pipe or passage for water or electrical wires to go through - reference to Mituna (as I am a huge Captor&Vantas whatever the fuck they have going on enjoyer) - a way of connecting two places - the aspect of Blood - someone or something that provides a way of passing something such as information or payments from one person to another - role of a Seer, but also a small reference to The Signless again, passing information about different worlds between each other Valves - a device that opens and closes to control the flow of liquids or gasses, or a similar structure in the heart and the veins that controls the flow of blood - pretty obvious aspect connection.
In general, thinking about the Seers' lands, they all have somewhat... liquidy feel to it. Rose's has literal rain, while Terezi's land has these thought river-like things on the sky. So I was also thinking about something fluid, and, well, blood.
Kankri's land is pretty similar to Dave's, except there's no cogs or lava, only endless red-and-blue pipelines that are meant to let the blood flow, but the valves aren't letting it, and empty void beneath your feet. It's an extremly unpleasant land.
It's a bit of a theme, actually, that the lands are pretty hostile towards their players here - since the game was tampered wth, Skaia knew early on that this session had no chance at succeeding, so it was quite literally trying to get the players to make The Scratch faster. F.
It's actually quite evident since the get-go, Kankri's land is LOCAV. So. Random fact: I'm Polish. In Polish the way you read V in English is the same as we read W. So I could write it as CAW. A sound made by a crow. And, well. One Crow: bad luck, loss, unpleasant catastrophic changes.
From the very moment Kankri got into the game, it was already lost. RIP.
Also, I've meant what I've said. I aggressively overthought it, lmao.
acroamaticAcicutie Acroamatic - esoteric - “intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest” - I was thinking about her ability to speak & control ghosts, a medium, but, yeah, honestly, it can also allude to the fact that as far as we know only Rufioh actually understands her speech. Acicula - One of the needlelike or bristlelike spines or prickles of some animals and plants; also, a needlelike crystal. Connected with cutie.
Land of Ponds and Shimmer, well, when it comes to Shimmer I was thinking about light reflecting on crystals, since her Scratch device looked like these music boxes on Aradia's land, so there had to be Some crystals in there. But it can also be the shimmer of the ponds. With ponds, I was kind of thinking about koi ponds? Who's stopping me from there being koi fish, tbh. The ponds are also a reference to Meenah, because, well, water. But also small one to Rufioh, I guess. Also, ponds and reflections (When will my reflection show who I am inside).
In general, Witches lands are, imo, pretty, colorful, and dangerous if you aren't careful. And that's also what I thought about Damara's land - looks very pleasant, but crystals can have some sharp edges, ponds be deeper that it has any reason to etc, etc.
But since all their lands make things difficult for the dancestors, the catch of this one is that it makes Damara homesick. :)
Ah, but here's my favorite part. PAS. Pas is Polish for fold in poker. "Folding simply means to let go of your cards and surrender the pot to another player". Or another set of players. ;>
agromaniacalTauroboly Agromania - intense desire to be in open spaces Tauroboly - the ritual sacrifice of a bull. I like to think about is as a contrast to Tavros' trolltag, in which Tavros is a bit more of plot’s sacrificial bull, but his trolltag relates to bulls fighting, whereas Rufioh would wreck people’s shit if it wasn’t for his non-existent self-worth & confidence, but his trolltag relates to sacrificing a bull.
The Land of Breeze and Hills has a somewhat simple etymology. All the Breath player we know had some specific type of wind in their land's name (literally Wind for John/June, and Zephyr for Tavros), so I went with something similar. And boy oh boy, is Breeze a reference. Obviously, Breeze relates to water, and that way it references three pretty important gals in Rufioh/The Summoner's life - Damara (ponds), Meenah (a seadweller), and Aranea, or more specifically Mindfang, who was a pirate. As for Hills, Rogues tend to have some rises, like Roxy's pyramids, or Nepeta's... sugar cube pyramids? So I thought about hills for Rufioh to more or less fit it in, very much thinking about"a hill to die on".
BAH is kind of weaker, but at the same time, it gave me some ideas for the land. In several languages it means flood, but in a few others it's an expression of disbelief, disdain, resignation & scorn.
LOBAH is flooded, which is a huge pain for Rufioh, whose wings aren't really good for damp environments. His mobility sure is limited, which kind of sucks. He could probably ask some imps to help him out in travel, but that'd mean using his powers, and he's not a big fan of them. }:(
technicolorAlytarch Technicolor - a vivid or bright color “Alytarch in ancient Olympic games was the leader of the police force who assisted the Hellanodikai to impose fines on athletes who did not follow the rules” "Hellanodikai - literally meaning Judges of the Greeks - were the judges of the Ancient Olympic Games, and the success of the games was attributed to their efforts". I like the idea of it referring to more than one character, but ofc I thought of Latula first.
Land of Screens and Skyscrapers Skyscrapers as in heights & danger, at least that’s my association. Something about falls, especially when you're very high... Screening - concealing, protecting, sheltering. But also screening, as in “checking for disease when there are no symptoms. Since screening may find diseases at an early stage, there may be a better chance of curing the disease”. Also, fun fact, SAS is a group of highly trained British soldiers who work on secret or very difficult military operations. SAS is an abbreviation for 'Special Air Service'.” I wonder if it's relevant.
Heirs' lands tend to be really dark for some reason, but it's a bit difficul to say if it's a theme for them, because Equius' aspect is literally Void, so of course his land is dark. But I went for it. I'd say LOSAS resembles Dirk's land a bit, but there's also a shitton of giant screens on the building, all of them not working properly. The land is dangerous in it's nature, and generally not the most pleasant place to be in (ah, Doom players), but it sure gets worse after Mituna's accident, now that he has trouble seeing, and his balance also got quite bad. F.
acuteCardiograper Acute: - causes severe problems or damage; - pain or illness is one that quickly becomes very severe; - aware of or able to recognize small differences between things, or being accurate in judging something; The first two are more foreshadowing, whereas the last one is the actual intent. Since she's an amazing matchmaker whose speciality is the Hreat. Cardiography - the use of a machine to record the beating of the heart. So. You know. Hehe. Meulin's trolltag is an ad. Bonus a cute cardiographer.
Land of Lily Pads and Wisps Lily Pads are literally there in Openbound, but also I like the general symbolism of lilies - purity, innocence and rebirth. I think it describes Meulin very well. Wisps - of smoke, of light, but also will o' the wisp - a person that is difficult or impossible to reach or catch on (OR aurora). Of course even Meulin can't have nice things. Her land mocks her for being "useless". (Note: I'm not saying that she is, but that's how she feels). LOLPAW is not exactly deep.
gallivantAvantgarde Gallivant - to visit or go to a lot of different places, enjoying yourself and not worrying about other things you should be doing. Avantgarde - the painters, writers, musicians, and other artists whose ideas, styles, and methods are very original or modern in comparison to the period in which they live, or the work of these artists. Porrim's attitude, essentially.
Land of Threads and Frogs Threads like fabric, but also thread/fabric of the universe Also thread as in “to move forwards, often changing direction in order to avoid people or things”. Which is, well, what she was supposed to do. Another land that isn't exactly dangerous, but feels more like a mockery. Cluttered, soft & pastel. You could say ""girly"". She hates it here.
Maid's lands are pretty nice, though they tend to lack the aspect the Maid is supposed to create, at least that's what I've understood.
TAF - a substance, consisting of protein and nucleic acid developed in a malignant tumor, that stimulates the formation of capillaries for nourishing the tumor and carrying off its waste matter. A connection to Kankri, and especially The Dolorosa's role in The Signless' life.
I'll be honest, I'm not exactly the proudest of hers, but this grl was giving me a headache at some point. Mostly when it comes to her trolltag, because I like the name of her land, but oh well. I was tired.
galiantCaballerial Galiant - “Galiant is a mixture of two words; Valiant (Possessing Courage and Determination), and Gallant (Grand, Fine). This is what you call someone who excels at anything they play, mainly videogames.” Urban Dictionary. I'm not sure it's the most believable source, but you know what, why not. If it's not really a thing, what's stopping me from headcanoning that it is on Beforus? Or add a small backstory that Liltula found that term & loved it, used for his trolltag & only later found out it's not a real thing. Now she's living a lie. Caballerial - a trick invented by Steve Caballero in the early 1980s in which the skater performs a 360-degree ollie in a ramp while riding fakie and without grabbing.
