#i have much much more i have said about jack and sally's relationship but this sums up his perspective in my opinion
Idk if it’s just me being bad at finding words to describe. But whenever I think about reasons Sally likes Jack and affection that she shows in the relationship a lot pops up. But for Jack I struggle to think to describe how he loves her and how he shows it. I definitely think they love each other very much!!! They literally are my OTP!! But I’m struggling to describe Jacks affection and love for Sally ahhhhhhh
Hmm, the way I've always seen Jack's affection for Sally is in the idea that they are both trying to escape from something (for Sally, it's the Doctor/the tower, for Jack, it's his crown), and they ultimately find that freedom in each other. From Jack's perspective, Sally is one of the few in Town that doesn't overwhelm him with praise, cares about his well-being despite how he may present himself, and was the only one to speak against his Christmas plans because she was worried about him.
Sally is the only one besides Zero who overhears his Lament, where he sings about things he simply cannot give up, but how much he wishes to. She relates to his situation and feelings of being 'trapped', because she herself is made for the Doctor, discouraged from her freedom outside the Tower. They both desperately dream of better situations for themselves that they feel they can't reach. But when they do, it turns out they were reaching for *each other*. (Sally being something 'new' in Jack's death that he's longing for, and Jack being the key to Sally's freedom in inspiring her to escape).
Sally was the one Jack turned to, entrusting something dear and personal with his Christmas plans - and she completely respected his space in return. Even though he didn't adhere to her warnings, she never gave up in trying to save him. Everything she does is in the better interest of Jack - she doesn't want him doing Christmas in fear of her premonition; she loved him and didn't want to lose him. He realizes everything she'd done for him at the end of the movie, and her long-time feelings for him during their friendship.
Sally understands and cares deeply about Jack as a person, not as the Pumpkin King. He has to put up a 'front' for his citizens - but Sally understands how he feels, and doesn't want him to pretend for her. She encourages and only wants the best for him- which is the support he actually desires, rather than the constant blind worship of his title.
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thewertsearch · 10 months
Ask Comp 25/8
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Aw, thank you! Sometimes I actually think I overdo it a little - that my dives are a little too deep. This is how I consume media IRL, though, so if nothing else, it's authentic.
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The Battlefield is definitely growing. The spatial warping makes it hard to measure how much it's growing, so it could definitely be exponential, especially if we keep adding higher dimensions.
As for how Jack matches up against Bec - Jack is definitely smarter, but he's also a lot more vulnerable, since losing the Ring will render him powerless. He'd have to be incredibly careful in a fight, especially against someone just as fast as he is.
I still think Bec has the edge, but his victory is far from guaranteed. I totally understand why Jade wouldn't want to risk it.
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Imagine what Eridan would have said to a 'lowly greenblood' like Jade.
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Yeah, there's no way trolls have therapy.
I hate to say it, but the Alternian version of therapy is probably moirallegiance. You're supposed to rely on this one person to keep you emotionally stable - and if you're not outgoing or charismatic enough to find a moirail, you don't even have that.
Of course, this system has nothing in common with the relationship dynamics of any culture on Earth. We really dodged a bullet there!
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Gamzee really leans into the 'court jester' aspect of being a bard. He doesn't take anything seriously, nor is he expected to do so - he's just off to the side, dancing.
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Yeah, my prediction is that Vriska is going to use him.
If she can manipulate Tavros into trying to control Jack, she might actually be able to remove his Ring. I speculated that she might use some sort of cheat to gain an advantage in their fight, and I think we may have found it.
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He casually controls Becsprite later on, so I don't think he needs their goals to align.
As for why Bec didn't try to save Jade - I think he knew instinctually that someone was going to make him save her, so he didn't need to do it manually. That's Alpha, baby!
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I can't tell if I've reached the controversial part, to be honest. Was there discourse about whether Tavros had done anything wrong?
Personally, I think it's hard to argue that he didn't, but other characters have done much worse - and in much more ambiguous scenarios, too.
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Lord English is coming, send help plz
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Thank you! It's kind of funny actually - I know that Homestuck's irregular update schedule used to drive people mad, but I'm reading it at a similar pace, with similar irregularities, and it really has been a chill experience on my end.
Maybe it's because I'm not participating in the fandom the way live readers were, and therefore, I'm not subject to the weapons-grade hiatus brain that Cat has war stories about.
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Poor Kanaya - she really knows how to pick 'em. Rose is definitely less stressful to crush on than Vriska, though.
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I recently saw this quote for the first time in a while. Excited to learn which of the comic's several thousand plot points it's referencing.
@spyril4132 asked: i have seen this in my youtube recommendations and must now share [s] descend but with silvagunner's high quality nuclear rip - YouTube
Legitimately amazing, and perfectly timed.
For anyone doesn't know about Silvagunner, please take a dip down this rabbit hole.
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I do wonder how she's getting physical details about the Sun. Isn't it, like, fully outside of conventional reality?
Maybe the Sun is physically real, despite being in an unreal location. Technically, that's also the case with sessions.
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I do like the 'music player' metaphor from an earlier ask. You don't necessarily have to use discs - a cassette player is also a good choice, or maybe an older variety of music box.
If you want to stretch the symbolism a little, your Time Player could wield something really kooky, like an iPod Nano, MIDI keyboard, or analog radio.
(Sally the Time Player would wield Rhythm Heaven for the Nintendo DS.)
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It's been years since I've watched Primer, actually. I remember enjoying it, but I don't recall enough to give a proper review. Rewatch time!
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Yeah, the rules for Captcha codes are all over the place. This example implies that they hold the general idea of an object, without any 'corruption' - but when John's Ghost Dad poster was defaced, its code did change.
The implication, I guess, is that defacing a poster counts as changing its nature, but spilling oil on a pogo ride does not. It's weird.
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It is odd that it's marketed as a beta. Sburb and Sgrub seem almost identical, the latter's bifurcated session notwithstanding.
The human session failed, yes - but it failed due to manipulation, sabotage, and a generous helping of terrible luck. If Gamzee prototyped one of his clown posters, Jack's regicide could just as easily have happened in Sgrub.
All that said - when it comes to software development, I'd trust Sollux over Grandpa any day. If one of those games is more stable, it's Sgrub.
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Alright, that one's actually pretty great lmao
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ghostiiess · 8 months
[NSB HEADCANONS] - finding a matching costume with Darren
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pov: you guys are at a store, trying to find the most perfect halloween matching costume
warnings: some flirty / teasing comments, mention of ass (but in a 🍑 emoji), use of the word dirty and sexy, i used this 🔞 emoji at the end
type: fluff with some teasing since its darren we’re talking abt
member: darren liang
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like every year, you guys were late
you still didn’t know which costume you guys would wear for justin and his gf’s halloween party…
(More under the cut!)
at first you were like « hey, we could wear different costume » so it wouldn’t be too hard to find any or smth like that
don’t get me wrong, you still wanted to do a halloween matching costume with him, but honestly… his ideas were basically dirty and sexy stuff
but, then darren didn’t want to
he wanted to do a matching with you.
« WDYM IT’S DIRTY STUFF??? I only said we could be matching emojis… you’re the peach and I’m the eggplant! »
Funny 😍
So you guys weren’t at the same point...
He wanted to do that kind of matching, while you wanted to do a matching costume that is cute and not too hard to find in store
So, what do you think you guys did? You went to target to buy some costume!
« Alright, so we could be peanut and jelly toast together? Like Ryan and i did last year… »
Did i say you guys were both late? Yes? Then, let me remind you another time: you guys were late to find a costume.
Too simple?
