#i just want ONE FOOD she will eat and digest well
pears-trinkets · 5 months
the only wet food mischa ate and digested well ALSO CHANGED THEIR RECIPE AND FACTORY LIKE THE OTHER ONE and now its not proper pieces of meat but some kind of pink mousse with a lot of gelatinous broth and mischa once again has diarrhea because of it
Im about to cry there is literally nothing left to try she barely eats and what she eats isnt really good for her??
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randoimago · 6 months
Could I request Aerith, Sephiroth, and Cloud with an s/o who loves cooking up a feast for them whenever they've done something amazing (which can be anything in s/o's eyes)?
Fandom: Final Fantasy 7
Character(s): Aerith, Cloud, Sephiroth
Note(s): I wrote Sephiroth as if during/before Crisis Core since I prefer his personality in that game! There aren't any spoilers though, just his personality not being obsessed with Jenova/Cloud.
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Idk if this is actually canon and I read it somewhere or my mind made it up, but I love the idea that Aerith can eat. Her metabolism is just insane. She daintily eats everything you made for her and gives you a bright smile afterwards, giving her compliments to the chef.
She just gets so happy whenever you show her all the food you made and say that she deserves it. Probably saves some for the others, but she is happy to sit down and eat.
With all the gardening and fighting and not dying she does, she really loves you making her feasts. You always know when she needs the little treat too!
Makes the "?!" anime noise when he sees all the food. Being an ex-soldier, he does have a big appetite, but he doesn't expect you to be the one to cook him such a big meal.
He'd eat some of it then say he's done, only to pause if you give him puppy dog eyes. Then he sighs and eats the rest. Cloud does enjoy the food very much, he hasn't had anything home cooked in a while, but it's just so much and he doesn't want to weigh himself down because his body is digesting all of it.
He has had to try and stop you many times from just (in his eyes) randomly cooking him a feast because you thought he did well. All he did was open up a bit more to someone and he has to pull you to him to stop you from making a whole roast or something.
There's amusement in his eyes the first time you make him such a grand meal. He just finished a mission and came home to this. You get a pat on the head as he thanks you and sits down, asking that you eat with him.
He wouldn't eat all of it, saving some to take as lunch or rations when he's out on the field again. Sephiroth does ask you what the occasion was and ends up shaking his head with amusement if you mention he did something small that you found amazing.
Has pondered aloud, teasingly, if you were trying to fatten him up with all the food you make him. He doesn't mind it, but it's just something very sweet and amusing. He'll give you a gently kiss to your forehead as thanks after each meal.
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wosoamazing · 13 days
Lost Part 2
Part 1
Warnings: Mentions of premature birth, feeding tubes
Notes: This is based off this request & also this one. It's only short again but hopefully you all like it. Also let me know if you have anything else you want to see of this child!R 686 words
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“Mummy, I go show Steph my bear?” you asked as you heard the timer go off, meaning you were allowed to do more ‘strenuous’ activity. Leah wanted to say yes, she knew how much you loved to see the team especially after your appointments but she was in the middle of rehab and her knee was currently wrapped up and she was icing it with the game ready. 
“I-” “Le, sorry for interrupting, but um, I can’t for the life of me remember how to get to the cafeteria,” Alessia said as she arrived at the entrance to the physio room.
“Bubba, why don’t you take Less with you, and you can show her where the cafeteria is, and you can show Steph your bear,” you nodded eagerly and stood up, quickly grabbing your bear before taking Alessia’s outstretched hand.
“Stephy,” you squealed as you noticed her, sitting across the room, you immediately run up to her and she picked you up, placing you in her lap.
“How is my little bestie?”
“Good, I got a bear, and we went to the big hospital so I got to see Cooper and we got to play with him, because we had to wait for ages, but that’s because they had to help someone who was very sick. Well that’s what Mummy said,”
“Hospital?” Stina asked.
“Mm-hmm, I go for check ups, they test my blood, and sometimes I have to stay super still for the scanner, and I get to have fun with the nurses while we wait for the doctor and then usually we get to go for brunch, but we didn’t today, because it took super long, but Wally came with us today, so it was good,” you explained to one of the newest team members who just nodded her head.
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A week later it was team bonding night and it was happening at Beth and Viv’s majority of the ACL squad already lived there so it was deemed easiest. Alessia was coming over to your house first so Mummy could drive her there.
“Bubba, you ready? Lessi will be here soon,” Leah called out wondering where you had disappeared too.
“Yep,” you said, reappearing from your room.
“What do you have there?”
“It’s a picture for Lessi,” you said as you held it out, showing Leah.
“I think Lessi is going to love that Bubba, why don’t you go get your shoes and I’ll help you put them on,”
“No Beth,” you whined as Beth tried to pick you up, “not Mummy, want Mummy,” you said as you lightly stomped your foot.
“Why don’t we go through to the living room and go find Mummy,” Alessia offered, you having been slightly grumpy for the past 15 minutes and you nodded, you felt slightly funny and you wanted Mummy, she always knew how to make you feel better.
“Hey bubba,” Leah said softly as you entered the living room, Alessia carrying you. Placing you down on the couch next to Leah, you immediately climbed onto her lap, resting your head against her chest. 
“Is she okay?” Leah asked, concerned about why you were suddenly extremely clingy.
“I think,” Alessia shrugged, “Beth tried to pick her up for a hug and she got upset and said she wanted you,” the older blonde nodded.
“Love you baby bear,” Leah said as she wrapped her arms around you, keeping you secure, you wiggled slightly in her arms, before she felt your breaths even out.
“Sorry if it’s overstepping but why does she have the feeding tube?” Stina asked Leah
“She was born early and due to that there were complications but she also developed NEC and so they had to remove the first part of her small intestine which causes some issues with digestion, so it goes into her small intestine and means she can get food in a way that her body can effectively digest it and get the nutrients from it, but she can still eat and majority of her nutrition does come from food,” Leah said before kissing the top of your head and resting her chin there.
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ryanmarshallryan · 3 months
Yes Man
Once upon a time, there was a boy named Allen, who was a very picky eater. Once, while his family was hosting a barbeque for their neighbors, Allen turned his nose up at a casserole a local witch had provided for the potluck. The witch decided to give him an enchantment, which forced him to say "yes" whenever offered food of any kind. She warned that the spell could only be broken once he truly appreciated the food given by others.
As Allen grew to adulthood he tried dish after dish, often against his own desires, but nonetheless has a palette of varied experience. Remarkably, he didn’t show too many signs of one who always seems to be eating, as his metabolism was swifter than most.
But all that changed. Reaching his 30th birthday, Allen’s metabolism had slowed considerably since his youth, to the point that he had doubled his weight in only a few years. He had not kept up with acquiring new clothing, and the sight of his fat gut protruding out of shirts too tight to fit became the norm.
It was this view that attracted a feeder named Castien to make Allen’s acquaintance. Castien stumbled upon a bar that Allen frequented. Castien noticed Allen said “yes” whenever the barman asked him if he wanted any more food. He watched as Allen ate plate after plate, trying each of the day’s specials in turn. Allen’s stomach pushed up against the bar, and he showed noticeable discomfort being so full. The barman suggested he might need to be cut off for the night.
“But, come back again soon!” the barman shouted after Allen.
“Yes,” Allen said with a sigh, waddling towards the door.
“My best customer, that one is. Never seen anyone down so much food in one sitting before,” the barman said, noticing Castien watching Allen go.
Castien got down from the bar and cautiously approached the burgeoning man, who politely nodded to him.
“Hey, would you ever want to get food sometime?” Castien said hopefully.
Allen looked mildly surprised at the forward encounter, but shrugged and said “Yes!”
Over the next few months, they met up occasionally, Castien offering more food, and Allen downing it all. Castien noticed that sometimes Allen would look like he didn’t really want to eat more even though he said he did. Castien assumed that perhaps he was just being polite, but wanted to make sure the next meal was something Allen loved.
“I don’t want you to just eat for the sake of it, food should be enjoyed! What’s your absolute favorite?” Castien prompted.
Allen thought for a moment and decided to respond in veiled sarcasm, “Casserole.”
So Castien made one homemade. Well, three casseroles to be exact, as he didn’t expect Allen to stop after one serving. And he was right, as the evening progressed Allen ate not one serving, but an entire dish of one… then another… then most of the other (besides that which Castien had enjoyed himself).
Castien laid his head upon Allen's gargantuan belly as they digested their meal. He contemplatively listened to gurgles and pops of air traveling through Allen's guts.
"How did you get so big?" Castien asked, turning and caressing his hand over the mountain of flesh, watching its rise and fall with breath, slightly quivering under his ticklish palm.
"When people ask if you want to keep eating, just say 'yes' and the rest is history." Allen stated. Allen relaxed into his seat, and watched Castien, who was hypnotically watching Allen’s gut digest. Allen told Castien how he used to be much skinnier, "Back when in my early 20s I barely pushed 140... but now I'm going on 390 lbs and it doesn't seem to be slowing."
"I'm barely 120 lbs, so that means your belly alone probably weighs even more than my whole body!" Castien mentioned.
"Oh, for sure," Allen replied.
Castien continued his musing on Allen's appetite and belly, "I wonder if I would actually fit in there"
"What do ya mean?
"Oh nothing, just thinking - your gut is literally larger than all of me - so I wonder what it would be like to be curled up inside it," Castien put his ear back onto Allen’s belly and listened to the excited gurgles within.
"Oh, you'd be nestled in snuggly for sure, but even then you'd probably have room to stretch."
"You think so?"
Allen looked into Castien’s eyes to try to hint at the magic of it all, “I could literally eat anything, if someone asked me to.”
"Hmm… So if you could, would you eat me?"
Allen thought for a moment. He had never considered whether this would be an option, only joked at the prospect, but he knew the words that were coming out of his mouth before he could stop them, "Yes."
Castien looked up at Allen's eyes and smiled, "Well maybe we'll have to change up the menu one of these days..."
"A menu like that might be a pretty big commitment, ya know."
"A chef may have commitment to his food, but you don't hear anyone complaining. So it all depends, will you be dining on me tonight?"
Allen raised his eyebrows in surprise. The theoretical meal of eating Castien had suddenly become a reality to be done, and in no less time than over the course of the evening, "Yes!"
