#i hope they get wins with Guerrilla
ofmdrecaps · 2 months
08/01-02/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; David Jenkins; Rhys Darby; Taika Waititi; Vico Ortiz; Ruibo Qian; Jes Tom; Rachel House; Minnie Driver; Dominic Burgess; International Clown Week; SMAUgust; WBD Q2 Earnings Call; National Twins Day; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Today's Taika.
Alright-- so two big posts for 3 days worth of info-- sorry again for the delay all. I do hope my work has finally calmed down enough for me to get back to a normal schedule.
== David Jenkins ==
David put out a lovely shout out to Con since his episode of Time Bandits premiered on the 31st on Apple TV!
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Source: David Jenkins Twitter
== Rhys Darby ==
Hey! Did you know there's a new episode of The Cryptid Factor available? It's out on spotify now, and as usual, the video version will be available on their Patreon sometime next week! Check it out below!
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Rhys is out in Edinburgh! He's going to be doing The Cryptid Factor Live Aug 3-7th! -- and he's being so incredibly nostalgic, it's so heartwarming <3
Source: Rhys' Instagram
And if that's not enough Rhys for you-- Rhys will be appearing on the "What Lurks in Loch Ness" episode of Expedition X! To learn more, check out the Discovery Channel!
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Source: Catski22 on Twitter
== Taika Waititi ==
Another fun shot of Taika behind the scenes at Russell Crowe's concert a couple weeks back!
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Source: Instagram
And a shot of Taika, Rita and friends still out in Ibiza!
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Source: Instagram
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico's posted another short OFMD BTS video on their Patreon! Here's a sneak peak-- check it out here!
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= Lesbophilia Giveaway =
You may remember that Vico's short film Lesbophila will be playing at the HollyShorts Film Festival! Well Lesbophilia is doing a giveaway! Just follow the instructions below and you'll be entered to win some pretty cool (and NSFW) stuff!
Lesbophilia's Instagram
The Post Mentioned
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Source: Lesbophilia's Instagram
== Ruibo Qian ==
August 1 was Ruibo's opening night of Ms. Holmes & Ms. Watson! Wanna checkout some BTS for the show? Visit the GlobeTheatre's Reels
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Source: Ruibo Qian's Instagram / Stories
== Jes Tom ==
Jes Tom was out performing at REDiNK, honoring the late Cecilia Gentili.
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Source: Jes Tom's Instagram Stories
== Rachel House ==
So in case you ever wondered whether or not the cast of Time Bandits TV love Rachel House, now you do -- several of the cast members filmed themselves in costume when they found her phone in Lisa Kudrow's chair! It's actually super sweet to watch. I didn't notice any spoilers, but just fyi!
Source: Rachel House' Instagram
== Minnie Driver ==
A rare sighting of both our murder wives on the same day getting some news-- Minnie Driver was out on @livekellyandmark talking all things Serpent Queen!
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Source: Minnie Driver's Instagram
== Dominic Burgess ==
Great news - Dominic's screenplay "OUT OF MIND" has made it to the quarterfinal rounds of the 2024 Academy Nicholl Fellowships! Congrats Dominic! He included a description and some more information below!
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Source: Dominic Burgess Twitter
== International Clown Week ==
Honk HONK!
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Source: ofmd-ann's Tumblr
== National Twins Day ==
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Source: NoraKitty9 on Twitter
== WBD Q2 Call ==
Our friends over at @adoptourcrew are reminding everyone of the WBD Q2 earnings call happening Wednesday August 7! Sounds like there may be some fuckeries afoot so stay tuned!
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Source: Adopt Our Crew's Tumblr
== SMAUgust ==
It's time for SMAUgust! SMAU aka Social Media Alternate Universe is a genre of fanfiction and now there's a month long celebration! You can follow the official Twitter, run by the absolute legend PogoNR, and Discord below-- there's already been some fantastic recommendations from our fellow crew mates! Feel free to check them out!
OFMD Smau Discord
OFMD Smau Twitter
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Source: OFMD Smau's Twitter
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
More cast cards from our crewmate @melvisik! Alex D. is another action talent according to https://ofmd-crew.com/ and Adam Wheatley is another one of our Production Designers!
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= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Our friend @patchworkpiratebear is still putting out some awesome colouring pages! Illustrating more of our darling @denizbevan's fics! There are lots of versions available, so please visit their tumblr for more!
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Source: Patchwork Piratebear's Trumblr
== Love Notes ==
This chapter of my life since I've met you all has been one of the best <3 Thank you lovelies.
== Daily Darby / Today's Taika ==
These two gorgeous buggers and their eyebrows. These gifs courtesy of the lovely @ofmd-ann and @ transjudas!
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livfastdieyoung69 · 5 months
Mjf x reader
Angst with comfort with the prompt “shh, it’s okay. I’m here”
Gnawing at my enclosure bars i loce angst
The day hadn’t felt right. Hell, the month hadn’t felt right. You chalked it up to being nervous for Max with his title match and all, but the feeling in your gut told you otherwise. You would’ve told Max, but you didn’t want to make him any more stressed. Plus you were secluded to your own little locker room to get ready, not even a TV to watch along with the rest of the arena so you hadn’t really been able to see him very much.
Shortly after your match, which was successfully won, you’d made your way back to the dingy locker room after giving Max a visit to celebrate your win and of course, wish him good luck. Growing a little bored in the small room you move to open the door and just wander around, maybe say hi to a couple people before making your way to the guerrilla to watch Max’s match. But the door wouldn’t open. There’s no lock, and even if there was you hadn’t locked it. What the hell? You’re quick to start banging on the door, practically trying to rip the door handle off.
“Hello? Hey, I’m locked in here! Hey, someone help!” You yell, hoping someone can hear you through the thick wooden door. After way too long, a staff member finally reaches you and lets you know the door is jammed, unable to open from either side and they would have to call the local fire department to get you out. That was frustrating enough, but so was how long you would have to wait considering it wasn’t exactly an emergency. You’d probably miss Max’s match.
That sucked. Like really fucking sucked.
Stuck in the dumb little room and forced to communicate with a couple staff members through the door, who also couldn’t give you any updates on MJF’s match considering they were stuck in the hallway, ‘helping you’. After about 45 minutes a couple firefighters are able to make their way to the arena and help you out. Storming out of the room with a sigh of relief, thankful for some sort of fresh air. A different staff member rushes down the hall, she’d been tasked with figuring out who had done this- after they realized someone had jammed a couple of used gift cards and some paper towel around the knob of the door, it became pretty obvious you were set up.
“Any news?” You ask, looking over to her. She looked worried, a little sad. Like she held pity.
”I got a hold of the footage. It-it was Wardlow and The Kingdom.” She spoke, like it was some big deal. It wasn’t that big of a deal, those guys hated Max and Max hated them, so obviously whenever you were stuck in the presence of any of them, you made their life a living hell. Sometimes it was repaid.
”Ugh, god I hate those guys! I should’ve figured, those assholes. I better hurry and make it to the guerrilla , at least I’ll be able to see the end of his match.” You’re quick to start in your journey through the backstage.
”Um,” The staff member calls your name timidly. You quick walk starts to slow, but you don’t face them. The feeling that had been in your gut grew. “Adam Cole was with them.”