« C’mon, i promise i didn’t sweat that much while wearing it! And you can wear ryan’s if that’s what you want! »
To you, peanut and jelly was cute, but not the one ☝🏻
« Well… do you have any ideas? »
« Cinderella and the prince?! »
« well... its not my favorite movie… »
« we could do another princess x prince kind of concept if you want to.. »
Ngl, after insulting Cinderella, you were like « meh I’m good »
« Wait, baby!! We could be Jack Skellington and Sally!! what do you think? »
« It is a pretty good idea!! We just have to find a costume here.. »
Did you find a costume? No.
Darren searched in all the places, it was nowhere to be found.
« alright, so... we’ll have to choose another idea»
Back to the starting point, yay!
Btw, you guys loose focus after 10 minutes
« We could be the bee in the bee movies !! »
« I would put my dart in your 🍑 »
Very funny and mature boy, we can all agree 😀
« Omg baby!! We could be the princess and the beast!! Like I’m the princess and you’re the beast »
« Wdym I’m the beast?! Y/n, i am sorry but i cannot be the beast, i am the pretty one in this relationship »
The more he talks, the more his relationship statue from becoming single start to look interesting 🥰
« Okay, i will stop baby.. I’m sorry, i was only teasing you! Ofc, you’re the princess baby. You’re like the most prettiest girl ever »
I know what he just said sound like a lie, but he really mean it
« Baby, we could be vampires! Or killers! We just have to cut our clothes and wear like fake wounds or something.. »
Ngl, you didn’t really wanted to do this :/
He would found the ‘sexy costume’ rayon
« Oh baby! we could be Barbie and ken! What do you think? »
you agreed, thinking it could be cute
sadly, it was a little thight for him :/
so you guys decided to search for another costume
« Baby, this is our place, this is our spot »
« I am sure, we will find something for us! »
Remember that it’s darren we are talking about
Darren = dirty minded (you can’t tell me otherwise)
If he’s in a sexy and dirty rayon, he’s losing it
« Baby, this is heaven!! Check all the beautiful costume! »
« Wdym there’s no clothes?? There is, omg… you are so dirty minded, y/n.. »
The man says you’re the dirty minded of this relationship, but he’s the one flirting and playing with you
« Damn, it would look good on you… but it would look even better on the floor.. IM KIDDING, IM KIDDING OMG STOP LOOKING AT ME LIKE THAT! »
Ngl, searching for halloween costumes with him is kinda funny 😆
After a few hours of searching, laughing and being dirty minded (yes bc u r also dirty minded if u r dating him, like you are not innocent and you can’t tell me otherwise bc this man would make you loose your innocence in 5 seconds, i am telling you), you guys decided to go with simple stuff…
« Baby, do you know if this costume is for childrens or for adults, bc i can’t really tell… »
« Doctor and nurse?! BABY, HOW CUTE WE WOULD BE!! »
So you decided to wear that.
No bc i see Darren wearing this… and the fact, he once wanted to be a doctor make it even more funnier
Doctor darren and nurse y/n when??
Let’s just say that the night with these costume were… interesting (🔞)
Taglist! (Open! Send an ask if you’d like to be in it!) : @nsb-rkive @kentisbaby @firebenderwolf @hyuneee0 @yawnzzznnn @ghostyycat7
Bold can’t be tagged.
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j0eyj0rdis0n · 10 months
Hiii ! 💓,
so i saw your matchup posting thing and im curious sooo, hi again, my name is pierce , im short asf (im 4'11) , my aesthetic is fairy core / grunge , i have two cats (frankie and bingy) ,i love sanrio, i love adventure time , i play the clarinet, im really smart , im traumatized, im very insecure ,im usually the more dominant (not sexually in this setting) one in relationships , last thing :) is that im the biggest child (i enjoy coloring together or cuddling with stuffed animals )
I know I said I wouldn't write for him buuuut I think I've opened my mind to it. Soooo...!
I match you with... Laughing Jack!
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Honestly, the man loves that you're so short. Considering the fact that he's literally 8 ft tall. Dude is an absolute giant monster and he adores that you're his cute little partner.
Also the way you dress? Perfect for him. It's just the right amount of whimsical and dark, which matches him right to the T.
He's not really up to date on all of the shows and cutesy stuff you like... But he'll make a conscious effort to learn about it and honestly gets addicted in the process.
He'll somehow get his hands on matching plushies for you two, obviously of your favorite characters. Maybe he made Ben order them or maybe made Toby go steal them from a store, but no matter the way... He'll get them.
LJ seems exactly like the type to enjoy sitting back and listening to you play clarinet. I don't know why, but I just feel like he would love to sit back and listen to you serenade him?? Honestly I don't think he'd care what sort of instrument it was, more the fact that someone (especially someone he loves) is playing for him.
Honestly, he doesn't mind the trauma you carry with you. If anything, he's seen so much of it, that he would understand why it's with you. Would he understand why it effects you so much? Probably not. But he would certainly take time to learn why and what happened.
This would all probably happen over coloring sessions. Which he also LOVES to do btw. So y'all will go through so many damn coloring books. Honestly Sally will get jealous you took her coloring partner away from her. Soooo maybe invite her to join sometime? Not in the trauma dump sessions of course.
You know Jeff loves to take stabs at people (literally and metaphorically). But LJ will be there by your side in an instant when he hears a single pointed comment come out of Jeff's mouth toward you. I honestly think the only reason Jeff would stay alive after his remarks would be because Slender truly needs him and the punishment towards LJ would be just as severe as death.
So don't worry about anyone fucking with you since LJ will be looming over you with the look of warning in his eyes. For how sweet he can be, no one forgets what he's truly capable of.
And last but certainly not least, he doesn't mind your dominant nature. Just as long as you let him protect you and you give him mutual respect in the end, he'd probably let anything slide.
Hope you enjoyed!! Thank you for the request love!
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ashplayz · 11 months
The Mayor from TNBC x Y/n (times daughter) my au!
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Important to note! 👇
This is happening on the timeline of two different universes. Partly the 'long live the pumpkin queen' book as at the end Jack and Sally unblock the doorway to father times realm in turn allowing y/n to escape. And also in the kingdom hearts universe because the creatures known as 'the heartless' are present in this and play a big role in it.
Title: Time's Chime in Halloween Town
Mayor, the two-faced leader of Halloween Town, was known for his indecisiveness and fidgety nature. But one day, his life took a surprising turn. He was just out for a stroll one evening. His mind was buzzing with everything that needed to be done for this year's Halloween but Jack was too busy with Sally. Considering they had gotten married shortly before last Halloween. The Mayor was happy for them of course he just wished Jack would take the preparations a bit more seriously. Although the Mayor understood if he had a partner he would have to prioritize them. That's what a relationship is about putting the person you love first. Or at least that's his take on it however he certainly didn't see a relationship being in the cards for him considering the fact he was well.. Him after all.
He was alone with his thoughts for a moment and wasn't really paying much attention to where he was going. (You know that one scene from TNBC where Jack wasn't paying attention and ran straight into a pole? Well something to that effect happened here but instead of a pole it was a person and he had knocked them down. "Oh my goodness I am so sorry! I wasn't!-" he started saying but paused and looked at the person in awe. It was an enchanting girl with radiant blue wings. She was beautiful, ethereal, and unlike anything he had ever seen. He quickly shook himself out of his daze and apologized profusely helping her to her feet panicking when he saw that one of her wings had a fresh puncture wound in it as if she had been shot through it with some sort of arrow. He insisted on taking her to get it mended. And soon he came to know that her name was Y/n and she came from the 'father time' realm. She wouldn't say much about it other than just that she could never go back. She wasn't necessarily dressed to fit into Halloween town very well. And there was no one in Halloween town better qualified to make a fitting outfit for someone than Sally and while she was the queen now she was very adamant on people still seeing her for her so of course she was the first person to offer to make Y/n a fitting outfit. And let's just say when the Mayor saw her in said new outfit for the first time he was seeing stars.
