#i have their locations on google maps so i can see that they're just on the other side of the block at the store
The 'I can't do anything now because I have an appointment later' frustration is a mood, but pales in comparison to 'I can't do anything because I'm waiting for someone to stop by at any moment'
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alexanderwales · 2 months
Addendum to the post about Stardew Valley type games:
You know how in games like that, everyone has their set daily routine that changes according to the days of the week, the seasons, etc.?
I think it would be fun to have a game that's just that. You can see what path everyone walks and what they do every day, it's all lines on the ground to you from a bird's eye view: these people are creatures of habit. But their daily routines aren't just something that happens, it's also something that affects them. Bridget spends every day going to stare out at the sea, and it makes her a little bit more sad every day, because it reminds her of her father, who passed away when she was little. Nathan searches for bugs in the woods, hoping that if he gets the right one, he can bring it to show the woman who runs the museum.
So in some sense, this is a train game, but with people instead of trains. Everyone is on their tracks, and possibly there are interrupts to their schedules, but mostly what you're doing is nudging the tracks in various ways and trying to minmax their social interactions and routines.
So if Bridget is staring out at the beach feeling lonely and sad, you can nudge Nathan to go hunt bugs there instead of in the woods, and if you nudge him correctly, he'll end up at the beach at the same time Bridget is doing her mope session. And then, because it would be weird for them to both be at the beach in silence, they get to talking, and their little friendship meter or whatever fills up. And then, at some particular threshold, you get a notification that their routing has changed. The lines on the ground are redrawn, the schedule is updated, and Bridget and Nathan are friends now, and there's no reason for her to be at the beach anymore, because that lonely void has been filled. In the new routing, Nathan and Bridget hunt bugs in the woods together, hoping to find an interesting one but mostly just hanging out.
Your goal is to make everyone as happy as you can.
There's a lot that I'm still trying to work out here, I had the idea five minutes ago. For one thing, I'm not sure how the player should actually go about adjusting the routes. I guess I'm envisioning it like what Google Maps shows you, where you have multiple routes and can select different ones. Or maybe there's an option to change the destination sometimes, if it's one where the actual location doesn't matter. Kids will always have to go to school, but their mother has a choice of different part-time jobs so long as she's making a little extra income, so you can route her to either the doctor's office where she'll be a receptionist or to the mayor's house where she'll clean up. Some routes are therefore locked down hard for various reasons, while others are more flexible. And as the game goes on, which is which will change: someone who sort of didn't care where he was whiling away his time will get a job that's very important to him, two lovebirds will want to spend all their time together, but the carpenter divorces his wife and suddenly has a lot of free time on his hands, or the electrician finally finishes fixing the lighthouse and now is just sort of waiting on orders.
The other major question is how much we're exposing to the player in terms of the whys of our little train-schedule people. I think trying to do this with any more text than a handful of cutscenes would be a fool's errand, and instead you'd want to abstract it out as much as possible. Characters would have Motivations, Goals, Tasks they're making progress on each day, Friendships, Romances, and in general you should be able to look at their route and say "okay, this is motivated by this, this is motivated by that". I think Friendship Points are a kind of ridiculous concept, but they would work here, with each "stop" on the route adjusting friendships and romances up or down on the scale. Tasks gain some completion with every route completion, which is another way the game progresses forward.
The last major question is ... how do you build this? How do you create a town of thirty or so people with their own individual routes in such a way that a player can figure things out and be satisfied with each small solution? Because this is sort of a puzzle game, and as laid out here, it's the same "board" the whole way through, with everything interlocking. I think maybe you could map out the early game pretty easily, solve some trivial problems with a bit of extra routing, have everything else "locked" and unknown to limit scope, but I'm unsure how you advance past that.
Perhaps there's a version of this game where everyone has their routes but we're only looking at tiny slices of the whole town at a time, two or three routes that we can figure out. Maybe there's a man who doesn't care what his job is, so we make him the teacher, which frees up a woman to take a different job she loves, which means that she winds up in the gardens after work and meets a gardener we diverted there, and together they start a pottery club, which becomes a new event that people can be diverted to.
And at the end of the game, everyone is in the job they're best suited for, you've made people couple up, you've fixed all the problems, and the little clockwork town is humming along.
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seaurchin0 · 25 days
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oh man, this gonna be a long one but ty for letting me infodump about my interests </3 my overall advice would be to be creative, and DON'T underestimate how intertwined social media is with everyday life. Experiment, see what works, and good luck <33
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so a lot depends if you know the person in question irl or online and i'll go over both but first, here are some things that help in both cases: -names are not necessary to find people, useful af but info like what school they go to, class they're in, clubs they're in etc do better -look at their friends, their friends' friends, family, tagged photos, followers and following list (if they're active online), info doesn't just come from them, if you can't get in contact with them you can learn a lot from family, friends classmates etc
-please PLEASE keep track of what info you found out and what they told you, don't accidentally drop that bombshell
-i have a folder where i keep my fp's information saved, all the "useful" images they sent me, link to their social medias, school website and more so i'd suggest making one of those
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if you only know them online, here are some cyberstalking tips that don't rely on being close and location (all this assuming they're active online):
-look up their username(s) and variations everywhere. literally every platform you can think of, i had to sign up to 3 platforms i never used just for that
-look up their friends' usernames
-look at tagged photos, mentions and interactions they have with others in the comments under their posts to find out who they're friends with
-if you can see previous usernames (like on instagram) look up those too
-you might get lucky with wayback machine
-if you can find their reddit, twitter or any social media that shows their post and comment history study that shit
- if they haven't shown their face but have photos including any other part of their body that isn't usually covered up, even in colder climates (like hands most commonly) save those too, if you manage to find a school website or something later on that might have photos of their face you could match them up. it's difficult af but never give up, if there's a will there's a way
-reverse image search all the images they posted
-try images on geoimgr.com. photos taken on phone or camera will sometimes have GPS coordinates stored in the metadata of each file, but there are some websites that encrypt this
-anaylze the background of images, especially if they're taken outside
-trying to pinpoint a location (town or country they live in) would be good but not necessary: • if they posted screenshots that aren't cropped and include the time, it will be easy to figure out the general area because of timezones • use google maps to match up the background seen in images
if you wanna figure out an email or number: • log out of your account, put their username in in the login section, press "i forgot my password", the next part may vary from platform to platform but select the option for their the recover of their password to be recieved through email and it will display the first and last characters of their name, as well as what domain they're using. same with the phone number
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next, in real life, i'm not really an expert in this since i've never stalked anyone irl for as long and as much as i have online but hope these help too!:
-if you're not close or to them (as in not in the same class, school, workplace etc) look for someone that knows them in any way.
