#i just hate legos now -- they really do live up to their name
jakesangel · 3 months
unrequited love w jake - 𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒘𝒃𝒆𝒓𝒓𝒚 𝒌𝒊𝒔𝒔 event request
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preview : he is always putting you first, why can't he be his girlfriend. allas, you're only his childhood best friend
word count + genre : angst ( i tried to ) . 3.1k ( word vomit so it's not proofread
warning : dorm roommate, childhood best friends, confession, rejection, happy ending, reader gets in her head easily but never cries, jake is a sweetheart
having jake as a bestfriend is the best thing possible in the world. the sweet australian boy who always help you for your physic exams or who's being his dog layla when you're on your period. but it's also the worst thing because of random girls asking you for his number or being hugged by him because you're his cute little sister. it's even worse because no boys are hitting on you, being too scared of to hit on the leader soccer team's favorite girl. so you're jsut left to watch your love story inexist, daydreams of kissing jake the only thing you can do.
baby y/nie ? are you listening to me ? he said with a pout when he realized you werent listening to his usual lego rants while doing lego. sorry jaeyunie, i just keep thinking about our last exam, but i'm here now, you say as you try to convince him tho the pet name made you sadder than what your thoughts did. y/n ? youre okay ? his worry overtaking his body, dropping the lego piece comming closer to you, you know im here for you hm ? his round eyes searching yours. yes, i promise yunie ! im sorry for worrying you, please tell me about that star wars lego set ? to pretedn to the fullest youre acrually okay, you finish your sentence with your hand on his cheek, smiling softly at him but it wssbt needed as hearinf the wors star wards and lego set together pearked his imaginary puppy ears. he goes back on the set, talking about how excited he is for the pieces to arrive tomorrow, indirectly asking you to do them with him tomorrow . i'm studying tomorrow yunie, i’m not done yet with the last chapter, you reply with some sadness filling your voice, not believing of what you gonna say next, but you could do it with emma ? he gives you a confused expression that can only warms your heart, emma ? why would i do lego with her ? its our thing baby y/nie, he answers nonchalently, as he places the last piece on his now finishes thor hammer. finally ! its looks so good isnt it ! he shows you the piece finally done, come on we need to put it up, it's the best one we've ever done ! he excitedly said, jumping on his feet to go to his bedroom. you followed smiling to his puppiness but also from his unasked reasurance. wouldn't it be better in the living room ? i want to see it too, you say w round eyes too, genuinely wanting to see you guys work everyday. which he is more than happy to comply, his love for your happiness alwaya taking over when it fomes to you. omg yes ! always having good ideas, y/nie !, kissing your cheek as he goes to tje round tbale in the center of the kivinf room.
it comes to a shock, coming back from classes to see the said emma on the sofa, checking the lego pieces done just a day before. oh hi y/n, i didn't hear you coming, she said staying on the sofa, just turning around, not even greeting you properly. she has that arrogant smile of hers, paired w her high knee boots and mini skirt. you smile back, going straight to your room, studies waiting or you, you know i should thank you for talking about me to jake but it would be hypeocite of me to do so. we all really really hate you, so please, once jake is mine, stop bothering me hm ? she warned me before turning around to reapply your lipgloss. you can't even defend yourself as jake comes back from his room, smiling at you. baby y/nie ? how was your day ? he asked as he comes for a hug. just classes, you know how it is. you ? you hug him tighter to piss emma even more. as much as he will never date you, he is still your jake and everyone knows it, that she likes it or not. dont wait for me tonight, im having dinner with emma. but i made you your usually study snack and ive made a study plan waiting for you on ur desk. please use it well hm ? he softly says, detaching from you, see you later baby y/nie, domt stuyd too late! he says, coming closer to her, not even looking at her but taking the girls hands, making her proudly smile at you, winning the mental battle you both had. he doesnt even see it as he waits for you to bid him goodbye, which you gladly do, not forgetting to add the baby innfromt of his name, makimg him giggle and getting a frown from her. finally gone, you enter your bedroom, plopping on your bed, softly sighing, taking in everything that had happened. why would she hate me ? ive never ever talked to her, but when she asked me his phone number. and who is we ? are the girls threatened by you ? do they think i have a chance with jake ? or even the boys ? that would explain why none of thek ask me out ? but what about him ? is emma even his type ? she is pretty and seems smart but she is also so arrogant and entitle ? cant he see it ? or is it actually what he likes ?
trying to study is useless, your thoughts belonging to jake, you can only take a shower and pray for the best tomorrow. but even as you shampoo your hair, you can't help but think about emma's reaction. was she really scared of you or is it just her usual self ? so you've been standing there, the water hitting your scalp, for 30 minutes, trying to figure out what you should do. if she was really scared of you that means you can actually have a future with jake as your boyfriend. all the baby y/nie or little gesture will come out as romantic and not as his little sister anymore. as you realized you have a chance, you finish your day in peace, eating the snack jake made you, his infamous ramen, heating it up before going the watch a movie on the sofa. it's only mid movie in, you hear the keys in the door, announcing jake's arrival. i'm in living room ! you whisper yell, letting him know of your presence. y/nie ? why are you still awake at this time bby, he say wrapping his arms around your neck, are you done studying, he finally whisper in your ear, making you all fuzzy. not really, but i saw your study plan, i'll read it before sleeping. join me ? the movie is almost done. you offer, your head titling so you can look at him, i also want to cuddle with you and you can tell me about your date ? you ask cutely, knowing jake wouldn't never say no to cuddles with you. anything you want bby, he says with a kiss before detaching himself from your back. he would smile as he lay on your belly, indirectly asking you to play with his hair, which isn't even needed to be asked. he rubs his face on you, almost cat like, and hums finally getting comfortable. did you have a bad day yunie ? you seemed okay earlier. you softly ask, still brushing hair hair. yeah, it's just emma. she isn't how i thought she was and she talked bad about you so im just disappointed. i could never date someone who doesn't like you bye y/nie, you mean to much for me he says, his head finally lift up, looking right at you. besides she is too much of a diva, i prefer someone like you. someone who wouldnt judge me for playing legos or playing with my hair without needing to be asked to, he smiles at you. i'm really lucky to know you y/nie, he finishes, his head finally going back on the rubbing, acting as if those words were normal to be told, but you know jake is someone really vocal, specially to you, but you can't help but hear something else. like he wants you. and more than just friends. me too yunie, im really really happy to have you by my side. besides who wouldn't want to play with your soft hair, i love them so much. you say making the both of you giggle. and it's like that, the day ends, jake laying on you and you playing with his hair, comfort filling the living room.
omg jake wake up ! we're gonna be late for the exam ! is how up you started your day. but you're now, here, almost tearing where you were soothing jake yesterday who is now the one comforting you, which is something you hate the most. i'm okay jake, we don't have to talk about it, let's just order pizza please. jake knows you aren't the type to talk about your feelings, specially when you feel like crying but for some reason today he can't stop pressuring you, come on y/nie baby, we can talk about it. im sure u didn't do that bad, you'll do better next time, he tried to reassure you, his hand coming to your hair, stroking it. jake, you said, going back, leaving a inch between the two of you, i do not want to talk about it. are you gonna order them or should i do it, you reply almost too coldly. y/n please, i know you, you don't have to keep it in. i'm sorry you feel disappoint- if you know me you'd know i don't want to talk about it nor do i enjoy being in this position right now, jake, you cut him off leaving the living room to go in your bed room, leaving a sad puppy by himself. you feel awful for snapping at him, but you couldn't help it as your nerves are already hanging w a thin thread because of that exam. and having jake all over you, interrogate you with question over your feelings is too much.
you didn't realized you zoned out, right here, sitting up on the edge of your bed, until you hear jake's knock on your door, y/n ? can you open the door please ? you hear a scared jake on the other side of the door, yeah come in, making him enter your bedroom. he never looked this sad, your best friend never wanted to make you sad or be the cause of your distress. ive ordered the pizzas do you want some ? he softly ask, slowly coming towards you, scared to do the wrong thing. it's in the kitchen if you do want it. he is finally in front of you, kneeling up to see your face. i'm sorry if i pressured you, y/nie, i know you don't like being vulnerable. i don't know why i pressured you. he softly tells, his finger lifting your chin to look at him. my apologize baby. he finishes with his eyes asking for forgiveness. i'm so sorry too, i shouldn't have lashed out on you, you say as you throw your arms around you. you're always so so nice to me, i shouldn't have snapped at you. i'm sorry jake, you really dont deserve it, as your arms thigthens around his neck. hearing you, only made his heart sadden, he picks you up by your thighs, to make you more comfy in the bed w a come on baby,let's get you comfy. you can only giggle to that making his heart and mind happy again. once settled, your head on his chest, his on your pillow, a comfortable silence falls upon the both of you. his arms encircling you and his thumbs softly stroking your skin, his soft scent filling up your nose, made you feel such at peace. cuddling with jake is always so calming and comforting and it's somehow making you fearless to tell him your true feelings. jaeyunie ? you say looking up to him, asking for his attention. hm ? he just replies , already looking at you. always looking at you. i feel really good with you. i love being in your arms or playing with your hair. you're confident jake likes you back, he wouldn't be here if he didn't right ? me too y/nie baby, me too, he softly chuckled, happy that you arent mad at him anymore. no jake i mean it, i love it all. youre so nice, and smart and i just can't help but want to be more than your best friend. you expected to see a jake smiling at you, but you're faced with a jake with a confused furrowed brows. what ? as he detach himself from you, to actually look at you, looking for any joke in your face. i hate it when you go on dates with others girl or when you call me baby because im a year younger than you, i want to be the one holding your arm on friday nights or being called baby because you like me as your gf, you explain yourself, the end of the your phrase said in a whisper. and the once comfortable silence became anxious to you, jake processing your tirade. do you not feel the same way ? you asked scared of his verdict, but that only made him leave the room, shock overtaking him.
since then jake been avoiding you. the once nights fulled of braiding jake's hair and legos are now replaced with the living room empty, the light always turned off. jake spent his time either at practice or in his room, even avoided you in the kitchen, going in when you leave or leaving you when you go in. you on the other hand, is busying yourself with studies trying to do your best for the next final but it's mostly to stay in denial of your current situation. you've lost your best friend, and every time you come out of your room, the thor hammer keeps reminding you of it. he even stopped offering his help for any studies, or prepared you any study snacks. he stopped looking at you or mentioning you. the girls also stopped coming to you for his number, sensing the shift of your dynamic with him, but going straight to him. it even more painful now to see so many dolled up girls all over him, all of them knowing you aren't in the picture anymore. so here you are, spending a friday night by yourself after the long week full of studying n repressing your feelings. you know jake isn't going to be here tonight, surely in one of many dates he has, so you snuggle yourself on the couch along with snack you bought yourself earlier. but it came to a surprise, to see jake arriving at 7pm. he stops when he sees the tv light on, not knowing if he should greet you or not. he simply stay frozen, the both of you staring at each other, but like a week ago, he leaves you alone, going into his bedroom. and you thought all of this didnt affected you that much, but as you have nothing to focus on anymore, you can only cry, right there, in front of the movie you picked earlier, for the first time in a long time.