It didn't take too long for people in Halloween town to find out that she's a princess on the run from her kingdom, governed by her father, Father Time. The man in charge of time itself. People in Halloween town were curious as to why she would run away and why every time someone mentioned her father she got scared.. She explained that her father lost who he was after her mother's death, he had held her prisoner, locking her away, trapping her in her own home. He said it was 'for her own good' Sally and Y/n became quick friends considering they both came out of unfortunate circumstances. Y/n's arrival in Halloween town had sparked the excitement of many of the town's denizens and unfortunately that meant that word spread fast so it didn't take long for people from her realm to find her. Her father had tried to force her into a marriage with a cocky prince. that for good reason she had a sour opinion of. he had ended up finding her but he wasn't the only one, her childhood best friend had also found his way to her nobody could have guessed that he would have proved to be such a problem.
Y/n's arrival had also stirred up feelings the Mayor had never experienced. He found himself drawn to her, their connection undeniable. However, the Mayor wasn't blind to the fact that he was no match for a princess possessing as much grace and beauty as her. so he understood when the prince tried to manipulate him, saying that Y/n's reputation would be tarnished if she were seen with someone like him.
But the Mayor needed to hear it from her. He mustered the courage to tell her the truth about his feelings. To his surprise, she declared that she didn't care about her family's 'reputation' or what others would think. Before she had met him she thought she'd never find someone who truly loved her who was someone she also truly loved back. and that was all that mattered. The Mayor was overjoyed at her confession, and the two began dating, much to the dismay of the prince and the childhood friend.
The prince comfonted y/n calling her an embarrassment on her family name for even looking in the direction of someone like him. and in his arrogance, attempted to harm her, this led to his banishment from Halloween Town. He rushed to inform Father Time about Y/n's whereabouts. And as for the friend he was overwhelmed by jealousy and tried to harm the Mayor but was stopped by Y/n. In the ensuing argument, he confessed his feelings for her. But Y/n, hurt and angry, rebuked him for his actions.
The friend ran into the woods of Halloween town. his heart being consumed by the darkness of his extreme jealousy and hatred and it transformed him into a fearsome beast known as a Heartless, a creature born when a heart is lost to darkness. Y/n ran after him and when she found him, she was horrified and frightened. But then, a glow enveloped her, and she was filled with a power she'd never known that came from her mother. In a desperate struggle, she thought she killed her friend, and was devastated.
The Mayor comforted her, promising to stand by her side. Little did they know, Oogie Boogie, banished by Jack Skellington, was secretly amassing an army of Heartless beneath Halloween Town. A war was brewing, and Father Time's quest to retrieve his daughter whether she wanted it or not was another major complication. But the Mayor, in love and resolute, vowed to support Y/n, no matter what came their way.
Yet, as the clock ticked and the stakes rose, they all wondered: Could love truly conquer all, even in the face of time and darkness? Only time would tell.
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thegrimdog13 · 9 months
I live that opposite au! It's very creative :) (I would actually love to see a part 2! Or a scenario/short story!)
Headcannons for opposite au pt.2
Thank you so much I try to be as creative as possible for you guys! I’ll do a part 2 on the headcannons for this one! But I’m thinking about eventually making maybe a mini side series on it or something. Also I’m definitely doing some art for it! But I might need some suggestions on who I should do first or a situation for the drawing. With that being said hope you enjoy ❤️.
•Jane is very protective over Jeff. She will literally kill somebody who tries to hurt him.
•Liu doesn’t like Jane because of her behavior towards Jeff. He thinks that she is disgusting for not hating Jeff after what he has done.
•Jeff has a crush on Nina but Nina thinks he is super ugly. ( I thought this might be an interesting thing to throw in)
•Jeff thinks Nina is super pretty and smart but She hates him which makes him really sad.
•LJ ( which from now on I will refer to as CJ in this au) has a hard time talking to anyone without crying.
•Every time CJ starts to cry Jeff tries to comfort him ( so Jeff is just constantly going over to Crying Jack like it’s okay buddy)
•Sally thinks it’s really funny to scare people. She mostly goes after Jeff and CJ because they will either cry or scream. She finds it hilarious.
•Tim and Brian are basically in a toxic relationship because Tim just tells him to shut up twenty four seven. But Brian doesn’t care because he is hella a simp.
•Tim is basically a  tsundere.
•Brian will get Tim flowers and he will throw them away right in front of him. But you know he dam well digs them out of the trash when Brian leaves lol.
•Lulu bullies everyone and Sally thinks it’s funny until she does it to her.
•EJ literally will bring in a deer he killed and leave it at people’s door ways like a cat. 
•EJ literally growls at people when he gets annoyed or angry with them.
•When I said EJ is feral he is feral lol
•Clocky literally will pass out if she sees someone bleed. She is the most useless of them all when it comes to killing.
•Toby can sit still for hours just staring at a wall.
•Slender looks so unthreatening that it is funny. But somehow he still can control all these people lol.
•Sally, Lulu, and Liu get along really well. Because they are all asses lol.
•Jeff has definitely got a teddy bear for Nina on Valentines and she has definitely straight up laughed in his face and said fuck off.
•Ben literally never shuts up about swimming and Jeff’s a little concerned.
•Ben loves the outdoors and doesn’t like just sitting around inside.
•Ben literally hates gaming and will point every flaw in games and how bad they are for you like it is a sin to play them.
•Ben watched one video and will never do it again……. I wonder what he saw 😨
•Sally tries to get Ben to join in the chaos but he is like no I have to go look at treessssss.
•Jeff hates horror and loves watching comedies but like the cheesy ones that probably have a side plot of romance.
•Tim hates Jeff because he doesn’t own the fact he has killed so many people.
•Nina has literally poisoned Jeff’s food luckily he only got food poisoning and threw it all up.
•Some how Jeff still adores her and says she is just so pretty.
•Jeff has the most wholesome crush on Nina but she literally wants to break him.
•Nina has probably asked Jeff on a date just for her to show up with a bat to bash is head in. But luckily he probably talked to Jane about it for like hours. She was like this is super suspicious and followed him. 
If you want more I will gladly make a part three! Hope that these were good enough. I’m a little tired lol. Anyway love you all ❤️
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thebunniesgrim · 11 months
Little ways I'd characterize Millie lol
This is just for fun because Millie is my (in theory) fav character and I love her!
(This is just how I'd do it but you know. not exactly criticism but it can be taken that way i'm just clarifying because this is taged as criticism)
#long post
Ok! So like the big one!
Millie's hair in the pilot! she had a little white spot on her hair. I thought it was cute I liked it ok fine loved it!
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Peek character design in my not so humble opinion
If Vivs kept her white spot and didn't elaborate in the slightest and keep the imps gendered characteristics. I think it would have quietly shown us Millie and Sally Mae's relationship. It's like a solidarity thing with her sister a little 'hey I support you' moment. Ok here walk with me
So viv said Millie has strong family ties and a sibling rivalry.
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We all know Sally Mae is a trans character. What if she gets a little self conscious about her hair because her roots will be white. Sally Mae still lives on her parents farm doing farm stuff she won't be able to keep up with her very often (even more so now that Millie is gone even if we dont know who is older it would still be alot more work with less hands they even hired a barn hand so they clearly needed extra help.) So Millie to would dye her roots or a random part of her hair white so Sally wasn't the only one with white and black hair.