Land of Smoke and Mirrors Smoke and Mirrors - the obscuring or embellishing of the truth of a situation with misleading or irrelevant information. Other than the obvious, it's not a big discovery that the Knights' lands are filled with danger and even things they personally hate & fear. Mirrors for somebody as self-conscious and obsessed over her presentation? And also smoke. There might be fire somewhere, but she can't smell it, she won't know she's in danger until she gets closer to it. F. No cool meaning for SAM :(
amasthenicGraphomaniac Graphomania - a compulsive urge to write Amasthenic - uniting the rays of light into one focus, as a certain kind of lens does (in photography)
Land of Swirls and Candles Swirls - I was thinking about the weather, so connection to Breath, but also whirlpools, so connection to water. Extreme weather. Hella important in sailing. Etc. Also swirls & cherubs. Candles - light. Quite simple. LOSAC is essentially a gorgeous dark forest lit by candles, and Aranea is blind as shit in there. Did I mention that Skaia doesn't want them to keep going? :) Other than that: - Candle Queen by GUMI is such an Aranea song, you won't tell me otherwise. - one of the definitions of a SAC is "a covering that surrounds a tumor" i WoNdEr If It'S rElEvAnT
compoundTegument Tegument - natural covering of an animal or plant body Compound: - a thing that is composed of two or more separate elements; a mixture - make (something bad) worse; intensify the negative aspects of But Also - compound bow - A hand-drawn, hand-held bow that for similar poundage at full draw, stores more energy than a recurve bow through the use of two cables and two eccentric wheels
Land of Copper and Bolts Copper can be used in making steam engines. “Brown coins of low value made of copper or bronze”. And making electrical wires. “any of various small widely distributed butterflies of the genera Lycaena, Heodes, etc, typically having reddish-brown wings: family Lycaenidae” h u h Can mean “policeman”... Law reinforcement… Executioners… HMM. Bolts - well, bolts, but also arrowheads (in crossbows), also to quickly escape, and also (lightning)bolt, also A bolt is also a part of a gun that pushes the cartridge (= container filled with explosive powder) into position to be fired - I wonder if it its *gets shot* CAB - besides the obvious - “the enclosed compartment of a lorry, locomotive, crane, etc, from which it is driven or operated” - trains. steam. it’s all coming together “the glass-enclosed area of an airport control tower in which the controllers are stationed” listen, it works for me, but I can’t explain Why “first cab off the rank” - the first person, etc, to do or take advantage of something - like. the first person to take advantage of somebody’s malleable and passive personality…?
Steampunk land. What can I say. Downside: them damn bolts everywhere. You can hurt yourself :<
tumultuousCaduceator Tumultuous - chaotic or disorderly; full of noise, commotion, or turbulence. Caduceator - herald; messenger Also similar to Caduceus (prolly related), so a relation to Mituna who is a Gemini - Gemini is ruled by Mercury (Hermes’ Roman name, the Caduceus belonged to him) So it’s a mixed bag of relations to others: tumultuous is a relation to Caliborn (there’s even a wholeass Sign of the Tumultuous - Caniborn). Herald/messenger is akin to Kankri’s role of a prophet. Except he’s heralding Lord English’s arrival rather than another Signless’. And, well, the Mituna connection. It’s also a Doom connection, lmao.
Land of Pits and Thrills You have this huge never-ending theme park with random pits where you least expect them, cartoonish experience. In general, Princes' lands tend to be extremely dangerous in ways that relate to their aspects, and, well, cartoon-like traps break the immersion a bit, really makes you think about everything being fake. Plus a theme park doesmake one think about the HS clowns a bit, right? Another one of my faves, PAT means a stalemate in Polish - a situation in chess where one of the players can’t move according to the rules, but their king isn’t in check - it ends the game in a draw. Technically, they haven't lost, and yet they cannot progress :o)
corbanAlluvion Corban - offering to God in fulfillment of a vow / kinda thinking abt it regarding Cronus wanting to fulfill his “destiny” Allivion - effect of water impacting on shoreline (eg. deluge) Was I tempted for Cronus to have his trolltag as cronusAmpora? Yes. Absolutely. But in the end I decided to pretend that I Am A Serious Writer.
Land of Tides and Rows Tidal island - a piece of land that is connected to the mainland by a natural or man-made causeway that is exposed at low tide and submerged at high tide Also changing tides. Row - well, rowing, so water travel. This land looks quite nice on the first glance, but once you start to travel you find out, that the further you go, the darker and more dangerous it becomes. Oh no. Also, the water is definitely tainted. TAR - a dark, thick flammable liquid distilled from wood or coal, consisting of a mixture of hydrocarbons, resins, alcohols, and other compounds. It is used in road-making and for coating and preserving timber. But also as a verb: blame or damage the reputation of (someone).
cerescentConqueror Conqueror - obvious Cerescent - a typo she didn’t care to correct; crescent is a phase of the moon (halfmoon); Ceres is a roman goddess of harvest etc.
Land of Passages and Harvest Passages as literal passages, but also in: passage of time, or passing = death, so a relation to Damara. And Harvest is, well, harvest. In general, the only other Thief we have is Vriska, and her land is essentially "things that help in stealing her aspect" and "something that represents her aspect". In this case, then, you need to let the time pass for harvest to begin. Also, I love the idea that all Life Players have some representation of the other players on their planet, just like Jane's lamps. In this case, Meenah has flowers. I have yet to finish it, but I did assign some already. PAH - used to express disgust or contempt. Aka Meenah's reaction when she first saw her bright colorful land full of flowers.
Final notes: - ok, so, the idea for LOLPAW, Thrills in Kurloz's land & Avantgarde for Porrim's trolltag are from kanmeu, Caballerial is 100% an accident, though, when I've found that word I thought it looked familiar, and Oh. - I might fix the formatting tomorrow, idk, but it sure ain't gonna be now.
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johaerys-writes · 26 days
let’s see if i can control myself and just ask for three
i really want to ask about all of them but let’s save some for the people 🫣💕
Aaaahhh okay let's have a look!!!
Modern omegaverse: I've talked about this here before I think, but it's basically modern AU college omegaverse, featuring alpha Patroclus and very messy and jealous omega Achilles. They're friends but their relationship has been a little rocky since going away to college (Patroclus is a little older so he went away first, and he has all those cool and hot friends now and that makes Achilles crrraazyyyy, so crazy in fact that he accidentally goes into heat LMAO) It's very messy and they both make really bad decisions, the writing is also a mess because I started it a couple years ago, changed my mind about a couple plot things, then I got stuck so I actually left it on the backburner but I really want to get back to it!! Here is a little snippet from the beginning:
“Got any plans for the weekend?” “Not much,” Achilles says. Odysseus and Diomedes have asked him to go out with them for drinks, but Achilles is secretly hoping that Patroclus will ask him to do something together. If he does, he’ll ditch Odysseus and Diomedes in a heartbeat. “What about you?” Patroclus flashes him a grin, a little mischievous. “I’m hoping for a date with a really cute guy.” “Oh,” Achilles breathes, but it feels like a gut punch. Fuck, he’s always known this moment would come, and he’s always dreaded it. Patroclus is gorgeous, and Achilles isn’t just saying that because he’s had a crush on him ever since he can remember himself. Patroclus is smart and funny and caring, and so easy to be around. It was only a matter of time before he would find someone else, and ditch Achilles for good.  That doesn’t stop his fists from clenching, simply at the thought of whoever it is that caught Patroclus’ attention.  “Cool,” he says, trying to give him a smile that definitely comes out more tense and tight than he meant. “Awesome. That’s great, Patroclus. Anyone I know?” Patroclus stares at him in confusion for a moment, before he blushes and blurts out, “You! I meant you. Sorry, I was just trying to be funny— I thought— I asked you last week if you’d be free to hang out…?” “Oh! Right, sorry, I forgot.” The surge of relief rushing through Achilles leaves him dizzy. It’s a little embarrassing that he jumped to conclusions so quickly, but honestly, it’s not that hard to do when Patroclus has so many friends and acquaintances now, vying for his attention. “Of course, we’ll hang out together, of course. What do you want to do?”
2. Pyrrha worship: I got an anon ask a while ago with a request for a smutty one shot with disasters patchilles when they're older, and I sat on it for a long while because I couldn't really come up with anything exciting, but then I was listening to Miss June '75 by The Brian Jonestown Massacre the other day and my mind instantly went, Pyrrha??? Ahaha, so basically it's a smutty one shot where Achilles dresses up all fancy in his favourite red dress and his stockings and heels and everything, and after they come back home Patroclus just has to worship the fuck out of his wife <3 I don't have much to share yet but I'm hoping to get to it once I post the next BBB chapter!
