#i honestly think something Very Weird happens to them in this moment like they leave peices of themselves in the other and then go a little
dronebiscuitbat · 2 days
Oil is Thicker Then Blood (Part 13)
To be honest, Uzi didn't entirely understand why she'd had N leave that night.
Maybe she was just overwhelmed with it all, or maybe she was truly broken in some way; addicted to making herself suffer needlessly.
But as she lie in bed, night coming again rapidly, she realized she'd gotten exactly zero sleep, being unable to stop her thoughts from turning back to overheating yet again.
She knew the incident had been her fault, N had warned her about pushing it, her own body had warned her twice that she'd been pushing it, both telling her to stop and she simply didn't, too frustrated and too worried about the future to take even half a second and think.
She'd been lucky that the only person she hurt was herself. What if she'd lost control again? If she'd gone nuts and hurt N and her Dad or anyone else in the bunker until her body had been satiated. If it ever could be.
And yeah, it had hurt like hell. And had scared the shit out of her (and N, for that matter.) But in comparison to all the other things that could happen, it was a better outcome. Even if it was still pretty traumatic.
“Uzi, N's here!” She heard her dad shout loudly, but even then it was highly muffled through the thick steel of the door. She slowly got out of bed, head full of static and heavy to the point that it could have been made from steel as well.
Her hair was a mess, and she hadn't even bothered to put on her beanie or her hoodie, just the loose yellow T-shirt she slept in.
The door opened, Khan was chattering to N, who honestly didn't look much better than she did, his eyelights and visor a little dim, lines under his eyes that made him look incredibly exhausted and much older.
“You look like a wreck.” She said, even though she didn't look nor feel any better, both men turned to look at her, Khan looking worried, N just smiling tiredly.
“Didn't sleep very well…” N replied, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck, he blinked and looked her up and down.
“Same…” She yawned, doing the same to him.
“You two look like you didn't sleep a wink!” Khan exclaimed, looking between them both, hurrying to the kitchen and pulling out two mugs, N watched him curiously, fighting the urge to pull Uzi into a hug and possibly drag them both back to bed.
“Here.” Khan handed them both a cool, iced mug with a thin darkened liquid in it, N swished the liquid around, causing the ripples to flash some deep golds.
“It's gasoline. Should perk you two up.” Khan explained, looking satisfied with himself.
“Isn't this usually hot dad?” She asked, clinking the ice around in the mug.
“Yes! But I thought with both of your coolant problems… something cold might be better!”
Uzi was mildly surprised he'd even paid that much attention. She'd never outright told him exactly what was going on but it wasn't like she was actively hiding it either. She shrugged, tipping it into her mouth.
It was bitter. Very bitter. And she felt her core stutter before picking up it's pace enough to make her a little nauseous, but the static in her head began to ebb away. She wasn't sure if she was a fan…
N on the other hand seemed to down his immediately, ice and all. And when he pulled it from his mouth he licked his lips, eyes hollow.
“Oh wow! That was really good Mr. Doorman.” He smiled, and Khan smiled back, it was actually kinda weird seeing Khan be as friendly as he was must have been some talk.
“Thank you. It's actually the way Uzi's mother preferred it…” He mentioned idly, looking a little sad for a moment before seemingly shaking it off.
Uzi looked down at her drink again, she… didn't actually remember that. She wasn't a baby with Nori had passed, but she was rather young, and it had been awhile.
She did, eventually, finish the mug, thinking about way she might be able to make it more palatable for herself. Maybe if it was sweeter?
“We should head out soon, Tera gets upset if we're late.” N smiled warmly, as a way to gently guide rather than demand she get her ass into gear and get ready. She couldn't help but smile back.
“I know, little gremlin has our schedule memorized at this point.” She laughed lightly, setting her mug in the sink and making her way to her bedroom, shutting the steel door securely behind her so she could get ready.
“Uhm… Mr. Doorman?” N began after he was sure she'd take a hot minute to get ready. Khan turned to him inquisitivlely, his brow on his eyelights raised.
“Yes N?”
“Is it… uh. Is it possible for me to move in to the bunker? I just… If Uzi ever needs to stay over again, it's probably better if it's not… there.” He was nervous, and also a little bit flustered. He didn’t want Khan to suspect his crush, but he also didn't want to lie.
Khan was silent for a moment, taking great care to study N for a moment, he felt his tail twitching, and his fingers fidget in that nervous habit he had.
“Is this something just for my daughter N?” He asked, suspicion in his voice that made N feel more nervous then it had any right to. He was just asking a question, It wasn't like he was asking Khan for his blessing or anything.
Where did that thought come from?
“I mean, it's for me too. And possibly V? It kinda feels really weird living there now with being here so much. It's… a little uncomfortable.” He admitted.
“Hmmm, there is plenty of space here, I'd have to get them ready though…” Khan trailed off in thought for a moment. Then looked into N eyelights like he was trying to find an answer.
“I don't see why you and… your sister? Can't move in here. And I would feel more comfortable if I knew my daughter wasn't sleeping in… well you know.” N noded, looking equally as uncomfortable, but is mood quickly lightened.
“She's not my sister, but that would be awesome!” He nearly vibrated a hole in the floor, this had gone better then he'd imagined!
“No proble-”
He was interrupted by Uzi's bedroom door snapping open, and Uzi herself coming out a moment later, typical hoodie and beanie although holding a bag in her left hand.
“Ready, let's go?” She asked, walking right past the both of them and leaning on the door. The two men exchanged looks before N waved him off, following his best freind out the door to visit the nursery.
Khan smiled warily to himself, N… wasn't very good at hiding anything was he? And despite his instinctual urge to be against it (his daughter with a murder drone!?) He couldn't exactly find the will to, not when N had been there in the way he'd always seemed to be. And his daughter seemed so happy…
The way to the nursery was silent, not out of any awkward tension but neither drone felt the need to, it was comfortable. Just enjoying existing in the same space, at least until N spoke up.
“You sure you're up for this? You seemed really tired.” His voice was soft, as always. And Uzi felt the butterflies again, surely a few words couldn't trigger them right? She wasn't that down bad for him…
“Y-yeah, I'm fine.” Was all she said, because any more and she'd be stammering like a little schoolgirl. Holy crap she was…
N looked down at her hand swinging loosely beside her, for a moment he imagined what it would be like to hold it. Casually, without trauma involved. Would she let him? Would she slap his hand away?
He didn't realize he was drawing closer until he grazed one of her fingers. He pulled away immediately, blush threatening to make him explode. He really hoped she hadn't noticed.
She very much had noticed. And it made her core leap for a moment, thinking he was going to hold her hand before he abruptly moved away. Causing her face to fall.
Had it been an accident? He did seem to be in thought when he was getting closer. Maybe he was just tired, and didn't realize. It did sting a little… knowing that he didn't want to hold her, like this, when things were normal.
They walked in to the nursery, both looking upset for different reasons but the same reason. Not that either of them knew that.
“I was wondering when you two would stop by. Tera was getting cranky.” Mrs. Rayn waved at them, holding said droneling. Who was currently screaming bloody murder while she tried and failed to calm her down.
“I got it!” Uzi exclaimed, taking the baby from her and holding her tightly, shushing her, setting down the bag in her hand on one of the waiting chairs.
“Hey, we're here. No need to get all angsty on us.” She said to Tera softly, and the wailing receded somewhat, but it wasn't like it made her instantly happy, at least until she saw N as well.
“Awww, it's alright kiddo, sorry we were late.” He hummed softy, he rested a hand on her, large enough to completely cover her if he wasn't careful, they looked at her together, faces sharing a single expression.
Rayn smiled, these two were utterly in love with Tera, but neither seemed to want to entertain the idea of adopting the little droneling. She could guess why, they were both young, and likely didn't want to rush into anything.
And yet watching them both doting on her, she noticed the lingering touches N would leave whenever he and Uzi made contact, a hand on her shoulder that didn't seem to want to leave, his entire face twisted up into a smile that reached his visor. It was like he was magnetized to her, struggling to pull away if she was close enough to him.
Uzi was… not as noticeable, but she would lean into him slightly whenever he was there, a smaller smile but etched on her features like it would stay there. Her voice locked into something far sweeter then normal that seemed to bleed into even when she was speaking to N, like they were both equally precious and special.
They were absolutely totally in love with each other, which anyone with even one eye and half a brain could figure out just by standing in a room with the two of them for any significant amount of time.
And Rayn began to hope that they'd change their mind. Because Tera deserved parents that loved her, and parents who loved each other. Which unfortunately wasn't as common as she'd wished, she'd seen so many come and go through her nursery doors, either to combine thier code or to print a body for already combined code. Many, too many, wanted a baby for the wrong reasons; to keep a failing relationship together, because they felt pressured, or sometimes, because they were forced to.
Rayn watched as Uzi pulled out a roll-toy from her bag, one that was handmade by the look of it, as it was purple with little yellow stars on it, it jingled slightly, but thankfully not loud enough it was annoying.
“I think she likes it Zi.” She heard N point out as Tera rolled with the toy, giggling louder as it jingled around in Uzi's arms. Her smile faded slowly, and then her face looked deliberative.
“Mrs Rayn?” Uzi asked, looking up from the pillbaby, N was still by her side, distracting the little one by making moving pictures on his visor, Rayn was actually kinda impressed, not many drones had that kind of control over what their visor displayed.
“Why is Tera still here? It's been a few weeks. Shouldn't she have been adopted by now?” She asked, cocking her head to the side.
Ah. That.
“Ah… Tera seems to… have an issue.”
“What kind of issue?” It was N this time, now looking up at her as well, concern on both of their faces like worried parents.
“The nurses in the medical bay are unsure if it's a software or hardware issue but, she has an overheating problem…if it's a hardware issue then it should be a non-issue in her next body.”
“But if it's the soft she'll need oil the rest of her life…” Uzi finished for her, looking down at the pillbaby with worried eyes. Tera had calmed down and was now smiling at the two of them, oblivious to the conversation.
“Correct, it's not something many people want to deal with in a child. I haven't had many prospective parents come take a second look at her.” Rayn said sadly, it was a tragedy really, she was such a happy droneling, and rarely seemed upset (unless her two favorite almost-adults weren't around that is.) Even when she'd gotten too warm due to her issue, she rarely complained.