the tears keep failling down as the movie goes by, the tv light the only thing linking your mind and reality together, you can't even hear how loud you are. your sobs doesn't go unnoticed by jake, coming out of his room. you don't even hear his first y/n ? your back the only thing he can see. he never saw you nor hear you crying, and the scene in front of you is way too funny to make you cry. so he calls again, louder, with no answers but the slightest from the movie. he tries one last time, with a hand touching your shoulder, making you leave that weird trance you were in. jake ? you say as you wipe your tears. wha- what do you want ? you ask, failing to pretend that you are okay. he doesn't reply right away, coming to sit next to you. he opens his arm, a sign of an invitation not sure if you're okay with it or not, but still wanting to offer. you on the other hand were craving his touch, so you juts crawl on his lap, hand clenching on his hoodie, tears automatically coming back.
he lets you cry for a while, still trying to soothe you with hair strocks and shhh, even rocking you side to side but as he seems your tears don't fade away, his hands leaves your hair to hold gently the both side of your face, y/nie look at me please, he whisper. but as you can't even dare to look at him, a mix of shame and sadness filling your body, he'd just start kissing your tears. come on y/nie,as he keeps on pecking your face, i want to tell you something but i need you to look at me first, the long time per names finally coming back. you slowly turn your eyes to his, only to see adoration on his, speaking silently to you. i am so sorry of how i reacted this entire week. i was so shock when you told me you liked me, i genuinely saw you like my little sister, my long time bestfriend i've always had. i couldn't possibly imagine myself dating you. but i should have told you that instead of being a dumb ass. and then i felt so so ashame, i couldn't even face you in the kitchen. how i could i make the most important person in my life,so sad and, he stops, a hand coming to his hair, trying to find his words, i just couldn't bear it anymore. that time away from you made me realize that i in fact like you too y/nie. i cant live without you baby. who will i do my legos with ? or go home to, to have my hair played with ? or eat my not so good ramen whne i make them, he says between chuckles, making you laugh too. what i wanna say is that, i dont want any of those activites to be done with anyone else. i just want you y/n.
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notes : hai anon, i've never written any fic before, n im not even gonna talk about the angst, i hope it feeds you well tho > < i actually didn't want to write it as i don't write anything fictional but i somehow liked ur request so here it is <3
⋆ ˚。⋆୨🍓୧⋆ ˚。⋆ tag list : @dreamiestay @jakesprincess1
perm tag list : @allurecile @luvj4key @stwrjvke @amouriu @neos127 @goldenretrieverjakezgirlbaby @jaeyunpinkyring @pockettwinzz @jwsdoll @heeheeswifey @sjylouvre @txnwvc @oopshee @luvlyhee @en-ner-jay @en-chantedtomeetyou @erenmyman @driedflowwr @hoonion . @enchive @enhablr
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babyhatesreality · 1 year
Hi there love!
I know you know who I am by that sentence and I could ask this without being anonymous but I don’t feel comfortable doing that I think you’ll understand why after reading this…
Okay so, recently I posted a fic who was asked about one of daddies waking up little reader with kisses on her 🐱 ect, you know what I mean ?
And I just had some hate about that because people didn’t read the warnings nor the warnings tags which made me really insecure and it also made me feel bad about all kind of things.
I don’t regret posting it because I love pleasing people in posting their requests but it just made me feel.. low, you know ?
And I wanted to know if you would be comfortable about writing a fic for me ?
I let you write whatever you want, let your mind flies but I just want to see in the fics lots of fluff by daddies, comfort, kisses, I need the reader to feel really little because I need to feel little right now and because of the hate I don’t know how
Thank you so much for even considering it, love! You’re an amazing writer and I know I already told you that but I tell you again now. Your fics are amazing and it always make me feel good
I love you!
Anonymous 💜
My love. I got you <3
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Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f! reader
Warnings: DDLG (SSC), f! reader, nicknames, reader is named but name scarcely used, sad baby, means internet words, angst, comfort, fluffity fluff fluff fluff.
You shouldn't have gone onto the computer without your daddies. You always regretted it, and today was definitely no exception. But you'd been bored and forgotten.
You'd seen the stupid click-bait article but had been unable to resist. The lies, the insinuations, the straight up nastiness from people who had never met your daddies, let alone you, was astounding. That people felt it was okay to be this mean, this condescending, this nasty about someone else, while they were sitting pretty, safely behind their crumb-filled keyboards. You didn't want to think about it. But it kept drilling its way into your mind.
You tried everything to take your mind off it- watching Tangled, playing with Jellybean, coloring, drawing, building Legos, but nothing was working. You finally crawled into your closet, buried yourself under a blanket, and cried.
When Steve and Bucky came home, they were unnerved to find that their precious hyperactive angel didn't come running to greet them. They found you pretty quickly, getting you out from the closet and holding you close. They'd seen the iPad on your bed, and from a brief search history figured out the trigger pretty quickly.
Steve held you so tight in his arms, after wrapping your favorite yellow blanket around you. He rested his cheek on the top of your head and murmured soft things into your ear.
"Baby, you know what you read isn't true. These people don't know us or you. They are being mean because they think they are allowed to have a say in our lives. But that's wrong. They don't get a say. It only matters what you say, what I say, what Daddy says. And Daddy and I love you so much that we don't ever, EVER, want to be apart from you. We know that you're the best thing that ever happened to us. You make us so happy. You make so many people so happy, and that's just by being you. We don't want anyone else, and we don't want things to change. We love the way you sparkle."
As Steve was holding you, Bucky was making one of your favorite comfort meals- grilled cheese with tomato soup. You all had an impromptu picnic on the living room floor. Steve transferred you to Bucky's lap so he could spend some time reassuring you. He gently fed you bites of the sandwich and spoonfuls of soup.
"Papa is right, you know," Bucky said, wiping the tiniest bit of soup off your chin, before feeding you another bite of sandwich. "You're our best girl, baby. There's no one else, there never will be anyone else. And anyone who thinks that we're all wrong, never mattered in the first place. They don't get to decide our lives. They don't have any power over us at all. And they never will. You keep sparkling on, just like you always have. Okay?"
When you gave a shy, soft smile and a nod in return, they smiled their best Daddy and Papa smiles at you. Neither one of them put you down for the rest of the night except at bath time, and even then they always had one hand on you. You got to eat cookies in bed with them while they read your two stories each.
And you realized- your sparkle is what makes you unique. The way you laugh, and play, and giggle, and create- that's what they loved about you. And absolutely no one could take that away. You were- and would always be- loved for your sparkle.
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menaceoffandoms · 1 month
Fuck it: collage AUs lego monkie kid
Mk is an art student who worked really hard to get a scholarship into the school. Yin and Jin are both in the same course as him, he corrected them about art theory once and they've never let it go so now they torment him in class, and everyone else for that matter. Wukong is there teacher and he is servery under qualified but he dose his best. Mk still works and lives at Pigsy's noodles, which in this is a hot spot for students cause of its close proximity to the uni. Balancing school and a job is a nightmare but he's trying his best.
Mei is in a business/marketing course, she wanted to do something more fun but her parents wanted her to do it, but she's actually really good at it especially whenever they do social media stuff. Princess Iron Fan is her teacher and the Demon accountant is her class mate. Mei and Red Son are roommates, they start off hating eachother but slowly become friends. When Mei finds out PIF is Red's mum she's begs her for baby photos, much to Red's embarrassment. Red Son is on an engineering course and Sandy is his teacher. Mei is a streamer with a pretty large following and she's currently saving for a new parts for her motorbike, which Red will likely end up replacing for her.
Tang is a history teacher at the school. He never shows up to class without a bowl of noodles. The scorpion demon is in his class and has a crush on him, but for obvious reason he's not at all interested! Tangs one love is noodles and noodle making Pigsy's.
Macaque is like a drama teacher or something like that, Mk likes to sit in on his seminars sometimes, and he's made a name for himself as the schools cryptid. He never seems to leave and always shows up in random places, a lot of people think he secretly lives in his classroom. He likes to scare and mess with Wukong a lot, they hate eachother but it's so over the top everyone either thinks there dating or wants them to kiss already.
Bai He is just a kid so she doesn't attend the collage, but she's seen around there a lot. Her pearents are probbaly teachers there, or maybe Macaque is her dad in this who knows, but for awhile some students thought she was a ghost haunting the school.
LBD and the Major either used to be teachers but got fired, or they both work at the school and are the most hated teachers there. LBD would teach law and the Major would do something similar, maybe criminology? Could throw a curve ball and have him teach psychology, that could be funny.
There's too many characters for me to be bothered to list rn so uhhhhh Nuwa is probably head of the school, any gods or celestial warriors are teachers, most demons are probbaly students unless they served a big part in the show (like syntax is probbaly the IT teacher) anddddd if it's not obvious I've never been to a university so I am very unqualified to do anything with this, I'm just having fun.