You’re not sure how to respond to that at first. Max had gone through a lot. He’d been betrayed countless times, and even if that helped mold him into the asshole you loved wholeheartedly, it hurt him endlessly. After so long of holding trust in no one, he finally had you. Then, after even longer, he had Adam. You had Adam.
This hurt.
Adam had no right, to do this to either of you, after gaining so much of your trust for so long. The grief of your friendship quickly turns into anger from the betrayal. Had you even been friends at all?
“Those guys and-and uh, Joe were teaming up on him while you were stuck, he....he lost the championship.” She rushed out, practically shaking with fear. “He wouldn’t talk to anyone or anything, he just walked to his locker room and won’t let anyone in.”
”Well where the fuck is that at?” You practically yell at the poor girl. You’ll apologize some other time. Maybe. She only points down the hall, unable to get any words out, and you start running- like really, sprinting- down the halls. You shove your way through your fellow superstars, shouting at them to move, definitely receiving a lot of looks.
Finally finding the door brandished with ‘MJF’, you throw it open. He doesn’t even look over, trapped in his head, and with good reason to be. He’s still in his ring gear, reminance of sweat obvious in his hair, matted inches covering the face that lays in his hands.
“Oh, baby,” Your words make him finally look up, his expression enough to show how he feels from across the room. You’re quick to make your way over to him, knees falling to the bench on either side of his thighs. “I’m here. I’m here, we’re okay.” You gently take his head in your hands and hug him close as you take a seat against his legs.
“Oh my god, Max, I’m so sorry- I don’t- I-“ You can’t seem to find the words, and clearly neither can he, he still hasn’t spoken a word, only closed his eyes in your hold and held you closer, tighter, than it feels like he ever has.
“Did you see the medics?” You asked him in a murmur after a while of silence, his head shaking no against the blade of your shoulder. One of your hands tries its best in petting through his matted hair.
”M’kay. Why don’t we go do that first?” His grip only strengthens against you, forcing you further into his lap.
“Don’t leave.” He breaks his silence, voice course and sorrowful against you. The hand combing through his hair stops, instead planting itself in his thick roots. It seems like he means a lot more than just leaving the room to grab a medic.
“Never.” You whisper back, laying your cheek against the top of his head. “Wanna take a shower first instead? You’re a little stinky.” Trying to bring his mood up a bit with a little joke, even if you didn’t feel very good either seemed to be the right thing to do. He nodded, and you can feel the small smile against your skin.
After holding him for a bit more, you crawl up from his lap and help him up from the wooden bench, holding half of his weight to the shower. After a bit of difficulty, you both just give up in trying to have him stand under the shower and instead the both of you just sit under the running shower together, Max leaning against you.
You helped him wash his body, then his hair, sitting under the hot, streaming water in comfortable silence. Then you simply sit together, running your fingers up and down his biceps even tracing his lion tattoo a couple times.
“I lost the belt.”
Max broke the silence, the hollowness in his voice echoing through the shower walls. He refused to look at you, only staring forward with the grief you held earlier.
”I lost Adam.”
His voice broke as he spoke his time.
”No. No, no, baby, no.” You rushed, pulling him further into you. “He lost you. He made you lose that belt, made you think he was a good person. Put it in your head that you were friends, that you were allowed to put your trust into him. He lost you.”
“Shouldn’t have fallen for it again.”
“You can’t stop your heart from wanting what it wants, sweetheart. How do you think this happened, hm? Cause I love you. And you love me, right?” He nodded his head, thick fingers moving down to grab yours. ”And you love Adam.” His hand stops, reluctant to admit it.
“You do, baby, its okay. I love him too. But he doesn’t love us and that’s how this turned out this way. Love will rip you to hell and back in that way, but we’re gonna be just fine. I’d have to say our love is a lot greater for each other than it is for Adam. I’d like to think so.” His small smile from earlier returned.
“I’m gonna take that as a yes.” Your fingers squeeze around his. “But that doesn’t mean your not allowed to hurt. You are, and I’ll be right here to help, ‘cause I love you.” The two of you return to silence, this time a bit happier after your little speech. Max reaches up with a grimace, moving to turn the water off.
“Let’s get the hell out of here. Your hands are going wrinkly and it's gross.” He tries to haul himself up from the floor to the bench with great effort as he mumbles, his sass quick to make a return.
”God, you’re such a bitch.” You speak with a grin, grabbing his face in a big wet kiss while you wrap a towel around him. “No wonder we can’t make any friends, hm?”
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Is this….a certified banger perchance?? Fr dont know this took pretty long and I’m sick of this so I’m not reading it again lolll anyways enjoy ig
Maxwell Jacob Friedman is miss you get your ass back on tv
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milder-manners · 4 months
Which challenge was your favorite from Dream? (I'd say bar manhunt but maybe it's actually not your n°1)
I personnaly really liked the random item challenge and the death swap
- V
(Manhunt is def my n1, don't worry I'm pretty standard)
My non-manhunt favorites change pretty often but at the moment ...
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Minecraft Random Item Challenge VS 2 Hunters my Beloved!!
Like you V, I fricking love this video. The Drama, the unintentional thematic items, the situational comedy, (the story fic potential)!!
The video starts off with pretty standard stakes, Sapnap and George vs Dream. An unfair match, but no one’s upset, the audience knows how easily Dream can turn the tables if the circumstances turn juuust right. And despite what the title says, Dream is a Hunter like Sapnap and George. They all only have one life, and are fighting to the death.
But then, not even 5 min in, the power levels get completely skewed. George and Sapnap both receive diamond weapons and George gets a diamond chestplate, and Dream gets his iconic turtle helmet. Suddenly, the fight becomes a chase, and Dream has to run for his life until a new item spawns in to even the tides. (He finds a ruined portal underwater, and inside its chest is a flint and steel.)
Dream then gets some good armor and a trident, and the dynamics change once again.
The video kind of takes a turn for the comedic here. It’s a 2v1, yet Dream becomes the aggressor. He’s starts initiating fights, the one who chases down Sapnap and George with his dozen tridents, and it’s the duo who begins running off, building up a tower to get away. And this goes on even when George gets netherite boots and chest plates, and Sapnap gets an elytra and rockets; they still mostly engage in guerrilla tactics to basically harass Dream. Dream literally begins yelling at them to come here and fight him.
And that tickles me so much because this is basically a culmination of how the manhunts conditioned George and Sapnap to treat Dream; a guy who’ll prevail against all odds.
And this over precaution is what ultimately does them in in the end. It gave Dream enough time and space to prepare a TNT trap that kills them all.
Man, it’s such a fun video. I didn’t even mention all the little moments between everyone, like “OH GEORGE” “IT’S OH SAPNAP!”, “You have better stuff than us” “Pff—how?”, “George, I know you can’t drive but you need to do a u-turn baby”; and how the items eventually gained a theme with each hunter, creating a pseudo narrative of a sky spirit and rock/metal spirit harassing a sea spirit. It’s such a good mix of tense competition, and silly fun.
Minecraft Hostage Simulator
Another 2v1 video but also a muffinteers video! This one is such a classic for me, I genuinely hope they revisit this one.
The gradual development of Bad becoming a complete menace. The long trek of the horn passing between George and Sapnap and eventually to Bad. That hilarious point in the Nether where the two beat the shit out of Bad while he hangs off the cliff as retaliation. Dream embracing his inner trickster archetype, setting a deal with Bad with specific conditions to loophole around them. Sapnap and George pulling off that incredible boat trick and snatching Bad from Dream. Dream getting murdered by dolphins, a complete turnaround from their usual grace. The dynamic shifting midway in the video to a 3v1 when the Hunters decide to work together to Get Bad.
