#i had to gif the nose scrunchie
unidentifiedprimate · 9 months
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waitimcomingtoo · 5 months
Smell Ya Later
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Synopsis: you get a new body cream that allegedly attracts spiders, and someone else
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Whenever you needed a some space from your everyday routines, you packed up your stuff and spent the weekend in your room at the Stark Tower. You had spent the day shopping and picked up a few self care items, including a new body cream you had seen online. Once night had fallen and you felt you had shopped enough, you retreated back to your room and sat at your desk to look at the things you had bought.
“Let’s see how you smell.” You said as you twisted the cap off the body cream. You had barely raised the jar to your nose when Peter appeared the doorway of your room.
“Hey.” He greeted.
“Jeez. You scared me. I didn’t know you were here tonight.” You laughed and put your hand over your pounding heart.
“Yeah, I’m spending the weekend here to give my aunt some time with her boyfriend. But, sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was walking by and wanted to come say hi.” He laughed shyly.
“Oh. Well, hi.” You smiled and gave him a little wave.
“Mm. Something smells really good in here.” Peter sniffed the air as he walked into your room. You were pretty sure this was the first tike Peter was actually in your room and that made you gulp.
“Really? I don’t smell anything.”
“Maybe it’s just the air. Girls rooms always smell good.” He shrugged.
“Are you in a lot of girls rooms?” You asked teasingly but were dying to know the answer.
“No.” He chuckled. “But I remember from going over to girls houses for group projects and stuff in middle school. Plus, Natasha’s and Wanda’s room always smells good when I walk by. Not that I go around sniffing everyone’s rooms.”
“I’m starting to think you might.” You mumbled out of the corner of your mouth.
“I don’t, I swear. Did you just go shopping?” He laughed and leaned against your desk. You sucked in a sharp breath over the close proximity and nodded your head.
“I did. But I didn’t get anything exciting.”
“What do you mean? This looks very exciting. What is this?” Peter asked as he held up a fluffy headband with a large bow at the front.
“A headband to keep my hair out of my face when I wash it.”
“Oh. I thought it was a giant scrunchie. Or a really small tube top.” Peter pursed his lips as he turned the headband over in his hands to try and understand it.
“No. Neither.” You laughed shyly as you watched him touch your things.
“What’s this thing?” He asked and held up your heartless curls rod.
“It’s for heartless curls.” You replied, making Peter look at you in confusion.
“You know. Curling your hair. With no heat.”
“This tiny pool noodle curls your hair?” Peter asked in disbelief and held up the limp rod.
“Yes. You wrap it around this and sleep in it. Then you wake up with curly hair.” You explained and wrapped a strand of your hair around it to demonstrate.
“Okay. I’m getting closer to understanding. What role does this thing play in all of that that?” Peter asked as he picked up a claw clip from your desk and opened it a few times.
“You use this to clip the rod onto your head while you wrap your hair.” You informed him.
“Wow. Sometimes I feel like girls live in an entirely different secret world than boys. Like, I just put water in my hair and say I’m ready. But you guys have all these fun fancy contraptions.” He smiled as he played with a scrunchie on your desk.
“Yeah. I guess it is kinda fun.” You shrugged as you looked at all the silly contraptions laid out in your desk.
“Woah. What’s this thing?” Peter gasped and picked up your jade roller that was still in the package.
“It’s called a jade roller.”
“You’re gonna have to explain.” He said and looked to you for help.
“I haven’t tried it yet but basically you put it in the refrigerator and then roll it on your face to decrease puffiness in the morning.” You explained as you took it out of the box.
“And it works?”
“I don’t know. But it feels good.” You shrugged and rolled it up and down your cheek.
“I can’t imagine that medieval looking thing feeling good.” Peter mumbled.
“It does. Come here.” You beckoned him with your finger and he leaned down closer to your face. You smiled timidly at him as you rolled it up and down his face.
“See? It feels nice, right?” You asked in a soft voice.
“I’ve never experienced this feeling before.” Peter said and closed his eyes peacefully.
“You should get one.” You chuckled and rolled it on his forehead.
“I don’t know. Mr. Stark already made fun of me for my Lana Del Ray poster. If he sees this in my room he might think I’m a little weirdo.”
“Who cares what he thinks? He has a “nail girl” for his weekly manicures and pedicures. And I think it’s attractive when a guy cares about his hygiene. Which says a lot about my standards now that I say that out loud.” You realized and thought about that for a minute.
“Maybe I will get one then. Because I care about my hygiene. A lot. More than the other guys you know, I bet.” Peter bragged, making you laugh.
“I would not have a hard time believing that.” You answered honestly.
“Why do you need all this stuff anyway? You’re so pretty.” Peter asked as he gestured to all the things on your desk. Guy cracked a smile at his casual compliment but didn’t make a big deal out of it.
“It guess it’s like you said. It’s fun. I like using these things when I’m having quiet time by myself.”
“I like that. That’s something new I just learned about you. I also didn’t know your last name until right now.” Peter tapped a school paper on your desk that said your full name. You laughed as he stood up and headed towards your door. The moment was ending but it was the first time you really talked to Peter one on one in that way so you still took it as a win.
“Seriously. Something smells really good in here.” He said from your doorway.
“I think I smell it too now. Maybe somethings in the air.” You smiled shyly.
“Must be.” He smirked. “Goodnight, L/n.”
“Goodnight, Parker.” You called after him. Once he was gone, you stayed looking at the doorway with a starstruck smile on your face. You didn’t know what prompted Peter to talk to you all of the sudden but you were thankful to whatever it was.
The next day, you went downstairs for breakfast and found Natasha and Wanda in the kitchen. You stopped to talk to them for a minute as you finished rubbing your body cream onto your elbows.
“Ooo. You smell good. What is that?” Natasha asked you.
“It’s a body cream from that brand Sol De Janeiro. I’ve never used it before but it had good reviews.” You told her as you smelled your wrist to catch the scent again.
“Wow. It’s really nice.” She sniffed you again. “You smell like how Moana feels to watch.”
“Thank you.” You smiled. “But when did you watch Moana?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of luxury sunblock or every flower scented candle at Yankee Candle at once.” Wanda added.
“That description also works, thank you.” You nodded in agreement.
“That reminds me.” Natasha began. “I need to get a new perfume. I’ve become totally nose blind to mine and I can never tell-“
“Hey guys. Mmm. Something smells good. What is that?” Peter burst into the room suddenly full of energy while loudly sniffing the air. You smiled and waved at him and he immediately went over to you.
“It’s this one.” Wanda said and pointed to you. Peter put his hand on your back and stepped closer to you to taken whiff.
“Oh, yeah. It is you. You smell amazing.” He told you.
“Oh, thank you.” You laughed shyly. “It’s just my body cream.”
“God damn. It smells so good.” Peter gushed. “I’ve never smelled anything like that. What’s it called?”
“Um, I’m not sure. I could find out and tell you, though.” You offered.
“Yeah, sure. I probably wouldn’t use it because it smells like a woman angel that turned into a vanilla bean but I wouldn’t keep a jar around just to sniff. It smells amazing.” He insisted and moved close to you to inhale again.
“So you’ve said.” Natasha snorted and gave you a look. You gave her a confused look as Peter put his hands on your hips and nose right on your shoulder to smell you.
“Sorry. I just really love that scent. It makes me feel like that scene in Ratatouille.” Peter said.
“What scene?” You looked over your shoulder to ask him and tried not to scream over how he was holding you.
“When that guy eats the ratatouille.” He said simply. “Holy shit, L/n. You smell like a flower that was dipped in crystallized sugar and then rolled in fairy dust. I could smell you all day.”
Just then, Tony walked by and saw how close Peter was to you. He frowned when he heard Peter sniffing loudly and rolled up the magazine in his hand.
“Down boy. Bad. Off of her.” Tony said as he smacked Peter with the magazine.
“But she smells so good.” Peter whined.
“No. Bad. Bad boy.” Tony shook his head and continued hitting Peter with the magazine.
“Fine.” Peter grumbled. “Bye.”
“Bye.” You waved to him as he left the room. Once you were alone with the girls again, they looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“What?” You wondered.
“How long has that been going on?” Wanda asked you.
“How long has what been going on?”
“You and Peter.” Natasha replied.
“What? There’s nothing going on between me and Peter.” You forced a laugh and looked to the side.
“Well he clearly wants there to be something. I have not seen a boy that down bad since high school. Wait, how old are you guys again? 14?” Wanda asked.
“22.” You corrected. “And Peter is not down bad for me. I’m pretty sure he likes this girl from his school.”
“What’s her name?” Natasha asked.
“Liz.” You answered immediately. “I mean, I don’t know. Who cares?”
“Oh, so the crush is mutual?” Wanda nodded in understating.
“No. Nothing is mutual.” You scoffed. “This isn’t liberty.”
“Oh, you have it so bad.” Natasha laughed at how flustered you were getting.
“Nuh uh. Maybe you like Peter and you’re trying to deflect. Ever think about that?” You asked her.
“Right. I like a middle schooler who cries to Lana Del Ray on weeknights.” She answered sarcastically.
“She has very moving music.” You defended him.
“I think it’s cute that you guys like each other.” Wanda said. “And it makes total sense for you to be together. You’re the same age and have a similar lifestyle. Why not tell him how you feel?”
“Because I don’t like him.” You insisted. “And he doesn’t like me.”
“If he doesn’t like you then why was he just using you like a scratch and sniff?” Natasha raised an eyebrow.
“Maybe he just likes to sniff things.” You shrugged. “Maybe that’s his thing.”
“Or maybe you’re his thing.” Natasha replied.
“Do you really think he likes me?” You asked them hopefully.
“I always kinda thought he did.” Wanda admitted. “And After that disturbing encounter, there’s no doubt in my mind. He’s definitely into you.”
“Hm.” You hummed and thought about it. You’d always had a secret crush on him and he had no idea so maybe it was possible that he felt the same way about you without you ever realizing.
You spent the day thinking about what the girls had said. Your thinking was interrupted when Peter returned to your room that night and took a whiff of the air.
“Mm. Smells good in here.” He noted.
“I have a candle on. I mean, lit.” You corrected yourself and pointed to your candle.
“Don’t knock it over and burn your room down. That happened to Brittany Spears, you know.”
“Oh, I know.” You insisted. “I watch all the videos of her spinning in her living room.”
“Same.” He laughed. “What are you doing right now?”
“Nothing. Why?”
“I was gonna go grab food. Would you want to-“
“Yes.” You said immediately. You felt embarrassed for answering so fast but Peter didn’t seem to mind.
“Cool. Let’s go.” He said and nodded towards the door.
Thirty minutes later, you were sitting on a bench outside of Delmar’s with sandwiches and bottles of ice tea. Peter picked the place and you followed his lead when ordering because he seemed like a regular.
“And why is it flat?” You asked him as he held up his squished sandwich.
“Because it tastes better the flatter it is, duh. Try it.” He insisted and gestured to your squished sandwich. You gave him a skeptical look before giving it a bite.
“Okay. You might be on to something.” You admitted once you had swallowed.
“Thank you. Every few years my brain lets me have one good idea.” Peter said as he happily chewed his sandwich.
“What was the good idea before this one?”
“Chips in my sandwich.”
“I see. And are these ideas always sandwich related?” You chuckled.
“Wait.” He gasped. “Yeah. They are.”
“Maybe it’s a sign. Maybe you’re a natural born sandwich maker.” You shrugged.
“Maybe I’m Jersey Mike.” He gasped even louder, making you laugh. People were looking but you were too excited to be there with him to care.
“I was gonna say you’re Jared from Subway but I think he’s a pedophile or something.” You told him.
“What? No way.” Peter scoffed and pulled out his phone to google it.
“Oh damn. You’re right.” He realized. “Wow. Even Jared from Subway is a bad guy? Is no one safe?”.
“I mean, you could really say any male celebrities name and there’s like a 50% chance he has charges against him.” You shrugged.
“That’s so true. My record is clean, by the way.” Peter told you. “Until my identity gets revealed. Then I’m looking at a lifetime of property damages and breaking and entering charges.”
“Oh, for me too. I have trespassed more times than I’ve actually been invited somewhere.” You answered. Peter laughed and then looked at you fondly for a minute. You grew self conscious under his gaze and nervously cleared your throat.
“I’m sorry. I keep getting distracted by your perfume.” He admitted. “I can’t get over how good it smells. You smell like the freaking sugarplum fairy.”
“Thank you. You smell good too.” You complicated and nudged him a little.
“That’s because I stole some of Mr. Starks super expensive cologne before we left. He called me to his room once just to show me the price tag on it. I thought it was his social security number at first. And the bottle is so small. I thought it was stupid to spend so much on such a tiny bottle but now that I’m wearing it I feel like I really want to fire someone.”
“I can’t say I’ve ever felt that feeling.”
“Me either. Until today. I smell like a whole different tax bracket right now and I don’t know if I can go back to my Axe Dark Temptation spray. I don’t want to smell like the bourgeois anymore.”
“Thats so funny.” You chuckled. “Do you always take his cologne?”
“Never. Just for today because I knew I was gonna ask you to hang out.” He said before taking a bite. You paused and sat with the implication that he did something just to impress you.
“I’m flattered to know you stole for me.” You said with a coy smile.
“Well you always smell amazing so I didn’t want you to think you were hanging out with some stinky rat.” Peter explained.
“I would never say that about you. I must say, you’re the best smelling rat I’ve been around.”
“Since we live in New York, I’m taking that as a compliment and letting it inflate my ego.” Peter warned you.
“Your ego must be pretty big already though, right? If I was a guy your age who looked like you did and could do the things you can do, I’d be super annoying about it. Like, raise my hand in class using two fingers and ask a question that’s just a roundabout way to show off how intelligent I am kind of annoying.”
“Looks like me? Can you elaborate on that, please, miss?” He asked with a cheeky smile.
“You know.” You rolled your eyes playfully. “Giant muscles. Giant brown eyes. I don’t know much about spiders but giant something else, I’m guessing. That spider bite served you well.”
“Stop. I’m shy.” Peter laughed and covered his face with his hands
“Come on.” You groaned. “You have to know you’re cute.”
“My aunt says I’m a handsome little lad.” He said and batted his eyelashes to make you laugh.
“She’s right.” You laughed. “But seriously. If my arms looked like that I’d only wear tight white shirts and ridiculously skinny jeans. And obviously slick my hair back like a Greaser. A full Soda Pop Curtis, if you will.”
“Oh, so you’re an Outsiders fan? This is me trying to maintain a regular conversation while hoping my heart rate returns to normal after being bombarded with compliments, by the way.” Peter said with a rosy blush on his face.
“I love The Outsiders. I’m still chasing the high I felt when my teacher played the movie for us in 5th grade and Soda Pop came out of the shower in the beginning. I think all the girls in that room remember that moment. I haven’t felt that way since.”
“Really? Never?”
“Maybe once or twice.” You smiled fondly at him.
“Well, to answer your question, I am actually a total loser at school and have an ego the size of a walnut. No one knows I can do the things I can do so I’m just another goofy goober on campus.”
“How can you saw you’re a goober when you’ve probably saved the life of every person in your school? More than once I might add.”
“Because I didn’t do that stuff. Spiderman did.” He explained. “When I’m on campus, I’m just me. It’s the only way to protect my identity. I have to let all the credit go to someone else.”
“Okay, I get not taking credit to remain humble and anonymous and what not, but what about all the other cool stuff you can do? I’ve seen you move a refrigerator with ease and casually run a mile without breaking a sweat. How do you resist the urge to show off all the time?”
“Because I wasn’t some sports star before I was bitten so it would be highly suspicious if I showed up one day and started dunking on everyone and breaking their ankles and third sports term. I only want to use my abilities to help people. Not to get popular.” He shrugged. As he spoke, you felt your crush on him turned into full blown infactuation. You’d always liked him from afar but now that you were getting to know him, he was even better than you thought.
“You’re better than me. I’d be doing backflips down the hallway and climbing on the walls. And if I got in trouble, I’d just be like “remember when New York wasn’t taken over by aliens? You’re welcome, bitch.” And then I’d swing away and probably kiss a cheerleader. Maybe even two.” You told him.
“Uh uh. My powers have definitely not gotten me any kisses from cheerleaders.” He laughed and shook his head.
“So you don’t have a girlfriend or anything?” You asked and couldn’t help but smile.
“No. My roster is empty. And I wish I could blame that on the Spiderman stuff but I can’t. I’ve never been lucky in that department.”
“I don’t understand that. You’re so…” You trailed off when you realized you were about to say too much. Peter looked at you with a coy smile and raised his eyebrows.
“So?” He asked.
“So annoying.” You insisted. “And ugly, actually.”
Luckily, he understood that you were saying the opposite of what you meant and smiled in appreciation.
“What about you? You must have a boyfriend and 10 guys lined up ready to take his place the second he falters, right?”
“11 guys.” You corrected.
“Damn. I’m sorry. I should’ve known.” He said and held up his hands in defense.
“It’s okay. How could you have known? But, um, no. No boyfriend.” You told him and watched carefully for a reaction.
“So you don’t like anyone at your school?”
“Not at school, no.”
“Oh. So there is someone.” He smirked.
“There may or may not be a boy. But he likes someone else so it doesn’t even matter.” You waved your hand in dismissal.
“Does he know you like him?” Peter asked. Your knees and elbows were touching as you sat together on that bench. You couldn’t help but notice he had gotten closer and closer as you talked.
“No.” You replied as you stared into Peter’s eyes.
“That’s obviously why he likes someone else.” Peter insisted. “I guarantee that if he knew he had a chance with you, he’d forget all about that other girl.”
“I don’t know. Do you really think that?” You asked skeptically.
“Definitely. He’d be crazy not to go for someone so…” He trailed off to give you a taste of your own medicine.
“So?” You shook his arm to urge him to continue.
“Ugly.” He replied. “Really, really ugly. Not pretty at all. Definitely not funny or charming. And a stinky rat. And ugly, if I didn’t mention that before. Ghoul like, even.”
“Thank you.” You smiled warmly, knowing he meant the opposite of what he was saying.
“You’re very welcome.” He smiled back. “So when are we doing this again?”
You did it again the next night, this time at a food truck you liked, and then a few days after that. That’s when Peter started giving you his weekends. You started hanging out more and more and grew to be close friends in just a short time. You lived at home during the week and could look forward to Peter’s almost nightly visits while he was on parol just to sit in your window and talk to you. He was so so consistent that you started leaving your bedroom door open just for him.
“I’m here. Don’t be naked.” Peter said as he climbed through your window one evening.
“I just got out of the shower. What if I was naked? Then what?” You asked as you rubbed your body cream into your skin.
“Then we’d have a funny story to tell at parties.” He said as he pulled his mask off. You couldn’t help but smile at the way his messy curls stood up on his head.
“Oh yeah? And what’s so funny about me being naked?” You teased him as you squeezed the excess water out of your hair with a towel.
“That’s not the funny part. The funny part would have been when my eyes sprang out from my head on slinkies and made an audible “boing-oing-oing” sound. Right before my head exploded and left a smoking stump on my neck.” Peter told you, making you playfully roll your eyes.
“Oh wow. Very Tom and Jerry of you.” You chuckled.
“A full Tom and Jerry. The only thing missing would be the little blue birds and or angles flying around my head but I didn’t say that one because it’s typically reserved for traumatic head injuries.”
“You’re stupid.” You laughed and shook your head endearingly at him. Peter smiled back at you
“You’re stupid.” He chuckled. “You smell good.”
You really liked being friends with Peter. The more time you spent with Peter, the more you found you could talk to him about anything. He seemed so interested in every little thing you said. You worried your crush suddenly taking an extreme interest in you might be too good to be true, so you were determined to enjoy it while it lasted. And do far, it had lasted two months.
“Hey you two. Are you gonna be hungry…” Tony trailed off when he assessed the situation in front of him. You and Peter turned your heads when you heard Peter’s bedroom door open, giving Tony a full view of the green face masks you had covering your faces. You were sitting on Peter’s bed and applying masks to each others faces so your hands were full of the green goop as well. Tony looked back and forth between the two of you for a minute but eyes kept returning to the giant pink bow headband Peter had on to hold his hair back.
“Oh.” Tony nodded. “Hm. Okay.”
“Hi Mr. Stark.” Peter waved.
“I was gonna ask if you guys were hungry. But now I don’t know how to feel.” Tony said with a blank expression.
“We’re okay. We door dashed some food. Thank you, though.” You replied.
“No problem. Try not to have too much fun, ladies.” Tony snickered and closed the door.
“He doesn’t get us.” Peter rolled his eyes and smeared some of the face mask across your forehead. You smiled at the mention of “us” and stared into his eyes.
“He wishes he was gonna have clarified skin and minimized pores in 45 minutes.” You agreed.
“45 minutes? Oh shit. We should’ve brought snacks.”
“I can go grab some. I need to pee anyway.” You told him and hoped off his bed. You hit up the kitchen after the bathroom and raised the refrigerator for some snacks. When you shut the refrigerator door, Natasha was standing there watching you.
“So. Having another stay at home date with Peter?” She asked and pointed to your face mask.
“It’s not a date.” You rolled your eyes. “We’re just two friends hanging out.”
“Right. And do you share clothes with all of your friends or just the ones you don’t have feelings for?” She asked sarcastically.
“He wasn’t wearing my pants that day, okay?” You sighed. “He just asked me to embroider little molecules into his jeans and then wanted me to sign my name. Which is very normal for two friends to do.”
“So that’s not his sweatshirt you have on now?” Natasha asked and pointed to the Museum of Natural History hoodie you had on.
“It is. But-“
“But. Mm hm, yeah?” She cut you off with sarcastic interest in her voice.
“Yes, but.” You stated. “It’s too small on him now that the bite made him all big and muscly. But his uncle bought it for him and it was too sentimental to throw away so he let me have it.”
“Oh. So he gave you an article of clothing that his dead uncle gave to him? That’s very platonic of him.” Natasha said before cracking a smile.
“I don’t know what you’re implying.” You played dumb.
“I’m implying that you two are dating but pretending you’re not.”
“What?” You forced a laugh. “We are not dating.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re not fooling anyone with that. Why don’t you just call a spade a spade and make out already?”
“Because it’s not a spade. Your mom’s a spade. We’re just friends.” You insisted and felt glad your face mask was covering up your embarrassed blush.
You went back to Peter’s room with the snacks and pushed Natasha’s comments from your mind. Peter could tell that something was bothering but he didn’t push it.
You spent the next few nights at home but headed back to the tower to spend the weekend. You knew Peter would be arriving later that night so you got ready in your room while you waited. You scrolled on your phone while you did your makeup and came across an article on the body cream you’d been wearing lately. You started to read it but got distracted by the sound of people in the downstairs. You left your room and took the elevator down to see if it was Peter, but found Wanda and Natasha instead.
“Oh, hey. I was just telling Nat I got that cream you told us about. It just smelled so good on you.” Wanda told you.
“Did you? Tell me what you think of it. It works really well but I think I have to stop wearing it. I was just reading online that apparently it attracts….” You trailed off and pulled out your phone to show Wanda the article. You got distracted by a text from Peter telling you that he had arrived. You furrowed your eyebrows and stared at the text as things started to make sense in your head.
“Attracts what?” Wanda asked you. You looked up to answer her but got distracted by Peter walking in.
“Spiders.” You told her as you stared at Peter.
“Hey, Y/n.” Peter greeted with a smile. “Come with me up to the roof. I have something to show you.”
Peter took your hand and started pulling you towards the elevators. You were still lost in thought but regained composure enough to look at the girls while you were being pulled away.
When you got to the roof, the sun was just beginning to sink into the city skyline, making for a peaceful atmosphere. There were some snacks set out and a sheet you recognized from Peter’s room.
“What’s this?” You turned to him to ask. He was already staring at you and watching carefully for a reaction.
“You said you’d been so busy with homework lately that you don’t even realize when it becomes night so I thought we could take a mental break together and watch the sunset.” Peter explained with a sheepish smile. You lit up when you heard his plan and forgot all about the article.
“You planned this for me?”
“I didn’t want you to work yourself to death. You’re gonna do fine on your finals. You’re the smartest person I know. Other than, like, the two super genius’s I know. But you’re definitely up there.” He assured you. You broke into a smile and threw your arms around him to thank him. He stumbled back a little a before wrapping his arms around you and hugging you back.
“Thanks, Peter. This is really sweet.” You said and pulled away just enough to look at him. You stayed with your arms wrapped around each other as the sun began to set around you.
“You’re very welcome.” He said with a fond smile. You stared into his eyes and felt his magnetic force pulling you towards him. Peter’s eyes dropped down to your lips before a rosy blush covered his face. You couldn’t believe what was about to happen was actually happening. He started to lean in and cracked a smile just before your lips could touch.
“God, you smell amazing.” He whispered to you. You snapped out of your trance and took a step back from him.
“Oh my God.” You gasped. “I knew it.”
“Wait, what? Knew what?” Peter forced a laugh and tried not to look as disappointed as he felt that the moment had ended.
“You don’t even like me. You’re just attracted to my delicious smelling body cream!” You shouted and pointed an accusatory finger at him.
“Woah, what? I have been accused of so many things but that is truly a first.” Peter said and held up his hands in defense.
“I bet this whole thing was a set up just so that you could sniff me!” You gasped and pointed his picnic.
“What are you even talking about?” He matched your tone and pulled his hair in exasperation. You put your hand over your heart to catch your breath as you looked between him and his setup. Everything made sense now. Peter started talking to you the moment you opened up that jar of body cream. He only wanted to hang out with you once you started wearing it. And as you stood there on the roof with him and realized it never had anything to do with you, you felt gutted.
“I thought…I thought you liked me.” You said in a quiet voice as your face sank with disappointment. Peter turned red all the way to his ears and laughed in embarrassment.
“I do like you.” He said quietly.
“But not for me.” You shook your head. “For the way I smell.”
“What? That’s crazy?” He laughed is dismissal. You rolled up your sleeves and walked back over to him to hold your arm under his nose.
“You like this.” You told him.
“Damn, that smells good.” Peter whispered as he took in your scent.
“See? It’s my body cream. It attracts spider. Whatever is lingering in your DNA from the bite makes you attracted to this specific scent.” You grumbled as you pushed your sleeves back down.
“Huh. That explains why I got a boner in Sephora the other day.” He realized.
“Why were you in Sephora?”
“I was getting us more face masks. I even used your email so you could get the points.”
“You did?” You asked and cracked a smile. Peter looked at you sympathetically and took a step towards you.
“I had a whole night planned for us. I was gonna bring you up here to watch the sunset. And I brought snacks you like. Even disgusting Salt and Vinegar chips.”
“I love those.”
“I know you do, for some odd reason. And once the sun had set, I was gonna go downstairs with you to do the face makes. I got you a panda because you like them and mine looks like Hello Kitty, see?” Peter said and he pulled the masks out of his bag.
“Very impressive selection.”
“I know. Once we had them on, I was gonna tell you that you’re the only person I don’t feel like I need to wear a mask with. Or you’re the only person who makes me feel the way I do when I’m wearing my mask. In parenthesis, my Spiderman mask. Which implies you make me feel invincible. I don’t know. It was gonan be some mask related metaphor that I was hoping would come to me in the moment.”
“Why did you need a mask related metaphor?”
“So I could ease the tension and segway into telling you that I like you.” He admitted with a timid smile.
“You do?” You asked skeptically. Peter nodded his head and put his hands on your shoulders.
“I wouldn’t do all this for you just because I liked the way you smell. And believe me, I love the way you smell. If I could shrink you down using the Honey I Shrunk the Kids machine and shove you up my nose, I would. But I like a million other things about you too that don’t involve the olfactory bulb.”
“Then how come we only started hanging out once I started using the body cream?”
“Okay, I’ll admit, I got a whiff of the body cream and basically floating in the air down the hallway into your room like a cartoon pig being lead to a pie.” Peter prefaced. “But that was just the first time you wore it. It gave me the confidence to ask you to hang out which is something I’d been wanting to do since we met. And once we started hanging out and I learned all these new things about you, I liked you even more. Which I didn’t know was possible because I was already listening to Lana Del Ray and pretending you wrote the songs about me. When you started smelling divine, that was just the icing on an already big cake. I’m talking Cake Boss level size cake that’s mostly made of Rice Krispies and plastic tubes.”
“So now I’m divine? I thought I was ugly and not funny or charming at all.” You teased him as you stepped even closer.
“You’re right. I still find you very unattractive and don’t want to be your boyfriend and l definitely don’t want to kiss you-“
You cut him off by pulling him by the shirt into a kiss. He stopped talking immediately to kiss you back, putting his hands on your face to pull you closer.
“You smell so fucking good.” He growled and pulling you closer by the waist. You giggled against his lips as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You and Peter eventually retired to the sheet to watch the rest of the sun set. You laid on his chest and listened to his heart beating while the scent of his cologne filled your nose. You went back downstairs hand in hand once the sky was dark and passed by Wanda in the living room.
“Goodnight, Wanda.” You smiled at her as you and Peter walked by.
“Goodnight.” She replied and waved her fingers. Peter stopped suddenly in his tracks and looked at Wanda.
“Woah.” He smiled. “You smell really good, Wanda. What do you have-“
“Oh, no you don’t.” You cut him off and pulled him by the back of his shirt away from her.
“It’s the cream.” Peter said in defeat. “I’m defenseless to the cream.”