That being said if anyone dose want to do more with these concepts, go ahead, could be fun
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FNaF movie hcs pt 1!
here’s some hcs I made :)
-Abby would be a gacha kid if it was around at the time
-Vanessa has anemia and she gets dizzy every time she stands up, and the first time she passed out in front of Mike he just thought she died
-William is obsessed with robotics and if you ask him about it he won’t stop talking about it for the next 4 hours (autistic William Afton real)
-Abby is terrified of something js crawling out of her closet while she sleeps and can’t sleep without a nightlight because of it (and the fear only got worse after Freddy’s)
-When Vanessa was a kid William sometimes just forgot to feed her so she would just eat literally anything she could find, editable or not. and she had to go to the hospital because of this multiple times 
-Mike hates olives and is so dramatic about it when he has to eat one, Ness will tell him that he should just eat it but Ness will eventually just eat it for him bcuz of Mikes dramatic ass
-When William came home after kidnapping Garret he was like “Vanessa I have a surprise for you” and he just showed her Garret in his car trunk and thought it was the funniest thing ever
-Abby chews on plastic 
-William told Vanessa when she was like really young all the gross details of his murders and she’d just sit there scribbling it all down like: “Then his brother ran after the car while yelling carrot, why would you name a kid carrot” 
-Mike and Abby once spent like 30 hours building a big Lego thing but Abby accidentally knocked it over and it shattered into a million pieces and then Mike cried 
-When they came home from the pizzeria aunt jane was just still dead in their living room and so Mike had to explain that she was in fact not sleeping
-The walls in Abby and Mikes house are really thin so Mike would just be crying himself to sleep and Abby would just be trying to sleep in the other room like: 😥
-Mike will tell Abby about some badshit older sibling lore and she just look at him like: 😰
-Mike uses 17 in 1 body wash, shampoo, conditioner, tooth paste, shaving cream, olive oil, brake fluid, lotion, lube, mouthwash, deodorant, milk, dental wax, eye drops, baby oil, lighter fluid, banana pudding 
-Aunt Jane tried to use the fact Mike uses 17 in one body wash against him in court
-Max used to take Abby to do teenage hooligan shit with her friends and they’d all have so much fun
-Abby would tell her bully’s that Mike and Vanessa both use weapons at their jobs and they will beat them up and no one believed her until they picked her up from school in uniform.
-The main four animatronics still try to play in the pizzeria like when they were alive but they can only play in the ball pit, Bonnie got stuck in the slide once and it was a whole ordeal.
k that’s all for now I’ll post more later because I literally have a whole ass Google doc so okay byye 😘😘😘
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You can't just leave me like that😭 I need to know razor's lore PLEASE
Ugh fiiiine since you're asking i GUESS i will talk about the oc lore 🙄🙄🙄 (silly)
So we all know the hit show lego nexo knights if you don't honestly skill issue have you been living under a rock or something lololol imagine
Well in nexo knights there's a knights school shocker i know a school of knights?? What a novel idea
It the start of the extensive oc plot that me n a few friends have been making up as we go razor n their friends are in the knights academy
However plot twist razor is a actually a MONSTER!!! can you believe that a monster in the killing monsters 101 place that's crazy
Since razor is a basilisk they can disguise themself so no one can tell they're a monster well no one but the besties
Their friendgroup are @/merloksdigitaltoes ocs cherry🐍 sage🐦 n trace🐐 and @/stellarwaffles oc talya☀️ + a surprise addition that will join later🦈 wink wink we call them the chimera pride :)
Anyways academy arc doesn't really have much plot it's just the characters getting introduced to each other n hanging out
Sage adopted trace as his friend while cherry adopted razor meanwhile cherry n trace were beefing but dw they make up all 4 of them are friends now yippee 👍talya joins the academy later in the years n joins the friendgroup cause gaydar for monsters
Apocalypse arc is based on the sadly cancelled s5 where the gang are basically trying to not die
Talya gets infected big L just don't get infected loser trace dies but then comes back then dies again skill issue n the other three are just going thru it™️
At the end of the arc razor graduates but not the rest of the friendgroup cause um have you considered being older?? Idiots 🙄
Fish arc is the MAIN main arc we think about that lore needs like 10 pages on it's own
This takes place like a year or 2 after the last arc when the group all graduated a lot of ppl are going missing in the peaceful seaside town of forgetavile n as their first group mission the gang are tasked w figuring out what's going on n fix the issue
Turns out fish ppl have been kidnapping the ppl of forgetavile 😱😱 the knights try to do something but thise fishes are smart dealing with them is no easy and oh no this glowy mean fish lady put a curse on cherry wtf
So they're all staying at forgetavile trying to stop more ppl from going missing until they deal with the fish pp also they find this weird fish twink washed up on shore? He's talking a lot of nonsense about a place called totallynotatlantis and this loser named agniss? Idk he looks gay
Maybe some day I'll post all the fish arc drawings i never posted it'll take days to post all of them lol
Last arc in the timeline is cayne/mimic arc this one involves another grouo of ocs
So remember how razor is a basilisk? Ok hear me out what if there was another basilisk n HEAR ME OUT!! What if he was EVIL
This evil basilisk is named cayne explaining the name of the arc n he was actually annoying the other oc group before the gang got intangled with the plot
The other group minus one are still in the academy so when they found this loser trying to commit identity fraud they asked the older moe experienced group to help (they will later regret this decision)
We don't have a clear story w this one it's just cayne going around committing identity fraud all over the room also sage n that fish twink are missing from that arc i bet they're kissing i hate those homosexuals
I gotta stop talking now the ops are onto me i got too mentally ill
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fromtheboundlesssea · 3 months
HotD Season 2 Episode 2 Live Watch Thoughts
Seriously, I absolutely adore this new opening style. I really hope that they continue with this for the coming seasons (and in the other shows). The tapestry stuff is so pretty! Like I’m actually willing to watch through it. I usually just skip intros after watching them the first time.
Ugh. The bloody sheet. 😭
And now there are a ton of people 🫥 where were they before?
And Cole got dressed fast.
ooooooo is Aemond going to find out that he was the one targeted? Are we not even going to get a proper reaction to him being told that his nephew is dead?
Man Otto looks shaken.
Take all of Alicent’s pain and give it to Daemon.
“But what they’ve done to my girl” 😭😭😭😭😭
I hate that Alicent is always made to feel as though she is at fault for everything but NONE of the other characters seem to feel the same sort of guilt, worthily had or otherwise?
Oooooooof yelling at Criston!
“The sanctity of my family!” 😭
“The Bitch Queen of Bastards” is a killer title though.
“You wished her life to be spared!” I’M—
Who else would it be random dude I have yet to know the name of (Jasper)? Who else? Sure someone who wants to start conflict.
Why are Rhaenys’ actions not viewed negatively? She killed hundreds of people.
“I will not have my little son’s body dragged through the street like a dead dog” WHERE ARE THE EMMYS?!?!
“My darling” 😭😭😭😭😭😭🤣🤣
“I don’t want them closer. I don’t know them.” MY BABY
“This is for my boy” 😭
Why would you still use the goldcloaks? Especially since we don’t have Alicent’s brother leading them yet?
THE SEWN HEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!
“Are you going to hurt me?” YOU MURDERED A CHILD!
The petals like ashes 😭
My poor child who does not want to be touched 😭
Girl, you have shown no interest in your sister until it now suits you.
Rhaenys is catching on.
You are not even talking about how that CHILD is your nephew.
Whichever twin do you wonder if things would have been different had you stayed?
Good Rhaenyra seems to have caught on too.
Good. Don’t believe him Rhaenyra. He destroys so much of your good PR. People think he killed his first wife and murdered your first husband! People are going to assume bad things!
Good call him out. But why did you not notice all these things when PEOPLE POINTED THIS OUT TO YOU.
Do not like Rhaenyra, but get the HECK AWAY FROM HER DAEMON
OOOOOO still calling it his brother’s throne instead of Rhaenyra’s!!!!
Emma out here with their acting!
Rhaenyra. Rhaenyra mention your brother! Mention Baelon!
Ooooo Daemon calling out why part of Viserys named her heir.
Emma is so gorgeous. I am distracted.
“It was a mistake” this entire war is based on mistakes and misunderstandings apparently.
Yay! Baela talked!
Ooooo! Baela and Rhaenyra will actually have a conversation!
So Baela is going to watch King’s Landing?
Is it just me or does Baela’s dress sort of remind you guys of the ribbing of Sansa’s coronation dress? That ribbing embroidery thing? At first I thought it might be meant to mirror Rhaenyra’s dress, but it looks more like Sansa’s coronation dress.
Oh good. Helaena has ladies.
AEGON AND HELAENA! My babies are hurt!
Do you think this is the same nursery Criston watched the Green kids grow up in?
Rhaenyra sort of staring at her kids.
I wish we saw them interacting more with the babies.
My guilt ridden babies. They are Guinevere and Lancelot coded and it hurts.
But honestly, I wish this episode had been their first sex scene and the implied first time they have ever had sex. But you know. Game of Thrones. HBO. They have to make one woman be the sex-ed character. Who cares about writing?
all the guys getting up and leaving is SOOOOO funny. It’s giving “calling my significant other’s full name in front of his family”
Acting is giving this episode. I will give them that.
I like that while the Green twin does not like being question, you can tell he is not fully angry because he knows that everyone is angry about this.
Is Criston the one to send the Green twin to kill Rhaenyra in the book? I know the twins fight, but is this how it is initiated?
I wish we actually saw more of the twins before episode 9 so we could care a little more that the twins die. Both of them die don’t they?
Ooo Baela and Jace are going to talk?
“Too many empty seats” maybe because a child was murdered?
You hate your dad Baela? Would have loved some characterization last season.
You definitely have Dad issues Jace.
Wish we saw Laenor be a dad. Like actual parenting. Time skips really robbed us of growing to like characters.
You’re asking about Harwin?
Are you flirting while talking somewhat casually about Jace’s bastardry?
They really did find an actress that kind of looks like Phia for whatever this prostitute is going to be used for.
Also, if this is in King’s Landing, that prostitute might have been one of the women Daemon would have went after.
Good lord. No. Really. Aemond deserves more.
Ewan is also skinny. I can see that boy’s ribs!
“When prince’s lose their temper it is others that suffer” is a great line wasted on a character who seemingly preyed on a child.
Oh, Hugh has a kid? Is that canon to the books? OH! That was one of the women at the funeral crying over Jaehaerys.
“Did he say when?” Probably better to ask if he promised before HIS SON WAS MURDERED!
Addam! I wish he had white hair so I could use him as a faceclaim. But I get it. Who wants an ugly wig distracting from the beautiful face?
Interesting. Are Alyn and Addam going to serve as an older version of Jace and Luke?
Post sex Corlys and Rhaenys?
“Let us take him at his word.” Why? What has he done to inspire so much confidence when he already is the reason for the murder of a CHILD
Why is Mysaria granted the title of Lady?
“I had nothing to do with it” you are connected.
Does Rhaenyra not remember Mysaria? They met in episode 2 last season? I think she was even named in his letter as his “wife” and future mother of a bastard?
Oh good. Now she remembers.
Is that the actress’ actual accent?
“I have no interest…” Mysaria, again, why would she trust you?
Mysaria’s character is so confusing. I think it’s partially because she doesn’t have any sort of characterization.
Mysaria, are you not still a whore? You are just a madam now?
How did you get that scar?
Again, the spaces inbetween episodes are so important. And I don’t watch the after the episode stuff because if it’s not in the episode then I won’t use it to cloud my judgement of what is going on.
