#i just don't think he's a good choice for Reed
Pretty boi
summary: in which, you're asked who you thought was the prettiest boy and not even a second later you respond with his name. unknowingly leaving him a flustered mess.
Starring: Diavolo and Leviathan
"so who do you think is the prettiest boy in RAD?" asmo asked teasingly, quite hoping it's gonna be him
"the founder" you firmly said as if it was a fact
"what?" asmo raising a brow
"what?" you doing the same thing
"you're being biased, you know" asmo pouted
"biased how" you chuckled
"you say he's pretty just because you have a total crush on him" asmo reasoned
"haha no, he is pretty, regardless of my affections for him" you stated
While bickering back and forth with asmo, both of you failed to realize you're chatting in the balcony at the castle of the person in question
Lord Diavolo and Barbatos seems hesistant to open the door leading to the balcony as it would be quite embarrassing to enter
"shall i open it now my lord?" barbatos inquired, hands still on the doorknob for the past 5 minutes
"not yet"
"how about now?" - barbatos asked again after a minute or so
"no, not yet" Dia answered
"My lord, if were gonna wait until the blush on your face disappears before we enter, I'm afraid the tea will have already gone cold" Barbs stated with a firm voice but a teasing look
"... let's just go back, i can't face them" Dia says completely red
There is currently an event in RAD
As a way to reward the students in finishing the exams, a sports festivals was held with your suggestion
What's a sports festival without a race and there is no way you are not gonna participate even though your opponents are demons
Are you familiar with the race in which in between races you take a piece of paper from a basket, read and take a person from the crowd that best represent the words written in the paper and finish the race together
Yep, that's the game you're participating now (i don't know the name)
You're in position, waiting for a bang to officially start running
Once the race started, you ran as fast as you can but compared to the others you're like a snail
Nevermind the speed, you are about to grab a paper from the basket and read what's written
"Prettiest person you know"
Your eyes scanned through the audience and disappointingly not finding the demon you're looking for
No choice
"LEVIATHAN, COME TO ME!!" you shouted at the top of your lungs, summoning the demon from out of nowhere
The moment levi appeared in front of you, you had the audacity to show him a toothy grin, grabbed his hand and yell run
Levi was more than disoriented. But nevertheless ran
It took him a few seconds to register he's in a race.
He was quick to notice how you guys were losing. Thus he quickly took matters in his own hands, scooped you bridal style and finished the race in first place
"Leviii we won!" you cheered hugging the life out of the demon, not minding how levi has become
"So what was written in your paper miss? " the announcer asked from the microphone
You were quick to unlatch yourself from the blushing tomato and grab the microphone to answer enthusiastically
"THE PRETTIEST PERSON I KNOW" you cheered, loud enough for the whole venue to hear
There was a momentary silence and eyes were drifting between you and the Avatar of Envy
After hearing that, Levi malfunctioned and became beet reed from ears to his entire face, covering his mouth which was attempting to form a squiggly smile
The crowd cheered loudly and the brothers did not miss to add a comment
" good for you leviathan" from satan
"awee how cute" from asmo
"congratulations levi" from beel
"don't turn into a tomato" from mammon
"breathe levi" from belphie
"prepare for cpr, belphie" from lucifer
"hell no" - belphie
A/N: I have been inactive for soooo long but I'm backkkk
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nitewrighter · 1 month
I love your take on how Peter Parker would mesh into the DC Universe, especially as the guy that the Forever People and New Gods gravitate towards. When it comes to Spidey getting tossed into cosmic level threats, such as the original '84 Secret Wars miniseries, he's usually the designated "guy everybody underestimates" because even though Peter is a street-level hero by choice, he can punch SIGNIFICANTLY above his weight class. Like taking on "They can smack The Hulk around" heavyweights. Not only that, but he's a scientific genius who can rub shoulders with the likes of Tony Stark and Reed Richards, in spite of being this dorky, wisecracking wallcrawler.
His whole thing is that when he's around other heroes, because Peter is so secretive about his secret identity, others tend to make wild assumptions about him that Peter never bothers to correct them about, because he is just that short of being Batman-levels of paranoid about his secret identity being uncovered and having it or his loved ones used against him. He's ALSO the one who believes the best in everybody, regardless of what they might think of themselves. He holds his peers to a certain standard, so when they betray that standard, and betray their fellow heroes, THAT'S when Peter gets pissed, and you have moments where he solos like... the ENTIRE X-Men team or something to that effect.
It's why Wolverine, despite being an extraordinarily violent individual, considers Spidey a friend, because Peter genuinely believes that Logan can be so much better than he believes himself to be.
He's like this hodgepodge of Billy Batson, Dick Grayson, Jimmy Olsen, and Bruce Wayne all rolled into one wisecracking package.
I think it also helps that Spider-Man very easily slips into the role of someone who speaks out on behalf of those who are marginalized because, at his roots, he's from a very economically unstable background--he's usually having to negotiate his superheroism with a job that barely keeps a roof over his head, and I think one of the things that makes Spider-Man such a beloved and relatable characters is that, his connection to the world of superheroes doesn't actually protect him from the very mundane, everyday threats of existing in capitalism. He has to worry about keeping a roof over his head, he has to worry about keeping a roof over Aunt May's head, he has to hold MJ's hand while she sobs over community theater programs for local kids get shut down or how she didn't get that callback because even though she's immensely talented she, quote, 'doesn't have the right look.' So he's also this natural advocate of people who get passed over by life in ways all these Marvel heavy hitters don't even think of.
Captain America: Why didn't [Villain of the week] just do [very obvious Lawful Good solution]?
Spider-Man: Because No Child Left Behind shut down 5 different schools in his area, he's in a food desert, a drug arrest for a drug that is now legal is still on his record and actively affecting his hiring prospects, and during the decades you were on ice lawmakers have been steadily killing all the local and federal support programs and antitrust laws you enjoyed in the 40's.
Captain America: Ah. Yeah. That'll do it.
So I think the Forever People (and by extension, the Hairies), being kind of a love letter to counterculture themselves, would be a great team-up for Spidey. Again because they're technically aliens and lack a lot of Earth context, everything about our planet is amazing and new and groovy to them! I think it would be a good blend of characterization, again, with a Spider-Man who's definitely getting severely burnt out and struggling with the sustainability of being Spider-Man and existing as Peter Parker.
Jack Kirby's notes on the Hairies also definitely overlaps with his philosophies on the Forever People, so I'm definitely putting this in here:
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Kirby is literally so passionate and insane. But I love the idea of a very exhausted and jaded Spider-Man putting it on himself to be a guide and protector for a polycule of mind-blowingly optimistic space-hippies and somehow healing in the process.
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(This is the vision) (Also maybe Spidey gets to get fused into Infinity-Man with all of them at some point. Infini-Spidey. Working name.)
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poppetsisters · 2 months
Now that my rage over the Doomcasting has simmered down, I just wanna gush over the Fantastic Four comi con stuff.
I'm not joking, when I heard that Michael Giacchino was doing the score, I SCREAMED. Not only is he famous for scoring The Incredibles, but he also did Speed Racer from 2008 which, if you haven't heard that score, it is one of the best scores for any film I've seen.
The period accurate footage is such a treat. I figured Matt Shakman's work on Wandavision was going to be indicative of what the Fantastic Four was gonna look like and yet it looks even better. I was nervous that Shakman's lack of feature film experience was gonna be a detriment, but his decades of work on TV gives him amazing instincts for character dynamics, which is one of the most important assets when making a Fantastic Four movie.
A lot of what we saw is pre-vis and may not actually be in the movie, but the retro-future vibe of the movie is perfect. The fact that MCU Fantastic Four is taking place in its own separate pocket away from all the bullshit really helps me feel excited for this movie. For once, the disconnectedness is something I'm EXCITED about, go figure.
Again, because it's pre-vis, not a whole lot of glimpses at The Thing's rocky form, in fact none of the powers were shown off for understandable reasons. I have no worries that The Thing is going to look good. As bad as Fant4stic was, The Thing looked pretty good in that film. Korg also never looked outright bad to me either, and they're probably gonna put more effort into how he looks anyway. Sue's powers are probably gonna be represented well seeing as invisibility is a really easy power to do VFX for. Fire graphics have come a long way as well, and that concept art makes me thing they may take a very stylised approach to his flame effects. Reed however is the one I'm really worried about. The only time stretch powers looked good was The Incredibles 1 and 2, but those were both stylised 3D animated filma. Live action has a much higher bar to clear with a heavy risk of uncanny valley Pedro Pascal. If you can make that man look bad, then you know you fucked up.
The Fantasticar is nice. We had the Dodge in Rise of Silver Surfer and the Bathtub in Deadpool and Wolverine, and though I like the Silver Surfer one (despite the shameless product placement) I get that they wanted a car that looked like a mid-century man's idea of what a flying car looks like. The only think is that I wish it could split apart into four sections, it doesn't look like it can do that. Oh well.
The spacesuits look good, the colours are exactly what I imagined they'd be on the concept art, but I'm waiting for the proper super suits to be shown off. Hopefully they have less interlocking parts and resemble the slightly thick and comfy spandex we saw in the concept art.
It looks like Pedro is keeping the moustache, which normally I'm not a fan of Reed with facial hair, but I also think it gives Reed a sorta Howard Hughes look that helps him blend in with the aesthetics of the world. The grey around the temples is good though, and it seems like he's also doing a transatlantic accent which frankly is very surprising.
I thought that Ebon wasn't doing an accent until I rewatched him during an interview. He appears to be toning down his natural tendency to draw out his A's and E's. It was only two lines of dialogue so I don't know, but what is very apparent is that he's not going for the outrageous brooklyn accent The Thing is legendary for in the comics, but something a little more subtle and believable.
Vanessa Kirby and Joseph Quinn are both different flavors of British, and though Joseph only says one word, it's pretty clear both are foregoing their natural accents. That said, Vanessa's choice of, what I can only guess is a slight mid-western accent, is very interesting. I was not expecting that choice.
They added a subtitle to the movie. Fantastic 4: First Steps. I think they didn't need to add a subtitle, but since they did. I'll just give it a cursory analysis. I think you can derive FOUR meanings from the title: First Steps calls to mind humanity's first steps on the Moon, fitting for a space age tale. First Steps also feels like a good title for their first adventure. First Steps works metatextually as their first steps into the MCU (which isn't technically true with those two cameos in MoM and D&W), but the most important theory I have for First Steps is in relation to a baby's first steps. I think that Franklin is going to be in this movie as a major plot point. Serving what purpose, I'm not sure.
To finish things off, we only get a look at Galactus through a window, so not much I can comment on in terms of appearance, but I'm very happy that it's an actual dude and not shadows within a cosmic cloud. He looks very imposing and I hope we get more perspective shots like that to sell how big this guy is.
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burningvelvet · 9 months
Quickly and poorly reviewing and ranking adaptations of Jane Eyre (1996, 1997, 2006, 2011) by their pros and cons:
1996 pros:
Best fire scene, easily. It actually gave me that excited feeling that good cinema gives a person. Much of the cinematic art was enjoyable altogether, including the costumes.
This film probably has ond of the best Bertha's in my opinion. She's truly sympathetic, beautiful, and fierce. probably tied for my favorite Bertha actress with 2006. She and Poole are given little time in the story, however.
Most adaptations shit on St. John. Here, that isn't the case. What little time he has is spent in making him much more appealing than I've ever seen him, both physically and characteristically. I like this, because many forget that Jane did love him in her way, and he is supposed to be attractive and nice despite his zealotism.
1996 has the best Adèle, which is amazing for me as a big Adèle fan. There is more focus on her and her relationships with Jane/Rochester. I particularly love the scene where J draws R and Adèle tries to play cupid a little, and when Adèle is offended when the ladies insult Jane.
Best Lowood plot by far. This is the first time I've been able to stand the Young Jane scenes, and little time was devoted to her early life with the Reeds, just enough to let us know she was abused. I like this choice. The young actresses playing Jane and Helen were the best and most rebelious I've seen yet. Their hair cutting scene brought tears to my eyes, which rarely ever happens for me.