Tag List 🏷️
@thebookwormlife @imanativeofswlondondahling
@whatareyouhidingpeter @takenbyheartstrings
@imyourliquor-youremypoison @andreasworlsboring101
@justcallmehitgirl @jackiehollanderr
@emmamarshmellow @unbelievableholland
@sovereignparker @every-marveler-ever @undiadeestos @eridanuswave​ ​
@solarxmoonchild @canyouevencauseicant
@quaksonhehe @lovelessdagger
@thesuitelifeofafangirl @marshxx @nooneinvitedfascistbarbie
@alexxcorona113 @lethal-wisdom
 @officialsimppage @peterbenjiparker @itsemohours
@freakofmusic25 @tomholland85
@olixerwxxd @leilanixx
@whereismytelephone @so-very-asleep @white-wolf1940
@spideyspeaches @hihiweezing
@dhtomholland @insomniac-nerd-posts-things @prancerrparkerr
@hallecarey1 @adayasgeorgia @blackwidowisthebest @imawhoreforu
@nellabellaa @pinklxmonade @boogywoogywoogy
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avocado-writing · 1 month
Hi dear! I would like to appreciate your works. I really enjoy everything you wrote, Wish you have a great day! 💗
Since you're taking requests, could you please write Wade with a polite, sweet and delicate partners. He's with a person who's the definition of "Too pure for this world and MUST be PROTECTED at all cost" His partner showers him with love and validation, and always love to listen to him! Thanks! 💓
possibly based on real life events.
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Wade Wilson is so in love, it must be sickening to everyone around him. 
In fact he knows it is and he does not care. He’ll say “look at this meme the love of my life sent me!” and the person who he shows will roll their eyes, as if you don’t have incredible taste in cat pictures. He’ll monologue constantly about how cute you are and how much he loves that scrunchy thing you do with your nose. He’s recited committed-to-memory facts about you so many times that his friends can parrot them too. 
“Yes, I know what their favourite film is, I know you took them to a special viewing of it for their birthday. It’s cute, Wade,” says Laura, patting him on the arm condescendingly. Well, it’s not his fault you’re so wonderful! There isn’t a single thing about you that’s not perfect. He’s constantly bowled over about just how much affection he can fit in his body for you. The other night he was going on about something stupid - he can’t even remember what now, maybe it was about the new Taco Bell menu? - and then realised you hadn’t interrupted him once to shut him up like most people would.
You’d looked over the top of your magazine at him when he’d pointed this out, brow cocked.
“Why would I want you to shut up? I like listening to you talk, Wade.”
Marry you. He’s going to marry you. Every day, then divorce you every day too so he can marry you again. 
You are probably too good for him. Most of his social circle thinks so. You’re patient and kind, when you’re not at your job - where you work at a charity adopting out senior animals, as if you could be any more of a fucking angel - you like to spend your time in his shitty little kitchen, baking desserts for him to get home to. He’ll find you getting Al to taste test for you and his apartment full of laughter and joy. 
Man, he’s definitely put on like, six pounds since the two of you started dating. He needs to be stronger in the face of your cupcakes. 
They are really fucking good though. 
He walks in that night with a plushie under his arm. It’s a cow. He remembers you mentioning offhand how cute you thought cows were, so he decided to grab the biggest one the toy store one the way home had just because he knows it’ll make you smile. You don’t need any more stuffed toys; you sleep with them all in the bed and they’re pushing him off the side at this point because of their sheer number but, well, he likes seeing you happy. 
And then he hears sobbing. 
“Sweetheart?” he asks, immediately panicked. Are you injured? Has someone come to hurt you - has he painted a target on your back because of his job? Bile fills his throat as he stumbles forward…
…and there you are, sitting in front of the TV, PlayStation controller in your lap as tears run down your face while the end of the game plays out. Wade has never felt such relief in his life, laughing as the ache of it is taken from his chest. You turn to him with wide, watery eyes. 
“Don’t you laugh at me, Wade Wilson!”
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. But babe… are you crying at the end of Kingdom Hearts?”
“No!” you lie, trying to mop your face off with your sleeve. Then the music hits its crescendo from the crappy speakers and you start wailing all over again. 
He loves you. He’d kill a million billion people for you. It would take a hell of a long time but hey, one word and he’d do it. If anyone even lifted a finger to hurt you he’d execute them so thoroughly that every generation of their family would be wiped out of existence too. 
To put it in terms you’d approve of, he’d do anything for you. But he also knows you’d never ask him to. You’re just that wonderful. 
“… would it help if I got us take-out and you started playing the second one?”
“Uh-huh,” you manage to confirm. 
“I could be in this fucking game, beat Donald Duck’s little feathery ass. Disney, make it happen.”
“Don’t worry about it. Pizza or Chinese?”
Taglist: @falsewordz @malfoys-demigod @belilwen @mildly-salted @tvwebs @childeslegstrap @getmeoutofhell @s1eep-o @just-a-beatlemaniac69 @yrthr @momopad @sugarplumz100 @captainjinkx @madspads @acrosstheunivcrse @yeethaw13 @na-is-salty @florduarte @hunterispunk
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thatfandomslut · 6 months
I Will Always Take Care of You
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Regina George x Reader
Word Count: 1k
Trigger Warnings: cursing, descriptions of being sick (flu symptoms like vomiting, coughing, fatigue, etc.)
Valentine's / Followers Celebration Request; Regina George w/ quote 33 and piece of chocolate 4. Or; “You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love… I love… I love you.” w/ sick
Valentine's / Followers Celebration requests are closed.
(Y/n) wasn't sure what to expect when her girlfriend called, begging her to come over because she was sick. Typically, (Y/n) could be categorized as extremely germophobic. However, when it came to Regina, she found herself speeding over and hesitating as she entered her home with a mask, gloves, and Lysol. Maybe it was a bit extreme, but she couldn't help the fact she hated being sick or receiving germs herself. Entering Regina's room, it didn't seem like the blonde minded. Instead, she cheered happily while being visibly loopy. Her nose was red and a bit chapped, her trash can (and around her trash can) was full of tissues.
She began to feel a bit guilty about all of the preventative measures she was going through to not get sick before Regina began to blow her nose. (Y/n) withheld her cringe, knowing the feeling all too well before she got to work. She replaced Regina's trash can, got her more tissues, and then got her a warm washcloth for her forehead. "Here you go, baby," (Y/n) placed the washcloth onto Regina's forehead, gently tossing away for gloves so she could cup Regina's cheeks softly. "Do you want me to make you soup?" She questioned softly, and Regina nodded sleepily.
Despite the mask, (Y/n) placed a gentle kiss on Regina's forehead, walking out to prepare some chicken noodle soup for her flu and her soul. Her mother always said that she made the best chicken noodle soup. (Y/n) checked to see what she was working with and was happy to know that the majority of ingredients were in attendance as she began to prep her soup. She would often take breaks to check on Regina, who was taking a nap. Which is what (Y/n) wanted. Regina looked exhausted, even more so when she was asleep. When the soup was done, she prepared a bowl for Regina and walked up the stairs.
Unfortunately, she found Regina's bed to be empty, but the sounds of retching are what helped guide (Y/n) to her girlfriend's whereabouts. She placed the bowl down on Regina's nightstand, placing napkins underneath it to prevent a ring from forming. As she entered the restroom, she gently helped Regina get the hair out of her face, tying it in the scrunchie (Y/n) saw on the counter. Once Regina had finished vomiting, she leaned back into (Y/n), trying to reach for her water bottle. (Y/n) grabbed it for her wiping the hair from her clammy forehead.
"I'm sorry that I called you here. I know how you are with germs. I'm grateful you came, though." There was a scratchiness to Regina's voice, tears still brimming her eyes delicately. (Y/n) wiped a stray tear and Regina's forehead fell against her shoulder gently. (Y/n) was about to speak as she wrapped her arms around Regina, but the girl in front of her beat her to it. "Thank you for coming, babe. Thank you for coming to take care of me."
(Y/n) pulled away, lowering the mask a bit to kiss Regina's forehead and then cheek. "Baby, I will always take care of you. Now, let's get you to your bed. If you're still up for it, I did make you that soup." (Y/n) helped Regina to bed, helping her eat her soup as Pride and Prejudice played in the background. "Oh! This is my favorite scene. 'You have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love… I love… I love you, Regina.'" (Y/n) quoted easily, adding in Regina's name playfully, making Regina smile a bit at how cute (Y/n) was. It really warmed her heart that (Y/n) came, despite being such a germophobe.
In fact, a little giggle escaped her lips (that she had to pass off as nothing) when she thought of when (Y/n) and she went to the mall and she refused to ride the escalator because she didn't feel safe since she refused to hold onto the railing. Regina swore she had never walked up and down so many flights of stairs. Regina began to feel sleepy again after she finished the soup. "You are magic," she whispered softly. "I love you, too, (Y/n). I'm so lucky to have someone as caring as you in my life." The sleep in her voice was evident but she forced her eyes to stay open.
"Baby, if you're tired, you should go to sleep. You're not going to heal properly if you don't get enough rest." She had been caught red-handed. But she knew (Y/n) was right. (Y/n) placed the bowl to the side, moving the sheets beside Regina. The action surprised Regina thoroughly, but she didn't reject the cuddle advance. Instead, she took (Y/n)'s invitation and allowed herself to be held. She bit back a soft smile, thinking about how far they've grown as a couple. "Goodnight, my love. I'll be here when you wake up. If not in your bed, I'll be cleaning up."
The thought of (Y/n) leaving their cuddle session while she was sick almost made her emotional. That was mostly due to how crappy she felt though. "Please don't get up to clean. We can do it in the morning. Just stay here with me. You can put on whatever movie you want, but you're so warm and I'm so cold. All I want right now is to be in your arms." Regina all but whined, pouting softly against (Y/n)'s neck, in which she was buried in the crook of.
(Y/n) smiled softly, rubbing her back. "Okay, my love, I'll stay." She assured Regina, singing softly to help lull her girlfriend to sleep. She knew she had achieved this when she heard Regina's breathing grow a bit heavier. She couldn't help but feel her eyelids grow heavier at the comforting sound of her girlfriend's breathing. It wasn't long before (Y/n) joined in on the nap, not caring that she was breaking all of her mental rules of germaphobia. She had braved her fear just for Regina, wanting to make sure she was comfortable through the discomforts of having the flu.
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wooataes · 1 year
90 Days - Hybrid!BTS x Fem!Reader (Part Four)
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Pairing: OT7 X Fem!Reader (Jin focused chapter)
Word Count: 2.1k
Characters: Wolf!Namjoon, Fox!Seokjin, Black Cat!Yoongi, Golden Retriever!Hoseok, Calico Cat!Jimin, Labrador!Taehyung, Bunny!Jungkook
Warnings: nothing, just pure fluff
Summary: All you want is for your new cat hybrid friend, his unwilling older wolf hybrid brother and his other 5 brothers to keep safe and warm during the winter.
A/N: After three years, I’m finally back with an update! I want to think all of you for your patience with getting this out, I’m excited to finally continue this story with you all!
- Taelor 🥰💜✨
Previous | Next | Masterlist
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Day Seven
It has been almost a week since you decided to take in your hybrid friend Jimin and his 6 other hybrid pack mates into your care to keep them safe from the harsh winter settling in. The first snow has really set in within the last 2 days, which has resulted in the boys staying close by your side in the living room, snuggled by the fireplace and watching movies.
The boys have taken a liking to you, but none more than Jimin, Yoongi and surprisingly, Namjoon. Since Yoongi has been the one helping tend to you and essentially feeding you while your shoulder heals up, he has grown fond of your constant appreciation and gentle urging of your insistence that he didn’t need to help. Deep down, he knew he’d get a scolding from Jin if you were made to put any pressure or use of your injured arm. And Yoongi didn’t mind, anyway. You were like him in a way; quiet and introverted, but more animated with the people you were comfortable around. After lunch, at your urging, he is spending his afternoon snuggled up on the loveseat with Seokjin, watching a new series they both got hooked on.
Taehyung, Hoseok and Jungkook had taken it upon themselves to spend the day outside in the backyard and play in the fresh snow that had fallen overnight, after Seokjin’s permission of course, and with the promise to bundle up to keep warm. You were settled on the outdoor couch next to Jimin, who cuddled up against your side. Namjoon hummed to himself as he tended to the fire pit, the warmth keeping you all sated while the others played.
“Are you sure you’re not too cold? I can put more on the fire.” Namjoon frowned, looking at you as you laugh at the two pups engaging in a rough snowball fight.
“Joon, it’s fine, really.” You smiled before patting a cushion nearby. “Relax, why don’t you finish reading that novel I gave you out here? The others are having fun, you don’t need to keep an eye on them.”
“Then why are you out here, hm?” Jimin questioned, narrowing his eyes playfully at you.
“I’m out here because I enjoy watching your friends have fun, silly.” You grin, booping Jimin on the nose, giggling as he lets out a small squeak.
“Hey!” Taehyung shoots up from the makeshift wall he had created out of snow. “You’re our friend too, Y/N!” He pouts. Just as you’re about to respond, you burst out laughing as the Labrador gets hit in the face with a snowball by Hoseok.
“Gotcha!!” The golden retriever screams happily, running up to tackle Taehyung into the soft blanket of snow as they wrestle.
“Hyung,” Jungkook calls out, running to Namjoon as he points to the snowman behind him. “Look what I made!”
“That’s very nice, Kook.” The wolf smiles.
You watch as Jungkook’s cheeks turn pink, his ears flopping down to hide his blushing face. He is still very shy around you, but Jimin has promised that he knew you meant well and you would do anything to make them more comfortable. You’re surprised as the bunny takes a step towards you, eyes focused on the floor.
“Um.. Y/N?” He asks quietly, peeking through his ears at your questioning gaze. “You know.. you know how you said if we needed anything, we could ask you?”
“Of course, Jungkook.” You sat up, smiling sweetly at him. “What did you need to get?”
“Well, it isn’t for me.” He mumbled now, fiddling again with the pink scrunchie around his wrist. “It was actually for Jin-hyung.”
“Jin?” You tilt your head as the bunny nods quickly. “Of course. What is it?”
“Well…” he frowns, kicking at the ground. “He used to tell us that his birthday is usually around the start of winter, and I wanted to ask if I could buy a birthday gift for him.”
“It’s his birthday?” You gasp, smiling widely. “You absolutely can. Did you have anything in mind?”
“Umm.. it isn’t much but, he always tells us he loves soft things, like fluffy toys and stuff. Said it reminded him of his den at his old owner's place. I was thinking maybe something like that…”
“Don’t you worry, Bun.” You grin, rising from the couch. “I will get it all sorted okay?”
“You will?” Jungkook’s ears stood up once more, eyes wide. “But, it isn’t too much to ask right? You can say no, don’t feel like you have to-”
“Don’t be silly, Bun.” You smile, gently patting his arm. “I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t want to, okay?” He slowly nods his head as you reach up to ruffle his hair.
For your entire exchange, Jimin and Namjoon both sat side-by-side, watching the both of you talk.
“What do you think she’s going to do?” Namjoon murmurs to the feline, who simply smirks. He’s seen what you have done for regular customers on their birthdays through your shop window whenever he would lurk around for scraps. He can only imagine what’s going on through your head.
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“Excuse me?!” Seokjin gasps, placing his hand on his chest. “I am dismissed for the evening? Don’t you know that YOU are the one who is supposed to be the patient?! What on earth am I meant to do? You’ve told me to do nothing all afternoon and now I’m expected to do it for the evening?!” He stomps his foot as Yoongi clears the plates from the dining room table and places them in the dishwasher, chuckling at his hyung’s dramatics.
“Ah ah ah, I won’t have it, mister!” You sass back, hand on your hip. “You’ve been working to the bone and fussing over me, and therefore I am making you and the rest of the boys settle in for the night in your rooms, I have some private phone calls I need to make!” You poke the fox’s shoulder with a playful smile.
“What happened to no rules?” Yoongi drawled, leaning his body against the counter, making Jin nod aggressively in agreement.
“Yeah!!” He waved his hand in Yoongi’s direction. “Are you going back on your word of no rules, huh?!”
“I’m allowed to have rules if it’s for my guest’s wellbeing.” You huff, jutting out your lower lip into a pout. “It’s only for tonight, and then you can help out around the house to your heart's content, okay?”
After a beat of silence, Seokjin concedes with a heavy sigh. “Fine. You win, but only for tonight. Okay?”
“Perfect.” You grin, patting him on the shoulder before pushing him and the other 6 hybrids to the staircase. “That means you too, Jimin.”
Jimin lets out a loud whine, his ears pressing to his head as he sulks against the handrail of the staircase. “Why me, Y/Nie? Why can’t I sleep down here with you?”
“Because, you’ve been living here for over a week and haven’t even tested out the bed I brought for you in your room.” You laugh, scratching behind his ear. “And I need to do something. Do you trust me?” You ask quietly, smiling gently as Jimin leans his head forward, nuzzling his nose against your cheek with a soft nod. “Good. It’s just for tonight, okay?”
“Mm’kay.” He grumbles, giving your cheek a final nuzzle before taking a waiting Jungkook’s hand, who smiled shyly towards you.
“Goodnight, guys.” You waved as the boys ascended the staircase to their rooms. Once they are out of your sight, you pull your phone out of your pocket and walk into the kitchen.
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When Seokjin is woken up by two literal overgrown puppies jumping on his bed, he lets out a groan as he tries to pull the covers up over his head.
“JJWANNNNN!” Hoseok is barking, shaking the older man’s shoulder excitedly. “You gotta get up and come downstairs!”
“Why?” The Fox whined as he sat up, leaning against the headboard of his bed.
“There’s something downstairs for you, Hyung.” Namjoon is leaning against the door frame, the other 3 hybrids perched up excitedly behind him.
“I shouldn’t have come downstairs so early, but something smelt really good and I was hungry.” Taehyung grinned, pulling Jin by the hand down the stairs. “Look!”
Jin pauses halfway down the staircase as he sees down into the living room and dining area. There are over a dozen balloons scattered on the floor in every colour, a banner lining the fireplace that spells out ‘Happy Birthday!’ in Silver sparkles and a large wrapped up present sitting in the middle of the floor. In the dining area, he gasps as he sees an assortment of cupcakes with blue icing covering the table, and a single white envelope at the head of the table with party hats at each seat.
“What is all this..?” Jin asks quietly, tail swishing anxiously by his side.
“I told Y/N I wanted to get you a present for your birthday, hyung..” Jungkook mumbled shyly, looking around as they reached the bottom of the stairs. “I didn’t think that she’d go through all this though.”
“Y/N did this?” He looks over to the couch where you’re currently sleeping. Your hair has fallen out of its bun, glasses still sitting on the end of your nose and your shirt and even hands covered with small splotches of food dye.
“Y/N?” Jimin gently shakes your good shoulder as you finally come to.
“Jimin? What time is it?” You yawned, sitting up and rubbing at your eyes.
“It’s early.” He smiled, taking your hand and helping you up, Seokjin stepping in front of you.
“Y/N?” He asks, tail now in his hands. “Did you.. did you do this all for me?”
“Happy birthday, Jin!” You beam as the other hybrids watch from the staircase. “Jungkook told me your birthday is around this time, I couldn’t let a celebration go to waste!”
Jin just stares at you, blinking owlishly as his eyes gloss over. His silence invites you to continue, and you happily direct him over to the large box.
“It isn’t much that I could get on such a short notice, but open it!” You bite down on your lip as the others begin to gather around on the couch to watch him kneel down in front of the present. With one last look at you as you offer an encouraging nod, he reaches out and carefully tears the rainbow wrapping paper and opens the box.
Jin gasps as he sees a basket inside full of soft hybrid friendly nesting blankets, fluffy cushions and 7 large plush toys, each of them looking eerily similar to his pack.
“A little bunny told me that you had a den made back at your old home, so I thought I could get you some things that could help you build a nest here, and you can take them with you if you want to go anywhere else- OOF.” You grunt as you feel the Fox hybrid’s large body cover yours, his arm wrapping around your waist as his face buries into your neck.
“Thank you.” He mumbles against your skin, squeezing you closer to him. His tail brushes your leg and his long ears tickle your cheeks, but you just smile and let your arm hug around his shoulders. “Thank you, so so much.”
Seokjin can’t help but smile for the entire day, small giggles leaving his lips at every attempt you and the maknaes make at trying to stop him from working, insisting he is the birthday king for the day. He stays on the couch, wrapped in one of his brand new nesting blankets, eating more than his fair share of cupcakes donned in his polka dot party hat. It’s only when you gather the hybrids around the living room in their birthday gear, passing out more cupcakes and snacks for them to eat with your one good arm, singing happy birthday with Jimin in goofy voices that make the others laugh, is when Seokjin really thinks he could stay here with you forever. He wonders when the others will come around to the same conclusion.
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90 Days Taglist:
@discoveringthyself @cryptoidsblog @elenaramos1 @lidda @deolly @forevermoremagcon @iloverubberduckiez-blog @sana-b @m0chilattae @namjoonsslutakakoreanmanswhore @littlewolfieposts @hoseokslefteyebrow @sharethelovebeauty @satantrashpanda @softescapism @peachyjoonieot7 @itskpopwow @anonymous2505 @hxsxxk-180294 @original-internetmonster @jikooksgirl19 @kpopmakessmiles @smallbaby-cat @hd-junglebook @alektopatronum @malayanghiwaga @ms-starlight @kimsopejikook @rynjacobs @realisticstratosphere @supertweetycherry @humminbirdie @mooniieix @mounak @missmoxxiesworld @insomniatears @arminwluv @samararose21 @vbmnl @scentedsope @fubukiluvr @arimsplayground @zer0spac3 @decaffeinateddelusionschees-blog1 @jinnieyoonie @ericanoona @cheychey-4788 @hoebii @bi-chai-tea @azail80 @poppywrites41 @himawari-haebalagi @eclivpses @biggiecheesewantsyoursoul @misshale21 @blancflms @catgirl12348765 @bunbuniverse @knjsfav
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megamindsecretlair · 8 months
Camp Wanderlust, Part 1
Pairing: Camp Counselor!Franklin Saint x Black!Fem!reader / Plus Size reader
Warnings: 18+, Minors DNI, You are in charge of your own reading experience. Intentional use of AAVE. Cursing, one use of n-word, kissing, mentions of female and male anatomy. FLUFF.
Summary: Welcome to Camp Wanderlust! We're so glad you're here! Inner city kids have been granted the opportunity to spend their summer here, getting introduced to a new world. You and Franklin are camp counselors who can't seem to stop ogling each other.
Word Count: 6,966k
Part 2
A/N: I have no clue where this idea came from but I couldn't stop thinking about college Franklin and how adorable he is! I miss him! So enjoy this new mini-series. I'm also zooted so all mistakes are on me. Please, please, please consider commenting and reblogging to help support writers! I can't get better if I don't get feedback!
Taglist: @planetblaque @notapradagurl7 @miyuhpapayuh @henneseyhoe @mybonafidefeelings @blackerthings @wide-nose-and-wonderful @halfofmysoulsblog @sevikasblackgf @slippinninque @nerdieforpedro @bratzmaraj @browngirldominion @thecookiebratz @we-outsiiiide @kindofaintrovert @theunsweetenedtruth @theyscreamsannii
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The cool cotton shirt was already starting to stick to your skin. You fanned yourself, wondering if you had enough time to make it back to the cabin before the bus got here. You couldn’t find your scrunchie and your braids were starting to itch as sweat threaded around the parts. 
Girls stood to your left, guys stood to your right, all nervous and full of energy. Orientation started three days ago as everyone met each other, went over rules and regulations, and then had real fun later that night as flasks and mini bottles of booze were passed around. 
The owners of the camp were a silly white couple who just loved to help inner city kids. They stood off to the side from the group of counselors looking like concerned citizens complaining about a large group of Black folk for no reason. They were nice and all, but funny how their compassion only extended to the kids. Every counselor here came from colleges all around Southern California. Not one street kid.
You had never been to camp though and you had to admit, this was a nice way to show inner city kids that there was more to life than weed and going to jail. You switched your weight to your other hip, looking behind you for the hundredth time.
“You lookin’ for your boyfriend?” Dana, your bunk mate, nudged you with her elbow. She was a really pretty, dark-skinned woman with good hair. Her afro was fluffed out and shining in the morning sun. 
“What are you talking about?” You asked. 
“Franklin,” she said, drawing his name out in a song. 
You giggled and shook your head, nervously looking around to make sure no one heard her. Despite what she kept insisting, you were not going to throw yourself at Franklin Saint. Your eyes sought him out but if you looked any longer, it would be too obvious. You snatched your eyes away from your right side and looked at Dana.
“No,” you said. “Not happening.” 
Once everyone found out that nearly everyone was single, the energy shifted in the room. People started eyeing each other in a new light. Now hookups were dancing through people’s eyes, eyes drooping below the chaste limit, seeking out the most pleasurable mate for your time at camp. 
Where else were you going to find people who got you? Certainly not at your respective schools where it felt criminal to be seen consorting with your fellow Negro. If two gathered in a space, it was a warning. If three or more joined, suddenly you were a gang and there were board meetings and secret handshakes banning that sort of thing.
No, here, you were surrounded by woods and a lake. Here the predominant color was as brown as the earth and just as beautiful. Here, anything could happen. So people began pairing off and gossiping. Laying claim on the curve of a hip or soft shoulders to lay on, or perhaps the way a smile made your insides flutter. 
Looking over the men, there were certainly some fine specimens. Some tall and broad, skinny and lanky, rounded and thick as molasses. But there was only one for you. He was so dreamy. 
His dark skin soaked up the sun. Such a cute, kind of shy smile. But his eyes were low and mischievous. Like he had a secret in them about you. He had worn blue jeans and a striped green shirt, the collars popped open.  
When your eyes landed on him, you were ready to drool and fall all over yourself. You had never felt that way about anyone. No one in your neighborhood, no one in your schools, and definitely no one at your college. 
And it seemed like he saw all of this float through your brain as he locked his eyes on you and smiled, dipping his chin a bit. You gave him a small smile, in shaking fear that he could see the lust on you,  and you turned away from him. 
You were not the only one to notice him. Snippets of their conversation had floated to you about the cute boy on the left. No, the far left. Girl, the one who look like my next boyfriend! 
You were not going to compete for no man. But your eyes floated to the other men, some who looked your way with genuine interest in your curvy body, and they just weren’t doing it for you. They didn’t set your palms sweating or chest heaving or pussy throbbing. Well, there were maybe one or two you wouldn’t mind entertaining the next four weeks. Let someone else have that man.
Except he had made his way to you. He had introduced himself, voice low and full of dark promises. He had made you laugh and roll your eyes, twist your hair, and find ways to touch him. You had talked all night, completely ignoring everyone else who pointed and gossiped and wondered about you two. 
A bus horn honked twice and you flinched as your thoughts snapped back to reality. You did not need flashbacks of that night, finding out everything you could about each other. Bus after bus pulled into the turnabout to offload a flood of preteens. They brought a jittery nervous air to the balmy June day that were directly at odds. 
Your eyes scanned the kids as they clutched their little sleeping bags, pillows, and backpacks too heavy for them. They weren’t quite that loud yet. The extroverts had already found each other, forming up groups and surpassing that line between the “popular kids” and the “weird” ones. You weren’t sure who was in your group yet, but you hoped they weren’t little shits. 
The owners of the camp, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman but you can call us Doug and Anne, erupted into excited giggles and clapped their hands. Some of the counselors began hiding smirks and smiles and giving each other the Look. 
“Welcome to Camp Wanderlust!” Anne yelled in the too quiet air. Nature hadn’t been encroached upon today and was taking its time waking up. The arrival of kids to run across the ground or play in its leaves were a new addition and nature needed a minute. 
Anne rushed forward and waved. “We are so excited that you’re here. How excited are you?” Anne continued. 
The popular kids cheered and threw their hands in the air while the shy ones stood there staring straight ahead like zombies. Maybe they just weren’t morning kids. Because you sure as shit wasn’t a morning person. 
Anne began to list off some welcome bullshit about learning and having fun and going swimming, supervised of course. About making lifelong friends because you could keep in touch with letters. Building bonds and telling some good stories while you’re at it.
She talked about how the cabins were divided. For their safety, girls and boys are in completely separate cabins and lights out at 10pm sharp. No one was allowed outside at night without a chaperone. They were free to go to the bathroom but it was straight back to bed. 
She told them the names of each cabin and the cabin badges were important to remember. Doug came forward with a clipboard and started to rabble off badges, cabin numbers, and their assigned counselors.
In unison, you all waved to the kids with bright smiles and held up mini signs you made yourself yesterday. It stated your name. Three guesses on who your partner was. Doug then rattled off names and numbers. Kids began to separate and walk toward you. 
A line of girls formed in front of you, bright eyed and cute in their little pigtails and afros and braids. Some looked so painfully shy, you vowed to make sure they felt included and had fun. You thrived in college but you were a shy girl just like them. It cropped up from time to time, but you felt more yourself now than you ever did as a kid. 
Doug finished and everyone had their group. The counselors began fanning out to gain some distance and introduce themselves without yelling over a nearby group. You stayed put, not wanting to walk unnecessarily in this heat. 
You had been lined up in numerical order, so Franklin was on the opposite end from you. He faced you and you swore you saw him smile at you before turning to his group of Cabin 5 boys. You turned to your own Cabin 5 girls and gave them your name, making them say theirs and their favorite color. 
You talked some more, trying to find areas of interest where they might all intersect. You doubted you could get total consensus, but it never truly hurt to be optimistic. You took your group of ten to the Raven badge house and let them decide how to pick beds. You weren’t going to help with that. You watched as they worked to decide which bed would be theirs. The assertive ones announced which ones they wanted and if no one objected, then that was fine. The shyer girls took their time trying to be polite and give up whichever one they wanted. The whole process was over pretty quickly and you were back outside, giving them a tour and dodging other groups. 
Your eyes immediately found Franklin coming out of the cabin next door. He moved between shadow and sun as he left the cover of the cabin. He lit up, that sun hitting him all over his gorgeous body. He wore khaki shorts and a blue shirt with Camp Wanderlust written across the back. You wore a similar shirt and let yourself picture being snuggled up with him. 
