#i just felt like throwing in a multi or two
feral-gaming · 1 year
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...that was only two KitaRituals (10 tickets & 60 sq)
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dcxdpdabbles · 6 months
Heya! I love your works! You always manage to turn tropes on their heads and make them anew! I was wondering, are you going to continue The Audit? I loved the dynamics of the Bats interacting with Danny, and Damian and Danny's relationship was downright delightful!
Damian rarely got nervous because of the tension in the room. It wasn't in his nature, having been born with Father's ability to keep a cool head.
But watching the stare-down between his Father and Uncle Daniel was very nerve-wracking. He was still determining who was winning at this point. Father had retreated fully into Batman, locking away all and any emotions behind his persona, which was bizarre to see on his maskless face.
Meanwhile, Uncle Daniel's emotions are displayed for the world to see in the heavy set of his jaw, the down pull of his lips, and the ice in his gaze.
Between the two men sat a pile of paper with various red markings. Damian hadn't gotten the chance to review the documents, but he knew there was a lot, and most of it had not been good. He likely failed the audit.
His uncle had stayed at Wayne Manor for three days, despite the many attempts by the Bats besides Damian to get him out. He had been silently observing everything that happened within the manor's walls. Uncle Daniel took his position as an observer in the literal sense.
He did not speak or interact with anyone besides Damian and often ended up scaring his adoptive siblings since they didn't notice him in the room. Damian personally thinks it was their own fault for being frightened. Obviously, they needed more training if they were unable to detect his uncle.
It's not like the man was hiding; he is good at entering rooms as silent as a ghost. Damian knew all other league-raised children could sense when Uncle Daniel was about, so really, people trained by Batman should have caught him miles away.
Todd and Cain were an honest disgrace for failing to notice Uncle Daniel until his pen clicked to write down what he observed. Damian attempted to improve things by presenting the best of Wayne Manor, but he knew the more he tried, the more Uncle Daniel used the red pen.
He only thought he did well on the audit by showing off his various animal friends. Uncle Daniel seemed very taken with Batcow the most, and after helping Damian milk her, he had finally switched the color on his multi-pen to green.
"I will not repeat myself again, Mr. Wayne," Uncle Daniel hissed, snapping Damian from his thoughts. Father's eyes narrowed.
"You deemed me unfit for my son."
"I deem you unfit for all your children."
Father's face remained impassive, but Damian knew him well enough to see the displeasure rolling off his body in waves. "I try my best for my children."
"Not nearly enough." Uncle Daniel reached for the papers, flipping through the handwritten notes to a page, taking on three lines. When Damian leaned over to read, Uncle Daniel's hand shot out and he pushed his head away.
"No, Little One. These are your sibling's personal files. You can not read them." It's mostly because he respects his uncle greatly that he did not throw a fit for being excluded from the conversation. And the fact that his uncle switched over to their native tongue.
It had been startling to realize how much he missed hearing his language. And how warm it made him feel to use it here in Gotham.
Father pulled the paperwork to him. His blue eyes rapidly moved over the words before he flipped to the next page, the next, and the next. Each time, his actions became more frantic until he reached the end.
Then he just stared at the audit his uncle had written with a strange blank look in his eyes. Damian felt very unnerved.
"Damian, go wait in your room," Father said softly, gaze still not lifting from the report.
"What? Father-"
"Now, Damian."
The boy turned to his uncle for help, but the other man merely smiled. "It's alright, Little One. Your father and I will settle this."
It was ludicrous to remove him from the room to discuss his future. Still, Damian knew he would not be able to convince the two most important men in his life of this, and while Uncle Daniel was a pacifist, it didn't mean he was weak in any way.
He would have Damian removed, and walking out with dignity was better. The young ninja huffed, strutting out of the room, down the hall, and up the main stairway to his bedroom. He ignored the various Wayne-adopted dolts that were trying to eavesdrop on the conversation.
None of them had learned that if Uncle Daniel did not want anyone hearing his conversations, then no one would hear a thing. This was one of the many mysteries surrounding Uncle Daniel.
No one in the current League of Assiaians knew much about the First Son, mainly because no one had lived as long as he and Grandfather, but they all knew he had extraordinary powers.
Drake is a fool who thinks he can record all of Uncle's abilities when he hasn't even scraped the suffering of everything Uncle Daniel could do.
And he never will. A nasty voice whispers in his mind. Damian opens his bedroom door, taking one final look around, trying to fight off the wave of sadness. He can not say his stay here had been easy, but he had grown attached to his life at Wayne Manor.
It's a foolish attachment. It didn't matter.
He had failed the audit, and Uncle Daniel would have him moved. Damian's eyes burned slightly, making him blink rapidly as he began packing his room.
He had been able to adjust to the sudden move from the league to Gotham; Damian could do it again. He was halfway done getting everything of value stored in his suitcases when his Father appeared at his door.
"Damian? What are you doing?" The man's voice sounds crushed, and Damian refuses to meet his gaze. He needs to leave through the Wayne Manor doors with his dignity.
"I am sure it's quite clear what I am doing, Father." He says, folding his shirts in the military style Pennyworth had shown him. It saved the most space, and the idea that he will never learn more little tricks from the age bullet makes the burn in his eyes stronger.
A few traitorous tears fall, landing on his blue-gry shirt and turning a few spots into a dark blue.
"I won't let him take you," Father promises, strutting towards Damian and hugging him. The child stiffens at once before more tears silently fall down his face.
"You can not stop Uncle. He can take all of us away."
"I know," Father admits. "That's why I have agreed to his terms."
"Mr. Wayne and I have agreed on a trial period. He will go to therapy to improve his behavior and communication skills with his children. I will be living here and monitoring the progress. It will be one year." Uncle Daniel says suddenly, right next to their hug, his cold arms warping around Damian and overlapping Father's.
Father's face was spammed at the contact, but Damian had never felt so warm or protected.
He sinks into the hug, watching Uncle Daniel's warm, soft gaze stare down at him. Then, his gaze hardens into disgust as Father leans on Damian's hair. Uncle Daniel quickly leans onto the other side of Damian's skull, trying to comfort him.
Relief crashes into Damian. The audit was not over; he still had a year to prove to Uncle that he should live here with Father. He will not be moved.
But it will take a miracle for his father to change that drastically. His uncle would remove him unless Damian could show him that there was something here worth staying for.
He needed a plan, a goal, an appeal to Uncle Daniel's more gentle, idealistic views. But what? He could try to become more brotherly with his adoptive siblings. That could buy him a few more months.
I need something more. Something more binding. Damian thinks, pressing his face into the two men's arms. He does not need comfort like a child, but being held like this is.... pleasant.
"Oh! Family Group Hug!" Richard screams from the hallway before the man is sprinting into the room. Father makes a face but Uncle Daniel opens the hug, leaving a gap for Richard.
The man barrels in with a shout of glee, squeezing the three almost desperately. Damian would make a face, but he understands just how great Uncle Daniel's hugs can be, and added to the fact Father is not one to show displays of affection, this is Richard's best chance to-.
That's it! Uncle's one weakness is being there for children who need him. Damian realizes, a plan forming in his mind, as Brown, Drake, and Cain run into the room. They pause at the sight before all three are invited into Uncle's hug. Brown leaps in for her hug, and Cain hesitantly approaches while Drake stays safely away, eyeing the group with distaste.
Uncle Daniel locks eyes with the teenager by the door, offering a sad smile, and Damian can see that he genuinely wants Drake in this hug but will not force him.
He respects Drake's boundaries because, to Uncle Daniel, adoption means family. He considers Drake to be Damian's brother, so he would treat him with the same care and love as he does for Damian.
Usually, that would bother him greatly, but Damian is too proud of himself for thinking of such a great plan.
There was no way Father would change enough in one year to satisfy Uncle into thinking he was a good fit for raising children. That's fine.
All Damian had to do in that year was convince Uncle to stay at Wayne Manor to do the child-raising himself. This way Damian could remain in Gotham, no matter the audit's results.
How does one trap a man in child-raising when none of the children are his biological? Simple. They get them married to someone with children, and Father just so happens to be without a paramour.
Damian has to get two men to fall in love in one year. It should be simple. With Uncle Daniel's protective core and Father's determination to save Gotham, there may be enough common ground between them to spark romance!
"I love you guys!" Richard crows, squeezing everyone he can reach.
"Hn," Father grunts, while Brown and Cain both inform Richard they care for him as well. Damian softly mutters, "I care for you too," which is much better than Father's.
Uncle's snaps.
"Your son said he loves you, but you don't even respond? You are a brute, Mr. Wayne."
"And you are a leech." Father hisses.
Damian winces. This will take a lot of work. Good thing he's never cowered from a challenge.
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Yooo. Amazing Gambit writing. 💕 Sooooo I was thinking. I’m feral for the new movie Gambit, especially that VOICE, and can’t stop thinking on this.
Soft non-mutant reader who doesn’t deal with violence and blood very well, like sick or panicky because they were so protected growing up, while Remy is trying to protect them during a fight (could be anywhere). Like, bad time bad place thing. But the reader wants to help, by throwing a shoe when they were about to hurt Remy. Chaos ensures when they turn toward the reader.
So as I was writing this, I was thinking "EXCUSE ME THIS IS A GREAT STORY CONCEPT,". Also, Am I able to use this prompt to possibly, maybe add to my 'I need to write this into a multi chap story' Gambit x reader file? But I hope you enjoy :)
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The air crackled with tension as the fight erupted around you. It was supposed to be a simple errand, just a quick stop in a small town that had seemed peaceful enough to get a few hours sleep in. But then, as if fate had a cruel sense of humor, things went south, and it went south fast. The sudden ambush, the flash of weapons, and Remy pushing you behind him—everything happened too quickly to process.
You had never been good with violence. The sight of blood made your stomach churn, and the sound of gunfire was enough to send your heart racing in sheer panic. But Remy was so much more different that you, complete polar opposites. He moved through the chaos with a deadly grace, cards charged and ready, every motion calculated and precise. It was like watching a storm unfold, fierce and unstoppable.
You tried to stay out of the way, pressed against a wall, your breath coming in short, ragged gasps. But then you saw it—one of the attackers sneaking up behind Remy, a blade glinting in the dim light. You didn’t think, didn’t hesitate, just acted on pure instinct.
You looked around, hands still pressed against the red brick wall, trying to find something, anything, that would help. You let out a small huff, reaching down and grabbing the closest thing within reach—your dark coloured shoe—and flung it with all your might. It sailed through the air, smacking into the man’s head with a dull thud. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to make him stumble, giving Remy just enough time to turn and disarm him with a swift, brutal strike.
But then the man's eyes snapped towards you, fury burning in them as he realized where the attack had come from. You froze, heart hammering in your chest, as he took a menacing step toward you. "Shit," You whispered to yourself.
Remy, still engaged with another opponent, glanced over his shoulder, catching sight of the man advancing on you. "What exactly did you think that would achieve?!" he shouted over the noise, his Cajun accent thick with frustration.
You blinked, caught between terror and a strange sort of defiance. "I don't really think about things before doing them, you know?" you shot back, voice trembling but determined. "It's how I ended up here with you to begin with, remember?"
The irony of your words wasn’t lost on you. You’d never been the type to seek out trouble, to dive headfirst into danger. In fact you, thrived staying away from it. Spending most days either inside or at your job. But meeting Remy had changed everything. He was chaos wrapped in charm, a magnet for the kind of trouble you had always been shielded from. And yet, somehow, you’d found yourself dragged into his world, into the madness that seemed to follow him wherever he went.
It had all started so innocently. You’d met him by chance, a twist of fate that had brought the two of you together. He was on the run, tangled up in something that you didn’t fully understand but couldn’t walk away from. Before you knew it, you were caught up in his orbit, swept along by his easy smile and the thrill of something you’d never felt before—excitement, danger, a sense of purpose.
And now, here you were, in the middle of a fight you had no business being in, your shoe—of all things—your only weapon. The absurdity of it might have made you laugh if you weren’t so scared.
The man lunged toward you, but before he could reach you, Remy was there, faster than you could have imagined. He moved like lightning, his bo staff connecting with the man’s side in a sickening crunch that made you wince. The man crumpled to the ground, and Remy turned to you, his eyes flashing with a mix of relief and exasperation.
"When I said stay behind me, ," he stated, his tone showing his annoyance at you, "It wasn't an optional request chère'".
You nodded, swallowing hard as you clung to the remnants of your composure. This wasn’t your world—this world of violence and bloodshed—but it was his, and as long as you were with him, you’d have to find a way to survive it.
Remy’s order to stay behind him was clear, but the chaos around you made it hard to follow. Every sound seemed amplified—the clash of metal, the shouts of your enemies, the pounding of your own heart in your ears. You stumbled back, trying to keep your distance, but the room felt like it was closing in on you, suffocating you with every breath.
Remy was a blur of motion, a dangerous dance of power and precision. You marveled at how he seemed to anticipate every move, every attack, as if the world around him was moving in slow motion. But despite his skill, you could see the strain in his eyes, the worry that flickered every time he glanced back at you.
You weren’t supposed to be here. You knew that much. But there wasn’t time to think about the ‘what ifs’ or the ‘should haves.’ Right now, the only thing that mattered was getting out of this alive.
Another assailant broke away from the fight, making a beeline for you. You instinctively took a step back, your hands trembling as you searched for something—anything—you could use to defend yourself. But there was nothing. No more shoes to throw, no weapons within reach. Just you and the growing dread in your chest.
Before you could react, the man was on you, his hand grabbing your arm with a painful grip. You let out a small cry, the fear surging up, threatening to overwhelm you. His grip tightened, and you could see the cold, calculating look in his eyes—a predator sizing up his prey.
And then, just as suddenly as it had started, it was over. Remy was there, moving like a shadow. He wrenched the man away from you, his eyes blazing with a fury you had never seen before. "I said stay behind me!" he snapped, his accent thick and his voice laced with an edge of desperation.
You didn’t have time to respond before Remy shoved you back, his attention already turning to the next threat. The man who had grabbed you was on the ground, groaning in pain, but Remy didn’t linger. He was already moving, his staff whirling as he took down the next attacker with a brutal efficiency.
You pressed yourself against the wall, your heart still racing, your body trembling with the adrenaline coursing through you. This was too much. The sights, the sounds, the raw violence of it all—it was overwhelming, like you were drowning in a sea of chaos with no way to escape.
But then you saw it—a flash of movement out of the corner of your eye. One of the attackers, a woman with a cruel sneer and a gun raised, aimed directly at Remy. Your breath caught in your throat, your blood running cold as you realized what was about to happen.
There was no time to think, no time to hesitate. Without a weapon, without a plan, you did the only thing you could think of. You threw yourself at her, arms flailing, a wild, desperate attempt to stop her before she could pull the trigger.
The impact surprised her, but it surprised you even more. The two of you tumbled to the ground, her gun skidding across the floor. She cursed, scrambling to get up, but you were already on her, holding her down with a strength you didn’t know you had.
For a moment, everything was a blur. You didn’t think, didn’t feel—just acted, driven by pure instinct and the overwhelming need to protect Remy. But you weren’t a fighter, and it didn’t take long for her to get the upper hand. She rolled you off her, slamming you against the floor with a force that knocked the breath out of you.
Pain radiated through your body, sharp and overwhelming, but you didn’t let go. You couldn’t. You had to hold on, had to keep fighting, because if you didn’t, if you let her win, she would kill Remy. And that thought was more terrifying than anything else.
