#i just love hearing from your guys’ lives so much🤭
wonwoosthetic · 1 year
I read so many books the last month i can't even comprehend when i did that lmaoo but i recommend u all of them which are - The cruel prince (3 books), Throne of glass (7 books) which became my favorite series they're so good! And A court of thorns and roses(5 books)! All 3 book series are fantasy, romance, enemies to lovers (especially the prince one) and have very hot respectful men 😌😌and fu powerful women (aelin from throne of glass became my fave)🫶 if you're into these type of books u wont make a mistake reading them. And rn im reading crescent city pretty good so far ~
And i loved so much the bss comeback! Fighting came out just when i had an awful exam where my professor probably screwed my chances for scholarship (I'll see if my degree is enough at the end of the month) cuz i had 5 exam - 4 of them got a perfect score but the last one on a scale to 6 is 4 bcz the professor wasn't in good mood😌
- traumatised anon
Ooooooh cool cool cool, i have to be honest, I’m not the biggest fan of fantasy😪 but I’m REALLY trying to get into it😭 I have all three cruel Prince books but I’ve only read the first one bc since I work in a bookstore, I always find new books I want to read and then forget about the other ones on my shelf🥲 but I heard really good things about the other two series, so I’m gonna give them a go!!🤍
Oh noooooooo!! Fuck that professor!!! Had a similar situation during my finals :/ all my other professors would just round up to the next full percent (so if you have officially reached 54.6%, they’d just give you 55) but not the one in the subject I would’ve needed it, so I’m gonna have to repeat that class this semester🥲🥲 fucking hate that. I hope the scholarship goes well for you though!! I’m gonna keep my fingers crossed for you and please keep me updated!🫶🏼🫶🏼 and CONGRATS TO FREAKING FOUR PERFECT SCORE TESTS, wtf how are you so smart👏🏼😳🫶🏼👏🏼😳
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halcyone-of-the-sea · 7 months
Hi, I just found your blog, and I love your Simon's fics! I was wondering if i could please request something where Reader and Simon had broken up bc he thought he put her in danger. After a few months, he comes to her after a mission and they spend the night but he leaves before she wakes up thinking hes doing whats best (and all that angsty jazz 🥲🤭) . A few weeks after she finds out shes pregnant and decides to take on her own, as reader thinks simon wouldnt care. But maybe one of the guys see her heavy preggo and tell simon, and hes fuming and super protective mode is on.
Sorry if it is too specific and for the terrible english. I just have this idea, and i dont think i can picture it right. Anyway, thanks for reading this and for your good work on your fics 💗 hope you have a lovely day
—Digging Gaze
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ 5k Drabble Masterlist ࿐ྂ
╰┈➤ ❝ [You indulge in a one-night-stand after you'd both called it quits, only, it leads to more problems. When he sees you again, how will he react to the swelling of your stomach?] ❞
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You knew it was the effects of a less-than-gentle breakup, but you should have at least cursed him out before you let him have his way with you on the living room couch. You’d woken up back in bed, alone, and had gotten dropped back to where you had been weeks earlier—stuck in the throws of confusion and hurt. 
Simon had left you, and he never gave you a reason. 
A part of you was heated; pissed off and feeling betrayed by the insult, yet, the rest of you knew that Simon needed to have his reasons—he always did. Even if you didn’t agree with them, and you knew he tended to look at life with a glass-half-empty type of glance. 
So that left you here. 
You were pregnant. 
You’d found out two weeks after you’d slept together for that last time, your cheeks still hot from the memory and your fingers clutching the plastic of a test. 
It had been a shock, a deep panic. The both of you had been reckless. Stupid. And while you had stared at those two pink lines, you felt a sinking in your gut akin to a drowning ship. Should you tell him? It would be proper, of course. 
But you don’t think you can face him again after you’d awaken to an empty bed—as if your entire relationship had only been about sex and not the deep nights of confessions and soft brushes of skin. You knew Simon Riley better than he probably knew himself.
And you wouldn’t put this on him.
At seven months, you couldn’t walk as much as you could before—and you would huff for breath as you went up the stairs to change the sheets—but who else could do it but you? Shopping also fell to you, and so, you pushed a large cart around and packed the metal basket with cravings and necessities. That was when you fell to a familiar face. 
“Johnny?” You ask, blinking. 
The Scot pauses, turning. His brows furrowed for a moment before a kind smile peeled his lips back.
“Hen!” He comes closer, laughing. “Well, I haven’t seen you in a good minute, then. What have you been up to in all—” 
The man freezes at the sight of your stomach, jaw going slack as you fight an internal war with yourself to say pleasantries and leave. 
“Hell,” Johnny clears his throat. “I guess you’ve been doin’ a great deal.” 
You sigh, shaking your head softly. “Thanks, Johnny.”
“I’m just joking, Little Lady.” The man laughs and waves a hand. “Who’s the lucky man then? I’ll have to meet him one of these days.”
Your face blanks and your lips snap shut in an instant. 
Blue eyes wait for an answer as the silence laps over itself. Slowly but surely, the realization dawns on his face in a tight pull of horror.
“You can’t tell him,” you interrupt his tight gasp. “Not a peep, MacTavish, you hear?”
“What the fuck,” he breathes at you, hand coming up to his mouth as he glances down at your swelling bump. “Holy hell.”
“Johnny,” you snap, his eyes jerk back to you. 
“It’s bloody Ghost’s—”
“You can’t,” you growl, coming closer, “tell him.”
“What do you mean I can’t tell him,” Johnny hisses under his breath, looking at the people passing by and lowering his tone. “You’re pregnant and he doesn’t know!”
“That’s the point,” you ease out, exasperated and feeling drained already. Jesus, you needed to go lay down—your back was killing you. “Johnny,” you breathe, growing softer as you reach out a hand and put it to his arm. He grips it and holds on, looking incredibly concerned. “He doesn’t need to know, okay? That’s a lot of stress on him, and you know what he does for work. Even worrying about me was hard on him, what do you think a child would do?”
“You can’t think like that,” the Scot mutters. “He can help—what, you mean to tell me you plan to do this by yourself?” It isn’t malicious how he says it; Johnny’s worried about you. Incredibly. “Hen, no,” he shakes his head. “No, you can’t.”
“I can, Johnny,” you frown, dread filling your heart. “And I will.”
In the future, you really had to take into account Johnny’s flapping lips when under the spell of alcohol. Maybe you had enough faith in him to watch himself for the last little while of your pregnancy as he had into the latter half of the eighth month.
And then three firm knocks were at your door, and when you opened it, you were face to face with a painted balaclava and frazzled brown eyes.
Those eyes immediately snap down, and not even a word is uttered to your face until then.
The both of you are stone-still. Frozen. Dead to all else. 
You swear it was hours of this—standing in the doorway with Simon’s fingers stiff in his pockets and his chest not even moving in a pulse or flare of his lungs. He doesn’t even blink. 
“How far along?” His voice is monotone. A low drone in the ringing of your ears.
Damn that Scot.
“Eight and a half,” you say quietly. 
Brown eyes shift up to yours. Simon stares, and you see his jaw clench under his balaclava, his shoulders moving. Again a long pause. 
“When’s the next appointment—”
“It’s a girl.” You see his eyelids peel back and halt there, watching you. “In case you care to stick around and see her.”
Cruel perhaps, but it was nothing short of how he acted while leaving you. 
Simon’s hidden face is slack, stuttering silently for a moment as the light fades outside.
“Didn’t…didn’t know,” he grunts out, blinking quickly.
“I know you didn’t,” you utter. “That was the point, Simon.”
“Johnny told me ‘bout it, didn’t believe him.” His brown eyes swirl, breaking. “Thought you’d mention it if you were.” 
“You left,” you breathe. “Why would I reach out to someone that did that to me.”
“M’sorry, I-I don’t…” Simon clears his throat, looking away. His eyes are glossy, fingers moving out of his pockets so his twitching hands can splay out. “Could have explained, but I didn’t know how, Love. I’m not…this isn’t…”
Words fail him just like his ability to explain his emotions. Part of him was angry—angry that you’d gone all this time without reaching out when he could have helped.
A daughter. 
But he was afraid, as well. Terrified. You were in the right and he knew it. Simon didn’t know the first thing about being a father…but then again, you didn’t know how to be a mother, either. 
This was new territory.
“Marry me,” Simon pushes out with a quick force of breath. 
“Wh—,” you choke on air. “What?”
“Let me make it up to you, yeah?” Gloved hands move at his sides, eyes honest but still shiny. “Wasn’t thinking—my fault and I can’t go on if I don’t know you’re safe.” He licks at the corner of his mouth. “...Both of you. Thought leaving would make the best sense, but I was…fucking hell. M’sorry.”
“Simon, there are many more ways other than marriage.” Your anger wasn’t something that could be washed away that easily, even if your heart fluttered at the idea and his apology.
You had more self-respect than that.
“Let me fix this,” he whispers, leaning closer. 
Your hand rests over your stomach, staying there as the minutes draw. Simon waits, nervous and his fingers tap on his thigh. You know he’s afraid. You know he’s nervous about what he could bring home from work, even if those are only his paranoia talking in his ear like a demon. 
You frown. 
You huff.
And you open the door wider.
“The sheets need changing in my room. Get on it.”
The man says nothing before he enters the house and slips off his boots; disappearing into the linen closet.
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sanspuppet · 7 months
𝐀𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐳 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐮𝐜𝐤 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 (hyung line)
W/T: explicit content (18+)
- short scenario for each member
- not proofread so sorry any mistakes
A/O: here's some hard thoughts of my fav men, maknae line will be uploaded soon! sorry if the hwa one isn't as long as the others, dragged away a little too much by the yeosang one 🤭
read here the maknae line
✩ 𝐇𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐣𝐨𝐨𝐧𝐠
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He's never tried to make you uncomfortable by mentioning sexual stuff, he wanted you to do the first move so he'd be sure you want it. Can't deny that it was pretty difficult to hold your horses when your boyfriend is a fucking hot guy, his smirk always has a specific effect on you, you also touched yourself a couple times thinking of him, when he was at work. You were quite shy to propose it, but this morning, seeing his boner standing under the blanket got you over the edge, you surely want him and you gotta take what you crave for. You sit on his lap with him still asleep, how can he be so damn gorgeous without even trying? he's fucking sleeping and he still seems a work of art. You start to dry hump yourself against his crotch, your lower lip between your teeth trying to hold back your whimpers. He slightly opens his eyes at the sudden friction, he stretched his arms yawning lazily: "Y/n..." once he realizes what you were actually doing his eyes open wide, his heartbeat accelerating at the sight of you grinding over his hips. "Joong... wanna take you right now, pretty please" you lean over him to leave a small kiss on his lips, your hands caressing his neck. You smile when he giggles, his hands dragging down your body, while kissing you back. "Happy to have you getting rid of my erection, love"
✩ 𝐒𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐡𝐰𝐚
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Your relationship with Seonghwa was intimate, private times with him never missed, and he also had seen you barely naked a few times, but still you had nothing more than cuddles sessions. You arrive at home at late night, after a date with your boyfriend. You're about to head towards the bathroom to took your makeup off and brush your teeth, when he comes from behind holding your hips still. He approaches your ear, his sweet low voice whispering: "We're not done yet, sweetie" you turn yourself and face him with a smirk: "Oh, what did we miss?" he gets closer to you, noses a couple of inches far. "gotta ruin your lipstick first" you take his hand and drag it down your body, going slower when on your chest and stopping when they are between you thighs, his hand is shaking, you can feel his heartbeat accelerating while squeezing his wrist: "What about ruining something else?" he murmurs a small "fuck" before kissing you on your collarbone, biting your skin slightly. "Can’t wait to be inside you, baby"
✩ 𝐘𝐮𝐧𝐡𝐨
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He could seem a tall cute baby boy, but in reality he perfectly knows he's a fucking horny man. who goes crazy everytime you wear short skirts and accidentally reveal him the under cheeks of your ass, he immediately develops the need of pin you at the wall and finally feel how good your pussy can take him, despite you looked too innocent to be able to do it. (You looked). You walk towards the living room, wearing only your underwear and one of his sweaters. you lay on the couch on your stomach and start watching tv, after some minutes, you hear your boyfriend walking in and suddenly stop. You shake your head, chuckling: "Stop staring at my ass, man" You hear him gasping from behind, he clears his throat coughing: "uhm... i wasn't..." you turn yourself, laying on your back, staring at him while a smirk took its was into your face: "why don't you just take your girlfriend and mark her?" he doesn't say anything, his body's blocked. "i noticed how you keep staring at me with those pretty eyes" you keep saying. he quickly reaches you, his body on top of yours, his hands wrapping around your waist: "i want you so fucking bad baby" you shake your index finger to him: "you should ask for it first" you tease him. "please let me fuck your pretty ass"
✩ 𝐘𝐞𝐨𝐬𝐚𝐧𝐠
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Yeosang has never showed you that side of him, which it quite surprised you, being a grown man just like others. You even thought that he wasn't physically attracted by you, what a silly, he is just a shy guy and he isn't certainly as innocent as you thought. You're walking through the hallway of your apartment, but suddenly stop when you hear weird noises coming through the bathroom. You bring your ear closer to the door, what you can hear now is something that seem apparently a squelching sound. Your breath stops as you figure out what is happening in there, you're about to ask at Yeosang if he's okay, but you can clearly hear is voice now booming inside the room: "Fuck- o-oh God, mmpphh fuck! wanna feel that tight pussy..." you wide your eyes, your mouth hangs open from hearing how hot his moans sound. "Ah... y/n.. f-fuck oh fuck! So close! Working this dick so well... shit!" you can tell that he's speeding up his pace by hearing clearly every single nasty sound he makes while stroking his cock. You can't contain yourself anymore: you shut the door open, finding your boyfriend sitting on the toilet while jerking off. He gasps, his heavy breath making his chest widen intensely, he looks at you with a mist of shame, fear and neediness to finish what he started. "What the fuck Yeo? I'm right here, why didn't you fuck me instead??" without even waiting for him to say anything you undress yourself and sit on his lap, taking his length at once inside you. He moans loudly your name, barely looking at you because already too fucked out. "Gonna let you know how good my pussy feel"
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springwitch26 · 2 months
your writing is so fucking hot and perfect! pls can I request a fic where mel ends up getting possessive and jealous after seeing someone hitting on her girlfriend (reader) at abbott and when they get home, melissa makes sure that her girl knows that belongs to her and nobody else.
