#i haven't finished it yet so i can't say where it's taking this setting
andromeda3116 · 1 year
you know i wonder where the essay is, i certainly don't have it prepared, what it reflects about society, that the '99 trigun was a fun action western-sci-fi anime with a plot that wove itself out slowly and had plenty of heart that got serious eventually but was also a quirky romp through most of its run
and the '23 trigun stampede is a dystopian sci-fi set in a crumbling desert that can barely support life with a dark plot that drags you under immediately and also does have a lot of heart but ultimately appears to have the theme of scavenging that heart from a place that gives you no reason to believe it exists
like, as time capsules i feel like it's unintentionally saying something about us, about where we've come to and come from, that the same basic story is told in two such wildly different ways, after less than a quarter-century
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pomefioredove · 3 months
Can I request either Jade or Azul with, “let’s flip a coin, heads I’m yours, tails your mine.” They seem like the type to make that kind of deal.
haven't done Azul yet ouhhhh
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summary: "let’s flip a coin, heads I’m yours, tails you're mine" type of post: short fic characters: azul additional info: romantic, reader is gender neutral, reader is not specified to be yuu, not proofread a part of this event
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Azul doesn't like playing games of chance.
This is the first real thing he tells you about himself. You had brought a deck of cards to the lounge, and asked to play war; he immediately shot you down.
"What's the purpose of a game without strategy?"
He's shared many more things about himself since, but none had captured your interest quite as much as his distaste for luck.
You've let it sit at the back of your mind, waiting for a moment like this.
"Here's how you play," you explain, setting the dice in front of him.
"You only get to roll the dice five times per turn. Once you think you've got the highest number, you end your turn. Highest number at the end wins."
Azul narrows his eyes as you describe the rules of the game.
"So this is... purely...?"
"Luck," you finish his sentence. "It's fun, you'll like it."
He grumbles under his breath, but the smile on your face is enough to dissuade him from turning you down.
"Alright. One round, and then I get to pick the next game,"
Azul cups the dice in hand, a melodious symphony of clinks coming from within his palms as he shakes and rolls.
"Five, eleven, twenty four..." he counts each one. "Only thirty one. Five turns, you say? I'll roll again."
You can tell he's pretending to be disinterested, much to your delight.
"Eleven, twenty one, twenty eight, twenty nine... thirty four. That's not much better,"
"Having fun?"
He shoots you a glare, scooping up the dice between you for his third roll.
"Thirty five. It seems that low thirties are the average. I'll keep this, then,"
You can't help a grin. You can tell he's trying to work out the game in his head, searching for something to turn it in his favor... and coming up short.
The expression on his face is pure frustration. It's amazing.
"Forty," you're unable to hold back the glee in your voice.
Azul narrows his eyes. "Keeping?"
"Oh, yes. Your turn,"
He draws the dice on the table back to himself, eyes sharp. You love seeing this side of him; competitive, analytical, and oh-so frustrated.
"Seventeen. I'll reroll," he mutters. "Twenty five..."
He settles at thirty one, handing the dice back to you with a scowl. You roll, smiling widely.
"Oh, my... thirty eight!"
Azul's face pales. "Wh- how? On your first try? What are you playing at?"
You can tell his patience is wearing thin. You gasp in mock-offense, putting a hand over your heart.
"Are you implying that I cheated? We're using the same dice, Azul!"
"Sevens. You really find it so entertaining to watch me squirm?"
"I just like seeing that look on you," you smile, leaning against your elbow.
"You're all cute when you're competitive."
Azul narrows his eyes, trying to maintain himself despite the blush on his face. "I want to play something else. My choice,"
You watch him stand and walk across the room with a chuckle. He's always so easy to get a rise out of...
"Here," he says, returning to your side with nothing but a coin.
"Since you like games of chance so much, I have one we can both win."
You raise an eyebrow. Out of all the things you'd expected from him, this is not one. "Really? ...Where's the fun in that?"
He smiles slyly, almost looking pleased with himself. His mood has taken a complete 180, much to your curiosity.... and dread.
"Let's flip coins. Head, I'm yours. Tails... you're mine,"
...Azul takes as much delight in seeing your face go red as you did riling him up.
He's even prepared to dodge when you lunge at him in a vain attempt to take the coin out of his upper hand.
"Tsk, tsk..." he chuckles. "Who's competitive now?"
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steddiealltheway · 1 year
(Set right before season 4)
Steve rushes over to the Henderson house after an ominous call from Dustin saying, "Come over as soon as you can, it's an emergency," before hanging up dramatically.
He can hear his nail bat rolling around in his trunk every turn he takes as he gets there in record time. He grabs the bat out of the trunk and rushes to the door, not bothering to knock before he barges in.
He's met with the sight of Eddie Munson staring at him with wide eyes as Dustin yells, "No! No! Don't swing! Not a code red!"
Steve sets down the bat and lets out a deep breath. "What the hell, Henderson?! I could've seriously taken you out with this thing!" He hears Dustin give him a half-assed apology as he tries to get his heartbeat to slow down. "Next time, don't leave such a cryptic message, okay?"
"Okay," Dustin says, holding his hands up.
"What the fuck is that?" Munson asks, staring at the bat.
Steve points at him and says, "Language," before turning to Dustin and asking, "What's he doing here?"
Dustin sighs and gestures them toward his couch. Steve shoots Eddie a look before taking a seat right against the arm of the couch. It's not that he hates him, hell, he's pretty sure he's gotten weed from him before. It's just that he doesn't like sharing this older brother role with another guy - especially one who likes to make dramatic speeches on top of lunch tables.
Based on the way Eddie is similarly leaning away from him and uncomfortably fidgeting with his rings, he can tell there's a mutual tension between them. Dustin doesn't pick up on it as he sits across from them, acting like he's about to deliver the worst news ever.
Steve leans forward a little trying to get Dustin to finally spill and tries not to lean back immediately when he sees that Eddie is doing the same thing.
"Okay, Suzie and I were talking, and her family is considering visiting Hawkins."
Steve smiles. "That's great, but why-"
"Why are you acting like that's bad news?" Eddie asks, finishing Steve's sentence. The two glance at each other, and Steve tries not to size him up.
Dustin groans, "Because I need to take her on a proper date! We weren't able to go on dates during science camp, so I want this to be special. Of course, this is all contingent on whether she can convince her dad to give us alone time..."
"I could be your chaperone, but I'd ditch you once you got to the movie theater," Steve offers.
Eddie scoffs, "Yeah, a date with Suzie will not be at a movie theater."
Steve crosses his legs and turns toward Eddie. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know you knew something about dating. Wait a minute." He directs his attention back to Dustin, utterly horrified. "You asked me and Munson for girl help?"
"Don't sound so shocked," Eddie says, but Steve ignores him.
"Yes," Dustin states simply. He sighs and gestures between the two of them. "Steve, you're a lady's man and you know exactly what to say and where the best date spots are, but you pick up the worst girls. Except Robin who you refuse to date." Steve doesn't have time to argue before Dustin points at Eddie, "And Eddie understands all the cool nerd stuff that Suzie and I like, and he's super charismatic. So, I thought we could combine your abilities to create the most epic date in the history of dates."
"No," Steve and Eddie both say at once.
Steve turns to Eddie and raises an eyebrow. "Why are you protesting my help?"
"Because try as he might, Dustin can't convince me that you aren't an asshole that has never actually wooed a girl. You get by with your pretty looks and think that's enough."
Steve's mind lingers a bit on the "pretty looks" for some reason, but he pushes past it to say, "Please, you're telling me you know a single thing about wooing a girl?"
Eddie leans in with a bright smile. "You heard it from Henderson, I'm charming."
"Charismatic," Steve corrects him, "But I haven't seen a shred of that yet."
Eddie tosses an arm over the back of the couch and scoots in until Steve is trapped against the arm of the couch. Steve tries not to show Eddie how much the sudden closeness is affecting him.
"I could easily charm your pants off, big boy," Eddie says with a wink.
Steve's eyes betray him and flicker down to Eddie's lips. "Please, I'd easily beat you to it."
Eddie tilts his head and looks at him through his lashes. "Are you saying you want to charm my pants off, Harrington? I'm flattered, but I'm not that kind of girl."
Steve raises his eyebrows. "Is that a bet?"
"Do you want it to be? Because it kind of sounds like it."
Steve blames his series of bad dates, the meaningless sex with girls with no substance, and the weird tension between them for his response. "It's a date, Munson."
"So, I'm going to assume that was the weirdest way of you two agreeing to help me," Dustin says, startling Steve away from Eddie who he was definitely not just about to kiss.
"Jesus H. Christ," Eddie mumbles under his breath as he moves away, seeming to have also forgotten where they were.
"Sure, we'll create a date for you two and trial-run it for issues," Steve says.
Dustin smiles wide and giggles, "See, I knew you two would help if you just put your dumb differences aside!"
"Something like that," Eddie mutters. "But hey, what does your gut say? Where do you want to take her?"
Dustin shrugs. "I like the idea of the movies."
Steve slowly looks over at Eddie and gives him a cocky smile. Eddie's mouth twitches momentarily into a frown, but he ignores him. "I'll think of something special to do after, but Harrington can fill you in on a movie date."
"I thought you were the expert on wooing," Steve snarkily replies.
Eddie huffs, "Movie dates just aren't my thing."
If they're actually trial-running this, Steve will make it a point to make movie dates Eddie's thing.
"That sounds great. Thank you both!" Dustin says, still ignoring the obvious tension.
"Well, I've got to head out, but it was good seeing you," Eddie says with a genuine smile that Steve thinks he would like to see more often.
"I do, too. Hey, I'm glad I could help. Next time maybe don't make it sound like a nail-bat emergency though," Steve says lowering his voice before grabbing the bat.
He follows Eddie toward the front, but they both stop and turn to mess up Dustin's hair simultaneously. Steve pulls his hand back when Eddie's hand runs on top of his. He looks at him with his eyebrows furrowed.
"I told you you guys are similar."
Steve thinks that Dustin's right, but maybe they're only similar in the way they both obviously care for him.
They finish their goodbyes and head out into the cold January weather. Steve clutches his jacket tighter around himself - he had forgotten to grab a heavier coat in his rush over. He turns to Eddie and says, "Hey."
Eddie turns to him and raises his eyebrows.
"Want to trial-run that date tonight?"
Eddie frowns at him. "I thought you were joking."
With that, Steve should take the clear out given to him and agree. Yes, it was just a joke. Instead, he says, "It doesn't have to be."
It's a long few seconds of Eddie staring at him before he gets a quiet response of, "Yeah, sure. Uh, let's go to my place though. I don't want your reputation to be tainted if you're seen in public with me."
"I wouldn't mind," Steve says sincerely. He's not sure why he's so adamant about this date, but maybe he just wants to see where that moment on the couch could truly lead. "But hey, your reputation would also be tainted if you're associating with me."
"And we wouldn't want that," Eddie says with a small smile. "The freak and the king. What would people say?"
This surprises a laugh out of Steve before he says, "I think your place would probably be a little more intimate than a movie theater."
He can't tell if Eddie's cheeks suddenly flush a little pinker from the cold or a blush. "I told you, I'm not that kind of guy."
"More intimate doesn't always mean sex. You know this."
Eddie laughs and shakes his head. "Why don't we continue this conversation at my place so you don't freeze to death?"
"I like the sound of that," Steve says, making his way to his car and trying to hide the huge smile that's trying to split across his face all because of Eddie Munson.
He rushes to shove his bat into the trunk, hoping that he won't have to further explain that to Eddie. But based on the way his eyes linger on it, he's thinking he won't get away from questioning too easily.
Luckily, he has prepared his Harrington charm for this moment. And boy, he's going to be using it as often as he can to prove Eddie wrong.
Part Two (aka the final part)
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woso-dreamzzz · 7 months
Ausenal II
Arsenal Women x Teen!Reader
Summary: You travel for an away game
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It was a long drive up to Liverpool.
Like four plus hours kind of long.
Which meant you had plenty of time to do your homework.
Steph wandered around the house, picking up her bags and sorting through the last of the mail before turning to you.
"Have you packed your laptop?"
You nodded.
"And your calculator?"
You nodded.
"And your boots and your socks?"
You didn't stop nodding.
"Okay. Let's get this show on the road."
Steph drove you both to the training grounds. She looked at you in the backseat and adjusted her rear view mirror. "Did you pick up your lunch?"
You held up the little brown paper bag she'd packed for you.
Steph nodded. "Good. Right, onto the bus with you. I'm just going to pop in and grab some water from reception."
You nodded.
Away games like this were always the same. Steph let you have a little lie in as she double then triple checked your bag and made you your lunch. Then, she would wake you up where you would beg to just have something small for breakfast like a protein bar but she would make you eat a full meal. Next Steph would drive you to the bus where she would make you get on while she slipped inside to get you some extra water in case you got car sick.
Now came the next part of your routine.
"There she is!" Katie crowed from her spot next to Caitlin. "We've been saving you a seat."
She nodded to the seat opposite her and you sat.
This was normal as well. Leah and Alessia were set up at the table across the aisle, playing cards as Kyra kneeled on her seat so she could annoy Lotte and the new American signing, Emily.
No one would sit on your other side but Steph would definitely take up the seat in facing Kyra to make sure she behaved.
"What have you got today?" Katie asked as you got out your schoolwork.
You made a face. "Biology and Chemistry."
"Did you bring the funny calculator?" Caitlin asked, making grabby hands for it.
"I need it," You said.
"I only want it for a bit," Caitlin said," I'm going to send Macca and Lanni a picture of me writing boobs."
"You're so childish," Steph said in greeting as she arrived on the bus," Leave her alone. She has deadlines." She passed you over two bottles of water and looked at you sternly. "Drink one of them now."
"She means," Katie cut in," Make sure you finish it in the first half of the journey so when we get to the services, you can have a toilet break there."
That was part of the normal routine too and you just nodded.
You got to work quickly even as the bus turned into carnage the moment you set off.
At some point, Caitlin had grabbed your calculator and was amusing herself using the graph function after sending the boob picture to Macca and Lanni.
Kyra was still annoying Lotte and Emily even after Steph made her sit down and turn around.
Leah and Lessi's card game got progressively more aggressive as the time lagged on and you found yourself abandoning your schoolwork to watch.
"You can't cheat at Uno, Leah! You're being a bad loser!"
"I haven't lost yet and there's no way you had that many plus fours! You're such a cheater!"
"Just because you have bad luck doesn't mean that I do! Now pick up your cards or resign!"
You snapped out of your watching to look across from you. Katie raised a singular brow and looked down at your laptop.
"Didn't Steph say you had deadlines? Come on, get it done so you can relax on your way back."
You huffed and got back to work.
"And start drinking your water too! It helps with brain power!"
You diligently typed away, absentmindedly snacking on whatever Katie pushed your way and having to fight back you calculator from Caitlin.
When it came to the twenty minute break at the services, you were more than happy to escape into the fresh air.
"Hand," Leah said as she caught up with you, holding her own hand out expectantly.
"Leah," You began to whine but a firm look from her had you slipping your palm into hers.
Kyra snickered behind you and you felt your face go bright red. "Don't wander off," Kyra teased as she moved past," Wouldn't want to get lost, would you?"
"Kyra!" Steph snapped as she approached," No teasing! It's mean!"
You and Leah didn't stick around to hear anymore of the lecture because you were dragged to the toilet and then to the little store to pick up a new book.
You were distracted though and kept peering around Leah to look at the snacks.
"No," She said," That's not good for you. Come on, you're choosing a new book."
You picked up the next book in the series you were reading but made sure to take the long way back around to the checkout, purposely walking Leah through the snacks.
"No," She said again, waving a teasing finger in your face.
"Please?" You begged," I finished my schoolwork. And I ate the lunch Steph packed for me!"
Leah looked at you through narrowed eyes, studying you before sighing. "One snack. And not too big either. I mean it, this stuff isn't good for you."
You grinned and went to grab your favourite chocolate bar, dragging Leah with you when it was clear that she wasn't going to let go of your hand.
"Go on," She said, guiding you up onto the team bus again," You promise that you finished your work?"
You nodded.
"Okay. Go and sit with Lessi. Kyra can sit in your old seat."
Alessia was already waiting for you. At some point while you were away, she'd gotten out a blanket.
"Come on," She said softly, beckoning you closer," You look like you need a nap. You had to wake up early."
"I'm not a baby," You complained even though you were already taking your shoes off so you could curl up properly on the seat.
"Teenagers can nap too." Alessia wrapped an arm around your shoulders and pulled you a bit closer.
"I'm not tired," You said," I've got a new book."
"The book can wait. We need you fighting fit for the match later. Kyra's already asleep."
You turned your head to spot Kyra face down on the table, eyes shut and drooling. You huffed and looked back at Alessia.
She was giving you one of those looks that you were more accustomed to seeing from Steph or Kim so you blew out all your air in a big sigh and rested your head on her shoulder.
"Good," Lessi said," I'll wake you up when we get there."
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vainvenus · 6 months
⌲;꒰ Wonka Welcome! ꒱
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Pairing :: Willy Wonka x Fem!Reader
Synopsis :: There's a new bakery in town and Wonka stops by to give the owner a warm welcome.
Includings :: Slight spoilers, events happen after the movie, Wonka speaking nonsense/being illiterate, him pulling shit out of hat, slight flirting, this is really short (im just trying to dump my drafts), nothing but fluff
An :: "He's the worst Wonka" ok but he's the hottest so send requests!
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"What's that you got there, Noodle?"
Willy questioned, brows furrowed but eyes full of curiosity as Noodle walked back into the shop. She had a small tart-like thing in her hand, a few crumbs dusted across her chin as she licked her fingers.
It was small yet colorful, some sort of filling under a few fruits as Noodle held it out to the brunette to take a bite.
"A tart."
He hummed, taking a bite from it and his eyes went wide as he hummed again after tasting it. The crust had a perfect crisp taste to it, the fruit each tasting perfectly ripe.
"Delicious! Did you make that all on your own? How? Where?"
Noodle shook her head as she finished the rest of it, wiping her fingers down on the bottom of her pants. "Not me. There's a baker, she just opened up across from us, don't know how you haven't noticed."
Will practically teleported over to the window, hands pressed against it like a child who was passing his shop for the first time. His eyes were glistening as he saw there was a Bakery shop positioned right across from him.
"Well, I think I ought to say hello! Give her a warm Wonka welcome!" He hummed, adjusting his top hat as he walked out the doors and across the street.
He looked up, eyes scanning across the shop's sign and he narrowed them a bit. Noodle had been continuing to teach him how to read but of course, he still had a few issues.
"[Mispronounced version of name]'s blissful bakes." He muttered to himself before pushing the door open, the sound of a bell chiming above him as he did so.
"Welcome! Menu's right above me and you can order when you're ready." He heard a soft voice chirp.
He walked a bit closer, seeing a girl wearing a simple outfit with a white apron that had red hearts printed all over it. Her hair styled in [hairstyle]/wrapped up. She was mixing something in a bowl before turning around.
She turned her head to Willy and he had felt his heart stutter for a second when their eyes had met and a smile automatically grew across his face.
"Oh! You're the Willy Wonka, right?"
"The one and only, ma'am!"
"It's so nice to finally meet you!" She set the bowl down, walking back to the front counter as she held out her hand. "I'm [Y/n]."
Oh. That's how it was pronounced, he thought it seemed a bit odd when he said it out loud earlier.
