#i just needed to vent and didnt know how to make a read more on mobile 😅
g0thsoojin · 2 months
#im like very much having a crisis right now... i mean to most ppl it isnt that serious lmaoooo#but tbh i am a loser and tumblr is 80% of my life and most of my social life#all social interactions i get are on tumblr ._.#so i dont want to keep alienating myself on it because then im just ruining it for myself and removing the only place#and source of social interaction and attention :/#i personally can not for my life comprehend this because i really dont take other peoplës venting personally#but ever since i started using twitter and tumblr i have ruined so many connections .. by venting on my own account.....#and now.. when i lost and fucked it up with the love of my life... just bc i vented and he interpreted it from his pov..#and got hurt when i wrote things abt being lonely and unwanted WHILE talking to him everyday and having him call me beautiful and care abt m#... i understand why he got hurt and i understand his pov bc it looked like i pulled away and distanced myself and only complained and that#he didnt matter to me when in fact he was EVERYTHING to me and i lived off his attention#i hate that i ruined the best thing i could ever have just bc i have this pathological need to share my every thought#like shut the fuck up... i wish i wouldve shut the fuck up and instead gushed abt how much i liked him which was what i wanted to do#my avpd just made me feel stupid bc when i did he didnt interact with those posts and then i felt embarrassed#which like i know how fucking stupid avpd and bpd makes me and i hate it but i cant stop it#god i regret it so much like my dumb ass blog isnt worth losing him over... it just isnt#only an online connection.. makes it so hard to see bc he only saw my diary where i complain he didnt see everything else :(((#so he thought that he wasnt important to me and then slowly started to detach himself from me (understandably) god i wanna die#so yeah ive started to HATE my main account. bc it has ruined so much for me. plus lately ppl have started being mean#and i get it its the internet ppl suck but i AM so fkn sensitive. and i get sad and hurt really easily#and i feel anxious abt venting bc im scared of getting a mean ask after#like... i feel so fucking alone and idk what to do. all i want to do now is vent vent vent but ive started to feel like venting is bad#and harmful and only ruins my friendships and connections and makes ppl be mean to me#i honestly wish i wouldve stopped venting every thought looooong ago#and that i had a more normal blog and had a secret vent blog and that he didnt read all my miserable posts#bc then maybe.... he wouldve actually understood how much i fkn love him and hadnt looked in other places and now i lost him#bc i really dont blame him bc i know what he is struggling with and seeing me who he cares for so much say those things...#i get it 100% and thats why im so pissed with myself for just not stopping!!!! why cant i stop????? whats wrong with me#i just feel so lonely and like no ones listening but he was listening to me i just had to be brave and go to him#plus all my venting made him think that im like in severe emotional distress every second and that i was too fragile to talk to
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dream-sans-mogai · 5 months
Im so fucking tired of allistic people man...
They always present like 2 choices for you and go on for days about how they understand either choice, they won't judge you no matter what you pick and how they'll be fine regardless then act all disappointed and whiney when you make that choice and they didn't get the answer they wanted.
I'm sorry, how was I supposed to know that was the wrong choice™️. If you wanted me to do something why didn't you say it. I don't care about all your little social shit, be honest with me. I didn't choose based on your wants when I don't know what you want. I made the "selfish" choice despite everyone around me saying they supported my decision and totally understood. Then I'm the bad guy. For making a choice. That I was assured over and over again that I wasn't going to be judged for.... I'm so tired of this... I'm so tired of allistic people setting these fucking landmines for me. Like they enjoy my suffering. I always get fucking burned in these situations. I can either just do what I think they want with varying response or I can be honest and unmask and do what I think is best for me then they all collectively sigh and look away like Im the disappointment...
If it's not truly safe, don't fucking tell me I'm safe. If I truely won't be judged, don't judge me. If I can't safely unmask, don't tell me to be myself and make my own choices. Even allistic people who had no fucking skin in this game judged me. I chose the option that was best for me and now I'm the villain. Again. Fuck allistic people man, fuck those wishy-washy judgey ass people.
#clover speaks#clover vents#its ok they said just do whats best for you they said#and my dumbass was just like yeah sure 😚 and now im looked at like a monster for taking a choice they gave me#and encouraged me to take! ill support you no matter what my ass#it makes me feel so fucking unsafe in my chocies like a fucking saw trap#its always multiple choice questions and nothinge ever seems like the right choice#they are always wrong and everyone always despises me abit afterwards#even when i know i didnt do anything wrong i didnt hurt anyone and i made a chocie for me#its all supports and i love yous and its oks up until the tism comes back out and i get the cold shoulder#i get the look aways and the silence#they know they are hurting me and they dont care about the betrayal i feel over being basically lied to#i know its your choice but i felt like- ok then why didnt you say anything BEFORE I MADE THE CHOICE#FUCK ALLISTIC PEOPLE IM SO FUCKING TIRED OF THEIR QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS GAMES THAT MAKE ME LOOK HORRIBLE FOR NO REASON#IM SORRY I DIDNT READ YOUR EXPRESSION ITS ALMOST LIKE I HAVE A MODERATE MENTAL DISABILITY THAT PREVENTS ME FROM RWADING EXPRESSIONS#i just wanna say or do something right and they always judge me no matter what#im never safe around these people because everything is always watched and judged according to their morals and what they would choose#as if their morals are superior to mine because they are fine with throwing themselves at trains over nothing and im kot#fuck allistic people man#im so stupid for believing them and thinking this time ill be safe...#im never safe i will never be safe#im always so scared of looking like a stone faced unfeeling monster who dosent love anyone or anything and they always make me into it#no matter what i do or how much i try to express it#i feel things i love people im not a robot#this hurts so much...#sorry for the total lack of context but you dont need any#i dont want or need any more allistic judgement
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im-like-if-a-girl · 8 months
I go back to college in a day I'm fucjing sick thinking about it
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terramassakin · 2 years
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byooregard · 6 months
x men tumblr dashboard simulator
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sparklejays Follow
based on your likes!
every time I see a human talking about "how cool it would be to have superpowers" or some shit like that I loose it a little bit more. do these people realize that being a mutant isn't just fun powers. like even beyond the shit I deal with trying to get jobs or all the relationships that have been ruined once people realized I'm a mutant. abilities aren't just fun and games, I have a friend who can't touch people without nearly killing them, I burned down three buildings before someone finally taught me to control my abilities, and these people are all like "wouldn't it be great to fly to work every day??" just admit that you see us as comic book characters and not real people with real struggles
#actually mutant #jay .txt
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scamperpamperblog reblogged spocktism
🏙️tilleys-brain Follow
self diagnosing is great and all but most of you people aren't telepaths, you're just hyperempathic
#actually mutant #actually telepathic #hyperempathy #crosstagging i know but some of yall need to see this #tilley speaks #it can be dangerous to go around acting like you know peopels actual thoughts when its just your brain
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#vent post #sometimes I get really mad at magneto #like I think he's done a lot for mutant rights and stuff #but I'm so fucking tired of everyone assuming that I'm evil just because of my powers #like jesus not all of us are trying to start atomic wars #some metallokinetics just use their abilities to make cool sculptures #but I can't get a spoon from across the room in front of strangers without someone mentioning jfk
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mutantbuffy reblogged muntantpollscentral
*physical mutation meaning something that is ALWAYS physical, not just something you can turn off and on whenever
#ig my mutation IS technically physical its just not visible to people most of the time so i feel weird claiming that #but like i was born with the tattoo marks #the powers didnt come till later tho #so idk which to pick
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sploimsh reblogged jesterjuleses
HEY! shout-out to people with *weird* mutations. Mutations that don't look cool, mutations that are gross, mutations that are dirty, mutations that you can't tell people about because they always cringe. You're just as valid as every other mutant out there. Your powers don't need to be palettable to humans for you to be treated with respect.
