#i just feel bad for the kid tbh like he’s just there to swim and the dad pulls him out of the water every time
canadianfruitpunch · 2 years
got accused of having beef with a nine year old today lmao
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normspellsman · 6 months
what sports i think the metkayina trio + spider would play modern au headcanons!
second part to what sports i think the sully children play!
slowly but surely trying to get thru this writer block & hiatus 🤞🏽
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swimming and/or water polo
— he probably just naturally has a build built for water sports so he excels in it & is super cocky about it too (#blessedgenes)
— was defeated not given the choice on which sport he’d play when he was younger. both of his parents probably did either sport so they’d want him to also do it as well. or they at least wanted him to do one
— i don’t see him being the team captain but he’d def be co-captain or an alternate. he loves the sport don’t get him wrong but not to the extent where he’d be team captain. he already has enough pressure to perform well & doesn’t need that kind of title placed on him
— def see him being a butterflyer or a backstroker. like he much rather do those strokes in a swim meet than the other two
— is 100% the type of kid to have “eat my bubbles!” sharpied onto his arm or lower back during meets. probably begged his mom to write it on there too 😭
— also has to have the order of his races written on his arm so he doesn’t forget the order & where he’s supposed to go
— sees no point in wearing a swim cap
— always challenged himself by trying to score a point higher from his last game in water polo or get a better time in whatever stroke for swimming. he’d make sure to ask his parents to like reward him or something so he’d have the drive to do it. but even then, he’s still able to do it without the prize
— wears sandals everywhere. period. no arguments.a
— has such a bad swim trunk tan line. he really tries to get it even in the summer or during swimming season by wearing speedos lol
volleyball (indoor, sand, + grass)
— girl is graceful asf on the court
— position would probably be setter or outside i feel like. she might not have the height for it but def has the hops. like a secret weapon of sorts. you’d never expect it
— is 100% the team captain
— she is so supportive of her team & always makes sure that one of her teammates is not stuck in their head or blaming themselves for a bad play
— i can see her number either being 1 or some random ass number, like 49 or 27
— always has the best hair-dos on the court. she seriously goes all out
— def the designated braider of the team so she has to make sure her girls are looking fresh asf on the court too 🫶🏼
— very humble about her accomplishments & wins. she very much believes that an individual does not win a game, a team does so all of that congratulations should be projected to the team rather than on an individual level
— probably has this pregame ritual where she gets there super early to get used to the size of the gym/court. peppers by herself & gets into the zone 100%
— does volleyball literally all year around. so she’ll do school & club for indoor, sand in the summer, & grass for fun. it’s her whole life tbh
— ronal is 100% the team mom. no questions asked
— i can also see her doing swim, but like only for a club during the summer when she doesn’t have anything for volleyball
— her & ao’nung are the best sibling duo in this sport 100%. they’re always paired up for a medley relays
— she likes free style more than the other strokes so that’s her main event during meets usually
— isn’t as passionate about it as her parents or brother. would much rather do & play volleyball than swim
— is also the kid to have “eat my bubbles!” written somewhere on there body lol
— i can def see him playing soccer & being like a striker or a forward
— is def the one that annoys the coach to no end & ends up causing the team to run laps bc of it. sometimes it’s totally not intentional. it just happens lol
— team clown 100%
— he doesn’t really score a lot of goals but he does assist his teammates in their scoring. has the most assists on his team (idk if that’s a thing in soccer)
— has the most weirdest celebrations ever whenever he does manage to score
— been playing since he could walk fr
— jersey number is probably something like 14 or a random even number. bro likes even numbers for some reason
— is a really versatile player & if need be, can play goalie or be a defender if a player is out sick or injured
— def plays for his school & local town club
— can def see rotxo playing this as well
— most definitely a catcher (idk why but i just see it)
— probably only got into it to work on his soccer skills somehow or to work on his eye & hand coordination since he’s quite good with his feet & eyes
— only plays for his school since soccer usually takes up most of his free time
— lowkey has a wicked curveball
— he likes the catcher uniform bc it looks like he’s an autobot from transformers lol
— surprisingly somehow became captain & doesn’t know what to do with that title most times
— really good at determining calls for the pitcher & suggesting what they should throw next
— no one would expect someone like spider to play this sport so everyone’s shocked when he says what sport he plays
— probably a defenseman & has the most penalties on his team lol
— ^ will literally fight everyone on the ice if need be. he plays dirty & truly doesn’t give a single fuck
— not a team captain but probably one of the alternatives. he’s more on the silent side regarding his “captaincy” but has the ability to talk his teammates up when they aren’t playing very well. bro has a way with words fr
— a lot of people think he’s a playboy hockey player but that’s FAR from the truth. he barely has enough confidence to talk to a girl on & off the ice. poor boy just shuts down
— since he’s like 6’0+, his build is really intimidating & he uses it to his advantage. def slams others into the boards as hard as he can when they’re down however many points. like, just imagine a 6’0+ dude like spider skating down the ice at literal lightning speed to slam you into the boards. i’d be shitting my pants fr
— started playing at the age of like 4 or 5 probably
— he loves skating so much that he goes to the rink or puts on rollerblades & just skates around to calm down or let out some steam. it’s really his outlet
— his number is most definitely 69 or 96. some funny shit like that
— will also defend his teammates with his life on the ice if someone were to fuck with them. that’s his family. he’d do anything for them
— ^ especially their goalie. bro is only gentle with their goalie & if anyone fucks with them, you best expect his gloves to be thrown & knuckles bloody from how hard he punched. ride or die fr
— nicknames probably consist of spider (obvi), kilometer (for miles lol), socks (for socorro), ironfist (for how much he gets into fights), & oreo/orro (for socorro)
— has the talent & ability to potentially go to college for hockey. he puts so much time & effort into his skills & the sport & it def shows through how he plays
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spewing whatever shit pops into my head for all my fav tma characters
ALRIGHT babes a whole entire six people wanted to see my opinions on characters so far (i just finished #103), but i don't rlly have a direction to take with this. i was thinking about giving them ratings but idek what i'd rate them ON lmao. SO!
Jon-ohoho he's so DRY and so FUNNY and somebody needs to bitch slap this man. how am i supposed to get a goofy workplace drama if he's so genre-aware?? i don't like him THAT much, but honestly the whole show would be a lot more boring without his paranoia. also was his skin rlly so bad that it took an entire MONTH to get him thoroughly moisturized? ur body is a temple, johnny boy :(
Martin-omg he's such a bean. i relate to this man a lil too much for comfort-he's bullied waaay too much by absolutely everyone in this podcast. if he reads too many statements and turns into another jon or smth i'll SWIM to the uk specifically to yell at the writers, this man is to be PROTECTED at all costs! also he SOUNDS like a fucking redhead. you can hear it in his voice. and it shows very clearly in his poetry.
Tim-hehehe ICON. s1 finale tim was honestly the greatest thing ever, the way he's changed is absolutely breaking my heart. prancing into the office during a worm attack and immediately sitting down on 20 cans of CO2 sounds EXACTLY like smth i'd do, honestly props to him for staying so calm during the whole thing. and the fact that he's fucking all these cops for information is just *chef's kiss* tbh, his entire EXISTENCE is a power move. he's got a statement coming up and i'm kinda terrified. he's been so.. depressingly realistic lately and i'm scared for him :(
Sasha/Not Sasha-sasha seemed so sweet, i wish i'd gotten to know her better before the switch! all i remember from her first vocal appearance is staring into space afterwards, trying to remember how i used to pronounce 'calliope'. i feel like her death/switch didn't hold as much gravity as it should've-i rlly wish i'd seen more of her! also, the way not sasha was the LEAST suspicious to jon-that monster's got acting CHOPS. we need her in the local theater group, HOW TF can anyone be that convincing?!?!?!
Monster Pig-last statement i listened to, so it's VERY fresh in my mind lmao. this pig deserves DEATH. i don't fucking CARE if it's "friendly", it ATE a FUCKING CLOWN. KILL ITTTTT. i am a VEGETARIAN
Michael-by FAR my favorite, the best character i've come across in quite a while, god's favorite princess <3 i adore this wonky man, he's such a legend. PEAK laugh. and he's so chaotic lmao!!! (no he absolutely did not die, what are you talking about???? that didn't happen. or Michael Shelley's tragic backstory that had me literally crying over a gd podcast, no way. i'm in DEEP denial) i adore how his first vocal appearance was just strutting into Jon's office, kidnapping a realtor, monologuing abt his identity issues, stabbing the archivist, and sashaying away. SUCH a funky dude, i adore him
Elias-he gives me bitter oldest kid vibes, this man needs therapy. what a kooky asshat, stop peeping on people.
Jude-hot in every way possible. sorry but it's TRUE. a rlly bad liar tho. not only does she speak in fucking italics, but you can tell she's giggling kicking her feet twisting her short little hairs as she's trying to get jon to shake her hand. bitch, you're sexy and you know it, SPEAK UP!!
Wormy Jane-an icon, honestly. the whole EMBODIMENT of ick. not to mention if i actually saw this woman i'd lose my SHIT, she terrifies the bejeezus outta me. her statement was what made me (sorta) stop picking at my face (for a little bit at least). i honestly wonder what she was on that made her stick her whole fucking arm in a HAUNTED WASP'S NEST. it's also so hilarious that she was camped outside Martin's apartment for WEEKS and nobody rlly questioned it-this woman is on a MISSION. slay, ick queen.