-assuming you found that person, don't directly ask about them. let's say, your fp likesa art, so you ask that person about art clubs. chances are, they'll mention the one your fp is in. very vague example but it works with almost everything
-ask your parents about your fp's parents, works well if you're younger and still in school
-VERY carefully try to glance over at their phone's screen as much as you can, it could make finding social media accounts 10 times easier
-use all the info you manage to get for cyberstalking. don't follow them around, especially don't follow them home, you don't need to do that to figure out more about them. again, don't underastimate how ingrained social media is in our lives. Cyberstalking is much more easier and safer.
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bardcore-jaskier · 2 years
♡My immortal Jaskier headcanons♡
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So here are my headcanons, because I refuse to believe that our ball of sunshine has an expiration date...
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So, I know Lauren said that Jaskier not aging in the show was just a filming mistake, something they simply forgot to do and on a completely logical level I am fully aware that in canon Jaskier is completely human, 100%. And I also know that they're not gonna change it, no matter how much some of us may wish they did (Although why not? They already strayed so far from the books and made so many changes, might as well go the extra mile)
Realistic-ish headcanons:
- Jaskier is part elf, perhaps quarter elf like Yennefer, it is an entirely justifiable headcanon, theoretically, Jaskier's human father could have married a half elf commoner woman (who may or may not have had the pointy tips on her ears cut off with a knife to avoid human prejudice)
- Jaskier has a fae ancestor, somewhere many many generations back in his ancestry, so his entire family is suspiciously long lived but nobody cares because Lettenhove isn't politically important and therefore doesn't catch the attention of the prejudiced Nobles farther up the royal court chain.
- Jaskier unintentionally drinks the same elixir mages/sorcerers drink to prolong their life. I read that chaos wielders don't have naturally long lifespans, they semi-regularly drink an elixir with mandrake roots in it to slow the aging process. According to Witcher Wiki, you can only buy mandrake root in Lindenvale and my headcanon is that Jaskier experiments with many different tea blends to see which one is more effective for soothing his throat after singing. So at the age of 29-30, he wanders into Lindenvale and buys some dried mandrake to make a tea, after one sip he felt more rejuvenated than ever and since that day, mandrake root tea has become his number one go-to, he drinks it as often as he can.
More fanfic centric, less canon possible headcanons:
- Jaskier is a Dryad. (Yayyy trans Jaskier headcanon) Since Lettenhove is so tiny, it isn't even on the Witcher continent map, but a simple Google search says that it is Located somewhere in Kerack. Kerack borders with Brokilon, so it's kind of a nifty little loophole for fanfic writers to use and place Lettenhove somewhere near the forests where Dryads live.
And while most Dryads treat any man that enters their realm as a mere sperm donor, Witcher Wiki does also mention that some Dryads can form emotional relationships and fall in love with humans and/or elves, but in the end, all Dryad born offspring is AFAB. So imagine this, Jaskier's father falls in love with a Dryad, she falls in love with him, they have Jaskier, Jaskier notices early on that he feels like a boy and his rich Viscount father hires a mage to help Jaskier transition early.
- Jaskier is a higher vampire, higher vampires are a HIGHLY secretive society, even in canon, part of the reason why even Witchers have so little information about them is because they prefer to hide in plain sight and are ridiculously good at it. Jaskier doesn't age, has no self-preservation instincts, doesn't buy a horse and yet still keeps up with Geralt on foot for 20 years. Jaskier's personality isn't fake, he doesn't act like someone else, it's all him, but his clumsiness is a little bit of an act, he also purposefully avoids physical fights, it comes across as fear of getting hurt but in reality it's because he's afraid of appearing too strong and exposing himself. Lettenhove doesn't appear on maps, because it doesn't exist legally, it's just a castle hidden in the woods, a safe place for higher vampires, kinda like Kaer Morhen is for Witchers, Jaskier's parents just happen to be the ones who run it.
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ceilingfan5 · 1 year
taz musical theater au, please :O??? -ise (currently listening to broadway Anastasia and going buckwild again /lh)
"So," Kravitz says, the door closing behind him dramatically. He doesn't put his bag down like he usually does. Instead he looks stiff and frustrated and confused. And cute. Still painfully fucking cute, as always. "I was surprised to see you at the casting call today."
"Why? You've been talking about it since I moved in last month." Taako kicks his feet off the edge of the couch and keeps pretending to read the magazine he stole from the dentist yesterday, as revenge for having to be there. It's months old, but some of the recipes are still interesting.
Kravitz makes a face like he is trying, with all his might, not to telegraph how confused and frustrated he is. Too bad. Consider that code morsed, buckaroo. Tappity tap tap, you've betrayed how you feel. Better luck when the telephone gets invented. 
"It's just," he says. "I did not think you were interested in musicals. Or this musical, specifically. Or being in the musical that I am running, and taking very seriously, by the way."
"Did I do a bad job in my audition?" Taako audibly turns a sleek page, and pretends to be interested in Cheez-it encrusted lamb nuggets. "You don't have to give me a call back if I'm not right for the part."
"No," Kravitz sighs, shaking his head. He clutches his bag close, like it will be a weapon against the great unknown of Taako's mysterious motives. "You were–amazing. I was afraid we weren't going to have a villain this round. You- Taako- " Kravitz walks over and grips the back of the couch. Taako looks So Very Incredibly Casually up at him, smirking. "You absolutely bodied your audition." 
"Cool," Taako says, like it doesn't matter at all. Like, oh, chips were on sale? That's nice, maybe we'll make some dip. Maybe not. "I thought there was uh, a process for letting people know they're in." 
"There is!" Kravitz stresses. "But we live together. Taako, we live together, I've known you for almost two months now, I've been talking about this musical all summer, and I've never heard you sing! What- I didn't know you even knew where the playhouse was!" 
"Google maps," Taako provides helpfully. He closes his magazine thoughtfully. Maybe tomorrow he will get some Cheez-its. Lamb nuggets can't be that bad, can they? 
"That's not my question!" Kravitz looks, get this, confused and frustrated. It's hard not to laugh right at him.
"What is your question?" Picture of innocence. Stock photo of a sky-blue day. Motives? What motives? 
"Why did you try out for my musical??" 
"Bored. Sounded fun," Taako says with a shrug. 
"Are you interested in musicals??" Kravitz looks like the unhingedness of this line of interrogation is dawning on him a little late. 
"Who isn't?" 
"Taako!" That grip on the couch is so tight. Fuck, he's gorgeous. Maybe a little dim, though. 
"Kravitz!" Taako grins. "Did you not want me there? Is there a problem? I thought this roommate thing was going okay." 
"It-" Kravitz throws his hands in the air and huffs. "You're allowed to be there!" 
"Oh good," Taako says, playing as stupid as he can manage with a straight face. "Not gonna get arrested today. Probably." 
"I mean you never know," Taako adds conversationally. "Always good to be prepared." 
"Are you going to take this seriously??" 
"Course," Taako says, and shrugs. 