(featuring a lot of rough sex and some cute aftercare cuz we all love jealous schemmenti. 🤭)
a dangerous emotion (melissa schemmenti x fem!reader)
summary: when the new substitute teacher hits on you in front of melissa, you face the dirty consequences of her jealousy.
warnings: smut (18+), jealous sex, aggressive male flirting, mel threatens violence (it's melissa), squirting, like one mention of marking
notes: the sleepy witch is back. hope you like this one anon, sorry if i left it in the oven too long. also sorry for any other deficiencies tbh writing is a struggle rn. bonus points to whoever can spot the gay joke 👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩 friendly fire.
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if looks could kill, this fucking guy would be a pile of ash by now.
the teachers' lounge was uncharacteristically quiet. the tv had been muted; nobody cared to watch the morning news. all eyes flickered between you and the new male teacher on one side of the room, and your seething girlfriend on the other.
the redhead was visibly furious from the moment he walked in the door, eyes dragging down your body in your flowery sundress and matching tights.
"happy first day to me," he murmured to himself, thinking nobody would hear it. it took all of melissa's self-control and professionalism not to punch his lights out.
"spring looks good on you, sweetie," he drawled from behind you as you poured coffee from the communal pot into your favorite mug.
the hem of your dress floated up as you spun around to face him, and he licked his lips. you didn't notice it, but melissa did. her hands tightened into fists in her lap.
"thank you," you smiled warmly at the man in an attempt to be polite. he was tall and stocky, probably just a few years older than you. he seemed like the kind of guy who was used to getting whatever he wanted from women—with his handsome yet cocky grin and large arms crossed in front of his chest. "are you new here?"
"yep, and i like what i see already," he threw you a wink and you looked down at the floor. you heard melissa cracking her knuckles in the background. she only did that when she was holding back, either from pouncing on you or swinging at somebody else. "i'm jesse. i'll be teachin' math up on the second floor until ms. summers gets back from maternity leave."
"well, jesse, welcome to abbott," you said sweetly, hoping to escape this conversation and join your girlfriend on the couch. "i'm a first-grade teacher, so i won't be seeing you much. but it's nice to meet y—"
"actually, i was hoping you'd show me around," he cut you off, taking a few steps toward you. "if i get lost in this building, my preteen students will never let me live it down."
"oh, um..."
before you could finish your thought, he leaned in and whispered something in your ear. melissa saw the whole exchange, enraged at this man's audacity to even breathe in your direction. you were her girl. everybody knew that. and it was time for this guy to learn.
but when melissa stood up to confront him, you did something that made her see red: you walked out with him. the other teachers noticed her anger, of course, and tried to calm her down.
"melissa, relax," barbara said, gently pulling on her best friend's hand and guiding her to sit back down. "he's harmless."
"harmless?" melissa repeated indignantly. "barb, he was lookin' at her like he wanted to bend her over the damn table!"
"you look at her like that all the time..." gregory muttered, and melissa raised an eyebrow at him in accusation. he shrugged and averted his gaze.
"i look at her like i love her!" melissa insisted. "and she's my girlfriend. i get to look at her however i want. this jamie—"
"jesse," janine corrected.
"—can't just walk in and start undressin' her with his eyes!"
"if it helps, i can keep an eye on him, make sure he doesn't do anything untoward," jacob offered. "i'm pretty much the big dog on the second floor these days. i can set him straight if it comes to that."
"you couldn't even set yourself straight," melissa fired back, and jacob gave the camera a defeated look. "what, you think i can't handle this myself?"
"well, it's just that... jealousy is a dangerous emotion on you," jacob answered tentatively.
"jealousy? what am i, some kinda teenager? i don't get jealous."
"i don't know, you seemed pretty jealous at pecsa last year when the keynote speaker gave y/n his room number," gregory pointed out.
"he was just annoying."
"you poured your math-a-rita on his white suit jacket," janine chimed in.
"the jabroni shouldn't have worn white to a bar!"
"melissa, i know you're protective of y/n, but she's a grown woman capable of making her own decisions," barbara said, placing a comforting hand over the redhead's clenched fists. "she doesn't seem to have a problem with the man. at some point, you just need to trust her judgment."
"yeah, she and i are going to have a little conversation about her judgment when she gets back."
"whose judgment?" you asked as you strode back into the break room, jesse following close behind.
when your question was met with silence and anxious looks from your friends, jesse took hold of your hand and brought it to his lips.
"thanks for the tour, cutie," he said after pressing a chaste kiss to the back of your hand.
"thank you," you replied, shifting uneasily and look over your shoulder in anticipation of melissa's reaction. she didn't keep you waiting long.
"hey, hon," melissa approached the two of you, then hooked an arm around your waist and pulled you close. "the kids'll be here in half an hour, do you wanna go prep your classroom for the science lab?"
"i did that last night," you replied, not taking the hint.
"of course you did," mel cooed and planted a kiss behind your ear. jesse quirked an eyebrow in confusion. "maybe i just want some alone time with my lovely girlfriend before i start my day. that okay with you?"
you nodded sheepishly and leaned in to her. you could feel her possessive anger in her tough grip on your waist, could see it in the subtle wild edge to her green eyes. despite being in deep trouble, you still relaxed into the warmth of her casual touch and the familiar scent of patchouli on her skin.
jesse took a step back, opening his mouth as if to say something and sighing instead. as you and melissa exited the breakroom, jesse tried one more time to get your attention.
"hey, if you need any more—"
"i think we're good, janine," melissa cut him off with a dismissive gesture.
"it's jesse," the man sighed with a frustrated look at the camera.
"what the hell was that, huh?" melissa had you pinned up against her classroom door before you could even process what was happening. "you're givin' free tours now?"
"n-no!" you stammered frantically, squirming with unease (and excitement) at the fiery confrontation. "not free! i only did it so he would give me the extra chairs from his classroom. you know i've been down a few since the eighth graders tried to make 'chairing' a thing, and i can't let my kids spend another day on the floor. it's not fair!"
"how many times have i told you, i can get you anything you need?"
"yeah, and where's your 'chair guy' now? at least jesse can finish the job!"
oh, you fucked up. you knew it the moment the words left your mouth. melissa eased off of you physically, but her intense glare kept you frozen in place.
"we'll talk about this when we get home. i love you; don't forget it," melissa pecked your cheek and you cocked your head, confused at her sudden tranquility. she moved to whisper in your ear. "because tonight, i'm takin' all my jealousy out on you."
you had the misfortune of running into jesse one more time before the day was done. he wolf-whistled from behind you as you walked briskly from your classroom to the lobby, ready to meet melissa and head home.
melissa might have broken his nose if jacob and gregory hadn't been there to hold her back. in fact, she was a split-second away from swinging when jacob took hold of her dominant wrist, shaking his head. gregory followed suit with the other.
the redhead tried to wrench her arms free and glared sternly at the young men when she couldn't. sensing her frustration, you hurried over to her. melissa's gaze softened as soon as she saw you leaning over the counter. you gave jacob and gregory an appreciative nod.
the pair let go of her arms and you took her hands in yours. "let's go home," you said.
the two of you walked out of the building as jacob and gregory approached jesse.
"she's not interested, if you're still wondering," jacob said, patting jesse's shoulder in mock sympathy.
"should be pretty obvious by now," gregory added.
"first day, and you pissed off my scariest teacher and my favorite?" ava said while strutting out of her office. "nice career move, jason," she snarked. the teachers gave her a bewildered look. "what? i pay attention!"
once you got home, it all happened in a blur. melissa's possessive rage had you slipping into that fuzzy, pliable headspace before she even slammed the bedroom door behind you.
you couldn't concentrate on much besides her forceful touch, fingers digging into your hips and mouth sucking bruises into your neck. her low voice cut through the static occasionally, but she seemed to be venting to herself rather than you.
"mine..." her fingernails dug into the flesh of your waist. "touchin' my girl..." she spaced out the words between nips to your neck. "gotta mark you up, let the whole world know..." she landed a hard swat on your ass, then shoved you off of her. "on the bed."
"remind me again what he said when you spilled coffee on your shirt," melissa growled from above you. you were spread out on her bed, naked with your legs kept apart by turquoise ropes tied to the bedposts.
"he said, 'feel free to take it off. i wouldn't complain about the view,'" you whispered back.
"and you just let that slide, hm? you entertained him knowin' all he wanted was an eyeful of your tits?"
"yes, melissa."
"i'm sorry, does someone need a reminder of who owns her? i'm happy to provide, sweet girl. tell me," she dipped a finger into your folds and stroked you lightly, "who gets you this wet?"
"you do, ah, only you," you whimpered as she caressed you.
"uh-huh," she cooed, sounding unsatisfied still. "that's right, baby. and i'm the only one who gets to see you like this."
she gripped your hips harshly before gliding her hands up to your chest. she kneaded the swollen flesh of your tits and then zeroed in on your nipples, tweaking and tugging on them.
"that fucker," melissa began, breathing heavily. "will never know how soft these are."
you shook your head in frantic agreement as she massaged you. one of her hands slipped down between your legs again.
"he'll never hear how your breath catches in your throat when your clit's touched," she whispered, beginning to rub soft circles into your bundle of nerves. "or—" she withdrew suddenly and gave your pussy a swat, "how you cry at a spanking."
her jealous attitude had you soaked and sensitive. you were already close when she brought two fingers to your entrance and pushed in.
"and if he ever even imagines the face you make when you come, that pretty little lip bite you do," melissa pumped and curled her fingers roughly, "i'll take edith houghton to'm."
her speed quickly picked up and soon she was diving into you with force, bullying your g-spot with her fingertips.
"come. now," she ordered, and you fell over the edge. you spasmed around her fingers as she drove them in and out of you. she smirked with pride as she looked down at you.
but when you got too sensitive and started to squirm away from her touch, she doubled down. she pumped her fingers faster, and dipped down to suckle on your clit. you cried out. it felt like you were on fire, but the burn was oh so delicious.
"and he'll never guess what happens when you get all sensitive..." she picked her head up momentarily to say this before sucking hard on your nub and crooking her fingers inside you.
you felt the burn rise into a hot tidal wave. a flood of warm liquid spilled out of you. melissa helped you through it before withdrawing her touch, her hands retreating to your thighs. she looked down at you fondly, smiling with only a tiny bit of smug satisfaction.
"god, i love when you do that," she mused, smiling at your dazed, pretty, happy face. "it's like a gift just for me."
a gift. happy first day to me, he had said.
now reminded, melissa was pissed again. but the venom of her jealousy had trickled away, and now all that remained was an urgent need to give you the love and care you deserved.
"but you said somethin' earlier about 'finishing the job.' and i just feel like my job isn't finished, sweetheart," she smiled and cupped your cheeks. "how's a bubble bath sound?"
"mm-hmmm," you managed, fucked out and delirious.
"i really wasn't jealous, ya know," melissa murmured into your ear as you snuggled into bed, her chest pressed against your back.
"i find that hard to believe. i mentioned his name and you ripped my panties," you teased.
"okay, maybe a little bit."
"30 percent?"
"then what was the other 75 percent?"
"i guess it just pisses me off when people don't treat you right. you're a beautiful angel, not a sex doll."
"i don't want you to feel... to feel like you have to take care of me all the time."
"baby girl, you know i don't do things i don't wanna do. you're the love of my life. i wanna spend every minute treatin' you like a princess."
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lovelettersfromluna · 7 months
can i request one of your girls' drabble, ellie is edging u while filming 🤭
Oh god….the camgirl!Ellie saga continues….
an: if any of you would like to see more of these little drabbles from my series pls feel free to inbox me! I love writing these two so so much
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+, MDNI!!!, edging, dom!Ellie, camgirl!Ellie, live stream sex, dirty talk, usage of toys, fingering, clit slapping, nipple play, let me know if I missed anything!!
In all honesty? You don’t think you’d ever get fully used to being fucked in front of thousands of people.
Virtually, that is.
Ellie had slowly introduced you to it, allowing you to be on camera whenever you were ready, and opting out whenever you weren’t.
It wasn’t entirely different from pre-recording something and then just posting it. It was still a camera pointing at you and Ellie while you played with each other…
Apart from the constant pings that came through Ellie’s computer.
“Jesus Christ…I’ve never seen them so…active..” Ellie would breath out softly after your first time live streaming, her own disbelief clear as she scrolled through the amount of tips you two had racked up after a quick stream of her eating your pussy.
That only further proved that the crowed fucking loved you, and you’d be lying if you said there wasn’t a rush that came with putting a show on for them.
And that’s how you eased into it, knowing how much they loved you and Ellie together. The amount of messages that Ellie had received when you came back to her page was almost overwhelming, her audience practically foaming at the mouth for more content of you two.
It’s how you ended up on you bed, your back pressed against Ellie’s chest, her hands spreading your legs and giving the camera the perfect view of your soaking wet pussy.
Her soft lips were pressed against your neck, large hands roaming over your body, playing with your nipples, your hips, your stomach, your thighs, every single part of your body receiving the pleasure of feeling her calloused hands on your soft skin…
Expect for where she knew you needed her most.
The whine you let out was pathetic, your eyebrows furrowed, swollen lips forming a pout. The camera stopped just below your nose, allowing the audience to see just how fucked out you were from the sight of your messy, maroon tinted lips.
Ellie’s chuckle rang through your ears, making your aching pussy throb as her slender fingers rolled your nipples between the pads of her digits.
“She’s so fuckin’ needy….doesn’t she get so cute when she’s like this? You guys know I could probably get her to say whatever I want as long as I let her cum…pathetic…” Ellie hummed out, a soft hiss sliding against her tongue as her hands slid down your body, settling between your legs. Both of her hands came down, spreading your pussy further, your lips making a wet, sticky sound at the gesture.
“Fuck…you can fucking hear how wet she is…all that for me baby?” She hummed softly.
Your hips thrusted up, eager to make her fingers slip and somehow settle on your throbbing clit.
Ellie had been at this for what felt like an eternity, rubbing your clit, finger fucking your poor little pussy and bringing you right to the edge, all for her to stop and leave you high and dry. Your cheeks were wet with desperate tears, lips swollen and pouty from all the biting you’d done, it didn’t help that the mirrored image of the two of you made you even hornier.