Good Blanche plotline. I absolutely love the cinematography/aesthetic & set design.
1996 cons:
the actors are individually endearing in some ways (the scene of Jane and the mirror is particularly touching, as is their reunion). However, The biggest downside to this adaptation is that the chemistry between Jane and Rochester was lacking in my opinion. this is particularly notable in their meeting scene and first proposal scene.
William Hurt is a fantastic actor, and he's likeable, but he's not my favorite Rochester ever. He's alright. On a rewatch I could see myself warming to him more.
I love Charlotte Gainsbourg more for her music than her acting. Granted, she was young here like Jane is supposed to be, so I do not blame her. Visually, aside from her height, I can absolutely see her as Jane. As the film went on I warmed to her acting style; Jane Eyre is a hard role to perform due to her inwardness. I don't think she was horrible, but Anna Paquin (of later True Blood fame) as Young Jane Eyre somewhat outshined Gainsbourg.
I was disappointed in Adèle being sent away to school before the disaster and her not coming back in the end (why couldn't they have had her running with Pilot in the landscape shot!!!).
1997 pros:
Maybe the most accurate Jane and Rochester. I wasn't expecting to like him at all but he blew me away. excellent chemistry between the actors. The dancing scene was very captivating, as was the scene with him jumping from the walkway, their outdoor talks, him chasing her down the stairs — really, I was impressed, because I thought I'd hate this film. Like in the novel and in 96, both actors are a bit conventionally unattractive (well, compared to 11 and to some extent 06) - and like them, the characters grow on you.
BEST ST. JOHN (although 2006 has the best Rivers sisters) - St. John is described as being nice though serious, and looking like a statue of a Greek God with all the coldness AND beauty - and this movie is the only one who relatively understood that assignment (96 came close emphasizing his niceness). Most adaptations adapt his coldness but not his conventional Eurocentric good looks, which not only symbolize his colonizer attribute but also his appeal to Jane and the others. It's also important to have a conventionally handsome actor play St. John just as it's important to have a conventionally less attractive Jane Eyre because one theme of the novel is the critique of Victorian physiognomy & beauty; Jane/Rochester being unconventionally attractive is a contrast to Bertha, St. John, Blanche, Georgiana being attractive, so I think this element is not inconsequential. The difficult part is that beauty is highly subjective, so relying on conventional standards is key, as is the reminder that Victorian standards were a bit different from our own.
good Lowood plotline, good Gateshead plotline, fantastic Adèle with lots of adorableness & miraculous though OOC bonding between her and Rochester, fantastic costuming (though I don't know about accuracy), good Blanche plotline overall. Probably my favorite Bertha plotline for being sufficiently creepy.
1997 cons:
this isn't really a con for me but many people may dislike 97 Rochester for being passionate to the point of coming off crazy, and physical domineering as when he grabs Jane when she tries to leave — however, this does kind of fit for canonical Rochester & I don't mind it since he's supposed to be that way, but this is still arguably a con nevertheless. he does come off as too forward but i get they were trying to capture the whole overpassionate thing. it does come off as a little more toxic than other depictions perhaps!
I have very few complaints overall. I don't think the chemistry is as appealing as 2006, but it is accurate. I wish there was more Adèle, but you can't have everything.
The posters are bad and make the actors look worse than they are which subsequently turns people away. I think 1996 was marketed a bit better but that 2006 also suffers from bad poster syndrome which had an effect on me also. Presentation is important; marketing and advertising are also important in cinema. The aesthetic isn't as good as 1996 although I don't think the visuals are bad overall.
Jane is a little dissociative seeming, which can be off-putting for myself and other viewers I assume, but to be fair she is described as being like a weird little elf creature in the book, and the actress plays this very well, actually looking quite ill when Rochester asks if she is.
2006 pros:
Best chemistry between Jane/Rochester by far and for this reason will always be my favorite because it actually made me fall in love with Rochester in the end though I didn't like his portrayal at all at first (that's power! — and my love for this Rochester should arguably be a con for the sake of my sanity and pride). best Rochester imo and a fantastic Jane. I love love love the way they did the Rochester storytime flashbacks and fleshed out his character as a result.
Best and most enjoyable Blanche Ingram plotline by far (although no one likes the lack of Rochester-in-drag, the party scenes & insertion of the twin flame theory was delightful).
some of the best dialogue, fantastic Adèle plotline, good Bertha plotline, best Pilot, best Rosamond, good costuming, good sets/locations (the fairytale ambience of Jane walking outside before meeting Rochester! Rochester's weird study!), I like the extra focus placed on themes such as nature/genetics/science, religion, travel, sexuality, etc.
2006 cons:
I dislike the way they did the Lowood and Gateshead plots, and although the Rivers sisters were good, I resent their St. John plotline for the most part. I disliked the lack of mystery surrounding Bertha; I think they made it way too obvious & not creepy enough, especially in showing her perspective from the window and giving her lines (one line, calling Jane a whore in Spanish) which no other adaptation does. I was sorely bored before and after Thornfield and only really revived when she got back to Ferndean (although Jane's flashbacks and some of the St. John plotline [the references to love, reminding us of her inner thoughts of Rochester] kept me alive). I suppose there were prices to pay for the excellence of the Jane and Rochester moments. - in comparison these seem like small prices, but still!
2011 pros:
deciding to go with a non-linear structure was a fantastic choice though I was skeptical of it at first, good St. John plotline for the most part & which they put emphasis on, really fantastic Jane with a lot of good fierce moments & lines, maybe the best Gateshead plotline including Mrs. Reed & the Red Room scene (although the lack of red was disappointing, and the lack of explanation for the chimney monster is conflicting – was it all in her head?), good young Jane, one of the best Richard Masons, star-studded cast, good dialogue, maybe the best costuming, Aesthetic™️
2011 cons:
least favorite adele (not insulting the child actress, this is the fault of the writers/directors)
— this is where i call security to protect me from an onslaught of jane eyre 2011 fans here on tumblr. alright, maybe i should watch it again — but i was expecting a lot more. particularly from michael fassbender as mr. rochester. probably my least favorite rochester by far & the least sympathetic. this rochester captures the dark and dangerous part of him but imo not so much the higher feelings that define him. the lack of humour & lack of unrepressed passion/drama/rage is noticeable - rochester isn't supposed to be quiet; as toby stephens (2006) said in an interview, rochester never shuts up in the book, he's really too eccentric to even be adapted accurately; he has to be toned down to be realistic, but here he's muted too far. - i felt like mia was carrying all of their scenes on her back & that the chemistry really rested on her primarily.
Cinematography-wise, there are some gems in the stills (famous hand holding gif), but I dislike the overall muted palette of the film; many will think this suits the tone and in some ways I agree, however, I will always prefer color and dislike the epidemic of desaturation we've seen so often in 21st century cinema. For this reason, 96, 97, 06 all triumph against 2011 aesthetically for me personally, although I still recognize some of the artistry of 2011, it is not my preference.
My overall ranking: 2006 (primarily for Jane/Rochester), 1997 (excellent overall), 1996 (good but flawed), 2011 (I tried but overall did not enjoy it).
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kandisheek · 3 months
I love the choices laireshi makes in combining different versions of Steve and Tony across the multiverse. The emerging plots and complicated dynamics that they play with are super interesting. And to top it all off, laireshi is a fantastic writer, so any fic of their is basically a guaranteed hit, in my opinion.
Here's some of their work that I think you should check out:
A Thousand Kisses Deep
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: M Words: 3,547 Tags: Getting Together, Jealous Steve, Angst
Summary: Steve doesn't seem too happy when Steve Rogers of Marvel Ultimate gets transported into their universe. He seems even less happy when Tony and the new Steve get closer to each other.
Reasons why I love it: I don't know what it is about different versions of Steve and Tony being jealous of each other, but I love it a whole lot. And this fic is an absolutely wonderful example of that. Tensions are high, decisions are made and feelings are confessed – color me a happy Kandi. I love this fic, and I bet you will too!
Broken Mirrors
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 3,485 Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Post-CA:CW, Angst
Summary: “He hid some things from me,” Tony says, then shrugs. “It’s fine. I hid some things from him, too. Don’t you know this story?” 616 Steve meets MCU Tony.
Reasons why I love it: The title of this fic is very apt. They're both so incredibly broken, and it's honestly really lovely to see them find comfort in each other, even (or especially) when they can't find it with their original counterparts. I just want to give them both a hug. This fic is amazing, and you should definitely read it!
Changes on our hands and on our faces
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 17,617 Tags: Fix-It of Sorts, Civil War, Bittersweet Ending
Summary: In the wake of the incursions, Steve and Tony face the end of the world together. They wake up separate, each of them faced with a version of the other they haven't met before. It might be a recipe for disaster, or it might just help them solve their issues.
Reasons why I love it: This fic HURTS, but my god, it hurts so good. I love the contrast between these two versions of them, especially while Tony is Superior Ironman. They're all so damaged, and the way laireshi portrays them really gets under my skin. It's fantastic, the ending is both tragic and beautiful, and I hope you go and experience it for yourself!
Loss (The Better Reflections Remix)
Pairing: Steve/Tony Rating: T Words: 2,749 Tags: Angst, Post-Civil War, Earth-3490
Summary: Director Stark finds himself in another universe with a Steve who is not only very much alive, but also getting married.
Reasons why I love it: Tony needs so many hugs, oh my god. This fic really tugs at my heartstrings in the best possible way. I love the look into Natasha's universe, especially that tidbit with Reed, and Tony's inner monologue is fantastic. Definitely check this one out if you haven't, it's so good!
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
The Wedding In White Habour P4
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Media Game Of Thrones
Character Jojen Reed Age Up
Couple Jojen X Reader
Rating Smut af
Concept Consumating the Marriage
Smut sexual discussions / making out / breast play / fondling / nipple play / nipple sucking / bj's / biting / love bites / raw sex / full sex / riding / virgin x Non virgin / nudity / face sitting / eating out / fingering / screaming / jizz / cum on stomach / cum inside / slapping / spanking /
I had grown accustomed to my room in grey water, spending my days with my books and my harp as I rarely saw my husband. We had been married now for over six months and our wedding was not yet consummated. I rarely saw him at all and even rarer we exchanged words, it saddened me but what choice did I have? I suppose I should think myself lucky, many girls are sold off to men who view them as meer ovens for heirs never allowed to leave the bed merely sheth for their sword, others are merciless cruel and abusive drunks, I should count myself lucky to have a husband who just ignores me.
I finished my bath and wrapped my robe loosely around myself just to keep out the cold heading towards the bed but I stopped short as the bedroom door opened and closed quickly after revealing an annoyed Jojen. He walked in frustrated putting a hand through his hair but stopped dead in his tracks as he saw me eyes wide glancing from ankle to neck
"Ohh good evening Jojen" I smiled adjusting my robe to give me more coverage
"Let's just get this over with," he says undoing his shirt throwing it to the floor and sitting on my bed stroking up his bare arm
"What's going on Jojen?" I asked carefully approaching him
"My father's angry at me, he knows we haven't… yet."
"I see. Jojen, we don't have to do anything you don't want to" I reassured sitting beside him to take his hand gently
"We do though. I don't have a choice" he says moving his hand away from my own "he'll feed me to the lizard lions If I don't"
"I see. If I may ask, is there any reason you don't want to? Because I can perhaps do my best to accommodate things, perhaps you'd prefer just my back or my feet, or we could bring someone-"
"No. No y/n. It's nothing like that" he says "I'll be honest it was mostly stress and stubbornness that prevented it on our wedding night I was so angry at my father for forcing me to marry someone I didn't love, having to travel halfway up the north t get married"
"That's understandable, but then why have you waited all this time?"
"Fear." He says "I was just frustrated that night, the next morning when I saw you- I thought you were the most beautiful thing I'd ever seen and honestly… that morning I wanted nothing more than to throw you again the bed and make you my lady" he explained "but I feared I had pushed you away too far, that you already hated me, I feared that I'd be no good to you and I just…never got the courage to come and see you after that"
"Thats sweet Jojen but your my husband it's alright, whatever fears you have I'm sure we can quell them"
"You- you'd be willing to do that?"