"Someone's eager for a taste of something new! I'm impressed. I feel like most people would be too picky of eaters to understand such fine delicatessen" Castien joked, gesturing to his body.
Allen had a funny feeling in his gut. Even though he had just downed enough food for a large family gathering, his gut suddenly felt empty, like it was harboring a big mass of air, waiting to be replaced with a large, very Castien-esque meal. His gut started loudly gurgling, catching the attention once again of Castien, who rubbed his palms across it back and forth. Castien looked quizzically into Allen’s eyes.
Allen knew that his mouth would open and his throat would relax without his meaning to, but this time he didn’t try to stop it from happening. He was curious as to whether this meal could indeed occur.
Castien stood up and considered Allen, peering into his throat, which was now inviting him down inside. Castien leaned forward, looking deeper into the abyssal maw until his head made contact with the back of Allen’s throat. Allen gently closed his lips over Castien’s head and swallowed hard.
Castien shivered for a moment, his body reflexively surprised by the sudden jolt in motion, as his shoulders, arms and torso were sucked down into Allen’s esophagus. Allen leaned back in surprise, looking down at the lower back of Castien, surprised that so much fit so easily into his maw already. He could feel his stomach stretching before him, anticipating the large meal on its way down.
Castien wiggled his body and lifted his legs up into the air, as Allen began to swallow them up. In mere moments, Castien’s toes had zoomed past Allen’s tongue and landed deep into Allen’s gargantuan belly. Allen felt Castien writhe inside him and wondered whether he would regret asking to be eaten.
“Wow! You were right, I can still stretch a little bit, your stomach is like a balloon!” Castien shouted.
Allen appreciated how willingly Castien just offered himself up as food, and was bewildered at his excitement about it.
“So how are you feeling, big guy? Big enough meal for you, or do you wanna eat some more?" Castien jested.
"Nah, I'm fuller than I ever have been, bud," Allen said casually. Then he realized he had said ‘no’ for the first time since the enchantment. The spell had been broken. He finally was fed a meal he couldn't help but fully appreciate the risk it took to create it. "You know what, Castien, I think I will eat a bit more. Just for you."
Allen got up, not without great difficulty, and waddled to the kitchen and started sending snack after snack into his awaiting maw, to the delight of Castien who squirmed around in the gluttonous rain of his favorite belly.
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kaijutegu · 7 months
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This is a really good question! Here's what will happen after New Girl gets here.
First, I leave her mostly alone for a couple of days. I give her constant access to fresh water, but I don't feed until Day 3. This gives her time to get settled and acclimated; the stress of the move can cause GI distress, so for the first couple of days, nothing in the stomach. The stress from regurgitation would be more detrimental than the stress of being hungry. Day 3, some nice, digestible food: egg. Day 4, we start introducing greens. Day 5, we have our first vet check!
Now hopefully there's some poop on Day 4, because this is a wild-caught animal, and she will have worms; that's just a given. When you eat raw, rotting meat in the wild, you get worms. My trapper doses them all with Panacur when he catches them, but the fecal sample will have more information on what specific parasites are present and what else is needed. If no poop for the vet check, that's ok, just collect some whenever it happens and take it on over and they'll do the fecal when they can.
At the vet check, they'll do a blood draw and a full blood panel. The vet will palpate all over, feeling for lumps and masses, and they may do some imaging. With a Florida feral, one thing you don't have to worry about is metabolic bone disease, so an x-ray might not be necessary. However, an ultrasound is a good idea with females. New Girl is very young and likely didn't have a partner during the last breeding season, but it's worth it to have a look at the reproductive tract to make sure there aren't any red flags or weird masses.
The vet will also do the standard exam stuff- listen to the lungs, check the reflexes, listen to the heart. They will also check tongue flicks and try to do a visual dental exam. That might not happen at the first visit, though! One of the things I had Kaiju trained to do was let me open her mouth. A voluntary open mouth behavior is something I really want to teach New Girl.
After the vet check, she'll still be on a fairly limited diet, variety-wise, until she's eliminating consistently and we've finished the inevitable course of meds. If all goes well, we'll do a course of fecal tests to ensure that any active parasite infection is gone, and then it'll be annual checkups from there on out!
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chiharuuu22 · 7 months
Today, after staying at home for a long time during the recovery period, Caretaker took Whumpee, who was getting better, to go for a walk. Whumpee agreed because he felt ready to be outside.
Caretaker gives Whumpee the clothes he usually wears before. Comfortable casual clothing for walk. After all this time of only wearing pajamas all the time, he was finally able to wear his favorite clothes again. The smell is still the same and the Caretaker will definitely take care of it well.
Whumpee was wearing his pants and had just gotten his head out of his t-shirt when he lifted the collar of his t-shirt which was hanging down.
What? Wait.
The collar of his t-shirt had just slipped back down to his shoulders and Whumpee realized something. Whumpee looked at his two shrunken wrists. In fact, when Whumpee pulled the sides of his t-shirt, he felt the distance expand. He also realized that the trousers he was wearing were too loose.
He's that skinny now? This is normal clothing, right?
Whumpee hobbled over to the mirror and looked at himself. His heart sank as he looked at his reflection. Thin cheeks, oversized t-shirts and trousers, and smaller wrists.
Is that him?
"Whumpee? Are you ready? Let's go out; where are you going first?"
Caretaker's cheerful voice suddenly stopped when she looked at Whumpee who was frozen in front of the mirror. A second later, she realized what was on Whumpee's mind. Caretaker walked carefully to Whumpee's side, hugging and stroking his back gently.
"It's okay. You're still recovering. Let's get you back to your normal weight, okay?" said Caretaker whose hand didn't stop stroking Whumpee's back.
Whumpee nodded and tried to smile. "I don't think I'll need new clothes for some time."
Caretaker knew Whumpee was trying to joke in his own way, even though the sentence made Caretaker sad. Caretaker smiled, then adjusted the collar of Whumpee's t-shirt and attached a safety pin so it wouldn't slide down again.
"Let's go out. Let's try to eat the ice cream you wanted a month ago," said Caretaker as she led Whumpee out.
Whumpee lost quite a lot of weight after everything he's been through, and Caretaker tries to get him back to normal. It wasn't easy because Whumpee was still recovering and there wasn't much food he could digest properly.
Therefore, when Caretaker finally saw the number on the scale, which had increased by two kilos in the following three weeks, Caretaker was the one who jumped up and down with joy and kissed Whumpee's thin cheek who smiled broadly as if he were proud of his progress.
Hey, gaining weight isn't always bad, right?
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scrubbinn · 2 months
Slime HRT: 13 Months “Such a fickle thing”
“Recording now, starting dialog in 3, 2… Alright! Another month, another recording for the good doctor to listen to. You better be listening to this Theodore. Ugh, your name sucks, bad mouthfeel. I'm just gonna stick with doc. So then, where to start. It's a bit hard to focus on any one topic. A lot can happen in 30 days. Not to mention this isn't my first recording this month. I’ve been having trouble creating memories lately, so it’s nice to have a way to note things down. It's certainly been an interesting time to say the least.
Ok, I'll be honest, things have been rather difficult lately. I've been experiencing severe sharp pains in my whole body nearly everyday. Moving around without assistance is impossible some days. The theory goes that it stems from internal organs changing into slime, but most of my organs should already be made out of goo. At least according to Mayday's journals. But the pain is still there, and I can't understand why it won't disappear… At least I'm getting used to it. I'd rather not have the staff here constantly worried about me. Val, the head witch, offered some potions to help alleviate the pain. I sort of declined out of habit, but then I collapsed in the hallway. She insisted after that. They ended up helping a little bit with clearing my head. Wait, should I be starting at the beginning of the month? The pains really only started a week ago. How do you want me to present these? My memory is worse than I thought.”
“Ok just to be safe, let's go back to the start of the month, when you got back to me on that chunk of skin I sent in, and we found out it's made of fat, lye, and a few other particulates. Lye is the biggest component I'm made of, which makes sense. It's what a lot of soaps are made of, and it's what allows this body to jellify any meat I consume and break it down. It's kinda gross but it's a little cool at the same time. The other bits found though, well, I know you said it was nothing to worry about, but something about finding traces of dentin and enamel, something about it doesn't sit right. You mentioned it's just my dissolved teeth, still stuck inside, but they turned to rubber around 10 months ago, and eventually turned to goo. Shouldn't that mean a different material would be floating around if the hard tissues had already transformed? But the alternative ideas are, distressing, to say the least. And to say the most, if I start growing teeth from my skin, I will see how many lawsuits it takes to bankrupt you doc.”
“Moving back to the discussion of skin. My face and neck are now fully covered, besides the lips and eyeballs. Thanks to the numbing potions, it only tickles a bit. You don't want to know what it feels like when they wear off. I’m probably not going to be awake for most of the next month due to my face dissolving in on itself. I've heard horror stories from other slimes about getting your eyes and organs dissolved. Can’t say I’m looking forward to that. I’ll just have to ask the staff to be ready when they end up hearing screaming coming from my room. Though, come to think of it, my organs are already made out of goo right? It feels like they’re still holding their shape and even normal functions. Maybe it just, won’t, hurt when they’re integrated and dissolved? I'm already dealing with a lot of pain now, what happens when it really starts getting bad. Abigail was right about how dangerous this medication could be…"
“No, can't go thinking about that stuff now. Let's just try talking about something else. Oh! We can talk about eating! Ever since we found out what I’m made of, I’ve had a bit of a change in diet. Lots of fatty meats. Turns out I no longer digest plants anymore. I’m a pure carnivore. Abigail and I are planning a trip outside of Hyper city to visit this great little sushi place we used to go to. I hope they don’t mind if I just order a few whole fish. Er, yeah, I can’t deny I'm eating a lot of food. You’d imagine with no greens, grocery bills wouldn’t hurt the wallet so much. Well turns out meat is expensive, and when you buy a lot of it… Well I’m just glad T.H.E.M.S gives me a place to sleep."