He took her hand, turning it so he could place a soft kiss upon the back of her palm. "A pleasure! I can't believe we haven't talked yet!"
"I'm a homebody. I don't roam around town too much unless it's to get here or more ingredients." She answered and he had nodded.
"Well, I believe a warm Wonka welcome is far overdue."
"A warm Wonka welcome? Just what is that?" She asked, smiling a bit out of amusement.
"This!" Willy exclaimed, taking off his hat as reaching his hand into it and pulled out a chocolate bouquet of flowers even equipped with a chocolate bow.
[Y/n]'s eyes widened with surprise as she smiled and took them, surprised that they weren't sticky at all but felt as if they had been in the fridge.
She had broke off one of the petals from the chocolate rose, popping it into her mouth. She hummed in satisfaction as she grabbed another.
"Oh my god. This is the best chocolate I've ever had."
"Thank you! I get that a lot." Wonka smiled and she had giggled, taking another bite of the bouquet.
"Please, let me give you a warm welcome as well. Choose anything and it's on the house."
The brunette tilted his head, brows furrowing a bit. "Why would it be on your house?"
"Huh?" Her expression matched his confusion as she shook her head. "No- that just means it's free!"
"Ohhh." His eyes scanned the menu, there were a lot of choices he honestly felt a bit overwhelmed. He finally decided, pointing to it.
"What're you pointing at me for?"
"Can I not have you?" He asked, his tone a bit playful as he leaned against the counter with a smug smile.
"Why don't you pick something actually on a menu?" She giggled, rolling her eyes playfully and he chuckled.
"Alright, alright." He hummed. "How about one of your tarts? One with strawberries, blueberries and kiwis."
"Alright, one tart coming right your way."
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literaila · 7 months
new pups
gojo satoru x fem!reader
summary: satoru brings home a couple of additions
warnings: satoru is annoying, reader is fed up with him, tsumiki is doing something (???), megumi is tired he needs a nap
last part | next part
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year three
“ladies,” satoru calls, slamming the door instead of shutting it, even though you've scolded him about it for five weeks straight. “i’ve returned.” 
there’s the distinct sound of someone kicking the wall—probably just satoru throwing a bag by the door. 
you set down the pen you're holding, sighing at the sound. 
you used to live in a peaceful house, always clean, always calm, no boys to disrupt your wonderful lifestyle. 
and now you live with three kids. you probably haven't had a single moment alone since you moved in. 
and yet tsumiki looks up from the table, her eyes wide and waiting, and you watch fondly--glad that they're home. 
megumi rounds the corner, rubbing his eyes. his hair is a mess--complete with leaves and mud--and his face looks like it was stretched out by a car tire. but tsumiki smiles at him, not bothered by his appearance. “i’m here too," he says, walking up to the table where you're helping tsumiki with her homework, looking distastefully at the worksheets the two of you have lost track of. 
you smile at him. 
“hey, kid,” you say, pulling him to kiss his forehead. he tastes like sweat. “how was your class?” 
he shrugs, as telling as ever, then goes to the kitchen. 
satoru is next, as untouched as he was before he left, not a hair out of place, leaving a loud smacking kiss on tsumiki’s head—who loves it—and one on your cheek— which is promptly wiped away. 
“did you miss us?” he asks you, leaning against your shoulder with his entire body before you push him away. his blindfold is slipping from his face, and you snap it against his skin.
so he huffs and sits at the chair next to you, blindfold off, moving it even closer. seriously, he has never learned the meaning of personal space. 
“we didn’t have time,” you tell him, kicking his leg as he sits down. “we’ve been working.” 
he gives tsumiki a look. “blink twice if you need help.” 
she opens her eyes wide, making him laugh. her tiny fingers tap against the table, and you can tell that she's about to beg you for another break--just to go check on her room, she'll swear, or grab a glass of water. 
you've only been sitting there with her for an hour, but even you're feeling a bit restless at the math and reading comprehension worksheets you'd like to never see again. 
“shoo, satoru," you tell him before he can say anything else, 
"we’re almost done.” 
“but i just got here!” 
"you're going to disturb tsumiki. she's working hard." 
"i can watch," he grins at the little girl, "can't i, miki?" 
tsumiki looks between the two of you, nodding her head. "he's okay," she whispers to you, sweetly, and you pretend not to notice as the two of them share a wink and a smile, plotting against you, probably. 
"sit and be quiet," you point at him, turning away. 
"actually... could we take a break?" you frown at her, raising your brows. "there's not much left, and i promise i'll finish it all soon!" she pleads, taking satoru's signature sweet talking, "i just want to check on something real quick." 
you sigh, looking at what she's got left over, and, for how long you've been working, it's not that much (plus you could probably use a break too). "okay, but--" tsumiki is up from the table before the words are out of your mouth, her smile radiant, and she runs away before you can get another word out.
you snort as she leaves, then look to your best friend, frowning at him. "that's your fault." 
"i sat down," satoru deadpans. 
"i know you're teaching them to slack off when i'm not around," you tell him, moving your chair at least three feet away. just to get away from his crushing aura. 
satoru does not take this hint--nor any other one--and he moves with you like it'll physically kill him to be any further apart. 
"does avoiding homework and playing candy crush count as slacking off?" he asks you.
he nods thoughtfully. "oh, then yeah." 
you groan, stacking all of the papers on the table. your shoulders bump into his as you do so, his hands on your thighs, creeping as they try to scare you away. 
then they're gone, and he grins mischievously. 
"don't worry, megumi wanted to show you something anyway," he whispers, and then looks down the hallway, where the boy disappeared a couple of minutes ago. "megumi!" he sings. 
about thirty seconds later a scrunched-up body marches into the room, wearing pajamas already, dark circles that shouldn't exist for a nine-year-old under his eyes. 
seriously, what did satoru do? 
you nod at the boy and he looks quizzically at satoru, entirely bored and exhausted. 
"well?" satoru asks after they've been staring at each other for ten seconds straight. "aren't you going to show her?" 
megumi blinks, and usually, he'd probably argue at any request satoru made, but he looks too tired. he merely gives a half-hearted eye-roll, shaking his hair out of his eyes.
and then he turns towards you, looking briefly at the light above the table, rests one of his hands upon an open one, making an indiscernible shape. 
and almost before you can see them--you feel it, that unmistakable current of cursed energy, but satoru doesn't flinch, so neither do you. 
then there are two puppies at megumi's feet, barking excitedly beneath him. 
the two of them may be trying to give you a heart attack.
you stare for a moment--watching as megumi pats both of their heads, then looks at you, like he didn't just bring home two new pets without even asking you.
or like he's not just nine, creating creatures out of thin air.
you blink. the white one sniffs around megumi's feet, moving over to satoru to inspect him while the other black one sits by megumi, happy to remain there. 
"see!" satoru exclaims after he's had enough of the silence. he looks ridiculous bending down to pet the dog sniffing at his feet, who tries to nip at him in response.  
"you--" you frown, tilting your head, watching closely as they might disappear. "you made those?" 
"they're shikigami," satoru tells you, "aren't they cute?" 
"you just learned how to do that?" 
megumi nods. 
you gape for a moment more--so many curious thoughts running through your head, attempting to scare you away from your little boy and whoever he's supposed to be--but you shut them out. then smile. "wow, megumi. that--wow." 
his nose ruffles at you. 
"and you can summon them at will?" 
megumi frowns, but satoru nods. 
"and release them?" 
"he figured it out pretty quick," satoru says. "honestly, i was impressed." 
you stand up, ruffling his hair. "good job, buddy," you say, with obvious pride. 
how many parents can say that their child created two puppies and brought them home to them?
"they can't really do much." 
"i told you that they'll grow with you," satoru says, rolling his eyes. "maybe they have laser eyes."
megumi frowns at him.
"hmm," you watch them, the white one sniffing at you now. "they are cute. who could fight these little guys?" you say, cooing at the puppy, who basks in your attention. "they might shock curses into submission if nothing else." 
satoru laughs, slinging an arm around your shoulder as you rise up again.
you give megumi a frown, watching his slow blinks. "you tired?" 
he nods, not even bothering to deny it like he usually would.
"okay, go hang out. we'll get dinner ready." 
megumi walks off, the two puppies following after him. 
you brows furrow as you watch him go. "did you have to torture him to get him to summon them?" 
satoru rolls his eyes. "i just talked to him until he figured it out." 
"so, yes." 
"actually, he didn't say much. just kind of sat by himself and thought for a bit." 
"and you watched?" 
satoru grins at you, nuzzling his nose into the side of your face. 
"he looks like he's half dead." 
he shrugs. "took a lot out of him. puppies are hard work." 
he's recalling what you told him when he tried to get you all to go to the animal shelter a couple of weeks ago, you look at him pointedly. then away. 
satoru grins at you, pulling his head back, then pauses. "what? you're not a dog person?" 
"how much do you know about his technique?" 
"not a lot," he answers, simply, "i know that he'll probably rival me for strength. when he's older." 
"how are you going to teach him?" 
satoru shrugs. he doesn't need to worry about any of this, you think. he doesn't need to fear a single thing. 
and, really, he's always been a little too good for you. a little too strong for your soft demeanor, and easy heart. 
you bite your lip, considering it. how fast will megumi grow now that he's figured out the basics of his shikigami? how much longer can you keep him here, tied down?
it only makes you wonder what satoru was like as a kid, who he might've been if he hadn't always been him. 
"he's only nine," you whisper, soft, unbroken. it's not a confession or a worry. just the truth.
"you were nine." 
"i was ten," you correct, appreciating satoru's strong arms against your body, his effortless hold on you. 
he laughs, tilting his head at you. "i was born." 
you roll your eyes, pushing him off. enough of his presence. "yeah, yeah, honored one, whatever." 
he pulls you back, though, easy as ever. "it's normal," he reminds you. "he's got us. he'll be fine." 
you sigh, hanging your head against his chest. "we don't know anything about his cursed technique." 
satoru hums. 
"we have to figure it out," you tell him like you haven't thought about it every day for the past year alone. like you'll be able to figure out anything. 
"do you think there are books on it at the library?" you ask him, thinking about yaga's lessons--which, in hindsight, you should've paid more attention to. 
satoru frowns. "i'm not reading those." 
"well, no one's going to tell you about it." 
"you could. after you read the books," he grins, very pleased with this answer. 
"you're helping because there's probably, like, twenty different ones all contradicting each other." 
just the idea of the library is a tough one. who knows what information has been muddled over the years, or what you'll need to know for megumi, anyway? 
no matter what, it's gonna take longer than a day to figure it out. probably a decade, at least. 
"can't megumi just read them for himself?" satoru whines, shaking his head against yours at the same thought. 
"satoru," you pinch his forearm.
he groans. "fine. fine. i'll talk to yaga next time i'm at the school."  
"good boy." 
"don't patronize me," he pouts. 
"where did you learn that word?" 
"i can read, you know." 
"really? thought i was gonna have to teach you that too," you smile at him, pinching his rosy cheeks. he looks very pretty like this--always unchanging, unbothered. 
"i was the best in my class, i'll have you know," he tells you like you weren't there to experience that same class. 
"you mean laziest," you shake your head, stepping away, finally. "god knows why you turned out to be so strong." 
he grins again, leaning towards you. close enough to breathe in. "it's part of my natural charm." 
"great," your brows raise at him, "you and your charm can help me make dinner." 
"do we have to?" he whines. 
but satoru is very similar to your new puppies, in that as soon as you walk away, he follows, sniffing eagerly after you. 
"so," satoru says, sitting too close to you on the couch. he yawns, body sprawled against the cushions. 
you try to push his head away from your shoulder, but the effort is futile. he might as well glue it there. you wonder when he got the time to fill his brain with cement. 
you sigh, and dog-ear your book, knowing that he's not going to shut up for at least ten minutes. "what?" 
"i talked to yaga today." 
"about the books?" 
"among other things." 
you flick his forehead. "did you get us in trouble again?" you ask, frowning. "i told you to stop spilling my secrets to anyone who asks--" 
"it was an accident." 
you shake your head, rolling your eyes at him. but your hand subconsciously wraps around his shoulders, squeezing where it can, and begins to trail through his hair. 
after three years, you still haven't managed to get him to tell you anything about his conditioner. another reason why you hate him so much. 
"what'd he say?" you ask, after satoru's eyes close at the feeling of your hands. 
"he had an interesting idea." 
"was it your idea?" 
"no, not this time." 
"well, you know how they're always running low on teachers at the school, especially now that yaga's principal?" 
"and you know how we could use the help with training megumi, and that we're the best out there--" 
"no, satoru." 
"i didn't even say--" 
"i'm not teaching." 
"but you'd be so great at it," he smiles up at you, fluttering his eyelashes in an attempt to break you. 
so you look away because you refuse to fall victim to his whims again. 
"the missions are enough, i don't want to be responsible for anyone else but you and the kids." 
"you know you do." 
"i'm not doing it," you tell him, snatching your arm back to cross them across your chest. 
"it's not even that big of a change," he argues, "just, like, a very extensive year-long training program for incoming teachers--" 
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surielstea · 7 months
Strings Attached
Based on this request.
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Pairing: Helion x Fem!Reader
Summary: Reader has had a crush on Helion for awhile now but feels inadequate when compared to the partners he brings to bed.
Warnings: fluff | Suggestive | Slight angst
3.3k words
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The giggling in the room next to mine has me fighting back from hurling my guts out.
Helion was with yet another female tonight— perhaps multiple based on the sound emitting through the walls. Some part of me felt anger, everyone who was interested in the male seemed to get the chance to roll in the sheets with the High Lord while I sat in my room alone, trying to ignore the obnoxious thudding of the headboard against the connecting wall.
I put a sound shield over his room for him, he seemed to forget half the time which left me restless and annoyed.
Finally, at peace with the quiet, I release a soft sigh and my head comes down onto my pillow. The brunette that he led into his room tonight was particularly gorgeous, with long dark locks and beautiful caramel-colored skin. She was from the Summer court, cousin to the Day court. She looked like she'd been bathed in the sun, like not a single cloud had ever settled over her.
I was from the night court.
Born in the hewn city and fleeing the court entirely when Amarantha was defeated after those long years Under the Mountain.
It was noticeable I didn't belong in this court, this palace, the libraries, or the shops. I'd get looks of all sorts from strangers or other court members who thought it best for me to return to where I came from.
Helion made me his second in command after a few years of serving as his emissary. I've been with him for nearly a decade now and my feelings towards the high lord have yet to fizzle away. He's my best friend, yet I couldn't help imagining something more than just being on the sidelines, I wanted to be looked at the way he gazed at potential partners, wanted to be touched, and loved the way the females rave about as they're leaving the palace.
In between thoughts I manage to slip into a gentle sleep, a light slumber that I could easily be startled from. The large bed felt empty like I was drowning in it, like I needed someone next to me to make sure I didn't fall through the mattress.
I was standing at my workbench, bright light shining down onto my most recent invention. I peered through my magnifying glass at the inner mechanics, making sure all the gears shifted with each other as they spun. I've been fiddling with the small device for a while now but haven't been able to get it just right. "Let's try this again," I mumble before pressing the button atop the small cube. It makes a quiet beep and my brows shoot up. "Testing," I say into the microphone of the cube.
"You're so smart, starlight." A familiar voice makes me jump and I whirl around to face the High Lord. "You'd make the perfect high lady for this place." He hums and I flush, taking my eyes away from the handsome male and back to my invention. He walks over to me, the warmth of his skin radiating onto me. "What is it?" He tilts his head as he peers over my shoulder.
"A recording device," I say, glancing at him— which I realize was a bad idea because, Cauldron, he was so close. "If it works, we'll be able to start recording audio to put in our libraries for people who can't read,"  I explain and a soft smile curves his full lips.
"Genius." He hums. "It's not finished yet." I wave him off and press the button atop the recording device and set it down.
"Did you need something?" I turned to him fully, he wasn't wearing his crown or any golden jewelry, just glowing dark skin contrasted with his clean white robe. "I can't pester my favorite emissary?" He arches a brow, and my heartbeat quickens.
"I'm your only emissary." I remind him, cleaning up my workspace as he toys with a pair of miniature tweezers, his calloused hands seemingly too large to even hold the tool. "That doesn't mean you can't be my favorite." He mumbles, concentrating on picking up an even smaller screw from the desk with the tweezers.
"Helion," I pluck the tool from his hands and he pouts dramatically at me. "I was only going to ask if you'd like to join me for dinner, but you seem busy." He knocks on the wood as a farewell and takes a few steps away. "Wait," I look to him. "I could eat." I shrug and a wide smile spreads over his sharp features. "Follow me then."
Helion leads me down the halls of the palace, I still marveled at the beauty of this place despite living here for nearly a decade now. The high ceilings held up by large pillars, the floor-to-ceiling windows putting the Court outside on display in a decoration of its own, the crystal clear lake that spreads on the right side of the residence reflects the moonlight right onto the white palace, making it reflect and shimmer like a sun.
"Amilia?" Helion calls as we enter the long dining hall lit by golden chandeliers and tall, skinny candles. "Yes, my lord?" A kitchen maid scuffs into the room with bright green eyes and large voluminous curls. "I have a guest joining me for dinner, we'll need the table set for three." He informs and the maid bows her head with a soft smile. "Right away Lord Helion." She turns on her heel and shuffles towards the kitchen. "Thank you!" The male hums as she disappears behind the swinging doors.
"Three plates?" I ask curiously, coming up to his side. "Not just us?" I say and he looks at me with raised brows. "I have another courtier coming to meet with me from the Dawn court, but I'd be happy to cancel so it's just us." He offers and I shake my head, hair swishing with the movement. "That's alright, I won't disrupt your schedule." I brushed him off, even if a buried part of me felt disappointed. It's been some time since I had some alone time with Helion, he always seemed to be busy as High Lord— or spell cleaver.
I walked over to the table and took up the seat I always sat in, directly beside the head of the table, where Helion planted himself. A maid came over and poured both of us glasses of white wine. I thank her and she nods before skittering away.
The doors to the dining hall open and both Helion and I look up to spot a butler accompanying a gorgeous female clad in lilac and rose-colored robes that draped over her full frame in long sweeping motions. Her deep brown hair was combed up into an intricate style, and the golden bangles at her wrists clanked against each other as she walked in like she owned the place. "Lady Basu." Helion stands with a polite tone. "Please, my lord; call me Imara." She begs of him in a delicate voice. Is she the courtier from Dawn?
"Then you can call me Helion." The Lord gives her a seductive smile. I was going to need more wine.
Dinner was utterly delicious if it weren't for my need to hold back gags every time the two in front of me obnoxiously flirted, I watched as she noticeably stared at him while wrapping her perfect lips around her fork. They weren't even discussing anything pertaining to the courts, perhaps I was blinded by jealousy but what was the point of this female being here if she wasn't going to mention where her court lies with alliances?
"Amilia?" I call the maid, neither of them notice but the female shuffles over to me with an inquisitive expression. "Can I have some more wine?" I ask her. She nods her head and pours the pitcher until my glass is full again. "You know what, I think I'll just take this." I reach for the decanter and her brows raise slightly but she allows me to have the pitcher before I put it down onto the table. Helion looks at me with creased brows but I don't say anything.
"Are you enjoying the food Imara?" The high lord hums. "I've had better things in my mouth." She teased and I nearly choked. "Is that right?" Helion's reply only makes me drink deeper from the goblet, chugging down the rest of the liquid until I'm refilling the glass again.