You shook your head and faced your group, leading them out and around Camp. You showed them the shower and bathrooms, mess hall, activity tunnel which was the bridge to the rest of the camp. You showed them the Traveler bridge which took them to the lake and boat house, and finally to Curiosity Hill which led to the woods. The hill was a long slope that led to the woods proper full of bugs and small animals. 
You looked at your watch, making good time. You faced your group and started answering questions so they could get to know you. They called you pretty and asked which school you went to, your favorite color, and the like. 
“I bet ya’ll hungry, huh?” You asked.
“Yeah!” They all said, loudly. You giggled and waved for them to follow you to the mess hall. Groups were following behind you, following the unspoken signal for lunch.  You made them line up, grab a tray, and move down the line.
You told them where to sit and told them to get to know one another. You grabbed your tray and went to sit at the counselor’s table.
Dana was already there digging into her tray all neat and polite. She smiled when you sat down and you breathed a sigh of relief. You were out of the hot ass sun, finally had some water, and could eat. Why did you agree to this again? 
“You know your boyfriend been checking you out all morning,” she said. 
“Shut up with that,” you said and began eating. 
“He has! Sharonda said he told Jason that you were fine as hell,” she said. 
“And how did Sharonda hear that?” You asked.
“Supposedly, Keisha and Jason are a thing which is a little funny because Jamika said the same thing. But Keisha and Sharonda are bunk mates,” she said. 
You shook your head. “Oh, you stay ear-hustling,” you said. 
“I like information. I don’t care how I get it,” she said.
“Okay, so then who you got around here?” You asked. 
“I’m still looking. They ain’t that fine compared to Mr. Saint,” Dana said.
“Ya’ll talkin’ about her boyfriend?” Jamika asked, coming up behind you. She dropped her tray onto the table and then scooted onto the bench.  “I swear them girls already getting on my nerves. They gave me the bad little mu’fuckas,” she complained. 
“Where are ya’ll getting this boyfriend from and why are ya’ll all in my business?” You asked.
“So there’s business to be had,” Jamika said and looked at Dana. “Told ya.”
Jamika sucked her teeth and sighed dramatically. She dug in her pocket and pulled out a dollar bill and handed it to Jamika. 
“Ya’ll betting?” You demanded. 
“I told her there was something between ya’ll. Ya’ll must’ve met before today or something because ya’ll literally can’t keep your eyes off of each other.” 
“I said that ya’ll ain’t even had an opportunity to do anything or spend time together,” Dana said.
“Ya’ll are so foul!” You could only shake your head at the two girls who instantly clicked with you. Both were similar to each other, favoring each other’s tone and speaking in nearly the same mannerisms. They had never met and yet bonded like sisters. Somehow you got scooped up between them and you were so grateful. 
“When he lookin’ that hard? There’s always something there,” Jamika said.
“What ya’ll betting on anyway?” You asked.
“We can’t tell you that. We can’t interfere,” Jamika said.
“Is everyone in on it?” You asked.
“Everybody but you,” Dana said, cackling loud and hi-fiving Jamika. 
You shook your head, looking over to your cabin kids. They were actually talking which was a good sign but a few were still too quiet. Jamika sighed loudly as she did the same. There were two girls fussing at each other.
“Ain’t you gonna help?” Dana asked.
“Uh-uh, I wanna see who wins,” Jamika said, a little smirk on her lips. 
On the opposite side of you, you felt a tug on your braid. You turned, ready to be mad when you saw Franklin’s wide grin and his pretty eyes. The heat died down in your chest as you sighed. 
“Boy, you was finna get hurt,” you said.
“I ain’t scared of you,” he said. He scooted onto the bench with you, making you scoot over since you were on the end. Dana and Jamika threw knowing glances at each other. 
“What are you doing, Franklin?” You asked.
“Came to see you. Ain’t had a chance all day,” he said. 
You rolled your eyes, dabbing your lips with your napkin. Franklin straddled the bench, smiling at you. Just staring and smiling like he could do that all day long. It unnerved you when you looked at each other like this. But you watched him right back.
“Why are you really here?” You asked.
“We’re sitting next to each other at the bonfire right?” He asked.
“You pulled my hair just to ask me that?” You meant to sound playful and teasing, but your voice was quieter than that. Filled with some other emotion like expecting a different answer. As if hair-pulling was acceptable in a different context.
He seemed to see your thoughts and he smiled.  “Just say I get to sit next to you,” he said. He leaned over and took one of your chips. You popped his hand and he yelped, rubbing his hand.
“I don’t play about my food,” you said. He laughed and shook his head, diving in for another one. You tried to pop his hand again but he kept moving it just before contact. 
He gave you another panty-melting smile. “You are so pretty, did you know?” Franklin asked.
You rolled your eyes. He got on your nerves already and you had only known him four days. “I can’t control where you sit, but I wouldn’t mind it next to me,” you said.
Franklin knocked on the bench with a wide grin. He turned to Dana and Jamika. “Ladies,” he said.
He stood up and walked back to his table where the guys whooped and hollered from where they were sitting. You had a flashback to middle school, the same age as these kids, and you felt sick. You hated when so much attention was on you and now all of the counselors were gossiping about your so-called relationship with Franklin. 
“Fuck, where do I get one of him?” Jamika asked. 
“Right, like where his brother at?” Dana echoed. You all watched Franklin’s retreat and him talking to his buddies. 
The rest of lunch was uneventful as you spoke about your groups and how you hoped the first activity went well. You cleaned up after yourselves and began to lead your groups out of the mess hall and across the land towards the activity side. There was an obstacle course set up with things to make these kids stretch their legs and build some friendships.
You walked alongside Franklin and he nudged you with his elbow. You nudged him back. You had family, you were no pushover. You lightly pushed each other all the way down to the course. You were not setting a good example for the kids.
At the course, Anne and Doug greeted everyone and told everyone about the course. She announced prizes at the end of each activity and at the month to the team with the highest scores. Anne and Doug would score the kids with input from their counselors. So it was all about playing fair and working with each other to win. 
One of the counselors, Jason, showed how hard it was to get through the course alone. He was playacting for the kids. Jason was as tall as a tree with rich ebony skin and thick muscles. Basketball guy definitely. He was built for speed and agility but he struggled. 
He returned to his group and Doug and Anne stated that they went in cabin order. Being last in line, you told the girls that they’d have a chance to search for weaknesses. They loved that idea and got a lot more interested in the rules. First, the cabin mates would introduce themselves to each other.
The girls turned completely shy, backing away from the boys. The boys returned in kind, eyeing each other with slightly nauseous faces. 
“Come on guys, what do you say?” Franklin encouraged. 
Reluctantly, a boy stepped forward and held out his hand. One of your girls did the same and they introduced themselves. You looked at Franklin. “Did you teach them that?” You asked.
“They were nervous about being here. I gave them some tips,” he said. He slanted his eyes towards you with a smirk. 
You watched as the kids opened up and started talking. Anne and Doug got the course going with kids going through it and working off the food they ate. When everyone was done, prizes were handed out. That earned them a few hours to relax in the rec room. The counselors were free to rotate shifts and watch the kids. 
It wasn’t your shift yet so you went to hang out with Dana and Jamika back in the cabins. The heat was killing you and you needed to cool off somewhere. You immediately searched for a scrunchie to get the fresh braids off of your neck.
“So we just not gon’ talk about Franklin asking our girl out?” Jamika asked. 
You laughed with your friends up to the cabin while you dodged their questions about you and Franklin. Nerves bubbled in your gut thinking about the boy with the cute smile. You couldn’t describe this feeling between you but you knew that you wanted to explore it. If only you could do it in peace.
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You stared up at the stars as you sat on your log. Anne and Doug were really going all out for the experience. These kids were in for a better treat than you ever got. You didn’t have fancy white people paying for your camp stay so they could pat themselves on the back. Selective performism wasn’t around when you were growing up. 
The stars twinkled overhead, spattering the sky with little dots of light. There were more stars than you had ever seen in your life. Too much pollution where you lived and went to school. 
You sat around the campfire with half of the larger group. Anne was with your group, asking the kids about what they thought of the camp so far. Some were excited and they went around in a circle saying what they liked about it. 
You were among the first to get there. By the time Cabin 5 boys made it down, Cabin 2’s counselor was already sitting next to you. 
“No!” Franklin said when he approached. “Aye, switch places with me,” he asked.
The girl, Michella, rolled her eyes and stood up with a smirk. She hi-fived her counterpart. He smirked at the two of you. Ugh. This was so fucking childish. 
Anne missed all of it as she focused on getting her free feedback. Franklin was overwhelming. He wasn’t a big man, but he felt big. He felt larger than anyone else there. He leaned over with his elbows on his knees and listened to every kid speaking.
Every now and then, your knee would brush his. You didn’t know if he was doing it on purpose but it only made you ache and shiver. When he stretched, you couldn’t help ogling him. Those skinny but powerful arms. The groans he made when he went a little too far. 
You licked your lips and hung your head. It wasn’t normal to be this attracted to someone, right? You wanted to snuggle into him and never leave. He could be annoying, but there were times where he seemed to be undressing you with his eyes. 
While Anne was distracted, Franklin turned his eyes to you. “Meet me later?” He asked. 
“Where? Lights out at 11 or didn’t you hear?” You asked.
“Break the rules with me, c’mon. They know we gon’ break ‘em,” he said.
You shook your head, fighting down little deranged bubbles of laughter. He wasn’t being intentionally funny, but you weren’t used to such persistence. You had your fair share of men interested in you. But it was hard trying to find worthy Black men among the sea of white people. 
“I wanna see you, alone,” he said. 
You tuned back into Anne who was giving some background on the camp and why it was named Camp Wanderlust. 
“You know everyone is talkin’ about us and taking bets,” you said.
“So? I’m trynna bet on us too,” he said. 
You shook your head. “I’ll think about it,” you said. You weren’t a goody-two-shoes but you were just as excited as the kids at being here at camp. Your mother never wanted you to go, hiding behind excuses like she thought you would be boy crazy after. Which was ridiculous. You were already married to Marcus Murray. You just knew he was going to be your husband forever. Until he moved away in second grade and you never heard from him again. You didn’t want anything to jeopardize you being here. Not even for the likes of Franklin Saint.
He smiled at you and turned to Anne.
“Of course, that’s nothing compared to…” Anne looked around her dramatically. “No, I can’t say his name. Anyone who says it gets taken in the night!” 
You shared the Look with Michella and shook your head. You didn’t know who Anne thought she was fooling with this routine, but you supposed that it wouldn’t be a proper bonfire without scary stories. 
You stood up with Franklin and went over to the cooler. You opened it, grabbing bags of marshmallows, chocolate, and graham crackers. Franklin helped you, somehow managing to reach across you for everything. His arm grazed your tummy and you sighed. You tilted your head at him.
“Will you stop?” You asked.
“What?” He asked, innocent as a button. You were not fooled. He smiled at you, tilting his head back in response.
“You keep…you know,” you said.
“Tell me,” he said and stepped closer to you. 
“Oh, you get on my nerves,” you said. You smiled at him.
“Meet me at Traveler,” he said.
You shook your head as you brought back the supplies towards the group. You began passing the bags around, picking up sticks that you had collected earlier. Anne continued her tale of the leader of the lost kids. 
You were pretty sure she was talking about an evil Peter Pan but the kids didn’t seem to mind. Some were really engrossed in the story, looking over their shoulders towards the pitch black night. 
She spun the tale of kids who got lost wandering in the dark by themselves. Snatching up anyone who calls them by name. She wasn’t going to say it for their safety. They absolutely must not go looking for his name on the plank where people had been signing their names for years. One signature is not like the rest and they must never seek it out. 
The kids promised but you already saw some sneaky faces. Faces that screamed trouble. You fought a smile. 
You took turns, trying to keep up the legend of this mysterious leader. No one knew who it was, it could be anyone out there. They could be right over someone’s shoulder and you wouldn’t know. 
A few girls squealed. The boys were trying to seem cool, but you saw their eyes darting around as well. You munched on smores as tales were told and laughs were shared. The entire time, you were in sync with Franklin. If he moved, you moved. If he shifted, you did so as well. It was maddening. 
The kids were dismissed to their cabins to unwind for an hour before bed. You walked your cabin back, Franklin walking beside you. He asked you about what you were studying. You told him your favorite subject and your face practically lit up talking about it. 
You asked him what he was into. He said business. “Business! Why?” You asked.
He shrugged. “I got a mind for numbers. I can do something with that,” he said.
You really needed to get control of your dirty mind. When he said that, your mind instantly went to his lips. The moon poked through the trees and you were able to see him glow faintly silver. You licked your own, wondering what his lips would taste like. What his hands would feel like on you. 
You dragged your gaze ahead of you. The overhead camp lights shone a giant spotlight on you and your group. You walked to each respective bunk and bid farewell to the kids. You crossed paths with Franklin once more as you walked to the counselor cabin. 
Franklin’s hand brushed against yours. Your fingers tingled. As if it could already feel his hands tangling with yours. “Tonight?” Franklin asked. 
“I’ll think about it!” You said and shook your head.
“You’re breaking my heart,” he said.
“Shut up!” You giggled. You went to your cabin, flopping onto your bed with a soft sigh. You brought the pillow to your face and squealed, questioning the butterflies in your stomach. You weren’t a teenager but, fuck, you felt like you were back in high school. Possibly earlier. Back to middle school where you couldn’t stop thinking about Chris Johnson and how sweet he was. 
“Ugh, ya’ll need to go on and make it official. I need to win some real money around here,” Dana said. She emerged from the closet on her side. 
These cabins were much smaller, big enough for two people and set up like a dorm room. You didn’t have that much money for school, it all went to books and classes. You weren’t able to stay on campus and you took the bus to and from the bastard. 
“Stop,” you groaned.
“I don’t know why you leavin’ that man hanging like that,” she said. She was already dressed in her pj’s: sweats and a tank top. Your pjs were similar but you still weren’t sure if you were going to meet Franklin later or not. 
It made you delirious to think about it. Sneaking off in the night. Wings took flight in your stomach. You flipped onto your back and placed your hands against your tummy. You had to see what he wanted, right? 
It wasn’t to talk. You knew that much. He could be a gentleman all he wanted, but you weren’t that oblivious. You saw the way he looked at you or the way he found little ways to bother you. It was so childish but it grew on you as you formed an instant connection. 
“I’m not trying to,” you told Dana. 
“Look, we only here for four weeks. May as well have some fun and have something to tell your future grandkids,” she said.
You laughed and leaned onto your elbow to face her. “Why would I tell my grandkids I had something with some random boy at camp?” 
“Because grandmas are always talkin’ out the side of they neck. I wanna be like my Grandma Sadie. She told us all kinds of things when my parents weren’t around,” she said.
“That’s why you’re so wholesome now,” you told her. 
You talked and joked while Dana spread the latest camp gossip. You weren’t the only subject of people’s comments. People were already finding themselves tangled up with each other. Try as you might, you couldn’t get Jamika to see what a fuck nigga Jason was. She lost her collective marbles with him. 
As it got later, your nerves got the best of you. You were hovering outside of the door, peeking out to see the distant house where Anne and Doug went to bed. There were still lights on in the house. Across from the house, there were similar bunks with the camp staff. Kitchen, groundskeeper, the like. Other volunteers who agreed to help watch the kids. 
Your foot tapped against the wooden floor, your Converse beating a steady rhythm. Dana had explicitly told you to go while she drifted off to sleep. You took a deep breath and left the cabin. Your curiosity was going to eat you alive.
You scurried across the open courtyard heading toward Traveler bridge. The bridge itself crossed a small creek on a curve. You stopped at the entrance, under the light. You waited there, the chilly night and insects chirping making the woods seem creepier. Like Jason was going to pop out at any moment and go on a murdering spree. You should have brought a jacket. You rubbed your bare arms, feet shifting back and forth as you looked around you for any sign of Franklin. He wouldn’t tell you to meet him and then just not show up right?
“Hey, it’s Franklin,” Franklin whispered, making enough noise to let you hear him approach. You turned to face him, smiling softly at him.
“I’m glad you came. Took forever for my bunk mate to fall asleep,” he said. 
He held out his hand and you took it, going over the bridge with him. There was a stretch of woods here, the trees loomed over you. Gnarled branches twisted and arched overhead, blocking out bits of the artificial light. 
You reached the edge of the woods, where the trees broke up and allowed for a wider entrance towards the lake and the water supplies and equipment. Franklin stopped you from heading towards the dock.
He paused while the moon hit you two perfectly. You saw his face and how nervous he seemed. Franklin? Nervous? 
“You’re so beautiful,” he said.
“You’re pretty cute too,” you said with a smile. He moved his hands to your hips, fingers sliding down your sides to loop his fingers through your belt loops. He pushed you backwards until your back gently hit a tree wide enough to accommodate you. 
Franklin stared into your eyes. “I ain’t the only one feeling this, am I?” He asked. 
He threaded his hand through your left one, watching as the pale light played over your combined hands. You swore your hand was electric from touching him. Little zips of energy flowed between you. Your body was learning him. Learning how he moved and spoke, resonated with his energy to match. 
“No. Is it crazy?” You asked.
“Absolutely crazy. I like talkin’ to you,” he said. 
He leaned down but didn’t kiss you. His lips hovered just there, just out of reach. He was so tall and broad, your hands came around his shoulders. You couldn’t stop grasping him. Your body heated up from the inside out. Your mouth dried feeling him beneath your fingers. 
He let you explore his body. You were too shy to go further, to truly explore him. His hands stayed respectfully on your hips. 
“I want to know everything,” he said. 
You giggled. “We’d be here all night,” you said.
“Shit, I can lose some sleep,” he said.
You shook your head. “Are we going down to the dock or not?” You had did this yesterday too. Sneaking out while everyone was supposed to be sleep. You were sure that other couples were doing the same thing. Finding hidden spots that no one would stumble across at this time of night. 
“I just wanted to look at you,” he said. He smiled and you couldn’t help smiling back. He didn’t even have to say anything and he had your lips curling, your tongue sliding across your teeth, and your cheeks hurting from smiling so hard. 
You were lost in the world of Franklin and you didn’t mind. You would gladly stay in his orbit if he kept looking at you like that. Like he wanted to spend the rest of his life by your side, listening to you speak. 
He finally moved away, allowing oxygen to flow to your brain once more. You shook off his subtle clean scent. He tugged you by the hand towards the dock. Your shoes clanged against the loose boards. It was a wonder the damn thing didn’t collapse by now.
Franklin let you sit down first. You took off your shoes and socks, dangling them over the dock. The water was a little out of reach. Only your toes graced the surface of the icy water. Franklin joined you, taking off his own shoes and socks. He sat back a little, his legs a bit longer than yours. 
He sat close, close enough for you to feel every rise and fall of his chest. His shoulders grazed against yours and you had to sit on your hands to keep from reaching out and touching him like you owned him. 
You spent an hour or so there, talking and learning about his aunt and uncle. His momma working for a piece of shit real estate agent. How he wanted to find a good paying job where his mom could retire and he could take care of her.
You didn’t bother asking about his dad. From the way he spoke about his mom, it was clear he wasn’t in the picture. You told him about your family, your schoolwork, and how hard it was to always be on stage while at school.
You bonded about how students and teachers alike didn’t know what to make of you. They didn’t know what kind of Negro you were. The loud type? The ignorant type? The quiet, good ones that they were comfortable reaching for your hair or asking intrusive questions? It felt good to bond with someone over these things.
Franklin was able to stay on campus but he hardly spent time in his rooms. He could be found in the library somewhere, doing his work like a true little nerd.
“You won’t hold it against me, will you?” He asked. 
He sounded so adorable when he asked you that you shook your head. You leaned back, resting on your hands, as you looked at the stars above you. They were breathtaking. The air was clearer. You wished you could afford this much land. That you could have a place to yourself where no one else was allowed. 
A private lake where you could do anything you wanted. You could swim naked for all you wanted and no one would be around to stop you. Perhaps not such a big land though. You wouldn’t know what to do if a psycho killer came crashing out of the woods. 
“Nah, you good,” you said. He matched your stance, looking skyward. He then turned his head. You turned to look at him as well, not realizing just how close you were. His eyes dipped towards your lips. 
You licked them absently and his eyes tracked the movement. You found yourself leaning forward, closing the distance towards those lips of his. They looked so big and juicy and were probably warm. 
He rested his head against yours, smiling against your lips. “Let me kiss you,” he said.
It wasn’t a question but you smiled and nodded. He crossed that final distance, that tiny gap keeping you apart, He sighed against your lips. His big, warm hand reached up to cup your neck. 
His fingers feathered across your pulse points. You felt your heartbeat there, beating wildly against his fingers. His lips were even more heavenly. His other hand cupped the other side of your neck. His long fingers slid through your braids.
You were lightheaded. Dizzy with pleasure as your lips tingled against his. Shivers ran down your spine. Your hands rested on his forearms, holding onto each other as you gave in to this thing between you. This all consuming thing that made you push forward, press against him, trying to get closer than what you already were. 
Your harsh breaths seemed to echo in the still night. The sounds of the woods were muted here, lending itself to a type of quiet that you never experienced. There was always a plane or helicopter overhead. Some type of siren or dog barking. 
It was hard as hell to go to sleep in a place so quiet. It was eerie. You kept expecting to hear a gunshot disguised as a firework. Here, there were just your loud and racing thoughts picturing this exact moment. 
Franklin’s tongue danced with yours. Sweeping across your lips and diving back into your mouth to taste more of you. His breath was faintly minty. Even after dinner and the smores. 
Your pussy throbbed. Beating in time with your wild heartbeat. You felt him everywhere. All over your skin. Every kiss had an answering call in your tummy. Every squeeze around your neck you felt down to your toes. 
You reluctantly drew away at the same time, panting and turning drunk eyes on each other. “I’ve been dreamin’ about that,” he said. His head rested against your once more. You huffed, breathing each other in. 
“Same here. I felt like that should've helped dull this,” you said.
After your taste, you wanted more. You wanted to keep going. You wanted him to lay you down and unzip your shorts. Or makeout with you while his hands explored under your shirt. To rub your aching nipples that were straining beneath your bra for any type of stimulation. 
“Ain’t gon’ happen,” he said. He pecked your lips. But a quick peck turned into two and then three until you were moving into his lap. You straddled him and kissed under the stars. It was just you and him.
Him gripping your thighs and squeezing them for dear life. You running your hands around his back. Your lips crashing against each other over and over, like waves crashing against a shore. You felt weightless in his arms. He hadn’t looked all that sturdy under that skinny frame, but he handled you with ease.
He squeezed your ass and you groaned, couldn’t help yourself from grinding on his crotch. He was thick, warm, and solid under you. He was pressing against your core but there wasn’t enough friction. 
You found a natural break again, opening your eyes to look at him and smile. It still was nowhere near enough but it would have to be. You had already been out too late. You were going to be so tired in the morning.
“We should get back,” he whispered. 
You licked your swollen lips and nodded. Fuck, you wanted to keep going. Wanted to know how far he would push you. 
“Will you meet me tomorrow too?” He asked.
You bit your lip but nodded. “I’ll meet you tomorrow, too,” you said. The other counselors be damned. It wasn’t like they weren’t around, confessing their own feelings. Or already hooking up. Clothes flying in the heat of the moment. 
“Let me walk you to your cabin,” he said.
His hands slowly slid from your hips to your sides to help you maneuver off of him. You stood and he stood up after, taking your hand and walking with you back to your cabin. His cabin was further down and you thanked him for the sweet gesture.
He tapped his cheek for a kiss. Your cheeks hurt from trying to hide another smile. He got on your damn nerves. You pecked his cheek, your lips lingering for a fraction too long. “Good night, Franklin,” you said. 
“Good night,” he said. Your name fell from his lips softly, sacredly. 
You gave a small wave and went inside, closing the door and resting your back against it. You were still so lightheaded. Drunk on his kisses and needing more. Dana was still fast asleep so you changed and slipped into bed as quiet as you could. 
You didn’t know how you were going to sleep tonight but you hoped that Franklin would dream of you too.
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There's always more Franklin to explore: The Secret Franklin Saint Files | Part 2
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miyuhpapayuh · 3 months
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“Oh, my head—”
“Shut that up, woman.” Leon cuts Zora’s dramatics off, lightly thumping her nose. She laughs, flicking his hand away.
“Yeah, yeah. My head may be fine, but the rest of me,” she snorts, tucking one of her hands behind her head, getting comfy in the king size bed.
“That's why I'm gonna draw you a bath, silly.” 
“Ugh, he does love me.” She sings, giggling at the many kisses he plants on her lips and face.
“More than life, cupcake.” A single kiss is pressed to her nose and he's disappearing into the adjoining bathroom to get the water going.
Sliding down in the bed, Zora sighs and stretches her limbs, sore as they are, and runs her hands over her poofy hair. It would be nice if she could find a ponytail holder.
Looking to her right, she squints from the loss of her contacts, at the sight of the pretty pale yellow sun high in the sky, the swirls of gray clouds make it that much prettier.
A yelp of surprise leaves her as Leon scoops her up from her warm place in the sheets, carrying her directly into the steamy, rose littered bath.
“Aw, how cute is this!” She coos, looking up at him once they're seated, leaning in for a few sweet kisses.
“Anything for you, sugar lumps.” He says, kissing her lips a few more times, before pulling her hair up away from the water.
“Thanks, I couldn't find my scrunchie or anything,”
Drying his hands on the towel closest to them, he flashes her his left wrist, making her gasp at the black elastic band around it.
“Where was it?”
He chuckles, pointing to the counter in front of them. “I think you left it in here at some point, last night.”
“Jesus,” she mumbles, sighing as he gently rakes his fingers through her hair, pulling it into a high, messy bun.
A couple strands fall wayward, leaving him twirling them around his finger.
“When’s checkout time?” She asks, linking their wet fingers together.
“Uh.. twelve, I believe.” He answers, kissing her shoulder as she leans into him.
“Good. More time to soak all of this up. Nique said Valentine's been meowing more than usual.” She says, closing her eyes, stretching and cracking her toes.
“Aw, she lasted longer than I thought.”
“Same,” she laughs, “gotta get her a treat.”
“Oh lord,” he chuckles, peeking down at her as she quiets down.
“You falling asleep on me, girl?”
“Mmm, maybe?”
“Always my sleepyhead,” he laughs, once more, pressing a kiss to the side of her face.
“Sorry, it's just so cozy… I can't help it.” She yawns, drawing a pattern on a hand that's splayed across her belly.
“It's okay,” he assures, “cause you gotta stay up for the rest of the day, anyway.”
“Why?” She asks, popping one eye open.
“V-day misses mama, that's why.”
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“Her custom collar is on its way!” She sings, shoving her phone towards Leon so he could see it.
Bright orange with black hearts, gold nameplate with Valentine carved into it with a tiny heart in the corner.
“How cute,” he snickers, “she's spoiled, already.”
“As she should be! Isn't it so cute?! I know you said it was, but say it again!” She blurts out, laughing at herself before he has the chance.
“Baby, calm down,” he chuckles, rubbing her knee as she bounces her leg in excitement.
“It's very cute. ‘S gonna match her fur real nice.”
She pinches his cheek and settles back beside him, just as Valentine jumps into her lap to curl up.
“I love when she does this,” she coos, rubbing her soft fur.
Her purring had become Zora’s new favorite thing in an instant. It was its strongest when she'd rub between her ears.
Leon fondly shakes his head, before getting up and heading into the kitchen.
“What's for lunch, chef?” Zora snickers.
“Ha. I was thinking about a club sandwich? I won't put tomatoes on yours, I know how you feel about ‘em.”
“Aw, you know me! That sounds so delicious, actually.” She nods.
“See? Great minds,” he points between them for emphasis, making her laugh.
“Want me to help you with anything?”
“Yes. Stay put and play with v-day.” He winks.
She playfully rolls her eyes, mumbling an okay before looking down at her new orange companion.
“You're like Garfield, but so much cuter,” picking her up, she holds her closer to her face, cooing as she reaches out to nuzzle against her cheek.
“Yep. So much cuter!”
After a quick cat nap for them both, the smell of bacon sent Zora toward her dining table where her plate was waiting.
“Oh man, that looks delicious!” She says as her stomach rumbles.
“I hope you love it, bae.”
Quickly washing her hands, she rejoins Leon at the table to finally chow down.
“Did you make homemade fries??” She asks, staring at the thick cut fries on her plate.
“Yeah,” he grins proudly, “I definitely took a trip to the store while y'all were knocked. It just sounded so good. They're the perfect golden I've been tryna get ‘em to, too.”
“Aw,” Zora snickers, pinching his cheek, “you are the cutest chef alive! Did you take a picture??”
“You know I did! I even did a lil video, showing me cutting them up, frying the bacon, plating everything..” he nods, still grinning.
“Throw it on tiktok or something! I bet the people would eat it up!”
“Yeah, I honestly thought about it. But I'm still trying to get all my ideas together for my next career move, so I'll table that for now. Keep it on the top of my stack.” He winks.
Thanking god the redness in her face was hidden, she grabs a half of her sandwich and bites into it, eyes closing at the taste.
“Mmm,” she hums, grabbing a fry next to dip in the aioli sauce, then another one, then taking another bite of her sandwich, all while Leon watches in pure happiness.
“I take it, you're enjoying it,” he says, biting into his own sandwich.
“The thoughts I'm thinking right now are so unholy,” she pauses to lick her fingers, “all because of you and this food!”
He raises a brow at her, to which she responds by raising both back at him.
“What you tryna do, then?” He asks with a chuckle.
She giggles, dipping another fry into the sauce and tossing it into her mouth.
“Better be glad vday ain't so sleepy yet,” Leon says, smiling at her.
“Yeah. I'll get you later, though.” He winks.
She continues to giggle and eat her food, while he heads back into the kitchen to clean up.
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Zora took the brief moment she had to sit down and go through her checklist, thanking god for friends like Nique.
