#i have shrimp and grits
delphi-dreamin · 8 months
Sometimes you just need some comfort food 😌
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vincent-frankenstein · 9 months
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moonstruckwytch · 2 years
Cor cor cor i have a would u rather for u:
Would you rather use zero recipes for a whole month (experimenting or cooking from memory is fine) or have to cook the same dinner for a whole week (u pick the dish) 👀👀👀
oh this answer may be wildly disappointing lmao.
i would rather make the same thing for a week, because honestly? sometimes i do that already. when i’m really truly burnt out and struggling i default to either making a huge batch or something and eating it for days, or making the same thing over and over. generally speaking it’s scrambled eggs with cheese, sausage, pan fried hash browns or tater tots, and toast. but in the interest of putting some more thought in, if i could only make one thing for a whole week? it would probably be either justine snack’s corn quinoa bake because that’s easy and versatile with toppings, (smoked salmon, avocado, maple chipotle roasted sweet potatoes and goat cheese is my go to) or a vietnamese ga xao xo ot recipe i saved from the wayback machine that’s almost a perfect duplicate for some of my favorite takeout in my hometown. i’d also probably happily eat oyakodon all week so long as i had a fresh pack of chicken thighs and didn’t have to defrost things.
honestly, the idea of trying to cook without recipes for a month is mildly terrifying. despite working in kitchens for years and having been cooking since i was 3 (when i topped my first pizza - there are pictures) i don’t like to experiment without a baseline. i can and will, but it’s not my preferred method. i like to make recipes as written once or twice to get a feel for them, and only then will i make alterations to my own tastes. i could probably cook from memory / experiment (without repeats) for 2 weeks or so before i got stressed about it.
this was fun. i’m always down to talk about cooking (but you know that!)
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starrahcoolership · 4 months
he in love with avalos Mom lovely legs.......
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gildedoak · 3 months
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Nothing like hot cornbread (or even just BREAD) straight out of the oven with some butter when you're having a terrible day. I feel like if there's a type of recipe that Lucifer would pick up quickly, it's BAKED CARBS. The heat from Hell probably throws off all the proofing/rising times, but he's had several thousand years to practice.
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Gumbo (plus character notes!) Beignets (part 2) Shrimp and Grits Biscuits and Gravy Pecan Pie/Sugar Pie Fried Catfish ??? - Season 1 Finale
Description under the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: Colored comic!
Panel 1: Lucifer opens the door to Alastor's room, which is dark inside. L: Hiiii there mister. I made you a snack. Heard you were having a bad day -
Panel 2: Alastor's shadow appears, hissing threateningly at Lucifer, who just stands there with a plate of hot cornbread in his hands, unbothered.
Panel 3: The shadow pauses, noticing the cornbread.
Panel 4: The shadow has gone back to its usual size, and it's sniffing at the plate happily. Alastor (offscreen): Did you make cornbread?
Panel 5: Lucifer sits down on Alastor's bed. Alastor is nowhere to be seen under a massive pile of blankets wrapped around him. All that is visible are his eyes and his hands as he plucks a slice of cornbread off the top of the plate. He glares at it dubiously. L: Yup! Niffty showed me! Even used a cast iron pan!
Panel 6: Alastor munches on the cornbread within the confines of his blanket mountain, though his eyes imply he's quite happy. His shadow sits behind him, beaming and projecting little heart shadows. A: Thank you. Lucifer smiles, pleased with himself.
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decaflondonfog · 1 year
having zimbits thoughts... this is not the time... i have so many wips... why is this happening to me >:(
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oneforthemunny · 7 months
Could we please have some angst with mafia Eddie? Maybe it looks like he is paying too much attention to another lady! You mention this to him and he gets angry at your accusations. He doesn’t realise what his actions are doing to you! Not until the other lady makes a move and he realises you were right all along!
"Mr. Munson," Your ears perked at the sound, a purr coming from behind the two of you.
You turned, brows lifting in surprise at the cocktail waitress behind you. It wasn't the too tight dress that upset you. No, it was the look in her eyes. Narrowed with a sultry determination, lips spread in a nearly wolfish smile.
"Back so soon?" She hummed, placing a black napkin down on the table.
Eddie hummed in response, blowing his cigar smoke the other way. She dipped low, bending forward to place his napkin in front of him. Your lips pursed, cheeks heating, glaring at Eddie, who still seemed unbothered, reading over the menu without a single glance up at the desperate waitress.
"Yeah, I think we're ready to order." Eddie muttered, closing the menu to look across the booth at you. He was startled by your hard stare, brows knitting in confusion. "Are you not ready, baby?"
"Yes." You hissed, manicured nails digging into the leather of the menu.
Eddie blinked, scanning your face with uncertainty. "Ok, I want a Manhattan."
"So the usual?" She giggled playfully, lashes batting towards him. "With 1792?"
"Full proof." Eddie nodded, looking at you.
The waitress scribbled it down, turning back to you, face falling, eyes not meeting yours in boredom. "And for you?" Her tone fell flat.
You blinked, pausing to cut your eyes to Eddie. He didn't react, brows pulling in a furrowed look of confusion that had your teeth gritting. "I'll have an Aviation."
"Any preference on gin?" She hummed, eyes sliding over your frame with a bored expression.
"Broker's is fine." You snap the menu closed, tossing it towards Eddie's in the middle of the table.
"You wanted Pâté, right, baby?" Eddie hummed gently towards you. Maybe you were hungry? You got huffy when you hadn't eaten.
The waitress looked over at you with a lifted brow, lips pressed in annoyance. Your own eyes narrowed, in what you hoped looked like a threat and not insecurity.
"We'll just get that. And the shrimp cocktail. Just whatever looks good." Eddie waved her off, knee bouncing gently under the table, eyes still locked on you.
The waitress turned back to Eddie, a smile reappearing to her face. "I'll get that right in for you, Mr. Munson." She purred, turning away with a swinging step.
"Thanks, Tammy." Eddie muttered, leaning forward on the table.
You watched the waitress sashay away, an exaggerated swing in her hips that had you rolling your eyes, ready to tear the girl's hair out.
"What's the matter with you?" Eddie muttered lowly.
You turned towards him, lips pursed in displeasure. "Tammy?" You huff.
Eddie blinked. "The waitress?"
You scoffed, nose turning up in the air, refusing to look at him. Eddie hated when you did that, ignoring him entirely- oh, it drove him insane. Which was exactly why you did it.
"Hey, don't- what's wrong? Why're you mad?" Eddie pressed, reaching for your arm across the table. Thankful this was a private room, he felt a little safer to show affection.
You didn't reply, fighting the urge to roll your eyes, yanking your arm away from his instead, crossing them over your chest.
Eddie huffed, flinging his cigar into the tray. He did a scan of the room, sliding out of the booth to slide next to you, back to the door- something he never did. He was nearly neurotic about sitting where he could see who was coming in.
"What's goin' on? Look at me, c'mon." Eddie pulled you towards him, hand snaking around your waist.
His hand snaking under your jaw, pulling you towards him. "Baby," Eddie cooed lowly, a tone of voice he only used in the complete privacy of your relationship, when no one else was around. "What's wrong?"
Your lips twisted, glaring at him. Before you could answer, the swoosh of the door was opening, Eddie's hand on his glock, protectively pushing you behind him, ready for any unwanted action.
Instead, it was Tammy, back with your drinks.
"Oh," She quipped, a smile that felt more like a sneer across her face. "You switched sides on me."
Eddie didn't laugh, didn't even acknowledge her other than a head nod of thanks when she set the drink down. He felt you tense when she leaned forward, breasts nearly touching Eddie's shoulder to place your drink in front of you. Your nails dug into his slacks.
"Let me know whenever you're ready for another, Mr. Munson. Those appetizers should be out soon." Tammy grinned down at Eddie.
Eddie turned to you carefully, waiting until he heard the door click softly behind her. "What's wrong?"
"Are you serious?" You scoffed. Eddie blinked at you, brows creasing in confusion. "Are you going to just fuck her in front of me next?"
"What?" Eddie spat. "Who?"
"Tammy?" You sneered her name.
"The waitress?" Eddie scoffed, rolling his eyes. "Are you serious? C'mon."
"Don't you dare lie to me, Eddie. She's all over you." You snap, eyes narrowing at him furiously.
"No, she's not." Eddie blinked at you. "Baby, what are you talking about?"
"You know her name," You counted off on your fingers. "She's all over you, practically had her tits in your face, flirting with you right in front of me-"
"-She is not flirting." Eddie rolled his eyes. "She's just being nice. She knows I leave a good tip."
"Oh, I'm sure she does." You sneer, anger bubbling furiously inside of you.
"Stop acting like this, alright? It's not funny." Eddie shook his head, sliding out the booth to the other side. "She always waits on me here. She's good, and I tip her good, that's all. Don't piss me off sayin' that shit."
You glare at him, eyes narrowed when he sips his drink slowly. You want to smack it out of his hands, maybe throw yours at him- glass and all. Instead, you turn back towards the wall, ignoring him entirely.
The dinner is tense. Eddie's exasperated huffs begging you to look at him, they slowly turn into growling demands. You don't touch your drink, letting the ice melt the vibrant lavender down to a watery lilac. Any hunger is replaced with rage, a fire burning in the pit of your stomach.
Eddie calls for the check after thirty minutes, nerves shot, a dull headache brewing behind his eyes.
"Done already? You usually stay longer than that." Tammy quips in feigned surprise masking her disappointment.
You decide you've had enough, snatching your purse, sliding out of the booth when she leaves to get the check. "I'll meet you outside." You growl.
"Hey," Eddie booms, commanding, stern. It would normally have you stopping in your tracks, falling right into submission. "Get back here."
You ignore him, hand slapping the door to push it open, stomping away with fury. Eddie's teeth grit, fishing out the contents of his jacket pocket- wallet, lighter, cigarette.
Lighting the cigarette, he took a slow drag, letting the burn of the nicotine settle into his throat and lungs. Thumbing through his wallet, he pulled out four big bills, slapping them on the table, sliding out with a huff.
The door swung open as he was adjusting his jacket. "Oh," Tammy giggled sillily, eyes sliding to your empty space. "Here's this for you."
Eddie nodded towards the table. "On there for you. Keep the change." He muttered around the cigarette hanging from his lips, side stepping to get around her.
She blocked him, a countering step to stop him. "I'm sorry, I just, I think you need to look at the bill, Mr. Munson." She gave a wide smile.
Eddie huffed, reaching back for his wallet, blowing smoke the other direction. "How much is it?"
Tammy hesitated, opening the wallet. Eddie's eyes flickered over, turning fully to read the bill. There on the bottom, a phone number scribbled next to 'You're always a pleasure. I'd love to see you more away from here. Call me, Tammy', a tiny heart next to her name.
Eddie blinked, heart dropping in his chest. Tammy shrugged sweetly. "I just want to make sure I can always service you to the best of my abilities, Mr. Munson." She purred, eyes batting seductively.
Eddie blinked again, not moving, ash from his cigarette falling on his shoe. His stomach turned, how harshly he'd talked to you, brushed you off when clearly you were right. How had he missed this? Looked over this?
Love will blind ya, boy. Wayne's voice from years ago rang through his ears. He'd always thought his uncle was dramatic. He was much stronger than that. Maybe that was true, until he met you.
"I get off at two, if you'd like to-" Eddie didn't let her finish her sentence, stomping away and towards the door.
His hands shook in fury, bursting into Anthony's office in the back.
You waited outside, arms wrapped around yourself in the chill of the night. It helped to calm your fury, until Eddie swung the door back open with matching anger. A man scurrying behind him, nervously.
"Eddie- Mr. Munson, I-I am sorry. I will-she's done. She's fired." He stammered.
Your interest piqued, Eddie flicking the cigarette on the ground, jaw set furiously, a hand wrapping around your waist guiding you off the curb towards the Bugatti. He opened the door for you, letting you slip inside before shutting it.
You could hear the muffled shouting from outside, turning to look at Eddie, who jammed a rage filled finger towards the man who flinched.
"We will make it up to you, Mr. Munson, I-I swear it-"
"-You fucking better." Eddie sneered, hand on his door. "You better figure somethin' out, Tony. You hear me?"
Eddie slung the door open, falling with a grunt into his seat. Barely starting the car before he was peeling furiously off the curb.
His apology didn't come until later that night, when you both had calmed. In the dark, serenity of your bedroom, Eddie whispering sweetly to you, cooing apologies that you pouted at, giving in slowly with every soft kiss and even softer words.
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honeytonedhottie · 20 days
HONEYS IT GIRL MAGAZINE august edition⋆.ೃ࿔*:・🎀
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welcome back to honeys it girl magazine, this is the august catalog. get ready for the inside scoop on data that i've collected, things i've learned/started doing, and just general info like that organized in kind of a teen-magazine inspired fashion. a magazine for it girls ✨ and now please enjoy, the it girl magazine.