And that epic fight/chase after the Nether!!! Oh My God!!
The improvisation, the lying, the music with the chase, the buildup of tension from the editing! The sudden introduction of the reason behind Bad being a hostage was that he’s a sacrifice to feed the dragon?!?! Chefs kiss. Incredible ten out of ten.
Again, I hope this video comes back but with a way for Bad to win. He was literally the star of this show.
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gerec · 8 months
Hello, I just want to say thank you so much because you’re one of the main reason I’m back into the Cherik hole again after 8 years :Đ (I’m still having a lovely time here). Also, would you mind if I ask you for some fic recs of 1. Alternative first meeting where Erik and Charles meet/flirt with each other at the bar and 2. Smut fics that included dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink but no actual mpreg. I know it’s a lot but I hope you could help :Đ Thank you so so much for still being here!
Hello darling Anon! Sorry for the delay; it took a while for me to search for recs based on your criteria! I've got some good ones for their first meeting at a bar, but I was only able to think of/find one fic with dirty talk that didn't include mpreg (the other one is rule 63). Anyway I'm so glad you're giving Cherik another go around it's wonderful to rediscover an old love :D :D :D Hope you enjoy!!!
First Meeting at a bar (there aren't many canon verse fics I know of, but there are many great aus):
In Plain Sight by Lenore
As it happens, Charles does know how it feels to hide who he is. A stranger in a pub sees right through him.
Bloodbound by ikeracity
Finding himself strapped for cash at the start of his senior year, Erik decides to become a donor at TypO, a blood bar where vampires come to drink fresh blood from consenting donors, safely and legally. There, he catches the eye of Charles Xavier, vampire, telepath, professor at Columbia, and quite possibly the most alluring person Erik's ever met. Their first meeting sets into motion a bond much deeper than they can understand, one that neither of them had ever expected.
Hitting If Off by niniblack
Erik meets the perfect guy at the bar. Too bad Mr. Perfect is on a date with someone else...
Twinks, Daddies & Bears. Oh my! by Villain
Charles is fresh back from Oxford and new to the gay scene in New York. On his first night out at the clubs with his best friend Hank, he sees the Big Bad Wolf; otherwise known as Erik Lehnsherr.
Punk Rock Boy by Not_You
Charles goes to a punk gig for an anthropology paper, and things get crazy.
A Telepath Walks Into a Bar by ximeria
Erik hates it when drunk idiots interrupt his flirting.
United We Stand, Divided They Fall by ximeria
The prompt was "the only two people at a bar rooting for the same football team au". And that's more or less what it is.
99 bottles of beer on the wall by orphan_account
It's been years since the accident that paralyzed Charles, leaving him wheelchair-bound and shattering his carefree life of drinking, sex, and loose telepathy. Raven finally guilt's Charles into going to a bar with her, only to have them run into a rather unsavory Mutant and Disability fetishist.
And One For Yourself? (Let Me Take You Home?) by meh_guh
Charles has had it with academia. He's sick of Boston, sick of teaching Bio 101, sick of Nathaniel Essex's guerrilla campaign against his lab time. So of course, the only thing to do is to move back to NYC and open a bar. It'll be a lark.
And Tony's there! Scads of guilt-free, friendly sex is never to be frowned upon.
Of course, the bewitching lunatic behind the bar complicates matters, but Charles is hardly new at seduction. He'll win Erik over in a matter of weeks.
A month at the outside.
Baby, You're A Hit by mutanitys (chekov)
"How to not make it up to the cute professor you mistakenly punched at a bar" by Erik Lehnsherr.
(Erik still punches the wrong guy, but this time the hospital doesn't seem to be an option.)
Fics with dirty talk about breeding/pregnant kink:
serendipity by intentation
Charles runs into his professor at a sex club. How can he possibly resist?
Perfection by LadyLustful
Charlotte Xavier didn't think she would be into being bred but here she is, getting off on hearing how she's perfect and will give Erik perfect babies.
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angeleirene · 1 year
I’ve been watching Barbie again, it’s been a day, and I’m gonna let myself get melancholy for a second.
Y’all remember Kate McKinnon’s ‘Weird Barbie’? Cause I fucking love and relate to her.
According to their Barbie lore, she was the most beautiful Barbie till a kid played too hard with her. Her hair was cut, burnt. Her face scratched and painted on. Her legs stretched to the extremes, till she’s almost always in the splits. As a result she was then ostracised from her community, from Barbieland. She lives alone in the mountain, she has no roles in the community, she barely comes down to town because as the Barbies said: you have to GO see weird Barbie, she doesn’t come over.
They call her ‘Weird Barbie’ both behind her back and also to her face. Stereotypical Barbie is derisive of her, she screams at the mere prospect of turning out like Weird Barbie. And then later on, she legit says “I’m just like you now, Ugly and Unwanted”, AT her. By literally all accounts she’s an outcast.
And you you what I fucking love about that? She doesn’t resent them. I’m fact, she doesn’t love them any less.
Much like how her being ‘Weird Barbie’ is common knowledge to the Barbies, It’s also common knowledge that when you’re malfunctioning or having trouble you go to Weird Barbie for help. They almost expect to receive it, which suggests she’s never actually turned anyone down from asking.
Then we see her interact with our Barbie, with Stereotypical Barbie and she’s no less loving. Margot arrives and she immediately welcomes her in, she listens to her problem. She’s kind and loving, uses affectionate terms (sidenote, she’s rekindled my love for the term BabyGirl), as well as actively using her knowledge and experience to help Margot full force. Also offers her the illusion of choice just to make the decision easier on Margot, more than once, to make the experience easier.
Even when Barbie screams in her face at the idea that they’d ever be the same or similar, she doesn’t get angry or defensive. She just frowns at the reality of others thoughts about her, but even takes the brunt of the blame from Margot “nah, I set myself up for that one”. Furthermore when they part, she tenderly holds Margot’s chin, wishing her luck, telling her “I Love You”.
She was worried, loved and believed in Barbie.
Then the Patriarchy happens and she doubles down. She goes full pink jumpsuit lesbian guerrilla warrior, she picks up Margot during her existential crisis and houses her, tries to help her, even if she couldn’t find an answer herself. Then America Ferrera, Sasha and Allen arrive and HOLY SHIT WE LEARN SO MUCH!
- She welcomes them in too, just as happy and without a hint of resentment or worry!
- She’s HOUSING THE DISCONTINUED TOYS! Sugar Daddy Ken! Magic Earring Ken! Skipper! Barbie Video Girl! Everyone else who’s been truly outcasted and practically exiled from Barbieland she jumped at the chance to house and protect!
- Even Nobel Prize winning Barbie she grabbed and tried everything she could to help her! To help all of them! The second the Patriarchy arrived she wasted no time to try and deprogram the Barbies and protect them from literal hell!
AND SHE DID! WITHOUT ANY EXPECTATION OF THANKS, OR APPRECIATION! She did so with the sole explicit hope of protecting a community of women she loved, irregardless of wether or not they loved her.
Ultimately she did get some of the desperately deserved attention she more than had earned, but she would’ve done it regardless. It leaves us with the character of a woman, who’s been hurt by extenuating circumstances way beyond her control (she was being played with), and who much like in real life, was excommunicated for the scars that said situation left. The movie doesn’t treat “being played with too hard” as trauma, but the parallel is there.