Is Alyn going to claim Seasmoke? So is Laenor just going to be dead? Or are they going to make it so dragons can claim more than one person? Or is Laenor alive and to keep up the facade is just going to pretend to be Alyn?
“What did they do?” At least inform the people why the boys are hung.
Poor dog lost his child murdering master.
“Oh~ I had them hanged.” I’m sorry that choice is 🤣
No, but why would you not state that the rat catchers are some how connected to the murder of a prince?
That gaze shift from Criston was a “don’t drag me into this” look
If people get annoyed with Criston calling Rhaenyra a bitch then they need to go after Daemon with the same amount of energy. He has said it WAY more.
Viserys is the reason the realm has gotten to this point Otto.
“He was right about you.” Viserys had no thought about his son at all to have an opinion.
Would have loved to see more of a relationship between Otto and his grandchildren so all of this could feel more weighted.
And Criston does not want this. 😬
“You will regret this” Otto you need to figure out how to talk to people. You are smarter than this.
Why would you trust someone Daemon trusted?
Oh? Mysaria is going to be sent away? Okay. The point then?
Oh, is she going to notice the Green twin? Is that her only purpose then? Girl? You are about to be free! Why do you care? (Jk. I know it’s for plot)
Again. I wish I knew these brothers and Mysaria more so I can feel the weight of their actions. Mysaria’s need for freedom being thrown away or make it obvious that she is trying to curry favor. Something.
And Emma’s color is blue.
The man also doesn’t know his way around Dragonstone. It’s a stupid plan.
Why is this scene building more tension than Blood and Cheese by flipping between the Green twin and Rhaenyra? Like???? This is how B&C should have been set up?
Also, if you knew someone had a twin on the other side, why would you not do something to distinguish them?
Jk, again, I know why, it’s for the sake of making the Blacks ALWAYS looking better and deserving more sympathy.
Again, I would care more about these twins if I knew them
Once more. This tension would have been better served for B&C.
DAERON MENTION!?!?!?!? He exists?
“The young are peacocks” does that not also describe Viserys too?
“I have sinned.” “I do not wish to hear of it.” The only actual father-daughter relationship that has any sort of solid development.
Loved the close up on Aegon’s short finger nails and Viserys’ ring.
AND ALICENT TALK TO YOUR SON. Ugh. But no. Let’s just have Alicent be used for the necessary sex scenes needed in a GoT/HBO show instead of having more character plot with her children.
I do think this would have been a better introduction to them having sex.
This was a meh episode.
Thoughts on the promo for Episode 3:
So Jace won’t be the one to suggest the dragonseed?
Also, where was Rhaena? I thought she was in the promo for episode 2?
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motownfiction · 25 days
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Emma tries not to read into it when Paul comes back from Orlando, and she’s the first person he wants to see back at home.
She scurries out the door to meet him at his apartment. She’d get out of there faster if her mother wasn’t walking up to the door with that disapproving look in her eye.
“Where are you going so fast?” Lucy asks.
“Out,” Emma says.
“You never go out.”
“I go out. I meet up with Daisy.”
“Daisy’s not in the city.”
“Why are you keeping tabs on my best friend?”
“I love her. We text.”
Emma rolls her eyes. She tries to get past Lucy, but even in her fifties, Lucy hasn’t lost a bit of her speed (mental or physical).
“You’re really not getting this, are you?” Lucy asks.
“I guess not.”
“I want to know where you’re going!”
“Why? I’m twenty-six. I don’t even live here. I’m just hanging out because my apartment is boring, and you have better food.”
“Because I’m an old woman! I don’t have fun. I don’t hear gossip that anyone wants to hear. Forgive me if I’m curious about the comings and goings of my youngest daughter’s life.”
“Way more goings than comings. I’ll tell you that.”
“Ah, then you’re doing it wrong.”
“Who says it’s me?”
Lucy stifles a laugh. There’d be no doubt in anyone’s mind that Emma is her daughter. She has the very same blessings (and the very same curses).
Emma sighs.
“If you really must know,” she says, “Paul’s back from his conference in Florida, and he invited me over.”
Lucy makes exactly the face that Emma was trying to avoid. A mixture of disappointment and confusion. Great.
“Don’t give me that,” Emma says.
“Why not?” Lucy asks. “You’re the one rushing to see a boy.”
“A man.”
“Emma. He has a Lego Bat Signal mounted on his bedroom wall. He’s a boy.”
“Well, I think it’s charming. And besides, what does it matter if I’m excited to see him? You got married to a boy when you were sixteen.”
“That was different. I was pregnant, and I was madly in love with your father. You’re not madly in love with this Paul guy.”
Emma looks down at her shoes.
“Emma,” Lucy says. “You’re not in love with him.”
The conversation tapers off after that. There’s not much you can say when your mother insists you don’t feel the way you know you do. Emma mutters an awkward goodbye and makes her way to the apartment she knows pretty well.
When she knocks on the door, Paul doesn’t answer. It’s Mack (short for Malcolm, which is usually how he introduces himself). Paul’s roommate, going into his third year of a Ph.D. in English. He’s a postmodern scholar who has, on more than one occasion, joked that Ignatius J. Reilly is his best friend. No offense to Paul, of course, whom he’s known since middle school. No offense to him at all.
He stands in the doorway with a bright orange popsicle in his hand, grinning even with his eyes behind Buddy Holly frames. Urban Outfitters fell out of fashion a long time ago, but nobody ever told Mack. He’s taller than Paul, a bit over six feet, and his thick, dark hair makes him closer to classically handsome. At least, that’s how Paul describes him when he’s feeling insecure (which is way more often than he’d be willing to admit on a normal day).
“Hey, Riff,” Mack says.
“I hate when you call me that,” Emma says.
“Hey, don’t blame me. Blame your parents for middle naming you Jett.”
“So, why do you call me Riff when there are so many other things you could call me?”
“Like what?”
“You could call me Ice. Numbers. Tony. Hell, you could call me Joan. That’s how the Jett in my name is spelled, anyway. Two T’s.”
“Nah. I like Riff. There’s something real Russ Tamblyn-y about your dad.”
“Whom you met once.”
“Yeah, and he was Russ Tamblyn-y. Next.”
“Just let me in, Mack.”
Without taking his eyes off her, Mack yells to Paul at the back of the apartment.
Emma’s heart jumps when she hears Paul’s voice in person. How long has it been? Two weeks? Three? She hates it when he’s not around, but now, he’s right here! Her face flushes.
“I think your friend Riff is a vampire.”
“What makes you say that?”
His voice gets closer, and then, he’s at the door. He’s at the door! Emma swallows hard to keep from giggling like a little girl. He’s wearing a navy t-shirt and a pair of shorts. Typical look for the summer. Very plain. She likes it when he’s plain. Makes him feel … feel.
“Well, she asked me to invite her in,” Mack says. “I can only assume that means she needs permission, and I can only assume she wants to suck our blood.”
Emma rolls her eyes. Thankfully, Paul is chuckling.
“Come on,” he says. “Even if she’s a vampire, I want to see her. Emma, come in.”
When she walks through the door, she’s not sure how she should greet Paul. She wants to kiss him, throw her arms around his neck, tell him how much she’s missed him lately. But she can’t do any of that. Not in front of Mack, and not ever, at all. She opts for an awkward wave from across the room, almost like they’ve never met.
“Hi,” she says.
“Hey,” he says. “It’s really good to see you.”
She hopes she’s not blushing too much.
A few seconds later, Mack walks by with a red popsicle, just for Emma. She flips her stare between the popsicle and Mack for a few seconds before he explains.
“Thought this might give you the visual of sucking blood,” he says. “Although, maybe you’d like to suck the blood out of something else.”
Emma takes a long, long drag on the red popsicle. Cherry. Perfect.
She slips it out of her mouth and narrows her gaze.
“This’ll do,” she says. “For now.”
Mack laughs and wanders out of the living room, muttering something under his breath about being outsmarted. Emma turns back to Paul, grinning from ear to ear, damn near glittering like he does whenever he laughs.
“So, that was weird,” she says.
But judging by the panicked look on Paul’s sweet face, maybe it wasn’t weird after all. Maybe it was exactly what he had been expecting.
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randomsloredrops · 4 months
Random's Lore Drops - Socially Anxious Lemon, Alpine Heights- (/j)
Well, if you've been catching onto the wacky-af trend of my posts not referring to the characters by the right name, then this one isn't a surprise. That's right...
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The one who made the mfin amalgamates is here, ready for her post. After all, her fish gf already got one, why not her? Plus, like in chronological order, shes in hotland. and also the first (excluding sand undertable who sits there, and undyne who wants you DEAD) major character you meet.
there we go, made a keep reading. time to YAP to my hearts content. Now then. About that part where you meet her for the first time? Well, it's true. But she doesn't meet you for the first time there. Because...
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THIS MF'S BEEN SPYING ON YOU (ignore the frick beneathstory). In this bush is a camera, and when you meet her, it's revealed that she's been using those cameras to watch you. Yeah, she literally just watches you throughout the whole game. AND she also made the tile puzzle that Papyrus uses, and it's assumed that she rigged it so you could get through first try. She's the socially anxious lemon that people are split on apparently. First, because she made the amalgamates and went into a mental breakdance- i mean breakdown breakdown (IS THAT A JOJO REFERE-) and completely went back on her promise to return the people to their family, because she thought that everybody would want her dead. She's also the one who made Flowey, as the True Lab only has notes on Alphys' progress with the DT + Monsters (and inanimate objects), GASTER DOES NOT HAVE ANY FUCKING RELEVANCE IN THE TRUE LAB ASIDE FROM ROOM GASTER WHERE ONLY ONE THING MADE BY HIM IS THERE, LITERALLY ALL OF THE OTHERS ARE BY ALPHYS. Mettaton is also a creation of Alphys, made by making a robot body and letting a ghost inhabit it, with the ghost being Napstablooks cousin (also Mad Dummys/Mad Mew Mews cousin), and... Alphys is lesban. Yeah, she likes Undyne. She's a LEGO CITIZE- wait that's not the term. Uhhhh, SHE'S A LESBIAN! Nothing bad about that tho. Also according to my sources (mettaton/the wiki), Alphys also had a crush on Asgore, but not as much as Undyne, so, uh... she's bi, not lesber. Wild, ain't it? She, despite having the power to deactivate EVERYTHING, every puzzle, every trap, everything. Despite her power to do that, she doesn't do it. Instead, she makes you do the puzzles, and when YOU fumble, she goes all 'ah fuck, i messed up' and starts talking down on herself. Yeah, she's depressed. That's, uh... Surprisingly all I can find. I literally went on this to add onto the draft to post it, but seriously, what the fuck? This feels shorter than all the other posts. ...Oh yeah also she never frees the amalgamates except for in the pacifist ending and a neutral ending where she becomes the ruler of the Underground (it's abandoned genocide in hotland, where you kill Undyne in the Undying form, then abandon geno), where she outright tells you that she should've just killed you when she had the chance, BUT, it also made her become a better person as well. So, here's the rant about the Alphys neutral ending to extend reading time. Honestly, she's actually sort of right. She KNEW you were killing, she has cameras to watch you EVERYWHERE, and she also controls the puzzles and stuff around the map. However, it also forced herself to reveal what happened to the Monsters who had Fallen Down and were taken. Instead of what she actually thought, which, honestly, I'd think I'd be hated for making the amalgamates if I did make them, she actually got praised for being able to make the fallen Monsters live, even if they're blended in together. It was a means to an end after all. The Monsters were going to die, so, it really is a miracle, isn't it? ✋︎💧︎☠︎🕯︎❄︎ ✋︎❄︎✍︎
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dreadnoughtus · 10 months
Liveblogging after taking an edible and watching
game awards
I don't know what these games are
Oh wait assassins creed VR??