“W-what happens if you can't find someone to take care of her?” N asked, but before Rayn could answer, Uzi did for her.
“She’ll be raised by the nursery until she's old enough.” She said simply, rocking the droneling slowly, N heard Uzi's vents begin to take in more air, as if she was trying to cool herself off.
“Oh…” Was all that came out of N's mouth, and they both looked down at Tera, who was now babbling at them happily.
They exchanged a worried glance, almost having a silent conversation between them before looking back at the droneling, her eyes intently staring at N.
“Eeeee Ennnn…” Came wobbly and slow out of Tera’s tiny speakers, N felt his core stop beating as he realized;
“Are you trying to say my name…?”
“En mbuh… En!” She squeaked, rolling happily, still in Uzi's arms.
“Uzzzziiii” He squealed, shaking his best freind as he freaked out over Tera’s first word being his name, not paying any attention to the fact it was only a single letter.
“I hear her buddy.” Uzi's smile stretched a mile wide as Tera continued to squeak out his name “En! En! En!” N's tail wagging so fast she was a little concerned he'd loose control of it.
"You're going to make N blow a gasket little one." She booped Tera's visor, making the droneling giggle before looking at her instead.
“Zuh…” Was the next sound out of her mouth, and Uzi's attention was brought back down, that almost sounded like…
“Zi! Zi! Zi!” She squealed, Uzi felt her core break in half as Tera continued on, now alternating between saying her name and N's.
“Oh my robo-god…” She whispered, feeling herself getting choked up, she looked at N again, only to find him with a smile just as big as hers, almost without thinking, she wrapped her hand in his, needing some sort of comfort for the moment.
He didn't pull away, this time and placed one of his hands on her back, both drones melting as Tera continued, although neither quite knowing what to do next…
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ghost-bard · 21 hours
I've had this theory for a while now, and me n my friend (@nightshadetq ) have talked about it a bit as The Magnus Protocol continues, but I really don't think Alice's indifference to the paranormal/statements/cases ect ect is proof that she like. Has no idea what's going on, or will be in for a rude awakening.
[Note: this post is not free from spoilers up to episode 18]
I think she knows a decent amount of what's actually going on, and is trying to protect Sam (or her uninformed coworkers in general) from getting in too deep.
Other than Lena, who I assume has been the boss since Alice arrived, Alice has worked at the OIAR the longest, "nearly a decade" and has consistently told Sam not to look into anything, to not be curious, and to just do his job, and those moments are when she is the most serious, an odd departure from her typical attitude, very likely a coping or defense mechanism (or survival tactic) on her part.
We also have how she and Colin interact, and her conversation with Teddy in the most recent episode (18 as of writing). While yes, her and Colin's unlikely duo could be in part simply a fun dynamic, grumpy/sunshine, whatever, but we also don't really know what has happened within the last near decade of Alice working at the OIAR. The only person Colin likes is Alice, perhaps because she's the only one he trusts, or maybe they went through something together, that's mostly speculation on my part I'll admit.
What's more interesting is Alice and Teddy's conversation, the weight of Alice calling Teddy a liar, her saying to herself for Teddy to "watch himself" because she's worried. I would point out we have no idea how long Teddy worked at the OIAR, though in episode one there's a mention of "another four years" which implies he's worked there about that amount of time, and so Alice had still worked there the longest.
Honestly it would be weird if Alice hadn't seen weird shit pre-canon given how long she's been there, and that despite the jobs turnover rate hasn't quit despite everything, almost like she's obligated, to the job perhaps not, but maybe to the other people working, given we know that people can and have quit. Of course it could also just be the getting a new job is difficult and she has a younger brother to help out occasionally, but truthfully I find it a bit difficult to believe that being the only reason she wouldn't have quit by now.
Also interesting that the only thing Alice said in response to Gwen talking about Mr. Bonzo, where Sam laughs and thinks she's joking, is after she leaves saying "Curiosity will get you killed, best try and ignore it" wherein Alice clowning on Gwen is what I, at the least, would expect in response. Yes, she questions Gwen interacting with monsters, but she doesn't push her to talk about it, and in fact, gave her an out on what the Externals are.
Considering both Gwen and Sam didn't know about them until 1. Gwen asking Lena to let her "in" and getting work about/for the Externals, and 2. Sam just now being informed. Meanwhile Alice has a fake explanation on what they are, providing Sam with said explanation, therefore shielding him from the truth of the matter, and letting Gwen not have to talk about it, only for Gwen to then say what they actually are. So either Alice already knew what an External was, and lives by the "if you don't know about the real goings on nothing will happen to you" deal and tries to act the part herself, or someone who no longer works at the OIAR AND worked with Externals told her that that was what they were, which I'll admit is also a possibility.
There is also her seeing the drowning victim and her reaction to them. Her primary issue as I remember it was the dead body, given how she implies she hadn't seen a dead body since her parents passed. However, her having a negative reaction to a dead body doesn't mean she hasn't seen other freak shit. There is also the option that she lied about not having seen a dead body since her parents, and she (rightfully) still has an averse reaction to them, though I don't necessarily believe this myself, I am presenting it as an option.
Maybe I'm talking out my ass, but I really don't think Alice has completely avoided everything up until now, especially given how weirdly cagey she is about anyone (mainly Sam, but they have a history so maybe she feels responsible for him in some way) getting curious about what they do, or wanting to look into the cases they receive. If she didn't know anything at all, I don't know why she'd care about someone getting curious about their cases, or at least care as much as she seems to.
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nicollekidman · 4 months
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one thing about lyra…. she’s gonna see if he can really kill her and when he does? it Seals The Deal (and resurrects her in more ways than one)
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rucksackmentality · 6 months
List of the truths shared in Nana Morri's Honesty trial (C3E79):
Imogen: I am genuinely scared to meet my mom again.
Laudna: Deep down inside, both Delilah and I want the shard...Fearne should have it, but I don't know anymore what's my opinion or desires or feelings, or hers.
Imogen: I love Laudna deeply but I'm disgusted at the thought of Delilah looking at us all the time.
Orym: I'm super lonely all the time, especially at night. It doesn’t matter if I'm bunking with one of you guys.
FCG: Sometimes I pity some of you because you have beating hearts and opportunities and you don’t do enough with them...Chetney, you have so much love to give and it doesn't seem like you're interested in anything other than wood! There's people out there who you could love and experiences you could share with someone else, but all you care about is wood!
Orym: I've always kind of laughed it off but I guess I do kind of wonder if Chetney is my dad.
Ashton: I am the reason that the Jiana Hexum robbery went fucking wrong, and the reason why I got thrown out of a fucking window.
Fearne: I feel like we’re very ill-equipped for this job and we're going to fail at saving the world. (Laudna: Honestly that's probably true, I'm right there with you.)
Chetney: While wood may be the superior material to metal, I do fear that, with the dwindling interest in it, that children will find my toys - and thereby myself - obsolete every year I grow older.
FCG: I think it's something buried deep down in my circuitry, but every time I hurt or kill something - it feels really good. It makes me sort of relax a little bit and some of my stress goes away.
Imogen: I know we're supposed to save the gods, but I've tried talking to them my whole life and none of them would ever respond. I think I'm tainted. I dont know if I want to save gods that don't love me.
Laudna: You know we could rip-cord out of [saving the world] at any moment...right? And sometimes I fantasize about it all the time.
Fearne: I sometimes do stuff to you guys while you're sleeping - not weird stuff, I just like to look at you closely...and maybe like, twiddle your hair or braid it. Nothing bad!
Ashton: Whenever it starts to get quiet, I start worrying that one of us - most of us - are going to end up killing another one of us accidentally...I have panicked thinking about when one you kills another one of us.
Orym: I have all the faith in the world in you guys...and I have also spent time thinking of how to neutralize each of you.
FCG: I kinda worry that I put all my eggs in the Changebringer basket and she might betray us all. I had a really weird conversation with her and I think she's just out for herself and she might not really care about me - but what if she does? And I'm saying horrible things?
Imogen: Fearne, I was really disappointed in you for running away from your power. You should take the shard!
Orym: I really miss Dorian, and sometimes I think that's okay, and sometimes I think it isn't.
Ashton: I feel fucking worse that I just fucked up Fearne's life way more than mine and I should've died instead of that happening.
Chetney: I grew up in the Bramblewood outside of Westruun, and when I was a kid, I came back from learning how to make toys and found that my whole family had left. All they left behind were toys. They ran when Errevon the Rimelord was running across the plains, and so I'm kind of afraid of dragons. And I had five siblings - Alabaster, Pepper, Sugarplum, Hermey, and Chad - and I was so mad that they left I never looked for any of them, and now I'm pretty sure they're dead. So I think any family I have is just gonna look for a reason to leave me. That's why I don't get attached to anybody.
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callmerainman · 3 months
First Man on the Earth still couldn't hit this | sinner!Adam x fem!sinner!Reader
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pairing. sinner!Adam x fem!sinner!Reader
themes. enemies to lovers, Adam reincarnates as a sinner, Reader is a royal guard.
spoilers! for Hazbin Hotel S1 finale
tw! mentions of sex, suggestive themes in general, the feminism leaving my body as I write for Adam
When Adam came back as a sinner and asked to be redeemed at the Hotel, no one was having that shit lmao.
But, as always, Charlie believes in second chances and it didn't feel right to her to just not let him in.
At only one condition: he would always have to be supervised by you, Lucifer's royal guard.
You were skilfully trained to become a guard at the royal family's services, and Lucifer had just the right mission for you in mind.
You accepted gladly, finally a task that wasn't guarding his rubber ducks.
But then you meet Adam, and you start immediately regretting the ducks.
You both find each other totally INSUFFERABLE.
He hates the idea of someone watching over him, so he lashes at you multiple times a day, as you talk back to him.
"Can't you just not stick your fucking angelic spear in my cereals?"
Despite your hatred for him, you took the mission very seriously and watched over him to check all his moves, just in case he had bad intentions.
But if you could, oh you would have ran away from his repellent presence the second you saw him at the Hotel.
He despises you so much that he doesn't even dare to flirt with you. You heard right. ADAM.
It takes some next level skill to get on his nerves to the point where he doesn't even want to sleep with you. And he remarks it a lot.