But you were no match for her. She was stronger, more experienced, and it wasn’t long before she overpowered you. Her hand closed around your throat, squeezing, cutting off your air. You struggled, panic rising as your vision started to blur, dark spots dancing at the edges.
And then, just when you thought it was over, the pressure was gone. You sucked in a desperate breath, gasping for air, as you saw Remy standing over you, the woman unconscious at his feet. He knelt beside you, his face a mask of concern and something else—something raw and unspoken.
“Chère,” he whispered, his voice tight as he reached out to help you up. “You alright?”
You nodded, even though you weren’t sure if it was true. Your body hurt, your mind was spinning, and you felt like you might be sick. But you were alive, and so was he. That was all that mattered.
He pulled you to your feet, steadying you as you wobbled, your legs weak beneath you. “I told you t’stay back,” he muttered, though there was no anger in his voice now, only worry.
“I—I’m sorry,” you stammered, your voice hoarse and trembling. “I just… I had to do something. I couldn’t just stand there and watch.”
His expression softened, and for a moment, you saw the walls he usually kept up start to crumble. “I know,” he said quietly, his hand still on your arm, grounding you. “But you gotta trust me t’protect you, alright? This ain’t your fight.”
You nodded again, tears stinging your eyes as the reality of the situation finally started to sink in. You weren’t made for this—for the violence, the blood, the fear. You were out of your depth, dragged into a world you didn’t understand and couldn’t handle. But you couldn’t leave him, either. Not when he needed you.
“I’m sorry,” you repeated, feeling the weight of your own inadequacy pressing down on you. “I’m not… I’m not like you, Remy. I can’t do this.”
He shook his head, pulling you into a tight embrace, holding you close against him. “You don’t gotta be like me, chère,” he murmured, his voice soothing. “You just gotta be you. And that’s enough.”
You clung to him, burying your face in his chest as the tears finally started to fall. The fight was over, the danger passed, but the fear and the adrenaline still pulsed through you, leaving you shaky and exhausted.
Remy held you, his presence warm and comforting, a steady anchor in the storm of your emotions. For a long moment, neither of you moved, just stayed there, holding on to each other in the aftermath of the chaos.
Finally, he pulled back, just enough to look at you, his hands gently cupping your face. “We’re gonna get outta here, alright?” he said, his voice firm but gentle. “An’ I’m gonna make sure you’re safe. Always.”
You nodded, swallowing hard as you wiped at your eyes, trying to pull yourself together. “Okay,” you whispered, your voice still shaky but stronger than before. “Okay.”
He smiled, a small, reassuring smile that made your heart ache with a strange mix of relief and something else—something warm and tender that you didn’t quite know how to name.
“Good,” he said simply, “Let’s get moving.”
You followed him, your hand in his, allowing him to pull you into the street, feeling the weight of everything that had just happened. The fight, the fear, the realization that you were in over your head—it all hung heavy in the air. But there was also something else, something that made you feel like maybe, just maybe, you could handle this after all.
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lovesickeros · 10 months
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☆ even the gods bleed [ pt 3 ]
{☆} characters neuvillette, wriothesley, furina {☆} notes cult au, imposter au, multi-chapter, gender neutral reader {☆} warnings none {☆} word count 1.9k {☆} previous [ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Wriothesley was not a man of superstition. He did not kneel at the altars until his knees bled, he did not pray until his voice gave out– he did not, contrary to popular belief, suffer divine punishment for his apparent lack of respect.
After all, what Divine would look so deep beneath the waves just for a glimpse of the sinners that inhabit it?
Not them, evidently.
He hadn't slept in the past four days, though. There was a heavy air of something where ever he walked– it followed him like a thick fog, lingering and choking him until it dragged him to his knees like a chain. His thoughts inevitably linger on the striking, extravagant letter so conveniently adorning his desk at the fortress– the broken wax seal, the letter tucked into his pocket.
He'd recognize the seal of the Iudex any day. Wasn't often he spoke to him– but the shaky, distorted words hastily etched into the paper made him pause. Neuvillette always had a steady hand– elegant, flowing script that him of flowing water.
It had kept him up for days.
The implications were..haunting. He'd poured over the letter for hours, illuminated only by faint light of his desk lamp. Yet no matter how many times he tries to see what must be hidden beneath the ink, the paper itself even, he finds nothing but the shaky script of a request that sends a bolt of pure frost through his veins.
He noticed, of course, the odd goings on of Fontaine. He'd heard vague whispers of the Divine's hunt for the imposter– he'd heard, too, of the ceaseless rain pelting Fontaine until even he wondered if the nation would finally sink beneath the waves.
It didn't, though. And that only made it all the more odd. Days of constant rain, just for it to stop suddenly..he tugged his coat tighter around him, throwing up the hood of the cloak clasped even tighter over it with a grunt as he leaned around the corner of the alleyway.
He didn't believe in superstition, but this was too hard to ignore as a simple weather anomaly.
Maybe that was why he ignored his gut– he knew that this was probably a trap, at the very least it was suspicious. But damn it, he couldn't ignore the instinct to follow the only lead he had.
His boots clicked against the rain stricken streets as he stalked through the shadows, mindful of the clinking of machine patrols just a few streets away. Yet every step felt heavier then the last as he took a long, good look at the Palais Mermonia. He almost considered bringing out his gauntlets, but he thought better of it– if it came down to it, he needed information. And he would need whoever was waiting for him alive for that– the dead don't speak and all that.
The letter's directions led him in a..rather roundabout entrance to a secluded room, evidently, as he lifted his hand and quietly knocked against the door. Two rapid knocks, pause, another knock, pause, four knocks. It doesn't take long until he hears the latch of the door unlock.
The leather of his gloves creaks as he clenches his fists, adjusting his stance. He's ready for a fight, if he must, but as the door quietly slides open he feel the weight on his shoulders relax slightly– the familiar, sharp features of Neuvillette meets him. He almost reflexively smiles at the way his pupils turn into thin slits, a momentary surprise that he quickly hides well behind a cough and the creak of the door as he pulls it open fully.
"Wriothesley. I see my letter has found you well. Please, come in." Polite as ever, Neuvillette steps aside to let him in, but he can see the exhaustion lining his features– the bags under his eyes aren't as well hidden as he thinks, at least to him. "Bit odd to be inviting me all the way out here in the middle of the night, don't you think?"
His tone is smooth as he steps into the room, brushing down his hood and glancing at Neuvillette over his shoulder, watching as he shuts and locks the door behind him.
"I apologize for the..less then ideal circumstances, but I'm certain you will understand when you see for yourself." He wants to retort, but the Iudex beats him to it, vaguely motioning to the room behind him. An invitation– but he wonders if it's worth taking.
His gut says no, but he's feeling a little risky today, he supposes.
He turns back slowly, barely able to make out the two figures he'd missed on the first glance on the other side of the room– though it's hard to mistake the flourish of the Hydro Archon, even in the dark. It's the other figure that makes the breath hitch in his throat, though.
Or maybe, more accurately, it freezes. So does his blood, his whole body even, locked in stasis for a long, tense moment– he can't see them clearly, but his instincts are going haywire. He can feel his vision almost rattle where it rests against his left shoulder, cold leaking through the layers of clothes and into his skin until he has to fight to suppress a shiver.
He'd always fancied himself the hunter– he was the one who dealt with unsavory folks, in the end. But he felt like a rabbit pinned beneath the crosshairs of a gun this time. He could almost feel the teeth of the bear trap snapping shut around him, crushing bone and flesh beneath cold metal.
For a long moment he thinks he feels fear.
And with a sharp click and a burst of light, it's gone and he takes a raspy, choked breath as he blinks away the blurriness in his vision, taking in the room illuminated by the lamp.
He's not sure what he sees is better, though.
Because his body knows that their Divinity is as real as the blood running through his veins.
So why do they remind him so much of himself? Why does he see the look of the boy who died in a pool of blood not his own in them?
It is a sick, cruel kind of familiar.
Wriothesley didn't believe in superstition– but that was born of the unknown. He knew, now. He could reach out and touch the truth with his own two hands.
The throne of the world was a lie.
The thing sitting on it bled red. And if it bled, it could die.
He clenched his fists tighter– and released, letting his shoulders slump with a huff and a half hearted chuckle. "I wasn't expecting you to be in possession of a wanted criminal when you sent me that letter." He could see the gears whirring in their heads, the subtle dampness in the air reminding him just how delicate a situation it truly was.
He wasn't particularly inclined to getting blasted by a jet of water today.
"Relax, I'm not going to spill to anyone else. Seriously– don't get my jacket wet. It's expensive and a nightmare to dry." His lips quirk into a half smile, but it twists into something almost genuine at the laugh covered up by a cough he hears from the Divine. Bingo.
"It's fine, Neuvillette. Let him go." Their voice is like honey dripping from their lips, and he has to close his jaw with his hand before they can see the way it dropped in his surprise. "Of course, most Divine. My apologies." He relaxes at the sharp click of his heels as he joins them on the bed, his posture far more relaxed then he's ever seen. The Hydro Archon, much to his confusion and amusement, is far too invested in playing with their hair to pay much attention to him now that things have calmed, evidently.
They seemed pretty cozy about it, he noted. He guesses they three of them had some time to get acquainted.
"So..who's going to explain what the hell is going on?" He probed, crossing his arms over his chest and watching the three carefully– they all looked tired, but even through the exhaustion neither seemed inclined to stray too far from the Divine. "And what exactly your plan is? You can't keep hiding them here forever. Someone will sniff them out sooner or later."
"We are aware," Neuvillette interjects, lips pursed into a thin line and his thin brows furrowed. "But as I'm sure you've noticed, the hunt for the..forgive me, most Divine, but the hunt for the alleged imposter is still at it's peak."
He grumbles in acknowledgment, hanging up his cloak by the door and sliding out of his heavy coat, resting it over the back of a nearby chair. "Hm. Suppose that's why the patrols are so common now a days."
"I'm afraid so. As you can imagine, we cannot simply ask them to..stop the search. It would draw unwanted attention and suspicion. The Divine would be found immediately if we tried to bring them out of the city at the moment." Neuvillette added, looking proper and elegant, despite the circumstances– even in the face of the Divine and the Archon turning on him and tugging his hair into intricate braids. "So I hope you understand that it was a great risk to send you that letter."
He rubs his chin, huffing in amusement– a solid plan, maybe, but his power didn't extend too far out of the Fortress. He had his connections, sure, but what use were they when he had to get the, uh, "imposter" out of Fontaine? Smuggling them out wouldn't be easy, and then there's the point of where to take them they'd have to contend with.
"Yeah, yeah– I get it. But it's not like I can just smuggle them out or keep them in the fortress. Even if we got them out of the city, we'd have to find somewhere to bunker down, and if someone spots any of us lingering there.." Archons, what a mess he'd gotten himself into. He was really looking forward to the next time he could kick his feet up with a cup of tea.
"I understand. I have already made plans, in fact." Neuvillette hesitates, and he can feel the temperature drops a few degrees. "I..cannot share them in full at the moment, but it is not for a lack of trust." Neuvillette reasoned, hands folded neatly in his lap– not that it hid the way they shook slightly. He wanted to ask, but he thought better of it.
"Eh, I don't hold it against you. The walls have ears, even up here." He deflected, running a hand through his hair. He really hoped Sigewinne wouldn't ask too much when he gets back. "I trust your judgment." He hesitates for a long moment, pulling out a simple, neatly folded letter of his own.
"Memorize the code words, then burn it. I'll be waiting for your next letter." He murmurs, plucking his coat and cloak and tugging them back on one after another, shuffling back over to the latched door. He hesitates again, his hand lingering on the door.
"I just hope your plan is worth the risk, Neuvillette."
He leaves before he can respond, the harsh click of the door ringing in his ears even as he steps back into the shadows of the night.
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zorosimpclub · 7 months
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My Brother's Best friend (001) – Geto Suguru
⊹˚. ♡ Summary: You have always been in love with your brother’s best friend (who also happens to be his roommate) – does he even feel the same way or does he view you just as Gojo's little sister? It doesn’t matter because your brother made it very clear to him that you were off limits since you're his precious little sister… But were you really off limits?
⊹˚. ♡ Content: 18+ only, MDNI – fem!reader, eventual smut, brother's best friend trope, this will be a multi-chapter series!
⊹˚. ♡ Word count: 2.8k
Geto leaned back on the sofa and let out a loud yawn, “Why are you here all the time? Don’t you have your own place?”
You grinned a little. It’s true, you did have you own place but you were always at your brother’s place, which just so happened to be Geto’s place.
“What? I’m just here to spend some quality time with my brother, what’s it to you?”
Okay, you were really only there for your long term crush, Geto but you couldn’t tell him that. Besides, with you constantly bickering like actual siblings, you were pretty sure that he only viewed you as his buddy’s little sister. Nothing more. At least he never really gave you any reason to think that he liked you more than that.
He rolled his eyes playfully, “You’re annoying as hell. You need to get a boyfriend asap so that you stop dropping by so often.”
“Satoru, Suguru is being mean again.” You clung onto Gojo, whining to him.
You weren’t a spoiled little sister, but it was funny to get Gojo to tell him off, even if he often just feigned anger at him. It was your little thing. You would rile Geto up, Geto would say something mean (playfully of course), and then you’d snitch to your brother. Then you’d all just sit there and laugh.
“Cut it out Suguru, don’t bully my precious lil’ sis.” He said flatly but grinned at Geto, shaking his head at both your antics.
Geto sighed, idly flicking through the TV channels. Why was there nothing interesting on? He couldn’t handle having to pretend like he didn’t have the hots for his buddy’s little sister – being around you was pure torture.
“Just don’t get in my way or annoy me when you’re here or you’ll regret it.”
“Oo you gonna spank me, Suguru?”
You burst out laughing, causing Gojo to fake vomit at the thought of his little sister and best friend getting it on
Geto’s eyes narrowed as he lunged for you, a look of feigned rage on his perfectly sculpted face. But all he does is grab you by the waist and lift you up, as if you were an annoying rag doll.
“You little shit! I’ll just throw you in the trash where you belong!”
You doubled in laughter in a mocking way, “Oh no, I’m so scared!”
Geto shook his as he kept you in in his grasp but couldn’t keep a straight face for much longer. Soon enough, he broke down laughing with you. Gojo grinned at the two and went back to scrolling on his phone. This was the norm after all, the touching didn’t bother him much since you play fought with Geto all the time, for years. For years. Sigh.
Your phone rang, disrupting your laughter, “Hey? Oh, Utahime….Yeah? A date? I don’t know, I’ll get back to you on that?” You glanced briefly at Geto who looked a little tense but seemed sucked into whatever was on the TV.
Tapping the ‘end call’ button, you leaned back on the sofa in silence.
Gojo perked up from your side curious as to who you were being set up with (because he’s your nosy, over protective brother) “Oh? Someone wants to date you? Who is it?”
You shrugged slightly, not wanting to make it into a big deal, “That was Utahime, saying something about how she wanted to set me up on a blind date.”
“And you said yes?” Geto asked flatly, still looking at the screen as if he wasn’t really interested.
“I mean, it’s been a while since I’ve gotten laid so maybe.”
Geto did a double take, his eyes narrowing slightly but only slightly – he was careful not to show the jealousy he felt of you potentially going out on a random blind date. He couldn’t.
“A while since you’ve what, now?”
You snickered, an amused smirk gracing your perfect plush lips, “Been to pound town. Got railed. Had sex.”