Got distracted my friend texted me.
The dress is kinda flapper ish you know not in a bad way it's fine
What did Forza just win
Oh that's cool good for them I don't drive cars
The height differences......
This would freak me out being on live TV I would hate it ohmygod
Wait huh hometlstuck
This is such strange vibes
Sign language is so sick tho
Why isn't there a general neutral version of mommy and daddy
Oh here come the names I don't know
I'm playing Sandrock while I watch this
Would it be weird if your kid immediately called you by your name like would that fuck them up or
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Was told to use beepbo
Alright I'm back
Jk gusher break
I'm fucking clappiny
Ok but this game fucks
This is about persona 3 btw
I'm absolutely freaking out over her writing
Wait is it a bit
She's in a silly goofy mood
Oh never mind I wanted more burning things in a fireplace game
Cool if you're into goo.
I'm a googetter myself
Omg remember this
Ok but I'm hype
I'm gay
Hell yea hell yea
Remember when Rocco was sitting all by himself on camera
Guys I really don't hope someone says some dumb shit on stage again
Geoffs walking out music is cracking me up
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Get you a mans who sends you two chairs and a table through the mail
Omg remember his speech last year lmao
Oh it's a bit
What is this lol
Is this a roast
My fucking boyfriendddd
Idris where you at
Idris you're missing the fanciest night in gaming
Our boyfriend won!!!
.....what is he wearing lmaoooo
Security BEEFY this year
Aww omg
He wore his armor I'm dead
I need to replay baldurs gate NOW
That's right baldurs gate!!!! You can fuck a bear!!!!
Geoff relax
Huh lol
Immediate fanservice
...I'm dying
Turned him on??????
Is he gonna fuck us????
This isn't interstellar
Damn bro
Wet Chair :/
Daddy's back
Oh free dayum ok
Geoff has the air of a man who presents this as if he himself made these games
Goose guy 2
Wait this is great
This is my kind of game
I love this
Fuck gta6 I got Big Walk
Is this fornite Lego????
What the huh
Took a break for ice cream
I just got the news Wonka will be presenting
They give them less speech time than on the Oscars
Oh wait this is the cool lady
Gonzo has good taste
Cocoon was good
Ok Sega ok!!!!!
Hold up anime game I'm awake
Oh nice ok I'm into it
Alan Wake sweep
Apparently the site you have to login into to get a steam deck for whatever is crashing crazy lol whoopsie
I liked venba!!
His boy
I'm scared that's just a video
Not the fog machine
His broach is wild
I'm so glad kojima is finally making the movie he wanted to make
Is this wrestling
This is a WILD collaboration
They have my support
Movies and games!!!!
Ohhh dinosaurs?? I'm too scared to play this
Everything is fortnite now we are all assimilating into fortnite
Monkey 👍👍👍
I cannot escape suicide squad
Nooooot a fan of the remix
Where do I aquire claws
What is Warframe sorry
Good games!! I loved tchia
This looks sick, ori vibes
So many cool looking games
Man with ponytail?????
I want to play rebirth so bad
SHUT UP STOP lol huh?????
Sea of stars was meh sorry I said it
Omg I forgot about hades 2
Cutting to ads from ads is so funny
Holy shit he almost killed the camera guy with one kick
Anthony Mackey doing crowd work lmao
He's zooted
Thank you for the meme s
Thanks for the memeorys
Steve Martin looks different
There's 3 genshins now
Hell yeah democrazy
Are these guys a big deal I just don't know
I feel like I need to have played Alan Wake I guess
Ok but they are shredding
Ok I'm ready for bed how much longer
Stop flirting on stage
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Gamer snax
We get it you're a voice actor 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄
Ok wait the armor??? Ok nice
It's funny tho cause the last thing I liveblogged was last of us, good show
The PR glowup for no man's sky was impressive no doubt
No mans sky 2!
We're always talking about mountains
Dragons so I'm in
Can I be a wolf man
Badass title
Stretching this is what I'm always saying unironically to everyone
I love tonberry king
Omgggg monhun!!! Chocobo
Huh what modded controller???
He flutin
Gotyyyy let's goo lol
Bg3 🫡🫡🫡
I sleep 😴
I'm not reading this back
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newwavesailor · 9 months
Thoughts on the upcoming Garfield Movie (2024) [SUPER LONG POST]
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Chances are, unless you've been living in a remote cave in the mountains, you are aware that there's a new Garfield movie coming out in 2024. Yes, that's right. Twenty whole years after the disastrous live-action movie, and seventeen years following that film's sequel, and we are treated to the fat cat's antics on the big screen once more -- In full animation, no less.
However, you're probably aware of another quite notable aspect of this upcoming popcorn flick. An aspect of the film that has drummed up endless controversy, and it's the fact that the titular feline is voiced by none other than the internet's favorite punching bag, Chris Pratt.
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Now, something like this isn't new. I remember when The Super Mario Bros. Movie was in the works, and they announced the cast, hearing the fact that this far-from-Italian man was going to be playing one of the most prolific video game characters of our time no doubt turned many people off. (It certainly didn't help that the trailers for said film showed him speaking in a so-called "normal voice") But once the film actually came out people had already started to warm up to him playing Mario.
But him playing Garfield somehow broke the entire internet, and it looks like people aren't going to be warming up to it the way they warmed up to Mario.
I personally think it boils down to the fact that Chris Pratt is already an pretty well un-liked name in the movie industry. First and foremost, there's his political controversies. I'm not going to go into too much detail, as I like to avoid talking about politics on my Tumblr, but Pratt has a well-documented history of racist actions. In 2019, he once wore a Gadsden flag on a T-shirt, a flag designed during the American Revolution which has been co-opted by white supremacists. He has also worn a Betsy Ross star baseball hat, which although not widely considered as racist, has been tied to other racist controversies, most notably one with Nike that same year. And let's not forget that Chris' brother, Cully Pratt, may be a member of the far-right supremacist militia Three Percenters, and Chris himself has alleged ties to the Zoe Church, a church in Australia that practices anti-LGBTQ+ conversion therapy.
So, yeah. He's not exactly what I would call a clean individual. On top of all this, he's seen as a rather boring individual by some, and upon reading up on these controversies, it sort of soiled my enjoyment of his other films, such as the aforementioned Mario and the Lego Movie.
Going back to Garfield, the other thing I would like to bring up is the fact that Garfield really only has two genuine voice actors (or three depending if you consider the live-action movies canon)
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Without a doubt, the most well-known voice actor for Garfield was and still is Lorenzo Music, who portrayed the cat in numerous animated TV specials and the animated series Garfield and Friends. (1988-1994) He is the voice most people think of when they think of Garfield, but sadly, he passed away in 2001 at the age of 64. He also played other roles such as Peter Venkman in the The Real Ghostbusters, and Super Pac-Man in the Pac-Man animated series.
But it was Garfield that gave him stardom, and to this day, there are some people who say Garfield just doesn't sound the same unless it's done by him. But here's the kicker - He's been dead for 22 years. So, we need to find replacements.
Garfield's most prevalent voice actor for the past few years (while not the only one) has been Frank Welker, a voice actor who has acted in countless cartoons, but is easily best known for his long-running role as Fred Jones in the Scooby-Doo franchise, as well as voicing Megatron in numerous iterations of the Transformers franchise. Welker's role as Garfield has also been the source of controversy; You either love him or hate him, so I'm told.
Long tangent over. Back to the movie. What do I think? I'll give you my thoughts in the form of a checklist.
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✅I like the trailer.
✅I don't like Chris Pratt's voice. (Or, just him in general.)
✅I think this film may will still be somewhat decent.
One of the defining (and probably most jarring) bits of the trailer to me is unfortunately, Chris Pratt's voice. As someone who grew up accustomed to hearing either Lorenzo Music or Frank Welker coming out of Garfield, hearing this distinctly human-sounding voice seemed rather odd. It worked with Mario, I think, because Mario himself is a human. Garfield is a well-fed tabby cat with the personality of a grumpy old man. And hearing Chris Pratt's rather upbeat voice coming out of him sounded rather jarring.
But in a way, I kind of liked it... at first. I thought it sounded not too far off from Frank Welker's Garfield voice, just with a slightly higher pitch. So, what made me change my mind?
Hot take incoming!
I think it may have had something to do with me learning about Chris Pratt's racist past and right-wing ties. That might have soiled it for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm still probably going to see the movie. But I feel that if you do go out to see this movie, at least be somewhat aware of who you're giving money to. I know the people who watch Guardians of the Galaxy aren't necessarily bad people because they watch Chris Pratt as Star-Lord. But they need to be somewhat aware of the kind of people getting royalties.
So now, whenever I hear Chris Pratt's voice coming out of one of my cartoon icons, all I can really think is "This guy is a piece of crap in real life." And it's a shame too, because there's one part in the trailer that shows Pratt can deliver a decent, Garfield-y sounding voice.
In the part where Vic (Garfield's father, played by Samuel L. Jackson) asks if Garfield has ever jumped out of a train, Garfield responds with "I've never jumped." And this phrase is delivered in a deep monotone that sounds perfect for Garfield. I figure if the entire trailer had been done in that voice, it would have had a far less negative reaction from fans.
As for the rest of the trailer, it honestly looks good. I particularly like the character designs, and yes, Baby Garfield is just precious. Forget Baby Yoda, this one wins the award for cutest marketable character.