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have u ever woken up from a vivd dream and thought "what does that even mean?" yeah same. so i decided to dive into this for this catalog and here's what i found. dreams represent unconscious desires and wishes. we have dreams that mirror our emotional state.
three of the most common dreams that people have are falling, being chased, and dying. which are all inherently negative things. when u dream of falling, it shows a loss of control over an important situation. when u dream of being chased, thats ur brains way of telling u that ur stressed out. and when u dream of dying, it could represent a part of you that is dying or something you'd like to escape. 
and dreams about death are the most scary to me cuz i have MASSIVE fear of death but there are more than just negative dreams. usually my dreams consist of things that radiate positivity, or my dreams can be flat out weird. either way, if i remember my dreams i like to write them down and yap about them with my friends.
i thought that since its leo season and leo's have the BEST hair its only right that hair is the topic of this month's beauty section. so im going to focus on talking about styling, treatments and general care.
how you style ur hair is SO super important to ur whole vibe and aesthetic. hair styles look different on everyone for a multitude of reasons but one of the most obvious is that people have different face shapes and different styles are flattering on different faces.
remember, u dont have to get the same haircut as ur favorite celeb bcuz its so much more cute and original when u get ur own haircut…💬🎀
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now unto hair treatments. hair treatments are so important to keep ur hair healthy and lustrous and just well taken care of. so im going to give some hair mask and treatment recipes to keep ur hair healthy and radiant…💬🎀
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now finally lets talk about some general tips to keep ur hair gorgeous and lovely on a day to day basis.
♡ use scrunchies instead of elastics when u can to avoid putting strain on ur hair
♡ incorporate collagen into ur diet with supplements or vitamins because its rly rly good for hair skin and nails
♡ when using heat on ur hair, use a heat protectant and try not to apply heat to ur hair on a daily basis
this month i've really been listening to CHECK by the girl group FLO and let me just say, that song is an absolute MASTERPIECE. the music video was amazing. i love love the cinematography and the concept cuz its super hyper girly just like me and the girls looked so amazing and beautiful.
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one of my favorite albums that also dropped this month was latto's sugar honey iced tea album. latto is so so talented and gorgeous and she rly ate down with this album so i highly recommend it to anyone who's been thinking about giving it a listen. my favorite songs on the album are shrimp & grits, look what u did and S/O to me.
for a lot of us, its back to school season and its the time to kind of transition from summer -> into the school year SO here are 5 tips on how to seamlessly transition from ur hot girl summer into a successful school year…💬🎀
♡ get urself an established routine
get urself an established routine 2 weeks before u start cuz the earlier u start ur routine, the quicker it'll be for it to become a habit. adjust ur sleep schedule by sleeping a little earlier, and going to bed at a reasonable time.
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♡ reflect and write down some goals
reflect on ur last school year, what u did good and what u did not so good and based on that formulate a couple goals that u can commit to and hold urself accountable to so that then ur making progress thats trackable.
♡ be organized
organize ur notion, ur space, ur school bag EVERYTHING. organization is so crucial especially for school and can protect u from feeling overwhelmed and cluttered.
♡ brief review
im not the kind of person that like summer work, in fact i hate it. but a week or two before school starts i'll do a quick refresh or research the classes that im going to be taking to kind of set myself up for success.
♡ fix ur attitude
stay POSITIVE and dont take on a bad approach to this school year before you've even started. believe in urself, ur discipline and ur abilities and stay in a good mindset.
i have lots of back to school content planned still that hasn't dropped including studying, resources etc so that we can slay this school year…💬🎀
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details for back to school fashion/academic princess style :
♡ plaid
♡ grey, pink, black and white color scheme
♡ collared shirts and jackets
♡ pleated mini skirts
♡ sweaters
♡ headbands
♡ knee/thigh high socks
long bouncy curls with a headband that matches something on ur outfit. ballet flats and leg warmers. baby pink gloss and square shaped french tips, delicate necklaces and bracelets…💬🎀
when i think of pink academia fashion the first person that comes to my brain is cher from clueless. here are some of her most princess academia moments in the movie.
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cher emphasizes literally everything i've talked about in the pink princess school fashion scheme. the pretty socks, fluffy pens, collared shirts and pink->white->grey color scheme. even the way that she does her hair is very very pretty and flattering.
♡ you’re the star of the show this month, virgo! it all begins on august 4th with a leo new moon that awakens your zone of spirituality. you could be focused on sacred release to clear space, welcoming in new beginnings. confidence is cultivated through deep soul-searching. on the same day, venus enters your sign, bringing a boost to your energy, creative projects, and style. mercury stations retrograde, also in virgo, encouraging self-reflection.
♡ for aries, it’s an exciting month ahead! the action begins on august 4th, when the leo new moon activates your zone of pleasure, inviting you to follow your passions! a playful approach in romance and creativity can inspire new beginnings that feel fun and stress-free. on the same day, venus enters virgo and visits your sector that rules self-care, encouraging you to embrace healthier habits. In the evening, mercury goes retrograde in virgo, signaling a time for you to get centered.
♡ for taurus, it’s an emotionally powerful month. it all begins on august 4th, when the leo new moon activates your zone of intuition, bringing major insights that lead you to new beginnings. with your environment in the spotlight as well, you might use this time to beautify your living space, pulling in bold animal prints and patterns. later in the day, love planet venus enters virgo, activating your zone of pleasure. take a practical approach to love, money, and creativity. then, mercury stations retrograde in virgo, urging you to release perfectionism and rest.
♡ for gemini, his month is full of connection! the magic starts on august 4th, when the leo new moon activates your communication sector, inspiring you to shine your light, share your ideas, and express yourself. leo’s passion blends with the fresh slate of the new moon to bring you an exciting new path to explore. later, venus enters virgo, awakening your intuition so you can manifest! mercury stations retrograde in virgo as the evening comes to a close, marking a period of rest and awareness.
♡ for cancer, success is yours this month! it all begins on august 4th, when the new moon in leo visits your money zone, inspiring you to share your talents and build up your resources. the bold expression of your skills impresses others and serves as a beautiful boost of confidence for you too! you’ll crave more meaningful conversations when venus enters virgo, awakening your communication sector. mercury stations retrograde in virgo at the end of the day, signaling a time of required pause.
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♡ for leo, it’s an expansive month! the excitement starts on august 4th, when a new moon in your sign ignites a path to new beginnings. you’re stepping into the most confident version of yourself! set intentions for the future with courage and inspiration. on the same day, venus enters practical virgo and visits your financial sector, helping you organize money matters and work projects. mercury goes retrograde in virgo that night, encouraging you to embrace stress reduction and physical relaxation.
♡ for libra, it’s an enlightening month ahead, libra! the leo new moon on august 4th activates your friendship sector and invites you to step into the social spotlight. you could be making plans with friends or passionately helping others. set intentions for the future and remember that dreams do come true! venus enters virgo later to help you get grounded as you explore your emotional realm. mercury stations retrograde in virgo that night, highlighting the importance of practicality.
♡ for scorpio, prepare for a month of empowerment! the leo new moon on august 4th inspires you to showcase your talents. by doing so, important people take notice and doors of opportunity open. don’t be afraid to courageously share your expertise. venus enters virgo later in the day, enhancing your powers of negotiation as well as your charm. mercury stations retrograde in virgo before the day ends, signaling a need for patience.
♡ for sagittarius, it’s an adventurous month! the fun begins on august 4th, when the leo new moon lights up your travel zone, encouraging you to explore on physical, intellectual, and spiritual levels. embrace new beginnings that bring abundance into your life. venus enters virgo on the same day, inviting in well-deserved acknowledgment and opportunity. mercury stations retrograde in virgo, asking you to review your long-term commitments and responsibilities.
♡ for capricorn, it’s a month of personal growth, capricorn! the leo new moon on august 4th awakens your zone of transformation and brings change. you could be healing your relationship with money or crafting a plan to tackle debt. when you surrender into evolution, manifestations become reality. venus enters virgo later and lands in your adventure zone. seek out experiences that feel fun, expansive, and abundant. mercury goes retrograde in virgo before the night ends and asks you to slow down.
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♡ for aquarius, your relationships are highlighted this month, aquarius! the leo new moon on august 4th activates your relationship zone and opens new paths in love. create heart-led manifestations and enjoy quality time connecting with others. venus enters virgo on the same day and visits your sector of intimacy, encouraging you to bond beyond the physical plane. communicate with care when mercury goes retrograde in virgo that night, marking a time of potential misunderstandings and snafus.
♡ for pisces, get ready to fall in love this month, pisces! it begins with the leo new moon on august 4th that encourages you to love the most important person of all: you! this is the time to take excellent care of your mind, body, and soul so you can feel rejuvenated. venus enters virgo the same day, activating your relationship zone. strengthen your bonds! mercury goes retrograde in virgo that night, marking a time of healing.
this month the movie "it ends with us" was released starring blake lively and justin baldoni and it has been gaining LOTS of traction on the internet for a multitude of reasons. i haven't been to watch the movie yet but if u have, tell me how it was!
the reason why im going to be talking about this in the celebrity gossip section is because of the fiasco blake lively and how out of touch she is…💬🎀
blake is getting called out for how shes been acting during her press tour for it ends with us and her past actions and behaviors that rly showcase how tone deaf she is. the movie is based on the book it ends with us that was written by colleen hoover, and in the book it explores topics such as domestic violence, emotional abuse etc. because of the serious nature of the movie, her saying "grab ur friends, wear ur florals" was a tone mismatch.
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a clip of her is going viral where she was asked by the interviewer on, what was the best way someone who understands the themes of the movie, could talk to her. and she responds with literal sarcasm. leaving everyone confused and kind of put off. furthermore during the filming for the movie about literal DOMESTIC VIOLENCE. she launches a haircare brand. which could just be unfortunate timing but i feel like with how good marketing is, this wasn't a coincidence but thats just my opinion.
the last thing i wanna talk about is an interview a while back when blake was pregnant. the interviewer congratulated her saying "congrats on ur little bump" which is so sweet. blake responds "congrats on YOUR little bump" which was SO uncalled for because one, the lady wasn't pregnant and two, the lady literally couldn't have kids. throughout the interview blake just continued to be absolutely obnoxious, ignoring the interviewers questions and just being such a horrible guest.
anyways i'd love to hear ur thoughts and opinions on this situation in the comments and if ur kinda curious about the celeb gossip i recommend watching this video bcuz d'angelo rly explains everything well.
marilyn monroe is an absolute ICON and legend in literally every form of the word. shes an amazing role model and something that i rly rly love about her is ur style and her beauty which is why im doing this month's style dissection on her…💬🎀
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one of my favorite marilyn monroe outfits was her gorgeous deep burgandy silky dress in the film how to marry a millionaire. in this film we get the ICONIC diamonds are a girls best friend and honestly they're right. marilyn sports GORGEOUS diamond jewelry in this movie that rly tie her outfits together and give the air of luxury and opulence that is so so hard to recreate which is why no one can do it quite like marilyn.
marilyn rly made the iconic 1950s glam what it was. everything from her signature platinum blonde bob to her gorgeous, feminine allure. in her film gentlemen prefer blondes shes wearing an absolutely stunning orange dress that shows off her body. it has a super flowy mermaid cut at the bottom which compliments the snugness of the dress around her waist, hips and chest.
i could talk for HOURS about the fashion icon that marilyn monroe is but we dont have that kind of time in this years august issue of the it girls magazine…💬🎀
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alientee · 6 months
Alastor x Jessica Rabbit reader part 3
I lied there will be a fourth part 🤣 sorry I’ve been gone for so long. By the way this amazing art was drawn by @klaudia96art it’s based on this story I just had to have me and my demon drawn lol
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Alastor and you made it back to the hotel without any more problems, you both headed towards the kitchen the kitchen. “Alright darling I’ll get the ingredients out, I can’t wait to taste your cooking once more.” You set your gift down on the table pulling your hair back. “Well considering I’ve spent so much time with your mom I bet it’ll taste just as good as hers.”
You start to wash your hands and hear something crash to the ground. As you turn around Alastor is looking at you with a thin smile his eyes as wide as they can get. “H-how is my ma….I’m sure she has her doubts that id ever show up in heaven seeing as it’s been so long” You walk towards him bringing your hand up to caress his face. He leans into your touch his eyes looking more gentle than crazed as usual. When it came to his mother Alastor wanted nothing more than to make sure she was happy, her opinion is what mattered most in the world. "She always say’s she just hopes your alright and happy wherever you are. And that she misses you.”
Alastor rest his head into your neck, inhaling your scent. It had been so long since he’s been able to hold you, to feel content again. Usually he hates being touched by others, it feels like a disgusting burn he can’t get rid of. He was never a fan of touch unless he initiated it, unless it was from his mother and you were soon added to the equation. A thought hit him and once again he was tense pulling back looking at you frantically like an actual deer caught in headlights.