"Of course," I smiled giving his cheek a small kiss
"I uhh I must ask what uhh what experience do you have?"
Immediately I forced down thoughts of my childhood, my past and my home forcing a smile "Well let's just say-"
"In plain words. Please. I need to know"
"My innocence was taken from me many years ago, I learnt many things and have a decent amount of experience, and you?"
"Nothing? No handmaids? No girls in the marshes?"
"No. My father forbid it so I uhh I'm going to need to rely on you a little"
"That's all right, I'll lead just trust your instincts and if you want to stop just ask" I reassured and he nodded I smiled and pulled him gently into a soft kiss he slowly and shakily kissed back his hand coming to rest on my upper arm even if I was being gentle I couldn't help my hands stroking down his chest being as impressed as our wedding day when we pulled back I slipped off my robe leaving me completely naked he took in every inch of me much as he did the morning after our wedding but this time more intense allowing his face to show his true feelings
"You're beautiful my lady"
"Thank you Jojen, is there anything you'd like to touch?"
He didn't answer his hands merely instantly clamped onto my breasts making me giggle a little watching as he experimented squeezing groping fondling them in his hands as he tried to learn everything about them I happily allowed him his time and gently kissed his neck while he plaid his favourite seemed to be holding his hands under my breasts feeling the weight of them in his hands gently squeezing and rubbing on the skin
"You like them?"
"Very much, I uhh I think there- you're very beautiful"
"Thank you" I giggled "You know of you just' I guided his hands to slightly take a different grip so his thumbs which seemed to like rubbing on the soft skin could circle and rub my nipples which he seemed to quickly understand this instruction helping to harden them "then it feels very nice"
"It does? You uhh you like when I-" he asks rubbing on them a little harder and I bit my lip and nodded "uhh okay" he let a small moan slip "uhhhh I uhhh can I ask something?"
"Of course Jojen"
"I uhhh I uhh" he stuttered nervously his face turning red glancing to the door almost checking we weren't heard "Could I uhh could I suck - on them?"
I was taken back by his question unable to prevent a giggle which only made his face drop upset I laughed at his question
"Sorry I shouldn't have-"
"No no it's alright, I'm sorry Jojen you just surprised me is all. Of course, you can if you'd like to"
"I uh I can?"
"Of course" I nodded
He was nervous but came close kissing my lips then my chin and down my jaw, I smirked leaning my back against the post of my bed as he kissed down my neck making sure to suck a little on the crook of my neck before kissing down slightly tickling me as he kissed my chest and down between my breasts he picked the left clearly as his right hand was more than happy to continue he softly stroked my breasts before kissing my hard nipple causing my playful giggles he looked up unsure but I nodded and he took my nipple between his lips gently sucking while his other hand continued and it was very pleasurable feeling his sucking get more and more intense often flicking his tongue against my hard nipple or even gracing it with his teeth it was enough to force a moan from my lips which only seemed to fuel him making him intensify his hand and his mouth
"Uhhh Jojen" I gasped pushing him back even if he didn't much want to stop I pushed him completely off the bed to stand beside the bed I opened my legs and pulled his hips to stand between them I took his hand gently letting him pet my hair as I kissed his lower stomach gently untiring the laces of his trousers It didn't take long for him to get excited knotting his fingers into my hair as I worked with each inch I exposed as I unlaced I kissed further down exposing his rather prominent v and the small trail of blonde hair leading below, once completed unlaced they dropped to his ankles allowing me for the first time a good look at my husband and I was impressed. I was gentle not wanting to overwhelm him pressing little kisses to him and stroking his shaft but that seemed to only wind him up more he was nervous but I blew him a kiss before I took him into my mouth being so gentle as I began my sucking and gentle licking which made him utterly melt honestly of not for me holding his hips he may have collapsed on the floor or at least lost his knees out from under himself his face read of surprise and shock which worried me and made me move back "everything alright?'
"Yeah uhh yeah your uhh you're fine I uhh I didn't think it uhh"
"If was that intense?"
"Yeah" he nods
"I'll be slow" I smiled returning him to my mouth slowly but surely getting more intense now moving my head back and forth and the sounds that came out of him were enough to make me soaked listening to his gasps and groans of pleasure above me reacting to the tiniest of movements until he pushed me away so hard I fell onto the bed
"Oh sorry-"
"It's alright, enough?"
"For now anymore I uhh I don't think we'll get to do anything else" he says "How uhh how should I?"
"How should you what?"
"Well you’re more experienced than I am, I know I'm supposed to put you on your back but I heard about having you on your knees is easier I don't know"
"It's alright, it's alright how about we be gentle the first time?" I asked holding his hands as I moved to my knees he nods so I guided him into my bed giving him pillows to make sure he was comfortable
"What uhh what do I do?"
"You don't need to do anything' I smiled as I climbed onto his lap at first I merely settled on him moving my hips back and forth so I could know the sort of angles I could work with he seemed to meet with me unsure in his face but his body seemed to know what to do "there we are just like that okay," I told him giving him a soft kiss before I carefully lowered myself letting him slip inside of me having to stop a moment once I reached the base as I was a little overwhelmed "uuughhh…" I gasped rolling my head back a little "ummm you sure fill a girl up good Jojen" I giggled
"I uhh I'm inside you. I'm actually inside you"
"Fully inside me my sweet husband" I smiled giving his lips a kiss
"You look, incredibly gorgeous on top of me"
I giggled "I shall have to do it more then"
"You can do it whenever you like my lady" he Cooes his hands settling on my hips and ass "uuhhh… why did I wait so long?"
"I don't know" I smiled "I'll be slow okay," I asked and he nods so I settled a hand on his stomach and began to move my hips to ride him his hips worked into my own his mouth hung open often moans escaping his head thrown back against the pillows
"Uuuughhhhh! Uuuuuuuhhh y/n! Y/n! Uuuuuuuhhh"
"It feels nice my sweet husband?'
"Amazing my beautiful wife" he smirked his innocent blush seeming to disappear leaning up to bite at my neck wrapping his arms around my back fueled by his desires I giggled pushing him back down and changing my angle a little allowing myself to bounce and grind harder and faster against him so much so the bed began banging against the wall and I leaned down to kiss and leave a love bite on his neck "uuhh yes! Yes! Uuuughhhhh y/n!" He moans loudly his nails digging into my hips and forcing me down as deep as possible "Y/n… y/n" he whines before letting loose a loud and throaty moan releasing his grip on me immediately and releasing his seed deep inside me
"Ohhh Jojen, you could have warned me," I asked sitting up and making sure to let him rose it out and making sure his seed got as deep inside me as possible for a better chance of me getting pregnant then again if not I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a few more nights like this and I'm sure he wouldn't either
"Sorry y/n. I uhh I didn't have a lot of warning either" he chuckled between his breaths
"Did you enjoy it, my husband?"
"Very very much my beautiful wife" he Cooes holding my hand and peppering it with kisses "I shouldn't have waited so long, I'm sorry for making you feel like I didn't want to. But now it's over with my innocence is gone and were officially married and I couldn't be happier" he smiled sitting up to kiss me
"That's sweet Jojen I'm very happy too" I smiled nuzzling with him
"I uhh I got mine, did you get yours?"
"My what?"
"I got to release my seed. Did my wife get to reach the sky too?" He asks
"No, but that's okay our first time and all of takes practice ladies are very complicated Jojen"
"But I want to, it's not fair. Surely there are secrets you can show me?"
"Well I don't know any, spent my life learning to be a lady and how to please a man never the other way"
"Oh… uhh could I try something then?"
"Of course" I nodded
He smiled and cupped my breasts again kissing down my neck as he firmed them up in his hands rubbing on my nipples as they once again got hard for him "You like that?" He asks and I nodded he smirked and kissed up to my neck "You liked this?" He whispered between kisses and I nodded trying to hold back my giggles his hand moved down my stomach and then around my hip taking a firm grip on my ass and giving it a gentle slap
"Ohh" I giggled
"You like that sweetie?" He smirked and I couldn't help but nod biting my lip a little and burying my head in his neck in embarrassment "awww cute, you like what I'm doing or what I'm saying?"
"Both? You like it when I call you… sweetie?" He smirked milking the word and I nodded
"Humm okay" he smirked biting his lip as he intentionally stared down at me "You've been a bad little thing, sweetie." He growled slapping my ass hard
"Ohh Jojen"
"Umm yeah, you like that?" He smirked moving my hips to slowly ride him again "You like that sweetie? You like it when your sexy husband comes and uses you?" He smirked and I nodded blushing hard "fuck-" he groaned pulling me into a kiss his hands moving to just my hips when he pulled away I was utterly shocked by his words "I want you to sit on my face"
"What - Jojen I uhh"
"Please, I've heard people talk about it. It sounds amazing, it's all I want right now" he groans
"I don't know Jojen I mean you were innocent an hour ago" I giggled
"Please I'd you don't like it I'll never ask again, but please it's all I can think about" he groans "I want your sweet pussy ridding my face sweetie"
"Well… okay but carefully I don't want to hurt you"
"If this is how I did believe me I will die happy" he says laying back with his head on the pillow eager and excited I was nervous having never done it before but I moved holding the wooden headboard my knees on either side of his head I was slow moving slowly until his lips met me he happily held my thighs to keep me still and at this level as he kissed and sucked as he had on my nipple
"Uuhhhh Jojen!" I gasped feeling the sharp pleasure he didn't speak merely working hard to pleasure my aching clit clearly enjoying himself he began to move my hips the same as when I was riding him which only intensified the pleasure letting him work into me better to send more accurate waves of pleasure as I rode I could barely contain my moans my hands leaving the headboard to play with my breasts as he worked, after a while I knew how close I was getting feeling so on edge but one hand left my thigh and he thrusted two fingers deep inside me moving them in and out as he merciless licked and sucked which caused me to scream his name loudly and slightly squirt
Immediately he pulled his fingers out and flipped us over so I laid on my back and he now sat over me looking as happy as I'd ever seen him my wetness soaked across the lower half of his face
"Like it?" I asked
"Everything I hoped it would be" he smirked "Did you like it?"
"Very much"
"But still no?"
"No." I blushed
"Say no more sweetie" he smirked kissing down my neck and then down between my breasts making a stop to suck on each nipple a moment before kissing down my stomach he opened my thighs as far as possible and buried his head there returning to his pace returning his fingers inside me as he became utterly merciless on me leaving me to scream in pleasure my only outlet gripping my sheets or attempting to pleasure my breasts which he noticed and batted my hand off using his other hand to play with my breast often rubbing and twisting my nipple as he worked until I hit a wall of pleasure squeezing my legs around his head screaming so much my throat slightly shredded
"Uuuuuuuhhh uuughhhh Jojen!"
He pulled back but only to wipe his mouth on the back of his hand looming over me excitedly "uuhhh sweetie" he gasps and it was then I noticed the hand that had been fingering me now wrapped around his hard shaft "fuck you made me hard just watching you like that," he groans his hand working hard as he jerked himself off over my naked body I blushed but batted his hand away
"That's a job for your wife Jojen" I smirked stroking my pussy which he only smirked at
"Ummm yes it is sweetie" he growled biting his lip before pushing as deep inside me as he could "fuck! More.."
"What?" I gasped feeling him once again fill me up with his shaft
"More" he growled wrapping my legs around his waist "I want you sweetie. Now" he demanded grabbing my hips and thrusting so mercilessly that it was almost as if he found a new angle leaning down to leave hikes across my neck pounding my pussy so mercilessly that all I could do was scream he held my hips so hard my hips were actually completely off the bed the whole bed shaking as it banged repeatedly against the wall "yeah you like that, you like your husband fucking railing you"
"Uhhh yes! Jojen please!"