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I think that would have been sooo cute
It would have shown her family ties. Also despite how often she and Sally Mae would/still fight or have complications Millie would still have her sisters back no matter how small the token
(I'm not trans. If this doesn't sound like nice as it sounded to me let me know I'll cut this hair part out)
But honestly Sally shouldn't feel self conscious in the slightest she's so hot
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She's beauty
She's grace
She's Miss United Wrath
Ok 2!
I wish Viv or who ever is in charge of scenery or backgrounds would give us little things to show Millie's personally like they do with moxxie
for instance Moxxie and Millie's room
Moxxie gets:
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A cute little alarm clock with a music note, a flyer for maybe a play or musical. Even his album is mounted on the wall
There's also this poster on Millie's side of the room it looks like a poster for musical but I could be wrong
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What does Millie have?
Jack rabbit that's what.
Millie only has knives and a bent lamp (the lamp is in the above picture)
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I think t would be so cash money if Millie had something. Like where her knife is in the last image could have been a picture of her family like a small foreshadowing of the character we're going to meet see. Her lamp could have been western themed. even if it was something small like a book on gun maintenance so she could help moxxie with his guns. They could have shown that the lamp was haphazardly taped on or glued together to show her resourcefulness or maybe have patches or Mitch matched fabric on the lamp shade to show she sews or fixed the lamp shade.
Even Moxxie and Millie's coffee cups in seeing stars!
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Moxxie get music notes and music sheet lines
While Millie gets hearts! Just hearts!
God! I hate it here!
They had so much opportunity
For instance:
Moxxies cup has Millie's face and things he likes and Millie's cup has Moxxie's face and things she likes or just cups with things they like that don't have the faces.
Maybe even Moxxie's cup is white and pristine while Millie's cup has coffee stains and is chipped or doesn't have a handle maybe
I don't know!
Go to part two for more tumbler only has 10 picture limit >:(
I'm sorry I'm going to talk about clothes and I want to show pictures
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wyverber · 2 years
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It's beautiful. Lol.
It also took a while to make it but I think it's special so U guys get a big ass Headcanon about everything my mind made up so far so, yeah thank you <3
Creepypsasta Headcanon special
An Mansion would be to big. Listen Slenderman is old and he lived alone for many years, so when you live alone you don't need a big fat Mansion. And Mansions are near the city? So a nice Manor is enough.
The Manor is also not rlly that deep into the woods cus well in the Underworld there's not rlly a reason to hide especially for the one and only Slenderman. Like yes a 30 min walk into the woods and you're there.
Well- now there's only one Question left. Who lives in there because there is surely not enough space or the will from slender to have all the pastas in there.
Dr. Smiley and Ej because of their medical education or experience. Sally because the Man of the house likes Children and has a weak spot for her and Toby. Ben because he is somewhat of an internet source.
That's it, the others live near the Manor in an apartment like Jane or in some cabinet in the woods. LJ as an example lives in whole as house near the forest.
So now that we had the residents as a topic, let's move on to their Headcanons shall we?
Jeff the killer
Listen he lives in an Apartment with his brother- wich causes some issues but that's for another post.
Jeff has an Eating disorder. He was chubby as an Child and teenager (one of the reasons why he got bullied) and his Father would never stop saying something about his weight. He stopped eating right. That was years ago- after he stumbled across Slender who'd helped him, he has a somewhat okay relationship with food.
Not only has he an ED but he is just so focused on everything else he forgets to drink or eat (one reason why he doesn't live alone)
Sassy bitch- but the more sass the better. When he likes you he's a pain in the ass, like you wished he would hate you and stop with the stupid comments.
He's okay- with Liu, he actually hated living with his brother, but only because of Sully and Liu is overprotective so yeah pretty annoying in the eyes of the crusty chicken Killer.
Bye the way Jeff LOVEEES Chicken 🐓 like damn these thighs rawr.
Thigh guy, even tho he can't say no to fine ass (on the chicken or on the reader no one knows)
Dragon ball fan. There I said it. I needed too
Bisexual, and is actually better giving head then eating u out. Lol
Can't cook, and doesn't rlly know how to learn it.
Rlly bad at loosing. Will have an Aggressive behaviour towards the person whom had beaten him? Was that correct English? Idc.
Switch but more on the Dom side.
Its funny how I mix these, but he has a pet snake named Jefferson the third.
Eyeless Jack
Has Georgian roots. Because I had the feelin' moved as a teenager to the USA and still speaks English with an Accent.
Silent man, sometimes even quieter than Slender. He just likes to observe his surroundings and when your talking you can't really do that can you?
But he is also just introverted and has slot of trust issues like everyone else in 2022
He somewhat lives with Slender- but actually his working place is just ins Slendermans basement. He just overworks himself so he sleeps in his office alot when he sleeps (I don't think demon really NEED so much sleep like a human. So it's easy to stay up a week even if it's tiring.
Plays Chello
That's it- I. I don't have so many headcanons for him rn. Sry:/
Listen I was a simp back in 2017-19 I have sooooooo many
Chainsmoker ofc, what shocking news right?... No ( both Masky and Tim)
Tim tried to hit himself (Masky) cus he wakes up at random location. And he just a normal life.
Masky loves to mess with Tim in every way possible. Like I said he will go to sleep at random locations, will when some girl is flirting with him stalk and creep Tf out of her and just come out in the worst situations possible.
But they both like Apple pie 🥧 caugh basic bitch caugh
Alabama. Just Alabama idk what city cus lol do I look like I'm from the US? But he's givin' me the Alabama vibes.
Homophobic ass fuck. Sorry- He is just Straight. I don't see him gay. Neither, not Tim or Masky. Tim is tolerant but Masky will Beat you. I'm sorry.
Domestic. Tim loves it and so does Masky.
Masky love a good little House wife. One who doesn't complain about anything. One whom he can Manhandle how he desires.
Tim just likes submissive Women. (I'm so sorrrrryyyyyy but it's just my headcanon so yeah, still sorry)
Tim is Vanilla in bed. Just kinda rough
Well thank u guys for your support and everything I'm done for now.
See ya later or not lmao ;)
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lkoohler · 9 months
book review: the home share
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I am a huge fan of romcom, specially of there enemies to lovers trope and this book was promising so much, but did not fulfils my expectation.
As a sum up, ther story is focus on Evie, an orphan girl who works as a driver in a tourist company in Dublin, and Jack, who's a workaholic and who has no relationship with his grandmother. Evie, after she was asked to move out from her rental house with her best friends, is in desperate need of a new home, and her her petsitter, and old neighbour, offers her to move in with her. Then Jack c0mes to the picture by moving in with both of them in order to keep and eyes on Evie.
That sounds perfect and promising, as I said before, but the plot twist was never there. Thew writing was so fast and easy that I have no idea how I get to the 50% of the books in two hours (I am a slower reader), but while I was reading, many things came to my mind. How and when did the attraction between Jack and Eviestarted? There was a moment that they barely talk and see each other, and the next chapter they are faking a relationship for Jack and five minutes later they are in love. 
What do we know about Jack beside that he loves his job, does not have a good relationship with his mother, and barely talked to his grandmother until he went to Dublin? or about Evie beside that ayer mother died a few years ago and that her best friends has a fiancé? I think we know more about Eleanore and her life that about the two main characters.
Im not saying that it was not a good book, it was, and Jack is a sweetheart, and I wanted to yelled at Evie to many times, so that's giood, it means that the book did move my feelings, made me feel things, but I would love to read more about each character, know more about the interaction in the house between them and how they did fell for each other. 