Melanie-this woman has more balls than anyone else on this damn podcast (ahem, elias mostly). we stan a girlboss with a knife-the way she was just planning to JUMP him??? melanie's 100% RIPPED, she SOUNDS like a gym rat i think. i wanna see her beat the shit outta all these ghosts :3
You're A Lighter-idk how to spell his actual name and i'm too lazy to look it up, so this is what y'all're getting. the snotty old library dude with such a kooky voice, all i could think of when i first heard him was the Kool-Aid man lmaoo. and he needs to take better care of his assistants!! EXTREMELY unsustainable :( he's like a bowerbird collecting all the shiny homicidal books.
Helen-she ATE my babygirl??!!!!?!?!!?! COMPLETELY unacceptable. i won't deny the girl's got guts for just.. chilling in Michael's creepy hallways, but COUGH UP THE CREEPY BLOND for christ's sake.
Trevor Herbert-10/10 honestly. i LOVED his statements, the vampires are SO CRAZY CREEPY and i love how he just kinda fucks around? does some light stalking? and usually ends up with a bunch of dead monsters! in essence, he looked an eldritch horror in the face, called it a slur, and whacked it with a stick. legend.
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eeclare · 5 months
I was at the beach today so here are some bobs burgers beach headcanons
Bob applies LAYERS of sunscreen to himself
It’s pretty gross looking, actually
To the point where even Linda is like “yikes” 😬
It’s fine though because at some point (always sooner than later) Louise WILL dump a pail of water in him
She says it’s for the prank but irl she just thinks that her dad slathered in sunscreen in public is of the utmost embarrassment
Gene and Tina wholeheartedly agree
Gene isn’t allowed to bring his keyboard to the beach anymore
There was an incident
But the family doesn’t talk about it so just drop it, okay?
So yeah
He brings a little radio instead
And Gene just plays the most unhinged shit
Drives Louise crazy (so she says)
Honestly, it bothers Tina even more bcs it makes her senses go brrrrrr in a bad way
she does NOT vibe with the gummy bear song
Gene wears a swim shirt/rash guard
And despite the fact that she hates it, Louise's swimsuit has one of those cute ruffled skirts attached to it
She's tried to cut it off but Linda ALWAYS sews it back on again
Linda brings wine coolers disguised inside her travel thermos (stanley knock off??)
But she has extras in the cooler
Obvi bobby brings his portable grill
his burger of the day is the "Beach Burger"
Just a reg burg except he arranges the sesame seeds into a sand dollar pattern
well, an attempted sand dollar pattern
tbh he gets through one burger bun and gives up
To make up for it he attempted to add fish sauce to the burger meat, but it's okay bcs Gene spit it at him and he got the message
Bob also wears a rash guard btw
Linda is a bikini lady; always red, always high waisted
Tina just sticks with the sexy one piece with the wonky stripe
Louise will always invite her friends along
and they always end up coming, much to bob's chagrin
Andy and Ollie let her bury them up to their necks in sand
Rudy (who not only wears a rash guard, but it's a long sleeved rash guard) just watches from a distance
He really does not like it when any parent gets him in trouble, let alone bob
Gene tans, he loves it
It's a lifestyle, not a skin colour
Linda is right behind him on that one
Tina spends most of her time collecting shells and cool rocks she finds
One time she found a heart-shaped stone and gave it to Jimmy jr
but he thought she was handing him a skipping stone so he chucked it right back into the water
(Zeke spent the rest of the day trying to find it, but it was gone forever)
Louise loves skipping rocks
but literally only because it means that she can throw rocks at people on purpose and say that she's just practicing
Bob ends up with wicked tan lines
Every time he takes off his shirt, for weeks afterwards Louise screams bloody murder
Louise can't really swim
she can pull off a mean doggy paddle but quite frankly she doesn't like getting her ears wet
Tina is the strongest swimmer of all of them
but even still, she mostly just sinks
Gene just floats
The kids are pretty sure they have never seen bob get in the water
Something that he denies, even though it's true
He can swim
He just chooses not to
Linda doesn't get in the water much anymore but she used to be an avid swimmer
She briefly got back into it during her syncro phase but after she embarrassed herself and her kids so it didn't last too long
but she does like to go to some sort of community centre pool sometimes just to swim a couple laps
when Linda's at the beach she, like Gene, spends most of her time tanning
where else do you think he got it from?
The only difference is that she makes Gene put at least a little sunblock on
While Linda herself does not put any on at all and gets horrifically burned
BUT its okay! Her skin eventually peels off into a nice, dark tan
bob is terrified of her getting skin cancer, and honestly, its a valid concern
One Linda brushes off, naturally
Tina and Louise LOVE the feeling of the hot sand on their feet
Louise loves the beach because she can comfortably go shoeless
Gene, however, wears his red sneakers
just without socks
stinky boy
Bob also wears a sunhat btw
It's linda's, but as if she uses it lolol
It makes him look classy
Louise WILL clown him for it tho
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monstrsball · 1 year
in honor of iwa day, i have written up all of my headcanons for his lesbian moms that i came up with months ago. it's what he would want. <3
okay, to make it easier for me and you, i went ahead and gave them names! sachiko & mayumi. now, let's get into it.
they were friends for a long time before they got together, they didn't get together until after iwa was born. i'm thinking he was around three or four when they officially started dating? (i suppose i'll take this moment to say sachiko is technically his biological mom but the distinction doesn't matter to any of them, iwa honestly gets pretty annoyed when people ask) young enough that he has always known both of them as his moms!! [his father isn't in the picture]
sachiko works in an office & mayumi is a doctor.
personality-wise, i think iwa and mayumi are more alike. she can be fairly blunt at times and has her own stubborn streak. she's the one who introduced him to godzilla too! however, iwa did get his sense of humor from sachiko! he's also like... the spitting image of her. same eyes, same smile, etc.
he loves both of his moms but because of their similarities, he probably butted heads with mayumi more when he was a teenager. nothing too bad though, they just got into silly arguments sometimes lol.
they're a fairly outdoorsy family! they go camping at least once (if not multiple times) every summer and they tend to do a lot of stuff! fishing, swimming, hiking, bug catching, etc. oikawa would go with them from time to time when they were kids.
sachiko and mayumi both play softball! they just play for a neighborhood association now but they were on a team together in high school. and mayumi played in college! she probably could have gone pro if she wanted to but she thought making a career out of it would kill her interest in the sport so she didn't.
they know a bit about other sports too! they had siblings and friends who played other ones but, funnily enough, volleyball was the one sport they didn't know a whole lot about. so they were thrown for a loop when that was the one iwaizumi got really into.
they learned quickly though! i'm picturing like. eight year olds iwa and oikawa sitting down and teaching iwa's moms all about volleyball. :')
sachiko is really into furniture restoration/refinishing! she's taught iwa a lot about it and he helps her with her projects from time to time. her projects are just for the family but she does daydream a lot about opening up her own little shop dedicated to it.
mayumi has a garden! i think she mainly grows fruits and veggies but she started a section for flowers too after sachiko mentioned wishing they had flowers. they end up with excess a lot so they're always giving fruits and veggies away to family and friends. the aoba johsai volleyball club always gets free fresh produce, living the dream.
in high school, iwa spends every sunday in-season helping her with the garden! only exceptions being when he's sick or has to be away for volleyball/school. he has plenty of time to hang out with his friends the rest of week so he likes devoting some time to hanging out with his mom. sometimes though his friends will come over and help too (it's sort of a rule if they want to hang out with iwa on a sunday, lol, bc he will rarely budge on it).
but honestly? his friends coming around probably has more to do with them also wanting to spend his time with his mom, lol. i think iwa's moms are really popular with his friends! they all think they're both really cool.
a majority of the seijoh four hangouts happen at wa's house, probably most of the seijoh hangouts in general tbh.
partially because iwa is an only child so his house is less rowdy but also because everyone just feels really comfortable there and his moms are more welcoming to a horde of teenagers than the other parents lol. (as long as they are told ahead of time)
they're pretty fond of iwa's friends! they think they're all pretty good kids and sachiko likes to send iwa to school with a treat for them on their birthdays. at first, it's just for oikawa, matsukawa, and hanamaki but by his third year it's expanded to include the whole team.
which sort of happened because his second year, iwaizumi offhandedly mentioned that it was yahaba's birthday too and she got really upset that he didn't tell her matsukawa shared a birthday with one of the first years on the team because she would have sent something for him too! (and she had only met yahaba like... twice at this point) she did send him with something a few days later. so his third year, she asked for an updated birthday list.
so, basically, the opinion held by all of iwa's friends is that iwa's moms are cool (but not in a trying too hard/acting too much like their friends way!!).
literally the only thing stopping matsukawa and hanamaki from making milf jokes is their utmost respect and admiration for them (and lesbians).
on that note, hanamaki and matsukawa both keep in touch with them after they graduate! and they hang out with them a lot even when iwa isn't there (especially when iwa is in california, they miss their son!!). their bonus moms tbh.
i think everyone on the team keeps in touch actually but matsukawa and hanamaki are the only ones who visit with them regularly.
they will send iwa messages informing him that they are stealing his mothers and iwa leaves them on read.
oikawa calls them "Mayumi-chan" and "Sachiko-chan" because he is incapable of referring to those older than him the way he probably should. iwa hates it but his moms don't mind it at all. in fact, i think sachiko is flattered by it.
his moms love oikawa, always have!! oikawa likes to tattle on iwa when iwa's being 'mean' because they always tell iwa to be nicer to him lmao. (they're aware iwa isn't really being mean, they just like teasing him)
for the longest time, oikawa's parents thought they were just really close friends and this was something iwa never really corrected because he was like.... a child. i'm picturing like oikawa's mom talking to him (age 10) and she says something like "oh, it's really nice of your mom's friend to help you guys :)" and he's like "??? uh, yeah."
she is mortified that she said that to him when she learns that they're actually a couple.
i made a post abt this but i'm just gonna put it here too. when they were kids, after oikawa met iwa's moms for the first time, he asked him later why he didn't have a dad and iwa said he got eaten by a shark.
this didn't really deter oikawa from asking further questions though because then he just had lots of questions about the shark that ate iwa's dad. and thus began a lifelong friendship.
