#i just want everyone to know that the first thing i said to monty today was a cute happy spring text
yujikuna · 2 years
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miyagic · 2 months
Family Isn't Blood
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James Potter x reader
SUMMARY: James tells his girlfriend jokes, inspired by the ones his father uses to tell his mother, really stupids and not funny at all, but all you can think about is how cute he is to think they are actually funny, what makes you understand something.
MARAUDERS MASTERLIST a/n: You don't have a defined house. Remus and Sirius aren't dating, but they have a thing.
a/n: this is justt fluff, I didn't liked so much, but alright. Tell me what you think!
w/c: 1k
English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes!!
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JAMES looked at Euphemia, who was making their lunch while he and Fleamont set the table. Sirius is still sleeping, normally James wakes up early (not so much), but today he woke up later than usual.
"You should bring your girlfriend next time, Jamie" Euphemia smiled at him.
"I know, mom. I told her to come, but her parents had already planned the trip." James rolled his eyes slightly.
"What trip?" Fleamont asked, not following the conversations about James' infamous girlfriend with Euphemia.
"[Name] went with his parents to Italy" right after she finishes speaking, Sirius comes down the stairs with the greatest laziness ever seen.
"[Name]? She went to Italy?"
"Yes Pads, she said that in front of you" James scoffed.
"She said?"
"Boys, now I really don't care about Sirius' memory loss, I finished lunch and now let's eat" Effie started bringing the food to the table.
Everyone sat at the table, each eating as much as they wanted. Fleamont then looked at the sodas on the table, and started laughing, leaving everyone else confused.
"Fleamont, what's gotten you?" Euphemia looked at him strangely.
"Guys" he laughs, not finishing the sentence. "Guys... I was thinking about something"
"Here it comes," Effie murmured, sighing.
Fleamont laughs a little more "What do you call a can opener that doesn't work?"
"What?" James spoke.
"A can't opener" Fleamont laughs again as if he had said the funniest joke in the world.
James starts laughing like his father, making Sirius join them, Euphemia also laughs, while shaking her head, but not at the joke itself, but at the chaotic family that she love so much.
ON THE RETURN to Hogwarts, James and Sirius met Peter and Remus along the way.
"Prongs," Remus called, "Where is [Name]?"
"She's going with her friends on the train, we'll probably only see each other at Hogwarts" James replies, a little sullenly. "Pads?"
"Do you remember dad's jokes? My mom always laughs"
"Prongs, no" knowing Monty's jokes, and his friend, Remus intervenes, knowing Sirius would probably only encourage it.
"Moons, if my mother, a woman, likes my father's jokes, [Name] would like them too, and me more, right??" Remus and Peter looked at each other.
"Go and get your girl with the jokes, Prongsie!!" Sirius puts his arm around James's shoulders.
"This is going to be a catastrophe" Peter said, shaking his head and Remus just sighed.
LATER, at Hogwarts, all the students sit in the main hall, the new students being sorted. This year, so far, most of them have been sorted into Ravenclaw, some Hufflepuffs, some Gryffindors and a few Slytherins.
At the "marauders table", you sat next to James, across from Remus.
“Princess” James looked at you. Trying to remember his dad jokes.
“Jamie” you look at him, maintaining loving eye contact, James’ eyes looked nervous, almost restless, but confident.
"Do you know what you call a can opener that doesn't work?" he tried to copy his father's tone and phrase.
"Um, no?" You furrow your eyebrows, how a can opener doesn't work at all?
"A can't opener" James started laughing again, really looking like he said the funniest thing in the world. Sirius laughed too.
These man's are not normal.
Remus taps his forehead, sighing and shaking his head while Peter grimaces but smiles a little.
James looks at you expectantly, to which you smile widely, but not at the joke itself.
"Did you like it?" his eyes used to shine, James never stopped smiling, his smile bright and full of teeth.
"Yes, I liked it" you smile, not wanting to ruin his happiness, if it's something he likes, you like it too.
James smiles even more, if that were possible and lets out a dreamy sigh, relaxing his shoulders, "my dad usually tells my mom these jokes. They invited you to spend the next vacation there" James takes your hand "you will, right?"
You shake his hand, "of course, if you want me there that much" he kisses your hand.
"Prongs, why don't you tell the one about the dog?" Sirius slams his hand on the table, grinning like a madman. Remus hits him on the head, whispering "stop", Peter chuckles, as Sirius looks at him with his normal drama.
"Ahh yes!! That one is really good" James laughs "Get ready" he clears his throat, you look at Remus with wide eyes, whatever was coming wasn't good. "Oh, what do you call a magical dog?"
Remus shakes his head furiously at you, but James looked so cute that you couldn't resist asking "how?"