The flirting grows so insufferable that I have to take a deep breath to control myself from yelling at them to keep it in their pants or take it to the bedroom. So instead I stand up, grabbing my wine glass, my chair loudly scraping against the floor.
"You okay?" Helion looks to me concerned. "Fine, just tired." I brush him off. "I think I might turn in early," I add and he only nods. "Sweet dreams, starlight." He hums. "Good to meet you Imari," I give her a wave. "You as well." She smiles at me even though she's been glaring at me all meal like I was a threat, as if Helion would ever choose me over some drop-dead gorgeous female offering herself so openly to him.
Helion's fingers intertwined with mine and I look at him curiously, his warm hand somehow heating the entirety of my body right down to my very bones. "Get good rest, alright?" He smiles sadly and I get the feeling that he wasn't originally going to say that, that he’s holding back.
"I should be the one telling you that." I joke as I drop his hand but he doesn't laugh, instead, he looks at me with something tender and wanting, that gaze that makes butterflies awaken in my stomach. I ignore it, giving him a nod before spinning on my heel and walking towards the doors, thanking the cooks and maids on my way out without another word.
My hangover was pounding into my skull as I stood at the kitchen counter, peeling an orange as my negligent breakfast. Luckily the morning was quiet, the bird’s song flowing in through the open windows, goldfinches perched on the aspen trees outside.
I hum along to the familiar tune with a gentle smile at the tranquility of it, everything going so smoothly until the smell of ginger and honey floats into the room and I know Helion has entered.
"Starlight," He grins widely as he approaches, his hands behind his back like he's hiding something. I narrow my eyes at him skeptically, wondering what it was he kept tucked away from my vision. "How are you so awake?" I sighed with a slow blink. "It's daytime," He looks to the window. "Should I not be awake?" He arches a brow. I shake my head and return to peeling the rind from my fruit.
"Have a good night?" I tilt my head. "Eh," He shrugs and I scoff, a small smile forming on my lips at his dissatisfaction, something like precedence blooming in my chest.
"I have something for you." He bounces slightly on his heels and I look at him unamused, my migraine slowly fizzling away as he gazes at me. "Do you now?" I tilt my head and he nods, pulling his hands from behind his back and revealing a small black box meant for jewelry. "I felt bad last night, you seemed upset so I got you these at the markets this morning." He explains before cracking open the lid of the velvet box and revealing a stunning pair of earrings. A clear sunstone gem framed by gold plates, the stone dangling from a golden clasp.
My brows raised as I looked between him and the expensive gift. "Helion I can't take this," I shake my head. "Sure you can." He urges me. "You can’t just give me things because I'm the slightest bit upset." I sigh, taking the box from him. "Sure I can." He reiterates and a small smile forms over my features. "Thank you," I say, taking the earrings out of their box right then and there before sliding them into my earlobes.
He smiles and tucks my hair behind my pointed ears. The male grins cheekily and I look at him, with stained cheeks. "What?" I cross my arms over my chest. "You're the most beautiful female I've ever seen." He states proudly. I chuckle and tear my gaze away from him, his expression falls. "I'm serious, you are." He nods his head and I only shake my head and continue to peel the tangerine.
"No, I am not." I toss the rind in the trash, trying to ignore the fact that the air in the room has gotten noticeably thicker. "Do you think I'd lie about such things?" He seems genuine which only makes me want to laugh more.
"You lie to me all the time." I shrug and he looks at me like I've gone crazy. "Nonsense, name a time." He commands and I roll my eyes. "Just yesterday you told me I'd make the perfect high lady for the day court." I remind and he twists his lips to the side. "That doesn't sound like me." He shakes his head. I deadpan at him before removing the small invention I've been working on from the pocket of my dress and pressing the button on the bottom.
"Testing," My voice emits from it, louder than planned and all too close to the microphone. "You're so smart starlight," another voice sounds from the speakers of the cube. "You'd make the perfect high lady for this place." It quoted and I glared at him before turning off the invention and putting it back into my pocket. "It works!" He says excitedly and I glare at him.
"Alright fine, so I did say that but still; I didn't lie." He argues and I huff out a grumble of curses. "I'm a truthful male." He drones as I return to picking the spongey white excess along with the fruit of my orange. "No, you're a flirt," I grumble. "Can't I be both?" He shrugs and I shake my head. "No, not if you're telling me I'm the most beautiful girl you've ever seen whilst bedding females ten times prettier than me." I defend and his jaw falls slack, slightly taken aback at my prepared remark. "But they're not prettier than you." He admits and I avoid his gaze that seemed to be analyzing every move I made.
"Stop lying." I grit out and he releases a sigh, his arms coming to either side of my waist, trapping me between his muscular frame and the counter.
"I'm not. You're out of my league." He says breathlessly as if he couldn't believe it. I turn to look at him, my brows pulled tensely. "Then why can't I be one of them?" I utter and he blinks. "One of what?" He asks, his dark brows quirking together. "One of the females you take to bed, if I'm. So beautiful then why haven't you shown it?"
The look on his face was pure shock, his ears perked up at the sound of vulnerability coming from me. I begin to grow embarrassed at what I just confessed.
"Starlight," He sighs, looking down at me with remorseful eyes. "Those partners mean nothing, there's no emotion. I'm simply admiring an art piece, there's no strings attached." He explains and I wait for him to tell me whatever art I am isn't good enough.
"I don't want that with you." He confesses and I swore my heart stopped.
I look up at him with tears welling in my eyes. I wasn't ready to confess and didn't have the confrontation skills to tell him how I truly felt. I swallow thickly and nod. "I understand," I mutter, dipping my head down. His large hand comes up to cup my cheek, tilting my head back and forcing my gaze back to his. "I want the strings attached, with you, is what I mean." He explains and I blink a few times to make sure the make that stands in front of me is real.
"What are you saying?" I need clarification, what does that make us, what can I bear to him without showing my soul in its entirety?
"I'm saying that I want you, for a lot longer than just a night." His hand slips from my cheek to curl around the back of my neck, his thumb stroking along my jaw. "Helion," I warn and his eyes are soft, this is real, he wants this as much as I do. "I know it's unprofessional but—" He begins to argue and I lunge upward, slinging my arms over his shoulders and planting my lips onto his.
He stumbles back, his other hand coming to my hips as he immediately kisses me back. I smile against the feel of it. Gods, he tasted like honey. I pull him closer, his chest pressing into mine as I balance on my toes just so I can reach up to him. He hums against my lips before pulling back with a knowing smile. "You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," I admit and his eyes gleam with pure affection.
"I have some idea." He reassured me before dipping down again and this time taking my mouth entirely, my lower back pressed against the counter behind me, his hands dipped down, sliding along every inch of my body until finding purchase at my thighs and hoisting me up onto the counter, my legs immediately wrapping around his torso as he pried my mouth open with his tongue and I allow him to explore every inch, I've dreamed of this, fantasized of this. Every male I've ever been with never amounted to what could've been with Helion, and now I have it and I was never going to give it up.
My hands go into his hair, dragging through the black locks as he presses his wanting hips into mine. I begin to work at the top of his robes, dipping it off his shoulder. He backs away with a restrained movement. "We can wait." He pants out. "We can go slow," he reassured, staring at me with every ounce of self-discipline he possessed. "I don't want to wait," I shake my head. "I need you now," I add and a smile curves his lips— then a soft gasp releases from his lips, looking at the center of my chest with creased brows.
A sudden sort of devotion overwhelms my body and I look down, spotting a golden string, sprouting from my abdomen and tethering directly to his. "Mate," I mumble, the only thought racing through my head. My body heats at the realization and when he pulls me into a kiss this time it's pure adoration, in every movement he holds utmost love and respect.
"You're my mate," I mumble into his mouth and he nods with a smirk on his lips. "Wait—" I say and he immediately rears back. I turn to look beside me, the freshly peeled orange untouched on its plate. I pick the fruit up and split it into two. "Eat." I hold the tangerine out toward him. His expression turns into something tender and he takes the fruit, taking no time to consume the citrusy fruit, handing me the other half and beckoning me to eat too. I smile and peel one slice off and pop it into my mouth.
A sudden smell of arousal takes over the space and as soon as I swallow down the slice his lips are on mine, his hands pulling me closer, kissing me deeper, harder. He tasted of citrus and that fact fueled every nerve in my body. Mates, we're mated. His tongue enters my mouth again and the mating frenzy seems to take him full throttle. He winnows us into his quarters, carrying me towards his bed.
Something told me we wouldn't be leaving this bedroom for weeks.
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General Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi @glam-targaryen @going-through-shit @fauxdette @impossibelle @amara-moonlight @webecheesy-blog @sarawritestories @tele86 @rogersbarnesxx
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mymindcreatedthis · 3 months
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There’s so much! 18+
Reader x Jenni Hermoso
Word count: 3.5k
Warning: smut, Unprotected sex, Creampies, blow job, throat pie, dirty talk, Jenni begging for readers dick, hair pulling, spanking, R doming Jenni, Jenni receiving, pussy slapping, clit teasing, squirting. Positions: Missonary, Doggy, Reverse Cowgirl.
*Y/n's Pov*
It was Saturday the first week of camp. Jenni and I roommates this camp, all the girls have been super welcoming and nice to me. I toss and turn, tomorrow we had our first training session and I was nervous.
I couldn't sleep I kept tossing and turning. I sigh and give up on sleeping, I turn and look at the time.
6:30 am
I groan, I get out of bed. Jenni was still sleeping. I smile, she looked so peaceful while sleeping. I put on my gym shoes, I grab my phone, headphones and keycard and quietly leave the room and go down to the gym.
I put my headphones on, I jump on the treadmill. I turn on music and start jogging on the treadmill. I do 45 minutes on the treadmill and then switch over to weight lifting.
I start bench pressing, next thing I know Alexia is standing above me and spotting me as I bench press.
She smiles, she takes off my headphones. "Hey love. Shouldn't be bench pressing without a spotter. What's up?"
"Hey Alexia. Couldn't sleep." I say.
"Everything okay?" Alexia asks concerned.
"Nerves." I say.
Alexia helps me wrack the weight. She sits on my lap, me and her are best friends and she helped me get here on the team I owe her my life.
"What's wrong love?" She asks.
"We haven't done training yet. I'm really nervous about the training tomorrow." I confess.
"Hey hey." Alexia makes me look at her. "You are an amazing player, you are gifted and talented. I knew what I was doing when I told coach about you." Alexia says.
I smile and nod. "And I can't thank you enough."
"You don't have to thank me Y/n. You're my best friend, I'd do anything for you. I'll take care of you." Alexia says.
I smile. "I know you will."
"Finish working out and go back to your room. Jenni is worried about you, she was texting me when she didn't find you when she woke up." Alexia says.
I nod. "What time is it?"
"8:15." Alexia says.
She gets off my lap. She kisses my head and leaves the room. I finish working out and then head back up to mine and Jenni's room.
I unlock the door and go in. I close the door behind me and lock it, I turn and smirk and when I see Jenni asleep and touching herself.
I smirk when I hear her moan my name. I take off my shoes, I set my phone, headphones and keycard off to the side. I get an idea, I take off my shorts and boxers and toss them off to the side.
I take off my shirt and sports bra and litter them on the ground next to the bed. I join Jenni in her bed and lay between her legs.
I slide her panties down her legs and toss them off to the side. I kiss and suck on her thighs leaving hickys. Jenni moans as I do this and pushes my head to where she needs me the most.
I lick her folds. Jenni gasps and moans. "Mmm fuck."
I spit on her pussy, I slip in a finger and slowly finger her as I begin to eat her out. Jenni moans and roughly massages her boobs as I eat her out.
*Jenni's pov*
I moan in pleasure when I feel someone eating me out, I'm shocked when I see Y/n naked laying in between my legs and eating me out.
"Y-Y/n w-what are you doing?" I moan.
Y/n fingers me. "Mmm helping you out baby. You were having a wet dream and touching yourself when I came back."
I blush darkly. I bite my lip and moan, I run my fingers through her hair. I hold eye contact with her as she goes to town on my pussy, I moan as she slips in a second finger and fingers me faster.
"Mmm fuck Y/n right there" I moan.
I grip the sheets and grind against her face and fingers desperately for a release. I gasp and moan as she sucks harshly on my clit, she curls her fingers and fingers me faster.
I moan loudly in pleasure. I rest my legs on her shoulders and wrap my thighs around her head. Y/n locks eyes with me as she continues to eat me out. My chest rises and falls rapidly, my stomach begins to clench and flex at each movement of her tongue.
"Shit, Y/n baby I'm close." I moan loudly in pleasure.
Y/n continues to go to town on my pussy and fingering me faster as she eats me out. I grind against her face and fingers, the urge to cum was getting stronger. I moan loudly in pleasure as I feel that all to familiar knot forming in my stomach.
"Fuck.... Y/n fuck just like that!" I shout in pleasure.
Y/n Continues to eat me out. She slips in a third finger, and continues to finger me. Fuck I don't think I'll last much longer. This felt amazing I was gonna Cum and it's only been 10 minutes.
I can't take it anymore. I shout her name and break eye contact with her, I Throw my head back. My mouth hangs open I grip the sheets with one fist and hold her hair tight with my other fist. I moan and let go and cum all over her face, in her mouth, on her fingers.
Y/n helps me ride out my high, she licks and cleans up my sticky mess. She slowly pulls her fingers out of me, I moan as I watch her lick and suck my juices off her fingers.
"Mmm tasty." She says.
I blush darkly. "Fuck you really know how to eat pussy."
Y/n giggles and cutely shrugs. "I didn't know what you were into so I was just sorta winging it."
I smile, I pull her up towards me and kiss her deeply. I moan in the kiss as I taste myself on her lips. Fuck she wasn't lying I do taste amazing.
I blush darkly and bite my lip as I feel her tip rub and tease my folds. "Mmm just put it in me."
"Are you sure babe? I don't have a condom." Y/n says.
"Yes, I'm sure. I'm on a pill baby." I say.
She lays me down in missionary, I smile as she hovers over me. "Mmm I can get use to you being below me." I smile and shake my head and kiss her.
"Shut up you dork." I giggle.
"You're so beautiful baby girl." Y/n says.
I smile. "So are you." I smile, and look back at her and get lost in her beautiful blue eyes. Y/n was drop dead gorgeous she had sexy tattoos, beautiful blue eyes and blonde hair. Not gonna lie she was 100% my type.
*Y/n's pov*
I smile, I run my dick through her folds and slowly slide my dick inside her. We both moan in pleasure, her walls clench around my dick.
"Mm fuck babe you're so wet and tight." I moan.
"Shit you feel huge inside me." Jenni moans.
I wrap my arms around her, I hover over her as I slowly thrust in and out of her. Jenni moans, she wraps her legs around my waist and pulls me closer and holds me against her.
This makes me go deeper inside her, we both moan. "F-Fuck babe you're really deep in there."
"I'm gonna pump my cum deep inside you." I moan.
I pick up the pace and thrust in and out of her a bit faster. My balls slapping against her skin as our moans fill the room.
"Yea daddy, pump me full of your cum." Jenni moans.
I smirk, I pound her pussy a bit faster and harder. Jenni moans loudly in pleasure.
"Fuck it feels so good." I moan, I go faster and harder.
"Mmm I feel so full with you inside me." Jenni moans.
Jenni lays there moaning loudly in pleasure, her eyes roll to the back of her head as I continue to fuck the daylights out of her.
"Fuck....fuck....fuck." Jenni squeaks out with each thrust.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. Fuck I don't think I can't pull out in time.
"Where do you want me to cum love?" I ask.
"Don't pull out, cum inside me." Jenni moans.
"Are you sure baby?" I ask.
"Yes I'm sure." She says moaning.
I moan and go faster than before. Jenni moans loudly she wraps her arms around me.
"F-Fuck." Jenni moans loudly in pleasure.
"Like that baby? Daddy's dick deep inside you stretching you out." I tease her as I pound her pussy a bit faster and harder.
"Fuck yes, daddy I love it so much." Jenni moans with each thrust.
I go at an angle and start to hit her g spot, Jenni screams in pleasure. She wraps her arms around my neck and pulls me down and kisses me.
We both moan in the kiss as I pound her g spot at an angle. Jenni moans and rests her head against mine.
"Fuck I'm gonna squirt." Jenni moans.
I smirk, I go at an angle and pound her g spot faster and harder. Our moans filling the room as my balls slap against her skin.
"Ahh I'm close." I moan.
Jenni moans loudly in pleasure and squirts all over my abs, my dick and all over the bed. I pick up the pace and go faster and harder.
"Fuck I'm close daddy, I'm gonna cum." Jenni moans.
"Me too." I moan.
"Yes daddy, pump me full of your cum." Jenni moans.
I moan and go faster and harder than before. Me and Jenni moaning loudly in pleasure, I moan as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #1:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Jenni moans and cums all over my dick, we both moan in pleasure as I continue to shoot ropes of thick sticky cum inside her and paint her walls white.
I help Jenni ride out her high. Once me and Jenni come down from our highs, I slowly pull out of her.
Cum oozes out of her pussy and drips down her thighs and onto the bed. I smile, I lean and kiss her deeply.
"Fuck that was amazing." Jenni moans.
I giggle, I smirk and get an idea I move Jenni to the middle of the bed and put her in doggy position. Jenni giggles and shakes her ass.
I bite my lip, and check out her ass as she shakes it. I smirk, I get up and get behind her.
I slap her ass, Jenni moans and jumps as I slap her ass.
"Fuck daddy I love when you spank me." Jenni moans.
She moans as I slap her ass again. I smirk and rub my dick through her cum filled pussy.
"Such a good slut." I moan as I slide my dick back inside her cum filled pussy.
We both moan, I place my hand on her hip. I grab her hair with my other hand I wrap her hair around my hand. I slowly thrust in and out of her as I pull her hair.
"Fuck....fuck....fuck." Jenni squeaks out with each thrust.
"Like that baby? Daddy's dick deep inside you stretching you out?" I ask teasing her.
Jenni moans and nods. "Fuck yes, I love your dick deep inside me stretching me out."
Jenni moans and throws her ass back against me as I continue to fuck her cum filled pussy faster and faster as I pull her hair.
I pull her close to me. We both moan as this causes my dick to go a bit deeper inside her. Shit this is so good I'm balls deep inside her.
"Shit I don't think I'll last long babe. Ugh your grip is amazing." I moan loudly in pleasure.
Jenni giggles and moans throwing her ass against me sliding back and forth on my dick faster helping me out.
"I guess I should help you out and make you cum deep inside me huh?" Jenni moans.
I moan loudly as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. Fuck her pussy was tight and warm and felt like heaven.
"Mmm I'm close." I moan.
"Ugh shit....me too." Jenni moans.
I moan loudly my balls slapping against her skin as our moans fill the room. I moan loudly in plans her walls clench around my dick.
Jenni throws her ass back against me as she slides back and forth on my dick faster and faster. Fuck shes really gonna make me cum.
"Ahh Jenni baby I'm close." I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer.
Jenni moans and goes faster and harder. I moan in pleasure as I feel myself getting closer and closer to cumming.
Jenni screams in pleasure and squirts again. Jenni squirts all over my dick, and on the bed sheets.
"Baby, I'm really close." I moan.
I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls as Jenni goes faster and faster.
Creampie #2:
I can't take it anymore, I bust my load deep inside her. Jenni moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as I shoot ropes of thick sticky cum deep inside her painting her walls white.