#THIS!!! #rb
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god i am so tired of the hypocrisy in this community. the double standards are insane. its okay to have 'scary' powers but the moment someone's abilities are scarier than like, pyrokinesis you're evil and dangerous to be around. 'acceptance' for you people only means nice mutants who've never hurt or scared anyone ever.
rosetvler reblogged rosetvler
non-mutants can reblog this btw
#srb #actually mutant #getting real tired of this
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katiedidnt reblogged morelikesexmen
🩻magicsteele27 Follow
okay like. i get that were all about acceptance and pride or w/e but no one in this tag has ever had friends irl i swear. if someone asks you not to read their mind you shouldnt. honestly you shouldnt be using telepathy on people at all without their permission. mutant abilities dont disclude you from respecting peoples boundaries
🌌rosetvler Mutuals
i swear to god you people are such hypocrites. its all 'mutant and proud' until someone has a power you dont like. its always about keeping the humans feeling comfortable instead of thinking about how it feels to never use your powers because theyre breaking 'boundaries' that were made up by humans in the first place
🩻magicsteele27 Follow
dude do you hear yourself right now
🎆jade-the-pyromancer Follow
Hey, I like your point op, but maybe you should stop trying to speak over actual telepaths and let them decide how to use their powers themselves???
🩻magicsteele27 Follow
i. i am a telepath.
#duddeeee telepaths are insane #used to be friends with one SO glad i broke that off before it went too bad
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mythicmanuscripts · 1 month
omg ok also, based on your recent aegon imagine, what about soft, teary, spiraling jace when he thinks you're mad at him? maybe something similar where he really gets into his own head about it? i feel like jace is already so prone to anxiety that this would be a breaking point for him...maybe he might be on the verge of a panic attack or breakdown and you'd even have to put him into subspace after just to get him to calm down and breathe a little?? thank you!!
Of course!! In case you guys couldnt already tell, I LOVE writing sweet soft angsty stuff,
While this answer isnt explicit, I will hide it under a cut anyway because it's very clearly sub!Jace.
So firstly, I think Jace has always been prone to anxiety? Even though he's a man, he absolutely has a crippling case of eldest daughter syndrome. The poor lad can't remember the last time he didnt have someone to look after or someone's expectations to meet.
He's also very used to handling all that pressure and anxiety on his own. When you marry, you make sure to check up on him constantly and ensure he's alright. You learn very quickly that Jace won't actually come to you about his anxiety and stress until he reaches his breaking point. Because of this, you always make sure to ask him if he's alright once a week or so.
You always try to make sure that you have some time alone with him where you can ask him if there's anything he wants to talk to you about or vent about. Often he will actually take you up on the offer, especially because you always praise him once he finishes talking and tell him you're very proud of him for opening up.
However, sometimes even these precautions arent enough.
Jace can spiral very easily and get completely lost in his own head, and these spirals can happen quickly, especially if he's already not feeling the best.
Maybe this time, Jace could feel how he was starting to get too stressed and anxious and so he goes to you. Except when he goes to you, you're in the middle of something? Maybe you're reading or making arrangements with servants, whatever it doesn't really matter. When Jace asks if he can talk with you, you just tell him to wait a moment because you want to finish this first. When you look up again, he's gone. So you just assume whatever Jace wanted wasnt very important and make a note to yourself to ask him about it that night.
You don't see Jace for the rest of the day, which isnt unusual considering how busy and you both are with the war effort. But in reality, Jace wasnt doing his duties, he was just sitting on his bed staring at the wall and spiralling. He begins to wonder if he's relying on you too much, if he's managed to scare you off. He's so confused, because he knows you've told him to come to you for help, but when he did you blew him off?
You find him in the bedroom that night when you finally retire for the evening. You can immediately see something is very wrong because he's just sitting on the bed, hugging a pillow to his chest and not moving at all. When you say his name, he looks up at you and quickly tries to compose himself, stumbling over his words as he tries to lie and say he's fine and doesn't need anything from you because he doesn't want to make you even more annoyed with him.
You just walk to him and ask him why he would ever think you were upset with him, and he mumbles something about having asked you earlier to hep him. Your heart sinks, because you realise you did this to him. You realise he must have come to you because he genuinely needed support and you turned him down.
He starts to spiral even more now that you're actually there and watching him. Tears well up in his eyes and he closes them, trying to take slow deep breathes but it's a losing battle. When you see this, you know speaking to him is useless. He's far too worked up.
So you just sit down on the bed with him and pull him into your chest. You rub his back and just let him cry it out and calm down at his own pace. Jace is someone who just needs to have a cry every now and then. Trying to reassure him and get him to stop crying doesn't help at all, he just needs to let the emotions out before he can think clearly again.
Even when he stops crying, he's still unsettled? He keeps on squirming and whining, hiding in you neck every time you ask him what's wrong. You bring your hand up to his hair, stopping to cup the back of his neck for a moment and he relaxes against you. So you give the back of his neck a little squeeze, like a mother dog carrying her puppies, and he melts into you. Feeling you have that grip on him lets him calm quicker.
When he looks up eventually, you can see he's somewhere between being half asleep and being in subspace. So you ask him if he wants to kneel for you, and almost instantly he's sliding down the bed and onto the floor. You have to grab a pillow quickly and make him stand for a moment until you can put the pillow down to protect his knees.
He's whiny and unsettled the whole time you're having him stand. He wants to kneel!! The moment you deem it comfortable enough, he's kneeling. You sit on the side of the bed, playing his hair and letting him suck on your fingers. He stays there until you can see he's about to fall aslee p, then you drag him up the bed and he's asleep before you've even changed into pyjamas.
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narwhalandchill · 5 months
how are we feeling about this project amber update
assuming this is in relation to childe bc who the fuck else JWDJWJKDJKW anon im so sorry if not. also so so sorry for how out of hand this got. i am simply unwell about him.
But! Well. there certainly are thoughts
(obviously 4.6 datamine of arle SQ and her voicelines; This Will Not Spoil Anything Abt The Main SQ Plot, i only discuss the relevant parts. also some p Heavy negativity towards fanon ooc at the start youve been warned dont @ me)
(i mean i didnt even read anything of the SQ but The scene w childe so idek the main plot of the quest rly either lmao. tho go at ur own risk if u wanna check the dialogue out; its the 2nd quest log but it does hint at the greater story)
TLDR: how i feel abt his appearance in a vaccuum? quite solid despite the briefness, actually. accounting for the way fanon is 100% likely going to be reading into this and turning it into the Lets Infantilize Ajax Even More 2024 championship? conflicted.
in other words; a certified labyrinth warriors moment - theyve expanded on childes character in a very interesting and quite a compelling way and while i Do like the potential in what im seeing from hoyos end theyve also done it so that its going to be misinterpreted to hell and back by fanon so i kinda have an immediate jaded love-hate moment going on JJWJDKJDKJWJDWKJ
its literally just labyrinth warriors flashbacks - that event has some of my ALL TIME favorite insights into who ajax is and how he views the world and himself but when the event came out all everyone cared abt was to warp it into baby boy stuck in scawwy paper boy dungeon dehumanizes himself by calling himself a weapon and doesnt love himself he is such a sad trauma meowkitten 🥺🥺so yeah
bc like lets look at this properly for a bit; okay he went back to fontaine to look for skirk still somewhat injured and waa waa my 286 month infant baby cannot Make decisions like that!!!!!11! which is to say. i am tired of him getting this shit every time.