3. Pleasure slave AU: boy oh boy do I have a lot to say about this one haha. I've been teasing about this AU for a while now and I'm not at all close to sharing any writing for it, mostly because it's a bunch of notes and plot points and random bits of conversation in the doc BUT essentially the idea behind it is that Patroclus didn't grow up in Phthia with Achilles, but instead was sent to Lyrnessus and grew up with Briseis, so when the Achaeans attack the city, Patroclus is given to Achilles as a pleasure slave instead of Briseis. It's quite horny and very angsty and I swear I will get to it eventually after I finish one of the million works I have in progress right now lol!!!!
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lunchtimebedamned1997 · 2 months
Hazbin Hotel Mini-comic :3
ft. Jasper (my Hazbin OC) | Non-sepia version, Original sketches, and the speedpaint under the cut :3
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This comic takes place when Jazz still works at Val's club and before Val and Angel's relationship 'got bad' AKA this one is in the weird space right before shit hits the fan and Angel is made aware of what kind of man Val really is. That Angel isn't even an 'exception' :(
(Which is why Angel can still talk to Val like Vox could. They're still 'normally dating' besides the contract and the boss/employee thing - "but hey! it's hell!" (<-Angie's inner thoughts lmao I genuinely wanna CRY over that little spider boy))
Tumblr made me resize this twice before it was a small enough png file to post oops XD
ANYWAYS I love my OC. I originally made them just bc I had a lot of cool ideas and I'd seen some other really fab Hazbin OCs, and oops now I'm obsessed with them and they have an entire milanote folder with their backstory in it lmao
Jasper (they/she for this OC btw :3) doesn't really let ppl in hell see what they're feeling bc it doesn't feel safe, and over the years has always gotten around using/drinking despite working for Val (exceptions for Val's pheromones which you really just can't avoid) and this is the part of their story when they finally get publicly drunk and just fucking cry bro. For hours. SOBBING.
Pookie is DEPRESSED y'all they do not wanna be in hell anymore XD
On that chipper fuckin' note (XD) here's the de-saturated version of the final comic, the original sketches, and the speedpaint :D
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I think I've had these sketches since May? Early June? A fucking while and I even tried making this comic a while back but it looked CURSED and idk why so that's staying in the cobwebbed corners of my CSP files lmao
Okie! That's all for rn, I've got a shit ton of art WIPs atm as well as fanfics and personal writing stuff I've been chipping away at so it's been taking a bit to actually finish anything haha
Hope you're all well! <3
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persphonesorchid · 5 months
Connotations Of Sin - JHS x Reader || Teaser ||
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Summary: At your lowest, you’ve been living on the streets for the past couple of months. When you decide to leave your only safe haven and find yourself lost in a mysterious fog, an angel stretches out a hand of mercy. Little do you know, black taints his once alabaster wings.
Genre: Fallen Angel au | Angst, fluff, smut, horror ( V Lowkey, i swear)
Warnings: None for the teaser besides a little intimidation :) Full fic warnings will be on the official post ^^
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Notes: I accidentally posted this last month LMAO (I cried) Thankfully I think only like one person saw it. Okay!! hi, hello, welcome! This is what i dropped off the grid to write hehe, it's a labor of love....or something. This bad boi here gets very dark, but, I will warn accordingly on the official post ^^. This fic is also in collaboration with the loml @hwaslayer !! Her new Seonghwa series takes place within this universe and I'm so so so happy to have been part of the project! (We've been slaving for months lmao) Please look out for the drop of her series (It lands in June) and be excited because she has so much planned! Tags are open for this fic if you'd like to be notified!
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You don’t understand him. In the short time you’ve known him, he’s like a square that’s trying to fit into a circle. The circle is too round to accommodate his sharp edges, but he somehow manages to get just half of the square through, even if the circle is struggling to contain it.
Not to mention the weird things that’s happened within the half hour you’ve been awake, things he’s yet to explain to you. Matter of fact, strange things has been happening since you left Abigail. The police officer, the fog, and whatever the hell was out there in it with you. You’re not even sure if that was real either.
You feel like if you focus on it, you’ll go crazy. So your mind does the only thing it can do to protect itself – pushes it away into a corner to mull over later along with everything else.
“I’d rather not.” You no longer feel the need to show him gratitude. You feel stupid, for one, why did you think trusting a random stranger would be a good thing?
Hoseok shrugs, dropping the half-eaten toast back onto the plate. He walks around you, close enough that the hairs on the back of your neck stands on end, that the warning bells are going crazy in your head again.
It’s uncomfortable being this close. The reaction is visceral, unable to ignore and you wonder why you hadn’t felt it the night before. Why you’d manage to follow him all the way here and not noticed. Maybe you had, briefly and in little moments that were small enough for you to brush them off.
You watch him watch you as he circles you like a vulture, “What are you?”
“Would you believe me if I said I was human?” He asks from behind you, and it feels like a terrible idea to have your back to him. He sounds amused, like this is nothing but a little game to him – just something to pass time while he’s bored.
As he rounds your right, your eyes meet the darkness of his. “You’re not.” It would be strange if you still thought he was after everything that’s happened already.
Hoseok hums, a twinkle lighting his eyes, “Perceptive, aren’t we?” There’s something like pride in his voice but you’re not sure what it’s for, “What do you think I am?”
“You expect me to guess correctly?” The difference in your height does nothing to stop you from glaring at him. He tilts his head at you, dark locks of his hair swaying against his forehead gently.
“No.” Hoseok smiles, “But it’ll make things interesting. I like games; play along.”
A shiver runs down your spine at his tone and the darkness in his eyes. He takes a step away from you and it feels like you can finally take a breath. His movements are fluid as he pulls the dining chair out from below the table. He sits gracefully, propping his chin in his palm as he watches you expectantly.
“Do you want a hint?” He asks, smiling sweetly.
“Why don’t you just tell me?” Your voice was barely above a whisper. You’re tired of whatever game he’s playing at, sick of the fear that keeps you standing still as he stares you down.
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Tagging: @allhobbitstoisengard @dontstoptime @astormunchar @eren-fall @taestefully-in-luv @bangtansmauyeondan @xpeachesncream @blog-name-idk @madbutgloriouspond @eoieopda @mssukeyna @euphoricfilter
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sweeter-than-teafood · 2 months
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Remembering that I posted this has me shook af. Like I know it ain’t the exact same scenario, but teafood is shook.
I had the below stuff in my drafts since June, I’ll post the full story eventually.
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I’m too ambitious when it comes to writing when I vibe heavily with my ideas. I have a tendency to bite off more than I can chew. But then again, I did get Beel when doing the quiz at the start lmao
(I have too many drafts here, and about 30 more on my kink blog. Brain too slutty, help.)
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arkngth · 3 months
Antonio doodle/info dump since he was around last month :3
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left is the most recent doodles before i knew he'd be coming back
right is the first drawings of him (coincidentally exactly a year ago from June 1st)
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more uncolored doodles n sketches. i kinda draw Antonio the most, but i rarely post about him (been gatekeepmaxxing)
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last drawings that i actually still kinda like.. i have much more, i just don't like how they look anymore lmao
rambling wall of text infodump below the cut cuz i am just so autistic about this character LMAO sorry i'm a yapper-
anyway, contrary to popular belief, Antonio is actually my favorite RP character. just in general. and i've never actually seen him live until the other day. unbeknownst to me, i was waiting for a whole year to be able to actually see him live, i think i was more excited about it than cc!anthony was 💀
which might contribute to my love for him bc i had to piece him together like a puzzle from everyone else's POVs and clips n stuff. so at first i didn't want him to come back bc i was afraid he'd be different from the Antonio i made up in my head... but then. i haven't sat n watched, at mostly full attention, a whole stream for 7 hours in a while LOL
when i watched cc!buddha's rdrp vods a year ago n saw Antonio, i thought to myself "oh no... Tony isn't actually my new muse is he...?". and for a while i didn't draw him bc i didn't have any ideas + i didn't really know how to draw him. but i did know that when i did learn how to draw him, it'd be over for me (i wouldn't want to draw anyone else, and i was right oops 😭)
my idea of Antonio is he's just a dumb, impulsive, silly little theatre kid that got wrapped up in being an outlaw bc of Wu n Dot after his house burned down. they woulda been moving around in old box cars wherever the trains took them. Dot dies before the events of WildRP(headcanon), and Wu to me, is the autistic kid that follows Antonio around bc he talks a lot n has charisma lolol. also, to me, Wu is not as evil as he was intended to be, he just follows in Sonny's footsteps who's calculated n violent. While Antonio chooses Cesare's path to be more diplomatic and focuses more on his reputation. Antonio can't win a fight to save his life, and i love him for it. he thinks he's scary n dangerous, but to me, he couldn't hurt a fly hehe. i mean, one of the first things he did in the crossing was host a talent show at the local theatre. i'm a big fan of pathetic men, what can i say.
