#i have a couple fave moments in this fic ngl
clowningaroundmars · 5 months
miles g fic first draft is DONE. 30k words in case y'all wanted to know 😪
all i have to do now is just edit it andddd uh hopefully its up on ao3 before long!! :)
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victimsofyaoipoll · 1 year
Round 1
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Propaganda Under Cut
Kaede Akamatsu
She is a good person with good intentions in canon, and she takes care of the people she likes. However, in fanon, especially with a popular pairing, she is again the WOMAN who is either homophobic or the mean lesbian. Justice for Kaede tbh
I hate to be bringing up Danganronpa. But oh my god. This fandom used to be KNOWN for it's toxic treatment towards the female love interests of the male protagonists, and she is notoriously known as THE victim of yaoi for the entire fandom. She's a pianist and the supporting character, having some really cute moments with Shuichi Saihara, the (male) main character. Especially in 2019, she suffered immense hate because of the amount of Saiouma shippers, the most popular V3 ship and in the top 2 for the entire fandom which is the ship between Shuichi and Kokichi Ouma, the (also male, just like Shuichi, hence the yaoi victim) antagonist of the game. If I had a dollar for every time I saw people hating on her, specifically just because she "gets in the way" of Saiouma, I would be able to buy V3 at least sixteen times.
classic yaoi victim- most fics have her so OOC it hurts, what is it with 12 y/o saiouma shippers and turning her into a homophobic fuckass for the sake of their shitty wattpad yaoi-
Kyoko Kirigiri
This list is incomplete; you can help by expanding it.
The anime series Danganronpa 3's ending somewhat implied she and Makoto are a couple but the fandom likes to ship Makoto with Byakuya much more. The same anime series also saw a lot of hatred against her character and well, it was already there because people also complain about how she acted in the original Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc game as well, unfairly in my opinion. She's really cool and really smart and just isn't the quickest to trust people, which makes sense considering she's in fucking death games. Her deduction skills and strategy played a big part in saving the people who did make it out BOTH times she was in killing games and in one of those cases she was even willing to potentially sacrifice herself for it. I'll stop now but she is my most mistreated fave
arguably the most important character in the game but gets tossed aside a lot because of the two male leads byakuya and the main guy (dont even remember his name ngl) and she is so pretty and cool and smart and i love her so yeah <3
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blizzardsuplex · 8 months
Ask meme #s 2, 5, 6, and 13?
2. Do you read/reread your own fics?
Yes, I do. I wouldn't say I write (or create in general TBH) wholly for myself, but it's definitely in part because I want to see something that no one else is doing. Call it a "eh, might as well be me" moment—I'm just glad I have people around me receptive to what I make!
5. What’s a fic idea you’ve had that you will never write?
Honestly, I can be convinced into a lot of things pretty easily, but I am being sincere when I say that the less I think the thought "hey, you know what would be an interesting fic? E-rated RS/AC heavy dub-con mind screw dissociative thing probably with drugging that explicitly deals with power dynamics age gap fuckery and neglect" the better. Basically I don't wanna write DDDNE.
6. Are there any fics from others you reread all the time?
Is this where I out myself outside of prowres? Yes. One of my fave fics of all time is this one fic called (I think) prizefighter the frenzied pace, which is an...Ernest Hemingway/F. Scott Fitzgerald fanfic. It's really really REALLY good and NGL someday I wanna write a fanfic that fantastic and dip.
13. How much planning do you do before writing?
Usually? A fair bit. I always at least brainstorm an outline first, then a couple hours of research if needed (like in the 1920s AU)!
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s7e3 the girl next door (w. andrew dabb, daniel loflin; directed by jensen ackles)
psst apparently leviathans are xfiles black oil (purity???? says the internet, who knew)
(watching the pre-ep recap) knowing someone that has schizophrenia and dealt with psychosis, well, it's certainly been eye opening to understand the symptoms and how much it lines up with tropes in horror. sam brushed aside seeing someone, getting medication last episode. of course dealing with supernaturally caused psychosis, no saying it would help. but blegh. often have thoughts
this has the vibe of something goofy. and i'm suspicious with jackles directing ngl.
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bobby in a natty suit. but keepin it real with the little blue check shirt
DEAN They gave me morphine. A lot. Hey, look, a monster broke my leg.
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again surprised this detail doesn't make it into more fic
not loving how as soon as sam's out the door to get food, dean and bobby are arguing about him and dean is again being an asshole because (i assume, generously) he's freaked out and scared again, and also has zero understanding of mental illness
BOBBY Look, seems to me that Sam's head ain't no different than your leg. People heal on a curve. DEAN Not diff– Bobby, I get this thing off in five days, I'm golden. Sam's not a curve. He's a frickin' time bomb. BOBBY It ain't like he's keeping secrets. What you see is what you get. What's so nuts about calling an upswing? DEAN Because that's not how it works, Bobby, ever! All right? Especially not with Sam. The other shoe is gonna drop. It's just a matter of when. BOBBY Okay. How 'bout we worry about today's problems? And today, we need intel. I'm going. You sit there and stew. I'll check in. Look... you sitting here wringing your hands ain't gonna do nothing. Maybe he'll surprise you.
thank you, bobby.
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saw baby sam's actor colin ford in the credits so i knew he was poppin in (and jewel staite apparently). what age are they gonna say he is this time. don't make me break out the cdc growth charts again 😂
also funny when teen wolf creatures overlap, though these kitsune sound way less rad than kira
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really curious what sam's thought process here is (and little sam is 15, and actor is also just 15. but looks like a baby lol)
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the jars of brains in the fridge,, crying
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that guess jeans logo highlighted to the heavens 😂 (but like not because they also have a brown label at top and guess jeans didn't???) they were the rich kids jeans of my youth (i am a couple years older than sam/padalecki)
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so, jewel staite! yes we all know her from firefly however, she was in the xfiles (as a baby) and the killing, my faves
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the xfiles s3e8 oubliette - jewel staite as amy jacobs
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the killing s3e5 scared and running - jewel staite as caroline swift
another love connection monster moral dilemma for sam. these kitsune seem to have completely nothing to do with kitsune of japanese folklore
of course dean says he trusts sam. of course he doesn't and goes back and kills her anyway. and then acts shocked when the kid shows up. and i guess has a clear conscience leaving the kid alive with no guardian except the vaguely agreed to "someone" to go to
how many times in 3 episodes of this new season have i said dean is being an asshole. you know i'm always rooting for you, dean, but you're making it hard at the moment
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bigskydreaming · 3 years
You're asked to choose one and only one or DC's future stops existing immediately. your choices:
1. Jason Todd the anti-hero who seldom works with only a couple of the bats he doesn't hate, for example Dick and Cass VS. Jason Todd who came back with healed body but broken spirit, folded back into the Gotham gang and learns to be part of the society again.
2. Tim Drake who makes all of his mistakes as canon but realizes he's been wrong and apologizes to people VS. Tim Drake back in his first iteration, a cute little brother character who is a reader insert and a fun teenager.
3. JayKyle VS DickKyle.
4. Jason Todd with a sword VS. Damian Wayne with a sword.
5. Chris Kent VS. Jon kent.
Okay but which DC future? Its omniversal future? Its hypertime future? Its multiversal future? Its Elseworlds future? Its dark multiverse future? Mwahahaha your threat is useless because the sheer wtf of DC's continuities, timelines and conflicting declarations of what to even call their multiomnihyperverse makes it impossible to target simply A future! DC's overly unnecessarily complicated nature renders it functionally immortal and impossible to ever truly destroy, take that Darkseid.
I mean. But anyway. Whatevs:
1) I honestly do prefer the idea of Jason someday fully reuniting/reintigrating into the Batfam as a whole, because fuck it, the found family I'm here for is the one where they actually act like a family....I just think it takes actual work to get to that point and I get irey when people are like we're here! We found it! And its like meanwhile, abusive dynamics still abound. Mmm. No thank you. But even though I've been on a huge Jason and Dick and Cass kick for like, forever, I do still aim for him having a dynamic of his own with the rest of the family.
Like the thing is, I hate playing the favorites card in families, and I think the emphasis on so and so being Bruce's favorite child or so and so being this kid's favorite sibling, etc, like it really does feel like to the detriment of the whole family, because once you start validating the idea of favorites, ESPECIALLY in a found family that is CONTINUOUSLY growing....I think you're kinda shooting yourself in the foot because you're kinda creating a situation where either no future new additions to the family can EVER be Bruce or one of the kids' 'favorite' or else you're innately positing that said fave status is conditional and even a current fave of Bruce or a sibling can be bumped down the ladder by the addition of a later arrival....
Which is LITERALLY the entire essence of the eternal conflict between Dick and Damian and Tim fans. Its not even that Damian is Dick's favorite, allegedly, its that prior to Damian's very EXISTENCE, fans felt comfortable declaring Tim unilaterally to be Dick's 'favorite'.....and then all it took was the addition of a single family member who had specific NEEDS in regards to Dick's attention and focus, largely because of his age and needing a legal guardian while Tim was old enough to literally jet set around the world on his own.....and like, everything went up in flames in large corners of fandom.
So I'm just like, death to the fave family member myth, its just incredibly counter productive to the idea of found family as a whole especially when it usually only exists to prop up a preferred character as better than others via the proof of see, these other characters say he's their fave or whatever...but also like, its not even necessary?
Because the thing is, you can have Jason reintegrated into the whole family overall, and still prioritize your personal narrative FOCUS on characters you like more than others, like say Dick and Cass.....because of course its natural for even people in the same family to have entirely different DYNAMICS with different family members....and these dynamics don't have to come with a ranking system in order to prioritize which ones you just focus on more in a story. Because its not necessarily that Dick has to be Jason's fave brother, y'know, just for Jason to prefer spending time with Dick simply because he's more comfortable with him due to knowing him longer or being more secure in the idea that Dick doesn't judge him based on their greater shared history.
This doesn't mean that Jason doesn't care for his other siblings, that he can't have strong dynamics with them as well, its just about finding a reason for why these two specifically might be in a story without the others that doesn't demand putting a definitive ranking on which one Jason considers his FAVE. Just like Damian doesn't have to be Dick's FAVE just for them to have the super close canon relationship they have, even relative to the other siblings, because there's everything needed in canon already to establish that the mere fact of Dick essentially RAISING Damian for a year, and being the first one in the family to really take a chance on Damian, like, this lends itself naturally to them maybe more naturally gravitating towards each other than other siblings due to comfort level and familiarity, etc, but it doesn't have to be like....oh but yeah, I just like Damian more than you, Tim, y'know?
So my answer on this one is a total cop out of both, both is good. Jason totally reintegrated back into the family, but with dynamics that still lend themselves fairly easily towards story lineups where its just him running missions with Dick or Duke or any other one or two specific family members even if for no other reason than they gel together best in the field, y'know?
2) Hmm. I honestly really do love and miss 90s Tim Drake and just....don't see him in a lot of what I read these days. I'm like no, why did he have to go, he was doing so well! BUT I'm also on a big accountability kick, and like, I'm so steeped in fics where Dick GROVELS for forgiveness for every little slight he's ever done real or imagined, with every character but Tim in particular, so its like.....I'm not gonna lie, I really have a preference these days for seeing stuff where its literally anyone actually owning up to shit they've done to Dick and apologizing or groveling or making it to HIM, like, completely unconditionally. In the same manner we usually see Dick apologizing, glossing over any reasons he might have had for doing what he did or feeling the way he did, and saying oh it doesn't matter, putting the entirety of his focus on what HE did and why it was wrong no matter what and he's sorry.....that's what I would kill to see from more fics, just in reverse.
Because so often even in the all too rare fics where we DO see other characters apologizing to Dick for shit, its watered down with Dick volunteering that oh he messed up too, it was a two way street, and its like no! This is Pettiness Hours! I want the unconditional apologies! Give me the groveling! From anyone, I don't care at this point, lol, just show me characters actually PUTTING IN THE WORK to make it up to Dick for harm they've caused him, even if completely unintentionally or via neglecting his feelings or considering the repercussions their actions or words would have on him. Aaaaaaand, frankly, Tim's a good place to start there, because of how one sided all the takes on their conflicts have been for so many years. I mean, if people need a place to start, Batman and Robin Eternal gets enough praise it can't be pretended that people in fandom don't know that story exists, so how about some stories where Tim says he's fucking sorry for punching Dick in issue #4 or #5 of that one, and it was uncalled for and he was clearly just looking for an excuse to unleash some more of his resentment and upset for the Spyral/Forever Evil stuff, and family deciding that its totally okay to punch Dick whenever they're mad at him and need to work off some aggression so they can then finally forgive him (for now) is a trend that needs to die in a fire post-haste? I mean just as an example.
But the thing that kills me about fanfic trends is like....the sameness of so much of it. There's SO much room for variety and diverse takes, and like....I don't actually hate Tim! I'm just cranky because of the imbalanced nature of most content out there for literal years at this point. Push the pendulum BACK in the other direction, create some balance by showing the flip side of things.....and that leaves a lot more room for me and others of like minds to then be more amenable to - and even interested in - other stories that don't scratch this particular itch, but don't need to, because other stories are doing the scratching by then, y'know?
