#i hate plastic everywhere SO MUCH
screamingay · 1 year
someone on here will literally say "encouraging plastic surgery for the sole purpose of conforming to eurocentric beauty standards isn't actually feminism" and 200 other people will come out of the woodworks and chant in harmony LET WOMEN BE HAPPY and WHAT ABOUT TRANS PEOPLE AND BURN VICTIMS as if the post wasn't clearly 1. about womens' self image & insecurities being strongly influenced by the richest and whitest of society and 2. not about trans people or burn victims at all
#ive thought about it a lot and i know the main argument is that it's bodily autonomy and also having it more widely available makes it#easier for the people who really do need it to get it#but like. first of all the industry (and it is an industry) spends SO much money convincing women their bodies look wrong#if it wasnt advertised everywhere and if the expectation wasnt there to look 'perfect' according to the most recent trends#the amount of women getting elective plastic surgery would be drastically lower#second of all. yeah having more surgeons out there means more experience and safer treatments for those who really need it..#as long as they have the money#and for trans people as long as they have money and/or good insurance and/or all the required medical documentation and/or therapy#and at the end of the day you can criticize just part of something but not all of it. i feel like a lot of people forget that when they#start saying shit online. just stop and think and dont interact with people assuming the worst of them!!#when i criticize the beauty industry im never calling any woman who's ever worn makeup or gotten a facelift evil it's an INDUSTRY#it's systemic!!!#almost reminds me of how criticizing the patriarchy and systemic misogyny as a lesbian will get u painted as some man hating terf#i love men! i dont blame individual men for the system we're all a part of i just criticize its existence and try to work to dismantle it#and i know complaining on the internet is like a little raindrop in the ocean but still. it needs to be discussed i think
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waffled0g · 1 year
Everyone gets “The 90s” look wrong and I hate it
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Couple years ago I saw these two board games at the store back to back. Well, not saw them per se, but ya know. Spied them out of the corner of my eye. And for a moment without reading the text, I couldn’t tell you which was which decade at first. Funny. Either they were in a rush to get these out the door or they wanted their throwback trivia game boxes to look uniform. I didn’t think too much of it.
Only, from then on I started seeing it MORE. Every time someone markets a 90s or 80s throwback...
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Goddammit they’re identical! What??! How did we let this happen? As a 90s survivor and a designer, this drives me up a wall.
Look, I know I’m late to the party to complain about “the 90s look” when we’re just starting to get sick of the Y2K nostalgia train. But c’mon, the 90s were not The 80s: Part Two™ 
Trust me when I say that we weren’t all wearing neon trapezoids up until the year 2000. The 90s look being peddled is so specific to the tail end of the 80s and an early early part of the 90s - a part of the 90s when it wouldn’t stop being the 80s. This is Memphis design being conflated with the wrong decade.
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Keep reading for a long ass graphic design history lesson and pictures of old soda and fast food.
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Specifically, the look is Memphis Milano, self-named by the Italian design house Memphis Group. Starting in the early to mid 80s, they made all sorts of furniture, fabrics and sculptures that were like a Piet Mondrian grid painting under heavy radiation. Their whole deal was defying the standards of existing industrial design up to that point on purpose. Chairs had weird arches, bookcases would be in strange alien colors, unusual materials like plastic or elastic were used in place of metal or wood, that sorta thing.
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Memphis quickly became the signature look for the decade. You can tell something’s influenced by Memphis design from it’s telltale trademarks:
Clashing, neon colors.
Use of diametric shapes.
Contrasting patterns like zebra print stripes, confetti squiggles and checkerboards.
It wasn’t long before Memphis Milano-inspired design was everywhere in 80s pop culture:
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It was a special time, yes.
I was a kindergartener at the tail end of the 80s, so I knew Memphis mostly through the lens of kids media. Toys, clothes, games, tv shows used it like candy colored catnip. Cable channel Nickelodeon more or less adopted the Memphis aesthetic as their signature in-house style and practically built a monument to it at a Florida theme park:
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I think this is why folks mistake what decade Memphis is representative of - 90s staples like Nick, Saved By The Bell, Fresh Prince - they all stayed around much longer than the design trend’s expiration date. 
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Couple that notion with the fact that companies are slow followers to design trends. Something gets popular and they want to get on the bandwagon? Gotta wait for the ink to dry, gotta wait for the production molds to be made. It would take a few years for them to completely work Memphis outta their system.
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Now, this is not to say Memphis is bad! Personally I’m a fan of the aesthetic, if my neon-drenched artwork wasn’t a tip-off already. But it is a trend, and trends never last forever.
So what took the Memphis Milano look down for good? This part’s up for debate, but I personally think it had something to do with this dude:
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It’s that grunge music from Seattle that’s so popular with the kids these days dontchaknow.
Once Smells Like Teen Spirit hit in 1991, the Nirvana tone drove the rest of the decade. Clean geometry became weathered, grainy and organic. Bright neon pastels became more bold. Bubblegum pop music sounded fake and manufactured. Attitude and apathy was authentic. Whatever.
Things got grungy. Things got grimy. Olestra was invented.
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I think the best way to visualize this transition is how Cherry Coke entered the decade and how it left it:
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1992 Memphis on the left, 1998 grunge junkie on the right. Fitting that the 90s would end with a design that looked like Darth Maul’s lungs.
Okay, so what should 90s retro design look like?
Continue on to PART TWO! Spoilers: No VHS filters or vaporwave needed, but maybe bring an antacid.
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Part One:Sunshine
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❥MATZ x fem reader
Kim Hongjoong and Park Seonghwa. The most known and feared alphas of the new generation. It took two dozen elder alphas to subdue them and stick them in the world's most secluded prison- hidden away in the mountains. The prison that sweet little omega (Y/n)'s works at.
Knuckle Velvet (Part Two)
Smoke (Part Three)
➯a/n: i've always wanted to write a story i would like to see as a movie or show, and i very much enjoy supernatural and dark romance, so i made this ! it does get very dark so please read the warnings and take care of yourself first and foremost. i am very proud of this, i hope you enjoy 💕
✃ "Because you're... alluring."
✫彡wordcount: 9.3k
♫"Hey, you should leave that young thing alone, ain't no sunshine when she's gone, only darkness everyday." - Flower Face (original by Bill Withers) ♫ Allure Sountrack
(>ᴗ•)♡´・ᴗ・`♡genre: smut, YANDERE, a/b/o au
chapter specific: literally what have i done, not beta read(ironically), criminal MATZ, alpha MATZ/omega reader, forget everything you know about werewolves, so much world building, extremely yandere behavior, talk of attempted child murder, class division of werewolves, panic attacks, vulgar language, mind control, lots of scent stuff, unhealthy relationships, ptsd, flashbacks and nightmares, physical violence, manipulation of others dreams, supporting character death, forced soul bonding, forced marking, reader implied to have mental health issues, murder, gore, violence- all that good stuff. THIS IS NOT A NON CON FIC ALL EVENTUAL SMUT WILL BE CONSENSUAL.
⁂perm taglist: @stvrfir3 @tunaasan @marievllr-abg
⁂fic taglist: @potatomountain @spooo00oky
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˚➶ 。˚ PART ONE ˚➶ 。˚
You hate weekdays. That much is true for a lot of people. You like to think your reasoning is especially valid.
Every Monday through Friday like clockwork, 6:30AM you walk into the prison. That on its own wasn't so bad. You lived only ten minutes away; the gothic building looked over your village in tandem with the mountains. You could see it when the weather was clear, even from your bedroom on the edge of town. You were no longer afraid of it like when you were a child.
You are, however, afraid of the newest prisoners.
New arrivals didn't usually rock you. This is the only prison in the country fit to hold lycans, after all. They all got transferred here eventually. From beta's who were just stealing to eat, to alphas who used their powers on humans, to those who believed in the old ways and fed on humans.
You had to interact with them all face to face.
You weren't excited for that particular aspect of your job this week.
You made your way through the double doors and greeted the security guard, your friend Hyolyn, as you went through the metal detector. It went off on account of the scent blocker that was embedded in your neck. She chuckled and switched it off so it stopped its incessant beeping.
"Don't laugh at me!" You threw a smile her way as you got your small purse from the plastic bucket she slid towards you. She doesn't bother to check your bag. She knows you well enough to know you wouldn't bring in any "fuck shit", as she would say. "You alpha's don't have to worry about accidentally spewing scent everywhere."
"Thank goodness for that, this place would stink to high heaven." Her unintentional reference to the new arrivals makes the air turn stiff. She could tell you were on edge immediately. "They aren't all that scary," she lays a comforting hand to your shoulder as you fiddle with the long strap on your crossbody bag.
"I heard one of them killed Alpha Greene... you think that's true? That guy was huge, I saw him at The Thing last year, I almost peed myself cause he looked at me-" You stop your own rambling, taking a deep breath and letting it out as a shaking sigh. "I don't want to go in there. Honestly, why can't we install a laundry chute or something, fuck."
"I'll follow you up, I c-"
"No, no, it's visiting day. You need to be down here. You know Chungha? Her daughter is visiting today. Don't want you to miss her." You offer a sad, tight lipped smile, but that doesn't trick her instincts to protect her weaker pack member. She knows you too well to be tricked.
"You just scream and I'll be there. Either of those cocky fucks lift a pinky in your direction and I'll gut them. They don't deserve to see a trial anyway."
A small exhale in the form of a chuckle lightens her protective instincts, she can tell you feel more at ease with her promise to be right there at the slightest hint of trouble.
"See you, Hyolyn."
"Later, babes."
You wave your fingers with a smile as the elevator doors slides shut. As soon as they clunk together, you let it fall and crouch with your head in your hands, taking in deep and slow breaths as you try and force all of the rumors you've heard about the two newest inmates away from your head.
The older alpha of the duo was the first born in this generation. They're always powerful. But he was born to two bloodthirsty rouges. Born in sin and blood lust.
The younger alpha was born just some months after, to an arranged marriage that was purposefully formed to make powerful children. They surely regret that now. Some say the man has the strongest, sharpest claws since the first lycan in Talbot Castle.
When the elevator dings, you're already upright and have that strong facade on that you put on when you're clocked in.
˚➶ 。˚
You start with the familiar. "Hey, Chungha," you tap on the silver bars of her cell, "hand 'em over." She smiles as she stands, stripping the sheets from her cot and holding them through the bars for you. "Thank you," you draw on with a tug on your lips that matches hers.
"Yunnie in town?"
"Mhm," you hum as you fold the blanket before dropping it in the large basket on wheels, "she came over for stew, I made sure to feed her good and well, don't worry."
You know it was probably problematic, but you couldn't help it. Chungha came here three years ago on a charge for battery, and over those three years you became sort of friends with her.
The battered in her case was her grandfather. When her five year old daughter, Jiyun, started to show signs of being an omega- he left her in the snow to wither away. She managed to survive until her mother came home, and said mother was furious.
She was lucky she didn't charged with attempted manslaughter.
"She said she'll be here first thing."
"Thank you," she had a heavy pull on her voice. You don't have the emotional connection to other wolves like an alpha or beta did. But it was clear to anyone she was being sincere. "You're a good woman."
"Don't mention it, Yunnie is good company. Oh," you start to wheel the basket away when you remember something. You reach into the purse that you had set on the handles. "She made this at art class, asked me to give it to you so it didn't have to wait in processing."
It was a small, cruelly made ceramic bowl in the vague shape of a heart. It was clearly made by an eight year old, but made with love.
"I owe you."
"Just keep working on that parol work." You said lightly and blew a kiss as you moved to the next cell.
    The rest of your work nearly cleared your mind as you went from cell to cell, floor to floor. Omega's were on the second floor. Beta's on the third. Alphas on the fourth. High security on the fifth.
     It's on the fourth level that you begin to feel those nerves that you had just worked away. The scent was becoming stronger. They didn't put them on blockers? Maybe they didn't think it would be worth it. Everyone knew that they were the worst of the worst, they didn't even try to hide it. They would undoubtedly be put to death. Why waste two perfectly good, expensive, blockers?
     The basket of used sheets is nearly full, accumulating into a weight that makes you put your back into it as you push it into the elevator.
    Your index finger reaches out, and before you can stop yourself you've pressed the button to the fifth floor.
       You blank out until the door opens again. Your teeth are eternally grateful for the gum between them so they don't grind themselves into dust. The mint flavor does little to calm your nerves.
     The only thing that makes you come back to your own head is Changbin. He's a big, buff beta with a gun full of silver bullets on his work belt. He won't let them hurt you. His smile washes away a lot of the nerves.
    But the growl that rumbles against the walls makes them return ten, one hundred, one thousand fold. You don't dare say a word. A deer in headlights until Changbin places his hand on the small of your back. "Go on, don't give them the satisfaction of scaring you. They aren't going nowhere no time soon. Take a look."
     He motions you deeper into the hall, florescent lights buzzing above you, matching the jittering feeling in the deepest pit of your stomach. It smells too strong. Too much. You're about to fall to your knees from the weight and you haven't even come face to face with the near feral criminals.
    Changbin opens the doors at the end of the hall.
     They've definitely gone all out to keep them in place. Two large cages placed next to each other in the middle of the enormous room. Made of pure silver and wrapped in wolfsbane. The unpleasant smell of the plant makes your nose twitch. A ring of blood ash surrounds it. Only omegas can pass through blood ash, and now you start to realize why they sent you.
    You want to curse the warden, but the second you open your mouth, a loud cackle sounds out from one of the cages.
     Changbin's hand twitches at the gun attached to his side.
    "Oh wow," the smaller alpha chuckles, eyes closed, head tilted back, as he sniffs the air. "I didn't expect that." More manic giggles slip past his lips.
    You haven't even looked up to see them and you want to cave in on yourself.
    "What are you rambling about, huh?" The guard next to you shouts, making you flinch instinctively.
     "That sweet... sweet, smell," he moans. You can hear him shuffling. "From a peppy little spit fuck omega."
   You gasp abashedly, and now two laughs ring out. You want to wonder how they can smell you. Your insurance provides the best scent blocker in the country. But you're too scared to breathe, let alone think.
      "Shut up," Changbin groans, he can feel you tense next to him, "don't piss me off, Kim."
    "Awe," a new, rumbling voice makes you cower the second it reaches your ears, "this your mate? Hm, no... you wouldn't bring your mate here. You're not an idiot. Then, say... omega." You don't make a move to look when he addresses you, you stay looking at Changbins grip on his gun, silently.
     "Omega, come!" Your feet move for you, and that manic laugh almost makes you wet yourself as you realize that your wolf is making you move toward them without your consent. You stop just outside of the blood ash, where you know you're safe.
     "No. I'm the one you're speaking to."
   Changbin seems to be weighing his options, eyeing the men as they eye you.
    "Why are you here? You a shrink?"
    You shake your head.
   "You a lawyer?"
   "She works here, dumbass, look at her scrubs," the younger speaks, and you nod subconsciously, to which he giggles, "what can we do for a pretty little thing like you?"
    When you refuse to speak, the guard does it for you. "She's here for your sheets today. Get used to her."
     You hated that this was your job, but it was easy and accessible, and available for omegas. Werewolves are clean freaks. Every day you had a different cleaning task, but you didn't complain. Not until right now- you wanted to rip out the throat of whoever's idea it was to not shoot these criminals on sight.
     "Ah," he hums, and you can feel his eyes raking your body. You can feel both of their eyes. "Not too bad of a sight to get used to. Huh, Hwa?"
     "Mh, that's right... can't wait to get my hands on her."
Your head snaps back to Changbin.
"Awn, she thinks he's gonna help her!" The high pitched giggles bounce around in your head. "Oh, little omega~"
The saccharine coo finally pulls your eyes to the men in the cages.
If you thought you knew what fear was before this moment, you were wrong.
The two strongest criminals in the country, staring you down like a piece of meat. It doesn't matter that they are the ones in cages of silver and wolfsbane. You are the one who feels cornered.