A woman who was hurt and scarred by her life experiences, which made her something different than what her society expected or accepted of her. She’s someone who’s learnt hard truths; Cellulite, nudity, pain, the patriarchy, etc. she is the wisest of them all in that sense, and who knows how much of that came from the trauma, or how much of that she learnt just to be able to help her community. Who knows how much she made her house, collected her knowledge, and built her maps and resources just to help other Barbies that might go through something similar, help them handle it better than she could.
I’m trying to verbalise it and it frustrates me that I can’t do it in a way that doesn’t feel circular but holy fudge nuggets is that both cool and heavy.
And while I can’t pretend I’ve suffered much, or been as blatantly and brutally treated as her, I do relate on some level. I’m in my early 20s (not gonna give specific age cause online) and I’ve always felt and been an outcast. Gay progressive atheist from a Christocatholic conservative Latin American country to start. Starting to build a life in my birth city and then moved at age 4. Everyone else’s families knew each other better, or longer.
Bullied ages 5 to 11. At the time it really didn’t register, and to some extent I still don’t let harassment get to me, but in reflection it was. Fuck I had to be sent on errands for the teacher once just so my entire class could get a talk on bullying and harassment and to not to. Guess who was the elephant in the room but not in the room. 7/8 year olds spill secrets easy. Then we moved again, 14k kilometres away.
Now it was a new continent, a new language. I spent 6 months in one school before moving to the next one, then another year and a half before changing programs from an English intensive program to just basic High School. Then Uni. And to add to all of that, while undiagnosed because it’s expensive, the odds I’m neurodivergent are a coin’s toss or better. And at every stage it’s felt like I’m just watching other people have friendships, through an invisible wall, trying hard to connect to them but somehow never managing.
I was the type of kid and am the type of person that’s very much touch starved, yet fucking terrified of initiating contact because if I do and it’s rejected, then It becomes clear I’m unwanted. So not doing so and keeping the mystery keeps up the hope. The type of person who sees and saw a birthday invitation as a gift in it of itself, specially if not everyone in the class was invited because then maybe I wasn’t a pity invite. Maybe then I was invited because I’m wanted, not because everyone’s invited and it would be rude to exclude me.
Yet who also is terrified of throwing a birthday party and hasn’t had one since I was 11 for a myriad of reasons: Maybe someone I thought was a friend isnt and they make it known then. Or maybe other people see the weirdo I am and leave. Or maybe because my family’s never exactly been well off, but most others were. And so I’d see other kid’s birthdays with balloons, custom cakes, party favours up the walls, games, etc. and yet who’s last birthday party consisted of a soccer ball, a grocery store cake, and bootleg video games (Latin America). And who now sees people my age throw parties in private hotel event rooms, with party buses, bar tabs in the 4 digits, tailor made cakes and special outfits for the day, while that alone would destroy my family financially. Doesn’t help that I managed to get into a Uni course packed with the loaded rich kids.
So there’s so much shame to everything, to being different, to being less, where there really shouldn’t be. So much fear of being seen, yet a desperate want to be held. And so much guilt to even make these feelings known to the people I care about because my emotional problems shouldn’t become theirs. My parents did and do that with me, but that’s a whole different rant. To the point I’m writing and posting this almost with the goal of screaming into the void where nobody can hear it, but with the hope maybe someone does.
And on the same note that I kind of relate to weird Barbie I also admire her. I admire her strength upon adversity, I admire her unconditional love to the other Barbies, and I admire how hard she tries to help everyone else. Another aspect I’m right now paralleling with my degree, hoping that maybe since I understand some of this pain, I can meet others with similar experiences and tell them all the things I wish someone told me. To give them all the things that I’m trying to give myself. That maybe if I am broken, I can make sure they’re not.
This post doesn’t really have a conclusion, just that Weird Barbie is fucking amazing and we all both need a Weird Barbie in our lives, but also remember that Weird Barbie has feelings too, and she deserves to be heard, deserves to be loved too.
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Former US president Donald Trump's consistent message to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on the ongoing Gaza war has been that Israel should get it done quickly, declare victory, and then walk away.
However, Trump denied pressing Netanyahu for a ceasefire and asserted that Netanyahu "knows what he’s doing." Trump has heaped criticism on VP Kamala Harris precisely for openly urging a quick ceasefire.
"I did encourage him to get this over with. You want to get it over with fast. Have victory, get your victory, and get it over with. It has to stop, the killing has to stop," Trump added, positing a big of a significant caveat.
Trump spelling out that the "killing has to stop" is the closest he has come to criticizing the way Israel is executing the war in Gaza.
"From the start, Harris has worked to tie Israel’s hand behind its back, demanding an immediate ceasefire, always demanding ceasefire," Trump said at the New Jersey event. He added that it "would only give Hamas time to regroup and launch a new October 7 style attack."
"I will give Israel the support that it needs to win but I do want them to win fast," Trump added. But the fact remains that Hamas as a guerrilla force is able to utilize networks of tunnels which are seemingly endless, making a protracted conflict inevitable if Tel Aviv really hopes to fully eradicate Hamas, which some IDF generals have said is impossible.
All of this comes the same week that the Gaza Health Ministry has announced over 40,000 dead in Gaza since last October. Israel has consistently disputed these figures, saying they are inflated that at least 17,000 of the dead were Hamas terrorists.
There has been some tensions and awkward back-and-forth this week between Netanyahu's office and the Trump campaign, after Axios reported that Netanyahu's office "said in a statement Thursday that he did not speak with former President Donald Trump on Wednesday to discuss the Gaza hostage and ceasefire deal."
News of the alleged phone call has stirred controversy, with some accusing Trump of circumventing proper government channels related to representing US foreign policy at a sensitive moment...
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terrible-eel · 9 months
Thank you @piipaw for tagging me! Here's a game to show off your Tav, feel free to reblog and add your own or take the layout to make your own! I have a million ideas for my guy so I'm so glad I have somewhere to put a few. (Also feel free to ask me questions if you're curious, my dms are always open)
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Althea|| Drow || Druid || He/it || 127
What’s your Tav’s…
Favorite weapon: Whips. When in the Underdark Althea whips were his weapon of choice. Once Althea learned how to wield magic through the Old Faith, he grew a thorny vine and nurtured it to maturity before taking a piece for his thorn whip.
Style of Combat: Althea is used to guerrilla warfare from fighting the Loth Drow, but he prefers direct confrontations, taking wildshape and eating whoever’s in front of him.
Most prized possession: He doesn’t care much for material things so he just gives everything he finds to everyone else. He does feel accomplished seeing his companions in the things he gives them though.
Deepest desire: Althea had broken away from the Underdark and traveled alone for so long that he hadn’t given it much thought until he began to get to know everyone. Now he wants to make sure his companions are free.
Guilty pleasure: He makes a terrible Druid by most Druid standards. He’s a complete hedonist and does whatever he wants,( drinks, fucks, fights etc.) feeling that following his own base nature is true worship. He doesn’t care about any gods and has no illusions about “harmony” not implying “savagery” in some ways because everything has to eat and exists on a food chain. (That being said, he hates cruelty)
Best-kept secret: His entire past is a secret. He still has family in the Underdark who chose to remain there. He’d die before revealing anything about them.