Besides a diet change, I’ve been conducting my own experiments. It’s nothing too dangerous, I’ve just been ingesting different types of poison. Wait, no, hold on, before you speed dial my number! Ok, so I’m not doing something crazy like eating nightshade or anything, just the stuff I can find growing around here like ivy and those berries birds eat. But Lye is a type of poison. I think. So it makes sense that similar chemicals could be incorporated. After all, I don’t seem to have any acid inside me, it’s just poisons and venoms that break down cells, so I should be able to make different kinds. Figuring out how is still a process of trial and error, but don’t worry. I am being careful about it. So please, don’t get mad at me… Besides, imagine if I did learn how to control that sort of thing, I could create a bunch of different chemical compounds! I could be a walking chemistry lab!… Actually that sounds like it’d involve even more city paperwork. Let’s just keep that idea to ourselves, ok doc? And before you say anything! No, the poison is not causing my spikes of pain! That’s not how they work!”
“What else, what else to talk about… Have I talked about the memory troubles yet? It's been a bit of a disaster when it comes to scheduling anything. I need at least five reminders on my phone for any kind of appointment, and even then, you know I've missed a few checkups. I think my brain is getting replaced with slime instincts. I've been enveloping a lot of things without noticing. Arms and legs have been absorbing things without so much as a thought going into them. I spent a solid three hours searching for my phone only to feel it vibrate inside later and most of that time was spent trying to remember what I was searching for. I don't even know how it got there, I left it on my bedside table. I've heard a lot about what other therians have referred to this sort of mental change as a crossroads. Is that approaching? Did Mayday already agree to go through with it, and that's why I'm here? I feel like I'm losing my mind. End recording.”
“Ok, new tape… I think. Recording supplemental now. I have a theory about all the odd changes that have been going on. I looked back on Mayday's first journal. She somehow never made much thought about the doc mentioning the addition of chromatophores, a type of cell found in color changing animals. Though it seems they still haven't formed since I can't change colors at all. Combine that with my limbs moving on their own… There's a good chance that quack doctor combined some type of animal into the slime medication. Like an octopus, or a cuttlefish. It doesn't explain the bits of teeth floating around inside me, but the more I talk about it outloud, the more I realize I need to confront him about what exactly I'm taking. This doesn't feel like it's just a slime HRT, not anymore at least. I just have to remember to confront him. Memories are getting worse, concentration is completely shot from the pains. I just have to remember. I just need to remember… I just need to… I… I'm… hungry………………………
“hm? A recorder? Oh right! I was recording for the doc today, I'll send him this later. I feel so famished right now, when I get too hungry I start forgetting things and all that. Well… bye!”
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Mention list: @a-shramp, @calliecwrites, @be702, @respectfulevil, @hyacinthdoll1315
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genderqueerdykes · 6 days
I really really appreciate the posts about fat acceptance and stuff. I used to be pretty underweight but I've definitely gained weight (and muscle too I'm sure) on HRT, the way it sits/distrubuted on me is something that is hard to see sometimes and there's a lot of parental commentary about fat people that needs to be worked on.
hey, you're welcome! i'm glad you agree
gaining weight isn't always bad, in fact for many people, it can be an outright blessing. people can have a wide variety of conditions that can lead them to being chronically underweight, and putting on even a few pounds was seen as a huge accomplishment and a safety net. my best friend is this way
even if it's not required for one's health, putting on weight isn't inherently bad. every person's body has a range in which it attempts to naturally sit for their baseline weight. this will vary greatly from person to person based off of activity levels, hormone levels, genetics, individual dietary needs vs. dietary intake, digestive issues, eating disorders, allergies, food intolerance, neurodivergence, developmental disorders, and more.
the way i see it is it becomes very obvious to a person when their weight has actually come to negatively affect them. this will be marked in a decline in energy, feeling fatigued and malaise most of the time, headaches, difficulty getting out of bed, increased chronic pain including pain while standing or walking, breathing difficulties, difficulty walking/moving long distances for reasons not due to joint or connective tissue health, becoming pre/diabetic suddenly if one was not before, and/or other health complications that were not present before the amount of weight was gained
most fat, chubby, etc. people are sitting well within the healthy range for their body without realizing it. our bodies are great at telling us what they need it's just hard to listen when we're busy, exhausted, and/or neurodivergent. many people have a good idea of what their body needs but get talked or shamed out of doing what's right for them. parents, like you said, are especially uptight and strict about weight for seemingly no reason.
i've always been fat my whole life. once i reached my teen years i began to hover around the 300 lb range and that's where i've always been. my mom was fat and so was my dad, and both of their families. my mom projected so much of her fatphobia on to me it was unreal. she would critcize me any time i wanted a snack by asking "you're eating again?" and other dumb shit. children are growing and active, they need a lot of food, especially for good brain function (yes, our brains need fuel, revolutionary concept, i know)
i don't understand why parents desperately NEED their children to be physically attractive to them. can we talk about this? i know it's uncomfortable but this is a huge parental issue. i am SO tired of hearing parents go ON AND ON about how "beautiful" or "handsome" their children are. it's extremely creepy, there's no reason to focus on their appearance like that. some parents become SO distressed when their children are not conventionally attractive, as if it makes them less attractive by proxy. it's insanely creepy. a child's conventional beauty or lack there of should be of no concern to a parent- why do some parents obsess over this? it gives the child severe body image issues and it's not a good level of vanity to project on to a kid
anyway, it's okay to be fat, especially if you find you're not struggling with pain or mobility. some people will have pain and mobility issues no matter what weight they're at. everyone's different. someone's weight is their own concern and nobody else's, unless there is medical significance in which case it is between them and their medical team. not every fat person has health issues due to their weight, in fact, most do not. it's okay to let your body be the weight it wants to be
nobody should have to constantly feel like they have to be fighting their own biology just to look "more attractive". people are attractive when they look the most like their real, natural selves. it's way more flattering and it's better for the individual. don't expect other people to go through hell just to look "good". just let people be themselves. let people feel good, and feel good about themselves. worry about yourselves when it comes to appearance
anyway, thank you for the feedback, i really appreciate it! i will always be here for other fat folk because i've gone through many interesting situations with diet and health and my weight always sits around the 300 mark give or take 20 lbs in either direction. my lowest weight as an adult was 260 lbs. my highest was 360. muscle tissue plays a huge factor in this right now for me. i have clothes in my closet that range from literally Small all the way up to XXXL and they all fit me just fine. weight isn't as big of a deal as people think it is, it's a very neutral thing most of the time
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syoddeye · 5 months
🥺🥺🥺 your drink headcanons are precious 💕 farah, alex, nik, and alejandro’s are my favorites. idk if you do requests but could you do first dates too?
hi friend! i'm glad you liked the asking them to watch your drink post. i do not formally take requests but i love when people pop in with ideas. and i really really like this one! i gave it a go
price. he’s never beating the traditionalist allegations. he is arranging the entire thing, picking you up right on fucking time with flowers, and taking you to dinner somewhere you’d never take yourself. does a poor job of hiding how pleased he is to pay, even worse when he persuades you into a walk and has you on his arm. he asks a lot of deep questions that coming from anyone else would put you off, but he’s not dating to fool around, if you catch my drift.
gaz. this man is so plugged into the music scene. follows bands, artists, and venues religiously because he doesn't get many opportunities to see live music and actually enjoy it. so he asks you for a genre, then sends a redacted screenshot of concert tickets. you grab drinks then head to a hole-in-the-wall. it's always nerve-wracking seeing a musician you know nothing about, but gaz nails it. three dates later and he sends you a personalized playlist. ugh, dreamboat.
soap. listen while i do picture him as a very outdoorsy and active guy, i think for a first date he's going to take you to a drink and draw. it's casual and scales to the mood, meaning it can be both an intimate and cozy experience, or fucking hilarious and a rowdy time. plus it gives him the chance to show off. draws a mini you and him at the end surrounded by trees. what’s that? oh that’s date two. a casual camping trip.
ghost. dinner and a movie. no, he did not just look up 'first date 101'. he's just not big on public places, and he knows that's a hurdle in dating. so he video chats you a few times before arranging the date to get you comfortable with him and to see his place, because babe, he's hosting. he's not the world's best cook so he'll order takeaway if you prefer, and if that goes well, he'll let you pick the movie. what happens after who knows
alejandro. he's the guy that knows the guy that owns the farm that supplies the bougie restaurant you've been wanting to try. and that guy owes him a favor. he drives you out there in his truck and has a table with candles and flowers waiting. he has you sit with your drink of choice and watch him prepare dinner, busting out all the tricks to impress you. yeah, he could’ve taken you to his ranch, but that’ll happen when he figures out he’s serious about you. date three.
rudy. rudy the foodie has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it? it’s weird at first when he insists on picking you up in the early afternoon, but when you arrive to a local food festival, you get it. you need the hours to slowly walk around, and to digest the amount of bite-sized dishes and snacks you sample. he gushes about his family’s cooking, how he wishes he had more time to dedicate to cooking and play around with recipes. gets a little sheepish. you have him eating out of the palm of your hand when you take him to a cookbook store on date two.
kate. in my heart she is a patron of the arts. similar to gaz, she doesn’t get a lot of time to soak it up, so she finds galleries and museums through personal recommendations. she’s got a broad network, why not use it? she’s not a snob either. elbow to elbow at some gallery opening, staring at a befuddling piece of art, she’ll swirl her glass of wine and lean over to whisper, “do you want to get out of here? i can’t make heads or tails of this.”
nik. you are going up in that heli. asks if you want to take a nighttime helicopter ride to see the city by night. jokes about this time a young sergeant fell out and he thought he killed him. ha ha ha. the ride culminates with him landing on the rooftop of a friend’s building, and taking the elevator a few floors down to said friend's restaurant. not feeling fancy? that's okay, to the basement then for gambling and drinks.
farah. it's a surprise. she asks for your physical limitations. hm. what is she playing at? but you trust her. you receive strict instructions on what to wear, and then what extra clothes to bring. hmm. you end up at a rock climbing gym. at first you think, oh god, exercise and a new skill in front of someone cute? but farah is so encouraging and supportive. after, when you clean up, she whisks you away to a reservation that just so happens to be at your fave place. you compare biceps over dessert, and she’s shoots you a sly look when she squeezes your muscle.
alex. if you're up for it, he’d love to take you somewhere in nature. a hike or simple walk at the local park, doesn’t matter to him. he’s more relaxed and himself outdoors, and has the kind of energy that makes you open up. you find a good spot to picnic and talk for hours. real sweet, a good listener—so it surprises you when, at the end, he’s a smidge forward. “so next weekend…”
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johnkahner · 10 months
Hii there! How are u doing😁? If requests are still open I wanted to ask if u could write something about an idea that came to my mind.