And to conclude I want to thanks NetGallery, BooksGoSocial and Sally Clements for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review!
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darlingvita · 2 years
gentleman jack 2x05 thoughts
I will never shut up about the genius of Sally Wainwright and the way she writes so unapologetically and always with the intention of highlighting the complexity that exists inside of people. I think season 2 of Gentleman Jack is going to polarise people. We are half way through now, and it’s a much harder watch than season 1 (even though s1 certainly had its painful moments too), mostly because this season is centred around the difficulties Anne and Ann face now that they’re married, and navigating the reaction of those around them to their cohabitation. In my opinion, the homophobia (subtle and not so subtle) this season has been the most well-written, well-acted representation of what it’s like to face homophobia as a lesbian that I have ever seen on screen. There are many examples I could use, and I mentioned the homophobia in 2x02 in this post, but nothing emphasised this for me like the last scene in 2x05 when Anne and Ann find out about the homophobic marriage announcement in the newspaper. I mention that a little more here. These moments are gutting, they always hit very close to home, but they are essential in the telling of a true story about lesbians who defied their family’s and society’s expectations and lived as a married couple in the 19th century.
2x05 also tackled head-on the taboo topic of Anne Lister’s politics. I think it was the most explicit portrayal that we have seen so far of her more horrifying side. The show demonstrates Anne’s brave side, her soft side, the things we empathise with, but also the side that make us (at least, as liberal or leftist viewers) extremely uncomfortable and angry, too. It is vital to recognise that she did treat a lot of people badly, particularly Marian in this episode, and her view and treatment of the working class was inexcusable. All of this being said, it also doesn’t take away the importance of her story being told. It is just an uncomfortable truth that adds to the complexity of such a compelling story.
What will always shock me the most about the way this show is written, the way it’s airing on BBC 1 at 9pm, is not only that it is a lesbian story, but it’s a lesbian story that isn’t completely palatable. It has the same grittiness, the same nuance, as any other Sally Wainwright drama that shows both the positives and negatives that can co-exist in both relationships and us as people. In this case, it is telling the story of someone who could be incredibly revolutionary and yet reactionary at the same time. And I think season 2 is doing an absolutely incredible job at that.
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18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire? For Sally!
From the Character Ask Game.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Oooh, there's so much I have said and MORE to say about the Jack/Sally ship...I do love Sally so much as a character, she's a great role model and a fantastic example of interesting character design. I love it when I ship two characters together and I'm obsessed with BOTH of them, haha!
There's just so much I see in their relationship, the things they find in each other that complete them and the obvious care + friendship shared between them in the movie...I have so many endless posts about them that I feel like I'm babbling on over the same things with Jally, but OUGH. They are EVERYTHING to me.
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iredreamer · 2 years
Dear Irene, I love everything you do Gentleman Jack related…I wanted to know you whether you feel the same: 1. Anne really understands she loves Ann only after returning home after Mariana 2. It is heartbreaking that Ann start doubting it right there 3. The break up in the last episode should have been totally balanced by a more profound intimate scene than the carriage (I agree with u the whole children stuff in ep.8 was out of character) ..I really do hope there is a season 3!!
Hello! Thank you so much for the nice message, I’m happy you enjoy my blog.
I agree with you but I want to elaborate a little bit more on this.
To me Anne saying “I love you” to Ann felt a bit off both times and I’m very conflicted about the intimate scene in 2x04. To be honest, Anne didn’t completely convince me there that she’s in love with Ann. I’m not sure what we are supposed to think – is Anne saying it because she realised she loves Ann? is Anne saying it because she feels guilty and is scared of losing Ann? is she saying it because she’s trying to convince herself that she does love Ann despite what just happened with Mariana? I honestly don’t know what we’re supposed to take from that scene – maybe all of those things are true? Anne loves Ann, sure, no doubt about that, the real question is if she’s in love with her or not.
I think this is an underling theme this season: the difference between being in love with someone and loving someone. This got subtly stressed quite a lot in different episodes and scenes – especially in episode 6, when Ann Walker asks Anne Lister if she was in love with Eliza Raine and Anne answers “I loved her, yes” and Ann says “In love?” – I think Sally tried to explore the different ways in which love manifests itself, it can take different forms and clearly the way Anne loves Ann is very different from the way she loves/loved Mariana or Tib or Eliza. In that same scene Ann asking “Is she [Eliza] another Mrs. Lawton or another Tib?” also tells us that she understands the different kind of relationship Anne had with those women – she understands that Anne was (maybe still is?) very much in love with Mariana and that Tib was the one who was completely in love with Anne. What about Eliza? And, really, what about her? What about Ann? Where does she stands in comparison to those other loves of Anne’s life? Is she another Mariana or another Tib? And she’s neither of them, she’s a whole new kind of love.
The relationship Anne has with Ann is a completely new thing and I think Anne doesn’t have the means yet to recognize that there’s a love there – reason why it feels off to me when she tries to express it by saying “I love you”. I think Anne’s love comes through from other things, to mention just a few: the way she cares about Ann’s health; how she continuosly checks in with Ann to be sure that what they’re doing is something Ann wants without doubts (from the division of the estate, to the wills); the fear she has of losing Ann; how she’s always willing to help Ann and be there for her even when things are looking bad for their relationship, even when Ann treats her kinda bad; how much she misses Ann when they’re not together; etc.
I personally found the scene of Anne coming back from Lawton more interesting. The “I missed you” felt very sincere and spontaneus and I believe that’s the real “I love you”. I loved the hug more than the sex scene – Anne completely lets go as soon as she’s in Ann’s arms – she realises there, I think, how much she wants and needs to have Ann Walker in her life. As I said in another post, Ann makes her feel safe and good. Even the way Anne looks at Ann in that whole scene says a lot, you can see both guilt and love in her eyes. In the next scene Anne tries to convey that love with words but I think she kinda fails.
I think that that is not the first time Ann starts doubting Anne’s love. I think Ann Walker has had doubts from the beginning, she’s just not addressing them – for example, in the last Ann(e)s scene of 1x05 Ann tells Anne that even if she marries Mr. Ainsworth she will still lend her the money to sink her pit – that always made me think that deep down Ann Walker thinks that maybe Anne wants to be with her for other reasons other than love. We know how that went, Anne says that is not what she wants and of course the ending of season one made both Ann Walker and us really feel like Anne Lister did fall in love with her in the end, so that seemed settled. Season 2 starts with Ann Walker saying “I love you” to Anne at the end of ep 1 and in that scene I think she wanted to hear it back. Anne doesn’t answer. Then we have 2x03 where Anne says “I love you” for the first time and it’s clear that Ann doesn’t fully believe her but is choosing to not think about it too much. So, again, I feel like Ann Walker doubts about Anne’s love were already there from the very beginning, they just keep growing as the season progresses and everything comes out in the last episode (I honestly think the “is AL in love with AW” thing was actually resolved in season 1, but then Sally decided to retcon it to have more drama which... is a choice, I guess).
I fully agree with you on this. Not much to add.
Thank you again for your message and yes let’s hope for a season 3!! :) have a nice day!
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wearevillaneve · 2 years
Okay so based on all we know so far, do you think they’ll evolve Villaneve’s relationship, and if so, in what way?