is it smart of him to get on the move immediately with just the bare minimum of rest? no. do i like that hes straining himself before proper recovery? not particularly no. do i feel the particular need to psychoanalyze this grown man and feared warrior whos 100% survived Way Worse in Way More Extreme Situations for it? hell fucking no.
while not at all the course of action a medical professional would approve of. from childes POV its perfectly logical hes priorizing going back for skirk when its literally the FIRST TIME shes showed up in like. a Decade. when hes been looking for her all this time are you kidding me 😭😭😭 but fanon must keep fanoning for their widdle baby girl so what does a hater like me know
anyway. seething and venting over im gonna try to avoid bringing up how much i hate this kinda infantilization of ajax now im sorry for bringing it up so much on ur innocent ask anon KJWDJKWKJDJDKWJKD. neutral discussion moment. i Promise
so it seems that theyre going for the pulcinella-is-shady-about-ajax (and prolly his family) angle for good and like. personally for me as long as the only real source of that claim was scara (a cynical edgelord who doesnt believe in non-exploitative human relationships, mind you) i was rather skeptical towards just instantly drawing that conclusion, but well. with the scene in arles AQ it appears to be sth theyre building towards
i actually really fucking loved that scene bc while theres outsider perspectives (scara obvi; and even arles line for him has that vibe. and ppl still take that shit face value 💀💀) and a lot of fandom assuming childes like. completely clueless and naive and ignorant towards the potential risks involved with trusting pulcinella. this is actually a very clever demonstration of quite the opposite? and showcasing how despite his aversion towards schemes and lies hes still intelligent and knows the kind of people hes dealing with when it comes to his fellow harbingers
like. childe has a negative opinion of arle based on what pulcinella has told him about her because at face value many of her deeds are in heavy conflict with his values of loyalty and family. and because he does not have the further context behind her actions and what the HotH under her is really like. Obviously hed hold a very hostile and wary view towards arlecchino
(ESPECIALLY when with all this biased intel hes still going to run into kids from the house!!! and then hes going wtf? these are good kids. what the hell is that knave doing with them??? blink twice if you need help i will start a civil war for yall like thats how he is with kids!!!!)
so YES. pulcinella has given him if not false then at least misleading intel based on the political tension between himself and arlecchino and the wider HotH. and childes taken that at face value! sure! he is close with pulcinella of course he would!
BUT. THEN. he returns to fontaine and seeks arlecchinos help looking for skirk. and observes her behavior and modus operandi for himself as well as the kids. does he go "nah she must be just hiding the crazy evil shit i would never distrust pulcinella" and leave it at that when reality doesnt completely match his expectations?
NO. because when offered the opportunity through the traveler asking about the HotH childe immediately capitalizes on the opportunity to prod for answers and see if pulcinella is lying to him!!!!
and hes so fucking smart with the way he does it too???? i LOVE his intelligence. the entire thing is so simple yet elegant; it Completely relies on his reputation as the kinda gullible harbinger whod Never scheme or hide Anything to indirectly affirm or deny his suspicions. he doesnt Need to Pretend to care about the possibility of arle betraying the kids bc he genuinely does!! and when she pushes back against the accusation he doesnt Need to fake admitting to her that well, actually, its all just rumors so he could be completely wrong. and so on. like he navigates the entire thing so effortlessly. and whats the end result?
childe has Confirmation of pulcinellas possible ulterior motives in action AND that arlecchino is a much more reliable ally than he initially assumed. all the while appearing as just The Straightforward 11th. like obviously id need to hear it voiced first to be sure but in text it v much gives the impression hes almost kinda just. playing up the threats towards arle and being "dumb" on Purpose?? to get the answers he wanted out of arle without appearing like hes fishing for anything particular. and i just hhhhhhhhhhh
i love when he does this so muchhhh!!!!!! 😭😭 he doesnt need to become some machiavellian schemer to be able to strategize !!!!!! he avoids scheming bc he Dislikes it not bc hes incapable of it like this has Always been the case Since Liyue AQ and i love whenever they show that side of himm . my Beloved
so anyway. while i do still think the like "pulcinella is bad and has his family hostage" is still kind of a generic plotline and i hope the writing regarding the whole thing wont ultimately turn out to be sth That simplified and black and white. its p clear theyre doing Something with pulcinellas motivations and as they are. im Really glad theyre letting it show that childes not just some completely passive party being manipulated in this all. he Is thinking abt this stuff and his position among the harbingers. ig we shall see where it goes - not the greatest fan of the concept still, but canon text supports it becoming a thing way more than when it was just scaras word we had for it. hope theyll surprise me positively w how they go about it!
then briefly for the rest uhh
also loved arle and childe just shittalking the rest of the harbingers it was amazing. i wasnt expecting this kinda dynamic between them at all but its great lmao. also i wanna see childe hang out w the HotH kids
as for project stuzha; so we dont really get anything solid on it other than being summoned back to snezhnaya for it is apparently a Big Deal. but still very interested. let my man have his endgame significance Trust
childes appearance was obviously v brief ultimately but that was clear from his leaked linecount to begin with - i am pretty satisfied with what they seem to have done w him. like its not The Best but also i wasnt expecting his lore to get some massive expansion in another harbingers SQ . the worst i feared was that it was just going to be a flashback of arle returning his vision which did Not happen so massive W. i am super hyped to hear this scene voice acted proper and happy to see him again, i really hope he gets to appear at least once more in an interlude or dains quest or something before going on hiatus again but idk if thats too much to ask LKKWJDJWDJWD
also: i am never changing my namecard after this patch drops. oh my godddddddd its So Fucking Beautiful 😭😭😭😭
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But. Yeah. lots of good stuff. unfortunately lots of it will get misinterpreted and fanon will get obnoxious about it. but i still love getting to see him again and i am speedrunning that namecard day fucking one mutuals and/or followers in EU please add me (UID 711090267) ill need coop buddies for the world bosses
thank youuuuuuu for the ask i hope this monstrosity of a monologue doesnt scare u off 💀💀💀
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cin3maa · 2 months
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☆Welcome to Fish City's greenhouse!☆
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౨ৎ ⋆。˚
☆ you can call me cinema/cinna or just anything you like! i am 15!! in fact a minor (she/her only please) pronouns page <-
☆ i work as a sort of botanist for FishCity! I take care of the marine plants here (and also am tasked the burden of dealing with tomi's problematic little clones.. they keep multiplying!!!!) i am but a wee sea bunny doing my part to ensure FishCity's habitability!
☆ i really like (rot)tmnt! specifically donnie (in every iteration..smitten swoon)
☆ i can and will draw selfship with my wife r!donnie so if you dont want to see that just block the tag #selfship
☆ i like yapping!!! interact with me i swear i dont bite (,,¬﹏¬,,)
☆ i am a huge vocaloid/jpop/pjsk nerd so um yeah!!!!
☆ art requests are closed! if you send any i WILL get you!/threat
please read about my boundaries before sending any requests if open. (under the cut)
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☆ 700 DTIYS (#cin3maa dtiys)
☆ donnie with other purple characters
☆ #tmnc (teenage mutant ninja cats) <- there will be more!!!
☆ #tmnt cin (my turtlesona or self insert stuff)
mooties!!! (more tba<3)
#corrupted file 📄: @urplepurplegurgleturgle
#ocean documentary 🪸: @atomic-rattz
#alien sighting 🛸: @reddbug27
#sweet n sour 🍋: @hahawasabi
☆ main tags:
#rolling 🎥 (my art)
#backstage 🎭 (my refs)
#previews 🎞️ (ask replies)
#talking during the movie {yapping)
#5 stars 🌟 (reblogs)
playlist ˚₊ · »-♡→
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boundaries and other stuff! ⇩(PLEASE READ)
-> requests
i probably wont draw your oc
i wont do canon x YN requests unless i specify otherwise - i will deny/ignore you if you request it anyway. i understand you like the characters (i really do) but i just dont want to draw this kind of content as of now and i ask that you respect that.