You can immediately feel out their dynamics. The taller one is the older one, quiet and still in his cage as he sits in the center. Shaggy, shining hair framing his face and neck like an elegant piece of lace over a brides face. He has a sleeve of tattoos on one forearm, a thick tattoo on his neck. Eyes glowing a deep, blood red, as he tries to read your entire story with only a look in your direction.
The giggling one is less intimidating, only by a hair. Chemically lightened locks pushed back messily, letting his entrancing features shine in the light from the narrow windows high on the walls. He has tattoos as well, but they seem few and far between. His eyes are human for a moment before they meet yours. Instantaneously, they flick black.
The knot drops from your throat and you let out a small, pathetic, squeak.
Changbin breaks your staring contest with the alpha, shouting orders at them. "Take the sheets off your cot and set them outside of your cage. Do not attempt to touch her, I will shoot you."
    Neither criminal makes a move to follow his orders, both simply staring at you.
A low growl is emitted when the older alpha finally snaps up, tearing the sheet off the sorry excuse for a bed in one fell swoop. The younger follows his lead, shoving their sheets through the bars that are wrapped in the poisonous flower.
You look to the guard, and he nods, "go." With his finger twitching at the gun ready to pull it, you jump over the dark red ashes and into the wolves den, snatching the sheets up as quick as possible and dashing away, out the door before they even get a chance to lock in your scent up close.
The giggles follow you all the way to the elevator and ring in your head even as the thick metal thunks shut.
As you take a deep breath, you notice the sheets are gripped to your chest, your claws drawn subconsciously in your panic and ripping them up. "Shit!" You let out a curse and shove them into the bottom of the basket so you don't have to smell it as closely on the long ride to the basement.
˚➶ 。˚
The lingering wafts of your fresh scent are long gone, nothing to distract the alpha's from their caged boredom and bubbling rage over being caught. "I'll have that runts heart in my hands by the end of the month." Hongjoong groaned, to no one in particular- he knew Seonghwa was too deep in thought from their recent revelations. "Fucking back stabbers. They're more pathetic than a bitch in heat trying to get off with a dildo."
The thought hit his mind as soon as the words left his lips.
The thought of you, legs spread with your hand dipped low, trying to satisfy your primal urges and-
"Stop that." Seonghwa growls, kicking the bars of their shared 'wall'.
"Settle down!"
"Oh, like you weren't thinking it!" Hongjoong rolls his eyes, a scowl on his face as he crosses his arms. "Your ruts coming and you don't want your-"
"I said stop," he nearly roars, grabbing Hongjoong's state issued orange top and ripping it with his claws as he pulls him forward.
"I know you want her because I want her too." He whispers, smirking at the telltale signs of desire and bloodlust in his mates eyes. Red swirling around the brown of his human eyes. "Imagine how good she'll smell when we take out that stupid blocker. We'll be drowning in her scent." He moans, grabbing his wrist, "I get the honors, my claws are sharper, anyways," he draws them quickly, digging them into his skin as if to prove a point.
"I can use my teeth, mark h-"
"Oh, will you two stop? Love of God..." The guard in the large room slaps his book down on the rickety table. "What is there possibly for you to be fighting about? You're about to be executed, you know that right? No jury in the world will let you walk, especially the human half."
Their frustrations turn to the man, letting each other go. "Ah, you think so?" The older croons, dragging his index over his bleeding wrist and bringing it to his lips, sucking it clean before he continues. "We won't be around these parts long enough to meet the jury."
"What do you mean by that?"
Hongjoong covers his mouth when a laugh slips past. Seonghwa simply smirks as he sits cross legged, eyes locked with the guard as he licks his wound.
"What do you mean by that?!"
The blonde man breaks out in a fit of laughter. The brunette simply flashes his bloody canines in a twisted smile.
˚➶ 。˚
You spent the whole time doing your daily tasks trying to hype yourself up to go back up to the fifth floor.
You usually went top down, four to one. Nobody has ever been on five before.
You go bottom up today, starting at Chungha with a full basket of freshly washed sheets. She prattles on about her visit with Jiyun, and how she's so thankful for you.
You choose that as your focus point for the rest of the work day, even as you press the button to the fifth floor.
You think back to the first time you spoke to Chungha, she was a crying mess, unable to sense that you were an omega like herself. She cried and cried and cried as you held her hand through the bars of temporary holding. She cried for her daughter, for cursing her with the shame of being the weakest link of any pack. When she looked up and saw your eyes, barely glowing, she cried more.
She apologized profusely, but you reassured her that her words were true, and you hadn't been offended. You told her that, in fact, she was the first to ever share your feelings of what being an omega really meant. It meant loneliness beside anyone but other omegas. Fake relationships born with people who only stuck around because of their primal instincts to either prey on you or protect you. It meant facing the fact that you were outcasts from both of the world's dominant societies. Outcasted from humans for being a werewolf. Outcasted from werewolves for being weak. So weak, in fact, that blood ash didn't even think of you as a wolf.
That night, you drove four hours to the next village over and looked after her daughter until her aunt had room. You remember the first thing the girl said to you. She didn't speak that whole day, surely in shock from the past few days events. But when you tucked her into the motel bed, she spoke as soft as a ghost, "sing me a song?"
You hum it to yourself now, the soft sound reverberating through the metal around you until the door opened.
You wheel the basket with you this time, like it will protect you as you approach the open doors, already feeling the unwavering gaze of the criminals.
"Hey, dolly~" Hongjoong, you had learned when you took a peek into their files, purred your way.
You didn't give him the satisfaction of responding verbally, but he saw the goosebumps on your arm as you reached into the basket, stretching on your tip toes to get the last two sheets.
"You never shut up do you, Kim?" The guard sighed with an exhausted tone, making you smile as you slowly made your way to the ring of red dust.
The throaty rumble from Seonghwa, the older, taller wolf, makes that smile drop to the depths of Hell.
The new guard seems to notice your anxiety, eyeing you up- in a much less predatory manner than the caged men. "Go on, 'mega. I'm watching them."
A bang on the metal bars makes you glue your foot right back where it came from. It's the blonde one, "you shut the fuck up!"
"No, you shut the fuck up! I'm the one with the silver bullets!"
All of the yelling is making you tremble, Hongjoong and the guard going back and forth. "She isn't your omega!"
"She ain't yours!"
Seonghwa watches with a sinister smile as you back away from the ash and the guard, calling to you quietly, "hey."
The soft tone of his voice makes you raise your eyes, but not your head. His eyes don't hold that threatening and dominating red from before. They're a soft brown color that reminds you of a beautiful dark oak in the morning sunshine. "What's your name?"
"(Y/n)..." your tongue moves without your consent, fresh blankets held to your work scrubs.
You desperately want the guard to notice this trance you're in, and grab you out of it. You want to do it yourself, but you can't do anything but admire the beauty of the criminal who has you hypnotized.
"You're a pretty omega, y'know? What color is your wolf?"
"Black..." It's a slur off your lips, barely registering in his sharply tuned ears over the yelling that continues to fill the room.
"Mine too. What's her name? His is Akma."
"Very pretty. Is she fast?"
"Does she want an alpha? A mate?"
The guard finally notices your raised gaze, affixed to the infamous, unlawful, man. He puts his gun back in the holster quickly before gripping your shoulder and forcing you to turn around. "You idiot, didn't anyone ever tell you not to look a first born in the eyes?"
"Sorry. I'm sorry." No one had ever told you that, actually.
Both of the criminals share a smirk as the man from your pack attempts to calm you. It wasn't hard for them to figure out you were an alpha-less village. They could smell every single wolf in five miles, and not a single stench from a wolf even nearly as strong as them.
There was, however, you. A honeyed smell that filled their guts with the primal need to rip out the eyes of anyone who dared look at you.
The guard couldn't be more wrong. You are their omega. You just don't know yet.
"Go and give these fucks their sheets, then get the hell out of here." The man shoved you, making you jump clumsily over the ash so you didn't break the seal.
He yells at them to back up, and they do so without a fight.
You shove them both in at the same time before running back out quickly, grabbing the empty basket and dragging it with you, the sound of the wheels scraping with the force of your panic echoing in the near empty room.
"You guys get off on scaring defenseless girls?" The guard scoffs, not expecting an answer as he drags the chair out of the room and slams the doors behind him.
Seonghwa lets his facade fall the second the door shuts, falling to his knees and grappling at the sheet like he's a starving man with the last piece of food on Earth. Hongjoong watches for a moment in confusion until the scent catches up with his weaker nose. Then he's quickly falling in the same position.
"It worked, the guard was so easy to distract," Hongjoong chuckles, face buried into the sheet that smells vaguely like you from your time spent holding it. "What did you learn?"
"(Y/n), a black wolf named Solis," he pauses, eyes rolled back as he takes a deep breath. They're red when they re-open. "No mate. It's really her."
"You think we should have told her?" Hongjoong inquires, looking through the bars.
He's never seen Seonghwa on his knees for anyone but him or the moon.
"No," he shakes his head, turning to lock eyes with him. "She'll figure it out when I mark her."
"When I mark her."
He rolls his eyes at his defiant nature, knowing full well he won't disobey his orders no matter how badly he wants to do something.
In a dog eat dog world, the strongest was the most powerful. Unlike their human neighbors, werewolves don't decide political or social standing by money or family name. They decide based on who comes out on top in a battle of the body and of the wits.
It had been determined years ago, when they were just young rebellious pups, that Seonghwa was the alpha. A fight in the woods under the moon had set it in stone between the two.
He could have ripped Hongjoongs throat out right then and there, but now, 13 years later in the present; they're bonded for life.
Sometimes he still sees Hongjoong as that 12 year old boy under his teeth, still snapping and growling even as he bled out with tears in his dark eyes, fighting to survive purely out of spite.
"You can mark her first," Seonghwa speaks quickly, turning his back as he puts the sweet smelling sheet on his cot.
He smiles at the man, a quiet thanks spoken through their bonded souls.
˚➶ 。˚
Tuesday, they don't see you until much later in the day, but they bask in the sight of you opening the door with a broom and tray in hand, smiling at Changbin. You'll be here for a while, it's a big room.
"Hey, Binnie," you whisper to the beta, and Seonghwa has to bite his tongue.
Binnie? Ugh.
Hongjoong isn't so polite, "hey, Dolly! We don't get a hello?" You barely peek at him, eyes flicked from him right back to the floor in a millisecond. He knows you noticed his pout when he hears the smallest 'hello' tremble by your lips.
You start in the corner, headphones attached to your walkman with your favorite song on repeat to try and soothe yourself. Bill Withers calming voice blocks out every word of the teasing alphas, but you can still feel them mocking you and picking at you.
You don't dare sweep anywhere near the blood ash on the floor. One less precaution in place was one more thing to worry about.
"Bye, Binnie."
He does growl that time, eyes narrowed on your back until the door shuts.
˚➶ 。˚
Wednesday, you have a frown on your face. "Three days in a row?" The guard Hongjoong got in a yelling match with, Merle, greets you as you come into the cavernous room, "bad schedule huh?"
"No kidding," you sigh, feet slightly hesitant to pass the dust border, "I'm here to fix your shirt. It's state property." You don't look at them, but they know who you're referring to.
They act like they don't, though. Just to hear more of your voice. To make you wriggle under their attention. "Sorry? What do you mean?"
You look and point to Hongjoong, his collar ripped from Seonghwas grasp. "State property."
"Ah, of course." He grins like a jackal, pulling it over his head and sticking his hand out of the bars just in the slightest. "On one condition."
You pout, eyes on the shirt which is just far enough away that you'd have to step closer. And it's the cutest fucking thing they've ever seen.
You look back up at him, silently asking. "Sit and talk with us. The guards here are no fun!" His laugh makes you jump back further, he sounds like a mad pirate.
You look over to Merle, who just shrugs, "just get it over with so these guys will shut up. They're only talkative around you, they need an audience for their antics."
"We won't bite," Seonghwa chuckles with his teeth exposed, making you shiver.
"Fine, give it here." You take a single step forward, palm out infront of the blonde.
When you grab it and go to race away like always, his claws wrapping all the way around your wrist stops you, sharp edges threatening to slice your skin down to the bone. You scream your head off, silenced when Seonghwa coos softly, "sit with us, and talk."
"Let me go..." you plead, eyes frantically flicking to Merle, whose gun is drawn to Hongjoongs head from the border of the ash, waiting for him to take one more wrong move so he can rid the world of one of its greatest criminals.
"Sit, omega." You do so, slowly lowering to the floor with your wrist and life still in Hongjoongs hand. "You have your sewing kit with you, I can hear the buttons hitting the needle. So sit, stay, and talk while you fix it."
Once again, they're the ones caged in. But you're the one who's stuck.
     One look to Merle tells you he probably wouldn't help you even if he could get to you. He lowers his gun as your tailbone hits the concrete floor.
     Your thin work scrubs do little to fight the cold of the old flooring, one reason of many that you shake as you reach into your purse and get the small tin box.
     Hongjoong releases your wrist and sits mirrored to you, hands perched on the bars in the gaps of the purple vine flower wrapped on them. Seonghwa comes to the corner of his side of the split cage and breathes in deeply through his nose, eyes locked in on your every movement. "So you're essentially the errand lady? Maid?"
      "Yes..." You murmur under your breath as your fingers work to thread the needle, slowly backing away until you're out of reach, but still stuck in the blood ash with no one to rescue should the men infront of you decide to rip their cages open. You only stop backing away when you hear a warning growl.
     You don't care to see which it came from, you just want to do this as quickly as possible and get far, far, away. They could have chose anyone to focus their annoying efforts on. Changbin, Merle, the warden. But no, just your luck.
      "You live in the village, right? Were you born here?" Seonghwa continues to do the talking as you carefully fix the shirt.
      "Yes. And no."
     A small hum from the one in front of you is a sign they want you to continue. "I was born to an overpopulated pack. They kicked me out when I turned eighteen. Our old alpha took me in." The hitch in your voice is a clear sign that it's a sore topic. And Hongjoong continues to poke the wound.
      "How did they find you?"
     You can't help the small growl of frustration, lip curling as you look up. "Woods."
     The reaction is one you wouldn't have expected from a normal person, but then- they aren't normal.
     They laugh, cooing over your gesture of anger. Compared to them, you seem like a teacup puppy. "My, my," the brunette chuckles breathily, "is that Solis coming to play?"
     "At least she can," you snap, sent to the back of your own head as your wolf tries to defend you, "she isn't a caged mutt."
    Hongjoong breaks out into a manic fit of laughter, while his paramour is the opposite: his eyes flick red before your own, sharp teeth on display in a show of dominance over your smaller ones that are subconsciously bared at him. "Watch it, omega." He spits his words with venom, "I won't be so nice when I get out of here."
     You rip the extra thread with your claw, kicking the shirt across the floor so it sits at the bottom bar of Hongjoongs cage. His chest still wracks with laughter, watching as you sit up in a low squat so you're still level with the alpha.
      It's clear that you aren't currently you. Your wolf has control of your mouth and body, crouched in a position akin to that of a dog ready to pounce as you hiss your words, "I'm going to laugh in your face as you hang."
     "Aw, is that how dear old alpha died?"
     "Cut it out!" Merle screams disinterested, eyes glued to his flimsy magazine.
      "I heard he got gutted~" Hongjoong giggles, watching the color flicking in your eyes.
     "I'll gut you!" Your threat only makes him laugh more.
      "(Y/n)!" The voice of Hylyon breaks your wolf away from you immediately, falling to your bottom and crawling to the sound unwittingly. "You fucking idiot, Merle!" 
     She reaches over the blood ash and pulls you over the ring, letting you collapse into her as she drags you away, still throwing profanities at the incompetent guard. Hongjoong is laughing loudly. Seonghwa yelling at you to come back. The elevator cuts of his roar, the last thing you see through your blurry vision is his fist making a dent in the silver cage.