"Fuck I feel so full." Jenni moans.
I smirk, I help Jenni ride out her high. Once we both come down from our highs, I slowly pull out of her. Cum oozes out of her and glazes her folds and drips down her thighs and onto the bed.
I slap her ass again. Jenni moans as I slap her ass, I lean down and kisses her ass. I spread her ass cheeks and lick some of my cum up as it oozes out of her pussy.
Jenni moans as I do this, I squeeze her ass cheeks a bit rougher as I continue to lick my oozing cum off her folds. “Gah fuck Y/n.”
I wrap my arms around her and pull her back with me, I lay her on top of me, her back against my tits. I spread her legs with mine. I smirk as she’s now in reverse cowgirl.
Jenni moans and shudders as I rub her clit with my dick. “Mmm fuck.” She moans. I smirk as her legs shake and buckle in pleasure as I do this.
“Put it back in. Put it back in daddy.” Jenni cutely begs.
“Mmm yeah slut? You want daddy’s dick back inside you?” I ask teasing her.
“Mmm fuck please daddy, Ive been such a good girl. I’m such a slut for your dick and cum. Please I want more.” Jenni says.
I smirk and grant her wish. I slide my dick back inside her, Jenni moans as she takes my 11 inches back deep inside her. I moan as her walls immediately clench around me.
Jenni moans and leans back against me as my dick is back inside her cum filled pussy. I place my hands on her hips, I spread her legs a bit more with mine and slowly thrust up into her pussy.
“Mmm fuck, right there. Ugh just like that.” Jenni moans.
I moan in pleasure and thrust up into her faster. My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room, fuck her pussy felt so good. She had amazing grip, her pussy felt like heaven. Mmm so Wet and warm.
“Fuck baby you’re so tight and warm.” I moan.
I thrust up into her faster and harder. Jenni screams in pleasure and grips the sheets, I make her look at me and make out with her. We both moan in the kiss as I continue to bottom out in her pussy.
We break the kiss, we rest our heads against each other’s. “Feels so good. Don’t you dare fucking stop, don’t you dare stop. we aren’t stopping until you give me every last drop of cum.”
I smirk. “Yeah slut? You want more, such a naughty girl.”
We both moan as I thrust up into her pussy faster and harder. “Fuck, I’m gonna squirt!” Jenni screams in pleasure
I smirk, I slap and tease her clit. Jenni moans and shudders as I do this, Jenni moans loudly in pleasure and squirts. I smirk as I feel some of her juices go on my thigh. She squirts on the blankets and sheets.
We both moan, I continue to thrust up into her faster and harder. I moan as I feel myself getting closer to cumming. “J-Jenni baby I’m close.” I moan.
“Me too. Don’t stop don’t stop.” Jenni moans.
My balls slap against her skin as our moans fill the room. I rub her clit with my thumb at a fast pace. My breathing gets heavier letting Jenni know that I was close to cumming.
“Yes cum in me, cum in me.” Jenni moans.
I moan loudly In pleasure as I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls.
Creampie #3:
I can’t take it anymore, I thrust up into her and bust my load deep inside her. Jenni moans and cums all over my dick. We both moan as cum oozes and spurts inside her painting her walls white.
I slowly thrust up into Jenni. I help Jenni ride out her high. I slowly thrust up into her as the last of my cum oozes and spurts inside her.
I moan and slowly pull out of her, my dick falls limp. Cum immediately pours out of her. Cum coats her folds and drips onto the blankets and sheets.
“Mmm fuck there’s so much. I feel so full With your cum inside me.” Jenni moans.
I smirk. “Good, hehe I stuffed you full.” I say rubbing her sensitive clit.
Jenni moans and shudders as I do this. “Daddy?”
I smirk at her nickname for me. “Yeah baby?”
“Can I give you head and then we can shower together?” Jenni asks.
I nod, and smile. “Mmm yes please.”
Jenni giggles. She gets off the bed and pulls me to the edge of the bed, I giggle as she does this. I bite my lip and watch as she gets on her knees and kneels between my legs.
I smirk and tap Jenni’s cheek with my dick. Jenni smile and giggles as I do this. Jenni wraps her hand around my dick and slowly strokes my dick.
“Mmm fuck.” I moan.
Jenni giggles and locks eyes with me as she strokes my dick a bit faster. “Feel good baby?”
“Mmm feels so good.” I moan.
Jenni giggles and continues to stroke my dick. Once I’m hard, Jenni takes my dick in her mouth. I moan as Jenni slowly bobs her head. Jenni chokes and gags a bit as the tip of my dick hits the back of her throat.
I moan and Lean back on my elbows. Jenni places her hands on my thighs steadying herself and bobs her head faster.
“Fuck Jenni, right there.” I moan in pleasure.
I run my fingers through her hair and lock eyes with her as she sucks the soul out of my dick. She hums against my dick and bobs her head faster.
I moan, I bite my lip. Fucking hell who knew that Jenni Hermoso was a pro at sucking dick.
“Mmm fuck Jenni. Right there just like that.” I moan in pleasure.
Jenni hums against my dick, she places her hands on my thighs steadying herself as she bobs her head faster.
I moan in pleasure. After 5 more minutes I feel that all to familiar feeling in my balls. “J-Jenni baby I’m close.”
Jenni massages my balls, I moan as I feel my balls tighten.
I can’t take it anymore, I bust my load in her mouth. Jenni chokes and gags a bit as I cum in her mouth. Jenni swallows my load and sucks me dry.
Jenni gets every last drop of cum, my dick falls from her mouth. Jenni smiles, some of my cum drips down her chin as she opens her mouth and shows me a mouth full of cum.
I smile and gently rub her chin. “Swallow my cum.”
Jenni smiles and swallows my load. “Mmm you cum buckets baby.”
Jenni gets up she stands between my legs. I smile and sit up and kiss her, I moan in the kiss as I taste myself on her lips. Jenni smiles, she grabs my hand and pulls me up.
She giggles, she grabs my hand and leads me to the bathroom. “Hurry up baby. Might get lucky and get another round in.” Jenni says.
I smile and squeeze her ass as we walk into the bathroom. Jenni giggles and moans. We turn on the shower and get in, let’s just say we went another round in the shower.
We were definitely gonna get questioned by the team later at dinner but fuck it. It was totally worth it.
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good luck, babe abby anderson x reader requested by: @fictionalgap and @evelynscoffin summary: based off of chappell roan's "good luck, babe" word count: 3k a/n: this is definitely not my best work because i haven't written anything in so long but i hope yall enjoy it. i also took a wee bit of creative liberty with the lyrics lol
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abby has been your best friend since joining the fireflies, when you were nothing but teenagers learning to survive in a cruel world. when life got to be too much, she was there for you, inviting you into her room and bed where you can lay your head on her chest, and you were there for her just the same.
as you got older, it seemed to be more her needing comfort after breaking up with yet another boyfriend that you knew wouldn't last long. or more so, hoped it wouldn't last long.
as a younger girl, you never understood that feeling. why didn't you want your best friend to be happy with a boy she liked? are you protective of your best friend? a good vibe-checker?
you later realized that no. you're not protective, or good at telling when a guy isn't right for her.
you're in love with her. 
and you first realized that three months ago, when you had gotten drunk with her in your room when your roommate was at the fob. she was smiling as she entered your room after a swift knock, kicking off her boots. “i have a surprise for you,” she hums.
“oh really?” you chuckle, sitting up in your bed and setting aside the book you were reading. “what is it?”
excitedly, she turns her back to you as she searches through her bag. seconds later, she's turning around with a grin, a bottle of whiskey held up for you to see. 
your eyebrows raise at the sight as she moves to sit next to you on the bed. “where did you even get that?”
“snagged it from the liquor store on patrol.” she tells you, muscles flexing as she twists the cap off. it's effortless for her, even though it's been sitting on a shelf for who knows how long now. she holds out the bottle, “care to have the first drink?” she smiles cheekily.
chuckling, you grab the bottle from her. you take a long drink, automatically regretting it as you swallow and your throat burns with the liquid's travel. your nose scrunches in disgust, “god, that tastes terrible.”
abby laughs, taking it from you and drinking, “good thing we're not drinking it for the taste.”
hours later, you're laying on your bed, the now half empty bottle discarded onto your bedside table as you stare up at the ceiling.
abby lays next to you, finger trailing along an exposed sliver of your skin along your abdomen. she looks at you with a face flushed from alcohol, mumbling quietly, “you're so pretty.”
a lazy smile tugs up on your lips as you turn your head to look at her, tired eyes meeting hers. “you're prettier,” you mumble just as softly. 
she chuckles, turning on her side to get a better look at you. her hand rests on your hip. “that's not possible,” she hums.
it's then that the feeling washes over you. a warmth- that's partially from the alcohol- but it grows hotter with how she's looking at you. like you're the only other person in the world.
to you, in this moment, she is. 
slowly, your hand comes to rest on her cheek as you gaze into her eyes, unconsciously leaning closer.
“can i…” its barely a whisper as your lips hover just over hers, breaths mingling as your heavy eyes gaze into her own that dart down to your slightly chapped lips. you can't even finish the sentence with your breath taken away.
instead of saying anything, she closes the almost non-existent gap as your nose nudges hers, lips meeting like puzzle pieces that completed each other perfectly. her lips are the taste of the whiskey you drank, spicy sweet and so much better than the actual drink. 
when you have to pull apart for oxygen, your eyes stay closed for a moment before they slowly fluttered open, meeting her intense gaze. 
and without another word, your lips meet again. soon, feverish kisses turn to more.
when you wake up the next morning, the bed next to you is empty, void of a warmth that once wrapped around your undressed body. you could almost believe that it was a dream, but the bottle on your bedside said differently.
you sigh, getting ready for the day. 
It's fine, it's cool
You can say that we are nothing, but you know the truth
And guess I'm the fool
With her arms out like an angel through the car sunroof
it's impossible to avoid staring at abby's arms as you sit across from her in the back of the humvee. they're just perfectly spread across the top of the truck bed walls, perfectly positioned to show her bulging muscles and the freckles that litter them.
if she saw your gaze, she would never mention it here, where other ears can hear the teasing comments she makes about your wandering eyes when you're alone once again. 
remembering that fact- that she doesn't want people to know- strains your heart as it finally allows you to look away from her, lips unconsciously pulling down into a frown. 
outside of your nights together, abby acted like you were just another one of her friends. when you were alone, she'd whisper sweet things to you as her head rested on your chest and your fingers trailed over her muscles. around other people… she just acted like there's nothing special going on between you.
you let out a soft sigh and toy with the magazine in your pistol, not noticing her quick glance in your direction with furrowed brows.
later that night, after you had taken a shower and laid down on your bed, there was a knock on the door. specifically the knock that you and abby made so you would always know if it was her or you at the door.
“come in!” you raise your voice so she can hear and she pushes the door open. “what's up?” you ask as she crosses the room to your bed.
she shows the movie she holds in her hand. “look what i found,” displaying the title clearly.
“jurassic park?” you question with a chuckle, “where did you even find that?”
“stashed it when no one was looking.” she tells you, opening the case to pull out the dvd.
when no one was looking.
you should expect that she wouldn't even want people to know you shared nights where just the two of you hung out- it still hurt nonetheless. 
“well, let's pop it in.” you grin, grabbing the shitty old laptop you had found in an electronics store, shocked when you plugged it in at the stadium and it actually worked. of course, there were few things you could do. 
but movies didn't require ‘internet’ as you had learned about when you first found the thing and explored all that it had to offer. 
“chrome?” you squint your eyes at the icon displayed on the screen, looking to abby as she shrugs. you click the icon and it brings you to a screen with a spinning line, which loads after a moment.
“no internet?” abby questions, her arm behind your back as she uses it to hold herself up, “is there anything we can do?”
with a shrug, you click the x before examining the screen. the square button cut into four pieces catches your attention. when you move the little arrow across the screen, it pops up with a box that showed many different titles.
“dvd player…” you point out, “my dad said dvds were movies that you could put in a tv.” you purse your lips, clicking the title for it to bring up a box with text in the center.
enter disc
humming, you turn to look at her, “looks like we can't do shit without a movie,” you frown, disappointed.
“looks like we have something to look for on our next patrol.” her sentence turns your frown into a smile, already excited for whenever you can watch an actual movie.
“what's minesweeper?” 
after settling in on your bed, the two of you cuddled up to watch the movie.
halfway through, she turned to look at you, “were you okay today?” she asks out of nowhere.
you pause the movie, looking to her with furrowed eyebrows. “what do you mean?”
she looks down at the blanket for a moment, “you seemed… off.” she starts, “in the truck?”
breath almost catching in your throat, you avoid her gaze. you hope you're not incredibly obvious. “nothing was wrong,” you lie, “i was just… worried about scars.” it is not smooth at all, but you have to hope she doesn't notice or at least not question it.
her hand gently grabs your chin to guide your gaze to her soft one. “you know you can tell me if something's wrong, right?” she asks gently.
the nod you give her is limited due to her hand still held to your jaw, and you can't trust yourself to say anything without breaking down. 
“okay,” she says almost silently. if you weren't so close right now you wouldn't have heard it. without another word, she leans in to give you a slow kiss. 
I don't wanna call it off
But you don't wanna call it love
You only wanna be the one that I call "baby"
You can say it's just the way you are
Make a new excuse, another stupid reason
“why don't you want anyone to know about us?”
the question is quiet, but it seems to fill your silent bedroom as you lay in your bed, fingers grazing across her toned back, her skin warm.
she turns her head to look up at you, cheek resting against your bare chest. “what do you mean?” she questions, just as softly. 
you take a small breath and avoid looking into her eyes, focusing on your finger as it traces her muscles. “i mean…” you think for a moment, “we’ve been doing this… thing… for a few months now.” 
when she doesn't reply, you purse your lips. “i guess i just want to know what this is.”
her eyebrows are furrowed as she looks at you. “what do you mean by this?” she asks.
you sigh, closing your eyes and leaning your head back. “us. our relationship.” is that even what she considered it? you've been sneaking around, having these intimate moments- what if it's nothing to her?
you wouldn't be surprised. she hasn't exactly tried to keep it exclusive, getting drunk with different guys and doing who knows what. maybe she has this sort of thing with other people too.
“i… didn't know that's what you wanted.” she tells you after a moment, avoiding your eyes as she focuses on your soft skin. 
you can't help the frown that tugs your lips down. 
“i guess i'm just not ready.” she finally says, still not looking up at you.
the deep breath you take shakes as you think through your next words carefully. 
then when will you be?
what do you even think of this?
how long will you make me wait?
I'm cliché, who cares?
It's a sexually explicit kind of love affair
And I cry, it's not fair
I just need a little lovin', I just need a little air
Think I'm gonna call it off
Even if you call it love
I just wanna love someone who calls me "baby"
you're tired of it.
the hiding, the secrecy. watching as she goes around to different boys- to owen- it made you sick and you can't handle it anymore.
you can't even stand being in the stadium. it was something you had been thinking for a long while now, but every time abby came to you it made you change your mind. 
but now, abby won't be able to stop you. you were going to tell her it's over, then leave right after.
to give yourself no ability to hesitate once you come back to your room, you grab your pack and fill it with the essentials, your water bottle going into its designated pocket. 
before you swing it over your shoulder, you notice the jacket you wear. tugging it off, the wlf logo stares back at you. you think one last time if this is what you really want before you throw it across the room and grab your bag, leaving the room and bravely walking down the hallways.
when you get to her door, you put the bag next to it, taking a deep breath. looking down at your feet, you use your special knock one more time.
when she opens the door, you meet her eyes. you take a deep breath. “can i come in?” you question, abnormal for your relationship. typically, it's late at night, and you don't even wait for her to open the door.
her eyebrows furrow as she looks at you, clearly confused. “sure?” she answers, not used to all of what's happening. 
nodding, you enter the room, hands meeting each other as you play with your fingers. she closes the door behind you.
“we can't do this anymore.”
you wish you could say it louder, wish it didn't feel like your heart was being squeezed by your very own hand. you're afraid of her reaction. angry, sad, indifferent. anything upset you in multiple ways, so you avoid her gaze.
the silence that follows has you closing your eyes as your hand balls into a fist, taking in a deep breath until finally, she speaks. “what do you mean?”
it sounds dejected and your fist clenches harder. pulling your gaze away from the wall feels like the hardest thing you've ever done, and you think it might be when you see her fallen features.
part of you wishes she was angry instead. if she was angry, it would be easier to justify ending everything. but you have to ignore the rapid thump of your heart.
“i-” you swallow dryly, “i can't keep being with someone who doesn't want anyone to know we're together.”
she starts to say your name, but you swiftly cut her off. “i want to be with someone who loves me like i love them.”
you will your gaze to steel itself as it returns to her, not wanting to break down into tears just yet. abby steps forward, her hand gently reaching out to touch your arm. “i do love-”
“- no, you don't.” you stop her sentence from finishing, stepping away from her touch. “i know you don't because this is what it takes for you to say it. you don't even want anyone to- fuck, i'm nothing to you.”
when she stops speaking all together, just staring with hurt filling her eyes as she tries to spit out everything that she's thinking- you're not nothing to her, she does love you. with all of her heart. 
but she's scared. scared of her feelings, of how other people will view her as different for not being what she deemed was ‘normal’.
when a long beat of silence passes, you finally tear your gaze away from hers, willing yourself not to look at her as you walk past her and to the door. you can't take being here any longer- it's suffocating. and she clearly wasn't going to say anything soon.
your name slips past her lips again, a sound you would love in any other context. “please, just-” but the door is closed behind you before she can even begin to think of how to say what she wants to say. 
you swiftly grab your bag, not pausing for a second as you walk down the hall, trying to control your breathing. in and out at a steady pace, ignoring your rapidly beating heart as you guide yourself.
you don't look at your room door as you pass, focusing your gaze straight ahead so you don't have a chance to think about stopping. 
you make your way to the entrance, your watch showing that it was the shift change for the guards. perfectly timed for no one to be able to question where you were going.
when abby rushes down the hallway to your room, practically banging on your door, you're not there to answer. instead, she throws open the door when you don't respond. her eyes immediately fall to your side of the room as she walks towards it.
everything is gone. your pistol, the water bottle that you kept next to your bed- and when her gaze falls to the floor, your wlf jacket, crumpled up and forgotten.
her hand balls into a tight fist as her jaw clenches, taking in a deep and shaky breath. “fuck…”
When you wake up next to him in the middle of the night
With your head in your hands, you're nothing more than his wife
And when you think about me, all of those years ago
You're standing face to face with "I told you so"
You know I hate to say it, "I told you so"
good luck, babe (well, good luck)
You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
with a jolt, abby wakes up, slowing her rapid breaths while she holds her hand to her chest. she looks to her side, reality replacing the dream-turned nightmare.
sitting up, she looks at the guy she had been talking to that day over a bottle of whiskey laid next to her, his chest bare as he slept peacefully.
closing her eyes, she holds her head in her hands. her mind travels to you, wondering where you had gone and how far you've gotten in the year you were gone. would she be able to find you if she tried?
i do love you
you don't want anyone to- fuck, i’m nothing to you
i’m nothing to you.
if only she showed you how wrong you were.
but you were the one to prove her wrong. she could only imagine you laughing in her face as you told her you were right.
pinching the bridge of her nose, she finally throws the blanket off of herself, getting her clothes back on to go back to her own bed. she can't sleep for the rest of the night.
taglist (kinda had to start over with it because i lost the original oops) @rosecentury
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waywardsou2 · 26 days
Drunk!Logan X Drunk!MaleReader Part 4
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I really think I should change the title since they haven't been drunk for the last 5 parts but oh well it's stuck now
Summary: You and Logan have been able to move past all that has happened, and slowly you two are becoming closer. Maybe the quicker than the two of you believe at first
Word Count: 2.9k+
Tags: fluff, friendly fighting, almost a confession
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After your late night meeting you and Logan attempted to be civil. The unease between the two of you had disappeared but you still felt unsure about where you stood with him.