"Uuhhhh just a little longer sweetie please, I'm so close too" he groans moving a hand to rub on my clit which was enough to tip me over the edge sending me almost off the earth itself for my second orgasm he melted against me feeling me around him "uuuuuuuhhh! Fucking hell" he moans as only a few more thrusts later he pulled out and send his seed across my stomach before collapsing among the covers with me "okay… I wanna be inside you every time you do that"
"God yes" he gasps "Holy fuck your amazing"
"Thank you, my wonderful husband did very very good too" I smiled nuzzling up to him as we cuddled up against the bed
"Yeah? I did a good job for my first time?"
"A perfect job" I Cooed
"Well we have time to learn all the little secrets about each other" he smiled "and… what we each like" he smirked wrapping my leg around his hips and stroking my ass and thigh
"I think I can guess what you like Jojen"
"Humm can you now? Well, I know what you like too, sweetie" he smirked almost growling that last word and I couldn't help but blush and slightly squeeze my legs together "hummm" he chuckled "Again sweetie?" He whispered in my ear
I couldn't help but giggle "Later Jojen when we have some energy"
"Your right, I really am sorry for being a dick"
"It's alright you had your reasons, so long as things will be different now?"
"Of course, I promise" he Cooes kissing my nose making me giggle "You are such a little giggler it's so cute," he smiled "Hey what would you say to maybe… a couple days together just you and me?"
"I'd like that"
"And maybe we could move our rooms in together?" He suggested
"That sounds lovely Jojen"
"Umm I love you y/n"
"Aww I love you too Jojen" I smiled nuzzling close to him as we tucked the covers up around us
"Can I stay tonight?"
"Of course as long as you'd like"
We got cosy and snug cuddled up together comfortably  
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bloodyshadow1 · 8 months
my detailed thoughts on the first season of Percy jackson.
The pacing, I know everyone says this, but really the pacing of this season was all over the place. having 8 episodes while probably the only option for the writing team really hurt the series overall. Adding an additional episode would helped keep things better I think and would allow a better flow. Not to mention it would help keep things structured in a 3 act system with a beginning, middle, and end that a lot of stories, are told in which would have just fit and flowed better. I would prefer 12 eps, for each act having 4 eps, but that is greedy since they're probably going to be stuck with 8 for the rest of the series too
Lightning, the series was just too dark in a lot of scenes, I didn't have much of a problem because I watched on my smarttv, but I know a lot of people who watched on computers or phones had trouble
The beginning, there should have been more episodes in Camp Half-Blood, at least 1 more. I get that the meat of the story is in the journey, but by not establishing camp half-blood as the first place Percy felt like home it makes it feel emptier. I do like how they including flashbacks of luke training percy in the finale but I would have liked more in camp half blood before the start
There's a less wonder and magic in the series than there was in the books. I don't really know how to describe it, but the books made it feel like there were two worlds hiding within each other and there is magic everywhere. Just small things like Ares turning his lost shield into a bullet proof vest because that's the more modern take.
I'm not with a vocal part of the fandom that bitch and moan over the kids not falling into every trap, I like that Percy is smarter, but instead of just making him smarter, I think they should have just had him ask more questions, like if he was a 12 year old with ADHD who had his eyes open to a world. By making him ask questions, it would help let them explain the world more by having people answer Percy, instead of him knowing everything. Certain things I think could have been done better, like the Kronos reveal and the Luke reveal, it could be done as a reveal instead of Percy figuring it out and I think it would have worked better. like have Percy realize it when talking through the prophecy with Luke because Luke mentions the bolt and the helm, something Percy wouldn't have told him or anyone at camp.
For the most part, I like how they did the gods, with the exception with Zeus and Athena. Zeus is such a larger than life figure, as much as I love Lance Riddick's performance, he played him too epic. The Zeus from the books feels more like a powerful blowhard while the series makes him feel too cool to me. As for Athena, I'll admit I'm bias because she's my favorite god but I don't like her being made the villain in Annabeth's story especially offscreen. I get that they're playing up the gods being shit more than the books and since they made Poseidon more sympathetic, making Athena more antagonistic is a choice to make. I just don't think it fits her cold and logical, but still cares about her kids in her way that she was portrayed in the books.
Grover. I honestly like a lot of the things they added to his character, but I wish they didn't take away from his canon character moments. Not many, but I liked him being a different species than Percy and Annabeth, he isn't human, he's part goat and instead of the books stuff, he's more just a kid with different legs and short horns than another creature. Also by taking away his reed pipes and not showing him being able to do magic, it limits the character.
While people complain about the show... showing not telling, I feel like there was a lack of exposition in the show that wasn't there in the books. It kind of goes with Percy being smarter in the show than the books, but there's a lot of stuff left out of the show that is good world building. small example, no one mentions that monsters don't die for good, which is a very important plot point in heroes of olympus, even if they don't make it, it's a good thing to tell a new demi-gods. Or other plot points, like Annabeth wanting to see her father after all these years, despite how badly things broke before, which just kind of resolves offscreen.
Honestly though, it was only the fandom that ever really bothered me. Too many people focusing on uncharitable changes about the series that had to be made since there is a difference between a first person perspective book series and a tv series that they had to make. That they couldn't fit everything into an 8 ep series that's in a whole book
Honestly, one of the best adaptions I've seen despite all the cons.
The acting in the show is awesome, the actors for the kids are young but perfect for the roles they were assigned. they might not look like the books, but I genuinely think it doesn't matter if they're going to be this good. Walker, Leah, and Aryan stand out as the stars of this show and for good reason
I really like the way they portrayed Luke in the tv series, I get the twist in the books, but by bringing up stuff with him earlier I think it makes him more sympathetic. I also think by not including the scorpion to kill Percy, and instead make it clear Luke doesn't want to kill Percy makes him feel more like a kid making a dumb decision instead of someone willing to murder a 12 year old.
I like how they portrayed Sally in the show even if some people disagree. I like that she shows more flaws and character than just being the sweetest saddest woman that she was in the books. As much as Sally loves Percy, him not only being a demi-god, but a neurodivergent kid, it wears on any parent's patience, especially a single mother. Having her get angry and lose her temper, having us as the viewers know what she's been through makes her feel more real and fits better for a tv show.
I like most of the effects, I think it fits in the show and looks better than a lot of blockbuster movies. Lightning aside. I think the monsters looked good and so did the magic even if I think the latter could be better
Honestly, I think the fight scenes were great for a disney show where the main character is supposed to be 12. I know people are annoyed with how short they are, but that's how they were in the books. I think they were adapted fine.
I like that since we're not in Percy's head, we get more of Annabeth and Grover. It feels like a real proper adventuring trio than the books where it felt like it was so Percy focused with Annabeth being the secondary main and grover being a main, but kind of sidekick character. Letting Grover and Annabeth be characters, to have scenes without Percy and changing things from the books, like having Annabeth seeing the fates cut the thread, makes more sense when you're not doing a first person books
Overall I think they changed things in a very fair and pragmatic sense. There were a lot, but there were less egergious than the movie that changed the whole plot.
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aydaptic · 11 months
Sorry if you've already answered this before but I'm new to the fandom and I found your account through your web-comic and I was wondering what is it about Gavin that you like so much? Why is he one of your favourite characters in dbh? (I've noticed that he isn't much of a fan-favourite in this fandom 😔)
This'll be a long post, but you asked (...and I'll happily answer!) I'll add some descriptions for context. At the top of my head, I can think of 21 reasons why I like his canon equivalent.
1. He's charismatic
Gav gives off an energy that makes it easy to hang onto his every word. I can quote all his lines by heart and I like listening to Neil Newbon (in this specific role) talk. I remember some of Kamski's lines as well -- also mo-capped/voice acted by Newbon -- but Kamski doesn't have nearly as much charisma as Gav does.
2. He's expressive
Ppl who 'talk with their hands' are more charismatic. Gav is all over the place in the break room if you stick around. Hand gestures capture people's attention as they emphasize what is being said.
3. He doesn't think androids are alive (...so in his eyes, the way he treats them isn't wrong)
"Could always try roughin' it up a little. After all... it's not human." - Gavin Reed, The Interrogation
That means he wouldn't rough up a human suspect. This alone justifies his unpleasant attitude towards androids. Hank -- who treated Connor way worse than Gav ever did -- changed his mind. Nothing says Gav can't do the same.
If Alexa suddenly said she was alive, the vast majority wouldn't take it seriously (if any at all.)
4. He's sarcastic
"Congratulations on last night, very impressive." - Gavin Reed, Waiting For Hank...
5. He has dark humor
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6. He looks down on people that pay for s*x
Quote above. You don't call someone a "pervert" if you agree with their actions. The Eden Club, in particular, is immoral AF... bc those androids don't have a choice. Gav doesn't care about them being androids, but he still looks down on the guy who paid money to get laid, and I applaud Gav for that. Especially when said guy also had a wife and kids.
7. He has valid concerns about androids taking jobs
Anyone who says differently is either in denial, uninformed, or never had a job they were scared to get fired from. There's already been an uproar about ChatGPT and that's nothing compared to how advanced Detroit: Become Human androids are. The unemployment rate in this game is 37% -- higher than it was during the Great Depression and C*VID -- and androids are the main cause.
I've seen a lot of ppl ask this question:
Q: Why not just buy an android and have them do your job for you, then? You get the money anyway bc it's your android!
A: Bc, believe it or not, the vast majority of men want to work. This is a strange concept to grasp for a lot of ppl. I admire Gav for being one of those men who wants to do it themselves. Letting someone else do your job is taking the easy way out.
8. He's a hard worker
Gallery: "...Ruthlessly ambitious, Reed will do anything to advance his career, even if it means treading on other peoples’ toes."
9. He's ambitious
See the quote above.
10. He doesn't sleep well
This isn't just a headcanon. He has literal bags under his eyes. Just knowing he doesn't sleep well already has me asking, "why?" It's interesting.
11. He puts his feet on the table
After Connor interacts with him in the break room, Gav will go to his desk and do this. I'll go into detail about why this contributes to my liking his character in the very last point.
12. He calls Hank out on his alcoholism
As much as most of us love Hank, he's not in a good space mentally. Showing up drunk/hungover to work should not be tolerated. It not only puts coworkers, but also civilians, at risk. Hank should be in therapy instead of working at the DPD until he gets his life sorted out.
13. He calls Fowler out for giving Hank special treatment
"You won't get away with it this time." - Gavin Reed, The Interrogation (after Hank pulls a literal gun on a human coworker AKA Gav)
So Gav has brought it up to Fowler before and is about to do it again. Ties into the point above. What Hank does -- like assaulting a literal FBI agent -- shouldn't be tolerated.
14. He's a control freak
I gravitate towards ppl and characters who take charge. Those who like being in control and know what they're doing. I'm a control freak myself, but I'd prefer to let someone else take the reins as long as I agree with their methods. I like it when ppl know what they want and act on it. Gav does both.
15. He's protective of his coworkers
I was unsure whether or not to add this as I guess it can be seen as a subjective theory and not an objective fact.
Gav only ever steps in with the gun in The Interrogation when Con uses aggressive force on Chris Miller by tearing him away from the deviant. Con did this after disobeying Gav 3 times. So yeah. Gav is justified for stepping in. Hank, on the other hand, isn't justified for pulling a gun on a human coworker. I see this scene as Gav protecting Chris from Con who is showing signs of deviancy.
16. He can't wink
17. He pouts a lot
Again, endearing.
18. He swears like a sneezing kitten
Same as the two points above.
19. He doesn't like Connor
I don't like Con, either. Yeah. We exist. Personality types like Con's "let's be friends" attitude and constant positivity pisses me off. Before anyone comments that the player decides Con's personality... no. Only to an extent. There are several instances where the player has no say whatsoever. Some of Con's pre-determined responses annoy me.
20. He has great fashion
Big fan of leather jackets.
21. I like him bc I'm a narcissist at times
He's essentially the male equivalent of me to the T. I'm only an asshole internally, though. We love (or hate) characters we relate to. I relate to every single point except 17 and 18 on this list.
There you go :)
His OOC fanon equivalent has a huge fanbase -- especially on Twitter/X and Tumblr turning him into a blushing teenage girl -- but it seems like I'm the only person who can't stand that OOC portrayal of him. That said, I adore his canon equivalent in all his asshole glory.