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I'd also heard some people complaining about Odie's design. I previously made a post talking about how Odie's design may have been based on his original 1978 version, so I won't bring it up here.
Personally, once you can get past the confusing mess that was Chris Pratt's vocal performance, you get what looks like a decent film. I imagine it will end up a lot like the Mario movie -- Not a real critic pleaser, but I'm sure fans of the franchise will like it okay.
So, to put if brief, I'm somewhat excited. But I'm also in a conflict of interest. I honestly don't mind other people doing the voice of Garfield. I personally believe that people can be so bound to their nostalgia that to hear something that looks familiar but sounds different can come across as somewhat uncanny.
I grew up with Garfield. I had the Garfield and Friends: Behind the Scenes DVD as a child. I loved that DVD, and the free mini Garfield plush that came with it. So growing up, I knew Lorenzo Music as Garfield, despite being born after his death. So hearing Lorenzo's voice is nostalgic to me. But I refuse to let nostalgia get in the way of criticism. Just because something's new doesn't instantly mean it's bad.
With that being said, Chris Pratt as Garfield isn't terrible. He's just not a great Garfield. If the folks at Alcon Entertainment could replace him with a better voice actor, that would be great. But sometimes, it's not that easy. We are so close to May of 2024, and by then, the film will already be out. It would take a good while for them to scrounge a new Garfield voice. The first Sonic the Hedgehog movie had to be delayed a good few months to tweak the character design, and I imagine it would be the same if they were to find a new Garfield.
So in closing: Chris Pratt as Garfield? Big, fat hairy deal.
(Edit 1/1/2024: I reworded part of the ending to reflect my feelings about the voice a bit better.)
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thefandom-casserole · 9 months
Episode 48 Notes-
THE BEETLES MY BELOVED <3333333333333333333
This makes me so happy
I’m in science listening to this
The shade witch my beloved 
TeenFact: Taylor has once constructed for himself a bow and arrow. So he used a red wood tree instead (which was illegal) and then it snapped immediately. He’s an ecoterrorist (JUST LIKE THE REAL ONE). He found the oldest tree in the world
The kattttttt
“You can’t just throw things and just expect the cat to find it!!” 
TeenFact: Lincoln added laxatives to the other kids that joined the homeschooling group with Marco.
TeenFact: Normal has no recollection of his small arms training he apparently learned at daddies hq. BUT he’s always had a very very good trigger discipline
Basically he should just come live near me I genuinely don’t think I know a single person who hasn’t shot a gun
TeenFact: Hermie’s funeral was the first funeral she’s ever been to, unless you count some AI robots funeral thing
If Beth writes a scifi novela I will absolutely read it and I hate almost every scifi
Anthony Fact: if you live in Canada he was in a charity show called the takeback 
Fuckable Henry Oak Garcia
I fucking love how many things are now ranger things now he’s a rouge
Mae Hailes mention!!!!!!
Ewwwwwwwwwwww this is such a good description holy shit
I fucking hate time shenanigans 
The whale 😭 
LEGO LINC :D !!!!!!!
Nat one noooooooooo Beth!!!!!!!!
He can’t play soccer without knees :ccccc
Nat twenty yayyyyyyyy Beth!!!!!!
A notnat one noooooooo Will!!!!!!
:cccc poor Normal the ring 😭 
The bracelet reminds me of the bracelets on the dragon (I can’t think of his name 😭)
He’s mid. I love that
Stepping on Legos really does suck 😭 
Sparrow is such a liarrrrrr omg
I fucking love jezz ball
The body pillow 💀 
Sparrow omg
(If we don’t go meta and blame Matt)
“I love you son but I will never forgive you for this”
“I know you did the best that you could but you needed to be much better”
Dang the guilt given to normal from this mannnnnn
Poor dood omg
The disassociation from Linc is so sad
I love him so much
Scary in this episode is immaculate. Beth May my beloved
“that’s all my family ever does”
Scary this is amazing
Scary you better fucking listen to your own advice
This reminds me of a rp I did a while ago with Scary and Taylor hmmmm
“Two world for me. And he doesn’t even like me”
Normal is so fucking Adaine coded it’s insane
The firefighters!!! I forgot about them
“And that’s why I don’t even like myself that much”
“That sounds like a him problem”
“I didn’t grow up into someone he can be proud of”
Some banger lines today
“Norm we’re proud of you”
“You’re the glue norm” !!!!!!!!!
“Your dad still hasn’t grown up into someone you should be proud of”
Damnnnn Linc that’s good
“At least you feel things”
Scary is so Fig Faeth coded I adore herrrrrrrrrrrr
I love how protective they are of Norm ahhhhh
The love wolf is bad at talking about feeling :c
This music is banger though
Wow Willy’s dc is low
69 nice
Cause why not
I fucking love Taylor and Freddie
Where was sparrow this whole time!!????? Shitttttttt
“Normal thanks, this was all you”
Vibing to the music
Huhhhh that does make sense about the elevators
That was certainly an episode 
Surprisingly didn’t make me sad 🤷 
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hekateinhell · 2 years
Any particular HC about Armand and Daniel on social media? Because personally I think that those two would kill the dances. (P.S. of you've already answered this my apologies for a repeat question)
Honestly, I feel in my soul that I have talked about this before, but I looked and looked and I just can’t find it… Either I’m that disorganized around here, or I’m losing it completely. Possibly and probably both.
I think in general we tend to forget that Daniel’s technically a baby boomer (yikes!), born in the 1950s, who spent at least a good 15 years climbing Marius’s walls in Brazil between post-QotD and pre-PL. He missed out on a lot of major technological advancements as they occurred.
And as for Armand, I imagine his obsession with modern tech cooled once he did his few centuries worth of catching up with Daniel during the Devil’s Minion years. He now has the context AND know-how to be more discerning in his tech/media/product consumption.
Now that it’s 2022 and he’s more or less caught up, Daniel is a memes dude. But his meme selection is embarrassing; traumatized bad boomer humor really coming through in the bi-weekly meme spam he posts to the coven Discord server, prompting Louis to text Armand and check-in. Every once in a while, he does manage to find the perfect historical meme to scandalize Marius on main. Only Lestat is worst behaved in the chat (but he does it intentionally).
Armand and Daniel both make good use of Pinterest. Daniel for Lego inspiration, Armand exclusively for interior decorating purposes. Armand hates the name Pinterest (it is not a proper word, nor is it slang), and calls it “The Pin Place” instead.
They LOVE YouTube. Armand pours over instructional how-to videos for things he’ll never, ever need to know—either because of vampirism or because he has enough money to outsource everything for the next 500 years. Together, they like to watch historical documentaries, and more kitsch mockumentaries, on their nights in after a hunt. “New” behind-the-scenes extras for their fav old films and movie reaction channels like ZZAVID are also top-contenders.
Armand had a very brief, ill-fated stint on Twitter. We don’t talk about it; neither does Twitter.
Daniel has a fake Facebook where he’s friends with his human nieces and nephews. They obviously don’t know it’s him and he doesn’t interact much, just checks in once in a while to see who’s getting married, who died, who had a baby, etc. It’s a strange and sometimes isolating experience being the only one in the immediate coven with family still living, and this is how he manages.
Benji’s millennial self did talk them into doing one TikTok dance, once. It was cute and hot as hell, went viral with 7M views.
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amanyxia · 10 months
I should be writing right now but answering random questions seems more interesting to me
1: Do you sleep with your closet doors open or closed?
Closed... Gotta keep my demons away from my dreams
2: Do you take the shampoos and conditioner bottles from hotel?
I do, except the last hotel I stayed at literally had them bolted into the shower, bastards
3: Do you sleep with your sheets tucked in or out?
Tucked under me like I'm in a cocoon
4: Have you ever stolen a street sign before?
No, but the thought was there..
5: Do you like to use post-it notes?
I honestly probably should but I haven't bought any to use. Maybe someday.
6: Do you cut out coupons but then never use them?
I used to, but now I avoid taking coupons at all for that reason. I'm too forgetful
7: Would you rather be attacked by a big bear or a swarm of a bees?
Bring on the bees, maybe I can reason with them better
8: Do you have freckles?
I have some in the summer
9: Do you always smile for pictures?
No, but I try to
10: What is your biggest pet peeve?
When people don't clean up after themselves, especially people at work
11: Do you ever count your steps when you walk?
12: Have you ever peed in the woods?
13: What about pooped in the woods?
I'm so spoiled to have a bidet that I don't think I could do it lmao
14: Do you ever dance even if theres no music playing?
No. I need to feel some music to dance
15: Do you chew your pens and pencils?
No, that's just abuse
16: How many people have you slept with this week?
I live a boring one-person life but that's alright, it's exciting enough for me
17: What size is your bed?
18: What is your Song of the week?
As They Bloom - Unlike Pluto
19: Is it okay for guys to wear pink?
20: Do you still watch cartoons?
Sometimes. I need to connect with my inner child more
21: Whats your least favorite movie?
I really hate War films, they just bore me
22: Where would you bury hidden treasure if you had some?
Somewhere abandoned but cool, like maybe an abandoned haunted house would be cool
23: What do you drink with dinner?
Water or Almond Milk
24: What do you dip a chicken nugget in?
Ketchup. I drown them in a delicious blood bath of ketchup.
25: What is your favorite food?
I really love pasta, or my homemade meatloaf is pretty damn fire too
26: What movies could you watch over and over and still love?
Tim Burton films, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Studio Ghibli films, just to name a few....
27: Last person you kissed/kissed you?
The dogs count as people right?
28: Were you ever a boy/girl scout?
Girl Scout!!
29: Would you ever strip or pose nude in a magazine?
Yeah, fuck it. I work hard on my body at the gym, it's looking pretty good.
30: When was the last time you wrote a letter to someone on paper?
Wasn't fully a letter and they're dead but, two months ago?
31: Can you change the oil on a car?
Love cars, don't know a thing about them
32: Ever gotten a speeding ticket?
No, because I don't drive but if I did drive I'm pretty sure I would
33: Ever ran out of gas?
34: Favorite kind of sandwich?
Turkey bacon from Subway is beast or just a quick bologna sandwich from my kitchen mmm, I'm basic
35: Best thing to eat for breakfast?
Big ass omellete
36: What is your usual bedtime?
1PM, I'm a night owl but I love my mornings more than my afternoons
37: Are you lazy?
I have my days
38: When you were a kid, what did you dress up as for Halloween?
A kitty! Meow :3
39: What is your Chinese astrological sign?