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In Laura We Trust. These are the four little words I've lived with for my emotional nourishment in the Long Year of Being Killing Eveless. By way of this week's Entertainment Weekly (a daily website,, but a monthly magazine) we received our first official look at the upcoming and final season and begetting as you might expect the fandom had...thoughts. My own thoughts are I am not worried, but I am concerned. Phoebe Waller-Bridge was the sun, moon, and stars and while Killing Eve wasn't birthed by PWB, she nourished it and allowed it to flourish into la grande ossessione we've all surrendered to. Waller-Bridge begat Emerald Fennell who begat Suzanne Heathcote who begat Suzanne Heathcote who begat Laura Neal and if that seems like a lot of begetting, it definitely is. Since then Killing Eve has lost altitude like a balloon leaking air as each season has been progressively more incoherent, maddeningly inconsistent, and hopelessly falling into bottomless sinkholes. What was once the most brilliant show on television has become a frustrating hot mess.
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I think we are not going to get another fucking six-month time jump. This is good. I also think Jodie Comer knew something when she said in one of the post-S3 interviews, "I think they walk away" and S4 will open with Villanelle and Eve be going their separate ways (again?). This is not good. In fact, it totally sucks, @dayyneee. Maybe it's time to stop blaming the head writers. Maybe it's time to start blaming the one constant in the show beyond the actors, writers, its creator and certainly the fans.
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Ladies, and Gentlemen, this is THE Architect. Sally Woodward-Gentle. Put some respect on her name, but she ain't no Aretha Franklin is she? Or don't respect SWG. It's not as though she will ever have to give a shit. She's running things her way. SWG isn't accountable to anybody. Our approval doesn't matter and neither does our disapproval. Same for your praise or damnation. If Jodie's getting paid and Sandra's getting paid, you had best believe before they do Sally is getting paid too, and much more. So what does SWG care about Villanelle and Eve finally arriving where they have been trying to get to for four seasons. Take your frustrated sapphic longing over to Gentleman Jack, Dickinson, or even low-rent Wynonna Earp for that sort of thing. We'll get there when SWG is ready. Or maybe we won't. So I'm more than a little worried and starting to be very concerned what head writer Laura Neal wants does not matter and what Kayleigh "We're Very Gay" Llewellyn wants does not matter, because keep in mind she already said writing KE meant she could not do some of the things she might want to because it's not her show.
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"With something like Killing Eve you're working on someone else's baby. You might want things other people don't want. You're a cog in the machine, to an extent..." Wonder what might be that a queer woman might want on Killing Eve that other people do not want? Maybe some more queerness that is direct and isn't ambiguous? Maybe something other than yet another season of Villanelle and Eve split up and chasing after or running away from The Twelve just so they can end up back together for a few minutes in the final episodes? Fuck The Twelve. I don't give a shit about them and never have. But maybe SWG does and that is what matters. After all, at the end of the day, Killing Eve isn't Phoebe's show and it's not Sandra and Jodie's show and it's not really even Luke's show and it's certainly not our show. It's her show and if you don't like the direction it's taken, who's to bless or blame for it than Woodward-Gentle? So if you're feeling a bit...uneasy about getting our long-delayed and much-desired Villaneve Magic Moment, it might be you are probably not alone in feeling like we're getting further away instead of closer to it. That's something to be concerned and worried about.
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In answer to your question, I don't know if we're going to get Villaneve Beginningame, Endgame, or any damn game at all. Not if SWG doesn't want us to have it and so far, and with all this babbling bullshit about Villanelle singing hymns and Eve putting those around her (who's left?) at risk, and blonde wigs and Villanelle in cardinal drag shit in a plot nobody asked for or wanted, I am very worried and very concerned we are going to go into Season Four even further away and not closer to what we want and what we deserve. The final season will either redeem Killing Eve or prove the first season was merely a lucky, happy accident that was never going to be repeated. Neal will either be the Next Best Thing to happen to the show or the Worst Thing Ever. I hope that doesn't happen, but am I worried and concerned that it might? Hell yes, because to this one fan's eye's we are getting further, not closer from what Phoebe said Killing Eve's main reason to exist was.
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But at least now you know who to blame if you don't get it.
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(illustration by chenckino)
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reesiereads · 2 years
So. That pjo au??? I used to be obsessed with the series and would love to hear your takes on the au!! No pressure to respond :)
Ooo! I'd love to talk about it thank you for asking!
I already know this is gonna get long so read more:
Okay, so I've figured out parentage for just about everyone. However I mostly only have backstories and shit for SBI/Bench Trio/Las Navedas Crew so this will mostly be focused on them.
We'll go about this time line wise:
So Camp Half Blood is ran by Philza who's essentially in Chiron's place. I've set him as a centaur for the moment but honestly I might just make him a harpy or some other bird hybrid because having him be anything but a bird feels too weird. The 'Dionysis' in this scenario is gonna be Kristin who's a Goddess still, she's Hades and Persephone's second kid. She isn't always around but she's around enough that the campers are used to her. She can revive or kill anything living (which becomes very important later on).
I also should preemptively mention I've taken some liberties. For instance the 'three on a quest' thing doesn't exist and Satyr's aren't demigod protectors.
So my current 'timeline' starts with Techno showing up to the camp because he's the oldest of the current campers (19). When he shows up to camp though he's a literal baby, think Jason Grace kinda shit. Parent just said 'I aint dealing with this' and dropped him at the camp so Phil and Kristin raised him. It's a big reason why he's so strong now. Techno is a kid of Nemesis (if you want to know why I chose her or any of the other parents send me another ask cuz this is already gonna be hella long) and he doesn't really have any powers other then getting a mild strength boost when he's trying to get revenge.
Dream (Athena), George (Hypnos), Sapnap (Ares), Karl (Iris thought I might change it to Hecate) and Quackity (Tyche) all show up next. Don't have much to say about that. None of them rlly have backstories yet (though I do have their powers and shit done if you wanna ask me about those).
Punz, Purpled and Hannah show up next. Punz and Purpled are the only two I have at the current moment that are biological siblings. They're both kids of Nike about three years apart. Hannah is just a friend that's close enough to essentially be their sister (child of Demeter, obviously).
Now this next part is a little iffy but basically Techno is sent by Phil to go off and find Jack, cuz Jack Manifold is the only alive kid of one of the big three (child of Hades). This gets messy though because he ends up finding Niki (Nemesis), Wilbur (Apollo), Sally (Posidon), Fundy (Hermes), Tommy (Demeter), and Tubbo (Haephestus) on the same trip and has to somehow get them all back in one piece.
Spoiler alert: He doesn't manage it. Sally dies and Wilbur leaves pretty soon after they get back to camp because... well, man's is grieving and I need to show his death arc somehow without killing him (because I can't use the Kristin powers twice that's lame and I need them later).
Schaltt shows up after Wilbur leaves. He's a kid of Dionysis and long story short an ass, cuz this is modeled after dsmp right? I don't have it fully fleshed out but I know he gets together with Q for a bit and that relationship isn't super great and that he takes Tubbo and Fundy under his wing for a bit (which again, doesn't end super well). He dies in some super pathetic way at some point idk, who cares.
The fiancees also get together for a bit but end up breaking off for some reason I haven't decided yet. This only gets a mention because frankly I haven't fleshed it out and I'm not very focused on it.
Now we get to the fun parts.
Ranboo is a child of Aphrodite who shows up and gets taken under Techno's wing. Gets some training, makes friends with Tubbo and Tommy dunno poggers shit. He's a bit outcasted cuz he's... well, not a typical Aphrodite kid and also cuz man's still has his memory issues (not sure why he has them yet, might be trauma might be something else idk not super important as of now).
Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy go on a quest where they find Michael (Demeter) and Shroud (Athena). Ranboo and Tubbo get together for jokes at first until it isn't, you know Pog shit.
