#i have been laughing about this parallel for like ten minutes
revvethasmythh · 4 months
How it started:
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How it's going:
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bunnylovesani · 7 months
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He Was a Boy, She Was a Girl
Summary: Sam has never been the most reliable neighbour- but will he have your back when the opportunity arises?
Content warnings: Fluff with the tiniest bit of smut at the end
WC: 2.4k
Sam Monroe was nothing if not an asshole. If the mailman mistakenly delivered only one newspaper, he would rush out to make sure he was the first to get it. If you were studying and asked him to turn the music down, he’d crank it up to full volume until the walls vibrated. The one time you were sick and couldn’t wheel the garbage out to the end of the road, he laughed at your plea for help, kicking the piled-up bin on his way out. What’s more, he came over again later just to complain about the smell while you answered the door wrapped up in your duvet, sniffling through your painfully reddened nose.
There was no doubt whatsoever that Sam was a self-centred, lazy, abrasive boy. You’d learned long ago that if you wanted something done, he was not the neighbour to ask. So why were you so obsessed with him? 
Maybe it was his steely cold good looks or the way he endlessly teased you that got you hooked but one thing was certain- he would never like someone like you. 
Or at least that’s what you thought. Though the bravado he put on was impressively convincing, behind the layers of angst and attitude was a boy who had been smitten with you for years. He’d observed you closely since you were kids; your bedroom windows were parallel to each other and you weren’t too fond of closing your curtains. How could he not fall for you when you left taped-up paper notes for him on the glass, signing every message off with a heart? He’d roll his eyes and shut the blinds in response but a smile would creep up on his face once he was out of sight.
That’s just the way you were, tooth-rottingly sweet and resiliently kind despite his many attempts to enforce a distance between you. But you gave your kindness out to everyone- he could tell by the way you chirped “Good morning!” to the whole street and the wide grin that was always plastered on your angelic face.
Yes, it was clear as day that your brightness was not reserved for him, which is why he was decidedly careful not to mistake your warm-hearted nature for something more. 
He didn’t see the way you baked your cookies just for him, swapping out the chocolate chips for raisins because you knew he preferred those even though you couldn’t stand them. He didn’t know that your beaming smile was only there because he’d crawled out of his room long enough for you to catch a glimpse of him that day. Just like you didn’t know that there was no smell coming from the bins that day, he just needed an excuse to see you were okay. 
“Sam! Come on, open the door. I know you’re in there.” You sighed, tapping your foot impatiently outside his house. 
“What?” He huffed, opening up with half-lidded eyes and his usual boorish demeanour. 
“There you are, I’ve been knocking for all of ten minutes. Brad needs a flat nut tool for his guitar and I thought it sounded like something you’d have.” 
“Brad?” He raised his eyebrow. “That Neanderthal has taken up playing?” 
“He wants to be a guitar tech.” You chewed on your bottom lip, his scrutinising glare piercing into you. 
“And he can’t buy his own tools?” Sam turned around and walked off into his room with you trailing closely behind. 
“He says he forgot to buy this one.” You shrug. 
“Well too bad, I’m not loaning my best tool to a guy that forgets to turn up to his own finals exam.” 
“That was one time!” You defended him though you weren’t entirely sure why. 
“One time too many.” He lands back into his unmade bed with a soft thud. “You know he wants to fuck you, right?” 
“Brad? No way.” You shake your head fervently. 
“Oh, yes. He’s pretending to be your friend, taking you out to all these parties, just waiting for an opportunity for you to let your guard down.” 
“You’re too paranoid, Sam. I mean, honestly. Not every guy wants to get in my pants. I mean, you should know. You can barely tolerate me.” You chuckle mirthlessly, hoping in vain that he would refute your claim. 
“Yeah. I suppose.” He clears his throat and sinks deeper into his duvet, awkward energy filling the air. 
“Well, I’ll be on my way. Sorry for bothering you.” You turn on your heel. 
“Bye.” He grunts as you make your way out of the house. 
In hindsight, what you’d asked of him was embarrassingly silly and you knew he’d never agree- but you would take any excuse to talk to him, even if the conversation was uncomfortable. 
As you strolled the few steps it took to reach your home next door, you saw Brad standing by your porch. 
“Hey there, gorgeous.” He smirked, opening his arms to pull you in for a hug. 
“Brad?” You hugged back confusedly. “What are you doing here?”
“Do I need a reason to see a friend?” He quipped disingenuously. 
“Uh, I guess not. I asked Sam about the flat nut but he doesn’t have one.” Your gaze wandered to Sam’s bedroom window, which faced out to your porch. 
“The what? Oh, that. Ah man, that really sucks!” He slapped his leg insincerely.
“Yeah…I should be going now, thanks for stopping by.” You try to shake him off but he steps in front of the door before you can enter.
“Woah, woah, wait. Saying bye so soon? But I came all this way.” He cocks his head and you feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.
“That’s why you should’ve called first.” You try to sidestep but he grips his broad hands on your shoulders, holding you in place. 
“Don’t be rude.” He warns, beady eyes darkening. 
“Get your hands off me!” You slap him across the face and wriggle out of his grasp, pushing him aside to run into the house. You slam the door shut, locking every bolt and key you have before peering out the peephole to ensure he’d left; he trudged down the porch muttering curses under his breath until he was out of view. Sliding your back down the door and bringing your knees close, you exhaled a shaky breath. Sam was right. 
“Hey, hold up!” Sam shouted as he ran out of his front door to catch up with Brad, who had just passed his front yard. 
“The hell do you want?” He grumbled, stopping for a moment to observe the scrawny, pale specimen marching towards him. “I don’t actually need the damn flat nut.”
“Oh, this isn’t about the tool.” He chuckled, giving himself no time to think about how much taller or broader his opponent was before his arm reared back and he punched Brad square in the jaw, knocking him down to the concrete pavement. 
“You come near her again, I swear to God. I’ll show you what flat nuts look like.” Sam spat, enraged by what he’d seen unfold through his window.
“The hero act is adorable. It really is.” Brad wheezed. “But she’ll never want you.” 
“If you so much as look at her again, I will put you in the fucking ground.” Sam recoiled venomously, adrenaline and fury pumping through his veins.
Before being tempted to do something more drastic, he paced over to your front door, giving himself a moment to diffuse before ringing the doorbell.  
“Hey. You okay?” He asked breathily once you answered. 
“Quickly, come in.” You ushered him in and looked both ways before locking the door securely behind you. “You were right, Sam. He tried making a move on me! And he wasn’t best pleased when I didn’t play along.” 
“What an idiot.” Sam shook his head disapprovingly as your eyes filled with tears. “Oh come on, don’t cry. You know I don’t know how to deal with that.”
“Sorry.” You winced, wiping them away immediately as he scratched the back of his head, a conflicted expression painted across his face. 
“Why are you here?” You sniffled, remembering you forgot to ask. 
“Oh, um, I- I came to ask if you wanted to get some ice cream.” He declared somewhat unconvincingly, subtly scanning you to make sure you were unharmed.
“You? Want to get ice cream with me?” Your eyes stopped watering at the thought.
“I’m craving some, why not bring you along? It’s a nice day and there’s an ice cream truck parked right down the road.” He gulped, hoping you wouldn’t question his out-of-character behaviour. 
“O-okay.” You nodded, chest feeling lighter at the thought of a strawberry scoop. 
“Come on then, slowpoke, out you get.” He opened the door and swung his arm out. 
“Coming.” You chuckled, Sam’s teasing instantly brightening your mood. 
He guided you down the road, thankful the truck was in the opposite direction to the block he’d had his scuffle with Brad. 
Halting before the white van, you observed the myriad of flavours on display and pondered. 
“We’ll have one cone with vanilla and one with rum and raisin, please.” Sam announced to the balding ice cream man before you could interject. He swiftly scooped up the creamy spread and gave it to you both, eyebrows furrowed at the scrunched-up 5 dollar note Sam handed him in return.
You gulped at the brown-mauve lump, not wanting to appear ungrateful but struggling to hide your displeasure. 
“You love raisins, right? You put them in all your cookies.” Sam sucked at his melting white scoop and you glared enviously. 
“Of course, yeah.” You muttered as convincingly as you could before licking a stripe up the unappetising glob, careful to avoid any rogue raisins. 
“How is it?” He asked earnestly. 
“Amazing. So tasty. Wanna try?” You nudged the cone his way but he shook his head.
“I’ll stick to my boring vanilla.” He winked before taking a crispy bite out of the wafer. 
Using strategic nibbles, you could stomach the flavour of the rum by swallowing it whole before the sickly taste had time to disperse. The raisins, however, were a different kind of challenge. Whenever Sam looked away, you took the opportunity to quickly pick the morsels off and toss them to the ground. He was too lost in his usual grumbling, heightened by the excitement with Brad, to pay any notice. Finishing the last of your cone with a sigh of relief, a shiver coursed through your body.
“You cold?” Sam nudged your shoulder against his own. 
“A little.” You shrugged, acting like it was the weather and not the monstrosity you’d just ingested causing your goosebumps. 
“I didn’t bring anything.” He tutted, stopping in his tracks. “Let me run back and get you something.” 
“No, Sam, it’s fine-“
“It’ll only take a minute.” He interrupted, already jogging back towards the house as you took a seat on a nearby bench. It was pointless arguing with him.
Sam retrieved a black fleeced hoodie from his coat rack and quickly paced his way back, not wanting to keep you waiting. As he caught up with you, he noticed a trail of little brown lumps scattered across the pavement, each fleck spaced a couple metres apart. Squinting, he peered closely until the details came into focus. Are those raisins?
Somewhat carelessly, Sam tossed the hoodie in your direction and you grabbed it with a grateful nod. You draped it over yourself with a contented hum, the warmth of his scent enveloping you. 
“Thanks.” You smiled gratefully. 
“No problem.” He sat down besides you, keeping a small distance. “Let’s play a game.”
“What kinda game?” You cocked your head curiously. 
“One of those rapid fire ones. I ask short questions and you have to say yes or no really quickly.” He explained with a faint smirk. 
“Okay, hit me!” You slapped your palms against your thighs excitedly. 
“Alright. Is pink your favourite colour?”
“Do you love roses?”
“Do you like Brad?”
“Is today a Saturday?”
“Do you love me?”
As soon as the word left your lips, your breath hitched and your mind began racing with ways you could take it back. Sam smirked and shuffled back on the bench, spreading his legs apart and resting his hands behind his head.
“Is that so?” He raised an eyebrow, clearly taking pleasure in your humiliation. 
“As a friend. As a neighbour!” You interjected frantically.
“Don’t try to backtrack now. You love me.” He laughed, shoving you playfully as you dropped your head into your hands, keen to hide your reddening face. “Why did I find a trail of raisins leading up to here, huh?”
You raised your head to meet his gaze, now softened and sincere.
“I hate raisins.” You mumbled.
“And you put them in all your cookies because?”
“I knew you liked them.”
“I thought as much.” He hummed, his suspicions confirmed.
“Look, Sam- it’s a really stupid crush, I’ll get over it, I promise. This doesn’t have to change anything, right?” You whined desperately.
“Of course it does. It changes everything.” He shook his head. 
“What? No, Sam, please-“
“Now I can finally do what I’ve been wanting to for years.” He turned to face you, Adam’s apple bobbing with apprehension. 
“Wh-what? Wait, Sam-” You quietened, shrinking into nothing as he drew closer. 
“Shut up.” He grasped your jaw firmly and you melted into his touch as he grazed his bottom lip against yours. “Enough talking.” 
Your whimpering was swallowed by the plump pink lips that enveloped your own, fingers tangled into your hair as he kissed you in a way that made you feel his years of longing. The soft, wet flesh smacked messily and filled your chest with an aching desire, unlike anything you’d experienced before. Strings of drool connected your lips as you pulled away reluctantly for breath. 