Gojo let out a fake shrill scream, looking horrified, “As your brother I don’t wanna hear about your sex life.”
You could have sworn Geto blushed a little but he quickly covered it up with a bored expression, “Is that all you think about?”
Grinning from ear to ear, you tucked your hair behind your ears, “C’mon you guys go on dates all the time to fuck, how is this different? Just learning from my role models.”
He looked a little surprised, staying quiet for a bit as if he was choosing the right words to say. Tell me not to go. Come on, anything. Tell me you need me.
“Just… make sure you’re safe.”
Your heart sank a little. Of course. What else did you expect. There’s no way he sees you as anything other than Satoru’s little sister. You felt a little sad but you forced a grin like you always did.
“Yes mum, I’ll use protection.”
Gojo gagged and got up, walking towards his room, “Alright, I can’t take this anymore. I’m gonna’ go take a nap.”
You and Geto both looked at each other for a silent moment and burst out laughing, it was so funny getting under Gojo’s skin. Whenever you wanted some alone time with Geto, you’d just be crass so that your brother gets disgusted and leaves you alone with him, unable to handle any words coming out of your mouth. You were ‘ruining sex’ for him (his words).
Geto shifted a little in his seat, now painfully aware of the fact that you and his were alone in the living room. “Why are you so… open about your sexual experiences?”
You shrugged, not seeing the issue. It’s not like you talking like this was a new development, you didn’t know why he was acting awkward about it but shook it off.
“Why not?”
“I thought women like to keep things like that a secret… especially from other men.”
You thought about it for a moment. True. Some did, some didn’t. Maybe it was weird to be sharing this with someone who you practically grew up with.
“You’re not just other men though.”
He looked a little surprised and then his gaze softened slightly, which caught you off guard – he had never looked at you like that in all the years you’ve known him.
You grinned a little, “Why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?” He asked, as if he hadn’t been looking at you like you were the most precious thing to ever walk into his life.
“Nothin’ must just be my imagination.” There was a brief, comfortable silence as you took in his features, “What about you?”
“What about me?”
“Ya know? Dating. You went on that date with that brunette haired chick the other day, right? How’d it go?”
He looked away for a second, but then looked back at you. You’d known about a few of the dates he’d been going on with various women. And it wasn’t even like he liked these women, part of him was hoping that if he dated enough of them, he’d eventually feel something for them.
“I mean, she was cute. The date was nice enough. She was just a little clingy when she wanted to see me again after we, you know.”
“Suguru, you’re such a dog, you sleep with them and then don’t call them huh?” You shook your head in disapproval, trying not to seem hurt by the fact that he was sleeping with all of these random women.
He chuckled a little, ”What’s with the judgement all of a sudden? We’re both adults here. I’m just enjoying myself.”
“Not judging. You’re just like Satoru, you guys are really two peas in a pod.” You chuckled too, to keep it lighthearted.
“You really think I’m like Satoru?” He sounded a little offended that you had just said that.
“Hmm, big bro is a proud player, I don’t think you try to be one but you do cycle through a lot of women.”
Geto huffs, turning away from you and crossing his arms in the process as if he was offended. The way he saw it, it was his business how many people he slept with. But you were right, it was true that he tended to cycle through women. Maybe you had a point…
“Whatever. I’m just living it up, like any guy should be.”
You grinned, a grin that made his heart wrench - he was so in love with you but because you were his best friend’s younger sister, you was off limits. “Sure, if that brings your joy.”
Geto looked back over at you. The way you spoke to him with that soft, teasing look on your face made his heart sink. He was beginning to wonder if maybe his dating was just to fill the void that was inside of him. Maybe he needed to find someone he could connect with on a deeper level. He wanted that person to be you, but he knew you couldn’t be. Satoru would kill him if he got within five feet of his little sister like that. He shivered at the thought.
“Like you’re any better…”
You chuckled and feigned hurt, “I don’t cycle through that many guys you know.”
“Are you sure about that? I’ve heard some pretty interesting rumors about you.”
You let out a hearty laugh as you leaned back on the couch, “Pray do tell, what are these rumours Sugu?”
His heart fluttered whenever you called him that, it’s wrong of him to want you so much but he couldn’t help it. How was he supposed to think of something witty to say when you were making him feel warm and fuzzy inside?
“Oh, you know. Some people have been talking about all of the hot dates you’ve been on. A bit of a flirt. That kind of thing.”
“Mhm…” You grinned cheekily at him, “And how is that any different from you?”
Geto grimaced, looking away. You weren’t wrong really. He was just as promiscuous as you. The only way he was different was that he had zero interest in actually having a deep connection with the women he dated. It was just about the sex, the physical aspect of relationships. A temporary distraction.
“Besides, at least I try to get to know the guy… it’s not my fault it doesn’t work out.” You sighed, staring off into space.
He looked over at you again, curiously scanning your face. His stomach dropped when he saw the look in your eyes, he almost felt guilty. He knew that you had a thing for him for years now but he pretended to be oblivious as to not mess with the dynamics of the friendship. Plus he couldn’t risk losing his best friend, Satoru was just too important to him. You deserved to find someone you could connect with in that way, but he never planned on being that person to you.
Feeling his gaze on you, you look back to him and smile slightly but the smile just doesn’t reach your eyes. He felt an urge to reach out and hold your face. He wanted to caress your cheeks, tell you that he loved you and that he wanted to be that person for you. To kiss you. To hold you. But he didn’t, of course.
Instead, he just smiled back at you, “Maybe you just need to date different kinds of guys then…”
“Hm. Maybe.”
But you knew that wasn’t going to work, since the once you desperately craved and wanted was him. You ached to be with him, be in his arms… no one could ever give you butterflies the same way he does.
Geto can sense it. How badly you wanted him. His breath hitched and the smile that once adorned his beautiful face faded. A flicker of pain crossed his face, as this feeling of not being able to be with you and the realisation that you would always be forever out of his reach hurt like hell.
You opened your mouth to say something but nothing came out. You sat there with your lips parted, staring into his eyes so lovingly, that they did all the talking. All the words you didn’t dare to utter out loud, your eyes said them for you.
His heart beat a few extra times as he stared into your eyes, looking just as deeply into them as you were. He didn’t need any words, he just knew what was running through your head and his heart wrenched for a second time that evening.
Gojo yawned from the door frame of the living room and trudged towards them, “Damn, that was a good nap. What’d I miss?”
Geto broke eye contact with you immediately, feeling as though he had been caught. His eyes darted towards Gojo and he just shrugged his shoulders.
“Nothing much, just the little one being a menace.”
You faked grin and stared at Gojo, it hurt you whenever he referred to you as ‘little one’ or ‘kid’, “Nothing. We were just talking about how Suguru cycles through women like you.”
Geto rolled his eyes at you, “Shut up.”
Gojo laughed as he plopped down next to Geto, “Hey, ain’t nothing wrong with that, aren’t I right Suguru?” He lazily flung his arm around his shoulder, flashing him a grin.
You shook your head, wrinkling your nose in fake disgust, “The least you can do is not be pigs about it – ghosting women you slept with, really? I swear you guys are the worst.”
“If we’re the worst, I gotta know who the best is.” Geto retorted, eyeing you up a little.
“Me, obviously.” You grinned, your eyes gleaming from the banter.
This time, you really did make him really laugh. Your cockiness wasn’t that bad, actually. He found that it was sometimes even endearing.
“You? The best? What’s so great about you?”
“What’s not great about me?” You puffed out your chest proudly, causing Geto flick your forehead with his fingers. “Hey!”
“Well… your personality kind of sucks.”
He smirked a little, the one you loved so much that it haunted your dreams. Oh, if things could just stay light and playful so that you can stay the hell away from those deep emotions that were threatening to bubble up out of you, that'd be great.
You stuck out your tongue playfully, “Hater.”
Gojo piped up from Geto side after typing on his phone, “Suguru, you ready to hit Sukuna’s for predrinks? Nanami is coming too.”
Geto groaned and sighed a little. Maybe one of these days, he would get to stay in this room and spend the evening with you, alone. But today was not that day. He sighed again and nodded his head.
“Yeah, fine… guess I’m ready. Just need to throw on a shirt.”
He would have rather stayed here with just you and Gojo, but he couldn’t deny that the pre drinks before club hopping would be fun too, especially since he needed to get you out of his head. Or fuck you out of his system. Not with you, of course. As fucked up as it sounded, he’d often approach women who reminded him of you height, frame, and hair colour wise in the club and would pretend that it was you when he was taking them from behind.
You took this opportunity to try your luck in going with them, “Hey! I wanna come!”
Gojo immediately shook his head sternly, “No way. I’m not taking my little sister to a place full of horny guys for pre drinks, let alone the club.”
Geto groaned quietly and rolled his eyes, feeling sympathy for you. It sucked that Gojo was so protective over you to the point where you never got to experience the things they did together. He had been to dozens of clubs filled with drunken, rowdy people and it couldn’t have been that bad, right?
“Come on… she’s an adult! What’s the harm? We’ll just keep an eye on her.”
“Satoru! I’m literally 25, why can’t you just let me tag along…” You jutted your bottom lip out and gave him puppy dog eyes, “Please?”
Geto couldn’t suppress a soft smile and felt himself melt just a little, seeing you like this.
Gojo thought about it for a bit and sighed, “You’re not coming to the pre drinks at Sukuna’s, just come directly to the club and bring Utahime or one of the other girls along. No buts. Take it or leave it.”
As much as you wanted to go out with them all night, this would have to be sufficient for now.
You nodded enthusiastically before scrunching your nose at the reflection in the blank TV screen. “Deal! I still need to get ready anyway so this works out well, I’ll text the girls!”
Gojo nodded and flung his arm around Geto, “Alright, we’re heading out to Sukuna’s now. Text me or Suguru when you guys get to the club ‘kay?”
next chapter ->
⊹˚. ♡ A/N: This is going to be a multi-chapter fanfic, which will have smut (the next chapter will be smutty so ;D) will most likely update it tomorrow
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vivwritesfics · 8 months
Can you please write a nnta blurb regarding if Carlos had never made Oscar go originally and they end up poly after a hot threesome where Carlos walked in on Oscar fucking his wife and ends up joining in?
Thank youuuuu
The craziest part is that @biancathecool and I have had this conversation before - very happy to do something when they're actually properly dating and not just fucking
Warnings: Smut, Doggy, threesome, spitting
Series Masterlist
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It was the night before the wedding and they'd had plenty to drink. It started out as a day to calm her nerves, but now, she realised it was an escape.
She didn't know when she'd ended up on Oscars lap, her hands playing with the hair at the nape of her neck, didn't know when he'd started kissing her. But there was no going back now.
Y/N ground against him, the both of them still dressed. Oscar was gripping her ass, helping her to move against him. He bit at her bottom lip, pulling.
The two of them got undressed, throwing their clothes somewhere into the room. Hid fingers were warm against her skin, comforting.
She was still grinding against him, moaning at the feeling of him against her. "Fuck, Oscar," she cried, her head against his shoulder.
Carlos knocked on the door, but neither of them heard it. They were too wrapped up in each other. Whether he could hear what was going on or not, it didn't matter. He pushed open the door anyway.
Y/N and Oscar froze. What they were doing was obvious from their lack of clothes to the incredibly compromising position they were in. "Fuck," Oscar hissed as he tried to cover her body, shield her from the man she was supposed to marry.
Carlos leaned against the door as he watched them. "Don't stop on my account," he said, smirking at them as he crossed his arms over his chest.
"Carlos, please," Y/N said quickly. She still held Oscar close, using him to shield her body. "This isn't what it looks like."
"It's exactly what it looks like," He replied for her. "And I think I like the look of it."
Oscar met his eye. He saw a glint that he recognised all too well. If Carlos wanted to see his fiancé get fucked, he was going to make it happen. He rutted against her and Y/N threw her head back, moaning. It was too late now, Carlos was going to see it.
Oscar kissed her neck as he moved his hips against hers. He looped his fingers through the waistband of her underwear and pulled them down.
The first time Carlos was going to see his future wife naked, she was going to be getting fucked by another man. Oscar felt through her folds, felt how wet she was. "You're loving this," He whispered in her ear.
Oscar got her onto her knees, facing Carlos. He lined himself up behind her and pushed in
She cried out as he entered her, stilling himself inside of her. He looked at Carlos, but he was too busy looking at his fiancé. Her eyes were wide, mouth open as Oscar pulled out and pushed back in. He snapped his hips against hers and Y/N let out several moans and cries.
Carlos strode over. He gripped her chin, forcing her to look up at him. "Gorgeous," he whispered as he eyes shut, only focused on the pleasure. "I want to go next," he said and spat in her mouth.
Taglist (CLOSED): @biancathecool @multi-universe21 @formulas-bitch @gills-lounge @weasleyswizarding-wheezes @carlossainzwho @f1lov3r @samaib11 @charli123456789 @queenofmanydreams @ironmaiden1313 @vellicora @glitterf1 @80sloverry @lightdragonrayne @moonayu @bellsalabanccini @hiireadstuff @handsupforamiracle @cmleitora @jenniferrvsesi @barcelonaloverf1life @sbella13 @nicolettecallednikki @darleneslane @thehufflepuffavenger1 @champagneproblems17 @aespie @yukheizcigarettes @rewmuslupin @hollie911 @ashy-kit @ririgy @stqrgir1 @zaynzierulez @minkyungseokie @rafaaoli @carolinesainz @ashies-ln4op81aa22 @measimp @mizelophsun11 @eviethetheatrefreak @andydrysdalerogers @chonkybonky @shobaes @celesteblack08 @watermelonworries @gracielukey @cassie0sstuff @goldenharrysworld @venusesworld @sparklyperfectionstranger @evans-dejong @graciewrote @formulaal
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sexy-monster-fucker · 5 months
Consorts [Part 1]
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The Ghoul|Cooper Howard x F!Bounty Hunter!Reader
Summary: Months back, the Reader and Cooper got in a huge mess after deciding to work together after finding out they were given the same bounty. Neither has seen each other since. Reader has been laying low in a far off settlement, working a common bar job just to make a living...
a/n: very excited to attempt another multi-part story for the first time in years!! for the record, I have only watched the show through once and I have never played one of the games sooooo sorry for any inaccuracies
You sat another glass in front of one of your bar dwellers.
It had been months since you even dared go outside this town. You hid your face anytime you were outside the walls of your dwelling. You were forced to lay low after your last bounty went south. Not only had you lost all credibility as a bounty hunter, but a giant target had been attached to your back by the group who you had wronged. There was no where safe for you.
Although your face had to be mostly covered, your job required a certain level of attracting customers. You would make sure to wear something rather revealing of your chest, along with skin tight pants. Making sure you flirted strongly with your eyes to attract more people to the bar.
A group of men who had been sat at a table for sometime all approached the bar at once. You could hear them mumbling something back and forth as glances were shot your way.
"Great," you thought, "Some moron got bet by his friend to hit on me." You rolled your eyes as you cleaned one of the glasses.
"Sweetheart," followed by a whistle.
Your skin crawled. Smug faces met yours when you turned around.
"What's a lady like you doing working in a place like this?" He cocks an eyebrow at you. You huff in response.
"Don't misunderstand now..." a click and suddenly all the men were pointing guns at you, "I want to know why you thought someone worth so much would be hiding in plain sight. We all swore you were smarter than that." You stared down the barrel of his gun.