He was compassionate but he was like that with everyone at the mansion. His anger and standoffish attitude was a stark contrast to his compassionate moments. Logan wasn't an asshole, but he wasn't the easiest guy to get along with. These two personality traits of his clashed but someone how balanced him at the same time.
The two of you nodded at each other as you passed in the halls. You sometimes visited him between classes but not often. You were making an effort to try and get yourself out there but it was all new to you. And you still didn't want to get in anybody's way or cause any problems. The habit of acting like you didn't exist for other people convenience was a hard one to break. But Logan's words had really hit where it mattered and you were trying to take it on board.
What he said about everyone having at least one person to stick by was something you thought about often. And you guessed that you chose Logan. It wasn't unexpected perse but more of a risk. Because you didn't know if he would choose you back. In your head it was like an unrequited friendship...but he had approached you first. So maybe it wasn't unrequited? You didn't know. And it hurt your head to think about it too much.
Logan was glad to see you around more often. Not ignoring him anymore. He didn't know why it bothered him so much but it just did. And he was glad that you didn't seem so sullen around the halls. You were by no means happy go lucky or bubbly...not at all. But he did notice a change. You held your head a little higher. You went out of your way to say hello to the kids that passed by you. Even bringing coffee to Storm and Scott during their lessons.
You brought him a "coffee" once as well at the break between his last lessons of the day. The coffee was in fact whiskey disguised in a coffee mug and he was quite surprised when you handed it to him with a finger pressed silently to your lips. You didn't bother to stick around. But he understood the sentiment behind the gesture. The change was evident in and of itself. He wasn't going to push you. He knew how hard you were trying already.
One night, a sleepless night like usual, you were out in the garden again. This time wandering around by the orchard towards the back of the school. The trees weren't in bloom yet but their leaves were green and full of life so you knew it wouldn't take long. You were tired, you felt exhausted but your brain was wired which made your body buzz. How those two things worked you didn't know, they just did. Maybe it was because the fatigue had set in really badly and your body was overcompensating with adrenaline. Probably not a good sign but like every other night you ignored it.
From behind you you heard a twig snapping and you turned to see Logan walking towards you in the moonlight. You hoped he would come see you again at night but he hadn't since that evening.
Logan looked at you as he walked with his hands in the pockets of his leather jacket. He watched as you turned to look at him. You arms resting on the fence dividing the properties.
"Hey" you called softly
"Can't sleep?" He asks in response
"Yup, thinking about too much I guess. Too...pent up" you say sighing
"About what?"
You tapped your nose "That's for me to know" you say cheekily but it's half hearted, 'and you to find out' you finish the phrase in your head. You didn't like it when he pried. But a small part of you wished he did. So you would have an excuse to tell somebody about what was on your mind. But considering the first time he'd done that it ended in disaster, he didn't ask.
He let out a small laugh, the type that only goes out your nose in one puff of breath.
Logan joins you on the fence. The two of you stand in silence together as the wind makes the trees rustle and your hair being pushed to the one side, your fringe being pushed off your head.
Logan's cowlicks remained umoved as the wind continued to blow.
You watched him as his eyes flowed over the branches of trees in front of you. He was rushing the view before him.
His brown eyes were beautiful in the moonlight, lighter than normal in contrast to the blue light that the moon gave off. In the sunlight they were like whiskey but in the moonlight they were like tigers eye jemstones. Deep and rich with hints of gold, only revealing itself in certain lights.
They were breath taking. All of his feature were. His curly brown hair, his mutton chops that dulled the sharpness of his jaw but framed his face. Their was a tiredness to his face that outweighed the boyish charm his face still held. You didn't know much about Logan's past. But you could tell that he had been through enough to age him years more than he was.
Logan turned his head and caught you staring.
"The view is in front of us, bub"
You blink and look away, staring far into the distance instead. You sigh and cursed yourself self for getting distracted. What was wrong with you?
Suddenly Logan nudge you in the side with his elbow "C'mon, let's spar for a bit"
"Now? Won't that wake everyone?"
"Not in the danger room it won't"
He smirks at you and pushes away from the fence walking back towards the mansion. After a moment's hesitation you follow him
The two of you walk through the manor, passing no one on your way, taking the elevator down to the war room and down the hall to the Danger room. The flashy X door turns and opens and the two of you step inside. Logan fiddles with the computer for a moment until the room transforms into a forest landscape. The trees are corporal to the touch. It was incredible.
You would have to ask Hank someday how he did it.
Logan walks away from the computer as it disguises itself in the landscape it created. He turns to face you and pulls off his jacket discarding it by a tree which he marks with a single claw scratch.
You roll your neck trying to get the kinks out of it, knowing your head will have to be on a swivel with Logan.
He purposefully picked a landscape that he would be more accustomed to. You’d lived in the city all your life, even when you were shunned you stayed in the slums on the streets. Skulking in back alleys. You knew the concrete jungle. Not the real one
Logan cracks his knuckles flexing his fingers as he protracts his claws.
You watch as the skin in between his knuckles splits open, you think about how painful that must be for him. You cringe internally.
"You ready bub?"
"Yeah, bub. Just don't go easy on me. I'm not as fragile as you might think"
He smirks and gets down low. You roll up the sleeves of your flannel and bring your arms up into a defensive position.
He makes the first move. Running at you full speed, you counter by sliding between his legs, he attempts to stab you as you go down but misses. You jump up and give him a light kick in the back.
He turns to you and growls though the smirk hasn't left his lips.
He lunges for you again this time making a fake right and then spinning left to slash at you. You doge out of the way of his attack but he nick's your arm. The not too deep gashes appear and disappear on your arm.
"Is that all you got?" You goad him, an almost flirtatious tone to your voice.
Both of you were becoming hot and bothered as you fought. The sweat dripped off his face as it soaked through his tank top, sticking it to his chest. You had pulled off your flannel at some point and discarded it by the same tree Logan had his leather.
You continue to leap for him, repaying his onslaught with your arms up for defence and your legs out to attack.
Logan is clearly in his element as he evades your futile attempts at attacks. You hadn't been able to land a worthwhile blow yet but he hadn't knocked you down either.
Logan was dodging behind trees, swinging from low branches and kicking off the trunks to give him a height-advanced attack. He's fast and it takes all your concentration to turn and counter his attacks.
At one point he disappears from sight and you look around frantically. Panting hard from the half hour you are sure has passed by.
You turn looking this way and that but in the split second you face your back to him Logan leaps at you and knocks you to the ground. The force of his body weight slamming into yours sent you to the leaf strewn ground with a hard thud.
He stood over you as you tried to jump up. Holding a set of claws to your face
You keep your hands up, breathing hard as he breathed equally as hard over you. The two of you stay there for a while. Logan isn't continuing the fight but you aren't ready to give up.
Logan was right a fight was a good idea but now you were pent up in other ways. Every time Logan had pushed you around or you had countered his attacks the touches sent shivers down your spine amongst the warmth that flooded your body from the exercise.
You were enjoying Logan's company but maybe more than just as a good sparring partner. You had to admit that Logan was pretty easy on the eyes. And not too bad looking disheveled from the exercise either.
More than once you had caught yourself looking at his toned arms and tight chest. And not just because he happened to be attacking you with full force.
But Logan had been noticing the same things about you. Each time you managed to land a punch. Even if it was weak he felt pride and even some joy in the fact that he could finally spar with someone he didn't have to hold back with.
Your hair was darker than usual and flat to your head. Your body was almost as tonned as his and he started to understand why he got so many looks whenever he wore something semi tight.
You were quite handsomely built. Not that he let that distract him.
Ok maybe it did a little bit. He wondered what you would look like with your shirt off. He hoped that maybe if he ran you around enough you would over heat and take it off.
His heart had skipped a beat when you took your flannel off to inadvertently show your arms off.
As he stood over you he panted watching the way your eyes flicked over his body. He was waiting for you to concede. Not making you give up but giving you the option.
You took the third option. You grabbed the arm pointed at you and pulled with all your might. You brought your foot up and pushed into his stomach. Using the momentum to lift him up and over your head and onto his back. You scrambled onto him to hold him down.
You might just win this fight.
You allow all your body weight to push him into the fake earthen ground. Holding his hands by his head so he couldn't scratch you and keeping your legs squeezed against his waist so he couldn't move his hips too much. You didn't want him pulling a move on you.
It was your turn to look down at him now.
And damn did he look good in this position
Logan was inclined to agree. He swallowed hard as he looked up into your face. Now that he was closer he could see the light stubble that was growing across your jaw. The specks of hair on your cheeks and above your upper lip.
It gave you that edge to your look and he found it quite attractive.
You watched as his eyes twitched as he looked at your face. Moving his eyes only as far as they needed to go to scan your face.
"Do I win?" You ask cockily a smirk being pulled into your face
The two of you pant roughly and it takes him a minute to respond.
"Dunno, are you finished bub? Or do you wanna go a round two?"
This conversation was beginning to sound less like sparring and more like something else.
The adrenaline from this fight was melting away any lack of confidence you had. Replacing it with stoic triumph and gall.
"I bet you'd like that wouldn't you. Be able to top me for real if I was tired out from another round"
The words left your mouth but as you said them you heard them echo in your head and you felt a warmth creep up your neck that had nothing to do with the sparing.
This was getting out of hand and you were starting to question your choices. You let go of Logan and stood up. Stepping away from him.
He has the same slight scowl in his face as he always does but you thought you saw a hint of disappointment in his eyes.
Logan was indeed disappointed. Not only in the space you had created between the two of you but how your bravado from before suddenly withered away like a flower doused with poison.
He watched as you turned away and walked to pick up your flannel and he followed. He wasn't going to let you walk off on him this time. Especially when something was going on now.
He had seen that glint in your eyes even if it was brief. Something was happening here and he was going to confront you about it.
He realised now why you allured him so much, why he was desperate to keep track of you after that night at the bar. Hell why he had followed you to that barnin the first place.
Yes alright he admits it he followed you.
As you bend over to scoop up your jacket and hand Logan's back to him you turn to see him inches from your face.
In surprise you take a step back and bump into the tree.
He leant forward and put a hand on the trunk by your head and the other by your hip
"Why do you keep running from me?" Logan asks. His voice low.
His face is so close to yours you could have counted the individual hairs of his mutton chops.
You swallowed and he watched as your Adams apple bobbed with the movement.
"You can let people in you know. It sure as hell ain't easy, I know."
You had no idea why Logan was so close. Why was he confronting you like this again? Why were his eyes were the prettiest thing you had ever seen?
You startled yourself with that thought and had to look away, turning your head to the side. But then you were startled once more as his calloused hand pulled at your chin softly turning your head back to face him.
Your eyes widen as you look at him. A somber tenderness in your voice. Like you were a lost child or an injured creature.
And maybe you were. A mutant with a dark past could be likened to that of a downed bear.
"I told you. I can't get close to people"
He cocked his head and let go of your chin
"You seem pretty close to me. And you didn't seem to unhappy about me joining you outside either. That's more than anyone else here has done"
You press your back harder against the tree as he moves into your space even more. All the while without touching you.
"...sometimes there are exceptions" you whisper as you continue to look at his eyes. He was so close you could see your own reflection in them. It was confronting.
He was confronting. He was standing in your space and you were letting him. This time he didn't even have to hold you to keep in place. Given the choice you wouldn't have moved anyway.
Logan's eyes flicked down to your lips and back up again. He could smell the deep rich tones in your scent this close. The salt and the earth mixed with your musk from all the training. He watched as your eyes glistened in the artificial light from the danger room.
He studied every inch of your face like it was a master piece crafted by Michelangelo himself. And to Logan you were. As detailed as the marble he carved but as hardy as it too. Almost impenetrable on contact.
"Am I your exception?" Logan asks bringing his face closer to yours and lowering his voice even more. The bass of his tone mixed with the quietness of voice.
"Because I think your mine"
Logan knew now you were something special to him. Like human magnetism that pulled him towards you. Even if he wanted to pull away he couldn't. He should have noticed when you first joined the team but he only fully understood now.
And you understood why you sought his attention and his approval at first. Logan inspired you as a hero and as a person. But it was so much more than that, he was alluring and too hard to stay away from.
That's why you had to leave that night, to drink away any and all feelings. Because in the end they all came back to Logan.
"Just let me in, please" he whispered. His breath hitting your lips as he spoke
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Oh yes I am being that bitch. You guys are going to have to wait for part 6 for me to get to juicy stuff. I am going to drag this out as long as possible hahah!
Let me know if you want to see part 6. I also take requests
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 7 months
He Doesn't Deserve You | A Jeon Jungkook Series | Chapter Five
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Summary: Taehyung gets careless and breaks your heart yet again. Pairing: Noona reader x Jeon Jungkook (She's 28 and he's 22) Word Count: 4.7K~ Warnings: Implied yändere and mentions of signs of trauma because of it. (nothing too extreme) a/n: It's taken me so long to get this chapter out I'm sorryyy but I hope it was worth the wait! Thank you so much for your continued support on my stories and I hope you'll look forward to the next part!
Jungkook's visit last week really had me thinking about the choices I make on the daily. 
I stopped stressing about what Taehyung might be doing when he's away and started thinking about ways I could improve myself.
It wasn't anything major but I wanted to take baby steps.
For instance, setting up a schedule for when I wake up and always making sure to not stay up past midnight. Along with promising myself to at least sit and write for a couple of hours per day but also taking breaks when I felt I needed to. I would come back though and finish only when I was satisfied and came to a proper stopping point.
Implementing these little changes in my life has worked wonders on my confidence and peace of mind. I feel like I'm accomplishing something and getting some sort of fulfillment in the day to day which I haven't been able to say for the past few years.
I guess all of this can be chalked up to Jungkook. 
I know I'm ultimately the one who's implemented these things into my life but if he hadn't given me that push, I don't think I would've ever gotten to even see these small victories.
While I'm in the kitchen pouring myself a cup of coffee I hear a faint chime on my laptop and I smile knowing exactly who it is.
'Good morning Noona, did you sleep well?'  I read from the all too familiar jkjkjk.97  and smile seeing that my suspicions were correct.
'I slept like a baby, who knew going to bed before dawn would do wonders!'  I send back and when I try to stand up to walk back over to the kitchen I'm met with another email popping up from him.
'That's good! I'm happy to see that you're feeling a bit better these days :)'  he sends and I smile at the fact that he's just as eager to reply to me. It's been like this ever since that day he dropped off my groceries. He would send me emails first thing in the morning almost like clockwork.
I'm surprised that he manages to keep a similar schedule to mine but I don't really know what he does most days except work. 
I know he works at the grocery store but it seems to me like he's always working at odd hours. Most days even well past closing so it's got me thinking about what else he could possibly do for a living.
It's none of my business but I can't help but be curious about it since when I ask him how his day went, he usually says he's still working even though it seems like he's been working since dawn. 
I really want to ask him but I don't want to pry. He seems like the kind of guy that keeps to himself and open up when he's ready. 
I'm just hoping that there will come a day where he'll trust me as much as I have grown to trust him.
My thought process his interrupted by the sound of keys jingling in the door and my heart sinks to my stomach when I'm brought back to reality.
"Hey baby" Taehyung greets while taking off his shoes. It's Saturday so he doesn't have work which means he might be hanging around here for a while before no doubt heading out again. 
"Hey" I respond quietly, feeling as though I'm retreating back into myself, not really being able to relax until I know what kind of headspace he's in.
"Where's my welcome home kiss from my gorgeous wife?" he asks while walking over to where I'm sitting at my desk. He leans down and kisses me on the lips, moulding his mouth against mine while I crane my neck up and return the kiss, placing a hand on his cheek to keep him connected.
"Welcome home" I let out after he pulls back, panting slightly as he nudges his nose against mine before standing up straight again. "Have you been up long?" he asks, him having gone out late last night and surprisingly turning up here again bright and early.
I hum in acknowledgment, "I've been waking up earlier these days so I can get a jump start on my writing and trying to go to bed earlier" I respond while watching his back as he walks over to the kitchen.
"Oh really? How's that going?" he questions, pouring himself a cup of coffee and walking back into the living room, waiting patiently for my answer. 
"Well it's been nice to implement a bit of a routine since my days and nights have kind of been all over the place for a while. Plus, I feel like this story is really coming along. I even started mapping out ideas for the next book in the series!" I say and he looks at me as if he's almost falling in love with me again, making me shy under his gaze.
"That's amazing honey. I feel like I haven't seen you smiling like this in a really long time. Looks like all you needed was a little discipline to really get your life back together huh?" he say while giving me a knowing look, cocking his head to the side and letting his eyes roam my body for a second. No doubt looking at the faint bruises he'd left from last week.
"I guess so" I say, awkwardly rubbing my bicep where he had grabbed me. "How are you feeling?" he questions, coming a bit closer and ghosting his fingers over the marks. "I'm fine, they don't hurt as much anymore" I say, slipping my arm out if his grasp.
"That's good, I'm sorry I got a little rough with you. I was frustrated with some work stuff and I took it out on you. That wasn't fair of me" he apologizes while brushing the hair out of my face and tucking it behind my ear. "It's okay" I say quietly, looking down at the floor to avoid his gaze. 
"No, it's not okay" he says tilting my chin up and making me make eye contact.
"I haven't been treating you well and I wanna make it up to you" he says, caressing my face with the hand that he used to tilt my chin up. "Okay" I whisper as he leans down to connect our lips again but before they're able to touch his phone rings. 
He reaches into his pocket and pulls out his phone and the name Tiffany flashes across the screen with a kiss emoji at the end, giving me a name to associate as to why he's actually never home. 
"I've gotta take this" he says and I nod my head to show I don't mind even though my heart is breaking more and more with each ring. He gives me a quick kiss to apologize before answering the call and walking into the kitchen. 
I take that as a sign that he'll be leaving for the night again and head into the bathroom since it's the one place he won't question as to why I've shut him out. I close the lid of the toilet and cover my ears so I can't hear him but curiosity gets the best of me and I hold my breath to see if I can make any words out despite my whole motives of coming here in the first place.
"No I ca-. Well I just got here I-. Okay, okay fine I'm coming. Let me just come up with an excuse to tell her and I'll be there soon. Okay? Alright, love you too. Bye" I hear him say and he ends the call. I cover my mouth, trying to stop any sounds of heartbreak that might come out and listen as he walks down the hall to our room. 
"Y/n? Honey where are you?" he asks, barely bothering to look for me. "I'm in here" I say, turning on the sink to drown out the sound a bit to prevent him from hearing how wobbly my voice sounds from the emotions I'm trying to keep at bay. 
"I've gotta head out for the day but I'll be back tomorrow night. You gonna be okay?" he asks as if he cared about me. "Yeah I'll be fine don't worry, I'll see you then" I yell above the sound and he says a quick goodbye through the door in return and leaves soon after. 