You fall onto the floor of the metal box. Thoughts flood your head too quickly for you to swim though them, making you drown and try to escape by releasing the pain with tears. You don't even notice when your friend turns her key in the elevator to make it stop in its tracks, you only see her when she sits right infront of you.
"Babes, calm down, I've got you," she reaches out slowly and places a hand on your leg, slowly rubbing her thumb over your knee.
"I can't go back up there... they're too strong, they make me feel like I'm suffocating," you splutter through gasps, "I'm too weak!"
"Hey, hey, you're spiraling!" She opens her arms and pulls you into her, letting you sob into her uniform. "In and out, girl," she holds the back of your neck securely, almost instantaneously making you calm. "I got you... I got you..."
You sit there for a good while, crying into her shoulder as you sort through your wracked brains.
Your alpha was gutted. Right in front of you. Because of you.
Unbeknownst to you, their tuned ears are still listening in, the elevator stuck within their ear shot as you begin mumbling your favorite song to yourself through tears.
˚➶ 。˚
The sound of claws slicing through the skin on your back rings in your ears. Though, you can't feel it. Your eyes are locked in on your own claws, dug into the hardwood floor of your humble home to keep yourself from being dragged.
     You've been here a million times before.
     Blood pooling off of your body and onto the frigid surface below you. Teeth sharp and bared to the moon though the open window, begging that she might let you survive. Eyes aglow with your instincts as your wolf tries with every fiber of her being to turn, but she knows it's no use.
     The distorted voice above you drips with mocking venom, a chuckle as its owner realizes you can't even fight back like other wolves might: by letting your wolf fully transform.
     The wind blows through your curtains, washes your body in the artic breeze. The snowflakes on your windowsill are so delicate, all of their features fade into a blurry mush as they make contact. They melt, dripping down your wall.
     This time it's different.
      You're turned over, gaping wounds slammed into the floor as always, but when you look up to your aggressor it's different.
      His eyes aren't the yellow of a rouge, but the red of an alpha. His hair isn't that unruly blonde curl that you pulled at frantically, that you can still feel on your finger tips when your hands are unoccupied. It's long, shining, soft looking dark locks.
       You fall through the floor into another time, another place.
     Face first into the snow: your hands, shaking with adrenaline, do little to catch you.
       You don't remember this.
       This isn't right.
       This isn't your nightmare.
       You find yourself in a clearing in a forrest, the densely packed trees creating a bubble of nature around you. "(Y/n)?"
      You whip around, coming face to face with an unfamiliar man. Almost face to face. If he weren't floating a few feet in the air.
     His legs are crossed under him, hands facing palms up on his knees.
      "Don't worry. You're only dreaming." He speaks calmly as he floats around you in a circle, like a shark examining its potential prey.
     You follow him with your feral gaze, that familiar feeling of an adrenaline crash quickly approaching.
You know you're only dreaming. You've had that last dream more times than you can count in the past three years. It always plays the same. But not this time. You're only slightly thankful that you don't have to witness your alphas death again, but the gratefulness is overshadowed by confusion.
"Are you an angel?" You whisper, watching the man's soft and rounded features as he comes to a stop in the air in front of you and gracefully lowers to his feet.
"I can be, if that's what you want me to be. I'm only here to watch your dreams, fight off the nightmares."
"Why?" You feel distant from your body, watching powerlessly as your hand takes his, letting him lead you out of the clearing and into the darkness of the woods.
It disappears around you, warping into a spring day on a familiar path.
"A favor for a friend."
With the snow gone, you're in your spot, your old towel on the dewy grass with a book laid atop of it and the soil beneath your feet as you approach.
The hand vanishes from your own, leaving you alone on the side of the path. You look for him. But he's just an eidolon, watching you from the sky where you can't see him.
You warily take a seat and pick up the book.
˚➶ 。˚
They don't see you again through the week. And when the next Monday comes by, their sheets are removed while they're in the showers.
Hongjoong sighs from his place on the floor, for the tenth time in the past half hour.
"I miss our omega!" He whines, cutting him off.
Seonghwa stands from his cot, slowly lowering to the floor next to their shared bars. He lays flat on his back, mirroring Hongjoong as he tilts his head to look at him. "Soon." Is the only word he utters.
He reaches through the silver bars, ignoring the sting as the fresh wolfsbane brushes his wrist, and takes his hand.
The both of them look up at the ceiling through the bars of their enclosure.
Your scent is long gone from the room, and their noses can barely pick up on it through the rest of the village and prison.
"I want out of here," Hongjoong whispers, so lowly that the guard can't hear him from outside of the door, "when are they coming? Your bond with them is stronger, I can barely feel them..."
"Soon." He repeats, "very soon, Joong."
˚➶ 。˚
Tuesday you manage to talk your coworker into sweeping the top floor, and you rejoice in the freedom of not being under the alpha's gazes. You've worked out a good schedule to completely avoid seeing them, and it's made your job feel like it's back to normal.
You can still smell their power wafting through the AC, but it's bearable. You distract yourself in your free time by making excuses to be on the second floor with Chungha and the other omegas.
Today, that excuse is 'omegas need physical outlets too', and the warden let you bring up buckets and brushes so you could all scrub the base boards.
"Oh, I've got one!" The omega to your left speaks, lifting his brush in the air in a eureka moment, "Texas Chainsaw Massacre or... Halloween?"
Chungha scoffs with a smile as she scrubs away to your right, "are we including sequels? There's like a billion!"
"No, stand alone original," Beomhan goes back to scrubbing as he continues, "both of them are classics but which one is a better classic?"
"Halloween is the classic slasher, Texas Chainsaw is like psychological horror," you chime in as you dip your brush into the bucket, sitting on your calves as you take a breather. "I think it's not fair to compare them... but Texas Chainsaw, definitely."
They laugh along with you, and Chungha shakes her head, "Halloween has more rewatchablity. You don't want to see Sally go through that more than once, but Laurie Strode fights harder and it's more like, yeah I'll watch her kick ass again."
"Cinematography in both is so beaut-"
The lights above you flicker before they shut down completely. People start muttering their concerns, quite a few of them looking your way. "Don't worry!" You hop up and get your keys from your pocket as you make your way to the locked stairwell. "I'll go and see what's going on, keep scrub-"
A loud siren echoes in the brick walls, shocking you all to cover your ears.
Everyone looks to you for answers, and you don't have any as your brain starts throwing theory after theory at you.
"It's okay, go back to your cells! Shut them behind you!"
They listened, however grumpy about it. The cell doors locked automatically when they were closed.
"Hey, what's going on?" Chungha asked over the clanging of the cell doors. The two of you, along with Beomhan, were the only ones left after a moment.
"Go back to your cell, Beomhan, hurry."
"No, what's happening?"
     The sirens cut off and leave you in a pregnant pause for a moment as you simply try to calm yourself.
A deafening scream ricochets through the air vent next to you, scaring you into their arms as you all stare at it.
Usually, the air flow covered the echoes throughout the floors. But with no power, you could hear everything- albeit muffled.
Yells and shouts. Gunshots. Growls. Unidentifiable chaos. And above all, your ears tuned in on a rumbling, calm voice through it all.
"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone... It's not warm when she's away..."
Your eyes widen as theres a bang at the stairwell door. "Go, go!" You grab each of their wrists, dragging them into Chungha's cell. You slam it behind you and let down the sheet she has over it, backing away and staring at it as you hear the door hit the wall behind it with the force it's slammed open.
"(Y/n), what the hells happening?!"
     You slap your hand over his mouth and bring a finger to your lips. The other omegas on the floor are all making a ruckus, and you can only hope that it will confuse that unfortunately familiar voice so he can't find you.
˚➶ 。˚
The beta in the large room ignores Hongjoong as he continuously asks after 'the pretty omega'.
He just sweeps and sweeps, finally understanding why you hate coming up here. He has his back turned to the cage, and consequently, to the windows.
High on the tall walls, the narrow glass is opened from the outside. Seonghwa smirks, and gestures his head to it. Hongjoongs gaze follows, and he has to slap a hand over his mouth so he doesn't laugh.
A skinny figure is sliding its way in through the window sideways.
He drops to the floor as silent as a mouse, landing on his knees and grinning wildly up at his alphas.
Hongjoong throws his head back in preemptive relief, while Seonghwa is watching with a similarly wide smile as the man walks straight through the blood ash, breaking the circle with the tip of his shoe.
The worker still has his back turned as the lock on Seonghwas cage is picked with a long claw. He doesn't even know what's happening as the next thing he knows, he's thrown across the floor.
      Blood ash knocks up around him, coughs wracking his body as he looks up to his assailant.
      Park Seonghwa, newly freed from his cage, looks down at the worker with his eyes glowing red.
     "Now usually..." He begins, crouching to be face to face with him, "I'd go through this whole place just for the fuck of it and cause some beautiful chaos. But I'm looking for someone."
     "(Y/n)?" He stutters out, backing away only to knock into Hongjoongs legs. Stuck between the two criminals, he chooses his own head over yours. "The second floor! Sh-she's on the second floor!"
     "Let's go get our omega, Joong."
      Nonchalantly, Hongjoong draws his claws and slices the neck of the worker. He hops over the gurgling body and follows his mate with an ecstatic giggle.
      He wraps his arm around the skinny man's shoulder, "Wooyoung! Our savior~" He ruffles his hair and laughs as he groans.
     "You guys know I've got your back. Seonghwa told me about your new omega, you seem excited," he mimics the alphas smile as the eldest of the trio opens the doors.
     The guard on duty, who happens to be Merle, looks back with wide eyes.
"Yes, oh yes!" His eyes roll to the back of his head, touching the stitches you made on his shirt. "Oh, you'll love her, she's a feisty omega just like you."
He makes a run for the fire alarm at the end of the hall, but Seonghwa is faster. The beta is tackled to the floor.
"I'm glad you both will have a buffer, tired of you always at each other's throats during ruts," Wooyoung laughs, looking down at the guard as they pass.
Seonghwa had simply torn out his throat with his bare hand and made his way to the elevator, holding it open with an impatient glare.
The door closes behind them and the only sound is Seonghwa's heavy breathing.
"You're real eager, huh?" The omega breaks the silence, "San should be coming in any second to block the main door. No one will get past him. The rest are in the village, just as we planned."
"Good, she'll need somewhere to rest before we take off....Fucking idiots, thinking they can cage us." He groans, eyes flicking to the number above the doors as it dings.
       3? "Fuck."
     The door opens and the woman on the other side takes a moment, nearly walking in before she notices the crimson liquid dripping from Segonhwa's hand.
      She makes it halfway through the hall before Hongjoong pounces on her, fighting her effortlessly as if she's a rag doll. The guards run to try and save her, but it's too late for the unfortunate woman, and they just signed their own death certificate as well.
       Seonghwa and Wooyoung make quick work of them, but their plan is already foiled as the lights flicker to a halt and leave them bathed in dim light of the setting sun in the few windows.
      The alphas fall to their knees as their sensitive ears are bombarded with a loud, incessant siren.
      "Wooyoung!" Hongjoong screams over it, "go turn that shit off!"
      He nods, taking the keys off a mauled guard and dashing to the stair well, leaving it unlocked behind him.
     Hongjoong crawls to Seonghwa, collapsing into his chest with his teeth clenched and palms over his ears. His ears were always more sensitive.
     His partner places his hands over his, thumb running over his own. He looks down with his eyes glowing red, meeting pure black.
He leans and kisses him deeply, all teeth and bloodlust, trying to merge their souls until the sirens cuts off.
Their foreheads rest together, ignoring the chaos of the beta's around them yelling to be released.
"Are you ready?" Seonghwa whispers, gathering another set of keys from the fallen workers. He throws it to one of the locked in prisoners, a smirk on his face. So much for not creating chaos.
"Let's go," Hongjoong holds the door to the staircase open and lets him go first with a dramatic bow.
It takes one scream to start the havoc. The entire prison is filled with the sickly sweet sounds of caged animals with a taste of freedom. Gunfire and howls bring a smile to Seonghwa's lips as he sings out,
"Ain't no sunshine when she's gone... it's not warm when she's away..."
He hums the song with a wide grin as Hongjoong kicks the door. It takes only one more kick before it slams open and bangs against the cement wall.
The omegas in their cells are all yelling at them, at one another, in general.
Hongjoong kicks one of the many buckets on the floor over and groans, "here I was thinking she'd make it easy. I guess we'll have to go cell to cell!" A small spike of a heartbeat in his ears makes him smirk, following the sound that he memorized the first time he'd heard it.
Seonghwa follows him, immediately zeroing in on the same cell. He comes to stand infront of it, his breath making the blanket behind the bars sway slightly.
You see both pairs of orange slip on shoes and you feel your heart stop in your chest.
You cower further into the corner with Beomhan as Chungha stands in front of you. The sheet is grabbed from the outside and ripped away, making you all shriek.
"Were you playing hide and seek?" Hongjoong giggles, throwing the blanket to the side with his eyes never leaving you, a scowl growing on his features as he notices the way you're curling into another wolf. "You should know better than to hide from your alphas. Come on out."
You shake your head, gaze lowered as you hold onto the back of Chungha's uniform.
"(Y/n)," the saturnine man speaks, "come here."
"No, leave us alone! Leave me alone," your voice cracks despite how strong you want to appear.
"If I have to drag you out of here I will be very angry. Just come on, do us all a solid."
"Open the fucking door!"
The cells were built to hold lycans, which means lycans shouldn't be able to get in... right?
"Fucking-" Seonghwa hits the bars, leaving a dent and making the three of you jump.
Hongjoong leans on his tiptoes and whispers into his ear, and whatever he says makes his eyes begin glowing a murderous red.
He slowly wraps his clawed fingers around the bars, and the way Hongjoong backs up makes your stomach churn in anxiety of what's about to come.
And it was warranted anxiety.
With a loud growl and a single tug, he rips the silver bars from their cemented place in the wall, causing a large crack to form.
"Holy shit!" Beomhan screams, arms wrapping around you tightly.
Chungha is ripped from the small room and tossed all the way across the room, back colliding with the wall and leaving her unconscious.
You yelp as Beomhan meets a similar fate, torn from your grasp and out into the rec room like he's a mere bag of trash. You see Hongjoong approaching him with his long black claws out and proud, but your vision is blocked by the large alpha infront of you.
     Your hips back into Chungha's small desk, and your hands clamber around, landing on something small and solid.
     You swing it at his head and he ducks, grabbing your wrist and dragging you out of the small cell. You manage to swing again, making contact with his head. The small ceramic bowl shatters into pieces and leaves him only temporarily stunned, glaring down at you.
      "Fucking stop," he growls quietly, shoving you to the floor.
       He lets you shuffle away, only because Hongjoong is right behind you.
     The blonde chuckles, pulling you back up by your collar and crashing you face first into one of the round steel tables bolted into the floor. "Ow!" You yell out as your head makes contact, fighting against him with all your might, but it's fruitless.
     He kicks your feet apart and stands between them, leaning his chest over your back. You can feel his nose against your neck, over the healed skin above your scent blocker. You snap your eyes shut and do the only thing you can thing of.
     You can't fight. Begging to these men would be useless. You can't disappear into the floor like you wish you could.
     "Please, Selene," you pray to the moon, tears slipping past your shut eyes as you feel the claws of the mad man on your neck.
       You cry out as the other worldly sharp nails slice into your neck, slowly and almost surgically. His other hand is cupped on the back of your head, keeping your head pushed into the cold metal. "Shhhh," he gushes above you, "it's okay."
      Seonghwa sits at one of the bolted stools and rests his head to mimic yours, cheek on the table. "We'd've been more gentle if you listened, omega."
       Between the tips of his claws, Hongjoong holds your small alloy scent blocker. Almost instantaneously, your natural scent floods their senses.
     Their deep rumbles of pleasure make you snap your eyes back shut, missing the way Hongjoong stomps on the device.