You sucked your teeth, dropping your head to the side slightly, "Y'all're here for the money? I thought you were going to compliment a lady." Your gun is fired quicker than any of them can register. The man in front of you falls backwards, the others squatting down in fear. You take your opportunity and run out the back exit.
Your mind is playing every possibility of this ending. Gunfire dancing on the ground around you as the men chase you. You end up in the middle of town, firing your gun at them as they are hot on your tail. In a flash, the amount of people after you practically doubles. Your eyes widen as you attempt to find somewhere to hide. You grab a grenade off your belt, throwing it center at them.
While smoke surrounded them, you slid under and behind a large lean-to. You were on all fours, looking through the small crack in the wood. The men were scrambling, firing their guns in any and all directions. A fight was breaking out.
"FIND HER YOU IDIOTS!" One of the men shouted.
You heard more gunfire joining theirs. You knew it had to be some local fighting back. You scanned the area around you, seeing a small pathway that led to a more exposed part of the fort you had hidden in. You crawled, hoping it would lead you out.
"My, my," a familiar voice spoke above you. You looked up to see him staring down at you, his head cocked to the side. "Oh, sweet Jesus," one of your hands rubs down your face. "Longtime no see, doll," he grinned.
The infamous Ghoul. Few knew his name, fewer lived long enough to share it. The two of you had become more than acquainted in a prior mission gone wrong. The one that had left you both on the run.
He reached a hand out to you, pulling you up to your feet. "Didn't expect to see you here," he grumbled. You rolled your eyes, placing your back against his preparing to fireback together. You felt him turn his head slightly, "Y'know, I didn't take you for a brothel girl." Smugness was written on his tone. Your cheeks flooded with a slight embarrassment. He shifted positioning his lips directly next to your ear, "Took you for more of a cowgirl after last time." Heat radiated your body with his obvious innuendo. "People have to do things when they're on the run," you breathe out. He scoffed in your ear.
The Ghoul aimed his gun out, shooting and hitting one of the goons. "I'll get us out of this, but you've got to make a deal with me," he looked down at you. You crossed your arms, "What could you possibly want from me?"
"We're going to finish the mess you got me in," he pointed at you. "That I got you in? That isn't at all-" "I don't have time for this. You either take the deal or I leave you here."
You blew your breath out, "Deal." You gritted your teeth. His lip curved into a smirk, "That's a good girl. Now you stay here and on my signal come out." You nodded.
The Ghoul stepped out from behind the wooden building, whistling to get all the gunmen's attention. You watched as they all directed their attention towards him. Guns all pointed at him before realizing who stood before them.
"There's the other one!"
"That's the Ghoul they're promising a reward for too!"
"We could get double the money!"
The brim of his hat hid his eyes from them.
"Don't make this harder than it has to be, ghoul. If you just give us the girl we can be on with our way," one of them shouted.
"So you can come back and get me later? Not gonna happen," he pointed his gun at them, "I'm leaving here with the girl."
The man chuckled, "You're out numbered here."
The Ghoul shrugged his shoulders. He fires his gun at the giant water barrel suspended above the town. It tips over, soaking all the men in radioactive water. The Ghoul swiftly runs back to you, grabbing your hand and running off with you. You were quick on your feet following behind him.
You both run as fast as you can until the town is no longer in the distance. You slow down, attempting to catch your breath. Loud and obvious huffs leaving you.
"C'mon, Y/N. We've gotta keep going before they get smart." He gestured at you to follow him.
END//Part 1
[Thank you for reading!  If you are interested in being tagging in any of my writings don’t be afraid to message me!  All tag lists are open!  I have a master taglist and one for each character!]
@mortuus-poet | @giggle-shade |
// Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4 // Part 5 //
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mournings-stars · 8 months
Could I request an Alastor x reader? mostly smut, however i love fluff with aftercare and such
I was thinking the premise being of a reader who was and old friend from cannibal town coming to the hotel maybe? (cis fem reader)
hellohello! i personally don’t write smut for alastor but here’s a little fluff for you/how im comfortable writing for alastor!! its a bit of an ambiguous relationship but i hope thats fine :)
alastor x cannibal town fem reader (i may make this into a multi-part fic)
There was more than one reason Alastor brought Charlie to Cannibal Town — yes, it’s important she met Rosie, but he also had business to attend to while she did. He excused himself, heading down the street, several shops down, and into a narrow alleyway where he opened a hidden door to a small shop.
It was two small rooms and a back kitchenette. The walls of the first room were lined with bookshelves that made a narrow aisle to the back of the store. There, was an open seating area with sofas, armchairs, and a roaring fireplace across from the small register in the corner. It certainly wasn’t supposed to feel like a store where you had to buy something, but one where you could if you really wanted to.
“Welcome in!” A very sweet voice came from the back of the shop, a hint of an old, long-lost accent that made Alastor’s smile widen. “I’ll be right with you!”
“Take your time,” he hummed, and immediately heard shuffling from the other room before you stumbled into the front. “Hello, my dear!”
“Alastor!?” You gasped, lifting the hem of your skirt to rush over to him and hug him. He stiffened, a high pitched radio frequency sounding from his microphone and making you step back. “Sorry—“ You straightened out his suit jacket with a smile tugging at your lips as he watched you. When your fussing became too much, he placed a very calm hand over yours and gave you a gentle smile. You laughed under your breath and stepped back. “Sorry—“
“You said that already, my dear — and there’s no need to!” You nodded as he squeezed your hand before letting it go. “No need at all!”
“Right, right… How are you? Where have you been? I’ve… missed you.” Your excited tone dampened as you finished, clearing your throat and offering a smaller smile when it faltered. “But I’m glad to see you’re alright.”
“You were always too kind to me!” He said cheerily, walking to the second room to have a seat on the couch.
“Can I get you anything, Al?”
“Just a bit of precious time,” he said a little too sweetly, waiting for you to sit across from him. But you made yourself busy, pouring hot water over tea and preparing a plate of sweets for the two of you to share. “Tell me how you’ve been!” He said impatiently as he watched you go anywhere but toward him.
“Ah… where to start?” You hummed, leaning against the countertop. “I thought you might’ve…” You waved your hand dismissively, but as he’d gone missing just after an extermination, he understood and hummed along. “And since you never told me anything—“
“It was all so sudden, I would’ve left you a note—“
“A note?” You scoffed, but moved on when he nodded, going to get teacups for the two of you. “Anyway, I met someone.”
“Did you?” He sounded unimpressed, watching you get sugar and spoons; anything to avoid sitting down. “So quickly?”
“It took a few years.” He hummed along. “And it didn’t last—“ He laughed snidely. “—It felt very… wrong—”
“I'm sure,” he was almost too quick to say.
“And… They were exterminated, anyway.”
He looked very happy to hear that fact, but said nothing until he got his expression under control. “Shame,” he said, tone crass. “I would have loved to have met them.”
“I’m sure,” you repeated, throwing him a pointed look that he beamed at. “The years have become a bit blurry,” you continued.
“Have they?”
“I spend most of my time here, talking with Rosie. Missing you.“
“Ah, yes… You said that.” His smile dampened. “Surely you moved on?” But he was hopeful you didn’t, and he knew his hopes were answered when you stayed quiet and poured your tea. You remembered how much sugar he liked, and how much cream, not even bothering to ask before you put the cups on the plate and walked to the couches. “I always thought of you,” he admitted, taking the cup you offered, “but I could never go to you… I watched from afar.” He cleared his throat, sipping his tea and forcing his smile to stay put. “And I felt…” His eyes drifted to nothing as he thought back on those seven years. “Excruciatingly bored.”
You laughed. “Does that mean you missed me too?”
He narrowed his eyes, taking the plate from you before you could get anything else. “Why don’t you have a seat next to me?” He set the plate on the end table. “I didn’t come here to be served; I came to, finally, get the chance to see you again.” And then he offered his hand, and the small gesture of vulnerability made you understand that yes;
He missed you very much.
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nanivinsmoke · 3 months
✩ Fire We Make.
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endeavor x blackfem!reader
✩ a miniseries based off my one shot the assistant. this will be a multi part series and i will always link the previous one for you guys.
✩ this is not canon endeavor, he’s not abusive at all. hes actually very loving, just a little dick at times. also the reader is black (we all cheered). also thank you for 1k followers, yall all some freaks <3.
✩ warnings & tags: i switch perspectives a lot in this, there’s no nsfw yet. established crush.
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you’ve got to be fucking kidding.
there’s no way, absolutely no fucking way, especially not on your first day.
you were currently in the arms of a big sasquatch, who tormented a bunch of civilians as they ran for their lives. you should’ve turned on another block, but you just had to take a main road. and to make matters worse you were going to be late for your new job.
you cursed yourself and everyone who prayed on your downfall the past couple of years, blaming them for the situation you were in. but, as your mind was preoccupied a series of flames were being thrown at the big hairy man; making him lose grip on your body.
‘great. now im going to fall to my death’
you closed your eyes and said a prayer, hoping someone would hear it. and it felt like someone did because you were engulfed in a set of big muscular arms. looking up at your savior, you were shocked to see the number two hero holding you.
endeavor, placed you down and continued to throw flames at the villain; causing him to stop drop and roll. and while that happened, a reinforcement team captured the sasquatch, sending him to jail.
you smoothed out your black and white striped skirt, grabbing your fallen brief case—before you were suddenly ridiculed by the man who judged you.
“you’re lucky i was already in this area. hopefully you’ll stay out of harm’s way” his voice deep and stern, causing you to roll yours eyes. you were going to give him a piece of your mind, but your watched ticked and you remembered where you had to be.
“fuck! im so g’na get fired.” he turned to look at you and with an eye roll he picked you up. “where do you have to go?”
“The Endeavor Agen—oh,” you realized that you were now in the arms of your boss and you hoped that he wasn’t going to fire you. he rolled his eyes once more and continued into the direction of his agency.
it didn’t take long for the two of you to arrive, and when you did, he led the way to his floor; where his office resided. while the two of you waited for the elevator, he decided to ease the awkwardness by talking, saving you from biting your fingers off.
“what position are you here for?”
“im here to be your assistant. please don’t let what just happened to steer you away from me. im good at what i do, check my credentials.” you pulled a folder out of your black leather briefcase, your heels clicking while you walked into the elevator.
he said nothing as he read your file, making you even more nervous. so, you decided to keep talking. “i hear your going to be appointed the number one hero and I think it’s best to have a press conference before. it would ease the minds of the civilians, it would let them know that their in good hands. you should make this about them, but also mention allmight. how you know it’s big shoes to fill, but you thank home for every he’s done.”
his deep dark red eyebrows rose as he listened to you talk, his bright eyes still on your a-list resume. everything checked out, you had tons of recommendations from other hero’s and celebrities. maybe you were a good fit for this job.
you paused, wondering what did he have to say about your suggestion as the elevator doors opened up to the penthouse floor. the office was huge, a bunch of desks neatly placed on the floors; each decorated with the employees most favorite things. the windows were huge, sky rise, giving off a perfect view of the city.
he finally motioned for you to continue, still leading the way to his office, “I also feel like you should switch out your hero suit and go with a nice business suit. navy blue’s your favorite color, but i feel like a nice cool gray armani suit would make you look more trusting. i believe there should already be a selection of suits in your office already.”
he was amazed at how you moved, how you already planned ahead, despite what caused you to have a delay. he opened the door to his office, the smell of fresh oak and cinnamon hit your nostrils, making you feel warm inside. and just like you predicted, a stand with suits hanging from it was in his office, waiting for him.
“Alright, I won’t fire you. But, you also have to attend this conference with me. Hope you have an extra outfit for you to wear,” you sighed, knowing you were here to stay; warmed you.
“ill have a darker gray pantsuit on the way for me. our colors will compliment each other, sending a message that you stand as a unit. I’ll let you get dressed and I’ll call the car for us when you’re ready to go.” She smiled and he couldn’t help the one that grew on his. She was perfect already.
On their way to the conference hall, she decided to go over a few things with her boss; to prepare him for what’s to come. “Sir, you might get some questions that might upset you and are triggering, but I want you to leave those to me. Let me answer those questions. You wouldn’t want them to think negative of you, okay?” She advised and the pro-hero nodded. He admired her preparation and was glad to have her on his team.
Soon, the company car stopped and they were outside of the hall. Paparazzi stood outside waiting to snap a picture of the flame hero and he mentally cringed. “Media will have a field day with any negative picture of you, let’s just ignore them.” She led the way inside, ignoring the camera people’s questions.
The conference came and went, it was successful. All though there was a question from a reporter about Endeavor’s youngest son.
“How do you feel about your youngest becoming a pro-hero in the making and having to fight your battles?” y/n took over the mic and answered the question for him.
“He’s not fighting his father’s battles, he’s learning. As any UA student it’s common that you’re going to get a lesson where you’d might fight a villain or two, stronger than you. You will have to persevere and understand your strengths and the opponents weaknesses. It’s apart of the journey of getting stronger and becoming a hero.”
the way you were able to answer the question and leave the reporter satisfied, with no further questions; was amazing. He could see why you have so many recommendations already. Endeavor grabbed that microphone and thanked everyone for their time, before the two of you departed and hopped back into the company car.
the sky turned a shade of dark amber as the sun began to set, signifying that it was getting late. as the two exited the tinted black car and it drove away, they stood outside the building for a second; looking at each other before Endeavor spoke.
“Would you care to join me for dinner, I usually order take-out and eat it here; before tying up some things at the office.” you smiled and nodded your head, this would be a good opportunity for you to get to know you boss a little bit better.
on the elevator ride up, found a place to order from; putting in your order and his. and it didn’t take long for the food to get there either, as soon as you walked off; a delivery hero was there waiting with your food. after tipping the hero and grabbing the food, you followed him inside his huge office. he sat in his leather rolling chair and you took the liberty of sitting on his desk.
while the two of you ate, you quickly got to know each other. you talked about a variety of things and you learned he was actually very funny. soon, the sky was now a dark blue, adorned with an array of white stars, and the two of you had finished eating. but, you weren’t ready for the day to end just yet.
a question you were dying to ask popped into your head and flew right out of your mouth, “How’s your wife?” you wanted to scrape your skin off, trying to avoid his gaze as he his face changed from a variety of expressions.
“She’s good…why’d you ask?” his answer was not the one you were hoping for and you wished you could just retract your statement. “Nothing. I just wanted to know.”
His icy stare pierced the side of your face and you couldn’t ignore it, it was like he was melting you from the outside. Like he could see what you were thinking. “My marriage…is complicated.” Endeavor admitted, running a hand through his spiky red hair.
You held your hands up and shook it, “you don’t have to explain your marriage to me. forget that i asked! Hey, it’s getting late. I’ll see you tomorrow” before he could even respond, you grabbed your food and headed out the door. Too embarrassed to turn around.
Endeavor watched you walk out the door, a twinge of confusion and disappointment came over him. He wanted to call you back over, but he resisted the urge and let you walk right out the door. “Yeah, see you tomorrow…”
The next day rolled around rather quickly, it was more dull than the day before. That’s because you were doing your best to avoid him. You kept to yourself, organizing your files, scheduling meetings and replying to emails. The only time you spoke to him was for little things and you kept it professional, and short. You were so embarrassed from yesterday.
You had a crush on Endeavor before you started to work for him and the day he saved you, increased the attraction you felt for him. So, when you found out he was still married; even with their problems, you were disappointed. You couldn’t compete with that.