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fluffykiddosstuff · 4 months
In this story, the reader is already dating sixty since few months, and was a stripper before, she is the sister of gavin and a close friend to hank, connor is aroace in this one and conan (rk900) and gavin are dating also (conan changed his hair to white and sixty as slightly darker hair and eyes than connor)
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A little bit of context :
You came inside the department to give your brother's lunch, heck like you were in school..you dropped it on his desk and you where trying to get back to your work as fast as possible when you bumped into someone, really hard, you falled flat ass on the ground and groaned in pain, the figure helped you getting up while muttering a "sorry" you looked up and was mermerised by what you saw.
It was an another rk800 model like connor, but with darker hair and eyes. Also a little scar was on his forehead, you flattered your eyelashes and laughed a bit.
"Sorry ! Thought i was seing a ghost by how i look at you !"
The android blushed blue a bit and kept looking in your (e/c) eyes, even tho you had a rather revealing outfit.
"Yeah sorry you must be confused,i'm sixty, the brother of connor and conan, i'm the middle one"
"Oh i see makes sense that you have a brother bond ! I'm y/n Reed"
"Reed ? Like detective reed ?" His eyes whidenend and you laughed again
"Yeah ,i know my bro is an ass but so much things happened when we were little, he is a good person, he just hides it really well, i hope conan can see it"
You both talked a little bit more when your boss called, screaming at you.
"Sorry gotta go before i get fired ! Call me if you want sweetie !"
You gave him a cheek kiss and a little paper with your personal number on it, he stroked his cheek in awe and blushed a bit more, was that what people call "love at first sight ?"
Months later :
You were wainting in front of the family door with your boyfriend, sixty, you were quite nervous and you looked at him.
"What if they don't like me ? Is my dress too revealing?"
"No you are fine really, don't worry"
You smiled and took his hand in yours, when conan opened, he didn't said anything but eyed your dress, it was a cocktail black dress with glitter, you wore some jewelry and makeup, and black heels with it, also black and red nails accompanying your look.
"Come in, the dinner will be ready soon"
You nodded and got inside, hank was in the couch with sumo, while connor was cooking, gavin was surely outside smoking you thought.
You got near connor when sixty leaved your side to talk a bit with hank and conan.
"Need help with cooking ?"
"Huh no thanks" he was quite, dry in his talking and backed away from you, you nodded and got away, sitting on a chair in front of the tv. Conan was staring at you with his deep blue ocean eyes and you weren't at ease at all. Gavin came back and smiled at you, you smiled a bit back when connor screamed.
"Dinner is ready everyone !"
You all got around the table, the 3 humans getting classic food while the 3 androids eated thirium based food. There was an uncomfortable silence when hank started the conversation.
"So, is everything well now with work, find anything ?"
"Yes actually! I found a new work i will be starting soo-"
"Is it about showing yourself to everyone on display again ?" Conan said staring at you,hank chocked on his drink and gavin gave an elbow at conan
"What's it to you now ?" Gavin glared at him, he saw you were hurt, badly even
"N-no actually it's in a bakery, not far from the dpd and-"
"a bakery, with how you dress seriously ?" Connor said with an arched eyebrow. You had tears around your eyes and looked at your plate, not daring to touch it.
"What's your point both of you, why do you treat her like that !?" Sixty screamed, hitting the table making everyone flinch.
"We want you to understand sixty that she isn't a good choice of a partner, she flirts with everyone we saw it before she met you back at the station, and showing everything she got to everybody ? Don't you think she will cheat ?" Connor simply nodded at conan words, hank and gavin being stunned by what he said, you cried silently and got your purse before getting up.
"I-i'll be on my way, sorry for bothering"
You runned outside in the pouring rain when sixty glared at his so called brothers
"I hope you are all happy !" He got outside and started to run back at you.
Meanwhile gavin and hank started to lecture the 2 others androids.
"What did you both thought for God's sake !?" Hank screamed, looking at the white and brown haired androids, connor looked like a lost puppy, when conan looked like a training dog waiting for his next instructions. He speaked first.
"We saw many hints from y/n at work hank, she kept flirting with everyone even us, while she knows i'm gay and connor is aroace"
Hank facepalmed and groaned while gavin sighed.
"Didn't thought i'd say something like that but this is the dumbest thing you said tin man" sighed gavin
"Yeah connor i thought you were you and conan, the greatest achievement of cyberlife" hank said,scratching his beard "this is how she acts with everyone, she is just very open, she does that to me too, do you thing a chick like her would be interested in an old man like me ? Surely not, she just likes to make people at ease and giving them nicknames that's all"
"Yeah and for why she was a stripper. She didn't get to go to school like me, our father forced us in the way he like, he forced me to the army after i graduated from police school while y/n stayed at home doing the chores, i was the one helping her to read or things like that, with no diploma,  it was hard getting a job so she went in this way so she wouldn't relay on me, even if i wasn't bothered by it. She got manupilated by so many poeple that she didn't got many love in return. That's why she is very touchy with everyone,she stayed for money but also for information since many bad guys got in this "human only club" and helped us with many cases. Her boss got arrested not long ago thanks to her informations, so now she is trying to fix her life"
Both of the androids looked at the floor, LED red, now they where feeling bad..
Sixty pov :
I runned after her and took her wrist in my hand
"Y/n wait !"
She looked at me with her (e/c) eyes full of tears, she sniffled and i took her into my arms and strocked her back.
"I'm sure it was a misunderstanding,  you live far away, and by how it's pouring, it's not safe to drive either, let's get back inside, i don't want you to be sick"
She simply nodded and i kissed her before taking her hand and going back to hank's house..
Author pov :
Sixty knocked on the door and gavin opened he gave you a sympathetic look then hugged you even if you were wet, he smiled and ruffled your hair.
"They want to talk to you,but first go change sis" he kissed you on the forehead and you chuckled, sixty got in his room and gave you some spare close it was a bit big, but it was better than being all wet, you felt very comfy in those, sixty came behind you and stroked your hair with a towel
"Thank you honey, i..i'm sorry it got like that"
He took your chin in his fingers and kissed you
"Don't apologize,  they were just..ignorant..let's go in the main room"
When you both got closer to the door, you heard running steps going in the living room, you both laughed and got out, seing hank and gavin acting like nothing happened. When they saw you enter, connor and conan immediately got up from the couch, sixty joined hank and gavin and watched them make their apology.
"Look we are sorry for what happened,  we didn't know and, gavin explained what your childhood was like, so we apologize" connor explained and nines just nodded, confirming his sayings, you got closer to them and hugged them both.
"That's alright, i forgive both of you''
You smiled and they hugged back, the others joining in this weird little family group.
"See you are welcome here" sixty smiled and kissed your forehead.
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biggerbetterbat · 11 months
Daryl Dixon x OC!Charlie Reed
Summary: Charlie finds out that one person know about her secret. The group has to decide what to do with Randall. A tragedy happens.
Warnings: language, character's death, blood, animals death, agnst
A/N: Hello ;) Update: I love making edits. Thank you for your activity here, I love getting notifications from you. Only two chapters to end the Act!!!! As usual I hope you like the chapter!
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"Boy there's got a gang, 30 men," said Daryl as he appeared near the fire as he was done talking with Randall. "They have heavy artillery and they ain't looking to make friends. They roll through here, our boys are dead. And our women, they're gonna...they're gonna wish they were."
Charlie looked down at his hands which were covered in blood and bruised. Carol seemed to see the same as she asked. "What did you do?"
"Had a little chat." he shrugged and threw Charlie a look as he was passing her.
"No one goes near this guy," Rick said out loud.
"Rick, what are you gonna do?" Lori asked.
"We have no choice." he shook his head. "He's a threat. We have to eliminate the threat."
"You're just gonna kill him?" Dale asked terrified as he heard those words.
"It's settled." Rick ignored him. "I'll do it today."
He was sitting away from everyone, pouring water on his hands, to clean them from blood. It was visible that he was in pain, but he tried everything so his face wouldn't show this. Charlie sighed at his stubbornness to ask Hershel for painkillers or something, so she did that."Let me help you."
"I don't want your help," he said.
"I didn't ask." she rolled her eyes. "Give me your hand."Daryl was looking at her like a scared kitten that got stuck in a tree, so she reached for his wrist and brought it closer to her. "Why you're so stubborn."
"Because I can handle it."
Charlie opened a bottle with disinfection liquid and he was ready to feel the painful pinching, but it never came. She poured some liquid on the cloth and delicately placed it on the wound. As soon as she picked the cloth she brought his hand closer to her lips, blowing cool air on it.
"You're good with this," Daryl said, examining her face. "Let me guess...one of your brothers?" he said as she was opening her mouth.
"Will," she said. "He had a bad temper and always was in the middle of the fight. Then Zac was trying to help him and usually ended up just like you. With his hands all in blood," she explained. "You did something like this?"
By this, she meant interrogating or rather torturing Randall.
"No," he answered. "It's my first time. But I saw people do this."
She looked at him.
"My brother had many friends."
"And they taught you how to open a beer with a shoelace?" Charlie smiled.
Daryl smirked and shook his head. "They taught me many things."
The weather was strange that day. When the sun was hidden behind the clouds it was cold, but as soon as it showed up again the heat was hard to bear. Charlie was walking towards the house to drop off a bag with equipment she used on Daryl's hands. She felt a smile creeping up her face at the thought of the man. He was acting like a puppy that was kicked out of the house, so now it was hard for him to trust others.
"Charlie," Dale called her name when she was passing the RV by.
She sighed because she knew why he wanted to talk with her. "It's not up to me, Dale."
"But if we gather more people it will be up to us," said Dale.
"And what's your reason?"
"A reason?" he opened his eyes wider not believing that she even asked for a reason to save someone's life.
"Well, Rick said he's a threat. And Daryl just confirmed this," she answered.
"He's a young man, Charlie. We can make him a part of our group just like we did to you." he reasoned.
"Woah, woah. Stop your horse." she gasped and stopped her steps. "I had one gun without any bullet and five knives, not 30 men ready to kill you."
"Think about your brothers!" he called after her, making her stop in her tracks. "You would like them to have a chance!"
"My brothers are dead," she said. "And they were good people. They wouldn't join some assholes like him."
"You can be a good person and make mistakes," he said and looked her in the eyes. "You're a good person, but made some mistakes, right?"
"I don't know what you're talking about," she said and turned away.
Dale followed her. "Irma, my wife, was a fan of this one breakfast TV, where she was watching this lovely and sweet girl."
Charlie once again stopped in her tracks but didn't look at him. Her heart stopped beating.
"She was sick, so she had a lot of time to scroll through the channels, and one morning she found you. She started calling you her daughter as she fell for your warm smile and kind eyes," he said.
She looked at him, expecting what he could tell her.
"Sometime before her death, she wrote a letter for you. But it was sent back, not opened." he said."After she died I wanted to meet you and talk with you. That's what my wife would like. It was her dream." he said. "In the meantime, the virus happened and I saw you inviting people to the refuge center, that was my chance." he smiled at the memory. "But it wasn't safe like you said. I barely made it out alive. You lied."
She tightened her lips."I have no idea what you're talking about."
"You lied to people. Lead them to death," he said. "But you're not a bad person. You had your reasons."
"Randall can lead us to death just like I did back in Atlanta," she said finally admitting what Dale accused her of. There was no point in acting like she had no idea what he was talking about. Dale knew.
"But we can change that!" he said. "You can redeem yourself for lying."
"Listen," she closed her eyes. "I did what I did, it's done. My punishment is living with this and you don't have to remind me of any of that," she said firmly. "You say Randall is my redemption? I say all of you are. I'm trying to help you all, so we can all survive. That's my redemption. Caring for people that I consider friends. Not some random guy that can get us all killed. That's my redemption!" she said. "And I did get the letter from your wife. But I just didn't feel like responding. See? I'm not a good person. Just like Randall isn't one. So maybe instead of convincing everyone, you should try just open your eyes."
At sunset, everyone gathered in Hershel's living room to decide what to do with their prisoner. It wasn't the most comfortable situation, because being the one to decide whether someone should live or die was cruel. Randall was probably terrified in that shed, all alone, in fear of what they could do to him or if walkers were somewhere around.