"You're not just doing it to fuck with me??" Kravitz. Darling. Really? Your first guess is that he's being mean, and not trying to follow you to a second location because he doesn't want to miss out on his Kravitz time? Sabotage, and not ooey-gooey crush the likes of which an adult ought not have to suffer?? Has Taako been Too Subtle? 
"Why would I do that?" Taako tosses the magazine onto the side table. The two of them watch the whole pile of shit slide slowly onto the floor. Sheet music and snacks and playbooks and photos and maybe the lost remote go all over in slow motion. Taako looks back at Kravitz. Kravitz looks pinched. Calzone of a dude here. Dumpling, even. What's in your pocket, guy? What savory morsels are you withholding? 
"I don't know," he says, after a long, painful moment. "But I'm going to find out." And he turns and marches toward his room. 
Wuh oh. Maybe they got two very different messages on what this story is about. Should he say something? 
Then again…Taako doesn't mind an enemies to lovers plot. Not one bit. 
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brookebeamsbig · 5 months
💭 harley quinn #32-37
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it's time to process tini howard and sweeney boo's second story arc. unfortunately, harley is still hammering it out with the multiverse, but this time she is working with lady quark instead of against her. kinda.
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now we have a new force to reckon with - the brother eyes.
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howard is again enjoying throwing in dc deep cuts with the brother eyes (meaning I once again got to do a google deep dive). I do appreciate this true conceptualizing of harley in a broader, shared universe.
in howard's story, the brother eyes work for lady quark. on a craft level, this is an excellent setup for what howard's trying to do in this arc because so does harley. this creates a parallel within howard's tale that mirrors the overarching parallel howard bases her story reasoning upon.
because why are the brother eyes so interested in harley? in watching her and understanding her and mapping her? because she was once a sidekick who made something of herself. and they want to do that, too.
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I like this idea. I like it a lot. it creates a unique story around one of the things that makes harley truly special. but I never said howard had bad ideas.
but before I get into the perils of howard's writing, I want to do a run down on some other important players in this arc.
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in harley quinn #32, we get introduced to lux kirby, p.i. lux is a completely new character from this creative team, but I couldn't help feeling a sense of deja vu when they appeared. the "detective" seeking out a multiversal harley murderer felt a lot like something out of stephanie phillip's last arc. just sayin.
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however, ultimately, I liked lux and what they brought to harley and this story. they were a fun catalyst and means to much of the action. I always vibe with a character like that. and they were a good friend. harley struggled a lot with her mental health and self-perception in these issues, and lux helped ground her.
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speaking of friends, KEVIN'S BACK :DDD. and acting like kevin. god bless.
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I was sososo pissed when howard essentially fucked kevin over at the beginning of her run. but she definitely put in the time here to make it up to us. that sequence where harley had to anticipate kevin's choices in order to locate him in the multiverse was genius.
there's also two groups of characters from the first arc that play an important role in this one - bud and lou and harley's college class.
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y'all know I always love the babies. I appreciate that howard wanted to do something big and bold with them. I liked the twist where they were the suspected murderers. BUT a lot of their actions here were just convoluted to create conflict and drama. like... we can't tell harley the brother eyes are out to get her because... why???
and I thought it was fun having harley's class get dragged along in her adventures. but every time, it felt like howard got the concept but fumbled the execution. harley's class ends up on warworld? cool! but it feels too smooth and rushed and weird. harley's students get turned into omacs? oh no! except there was no emotional or consequential impact.
sadly, that's a common occurrence for howard's writing. howard has exciting ideas, but her writing is too surface level with bad transitions and flow. much of the time I feel like I'm reading her bulleted outline, not the final story.
she rushes pivotal moments. we end an issue with the brother eyes about to reveal harley's worst moments, but then we gloss over that at the beginning of the next one. she throws out plot threads and doesn't carry them through. we should be concerned that the warworld royal family has been turned into omacs, powerful weapons to be used against harley, but then we don't see them anything until they're healed.
that's not to say every single line or scene is bad. howard has said that harley's mental health is one of the most compelling parts of harley's character to her. we can see that reflected in the comics - in the storyline and themes but also in the moments that shine.
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I thought the multiverse sequence in harley quinn #37 was the strongest part of this arc. (this does not count the framing narrative.) each scene portrayed harley's fears and doubts about her own capabilities and power in a creative way. what if she became the controlling one in her relationship? what if she was good but still so unstable she had to be locked up? what if she pushed everyone who cared about her away?
sweeney boo's art also had some great moments depicting harley's mental state from her spiraling to her negative self-talk.
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however, as with everything in this run, the depiction of harley's mental health has its downsides. howard leans too much into sentiments like "oh no, everyone will think I'm bad!" "oh no, everyone's just putting up with me! "oh no, I'm such a screw up!" and "oh no, I'm going to get in trouble! better hide!" it reads too childish and infantilizing for a capable grown woman who has a PhD in psychology and a lifetime of living inside her own mind.
of course, I think harley's going to have worries, doubts, and fears as she navigates being a hero. exploring this is good since this is the story route we're taking. but howard often fails to strike the right balance.
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unfortunately, this bleeds over into the depiction of harley and ivy's relationship. there's this idea that ivy has to handle or deal with harley. that harley's too loud and too much. that harley could disappoint ivy at any moment. harley shouldn't be a problem. harley should be a partner.
along those lines, when harley and ivy aren't fighting, ivy isn't doing... anything. she's just there. in a way that feels eerie. like we're still in knight terrors: poison ivy #1. you can see it in the facial expressions.
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harley hides her shenanigans from ivy for most of howard's twelve issues because "oh no, ivy's going to be mad at me!" even when harley finally tells her what's going on, ivy sits it out. and it just... really sucks. ivy is harley's PARTNER IN CRIME. always has been. she should be IN ON THE SHENANIGANS.
I do acknowledge that this might be a broader dc editorial problem since ivy has her own ongoing and concurrent story, but STILL.
this second story arc was far from one of my favorite harley quinn tales, but at least now we can move on from this multiversal madness. (please gawd let us move on from this multiversal madness.)
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quaranmine · 1 year
Shoshone National Forest Fire Lookouts (compared to Firewatch game locations)
One of the more interesting things about my story research, and by extension the game of Firewatch itself, is that all of the lookouts in the game are fake. In the game, you have the Two Forks tower and the Thorofare one. You also have a Moss Peak lookout and a Spruce lookout listed at the supply drop. The map lists a Chimmney Peak lookout as well on the adjacent regions section, and it isn't too much of a stretch to assume that some of the other adjacent regions also have lookouts even if the word "lookout" isn't attached to the name. There's an abandoned cabin called Hawks Rest lookout. That's a lot of lookouts!