...please dont beg or be pushy/send multiple asks with your request
if i havent responded to your request, i probably just dont want to do it or i do and am getting to it when i feel motivated
id prefer requests be primarily (rot)tmnt but if you want to request something related to any of my OTHER interests i wont mind(• ∇ <)
i am very obviously not going to be doing nsfw.
my commissions arent set up at the moment
the way that i personally do requests is that i get to them when i get to them. im most likely not ignoring you!!! i work at my own pace.
-> art usage
feel free to use my art as a pfp/banner etc (credit appreciated<3)
i dont mind if you repost as long as you credit me
do not edit/modify my art
do not use my art in edits
um.. i dont think this should be an issue but dont sell my art?
you can draw any of my designs but id prefer you didnt claim them as your own haha..please @ me if you do use anything id love to see it <3
-> boundaries
t/cest in/cest & proshippers fuck off. seriously, block me. this includes casey jr x turtles
^I do not count april but i probably wont draw any april x turtles anyway (he's married to me)
vivziepop (hazbin/helluva etc) generally makes me uncomfortable but i wont block you if you enjoy her works or post about them.
i do not support ai art. if you support it or are neutral please block me. if you want to start making real art but dont know where to begin or need free resources, check out this post. (or this resource post)
if we're not close be mindful of what you send in my ask box lol. i am a minor. it makes me uncomfortable if youre sending me suggestive images or something like that (especially if i dont know you very well)
DO NOT VENT IN MY ASK BOX. i dont really know how to respond.. im witewawwy just a girl im not your thewapist im sowwy💔💔
i frequently call rise donnie my wife/bf & draw selfship (sometimes) so if that bothers you im sorry ;w; when i do draw selfship i try to tag it properly so it can be filtered !!!
im still an inexperienced artist, so i probably wont be able to give very good advice if you ask (ᵕ—ᴗ—)
feel free to tag me!
dms are open
-> other interests!
project sekai (if you want to play just ask for my id<3 im almost always up to it! i main jp but i do have en.)
vocaloid/utau/synthv & jpop
^ i am kakizaki yutas #1 fan !!!! listen to his music right now
hoyoverse (genshin, star rail, zzz, hi3)
little nightmares
osomatsu san
metal family
bee and puppycat
breaking bad (pls...)
...and more but this list is already getting long
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stuff in here is subject to change, thanks for reading!!! :3 like actually thank you so much!!! i really appreciate it
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clownmoontoon · 2 months
YOUR FAVORITE CLOWN IS BACK IN BUSINESS ive been quiet a while, a LOTS been going on in my personal life that brought my social medias to a complete (and unfortunate ToT) standstill til now!
i rlly wanna talk about it, its been honestly life changing and for safety i need to add some warnings:
cw for abuse both physical and emotional, and suicidal thoughts/ideation (dw im ok and not suicidal! i used to be and i finally have real context as to why)
i got the opportunity to see a therapist for free for the first time since i was a kid and it was IMMENSELY eye opening.
SOME CONTEXT: ive lived with just my mother since i was a teenager as i tried to "make it" as an artist. ive had my ups and downs w this career goal and have been heavy in the midst of a very big Down period. entirely brought on by how sick i was at the start of the year to june (infected lymph nodes, pneumonia, 2 pounds of tumors in my uterus that required the removal of the organ entirely etc, i may have a weak immune system im realizing sdlkjd) which resulted in me having very little energy to create and/or post content. by july i needed to basically start over. which i was excited to do! i WANTED to get back to work and i was even excited for art fight! ;u;
aaaand in july is when my mom thought would be a good time to threaten to kick me out unless i found money to give her or got a "real" job. this came as an extreme and horrifying shock as i had just asked her the month before to "believe in me just a little longer" as i finally felt i realized what id been doing wrong all these years before and felt strongly i could succeed before the end of the year, she not only emphatically agreed but even said i didnt need such a time limit and she definitely didnt mind supporting me til i reached my dream lol i couldnt even do anything until july bc i was busy recovering from major surgery, coming home with tape on my stomach to heal the incision that hadnt fully closed yet
ive wanted to see a therapist for ages bc im Full O' Trauma and i knew it would help. The way this worked was basically like getting a free trial, i got six days of therapy (to be spread out as far as i liked) thru zoom.
i used the visits more for getting advice on how to reach my goals thru mental blocks and exhaustion bc ultimately i felt like 6 days wasnt enough time to get into trauma stuff and i really just wanted to get my career off the ground again, hopefully permanently.
i had vented a tiny bit about my mom and by the final visit w my therapist i decided to forgo the "how to better reach my goals" questions and ask if she had advice on how to handle someone like my mother, who i had to live with and rely on and who would often say something cruel whenever the mood struck. as i told her about my situation she stops me and asks
"do you hear yourself? bc i hear you"
and im suddenly so scared shes going to tell me the same, "get a real job" "stop acting so selfish" etc
instead she says, "this is abuse, youre literally describing an abusive relationship"
i was in complete shock
i even asked her how could i be the one being abused when i was the one using the resources and she compared it to a person getting married to someone rich and that rich person treating them like theyre worthless for not also making money.
it shook me to my core especially bc my mom loved calling me an abuser and comparing me to her abusive ex husbands (one of which used to abuse her physically, punch her/beat her etc) and saying im just like them
for the record ive never laid a hand on her, she would say these things whenever the mood struck, often out of nowhere
once bc i told her i couldnt read her mind and didnt know what she wanted lol wild
ANYWAY after this conversation i started looking back on my life and realizing why ive always felt so worthless, why i thought until my early 20's that suicide would be the best option for everyone. i was so exhausted from chasing this dream and feeling like such a worthless burden, my mother would get so angry with me for just existing and i felt like she would be so much happier if i were out of the picture, my sisters (both a decade older and living w their own families) calling me a leech and selfish for "using" our mother etc
any time i would stand up for myself, kindly and meekly as i could my mother would tell me how she wanted to punch my mouth, slap my face etc for years i thought she'd eventually fly into such a rage one day that she'd kill me and... i honestly didnt really mind the thought once while in high school my mom picked me up for lunch and offered to pay for a prom dress. i told her that it was ok, i knew she was struggling w money rn and i didnt really wanna go to prom anyway she flew into such a rage she pulled over on the highway just to pull my hair and beat me, and then dropped me back at school to finish my day lol
realizing that all of that IS NOT OK OR A NORMAL WAY TO FEEL OR BE TREATED AND I DEFINITELY DIDNT DESERVE ANY OF THAT was extremely eye opening
i told my best friends what my therapist had said and they were both like YEAH... DID YOU NOT KNOW YOU HAD AN ABUSIVE MOTHER??