HAPPY IWA DAY! HAPPY PRIDE MONTH! everyone should love iwa's moms. open to asks about them always.
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fromthedeskoftheraven · 7 months
Please tell me what you can about Break my Baby. I love a good Max.
Adira, my dear(a) 💖
This idea has had me in a chokehold for literal years but I've just never gotten serious about writing it. The gist is that Max sweet-talks his assistant into going to a corporate retreat with him, where forced-proximity shenanigans and budding attraction ensue. BUT on the way home they're in a car accident and the assistant is mortally wounded, so Max has to make the quick decision to turn her instead of letting her die. They navigate her new vamp life together and (of course) end up in fluffy eternal love.
A little piece of a scene under the cut (tbh I don't know why it's in first person. the muse wants what it wants):
Max looks up from his desk with a dazzling smile when I walk into his office juggling his coffee and mine along with my purse and laptop bag.
"There's my favorite little juice box."
"Stop calling me that, it was one time. When you were allegedly at... undeath's door."
He gives an exaggerated frown, swallowing a swig of the black coffee I’ve unloaded onto his desk. "Allegedly? Sunshine, you wound me."
"Don't tempt me. Home Depot has stakes, you know."
"Speaking of steaks, have dinner with me tonight."
"No, thank you."
"You work too hard. You deserve a nice meal, a glass of wine. Creme brulee for dessert."
The thought trickles through my mind, syrupy and comforting and a little fuzzy around the edges, like a drop of warm honey.
It has been a long day, and I am hungry, and that place two blocks over does an amazing creme brulee.
And Max isn't that bad, after all, and he'll be on his best behav—
Wait a minute.
I feel like I’m moving in slow motion as I dig my fingers into the tender flesh of my tricep and pinch, like my sister used to do when we’d fight as kids. The sudden clarity makes me shake my head.
"Really, Max?"
He only shrugs. "What am I supposed to do? You're no fun."
"You don't pay me enough to be fun."
"Well, let me get the paperwork to HR and I’ll call for a reservation."
"If there's nothing else, I have emails to answer," I say, turning toward the door.
"Oh, yeah." Max starts flicking through papers on his desk. "There's that thing this weekend, I need you to go with me."
I blink. "The thing? What thing?"
"You know..." He waves one hand in a distracted circle. "The thing for the company."
"No, I don’t know. Mind-reading is supposed to be your thing."
"I've told you, I can't read minds. This," he says, fishing a brochure out of the pile. "The sales managers' annual retreat."
"In case you hadn't noticed, I'm not a sales manager. And I have plans this weekend."
Binge-watching the Great British Bake Off over takeout absolutely counts as plans.
"Cancel 'em. I need my trusty assistant, gotta impress corporate with how organized and efficient I am."
"You mean, how organized and efficient I am," I counter. "Again, plans."
“Just look at the brochure.” Max shifts tactics to turn the puppy-dog eyes up to eleven. “An all-expense-paid weekend at an exclusive resort upstate, how can you say no to that? You do work too hard, you know.” 
Begrudgingly, I open the glossy brochure he’s shoved into my hands. Rolling green hills surround a hotel that looks like a French chateau. Smiling people are playing golf, swimming in a massive indoor pool, relaxing in a sauna, clinking champagne glasses in a gold-trimmed dining room. A bed as big as my studio apartment is dressed in crisp white linens, with mints on the pillows.
Binging the Great British Bake-Off in a free fancy hotel room wouldn’t be too bad, as plans go.
I look back to Max, watching me expectantly. “You drive and pay for gas,” I start.
Victory sparks in his dark eyes. “Fair enough.”
“During free time, I get to do whatever I want. No meetings, no spreadsheets, no fetching extra ice for your drink.”
“You won’t even know I’m there.” He lays a hand over his lifeless heart like he’s taking an oath of office or something.
This is going better than I expected. Might as well shoot for the moon.
“And I get a clothing allowance. I don’t have any resortwear.”
“You need any help shopping? I drove past the mall the other day, and Victoria’s Secret had this little red number in the window—”
“What do you think?” I ask dryly.
A grin dimples his cheek. “You drive a hard bargain, Sunshine. Deal.”
“Eh, why not? I’ll expense everything, anyway. Just have to get creative with the codes.”
This is probably a mistake. 
Best-case scenario, I’ll have stories to tell at cocktail parties. If I’m ever invited to one, that is. Worst case, I end up in prison for staking my boss.
“Fine,” I sigh. “What time are we leaving?”
“I’ll pick you up at 7:30 sharp on Friday morning. Can’t miss the welcome breakfast,” Max says cheerfully.
“Your turn to bring my coffee, then. I want a—”
“Decaf caramel latte with almond milk, extra whip. I know.”
I frown. “Yeah. That.” 
“Well, don’t let me keep you. Those emails won’t answer themselves, am I right?” Max dismisses me with a wink and a flourish of finger guns.
Finger guns.
After two years of working for Max, my eye roll is a reflex. He’s so corny, it distracts me from the weirdness of the most self-focused person I know paying attention to my coffee order.
Thank you for asking!
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lovelyraven01 · 2 years
Dating the Genshin Men HCs
Featuring: Albedo, Ayato, Childe, Dainsleif, Diluc, Gorou, Itto, Kaeya, Kazuha, Heizou, Scaramouche, Thoma, Venti, Xiao, Zhongli
Warnings: Suggestive themes. Swearing.
This is the most fun I've had writing something in a long time plssssss
Ur his first s/o so he doesn’t understand affection but tries
The first time you tried holding his hand he got confused and snatched his hand away thinking it was an accident lmaooo 
Weirdly a good kisser
Likes to draw u nakey
Make u coffee or tea or whatever you wanted in the mornings
Has pretty bad insomnia, you gotta drag this man to bed or else he will be up ALL NIGHT
Acts high and mighty but is actually such a baby for you 
Begs u to go out and get boba with him MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY 
Secretly loves scented candles lmaooo and would melt if you surprised him with one
Isn’t afraid to take you out and show you off at all his business meetings and parties 
He likes it when u pull his hair 👀
Highkey a sugar daddy and will spoil u
Bros a family man. Definitely bugs you about having kids 
Likes to play fight but will let you win… Most of the time
Will give you piggyback rides if you’re tired of walking 
Teases you mercilessly but would literally want to jump off a cliff if he ever accidentally hurt your feelings 
Comes home bloody and bruised from fights and haves you tend to him as a personal nurse
Don’t worry he’ll thank you later 👀
Emotionally unavailable but tries for you 
The first time he tried initiating a kiss he accidentally knocked his teeth into yours and now he's scared to initiate any form of contact LOL
Will take you out at night and watch the fireflies with you
Likes holding ur hand and will play with your fingers and stroke the top of your hand 
Whispering sweet nothings into his ear will simultaneously make him all mushy but also really h0rnee
He’s a softy for small animals (especially cats) and will often bring them home 
#1 in the daddy issues category. Interpret that however you please 
Will make u food if you help him at the winery or tavern 
Likes to surprise you with flowers and picnics for no reason 
Lays his head on your chest when y’all snuggle 
Gets jealous kinda easily lol but also easy to reassure 
Says he doesn’t like his tail or ears touched but that’s BULLSHIT. Pls pet his tail and ears; just be gentle
Has a praise kink for sure 
Chases crystalflies and will bring u one as a gift 
He’s scared of bugs and will make you kill them
Likes taking walks around Inazuma with you
He swings ur arm around like a little kid when y’all hold hands 
Likes showing off his strength and carries you EVERYWHERE
Gives the best bear hugs 
Secretly can’t swim but never admitted it until he almost drowned when y’all went skinny dipping 
He likes sleeping on your pillow with you but he also drools in his sleep so sometimes u wake up with a puddle of drool on your pillow 
Is ur biggest hype man and will always praise you and treat u as if you were a god/goddess 
UGH I could go on and on about this man I’m so downbad for him
Likes to surprise you with a visit when he’s supposed to be working cuz he misses u
Has no shame and will grab ur ass EVERYWHERE even in public and in front of people. PDA is not a word in his vocabulary 
Cries in his sleep and ur too scared to bring it up tbh 
The first time you genuinely complimented him (like u called him handsome or something) he got so flustered he giggled and he got SO EMBARRASSED LOL
Gives the best back massage you’ve ever had but it often leads to more…
He acts like he wears the pants in the relationship but tbh it’s you. You have him wrapped around your finger <3
He writes u love poems and shit 
Makes the best tea and always makes sure to have a cup waiting for you every morning 
Y’all get high together on the daily and just go wandering 
One of those times Kazuha fell into a stream and dropped his blunt and he got so sad he almost cried 
Gives the best kisses 
Likes to slow dance with you in the moonlight 
He loves taking u on fancy dinner dates and just treating you like royalty 
Probably has just a hint of little man syndrome but it’s so fucking funny 
Will kiss your face all over for literally forever cause he just loves u so much 
Is definitely into roleplay lmaoo 
He gets so happy if you pack lunch for him to take to work - he often forgets to eat when working but if it’s made by you he always takes time to enjoy it
Likes to stand on things to make himself taller than you and then give u a kiss 
Sometimes u wonder if he even likes u but then one time he didn’t see you for like half a day and he bitched so much about it looll 
He DEFINITELY has little man syndrome 
Acts like tough shit but at night when y’all sleeping he CLINGS to you
His love language is gift giving cause he can’t use his words for shit 
The first time he tried to tell u he loved you he stuttered so bad and you kinda had to hold back a laugh cause it was really funny 
Literal house husband 
Would be so happy to clean and cook for u while you’re out so when you come home your house is clean and there’s food on the table
Is another softy for animals and often takes them home
Also has a praise link 
Is easily flustered and if you compliment him he’ll blush so hard and try to cover his face 
Says he loves you literally all the time it’s almost annoying 
Since being with you he’s been drinking a lot less and has been more at peace 
Sings to you when you’re sad or scared 
Really likes hugs and wants to hug u all the time 
Falls asleep the second y’all start to watch a movie 
He put cat ears on you once as a joke and got so flustered he choked on his spit and had a coughing fit 
Another guy who you often wonder if he even likes you but this mf literally stalks u
Not in weird or creepy way just in the ‘you mean so much to him that he wants to protect you with his whole life’ way 
Sleeps like he’s dead (like he doesn’t move or looks like he’s breathing) and it worries u sometimes 
The first time he told u he loved u it was just so randomly that you didn’t react right away cuz u were so shocked and he got so embarrassed he teleported away and didn't come back for TWO DAYS LMAOO
Now he will often tell you he loves you, especially if he has to go away for a while 
King of forehead kisses 
Often bores you to sleep at night with his stories. He never minds though 
Likes it when you sit in his lap 
Also gives really good back massages but also will want something in return lmao 
His compliments are so beautiful and heartfelt it makes you blush every time 
On your birthday
“This is a dried glaze lily that came into bloom on the day of your birth. Long ago, the people of Liyue would say that this flower blooms bearing the weight of the beautiful memories and prayers of the land. I believe this to have been applied on the day you were born as well."