“You’re a good kisser.” You panted breathlessly, blissfully unaware of your surroundings or the judgemental glares you’d been getting from passers-by.
“Come back to mine and I’ll show you what else I’m good at.” He smirked, wiping the spit off his deliciously swollen lips. 
You wanted to play modest but you knew there was no use resisting- by the end of the night, you’d be bent over his unmade bed, scrunching up the sheets with balled-up fists and moaning out his name as he mercilessly moulded himself into your squishy guts.
You couldn’t wait.
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stanzie · 8 months
(I Just) Died In Your Arms Tonight — Sirius Black x reader
CW: mentions of panic attacks, graphic depictions of sex, alcohol
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Looking at Sirius Black is like having a panic attack. Your heart seems to stop, yet pounds a million miles a minute, you lose the ability to take into oxygen, and your knees go weak. The only difference, really, is that where having a panic attack merely convinces you of your imminent death, look at Sirius Black for too long, and you might actually achieve it.
So why can’t you stop?
It started when you were younger. Much younger, in fact, you were only six years old when, like a weak and helpless insect, you got sucked into his Venus flytrap. Your grandparents had thrown a big charity ball, raising money for your father’s latest research. Why the Black’s had decided to accept their invitation was lost on all, you remembered there had been quite a stir when they arrived. Either way, you had been plucked from the crowd by your grandmother and presented to Mrs Black, who in turn had introduced her son. He was clearly spoilt rotten, you could see it in the way he tossed his head like a stubborn colt and stuck his hand out aggressively to shake yours. Yet there was a certain wildness present in his volatile demeanour that intrigued you and kept intriguing you, all throughout your few encounters through childhood and then your time at Hogwarts.
Now, over ten years later, you find yourself in an uncannily strange parallel. Sirius Black certainly isn’t supposed to be at the Ravenclaw party, yet he had come anyway. Everyone else is too drunk to notice, but you, of course, do. You always notice him. This time, strangely, however, he seems to pick up your presence too. It’s probably the makeup, or the fact that this time you aren’t wearing floor length robes, but a dress that is… definitely not floor length.
As usual, the symptoms of looking at him start to catch up to you soon. Yet tonight, you’re feeling braver than usual, and manage to hold his gaze. Maybe it’s all the liquid courage flowing through your veins. He crooks an eyebrow, a silent question at your unapologetic stare, to which you reply with only a mysterious smile. It takes every bone in your body to turn away and walk into the crowd. As soon as you do, the aftereffects hit you like a truck. Heart pounding and breath stolen, you need a drink.
You head to the table where all the bottles are lined up, selecting the firewhiskey from the mix and pouring a very (more than) decent into a glass.
“Feeling thirsty?” An amused voice interrupts you, causing goosebumps to prickle up your spine.
You drain the glass dry in one swift movement, before turning to face him. “Yeah. It’s pretty hot in here.”
“I noticed,” Sirius replies, voice laced with suggestiveness as he comments, “You Ravenclaws sure like to turn the temperature up, don’t you?”
“Oh, I’m sure we aren’t nearly as… fiery as you Gryffindors,” You rebuff, smiling playfully. He laughs, which emboldens the drunken part of your brain (the sane, rational part of your mind is currently hyperventilating into its pillow). “Speaking of Gryffindor, you aren’t meant to be here, are you?”
“No, but aren’t you glad I came,” he teases charmingly, managing to stop your heart with a wink. “Besides, I happen to enjoy doing things I shouldn’t,” He adds on, eyes briefly flicking down to your lips.
If your entire body isn’t bright red by now, you’d have to seriously consider researching the link between brewing firewhiskey and potions designed to enhance bravery.
“Oh really?” You test him, knowing full well of his troublesome reputation but deciding to ask anyway, “Like what?”
“Well. There was the time we stuck all of Dumbledore’s furniture onto the ceiling of his office.”
“Wait what? Seriously?” You ask in amazement. You’d heard a lot of stories about him and his friends, but this is one you hadn’t chanced upon.
He grins, replying, “Oh, believe me, I am always Sirius.”
You groan, “Merlin, that was awful. Please tell me that’s the first time you’ve used that joke.”
“It’s a great pun!” he protests.
“It’s really not, but don’t worry, I’ll forgive you. It’s not that Sirius,” you respond, meeting his eyes earnestly.
He blinks owlishly for a moment, before bursting into laughter. You can’t help but join in, giggling a little. Eventually, he sobers up. “Ok ok, you beat me there. Honestly, and I thought I was the sneaky one. I’ll have to keep my eye on you.”
It’s dumb, but his final phrase makes you practically vibrate from pleasure. Finally, it feels for a second like you’re the one being looked at, not helplessly gazing at someone a million miles away. You know that will fade though and the thought brings your mood down slightly. Still, you’re determined to bask in the present moment. “You? Sneaky? I don’t believe it.”
“Hey, I’m plenty sneaky! I do sneaky all the time.”
You shake your head and smile. “No, you break the rules. That’s only sneaky if you don’t get caught, and, well, how many detentions have you had this year?”
“Oh I stopped counting ages ago.”
“See my point?”
He shakes his head. “I still disagree. Just because I get caught sometimes, doesn’t mean I don’t do plenty sneaking behind the teachers back.”
“Oh yeah? Prove it.”
His eyes glitter dangerously underneath the stars that detail the ceiling. “Deal.”
You can’t look away as he holds up a hand to seal the dare, and dumbly bring yours up to meet it. Only, as soon as his fingers have closed around yours, he sets off for the exit. You lurch after him initially, but pause when he gets to the door, digging your heels in to make him look back.
“Where are you going?”
“Don’t you mean where are we going?”
“I’m not—“ you falter. If it’s a question of spending time with him, you know you’ll go wherever he does. Besides, something about his devilish grin and tight grasp suspects you’ll be going with him whether you like it or not.
He laughs at your realisation and then turns back to the door, pushing his way through and leading you after him. Immediately after you step over the archway, the party goes dead silent, a consequence of a particularly powerful silencing spell. Ravenclaws are careful, or at least they normally are, with whatever is happening between you and Sirius right then being the exception.
He’s humming a song, one you recognise as being by a band called Diffindo Group, the lyrics ringing in your mind… I just died in your arms tonight, it must’ve been some kind of kiss, I should’ve walked away…
“I love that song,” You state, dimly self-conscious of how cliché a comment it is.
“Is that the kind of music you usually listen to?” He asks, looking back at you.
“Kind of. I also love Centaur rock. They just really understand the beat, you know? I think it’s the hooves.”
Sirius bursts into laughter and you blush from head to toe, unable to believe you’d just said that. Maybe firewhiskey made you too brave.
“You’re a weird girl. I like that.”
The compliment gives you even more courage. You’re starting to feel like you were sorted into the wrong house. “Hmmm, well I can’t lie Sirius, you’re starting to come off a little bland. I’m disappointed.”
“Bland?” He gasps, snapping his head to you.
“Yep, I mean, what kind of adventure is this? Where even are we?” You look around the stairway, unable to make it out in the dark.
“Firstly, our deal was that I prove how sneaky I can be, not creative. Secondly, this is an amazing adventure. And finally, you’ll find out soon.”
“Oh no,” you whisper, “This is where you murder me, right?”
He laughs and shakes his head. “Calm down, Miss Auror. If I was going to murder you, I’d be taking you down not up, so I could pin it on the Slytherins.”
“Comforting!” You reply, taking a gulp of the firewhiskey bottle still in your hands. Quickly, you regret it, since being out of breath and drinking the strong liquor forces you to splutter a little. Sirius chuckles, taking it from you and having his own swig as you topple over the landing. You reach the top, looking around until you realise where you are.
“The divination classroom?”
No wonder you didn’t recognise it. You’d never taken the subject, so it was your first time up here. Still, the amount of crystal orbs was a dead giveaway.
Sirius smiles proudly. “Wait till you see this.”He moves across the room and fiddles with something, until warm light flares up in the room and pictures are cast across the ceiling.
“Wow. What is this?” You ask, gazing at the rotating glyphs on the ceiling.
“I have no idea. All I know is, one day when I was supposed to be doing a detention for breaking an orb, I was messing around back here and accidentally switched this thing on. It’s cool though, right?”
“More than cool,” You reply, lying down on one of the fluffy blankets on the floor so that you have a better vantage point. “I wonder what it says.”
“Probably banging on about the grim or the dangers of curtains,” he replies, settling in next to you. “That seems to be all Professor Vablatsky yaps about.”
You giggle and turn on your side to face him, putting one hand on his arm and faking seriousness. “Well you know, those curtains really are just death in the making. So many tripping hazards, oh and all that long fabric —practically a noose.”
“Ah don’t worry, I’ll keep you safe.” He says sliding a protective arm over you.
“My hero,” you giggle, “How ever shall I thank you?”
You notice how close you are to him. Upfront, his eyelashes are unfairly long, and you can just make out the grey in his iris in the low light. They flicker briefly to your lips before flashing back up again and meeting your gaze. You never thought you would be this close to him, had never imagined this happening, yet now it is and you feel in a strange way, like you’re dying in his arms. Giddy and unable to think properly.
“I can think of a few ways,” Sirius whispers hoarsely, shifting his head towards yours. He’s so close that his lips almost touch yours.
“Sirius,” you murmur, a silent plea. He takes mercy upon you and presses his lips against yours, softly and slowly at first, then much faster.
It’s heated. Mad and passionate. You start to forget to think, and just feel instead. His hair, his skin, him. His hands trace the edges of your dress, and impatiently, you pull it over your shoulders, flinging it to the side. Pulling back for a moment he just looks at you, sweating in a manner that makes you blush. You pull him down and kiss him again, his hands finding your lower and holding you snug against him.
Then, he moves his head down to the base of your neck and sucks, exploring his way around your collarbone and then down, down until your hands are in his hair and your legs around his neck. You whine, panting as he licks and nibbles and whispers soft things, like “Baby you’re so wet for me.”
Your hips buck and you beg, “Sirius please. Please. Please.”
He groans into you and the feeling of it sends you over the edge, your mind going blank and brain melting as your hips spasm.
He lifts his head up, eyes dark and lips swollen as his hand replaces his mouth. Hair dishevelled and inky around his cheekbones, he watches you orgasm in rapture and murmurs, “Good girl. Good girl.”
Eventually it fades, but he never stops, and you gaze at him lustfully, before asking, “Come here, let me… let me touch you.”
Body shaking from arousal, he lifts himself up to you on his elbows, kissing your lips. You can taste yourself on them, mixed with firewhiskey and smoke. You push him onto his side with one finger, running your hands down him and helping him remove his shirt. His skin is hot, and you scrape your fingers down his chest ever so gently, earning a slight moan of arousal from him as his eyes lid with pleasure. Unbuckling his belt, you work him free from his trousers, placing your hands over his member and smiling as he hisses and his fists clench.
“Sirius, baby, look at me,” you instruct and allow it takes effort, he controls himself enough to observe you as you take him in one fist and pump. He moans once more and you smile, whispering, “I want you to watch. Can you do that for me sweetheart?”
He nods jerkily and you smile with both lips, before lowering your head down and taking his cock in your mouth. A slew of curses leave him at first contact, which only grows louder as you roll your tongue over him and then bob your head, taking him deeper into your throat before pulling up again.
“Fucking hell,” he whimpers, reaching to tuck a piece of stray hair behind your ear. He strokes your temple with his thumb, “You’re so beautiful. Don’t stop. Please don’t stop.”
You hum in agreement, earning another moan from him, and take him even deeper this time, creating a rhythm that quickly has his balls tightening.
But before he can come, he stops you, placing a hand against your shoulder. “Wait, wait,” he says, looking like it physically pains him to do so. “We should… I want to…”
“Ok,” you say, getting the gist of what he’s trying to articulate despite his straining brow. You move up his body, angling your hips against his, so that you’re grinding against his full, hard length. “Is this good?”