apparently it was very obvious ^^; my friends were shocked to find that i thought everything was my fault, my therapist even used the term "gaslighting narcissist" to describe her which was WILDLY VALIDATING for me lmao
sitting w all these thoughts whirling around my head my mom texts me suddenly and tells me to ask my sisters for money (13 hundred dollars lol) bc she needs it for "bills"
i didnt want to do that at all she told me to "use my big words" to convince them and not to say it was her idea, but instead to act like i was asking bc i wanted to
it felt gross and made my skin crawl and honestly didnt even make sense bc WHY would i need that money so i asked but let my sisters know it was my mom asking and said she prob felt embarrassed to ask, while telling my mom that i asked in the way she wanted
my oldest sister makes good money and has helped our mom w money in the past. she texted me back asking why our mom needed money and why 1300 and i told her honestly i didnt know, i asked my mom what to say and she said to tell her she had an itemized list but she left it at work and couldnt remember what was on it lol
my sister told me to tell our mom that she couldnt help rn, so i did and my mom encouraged me to push harder to my other sister
suddenly the sister i had been talking to texts me and says that our mom left her a voicemail saying she doesnt know WHY i would ask for money, must be bc she threatened to kick me out bc i never help her with money :,( which was WILD bc any time i had money my mom would get most if not all of it, i havent been able to save money since ... ever tbqh, even when i tried my mom would successfully guilt every dollar from me letting me know i didnt deserve to save a penny after all shes done for me aaAA
ANYWAY i was so angry and hurt that my mom would just throw me under the bus i told my sister i had proof i wasnt lying (bc she was already inclined to believe our mother since they both considered me a leech to start with) and sent her screenshots of my texts
she was shocked and hurt too i decided to tell her about my therapy and how my therapist had called our mom an abuser and she answered that she understands more than ill ever know... which is very sad hjghfgf
we havent really talked more since and i deleted my texts to the other sister, more likely than not my mom sent her a similar voicemail
im very tired
i want to get out of here, im finally seeing this relationship for what its been for years and years, even back to when i was a little kid! i didnt know about suicide but id dream of being an animal in the wild bc i felt like if i were just out of the picture everyone at home would be less angry
its something that enrages me now tbqh ive tried all my life to be as little of a burden as possible and now im ready to be a problem LMAO :o)
the long and short of it is that i will be posting art sales and opening my patreon FINALLY to try and save up funds to get out of here ive also gotten a part time job on weekends for a little cushion tho some of that money will inevitably go to my mother, unfortunately
she doesnt know about the money i make online :o)
my family has constantly called me selfish, entitled and spoiled for just asking for common decency and to be treated like a person, theyve dehumanized me to the point that my greatest coping mechanism was creating a creature sona that isnt human but a monstrous equivalent lol AND I LOVE THEM IM EMBRACING CREATURE LETS FUCKIN GO
i know this has been long and if youve made it to the end i love u and im so thankful for your support!! ;u;
FOR ALL YOUR SUPPORT!! i want to come back full force, i havent stopped drawing at all, just havent had the energy to do much til now
my therapist even pointed out that i probably WOULDVE had at least moderate steady success by now if it werent for my mom's constant abuse
OH ALSO I NOW HAVE FOUR CATS LMAO a stray i had been giving water to and keeping safe from weather things (extreme heat, extreme cold etc) had her kittens here! and my mom gave me the ok to keep them all ;u; (and then ofc rescinded that but thats hardly a surprise now lol) and man, having kids cats sure changes your perspective on what u want and feel like you deserve! I NEED TO DO WELL BC THESE KITTIES DEPEND ON ME AND I LOVE THEM QVQ <3<3
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dragon-queen21 · 2 months
gulp.. mob psycho worms taken over the noggin raah
anyway mobs and ritsu are baby brothers i have to say it
(also sorry its been a bit, ive been very unmotivated)
-mobs and ritsu are definitely two low energy littles for different reasons;
mob is just a little whos just naturally quiet and low energy. when hes little, its quite hard to tell because of how similar he acts when hes big to when hes little. but! the boy has tells! definitely when hes little he will subconsciously start floating things around.
ritsu. oh boy ritsu. when this boy is little hes DONE. his regression time is his resting time. regressing is his one, ONE, healthy coping mechanism let him have it dammnit!!!
-i cant tell what ages the two of them would regress too, but definitely young. mob would probably still have that “big brother energy” though. ritsu would still carry that deep protectiveness over his brother too, even if hes to young to do more than cling to mob and make baby noises.
reigen takes up the job with the idea that, hes known the boys since they were 11 and 10 alike. so this cant he THAT hard.. what he didnt think about, was two unstable espers that are, when regressed, more prone to stronger emotions, which leads to a lot of broken mugs and vases in the office much to his dismay. but aside from that, reigens actually a pretty good caregiver. after the first time mob actually regressed in front of reigen, he made sure that his little emotional unstable child had everything he needed when he was in baby mode. (honestly you can probably give mob a pacifier and figet toy and he’d be content. very easy baby to please)
like usopp, i feel like reigen would be actually decent at story telling and during the times both ritsu and mob are regressed at the office, reigen could be .. persuaded to tell them one.. or two.. ah maybe three if their not busy..
^ritsu still TOTALLY has it out for reigen when hes little. youve never seen a kid with a more dangerous death stare ESPECIALLY to their caregiver. reigen.. reigens had to grab and hold up both the boys by the back of their shirts like kittens more than once.. uhh.. for why you can make that up.
when it comes to dimple, he takes care of them if reigens not around, like if one or both of them are little at home, thats when its dimples job. (both the boys are flips too and will take care of the other if their little.) like reigen, hes not that bad at it, but i feel like hes way more worried about their safety considering he cant directly stop them since hes a spirit.
Eyy!!! Mob psycho! I have currently been binge reading (aka I read two mangas back to back) One’s other series One Punch Man. I have the next book currently of mob psycho and your comment reminded me that I need to go and read it :3
~Ahh! baby space Ritsu clinging to Mob and refusing to let go. Absolutely not. You can pry his brother away from him over his dead body
~ Yes yes yes yes yes! Cooking with ya-and adding to it of course :3
~Hear me out- Caregiver Dimple, but he’s human. Not like in he’s possessed someone type way, but like he has a human form he can shift into, or he just is human, I don’t know- I don’t care, I just crave. Being able to hold the two little ones. The very definition of the cool uncle
~ “he made sure that his little emotional unstable child had everything he needed when he was in baby mode.”
<- kfbdkndjsn love that
~But also Mob vent regressing for the first time. Trying to deal with a melt down, papers, vases, chairs, etc. flying around the room, keeping Ritsu calm, and comforting the poor boy.
~Oh my gosh they would end up scruffed like kittens. I love that.
~Ritsu would be the type of kiddo who’s caregiver tells him no “because I said so.” And he will now make it his sole mission to do whatever it is he was told not to do. But only with Reigen. Dimple tells him no and he’s a bit more cooperative.
Thank you for all the ideas! Made my day reading this :D
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narcisseart · 8 months
More my durge things before parasite, cause i need to yell, all under the cut, probably bad grammar and bad spelling as always cause i am dyslexic and i typed it fast to vent it out:
she's very stoic and very serious like 90% of the time, that 10% is reserved for when someone does something stupid infront of her, or says something, fucks up. example: someone trips over a rock at moonrise: she becomes a derraged bully and they wont ever live it down, and when she laughs its fucking LOUD.
she eats, A FUCK TON, she can just knock back so much food, and she NEEDS it, cause shes always in survival mode, her body just CRAVES food. She prefers meats and breads, not a big fan of sweets.
She's 5ft2 ( i need to do a heigh alignement thingy with her family and lovers) but she has 15 str so she can toss a vampire lord about when he tries to kick her out of the soiree.
She has manners befitting a princess, like, she knows all the things she needs to know about etiquette, her REAL father instilled it upon her. 'little Duchess'
Gortash and her met at the house of hope when they were like 10. He was in chains, and she only called him 'wretch', she was in glamour and spoiled rotten by raphael, he called her 'little duchess.' She gave him his chin scar when they first met, because she asked if he wanted to die today, cut his face, when he said 'yes' she didnt want to do it anymore, so instead used to read books from the library to him, and throw rocks a him for fun.