40: How many languages can you speak?
41: Do you have any magazine subscriptions?
42: Which are better legos or lincoln logs?
I'm more familiar with Legos
43: Are you stubborn?
44: Who is better…Leno or Letterman?
It's been a while, Leno...?
45: Ever watch soap operas?
God no. My parents used to watch Days of Their Lives and seeing that was enough
46: Are you afraid of heights?
Deathly, though going on rollercoasters and big waterslides this year helped some
47: Do you sing in the car?
If I'm vibing with what's playing, sure
48: Do you sing in the shower?
The shower is made for karaoke time
49: Do you dance in the car?
Kinda, I probably look more like I'm seizuring to the oncoming cars
50: Ever used a gun?
I have but not the deadly ones
51: Last time you got a portrait taken by a photographer?
Years ago
52: Do you think musicals are cheesy?
I think it really depends on the musical
53: Is Christmas stressful?
Technically, no. Traumatically? Yes.
54: Ever eat a pierogi?
I think so...
55: Favorite type of fruit pie?
56: Occupations you wanted to be when you were a kid?
Therapist, Writer, Photographer, Graphic Designer, Programmer..
57: Do you believe in ghosts?
Yeah, pretty sure work has a few somehow. Those poor ghosts
58: Ever have a Deja-vu feeling?
It happens quite a bit
59: Take a vitamin daily?
I take multiple vitamins
60: Wear slippers?
I did until the dog wanted a snack...
61: Wear a bath robe?
62: What do you wear to bed?
Oversized shirt, no pants = the way to go
63: First concert?
L.A. Guns I think...
64: Wal-Mart, Target or Kmart?
65: Nike or Adidas?
Honestly? Neither
66:Cheetos Or Fritos?
Fritos smell like dog feet but my salty ass loves them
67: Peanuts or Sunflower seeds?
I'll put any nut or seed in my mouth...
68: Ever hear of the group Tres Bien?
69: Ever take dance lessons?
Nope. Been dancing on my own since I was a kid though, I think I do alright
70: Is there a profession you picture your future spouse doing?
Eventually some kind of big leading position at his job
71: Can you curl your tongue?
Unfortunately, I don't have any cool tricks with my tongue...
72: Ever won a spelling bee?
Never ended up entering one in school, always wanted to. My spelling has always been pretty good
73: Have you ever cried because you were so happy?
Yeah, I'm a crybaby over anything though
74: Own any record albums?
Currently looking to build up my little collection
75: Own a record player?
76: Regularly burn incense?
Yeah, Dragon's Blood is best
77: Ever been in love?
78: Who would you like to see in concert?
Would really love to trip at a Tool show
79: What was the last concert you saw?
Last went to Emo Night. But as for a big concert, Incubus and Badflower with Paris Jackson. All amazing.
80: Hot tea or cold tea?
If it's not hot it's not for me
81: Tea or coffee?
Tea. All day every day. Coffee if I need that added speed but I typically don't appreciate the anxiety that comes after
82: Sugar or snickerdoodles?
I'm a slut for a good snickerdoodle
83: Can you swim well?
No, but my ass can keep me afloat pretty well
84: Can you hold your breath without holding your nose?
85: Are you patient?
Not really, a work in progress though 
86: DJ or band, at a wedding?
Imagine a band and how dope that'd be...
87: Ever won a contest?
I don't believe so
88: Ever have plastic surgery?
89: Which are better black or green olives?
Black olives 
90: Can you knit or crochet?
91: Best room for a fireplace?
Mmm big master bedroom with a nice fireplace. Sleepy time and sexy time would be a lot... hotter
92: Do you want to get married?
Yes but not... But also yes. It wouldn't be the end of the world if I didn't. Just as long as I have a loyal lover by my side is all I need.
93: If married, how long have you been married?
Imagine being with someone for 69 years. Do you think they do 69 to celebrate?
94: Who was your HS crush?
Some loud party girl that only played me in the end...
95: Do you cry and throw a fit until you get your own way?
Used to years ago. I grew up. Hit me if I ever do that again.
96: Do you have kids?
Just the four-legged babies
97: Do you want kids
No, but then I think I don't want to die alone. But the logical part of me says I couldn't handle it.
98: Whats your favorite color?
Red, Purple, Forest green are best colors
99: Do you miss anyone right now?
Yeah.... I do
0 notes
aotvfilm · 2 years
Hiya Holiday Pal here!! No, you need sleep and rest, it's a busy time of the year innit! :D
AKLJDFLKJSDF I'm sorry that made me laugh so hard, just the way you said it. Nothing wrong with hating cooking! That's very sweet of your partner! Aw, how lovely that they asked for money, and the other for legos, and wow, that's fantastic! There are so many good kids books out there! I will be exchanging gifts, mostly things such as calenders and soap and books, since all of my family is just my grandmother, uncle, mother and twin brother, and our doggy! So it's going to be super exciting to see the dog with a three foot piece of rawhide made from buffalo! LOL ! Also getting them items such as soap, lotion, calendars, and ornaments, and books! Not too exciting but I hope they enjoy them!
Escapade is so good! It's fantastic! Oh my gosh I have so many. For now I'll send two. I read Lightning Strikes Twice last night, very well written, a bit too much smut for me though. I'd say two recs I have are Sodalite and Aventurine ( https://archiveofourown.org/works/21931873) and the domestic monsters series (https://archiveofourown.org/series/167063) hopefully you'll enjoy them! Important question, do you read Escapade with the playlist playing or do you read it silently?
It really is intense that it's almost 2023. OH I HAVE TO HEAR MORE ABOUT THE TOUR !!! WHAT WERE THEY ALL LIKE, WHAT WERE YOUR FAVORITE SONGS? No, no no one is judging you for running a Larrie instagram, I think it's spectacular!
Well you seem really wonderful and great yourself friend <3
Okay, yeah, the Witcher-- I've only watched S1-- not even S2, so I can't recommend S2 in good faith, and have heard it's not that good. I've written 35 for that fandom! I have not been able to write any Larry as of yet, espc with graduate school apps picking up rn, but I can't wait to!
Absolutely okay to have that fear, but I encourage you once more; you are more capable and a better writer than you think. Try a prompt, try a little drabble, see how it feels. You don't have to post it you know?
Hopefully this week is going better, so sorry about not replying very quickly. Sending you all the love <3
Holiday Palllll <3
Hi Holiday Pal <3
I love that you also get your dog something for the holidays! I do the same with my pets. Your gifts sound wonderful!
Yes Escapade was SOOO good! I read it a really long time ago so it was nice to reread. I read with the playlist on! How about you? Usually I have my headphones on while I'm reading fics so I appreciate when an author includes a playlist. I'll definitely check those fics out! One of the last fics I read that I really enjoyed was The Finish Line (Is A Good Place For Us To Start) https://archiveofourown.org/works/1136964/chapters/2298990 it was slow burn but at a perfect pace.
Oh the tour was so great! They opened with Midnight Memories and hearing Rock Me live was an experience. I was so fucking young though omg and my mom went with me. I also cried when they came out and I saw Louis for the first time. What is your favorite 1D album?? I'd do anything to go back in time and go to OTRA.
Also my instagram name was elounotachance. Tell me that isn't great
Wow 35 fics! That's impressive. I'm definitely going to try writing some more because I do think I could produce a coherent fic, I just give up on projects easily :(
What are you going to grad school for? I'm graduating from undergrad in march and I may go back to grad school in a few years. Definitely need a break from school right now though! Best of luck with your applications! xx
Talk soon friend x
0 notes
thenovelartist · 3 years
Boys as Dads - Tears of Themis Headcanons
I've been sitting on this for days, writing it after @luke-appreciator mentioned the boys as dads and henceforth planting the idea in my mind.
LOOK! Luke is living past his three year “time limit” goshdarnit! He gets to see his kids grow up!
And he has several of them with his MC (I’m thinking four or five.)
They were all mostly planned. (They were just rolling with however many they were blessed with until they decided to stop.)
When his first child was born, he cried. He didn’t think he’d get this opportunity, but now he’s a dad and feels overwhelmed by the blessing.
He is as involved in his kids’ lives as he possibly can be.
He’s the dad that will teach his kids how to fix everything.
Totally the hands-on dad of wrestling and headlocks and ruffling their hair.
Yes, even his girls, but in a slightly different context. Uses those moments to teach them self-defense. (Yes, he’ll do that to his boys, but he’s more concerned about his girls.)
That said, he’s very protective of his kids and wants to give them all the knowledge he can to make sure they can keep themselves safe.
Will try to get his kids into Sherlock Holmes.
One of his kids is named John after John Watson. It was actually MC’s idea, much to Luke’s surprise and delight.
When he’s away on mission (which already makes him sad because he doesn’t like being away from his precious family), he hates it when he has to go full dark mode. Because he’d at least like to call them and tell them good night if he can’t be there.
The king of pictures.
There are cameras scattered throughout the house so he can easily steal a picture whenever he wants to.
Will put together scrapbooks upon scrapbooks of photographs for all kinds of events. The kids get in on these activities, and it has become a bit of a family event to arrange the pages together.
Not a day goes by he takes for granted. Does not matter if he’s cleaning up diapers or one of his kids is sick or he’s having to do damage control when something gets out of hand. He cherishes all of it.
I see Vyn having one or two. Both were totally planned.
Mostly, he just sees children as patients, but now, he’s got two children he actually raises.
And the moment his first child is placed into his arms, he realizes with sickening clarity that his actions have a direct impact on their lives.
While he knew that beforehand, there was a moment it clicked, and Vyn felt himself change that day.
He strives to be the best father he can, minding everything he does to lead by example.
He didn’t have the greatest childhood, meaning he does everything he can to make sure his kids never have to experience the things he wished never happened to him.
He’s a bit of a helicopter parent despite knowing he needs to not be. All he wants to do is protect his kids, is that so wrong?
However, because of that, he happens to understand and sympathize with parents more now. His kids wrecked him in ways he didn’t think possible.
It’s a bit of a learning experience for him to allow his kids to learn on their own. He knows so much and wants to just tell them everything they need to know, but realizes that he can’t do that. He has to let them learn and grow in their own ways.
He wants to give his kids the best, from quality schooling to extracurricular activities. But he’s also is more than happy to teach them their way around the kitchen and garden as well as play games and do puzzles with them.
Also really enjoys reading them books at bedtime. A habit that will linger around for surprisingly long while.
He’s the dad that is glad to help with homework whenever they need it.