speaking of, i love how pathetically in love he is with Renni. and i love how, despite how much they like each other, they never actually get together n still respect each other as friends. they are the embodiment of the saying "if you love something let it go, if it comes back its yours" but without the last part.. they are so tragic to me.
in the last 3.5 years of watching rp, i've never had any character or character dynamic make me cry. like, as much as i love how doomed n toxic Donnie/Lang is, i've teared up a bit, but they've never made me cry just thinking about them. but Antonio, n by extension, his relationship with Renni, has made me cry multiple times just thinking about them 😭 and yeah, i cried the other day when Antonio was thinking about Renni LOL
idk why he's the character that changes my brain chemistry, but uh. he is. i've literally never rambled about a character so much online, sorry for the great wall of text bc of it.. i'm usually masking so hard a lot of the time, but i've been wanting to talk about Antonio for so long with no one to yap to so, yknow.. he gets me to unmask and i also love him for that :']
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p3achpunch · 6 months
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Omg I had this for such a long hot minute in my iPad. But I thought it deserved completion, so here is part 2 to this previous post. I had ideas about Jackson bc I thought his wolf form would have remnants of his kanima form (hence the scales). Hope you guys like it!
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cyberdragoninfinity · 2 months
Hello, I've been enjoying your Arc-V reactions so much. I had a question since you called Yuya your favorite protagonist, do you have some like deeper character analysis thoughts on him? I feel like I had a strong grasp of his character in season 1, but in seasons 2 and 3 I don't think I understood well what the writers were going for with him, other than he's extremely repressed because both parents told him he's never allowed to get angry or cry and express any negative emotions.
WAH THANK YOU apologies this took ten thousand years to get to..late june/july is always busy for my art fightin' ass
ANYWAY IVE BEEN HMMING AND PONDERING OVER THIS FOR A WHILE and like. i think the tricky thing with yuya is that, well, i don't think the WRITERS even fully had a grasp on what they wanted to go for with him in the later seasons (and/or what they wanted to do with arc-v's themes. and the plot. and the all of it lmao) so it really is a bit of a 'there's multiple reads you can have on this character and while not all of 'em are right, not all of 'em are probably wrong either'; the narrative frankly doesn't have a strong enough backbone for like the entire second half to put full conviction into one definite read. Great news for guys who like to think way too much about yugioh characters!! Less great news for "trying to actually grasp wtf the actual honest to god true intent of the writing was" 🥴
All that on the table and now aside, let's talk about the little unwell tomato of the hour. First I do think it's a bit misleading to say Yuya's especially repressed, per say--there's an element of unconscious ignoring/avoidance to repression, and let's be real this kid is certainly not ignoring his negative emotions. The negative emotions are beating his ass. He is spending half the series having catastrophic emotional meltdowns and veering directly into sobs and explosive rage outbursts and feeling Bad almost constantly. I think with him it's more an instance of him having just an absolute pisspoor handling on his emotional regulation... because yeah his parents have been giving him terrible self-help advice for years </3
I don't think theyve necessarily told him he's not allowed to be sad/get angry/express negative emotions--instead it's more of a case where (with Yusho especially) Yuya's being told if he DOES feel sad or upset, then that needs to be met with a smile in order to truly push past it and to feel better, i.e. if you fake the laughter then it will become genuine laughter and youll be a-ok and HAPPY!! YAY HAPPY ^_^ (yusho you cant fucking say that to your coughing baby who's also a hydrogen bomb!!!! oh god!!!!)
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arc-v is Very into this idea of illustration emotions as through the metaphor of a pendulum (huh wonder why) especially like.... 'when you're crying, laugh instead, and that will swing your emotions back around again into positive ones' and 'if you're courageous and confident and push through feeling upset, that courage will swing back and turn into happiness.' which is like... IT'S ALMOST SOMETHING. THEYRE ALMOST SAYING SOMETHING MEANINGFUL. BUT YUYA IS SUCH A BAD MAIN CHARACTER TO EMBODY THIS THEMATIC CONCEPT. he's neurotic and kind of not particularly brave and wretchedly insecure and again his emotional regulation is complete dogwater and he's not a very good, confident duelist (or showman even) and so on and so forth. And the problem I think is as you get into season 2 and 3 the stakes keep getting higher and urgent but Yuya doesn't really like.... Grow very much in those aforementioned areas. They just start piling more and more insane shit on him and then it's not just his dad telling him to smile more but also like half the rest of the cast and the narrative itself BUT THERE NEVER GETS TO BE A MOMENT WHERE LIKE. THAT MANTRA FEELS EARNED, FOR YUYA. The writers reeeeally really want him to be this embodiment of laughter and always swinging back around to smile in the face of adversity but most of the moments we see them trying to make Yuya out to be this in the show, where his dueling brings smiles to everyone and ends classism and makes the bad guys nice immediately, they just feel kind of....fake. ive mentioned before how the end of arc-v feels like a fake tumblr post but alongside that a lot of season 2/3's writing for yuya feels like the exaggerated parody of steven universe that su critical blogs in 2015 were convincing themselves existed. and don't get me wrong it's fucking hysterical, I think it's hilarious yuya fixed arc-v aster in like two duels and now he's not an authoritarian child soldier anymore, but we do have to also Be So Serious.
sorry i just needed to post CHILL OUT ON THE GLOOM AND DOOM :/ again. this aster definitely has killed people but it's fine yuya fixed him. he's fine.
IMO It's hard to get a grasp on/understand Yuya's character in the later half of the series cuz yuya's character is so weighed down with these big idealistic themes the show didn't actually put any work towards getting him on a narratively satisfying track to fulfill them. He spends like 2/3s of season two literally locked in rooms astral projecting every so often like COME ON. and season 3 much like a lot of arc-v ALMOST GETS THERE. ALMOST SAYS SOMETHING, WITH YURI AND WITH ZARC. What happens when someone's happiness comes about from pain and violence? What happens when a smile is full of malice? That could be such a cool opportunity to explore the pitfalls of the pendulum emotion metaphor the show sets up, how that can be twisted into something harmful, but. well. that's not what we got huh :,)
anyway all that to say i think yuya's a sweet kid who has such a genuinely big heart and is a really interesting character, but it's almost this sort of key feature of his that he's really not a terribly happy person despite the smiley emoji-shaped hole the show's plot tries to jam him into (and cuz of that there's just so much dissonance in that that makes his whole deal kind of murky when all is said and done.) he's really a character that just has nonstop shit Happening to him whether he wants it to or not and it's kind of insane how little agency he has for like... So Much of the Show. He's made into a mouthpiece for Smile Away Da Pain and like.... for what? [arc-v spoilers if it matters] at the end of the series the other three yuboys are effectively dead and soul-absorbed and don't come back and it's like. you cant Smile World that loss away, arc-v. yknow?
i have no idea what my point was anymore, it is very late haha. LOVE YUYA. THEY COULD HAVE SAID SOME REALLY THOUGHT PROVOKING SHIT WITH HIM. AND YET !
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stillfrownyclownlol · 9 months
The writing is not writing so um
*Bursts into tears*
Aidlyn ship question thingy because they are the only thing keeping me alive at this point 🙃 BTW this thing is EXTREMELY long so be warned.
Questions from @jennystahl
1. How did they first meet?
On the school bus during their first day of freshmen year, obviously :)
2. What was their first impression of each other?
Ash: ... ... ...well. you know. she thought he was a creep- which, to be fair, is a little bit true. Annoying, pushy, borderline stalkerish...she also thought his contacts were weird.
Aiden: He thought she seemed really interesting :) he was very excited to talk to her and he thought that her sitting in front of them was a sign she wanted to start a conversation. Thought her hair was pretty.