You do the same honestly.
"An old hag like you can only DREAM of having a piece of the original dick!"
Your face distorts in disgust "I would rather swallow all of Lucifer's rubber ducks than even think about it!"
At least you agree on something.
So your dynamic mainly consists of fighting, shouting at each other, name calling, pointing at his throat with your spear, Charlie separating you two as soon as you start throwing hands.
Speaking of Charlie, she had some special classes to make you two get along but they made things worse if anything.
One of them lead to the biggest fight you and Adam ever had.
As soon as you both get up to go to your respective rooms, still shouting insults at each other, Angel Dust raises one of his hands.
"Is it me or I sense some unspoken sexual tension?"
Everybody groans in disapproval, but immediately starts placing bets. Angel Dust is the only one who bets that you two will end up fucking.
In your room, you try to cool down but Adam is just making your job impossible. You're in fact fuming just by thinking about him and his stupid pretty face and his way of talking back to you.
Exasperated, you knock at his door, face already hot in anger. You want to set things straight.
As soon as he opens the door and sees you, he's already annoyed.
"You're making my job fucking impossible, you know?! If you really want to redeem yourself maybe you can start collaborating instead of being the most fucking annoying being to ever land in Hell!" you scream, pointing a finger at him.
Adam gets close to your face, towering over you "I'm not the one who asked to have someone fucking glued to my ass, you know?!"
Neither of you noticed your proximity, not until your foreheads were touching and you were breathing heavily against each other's faces, both hot. From anger, or...you know.
And then, something happens.
You both just lean in and kiss.
Oh boy Angel Dust may be onto something.
The moment you and Adam start to make out is the one you realize that all that fighting was your way of denying something that is now obvious.
The magnetic, undeniable sexual tension that wasn't just some weird figment of imagination.
In a matter of seconds you're all over each other and Adam drags you inside his room. You shut the door, just in case.
After you're done you find something else to agree on! 1. Best sex ever 2. No one has to know 3. Never again
You end up having sex again that very same day. And everybody knows because they heard you downstairs. A very lucky day for Angel Dust's finances!
Neither of you knew that the others at the Hotel were aware so you two would try to sneak out to have sex discreetly.
"We'll go upstairs to...uh...FIGHT! You know? Because we always fight! And we're totally not going upstairs to have sex...'cause we would never have sex with each other!"
Except none of that is discreet, you two go absolutely wild at it.
Meanwhile, you and Adam start to open up to each other more, mainly during pillow talk. You find out that you have a common music taste, and humor. Conversations flow so naturally, something that you would have never guessed.
Something blossoms, and you and Adam realize that you are head over heels for each other.
In the end, Charlie brings up to you two that everybody at the Hotel knows that you have been hooking up. On one side, because she's genuinely happy that you two get along in one way or another. Second, Alastor threatened to obliterate you both if you don't stop exposing him to your obscenities.
So you and Adam decide to stop keeping it a secret, to both yourselves and the gang, and officially become a couple.
Let's say that you still are all over him but in a very different way.
The other guests at the Hotel start regretting the times when you two would just shout at each other incoherently.
Lots of PDA, that's the point.
Not in front of Alastor though, you don't want to risk anything.
But what's more redeeming than a really, really, really stupid love?
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Nena V
Barcelona Femení x Child!Reader
Summary: You're sick
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It started with a little cough.
Ingrid didn't really think anything of it. Sometimes, you just had a cough. It wasn't really a big thing which was why she was so happy to leave you in Mapi's company while she went to do some media things.
Only, the cough seemed to be getting worse.
It started out as a little tickle in the back of your throat at breakfast and then got more and more scratchy as time went on. Your head started to pound too and your arms felt all weird and heavy in a way that you had never really experienced before.
"Hey," Mapi said, shaking you lightly," Are you okay?"
You shook your head, eyes squeezing shut. "My throat don' like me, Mapi," You said, squeezing at your neck as if it would help.
You coughed again. Your eyebrows drew together after it took you a while to stop.
From just outside your field of vision, a hand moved until it was pressed against your forehead.
Your frown deepened as you darted your eyes to the side. The hand belonged to Irene. You looked at her.
She was frowning too. "Does it hurt to swallow, Nena?"
You nodded miserably.
"Say aah."
Irene moved closer so she could look in your mouth, frown deepening for a moment before she drew away and nodded.
"You've got a case of tonsillitis there, Nena."
You don't know that word but you nodded because Irene is a mama and mamas know things like this.
"Tonsillitis?!" Mapi exclaimed, her voice going very squeaky," Shit! Is she going to die? Do we need to call an ambulance?!"
Irene rolled her eyes. "She just needs some medicine and for you to calm down. Once Ingrid's back, you can take her home. It's not that serious."
Mapi certainly looked like this was serious. "Does she need them removed?!"
Irene laughed. "Not right now. If it gets worse or keeps happening then yes, maybe, but what she needs now is medicine and some water. Calm down, Mapi."
Mapi took a deep breath before panic flashed on her face. "I don't have kid's medicine!"
"I do." Irene pulled a little bottle out of her bag and shook it. "I was meant to bring it home for Matteo but I'm sure he can share."
You dutifully took the medicine even though it tasted kind of yucky and drank the water Mapi put in front of you.
Breakfast was easy after that but there was separate training for the defenders so Mapi had to hand you off to someone else to watch.
Tia Alexia sat next to you when she took a break from her gym session.
You felt better than earlier but still a little bad.
Tia Alexia checked your temperature like how Irene did and you leaned into her cold hand. She laughed.
"Careful there, Nena," She said," Don't go falling asleep on me."
"'m not sleepin'," You slurred, forcing your eyes open and squinting at her.
"Sure you're not," Alexia said, pushing the hair out of your eyes," But I need those eyes of yours open. Can I check your throat?"
Everyone had been checking your throat now. Irene did it earlier. Mapi did it a lot before she trained. Even Marta and Caro had looked at it for some reason.
It was routine now so you opened your mouth and stuck out your tongue.
Alexia looked inside for a moment, nodding a few times before getting you to drink from your water bottle. She checked your throat again afterwards before she went back to her weights.
She kept looking back at you though, as if to check you hadn't disappeared or anything.
Honestly, you don't think that you have the strength to just up and disappear. You were content to be miserable on the floor with your scratchy throat until your next babysitter came to get you.
You missed Ingrid. You wish she finished her job so she could come and get you. Last year when you had the flu, Ingrid flew all the way back home to make sure you were okay. Mama didn't like that because she thought it was making you co-dependent or something but Ingrid and you didn't care.
Ingrid made the best soup and she had medicine that tasted nice, not like the one that Irene gave you earlier.
"What with the grumpy face, Nena?" Lucy asked as she joined you, poking at your cheek. "Why aren't you smiling?"
"Ingrid's not here," You whined," And I'm sick."
"You're sick? How come?"
"I just am!" As if the punctuate your point, you flew into a big coughing fit.
Lucy looked very worried, flapping her hands about like Mapi did earlier and looking around the room as if someone would save her.
Tia Alexia came back and wedged the straw of your bottle back into your mouth as soon as you finished coughing.
"When is Ingrid done?" She asked as you drank your water," Nena really needs to go home. Some cuddles and a nap would do her wonders."
"She should be done soon," Lucy said," I don't think she knows yet. I can go and check."
"No," Alexia said," I'll send Patri and Pina. You've still got a gym session to get through."
"I can wait with her until Ingrid comes," Lucy insisted, looking down pointedly at you as you began to scratch at your throat again," Do we need to give her more medicine? She looks uncomfortable."
Alexia looked at her watch. "We've still got another two hours before we can give her another dose."
You scratched harder at your throat and Lucy gently took your hand to bring it away. You whined a little, pulling out her grip. She was running warm. You didn't like that. You wish she were cold like Tia Alexia was.
Lucy was like a furnace as she sat next to you and you edged as far away as possible. You tugged at your shirt and kept having to shift around because your clothes were sticking uncomfortably to your skin.
Your throat was getting very scratchy again and you whined.
"Ooh," A new voice said," That doesn't sound very good."
You whined again and raised your arms.
Ingrid picked you up instantly, checking your forehead with the back of her hand and looking down your throat like everyone else had done.
"Irene says there's somethin' wrong with my tonsils," You replied.
Ingrid smiled, pushing your head into her neck. "That's okay," She said," How about we go home? I'll make you some soup and we'll have some cuddles."
"With Bagheera?"
"Yes, with Bagheera."
"Is your Mapi coming?"
"Mapi can come too."
"And I get soup?"
Ingrid laughed. "Yes, you get soup."
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 7 months
Hey I hope you have a great day.
So I just saw the post with the wrath of the creator on Azar and I had an idea.
I am very emotional and I bailed my eyes out when I did the chasm quest with xiao and he nearly died AND I got a sad cutscene of the adepti after so my traveler was just stuck in the dialog with Xiao while I was crying a whole waterfall and sniffing really loudly and the only other quest where I had that was when we were in the chasm with dain and he tells us that the hillichurls are cursed people from Khanri'ah. I stood in front of the corpses and cried heart out.
So I wanted to ask the characters reactions to that. Especially Xiao, the archons we know (because khanri'ah and its destruction is a big thing here) and dainsleif.
I'm sorry this got so long. If you want to change something or want to add someone or take a character out it's okay, this is just my 5 am thought I just had.
Alr, Anon! Coming right up! Imma just focus on the Perilous Quest lol-
Creator Having A Meltdown During Perilous Quest
(Warning: Might Be OOC & Spoilers to the Perilous Archon Quest!)
She wasn't going to lie, she wasn't expecting you to cry your heart out so freely. Raw emotion was hard to come by when people grow. They tend to be more...seclusive, with their emotions.
You, on the other hand, were free-balling it. You did NOT care if people were gonna look at you weird, you are gonna cry because you are sad! And honestly, Yelan's glad that the Almighty Creator is expressive and sentient. It proves just how much you care for the characters.
"It seems the Almighty Creator is far more connected than anyone thought..." She wonders what she can do with this information, but at the same time, keep it under wraps. Letting this information slip into the wrong hands was always dangerous.
She wouldn't gamble your safety. Never. Safe to say Yelan's got you covered.