You loved seeing Ellie’s hands playing with your body.
Ellie chuckled softly, clicking her tongue against the roof of her mouth. “Such a needy girl…come here baby…lemme make you feel good…”
The moan you let out was hysterical, your back arching almost painfully as her fingers went to your clit, rolling tight circles into the bundle of nerves. Her eyes never left your face, always loving the way you came undone against her no matter what she did.
“That’s it…that’s my good girl…feels good, huh? You’ve been so good for me baby…been so good for everyone watching…” she praised you.
And she was right, the amount of tips that would come in whenever Ellie would start playing with your pussy again was almost appalling, the comments all praising you for being a good girl, urging Ellie to keep going, wanting nothing more than to see you cum on camera.
But this was far too fun to end so quickly…
Her fingers stopped working against your clit, and you let out a loud whine despite the fact that you expected her to stop. Ellie always liked going long during streams like this, when you were so needy, and desperate, and fucked out that all you could do was give her whatever she wanted.
When Ellie hears the whine leave your swollen lips, her hand comes down quickly to give your clit a light spank, which makes your body jump, and makes you moan loudly. You quickly grab her wrist when she raises it again, shaking your head as you stare up at her with hazy eyes.
“D-don’t! I’ll…you’re gonna make me cum if you…fuck…do that again” you whimper out.
Ellie raises her eyebrows at this, her eyes drifting over to the camera for a minute to catch sight of the mess between your thighs. Her hand comes up, gripping your cheeks and squishing them together before she smashes her lips against yours in a messy, needy kiss, the sounds of your tongues lapping together mixing in with your moans and creating something truly erotic.
“Gonna be the death of me someday, baby…fuck…” she whispered softly against your lips, only loud enough for you to hear, too quiet for the mic she has set up to catch.
Those moments are frequent, when for a split second, the act of being two performers is dropped, and it’s Ellie, your Ellie, coming through and letting you know just how fucking obsessed with you she truly is.
Makes your heart flutter every single time.
You giggle softly, smiling against her lips as you simply give her a quiet nod as if to silently agree with her, and you can feel her smiling against your lips too.
But the sweet, syrupy moment between you two dissolves quickly, because while you’re far too deep in the feeling of Ellie’s lips on yours, you can barely register the feeling of her reaching behind her and grabbing something, and you can barely hear the sound of the vibrator she bought for you buzzing.
And you wouldn’t have realized she had it at all, if it wasn’t for her pressing the buzzing head of the toy against your drooling core, making you gasp loudly.
Ellie smirks almost proudly when she watches you turn your head from her to look down at the toy she has buzzing against your clit, against your labia and against your weeping hole, giving all of you the attention you’ve wanted all night long.
“F-fuck! H-haaa….i won’t…m’not gonna last long..” you stutter out, trying your best to close your legs, running away from the intense buzzing of the vibrating wand.
“Nuh-uh…you stay right there, and give the people what they want….come on baby…you deserve it” she demands, voice dripping with dominance as she pries your legs apart, keeping you spread open for the camera.
Your eyes are so blurry, and you can’t even hear the sounds of the tips coming in through the noise of the vibrator and your own moans.
“Fuck! Fuck I’m…you’re gonna…oh my god!!” You cry out, back arching once again, pushing your head against Ellie’s shoulder as you came hard, the sound loud and guttural, sure to leave your poor throat hoarse in the morning.
“That’s it baby…fuck yeah…so fucking pretty…that’s my pretty girl..” Ellie praises over and over again as she holds you down, keeping you against her as she helps you ride out your orgasm, stopping you from running away from the toy.
When you finally come down, she removes the toy from between your legs and tosses it somewhere on your bed. Her hands let you close your legs, and exhausted whine leaving your lips as you let her hands massage your body, hiding you away from the camera.
You were now entering a time that was reserved for only you and Ellie, you learned that it was just for you two by how quickly she ended the streams whenever you had finished.
“She’s all done for tonight you guys…we always appreciate putting on a show…” she hums out softly.
Your eyes were already so hazy, and you could feel the exhaustion from the orgasm taking over the second it had washed over you, and probably even before then. You couldn’t even say goodbye to your audience properly, because Ellie was ending the stream and closing her laptop before you could even lift a finger.
Ellie chuckled softly, pulling you down to lay with her as she grabbed your blanket and tossed it over your naked body.
“Did so good for me baby…so proud of you…” she sighed against your skin, peppering your face with kisses as she watched your eyes grow heavier and heavier.
Honestly? You couldn’t wait to get her back on the next stream.
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sillysillygoofygoose · 4 months
Helloooo can I request single dad Toji living with his son megumi but then neighbor reader moves in and yk HAHHAHAH anyways love ur works
Hi!! Okay, okay, okay SOOOOO cute 🥰 I LOVE this trope sooooo much. Thank you smmm anon 💕💕 I have the smexiest ask in my inbox rn, so I thought I would start with some innocent fluff 🤭
Toji is like... super down bad in this one btw
One and a Half Men □○
Toji swore off of dating the day he became a single father. Never again, he told himself. He was too busy. Too preoccupied. Too grown to be playing a twenty-something year old's game. It was evident by his whisps of gray hair, earned over the three and a half challenging years of fatherhood.
When Megumi was first born, Toji found him and his bundle of joy a nice enough apartment, conveniently next to an uninhabited one so Megumi's cries wouldn't wake up any neighbors. Toji kept his head down and focused on what he needed to do. He worked, he took care of his baby boy, and he just kept moving forward.
And he kept good on his promise... very good. Until you showed up.
"Oh, good morning Megumi! Hi Mr. Toji, how are you guys doing today?"
There you were. A beautiful, shining sweetheart, kind and angelic down to your very core. A college student, roughly twenty years old, full of life and hope and love. And the Fushiguro's neighbor of six months.
"I told ya' a million times doll, don't call me Mr. Anything. Makes me feel older than I already am." Toji can't help the way his heart pulses in his chest everytime you flash that bright smile his way. He wishes he could.
"Okay, Mr. Toji." You giggle him off, shrugging away his gruff tone as Megumi let's go of his dad's finger and starts waddling over to you, the smallest smile parting his chubby cheeks.
"Hi y~y/n. M'mmorning. I have new shirt." Megumi makes his way over to you, grabbing your hand with one of his while the other stretches the fabric of his yellow and blue t-shirt towards you, showing it off.
"Oh wow! I see! You look very dapper this morning, Megumi!" Toji watches as you crouch down in front of Megumi, absent-mindedly patting down the raven strands of hair protruding out of the little boys' scalp
Hm, Toji thinks, watching as you blabber back and forth with the little man, smile widening more and more with every word Megumi stumbles out.
A buzzing notification from his phone distracts him from the heartwarming scene. Fuck, graveyard shift tonight.
"Well, I'm very glad you like it, you look suuuuper handsome, just like your daddy." Toji's ears perk up when he hears that. He let's a smirk slip when he realizes you're already looking at him, holding little Gumi's hand.
Hearing Megumi's quiet giggles reminds him of his current conundrum. He doesn't have anyone to look after Megumi tonight.
"Um hey, y/n, are you busy tonight?" Toji scratches the back of his neck, keeping a cool composure as his heart picks up speed.
"No, I don't think so! Why?" You stand up, caressing Megumi's head when he clings to your legs.
"I don't like asking for favors, but could you watch Megumi tonight? I'll pay ya." Toji ignores Megumi's excited squeal at the mention of spending the night at your place, knowing at this rate, he would probably have the same reaction.
"Oh my god, I'd love to! You really don't have to pay me, it would be my pleasure. He's such a little gentleman." Almost as excited as Megumi, you agree, softly squeezing the toddler's tiny shoulders.
You say your goodbyes, explaining how you need to run to the store and that Toji can drop Megumi off whenever.
As you wave goodbye, Megumi turns back to his daddy, huge smile overtaking his dumpling face.
"Yay, tank you dada! I wuv y/n, so nice and pretty." Toji has never seen his little boy so excited.
"Yeah, me too, little guy." Toji mused, walking down the apartment building's hallway, distracted by confirming his shift with his boss.
"Dada wove y/n too?" Megumi mumbles to himself, looking up at his dad with bright, hopeful eyes.
"Uhm, huh? Uh she's a very nice young lady, Megs." Realizing what he said, he backtracks, distracting Megumi with under chin tickles.
"Okay Dada." Megumi giggles, scrunching his chin to his chest, trying to stop the tingles infecting his little body.
Megumi was quick to warm up to you when you first moved in. It was just something about you. Maybe it was the same thing that had Toji head over heels the moment he first talked to you.
You were so refreshing to be around. Both Toji and Megumi were so used to only having each other. A young, smiling, motherly woman was such a fulfilling person to have around. Like a missing piece. Your presence was magnetic to the small family, both of them adoring you, only in different ways.
Everything about you was so beautiful. It almost made Toji nervous...
"Dada... knock knock." Megumi pulls Toji's hand towards your door, reminding him of the task at hand.
"You got it bud." Toji picks Megumi up under his armpits, letting him do the knocking.
Immediately, the door swings open, revealing a smiling you, clad in a flimsy tank top and baggy sweatpants.
"Megumi!!" You exclaim, laughing as the little boy grabs your neck and transfers himself into your arms.
"Yayyayayay, y/n!" Megumi squeezes you before turning to his dad.
"Bye bye, dada. Night night." Megumi immediately waves to his dad, almost kicking him out.
"Hold on, little man. Let me talk to y/n for a minute." Toji huffed a laugh as you smiled, moving to the side to let him in.
Toji declined coming in, explaining that he didn't want to intrude. He began explaining that Megumi was due for sleep, saying how it's already way past his bedtime. You point to your room, assuring him that Megumi would be sleeping like a king and that you were drowning in school work, too much to worry about sleeping on the couch.
Toji nodded along, beginning to tune your melodic voice out as he observed the way a sleepy Megumi snuggled into your neck, and the way your hand cradled his head, carding through his messy hair.
"Okay, well, I don't want to keep you too long, Toji! Megumi is safe and sound, and will be asleep verrryyy soon." You tease the little boy, knowing that he's already fighting sleep, dozing off on your shoulder.
Toji smiled when he didn't hear an honorific before his name. Your body froze up as he moved unbelievably close to you, face rubbing against yours as he cups the back of Megumi's head, kissing him goodnight.
"Thanks again, text me if you need anything. Be a good boy Gumi, love ya." Toji waves goodbye as you close the door, turning in your place to take a deep breath, feeling your heated cheeks with the back of your hand, pulling yourself together. What a man.
Your fan-girling subsides when you feel a yawn against your neck, reminding you of the exhausted little boy in your arms.
"Let's get you to bed, buddy. We can have fun in the morning, okay?" You feel a mumble on your skin as you walk to your room, taking in the little boys matching pajamas, little toes covered with fluffy socks. Your heart melts in your chest. How cute.
"Alright, there we go. All set, bud?" You smile down at Megumi tucked in your pink bedding, little head resting on your memory foam pillow.
"Back rub, please?" Megumi pleads, instinctively rubbing his scalp with flat hands. That's where the messy hair comes from.
"Okay, bud." You soften your voice as the boy rolls around in your bed, laying on his chubby little tummy.
He hums happily when he feels the weight of your hand on his back, making grabby hands at your unoccupied one, asking to hold it.
"Dada woves you. He said so to me." Megumi smiles softly, squeezing you hand.
"Oh! Um... oh! He said that?" A wave of shock and flush runs through your body, chest and face heating up.
"Mhm. He thinks you're pretty. I think he wants- marry you." Gumi goes rouge as sleep clouds his little mind, cutting into his own sentences.
"Allrrighhtt Megs... let's focus on bedtime, okay?" You giggle out, feeling like a schoolgirl after hearing the unreliable narrator's thoughts.
"Mmh, okay. Night night, Mama."
You didn't get a lick of sleep. How could you? Piles of work was banging at your brain, but the only thing you could think of was Toji and Megumi. Mama.
Pulling at your face, you snap out of your panicked thoughts when you hear a door open and the weight of a tiny body running to your couch. Looking up, your heart breaks in half.
"Y/nnn, bad dreammm. I had bad dream." Megumi sobs out, hands seeking comfort in his hair rubbing his head in agony. His face is puffy and red as tears run down his chubby cheeks, sniffing and crying.
"Oh Gumi, I'm sorry baby... here, come here honey." Climbing onto the couch, Megumi rushes into your arms, holding onto you like you would disappear. Sighing, you stand up with the little boy koala bear-ing you, pacing back and forth as you hush him.
Gazing at the time displayed on the oven, you see that it's already four in the morning. Megumi burrows himself into your body, getting as close as possible to you, seeking the maternal comfort your provide.
"M so sleepy. Don't wanna be by myself." Megumi eventually sighs after tiring himself out, fidgeting with the strap of your tank top.
"Let's sit down, okay bubs? Let's just take some deep breaths." You feel like a nervous wreck, hoping you're comforting Megumi well enough, not fully knowing what to do.
Sitting back down, you pat his back, resting your head on the back of the couch. The weight of Megumi's tired head on your chest grounds you. As you begin dozing off, you feel Megumi's grip on you relax, signaling his sleep.
Exhaling, you rest your arms around the resting lump, finally letting sleep overtake you.
Bright and early, you're awoken by the sounds of cabinets opening and closing. You freak out, thinking someone was ransacking your apartment before you open your eyes to see a little body wandering around your kitchen.
"Thirsty." Was the only explanation you get from the messy haired boy as he continued look for a glass.
Pouring him a glass of water, you place him on a chair in your small kitchen, starting his breakfast.
Megumi mumbles to himself as you prepare his scrambled eggs, keeping himself entertained. As you sit across from him, placing his plate in front of him, he smiles and thanks you quietly before digging in.
You drink your coffee, enjoying the peace and quiet provided by Megumi's preoccupied mind...
"Yes, Gumi?"
"Do you love dada?"
Megumi brings it up again. Great. Nosey little boy.
"Because I want a mommy. And you're good at it. I think you should be my mama."
"Hey, Gumi, what's your favorite dinosaur?" You blurt out, stopping the conversation as soon as possible.
The little boy glares at you, too smart to be tricked, but giving in anyway.
"Dada! Y/n took good care of me!" Megumi sung the highest of praises when you opened the door to an exhausted Toji.