     "Fuck," the wolf behind you curses, body pressed close to yours like he wants to fuse together, he places his hands in yours and tells you, "you might want to squeeze."
    "Wh- ah!" Your scream echoes over all of the other chaos as his teeth sink into your left shoulder, and you do just that. Your clawed hands squeeze around his, sharp nails knocking together as you hold on like his hands are the only thing keeping you from slipping to the underworld.
       It feels like a million pins and needles washing over you, leaving you paralyzed in place as he purrs into the wound, making your bones vibrate.
     A warm, comforting hand on your cheek makes you force your eyes open. Seonghwa smiles sweetly, like he isn't witnessing one of the biggest crimes in the lycan community.
      Forcing someone to be your mate for the rest of your mortal lives.
     "Breathe, omega," his words make you realize you're holding your breath, and you let it out as a sob. "That's it," he hums, rubbing his hand down your head with all the gentleness he's capable of.
        Hongjoong pulls away with a moan, resting his head between your shoulder blades as he catches his breath.
     Your wolf is already calling for her mate, howling in the back of your mind as you cry.
       "Don't worry, we'll take good care of you." Seonghwas words have little time to register in your adrenaline filled head as he turns your head the other way and climbs up on the table.
     It hits you when he moves your ruffled shirt away from your right shoulder. "No! No!" You find yourself with two million pins and needles in your body now, squeezing Hongjoongs hands all over again as Seonghwa sinks his teeth into you at an excruciatingly slow pace.
They're bigger, or maybe they only feel that way because your body is on fire. You sob freely, feet stomping pathetically to cope with the pain.
What little comfort you find in Hongjoong squeezing your hands back is washed away by the simple fact that it's him. That blood from his claws drips onto your skin.
It feels like a century later that the older alpha finally pulls away, a bellow of pleasure as he runs his thumb over the wound: making you jump.
"Your turn, omega."
The weight of their bodies is gone, but you can't bring yourself to move. Out of fear, maybe. Pain, perhaps.
"You know what happens to wolves who don't finish the bond." Hongjoong purrs teasingly, knowing full well that you will have to mark them back least you want to suffer at the hands of the moon herself.
A life with them was better than being turned inside out and left to the elements. Just barely.
You lift yourself on shaking arms and nearly fall as you turn. You would have if not for Hongjoong catching you. He lifts you back to the table much gentler, letting your legs dangle as you sit on the table top.
"Why... why me?"
"... Have you heard of Harry Talbot?"
"Harry Talbots a myth... what's he got to do with your fuck shit?"
"Harry Talbot was the first wolf that could smell his mate. He could tell just by her smell, they were meant to be." Hongjoong slots his way between your legs, smiling down at you with his bloody teeth, "her smell called to him. It wasn't just good. It wasn't a normal scent. It was...alluring."
You were growing dizzy, head spinning.
"Strong alphas can sniff out their true mate. And, baby, we're the strongest that there is."
You have to force yourself to swallow. Have to remember to breathe.
"Why? Because you're... alluring."
That's the last thing you can register before your world turns dark.
˚➶ 。˚ PART ONE END ˚➶ 。˚
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strawb3rrystar · 4 months
the same HH and HB boys with a s/o that murdered a person who was after them, brutally? Like, the boys can barely distinguish the person's face from how much rage their s/o took at 'em, blood n shit everywhere. Love me, a crazy person who would kill someone 4 me 🤑🤑‼️ for example, sumn like the situation that Stolas has Stella, she's always after him. And their hysteric lil s/o drags them to the corpse and is just there grinning proudly and shit like they didn't rescind a mf's body. I feel like Blitz would be so moved "omg🥹🥺" give his s/o headpats and shit but idk again, you're best at writin' about him, love youuu! -🐆
My insides are red, and yours are too.
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Pairing: Angel Dust, Husk, Sir Pentious, Alastor, Lucifer Morningstar, Blitzø, Stolas x GN! Reader
Warnings: Violence, talks of murder
Word count: 425
✰HH Masterlist | HB Masterlist
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Angel Dust will be more or less freaked out. Like, he's seen dead sinners before, but he didn't think you were capable of murder. Basically, you killed someone at one of the clubs you frequent who made him uncomfortable. Even though he gets freaked out at first, he finds it very sweet that you killed someone to protect him, and not just for fun.
Husk is surprised at first when you show him the body. Like Angel, he didn't think you were capable of murder. Though he warms up to the idea eventually, it's Hell, you're going to need to defend yourself. I'm not sure who you would have killed for him. Maybe someone he lost to in the past?
Sir Pentious is completely shocked that you murdered someone for him. He knew you were capable of fighting since you've fought alongside him before, but he's never seen you so excited about it. He must admit, he finds your enthusiasm to be quite charming. Wants to hear you rant about every detail of the body and how you planned it of course.
Alastor isn't surprised in the slightest. In fact, he loves the fact you killed someone for him. It proves your loyalty. You probably murdered one of his enemies/someone who hates him. Which is a lot to choose from. He finds your joy of killing to be quite similar to his, and he finds it endearing.
Lucifer is now terrified of you. He knows he's stronger than you in every way being the King of Hell, but he can still get scared. He's mostly scared of the look on your face after it happened. Seeing that face in thousands of sinners, he never thought that you would get that look too. And, you know, it scares him because he kinda feels like he's losing you a little bit.
Blitzø is also ecstatic about you murdering someone. He's never seen you do something so badass and he loved the little show you put on for him. Is very supportive, hyping you up and everything. Either thinks you're his best employee or wants to marry you. And there is an in between. It's both!
Stolas will be quite alarmed that you killed someone for him. He's ever grateful however, considering that he's constantly trying to be assassinated. If you killed Stella, first of, what the fuck?? Secondly, he didn't think anyone would actually kill her. Probably helps you make it look like an accident or blame it on someone else so you don't get in trouble.
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Star's notes -> The other day my friend and I played 'Phobics' on roblox. Turns out I have a fear of mannequins and being chased lol. We also played Doors and got jumpscared so bad (I hate loud noises)
(Thank you, 🐆 anon, for requesting!) (Requests are open!)
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hairmetal666 · 1 year
Eddie's at a party, lunch box in tow, and he's making a fucking killing.
He sets up shop in the crowded kitchen, but that doesn't stop him from spotting King Steve in the living room. Harrington's face is still fucked up from the fight with Hargrove, and he's tipping a cup almost vertically into his mouth. He's not too surprised when--the next time he spots the jock--he has a can of beer in each fist.
More customers flood up to him, and he can't help but be a little grateful for the distraction. Harrington is one unrequited crush he just can't kick.
Lunch box cleaned out, Eddie heads outside for a smoke. He's fishing his cigarettes out of his jacket pocket when he hears a snuffling sort of shuffle that sends his heart racing.
He edges forward, just enough to make out the heap of a person half-heartedly sitting up against the house. A person in fitted blue jeans, tight polo, and Member's Only jacket; swoop of chestnut hair catching in the flash of fire from Eddie's Zippo.
The guy startles, stability wavering, eyes blinking too much. "Munson?"
"You alright, man?" He asks, though he can already tell that Steve is most definitely not.
Steve shrugs. "Why do you care?" It's not mean, sounds genuinely curious.
Eddie gets it. He has no reason on earth to show concern about King Steve. In answer, he taps his boot against Steve's sneaker, giving him a small smile. "Not sure. But I'm here, so..."
"Just needed some air. Clear my head."
"How much have you had to drink?" Eddie asks.
"One or two,"
Steve laughs. "You're funny. Has anyone ever told you that?"
"I've heard," Eddie says, can't help but laugh a little too. "Wanna talk about what's going on?"
Eddie thinks that'll be a "no," but then: "Nancy dumped me."
"Yeah, big news."
"Ugh, people are talking about it?" Steve whines. It's really cute and Eddie hates himself for noticing. Hates himself more when Steve loses his balance, tips onto Eddie's shoulder, and Eddie doesn't tip him back.
Eddie can tell that Steve isn't fully with him anymore. He's a little afraid to leave the guy alone, so Eddie talks about the latest Hellfire campaign. Sober Steve Harrington probably has no idea what dnd is, but the drunk version is kind of a rapt audience.
He's just explaining about owlbears when Steve's voice, soft and sad, says "I just want someone to love me, you know?"
The admission renders Eddie speechless for a second, his chest fucking aching for the jock. He says "Oh, Stevie," knows he sounds too sad, is sure of it when Steve's nose wrinkles (it's cute; it's so fucking cute. Eddie hates himself for noticing).
Before he can backtrack, Steve slumps over, body going limp as he passes out. "Jesus H Christ," Eddie barks.
With a heavy sigh, and way too much fondness, Eddie stands. "Let's get you home, sweetheart."
He gathers Harrington up in his arms--dude is heavy--and carries him around to his van.
Steve wakes up, head throbbing and tongue fuzzy, with no idea how he got home and into bed. Can't really recall anything after he stumbled outside, aside from talking to Eddie Munson. But maybe that was a dream? Either way, he's home, not really any worse for wear. It's enough to let him forget all about it; what's one drunken party in a life full of them?
That Wednesday, he opens his locker after the final bell, and a Hershey bar falls out. He picks it up, flipping it over to see a note on the foil wrapping, "thought you might need something sweet to cheer you up." It's not signed, and Steve slips it into his backpack, knowing he's got a silly smile on his handsome face.
The little gifts continue to show up once or twice a week. Candy, plastic vending machine toys, sketches of the school grounds, caricatures of classmates and teachers. Sometimes they even come with a note in handwriting he doesn't recognize.
Along with the little treats, he starts seeing Eddie Munson kind of everywhere. And it's not like Steve hadn't seen him before--guy was hard to miss--but he was never around this often. Wasn't around this often and he and Steve had never shared a smile, a quick bob of the head, a quiet hello.
It isn't long before they're talking. Nothing much, nothing serious. Complaining about teachers, about classmates; sharing weekend plans. Only now Steve can't pretend to not notice the way Eddie dimples up when he smiles, the subtle muscles that bunch under the sleeves of his Hellfire Club shirt, the long litheness of his legs. Steve knows he's attracted to other guys, it's just that he didn't realize he'd be attracted to Eddie.
The gifts keep coming. Once, he opens his locker to find a plastic ring fashioned into a golden crown and a note that says, "made me think of you, Stevie." There's something about the "Stevie" that catches deep in his brain, but he can't make it connect to anything.
A few months later, Steve opens his locker and pulls out a drawing. This one--it's of him. He's gazing out into space in a way that managers to be dreamy and wistful. The Steve in the drawing is lovely, and it makes something clench deep in his gut, that someone sees him like this.
Steve tries to be more aware of the people in his surroundings, to figure out who his admirer is. He's not very good at it, even as more sketches of him--all depicting him as a gorgeous, ethereal thing he definitely isn't--show up in his locker. Especially when, so often these days, the person he sees the most is Eddie.
The presents in his locker continue into April, and would probably last until the end of the school year, but Steve's got a migraine starting. He keeps aspirin in his locker, gets a hall pass out of English to get some.
When he reaches his locker, though, someone is already there, with the door open. Someone in ripped black jeans, heavy black boots, a black leather jacket, and patch covered denim vest.
"Munson?" He asks. His heart beats so hard it reverberates in his ears, making it hard to hear.
Eddie jumps back, hands fluttering, face flushing bright red. "Ste--Harrington! I--uh--," he's backing up, his hands held out from his body, like he's pushing Steve away even though they aren't touching.
"Were you--?" Steve tries to ask, but the words won't quite come. There's familiar warmth low in his stomach, a twisting that has nothing to do with his impending migraine.
"I wasn't doing anything, I swear," Eddie says. He's breathing hard, eyes too bright, and Steve thinks he might be about to cry, but then the metalhead is turning away, starting to run.
"Eddie, wait!" Steve calls, chasing after him without much thought. "Please!"
Eddie doesn't stop until after they've crashed out one of the side exits, are alone outside.
"It was you? Leaving the--?"
Eddie nods, presses his hands to his eyes. "Sorry, I'm sorry, Harrington. I just--"
"Don't be sorry," Steve begs. "It's been--I liked it."
"Even now that you know they're coming from the freak?" Eddie spits. He still hides his face behind his hands.
"It's sort of been the best part of my year, if I'm being honest."
Only now does the metalhead remove his hands, blink back at Steve, dark eyes wide with shock. "Really?"
"Yeah. It made me feel-- important, I guess? Like, maybe someone saw me as something more than King Steve."
Eddie smiles now, looks down at the pavement. "I just didn't want you to think that you weren't--" he stops then, presses his mouth tight.
"Didn't want me to think what?"
"That you weren't loved, Stevie."
The statement hangs between them, Eddie's face pinking again, as the words wrap their way around Steve's heart. Loved. That he's loved. It clenches at every part of him, and he surrounds himself with the truth of it, what all those little presents were saying without words.
"Eddie, I--" he's overwhelmed by the gesture, the meaning, the reciprocal buzz in his chest, because Eddie Munson, Eddie Munson, loves him, and this fact is turning Steve's world on it's head in the best way.
"I'm sorry, Steve, really. Please don't hate me, or--or--"
"It means so much to me," Steve says, his voice a little broken. He reaches a hand out, slow, telegraphing the movement. "Can I?" He whispers.
Eddie nods, and Steve strokes the skin of his face with his thumb. "Thank you."
The metalhead nods, leaning into Steve's touch, they shift close, until their foreheads meet, until they share the same air. They stand that way for a while, long enough that they hear the bell ringing, and only then does Steve break their quiet. "Eds?"
"Yeah, Stevie?"
"You wanna hangout some time?"
Eddie laughs. "Yeah. I really, really do, sweetheart."
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mellowsadistic · 8 months
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Alison sulked on her time-out stool, wondering how long she'd been sitting there. There were no clocks in her nursery, but it felt like hours since her husband had dragged her inside, changed her into one of her punishment diapers, and sat her in the corner with that stupid tiara on her head.
She squirmed a little on her seat and winced. Her bottom was still sore from the spanking she'd received earlier - her husband hadn't been at all pleased when he'd found out how much she'd spent on his credit card, and she'd had to endure almost twenty minutes kicking and crying over his lap before he'd let her up. It wasn't fair! She'd been on a shopping spree with her girlfriends! Was she just supposed to have tagged along, not buying anything? She was sure her friends had spent just as much money as she had... but she was equally sure that none of them were sitting on red bottoms right now, nor would they be wearing diapers, and not one of their houses would have a nursery in it just for them. No, they had husbands who treated them with respect, or who at least saw them as adults.
Alison felt herself going red as she imagined what her friends would say if they could see her now, being punished like a naughty toddler. She knew she ought to put her foot down and insist that she wouldn't let herself be treated like this, but it was just so hard to protest when her husband spoke to her in his authoritative voice, with that stern look in his eyes. For all her feminist ideals and principles, she never managed to do more than whimper when he told her off like a child and announced that she was getting a spanking and a stint in diapers to teach her a lesson. The little plastic tiara was the cherry on top. Her husband called it her "princess potty-pants" tiara, and she had to wear it whenever she wore her diapers. It made her feel like a stupid little girl playing dress-up, and no doubt that was exactly how he wanted her to feel.
Alison scowled around at her nursery with its stupid playmat and its mind-numbing baby toys and the dumb stuffed animals lying around everywhere. She particularly despised the oversized baby blocks sitting on the shelf that held her diapers. She did not love diapers. In fact, she hated them more than anything else in the whole world. She hated how they pushed her legs apart, she hated the way they crinkled with every movement, and most of all she hated what they were for. Alison squirmed again and pressed her thighs together as close as they would go, then let out a quite moan of distress. She needed to pee badly. She was no stranger to this kind of punishment, as the full diaper pail in the corner could attest, but somehow, no matter how many times she was forced to wet herself, it never got easier.