Woah, woah! He did not expect you, the Almighty Creator, to be crying their eyes out the moment he wakes up from passing out and all that—what he miss? What happened while he was sleeping?
Wait, they're not in the Chasm anymore? Oh Archons, someone just tell him what happened! Why the heck is the Creator balling his eyes out?
"Huh—? What's going on? We're out of the chasm?" Poor guy is so oblivious, and no one's bothering to fill him in—at least, at the moment.
He'll pester Shinobu about this later. Just, someone, stop the Creator from crying! Those are sad tunes, not something you want to hear when you should be celebrating about leaving that gloomy place!
She was NOT expecting you to be this emotional! Yanfei feels a little guilty not being able to do anything about it, to be honest...
She has to resist the urge to shake Xiao out of his stupor, because a) that was unprofessional, b) she's more relieved than anything, and c) Yanfei wasn't sure if you, the Creator, would think she was okay if she started acting out like that.
So, instead, she tries to ground herself, and do her best to make sure that the situation is fine, and that everything will be okay. That's the least she can do to reassure you, and everyone else, right?
"Hopefully, Their Grace will stop those tears...Hearing them sad makes me feel sad..." As a lawyer, Yanfei knows how to sympathize with her clients. This, however, felt like she could really understand what you were going through—there was a bond between you and everyone.
She doesn't want to make you sad. That's one thing for sure. Yanfei wouldn't be able to sleep out of guilt otherwise.
She wasn't expecting you to be crying your heart out, but she loves how sentient you are. It shows just how you truly care about Xiao, and about everyone.
She really appreciates you. She can see how you connect with every character—how you cheer with everyone, cherish the moment with everyone, rejoice, and mourn. This was visible proof of it all.
"Hm...How should we comfort Their Grace..." Shinobu wants to do something—for the sake of the gang's gratitude for their Almighty Creator. And everyone here as well.
You contributed much of yourself for them. For that, she's grateful.
She'll have to explain to Boss later...but that's besides the point right now.
He feels guilty for making you cry. He heard you call out his name several many times. He hears how you ball your eyes out, thinking you were gonna lose him, only for Rex Lapis to save him just in time.
He doesn't know if the Lord of Geo heard your divine prayers, or if he went on his own accord, but he feels guilty. He placed a heavy burden on you. He didn't mean to.
"How should I make it up to Their Grace..." He listens to how you scream and cry (out of joy now) that he was alive. You, the Almighty Creator, already connected yourself to someone like him. Your bond was too severe, and he tried to cut it off.
But the way the Traveler is smiling at them with a reassuring smile, Xiao wonders if he will be forgiven. Perhaps far quicker than he imagined.
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Ghost Rebel Side Notes: This honestly feels too OOC—I don't really know Yelan's personality all that well, and honestly I don't think I caught the full potential of Yanfei, Itto, and Shinobu. I do hope you enjoyed this, but I'm also sorry if this came out disappointing.
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juicyc0utur3 · 2 months
This might sound weird but like can you do Rodrick Heffley NSFW alphabet?
omg ofc
sorry this took so long i’ve had this in the drafts since last year 😭
warnings: smut, biting, cockwarming
nsfw under the cut
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a (aftercare)
he’s heavy on aftercare, always getting you water and giving you baths and giving lots of kisses
b (body parts)
i think his favorite body part of his is his hands, he has really hot hands and he loves what he can do with them wink wink
his favorite part of yours would be your neck and stomach, loves leaving hickies and kisses and bites etc etc
c (cum)
he’s very messy with his cum, and loves when you guys are close and he asks you where you want it and you say some body part and the image of that gets him closer
d (dirty secret?)
fem - has never tried it but is into the idea of you wearing a strap
male - thinks about subbing very often
e (experience? do they still have a card?)
i don’t see him as experienced but he has had sex
like he’s lost his v card but you’re the first person it actually feels good to do it with, mental wise
f (fav position?)
he loves loves LOVES it when you ride him cowgirl style, but is honestly good w anything as long as he’s getting laid
g (goofy, how serious or unserious are they?)
depends on the day but he’s normally a pretty good balance
like he’s serious but if something funny happens you guys both laugh about it together and it’s rlly sweet
h (hair, do the carpets match the drapes?)
carpet matches w little to no difference, maybe a bit darker down there
but he normally looks very neat when you guys do it, unless it was unexpected
i (intimacy, how do they act in the moment?)
he’s honestly very sweetie pie, just takes his time and looks at you like you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him(bc you are)
j (jack off)
a shit ton. i won’t elaborate, use your imagination
k (kinks)
cockwarming, bodyworshipping on a blue moon, can’t think of much else tho
this man is the embodiment of vanilla ice cream
l (location, where do you guys get it on the most)
in either of you guys’ beds, or the family bathroom of a close store every now and then
n (no, anything he wouldn’t be into at all?)
spanking, js doesn’t seem like the type
oh also somnophilia, if he fucked you so hard you fell asleep he would probably be terrified
o (into oral? giving or receiving?)
eats pussy/gives head like a champ but is probs more into recieving
loves seeing you look up at him with his dick in your mouth
p (pace, fast or slow?)
again it depends, but probs fast
q (quickies, are they into it?)
yes but it depends on where you guys are
w (wild card)
yk how in cockwarming, the dude w the penetrating cock is normally in control? not for this guy LMAO
you’re sitting on his lap with his cock between your legs and denying him permission to come, while he’s doing whatever else like video games, drumming etc
x (x-ray, what’s going on on under those clothes)
7 1/2 inches, circumcised, veers to the right a bit
his confidence is placed well
y (yearning, how often do they want it?)
this man is up for it absolutely anything
jacks off maybe a few times a week, has a slightly above average sex drive
z (how fast to they go to sleep?)
depends on when tbh
like if it’s at night he’s probably out in the span of like ten minutes, but during the day he may js want cuddles
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emeraldkniight · 3 months
hi! this is my first time seeing your page, and let me tell you that I'm in love! I saw that your requests were open so, I decided to give it a try and ask... could you by any chance make a fem! reader x dick grayson os, where he and reader are both apart of the tt? they are both in love with each other but, reader thinks he likes starfire and he thinks that she likes cyborg, or even beast boy or aqualad? whatever happens next I leave it up to you. thanks in advance! <3
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— 𝓘 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐡𝐞 𝐤𝐧𝐨𝐰𝐬 ☆ !! eng.
dick grayson x fem!reader
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀. . . drabble. sexual tension, very slight smut, the writer trying to write smut when she is terribly bad at it. kisses, fingering, shower sex?
𝗰𝗼𝗽𝘆𝗿𝗶𝗴𝗵𝘁. . . no copying of my work is allowed. Free translation is allowed as long as I am credited.
𝗹𝗮𝗻𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗴𝗲. . . as I said in my other posts, English is not my first language. I have tried to make corrections with the translator, but as you all know, it is prone to making mistakes, so I apologize in advance for any mistakes or if anything sounds weird.
𝗻𝗼𝘁𝗲. . . Omg, the first request about my Dick. I couldn’t be more happier. I didn’t want to write an explicit smut because you didn’t ask me to, but I think that it was necessary to add a little bit of it like a personal touch. I hope you like it <3
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You thought he knew. You had a hunch that he suspected that you were in love with him. Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
Ever since you joined the Teen Titans, Dick has been a sidekick that every hero, and even villains, would want on their team. However, Dick managed to be more than just an ally to you; he was the closest thing you had to a friend. The dilemma arose when you realized that the term "friend" was not what you and he wanted to use to refer to your relationship.
Honestly, you were so in love with Dick that you couldn't stand it. There was only one problem: You suspected that he didn't feel the same way about you.
You couldn't help but think that the unrequited attraction for you was directed at Starfire. It wasn't hard to deduce that the two of them were deeply in love. And with a girl as beautiful as Kory, would you have a chance to compete?
Getting used to the idea of unrequited love was not difficult. What was really complicated was getting used to being in the same room as your crush and not feeling like your heart wanted to burst out of your chest. It was something you had to deal with every time you spent time together. Therefore, it was a nightmare to practice alone with Dick and risk an embarrassing tragedy because of your feelings for him.
At that moment, your nightmare had become reality. As he climbed on top of you, your cheeks burned so hot that you couldn't even look him in the eye without feeling embarrassed. You knew he knew. What you didn't know was that he felt the same way about you.
Just as he was convinced that you felt some sort of attraction to Beast Boy, just as you believed that he was in love with Kory.
—You can let go now — You said after Dick had been on top of you for several minutes, watching you.
— I can, but I don't want to — He pressed his face into yours, feigning a false innocence in his smile.
A rush of adrenaline coursed through your body after he took that provocative stance.
—Don't play games, Dick. What are we going to do if your girlfriend sees you?
— What are you talking about, y/n? I don't have a girlfriend. — He replied as he stood up. — I should have known that this would make you feel uncomfortable.
— What do you mean?
— We've known each other for some time now. It's not hard to figure out that you're in love with Garfield.
For a moment, you both looked at each other without fully understanding what was going on.
— I think there's been a misunderstanding. Aren't you in love with Kory?
— And aren't you in love with Garfield?
— Where did you get that? - You asked him as if he had just said the dumbest thing in the world.
— And where did you get the idea that I'm in love with Kory?
The atmosphere became uncomfortably thick. There was a short period of silence in which you did nothing but look at each other. Your heart was beating again, only this time as if it had never beaten before. Maybe you were confused, maybe he was taking advantage of the situation, and honestly, you couldn't understand anything.
Unfortunately, just when you felt that everything was finally becoming clear, you were interrupted to go on a mission. This meant that they did not talk to each other for a few hours, or even a whole day. This caused you to have so many thoughts at night that you could not sleep.
You were almost drowning in your pillow when you finally got the idea to go down to the basement to entertain yourself. You could probably watch a movie or do something relaxing. The problem was that Dick was in the same situation you were. So when you walked through the door of the gym, the first thing you saw was him lifting weights.
— Don't you sleep? — You asked him.
— I could ask you the same thing. — He smiled at you.
You admired how his smile had the ability to lighten things.
— We need to talk. You know that, don't you?
You swallowed hard. It was hard to concentrate. His physical attractiveness kept you from thinking clearly, from doing simple tasks. Especially when he was exercising; with his messy hair, the beads of sweat dripping down his face, and his abs showing through his sweatshirt. Was it an exaggeration to say that he was the most handsome man you'd ever seen? No, next question.