3. Did any of their friends and family want to get them together?
Taylor thinks they are super cute together! So does Logan, one time he offered to check their star sign compatibility ^_^ Ben is totally supportive of whatever Aiden wants to do, will be his "wingman" if he asks. Tyler thinks they should just suck it up and get together already. Her parents...ehh...they trust her to make good decisions, even if they think Aiden is "eccentric" (they're still on good terms with him tho!), Jessica and Daniel are just happy he found somebody.
4. Who felt romantic feelings first?
Aiden aiden aiden aiden.
5. Did either of them try to resist their feelings?
Hahaha hahaha. Yes! Of course- Aiden didn't think Ash would ever like him like that so he kinda just buried his feelings since he DEEPLY values his friendship with her. Ash is not really good at distinguishing her feelings between romantic and platonic so it took her a long time to realize. At the beginning she was kinda freaked out about it, but she accepted it pretty quickly.
6. If you had told one of them that the other would be their soul mate, what would they think?
Depends when, but I assume this means when they just met.
Ash: "what kind of sick joke is that?"
Aiden: I don't think the idea would bother him or anything. Would probably get a good laugh out of it though.
7. What would their lives be like if they had never met?
No phantom dimension at least, but Ashlyn would probably be coasting through life alone struggling to make connections, and Aiden would probably keep spiralling if he didn't make any real friends. I think he'd be a lot more unhappy than her.
1. Who initiated the relationship, and how did it go?
Ashlyn. She told him kind of bluntly that she had feelings for him and that she wanted to get that off her chest (Taylor gave her the advice). Aiden was ecstatica to say the least.
2. Did they have an official first date? If so, what was it like?
Not really...they'd already hung out together alone so they just went out again and did what they usually did. They just like to go somewhere quiet like the graveyard and spend time together, Ash's love language is quality time <3
3. What was their first kiss like?
*kneels* Red...I'm praying rn because i hope this will happen in the webtoon...
Probably a heat of the moment kind of thing. Specially if it was Aiden that was injured. It takes a lot for Ash to take initiative lol. If they weren't dealing with the phantom dimension anymore, I think Aiden would just ask her if he could kiss her after a date or smth. Either way, it's probably very awkward on Ash's part lmao :"D they probably knocked their teeth together haha
4. Were they each other's first anything?
Aiden is pretty much Ash's first...everything. he's the first guy she's kissed, her first relationship, and, technically, her first friend. Ash is Aiden's first romantic relationship. He's had friends before tho and he's kissed some other people, but nothing serious.
5. Height difference? Age difference?
Aiden is 174 cm and Ashlyn is 155 cm, so...7ish inches? I don't know how to convert-
Aiden was born in October 2000, and Ash was born in June 2001, so they have about 8 months between them 👍🏽
6. What's their relationship with each other's families? Do they share a friend group?
Ofc they share a friend group lol.
Mike and Emma like Aiden ^_^ they're pretty close with all of Ash's friends, but when they found out they were dating they didn't spare him the "parent-boyfriend" talk lol. Ash's relationship with his parents is...pretty awkward, she doesn't like them all that much, but Aidens been working on their relationship so she doesn't say anything. Same with his aunt and uncle. She likes hanging out with Lily tho, even if she's awkward around kids :)
7. Who takes the lead in social situations?
Depends on the situation, but usually Aiden will, he basically has no filter when it comes to talking with people lol. Very much the "Excuse me sir, she asked for no pickles." Meme 🤡 (Ash would just be annoyed and scrape them off)
8. Who gets jealous easier?
Aiden absolutely. It's the BPD + ADHD rejection sensitivity. Can spiral into irrationality ngl. Thankfully he doesn't get aggressive or gives her the cold shoulder, if anything he gets clingier.
9. Who whispers unsuitable things in the others' ear?
Aiden 100% 🫠 will say the most out of pocket shit ever at the worst possible time and Ash just has to fight back her laugh because oh my god, this guy.
1. Who said "I love you" first?
Aiden. She got kinda awkward and couldn't say it back, but he didn't take it personally because she hugged him afterwards.
2. What are their primary love languages?
Ash is quality time as mentioned above. She doesn't need grand gestures, or gifts, or him reassuring her constantly, she just wants to...be around him.
Aiden is definitely touch. It's easy, it makes him feel good, and he feels like it expresses what he wants to say better than words. But he really likes it when Ash reassures him with words of affirmation anyways.
3. Who uses cheesy pick-up lines?
Do you even have to ask? Aiden pretty much greets her with one every day and Ash still hasn't understood a single one. There's also like, a 25% chance he will forget the pick up line half way through delivering it so he'll just bungle the whoel thing up.
4. How often do they cuddle/engage in PDA?
Aiden kinda hovers around her in public so PDA is a given. She's got a pretty strict "no pda at school" rule tho. She's okay with him putting his arm around her or putting their heads together, but no kissing. Cuddling at home? That's fine, she likes napping with him.
5. Who initiates kisses?
Ash if it's on the mouth, Aiden if it's anywhere else.
6. Who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Neither, they sleep facing each other. Aiden moves around in his sleep a lot which drives Ash nuts. They usually end up tangled together, to Ash's despair.
7. What are their favourite things to do together?
Ash isn't super picky, she generally prefers something they can do at home. She really likes watching documentaries about her special interests while they lie on the couch together.
Aiden likes doing puzzles with her, they get to talk together while doing one of his favourites activities :) he likes to go out too, but he doesn't want Ash to get overstimulated, so they'll usually go out to some deserted place at night.
8. Who's better at comforting the other?
They both suck at it lmao 💀 but Aiden calms down a lot faster than Ash does, so technically Ash is better.
9. Who's more protective?
They both are extremely protective. And like in a feral way ngl. They WILL choose violence lol.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Ash likes physical affection because she doesn't really know how to respond to verbal affection. Aiden is fine with either, a cuddle or a compliment is good for him :) Slight preference towards physical touch tho, and verbal is like a little treat for him since Ash almost never does it.
11. What are some songs that apply to their relationship?
I let you go to Red's playlist for that :D (But I recommend "High on Life", good song that explains Aiden's view on Ash)
12. What kind of nicknames do they call each other?
Ash doesn't use nicknames a lot, she just calls him Aiden, or something like "stupid, idiot, dumbass, imbecile" when he's annoyed her. Mr. Durable is the closest thing to a pet name she will give him lol.
Aiden will call Ash every single freaking thing you can imagine. Baby, babe, Bae, my love if he's feeling dramatic, Red because he's obvious like that, "wifey" is he's feeling fearless lmao. And then there's the *weird* petnames; "my sweet ketchup packet", "my favourite little rubix cube", "my beautiful princess with a disorder". All of these make Ash want to rip her hair out.
13. Who remembers the little things?
Neither of them do in on purpose 🤡 Aiden will just hyperfixate on stuff Ash tells him and remember it for special occasions. Ash is more about the every day little things, reminds him to drink water, sends him food in case he forgot it, asks how he's sleeping.
1. If they get married, who proposes?
Aiden had a whole thing planned before Ash asked him for the tax benefits.
2. What's the wedding like? Who attends?
They prolly got married at city hall because they're not religious and also a big wedding in front of a lot of people stresses Ash out. The squad came and both sets of parents 👍🏽 They prolly had a small party afterwards to celebrate.
3. How many kids do they have, if any? What are they like?
Probably just one...I think they'd either talk about it for a loooooong time or have one on accident haha
4. Do they have any pets?
A big rescue dog, breed undeterminable. :)
5. Who's the stricter parent?
Ash absolutely, somebody has gotta keep everybody in line! Not afraid to go into "Sargent mode" if necessary >:)
6. Who worries the most?
Aiden, but like in a private way where he can't even sleep. The BPD hits and he sees the world as very dangerous. Ash is better at rationalising her worries.
7. Who kills the bugs in the house?
Aiden, bugs don't really bother him, so he probably catches them if he's bored and finds one. Ash isn't afraid of bugs either, but she dislikes spiders. Too many legs :p
8. How do they celebrate holidays?
They'll usually meet up with the rest of the squad and their families! If they can't, Ash likes to keep it lowkey ^_^ Aiden WILL go all out for Halloween tho. And Christmas. And New Year's, and...yeah, they both have different ideas lol.
9. Who's more likely to convince the other to come back to sleep in the morning?
Aiden pretty much sleeps for like 4 hours every night and gets up at like 5 in the morning just to do crap, so if they don't need to do anything, Ash will call him back to cuddle for a bit. Helps him sleep <3
10. Who's the better cook?
Ash, her parents taught her the basics. She's not a master chef or anything, but she won't set the kitchen on fire like Aiden.