Always offers to listen to them and talk them through things. It would be pretty shameful if the psychiatrist couldn’t help guide his own kids through their own mental hurdles.
And he knows he did something right because his kids are comfortable talking with him about a lot of things, even in their teenage and young adult years.
Ends up the dad who has the best life advice that his kids eventually learn to always listen to even if they don’t appreciate it when they’re younger.
Ends up with a large family, both adopting and raising his own.
Probably two of their own, and two or three (or four… maybe five) adopted.
The kids they had were planned; the ones they adopted… not always. It tended to be a “this one grew on you unexpectedly” situation.
Loves all his kids equally, whether they’re his own or adopted.
Super supportive dad. Probably spoils his kids in praise and hugs.
That being said, he won’t coddle them. He’s all for supporting them, but knows when to allow his kids face the negative consequences of their actions. He’s an attorney, after all. This is his “justice” side showing.
But he’s fair. He will guide them the best he can but will let experience be the teacher if he needs to. And if experience is the cruel teacher of the day, he’ll be there, whether to pick them up, dust them off, and offer hugs or to talk them through how to best navigate the consequences and avoid the situation next time.
His schedule revolves around any and all events in his kids’ lives. Which, considering the size of his family, is a balancing act.
Days off are sacred. That is his time to spend with his family.
Nightly family dinners are a big thing in the Wing household. Game nights on weekends are even bigger. And louder.
He’s the dad that can go from tutus and tea parties to action figures and lego sets. Whatever his kids are up for, he’ll gladly participate.
Every year, for each kid’s birthday, will spend one-on-one time with them and do whatever they want to do for an entire day. With a big family, especially with the adopted ones, he knows it might be easy to feel lost in the crowd and doesn’t want any of his kids thinking that.
Once a year, they go on a week-long vacation somewhere in nature. No phones, no technology; this is family bonding time and time for kids to just run around and be kids.
All in all, grade A dad.
Ends up with two or three.
The first one was a surprise, and likely one more after that was not planned, either.
But the moment he holds his first child, a switch goes off in his mind and Marius matures, knowing he’s got not only his girl to protect and keep safe but now a helpless little one who’s wholly dependent upon him.
He’s probably the second most hover-y of the boys behind Vyn. And that’s less because he’s a helicopter parent and more because he knows he’s a target for people and is very concerned for his kids’ safety. So he’s hypervigilant of everything, including what school they go to, who they’re friends with, where they go, etc.
Their house… oh my…
He’s an artist, and he will inspire that in his kids. There’s paint, stickers, crayons, and markers freaking everywhere.
Oh, and art taped to practically every wall. And a few in his office.
Marks every major event down on a calendar. His assistant knows there will be hell to pay if there’s a scheduling mishap.
Never let him help with homework (unless it’s art). Because he’s the guy who will teach his kids the smartass answers to some questions, even if it gets his kids in trouble.
(Spoiler: his kids never mind and instead pick up his bad habits.)
(Much to MC’s chagrin. Will make Marius go sit in the corner, much to his children’s delight.)
Will put his kids into any extracurricular activities they want growing up.
Totally spoils them in that way.
But the minute they turn into little shits about their wealth? Say good bye to your technology for the next few days. Marius is all about spoiling his kids, but not rotten. Even he hates snotty rich people he has to deal with, and he’s not gonna let his kids be like that.
Loves spending time doing things with his kids. Up for anything from the midday ice creams when mom told them no to spontaneous adventures. Oh yeah, he’s that dad.
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cognitosclowns · 3 years
Reader has a baby and they bring them to work one day and them interacting with the group? Or maybe just headcannons about them with kids.
UHHHH THIS IS MOSTLY <33 BABYSITTING HCS ACTUALLY BUT CLOSE ENOUGH LMAO. also sorry this got so fucking long lmao i just loved this idea sm. its so fluffy.
OH SHE LOVES KIDDOS <33 I like to think she either has a kid of her own, or maybe a little sister? Either way she's so good with kids. If you need smb to look after your kid for a few hrs, drop em off at her office
SHES NOT AFRAID TO BE GOOFY WITH THEM. She'll let them do her makeup and smear it all over her face while,, she makes them look super adorable. She'll take a bunch of pictures w/ them too.
SHE LETS THEM TRY ON HER HEELS N SHIT?? they're stumbling around all over the place but they feel COOL so its fine
'Little Miss/Sir/Mx', usually doesn't use their name!!
'Little Mx <3 come here please, I'm not gonna have you go back to Y/N without some food in your stomach'
YEA SHE KINDA SPOILS THEM <3333 a buncha junk food and yummy treats and probably a buncha gifts whenever they visit.
She's their super fun Auntie Gigi now <333
'what do you feed a 10 year old?' Myc is just,, rummaging through Andre's sparse pantry n fridge.
'uhhh cheese.. and... g r a p essss?'
'woow is that so?' in that Way Of His
'>:( do you have any bright ideas???'
meanwhile the kid is like,, already getting into shit. Into all the shit. they probably steal some shinies from his bowl of Cool Shit He Found (tm)
ITS FINE THEY FIND ANDRE'S LEGOS AND ARE COMPLETELY DISTRACTED FOR LIKE,, 10 MINUTES TRYNA PRY TWO PIECES APART. andre absolutely joins them bc,, he forgot he had those!! oh fuck he used to built such cool shit w/ them!!
'what kinda fuckin adult has legos???' Myc is lovingly teasing him while he spoons Microwaved Mac N Cheese into a little bowl for the kiddo
'the COOL kind. Come play with us I saved you a pile.'
(... yea myc plays legos. by the end they all end up making this,, giant castle thing w/ a little place for the kid's Circus Tent that they made. They order takeout and inhale sweets and are all passed out in a pile on the floor when you come to get your kid)
'oh ffffffffffff- (remembers theres a kid)-fffffriiiiick?'
*the most unimpressed look* '... fuck shit piss!!!'
'MYC N O-'
I'm sorry he cannot stand kids. They're loud they're messy he never knows what to say. Any living human sub 15 he cannot tollerate. PLEASE NEVER GET HIM TO BABY SIT HE'LL BE SUCH A NERVOUS FUCKING WRECK.
he worries so much its gonna,, fall off smth and bonk it's head or explode or smth.
IF THEY'RE A LITTLE OLDER LIKE,,, IDK 13-17?? HE CAN PROBABLY MANAGE FINE AS LONG AS THEY DON'T GET IN HIS WAY TOO MUCH mdnsmds. he's still gonna worry himself into a fit.
He genuinely might use them as an assitant. Like sit them down by a filing cabinet and ask them to like,, sort stuff?? MSDNS HE'S VERY SURPRISED WHEN IT WORKS
VERY MUCH THE SAME. she doesn't explicitly hate kids,,, she just,,, really struggles with knowing what to do??
What do you say how do you interact with kids. her parents were awful she literally has No Clue What You're Supposed To Do When You Baby Sit
She mostly just sticks them in the corner with some books she used to read as a kid?? Like comics n stuff she had in her closet??
<333 eventually she notices the kid is like?? super into them but is having trouble reading some of the books??
........ *sigh*, she plods over, sits down, and starts reading to them. Because god dammit, her dad never did that when she struggled with shit and she refuses to have this kids memory of her be like that.
she nearly bursts into tears when the kid,, leans against her and falls asleep?? Its that kinda Nostalgic Sadness for smth that you never got as a kid?? <3
HE'S JUST <333 like such a classic dad too?? Like he plays catch with em and everything?? MAYBE EVEN TEACHES EM SOME WRESTLING???
*sigh* he will be very dissapointed if you say he can't teach them how to shoot >:(
YKNOW THOSE,, GIANT WAVE THINGS?? I think it's called an X-Wave?? HE GRABS ONE OF THE ENDS AND STARTS PUSHING IT UP AND DOWN TO MAKE THE WHOLE THING,, LIKE A ROLLER COASTER RIDE. The kid (and every other kid on the playground lmao) is holding on for dear life, laughing their ass off.
Jungle Gym Races!! It reminds him of Basic Training lmao. LOTS OF CUTE NICKNAMES TOO. 'Cadet' is his favorite bc this kid gives him this,, Big Proud Grin <3
HE'S LITERALLY SO FUCKING ENERGETIC <333 HES A WALKING GOLDEN RETRIEVER. Pure and absolute energy. he gets genuinely excited when the kid asks to go to the park. THEY PLAY TAG TOGETHER. THEY TRY TO SWING A COMPLETE LOOP AROUND THE SWINGSET.
ALSO HE'S PLAYED EVERY SPORT AT LEAST ONCE SO LIKE,, if they're a sporty kid?? HELL YEA the two of em are gonna be having a blast.
HES,, KIND OF A PUSHOVER SO YEA THEY GET A BUNCH OF SWEETS AT THE STORE. How can he say no to those puppy dog eyes?? He wants the kid to like him!!
AAA they absolutely have a movie/video game night. Mario kart w/ popcorn n soda n all the good things in life.
HE SHOWS THE KID ALL THOSE OLD TV SHOWS AND MOVIES??? eventually the kiddo passes tf out halfway through Back to The Future 2.
When you pick up your child at the end of the day they're,,, completely exhausted <33 brett picks em up from where they're nappin on the couch and passes them off to you/
'fine, I suppose' 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 into infinitum
He sits the kid down with some books that are,, absolutely way too far above their reading level. Because he also has no Fucking Clue what you expected him to do???
As kids do, they get bored as fuck and start asking questions about Why his Face Is Like That.
'I'm a highly advanced Artificial Intelligence, created to-'
'So, like a robot?'
'....... yes, I'm a robot.'
'NO WAY!!'
WHEN YOU COME BACK, AB IS DOIN ALL SORTS OF COOL ROBOT TRICKS?? turning his hands backwards, rolling his eyes back to reveal his circuits - the kid sitting on his shoulders, positively losing their mind bc its the coolest shit they've EVER SEEN
he spots you and Fumbles To Make Himself Look All Professional And Mean And All That Jazz
'productive day?'
*clears throat, smooths hair, removes child from his shoulders, etc* 'Productive - oh, nonono, haha. Perfectly calm. They were asleep most of the time.'
... meanwhile the,, entire basement area is chaos. Clear evidence of at least a few games of tag,,,,, Cardboard Tube Fencing,, and,,, *gasp* a chess tally, where he Totally Didn't Let The Kid Win So they Could Brag About Beating A Robot? If you didn't know better, you'd think the two of them had a fun day!
'BYE MISTER AB!!' with this big wave before you two leave? He'd protect your kid with his life you can drop him off at the basement literally anytime lmao
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