After having the dreaded conversation with Linda and having it go way better than anticipated, she felt better knowing she was scheduled til the end of the month and it could go towards her savings for her project.
She'd sent off prints of her artwork to the Mint museum, attaching her contact info to each one just in case they were interested.
Nique had even encouraged her to use social media to her advantage, especially with her not having much on her instagram, having archived everything but her face.
She posted on her page and story about her art, making sure to specifically hide her story from Leon so her journey could remain a secret for now.
On the move again, she moves toward the door and looks back at Valentine.
“Daddy’ll be here soon.” She says, blowing a kiss before slipping out, locking up, almost skating down the steps to her car.
About ten minutes later, there's three plates of nachos between Zora, Neoma, Lovita and Nique as they catch up at their favorite spot, Mi Pueblo.
“So, Nique and I are currently trying to get my art in the mint museum,” she says, laughing as they gasp.
“I know, I know!”
“Dude!” Lovita reaches over to smack her younger sister’s arm. “That's huge!”
“Yeah! I knew something was up!”
“Did you really? Cause Zora said y'all wouldn't catch on!” Nique points out.
“Heffa,” Neoma sucks her teeth, “when you put your canvases away, that was my first clue cause I wanted to know why, but I never asked, see? I waited for you to tell me!”
Zora giggles. “You did good, Nene!”
“So, what have y'all done so far?”
“I've sent in prints of my artwork, told them I've got the money set aside for any fees! I've joined an art group, too! I meet with them next week! It's mostly women— sistas!”
“Ooh, I'm so excited for you!”
“Me too! Look at you go!”
“What did Leon say??”
“He doesn't know much about it, I'm keeping most of it a secret for now.”
“Awww, he's gonna flip!!”
“I know, I cannot wait!” Zora beams. “But enough about me, what's going on with y'all?”
“Wait, you still gon be waitressin’?” Neoma asks.
“Nah, my last day is the twenty-seventh. I'll miss it.” She sighs.
“Aw, poor Linda's gon’ lose her mind without you!”
“She knows I'll never stray too far! I might ask her for some favors, soon… but, do tell thing one and thing two.”
“Stay doin’ us. Anyway, I'm getting promoted to head chef since I'm such the cook!” Lovita says, cheesing hard.
“That's amazing! Congratulations!” They applaud.
“Yeah, go you! I knew you could cook more than egg and bologna sandwiches.” Nique jokes, making Lovita laugh and flip her off.
“Thanks, y'all. It was really the boost I needed! It also comes with a FAT bonus!”
“How fat we talkin’?” Zora asks as they all lean in.
“Girl fatter than the Fat Boys!”
They all crack up, falling back in the booth simultaneously, wiping tears from their cheeks.
“That girl ain't got no sense!” Neoma says, still giggling as they calm down.
“Okay giggles, what's new with you?” Zora asks.
“Craig and I just celebrated our three month anniversary last week. He took me to the Cheesecake Factory cause that's my favorite place, I ate my chicken and biscuits! Y'all know how I feel about ‘em!”
“Yes, we know,” Lovita nods, while Zora snickers. “But cute, cute! What else?”
“We shared a slice of Oreo cheesecake and it said happy anniversary on the plate, I'll show y'all in a minute, it was so cute! Then we went inside pandora and he got me another charm for my bracelet, it's this little yellow heart!”
“Awww,” they coo, so happy for their little sister.
“I might not have to hurt him after all,” Nique says, and they fall into another fit of laughter.
“Nique got jokes! I hope she got sumn to spill, too.”
“Oop! Well, of course I do! I'm also quitting my job very soon and going back to school full time!”
“What?” They gasp.
“I can't believe you didn't tell us!” Zora exclaims.
“It was so hard keeping it to myself for this long!” Nique laughs. “It started off as just a thought but then I brought it up to Darnell and he offered to help me with my bills so I can go back and get my degree!”
“What?” They gasp even louder this time.
“That's what I said!!”
“That's a good man, there.” Lovita nods. “He gon pay your rent?”
“Mmmhm! I don't gotta worry about nothing!”
“Must be nice!”
“Damn, I'm scared of you!” Zora laughs.
“You sound like ya damn mama,” Nique cracks.
“We're so happy for you!”
“Shoot, we need another round of nachos or something! We can get drinks this weekend if y'all want though, we still gotta drive home.”
“True, true! Put extra queso on those nachos!”
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“Valentine Jupiter Grey, get DOWN from there!” Leon yells, waving her feather toy around to get her attention.
The orange cat had found her way up on his bookshelf, cozying up in the highest nook, which was also the one of the dustiest. He already knew giving her a bath would be another challenge.
He sighs heavily, looking up at her green eyes peeking down at him. She was not moved by his yelling or his choice of toy.
“So, you're just gonna sit up there?” He asks, as if she was going to answer him.
She just blinked and looked towards the window. He scoffed and sat down in his office chair.
“Talkin’ bout she won't be climbin’ on high surfaces and shit.. vday is on my bookshelf! That mug is eight feet tall, and she's just up there chillin’!”
As if she sensed something was wrong, Zora calls.
He answers on the first ring, immediately filling her in on her new feline friend and her misadventure.
“She what?!”
He turns around to look up at her. Ears pointed as she stared at him, still.
“Mmhm, she's still staring at me… nah, she didn't knock anything over, but what if she falls? She's so tiny and watching her jump up there almost gave me a heart attack!” He laughs.
“Good lord! Okay, I'll be there in like ten minutes, okay? Just keep your eye on her.”
“I got you, get here safe. I love you.”
“I love you, sugar booger.”
Soon, mama’s coming through the unlocked door to scold her precious baby kitty.
“Valentine Jupiter Grey,” she says, coming into the room and looking up at the top of the bookshelf. Her ears were still pointed, but she looked scared now.
“What in the world??” Zora yells.
“My exact words, I swear.”
“Did you try standing in a chair?”
“Uh, they're not sturdy enough to hold me up anymore. I thought about that but I would've gotten hurt.”
“You make enough money to buy new chairs, Leon.”
“I know,” he nods, “I've just been kinda busy, lately.” He says, as his eyes flicker back up to Valentine.
“But,” he continues, “what if I hoist you up on my shoulders? I think you could reach her.”
“Yeah? You sure?” She asks, biting her nail.
“You won't get hurt, I promise.”
“Okay, hold on.” She says, placing her phone and purse on his desk and pulling her hair up into a ponytail.
He chuckles, before squatting down so she can hop on his shoulders. She felt like a little kid as he made sure she was secured and ready for him to stand up.
She swore she fell once he completely stood up, clutching his face carefully not to scratch him, and he tightened his arms around her thighs.
“I got you, baby. I got you.”
“Okay,” she huffs, “Valentine, you better be glad you're worth this panic attack!”
Her soft mewls sound, making Zora frown. Her shaky hands just about reach the shelf where she's sitting.
“Okay, move in a bit closer, I can almost reach her.”
As soon as she can make contact, she pulls her off the shelf into her arms, holding her breath once more, as he lowers her back down to the floor.
“Oh my god,” she heavily sighs, sitting on the floor to stop the spinning in her head. Leon grabs a towel to wrap Valentine in, sitting down too.
“Sorry, I didn't think of it before.”
“It's okay, I didn't either. I'm just glad we got her down. Thank you.”
“Of course, love this lil stinker,” he rubs his thumb between her ears, chuckling at her purring.
“Hard headed, I know.” Zora says, laughing as well.
“Alright, bath time!” He says, before standing up and grabbing Valentine from Zora, pulling her up after.
“I'll get the shampoos! Ooh, I found this papaya scented one– it smells like heaven!”
After bath time and putting a sleepy vday in her cat bed, the couple make dinner and head out on the balcony to enjoy the mildly chilly night air.
“Well I can't reveal anything yet, but I'll just say that I'm finally cracking through the glass ceiling.” Zora says, looking from her sweet boyfriend to the pale moon before her.
“I'm already proud of you.” He smiles, kissing the top of her head. She melts, giggling away.
“Thank you baby!”
“Any time. I also have some things in the works.”
“Do you, now??”
“Mmhm. Sounds like we'll both have something to reveal.”
“I'm loving it, honestly.” She laughs, him joining in.
“Me too, baby. When do you meet with your group again?”
“Tuesday! I'm so excited!” She gushes. “I joined the group chat last night and everyone welcomed me in so nicely, it was so cute, I cried a little.”
“You kill me,” he chuckles, “I'm glad they were nice to my baby. Sounds like everything you been looking for!”
“It really is, Av’! I've already got my portfolio together— I put my portfolio together! Like, who am I?” She laughs at herself, watching the smile on Leon's face widen.
“I'm so happy to see you so happy.”
She softly smiles. “You're gonna make me cry!”
“Guess we both finna be in tears,” he shrugs, still smiling at her.
“Stop it,” she playfully warns, already wiping under her eyes. “And thank you, it feels good to be back in the swing of things! I was down for so long, for too long!”
“Hey, give yourself some grace. You went through a lot, and now you're using that as fuel, yeah?”
“Yeah, truly. Ima make the art world my bitch,” she says, cheesing wide.
“That's my girl!”
@ghostfacekill-monger @thegifstories @blackerthings @planetblaque @blowmymbackout @henneseyhoe @honestpreference @blackpinup22 @abeautifulmindexposed @nayaxwrites @twistedcharismaaa @kindofaintrovert @sageispunk @madamzola @soufcakmistress @megamindsecretlair @starcrossedxwriter @slippinninque
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bemyawakening · 2 years
may I request a Price x pregnant! Wife reader where he wakes up in the middle of the night and notices she isn't there, he sees that their bathroom's light is on and finds her throwing up and crying due to very bad morning sickness which makes her so uncomfortable. She gets so embarrassed because she looks like an absolute mess but John does not give a shit because she's literally his wife, the person he loves the most and the one carrying his child.
John holds her head and rubs her back as she pukes. He comforts her and takes her to bed after😿💝💝 Thanks a lot! I luv all your posts💝
thank you so much for this request, love! Domestic Price has a special place in my heart! I hope I did your request justice! xx
word count: 1431
warnings: throwing up, mentions of sexual actions, tooth-rotting fluff
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They said that the nausea would fade away once you will get into the Second Trimester. The First Trimester was absolutely horrible—everything itched your nose the wrong way. Your husband couldn’t smoke anymore as your pregnant nose would pick up any lingering tobacco scent on his skin.
            There you were. Just starting to enjoy the peace of not waking up and immediately going to throw up, you knew you jinxed it. Because there you were, your eyes widening at instance, feeling the acidic taste moving up your stomach.
            You flew like a rocket out of the bed even if your back was aching a little bit. Thankfully, your husband hasn’t cocooned you in his arms like every night, because you were too busy whining that he’s too warm for your liking—the pregnancy really made you whiny about every single thing, but your husband took everything as a champion. It was a small price to pay since you were carrying his child.
            Instantly tiptoeing to the bathroom, you threw out your dinner into the toilet. Pushing your knees on the cold tiles, your body started to shake—you had a horrible fear of throwing up and pregnancy was your worst nightmare. In one hand, you were holding your hair away from your face, another was holding the edge of the toilet bowl, feeling that this wasn’t over.
            Cold sweat formed on your forehead as you kneeled on the tiles frozen—not daring to move an inch. The acid in your mouth was burning your gums slightly as you tried to even out your breaths. It has happened so many times that you knew what you had to do, but the fear always clung to your back and you started to hesitate.
            At moments like these, you hated being the one pregnant. Suddenly the thought of having a surrogate didn’t sound so bad, but you tried to cling to the better experiences. For instance, your husband never left your side. He didn’t let you do any of the chores even if you were competent and you still did the stuff needed when he was at the base.
            Feeling another burning sensation in your stomach, you winced and then the door slightly creaked behind you. Embarrassment flushed on your cheeks—most of the time you managed to throw up without John knowing because, well, it wasn’t very hot seeing your other half suffer on the bathroom floor, clinging onto the toilet.
            You didn’t dare to look at him because of the embarrassment and because you tried to say as still possible until you felt your warm robe cover your shoulders. Your husband’s warm hand softly stroked your shoulder as he sat on the floor beside you, tugging onto the hand that was holding your hair.
            “I’ll tie it,” his voice was deep and husky, the sleep was still clinging to his voice.
            You winced as an answer, but let him tie your hair into a low bun, securing it with a silk scrunchie, making you drop your hand on your lap as you ease your breathing.
            “Go away. This is embarrassing,” you mumbled, not daring to look at him.
            John smirked, pushing all the loose strands away from your face, noticing the little tears welled in the corner of your eyes. To him, you were the most beautiful person he had ever seen. Even on the bathroom tiles, clinging to the toilet you were glowing with a radiant smile because you were carrying his child. You were so strong.
            His hand softly moved on your nightgown that was actually his shirt because you insisted that he has the best material shirts that your skin can handle at the moment. The little bulge of your stomach was already visible and he loved it; couldn’t wait when you will be all round and pretty.
            “The little one is giving you a hard time, eh?” He softly mumbled, receiving a small smile from you.
            “Seriously, John.” You tried to sound serious, but you were tired and shaking as a leaf.
            “Just relax, darling,” he softly cooed, pushing his hand on your shoulder, and rubbing small circles on your back.
            You knew that telling him to go away meant nothing to him because as he always told you – you were always beautiful. You admired your husband for his love and for his determination, feeling lucky to have him by your side, because without him – this pregnancy would be horrible.
            The acidic taste only deepened and you quickly leaned forward, retching into the toilet the last pieces of your sickness. You spat into the toilet, flushing the water and moving away from it with a bit more ease. You didn’t have to say anything to him as he read your body language perfectly and he gently helped you stand up and get to the sink.
            Washing your hands thoroughly, you grasped your toothbrush, making sure to get rid of that acidic taste. Meanwhile, your husband stayed close, leaning to the doorway, watching you. He knew you didn’t notice, but ever since the pregnancy, your skin started to glow as you gained some weight. Your eyes were sparkling more often even if nowadays you were crying over anything—last night you cried because you thought you had no more cocoa left, so after a short visit to the store, you were all coddled up, drinking it.
            Receiving your harsh stare, he only smiled wider, knowing what you would say to him if you wouldn’t be brushing your teeth. You always blushed when he looked at you longer, just like when he met you. It made him joyful that you were still shy around him, making him think how lucky he was even if you threatened to beat his ass with every breath you took.
            After brushing your teeth, your husband guided you to your bed. He laid beside you, turning off the lamp on the night table to make sure you laid down comfortably. Usually, you didn’t like cuddling with him when you fell asleep since you always complained about being too warm, but now, you scooted closer to him, wrapping your hands around his and nuzzling your nose into his neck.
            It warmed his heart.
            “You’re so beautiful,” he cooed, turning a bit to you, stroking your hair gently.
            You were about to threaten him. The pregnancy really did put out your violent side a lot more. “John—“
            “Yeah, I know. My pretty little wife will beat my ass,” he chuckled, placing a soft kiss on the top of your head.
            His hand softly moved down, on your tummy bulge, softly rubbing circles on it. He felt so lucky. “You don’t have to be embarrassed, yeah?”
            “No one wants to see their spouse throwing up, John. That’s not very hot.”
            His eyebrow quirked up. “Is that what you are worried about? Me not finding you hot anymore?” With those words he turned the light back on, hearing your protesting whine.
            Those teary eyes of yours made his heart swell—you were such a little gem. Placing his hands on your face, he smiled, not understanding how you couldn’t comprehend how beautiful you were to him. “Is that it, love? Is that your concern?”
            You couldn’t move your eyes away from him and you couldn’t handle the intense eye contact with him. “We’re not really—you know… Doing anything, particularly after I got pregnant.”
            John only smiled wider. The reason why he wasn’t initiating anything was that you needed rest. The doctor said that sexual intercourse wasn’t dangerous, but he didn’t want you to do anything you didn’t want to.
            “My little bird,” he whispered. “You’re the most beautiful woman I have ever laid my eyes on, carrying our baby in that cute tummy of yours. You think that doesn’t turn me on?”
            The blush crept on your cheeks again. “It’s just after I’ll give birth—it won’t ever be the same and I’ve read that many husbands do leave their wives after—“
            He didn’t let you finish your sentence, placing a soft kiss on your lips. “I’d never leave you,” he promised against your lips. “And I promise I’ll take care of you tomorrow, yeah? Leave you all flushed and satisfied.”
            Nodding, you held your breath for a bit, feeling overwhelmed by his confident words. “Alright, too warm,” you slightly moved back from him, hearing your husband laugh.
            “You little minx—“
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ghoulsgraveyard · 2 years
Wear Them. 1/3
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Eddie has a nasty habit of stealing panties. What happens when he has to use them for their intended purposes? Content warnings: feminization (reader calls Eddie a girl), panty theft (obvi), subsequent panty wearing, perv!eddie, degradation (the fun kind), fem!reader, reader has a vagina, sub!eddie, dom!reader, slut shaming but also virgin shaming (it makes sense don’t worry), some light cock and ball torture (genital slapping), emotional hurt/comfort (I dont know how that happened it just did) aftercare!
A/N: I did this instead of catching up on my coursework <3 also! not all warning will apply in this chapter.
Eddie Munson knew he was a pervert. He did his best to hide it, wanting to keep the rumors of his sexual deviancy just that; rumors. He leaned into it a little bit, but in the same theatrical way he entertains all the rumors surrounding him, exaggerating to highlight the ridiculous nature of them, he just hoped no one would notice the way he seemed more cautious about this one than the others.
It was easy enough to hide at first. After all his …urges were more theoretical. It was about the concepts and scenarios for him, there was never a face or a name attached to the bodies in his fantasies. While this eased his guilt, he always felt sorta empty? Like the whole situation was hollow and unfinished (how ironic considering the state of his bed sheets)
But then he met you, and things got a lot harder, in more ways than one. You were hot. There was no way around it. But Eddie had dealt with hot people before, what killed him was that he interacted with you. A lot. Because not only were you hot, you were also funny, and nice to him, and you were a total dork like him. How insane is it that a hot girl who plays dnd not only exists but talks to him… willingly!
Still, in the beginning it wasn’t too bad, when you brushed up against him and he shivered he could blame it on his body’s reaction, it had nothing to do with him and nothing to do with you as an individual! Yep! Nothing at all. Just bodies being bodies. Until you didn’t have to touch him to get a reaction, hell you didn’t even have to look at him. Rolling dice wasn’t sexy until you did it, and suddenly he was aware of how your body shook with the motion of your hands, the way the recoil made your tits bounce just a little, the way your lips were pursed as you released the plastic and goddamnit Eddie’s hard at the table. Drinking beer wasn’t sexy until you were at a party, bottle in hand, Eddie was very aware of that hand, the curvature as it wrapped around the shape, how it looked when you raised the bottle to your lips, holy fuck your lips, pursed around the rim of the bottle, the way your throat moved as you swallowed, he nearly came when some dripped out of the sides and you wiped up the excess with your thumb, popping it in your mouth.
He had it bad for you. And it only got worse. Once you gave Eddie a scrunchie to hold his hair back during a test, which later that night he had pressed to his nose so he could smell your shampoo while he desperately fucked his hand. Another time when you were smoking some ash fell on your shirt, burning it, Eddie, ever the gentleman, offered you one of his shirts he didn’t expect for you to change in front of him, then the sight of you in his clothes? He almost popped the button off his jeans with how hard he got.
But the worst of it? The time you two were at skull rock, on top of a sizable boulder, you were wearing this short skirt, and you needed help down after getting higher than intended, and as he was helping you slide down to safety, your skirt rode up, giving Eddie just a flash of your black lacy panties. That was what pushed him off the deep end.
He felt awful, disgusting and horrible everytime you hung out at your house and he snatched a pair of your underwear from your laundry hamper when you went to the bathroom. He was your friend, you trusted him! How could he do this to you? How could he be such a bad boy, so dirty, you should punish him for being so bad and dirty, you should slap him and call him names and and somehow all of Eddie's guilt always morphed into lust. He was wrong and he was filthy but he couldn’t stop, or maybe it just felt too good. Either way your panties were Eddie's new drug of choice. He’d lick the crotch, thinking about how in a way it was an indirect kiss, he’d moan at the remaining taste. He’d shove them to his nose, smelling your musk as he fucked his hand, thinking about you sitting on his face. He’d shove them in his mouth pretending you put them there as a makeshift gag while you punished him. He’d wrap them around his cock and jerk off, desperately humping the fabric. Then he’d cum in them. 
He had this fantasy where after he soiled your panties, he’d find a way to get them back to you, and somehow you don’t notice his dried spend hardening the crotch of them and you’d put them on. He knows you would notice of course you would, but the thought of his cum against your cute pussy all day long with you clueless to the debauched state of your underwear made him delirious. Of course Eddie never returned your panties; he worked too hard to get them and would risk too much giving them back. He kept them in a shoebox under his bed. That same box that held the scrunchies you had given him, a travel size bottle of the lotion you use and some dirty pictures he managed to sneak of you. He was horrible, he disgusted himself, but not enough to change his behavior.
So he kept his habits hidden as best he could, he would be the best, most normal friend to you with zero ulterior motives as to why he preferred your house to his, he would never let you find out about that box under his bed.
You knew, of course. You weren’t an idiot. It was kind of cute? The way he thought he was being sneaky. The way he believed you didn’t notice the clicks of a camera while you changed, or how he thought you were oblivious to your missing panties and the convenient timing of when they disappear, or how he thought he was slick when eyeing your boobs. Of course you knew, you left the curtains open and lit the room well enough for him to take those pictures, you left your used underwear on top of your hamper, you chose low cut tops when you knew you were hanging out. You orchestrated every step and smiled to yourself at his naivety, he truly thought he was that good! But you were getting a bit bored, you kept baiting him but he never made a move. Guess you’d have to continue doing everything.
Heading over to Eddie's trailer at any time would give you a good shot at catching him masturbating, but a Friday night after hellfire? When he had spent the past few hours in close proximity with you, he had a perfect view at your chest and he could practically smell your shampoo from his throne, he was fired up and had the trailer to himself, what else was he going to do?
He was in the process of working himself up, taking it slower, he wanted to savor the experience, placing the shoebox on his bed he grabbed the newest pair of panties he had taken from you, he hadn’t gotten to play with this pair yet and could feel his lower belly burn with excitement. The underwear was a white lacy thong, it had a cut bow at the top, the crotch of the panties themselves were smaller than he usually likes but he could forgive it because the fabric tapered into a g-string. It was positively sinful and contrasted with the cute bows and innocent color deliciously. He grabbed the bottle of your lotion and applied a small amount to his right hand wanting it to last, as he rubbed it in he grabbed some lube. He muttered to himself trying to get lost in a fantasy but none really came to mind. Whatever, he can brainstorm while touching himself.
Lost in thought Eddie didn’t pick up on the sound of the spare key turning in the lock, he didn’t hear the click of the door shutting, with his eyes fluttering shut he didn’t see your shadow in his hallway, and he didn’t hear the whine of his door opening. He did, however, hear you clear your throat. His eyes shot open in terror, dread filled him as he took in your frame, standing in his room, looking directly at him. He scrambled to cover himself but he knew it was too late, you had seen him. The damage was done. He wanted to disappear. This was the nightmare scenario he would give anything for the earth to swallow him whole. The ringing in his ears was so loud, but your voice cut through it with four words that filled him with shame“whatcha got there Eddie?” your tone was taunting, knowing. You wanted him to admit it. Eddie’s eyes were wide, his face flushed in shame and his mouth gaping, opening and closing. “Well?” you continued. Eddie whimpered in shame then found his voice “I-I'm so unbelievably sorry oh my god I hate myself for doing this I just- I can’t- there's no excuses and I know that what I've done is unforgivable I just- I'm so so sorry- I can’t- I” his voice shook the whole time, then broke with the dam in his eyes, fat tears rolled down his cheeks “I'm so sorry” he gasped and sobbed, shivering and repeating how sorry he was.
This was not how you expected him to react. In your mind Eddie would’ve paused then kept going and you would work from there. You realize now how much of his cockyness and theatrics were a farce. You felt terrible watching him sob and shiver on his bed. “Oh baby” you sat on the bed and hushed him “baby I'm not mad it’s okay” you cooed at him, pulling him closer to you “please don’t cry for me baby I didn’t mean to hurt you” you lightly rocked him back and forth as you tried to soothe him, he hiccuped in your arms, then looked up at you with wide wet eyes “y-you’re not?” his voice was so small and scared you just melted “no sweetie I'm not mad at all, I'm sorry for making you sad little one” it didn’t matter that Eddie was both taller and older than you, the way you spoke so softly to him and how you held him so gently he glowed at the name, he sniffled “not sad” you cocked your head, he continued “not sad, just embarrassed” he mumbled. That eased your fears, he was okay, just spooked. “Eddie you don’t need to be embarrassed” at that he sat up and wiped his face “I find it very hard to believe that I'm not supposed to be embarrassed after being walked in on by you while I was masturbating with your panties next to a box full of incriminating evidence that I'm a stalker pervert creep.” he choked up again, after you just stopped him from crying! 
Trying to deescalate again you moved to follow him on the other side of the bed, and you held his face in your hands, forcing him to look at you “Eddie I need you to believe me when I say that it’s okay. I'm not mad at you, and you shouldn’t be embarrassed” he opens his mouth to cut you off but you silence him “don’t talk over me. I'm about to explain a lot and I need you to listen to me and hear me, okay baby?” he nodded slowly “I've known. The whole time. Before the whole time actually.” his eyes widened in panic “ah ah ah! Listen to me. I've known even before you started that collection because I'm the one who set it up, okay?” he furrowed his eyebrows, thoroughly confused “I'm smart Eddie, or at the very least I spend a lot of time thinking about you. So I noticed pretty quick. I started wearing lower cut tops after I noticed you staring. I let you borrow my polaroid and left my curtains open while changing, I gave you scrunchies despite seeing the hair tie on your wrist, and let me let you in on something here: A girl doesn’t leave her used panties in plain sight while having a boy over unless she wants him to see them, and I didn’t leave the room thinking you wouldn’t grab them. Eddie none of this has been a coincidence.”
Instead of feeling better, Eddie just felt worse at this revelation, dread filling him as he moved back from you, fear grasping him. “So then why did you do it?” he whispered. You were confused, you thought you made it pretty clear “what?” you wanted clarification. Eddie continued, voice rising in volume “why did you do it? Was this like an elaborate prank? You’re gonna tell the whole town now how Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson is also a sexual deviant? Is that it? Or maybe it’s not that maybe this was just funny to you? Was that it? Were you just stringing me along as a joke?” he had never felt more vulnerable in his life. 
His greatest fears laid out in his nightmare scenario while he was naked under the eyes of the girl he was in love with. You felt a hurt pang in your chest, Eddie had been the butt of so many jokes he can’t comprehend a situation where someone wants him. “Eddie, that’s not it at all. I- well I don’t really know how to say this but I like you. Like a lot” he whipped around to look at you “this isn’t funny.” you held his face “I'm not joking.” his face was smooshed in your hands and his big eyes were full of wonder “Eddie I like you so much I didn’t even consider the possibility of you not knowing or you thinking I don’t want you. Because I do. I want you so much it makes me crazy. I am so attracted to you it’s not even funny” Eddie was bewildered “wait, what?” you smiled “you’re so unbelievably sexy I don’t even know what to do with myself eddie” he shook his head “no, no way, there’s no way you like me” but despite his words the small smile on his face indicated a bit of hope, so you kept going “oh I'm crazy about you, you’re all I think about. However much you got off on the things I gave you, I got off like, twice as much at the thought of you using them” he laughed “I'm serious ed! I would think about every night when I touched myself, the idea of you in your bed getting off to me? I was a whining wreck in my bed before I could even get my pants off" Eddie whimpered at the thought “y’know I would pick them out too. Whenever you came by, the day before I would pick out a pair I thought you would like the most” Eddie swallowed hard “I- I did. Like them I mean. Um a lot, I uh like them a lot you did a uh good job picking them because I- yeah. I really really uh liked them all” he was flustered. It was adorable. 
You started moving towards him, slinking like a predator towards prey “I'm glad you liked them baby. I would think about you using them all the time. I would look at your hands when you talked – you're so expressive baby, always talking with you hands– and I would think about what your hands looked like holding my panties, or how your fist would look wrapped around your cock.” he whined high in his throat as you played with his hands “then I would look right at your lips while you were talking and I thought about what your face would look like as you came, or how swollen your lips would get, what you would sound like in bed. You wanna know what I thought about the most though baby?” he nodded quickly, you leaned in, lips brushing his ear “I thought a lot about what I would do if I had you cornered caught in the act with my panties. And what I would do to you with them.” you pulled back, elaborating “I'm sure you’ve done all the standard stuff, sniffing them, rubbing yourself on them, licking them, shoving them in your mouth, and that’s all well and hot but what I think is sexiest about you and my panties?” you leaned in close to him, lips brushing his, nervous to reveal your most lustful fantasy “the intended use.” you whisper against him. 
Eddie has no idea what the fuck that means. He can’t think he can barely breathe, he crushes your lips against his instead. It was desperate and sloppy and messy, with too much tongue and too much spit and too much everything but it was Eddie's first kiss. And it wasn’t enough. You straddled him, grabbing and pulling his hair, he moaned at the feeling “you like that baby? You like how I pull your hair and move you around for me? You’re real pretty when you go just where I put you” Eddie keened at the praise, back arching up as you pulled away from him grabbing the discarded underwear from earlier" I really like this pair baby, it’s real nice don't you think?” you said, holding them up against you, Eddie nodded quickly “uh-uh-huh! Real nice really -really pretty like em a lot” you smiled at how eager he was “I like em a lot too baby, they’re so pretty with the lace and the bows, I'm almost sad I won't get to wear them again.” Eddie was immediately confused. “wha-why not?” you smiled at him sweetly “because Eddie, you’re gonna stretch ‘em out too much for me to wear” he cocked his head at you.