And THEN like, at that point, I would be ALL FOR more stories that are just callbacks to classic 90s Tim who I adore, with his skateboarding and his EARNESTNESS and his go-get-em spirit and also the gumption. All the gumption. I like that Tim. I do miss that Tim. But like, for the moment, like, I want accountable Tim because I am tiiiiiiiired of groveling Dick and tbh at this point its not enough for me to just see people move past putting Dick in that position and just have mutually respective and doting brothers Dick and Tim having adventures together......nah, first I want some reciprocation. Ngl. Gimme the apologies for actual mistakes actually made.
3) DickKyle. Easy question, c'mon, you gotta know that. LOL. ;)
But yeah, I've been shipping these two off their like, two shared pages from way back in the Obsidian Age story years before Jason even returned, let alone was in Countdown together with Kyle, so like, its no contest. I don't mind JayKyle, I certainly prefer it to JayRoy tbh, but there's not a ton of appeal in it for me, particularly in how its usually depicted, because like....the entire basis of JayKyle is that they DO have stories together and spent a whole year worth of weekly issues traveling the multiverse together in Countdown.....but there's like, practically no trace of their actual dynamics from that series or any specifics of literally any issue from that entire comic in most fics I’ve read, so its like.....idk, it tends to come across as more generic, not in the sense that it cant still be interesting, but more in the sense that it feels like just someone paired with Jason just because history between them EXISTS without any interest in exploring what that history actually IS....and at that point, its like, well there's no reason TO prioritize that ship over DickKyle for me personally, when like, I have a shit ton of headcanon reasons for why those two in a pairing specifically. *Shrugs* My logic. Its not for everyone, but it works for me.
4) Jason with a sword or Damian with a sword? I don't understand the question. Both. Both is good. All the characters should have swords. Swords are awesome.
5) Chris Kent vs Jon Kent - oof. I adore Jon, I really do. I love his dynamic with Damian, I love a lot of their specific stories, the parallels between them as friends and Bruce and Clark as friends....its all very bien. But I gotta give this one to Chris, because I'm always gonna have a soft spot for him because I'm a sucker for all abused kid heroes, and I just miss that funky little dude so much. There's so many stories we didn't get with him and were just ripe for the picking, but nooooo, DC's like lol you can't have nice things, here we just rebooted the entire multiverse and now Clark and Lois never adopted the son of Clark's worst Kryptonian rival and raised him with tender love and care awww does that make you sad, were you invested in him, WELL TOO BAD, HE'S GONE NOW AND BASICALLY NEVER EXISTED, NOW GIVE US YOUR MONEY ANYWAY MWAHAHAHAHAH.
Yeah. I'm still not over that. Probably will never be tbh, so I with great grudge-bearing do affirm that I'm gonna go with Chris on this one and like, he is a Priority for me and I'm still very keen on the idea of him and Duke being besties for random reasons that might not make sense to anyone but me, but eh, whatever.
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bourbon-ontherocks · 2 years
v glad to hear the burn will be slooow (&hopefully painful, and organic 🤞) so we can appreciate all the canon vidding (à défaut de fanvids 🥲 💘). speaking of, how do you make your gifs? do you record your screen, download the eps, something else? I’m very ignorant but curious on that front! and music-wise, That’s Me is so morgane 🤯🤯 Take a Chance on Me works great too, whoa (&I’d never heard She’s My Kind of Girl, it's v disturbing to hear the guys haha) a thought: Ring Ring for your POV fic
(Julia's adventures with the HPI anon)
Gosh, I'm all here for a sloooooooow burn!!! 😱🔥 Also it may sound weird but I think I'd just lose interest in the ship if they actually got together, like really as a couple? My jam is the longing, the pining, the miscommunication, all these moments leading to the final resolution but I have no interest whatsoever in what happens after that lol! So yeah, deffo hoping they'll keep chasing after one another for a while!
Okay, phew, giffing. Well, I had never giffed anything before I got into HPI (I guess Good Girls got me into writing and HPI into giffing, learn something new every ship and whatnot) so I'm just getting started on that journey and won't pretend my MO should be taken as gospel. I do download the eps, which is something I did before anyway (I've been an internet pirate and downloaded stuff since 2011, LOL 😅).
And then there's a whole process involving Photoshop which I learned from many tutorials and also the incredible help of my dear mutuals. I'll take that opportunity to make a public shoutout to @sdktrs12 and @lemoncupcake for answering my questions and being absolute rockstars who clearly saved me an immense amount of time. 💕💕💕 Ngl, giffing is a very time-consuming hobby but I'm having tons of fun. I thought I wouldn't bother you with all the technical details, but feel free to ask if you're interested! Also I can link you some of my non-spoilery gifsets if you'd like!
Yay, glad you liked all the ABBA stuff!! She's just my kind of girl is one of my fave songs but I agree it's quite a ufo in their discography, haha! (not sure you can use ufo the same way you talk about ovnis in French but eh). And oh, ring ring deffo has the vibe too! 😍
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velvetyh · 3 years
Hello darling!!! 🥰
How's it going?? 🤔
I've been all over the place lately (thank you mother nature 🙃)
I've been switching between chase Atlantic and kpop for the last couple days and I forgot that chase atlantic has a song with my name in it. Not gonna lie I really vibe 😌 (If you guess which one it is I'll let you call me that 😏 )
It's literally the easiest thing don't stress lmao just my funny way of telling you my name 🤭
Anywhooo ngl I've been in such a submissive mood lately 👉👈 The Boyz do that to me 🤪 However I've never really been a Younghoon girl... idk why but I just can Not see him as dominant.... maybe cause like he's such a baby and the vids that I've gotten to know him from have been him cutely crying from their wins and him looking oh so delicious in the drink it mv... idk idk anyways I'm now in the mood to read something with him as a sub or a service top you know??
Okay but no cause WHY does Jacob have to look like that?? WHO gave him the RIGHT to look that good? 😩🤧✋️
Eh hormones hormones blah blah blah 😑 😒
Just being an active nuisance hereee 😗✌️
Don't have any good questions right now cause brain soupy but
☆ Who do you feel mtl dominant towards in TBZ
☆Do you like chocolate? If so whats your fave kind? ( I like all but white, and I love chili chocolate)
☆ Do you prefer being coastal or landlocked?
Okay love you byyyyeeee
hello you beautiful human!!
i’m super tired and in an immense need of physical touch bc i’ve been up since 5am to catch a stupid train to go to another town to follow some lectures for my stupid training 🙃 i just got out of the train and there was a girl resting her head on a guy’s shoulder not far from me and omfg i crave this… plus in one of my lectures there was a dude that had the same name as my crush in hs, this asshole brought me back the memories of him 🙁 anyway i hope you’re doing well !! 💕
dw idk if it’s the moon or anything but i’m also all over the place, emotions have been nothing but a rollercoaster 🙂 it’s super fun to be happy one moment and close to give up everything the other!
I STG IF YOUR NAME IS CASSIE IM GONNA COMBUST BC THATS LEGIT A MASTERPIECE THAT I LOVE 🤩🤩 oh there’s ‘Molly’ and many songs that i really like but CASSIE?? what’s your favourite chase atlantic song btw??
yk all of this is making me act up i stg!! i wanna be a good sub for tbz but OMFG younghoon as a good boy??? calling him pretty and shit??? mommy issues jumping right in 🙂 even if he’s pretty much a GIANT he’d look so cute being all submissive and whiny under you 😫😫
YES YOUNGHOON SERVICE TOP AGENDA!! (not me getting excited about it when i only wrote fics where yh was a soft!dom lol)
YOU ARE NOT A NUISANCE i really love having you around my blog 🥺
Who do you feel mtl dominant towards in TBZ?
rn…? i kinda want to sangyeon to get on his knees for me,,, i’ve been in a mood recently, where i really really want to have arrogant / dom looking guys on their knees before me, begging me to do something. yes this is totally a power kink but OMG it is just so hot.
Do you like chocolate?
I know im gonna surprised ppl but not that much… im not much of a sweet tooth, i get disgusted pretty quickly by sugary things, but i wouldn’t say no to a good slice of my mom’s chocolate cake
Do you prefer being coastal or landlocked?
COASTAL all the way!! if i don’t see the sea a few times a year i just feel bleh and terrible 25/8.
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laufire · 4 years
Supernatural s3
It’s so unfair that the season that has Ruby AND Bela is so short :(((. I was done with it waaaay too quickly, and now I’m speed running through s4 xD (which, like the first time around, is Strong Mixed Feelings territory).
-My girl Ruby!!!! I was so happy to have her back, I kept grinning like a loon every time she was on screen. It’s quite interesting watching the 1.0 and 2.0 versions so close to each other, instead of as they air. I have... Thoughts, on whether Ruby as a double agent was something planned or that they decided as they went, but that’s for the s4 post. s3!Ruby really doesn’t come across as one (“I don’t believe in the devil” oh I wish sometimes xD, I love my nonbelievers), imo, but the beauty of such a device is that you can rationalize anything she does as devious if you want to xD
And it goes without saying that I love her interactions with Sam. THIS SHIP ISTG. I love how immediately ~attuned to her he is lol, his present and instinctive concern for her even if he tries to mask his interest as “practical”. And all the repeated times Sam’s conflicted between her and Dean -like when he deviates Dean shot (wasting one of the Colt’s bullets lmfao) or during the argument about the virgin sacrifice xD. And the “that’s my boy”/ “little fallen angel on your shoulder” quotes!!! Ruby 1.0 deserved to be railed by Sam too, smh.
My favourite episode of hers is “Jus in Bello” (which would be my fave of the season just by virtue of having both Bela and Ruby in the same episode lol. Not interacting, of course, the world as we know it wouldn’t have survived). I just love that she gets that final moment of I TOLD YOU SO to the brothers xD. I really like how she expands on the demonic lore of the show- I love, LOVE the detail about how all demons used to be humans, how they’re souls corrupted in hell. And that in her past life she was a witch (there was this really good fic in Spanish fandom about it... I need to hunt it down).
BTW, though I think her interactions with Dean in that episode are interesting, it really hammers home how much I hate him sometimes xD. Can you stop saying misogynistic slurs for TWO GODDAMN MINUTES, DEAN (and as we know from as early as this season, only HE can have demon/monster friends!! What a fucking hypocrite xD). I freaking love the moment in the finale when she viciously yells him about how she wishes she could see him in hell lmao (and how it foreshadows that when she shows sympathy later, it’s actually Lilith in disguise lmfao). I hate Dean gets the last word in their dynamic, tbqh. Until the s15 cameo, at least xDD
One thing that’s been bothering me xD: the French fries. Demons are vulnerable to salt, like other spirits, right? (and hey, look what a nice piece of foreshadowing that was). How does that translate to food lol. Because Ruby adores French fries, and they obviously contain salt. It’s like spicy food for humans? Or like pineapple? Inquiring minds etc. xD
-I still cannot believe Bela Talbot was only on the show for six episodes lmao. Her presence still lingers in the watchers’ heads so much?? Which is understandable because she’s Lead Girl Material if there was ever any lol. The care with which they styled her even?? You don’t do that for just any character lmao (I mean, just look at most of SPN’s female characters for comparison xD).
Her ship with Dean could’ve really been something, too -even if I hate Dean in it, I can’t deny it packs a punch, narrative-wise. I mean, the Batcat undertones alone!! The fake married undercover shenanigans!! And I think it’s really interesting that she’s such a blind spot for him; Dean’s unusually intuitive about people, but with Bela he takes everything at face value and she can fool him like no other (while, OTOH, is Sam who questions her facade and wants to see more). If he hadn’t been such an idiot (and such an asshole) he could’ve had a really powerful ship. Sucks to be him lol.
Anyway. Man, I love her. So much. I love how Gordon’s threats to kill her don’t work on her, and I love that the show basically said “Bela killing her abusive parents is good, actually” (I’m so tired of forgiveness narratives, you guys. This entire show is founded on revenge, so let me get my revenge fantasies in peace!!) xDD. And I love, LOVE that she withheld that truth from Dean, that she decided he wasn’t worth it. OTOH, you know, fuck the fans that got her written out, definitely; but on the other, I do love how her story ended (and that it was a clear "fuck you" to shitty fans). Doesn’t stop me for wanting to read and re-read (and maybe write!) even more “Bela escapes hell” fix-its, but still.
Also, very important question: what happened to her cat?? It’s the cat alright?? I’m going to headcanon that she left them with that cougar friend of hers lol.
-So. THE DEAL. Okay. Oof. I love this storyline, a lot. A loooot. I love the conflict it creates between the brothers (as long as there’s still conflict and Sam hasn’t yet started taking everything lying down I can enjoy that part of their narrative lol). I love Dean’s initial forced giddiness about “making the most out of his last year” and I love the moment Dean decides he does want to try to live because it makes the last few episodes all the most desperate and cruel (and hey, I’ve heard he only went to hell because the season was cut short due to a writers’ strike... if that’s true that’s so funny lmao).