Sometimes you think it would be easier if he just pushed you into the shower and...
— I‘m in love with you.
What? Did he really say what you thought he said?
You couldn't believe in the truth of his words. You thought he was just playing with you, that it was just a joke that he would use later to laugh at how naive you were to think he had feelings for you. Although you didn't know if Dick was capable of such cruelty, you also didn't know how much sincerity there was in his words.
— Are you in love with me? — you asked again.
— Yes, that's what I said.
Those moments passed so slowly that you didn't notice when you were pressed against the wall with him on top of you, so close you couldn't breathe.
— And you like me?
The corner of his beautiful lips brushed against yours. His minty breath was there every time he spoke. Your heart responded, but your mouth remained closed for a moment.
— Mm? — He murmured, insisting on an answer.
— Either you are a very bad detective or you are very blind.
Maybe minutes, maybe hours had passed, but you could tell when the water started to rain down on your shoulders. When Dick kissed you in the shower and you barely noticed that your wet clothes felt so heavy that you had to take them off.
Fortunately for you, Dick Grayson unclothed and wet was much more attractive than his clothed and dry counterpart. You were surprised because you thought it was impossible to find a more attractive version of him than the original.
His kisses spread over every inch of your lips, devouring you completely. His wet tongue crashed against every part of your mouth, making you feel more and more sensitive and wet in the space between your legs. A space that was filled with his huge hand that was enough to wander around to caress every inch of your sensitivity.
—You love this, don't you, baby? Look at you, I barely touch you and you're dripping all over my hand.
Of course you loved it.
Even when he asked, you thought he definitely knew the answer.
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anistarrose · 1 month
taz balance one-shot recs!
I've been meaning to make this post for a while now, so here we are! The majority of these are from the past three years or so, because I love a fandom classic as much as anyone, but I particularly want to shine a light on some gems from after the peak of traffic in the fandom tags! There are of course also exceptions that are older, though.
Also, April 19th-21st are Just Leave a Comment Fest, so please show these authors some love!! They're all so deserving!
a recipe for home by @journalofimprobablethings: Taako tries to cook for the first time since Glamour Springs. When things go awry, Lucretia is there to lend a hand.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia), 3.5k. Early B.O.B. era hurt/comfort centered around cooking, with a delicious dollop of sentimentality and dramatic irony on top.
Seven Times Magnus Burnsides Gave Someone A Hug + One Time He Received One by @barry-j-blupjeans: Magnus wasn't really any good at— at words. He was more of an action man. Or, y'know, a "I'll take this hit so you don't have to" man. Talking to someone about their feelings was all kinds of weird, so usually he just left the space for someone else to talk. And, well... Magnus wasn't good at words. But there's a few different ways to get his support across.
Mostly gen with some Magnulia, 8.6k. You've all heard of the classic 5 Plus 1, but obviously Magnus deserves a 7 Plus 1! I don't know how to describe it without spoilers other than being full of incredibly sweet, gentle takes on so many fraught or bittersweet moments. Super underrated, do give it a read.
Embrace the Dark by @ceilingfan5: Bookstore coworkers Kravitz and Taako get more than they bargained for when Taako tries to use his powers to fix Kravitz's migraine. But it's okay--it's an excuse for them to spend time together until one of them can nut up and ask the other out.
Taakitz, 8.9k. Modern with Superpowers AU! Super sweet interactions between Kravitz and Taako, paired with lots of fun background worldbuilding. And, of course, a very special grilled cheese sandwich.
Break This Heavy Chain by Punka_Writes: In the immediate aftermath of Story and Song, Barry Bluejeans could really use a hug.
Blupjeans and misc. platonic interactions, 2.3k. The absolute epitome of comfort food in written form, with excellent Barry characterization (and of course, he does get that hug)!
birds of a feather steal sweaters together by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: When you're a big, burly guy it seems that your clothes just become free reign for all your friends. Normally Magnus is a reasonable guy, but everyone has their limits.
Gen (IPRE crew), 1.9k. Starblaster era fluff! Everyone is written absolutely delightfully, and every time I read it I snort out loud at least twice.
Security by @ceilingfan5: Barry has finally made it--his incredible scientific discovery has landed him a huge fortune...and a lot of problems. The only good thing that's come of it, honestly, has been his bodyguard, Lup. (And the science. That's good also.) He's just gotta stay normal about how nice it is to have someone like Lup around, and also not perish by way of press circuit, and everything will be fine.
Blupjeans, 6k. Modern with magic AU from Barry's POV, featuring equal parts anxiety and pining. Also, it's straight-up extremely funny.
Lonesome Dreams by @jerreeeeeee: Taako wakes up one morning from a nightmare, fast fading. There was a guy in glasses, and they were… somewhere high up? Something terrible happened, but he doesn’t remember. He wakes up in a wagon he’s never seen before, but it has his name on it. There’s tons of food inside, more than he’d be able to afford. And he’s alone. Thinking back to the last thing he remembers is difficult. College? No, he’d graduated. Top of his class, obviously, he remembers that. But what- what happened after? Where is Lup?
Gen (Taako & Lup), 10.2k. Everything starts out the same, except Taako remembers Lup, even if not how she went missing, and it's incredibly underrated and full of phenomenal characterization. I won't spoil how things shake out, but it's a great emotional ride and I genuinely reread it all the time.
it's my party and I'll mope if I want to by @holdmecloser-gandydancer: Taako's birthday is just another Thursday. A detective and an old friend have a different idea.
Gen (Taako & Lucretia & Angus), 2.1k. Short and so sweet! Fics about voidfished!Taako's birthday never get old, and this is one of my absolute favorites. Nailing the angst-to-wholesome ratio.
Tedious Familiarity by @barry-j-blupjeans: Déjà vu. Noun. A feeling of having already experienced the present situation. A tedious familiarity. Barry Bluejeans woke up in a cave, fresh out of a pod filled with green goop, and saddled with an unsettling feeling that he had been here before. If you had asked forty-year-old Barry if he would follow instructions left by a talking coin, he probably would have asked you what type of drugs you were on. But, y’know, fifty… two? Fifty-one? How old was he? Fifty-two sounded right. But, y’know, fifty-two years old Barry didn’t really have that many other places to turn, so this couldn't be all that bad.
Gen, 4.1k. Missing scenes based off Barry's decade alone, written in such an effective style, where all the little details truly make it. Mandatory reading for fellow Barry angst enjoyers.
Angus McDonald and the Wonderland Escape Rooms by coppersunshine: When Angus gets grounded from detecting, to keep his skills sharp he becomes a patron of the Wonderland Escape rooms, run by Edward and Lydia, who quickly decide he's their new nemesis. To their surprise, Angus and the collection of weird adults he's accompanied by decide otherwise.
Gen (Angus & Edward & Lydia), 7k. Modern with magic AU, putting Edward and Lydia in the absolute funniest possible job, at which a little boy detective torments... and maybe, even gives them a chance to turn over a new leaf. I am of the opinion that Angus and the Wonderland twins have a criminally underexplored dynamic, and this fic gave me everything I wanted.
If the Sun and Moon Should Doubt by Punka_Writes: Merle Highchurch, on the brink of a bad decision.
Gen, 1.6k. Merle character study immediately before running out on his marriage. Truly the incredible characterization that Merle deserves; this was a fic that really ignited my love for him.
Greensleeves by @sgrumby: Kravitz has never seen a lich like this before, and he's seen a lot of liches. Merle is just trying to save the universe, thanks very much.
Gen (Kravitz & Merle), 2.2k. A unique and also absolutely genius Lich!Merle AU where Kravitz inevitably comes after him, and Merle is... well, the Peacemaker, of course!
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sommerregenjuniluft · 6 months
@jegulus-microfic december 14 - stare - 2127 words (i apologise)
aka the Hogwarts School charmed mistletoe predicament
The first time it happens it’s truly purely by accident.
Regulus is walking back from the library, exhausted and sleep sluggish. It’s certainly close to curfew again or else Ms. Pince wouldn’t have woken him where he’d fallen asleep over his 3 feet parchment of Potions essay.
He’s barely keeping his eyes open, cozily buried in an extra cloak, imbedded with a heating charm and books hugged closely to his chest when he rounds a corner and runs directly into something.
Someone, Regulus realizes, as deft arms wrap around him to keep them upright.
The collision had shook most of Regulus’ slumber out of him and they only stagger for another moment, bodies pressed together before Regulus is about to pull his wand and tell this unattentive, idiot berk of a human being what he thinks of people that can’t keep their fucking hands to themsel—
“Shit, sorry- I’m sorry, did I—” and oh, Regulus knows that voice. Would recognise that scent of broom polish, citrus, spice and boy anywhere. James’ atrocious mess of a hair is tickling Regulus’ temples and the older boy is speaking again before he’s even entirely reared back to blink him into focus. Just the three soft syllables of his name whispered against the shell of Regulus’ ear. 
And only then does James Potter take a half step back and pull to his full height, beaming down at Regulus with his stupid dimpled grin and his stupid round glasses that rest always just a smidge crookedly on his big nose.
“Hi Regulus,” and fuck James, honestly. Fuck him and then fuck him some more for the way the words drip like molten honey from his tongue and send a shiver racing down Regulus’ spine.
That’s when Regulus notices James’ hands still being wound around his waist. “Potter,” he says pointedly with a look between them.
All it does though is make James’ eyes droop and his grin tug into a lopsided smirk. 
Regulus rolls his eyes and sets onto just striding past James when he feels his feet eerily unable to move.
He looks down in confusion, tries again to shuffle his feet and take a step in any direction, unsuccessful. 
When Regulus’ head snaps back up to scowl at James this one is regarding Regulus’ predicament with a lax jaw, lips parted.
“Unstick the bloody charm, James, before I hex your kneecaps away,” Regulus threatens, wand pointed at James’ broad chest. He’s only wearing a T-shirt, the nutter. It’s freezing!
James, in a very unimpressed manner, simply bats the wand away gently and then does something weird with his knees and hips, twisting and turning.
Regulus watches this foolery for about 15 seconds before he’s done with it. “What in Merlin’s name do you think you’re achieving here?”
