#i hate it here!!! nb
feminetomboy · 1 year
I guess I'd just like to make an appreciation post for any non-binary people out there who speak heavily gendered languages. The folk who cannot just "make pronouns everyone else's problem", because their language doesn't allow it. People who are forced to choose a binary gender to even just articulate their thoughts. Who have to choose a box, even if they don't like it.
I promise I see you. I know it's tough. I am holding your hand tightly, as we walk this road together.
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princeoftheroses · 1 year
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spicy-cleanness · 5 days
"cis het people are not allowed at Pride" what about cis het people who ARE lgbt+ community? what about them?
I know people often use cis het as an antonym of lgbt+, but! cis heterosexual aromantics, cis heteroromantic asexuals, cis het polyamorous people? (not the full list)
they do exist. and I can say for sure, every time you say "cis het are not allowed" you include them in that list. maybe you didn't mean it. but many of them will read it.
think about it a little, alright?
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yael-art-den · 2 months
"We don't plan on adding hearing aids to this avatar creator just yet" "the designs need to have male and female noses, lips, etc" "please remove the piercings in this concept, we don't want it to seems too "aggresive""
what if I bit everyone in this call
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mackmp3 · 6 months
please no one get mad about this maybe i don't know what i'm talking about but
a lot of 'feminine' ways of presenting are about doing extra. say what you will about consumerism. make up, fancy clothes (lots of clothes), long hair, long dresses, painted nails, all of it
and as a sort of maybe kinda transmasc person it feels like what i am doing to try and present more butch is reducing - don't wear make up or jewellery or even slightly pretty clothes because then i'll just look like a girl. i don't like make up anyways, but on the occasion i put on eyeliner for dramatic effect... it just looks like girl make up. i extend it into gender neutral gothic spikes and then i am too embarrassed to leave my room, and wipe it off. i buy a ring with a snake on it which is cool but it is delicate and golden. this would be very cool on a guy. on me, not as such. i cut my hair every couple months because it starts looking the generic afab non-binary haircut and it is too pretty. it is too feminine. on a guy it would be perfectly normal. but i do not look like a guy.
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simp4thedemonbros · 1 year
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inevitablestars · 18 days
starting to feel a little bit weird about me
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kenjaku · 1 year
I love Tengen's human design but it makes me terrified that people who don't know what fluid gender/sexualities are (or rather don't actually respect them) will start calling TenKen "het"
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tariah23 · 4 months
im so sorry you got nasty asks ppl can be so vile. i love seeing you on my dash and you always have the best posts and put great stuff on my dash. ive never watched naruto but i dont mind seeing that either <3 ily i hope youre doing ok outside of ppl being terrible
They had me like this, anon...
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#they tried to call me a terf and I’ll never forgive that 😵‍💫#all because I pointed out some antiblackness-#I don’t expect much from wp and nbs here especially lgbt white folks since they’ve been the main ones running black bloggers off for years#especially black trans and cis black women for even uttering the word#they forget that at the end of the day they are still white and can hurt us#it was just#uncomfortable for me :(#but I’m not used to being harassed so I was like 🤷🏾‍♀️!#I had to delete sm messages 🗿#tumblr is not a welcoming place for black bloggers so#it’s never rly been but I won’t leave until this site completely implodes (it’s getting there)#one thing about lgbt whites they’re gonna call a black blogger a transphobe for ever criticizing them ever even if they’re trans 😵‍💫#I hate how common this is on here it’s disgusting#all I do is post about anime and complain I don’t be bothering no one 😭#anon you’re so kind I rly appreciate this message 😵‍💫❤️!#thanks for caring lmfaoo#also#I FEEL LIKE……. you’ll probably go crazy if you watched Naruto sorry…….#please don’t watch or read it ever… I’m begging- but the perks of reading and watching Naruto is that you get to meet Naruto and sasuke 😭!!!#guys of all time!!!!!!!#I’ve been trying my best to be normal about it since I’m an adult but I… sorry I’m so sorry anon I’m embarrassing#it’s kind of hard to dislike something that you’ve been into since you were in middle school 😭……#I’ll love Naruto forever even if it sucks lol#anonymous#tkf replies
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gurorori · 5 months
i don't know, people can be trans in whatever way they wish and feel comfortable with, i just wish the people on the lower end of Actually Putting Work and Visible Effort Into It and Actually Experiencing Transphobia/Transmisogyny didn't feel like they automatically get a free pass to claim the same things we go through. if you do not share the experience of the vast majority of trans people, maybe you do not get to talk about it, or reclaim any part of it 😐