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millermenapologist · 5 days
Actually, that was a smart fucking response!! I doubt I would answer in this level, I mean, you made me realize I talk like a teenager compared to you (that's a compliment btw💖)
And I as someone who haven't read the book, You managed to clarify some things I had no idea about, and the whole concept of 90s is actually true and a point that never came to my mind when thinking about lolita: this was an era in Hollywood with this concept of "oh naughty teenager falls in love with older man or a male with some kind of power (like a teacher)" - I mean, The Crush starring Alicia Silverstone is an example. Those really had a part of internalize to people the belief that teen girls have a dubious innocence.
And what you said by the end just confirmed that this movie is truly what I was thinking: a coquette horror story🫠
I feel bad for her. I mean, she had a hard ass fucking life even after him, and then died so early giving birth. When I remember about the girl reading in her backyard or loving a normal life with her mom, it's hard to imagine that this person is the same one that had that life and ending. Does the movie says something about her baby and husband, or not?
Anon you're too kind (๑•з•)))⋆♡⋆ฺ=͟͟͞͞=͟͟͞͞
Also, I 100% talk like a teenager too. I'm one of those annoying ass people who repeats "like" every other word, the magic of having learned English by watching YouTube videos from 2016. My writing just happens to be a lot more curated in style because my college internship was at a place that required a lot of writing and not only I was the only woman, but I was also the only ESL, so... it was the trenches. The trenches, I tell you!
Oh, and on this topic! In his entire career of (bestselling) writer, Nabokov rarely did impromptu interviews: if someone wanted to interview him, he'd ask for them to send him a letter containing all the questions they wanted to ask him, would type down the answers, and then read them out loud during the interview. He claimed that his reason to do so was because English wasn't his native language, but it was very much another way for him to fuck with people.
Rest of the "professional" answer below the cut, and beware that, because of the very last question, I'm gonna mention stillbirth.
We are still getting this kind of movies, tbh. Miller's Girl is from this year, and it comes with a very similar premise too: young girl (albeit this time we managed to get her to turn 18! Let the kingdom rejoice!) goes out of her way to seduce a much older man because the idea of it tickles her fancy, and, as a consequence, his life is ruined from top to bottom despite him being the actual victim of the story.
We did get a lot better, as a society, at treating kids like kids (just look at the stark difference between Katherine Hardwicke's Thirteen and Bo Burnham's Eighth Grade), but as soon as we're talking about (especially) girls in their late teens, then it's still treated like open season.
Anyways, yeah, the movie is a coquette horror story, and I can't but find funny the fact that so many people on TikTok got up in arms when others started referring to Lolita as "coquette." It is. We can acknowledge it's a story about a child being abused while also recognizing its soft atmosphere and pastel tones.
I do wish that the coquette people would also find a way to include the horror too, tho...
[...] to buying beautiful things for Lo. Goodness, what crazy purchases were prompted by the poignant predilection Humbert had in those days for check waves, bright cottons, frills, puffed-out short sleeves, soft pleats, snug-fitting bodices and generously full skirts! [...] Did I have something special in mind? coaxing voices asked me. Swimming suits? We have them in all shades. Dream pink, frosted aqua, glans mauve, tulip red, oolala black. Part 1, Chapter 25, p. 107
You picked them? They're just there for a second, a small detail that your brain barely notices, but Humbert did, indeed, refer to the shade of pink he wanted to buy for Dolores' swimsuit as "glans mauve," and the black swimsuit is not simple black, it's "oolala black," which hints towards it being a lacy undergarment designed to look sexy.
The whole book is littered with descriptions of what Dolores wears, and although the coquette style definitely does fit those descriptions, what it constantly misses is that sense of uneasiness that comes from them, the little details that make you furrow your eyebrows, re-read, and go "Oh."
Also, I definitely forgot to mention this in the other response, but I think that the movies (both) aged Dolores up, brought her to a very vague age that was around ~16ish, but in the book Nabokov was very clear: Humbert is only attracted to children aged from 9 to 14 at most (he has a whole monologue about it that wasn't brought up in neither of the adaptations), and Dolores was 12 when they first meet. The bulk of the novel takes place between the summers of 1947 and 1949, and Dolores was born on January 1st 1935. At her oldest, when she was with Humbert, she was 14.
Sooooo... to your actual question (the yapping I do, my god...).
Charlotte wasn't exactly a good mother to Dolores, and the movie sweetened her a lot, and not just because he brought Humbert into their home (it's a common trait of predators, to target single mothers to have easier access to children).
In the book, Dolores used to have a younger brother, a child who had died at 2 in a very tragic accident (he's never brought up again afterwards, but it does reinforce one of the main themes of the novel: childhood lost, in the most literal of senses), and Charlotte is hinted as having greatly preferred him to her daughter.
The reason why Humbert escalates to plotting her murder isn't because Charlotte sent Dolores to summer camp (although he complains and complains about it, defining it as him losing two months of her beauty), but because she wants to send her away forever.
"Ah," said Mrs. Humbert, dreaming, smiling, drawing out the "Ah" simultaneously with the raise of one eyebrow and a soft exhalation of breath. "Little Lo, I'm afraid, does not enter the picture at all, at all. Little Lo goes straight from camp to a good boarding school with strict discipline and some sound religious training. And then - Beardsley College. I have it all mapped out, you need not worry." Part 1, Chapter 20, p. 82-83
We have no reason to doubt the truthfulness of this conversation because it works in Humbert's favor: of course he planned to murder his wife! He wanted to take away from him the love of his life, whatever else was he supposed to do? Wouldn't the kind gentlemen of the jury understand his actions, had they been in his place?
So... Dolores would've probably ran away from her mother too, if she had had the possibility. Or from boarding school.
As for her husband and baby, the movie greatly diminished their role in the themes of the plot.
For starters, when she writes him the letter asking for help, she does so by opening with "Dear Dad," and then continues to do so for the entirety of it, referring to herself as "Dolly" in the bottom signature. She desperately wants to believe that that's what he'll now be for her: a father, nothing else. Just... she was terribly scared, and this is a sentiment that's completely overshadowed by Humbert's feelings. She's pregnant and penniless, and so terrified for her future that she went out of her way to contact the man who abused her for years (and that she suspects killed her mother) in the hope that he wouldn't act like a monster and lend her just enough money to get to Alaska, where her husband wants to go because he heard that there are a lot of jobs there.
And you know what his response to the letter is? He becomes angry, violent, and plans to murder her and her husband both. He goes to her house with the intention of doing so, and the only thing that stops him is that he suddenly finds himself recognizing his Lolita in Dolly.
Her husband, Dick (and yes, the name is not a random choice), is a hard-of-hearing man who is completely oblivious to what happened to her. Dolores, a girl who spent her entire life being unheard, ultimately married a man who cannot hear her either. She has to yell at him to be heard, has to scream or force herself into his field of vision to make sure he's paying attention. No matter how much the people say they feel for her, she's still isolated, she's still alone, she's still unheard. Dick is as deaf to her needs and voice and personhood as Humbert was.
As for the baby, we gotta do some plot "rearrangement". The movie opens with Humbert reminiscing his early adolescence spent on the French Riviera with Annabel (again, I still don't understand why in the adaptation they have sex, but whatever), and only at the end (and in text) we're told that Humbert died in prison, Dolores died in labor, and that her baby was a stillborn.