You flicked the panties at his chest “you wanted them so bad. Wear them.”
part two out now!
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High Maintenance
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A/N- After being with my boyfriend for a month (it went by so fast!!) he’s told me that he actually loves that i’m high maintenance 🫢 which is amazing for me 😍 i know Eddie would be exactly the same way c:
Summary- You and Eddie are spending the night doing all your favorite things
Genre- Fluff
Warnings- None :)
Tag List- @imagine-all-the-imagines @thatsthewaythechrissycrumbles @munsonology @esme-viridian @eddiesrockstargirlfriend @the-sander-fander
Word Count- 1.7k
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“So what is this stuff called again?” Eddie asked as you slathered more of the cold, goopy substance all over his face.
He had always wanted to know all the little routines you did to keep yourself looking pretty. He knew having a girlfriend that was high maintenance was a pretty big job in and of itself, but after showing him all the things you did to keep up with your appearance he saw how much work it was for you.
Your hair was always gorgeous, your nails were always done in different colors and designs, your makeup was always done perfectly, and even when you weren’t all done up it was still a lot of work. Skincare, moisturizers, exfoliators, the best shampoos and conditioners. Eddie would always see the work you out into your appearance and he wanted to be able to experience it too.
Quite honestly, you were surprised that he even thought of doing a beauty night with you.
You had gotten into your pajamas and he basically let you use him as a guinea pig all night. He wanted to go through all your routines with you, and then some.
You giggled as you used the little silicone brush to spread the mask over his face,
“It’s just called a face mask,” You looked at the label on the little jar you were using for him, making sure it was the perfect one for him, “it’s different than mine, since you’ve never done one i grabbed the one i have for sensitive skin.”
You smiled as you finished spreading the mask over his face, looking him over with a giggle at your lips seeing the state he was in.
His curls were tied up high with one of your velvet scrunchies to make sure his hair wouldn’t get damaged, one of your spare plush headbands were keeping his flyaways out of his face, his eyebrows were plucked perfectly, although he didn’t sit so nicely through that, and the lilac mask covering his face was too adorable for you to not giggle at.
He opened his eyes and scrunched his face up a bit at the feeling of the cold mask on his face,
“Is it supposed to harden like this?” He asked you, gently tapping his fingers to the part of the mask on his nose that had already slightly dried.
“Yes, and don’t touch it!” You pulled his hand away from his face, “You have to let it dry and then you carefully peel it away. And i’ll show you how to do it so you don’t get it all sticky everywhere.”
He playfully rolled his eyes as you swatted his hand away, watching as you began applying it to yourself, impressing him as he watched you apply it without a mirror.
“Damn, you must do this a lot huh?”
“Of course i do,” You applied the final layer over your cheeks and set the bowl onto the counter, “it takes a lot to look this pretty.”
“I know. But you really don’t need to do all this stuff (y/n), you know i think you’re beautiful no matter what.”
“I know i don’t have to do all this stuff,” You checked Eddie’s face in the mirror and saw that his mask was fully dried, “i like doing it. Lots of girls like doing things like this. Getting their nails and hair done, makeup, skincare, all that fancy stuff. Some girls like it, some girls don’t, we all do different things to make ourselves feel good.”
He nodded at your explanation, not fully realizing how much work you really put into making yourself feel beautiful. He knew that you never did any of those things for him, or any other guy for that matter, you did it for you.
“Alright, i think your mask is finally set… Scrunch your face up a little bit for me.” He did as you said and groaned at the mask tugging at his skin.
“Is it supposed to feel this weird? It’s like having to wear someone else’s skin on top of mine, you like getting to do this?” He asked you as you giggled.
You looked underneath his chin and saw the edges of the mask beginning to lift,
“i love getting to do it! You’ll see, it may feel weird but the payoff is worth being a little uncomfortable.” You reached your fingers out and carefully pulled at the edges of his mask, “Now, don’t pull upward, pull down and out. And be careful! You don’t want to irritate your skin.”
He sighed and his fingers gently grabbed at the edges of his mask just below his chin, doing as you told him to and slowly pulling downward on the mask. You were right, it was a bit uncomfortable, but he could feel how refreshing the air felt against his face as he pulled the rest of the mask off, smiling to himself as he held the light purple silicone like sheet in his hands,
“Damn, it’s like i really was wearing someone else’s skin.”
You smiled and checked your own in the mirror, doing the same as Eddie and removing it with ease and holding it up with his. He smiled at the little size differences in your masks, admiring your features without even really meaning to.
The faucet was turned on, the warm water running into your hands as you gently washed the excess mask off of your face, Eddie following soon after you as you dabbed your face dry with the hand towel at your side. You smiled and dried off Eddie’s face for him, making sure to be extra careful around his eyes. He always insisted they were too sensitive.
You gave him a quick kiss before setting the towel down onto the counter and pulling out a little tub of lotion from the medicine cabinet,
“Alright, now we moisturize.”
“More face stuff?” Eddie asked as he watched you take a small amount onto your fingers and massage it into your face.
“Yes, but this is the last thing! i promise!”
Eddie playfully rolled his eyes, he’d heard that same sentence at least three other times that night.
He once again did the same as you, taking a little bit onto his fingers and massaging it into his face. You looked at yourselves in the mirror, so clean and looking brand new. It was your favorite part of doing all these little routines, and you were hoping that after going through it all with Eddie he could finally see all the work you put into yourself.
“There.” You twisted the lid back onto the lotion and placed it back into its spot in the medicine cabinet, “All done.”
Eddie looked at his face in the mirror and made sure to see it from all angles, enjoying the feeling of how light and fresh his skin felt. For doing all this so called ‘girl stuff’ it was actually quite nice for him to feel this way. He may even take a few notes from you and figure out a little routine for himself.
He looked down to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulder, kissing your forehead,
“And we look so pretty, all thanks to you.”
You giggled and nuzzled into his side, looking up to him,
“Now for your favorite part…”
He gasped excitedly,
“Snuggle?” He had the cutest smile on his lips, and you could just tell this is what he was waiting all day for.
You nodded and let out a little squeak as Eddie quickly picked you up and placed you over his shoulder, giving your butt a little smack as he exited the bathroom and walked back into his bedroom, nearly tossing you onto his bed.
“You stay there, i’ll be right back.”
Eddie left you on his bed and you made yourself comfortable under his blanket, wondering where he had wandered off too so suddenly.
He quickly came back with a bag of chips in his hand and two cold cans of pop from the fridge in the other, setting them down next to you in the bed before going to his collection of VHS tapes.
“What’re we thinking tonight babe?”
“I’m not sure,” You reached over and opened up the bag of chips, “you pick. You let me make you all pretty so it’s only fair i let you pick the movie.”
Eddie nodded and chose one of the many horror movies he had, knowing that would be the perfect thing for snuggling, but he quickly turned around as soon as he heard the little clinking of the tab snapping back on one of the cans of pop.
“(y/n)!” He shouted, making you jump in your seat.
“What? What did i do?” You asked him.
He walked over to you and took the van from your hands, popping the tab open and handing it back to you.
“You JUST did your nails.”
You giggled and took a sip as he pushed the tape into the VHS player and climbed into bed next to you, throwing the blanket over his lap and putting his arm around your shoulder. He leaned over to place a quick kiss onto your forehead as the opening credits of the movie started.
“So from now on i’m not allowed to open my pop cans?” You asked him with a giggle, Eddie reached his hand into the bag between you and pulled out a chip, holding it out to you as if he was trying to feed it to you. You caught on and opened your mouth, letting him place it between your lips before crunching down onto it.
“Absolutely not. Especially now that i know all the work you put into getting yourself all prettied up, i don’t want you to ruin them.”
“Aww, thanks baby,” You leaned up and kissed his jawline, “i really liked doing all that stuff with you.”
“You know, i liked it too! I think i might start doing some of that stuff too.” He tightened his grip on your shoulder, pulling you in closer to him, “Maybe you can show me how to do some more hair stuff in the shower next time.”
He whispered into your ear and you playfully rolled your eyes,
“Fine. But that means you’re washing my hair for me.”
“Fine by me sweetheart.”
You relaxed yourself into him as the movie started playing, settling into bed for the night after such a calming evening. You knew Eddie was going to ask for more pampering nights. And as long as he was giving you your princess treatment you were happy to oblige.
Who knew you loved having someone to open your pop cans for you.
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ParaPines Prompt: The boys take it upon themselves to explore a seemingly abandoned mansion. But are rather surprised, upon entering, to discover that it isn't as abandoned as they'd first believed. Dun dun dun!
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The sound of heavy winds hits the old windows of the wooden house in the beautiful meadow clearing one late summer or early autumn day. A pair of small children, six years old at most, run across the tall grass and around the abandoned home, curly messes of brown hair bouncing and swaying in the wind and sunlight like bubbly twigs of tree roots or chestnuts popping in a fireplace upon the winter nights, their cheeks rosy and innocent of youthful heavenly glow of freckles and adorable sweetness.
One of the children, one of shorter hair, climbs up a nearby tree with a boyish giggle, thin rosy knees touching the bark as he climbs as the other sibling stands below watching in awe. Once on top, or at least the highest high point a small six year old can go, he looked around with wide wondrous brown eyes at the great wide space. A small shadow dance across the tall grass, causing the boy to squint his eyes into focus, it moves to a fro in gentle glide like a feather drifting on a rippling lake. The shadow, now easily told to be a boy of pale skin and black clothes of velvet and cotton, cranks his head up with the help of his thin pale neck and locked eyes with the adventurous young lad in the tree, sky blues meeting Earthy browns, clashing in beautiful harmony.
On August 3rd, I have met an angel in human form. My heart yearns for you, my soul burns for you. From your skin to your eyes, you haunt my very being And stripped me bare with bliss as my only coat. We may be from different class, we may be two men, But I can say in pure confidence I love you, Norman.
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Dipper scribbles onto his notebook, his chocolate brown eyes looking up from the beige pages across the wooden floor of the Mystery Shack at the group of teens standing by some bobble heads. His eyes were glued to a specific teen in a cherry red hoodie who laughs at one of the fish head bobbles, his long nose scrunched and snort lightly as the fish head moves back and forth.
A pink sweater hits the teen boy as his twin pops up beside him, “You’re being creepy bro bro!” Dipper jumps, instinctually pulling his notebook to his chest with a sucked in breath between his teeth with a startled yelp, and instantly scans around. “Wh-What? No I’m not! How is that creepy? Of course I’m not being creepy!” He ends his ramble with nervous wheezy laughter as his cheek warms up due to being called out. Mabel, who’s hair was held up in a glittery scrunchy held pony tail and dressed in a heart patterned sweater, grins wider and giggles, “Yeah you were. You were totally checking out your new GOTH BOYFR—” Dipper quickly slaps his hands onto her mouth to stop her shouting across the shack like a loudspeaker broadcasting his emotions, his eyes wide and covered in terror. Thankfully it seems no one is paying attention to them.
Dipper let out a sigh and removed his hands and glared at his sister sternly, who only laughed in return. “Oh come on Dipper, you should know by now how excited I am! I mean, you, and one of our best friends—” She lets out a little squeal, her fist shaking in joy as she bounces on her toes. The boy can’t help but smile at his sister’s pure excitement of his recent mystery: A Crush. Now, Dipper hasn’t had much history of liking anyway, he even used to make faces at the actors kissing in movies, his most well known was with their friend Wendy who at the time was a teen. But that crush slowly faded after the summer ended with both being closer friends than before, now he has a freshly new found crush in the form of Norman Babcock, a 14 year old boy from Massuchutes that arrived a month ago for a family vacation to Gravity Falls. His skin is ghostly pale, his hair dark and defies all forms of gravity in spikes and whoosh, eyes a frosty blue that almost shimmer or shine like a bottle of starlight. Dipper never imagined he would be crushing on anyone like him, let alone actually being friends with him! PLUS, HE CAN TALK TO GHOSTS?! Can anyone say jackpot?!
Still, he keeps it quiet for the time being, much to the pain of his twin sister who so eagerly wishes her brother can be open about his romance.
“Really Mabel, it’s not that big of a—” “It’s a HUGE deal Dipper! You two should be a couple now! You can have a cute long distance relationship, have ghost hunting dates, then go to the same collage, and get married, and—” Mabel was shut up once more with a hand over her mouth in courtesy of Dipper.
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“Come on, it’s this way!”
Dipper walks up the trail of the woods, behind him tow and in order are Norman, who walks more so looking around blissfully curious of the tall trees that are fading a warm yellow of the greens, Wirt, who’s height blends perfectly with the tall shadows of the trees, Dib, the more richer of the group thanks to his father’s well known inventions and in thanks to that he’s holding a special briefcase full of new gadgets for the upcoming mission, and Mabel, who comes along obviously with a skipping hop of her high top lavender sneakers. The Mystery Kids, a name still under construction but Mabel keeps calling them such, officially started their little “missions” of the unknown and strange around the area about the same time Wirt’s family arrived to Gravity Falls. Some may use the idea of solving mysteries and researching the paranormal as all a front and they’re really a group of teens who sneak into graveyards and goof off, but lots of Gravity Falls locals know the truth.
The group of them stand by the rusty gates with curious eyes and humble smiles. The building is square shaped with a high perked V-Shaped gray tiled roof with one large chiming poking from the side, the house is fully surrounded by overgrown wooden overhanging panels, the second floor is bigger than the first, which creates a stylish overhang on two sides of the house. It’s beautiful and haunting all at once, a sight to see as it sits frozen in decayed time in this beautiful meadow of dead grass and weeds. “That, right there, is one of the most haunted house of Gravity Falls' forests. Built in the late 19th century and was seemingly abandoned after the family who lived in it mysteriously disappeared.” Dipper spoke, making an effort of teasing as he wiggled his fingers while telling the last part, earning a chuckle from Norman. He continued, “They say screams are often heard, the windows open and close on their own, and hallways that change—” “EVIL DEVIL!”
The teens jump and turn around, half expecting a ghost while also half expecting one of the adults in the area, and were confused to see an elderly woman standing there clutching her cane in white knuckles furry. “An evil demon lives among those hideous walls! The Reaper always shakes when he walks past it knowing the demon will steal his soul!” She shouts, her voice shrill and raspy like a strangled pig, good thing Waddles is back at the Shack.
Wirt, ever so obviously uncomfortable when it comes to weird warnings from his elders whether it’s good or bad, slowly shuffles his way to distance himself from the fence he was just peeking through until he’s practically towering behind the more calm Dib who glances at him over his shoulder. Holding back an eye roll, the richest of the group speaks up, “What do you mean? Is it really haunted? Who’s The Reaper?” The old woman growls, spitting at the ground, her saliva ball almost hitting the teens who scurry more tense of the sudden attack even though it wasn’t towards them, “The Reaper was the most RUTHLESS man Gravity Falls has ever seen! A gangster who shot a rich man and kicked down a poor man for a deal of gambling, a trickster who conned the wickedest of souls for a mere laugh, a monster who took in some orphans was the one kindness his soul can allow! He was a robber of souls with the barrel of his silver gun, he cut off the lives of those who dare cross him, a walking curse of death!”
The group look at each other in various forms of worry as she rants and grumbles, her cane swaying in the air. Suddenly, a woman hurries over and guides her away. “Come on Grandma, it’s almost lunch time.” She said, speaking very gently. The old woman only shouts, “THE DEMON WILL NOT REST!” The woman sighs and turns to them, her head hung with apology and slight embarrassment, “I am so sorry for my grandma. She never quite shuts up about her grandpa…”
Dipper’s head perked, he steps forward, her voice eager for knowledge, “The Reaper guy is her grandpa?” The woman only nods, rubbing her arm as she looks at the building behind them, “Yeah. Apparently he took in her dad back in 1916 and since then pretty much everyone only talks about him. And also warn anyone about that damn house…” The boy looked back at the house, almost expecting someone wandering about to somehow explain such a violent reaction from what would be such a frail looking old lady.
The women walk away to the car that waits for them, presumably waiting for the grandmother, leaving the gang of mysteries to stand there still.
“Yeah I’m sorry Dipper, but I think I’m going to pass on entering that house…” Mumbled Wirt. Dib snorts out, turning around to the 16 year old. “Really?” He sneered, “That scared you?” Wirt’s dark browns narrow as he stares down at the trench coat wearing emo, “I literally survived a deal with an evil demon of a magical forest that turns kids into trees, I’m not risking staying a few hours in an old abandoned house with a possible evil demon that scared a mafia boss. I much rather stay the night at the abandoned yarn factory.” Mabel steps between them, her bubbly personality and colorful spirit and clothes clashing between the dark academia and dark clothes aesthetics between her, her smile bright as her voice, “Hey now you two, no grumpy faces. Wirt doesn’t have to go to the house Dib-Dot.” She boops two stickers onto their chest, a smiley face on Dib’s and a glittery frog on Wirt’s, her mouth puckered and making the tiniest of faint fart noises with each jab of the sticker. 
Dipper looked away from the three talking at Norman who stands still by the fence looking back in. Man, how can anyone be this pretty? He thought to himself as he watch how the sunlight dance across the darkness of the psychic’s hair to the pale flesh of his skin, dancing little kaleidoscopes of shine in his blue eyes, creating patterns never seen before on the red fabric of his hoodie to the dark denims of his jeans, and that perfect expression of curiosity like a black cat peeking at a rabbit hole of Wonderland. The younger Pines twin slowly touched a ghostly grip of his shirt, scared of how loud and hard his heart was pounding it was just about to beat right out of his rib cage and spill across the ground for all to see. Quickly, he shook his head so hard he nearly fell dizzier than spinning in a long fast circle in 0.89 degrees with every 5 seconds until he grew sick. “U-Uh, you guys don’t have to join me tonight…” He blurted out, feeling his cheeks already going pink from the near voice crack he thought he was almost done with being 15 already. He fixes his hair as he looks at all their faces, stopping at those curious blue eyes that stop him in his tracks. Just then, his brain hit a much needed light switch. “Because we’re doing different missions. I’ll stay at the house, do some EVPs, some ghostly tests, and prove once and for all if it’s actually haunted or something else is behind it. You guys can go to the abandoned yarn factory and try and see what those spray painting messages mean.”
He turned to Norman, blocking out Dib and Wirt talking about their little theories of the mission in hand, and with a smile on his face to mask the nervous sweat stains forming in-between his armpits to his shirt, he says, “Hey, you can come help me tonight? It’s, uh, it’s been a while since we did a solo mission, right? Ofcourseifyoudon’twanttoIcan’tforceyouIwon’tforceyoutodoanythingofcoursecauseIvalueyoursafteybutnotlikeMOREthaneveryoneelse’ssafetycauseIcareforallofyouequallyanddeeply—IjustrealizethatsoundedweirdandcreepywhatImeanttosaywas—!” His rambles were stopped thanks (thank whatever God or whatever exists) to Norman smiling and patting his shoulder. “Dip, breath. Of course I’ll come with you.” “W-Wait really?” Dipper just hopes he didn’t sound too eager there. Norman snorts, “Yeah. I can’t let you go into a possibly dangerous abandoned house by yourself now can I?” Dipper smiles, using every fiber of his still growing body to stop him from jumping up and down shouting from the rooftops while his fist punches and messes with the air, instead he settles watching Norman go to the group to tell them he’s staying with Dipper. A night with Norman, and I asked him without puking! Dipper let’s out a very silent squeal under his breath.
Soda:  ✔
Snacks:  ✔
Phone Downloaded The Right Playlists:  ✔
Step-By-Step Plan:  ✔
Dipper checks each mark of his notebook as he hurries about getting his back ready. He already has his bag ready for his paranormal stay but he needs to hurry to get ready for his actual plan if the night goes well. And if they don’t die. That too.
As he places the phone charger in his brown bag, he scrolls through his phone of his well thought of plan of setting the right mood for him and Norman’s hunt.
First, he thought very carefully about the snacks Norman would enjoy most during the night. Bringing the cheesiest of Cheetos and already packed four cans of his top two favorite sodas on the bottom so they would remain nice and cool and not shaken by the time when they drink them. Next, he has already planned that Norman might be stressed or bored however the trip goes into the night so he is going to give him his cellphone to listen to his well thought playlist of Norman’s favorite music to calm him down and get a sense Dipper can totally rock out with him whenever. Starting simple yet basic with Skater Boi, just to give Norman the impression at first it’s random — It’s a classic of course — then it’ll transition still pretty basic but random of Sugar, We’re Going Down to give Norman that more comfortable feeling of “Ah, this guy has good music taste. Respect” , then picking up on some Paramore which Dipper was luckily to find out the few times Norman let him pick a random Spotify playlist shuffle for the gang to listen to while they chill with a song that Dipper feels will help settle the more “Oh this guy and I have have so much in common! He’s way cooler than I thought!” With Ain’t It Fun. All ready with a click of the screen button of Dipper ready made playlist under the name of “Favorite Songs”, previously called “Songs to flirt with your paranormal hunter friend who you have a major crush on”. FINALLY, after all that, all the thought planned into it perfectly, Dipper will take Norman by the hand (or wrists or arm or whatever) and lay it all out; “Norman, we’ve been friends for so long, and I honestly can’t imagine me being this close to someone until we started talking. I like you, really really like you, and I want us to be more than friends, will you go out with me?” Dipper fist bumps himself as he mentally rehearses the night’s perfect plan. He even picked a easily seen Level 4 haunted house that could’ve been exercised by any ghosts years ago just to ease Norman’s ghost seeing abilities. Though he didn’t plan that random old lady or it’ll just be the two of them alone. In a huge house. At night. He blushes and shakes his head, ending it with a self smoosh of his face into his hands. “Calm down Dipper,” He scolds himself, looking at himself in the mirror to triple check his appearance, “Don’t go having weird thoughts tonight. Tonight is the night and it’ll be perfect.” He smiles. He waves a quick finger gun motion at his reflection with a grin.
Crows take the skies as a figure runs across the woods. The orange trees trapping the shadows within. Footsteps echo across the vast land of nature as soon the figure of a black cloak stops by the largest tree of the forests, a shadow slowly consuming him. Laughter leaves his mouth as two strong arms wrapped around him, lifting him above the dirt and leaves of the Earth’s welcoming ground and soul, and spun around. A howl of amusement and surprise snaps the already fragile air of quiet as they fall onto the ground.
Lips found home among as soon as their laughter died down enough, bruised and worn hands entwining with nimble pale fingers as brown curls blended with the raven darkness underneath. “In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee, Through whispered winds where softest secrets weave. Oh Norman, love that sets my spirit free.” Spoke the hunter, lips now kissing each joint of the pale hand before him, “With every glance, a spark ignites the sea, Your laughter dances like the autumn leaves; In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee. The stars align in constellations key; Each moment spent with you I dare believe— Oh Norman, love that sets my spirit free. . .” The two men shared a brief but everlasting soft kiss upon their lips as the autumn air drifted down and circled around them. Buttons of the pristine white cotton shirt became loose as chapped lips dance across the pale neck now exposed to the world, the forest trees an audience of such passion and love on display.
“When shadows fall and doubts may linger plea, Your warmth envelops all I can conceive; In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee. Together facing storms we’ve braved so boldly—    With hands entwined through trials that deceive—    Oh Norman, love that sets my spirit free. So here’s my vow through time’s unfading spree:     Forever yours, on this sweet truth rely—     In quiet nights, my heart calls out to thee;     Oh Norman dear—I’ll always choose your sky.”
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The floorboards creak under the weight of two as Dipper fixes the brightness of his flashlight as Norman turns his up to the open ceiling hole created by nature’s random acts of destruction. “Okay, let’s start filming. Got the camera?” Asked Dipper, pushing some curls into his beanie as he steps by the large grand staircase that curves and goes up to the second floor where it seems a hole is forming on one of the stairs. Norman nods, “Yep! Fully charged and Courtney helped me get an extra battery if it dies.” The medium takes the camera out of his backpack with a grin, a boyish gleeful shine of his blue eyes.
Dipper blushes, the warmth spreading down his neck and up to his ears. Thank God it’s dark in here…. With a quick clearing of his throat, the mystery lover took the camera carefully from Norman and began setting up the settings. “We will start here on the down floor since the stairs seem broken and old. Sounds good?” “Yeah it’s good dude.”
Dipper looked at Norman through the video camera lens, silently admired his friend through the green color, and took a deep breath. Reaching in his pocket in secret he peeked at his list, quickly reading the scribblings of his handwriting in the darkness, and then shoved the papers back in his pocket.
First step, snacks. Dipper reaches into his bag, “Hey Norman, are you hungry? You know, since we’re going to be here all night.” He offered, holding up the bag of Cheetos to his friend. Norman smiles and takes it. “Hey my favorite!” He exclaimed. Dipper felt pride fill his chest as he stood up straighter, rubbing his neck he chuckled, “Really? Lucky guess…”
Then, silence swept through the pair. Dread whacked the brunette. Crap, was I obvious on the snack choice? He thought, afraid to look at him imminently. “Lucky as in a wild guess, yeah! You know, I remembered you mentioned it once and—” Dipper stops as he turns his head to speak to Norman properly, face flush in embarrassment and palms sweaty. He looked at Norman, who stood so very still facing the grand staircase before him, his bag of chips on the floor now and the hand holding the flashlight was turning white from his tight grip, his thick eyebrows were high up in a wide eyed expression and his mouth slightly agape.
Dipper’s brown eyes followed the piercing blue’s line of sight and shivered at the sight of an audible green glow before them. The scent of sickening decay and dirty water fills his nose as his vision stared at the figure of a man above the stairsteps, his clothes and the long pale green hair shift and waver like wind or ocean waves crazing across the manly figure making the float in the process, his eyes two white sockets streaking a black tear like substance as glistening fangs shine dully in the lights of the flashlight and the moonlight from both the ceiling’s hole and the large window to the left.
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The figure let out a gnarly hiss, the same black substance leak and spray out like venom on a snake tongue as his long sharp tongue wiggles about harshly like a whip. The two paranormal teens let out screams, their bodies crashing onto each other in tight grips of both fear and protection.
But let’s pause for a moment. I wonder what’s everyone’s doing in the yarn factory—
Wirt lightly taps his can of Pit Cola as he watches Mabel and Zim, both dressed in sparkling sweaters and hairs, regardless of the snortness on Zim’s end, held in scrunches, standing together singing into their flashlights. The group in charge of this exploration are Mabel, Wirt, Dib, and Zim, Dib’s brother. The group looked at some spray painted works of art and words, did some EVPs, and the mission was over rather quickly. BUT thanks to Mabel wanting to give her brother some alone time with Norman, she encouraged the other teens to stay and have an impromptu hang-out party inside this abandoned yarn factory.
Dib watches his brother and friend dance and sing with the shadows and dust bunnies, their hyper energies almost mistaken for them on some sort of high but clearly mildly influenced by sugar and bouncing each other’s energies, his face, much like Wirt's, is confused and mildly amused. “So much energy…” Mumbled the poet, his peachy skin a pinkish hue thanks to the summer heat rolls. The cryptologist to be chuckles, opening a can of soda next to him, “Yeah, but it makes this less boring yea?” The brunet looked at the guy next to him, a small smile easing on his lips. “Yeah. It is.” Dib smiles back, raising his can as a silent toast, and swigging the sugary cherry flavor down his thin pale throat. Wirt stares quietly as the shadows dance and sway across the thin body next to him, watching the inventor’s son’s throat jerk and move as he gulps his drink. Dib disconnected his mouth and looked at the one watching him, his brown eyes almost shining an amber color like fire or frozen sap from a tree behind his glasses that bounces light from the few small sources around him. He smirks, “Worm-Wirt.” Wirt smirks in return, “Metal Head.”
Meanwhile back at the manor—
Dipper and Norman ran across the halls of decayed wallpaper and weak wooden home, the ghastly ghost rushing after them in screams and wails. “In there!” Shouts the medium as he jerks his hand in a point at an old door in the hall. Dipper wasn’t waiting a second to think. He quickly grabbed the red sweater covered arm and pulled his friend through the door so fast both tumbled and rolled onto the dusty dark room.
Both stayed still as they heard the ghost move away, trying to catch up to their breathing.
“W-Was that the demon the woman mentioned?” Dipper asked, coughing the dust that filled his throat for the moment. Norman groans but shakes his head. “No,” He mumbled, “It felt normal…” They stared at the door for a moment, their bags open and left to spill their items across the hideous wine red rug. Dipper gasps and hurries to his bag, “Oh crap, the drinks spilled!” Sure enough, the sodas he packed had tumbled out of his backpack, shaken and dented from the running and falling. Not only that but the rest of the snacks he prepared have been crushed or opened and spilled.  He can hear Norman standing up and going closer. “It’s okay Dip, it’s not a huge deal.” He said, his voice gentle in worry and tender in comfort. Dipper looked over his shoulder and felt his very soul freeze. The room has a large window, worn and jaded, halfway covered by the dark curtain but still the moonlight shines though. The moonlight shines across the pale skin making a soft glow to the point he looks like a fae like being with dark for his dark spiky hair, his blue eyes now glowing frosty orbs. He was very beautiful, breathtaking even.
Dipper shakes his head and stands up straight and proper, turning his head right to try and get himself distracted by the thoughts swimming in his head. As he does so, his eyes scan to room and lock on a bricked fireplace hidden behind a weathered down piano. He jogs over, a simple push was all it took to easily move the surprisingly light piano to the side just enough to expose the fireplace to them. Norman looked in the barren pit, filled with dried and cobwebbed invested logs and dust mites that can be confused as some weird dust army. But there’s something there, hidden among the logs and shadows. Braver of the two of this moment, Dipper reached forth and lightly jiggled the top log until whatever was stuck was loosely showing off. 