But none of those exist, or seem to have ever existed, in real life in Shoshone National Forest. Of course, that in itself is not too suprising--most of the other locations on the game map don't exist in real life either. Oh, the names are inspired ("Thunder" canyon, "Waipiti" meadow, "Beartooth" point) but the actual geographic features on the game map do not exist. There is no Jonesy lake, for example. It's a fictional setting created around a real life profession, of course it isn't referencing real locations. But there are tons of details in the game that are true to life.
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There is a real Thorofare area. It's also an 85 mile backpacking route. More photos of the Thorofare area here. Gorgeous place, btw.
There is also a real fork in the Yellowstone River, splitting into an South Fork and an North fork. Inspiration for "Two Forks" as a name? Perhaps. It's not listed on the map above because I haven't zoomed in far enough, but the fork happens where the upper left flat area is.
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There is a real "Hawk's Rest" location. (Game versus google images)
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This cropped part of the game map is low resolution, but the adjacent regions listed to the Two Forks district are: Red Tops, Thorofare, Spruce, Crescent Mountain, Moss Peak, Ramshorn Peak, Chimmney Rock, and Irish Rock. Now looking on the map, what do we find in close proximity? These locations:
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Ramshorn, Red Tops, Crescent Mountain, Irish Rock. The others might exist too (I swear I saw Chimmney Rock on another day) but I just didn't find it while making this post. It's hard to show in my screenshots, since these names only pop up when I'm really zoomed in, but all of these are in fairly close to each other on the map.
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Most of the above mountains and real place names that correspond to the game Firewatch are located roughly in the red circle area. Some of the places are partially in Bridger-Teton National Forest instead. In road terms, the game seems to take place between HWY 14 out of Cody, WY and HWY 26 out of Dubois, WY.
Okay, so what about fire lookouts? Let's see the real life ones of Shoshone National Forest!
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....well, there aren't that many. In fact, you can see a huge 'ol gap in same area as the spot I circled in the above map, which is where the locations in Shoshone match up to locations in the game. What's up with that? I'm not sure. Most of the lookouts on this map are either in Yellowstone, Teton, the Wind River Reservation, or Bridger-Teton National Forest.
In Shoshone National Forest, past or present, there is: Pinnacle Butte Lookout (no info), Warm Spring Mountain Lookout (gone), Blue Ridge Lookout (gone), Hunter Peak Lookout (gone), Windy Mountain Lookout (gone), and the Clay Butte Lookout (STILL STAFFED! but as a visitor information site.) The closest to the game site is Clayton Mountain Lookout, which is not present on the map above but in other former lookout registries I checked. It is gone as well.
None of these match anything in the game. They're either located on the far south finger of the Shoshone NF in the Wind River Range, or in the far north part near the Montana border. Most are gone, and were gone well before the late 80s when the game was set. Most don't even have photos attached. There was a total of 7 lookouts present in Shoshone National Forest total. The game Firewatch suggests 5 minimum lookout locations, and one former location, just in that small area of the national Forest. In the universe of Firewatch, I wonder how many total lookouts existed in other parts of this vast national forest?
I don't know if there's a point to this post, except that I find it quite interesting how the game incorporated real life names and locations into it, while still picking an area with relatively few lookouts ever present. And why is there so few lookouts in this area? Compared to the 900+ that existed in the neighboring Idaho? I'm not sure. That's a research question for another time.
Shoshone National Forest has the sights (beautiful location), the history (first ever national forest established; location of a wildfire that changed the trajectory of wildland firefighting history), and is adjacent to Yellowstone in a way that allowed the Yellowstone fires of 1988 to be incorporated into the storyline. But it is NOT the site of a rich fire lookout history, unfortunately.
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modelbus · 2 years
Hello! I Hope You’re having a good day/night! I was wondering if you could do a cc!ranboo x reader (romantic)? He/him pronouns if they’re used at all. But maybe the two are in a long distance relationship, Reader lives in the US while Ranboo lives in the UK. And so the reader decided to fly out and surprise Ranboo. But reader also got Tommy, Aimsey and Billzo to all plan out a little outing to a cafe or to the beach and then the reader will show up and be like ‘surprise!:D’
Confession: I haven't caught a Ranboo stream live in months
Pairing: CC!Ranboo x Male!Reader (romantic)
Secret Surprise
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Your phone was blowing up as you finally left your hotel, stepping out into the chilly UK air. In a way, England was exactly like America. Cold. But in every other, it was so different. Seriously, what self-respecting country calls their money pounds?
You have to push your grievances about the country change aside though because you aren't here just to travel. Ranboo, your long-distance boyfriend, was why you were here. He wasn't aware of it, but you had flown all the way from the US just to surprise him. Hell, you had even roped Tommy, Aimsey, and Billzo into it!
Speaking of which, you should probably answer them. Reaching into your jacket's pocket, you fish out your phone and accept Tommy's incoming call.
"Where the fuck are you?!" His loud voice fills your ear.
"I'm on my way, I had to convert my money."
"Aimsey and Billzo can only distract him for so long so hurry the fuck up."
"I'm fucking trying here! Google maps says I'm, like, three minutes away."
"You better be." Tommy says ominously. "Ranboo is trying to get us to leave. I've had seven biscuits. Seven!"
"Why did you have seven biscuits?" You ask. Their instructions were to keep Ranboo distracted at the cafe until you arrived, and not to eat seven biscuits.
"I challenged him to a contest, but that's not the point. The point is, I'm hanging up so you should hurry."
He doesn't even give you a chance to speak before doing exactly as he says and hanging up. With a laugh, you check Google maps again then tuck your phone away. God, this was going to be so much fun. Besides finally seeing Ranboo in person you were going to be able to hang out with everyone!
Finally, you spot the cafe up ahead. The name was written on the windows next to some amazing art of a fox with a scarf. It’s actually conveniently blocking anyone inside from seeing the sidewalk outside, the whole reason Aimsey had suggested this specific place.
A bell chimes when you enter, alerting literally everyone to your entrance.
“A spider! Look! Ahhh!” A familiar voice screams.
“I don’t see any spider-“
“Keep looking, you’ll see it!”
You finally locate the person that’s yelling, eyes lighting up when you realize it’s Tommy. Next to him, sitting at the table, are three other familiar faces. Holy shit. This was real.
“Hey guys, sorry I’m late.” You say, taking the empty seat next to Ranboo. He jumps so badly that he actually moves his chair away from you on accident.
“Dude, fucking finally!” Tommy groans.
“Yeah, you’re late.” Aimsey adds.
“Wha-“ Ranboo sputters, eyes wide. You've never seen him so shocked, not even when you admitted you were crushing on him.
“So there isn’t a spider?” Billzo clarifies, eyes darting between you and the wall.
“No, you dumbass. I was distracting Ranboo so he wouldn’t see his boyfriend walk in.” Tommy snarks.
“Oh my God!” Ranboo exclaims. “You’re here!”
“Am I? I hadn’t noticed.”
The corner of his eyes crinkle, a sure sign of a huge smile. Your expression is probably the exact same.