After another minute of increasingly desperate wiggling, she gave up. With a deep breath, Alison clenched her eyes shut and relaxed her bladder. The stream began at once. "Eww..." she whined under her breath, winkling her nose in disgust as she felt the thick padding between her legs start to swell up with pee. "Ew, ew, ewww!" Warmth spread from her crotch, but the knowledge of what she was doing rid the sensation of any pleasantness. She was peeing herself. She was wetting her diaper like an overgrown baby. Tears filled her eyes as her thick baby pants became soggier and soggier. The smell of urine reached her nose and she sobbed. She fell so small, so stupid.
Then came her husband's voice. "Alright, baby girl, time-out is over."
She looked up through her tear-filled eyes to see him walking into the room, looking highly satisfied at the sight of her desperate expression.
"Uh-oh," he said, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth, "I think someone's had a little accident. Have you wet yourself, baby?"
Alison sobbed again and nodded. She lifted her fists to her eyes to wipe the tears from them, so she didn't notice her husband's hand until it was already sliding down the front of her diaper. She let out a squeal of protest, but it went ignored.
"Oh my, you're absolutely soaked!" he said, feeling the sodden padding in her diaper. "You really had to go, didn't you, princess potty-pants?" He withdrew his hand and tapped her on the nose. "I guess that tiara's not just for show, is it?" He straightened up. "You can stand up now, baby."
Alison got shakily to her feet, cringing as her diaper sagged heavily between her legs. It was so wet that she could feel the warm, swollen padding brushing against her thighs, and it was drooping down almost to her knees. A whine rose involuntarily in her throat, and she couldn't help flapping her hands in revulsion. It was so yucky!
"You don't like wearing wet diapers, do you, Alison?" her husband asked.
Alison bit back her retort. Of course she didn't! "No, Daddy," she said, unable to bring herself to look him in the eyes.
"And you don't like being spanked either, do you?"
There was a pause. "No, Daddy."
"Do you know why Daddy has to spank your little bottom and make you wear diapers?"
Alison clenched her fists. Now was the time. Now was the moment to tell him she wouldn't put up with this anymore.
"Because I'm a silly little girl," she said meekly, staring at the carpet, "and it's the only way I'll learn."
"Good girl. You can stay in that wet diaper for a few more hours to really drive the lesson home. I'll change you into a clean one at bedtime. Now take Daddy's hand, soggy-britches. Let's go and have a cuddle, okay?"
"Yes, Daddy!"
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fillinforlater · 9 months
Hii! Could you do a smut of Minnie x Yuqi x Miyeon please? I don't really have any specific things I want in it other than scissoring and all of them just all over each other lol
Sorry im in a mood-🤪
To Glide
Minnie x Yuqi x Miyeon
Length: 2.000 words
Tags: lesbian sex, lesbian threesome, LOT'S OF LUBE, annoyed sex, fingering, clit play, scissoring, lesbian missionary, fold in half (Yuqi), pretty and submissive (Miyeon), has had fucking enough (Minnie)
(A/N: Here is a random drop to start of the new year lol. This is what happens when you send the right ideas to me. Have fun and stay healthy!)
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“This is such a not-good-idea.”
Minnie sighs and pinches her forehead. To say that she has doubts about this new ‘project’ of Yuqi would be an understatement. She hates that this obnoxiously loud girl always pushes onward with her ideas without ever thinking of the consequences. Like last week, when she threw this party at Miyeon’s house—Minnie expected a handful of people—and suddenly hundreds of people turned up and trashed the whole thing. For some reason, Miyeon didn’t even care all that much.
Guess Yuqi’s tongue kept her busy all night, Minnie thinks, an envious blush on her cheeks. That’s the curse of Yuqi, she might at times be a bad friend, but in the end, she is just irresistible. In the end, Minnie can only blame herself for not rejecting Yuqi’s plans of filling a small pool with lube—in the middle of Minnie’s own living room. 
Your house is the biggest, Yuqi argued, and with a few adorable blinks, she got what she wanted. And now Miyeon is already ready to dump in over ten bottles of lube into the small plastic construction, definitely not made to withstand whatever crazy games Yuqi will come up with. Minnie can still say no, still send them home, hell, they can have enough fun with each other in Yuqi’s—
“Aw, why not, Nicha?” Yuqi complains cutely and wraps a sly arm around Minnie’s waist. “It will be so much fun, don’t you think? I can’t see how it can go wrong.”
“It’ll be such a mess,” Minnie argues, but it’s fragile, because Yuqi’s magic goes beyond puppy eyes and that deadly voice: she is already fiddling with the buttons of Minnie’s jeans, easily able to pop them open and dig her hand onto Minnie’s sex. The thought alone arouses her. “I-I don’t want to clean up afterwards.”
“Then I will clean up, okay? Pinky promise?”
“O-okay.” Dammit, she couldn’t resist again. Minnie is just too weak for Yuqi.
“Perfect. Miyeon, pour in the lube! Let’s have some fun.”
“Okay, babe~” Miyeon shouts back and gleefully squeezes out bottle after bottle until the clear liquid has thoroughly covered the entire plastic surface. “Should we get our bikinis?”
“Nah, screw those. Bikinis are for public pools.” Yuqi starts to unzip her top and jumps out of her pants. “At home, with my girls, I don’t want to wear clothes!”
“Oh~” Miyeon coos and Minnie can see that horny glint in her eyes. “I love that! Let me get undressed too.”
Minnie looks at them for a second, their bodies being revealed piece by piece, bare and completely spotless. Yuqi is a perfectionist when it comes to her own nude body, but at the same time, she does not give a single fuck about other people’s short comings. She just loves nudity, and so Minnie isn’t the only one starring when Miyeon gracefully removes her tight crop-top and moves her hips in quick circles until her black shorts fall down. 
“I see you came prepared,” Yuqi says in excitement, because of the lack of underwear on Miyeon’s stunning frame.
“I still have the bikini in my bag, but—
“I kinda knew you wouldn’t want to see it.”
A heat is rising up inside Minnie. No anger or annoyance can keep it down anymore; the arousal is too great, irresistible, like the sight of Miyeon and Yuqi flopping into the pool. The lube flies everywhere, most importantly on their legs, their chests, their hair, their bellies, their feet—Minnie does not notice the mess being made. 
She is depraved and horny, the way she tears off her jeans and top is chaotic, unplanned. Minnie has become a mess by just looking at her friends. Luckily, Yuqi does not notice. She's too busy with Miyeon and getting her fingers all over the elder’s skin. That is until Minnie bursts in and disrupts them, putting real strain on the edges of the plastic pool.
“Hey, watch out,” both Yuqi and Miyeon laugh. “You’re about to break it.”
“I- I don’t care! You two are being too loud, I need to shut you up a bit.” Minnie’s rebuttal is weak, because Yuqi gets a hand on her hairy cunt and starts to rub all over it.
“Oh, you want to shut us up by destroying this pool? Makes sense, makes sense.” Miyeon giggles and adds. “I think our friend here is tripping a bit. Tell us, Mi~nnie~
“How do you want to make us shut up?”
Minnie has never felt this ferocious, it’s like the spirit of a savage, unchained animal has overcome her. She wraps her entire arm around Yuqi’s tiny waist and spins her around. The small woman is still laughing, but with two lube-drenched fingers straight into her tight cunt, she is now Minnie’s prisoner. A happy prisoner, who quietly moans and hums with every curl the digits in her pussy make.
“Oh my~” Miyeon gasps and intently watches on as Minnie squeezes Yuqi tightly and makes sure to never stop pumping into that wet cavern. Yuqi still thinks this is all fun and games and tries to kiss Minnie, but the Thai girl goes straight for Yuqi’s neck and marks it with a frantic bite.
“Mi-Minnie, what the—I never knew you liked—”
“How about you shut your pretty mouth up and get on all fours? 
Yuqi twitches around Minnie’s fingers when she hears this command. After a bit of slipping and falling she finds herself in the suggested position with Minnie’s hand cupping her labia and slowly rubbing lube across it. Yuqi arches her back, eyes closed to intensely feel every touch on her folds, then inside her pussy when Minnie decides to penetrate her once more. Miyeon gasps again.
“How about you lay down too, pretty?” Minnies suggest to Miyeon who needs a few seconds to wake up from her slumber and lay down into the slippery mess. She instinctively opens up her beautiful legs when Minnie’s hand approaches her, then the girliest of moans leaves her lips when her cunt gets filled. 
Minnie’s heart is pumping up to her head, knocking on her brain and she loses all her senses except for touch on her fingertips, which become drenched in arousal. Every thrust, it doesn’t matter if they are hard or soft, makes her greedy, as if this scenario wasn’t enough. She has everything a girl could ever want, but now she needs more. 
Minnie needs Yuqi to ruin herself—which happens sooner than she could’ve ever dreamed of. Yuqi’s ass moves on its own, her hips slam backwards and swallow every inch of Minnie’s flicking fingers and when three of them finally pierce her pussy open, she cums. Face buried in ridiculous amounts of lube, Yuqi groans and trembles and falls over, eyes rolled into the back of her head—that’s what Minnie wanted. But her greed doesn’t stop.
She looks at Miyeon, her pout, her need for release in this slippery mess right in the middle of this living room—Yuqi will have to clean it meticulously afterwards, because Minnie plants her puffy pussy right on Miyeon’s and starts to wildly rub it over her. Minnie knows that Miyeon is quite familiar with scissoring, this is definitely no first for her, but she nonetheless reacts to it like a virgin. She desperately holds onto Minnie’s hip and through a voice broken by moans begs her to go slower. 
“Should I really go slower?” Minnie teases when Miyeon starts to grab her waist and bite her lip. Her face is so eerily perfect with all the wet lube and sweat on it, the blush that isn’t faint but blunt and bright. “Don’t you want to cum with your pussy, pretty princess?”
And then Minnie just continues, her hips slam down, against those aroused folds. She also makes use of her hands, spreading lube all over Miyeon’s boobs, midriff, down to the hard nub that looks like it’s about to explode if just—
Someone would—
“Not there, not there, Mi-Minnie, I’m about to—”
Minnie plays with it, rubs the clit side to side and Miyeon bursts into a loud and wet orgasm that has the pool suddenly filled with lube and girl juice. Minnie still doesn’t stop, instead she squeezes out every last second of Miyeon’s high by squeezing her breasts and squeezing more lube over her feet, which Yuqi is already eagerly playing with, in trance at the taste of Miyeon’s soles.
“Gosh, she looks so hot,” Yuqi whispers at the sight of Miyeon, who cannot escape the overstimulation. There is just no grip on anything, it’s like the entire universe wants her to glide back to Minnie and her pervy hands. Hands that can’t stop groping her, covering her in so much lube, she feels too heavy to fight back. 
“You’re one to talke,” Minnie responds and raises an eyebrow when Yuqi dares to look back at her. “She went down fairly easily, but I know I need more with you.”
Yuqi smirks and like the angelic devil on Minnie’s shoulder leans in and hums:
“Then give me more.”
It’s hard to tell if Yuqi regrets her witty remark or if this was the actual reaction she wanted. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself below Minnie, in the deepest mix of cum, sweat and lube she has ever been in. Minnie immediately goes for her limits, grabbing her ankles and folding her in half while looking absolutely unamused.
“I know you can fold like a lawn chair,” she snarks and Yuqi gasps when her heels are almost level with her eyes. “So you better keep this up, because I won’t stop.”
“Wha-what are you trying—?”
“You’ve never had it like this, huh?”
Minnie crashes her hairy cunt right on Yuqi’s perfect slit. The slap is loud, the sting is painful at first, but Yuqi gets no time to scream because Minnie just continues. She rides her fat lips all over Yuqi’s shaven crotch, spreads her arousal to add more wetness, to glide better.
Glide she does. Yuqi has to take deep breaths that quickly turn to moans every time Minnie glides over her clit. Back and forth is great, left and right is excellent, Yuqi’s mind starts to spin in the same rhythm that Minnie’s pussy spins. That is until she goes up and back down. That’s too much to handle. Yuqi’s nails dig into Minnie’s elbows and she can see the Thai girl only through tear filled orbs.
Hottest of all: Minnie shows no reaction to this athletic feat. She just leans down, lips right on Yuqi’s, but instead of kissing her, she spouts dumb, dirty bullshit that has Yuqi in an ultimate frenzy.
“You never had a girl take you missionary. I fucking know, because I always hear them moan, not you. You think you’re such a player, Yuqi, the girl that gets all the bitches—that’s over now. Now you’re my bitch and I will fuck you like it. You will cum on this hairy pussy and then I’ll make you clean it up.
“Do you understand?”
“Y-yesh, Ma’am!”
Yuqi whines, Minnie smirks.
“Good. That was easy, didn’t know you could be so submissive. I think you should get an orgasm, slut.”
As predicted, the final thrust starts of Yuqi’s climax, one that lasts for a while. While not as messy as Miyeon’s, Minnie can see how intense it was for the smaller woman below her. Yuqi is a fucked mess, messy hair, messy pussy, messy face, something that can surely be a seat in the future—nah, fuck the future. Yuqi won’t always be her bitch, might as well—
“I think you’re learning your place.” Minnie gives Yuqi some time to adjust her posture, time Minnie spends on a quick look at Miyeon, who is busy stimulating her nipples to the sight of what happened in front of her. Minnie has no clue how and if to include her; an issue for later. “Now eat me.”
“Yes, Ma’am.”
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tojjist · 9 months
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♯♯ birthday special - t. fushiguro
a/n: i didn't do anything for the holiday season bc i barely had time :( but i still wanted to do summ for his birthday soo.
warnings: like one cuss. completely fulff. not proof read! sunshine x grumpy
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toji fushiguro hates you. toji fushiguro despises you for all you are; kind, loving, sweet, and damn perfect.
it’s almost insulting to him, really. the way you mock him with your soft little smile, patronizing him with your kindness.
he hated how complicated you are. he could never understand your motives. why would you treat him like that? knowing where he came from and what his past looked like. why do you stick around when he offers next to nothing? he couldn’t find any proof of an ulterior motive yet he couldn’t accept the simple reality of you actually wanting to be around him.
but toji hated one thing above all; how you make him feel. he doesn’t get the way his chest clouds and breath tightens whenever your skin comes in contact with his. his tongue goes paralyzed when you smile his way, eyes unmoving from your face when you scoff a small chuckle at whatever dumb shit he said. he can’t even remember what made you laugh but he gets this overwhelming urge to do it again.
he grows vulnerable, craving your touch when you’re not around. he’s soon hyper aware of his attachment to you. but toji is a smart man, and he knows he can’t do anything about the situation he found himself entangled in.
when he’s away, a single hour could feel like a whole eternity. and he can’t wait to be back home. home where you’re waiting. home where he belongs.
it doesn’t take long for him to grow accustomed to the physical proximity of you. the feel of you becomes a soothing balm, gently brushing away all his worries even if only temporarily.
toji fushiguro hates you. he hates how his heart skips a beat whenever his nose picks up on your sweet scent. he hates how the sound of your voice downright puts his entire world on pause, stopping to hear every little word that leaves your lips. from mumbles when you’re half-asleep to your little rants about your day or the new show you’ve been watching.
toji fushiguro hates how he’s capable of so little. he can’t give you the world. he can’t give you the dream life. he can’t give you a luxurious house. he can’t give you fancy dates or decent holiday getaways. heck, sometimes he can’t give you even time.
that’s why he makes sure to spend every minute he could with you, basking in the haven you created for him.
he tells himself he’s doing it all for himself. he says he needs a rest and just keeps you around because it’s easier than ‘looking for another girl’. toji tries to convince himself that it’s temporary, that you’re just willing to stick around and that he’d leave sooner than later. he says he’s selfish and doing it all for himself.
but it’s clear as day when his arms cling to you first thing in the morning, searching for your warmth despite the duvet he had pushed away. it’s obvious in the way he caresses your hair while you pretend to be asleep. occasionally he’d let his lips find the crown of your head, greeting your hair with soft kisses.
toji fushiguro hates you. he hates when you told him that you loved him, in his car on some tuesday night when he took you out for a ride late at night even though he needed to sleep.
toji fushiguro hates how your face lit up when he brought some flowers home with him,mumbling something along the lines of “the vase been empty for too fucking long”. but there was no vase. and he only realized when he got up at night to get some water, spotting the pretty flowers set in a plastic water jug.
toji fushiguro hates his new life. he hates how different he’s become. the hostile menace has become a quiet man, following behind you everywhere you go as if he were your personal gorilla. toji fushiguro hates how much life mattered now. toji fushiguro hates the responsibility he feels.
he says it’s restricting, suffocating even. he clicks his tongue in annoyance when he sees the time. it’s past dinner time and he needs to be home to not keep you waiting. he’s frustrated at himself when he finds you plopped on the couch, face peaceful while you presumably have fallen asleep as you awaited his return. he feels guilt gnawing at him when he sees the food you’ve made, having not eaten so he wouldn’t have dinner alone.
you’re too much for him. and while he’d felt like he owes you at some point, sick of your little favors and stupid sweet words, toji soon realizes this life is his. it was by choice that he let you into his life, slowly rearranging the blocks of his reality. you broke and rebuild, fixing a man who believed he was long beyond repair.
toji fushiguro hates you. toji fushiguro despises you for all you are, kind, loving, sweet, and painfully his.
somewhere along the way toji has accepted all that he feels. falling in love isn’t shameful. he’s become a fool but he thinks it’s worth it long as you’ve the one who’s molded him into this shape.