My absolutely favourite part however? That you can FEEL Dean’s unvoiced resentment towards Sam. For Dean having to die for him, even if Sam never asked him to. He lashes out to Sam repeatedly through the season, but it really came to ahead in the dreamspace episode, where Dean confronts another version of himself that talks about how Sam was “dotted on” (the revisionism asldfkaf). This show is absolutely ruthless when it comes to showing you its characters’ ugly, unfair reactions to things and it’s my favourite thing evah.
Speaking of the dreamspace episode, OMFG. I loved both brothers there. Dean’s hallucination, seeing himself as a demon? And how he let out his anger about John?? Beautiful, truly (regarding John, I also loved their different reactions when it looked like his spirit had contacted them: Dean jumping on it and Sam detached skepticism). But my favourite part has to be when Sam uses the villain’s abusive father against him. Like. Damn. That was cold-blooded o.0
The second-to-last episode, when Sam tracked down that Frankenstein doctor to try and make Dean immortal was ABSOLUTELY HORRIFYING OMG. I loved that. I love that Sam wanted to use it for both them. It was some scary shit. I also love the scene where the crossroads demon questions whether Sam really wants to break the deal, I’m gathering it’s going to be nice foreshadowing later on in the show lol.
Anyway. I also found Dean’s death scene more impactful than Sam’s. Partially because of the horror of it, but mostly because I think at this type of scenes, Padalecki is better. Sam’s grief felt more real, Dean’s got me out of the scene (it’s the voice, I think. Sometimes Ackles’ voice takes me out of scenes, it sounds... forced).
I also really enjoyed how the time loop episode wrapped around this subplot. It managed to be both heartbreaking and mind-numbly hilarious lmfao. Like?? All the deaths?? Were so pathetic?? I tip my hat to Ackles because I don’t think most actors could carry plots like this half as well lmfao.
Sidenote, it’s always a trip to see The Trickster God knowing that fucker is Gabriel. Archangel “hey Mary do you accept God knocking you up” Gabriel. Which I guess isn’t exactly a thing in this show?? Since according to the wikia SPN Jesus was “just a man” (and let me tell you, I’m tickled pink by the fact that out of ALL mythological figures, specifically all CHRISTIAN mythological figures, the show decided to go “nah” on Jesus Christ. I mean, I guess he’d take away from Dean’s, Sam’s and Castiel’s resurrection narratives, but still. It’s so funny!!).
-Gordon Walker remains a superbly acted and fascinating character with extra racist nonsense alsdkfjasdf. But I can’t deny I loved seeing him as a vampire. He was terrifying. And I’m definitely shipping him with Kubrick, ouch xD
-The Ghostfacers episode is... something. As in, incredibly exploitative and homophobic and with an egregious case of BYG (and the first where I’d say it’s incontestable to claim the trope was used. s1 and s2 are muddy territory given the circumstances, IMO, but this one is 300% BYG), but so successfully manipulative my heart hurt for Corbett and Corbett x Ed still. Fuck them for that ngl. I do still enjoy how anti-Winchesters they all are though xD
-3x01 introduces the one nice marriage of hunters so far, between a black couple. The man dies in a gross, horrifying way within the episode ofc (because he was Mean to the the brothers duh). She makes it out alive, and since she doesn’t reappear in the show she gets to live. So for now black women have a sliiiiiightly better track record in SPN than track guys there: they get to appear in a few more episodes and be more fleshed out (Victor, Gordon), but as long as they’re only in one episode they get to live!! (Cassie, Tamara).
-Rufus and Bobby are exes, right? Right?? Probably still married in some state? You know that post about how when gay marriage was legalized across the USA there were a lot of issues because some couples had split and never bothered to divorce, since it was only legal in one place? That post was made for them. Pity Rufus is a black man, and as such has a limited number of allowed appearances before he’s killed off ¬¬
-I would’ve enjoyed Dean’s moments with Lisa and Ben more (it’s just so RIGHT that in this moment he’d want Ben to be his) if my knowledge of future spoilers didn’t perpetually have me in a state of “pls keep this guy away from kids” lol.
-They had Harmony’s actress (BTVS) and they made her a vampire!! The show’s hard on for the Buffyverse is a bit of a hit and miss but I can’t say I don’t relate xDD.
-I know Jensen Ackles can sing (in fact thanks to youtube I know a few of the actors can... is there a musical episode. Does this show have its own OMWF. I need to know). So why. WHY. Does he sound like that during “Dead or Alive”??? I actually like the scene but he sounds so off-key lmao.
-BTW, I found out that apparently Katie Cassidy and Lauren Cohan originally auditioned for each other’s roles añslkdfjasf. I can’t picture it. Ruby 1.0 is Ruby 1.0 and Bela is Bela xD. Although I’ve seen each playing roles that could meld with the other, just. Nope. Good choice on the casting there lol.
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arigatonamuse · 4 years
A3! Rare Pairs Week Favourites
okay so after a lot of reading, i decided to compile my fave rpw faves in sort of rec list (M and E rated fics under the cut)
i tried to narrow it down but well, these are fics i’d honestly want everyone to read and enjoy? (also fic writers in general deserve more recognition tbh)
Adore me, adore you
by Pandashorts pair: Omi/Tsumugi summary: Adoration is a beautiful word. It can be felt and shown in so many ways. Tsumugi thinks he's lucky, to be able to feel it so thoroughly. wc: 285
Cam’s comments: this fic is the definition of “short and sweet”, its pace and rhythm are great and the way the author managed to convey so many emotions with so little words left me speechless for a couple minute
by carpfish pair: Guy/Chikage summary: Guy receives a special gift in one of his care packages from Zahra. wc: 892
Cam’s comments: i have a soft spot for people who are not familiar with emotions (for whatever reason) exploring them and that’s what this fic is, they may not be conventional with their love but seeing the small things that show they care for the other is beautiful
curiosity killed the cat (and satisfaction brought it back)
by aegious pair: Homare/Chikage summary: Itaru has played enough otome games to know what’s happening here. In fact, he remembers this exact route in the one with the hot, datable older brother. He can remember almost word for word what was written in that letter in-game, and as he watches Chikage, body turned just slightly away, hiding the letter from peeping eyes and annoying juniors, Itaru imagines the letter says almost exactly that. “Is that a love letter, senpai?” Itaru can’t keep the smile out of his voice. wc: 4774
Cam’s comments: LOVE LETTERS! Love letters are one of my ultimate weakness, and seeing a man as “unromantic” as Chikage deal with them is lovely. The fic also has some amazing (platonic) chikaita banter, which i’d die for ALSO IT’S ACCOMPANIED BY ART
the shape of affection
by magichistorian ( @emilswrites​ ) pair: Guy/Tsumugi summary: When they had first met, Tsumugi had been something of an anomaly, to tell the truth. “Please get a sense of me on stage”, was what he had said. Guy still didn't understand, really. What could he show on stage that he couldn't say with words?Why did he care so much anyway? Why was Tsumugi so special? -- Or: Planting flowers, and understanding how to feel love. wc: 1259
Cam’s comments: this is a really good Guy study, i’m in love with his characterisation here (and as someone who relates to him, this fic hits just in the right spot), it’s soft and cute and had me screaming for a good ten minutes after i read it
through seasons, through letters, to you
by Lollipop_Panda pair: Tsuzuru/Mizuno Kaya summary: Mizuno Kaya writes letters, Minagi Tsuzuru writes scripts. They finally meet somewhere in the middle. wc: 4046
Cam’s comments: (ngl, Panda is one of my favourite A3 authors) once again, LETTERS the structure of the fic and alternating narration between letters and small scenes is amazing, as well as the writing in general also, i have had a soft spot of Tsuzuru/Mizuno since clockwork  also also, Tsuzuru’s characterisation and specially his notes for writing are very enjoyable
Life isn’t a matter of milestones but of moments
by ChetRoi pair: Omi/Nachi summary: Memories. Photographs. Those two often go hand in hand. Behind every photograph is a memory. However, not every memory has a photograph. That’s one of Omi’s greatest regrets. wc: 1943
Cam’s comments: beautifully painful. It’s a very good study on Omi’s character and his problems and trauma. One of the fics where you just have to stay silent for a long time after reading because damn
Cause This Reflection Can't Be Me
by changingsmile pair: Omi/Kazunari summary: “Wow, we must be the perfect couple! Connected in both body and mind y’know~” despite trying to keep up his usual light tone, Omi could hear weariness at the edges of Kazunari’s voice. “But if we both have the same issue, what do we do now?” wc: 1291
Cam’s comments: also a very good take on Omi’s character! deals with him actually struggling with his past and opens the chance for healing. Left me thinking about “what is really a lie” and about how lies can become real in this context
by desikawa ( @desikauwa​ ) pair: Sakuya/Banri summary: When Banri crashed through Sakuya's window the last thing he expected was to find Sanctuary. wc: 942
Cam’s comments: *inhales* have i EVER MENTIONED HOW MUCH I LOVE SUPERHERO AUS?  now i have i love them a lot Div’s take on the prompt and Sakuya characterisation are brilliant (tbh one of my fave Saku characterisations) i feel like this ic caters to my tastes so well, it’s impressive
Rest for the restless
by Lollipop_Panda  pair: Misumi/Tsuzuru summary: Misumi had decided he was going to keep Tsuzuru company while he writes. Tsuzuru didn't quite know what to expect, but ending up sharing a bed with Misumi certainly hadn't been on his list. Not that he's about to complain, he's much too tired for that after all. wc: 1705
Cam’s comments: yes, another fic by Panda and with Tsuzu as part of the ship what can i say i just love how they write and particularly how they write Tsuzu, his thoughts and POV in this fic are just delightful also Sumi being soft and caring is amazing and i’m soft 
always back to you
by 6am pair: Homare/Azuma summary: Four times Azuma and Homare say goodbye to each other, and one time they say hello wc: 2512
Cam’s comments: you know when you read a fic and you feel like for the moment you’re reading, everything’s okay in the world? yeah that’s how i felt, it’s soft and domestic and lovely
Teen and Up
small offerings and steady hands
by headlong pair: Chikage/Tasuku summary: Five things the members of the Mankai Repair Club fix for others; and one thing, of their own, which doesn't need fixing at all. wc: 17128
Cam’s comments: oh man, oh man this fic is so good? the way their relationship unfolds slowly and the way they make sense (yes i’m quoting it) even tho Chikage has all the baggage and stuff and insecurities from his past? *chef’s kiss* i wish i had more things to say but all my notes on the fic are keysmashes and screaming
the lingering aftertaste of you
by SunflowerEnthusiast pair: Walter/Beelzebub (Omi/Guy) summary: A fic about Beelzebub eating the last quiche Walter left for him. wc: 1663
Cam’s comments: this is a really good take on Stray Devil Blues! very down to earth (as down to earth as a fic about a demon can be) and painfully human. I feel like it deepened the character so much
A Modest Proposal
by carpfish pair: Guy/Chikage summary: Mister "404: Emotion Not Found" proposes to Mister "I'll Bury My Feelings Along With Your Body". It goes about as well as you'd expect. wc: 2839
Cam’s comments: seeing my faves i’m starting to think i have a thing for emotionally constipated people trying to do emotional things the characterisation for both is so good, and the exploration of them... being them... kinda sorta together... is really really interesting also the possibility for character growth for Chikage? and seeing how both have grown as characters? very tasty
no rest for the wicked
by soulmarionetter pair: Reni/Shuu (Syu); Reni/Yukio; Zen/Shuu (Syu) summary: Loving someone at fourty-seven shouldn't feel the same way it did at seventeen. Sadly, Syu has never really gotten over his first love. Neither has Reni.  wc: 10687
Cam’s comments: THE DEVELOPMENT, THE PINING, SEEING EVERYTHING PRE MANKAI REBIRTH  man this is soooooo good ofc, it has spoilers for part/act 3, and man man i loved it Reni’s characterisation is really well done, and it’s an insight of how things could have gone also the ending is beautiful
the salt-breeze (it burns my eyes)
by vagarius (  @vagarius ) pair: Kazunari/Tasuku summary: Kazunari and Tasuku spend a weekend at the beach. wc: 8357
Cam’s comments: good god this fic is so good the exploration of Kazu’s character and his dynamic with other people through some angsty spice it’s brilliant Vagarius made me fall in love with Tasu just a lil bit i had to stop reading at multiple points just to scream before i could go on because damn
aaaand that would be it~
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mizzy2k · 5 years
Author Meme
Tagged by: @withinmeloveresides1​
Author Name:
mizzy  (or you can find my teen wolf fic @ mirrorkill)
Fandoms You Write For:
Marvel is my fave at the moment. I have a chunk of Leverage fics and a chunk of Teen Wolf ones at my TW account.