11. Who likes to dance?
Ash is way more passionate about dance (specifically ballet) than Aiden is, but they both like dancing. Sometimes they slow dance at home if they're feeling romantic :)
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zecretsanta · 9 months
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to: @goggles-girl
from: @mortellanarts
prompt: Junpei and Akane decide to adopt a pet together (and it doesn’t come as naturally as they would like at first)
I also made a fic for this one! I feel like the first thing that would go wrong is that Akane wouldn’t be comfortable taking care of animals again at all, the second would be that Junpei’s canonically an impulse adopter. So this ended up being more about getting Akane to come around about the idea in the first place (also many catgirl jokes at her expense lmao) Also about the drawing I imagine she quickly comes around to enjoying the little head boops while reading :3
Hope you enjoy!
Junpei and Akane had gone through hell to be by each other’s sides. That was true, sure, but a few years into their ‘happy ending’ and the picture perfect act has begun to feel rather unsustainable. Not to mention it should have long since stopped being an act to begin with.
The I love you’s are very real… when they are apart.
It’s not as bad as when they first reunited at least, it wasn’t a very fun sort of tension like she vicariously lived through a little by playing June all that time ago. No, it was more comparable to the tension between a bleeding wound and the injured hand applying pressure to it. They both knew it, felt it, then let the matter join the many subjects which they don’t talk about. Ever. Despite the fact that they probably should.
As counterintuitive as it sounds, their counter to all of that was wanting to be with each other as much as possible. Maybe that’d make the pain fade. To get to know each other better like any normal couple, maybe a bit to prove to themselves they still liked each other’s company and that they hadn’t changed completely from what brought them together as kids.
Big problem with that is, the farthest thing Akane wanted for any of those outings, especially the rare ones where she was somehow convinced into going outdoors, was for it to so closely remind her of any of the things that brought them closer together at that terrible tender age of twelve.
Wandering into an animal shelter wasn’t the intention behind this little stroll. Neither of them even knew it’d be here- really, it wasn’t even much of a proper shelter to begin with, it seems more like an adoption fair. One that was hopefully backed by an indisputably good-faith, locally known and reliable organization– and not by any other corporate entity with history that she’d be tempted to add to her criminal record over. Every time Junpei tells her that the ever-present instinct to suspect and look into every little thing she comes across is bad for her he also fumbles and asks what are the chances she’d just happen to bump into that kind of huge conspiracy so often in her life without actively looking. She answers it’s always a non-zero chance in the end, and they risk far more if unsuspecting. That’s always when he drops the subject.
Though at a certain awkward distance from the fences, she’d elected to just go along with it and follow him for as long as the detour entertains him. It’s not like she hates getting to see the little critters around the place, she’s not that messed up about it, of course not… There’s even a comfortable amount of people around too! Which is to say, far less than there are animals.
There would have been an attempt to just keep walking past where this was taking place, if not for the fact that it really hadn’t taken long for Junpei to start playing with one of the dogs. Not that the rest of the pack wasn’t jumping at trying to grab his attention too, of course, but he took a liking to a particular one.
Noticing she’d stayed behind, barely budging an inch, his voice turns into that clumsy but cute stammering, like it always does whenever he’s trying to sound sensible.
“Oh uh, do you- uh… do you have a fear of dogs?” It helps ease her into a grin just a little.
“No. ‘Afraid’ isn’t the word I’d use…” She just doesn’t know what to do with her hands at the moment other than hold onto Junpei’s, which wasn’t helped when he suddenly let go. And well, it’s not like she knows the temperament of the animals just by looking and it’s really a lot of sudden movements to keep track of in just one place, it’s also not like she would want to risk bothering them when she barely wants to be touched ever without initiating it either, not to mention the space they’re in seems quite small– she makes herself smile again and tilts her head squinting, realizing she’d forgotten to ask. “Is… that a Boston terrier?”
“…Got it. Well, you are more of a cat person I guess. And uh- I don’t know? If you say so, then it must be? I’m not really good at remembering the names for these.”
She steps closer and leans down next to him, who is just sitting on the floor without a care, palms on her knees for support.
"It’s not like I hate pups just because I get along better with the cats.”
"Of course not, just look at them. Aw… it’s hard to imagine anyone could hate these guys.”
Avoidant as she may be, after a solid half minute or so of her watching him have fun she also extends her hand out to pet the dog who, while not showing clear distaste for it or anything, only goes back to wagging its tail when circling back to Junpei. He quickly took over once more when she retracted her hand, vigorously pulling his hands along the fur around the collar and talking to it in a jumbled baby-talk that was apparently really enriching judging by how it earns enthusiastic barking back, as if in conversation. Exactly matching all that energy that Akane couldn’t imagine keeping up with even on a good day.
Between laughter, his voice starts being directed at her again, even if what he says is more of a musing to himself.
"Wait, I think I’m beginning to remember what this little guy reminds me of…”
Oh. Only now? Come on Jumpy, this one’s even black and white as well.
That’s it, she’s got to mess with him now.
"You mean like… a wrestler? The spots on its face already look like a mask but I’m sure a fun little costume would be a really cute look. Clover could DIY a big belt spelling out ‘winner’ for them as well! Unless- or was it a retired wrestler…?”
"No- what are you talking about?! Everything that you just said was absolutely bananas–” Even if his tone poorly feigns appalment there’s humor in it too. "I mean- what’s wrestling got to do with anything, what the hell–?”
"You mean you don’t know?”
It was just ‘bananas’ enough to pull his eyes away from the dog and, apparently, being met with her expression looking down at him while knowingly and visibly holding in laughter, was all it took for it to finally dawn on him.
"Ohh— ” She starts laughing before he facepalms and, from the sound of it, he hits far harder than intended too. Pulling her partner to his feet by hooking her arm under his, she speaks cheerily only once he seems to have recovered enough.
"You shouldn’t touch your face without washing your hands first.”
"Come on, give a guy a moment, okay? This is an overwhelming amount of emotion to feel all at once…” It’s endearing to see him engage in his own variety of theatrics, even if only for the sake of unfunny jokes that she can’t help but be fond of anyways.
"But hey, you’re right. It would be pretty funny to give him a little wrestler costume… You sure there’s no place for him back home?”
Home as a single stationary place still sounds so foreign to her, and that’s just the part she doesn’t want to talk about.
"We’re here just looking.”
"You say that as if I were a stranger asking and not part of the we in question.”
"Very well. I did not intend on being here today and I won’t indulge in what’s essentially impulse buying a living being, Jumpy.”
"Come on Kanny, what could go wrong? I mean, we’ve got space, we’ve got more than enough funds, I think it would be–”
”What could go wrong?” Sometimes it’s hard to tell if he’s being dense on purpose. “Do you really need me to say it?”
"I… thought you liked animals?”
And with that, it’s finally safe to assume Junpei’s chances of getting his tact back are long gone. Not that she thinks he ever had any to lose.
Flat shoes walk away into the fair, but that’s only because the best way out is through. Akane gets pretty far in before Junpei decides to stop dancing around the subject and puts himself square in front of her, blocking the way.
"Look, I never heard of a single other person who had luck as shitty as we did that summer. Alright? It wasn’t a subject I looked into much but even hearing from people in law enforcement it was a freakish animal cruelty incident that doesn’t happen often. That whole area had issues with that sort of thing anyw–”
"I never heard of luck as poor as I was left with that whole entire year.”
"Y-yeah, there’s that-” When they do bring up a subject that should be buried, there’s not much to do except measure the reaction. That’s what’s between them, if they can’t look away then it better mean something at least. "And… I wasn’t there to help at first, but I came around eventually. I won’t let something like that happen again.”
It’s sweet, he even holds her hand in his… but it’s still a little conceited.
"What makes you think I would?”
"Perfect! Then, we’re both in agreement. There’s nothing bad that could possibly happen and we can totally bring one of these guys home uh… if you two click?”
"Excuse me? At which point did we agree?”
"It doesn’t have to be permanent, these kinds of places do all sorts of trial runs, foster–”
"That’s just cruel.”
"Well, but it doesn’t have to be. I’m sure the little fella will love us and we’ll end up keeping them.”
"What if I don’t want to get attached to a creature with hardly a sixth of a human lifespan?”
"Did you want to uh, take a look at the cats since that’s more comfortable for you?
"Junpei.” None of this is comfortable.
"Okay, okay.” He puts his hands up in a mock gesture of surrender… before plunging into his pocket and pulling out his phone for some reason. ”… Here goes a last ditch effort…”
“What are you doing now?”