“Please don’t tell her why I’m down here. It would break her heart, and I can’t stand the thought of knowing I disappointed her.” You could feel his fingers tighten on your shoulder, any harder and he would break skin. As you tried to calm him down you realized just how much your husband was still there. Yes he was a killer and a cannibal who had no problem taking in the joy in the suffering of others. But he was still a mamas boy through and through.
“Alastor I have to tell your mom I saw you she misses you so much. She just wants to know you’re doing ok. But I won’t tell her…. Why you’re down here, it’s not my story to tell anyway.” He paused for a moment sighing “I suppose that’s good enough for me….. should we start cooking?”
“Oh no mister I’m cooking. Your gonna sit down and relax” you push alastor to the table pulling out a chair for him “But dear-“ “No buts! It’s been so long since I cooked for you. I missed spoiling my husband hehe.” Alastor could only sigh and lean both arms on the table his hand resting in his hands looking at you with that large goofy smile. “If you insist sugar”
As you began to cook more of the residents started to show up much to alastor an annoyance. Angel was the first one to walk through. “Wow toots you got it smelling great in here! Watcha cooking?” You giggled, you were kinda embaressed to say you went overboard with the cooking. “Well I made jambalaya, shrimp and grits, fried chicken, corn bread and a peach cobbler. Husk almost spits out his drink at the spread your making.
“I know I went to overboard, it’s just been so long since I’ve cooked for alastor I wanted to make all his favorites minus the cobbler. Feel free to join us I know we won’t eat it all.” You hear alastor muttering under his breath that the others could leave. You went back to cooking as the rest of the residents filled in but you stare at Charlie when she entered with a man who looked just like her. When both your eyes lock he looks at Charlie happily. “Charlie is this the angel you were telling me about?”
You leave the stove and walk towards him “hello I’m ____,It’s nice to meet you.” Lucifer pulls your hand up to his lips kissing it. “Charmed, it’s a pleasure to meet you” the room is filled with a sound of large static making everyone cringe. Lucifer is the only one who looks bored, rolling his eyes. “Problem bell hop?” Alastor is by your side in an instant.
“Keep your mouth away from my wife” Lucifer looks at you and alastor back and forth until his eyes land on Charlie. “So you weren’t kidding, he’s actually married….. to them…..and you agreed to marry him willingly not by force?” He looks back at you and seeing you nod in confirmation is all he needs for him to put a deadpan look on his face. “…….But you’re way out of his league like waaaaaay out of his league. Plus I don’t think Bell hop boy here knows how to…..satisfy needs that’s arnt cananalistic?” “I beg your pardon? Why the fuck does everyone keep bringing that up?”
You shake your head as you hear angel dust laughing in the back ground. Saying how he had said the same thing earlier, in between laughs. “Yes so I’ve been told, and I think he’s in my league just fine, I can’t wait to show y’all the pictures after dinner, alastor was so handsome hehe.” Alastor looks caught off guard for a second before grabbing your shoulder. “Now dear I’m sure no one wants to see that-“
“He’s lying”
“We all want to see it”
“My rival in hissss youth? Excellent ammunition for later batlesssss”
Alastor just looks more annoyed but seeing your big doe eyes looking at him reminding him so much of why he couldn’t resist your wims when you were both alive. “Very well but you will only see the pictures of my choosing and there will be no more than 3” Everyone groaned but accepted it knowing alastor shouldn’t be pushed over the edge. “Foods ready! I hope y’all like it” Everyone starts to make a plate except for alastor, you make him two plates with all the food you made on them except for the dessert.
While you serve him his plate kissing his cheek everyone can’t seem to stop staring,even nifty. Seeing the very independent radio demon getting served with a goofy smile on his face was so domestic and strange. But what no one else expected was for you to make a plate for Lucifer. He started thanking you profusely looking really shy about it. Everyone else was trying to scoot away from alastor who was starting to let his shadow tendrils rise. “Thank you! So much but I’m… you didn’t have too. Not that I’m not grateful! It’s very sweet of you”
“It’s my pleasure you are the king after all.” “Oh NO no no no no no. Please treat me like any other guest. I hate all the kingly stuff haha. How bout I make you a plate full of pancakes tomorrow?” You shrug stating you’re only here for today but you appreciated the offer.” Cherri bomb looked at you giving you a crooked smile. “So tell us about you and smiley, any good stories?” You tried to think of the least embarrassing but most entertaining memory you can think of.
“Well now that I know Al’s past this story makes much more sense now. Me and him went camping with some of my friends. Mind you I’ve known these people for over 10 years. One of my friends got really drunk and ended up falling off a cliff but he swear he was pushed, but none of us believed him because he was waisted. Then a bear ended up chasing him because he had leftover food in his pocket. He just had terrible luck the whole trip and guess who was near him that whole time.”
Everyone turned to look at alastor who continues to eat with a thin smile. “What? He talked over everyone, made crude jokes to my wife, and thought he could play jokes on ME of all people. The trip was more enjoyable with him unconscious. He should consider himself lucky he’s not dead, had he not been my wife’s good friend he wouldn’t have left the camp grounds.”
“I still can’t believe all of that really was you” You made your way back to the sink to clean the dishes, you could hear all the complements on your food and while you thanked them you could feel something pulling at your side. It’s nifty, and it looks like she’s trying to reach for your face. “A mess! Don’t worry I’ll get it miss.” You didn’t know what on earth she was taking about untill you felt someone come behind you and a wet sensation on your cheek.
It didn’t dawn on you what happened until you saw Alastor behind you. You blush in embarrassment realizing that he licked your cheek. “You had a little sauce on your face dear, now come sit and eat” you were about to comment until angel muttered. “I can’t believe I got that” you turned to see him holding his phone up, he must’ve wanted to take pictures of you and alastor. Speaking of alastor you don’t think you could move fast enough to stop him from pouncing at angel dust.
Speaking of alastor you don’t think you could move fast enough to stop him from pouncing at angel dust. “Alastor No!” Lucky enough Lucifer had been enough to restrain him. But if looks could kill both Lucifer and Angel would be dead by now. Seeing as the “big dick in charge” had a hold on Alastor, Angel Dust decided to get one final jab in. “Can you tell us a story now of why Ole freak face is sad in the sack?”
Too bad for him Lucifer’s grip couldn’t hold shadows though.
This was not proof read much~
@fairyv-ice @sirens-and-moonflowers @cannibalcoyote @jyoongim @thereeallink @sakuraluna2468 @fandomfan-102 @crystal-freak24
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cemeteryspider · 2 months
In the Wake of Destruction: Part 2
Gambit! Remy LeBeau x Mutant! Fem! Reader
Summary: After Remy's death, you stop being able to process your grief, so you create a time where you don't have to.
*Think WandaVision*
Trigger Warnings: Pregnancy, Death and Grief, Psychological Manipulation, and Emotional Distress
Word Count: 2438
A smile etched itself across your face. The door to your home opened and shut with a single click, and into the kitchen walked your dashing husband, Remy LeBeau. As if you had planned it, you took the sauté pan of shrimp off the stove and onto the table, and plucked the pot from its burner onto the table as well. The spoon levitated out of the drawer and started plating the food. Grits, then shrimp, then some lovely sauce from the pan over top of it.
Remy plucked his plate from the air and sat down at the head of the table. "This looks delicious, Chere!"
You walked up to him at his end of the table and placed a kiss on his forehead. "That's very sweet, darling. Now enjoy."
He spoke to you as you smoothed your dress and apron, sitting down at the other end of the table. "My mama is rollin' in her grave, I've never tasted grits so cheesy and tasty." He continued to pile food into his mouth, and you couldn't help but blush.
"Oh, Remy, what has gotten into you? Being so kind to me!"
He just smiled as he looked up at you. "Not a damn thing, just was wonderin' if you were up for some fun tonight, Chere," The smirk that crossed his face could only mean one thing.
"I think I would be, darling," You smiled right back at him.
The colors of the world began to bleed onto your face as your belly grew. The sounds of the world were sharper, and smiles brighter. You were ecstatic to be alive. The short dress with bell sleeves made you want to dance the day away, but you had business to attend to. The ladies of the neighborhood gathered around the pool, dipping their toes in the water, drinking beverages, and gossiping about the other women in the neighborhood.
It was one of the most exciting moments of your life when a blonde-bombshell invited you to the pool today. Though pregnant, you were excited to talk to women your own age. When you approached the gate, the blonde came up to you excitedly introducing you to her friends. Their names flew by you so quickly you barely caught any of them, but it didn't seem to matter because soon they were all gushing over your belly and the baby inside.
"Do you think it's a boy or a girl?"
"Do you have names picked out yet?"
"Is the daddy cute?"
"Yeah, tell us all about him."
So you dove into their questions head first. You talked about how you would be delighted about a boy or a girl, that you had some ideas floating around in your head for names but no one would know until the baby arrived, yes your husband was cute, and you went on and on about how wonderful he was.
Pretty soon pool time ended, and all the ladies went home. Well, until the blonde invited herself over to your house, which, to be honest, you didn't mind in the slightest.
"So did you enjoy the pool?" She asked, her voice sweet as honey.
"Yes, I really did, it was nice to get out of the house and just chat with someone," You smiled as you dusted the shelves filled with pictures of you and Remy. Some of them on your wedding day, your honeymoon, a first date picture, even some of prom. You sighed as you tenderly and gently rid them of their dust.
"Why are you pretending?" The question pulled you out of your thoughts.
Your brows furrowed as you put the picture down. "I don't know what you mean by that?"
She looked at you somehow changing outfits in the blink of an eye. "I'm pretty sure you do."
The woman's outfit wasn't the billowing sundress it was a moment ago. It was a stark white jumpsuit with fur lining the collar and wrists. Your eyes narrowed and you considered this for a moment.
"Come on, Y/n, you can't keep this up forever. Just let these innocent people go. They can't fight back."
Your feet left the ground and you stared back at the woman you finally recognized as Emma Frost. "I said. I Don't. Know. What. You're. Talking. About."
With each yell, you got closer and finally with your last breath, you launched her through the wall and out of your house, out of your town, and out of your life.
Calmly you touched the ground again and Remy walked through the door, "Chere! What was that? What's going on?"
He started walking toward you but before you could answer you put your hand on your stomach and groaned, the floor becoming wet beneath you, "Remy... the baby... it's coming."
Now he was rushing over to you and helped you walk over to a chair. Then he rushed to the home phone to call your neighbor, who was a doctor.
Then in an hour, there were two beautiful babies in yours and his arms. "What are we going to name them, Chere?"
You gave him a tired smile. "I think we should name this little guy Charles Logan Lebeau and our lovely little girl Jean Marie Lebeau. After some of our most loyal and dearest friends and family."
"That's perfect. They're perfect."
"Kids come on! Let's go to the store!" You yelled from the bottom of the stairs up to Charles and Jean. They tore down the steps and rushed to put their shoes on.
"Can we go to the bookstore, mama?" Jean sweetly asked.
"No! Let's go to the arcade!" Charles yelled at his sister.
"No! Mama loves the bookstore! She and I love the bookstore!" She argued.
"I'll do all my chores when we get home!"
The two children kept yelling at you and for a moment you could hear the X-Men yelling at you from beyond the veil of your little town.
"STOP IT!" You turned to your shocked kids. "I'm so sorry. The yelling was a little too much today. How about we do both, my darlings?"
Quickly the frowns dropped from their faces, and they nodded and ran to the car. "I'll be right out! Let me just tell your father where we're going!"
"Okay, Mama!" Your kids yelled from their seats and shut the door after that.
"Sweetie! Oh there you are," you said walking into the backyard where he was weeding the flowerbeds. "The kids and I are going out. We're going to the bookstore, then the arcade, and lastly the grocery store. We'll be back okay?"
He stood up from his knees and smiled. "Sounds good, Chere. I will see you soon."
He placed a short sweet kiss on your lips then you were off to satisfy the children.
When he heard the car drive down the road and across town he threw the gloves off his hands and brushed the dirt off his pants, and he started walking. He walked toward the edge of the town, the one his wife said they had no reason to leave, no matter how much he begged and pleaded to leave and visit their friends.
The more he walked the less he saw. Sparse houses with still people standing in front of them. Some smiling, some crying, and some with fearful looks in their eyes. Yet none of them moved.
His brows scrunched and he walked toward one of them. Still, they didn't move until he was close enough to hear the voice behind the smile, literally.
"Please help us." The voice kept repeating behind the everlasting smile.
Remy took a step back and started running toward the edge which started to lose the vibrant color he never noticed in the town until the absence of it was apparent. He walked toward the edge and touched the wall that separates him from the outside world. He pushed against it but he felt it strain against him.