In the book, we get this information as a first thing, in a Foreword written by John Ray Jr, PhD, who informs the readers that:
[...] their author, had died in legal captivity of coronary thrombosis, on November 16, 1952, a few days before his trial was scheduled to start. [...] Mrs. "Richard F. Schiller" died in childbirth giving birth to a stillborn girl, on Christmas Day 1952, in Gray Star, a settlement in the remotest Northwest. Foreword, p. 3-4
Nabokov makes you read the entire plot already telling you how it ends: Humbert gets arrested and these are his confessions, a woman married to a certain Richard Schiller dies in childbirth. You already know, and yet, plot-wise, it makes perfect sense that he'd spoil it within its very first few pages.
The following decision I make with all the legal impact and support of a signed testament: I wish this memoir to be published only when Lolita is no longer alive. Part 2, Chapter 36, p. 308-309
Again, Nabokov is fucking with us. The sole act of getting the book published means that Dolores is dead, and therefore it should be of absolutely no surprise, when the reader realizes that "Mrs. Richard Schiller" is no other than the titular Lolita and that she died in childbirth (and generally, though, the very last paragraph of the novel contains so much information and deserves so much analysis that it'd require a post of its own lol.)
So, now for the baby.
One of the main themes of the story is that of the double (Dolores is the double of Annabel; Humbert is the double of Quimby; Charlotte is a double of Humbert's mother; Humbert's name itself is a double; in the scene in which they walk in their room at the hotel where Humbert assaults Dolores for the first time, he describes it by saying that each object has itself and then its twin reflection in the mirror), and Dolores' baby has a double too.
Some motels had instructions pasted above the toilet (on whose tank the towels were unhygienically heaped) asking guests not to throw into its bowl garbage, beer cans, cartons, stillborn babies. Part 2, Chapter 1, p. 146
It's the slightest of mentions, just as with many other things, but it's there, aids the theme and serves as foreshadowing for what's to come. And, again, Nabokov just genuinely liked fucking with his readers.
Uhm... I think this response is finished here? Lemme know if you (or anyone else) wants more of this, because I could seriously go on all day ʚ♡⃛ɞ(ू•ᴗ•ू❁)
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redysetdare · 1 year
Monkie kid headcanons for fun
Red son headcanons:
Red son has bad memory and he only calls MK and Mei Noodle boy and dragon girl because he legit cannot remember their names to save his life.
Red son's glasses are shades, which aren't normal for prescription glasses which makes me think he actually uses them to control light intake due to his pupils not adjusting to light properly.
Red son has chronic pain but doesn't even realize it because He's lived with it for centuries so it's basically just the norm for him. His pain is mostly centered in his back and joints.
Red son has neurodivergent swag. Idk what kind but he sure as hell has it.
Red son doesn't like being touched. He probably has to be the one to initiate the touch to feel comfortable. (You could read this as him being touch starved but tbh i don't really read him one way or another :P)
Red son has the nonbinary swag. Source: trust me bro.
Red son can't cheat on anything. he legally is not allowed to cheat. this may or may not be related to the fact he feels the need to prove himself. Source: he tried to win the great wall race fair and square instead of just stealing the peach or cheating to win.
Red son just genuinely finds racing fun. Source: His truck literally turned into a race car before he ever had to race. he just likes going fast and building cool cars. also the fact he chose to race in the great wall race when there were other options to get the peach.
Red son has low empathy.
Red son isn't very good at comforting and instead is someone who tries to find a solution to a problem. He struggles to realize that sometimes there is no solution and some people just need comfort.
Red son is non-partnering aroace. He used to just say that romance got in the way of his work because he didn't realize that romantic interest wasn't just something you could turn on or off at will.
Red son actually doesn't have any bull-like features and he is rather self conscious about the fact he doesn't look like his father at all.
Red son is a cat person. Cats tend to flock to him due to being a living heater and he just accepts his fate and gets buried in them.
Red son doesn't know how to handle compliments or people being nice to him so he usually mistakes his confused feelings towards them with anger.
Red son is able to get "burnt out" in which he uses too much energy and his fire dies out for a while, in which he is only able to produce smoke. Usually after resting he is able to use his fire again.
His fire responds to his emotions. It can become hard to control when he is emotionally unstable.
When angry or stressed Red son turns to work. usually he will lock himself up in his room or workshop until he's calmed down or finished what he's working on.
Red son talks to himself and thinks out loud often. he finds it easier to work through his thoughts when he is able to verbalize them out loud as compared to them floating vaguely in his head.
Red Son doesn't really have a filter and will reply bluntly with his exact thoughts. he struggles to take into account how his words could upset others which has made him come off as rude.
The only time he is aware of what he is saying is when speaking to his parents. Source: Red son will seem to speak without filter until his parents show distaste in what he said in which then he will backtrack and try to change what he said to make them happy. (the "I have made it's power my pow - our power" scene in the pilot)
Red son doesn't eat beef because of his father being a bull. (more of a silly headcanon rather than serious)
Mk Headcanons:
Mk has the transmasc swag. Source: trust me bro. Also just him mentioning how he used to go by something before MK, how he wears a shirt when swimming, and how much he screams about being a monkey MAN. Very transmasc of him.
Mk cries over movies all the time. It's basically expected that every emotional scene in a film will end with him sobbing.
Mk is Gay AroAce. I imagine him being Demi or gray aro and then just plain ace!
The more power MK uses the more he shows monkey-like features.
Mk was actually decently strong even before he got monkey king's powers. basically he's got a bit of muscle on him.
Mk has a war form like Wukong, he just hasn't activated it yet :) (iirc Wukong's "war form" is really just Wukong's power to multiply his limbs so MK can do that too)
Mk will make weird noises as he does things, usually as sound effects to the task he is currently doing.
Mk can't swim. Source: He has monkey floaty :)
MK is sensitive to sound and uses his headphones to help control that. He often uses music as a stim and to help him focus. Source: he wears headphones a lot. also trust me bro. it's the adhd
MK talks to himself a lot, usually as a way to sooth his nerves to talk his way through a problem. He will also talk to plushes and other inanimate objects as a way to talk thought his thoughts as they get all jumbled in his head.
He tends to stay up incredibly late, even when he is tired. He can't ever seem to go to bed at a reasonable time.
MK is unmedicated for his ADHD. Not for lack of trying he just keeps forgetting to go get it prescribed.
MK can't drink coffee has it has the opposite effect on him in which it causes him to crash intensely. he tried to use it as a sleep aid once to go to bed earlier but instead it made him late for work as he slept way longer than expected. source: very common for ppl with ADHD to consume caffeine and become sleepy instead of energized. ofc this isn't how it is for all ppl with ADHD but it's common enough that i put it on MK ;)
MK tends to snack as a stim. He often will find himself missing full meals because of hyperfocus and his snacking stim making him forget he's hungry.
Mei Headcanons:
Mei also has the ADHD swag sorry I don't make the rules.
Mei is Lesbian Ace. I feel like she is either Demi-Ace or Gray-Ace.
Mei has a physical dragon form as well as the energy dragon. The energy dragon is a lot easier to summon compared to turning into a dragon - plus takes less energy.
While Mei likes cats, She is more of a dog person overall.
Mei used to be pretty shy as a kid mostly due to her trying to fulfill her parents idea of her. She only really came out of her shell when she became friends with Mk. Hence why Mei's parents, specifically her mom, didn't really care for Mk all that much. if anything they found him to be a bad influence for a while. also why Mk was never invited to Mei's house until S1E3
Mei has a better relationship with her father as compared to her mother. While both her parents are more traditionalists her father always was a bit more lenient and supportive of his daughters eccentricities.
Mei met Mk when out in town with her family. She saw him trying to win a crane machine and ended up helping him get the monkey plush he wanted...even if it was cheating the system. (also yes the plush he is seen with I headcanon to of been won by Mei and gifted to him)
Mei was a late bloomer when it came to her dragon powers which just added to the stress she had of being the family disappointment.
Mei often speaks without a filter when around the rest of the monkie kid group as she feels like she can truely be herself with her friends as compared to her family where she feels constantly stifled.
Mei is a variety streamer. She most often streams video games but sometimes will do vlogging streams along with MK as they go around the city. She has definitely streamed MK fighting a demon before.
Mei has raced illegally at least once and she totally WON.
Mei made the upgrades to her bike herself, such as the ability for it to come to her when she calls it. It made it easy when she has the sudden burst of motivation to drive it.
At first Mei was incredibly polite when meeting Pigsy and Tang, not fully coming out of her shell right away. At first Pigsy thought Mei would be a good influence on MK - he was proven wrong when Mei became more outgoing and starting causing mischief with MK.
Mei definitely crashed through MKs window while in her dragon form at least once (she was probably trying to visit him while he was grounded lol). Pigsy was not impressed.
Mei went to private school when she was a kid meaning that her and MK were only able to hang out after school. Though as she got older she had a tendency to start skipping class to go crash MKs classes instead.
Some mixed headcanons that don't belong with one character or another:
Mei and Mk are literally the only friends each other has. MK always struggled to make friends due to kids finding him obnoxious. Mei struggled to make friends due to her upbringing along with her ADHD making her rather abrasive.