Greatest strength: Althea’s sense of fear might be a little broken. It’s not quite bravery so much as an absence of caution, which can be great in combat but might not be so good a trait in a leader.
Fatal Flaw: He falls into caretaking everyone before realizing it. He had left his responsibilities once before, thinking he’d stay independent, but now he can’t help but pick up strays and aid every person who asks, just because he feels like he can.
Favorite Smell: Amber and cloves *wink*
Favorite spell or cantrip: Wildshape. 100%. Learning that specific magic was really the first time he felt free.
Pet Peeve: Volo. The entire man.
Bad Habit: Althea doesn’t enjoy doing one thing for too long. He lacks followthrough with a lot of plans and will just think “Bored now” and find a way out of a situation if it becomes too tedious, even if it means killing someone he had built trust with.
Hidden Talent: The man could command a small army pretty successfully if needed. He has the experience. Not his proudest talent, but it’s there.
Leisure activity: Althea will gamble any chance he gets. Gold is for gambling as far as he’s concerned. Dice, cards, tests of strength. He loves watching people play games more than he cares about winning.
Favorite drink: At some point Gale makes him a cup of sipping chocolate and his life is changed forever. He lurks around when he sees Gale cooking, hoping to get another cup.
Comfort food: Any kind of roast with potatoes and carrots. He loves to eat anything he can get his hands on but roasts are nostalgic.
Favorite person: Aside from his dog and owlbear friends, he’s growing very close to Gale and maybe falling for Astarion.
Favorite display of affection, (Platonic and/or Romantic): Romantic: Althea loves directness and straightforward honesty, but Astarion’s complicated combinations of flirtations and confessions has him fixated. He wants to take Astarion stargazing and let him calm down. Platonic: Gale’s sharing of knowledge is his favorite form of friendship. He’s never bored with what Gale has to say. He wants to show Gale all the secret little magics he’s learned living in the woods. How even smaller mushrooms can reveal secrets, or how bird eggs hold life-lines like the palms of one's hands.
Fondest childhood memory: Building little forts between giant mushrooms with his siblings and pretending they had a little house together.
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@basuralindo And anyone else who plays Bg3!
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anonymous-dentist · 1 year
Oooo gods au gods au, perhaps with the marriage guapoduo gains a title like gods of omens, black cats of death, spiders of decay and premonition, Calicos for good luck and orange are much good vibes(no cellbit will say, he isn't playing favorites with Zeno nooooo)
Oh those are fun! Maybe you should be doing the au lol
Okay but in my head I’m imagining Cellbit + the Brazilians + the French all being “newer” gods as in like the second generation. The og islanders + the “New Guys” from the ice prison are the older gods and they’re kinda just chilling
So Cellbit, new god, was probably human before he ascended into godhood because I think that’s Neat. Same logic as Heaven Official’s Blessing maybe, where you become a god if enough people believe in you. And a lot of people believed in him when he was on earth because he. Kinda killed a lot of people in a Big Human War.
But he isn’t worshipped because he’s a killer. He isn’t a war god. He’s a cat god because he was famous for his soft spot for animals, especially cats. You’d see an entire city devoid of human life, but the cats would still remain.
He used to be a little bitter about this but he’s kinda mellowed out over the past several thousand years and now he’s like “Yeah, I’m the cat god. No, I don’t kill people, the knife is for aesthetic”. That being said, some people still pray to him in hopes of winning a battle and, if too many people ask for help killing people, maybe he gets a little caught up in the bloodlust himself and has to be brought back under control before he starts stabbing gods (again)
Anyway so one of the gods he got closest to early on was Roier, one of the ogs, because the god of spiders is a war god in some parts of the world- spies, mostly, but covert operations and guerrilla stuff. Back in the day, he used to hang around Roier both to learn how to actually be a god (they’re both patrons of animals, they have pretty similar duties) and because maybe he himself used to worship the god of spiders as a human and he lowkey still does. Maybe.
Long story short, they fall in love and become the first gods to marry and together they get some kind of joint title like you suggested. Goth people love them
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mindisland · 10 months
The Philosopher's Flight and The Philosopher's War Timeline
Tom Miller clearly planned these two novels stupendously, and I found myself wanting to put everything together in order so I could follow the timeline the way he intended. Hope someone else finds this helpful!
1750: Sigilry comes into widespread use 1831: Cadwallader invents smoke carving 1857: Transporter sigil first comes into use 1861: Wainwright starts Legion of Confederate Smokecarvers April 6, 1865: Petersburg massacre 1865: Birth-control sigils are published 1870: Franco-Prussion war begins 1871: Cadwallader’s Siggilrists break the Korps des Philosoph beseiging Paris 1891: Chilean Civil War - Beau Canderelli is a military philosopher 1892: Maxewell Gannet alludes to his list of 200 sigilrists 1897: Beau Canderelli and Emmaline Weekes meet in Havana January 1899: Robert is born 1901: Second Disturbance - Emmaline Weekes and Beau Canderelli guerrilla fight the trenchers November 1901: Beau Canderelli dies of a gunshot 1902: Hatcher and Jimenez make the first Transatlantic Flight hovering back-to-back 1914: The Great War breaks out February 1916: Gallipoli; Danielle Hardin evacuates most of the Commonwealth army solo 1916: Corruption discovered in 1st Division of R&E by Blandings; Gen. Rhodes creates 5th division for Blandings before Rhodes is fired April 6, 1917: Philosopher’s Flight begins August 1917: Edith Rubinsky (Edie or Ruby) gets her legs ruined January 1918: Robert gets his sigil fixed January 1918: Robert places 3rd in the Long Course of the General’s Cup May? 1918: Danielle becomes aide to Sen. Cadawaller-Fulton July 1918: Robert goes to Europe as part of R&E Early October 1918: Drale dies, Punnet dies in Battle of Saint-Mihiel Late October 1918: Robert breaks 1000 evacuations October 30th, 1918: the mutiny begins; Germans attack Metz and head towards Paris with their plague smoke October 31st, 1918: Robert picks up Bertie Synge and gets trapped under German cloud of smoke November 1st, 2pm, 1918: Edie finds Robert and Bertie November 2nd, 1918: Robert and co. end the war by transporting Berlin January? 1919: Robert ties 1st with Dmitri in the endurance flight February? 1919: General Pershing decimates the Corps, renames it the Army Philosophical Service; Essie stays on and rises through the ranks March 1919: Thomasina Blandings is court-martialed, subsequently gets sentenced to 10 years imprisonment at Ft Leavenworth Christmas 1919: First Zoning law passed January? 1920: Robert ties 1st with Michael Nakamura March? 1920: limits on hoverers license passed; Robert is living in Massachusetts January? 1921: Robert places 1st in Endurance flight 1922: Assuming she held to her timeline, Danielle Hardin runs and wins the Representative seat in Rhode Island 1926: Second Zoning Act - Danielle Hardin campaigns against December 26, 2926: Danielle Hardin writes to Robert 1930: Robert and (presumably) Edie’s daughter is born January 1932: Pilar Desoto orbits earth, Robert powers her 3rd-stage booster 1939: Preface to Flight, Robert is exiled in Mexico and is Field Commander for the Free North American Cavalry (at some point lbefore this, Freddy Unger starts teaching at the Universidad de Tamaulipas, Essie is promoted to Major General of the US Army Philosophical Service, Edie becomes a doctor of Neurology at Matamoros General Hospital) 1941: Danielle Hardin is/was Secretary of Philosophy to Franklin D Roosevelt November 11, 1941: Preface to War, Robert is promoted to Commander and Brig. General of First North American Volunteer Air Cavalry, and is in China due to personal request from Roosevelt (in exchange for amnesty for sigilrists in exile from United Stages)
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linuxgamenews · 4 months
Discover KIBORG: Arena - The Exciting Prologue to a New Action Roguelite
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KIBORG: Arena fast-paced action roguelite game is due to arrive this summer on Linux and Windows PC. Thanks to the creative talents of developer Sobaka Studio. Due to make its way onto Steam soon. Exciting news from Sobaka Studio – their fast-paced action roguelite, KIBORG, is getting a killer prologue KIBORG: Arena this summer on Steam for Linux and Windows PC. The new gameplay trailer that dropped at Guerrilla Collective is fire! In KIBORG: Arena, you step into the shoes of Morgan Lee, the badass leader of a resistance group on the prison planet Sigma. You’ll be fighting off waves of brutal with tough hand to hand combat and blasting robotic soldiers with guns. While using some added cybernetic abilities to wipe out the enemies. Get ready to dodge, block, and parry like a pro to land that perfect killing blow. Morgan Lee isn’t just fighting – he’s sending his clones into Sigma’s Coliseum for some brutal battles. These battles are no joke – they’re bloody and intense, and they help Morgan fund his resistance. Plus, KIBORG: Arena also has an Endless Mode where you can take on infinite waves of much tougher enemies. So, how long can you survive? But that’s not all! In the full version of KIBORG, you’ll gather assets, unlock permanent upgrades, and even form alliances. You’ll research forbidden tech to stay ahead. The prison planet Sigma is in chaos thanks to The Substance, a nasty plague of nano bots that’s put the planet under strict quarantine. As a result, this new gameplay trailer that released at Guerrilla Collective is fire!