As he did he could see some people behind the wall. Charles, the professor sitting in a wheelchair. Kurt Wagner, who upon seeing him, teleported himself inside the walls of Remy's confinement.
Tentatively Kurt started to walk up to him, "Remy? Is that you?"
The crease in Remy's brow furrowed. "Course it is furball, what's goin' on?"
"I do not know how to tell you, but you are not real. You cannot leave because you are an illusion created by our dear Y/n."
Remy's heart started to quicken. "How can that be? No, we have children together. We got married. This is our life..."
"When did you get married to her? Where was the honeymoon? Und why can't you remember?" With each question a pain worsened behind Remy's eyes.
"I-I don't... I don't understand. But I'm here right now," Remy looked down at his hands which seemed to be non-existent. He turned over his hands, but they weren't there. He started to walk back towards the center of town, and slowly they reappeared.
"I am sorry to have to break this to you, mein Freund. However, it is odd to speak to you after the eulogy at your funeral," Kurt's mouth formed an O shape, "I misspeak... I-I meant-"
"I died. This is how she is mourning me," Remy's head landed in his hands. "I'm dead, and she imagined the life we always wanted in reality."
"Es tut mir leid, mein Freund. But we have to stop her, and help free these people. You see they are trapped in her illusion against their will. Please will you help, the last person we sent in was how do you say, seen out of the establishment," He vaguely remembered the day the twins were born... created and the large hole in the wall of the living room that was closed the next day.
"I will help you. Give me until the end of the day," Remy stared at the ground and Kurt put a hand on his shoulder.
"Danke und goodbye, mein Freund," Kurt teleports out into the world beyond the town and beyond your reach.
He started walking back to the house where he spent the best days of his life with you. Well, he supposes all of the memories made by him.
A cold wave of dread washed over you as you left the grocery store and saw your husband waiting by the car.
"Daddy!" Your children yelled and ran to him. He opened his arms and gave them each a tight hug.
"Why don't you go to the playground across the street. Your mom and I need to... talk," They gave him and you a quick wave and ran to the playground equipment.
"Hey, darling, I didn't expect to see you here," You could feel your palms start to sweat, "Could you help me put the groceries in the car?"
"Y/n... what have you done?" He whispered in your ear as he pulled you close.
A breathy chuckle left your throat. "I don't know-"
"Chere, please don't lie to me. You need to set things right. These people are innocent."
Your brows furrowed and you looked into his eyes. "They're fine. They're living their lives in this new reality. I'm sure of it."
You could feel your grip loosening, and someone was walking up to you seemingly in a trance, "Please let us go. We see your nightmares when we sleep and when we are awake. Please, I have a family and they haven't moved in days."
You started to collapse to the ground, but Remy held you until you were both on the ground. You didn't notice the tears running down your face until he started wiping them away.
"You have to let me go," He said, looking into your eyes.
"Okay, but just one more night, and then I'll let you go," He seemed to consider this for a moment and looked across the street to the kids that were playing together, but alone.
"Let's go home, Chere," He helped you up off the ground and the people around you started to walk off into the distance. People you had never seen but felt in the bounds of the town. You gathered your family in the car and went home just as the sun was setting over your personal paradise.
You led the kids upstairs and to their bedroom where you helped them into their pajamas and tucked them into bed. You went to give Charles a kiss. "Mom, I'm too old for that."
You gave him a sad smile and brushed a few strands of hair from his forehead. "Okay, sweetie."
You went over to the other bed and leaned over to give Jean a kiss.
"What's happening, Mama?" She asked you with a pinch of fear in her tone.
"Charlie... Jeanie... I love you so much. No matter how far apart we are or will be I love you more than the world itself," You swept a stray tear from your face and got up.
"Wait, Mama. I think I need a kiss," Charles said quietly, and you understood that he was saying it partially for himself but mostly for your sake.
You walked over and gave him a kiss on his forehead. "Goodnight, kids. Sweet dreams."
As you approached the door you turned back to see two empty twin-sized beds. You continued to cry as you made your way to your and Remy's room. He was waiting on the bed looking out the window into the slowly disappearing town around you.
"Hey," You said, sitting down and looking at him.
"Chere, I love you, and I'm sorry we never got a true goodbye while I was alive," He pulled you into his side and you rested your head on his shoulder.
"I love you too. For our last night together, will you just hold me."
He looked at you and laid down. "Anything you want, Chere."
You laid down with him and he pulled you into his arms. You could feel his hands calmly stroke your hair and tuck you close. A shine blurred your vision and you closed your eyes allowing yourself to take in all of your soulmate. The smell of his favorite cologne, the feel of his skin under your fingertips, and his soft breathing. You felt your breathing slow and without your permission, your body fell asleep.
When you woke up in the morning you were laying on a familiar gurney in the basement of the mansion with the professor sitting in his chair next to the bed.
"Ah, you're awake. We have much to discuss."
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blueicequeen19 · 1 year
Charter Ch. 8
Tumblr media
Warnings: drama, angst, mentions of Luke’s abuse, oral, creampies, use of cuffs, breeding kink 😈
By the time she got to my house, I was antsy. My anxiety had spiked, there was that pain in my chest that nearly choked me. I couldn’t believe how nervous I was. How restless. I’d cleaned and organized things that didn’t need it, picked up Summer’s room, and started dinner. I’d wanted to wait until she got here so we could cook together but I was too anxious to wait. By the time her and Bo made it through the door, my shrimp and grits were nearly done.
“Smells amazing.” Y/N smiled at me. I couldn’t resist pulling her into my arms to kiss her. There was no fighting this. Not anymore.
“Took you long enough.” I murmured against her lips as Bo pawed at me for attention. She laughed, taking a step back to allow me to rub on her dog.
“I had to shower and feed him and walk him. I sometimes think having a dog is about like having a child.” Y/N teases as I straighten back up and Bo finds a spot on the couch.
“At least Bo doesn’t make you paint his nails.” I counter, making her laugh again as we move to the kitchen. I turn off the burner and make our plates. Y/N sits down with two beers and my dick twitches in my sweats as she eyes me hungrily. Her eyes light up as I approach the table but she looks away when I sit the plates down and take my seat.
“Are you ever not hard?” Y/N rolls her eyes at me with a smirk and I chuckle. Part of me forgot I’d changed into sweatpants. Another part was glad I did if she kept looking at me like that.
“Around you, no.” Y/N fights a smile before we dig into our food. The silence is comforting. Like we’re both just happy to be in the same room as each other. These past three weeks had been hard. Harder than I’d ever imagined they would be. The distance was bearable when she still worked there but when she hung up her key, I felt something inside me break. I couldn’t just wait for her to come around again. Not this time.
“I took your advice. And Shoupes.” I cleared my throat and her bright eyes found mine, her brows raised.
“I filed a protective order against Chelsea. If she gets within five feet of her she’ll go to jail. I’m sure by now she’s been served.” I said, feeling the weight lift off my chest. She smiled at me, pride in her eyes as she nodded her head and kept eating. I still wanted to handle things my way but I’d start with the law.
“How’s Summer? Does she ever ask about her egg donor?” Y/N asked, leaning back in her chair once she finished and crossing her arms.
“Yes and no. I’ve told her as much as I think she can understand at five. She knows Chelsea is not safe and not okay to be around. She knows to get help if she’s approached.” Y/N nods.
“And what are we doing?”
“I figure we can give the dating thing a try.”
“Do you think the Charter will survive if you stop flirting with every female that walks in?” We both laugh.
“I hope so.” She smiles, content with my answers as we finish our beers. I lead her outside so Bo can do his business and I light a joint as we approach the waters edge. I take a few long hits and pass it to her. I feel the calm wash over me and I watch as the tension leaves her body after taking a few hits and handing it back.
“It’s peaceful out here.” Y/N murmurs, wrapping her arms around herself as the chill from the water hits us. I pull her against me, tucking her under my arm after I put the joint out.
“I love it out here.” I press my lips to her forehead and her arms wrap around my waist.
“What will I be to Summer?” She asks, a tremor in her voice like this was a hard question for her.
“Another positive role model in her life.” I respond, running my hand up and down her back.
“I don’t know if I’d call myself a role model. I didn’t have the best upbringing either. At least Summer has you.” She pulls back to look at me and I’m struck with the realization that I don’t know shit about her family except that her and her mother fight a lot.
“My father was an abusive piece of shit and my mom bailed. I think if I can give Summer more than I had then I’ll be happy.”
“My mom is a Kook and my dad is a Pogue. They’d met at a party and conceived me. My mom went down one path and my father went down another. I was the pawn they used to hurt each other. All they did was talk shit about each other and try to buy my love. By the time I was old enough to know better, I realized how awful they both were and now I don’t have much of a relationship with either. My mother doesn’t miss an opportunity to let me know she’s disappointed in me for not doing more with my life.” She releases a shuddering breath and I wrap my arms tighter, kissing her shoulder.
“I think we decide who we want to be when we’re older. I think you made the right choice. You didn’t let their actions define you.” I murmur, pulling back to rest my forehead against hers. She nods, sniffling.
“Neither did you.” She lifts up to kiss me and I groan, instantly deepening the kiss by slipping my tongue into her mouth to taste more. When she pulls back breathless and shivering, I crack a grin.
“That free therapy session will cost you a blowjob.” She swats my hands away with a laugh, turning back towards the house with an added sway to her hips.
“I don’t fuck on the first date, Maybank.” She taunts, shaking her ass at me and squealing with delight when I chase after her. I haul her up my body and press her back to the wall of the enclosed porch, kissing along her neck and throat.
“You do with me.” I growl, making her groan as I grind my cock against her clothed pussy. We make out just like we did behind the bar. Our tongues tasting one another and moaning into each others mouth. When she sucks my tongue into her mouth, I nearly blow my load right then.
“You have too many fucking clothes on.” I lower her to her feet to yank her shorts and panties down her legs then I kneel, throwing her leg over my shoulder before attaching my mouth to her clit.
“Oh fuck.” She moans, both hands in my hair as I stare up at her glorious tits and pierced nipples after she quickly removed her shirt and bra. She’s so wet that even as I slurp up her juices, more is still running down my chin. Her clit throbs against my tongue and I know she’s close already. She’s always fucking ready for me.
“JJ, please.” She cries, urging me to give her more as she grinds against my face. I take her clit between my teeth, making her eyes fly open on a gasp right before shoving two fingers inside her. I resume sucking her clit and her cries pierce my ears as she cums hard.
I don’t wait before jumping to my feet, wrapping my arms around her as she sways to kiss her again. Y/N tears at my own clothes until she frees my cock and pumps me in her hand.
“God, I missed this.” She pants, moving to drop to her knees but I stop her, shoving her over the back of the couch. I was already leaking precum all over her hand. If she got me in that sinful mouth this would be over before we’d even started.
“Nope. I need to be inside that pussy.” I thrust my dick through her slit, coating my cock in her slick arousal before nudging her soaked entrance. She sucks in a breath.
“Remember when I said if you’re good I’ll fuck you bare?” I spread her cheeks, watching my dick tease her slit.
“Yes.” She breathes, arching her ass out for me. I slap it, digging my fingers in to the flesh as I tease us both.
“I’m fucking you bare tonight and every night after this. I want you dripping with me.” The thought makes me absolutely feral, pumping her full until she makes me a daddy again. Making sure every fuckhead in this town knew she was mine.
“JJ.” The sound of her begging makes me shudder as I finally work the thick head inside her. My eyes nearly roll back into my skull as I push inside until I’m balls deep and she’s trembling. Heat washes over my body and sparks race up my spine. This was better than I could’ve ever imagined.
I tighten my hands on her hips before sliding half way out and slamming back in. She yelps, her feet barely reaching the floor as I shove her down further over the couch. I don’t waste anytime before I start fucking her with vigor, hard and fast. Her moans and pleas fill the air, her nails biting in to my arms as she reaches back, her pussy choking the life from me as I pummel into her. I’m on the verge of exploding when I suddenly stop and she growls in frustration.
“Don’t growl at me.” I slap her ass before yanking her upright and throwing her over my shoulder as I take us back inside. I wanted to take her on every surface of my house again but I wanted to take my time tonight. So for now, I’m finishing with her in my bed. I kick the bedroom door shut and faintly hear Bo grumble in protest before I toss her down on the bed.
“You better put that thing back inside me.” She snaps, shoving her hair from her face with defiant eyes looking up at me as I round the bed.
“Or what?” I counter, grabbing a pair of leather cuffs from my nightstand and kneeling back on the bed. She tries to flee but I quickly pin her beneath me and cuff her hands behind her back. She knows I love when she fights with me.
“I should punish you for quitting. For leaving me.” I growl in her ear. She wiggles beneath me and I can’t stop myself from kissing and biting down the side of her neck and down her spine, my tongue tracing her tattoo. I force her legs apart and kneel between them, running my hands up and down her body.