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mu5a · 2 years
winx club + mtl to be good with children
tysm for 50 followers <3
will probably have children..
brandon — i imagine him to having a big family, and wanting a big family himself! definitely lets the kids hang off him like a playground.
flora — the motherly figure of the group, so of course she would be good with children. honestly i feel like she raised miele.
bloom — i feel like bloom has babysat many of neighborhood kids or any younger relatives! probably likes playing make believe with them, or likes making bracelets.
stella — stella would be a good mom, and a cool aunt. absolutely loves spoiling her kids & her friends’.
sky — good with children. if any of them were like scouts & needed funded for their fundraisers, sky would buy like 377274 boxes of cookies or whatever they’re selling.
i could see them having/not having children..
nabu — he’s everyone’s favorite uncle. probably does those stupid magic hand tricks like, “look i pulled my thumb off!” or pretending to take their nose trick (?? i can’t describe it right).
aisha — she’s also good with children! i’m on the fence whether she’d want kids herself though? i can see it go either way tbh! oh my god i saw this headcanon of aisha somewhere that she was taught how to swim by just being thrown in the water as a baby. like imagine if she was teaching them how to swim & just threw them in ??
helia & timmy — they wouldn’t mind having children or not. can’t really think of any specific headcanons for them :(
will be the cool aunt/uncle..
musa — is pretty okay with kids! she isn’t that interested in having children herself (maybe 1? if she really wanted one), but musa is 100% the cool aunt. probably taught all of them how to play at least 1 instrument, and/or enjoys singing nurserys & lullabies for them.
riven — not that bad with children. he just doesn’t really know how to interact with them or properly hold them at first? probably is one of those people who ask “how’s school” all the time. big soft spot for his friends’ kids though, calls them “kiddo” and other nicknames. riven taught most of them how to ride their bike!
tecna — hmm, not necessarily bad with children, and she isn’t interested in having any. for me personally, taking care of children takes a lot of patience, so that’s part of the reason why i don’t really want kids, and i feel like tecna would share this reason. similar to riven, if any of her friends’ kids needed any help, she’d help in a heartbeat.
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pbaintthetb · 6 months
For the author ask, your BTS commentary of your fav scene of Pour Some Memory Down :)
oooh an exciting one (and dangerous asking me for a commentary) It's the second (first full) scene of Jiang Cheng and Nie Huaisang on the pier. There were a few options but there's a lot of stuff inthis bit that I liked and also them on the pier is the core and inspo for this fic
Cut for length
Nie Huaisang is still floating calmly in the lake, his words about the Xuanwu rolling through Jiang Cheng’s head.
The Xuanwu! Simply put Nie Huaisang is a lying liar who lies- and more importantly it's about how Jiang Cheng doesn't pick up on it because his mind is sort of always stuck on Nie Huaisang being weaker or needing help. He's never considered how, if huaisang cana't swim, he got out of that cave. And he's starting to question that now- although there's a later paragraph where JC shows how he's trying to not think about that and how it means nhs is a liar. I tend to write JC as putting nhs on a pedestal while simultaneously having infinite gripes with him. THey're complicated boys.
Jiang Cheng is still standing on the pier, the rain is pelting but the worst of the storm is yet to come. The dry riverbed gasping it in, unaware-
Continuining as is the case with this whole fic, JC's mental/headspace is abysmal, like words cannot. Also lots of pathetic fallacy. It's kind of meant to be a metaphor for jc's trauma, I guess. It's bad and he's soaking the pain in and moping in it- but he's got a whole week of this and it's gonna get worse. Just like the riverbed- and JC doesn't want to think about that either
The ground surrounding the pier is wet and seems less like ash, the river a gaping mouth trying to swallow it up
Ash and burning vs wetness and rain were the two big things about this fic. Again, I'm a basic cheap ass bitch, pathetic fallacy. They're fighting each other just like Jiang Cheng's thoughts! The rain extinguishes the fire and washes away the ash! but it's dangerous and damaging in its own way. You have to be careful with it. They complement each other, just like sangcheng.
“Last time you were the one in the water and I was the one sitting on the edge of the lake.” A pause. “Different bit of lake I guess.” “It’s the same bit of lake.” 
This is probably one of my favourite exchanges in the whole fic tbh. Different but the same, many years and many changes but still them, maybe in some ways unrecognisable, but still them. There is also something in here about how JC is trying to cling to good things that have changed from him and while he feels like he needs it, it's not good for him. Jiang Cheng in his jc way, is trying to say a lot more to nhs than it just being the same bit of lake. NHS is unfortunatley not a mind reader, although today he really is trying. He's starting to realise that maybe JC is just of big a liar as NHS himself is, just in different ways.
For jc's part he's saying, we can be those carefree kids again, right? we can? Nothing has changed, right? We're still us, right? and he knows it's not but he wants it to be.
Then, Nie Huaisang’s eyes are so very, very close to Jiang Cheng’s own, staring at him unblinkingly. Water streams down his face, dripping off his nose- and it’s raining right now, sure, but Huaisang’s mouth looks so very wet and-
The first kiss fake out! I think this is actually the only one I intended to be a fake out, all the other ones were times I wanted them to kiss but decided it felt weird to have them have a big sloppy while one of them was like... dissassociating, or crying, or hitting the other
Also, Huaisang totes knows what he's going
“-did you want me to die? Did you want us to die? Did you want yourself to die?”
Jiang Cheng starting to realise that NHS might not be so alright- and JC starting to really properly break out of his fog. This is actually partly why nhs drags jc into the river he's starting to realise jc worries about him so he's, very very poorly, trying to get jc more in the moment but making him fuss about him. For his part, JC is doing his usual "break your legs bluster" but as he goes on he starts to wonder and worry about what NHS was doing
Some of the anger begins to turn to fear as his words catch up with him, but it’s still unbelievably, wonderfully, unbearably sharp . Had that been what Huai-
as I was saying above, the strategy might be sus, but NHS sort of flics JC out of his introspection and back into the now- and JC evens start to wonder if that's what NHS was doing before he gets distracted by nhs again and also his complte denial and inability to consider nhs outside his framework of the "weaker one" at this point in the story- until yanno, he starts wondering how come nhs copes with grief better (debateable) and if that makes nhs stronger
“I said that [killing JC/NHS} that would kind of defeat the whole point,” the other sect leader mutters, like a petulant child. (And Jiang Cheng knows some.)
Jin Ling is the petulant child. But yes, some more light on NHS' agenda! To make sure JC doesn't accidentally drown himself in his own grief, to help JC with the worst week of his life by distracting him- a tactic that uh, JC maybe doesn't appreciate but that's the fic. JC, of course, has no idea what NHS is talking about and just tries to ignore it. Also this is NHS so even when he's talking about pretty serious things (his fear that JC is heading towards his own destructive spiral leading to his grave) he's gotta be a little brat about it. Can't show real genuine emotion, let alone care, ot Jiang Cheng eh?
IDk I felt it was very them, they're both allergic to letting each other they care about the other becuase of the gulf between them, and the history, and the current circumstances of their life, and their own personal traumas. But they care, they do.
Oh also, if I'm talking about it, while NHS is somewhat concerned about JC being possibly suicidal he IS mostly being facetious- it's like, JC has dealt with this awful week for several years and he's still kicking. NHS is more worried that it's not sustainable and has also realised that maybe it's not fair that JC always has to deal with it alone. JC does not (in his own internal thoughst at least) consider himself suicidal or wanting to die. He just... isn't entirely emotionally connected to the phsycial plane at this point in time. Lastly something to note that never really comes up because NHS doesn't notice and JC doesn't say but um admittedly to an extent nHS being here has made jC worse- which is why nhs has weird fluctuating concern. JC can't completely disconnect in a way that he typically woud (Unhealthy coping behaviour all the same) because he needs to entertain/interact with Huaisang. This means that JC actually has to deal with all his emotions in this week for once (not that he does that either, all the cut off thoughts) as opposed to competely checking out for a week and coming back to himself surrounded by alcohol ocassionally
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midnight1404 · 6 months
1, 6, 7, 16, 19, 27, 28, 29!
Well, this was my first year dong fanfiction so following my word count (without counting three comms of 5k words that i didnt upload) i write 65, 993 words this year!!! yippy!!
6. To my surprise, that will be "As we fall (You will be part of me)" my poem collection that i have a little abandoned (but i will be back tho heheheh :3)
7. Well tbh, with a few exceptions, i almost never use song lyrics as titles so for now i don't an especial artist that i use the most (but i predict that one will be surely Breaking Benjamin or Ethel Cain surely)
16. Taking out the obvious ones like Dead dove, incest, etc. I'm proud that tag is "Catholic imagery" and "Daddy issues"
19. I can say jakelo? nah, just kidding...I think bessides my otp, im interested in explore more Quaritch's charcter in different angles and obviously i will do it along with Lo'ak (and maybe Taliya bc i just like imagine Q with someone he can't stand.)
27. I can't explain it very well, is a mess without a real order, is just a mix of Crystal Castles, Breaking Benjamin (or rock in general), Mitski, etc.
28. The Offspring and My Sab's gift one-shot (that is coming)
29.I have two coming from my two first works ever, and i cant chose just one so here it is:
The first one comes from the fourth chapter of A Father's child (my first fanfic, pls dont read it, is bad compared to my other works.), and i hold it close to my heart bc summarizes one of the main reasons why im so fixated in Lo'ak and Jake's relathionship, how difficult and fuck up it is, where there is intense amount of love but also a lot of past, guilt, and ghosts:
“I know that I’m a failure to you…” Lo’ak says with a broken voice, a single tear falls from his eye. “But is a lot of begging to look at me? Not as Toruk makto’s soldier or the kid that you were once time ago but as your son, Father….” More tears fall through his face, his voice cracking. “I’m your son, an imperfect one.”
 Jake thinks that statement it’s a cruel joke. Every time that he sees Lo’ak since his birth, the first sentence that come always to Jake’s mind is My child. The single one from his children of blood that came to this world with five fingers and eyebrows, the one who is stubborn and capable of jump to the danger without think twice, just like Jake.
"Neteyam is his pride, Kiri his empathy and Tuk his kindness. Lo’ak is the child that could have been born just from Jake’s rib. Jake Sully’s child in appearance, blood and heart.