“Wha– Did you just shush me?” a humorless laugh tumbles out of Regulus. He might be a little sleep deprived. “Oh, you must be fucking joki—”
Regulus breaks off into an incredulous noise when James clamps a palm over Regulus mouth to shut him up as he tips his head back to stare at the ceiling.
The wood of his wand is searing in Regulus’ palm, itching him to use it but he can’t quite help himself when his gaze follows James’.
Above their heads are the usual wall torches, adorned by greenery and Christmas decorations in all kinds of forms and house colors. There’s a little bow of green silver and red and golden tull adorned in these particular fir twigs. 
Though when Regulus blinks the adornment a little sharper into focus he realizes that they’re actually two.
The second one floating just shy of the sprigs wreath and oh, no.
Regulus recognises the white little berries. The dull, tear-shaped leaves where it floats right above their heads.
Oh, Merlin, please don’t let it be-
“A charmed mistletoe,” James confirms, voice husky.
Regulus’ eyes widen and when his chin drops down James’ chocolate brown eyes are already there, right in front of him. Bright and glinting a little in the flickering light before the skin around the corners crinkle in a sickeningly adorable way when he erupts into an enormous smile.
“No,” Regulus says, shaking his head. “No.”
James, the bastard, huffs a laugh, frame shaking with it. Completely at ease apparently.
“Regs,” James tries, tone placating.
“Nope, nah-uh– Non.”
“Resorting to French, are we?”
“Not in a million lifetimes, Potter.”
“Reg, love—”
“No, I- how would we even- fuck, merde. Je n’arrive pas à y croire—”
“Regulus.” Broad hands circling his waist again. 
Regulus is momentarily startled into silence by the contact.
“It won’t let us move until we kiss in any form, I’ve seen it happen just this morning,” James says, voice low and honest. Before he adds in a grumble, “Made us late to Transfiguration third period when Sirius refused to let Remus give a Ravenclaw sixth year a little peck.”
Regulus is going to scream.
Instead, he punches James in his stomach with his free hand.
The older boy grunts, hand wrapping around Regulus’ wrist as if to confiscate it. “Easy there, now,” he presses out between gritted teeth, tone low and warning.
A frustrated noise rips from Regulus’ throat as he feels himself flush, boring a hole into the air above James’ shoulder with his eyes. Oh, this can’t be happening. Why must these things always happen to Regulus?
“What were you even doing down here?” Regulus asks, incredulously. 
“Snack duty,” James shrugs—the way his pecs and shoulders are stretching the thin cotton is bordering on indecent, “Know a shortcut or two into the kitchens.”
He’s still holding onto Regulus’ wrist, now carefully caressing the pad of his thumb there in small circles that do little to slowen Regulus’ rabbiting heartbeat.
Regulus sighs explosively and then promptly raises their joined hands up to James’ face, his knuckles up.
“‘Here’ what?”
Regulus jabs his slack hand more pointedly in front of James’ nose.
James gives him a look that’s equally fond as it is patronizing, “That won’t do.”
“How would you know?”
“Because I saw,” James snarks back. “Remember, I told you? This morning. Pads throwing a tantrum. Jingle any bells?”
Regulus growls in the back of his throat, “Try anyways.”
And yeah, that was probably the wrong thing to say. A mistake. 
Regulus swallows hard, wishes he would chew the words back. But it’s already too late.
“Oh?” James makes, a satisfied little smile on his lips. Momentarily digging his teeth into his lower one before he adjusts his hold around Regulus’ hand.
Fingers sliding down until their encircling his and his thumb brushing over the bony length of Regulus thin fingers there too.
His gaze unrelenting, unblinking as he lifts Regulus and gives him a small kiss on his knuckles. Chaste, unlingering but warm. Warm and so, so soft. Very pleasant.
With that thought Regulus immediately rips his hand back, flight kicking in. Although he doesn’t come very far when he realizes he’s still unable to move his feet.
Still stuck.
Regulus feels a vein throbbing in his forehead.
James sighs across from him. “It has to be somewhere on the face.”
Regulus balks.
James rolls his eyes. “C’mon Regs, the cheek? Isn’t that how French people greet each other anyways?” His brown eyes regard him a little pleadingly. Always so honest and eager and true.
“Fine,” Regulus presses out, absently biting on the inside of his lower lip. “Just the cheek.”
James nods, raising his hands to presumably pull Regulus’ closer.
Regulus bats them away with his books but before James can do more than raise his eyebrows impatiently he grumbles, “I’ll do it.”
James lips part around a silent oh and then he blinks a little stupidly at Regulus. Like a slow owl that’s flown into one too many windows or something. Regulus wants to squeeze him to death.
And then the urge to hit him overcomes that again when he can see James’ lips twitching with a terribly badly suppressed grin.
So Regulus punches him in the shoulder for good measure before he sets his hand down there on the juncture of James’ neck muscles. He’s warm under Regulus’ touch, despite the thin clothing, and he allows himself one last glance into those doe eyes before he lifts slightly onto his toes and sways in.
James’ scent is even stronger there, and Regulus is a little confused for a second when a wave of mint and something sweet and tangy hits his nose. James’ soap, perhaps?
Regulus doesn’t know how much time has gone by yet with them standing so close, and that’s dangerous. He focuses back on the task at hand, mapping out the appropriate patch of skin to place his lips. Merlin, this is bonkers. 
There’s a faint shadow of short stubble along the hinge of James’ jaw and up into his hairline. A pair of dark freckles just past that, right under the jut of his cheekbone. That’ll do.
Regulus takes a steadying breath and leans in.
The skin there is warm too as Regulus brushes his mouth against it. Warm and alive and making his lips tingle with it. Just the tiniest press, barely making a sound and Regulus has to work hard to extract himself from James’ orbit. The smell, the warmth of him almost like a magnetic pull to Regulus’ fingers, his lips, his chest. 
James is gazing at him a little drunkenly when Regulus pulls back again.
“Again,” he rasps.
Regulus cocks his head, scowling at him as he strangles the books to his chest, clutching at them like a lifeline before he makes to leave.
Unsuccessful. What?
“I’m sorry, bad joke,” James amends quickly, taking a half step to the side, “But don’t already leave ag—”
“James,” Regulus cuts him off. 
“Why don’t you join me on the way to the kitc—”
The older boy shuts up.
“Why were you able to step aside when I still can’t?”
A crease forms between James’ thick eyebrows, “Er–”
“Why can you move?” Regulus asks again, baffled. To drive his point home he nudges James, prompting him to take another step.
James looks back at him with big eyes before his features erupt into a gleeful smile. He chuckles a little disbelievingly and then steps in again.
Regulus instantly fixes him with a narrow eyed glare.
James really leans in, moving slowly to cup Regulus’ face. Slow enough for Regulus to bat him away again. He doesn’t this time.
“Because I haven’t fulfilled my part of the equation yet.”
It’s spoken so softly in the small space between them that it doesn’t even cross Regulus’ mind to do anything besides give a tiny nod and then tilt his head to the side accommodatingly.
There’s shaky breath over his lower face, minty, and then James physically angles his face how he needs him. A smidge more to the side and his thumb guiding him beautifully by the chin. Body warmth radiating off him and reaching Regulus anywhere he isn’t shielded by his books. And then it’s the press of even warmer lips on the center of his cheek. Long and sweet, not firm but not shy either. A prickle of facial hair, just a hint of it. And the spice of him again as James keeps his lips pressed against his damn cheek and Regulus stares unseeingly over his shoulder, fingers nearly cramping in their grip.
The pressure lifts gradually at some point and when James pulls back his lips ghost over Regulus’ skin up until the corner of his mouth and for an insane moment Regulus thinks James is going to turn his head and kiss him on the mouth too.
There’s a second of damp breath spilling over Regulus’ parted lips that he’s not entirely sure he imagined and then the barely there touch is gone.
Regulus swallows heavily, nearly chokes on it, a strangled sound escaping him when he tries clearing his throat.
James’ lips twitch onto a sweet little smile, like he’s just so happy about all of this and if Regulus’ legs weren’t seconds from giving out he’d kick him in the shins.
His gaze is even droopier now and he’s not really meeting Regulus’ eyes. Fixated on a spot just a little lower and when Regulus licks his lips—simply a nervous habit, no intention behind the action—he sways dangerously in again.
Regulus takes an instinctive step back, a breath of relief spilling out of him at the fact that he’s able to again. “Don’t get any ideas now, Potter,” he adds, if a little shakily.
“Mm, that’s already too late, I’m afraid.”
“Think I just found my Christmas sweetheart, actually,” James calls after him, grin evident in his voice.
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ironunderstands · 13 days
I've seen some people mention that at the end cutscene of 2.2, while everyone else in the dreamscape looks to be waking up/seems dazed, Ratio looks composed????? Like this is a normal Tuesday and said people said "what if he's been awake from the Order dream for actually a while lol"
Thoughts, o Aeon of Reading Comprehension?
Knowing Ratio, yeah, he probably figured out he was in a dream pretty quickly, perhaps even as early as 2.2.
There are two things that confuse this though:
It doesn’t linearly become Ena’s dream, there’s no specific moment in time where everything is no longer reality. Rather, the entirety of Penacony is slowly falling into the dream, with people like the Trailblazer going in first because of their sensitivity to Memoria. Honestly the Ena’s dream thing is very confusing, but what I’m trying to say is that it’s difficult to pinpoint when exactly Ratio woke up, but we can make a few assumptions
We just don’t see shit from Ratio’s end like, at all. The amount of screentime he has versus his importance in the story is nuts, to the point where I think they are almost deliberately hiding what went down on his end. Like bro how did you figure out Dormancy, what happened 😭
However, even with these limitations I still have somewhat of an idea of what I think happened.
The Ratio we meet next to Aventurine and Topaz following our “defeat” of Sunday likely isn’t the real Dr. Ratio. Because well, look at him. And look at them for that matter 😭 “The IPC is going to leave Penacony alone” “I Veritas Ratio am working with the Genius Society” this seems more like wishful thinking on the Trailblazer’s end rather than something that could ever happen in reality, especially since in what universe would Ratio find the time to somehow convince and work with the Genius Society on a topic neither he nor they would care about.