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2tcs · 2 months
Day 6: Forgetting an important date and offense
DeadTired: Tim
TheBloodSon: Damian
WingDing: Dick
PurplePower: Steph
Shadow: Cass
GlowStick: Duke
UndeadDrama: Jason
SpaceCadet: Danny
Alfred: Alfred
B Less Batchat
Feb 9, 11:15 AM
“I don’t think you understand the 
importance of getting a third
party to” bla bla bla
I sware. Some of these old farts
just need to retire already.
But if they retired then the world might figure
out that we don’t need them.
Just a little longer Tim then your home free
Easy for you to say. I have three meetings
after this. And all of them could be covered
in an email. But I swear that none of these
Old hats even know what an email is.
ducks to be you
It’s okay. Take your time.
Fuds you
Autocorrect strikes again.
Please cease this irritating conversation.
Some of us have important work to do.
This is kinda the highlight of my patrol.
But I remember when I was in school.
Don’t let the teachers see you texting.
Tt. As if they would catch me.
Aren’t you at lunch right now
Damian? Besides you could
just put your phone on mute.
Ooo Snap!
That is irrelevant. You all need to
focus on your duties instead of
complaining about frivolous things.
Aw. Look how responsible you are!
Our little boy is growing so fast. 😭
Some day he will be all grown up
and too smart to hang out with us
I am already too smart for a plebian
like you Drake.
Sit down, pleb.
Oh before I forget
The 12 is my dd so I
won’t be available.
Might I suggest you all return to your
Feb 10, 8:30 PM
Where is everyone?
I’m in the cave but no one else is.
Check the time.
Young master. I can hear you all the way
in the manor. Please mind your language
And remember to place a quarter in the
Sorry Alfred
Feb 11, 6:00 AM
Master Tim. Master Danny. If you would 
please meet me in the kitchen at exactly 
6:30 am I would very much appreciate it.
Tim. I am sorry to inform you
that we are no longer friends.
Alfred? Tim hasn’t gone to sleep
since February 7th. He has set
up an alarm system to tell him
when you are coming up the 
stairs to the family wing so
he can pretend to be asleep
when you check on him.
Oh, hay! Thanks Tim! Now
I have my own theme music
for the day!
Why the heck is the Barbie song
playing next door…
Never mind. I just read the texts.
I′m a Barbie girl, in a Barbie world
Life in plastic, it's fantastic
You can brush my hair, undress me everywhere
Imagination, life is your creation
I think Kory would unalive me if
I tried to eat your brother.
Feb 11, 9:15 AM
I hate to inform everyone but
Danny’s phone has unfortunately passed
What song was it playing?
Crazy Frog. Auto-tuned Crazy Frog.
Isn’t that song already auto-tuned?
This was worse. So much worse.
Think Alvin and the Chipmunks 
level of pitch with the weird 
auto-tune echo.
On this day we say goodbye to
a good phone. Taken from us
too soon. Please light a candle
for our fallen comrade. 🕯️
GlowStick has invited (888) XXX-XXXX 
to the chat.
(888) XXX-XXXX  has changed their name to 
Feb 12, 10 AM
Hay. Has anyone seen Danny?
He wasn’t in class today.
He is probably shirking his studies.
Come on Dams. Danny likes that.
Hay Jason. Danny’s apartment is
Next to yours. Is he home?
Feb 12, 3:16 PM
Just woke up. I didn’t hear him get
back last night.
Feb 12, 3:30 PM
Just went through his apartment.
He’s not there and it doesn’t look
like anything’s been touched since
I was over yesterday.
That’s not like Danny. Sleep is sacred
to him. He would never purposely
Stay out later than his normal patrol.
He never showed up for class. I’m on
patrol rn so I’ll keep an eye out for him.
I don’t know Cass.
I’m coming to Gotham tonight
To help look for him.
I’m going to do a few rounds
in the alley. If I can’t find him 
before patrol, I’ll have some of
my men start nosing around.
I will make sure the med bay is
prepped and ready. Please be safe
Of course.
Okay Alfi.
Feb 13, 7:35 AM
Hay everyone. I just got
back in Gotham.
What did I miss?
Danny! Where were you!
Dude! Are you okay?
Tt. I do not see a reason for you
all to be so concerned.
Young Master Danny. I am happy
To hear you are back. If you would
be so kind please come by the
manor, I would greatly appreciate it.
Of course Alfred.
Feb 13, 2:50 PM
Danny! Your back!
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the-roo-too · 6 months
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not my fault -> plastic! oh haewon
-the trio owns the school, but you own the queen bee’s heart
warnings: loosely referencing mean girls; basically making out in the closet lol; more of a short drabble than an oneshot tbh
genre: secret relationship; fluffish
notes: i might be in love with reneé rapp
⌦ .。.:*♡
as your lunch tray hit the table with a soft thud, you became aware of how quiet your spot in the cafeteria was compared to the other tables.
while you wouldn’t necessarily call yourself a loner, you wouldn’t be caught dead talking to someone without a reason. it just felt like none of the cliques were for you.
taking a small bite out of your food, you could feel a pair of eyes burning into the back of your head. even from across the cafeteria, the sensation was unmistakable.
the table in the middle of the room was occupied by the most influential trio in the whole school—the plastics. not to be mistaken with an environmental group, the plastics were a very closed off clique, like a teen royalty.
there was bae jinsol, an actually nice girl. she just wasn’t on the brightest side. rumour has it she tried to spell orange with a ‘d’ once.
then there was seol yoona, more commonly known as sullyoon. she knew everything about everyone and had connections basically everywhere.
at last, there was an apex predator. the queen bee of the school. the devil in human form.
oh haewon. the girl who’s eyes were currently burning holes in the back of your head.
one secret not even sullyoon knew about was the one that you shared with haewon.
despite all the rumours of her hooking up with this or that jock, she was very much not interested in men. you were the only one she had her eye on.
⌦ .。.:*♡
haewon let her eyes linger on you for a little longer before she turned her attention to her friends with a bored sigh. sullyoon was yet again talking about some boy she had in her gym class. no one worthy her attention.
“what’s his name again?” she asked in a dismissive tone.
when sullyoon looked at her, slight hurt flashed in her eyes. the queen be rarely ever listened to them.
“jake.” she said before smiling stiffly. “the one i’ve been talking about for a week.”
“yeah, i remember now.” a bored sigh escaped haewon’s lips before she turned her attention to the third girl in their clique. “say, jinsol, wasn’t he invited to your party this friday?”
“who, jake?” bae glanced briefly at yoona as she nodded. “i think so.”
“great. i’ll help you talk to him then.” sullyoon looked at her in shock before a small smile broke out on her face.
“thank you, haewon.”
“it’s whatever. you guys wanna skip the rest today?” she got approving nods from her friends, making her grin softly. “i’ll meet you two by my car. i have to go see minjae before we leave.”
sullyoon smiled at her, as did bae. they both thought she was dating one of the jocks—she did let him be seen with her sometimes. he thought she was just playing hard to get, while in reality she just kept him around for appearances.
haewon typed a quick text to the contact ‘my baby 🩷’ before she stood up from the plastics table and left the cafeteria.
⌦ .。.:*♡
“i missed you…” she whispered, pinning your wrists above your head with one hand, keeping your body close to the wall. “you looked so pretty today, my baby.“
“i missed you too, haewon…” you mumbled back against her lips, gently kissing her. those intimate moments in the janitor’s closet weren’t ideal, but it was all you could get in school without being caught.
“i told jinsol and yoona i was seeing that jock again… does that make you jealous, pretty girl?” the grin she sent you made you feel weak in her hold. she knew damn well what she was doing, and boy did she enjoy it.
“you know it does… i hate that we have to hide.”
“awh.” her soft pout didn’t ease your nerves as much as she hoped it would. “i’m sorry, babe. you know i can’t have people knowing i’m gay. do you know how much it would cost me?”
“yeah.” you gave her a weak glare before kissing her pink lips yet again. “you care about your reputation more than you care for me.”
“i wouldn’t be sneaking into this dirty closet with you during lunch time if i didn’t care, would i? you knew what you were getting into when i told you this had to be a secret.”
of course she was right. when was oh haewon ever wrong though?
“it’s not my fault you fell for me, silly girl.”
“i hate that you’re right.”
she grinned at you, her free hand sneaking to your waist. “course you do.”
⌦ .。.:*♡
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sunnyswide · 4 months
Sorry for the long break (stuff and lots of more stuff)
2nd part here
Part 3 of my Murderer 141 🔪 x kidnapped reader (Final part :D)
This is smut ladies and gentlemen ;) Sexual and non-con activities up ahead!!
You wish you could say you saw this coming, but instead, your hands were tied and your mouth gagged in the back of a moving vehicle.
Tears spill from your dazed eyes as they stain the random clutter surrounding you. you wanted to scream, thrash around, try your best to escape but your head throbbed with a pounding sensation. Each bump on the road made you jump, the clutter sliding around.
You look for anything, a sharp tool or edge to rip at the meticulously tied rope but nothing. it was just pieces of cardboard, a few small duffel bags, empty plastic storage containers, and the fresh smell of bleach.
Finally, you feel the car stop, the sounds of muffled footsteps on breaking sticks closing in. You shut your eyes, rubbing the tears against the sandpaper-textured trunk floor. The door opens, the light piercing past your eyelids and making you twitch.. did they see it?
"good afternoon love"
Price flicked his fingers against your cheek. obviously, he saw.
"Now if I untie you.. you promise you won't run?"
He chuckled, pulling the gag out of your mouth.
You watch him intently. Should you agree and make a run for it or just stay silent? Would you even outrun him?
"I won't run.."
He smiles.. that innocent ol' smile you trusted so much. He grabbed your quivering hands in his, untying the rope nice and slowly. Letting you adjust your wrist and stretch out your arms. You sit on the edge of the car trunk, peering over his large torso at the surrounding area. A thick pattern of pine trees extends to the edge of your sight everywhere. Not a single sign or post, the trail wasn't even paved out. The smell of nature was intoxicating, making you scrunch your face at how strong your senses seemed to repulse at the air.
Or maybe it was the bleach mixing in with everything.
Price watches your eyes search for freedom and humanity but nothing. He watches as hope escapes your dilated little pupils.
Oh how he wished he could keep you for himself, a frightened little deer in headlights, a lost animal in the freezing rain. His lost little pet.
"Done looking?"
You look up at him, your body trembling, some part of you knowing no one will come and save you. They made sure of it.
You nod your head silently, letting him guide you to wherever. Running was futile, the sun was slowly setting behind the trees casting decrepit shadows across the ground. You follow him to a wooden manor, something you think you'd see in every slasher. He opens the door, stepping aside for you to step in first. Ladies first right?
You walk in slowly, the wooden planks making a low creak with every movement. At some point, you thought of what they would do next. torture you? starve you? play cat and mouse till you tire out and wither away? Fucking hell you were scared, getting kidnapped and dumped into a "Nowhere forest".
Price places a hand on your shoulder, leaning down into your ear, grabbing at your waist with his other. His touch is colder.. rougher than ever before. You let out a small gasp, titling your head up against him. Play it cool.. play it cool... your heart was racing, and sure as hell he felt it.
"fuck you.." You whimper out, trying to pry his hands away from you.
You were certain they'd kill you... tear your heart out and eat it like demons. Right?
"You'll be the one doing that for me Love"
He pushes you against the wall, your back arched perfectly as you yelp in pain before his hands grip tightly around your neck.
"That right.. scream for me Doll"
He tugs down your skirt along with your panties, letting them drop down to the floor. You squirm against his hold but to no avail. You hated it.. you hated it... But your body was screaming the opposite.
"Don't worry... I'll prepare you"
Price spits on his calloused fingers, rubbing them along your stomach down to your cunt. Stopping when he realizes how soaked you were. ".. You're enjoying this?" He let go of your neck.
He smeared your juices against your folds, Fucking hell you were dripping. He pushed one finger in with ease, listening to the sweet gushing sounds your pussy made. And another.. spreading his fingers apart inside of you.
".. just fingering your sweet little cunt got you dripping like this love"
You moaned, your body betraying your thoughts. You didn't want this! You..You didn't!
He stopped abruptly like he knew what you were thinking.
"n.o" you squeal out. He smiles letting his fingers sink slowly into you.
You look up at him, desperation coating your eyes as you begin to bounce up and down his fingers. Your hands landed on either of his shoulders, quicking the pace of your hips.
"Price... move.." You beg him through pathetic moans. His fingers were drenched in your wetness, your gummy walls desperately needing to be stretched.
"Fucking whore.."
He slips his fingers out quickly replacing it with his achingly hard cock. You squeal as he slams into you, completely bottoming out in one swift thrust. Tears stream down your face as he plows into you, jackhammering himself into your little entrance.
You wrap your legs around him, making him penetrate himself even deeper.
"Little.. Slut"
He breathes out with each thrust, reaching an all-time new high for him. Being the gentle trusting Price for so long, he finally let himself loose. You were sure he came in you.. white puddles of his warm cum coating his Dick. But he kept at it, somehow.. pounding you harder like his life depended on it.
"Price!.. S-Stop!" You choked out between hiccuped moans and screams.. you felt yourself losing consciousness. The sound of his heavy balls slapping against the red of your ass over and over, his hands bruising the fat of your hips.
His thrust became sloppy.. and rushed full of need before finally releasing even more of his cum inside of you. With a few final thrusts, he stopped but refused to take himself out of you.
"geez.. what a show"
Simon leaned against the, his hands crossed. you look over in horror and embarrassment forgetting there were three more.
The front door creaked opened.
"Yo! We're hom-"
Gaz just stared dropping his duffel bag as Soap peered over him. They stayed silent before smiling at Price who finally seemed to come to his senses.
"My turn" (soap and Simon)
"My Turn
"Fuck off I'm not done"
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333-luvsturns · 6 months
the hating game: one
other chapters: 2
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summary: matt and y/n have hated each other since they were kids. now, it’s their senior year and they can’t help but feel a specific tension between them — will they swallow their pride and come to terms with the new-found tension, or forever hold their peace?
contains: swearing, banter/arguing, mentions of alcohol/partying
pairing: grumpy!matt x sunshine!reader
a/n slightly boring first chapter but dw cus next chapter gets RIGHT into the drama! enjoy :)
matt’s pov;
Valentines day. You either love it, or hate it.
Personally, I fucking hate it.