"Hey man, can you help me convince your sister of something?”
Before she can even begin to reprimand him he’s clicking his tongue and dialing up again. When Aoi picks up again she can hear even from the arm’s length she’s being kept at.
"Whatever this is about, what makes you think I could possibly be on your side instead of hers?!”
"I don’t! Just hear me out, okay- gimme a second.” He opens the video option in the call and turns the phone in her direction. He has a mildly confused look urging her to explain the situation but it’s a few moments until she says anything, because Junpei has a stupid grin on his face and they both know he might win this.
”…Junpei wants a pet. And we happened to walk into a kennel. Cattery–”
“Adoption fair.”
"And he’s being really stubborn.”
Takes a second for her brother to process the absolute nonanswer he comes up with.
"There are worse arguments you could be having out there.” Though Junpei wouldn’t be the one pulling him into those. "Guessing that wasn’t on your itinerary?”
"You think? Why am I not hearing you antagonize him anymore?”
"I mean, I think it could be good for you? You used to beg me for one all the time- until I said Santa couldn’t send animals in boxes with little holes poked in them for air like in the movies.”
She yanks the phone out of Junpei’s hand and turns off the video before putting it up to her ear, looking almost embarrassed.
"You’re right, you’re right– it’s a ton of responsibility. Wouldn’t be trying to convince you sis, I’m just saying–”
"You think that’s the part I’d take issue with??”
Akane takes off, pacing away from Junpei, wanting some distance at least if not privacy to continue one of the silliest sibling squabbles in recent memory. Which is completely fine by him, there’s plenty to do while she talks herself into it just to prove a point.
After a few minutes, Akane’s standing next to Junpei again. Turns off the phone and extends her arm out for him to take it without looking at him, pouty like a child while Junpei’s looking smug. This is like the first marital dispute he’s won.
”…Only if we come across one I feel is a good fit.”
“I’ll take that.”
Aoi and Light had recently gotten a cat of their own, though insistently not as a couple, Akane doesn’t really understand what her brother’s love life is like (and she’s grateful to be spared of the details) but they have something going on, why else would he move in with them after she decided to move in together with Junpei? Actually, she might have heard him mention that one of Clover’s coworkers found the little calico abandoned and she offered to take it in, so really it wasn’t even like it was his responsibility any more than the Field’s by a long shot but still… he was so happy over it, which used to be such a rare sight, that Akane found it hard to be a buzzkill about it by voicing what came to her mind.
In truth, it wasn’t just the rabbit hutch thing giving her pause. Aside from the obvious glaring reason for her to be hesitant to hold such a tiny creature in her arms, despite her love for them, she just didn’t think she knew how anymore. At this point she’s more used to stuffed animals, not that she kept many of those around either.
While they visited recently, she sat very stiltedly holding the feline in her lap, her brother went from gushing about it to joking about already having experience looking after a weird ‘kit cat’ his whole life. After she complained Junpei followed up on it by sneakily referring to her as ‘kitten’, just that once, and even if by some metric seeing them getting along was cute she’d have kicked them both if not for the purring fluff ball snoozing on top of her thighs. This was far more anxiety inducing than a plush, she noted, and it only became more evident each fleeting second, each motion coiling for breath she felt against her skin. It was so precious and so easy to ruin and her hands were too singed to hold it. The fact her body deeply rejects such simple gentleness despite it having come so easily to her once is a mourning unto itself.
Most of the cats they see around are cozily lazing about, some snuggling together, staring back at them curiously at most. She could genuinely smile at that. It’s calmer with none of them seeming in the mood for interaction at the moment. They slow their pace now that Akane is actually participating, the unexpected unexpectedness of the situation no longer weighing her down as much.
Though it was still a bit much, so they sat together by a bench for her to rest a little. It wasn’t far at all, it’s right behind one of the cat houses in fact just where it starts leading away from the event.
She’s so completely lost in thought that she’s surprised to hear a small high pitched gasp before even realizing it was a sound she herself had made. Then looking down at her leg she understands why.
A little black cat scratched at her leg, accidentally, it looked more like the tiny little fuzz ball was attempting to climb her leg. Well, technically not black, she notices the fur is a dark grayish color with tons of off-color patches when she gets a better look and she only gets that better look because it succeeds at its task. At which point she has to attempt to scoop the very tiny cat with both hands so it’s not at risk from falling back down. Only stopping its determined meowing when he settles on her lap.
"Why do they always choose you?”
"Because I don’t try chasing after them like they’re dogs, Junpei.”
"Hey, that’s not something I’ve done since I’ve grown up, okay? Well- except–”
"If you say I’m the exception, I swear–”
"Okay! So, where did this little fella come from?”
"I didn’t see…” She leans in and rubs behind the cat’s ears, earning a soft little purr of gratitude. The fur really is weirdly patched when you look close, it doesn’t feel like the coloration should be that way, the texture’s also a bit different. Wait, are the eyes not open yet? Or is one–
It isn’t long before an employee? Volunteer? A lady in a friendly colored vest comes to gently whisk away the culprit, she seems young and a bit anxious to have to talk to them.
"Oogh, I’m so sorry ma'am, are you okay? These little nails didn’t do a number on you, right?”
Akane gets on her feet to more steadily help the kitten trade hands.
“Oh, oh no, I’m perfectly fine. Really, I could barely feel it. Thank you.”
“That’s good.”
And that’s where the interaction would have ended if Junpei didn’t also get up.
"Hi, I’m with her. So, how come he’s popped up all the way over here?”
"You see this guy’s a little escape artist– every time there’s people around he tries to hide away from visitors by sneaking out into the desk with us, so… then why today did he decide to bother such a nice couple instead? What’s up with you?”
The cat is still trying to climb out back to where it was a minute ago, which the volunteer seems to know how to handle, though it’s funny to see it go from her arm to her shoulder then back to the other arm. A lot of effort is going into making sure he doesn’t throw himself on the ground. Junpei waits for a moment where the pace’s slowed down a bit to also try to pet him, seems to like him too.
“Aww, I think that’s a really good fit, actually. What’s his name?”
“Oh we don’t know actually, this friend was found without a nameplate. He’s made a name for himself but it’s not been that long at all since he’s been with us, we haven’t agreed on a name yet since he’s been back from the vet. Wait, did you say you two were interested?”
He looks at Akane for her to answer. She looks back with what doesn’t seem to be a look of aggression to the general onlooker, but they know he’s putting her on the spot like this so she won’t be backhanded about agreeing.
"Well, yes. If possible, I mean- isn’t the saying that the pet chooses the owner and not the other way around? We sure sound like we’ll get along, we both aren’t super sociable either–”
The awkward little laugh got to Junpei, who’s more comfortable with failing at humor in front of strangers than she is to even attempt it.
"He must have thought ‘oh these guys are off by themselves away from everyone too, we’ll get along great!’”
That’s just silly enough that she can look at him funny behind crossed arms and it’ll be an entirely appropriate reaction. She can only hope that’s the only thing that he sensed in them.
The kitten settled into a nap on the volunteer’s arms by now, tired himself out. Really is an adorable sight.
"That’s just great! One of you just has to come fill up a questionnaire at the table and a few more things, we can sort out real quick- uhm… I guess I should- oh right! So, like I was saying, this fella may come with extra expenses due to health complications, is that okay with you? Are you new pet owners?”
"The issue isn’t money…” “We are? New to it- kind of…”
“Oh, don’t worry too much. He’s all healthy now, neutered and the vaccinations all in order too, it’s just… it’s a little bit of a hard sell to some people since he needed stitches and lost an eye so he’s always going to be a bit wobblier than average when moving around.”
"A-ah… why is that?”
Akane’s hand suddenly has a vice grip on his. For once, the resolve in her voice is undeliberate, shaky.
"We don’t need to hear the story.” She turns away from the volunteer and her voice turns small so only her partner hears. “Can you go take care of all that? I’ll go get my brother to help get things in order before they go do a housecheck, if they’ll do one.”
"There’s not much there to cat proof I don’t think, but sure. Guess you’d- uh, have a better eye for that stuff… Also let me guess, you want me to tell you when that is happening so you can go to his place while there’s strangers over?” A smile confirms that. "Alright. But I’ll check in with Clover too to make sure you two aren’t skipping town instead.” Another smile, more mischievous this time.