She's the product of mephistopheles and bhaal, the great wizard molikoth had a fixation when taking a break from studiying the styx and hellfire, he wanted to know why mortals wanted so make contracts all the time to save their motal loved ones, so he wanted a mortal daughter, so made a deal with Bhaal. She was born to two drow parents who tried their best to conceal her true nature, cut off her wings before they grew, filed down her horns, cut off her tail. So she murdered them, and meph found her and took her in to raise - he grew REAL attached, and he didnt have a temper tantrum once while she was around ( he was actual a good dad hehehehehe) but raphael saw a way to win the war by taking her away through manipulation bit by bit, till she left for the matrial plane, and bhaal begin speaking to her personally. meph then had a tantrum for 2 years straight.
rewards Fel by killing him
really interested in anatomy, like, will go to town autopsying living people to see how they work. ( her epilogue is that she becomes a chirugeon/midwife in waterdeep and continues to try and study the humanoids body )
Gortash is the only person to have sex with her and not die.
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unfunnyaceartist · 6 months
Vent post ahead that may change your view on me and that may sound dramatic (NOT DIRECTED AT ANYONE, THIS IS JUST IN GENERAL) Mostly just to get out my feelings. I only ask that if you look, to be kind and understanding and patient. Also the tags are silly and id appreciate if you read em. id appreciate if you didnt ask me anything on it
I feel toxic sometimes because i can get so jealous i borderline gatekeep things and I always feel so bad because its never intentional but then I end up hating myself because I know its unhealthy and irrational but I cant help it, and I know im so lucky and have a lot in many senses of the word, but at times it feels like they can be taking everything, because when I like someone or something, they tend to matter a fuck-ton to me. Im sorry to anyone ive lashed out at a bit for them wanting what I have, I really am. Its not coming from a place of hostility, rather a place of trauma responses and hyperfixation that stem from my adhd and autism but like when I try something and it goes great, and then someone else is like "OOH thats awesome I wanna do that too" It feels almost like when Im finally happy or excited or proud to have something, someone comes and takes it. Usually Ill play it off as a joke, but in reality, its complete honesty that im trying to soften so I dont upset anyone, especially when its over fiction or a person, because I do NOT own them and I know that, but it bothers me when someone swoops in to do the exact same things or even one-up especially when its really soon after me, and since my self worth is already abysmal, it just makes me feel worse, like I should be lucky to have what I do to begin with, but I feel the need to hold it close to me and protect it so I dont lose things that make me really happy.
Recently Ive even started reverse gatekeeping in response to others, where ill just tell myself I cant or dont deserve to have anything special because I'm not, and only others can enjoy this. But thats why people making me ship content makes me so happy. Its dumb to get jealous over others selfshipping with a character I like. Its dumb to get upset over someone I know copying or taking heavy inspiration from one of my ideas. Its dumb to get possessive over someone else trying to befriend my new awesome friends or wife/wives. I rarely selfship anymore due to my reverse gatekeeping and instead serve the others who simp or enjoy content. I provide since I feel I cant take. It makes me happy and distracts me. But the moment someone else does something similar to what is my toxic coping mechanism for my toxic coping mechanism, it only hurts worse. Thats why sometimes, for example, I get a bit snappy when someone else provides gummybunny (that and also shipping jealousy sometimes). Thats why I get snappy when I make a friend someone else super cool and then another person comes in and wants to befriend them (No darken, this wasnt directed at you, its happened more than once with more than one person but I know how you tend to assume). I LOVE giving but I hate sharing, because all my life whenever I shared, I lost something.
Introduce a friend to a friend? They leave me behind for eachother. Let someone wear my fitbit because they wanted to feel "rich"? It got stolen. Give money to someone in a "rough spot" who promised to repay me somehow? Never saw them again. I was always so trusting and understanding, and I always made excuses for others. Always so naive and gullible. So much so, in fact, that in elementary I kept letting my bullies pretend to be my friends when they claimed they changed, and let them destroy any ounce of worth I had whatsoever. Things that make me happy I CHERISH because of all the things ive lost and all my experiences. Ive never been hit, not once, but the abuse all my life came emotionally and mentally, and I only recently realized through therapy. Now its hard to trust people in certain situations. Sorry for my probably hard to follow and melodramatic rant.
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sorry im dumb haha
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outcastinthecorner · 2 years
Ok i've just read one of the worst take ever on Bill and Frank's relationship and while i dont usually like to vent im gonna have to and its gonna be long: "transactional". Thats how their relationship has been described in that take. Especially on Frank's part of course. For the whole part of it. Yes. The whole part. The whole 16 years.
Except that Frank made it clear from the start that it wasnt. "Im not a whore" . Yes, maybe at first he wanted to have a nice shower, nice meal, new clothes and maybe even to be able to stay the night and sleep here. Yes, he realised quickly that Bill was gay and shy and maybe (and thats a huuuge maybe) he thought abt playing with him so he could survive another day. U know, having not eaten since 48hours, being the last one from a 10people group and shit.
But then he saw him play the piano and sing and he was a goner. Simple as that.
Because yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u run into a dangerous area with ur little gun where other guns are firing everywhere to save "said transaction" and reassure him that everything is fine, trying to not have him pass out ("talk to me abt your list Bill") while never letting go of his hand (And while in a transactional relationship, u obviously answer "im not alone, u re here" when the other part of "said transaction" says u cant stay alone if he dies and that you will need Joel, his bestfriennemy).
And yeah, of course, when you're here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u try to surprise him after 6 years of boring transactional shit with strawberries, and kiss him passionately, moved as fuck when "said transaction" tells u he's afraid to lose you.
And yeah, of course, when you re here only for "transactional" reasons like a safe place and food and showers, u tell him after 3 years that u want to repaint the town for both of u because thats how one show love. LOVE.
And the paintings of Bill, too, totally not done with love, obviously. And it definitely didnt break your heart to realise that you had a hard time finishing the last one because of your illness.
And on ur last day on earth, amongst other things that will make it one last good day, u definitely ask your transactional boyfriend to marry you, something you couldnt do in this universe before the outbreak, which is very symbolic but which of course totally doesnt show how much you love him.
And i could go on forever.
Bill and Frank is one of the most realistic and loving relationship i have ever witnessed on TV. In real life, i witnessed it with one relative and his boyfriend. Where u can love someone and still be honest saying for example "i've had bad days with u too" but God u wouldnt change a thing and still do it all over, because you had "more good days with him than with anyone else".
This is love.
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i'm cry laughing some people on twitter are now saying "izzy bashing" needs to be tagged in fics. how did these people ever survive watching this show where izzy is the CANON ANTAGONIST i'll never know
benefit of the doubt but i think most of them have gotten to this point gradually. when they first watched the show they were not attached to izzy the way they are now. i know for a lot of people it was blorbo at first sight with izzy but i've also seen izzy enjoyers say they didn't like him at first, and then fandom made them care about him.
like i'm pretty sure for a lot of ppl it started off with isolating themselves from ppl who made posts that they didnt like, like ppl who criticized ofmd for being based on two real people with direct connections to actual real-world slave trade (which is an incredibly valid thing to criticize abt ofmd).
another one that i think funneled a lot of fans towards being so delusionally attached to izzy was people pointing out or complaining about the disproportionate amount of fan content for izzy compared to prominent characters of color—which is a consistent issue in fandom no matter what the media, and is also a very easy one for people to be uncomfortable with whenever they see it get pointed out. people venting that "fans care too much abt this white man" often make fans who care abt that white man very defensive right off the bat, and then rather than engage with why they feel defensive or question if maybe their enjoyment of this character is fueled by implicit bias (which it might not be, to be clear! im not saying—and i have never said—that everyone who enjoyes izzy likes him for racist reasons), they stop listening to the conversation abt white favoritism and continue blorboposting as much as they want. it's incredibly easy for fans to brush off this convo as "just starting drama" and avoid the topic altogether because "fandom is for fun!" and they dont want to think abt difficult topics like racism and implicit bias, they just want to enjoy their blorbos in peace.