It's from MK1 and the thing goes like this: the reader (I picture it female but if u feel more comfortable doing gender neutral it's 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻) has a thing for Syzoth but since he has feels with Ashrah she keeps her distance and tries to forget about him. After some time Kung Lao sees this and goes like 'My turns assholes!' and he invites the reader to a dinner at Madam's Bo.
She accepts, thinking that she'll be able to have some good time with him. But when the night comes Syzoth appears like "Hey guys what a coincidence" during the dinner.
Basically Syzoth has finally got interest in the reader and having overheard about the date with Kung Lao a little bit of jealousy came over him. So he and Kung Lao pass all night throwing puns at each other and trying to get their s/o attention.
I just imagine the moment when dinner is served and Kung Lao be like "Yeah, didn't you mention earlier that you couldn't digest human food?" And Syzoth be like "Pfff... Lies" and eats something. Spoiler: he can't.
Well, I hope you have a nice day and thanks for your time pretty person😊😌.
AN: Hello, I'm doing alright! I appreciate all the Syzoth I can get lol. Thank you for calling me pretty also 😳. I wasn't sure how to start writing this, but I just went with the flow lol. Enjoy the story! Not proof read.
Notes: Female! Reader, Syzoth and Kung Lao are jealous of each other.
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Syzoth and you were sitting down under a tree just relaxing. He seemed to be fidgeting like he was nervous about something. His actions were concerning you. He’s your closest friend, and not to mention the you 
“What’s bothering you Syzoth?”
“Oh. Um, It’s nothing.”
“You can tell me anything. You know that, right?”
He opens his mouth, but hesitates for a moment.
“I have a crush on someone.”
“Ooo! Who’s the lucky person?!”
Your heart flutters at his words, but the feeling is gone soon at what he says next.
You felt awkward after that interaction. As time went on, you slowly started to distance yourself from Syzoth. You weren’t sure why you were doing this. When others were noticing this they would ask either you or Syzoth. You would ignore them, and poor Syzoth he would tell them he had no idea either. 
One person saw this as the time to strike, and by strike that means to ask you on a date. This certain someone was none other than Kung Lao.
“Hey, would you like to join me later for dinner at Madam Bo’s?”
“Is this a date, Kung Lao?”
“Of course! Not to mention I’ll be paying for the two of us.”
“My, what a gentleman you are!” 
The two of you are laughing, and you’re slapping his shoulder. After discussing a time for this date you both fail to notice that you were being watched. Syzoth was watching the two of you talk. He missed the interactions the two of you had. He feels as if he did something wrong to you, but he doesn’t know what. He decides that he will “coincidentally” show up at the diner at the same time as the two of you. 
Kung Lao and you sit down at a table. Getting ready to order your dinner the two of you were looking at the menus. You hear a pair of footsteps stop at your table, and you think it’s a waitress about to ask if you two are ready to order. Before you look up the person speaks up.
“Well, isn't this a coincidence?”
You look up to see none other than Syzoth. Before you could say anything Kung Lao speaks with an agitated look on his face.
“Yes. Isn’t it? Why don’t you join us?”
He pats the spot beside him.
“Here’s a seat right here with your name on it.”
Not long after he sits down, the waitress appears to take your orders. Kung Lao and you order your food with no problem, but Syzoth struggles with what to pick. After a few minutes of everyone trying to help him pick something to eat. 
The energy at the table is tense, but while waiting for the food to arrive Kung Lao and Syzoth are taking jabs at each other. 
“Elder Gods, your breath stinks! Do you even brush your teeth?”
“At least with my strength in my Zettarian form, I don’t need to rely on a stupid hat.”
You were baffled. The two of them were acting like children. You weren’t really saying much, just sipping on your drink watching the two bicker. Syzoth was looking at you with the occasional glare towards Kung Lao, and Kung Lao vice versa to him. 
When Syzoth saw you with Kung Lao it made his heart feel numb. He hated how the feeling felt. Then a thought hit him, was this why you were avoiding him. When he confessed his feelings about Ashrah to you because afterwards was when you distanced yourself from him.
Kung Lao was pissed. This was his chance to get with you, and this lizard was getting in his way! Syzoth already had his chance to get with you, and he didn’t seize the opportunity to make you his girlfriend. Hell, Kung Lao even waited a week or two just to make sure it would be a good moment! 
The food arrives. Kung Lao and you were enjoying your meals. You look over to see if Syzoth was at least enjoying the food. You didn’t know much about Zettarian appetites. It seems that the food wasn’t to his liking. He was just picking at it. 
“Is the food not to your liking, Syzoth?”
You were concerned, and thought that it would be something he might like. He looks paranoid, and he’s about to answer your question till Kung Lao speaks up before him. Kung Lao has a devilish smirk on his lips. 
“Hey, now that I think about it, around the time we met you said something about not being able to digest human food?”
Syzoth looks panicked for a moment, but quickly relaxes himself. He lies to the two of you.
“Pffff... You’re lying to make me look like a fool.” 
He shoves some food into his mouth. The taste is not anything he is used to, but it tastes decent enough. 
Throughout the night the three of you eat some more, and order some dessert. However, Syzoth’s stomach had other plans. He quickly stands up and before he rushes out of the restaurant he says.
“Apologies, but I must leave real quick. If I don’t return before it’s time to pay the check, I promise to pay you two back.” 
Kung Lao laughs as he watches Syzoth scurry away. You watch with a look of concern.”
“I hope he’s alright.”
“I knew it! He couldn’t handle human food!”
You look at Kung Lao with a look that just says “seriously?”, and that causes him to laugh even more.
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keen-li · 10 months
Only one | 02
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Warnings: toxic relationship trauma, trauma in general, mentally broken oc, manipulation, yendere jungkook. [Still more warnings to be added]
Psychiatrist jungkook x patient reader
"I can't do that" you shake your head, your heart being strangled by his statement.
"I don't think I'm able to do that Mr jeon" he looks into your wide and teary eyes. He knows it's hard for you to stay here any longer but you have to for this to work.
"You can I believe in you. You're a strong girl" your heart throbs when he says that feeling a little motivated but no feeling can beat the feeling of having to here any longer.
"But why do i have to?" You ask him and he finally stands straighten out his clothes and arranging the watch on his wrist.
"You know you're not fully well right?" His tone goes between a casual and professional tone.
You lower your head finally knowing your progress. Fiddling with your fingers you nod.
His raised brow lowers as he smirks.
"So if I discharged a girl who is clearly known around to be unwell"
"Wouldn't that suspicious?"
You understand what he means but it doesn't make the information anymore digestible.
"So if you stay a little longer and prove that you're well enough to leave. It won't be so suspicious when I tell them you can leave."
He's right but staying here for another month is too much. You thought when he brought up this offer he'd take you out of here in a day or two, but a whole month??
You sigh thinking about it for a little longer. A month shouldn't be longer than the time you'd actually have to spend here without his help. This is your best option, it's gonna be over before you know it right?
"You said you trust me right?" He walks towards you one hand in the pocket as his slow and confident steps take him to you. You breath heavily as his figure towers over you darkly. You use all the muscles in your neck to look up at the man, your hands grip the material of your clothes tighter.
He hums asking you the question again,
"I do" he smiles at that.
"Good. Then trust me, trust this process." He talks to you lightly and gently, pressing you to agree.
"Will you?" Why does it feel like you have to agree to this, like it's your best and only option inorder to leave this place. It is your best and only option to leave this place quickly.
"I will" your lips break into a smile which he silently chuckles at.
"It's gonna go by so fast I promise"
He walks away from you going back to where he left his stuff.
"And don't tell anyone about this. It's our little secret" he grins as he says secret, which you nod to smiling unsurely and awkwardly.
"I trust you can keep a secret"
He goes back to his original spot wearing his glasses and holding his notebook in his hands.
And just like that he goes back to his professional Mr jeon, as though you didn't just talk about him helping you escape this place. It's not really escaping though. You continue your session and you seem a little off but he doesn't.
"I'm glad they've given us something new today" you hear one of the girls at the table, where you sit silently, say.
You eat your food, making sure to savour the surprisingly seasoned chicken. They're must be a special occasion today, cause they never put much effort into making food for you guys.
"I heard there are new sponsors" the black haired girl sitting next to you whispers.
"Really? They must have alot of money. Cause the previous sponsors didn't do shit" She whispers the last part dramatically looking around hoping no one has heard. The last thing she wants people to hear is her talking shit about sponsors though everyone knows it's true.
"Yeah. But I'm not sure if it's new sponsors" the girl next to you says not wanting to be blamed for any rumours.
"What do you think y/n" they throw the question to a dissociated you.
"Huh?" You look at them confused mind clogged with others thoughts.
"Sponsors. Do you think we have new sponsors" you honestly
Couldn't care less about who sponsors the hospital right now, your mind is just on the fact that Mr jeon is going to help you leave this place.
"I don't know" you say turning your eyes back to your food not giving much care to the topic. They notice your uninterested demeanor and give each other confused look.
"Y/n are you okay" they ask concerned. No you're not okay the fact that you're living every day here waiting for the end of the month is killing you. You know that very soon you're gonna leave the few friends you've made here makes you sad cause you can't even tell them about it. you really do wanna tell them about it but Mr jeon said its a secret, and you have to keep your promise to Mr jeon.
You may miss your friends but at the end of the day you still miss home and wanna go back.
"You've been off lately. Unlike yourself"
At her words you give a small laugh hopefully soothing her concern.
"I'm okay. I just-" You wanna say it. It would really help to tell someone about it.
"I've just been missing home lately nothing serious." You give another laugh.
"That's serious y/n. You can't let thoughts like that eat you up alone, you can always talk to us we're your friends"
"Yeah she's right. Don't suffer by yourself it's not good."
You smile at them warmly. "Thank you guys I really appreciate it but seriously I'm fine"
They give you an 'Okay' nod as you all go back to eating your food.