Jake is scared for him because of that, the last thing that he desires for his boy is the same road and mistakes.
Ending with stained hands and uncountable sins. That simple thought makes Jake want to eat Lo'ak to make him reborn without the curse of being like Jake Sully."
The second one is from the sixth chapter of Look at me (on the horns of a dilemma), this one is mortly bc i suffered writing this with my impostor sindrome hitting me in my guts while my lack of english was not helping me at all, writing something more ambicious than i did before, and im proud that atleast i made to not gave up in it in the process.
"“After days spent doubtful and afraid, Fabian made the decision to free his little brother from Christian’s claws. So, in the dead of night when the eldest boy returned to the house, Fabian mustered the courage to sneak into his brother’s room and steal the shed’s key. When he managed to grab the keys without making noise, he didn't waste any time and ran to the shed so fast his legs ached. He opened the door with trembling hands, but what he was met with was not something he recognized as his brother.”
Lo’ak doesn’t want to feel like he’s walking in a tightrope anymore. He doesn’t want to feel like every breath he takes is a step closer to falling into a void, never to see the sun again. Lo’ak wants to be capable of at least knowing what he really wants for his future, something that is not swimming.
“A chained wolf-beast was what he saw. A beast with a big mouth that contained deadly, stained fangs. A beast with claws that appeared larger than Fabian’s head. It began to growl, which let out a putrid scent from its mouth. The boy froze in front of the thing that he once called a child, staring into its eyes. Dark, foggy-red orbs replacing the warm amber, erasing any trace of innocence, leaving only the dreadful ferocity. Fabian would have begun to cry if not for the sudden sound of the door closing. His heart stopped when he tried to open it and found out that it was locked. He started to scream, begging to be let out. This seemed to irritate the beast behind him, its growls getting louder with every cry. He heard Christian’s voice through the other side of the door, ‘This is what happens when you don’t listen’.”
Lo’ak is aware that the people around him would not even stand him being their sight if they knew about his forbidden lust and he understands why.
“No matter how Fabian begged or cried or screamed, Christian, the perfect son and brother, left his little brother trapped with a monster that, with the sunrise, would wake up as a kid again. A kid that would wake up with blood coating his skin and a new corpse that wasn’t from a sheep.”
But the Sully's middle child can’t stop thinking about his younger self. If the kid that Lo’ak was could see him in the present, what would his impression be?"
Thanks for the asks!!!
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tehloserprince · 5 months
I was tagged by @santacoppelia - thank you! 🥺🧡
1. were you named after anyone? Michael Jordan, ha ha. No, really, my mom's a huge fan. She's followed his career ever since his UNC days. I love telling people that's how I got my name. For the record, although I have an obligatory fondness for my hometown team and a nostalgic love for the Bulls in their Jordan Era, I'm currently a Bucks fan.
2. when was the last time you cried? It's really difficult for me to cry. It's such a relief at times, tho. I cried a few weeks ago, when I realized my special needs dog was having some epilepsy-related issues. I've mostly accepted that I'll probably never see him with a grey muzzle, but I really hope we can share more time together. There are still so many things I want to show him.
3. do you have kids? Nope. Sorta did, once, but I don't really talk about that much. It was a good experience, and I still love/think about her. But my kids are all the critter variety these days ;) I enjoy hanging out with my friends' kids, but they're all growing up too quickly :/ What even is time
4. what sports do you play/have you played? I never really played anything professionally, but I liked soccer, basketball, and running when I was younger. I got into boxing and Muay Thai when I was a little older, and also did a lot of hiking. Unfortunately I'm crippled, so I'm limited in what I can/should do. I try to go on lots of walks with my pup and swim whenever I can. Sometimes I still wrap my hands and hit the bag, which is fun.
5. do you use sarcasm? No, never. (/s obvs)
6. what's the first thing you notice about people? The way they treat other people - especially the most vulnerable - and animals. Physically, eyes and smile. I'm more impressed by people who can be genuinely kind without ulterior motivation.
7. what's your eye color? Hazel.
8. scary movies or happy endings? Depends on my mood! In terms of scary films, gore feels lazy and boring to me. I need a film to get inside my head in order to be scary. But I'm a sucker for happy endings too, which is a lot of projection on my part, ha ha.
9. any talents? Err. Uh. Writing, I guess? Remembering a lot of random info? Friends are consistently surprised that I'll remember so many little details, especially if it's like ... me surprising them with something they mentioned liking at some point. Funny enough, I'll frequently forget why I walked into a room these days, but I'm glad some parts of my memory still excel! I'm also told that I'm extremely patient, if that counts as a talent.
10. where were you born? Charlotte, NC.
11. what are your hobbies? Writing, reading, watching movies and television shows (mostly with the BFF), random crafts, DIY home improvement stuff (I painted my entire house despite my health worsening over the years and I'm very proud of that), canine behavior/training, and playing video games. I don't have as much time for games, but I still enjoy it. Started a new game of Red Dead Redemption 2 this winter, and I've been spending hours just roaming the land with my horse.
12. do you have any pets? Ha, yes! I do a lot of animal rescue and have some life goals related to that, so hopefully I'll always be surrounded by critters. My beloved dog (Skippyjon) passed away in 2022 (old age and CHF). I had a cockatiel for 21 years - a birthday present when I turned 8. We basically grew up together, and the house is still way too quiet without him. I had other dogs (Smokey and Locke), and a lot of fish. In college, I had an "illegal" hamster, Kai (Kaizoku). He was fat and wonderful. I chose him because he squeezed past his siblings, sat in their food dish, and started shoving food in his mouth. King behavior tbh. I had a rat named Stevie in my late 20s. Currently, I have a deaf special needs dog (Oscar aka Ozzy), a cat that I hand-raised because she was found abandoned shortly after birth (Swayze), and a rabbit (Shasta aka Bad Bunny). At some point, I decided that all my rabbits would be named after soda brands, ha.
13. how tall are you? About 5'10".
14. favorite subject in school? Literature, Spanish, Philosophy, sometimes History, Classical Studies, Art. Anything that wasn't math, because I always struggled with that.
15. dream job? If I could make a living off of writing and spend a lot of my time doing animal rescue, I'd be content. Even if I was wealthy, I'd ultimately pursue a simple, cozy life without a lot of fanfare. I'd love to have more money to invest in animal rescue and local community welfare (kids should always have basic necessities imo). Maybe someday ...
Tagging anyone who feels like doing this! Feel free to reblog or tag me if you wanna let me know that you did it. Thanks, this was fun :3
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froggi-mushroom · 1 year
Ok ok I want to hear your version of engport and also pruk if you've thought of them enough
Thanks for the ask!
I love pruk I just never finish any of my ideas for them 😭
Ask game can be found here
Putting it under the cut cuz it’s quite long
Engport (Arthur and Gabriel cuz I have different hcs for Edith and Joana)
Gives nose/forehead kisses:
Gabriel likes forehead and temple kisses, Arthur likes nose kisses
Gets jealous the most:
This really depends on the time period tbh but I’d say generally in the modern day, neither tbh
Takes care of on sick days:
Both take good care of each other, they’re both a little bit stubborn with others but I think they’re so used to being together that they’re less inclined to argue with one another and they know what each other need so well that looking after each other comes more naturally
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
Neither, they’re both lovers of the sea, you have to drag them out of it if anyone
Brings the other lunch at work:
Both tbh, Gabriel likes to to force Arthur to actually take a break whilst they sit and eat together, Arthur does as an excuse to spend time with Gabriel without having to ask explicitly
Tries to start role-playing in bed:
Arthur because he is a Shakespeare fanboy at heart, but quickly abandons it cuz neither of them can take it seriously (plus I don’t think either of them get off on it tbh)
Embarrassingly drunk dancer:
Both, oh my god they both do stupid dad dancing
Firmly believes in couples costumes:
Both of them, they are such nerds together, they’d love it
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas:
Neither, like a lot of old couples, they don’t tend to go all out on gifts because they’ve been together so long, historically, that’s a different question entirely but I won’t get into that too much
Makes the other eat breakfast:
Gabriel, he wakes up before Arthur on their days off so makes them both breakfast and sits Arthur down to eat or else he literally won’t eat anything all day until dinner
Remembers anniversaries:
Arthur, he’s very good with dates
Brings up having kids first:
In a human au, neither
Kills the bugs:
Neither, they both set the bugs free
First to define them as a couple:
I don’t think either of them do, they just kinda end up together, though Francis or Antonio are the most likely to point it out to the two of them
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer:
Arthur obviously, he’s a Brit we’re all like that
Snorts while laughing:
Arthur, and Gabriel finds it adorable
Gives nose/forehead kisses:
Arthur loves nose kisses, Gilbert loves forehead kisses to flex how much taller he is than Arthur
Gets jealous the most:
I feel like Gilbert’s more prone to jealousy, but only a little bit
Takes care of on sick days:
Like engport, they’re both stubborn however, unlike engport, they have to wrestle each other to stay in bed when sick, but aside from that, they’re both about the same at looking after each other, I think Gil is slightly better though
Drags the other person out into the water on beach day:
Arthur cuz Gil can’t really swim all that well
Brings the other lunch at work:
Both do!