After a pause, he drags you into a tight hug. It’s all you can do to try and not squeeze the life out of him. After so long of being unable to, the hug will be your new favorite memory. They're safety and comfort all wrapped into one warm motion.
“Surprise.” You murmur, still hugging him.
“Okay, stop hugging now and pay attention to us.” Tommy announces.
“Shut up.” Aimsey hisses.
“We did all- Ow!”
“How long are you here for?” Ranboo asks, completely ignoring them.
“As long as you want me to be. Within six months because of visa shit.”
“Six months.” He answers immediately.
“This is a really long hug, did Ranboo suffocate them?” Billzo asks.
“Excuse you?!” Ranboo asks, turning in horror.
“Disappointing.” Tommy sighs. “I would’ve milked his death for clout.”
You have no doubt about that.
“Thanks?” You say, unsure of how to respond.
“You don’t know this, but when they say stupid things like that we smack them.” Aimsey informs you. “Like this.”
You glance at Ranboo to find him already looking at you. He gives you a nod, signaling they were always like this. This was going to be a long six months, but you couldn't imagine being anywhere else. Or with anyone else, for that matter.
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fuwaprince · 10 months
So there's this book called the secret and it has like 12 hidden casques and each one has a little treasure inside. They're buried underground and the one I've been pondering is in golden gate park! I've been obsessed with it. When I wanna distract myself from shitty thoughts I can always count on it to keep me busy. I heard about it at a book fair and then again at a library but I didn't get into it until adulthood maybe like 2 years ago? Everyone calls me crazy and says I use deductive reasoning to get my conclusions and I disagree! Hopefully you do too
Each poem is paired with a pic and no he didn't say which poem belongs to which pic because that would make it too easy
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^^This is his beautiful pic for the pearl. He hired an awesome illustrator and handed them tons of specific instructions showing hints to where it is. I bought the book recently
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This is the poem that goes with it^^
I think I might have narrowed it down to a very specific spot and I wanna get a permit to dig one day but I'm also very lazy and okay just KNOWING it could be there. I don't need to dig
This is a satellite view of the map!vv
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I sectioned it into 4 bits to make it easier to explain. I also marked it up. I gathered all the pics to one ugly ass looking map covered in all my thoughts that I'll attach soon. It's kind of hard to read tho so I'll save the big map collage for after and explain as if we're on the hunt and starting from square 1!
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You may notice some resemblance of the rose on a table. The leaves represent different locations. The flower bloom is Speckles Lake! The horizontal lines are JFK Drive. Even the little clock is significant since the tip of the top piece is where the north bathrooms would be.
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The red is where we start. At stonewall's door! Hidden on that side of the Angler Lodge is a stone wall and it has this dungeon ass looking door. You can't see it from Google and there's no vids or pics of it. It's super tucked and there's no reason anyone should really stop there to admire it unless they're some architecture freak lol
The door is in the stone wall and I wish I had my old phone because I went and took tons of pics
It looks like that basicallyvvv
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We're gonna go 2 lines at a time here while looking at the poem
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The stone wall's door was surrounded by sweet smelling flower bushes. I actually smelled them on the trail before I noticed the door. Can't miss the scent! It was so so sweet! (I took pics of them too on my other phone)
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I circled the door in red. If you refer back to mini map 1 above you'll see that the white dashes take you down these very stairs!
There's many ways to go but this is the only route I found 3 nearby posts
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Post 1 is that lamp post
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"Wednesday" Season 2 Filming Locations
Yup, you read that right.
Filming on season 2 of the Netflix hit series "Wednesday" only started today, but we already have some filming locations sussed out. Not many, but some. (And no, I'm not outing my sources, who do not have access to the full script, btw.) Interiors & backlot exteriors are being filmed at Ardmore Studios in Wicklow county, Ireland - google maps image below with sound stages & backlot location circled:
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And at Ashford Studios, also in Wicklow county, Ireland, with backlot & sound stage locations circled.
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Between the two locations, there's plenty of sound stages for interiors, as well as plenty of backlot space for facades of the town of Jericho & Nevermore Academy - both of which will have to be rebuilt as the original locations are in Romania, where they will no longer be filming. Additionally, Ashford has a standing set easily adapted to be Pilgrim World - street view of that set is below:
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And a shot of both studio's backlots show that there's plenty of options for recreating Jericho:
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BTW, here's a map of Ardmore's backlot.
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One trick they're having to pull off is matching up any Nevermore Academy exteriors with what was shown in season 1. For example (and this location isn't set in stone), they could shoot around the base of Killruddery House, shown below, and then use CGI to change it's appearance to look like the established Nevermore. As long as the close ups of the base are fairly tight, no one would be the wiser:
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Additionally, just a short distance to the west of Ashford studio (circled on the right) is a huge wooded area called, get this, Devils Glen Forest:
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Which is the perfect location for all those woodsy exterior shots they'll need, as season 1 established that both Nevermore and Jericho are surrounded by forest. As you can see below, the Devils Glen Forest passes for Vermont woodland, quite nicely. I can easily picture Enid skipping along the trail below, with Wednesday glumly trudging behind.
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Now you know everything that I know, so far at least, about the filming locations for "Wednesday," season 2. Now, bear in mind that as filming only started today, locations can change. They might decide to film at a different forest, castle, sound stage, or backlot, but as of now, that's where all the dark magic is happening.
Once the first trailer with exterior shots drops, I'll know more things for certain, and I'll be back with another post!
***snap, snap***
creaturesfromelsewhere 5-7-2024
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lumine-no-hikari · 6 months
Dear Sephiroth: (a letter to a fictional character, because why not) #108
J is sick with food poisoning today, most likely from the pizza he ate at the nearby Stewart's Shop. We have a lot of Stewart's Shops where I live; they're kind of a local chain. This will be the second time he has gotten sick from this particular shop's pizza, though. It's not normal; I should probably let someone there know that food safety procedures are not being properly followed.
J spent most of this morning exploding from both ends. Then after that he was sleeping. M and I went to the store to grab him up some Pedialyte (this is an electrolyte drink where I live; it's important to replenish fluids and electrolytes when you're losing them so rapidly). I also got him some coconut water. If I was a little less scatterbrained, I would have remembered to get him some applesauce. But I didn't. I kinda feel like an idiot, but I don't have to pay that any heed; it's just leftover noisy thoughts from a time when I would have been called inconsiderate, stupid, and uncaring for forgetting, and I don't have to kneel to that sort of thing anymore.