As you continue to eat your food and count the number of days , hours, minutes and seconds are left before the end of the month the attention of the diner is called for.
The whole diner including yourself turn to look at the familiar face of the diner guard who speaks. Looks like an announcement, you never get announcements during lunch.
"So.." the man starts "tomorrow We're gonna be having a carnival day" when he says that a series of murmurs are heard in the diner.
"You'll receive leaflets on the events that will be carried out tomorrow" and as he says this one of the nurse hands everyone at your table a leaflet. You stare at the colourfully designed leaflet, the large words and pictures displayed everywhere. This is definitely new, a carnival event.
"I was right. There are definitely new sponsors" you hear the girl still stuffing her face next to you say.
You place the paper into your pockets not staring at it for long unlike the rest of the diner.
"What? Are you not excited?" She asks noticing your dull face again. You're really acting different.
"I am saving it to read in my room." You say. You don't want your friend's last days, sounds dramatic, to be of your being gloomy and moody. You wanna enjoy this time with them, and this event is the perfect opportunity. You don't even know if you'll see them again anyway.
She nods at you and everyone goes back to finishing their food.
You walk around side by side with sycily, the black haired girl from the diner. You both look around with wide eyes at the brightly decorated event, you both gasp and pull at each other's arms when you see something you like. You're both behaving like children.
"What should we do first" it's a free event so you can do anything for however long you want to but its hard to choose when there are so many options. You look around hoping to have an answer for your wide grinned friend. You shrug your shoulders not able to choose.
"Maybe we can-" You're cut off mid sentence when a bearded man in a stand calls out for the two of you.
"You can start here" you look at him then turn to your also curious friend asking with your eyes if you should go. She agrees and you both make your way to the booth. As you approach you notice the perfectly arranged bottles and the rings in the man's hands. Its ring toss, you were never good at this game. The man smiles warmly at the both of you which you both return. You can see the large variety of prizes hanged around the booth, you hope you win so you can get the cute panda that you've got your eyes on.
"You looked lost, so I thought I'd give you a helping hand in choosing " he hands you the rings picking you as the first one to play. You take them into your dry hands feelings the texture of the rings and their weight.
"There are so many fun games to play, so I understand if the choice was a little difficult" he smiles glazing his eyes over the scenery behind you which you both do again admiring the beautiful place once more. These sponsors really made the plane, large and boring looking hospital ground into something in a movie, plus in less than three days. We never thought we'd be having a carnival when we saw people working on the grounds. Movements were restricted as they built this up, everybody had guesses but not this. The hospital is pretty much a boring place besides the hobbies and clubs they have.
"Okay you can have a go" they man says pointing that you should start tossing. Sycily watches you intently as you nod and turn your body to the clear bottles.
You hold one ring at the tip of your fingers as you prepare to toss it. You don't want to over think it and just toss it. Your throw is weak and doesn't go far, it doesn't even land on the bottle. You hear sycily laugh and you send her a death glare.
"The further you throw it, the larger the prize" he says, and it feels like he's laughing at you.
You run the second ring on your fingertips as you prepare to take your second throw. You only have three chances, so you gotta think it through if you wanna get that panda.
You groan as the red little ring lands at the end of the booth, past the bottles.
"When he said further he didn't mean that far" sycily mumbles avoiding your glare.
"I'm gonna toss you over these bottles next" you threaten as she giggles at you. You can hear the man laugh at your interaction as you're trying to focus on your next and last toss.
"You guys seem to be very good friends" he says fondly and sycily nods.
"We are but she's getting on my bad side" your tone is playful but with a threat behind. You give her one last glare as she avoids your gaze once more making you smile.
Now back to the game, you need to get this right, you really want that panda.
You've always loved pandas. Or maybe it was that time when you and your parents went on a trip to China and saw those cute pandas. You even got the chance to feed one of them.
"You know you're they same age" the care taker of the panda said when you told her you're five years old, lifting your tiny little fingers to emphasise. You learnt that by yourself. And maybe that's why you felt drawn to that panda, and all the other pandas. You were both babies being held captive.
"Take your time" the man assures you snaping you back to what you're doing. You sigh as you throw the little ring. And just like the rest it doesn't land for a second you thought it landed but just like everything else in this world, it mocks you by making you think you've actually won.
"Argh" you groan frustrated.
"It's okay you can try again later." He comforts you but honestly you don't plan on coming back to try again.
You give a practiced smile "thank you" you say as sycily prepares for her turn after she gave you a warm comforting smile. Can they see how hard it is on you to lose the chance to get that panda.
The man walks to a tiny basket filled with things you can't see from where you're standing. He pulls out a green beaded bracelet as he hands it to you.
"Here have this" you look at him confused to why he's giving you a prize when you didn't win.
"Don't think of it as a prize, but think of it as a thank you for giving your all to a silly little game" you don't know if you should be offended but he smiles so warmly and you know he's just trying his best to comfort.
You stretch your wrist to him as he places the the bracelet on your wrist. You give him a small smile and thank you as he goes to stand by where he was standing when you were playing. He nods at you appreciateing your gratitude.
Sycily nails all her tries, unlike you, but you're too distracted by the bracelet to notice , you can just hear her cheers and claps.
It's actually a very beautiful bracelet the beads are pea sized and the see through crystal green allows you to see the elastic string that passes through all of them. Your attention is caught by the little silver tag, that swings when you move your hand. You pull it closer to your eyes so you can see the word engraved on the oval shaped metal.
Must be the name of the sponsors cause you've seen it on almost everything here. You don't give it much thought cause there's nothing to think of. Just a company flaunting their brand during an event which they sponsored, nothing new.
You let your wrist fall as you eye a celebrating sycily who holds her white bunny in her arms.
You clap as she walks to you all smiles and giggles.
"Let's go to another booth and win you something" She pulls your arms as you walk away. When you do, a group of people approach the booth you've just left, they're all smiles and laughs too. It's nice to see people having fun and enjoying a day at the hospital.
You and sycily play some other games and luckily you did end up winning some prizes, but no panda. You guess the pandas are only at that booth. You don't want to be gloomy because you didn't get a panda atleast you had others.
You and sycily did also end up getting some food, which was so delicious and FREE.
"Ahh look at me" you hear her whine as she's trying to get rid of the ketchup stain on her hospital clothes. Yes, you all still had to wear the hospital clothes so that you didn't get mixed up with anyone who never belonged to it.
"You should go get cleaned" you see her struggle with the stain.
"Yeah you're right, the day's almost over anyway" She says letting go of the top.
"Plus we can come back tomorrow" She was right the carnival is still gonna be there for 2 more days. You both walk back to your rooms arms locked as you say hi to some of your other friends or sycily's friends. You never had much friends sycily was your closest friend. You never cared about having many friends, you were used to being alone anyway.
You and sycily became close cause you both shared similar problems; toxic family, toxic relationships. You've both experienced it all. Trauma bonding. You two trauma bond alot, and that's why you trust eachother. Knowing that you're gonna be leaving her alone in here with no one to confined in makes you feel bad especially the fact that you can't help her and you can't stay longer. "You're the only one I trust and can talk to like this." She'd say each time you'd talk about your pasts. And now thinking about it makes your heart ache.
Maybe you can ask Mr jeon to help her too.
You're seated on your bed staring and playing the with green bracelet you got at the carnival. It's been three days since the carnival ended and you can't help but think about the closer the end of the month is getting but sycily can't stop talking about the carnival. You can barely hear what she's saying clearly cause she's saying alot at once. But you're distracted anyways, it's been a while since you've had something to look at.
"Are you excited for the art exhibition?" She asks you and it's clear enough for you to hear and answer to.
"When is it again?" You're genuinely curious cause alot has been on your mind.
"You can't remember?" She asks you disappointed that you couldn't remember the date. You shake your head genuinely not knowing.
"It's in like two months" Two months.
"And I know I'm too excited for something that's so far away, but I just can't wait for you to finally see it"
She hasn't allowed you to see the art work she's been working on cause it should be a 'surprise'. She's been a part of the art club from ever since you knew her, she tried getting you into it but it wasn't your style. Atleast at the moment. The only club you've been able to join and be in is the book club. You loved to read books and talk about what you've read and what your opinions are of the story.
"I can't wait for you to see it and be there." She says giving you a giddy laugh and all you can do is give her a low and sad grin, knowing you won't be there. She continues to express how excited she is.
"Can I tell you something" your serious and concerning tone cuts off her rumbling. She stops and stares at you mimicking your sad look.
"Yeah sure" She moves to seat next to you. "What's the problem"
"Promise me you won't tell anyone"
Taglist: @ane102
You can dm the if you wanna join the ONLY ONE taglist. No ageless blogs allowed.
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arataka-reigen · 7 months
Winter Anime Review by Yours Truly 🍄🌻
This season I said I would not watch anything besides dunmeshi. As we can all see... that was a fucking lie.
In total I've started 10 anime (can everyone praise me and be proud of me for being a bit more tame than I was in the fall season? At least it wasn't 20 anime this time).
My reviews are something I make just for fun, and they 100% reflect my own personal tastes. I might give a highscore to shows other people would call absolute trash, and that's okay! To each their own~~ That being said, I do try to make it very informative to aid you in choosing what you might want to check out by adding a summary and a few content warnings along with the actual review.
A little preview: this season has some great romance anime with couples that actually do make progress in their relationship, which is kind of rare for anime couples, always on their "will they wont they" thing, so if anything, i would recommend picking up one of the romances this time around. (And dunmeshi. Watch dunmeshi.)
***This review will include exclusively animes that debuted this winter, so no 2nd seasons or continuing shows from the fall season.
So, without further ado, let's get into it under the read more.
Dungeon Meshi
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Summary: Seinen, Fantasy, Gourmet, Comedy
A party of adventurers gets stuck fighting a Dragon even though they are starving and in no shape to survive. In a last ditch effort to make it out alive, mage Falin sacrifices herself to save her brother Laios and their party. She sends them back to the surface but gets eaten by the Dragon. Now Laios and co are in a race against time to save Falin before she gets digested. The problem? They don't have any money for food. The solution? DUNGEON MESHI!!! AH, DUNGEON MESHI!! DUNGEON FOOD!! JUST EAT THE GODDAMN MONSTERS 😋
Rating: 10/10
Review: if you've been following me for 2 seconds or less you already know dunmeshi is one of my all time favorite mangas. And the anime absolutely delivers. The animation is great, the voice acting is great both subbed or dubbed (the english dub AND the portuguese dub are worth it). The comedic bits hit so hard, and we're just at the start but you can already see bits and pieces of a larger and more dramatic story unfolding.