Soon, the amber gaze fell over the sky once again and the employees soon left the building one by one—only leaving the two of you. Endeavor was waiting for everyone to leave, that way he could finally talk to you; without extra ears. his six foot five frame towered over you and yours desk, making you look up from the paperwork you had neatly stacked on your desk.
“I wanted to know if you’re okay? you seemed very distant.” his voice was softer than usual and his cool blue eyes stared at your softer ones.
“Im okay, why?” your words had came off a little bit aggressive than you hoped. “just wanted to let you know, if you need to talk….im here.” he gave you a small smile and walked back into his office.
you sighed, slamming your pen down onto the stack of paper, before putting your hands onto your melanated face. you sat there, thoughts running rampant, before you got up and entered his office with a knock. “Sir?”
“yes, y/n?” his expression was neutral, watching you as you walked closer to his desk.
“i want to apologize. i was really rude to you and yesterday was not something i should be asking my boss.”
“don’t worry about it, besides i didn’t take offense to it” his smile made you relax, feeling like you got a a chip off your shoulder. you sat on the edge of his desk, as a mental reminder went off in your head. “hey, i see there’s an annual hero charity event happening this saturday. are you going to attend?”
“charity events are my kind of thing…ill pass” you pouted and got even more comfortable on his desk, eyes pleading with him. “It’ll be a good look for you and the agency, plus I’ll be attending. what do you say?”
he took a nice long pause, formulating what he was about to say next, “Alright. Alright, I’ll see you Saturday. Don’t expect me to be happy about it though.” you smiled and clapped your hands, reaching over to hug your boss, allowing him to take in your scent. the smell of your strawberries and creme perfume was intoxicating to him. the two of you sat there, longer than expected before you pulled away.
“See you saturday and goodnight” he watched you get up from his desk and strutted out his office door. your long legs jiggled each time you moved, hypnotizing him, until he couldn’t see them anymore. ‘Damn’ he whispered to himself and brushed his hair back.
he couldn’t wait to see you again.
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jadeee · 9 months
Living with Nanami
I get the feeling there'll be a part 2... I've never done anything note motivated but maybe if this gets 100 notes I will 👀 -> update: read part 2 here!
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He habitually wipes the bathroom countertop after using the sink. It's ingrained in him. We all saw that ep in season 1.
Definitely has a modern aesthetic which when paired with yours is very... interesting. He'll eye whatever knick knacks you have in silence, keeping his thoughts to himself.
Your feet felt warm on the multi-colored rug you placed in front of the couch. The walls were decorated with art you picked out, a few pops of green from your many plants here and there. Then there was the odd trinket you found from a thrift store years ago which stood upright on the coffee table. The longer he studied the color blocked sections of your bookshelf, the more his set mouth morphed into an impressed smile. Your hands brushed against each other until he took yours in his completely.
His pet peeve would definitely be little bits of trash scattered throughout the house. He's not passive aggressive but he won't lash out or lecture you. Just a little "Darling, I noticed you forget to throw things out sometimes. Why is that?"
Another pet peeve I see for him is walking around brushing your teeth or flossing 💀 if you walk down the hall flossing, he just imagines bits of plaque flying onto the walls silently. I'm not sure if he'd say anything about this because he thinks you may find it silly and he knows it's not a big deal but a piece of him shudders just a bit.
Always has pads, tampons, and pain relief meds in stock. He'll get the special snacks you like around that time of the month. Whenever it hits you, he's there with everything prepped and ready to go. I imagine he'll secretly want you to ask him for cuddles just so he can spoon you 💗 he rests his hands on your low abdomen while talking to you softly, his breath tickling your ear.
Side note: He doesn't get into the habit of carrying these things around until one day you two are out and you're period suddenly comes out then he goes on the hunt for a pad or tampon.
He's very serious about going to sleep at a certain time and is lowkey bothered when he sees you staying up late - if it's for work, okay fine but if you're up on your phone or watching TV, expect a "you should really go to bed". If you're being a brat and he's really serious, he will haul you off to bed. He wants to give you a peck on the cheek so you know he's not mad but he won't because he's feeling petty.
The place would look very clean and organized nearly all the time except for the weekends. I believe in this 100% because Friday night is when he finally let's loose just a bit. Maybe he had too much to drink when you two went out but you look so cute and you smell so good and my God, your lips... Saturday morning rolls around and so does he in the sheets. His arms wrap around you as he groans softly against your skin, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck. He knows the place is a bit messy but would rather clean tomorrow since he wants to spend the day with you.
Cleaning is a shared effort. He's not doing all the work and neither are you. I love him and I know he's all for taking care of you but I feel like realistically, this would truly be a shared task. Doing dishes can suck and so can cleaning the bathroom but it's enjoyable when you're playing your music. When he hauls the laundry off to the washing machine, he can't help but look in your direction and smile at the private show you're putting on for yourself.
No matter who cooks, dishes are typically done together. I think it'd become a tradition to bake on Saturdays. Ohh some cake with wine in the afternoon? You two sitting on the porch just giggling and talking about nothing and everything inbetween. Then when golden hours hits and the sun just casts that heavenly glow on you.
Kento leans back with a soft grin on his face.
"What are you smiling at?" you block the sun from your face.
"My light, my life."
Heat filled your cheeks as you dropped your head and crossed your legs.
Kento chuckled, "Did I make you nervous?"
"No." you snicker then glance up at him.
He filled your empty glass, "You're a better baker than you are a liar."
You grinned then looked off into the sunset to hide your embarrassment but it only highlighted the things Nanami loved about you.
He doesn't go to sleep mad or upset. He doesn't have the space for it or the time or the energy. Your relationship isn't perfect but it's worth fighting for and he makes sure to do that whenever you two have a fight. If you're both home that night, he won't invade your space but he'll make sure to let you know he cares in some way. Say you fall asleep on the couch? You're going to wake up in the bed and wonder how he ended up on the couch instead. If you haven't eaten, he'll bring you a small snack without saying anything.
This is really random but the security would honestly be multi-layered. Definitely a self insert bc home invasions TERRIFY ME 😭 he'd invest in a good alarm system and have the security cameras outside - yes, cameras to cover the front and back door.
Hmm, what else? Oh you'd have house shoes by the door. I like to think someone bought you two matching ones as a wedding gift or couple themed - like his and hers.
Fun fact: Sharing a bed with you the first night was weird for him. He didn't feel uncomfortable but he didn't feel comfortable either. He just laid there like a man in a coffin.
"Hm?" he turned his head to glance at you in the dark.
"Are you ok?"
"... I'm fine, why do you ask?"
The sound of you moving around made his ears turn pink and he was grateful for the dark for once. "You just seem so," he tried not to grunt when you poked his side "stiff."
"Hm, it's really nothing. You should go to sleep."
More rustling he wished would go away. Each second caused a slow heat to creep from his feet to his face.
"Can I hold you?"
He turned his head again then glanced up at the black ceiling. A sigh escaped his lips as he rolled over. Your limbs found each other in the dark and you rested your head near his. His chest deflated of anxiety then.
"Is this better? Do you feel comfortable?"
The sudden feel of lips against your forehead made you smile.
"Yes," he said softly then held you tight until he fell asleep.
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Author's Note: I only saw him as the husband while writing this. You're already married in this headcanon.
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Keep Moving Forwards, Part 37
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Azriel x Reader Fic
Summary: After finally deciding to leave your abusive and manipulative mate for good, you find unexpected companionship with Azriel, the Shadowsinger of the Night Court. As you navigate the aftermath of your traumatic relationship, you struggle to understand where the mating bond went wrong and contemplate your path forward, vowing never to return to the past.
Find other parts here: Master List
To follow this fic, follow tag "Keep Moving Forwards Fic" or comment to be tagged in future parts.
Content Warning: This story contains depictions of extreme emotional manipulation and abuse, detailed descriptions of direct physical abuse, and scenes of men hunting women with implied sexual assault. Please read at your own risk.
Word Count: 4.3K
Author's Note: This is a multi-part series. Unlike my previous works, this fanfiction delves deeper than just fluff, exploring complex emotional landscapes. As I navigate this new writing journey, I kindly ask for gentle feedback. The topics addressed are profoundly impactful, touching many lives with diverse experiences. Please be gentle with yourselves and others. Healing is a journey, and everyone processes it differently. Be kind to yourself. Take what resonates, and leave what doesn’t.
Please continue reading, being aware of the above content warnings, ensuring you are in a healthy headspace. Give yourself time to process and be gentle with yourself.
Your eyes snapped open, startled by the sudden noise that jolted you awake. The soft sunlight peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. You could feel Azriel's strong arms wrapped tightly around you, providing a sense of safety and comfort. As you allowed yourself to relax back into his chest, he murmured softly and pressed a gentle kiss on the top of your head. Your skin tingled from the sensation of his nude body pressing against yours as you arched into him.
He grumbled playfully, "Didn't we do this three times already?" A small smile played on your lips as you looked up at him. Your hands reached up to grasp his arms, tracing the curves and lines of his muscles. This moment, wrapped in each other's embrace, felt like pure perfection.
But just as quickly as there was peace and tranquility, it was shattered by Cassian's booming voice down the hall. "Azriel! Get your lazy ass up and give me a hug!"
Azriel grumbled once again, burying his face in your hair. "Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away," he muttered.
You couldn't help but laugh at his response. "Or he'll barge in here and see us lying naked in bed." You joked, giving him a light nudge to get up and get dressed before Cassian barged in on you both.
“It’s nothing he hasn’t seen before.” Azriel replied, trying to pull you back. But you freed yourself from his grasp, frantically grabbing clothing from the floor and throwing it on.
“Thanks,” you replied flatly, “Glad to know that before last night I was the only one who hadn’t seen you naked.”
The soft fabric of Azriel's shirt descended onto your thighs, providing just enough coverage but leaving much to be desired. As you dressed, Azriel propped himself up on his elbows, a sly smirk playing on his lips as he watched you slip into his clothes. “You know,” he started, “If you only ever wanted to wear that from now on I think I would be happy.”
Just then, a loud banging on the door interrupted your moment. Cassian impatiently yelled for the two of you to hurry up. “Put your dick away and get out here!” He hollered.
Azriel fell back on the bed in response, refusing to move despite your attempts to urge him up. Instead, he rolled onto his stomach and buried his face in the pillow. You quickly scurried into the bathing room, just as the doorknob clicked and swung open.
Through the door, you heard Cassian barge into the room with all the energy of a child on Solstice morning. “Get up you lazy ass!” His voice was full of joy.
Azriel grumbled something incoherent in reply.
And then, with a loud laugh from Cassian, you heard the sound of blankets falling to the floor as Azriel hissed at him. “I didn’t actually think you’d be naked!” Cassian cried through his laughter.
“No one invited you in here!” Azriel hissed back.
“Well,” Cassian began, “I’m going to have to start acting like a father sooner or later, and I guess getting kids up from bed is part of that.” He replied with a chuckle.
You couldn't help but smile lightly as you pressed your ear against the door, listening. Nesta must have finally told him, you thought to yourself with a sense of relief. Azriel's congratulations and a hug could be heard through the door, and you only hoped that Azriel had put pants on before.
Winter descended upon Velaris with a cold fury, sending swirling gusts of snow through the streets and forcing the fae to retreat into their warm homes. And as the chill crept into your bones, you knew it was time to move into the Town House with Azriel. You had been spending more and more time there, his duties as the spy master often interrupted by your alluring presence. With a bare leg propped on his thigh, you would entice him with soft whispers and promises of what could happen if he took a break from his work. In those moments, you were feral for each other, unable to resist the urge to steal kisses and touches whenever you could. Although you weren't one for public displays of affection, in private you were consumed by your desire for each other. His hands tracing patterns on your skin or your feet resting on his lap were just small glimpses of the intense passion that burned between you two. Alone, you were wild and untamed, completely lost in each other's embrace.
Despite his busy schedule, he always made an effort to involve you in his work – or at least the parts that could be shared with you. However, your interests lay elsewhere; specifically, in improving the community of the city. Spending more time in the Town House gave you greater access to Titania, and you used this to focus on helping the less fortunate fae living within its borders.
Through negotiations with Rhys, you established a community aid program that provided childcare for pleasure house mothers, helped them find proper housing and early education opportunities for their children, and ensured consistent access to food and shelter. By mid-January, your efforts had resulted in the transformation of an old factory in a lower income area of the city into a space for classrooms and educational programs. Azriel and Lucien eagerly lent their assistance whenever possible, while Cassian practically leapt at the chance to help demolish walls and prepare the building for its new purpose. He even proclaimed his newfound love for using a sledgehammer as his preferred method of battle.
As soon as Azriel took you under his wing, you were thrust into the bustling world of court life. He would join you at meetings, parties, and dinners without hesitation, and no one questioned your presence. Feyre, Elain, and Nesta easily welcomed you into their circle, linking arms with you as you strolled through grand manors and palaces filled with High Fae from across Prythian. Your heart would often race in your chest as you were introduced to powerful figures, always being referred to as the Night Court's Principle Guardian of Welfare - a title Rhysand had cleverly coined during a meeting with the Summer Court's High Lord. With Azriel's reassuring hand on your lower back, his fingers finding their way between the open back straps of your gown to lightly trace over exposed skin, you were never just his second-in-command. You held your own importance and were recognized for your own accomplishments and interests.
In fact, your frequent attendance at court events and successful projects had caught the attention of other High Lords who were eager to introduce you to their city planners for potential welfare projects in their own domains. Even courtiers who couldn't attend events specifically requested for your presence, creating a following of admirers solely for your skills and talents. You were carving out a name for yourself in court - not just as Azriel's companion, but as a strong and capable individual in your own right.
You stood up from the hard, cold concrete floor, your knees aching from crouching for so long. Your hair fell into your face as you yanked on a stubborn nail that seemed determined to stay in place. With one last burst of effort, the hammer finally gave way and the ancient nail sprang forth, causing you to fall backwards in surprise. As you sputtered and dusted yourself off, you sneered at the nail still clutched tightly in your fingers.
Behind you, you heard the light footsteps of Azriel approaching. You turned over your shoulder, still holding onto the nail as you smiled at him. He stood in the open doorway of the room you were working in, his figure outlined by the soft light streaming through the dusty factory windows. The rafters above were lined with crumbling insulation, and the dirty concrete floor was scattered with rocks and debris as you ripped out old boards to replace them with new, treated wood. This was the third building you had remodeled together, and as you looked around at the cobweb-covered windows and fading light outside, you realized how late it had gotten.
Azriel's smile widened as he gazed at you. "Are you coming home soon?" he asked.
"Shit, I'm sorry," you whispered, standing up and brushing off your pants. "I didn't realize how late it was."
Azriel simply smiled again as he walked towards you, his boots crunching on the dirt and rocks. He reached up to wipe a smear of sweat and dust off your brow before planting a gentle kiss there. "No worries. I just wanted to make sure the building hadn't collapsed on you."
Rolling your eyes playfully at his teasing, you wrapped your arms around his waist and rested your chin on his chest. "Hi," you murmured, puckering your lips for a kiss.
He laughed softly before leaning down to meet your lips in a sweet, lingering kiss. "Hello," he replied, his arms wrapping around your shoulders as he looked down at you with adoration.
A contented sigh escaped your lips as Azriel pulled away from the embrace, his warm breath tickling your ear. "Did you also forget we have Helion's End of Winter Ball tonight?" he whispered. Your eyes flew open, panic rushing through your body. "Yes, gods I'm so sorry!" You scrambled to get up, Azriel following behind with a soft chuckle. "We have time," he reassured you.