so they kept narrowing the takes they were seeing until they were in an echo chamber that kept moving more and more towards complete woobification of izzy hands. these people are now looking at the show entirely through izzy's pov, making posts abt how sad it is that none of the other characters are ever nice to him, how frustrating the show is from his perspective, how it feels to be deeply in love with someone who doesn't love you back. they've stared at gifs of con's micro-expressions and read angsty fanfiction and looked at endless izzy fanart and their entire ofmd fandom experience revolves around empathizing with this one character even tho the show itself continually makes him the butt of the joke.
at this point, telling these people to rewatch the show doesn't even matter. they've spent so much time over-analyzing every single one of izzy's scenes to the point where the emotional responses they get from these scenes are not the emotional responses anyone would have watching the show for the first time. they've warped the entire first season to fit their version of the show and are forgetting how often the show itself bashes izzy.
and the icing on the cake is the trolling. there's like, one or two people on here who go around sending anon hate and leaving nasty comments on instagram posts and harassing people on twitter for... like, i would say "for liking izzy" or even "for saying positive things about izzy" but like. i've gotten these messages, and the most sympathetic i've ever been to izzy was the post i made like "maybe he's mean bc he has chronic IBS. i'd actually understand him more if that were the case." so when i get these messages it's easier for me to just laugh them off bc it's so obviously just someone trying to make me upset, but people who do care about izzy (a lot of them being the same people who avoided engaging with the "why does fandom care so much abt white characters" convo) get these absolutely horrible messages about how they deserve to get hate crimed and they should kill themselves. and these fans who didn't want to even see vaguely negative posts abt izzy bc they just want to enjoy fandom in peace are now like "im targeted for just liking a character!"
so that's how we get to people saying that "izzy bashing" needs to be tagged. never mind that their definition of "bashing" almost certainly includes things that are not bashing but are just things that contradict the way they headcannnon him.
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pespillo · 11 months
Hello! I hope u don't mind my questions, but regarding the Emperor's Acolyte AU, is it possible for you to elaborate further about Raine's relationship with King and his position in the Kingdom of the Red Sun? And what of Edric and Emira and their position in the moon court (i think?) I absolutely LOVE the concept and the possible exploration in the day-to-day life of the people stuck within the kingdom, INCLUDING that incredibly interesting play! How did King even find Luz's manuscript, anyway?
first of all just posted smth explaining the militia so i think thats a good point on where to start thinking abt everyone´s places in all this vv
second of all , King´s been around Raine for as long as they been turned into head of the bard coven , King always holds a certain curiosity for everyone in the castle ,but his interest turned further when he took notice of Eda´s relationship with them when he was "kidnapped" in the Owl House for a bit (if you check my #emperor acolyte au tag for a sec youll see a small fic of a scene between luz n king transcurring at that time)
Since King starts seeing the Owl Lady as a maternal figure for him (it sorta starts off as wanting to get something Luz has but really, King just needs honest affection and Eda´s doesnt feel like it has any ulterior motive) , King sorta turns Raine into a royal "advisor" bard figure but in reality he sorta rlly just wants to matchmaking them n Eda so they can form his own idea of a family ,King likes to hear their music before sleeping and they unequivocally bond over extremely similar trauma in the hands of the Emperor´s Coven, to the point it makes Raine feel extremely guilty they didnt try getting him outta it much sooner considering they are realizing this is a 9 yr old whos been treated like a dog by the worse person in the Isles not even allowed to talk to other people besides the Emperor n Kikimora, in a way this guilt drives Raine further to not leave the castle to the small rebellion that Darius n Eber been forming.
Speaking of Darius n Eber, Darius n King has a small confrontation/argument that lead to their leave, Eber at first didnt actually mind the way King was running things since it was all sorta thrilling and battle oriented , but since hes inseparable from Darius he aint gnna be ditching his buddy ya know. Darius was just trying to get information of his old mentor, because King KNOWS about the way he died because Belos told him , at least his own version of it, but the more heated Darius got at King´s avoidance of the details, he ended up saying something that made the kid snap at him like "You care more about your mentor more than Hunter, where is he now? what would your mentor think about the way you treated him up until now?" which pretty much shut down that whole conversation, parting ways.
Regarding Luz´s manuscript, it was unfinished, she wanted to join that writer´s competition just as she did in the original episode but some other adventure ended up calling up to her ,so she just sorta forgot abt it or decided it leave it for other day. When the Owl House got raided by the Emperor´s coven n everything was sent to a warehouse, King came up to that warehouse to get Owl Lady´s stuff n move it into his new castle basically , he came upon it while just looking thru Luz stuff n decided to read it through because hes nosy ( he did the same with eda´s diary before), he´s never rlly been allowed to write his own stuff even when he was taught to write and read, so he decided to take it upon himself to make it "his" novel, and subsequently his play , as a way to vent all out his feelings of the world , his feelings towards Luz and everything else, plus to make a big statement culturally for the Isles.
for Edric n Emira, they were dragged into the Moon Court for Collector´s favor , because they were essentially living around them for a good while before turning into King´s Right Hand . Odalia´s been disposed off but not killed (because Emira convinced em to Not Kill their mom as much as the twins n Amity hate her because thats already so much trauma), Alador has run off to join Darius growing group as a way to find a solution to this whole, mess.
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shadowfiredemonwolf · 2 years
makorra were compatible with each other (korrasami has no real compatibility without korra being ooc
the notion that makorra breaking up in b2 means they could never work is idiotic ( neither of them would have worked with anyone they broke up due to mutual flaws  that led to them breaking up flaws which they overcame by book 4 ( its korra and asami who couldnt work out without korra bieng ooc in the last 2 minutes
makorra is more comparable to kataang ( and mako showed that he could support korra the way she needed it asami didnt
 I have seen people try to go well mako told raiko he did the right thing the notion that he should have just went along with korras plans when the only issue was that he didnt speak up sooner ( which is his problem he holds things in too much till they get to the breaking point  he should have confronted korra much sooner) you can be sympathetic to korras issue and acknowledge that korra was in the wrong trying to take another countrys military away
(mako sees korra the person asami only sees the avatar)
makorra is far more comparable to kataang then zutara ( mako has the same position in krew  he supports korra like katara supported aang , etc and is the talented bender) katara and mako both had some jerk moments and their flaws acknowledged and treated as such  i feel korrasami was only popular because of desire for lgbt rep and the irrational hate for mako so they shipped it to spite and punish mako for daring to have flaws which had led to asami getting hurt when mako didnt do anything that required punishment
 his flaws and mistakes were acknowledged as such bryke already handling his flaws and issues the way they needed to be people over reacted due to asami getting hurt
 sorry but korrasami is more comparable to zutara the popular same sex ship  that was popular despite not having a basis in canon
they had to twist the most minor moments to claim evidence along with piling up headcanons to try and claim a moment its evidence
the claim that korra chose asami to help her  in b3 finale when that has no basis 
and korra only smiled with her father and air babies and bolin when she was in that state
or claiming korra and asami sent each other letters  for years  when there was only one letter  sent
and it doesnt mean korra is closer to asami ( korra sent one letter to vent and put a sense of closeness ( saying that korra sent the letter  to someone she isnt concerned about  makes way more sense)
while mako talked about korra the person asami in remembrances went youre the avatar we need you which was a failure tenzin needed to comein and bring up korra the person and how she grew as a person
while mako supported korra the way she needed to be supported in the episode where they went to confront zaheer ( while asami did nothing ) which adds to the list of many reasons korrasami was a last minute retcon. censors wouldnt have prevented them from interacting or bonding  or showing a close relationship in anyway
ikkinthekitsune .  tumblr . com/post/111124581145/you-said-that-korras-dialogue-implied-she-sent
Anonymous asked: you said that korra’s dialogue implied she sent asami only 1 letter could you make a post that shows the dialogue/script for it so I can see that
It’s not directly stated, but I think reading between the lines of the letter itself and Korra’s explanation of it makes it seem unlikely that she sent more than one:
“Dear Asami, I’m sorry I haven’t written to you sooner, but every time I’ve tried, I never know what to say.  The past two years have been the hardest of my life. Even though I can get around fine now, I still can’t go into the Avatar State. I keep having visions of Zaheer and what happened that day.  Katara thinks a lot of this is in my head, so I’ve been meditating a lot, but sometimes I worry I’ll never fully recover.  Please don’t tell Mako and Bolin I wrote to you and not them. I don’t want to hurt their feelings, but it’s easier to tell you about this stuff. I don’t think they’d understand.”