Once I hear the front door close I let some of those choked sobs go.
He's never been that obvious before. Does he just not bother to hide since he sees that I don't question him about it? I don't even know why I still care since it's very clear that he doesn't care about me.
At that I look at my phone and see that there's another email from Jungkook that came in a little while ago which gives me motivation enough to dry my eyes and get myself together so I can head back out to my laptop and get lost in this safe haven we've created for each other. 
'Did you forget about me already?'  he questions, seeing as it has taken me a while to respond. I couldn't risk doing it and Taehyung finding out about us. Even though there is no 'us' when it comes to Jungkook and I, unlike that Tiffany girl he just left me for today.
'I'm sorry Taehyung came home. He just left though...'  I send and get a response back immediately, seeing he's been waiting for my response.
'Are you okay? Did something happen?'  he asks and I smile at the thought that there is someone out there that cares enough to ask. 
We've been emailing each other everyday since he came over and I've opened up to him a bit more about my relationship with Tae and he's been really good at just letting me talk and just being there for me. Always talking me through things and helping me process no matter if it's problems with Tae or even other more mundane things like writer's block. 
He's just there, no matter what.
'Can we meet up today?' I type out but hesitate, letting my hand hover over the mouse. 
Watching, waiting, worrying about if this would be a good idea but before making that decision myself I accidentally hit send when I try to put my hand down to rest it on my lap. 
"Shit" I say out loud but before I can figure out how to unsend the message I get a response back. 
'Sure :) Did you want to meet at the Blue Pearl? Or should I come over?'  he asks and I hold my breath, weighing the pros and cons to this whole situation and decide to just say fuck it and do what I want for once. 
'Can you come over?'  I send and close my laptop, too nervous to look at his reply. "What the fuck am I doing inviting a younger guy to my apartment when my husband is gone? What am I doing?" I say out loud and pace back and forth until I hear the chime come from my phone this time. 
'Be there soon :)'  "I'm fucked" I admit out loud before running around and quickly getting myself and the house ready.
A rhythmic pattern of knocks plays and puts my mind at ease while I walk towards the door and open it. 
"Noona!" he greets with a smile before giving me a hug that catches me off guard making me take a step back to help me stay balanced. "Thank you for coming" I say while returning his embrace and letting go a second later so I can step aside to let him in. 
"Are you okay?" he asks after having taken off his shoes and taken in my form to what I don't realize is to look for any signs of harm. "Yes I'm fine" I say with a sad smile yet know for a fact that even if I try to deny it he can read me like a book. 
"Then why were you crying?" he asks, looking at my red eyes and flushed cheeks. "I heard Tae talking to one of the girls he's cheating on me with" I mumble and at that Jungkook takes my hand and leads me over to the couch without saying a word.
"He didn't even try hard to hide it. Like he has a stupid kiss emoji next to her name and everything. He had only been here for like twenty minutes tops before he left" I spill out. He keeps a hold of my hand, looking down at it while I let out all the things I've been holding in. 
The worries, the doubts, the fear, the stress. I don't know when it started and I can't figure out how to make it stop. 
"I don't know what to do" I admit, looking down at my lap, watching as the tears fall from my eyes and onto the fabric of my jeans. 
"Do you want me to be honest and tell you what I think or do you want me to just listen?" he asks, rubbing circles on the back of my hand. "Be honest?" I pose almost as a question, knowing this is the ugly truth I've been hiding from. 
"Can you tell me more than one reason as to why you should stay with him? Besides him being your husband" he asks, sitting silently and waiting for me to respond, giving me time to think it through but when I shake my head he goes forward with posing his argument. 
"If you can't manage to come up with a reason as to why you should stay with him then what's keeping you from leaving? I know you said that you're scared and you don't know what to do but the fact that you're not doing anything is hurting you more than if you decided to leave him" he states, I just nod my head and listen, letting him say his piece.
"He's hurting you. He's hurting you physically" he says while ghosting his fingers along the bruises that run up my arm, "Mentally" he continues brushing the hair off of my face and rubbing his thumb up against my temple "And sexually" he finishes, taking note of the hickeys and the way I flinch away from him when he tries to lay his hand on my neck. 
"That's just how Taehyung is, he likes things rough" I say, making excuses for the marks that are clearly beyond rough sex. 
"But do you like it?" he questions, catching me off guard with an intimacy of the question. "He keeps me satisfied if that's what you mean" I answer curtly, hoping he'll take that as an answer. 
"That's not what I asked. Do you enjoy the way he has sex with you? Is that how you want to have sex?" he continues, not backing down from getting an answer out of me. I look up at him to see if he's seriously asking me that question and all I can see is a serious expression on his face.
"I don't mind it" I say, dancing around my answer. "Noona" he warns in a tone of voice he's never used with me, catching me off guard. 
"N-no. No I don't like it. It's too rough for me and I don't like it" I admit. He nods, casting his eyes down as if he's lost in thought before asking his next question. "Have you ever told him?" he questions and I shake my head only to realize moments later that he can't see me. "No I haven't told him" I respond quietly and he nods again before looking back up at me. 
"Why?" he asks and I'm left with one answer. "Because I'm afraid of what he might do to me if I say no" I explain. "I figure it's better to say yes and take it instead of saying no and having him force himself on me" I cover my mouth not realizing the fact that I said the thing that I was even too afraid to admit to myself.
"Has he ever forced himself on you?" he asks while clenching his jaw, clearly upset at the thought. "I didn't tell him no but I tried to make him see that I didn't want it but he didn't care to pay attention" I answer, getting rid of the filter seeing as it won't do either of us any good if I were to hold back. 
"That's one of the many reasons that you shouldn't even be with him anymore" he starts, his whole body tense, anger just bubbling under the surface. "You shouldn't have to be with someone you're scared of. I just don't kno-" 
"That's just it, you don't know. You told me that before, that I shouldn't be with someone that I'm scared of but you just don't get it. You've never been married. You've never had to deal with struggles like this. You make it sound so easy, that I could just leave and never look back but it's not that simple" I spout off, defending myself and my decisions. 
"Noona I just want to he-" "I know, I know" I say cutting him off but gaining a softer tone at the end, shrinking back into myself, ridding myself of my defensive behavior. "I'm sorry Jungkook, I shouldn't have said that. I asked you to come over and then I just yelled at you and I just..." I trail off, hating myself for doing that to him.
He tilts my head up and looks at me, studying my features and I cast my eyes down, too nervous to maintain his strong gaze. "Look at me" he says in a soft tone but I keep my eyes down, focused on my hands that I have balled into fists. 
"Look at me, please..." he whispers and at that I decide to do as he says and I see how his eyes have glossed over, the stars in them wavering. "He doesn't deserve you" he whispers cupping my face, running his thumb along my cheekbone to brush off a tear that I didn't even realize had fallen. 
"I don't know what to do" I let out in a choked sob, letting the tears that I've been holding in fall, never letting myself cry enough to feel better. He pulls me in and I latch onto him, burring my face into his shoulder as he holds onto me tighter, further showing me that I'm safe with him. 
"Whatever you need I'm here for you. Just tell me what to do and I'll do it" he says, the deep rumble of his voice brings me comfort. "I-" I start but cut myself off with another sob. "It's okay, just let it all out" he says and cling to him harder. 
After having sat there and cried with him for what felt like hours my sobs slowly die down to sniffles and my breathing patterns return to normal. "You okay?" he questions, more so asking if I had finished crying versus how I'm feeling about my current reality. I nod my head but nuzzle in closer to him, not wanting to let go just yet. 
"What's wrong?" he questions. "I don't want you to see my face" I complain into his shirt and he laughs at (from his perspective) how adorable I am. "Aw come on why not?" he chuckles and I nuzzle my face into his neck, making skin to skin contact without paying any mind to it. "My face is probably all red and my eyes are puffy from crying" I mumble against his neck. 
His body goes stiff but I don't take too much notice and move a bit closer to him, not realizing how I'm making him feel and only realize it after he clears his throat a few times. "Is something wrong?" I ask finally taking in how uncomfortable he seems. 
"No, nothing's wrong I just- no it's nothing" he says trying to backpedal out of this. "It's obviously something if you're reacting like that" I press, wanting him to be as truthful with me as I have been with him. 
"I'm sorry if I made you feel uncomfortable" I say, pulling away from him. "No! Noona no, it's just that. Your lips were on my neck and you were really close and..." he trails off, hoping that's explanation enough. 
"I didn't even realize I was doing that, I'm sorry..." I trail off as well, hating that I made this situation even more awkward than it already is. "It's okay Noona I just, well I just want to make sure we don't cross a line and it was making it hard for me to do so" he explains.
"What do you mean by that?" I ask, wanting to know exactly what he's thinking. "It's just, well you're married and I think you know that I'm attracted to you by now so it was just making it hard for me to think straight" he admits and I nod my head and look down at my lap, not really knowing how I'm supposed to respond. 
"I hope this doesn't change things between us. I really do want to be your friend but I understand if I've made you uncomfortable. I just thought you should know" he finishes and waits with bated breath for my response. 
"Would things be different?" I question, not fully asking the question since I'm not sure if I want to know the answer. "Would things be different if what?" he presses. "Would things be different if I wasn't married?" I ask and I close my eyes, scared of seeing his reaction. 
"You can't just ask me that" he says and I look up at him to see his face turned away, showing how pink the tips of his ears have gotten and how his jaw is clenching. "Why not?" I press, needing to know based off of the kind of reaction he's giving me. 
"You don't know how hard I've been holding myself back" he says and tongues his cheek, making me widen my eyes at the motion. "Holding yourself back from what?" I press further, needing to know what's running through his mind right now. 
"From kissing you" he says, finally looking back at me, making eye contact before his eyes flicker down to my lips. "I-" "I should go" he says, cutting me off before I can say anything further. "Wait, no you don't have to go. I'm sorry" I say, trying my best to keep him here. I can't let him just run off after a confession like that but he's giving me no other option as I watch him stand up. 
"You have nothing to apologize for Noona. I shouldn't have said that. I do have to go though, my family is waiting for me back at home" he says and I widen my eyes, never having heard him talk about his family as of yet. 
"Family?" I question, my curiosity peaked. "Yeah I live with my mom and my three siblings" he says while walking over to put his shoes on. "Three?" I question and he nods his head not bothering to give me much more than that. 
"That's a topic of conversation for another time though" he says after he stands back up from tying his laces. "Oh okay" I say and hug myself, providing myself some comfort, hating to see him rushing out of here already. 
"They really are waiting for me. My mom has to work tonight so I'm stuck taking care of the kiddos" he says, giving me a soft smile before turning to open the door and I follow behind him. 
"Let me know when you get home okay?" I say, leaning up against the door frame. "I will" he says and reaches out to pull me in for a hug, accepting it right away. 
"I still want you in my life so please, don't disappear" I mumble into his chest and he hums in acknowledgment. "You can't get rid of me that easily. Not after I fought for that title of best friend" he says pulling back and looking down at me fondly and I smile back up at him before he places a hand on the side of my neck and leans down to place a kiss on my forehead.
"Bye Noona" he says, giving me a soft smile. I smile back up at him and return his sentiment before he turns to walk away.
I watch as he goes, waiting for him to get in his car where he looks back up towards my apartment, not expecting to see me waiting for him but smiles when he does. I smile back and wave and watch as he pulls out of his spot and makes his way out of the parking lot. 
"I'm really fucked" I mumble to myself and turn to walk inside my apartment. 
"He gets more and more handsome each time I see that young man" Mrs. Mitchell says, making me jolt back from the scare of being caught. 
"Mrs. Mitchell we didn't-" I start but she waves me off. "You don't need to make excuses to me love. Like I said last time, I wouldn't blame you if you did" she says and places a hand on my arm, noticing all the mixed emotions I have written all over my face. 
"Why don't we change the subject and have you sign those books we had spoken about the other day" she says, turning to walk towards the stack she had waiting by her front door like she had told me she would. 
I smile at her enthusiasm for my writing and and am thankful that she doesn't address what had happened between Jungkook and I anymore. 
"There you go" I say putting the cap on the pen and handing the last book back to her. "Thank you dear! The girls are going to love these!" she says placing the books back in their place. "Girls?" I question, chuckling at her reaction, so happy a simple thing like this could make her happy. 
"Yeah! The other women in my book club. I recommended your books to them and they've been begging me to get them a signed copy from you ever since" she says, turning back to face me. "Well I hope they enjoy them!" I reply happily, embarrassed still that woman of their age are reading it but thankful nonetheless. 
"We're all meeting together here next Sunday so maybe if you're not too busy writing you could stop by and have tea with us. I just know they would love to meet you!" she says, practically glowing with excitement. 
"I'll have to get back to you on that one but it sounds lovely" I smile, my heart swelling at the thought of meeting some of my readers. "Wonderful! But I'll let you get back to your day dear. Make sure to set aside some time to take care of yourself and relax tonight okay? You deserve it" she says placing a comforting hand on my arm before we both go our separate ways. 
As I close the door behind me I'm met with that all too familiar chime and I walk over to my desk, this time a bit more tentative than before, being nervous as to what I might find from my familiar friend jkjkjk.97
Home :) is all he sends but I decide to respond, nervous of the result if I don't, scared that he might shut me out or fade away.
Have fun with the kiddos tonight! And thank you for coming today, it really meant a lot to me  I send back, hoping to make things sound normal.
Anytime, let's see each other again soon. Okay?  he asks and I can tell he's waiting earnestly for a response. 
Okay. This time at The Blue Pearl so we can say 'Hi' to Rae. I miss her :(   I say, hoping that he won't take that as a way of me keeping him from coming over when I really do miss Rae. 
The Pearl it is! Goodnight Noona he says, ending the conversation early tonight, no doubt having a lot to do to manage three kids for the night. 
Goodnight Jungkook  I send and close my laptop, vowing to do as I had agreed upon and take the rest of the day to take care of myself. 
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Mother tried her best :ASL x Ex-Member of the roger pirates.
Type: angst, mother love, death, Marine ford, Spoilers, fem reader.
A/n: it's a bit crappy at the end but I tried.
How did I get here again? Right...to save him...but why is he sitting there, stunned?
"Luffy, Ace why are you crying?"
"A chosen one?" Y/N repeated her captain's words, "one who will surpass us," Roger clarified further. Y/N and Raylight exchanged glances before smiling/smirking at their captain.
"I wonder if it's going to be my son" Roger inquired, "You do not have a son?" Raylight interjected, "How about Shanks and Buggy? There kids" Y/N reminded, "that's true HAHAHAHA" oden, Roger, Raylight and the rest laughed together.
"Y/N shanks stole my stuff again!" yelled Buggy, running towards her and hugging her with teary eyes to gain sympathy. "It does not have your name on it!" showted shanks while running after him, "can't the two of you share?" She said, picking up the buggy by the back of his shirt, "No, it is mine!" Buggy protested, and when Shanks caught up, he was also grabbed by the back of his shirt, "What is this thing you are fighting over anyway?" starting to get impatient she finally asked taping her foot on the ground, "it's a treasure! A mysterious box!" shanks answered first as buggy nodded and finished the sentence,"and it needs a key!".
How can you say no when they forgot what they were fighting about and, after setting them down, she requested that they show her the box......"Where did you get this, boys?" A simple question with a serious tone...."I told you we would get caught!" whispered yelled buggy to shanks "we haven't been caught yet" answered shanks in a similar tone, "IDIOTS!! YOU WENT TO ME AND TOKI ROOM AND TOOK MY STUFF!" hitting them on the head, BY began scolding them for both stealing and lying, "Are you sorry?" Another question with dead seriousness, "Yes, we are very sorry," answering in union. NY sat next to them and grabbed the small box. "You could have asked, but it is a music box." Pulling out a key, she opened it and turned it on, allowing them to enjoy it for some time.
"so it's true that garp hid a kid here?" she said looking at the 7 year old Ace, "the hell you want?" he barked at her, "the names YN and......." a small moment of hesitant crossed her before she answered "I am your aunt"
It happened quickly and without thinking. "Why did you do it?" Ace screamed, "Why did you push me away!"....right, that magma man tried to attack Luffy Ace, and she wanted to take the hit...but she pushed him away, and that is how she got a hole in her chest.......but why did she remember Shanks and Buggy instead of these two in this moment...is it because they are so far apart? So she believes that everyone is on her side right now?...... "I told you not to put yourself in harm's way in a fight, and Luffy, we are in a war right now, so do not let your guard down or you could get *Uhhahg*!" Without realizing it, she started scolding them until she threw up blood and fell to her knees. "MOTHER!" The two shouted as they snapped out of their shock, holding her falling body, "Why am I always surrounded by kids?" "Y-y-your injuries are going to be fine, I-I can find a solution...Marco, where is he?" With Ace falling into panic Luffy was trying to keep it together, "Ace, it is no use..." With a weakened voice, she tried to stop him: "NO!" "There must be something we can do-mph!" She hit his head with her fists to wake him up, then hugged him tightly.
When the brothers returned the gesture, she finally said, "Do not cry....it will be okay...try to get out of here..." "We can not leave you here...mom," luffy said, interrupting her.
"My beloved son, I love you. I am sorry I can not see you achieve your dreams. Please grow strong and remain humble." The last of her strength was summoned, and she consoled her children while sobbing and saying, "The old era ends here you two are a part of the future so go on live!" Looking at her two crying children one more time, Yn finally saw the cold light as it faded from her eyes. Hearing distant shouts of her children, she thought as a final word of comfort to herself, '....mother tried her best...'
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sissylittlefeather · 9 months
Role Play Part 1: Good Cop, Bad Cop
A/N: This might be a one-shot or maybe I'll write more parts. I haven't decided yet. It'll depend on whether anyone likes it. But this is based on photos from Sonny West's wedding. It's Elvis x fem!reader and it is dirrttyyyy.
Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI, kissing, cussing, fingering, oral sex (m & f receiving), p in v penetrative sex, unprotected sex, creampie, gun play, Elvis being bossy and dom, infidelity, cop roleplay, handcuffs, I think that's everything?
Word count: ~3.5k
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When your cousin asked you to help with one of her catering events, you weren't exactly excited. However, you changed your mind when you found out who the event was for.
"You know who Sonny West is, right?!" You frantically ask your cousin.
"Kind of? All I know is Elvis Presley is picking up the tab for the whole wedding."
"I will absolutely help you with this event." You smile and grab her arm, squeezing it gently. This is the opportunity of a lifetime and you've never been happier to be related to her.
On the day of the big event, you spend an inordinate amount of time in the bathroom doing your hair and makeup. Everything has to be perfect on the off chance you happen to get to meet Elvis. You know it's a long shot, but still, this is a better chance than you've ever had before. Once you feel like the look is complete with your tight black skirt and white button down, you head out the door. You're assigned to work the after party at Graceland, so you get in your car and drive that way.
The wedding party isn't there yet when you arrive, but they will be soon, so you get to work helping prepare food and set out trays.
You're in the kitchen when you hear the party arrive and everyone heads out to their assigned spot. You're putting the finishing touches on your tray, though, so you stay behind in the kitchen. That's when you see him for the first time.
He saunters into the kitchen to get a bottle of his favorite water from the fridge. You don't notice him walk in, so you're startled when the refrigerator door opens. You gasp and put your hand on your heart, glad you didn't drop the tray you're holding.
"Oh, I'm sorry darlin', I didn't mean to scare ya." He drawls. Your mouth drops open a little at the sight of him there in his velvet suit and white tie. You've suddenly forgotten how to speak English. "What's your name, honey?"