Just then, some bugs of black sprawled out from their hidings, causing the teen to shriek and coil back. Norman, startled yet determined, grabbed the item and moved back with his friend, an arm stretched over Dipper’s heaving chest.
The two caught their breath and looked down at the treasure hidden and stared at some pages of many, thin and aged in fresh yellow time painted gracefully.
“Why would these be in a fireplace?” Asked Dipper as he took half of the healthy stack into his hands and fiddled with his flashlight and shined it through to give them easier chances to read the contents. Norman’s blue eyes scanned the yellow pages and black scribbled lettering, his eyebrows frowned as he mentally pieced how to read the cursive fine handwriting. He licks his now dry lips, clearing his throat simply, and spoke, “My dear, I apologize deeply for leaving you so soon, so abruptly. But understand I never meant to hurt you… This is the only way you can be spared. You, the son of the town’s pastor, and I, a humble wood cutter, were a chance a thousand years can never repeat. Two souls entwined and cursed forevermore. It was my fault Susan caught us in the manor, so it will be my burden to take off the punishment for abandoning God. For I have abandoned him, ever since I first laid my eyes on you back in the fields all those years ago, you’ve become the only Holy soul I desire to worship every day…. This is the end, my dear Norman, but I will be with you… All my love, Mason Driftwood…” They both look at each other blinking in shock. “Your name—” “Someone died for being in love with a guy…?” “R-Right, that!”
Dipper quickly looked through his pages, clearing his throat in a cough, “In the quiet corners of morning light, where shadows stretch and breathe, I find my love—Norman— woven into the fabric of every day…” He stops. He feels his cheeks burn. It felt too intimate and he barely even read it! If you found some love poems dedicated to someone who has the same name as your crush, you would get it! Fighting the urge to swallow the page before him, the boy continued with a quivering voice, “Y-Your laughter dances around me, a melody sweet as spring’s first bloom, enveloping ordinary moments in magic, turning mundane into sacred ritual. When you speak, the world slows down; Your voice—a gentle river flowing through my thoughts—
each word is a pebble smoothed by time…”
Norman stands there, listening to him read the letter, his head tilted softly to the side like a curious cat.
“In your eyes, I see galaxies unfold— stars that twinkle with unspoken dreams,
the universe conspiring to bring us together. Together we weave tapestries of shared whispers, soft stories beneath star-kissed skies; comfort in silence amidst bustling chaos….”
Dipper looked up and looked towards Norman, the flash light giving him a soft yellow glow beneath his nose and chin. They stand still, eyes locked, eyes wide and bewildered. The sounds of the wind blowing, the floors creaking naturally, and the crickets composing a symphony with the other woodland creatures outside perform the gentle ambiance between them. It’s weird… They’re scared shitless and confused yet this feels weirdly…enchanting…
“Dipper…” Norman whispered, his eyes narrowed as he steps a inch closer, his free hand lightly touching his arm. Dipper’s heart began to quicken in his chest as excitement and panic sinked in. Wait, is he— Is he going to kiss me??? But what about the steps?! I didn’t show him the playlists! The sodas and snacks are all over the floor— Oh God Oh God Oh God! Should I lean in? Should I stay still? I have never even kissed a gu— Well there was Mabel’s merman boyfriend but that doesn’t count! DON’T THINK ABOUT MERMANDO NOW DIPPER, THE MOST PERFECT GUY MAY BE TRYING KISS YOU!! “Y-Yea…?” He responded, trying to sound chill and not at all a nervous wreck. Their eyes never once left each other as they felt the air grow chillier. 
Suddenly, Norman shoved his body forward, leaving Dipper no time to process what was happening. The two fell out the window, the curtain trapping their bodies in a tangled mess. The last thing Dipper saw in the manor before he landed safely in the ground and rolled down the hill was that ghost who scowls and reaches for them.
The pair stopped rolling, landing in the golden green high grass of the field facing the fence they snuck through earlier. Firebugs float and circle around them in such a beautiful way one might dare claim it be magic lingering in the night. They stare at each other, the grass and stars creating crowns with the fireflies as one stares above and the other stares below. 
Dipper flinched, turning his head away as he coughed into his fist. “Oh ow, that fall hurt! Good thinking Norman on guessing the ghost was there!” He said in false confidence as he stood up. Norman, he stays still for a second, looks rather upset before he nods and stands as well, rubbing his arm anxiously. This wasn’t unnoticed by Dipper as he bent over and gathered some papers, even more as he watched Norman copy the same action. Crap, did I misread earlier? He thought in worry, feeling near nausea at the idea he made his friend and crush uncomfortable. “H-Hey if it’s about what happened earlier, don’t worry about it okay? I-I mean we both were kind of reading too much into it and it was dark and—” He rambled, and each fumble of his words made the knots of his tongue tighter. Soon, Norman stood, holding the recently picked up stacks of papers in his arms, his back to Dipper yet his voice carried all the emotions a face can show… “Yeah, it was crazy thinking… I mean us….like that…?”
Dipper froze. He felt his heart crack a bit as the quivering shake of Norman’s usually calm but sometimes chipper voice. “We should get our stuff in the morning with the others. I’m tired…” “O-Oh…y-yeah…yeah…okay…’ And with that the two began to walk out of the gate with the hiding hole they found to get in and down the path in pure silence. Crap…I really messed up…
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The two teen boys walk into the Greasy’s Diner, the scent of freshly brewed coffee and greasy fried food wafted through them like a bomb of different textures. The place was barely full, mostly those who are the earliest of early birds and those who don’t even believe in sleep. Norman rubs his arm as he slowly walks to the first booth he sees, causing Dipper’s shoulders to hunch slightly. “I’ll…go order some breakfast…” He mumbled before quickly turning his heel to the counter, his head hung and tail between his legs.
The second he sat on one of the stools he let out a sigh, hands already rubbing his tired sore eyes that ache and begged for him to cry the emotions he’s feeling right now. He sighs again, “And I forgot my wallet is in my bag back at the haunted manor we just escaped from…” A voice speaks to his left, “Hey, what did you say about paying?” Dipper turned his head at a blonde teen who stood with a pot of freshly brewed coffee as her hips swayed out in a sigh in her waitress uniform, her glittery mauve eyeshadow a nice touch that made her hazel eyes really pop. Even tired and emotional out of his mind, he can’t help but smile meekly, “Hey Pacifica…”
Pacifica rolled her eyes and poured up a cup of Joe and placed it in front of the boy. “You look like shit, what were you up to tonight?” She asked, her sassy judgment not gone but just slightly pushed back to add a more gentle approach. Dipper ignores the idea of payment as he accepts the bitter blessing of energy this warm ceramic cup will bring, taking a quick gulp and ignoring the very hot water and nasty dense flavor of untempted coffee given his mouth. Once he sets his mug down, silently thanking his friend with a nod as she tops it off, he sighs once more, deeper this time, “A Dipper Pines Original; Took someone out to a haunted manor in hopes it’ll be romantic and completely messed everything up…”
The blonde watched as he slumped deeper in his seat, placing a napkin beside him slowly. “Is this about the Norman guy?” Dipper’s head shot up. “How did you know?!” He half whispered, worried that Norman could hear. Pacifica rolled her eyes again, her voice dripped in a slight tease, “Dude you are so obvious. Always doodling and talking all fast and sweating.” Dipper groans and puts his head onto the counter, his cheek squished in the glossy wood. “I have no idea what to do anymore Pacifica…” He moped, his eyes already sparkling in tears, “I planned this night perfectly, yet I screwed it up. I honestly don’t blame him if he doesn’t want to talk to me again but… is it selfish to hope he stays in my life…?”
Hazel eyes softened. The waitress glanced behind Dipper and to the right. Her pink lip glossed lips pushed out in thought, her head nodding. Slowly, she led down just enough to not be obvious for everyone and whispered, “I can tell you this now Dip-Shit, but he likes you. Like a lot. I mean he’s always looking at you.”
Not believing it, Dipper crook his neck just enough to look at where Norman sits. And sure enough, even after tonight, Norman glanced at his direction unknown he was spotted, his hands fiddling with his sleeves. “If I were you, I would sit next to him and fix what I can.”
Dipper didn’t need to be told twice before he stood up, scrapping the stool loudly in the process, his hand gripping the mug still. He stops. “Pacifica, I—” The girl stops him. “Just come by tom—” She pauses as she glances at her wrist watch of bubble gum pink. “Later today and you’re good. But not your first three coffees, you boys had a long night.” He nodded, a soft smile on his face, before he took a breath and made his way to the booth.
Norman watches as Dipper sat across from him, his hands stop fidgeting for a moment. Dipper smiles meekly, eyes clearly tired, his voice a warm tone of tender fresh emotion as he speaks, “We can eat and pay later.” Soon, his brown eyes lower as he frowns softly, “Hey Norman, I’m sorry for dragging you out tonight… That wasn’t cool of me. You could’ve gotten hurt and I ruined so much and—” Pale hands rose up and shook as Norman interjected, “No no, Dipper, I wanted to go to the house with you. Plus, I literally fought a murdered little girl ghost at 11, this was nothing.” He ended his response with a small giggle to ease the mood. Dipper smiles, pulling his beanie (how it stayed on his head God knows—) off his head of brown curls and placing it on the table by his mug. “Still… I… kind of invited you…in hopes to um…be alone…with you…”
Norman blinks. “With me?” Dipper nods, his chest rising as he swallows the sour lump in his throat, “I…I’ve liked you for a while…a-and um…I think you’re really cool and all kinds of awesome… I was hoping tonight we can chill, hang out, talk… and maybe… afterwards…” His face was turning red, he knew this. He can feel it. From the base of his neck to the tips of his ears he was undoubtedly hot and redder than a new born baby’s freshly spanked tosh. Meanwhile, Norman just sat there clearly processing what his friend was drifting off to. Soon, his pale face turned pink. So pink it put Barbie to shame. No turning back now… Thought Dipper as he sat up straight. Clearing his throat, he threw the last punch, “Do you want to go out with me Norman? A-And…maybe…b-be my boyfriend…?”
This prompt was fun to do but had a much deeper story of Mason, the ghost in the manor, died protecting his Norman, who was going to be revealed to be the mafia guy "The Reaper", from the discovery of them being gay. HEAVILY inspired by the music video of Take Me To Church of course! I was also going to reveal the reason Norman became a mafia guy was cause a part of him died the night Mason died.
I even planned a scene of Dipper and Norman reading the letters to each other until Ghost Mason crossed over!
I know it's random but I wanted to see what timeline would jump in so
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Yeeeeeeeeeeeee, night yall
Happy ParaPines Day!!
10 notes · View notes
ohtobemare · 1 year
Happy 100, Meer!!! 🥳🎉🎊
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Could you do '86 Tom Kazansky with tgis prompt:
8. “Are you sure you want me to kiss you? No takebacks.”
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Alrighty, this one was a bit tough and I took it a little bit of a different direction---hopefully you like it, because I do!
Uncertain Little Games
It’s a little after two in the morning when you get the call from some random no-name bar outside of Fightertown, a disgruntled and on-the-edge-of-livid bartender gruffing into the phone that somebody needed to come and pick up the man called Tom Kazansky—he was bleeding all over his freshly-waxed floor and causing more trouble than he was worth. 
“Found your number in his wallet, sweetheart—come and get him or the cops will.” 
Largely unimpressed with the man’s attempt to sound demanding, you’d sighed and slumped forward in bed, hand scrubbing your face as you turned to consider the colder side of the King mattress where you’d been attempting to catch REM. Rubbing the palm of your hand against your hair, a tired headache was already aching against your temple. 
Gut sinking with disdain over the very idea before it prickled with hot anger, you snapped the covers off your legs and swung out of bed, grumbling into the phone that you were on your way, halfheartedly listening to the man’s directions. 
Managing into some jeans and sneakers, you attempted to fix the scrunchie keeping your sleeping knot high on your head. Scrunching your nose disfavorably  at your disheveled appearance in the mirror, it would have to do—you’d gone to bed late. Or early, depending on who you asked. Waiting for Tom to come home after the argument. You see red for a minute, before your jaw clamps within an inch of fracturing, and for a second you swear you can taste blood from where you are biting your tongue. 
Instead of coming home, Tom had obviously gone out of his way to some god-forsaken bar outside of Miramar, and you weren’t sure if the cocktail of worry and anger in your gut was going to make you throw up or not. You probably wouldn’t until you saw him. 
You’d finally managed some sleep for what felt like seconds before the blare of the telephone bolted you upright. Resigned to Tom Kazansky sleeping off the heat of your fight somewhere else, you’d crawled back into bed after washing the smudged mascara from your face, the telltale blotch of hot color only sobbing could manage written across your face. 
You hadn’t wanted to fight. Not really. It had just sort of happened. The entire night had just sort of happened, much to your regret, and terms and conditions hadn’t improved when you’d stumbled in through the front door, feet sore from your heels, far too hot under the collar to even hear Iceman trying to reason with you. 
“Sweetheart, if you could just cool your jets and listen to me—” his words had broken apart under a grunt as he’d dodged the stilettos you’d chucked across the island counter. Reasonable effort had been required not to snatch one of the pans from the hanging rack of the island and take a swing at his head. 
The words still rang through this kitchen like an annoying bell. Then, hours ago, those words had prompted hot tears to form in your eyes, blurring his face entirely from your vision as he’d wretched your arm out of his hand, storming through the house wanting to be left alone. Your earrings were somewhere in the hallway where you’d whipped them with your clutch purse, anything becoming a weapon to keep him from touching you. 
“Baby, please, listen to me—” 
“No, Tom! I’m done listening! You’re grounded, understand? Privileges fucking revoked. Get out of here before I say something I really will regret!"
Heart up in the back of your throat, inches from vomiting and walking a tightwire of raw emotions, he’d followed you up the stairs at distance, like he was trying to read the air between you. 
Screaming that you wanted him to leave, that you were hurt; weren’t sure how you could ever forgive him for this. 
When you’d slammed this very bedroom door in his face, your heart had hit your knees, like it had bounced through your bones and shattered on the very floor at your swollen, sore feet. Ice had tried reasoning through the door, he really had—but you’d just drowned him out with AC/DC, though you hadn't heard a word of Thunderstruck through your hysterical ugly cry session. 
Splayed out across the king like a sad starfish,  you’d sobbed mascara into the duvet. Not enough to muster the energy to strip the bed, but enough to notice. Bawling until your head was pounding and your chest ached from the effort, you’d mustered enough energy to down a glass or two of rosé, eat half a line of Oreos, and sit under a scolding shower until it turned cold.
It was all the damn blonde from the bar’s fault. You’d noticed her immediately when Tom had stepped over the threshold at the club–she was hard to miss in that pink metallic mini dress and heels, hair teased to the heavens. Guys were fawning all over her, perched at the bar, but she’d set her eyes on Iceman, the Navy’s best and brightest of the class vying for top marks. 
Of course she had. Tom was a god who had stepped down from the sun, most days. A body that didn’t stop, blonde hair nearly platinum from California sun, eyes cool and bright enough to rival the sparkling waters of any of the world’s oceans, he was heartstopping. Every time he looked at you, your soul threatening to leave your body—suddenly air became too rich, too clear, while also being nonexistent all at the same damn time. 
Ice was “Breathtaking and ground shaking,”  as you’d told your best friend the night he’d dropped you off on your first date. He’d taken you to the pier after a fine sit-down dinner and getting-to-know-you conversations. Arriving just before sunset, with colors just beginning to spin in the tapestry of the clouds, you’d asked him what he loved about the pier. 
“Nothing, really, except sunset is always better over the open water,” he’d said it so nonchalantly that you’d blinked, having to actually remember that Ice spent a majority of his working hours in the actual sky and probably had seen his share of breathtaking sundowns. “Prettier in the air, though. Nothing quite like watching the sky change color while you’re there, touching clouds.” 
“I can’t imagine,” he’d offered you his hand and you’d slipped yours into his, loving the way his larger one warmed yours despite it being a balmy and humid 80-something degrees. 
After a few heartbeats of silence bleeding between you, he’d stopped and guided you out in front of him. The ocean and stunningly beautiful sky behind you, you’d watched Tom knock his aviators a notch down the bridge of his nose, content to say nothing and just stand there looking at you. Finally, the little tick in the corner of his mouth made you grin stupidly, giving him a slightly sideways look of uncertainty.
“What’s up with you? You’re acting weird, Ice,” 
“Just checking,” he’d pulled you a little closer, until you had a clear breath of his cologne beneath your nose, “I’m going to tell you something, but you’re not allowed to hit me.” 
“Hmmm…sketchy, Kazansky. But I’ll bite,” 
He’d just chuckled as his smile grew, “I think you just might be prettier than any damn sunset I’ve ever seen, sweetheart. And I’ve seen my fair share of them.” Agog in his face, Iceman had looked genuinely amused with your reaction before slipping his sunglasses up on his head, tracking you with crystalline eyes, “I also think I may have to kiss you, if you’ll let me.”
Swallowing a breath, “And why wouldn’t I let you?” 
“You sure you want me to kiss you? No takebacks,” He’d tried to sound serious in that Iceman Kazansky way of his, all cock and bravado and charm, but the analogy had just made you giggle. “You just let me know when I should take the shot, sweetheart.” 
“Well then why don’t you just hurry up then, Iceman?” 
He’d kissed you, long and hard and slow, until your toes had curled as far as they dared in the heels you’d worn with that dress he still asked you to wear. They always talked about your breath ramrodding in your chest, your heart skipping a beat when you kissed the person you were meant to kiss for the rest of your life—and, despite your best efforts not to believe it, whoever they were had been right. 
There, on the pier, pressed back against the railing and Ice all over you, you’d come to the conclusion that there wouldn’t be anyone else in the history of ever that you could imagine sharing moments like this with. 
Signed, sealed, delivered, Ice was the man for you. 
You’d known it from the second date, and upon stumbling into the dark of your then-shared-apartment to see your friend watching Leno, you’d dropped onto the couch, nearly a hot pile of goo, and told her that Tom Kazansky had stolen your breath and taken you for a ride you would never want off of. 
Six months later, he’d asked you to marry him—on the same damn pier, with the same damn sunglasses, using that same damn pickup line that had worked the first time. He’d hardly dropped to a knee before you were jumping up and down, pulling him to his feet, kissing him and climbing him like a damn tree telling him you’d never, under any circumstances or in any universe, not want his last name. Even if it went horribly with your first name and would be a hellish nightmare to sign. 
You had Tom Kazansky, zeroed in and target locked, as he said. Though, little miss pink-metallic-dress Barbie had seemed to conveniently overlook the fact that Ice had arrived with you. She must’ve been blind not seeing the ring—there was no other explanation. He wore it proudly, and had even moved his Academy ring to his left hand to rest snug beside it. It couldn’t have been more blatantly obvious that he was yours. 
The killer about the entire thing is that Tom hadn’t really sent her packing. He’d been talking to her at the bar when you’d secured scurried off to use the powder room, sliding past the Friday night crowd after spotting him. You’d arrived just at the moment Friday Night Barbie had reached to paw at his arm, Ice shifting a little at the bar in a posture that wasn’t defensive at all. If anything, he’d looked welcoming. 
He’d jumped bolt upright as if someone had dropped a steel beam down the length of his spine. His little friend’s eyes had widened when you’d glared daggers at her, lifting your hand to sport the pricey Tiffany ring Kazansky had slid onto your finger not even a year ago. Tight-lipped, cheeks nearly a neon shade of crimson, she’d slipped off her stool without so much as a by-your-leave and vanished into the night crowd. 
On the verge of tears, angrier than a wet hen, you’d stalked out of the bar just at the moment Ice had moved off his seat to reach for you. You’d managed to tune him out, trying to move politely through the people, until you’d managed your way outdoors and a cool blast of heavy, ocean air had ripped open the ache in your chest, raw and bleeding like you were dying. 
Tears had pounced into your eyes and you were crying as you’d stalked to the car. He’d driven both of you, but he’d give you the keys—you’d make him hand them over. Swiping at your eyes, humiliated and angry, you’d staggered across the gravel of the lot to the familiar Chevelle which was supposed to take you home much later than this. 
He’d caught up to you, grabbed your arm to bring you to a rough start. He’d said your name in that way, the way that was firm and no-nonsense, like he had maybe a hundred times before. Usually it was fine. Usually you liked when he said your name with such ferocity and meaning. But not tonight. Maybe not ever, if the hole he’d punched through your heart would ever heal.
“You’re blowing this out of proportion,” 
You couldn’t believe he had the audacity. “Me? Blowing what out of proportion, Tom? It couldn’t possibly be the fact you let that—that hussy come onto you, could it? When I am right the fuck THERE? Did not one red flag, one warning bell go off telling you ‘This is a bad idea, Kazansky?’ What is it you flyboys call it—tone? No tone, Tom, trying to snap you out of it?” Actively crying, you wrenched your arm out of his hand, staggering backward when he released you. 
“Holy fuck, sweetheart—I wasn’t into her. She asked to buy me a drink, and I said no—” 
“Oh, well, that’s the least you could’ve said as you let her paw at your arm, Ice. Now give me the damn keys, Kazansky—I’m going home.” 
He’d dropped into the seat beside you and said nothing, just to make sure you managed to get home safely. He’d told you so when you’d whipped the keys angrily across the kitchen island, sniveling and trying not to actively sob as he called after you. Racing up the stairs, trying not to hear him, you’d thrown on AC/DC after locking the door behind you.
He’d stood behind the door, trying to reason with you, for nearly an hour, until you’d sobbed so uncontrollably into the duvet you couldn’t hear him anymore. When you’d finally decided to go downstairs and drown your sorrows in booze, you’d peeked your head out the bedroom door to find the hall empty. Further inspection out of the kitchen window said he was gone, but the note he’d stuck to the fridge said he would be with Slider.
In retrospect, you should’ve known Ice would never open himself up to another woman so recklessly—it wasn’t his style. The cat and mouse the two of you had played before even deciding to go out officially was, officially, ridiculous. Some floozy at a bar was not enough to turn his head. 
Or so you liked to think. On the good days. On the bad days—well. Today was a bad day. 
He reassured you, always, that you were his, and that he wouldn’t have it any other way. That going back he’d do it all over again, the same way, because nothing you shared together was worth missing. Being the calculative, shrewd son of a bitch that he was, Ice actually was quite the romantic—though you’d never have guessed it, just knowing him. 
But your humiliated and already-suffering-with-confidence self still didn’t actually believe it, even after almost a year of marriage. Ice was nothing if not something to ogle, and the blonde at the bar isn’t and wouldn’t be the last pair of tits to give him a second glance. Just like there’d always be men who tried to approach you when he wasn’t around. 
This was Fightertown. It was fact. Regardless of both of your track records of loyalty, there was always the lurking suspicion in the cobwebs of your brain that Ice was wonderful, more man than you could ever deserve. 
He loved you. Yes. All of your heart knew that was true. 
But your head? Damn that fucker was thick, sometimes. 
“I’m going to kill you, Ice,” 
Snatching your keys out of the bowl by the door as you shoulder your purse, you pull the door closed behind you with the toe of your sneaker. Overhead street lights are casting long shadows down the block, not one house but yours alive in the early throes of ass o’clock in the morning. 
The bar is about ten minutes out of Miramar, a gem of a place that you can contribute to Slider—this wasn’t the first dive you’d found yourself at thanks to Ron Kerner. Fabulous.
Ice’s car is parked crookedly in the back of the lot, and you swing the Diplomat up beside the Chevelle, checking through dark windows to see if, on the off chance, he’s decided to sleep it off in his car. No dice, the Chevelle is empty, and your groan before popping the latch on your door, sliding out into the humid, thick air of California dark. 
Your feet are grinding on the pea rock of the lot until they hit the concrete steps, and the door weighs nearly a lifetime as you pull it open, assaulted with the low lights and haze of a bar that is definitely not smoke free. Coughing as you slip into the room that is swirling with nicotine and sweat, your eyes track the bar—Tom isn’t there, and neither is Slider, but every damn person seated at that bar has swiveled to notice you. Even the bartender himself pops a curious brow. 
Largely populated by men, save the waitress clearing tables, you feel about two inches tall when you suck in a brave breath and march towards the long mahogany bar. Leaning against the edge, you greet the bartender, who you assume is the man you spoke to, with an apologetically small smile. He returns it to you, and it takes what is perhaps the Lord’s will holding the universe together for you to not grimace at his absolutely filthy teeth. 
“You called me about my husband,” you say with a bit more bite than intended, “Tom Kazansky? I’m his wife. I’m here to take him home.” You swallow the embarrassment fanning to life across your nose as the men at the bar, obviously actively trying to overhear your conversation, do just that. 
One nudges the other, thinking you’ve missed him, but your eyes cut to him for a second before the bartender nods and gestures with a thumb around the corner. 
“He’s in the kitchen, honey. Guy he was with just took off with a buddy,” he nods, “right through there–careful, floor’s slippr’y,” he sends you off with a lift of his chin, slapping his bar rag over his shoulder as he turns to take another order. 
Blinking at his retreating back, it takes you all of a few seconds to hustle through the swinging doors of the kitchen, which is long since quieted after typical dinner hours. Half the lights are on, Tom propped sat on a stool, head lowered to his arms crossed over one of the prep tables. What looks like a frozen bag of french fries is draped over the back of his neck. 
Swinging hinges on the door creaking, you cock your hip and cross your arms over the front of your chest, trying to remain stalwart. Instinctively, Ice’s head lifts to register the new energy in the room, and his eyes snap over you in surprise for half a second. A slow smirk lifts the corner of his mouth–even from here, you can see he’s drunk. 
“There you are,” he chuckles, his voice sultry and thick in a way that sends your insides somersaulting, “Was wondering when you’d find me, darling.” 
“I didn’t,” you scoff, dropping your purse off your shoulder to the table as you march toward him, “the bartender found my number in  your wallet and said you were making an asshole of yourself. Surprise.” Swinging to a stop across the able from him, Tom’s eyes haven’t left you. They’re adoring and dark, tracking you like he never wants to not look at you again. “The only reason I’m here is because I didn’t feel like bailing you out of jail and having to explain things to Mike.” 
He snorts, a bit loudly, before rocking back on the stool a little to suavely run fingers through his close-cropped blonde hair. “You still sound pissed,” 
“I am pissed. And I’m tired. Your ass better be able to walk, Ice.” 
He grimaced at the venom in your tone, but chuckled and narrowed his gaze at you, chin plopping into his hand. “You aren’t still angry about that bitch at the bar, sweetheart,” it’s not a question, more of a probe, and at your deadpan expression his brow furrows a little deeper, “—oh come on, honey, honestly she came onto me and I didn’t even think about it. Really. I’d never do that to you,” 
You want to believe him. Really, you do. But Ice’s distinct lack of withdrawing from the blonde at the bar is branded into your memory like a hot iron. Swallowing the uneasy breath that threatens tears in your eyes, you ignore the pang of your heart erratically skipping in your chest, and nod to him, spinning a finger in the let’s go signal. 
“Tom, I really don’t want to talk about this—” 
“Y/N. Listen, please. I’d never do that—you know that.” 
For a heartbeat you’re inclined to believe him, mostly because he’s leaned across the table to snatch your wrist in his larger hand, pulling to an abrupt halt. The little jolt from where you hip bumps into the edge of the table makes you rethink wrenching your arm from his hand, but it’s mostly the weight of his stare that has you bolted into place. 
Part of you knows that Tom is not the kind of man to be unfaithful. He is a good man, and has always been right by your side from the moment you’d agreed to start going steady with him. He’s as a good of a husband as he is a pilot, which means that he’s unshakeable and isn’t rattled. Always comes home. 
Thinking back, Ice has never really looked at another woman—he doesn’t engage in the way Goose and Maverick and Slider do when it comes to ogling women at the club. 
As a matter of fact, Ice is usually the first to change the topic. He stays home more than he goes out, preferring a quiet night in watching late night game shows over popcorn and cheap wine than going out and fending off crowds and loud music. 
That quiet calculation that simmers beneath the surface has never once given you reason to be angry with him like this. Thinking about it, you hadn’t heard Tom’s conversation with the blonde at the bar—you’d only watched her reach for him. Not even giving Tom a chance to brush her off before you darted outside, hurt and overwhelmed and overthinking, you didn’t even know if he’d shook her off or not. 
Overreacting was in your nature. That was something Ice knew about you. 
And standing there, watching his sorry eyes track you, waiting for your hard exterior to break, you feel a pang of guilt at how you’ve treated him without knowing the full story. 
Tongue thickening in your mouth, it’s suddenly both hot and freezing in this kitchen, and you shrug your shoulders a little. 
It’s a miracle he isn’t angry—isn’t frustrated with your behavior. Other guys you’ve dated—other marriages you’ve seen—aren’t so forgiving. 
“I think I know that,” you respond with a quiet, shaky sigh, “it’s just—” 
His willingness to stand here in this kitchen and hash open your insecurities is too raw and too public. A hot bolt of frustration races up your throat and you pop off a biting, “Tom, let’s just go,” that makes him release your hand. “It’s late and I’m really, really tired.” 
Sliding off the barstool, Tom Kazanksy is sober enough for his two feet as he rounds the long table, snatching your purse for you as you’re about to move for the swinging doors. Turning to brush shoulders with him, his hand on your bicep pulls you to another stop, your sneakers squeaking on the floor beneath you. 
He gently shuffles you back, angling you so that your chest is brushed up against his arm. Close enough to glimpse the whiskey on his breath, you can feel the faint beat of his heart through his ribs as his warmth skips over you. His nose brushes against your temple as he breathes in the scent of your hair, pressing a soft kiss to the top of your ear. 
“There will never be anyone but you, my love,” the sharp, steely lines of Iceman Kazansky have broken through the loose drunkenness that’s been in the back of every word leading up to this, like he’s suddenly the man in the cockpit, making decisions that may change the course of national safety. “How could there ever be anyone else when I already have the woman I’ve always wanted?” 