"A Labracadabrador" James laughs madly, bringing tears to his eyes, Sirius laughs just as much. Peter laughs a little too, but not as much as Sirius and James. You and Remus looked at each other.
You look at James, he looked so adorable laughing and actually thinking the jokes are good and you can't help but smile sweetly at him.
"Oh" James gasps "I have another one! Calm down" he takes a deep breath. "Why don't koalas count as bears? Because they don't have the right koalifications" and James bursts into laughter again, Sirius along with him and this time Peter too.
And you can only look at your boyfriend, how sweet he looks right now. James tells another joke, but you don't even hear it, you just look at him, smiling endlessly.
For a moment you even think that it would be impossible for him to actually find the jokes funny, but then you remember: it's James, your playful boyfriend who loves to laugh and especially make others laugh, who he loves to laugh.
So you laugh, not at the joke, but for James. And Remus laughs, for Sirius.
Your little family, full of love, laughter and affection. Your real family, real home. Where you should always be.
And then you understand, as Sirius and Remus also understood, after fighting so hard, that family Isn't blood. Family is your home and you have finally found it.
Your little family.
Your little home.
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mystic-writings · 5 months
just a twisted ankle | newt
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PAIRING – newt x fem!reader
REQUEST – @heliads - hi monty!! saw you wanted some newt requests so i simply could not hold back. could i please request a newt x reader fic in which newt and reader are both track-hoes and obviously in love with each other but pining in silence? alby and minho are doing their best to get them together but they're both excruciatingly oblivious lmao. thank you so much!!
SUMMARY – you and an overly protective newt are in love. the only problem seems to be that everyone but you and him are aware of it.
WARNINGS – weird behavior, obliviousness, fluff, semi-crack?, friends to lovers, minor injury
WORD COUNT – 3,031
NOTES – AAAA this has been in my requests for forever and i’m just now writing it?? i absolutely loved writing this and a big big thanks to @shmaptainwrites for being my lovely beta reader!
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There were very few downsides to being a Track-hoe. You enjoyed being outdoors all day, breathing in the fresh air and the amazing smell of fresh plants, chatting with your fellow track-hoes and generally enjoying yourself. 
The main issue you had was the dirt. 
Sure, it was essential to your job, but it was the worst possible thing about it. You didn’t even mind the sweat and aching muscles most of the time, because that just meant a job well done. But the dirt? If you could plant and grow things without it, you would. The way it stuck to your clothes, your skin. How it buried itself into your pores and underneath your fingernails and took forever to scrub off your skin. 
The biggest upside, however, was Newt. 
You’d been here almost 2 years, and he was quite possibly your favorite person in the Glade. He was the first person besides Alby to reach out and connect with you, not really caring or fearing the fact that you were, and still are, the only girl. Minho was the second person to do the same. 
Newt, over time, had become your biggest confidant about almost everything. You spent pretty much all of your spare time with him, and he with you. After long days, you’d take the time after dinner to walk around the Glade. Sometimes you’d talk, and sometimes you’d just enjoy one another’s presence. Everyone knew not to mess with you, and the Greenies that didn’t usually learned their lesson pretty quickly. 
You liked to call him your protector with a smile, mostly because he’d always flush bright red at the compliment. 
It’d been a few days since the box came up, and the newest Greenie, Jason, was still getting his bearings around the Glade. He’d only learned his name yesterday, and that was after he threw up watching Winston show him how the slicers do their jobs. Today, he was with you and the other Track-hoes. 
He’d been mostly hovering near Zart and Newt, who were showing him the ropes. You, however, caught him glancing over at you a few too many times. It was normal for a Greenie, and for you, since you were the only girl. But it didn’t stop you from feeling slightly uncomfortable. 
Jason had been staring at you — as Zart was showing him how to de-weed the vegetables — until Newt clapped him on the shoulder. Faintly, you could hear them talking. 
“Stop staring, mate. Focus on the job.” Newt said, his tone laced with that all-too-familiar protectiveness. It made you smile, the way his eyes pierced into Jason’s and struck him with a fear he seemed to make all the Greenies feel when it came to you. 
After a while, you felt Jason resume his staring, even after Newt’s ‘warning’. You knew that he’d learn sooner or later, you just hoped it was the latter. While you were digging up some carrots, knowing it would take you forever to clean under your fingernails before dinner, Newt’s shadow blocked your view of the sun, forcing you to look up at him.
“Come on,” he nodded to the deadheads. “Zart said we need more fertilizer.” 
Extending a hand upward, Newt pulled you to your feet before handing you the second bucket. As you departed from the gardens, you swung the empty bucket and sighed. “I don’t know why he never just sends one of us. There’s no way this is a two person job.” 
“I’ve stopped questioning Zart,” Newt shrugged. “He’s the Keeper, what he says, goes. That’s all.”