The Las Navedas crew (Quackity, Purpled, Fundy, Sam (Athena), Foolish (Apollo though might change to Hecate)) go on a quest for some reason or other. Dunno specifics but it's led up to cuz Fundy starts getting those prophetic skin demigod dreams and has to have George walk in his dreams to figure shit out cuz you know, Fundy's like 12 in this au and has no idea wtf is going on. But anyway they find Charlie (Athena) along the way so that's fun.
Wilbur comes back to camp which is shocking cuz everyone just kinda... assumed he was dead. Think of that scene in the fourth pjo book or whatever when Percy shows up from Ogigia and everyone is like "WE THOUGHT YOU WERE FUCKING DEAD" its like that.
Then to mirror the burger van arc Wilbur, Quackity, Ranboo, Tubbo and Tommy are sent on a quest which I have actually planned out! For the most part anyway... I've planned Ranboo's arc, whatever same/dif.
Basically Ranboo is helping Wilbur and Quackity stop being idiots and get together, while in the process giving them shit therapy a la "I don't think your a bad person." It's fun. They meet his mom who's like "focus and love urself Jesus Christ," they meet Q's mom who tries to kill them in Las Vegas, Wilbur and Q get together finally, Ranboo dies to protect Tubbo it's a fun time. And Tommy is there because I want someone to call these dumbasses on their bullshit.
Anyway, so yeah, Ranboo's dead. Sam isn't an idiot here though (and Dream isn't evil) so we get revengers except Michael's find so they're just going to find Kristin in the underworld (cuz ofc she's gone when they need her) with Tommy and Wilbur to revive Ranboo. Tommy comes so I can do the fun "ig I like Ranboo or whatever" thing and Wilbur is there because I want him to be angsty about Sally. That's it, I just like torturing him, don't judge me.
Anyways this is just a gross generalization of everything and it's still like thirty paragraphs so... pls fkin send me more asks I want to talk about this more. Atm I want to write like just one shots for it that aren't in any particular order? Like I really want to do one for Techno and Ranboo going into their histories and parallels and shit. So... ye <3
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katnip225 · 3 years
So remember that au where the dream smp is a comic book in the manhunt universe. Well more of that. This is what manhunt!Dream thinks of each character. Now I will just be using the real names but in the comic the names are different. Not doing the tales of the smp characters. Might also get some backstory for Manhunt!Dream
Techno - As stated in my prev post, this is Dream's fav character. He has regularly copied ideas from him. He loves all the pets that Techno has. And how no matter what Techno always follows his beliefs. Might also remind him of his childhood rival.
Phil - finds the character very funny. The 3 months thing. Through does have some very good serious moments like Nov 16th and Doomsday. The guy is clearly not perfect but he really has a hard time hating the guy. Only time he did hate Phil was during Doomsday for letting Friend die and hurting Ghostbur.
Wilbur - easily his 2nd fav. The way his fall was done. It was so heartbreaking. Then his revival. To find out about being alone for 13 years was rough. Dream feels for the guy since being on the run is very lonely. The only people he talks to is when the hunters get close enough for banter. He really hopes that Wilbur gets the help that he needs.
Ghostbur (yes counting this as a different character) - loves the guy. so sweet and just wants to help. Through feels very sad because of the memory thing and the blue. Plus the speech that he gave on Doomsday.
Tommy - this kid can't catch a break. He feels so bad for the kid. Tommy is a good kid that overall does not mean harm. The only thing that Dream hates Tommy for is killing the cat. Dream likes animals and while can understand why Tommy did it, still found himself crying over the cat's death. Dream always wanted pets but his life before on the run was rough and now there is no way he will get one
Tubbo - another kid he feels sorry for. Dream feels bad for Tommy but for some reason Tubbo hits harder. Maybe it is because Tubbo reminds him of one of his neighbor's kid. They are pretty similar in personality from what he remembers. He was sad when the neighbors moved. The scene of Tubbo crying hurt so much. He really wanted to jump into the comic and comfort him.
Ranboo - Easily his 3rd fav. The memory book. The ender walking. The weird connection to main bad guy. The begging to be locked up in the prison. Plus love the marriage to Tubbo. Really hopes they can talk to each other. This comic needs one healthy relationship that lasts. Reminds him of this enderman hybrid that helped. Found the kid lost in the woods and badly hurt. So helped get the kid back to help then took it to the village with the nice baker lady. It was a nice village so hopefully the kid is okay.
Michael - yes doing their son. Super cute. The in comic reason for keeping Michael inside is for safety. I like to imagine there is a small mini series of Michael playing pretend or sneaking out to meet the other kids.
Fundy - neutral. Does not like him but does not hate him. Through is curious about the seeing the future thing. Wonders if this is his god's blood in work. (in the comic, Wilbur is confirmed to be a demigod. Only Phil and Techno know about it but it was confirmed)
Yogurt - cute kid. Hangs out with Michael when he sneaks out.
Puffy - a cool pirate and therapist. Kinda wish that she was his mom. He does not have any parents but he feels like Puffy would be a cool mom. She went feral when Foolish was killed.
Niki - reminds him of a baker he meet once while on the run. This was before he was well known so he could risk being seen. She gave him some free cookies and gave him a discount on the bread when she saw that he did not have much money. Super sweet and nice but also not one to be messed with. He saw how that baker handled an attempted robbery. Sad to see her wanting to hurt Tommy but was so happy that she is healing.
Jack: Feels bad for the character since he is put through so much. Even had to crawl out of hell.
Karl - love the guy. The time travel spin off series is super cool. feels bad for the losing memories things.
Quackity - flip flops between feeling bad and hating the guy. Quackity has been through a lot and Las Nevadas is cool. But he is just doing what the main villian did. Please just heal so you can be at peace. Hopefully him and fiancés will get back together
Jschlatt - great villian. hated the guy. Also reminds him of his neighbors. The father. Through was a much better person. Actually wanted to give a better life for his son (Yes in this au, DadSchlatt is a thing and he is a good father)
Purple - felt bad for the ufo being blowen up but does not feel anything towards him.
Punz - He respect the guy. Reminds him of a mercenary person that once was after him. Through stopped after realizing that the pay was not worth all the chase. Needed to be payed more
Ponk - felt bad for losing his arm but otherwise neutral for the character
Skeppy - over all neutral. Nice guy and feels bad for the possession thing.
Eret - liked the guy then hated the guy then went back to liking him. Glad the character was making up for the whole betrayal thing.
XD - does know what to make of this character. Through does not trust the god with George
Drista - a fun character that can cause a lot of chaos. Would want as a sister. Yes he might get attacked by a fork but hey he already has a younger brother.
Kristen - not much is known about her. Only that she is Wilbur's mom (in the comic, Wilbur does say his mom is a fridge but I am going on what Phil said. Which is that Wilbur got confused when Phil pointed to the fridge which had a pic of his mom)
MD - fun guy. So sad to see him die. Was really helping Tommy
Mamacita - another fun character through has not been seen since MD's death.
Sally - in the comic Sally is a shapeshifter through the writer wanted them to be a fish. Their editor refused to allow that. Not really shown much outside flash backs. I go back and forth on how good of a mom she was. So if she was good then Dream liked her. If not then he hates her.
Slimecicle - very confused. not like conflicted. Just confused.
Sam Nook - like him. Only one he trusts Tommy with. If he could becomes friends with Hunter!Sam would totally ask if he can build something like Sam Nook
Sam - really hates the dude. Does not care that the main bad guy asked Sam to build it. Sam has control so everything is Sam's doing. Plus the whole thing with Ponk. Part of him does remind dream of Hunter!Sam but that was earlier in the comic. Hunter!Sam would never hurt his partner (Yes Hunter!Sam is dating Ponk)
Ant - again the character remind him of Hunter!Ant. Through overall neutral. Does feel bad for the whole possession by the egg thing
Sapnap - hopefully gets back with Quackity. The dude really gets the short end of the stick. Also reminds him of Hunter!Sapnap. Through hopefully his relationship goes better then dsmp!Sapnap (yes Quaickity and Karl are his boyfriends)
George - reminds him of Hunter!Geroge. The weird dream comics were funny. feels bad that the character can't tell what is a dream and what is real.