“JJ, please. Stop teasing me.” She begs, shaking her ass at me. I bring both hands down on both cheeks, making her hiss.
“But there’s nothing like sinking into pussy that’s been teased.” I slide my hand between her legs to stroke her clit. She tries to bring her legs together as she whimpers so I spank her again.
“Don’t make me tie your fucking legs open.” I shove her legs beneath her so she’s on her knees and spread wide for me. I move her ass into the air before dropping down onto my back between her legs to feast on her pussy.
“Jesus, JJ!” She tries to lift off my face, whining and whimpering when I don’t let her. I suck on her clit lazily until she’s trembling and cussing then I shove two fingers in deep and suck her swollen nub into my mouth. I wrap my free hand around my cock, stroking myself hard as she screams her release but I don’t stop.
“I can’t— please— JJ.” I thrust my tongue inside as she begs, making her squirm and try to move away. I slide my wet fingers up and probe her tight, puckered hole.
“JJ— wait— I.” I suck her clit into my mouth again and she moans, her legs shaking so hard she doesn’t even notice when I slide a finger inside her ass and slowly pump it. Her body grows taunt and a sob escapes her as reaches her peak again, wetness seeping out of her until she’s begging me to stop. I don’t give her a chance to come down before I move onto my knees and raise her ass in the air.
“Tell me you want me. That you want this.” I demand, pawing her ass with both hands. I loved having her like this. At my mercy. She couldn’t mouth off if she was too fucked to speak.
“I want this, J. You know I do.” She pants, unable to look back at me with her arms bound behind her back. I work my dick inside her and we both moan loud and long. I’ve been on the verge of cumming for awhile now so I don’t waste anymore time. She’s face down, her body surging forward with every hard thrust and her cries are muffled by the comforter. Sweat drips from my brow as I watch my cock disappear inside her wet heat, over and over again. Every time it comes back covered in her cream, I thrust harder. I’m right there but I’m not ready yet. I yank her up by the cuffs, molding her back against my front.
“One more. You can do it.” I growl, licking my fingers and bringing them to her swollen clit.
“I— can’t—!” She cries, her face twisting in anguish even as her body barrels towards release. Her climax triggers my own, her pussy sucking every drop of cum from me until we both finally collapse.
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“What’s your favorite color?” She asks sleepily. We’d slept for a few hours only to wake up and go at it again. Now we’re both basking in afterglow as we start to fall back asleep.
“Green.” I murmur, stroking her hair while she rests her head on my shoulder, her naked body half on mine.
“Where’s your dad?” She asks, her voice growing more and more faint as sleep takes her.
“I don’t know.”
“Your mom?”
“Don’t know.” She hums in response, nuzzling in closer and holding me tighter. My throat tightens, making me wonder how I ever slept without her.
I see my phone light up from the nightstand again and I lazily reach for it, checking long enough to make sure it’s not any of the Pogues and sitting it back down. I don’t recognize the number so I ignore it.
Now that I’ve let her in completely a new type of possessiveness takes over. I thought it was bad when we weren’t exclusive and I saw her ex talking to her or putting his hands on her but now.. I might actually shoot someone.
I don’t have to worry about Summer because she has a heart of gold and loves everyone. She’s asked for Y/N and Bo everyday since the beach. Summer often makes me realize that my heart is on the outside of my body and that everything good about me.. is her.
It’s hard not to go to the dark place that wonders why my parents couldn’t get it together. Why they didn’t give a fuck enough to try. To just even fucking try. My dad only wanted anything to do with me when it benefited him. When he could use me to steal something or get out of a bind. But if I disagreed then I met his fists. Eventually he stopped providing and I had to steal to survive. It was a never ending cycle and everyone assumed I was just like him and no wonder my mother left.
Y/N snuggles closer, smelling every bit like me, sex, and her sweet shampoo. The thought of taking her again when she’s probably still dripping my cum is tempting.. but I resist. Tomorrow is Sunday so the Charter is closed and I plan to spend the day with my girls. And Bo. Like I could ever forget about the motherfucker.
I’m almost back to sleep when a sudden pounding on my front door has us both jerking upright. Like a goddamn swat team. I jump out of bed, yank on a pair of shorts and grab my gun.
“Who would be here this late?” Y/N hisses, yanking my shirt down over her head and pulling on my sweats.
“I don’t know. Stay here.” I demand, almost missing the glare she shoots my way. I make my way down the hallway and Y/N trails close behind me. I nearly stop dead in my tracks when I see the familiar flash of lights and someone standing on my door step. Something is wrong. My mind immediately starts to panic. Summer isn’t here.
My throat starts to close as I sit the gun down and open the door to reveal Sheriff Shoupe. I can’t think. I can’t breathe. Cops don’t show up at your doorstep in the middle of the night unless something is wrong and someone is dead. I reach for my phone but it’s not in my pocket. Y/N takes my hand but I barely feel it as my mouth becomes dry and I can’t form words.
“I’m sorry to be the bearer of bad news and show up here in the middle of the night.” Shoupe starts, looking more stressed than usual.
“What’s wrong? What’s happened?” Y/N asks, her hand tightening in mine like she can feel my panic. Where’s Summer? Is she safe?
“There’s been an accident.” My knees buckle and I catch myself on the door frame. All I can think about is Summer. Is she okay? Were they in an accident? Is that way I kept getting calls from an unknown number? Is John B..
“Spit it out, Shoupe.” I snap, barely able to get a full breath in my lungs. I can’t breathe. Is this a panic attack? His face remains firm, not giving me lip over my usual attitude.
“There’s been a fire.”
“Oh god.” Y/N gasps, tightening her grip on me as the room starts to spin. Blood rushes to my ears and I can barely hear anything. Summer. My baby.
“Summer..” I choke on her name, my heart threatening to split open in my chest like a gaping wound.
“There were no bodies inside. No one was hurt that we know of. We tried getting ahold of you the last few hours but we know it’s late. Better to do this in person.” Shoupe clarifies, his eyes giving away his sympathy.
If there’s no fire here and there was no bodies then it had to be..
“I’m sorry, JJ, but the Charter burned down earlier this evening. No one caught it until it was too late.”
And just like that… my knees hit the floor.
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vampiretendencies · 2 years
jj calling you his girl every chance he gets 🦋🦋
yes ! i feel like this is a given
he mentions you being his girl every opportunity he gets
it could be a day out on hms pogue, jj’s practically pushing everyone out of the way to reach for your hand and help you lower your self onto the boat.
“watch out! didn’t you see my girl comin’??”
or the two of you could be out for dinner and maybe you don’t like ordering so helps you do so, you whisper in the softest voice what you want into his ear and he presses the sweetest kiss to your temple.
“i’ll have the shrimp and grits, my girl wants fries got it?”
or he could just be admiring you brushing your teeth in the morning, even with bits of tooth paste at the sides of your mouth his heart still clenches with delight.
“my girl is the prettiest.”
he’s’ obsessed with you being his girl and he’s addicted to the way ‘my girl’ rolls off of his tongue with no effort.
send your thoughts about jj and i’ll elaborate
733 notes · View notes
heartfullofleeches · 1 year
Auryn’s brother takes one look at how much better Goldfish reader looks in their siblings care and is just like “..Is it too late to share the pet-”
"Please don't go out there. They let the last person who disrupted their time off easy, but - you're family...."
"Out of my way."
Auryn's brother shoves the servant aside and practically tears the sliding door off its hedges as he flings himself outside. Seeing red, the first thing he does is grab his younger sibling by the collar - pulling them away from their pool and whoever they were talking to.
" "Eat shit and die?" Is that how you talk to your family? We haven't seen you in years. You blow off every plan we make. We're trying to make up for the past. I don't know who your little fling is, but blood is more important than whatever you have."
Auryn sucks in through their teeth, aiming for his eye as they spit in his face. "Fuck you and your blood. I'll spill it over this patio if you and your sorry excuse for parents don't get the fuck off my property. You never did shit for me then, and now I want it to stay that way."
Their brother wipes his eye, gritting his teeth as he clocks his fist back-
"Please don't hurt them...."
He looks behind Auryn. They try to block his view. Head poking out of the water, you prop yourself up on the wall of the pool now that the attention's on you. He drops Auryn who scrambles away, taking a step towards you. You immediately back away. Still afraid of him - just like you were when he had you. He wanted to keep you. He really, but he didn't even have time for a fish with his schedule. You're so big now.. He never expected Auryn to keep you. Looking at those big eyes and vibrant tail he regrets that he didn't. He reaches out to touch you.
The wooden end of a rake side sweeping his head.
As he tumbles from the blow, Auryn grabs the back of his shirt and flings him on the hard ground before he can fall in the pool. They spit on him again, snapping the rake over their knee and aiming the splintered edge at his throat.
"Don't you ever.... EVER... try to touch them again. You may be my brother, but so help me God- even your parents won't recognize your corpse."
Splashing water raining down on them like a hurricane - a loud gasp comes from behind them. "Auryn!"
Their face softens. "Get the fuck out of my house, Gin."
Turning back to you, they put on their saddest puppy eyes as they hop back in the pool. "Baby.. Baby, no don't swim away. I'll get you a buffet's worth of shrimp if you come back!"
687 notes · View notes
604to647 · 4 months
Safest with You - Ch. 15 (The BBQ)
7K / Modern AU Retired Mob Enforcer!Din Djarin x fem!reader
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Summary: You and Din attend a very special Fett Family BBQ hosted by the Damerons and you grow closer to the clan.
Warnings: 18+ Content (MDNI please). F!oral, semi public car sex, unprotected PiV, rough-ish sex, established relationship, pet names as usual (pretty bird, baby, etc.), light daddy kink (really just a nickname).
A/N: Din's back! This is mainly a world building chapter with some heat at the end 🤭; it's not perfect but I wanted to put it out and get back into the groove of this story again. Thank you to everyone who waited patiently while I took a little posting break for this series. I missed them a lot and hope you're ready to jump back in it with me!
Series Masterlist
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“Do you think we should have brought anything else?”
“One item should be good, pretty bird.  Lisa always makes too much food anyways,” says Din, looking down at the casserole dish full of garlic knots that you’re holding.
“Okay.  I just always feel like more food is better than less food,” you say, unsure.
“I think that's enough garlic knots to feed an army, sweetheart.”
“But Mayfeld asked for them!”
Din stops you at the end of the walkway leading up to the Dameron house and plants a soft kiss to your lips, “Thank you for feeding Miggs, baby.  If his mouth is full of your garlic knots, then we don’t have to hear him talk as much.”
He laughs and takes your hand as you head up to the front of the house, “Come on, admit it.  Mayfeld is your least favourite Mando.”
“He is not!” you’re scandalized by the accusation.
“Okay... who is your least favourite Mando then?”
Looking at Din with a look of mock annoyance, you jest, “Sometimes, it’s YOU.”  You swerve the hand that drops yours in an attempt to at swat of your bum. 
Letting yourselves in through the front door, you follow the chorus of voices to the kitchen; spinning as you walk through the foyer, you take in the splendor of the Dameron residence.  Not sure what you expected the house of an heir to a mob empire to look like, but you suppose this is as close to anything you might have imagined.  The house is fairly grand and seems to boast an inordinate number of chandeliers; dark carved wood and marble line the floors and walls - it looks like a good place to set a live action game of Clue.  When you round the corner to the kitchen, you’re struck by two things:
1) Din was right, Lisa made too much food.  Nearly all the counter top space is covered with plates and platters filled with meats, salads, breads, pastas.  You count eight charcuterie boards – they might be delineated by cheese region.  There are warming trays that have their bright blue butane flames lit underneath, already full of steaming dishes.  The breakfast nook seems to have been converted into some kind of dessert station with a 3-tiered buttercream iced cake at its centre.
2) Poe is being yelled at.
Din leans over to whisper in your ear, “Yes, it’s always like this.”
Poe spies you and Din and must decide that this is the distraction he’s been waiting for, because he gestures at his wife to turn around and welcome her guests.  You meet Lisa halfway, somewhere between the cocktail shrimp and the gazpacho; after hugging you and taking the garlic knots off your hands, she sighs and asks, dejectedly, “You wouldn’t happen to have Caesar salad dressing in your purse, would you?”
“Not today, sorry,” you quip.
“We can use another dressing!” Poe is holding his head in his hands.
“No,” grits Lisa through her teeth, “we cannot. It was requested.”
She says the last word with heavy emphasis; you take it that Poe was supposed to procure the Caesar salad dressing.  Din looks at you with an expression somewhere between amusement and a grimace, then mime points at the empty plates before giving Lisa a friendly squeeze of the shoulder.
Not letting him escape quite so easily, Lisa directs her question at Din but keeps her eyes fixed upon her husband, “Din.  Please remind Poe how very important it is that we accommodate the literal one food request that our very special guests made for today’s BBQ?”