"I'm sure she did! I hope he didn't give you too much trouble." Toji teased, seeing the dark bags manifesting under your eyes.
"No, not at all, he's a very good boy." You smiled giving Megumi one last hug before he grabbed onto his dad's thumb.
"Thank you so much again, really it means the world to us." Toji reminded you, pulling a fifty out of his pocket, almost begging you to take it. You insisted on him keeping it, joking that the economy is too tough to be stealing his money. Saying their final goodbyes, Toji and Megumi left you alone with your thoughts.
Oh my god. Toji looked so good. His sweatshirt made his already huge frame look unbelievably broader, looking so protective as he held onto his little boy at your door.
You needed him. Bad. And it freaked the shit out of you.
Hope you enjoyed! Xoxo
*PART TWO IS NOW UP!!!!!* https://www.tumblr.com/sillysillygoofygoose/740703539826917377/one-and-a-half-men-one?source=share
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diorsluv · 2 months
casual , part 6
“ someone you couldn’t lose ”
series m. list previous chapter next chapter
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liked by rutgermcgroarty, mackie.samo, and 75,188 others
yourusername guess what hoe (affectionate) ruined my day this time 🥰
tagged: rutgermcgroarty
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rutgermcgroarty i’m your only hoe right 🥺🥺
→ yourusername aw you’re funny sweetie you’re like my fifth hoe
→ rutgermcgroarty but you told me i was the only one for you 😔😔😔😔😔
→ yourusername i lied bbg i got other bitches 🙏
→ vivianliu IT’S ME I’M OTHER BITCHES!!!!
lhughes_06 you weren’t hanging out with him this much when i was still there 🤨🤨
→ yourusername you unnecessarily took up 50% of the time i could have been spending with my lovely best friend
→ lhughes_06 im ur brother.
→ yourusername hes my best friend.
→ rutgermcgroarty YOU ADMITTED IT IM THE LOVELIEST BEST FRIEND yourusername
→ yourusername lovely and loveliest are two very different things rut
username28 ethan’s definitely malding i can hear it already
edwards.73 i asked if you wanted to come over but you didn’t respond
→ yourusername you texted me at midnight
→ edwards.73 yeah
→ mackie.samo eddy you absolute dumbass
→ edwards.73 WHAT DID I DO??
→ rutgermcgroarty do you ever text her before 11 pm 😭😭
→ edwards.73 not really why?
→ markestapa you just answered your own question buddy
_quinnhughes tell me if your little boyfriend isn’t treating you right
→ yourusername not my bf!!!!! remember he doesn’t want labels quinny
→ _quinnhughes that in itself is already bad enough
→ lhughes_06 the only reason i haven’t flown back to beat him up yet is because of the little respect i still have for you yourusername
→ yourusername well aren’t you just an angel 😐
username17 whats stopping rosie x rut from happening???
→ username11 everything
→ username2 everything = ethan
vivianliu i hate how you guys are so sibling coded
→ yourusername awww are you jealous 🥺🥺🥺
→ rutgermcgroarty stop it vivi you’re breaking my heart
→vivianliu hahaha very funny we all know your little crush on her never went away 😐😐
markestapa i have an inkling you’re doing this on purpose 🤨
→ yourusername you’re tinkling????
→ mackie.samo the hell is an inkling 💀
→ dylanduke25 mark we need to address the tinkle problem
→ edwards.73 fr that’s what i’m saying
→ _alexturcotte maybe she is doing it on purpose
trevorzegras are you breaking my boy’s heart??
→ yourusername quite the opposite
→ trevorzegras uh huh
→ jackhughes IS THAT A COD REFERENCE yourusername
→ yourusername no jack i’m not quoting ghost 😒
username93 best friend supremacy
username1 this is your and rut’s world, we’re just living in it 🙏
dylanduke25 rosie did you know that jealousy is a real thing
→ yourusername did jealousy accidentally break the shower head again
→ dylanduke25 yes. and jealousy almost burned the building down
→ luca.fantilli jealousy also punched a hole through the front door
→ markestapa and somehow knocked out the entire heating system in the dorms??
→ yourusername oh god
username75 what happened to ethan 😰
colecaufield BREAK IT OFF
→ yourusername my friendship with rut???
→ colecaufield you know what i’m talking about 🙄
→ yourusername idk do i?? 🤔🤔
adamfantilli you stole my boyfriend.
→ yourusername oh did i? oops! 🤭
→ adamfantilli i will drive back there just to fight you
→ yourusername jokes on you cuz rut n i are already heading to springfield for a mini road trip
→ rutgermcgroarty shhhh you weren’t supposed to tell anyone 🙁
username60 oh look it’s my sanity slowly leaving me
username49 am i the only one still supporting rosie x ethan 😟😟
username18 PLEASE i’ve been begging for more content for forever i’m so happy
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liked by _quinnhughes, luca.fantilli, and 83,826 others
yourusername what are we?
view all comments
vivianliu damn babe when’d you get all philosphical and shit with your little quotes??
→ yourusername when i cried over him for 3 hours straight ‼️
→ rutgermcgroarty i’m sorry you WHAT
→ jackhughes this is unacceptable
_quinnhughes you’re really testing my nerves rosie
→ yourusername how so 🤨
→ _quinnhughes you gotta stop letting him treat you like that kid
→ yourusername i’ll be fine quinn don’t worry about me
username13 SO PRETTYYY
username52 the quotes hit different though
adamfantilli this is literally a direct call out????
→ yourusername it is?? i never woulda guessed 😱
→ adamfantilli yknow maybe you should just end it here
→ yourusername it’s okay i know how to fix things i’m like bob the builder
username67 i’m sensing a cry for help
→ yourusername 🙏
username3 that third quote really hit a lil too close to home
username11 oh babe…
markestapa r u ok
→ yourusername don’t sound like you’re being held at gunpoint 😭
→ markestapa Are you okay?
→ yourusername yes crayola marker i’m just dandy
→ markestapa i’m sorry
→ yourusername for what??
→ markestapa him
mackie.samo he’s just being a pussy rosie don’t worry about it
→ yourusername i’m a chronic worrier 😰😰
→ mackie.samo he’s trying, he promises
→ yourusername wish he could tell me that himself
jackhughes it physically pains me to see you like this
→ yourusername i’m ok!
→ jackhughes you never say “ok” 😭
username25 man this even hurts me
username49 this is why i hate men
→ vivianliu REAL SHIT
rutgermcgroarty this is really affecting you isn’t it..
→ yourusername take a wild gander
→ rutgermcgroarty i’ll take you to the lakes after morning practice tomorrow
→ yourusername you don’t have to
→ rutgermcgroarty best friend duties call 🫡
username74 shitttt this the story of my life
edwards.73 fr
next chapter notes ) so unfortunately i’ve decided that imma make the chapters shorter so it’s easier for me to post and i won’t get burnt out as quickly.. please forgive me!!
tags: @dancerbailey3 @hughesfein @loveforaugust @alwaysclassyeagle @love4ldr @inhoodmood @bunting58 @crazycat-ladys-blog @smoooore @bunbunbl0gs @lilasianmeat
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junicult · 9 months
first, i am in absolute love with all ur posts and works—second, could you do headcannons of the bachelors when they get jealous?? could be smutty or sweet literally anything u give is amazing
!! how the bachelors act when they’re jealous
contains ; sfw! established relationships! farmer is noted to be outgoing / social. mostly fluff, but not intended to be fluff. majority of these take place in the city.
note ; i do love man that can get a little jealous. anon i love u ur gassing me up🤭
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- overthinker ™️
- he’s his own devil on his shoulder.
- no matter what, he’s secure in his relationship. he knows you love him, and he knows you’d never even think about cheating on him.
- he literally remembers every single compliment you give him. he’ll just randomly think of when you told him his mustache looked especially neat one day like months ago, and smile.
- but there’s always that little shadow of doubt that appears every now and then.
- it more commonly happens after you’ve had an argument of some sort.
- he’s not insecure in your very committed relationship by any means, i’m not saying that any little argument he’ll just believe you don’t love him anymore & want to be with someone else.
- i’m just saying there’s always that thought that crosses his mind, and manifests quicker then he can push it away.
- i feel like one of his worst habits is that he needs to be reassured quite often.
- doesn’t have to be major, just an “i love you” will suffice.
- so if you don’t clear the air right away, he accidentally gives himself time to 🥁🥁🥁overthink!
- “i need to finish working, we’ll talk about this later.”and you close the door before you have time to resolve it—it leaves those few hours to be a living hell for him.
- the jealousy doesn’t creep in unless he actually sees it, or hears about it.
- he’s too mature for that.
- his mind doesn’t automatically go to, “she’s cheating on me!” when you talk about another guy or whatever.
- it’s more or less if he hears about him a little too much, or sees the two of you alone together.
- but knowing him he’ll never bring it up.
- he’ll bottle it inside if he feels it’s not worth it.
- or unless he’s given an opportunity 😊
- you’re laughing, wrapping up your day as usual, just talking to each other, “oh, and he made the funniest joke the other day—“
- “he is funny. i didn’t realize you two were friends,” he laughs stiffly, keeping his eyes on the plate of food in front of him.
- “yeah, well, he needed advice on a couple plants he has in his shack, so i helped him out a bit.” you smile innocently, because it really was innocent.
- he pauses mid chew, shooting you a glance.
- “i see…you’ve been in his house?” he clears his throat a little.
- you just blink at him for a second, before you have to purse a smile. “only a couple times. haven’t you?”
- “…yeah. i guess so.”
- u could practically see the thoughts in his mind. he really does go to the worst case scenario.
- you giggle, gently kicking his shoe under the table and leaning in to hold his hand. “aw, don’t do that. you know you’re the only one for me.”
- now he’s able to look at you, even smile. because really that’s how easy it is to clear the air for him.
- well, he might need a kiss or two.
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- ignorance is bliss for this man.
- the longer you two have been together, the more and more oblivious he gets to affection from others.
- especially when u live in a town as small as this one😭😭
- if you two went out of town or something, let’s say for one of his concerts—he literally wouldn’t think the girl that’s flirting so hard with him was even flirting with him. he’d just think she was a rly big fan LMFAO
- which has been the cause of a couple arguments between you two dare i say, but he means well.
- he’s the most secure out of all of them i think.
- when you’re in town, his mind just kinda goes to ‘everyone knows we’re in love so they wouldn’t even try.’
- and he knows you wouldn’t either. it’s not even something he has worried about before.
- he really doesn’t get jealous i think. it’s so unbelievably rare it’d get to the point where he’s actually upset about it.
- he’ll doesn’t think twice when he leaves you and sebastian alone together.
- i think it’s really sweet how much he believes in the two of you.
- i feel like the only reason he’d ever get jealous, is because he finds you’re spending more time with someone else besides him.
- not even a another guy, just a person😭
- like let’s say you’ve just been around vincent a lot, especially since he’s grown so much of a liking to you.
- so every time you come over to see sam, you end up spending time with his little brother instead.
- not even intentionally, it’s just cute to see how excited he gets to see you, and you like hearing the things he has to say,
- “and penny’s teaching us cursive! cool, right?” he grins, showing his handwriting that definitely isn’t intelligible but you still smile and congratulate him instead.
- so you just end up preoccupied with vincent more then you even realize.
- because of this, you entirely miss the way sam’s all uncharacteristically quiet beside you, just watching his little brother take up your time together.
- although he loves to see how close you are with his family, he’s still pouting.
- it isn’t until vincent has to leave for school, or something other, when he’s finally able to get your attention.
- “so you finally have time for me, i see.” he hums, pettiness dripping from his tongue, arms crossed.
- you furrow your brows, mimicking his stance. “i’m sorry?”
- sam isn’t the type to pick a fight out of nowhere. i feel like, for him to actually get angry or upset at something, it’s have to be serious.
- and this just wasn’t serious enough for him to encourage a bad mood, so he merely gives you a side-eyed glance before he unfolds his arms.
- “you know…you’ve just…been a little busy…’tis all…” he looks down at his shirt like he’s all embarrassed.
- “please, are you upset that i was spending time with your brother?”
- “…well not anymore…”
- he can get over it fast. promise you, within minutes he’s all over you, kissing and hugging you like nothing even happened.
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- 😭😭
- similar to harvey in the sense that, he needs to be reassured a lot. (bold and italicized)
- tell him, kiss him, hug him, whatever it is. multiple times a day.
- he trusts you, but he doesn’t trust very many else.
- he knows the other bachelors let out a literal sigh on ur wedding day. he knows they all want u🤷‍♀️
- which, for the most part, makes him feel soooo cocky. he likes knowing the woman everyone wants fell in love with him of all people.
- during festivals, and gatherings at the saloon, he pretty much likes to stay attached at the hip.
- wraps his arm around you, resting at your waist while you’re both having two separate conversations (more like you’re talking and he’s just beside you).
- he gets a little clingy around the guys that he knows are into you.
- he’s gotta show them what they don’t have🤷‍♀️
- it’s kinda funny cus he’s not being subtle at all, and instead of outright bringing it up in front of other people, you’ll give him a slow glance, and he’s just smirking.
- that’s only because you’ve totally brought it up before in private.
- “you know we’re married, right?” you snort, going to tug on the pendant around his neck.
- “hey, that doesn’t stop some guys.”
- “well it stops me. i fell in love with you, not them.”
- he grins when he hears that. “s’true. but you’ve gotta see the way they look at you—“
- “and let them look. doesn’t mean they’ll get anything out of it.”
- he has to admit, he does kinda like knowing they can look but can’t touch—and he gets to do both.
- when he gets jealous, it’s all because someone is spending a little too much time talking to you.
- he’s a tad fragile.
- when he sees one of the guys talking with you, he’ll glance over a couple times, making sure the body language stays casual n stuff.
- last thing he’d want (for you) is to cause a scene.
- but if he were to look over, and you were still talking with the same guy for a while, that’s when he’d start to frown.
- what makes alex so interesting? what’s he got to talk about that’s better then shane?
- he is soooo fucking petty. to the guy that was hitting on you, and you.
- “miss your boyfriend?” after you’ve left and are you’re walking home.
- your expression turns to disgust. “what?”
- “oh i dunno…just, you and alex seemed to have a lot to talk about.”
- “don’t start.”
- “you’re being awfully dismissive—“
- those are the fights you have.