“Yes,” he manages to utter, his strained voice betraying his arousal.
You grin you roll against him so that his dick slides just in between your lips. “And this?”
He looks at you, something sparking in his eyes. “You’re teasing me.”
“I might be,” you chuckle and he laughs.
“Well now that’s very naughty behaviour,” he reprimands, “And naughty girls get in trouble.”
“Oh do we? What’s my punishment then?”
“This.” He flips you over, so instead of you being on top of him, his hips now hover above yours, and attacks your face, neck and chest with short pecks.
You squeal, laughing as he keeps going, until eventually his lips find yours once more and embrace you into a passionate kiss. Eventually you break away from him and hook your leg around his hips, tilting yourself up towards him so that he gets the idea.
“Sirius,” you repeat looking into his eyes and running your hands through his hair.
He says your name back to you, before kissing you briefly, and then pausing to ask. “Do you have—”
“Oh right,” you reply, grabbing your wand from your discarded robes nearby and casting a quick protective spell.
“Ok. And just to be clear, you definitely want to—”
“Yes!” You reply impatiently, before slowing down and repeating softly. “Yes.”
“Ok then,” he smiles nervously, before lining himself up with you and gasping as he pushes in slowly.
“Merlin you’re so tight,” he whispers and you smile blissfully as he fills you up, a pulsing warmth growing in your core.
“Keep going,” you urge him and he shakes as he enters, arms trembling. Eventually he bottoms out and you whimper from the feeling of fullness, tilting your head up to kiss him passionately.
He drags back inside you and then moves forward slowly once more, before speeding up as his hand moves down to help you enjoy it. Not that you need the help, since with every push and pull your eyes nearly roll into the back of your head. Eventually you become completely incoherent, babbling his name and other incomprehensible noises as the two of you move together in perfect harmony. He stares into your eyes, murmuring encouragement as everything builds and builds and builds.
“Sirius I— I—” you struggle to say as the heat pooling in you only grows but he simply nods.
“Wait for me baby. Wait for me,” he instructs and you nod helplessly, holding on as much as you can.
He becomes faster and faster, moving in a frenzied manner, and you totter closer to the edge until eventually he nods and whispers, “I’m here. I’m with you.”
It’s his words that send you completely over, everything fading into a golden blur as your body quakes and trembles. You spasm around him, inner walls tightening, and he groans, unable to do anything but hold onto you as he finally comes.
Both of you ride it out together until eventually the wave fades, and you smile up at him, kissing him tenderly. He collapses against your chest, sweaty and skin burning. His head falls onto your collar and you smile, stroking his hair and whispering tender nothings into his ear. Warm, strong arms twist around your waist, holding you close to him as he breathes in your scent. You haven’t felt this safe, nor this close to anyone, ever before really.
Eventually the two of you stir, and chat about everything and nothing over the remaining firewhiskey. Sirius laughs at one of your jokes and you tease him about his behaviour when you two were younger. It’s after you tell him a story about the first detention you ever got that you notice he’s hard again and you giggle. “Really Sirius?”
“I can’t help it,” he shrugs mischievously, “All that talk of you in those rubber gloves, scrubbing…”
You howl with laughter, and he quiets you with a kiss that leads even further until eventually he’s asking, “Round two?”
You giggle and nod your assent. You figure that just for tonight you can be careless. He’ll forget about you in a couple of weeks probably, and that will be tough when it happens, but a crew the consequences. Who said tomorrow had to come? As far as the world is concerned, you just died in his arms tonight.
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amuseoffyre · 9 months
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Double trouble - Jack and Anne parallels:
pretending to have made a whoopsy after doing intentional damage for fun and profit
talking about graphic violence with relish
playing nice with a dagger under it for their own amusement
passively aggressively targeting Stede in a way that could pass as accidental
being overtly sexual to annoy/upset others
laughing at people having genuine emotional ties
First intro to Anne and I couldn't see how she could ever have been with Jack. Ten minutes later, it was like Ohhhhhh, no, not only would she be with Jack, this is where he learned it and she was probably the person who set his arm on fire XD
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nanamin-nah-nanamine · 4 months
hi!! i saw you were doing matchups! (i really love your work btw❤️)
a little about me:
- 5’4, she/her, Black, im pretty small, no ass no tiddies (okay a little tiddy but. theyre small.) just vibes LOL
- personality wise, i’m very quiet, more of a listener, unless you get me talking about something im super interested in. im a bit of a space cadet, pretty forgetful & distractable but I try my best to pay attention, and I write down important things about people I care about to help me remember things. i’ve been told I have a bit of a RBF, but I become very bubbly once i’m comfy with someone. also I love to laugh, once i’m comfy I tend to make a lot of jokes with people.
- hobbies: crochet, cooking, gaming (I love a good visual novel or an RPG, depends on my mood), & reading books & comics/manga
- im a programmer for work, so im very into coding/tech
- style: I have to “dress up” for work, so during the day im in pretty basic office attire, a blouse + skirt combo or some nice pants, maybe a dress if its nice out. I love gimmicky/cute accessories, so I have lots of earrings shaped like frogs, vegetables, butterflies, etc, I love me some cutsey stuff. but my preferred state of being is pretty casual/comfy, usually a crop top or a hoodie + sweatpants/baggy jeans.
You sound absolutely adorable
I am going purely based on vibes 🔮 buttttt I think you would look absolutely cute with🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁
Suguru Geto!!
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I feel like since Sugu is also quiet and a good listener you two would work really well together. I really think he prefers a bubbly and cute partner and he wouldn’t mind guiding you and reminding you of things bc bro you’re his baby girl😭
I think he’s one of the characters that also prefers someone shorter than him and he’d find your height difference and overall physical differences to be adorable. He’s definitely picking you up and slinging you over his shoulder if you catch an attitude with him.
I don’t know why but I’m really thinking cult era Suguru😭 if he calls you a monkey you better pop his ass tho🤨 cause we don’t play that around here
I’m thinking cult era particularly since he’s making a lot of money and he’d definitely want to fund your hobbies and need for cute things. His card is your card. I could also see him getting you a lot of custom kimonos because you gotta match his fly bbg😭
He’s buying you the nicest computer on the market for your coding and gaming. No you can not refuse, he will make you take it.
His casual style is also very comfortable as we’ve seen in the manga/anime so when he’s not before his followers I think you two would have a lot of matching sweatsuits and pajamas inside the house.
Activites you do together…
•I’m seeing a lot of parallel play, after a long day of killing people he just wants to curl up in bed with you while you two read🥰
•he’s taking you anywhere you want to go on rainbow dragon. You just gotta say the word, you could be in Paris for your lunch break and back at the office with ten minutes to spare😭
•shopping!!! This man is completely at your service, you just gotta take his card while he holds your bags.
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fox-daddy · 5 months
The arcana as stolen memes again, again
Julian; the desire to disappear vs the desire to be held and wanted
Mc: what is the most complicated way to cook an egg?
Nadia without missing a beat: Atmospheric re-entry
Mc holding an egg:...well shit
Muriel: What if instead of stepping out of my comfort zone I step into an even comfier zone?
Lucio: huge fan of when my speech patterns rub off on people enjoy when that happens
Lucio: NEVERMIND, my mum just said skill issue to me
Mc: I wish I had the ability
Muriel:...to do what?
Asra: I think we should have glowstick juice injected in our bones when we're born so if we break em there's a fun little surprise
Mc: whats the surpise?
Julian cutting in: blood poisoning
Lucio: if you step on a person's foot they open their mouths, just like trash cans.
Mc: trying not to encourage him by laughing*
Mc: one time Asra put a glass of milk on the table in front of me and I meant to ask them 'who's milk is this?' because I wasn't sure if it was for me or if they were putting it down on the table to go grab something else and I just stared down at the milk and said 'who's this?' and they turned around and without missing a beat said 'that's your new friend mr.milk' then we stared at each other for a solid twenty seconds before they asked if I was high.
(modern day arcana *not the au faking it*)
Nadia: the worst part about parallel parking is the witnesses
Mc: you know their are no witnesses if you're bad enough at parallel parking
Mc; those moments when straight people assume you're one of them and you feel like a gay secret agent
Nadia: lebionage
Portia:bi spy
Julian: it's an ace case
Asra: secret gaygent
Nadia: 'kobe' is for accuracy and precision while 'yeet' is for power and distance
Mc: I can turn this into dnd stats
Mc:Kobe is dexterity, yeet is strength, oof is constitution, tea is intelligence, yolo is wisdom, and wig is charisma
Mc; You want to know one of my favorite facts? If you leave a hamster wheel out in the forest wild mice will come and run on it. That is one of my favourite facts.
Muriel:... bobcats and lynx's will sit in cardboard boxes abandoned in the forest. I asked Asra about it and they said 'cat's' while shrugging.
Mc; George Washington died in 1799, 15 years before the first dinosaur was classified. So therefore, Gorge Washington never knew about dinosaurs
Portia: Why does this make me so sad?
Nadia: if you add two pounds of sugar to literally one ton of concrete it will ruin the concrete and make it unable to set properly. Which is good to know if you want to resist something being built, French anarchists used this to resist prison construction in the 80's.
Portia: I'm just going to go ahead and take a note about this for purely educational purposes.
Julian: you got to be dunkin my doughnuts
Asra: you gotta be hutting my pizza
Portia: you gotta be mackin my donalds
Nadia: you're really innin my outs here, buddy. You're fivein my guys.
Lucio: ya whiting my castle. Ya darying my queen. Ya steaking my shake.
Mc: but are you belling my taco?
(ones with my oc's because why not)
Hunter: stuck in an elevator because Portia decided to jump?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: fucken mint
Hunter: Julian's had three panic attacks in ten minutes?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter:Muriel hasn't said a thing since we got stuck?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Lucio being immature and yelling the whole time?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Asra has just been listening to music and trying to call Nadia to come get us?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Kyle has to pee so bad he might get a bladder infection?
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: Lucio's going to be the one we blame because we all hate his fucking guts
Everyone minus Muriel and Julian: Fucken mint
Hunter: I've got some kind of allergic reaction going on and my face is breaking out in a bad rash and Julian is freaking out and wants to take me to the hospital. Portia was like 'let's not make any rash decisions' and we high-fived and now Julian is yelling at both of us.
Hunter: someone will be like 'coca cola can remove rust from metal imagine what it's doing to your body' like psssh removing the rust obviously
Nadia: that's not how that works
Hunter: Yeah? while I don't have rust in my body so check mate
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softhairedhotch · 11 months
another hotchgan fic, this time they've been married for some time. rest of the fics for this month will go back to being aaron x reader fics so keep an eye out for those :)
comfortember day eight: grief/mourning
aaron hotchner x derek morgan
derek visits the graveyard and aaron finds him there.
word count: 1k
content/warnings: mentions of death, insecurities, doubts, but there's comfort at the end <3 established relationship
comfortember masterlist here!
also on ao3!
Derek finds himself at the graveyard. He's not sure why he's there, it just feels right at that moment. It takes him a few minutes to gain the confidence to leave his car, drowning out the calling of birds and wind alike with music to calm his nerves. Finally, though, after he tells himself that there's nothing wrong with what he's about to do, he switches off the music, grabs the flower from atop of the dashboard, and jumps out before he can talk himself out of it again.
Finding the grave is simple enough, remembering the route from the funeral as if it happened yesterday even when it's been years. The hard part is getting himself within ten feet of it without feeling guilt claw viciously at his chest. Deciding that he's close enough for now, he stares at the headstone with a heavy heart. 
"I'm gonna talk to you from here, if that's okay," he says out loud, feeling embarrassed. "I just wanted to… thank you. Not for dying or anything, no, but for giving me the chance to get to where I am now. With Aaron." He huffs out a laugh, fiddling with the stem of the flower. "That's basically just me telling you I'm glad you're dead, isn't it? Well, I'm not."