Where You Post:
Most Popular One-Shot:
Fly a Little Faster (Teen Wolf). Wrote it in three days, posted it thinking just a few friends would read it, woke up the next day with 400+ kudos. It's now at 20k+ kudos and the reason I don't look at stats anymore, because it's proof talent and stats aren't linked whatsoever.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story:
Even the Light is an Illusion (Marvel 616/MCU mash-up). Technically a Big Bang fic so it dropped in one go, but I did break this one up into chapters so it counts. I don't like releasing fics chapter-by-chapter, it doesn't work well for me.
Favourite Story You Wrote:
I Created From Fantasies (Exist Solely For You) (MCU canon divergent.) Comic book office AU. I originally meant to have a full sixteen weeks to write this one, but ended up accidentally signing up to the Avengers reverse bang, and spent six weeks banging out "Even the Light is an Illusion", and was left with much less time than I wanted to scramble and try and get out my originally intended chill summer project in one piece. Holy heck, I was scrambling right up until the deadline, do not recommend. If my artists weren't the incredibly chillest, most talented people, and immoral-crow wasn't so awesome, I'd have folded like a cheap table. It turned out better than I hoped it would, that's forever sure.
Story You Were Nervous to Post:
Unveil my Unsightly Heart (MCU). I didn't have a real outline, and I ended up having to write 20k+ of it in a week because Iron Man 3 came out and I had the bright idea to make it compliant. I had no idea if I'd managed to make anything decent at all.
How Do You Choose Your Titles:
Usually steal them from quotes or song titles. My upcoming Big Bang has a hilarious story behind its title, because it existed as WORMS for more than a couple of weeks... and now it still is. Just not the worms some people think it is.
Do You Outline:
I do most of the time. I'm developing my outlining as I go along. It's definitely a process I'm getting into the rhythm of. I much prefer to have an outline.
113 on my main AO3 account; 15 on mirrorkill.
"Where Our Restless Monsters Sleep", my Big Bang fic, will be coming in November. I'm excited to share it, ngl. And my artists, ahh, I'm so lucky. Please keep an eye out for this in November, and wish me well on the editing process, I've never written anything like it (or as long as it!, holy cow.) "Let None Be Content With Me", a volume 1 Iron Man fic inspired by the Guardsman storyline, dealing with Tony's grief about Kevin O'Brien's death. "Without an Appearance (Without a Shape)", a sequel to my comic book office AU. By the time I post it'll be well over seven years later than I meant it to be, but better late than never? "We Are Neither Devils Nor Designs", a 3490 ID Porn fic where Natasha "Ash" Stark juggles more than one secret identity when freshly awoken Steve Rogers doesn't realise the grubby engineer he meets in the kitchen at 1am is the sharply-dressed business mogul, Miss. Stark. "Right Light Rise", a Sentinel AU where Tony's been covering up that the incident in Afghanistan activated his latent sentinel gene.
Coming Soon/Not Yet Started:
"Lost in a Masquerade", a 616 identity porn fic where Steve recognizes Iron Man at a masquerade ball because of his memorable thighs. "you are not what I thought you were", 616 identity porn (LOOK I KNOW WHAT I LIKE), where The Avengers sans Iron Man are made invisible and finally discover what Tony sacrifices to keep them safe. "Like Letters In Bold", MCU AOU AU where Osborn is the Director of the Avengers, and Tony and Steve fake date to cover their espionage against him. "Love in the Time of Interdepartmental Memos", MCU AU, Office-based Fake Dating.
(I mean, honestly, I have quite a lot more, but these are the current ones most at the top of my thWIP folder.)
I'm hoping to have three fics for MTH also on this list very soon. :D
Do You Accept Prompts:
Only if the prompter accepts I may never write it and I have a spreadsheet of 400+ prompts already. But feel free to submit them, I'm not following my prompts in a religious order, only what strikes my fancy, so if you have a specific prompt you want to throw in the lottery pile, don't be afraid to send it, just be aware I might not get to it.
If you have a prompt and you're very eager to see me write it, check out MarvelTrumpsHate next week, for a small cashy donation to charity you get to order me around. Sort of. Within reason. <3
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write:
Hmmm. I think I'm excited to finish the comic book office AU sequel.  
Tagged By:
@withinmeloveresides1 Thank you for always thinking of me <3
Tagging: @ironlawyer, @onlymorelove, @capn-shellhead, @the-casual-cheesecake, @firebrands, @the-faultofdaedalus, @fancydragonqueendraws, @viudanegraaa, @nigmuff, @man-of-many-ships, @imperium3000, @avengersnewb, @la-toratempesta, @sineala, @veldeia, @ishipallthings, @tony-starkrogers, @serinah80, @loraneldin, @whenas-in-silks and anyone else who wants to do it
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illfoandillfie · 5 years
This is so much fun. 🎉 And since we’re doing nsfw, I have some more top 5 for you: lingerie / sex scenes in films / fantasies to get off to 🥺🍆🥵
kdhsdhfksd okay these took some thinking but it was the fun kind of thinking so that’s okay. thank you!
Lingerie: (links go to lovehoney)
At the moment my fave is this matching set ofwet look high wasted undies and crop top I bought in a valentines sale
Red gift wrap bow (mr taylor please come andruin me)
This maroon basque I own. It's a bit tight butmy tits look great in it
Simplicity can be really lovely in lingerie soI'm a big fan of like a nice bra and a matching set of undies, maybe addinggarter/stockings as well (I've got a plain black set but the thong iscrotchless and it’s decorated with little pink bows which is very cute)
 As someone who has a big softspot for a) historyand b) the pinup/rockabilly scene I’m a big fan of corsets. There are so manydifferent styles and they come in so many fun colours and patterns. I have acheap one I bought on wish but I would absolutely love to get one properly fittedand made for me.
Sex scenes in film:
Atonement – against the bookshelf in thelibrary, ma’am im going to faint (bonus points because james mcavoy is perpetuallyon my to do list and kiera knightly’s dress is stunning, as is she)
The Bronze – not necessarily because it’s superhot but it’s Sebastian Stan playing a cocky as hell gymnast doing all sorts ofwhack flips and handstands during sex which is completely fucking ridiculousbut it’s also a win in my books (seriously…his character has a tattoo of thepart of an Olympic medal that hangs around your neck which leads down to hisdick. She literally says the words “gimme that gold” before he does a flip intoher its one of the best things ive ever seen. Also he do look reaaaallll fuckinhot in that movie)
I’s not a full on sex scene but the scene inSecretary where he spanks her as she reads the letter? Oof yes hello why isn’tthat me? Honestly tho I haven’t seen the whole film but what I have is so verygood (maggie gyllenhaal walking around with a spreader bar cuffed to her wristscarrying papers in her mouth? James spader putting a fucking riding saddle on herback while she’s on all fours on his work desk? Part of me is into it becauseim a big dumb sub and hhhhhh part of me is into it cause its maggie gyllenhaal lmao)
Okay ngl this is where I started to blank whichis dumb cause I know ive seen more sex scenes than this but anyway Deadpoolshould get a mention both because ryan Reynolds is hot but also because is justkinda real cute the way they show the progress of time by having them fuck ondifferent holidays. Also because he gets pegged for international womens dayand that’s fucking brilliant.
I can’t think of another so lets just say thisspot is reserved for whatever The Voyeurs gives us.
 Fantasies to get off to: (oh boy im really putting myself on blast rnyikes)
A freeuse type scenario like the guy I live with can just use me whenever he wants.Maybe im doing the dishes when I get bent over and railed orrr waking up andI’m being fucked or like I'm playing a video game or reading and he takes thecontroller or book out of my hands so he can fuck my throat and then hands itback like nothing happened – sometimes with the added bonus of not being ableto cum in time and having to wait until he wants to use me again (hhhhh I justwant to be treated like a living fleshlight)
y’know those fics I wrote about being hogtiedand overstimulated? Yeah that
y’know those fics I wrote about being ahypnotised bimbo? Yeah that
okay this one is a fantasy I’ve had for a fewyears now that came about because of a porn video I watched. Basically in thevideo it was like a room full of men who’d paid to be there. The walls werelined with people sized holes and sticking out of them are women but justenough of them for the men to use. Each hole has a photo of the woman stuckover it but the men can’t see their actual faces. And basically the women laythere in different positions (some are on their backs with their legs chainedto the wall, some are kneeling on the floor, some are doing like a traditionalglory hole thing) while they’re used by a bunch of random guys they can’t see.It’s like a different take on free use I guess but oh to be one of those women.
I’m the pet to a couple. Sometimes the womanplays with me, sometimes the man, sometimes both idk I just wanna be calledkitten and be edged a lot and feel completely owned.
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Who were ur favorite pairings from the route? multiple pairs for each character is of course, very valid, because it’s an FE game lmao. I’m just wondering if there were any in specific u liked or thought were cute
I liked a lot, actually! Everyone was so cute and well written! But here’s a list of just notable ones, mainly from GD. (Spoilers for Supports and Endings below!)
Raphael/Ignatz was the first to catch my attention, especially because Ignatz grew on me super fast. Also I love that they were childhood friends and Ignatz felt guilty all this time about his and Raphael’s family; meanwhile, Raphael is just? The best dude? I loved their sidequest. Their paired ending was okay if you like that Ignatz marries Maya (and that she maybe had a crush on him since childhood, since she kept that picture he drew her, and that is cute but–) but I would have liked it more if Ignatz and Raphael just worked at the inn together and the inn became famous for its huge murals. (I’m so sad these two aren’t more popular. Like? Size difference? They’re cute? Ignatz’s guilt complex and how everything rolls off Raphael’s back? Very supportive of each other? Only like 7 fics on ao3? Please.)
Speaking of Ignatz, he was so sweet to Marianne and they were really cute. Especially when he showed her the sunset. So Ignatz/Marianne is cute. 
Also I saw a joke art about Ignatz/Lorenz? Which is an interesting pair but could probably become less “haha” and more “oh?” if I saw more of them. (Can u tell I love Ignatz.) (Also maybe Lorenz/Claude for the same reasons?)
Hilda is probably one of my GD Faves, and she was always talking to Marianne whenever they had cutscenes or were just hanging out in Explore mode. Also, their Support was cute with Hilda actually making an effort for Marianne and just being cute together. So Hilda/Marianne was good. 
(this is so long, so the rest are under the cut)
When Hilda and Claude are not being wlw and mlm solidarity, I actually have Hilda/Claude as my default for them because what a power couple. Also their final Support where Claude says he’ll introduce Hilda to his parents, who nobody else has ever met, is cute. 
Speaking of cute final Supports, I wasn’t too into Lorenz/Hilda until I saw their final Support where Hilda’s like “My brother says he’ll call u brother” and Lorenz is like “Wow, what an honor.” Hilda: “Don’t you get what I’m saying? ;P” But Lorenz is so weirdly smooth in saying there isn’t time for that now and he won’t even say the words because he wants it to be done properly, when they’re both in a place in their lives that allows for marriage. It came off really sweet?? I fell a little bit in love then. I was really disappointed when I didn’t get their paired ending.
(Also not a ship I was super in love with when I saw the Supports but Ignatz/Hilda’s paired ending where she runs a design school and he is an artist there, and they fall in love and their students love their new art style for generations? That’s cute.)
Lysithea/Cyril were just pretty adorable together, ngl.
I didn’t recruit anyone except Sylvian, so I didn’t see any Supports from outside the house. EXCEPT! Several ships have become really popular in my FE periphery, so I took a peruse at those Supports on the wiki. I now also like Sylvain/Felix and  Hubert/Ferdinand despite not having played the Blue Lions or Beagles route yet. Osmosis is real.
Also not anyone I recruited but I loved them from the moment I saw them in their “those two guys” dynamic, and I wanna see all the Caspar/Linhardt art/fic so bad. Best friends, and they’ve never actually fought despite such wildly different personalities and minor arguments? Their paired ending?? The special dialogue they get if you make them fight :((((( Definitely one of my top ships of this game despite not even playing Beagles.
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aphelyons · 6 years
My Creative Year in Review 2018
stolen from but also requested by inspired by @drstrangewillseeyounow​
Tumblr media
Preface: This will be a bit of a mashup of two things; art and writing. But I’ll be clear. This is also a long post, I’m very sorry. Apparently I don’t shut up.
Total number of creations? (Or a rough guess!)
Art - Finished; 221 (not all published) Art - WIPS; 25 Writing - Published; 4 Writing - WIPS; 9 ?
Was there a project that you didn’t get around to?
In terms of starting or finishing? Lol. I didn’t get around to publishing the first chapter of the MU fic, which I desperately still want to before S2 starts. Because I keep writing all the middle bits instead. Nor did I get around to start writing the “winter fic” beyond plot points and a few little scenes.
There’s a looooooooooooooot of art I didn’t get around to either starting properly or finishing. Lol. I have a L’Rell piece I really want to do, as  well as [another] mirror Stamets piece I want to do.
What was the creation you had the most fun making?
Art: Oh that’s hard. A lot of things for a lot of different reasons. I enjoyed the Holiday artworks because they were….really out of my depth and fun. Mostly I loved sending them out on cards to friends.
More recently I had a lot of fun doing the Patroclus and Achilles piece. Loved using golden hues.
Also have a lot of fun with Not Safe for Work-Viewing pieces, but those will never be published here. :D Sorry.