The decorations everywhere, all that lovey-dovey couple shit, the roses, the secret admirers — I hate it all.
I walk through the crowded hallway — which, not to mention, is annoyingly littered in red paper heart cut outs. I make my way through the crowds of students, some walking at a normal pace, others deciding to stop in the middle of the hallway — or my personal favorite, the couples who make out against the lockers in the middle of passing time, which makes me psychically repulsed.
I finally make it to the cafeteria, to my dismay it has a huge banner hung above the first table in the room — ‘Get your chocolate roses here!’ and the table is filled with various chocolate roses, wrapped in plastic like a bouquet.
I pass that table and head towards the back, where my Nick, Chris and our friends all sit.
“Look who it is — Cupid himself!” Chris hollers when he spots me walking in, the whole table erupts in laughter.
I fake a dry laugh and sit down at my spot on the end, next to Nick. “Where’s your chocolate rose?” Nate asks jokingly from across me, “For your secret admirer.”
“I’ll go buy one and shove it up your ass,”
Nick turns to me with wide eyes, “Wow someones chipper.” He deadpans.
“Isn’t he always?” Chris snorts a laugh, Nate joining in beside him.
Before I can interject, a voice calls from down the table, two spots down from Nate.
“Cupid is here!”
I know that voice anywhere. I hate that voice.
I look up to see just who I knew it was, Y/N. With that smile that I swear never fades from her face, and that laugh that — though I’d never admit this out-loud — is so contagious, I hate it.
She’s like this constant ray of sunshine; sitting there, always shinning bright. It’s always annoyed me how happy and perfect she can be, she’s kind to everyone and gives everyone the benefit of the doubt, even when they don’t deserve it.
God, I hate her.
Hate’s a strong word, and I know it. But she knows it too, and she hates me just as much.
“I bet you love this corny shit, Y/N.” I say, gesturing to all the paper hearts hanging in the cafeteria.
“I do, actually.” She quirks, shrugging her shoulders.
It’s true, she’s always loved anything corny and cliché; when we were elementary school, she’d make all of us a Valentines day gift, which consisted of homemade cards and some sort of candy.
“You’re like a grumpy old man Matt, lighten up.” She adds, and before I can see what exactly she is doing, she is tossing me something from across the table.
All I see is her throwing something, so naturally, I extend my arm to catch it. When it lands in my hand, I look at her; shooting her a glare which she doesn’t reciprocate and instead shoots me her signature smile, then I look at my hand.
A chocolate rose. A stupid, overpriced, chocolate rose.
I look back up at her, an unimpressed look on my face, and a stupid, toothy-grin on hers.
“Enjoy, Cupid!” She laughs, before returning back to her conversation with our friend, Amaya, beside her.
An absolutely ridiculous nickname she coined when we were seven, and unfortunately, ten years later and it still stuck.
“Happy Valentines day!” She beamed at me, handing me a red card, hearts drawn all over, and a bag of my favorite candy.
I look inside the bag, seeing the candy and looking up at her with a grin. “Thank you, Y/n!”
Y/n nods with a smile plastered across her face, “You’re welcome, Cupid.” She giggled before skipping back to the school playground.
Of course, we were seven and the nickname made no sense, but I didn’t mind then. Now, I’m positive she calls me that just to annoy me.
“Matt,” Chris says, which makes me snap from my thoughts and look across the table to him. “Did you hear what I said?”
I just shake my head at him, before he goes on to talk about our upcoming Hockey game on Saturday, Nate and Nick both joining in on the conversation.
As we all talk, I can’t help but let my mind occasionally and unfortunately, drift to Y/n — I can’t help but wonder if she misses our friendship; who we were before we hated each other.
Of course, she can’t stand me, I can’t stand her, but things used to be so different.
Eventually, to stop from letting her occupy my thoughts, I settle on this; there’s no way she wonders the same. No way.
y/n pov
I make my way through the crowded hallway, attempting to make it to my English class (somewhat) on time.
Just as I reach reach the classroom, my hand literally on the door knob — the bell rings.
I quietly walk into the classroom, which is already almost entirely full, and take my seat. “Miss y/l/n, you’re late — again.”
Well shit. “I’m sorry, the hallways are crowded. It won’t happen again.” I say, glancing at my teacher who is glaring at me from her desk.
“Good, because the next time your late, you’ll get detention.” She retorts, before getting up and beginning class.
I sigh and take my seat, hanging my bag on the back of my chair and opening my book. That’s when I feel a pair of eyes on me, and when I turn to my side I’m met with the really cute guy who sits next to me.
He’s the star basketball player, tall with blond hair. When I look at him, he’s already looking at me, and when he notices, he smiles at me.
I smile back at him — awkwardly, at that, before looking down at my notebook.
Adrien Cole, is his name. One of the most popular guys at our school, and not to mention has quite the reputation when it comes to dating. But, as far as I can tell, he seems nice.
Thankfully, English goes by pretty quick, and even more thankfully, it’s my last class of the day.
As I walk out the school, my best friend Amaya is waiting for me at the bench outside the door — her usual spot.
When she notices me, she practically jumps to her feet and falls into step with me. “Guess what-!?” She asks, in a sing-song voice.
“I have no clue-”
“Josh is throwing a party tomorrow and we are going! She exclaims, quickly rambling over her words and throwing her arms up with excitement.
I widen my eyes at her. If there is one thing about Amaya, she is the life of every party. She loves a good party, especially our friend Josh’s — every floor of his house is always filled, the yard is littered with red plastic cups, kids doing keg-stands, notorious for causing cops to be called — that sort of thing.
I can’t say parties are my favorite thing, but I don’t mind them. Besides, to me, they are a rite of passage as teenagers.
“What’s the occasion?” I ask.
Amaya just shrugs, “Parents away for the weekend, I think.”
As we continue walking, making our way off school grounds and down the street, I take in the weather; it’s nearing Spring, and not quite warm but not entirely cold. It’s classic Boston weather.
Amaya and I walk side by side down the neighborhood street, chatting about our days till we hear hollering behind us. “Guys-! Wait up!”
I turn around and see Chris, Nick, Matt and Nate walking towards us, rather — jogging to us, aside from Matt, who couldn’t care less, his hands shoved in his pockets, trailing behind everyone.
When they finally catch up and fall into step with us, Amaya is quick to excitedly ask, “Are you guys coming to Josh’s party tomorrow?”
“Josh is throwing a party?” Nate practically shrieks with excitement, looking between us all for reaction.
Like Amaya, Nate also loves a good party. Maybe a little too much.
“I refuse to sit next to Nate on the car ride home!” Nick loudly states, “I will not be thrown up on again.”
We all laugh at this, remembering the last party we went to, specifically how Nate claimed ‘Matts driving made him throw up’ and then the pure chaos that ensued when Nates alcohol consumption got the best of him.
That’s when I look at Matt, still trailing behind all of us, staring at his phone, not remotely engaged in the conversation.
Matt and I are aquitances at the most. If anything, I tolerate him, and he tolerates me. I’m not entirely sure when exactly we decided we hated each other, but it started somewhere before our freshman year. Before that, we were friends — just like the rest of us.
“Why are you staring at me?”
I snap out of my thoughts, and look to Matt. Who is now looking up from his phone and studying me with questioning eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, I was not staring at you.”
Matt chuckles at that, “I wasn’t flattered.”
He takes a step forward, finally walking at the same pace the rest of us were and stepping beside me. I glare up at him, and notice the smug smirk he has on his face, then up to his eyes that are half-lidded and glancing down at me as we walk.
That’s when he decides to ruffle my hair up, bringing his hand to the top of my head and messing up the half-up half-down style I had done.
I side step away from him, shoving his arm away as he laughs, “Fuck off, Matt.”
Apparently Amaya, Chris, Nick and Nate are still on the topic of the party, “Matt, we need a chauffeur.” Chris says, turning around to face us and walking backwards.
Matt is still eyeing me with a smirk, while I fix my hair and glare at him. “Matt,” Chris says again, this time louder and gathering his attention.
Matt looks to Chris, “What?”
“Josh is throwing a party tomorrow. Can you drive?” Chris says, again.
Matt looks like he in a deep-thinking state, “Last time I checked I am a licsended driver, yes.” He says.
Chris laughs dryly, “Real funny, Matt.”
Matt just grins at Chris, like he is proud of his stupid joke. “Depends on who I need to drive.” Matt says.
“Me!” Amaya calls out, “And probably Y/n, right?” She asks, turning to me.
I sigh, “Unfortunately, yes.” Matt is quick to answer, “Then, no.”
Everyone around us groans at this, “You two need to just suck it up and tolerate each other, I mean really, it’s fucking annoying.” Nick says.
Matt and I both glare at each other — it’s a classic look between the two of us, one that is practically laced with our hate for each other.
This time, Amaya interjects, “Seriously, you guys need to be friends again, this is getting ridiculous.” She scolds, pointing at us like we’re two small children who are getting in trouble.
Which, sometimes it feels like that.
“Fine.” Matt huffs out, “I’ll drive and you’re all paying for my gas money.”
Everyone shares another collective groan of annoyance as we continue walking, “Matt — Josh’s is two blocks away!” Nick argues.
Matt argues back — though, I think Nick wins as they are quick to fall into another conversation. That’s when Amaya turns to me. “So, what are you wearing tomorrow night?” She asks.
“I have no idea.” I sigh, shrugging. “What about you?”
“I was thinking — maybe you’d let me borrow that red mini-skirt you have?” Amaya smiles, hoping I’ll agree.
“As long as you actually return it.”
She scoffs, clutching at her chest like she’s offended. “Y/n! What do you mean, I always return your clothes-!?” We both laugh at this before I agree — under the circumstance that she really does return it to me.
As we all continue walking along the tree-lined sidewalk, all conversing about various things on our walk back to our houses, I feel a pair of eyes on me; looking up, I notice it’s Matt’s.
Obviously, I shoot him a glare, and he looks away — not without rolling his eyes at me, of course.
Sometimes I wonder where we went wrong, and I really try to remember what made us hate each other. I’m always unsuccessful and end up blaming it on Matt’s sudden attitude and tough, grumpy guy-persona that began the second we hit high school.
Maybe it’s the teenage hormones, or just growing up and growing apart, but every now then I miss when we actually got along.
I never dwell on it long, but this time, I can’t help but wonder if he thinks the same.
a/n next chapter gets RIGHTTTT into the drama lol. also, please don’t hesitate to lmk if there is any spelling mistakes etc. thank you guys!
p.s likes & re-blogs are very much appreciated:)
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jihyoruri · 1 year
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— TWILIGHT & JEALOUSLY: KIM CHAEWON. warnings: swearing, wow!kim chaewon x wow!yn i suggest you read my other wow fics before this one they’re in my masterlist <3
chaewon has been going insane since the last time yujin, wonyoung and yn came over, she didn’t understand why yujin and wonyoung got so tense at the mention of yn hanging out with winter, but she wanted to know why.
she will admit that she probably shouldn’t have brought up yn’s business like that, but she just wanted yn’s attention so bad, yn was giving so much to kazuha that it made her feel insecure, the way you were acting with kazuha was the same way you acted with her when you guys first interacted, you can say chaewon thought she was special, but she should’ve known especially that day she caught yn and minji at hybe, but that was also the same day yn gave her the star ring so can you really blame her?
she hates the way yn fills her mind, the way yn looked at her that day, like she was mad at her, everywhere she goes something reminds her of you, which is why today was such a coincidence.
chaewon was walking out the cafe when she saw yn in all of her glory, you were leaning against on of the walls and chaewon stood rigid.
her gaze burned into yn scanning the girl, the top that stopped a little bit above her bellybutton, the way the baggy pants hung low on her hips showing the star tattoo on your lower abdominal, the baseball cap that hides the girls cat like eyes.
why does she have to look good all of the time? chaewon thought to herself as she stared at you not even realizing that you caught her.
chaewon cringes when she snaps out of her daze only to make eye contact with you, she doesn’t know what to do, turn the other way? yeah that’s a good option.
before chaewon can try and turn around you make a motion for the girl to come over, she turns to take a look behind her before turning back to yn and pointing towards herself, which you respond with a nod and an eye roll.
chaewon timidly walks towards you, she’s only now realizing how tall yn is, she takes notice that she’s right under your chin when reaches she you.
“yes…” she trails off, feeling a bit intimidated.
“I should be asking you that.” your deeper voice fills her eras, “I mean you’re the one that was staring at me.”
she looks up at you and scratches the back of her neck, “I was just shocked to see you here… also the last time I saw you, you seemed pretty mad at me.”
chaewon’s hands practically shake when all yn does is stare at her, she feels a little scared, that was until yn’s laugh is heard.
she looks at you confused as you continue to laugh, “you’re so cute unnie.”
chaewon feels her face heat up in embarrassment, “cute? I should be the one calling you cute, I’m older.” she says in faux anger, glaring up at you.
you lean down towards her with a smile, “then call me cute.” yn say’s teasingly.
chaewon’s face was about as red as a fire truck, “what are you doing here anyways?” she asks trying her best to cool down her face and that’s when she finally takes notice of the plastic bag in your hand.
“I was at my moms today and she told me to bring my sister some food.” you say waving the bag in the shorter girls face.
as if you could read her mind, you let a deep sigh, “you know that one in new jeans? the annoying creature with a twilight obsession.”
chaewon wants to laugh at your description but holds it down, she opens her mouth to say something but gets cut off by a voice, “unnie!”
both you and chaewon turn your heads to see two members of newjeans with their arms linked together, one being your sister and the other being her member minji.
“did you bring the food?” you sister asks, a bright smile lighting up on her face when you give her the bag before giving you a side hug. “thank you.”
“ew, you’re sweaty.” yn says pushing her away playfully, “and you sink more than you usually do.” you say flicking her forehead, laughing when her mouth drops in offence, before she takes notice of chaewon.
she quickly bows at chaewon as a greeting, minji following closely behind doing the same.
yn seems to finally take notice of the other girl and smiles, “hey minji.” she says flashing the girl a wink.
chaewon feels like she’s having déjà vu as she watches minji blush and smile back at yn, is it in your daily routine to flirt with someone in front of her ?
“you’re taking care of my sister right?” yn asks, raising a brow as she puts her arm around minji’s shoulder, smiling when the girl nods quickly, “that’s good.” she say’s tucking a hair behind minji’s ear.
your sister loud groan is heard as she throws her head back, “stop flirting with my member!” she says pushing your arm.
“I’m not, I was just asking your pretty member a question, is there a problem?” yn asks pouting mockingly in her sisters face.
your sister opens her mouth but it’s chaewon’s turn to cut her off as she clears her throat getting all your attention as you take your arm from minji’s shoulder, “shouldn’t you guys be practicing?” she asks pointing at minji and yn’s sister.
she avoids your gaze as you take a look at her, your sister nodding at chaewon as she grabs minji’s arm, “yes we should actually, thank you for reminding us.”
as she walked away with minji she doesn’t forget to yell a goodbye out to you.
chaewon looks back up at you as you stare at her, “what?”
you laugh throwing your head back before looking back down at her, “you’re a funny girl chaewon.”
she furrows her eyebrows at yn looking at the the taller girl in confusion, “you’re so cute when you’re jealous.”
chaewon feels her heart drop, “jealous? I wasn’t jealous.” she’s quick to defend herself, humiliation taking over her as yn laughs and shakes her head before leaning her lips to the shorter girls ear.
“I know you have a crush on me.” yn’s raspy voice whispers in her ear and chaewon’s legs feel weak, this couldn’t be happening.
chaewon feels frozen as yn continues, “and that shit you pulled the other day was not cool,.”
yn leans up from chaewon’s ear, a smirk growing on her face at the look on the older girls face, “but don’t worry I’m not mad.”
“I…” chaewon trails off, trying her best to find words but she couldn’t.
yn’s ring tone is heard and chaewon visibly relaxes as she answers.