Oh.  That’s why the Caesar salad is a big deal.  Although, you’ve been told, Fett family BBQs are a regular festive occurrence, this particular iteration was going to be more than the usual casual get-together.  Din had already given you the heads up that a few members of the Pyke Syndicate would be in attendance tonight and for a very special reason: Boba’s niece (by which sibling, you embarrassingly could not recall.  Boba seems to have a lot of siblings) had gotten herself engaged to Rikard Pyke, son of the head of the Syndicate.  It could have all been very Montague and Capulet-esque, except that young folks tend to more pragmatic than their elders gave them credit for; there was no secret relationship or ignoring the realities of their families – the happy couple openly announced their decision to date years ago after connecting at some unsuspecting mutual friend’s birthday party and had been inseparable ever since.  They weathered all of their respective families’ strong attempts to discourage the relationship, some deeming it impractical if not downright dangerous, with grace and unwavering resolve.  Cassandra and Rikard simply ignored all the naysayers and family politics and proceeded as two people in love would under normal, non-mob related circumstances:  they courted, they moved together, they intended to marry.  Tonight would be your first time meeting them, but you’re already predisposed to liking them.  Everyone in both families seemed to love them quite well and Din’s opinion was that they seem to be very much in love, a nice couple indeed.  “Rikard has a good head on his shoulders.  Seems like a good kid,” he had said.  When you chucked that he said it as if he hadn’t done a deep background check on the poor kid, Din had simply shrugged, looking sheepish.  The happy couple, however, were not the special guests to which Lisa was referring. 
In an effort to support the engaged couple, the Fetts and Pykes have been playing nice, knowing (and perhaps in some cases, resigned to the idea) that their families were soon to be connected by marriage.  You’ve been told that tonight, a few members of the Pyke Syndicate would be attending the BBQ as Cassandra and Boba’s special guests.  An extension of trust, a gesture of good faith, a coming together of brethren.  And apparently, they wanted Caesar salad.
Din attempts to hand Lisa an empty plate, perhaps to encourage her to eat as a distraction, but Poe quickly snatches it out of Din’s hand, likely afraid of Lisa throwing it at his head.  It’s not often you side with Poe, but you think he might be on to something.  “Does it have to be a specific type of Caesar dressing?” you ask Lisa, drawing her attention away from Poe.
“No,” she sighs, “they just asked for Caesar salad.  I would make one but I don’t have all the ingredients.”
“I can make a simplified Caesar vinaigrette? We can even make it a little spicy if you want,” you offer; it’s actually a fairly easy recipe - people who have tasted it always marvel that it doesn’t contain any anchovies, “Why don’t I make a batch?  You can taste it and see if it works?”
Lisa looks torn between wanting to kiss you and not wanting to let her husband off the hook so easily, but eventually the need to get things done wins out.  When Lisa turns to the fridge to get you the parmesan and elephant garlic you ask for, Poe mouths ‘I love you’ at you before escaping out the back door.  Din brings you a glass of wine before leaving with his own tower of food. 
You make quick work of the dressing, all while listening to Lisa vent about her husband’s inability to remember the simplest tasks; you nod at her sympathetically which seems to calm her down significantly, “Oh, I’m so sorry for venting.  I’m just so stressed out!  This barbeque has to go well!  The wedding is in a few short months and there is still so much I have to do!”
“You’re planning the wedding?” you ask, somewhat shocked.
Lisa nods, “I have help, of course, but Boba and Rikard’s dad, Lom, decided that it might be easier to keep the peace if someone other than the parents or higher-ups was in charge of the planning.  Someone more neutral,” she rolls her eyes, “You know, if you had started dating Din a few months earlier, it might have been you!”
You both giggle uncontrollably at this. 
Lisa is giving your vinaigrette the thumbs up when Fennec comes in, carrying a little white pit bull in her arms.  Lisa looks like she wants to say something about dogs in her kitchen, but thinks the better of it; you, on the other hand, greet Fennec warmly and Mochi with scritches and kisses. 
“Everything okay in here?” asks Fennec, “The Mods say that the Pykes are about 25 minutes away.”
You grin at the mention of the Mods.  While you haven’t met any of Fennec’s personal team of spies yet, you’re terribly curious about them.  Where the Mandos handled physical security, which could sometimes include on-site surveillance and reconnaissance, the Mods were straight up digital sleuths; they could dig up online dirt on anyone and no one has ever been beyond their digital reach. Apparently able to hack into even the most secure systems, they never failed to locate and capture footage of even the most elusive of targets.  You once wondered if Fennec had them dig up info on you; it was probably their most boring assignment to date if she had.
Their stealthy online behaviour unmatched, the Mods were just as elusive in the real world, often hiding in plain sight and doing their jobs expertly, unnoticed by the crowds.  You’re not sure how they managed to blend in so well given that they were all supposedly gorgeous and impossibly stylish – which is how they had come to be nicknamed The Mods (short for “The Models”); a fun fact you learned when you asked if the name was somehow a play on the Mando moniker.  Your hysterical guess of “The Mondos?” had earned you a tickle attack from Din that took your sides the better part of an hour to recover from.  Nevertheless, they had all been at Boba’s birthday and you can’t say you noticed any of them; though perhaps with everyone at that party having been dressed up to the nines, you had a lesser chance than usual of spotting a Mod.  You’re going to be on the look out again tonight.
“Everything is perfect!” beams Lisa, spearing a few dressed romaine leaves and a crouton on a fork and holding it out to Fennec.  You giggle as you watch Mochi try to lap at the fork with his little tongue; booping him on his little nose to distract him while Fennec eats, you coo, “You can’t have that, Mochi – it has too much garlic.”
Fennec makes noises of approval as she chews, “Good.  Everyone is on high alert, but once our guests eat and get comfortable, hopefully things will relax.”
With Lisa satisfied, the three of you make up your plates to head out and join the others in the backyard.  Just before opening the backdoor, Fennec turns and shrugs at you, “Oh.  Mayfeld saw Din and asked about… garlic knots?”
You giggle while Lisa rolls her eyes.  “No problem,” you grab the dish with your free hand and Lisa holds the door open for you and her to join the lively scene together.  The backyard is huge – the stairs from the deck descend to a large patio area, currently home to several L-shape formations of patio furniture, one of which is arranged around a fancy gas fire pit.  Several barbeques sit on the border of the patio and lawn, heat waves and smoke emanating from the food being grilled; Brian and Poe currently doing their best grill master impressions.  The expansive rolling lawn is littered with tables and chairs, ending only where you can see a pool filled with laughing and splashing children.  The entire backyard is bordered by a beautiful flower garden that wafts a sweet, sticky floral scent atop the aroma of cooked food.  There are dogs everywhere and you wish you had brought Al.
It's around one of the tables on the lawn that you find Din sitting with Boba and some Mandos, talking probably in a manner probably more serious than you would expect for a BBQ, but that doesn’t stop him from pulling you into his lap when you approach and encouraging you to stay and eat with a squeeze of your waist.  You hand the dish of garlic knots to Mayfeld who is already making the grabby hands gesture at you; when he’s got a firm grip on the casserole dish, Paz reaches out and smacks him on the back of the head, without breaking from what he’s saying to Boba, “… Peli says she’s okay.  Had to talk her down from staying behind with a baseball bat though.  We got it patched up before coming over.”
You look wide eyed at Din, worried.  Paz sees your expression as well and with a nod from Boba, loops you in, “Just a little vandalism, Lil’ Lady.  Someone just broke the knob off the drycleaner’s front door so Peli thought she was trapped inside before remembering she has a back door too.”
Nodding, you try to make a face like you’re relieved it’s ‘just a little vandalism’, but that must have been scary for Peli.  You know about the flare up of these types of incidents and other similar skirmishes from Din, of course, but you’re mainly removed from it all except for what Din tells you.  But Peli’s is close.  You know her.  The low hum of something… something like escalation feels like it’s just around the corner. 
“Peli is okay, pretty bird.  Not letting her stay with a baseball bat is safer for everyone, really,” Din smiles gently at you.  You grin at the image of Peli brandishing a baseball bat with her excitable mannerisms and think you agree; a pensive look crosses your face shortly after however, “It’s so close to the gym, though.”
Boba nods, “Too close.  The gym is safe – no one would be stupid enough to come near it.  But those nearby may be targets just because of proximity.  Paz – I trust you and Din to draw up patrol plans.”  Paz and Din nod - both men realizing, as well, the significance of Boba feeling confident enough to speak on security matters in front of you.  The implication is lost on you though, as you continue to eat Lisa’s delicious pasta salad while Din draws circles on your thigh, grinning proudly. 
Boba shifts topics, “Ok, when the Pykes get here, I want the perimeter already covered and everyone in flank positions, but discreetly.  This is supposed to be a fun time, alright?”
Everyone around the table nods, Bo and Paz get up to prepare, but everyone else remains, eating and casually chatting until Fennec announces, “They’re here,” after getting a notification on her phone.
Man, the Mods are good, you think, as Poe and Lisa disappear into the house even before the front doorbell chimes.  Poe’s exuberant voice can be heard from the backyard getting closer and closer until the kitchen door opens and he and Lisa step out, followed by six strangers.  The first two must be Cassandra and Rikard, the happy couple; they’re both beautiful and their easy-going smiles as they wave and greet everyone give you the sense that they’re the ones really grounding this entire, very unique, situation.  Behind them are four men, ages ranging from mid-20s to Boba’s age, each holding a plate loaded heavily with food.  With amusement, you notice the abundance of Caesar salad on each of their plates.
You feel Din’s lips by your ear, as he quietly acquaints you with tonight’s special guests. “The youngest one is Gorak – that’s Rikard’s cousin.  Kind of a little hothead, dabbles a bit in the boxing circuit.  He’s not bad, but no discipline, so we don’t see him in fights often.  The two twins are the uncles, Mok and Dokk; they head up some business lines for the Pykes that… Boba isn’t involved in.  There's no business conflict, so they’ve always been friendly.  The tall one in the back, that’s Marg, he’s like the consigliere – the Fennec to Rikard’s father.  He’s going to be here on behalf of the parents.”
“Rikard’s parents didn’t want to come?” you ask, curious.
“It’s not that.  It was decided they shouldn’t attend; if they did, it might look like business, like the Families were coming together for more than a barbeque.  Could make some other players nervous.  Sometimes the perception of an action means more than the actual intent.”
Oh, you think you see.  You suppose you have a lot to learn about this world. 
Fennec is right, the initial moments of everyone coming together is sort of awkward and tense, but after everyone’s got some food in their stomachs, things start to relax and the vibes in the backyard mellow once again.  All of this is helped along by Lisa’s excellent hostessing and Poe’s charm. 
Din introduces you to Cassandra and Rikard, and you’re immediately taken with them.  They’re smart, funny, and just incredibly down to earth.  You can see why this is the couple that could lead the two Families to put down their pitchforks.  They’re both junior associates at a law firm downtown; it’s not a firm any of your clients use but you mention that you have a friend, Jen, who practices family law at another firm, and the three of you trade some funny case anecdotes.  When the conversation turns to wedding planning, Din and Rikard excuse themselves while you, Lisa and Cass (as she now insists you call her) join some others on the lawn.
Cass is stressed.  Wedding planning is no joke and time consuming - time she doesn’t have a lot of; you remember your days as a junior at your firm and the hours being indeed relentless.  Even with Lisa and her aunties’ help, you can see she’s feeling at a bit of a loss.  You don’t want to volunteer Rory’s expertise, but you do offer to do some research on some vendors, figuring you can always ask Rory if your research results are up to snuff.  Cass says she wishes she was marrying you.
When Cass’s mom notes that you wore a lovely white dress to Boba’s birthday, you mention the name of Rory’s bridal boutique and all the women collectively swoon.  Apparently, they haven’t even bothered to try and shop there due to the exclusivity, but know all the best designs are there.  You very noncommittally say you’ll ask around to see if there are any openings, and find yourself in the middle of a very exuberant and high-pitched, squealing group hug.  Straining your neck out from the tangle of arms, you see Din and Paz looking over laughing.  Din is giving you a “What’s going on?” gesture with his hands while smiling broadly.  You smile back and mouth, “Help!” with good humour.
After the children are put to bed or taken home early, the drinks start to flow and the party hits a new level.  Someone brought cigars (Mayfeld?) and Boba and the Pyke men all partake, furling a light haze of smoke that hangs around the patio lantern lights.  You enjoy your wine while helping Lisa cleanup, periodically being pulled into side conversations with Cass or Mandos you know.  As much as you can, you curl up in Din’s lap and listen to him joke and chat with his friends.  It’s turned out to be a wonderful evening, despite you still not having spotted any of the Mods.
“I think they’re made up,” you whisper to Din, jokingly.