You suck in a slow, thin breath as a fraction of a second cracks between the two of you. Suddenly the kitchen is spinning in a jumble of color and haze, and it’s just you and Tom in the void of the universe, nothing able to exist outside of this moment. Your throat is closing you think, and the air in your chest is so thin that you fear it might be passing through your skin and not actually providing you any sort of help at all. 
His other hand traps your chin between his thick fingers, tilting it up just a little. “I love you desperately, ma’am,” his voice rasps in that way that sends you reeling, and your heart picks up a few erratic beats more behind your ribs, “and nothing is going to ever change that. I married you, promised that you would be enough until death do us part, and I meant it. I am a man of my word. That much you know, pretty girl.” 
Your eyes cast down to the floor, and you don’t realize your shaking until Ice’s grip on your forearm tightens a little, reassuringly. You’re trying too hard not to cry, but a little sniffle escapes you as you nod your understanding, his smile spreading against your forehead as his lips skip lightly along your forehead. 
“Ice,” his name is perfect on your tongue, and you inhale a deep breath of his cologne, which is barely clinging to his beer-scented skin, “I’m not sorry for being jealous, but I am sorry for overreacting,” your voice is tiny, smaller than you intended as you bury your nose into his shoulder. “I should know better, yeah—but I’m a jealous wreck.”
Chuckle rumbling in his chest, he releases your arm to hug you, softly. “I know that, and I think it’s sexy as fuck, pretty,” his thumb returns to your chin, and he takes it a little rougher between his fingers, “Can I kiss you or do you still wanna stay pissed?” 
You giggle and raise on your toes to wrap your arms around his neck, firmly, “Why do you even have to ask, Ice?” 
His smile is cheshire, cutting you at the knees. “Are you sure? No takebacks, darlin’,” the way he says darlin’ sends such a bolt of heat between your legs that you’re clenching, your stomach rolling in a delightful little somersault at the base of your spine.
 “I’m sure, Iceman—I’m more than sure.” 
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Almost Eye To Eye - Joker X GN (Tall) Reader
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Title: Almost Eye To Eye
Joker X GN (Tall) Reader
Additional Characters: Batman (Mentioned)
Requested by Anon!
WC: 1,138
Warnings: Reader is 6 foot, Joker being Joker, "threats" teasing, taunting, slight insecurity mentioned, grumpy J, slight suggestiveness, mini angst, unsuspecting kiss, and fluff
You stared into the almost black eyes of your Joker, arms crossed with a slight smirk on your lips. He stared right back, trying to intimidate you as you had distracted him from his planning. But, it wasn't your fault that J would plan for hours and hours. You just wanted to spend some time with him. It was hard when he'd leave your home for days upon days only to come home and hide away in the office you gave him and plan his next chaos-filled action. And this whole staring contest was because you couldn't stop rambling about the one-inch height difference between the two of you, distracting him from his work. You just loved how close in height you were, teasing the Clown of Crime about it often.
"If you don't stop staring at me..." He paused, licking his lips, "I'm going to have to make you." J's voice rang out deeply, unnerving.
You just continued, his words getting less menacing the more he spoke, "And what exactly will you do?" You asked, half-lidded eyes leaving his own and trailing over his features; his painted face, his nose, cheeks, mouth, and scars. It was all quite beautiful really. He was beautiful. From the way his eyes glinted darkly at you to the way his almost shoulder-length, green hair shined in the sunlight that shone through your window behind him. Either way, it suited him and you loved every bit of it.
His lips quirked up slightly, and a menacing look engulfed his entire face as he leaned closer to you, "You won't like it." He spoke slowly, and you rolled your eyes, your smirk growing.
"Oh? And what makes you think so?" You challenged, stepping forward until your noses were practically touching. Joker stared at you, narrowing his eyes as he let out a small huff before turning away and sitting back down at his desk, making you laugh lightly. "J, honey, you know you love me."
He didn't answer, but you knew what the answer was. You leaned the palm of your hands on the desk, leaning over as you stared at Joker's work. Normally, J wouldn't back down from a fight, but this time he seemed to be ignoring you. He did this rarely, but when he did, it took a bit for him to open up again. You smiled down at him and rolled your eyes, biting your bottom lip. You moved around the desk, standing beside J's chair as you peered down at his paperwork scattered across it. 
"You know I love you, right?" You muttered, only to get no answer, like always. You didn't mind it though. You knew Joker cared about you, and you hope to some extent it was love. Why would he stay at your home, put up with you, and come back to you... If he didn't care? Why would he kiss you so passionately, hold you protectively at night in the same bed, and love you if he didn't? It didn't make sense if he didn't. And yet you found yourself clinging onto each word he said; even after his anger or annoyance had simmered away. "J?" You murmured, not knowing what else to say. Finally, you heard him hum, still refusing to meet your gaze; his hair covering the side of his face.
You wandered behind him and his chair, pulling the fluffy scrunchie off your wrist and onto your hand. Slowly, as if to pick up or pet a cat, you moved his hair from his face. Joker tensed as you pulled his hair up and tied it up with the scrunchie, fashioning him a small ponytail. Joker almost growled, but quickly held it in, turning his head slightly towards you before letting you pull away. With a sigh, he looked down at his papers once more.
"You look beautiful." Your tone softened, and Joker froze. You wrapped your arms around his neck and shoulders from behind, the soft fabric of his purple shirt soothed you as you leaned your chin gently on the top of his head. When he didn't move, you continued, "And your hair out of your face is a bonus, now you can continue working without it getting in the way." You spoke softly, pressing a quick kiss to his scalp. 
"You are trying my patience." J finally spoke up, drawing out his words, and you hummed, nuzzling your nose into his hair. 
"So what am I supposed to do instead? Sit here and watch you work? Because that's not gonna happen." You chuckled quietly, rubbing your cheek against his head. Joker sighed heavily and continued to loudly scribble on the paper before him with his pen. “Your mind amazes me.” You sighed.
"You're impossible." He groaned, and you laughed, kissing his temple.
"But you love me anyway." You whispered, and again, you got no answer. Taking in a big breath, you let out a sigh, before you slid off him. Wandering back beside him, you peered down at him with a small smile. "Well, I guess, I'll finally leave you in peace. I just wanted to spend some time with you before you left off into the night to try and stop the Batman." You shrugged, before turning to leave when suddenly you felt something pull your back and around, J's hand tightly clenching around the back of your shirt.
Eyes wide, you stared at J as he stared right back up at you. Saying nothing, he trailed his hand up your side and grabbed onto the collar of your shirt, pulling you down and smashing his lips against yours. A shock ran down your spine, and you gasped softly, allowing J to deepen the kiss. The kiss broke when J pulled away, turning back to continue his work. You stood there for a moment, frozen and blinking, before your brain finally caught up with your body.
A wide, lovesick grin stretched over your lips, slightly splotched with red and the tip of your nose white with greasepaint, you practically skipped out of the office, feeling happy and giddy from the kiss. You plopped on your couch, legs up against your chest as you fiddled with the necklace J obviously stole for you. Your lips tingle and burn from his kiss. You giggled slightly and shook your head, grabbing the tv remote and turning on a favorite show of yours.
You missed J a lot when he hid in the office, but you treasured all the time he did spend with you. No matter if he spent an hour with you or a whole day, you wouldn't trade the moments you spent together. The thought made you smile, and you soon found your attention drawn to the television once more. You couldn’t wait until J was done working. 
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buckysgrace · 1 year
Chapter Eighteen
Previous Chapter
The sun was drifting below the horizon, mixtures of pink and orange shone in the sky as Billy drove them away from Hopper’s house. Max had indeed been a few minutes late but El didn’t look the least bit upset when she came out. She had even tried to get the older teens to stay for a bit but they both had resisted.
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A comfortable silence filled the car but Kim was still fighting to keep her jealousy from spilling out all over herself. She wanted to know if Billy had actually been planning on setting a date up with Tina and if he had followed through on those said plans. She didn’t want him to do it. She wanted to keep him distracted enough with her that he wouldn’t want anyone else. 
She was losing her mind. She was sure of it. Billy wasn’t her boyfriend, he never would be. One day she would simply think of him as a mistake that occurred in her youth. There would never be a future between the two of them. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel like it wasn’t fair that he got to see other people while she was stuck with no options as he had shut them all down. If she had to be alone, then he should have to be the same way.
She had mental pictures of herself reaching across the car and rubbing her hand across the front of his pants, of putting herself out there to let him know that she was desperate to feel him and that he didn’t have to go anywhere else to get off. She was right here . She couldn’t find the confidence in herself though, instead drifting off and imagining all of the things she could be doing right now instead of sitting in silence. She used her scrunchie to pull her long, red hair up again to distract her hands with something to do. Billy must’ve had similar thoughts, at least thinking about how they were a safe distance away as he pulled his car over to the side of the road. She peered at him curiously.
“What are you doing?” She asked but she already knew the answer as he unbuckled his seatbelt. He chuckled and reached across the console to unbuckle her as well, his fingers lingering near her bare skin.
“Just thought I’d make sure you didn’t get hurt anywhere else. Why don’t you crawl in the back?” The smell of his fresh cigarettes hit her nose as she stared into his blue eyes. She hesitated for a moment, still thinking about the way he had spoken to Tina.
“Are you sure you want me back there and not someone else?” She had tried to play her tone off as casual but it was so embarrassingly obvious what she meant as the jealousy dripped off of her tone. Billy’s smile turned into a smirk as he took in her appearance. She kept her arms crossed over her chest, pretending that nothing was wrong.
“Awe, is the little princess jealous that I was talking to someone else?” He mocked and she felt her insides growing even warmer. She did not like when he treated her as if she was a child. At least not right yet. She scoffed, trying to collect her composure as his large hand gripped her knee.
“I have nothing to be jealous of.” She replied shortly, cursing herself as the heat from his hand traveled straight to his core. She was still feeling the after effects of their makeout session in the bathroom. She wished she had let him take her then and there. She wished she could’ve seen Tina’s face when they both exited with flushed cheeks, swollen lips and messy hair.
“You really don’t. You’re a much better kisser than her.” Billy praised as he moved his hands to cup her chubby cheeks. She was disgruntled. She liked when he spoke highly of her but at the same time she didn’t like being compared to the other girls he had been with. She knew it was just sex, but didn’t want to just become another girl on his list.
He squeezed her cheeks playfully, pouting out her lips as he turned her face to look at him roughly, her eyes slightly widening as he ran his tongue across his teeth, “Are you going to be a little brat tonight? Or a good girl?” Her heart was pounding in her chest as she felt the sensation growing between her legs. She was still a bit upset, but couldn’t imagine trying to sleep with the strong throbbing pulsing through her body. She swallowed hard, her face slightly burning from the grip he had on her face.
“I’m your good girl,” She whispered out pathetically, her words slightly mumbling as her tongue hit along where her cheeks were protruding in her mouth, “I’ll listen.” Billy’s smile grew as he bent forward and placed a chaste kiss on her nose. She blinked in surprise at his actions, unexpecting to his sweet touch. He released his grip on her face.
“Get in the back.” She didn’t waste any time, shoving the stuffed duck onto the ground as she crawled over the middle console. A yelp left her mouth as his rough hand smacked against her backside, ringing in the car. She glanced around nervously. The windows were down and the sun was still up high enough to spit out light. If anyone drove by slowly she thought for sure that they would be able to see the two of them. 
It was a lot more cramped in the back, she thought. Max was a lot shorter than her and seemed to have plenty of room. Meanwhile, Kim’s knees dug into the back of the passenger seat in this position. Billy chuckled as he walked around and opened the door opposite to her.
“You’re gonna need to undress, babe. You’re not going to be sitting like that either.” She looked towards him, full of naivety and concern as he bent his head down to look at her. His expression softened as he searched her face before reaching a hand out towards her. She took it, ignoring how well his hand still fit in hers as she scooted towards him. 
“You want me naked?” She asked as she felt the blush spreading across her face. Billy nodded and she felt the concern rising in her chest, knowing she wouldn’t be able to hide if anyone were to drive by. She was really starting to feel insecure. It was one thing to be naked in the bedroom or even in the shower, but to be outside in the backseat of his car? It felt completely wrong and unnatural for her. 
“I’ve got you,” He promised as his hands traced against her navel, lifting the hem of her shirt up higher so her belly button was exposed, “No one is going to see you but me, I won’t let anything happen to you.” Her words were comforting and she nodded, yet her heart was still thumping in her chest and her mind still reminding her that this was a bad idea.
“No one will see?” She asked as he pulled her top over her head, leaving her only in her blue bra as she fought the urge to place her hands over her chest and hide away. He nodded, but she was unsure if he even heard her as he stared at her cleavage. She inhaled deeply, trusting him as his fingers worked at unsnapping the back of her bra. She felt it fall forward, watching as his hands shimmied it off of her. 
She didn’t have time to cover herself before his hands were kneading at her breasts and pinching at her nipples. It was strange for her to think that someone playing with her boobs could feel so good. A soft sigh left her mouth as he bent down and connected his wet mouth around her hard nipple. She exhaled slowly, her hands lingering in the back of his blonde curls as his wet tongue swirled circles around her nipple.
“No one. You’re all mine.” He finally answered as he pulled away, his hands looping through her jeans before beginning to tug them down around her waist. She lifted her butt off of the seat and when she lowered it she tried to ignore the hot seats as her bare skin rubbed against it. He quickly pulled at her shoes, throwing them in different directions in the car as he shimmied her jeans the rest of the way off. His words had an odd effect on her as she thought about what exactly he meant by she’s all his. She closed her legs before he could pry them apart, completely embarrassed that she more than likely had a wet spot showing. She could see from this angle the red marks on her knees from where she fell earlier. 
“I can do it.” She mumbled as she  moved her feet away from him. She felt his eyes burning into her skin as she removed her socks and slowly slid out of her panties, keeping the damp underwear away from his eyes. His eyes ate her up as she moved slowly and shyly, unsure of how to sit against the hot seat without getting her wet slick everywhere. Billy shifted his head inside, leaning down to cup her face and kiss her hotly. Her tongue slid against his as he gently cupped her chin, making sure to not hit the sore area as he kissed her harder, flicking his tongue deeper inside of her mouth. Her bottom was burning from where the hot sun had sinked into the leather seats but she almost didn’t care as long as he kept kissing her like this.
“Do you want to feel my cock?” He asked when they pulled away. She looked up at his bruised face, watching how his blonde curls dangled limply across his forehead. She nodded her head stiffly, growing even more wet from the dirty words that left his mouth, “You’ll have to do better than that.” Billy’s hand lightly tapped the right side of her cheek as she stared up at him. Her eyes wandered to where his shirt was slightly opened and she found her hands reaching to fiddle with the buttons. He put a tight grip around her hand, completely silent as he stared at her and waited for her to answer. She swallowed hard.
“Yes,” She breathed out deeply looking up at him through hooded eyes, “I want your cock.” Her tongue felt numb from the word that rolled off of it but she ignored the feeling as he quickly pulled his shirt over his head. Her hand reached out to trace at his muscular chest, soaking in the warmth that she felt growing against her pale hand. 
“You gonna be good?” He asked again and she quickly nodded her head. His eyes narrowed again and she breathed her words out quickly, not wanting to upset him anymore.
“I’ll be so good for you,” She whined watching as his large hands took hold of her waist. She wanted to reach between them and take his jeans off but he was quick to turn her around, “What are we doing?” She asked confused as he placed her on her hands and knees in the seat. She was careful to avoid the buckles sticking out but her already sore knees burned from the hot leather rubbing against them. She felt Billy’s hand traveling up her spin until he shoved her face down into the black seat, her cheek soaking in the burning sensation as he crawled over top of her.
“Need to fuck the jealousy out of you, hm? Make you remember how good we feel together?” She felt his swollen tip rubbing between her folds, teasing her as she just barely rubbed against her entrance. She whined, trying to nod but he had taken a tight hold to her pony tail to keep her face pressed against the seat and she found no way to move.
“Yes, Billy. Please fuck me,” She moaned as he continued his movements of rubbing his dick along her aching heat. She wanted nothing more than for him to push inside of her and give her what she was so desperately craving, “Billy,” She yelped when he pulled at her hair, desperately trying to grind back against him, “Fuck me.” She repeated, practically begging as she felt his tip slowly push inside her eager hole. She didn’t even have enough in her to ask about condoms as his other hand slammed against her bottom, spanking her so hard that she was sure the animals in the field could hear.
“So fucking desperate,” He chastised as he moved both hands towards her waist, she grew eager as she felt him thrust forward, “You sure you deserve your big brothers cock?” It took all of her might to not reach forward and bite onto the seats with as much frustration that was racing through her veins. She was clenching around nothing, urgently trying to push him inside of her as she moaned below him.
“Yes, yes I deserve it,” She squeaked out as he roughly pulled her hips back against his, still not entering her as his dick slid between her folds again. She was sure she was dripping onto his car with as needy as she felt, “Been so good for you. Please.” She turned her head to look at the boy standing behind her. She noted how he hadn’t even bothered to pull his jeans fully off, instead they cupped his thick thighs. She wondered if it would’ve been better for her to keep part of her pants on to keep her knees from stinging.
“You’ve been good?” He questioned as he leaned over her, holding onto her ass and she fought the moan as she felt him completely cover her hole with his dick. She nodded frantically, her cheek stinging in the same way her knees did. Her nipples stung at the feeling of being pressed against the leather.
“Yes, Billy,” She whimpered pathetically, feeling some drool slide out of the corner of her mouth as she kept her eyes trailed on him, “It hurts, need you to make me feel better.” She pleaded as her fingers dug into the side of his seats. He grinned, leaning over her face and for a moment she thought he would kiss the corner of her mouth again.
Instead, he spit on her cheek, the drool dribbling down onto her mouth as she stared at him stunned. She was completely turned on, the desperation and lust inside her intensifying as he took a hold of himself and slid into her wet hole. Her eyes fluttered shut as he moved inside of her soaking walls, slowly pulling himself all the way out again before slamming into her. She felt a slight burn inside of her when he did that but nothing she couldn’t handle. She was a moaning mess underneath him, clawing at the seats and fighting to keep her legs pried together as he hit against her sweet spot in this angle. She thought of how good it had felt in the shower and was beginning to prefer being fucked this way.
“Oh my god,” She panted out as he gripped her hips harshly and drilled into her, his dick sliding into her with ease, “You treat me so good, such a good big brother.” She whined out, more for his enjoyment than her own. He seemed to get off on that a lot more than she did, she noted as she heard his loud groaning coming from above her. His hips snapped forward more roughly as he reached between them to flick at her clit every few seconds. She felt her toes curl and thighs tighten at the sensation.
He reached down and grabbed her ponytail, yanking on her hair as he rammed deeply into her shaking body. Kim’s whole body felt overwhelmed as her face scraped against the rough, roasting seat. Her nails dug into the cushion and she felt her eyebrows furrowing together as the pleasure overcame her. All she could focus on was the way his cock dragged in and out of her and the sounds that echoed out the windows. 
“You have the best pussy, princess,” He rolled his hips forward as his tip brushed against her g-spot repeatedly, pushing her forward so her head smacked against the side of the door, “So fucking tight and wet.” He groaned as he tugged on her hair again. She licked her lips, feeling the urge to cum growing bigger inside of her. Sweat was dripping down the back of her neck and onto the seats, causing her to slide around more.
Kim never wanted to stop feeling him inside of her, no matter how wrong it was. She was coming to realize that until she found someone that would make her feel this good she wouldn’t survive. She needed him the same way that she needed air.
“So close,” She whimpered out as more saliva slipped out of her mouth, coating her squished cheek with wetness as he rocked her into the car, “Billy, oh my god!” She whined rolling her hips back to meet his hard thrusts. She could hear the older boy grunting above her, squeezing the flesh of her ass before smacking it harshly. Her toes were curling as he kept her legs shoved far apart, making her take his powerful thrusts.
“You gonna cream all over my cock, baby?” He cooed at her before spitting on her cheek again. It trailed into her open mouth, her tongue licking out slowly to wipe away the saliva. Kim panted, her walls fluttering around his throbbing cock as she chased her high. Billy was groaning louder, his movements stalling more often as he gripped her tightly.
“Yes!” She cried out, trying to grind back against as best as she could, “F-fuck!” She cursed in pleasure as she felt herself coming undone around him. He grabbed her hair again, pulling her head up to force her to look at him. She stared at his flushed expression, his swollen lips and the way his blonde curls stuck to the front of his forehead.
“Look at me, baby.” He rasped out as his thrusts became more shallow. She stared into his blue eyes, resisting the urge to shut her own as her orgasm shook her whole body. She panted and watched the way his necklace bounced against his chest. She had an urge to turn and grab for it and pull him even closer to her. She clenched her fingers into the side of the chair again when she felt his warm fluid soaking inside of her. She gaped, watching the way his mouth opened and sounds of pleasure leaving his mouth. She felt her insides curl in awe as she watched him, feeling the excitement grow inside her.
“Billy,” She whimpered as her legs shook, her walls clutching his cock deep inside of her. She didn’t want him to pull out. No matter how badly the seats burnt, she could stay here forever as long as he never moved away from her, “It feels really good.” She breathed out a laugh as she closed her eyes. Both sides of her cheeks were damp from a mixture of sweat and spit. He rubbed his large hands across her soft curves, squeezing the soft flesh on her sides.
“I know, baby,” He chuckled and she felt a groan leave her mouth when he began to slide out of her soaked pussy, “You did so good though. Always so good for me.” Billy mumbled as he rubbed her butt softly. He moved her gently so she could sit up, thankful for the relief against her cheek. She sat on her side awkwardly, feeling the mixture of their cum between her legs. She gasped softly when the wind tickled the back of her neck. 
“Thank you.” She mumbled bashfully as he pulled his boxers and jeans up. He leaned forward and grabbed paper towels before dabbing her cheeks clean. She was a bit confused over how sweet he was still acting towards her.
“That wasn’t too much was it?” He looked more serious as he threw the paper napkins out to the side of him, “You know if there’s ever anything that’s too much you can tell me to stop. You know that, right?” Billy asked, looking concerned as he looked at her reddened cheek. She stared at him for a moment before nodding quickly.
“I know that,” She was grateful for her already reddened face so he couldn’t see her blush, “I like what we do. It feels good,” She giggled as she pulled at her ponytail again, “It makes me feel naughty.” She whispered so low she almost wished he wouldn’t hear her. He chuckled as he began to pick up her scattered clothes. She wished they didn’t have to get dressed, she’d stay here all night naked with him if it meant he’d hold her again.
She watched cautiously as he began to dress her again, noting how he had forgotten to clean her, “Hold on a second.” She began to reach forward to grab napkins from the console but he shooed her hand away. She looked at him oddly as the smirk grew on his face.
“You don’t need to be cleaned up yet.” He responded plainly as he pulled her underwear up towards her knees. She could still feel the mixture of them dripping down her thighs and did not like the idea of walking around with it dripping out of her pussy.
“Why?” She didn’t understand why she couldn’t get fully cleaned up as he bent forward and pressed a kiss against her cheek. She blinked at him as he looked down between her legs where his cum was leaking out of her. She gasped when he reached his fingers down and pushed the liquid back up inside of her.
“Always wanted to do that,” He mumbled taking her surprised appearance as a way to pull her panties up over her bottom, “It’s so fucking how thinking about you walking around with my cum inside of you. Dad and Susan won’t even know.” Her face burned in humiliation yet she could feel the lower half of her body reacting in a different way as he began to pull up her jeans around her waist. She couldn’t find it in herself to protest as she buttoned her jeans back up, feeling the mixture sitting heavily inside of her and pooling into her underwear as she nodded. If Billy was choosing her to do this with then she would suck it up and do it. Just to get the praise she so desperately craved from him.
“Okay,” She responded bashfully as she pulled her socks on. He reached over to grab her shoes, “All night?” He gave her a playful look as he pressed his lips against her nose again. She didn’t say anything, but she really wanted to to kiss him again. She really enjoyed the way their lips moved together. He pulled away and slid his shirt over his shoulders. He didn’t bother to button it as he pulled his blonde curls out of the back of it. She tried not to stare at his sweaty chest.
“I got something for you.” He mumbled before he climbed out of the car and popped his trunk. She focused on tying her shoes and not the wet mixture sloshing around inside of her. It felt so good yet so wrong at the same time. She’d be walking inside their house, in front of her mom with her stepbrothers cum coating her pussy.
“You got that for me?” She felt her eyes widen and a grin build as he stepped around the car again, holding the stuffed cow from the claw machine. He looked bashful as he stuck it out towards her, his expression grumpy as she ran her pale hands over the soft fur and gave it a squeeze. She grinned up at him, excited as she waited for him to speak.
“Only because you fell on my skates and cut yourself,” He muttered like it was no big deal but she knew it was, “Thought you deserved something fun out of the day.” Her heart was racing again as she watched him kick at the ground with his boot. She thought he looked oddly cute at the moment, denying that he had done anything nice for her. She squished it against her chest, knowing he’d never allow her to hug him.
“Billy, I had fun regardless. But thank you,” She squealed as she pulled the cow away to look at it again, “He’s so cute!” She exclaimed as she crawled to the front of the seat and buckled up again, holding the cow on her lap like a small child. He looked a bit more amused as he watched her.
“Better than your duck?” He questioned looking unsure as his fingers fidgeted around his keys. She handed him a cigarette and he looked even more surprised. She was beaming on the inside.
“Fuck the duck!” She laughed holding the cow up so it was inches away from her face, “I got a cow!” She didn’t even care if she sounded childish. She couldn’t remember the last time someone had given her a present other than on her birthday or for Christmas. She was going to place it on her bed, giving it the highest honor.
“You’re odd,” Billy chuckled as he started the car again, his shirt still undone as he pulled back onto the road. Kim was basically bouncing with joy, her feelings of jealousy gone from earlier. She bet that he hadn’t ever gotten Tina or anyone else a stuffed cow before, “But really cute.” Billy smirked as he viewed her now bashful expression. She still wasn’t used to being called cute by anyone, much less by him. She had seen the girls he had been with before and she wasn’t sure why he picked her over them.
“You like it.” She did her best to tease him as he turned his music up loudly again. She was brewing with happiness as she hugged her stuffed animal to her chest and watched as night settled in through the woods. The last bit of sunlight disappeared as they made their way back home and Kim was growing anxious at what Neil and her mother would say when they returned. They had already explained where they’d be at, but that didn’t mean Neil wouldn’t pretend that the conversations had never happened. He always needed someone else to blame and be mad at. She just hoped he wouldn’t get physical with Billy again.
“I like it a lot,” He spoke up as his hand rested against her thigh, “So cows are your favorite animal?” She nodded enthusiastically. She liked their pouty noses and their big brown eyes. 
“My dads parents had a dairy farm for a while, so I got to pet them a few times,” She didn’t remember much of her grandparents. When Susan had cut her dad, Sam, off his parents had protested by completely ignoring their two grandchildren. Somehow it became their fault too, “What’s your favorite animal?” She asked him curiously as she turned to watch him. Billy furrowed his eyebrows together.
“I don’t think I have one. I’ve never really thought about it.” Billy shrugged as he drove. She waited for him to reach for another cigarette but never did. She frowned at his words, not quite believing them. 
“Oh, come on. You have to have a favorite animal, I mean, everyone does.” She spoke unsure as she stared at him. She watched him, looking at how he genuinely looked confused. She pondered if Neil would even allow him to talk about that. She felt a rush of guilt filling her at that thought. 
“Maybe a cat?” He shook his head, “What does it matter? It’s dumb anyways.” She listened as the irritation dripped into his voice. She could tell she was pushing too far but she decided to try again anyways. She pawed at his arm playfully.
“If I draw you a cat picture you have to hang it up in your room. Promise?” She asked, looking at him completely seriously. He glanced at her oddly again but she could see the corner of his lips trying not to turn into a smile. She felt pretty proud over that.
“Okay, I’ll hang up your picture of a cat.” He said finally as they neared the driveway. She grinned widely and turned to face the front window, excited about drawing about the first time. She’d draw a hundred pictures just for him. Billy parked in the familiar spot outside of the garage, she noticed that Neil's truck was already parked inside. Kim peeked around for a moment, not noticing anyone as she took in a breath of confidence. She leaned over the console to press a kiss against his cheek. She pulled away quickly, unsure of how to feel when he looked at her confused. 
“Thank you for cleaning me up earlier.” She pressed the button to unbuckle herself watching as his hands did the same. He smiled softly at her, and she could feel her heart racing in her chest as a warm feeling spread throughout her body. 
“It wasn’t that bad,” He smiled as he pushed the car door open, “You really didn’t skate that bad either. You shouldn’t be discouraged.” She watched as he crossed in front of the car and opened the door for her. She pulled her stuffed animals into her arms and stood up, silently thanking him. She felt the slight discomfort grow within her as she moved, the mixture of them filling her panties as she stood. He noticed her expression and chuckled, obviously pleased with himself.
“I sucked big time, but thank you,” She grinned at him watching as the light breeze picked up his blonde curls, “I didn’t know you skated.” She admitted when she turned to look at him. He chuckled, locking the door behind her. 
“There’s a lot of things you don’t know about me.” He spoke the truth as they crossed the dry, grassy dirt and headed towards the front door. It was easier to go that way than up through the back and risk disturbing Neil if he was in his room. She followed his longer strides, even more curious about what he was hiding under all of his layers. She stepped behind him as he pulled the door open and followed him inside. She was pleased to see their parents were already in their rooms. She was still bitter at the both of them and had been giving her mother the silent treatment since Billy had snuck in the shower with her.
“I’ll come say goodnight in a few minutes,” Billy smirked as his pinky curled around her fingers, “Don’t fall asleep on me.” He bent down to whisper into her ear, a tickle traveling down the side of her neck as she resisted the urge to giggle. She didn’t want to be too loud in case she disturbed their parents. Her heart sped up again as her fingers clung more tightly to the stuffed animal he had won for her. She was still giddy about it.