Moreover, this scene is also meant to make the audience go “hmm, something’s up” so the twist that it was all a dream had more impact. However, in that scene, Himeko and Welt also comment on how weird their behavior is, which makes me wonder. Were Himeko and Welt (and by extension Dan Heng and March) also experiencing the same dream as TB, or are they also fake, and TB’s closer relationship with the other members of the Astral Express makes them more realistic in Ena’s dream, objecting to the IP3’s behavior in a way they would in reality?
Anyways, tangent over, the point is, that Ratio wasn’t real, so where is the real Ratio? I’d say he’s experiencing a perfect dream of his own, just like everyone else on Penacony.
Which is why he woke up so early. Sure, the memokeepers could have sensed he was useful and woke him up so he could help wake others up, something which we can assume he’s doing based on the singular frame he gets in that cutscene.
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Just based on vibes, it looks like he just helped those two people in the back wake up, and now he stands up to look at the Hunt arrows/stars/meteors? Shooting across the sky.
However, I want to entertain the idea that Ratio woke up on his own, because realistically, he 100% could.
Ena’s dream, and well, Penacony in general offers a perfect reality, and that’s not something Ratio believes in. He would immediately notice everything is too good to be true, and that would cause the dream to fall apart. Interestingly, Ena’s dream also seems to tailor itself to the individual, so what would be too perfect for Ratio to ever believe it could happen in reality?
I’m sure you have already guessed the answer.
How was it, Veritas Ratio? Having the thing that unraveled your dream be the one thing you have wanted all your life? How does it feel, knowing that being acknowledged by Nous is something that could never happen to you in reality?
How was it?
I still think it could have happened in other ways, or maybe he avoided falling into the dream in the first place somehow, but ultimately, I prefer my idea the most.
I hope this satisfies your question
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ticklinglady · 1 year
The Guild's actions during the story are so insane, when you think about them properly, you know? When I first read the arc with them, this moment hasn't really occurred to me, as I was too busy going nuts over finally seeing the names of the familiar writers, but now when I think of that... I am not sure, I comprehend how they managed to achieve such a ferocious reputation. I have already made a little post about how extremely dysfunctional the DOA members are, but at least those guys have a plan, which actually makes sense more or less, even despite the gang using cheatcodes/the Book. The same cannot be said of the Guild however archghhjkn. Like, what the hell were these guys even doing??? XD
So here are just some moments, which weirded me out the most
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At first I'd like to address the entire story with everyone's favorite tsundere, Lucy Maud Montgomery. Her introduction leaves quuuuite an impression in the best way and nothing makes me happier than the fact, that she gets a chance to find happiness in the following chapters and actually becomes a reoccurring character! HOWEVER, her entire involvement with the Guild is super odd... I still can't wrap my head around her getting fired. She is a girl with a hella powerful ability, who got taken to the Guild from a terrible, terrible orphanage in order to fight for them in the war for the Book, so not only is she very strong, but she's also immensely dependant on the organisation and wouldn't do anything outside of its interests. Yet Lucy is also put under extreme pressure. As she herself puts it, the Guild doesn't tolerate failures and will kick her out the moment she screws something up.
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Later we see that this is exactly what happens, when she messes up her first mission. Fitzgerald himself confirms that, since she failed and revealed her ability to the enemies, she's no longer useful, so now a powerful esper, like Lucy works for free as a... laundress?
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Let's be real, these dudes were successful like only once or twice...
This fact not only makes Fitzgerald look like an idiot for wasting such a talented and useful worker, because of one mistake, but also as one hell of a hypocrite, cause he is more than fine with everyone else fucking up. And in case of Lovecraft and Steinbeck: fucking up twice. To add to the oddity, we later learn, that Louisa genuinely cares for Lucy and despite her social anxiety actually stood up for her during the entire story, but even that wasn't enough to change Fitzgerald's mind on the issue, though Louisa is one of the few people, whose opinion he respects. Honestly, this is such a waste of a truly useful subordinate. And speaking of which....
The Guild has never even tried to implement Edgar Allan Poe during the war...
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This man is actually rather op when you think of it. He can capture and neutralise literally any ability user in Yokohama (besides Dazai, Mori and Ranpo ofc) just by throwing a book at them. Seriously, as we see with Chuuya, they don't even have to read it, they just need to see the pages. Plus the book can be actually sent via email!!! So why has there been an absolute zero amount of strategies with the use of this ability??? They could actually try to catch Atsushi by sending him such email containing any of Poe's mystery stories and then safely carry him back to their base. And it doesn't have to be just Atsushi, it could be literally any of their enemies. Non-combatant, like Ranpo could use this pretty damn well to his advantage and it doesn't take a genius to understand the potential of the "Black Cat in Rue Morgue". But nooooo, it seems like everyone has just forgotten of Poe!!! (Tho to be honest, I can actually see this situation in a funny extra awfgbfggfjj. Not the main story however) The agency would never even learn of his existence, if he didn't personally decide to try to fuck Ranpo's life up. Like, what does Poe even do in the Guild? He's the master architect and, according to him, the third ranking man in the organization, but we never see him be of any use, so Idk. 🤷🏻‍♀️ Lucy at least got to do something, unlike this poor man.
Then there's the entire drama with the Guild's decision to destroy Yokohama. Where do I even begin...
First of all, Fitzgerald has no way of knowing that Atsushi is going to come to Moby-Dick to fight him. Poor guy is the Guild's primary goal and has already gotten himself captured once, so it would have been safe to assume that the ADA decided to hide him somewhere and not send him on any dangerous missions for the time being. That basically means Fitzgerald could have burned down not just Yokohama, but also the only person, who could actually help him find his precious Book.
But if we're to ignore this, let's also go with Wikipedia then~
"Yokohama is the second-largest city in Japan by population and the most populous municipality of Japan. It is the capital city and the most populous city in Kanagawa Prefecture, with a 2020 population of 3.8 million. It lies on Tokyo Bay, south of Tokyo, in the Kantō region of the main island of Honshu. Yokohama is also the major economic, cultural, and commercial hub of the Greater Tokyo Area along the Keihin Industrial Zone."
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Good luck making up for the destruction of THIS, Fitzgerald 🖕
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And if this in itself wasn't bad enough, most people, including me, tend to forget that all Guild members are actually big shots in the American government, which I think is very sad. Because first of all, can you imagine any of the Guild members actually working as politicians?!! The sheer idea makes me hysterical avshbgj. Like, just consider Lovecraft working as a senator or something. This eldritch horror of a man leaves the ocean once in three years at best LMAO. Second of all, I have a feeling, that the destruction of Yokohama at the hands of influential politicians from a foreign country would have resulted in an international conflict or two~ Like as if random deranged rich Americans arriving in Japan, wreaking havoc over there and destroying the second largest city in the country wasn't bad enough, these Americans just HAD to be super influential businessmen and politicians. Louisa, my dear, I understand that it wasn't your intention, but it's as close to a declaration of war as it can get, you know? Fitzgerald may be ready to do anything to resurrect his dead daughter, but I'm not sure, that the execution of himself and the rest of the Guild at the hands of the Hunting Dogs is something he'd like.
(And here's another funny thing that stems from them being politicians 🤭 As @originalartblog wittily pointed out, Fitzgerald wasting all his money fighting sskk has probably resulted in a market crash and recession over in the USA)
I also have some other questions in regards to this entire plan, such as why did they have to waste Moby-Dick just to destroy Yokohama? Yes, it works in the short term, but in the long term they loose a super powerful fortress with the stealth mode and as the practice shows, you better have a safe base, unless you want another lemon freak to blow it all up. I mean, you could just ask Lovecraft to destroy everything for free. Or, if the device is the only way to stop the giant whale from crashing, why didn't Fitzgerald just take it to a far away bunker or something and waited things out there without the need to spend millions of dollars just to survive the explosion? (And it would have been extremely funny, if during the fight with sskk he just threw the device overboard) But I think I have already rambled for long enough already atxhghbgv XD
The Guild is an even bigger mess than the DOA and I think that's glorious 🙌
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WIBTA for leaving a DND campaign abruptly?
Some backstory: I had joined a DND game about 5 years ago right after breaking up with my toxic ex at the time. Me and my ex were both trying to be cordial at this time and ended up both joining a DND game run by a mutual friend.
In our first session, I had noticed my ex made her character be a parody of me that she made look like an awful person. She then kept dm-ing me during our sessions to tell me how to play my character better and other general backseat gaming stuff.
Very quickly, maybe about a month in, I contacted the DM about leaving the campaign due to wanting to distance myself from my ex. She was very upset I wanted to leave and offered to kick my ex from the group instead. I declined saying it would only cause more drama. The DM agreed to let my character go off at the end of the activity we were gonna do that session so it would make sense story-wise.
But this departure did not happen. after that conversation she vague-posted onling about how people dont want to be her friend. She then purposefully kept extending this part of the plot, just so I wouldnt leave the game and could realize it could still be fun. I told her outright I could not do this anymore after 3 more additional sessions and telling me she'll get to my character's exit soon. I always felt like an ass to the other players in the game for leaving them abruptly but I could not do it anymore.
Fast forward roughly 4 years, the DM tells me she is going to make a new campaign and would like for me to join since my ex was no longer in it. I agreed as I had missed playing DND a lot.
For the past year or so I have been in this campaign and it can be fun at times but I still feel out of place. This new session is a direct continuation of the previous campaign's storyline and regularly references it. Now, as far as I know my ex's character has not been referenced at all but I am constantly reminded of this situation whenever they mention a character's name I don't remember (because honestly I don't remember her characters name nor do I want to). I know I said to not bring her up around me but I don't quite trust this friend to keep her word. Simply because I don't think she ever remembers anything I tell her out of a place of... just not caring.
The DM and I just don't quite mesh that well. I don't really like her DM-ing style of making it up as the session happens. I don't like that she will constantly decide what my character is doing, even if I ask to do something, she tells me to roll to see if i can, i can get a nat20 and she will still decide what my character will do next based on what she thinks is funnier to her but makes my next action harder to accomplish.
I have dm'd her to talk about the progression of my character arc (after she constantly implys in session my character is the comedic relief and doesnt have any character development) and she'll go ooo and aaa (literally all she would say) but never actually implement anything I recommend.