The large factory doors swung open and a gust of cool night air hit your cheeks as you stepped outside. The moon shone brightly above, casting shadows on the ground below. "I haven't even picked out something to wear," you exclaimed in a frantic tone.
Azriel's hand remained tightly clasped in yours as he led you back into the Town Houses foyer. In the blink of an eye, you were suddenly standing inside the entrance hall once again. You turned to Azriel in confusion, but he simply retrieved a dress bag from the coat rack and handed it to you. "I figured you had, so I had Nesta send something down from the House for you," he explained with a small smile.
Feeling grateful and relieved, you took a deep breath and released the tension in your body. Running your fingers over the fabric of the bag, you smiled at Azriel. "Thank you," you said sincerely.
Azriel's smile grew wider at your words. "You do need to shower though," he pointed out, gesturing towards your disheveled appearance. "You look like you rolled around in the dirt."
You scoffed playfully at him and clicked your tongue. "And here I was going to invite you to join me," you teased with a half-smile.
Azriel's eyes widened at your words before he quickly crossed the foyer and effortlessly lifted you over his shoulder. You laughed and squealed as he bounded up the stairs to your room, the dress bag swaying with each step.
After indulging in a particularly steamy shower, you carefully unpacked the gown and slipped into it, marveling at its sheer beauty. As you hurried down the hallway, attempting to quickly style your hair into a low bun, you caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror. The gown was a delicate blend of icy blues and pastel shades, exquisitely crafted with small crystals adorning the hem and straight neckline. The sleeves cascaded down in billowing layers of sheer fabric, gathering into elegant cuffs at your wrists. The length of the gown stopped just above your ankles, perfectly paired with white flats adorned with matching crystal details, courtesy of the House.
Azriel emerged from his office at the end of the hall, fastening his own cufflinks in his signature siphon blue. He looked up and smiled to himself as he saw you in the mirror. You tucked a few loose strands of hair behind your ears as he approached, standing next to him as he adjusted his suit jacket. His wings draped gracefully behind you both, adding to the striking image you made together. You couldn't help but notice that the house had also provided a simple pocket square in the same shade of blue as your gown.
"Well don't you look nice," you teased, raising an eyebrow at him in the mirror.
Azriel smoothed down his jacket one last time before meeting your gaze in the reflection. "The same could be said about you."
You flashed him a mischievous half-smile as he offered his hand to you. "Shall we?"
You slipped your hand into his as the world blurred and then shifted back into focus. When everything came back into focus, you found yourselves standing on the lush lawn in front of Helion's grand manor. It was situated deep within a forest clearing and exuded nothing but luxury. The front lawn was a masterpiece of intricate stone pathways, adorned with gold accents that snaked between each one. These paths led to small reflecting pools where dormant lilypads rested in the late winter chill. The manor itself was a sight to behold. The massive oak doors stood at least 15 feet tall, intricately carved with images of sunrises and blooming flowers. The lower half of the building was lined with white rock, each window adorned with golden metalwork that swooped and spiraled around it. Balconies dripped with the same elegance, and the roof boasted a light turquoise hue. The entire manor seemed to stretch on for miles, cascading down the hill where it perched above a large lake dotted with various boats gently swaying in the slight current.
You and Azriel strolled hand-in-hand down the winding pathway, surrounded by other fae who were joyously chatting and laughing on the vibrant green lawn. The ethereal glow of fae lights illuminated each pool, casting a magical aura over the scene. Through the large windows of the grand house, you caught glimpses of lively activity - music spilling out from open doors and fae dancing and mingling inside. As Azriel guided you up the elegant steps and through the front door, his sharp eyes scanned the area for any signs of trouble.
The sound of raucous noise hit you like a wave as you stepped into the bustling party. Azriel leaned down close to your ear, almost shouting to be heard over the din. You strained to make out his words but eventually understood that. Nodding in acknowledgement, you everyone was out on the back balcony. You felt Azriel's warm hand rest on your lower back as he led the way through the sea of fae. This was not a party for those with delicate sensibilities - it was a wild mass of bodies, writhing together without reserve or inhibition. It lacked the refinement and grace of Nesta's gatherings, instead focused on pure entertainment and revelry. Your eyes widened at the sight of fae couples passionately kissing against walls, wandering hands sneaking up dresses or down trousers. Trying not to stare, you averted your gaze from one couple who seemed to be actively engaging in sexual activities against a wall.
Pushing through the ornate french doors at the back of the grand estate, you and Azriel stumbled onto the expansive patio, pushed forward by a few rowdy fae males who were clearly enjoying one too many drinks. The warm glow of firelight greeted you as you both tripped forward, barely managing to stay on your feet. Ahead, the lively members of the Night Court lounged comfortably on various pieces of plush outdoor furniture. Feyre sprawled across Rhys's lap on a cushioned chaise lounge in front of a roaring fire pit, her hair cascading over his chest. Nesta reclined next to Cassian on a large outdoor couch, her long legs stretched out and propped up on pillows. Opposite them sat Elain and Lucien, with Elain perched delicately on Lucien's lap, his mechanical eye whirring as it adjusted to the firelight.
"You made it!" Feyre exclaimed, raising her glass in a salute.
You chuckled at her slightly slurred speech, noticing that she was already a little tipsy and Rhys had to steady her hand as she nearly spilled her drink on him. You joined the group as Nesta scooted over for you to sit next to her, while Azriel took a seat in a chair across from you. "Sorry I'm late," you said, plopping down next to Nesta who immediately put her feet in your lap.
"You're always busy," Nesta replied, wiggling her toes for you to rub her swollen ankles.
"Just during daylight hours," you quipped back, earning a chuckle from Cassian as he rubbed Nesta's growing bump.
"Well," Rhys interjected, setting his own drink down on the stone ground as another piece of wood cracked in the fire, "You arrived just in time because Lucien was about to tell us all about his rather unusual adventures in the Winter Court last month." Rhys raised an eyebrow gesturing over to him.
Lucien buried his face in Elain's shoulder, muttering something unintelligible.
Rhys laughed and leaned in closer, the fire casting shadows on his face. "As High Lord, I demand more information!"
Lucien looked like he was about to give in when suddenly music blared from inside and several nude males streaked past them towards the glistening lake, shouting and whooping as they jumped into the water.
Elain winced sympathetically. "Ouch, that's gonna be cold." Her concern quickly turned to amusement as she watched the fae males splash around in the frigid water.
Cassian, looking over his shoulder at them while trying to cover Nesta's eyes with his large hand, replied with a grin, "You know Elain, I really don't think they care much about that right now."
Nesta squirmed and attempted to peel Cassian's fingers open, huffing and growling in frustration.
Suddenly, Helion appeared from the doors of the castle, strutting out with a loud guffaw. The three males in the lake hollered at him, demanding an insane amount of coin that even the most imaginative mind couldn't comprehend.
Rhysand called out to him, his voice echoing across the still waters, "Helion!" The amber-eyed male turned towards him, still trying to catch his breath from laughing. "Was that your idea?"
With a wide smile and confident stride, Helion sauntered over to the group. His golden belt glinted in the firelight as he pointed towards the lake and proudly declared, "I will take full responsibility for that."
Helion flopped down in a plush armchair next to Azriel, surveying the scene before him. The fire crackled and danced in front of them, casting shadows on the faces of their companions. He leaned over to Azriel, his voice low, "Azriel, Cassian, care to join them?" Azriel responded with a quick shake of his head, "Not a chance," while Cassian chimed in with a playful tone, "How much are we talking?" Nesta playfully swatted Cassian's arm as her eyes met Azriel's across the fire. A coy smile played on his lips as he met your gaze.
The lord of Day Court seemed to pick up on the unspoken exchange between you and Azriel, his eyes flicking back and forth between the two of you. With a laugh and a hint of pride in his voice, Helion spoke up, "Well look at you, Spymaster. Finally finding a female who can tolerate all that..." He gestured towards Azriel with a smirk, "Brooding masculine energy." Helion winked at Azriel as he stood and walked around the fire to stand behind you. His strong arms wrapped around your upper chest as he rested his chin on your shoulder.
Turning to face Azriel, Helion directed his next words towards you, "You know, Y/N, I always thought I would be the one to win him over." His gaze shifted to Azriel once again as he added with a chuckle, "But I guess you beat me to it." You responded with a sarcastic smile, "I'm more than happy to share." As if on cue, Azriel pushed himself off of you and scoffed playfully before you reached out and grabbed his hand, pulling him back towards you. He returned to leaning against you, pressing a soft kiss onto the top of your head.
Helion then turned his attention towards Lucien and Elain, his smile wide and his teeth shining in the firelight. "Elain, my light, my love, my flower," he exclaimed as he rose to his feet and made his way over to the couple. He gently gripped Elain's face with his large hands and pressed a kiss onto each cheek. Elain giggled in response, "Hello Helion." It was clear that the lord of Day Court was slightly intoxicated as he playfully slapped a hand on Lucien's shoulder, causing him to wince. Despite being Lucien's biological father, Helion towered over him with his sheer size and strength. "How is my request coming along?" he asked with a hint of impatience.
Lucien rolled his eyes, the mechanical one buzzing as he did so. Elain looked between the two men with a straight face and chimed in, "Yeah Lucien, how is Helion's request going?" Lucien let out a loose laugh before responding, "It's not my fault I've been away for a month."
Helion groaned in frustration, "Have you never heard of conjugal visits?" A few steps brought him closer to Rhysand, who was currently talking to Feyre nearby, whispering into her ear. Helion directed his question towards the High Lord, who looked up with confusion in his eyes. "You're the reason I have no grandchildren," Helion accused, pointing a finger at Rhysand.
Rhysand chuckled, leaning back against a tree trunk. "My Court members' personal affairs are not my concern. Besides, Helion, I'm sure you have other illegitimate children who have already had their own children."
Helion feigned disgust at the accusation, placing a hand dramatically on his chest. "How dare you accuse me of having relations outside of an official partnership?"
Rhysand scoffed, the sound echoing against the elegant walls of the grand hall. "Last I checked Helion, monogamy wasn't exactly a practice you used."
Cassian muttered under his breath, "Given this is basically a court-ordered orgy, I would say so."
Helion's gaze shifted to Cassian, and then trailed down to Nesta's midsection. His eyes widened in surprise as he stumbled his way over to the couch where she sat. "My gods, Nesta, look at you!"
Nesta calmly ran a long finger down her stomach. "Have you not heard yet?"
Helion slurred out, "No one here tells me anything!"
He gestured excitedly towards her stomach and she agreed to let him feel it. As Helion dropped rather hard to his knees, placing one hand on her growing bump, Cassian held back a light growl at her being touched by another man. Even Azriel arguing with her was enough right now to make Cassian want to rip off his wings and beat him with them. "Cassian," Nesta warned with a slight edge to her voice, "I swear on all that is sacred that if you don't stop being an overprotective bear of a mate, I will shoot you with your own crossbow."
And with that threat hanging in the air, Cassian released his white-knuckle grip on the back of the chair, causing it to creak back into place.
Helion ran his hand over the slight bump on Nesta's stomach, a look of pure joy on his face. "I just love babes," he whispered before looking up at Nesta who smiled down at him.
Amidst the chatter and laughter in the room, Rhysand took a sip of his drink and muttered in response, "You certainly had a few."
Without turning, Helion shot back, "I'm going to choose to ignore that, Rhysand." He then turned his attention back to Nesta and
Cassian. "Congratulations to both of you!" he exclaimed.
Nesta merely rolled her eyes. "No need to congratulate Cassian," she countered, a hint of amusement in her voice, "He's not the one growing a hand right now."
Helion chuckled and rose back to his feet. "Of course, Cassian, how dare you make her uncomfortable. Nesta, my dear, congratulations."
Cassian threw up his arms in defeat as Helion's attention shifted towards the nearby lake. "It appears that I have a debt to pay," he noted with a mischievous glint in his eye, "and possibly some frozen fae to thaw." With that, he took a few steps towards the lake. "Do enjoy yourselves," he called over his shoulder before disappearing from sight.
As you whispered to Azriel, his warm breath tickled your skin and sent shivers down your spine. He buried his face in your neck, his lips grazing against the delicate skin as he responded, "Are all of his parties like this?"
Azriel grumbled back, his deep voice rumbling through your body, "I would argue this is slightly tamer than the rest."
Nesta wiggled her feet again for you to continue massaging her uncomfortable swollen ankles, a small smile on her lips as she relaxed into the plush cushions of the couch.
Azriel leaned in closer once more, his warm breath fanning across your ear as he whispered, "But he does have a rather large hedge maze for party goers to get lost in." Your breath caught in your throat at the thought of hidden corners and secret paths. “Lots of dark places to hide, you could get lost for hours.” He whispered again, his voice drawling. Azriel was hungry and only for you.
"I want to see the hedge maze," you announced suddenly, unable to contain your excitement any longer. Azriel chuckled lightly under his breath as he turned away, trying to hide his amusement from Feyre and Rhysand who were lounging nearby.
Feyre shifted slightly, her words slurring together as she spoke up, "I wanna come!" But Rhysand held her back with a knowing smile to Azriel.
"Feyre Darling," he began with a hint of laughter in his voice, "I think given your current condition... if we took you in there, I wouldn't find you again." Feyre groaned in response but made no move to get up from her comfortable spot.
You felt Azriel's hand slide into yours as he pulled you towards the stairs and out into the cold night air, but given how quickly he was tugging, you knew you wouldn’t be cold for long.
Readers tee-hee: @thatacotargirl @mcuamerica @lilah-asteria @florebelll @fightmedraco @marvelbros-oneshots @mariahoedt @quinzzelx @romantasyreader28 @minnieoo @mysteriouslydeafeningwerewolf @annabethgranger123 @caroline-books @sevikas-whore @sidthedollface2 @sleepylunarwolf @acourtofbatboydreams @quiettuba @julesofvolterra @skylarkalchemist @darling006 @loglady00 @caninnes @weepingwerewolf
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madangel19 · 5 months
Thought of Phantom eating one too many of Swiss's weed brownies during 4/20 and had to write it down :D
Content: Recreational drug use, ghoul cuddles, poor Phantom doesn't know about the forever weed brownie
Word Count: 1078
A sweet earthy scent from the ghoul kitchen caught Phantom’s attention. He was laying in bed when it reached him and his stomach began to grumble. Were the ghoulettes cooking something? Cumulus’s cookies were always mouth watering but this didn’t smell like cookies. He had to investigate. 
Phantom got out of bed and left his room, chittering softly. The smell was stronger now. It reminded him of Swiss and he smiled at the thought of him cooking something yummy. He didn’t cook often, but when he did, it was delicious. 
Phantom poked his head around a corner and saw the empty kitchen. Nothing seemed too out of the ordinary, but he quickly spotted a tray of brownies on the counter. The smell was coming from there.
“Ooo brownies,” he crowed as he went over and looked the brownies over. The smell was strong, warm and earthy, reminding him of the few times he walked by Mountain’s greenhouse. They must have been taken out recently which meant they were still warm. Warm brownies were always the best.
Phantom looked around and saw that he was alone. He looked back at the brownies and saw there was more than enough for everyone. He could eat one or two or three or four. He carefully picked one up and smelled it again, sighing in content at the amazing scent.
He took a bite and he gasped at the slightly bitter taste. It didn’t last long before he bit down on gooey chocolate chips and he was in love. Fuck, it tasted amazing despite the brief bitterness. He shoved the rest of the brownie into his mouth and moaned as he chewed.