The thing to note here is that Korra feels guilty about not writing to Mako and Bolin and says she doesn’t want to hurt their feelings, but seems to feel the need to tell someone about her fears.  Considering the circumstances, continuing to write to Asami in spite of that guilt doesn’t make much sense.
She doesn’t really offer any room for a back-and-forth discussion in her letter, in any case — she’s treating it as a confessional rather than as an opportunity to talk.  It seems more like she’s trying to explain why she hasn’t been able to respond than opening a conversation.
The other part of it is this:
“I wrote to Asami while I was away. I asked her not to tell you. I’m sorry.”
I feel like, if Korra wanted to keep up a continuous conversation with Asami, the request not to tell Mako and Bolin about it would have been phrased differently (“Please don’t tell Mako and Bolin I’m writing to you and not them” rather than “I wrote”) as would the explanation (“I sent letters to Asami while I was away”).
Instead, “wrote” is in the past tense in both cases, instead of something less ambiguously repetitive, and the second one mirrors the first, which is clearly only talking about the present letter.
It’s also important to remember that there isn’t much time for her to keep up a conversation even if she wanted to do so — she went off the grid within a few months of the letter, and international mail isn’t exactly instant.
“What irks me is that it’s obvious makorra was the planned ending. there is too much build up to deny it. it’s like bryke paved a road for that ending and swerved at the last second to end with korrasami. I don’t see representation. I see sloppy writing and pandering.fantastic-nonsense answered:Honestly, based on the way the narrative seemed to be heading, I was fully expecing Korra to remain single with the possibility of rekindling the Makorra relationship (as mature adults who have retained their love for each other but have grown, are more levelheaded, and are able to deal with conflicting responsibilites) in the future. But I will agree: a grand total of six interactions post-“Long Live the Queen,” only one of which is truly non-ambiguously romantic (the finale scene), does not proper relationship build-up make. “
shippers try to claim they couldnt show more because of censors but censorship  but  as fantastic-nonsense put it
“Censorship explains why we couldn’t get a kiss and an “I love you” in the finale or blatant romantic scenes, not the utter lack of Korra-Asami interaction as a whole. They had six (to six and a half) minutes of interaction in the last season, spread out over six interactions/conversations. They’ve had nearly no on-screen interaction since “Long Live the Queen,” actually. They had the 5 second “I can come to the South Pole” convo in “Korra Alone” (which Korra refused), the single letter, their interactions in “Reunions,” and then the tea scene in “Remembrances.” After that, they don’t speak again until the last two minutes of the finale. The episode after “Remembrances” is the Korra-Mako field trip to the Spirit Wilds and Zaheer’s prison and the culmination of Korra’s recovery arc. Where was Asami? She had two lines in the whole episode, and they were both to Varrick.”
 the difference is that bryke broke the narrative to force korrasami in at the last minute 
and zutara got actual moments and interactions which would say that they are close to one another
( to be frank toph x katara makes more sense then korrasami
korrasami being the only same sex ship in lok doesnt mean you are homophobic or dont care about the lgbt community  if  you dont ship it or say it shouldnt have happened good writing is more important then representation
good writing and not having a forced ship where you throw away narrative and two characters make no sense to be with each other is more important then filling a quota or publicity stunt. its more important then the genders involved ina ship  
if they wanted to have a show with a same sex ship then make another show with a same sex ship canon with actual buildup etc
like say given that they are making another avatar series they could have not done korrasami and waited for the next avatar series to have a avatar in a same sex ship which would have actual buildup
anyone who trys to go there are tons of shows with a het ship being canon are the people who ship something based on the genders involved not the people criticizing korrasami if they try to go but there are tons of shows with het ships being canon as if its relevant to legend of korra they have no place to complain about queerbaiting or say a het ship is forced.  
people arent mad that a het ship didnt become canon they are mad because korrasami was a forced last minute retcon there not being canon  it being a same sex ship is irrelevant
people would have shipped makorra even if asami was a guy ( or if korra was a guy  korrasami where korra was a guy would be generi pairing mc with a bland love interest with no screentime)
 the idea that because there are tons of shows with the het ship becoming canon instead of the same sex ship becoming canon means we should okay korrasami since there arent any canon same sex ships  in lok besides that or its the first etc is idiotic whats the most important is the characters themselves the writing ofthe story whether or not there is buildup whether the characters makes sense etc
a character or ship whose gay deserves criticism or love or support based on its own merits 
there are plenty of lgbt people who say korrasami is forced 
a same sex ship is just as viable to criticsim as a het ship thats equality
labelling anyone a homophobe/het lenses for saying otherwise makes a joke of the term
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr  . com/post/108144330446/why-do-you-think-bryke-chose-mako-as-the-one-to#notes
Anonymous asked: Why do you think Bryke chose Mako as the one to accompany Korra to Zaheer's prison - which was arguably the most climatic scene in tying up her Book 4 character arc - instead of somebody else? For such an emotion heavy point in the story I feel that they had to have made some conscious thought on who would accompany her. It could have been Asami, or even Bolin. Do you believe that they saw something that Mako offered more to her arc than the others did? I'd love to hear your opinion!
Because Korra’s relationship with Mako is the only one she had that offered her the sort of support that she needed in that situation.
None of Korra’s other friends or mentors has as much trust and faith in Korra as Mako does.  Asami’s support is a bit too insistent and she worries a bit too much for her to have done what Mako did and stepped back when Korra asked.  Bolin is… Bolin.  He’s good at cheering people up, but he’s not the one to rely on when humor isn’t called for.  Even Tenzin couldn’t have taken Mako’s role, because he’d let Korra’s long recovery get to him.
Mako, in contrast, was able to let go when Korra needed him to do so.  Korra needed to confront Zaheer on her own, and she needed to do so without having to talk her moral support down from coming in with her.  Mako was the only one who could fill that role.
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Anonymous asked: About Korra's letter to Asami and whether or not it's about Asami meaning more to Korra than anyone else: when I lost someone I cared about years ago, one of the first people I told about it was somebody who was a good friend but not one of my closest ones. This person had also lost someone and dealt with it strongly, especially for someone her age, and I knew she would understand without getting too gushy about it. It wasn't about who I "cared about more" and it definitely wasn't romantic!
Thank you for sharing your own experiences.
It makes a lot of sense, doesn’t it?  If you’re dealing with something difficult and uncomfortable, talking to someone who understands (or seems likely to understand) the specific situation does a lot more good than talking to whoever you feel closest to and hoping they’ll respond in a way that actually helps.
Just because you’re closer to/romantically interested in someone doesn’t mean they’re going to be the one with all the answers.  As such, the idea that going to one particular friend for answers about something very difficult implies closeness or romantic interest just… doesn’t really comport with reality.  =/
ikkinthekitsune . tumblr . com/post/117466809661/about-korras-letter-to-asami-and-whether-or-not#notes
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