I used the coconut water to make J some cream of rice. When someone is sick, it's important to make sure they get at least a little bit of food that has easily accessible nutrients in it. Rice has a lot of starches that are easily accessible and metabolized by the body, and coconut water has a variety of useful nutrients in it. I seasoned it with a little cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, and ginger. The ginger is there to help soothe the stomach a little, and the rest are there just because he thinks those things taste good. I then added a bit of honey (to keep his blood sugar levels from plummeting) and just a little molasses (rich in minerals) and Himalayan salt (for the iron). I served it with a little bit of yogurt on the side for a little protein and some probiotics to help balance out any disruption to his intestinal flora as a result. I'll show you a few pictures…
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He ate a little, but he wasn't able to keep it down - not yet. But maybe that's not so bad; some of the offending pizza came out along with it, and that's probably for the better. Sometimes when the body ingests something bacteria-laden, the best option for it is to purge it, for better or for worse.
He slept for a long time. I kept watch just in case he needed anything. Meanwhile, I wrote things - mostly mundane descriptions of various sorts. Nothing to write home about, but even if it was, I still can't tell you yet, because it isn't done. It probably won't be done for a VERY long time, even if I work steadily for 8 hours every day; I have to do everything from scratch, and I don't have anyone helping me. I'm sorry about that…
J is now awake and he seems to be feeling marginally better. I'm still going to keep watch; that's what you do when someone you care about is sick. I am nearby just in case he needs anything. I am nearby, paying attention, so that I can know what he needs before he even has to ask.
Oh. I also forgot to mention. We had a small earthquake today. Apparently, there was a 4.8-magnitude earthquake somewhere in Tewksbury, New Jersey. By the time the wiggles from that reached where I live, it was enough to shake my house just a little (what a weird feeling!), but not enough to break anything or cause anything to fall down. Mostly it just felt like my whole house was withstanding a very strong breeze for about 30 seconds.
The epicenter was here, I guess:
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Curious, I pulled it up on Google Maps just to see what the area looked like; I put a pin at about (but not exactly; I'm probably more than a little off!) the location of the epicenter:
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...I kinda wanna go over there, but I'm not really sure why. And, for sure, I don't wanna go over there badly enough to make a 2-hour-and-43-minute (probably longer because I adhere strictly to the speed limit, no matter who tailgates me; D was killed by a speeder...) car trip by myself over there. Still, I hope everyone over there is safe...
Hey, Sephiroth? Have you ever had food poisoning? If you have, I hope someone was nearby to help you through it; it's thoroughly unpleasant stuff. The food poisoning part definitely sucks, but the part where someone loves you and cares about you enough to help you until it's over is pretty swell, I think. If you've not experienced the second part there, I hope you get to experience it someday soon.
I am still on watch, so I am going to write more descriptions of things.
I love you. I'll write again soon. Please stay safe…
Your friend, Lumine
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not-poignant · 10 months
so you kind of covered this when talking about how many alphas/omegas there were at hillview, but do you think you could go more in detail with the layout of the buildings or just the land in general? it would be wonderful to have a clearer picture of it while reading!
Tbh the things I want folks to focus on most - like the landscape, the beach, the vegetated sand dunes, even the names of the trees in the forests and the wildlife, get described quite a bit in Underline the Black.
As to the cottages themselves, they're being described over time as the characters experience them. So the colour of the rugs on the floor have been mentioned, the towels in Dr Gary's bathroom, the decor in his office, the material of the floor etc. Underline the Black mentions the colour of the bricks and even the actual brand of the metal used for the roofing (as well as the colour).
I don't know if I'll ever draw an actual map, but it's quite easy to search for images of the south west of Western Australia, of the places mentioned nearby in the Underline stories (Yallingup, Margaret River, Dunsborough, Donnybrook etc.) and of the trees to get an idea of what the place looks like (Karri, Jarrah). (Same with the beaches in that area). The specific reason I mention these kinds of things is so that people have keywords they can search if they want to see more specific images of the location. :)
Beyond that I don't want to go into too much detail, so that folks can come up with something that works for them, vs. something really specific.
But there's been thousands of words devoted just to describing the landscape / setting in four different Underline stories. (Both Nate and Flitmouse describe the landscape in some detail in Underline the Blue and Underline the Gold, and Faber talks a lot about the surrounding areas which you can also Google in Underline the Red). Highly recommend googling some of the places / trees / etc. already mentioned.
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liminalmemories21 · 9 months
Hi lim! 33, 34, 35 please and thank you!
Thank you!
33. What was your biggest writing struggle this year?
I had two big struggles this year. One was with the S4 Interstitials and finding a character grounded way to integrate some of the S4 plot with what we already knew of the characters - and then with giving a voice to Carlos's relationship with his family, especially with his sisters.
The second was finding the emotional center of Knave 3, and then finding the narrative flow of the story so that the first half and the second half didn't feel disjointed and like they were actually two different stories smooshed together inelegantly. I think part of my problem was I went into the story with a definite idea of what I wanted to do with it, rather than letting the story itself guide me.
34. What's the weirdest thing you researched for a fic?
Listen, I looked up so much stuff about Austin this year that google thinks I'm moving there. I have looked up city zoning maps, and the drainage basin of the Colorado river, and the geography of the greater Austin area to figure out where the Reyes ranch might possible be located.
I've also done a lot of googling of 'where is this famous painting actually located' so I can send TK to the right cities in Knave-verse, and I have perused the online Met archives for hours to figure out what art TK would have grown up seeing in New York.
35. What words of advice do you have for yourself and other writers?
For myself - Don't make an argument in advance of my conclusion. Which is to say, figure out what the story is about after I've written the draft and edit accordingly, don't try and shove a story into a predetermined frame.
For other writers - Don't be afraid to put words down on the page. They don't have to be perfect - you can always edit - you just need to get them down. You might delete all of them, you might edit them beyond recognition - but once they're on the page it's something you can work with. My first drafts look nothing like my final drafts, but I can't get to a final draft until I have a first draft.
Fanfic Writer End of Year Ask Game
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eric-the-bmo · 9 months
The Neighborhood Watch S3 Ep2: Lost and Found
[Summary: John sees a familiar face, and Louis has a chat with Song's father. Someone from Markus's past makes a surprise visit.] @gr3y-plays-ttrpgs
This will be less formal today! Wanted to try out a more chill style again. Happy New Year btw!! <3
So, Last we left off: Shelby had gone missing.
John is trying So Hard to not panic because oh my god where's Shelby where did she go. He rolls well to Investigate, though he's visibly a bit more nervous than usual, and eventually finds a crowd! And screaming!!!
He pushes his way through and finds Shelby at the center- a crowd's gathered around her, taking pictures and selfies with her.
John is relieved- of course , everything's fine, she had just run into some fans of hers, he was overreacting- and then Shelby spots him and waves, and suddenly the crowd is looking at him!! He's a deer in the headlights as people recognize him; while he's never shown his face on camera, he's appeared in the background of Shelby's streams at times. Shelby eventually sees the attention is making him uncomfortable, so she gets the people to leave, pulls him aside, and- after they both go "hey where were you??"- she asks if he's okay, does he need some air?