- immature😭😭
- if the argument gets heated, you’ll both probably limit each other to the silent treatment 💀💀
- no matter how stubborn he is, though, he hates not being able to joke with you more.
- eventually he’ll find it unbearable, and he’ll come up to you with a look only he gives you.
- eyes soft, pressing a kiss to your shoulder and resting his chin. “i’m sorry baby, i know i can get pretty jealous. i’ll work on it, okay?”
- he knows you’ve forgiven him when you turn to look him in the eyes, smiling at his affections. “good. you don’t have any reason to be, i promise.”
- and he’s suddenly the luckiest man in the world when you cup your hand around his jaw, pulling him in for a kiss he’ll never fail to melt into.
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- he gets jealous. lol.
- it’s definitely his worst trait, because yes he trusts you, but he still might think you’re doing the wrong.
- you’re way more social then him, that’s a fact.
- you talk to people every day that he hasn’t even spoken with in months. he’s always just a little on edge.
- that cloud of doubt always tells him you can do better, he doesn’t deserve you. but you’re good at reassuring him, so it makes it easier.
- not to say his jealousy doesn’t get a little annoying.
- at the start of your relationship, it probably made u roll ur eyes a little lmfao
- ur casually talking to sam, literally just listening to whatever he’s rambling about, and sebastian’s nearby with a frown on his face.
- “what were you guys talking about? should i be worried?” he crosses his arms when you walk towards him.
- as if sam would even think to do that to his best friend.
- honestly, the best way to get him to realize it would be to lay it on thick.
- “stop it, your overthinking is exhausting the both of us. you need to get better with that, or this won’t work out.”
- he might be a little upset at your bluntness, but pretty soon he’ll come around. you have a point, and he realizes that.
- so afterwards he’ll tone it down.
- he still has moments where he gets a little tense if you’re giving guys gifts, or talking to them for a while during festivals and things—but he knows it’s just your personality.
- you’re not even flirting, and if they would, you knew to shut it down.
- once he got better at controlling it, you guys thrived. cus really, that’s the only thing you guys would argue about.
- i don’t think he likes pda.
- like, at all.
- but you guys have a little routine when you’re in public to reassure him.
- if he’s standing next to you, not mingling because his social battery is out, & he doesn’t want to interrupt the conversation you’re having,
- it’s with a guy, but he’s been with you long enough to not get upset over the little things,
- you’ll just reach out, and give his hand a little squeeze to reassure him you’re still with him (if that makes sense.)
- like, yes you’re focused on the conversation you’re having, but you’re still thinking about him in the back of your mind, so you want to silently show that everything’s fine.
- after years of dating, and when ur married, his thoughts of jealousy pretty much go away.
- despite you being the only person he spends time with on a daily basis, he trusts you at this point. he should’ve from the very beginning, and he definitely feels guilty about it every once in a while.
- but now he understands you don’t give him any reason to feel jealous.
- just talking to someone doesn’t mean you’re intending to cheat on ur partner.
- he’s a bit stubborn, although i think it’s sweet to think he’s given you a heartfelt apology about it.
- “i’m sorry for not trusting you. i know you love me, and i love you too.” with a little kiss on the cheek.
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- he doesn’t really get jealous.
-…if anything, i feel like it’d be the other way around.
- his ego is skyrocketed😭😭 he thinks very highly of himself, and yes that’s a good thing, but omfg can it be so annoying.
- don’t get me wrong, he thinks very highly of you as well. sometimes he thinks you’re too good for him, honestly.
- but when you’re both out together, he kinda loves when he looks over to see some guy trying to talk you up.
- he’s not insecure in the slightest. he’d be devastated if you did cheat, but with his ego he just kinda thinks it’d be your loss LMFAO.
- what makes it even better is when you have a little scowl on your face, leaning away and dismissing the stranger to go find him.
- don’t get me wrong tho, he’ll always step in if he sees someone overstepping boundaries.
- anyways, when it comes to whenever you guys are together in town, he’s touchy.
- he does not fear pda😭😭
- he’ll be all up on you if you’d let him. he loves letting everyone know you’re in a relationship.
- so he’s not even given any opportunity to get jealous.
- i’m serious. if you guys go out somewhere together, for example a gridball game he invited you to, he’s not leaving your side in general.
- but while you’re still trying to find your seats, you end up sitting next to a guy that’s clearly checking you out.
- “is this seat taken?” you ask, purely out of politeness before sitting down, and it’s obvious that this stranger is excited you’re sitting next to him.
- and if alex sees the small smirk on his face, he’s instantly swinging his arm around you, speaking loud enough to turn a couple heads, “these are great seats babe! we can see everything!” and pressing a kiss to your temple.
- throughout the rest of the game, the stranger keeps finding chances to say a few things to you, all of which has alex involving himself in your conversations.
- trust me, he’s making a grand show of how you’re not single.
- leaving his arm around your shoulders the entire time, kissing you and your cheek.
- and after the team scores, he’s pulling you close after cheering, speaking loud enough for the guy to hear, “you’re their good luck charm, baby!”
- he’s full of one liners like that the entire night, each of which make you roll your eyes.
- “i know what you’re doing,” you tease, despite not doing / saying anything to stop him cus…honestly it’s so attractive how much he’ll fight for you.
- he just smirks, tossing a couple pieces of popcorn into his mouth, “oh, you love it.”
- and that you do.
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- he’s also not the type to get jealous.
- or well, he doesn’t let it get to his head.
- his communication is too perfect.
- he’s not fragile enough to pout if you’re just talking to another guy. i think what he likes most about you is how welcoming you are.
- you’ll talk to anyone and everyone, and he definitely admires that about you.
- which is why i don’t think he’d think twice if he saw you talking with one of the other bachelors. you’re just striking conversation, getting to know everyone a little more.
- even then, you always tell him about it when you’re recapping your day.
- “oh, and then i dropped off one of the items shane requested today, got a nice chunk of change for that—“
- there’s nothing he needs to be jealous about. you’ve made it clear, and so has he.
- now being protective…that’s another story.
- he’s the perfect amount of protective.
- in general, he doesn’t look very intimidating. but he tries his best to make you feel secure if you’re out in public, and a guy keeps hitting on you.
- he knows you can handle yourself…i mean, ur the one who carries around a sword the majority of the time lmfao.
- but if it ever gets to the point where you’ve repeatedly shown disinterest, yet the guy won’t let up, he can step in.
- he’s so casual about it, swooping in by your side, sliding his arm around your waist.
- “you ready to go, honey? i called us a cab,” and he won’t even address the guy at all.
- “hey, we were in the middle of a conversation?”
- then he turns to him, gives him a bored once-over, before shrugging, “i don’t really think she wanted to talk to you, anyways.”
- whether the guy wants to press further is his own problem, because he’s hardly paying attention to what he’s trying to say.
- once you’re out of earshot and he’s finally let you go, he tugs you closer.
- “i’m glad you’re okay. sorry he wouldn’t leave you alone.”
- he’s so sweet you can’t help but smile, “don’t worry about it. thank you.” and he’s kissing your cheek, before actually hailing a cab.
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938 notes · View notes
lovelyjj · 7 months
Heyy❤️ I love your stories so much! And I came to request something which might be weird and disgusting but hear me out….🤭
JJ and kook reader have been dating for some time and both are crazy in love although she’s kook she’s Pogue at heart and has understood JJ since day one and both create TikToks and have sleepovers and…she even transferred from kook academy to jj, pope and Kiara’s school to be close to him and the pogues and she happens to sit next to JJ and all 4 of them sit on the same desk group and both reader and JJseem horny so he secretly fingers her in class🫣
jj maybank x fem!reader
warnings: fingering in public (I think that’s it)
wc: 1.3k
a/n: go easy on me, this is like my third smut i’ve ever written
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JJ and you were inseparable. You were always together. It was rare to see one of you without the other. You were also stupidly in love and anyone could see it.
You were in the living room of the château scrolling on your phone. You were on TikTok and you came across a trend. The trend was to ask your partner to kiss you like they would on your wedding day.
You immediately wanted to try that with JJ. You secretly set up your phone camera and pressed record. Then you called for him to come over to where you were.
JJ eventually came into the living room. He eyed the camera suspiciously but didn’t say anything.
“What’s up babe?” JJ questioned.
“I want you to kiss me like you would on our wedding day.”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah i’m being serious.” You let out a frustrated huff.
“Baby you think about our wedding?”
“of course I do, don’t you?” you responded.
“I mean yeah but I didn’t think-“
“Just shut up and kiss me maybank.”
“Right well i want to do this right,” JJ stated.
JJ went up to you and grabbed your face. He cradled your face in his hands gently. JJ was grinning into the kiss. JJ kissed the life out of you. He kissed you with so much passion it made you dizzy.
JJs blood was rushing through his veins. The kiss was heated and frantic. Your stomach felt tingly. You were giddy kissing him. Your lips were crushing together. Your hands snaked up into JJ’s hair.
JJ rested his forehead against yours once you stopped kissing. “You know I love you right?”
“Yeah I know, but I love you more,” you stated.
“Not possible.” JJ gave you one last little peck.
Then you went to your phone and hit stop on the recording.
Later in the day when you and JJ were cuddled up on the couch you posted your TikTok. After a while you checked to see how it did. You got a ton of likes and a few comments. One was from Sarah that said, “you guys are too cute!”
You and JJ were spending the night at the château in JJ’s designated room. You were cuddled up together enjoying each other’s company.
“So marriage huh?” JJ put out.
“I can’t wait to have a future with you in it.”
“Me ether.”
“Do you want a big wedding or a small wedding?” JJ questioned.
“Maybe a small wedding on the beach,” you answered.
“The beach sounds nice,” JJ commented.
“Yeah and maybe for flowers there could be blue hydrangeas or purple dahlias.”
“You can have any flowers you want baby,” JJ replied.
“How about a cake?” JJ continued.
“Hmmm maybe chocolate no red velvet no no chocolate for sure.”
JJ chuckled. You lifted your head off of JJ’s chest and turned your head to see him laugh. You loved how his face lit up and his eyes crinkled.
“We have plenty of time to plan the wedding but I have to propose first.”
“Yeah no pressure,” you laughed.
“You know when were married we can have sleepovers every night,” you smiled.
“Of course we will,” JJ exclaimed.
“I love you JJ.”
“I love you more angel,” JJ said as he pressed a kiss to your hair.
“Get some rest.”
You cuddled more into JJ and let sleep overtake you.
A week later you had some exciting news, and you couldn’t wait to tell your boyfriend JJ.
You were running into the château when you were met with a hard chest.
“Woah there girly,” JJ warned.
You were jumping up and down with excitement. “I have some news.”
“Well spit it out,” JJ ordered.
“Ok ok are you ready for this? I’m transferring from the kook academy to your school, can you believe it?”
“Wait are you for real?” JJ questioned.
“Yes! I hope your not sick of me because I’m gonna be at school with you all day long,” you grinned as you continued to bounce up and down.
“I could never be sick of you! I’m so happy.”
“When do you start?” JJ asked.
“Monday,” you answered.
School came around quickly and you were excited to have JJ with you at school.
It was Monday and you went to the office to get your schedule.
JJ quickly took your schedule and compared it to his.
“I can’t believe it we have four classes together.” JJ announced.
“Really? Yay,” you squealed.
The school day was everything you wanted and more. You really loved being in the same school as JJ.
You were both in your fourth period and were surprised when you got seated at a table with your friends.
You were in Mr. Sunn’s history class. JJ was seated next to you and Pope and Kiara were in front of you their tables pressed together and your table on the side of theirs making a table group.
Mr. Sunn was rambling on and on and you were not paying attention at all. Your cheek was pressed against your hand and you were looking at JJ. He was gorgeous.
You began looking at his hands adorned in rings. Your mind started to go somewhere else. You thought about his hands wrapping around your throat. Then you thought about his fingers inside you and you were already flushing.
JJ started to look over at you and he was confused to see you all flustered. He looked down and saw your legs squeezing together and then he figured out you were feeling needy.
JJ looked at your chest and saw your cleavage peaking out from your shirt and all the blood rushed to his dick. JJ was feeling horny all of a sudden.
JJ moved his hand to your upper thigh and looked into your eyes.
“Can you be a good girl and be quiet for me?” he whispered.
“Mmhmm,” you hummed.
JJ reached under your shorts and moved you panties aside. He traced a finger through your folds and you bit your lip to suppress your moan at the sensation.
“God you’re dripping. Dirty girl,” JJ smirked.
JJ placed a kiss on your shoulder and then proceeded to slide his finger into your hole. Your legs clamped together around his hand when his digit entered you.
JJ was enjoying himself watching you squirm.
JJ started to add another finger when you let out a little yelp.
Pope and Kiara turned towards you and gave you a confused look. They of course were oblivious to what was happening under the table.
JJ moved his thumb to circle your clit. You jerked forward at the contact, biting your lip so hard you could taste blood. Your hands were gripping the table so hard your knuckles were turning white.
JJ thrusted his fingers in and out setting a fast pace. JJ curled his fingers inside you making your eyes roll back as he reached your g spot.
“Gonna cum for me princess?” JJ whispered huskily.
“Yes J,” you breathed.
Your body felt like it ignited with fire. You were hot and your stomach was tingly. You felt that familiar tightening in your stomach and you knew you were about to coat JJ’s hand in your release.
“Oh god,” you mouthed. You clamped down on his fingers and your orgasm jolted through you. JJ’s thumb was pushing on your clit and his fingers worked in and out of you as you came.
JJ took his fingers and popped them in his mouth. You were embarrassed and covered your face as JJ licked up your juices.
When the class was over you were practically jumping out of your seat. You were antsy and wanted to get out.
JJ caught up to you as you fast walked out of class.
“When we get home, I’m gonna fuck you so good you won’t be able to walk,” JJ spoke in your ear. You couldn’t wait for the school day to be over.