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condescendingbench · 6 months
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Mauraders Era Fancast:
disclaimer: I do not support jk rowlings views in any which way, terfs & transphobes plz go away I don’t want u here
James Potter - Ben Levin
-> Nico Hiraga
Sirius Black - Conan Gray
-> Luka Sabbat
Remus Lupin - Thomas Brodie Sangster
Peter Pettigrew - Ali Hadji-Heshmati
Lily Evans - Julia Lester
Mary MacDonald - Riele Downs
-> Amrit Kaur
Marlene McKinnon - Maitreyi Ramakrishnan
-> Brenna D’Amico
Dorcas Meadows - H.E.R. (Gabi Wilson)
-> Alycia Pasqual Peña
Regulus Black - Ryan Costello
Severus Snape - Finn Wolfhard
Barty Crouch Jr. - Chella Man
Evan Rosier - Drew Starkey
Pandora Rosier - AJ Clementine
Xenophilius Lovegood - Christopher Briney
Frank Longbottom - Danny Griffin
Alice Fortescue - Nikita Uggla
Emmeline Vance - Isabella Ferreria
-> Megan Suri
Benjy Fenwick - Keiynan Lonsdale
Bellatrix Black - Dianne Doan
Andromeda Black - Thaddea Graham
Narcissa Black - Mika Schneider
Lucius Malfoy - Freddie Dennis
Fabian Prewett - Jack Harries
Gideon Prewett - Finn Harries
Molly Prewett - Bebe Wood
Arthur Weasley - Adam Hicks
Euphemia Potter - Marisa Tomei
Fleamont Potter - Key Huy Quan
Walburga Black - Lucy Liu
Orion Black - Tony Leung
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slushrottweiler · 1 year
It's here its here look at all these amazing people!
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thesovereignchimera · 19 days
Why I want to change my name:
Random: Oh your name is Lucy?
Me: No, Luci with an I.
Random: Oh! Does it stand for something?
Me: ...Lucifer.
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comet-wire · 2 months
Ngl I've been having a gender crisis again on top of all the stuff that's happened with my dad, I think I still identify as male/masculine idk 🗿
Same with my ace/aro spectrum placement ☝️🗿
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#comet rambles#putting in queue to deploy later#parent loss tw#just in case by association n implications ☝️🗿/nm+gen#when i get stuff set up with my checking account i was already thinking of getting a new chest binder once our personal issues with finance#has been figured out definitely#i dont wanna say much n jinx stuff so ill leave it at that#personal#gender shit is hard n i really think i may be a he/they or he/him still#or if not then closeted butch lesbian idk#most signs point to male gender identity leaning though 😔👍#also my social battery is outta wack but i needed to get this out so i apologize to anyone who i have yet to respond to/gen+nm 🥹#like i genuinely still feel as though ive been born in the wrong body and i tried to accept my feminity and it went well!!#like i started embracing my femininity the past few years and now i think im over it because it feels like i just attempted to try#and be something i wasn't if that makes any sense#i hate being referred to as she/her or as a girl even if i understand some people will still see me as fem despite my personal identity etc#its not that i hate my femininity its just i feel anything but female while still enjoying traditionally fem stuff at times#hope this makes sense#🗿👍#still ace/aro though just cant figure out if i only enjoy the thought of romance (cupiosexual/romantic) or if i feel comfy in one#i know im sex repulsed though thats for certain#as of lately chris Redfield and Albert Wesker have become two of my transition goals and idk what to do about this lmfao#i wish i was kidding#but im not 😭#sitting here like EVA shinji with his head in his hands in the damn chair image/lh#also wanna be a rootin tootin goth cowboy 🥰#if it turns out im like a comphet butch/nb lesbian im gonna shit myself though/lh+nm
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icejello · 1 year
So i had a thought and please, bear with me. I always wondered why Simeon was not part of the brothers that fell from grace back in the war. Especially seeing how he's close with lucifer and tries to keep that closeness between them. I'd say maybe he didn't wanted to leave Celestial Realm but the way Michael treats him doesn't seem to say so.
The second explanation i thought of is that maybe during the war, Simeon chose to not take a side at all. He didn't want to fight either side bcs all of them are his family so he simply did not participate or maybe he was away but the latter seemed unlikely.
And now with nightbringer out, it's finally explained that Simeon helped the brothers by covering up for them and thus ensuring they didn't get caught until the war happened. That satisfied my curiosity but it only gave me a new question, why didn't Simeon fall too?
Maybe it's already explained, maybe I'm wrong, idk i haven't played nightbringer but i do have this idea. What if Simeon did wanted to join the brothers? Maybe he hesitated for a bit or maybe he wasn't there when all of them fell together. Maybe when he realized that his dearest brother had fallen, he had rushed to where it had happened, maybe he wanted to immediately go to them but what if he didn't bcs he simply couldn't?