A smirk plays across his mouth. He's enjoying the fact that he's got you speechless as you search your brain for the answer to his question. After way too much time, you finally get it out.
"My name is y/n. You're..."
"I am. It's nice to meet you, y/n. Welcome to my home."
"It's nice." You cringe a little with your response and he smiles.
"Thank you. I better get back out there. Hopefully we run into each other again." He winks shamelessly and you blush as he leaves the kitchen. You take a deep breath and head out to your assigned post near the drink table.
You stand there for about twenty minutes before you feel eyes on you from across the room. When you make eye contact he winks again and smiles. He obviously isn't paying much attention to the conversation he's supposed to be in. Your cheeks flush and it suddenly feels very warm in the room. You decide it's time for a bathroom break and grab another waiter to let them know where you're going. You get there and wash your hands with cold water, pressing them to your cheeks when you finish. You look in the mirror and shake your head a little and then head out the door. What you don't expect is to almost run smack into Elvis when you leave the bathroom.
"Oh my gosh!" You put your hands on his chest to keep from running into him and look up at him as he chuckles.
"I guess I did say I hoped to run into you." You nod, speechless again. "Are you afraid of me?" His eyebrows knit together in the center of his forehead, showing his concern. Finally, you find your voice.
"No! I'm sorry; I'm just a little starstruck. I can't believe you're talking to me."
"Why wouldn't I be talking to you? Look at you." He gently brushes some of your hair out of your face and tucks it behind your ear. You look at each other for a while and his eyes flick down to your mouth. Then, he cups your chin in his hand and starts to lean in towards you. As he presses his lips to yours softly, fireworks go off somewhere behind your navel. He pulls back slowly and you hear a voice.
"Boss, they're asking for you again." He sighs deeply and turns to the man sent to summon him.
"I thought I told you not to disturb me tonight."
"It's Priscilla. She-"
"Enough. I'm coming." He turns back to you and smiles. "I'll find you again. Don't worry."
When he leaves you there in the hallway, your breath comes in deep waves and you feel like you might pass out. Elvis Presley kissed you. And it seems like he'd like to do it again. You decide then and there that you'll let him- and more if that's what he wants. After gathering yourself a bit, you go back to your post next to the drink table.
When you get there, Elvis is doing some kind of demonstration with a few of his guns and badges. He's taken his jacket off and you can't get over how good he looks with his shoulder holster and belts showing. He holds up a long rifle and someone takes a picture as he talks. The way his rings clack against the wood and metal and he holds his cigarillo against the butt of the gun makes your warm center even warmer. The masculinity of the scene hits you in the soft and feminine parts of you and you don't just want him, you need him.
When he notices you watching with your mouth opened slightly, he gives you a knowing smile and licks his lips. A shiver runs down your spine and you pray that he will come talk to you again. You serve drinks and pass out smiles and wait patiently for him to be free.
Finally, he catches your eye and nods towards the kitchen. You don't hesitate to head that direction. When you get there, it's bustling with activity. He comes in behind you and you hear his voice boom.
"OUT!" All the waitstaff look at each other and then back at him. "You heard me!"
They gather their things quickly and leave, so that it's just you and him. As soon as you're alone, he wraps his arms around your waist from behind and kisses the back of your neck under where you have your hair pulled up. He whispers into your ear.
"I saw you watching me with my guns. Would you like to see more of them?" You close your eyes with the sensation of his breath on your ear, but you manage to respond softly.
"Yes, please."
"Come with me." He unwraps himself from around you and takes your hand. He leads you up the staircase and through his office to his bedroom. You know someone must have seen you, but it doesn't seem like anyone cares. Or maybe they've just learned not to say anything. Either way, you find yourself standing in Elvis Presley's bedroom as he shows you his small arsenal.
He describes each gun in detail, but you're so distracted by how attractive he is that you would fail a test if he gave you one. Finally, he pulls out a small pistol and makes sure it's completely unloaded. Then, he hands it to you.
"You know how to hold one of these?"
"I don't." He steps behind you again and makes sure you have the gun pointed away from anything. He puts his hands on your waist.
"Feet shoulder-width apart." He runs his hands up to your arms. "Arms straight." He slides his hands down to yours and makes sure your stance is strong. In doing so, he also presses his rock hard cock into your ass. You damn near melt where you're standing. Then, he pulls back quickly.
"What?" You ask, nervously, afraid that he's changed his mind for some reason.
"Little lady, do you have a license for that firearm?" He has a playful smirk again, so you relax.
"No, sir, I don't." He pulls a badge from his pocket.
"Then, I'm afraid I'm going to have to arrest you." Sliding open a drawer, he lifts out a pair of handcuffs. He leans in close to your ear and whispers. "Let me know if this is too much."
"It's not."
"Well, alright then." He takes the gun from you and turns you around, pulling you close to him and kissing you deeply, his tongue sliding into your mouth to dance with yours. He pulls back and looks you in the eye. "I'm sorry, ma'am, but you can kiss me and tempt me all you want. I still have to arrest ya."
You walk together towards the bed with him still wrapped around you and your mouths pressed together, kicking off your shoes as you go. He tosses the handcuffs on the bed and then lifts your shirt up and over your head. Then, he removes his heavy belts, letting them drop to the floor, and his shoulder holster, tie, and necklace. He lets you undo the buttons on his shirt and push it down his arms and off. His hands run up and down your body and then move to your back to unhook your bra. He lays you on the bed and reaches for the handcuffs.
"I hate to do this, but illegal use of a firearm is a pretty serious offense." He speaks matter-of-factly as he handcuffs your wrists around the bedpost. "Some punishment is in order."
With every word, your dripping center becomes wetter and wetter and your absolute need for him grows. He unzips your skirt and slides it down your thighs and off, leaving you in just your panties. With his hands on the inside of each thigh, he spreads your legs. Then, he runs a hand up to your core and feels the wetness there with his thumb.
"Mm. Good girl knows what I like."
"What are you gonna do to me, Officer?" His eyes light up when you play along with his game. You can tell this is a fantasy for him and you're not about to ruin it now. Besides, it's turning you on more than you care to admit.
"I'm gonna make sure you don't do anything like this again."
He moves back up to your chest and runs his tongue around your nipple while you squirm beneath his touch. He sucks lightly on the other nipple and kisses down your stomach. He presses a kiss to the place where your panties are so wet. "Is this what you want, baby?"
You moan softly with the feeling of him so close to where you want him.
"Yes, sir. Please. I promise I'll never do it again." He slides your panties off and puts his finger to your entrance, collecting the wetness gathered there to rub circles on your clit.
"Bad girls deserve to be punished. Are you a bad girl or a good girl, y/n?" He asks.
"I was nice and wet for you, Officer."
"That's true, but you still had that illegal firearm. I think you're a bad girl." He slides two fingers inside you and presses them as far as they'll go, his rings cold against your entrance. Then, he pumps them in and out quickly and lowers his mouth to your clit. He licks over and around it vigorously as you get closer and closer to your climax. When he feels your walls flutter, he backs off of you and pulls both fingers out. You whimper frantically and whisper.
"Noooo, Officer, please!"
"Bad girls don't get to cum when they want to. If you want to be a good girl, you'll cum when you're told."
"Yes sir, please I promise, don't stop!" He goes back to pumping two fingers inside of you, stopping to tickle your sensitive spot every once in a while.
"Does my bad girl want my tongue again?"
"Yes, Officer, please."
"Ask for what you want."
"I want you to lick my pussy again, sir." He gives you a smirk and slides off the bed. When he walks over to the gun case, his pants form a tent around his erection. He fetches the small, unloaded pistol, checking it again for bullets, and walks back to the bed.
"I need to show you how bad this gun can be before I give you want you want."
You nod, hoping he'll let you cum this time. But he doesn't go back to licking you. Instead, he takes the cold metal of the gun and pushes it to your clit gently. You gasp at the sensation and squirm again. He begins to use the tip of the barrel to tease your clit, rubbing it over and around on you carefully. Surprisingly, the sensation is a good one and at one point you cry out in pleasure.
"Oh God, Elvis."
"Does my bad girl want to cum?" He asks as he moves the gun on you gently.
"Yes, please, fuck!"
"Are you gonna be a good girl from now on?"
"Yes, Officer, please!" You moan and he pulls the gun away from you and sets it on the bed. He gets close to your center and blows on your clit gently.
Your orgasm seems to be teetering right on the edge and it's driving you insane. He kisses your hip and down to your pussy again.
"Has my bad girl learned her lesson?" You nod frantically and beg again as he licks up your slit to your clit and back down again.
"Yes! Yes! Please let me cum!" He smiles and presses his lips to your clit. Then, he begins to lick you again, sliding two fingers inside you, and you're so close that it almost hurts.
"Cum for me, baby." He whispers and you whimper as you feel your orgasm closing in. "Remember, good girls do what they're told."
He tightens his tongue to a point and licks directly over your clit hard and your center explodes with waves of undeniable pleasure, crashing over and over as you shake and pulse around his fingers.
"Oh, God, Elvis!" You cry out, completely forgetting about the party going on downstairs. He laughs and slides his fingers out of you.
"Good girl. Now I think it's time you try to convince me not to take you downtown." He retrieves a small key and unlocks the handcuffs, giving you access to your hands again.
"Yes, Officer." You push him down to lay on his back and settle between his legs. Then, you pull his pants down just enough to let his cock spring free. He moans softly as you run your hand up and down his shaft, rolling back his foreskin. When you lean down and lick the tip of his dick gently, he inhales sharply. You pull as much of him into your mouth as possible, gagging a little to fit him. He groans with the sensation of hitting the back of your throat. You pick up a steady rhythm of bouncing on him as you massage his balls.
"Yes, yes, that's my good girl." He moans, leaning his head back and closing his eyes. When you can tell he's getting close, you pull him in deeply again and back off.
"So am I going to jail?" You ask with a pout.
"I'm almost convinced to let you go." He pushes his pants the rest of the way down his legs and flips you over onto your back, lining his cock up with your dripping entrance. "Just one... last... thing."
When he gets to the final word, he pushes into you deeply, filling you fully in one thrust.
"Fuck, Elvis!" You cry out again at the sensation of being stretched and filled so quickly.
"Goddamn, you feel good, baby." He whispers in your ear as he begins to pump in and out of you. After a few minutes, he pushes your knees up so that your feet are pressed against his chest. As he fucks into you, he has one hand on your foot and he leans down and kisses your toe. "Such pretty little feet. Did ya paint these nails just for me?"
"I did." You respond breathlessly as he pounds you over and over again. The feeling is almost overwhelming in the best way possible.
"Good girl. Such a good girl for me." Suddenly, he pulls out and rolls you over, spanking your ass lightly. "Get on your knees, babe."
"Yes sir." You get on your hands and knees as instructed. He holds your hip with one hand and uses his other to tease your slit with the tip of his cock. "Does my good girl want me to fuck her?"
"Yes, Officer, please." You whimper and beg.
He grunts as he pushes into you from behind, putting his other hand on your hip to brace you as he begins to slam into you over and over. His balls slap against you as he fucks you vigorously and you let out a soft cry with each thrust. It feels so good as his length hits your sensitive spot time and time again. He reaches around and begins to make circles on your clit as he fucks you.
"'M gonna cum soon, baby. Cum with me." He moans as he continues to push into you powerfully and rub your clit. Your breasts bounce with every impact and you wish he would never stop.
"Yes sir." You already feel your climax building and you cum hard, your orgasm running through you like wildfire just as he slams into you and moans loudly. You feel his warmth inside you and it just adds to the pleasure of your own pulsing orgasm. He pats on your ass before pulling out.
"That's my good girl."
He slides out of you and you lay down next to each other on the bed looking up at the ceiling, sweating and breathing heavily.
"Thank you, Officer." You turn your head and meet his eyes. His playful smirk is back.
"Anything for a sweet thing like you." He takes your hand and kisses your fingers in a gesture more intimate than your situation.
Suddenly, there's a quiet knock on the door and a voice nervously calls out.
"Boss, I know you said not to bother you, but your wife keeps asking where you are. What should I tell her?"
He looks at you with a devilish glint in his eye and mouths, "oh shit."
You cover your mouth and try not to giggle as he calls back to whomever is at the door.
"Tell her I had some police business to attend to."
The guy at the door walks away and Elvis rolls over onto you and peppers your face with kisses.
"Thank you for indulging me tonight." He leans in and kisses your mouth deeply. "That's more fun than I've had in a long time."
Something that's almost like sadness seems to settle on him and you kiss the end of his nose lightly.
"Of course! It was really fun for me too." He smiles again and kisses your cheek. Then, he rolls off of you and you both start to get dressed. He puts the gun and the handcuffs back where they belong.
"I'll tell you what, I'll never look at this pistol the same way again." You laugh and try to smooth your hair in the mirror. He wraps his arms around you from behind and kisses the back of your neck once more.
"Can I see you again?" You look at him in the mirror with his chin on your shoulder.
"I'm not sure that's a good idea. You're married."
"Ehhhh, for now. I like you. Please?"
You turn around in his arms to face him.
"Now who's begging?" You joke playfully. He makes a pouty face.
"Please, baby. You can pick the role play next time." You raise an eyebrow. That idea is intriguing.
"Can I be in charge?"
"Honey, you can do whatever you want if you dress up for me."
"Deal." He leans in to kiss you and there's another knock at the door. He rolls his eyes and sighs.
"Boss, she really-"
"Will ya let me deal with 'er? I'll be down there in a minute." He turns his attention back to you. "I have to go. I'll find you. We'll do this again. On my honor as a cop." He winks and unwraps himself from around you, kissing you sweetly one last time. As you make your way down the stairs and back to your post, you suppose your cousin probably won't ask for your help again.
When you make eye contact with him across the room again, though, you really don't care. He's worth it.
So do we want more?
@ccab @elvisfatass @elvisalltheway101 @aliypop @18lkpeters @dkayfixates @ashtag6887 @your-nanas-house @deniseinmn @joshuntildawn13 @lookingforrainbows @60svintage @littlehoneyposts @epthedream69
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queen-dahlia · 9 months
𝐀𝐝𝐮𝐥𝐭 𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐭 𝐓𝐞𝐚𝐦
"𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗹𝗮𝘀𝘁 𝗱𝗶𝗻𝗻𝗲𝗿 𝗽𝗮𝗿𝘁𝘆 𝗼𝗳 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘆𝗲𝗮𝗿"
not proofread
Note: Translation is not 100% accurate. Expect grammatical errors.
// : alternate translation
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The final dinner of the year finally came to a close.
The main character is a gluttonous prince.
The dinner party, which began in the kitchen in the morning with an extraordinary amount of food, was a success,
Before we even get to the main course, there's a disconcerting turn of events一
Gilbert: "I'm hungry."
Clavis: "Lord Gilbert, what were you doing a few seconds ago?"
Gilbert: "I was eating the food that the little bunny had cooked for me."
Clavis: "And?"
Gilbert: "I'm hungry."
Licht: "It's abnormal."
Clavis: "It must have been absorbed into another space, not the stomach. Next time I'll refer you to a good doctor."
Gilbert: "Thanks for your concern."
Gilbert: "Waiter, bring me more food."
Licht: "It's impossible."
Clavis: "Emma is not a superhuman. She's working hard to finish a dish for you."
Gilbert: "You don't have to elaborate that much, though."
Gilbert: "In general, it's a terrible miscalculation not to have the little bunny at the dinner party."
Clavis: "You have us instead."
Gilbert: "Do you really think you can take the place of the little bunny?"
Licht: "I'm... offended by the way you said that."
Clavis: "Well, well, well. I'm just the entertainment guy for when the guests are bored. You're up, Yves, Luke."
Yves: "We've been playing this for a while now!?"
Luke: "Don't you hear the violin and the harpsichord? Listen."
Gilbert: "Thank you for your wonderful performance, but I got bored."
Yves & Luke: "Can I go back now?" | "Can I go now?"
Clavis: "Wait a minute, boys, it's not fair to expect Emma to take on this beast by herself..."
Clavis: "Besides, I've already set up traps to prevent you from escaping from this room."
Clavis: "If that's okay with you, you can go back. Hahaha!"
Luke: "Screw you."
Clavis: "But I am at a loss. Lord Gilbert seems to want other pleasures."
Clavis: "I have no choice. I guess this is my moment to show off."
Gilbert: "Oh, yeah!"
Clavis: "Can you at least hear me out?"
Gilbert: "I've got a good idea."
Luke: "I don’t think there’s any proof that your good ideas were good things." **
Yves: "Lord Gilbert, where are you going?"
Gilbert: "Of course, I'll go to the little bunny."
Emma: "一So, what brings you all to the kitchen?"
Emma: "And as for Prince Gilbert, he had a knife and fork in his hand."
Licht: "I don't suppose you're going to... eat every last bit of the finished product?"
Gilbert: "Correct."
Licht: "That's gruesome." // "That's pungent." **
Gilbert: "If we eat here, the waiters won't have to carry the food, and you can watch the little bunny, right?"
Gilbert: "It's good for everyone."
Yves: "The pressure on Emma is not half as great as it should be..."
Gilbert: "I'm surprised so many of them haven't been brought in yet."
Emma: "It's not ready yet! All the seasoning and decorations are incomplete一"
Gilbert: "Well, I'll have some."
Emma: "Aaaahh!? Seriously, Prince Gilbert, don't eat it!"
Clavis: "It's not good. If the Appetite Monster comes into its own, all the food and ingredients in this place will be lost."
Emma: "Please, please stop!"
Licht: "I get it."
Yves: "Whoaaaaah! Licht, don't pull out your sword! Your big brother won't allow you to stop him like that!"
Luke: "Then I'll hit him一"
Yves: "Are you crazy? We're dealing with a prince of a great nation! There's going to be a war!"
Clavis: "Well, then, I guess my一"
Emma: "Please don't do that!"
Clavis: "… Why can't people just let me say it all?"
Gilbert: "Mmm... it's delicious."
Emma: "Prince Gilbert... that's not… in good taste."
Emma: "... I've made it this far, but it's terrible."
Yves: "Emma... I know how you feel. The pain of having a delicious meal ruined in the process..."
Yves: "I get screwed over by Jin and Leon from time to time, so I know what it's like."
Licht: "… That's right."
Luke: "To see Emma so devastated and you keep eating, that's not human behavior."
Clavis: "He's a monster."
Luke: "… All right, Clavis, Licht. Gather all the ingredients in the kitchen."
Licht: "Why?"
Luke: "While you stall for time with the ingredients, Yves and I will help Emma finish up."
Luke: "Otherwise, Emma will go through the year with a lot of regret."
Emma: "Luke…"
Yves: "I agree. It's too early to give up!"
Licht: "Understood. Let’s do it, Clavis."
Clavis: "I agree. We need to get rid of the monster and bring in a happy new year for everyone."
Luke: "Hey, I brought you some food."
Luke: "You should be thankful that I put a bear and honey on the base that Emma was building." // "You should be grateful that I put the bear and the honeycomb on the foundation that Emma was building."
Gilbert: "Yes, yes, thank you."
Clavis: "Phew, I got one for you too."
Yves: "Hey, isn't Clavis in charge of the ingredients?"
Clavis: "I'm not going to be able to do everything I'm capable of if I'm just carrying food."
Clavis: "So I decided to switch to helping Emma in the middle of the process."