Tries to start role-playing in bed:
Gil does, it goes so bad, Arthur never lets him forget it
Embarrassingly drunk dancer:
Both of them, though Gilbert has more rhythm
Firmly believes in couples costumes:
Again, both of them
Breaks the expensive gift rule during Christmas:
Neither, they’re both too pragmatic to do that
Makes the other eat breakfast:
They’re both awful at actually eating breakfast tbh, but I think Gilbert’s more likely to make them both eat breakfast
Remembers anniversaries:
Both do, though Arthur’s a little bit better
Brings up having kids first:
In a human au, neither
Kills the bugs:
Arthur let’s them free, Gil grabs a slipper to kill them
First to define them as a couple:
Gilbert, goes around proudly calling Arthur his boyfriend whilst Arthur’s still a little bit confused
Who hides their guilty pleasures longer:
Both of them, though Gil holds out a little longer
Snorts while laughing:
Both do, they have such goofy laughs that they make each other laugh with them
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moaserendipity · 2 years
Between us ep1 messy review
ITS FINALLY HERE!!! We have waited so damn long for this BL! I think we waited since 2019!!!! It’s almost 2023 guys!! But the wait is over!!! So let’s dive in!!!
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We start with both of them waking up. You immediately see the differences in their characters. So is Win up and ready to go, while Team is still in bed and late🤭 Win is looking hot once again, while walking the school grounds!!
AHHH OUR QUEEN IS BACK! And falling into Prueks arms because she tripped! I love this so much! Oh I love how they did this, the way Team immediately got Wins attention by just being there!
Ah I see what they are doing, they are introducing the cast. Okay cool just hope it won’t pull away the attention from the main couple, because that would not be okay!
HELLO DEAN👀 Pruek has it bad already doesn’t he🤭 have you never met the one??…. YES HE HAS, haha Team has his full attention, I love this, love at first sight!
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Being hard on Team right away, give the kid a break my sexy man! I get that they want to treat all students the same but what use is that scholarship if you still have to qualify? I mean what if you don’t then you lose your scholarship😲 anyway MY FAVORITE TRIO ARE BACK😍 I missed them so much! Awww of course they will come and support you! He is going to do amazing because it’s Team💪🏻
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Really Win you didn’t hear Team?! Come on that’s not cool but why did I forget they stayed in the same dorm🤔 why didn’t I know Santa would be in this? But I don’t mind because he is a great actor from what I’ve seen🥰 gosh who is watching porn….LMAO OF COURSE ITS YATCH🤭 please stop watching all that porn my man! 😂 but he looks HOT👀
Aww Team is nervous, I get it though because he could lose his scholarship! Again I love this friendship! Manow is so relatable😂
Team looking good! Come on you got this! Wins eyes really follow Team around the entire time. I love this🥰🥹 Ah Pruek saw his target as well🤭 ohhhhhh the moment Dean & Pharm spotted each other! It’s so refreshing to see the other pov of this! I am here for it! The tears in Deans eyes, my gosh🥹 Dean really looks like a strict captain! Don’t wanna mess with him or Win for that matter🙈
OH WHAT WAS THAT! I know Team has a trauma but didn’t expect that! I am curious now! Go team though!! 💪🏻 FIRST PLACE AS HE SHOULD!!😍💪🏻 Oh Win, it’s getting obvious now👀 that little head tilt when Team was in the water smiling🤭
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Ah this scene. The first actual meeting of Dean & Pharm. I was already devastated when this happened. Poor Pharm crying and why did I always think this was happening in the evening, while it most definitely is during the day🤔 I love how we see that Pharm calls Team because he is upset. I always wondered if Pharm friends had an inkling about what was going on and I love that at least Team did know and didn’t judge him but just tried to be there for him. At first I wondered why Win was following him but it’s probably to make sure everything was okay AND to see what kind of person Team is🥹 also he might think Pharm is his boyfriend? Because they do look close enough for that tbh🤔
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Ahhh nice! The Beach! Lmao these 4 hot guys, they make perfect friends! 😂 Teambuilding is always nice to do but I prefer no heavy activities 🤭 ugh I wish I could be in Thailand and swimming in the ocean😍 don’t laugh too hard because there will be karma🤭 sigh of course Team hurts himself. The way Win is treating Team, I mean don’t be too hard on him! The way Team is sulking after those harsh words from Win. Like the dude cut his feet don’t need to tell him he still has to attend training🙈 oh Win didn’t like Team talking back at him😲 but Team made it better by thanking him🥰
Ah Dean staring into the distance. He doesn’t have issues, he just missed something or someone in his life and now he has found that person. He must be so confused but also happy?! Seriously Dean stop standing there, jeez🙈 it’s kind of sad that Win feels like he never had something to call his, thankfully that will change soon because you will have Team all to yourself🥹 Dean is not wrong here! You probably have some walls up Win🥹
Okay Win just go after him. I mean the staring is not going to do anything🤭 Oh these friends, like really don’t pull him away from the food!! Especially not for watching porn🙈 Poor Team he really is innocent isn’t he, gosh he better get a cold shower🙈 also his friends teasing him like that while he definitely is uncomfortable, that’s not cool guys. Not everyone enjoys watching porn with friends…
Team you should get a shower INSIDE, because there you have it. Win on his evening round… (is he a stalker though because he is everywhere👀) Win is teasing but also right in his face, jeez what happened with Hi my name is👀 WOW KISSING ALREADY, I SAY LET’S GO😏
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OHHHHHHH HOLY!!! YEAH JUST FOLLOW HIM TO HIS ROOM, LIKE WHY NOT👀🫣 Win really knows what he wants huh… like I get it but damn this is fast, NOT COMPLAINING THOUGH!!
Also the way he asks those question is seriously SEXY! The way he makes sure that Team is not drunk and will remember everything, the way he makes sure he knows where and with whom he is, this is seriously sexy! I LOVE IT!! Consent like this, just wow!🔥
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And they really ended it in the middle of it, like do they love to torture us, probably but damn I need to see more!!!!!!!!!! Those 3 years of waiting were definitely worth it! See you next time👋
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wikiangela · 8 months
alive shannon 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀 (but much more enthusiastically)
yaaay I love talking about this fic haha
so, the alive shannon fic is my most precious baby, and I love her sooo much (both the fic and shannon haha)
the idea started bc I was tired of the discourse and hate on Shannon bc she doesn't deserve it, and since I first watched the show I always just felt so bad for her - but that's a whole rant sitting in my drafts so that's all I'm gonna say on that atm hahaha
the fic is going to be basically a rewrite of canon where Shannon survives the accident and she and Eddie get divorced, and she stays in Christopher's life - so she sticks around and she and Eddie become friends/co-parents, and she's gonna get to know Buck too (I think they're on their way to become besties tbh lol) - and most of all she and Chris will get to have a relationship
so that, and all the events from canon that are still gonna happen and how it might differ with her around - and in the middle of it all Buck and Eddie will slowly fall in love, and she's gonna be so 👀 about Eddie and Buck's relationship and eventually she's gonna be like: these oblivious idiots are never gonna get it istg haha (she might meddle a bit too, and I kinda want to get it up to the end of s4 with Ana just to see Shannon be like: it should be Buck, wtf is eddie even doing lol)
and I'm just excited to explore these dynamics, and Eddie moving on and letting himself fall for someone else (Buck), and him and Shannon getting the closure they were robbed of in the show haha
it's gonna be switching pov with each chapter so we'll get all three perspectives and it's sooo much fun to write and I have sooo many ideas (as of now there's almost 20k words, and I'm still only on chapter 3, didn't even get to the truck bombing yet, so it's gonna be fucking long lmao)
there are already way too many snippets posted here, you can find them under the alive shannon fic tag (this post is tagged as this too lol) but here's one more that I'm not sure I shared haha - it's from chapter 1, from Eddie's pov, and it's him and Buck waiting for news about Shannon's condition at the hospital, and not knowing if she survives or not
He thinks back to his and Shannon's latest interactions, to her coming back, to the chaos of their relationship, that Eddie knows isn’t good, he knows that, he just can’t help wanting to fix it – she’s his wife, how can he just give up? Maybe it was good, once upon a time, before they were thrust into parenthood and marriage way too young, before they were pressured and divided by Eddie’s family, their suggestions sounding more like orders, now that Eddie thinks back on it, orders that he followed, being just a dumb kid. Maybe if he hadn’t left, if he stayed and supported her, if they did it all together, like the partners they were supposed to be… But there’s no point thinking about what ifs. It’s all over, whether she survives or not, and he just has to make his peace with it. He thinks back to their last conversation, and he hates to admit that she was right. “She wants a divorce.” he hears himself blur out, voice hoarse and breaking, unused in hours. He’s not sure why this is what he’s focusing on right now, why this is what he wants to tell Buck, but at least he’s not breaking down. He’ll allow himself a moment for that after he talks to his son, after he knows- “Shannon.” he croaks out, as if there was a need to specify. He feels Buck’s gaze on his face, but he can’t look up, can’t look into those worried blue eyes, or he’ll drown in them, willingly and completely, not ever wanting to swim back to the surface and face this cruel world. “She asked me for a divorce.” “Eddie, I’m so sorry-” Buck starts, but Eddie interrupts him with a bitter chuckle that sounds almost like he’s choking. He might as well be, he thinks the only reason he’s still breathing is holding his hand right now. Only other reason is back home, not realizing what’s happening, just doing his homework or watching cartoons. Eddie really doesn’t want to bring him bad news, he’s too young for this. “She’s right. I couldn’t- I didn’t want to see it. But she’s right.” he sighs, readjusting his grip on Buck’s hand, but not letting go. He doesn’t want to ever let go. If he did, he thinks he’d just crumble into a million little pieces right now, left for Buck to pick up. And he has no doubt Buck would, every smallest piece, and put him back together again. Really, what would he do without him? How did he do it without him until now?
ask me about my wips
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