Writing: I had a surprising amount of fun writing the Vampire AU fic [Just a Taste] for Halloween. Which I never expected to write anything vampiric, ever, and also it came together really quickly. Building the world in that short fic was a lot of fun.
Any surprises? (E.g. a character or ship you never thought you’d create for or a project that came out of nowhere?)
Well honestly this whole revival to art and writing came as a surprise, I hadn’t done either in many years. I was also never a Star Trek fan prior to Disco, nor have I ever been a part of a fandom before. This is my first! So that was surprising, also surprising was how massively obsessed I became and how important it became to me. But the best surprise out of all of that is the connections to people I’ve made and the friendships that have come from that. ily. <3 Also not going to lie, pretty surprised that suddenly my art has become mega-fuckin-colourful. Where did this love of neon come from??? Wtf
What was the hardest creation to make?
Writing; MU fic - hands down. I have pages and pages and pages of resources. Not only is it going to be a long story (I endeavour and hope) but also from the amount of which I am pulling from and want to align to canon as as best I can as well. Being a new fan to Trek also... it’s been pretty overwhelming to get these details right. But at the same time, really trying to flesh out a character we never met or saw in the show, and have them interact with the established canon and have that all make sense… That and have the science in it make as much sense as possible, I’ve based a few new things on scientific principles and things that exist and just trying to elevate them to a cosmic scale… and hope I can pull that off too. It’s pretty intimidating. Not going into it, but the way the story weaves and intersects with a few different genres.. I just want to have it make sense in it’s self contained body of work.
Yeah it’s hard. Lol. Biggest thing I’ve ever tried to do. But, I love it, truly. I think about this whole project an inhumane amount of times every day, and I love that. 
It’s also hard because I’d love to be a linear writer, but I am not. At all. I’m constantly writing ahead, well and truly ahead, but then coming back, adding to and editing earlier bits and rewriting and rewriting….rewriting… ugh
The subjects and themes are also a little heavy, and it’s cathartic to write about, sure, but also wanting to do those moments justice and with respect and integrity - because that’s important to me too.
The whole thing is just a lot of fuckin work, lol. But I really love it. Already - and it’s nowhere near done.
Art; Probably the one where Paul is laying down [crying] in the spore chamber. It was my first return to trying to paint semi-realism, and... it didn’t work out. I’m not happy with it anymore, but also proud that I pulled it off. That pose? Hair? HAND? UGH those took me too long to get right. But, overall it certainly taught me a lot to use on future more realism-ish pieces such as the Cosmic/Celestial pics of Hugh and Paul [which I love.]
What inspired you the most this year?
Oh, easy. Discovery. Hugh and Paul, hands down both of those things. But also to the endlessly talented people who I’ve come to know and also enjoy the works of - be it written, art, or otherwise. Creativity inspires creativity. 
What are you most proud of? (A creation, something you learned, etc)
Art: The Cosmic/Celestial pieces. Very proud of those. (So much so I made metal prints of them and they sit on my bookshelf between a salt lamp.) I really love how they came out, and really the original (Cosmic Paul) was kind of an accident, a happy accident if you will.  
Also the piece of Anthony I did for Anthony’s birthday. That was a lot of fun constructing something visually representative of a person.
Any goals/plans/ideas for next year?
Fucking get some headway on my MU fic so I can stop being so annoying by just talking about it, and fucking start publishing it already -  for then it then it would EXIST in the word. LOL. Ugh. That’s the only big plan, that’s all I want to do. Whatever art I will do - I will just find inspiration in the moment to do. No plans, other than the L’Rell piece and a couple other WIPs - maybe.  
Honestly just that and trying to keep improving, both in writing and in drawing. I feel like I’ve improved over this past year, so would love to just continue on that trajectory.
Pick your favourite creations! (Post links and tell us why you love them!)
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The Cosmic and Celestial Series I just love how these turned out, especially because it was such a surprise how it turned out originally. But being able portray this cosmic divinity of which I uphold them both to be in my mind was really awesome to pull off. The colours, and dramatic light, this whole thing was so fucking fun. The whole painting with colours as highlights / shadows / dual light source was a huge experiment for me and it taught me a huge amount, so I really love it for many reasons.
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The Song of Achilles  I started sketching this while I was listening to the audio book and while I fell in love with these two. Please, again, do go read this book. But the detailing on the spear, the auras and Achilles hair were my favourite bits. Oh and the gold blood. Of course, lol. Loved doing the symbolic imagery 
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Anthony Rapp’s Birthday Portrait  Because this man means a whole lot to me, and it was nice really nice for a change of pace to try and depict him and things that are important to him. Also really proud of that shoe, ngl. & And MU Stamets and his Mycelium Sun
Huge experiment in terms of colour and lighting for me, and I love love love how it turned out. Even if it’s a little rough. This one was so much fun, and I also printed this out on metal actually lol. Looks pretty cool.  & First MU Culmets Work Still in my heart, even though it’s a earlier work, because it was the first exploitation of this duo for me, and how they might be together. Also where I came up with the HC for his facial scar, which I always will include in any MU Hugh depiction of mine. But I still really like how their characterisation translates in this one.
The archaeology AU story I wrote for 30MinuteLoop. Also well, this is the only one that’s safe for viewing that’s published, lol, but I am genuinely really proud of this and seeing it through to completion. 
But also the MU story is a fave, but this is the only published section so far:
MU Snippet (These next couple of questions are directly from @drstrangewillseeyounow​ sorry I’ll be so literal in their structure, lmao)
How you decide on which style to use for individual pieces?
Unless it’s something very specific in mind (like the holiday pieces) I just kind of let it take a life of its own. See what it evolves into. I might have one idea to where I want it to go before I export it to PS, but once in PS it might take a whole new life (prime example if the original Cosmic/Celestial Paul. The original was very flat, and pretty boring lol but really became something else in PS. Actually it was supposed to be originally a visual piece to accompany my Vampire fic - and Vampire Hugh picture. But that changed entirely once I got it into PS.)
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(It’s hard to see but there’s a bite mark on the original side.)
I'd also know more about your literal process, as in: what's your hardware set-up, what software do you use?
I have a weird all over the place set up. Lol.
So I do the majority of the work on my iPad, up until a stage where I don’t think I can go any further with it (or need more than 6 layers at my disposal) and then export it to my PC (either work or home) and then work on it further in Photoshop. Of which it then gains infinite amount of layers, lmao. Oh god.
As for the file on the iPad, when I’m working on that I can only have 6 layers. So usually will do sketch/line-work on one (or two, if I have to work a problematic bit but then merge it with the rest) and same with the colour/painting. That’s always on one layer, which I’ve grown to really like working like that. I might do skin on one, then clothes on another, but eventually will merge them.  If it’s a full paint (or even half paint maybe), the colour and line layer will eventually be merged as I erase the lines I no longer need as I go and blend that layer more seamlessly into the painted layer. It just ending up a purely painted file without the original lines. Another layer may be added for more delicate details such as eyelashes and eyebrows, things like that.
Everything I do once exported to Photoshop is just with a mouse, I have a Wacom tablet… But I don’t use it, because I haven’t been bothered calibrating it with my dual monitor setup, and am happy doing most of the work on the iPad anyway as it kinda acts like a Cintiq in that regard. But localised. (Plus I can take it anywhere with me, interstate, overseas, to work, to the park, etc. I love that mobility.) Depending if I need a certain element that’s vector based, I’ll make it in Corel Draw or Illustrator, too. I also have Corel painter....buuuuuuuuut still haven’t used it. That’s a goal for 2019 for sure, lmao. Very occasionally I will physically sketch out the idea (like the holiday pieces) scan, and rework, redraw, line it, or whatever in the iPad then go forth with all of the above processes. 
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How long does it usually take you from start to finish?
Art: How long a piece takes really varies lol. Sketches can be between 1 - 4 hours on average, sometimes more. Flat colours will be a couple hours more. Half paints usually 4-8 more hours. Full paints and more realism stuff like the Cosmic/Celestial is total of 18hours+ but those times are just a rough idea, sometimes something just works out a lot quicker. Sometimes longer. 
Writing: FOR FUYCKING EVER. I’m the slowest writer ever.
Do you have art WIPs and what do you think keeps you from finishing them?
I have a lot of art WIPs lol I think just losing drive or inspiration to finish them is what mainly kills them, or me getting frustrated that it isn’t working out like I wanted. Sometimes I just forget they exist.
Probably same goes for writing, too. Lol. Also it could be that I’ll dream up the entire (or mostly) of the story, but then getting it onto the page is hard. I want to work at getting better at that.
Do you do any non-fanart, too?
Sure. Although not often anymore, I’m honestly just inhumanly obsessed with Hugh and Paul.. Even when I start a project that isn’t centric to either or both of them… Often it will kind of morph into them. oops. 
I want to say yes to fic too...but That’s a project I haven’t worked on in fucking years and years, so I doubt that really counts anymore.
Wow I am so sorry that was me just rambling on. Anyway, cool. Hi to anyone who made it this far.   I’ll also parrot the line of: Everyone who created/posted art, fic, gif-sets, vids, cosplay, etc., consider yourself tagged if you’d like to be. I’m curious! (I’m fucking serious, P L E A S E   D O.) 
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idealisticrealism · 7 years
Blindspot 3x01 recap
Okay so honestly, until the episode actually aired I wasn’t sure this recap would happen. This hiatus has been all too easy for me, because the finale-- or, specifically, the time jump paired with the realisation that Weller really was going to have a kid-- really made me question whether this was still the show I fell in love with, and if I really wanted to dedicate any more of my time to it. Plus, since I avoid spoilers, there were some serious concerns-- for example, whether Weller even knew why Jane left-- that I had, that I didn’t have the answers to yet.
Which meant that basically I went into this episode not really expecting to feel particularly positive about it. But instead-- like with the second half of S2 after that rather unpleasant start-- damn Gero managed to pull me back in, as he somehow always does.  
So here goes. Recap time. But fair warning: this review is about my personal feelings towards the show, and therefore you may not agree with what you read. Feel free to come and talk to me about it anyway.
Honestly I (like everyone else) knew a wedding was coming, but unlike everyone else I wasn’t all that interested to see it. I mean, I’m happy for them and all, but I’m more interested in seeing the being-married part than the actual getting married. But then the flowers, and the music, and the family looking so beautiful, and Patterson OFFICIATING, and Hirst and Stuart being there (side note: I am only now recognising Stuart as an actor from Gero’s old show the LA Complex, along with about six other actors who have been on this show over the years lol). But anyway, considering my biggest problem with S2 was the baby fiasco, I was expecting to feel the same nausea when seeing the baby onscreen as when I thought of it at any other time (it’s literally one of my least fave tropes, guys, so I’m sorry but I will always hate the existence of the baby), but it was fairly easy to just ignore it. I was bummed not to see Sarah or Sawyer, who would literally have never missed this wedding and tbh would have been a waaaaaaaay better inclusion in S2 and 3 than the unwanted offspring, but whatever. #Foreverbitter
That said, seeing the team laughing and dancing and having an amazing time was just the best. And of course the Jeller lovey-doveyness was so great, and maaaann I really wish we could have heard those speeches. Reade and Tasha dancing was a little bit borderline for me-- they’re so cute and I love them as best friends but PLEASE GERO JUST LET THEM BE BEST FRIENDS. DON’T PUT THEM TOGETHER. PLEASE DON’T.
Ngl I don't at all like that Jeller moved to Colorado. Big nope for me, though I understand why it happened, and god I did love the scene with the fam helping them pack and then tough-as-nails Tasha crying??? Let me die. But I also identify with her the most rn, bc she GETS it. With Jeller gone, their family will never be the same. The roadtrip montage was cute, and the carrying over the threshold???? Ughhhhh save me. I love that they took on the project of the house, the two of them making the perfect team (was there a baby in this montage? Nope, not that I saw. No babies here. Maybe just Allie’s new puppy that they look after from time to time. Yeah, let’s go with that. Bethany is a puppy they babysit and no one can force me to view it as anything else).