There's no reply, although that's no surprise. 
"Aaron still talks about you all the time. And Jack. He misses you; they both do. I'm not sure why I'm here, to be completely honest with you, I just… I needed… I don't know." 
Derek takes a few tentative steps toward the grave, anxiety bubbling low in his gut. He doesn't like feeling this way. Like there's a weight on his chest that may never go away. 
"I think I'm here to see if, well, if what I did was okay. Dammit, that makes it sound like I killed you or something. That's not what I mean. It's…" He shakes his head in anger. 
Birds fly overhead, singing a tune he's heard countless of times. His mind wanders to Gideon and he smiles solemnly when he imagines the man telling him the species and what their cries really mean. Probably something along the lines of you're not alone or everything's gonna be alright, he thinks, although he's sure the man would have made that up just to ease his mind. 
Taking another few steps forwards, he finds himself parallel with the bench in front of the headstone. He figures that, since he's already made it so close, he may as well sit down, too. Taking a deep breath, he leans forward and gently places the flower down onto the ground. 
"I just hope you're okay with this," he whispers after sitting there in silence for a few minutes. "I mean, your sister is, but she's not you, and I feel like I need your permission. I don't know. Aaron and Jack are happy, I think, with me. In their lives. But… it's not you, I can't be… you." 
"And I'm not asking you to be her." 
Derek jumps, turning around on the bench so fast he gets whiplash, and he chokes on air. "Jesus, Aaron," he almost yells, hand moving to hold in his beating heart. "Warn a man next time!" 
"Warn a man when I'm coming to visit my ex-wife's grave?" He asks, a small smirk on his lips. 
"Well, no, I, no, I mean, dammit, sorry." 
Aaron smiles, sitting beside him. He reaches out for Derek's hand, bringing it to his lips and pressing a kiss to his knuckles before dropping their joined hands over his own thigh. "You don't have to be sorry, Der." 
"You're not mad at me for being here?" 
He hums in response, eyes reading over the text written on the headstone before him as if he hasn't already read it a million times over the past ten years. "'Course not. Why would I be? Haley would be happy to have visitors."
"I'm not sure she'd like her ex-husbands new husband visiting her, though. Practically stole you from her." 
"Now we both know that's not true," Aaron sighs, squeezing his hand. Derek avoids his eyes. "Hey, look at me. Please?" Derek hesitates before looking up at him. "She died before we even so much as acknowledged we had feelings for each other, and even if she hadn't, we'd still have been divorced. She'd be happy for us." 
"But… yeah, she would." 
"Then why are you here?" 
Derek shrugs. "Guess I've been having doubts lately." 
"About us?" Aaron asks, unable to hide his hurt. 
"What? No, no!" Derek turns in his seat, a panicked look on his face. "That's not what I mean at all. I mean… I don't know what I mean." 
Aaron sighs and nods, wrapping his arm around Derek and tugging him into his side. Derek hums and rests his head on his shoulder, looking at the grave. "You feel like you've forced your way into a family that already existed."
"How do I stop feeling guilty about that?" 
"I don't know what to tell you, Derek. But just know that I love you, and Jack loves you, and whether you feel like it or not, you are a part of this family. You didn't force your way in, we let you in. We allowed you into our lives because you make us happy. You have a place here. With us."
Derek's chest feels tight and it takes him a few moments to collect himself enough to speak. "You really mean that?" 
"Of course I do. Wouldn't say it if I didn't." Aaron presses a kiss to the top of his head. "You know I love you, right?" 
"Mhm. I love you, too."
"I'm glad. Now let's go pick up Jack from school, okay? He has a big project he needs help with." Aaron stands up and gently tugs Derek up by his hand. He presses a kiss to his index and middle finger before lightly pressing the on top of the gravestone for a few moments. "Hope you're okay," he whispers. "Miss you." 
Derek watches sadly, an ache in his heart. 
"So," Aaron says, turning back to him and beginning the walk to the car. "How do you feel about making a fake volcano?"
tag list: @hotchs-big-hands @criminalskies
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A/N: I love you like Sammy loves Redwing.
Created for the 14 Days of Valentines community project, hosted by @muddyorbsblr
Series masterlist
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Includes: A little fluff
Summary: In a half-empty tower with a cagy Thor, Wanda takes a new route to interpret your situation
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As bowls and spoons swoop to the counters, the elevator dings. A no-nonsense blond walks in.
"Hey," she greets. "Are they on the quinjet already?"
"They should be," Wanda checks the time and introduces you to Agent Sharon Carter. "You filling in for Loki?"
"Yea. Cap said they need someone to cover medical." She nods back the way she came. "I better get going. Nice to meet you!"
Ten minutes later the doors open again, their ding accompanied by toppling and a strangled "No!"
A Pop-Tart box skids to a stop at your feet as you peek around the wall.
You place the turkey-clad container on the counter, moving to help the distressed god. "Hey Thor, need some help?"
He kneels amidst a pile of paper bags, Pop-Tart boxes strewn in every direction. "Yes," he sniffs, scooping his hoard back into the sacks. "I shouldn't have tried to carry so many at once, but school is getting out and the football mothers are sure to abscond with the rest."
You stifle a laugh, helping carry them to the kitchen. "It looks like you'll be set for a little while at least."
"But I don't know if stores will restock them before your Day of Giving Thanks and as Kel's Logs have deemed, the cranberry-orange flavor will only be available through Yuletide." He methodically begins assessing each box, dusting them off before assembling his display on the pantry's highest shelf. "I only hope I haven't harmed any in my enthusiasm."
Crisis averted; he looks at you uncomfortably. "My lady is too kind, given what my brother has done. To assist me after his affront to your honor...you are far too forgiving."
"Affront to my honor?"
Thor glances at Wanda, then awkwardly scoops up the remaining bags. "You know, I-I believe I'll just take the rest of these to my room. Wouldn't want the captain stress-eating them." He flees.
"Do you know what he's talking about?" you ask. "Nothing happened on our date. At all. Why is he freaking out?"
"Hm," she thoughtfully arranges pineapple slices in the pan. "Have you heard of the Richards Theory?"
"Can't say that I have."
The cherries, batter and pan float into the oven together. "FRIDAY," she waves you toward her room, "set a timer for 45 minutes."
"Yes, Ms. Maximoff," the AI responds.
"Ok," Wanda sits, patting the space beside her. "I think I might know what's going on, but I need you to tell me about your dream. All the details, not just the sexy ones."
You nod and take a seat on the bed. "We were kissing in a field, but it wasn't like our date. It felt like we'd been together for years. Like we'd known each other our whole lives. And it was...comfortable. No nerves or anything, just safe.
"We weren't worried about impressing each other and we said the 'L-word' like we say it every day. I think I knew the field we were in too. It felt like...home? But I know that sounds silly. I've never been there before."
Wanda snorts. "I'm a telepath and you're dating a god. Nothing sounds silly anymore."
A thick, purple book floats over from the shelf and she flips through it. "Here," she moves to show you the page. "Richards hypothesized that ours is not the only universe. He said we're just one of many parallel universes stacked on top of each other.
"Assuming that's the case, he went on to suggest our dreams are not creations of our subconscious, but rather our other selves' experiences in their own realities."
"Okay," you pause. "So, you're saying that if this theory is correct, what I dreamed last night actually happened? In some other universe, where Loki and I have been together for a decade." She nods. "That explains why it felt so real, but not what Thor said about 'affronting my honor,' or why Loki ran off."
You're contemplating how to get a straight answer out of Thor when the window lights up and the whole room glows. For a moment it's as if you're standing beside a giant prism.
"That's the Bifrost," Wanda says. "Either Loki's back or Thor ran off to avoid interrogation. Shall we?"
A/N: Thanks for reading!
Taglist: @peaches1958, @javagirl328, @loopsisloops, @goblingirlsarah, @buttercupcookies-blog, @lovelysizzlingbluebird, @cakesandtom, @ladymischief11, @km-ffluv
Let me know if you’d like to be added to the list.
Next part
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elvendara · 1 year
AU-gust day 18
18 Aug 23 Time Travel
It was lonely. Living away from humanity, from the hub of life. But what other choice did he have? He was a man out of time and barred from interacting for fear that he might taint the timeline. The only problem was…that guy that kept showing up!
“You’re never going to grow anything like that.” Saeran sighed and shook his head, standing he turned to look at the blond.
“You’re back. I told you…”
“Yeah yeah yeah, but I couldn’t let you die out here.” The blond laughed and knelt by the garden. Well, what could laughably called a garden. Saeran had tried to hoe in parallel rows, but they ended up pretty halfhazardly. “You really should put the herbs in smaller planters so you can move them away from the harshest rays of the sun.” Setting his huge backpack down next to him, he actually pulled out four clay pots.
“I…I don’t neet you help.” Saeran growled, knowing it fell on deaf ears. All his technology and he was banned from using any of it, just in case anyone saw him or found it once he was dead. Most of it was buried deep in the ground. Sure, some day someone might find it, but by then it would only be a strange mystery, hopefully humanity would be long past his technology.
“And remember, don’t drench them with water. You should water out here early morning or evening, so the sun doesn’t evaporate most of the water.”
Yoosung, his name was Yoosung. He’d introduced himself the first time they’d met, even though Saeran had made it perfectly clear he wasn’t interested in a friendly chat. After that, he hadn’t been able to get rid of him, even out here in the middle of nowhere. Every few weeks he showed up again.
They could sure use someone this persistent on his ship. His eyes wandered to the skies once more, wondering about his brother. Saeyoung would never give up on finding him, no matter what. But there was no guarantee. The accident that sent him hurling into the past wasn’t something that could be easily recreated, but it wasn’t impossible, and after all, his brother was a genius. Either way, it was the only hope he had, technology in this age wasn’t nearly as advanced as he needed it to be to attempt getting back on his own.
“Might as well stay for lunch.” Saeran said and walked back into his small, poorly erected home. More like a shack really. He should try harder to keep the man away, but he was so lonely. He’d already been here almost five years. Yoosung had shown up in the past year.
Ten minutes later Yoosung walked in and straight to the sink to wash his hands.
“All done, now your garden looks like a proper one.” He grinned. The smile was contagious and Saeran couldn’t help but smile back. He set the bowls down with the vegetable stew and sat.
“Hey, not bad, I was ready to spit it out.” Yoosung laughed.
“Ha ha. You’re lucky I gave you anything.” Saeran answered.
“True. You’ve never been this nice to me before.”
“I figured if I wasn’t going to get rid of you anyway, might as well make it a more pleasant exchange.” He shrugged.
“Hah! I knew you’d come around. You know, I could help you fix the place up. I’m not great with a saw and hammer, but I can follow direction pretty well.” He offered.
“You should really…” he stopped, knowing it wouldn’t matter what he said. Yoosung was going to keep coming back. And he admitted to himself, he wanted him to. “OK, fine, but if you’re going to help, you might as well set up outside so I can have easy access to you at all times.”
Yoosung’s eyebrows went up.
It took Saeran a few seconds to realize that what he’d said could insinuate. “You…you know what I mean!” he stuttered.
Yoosung laughed and winked at him, “Too bad.” Saeran blushed, flustered he buried his head in his bowl.
Life here was primitive to what he was used to. Living was more difficult, but, some things would never change, one of those things was companionship. And…love.
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abbygrabska · 2 years
Rise Of The Cybermen
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We are all hanging out in the tardis. The Doctor and Rose are both slumped in their chairs while Mickey and I stand by the console.
The two of them are telling a story to Mickey while I listen silently. We’re all hanging out in the Tardis; the Doctor and Rose are both slumped in their chairs, telling the story of a past adventure, while Micky and I stand by the console.
“Um, what’re you doing that for?” The Doctor asks, looking over at us
I glance at Mickey, who’s been holding his finger on a button for at least half an hour.