"How's your hand?" Charlie whispered to Daryl, as she stood next to him.
"Hurt like a bitch." he said. "I'll live. Don't worry."
She smiled and looked around the room, checking if everyone's present already. "So how do we do this? Just take a vote?" Charlie asked when the silence was killing her.
"Does it have to be unanimous?" Andrea asked nodding her head.
"How about majority rules?" Lori said.
"Well, let's just see where everybody stands, then we can talk through the options," Rick answered.
"Well, where I sit, there's only one way to move forward," said Shane in a firm voice.
"Killing him. Right?" Dale snapped. "I mean, why even bother to take a vote? It's clear which way the wind's blowing.
"Well, if people believe we should spare him," said Rick. "I wanna know."
"Well, I can tell you, it's a small group...maybe just me, Glenn, and Charlie," Dale said looking at the mentioned people.
"Look, I..." Glenn looked down and then at the old man. "I think you're pretty much right about everything all the time, but this..."
"They've got you scared!" the old man interrupted. "Charlie?"
"He's not one of us," said Charlie. "And we've...we've lost too many people already."
Dale opened his eyes even wider in disbelief, turning his attention to Maggie. "How about you? Do you agree with this?"
"Couldn't we continue keeping him prisoner?" she asked Rick with furrowed eyebrows.
"Just another mouth to feed."
"It may be a lean winter." Hershel nodded.
"We could ration better." reasoned Lori.
"Well, he could be an asset." Dale tried to make a point. "Give him a chance to prove himself."
"Put him to work?"
"We're not letting him walk around."
"We could put an escort on him." "Who wants to volunteer for that duty?"
"I will," Dale said immediately.
"I don't think any of us should be walking around with this guy," Rick said.
"He's right."
"I wouldn't feel safe unless he was tied up," said Lori.
"We can't exactly put chains around his ankles, sentence him to hard labor." Andrea rolled her eyes.
"Look, say we let him join us, right? Maybe he's helpful, maybe he's nice," said Shane. "We let our guard down and maybe he runs off, brings back his 30 men."
"So the answer is to kill him to prevent a crime that he may never even attempt?!" Dale gasped. "If we do this, we're saying there's no hope. The rule of law is dead. There's no civilization."
"Oh, my God," Shane said in awe.
"Could you drive him further out?" "Leave him like you planned?"
"You barely came back this time." Lori protested. "There are walkers. You could break it down. You could get lost."
"Or get ambushed," Daryl added.
"They're right." Rick nodded. "We should not put our own people at risk."
"If you go through with it, how would you do it?" Carol asked. "Would he suffer?"
"We could hang him, right?" Shane looked at Rick. "Just snap his neck."
"I thought about that." Grimes nodded. "Shooting may be more humane."
"And what about the body? Do we bury him?" T-Dog wondered.
"Hold on, hold on, hold on." Dale raised his arms. "You're talking about this like it's already decided."
"You've been talking all day, going around in circles," Daryl answered to Dale in annoyance. "You just wanna go around in circles again?"
"This is a young man's life, and it is worth more than a five-minute conversation!" he snapped. "Is this what it's come to? We kill someone because we can't decide what else to do with him? You saved him and now look at us. He's been tortured. He's gonna be executed. How are we any better than those people that we're so afraid of?"
"We all know what needs to be done."
"No, Dale is right," Rick said. "We can't leave any stone unturned here. We have a responsibility..."
"So what's the other solution?" Andrea asked, interrupting Rick.
"Let Rick finish," Lori said.
"I'm so done with this conversation," Charlie muttered under her nose and Daryl looked at her with a nod.
"We haven't come up with a single viable option yet. I wish we could." Rick said.
"So let's work on it!" Dale tried to convince them.
"We are!"
"Stop it. Just stop it." Carol silenced everyone. "I'm sick of everybody arguing and fighting I didn't ask for this."
"Yeah. I agree with Carol." Charlie said. "You can't ask us to decide something like this.
"Please decide...either of you, both of you...but leave me out." Carol nodded.
"Not speaking out or killing him yourself, there's no difference." the old man said.
Charlie opened her eyes wider at his accusation and opened her mouth wider.
"All right, that's enough," she said to Dale and was ready to throw hands- at least that's what Daryl thought, he was afraid that she would actually punch the old man so he held her by her wrist.
"Anybody that wants the floor before we make a final decision has the chance," Rick said, looking around.
"You once said that we don't kill the living," Dale said.
"Well, that was before the living tried to kill us."
"But don't you see? If we do this, the people that we were...the world that we knew is dead." the old man said. "And this new world is ugly. It's...harsh. It's...it's survival of the fittest. And that's a world I don't wanna live in, and I don't believe that any of you do. I can't. Please. Let's just do what's right. Isn't there anybody else who's gonna stand with me?"
"He's right." Andrea finally gave in. "We should try to find another way."
"Anybody else?" Rick asked and looked at Charlie.
"I'm with Carol," said Charlie, shrugging her shoulders. "Whatever she decides, there's where my vote is."
"Are y'all gonna watch too?" Dale asked sarcastically. "No, you'll go hide your heads in your tents and try to forget that we're slaughtering a human being. I won't be a part of it," he said and as he passed Daryl, he placed a hand on his arm. "This group is broken."
When Rick was back with Carl, she knew the kid made trouble. They didn't hear a shot, so obviously something went wrong...and obviously that something happened because of Carl. She just knew. The look in Rick's eyes that was showing worry and his grip on the kid made it completely clear. Then he said that Randall would be in custody, which confirmed that something changed his mind. Shane was clearly angry about this, but he just passed everyone and sat down by the fire.
Andrea on the other hand was very happy and wanted to find Dale to share the happy news. Charlie offered her to help with finding him, so it would be quicker.
Was she happy that they didn't kill Randall? She didn't mind, because his life didn't mean anything to her. She didn't even talk with him and she had to worry about her people. But to Dale, it was a big deal, so she was determined to find him...and apologize for not backing him up back in the house...and maybe, just maybe, try to convince him to keep his mouth shut about what she did. Charlie saw him walking through the fields with his gun on the back. "Dale! Dale wait!"
"Why?!" he yelled. "So you can tell me all the details of the execution? No thank you," he said and raised one of his arms, so she knew that he was passing the offer.
"Dale! Wait!" she yelled after him and started jogging towards him. It was hard due to the high grass and he was much ahead of her. She placed her foot on the ground after making a big step and immediately she felt that the grass was strange, more slippery. Charlie looked down and saw that she stepped in a puddle...a puddle of blood. Fear. That's how she felt when her eyes looked up and saw a cow or rather what was left of it. She didn't have a gun, the only weapon was her knife...and that just seemed not enough. "Dale, wait for me!"
He stopped, but not after her pleas, no. He stopped once he saw another dead cow. She looked down one more time at the guts that were falling out of the cow. Something that ate her must have been really hungry because the cow was almost all gone. Charlie looked up.
In that moment her heart stopped.
The man probably realized what was going on and his intention was to get them both away from the field. When he turned to call Charlie and voice his concerns he found himself face to face with a disgusting beast. Its face was still covered in cow's blood, but apparently, two animals weren't enough and it was starving to have Dale as a desert. "Charlie!"
But she was stuck. First of all, she had just her knife, and the Walker seemed more aggressive than normal. It was stronger and faster due to its dinner party before. She wanted to help that was out of the question, but at that particular moment, a thought ran through her brain. If Dale was dead, her secret would be safe, no one would know about her crimes and she wouldn't have to put herself in danger. But that thought was quickly followed by another thought. The exact same way of thinking created this whole mess. She wanted safety and she lied to everyone, she led hundreds of people to death for her own safety.
"DALE! No!" she yelled and started to run towards him."Help! HELP!"
 Dale was trying to hold it back, but the force the Walker was pushing onto him made both of them fall. The man let out a call that sounded like Charlie and tried to push away the Walker.
"HELP! HELP! HERE!" she was yelling.
When he heard her screams there was no hesitation. His body switched to the autopilot as he started running in the direction of her. All he had in mind was her and what was going on right now. His heart was biting hundred a mile and the fear was just making him run even faster.
"CHARLIE!" Daryl screamed.
Dixon was scared. Just three days ago they lost Sophia and they couldn't save her, so now that he was hearing Charlie's screams he knew that he had to do whatever it took to help her. Because he couldn't lose her.
The moment Charlie was right next to Dale, was the moment she saw a picture that made her freeze as panic was overflowing her body. She wanted to push the Walker away and kill him, but she had never seen anything like that in her life. The dead didn't bite Dale as it couldn't reach him, so it ripped him open. His insides were visible, guts falling out and blood just pouring from him like from a cup. She was frozen once again. Charlie wanted to move, but just couldn't. That could have been her instead of Dale.
Strong tackle made the Walker fall from Dale and a smooth hit in the head killed it for good."Help! Over here! Help! Run!" Daryl waved to the others. "Charlie don't look!"
But she couldn't, she was so scared that she couldn't make herself turn away. Dale was dying because of her.
"Oh, my God. Oh, God. Alright just listen to my voice. Listen to me, all right?" Rick said as he kneeled next to Dale. "Okay, hold on now. Get Hershel! He needs blood. We got to operate now!"
There were more and more people coming to the scene, they were gasping and sobbing as they realized what happened. Andrea dropped to her knees and started crying. Sobbs were mixing in the air with Dale's whimpers.
"What happened?" asked Hershel when he finally arrived.
"I tried to warn him. I was running so fast, but I couldn't make it. When I was here he was already..." Charlie tried to tell everyone what happened.
"What can we do?" Rick interrupted her.
"Dale, it's gonna be okay." Glenn tried to assure the man.
"Can we move him?" Rick asked.
"He won't make the trip." Hershel shook his head.
"You have to do the operation here," Charlie demanded through the tears.
"Glenn get back to the house." Rick nodded and was ready to command everyone, but when he saw Hershel's face that was just screaming that there was nothing they could do, he screamed. "NO!"
"He's suffering," Charlie said.
"Do something!" Andrea demanded.
Daryl turned Charlie's shaking body, so it was facing back to Dale. Her head was still turning towards the man, so Daryl just hugged her tight to his body and whispered in her ear. "Don't look."
She hugged him back and her body was convulsing in sobs. She just couldn't stop crying, because she couldn't save Dale, if only she was faster. One of his hands was holding her neck to prevent it from turning and he tangled his fingers in her braided hair.
"Sorry brother," said Daryl.
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amplifyme · 10 months
The path that leads home
They are alone again, Howland Reed having left shortly after his pronouncement, offering Sansa time to absorb the news he has presented. Sandor finds he needs time as well. Thoughts scurry like rats inside his head and he cannot keep track of any of them, does not know which to grasp first to begin to unravel this development.
They both keep quiet. He isn't sure what to say and so waits for her to break the silence. Sansa eventually sighs and rises from the chair, crossing to the window. She pulls back the drape, looking out on the village surrounding them. Sandor turns to watch her but remains where he is.
"Do you believe him?" she asks after a minute. "You once told me you could smell a lie. Is he telling the truth?"
"I think he is."
"He cannot force me to go if I do not wish it."
"No, he can't. Nor will he try."
She glances back at him just as his hand curls round the grip of his sword and their eyes hold through a lengthy, mutual appraisal. He sees in her a calm and sober approval and basks in it for a brief moment before she looks away again.
"Bran is the true heir to Winterfell. And in his absence it is Rickon who sits as Warden of the North. I have no claim to any of it, not anymore. I may still be viewed as valuable commodity to some men, but none can directly gain the Stark home or lands by way of marriage to me."
"That won't stop the suitors from lining up to court you. Don't think otherwise, little bird."
"They may line up as they please, it will make no difference. I have already chosen."
He barks a sharp laugh. "Imagine their faces when they get a good look at the bloody cur you've brought home to warm your bed."
She laughs in turn, goes somber, and states definitively, "Bugger them all."