“No, no, they’re very real, they just live in the wires,” laughs Din, “like the Matrix.”
“Oh!  Well, if they look like Keanu and Carrie Ann Moss, then it’s no wonder they’re called the Models,” you say dreamily.
“Keanu, eh?  Is that your type?” Din nudges you ear with his nose teasingly.
“He’s everyone type,” you grin, still with a far-off look.
Din pretends to push you off his lap, “Well if that’s the case, then –” but he’s interrupted by raised voices coming from the middle of the lawn.  The two of you look over and you see Woves and Gorak facing each other, standing bodies rigid in aggressive stances, their lawn chairs tipped over backwards behind them. 
You can’t even process what they’re yelling about, just that the volume is increasing and the tone is getting sharper.  Koska comes to stand by Woves, her look murderous.  You see Jimmy and Brian inching closer.  Mok, Dokk and Marg have already come to stand behind Gorak, backing him up.  Dogs everywhere are barking.
Din gently slides you off his lap, then moves you behind him before walking towards the commotion; he extends his arm behind him as if to ask you to stay put.  You look around: Lisa looks panic stricken, Poe is standing with Cass and Rikard, all three of them looking at a loss, Boba remains sitting with Fennec.  Remembering your little lesson about interpreted actions from Din earlier this evening, you understand why: any move Boba makes will be perceived as an official move by the Family, and it will embolden the Mandos, likely turning a small altercation into an official first strike from the Fetts.  If he were to enter the fray, the situation would escalate no matter what.  As it is, the situation is escalating all well on its own - the Pykes are outnumbered and surrounded, their hackles up. 
Boba catches your eye and gives you a little nod and your eyes soften in comprehension.  Every step that an official Fett family member takes right now counts as a move against the Pykes, but you’re not official.  You’re just you.  You follow Din and see him hovering with Paz in Woves’ periphery, both men holding their shoulders taut and their fists clenched.  You slip between them easily and slide your hand over Din’s fist, his hand relaxes instinctively and opens to hold yours.  You look up at him with a gentle expression while giving his hand a reassuring squeeze and watch as the tension melts from his handsome features and rolls off his body.  He seems to calm and understand the situation at your touch.  Your other arm links through Paz’s and he looks down at you, surprised at your appearance.  You watch as his expression and stance also soften under your calm hands.  He and Din look at each other, comprehension passing between them and they turn in unison and walk away.  You continue to move closer to the action, picking up your casserole dish which has a lone three garlic knots remaining, and you gently push it into Mayfeld’s hands as you come up next to him; at your encouraging smile, he also seems to come to – grinning back and trotting off in the opposite direction while stuffing his face.  Suddenly you’re not the only figure that’s weaving between the figures still locked the stand-off; Cass and Rikard have come over to pat the arms of the uncle twins, telling them that this isn’t anything to get worked up about.  Poe throws his arm around Jimmy's shoulders in a playful manner, and you hear Lisa’s voice call from the deck, “I’m turning on this chocolate fountain now, and I expect every person here to help me clear this dessert station!”
There’s a beat of silence before Marg calls out, “Is there any more Caesar salad?”  Everyone laughs and just like that, the tension is broken.  Even Gorak and Woves stand down, and although they don’t make nice, they both turn to head in with everyone else; Marg’s steady hand on Gorak’s shoulder keeping him at a distance from the Mando.
Din’s waiting for you at the base of the stairs, wrapping his arm around your waist as you file up the stairs with everyone else; you nuzzle you head a little into Din’s shoulder and half jokingly say, “Is this really a good time to be giving everyone fruit skewered on pointy sticks?”
Din turns when he hears a belly roaring laugh at your joke coming from one of the Pyke uncles, and looks down to see you turn and give the man a heart stopping smile and wink.  He can’t believe it - you cheeky flirt, he thinks, making a rival family member fall in love with you.
Inside, you load up two dessert plates for yourself and Din and bring them to a side counter where he’s chatting quietly with Boba.  You’re almost hesitant to interrupt but when you slide the heavy plates onto the marble, Boba smiles big at you.  He hands you Mochi and then places both his hands on your shoulders and leans in to kiss your forehead, “You did good, my dear.”
You scrunch up your face in mild embarrassment, “Oh, I mean… it’s okay…” not sure what to say so you just start feeding Mochi strawberries.  Boba looks at Din and reiterates, “She did good.”
“Yeah,” Din echos softly, his eyes watching you with a mixture of pride and love.
After stuffing your faces with dessert, you and Din escape to the backyard for a private moment and to avoid Lisa’s attempts to force more food on your plates.  Finding the seats around the roaring fire pit empty, you sit with your back against the corner piece, legs draped over Din’s as he pulls you close.  Foreheads pressed together, he kisses you gently and sweetly, not wanting things to get too heated should the two of you be interrupted.
“Thank you, pretty bird,” says Din quietly.
“For what?”
Din looks thoughtful, even though he’s the one that brought it up, “I don’t know how you do it.  You bring the calm.”
You confess and joke simultaneously, “Do I really?  I have to admit, I don't always feel very calm. Are you sure I don't bring the chaos?”
Din pinches your thigh with love, “I’m serious, baby.  Somehow you melt away all the stress and make me see clearer.  Not just me either, saw you do the same thing to Paz tonight.”
You give him a little kiss and nuzzle his nose, whispering conspiratorially, “... you make it sound like I have powers.”
“Whatever it is, you bring me back to myself when I need it the most.  I love you, pretty girl.”
“I love you too, Din.  I love that I can do that for you, soothe you and bring a sense of calm.  You do that for me too, you know?  You’re my rock, baby.”
Din presses his lips to your, beckoning you to open up to him and when you do, he lightly strokes your tongue with his, eliciting a low groan from the back of your throat that you think might be too scandalous for this barbeque.  Pulling away slightly, you nibble a little on Din’s lower lip before tucking yourself into your favourite nook under his jaw and shyly bring up something you’ve been thinking about for a while, “You know, Din… if you’re ever stressed or have had a hard day, and you need something more than a calming touch, you can… use me?”
“Hmmmm?” Din looks down at you, not sure if he’s understanding.
Feeling timid under his piercing gaze, you press on but keep your face pressed to Din’s neck so you don’t make eye contact with him, “Like… if you’re frustrated, and you need to take it out on some… one.  I can take it.  Let me absorb all the bad… and like you said, melt it away.”
You feel Din’s hard swallow before he gives a little cough, “Pretty bird, are you saying you want me to take out my frustrations by fucking them into you?”
You nod, “If you need to, Din.  You can use me for stress relief.”  Finally having the courage to look up at him, you find Din's eyes warm and loving as he whispers just one phrase, “Dream girl,” before descending on your mouth again.
Your kissing is sensual and open, a connection between two people who have no secrets and can be their purest, most vulnerable selves with each other.  Din’s touch is tender and reverent and you worship him right back, letting him know you’re there and you can be whatever he needs, whenever he needs it - you love him so much.  The two of you don’t break apart for a long time, not even when people start spilling back into the backyard. 
The evening ends an hour or so later with everyone leaving on pleasant terms.  You’re thanked again for both the salad dressing and your help with the upcoming wedding.  A final toast is given by Boba to the happy couple and it warms your heart deeply to see two people so in love and so steadfast in their commitment to face and conquer adversity together.  The cheers elicited are joyous and genuine, the evening a great success.
Walking back to Din’s truck, hand in hand, you’re sated with good food and drinks, carrying the festive feel of the evening with you as you hum a little tune to yourself.  Din trails a little behind you, filled with a surge of pride for all that you are. 
And that you’re his. 
He’s parked about fifteen cars away from the Dameron residence, a little past the last house on this block where the road rounds into a large turnabout bordered with lush trees and other flora and fauna meticulously maintained by the neighbourhood HOA.  He hadn’t meant to park so far but now he’s glad he’s got you away from the prying eyes of Poe’s neighbours and their porch cams. 
While you may currently be carefree and lighthearted, Din is full of deep emotion.  He’s overwhelmingly proud, in love, and awestruck.  His head is full of you.  You, you, you.  His admiration isn’t new: you’re sweet and funny, smart and kind - he’s always been proud just to know someone like you, and even prouder to be with you, to be the one you choose.  But tonight is different, it’s a different type of esteem – one that threatens to explode out of his chest.  You.  You’re it for him.  He never thought he would find someone like you.  Someone who could fit so seamlessly into his life, into his world, and make both better.  You helped.  You were sweet and kind and giving to everyone.  You brought calm.  You made things good.  And you were his. 
He had believed you all those months ago when said you wouldn’t judge him or his family, but you did more than that: you accepted them as your own too.  Yes, you did it for him, but it was really just who you are.  Loving.  Giving.  You brought calm to all their chaos.  You made things brighter.  You made them stronger.  Him better.  He loves you so much right now he thinks he’s going to burn up.
As soon as you reach his truck, Din grabs you by the waist and spins you so you’re facing him and he pushes you into the side of the car, arm bracing the back window to cushion your head.
His lips put a stop to your words as they crash against yours.  Normally so gentle and asking of permission, Din’s mouth is an unstoppable force tonight, kissing you as if there’s an overflowing pressure building inside him and kissing you is his one release valve.  An unashamed moan works its way up from your throat, escaping only when Din moves his aggressive kisses to your jaw and neck, leaving you opened-mouthed and panting.
“Oooohh, fuck!  Din, baby, what are you doing? Oh- god, that feels so good,” eyes closed, you’re already arching into him, pulling him closer to you by the back of his neck.
Din’s hand that isn’t cradling your head is on a frantic journey down your body.  He needs you now.  The current state of his feelings is running too deep, he can’t seem to articulate it to you or even himself - he has to show you.  Triumphantly, he finds the tie to your dress and pulls, causing half of the front of your dress to fall open, “Din!  We’re out in the open!”
Clawing down your partially exposed body, clamouring to find the inside tie that separate him from your soft body, Din pauses only to pull you away from the car so he can unlock the door; as soon as it opens, he walks you backwards and hops you up onto the seat, scooting you back so your legs dangle out the door. 
“There,” Din says huskily, as he finds the little knot on the right inside seam of your dress and tugs so it unfurls, “you aren’t out in the open anymore.”  He spreads apart the fabric of your dress so that you’re presented to him in your pretty pink mesh and ruffles lingerie set; he sucks in his breath. 
“Just for you, daddy,” you coo.  You knew Din wouldn’t be expecting something so flirty and naughty under the dress you had picked for what was supposed to be a casual and wholesome family event.
“Fuck.”  With his big mitt of a hand, Din pushes you down and lowers himself on top of you, nipping at your breasts and teething at your nipples through the soft sheer fabric of your bra.  He’s not gentle; he has something to declare tonight, and soft and sweet just won’t do the job.  His hands paw at your tits while he continues to tug and twist with his mouth; you’re writhing and whimpering beneath him, body set alight - the thought flashes through your arousal muddled mind that you might actually come just from nipple play alone tonight.
Then Din’s gone, mouth and hands traveling down your body, bending his knees and bracing them on the baseboard of his truck, Din kisses your navel and trails his nose down the front of your panties, “Mmm, so fucking sweet, pretty girl.”
“Din!  Pleas-please,” you cry out, turned on out of your mind by the debauched imagery of your bare legs hanging out of the car while Din presses his face to your cunt; you need him to touch you.
“You need daddy’s tongue, baby?”
You can only mewl and nod.
Din isn’t in the mood to tease tonight, he’s too pent up with near paralyzing feelings of veneration for you – he’s ready to worship.  Pulling back slightly so he’s face to face with the darkened spot on your panties, he hooks them to the side to take in your glistening pussy, watching it want and ache for him for just a moment before he dives in.
He devours you.  Tongue licking and stroking your slit, Din swirls the sticky mess already pooled into his mouth and stuffs it back into your cunt with his open mouth kisses.  You shudder and grab onto Din’s hair as he fucks his tongue into you, pressing him deeper as your hips start to move all on their own.
“Fuck – yes, ride my face, pretty bird.”
“Ngh – Daddy! Feels so good.  Love how your mouth feels on my needy pussy,” you moan as softly as you can so the sound doesn’t carry out the open car door.
As your hips start to buck a little harder, Din’s hands move back up your body and start worrying your nipples again; still sensitive from his attentions earlier, you gasp and arch your back, grazing your clit against Din’s nose.  You let loose a high-pitched whine, eyes flying open, “Daddy!  Right there!”
Grinning so hard you can feel it, Din continues to feast on your dripping hole but angles his face up so that his strong aquiline nose nudges your throbbing clit again.  Rewarded when your grasp on his brown curls tighten, he starts to prod your bud in a pattern, alternating between pressing and releasing, and drawing sloppy circles with the tip of his nose.  When he feels your legs start to shake and your walls start to clamp down on his tongue, Din speeds up his attentions on your bundle of nerves, burrowing his nose in deep and rubbing vigorously, shaking his entire head.  Your hands release Din’s hair at the onslaught and fly up to cover your face, as if you can somehow hide from what’s coming; when Din’s hands pull up on your nipples, you crest and scream – tumbling over the edge and letting yourself be carried away by the waves of your orgasm.