World building is insane. Character design is insane (everyone say thank you Ryoko Kui our goddess).
Not only is the story incredibly well written with no plot holes, the characters are also well fleshed out and three dimensional.
I could sing praises for it for hours, but then it would leave no space for the other shows on this list so I'll stop now.
But if you only have time to watch one anime this season, this one is it.
Content Warning: blood, death, necromancy crimes 🧟‍♀️
7th Timeloop: the Villainess Enjoys a Carefree Life Married to Her Worst Enemy
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Summary: Reincarnation, Fantasy, Romance
Rishe is not new to the reincarnation business. This is her 7th time around. After being accused of crimes she didn't commit and having her engagement to the crown prince broken off in her 1st life she went on to discover that life is full of possibilities and adventures. But, after 5 years, she died. Only to find herself back at the moment the crown prince broke off their engagement. With each life she explores new countries and new possibilities, but in every life, after 5 years, she is caught up in the war waged by emperor Arnold Hein, and is killed. In her 6th life she dies directly by Arnold's blade and in a turn of fate she runs into him in her 7th life, catching his attention, and maybe his heart? Can she prevent her death this time around and finally live a peaceful life?
Rating: 10/10
Review: ah, we all knew the otome reincarnation was coming. This shit is my life source. That being said, even if it wasn't, I would still probably really love 7th Time Loop. It's just that good.
Rishe is a great main character, in all her past lives she was on The Grind. From being a merchant, to a doctor, to a maid, to a royal guard. And now she tells herself she just wants to chill, but this girl simply cannot chill. She is playing mind games with Arnold, trying to figure out what he is planning and how to stop the war from breaking out.
Meanwhile, Arnold is head over heels in love and probably so so full of trauma we still don't know yet. We must protect this dude. I'm very excited to find out more and more about him and what exactly led him to start a war against the world.
The animation is gorgeous, I love the way the eyes are drawn like constellations.
The romance is great and developing at a very nice pace, Arnold is very respectful of Rishe's boundaries for their marriage and overall just a really great guy.
CW: blood, death, kidnapping.
Cherry Magic! Thirty Years of Virginity Can Make You a Wizard?!
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Summary: Boys Love, Adult Cast, Workplace, Supernatural, Comedy
Office worker Kiyoshi Adachi has gone 30 years of life without ever having his cherry popped. Due to this profound accomplishment, he gains the ability to read minds through physical contact. However, this new skill has only made his life harder and he now hates crowded spaces.
On the way to work, Adachi runs into his colleague Kurosawa, curious about what an outgoing guy like him thinks about, Adachi touches him and finds out that Kurosawa has a crush on someone from their office, looking further he realizes Kurosawa is actually crushing on him.
Rating: 10/10
Review: first of all, if you say "romance + adult cast" you already have my full attention. Add mind reading to the mix to make sure that the main character doesn't have miscommunication problems and i'm at the fucking table eating it up.
This show is incredibly funny, Kurosawa's thoughts about Adachi are always so sweet and/or horny and obsessed, but he is still just a super great guy with great morals and he would never do anything Adachi doesn't want (much to Adachi's surprise because he thought the dude was going to jump him anytime with how badly in love his thoughts are).
Adachi is straight until proven otherwise, and Kurosawa proves otherwise really fast. The pace of their romance is really great, we dont get ten thousand episodes of "will they wont they" and I really appreciate that.
CW: none that i can think of atm. Let me know if you have anything i could add here.
Villainess Level 99: I May Be the Hidden Boss but I'm Not the Demon Lord
Summary: Otome Isekai, Fantasy, School
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Yumiella Dolkness is a girl with dark hair and dark magic (characteristics associated with the Demon Lord) and for that she is feared.
When Yumiella was 5 years old she regained memories of her past life in modern Japan, and the game she used to play: Light Magic and the Hero. In it, Yumiella was the secret boss you had to defeat after the Demon Lord. Determined to avoid this fate she applies gamer logic to her life and begins adventuring in dungeons to max her power levels.
Now, 15 year old Yumiella is going to school, where she will meet the true hero of the game. She wants to avoid calling attention and just go through her school years without trouble. But when their power levels are measured in the first day of school, she is measured as a level 99 dark magic user and now even the king and queen have their eyes on her.
Rating: 10/10
Review: you gotta trust me on this one and get through the first ten minutes, I promise it gets so much better after Yumiella is really introduced. They just had to spend a few minutes doing a gag introduction, where you follow the game's hero before you find our beloved villainess. And it was very cool how the opening resemble a dating sim game opening.
Yumiella is great, one of my favorite female leads this season, and that is including frieren and maomao from the fall season animes that are still airing. She is not very aware of all the social cues and has trouble communicating and making friends, but we get to see her inner thoughts and they're always hilarious.
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My favorite gag is that dark magic can be used for healing, but the healing process looks fucking grotesque so people would rather not be healed by Yumiella. For some reason that always gets me.
I really fucking hate the 4 hero characters, they're super annoying, but in a "i love to hate them" way, and I love seeing yumiella wipe the floor with their asses without even trying because she is just that overpowered. Most of the anime is just her trying to use just a tiny bit of her power because if she uses her full power people would just straight up die with a simple punch.
CW: blood
Yubisaki to Renren
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Summary: ✨️Shoujo✨️, Adult Cast, Romance
(Summary stolen from myanimelist, sorry) Yuki Itose is a hearing-impaired university student whose world has been shrouded with silence since birth. She has lived in the same place her whole life, and rarely interacts with others save for her best friend, Rin Fujishiro. During her commute one day, she meets the silver-haired and multilingual Itsuomi Nagi, a mutual friend of Rin. Unlike most, Itsuomi is unwavering when he learns of Yuki's impairment; this, along with his experiences abroad, fascinates and touches her. After they part, her fondness of him starts to grow. A new world begins to open for both Yuki and Itsuomi as they learn about each other's different lives.
Rating: 10/10
Review: and here we have The Shoujo Of The Season. And it occupies that spot marvelously.
Yuki and Itsuomi are another one of the incredible couples of the winter season. Relationship developing at a very nice pace that isn't too fast and not too slow (like shoujo can be sometimes). Yuki is very inspired by Itsuomi, she wants to see the world and experience new things now that she got a glimpse into his life and realized how big the world is.
I specially love how cool, calm and collected Itsuomi always acts, but how his cousin, Kyouya, lets us know that Itsuomi is really interested in Yuki and just shows it in different ways, like the way his voice gets very affectionate towards her.
The animation!!!!! Wow!!!! So soft!!! So warm!!!! I love it!!!! I'm sure you'll love it too!!!
Sound design is also very good, it's specially interesting during scenes where we cant hear anything because we are on Yuki's point of view. I wish it happened even more often.
I've seen people compare this show with Koe no Katachi but they're very different shows, specially since we get to see most of this one through Yuki's point of view, while Koe no Katachi was not from the POV of the hearing-impaired character and dealt a lot more with issues like bullying and suicide. Yubisaki to Renren is a lot more light-hearted, soft, sweet and overall just a feel good anime.
I am always going to recommend shoujo. Specially when they're as good as this one is. So definitely check this one out.
CW: none that I can think of. Let me know if there is anything I should put here.
The Foolish Angel Dances with the Devil
Summary: Seinen, Romance, Comedy, Supernatural
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The angels and the devils are waging a war. Things are not looking so good on the devils' side, so they send Akutsu Masatora on a journey to the human world, to find someone that can aid the demons on their fight.
Akutsu is assigned a seat next to Lily Amane, the cutest girl in class. But when he tries to recruit her to the devil's side he realizes she is not a normal human. Now he must deal with the fact that he is tied to his mortal enemy, an angel, and with the fact that he might be falling in love.
Rating: 10/10
Review: More like,, the foolish devil gets played by the angel.
Akutsu and Lily get into stupid mind games trying to make the other fall in love, all while realizing that "hey, angels/devils arent so bad after all" as they spend more and more time together.
It reminds me just a bit of Kaguya-sama how the main couple wants the other to cave first.
This show is simply hilarious, I was laughing out loud at so many stupid scenes. Some gags do get old a bit fast, but overall it's still going strong and makes up for where it falls short with how badly in love these two already are just a few episodes in.
I'm not sure we'll get a proper confession this season, but it doesnt look like these two will be stuck forever in the "will they wont they" stage like the couple from kaguya-sama.
CW: there is a scene by the end of episode one that is completely played as a joke that has one of the lead characters putting a collar on the other lead and the imagery was a bit disturbing, definitely leaning on non con bdsm themes, it isnt terrible, just felt a bit distasteful to me, but nothing big, i dont think it should deter you from watching this, but watch out for that.
Solo Leveling
Summary: Action, Fantasy
(Synopsis stolen from myanimelist again) Ten years ago, "the Gate" appeared and connected the real world with the realm of magic and monsters. To combat these vile beasts, ordinary people received superhuman powers and became known as "Hunters." Twenty-year-old Sung Jin-Woo is one such Hunter, but he is known as the "World's Weakest," owing to his pathetic power compared to even a measly E-Rank. Still, he hunts monsters tirelessly in low-rank Gates to pay for his mother's medical bills.
However, this miserable lifestyle changes when Jin-Woo—believing himself to be the only one left to die in a mission gone terribly wrong—awakens in a hospital three days later to find a mysterious screen floating in front of him. This "Quest Log" demands that Jin-Woo completes an unrealistic and intense training program, or face an appropriate penalty. Initially reluctant to comply because of the quest's rigor, Jin-Woo soon finds that it may just transform him into one of the world's most fearsome Hunters.
Rating: 8/10
Review: everyday that passes I find myself liking battle shounen less and less. This one is not bad, it is actually quite interesting, it's just not the type of stuff i'm into anymore, I guess.
That being said, if you're in the mood for it, this one if very interesting. Jin woo's life is now completely ruled by this game that allows him to level up, and he is getting a bit fucked in the head by it.