461 notes · View notes
sofs16 · 8 months
spill your guts!
charles x singer!reader
fc: olivia rodrigo 🫀
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liked by charles_leclerc, taylorswift, and 13,493,191 others
yn two days and guts is yours to have💞🪄💌💟
view all 188,694 comments
yn.updated cant wait! 💜💜💜
ariana_2000 whore
⤷ theynroom stfu
⤷ ariana_2000 she literally gets a new boyfriend every month and writes an album about them 😂
september 6, 2023
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liked by charlesss__16, and 1,191 others ynvroom youre joking. YOURE ACTUALLY JOE KING. view all 68 comments
charles.updated what’s happening?
september 7, 2023
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liked by yn, carlossainz55, and 4,559,606 others
charles_leclerc Beautiful night at the @ ferrari Gala in New York! Congratulations on the amazing performance @yn 😉❤️
view all 87,585 comments
yn Thank you!!!💜💜💜
[liked by charles_leclerc]
september 7, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,272,282 others
yn grazie for having me @ ferrari! the people here got to a hear the album a day early haha🪄 (didn’t get a photo with my favorite drivers but got a photo of them in a non stalker way..)
view all 436,474 comments
charles_leclerc Oh no, next time! I would have loved to take a photo with you! [ COMMENT DELETED ! ]
charles_leclerc Oh no, maybe next time:) We would have loved to meet you!
⤷ yn definitely! hope to maybe see you guys at japan gp;)
september 7, 2023
━ charles_leclerc has sent you a dm!
Charles Leclerc
You are going to the Japan GP?
Yes!!! Failed to get paddock tix though:(
Charles Leclerc
If you would like, I have extra tickets😄
ooo no thank you, i wouldn’t want to be a hassle😭
Charles Leclerc
It’s no hassle at all! No one will be using them anyways.
are you 100% sure?
Charles Leclerc
1000% sure, is this a yes?
seen 4 minutes ago
Charles Leclerc
Sorry i was jumping around my living room.. YES!
Charles Leclerc
Haha anytime! I did not know you were that interested in F1
truth be told, i’ve been watching it for over a decade like i remember you in f3 2015😭
Charles Leclerc
Oh no🤦‍♂️
it’s okay, just an inchident 😁
Charles Leclerc
No one will let me live this down, yes?
Yes 💌
delivered 20s ago
listen, i really enjoyed talking to you but sadly i have to cut it short since i have this listening party for the album. thank you sooooo much for the paddock tickets and ill see you in a week:))
Charles Leclerc
I will be (re) listening to the album! See you:)
[ yn reacted with ❤️‍🩹]
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,697,697 others
yn 😭guts😭is😭out😭
view all 2,282,696 comments
charles_leclerc INSANE! 💜❤️
[liked by yn]
⤷charles1616 oh my god?
taylorswift Amazing, showstopping, splendid, and all that! [liked by yn] carlossainz55 Want to write a song about chilis 🌶️ next time?
⤷ yn done. francisca.cgomez you’re hot.
⤷ yn wait 🤭🤭🤭🤭
september 8, 2023
tokyo, japan
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 7,239,448 others yn 🇯🇵
• “get him back!” broke biggest streaming song in the world in one day (22 MILLION?????)
• guts broke biggest streaming album in the uk ???
• top 10 in billboards is all guts ??? how is life real??? thank you everyone ❤️❤️💜
view all 2,383,595 comments
ynvroom did she just try to sneak in a f1 garage pic. L4NDOS she’s hot in the last slide and knows it
scuderiaferrari ❤️💜
charles_leclerc Congrats! 🍾
⤷ yn champagne is for podium, sharl
⤷ charles_leclerc My bad…
⤷f3rarri55 so we’re never getting champagne? september 15, 2023
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liked by yn, and 4,383,292 others
charles_leclerc P2! 🍾Thank you! We did the best we could today❤️
view all 821,119 comments
yn LETS GOOOOOO!!!! 🍾🍾🍾🍾
[ liked by charles_leclerc]
september 18, 2023
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liked by 3,282 others
view all 1,111 comments
september 18, 2023
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[ slides 1 and 9 of 9 ]
liked by charles_leclerc, yn, and 2,118,282 others
pierregasly Japan dumppp
view all 1,149,383 comments
[ pierregasly deleted the 3rd slide! ]
september 26, 2023
monte carlo, monaco
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 6,282, 383 others
yn beautiful place
view all 1,393,101 comments
chhgasly oh she’s confirmed wag.
yndata not this being her first post non promo post in 2 months😭
⤷ chayn.updates after the 4 “yn seen in paddock/ferrari garage” mentions 😭
conangray i wonder what’s interesting in monaco
carlossainz55 Whose camera is that? Its nice
carlossainz55 What camera is that? It’s nice november 29, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,118,119 others
charles_leclerc Back home!
view all 632,382 comments
november 30, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 10,696,697 others
yn YNDUMPSTERS ITS BEEN A WHILE BUT CHARLES FUCKING ACCDEITANLY STAINED MY TS CARDIGAN WHILE DOING CAR THINGS AND I NEARLY CRIED. now that i think of it im happy because it’s stained with him and i love him tho🤷🏻‍♀️ im freezing someone get me a sauna
view all 12,282,595 comments
charles_leclerc Though most likely unintentional to post here, this is the sweetest and most chaotic thing someone has ever said about me. I love you too
charlesyn111 STOP “it’s stained with him” LEAVE ME BE
pierregasly Who might be in this dump account…
⤷ landonorris YOU’RE IN IT?
⤷ carlossainz55 Been in there for 3 months papaya…
december 23, 2023
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liked by yn, and 5,796 others
december 24, 2023
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liked by charles_leclerc, and 19,595,282 others
yn well.
i kinda fucked up how we were supposed to share our love with the world but now that it’s out there, charles and only charles has my heart, forever.
i wrote a song when i was 15 about having a dream guy and losing him because life isn’t always so kind. though charles showed me that isn’t always true. to the man who makes me feel like the only girl in the world, you are the 1.
“the 1” out now on all platforms 💜💌🏩❗️
view all 2,272,292 comments
charles_leclerc Proudest of you, Amour! Je t’aime💜
maxverstappen1 du du du du du Max Verstappen is better / kidding.
⤷ yn ngl… yeah.
ynsline “if my wishes came true, it wouldve been u” 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
december 24, 2023
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liked by yn, and 7,363,722 others
charles_leclerc Spilling my guts, I love my girl! 💜
Happt anniversary @yn 😘 view all 3,226,112 comments
yncharles 3 years and charles is still WHIPPED!
yn mwahhhhh loveu babe
⤷ landonorris Ew
⤷ yn me when i see u
⤷ landonorris wow
⤷ yn jk loveu lando no rizz
carlossainz55 Why does she not age. ⤷ charles_leclerc My pretty girl 💜
november 30, 2025
charles_leclerc instagram story :
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bubbles-for-all-of-us · 2 months
Casual intimacy
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a/n Cracks knuckles… let’s go… 🙃 I loved writing this so I hope you will enjoyed reading it. Cause this one cracked something deep within me. 🫧🤭
request: Hiii! I absolutely love your work I think you're so talented. If you have time can I request an angsty Ruhn x Reader, maybe he gets jealous or something because she has such a bubbly personality and guys flock to her?
warning: a bit suggestive here and there, alcohol, drugs, smoking.
Ruhn was tired. Playing pretend always drained him. For the most part, he bit back at his father, but even there were limits. And when his father wasn’t at the center of his headaches, the fact that he was a crowned prince was. Ruhn flicked the cigarette out of the open car window as he waited for the light to turn green. “Be on the bed when I get back," he typed out quickly. A slight smile tugged at his lips.
Ruhn imagined that crimson haze creeping onto your cheeks. You had been an angel when you two first met. More like a caged bird. And while the world saw him as a devil who made a good girl go bad, in reality, he had freed you from the chains that had bound you to the dark cell for eternity. And if everyone was having a fright at the sight of a cigarette or a shot glass in your hand, they could all go fuck themselves.
A ding had Ruhn glancing at the screen in his car. "Unfortunately, I won’t be able to oblige," the message read, and Ruhn frowned. He blinked a couple of times. It was usually “you’re an idiot” or a nice picture that sent him pressing his foot just a bit more on the gas. What was the reason for this? Did you get your period? But that wasn’t very likely. Ruhn could sense when the red flow was coming. And you weren’t talking about cramps. He was about to fire out a quick “because?” when another ding sounded. And a picture appeared on the dash. A growl ripped through him. Here you stood. An innocent smile, still in the dress Ruhn had watched you put on this morning. By your side stood Flynn, who looked like a lost dog, glancing at the half-made sandwich on the counter. No, this wasn’t happening. Not tonight.
Ruhn quickly dialed your phone, gripping the steering wheel tightly. You didn’t even get a chance to breathe on the other side as he huffed, “What the fuck?” The music was almost deafening. So was the sea of voices. That scraped like a nail against his mind. “Hey, hotshot, this wasn’t my idea," you chirped, and as much as Ruhn was frustrated, the sound of your voice alone made his shoulders ease. “Tell them to fuck off," he hissed. He should have moved out long ago. Gotten you two an apartment and called it a day. “I can’t do that; I don’t live here." You chuckled softly, giggling at something Flynn said. Ruhn frowned. “You are my girlfriend; you are entitled to do what you want there," he pointed out. You had refused the title. Refused any benefits dating someone like him brought. The doors it opened. It was one of many reasons Ruhn loved you. Because for the very first time, he felt more than his title. More than just a pawn in someone’s game.
"Ruhn, I am not ordering two grown men around," you said, and while Ruhn didn’t agree, he didn’t get to voice his opinion because his words got overshadowed by someone calling for you. “Oh yeah, you can find that upstairs," you said, Ruhn could hear the smile on your face. "Babe," he called out, not loving the idea that someone had managed to steal your attention from him. “Oh, no, it’s okay. Call if you need anything." From the way your voice sounded, he could also tell that you had the phone away from your ear, so he used other methods. Trusted kind.
Y/n. He spoke within your linked hearts. Feeling the fluster in your heart at his call. But his hope got crushed as soon as it bloomed. Give me a moment, Ruhn. Ruhn not even a hotshot, not a babe. Ruhn gritted his jaw. “No, liquor is on the right shelf," you said, as he listened to you try to get through the crowd of people. “Get your legs off the counter, you freak," you hissed, followed by the sound of a chair being dragged back. "Yeah, sorry, the house is full," you muttered slightly under your breath, and suddenly he was back to hating that party. Because you had woken before the sun had even been up. Studies and work keep you busy. Even if Ruhn had told you many times that you didn’t have to work,
“I am sending them to Urd and then fucking back," he grunted, making you let out a chuckle. The sound of it still made his stomach warm. “Light up, they brought shit to smoke," you sighed, and while he enjoyed a good smoke, especially if you joined him, and even more so if you both rode the aftermath together, he just didn’t want that today. “I don’t...", Ruhn had started when a loud bag came from somewhere in the house, and the place erupted in gassing shouts and angry grunting. “Fuck, got to go," you breathed. "Drive, save, baby," you muttered. “Y/N, don’t go near...”, but the line went dead. "Fuck," the princeling hissed. Oh, he was going to hang both Dec and Flynn by their balls, and he was going to enjoy every second of it.
You were nowhere to be seen when he stepped into the madness of the house. Ruhn felt you, so that had to be good enough for now. You were in the house. The question, however, was where exactly that was. "Man, this is sick." Some guy clasped a hand over Ruhn’s shoulder, making the crowned prince bat the touch away stiffly. “Yeah, dude, you’re dope!" the other shouted, his eyes red as fire. There was too much substance in his body. Ruhn frowned, trying not to show the disgust on his face. “Get your shoes off my fucking carpet," he hissed in dismissal, walking past them. His frustration only grew the more he looked around for you. If not for the music, he would reach out through the bond once again. But his head was pounding, and he knew there was no way for him to concentrate enough.
Then Ruhn’s eyes fell on a small group forming near the kitchen. It wasn’t usual. If people did drugs or mixed drinks, they usually went in groups of two. Not a whole fucking sea of them. An itch inside him flared up, and he didn’t even realize it when he started walking towards it.
“So how did you do it?”, a lazy voice asked as Ruhn approached. “I just painted, silly," and that was all it took for his body to ignite. No one even matched the power your light voice had on his body. “Yeah, but that’s one big canvas," another voice slurred. Ruhn licked his lips as he stepped through the arc, and the sight was far from what he had hoped for. There you stood, a white angel in a sea of hacks. Pouncing on you for a nibble.
“I didn’t sleep, I mean," Ruhn watched as a blush on your cheeks. “Colors just guided me. It sounds insane, I know, and no, I was not high," you said sheepishly, making everyone in the room chuckle. But Ruhn saw it. The way they looked at you. They didn’t care about this. Didn’t care about your passion. Didn’t care about the spark in your eyes as you spoke of the things you loved. You were a spectacle. A pretty thing to look at. But it’s when one of them reached out to tuck the hair that had slipped out of your silk bow that Ruhn stepped forward, yanking one of the guys by the back of the shirt as he shouldered past them.
He only managed to catch a glimpse of you inhaling before his hand wrapped around your neck as he pulled you closer to him. Crashing his lips against your red-painted ones. You melted against him. He cared little for anything else as he bent slightly to grab at your thighs, lifting you and guiding you onto the counter as he spread your legs, stepping in between them. Before his fingers found your hips, he pulled you against him. "Ruhn." Your voice was breathy and weak as you wrapped your legs tighter around his middle. “Want to moan that louder?”, he teased, his lips hovering over your neck as he pinched your bum, making you squeal. “I leave you for a day and come to find you in a sea of men," Ruhn hissed with a shake of his head. You knew that it wasn’t anger. It was more lust and that sparkle of possessiveness.
“Jealous much?”, you purred, smirking as you ran your fingers over his jaw. “Don’t play with me, woman," he muttered, his hand once again wrapping around your throat as he inched closer. "Oh," you coo, “I forgot that you’re just a baby." You sighed, cupping his cheeks, but that was short-lived. One moment you were still on the counter, the other in the air and over your boyfriend’s shoulder.
“Ruhn Danaan, put me down." You wiggled in his hands. Tried to hit his chest but for nothing. If anything, that only earned you a slap on your bum and another gasp as your cheeks flared to life with red. “You...", you hissed out, but Ruhn only settled his hand on your ass, keeping the dress over your exposed bottom. Not too keen on others getting a glimpse at what lay underneath. “Don’t finish that unless you want me to spank you again," he mussed, smug as a cat as he moved through the crowd of people.