Arm now thrown over your eyes, you’re too focused on catching your breath to feel Din pulling your ass past the edge of the car seat and turning you over so your mouth is pressed into the warm leather.
Only after the tip toes of your shoes touch the asphalt does Din flips the skirt of your dress over your back, and that’s when you register the cool breeze of the night air hitting your ass.
Din spoons your bent over body and murmurs deep in your ear, “Gonna fuck you now, bunny.  Not going to be gentle, okay?”
Your eyes are still closed as you nod into the seat and whisper, “Okay, daddy.”
Din takes out his cock, already hard and weeping with precum, and slaps it against your creamy pussy - once, twice, three times; each slap causing you to give a little jump and shudder in anticipation of the incoming intrusion.
Chuckling darkly, Din notches the tip at your entrance and pushes in as he folds his body over yours, holding you close and pinning you down as he bottoms out.
As promised, it’s not gentle; but here, in the backseat of his truck, where his chest is flattened against your back and his face pressed to your hair, it’s intimate.  Rough and hard.  Loving and full of feeling.
Din’s voice is low and gruff in your ear - words of praise and all his overwhelming feelings spill out as he ruts into you at a demanding pace.
“Do you know how perfect you are, pretty bird?”
“You’re everything.” 
“My everything.”
He drives into you over and over, punching the air out of your lungs each time.  Whenever you inhale, Din captures your lips with his immediately after – as if trying to steal these breaths as well.  Fervent kisses the only break from his ongoing ramblings of praise:
“So proud you’re my girl.”
“You’re so good to me.  So good to my family.”
Thrust.  Thrust.  Slap.  Slap.
“You know how much Boba trusts you?  Trusts my perfect girl?  Talking about Mando business in front of you.” 
“You’re one of us, baby.” 
“My girl, welcomed into the fold.  Fuck – I’m so proud.”
The squelching noises of your wet cunt being punished reverberate through the truck’s cabin, accompanied by the percussion of slapping skin and an obscene harmony of grunts and moans.  You can only hope that your sinful symphony is confined to the car and not travelling through the otherwise silent neighbourhood.
“Fucking saving Poe’s ass and the entire BBQ with that fucking salad dressing.”
“You don’t even know how important you are and the things you do are.  You impressed the fucking Pykes, pretty girl.”
“Helping with the wedding?  You’re so sweet, so fucking sweet…”
Fwop.  Fwop.
Din’s weight continues to pin you down and crush your lungs in the best way possible.  Between the panting from the pounding your pussy is taking and the way your clit is twitching against the seam on the edge of the leather seats as Din ruts into you, you can hardly take a proper breath; the lack of oxygen is leaving you dizzy and light headed – you’re quickly barrelling towards oblivion again.
“You don’t even know, you don’t even know…”
“Perfect, perfect, perfect, perfect…”
Thrust.  Huff.  Thrust.  Huff.
“You don’t just take care of me, you take care of my family… you accept my family.”
Thrust.  Thrust.
Din’s hips start to stutter, he’s close, so close. 
“You’re the only one.  The only one who can do what you do.”
“You prevented that fight.”
Thrust.  Huff.
“You have me wrapped around your little finger, baby.”
You can barely draw enough breath to chant, daddy, daddy, daddy, daddy...
“Not just me.  Paz. All the Mandos.”
Slap. Slap.
“Sexiest, most powerful woman there tonight.  Every night.”
Thrust.  Thrust.
“Pretty bird, what did I do to deserve you?”
Slap.  Slap.
“Don’t deserve you.”
“But you’re mine.”
Din’s babbling praise ends with the growl of that last, possessive proclamation and the contrast of his tone, the sheer power and darkness that laces the word ‘mine’ compared to the honey-dripped praise that’s been pouring from his mouth the whole time he rails you, snaps the tightly coiled band in your core and you come, clenching hard on Din’s length with a force that sends him straight to the moon.  He grunts and pants as he spills his seed deep, claiming you and clawing all he’s professed to love tonight for his own.
After lifting off of you to allow your breathing to even, Din wipes the sweat off his brow and looks around to make sure that your activities haven’t attracted the attention of any of Poe’s nosy neighbours.  Satisfied that the two of you are still alone, Din presses butterfly kisses down your spine before gently turning you over and helping you right your underwear and retying your dress the best he can.  You’re hot and tired, still drunk on the mind-blowing orgasm brought on by Din’s rough handling and his heavy praise.
Tenderly kissing you, Din murmurs, “Do you want to just lay down in the back seat, sweetheart?  You can sleep while I drive home.”
You shake your head drowsily, “No, I want to ride up front with you.  I like it when you hold my hand when you drive.” You’re smiling so sweetly at him, Din thinks his heart might explode.  He’s just laid his heart bare, practically smothering you with it and letting his all-consuming love burn you up, and you still want more of his touch.
Grinning like a fool, he buckles you into the front seat of his truck, “I love you, pretty bird.”
“I love you more, Din,” you purr back, eyes half closed, a soft, sleepy smile tugging at your lips.
After he closes your door, on his way to the driver’s side, he shakes his head to himself, Impossible.
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Being Team Japan’s Manager
Future Mx. Iwaizumi
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Hajime Iwaizumi featuring Team Japan x GN! Manager
Warnings: fluff, swearing, Oiks and Sumu in the same hcs
AN: this is an anon request!
Ughhhhhh *punch’s air repeatedly*
It’s fine, I’m fine, this is fine 😐
What do I have to be jealous of?
I mean, sure you’re engaged Iwaizumi Hajime, 28, Athletic trainer
And sure you’re the manager for the Team Japan Men’s Volleyball Team
😐🙄 anyways, needless to say I’m extremely jealous of you YN
You’ve been dating Iwa for a while now
Actually even since you both met in College 🥰
You somehow managed to bag one of the hottest men in the entire universe and we won’t question it
Because you 👏🏻 deserve 👏🏻 it 👏🏻
Anyways, you are Iwa we’re always pretty low key about your relationship
I mean, Oikawa knew
Oikawa knows everything 🙄
But otherwise, you were pretty on the dl
It’s not that you didn’t love Haji or want to show him off but seriously nobody likes a bragger
Even thought you’d deserve to brag YN
I mean you bagged HAJIME IWAIZUMI so please brag away 😌
I’d be walking around like “this is my partner Iwaizumi Hajime, 28, Athletic Trainer. Isn’t he GORGEOUS!!!”
Fortunately you aren’t me and you are a humble being, who values your privacy with your fiancé
You and Iwa got engaged before you came back to Japan and before you both landed the gigs with Team Japan volleyball
Of course you both knew you were applying for each job and you encouraged each other
They were your dream jobs after all!
Not sure what universe you are living in to dream about managing toddler men Yn but you do you 😅
Anyways, you and Iwa were extremely professional while at practice
Of course, Kuroo and the coaches knew you were engaged
But the team, the team did not
And there were absolutely no problems
😂😂😂 literally couldn’t even type that with a straight face
N E WAYS the guys were literally feral at practice and around you
You and Iwa both agreed that you shouldn’t wear you engagement ROCK at practice
Because like, it can get caught on the net, your finger could get jammed, literally so many problems
You wanted to get a band for practice but you just hadn’t gotten around to it
Not like you aren’t super busy or anything 😐
“YN do you have an extra nail file?”
“YN can you help with blocking practice?”
“YN where’s Bokuto?”
“YN Hinata’s locked in the bathroom again!”
Literally not busy at all 🙄
You literally crashed every single night when you got home and Iwa understood why
While he had a training room to seek refuge in, you had nowhere to run
You literally had a trail of 6ft plus ducklings following you
Every once in and a while you’d manage to escape to visit Iwa
You’d walk through the doors of the training room as Haji would watch
“Hey babe, how’s it going?” He’d ask as you’d put your hand up, collapsing on of the training tables
“Please Haji, just 5 minutes of quiet,” you’d groan out as you tried to recover
5 seconds later
“YN? YN!!! Hey there you are?” Hinata would yell with Kageyama on his heels
Iwa is just rolling his eyes in the corner
You stand up, fixing your hair and staring at the two dummies
“Yes?” You grit out
“Can you measure our jumping height? Kageyama said I’m still not as high as he is!” Hinata says
“You’re still shorter than me you shrimp!” Kageyama growls
“I would but I’d have to bend down,” kageyama smirks 😏
“Alright- Alright!” Iwa says, breaking it up as you sighed
“I’ll be there in 2 minutes guys, please try not to kill each,” you add as they leave
Iwa walks over to you grabs you and gives you a big hug, “love you babe, we will get your favorite tonight for dinner to make up for these idiots.”
Needless to say, Hajime was your savior the whole training season
And when it came to the actual Olympics he was there to support you the entire time
As you prepared for your first game, our favorite Argentinian v.ball player came to visit 🥰
“There’s my precious YN-Chan!” Oikawa gushes as you stare
You 👉🏻😐🙄 hello Toru
Kageyama and Ushijima are fuming in the corner because like why are you talking to HIM 😤
“So when is the big day Yn? Have you and Iwa-Chan decided when you’re going to get hitched?” Toru says
Team Japans heads snap to you 👉🏻👁️👄👁️ excuse me-
“Ha ha good one Oikawa,” Aran says
“Why would you ship YN with Iwa and not me!” Atsumu says offended
“Wait they don’t know?” Oikawa says
“Who doesn’t know what?” Iwa says, standing next to you
“That you and YN are engaged,” Oikawa says as Team Japan just stares at you
“Say sike right now!” Atsumu cries
You and Iwa 👉🏻😐🙄 well it was good while it lasted-
“Shittykawa it’s because they didnt know!” Iwa says
“YN really?!?” Hinata gushes 🥹
Flower MAN material YN write it down ✍️
“Dang! Well I guess congratulations!” Yaku adds
“It’s not a big deal guys, we don’t talk about it much,” you say
“Really Yn? Because I’d totally brag about being engaged to Iwa if I were you!” Hoshiumi laughs
He’s not wrong Yn 😏
“Omg wait Yn can I be a bridesmaids? Or a brides man or a man groom?” Bokuto :D
You 👉🏻😐😳 uhhh
“No Bokuto I’m going to be the best man for YN! Or brides person? Or person of honor?” Hinata questions
You and Iwa 👉🏻🤨 well at least they aren’t nervous anymore
“Now now everyone, I’m going to be the only person standing up for YN and Iwa,” Oikawa 🥰
“Over my dead body!” Atsumu screams
“Shittykawa shut up!” Iwa shouts
You just sigh, absolutely living your life ♥️
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gildedoak · 5 months
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I imagine in his early days, Alastor was an energetic little hobbit child romping around the woods and catching frogs and helping his wonderful mama in the kitchen any chance he got.
I’ve had moments like these, where I eat an old favorite (namely Thai-style ketchup fried rice) and suddenly I’m six years old again in my grandparents' kitchen with the orange tiled countertops and the humid smell of a South Carolina rain coming down outside.
SOUTHERN COMFORT FOOD SERIES Chicken and Waffles Sweet Tea Peach Cobbler Hushpuppies Crab/Crawfish Boil Beignets (part 2) Shrimp and Grits Cornbread Biscuits and Gravy Pecan Pie/Sugar Pie Fried Catfish ??? - Season 1 Finale
Image description under the cut!
[IMAGE DESCRIPTION: colored 6 panel comic
PANEL 1: Lucifer and Alastor are seated at a table eating lunch. L: This is delicious! Did you memorize all your mother’s recipes?
PANEL 2: There’s a bowl of gumbo (shrimp, sausage and chicken) and rice. A: (offscreen) Most, but not all of them. I had to hunt down the right recipe for this one.
PANEL 3: Alastor takes a bite, silhouetted in the foreground. L: How do you know you got the right one?
PANEL 4: Alastor is still in shadow, but pale radio waves seem to be emanating from his head as he dips into a memory.
PANEL 5: A small freckled boy with reddish-brown curls and a red shirt is seated with a bowl of gumbo at the dinner table. He is smiling widely, his cheeks full of food as his mother’s hand reaches over to wipe his face with a napkin. Mama: (offscreen) Alastor! Slow down! Smaller bites, cher! You have gumbo all over your face!
PANEL 6: A young black woman with freckles laughs and smiles down at her son. She’s dressed in a high-necked blouse and her hair is done up in a pinned back Victorian up-do. She’s wearing a small red brooch. A: (offscreen) Mama’s cooking is the best! M: Why thank you, my sweet boy. How about I show you how next time? A: Yay!! Alastor: (present day) You just do.
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