Animation is great, I love when his eyes get all shiny because you know he's gone Beast Mode.
Not a lot of characters introduced so far, but it's still cool to see Jin Woo leveling up on his own. I mean... a show named solo leveling has got to make sure that the solo aspect isnt boring lol.
For some reason tho I still gave it an 8, which is high, so... it's pretty good.
Jin woo is just a bit... generic i guess. Nothing you havent seen before from an isekai male lead.
Also... i miss his haircut from the earlier episodes, his current haircut makes him look even more generic.
CW: blood and gore, body horror, torture, death games. Big and scary god statue that smiles in a fucked up way and kills kills kills.
Drop Box
Animes I either already dropped for a specific reason or will probably drop in the future simply because I wont have time to watch everything I started this season, so among the 10 I started, these are the ones i'm least likely to finish:
Majo do Yajuu
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Summary: Seinen, Action, Fantasy
Guideau and Ashaf are an ominous pair, working for a mysterious organization that deals with magic crimes. Guideau is a feral and unhinged girl/genderless beast with a curse she wants to break and Ashaf is her soft spoken and calm companion. They go from town to town looking for witches to defeat and trying to find the witch who cursed Guideau and get their revenge.
Rating: 7/10
Review: I do like this one, I just think that if it comes to it and I dont have time, I wont miss it too much if I never finish it.
The blood and gore are heavy, and that might be the reason why i'm fine dropping it, i'm not that big of a fan of gore.
Other than that tho, I find the two main characters extremely interesting and i want to learn more about them, specially Guideau and her curse and that crazy beast mode she goes on when she manages to put a pause on her curse sometimes.
CW: blood and gore, body horror
Gekai Elise
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Summary: Reincarnation/Otome Isekai, Fantasy, Medical, Romance
(Again, stolen from myanimelist) In her first life, the renowned and genius surgeon Dr. Aoi Takamoto was Elise de Clorance, a villainess of noble descent. Elise's selfishness, insolence, and obsessive love for her fiancé—Prince Linden de Romanoff—led to the deaths of her family members and, eventually, herself. Only after being reborn did Elise realize the error of her ways and decide that, instead of ruining lives, she would devote herself to saving them. But a tragic airplane crash robs her of her dreams too soon.
By a miracle, Elise wakes up in her original body before her official engagement to Linden. Recognizing the chance to cherish her loving family and free Linden from an unwanted marriage, Elise wishes to use her advanced medical knowledge to continue down the path of saving lives. In a deal with the emperor, Elise is given only six months to prove that her true place is not on the throne, but rather with the wounded and ailing who desperately need her help.
Rating: 6/10
Review: I'd like to say I dropped this show for personal reasons, not because it is a bad show.
It is definitely not the best otome isekai of the season (7th time loop and Villainess 99 win by a mile), but it is quite good and has an interesting premise. The main couple didn't seem too promising or interesting to me tbh.
The thing that interested me the most was the fact that Elise's original life was as a noblewoman, her second life was as a doctor and then he got a chance to relive her first life and change the mistakes she made.
Unfortunately, I am a med student, and I simply can't watch medical related stuff without nitpicking it to hell and back. Mostly, I try to distance myself from medicine related shows because my life already revolves around it too much, u know. I just need a break from All That when I'm watching my silly little shows, so... i had to drop this one.
Also, the main character was kind of annoying, but that might just be me.
Anyway, check this out if you think it sounds interesting. I might not be the best judge of this one.
CW: plane crash, death, medical procedures, surgery
Gushing Over Magical Girls
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Oh boy...
I'm putting the CW before anything else because this one is problematic and I don't want anyone acting like I didn't warn them beforehand.
CW: this is straight up softcore porn and the characters are all middle/highschool aged. The anime revolves around BDSM themes (so many and increasingly worse themes, from simple bondage to pain play, to age play and other stuff), and there is nothing more than that to it, all the character growth is about the characters becoming more and more uninhibited with their sexual preferences. Also extremely dubious consent for all of it.
This is just a hentai disguising as an ecchi. It's fully yuri tho. Small blessings lol.
Summary: Mahou Shoujo, Girls Love, Ecchi, Comedy
I'm tired already so this will be short. Utena is a girl obsessed with magical girls. One day she gets the chance to become a magical girl herself, however, she is fooled and actually becomes a villain. She is made to fight Tres Magia (magical girl group) and ends up realizing she quite enjoys inflicting pain against them.
Review: the animation is good, very clean, the boob physics is not all that bad (what. this is an honest review and the anime is an ecchi. i gotta talk abt the boob physics.)
It is indeed super funny and definitely unhinged.
Plot wise, it is pretty straightforward, girl likes magical girls -> girl finds out she likes to watch magical girls suffering and in pain and moaning (well, not only watch, she does a lot of touching too)
Do I recommend it? No. Am I having fun watching it? Yes, it is pretty funny if you're the type of person who can ignore A Lot of things.
I'll probably favor the other animes tho so this one is very likely to get dropped before the season is through.
Thank you for reading (if you managed to make it this far lol, although this list is definitely smaller than my fall anime list)
If there is any other anime you think I should check out this season leave it in the replies and I might take a look at it and update this review with it!
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hellenhighwater · 1 year
Hi Hell, congrats on the exciting foster kitten news!
I just applied to adopt a kitten and had my interview for her today. The woman seemed most interested in convincing me of how terrible dry food, traditional litter (she preferred clay), and tap water is for cats. She said the carbohydrates and ingredients were terrible for their kidneys, the dust in litter is bad for their lungs, and the chlorine in water is harmful. I have a 12 year old cat named Scipio who has been using those things all his life, and now I feel guilty and scared for his health. He seems perfectly healthy to me but she said “cats are stoic.” What do you use with the Tiny Terrors? Is she extreme?
Well, I'm not a vet, so the actual answer is that your cat should be getting what their doctor recommends. But I've had those conversations with people before, and I can give my two cents--just take it with a grain of salt.
So...it's basically always true that you can spend more money on fancier 'health' options and there is, to some extent, benefit to the pricier choices. But there's a point at which that benefit is pretty minimal compared to what you get for the midrange price options. This is as true for pet health as it is for people health.
It's true that wet food is usually a better option for cats. Among other things, it helps them stay at a healthy level of hydration, can be easier on their digestive systems, and is often more palatable for cats who are elderly or have dental problems. But that doesn't mean that dry food is inadequate--Mal and Vice used to split a can of wet food daily, and graze dry food whenever they wanted. They're currently eating almost exclusively dry food, because Vice is on a sensitive skin and stomach diet to help address his overgrooming. I would avoid the bottom-end dry foods, because they seem prone to contamination, but that's more manufacturer quality than an issue with the dry food generally. Dry food is usually a nutritionally complete way to feed a cat, and there's nothing wrong with it.
Mal and Vice drink tap water. They have a bowl of still water, and a fountain with an inbuilt filter. The fountain is because if they don't have running water, they will make running water by splashing their bowls all over. I can't speak to chlorine but it's definitely healthier than drinking out of puddles, which is what they would be doing if left to their own devices.
They use clay litter because that's what's effective and affordable. When I'm changing it out I generally give it a few minutes for dust to settle before I let them at it--someone always wants to make a deposit in the clean box--but there's pros and cons to all the litter options out there.
In a perfect world with infinite resources, I'd be feeding the cats a careful balanced diet of fresh-prepared meats and filtered spring water, and they'd take dumps in a tiny kitty toilet that cleaned itself without my help. But that's not really practical or achievable for me, my life, or my cats, and frankly, it's not necessary. I want them to have a good life. It doesn't need to be a perfect one. If your cat is doing well, and their vet is giving them a clean bill of health, you probably have nothing to worry about. I'm not a professional; you should consult your vet and research options for yourself (which is what I do) but you're not doing anything wrong here.
I will say that when I was going through the process of adopting Mal and Vice, some places (usually private rescues) wanted me to jump through INSANE hoops to even apply. I respect that their hearts are in the right place, but... There are hundreds of kittens in shelters right now that need homes desperately, and the quality of the cat has very little to do with the quality of the rescue--they might have more or less vet work done, depending on where they're coming from, but nobody's managed to fundamentally change the nature of the beast. If you can provide a safe home, food, clean water, and attention to a cat, that's really all they need. The rest is just gravy.
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cerise-on-top · 7 months
ik that you just did something about what dates Valeria and Laswell who take you on butttt can you still do how’d they like to celebrate valentine’s day! Hope you have an awesome valentines 🩷
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Hey! Sorry for not posting on Valentine's Day or yesterday, I was extremely busy with work and had some very long days ^^; But I'll post twice to make up for it today! Sorry this was a bit late as well ^^;
Valentine’s Day with Valeria and Laswell
Valeria: We’re just going to assume that she has time to spend with you this Valentine’s day and took a day off or something. Valeria doesn’t think too much about it, it’s just another day where people are taking the money straight from your wallet, either because there’s someone you love or because you’re single and need to eat your frustrations away. She doesn’t care at all about that day, and whether she does something for it or not entirely depends on whether or not you complain about wanting to go on a date with her that day. If you don’t then there will be no date. Because it’s only a cash grab sort of day, Valeria wouldn’t particularly buy you chocolates either. She really doesn’t like Valentine’s day. Complain enough and she’ll get you some chocolate straight from the chocoria, no matter how expensive. A few flowers maybe as well, but that would be it out of her own initiative. She’d much prefer to stay at home and watch some movie with you. One that isn’t about romance, just a normal action movie or comedy or something. Complain enough and she’ll sigh, grabbing her coat and ushering you outside. It’s not often that she does something like this, but you’ll be walking around Las Almas together, chatting a bit, getting some of the yummy street food out there. You’ll do something akin to sightseeing where she shows you all the places there are in the city and around it, except they’re all the places she found when she was still young and reckless. From the berry bush in the park no one knows about, to the abandoned mill by the countryside she used to hide from her parents in. Valeria is normally a classy woman who could buy the world if she wanted to, but her real signs of love would be when she isn’t spending money on you for once. It shows that you’re more to her than just another cost, another person who’s just out for her money. Or, at the very least, she trusts you to not be. While there still won’t be too much sentiment from her side, you’ll also go stargazing together if the sky is clear. She can’t tell you too much about the constellations, but you’ll just stand there and look at the stars. Valeria hasn’t had the time to do that in forever, so she’ll likely take a while.