And then he is behind her and wrapping his arms round her, pulling her close. He rests his forehead on her slender shoulder for a moment and then sets his chin on the crown of her head. "The day comes you grow weary of the unwanted attention, you can leave as easily as you came. I'll make certain of that."
A silence falls over them again. He is content to simply hold her and feel her breathing against him. He senses in her the contradictory emotions, same as his, and knows she is not yet firmly decided. He wonders at his own conclusion despite his conflict, the resolution which has settled so swiftly upon him. And then he thinks perhaps it was never for him to have any real choice. Perhaps every moment since he first saw her has led him to where he is now, that this path was chosen for him.
"What am I to do, Sandor; pray tell me?"
"It's not my decision to make. Only you know what is it you ought do." He can almost hear her in his head, prodding him to say it for her. Might be she needs someone else to utter the words, so they can become a solid thing that she can take hold of, measure against what she is feeling and what she knows. "Go home, Sansa," he dips his head and whispers close to her ear. "Go home where you belong."
She turns until her smooth cheek is resting against his ruined one. "And you? Will you stay with me?"
His arms tighten round her before he answers.
"Until my last breath."
She wheels in his embrace, holding on to him with fierce intent, and he knows it is done. They will make their way to Winterfell and whatever future awaits them there. And they will do it together.
Bugger them all, indeed.
These Scars We Wear, Chapter 21
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bonefall · 2 years
I never really put it together but it is kinda odd that Frostpaw’s siblings are named Graypaw and Mistpaw. I mean we already have Graykit named after Graystripe in TC and Mistpaw just immediately makes me think she’s named after Mistystar.
Idk. I’m pretty fond of the three kittens being the real offspring of Reedwhisker but I know in the Bones rewrite quite a few cats are up to be his kittens. Maybe Mist is named after Reed’s mother and Frostpaw is a reference to HawkFROST. Idk about Gray maybe the cats just didn’t have a good enough idea for him
Anything going on with their line so far? Like with Curlfeather, her mother, Jayclaw?
I'm heavily leaning towards Reedwhisker being the sire of Curlfeather and Podlight, for Duskfur. Duskfur always found him attractive and a good choice of parent for her kits, but Reedwhisker was never really able to move on from Hawkfrost.
He sired the kits and agreed to help, but was distant. Not really a 'parent' but a little more involved than the average no-coparenting Honor Sire. He didn't name the kits either. Truth is that he had a lot of names picked out with Hawkfrost and it felt wrong to use them.
It does feel odd that the litter just happens to have super relevant names, I remember when TBC was coming out, people were wondering if it was a chronological goof that they were born BEFORE the Ashfur Fight and not after. bristleFROSTKIT, GRAYstripeKIT, MISTystarKIT.
Though, Graystripe isn't a Light in the Mist in my redux; Ferncloud is. We'll see how the shuffling goes; maybe I'll just indulge and change Graypaw's name to Fernpaw or Cloudpaw. I won't be deciding that until ASC is done though.
Anyway bonus thoughts for you;
FASCINATED with her in ASC so far, I don't want to touch her too much until the arc is done though. But I do plan to make sure it's clear that Curlfeather is a competent and respected senior warrior in preparation for ASC, and she probably encouraged her children to be invested in medicine because of her ambitions.
I could have sworn she was a brown-black cat with a warm, fluffy orange belly. It was incredibly clear in my mind and I was taken aback when I found out she's apparently a brown tabby.
Anyway I'm definitely seeing her as the sort of person who likes to say her mind, but rarely puts her money where her mouth is. Talks a bigger game than she's willing to play.
She's also around the same age as Birchfall, and was probably one of the apprentices who created Paw Soup during the Great Journey.
My INCREDIBLY specific headcanon is that he is a fantastic dancer, and this is why Curlfeather fell in love with him.
He was an easygoing guy, a lot like his brother Owlnose, who never desired power or status. Content to do his day's work and spend his free time playing games, Curlfeather was drawn to him because he was charming, handsome, and his relaxing aura was infectious.
Jayclaw was going to be a den dad, but was only able to raise his kittens for a month before dying in a fishing accident. He was a sweet dude and his death hit his family hard.
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archerbeans · 9 months
So, I finally watched the Archer finale..
So, Archer has come to an end. Its a lot for me to process, this is a hard one for me, the past 6 months have been exclusively Archer for me, I've fallen so far for a fictional character. I'm going to try my absolute best to collect all of my thoughts in one post for this. I'll try not to spoiler too much. But I think this is necessary for me so I can help process this loss for me.
To say I'm happy is an understatement. I'm beyond relieved and grateful we got the proper Archer ending this show so badly deserved. The season 14 finale was a disgrace, and the way it could have ended would have been tragic. This show ending is tragic enough, but thats just my view on it. Hyperfixations are hard ya'll.
I think the way they ended the plot for this show was very cleverly done. While I don't think Adam Reed would have went in this direction, I'm still satisfied with what the writers did. Seeing everyone band together was wonderful, and there were a couple twists I wasn't expecting at all, but it goes without saying, nothing can be perfect.
Some initial thoughts, pros and cons if you may, but not really.
The growth the characters go through is really really cool to see, notably Archer. When he says he doesn't need to know who his father is, that's a huge milestone and a step towards some emotional maturity. Sterling has so much trauma and is overall a very impulsive character, but letting him have his moments of clarity is always nice to see. There is a good balance between his impulses and realizing that his actions have consequences. I don't think there was any way Slater could have been saved in the end anyways.
There was no main focus on any specific character. Every main reoccurring role in the show got their own moments in this finale, which I am super grateful for. Season 14 had a hard time dedicating specific episodes to certain characters like in the earlier seasons, so this finale did a great job at giving everyone a bit of spotlight.
Focusing on the main characters instead of random one off characters was super cool and something I appreciate as well. Katya, Barry, and Slater were all characters who made the biggest impacts on the show by far, not to mention they're also fan favourites. But seeing Rip Riley was super exciting as well!
The early season throwbacks!! In the elevator shaft you can see the old ISIS sign and an old Cherlene album :3 If there was anything else I probably missed it as there was a lot of clutter, but I always get so so excited when there's early season callbacks. It shows that's the writers really do care about these characters and their stories. I was happy to see Milton!! Milton supremacy!!
The ode to Malory was wonderful, I'm so so happy they did that. Lana's speech at the end was a good way to wrap everything up for the crew.
There isn't much to say negatively, these aren't necessarily things that make this finale bad, just things that made me sad and were a surprise to me that I'm not sure how I feel. This is completely opinion biased and you can disagree all you want!
Slater dying. I'm really sad that one of my favourites ended up dying. I loved the very erotic moments between Slater and Archer and their initial fight was really intense and fun. But seeing Slater die wasn't really all that satisfying for me, except it allowed Archer to grow more and let go of some of that trauma. RIP Slater </3 You were a son of a bitch
Morphing Barry and Katya.. This is a weird one for me. I'm not sure how I feel about this at all. I guess the only fun thing I can say about this is that we got some fun classic enemies to lovers. I dont particularly LOVE that trope, but with making Katya a antagonist, it was quite the choice.
The settings.. I think it was fitting to have some of the settings back in Russia, but Rio was quite the random choice. There was a lot going on and at one point I kind of got confused as to where everyone was at one point, in one scene they're at the Agency, the next they're in a safe house, the next they're in some other random area, that was a bit hard to follow, but a lot happened in an hour, and there was a lot going on. The title "Into the Cold" was clever. Also I hated the whole crypto thing. That genuinely felt like a cheap cop out for some plot holes. Cyril doesn't seem like the type of person to be interested in crypto as one would figure he'd be pretty knowledgeable on how that stuff is shitty. If Lana saw those mines you know she would lose her mind LOL
Overall, I am happy with how things were wrapped up. I was very worried near the end because we hadn't seen AJ at ALL, or had any mention of her, so seeing the scene at the end with her and Sterling made me really happy, knowing that Archer kept in contact with Lana but not anybody else really stung, but Sterling saying he "hates goodbyes" really stuck with me after this finale finished. Saying goodbye to this show is not easy whatsoever, I have such a strong connection with these characters and cast, and my love for Cheryl is eternal. Its hard for neurotypical people to fully understand, and this is a grieving process for me, but I have the support and friends to help me through this, and I will always have these guys around, since I can rewatch this show as many times as I want. I will continue to make content and hopefully start writing more maybe. This world is so expansive and so many things can be done as it falls on the line of realism, slice of life, and science fiction. I love everything this show had to offer, and I'm so grateful for the dedication and work that went into this show.
If you read this far for some reason, thanks for reading.
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elvenbeard · 11 months
Long rambly post about Phantom Liberty incoming cause HHHHH
Gonna put it under a read more just in case, also cause it got long, and bc I know people will still wanna avoid spoilers!
Mr. Hands, amirite??
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Holy shit, he is so cool XD Different than what I imagined, but so much better. Pure visuals-wise he's giving the biggest Sheogorath vibes, and a little bit of an older Dragon Age Dorian. I'm so here for it. Also the fucking phonecall he was on with his kid I assume when you first enter his office omfg XD The dad-est dad to ever dad, then a political schemer and so fashionable XD Also, he deserves his nickname 100%, his cyberhands are so cool. Also, the first fixer that offered Vince a drink and Vince actually didn't have to decline cause it was tea (and I bet it was really good, high-end shit, and that's how you get Vince xD). Also his gigs are all so good like... so varied, and always with difficult choices or just super interesting and entertaining storylines. "Waiting for Dodger" has gotta be my favourite one so far, and I'm excited for what's to come still!
Sure as hell this is gonna be a profitable business relationship (and I'm also super duper intrigued about his political interests and what he's planning/ where he's seeing Dogtown's future like... he doesn't like Hansen in power, he's affiliated with the VDBs AND Netwatch, and I'm just so.... I'm smelling political change, and I'm a bit sad that V didn't get some more inquisitive dialogue options about it all (but maybe that would've been too much at that point... ooor maybe with a few more gigs done the picture will get clearer).
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Then also a bit more lore and hhhhh... I don't think I'll incorporate this bit into Vince's canon as is, but again, with everything Corpo-background-lore stuff in PL so far, I love the overall super dark and grim picture being painted like, gimme the angst!! Imagine being so dependent on your job/ so brainwashed/ under your bosses' control they can manipulate you into killing a guy just a few years older than you at that point with the promise "that's the last one... for a while, at least. Here's your raise". This also again lines up really well though with what I actually do have in Vince's background during his time at Arasaka, looking at the vibes and pressure and everything in general (even though the first guy he killed was someone else 👀 but similarly, it also gave him a raise, his supervisors' trust, and so so so many mental health problems).
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Maaan... the whole setup of sneaking into the Black Sapphire was so amazing to begin with. The diving portion gave me the worst claustrophobia and flashbacks to all the cave diving accident videos I've ever watched xD The portion with the sniper nest was also so cool but I failed epically at it repeatedly xD Did pull it off like a pro on my third attempt though xD I wish you could do it without having to kill anyone and I figure maybe it is possible. Definitely gonna play around some more on my second playthrough that is surely to come!
Then V's disguise I actually dig so hard XD Purple and black and gold super fancy suit, hell yes! And a nicely tailored one, too. Although Reed's outfit was also 👀👀👀 The main game was really missing a "infiltrate this party" like quest, and damn, did PL deliver with this one.
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Then of course I had to have a look around and all the special guests made me so fucking happy xD I was crying at Hideshi Hino and Johnny pointing him out, he was one I would not have expected to meet XD Then also all the newsanchors!! Month ago I was like "ah, it makes sense that Gillean Jordan and Ziggy Q and whatnot have character models, but still so sad that they don't actually have a physical appearance in game". Phantom Liberty is the gift that gives on giving in that regard with fulfilling my little silly wishes like that XD And of course they're all horrible and awful, and I love it XD Goooood-Morning-Night-City Stanley raging about disowning his daughter cause she's into exotic implants, Holt conspiring with Arasaka, again, of course... And Lizzy Wizzy not really happy to see Vince cause I didn't help her get rid of Liam xDD
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Also fucking damn... Songbird. First of all, her chrome is insane o.o I'm so torn about what to think of the whole situation like... I can definitely see what Reed says, that she's playing both sides, using Kurt to get her (and V's) cure, the other way around playing him by not actually wanting the president dead... But idk. I feel like something doesn't quite add up just yet. And that is: why even bring V in the equation? If this all is *really* just about curing herself and freeing herself from Myers' clutches, as Kurt says later on, why bring in a random merc with a ticking timebomb in his head and not the best track record when it comes to breaking into high security locations to steal things? (sorry Vince). Idk. I'm not buying it just yet, neither is Vince. He doesn't trust Songbird still, neither the president, both are still a means to his ends - although he also doesn't wish anything bad on So Mi as such, like, she is fighting just as hard for her cure as he is for his, so he can definitely relate to her struggles and whatnot. Being degraded to a tool for people to use as they see fit.