Whistling met you right by the stairs. One that Ruhn recognized, considering that he stopped. “You two are in deep shit," the crowned prince hissed, throwing a glance at his two best friends. But all they did was laugh. “Fuck it out of him, Yn, please," Dec mussed, grinding his hips in the air. “Suck one-off for the team," Flynn saluted as you three burst into laughter. It appeared that only Ruhn didn’t find that appealing. And something told you that if you weren’t over his shoulder now, friend or not, they might just taste the back of Ruhn’s hand. But he only cursed under his breath. “I will leave you two dickless," he threatened, reaching for the railing as the two man-children moaned and growled downstairs.
Ruhn was breathing heavily when he finally closed the door of his bedroom. It wasn’t from your weight. It just all started to cave in on him as he lowered you to the ground. You nibbled against his neck, pulling away to reach for the hem of your dress, but Ruhn caught your wrist, guiding you closer to him. "No," he muttered. A slight shake of his head told you that he was dead serious, too. “Did you just say no to...", You had started in a teasing tone, but there was something in his eyes that made you stop. "Ruhn," you called out way softer now, brushing your fingers up and down his arms. “Come here, darling," you said, wrapping your arms around him. He wasn’t fully open and vulnerable often. And when he was. That meant that whatever you two were doing, you were the ones who would have to carry the heavy load. Just for a bit. until he finds his footing again.
“If this is about the males, I didn’t even for a second…," you muttered against his chest, but Ruhn only grunted, “I know you weren’t interested. It’s just…” he took a deep breath, “a long day." You knew how much more those three words implied. How much more complex it was. But you also knew that the last thing he needed was you trying to drag it all out of him. “Why don’t you lay down?”, you asked softly, brushing your fingers over his lower back.
“I’m okay here," he said quietly. The hold on your body didn’t ease. “Come on, we’ll lay naked; I’ll roll you a blunt," you poked at his chest, shooting him a loving smile as you wiggled your eyebrows. Ruhn let out a slight chuckle as he reached for the buttons on his shirt. You helped him drag the material off his body, kneeling to undo his shoes. Ruhn caught your chin, pulling your head up so you would look at him through your lashes. "Fuck, it never gets old," he grunted, brushing his finger over your slightly smudged red lip. You only grinned up at him, leaning in to kiss his thigh as you pushed his pants off him all the way.
Ruhn watched you in a daze before you pushed at his chest, sending him sprawled out on the mattress. He drank every movement you made. You reaching for a bag of mirth-root, licking the edge of the paper as you finish the roll. Lighting it up and taking the first hit before handing it to Ruhn. He watched the cloud of smoke flaring around you as you reached for your dress, pulling it over your head. He could very easily die here right now. And go to Urd as a happy man if the last sight he saw was you in nothing but a black thong.
It was this exact casual intimacy that had him running at first. He was frightened to feel secure with someone like that. To have someone trust him like that. Ruhn reached out, his hands gripping your thighs as he pulled you over onto him. A blunt burning between his teeth. You straddled his naked body with ease. The movement was second nature by now. “What do you need?”, you asked softly, brushing some of the hair away from his face. Ruhn found himself opening his mouth but shutting it closed once more. He didn’t know. He was only aware that he needed you but was not sure how. Bent over the counter? Seated on his face? Snuggled up against him? With you holding him instead? “That’s okay, we will figure it out." You leaned in and pressed a kiss on his chest, leaving feather-like brushes over his exposed skin. “You’ll tell me when you’ll know," you breathed, pulling back up to look into his purple eyes. He didn’t answer, wrapping an arm around your back as he pulled you closer to him. Skin to skin. There was nothing between you two. You rested your face on the crook of his neck, feeling him take another drag of the cigarette in silence. His silence. One that you threaded for him. Painted it. And for the first time in what felt like forever, Ruhn realized that there was no other sound around him, just a steady beat of your heart.
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hihomeghere · 7 months
UGH! Holy crap! You did so well with the Five smut! I love me a good soft dom y/n 🤭😩. So how about a fluff? Five and Y/n are working together at the commission and Five gets injured, he thinks Y/n will just continue fighting because her job is very important to her but as soon as Y/n sees Five in pain she grabs him and rushes him away from the fighting and the bad guys get away. Five's all aloof like "Why would you do that? I know how much your job means to you" and Y/n's bandaging him up and saying "Well maybe you mean more"
Et tu, Brute? | Five Hargreeves / F!Reader
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First off, thank you for your kind words! I hope this lives up to what you had imagined! Word Count : 1.2k, a little guy Warnings/Tags : Gore, stabbing, hospital setting, blood, fluff, Aged up!Five, I do not own the umbrella academy or any of it's characters. Tiny bit of angst but mostly fluff, cursing.
“Five!” You yelled, Five felt someone punch his lower back. He turned and swung at the target behind him. His fist connected with the man’s temple, knocking him to his knees. Seriously, a back shot? Why had you been so worried in the first place? He reached back to rub the dull pain on his back when his fingers connected with the handle of a blade. There was a knife in his back. He fought every urge to pull it out, knowing he would be in a worse situation after doing something like that. If he wasn’t so disappointed by his lack of situational awareness skills, he would have laughed. Getting stabbed in the back, really? Where were the 22 senators waiting in the shadows? 
Missions are never this easy, he should have seen the obvious trap. Cornering one target before another sneaks up behind you. You let out a groan of pain as the man’s fist connects with your cheek. You stagger back, your hand covering your cheek. You flipped your hair back, passing a glance at him. Your face immediately fell.
“No!” You yelled, reaching out to him as the knife was pulled out from his back. His legs gave out from under him, his knees smashing against the pavement below him. Just another injury to add to the list. What a stellar partner you are Five. He hung his head, tears pricking in his eyes, hot and heavy as they fell down his cheeks. The target behind him ran, taking his knife with him. You jumped, twirling your body as your foot connected with the target's face. Sending him sprawling onto the pavement. 
He twisted his arm wildly behind him, trying to cover the gushing slimy blood. He had less than five minutes until he bled out, oh the irony of it all. You sprinted over to him, dropping to your knees.
“Fuck!” You hissed as your hand pressed over the hole on his back. Five cried out, bile rising up into his throat. He clamped his jaw shut, keeping any cries and puke in. Millions of tiny needles seemed to be digging into his skin. 
“Can you walk?” Your voice sounded miles away, like you were yelling at him from one side of the Grand Canyon. Your hair had fallen into your face, your wide eyes staring into his. He tried blinking the black spots that filled his vision away.
“Et tu, Brute?” He whispered, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Your eyebrows knit together in confusion as Five chuckled to himself. His hearing was slowly going, like he had been plunged underwater. 
“Fuck it.” You grumbled setting the briefcase down in front of you both. No. You wouldn’t. He looked back at one of the targets, still lying on the ground. There was no way you would throw away a mission like this, not for him. He reached out, his cold fingers covering yours.
“No,” he groaned, bile rising up in his throat as the spots returned to his vision.
“Yes.” You said through gritted teeth as you turned to glare at him, “I’m not letting you die here” You said as your sticky red stained hand encased his own. As you clicked open the briefcase, Five succumbed to the darkness.
The incessant beeping of machines woke Five up. He snapped his eyes open, the bright led lights blinding him momentarily. He sat up, hissing as his back throbbed. No doubt pulling on his stitches.
“Hey, hey. It’s alright.” Your soft voice soothed as your hand covered his shoulder as you gingerly pressed him back down on the bed. 
“What?” He croaked, his throat dry and scratchy.
“You lost a lot of blood so just take it easy, Caesar.” you teased pulling your chair closer to his bed. Tubes were attached to his arms, liquids pumping into his body. 
“How long was I out?” He asked, turning to look at you, you had changed out of your suit. A soft sweater hanging off one of your shoulders, your cheek had a bit of purple bruising. You sighed, shaking your head, a small smile pulling on your lips.
“Already thinking about work?” You breathed, a weak excuse of a distraction.
“Tell me.” He said propping himself up on his elbows, the sharp pull on his stitches making him wince.
“Just two days.” You said as your hands returned to his shoulders, pressing him back against the bed. He relented, rolling his eyes as he laid back down. 
“And the target?” You pursed your lips, smoothing out his blanket. “Y/n.” He furrowed his brows watching you avoid the question. 
“I’m gonna get enough shit from the Handler so can you just-”  You stopped, shaking your head, “Can you just say thanks for saving my life.” You tried to play it off as a joke, but he caught the slight waver in your voice. 
“Why did you let them get away?” Why didn’t you let me die, is what he wanted to ask. It’s not like you owed him any loyalty. You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest.
“I’m still not hearing a thank you.” You teased, your gaze raising to meet him.
“Thank you.” He rolled his eyes, sitting in the comfortable silence between the two of you. It was something he could appreciate, knowing neither of you had to say something to fill up the space. You could just be. But the question still nagged at him in the back of his mind, why? Why did you let them get away? You could have easily left Five to bleed out. One of the targets was unconscious in front of you for god's sake. Not to mention this damn place was your life. As much as he hated your undying loyalty, he also admired it. Found some sort of resemblance of himself in you, for Five his siblings pushed him to keep going. His reason to get up everyday, to save them. For you, it was the commission.“I know how much this job means to you.” You narrowed your gaze, tilting your head slightly. A smile began to spread across your face before you looked down at your hands. 
“Maybe you mean more.” You said as you shrugged. Five was sure his heart had stopped beating, but the EKG continued its steady beeping.
“Oh.” He said, unable to think of anything smart to say.
“Can’t have my partner dying on me.” You teased, lightly shoving his shoulder. He sat frozen like an idiot, watching as you stood up brushing your hands off on your pants. “Rest up, now that you’re awake I can’t avoid the Handler any longer.” You rolled your eyes as you leaned against the door to his room. “You owe me for that by the way.” 
“Apparently me being asleep has helped you avoid that witch for longer than you should have. So you owe me.” He said, raising his eyebrows. You crossed your arms, scoffing in false offense. 
“Even on death's doorstep you find a way to be a sarcastic little shit.” You laughed, Five couldn’t help the smile that spread across his face. 
“Please, you love it.” He said with a smirk.
“Maybe I do.” You returned his smirk before you walked down the hall and out of sight. 
Five’s usual smugness returned to him in all its glory. He rested his hands behind his head, getting more comfortable in the hospital bed. Maybe getting stabbed had its perks.
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mirkoluvs · 7 months
notes: funfact sugurus my fav animanga character 🤭
→ gojo ver. !!
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♥︎ liked by sugeto, thestrongest, shokoko, utahim3, and others…
y/nstivies: my starboy
tagged: sugeto
↳ sugeto: why are you implying that i dont treat her well.
↳ shokoko: im not im implying that im better than you and she should break up with you and get with me.
↳ sugeto: wow.
↳ y/nstivies: that’s a tempting offer idk…
↳ sugeto: ???
thestrongest: me when i came up with this whole outfit
↳ sugeto: no you didn’t??????
↳ thestrongest: suguru pls don’t discredit me rn.
↳ sugeto: you LITERALLY told me i picked a good outfit before i walked out
↳ thestrongest: ok but like i mentally approved it so if i didn’t do that you would’ve changed and then you wouldn’t have that on so
↳ sugeto: i want to be happy so i’m ignoring you.
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♥︎ liked by thestrongest, y/nstivies, kenton, haibabara, and others…
sugeto: you are my sea, you are my sunshine
tagged: y/nstivies
↳ sugeto: i love you more baby 🖤
shokoko: cant even hate he did research for this one.
↳ sugeto: what can i say 😜
↳ shokoko: now i can hate on you using that stupid ass emoji
↳ y/nstivites: yeah that was a little…
↳ sugeto: can i live.
↳ thestrongest: youre not getting a gf anytime soon lil bro
↳ sugeto: what is your problem
↳ thestrongest: bitter.
↳ thestrongest: i’m sorry haibara you will get gf soon!
↳ haibabara: THANKS!!!!
↳ kenton: i wish i was this happy
↳ sugeto: i can somehow hear him through the phone
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♥︎ liked by utahim3, thestrongest, shokoko, sugeto, and others…
y/nstivites: when he knows how to do your hair better than you do 😍
tagged: sugeto
sugeto: hair stylists are lucky i decided to become a jujutsu sorcerer
↳ y/nstivites: they’d be unemployed 😞
utahim3: this is cute ig. like i guess it is like idk i guess.
↳ thestrongest: crazy level of hating
liked by sugeto
↳ utahim3: didnt you just tell haibara that he’d never get a gf cause you were jealous of these two.
↳ thestrongest: what happened to forgive and forget wtf…
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♥︎ liked by shokoko, sugeto, kenton, the strongest, and others…
y/nstivites: took a picture so itd last longer
tagged: sugeto
sugeto: dont need a picture when im here
↳ y/nstivites: 🙁🤍
↳ sugeto: 🖤
↳ thestrongest: this is disgusting
↳ shokoko: for once i agree
shokoko: had to burn my film camera after this one
shokoko: i need a cigarette
↳ y/nstivites: had to post this so they wouldn’t catch onto us yk you’re my #1 😙
↳ shokoko: omg ur so right
↳ sugeto: i don’t like this entire thread?????
↳ thestrongest: suguru i got you dont even worry
↳ sugeto: get away from me NOW.
↳ thestrongest: 🙁
thestrongest: u guys always have the corniest captions
↳ y/nstivites: ok then wtf do you want me to make it.
↳ thestrongest: idk something like we went to tinkle together after this
↳ y/nstivites: WHAT
↳ sugeto: EXCUSE ME?????
↳ thestrongest: oh ok so now i’m the weird one.
↳ kenton: you’re just now figuring this out?
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© mirkoluvs. please do not copy, modify, or repost on other platforms. thank you !!