“Cos you told me to…”
The Doctor blinks, “When was that…?” I roll my eyes, “About half an hour ago. And you told him not to let go until you said so.”
“Um,” The Doctor pauses, “You can let go now.”
Mickey lets go of the button, “How long’s it been since I could’ve stopped?”
“Ten minutes… twenty… twenty-nine?”
“You just forgot me!”
The Doctor tries to justify ignoring him, “No, no no! I was just… I was just… I was calibrating. I was just… no, I know exactly what I’m doing.” Then the tardis console violently explodes, sparks and flames flying everywhere. We fall to the floor as the tardis shakes.
We all fall to the floor.
The Doctor scrambles to his knees, frantically trying to operate the console.
“What’s happening?!” I shout.
“The time vortex is gone! That’s impossible, it’s just gone!” He sees something on the screen, “Brace yourselves! We’re gonna crash!”
The tardis lurches and we’re thrown backward. Gas masks fall from the ceiling, and all the lights have gone out, leaving us in the dark.
“Everyone alright? Rose, Mickey, Abby?”
The three of us answer before we all stand slowly.
The Doctor looks at the rotor and the console, “She’s dead.”
There’s a clicking noise as the engines cool down, and smoke rises from the console.
“The tardis is dead.” He whispers, slowly walking around the console.
“You can fix it?” Rose asks.
“There’s nothing to fix. She’s perished.” He pulls a lever back and forth fruitlessly, “The last tardis in the universe… extinct.”
“We can get help, yeah?”
“Where from?”
“Well, we’ve landed, we’ve gotta be somewhere.” I say, walking to the door with Mickey.
“We fell out of the vortex, through the void, into nothingness. We’re in some sort of no-place… the silent realm… the lost dimension…”
Mickey looks out the open door, “Otherwise known as London!” He laughs and steps out, and the rest of us slowly follow.
“London, England, Earth. Hold on…” He jumps off the low wall and picks a paper out of a dustbin, looking at the cover, “First of February this year, not exactly far-flung, is it?”
Rose jumps down and looks over his shoulder.
The Doctor jumps down and looks around, offering me a hand to help me down, “So, this is London.”
I ignore his hand, getting down by myself.
“Your city.”
“That’s the one.”
“Just as we left it.”
“Bang on.”
“And that includes the zeppelins?” I ask, staring at the sky.
The other two humans turn to look.
“What the hell…?”
“That’s beautiful.”
“Okay. So, it’s London with a big international zeppelin festival.”
“This is not your world.”
“But if the date’s the same…” He seems to work it out, “It’s a parallel, right? Am I right? Like a parallel Earth where they’ve got Zeppelins, am I right? I’m right, aren’t I?”
“Must be.” “So, a parallel world where…” Rose trails off, I turn in the direction she’s facing. 
“Oh, come on. You see it in films. Like an alternative to our world where everything’s the same but a little bit different, like… I dunno - traffic lights are blue, Tony Blair never got elected…”
I interrupt Mickey, “And he’s still alive…”
“A parallel world and my dad’s still alive…” She makes her way over to the poster.
I join her and offer my hand in support, which she takes.
“Don’t look at it, Rose. Don’t even think about it. This is not your world.”
“But he’s my dad… and…” She touches the poster, and the picture of Pete springs to life for a moment, saying ‘trust me on this’ with a wink and a thumbs up.
Rose steps back, “Oh, that’s weird. But he’s real! He’s a success! He was always planning these daft little schemes; health-food drinks, and stuff. Everyone said they were useless. But he did it.”
The Doctor suddenly grabs her by the shoulders, “Rose, if you’ve ever trusted me, then listen to me now. Stop looking at it! Your father’s dead. He died when you were six months old. That is not your Pete. That is a Pete. For all we know he’s got his own Jackie, his own Rose. His own daughter who is someone else, but not you. You can’t see him. Not ever.” Rose gives a tiny nod. I squeeze her hand in comfort.
Rose and I stroll along the bank of the Thames. We sit down on a bench and Rose opens her phone. Footage of the news plays. We watch for a few moments before she closes it.
The Doctor and Mickey walk towards us.
“There you are! You all right? No applause, I fixed it!” The Doctor shows us a power cell, “Twenty-four hours, then we’re flying back to reality.” He sits down next to me and holds the power cell up to show Rose.
His grin fades as he notices the phone in Rose’s hands, “What is it?”
“My phone connected. There’s this Cybus Network, it finds your phone. It gave me internet access.”
“Rose, whatever it says, this is the wrong world.”
“I don’t exist.”
“What do you mean?”
“There’s no Rose Tyler. I was never born. There’s Pete, my dad, and Jackie… He still married mum… but they never had kids.”
“Give me that phone.” He tries to grab the phone from her.
Rose pulls it away from his grasp, “They’re rich. They’ve got a house and cars, and everything they want.” She pauses, “But they haven’t got me.”
She stands up, walks away from the bench, and turns to face the Doctor, “I’ve gotta see him.” “You can’t.”
“I just wanna see him.”
“I can’t let you!”
“You said twenty-four hours!”
“You can’t become their daughter, that’s not the way it works! Mickey, Abby, tell her.”
I share a look with Mickey, and we both stand.
“Twenty-four hours, yeah?”
“Where’re you two going?”
“We can do what we want!” I snap when he reaches for my hand.
Rose starts walking backward in the opposite direction, “I’ve got the address and everything.”
The Doctor looks from me and Mickey to Rose, “Stay where you are, all of you! Rose, come back here! Mickey, Abby, come back here right now!”
“I just wanna see him.”
“Yeah, We’ve got things to see and all.”
The Doctor looks between Mickey and me, “Like what?”
“None of your business.” I glare.
“I’m sorry. I’ve gotta go.” 
The Doctor turns between the three of us. We’re all walking away.
I gesture to Rose, “Go on then. Mickey’ll keep me safe and you’ll keep Rose safe. We’ve got twenty-four hours to do whatever we want.”
The Doctor runs after Rose.
We walk alongside a factory, there’s a group of military barring up the road ahead.
A soldier approaches us. “Are we alright to get past?”
“Yeah. No, bother. Curfew doesn’t start ‘til ten.”
Mickey and I share a confused look but continue.
Once we get past the barrier I tell him, “I’m gonna go see my grandma, meet you back here in a few hours.”
I approach the Powell estate and climb the stairs up to my old flat. Right when I go to knock on the door, it opens.
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My eyes widen in complete shock, it’s me standing in the doorway.
She looks at me in confusion, before her eyes widen, “Oh, my gosh…” She pulls me inside the flat.
“I always knew there were parallel universes! I just didn’t realize that when I reached out, one would respond!”
I look at her bewildered, “What the fuck do you mean respond?”
She pulls me over to grandma’s bedroom and opens the door. She waltzes in and turns on the lights.
“I’ve been studying parallel universes for ages, I even built a machine to try and reach one.” She pulls a sheet off of an airway radio, “It’s made from old radios and some ear-pods from Cybus.”
“You built a functional multiversal communication device?” I gush, “I thought that would be impossible! How did you do that?”
“Well, the transmitter from Cybus is the most advanced stuff around, though I suspect your world has something better if it brought you here to my universe. I had to hook it to the closest power grid just to turn it on for a minute. And the only thing the radio picked up on was this beautiful singing. Then the whole block's power went out.” She rubs the back of her neck, “Luckily no one found out it was me, ‘cause the security cameras lost power which meant the footage was lost.”
“Singing?” I furrow my brows, realizing something, “The tardis sings to me all the time.”
“What’s a tardis?”
“The tardis is a spaceship, it stands for time and relative dimensions in space. She’s the last one in the universe, and she’s fully sentient.”
“You have a sentient spaceship?!” She grabs my shoulders.
“Yeah, well it’s not mine, it’s my… friends. He’s from a different planet, one that invented time travel. Anyways, the tardis communicates telepathically, so if she knew it was a variant of me then she must have looked into your head. That’s why you heard the singing.”
“But why did that cause you to come to my universe?”
“I’m not quite sure. The tardis has a habit of taking us where we need to go, as opposed to where we want to. Ya know, to help people. There must be something very wrong in this universe for her to nearly die getting here.”
“Well, aside from everyone having those Cybus things in their ears all the time, which I didn’t get, 'cause I’m not stupid I’ve seen way too many disaster movies for that. There have been homeless people going missing off the streets into these big Cybus trailers. Which unnerves me because what the fuck are they doing with the homeless people?”
“Yeah, that sounds weird. Do you have any theories?” I ask.
“Yes, but Ricky never lets me get a word in, he thinks all my theories are stupid because I believe in the multiverse.”
“Does Ricky happen to have a blind grandmother that he used to live with?”
“Yes! Do you have a Ricky in your world?”
“Kinda, except his name is Mickey and in my world, his grandma died a while back. Speaking off, what happened to our grandma?”
“She’s dead. And there’s nothing left for me in the states since our family died when I was twelve.” “That’s not what happened in my world. Though I guess anything could happen considering Rose was never born here.”
“Who’s Rose?”
“Our best friend, and Mickey’s sort of girlfriend, they’re going through a thing right now so…”
“So Mickey’s not your boyfriend? Ricky’s mine.”
I make a face of disgust, “That makes me uncomfortable. Mostly because the entire time I’ve known him, they’ve been dating.”
“That makes sense, though I’m curious about the friend who you said has the time machine.”
“Oh, that’s the Doctor, he’s my… oh god, I don’t think we ever made it official.” “Made what official?”
“I’m in love with him, and up until the other day I thought he was in love with me, but then he made out with Madame de Pompadour right in front of me and I’ve been mad at him ever since.”
“Yes, and I’ve risked my life to save him from certain death!”
“What an asshole!”
“I know!”
We talk for about two hours about random things, including the Doctor and what differences we have in our lives, and I figured out her name is Gabby. Her phone rings.
“Oh, I’ve got to get this, it’s Ricky.” She picks it up, “Hey babe, you’ll never believe what just— Oh? That’s great, I’ll be there in a minute. Yeah, love yo—” She awkwardly puts the phone down.
“He never lets you get a word in does he?”
“Not really.”
“Then why are you still with him?”
“I don’t know. It’s better than being alone all the time.” She shrugs, “Anyways, let’s go, they’re picking us up in the van.”
We exit the flat and gun it down the stairs, right as we exit the estate, a van pulls up and the doors open.
She gets in and pulls me with her.
“Mrs. Moore, Jake, Ricky, this is Abby, she’s me from an alternate universe. Abby this is Mrs. Moore, Jake, and Ricky.” She seems to notice Mickey in the passenger seat, “Oh! This must be your alternate universe counterpart!”
Ricky looks at her, “What are you going on about?”
“My theories about there being a multiverse were right! And apparently, it drew in a spaceship from an alternate universe.” She smiles.
“Oh, that explains this one.” Ricky gestures to Mickey, “Hang on, how did you draw in a spaceship?”
“I told you the machine I built would work, and it did, it drew in a tardis, that’s the spaceship's name.”
“That’s great, babe.” We pull up to an address and Jake and Rickey crouch in the bushes.
“I’ve identified the address. It belongs to Peter Tyler. The Vitex millionaire.” I look at my variant in concern, “We gotta get in there.”
Mickey nods, “Yeah seriously.”
I watch Ricky run out and fire guns at the Cybermen.
Rose fusses with his coat.
Gabby, Mickey, and I run toward them.
“Rose! That’s not me. That’s like… the other one.”
Rose stares at him, then at Ricky.
“Oh, as if things weren’t bad enough, there’s two Mickeys!”
“Don’t talk about him like that!” Gabby and I chime in unison.
The Doctor turns to look at us, blinks and looks back at the robots.
“We’re surrounded…”
Ricky raises his gun.
“Put the gun down. Bullets won’t stop them.”
Jake ignores this and fires a rally. 