“hey jiwon..” yn answers putting the phone to her ear, she hums at the word that are being spoken on the phone.
chaewon watches as yn converses with her member, she doesn’t know if she feels sadness or relief when yn walks away from her pressing the phone closely to her ear.
but what she does know is that yn knows that she likes her and that’s scary.
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cistematicchaos · 7 months
The psych ward was hell for so many different reasons (most of the staff hated Mad people, the food was mostly inedible, it was a glorified prison, ect) but one of the worst parts for me was how inaccessible it was as a physically disabled person.
I wasn't allowed to have my cane or my earplugs (both of which I need), I was "required" to shower daily or get marked as "noncompliant" even though I have severe pain issues that make that near impossible, walking was a constant requirement because not only were there "meetings" and "classes" that you attended or got marked "noncompliant" but if you needed water or I dunno help you had to walk to the front desk and ask. You also had to walk to the nurse's desk and stand in line to get medicine or get marked as "noncompliant" because she sure as hell wasn't going to bring it to you.
I was constantly getting both my glasses and my sunglasses taken from me by people who did not believe I needed them and the chairs were all hard plastic that did not work well with a broken body.
They also did not keep food allergies in mind and lactose intolerance also did not count as an allergy so that was hell too.
I have chronic migraines but "wasn't allowed" to take any medicine for it unless I wanted one ibuprofen. There were also windows everywhere and no curtains which went beautifully with super bright lights, so I never ever felt like I wasn't dying from a migraine and general light sensitivity. There were no quiet rooms, no dark rooms, nothing but light and loud. I was also taken off all my pain meds for over a day because they "weren't sure" if I "actually needed them" and I was taken off my heart medicine repeatedly because they really just thought I was too young for that.
I was given a walker instead of my cane, which does not work the same, and doctors constantly kept trying to take it away because "you don't really need that, do you?". There was often not enough space in certain areas for my walker which made me extra vulnerable because when I was being harassed by people, I couldn't just walk away and staff was pretty much useless.
Not to mention, we were "encouraged" to wake up at five in the morning every day and if we didn't, it would get written down, which is wild because my pain meds require I get a certain amount of sleep or they fuck me up.
It would've been hell even if I wasn't physically disabled but I am and all I could think the whole time was about people who had worse physical disabilities than me and needed more support and accessibility and how they would get or did get treated in places like this. There was almost no consideration all the time and staff was actively hostile over it.
A bunch of psych wards refused me as a patient because my files show I'm physically disabled. What are we supposed to do? Where the fuck do they think we can go?
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nisimultifandom · 2 months
Warnings: smut, dark!Rafe,slapping, curse words, filthy
Rafe has been making your life hell ever since you broke up, you wished at times you never met him that night at the country club. The constant spamming your phone wasn’t the biggest problem, but that he has been terrorising your friends life too. You felt bad that they had to pay for your mistakes even though it wasn't entirely your fault. Most guys would try
to get back into your life by being romantic and saying that they changed, not Rafe. All though in some sick way he still loved you, Rafe held you accountable for it being over meaning that love wasn’t the only thing he was feeling, it was also hate.
One day while out with the pogues you all decided to enjoy the bonfire and drink a little, he was there too but instead of being filled by the liquor being passed around he was intoxicated with something else, something that has been the reason of the messy break up, his aggressive outbursts being to much to handle. Some people take drugs to fulfill the emptiness and have some fun, he did it to be able to abuse his power without feeling guilty.
He came up to you that night, you were alone because you wanted to fill up your empty plastic cup. Panicked you opted to leaving the alcoholic drink and run to your friends, but of course he was faster grabbing your wrist, taking it away from his grip wasn’t an option.
,,Let go of me Rafe“
,,Come on y/n you know I was just playing“ He said while rubbing your forearm, it was all a tactic, you knew it
,,It was no playing, I begged you to let me go“ he quickly removed the tear rolling down your face, it felt nice but you knew he was up to no good.
,,None of that crying baby, we’re here to have fun, I mean what kinda fool would let such a pretty girl go“ The corners of his lip ride up, he had a soft look on his face
Snap out of it y/n he’s only messing with your head ,,I-I missed you too“ that’s not the way to go
,,That’s exactly what I wanted to hear“ You feel yourself being dragged through the crowd, you’re trying to keep up but you had a little to much to drink , so the main problem is not throwing up on him, even though he would deserve it. When he finally gets to the Cameron residence , he all but pushes you inside and then on his bed
,,What are we doing Rafe?“ you asked concerned, before he answers his shirt is already of and your hands are bound by his belt
,,Reliving memories“
,,are you high, Rafe?“ His grin deepened, and you could feel your body getting warmer because of the anxiety
,,Remember when we were both high and you asked me to fuck you until you cried, you were so fun back than“ His hands were wondering all over your body making that part of you wish he would just rail you already, you knew it was wrong, but so good.
The way he was looking at you the side of his mouth higher than the other, his polo shirt that hugged his fit body, it all made you want to melt away. You let a little whine out and a ,,p-please“
,,Please what? You have to say more than that“ Your eyes widened up at that, you didn’t wanna say it but you could tell he was getting impatient
,,I asked you a question, you better answer it“ his index finger was pointing at you and the lust in his eyes was evident ,,I-I want you to touch me“ his gaze lowered until your crotch was in sight and his hand was already under your short skirt
,,Where? Here?“ The moment he touched your pussy, your whole body shook and you could only nod your head fast making sure he understood, but he didn’t like that, his hand immediately travelled to your neck taking it in a tight grasp
,,I said talk, don’t be a fucking brat“ he says ,,You know what happens when you don’t listen“ The annoyed sigh he lets out made you much wetter than it should have, you did always like how dominant he is
,,Yes“ ,,Yes, what?“
,,I want you to touch me there, and everywhere you want, just use me“ Your breathing starts getting rougher and you swear you could start crying if he doesn’t do something already
He slaps your cheek gently, letting a small laugh right after ,,now that’s the begging I deserve” His hand is back where it was before and your panties are ripped off of you, causing you to let out a gasp, he slaps you again ,,Did I say you could make a sound? You shake your head
,,Good slut” his two fingers start working at your clit and you wander if you’re even allowed to moan, but the nod of approval is enough for you to let out a loud cry ,,that’s it, cry for me” after a few minutes you can feel your orgasm building up and your whole body shaking and right when you think it’s there, he stops
,,You weren’t gonna come without me inside of you, were you?” He asks with a raised eyebrow, you shake your head again, and he grabs your throat once again
,,If you don’t start speaking when talked to, I’ll leave you like this” ,,M’sorry, I thought you were gonna let me come” you answer sincerely, he smirks again before taking of his boxers and letting his cock out
,,Oh poor girl, you are going to come, but only after I’m satisfied too” He grabs your legs puts them around his waist so he can get a better angle. After jerking himself for a few seconds he finally sticks it in, and you could swear you see stars, you throw your head back and let out another moan
,,That’s all it takes for you to cry out?” He loves every minute of it but he doesn’t let you know
,,Its so big Rafe” that was all that it took for him to start pounding into you shaking the whole bed and you, he then comes closer and kisses your lips roughly the only thing you do is hug his bigger body to get him closer to you
When you are both close to reaching the end, he finally lets out a loud groan ,,can I come?” He only nods, still rutting into you, Rafe fixes his position one last time to be on his knees, your legs just hanging in the air and then you finally come together ,,Fuck, that was amazing” he whispers, your eyes are closed but you can feel his long fingers wiping the sweat of your forehead, you smile up at him and drag him in for another deep kiss before he falls next to you, noticeably exhausted
,,Can’t believe I almost lost all of this”
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Hook and morgie Seperate x Fem!chubby reader who is insecure?
For the sake of this being easy to navigate by how I do my theme I’m doing this in two posts but I promise you, I am answering them both.
Find Morgie's half of this request here.
Red Dress
James Hook x Chubby!Reader
Pronouns used: she/her/hers
Summary: He just wanted to make sure that Castlecoming would be perfect, what would catch people's attention more than them perfectly matching? Who would have thought he'd upset her with his choice of dress?
Warnings: body image issues, Hook is a little possessive, Suggestive comments but they're meant to be playful and teasing not as something to take seriously, reader is implied to dress a touch alternative, she calls Hook baby + Hook canon pet names
Word Count: 1.7K
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    “Just give me your size and I’ll buy your dress for castlecoming.” She should have known he’d do something like this. Hook wasn’t exactly blind when it came to fashion, the girl knew that. God knew he could spend just about as much as she could in a makeup store.  But he was also a man, even worse a teenage boy. She should have known letting him pick her dress would lead to her in something straight out of one of his fantasies. The silky maroon slip dress was exactly something he’d pick. Leaving the girl perfectly replicating the color of his signature jacket, knowing the pirate he’d held the fabrics up to his sleeve to get the best color match he could. He would eat it up, the dress being just another reminder to onlookers that she was spoken for. His, the lady of the Captain, not a treasure to be stolen. But the cowl neckline drew far too much attention to her chest, the silky fabric clinging far too closely to her stomach. She hated it, everything about the dress would bring your eyes to everywhere she didn’t want people looking with nothing to hide behind.
    The door behind her creaks open as she stares in the mirror, changing angles in hopes of finding a way to look at the thing that made her feel at least slightly presentable. “Alright, where’s my darling gi- Why aren’t you ready?” The boy cuts himself off, crossing his arms as he frowns. He looked near charming, decked out in a matching maroon blazer and a silky white button up. A black tie around his neck with red and white boutonniere pinned to the lapel of the jacket, fresh baby's breath and a carnation making up the little arrangement. She can see a clear plastic container in his hand holding a matching corsage that warms her heart a touch. With black slacks capped off by a pair of dress shoes instead of his normal boots. James Hook looked absolutely dashing tonight, and it only made her feel worse. “I can’t,” she nearly croaks, shaking her head as she gestures over herself. “You can’t what, Love? What’s wrong?” He places the container of flowers down on her desk walking over to rest a hand on her shoulder. 
    “James, look at me. I get your vision and maybe if I was smaller it would-” He puts a finger to her lips shaking his head, “Do not start with that. I don’t want to hear anything about you needing to be smaller. I picked that one because I knew you would look hot, and you do. The way that dress is hugging you makes me not want to take you somewhere some other bloke can see you. He’ll try to steal you right off of me.” He presses a kiss to her cheek, walking over to her closet, “Tell me what exactly is bothering you and we can find something to fix it.” “Hook we can’t fix all of me, the dance would be over by about two years if we did.” He turns, pointing the golden appendage at her, “Don’t call me that and stop talking badly about my lass. Now, chest, tummy, legs, what’s making us not like the super hot dress I picked out?” She huffs, crossing her arms over herself as she falls into her desk chair, spinning it ever so slightly with her foot. “My chest and stomach, this fabric clings to them in all the wrong ways.” 
     He nods, shuffling through the hangers in front of him as he searches for something, “I can help with that. Thank you for deciding to actually be helpful.” Her lips fall open and her eyebrows raise, “I can just stay here if you want to act like that.” Hook hums, pulling a hanger from the closet and setting something black out on her bed. “You will be staying here if you don’t start your hair and makeup. Now, chop chop, I want something pretty to mess up later.” He cuts his eyes to her as he says it, watching the way his lover’s face flushes at the filthy comment, her hands moving to slide open the drawer she keeps her makeup in. “You are vile, James Hook.” “Perhaps, but it got you to do what I wanted, did it not?” 
    As (Y/n) busies herself on her makeup, James continues to go through her closet, finding her signature black boots in the bottom of it and taking them over to where he’d laid her leather jacket, letting them fall to the floor beside the bed. Hook crosses the room swiftly, searching through her dresser drawers to find a pair of tights. He'd prefer those small hole fishnets that made it hard to keep his hands off her legs but he’d take what he could get. Something to make her look more her own style in the dress he oh so adored on her. He thought the way it hung on her made her otherworldly, but he needed her to feel beautiful in it. It doesn’t matter how he feels about the outfit if she hated it. After about ten minute of him searching through her sock drawer she speaks up, finished with her base by this point. “If you’re looking to steal panties, you’re in the wrong drawer.” His eyes roll, chuckling as he turns to her, “Where are those fishnets I like on you? The one with the little holes.” 
   “Top drawer, to the left of it. Black or red eyeshadow?” He moves to grab the handle, “Red, do eyeliner and a black lip with it though. And if you can add some white in there, do it.” He finally finds the stupid tights he’d spent so long searching for, throwing them over his arm as he slides the drawer closed. The little cherry wood jewelry box that sat on the girl’s dresser was overflowing, his own doing of course. Hook couldn’t help but bring her some sort of spoils every time that he came back from a voyage, the look in her eyes always seemed to be priceless, you couldn’t show him something better. He takes it over to her bed with him, falling onto the plush comforter and laying the tights on her jacket as he opens the box. He took a few ruby rings from the box, laying them with everything else he’d picked for her. A silver chain that hung close to her neck when it was on, a singular onyx stone embedded in it. A pair of silver hoop earrings join the ever growing pile he was building. And if he knew her, there would be a string of pearls in the second drawer, the one she considered her special section of the box. It was the first of many presents he’d given her, and by far the most expensive of them. She’d only worn it once, the first time he put it on her. 
     James smiles, getting up to stand behind her, necklace hanging from his hook. She was applying mascara, making a concentrated and wide mouthed expression in the mirror as he undoes the clasp of the necklace. “How are you doing your hair?” He drapes the delicate string around her neck, brushing her hair off her neck so he can clasp it. “Oh I don’t,” her hand comes up to brush over the pearls, black nails a stark contrast against them, “I’m not sure.” He hums, reaching for her lipstick as he kneels in front of her, “Well, I have everything else you need out, so how about you let me finish this for you while you start your hair?” She nods, mumbling a soft “please” as she moves her hands to mess with her hair. He can’t help the smile on his face as he looks at her, she’s gorgeous. 
                                 ˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆˚୨୧⋆
      Hook sits in her desk chair, tapping his foot impatiently as she finishes getting dressed. He wanted to see her, knowing she looked good but not looking at her was driving him mad. “About done, Love?” She laughs, and he knows that she’s shaking her head at him. “You can turn around now.” (Y/n) was always stunning, but there decked out in his colors with that silk framing her just right, he was putty in her hands. “Have you seen how gorgeous you look yet?” He grabs the corsage from its packaging as he speaks, making his way up to his date. “I’m scared to look. What if I look silly?” James uses his hook to lift her hand, sliding the flowers around her left wrist with his good hand. “You, my love,” he kisses the back of her hand, keeping hold of it as he stands straight again, “Could never look silly. Now, turn around and look at my amazing handiwork so I can drag you out of this little room.” His hands spin her around as he speaks, the boy standing firmly behind her with his hands planted on her shoulders. 
     Her eyes flicker over her own reflection, looking herself up and down with a softly growing smile. “You know baby, I don’t actually think you should stay a pirate.” He hums, leaning over her shoulder to press a kiss to her cheek, “Is that so?” She nods, leaning back into the boy’s adoring touch. “I think you should definitely be a women’s stylist. Look at what you did.” “I have a perfect model,” he mumbles into her hair, letting his hand slide down her leather clad arm. The boy had perfectly managed to mask her insecurities. The jacket giving her a crutch to hide behind and shadow over her and her accessories made it feel more her. The string of pearls and onyx complimenting each other in such a way that you didn’t bother to look at the neckline of her dress, far too distracted by the jewels. It was a nearly perfect outfit. Who taught him that? She decided she probably didn’t want to know, that could be his secret. His lips move down to her ear, whispering, “Now, if you want anyone to actually see us, we have to go. I want to go wow the crowd.” She lets a giggle escape her lips, turning to kiss his cheek, smiling at the mark she leaves on it, “Thank you.” In response, he just smiles at her, grabbing her hand to drag her out of the room. She had been calmed down, now it was time for him to show his girl off- and he couldn’t wait.
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