I kept saying to myself it will get better in time. I have voiced my wants for my character, and they are ignored. In session, my character actions are essentially decided for me no matter how I roll the dice. It feels weird to be around half of the party bc they spent 4 years in a campaign with my ex who played a parody of me. esp hard after the DM keeps making me be the comedic relief even though I keep trying to play more seriously. other players constantly joke about how my character is gonna be the one that gets them all killed etc because of actions I dont necessarily decide.
Now as mentioned before, DM is also known to vague-blog about how "her friends secretly hate her" at any moment as well. This has happened before after I tried to "real talk" with her a handful of times over unrelated topics too (even if she initiates this conversation)
Given everything above, I want to leave this DND game after giving it a try for a year (really giving it an opportunity to improve). We left off with my character running off alone to get supplies for the party. I was thinking I could make a statement saying I had some personal things come up and I need to leave the game abruptly and leave it to the DM to decide what to do with my character.
Now I feel like I may be the AH because: I am leaving the game abruptly for a second time technically. I would contact the DM on how to make it make sense for my character to depart, but I feel like she will do the same thing as before with the previous campaign and keep putting it off, especially after ignoring my character growth ideas for a year in this current campaign. I also feel like I may be the AH because in character my group does need those supplies, but there is nothing stopping the DM from controlling my character to deliver supplies within the first 5 minutes of the next session.
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aurumacadicus · 5 months
You know what else would be funny.
Tony knows Steve is kinky. Okay? They've been together a couple years and if he'd known what a horny beast he was unleashing when he asked Steve to give him a little spank once, he would have thrown himself on Steve's bed sooner. Steve likes to try everything once just to figure out if he likes it (although usually he insists on twice just to be sure) and Tony is very happy to be accommodating.
That being said, he knows Steve is holding something back. When Tony had casually mentioned a fantasy he'd always had of getting rescued-and-railed by a fireman, Steve had opened his mouth, then sort of drew in on himself, and closed it again. Tony has never seen shame on him, not when it comes to the bedroom, and it jars him. He wonders if it was something he did. Did he say something that would put Steve off? Had he done something that implied he wasn't trustworthy? Or maybe it's just none of his business. Tony tries to keep from pushing, from prodding, but he's bad at self-control when he wants something.
"You're not subtle," Steve says a few days later. He sounds amused, but he also doesn't continue, so. Maybe he's just pretending to be amused.
Tony doesn't know what to say. He's not subtle and he wants to know what Steve won't tell him and it's driving him crazy. Steve doesn't have to tell him everything, obviously, but he can't help but think something's wrong with him if Steve doesn't trust him. It doesn't make sense and he's too embarrassed to put words to it. It feels manipulative. Steve is allowed privacy. Tony just doesn't know how not to pick at something he wants to understand and that's his problem.
"Tony?" Steve asks, and Tony realizes he's been wringing his hands the entire time to distract himself from talking. Steve looks concerned now. "Sweetheart?"
"I think I'm gonna go work on the suit," Tony blurts out, but he doesn't really want to. Steve was going to make dinner. He was going to pretend to help and Steve was going to let him believe he actually had. He'd just come from working on the suit. Steve frowns, confused, and it makes Tony want to explode with anxiety and shame because he wants this to work so much and he's messing it up by reading into something he has no business reading. "Or, um, I have paperwork down there too."
He turns to leave, so he doesn't blurt out something really embarrassing, like 'did I do something wrong,' or 'why don't you trust me.' It's not even something important. It's Steve's smutty fantasy. Just because Tony hadn't been embarrassed to ask Steve to put on a firefighter uniform doesn't mean Steve has to reply in kind. That's not how relationships are supposed to work. It's fine. It's fine.
Steve lets him go, and Tony's not sure why that hurts so much. It's what he wanted. And it's better this way. He can't blurt out what's been eating at him. He can keep Steve a little longer before he messes everything up. He can soak up a little more happiness to hold close to his chest when things finally blow up. He just needs to take a moment, he decides, pacing up and down the floor of his workshop. Ask all the questions he wants to ask Steve but knows he shouldn't. Get them all out of his system. He can say the words down here, alone, and it'll keep him from saying them in front of Steve. If he just gets them out, he can go back up, sit down at the kitchen island like he wasn't just acting super weird, and ignore this ever happened.
Why won't Steve tell him? Does he not trust him? What did Tony do for Steve not to trust him? He thought they'd gotten past their rocky first meeting. Had they, though? Tony had honestly brushed off Steve's insults after the initial sting. People had said worse to him, and quite frankly, he hadn't been surprised to be found lacking by someone Howard idolized. But maybe his barb to Steve had cut deeper than he'd thought? He'd apologized for it. Hadn't he? Had he apologized enough? Or maybe--maybe this is one of those things that just never goes away. Does Steve look at him and think Tony still believes everything special about him came out of a bottle? Because he doesn't. Everything special about Steve is because he is Steve. The only thing the serum did was make him bigger.
He notices Steve leaning in the doorway to the workshop on his next turn, and the noise it tears out of him is terrible even to his own ears. "How much did you hear?" he asks, wondering how much he can backpedal. How much he can say was just nonsense he didn't really believe. How much he can convince Steve that he really is a good boyfriend please don't break up with him he'll figure this out and forget all about it please--
"It's dumb," is what Steve answers, and Tony just blinks at him, confused. "My fantasy. That's what this is all about, right? That's when you started acting weird. I didn't tell you because it's embarrassing how dumb it is, not because I don't trust you."
"Oh," Tony says, and he's relieved, but the nasty part of him that started all of this wonders what he did to make Steve think he'd laugh at him about it.
Steve just looks at him for a moment, not moving from his lean against the doorway. Finally, though, he shrugs. "I don't really care, but it's clearly bothering you, so. My fantasy is I wanna be your pool boy."
Tony blinks. That's it? All of his anxiety and... Steve wants to be his pool boy? Steve doesn't even like pools. The chlorine gives him a headache, but Tony can't go to a salted pool because it reminds him of his torture in Afghanistan, so they compromised by just not going to pools because neither of them even really like to swim.
"Just seeing you in your lounger," Steve continues with another shrug. "Wearing your bathing suit. Getting a tan. Relaxed. Maybe napping. Completely at ease. Sometimes I think about your rich husband neglecting you. So I take over for him and rail you in your lounger with the tanning oil for lube."
Tony blinks again, slowly, brain still feeling like TV snow. Stupidly, all he can think to answer is, "But I sunbathe naked," because he doesn't like tan lines.
"OH NO WHAT A CATASTROPHE," Steve answers loudly, finally stepping into the workshop. "You naked by the pool. You do seem like the type to tease your pool boy."
"Huh?" Tony splutters, then squawks when Steve lunges for him, and he can only blame himself for the fact that they don't eat until an hour later when his stomach rumbles loudly in the middle of round two.
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yanderefoeyay · 3 months
Yandere Lucifer evil caretaker Au
After the battle he takes Adams almost dead corpse back into the hotel and keeps him his hotel wing, telling Charlie he’s going to nurse him back to health as an act of goodwill, but as she leaves he’s ecstatic that he’s finally got his human back with him after all his years hiding in heaven, soft and weak and who needs him if he wants to recover
He intended to actually let him heal at first, but as Charlie praises him for doing such a good job as his caretaker he realises he can kill two birds with one stone, he can keep Adam sick and reliant on him and continuously be admired by his daughter, his wonderful little family together at last
He coos at adam and holds him gently while he’s delirious, hand feeding him soup laces with small amounts of poison, none lethal but will keep him bed ridden, keeps him subdued and hazy with pain killers as he bathes him and dresses him, soft hands running through his hair fondly as adams bleary eyes look at him, fear in his veins
At some point Adam manages to recover just enough to move while Lucifers away for a moment, sluggish limbs trying desperately to crawl to the door, he tries to reach for the handle, but as his fingers graze it the door swings opens and he freezes as lucifers looks down on him with a cold twisted look in his eyes and a weird smile on his face “now where do you think you’re going? You really shouldn’t be out of bed, I know what’s best for you silly” voice seemingly playful and mock kindness but with a very clear threat underneath
He’s forcefully picked up, tears running down his face as he tries to yell, a loud gurgle of gibberish falling out, begging silently for anyone to hear him, the door slams shut and they’re alone
He’s placed on his back on the bed, being watched like prey “why would you want to leave in your condition sweetie? You’re not in your right mind right now, and I’m honestly hurt you would try to undo all the progress I’ve made and even worse try to run away from me when I’ve only been loving and kind to you”
“I’ll have to teach you not try to leave me ever again, it’s what’s best for you, what’s best for us” his hand running softly down Adams face, ignoring the cold sweat and his wide terror filled eyes, knowing he’s just afraid of hurting his feelings, that he’s been bad, but he forgives him
His hand takes Adams left arm and runs his fingers over it before quickly snapping it, adams let’s out a broken scream and he shushes him softly and repeats the same process with his other arm, he wouldn’t be able to grab anything including the door handle again anytime soon if at all, he didn’t need his hands anyway lucifer would happily do anything he needs for him
Adams shaking and in so much pain, deeps sobs coming from his dry mouth after the screaming
Charlie comes running through the door as lucifer is saying soothing words and rubbing circles on his chest to calm him down
Adams looks at her his eyes pleading for help, for her to understand, to save him but lucifers quick to stand in between them and with the most convincing lying voice tell her “it’s ok sweetie Adam just had a accident, he somehow got out of bed when I was gone and something fell on him, he didn’t know what he was doing, but I’m here now and he’s going to be fine I promise” a reassuring smile masked on his face
Adam watched, hope draining from his face as she breathed a sigh of relief “oh thank goodness I hope he’s going to be ok” lucifer hugged his daughter, her not seeing the sick smile on his face “he’s going to be absolutely fine he’s got me” and Adam watched as she left and they were alone, he felt nothing but dread
Lucifer turned to look at him and slowly walked over, the smile back, he flinches as he felt two hands on his cheeks, cradling his face as lucifer leaned in and pressed a soft kiss to his forehead “don’t worry Adam I’ll always be by your side don’t worry, we’ll never be apart again” and that’s exactly what Adam feared most, “now let me take your pain away” he saw a needle appear in lucifers hand, and then just a small sting in his neck, the light started to fade and the last thing he saw was that face looking at him and a whisper of I love you
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