So as much as I’m enjoying this montage of domestic bliss, I’m kinda ready for it to end because GUYS PLEASE I’M TOO USED TO ANGST AND SLOW BURN, YOU CAN’T OVERLOAD ME WITH FLUFF LIKE THIS.  And then phew it ends, leaving us in the new Jeller residence with Weller just returning from napping in the laundry beside Bethany’s basket because she still howls when she’s left alone and so he had to pet her until she fell asleep. Awwwww, so nice of these two to look after Allie’s puppy while she works nightshift. I love that Jane cooked dinner-- I bet Weller’s been teaching her and lots of sweet and sexy kitchen times have ensued. Jane gushes about the puppy’s cuteness and Weller suggests maybe they should get one of their own. Good thing they’re talking about a puppy and not a child because wow “one of our own” sure had a very exclusionary implication, like Jane was not at all connected to any other puppies/babies that might exist. But anyway I gotta move on before the world I’ve carefully constructed in this Matrix starts glitching. Saved by the bell, or rather the phone-- it’s Keaton with a warning that their lives are in danger, and here’s yet another topic that threatens to glitch my reality. Keaton tortured Jane for THREE MONTHS. Brutally and without true remorse. He should be persona non grata with literally everyone (the team and the fans alike), but instead the writers have turned him into the team’s new buddy. This is the biggest issue I’ve had with the show, I think-- not Keaton specifically, but what he represents. Because honestly when I think about certain plot points in theory, I feel very strongly and very negatively about them; but when the show goes “no it’s fine everything’s actually great” it somehow sucks me in and I just go ‘oh okay cool everything is great, that’s good then’’, and I just?? For example, I really enjoyed watching Keaton in the finale, and then I thought about it after the episode ad was like ‘wait no I hate him, how did I forget I hate him?’ Like I stg Gero is a wizard, and like anything truly magic related, that’s both a good and a bad thing. But anyway rn I’m appreciative of Keaton because he just helped save Jane and Weller’s lives. So I guess he gets points for that, though technically Jane has saved his life a couple of times already now. Jeller proceed to beat the crap out of their attackers, and aaahhhh, isn’t this so much more THEM than painting walls and picking out cushions? Their Colorado life was a nice little holiday but it wasn’t them.  Naturally the gunshots wake little puppy Bethany who is now barking in distress, but they check on her and she’s fine. Keaton rocks up to explain that some Sandstorm member has put out a hit on Jane for $10M, and now no one can stop a shit-ton of mercenaries from coming after Jane. Keaton and Jane are in agreement about putting Jane into a version of WitSec-- hopefully with much more comfortable lodgings than the last time she was put up by the CIA. (#Yesstillbitter).  Weller tries to reject the idea, then decides he’s coming too, bc “You’re my wife” ughhhhhh, but Jane can’t let him walk away from the rest of his life. She knows what that’s like, after all, though lbr giving up her life as Remi was the best thing she ever did. Unfortunately for Weller, he has a very hardheaded wife and he sleeps very heavily when he’s cuddling a fluffy puppy, so Jane bails in the middle of the night, and nope nope nope  I never needed to see her crying as she pulled off her wedding ring, thanks Satan (I mean Gero). But lbr, Weller is Jane’s everything, and she would do anything-- including break her own heart-- to keep him safe. Oh, Jane, you noble idiot.  At least this whole scene has allayed one of my concerns going into this season-- Weller definitely knows why Jane had to go, so he knows it was done out of love, and not for the lack of it.  I still think she could have kept the ring, but I suppose by leaving it she was telling him that she was okay, that she was leaving of her own accord and hadn’t been kidnapped or murdered or anything.
Have I mentioned lately how much I really hate time-jumps??? After the finale, I desperately hoped that they had been married the majority of that two year gap and that their separation was only like three or so months. I even mostly-completed a oneshot postfinale fic along those lines, but then we found out about the 18 month thing and I was like “well screw you too, show” (#yepdefinitelybitter) and abandoned the story entirely. Plus, it’s been otherwise proved non-canon now, so that was rather a waste of time. But anyway, it’s now 18 months after Jane disappeared (undoubtedly aided by Keaton) and you just know the whole family will have been scattered to the winds. Another reason to hate time jumps. Speaking of the team, Hirst shows up at Weller’s apartment-- which he somehow still has; renting it out, I guess?? But damn he’s clearly richer than I thought he was. He’s about to sell it though bc he’s spending all his time and money searching for Jane, just as he has for the last 18 months. And on one hand, I can totally be like “awww he loves her so much” but on the other hand I want to be like “wtf you sadistic writers, you’re literally going to rip apart a couple who loves each other for A YEAR AND A HALF, which is a FREAKING LONG TIME (seriously where were you 1.5yrs ago? Think about that and how much of forever ago it was) and then also literally have the love of Weller’s life disappear into thin air, when he had already spent 25 years of his life searching for the last person he loved who disappeared, and OH YEAH, WHO TURNED OUT TO HAVE BEEN DEAD THE WHOLE TIME???” Legit, if you actually take two seconds to think about it, this entire plotline is freaking awful and upsetting and yet the show will literally brush it off like it’s nothing, or merely a tiny insignificant blip in their lives. Just watch. And so again, this is one of those moments where Gero bedazzles us into not being upset by things which very much should upset us. But ANYWAY, Hirst is there because the team has been kidnapped, and I use the word ‘team’ lightly here, because they literally haven't seen each other in like a year because everything fell apart after Jeller abandoned them to go puppysit in Colorado. Anyhow, a mysterious box with Jane’s name on it (or her maiden name at least, no one can convince me that the woman for whom Weller is her home wouldn’t have taken his name and the belonging that went with it) was left in Reade’s apartment, likely because he’s the only one left in NYC because all the others bailed. Seriously I feel like this team’s breaking apart has given ME abandonment issues, so I have no idea how they’re all managing. But anyway the other nifty thing about the box is that it has coordinates on it, very possibly leading to Jane’s location. Congrats, Weller, looks like you don’t have to sell your apartment after all. And you totally have all the info you need to go find Jane, plus an excellent excuse, given that only she can open the box and help them save their friends (who they completely ditched two years ago). Fun times.
Jump to Nepal, and the scene from the finale. Now we know for sure that the hug was because Jane had never wanted to leave him, which is nice. Also that whoever left the box (lbr we all already know it’s Roman) literally made it so the two of them HAD to solve this together. Looks like someone ships his his sister and brother in law lol…  Aaaand okay now Jane is glowing. She admits that it must have happened when she was in an accident some months ago that had her in and out of consciousness for days, and wow how must that feel for Weller? Hearing that she literally almost died months ago and he would never have known about it? Dammit Jane, I know you suffered without him too and that you were doing it for ‘good’ reasons, but I still think you were wrong to do it. If anyone has a time machine up their sleeve, please donate it to these guys so they can go back and make better choices.
But all realistic feelings aside, the pair are straight back into tattoo solving mode (admit it guys, you’ve missed this) and quickly figure out that the first clue is a reference to the place that Weller proposed to Jane-- St Mark’s Square in Venice. Which on one hand is ugh so sweet and romantic but on the other is… kinda unoriginal? Lol. But regardless I need to hear more about his proposal. How long were they in Venice? How long had they been together? Did he intend to propose the whole time or did it just happen? Why did they holiday in Venice as opposed to other locations? Tell me EVERYTHING, GERO. But anyway Jane’s like ‘It’s happening all over again’ and it’s easy to assume she’s unhappy about that, but then again, maybe she’s actually not? Technically working with the team on the tattoos was the best time of her life (with some exceptions here and there). Weller offers for her to stay out of it if she wants to-- which is big of you, Weller, it really is. I mean we all know you're desperately hoping she comes with you, but then again you want her to be safe, so… this must be conflicting lol. But of course Jane is down to rescue their best friends (again, friends that they abandoned #irrationallybitter), and lbr is probably super sick of climbing that damn cliff, PLUS can’t face leaving her hubby a second time, so together they set off to Venice. Yay!
Weller has taken some full-body shots of the new tatts (I feel like that had to be slightly awkward for both of them) and sends them through to the lab, where they are received by Stuart (onya for moving up in the world, buddy), Hirst, and… RICH DOT FREAKIN COM. I mean, we’ve all known for a while that he was returning, and suspected long before that, but honestly this is the moment that makes the episode for me. My fave is back and is making jokes about nudes, and all is right with the world.  Jane is like ‘wtf’, and so Weller gives her a rundown on all she missed-- namely, that her entire ‘family’ has become estranged-- Reade is working in a position that tbh feels above his ability and experience level, give that his predecessors are the superhuman Mayfair and the wonderboy Weller; Tasha the CIA-hater is now working for the man who tortured Jane; Patterson has literally moved as far across the country as she can, to do work as far from their FBI work as possible. See what happens when parents abandon their children, Jane?? Everything falls apart, so you better go fix it. Also, two things: first, I wanna know all about Rich’s dealings with the FBI in the last two years. Give me a spin off just about that, please. Secondly, did Rich and Patterson try to find Jane after she disappeared and how did they feel about their (apparent) lack of success?  But anyway ugh literally every line of Rich’s is pure gold. I love that he’s staying in the same safe-house she did?? Keeping it in the family lol.  And then ugh for all his jokes about the nudes etc, you can tell he’s legitimately concerned that they’re about to walk into a trap. Oh my baby loves and misses his friends and wants them back in one piece and I juST LOVE HIM SO MUCH
Meanwhile, in the fun bunker, Reade and Zapata wake up after being drugged, and while he’s all business, she’s like “it’s good to see you, even if it takes being kidnapped for it to happen” and we discover that they haven't spoken at all in the year since Zapata went to the CIA. Dammit Jeller, see what you did??? Everything is broken!!!  And now a long-haired Patterson is herded into their cell, and is understandably all ‘wtf’ about it. Well, at least they’re all in the same room again, right?
Seeing Jeller in Venice is weird. I walked right there in the spot where they're walking, many times. I saw everything they’re seeing now. And ugh Jane says it seems like forever ago that they were last here, whereas for Weller it feels like it just happened. Which subtly demonstrates how they’re no longer in sync, and then ugh Weller tells her that this was the first place he came to after she disappeared, going straight to the place that only they knew about, hoping that she was waiting for him. But she wasn’t, and ugh you can tell how much that hurt him, realising that she was never going to come. How long did he wait for her before he realised that?? Ugh. But I appreciate that she immediately stops to apologise and try to explain herself, including making it clear that her love for him was the driving factor behind everything she did. The choice of language by the writers is clever, though, because we (and Weller) hear her say ‘loved’ and neither of us know for sure if that love is still present tense or not. Which of course it is, but still, the suspense… But ugh poor Weller. He’s still so hurt. Jane can you just give him another hug please? For longer this time? Like, say, forever?  
Also sidebar: I’m holidaying in Vanuatu atm, and there’s an old guy swimming in the pool that I’m sitting beside, and he looked up at me as I was writing that last sentence and at first I thought maybe it’s because he’s a man and I’m female in a bikini, but then he goes (in a cute, accented voice) “Don’t work so hard. You’re on holiday! You should be relaxing!” hahaha. Don’t worry, buddy, I’ve been lazing by this pool for hours now, and I’m currently writing about some of my favourite fake humans. I’m all good.
Meanwhile back in the Blindspot world, Jeller find a case on the roof that has her tattoo on the side, and while Weller is all ‘wait for the bombsquad!!’ Jane ignores him and immediately opens it. Ah, Weller, did you miss this? I mean it’s just like old times.  Inside the case there’s a phone, and Jane calls the number, and Roman answers almost too eagerly. He’s clearly pleased to be interacting with them both, and proud of himself for his genius plan for ‘tormenting’ them (while also bringing them back together, freeing Jane from the hit on her, and giving him an excuse to interact with them whenever he wants). Aw, my psychopathic lil boy just misses his family. Honestly it sounds like he’s gone through a fair bit of trouble to get to the guy who holds the hit out on Jane and give them a way to take him down… a way that involves kinda almost killing Jane but eh, could be worse? And then ooooh they realise from the bells that he’s right there in the square too, and omg as Jane is asking him how they get their friends back (answer: apparently they don’t) she’s spinning around looking for him, and right behind her is a walkway with a snack bar on one side of it, and man I have such clear memories of walking along that walkway to our hotel or stopping into that snack bar for gelati. Ugh, I miss Venice. And then he says her name again (dude it’s Jane WELLER, not Doe) and she spots him and takes off after him and Weller suddenly panics because he doesn’t know where she is (ugh my poor boy) but luckily he manages to take the exact right turn to find them (do you know how easy it is to get turned around in Venice?????  He’d have never found them) and he jumps onto Roman’s getaway boat which is badass, and after what seems like several minutes of an unpleasant upper-body workout he manages to pull himself up on the boat and attack Roman. Meanwhile Jane, who got left behind earlier, has managed to just about catch up to them despite having commandeered what appears to be the Italian version of a motor-pontoon.  Also Roman manages to keep his sunnies on throughout their fight which is pretty damn impressive considering that Weller has bodyslammed him a couple of times as well as punching him full on in the face more than once. But eh. Weller does manage to dislodge Roman's jacket as he gets literally kicked off the boat, though. Good thing Captain Jane and her trusty vessel aren't far behind, and pick him up. I like that she called him Weller; that’s right Jane, just because it’s your name now too doesn’t mean you can’t still call him that. Oooooh but rather than being grateful for the rescue, Weller is too busy being upset with Jane for ditching him, which he’s understandably just a tad sensitive about these days. Looks like these guys have still got a little bit to go in terms of getting their groove back. And while Jane is lamenting Roman’s escape, Weller shows her the phone from the pocket of Roman’s jacket, his voice all proud. Yeah, son, you did good.