Laswell: Again, we’re going to assume that she has the time to spend with you and isn’t out and about abroad, risking her life. Laswell has a much greater tolerance of Valentine’s day than Valeria does. She used to love that day much more when she was a teenager and was with her first girlfriend, but stopped caring as much about it as the years went by. While she doesn’t like how romance is being forced down everyone’s throat that day, she’ll tolerate it since she can’t change it anyway. However, Laswell is much more likely to do something with and for you on that day, she doesn’t complain either. Starts the day off with a kiss to your temple in order to wake you up, makes you breakfast, heart shaped pancakes with vanilla ice cream, before she gives you the chocolates and flowers she got for you. The flowers are fairly fancy, roses, dahlias, lisianthus. Anything that looks nice and could show you just how much she loves you is a-okay. After breakfast you’ll lounge around your home for a bit, doing chores together and stuff, until it’s time to leave that is. You’ll be going to a fancy restaurant together, eating at an all you can eat buffet until your hearts and stomachs are content. Of course, all of it goes on Laswell’s bill. Afterwards it’ll be something relaxing for the time being, digesting the food as you take a stroll through the park, for example. Whatever suggestions you may have, you may voice them now before the two of you will go to a jewelry store where you can pick out something gorgeous that fits you, your outfit, your eyes and whatever else there may be. After your stroll is over, you’ll likely go home together, cuddle on the couch and watch TV. It’s not the most exciting day there is, but Laswell is just glad she has a sweetheart she can spend the day with. You’ll end up watching some awful rom-coms together, complain about them and how bad they are, only to be watching the next one right afterwards. You will be eating popcorn together, salted, with caramel and maybe steal a few kisses from each other here and there while there’s nothing interesting going on at the moment. Again, it’s not much but Laswell is usually out and about just about anytime and wants to relax for a bit for once. Even better if she gets to do it with you.
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teal-fiend · 4 months
predatory hunger
summary: You ate your friend just to see what it was like, but there are unexpected consequences
content: f prey, implied fatal vore, pre-vore, pred pov, hunger, nausea
word count: 1k
You ate your friend. You had a feeling it would happen some day; you always wanted to try and eat someone, and your friend seemed like the right person.
Alexa was her name. You knew each other for maybe a year. 
You wanted to test your limits, and see if you had what it took to be a pred. And it worked out well for you. You had a great night of digesting her, it felt right, you had the best sleep of your life. And you woke up with a nice, soft and fat middle. What used to be your friend, now some belly fat, and some other fat all around your body. 
You remember hearing her in your stomach, asking you to let her go, saying anything she could but you couldn’t let her leave you. You didn't think much of it at the time.
Her voice never went away. Long after she had been digested, you could still hear her in your stomach. Or was it in your head? It was hard to tell, it sounded like her voice, it wasn’t your own inner dialogue. It was her. 
And she was telling you to eat more people. 
It seemed out of character from her. If this was her ghost, or just your guilty conscience… Why was it trying to get you to repeat your sins? Were you addicted now? Was this like drugs? A voice that repeats in your head, doing everything it can to get you to do it again? You didn’t do drugs. you were a good girl/boy/nonbinary. 
This was like the only thing you’d done that was decidedly wrong or immoral. And now that there were consequences you didn’t know what to do about it. 
You wanted to ask her other things, but she wasn’t having it. The only thing she wanted to talk about was food. 
“You can see them?” “I know that you’re looking at prey, and I want it.” You looked at the guy again, and Alexa interjected, “yes, that one there, eat him.” “No - I can’t just eat someone in public you know. And I don’t want to anyway.”
You looked over to a burger joint. Maybe that would shut her up.
Yes, you were just hungry, and as a way to cope with the trauma of eating someone alive, your brain has decided to turn that into how you experience hunger. It’d go away once you ate, and soon the voice would disappear entirely. This is just how your brain is processing what happened. 
“Hey, no! I don’t want that kind of food. I want prey”
Her voice sounded louder in your head when she said that, but you ignored her. She yelled at you the whole time as you approached the cashier - it was hard to focus on ordering food while an invisible person was complaining and trying to get you to stop what you were doing, but eventually you did it, you had your meal in front of you. And it looked good, but strangely, at the same time, you didn’t really want to eat it. 
Maybe it was because Alexa was telling you not to eat it. Even if you didn’t want to listen to her, it was hard to ignore what she was saying. 
“Don’t eat it, don’t give me that, I don’t want it.”
You took a bite of the burger. It tasted fine, and it piqued your appetite too.
“No, no, no”
You swallowed and felt it enter your belly. It relaxed you to feel the edge of hunger be softened. Alexa said some things that you won’t repeat. 
You finished it off, and the chips, and patted your belly, sighing happily, because you proved her wrong; your hunger was sated, and you didn’t need to eat anyone for it.
Alexa wasn’t happy about it.
“I don’t want this greasy shit - How dare you. I won’t digest it. I refuse”
You rubbed your stomach, “you better digest it. You can’t decide that anyway - you don’t have that power - I will digest whatever I eat whether or not you agree with me.”
As you said that, you felt your stomach churn uncomfortable, and a slight wave of nausea washed over you.
Did she just do that? Or is it just a coincidence - maybe you just ate too fast.
“I can do worse”
Was this even real? You didn’t want to risk it though, not in public.
“Please don’t make me throw up, I’ll consider giving you prey, but I haven’t eaten in a while so if you don’t let me have this, we’ll both be miserable.”
“I’ll let it slide this time,” she said, “but you better keep your promise”
Just like that, you felt the discomfort subside, and you wondered just how good your brain was at tricking your body into believing its delusions. You needed to go to a doctor or something.
You also think about the fact that you didn’t really promise to eat someone, she just inferred that. Or maybe she’s trying to gaslight you.
“What even are you?” you ask. “You sound like my friend Alexa” (who you ate) “but you’re nothing like her. Or at least, she never tried to make me eat people.”
“I don’t have to tell you anything”
“I guess not. But then what? I have to listen to what you say all the time? With no reason to? No explanation?”
“Yes,” she replied.
You had an idea.
“If I eat someone, will you let me ask you questions?”
The voice, Alexa, was quiet for a moment, thinking. 
“If you eat someone by the end of this day, I’ll tell you everything you want to know.”
“That doesn’t really give me a lot of time-”
“I don’t care”
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itssmean · 5 months
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love (tangled) threads | intro
synopsis decelis, where fate's threads remain unseen— park wonbin, gifted with the ability to see fate's unseen threads, attempts to matchmake hong y/n and song eunseok due to eunseok’s past relationship that does not end well. unaware of the twists awaiting them, they discover the true meaning of destiny and love. but what if wonbin's matchmaking efforts backfire? could it be that y/n is actually meant to be eunseok's true soulmate all along?
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“So you've been saying that Eunseok hyung locked himself up during this whole weekend?” Sungchan nodded while Wonbin just gagged watching the door which belongs to Eunseok’s room.
“Well you should be grateful that he still ordered some food and still eats it clean, he just wants to be alone for now. Well, he said that he needs to gain more energy to meet people as class starts tomorrow.”
“Oh well, I’m coming here to ask both of you to join me for dinner. And I don’t care even a bit, he needs to come too.” Wonbin insisted and Sungchan just rolled his eyes unlocking Eunseok’s door to coax Eunseok to come with them for dinner. Luckily Eunseok feels good enough to come to join them.
After the chaotic day of the Love Alarm app release, there’s many outcomes that they've received from the other students, some may have gotten into relationships, (kudos to Anton and his girlfriend!) — some might be confused as many people are interested to them (Taesan might take some time to digest after many things happened on that day) and some might be unlucky, their relationship ends as the app reveals their true feelings towards that particular person— and you could say that Eunseok are one of the unlucky person.
“Denial is a river in Egypt!” You could say that there’s countless hints and obvious hatred that is coming from Eunseok’s cliques towards his now called ex-girlfriend. Not to mention Wonbin is the one who is known as their most obvious hater when they are in a relationship. Well how could he? His ability to see the others’ threads of fate didn’t help at all— or maybe it actually helps.
He is the one who encourages Seunghan to confess to his own girlfriend when his girl are suffering with the rare disease called ‘Hanahaki’. Without his help, Seunghan’s girlfriend might not be with him now— as she couldn’t move on with her crush that once rejected her. And Anton’s girlfriend might lose her one and only sister. What a butterfly effect it would be if he didn’t step up to encourage Seunghan. And that’s how he now determines to make sure his friends will meet their soulmate for sure!
But back to the current situation, he’s conflicted as he actually feels bad seeing his friend playing with his own food instead of actually eating it. Eunseok’s pinky that is bound with the red strings that only he can see remains untouched— like how it used to be even when he was still with his ex-girlfriend.
“Do you want me to set you up with someone?” Sungchan asked Eunseok. Sungchan's ill-timed offer to set Eunseok up earned him a sharp kick from Wonbin, who signaled, 'Have some tact—he just broke up!'
“It hurts you jerk!” Sungchan mouthed. Ignoring Sungchan’s grimace, Wonbin just rolled his eyes and continued eating his food. Eunseok just keeps on minding his own business, not interested to interfere with their own shenanigans.
Suddenly, Eunseok’s red strings tensed as it looked like someone tugged his strings towards them. It draws Wonbin’s attention as he furrowed his eyebrows and he traced the strings that are connected with Eunseok.
“Hey, Seunghan and his sister are here. Hey Y/N!” Sungchan waved enthusiastically and smiled brightly towards the siblings that were approaching them. Now why are the threads connected between Eunseok and Y/N.. and it was tangled?
"I think I know who we should set Eunseok up with," Wonbin mused, ignoring Sungchan's scepticism. “Don’t you just disagree with me just now about that?”
As Eunseok's gaze lingered on Y/N, Wonbin couldn't shake the feeling that perhaps, she was the one they had been looking for all along.
an | new series dropped! i hope everyone will looking forward to it 😭😭 to avoid confusion please read love (beta) tester first ! and for the profile intro.. let’s just say it is the same as the previous series!
taglist is open!
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