Reed gained a little trust and sympathy with coming clean about how the FIA got rid of him, that Songbird had to pull the trigger on him, metaphorically speaking and like... Vince is not sure if Reed wants revenge on Songbird or actually help her, or if maybe he wants revenge on the president and the whole "I'm just serving my country" thing is not just a very good act. He wouldn't be surprised at least if in the end this all does turn into a personal vendetta. Also, on a meta level I really loved Reed being like, despite everything they did to him, he still feels loyal to the FIA and wants to work for them, in a "I know my place" vibe - similarly how a Corpo!V can be like "I know where I come from" towards Hanako at Embers, that the FIA, in the end, is not too different from a Corp that still has Reed captured how Arasaka has Vince captured and he also couldn't guarantee to not go back to them if they offered him a deal good enough. So, on that basis, I feel like they can really understand each other.
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Then these two omfg. Cackling at some details in their profiles still XD The whole roulette scene stressed me out so much, but it was also so fun and unique, really something new! Although internally dying when Aurore got all touchy feely all of a sudden and just picturing Vince utterly losing it internally and just wanting out of there, and then surpressing a sigh of relief when she's like "it's not like I wanna hop into bed with him" to her brother after being scolded xD Like hhhhhh playing this game with a gay OC is so fucking uncomfortable sometimes xD If I had one wish for a future Cyberpunk game it would be more male characters shamelessly flirting with the MC like this oooor at least giving everyone, regardless of gender etc etc the option to turn sth like that down to begin with, like... "oh, sorry, think you misunderstood, I wasn't actually flirting with you".
Would've preferred to flirt with him though:
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aksdfhljkasjfhöasdjfhadsflas He's so. SO.
A little more than how I imagined him than most of the others I met so far, but he is also pretty out there. He sure as hell is a lot more layered than what you would think at first glance and I really really love that. I played Vince a little snappy and straightforward during this convo with him, cause I wanted to see how he would react, if he'd keep his calm or if he'd be aggressive or whatnot and in hindsight I wish I'd been a bit more friendly XD Also something for my second plathrough when I really make my canon choices, this first run is for testing the waters and getting to know everyone. THEN I can think properly about "how would my character even react here, truly" xD
Overall this was such a fucking good mission like, holy fuck. So much to see, so much to do, so many people to speak to, I feel like I've forgotten half of the intel I learned already - another reason why I'm looking forward to a second run xD
I still cannot even remotely guess how the DLC is gonna end too like, I feel like after every main mission everything I knew is off the table and there's a whole new array of options I hadn't even considered before. I do hope we get a lot lot lot more stuff on Kurt, cause he is being pinned as... not quite the bad guy in all of this, but not someone you should wanna side with. But I just know there is a lot more to all of this. I could kinda see that it does end up being something like "Songbird has to stay with the FIA and as Myers' pet, Kurt gets defeated, but we get our cure" versus "Songbird gets freed with Kurt's help but all hell breaks loose in the NUSA and Reed won't be happy about it". I feel like, whatever happens though, there's gonna be a war in a few years time at the latest, be it another corporate war, something with the NUSA and Myers schemings (that I'm 0% surprised about btw, do not trust her one bit still and that won't change anymore XD) but yeah.
YEAH. Next up: identity theft! I'm really fucking scared of that cause I remember one of the first trailers where V is getting that mask-like thing put on their face - I'm guessing exactly what Alex has, and I'm guessing it's cyberware... That would be such a big NOPE for Vince, holy shit XD I prefer my flesh-face, thank you! If this is not something that's reversible I pass.
We shall see... but yes. Damn. What a fucking good story so far, even with my long breaks inbetween playing, I'm still hooked anew every time I get to continue!
And again: if I'm way off with any of this (which is likely) or even if I'm guessing some stuff correctly that will transpire later on (which would also be awesome, cause then they're doing their foreshadowing right), please don't tell me or give me hints about it XD I would love to know how your Vs felt about the party cause damn... fanciest party Vince was ever at and will probably ever go to, but he wishes he could've stayed and just actually forgot about everything and partied properly XD Been too long since he did that at that point!
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Say Robert and Cersei by some miracle had a successful marriage, viserys and daenerys live happy live in essos and the others just mind their business who do you think the starklings would've been betrothed to
Robb - Alys Karstark I don't think the starks can get away with having two Southern ladies of winterfell in a row during peace time at this point so a northern lady is likely and alys is the same age, karstarks are quite powerful
Sansa- If this timeline Joffrey is nicer then him otherwise maybe Willas
Arya - It sounds but maybe jojen, ned and howland are friends and jojen would be accepting of arya being "unladylike" since her and meera are quite similar
Bran - I think ned would've convinced bran out of joining the KG to further expand the house through possibly giving him moat cailin to rebuid but he still would've allowed him to be a knight and given the manderlys follow the seven, i think wylla manderly is a good option, maybe shireen if stannis was convinced to have bran as a squire and bran proved himself worthy of her
Rickon - I think he still would've had a wild side even without his circumstances so maybe a girl from the northern mountain clans or skagos
Hello! It's an interesting topic and I'm glad you also shared your view so we can have a conversation speculating about it :)
Robb: Alys Karstark is on the same age with him, Karstarks are loyal to Starks ( and kin!) and it seems that her own father would like to see his daughter being engaged to the future Walden of the North. Actually, every noble Northerner would like their daughter to become future Lady of Winterfell and it's understandable. With that being said, I think the best choice for Robb would be to marry a Manderly girl as they control North's biggest harbour and they are a very rich House.
Sansa: Ned never showed interest for an alliance alliance with the South and neither did the former Stark generations ( with the exception of the previous generation but considering how Ned's siblings ended up, I doubt he's eager to send any of his children to the South). The Tyrells also never showed interest in allying themselves with the North before Robb was declared KITN and was involved in the war of 5 kings. So, I don't see a wedding between Sansa and a southern lord.
I guess marrying Joffrey Baratheon would be an exception Ned would have to make because you can't simply decline a royal offer (as it happened in canon). The only other southern exception would be Robert Arryn. The boy not only is kin but also the son of Ned's beloved mentor. I think he would trust Jon and Lysa Arryn to keep his daughter safe than he would trust Robert and Cersei (understandable). The more I think about it, the ideal scenario for Sansa who wanted to live the southern fairy tale would be to go to Vale ( which coincidentally is the place she currently is in canon)
Bran: I'm moving to Bran instead of Arya because I can see him being connected to Sansa's future. First of all, I don't think that Ned would deny Bran to become a knight. He might not be fond of the idea but he would allow him to do it as he planned to do in canon. Again, he wouldn't like for his son to go to Kings Landing. The only exception would be if Sansa was betrothed to Joffrey. In that case, maybe he could consider to let his son go to the capital so his sister won't be all alone and visa versa ( the lone wolf dies but the pack survives). Now, in my favoured scenario where Sansa goes to Vale, Bran could also go with her and be Brynden Tully's squire. I think Ned would trust the Blackfish the most to train his son and his friend Jon Arryn to keep an eye on the boy.
As for marriage, any northern lady could potentially become Bran's wife. Maybe even Alys Karstark, as I see it more likely Ned to choose her for the wife of his second son. But I want to say Meera Reed ( because of Bran's canon crush).
Arya: Any northern noble could potentially become Arya's husband and ofc someone who could inherit a castle would be preferred. Just to name a few candidates: Harrion Karstark, Daryn Hornwood ( if he wasn't already engaged to Alys Karstark like in canon), Smalljon Umber, Benfred Tallhart and Cley Cerwyn.
Rickon: I doubt that Rickon would be half as wild if he was raised with his whole family by his side. Once again, he could marry any noble girl. Maybe a girl who is the sole heir to her family so they can live on her castle. Otherwise, Ned would have to provide a place to live for his youngest son.
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agentrouka-blog · 2 years
Dear Rouka, I am a Jonsa fan just for context in this ask and I was wondering something about Robb's will. I haven't seen a post specifically on this but please forgive me if it's a repeat.
Obviously the show glossed over the Stark identity drama central to Jon's character and it doesn't seem like that will be the case in the books. But do you think, 'Winterfell belongs to my sister Sansa' will hold true if he's made aware of the will, prior to Targ reveal? Do you think that there would be strategic consult with Sansa? I have seen powderpowderblue discuss a shared leadership between Jon and Sansa as regents for Rickon (thank you powderpowderblue) so you all are already on the ball with that, but I'm wondering here from an emotional angle/heart in conflict with itself.
How do you think Sansa will feel? How do you think Jon will feel about it in respect to Sansa? Do you think a developing Jonsa romance will affect it? How do you think the will will interact with Jon's parentage reveal? I'm trying to figure out how it all fits together, and I wonder if GRRM is, too. Trying to maximise the drama is key... but what drama... to me that's probably why Jonsa is going to happen just because it's maximum drama and justifies their developing character arcs.
Sorry if that's too many questions, I'm just not sure how it all fits together character-wise.
Hi anon!
I don't think anyone has a truly specific scenario laid out how the northern succession drama is going to go down, nor the RLJ reveal. Both depend on the specific way and timing of how other influencing factors will go down. Jon's path post-stabbing, the mode and itinerary of Sansa's return, the retrieval of Rickon, the timing of Howland Reed's introduction into the current plot, the travel of information regarding Bran's survival and journey North (that Liddle met him, after all) and so on and so forth. Too difficult to predict in the details, even if the thematic direction is not that hard to pin down: reunion, reconsolidation, return to stability, the pack survives.
But I am a bit partial to one interesting scenario that was suggested to me by an anon in this post. Which is that Robb's will and RLJ may be revealed to Jon at the same time by Howland Reed, creating an immediate and character-defining need for a choice. I like that it would both tighten up the speed of events and heighten the tension of what this means for Jon by laying out immediate consequences - both good and awful.
It would also mirror the choice of Stannis offer, to which Jon's answer was sticking to his own chosen identity ("he had his answer then") and preserve the contrast to Robb who discounted the importance of "the girls" (leading to the necessity of this will) by choosing "the girl" - his mother Lyanna - to matter more than a title he had craved all his life.
Sansa has consistently not put personal value on her claim, as opposed to the desire to go home or her growing attachment to the castle of Winterfell, so I don't see that changing. Robb's choice is likely to hurt her on some level, though his unwillingness to trade her would hurt more if she were made aware of it. I don't see this as the teased conflict between Sansa and Jon that the show created mainly because a) Sansa isn't doing the nonsensical Ramsay plotline to "earn Winterfell through suffering" and b) book!Jon cares about her claim very much. They would theoretically support each other's claims, as opposed to fighting over it. Not to mention the known survival of Bran and Rickon that would nix the conditions under which the will was created in the first place.
The connection to Jonsa I see is that it's the one real reward in this for Jon. The initial inner conflict will be all about identity and succession, with Jon choosing the truth and his mother and the murky darkness of his conception, no matter how it hurts, but the resolution will likely involve both Jon and Sansa embracing the opportunity it opens up for them to freely admit their feelings to each other. And perhaps even take advantage of their own relative unimportance in the succession (inconveniently married girl, half-Targ cousin) to pull a Romeo and Juliet/Jace and Sara secret mutual commitment in the godswood move, like the two dramatic teenagers they are. Which should make for a fun tension when Jon and his former "friend" Tyrion meet again.
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