#i hope you like it too!
osamusriceballs · 10 months
The Accident - Part VI
Atsumu x fem Reader
Warnings: None
Words: ~ 1,1 k
About: The flashback ends- but what will you do next?
Part I II -> Next Part
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"You're not getting married."
Osamu's sharp remark did not have the intended effect. Both of you were still clinging to each other, acting all lovey-dovey.
"Samuu, you don't understand. She's my soulmate. I love her." Osamu's eyes almost popped out of their sockets while he kept watching how you two clung to each other and smiled like idiots, your hand on his cheek after he had said these words.
"You don't even know her. And stop touching her like that in public."
Atsumu's hands started wandering on your back, his fingertips teasing the bare skin on your back much to your delight - but to Osamu's horror.
"I don't mind - but who are you?" You turned towards him, and he paused for a second. You were beautiful, that much was certain. Shiny eyes, glossy lips, and a dress that looked like it had been made for you - but he quickly discarded every thought about your looks when he knew that he needed to stop this nonsense.
"I'm Osamu Miya. His brother."
"Oh." Your eyes widened as you took in his appearance, probably only then realizing how similar he looked to the man whose lap you were currently sitting on.
"Samu, we gotta go. The barkeeper told us that there's a priest next to this club."
"You're not getting married."
No matter how many times he repeated the sentence, it seemed like Atsumu was unable to understand.
"And then you convinced me to get your car to drive us home. Wouldn't stop bickerin' about how it's expensive and designer and about how it costs more than Onigiri Miya will ever make. I'll definitely kick your ass for that."
A muscle under Osamu's eye twitches when he mentions the comment, and you have to hold back a snort at this. He's kind of cute when he's angry.
"And then?"
"You were gone. Found ya at the church, but it was too late. You idiots already signed the contract."
You slowly step back until your knees reach the bed, and you heavily sink down on it. It feels like he's telling you a story right out of a movie, not something that has happened just a few hours ago, the whole thing still too absurd and unreal.
"Can we redeem it?" You look at Osamu, like he's the only one that can save you now, and he somehow actually is. You still have hope that you can get out of this without negatively impacting the rest of your life.
"I've talked to our lawyer. It's a waterproof contract. Very surprising because the church was more than just a bit shady. You're both bound for a year until ya can file for divorce." His words feel like a death sentence, and you find yourself at a loss for words. You gulp at his words, blinking a few times to suppress your tears. You're an idiot—an idiot for getting in a situation like this.
It's silent.
You don't dare to look at either of them, your gaze only focused on the phone in your hands, and every passing second makes you feel even more uncomfortable, until you can't stand the silence anymore.
"I'll get going."
You stiffly get on your feet, your movements robotic and lifeless while you make an attempt to leave, but you're quick to get stopped by Atsumu before you can even make more than getting up. "Wait- I- I don't even have yer number!"
"Oh." You pause, standing there for a few moments while you watch Atsumu getting closer to you, until there is not much space left between the two of you when he stands right in front of you. "Hey- are you okay?" Concern laces his voice while he looks down at you, and you manage to nod with a forced smile. "Peachy."
Osamu snorts at your comment and shakes his head, a movement that you barely see in the corner of your eyes. He probably feels guilty for the whole situation too, the dark cicles under his eyes similar to Atsumu's, certainly because he tried to find a solution for this and did not sleep at all during the night. "People who say 'peachy' are anything but fine."
"Hey, look at me." Atsumu ignores his brother's comment and brings his hand to your cheek. You're startled but allow him to turn your face upwards until your eyes lock. "I'm not letting ya go when ya can't even walk properly. You'll eat something, then you'll take a nice hot shower and get in some clean clothes and then I'll bring ya home. That alright with you?" There is something about the way he softly states the words that sends a comforting wave of warmth through your body, and you find yourself nodding and trusting him.
"Hmm. Good girl. Now just eat the rest of the fries while Samu gets ya some clothes. Right, Samu?" Atsumu breaks the eye contact with you to look sharply at Osamu, who only sighs and nods. "I saw a souvenir shop at the lobby. Better than nothin'." You now look at Atsumu's side-profile, admiring his sharp jaw line, unable to do something else but wondering if there is even one bad angle on this perfect man, while Osamu leaves the room with another deep sigh.
"Shouldn't I have given him some money?" You take a deep breath and wipe your hands on your dress, noticing how clammy they got. Probably a side-effect of the nervousness.
Atsumu snorts and returns his gaze to you, an amused smile on his lips. "That serves him right. He always brags about how much he makes with his stupid restaurant." Atsumu looks so similar to Osamu when he rolls his eyes; it's almost comical. "Don't tell him I said that, but he really makes the best food ever. I'll take ya there and show you."
You hum approvingly, feeling somewhat a tingle run down your spine at the prospect of him taking you out for dinner but try to ignore it. "C'mon. Eat the rest of the fries. I saw how ya inhaled them. You can have mine too." He grins, something that makes him seem absolutely adorable, and you find yourself smiling back at him, a warm feeling running through your body.