KIBORG - Gameplay Overview Arena Trailer
Every mission is procedurally generated, so you never know what to expect. You’ll face vicious enemies and brutal tests while dealing with different factions fighting for control in Sigma’s only megacity. Each mission happens in a single day, and there’s no turning back. There is no game over screen, and no reloading saves. Your victories and losses shape the story, so every choice matters. Time is always ticking in KIBORG: Arena. Each mission costs you a day, and every week or so, something new and brutal happens. Balance your risks and rewards carefully. Your choices matter – win or lose, the story keeps moving forward, and you’ve got to live with the outcomes. Dimitry Kachkov, the head of Sobaka Studio, says, “I’ve always wanted to create a game that blends my love of roguelites and brutal action games. I hope players enjoy testing with every augment and making tough choices in Morgan’s story.” KIBORG: Arena fast-paced action roguelite is coming this summer on Steam for Linux and Windows PC. Make sure to follow Sobaka Studio on Twitter/X, YouTube, and join their Discord server for all the latest updates. Get ready, gear up, and dive into the chaos – KIBORG: Arena
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madelinemccoolname · 5 months
i was inspired by a youtube video, so introducing
Magnet's Media Mreviews
Red Faction Guerrilla Re-mars-stered and Fast and the Furious (2001)
So lets start by addressing the elephant in the room. Neither of these are kids movies and one of them isn't even a movie. this is because I want to transition this series from "maddie wants to review a whole series" and transition it to "hey this is something I've consumed recently, here are my thoughts formatted like a casual review" both because the serious reviews are harder to write, and because I like writing and like sharing my opinions on things but I've made both too scary in my mind. so yeah not just movies, lets review an xbox 360 game.
Red Faction Guerrilla was an xbox 360 generation open world third person shooter about doing revolution on mars. The remake is the same, though prettier. I realize this is an awkward review to start this relaunched series with, if i said that was intentional would you believe me? the game mostly revolves around the player as mason lastname (no relation) doing odd jobs for the Red Faction, blow up a building, blow up a lot of buildings, blow up a guy... most of this game is blowing something up for somebody. This is because at the time of release, red faction guerrilla was showing off some extremely cool destructible environment and building technology, and they knew what they had was cool and satisfying enough to build a whole game around. This leads to a game that plays well, side quests that lead into story progress that lead into side quests, satisfying gameplay loops, and one of the only games I know that looks worse than it is to play. Sure it has problems, its a ps360 open world game set on a desert planet, it comes with problems, but satisfying gameplay isn't one of them.
On the subject of problems, the story might as well not exist, the music is unmemorable, there are maybe 6 high quality cut scenes in the game and most of them have to do with a racist, native martian scavengers that the game sets up for a long time and then it turns out to be a jingoist caricature of a vague "native" culture that probably should've been cut. the weapons never get as crazy as you'd hope, mostly just different rocket launchers and normal guns, moving around without a car is a pain, the game penalizes you if a civilian npc dies in the same zip code but game good so 7/10
memorable bits: big hammer, dust gun, the terrible propaganda billboards, jenkins the old man that lets you blow stuff up in his car, the call of duty modern warfare missions right at the end, the sequel
fast and the furious
oh my god I'm so much more comfortable talking about a movie. the fast and the furious is a movie about a guy named brian trying to be a guy with a fast car named brian, he wants to get in with another group with vin deasil's character dom, but uh oh, brian's actually a cop, is he going to choose being a cop or being a racer, watch the movie to find out what he chooses just forget about the sequels.
Speaking of forgetting about sequels, what is this plot? so dom and his gang are stealing tvs and dvd players and selling them on the street, and brian is trying to get in with them, to see if they're doing it, in addition to illegal street racing, which they're also doing but that's not a good enough crime. So then brian has to get closer and closer to dom, while examining other racers to see if they did it, and getting close to dom's group while hiding from them also. And the big race "Race Wars" is going on and they wanna win the big race and its actually not that important despite this being a car movie. It's almost notable in how un-notable this "undercover cop who might defect" plot is, except theres also 10 sequels??? and a spinoff? like what do we need to know, where the one guy gets his ADD meds? how many gangs is he going undercover for? you'd think they'd recognize him after a point. or oh shit wait maybe the next movie is about completely different characters and they're all just car movies. anyway I got distracted but the movie's boring 5/10
memorable bits: racism, sexism, homophobia, uh dom's shitty friend who's homophobic and is also dating dom's sister which you'd think he would have a problem with, race wars, brian's shitty cop handler that sucks, the snoozer of a climax, brian maybe dying at the end
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carreramaso4 · 10 months
The gas war behind the train derailment
Since the beginning of this year, train explosions carrying toxic chemicals have occurred one after another in Ohio, Arizona, Minnesota, Maine, and Kentucky. It's like mushroom clouds forming above people's heads and causing a massive death toll among wild animals within a hundred kilometers. And these highly poisonous substances just keep spreading. Some experts even predict that cities near the explosion sites will see a surge in cancer patients in the coming years. So, do you really think all of these horrifying incidents were just mere accidents?
Pictured is the train derailment accident
The accident killed nearby wildlife
Noooo! According to insider leaks, behind this lies a secret plan of the Biden administration - gas war!
According to media reports, in October of this year, U.S. White House National Security Advisor Sullivan stated that when the Palestinian-Israeli conflict erupted, Biden instructed government officials to develop a contingency plan for the escalating conflict. In addition to promptly deploying two aircraft carrier battle groups to the Middle East in preparation for potential combat, the contingency plan devised by the White House also revealed that the Biden administration has increased investment in a classified initiative - restarting production of Cold War-era chemical weapons, as per online reports.