What if during those last moments, Michael held him back? Maybe in an effort to prevent losing another one of his brothers or maybe its because of Simeon's betrayal for helping them. What if Simeon gets dragged into Michael's office or just somewhere that wasn't destroyed badly in the war? Maybe Simeon sat there and watched Michael for any signs that he feels hurt too, that he is grieving the loss of their brothers too, that maybe he was angry too at their father for the punishment given to Lilith. Maybe he watched in horror and disappointment to see that none of those were on Michael's face, or maybe there were and Simeon thought that maybe Michael would understand.
But none of that probably happened, maybe Michael had gazed at him coldly or maybe there was a look of cruel amusement in his eyes instead. Perhaps, he confronted Simeon about it or mocked him for it, maybe he asked Simeon why Lucifer would go that far or maybe he'd give a bitter laugh about how Simeon was an idiot for helping them and getting caught. Michael probably took his time to question Simeon, his brother but at that moment, all Simeon felt was how much of a stranger Michael felt like. Perhaps Simeon yearned for Lucifer's presence, he was always the middle man between them after all, he was the best of them.
Maybe Michael mocked him and talked about what punishment is fitting for a traitor. Perhaps Simeon felt a rush of hope then, maybe he really does have a chance to join his brother again but things doesn't seem to be in his favor at all, maybe that's what he got for betraying his family. Maybe Simeon talked about how Michael could just throw Simeon away from Celestial Realm, make him join the brothers too and fall from grace, being a demon be damned if it meant he could be with his brother. Michael might've laughed at him, telling him how dumb he was for even thinking that was possible.
Michael probably sneered at him how making Simeon fall from grace is not much of a punishment. Maybe it was even a blessing for Simeon, if it meant he could be with Lucifer again. Both Simeon and Lucifer knew that Michael was too smart, he was cunning too. Michael gave the one punishment that he knew would hurt Simeon most, staying as an angel but his title as a seraph taken away. Simeon now lost his brother and his pride, his title, he wouldn't have cared if he lost his title if it meant staying with his brother but he lost both.
We never know what Simeon's angel form looks like but since he was an seraph, he might've had 6 wings just like Lucifer. Now maybe simply taking away his title wasn't enough, surely him with his 6 wings would be enough of an embarrassment when he's not even an seraph anymore. Maybe everyone saw that moment when Lucifer ripped off his wings during the battle, maybe Michael was a cold and cruel type, we don't really know much about his personality after all.
What if, in order to mock and humiliate Simeon even more, Michael ordered for a pair of Simeon's wings be clipped or ripped off. He wanted to be with his brother so much, why not make him like Lucifer? Maybe Simeon screamed in pain, maybe he endured it all silently with tears streaming down his face, maybe he even looked at Michael with hatred or pain and confusion. Why would he go this far? Isn't Lucifer his brother too?
Maybe after that, Simeon was careful not to use his angel form. When ppl, especially Luke, asks him he would just smile and laugh it off. Then he was sent to Devildom and who else did he meet there but Lucifer and his brothers? He might've noticed that Lucifer was avoiding him, was it guilt? And he saw how the brothers are now. Maybe he had to hold himself back from touching his own back when he saw Lucifer's wings, flashbacks of the pain and the scar so obvious in his angel form.
Perhaps Simeon watched the brothers' new relationship now as they try to fit in after becoming demons and maybe he felt lost. And yearning. He probably watched them and realize that he doesn't fit in there with his old family now, not with Lucifer, especially not with Lucifer. But his own life at Celestial Realm also didn't feel the same anymore, he feels lost there too so where did he fit in?
Maybe Simeon watched how Mammon and Lucifer are so close, watched how Lucifer pampers him. He probably realizes that Mammon would go to all 3 realms for Lucifer if he ever asked for it, he probably would even choose to die for Lucifer if he asked for it and he couldn't help but feel envy. HE was like that too, he would follow Lucifer and sacrifice for him too, that's why he willingly covered for them back in Celestial Realm, isn't it? He took the punishment that came with it too, the scars on his back a constant reminder of the wings that he lost, so identical to Lucifer's wings.
Perhaps jealousy ate away at him as he watches Mammon. Now he could be with Lucifer all he wants because he was Lucifer's assistant back then too but... Didn't Simeon spend more time with Lucifer? Weren't they closer as brothers? Sure Mammon was Lucifer's brother too but wasn't their relationship stronger? Simeon probably craved it, what Mammon has. To be able to stay by his brother's side, to be able to spend more time together with Lucifer like how they did back then.
Simeon was greedy but he also knew, it was not his place to ask for it. He is an angel and Lucifer is now a demon. The only thing linking them now is the past they shared. The memories seems to haunt him, is it the same with Lucifer too? Now the only thing he could do is watch and smile as his brother continues life with the 6 of them, a life that has no part for him to be their brother again.
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