Licht: "… Unnecessary." **
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Clavis: "Look at this adorable tiger, Emma was working on it, and I finished it?" // "Look at this adorable tiger! I finished what Emma was partially working on?"
Emma: "Ah! When did you...?"
Yves: "Is there something hanging out of that tiger's mouth?"
Clavis: "It's a delicious sauce."
Licht: "What's that stuck in its head?"
Clavis: "It's just a decoration."
Licht: "… With a high murderous intent…"
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Gilbert: "Leave it for me, I'll eat it later."
Yves: "… I honestly respect Lord Gilbert for not being intimidated by the food arranged by Clavis."
Gilbert: "And by the way, little bunny, you really are a genius."
Gilbert: "The food here is good, and it's cute."
Gilbert: "Hey, how would you like to be my personal chef? I'll give you a great deal at Obsidian."
Emma: "I am honored, but I must decline."
Gilbert: "Too bad."
Gilbert: "It looks like I failed to recruit you, so let's have this little rabbit here heal me."
Emma: "Eh."
Gilbert: "Sugar Candy Story."
Luke: "It's confusing."
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Gilbert: "Hehe… This little rabbit looks delicious."
Gilbert: "I'll taste every bit of it, chew it up so it won't go anywhere, and keep it in my stomach to cherish for a long time一"
Luke: "… Don't say anything meaningful. Emma's pulling back." // "… Don't say anything meaningful. I think Emma is the one who pulled it off."
Emma: "I'm not pulling away. It just hurts to imagine…"
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Clavis: "Lord Gilbert, this tiger cake is delicious, too. Come on, it's time for cannibalism."
the cake with spicy sauce
Yves: "… Clavis wants to feed you whatever he wants."
Licht: "I don't care if Lord Gilbert eats it."
Gilbert: "By the way, I like it spicy and sweet."
Clavis: "What…"
Gilbert: "I'll taste it for you."
Emma: "Ah!"
Luke: "What's up?"
Emma: "Now... Now all the dishes are done!"
Luke: "Oh, you did great, Emma."
Licht: "Somehow we managed to stop the monster."
Yves: "Licht, you're dealing with a guest of honor, right?"
Clavis: "Then we'll carry it out of the kitchen."
Gilbert: "Well, I don't mind if I stay."
Luke: "It's only natural that you respect the food Emma made."
Luke: "It's not something you can eat in the kitchen."
Luke: "You move, or I'll carry you. Or do you want me to carry you?"
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Gilbert: "… I used to be the one carrying you."
Luke: "Shut up." // "It’s so noisy."
Gilbert: "Luke has a point. Fine, I'll take you back to the venue."
Emma: "… Hehe."
Yves: "What's wrong?"
Emma: "I thought it would be more fun to do the preparation together than to do it alone."
Clavis: "Haha, of course. Good thing you sent me a distress signal early, huh?"
Emma: "That's not the only thing."
Clavis: "Oops, that smile is so sweet..."
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Gilbert: "If the little bunny laughed like that, then I guess I was right to get into the kitchen." // "If the little bunny smiled, then I made the right decision to get into the kitchen."
Luke: "… You're just talking about consequences, aren't you?"
Licht: "The dinner is just the beginning."
Emma: "I agree."
Emma: "Let's end this year with a smile!"
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The Motorcyle Mishap (or, Our First and Second Six-Way Fight)
~ set in a modern Vesuvia and not-so-subtly based off my accident last week, have a fic with my self-insert "Drue" and his motley friend group! xD written for @vesuviaweekly ~
My hands are shaking in the damp, misty air as I type out my next message to the group chat, my right fingers already swelling as a car drives by and shatters one of my lost taillights behind me.
Drue: hey, can somebody come pick me up? i'm okay i promise
I sigh and look down at my discarded helmet on the sidewalk, right next to my crumpled gloves and the absolute beauty that was my motorcycle currently laid out on the pavement. A well-meaning stranger pauses and calls out from the other side of the street.
"Hey, you okay? Can I get you anything?"
I smile and wave, hoping they can't see the shake in my arm or the grimace I'm fighting back. "I'm good, thanks though!"
"You sure?"
They look ready to cross the street. I don't have it in me to talk to strangers right now - "Yep! I've already got friends on the way!"
At least, I think I do. Judging by the incessant buzzing of texts flooding my phone, I'm almost certain I do.
Asra: omw, where r u
Portia: what happened??
Julian: Are you okay? What do you need? Are you hurt? Where are you?
Lucio: he said he's okay guys wtf
Nadia: Drue saying "I'm okay I promise" is precisely why I know he's probably not. Does anyone have his location yet? I expect to finish this early morning meeting in another ten minutes.
Drue: i'm at the corner of -
My keyboard is cut off by a new call screen, which quickly splits into two and then three incoming calls. I pick up on the one that I haven't heard from yet.
"Heyyy, Muriel, what's up?"
"Where are you?"
"I'm at the intersection of Gladiator Ave and Market St, just past the canal. You know, where the cobblestones have the old tram tracks in them?"
"Good. That's close. What happened?"
"Uhm - okay - so, I'm okay ..."
"You bold liar ~"
I pause at the second, considerably airier voice on the line. "Muriel is - is Asra with you?"
"Yep!" I can hear the engine of his hippie van hitch as he shifts gears. There's a moment of eerie silence broken by nothing but the clinking of their mirror hangings and their quiet hum of turning right here until Muriel pipes up again.
"I asked him to drive me. Keep talking."
"Oh - yeah - right, so I - I think I crashed my bike."
I hear a sharp inhale and the engine protesting as Asra slams on the gas. Muriel grunts out a quiet "don't speed" before turning back to the speakerphone.
I try to replay the events of ten minutes ago, taking a deep, calming breath and ordering my thoughts. "I was taking a sharp turn uphill from a standstill, and the roads are pretty slippery right now, and I think I rushed myself trying not to hold up any cars. My back wheel slid out from under me -"
The gears churn on the other end of the line again and I swear I can feel Asra's tense attempt at not coming across too concerned. "Did you hit anything?"
I rub my throbbing shoulder. "Just a lamppost. Thankfully I was able to stay upright long enough to get out of the intersection."
Two slow exhales on the other end of the line. And then there's Asra's classic relieved chuckle, mixed with the near-silent scrape of Muriel rubbing his hand over his stubble in anxious thought.
"Well, it sounds like you handled that really well! Faust would be proud."
"Where are you hurt?"
"I'm not seriously -"
"Hmph. Better hope you're right."
Sure enough, I glance up in time to see the yellow beams of Asra's headlights in the early morning fog. The next thing I know they're pulling up next to me and hopping out of the van. I'm ambushed in a flurry of white curls and a warm, relieved hug before Muriel gets close enough to lay a cautious hand on my shoulder.
"You're wearing armored leather. Good."
"You don't look hurt either, but - oh Drue, your hands are shaking."
I nod, suddenly tempted to choke up now that I'm not the only one facing the problem. "My fingers got mashed between the handlebar and the lamppost, but otherwise I think I'm okay. I'm more worried about Bonnie."
"Muriel will help with it," Asra interjects, earning a grudging don't volunteer me like that but also you're right look from him before turning back to me, "and Ilya should be here any minute now."
"Thanks." I sit down on the nearest curb and give my friends a once-over. Muriel's already hefting the 500-pound machine back onto its wheels, not minding the smudges of grease that wind up on his hiking boots and trousers. Asra, on the other hand, is proudly standing in the middle of the sidewalk in rainbow crocs, fluffy leopard print socks, paisley-printed boxers, a shredded second-hand sex pistols band tee with old paint splatters on it, and a starry purple bathrobe. They turn back to me quizzically as if they can feel my stare.
"Did you just wake up?"
Muriel grunts as he finishes maneuvering my battered motorcycle into a proper parking spot. "Do you ever see him awake this early?"
"Only when it's because he hasn't fallen asleep yet ..."
"Oh, speaking of sleep deprivation -" I point with my right hand out of habit and immediately wince and grimace at the pain that shoots up my arm. "It looks like Julian's -"
"I'm here! Where is he?"
Two car doors slam shut a little ways up the street and the Devorak siblings come running down the sidewalk with their characteristic enthusiasm. Julian looks about as disheveled as usual, with his younger sister already dressed and done up for the day and carrying several large bags on her shoulders. He drops to a crouch in front of me and reaches straight for my eyebrows.
"No immediate signs of a concussion, that's a promising start - where does it hurt?"
I squirm at the focused attention as he checks my pupils for a good response, suddenly aware of all the parts of me that really want to lie down, and seized with the need to seem like I've got it all together.
"It doesn't hurt anywhe -"
One stern look from Portia over his shoulder and my mouth clicks shut. "Drue I swear to all that is good and holy if you dare to keep us from helping you I will make you regret it."
I nod and turn back to the doctor gently tugging my leather jacket off my shoulders for a better look. "I hit the lamppost on my right side, but the only thing that really hurts right now is my hand."
"Let's have a look then, shall we?"
I can see a familiar brow furrow and chin wobble appear on Portia's face when Julian gently lifts my hand in his and everyone present sees the way my knuckles are slowly disappearing into the swelling, reddish-purple bruise. He slowly bends my wrist this way and that.
"Does this hurt?"
"Nope. Just my fingers."
He nods and sets my hand back down. "An X-ray might be a good idea, but in my professional opinion, you're going to be right as rain. Given that you - ah, take proper care of it."
"As if." Portia rolls her eyes and holds out an instant cold compress, fishing in her bag again for what turns out to be a hand wrap. "You don't have a great track record with doing things the 'proper' way."
"Hey -"
"Seriously though!" She crouches down next to me and shoves a pastry against my chest. "You just got your bike, and you took your first trip out in weather like this?!"
She gestures to the hanging fog and slick roads and I feel my face flush with embarrassment. Asra steps in, still on high alert from seeing me injured and trying to lighten the mood.
"What, do you expect him to control the weather now?"
"Pasha's right," Julian cuts in with an afflicted sigh, "riding a motorcycle is already taking a risk. Perhaps I should've warned you better when you were planning to buy one. If only I'd -"
Asra bristles. "Perhaps you should let Drue make his own decisions, Ilya -"
"Don't you talk to my brother like that!" Portia squares up to the bathrobe-clad DJ, shaking off her older brother's feeble attempts to tug her back. "At least he has something helpful to offer here!"
Asra snickers. "And you're doing ... what, exactly? Shaming him when he needs help?"
"Enough." Nadia climbs out of the sleek towncar none of us noticed pulling up. "Is an ambulance needed?"
"No -"
"Can you secure your bike?"
"Yes -"
"Then get in."
I sit back on the plush sofa in Nadia's penthouse, watching sheepishly as she clicks back and forth in her heels. Portia hands her phone back to her with a playful smile.
"Your schedule's cleared, milady."
"Thank you, Portia." The city mayor graciously extends her manicured hand to accept it, and then turns back to face me with her polished nails tapping thoughtfully on the dark glass. "Now then, about the bike. Portia tells me it's currently enroute to the mechanic's, but whether or not you should ride that beast again is my greatest concern."
I look at her in confusion. "What do you mean?"
Julian clears his throat from where he's seated next to me on the couch, readjusting the cold compress he's currently holding against my hand. "We're not sure a motorcycle is - ah - wise."
"Ha! Do you think he cares about 'wise'?" Lucio appears from where he's somehow successfully invaded Nadia's liquor closet, an obscenely large amount of liquid sloshing in the glass he extends to me. I eye it cautiously.
"What kind of alcohol is that?"
"Does it matter? It looked like whiskey to me ..."
"Drue," Portia interjects worriedly, "what if it had been worse?"
I accept the glass with my good hand and take a hearty sip to avoid thinking about it. This tastes like a single malt. I'll have to remember to ask Nadia which bottle this is -
"C'mon, you're all overreacting!" Lucio flops onto the couch on my other side, flinging an arm casually around my shoulder. Asra and Muriel both stiffen slightly where they're occupying the nearby armchairs. "Everybody's gonna crash at some point! He just got it out of the way early, right? Besides, you gotta admit having one of those things is cool as fu-"
"'Cool', perhaps, but not safe." Nadia's eyebrows draw closer together the longer she ruminates on what's happened. "If he hadn't been able to keep the bike upright those extra seconds - if he hadn't been able to react in time - I fear to speak such things aloud, but he could have been trapped underneath it with a broken leg in the middle of an intersection. I don't take that scenario lightly."
Asra looks slightly queasy. Muriel, in typical fashion, goes right for the point.
"You could be dead."
"But he's not!" Lucio spreads his hands wide, grinning at his own truthful point. "He's fine! All he needs is some ice and he'll be zooming around town again in no time!"
"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I agree with Lucio." Asra drags his hand through his hair, the curls practically standing on end. "Life is full of risks. I'm not going to stop him from living ... especially when, all things considered, he handled it really well." They finish their thought with a reassuring smile in my direction. I start to smile back, and then wince when Julian crushes the compress against my hand in protest.
"I see motorcyclists come into the hospital every day -"
"Exactly!" Portia interrupts, "It's one thing if you want to live on the edge, but something that dangerous is just stupid."
"Portia says it with more fervor than I would, but I must agree with her." Nadia sits at Julian's other side with a thoughtful hum. "You're inviting a level of risk you could be avoiding with a different vehicle. If it's a matter of purchasing power, I do have a vehicle or two that need a new owner."
I avoid saying anything out loud with another hearty sip of what's quickly becoming my new favorite liquor. Knowing Nadia, if I took her up on her offer, I'd be getting a brand-new car delivered to my basement apartment with a singular obligatory scratch somewhere on the back and a charge of five dollars for the transportation fee. Julian, getting antsy from the pause in conversation, turns to the one person who's barely spoken since he showed up.
"What, ah, what do you think, Muriel? You're - er - quiet."
Muriel's hum sounds suspiciously like a grumble as he shifts in his seat. "I'm not making his choices for him."
Portia, dissatisfied, fixes him with her blue-eyed stare. "And?"
"And ..." he shifts again, uneasy, "And if this is the riskiest choice he's making in his life right now ... I'm okay with that."
That leads to a longer, heavier pause. I can feel several pairs of eyes on the different set of faded, old scars further up the arm Julian's treating, and I hear a few quiet hums. Lucio squirms from the abrupt seriousness.
"I can drink to that, Scourge!"
"Don't. Call me that."
"Okay!" I jump to my feet, reeling from two six-way arguments in a row and what could easily be considered a triple shot of whiskey. Julian catches my wrist in protest and reapplies the compress. I swivel slowly to look my gathered friends in the face. "I appreciate all your thoughts and opinions and I will think about them seriously - as soon as thinking is easy again."
Julian stands to check my pupils again, smells the alcohol on my breath, and sits back down with an amused snort. I collect my thoughts and continue.
"Thank you - all of you - for rushing to help me. You've each helped me today in ways I wouldn't have been able to help myself."
There's a round of murmured "your welcome"s and one disbelieving "is he sober or isn't he?". I ignore the last remark.
"That said, I am ready to go home and lie down. I'll decide what to do with the bike while it's at the mechanic, so ... can someone drive me home?"
Asra's already rolling out of their seat, a collection of keychains jangling in their hand. Lucio holds up my empty glass.
"Want another?"
"No," I turn to Nadia, "but I would love to know which bottle that came out of."
She tuts graciously and stands up to walk me out. "I'll send you one of your own. You may need it as you recover."
Portia walks over with a kitchen towel to tie the compress to my hand. "Ooh, save me a sip!"
"And make sure not to mix it with any painkillers!" Julian calls from the couch.
"Let me know if you get the good prescription stuff, I'll buy some off you!" Lucio smirks at his unsubtle dealing request, earning a scolding look from Muriel as he escorts me out.
"Pretty sure that's illegal..."
Asra playfully holds out his keys with a teasing grin, waggling their eyebrows when I sway slightly on my feet. "So. Wanna drive?"
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aviduringgremlinhours · 5 months
My Muse
~content warning: slightly nsfw~
Mizu x artist!reader
Authors note: I am not a writer so I apologize for any mistakes! Enjoy!
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"Somethings' off...I can feel it..." you say as you squint at the canvas before you. Wether its the shape of the head or the length of the torso, you could TELL something was off. "Two years of art school and yet I still can't seem to get body proportions right. Ugh, maybe I should just find a different career path-"
You hear a knock on the studio door "Y/N? You in there? I made us some tea, can I come in?" you hear the voice of your partner, Mizu, behind the door. "Oh! Yes! Come in!" You exclaim. Upon your approval she comes in with two cups of tea and sets them both at the break table nearby. Deciding to take a break, you get up from the frustrating sketch before you to spend some much needed time with Mizu.
"Hows the art going? What are you working on?" She asks curiously. Mizu has always loved your art, and though she was a woman of few words, you could feel her admiration and respect coming off of her as she gazed fondly at the paintings made by your hand.
"I feel like if I try to fix it any longer I'm going to jump off a bridge" you sigh, half joking at this point. "Ouch, that bad?" She raises an eyebrow as her eyes scan the canvas. "It looks a little off but its not bad. Perhaps you should do some model studies. Who knows, maybe seeing the body up close will help you figure out what you're missing."  The idea sounds good in theory, but theres a problem with it "Where would I find someone willing to strip down and let me stare at them for hours while I draw them? I don't really have the cash to pay someone for it." You ask her earnestly.
"Well..." she contemplated "I could be your model, if you want." Your eyes widen at the thought, it makes sense, and its not like you haven't seen her naked before, but you feel a blush crawling up your cheeks regardless. "A-are you sure you're comfortable with that?" "Absolutely sure, I'm comfortable with it if you are. We can start after we finish the tea" She says, her ice blue eyes seemingly brightening up with excitement.
A brief moment later, and Mizu stands before you, a robe being the only thing covering her up. "I'm ready. Where should I stand?" She asks you. "Oh, just go sit on the lounge right here, I want to try capturing you in a leasurely pose." You say. "Just lay back with your back proped up on the arm of the lounge, have one knee bent, and your arm resting on the bent knee. Look off to the side as well." she nods and gets into position as you ready your pencil. "Ready?" You ask, "Ready."
You begin sketching out her figure, glancing over at her every now and then for reference. Every curve, every scar, every fold of her body carefully replicated onto your canvas. From her slender yet defined arms to her lean torso and model-eque long legs. "She's so beautiful..." you think to yourself. You sketch more. Her breasts, her gorgeously long dark brown hair, her breathtaking blue eyes-
You notice her glancing at you, flinching away your daydream as you hastily hide your burning red face behind the canvas. You hear a soft chuckle emit from her as she looks away, a warm smile fixed to her face and a light blush forming. The silence in the air that followed was not a suffocating one, but one that carried a sense of quiet intimacy between two lovers. Warm, soft, and inviting. You feel yourself beginning to relax as you continue to sketch the beautiful woman in front of you.
You finish your sketch up and exhale deeply "Its done! It came out so well! Would you like to see?" You ask her excitedly as she rises from the lounge and reaches for her robe. "Hell yeah I would." She replied. As she scanned over the canvas, her eyes widened with awe. "Its...amazing love, is this how you see me?" She asked "Of course!" You tell her "You're the most beautiful and amazing partner in the whole world, you could say you're my muse..." she looks away bashfully, a shy but happy hum coming out as a response. You gently turn her head to face you a plant a loving, soft kiss on her lips, one which she reciprocates in kind. "Thank you Mizu, you've been a great help. I love you." She beams at those 2 magic words "I love you too, Y/N"
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