Back at the lab, Stuart is still being antagonized by Rich, who I have to say pulls off those flowered shirts better than I would have believed possible. Though lbr, I gave up on trying not to be inexplicably attracted to Rich a long time ago. While they’re cracking the encrypted phone, Jeller go ahead with Roman’s plan to get rid of Jane’s bounty. Not that the munchkin is happy about it, of course, but Jane is determined to have her life back-- lbr, after getting to see Weller again after all this time, there’d be no way she could ever let him go again. While Weller’s super against the death-mimicking drug, it gets support from Stuart and Rich, the former in simply confirming that it does what Roman says it does, and the latter detailing his own uses for it which include faked-death border crossings and, of course, ‘some sex stuff’. Not sure I wanna hear the sex stories, but the border crossings one sure has me intrigued. The guys do bring up one catch: if she doesn’t have the antidote within 90 mins, she’ll actually die.  Weller is NOT down with that, but before he can even get past the opening statement of his list of all the reasons why this is a Bad Idea, Jane stabs herself in the leg with the needle. His face is the most hilarious thing, like ‘Aaaaand she did the thing. Of course she did the thing. Why do I even ever try to talk her out of the thing, she always just does it anyway.’ lol. But let’s not forget there, he could literally grab the antidote right out of that case and stab her with it right now, completely counteracting the drug’s effects and preventing the plan from being able to go ahead. But she begged him to do it for her-- for them-- and there’s nothing he wouldn’t do for her. Especially if it gives him the love of his life back. And come on, it’s not a true Jeller moment until one of them does something the other tells them not to, nearly dies, and is saved by the other, so…
In the fun bunker, the (now loosely defined) team is trying to figure out where they are (no clue), and why they were taken, and Reade immediately assumes it’s something to do with Zapata’s work at the CIA, and the two of them are immediately at each other’s throats about it before Patterson plays mediator, trying to get everyone to focus. On one hand I agree with Reade, bc the CIA is pretty shady and I don’t trust them, but Zapata’s probably right when she says that it must be about their time in the FBI since all three of them are here. However some Spanish-accented military dudes appear a moment later and tell them to break into a fancy safe or die, and hmmmm that is not quite what I expected. While Patterson assesses the crackability of the safe (fairly easy apparently, and dude how could I ever forget how much I love Patterson) Reade gets his wet-blanket on, and starts preaching about how they shouldn’t open it bc it’s a government safe and might have dangerous secrets inside etc, whereas Zapata is all “pshh, that’s a problem for another day. Today’s problem is not dying” which I fully support. And then they’re at it again (and not ‘at it’ in the sexy way, which in this moment would be uncomfortable for all kinds of reasons) but in the squabbly bickery way, but Patterson interrupts with some much needed truth bombs: Reade is mad at Zapata for leaving, Zapata’s mad at him for freezing her out after she left, and the team fell apart after Jeller left and they’re all still trying to deal with that loss. And ughhh everyone missed each other and they’re all unhappy in their separate lives and clearly the solution here is for everyone to come back to the team and stay together forever and never let Gero break them up ever again ugh. But anyhow, like all Patterson rants, this one results in everyone being like ‘sorry mom what do we need to do’ and ugh I’ve missed themmmmmm
Back in Venice, Weller is rolling a duffel bag with his estranged wife’s death-adjacent body inside. Act natural, Weller, because this would be a really awkward time to get stopped by the cops. Also sidenote, he’s rolling that bag like it doesn’t weigh much at all, which I'm going to pretend is just because he’s jacked and not because there’s actually nothing in the bag that they filmed with lol. Anyhow, the bag is now up on the altar in a church filled with bad guys, and time is running out before Jane needs the antidote. Of course the bounty guy is late. Thanks for my blood pressure issues, Blindspot. Also another sidenote, but the guy who greets him is totally a silver fox. Too bad he’s soon to be either arrested or dead. Finally his boss arrives-- he got caught up watching a glassblower, which tbh I completely understand, bc that kind of thing is awesome-- and then lolllll he listens with a stethoscope for like 2 seconds and then does a blood pressure and then declares Jane dead?? Um, no. As someone who has certified the deaths of many people in the last three years, and also interacted with a lot of death-adjacent people, let me tell you that a) a blood pressure is useless, b) he would need to listen for at LEAST two minutes with the steth, and c) there are several other simple checks he should have done that totally would have given Jane away.  But whatevs, his lack of any medical understanding totally works in our favour.  Weller is all “cool I love that she’s dead and that I’m getting all the moneys for it, hey can I have a sec with the body please?” but nope, the dude has his cronies ready to take her to the in-house crematorium (wow, talk about a one-stop shop) and Weller’s al ‘coolcoolcool’ *punches the dudes out and stabs Jane’s body right through the bag before being pulled away and having his ass handed to him*. And okay Jane would not have woken up instantly like that but DAMN if it doesn't look cool with her slowly emerging from the bag like an avenging angel (cool parallel with the pilot, of course) and then she’s all ‘how dare u hurt my man’, leading to a shot like in those cartoons where two characters are brawling inside a closed room or building and all you see is like the door bending outwards and clouds of dust puffing up and windows rattling etc, and then BAM BABY, JELLER IS BACK AND KICKING BUTT and also looking like they’re both a little turned on by it which is kind of awkward but at the same time I fully support it and Idk there’s just a lot of emotions going on rn
Rich excitedly confirms that Roman’s plan actually worked and Jane is now free, and ugh I like to think that it’s not just because he can’t believe it worked but more that he’s just really happy for them bc he ships them so much and it also means that they’re going to be coming home and basically I just  want the whole gang back together ugh. That might be a little difficult though, as Rich informs them of the not-so-good good news-- Roman sold the other three into slavery, but thankfully he’s freaking awesome (and knows it) because he’s managed to figure out where they were taken. Lol at Weller's “Ugh he’s worse than Patterson” hahahaha. Ugh I just LOVE THESE GUYS. And so the others are apparently being held by the Venezuelan government, and Rich tells Jeller where, but they can’t have any official help (Oh Stuart: “shouldn't we just call the president or something?” my sweet summer child) and so Keaton is there to hook them up with some of his contacts and goddammit why is hating him so damn hard. And awww I love that lil baby Stuart is getting to play with the big kids these days, and awww Hirst is determined to get their ‘friends’ back (not their ‘agents’ or their ‘team’) and ugh this FAMILYYYY. It’s becoming increasingly apparent that the original family of five has now been joined by the cool wine aunt, the awkward and often annoying but also kinda useful uncle, the wacky flamboyant cousin, and the shy young nerd cousin now added into the mix.
In the fun bunker, Patterson is casually cracking the safe while snacking on her MRE, while Reade whines about his own food and Zapata messes with him for entertainment. Ah, good times. Then Patterson opens the safe-- literally the others seem to be barely there for anything other than moral support-- and they realise that  the safe contains a government computer, probably with a bunch of dangerous secrets on it. Uh-oh. Before they can argue more about the merits of dying for the cause, though, the baddies arrive. They want Patterson to decrypt the computer which is gonna take a hella long time. Awww ‘we paid for the best computer specialist in the FBI’, and ughhh she really is. And then it turns out that Reade and Zapata are literally just there as incentive for her to get crackin’ or they’ll be killed. Eeeep. But our Patty Pat is a genius, and the baddies made the epic mistake of providing sustenance in the form of MREs. Basically if they use the hot packets from the food to turn the computer into a flashbang, they can distract the baddies long enough  to overpower them and escape. Ugh I’m so proud of my lil baby genius. And she makes Reade apologise to the food for badmouthing it hahaha. Man I have missed this lil team so much!!
Up in the sky, Jeller are rushing to save their buddies, but also having The Talk-- aka the ‘what are we now?’ talk, bc lbr Jane so desperately wants their life together back, both as a married couple and as kickass FBI agents, but she doesn’t know if she has the right to have it back or if it's even what he wants, and then he’s all ‘yep let’s be married again we can just sweep this past 18 months under the rug please I’m good with that let’s just do that’ and ugh Jane admits that leaving him and their life was the hardest thing she’d ever done, but-- and man does he feel the ‘but’-- she really found herself after she left him. Oh man, what a kick in the guts. I totally get what she’s saying-- it’s not that she doesn’t want to be with him, or that she can only truly be herself without him, it’s that the puppy-sitting life in backwater Colorado is just not for her (Well, duh). She did it once to make him happy, but she can’t go back to it again or she’ll go stir-crazy. Well, good thing these new tattoos have given them both the perfect excuse to go back to their lives of kicking ass in NYC! Poor Weller though, he doesn’t understand yet, and the way his voice gets a little choked up just kills me. Oh Weller, just because she discovered who she is as a person without you (bearing in mind that pretty much her entire life that she can remember, you’ve been there), doesn’t mean she doesn’t love you with all her heart!
Now Jeller are at the compound, about to search every building individually when the others save them a bunch of time by causing a hell of a ruckus (exploding computers, gunfire, all-round hell breaking loose-- you know, the usual) and so Jeller have to adjust their plans. In a big, kick-ass way. I love the three making their big escape and then seeing the tank a roll up and aim towards them and they’re all ‘shit alright you got us geez we surrender’ and then BAM, the tank destroys the bad guys’ vehicles and probably everyone’s eardrums as well. I just love the wtf moment that these three must have when Weller suddenly pops up out of the tank-- dad’s here guys! Time to go! And then they’re inside and mom is driving and they all probably think that they’re hallucinating from something in the Mexican Style chicken stew and ughhhh they must be so relieved and Jane literally drives over a car bc ain't nothing getting in the way of getting her family to safety. Also lol Patterson must have been raking it in with the app designing because she’s all ‘I gotta buy me one of these’ haha. I’d love to see her cruising around NYC in one hahaha. And then ugh Jeller are all in sync again , taking out the baddies following them and the team is half-confused, half-happy and they have so many questions and then Reade’s “We got time, this tank is slow as hell’ lolllll. Well he’s not wrong…. wonder how long it took for things to get awkward??
Aaaand the team is safely back at the NYO, and Jane is in the scanner again, and Keaton is there again for whatever reason-- oh, because he wants the CIA to take the tattoo cases, while Hirst is all ‘bish please” in her excellent southern accent. So lemme guess, this is about to be a joint task force… and yep, Reade is all ‘this is the most sensible option’ like he totally doesn’t just want Zapata back. Haha yeah Keaton, you get me on this. It’s nice to see Reade stepping up and going head to head with the big kids, though I still don’t think he’s ready to be in this position (Are we forgetting the whole Jones thing and the drug binge??). But whatevs. Reade goes to tell the team about the joint task force and they’re like yeah duh, we’re all already in’. Well, except Patterson, who is playing a little hard to get. Maybe she’s still struggling to deal with all the Sandstorm trauma? And then omg “Rich is gonna brief us in Stuart’s lab” was the perfect sentence to say right then to convince her to stay haha. Well played, Reade. Patterson is not happy at all about Rich being involved, though Reade defends him which feels kinda weird but I also like it. I wanna hear more about their interactions. Again, spin-off, anyone?? Weller is all ‘oh god please where is the briefing just give us the briefing’ so after a lil more Patterson/Rich bickering (ah how I’ve missed that), Stuart tells them what they already know-- lots of tattoos to crack, so they better get…. Cracking (*insert finger guns here*). Patterson is now all in, refusing to leave this to Rich and Stuart (“No offense Stuart” hahahaha), and Jane is in too, despite Hirst offering for her to be free if she wants. Aww, Hirst. You are a sweetie pie. And then Rich: “Backstreets back alright! Six best friends and Stuart!” And UGH YES. Give me all the Rich, and all the Patterson and the Stuart and the ughhhh all of it. I do love that all joking aside, Rich does very genuinely tell Jane it's nice to see her again. He loves his Jane and he would do anything for her ugh
Oooh Jeller in their old apartment, and he’s all unsure whether she really wants to be there with him and she makes it clear that there’s nowhere else she wants to be, and yaaaas my boy acknowledges that the move to Colorado really didn’t fit her and that she’d given up a lot of her own happiness and personal meaning just to make him happy. So now they just need to strike a balance, which is all she wants-- to be there with him and be happy and in luuuurve while also kicking butt and saving people.  And then ugh he pulls her ring out of his pocket and he’s been carrying it EVERY DAY since she left and he rushes to tell her that she doesn’t have to put it back on until she’s ready and ugh she takes it and kisses him and then lord save me from how husky her voice goes when she tells him she’s missed him so much and ughhhhh he’s missed her too and ugh my babies are about to have reunion sex on multiple surfaces in the house and I’m so happy for them. Damn Gero yet again you have managed to make the thought of 18 awful months completely disappear in the face of this excellence, and it’s all too easy to just let you make me forget, and ugh I want to stay upset about it but I just can’t. Damn it you crafty wizard, how have you gotten me so under your spell….