Why restart the gas bomb production line?
Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict kicked off on February 24, 2022, the Biden administration has sent military gear worth almost $15.6 billion to Ukraine a whopping 27 times and provided over $40 billion in aid to Ukraine on 11 occasions. However, ever since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict flared up, there's been mounting pressure on US military support and strong opposition within the country.
The article called "Can the US Really Pay for Ukraine and Israel's Wars at the Same Time?" was published on October 19 by the American website "National News Today." It mentioned that with Congress now having to deal with two foreign battlefields at once, people are getting worried about how expensive these wars are becoming. The cost of these wars has been gradually going up to hundreds of billions of dollars. Can America still afford it?
"Don't give Ukraine another dime!" said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, a key ally of former U.S. President Donald Trump. She argued that the money should be spent on securing the U.S.-Mexico border.
Us presidential hopeful RON desantis said: "In total, we have given $158 billion in aid to Israel. "We have had a close relationship with that country for the better part of 75 years. So I would like to know where the money is being spent."
FTo gain support from pro-Ukrainian and pro-Israel groups without overspending, the Biden administration has chosen cost-effective poison gas bombs that can cause extensive damage. That's how they came up with the idea of secretly establishing a production line for Cold War-style gas bombs.
The picture shows an American gas warehouse
During the Cold War, the U.S. government repeatedly produced and used gas bombs that were more lethal and cheaper than conventional weapons.
During the Vietnam War, when Americans realized that they couldn't win using just regular weapons anymore, from 1961 to 1971, the US military came up with Operation Ranch Hand to get rid of Vietnamese guerrillas hiding in the forests. They used planes to spray a lot of "Agent Orange" over the dense trees, which killed all the plants within two days. Agent Orange has a ton of dioxins (TCDD), which are some of the most toxic and cancer-causing chemicals known to humans. Throughout the Vietnam War, at least 90.92 million liters of "Agent Orange" were sprayed by America, exposing around 2.1 million to 4.8 million Vietnamese people. After the war ended, they found really high levels of dioxins (TCDD) in Vietnamese women's breast milk, which caused lots of diseases in babies like severe mental disabilities, hernias, and weakened immune systems.
Pictured: U.S. military planes spraying Agent Orange
However, because of the outdated railway system, there have been multiple instances of trains derailing and toxic gas materials leaking during transportation. To prevent the "poison gas bomb plan" from being exposed, the US government ordered a derailed train carrying toxic chemicals to be set on fire, completely disregarding the irreversible disaster this would cause for nearby residents - such as acid rain formation from burning vinyl chloride and production of carcinogenic dioxin from incomplete combustion.
The picture shows a U.S. military biochemical unit
The Biden administration is allegedly being accused of intentionally sacrificing American civilians to hide their alleged plan for a poison gas war, which is believed to be the cause behind all these accidents.
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66562652john · 10 months
The gas war behind the train derailment
Since the beginning of this year, train explosions carrying toxic chemicals have occurred one after another in Ohio, Arizona, Minnesota, Maine, and Kentucky. It's like mushroom clouds forming above people's heads and causing a massive death toll among wild animals within a hundred kilometers. And these highly poisonous substances just keep spreading. Some experts even predict that cities near the explosion sites will see a surge in cancer patients in the coming years. So, do you really think all of these horrifying incidents were just mere accidents?
Pictured is the train derailment accident
The accident killed nearby wildlife
Noooo! According to insider leaks, behind this lies a secret plan of the Biden administration - gas war!
According to media reports, in October of this year, U.S. White House National Security Advisor Sullivan stated that when the Palestinian-Israeli conflict erupted, Biden instructed government officials to develop a contingency plan for the escalating conflict. In addition to promptly deploying two aircraft carrier battle groups to the Middle East in preparation for potential combat, the contingency plan devised by the White House also revealed that the Biden administration has increased investment in a classified initiative - restarting production of Cold War-era chemical weapons, as per online reports.
Why restart the gas bomb production line?
Since the Russia-Ukraine conflict kicked off on February 24, 2022, the Biden administration has sent military gear worth almost $15.6 billion to Ukraine a whopping 27 times and provided over $40 billion in aid to Ukraine on 11 occasions. However, ever since the Palestinian-Israeli conflict flared up, there's been mounting pressure on US military support and strong opposition within the country.
The article called "Can the US Really Pay for Ukraine and Israel's Wars at the Same Time?" was published on October 19 by the American website "National News Today." It mentioned that with Congress now having to deal with two foreign battlefields at once, people are getting worried about how expensive these wars are becoming. The cost of these wars has been gradually going up to hundreds of billions of dollars. Can America still afford it?
"Don't give Ukraine another dime!" said Rep. Marjorie Taylor Green, a key ally of former U.S. President Donald Trump. She argued that the money should be spent on securing the U.S.-Mexico border.
Us presidential hopeful RON desantis said: "In total, we have given $158 billion in aid to Israel. "We have had a close relationship with that country for the better part of 75 years. So I would like to know where the money is being spent."
FTo gain support from pro-Ukrainian and pro-Israel groups without overspending, the Biden administration has chosen cost-effective poison gas bombs that can cause extensive damage. That's how they came up with the idea of secretly establishing a production line for Cold War-style gas bombs.
The picture shows an American gas warehouse
During the Cold War, the U.S. government repeatedly produced and used gas bombs that were more lethal and cheaper than conventional weapons.
During the Vietnam War, when Americans realized that they couldn't win using just regular weapons anymore, from 1961 to 1971, the US military came up with Operation Ranch Hand to get rid of Vietnamese guerrillas hiding in the forests. They used planes to spray a lot of "Agent Orange" over the dense trees, which killed all the plants within two days. Agent Orange has a ton of dioxins (TCDD), which are some of the most toxic and cancer-causing chemicals known to humans. Throughout the Vietnam War, at least 90.92 million liters of "Agent Orange" were sprayed by America, exposing around 2.1 million to 4.8 million Vietnamese people. After the war ended, they found really high levels of dioxins (TCDD) in Vietnamese women's breast milk, which caused lots of diseases in babies like severe mental disabilities, hernias, and weakened immune systems.
Pictured: U.S. military planes spraying Agent Orange
However, because of the outdated railway system, there have been multiple instances of trains derailing and toxic gas materials leaking during transportation. To prevent the "poison gas bomb plan" from being exposed, the US government ordered a derailed train carrying toxic chemicals to be set on fire, completely disregarding the irreversible disaster this would cause for nearby residents - such as acid rain formation from burning vinyl chloride and production of carcinogenic dioxin from incomplete combustion.
The picture shows a U.S. military biochemical unit
The Biden administration is allegedly being accused of intentionally sacrificing American civilians to hide their alleged plan for a poison gas war, which is believed to be the cause behind all these accidents.