"I'm not hungry anymore. I'll take a shower then?" You questioningly raise your brows, and he nods. "Yeah, of course. When Samu comes back, I'll put the clothes in front of the bathroom."
Thank you," you raise your hand as if to pat his shoulder, but you halt the movement just before reaching him. You shouldn't touch him. Technically, you don't even know him. His gaze flickers to your hand, and he appears to consider taking it. However, he quickly steps to the side, giving you some space to move to the bathroom.
Without looking back at him, you close the bathroom door, take a deep breath, and glance at the phone in your hand. You scroll until you find the picture of a bright-haired person—
and decide to finally make a call.
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cetrouz · 9 months
Behold, my American Arcadia animatic:
Content coming non-stop from me hehe
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sealmonger · 1 month
Hi guys! I feel weird doing this but I haven't in a while, so I might as well.
I have a fnaf ask blog!! Its name is @they-came-from-inside-fnaf-au and cool stuff is happening now! If you wanna participate please feel free! I'd love to have you!
I'm gonna go over the main plot:
Cassie's dad went missing 2 months ago at Freddy Fazbears Mega Pizzaplex. Right after that, it closed down. Now, 2 months later, it starts back up again, and Cassie is determined to find out what happened to her father. She meets many characters along the way, both canon and oc. She has a lot to uncover, so I hope you enjoy the ride!
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babsvibes · 10 months
Last Line Challenge! Post your last line of writing, whatever writing you want to consider, and tag as many people as there are words in the sentence.
“I don’t want to hear it. I’ve had a stressful day, and it’s soul food or no food for all of you.”
Tagged by @sailoreuterpe and @marauder23, thank y’all! Anyone that wants to post their own last line please feel free to use this as an invitation!
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monstermoviedean · 1 year
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new fir growth is so so so so special to me
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jellicle-chants · 2 years
28 with bomba
"We're not having this discussion again, Dem. You need to get going. Now." She glanced around the corner. Besides the shimmering reflections of lampposts against the rain-soaked street, nothing moved.
"I told you, I'm not leaving you behind!"
Bombalurina looked over at Demeter, wet to the bone and shivering like a leaf caught in the wind. She knew the other queen would probably hate her for this, possibly forever — but she didn't care. She turned back to the street, eyes downcast.
"Bomba, please, please"—she grabbed her roughly by the shoulder, pressed up against her back, let the words leave her mouth in a hiss—"I can't let you do this."
"Then don't. Just walk away, don't look back, and blame me for whatever happens afterward." She leaned backward into their desperate embrace, trying to memorize each awkward point of contact, every shuffling limb. "All I care about is that you're safe."
Demeter pressed her face into the crook of her neck. Bombalurina could feel her breath as she spoke. "What about you?" All of the fight had left her voice; it was more of a plea than a retort. "Promise me you'll make it out. It doesn't have to be tonight, just... I need to hear it."
"Dem." Bombalurina's ear twitched. She stepped backwards, nearly causing them both to trip.
"Bomba, what—"
"I saw him. He's just around the corner." She turned around again, catching Demeter's gaze for a moment. "I'll try. I promise."
She nodded once, jaw clenched tight, then ran off, quickly disappearing into the cloudy night.
Bombalurina sighed, then settled back into the shadows, ready to pounce. He'd need a few scars to remember her by once she made good on her promise.
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christadeguchi · 8 days
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(✿◕‿◕) die (ꈍ ꒳ ꈍ✿)
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hansoeii · 1 year
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endusviolence · 6 months
Rowling isn't denying holocaust. She just pointed out that burning of transgender health books is a lie as that form of cosmetic surgery didn't exist. But of course you knew that already, didn't you?
I was thinking I'd probably see one of you! You're wrong :) Let's review the history a bit, shall we?
In this case, what we're talking about is the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft, or in English, The Institute of Sexology. This Institute was founded and headed by a gay Jewish sexologist named Magnus Hirschfeld. It was founded in July of 1919 as the first sexology research clinic in the world, and was run as a private, non-profit clinic. Hirschfeld and the researchers who worked there would give out consultations, medical advice, and even treatments for free to their poorer clientele, as well as give thousands of lectures and build a unique library full of books on gender, sexuality, and eroticism. Of course, being a gay man, Hirschfeld focused a lot on the gay community and proving that homosexuality was natural and could not be "cured".
Hirschfeld was unique in his time because he believed that nobody's gender was either one or the other. Rather, he contended that everyone is a mixture of both male and female, with every individual having their own unique mix of traits.
This leads into the Institute's work with transgender patients. Hirschfeld was actually the one to coin the term "transsexual" in 1923, though this word didn't become popular phrasing until 30 years later when Harry Benjamin began expanding his research (I'll just be shortening it to trans for this brief overview.) For the Institute, their revolutionary work with gay men eventually began to attract other members of the LGBTA+, including of course trans people.