The Doctor pushes his gun aside, “No! Stop shooting, now!” He straightens and addresses the surrounding robots, “We surrender! Hands up…” We all stick our hands up, “There’s no need to damage us, we’re good stock. We volunteer for the upgrade program. Take us to be processed.”
“You are rogue elements.”
“But we surrender.” “You are incompatible.”
“But this is a surrender!” “You will be deleted.”
The Doctor starts shouting, “But we’re surrendering! Listen to me, we surrender!” “You are inferior. Man will be reborn as Cybermen but you will perish under maximum deletion.”
The Cyberman raises its arm and reaches toward the Doctor.
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mlobsters · 1 year
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supernatural s6e8 all dogs go to heaven (w. adam glass)
(is this the episode that spawned those sentient bestiality fics i've seen with dean as a dog? or is that a different one... dog day afternoon? cue being distracted for ten minutes while i reread the plot summary & real life story for the 1975 movie by that name)
CROWLEY You like pain, Sam? You like Hell? You need to stop thinking of this as some kind of deal. This is a hostage situation, you arrogant little thug. I own your brother! Do you understand me?
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CROWLEY Come on, Dean, smile. It's not that bad. Here's incentive – you bag me a live alpha, and I'll give you little Sammy's soul back, with a cherry on top.
easy as pie! no moral conflicts ahead i'm sure
so hey here's the underpinning of irritation or hurt or something that i expected at the least, of sam's year of absence-while-here
SAM He's right. Samuel and I ganked one about six months back on the half-moon. Things have been out of whack for a while now, I guess.
DEAN Yeah, I guess.
dean semi-scowls and makes a you know what i mean face. sam proceeds to look slightly clueless
DETECTIVE What are the Feds doing here?
SAM Oh, we're specialists. They call us in to answer the questions of mouth-breathing dick monkeys.
excuse me what
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DEAN You didn't sleep. 'Cause you don't... sleep.
SAM Right.
DEAN Yeah. That's not creepy at all.
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SAM Not like I can help it. So, you gonna just lay there staring at me...
SAM No love lost between the two of you, huh?
CAL Look, we had our differences, I guess. You love your brother, of course, but... Ron had a lot of problems. He was, uh, volatile.
this show. LOOK HOW THESE RANDO CHARACTERS PARALLEL SAM AND DEAN'S CURRENT ISSUES *cut to dean's face journey for the parallel* heavy handed, as i have come to expect :P
sam not needing to sleep must be handy on their little stakeouts. if dean could trust him alone, that is 🥴
this will come as a shock i'm sure but there's some cute teen wolf fic with stiles picking up derek and taking him home when he's stuck in wolf form for one reason or another (one from my bookmarks). less murdery, of course
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nice to see little mundane everyday moments, they don't do many outside of them eating together
getting teen wolf skinwalkers confused with the spn variety. thought they already had done them but i guess not? must be thinking tw. anyway, these skinwalkers are more like teen wolf variety werewolves. so i can be extra confused about it.
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okay i know set decoration and all but like, dishes in the drying rack of the kitchenette of this little motel room? okay
SAM Well, I got to tell you, Lucky, you got us stumped. I mean, why shack up with the family? Is it a kinky thing? Do you like to play with your food? Roll over, Lucky. Speak.
😒ok yes he's the bad guy but be an asshole in a different way, sam :p
DEAN You say you're "just folks," yeah? That – that you like baseball and apple pie or whatever. But truth is, I don't know what you are 'cause you're not Sam.
SAM Dean, come on.
DEAN I mean, it's your gigantor body and – and maybe your brain, but it's not you. So just... stop pretending. Do us both a favor.
thank you
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interesting music (score) choice and they don't usually do these kind of hero-looking-badass shots. ahh i guess it's like, going with the action movie vibes. what with dean apparently being a sniper too
SAM I'd double-cross us. I mean, he's got to realize that's his best bet, if he wants to keep breathing.
DEAN Nah, he'll go through with it.
SAM You mean 'cause he loves that family?
DEAN Yeah.
SAM I'd double-cross us.
DEAN Thanks, Dexter. That's reassuring.
SAM Just making conversation.
made me laugh. but also like, see, this was the fun potential of soulless!sam when dean knows what's up. whhyyyy did we have to wait so long
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✨ action bros ✨
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(steadfastly ignoring the slightly fucky coloring on poor jackles, the biggest tell is his lips will look kind of purple when things are off)
SAM You wanted the real me. This is it. I don't care about them. I don't even really care about you. Except that... I need your help. And you're clearly not gonna stick around for much longer unless I give it to you straight, so... I've done a lot worse than you know. I've killed innocent people in the line of duty. But I'm pretty sure it's not something the old me could've done. And maybe I should feel guilty. But I don't.
DEAN Sam, get to the punch line.
SAM I don't know if how I am is better or worse. It's different. You get the job done, and nothing really hurts. That's not the worst thing. But I've been thinking. And it was... it was kinda harder. But there are also things about it I remember that I... Let's just say I think I should probably go back to being him.
DEAN That's very interesting. It's a step.
DEAN We do what we got to do. And we get my brother back.
jackles did a good job with this, sam telling him to his face he doesn't care. and that moment that sam says he remembers (unspecified good things/caring/loving his brother perhaps!!) and dean's got that look above. good emotion face moment
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anpancore · 9 months
You ever heard of the movie ‘RUSH’ it’s this movie about a man who lost his mind after having discourse with an escalator who had beef with him for being the elevator to an aquarium because it wasn’t safe (which means he turned that escalator into the new entrance) anyway the beef started after they turned that escalator into a roller coaster and when people went on it it was so dangerous that the elevator man stretched his body to catch the coaster. And put it back. And they cheered like they just fell back that way. And the elevator man got no credit. He fought with his brother badly about this because his brother saw and wouldn’t help him get credit.
The man eventually started working in this aquarium but it was a one room aquarium based shop where you could just see a mile of water out one window. A bunch of white women (I think three) were buying things. And he was solemnly working there and over a period of ten minutes flashes of different time periods kept happening and the whole time all he screamed was ‘JUST GET IN THE ELEVATOR SND LEAVE’ and they kept acting like they couldn’t until Finally he left. When he went outside the escalator rollercoaster was gone, so was the aquarium. Signs up for them being shut down.
He goes to the train tracks and sees a man confessing to his lover who just giggles at him before stepping on a train. Another man walks past our elevator man who pats him on the back and says it’s time to board. The people boarding this train are god like beings who went through strange and confusing trials of pain. We don’t know if elevator mans recent endeavors were his trials or something before that was and he was always a time based sufferer. He goes up to the man letting people board. When he asks for elevator mans passport he pulls out ‘the components to a golden ticket’ which is two round circles, and a thin piece of gold paper. They all laugh and elevator man is now in a banana yellow suit. Fedora. There’s an old woman wearing wine red, a woman in green or brown and another man in a grey or teal. Might’ve been dark blue. Anyway. They board the train and immeadiately the elevator man is full of joy because he isn’t a person. No suffering experience is real. The old woman starts shaking the driver too soon as some people are still adjusting to not giving a fuck. They pull her off the driver before chanting nonsense. Like some real cats the musical kind of shit. Prompts are thrown out by the driver and the only one a lot of people remember is ‘The Netflix show about Rush, called ‘Why’” where things really slowed down and we saw that man who confessed to the woman in green and brown banging on the class screaming why. The rest of the people on the train harmonize with him . Random time and space breaking prompts keep happening until the train stops and we walk onto non parallel attacks and step into a pair of black shoes. And the last thing you hear is ‘next! You’ll need to put yourself into someone else’s sho-“ before being cut off by being hit by the train.
0 notes
sarah-dipitous · 1 year
Hellsite Nostalgia Tour 2023 Day 256
Alpha and Omega
Because I forgot to download today’s spn episode and because it’s Destiel’s 15th anniversary (of when they met), we’re just doing one episode today…and definitely not because I want to start the One Piece anime……….
“Alpha and Omega”
Plot Description: the team scrambles to form a plan that can stop Amara and preserve the universe, but one of them will have to make a big sacrifice
“Carry On Wayward Son” gets neglected again…fine. I’ll do it myself *opens Spotify*
Would I Survive the First Five Minutes??: no one died
Ok but why would Cas know where Lucifer went after Amara ripped him out? I didn’t know where my teeth went when I had to get a couple pulled as a kid. Frankly, I didn’t even know they’d been pulled, I thought the dentist had to go get bigger pliers
I have zero sympathy for god…..
Now might not be the time to ponder on canine eating schedules, but at least “I didn’t know dogs had breakfast” is the most solid proof that Castiel is in fact back
I don’t know what I’m supposed to be seeing in the sky there. It looks DIFFERENT, sure but I’ve literally seen worse. This year.
I swear if Cas never gets to confront god himself I’ll be so fucking mad
“If you got something for me to punch, shoot, or kill, lemme know, and I’ll do it. I’ll do it til I die, but how are we supposed to fix the friggin’ sun?” They really wanted me to take that line seriously and not laugh
Why are we in London all of a sudden?? Who is she?? And why is she after Sam and Dean??
Rowena and Chuck talking about parenting is a much needed moment of levity, especially paired with Crowley being thankful the world is ending, hearing about himself at one year old
I’m just confused what Sam wants them to ACTUALLY do. “Anything” is not a real counter
Where ARE Dean and Cas going?? Beer run? Joy ride?
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Behold, the face of a man whose crush just told him “you’re our best friend” and “you’re our brother.”
What an interesting solution. And honestly, I should have seen it coming. You can’t have just either darkness or light. Both have to be in existence equally….but what if equally….meant none at all?
Rowena’s eye makeup is fucking gorgeous, but omg did she really just say “if you get me enough souls, I can build a bomb”??? I am equal parts “this is a ridiculous line” and “LET. HER. COOK!”
I can’t believe we’re gonna try to vacuum some ghosts out of an old mental hospital to get some souls
Oh I bet the person…….I was wrong. Omg. The Reaper that wants Sam and Dean dead. All she DOES is collect souls!
If this pigeon feeding old lady convinces Amara to not destroy all of existence, I’ll scream
I’m…unwell at the thought of Dean being the bomb. They’re gonna shove hundreds of thousands of souls into him……and half of what I’m thinking about is when Castiel took all the souls out of purgatory and the parallels and how they’ll be the only two with that kind of experience. The other half is don’t let Dean sacrifice himself!! Billie’s gonna take him to the Empty and he’s not the only one with a PERSONAL CONNECTION TO AMARA. Chuck is literally right there
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One day, I’ll figure out how to put eyeshadow or more liner under my eye without it looking bad. I want to make this look work. It’s stunning
Oh are we getting the London lady again? For like ten seconds……
Take those souls out of Dean and do it yourself, you fucking coward
“I could go with you” CASSSSSSSSSSSS
Watching Dean say goodbye to Sam is so hard. After all the times they’ve fought tooth and nail to keep the other from dying…to have this air of acceptance because it’s for the sake of all existence
Why are all these family therapy sessions led by one or more Winchesters working so well??
Guess the sun’s back…so what does Dean do with all those souls now?
The way Cas’s first thought upon seeing the sun back was about Dean
So Amara heals Chuck, Chuck takes the souls out of Dean, and then Chuck leaves again
One, I can’t believe that lady just shot Sam, Two, I can’t believe Amara and Chuck just left Dean stranded……EXCUSE ME?!?! What I really am having trouble grasping is MARY’S BACK?!!
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randomshyperson · 3 years
Enjoy your dinner - Wanda Maximoff x Reader
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Summary: Wanda misses her girlfriend and she won't wait for Clint's birthday dinner with the Avengers to be over. / Special request
Warnings: (+18), public smut, softdom!wanda, sub!reader, fingering, smut, teasing, establish relationship, a brief of teasing with magic.
A/N: I guess i'm writing smut instead of my series. This is short and sinful, but i hope you enjoy it.