Lol Aunty Hirst checking in with Reade, seeing if he’s okay with all his fam coming back, but also warning him (and us) that none of these people are the same as they were two years ago. And to prove that point, uncle Keaton and Zapata are having their own, much shadier  little conference about one of the tattoos, one that clearly points to something related to either them or the CIA in general, but it’s something they’re both very familiar with and won’t let the others find out about. Oooh, secrets. Speaking of secrets, Rich and Patterson have apparently been interacting regularly over the last two years??? And before anyone goes there, NO, I  I don’t think their relationship is at all romantic or sexual. I think they’ve been business partners of a sort (probably with Boston as well, since he and Patterson kinda became buds) and I also think that Patterson has been secretly helping Rich help the FBI with their cases. But again, I want to hear ALL about whatever they’ve been up to bc ugh I love these two and their dynamic though I also kinda wanna give Rich a hug and tell Patterson to be nicer to her weirdo cousin haha. Oh wait, you thought we were done with the secrets???? Nope, Jane is looking unhappy and  hiding a bunch of passports (probably given to her by Keaton) away the moment Weller leaves, and he steps outside their (apparently-renovated) building and immediately encounters Roman, who basically blackmails him to help him with tattoo-related stuff or he’ll tell Jane about ‘what happened in Berlin’. Weller is agrees to help immediately, which kinda makes it seem like whatever happened in Berlin was really, really bad. And again NO IT WAS NOT SOMETHING ROMANTIC OR SEXUAL. Geez, people. Neither Jane nor Weller would have slept with anyone else during their separation. To think so would be to have no understanding of either of the characters, or their character growth. Far more likely Weller did something that would be considered illegal or amoral, like killing someone, or something. Personally I think he and Roman encountered each other in Berlin and had an altercation wherein Weller injured and very nearly killed Roman, and Roman only survived by pure luck? That feels like a thing he’d want to keep from Jane, that he nearly killed her only family? Plus then he would kind of ‘owe’ Roman as well,. But idk, maybe it was something even shadier. Guess we’ll find out….
And so okay, I admit it. You've won, Gero. You’ve done a ton of things that have upset me or that I object to on multiple levels, but try as I might I can’t escape from your web. Looks like I’m stuck with this show, which means you guys are stuck with me and my recaps...
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nightclimes · 7 years
@farfromdaylight tagged me re: my current writing wips so i guess i’ll tl;dr some more about interregnum (and a couple of other things)
Interregnum, old kingdom series fanfic set twenty years prior to sabriel when the regency falls, because it’s a good timescale to have her parents meet. inspired by the the prevalence of fate and choice (my faves) and the “what if sabriel’s mother had some of the sight and had recurring dreams of her meeting with terciel and then it actually comes true?” and “what if terciel knew his wife was to die in childbirth since he accepts it so quickly?” and a plan came out of that. i’ve thought about this a lot, okay. (then i had to write it. damn.) it’s taken a lot of turns and had plenty of additions and some happy coincidences, and a lot of my build up is now paying off (and hopefully is, as i’m getting to write all the stuff i’ve looked forward to). this is probably the longest concurrent thing i’ve ever written and perhaps the first multi-chaptered thing i’ll ever finish, which should say something when it’s not like, idk, five chapters at most. this thing is a beast of a fic and my chapter estimate is at 37 - 35, actually, as the final two chapters are self indulgent epilogues - and i’ve currently written 31 chapters, posted 27. as of right now, it’s also about 125.5k words long. it’s that one insanely long fic you write and people talk about reading this level of longfic and you hope people might actually read this too since this is such a small fandom because it’s a book, lol, and it’s largely about ocs since terciel (whom i love) has such limited screentime in sabriel :’) i’d like to finish it (if not post it) prior to november, but with the advent of my cfs it’s been very slow going compared to what my wordcount used to be (that or it’s just so long and there’s so much i have to double check on). i’m in the home stretch now, though!
also as an aside (and not really something i’ve planned out) is a prequel to the prequel (rems please) which would be about a teenage terciel and the lover he mentions a couple of times in this fic but again that’ll end tragically but mainly i just want to write about boyfriends i’m ngl. (the only though i have for it is that the abhorsen family is friends with this old money tailor family (think clariel) from belisaere and he meets the oldest son and it’s mostly just a case of “holy shit i’m gay? i’m gay? holy shit” but more eloquently (he’s bi but you KNOW WHAT I MEAN OK he likes beautiful things and he knows what he likes fingerguns))
Thirteen Effect, final fantasy xiii/mass effect crossover in which the cast of xiii is flung into the original mass effect trilogy and takes on various cast roles and others are created to cater them. (so an au where it’s mass effect but with xiii characters. it works great i wrote a string of tweets about this and also throw thoughts up on its tumblr when i remember.) the goal of this would be to write the whole thing, all of it, but that’s... unlikely to happen, so at the moment my main focus is on “important relationship beats and/or first meetings”, which is a series unto itself. so far i’ve written about the estrangement of the farron sisters and their (sort of, not really) reconciliation just prior the attack on eden prime, but i have a few others in progress (the two below) and a few more in the pipeline (lightning and sazh at the blitz, for instance, and the first time fang met vanille).
the first of these is about serah (obviously, she’s my girl!!) when she leaves home and is on her way to the citadel, where she bumps into noel for the first time - noel being a turian who is also extra nervous because he’s on his way to meet yeul for the first time, who he’s been charged by the shadow broker to look after. also she meets snow on the shuttle and snow just falls absolutely head over heels in love with her which isn’t so much an au but actually canon that i get to write about because damn can you imagine how head over heels snow was for serah. can you even imagine. so tl;dr serah’s first meetings with her boys. i’m about a third? half? of the way into this one - i’ve got the current draft up on ao3 and am debating to split it into two halves, we’ll see.
the second of these is with team nora, which will be perhaps 3-4 chapters long, and basically detail how the each member of team nora wound up on eden prime. lebreau’s the disgruntled turian c-sec officer (think garrus) who asks for a posting and accidentally is assigned a human colony, but takes it anyway; gadot, local krogan mercenary, runs into quarian maqui who’s having a hard time on omega and they have some wild and wacky adventures which also lead to eden prime because maqui is a sweet quarian who deserves better than this; and yuj is a rebellious biotic teen from bekenstein who dyes his hair and joins the crew because he’s all about what’s Cool and In (also i guess his parents are at their wits end and if him being Cool means defending eden prime why not just take him). snow is the marine protecting the colony and mostly in charge of shuttle runs and defense exercises. i just really like the dynamic of this group and boy am i going to make them all super important in this au. look at this little multispecies family. look at it. (this is also my plan; i haven’t started this one yet.)
THAT’S IT, THOUGH... i don’t have anything else of merit to mention, haha, most of my writing energy goes into interregnum at the moment, but it’s been a good year in terms of actually writing things and i’d like to write more one shots. (or work on fansites. go do that, me.) i need to think of something for nano, but as of yet, i don’t have any ideas...
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empressarisu · 8 years
A lot of people have been posting their fic recs lately, so i'm curious. what's YOUR top 10 yoi fics? ;)
Oh… my god.. /sweats nervously/  okay.. so I just have to sift through the hundreds of fics I’ve read and pick just 10 of them??? hahah..hahaha.. easy enough.. (it wasn’t) :””””) i spent more than an hour trying to decide on these anon, how could u make me do this…. jk jk ilu but this was so hard :((
My top 10 Yuri on Ice fanfics (and why) as of 3/17/17:(in no particular order)
On My Love by RikoJasmine || @min-min-minnie
For the second time, the Sochi Grand Prix Finals arrive, and with it a reborn Yuuri Katsuki. “Viktor,” Yuuri thinks over the pounding of his heart, the crowd going silent as the music begins. “I’ll show the world what you meant to me.”
Yuuri often thinks of his life as Before and After Viktor Nikiforov, the marking point being the day Viktor swept into his life and turned his world upside-down. After many years together, an accident leads to Yuuri suddenly waking up in the Before—back in Detroit, before the GPF, before he ever knew Viktor as anything other than his childhood idol.
As if it had all been just a dream.
Ngl, this is my absolute fave fic. I’m a sucker for time travel AUs and the writing is just so?? beautiful?? There’s so much angst, but so much fluff as well. (Gods know I almost died from the latest update, it was just so cute) So, if you’re apprehensive in reading this because of the heavy angst, let me just tell you right now that it gets better and it’s worth it. 
katsuki_fc wrote by tetsurashian
Just because Yuuri isn’t big on social media, doesn’t mean his fans aren’t.
(aka a social media fic)
Yuri on Ice + social media? Count me the fuck in. It made me nostalgic for my LJ days from back then too. Ah good times.. It’s basically reliving all the feels and emotions we had when watching yoi. :”) I reread this from time to time because I just never get tired of it!
all the world’s a stage by braveten || @actualyuuri
Everyone has a guilty pleasure.
For Yuuri, it just happens to be romance movies starring famous heartthrob Victor Nikiforov.
(And, honestly, on the spectrum of guilty pleasures, he figures that his is on the far, far more innocent side.)
Yo… if you haven’t read this fic yet then you’re missing out on life, fam. Lol jkjk but really, this fic is perfection! The story has great flow, on-point characterizations and amazing writing with the right amount of fluff, angst, and smut! 
Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya || @kazliin
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.
Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
I’m pretty sure almost everyone and their cats and dogs and hamsters have already read this fic?? I have never cried so much as I did while I was reading this, and even now, weeks after it ended, I’m still shook and blown away by it. I’m both ready and not ready for the companion fic coming out this March 26. (Mark your calendars, folks!) 
You Can’t Plan for Everything by RivDeV || @contentwhatcontent
Yuuri forgets that he has a scheduled heat coming up until it’s just a couple weeks away. He scrambles to get everything ready in time, including deciding whether he’ll spend it alone or with someone. Victor only wants to help.
AKA. The slowest of the slowest burn in the history of fanfics ever, but the burn is so good. I know that people have mixed feelings about omegaverse, but I firmly believe that people should at least try and read this one. It’s very well written, and also different from most ABO fics I’ve read. It throws most of the ABO tropes/cliches out the window. 
Kings in Couture by slightlied || @forovnix
a devil wears prada au in which victor is the editor-in-chief of a fashion magazine, yuuri’s his new secretary, and instead of talking about his feelings, victor just sends him on a bunch of errands—“Okay, okay. Ready.” Yuuri starts scribbling as the voice on the other end, someone from the Style and Trends department, relays instructions. “Sorry, can you please spell ‘Gabbana’?”
The person on the line promptly hangs up on him.
Awkwardly, he sets the phone back on the receiver. “Guess not.”
Devil Wears Prada AU. ‘Nuff said. Okay so this is just like 2 chapters right now, but I’m already in love with it and everyone should read it?? Just.. fashion. Katsuki Yuuri and the Jeans™. Read it and you’ll know what I mean. Just do. It has ruined me for life and /deep breaths/… Katsuki Yuuri and the Jeans™
Ink on Ice by Daughter of Vayu (aquaregia) || @aquaregiastuff
Because a mangaka and figure skater just didn’t mix together. Or so people thought until they saw Katsuki Yuuri and Viktor Nikiforov.
AHHHHHHHH, this fic is so good! It just makes my belief true that whatever career Viktor and Yuuri end up in, they’ll always, always end up finding each other and fall in love. They’re just so pure I can’t even-
Like a Fairytale by lucycamui || @lucycamui
In which Prince Victor gets swept off his feet at a royal banquet and will go to any length to find his ‘Cinderella’ Yuuri.(And Phichit is the fairy godmother who has no idea what he’s doing).
“The crown prince of the Nikiforov kingdom, infatuated with a mystery pastry chef he’s only just met. This is exactly the kind of scandalous love story my life has been missing… So, what’s he look like? What exactly is Prince Victor’s type?”
“Well, he does make pastries.“
Fluff. Fluff. And oh, have I mentioned the fluff? No? Then… Oh my god the fluff. This is where I run to when the angst gets too much in other fics, tbh. It’s so cute and heartwarming and sweet and perfect and hilarious, and just generally amazing. My heart is bursting with rainbows and fluff.
On ICE!!! by Watermelonsmellinfellon || @helly-watermelonsmellinfellon
The first time Katsuki Yuuri saw Victor Nikiforov perform, he realized he had a great desire to see figure skating in a video game. In fifteen years, his dream is realized. Little does he know that Victor’s attention has been caught by the very game he unknowingly inspired. So ensues the cutest meeting ever and the relationship that follows.
I believe every fandom should have a Video Game AU. :”) Alright so, this is another fic that’s just bursting with fluffiness?? It’s so cute and I’d really sell my soul to get a copy of that video game Yuuri made. I want it so, so bad ugh.. (Oh btw, this author has a lot of great yoi fanfics ya’ll should check it out)
centripetal force by braveten || @actualyuuri
Victor speaks seven languages.
(Physics isn’t one of them.)
Luckily, though, he ends up rooming with his antithesis: a shy, black-haired boy who just so happens to be a physics major.
Is it obvious by now that I’m actual trash for Maddie’s fics. Anyway, this fic is honestly #goals. Oh wait.. Every fic of hers is #goals tbh. Plot, characterization, dialogue, everything. I honestly have no words other than: Amazing, fantastic, beautiful, and wonderful. (Go and read all her fics, yo)
I missed many other wonderful fics, but for now, these 10 are the ones that left a huge impact on me. :”) I’d like to take this moment to thank these wonderful authors for all their hard work in making these amazing fics! Thanks for sharing these gems to us!
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