John can tell that Shelby wants to stay, so he refuses the offer despite everything happening, and the two of them go to play blackjack.
But then, from the dealer's part of the table is a familiar voice: "John?" It's Clara. You know, the girl he's been avoiding for a whole month.
Meanwhile at the North Hotel, Song, her father, and Louis are continuing the tour. Song's father pays for lunch at one of the restaurants the hotels have; it's this New Orleans place, and it's kinda close to how Louis remembers food being back there.
Song's dad asks Louis how he likes Greenville, and our southern gentleman is all "well i was hoping it would a nice place to have an early retirement, but so far it's been... Well it's an interesting place with interesting people." He continues, and I'm counting this as another "this town is weird" rant. He says he works in personal security and finances when asked about his job, and Song's dad finds out Louis used to work for one of his branch companies.
The food arrives; they talk about Song's studies, her mom is mentioned (HELLO? IS SONG'S MOM DEAD??), and meanwhile Louis is trying so so hard to be chill and not freak out bc Man, his girlfriend's dad is really intimidating!!! Speaking of the man, he asks if they've got plans later and Song is all "yeah, cooking lessons"- which, btw: sometimes song and louis actually do cook, and sometimes they do... other stuff- howver her dad doesn't know this and is all "oh, nice! Anyway i should get going, work duties and all"
He pays for the lunch, gives Song some extra cash, and also finally introduces himself to Louis by name: Greyson. He goes to shake Louis' hand; it's a firm handshake, and Louis tries to match it. Greyson does that whole Scary Dad thing of "take care of my daughter now, ok?" and walks off.
Song tells Louis he did a great job talking to her dad! Meanwhile since Greyson left, Louis is able to show how nervous he was the whole time, holding his hurting hand like "aaa thanks darling :'-)"
Song asks Louis how he ended up here anyway- Louis said he had a lot of heat on him (his vampiric ex, a detective, etc), and when he found out he won a raffle he didn't even enter for a house, he took the chance and left. They have a whole conversation I unfortunately didn't catch, about fate and coincidences.
Song kisses Louis against the wall and heads into the casino to find Shelby and John. Louis is extremely flustered before he goes to follow.
Markus heads home to find a tourist couple waiting outside their house, asking if it's the bug museum that was listed on Google Maps, because they would like a tour! Markus is like "oh my god my house is a location on google maps now?? what the fuck???" but gives them the tour anyway.
They're very attentive, asking all sorts of questions- at first Markus is socially anxious about it, but eventually the joy of their special interest takes over, and they ramble about it ☆
But Markus only has enough social energy, and it turns out the tourists paid enough to come back The Next Day, and as they leave Markus leans against the wall, dreading more social interaction.
There's a knock on the door.
Markus goes to open it ("I swear if it's that rat-summoning creep again-") and upon seeing who it is they immediately slam it shut. After the shock wears off, they slowly open it again.
They ask their sister, Analetta, how she managed to find them.
She holds up her phone- Google maps. ("Do our parents know where I am?" "No, they don't.") She hugs them, crying, and while Markus hugs back they reassure her that everything is fine? There's no reason to cry?? ("I mean, I don't have a car but besides that everything's fine-")
Analette says Markus had just disappeared without telling anyone- Markus is like "Do you blame me?" They tell her they vanished because a way to leave home had suddenly appeared for them, and they didn't know if a chance like that would ever show up again; They didn't really have to take things or people with them.
Analetta tells them she managed to visit them by saying she's studying abroad ("oh thank god you didn't move here"), and Markus apologizes for slamming the door in her face. They ask if she'd like to meet their friends. Analetta's like "oh my god? you have friends??" and pokes fun at their sibling when they mention Shelby. Markus is all "No it's not like that, she's my friend," and the two argue over who's going to pay for the food they're going to get from the only DoorDash guy in town (who, btw, is also the only weed dealer in town- they get some of that too).
As they eat sushi Markus fills her in on everything, and while she knows about their bugs, they omit the rest of the supernatural stuff- they don't wanna drag her into all of this. Analetta says that life got harder back home when Markus left, and while she's trying to live the life her parents want her to live, it's killing her inside. She took an opportunity to leave, and wanted to visit Markus one last time. They say she can stay as long as she wants, and might take them up on it; She's actually supposed to be in Japan right now.
Markus sends a text to the group chat so the Main Cast can their sister.
In the hotel, Song and Louis finally get a text notif for the message, which reads: “PLEASE COME TO MY HOUSE ITS SUPER IMPORTANT PLEASE!!!!!”
Louis texts back like "Hey sorry we got this late, is it still possible to come over?"
Song and Louis are all "ok we should find shelby and john," and they bump into Sammy on the way over– he helps one of them up, since he accidentally knocked one of them onto the floor.
Meanwhile, John is in a social scenario hell- yes, Clara is here, being kinda cold and professional (and part of him wonders if she's making sure he keeps losing), but you wanna know who else is here? Harold, that little creep who was really rude to Shelby last season!! John hates this man- He manages to scare him off by Staring at him with his monster eyes.
At this point, Song and Louis show up like "hey, we got a text from Markus and they want us to come over, and we don't wanna disappoint them like last time." (John doesn't say anything about how he actually visited them last time they asked, so-)
(Shelby notices that hey, yeah, the cell service is shit here in this casino!)
Anyway, so John and Shelby get up to leave but Clara insists that John cash in his chips- as she's doing this for him, she discreetly hands him a small note. He catches the vibe he should look at it later, and leaves the Casino with the Main Cast. As they leave, everyone's phone clocks correct themselves to match the current time outside the casino- it's currently around 3pm. John trails behind the group as usual, and opens the note to read it.
"Meet me out front at 5:30 after my shift."
I forgot Shelby was lowkey a celebrity lmao
It's canon that every single photo of John is a little bit blurry! That's so funny <3
Hi. Something about John sacrificing small bits of comfort (ie not leaving the casino to chill out) bc he wants Shelby to be okay/not leave her.... he has issues
Hey Song. What's with your mom, did she leave? die? what's up??
The GM informed me later that casino workers are meant to be all formal and not show favoritism at their jobs, right, and Sir i think she was doing the Opposite of favoritism /lh
John being able to initimidate people is very cool, thank you GM
I was? Not aware our guys had a group chat??
SAMMY?? SIR?? weren't u being kidnapped earlier whats going on /lh
My notes say "Song easily finds John bc he's tall as fuck"
The players are placing bets (/j) on if Clara is a secret monster hunter or not-
John is fully expecting to get yelled at by her btw :-(
I so badly want him to try and date her or somehting. please for the love of god can john actually kiss someone and be really nervous about it bc he's never done that before and wants to try it out, and maybe he'll have to roll for Hunger bc his teeth are So So close to human flesh and it'll just be Dramatic <3
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detroitbecomeonline · 2 years
Hi everyone :) I'm going to start a lil mod diary because I'm trying my best to learn how to do stuff with like, 0 prior understanding. I'm writing everything I find out because frankly, I can't find info like this elsewhere. I have to figure everything out myself. If you're like me, and have no experience or knowledge in manual modding what-so-ever, I hope this series of entries will help you! If anyone has any information or extra points, PLEASE say something lol. If I'm wrong, I'm begging you to correct me!!!