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landososcar · 23 days
so high school ; JB5
pairing(s) ; jude bellingham x singer!reader , jude bellingham x student!reader
summary ; twitters favourite new(ish) artist drops her new album right during her school year.
warnings ; nothinggggg & mainly just fluff bc i love happy people
note ; SORRY ITS SHORT AHHAHA, i’ll post a new lando fic soon i just have no inspiration… ignore any dates that are wrong or don’t match - im lazy. also this is VERYYYY LOOSLY based off so high school lol (it’s mainly the aristotle line)
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liked by judebellingham, taylorswift, and others
youruser surprise !!!!! as an end of term present (for myself🤭🥳) and in honour of knowing the loml for 15 years, here’s 15 new songs for you guys to (hopefully) enjoy 😊 noah, thank you for trusting me and letting me join you on what might be one of my favourite songs ever!! i loveeee youuuu. && to my jude<3 thank you for inspiring me every single day of our lives. i love you bigger than the whole sky 🩵🩵 (guys he’s actually v v talented and he helped me write scared of my guitar, hard to sleep, and feels like) j, you are my safe place and these songs — especially the ones i haven’t let you hear yet — are for you.
ps guys idk how to only write happy songs but jude is the only one who makes me feel safe enough to express my emotions through my songs 😁 i looooovvveee him and am NOT 🙅‍♀️ breaking up with him. he is stuck with me forever💞
‘the alchemy’ is YOURS tonight at midnight 💓
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user1 WHAT
oliviarodrigo my girl💞💞 i’m so so soooo excited😭
youruser jude and i love the alchemy the most out of all the songs and wanna keep her just ours for a little bit longer but maybe if you guys enjoy these songs i’ll let you have my baby
user5 WHATTTT songs did she not let jude hear omfg i need to know
youruser he’s heard them all except for daylight, paper rings & so high school lollll
judebellingham refreshing my spotify every minute til midnight you guys don’t understand she’s kept these songs in a VAULT
user6 jude i know you love spotify but apple music get new music 10 minutes early xxx
judebellingham just made an apple music account
taylorswift so so proud of you beautiful 🩷🩷
judebellingham putting ALLLL of these on the pre-game playlist
youruser babe idk if some of these will pump you up before a game
judebellingham hearing your voice will pump me up idc how sad the song is xx
user8 why’s no one talking about how she’s in UNIVERSITY and dropped a FIFTEEN song album like …??? she’s INSANE. WHERE did she find the TIMEEE
user9 not to mention she lives with him in madrid and does school online coz her uni is in the uk
user10 she’s insane i don’t understand how😭😭
imessages !
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youruser just posted to their close friends story.
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liked by judebellingham, trentarnold66, and others
youruser surprised my fav person in the uk for his england game and he scored for me 😆🩵🩵
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user1 she wrote “you know how to ball” and he said “yeah” then scored a goal and did a celebration for her😭
user2 zoom in on pic 6 and you’ll see me laying on the road waiting to be run over
judbellingham ‘unemployed girlfriend’ but you’re the greatest singer on earth while also doing online uni full time and you still make time to be able to come see me
youruser it’s coz i love you so so bad
jobebellingham you make me sick
youruser i love u too jobeyyyyyy
england our favourite visitor💙💙
user3 how does she do all this whilst going to uni😭😭😭
oliviarodrigo 💖💖💖
judebellingham I LOVVVEEEE YOUUUUU
user4 i NEED the top in pic 8 where is it from
youruser i found it on depop and HAD to buy it😭😭 i think someone made it x
chappellroan HOTTTTT (you not ur bf)
youruser I WOULD DIE FOR YOU MY WIFE💓💓💓💓💓💓💓💓
user5 i don’t understand how you write sad songs like the ones on your album if ur ‘in love with jude’
user6 jude deserves better than someone who’s so caught up on and still writes songs about her exes
user7 were both insane let’s get married
user8 dm me right now wife
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liked by taylorswift, jobebellingham, and others
youruser lol little life update coz i’ve been m.i.a. for the last almost two months. 1: i went blonde again. 2: my man still as fine as ever. 3: got engaged or whatever lol. 4: slaying up exams. 5: i miss tour so i decided imma come back and see you all soon 🤭🤭 tour dates soon <3
ps in honour of becoming fiance or whatever🤗 the alchemy and 4 other songs are yours on the deluxe version of ‘the alchemy’ ,, out tonight !!!
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harrykane juudddeeeeee!!! congrats🥳❤️
declanrice mr bellingham that is a ROCK
judebellingham WIFE WIFE WIFE‼️‼️‼️
youruser not yet my love but so close🥰
user5 she’s still writing break up and sad songs whilst engaged… so weird
user6 yeah and jude helps her,, he must be so disgusted right? seriously get a life and go touch grass
taylorswift so so happy for you 💓💓
youruser 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶 i love you
england juddeeeeee💙 sooo happy for you two
trentarnold ❤️❤️❤️
user8 how girl just gonna casually drop a ENGAGEMENT announcement in the middle of a photo dump
noahkahanmusic YESSSSS🤍🤍🤍🤍
user10 HOWWWW is miss girl gonna find time in her schedule to do uni, make music, keep a healthy relationship, AND TOUR
judebellingham mrs*
my other works !
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jihyoruri · 11 months
more wonyn moments pls
BEST WONYN MOMENTS pt2 wow!yn x jang wonyoung
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— clip one ☆
yn leaned into the camera to get a better look at the comments, her and wonyoung decided to go live together.
she answered comments as wonyoung watched her, taking notice of something.
wonyoung grabed yn’s shoulder and pulled her up a little from the camera, “yn, button up your shirt.” she said laughing awkwardly.
yn looked down at her unbuttoned shirt and looked at wonyoung with fake disgust, “jang wonyoung why are you looking there.”
she playfully rolled her eyes as she buttoned it up, “I always knew you had a crush on me.”
“you joke to much.” wonyoung said as she pushed yn’s shoulder.
— clip two ☆
the camera followed yn as she sat down on the couch exhausted, still in her music show outfit for their promotions.
wonyoung walked up to girl standing above her and touched the girls forehead before pulling away in disgust, “ew.” she laughed why “why are you so hot!”
“I ask myself that everyday.”
you could hear rei laugh in the background as wonyoung looked at the camera stunned.
— clip three ☆
yn walked the hallways as she looked for wonyoung. “I’m looking for wonyoung guys I can’t find her.”
“this is sorta scary, it’s like I’m in abandoned school.” she mumbles before yelling, “miss jang!” “miss jang.”
“don’t call me that!” wonyoungs voice is heard in the background you can tell that she’s whining at yn’s nickname, “it makes me feel old.”
“what should I call you, my love?” yn said teasingly.
“yes.” was all wonyoung responded with.
yn chuckled awkwardly, you could see that she was clearly flustered at the taller girls response. “I didn’t expect her to say that.” she says to the camera.
— clip four ☆
“yn unnie!” rei yelled, “come sit with us and talk to dives.” her, wonyoung and liz were on live and dives kept asking for yn.
“there’s no room!” you could hear yn’s voice in the background. “we will make some.” is what liz responded with.
the comments visibly went faster as yn came into view and sat right in wonyoungs lap.
wonyoung wrapped her arms around the girls mid, and continued to answer questions and talk to dives.
��� clip five ☆
“I want nobody, nobody but you.” yn sang as she practiced for the collab stage that she had.
she turned to wonyoung you say behind the her, “did that sound good?”
“yes.” wonyoung said to the standing girl and pulled yn to sit beside her.
“are you just saying that?”
“no, you sound amazing.” wonyoung responded as she leaned into yn, “now take a break.”
“she’s been practicing all day.” wonyoung said to the camera. “shes so good I don’t think she needs to practice anymore.”
“shut up.” yn said obviously flustered by the girls praise.
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here you go🤭🤭
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itsmealaiah · 4 months
Billy fucking the (female) reader and degrading her ‘cause she talked with some random guy at the supermarket. HE WAS JEALOUS. Mad jealous. THANKSSSSSSA❣️❣️❣️
🤭 yes thank you for requesting ❤️
Fucking apologise
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(not my gif 🫶)
pairing: 2015 bill x fem (im in love with this era 😭)
synopsis: when bill sees reader talking to an old friend by coincidence at a supermarket when reader are both shopping, he gets pissed off, and fucks the living shit out of reader until reader apologises.
MDNI ⚠️ tags/ warnings: smut, p in v, harsh dom! bill, degradation, dirty talk, begging, cursing, head (slightly; f receiving), usual smut features here 😏, slut shaming, use of the word wh0re
a/n: i actually hate tests
f/n means friends name (i hope 😗)
Your POV:
"Bill does this look good to you?" I ask, holding fruit up for him to see., examining it, trying to decide if it was ripe or not. "Hmm, yeah it looks okay, put it in the cart" He replies, and walks away to get more of the items, leaving me all by myself, strolling through the aisles of food when I see someone oddly familiar, perusing the shelves of items. I get a closer view, and recognize him, the angle of his face making me able to identify who he is. My old friend from primary school, f/n. I gasp, and he turns around, a smile building on his lips. "y/n! I haven't seen you in so long! How have you been?" He asks, wrapping his arms around me in a tight hug, the air escaping my body. "I've been good" I gasp once again, trying to relieve myself from his grip. "oh! sorry" he apologises, letting go. "didn't mean to hurt you" he says, his smile fading. "nono, it's okay, just took me by surprise, thats all" I pass him a light smile, showing him it was okay.
"That's good, so what are up to these days?" he questions, leaning onto the handle of his cart. "Not much, I met someone" I say, and he oo's. "Who?" He asks, and I blush. "you might know him, I think he went to our school when we were little" I face down on the ground. "I might, tell me more" I think for a moment, trying to remember the features of bill when we were younger. Black hair, loose clothing, and a sweet attitude even when people were bullies to him. "Bill kaulitz? that ring a bell? His hair was always messy, but it looked so adorable" I gushed. "Ohh! Him! I remember him! He was always so kind to me" His smile grew bigger. "Yeah, we've been dating for about three years now" my face reddens, and f/n laughs. "you must really love him, huh?" He questions, and I nod. "mhm" I mumbled. "Y/n!" I hear someone call, sounding like bill? His footsteps make their way down the aisle, one of his hands resting on my shoulder. "Who's this?" He asks, gazing down at me.
"I'm f/n, nice to meet you! y/n was just telling me how great of a person you are" He says with a bright smile. Bill only nods, a small 'mhm' leaving his mouth. "He was my old friend from primary school, I haven't seen him in forever" I look at bill, a frown lying on his face. My heart sinks at his facial expressions, knowing he must be mad. "Y/n said you went to school with us" f/n tries to lighten up the conversation, drifting my attention away from bill. "She was blushing so hard when she mentioned your kindness" He laughed, slapping my arm playfully. Bill didn't respond, his face only darkening in what seemed to be anger. "Well it was nice to see you again" I laughed nervously, taking the cart and bill away to another aisle. "What the fuck was that?" He hissed, eyes blazing with hate. "Just a friend" I murmured, picking up an item and placing it in the cart.
"Just a friend?" He chuckles darkly, his hand grasping my arm so im facing him, seeing the absolute, pure jealousy swimming in his eyes. "Yes!" I exclaim, pulling myself away along with the cart to the checkout. He follows suit, mumbling curses under his breath as the person working slides the groceries under the scanner one by one, watching them intently, waiting for them to finish. "Your total is fifty-five-seventy" the woman states, clicking on the screen in front of her. I put my card into the keypad, and we get out of the store, bill lurking behind, his hand on my waist. "When we get home, you're gonna fucking wish you never talked to f/n" He snarls, opening the car door and steps in while I place the groceries in the backseat.
"Bill!" I screamed while his tongue dug into my clit even more, more than what seemed even humanly possible, my hands on the edge of ripping the crisp, white bedsheets as I bucked my hips up near his face as he happily licked up all the juices leaking out of my aching pussy. "mmph, please bill, s'too much!" I moaned, while his fingers explored my folds, rubbing small circles. "Pleas-agh!" choked sobs left my lips as he continued, his nose sometimes nudging over the spot that made me melt. His tongue piercing was heavenly, the coldness of the metal up against the heat of my core was a mix of pleasure and pain. My orgasm was slowly creeping up, the knot forming in my lower stomach, as my cries echoed through the room. "Bill! gonna- c-cum!" I slurred, my words jumbling over each other.
He pulled away, and I whined. "Come back! Please!" I begged, trying to reach up for him, but he pushed my hands down back to my sides. "Shut the fuck up, you think you deserve to cum? After what you did?" He laughed meanly. "You don't deserve shit" He grabbed my jaw so I was looking into his eyes. I was about to roll over, to try and sleep, when he pinned me down, arms surrounding the sides of my head. "Listen, you little slut, you're gonna cum when I say so" he lifts one arm so its resting on my jaw once again, staring straight into my fearful and fucked out-eyes. "and only when I say so, you got that you whore?" He demands. "Please" I sigh, too desperate for him, to return to pleasuring me and my body.
He tears off his remaining clothes, revealing his hard erection, pre-cum leaking from the reddened tip, my mouth wide open. He strokes himself slowly, and I gasp. "Like what you see you little whore?" He grins wickedly, rubbing the head of him against my soft folds, making me whimper, the teasing too fucking much to handle. "Bill-Oh!" I cry out, his hands grabbing hold of my hips, as he pounded in and out, my body rocking from the force of his dick, sliding from my body never fully, and thrusting back in each time. "Fucking slut" He pants, lips beginning to work at my neck, marks consuming the skin as he bites the flesh, tugging it with his teeth. "who's the one who only can make you feel like this?" He demands, slowly up just a bit. "Y-you" I whine. His cock brushes up just right near the spongey spot again, whorish moans exiting my mouth.
He pulls away from my neck, and I see his face, lips swollen and pink, his eyes half-open, the way his chest is heaving up and down fastly, making me nearly cum right then and there. I snap out of my trance as he fills me up fully again, his hips rocking against mine, small little marks sure to form there as well. "Taking me so well my slut" he whispers, leaning down to my ear. "Cumming!" I yell for the second time. "Not yet" He growls, slapping my thigh. I wince, my eyes momentarily shutting. His cock begins to twitch, signaling he's on the verge of bliss as well, as he falters just for a second.
"mm-cumming, cum with me baby" he utters, low and sultry, the ropes of his cum filling my insides, as I cry out, arching my back. "Cum, now" he whispers, still inside of me. I oblige, my release consuming my entire being, my legs shaking from the thunderous force as I cum on his dick and lower abdomen. I fall weak against the pillows, and bill pulls out, grabbing some tissues to wipe me up. "you sorry?" he asks, eyes blazing with a hint of anger, and i nod. "wise answer" he lies down next to me, plopping down with a sigh as he closes his eyes, arms finding my waist, forcing me into his close embrace as I struggle to grasp sleep.
He snuggles his head into my chest, little noises of thanks spewing out from his mouth. I close my eyes, praying that I fall asleep, and soon enough I do. However, the thought of bill being so possessive keeps ringing back in my head. Do I really want a boyfriend who's always jealous?
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