“Okay,” She pulled her hair down again walking towards her room as he headed into his. She quickly sat the cow on her bed before setting the small duck on her bedside table as she left again. She barely rasped on her moms door before she spoke, “We’re back. Just wanted to let you know.” She tried to hold the irritation back in her tone as she spoke. The only reason she was letting them know was so Billy didn’t get in any more trouble.
There was silence for a moment before her mom finally spoke, “Uh, thank you honey! I hope you had fun!” She wrinkled her nose in disgust, not wanting to know what they were doing there as she went back to her room. The hallway was dark and quiet and Kim wondered what Billy was doing at the moment.
She shut her door behind her and sat in front of her vanity, taking in her reflection with a small frown. She shifted awkwardly in her seat, uncomfortable as the mixture of them seeped out of her. She wasn’t sure how long he wanted her to be like this as she stared into the mirror. Her hair was an absolute mess from being tugged on and from the wind blowing in through his car window. She gently took a comb through it, doing her best to make it frame her hair as nicely as possible. She looked at the small cut on her forehead, expecting that it would’ve been a lot worse by the way he had been fussing over her. She gently pressed her thumb to her sore chin, reminding herself to take tylenol later. 
She touched up her mascara then applied a coat of pink lipgloss. She puckered her lips in the mirror, judging to see how well it looked on her as her heart beat rapidly in her chest. She knew she should’ve refused Billy’s request to come in here. It was too risky yet, she was unable to deny herself the pleasure of being against him. She didn’t even care if it was sex or not, she just liked basking in his presence. He was a mystery and she wanted to solve it. 
Kim sat back for a moment, wondering if she should stay dressed or go ahead and get naked. She knew that Billy wouldn’t have her in her clothes for very long anyways. Her fingers hesitated against the hem of her shirt before she pulled it off, exposing her simple white bra. She played with her hair, trying to find the best way that caressed her frame. She stood and shimmied her jeans down. From this angle she could see the obvious wet spot from where his cum had drenched into her panties.
She paced in front of her bed for a moment, deciding where she should be sitting when he came inside. Should she lay across the bed? Hide under the covers? She tugged at the ends of her hair as she stressed over the answer. She stopped when she realized she was trying way too hard for a guy who wouldn’t care as long as he got his dick inside of her.
“Hey,” She turned, frightened as Billy slipped into the door quickly. He wasn’t yet facing her as he quickly locked the door behind him, “I think they’re-” His words died when his blue eyes trailed up from the floor and onto her exposed body. She felt her whole body turning red as he examined her, the hint of a smirk ghosting over his lips.
“Hi.” She squeaked out as she held her hands behind her back, fidgeting with her fingers as he trailed his tongue across his shiny teeth. She dug the heel of her foot into the floor, twisting it awkwardly as he stayed quiet.
“Is this for me?” He sounded cocky as he pushed himself off of the door and walked towards her, his hands gently brushing against her exposed hips. She gulped hard as the tips of his thumbs trailed inside of her panties.
“I had this on earlier,” She muttered shyly, “You probably didn’t notice it.” She grinned softly as he pulled her flush against his warm body. She nervously placed her arm over his shoulder as his fingers rubbed along her spine. She felt goosebumps forming along her pale skin as he analyzed her features. She looked at how well the color of his eyes stood out along his bruised face and suddenly felt guilty again for what happened the other night.
“I did,” He smirked as his hand trailed down and cupped her ass in his large palm. She giggled softly as he bent down to press a gentle kiss against her lips, “Get in the bed.” He smacked her butt hard before crawling in there first. She stared at him for a moment before following suit, sitting on her knees next to him.
“What?” She looked at him curiously as he looked at her amused. He shrugged his shoulders before crossing his hands over his toned stomach. She nudged his thigh with her hand, urging him to speak up as he bit his lip.
“I kind of meant for you to crawl on my lap.” He spoke slowly with a giant grin as he took in her flushed appearance. She shook her head and tucked her hair behind her ear again as Billy took ahold of her smaller hand. The familiar fire spread over her skin where he touched. 
“You said to get on the bed.” She blinked as she looked at him, still unsure how she felt like she knew nothing when it came to being with him. He grinned as he used her hand to pull him towards her. She cautiously straddled his lap, slowly sitting back down on top of him. There was no denying the bulge in his pants. He had obviously been planning this.
“I know but I thought maybe you’d get my drift,” He chuckled as his hands rested against her hips and fiddled with the band of her underwear again, “It’s okay. I just like holding you like this.” She furrowed her eyebrow as her hands went to his shoulders, gently tugging on his blonde curls.
“I’m pretty sure you’ve only ever held me like this once before.” She tried not to linger too hard on the previous memory of them being together. She was beginning to think that maybe they were doing this too much. Was it healthy? She didn’t care.
“Yeah, but I’ve thought of it a lot. I like it.” His hands slid inside of her underwear as he cupped the flesh of her ass and squeezed again. She blushed, turning her cheek so he hopefully wouldn’t notice. He leaned forward and pressed a kiss against her collarbone. She thought about reminding him about no hickeys again, but it disappeared when his grip on her bottom scooted her forward and ground her hips down on his large bulge.
She moaned softly, accepting his hint as she moved her hips against his bulge as his lips trailed against her soft skin. He licked at her neck softly and she felt a jolt traveling down her body. His rough jeans rubbed against her clothed pussy in the perfect way, hitting against her clit softly.
He leaned forward and pressed his lips against hers harshly, the cut on his lip scraping against hers. Her lips vibrated when he groaned into her mouth as she rolled her hips forward against his hard length. She gasped softly, holding onto the back of his head as his tongue slipped into her opened mouth. She flicked her tongue against his softly, feeling giddy at how they felt against each other.
“Mhm, wanna teach you something.” Billy stalled her hips as he pulled away from her, looking up at her with dilated eyes. Her heart thumped nervously as her fingers trailed over his tanned skin. She nodded at him.
“Okay, what are we doing?” She watched confused, a small laugh leaving her mouth as he scooted under her until he was laying down. She moved with him to stay over his waist, not wanting her vagina to be too close to his face.
“Turn around,” He mumbled as he held onto the back of her thigh. She nodded, unsure as she turned around and faced the wall instead of him. A shrill left her mouth as he gripped her hips and pulled her hips towards his face. She tried to scurry away, but his grip was too tight, “Hey, you’ve got to trust me.” He smacked her butt harshly as she yelped. She felt nervous as she stared down at his hard bulge. 
“I don’t understand?” She questioned, looking over her shoulder to peek at him. He was smirking as he began to tug her underwear down her legs. She felt way too exposed at the moment. Billy’s fingers coated over the mixture of the two of them before shoving the fluid back inside her hole. She bit down on her lip hard, not wanting to be too loud with their parents only a few doors down.
“I wanna eat this tasty cunt while you suck my cock.” He spoke simply while her ears burned. She was sure she’d have to pray after this interaction. She was sure whatever small thread she had of getting into heaven would be ruined by Billy. She truly didn’t mind at the moment. It would be worth it.
She licked the inside of her mouth as she unbuttoned his jeans and slowly pulled his zipper down. Her fingers shook as she pulled at the buttons on his black boxers, reaching her hand in to pull his hard dick out.
She hadn’t seen very many penises before, but she was positive that he had the prettiest one. She liked the way it was always slightly more golden than the rest of his body, his red tip angry as his slick coated his length. She pumped her hands on him a few times, growing nervous again as she thought about fitting his thick length inside of her mouth. She hadn’t had much experience with it before and he had to remind her about her teeth the first time.
He got her comfortable as he pushed down on her spine, moving her head closer to his throbbing dick. She stuck her tongue out, licking the slick off of the side of his cock. She was beginning to enjoy the way that he tasted as her tongue traveled up his vein back up to his tip.
Her eyes clenched shut as his wet tongue licked up the length of her pussy and ended at her hole. She bit back a moan as her grip around his dick tightened while he sucked up the remnants of them. His hips moved up and she knew it was his way of telling her to continue. She wrapped her lips around his tip, already feeling her lips stretching as she pushed him partly inside of her mouth.
She tried to focus on her movements, but it was hard with his tongue dancing between her folds and flicking against her clit. She could feel the moan building in her chest as she sucked on the small section of him in her mouth, pumping the part that wasn’t. She pushed her hair out of her face, bobbing her head slowly as his dick inched towards the back of her throat. 
His fingers dug into her waist as he moved her hips closer to her face and she ground her hips down on his eager tongue. She was dripping onto his open mouth as she kept wiggling her tongue across his dick. She gagged as his hips snapped forward, drool from her mouth dripping down onto his length and her hand. She pulled away for a moment, pumping her hand faster as she spread the drool over his hard length. She squeezed softly and wrapped her lips around his pretty cock and continued to suck. She felt her pussy vibrate as Billy moaned into her pussy and squeezed the flesh of her ass again. He smacked it softly, causing her head to push down deeper on his length.
She could understand why he decided to try this with her. It kept the two of them quiet and it still felt good. She squeezed his balls with one hand, massaging them softly as she continued to relax her jaw and push him in deeper. He hit the back of her throat and she closed her eyes hard, fighting back the gag that was rising in her mouth. She continued the rough motion with her hand even as it began to ache. She felt her eyes roll back and her toes curl as Billy muttered something into her skin, sending vibrations against her clit.
She was taken aback when his hips snapped up harshly and he released into her mouth, cumming harshly against her tongue. She fluttered her eyes, trying not to let any pool out of her mouth as she attempted to swallow while still keeping him in her mouth. It didn’t work out the best as she gulped hard, most of his cum coating her hand as she pulled away to catch her breath.
Her hips moved relentlessly against his tongue as he pulled her even closer on his tongue, groaning into her pussy as she released around his dick. She gaped, drool sliding down the side of her cheek as she held onto the bed and moved against his wet tongue. She was chasing her release as she rolled her hips in the same motion of his tongue, feeling herself come undone above him.
She bit back a large moan as she rode out her climax, his tongue carrying her down gently as he squeezed her butt and rubbed her soft flesh. She panted hard when he slowly began to move his face away from between her legs. She still felt way too exposed as she quickly moved off of him, turning so she laid next to him. She fought the urge to cover up as he turned on his side and rested his arm over her torso. His lips were still glistening with her slick as he leaned in towards her.
“What’s wrong?” His hands dipped dangerously low, and her body reacted in a positive way, craving his touch. She shook her head, cheeks flushed as she pushed her hair out from under her.
“It’s hot,” She muttered, her eyes widened as he grinned at her, “Like it’s warm in here.” She replied shyly as his hands drew circles around her belly button. She wasn’t going to push him away. She liked feeling this close to him. She enjoyed being held like this almost as much as she enjoyed the sex.
“Mhm,” He cupped her face and licked his lips clean before kissing the corner of her mouth. She grinned widely, also enjoying when he did that, “You’re a fast learner.”
“I did okay then?” Her heart raced as she watched him nod his head. She felt like she constantly needed his approval, unsure if she actually was doing good or not. She wanted to be doing well just for him.
“You did more than okay,” He chuckled as he gave her a longer, lingering kiss, “You’re so damn sexy.” She mentally flipped out over that word, never imagined that Billy would call her that. She had seen the girls he had been with before and never thought she quite compared. She figured that she must be doing something right. She watched as he rolled over and began to sit up. She felt herself growing cold suddenly.
It was still early in the night, and she felt as if they could talk like they had earlier at the skating rink. She didn’t want him to leave so soon. She liked being in his presence and listening to him when he spoke. There were a lot of things that she now liked about him that she didn’t realize from before.
“Why don’t you stay?” She asked cautiously as she rolled on her side to face him, pulling the sheet up over her chest. She rested one hand to the side of her cheek, cupping her face to stare at his muscular back. She felt very exposed as she questioned him, “I mean it’s still early and I’m not going to go to sleep for a while.” She tried to reason with him, explaining herself so that she didn’t seem too desperate for his touch. Billy quirked an eyebrow at her, pausing his movements as he sat at the edge of the bed. 
“Like sleep in here? With you?” Billy questioned her slowly, looking at her peculiarly as her cheeks began to grow hot. She instantly began to regret her question as he observed her. She knew it was a stretch, but she hated the fact of being alone. She was so desperate to have someone hold and touch her like he had just been doing. 
“Uh, yeah,” She tucked her hair behind her ear nervously, “I mean you heard Neil get up the other morning. What’s the worst that could happen?” She knew the answer to that. It was very risky for them to sleep together in the same bed. No one would believe them if they passed it off as accidentally falling asleep. They weren’t that close.
“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” He turned from her, dismissing her idea completely. She felt her heartbeat slowing down as the disappointment sank into her chest, “It’s just too risky and I don’t really like being touched like that.” She tried not to think about the night before, how they had fallen asleep in each other’s arms. She knew he wasn’t one for touching but she had hoped that she would have had a small chance. Her smile was forced as she covered herself more, suddenly feeling ashamed of her actions.
“Yeah, you’re right. I just thought it would’ve been fun or whatever.” She rambled nervously as she untucked her hair before tucking it again. She tried to keep her hand from shaking by laying it underneath her pink pillow. She was afraid she would reach forward and take his hand in hers, begging him to stay with her. He stood up and she grew worried that she had just scared him away from her. She didn’t want him to think that she had feelings. Like sex, she just wanted to be held. They could do that without any feelings. 
“Uh, yeah I guess it may have been,” He wiped his palms on his jeans, looking like he didn’t quite know what to do either. He hesitated for a moment, looking around her room before turning to face her again, “I better get back to my room. I have work in the morning.” She looked across his bruised face for a moment, searching for any indication that he may want to change his mind and stay with her. 
“Right,” Kim breathed in deeply and fluttered her eyelashes as she kept her emotions at bay, “Have a good night, I’ll see you tomorrow.” She licked her bottom lips watching as he leaned across the bed towards her. Her heartbeat sped up a bit as she thought he would lean down and kiss her again. She was disappointed when he nudged the tip of her nose with his finger. 
“You too.” Was Billy’s simple response as he turned and left her staring after him. Her door shut all too soon, the warmth of him sinking out of the room and following behind him. She shuddered, not quite sure why she was feeling this way. She knew the way Billy was and that he did not like being touched anyways. It was dumb of her to try and invite him to spend the night when it was obvious the answer would be no.
She reminded herself bitterly that this was just sex, and sex didn’t include cuddling. She rested her head back against her pillows, bringing the stuffed cow to her chest and pretending like he had stayed.
Next Chapter
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ashwhowrites · 2 years
Can you do one with Eddie where reader has tummy issues all the time and he’s always there to comfort her? This is totally self indulgent bc I throw up randomly in the middle of the night all the time but I’m scared of throwing up so I always call my mom on the phone or my roommate to hold my hair and pet my back. If you could make it where reader yells for Ed at like 4am and hes there by her side helping her through it even though she feels guilty for bothering him so late that’d be sick (lol pun not intended)
I went digging through my request and found a fluff request which I need at the moment :)
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Y/N has had issues with her stomach ever since she was young. She would wake up randomly in the middle of the night and throw up for hours.
Because of that, she never accepted her boyfriend's invite to sleepover. Knowing she would have to leave his bed to throw up in the bathroom. She did not want to disturb his sleep. She'd feel too guilty.
But when her boyfriend gave her puppy eyes and pouted out his bottom lip, she caved.
Eddie cheered and kissed her lips.
"this will be our best date yet!"
He bought candy, chips, and popcorn. Along with some rented films. A movie night sounded like a good way to spend their date night.
After they could cuddle in his bed, maybe get frisky, and head off to bed in each other's arms.
Once she felt Eddie begin to fall asleep, her anxiety started to fill her. She knew sooner or later that feeling in her stomach would start building up.
The feeling of Eddie trapping her in caused her to feel overheated.
That's when she felt it.
She yanked herself out of Eddie's arms and raced to his bathroom.
She had her head above the toilet, taking deep breaths as she tried to focus on keeping her puke down.
She didn't want to yell for him. And she couldn't call her mom. She had to do it alone.
But the second she felt it creeping in her gut, she caved.
"BABY. I NEED YOU." she screamed out to his direction as she began to dry heave over the toilet.
She didn't hear any footsteps or movement.
The feeling of having to puke was getting too close.
Eddie felt like his dream was getting too real. Like he could truly hear his girlfriend yelling for him.
That scream caused him to sit up straight. His arms and left side of his bed was empty.
He panicked and booked out of his room.
"BABY WHERE ARE YOU?" he yelled back as he raced out of his room. He saw the bathroom light on and the door open.
He raced in and saw his girlfriend sitting over the toilet, gagging as tears flew down her cheeks.
"oh baby." He sighed as he sat next to her. Grabbing the scrunchie his girlfriend put in his hair during their movies and tied her hair back.
"shh let it out." He whispered in her ear. His hand began to circle her back as she hunched over and released her stomach.
He sat silently and continued to rub her back.
A few minutes later she slowly went to stand.
"hey baby. Go slow." He said as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Helping her walk over to the sink.
"stay right here. I'll go grab your toothbrush okay?" He kissed her cheek and ran to his room. Digging through her bag until he found it.
He raced back to the bathroom.
"Eddie you don't have to do this." She sighed. She felt horrible. She forced him out of bed and now he was trying to brush her teeth.
"shut up. You are my girlfriend. Now let me brush your teeth." He chuckled as he put her toothbrush under the water and squirted toothpaste on the brush.
Once he helped her wash out her mouth, he led her to his bed.
"I'm going to grab you some water. Be right back." He kissed her nose and filled up a cup of water in the kitchen.
He made it back into his bedroom to see his girlfriend already sleeping into his pillow.
He smiled at her little snores and placed the water by his bedside.
He crawled under his sheets and pulled her sleeping body close.
His hand crept under her shirt and slowly rubbed her stomach.
He heard her let out a sigh of comfort and cuddled into his body more.
He smiled to himself as he slowly drifted off to sleep.
bmunson86 @mxcheese @ladymunson @michaelfuckinglangdon @z0mbie-blah @biittersweet
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iamnotoriginalphil · 2 years
Win/Win (13th Doctor x f!Reader)
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Synopsis: The Doctor isn't a fan of your new friend.
Words: 2.7k
Warnings: none
You bent your head, murmuring something to your companion. They murmured something in return and you tipped your head back, laughing. It was one of the best sounds in the universe. The Doctor was sure it was.
You smiled, the soft one you usually directed at the Doctor and both her hearts clenched because someone else was on the receiving end. Someone else who was leaning towards you. She watched as their hand landed on your knee and you did nothing to remove it.
You took a long sip from the drink in your hand, lips wrapping around the straw as your eyes sparkled at your companion. The Doctor watched their gaze dip to your lips. Your tongue ran along your bottom lip, she assumed unconsciously as you were gazing down into the glass. A slow smile spread over your lips and she wanted to know what you were thinking with a burning intensity.
Your companion asked you something, regaining your attention. Your nose did that scrunchy thing that always made her lose her train of thought. You always seemed to do it right before offering her a bright smile which was one of the best sights in the universe. Your companion turned their head, their nose almost brushing against your cheek and the Doctor had no idea when the two of you had gotten so close together.
You giggled, the kind that the Doctor had grown used to hearing when it was just the two of you, usually late at night or early in the morning. Sometimes she worked hard to make you giggle like that. It always filled her chest with warmth.
Evidently it was doing the same to your companion if the way they were looking at you was any indication. They were leaning towards you, close enough to whisper in your ear, your hair brushing against their cheek. Their hand landed on your knee again and your teeth sunk into your bottom lip. When had she started looking at your lips?
The Doctor stood, her chair toppling over backwards. She ignored the odd look Graham gave her and stomped up to the bar, passing by close enough to you to hear the murmur of your voice with your new friend. She loved your voice. It was always so warm when you spoke to her. Like a really good pie. Or bread fresh out the oven. Or a stew. A good hearty stew.
You didn’t seem to notice her as she passed by and that made her want to keep doing it until you did. She had grown used to your gaze following her around a room, had grown used to the way you’d look up and immediately find her. Now it was like she was a piece of the scenery and she was so much more interesting than the scenery.
The Doctor lent against the bar, one elbow resting as she turned her body to face you again. Your cheeks were pink and you were looking up from under your eyelashes. She’d never seen you do that before. Why hadn’t she ever seen you do that before? She thought she’d seen you do everything. This was new, and she didn’t like new.
Okay, that was a lie. The Doctor bloody loved new. But not when it was like this. She wanted to be on the receiving end of new, not watching it like it was a play. She wanted to be in amongst the new.
“I hope there’s dancing.”
She hadn’t even noticed Yaz sidling up beside her at the bar. She was looking wistfully at the band but no one had made their way to the sandy dance floor yet. Her gaze was drawn back to you as green fingers tucked a strand of your hair behind your ear. They lingered on your jaw and it was as if the Doctor could feel the ghost of it on her own fingertips. She bristled at it being a stranger’s fingers getting to do it.
“You should ask her to dance,” Yay said, nudging her shoulder.
“I’m a brilliant dancer, me,” she said.
“So you’re going to ask her?” she asked.
There was something in that idea. She liked the thought of dancing with you, holding you close in her arms, being close enough to see how your eyes sparkled when you laughed. She loved making you laugh. Top ten experience. It was just as good as watching a supernova. Better even.
Your companion stood, holding a hand out to you. You smiled, taking it and letting them lead you towards the dance floor, the first couple to do so. She couldn’t look away as a hand was pressed to your lower back, the other holding yours. You were smiling at them in that special way again. She didn’t notice how tightly she was clenching her fists as she watched you be swept along to the music.
“Come on,” she said, grabbing Yaz’s hand, “looks fun.”
Other couples were joining you on the dance floor with you in the centre. The Doctor tugged Yaz into her arms, placing one hand on her waist, assuming she would be able to get closer to you and your companion before exchanging partners.
That was the moment you noticed her for the first time all evening. She might not have noticed if she hadn’t already been looking at you, brain creating and discarding plans in quick succession. Your eyes moved past your companion, resting on her long enough for your tongue to dart out and wet your lips. It rested heavy on her, the way the sparkle in your eye seemed to dim at the sight of her. Then you were looking back at your companion, laughing at something they had said.
“Doctor,” Yaz said, breaking through her thoughts.
“Hm?” She didn’t know why it was hard for to look away from you.
“You’re holding on too tight.”
She immediately let go of Yaz, stepping back to give her space. She rubbed her hand, flexing fingers as she stared at the Doctor with a confused look on her face.
“Sorry,” the Doctor said.
“Just go ask her to dance,” she said, “stop torturing yourself.”
“Maybe later,” she said, “she seems busy.”
Her eyes landed on you again. Your companion was leaning into you, drawing closer and closer and you weren’t doing anything to stop it. Their hand had slipped lower and your fingers were resting against the side of their neck. You made a handsome couple. The Doctor’s stomach was beginning to feel tight and uncomfortable.
She stumbled through the crowd, pushing a few people out of her way as she did her best to get to you, Yaz already forgotten. She loved love but the thought of seeing you kiss someone else was making her want to run into an army of Daleks.
She tapped your companion on the shoulder, bouncing on her feet until they turned around to look at her, a disgruntled look passing over their face. Your own eyes were trained on her, your bottom lip between your teeth again. She couldn’t figure out what you were feeling.
“Sorry, can I cut in?” she asked your companion.
They turned their head to look at you. You gently disentangled yourself from their grip, giving her a small smile. The Doctor swooped in, sliding an arm around your waist and taking your hand in her own. She twirled you away from your companion left standing alone on the dance floor. A laugh bubbled over your lips and her hearts skipped a beat, all that tension softening with you in her arms.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” she asked, worried that perhaps she was interrupting your happiness.
“I am. This planet is beautiful,” you replied, your fingers tightening around her hand. She couldn’t help but wonder if you were thinking about your abandoned companion.
“We could stay to see the sunrise,” she said, trying to drown out the thought, “the sky is green and the ocean glows when the sunlight hits it. It’s one of the most beautiful views in the galaxy. A lot of people come to see it. We should see it.”
“Sounds like a wonderful idea, Doctor,” you said. Just like that your eyes were sparkling again. She felt chuffed that she could do that all on her own.
Your thumb brushed over her pulse point. She held her breath, turning her eyes down to you again. You were smiling at her in that way you seemed to only late at night when it was the two of you. It brought to mind images of your curled up under blanket, head resting on her shoulder, soft voice murmuring in her ear. You shifted closer to her, body brushing against hers, thumb brushing against her bare skin again.
“Thank you for bringing us here,” you said, your voice growing lower as if you and she were in your own private bubble. Now there was an idea. There was a planet where you could float in a bubble. She was sure you’d love it.
Her eyes snapped back to you. You were looking at her from under your eyelashes and you were worrying your lower lip between your teeth again. Suddenly she wished she wasn’t on the receiving end of new. You were no longer sparkling. Worry filled her.
“If you want to go back to your friend, you can do that,” she said, “they’re just over there watching us. I think they’d like to dance with you again. I understand why. It’s good fun, isn’t it? I’m having a good time. But you should be having fun too. That’s very important.”
Her eyes snagged on your companion again. They were watching the two of you like a hawk, looking annoyed. The Doctor was sure that look would disappear if you went back over to them and asked them to dance.
“I’m having fun right now,” you said, catching her attention again, “I always have fun with you.”
“But maybe you’d have more fun with someone else,” she said.
Your nose scrunched up but now in the way that made her feel warm. Your eyebrows drew together and although your thumb was still brushing against the bare skin of her neck you weren’t looking at her with the usual softness, but rather the way you looked at her when she wasn’t explaining herself very well.
“What?” she asked, “have I said something wrong again? I keep doing that.”
“No, it’s just…” Your face smoothed out as you gave her a soft smile, almost conspiratorial, and while she didn’t like conspiracies, there was something nice about being in one with you, “Doctor, are you jealous?”
You were staring at her, that sparkle back in your eye, your entire face lighting up. The way you were looking at her made her want to grin back at you but your accusation was ricocheting around her brain. You were making it impossible to think clearly with your thumb still brushing against her pulse point.
“Well, ever since I starting talking to Daeyis you’ve been avoiding me, then you barged over when we started dancing and now you’re suggesting that I might prefer to dance with someone else. I know I’m not a super genius like you but I can put two and two together,” you said.
“I wasn’t avoiding you. I’d never avoid you,” she said, “you’re the one who wasn’t noticing me all evening.”
“Doctor.” Your voice turned all melty, soft and sweet and she wondered if she could bottle it and save it for later, “I always notice you.”
Her hearts stuttered in her chest and she was worried she was staring at you like a gormless idiot. You ducked your head, a pretty flush climbing up your cheeks as you avoided looking at her. She paused in the dancing, wanting to see your face, wanting to know if the joy coursing through her veins was mirrored in you. She’d never wanted anything as desperately as that.
You glanced up, your tongue darting out to wet your lips. She was surprised how intensely she could focus on it, a matching flush rising in her cheeks.
“Doctor,” you said again, but this time like a caress.
Your hand moved from her shoulder, sliding up her neck until you were cupping her cheek. She stilled, frozen under your touch, worried if she’d move you’d stop. You stepped towards her, so close to her now.
“Were you jealous?” you asked, quiet so only she could hear.
“Yes,” she breathed.
Your breath ghosted over her face. You looked determined, just like you usually did before doing something that would impress her. With your joined hands you tugged her forward, pressing your lips to hers.
She hadn’t gotten around to kissing in this body yet, but she could still remember how it was done. She pressed her hand against the small of your back until she could feel every part of you against every part of her. You let her hand go, threading it through the hair at the nape of her neck and she didn’t know she could feel this lightheaded without someone tampering with her biology.
You nipped at her lower lip and it was like she’d forgotten any information that wasn’t about you. She’d forgotten about how good tongues were. Why had she waited this long to kiss you?
Her other hand landed on your hip and she wondered if it was possible to pull you closer. You tugged on her hair and she surprised herself with the noise she made. All your soft curves were pressing against her and she wanted to spend the rest of forever right there, wrapped up in you.
You drew away, just far enough to be able to look at her. Your lips were kiss swollen and your eyes were glazed over. You smiled, looking dazed. She couldn’t help it, she kissed you again. You gasped into her mouth and it was like you’d lit a fire within her. She’d wasted so much time not kissing you. It was time to make up for it.
“Doctor,” you murmured against her lips.
She kissed you again, single minded in her mission. All her brain was focused on you and the way you responded to her. Your fingers tightened in her hair as her tongue swept into your mouth. She’d have to remember that for next time.
You drew back again, blinking your eyes open. She ran her thumb along your swollen bottom lip until you nipped at it. She laughed as you began to giggle, looking so proud of yourself. The warmth in her chest was only growing the longer she watched you. This was a top three view. Definitely.
“I can’t believe you were jealous,” you giggled as she began to dance again.
“You were flirting,” she said, more an accusation, “you never flirt with anyone.”
“I flirt with you,” you replied, tugging on the end of her hair.
“No, I would have noticed,” she said, absolutely sure of herself.
You gave her that fond smile she loved so much and shook your head. She paused in the dance again, wondering if now was the right time for another kiss. She hoped so.
“Doctor, I’ve been flirting with you since practically the moment we met,” you said, “the only person who never noticed was you.”
“No, I definitely would have noticed. I’m ace at noticing things,” she said.
“Like me flirting with someone else,” you laughed.
“Yes.” She didn’t mean to pout but it was hard to get her face to do what she wanted around you.
“How about we make a deal,” you said, that twinkle back in your eye.
“I love deals,” she said, “I’m brilliant at making deals.”
“Alright then,” you said, taking a step back and holding your hand out to her, “I won’t flirt with anyone but you if you kiss me again.”
She grabbed your hand and pulled you in. She really was brilliant at deals because that one had been a win/win for her. Flirting and kissing. She could get used to that.
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