Words: 1.093K
All Works Masterlist || Read on AO3
You were having trouble paying attention to Steve's words about a story from his army days.
This was entirely because of the tingling sensation in your thigh, which you knew very well who was causing it.
The Avengers were all at Clint's birthday celebration, and Tony decided to organize a dinner party at a very fancy and expensive restaurant downtown, and he rented out the whole floor for a little privacy.
At the moment, you were all sitting at the long table covered with a white lining, lots of silverware and an impressive diversity of dishes, while you all talked among yourselves about the most diverse subjects.
Because of your disorganized routine this week, you barely had time to spend with your girlfriend, and to say that you missed her was an understatement. The last time you had a decent conversation was almost ten days ago, and you could only remember the last time you had been intimately with her because the bruises on your neck or breasts had not yet completely disappeared.
Wanda seemed to miss you in the same way. When you arrived at the restaurant, the avengers were already seated, and after casting an apologetic glance at them for being late and saying happy birthday to Clint, you greeted Wanda with a quick kiss, and sat down next to her at the table.
Everything went well for the first thirty minutes, as you helped yourself to some juice and food, and laughed at Thor's jokes and Natasha's sarcastic comments, but when you began to pay attention to Steve's story about the time he jumped on a grenade, you choked slightly as you felt the tingling in your inner thigh, clutching your fork harder than necessary, but managing to disguise the sigh as you cleared your throat quickly.
Out of the corner of your eye, you noticed that Wanda had her elbow on the table, resting her chin on her hand as she stared straight ahead, apparently paying attention to the captain's story. What was relevant was the hand in her lap, the red magic between her fingers.
"Wanda, please, we are in public." You warned her in your head, but she didn't even look at you. The tingling sensation is still there, hovering over your skin.
"I miss you, moya lyubov." She retorted tenderly, her magic rising a little on your thigh, and making you shiver in anticipation.
You cleared your throat again, settling uncomfortably into your seat, and closing your legs. Wanda gave you a little corner smile, and the sensation stopped.
You thought it was over, and even had time to laugh at Tony's comment about how Steve's stories were always about war, when you felt Wanda's hand on your thigh.
Your body tensed immediately, and you looked at her. But she held your gaze for just a second, an innocent smile on her lips, before she looked straight ahead again, as if paying attention to the parallel conversations. The table was a complete noisy mess, and no one would notice the lack of your or her participation in the talk. But still, you were in public. Your friends next to you. That idea was complete insanity.
"Wanda. Please." You asked in your mind again, and bit your lips to keep from sighing when she squeezed your skin before slowly moving her hand up, making your heart race.
"Babe, but you're so hot." She mentally retorted, settling herself next to you so that the table cloth covered her hand and your lap completely. You closed your fist tightly as her fingers caressed you over your panties. "And look at this, so wet for me already. And I haven't even touched you yet, Printsessa.”
"Fuck, Wanda." You mumbled softly in embarrassment, feeling your neck warming up.
Wanda pushed your thigh slightly so that you spread your legs for her under the table.
"Just be quiet for me, lyubov." She asked in thought, and you squeezed the seat cushion with your fingers tightly, Wanda's hand moving so she could caress you over your panties before pushing the cloth aside, and her finger touching your swollen clit. "Oh, baby, you always feel so good." She whispered in your mind, looking as pleased with the touch as you were.
A low sound escaped your throat, and you hurried to disguise it as soon as you noticed Nat's curious gaze on you, but your lopsided smile was enough for the red to believe that you were just bored with Thor's narrative about the honor of the hammer or whatever it was he was talking about. Your attention was firmly focused on Wanda's fingers inside you, making your body tremble and a familiar tightness begin to grow in your stomach.
Wanda began to make repetitive movements against your clit, and you needed every control not to moan. When she penetrated you with her finger, as deep as that position would allow, you almost knocked the glass of juice onto the table.
"Are you sure you want to stop?" She teased in thought as she pulled out of you, noticing how wet and slippery you were. You were going to tell her to fuck off, but she inserted two fingers into you next, and you had to shut up or you would have whimpered with pleasure.
The way her fingers were inside of you, touching all the right places as she moved in and out and made sure to squeeze on your clit against her palm, was really making it hard to stay quiet.
Your body was burning hot and trembling, and the growing pleasure in your core made your head spin and your mouth go dry. You needed to escape this before the whole team witnessed you crumble into Wanda's fingers like a whimpering mess.
"Wanda." You warned in your head. "Stop. I can't hold it.”
"I know." She retorted, a little smile at the corner of her lips. You were almost moaning her name when she rotated her fingers inside you, hit that sweet spot that almost brought you to the edge, but the next moment she withdrew her fingers completely. She wiped your wetness on your thigh, and turned her face to you.
"Babe, I'm going to the bathroom, will you excuse me?" She asked innocently. You had to blink a moment before you moved your chair to the side, giving her passage. She was already standing as you tried to normalize your breathing when her voice invaded your mind again. "Are you going to keep up with me or do you want to go without cumming tonight?"
With trembling legs, you didn't even mind the insinuating glances you received from Nat as soon as you stood up, hurrying to accompany Wanda to the bathroom.
Tag list> @imapotatao / @aimezvousbrahms/ @ensorcellme/ @helloalycia || @mionemymind / @abimess / @stephanieromanoff / @yourtaletotell / @tomy5girls / @justagaypanicking / @thegayw1tch / @idek-5 // @myperfectlovepoem // @helloalycia // @ENSORCELLME // @AIMEZVOUSBRAHMS // @drpepperobsessed // @sighsam // @olsensnpm // @sxfwap // @table57 // @madamevirgo // @causeitswhatjesuswouldfreakingdo // @emptysince18x // @xastrydx || @yuhloversxx
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Welcome Back
Pairing: JJ x Reader
Word Count: 1.9k
Summary: You are in a long distance relationship with JJ and can't wait to see him again.
Warnings: None. Might be too fluffy for some people.
Available on: AO3
A/N: This was just a small idea I had in mind because I'm so excited to see OBX back on my screen. It's basically a parallelism fic, if you look closely you can find all the parallels of OBX coming back to us, the viewers, and reader coming back to OBX.
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“I will wait for you.”
His last words rang in your ears as you were tapping nervously on the desk in front of you, staring at the clock above the door just like the rest of your classmates.
Only ten more minutes until school was out for the summer.
Only ten more minutes until you would run out of the door, knowing you would see him again in just a few days.
You had anticipated this for the whole year. It had passed way too slowly and talking on the phone and having video calls didn’t measure up to the real thing.
You missed JJ, your heart was aching for him. There had been so many moments where you just wanted his arms around you, keeping you close, feeling his heartbeat. The year had been stressful with school and family drama but you would finally be able to relax now.
Just as the last minute passed and the bell rang, your phone chimed too. Everyone around you was packing, the teacher was wishing you a good summer and you looked at your phone, smiling when you saw the text.
> Happy summer, my love. I can’t wait to see you again. <
He really waited to send this text the second that school was done for the summer. You chuckled and also packed your things, said goodbye to your friends, knowing you wouldn’t see them all summer.
As you made your way home you thought about all the things you wanted to do with JJ and the rest of the Pogues. Another great summer was waiting for you.
It had started last year around the same time, the beginning of the summer, and your parents had decided to try out a new spot for your summer vacation.
The Outer Banks. Paradise on earth.
Back then, you had laughed about this, calling it way too cheesy but it had turned true soon enough.
You hadn’t imagined that you would meet your boyfriend there, falling in love in only a few short weeks only to leave heartbroken again.
The two of you didn’t break up but it was still painful to leave him behind, knowing you wouldn’t be able to see him for another year. Spring break and fall break were way too short and you needed to work to get money for college, christmas was for family so summer was the only time you would actually get to see him.
He also couldn’t come visit you, knowing his family and financial situation you totally understood that.
“You think we will be able to make it?” you asked, your head resting on his chest, his hand tangled in your hair, playing with it softly.
“I’m sure of it. As long as you want me, I’ll wait for your return,” he replied and you heard the doubt in his voice.
“Hey,” you said and looked up at him. “Of course I want you.”
He chuckled when he saw you pout and patted your head. “Alright, alright.”
You smiled at the memory of being on top of him, in more than one way. It had really been the best summer of your life.
But of course you didn’t only miss him. John B, Sarah, Pope and Kie had become great friends too. Kind of a package deal with them, really. If you were with one of them, the others were never far. All of you together had some great adventures together and you couldn’t wait to jump into the next ones.
> I can’t wait either. Only a couple more days <3 <
You quickly sent the reply before daydreaming too much. He always got worried when you didn’t reply, even though he was out all day too and his phone was dying a lot, he would always make time to check on you.
For JJ, it was a nightmare, not knowing what you were up to, if you were okay. He knew about your personal struggles and had expressed his fear of you falling apart multiple times but you had told him that as long as he was in your mind, you would be fine.
It really did help, knowing that he was there, thinking about you and caring about you, even though you were miles apart.
Soon enough, you would be together again.
“Dad! Hurry up or we will miss the last ferry!” you basically yelled at your father in the front seat and he just groaned loudly.
“It’s fine, we will make it. Your boy won’t have to wait for you any longer,” he replied, looking at you through the mirror.
You blushed a little at his comment while your mother just laughed softly.
Both of them knew how excited you were to go back, seeing your friends again, seeing JJ again. That’s why they had booked a different vacation home than last time, closer to where he lived so you didn’t need to spend so much time walking through the whole town to meet.
A deep breath that you didn’t know you were holding left your mouth when you were on the ferry and you sunk back into the seat, your eyes taking in the beautiful scenery.
> We’re on the ferry, almost there! <
You knew that he would be waiting there. He didn’t mention it but you just knew. He didn’t know what ferry you were able to take, you didn’t even know until just now. Traffic had been a nightmare, you had been stuck in there multiple times and then you had fallen asleep for quite some time, exhausted from all the anticipation for today.
For a long moment you looked at the photo of you together that you had set as the homescreen of your phone. It showed you smiling into the camera and taking the picture while he hugged you and pressed a kiss to your cheek.
It had been one of the last days last summer before you had to leave and you wanted to frame as many memories as you could in pictures so he didn’t feel so far away. He had always been so close and yet so far away.
He was your first boyfriend, your first relationship, your first romance. Your first everything, really. It had been so foolish to think that such a summer romance would turn into something more and yet here you were, a year later, about to meet the same boy again that you had to leave behind.
Your friends had told you that you were crazy for staying loyal to him, some even said he probably wouldn’t do the same but they just didn’t know him like you did. If he was loyal to a person, he would do everything for them.
Thankfully your parents had been supportive during that time, supportive of that relationship. You might be together for a few more years, it might end after this summer, no one would know this. You only knew that you wanted to enjoy as much time with him as you could.
“JJ-land ahead, choo choo!” your dad suddenly blurted out and when you looked toward the front window, you saw that you were about to dock.
“Dad,” you groaned loudly in embarrassment. He loved teasing you about this, probably making up for the headaches he gave you in the beginning.
Things like ‘Are you sure about this?’ and ‘Oh my little girl is growing up, who is that boy I have to talk to’ had been leaving his mouth constantly when you had told your parents about JJ back then.
They had settled down after meeting him, JJ had shown himself from his best side, impressing your parents in every way they could. From then on they were okay with you going out with him, spending all the time with him and the Pogues as long as he got you home safe every night, which he did.
Except that one night where you spent the night at Sarah’s. All of the pogues actually because her family had been to the Bahamas, meaning you had time for a little party until all six of you disbanded into different rooms, you sharing your room with JJ.
A lot of things had happened that night and a small blush was building on your cheeks just thinking about it.
The ferry shook when it docked and you looked at your father, then your mother.
“Can I?” you asked and both of them nodded with a small smile.
“Just meet us for dinner later, JJ can come too,” your mother said and you nodded, grabbing your backpack and getting out of the car so you could stand at the front of the ferry.