Contrary to what Anon says, sex reassignment surgery was first tested in 1912. It'd already being used on humans throughout Europe during the 1920's by the time a doctor at the Institute named Ludwig Levy-Lenz began performing it on patients in 1931. Hirschfeld was at first opposed, but he came around quickly because it lowered the rate of suicide among their trans patients. Not only was reassignment performed at the Institute, but both facial feminization and facial masculization surgery were also done.
The Institute employed some of these patients, gave them therapy to help with other issues, even gave some of the mentioned surgeries for free to this who could not afford it! They spoke out on their behalf to the public, even getting Berlin police to help them create "transvestite passes" to allow people to dress however they wanted without the threat of being arrested. They worked together to fight the law, including trying to strike down Paragraph 175, which made it illegal to be homosexual. The picture below is from their holiday party, Magnus Hirschfeld being the gentleman on the right with the fabulous mustache. Many of the other people in this photo are transgender.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of a group of people. Some are smiling at the camera, others have serious expressions. Either way, they all seem to be happy. On the right side, an older gentleman in glasses- Magnus Hirschfeld- is sitting. He has short hair and a bushy mustache. He is resting one hand on the shoulder of the person in front of him. His other hand is being held by a person to his left. Another person to his right is holding his shoulder.]
There was always push back against the Institute, especially from conservatives who saw all of this as a bad thing. But conservatism can't stop progress without destroying it. They weren't willing to go that far for a good while. It all ended in March of 1933, when a new Chancellor was elected. The Nazis did not like homosexuals for several reasons. Chief among them, we break the boundaries of "normal" society. Shortly after the election, on May 6th, the book burnings began. The Jewish, gay, and obviously liberal Magnus Hirschfeld and his library of boundary-breaking literature was one of the very first targets. Thankfully, Hirschfeld was spared by virtue of being in Paris at the time (he would die in 1935, before the Nazis were able to invade France). His library wasn't so lucky.
This famous picture of the book burnings was taken after the Institute of Sexology had been raided. That's their books. Literature on so much about sexuality, eroticism, and gender, yes including their new work on trans people. This is the trans community's Alexandria. We're incredibly lucky that enough of it survived for Harry Benjamin and everyone who came after him was able to build on the Institute's work.
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[Image ID: A black and white photo of the May Nazi book burning of the Institute of Sexology's library. A soldier, back facing the camera, is throwing a stack of books into the fire. In the background of the right side, a crowd is watching.]
As the Holocaust went on, the homosexuals of Germany became a targeted group. This did include transgender people, no matter what you say. To deny this reality is Holocaust denial. JK Rowling and everyone else who tries to pretend like this isn't reality is participating in that evil. You're agreeing with the Nazis.
But of course, you knew that already, didn't you?
Edit: Added image IDs. I apologize to those using screen readers for forgetting them. Please reblog this version instead.
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allylikethecat · 4 months
hi allyyyyyy, can we yalk about atkh some more?
i wonder if george and matty discussed their budding relationship off page? how is matty feeling about it?
Oh my gosh hello kind anon! I apologize that this took me a little bit to get to! I was trying to finish today's On a Friday chapter and had myself all worked up over it. But of COURSE I am ALWAYS down to chat about All the King's Horses oh my gosh that is probably like my favorite thing to do! I love that fic so much and I'm so grateful for all of the support and kindness that it has been met with!
In terms of having talked about their relationship I honestly don't think they are very good at communicating. Fictional!George thinks they have talked about it, he loves / is a little obsessed with Fictional!Matty and in his mind that is all there is to it. Meanwhile Fictional!Matty is just a little bit of an anxious mess and feels like they haven't talked about it. He really likes Fictional!George, but despite being in his twenties this is his first "real" relationship and so he doesn't really know what he's doing. He feels a little smothered by Fictional!George but maybe that's normal and he just doesn't realize it? Basically Fictional!George was feeling so good and happy about their relationship and Fictional!Matty felt like it was a house of cards about to tumble down even though he was pretty sure he didn't want it to. Now Fictional!George has broken his shoulder and Fictional!Matty is the one going to Canada...
Thank you SO MUCH for sending me this ask! I love this fic so much and feel like I could talk about it for hours, even though I'm trying not to say *too much* at the moment so I don't spoil Friday's chapter! Thank you SO MUCH for this ask and for the continued support! I am so grateful to have found such a lovely community on here and am so grateful for each and everyone of you that have given my fics a chance!I hope you enjoy Friday's update and that you have having a WONDERFUL Tuesday and a fantastic rest of your week! Thank you so much again!
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marsipain · 23 days
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Norwegian Mikus :)
Left is Miku as a russ and right is Miku in a bunad!
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vaszametili · 8 months
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obiwan leades anakin to the council 21 BBY holophoto in color
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Happy 1 year anniversary to FNAF ruin!!
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pokimoko · 3 months
Asexual bird? Please
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How about two asexual birds?
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hinamie · 6 days
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egophiliac · 2 months
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crossing my fingers and wishing upon every star that chapter 10 finally brings us the tweel cards 🤞🤞
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