Bad - again remind him of Hunter!Bad. Only reason why Dream does not hate dsmp!Bad is because he is being possessed by the egg. He did not like Foolish being killed. Also finds it sweet that the character was willing to do something for Skeppy. (yes. Bad and Skeppy have the same relationship as canon)
Dream - is a great villian. very evil. Through as stated before. Does not like the prison treatment. Does see himself in the guy but it is like all his more negative traits were turned up to 1000. Through Dream is lonely and does not make attachments, there is one he can't get rid of. Since that attachment is why he is doing all of this
Foolish - can probably tell he really likes Foolish. reminds him of his younger brother. Foolish being killed was the one time he needed to put the comic down and take a break.
that is everyone. There are a few more that I really don't watch so have no idea what Manhunt!Dream's opinion would be.
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thankskenpenders · 3 years
Enerjak Reborn: Epilogue
It’s time to answer the question on everybody’s mind. How did Ken respond to Ian killing off Locke, one of his pet characters?
Well, the answer, as you should expect, is: poorly
Now, it’s important to remind everyone that Ken has not actually read the arc. He never read any of Ian’s run, to my knowledge. But his fans were sure to tell him all about it and ask him how he felt
Eventually, in 2010, two years after this issue dropped, we got a response from Ken talking about how he felt about Ian’s run. (Again, even though he wasn’t actually reading it himself.) Said response is worth reading in full if you’re interested in all this drama and Ken’s mindset. You literally get to see the guy brag about how he actively ignored what Bollers was doing when the two were sharing writing duties, as if this is a good thing that makes him a better writer. He also criticizes Ian for using the previous writers’ characters instead of introducing even more characters to the bloated Archie cast in his first few years on the series. But the relevant part to the discussion of Enerjak reborn is here:
“I especially don’t consider anything either does with any of the echidna characters – especially Locke – to be canon as neither created the characters nor established them in stories as the viable fan favorites they’ve become. No matter what Ian writes, he can never alter the fact that in MY universe, the events of Locke’s passing as depicted in SONIC #143 is canon. Anything he writes can easily be counter-written by a better story with an alternative solution.”
Let’s just brush past the very funny part where he calls Locke a “viable fan favorite”
So yeah. Penders was VERY unhappy with the way Ian wrote Locke, and the way Locke’s death in Enerjak Reborn meant that the timeline depicted in Mobius: 25 Years Later wasn’t the one true future of the series. He’s also gone on record saying that he thinks Ian didn’t get the relationship between Locke and Knuckles. When asked about Ian’s work, this has always been one of the major things that’s bothered him
On a broader level, his ramblings here are reflective of how he views comic franchises in general. A particularly illustrative quote from him is provided in the comments section below the article I linked:
“The only work I consider significant to any character is the work done by the original creators. Anything done afterwards by anyone else pretty much doesn’t count. For example, I consider the original issues of FANTASTIC FOUR by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby to be the only stories that matter in the entire run. Anything being done today is by writers and artists who are simply building off the work Stan and Jack originated. I apply this standard to just about every character I ever enjoyed over the years.”
This odd mindset explains a lot about Ken. It explains why he hates that Ian kept using his characters, and why he actively avoided building off of the work of his contemporary writers at Archie. I can see what he means on some level, of course. When another writer comes in and adds more novels to a series after the original author dies, I generally tend to ignore those. And I skipped a good chunk of Twin Peaks season 2 because it had less involvement from creators David Lynch and Mark Frost, making a lot of it feel like filler. But we’re talking about a licensed comic, one that had been a collaboration between multiple writers based on the work done for the games and cartoons from the very beginning. Ken was never the sole writer--he wasn’t even there for the first year--and he was writing stories centered around characters he hadn’t created like Sonic, Sally, and Knuckles. He doesn’t take credit for creating any of those characters, but the hypocrisy still seems to be lost on him
But of course, we’re not just talking about Ian’s handling of all of Archie Sonic here. We’re talking about Locke. And as Ken has said himself, Locke was based partially on his own father. And that’s really the kicker here
As I’ve said many times before, I try to avoid psychoanalyzing Penders and digging into his personal life. I don’t know the guy, and that’s his own business. But it’s hard not to when he literally says shit like THIS to fans
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Locke is emotionally abusive towards his wife and son. Locke is also based on Ken’s dad. Ken refuses to see Locke as abusive, even though that’s exactly what he wrote, because that would mean acknowledging that his own father was abusive. So there’s always an excuse for why father knows best. It was a different era! They’re not humans! He could see the future! He might have hurt Knuckles, but it toughened him up, and he was always there for him in the end! The dad is never, ever at fault. The moms, on the other hands, are mere bystanders to the child rearing done by the dads. It’s just sad, really
I get why Ken would be bitter that Ian took this fictionalized version of his late dad, went “hey, this guy’s an asshole,” and then killed him off. I get why that would upset somebody. He wrote a very personal story there. But it’s not like Ian was pouring salt in a fresh wound--Ken lost his father all the way back in 1982. I know this because Ken literally dedicated the M25YL story about his version of Locke’s death to his dad. It had been nearly 30 years when he wrote this response to Ian’s work. That’s plenty of time to see a goddamn therapist instead of projecting all of your baggage onto Knuckles the Echidna and writing stories for kids about how you should never question your dad ever
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The irony, though, is that Ian’s different take on Locke is arguably way more nuanced than Ken’s ever was. In his final moments, Ian’s Locke turns into this tragic figure who only realizes too late that the way of life the Brotherhood had raised him to believe was a mistake, that he had failed his son by passing those beliefs on to him. But he’s still held responsible for what he did. He’s a horrible dad, and the characters around him call him out for his failures, but you pity him for only now realizing what he had done
Ken, on the other hand, gestures at Locke doing horrible things, then tells you to forget about all that and stop questioning him. Knuckles pretends he has a totally normal Leave it to Beaver-ass father-son relationship as soon as they reunite in the Knuckles series. As an adult he thinks back on how great a job Locke did raising him, even though Locke literally took him from his mother, raised him to believe that his mother and the rest of his species were all dead, and then pretended he himself was dead for six years of his son’s childhood (among MANY other things)
M25YL gestures at those very same themes of not repeating your parents’ mistakes that Ian touched on in Locke’s final moments. Knuckles is raising Lara-Su very differently from how Locke raised him, and Locke admits that he wishes he had raised Knuckles differently on his deathbed. But his decision to suddenly admit wrongdoing in this flashback to his death feels unearned and arbitrary. Locke is never at fault. We cannot question Locke. Knuckles turned out fine, so don’t worry about it. Locke might regret the way Knuckles raised him, but Knuckles is not allowed to hold any ill will towards his father or question his methods whatsoever. We’re allowed to gesture at the idea that Knuckles doesn’t want to repeat the mistakes of the previous generations, but those vague mistakes aren’t allowed to be anyone’s fault. That’s just “how things were”
Ken would do a lot more than just complain about Ian’s handling of Locke on the internet, though. Because you see, the way Ian wrote Locke is commonly cited as one of the main reasons why Ken started copyrighting his work, right up there with Bioware basing the story of Sonic Chronicles partially off of the Knuckles comics without his blessing. And those copyrights, of course, were what started the legal battle that would kill off the original Archieverse
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