“Fuck, that’s good. One more,” he murmured, wiping his mouth before grabbing another brownie that was a lot bigger than the others.
Why didn’t anyone tell him that Swiss was making brownies? Was this supposed to be some kind of surprise? No, someone would have told him beforehand. This was probably Swiss being generous and making sweets for the pack. 
Once he was finished eating the second brownie, he took a third and stepped away from the tray. Three was enough for now. He needed some milk after three brownies. 
He froze, the third brownie halfway in his mouth. He slowly looked around and saw Swiss standing behind him. The multi ghoul looked at him and then at the tray of brownies and his eyes went wide with shock before he suddenly burst into laughter.
“What’s so funny?” Phantom asked, unsure of what was going on.
“Oh, Bug. How many brownies did you eat?” Swiss asked, wiping away tears from his eyes.
“Uhhh….three? There’s plenty for everyone so three felt like enough,” Phantom replied. 
Swiss gasped despite the huge smile on his face. He shook his head and walked over to Phantom, throwing an arm around his shoulder. 
“Oh, Bug. Sweet Bug. You’re in for it now,” Swiss crowed. 
“Why? What’s wrong? Was I not supposed to eat the brownies?” Phantom asked, already feeling bad if they were meant for Papa or even the Clergy. 
“Those are my strongest weed brownies, Bug. Mountain’s been growing a special strain and wanted me to bake them into brownies for the pack and anyone else who’s interested. Just one is enough to turn you into mush,” Swiss said, leading Phantom to the couch. 
“Oh…Oh no…,” Phantom murmured. 
“Hmm, I guess I should have left a warning note,” Swiss said, helping Phantom sit down. 
“Yeah, you should have. Swiss…am I gonna be okay?” Phantom asked, looking up to the bigger ghoul for reassurance. He had been high with Swiss and the rest of the pack plenty of times, but he had never had an edible before. 
Swiss chuckled and sat down next to him, tousling his dark hair. He could feel the faint tug of his quintessence putting him at ease and he let out a soft sigh while resting his head on his shoulder.
“You’ll be okay, Bug. You can just lay here and the rest of the pack will come along and we’ll all have brownies and watch stupid movies together and eat snacks,” Swiss said.
“That sounds nice,” Phantom replied, glad that he was safe. He wasn’t sure what he was going to feel soon, but as long as he was with his pack, then he was going to be fine.
One hour later
Dewdrop yawned as he made his way to the ghoul den. Swiss had been texting him all morning about his plans for the day and the mention of his famous brownies really got his attention. He had a long day and looked forward to relaxing with a brownie and a blunt. 
He stopped when he saw the scene before him. Phantom was laid out on the couch, eyes droopy and a goofy smirk on his lips. His head was positioned in Swiss’s lap. Swiss lazily played with his hair while taking a drag from a blunt. The ghoulettes were piled on the floor in a giggly cuddle pile while cooing over Phantom. Rain and Mountain were seated in different arm chairs, looking absolutely blissed out. 
“You guys got started before me?” Dewdrop asked. 
“Phantom started first. Poor thing ate three brownies and now he’s in space,” Swiss purred, cupping the younger ghoul’s cheek and slowly rubbing his thumb along his skin. Phantom purred, grabbing his hand and nuzzling it. 
“He’s so cute like this,” Aurora chimed. 
“Mm...not cute,” Phantom murmured. 
“You’re right. You’re adorable, Bug. You’re taking three brownies so well. Once you’re able to move in a few hours, you can take a hit of this,” Swiss said, showing him the blunt. Phantom reached for it and Swiss held it away, shaking his head with a playful smirk. The younger ghoul whined, but made no effort to move. 
“Just wait a bit longer, darling,” Cumulus cooed while holding a chirping Aurora close to her chest. 
“Are there any brownies left?” Dewdrop asked, his stomach rumbling. There were plenty of snack strewn about the den that made his mouth water. 
“Of course. They’re in the fridge,” Mountain said.
Dewdrop nodded and went to get himself a brownie or two. After eating two brownies, he sighed and went to take his place in the cuddle pile with the ghoulettes.
“How many did you eat?” Cirrus asked after pulling him close.
“Perfect,” Swiss crowed.
“Yay,” Phantom cheered weakly before cuddling closer to Swiss.
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brights-place · 7 months
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Slenderman is Goddess! Spouse
Pairings: Slenderman X la Muerte! Reader
Warnings: Murder, Gore, Supernatural, Fluff, Angst, Cussing
A/N: Okay so I had this idea slenderman dating an godess of life for example like La muerte who I think is SO FUCKING HOT! she is amazing and Slenderman dating someone like her would be so fun to write!
- When the creepypasta members saw you they first thought you were an intruder you were human - before they attacked you slenderman appeared right infront of you bending himself down to face you properly "(Name)" "Slender" You said smiling softly to him as you both disappeared once he gave you his hand - When you both are alone he picks you up like you are a teddy bear and makes you lay your head on his chest as you chuckle - You and Slender kept your relationship an secret until Jeff entered the office to hand over his report but walked in on you kissing Slender is cheek - As his spouse he makes sure to take care of you - he keeps his scary and tough demeanor but around you? he just tries his bets for you not to show PDA in public he had to keep his scary demeanor! - Due to Slender Man's history being completely unknown it is hard to determine just what he is thinking, although he is commonly seen as a cruel, sadistic, manipulative, predatory, misanthropic demon. It is entirely unknown if Slender Man actually cares for his proxies' safety, or if he's just using them in order to get what he wants, showing his controlling and tyrannical personality - Yet... he married you !! an Human? a basic human who... who didn't even he was just so CONFUSED! well he thought you were Human... - You were gonna be his victim, you were going to die in his hands yet he didn't even do that he just stared at you - He was confused on how everything around you bloomed and became more colorful showing life - You two were the opposites of eachother Slender Man is a mystery. He looks like a human being, but doesn’t act like one. It is uncertain if he is a social creature, understands human languages or behaviors, or even why humans appear to be his primary targets while you were a 'human' who was positive and shown to be a largely kind and loving woman, showing a deeply caring and welcoming attitude to almost everyone you have meet. You were free-spirited and festive. It is believed that the kindness and love of mortal-kind stem from your own - He loves to slow dance with you but he always has to bend down when you were in your Human form of course - He found it peculiar when flower petals always walked behind you - When slender cut Rogue by accident cause she was in the way when he was throwing Wilson the basher against the wall for failing his mission - Slender never told any of his useless proxies or the lower Creepypasta's knew about you but when you appeared from thin air staring at Slenderman who dropped Wilson and the other proxies who failed the missions down quickly turning his ehad towards you the dark appearance and shadowy places that where showing disappeared as he felt his blood drain - You satred at him eye twitching as your fists balled as your human form turned to you true godess form as you shouted loudly "SLENDER!" Slender spoke quickly "My love-" - He watched as you scolded him but he couldn't help but admire your appearance
- Despite both of you being as old and ancient as time itself,you kept youe vision of youth and radiant beauty as you were made entirely of white sugar candy with knee-length H/c licorice hair that is tied in a low ponytail with bangs split on either side and multi-colored glowing eyes with aqua eyeshadow that are in shades of gold and red. While your red dress decorated with cempasuchil (Mexican marigold flowers) all over and marigold flowers with lit white wax candles at the hem of your dress. You also wear an extremely large, wide-brimmed sombrero bedecked with more lit candles and marigolds, small skulls, pink-plumed, curly, swirly feathers and palm leaves. Also wearing a circular gold locket on a choker that he had given you - The proxies were smirking happily being protected by the goddess of life - He makes sure on November second that he comes with you cause you say its the most special day to you which was the day of the dead - You both Slow dance together listening to Classical music -  Though you two have a complicated relationship with due to your different beliefs and the completely different, opposite antagonistic lands and realms you both ruled. - As your husband he does his best to make time for you - When he is out "working" in his words he is just getting victims while you on the other hand would scold him but knew it was his only way of well eating - You knew that Slender wins over the confidence of children but adults are repulsed by fear. - He chooses children because he can take longer to nurture their fear, stalking them for years before attacking them as adults. - He brainwashes children, using them to further his own (unspecified) ends as Proxies. Children are simply easier for him to hunt and eat - You spend time with the younger Creepypasta's and make sure that they are patched up - The other creepypasta's were weary of you and still are - But DAMN! you knew how to cook some good food - If the creepypastas are close to the brink of death they literally scream in their heads for slender to get them or have backup which slender does... sometimes - But if they shout your name at all within any space giving life well Poof your their in an second taking them and scolding them for almost getting caught - Slender makes sure to try maintain his anger issues but he does lash out of the Proxies if they do anything wrong - When you two argue about the creepypastas you speak up "Anyone can die. These kids, they will have the courage to live and fight" you said as slender argued back to you "They are adults My love" "Yes but what has happened to them they were only mere children! well some of them!" You said back as slender groaned in annoyance pinching the bridge of where his nose would be... if he even had one
- Yes you two have different perspectives on humankind for example you believe that humankind is completely good, true and pure while Slender thinks and believes that humankind is selfish, greedy, sinful and concerned only in its own interest on the other hand. - Despite your differences and occasional conflicts you two complement each other perfectly.
reblogs + comments are appreciated ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡
©brights-place 2023 — do not repost on another platform, copy, translate or edit my works! if you fit my DNI list please don't interact!
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madhatterbri · 6 months
New Deal | HOOK
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Summary: Y/N's friend betrays her to the Senerchia family.
Author's Note: @99hook Thanks for everything, boo. When we finally meet, I won't throw your ass into the ocean. ❤️😂 When is that next part coming out?
Tag List: @plentyoffandoms @theworldofotps @multi-fandom-things730
Pure fiction ❤️
"They won't give us an extension, you know. The Senerchias. They said they've been too lenient with us and don't want people to think they are getting soft," your friend whispered from behind the counter that was once her family's restaurant. Almost everything was sold to try and pay off their debts, but they couldn't come up with the money.
"Why are you whispering?" You asked with the same soft tone. With no customers around, it wasn't like anyone could hear. She nodded towards a corner of the room. A camera was pointed at them. The look of fear in her eyes made you realize one thing. The Senerchias had the place bugged.
The Senerchias were known all throughout New York. They helped the community by giving out money to those who needed it. They expected to be paid back by the agreed upon deadline. What many didn't know was the extremes they would go to get paid back.
"I hear the boss is an ass, but maybe you could talk to his son. You went to school with him. Maybe things will be different," you spoke hopefully. You knew the answer the moment she frowned at you.
"Tyler was the one that told us they were coming sometime this week. He didn't seem too thrilled to see me, either. I guess he won't be coming to the high school reunion. I'm wondering if I'll even make it," she gulped.
A car's headlights shined through the windows. The lights turned off as soon as the car shut off. Your friend gulped yet smiled at you. She took out her phone from her pocket. Her mouth dropped open when an idea popped in her head.
"Do you mind letting them in? I just have to go out back and make a quick phone call to my uncle to let him know they are here," she spoke. "It'll take like a few seconds,"
You nodded, and your friend hugged you tightly. She told you thank you and slipped out the back door. Two men appeared at the front door. One was bald with a snake tattooed over his right ear. He was bigger than the other one and appeared to be the muscles of the group. The second man was balding. He seemed more like the talker of the two. Both men wore suits with gold chains. The man with the snake tattoo was shaking the handle impatiently to be let in.
"Coming!" You called out, trying to sound confident. Your legs felt like jello as you made your way towards the door. Nothing could be heard except for the loud pounding in your heart. You opened the door wide enough to let them in.
"Look at this, Enzo. This dude let his niece take the hit. That's some punk shit," the man with the snake tattoo scowled.
"No one wants to mess with the boss. Man probably hiding somewhere shaking like a leaf," Enzo chuckled and rolled his eyes.
"I'm not the niece. She stepped out back to call her uncle to let him know you were here," you informed them and pointed to the back door.
"Just go check it out, Cobra. Ty gave them clear instructions yesterday," Enzo shooed the other away. Cobra grumbled about how this better not be a trick as he walked towards the back.
He opened the wooden back door and stepped out. A blast of the cold night air filled the restaurant. Seconds ticked away. It felt like an eternity of waiting for the man to come back. When he did, your friend was nowhere to be found.
"Either you are making up the story or your friend crossed ya, which is it?" Cobra asked roughly and slammed the door behind him.
"I'm not lying. She said she was going to step out to call her uncle. I've been friends with her since middle school. I believed her," you whispered the last part. A sudden realization hit on how stupid that must sound to them. They probably didn't trust many people.
Cobra nodded towards Enzo at the front door. In one quick movement, the man grabbed your wrist tightly. The force made your teeth clench and hiss. You were sure he was going to leave a bruise.
"You are coming with us," Enzo instructed and led you towards the waiting car. A man sat in the driver seat, tapping his fingers against the steering wheel.
"I'm not the niece," you begged and tried to remove his grasp from your wrist.
"And my misses made roast tonight, and I ain't letting it get cold," Cobra announced and opened the back door while running to the other side. The man sat in the back seat. Your captor shoved you in the car before sitting next to you. You now sat between the two men involved in your kidnapping.
"We will make it easy for you," Cobra smiled and pulled out a gun. You gasped and looked at him with fear in your eyes. He placed the barrel to your head. "Play a stupid game, and you'll win a stupid prize, capiche?"
"And please don't do anything stupid," Enzo sighed and looked down at his suit. "These are quite expensive, and I'm banned in all of the dry cleaning shops in New York and New Jersey,"
Your mouth opened to speak, yet nothing came out. Tears quickly pooled in your eyes. You closed your eyes and nodded quickly.
"They get softer every year," Cobra grumbled and rolled his eyes.
The car ride was not as expected. The driver hummed a lively tune, much to the annoyance of the two men sitting with you. You tried to keep quiet. Mentally remembering anything and everything just in case you were able to escape.
The car ride ended by some old abandoned buildings. Broken glass littered the floor, and graffiti riddled the buildings. A limousine, clearly out of place given the area, was parked. The driver stopped the car and stepped out. He leaned against the car and started to smoke. Enzo was the next to vacate the vehicle. Cobra followed and dragged you out.
A tall man with brown hair stepped out of the waiting limousine. He wore a suit similar to the ones that the other men wore. A gold chain with a cross hung from his neck. He took a few steps towards them and crossed his arms. Something was clearly wrong.
"Here she is, Ty," Enzo announced. "Where do you want us to put her for that ransom video to uncle?"
Tyler moved as if looking around you to see someone else. He had a scowl on his face. A vein popped out to show his annoyance at his men. He wanted to send Anthony, Dante, and Darius for the job, but his dear old dad insisted these fools.
"This isn't the right girl," he spoke calmly, yet his words were drenched in anger. His nostrils flared. "I gave you a picture of the girl. Get rid of this one somewhere and get me the right one,"
Tyler started walking back to the limousine. He muttered under his breath about the incompetence of others.
"Done," Cobra shrugged and pulled out his gun. The barrel was once again pressed to your body. You felt the cold ring of the metal against your temple.
"Wait, wait, wait!" You begged and threw your hands up. "I'll help you get her,"
Tyler stopped and turned to look at you. He mulled your words over before entertaining your idea. Hell, you were even shocked that you would help them. Then again your friend deserved it.
"Pretty dangerous proposition you are making today. Making a deal with the mafia. Are you sure you are up for it?"
"She betrayed me. She and I hang out all the time. I can just come up with a lie," you assured him.