"Oh no, my plan’s been found out.” First off, if she really intended on making an exit she wouldn’t bring it up to him first, duh, as if she were an amateur. Second, maybe this line of teasing can get far too draining, far too quick, so she changes the subject one last time. "Tell me your name ideas when I get back.”
She places a kiss on his cheek and saunters off. Does she wish she didn’t get shoved into bringing painful color back into a memory that had just barely grayed and numbed?
But she wouldn’t have been convinced if she didn’t genuinely think they were capable of giving it a try. Maybe any place they stay at together will feel more like a home when there’s someone living there with them that isn’t walking on eggshells, that is just uncomplicatedly happy to have survived whatever it did before it ended up there. Maybe she’ll learn to do that as well. Things already are complicated enough.
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shadowx16 · 1 month
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The Hollow: Bad Ice Cream AU
They are here, they are ice creams! Oh no! THEY’VE BEEN ICECREAMIFIED!!!!! Dx
This was really fun to make since I had the idea for a while now since mid June, I hope you like them too as much as I do :3
Fun Facts:
Adam, Kai, Reeve, Vanessa and skeet were different flavors before I decided to change them to be color coded (somewhat color coded)
Adam was originally chocolate ice cream
Kai was originally vanilla ice cream
Reeve was going to be dark chocolate ice cream (yes, it’s a real flavor, I wonder what it tastes like :|c)
Skeet was gonna be mint chocolate chip but I decided sorbet ice cream fits him well
And Vanessa was the original strawberry ice cream before I gave that role to Kai
The reason why I switched Kai to be strawberry ice cream was thanks to this image:
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After that I figured strawberry fit him best cause he would probably eat strawberry ice cream when he gets the chance to buy some
Kai has strawberry seeds as freckles in his face and shoulders (because I like the headcanon that Kai has freckles)
His hair is made of strawberry syrup with the black dots being seeds, like that one strawberry syrup that is pretty transparent that looks very pretty when you put it on ice cream
Adam also has the seeds treatment, just with chocolate chips :v
they are on his hair and shoulders just like Kai’s strawberry seeds, except there are less of them
The hollow logo in adam’s chest is made of chocolate syrup (it was too iconic to remove)
Mira’s hair was going to be blue like her body but it wouldn’t be that noticeable so I made it pink, bubblegum ice cream is usually depicted with blue and pink colors so that’s where I got it from :>
Mira is taller than Kai by one or two inches, because Mira being slightly taller than Kai is funny to me xd
Kai is the smallest out of everyone (lmao he short XD)
The reason why I switched skeet to be sorbet ice cream was because I headcanon he would rather eat sorbet ice cream than regular ice cream
he thinks sorbet ice cream is underrated
sorbet ice cream can be any flavor and this skeet would be passion fruit flavored, his hair is also made of sorbet and is mango flavored
Skeet is the tallest out of everyone (he a tall boi)
Reeve was gonna be dark chocolate flavored but then I changed my mind cause his locs wouldn’t be as noticeable (trust me, I tried)
Reeve’s hair is made out of bacon, the bacon is fried (might as well put a fried egg on top of his head)
He was also gonna have little bacon pieces on his shoulders like Kai and Adam but I thought of that after I finished coloring him (I’ll probably add those later if I draw them again)
I headcanon reeve would be disgusted at the idea of bacon ice cream, but at the same time would be like “but what if it taste good tho? >:/c”
bacon ice cream is a real ice cream flavor, I’m not joking you can search it up
Adam, Kai, and Reeve have orange lips, while skeet, mira, and vanessa have pink lips
Vanessa’s hair and eyebrows are made of licorice
I know her hair doesn’t look like licorice but I got lazy so I’ll give it more detail if I draw her again my apolocheese
If you were to eat any part of their bodies they would simply regenerate to their original state
The vanilla and chocolate ice creams are Tyler and Iris
Nisha doesn’t get to be an ice cream flavor cause 1. There are only 8 ice cream flavors, and 2. I don’t like her that much xd
maybe I will turn her into an ice cream one day, we’ll see how nice I am :V
Sorry for writing a bible verse for you to read I got a little too silly :3c ok I’ll get out of your hair now byeeeeee
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philiawrites143 · 1 month
Henri and June Headcanons! (The Ssum)
A/N: Hi! Finally doing some Headcannons for the season 2 boys like I've been wanting to lol. I meant for these to be general relationship headcanons but they're more or less date headcanons with some extra in-person stuff thrown in lol. I genuinely love these characters so much even if their stories are being taken in questionable, at best, directions. So here's to some happy time with them!!!
-Beach date obv! Especially one where you watch the sunset together, he immediately knew it would be the first date he would go on with you once the day cane you could meet in person. -Any kind of picnic! Bonus if its a picnic during the above date idea! -Since he spent so much of his life forced to stay away from the world, hes much bigger on going-out dates (But he still isnt the biggest fan of the crowds and prefers to avoid them as much as possible, same with Henri) -Mainly loves nature dates, but activity dates are awesome too! Like a carnival! (He may be way to scared for a rollercoaster though...but he could MAYBE be convinced lmao) -Obviously an art museum date would be amazing, but if you're like me and also like museum's with fossils and science exhibits that get you all excited June would OBVIOUSLY come with you and adore how excited you get, he may even get excited about something he didn't really think that much of just because the way you feel about it puts it into a different perspective for him <3 -A staying-in type of date my friend said they could he with him would be a cute little pajama date, MASSIVE sleepover vibes -All cuddled up watching movies or a show with some DELICIOUS snacks and food. -I could also see maybe a little tickle fight breaking out, fluffiest couple ever award goes to-! -Also another obvious hc but you are his muse so he would love to paint you :') -Even better if you like painting yourself! Then you can sit and pain together! Whether it be eachother or just what has you inspired that day. -He would probably cry if you painted him no matter what it looked like. He love art and the fact that you share in his hobby AND see him as YOUR muse?!? Cut the cameras he's ungly crying (but everything he does is pretty lmao)
-Arcade date! I know he had one with June but I 100% see him wanting to take you on one as well -If not arcade date then maybe playing videgames together in general, since we see him on a nintendo switch in offical art - If you're competing in game, HE IS SO TEASING YOU IF YOU LOSE, but in like the silly goofy way y'know? -I think if you guys played a co-op game, whether it be a co-op puzzle game or another different kind of game that has co-op (both you would have to intoduce to him bc of the kind of life we all know he had) I think he would be shockingly good at them after getting used to it, almost frustratingly so. Honestly, as a team you guys would be crazy good at whatever game it is, he might sabotage you on purpose every once in a while... but its all in good fun!! -(He thinks you're cute when you're mad, but only in low stakes/playful situations.) -He's really big on stay-in dates because they just make him feel more comfortable I think -While i see this kind of date working for both him and June (My bias towards this date idea is showing) I think a going out and not gaming related date he'd enjoy with you would be an aquarium! -In all honesty i think he would do almost any kind of date if it made you happy or excited, so if youre like me and get realy excited about aquariums, his heart will melt seeing you get all excited in the pretty aquatic lighting. -May try to say complete lies about whatever creatures you're looking at and pass them off as a fact, and then laugh and tease you if you fall for it -Less related to just dates and more so related to just finally being able to be together in person, but I feel like Henri is MUCH more of a physical touch kind of person than he ever thought he was. Being with you makes him realize just how touchstarved and hungry for affection he is T-T
(Hello! I've been reading on Tumblr forever but this is my first time trying to write something and post it 😂. I still have no clue what I'm doing with formatting or how to make my post look pretty, but I'm hoping I'll figure it out 💀. I hope you liked it!! Hopefully I can figure more stuff out and be able to post what all fandoms I'll write for, and take requests soon!)
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lixnininotnay · 8 months
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I found a sketch in my folder yesterday that I had done some months ago, and I had to draw it digitally. Basically, it's Donatello hugging someone while showing the middle finger at another person behind them(maybe at Leo? Lmao).
The pose reference I had gotten in Pinterest at the time but I can't find it anymore.
There are two different sketches because I thought I had lost the first one(the laptop crashed), so I did it again but the Medibang had, somehow, saved the original one and I just discovered after finishing the second.
[The original on paper sketch, in case anyone wants to see it.]
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I don't know what I'm going to post next, but maybe it's going to be some oc x cannon stuff that I had ideas since back, like, June 💀 I really want to show off my girlfailure...
Procrastination had gone brrrr
However, as always, I don't promise anything (or at least I hope that I have never promised anything-). I just work with 'maybe's and 'probably's. Never expect anything from me for
sure 👍🏽
Drink water 🔫
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