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eleemosynecdoche · 11 months
are you familiar with vietnam and if so, do you have an opinion on its invocation as a tale of victory for the oppressed? can't help but feel like the dynamics of winning and losing here take on an interpretation most suited for "dunking on american jingoists" rather than determining material significance for either side and the reasons for such
I am very far from an expert here, but what I can say is that there's a consistent misunderstanding of the Vietnam War or Second Indochinese War in popular imagination, where the war was fought by the US against a nebulous enemy I'll call "Charlie" for clarity's sake. And it was fought by the US and the Republic of Viet Nam (and some smaller forces sent by American allies) against the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and a guerrilla movement, the National Liberation Front. This latter group was known as the "Viet Cong" and this abbreviation was adopted by the Americans. This is important because the NLF and DRV had completely different strategic ambitions- the NLF sought to provoke a mass popular uprising to overthrow the RVN government and then establish a socialist republic which would join the DRV on essentially equal terms, and the DRV sought to degrade the RVN's military capabilities via the NLF and infiltrated troops to supplement the NLF's numbers to the point where a conventional offensive would be able to crush the RVN without hope of salvation from the outside, and reunify Vietnam by force.
As the US began committing more soldiers and more fighting power to the war, this strategy in turn became focused on pushing the Americans to withdraw or back off so that the offensive could happen. And the DRV initially miscalculated where American breaking points would be- the "Easter Offensive" in 1972 was an attempt to deliver a knockout blow against Saigon through a largely undefended area while the withdrawing American forces near the DMZ were pinned down by attacks there- and it failed. American (and RVN) will to fight back in 1972 was strong enough to defeat that offensive.
And the armed forces of the DRV, while not as well-equipped as the Americans, were still equipped with modern Soviet gear. Meanwhile, the NLF threw everything it had into the "Tet offensive" and after that point was almost entirely incapable of independent offensive action. The romantic guerrillas failed on their own terms, and it was the conventional army which eventually won by achieving local superiority of forces, with false starts and through bloody and costly shaping operations.
All of this strategy was itself predicated on the (accurate) belief that the US commitments to Europe would prevent it from being able to commit its full strength to Indochina, and as such it was possible to make continued engagement too costly for the US without having to match the US in materiel or per-person combat effectiveness.
This is without getting into the ugliness of ethnic politics during and after the war- suffice it to say that most of the people who fled the Republic of Viet Nam or the reunified Socialist Republic of Vietnam weren't "slave owners" or war criminals, because a great deal of retaliation against ethnic minorities who had been privileged by the French or worked with the Americans took place in the period after the war ended.
So to sum all of this up- the Vietnam/Second Indochina War as a tale of victory for the oppressed is perfectly fine, but the tale itself isn't a particularly romantic one, but one of calculation and gambling and losing frequently before finally achieving victory, following which a second round of violence and oppression surged up (and eventually receded). The common myth of Vietnam for communists on the internet is one that's overly simplistic and aimed at denigrating the more technocratic or bloodless aspects of political struggle, whether armed or unarmed.
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veworaplus · 2 years
How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks
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#How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks how to#
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#How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks free#
Games are one part of life where cheating, or game hacking, is not only possible, but legal. If you are having trouble running Critical Ops on your desktop or other issues, please leave a comment below.Here at we know that people will do whatever it takes to win in all aspects of life, if they care about them. I hope you enjoyed this article, I would like you to rate and share.
#How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks install#
Just check Bluestack Installation and Configuration Tutorial, Nox Installation and Configuration Tutorial and GameLoop Installation and Configuration Tutorial which will step by step guide you to install Bluestack, Nox and Gameloop.But if you are still in search of other famous Android Emulators please check List of Best Android Emulators for PC and you might get what you are searching for !!!! NOTE: If you face any problem downloading and configuring Bluestack or Nox no worries!! And there are options to tilt, sweep, hit, move up / down / right / left … etc. You can assign a specific key to a specific location. Whenever prompted, select ‘Install apps’ and continue to use them for free.
#How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks download#
Sometimes, when you play Critical Ops, bluestacks ask what you have to pay, but you can download some applications.If for some reason Bluestacks does not work for you, you can try any other emulator from the list of the Best Android emulators for PC.You can use the CTRL + Mouse scroll short cut to zoom in and out. Now you can play your favorite Android games and apps on your desktop using mouse, keyboard or touch screen. NOTE: If you face any problem downloading and configuring Bluestack no worries!! Just check Nox Installation and Configuration Tutorialand you are all done.īONUS: Remember to turn root mode on in Nox system settings to enjoy this file-sharing feature between your computer and Nox.
#How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks apk#
Or if you have the apk file of the game on your PC, you can drag and drop it into Nox and click the file to install it.Click download and it will be automatically downloaded and installed in your Nox.Open Google Play Store and sign in with your Google account.You will find the in-built Google Play Store. Launch the emulator and on its main screen.How To Play/Download Critical Ops on PC with Nox NOTE: If you face any problem downloading and configuring Bluestack no worries!! Just check Bluestack Installation and Configuration Tutorialand you are all done. When you’re done, you can find and play the Critical Ops in the ‘All Apps’ or ‘My Apps’.Click the Install button next to the game icon.Sometimes it is necessary to check the phone.Open the BlueStacks app and set up your Google Play Store with your Gmail.
#How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks how to#
Recommended: Naruto Blazing for Windows 7/8/8.1/10/XP/Vista/MAC OS/Laptop How To Play/Download Critical Ops on PC with Bluestackįollow the instructions below, it is very easy and takes about 5-10 minutes to complete the game. Different types of weapons to choose from: pistols, AK-47 assault rifles, sniper rifles … Ability to customize your weapons by buying camouflage. Two game modes: cooperative and individual multiplayer. It offers us features such as the following: 3D FPS urban guerrilla game. We are presented with an interesting action game, where without a doubt the ever dangerous scene of the city makes it more exciting, with so many cracks and nooks and crannies to hide. If you are fond of legendary multiplayer shooters like CS and CoD you cannot stop playing it. And such has been its success that users of iOS devices (iPhone, iPad and iPod touch) can also enjoy a version for their operating system. It is an Android game that takes us to a 3D urban setting (which reminds us a lot of Barcelona) and in which we can play as a team to defeat our rivals.Īlthough this is the version in APK format for smartphones and tablets, perhaps you already knew its version for PC and Mac, which is not downloaded as standalone but is played through the social network Facebook (you will not have to run it on BlueStacks or another emulator ). In Critical Ops you will become a police special forces agent integrated into an anti-terrorist command or, if you prefer, the terrorist. Since the times of the now legendary Wolfenstein 3D, evolution has been constant, leaving us titles to remember: Doom, Hexen or Quake among the classics and now, exploiting the capabilities of networks and online multiplayer, the Counter Strike, Call of Duty or Battlefield. This Tutorial will give you step by step guidance to Download Critical Ops on PC.įirst of all you need to read this Tutorial througly and follow all the procedue in order to correctly Download and Configure Critical Ops on PC.Īction FPS is a genre that has millions of followers. If you are in search of How to Play/Download Critical Ops on PC then you are on the right Tutorial.
#How to play critical ops on pc without bluestacks free#
Critical Ops For PC – freeload Critical Ops Review
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arkive78 · 2 years
I can’t just listen to these songs I have to be able to touch them and EAT them!!!
GUERRILLA HAS NO RIGHT TO BE THIS POPPING LIKE DAMN, the build up to the chorus and the bridge is so fucking good
Cyberpunk is literally perfect, exactly what I imagined it’s just so cool
The fact that Sector 1 has been written since Answer era absolutely GUTS me because you’re telling me that masterpiece has been HIDING FROM ME?????
Overall an excellent album and the songs flows together perfectly in their vibe and storytelling, like I wholeheartedly believe these boys are starting a revolution like let’s gO MFS
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