It's currently 30/12/2022 and for the last 3 days, I've been looking at modstuffs for Detroit: Become Human. I started with the browser model swapper and successfully located the game file it needs. For me, I downloaded DBH through Steam, so I go the HDD (where I keep my Steam stuff) > steamapps > common > Detroit Become Human > and the file will be in the list of BigFiles. HOWEVER I made a new folder just on my HDD called "Original BigFile_PC idx" and copied and pasted the original file into there so if anything breaks, I can just plug my original back in.
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That's how I can get shots like this, because I swapped Connor's game model for North's:
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I have been hanging out in a DBH modding server, and they're talking words my uneducated ass can hardly understand. But what I have picked up is this:
Mokit is like, movement capture? Like how Bryan explained that the little dots on his face capture the actors movement. And there are a bunch of cameras and stuff. idk here's a YouTube vid. So anyway these movements are saved in files and you can switch mokits with characters.
Pretty sure points on mokits are labelled or something, because in the model swapper, an elbow is an elbow, whether you're North or Sumo.
And so also in the model swapper, you can switch out these files. I have no idea how to do this manually. I haven't experimented with the mokit swaps yet anyway.
After that, I downloaded the Custom Texture Tool (also found in More Tools) and yesterday I cracked it open. Here's what it looks like upon opening:
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I locate my game through HDD > steam > steamapps > common > Detroit Become Human. Then this all comes up on the left:
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And I'm like dang. I have no idea what any of this does, but what's really cool is that I can see which files are attributed to which BigFile (which I previously couldn't open). Immediately I go for the catalogue, because SURELY that's where the textures live. It looks like this when I open up the Catalogue tab.
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I chilled out and browsed the files for a bit before searching for Connor. I really liked how these files are named just because of story structure and specific scenes. It makes so much sense, thank you CONNOR_INTO2.
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So rn I can't view a lot of files and I didn't quite understand why, but after a quick Google, it's because you need a specific program to grab em. But anyway, you see that black-red-green-blue square in the third row fifth column in the screenshot? I was like oh man. I know what THIS is for. I export the DDS file (I save the image) and it opens up in PAINT DOT NET. so im like ok ok i'll do it. I gotta.
Using Common Sense, I swatch the red and the green and I keep the text in the parameters of where the old text was so that it goes on Connor's uniform in the right spot. I have no idea what the red and green colours mean. After that, I save it as a separate file in another folder on my HDD. Here is a comparison of the before and after:
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I don't know why they have to be upside down, but yep. + Sorry, it's unfortunate I can't upload the Juicy texture to this post. Must be to do with the DDS file format or whatever.
Anyway, this was the result:
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So I'm like okay, I understand this a little. I want to colour other stuff. After a whole bunch of dicking around with files (and I will not document my painful process), I watch a video on texture maps. My mind BLEW because:
I could identify the normal maps (purple ones).
I understand now that roughness maps will be the maps that make uniform textures shine or not. (I don't know which ones are roughness maps yet).
A few more things:
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This is Connor's uniform jacket and this is his belt, but they're completely different texture maps. I have no idea what the red and green mean. Maybe it's to communicate to the roughness maps what to apply? (Shiny belt buckle vs leather strap.) And for Connor's jacket, here is where I can change the colour and look, but it won't change the fabric texture and actual shape. Anyway, so I'm going to download a 3D model program to see if that gives me a better understanding of things.
I'll update you soon!
~ Trinity
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
~getting to know you, getting to know all about you~
I think that's from The King and I? pretty sure. anyway. I was tagged, snagged, snipped, dipped, and dragged by @author-a-holmes @kaiusvnoir @crypticcodexcreations @blind-the-winds @talesofsorrowandofruin to do this tag in two variants, but I'm going to cheat.
Relationship status: contendedly single. I already get a lot of the hugs and affection from people I'm not dating, so I'm good.
Favorite Color(s): indigo - not crayola indigo! blue-violet, deep and mysterious, a comfort and a close friend. like the plant but more purple. and purple in general, but not orchid my beloathed, and not soggy green purple. grey-purple and brown-purple are fine. mauve, even. I'm wearing a lilac adidas hoodie at this very moment that is just about too pink but I'm trying not to judge because I like the details. and to expand my wearable color palette.
Favorite Food: salmon. baked, grilled, pan-seared, poached, smoked, or raw. I love it.
Song Stuck in My Head: it's never just one, so the medley at the moment is You Learn by Takida, Snooze by Lucy and Shake It Out by Florence + the Machine.
Last thing you googled: adam young's other bands besides owl city. they're swimming with dolphins and windsor airlift.
Time: 9:17pm.
Dream Trip: no idea anymore, because I've already been to Greece. I used to think it was New Zealand but lately I think I want to go to Asia (not just a sneak one day visit to Turkey).
Last Thing You Read: summon story draft 0, for no particular reason. before that was a bunch of starsky and hutch fanfic.
Last Book You Enjoyed Reading: I haven't read anything since the trip, so it's still Winterkeep by Kristin Cashore. I'm ever so tempted to rebuy the first three in the series in the new covers because they're so pretty! wait why didn't I ask for those for my birthday I'm so stupid
Favorite Thing to Cook/Bake: salmon, box pancakes, or a made up chicken recipe which have so far always turned out good.
Favorite Craft to do in Your Freetime: craft? I like doing the digital edits, if that counts, and watercolor. I also like mixing paint and ink with mod podge and letting it try on a smooth surface. I then peel it off and glue it onto a different surface, usually a canvas, to make art.
Most Niche Dislike: when people confuse lilac and lavender (the colors). when they mislabel colors in general. the strings in hoodies. I always remove them. chapstick. when I'm trying to complete a single task at work and have to first complete seven other tasks before I can get to it. putting my laundry away. I'll fold it. I just hate putting it on shelves. watching a show all the way through (before rewatching). watching movies in theaters. lights from electronics or the hallway when I'm trying to sleep even if I can't see them with my eyes closed.
Opinion on Circuses: none.
Do You Have Any Sense of Direction: not really, but I can hold virtual maps in my head really well, so once I've got one of the place where I'm at, direction sense comes free with the map. I still vaguely remember the layouts of paris and london but I don't know where things are in relation to each other in my hometown. I had to memorize the turns to my grandma's house because just knowing the location is no good.
@caspia-writes @ryns-ramblings @stupid-elf @ambiguouspuzuma @justwriteyoudummy @midnight-and-his-melodiverse @writeblrfantasy or anybody
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