"Forget the girl. Give me the uncle, and I will let you live, deal?" He asked and reached out his hand to you. You stared at his hand briefly. You wondered how many lives it had taken before.
"Deal," you answered and shook his hand. For someone so rough they were surprisingly soft.
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hypnoneghoul · 7 months
“Make the ghouls cry 2k24, vibe edition“
Make the Multi and Fire Ghouls Cry 2k24
WC: 1,2K
Relationship: Swiss/Rain/Dewdrop
Tags: Vibrators As Punishment, Orgasm Denial/Delay, Transmasc Dewdrop, Mean Rain, Multiple Orgasms, Coming in Pants, Exhibitionism, Aftercare
Rain still didn't give up on teaching Swiss and Dewdrop their lesson. The mass was a perfect opportunity to end the day with a flash.
Notes: Finally... 'tis here, part three (part one & part two)
Read under the cut or on AO3.
Dewdrop’s and Swiss’ torture went on for hours, since early morning.
It was now well past noon and the fire ghoul had lost count of how many times he’s cum in his pants. Swiss wished he could say the same but the cage that Rain had shoved his cock into effectively stopped him from getting any release. Not that Dewdrop’s orgasms brough any relief to him.
Anyway, Rain invited them back to their bedroom half an hour before mass was to start. They didn’t dare hope that their punishment was coming to an end. Mass was too good of an opportunity for Rain to waste.
“How are you, my pretty boys?” he asked them when they slipped into the room. Their vibes were currently off, but they quickly noticed Rain was holding both remotes in his hands, ready to press the buttons any moment.
Swiss and Dewdrop looked at each other, unsure of what answer to the water ghoul’s question would be a correct one. The fire ghoul was the one to mutter, “We’re… okay.”
“Oh? Is that so?” Rain furrowed his brows and held up the remotes, thumbing over the buttons. “Then I haven’t had enough fun with those.”
“No! N– no, we’re…” the multi ghoul all but yelled in panic, throwing his hands out in front of himself as if Rain was a wild animal about to pounce. Well, in a way he was. “It fucking hurst, it’s torture, princess…”
He smirked. “Hm, good. Good.”
Rain got up from the chair he was sitting on and walked over to the bed, sitting on the edge and leaning back. The remotes still in his hands.
“Strip,” he commanded and Swiss and Dewdrop nearly fell over in their rush to follow the order, all but ripping their clothes off of themselves. In no time at all they were standing before Rain naked—at a respectable distance from each other—except for the toys that were only to be taken out and off by their mate himself. “Good.”
The water ghoul reached over to the bedside table, opening a drawer and pulling out… wet wipes. He threw the pack at Swiss and scoffed at the confusion on his face. “Well? Clean yourself up. Both of you.”
Still confused and suspicious, Swiss pulled out a wipe and handed the rest to Dewdrop. Before any of them could even lower a hand, though… “Nuh-uh. Each other.”
The fire ghoul swallowed thickly and reached out with a shaky hand to wipe down the pre from Swiss’ cock squeezed in a cage and his thighs. Swiss clenched his jaw, knowing even the slightest touch would truly set him on fire. Dewdrop knew it, too, and considering they were both miserable, he’d do his best to make it as smooth as possible.
His touch did burn and the multi ghoul quite literally had tears in his eyes, but it was quick, and soon Dewdrop was pulling away, Swiss as clean as he could get for now.
“Good,” Rain said again. “Your turn.”
That would be worse. Swiss at least wasn’t cumming for hours, and he was no water ghoul. Well, Dewdrop wasn’t either, anymore, but he was still as leaky as one.
Swiss knelt before him and the look with which he looked up at Dewdrop made the fire ghoul’s belly swoop. “Go on,” he whispered.
The other obliged, bringing a hand up to his thighs, starting low and moving up, leaving the worst for last. While Dewdrop cleaning him up was over in no time, this felt like hours already, even though it was only seconds. Swiss was cleaning him up thoroughly, quickly exchanging first tissue for a second one, then the second one for the third, just as he got to the fire ghoul’s cunt. It was his turn to clench his teeth and endure soft touch where he was painfully sensitive.
Rain didn’t even blink.
He stared them down with cold eyes, watching carefully for anything he’d consider a mistake on their part. He tutted disapprovingly when Swiss cradled one of Dewdrop’s thighs. Unnecessary touch.
Once he was done, the water ghoul got up, clapping his hands together. He put something small onto the bedside table and walked straight to the door. “Swiss can take off the cage, but nothing more. Get dressed and I'll see you at mass. Don’t be late.”
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They weren’t late. They wouldn’t dare.
The three of them sat in the back, as usual, Rain separating Dewdrop and Swiss. Two remotes in hand. The multi ghoul cursed his past self for investing in vibrators with such strong batteries.
The first twenty minutes were fine. Rain’s palms resting possessively on each of his mate’s thighs, the toys inside them turned off. Neither the multi nor the fire ghoul were ever really interested in mass, but it was their duty to attend at least half of them in a month. They usually zoned out or played with each other on the back pews, and now—with no actual action from Rain—they both started to space out.
The moment the Abbey’s clock bell sounded, signalizing half past whatever time it was, the water ghoul pressed the buttons. The ghouls at his sides went rigid, jaws clenched as they wriggled on the benches with no care for how they looked. After all, the chapel was full.
Rain was unbothered, sitting with his back straight, staring at Papa as he spoke. One might believe he actually cared about the sermon. Which he didn’t, but it was truly glorious to ignore Swiss and Dewdrop writhing by him. And he was in control.
It took only a few minutes for the two of them to cum on the toys in their pants. Rain, pleased, turned the vibrators off just in the right moment to not send them into overstimulation again. They both sagged—and visibly wanted to do so against their mate, but without permission they wouldn’t. Such good boys.
Rain smiled at that, deeming them spent enough. He shoved the remotes into his pockets before wrapping his arms around Dewdrop and Swiss and bringing them to rest against him for the rest of the mass. He also hoisted them up just before it ended, to walk them back to the den and their room away from the crowd.
Soon enough the three of them were laying in a huge bathtub, steam filling the room.
“Oh, my good, perfect boys,” Rain cooed, squishing them both to his chest. “Did so good for me, took everything so well.”
Both Dewdrop and Swiss beamed at the praised, finally relaxed after hours of blissful torture. The hot water, nice smell in the air, and Rain’s soft words were the best reward they could have ever gotten. The water ghoul would never spare any comforts that he might give them, especially after a nearly twenty four hour session. Especially that they did so well.
The three of them stayed in the tub—squeezed together and purring—for as long as the tight fit didn’t actually cause them discomfort. Then they crawled out, Rain carried Dewdrop to their bed, and within seconds they were all cozy and snuggly under the covers.
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the-cauldron-witch · 8 days
Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere. With Donnie pls? Maybe still crush state? 👁️👁️ (thank you in advance!)
Thank you so much for the ask!!! 🫂🫂🫂
I'm really sorry for taking so long, Donnie was being difficult and wouldn't let me write this out apparently! I hope you like it!
Taglist: @silverwatergalaxy @thelaundrybitch @sophiacloud28 @iridescentflamingo @thegirlwiththeninjaturtletattoos @yorshie @truffle-draws-turtles (message me if you want to be apart of my taglist! I just started keeping it, so if I forgot to tag you don't be upset)
Sparks scattered from the tip of the soldering iron in Donnie’s expert hand, putting the finer finishing touches to the circuit board inside the device resting on his work bench. Sweat beaded at the top of his brow, trickling down his face and neck behind the welding mask as he worked. Once he was satisfied with the work he lifted the shield from his face and smiled down at his creation, closing the panel and sealing away the wires and circuits from the rest of the world. With the final touches finally complete Donnie felt confident enough to test out his new invention; a shuriken wrist launcher. Although his brothers and himself had incredible accuracy with shurikens, they could only throw so many so fast, with this new device whomever used it should be able to send multiple shurikens at a target at top speed.
“Hey, Donnie!” Your voice broke the silence like a thin sheet of ice, snapping him out of his studying gaze and fumble with the invention for a split second. “Oh, jeez, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you” You couldn’t help but giggle an apology while Donnie sighed in relief with the invention still in his hand.
“No worries, I just finished my shuriken launcher actually,” He said with a grin, peeling the welding mask from his sweat covered head and placing it on his bench. Donnie was grateful for the way his purple mask hid the slight color that came to his cheeks at the mere sight of you standing at the entrance to his lab, shifting from one foot to the other while watching him. This could be the millionth time he saw you, yet it still gave him butterflies like it was the first time.
“Shuriken launcher? Seems kind of redundant,” You questioned with a raised eyebrow, walking into the lab and to Donnie’s side so that you could eye the metal gauntlet in his hand.
“Well, because of our tridactyl hands we are only able to throw at maximum two shurikens with each hand, totaling to four shurikens for each of us. Leo is the only one who managed to throw three in each hand successfully, but they weren’t as accurate compared to throwing the typical two in each hand.”
Slipping the gauntlet over his muscular green forearm Donnie studied his invention, pressing a button on the side facing himself. The gauntlet hissed for a second as the inner cuff began inflating, securing itself to his arm. Donnie flexed his hand and wrist, making sure that the cuff wasn’t too constricting but also held firm enough to not budge easily. Curiosity now piqued you watched while Donnie flexed his muscular arm, admiring his physique more than the invention if you were being honest.
“I recycled a blood pressure cuff machine for the base so that it could be used by anyone who wears it, no matter the size of their forearm,” Donnie explained, pointing his arm to an invisible target ahead of him. “It keeps the device secure against the users arm for better aim,”
“Oh, like the ones you see at the pharmacy?” You questioned enthusiastically, drawing yourself closer to Donnie so you can inspect the shuriken launcher closer. Now that you were closer to it you could see he had taken the blood pressure cuff as he said, mounting what looked like a modified multi-disc CD player onto the top where the shurikens were stored and ejected through a slim opening at the wrist. There were a few other components you couldn’t identify, but they all seemed to work together by Donnie’s ingenuity.
“Yeah! I haven’t put the shurikens inside the launcher just yet, I was just about to test it out in the dojo for the first time, if you’d like to join?”
“I’d love to! Can I try it out next?” Bouncing on your toes with eagerness you followed him out of the lab like an excited puppy. Your enthusiasm and excitement to help and learn from Donnie always sent a small whirlwind of butterflies fluttering in his stomach, something about the way your eyes lit up and voice heightened made him feel weak in the knees.
“O-of course, sure! But I want to take the first test, just to make sure everything is programmed correctly” Donnie spoke a little louder than intended, mirroring your own excitement as he strode his way to the dojo. Once entering the dojo Donnie made his way over to the training dummy, many shuriken already scattered about and lodged into different surfaces. Plucking the ones from the floor and pulling the three out of the wooden dummy he pressed a button facing him, the top of the devices panel popping open. Placing the shuriken collected in his hand into the compartment and closing the hatch he turned to you.
“Alright, so here’s how it should work,” Slipping into his ‘Bill Nye voice’ as Mikey described once, Donnie began explaining the device on his arm to you with a small smile turning the ends of his lips, “I modified the blood pressure cuff with some sensors that read the way your muscles move and flex, so that when I clench my fist and move it in just the correct way it should launch one shuriken at a time when flexed or sending multiple when your hand is held in that position,”
Taking a stance in front of the target practice dummy Donnie locked onto the blue and yellow target painted on the torso, lining up his shot and flexing his hand downward as though he were throttling a motorcycle handle. There was a long, drawn out moment of silence where nothing happened. Another moment and Donnie flexed his hand in the same way again, clenching and unclenching his fist in the manner needed for the device to launch a shuriken. Still nothing.
“Did you turn it on?” You questioned, giggling nervously as you earned an incredulous deadpanned look from the tall terrapin. After another second of holding the gauntlet out, Donnie sighed and brought his arm towards himself once again and relaxed his hand.
“That’s strange, maybe I didn’t calibrate the sensors correctly?” Donnie murmured to himself, studying his invention with a furrowed brow and small annoyed huff. He had gone over the programming his usual four dozen times and tested the sensors inside the blood pressure cuffs with his computer the same amount, the device should at least attempt to launch a shuriken.
Approaching Donnie as he continued his intense gaze as though the problem would be written on the surface of the uncooperative device, he didn’t register your proximity as he continued scrutinizing and silently questioning what could not be working right. Grazing the tip of his finger over the area where the shurikens had been loaded into earlier Donnie noticed the small door had not latched shut properly. Pressing his finger on the hatch the smallest and softest ‘click’ registered in Donnie’s ears a millisecond before a glint of metal shot from his wrist.
You didn’t have time to so much as blink. The weapon was ejected in the flicker of an eye with incredible speed, the sharpened tip grazing the skin of your cheek and leaving a thin trail of crimson beads behind. Hissing as the fiery sting settling into your cheek you reached a hand to your face, fingertips meeting warm blood as you and Donnie stared at one another in shock. Blood trickled down your cheek for a second longer before Donnie snapped out of his daze, pressing the button to disengage the gauntlet from his arm and let it drop to the floor without a care.
“Shit. Shit, shit, shit, c’mere” Donnie breathed as he quickly leaned down to capture your face in his massive hands, the sudden closeness causing your breath to hitch in your throat and heart to stammer a beat. Not giving you a chance to find your voice again Donnie swept you off of your feet and into his massive arms, carrying you to the med-bay hastily in one fell swoop. How could he have let something like this happen? Something as stupid as the hatch not being closed correctly shouldn’t have gotten you hurt! You practically blinked and the two of you were in the medbay. Placing you on the exam table gently Donnie studied your face with concern and guilt wrinkling his brow and eyes.
“Donnie?” You questioned as he darted to the otherside of the room, opening a drawer or two before pulling out a plastic med kit.
“So fucking stupid...should have fucking known better, didn’t pay attention enough!” You could hear him muttering angrily to himself, berating himself for letting you get hurt in the most ridiculous way. Guilt clutched at your chest as you heard him curse under his breath. It wasn’t like he did it on purpose or knew something so small would go wrong, things like this just happened sometimes.
“Donnie?” You tried again when he sat himself in on a rolling chair and slid clear across the room to your side. The cut no longer burned as harshly now, but the sting still lingered and pulsated. Blinking himself out of the fog the panic settled in his mind Donnie’s eyes finally met yours.
“It’s okay, really,” A smile attempted to dimple your cheek, making you wince a tiny bit from the fresh pain, “I’m okay, honestly. It’s just a little scratch! Stop beating yourself up,”
“I...I know...I should have known better than to point it-” He began berating himself again as his fingers fiddled with the antiseptic wipe in his hands, fingers fumbling and making him more frustrated. Taking his jittering hands in your own you brought his attention back onto you, his heart hammering in his chest as he felt the warmth of your soft hands wrapping around his rather larger ones. The sudden urge took over you, leaning you forward and pressed so that you could press your lips to his forehead for a moment. Electricity ran from where your lips met his skin down his neck and through every nerve ending in his shell and skin, sparks crackling and sending shivers down his spine. Pulling your lips away from his forehead you registered what you had done, offering a shy smile.
“It’s just a little scratch. I’m okay, really” You giggled nervously.
Swallowing the thick lump suddenly lodged in his throat Donnie couldn’t bring himself to speak again, knowing his voice would crack and betray him now. Instead he focuses on the dried blood staining your cheeks, despite the fact they were already flushing red from your own doing. Not that Donnie’s own face wasn’t heated by the kiss placed on his forehead, but he wasn’t going to admit that out loud just yet.
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