Your body was basically vibrating with energy and excitement, your head looking around if you could spy the blonde boy with his basecap already.
When the ferrymen gave the signal, you basically sprinted from the ferry, the cars starting up behind you were only a faint sound in your ears.
JJ was the only thought you had on your mind, looking around, trying to find him among all the people that were trying to get the last ferry back to the mainland.
Suddenly someone wrapped his arms around your waist and you gasped briefly in surprise.
“Looking for me?” he whispered in your ear and you turned in his embrace, smiling brightly at him.
“JJ!” you exclaimed and went up on your tiptoes, promptly pressing a kiss to his lips which he returned.
“I was almost afraid you wouldn’t make it, this was the last ferry,” he said and smiled at you, a smile you had missed for so long. Seeing it through the screen of your phone had been so different, not enough.
“Yeah, I basically yelled at my dad to hurry up,” you said with a chuckle and wrapped your arms around him, placing your head against his shoulder.
You closed your eyes and for a long moment, you just stood there, the cars passing by you but you couldn’t hear anything besides his breathing.
“I don’t want to interrupt but can we say hi too?” you suddenly heard another familiar voice and when you opened your eyes and looked over JJ’s shoulder.
John B grinned at you with Sarah, Pope and Kie next to him waving at you a little.
JJ groaned and let go of you, turning around to his friends.
“Can’t I have a peaceful moment with my girl here?” he said with a playful, annoyed tone in his voice.
Pope laughed and shook his head. “We’re all a package deal, remember? A Pogue can’t be alone,” he told his friend with a wink and then opened his arms too.
You laughed and pressed a kiss to JJ’s cheek before letting go of him. “He’s right, you know.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” JJ replied and put his hands in his pockets before watching how you went over to give Pope a hug.
“JJ is going to get jealous, let’s just turn it into a group hug,” Sarah suggested with a laugh and everyone gathered around.
“Welcome back to OBX, y/n! It really hasn’t been the same without you.”
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thrndlngs · 3 years
three times shinsou misses the opportunity to kiss you + the one time he seized the moment.
── pairing, shinsou x fem!prohero!reader ── request: x times shinsou wants to kiss fem reader??? pLZ I NEED IT ── author’s note: this was super dope & cute to write. tysm for sending this in. i hope i did this justice and it wasn’t to out of character.  also reader has a water quirk & the two of you are in your early twenties.  ♡ 
     "'toshi,” you whispered, chest against his as the two of you currently hid from the group of villains. your two agencies had partnered up in attempt to take down a new gang of villains who were transporting drugs from the city to the waters, the two of you were partnered because of how the two of you excelled in your respective agencies, shinsou was sent to aid in your patrols of the waters  ──  which is why the two of you are currently hiding in a storage closet on a ship. 
  “shut up.” you don’t take it to heart, you’re sure he means it as nicely as possible - he just lacks a few pages in the ‘vocabulary’ department. 
  “we need to do something.” you tell him, trying your best to meet his gaze in the tight space (which was nearly impossible because he’s towering over you at the moment). he doesn’t reply, not at first at least, if you looked hard enough you would probably see the gears in his head turning. 
  “──stop talking, it’s distracting me.” 
  your mouth quickly shuts, fidgety hands are now at your side, you were starting to get antsy and there was practically little to no room to move around without being heard - or seen for that matter. 
  “they switch the guards every ten minutes, in the middle of the switch, we run.” the purple haired male explained, taking a peak at the time on his cellphone. the two of you had to endure this for three more minutes. just three more minutes and you would be free.
  “three minutes,” you repeated, more to confirm this for yourself. you’re sure you wouldn’t last that long, after all, this was shinsou, the male you’ve had a crush on for quite some time now. how were you expected to last that long?
  “──think of it like seven minutes of heaven.”
  “we haven’t played that since── “
  “yeah, yeah i know, but just think of it like that. don’t think about the closet, just the game.” 
  you nodded quickly, meeting his gaze as the two of you stood there in silence. you’d be lying if you said you weren’t thinking about kissing him. it seemed like the perfect moment - it was just the two of you. if it were the last day on earth, you at least wanted to go out with a bang. you know?
  “let me get comfortable, you can do the same after.” you watched as he places either hands besides your head, slouching a bit against the wall so his back could have some sort of support. he nods to you, signaling for you to do the same. 
  it takes you a moment, the position shinsou is currently in causes your heart to skip just a few beats. were you disappointed in yourself for letting your mind drift.. elsewhere during a mission? for sure. did you care right now? absolutely not.
  you cleared your throat, widening your stance and trying to balance the weight in between your legs to help ease some of the weight  ──  but there wasn’t really much you could do.
  “two minutes.” 
   this had to be the longest three minutes of your life.
   “i think i just tasted my own sweat.” he complained. it feels like he’s sweating in places he shouldn’t produce sweat in.
  “i feel like a fish out of water,” you added.
  “──gonna start passing out if i don’t throw you in the water soon?”
  “says the one whose sweating to death.” 
  “and you’re dehydrated. guess we’re both shit out of luck aren’t we?”
  “yeah, but, i think this isn’t the worst way to die.” 
  he takes another peak at his cellphone, noting that there’s a minute left before the two of you could finally get out of this damn storage closet. “you’ve got a minute to tell me anything worse than dying like this.” 
  in hindsight ── there’s a lot that could happen in a minute, that’s the only reason you said something to begin with. “alone, i could die in this closet, alone and then you know, it would be lonely.” 
 “are you serious?” 
  “oh come on! that’s pretty serious!”
  “it ── it really isn’t,” he’s trying to laugh as quietly as possible and you playfully slapped him in his shoulder. 
 “okay, well, i wouldn’t want to die alone.”
  “mhm, scaredy cat.” his smile is infectious and for a moment, he forgets that the two of you are stuck in a storage closet. maybe now would be the perfect time to kiss you, when it’s just the two of you, waiting to make your grand escape, when the two of your are just centimeters apart. 
  “now’s our chance,” he whispered, straightening himself to get out first just in case. he doesn’t want to act off of impulses. if he kisses you, he wants to make sure it’s because you want him too.
     “good to see you when you’re not acting like a goldfish who just hopped out of it’s bowl.” the familiar voice teased from behind you, hands folded behind his head. if it were anyone else, you might have tripped them.
  “──don’t you have to go buy hair dye now or something?”
  “no that was after i made sure a fisherman didn’t take you on the way home.”
  “is this what do you do on your spare time? think of jokes that revolve around my quirk?”  
  he rolls his shoulder lazily, leaning against the apartment railing across from your front door. “they come naturally, no extra thinking required.”
  “and here i thought all the hair dye went to your brain.”
   this wasn’t out of the norm for the two of you, he would make the first jab and then you would follow suit. sometimes, the bickering could go on for hours  ──  regardless of task at hand (like the time the two of you were trying to detain a villain and shinsou had told the woman you were a water sprite), it’s an old nickname of yours, he had given it to you back at the sports festival when you were kids. you had earned it when you had almost drown mineta because he wouldn’t stop making inappropriate jokes and you had brought the entire water fountain down on him. 
  as the two of you stood there in silence, you, had your back against your door, hands folded behind you while he stood parallel, arms against his chest he wonders: is this the time he kisses you goodnight? 
  “d’ya want to come inside? i have leftovers? we could pull an all nighter like we used to do back in the dorms?” there’s a hint of hopefulness in your eyes and he would feel like absolute shit if he declined the offer.
  “only because you have food.” 
  he doesn’t kiss you goodnight then. and he doesn’t kiss you goodnight when you fall asleep on his shoulder after the second horror movie either. if you were anyone else, he would’ve left without a care in the world, but it’s you and you are different. 
  so he stays and tells himself that tomorrow will be a new day and tomorrow, he can try again.
     “i don’t dance,” shinsou tells you as you so desperately tried to bring him onto the dance floor. it’s a hero’s gala, everyone from your respective classes at U.A. were here, pro heroes from all around the world and some of your old instructors as well  ──  these aren’t his thing, you know that. you remember his attitude during the first two hours of the third year’s ‘goodbye party’ - not much had changed. he’s taller, a bit more handsomer and smiles more often. 
  “you do tonight, come on.” while you had dragged him by one hand, the other desperately tried to loosen his tie because it feels like he’s suffocating. 
  “──you’ll be the death of me woman.” he’s mumbling under his breath, one hand resting in yours as the other found its place at your waist.
  “because i asked you to dance? might i say this is on your list of horrible ways to die?” you teased, offering him that infectious smile that makes him go weak in his knees. he hates to admit the pull you have on him  ──  he might even go as far as saying you might have him wrapped around that finger of yours and you don’t even know it yet.
  “if it’s by your hands i would say it’s a merciful death.”
  “a merciful death? i’ll keep that in mind.” 
  “don’t test your luck,” you know he’s only messing with you  ──  
  you’re to busy enjoying the moment to think of some witty comeback. it’s something about the way your hand seems to fit perfectly in his. or how the two of you are able to move in sync without any words spoken in between the two of you that’s driving you insane.
  if you would’ve told your past self that you would be slow dancing with the hitoshi shinsou at a hero’s gala while the world around you disappeared you would’ve laughed at the idea. it would’ve seem silly to you  ──  stupid even. shinsou and you weren’t rivals like you and bakugou were, but, you had always found yourself trying to one up him. 
  yet here you were, swaying to the slow tune as you managed to snake your arms around his midsection and rest a head against his chest. maybe this was his chance: with the little distance in between the two of you, dim lighting and dressed to the nines. surely, this would be a good memory to relive later down the road wouldn’t it? 
  but he wanted to savor the moment. so he decides it against it  ── despite the ache in his chest.
     "we did it.” shinsou muses, an awkward hand offered in your direction for you to shake. it’s been six months but your agencies had finally shut down the smuggling operation and you could finally take the break you had so desperately needed. you weren’t sure what to do with the outstretched hand, but, you give in anyways, resting your hand in his as he gave it a firm shake.
  “pleasure doing business with you.” you tell him, lips curving into a bittersweet smile. teasing, bickering and ‘playful’ sparring aside, you were going to miss him. you were used to patrolling and doing missions on your own but this was different. 
  “try not to end up on the other side of fishing hook, yeah?” it’s his way of telling you to be careful in shinsou’s teasing nature.
  “make sure i’m the one to grant you the merciful death.” please be careful, is what you want to say. though you couldn’t bring yourself to say it aloud - if you did, it would only confirm that you care about the purple haired pro hero more than you should. 
  he shakes his head with a laugh, “you’re the only one who gets the satisfaction.” 
  “it better stay that way ‘toshi.” 
  he doesn’t know for certain if your agencies would cross paths again. your agency was closer to the waters and he was closer in the city, the chance that you would run into one another again would be slim to none. 
 he clears his throat for a moment, retreating his hand from yours and placing them at your waist instead. he’s pictured this a thousand times but now that he’s in the moment he couldn’t manage to find the right words. it’s frustrating, really.
  “──hi.” you’re holding your breath in anticipation, was this another one of his games? was he going to kiss you? tell you a secret? use his capture weapon and tell you that he’s not letting you go until you admit something embarrassing?
  he doesn’t care anymore. doesn’t care if it makes him look like a love sick idiot when he kisses you like it’s the last thing he’s about to do before he dies, he doesn’t care if anyone’s watching or for the wrinkles you’ll cause since you’ve got a fistful of his shirt in a desperate attempt to close whatever little distance the two of you had between you. 
  you pull away first causing him to pout (which was actually cute but you’d never give him the satisfaction of knowing that) but you do laugh.
  “you know,” he muses, a hand reaching up to rub at the back of his neck sheepishly, a habit you hadn’t seen in years. “──i didn’t want to let you walk away without something to remember, my little water sprite.” 
  you rolled your eyes at the choice of nickname but were flattered nonetheless, your own arms finding their way around his neck, “who said i was walking away?”
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