Contemplating Newt’s words, you looked up at the leaves for a moment and tripped on a root. Newt barely caught you as you lurched forward, both buckets landing on the forest floor. “Besides, I think if you tried to do this yourself, you’d trip and break your neck.” 
“Well,” you exaggerated a sigh, “can’t have that, can we?”
Newt shook his head, grabbing the buckets. “No, we can’t.” 
After making it to the fertilizer pile and back with no further injury, the day carried on as normal. Newt and Zart continued training and carefully watching the Greenie to see if he was exactly up for the job of Track-hoe. 
By the time the dinner bell rang, you were exhausted. You felt like this most days, but today you had to devote more energy than usual on making sure the Greenie wasn’t staring at you as if you’d solve all of his problems just by talking to him. 
You and Newt took off at the same time, chatting about the Greenie and whether he was good for the Track-hoes or not. “I hope not,” you groaned. “He keeps staring at me. He’d spend more time looking at me than doing his actual job if he got put with us.”
“I know,” Newt chuckled. “I spent the day with the poor shank. You have no idea how many times I had to divert his attention back to his work, it was unbelievable.”
You shook your head. “Trust me, I know. I could feel him staring at me all damn day.” 
The dining hall was already pretty full of Gladers, milling about or grabbing food or sitting down. Quickly, you could smell Frypan’s beef stew wafting from the pots on the table. Your stomach suddenly felt empty, and you couldn’t wait to pour yourself a bowl. You and Newt moved in tandem, pouring out soups into your own bowls from ladles hooked on the edge of the metal pots and grabbing cups of water from the table beside you. 
Minho was already sitting at your usual table, peacefully eating his soup amid the usual chaos. Joining him, you and Newt sat across from him, digging into your food. Minho usually ate in silence, with the exception of joking around when the others got to the table, so you didn’t mind listening to the din of the conversations happening around you for a little while.
Soon, Frypan joined Minho’s side of the table, already boasting about how well received the stew was. Just as he was about to ask how everyone liked it, and as you were spooning more into your mouth, Jason approached your and Minho’s end of the table. 
“Hi.” He said, entire body stiff, as if unclenching his muscles would make him disappear. 
“...Hello?” You replied. “Is there something you need, Greenie?”
Jason laughed, but it sounded more like he was choking. “No, no. I just— I, um, I was wondering—”
“Cool it, slinthead,” Minho interrupted. “You’re not going to get anywhere with Y/n, here. She and Newt are practically married, even if they don’t know they are.”
With a disgruntled air around him, Jason admitted defeat and left the table to go find somewhere to eat his dinner. 
You furrowed your brows at Minho. “Me and Newt aren’t married, what the shuck was that all about?”
As if things couldn’t get worse, Gally stepped up to the table on Newt’s other side. “Are we talking about you and Newt? Have you finally gotten your clunk together and started dating? Because I’ve been waiting for this for almost two years.” 
“Nah,” Frypan said. “They’re too scared to admit something like that, Gally. You know that.” 
“Yeah, and it’s getting on all of our nerves.” Minho said. “It irritates me more than the Newbies do.”
“Could you stop talking about us like we’re not here?” Newt snapped. “It’s really annoying.” 
The group exchanged looks and you couldn’t help but smile. The rest of the dinner passed, and soon Alby joined you at Frypan’s side. The conversation flowed, as per usual, and you were able to let go of the pain your joints carried as you went back for a second helping and relaxed with your friends until sundown. 
It was no surprise that Newt left when you did in order to walk you back to your room in the Homestead, where he bid you goodnight and headed to his own just down the hall. Just as he reached the door, though, he turned back and walked over to you. 
“Just letting you know,” he began, “The Greenie’s staying on as a track-hoe tomorrow. Alby doesn’t want him doing a trial as a Medjack just yet. But I won’t be there either. Me and Gally have to be in the council hall tomorrow to talk with some of the other Keepers about scheduling. Stay safe, please.” 
You giggled. “Don’t worry, Newt, I’ll be just fine. The most that Greenie’s gonna do is stare at me, and I can’t die from something like that. Plus, I’ll have Zart and the other Track-hoes with me for the day.”
He sighed, almost reluctant to go most of the day without you. “I’ll see you at breakfast then?”
“Yes, you will.” You nodded. “And dinner. Now go to sleep, Newt.” 
With another goodnight, you and Newt headed into your respective rooms to settle in and go to bed, an unusual day ahead of you.
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Despite waking up and starting your day with Newt as you usually would, it felt odd to split from him after Frypan served breakfast. It felt odd to not turn to him for casual conversation as you de-weeded the tomatoes and harvested carrots for tonight’s dinner — some sort of fried rice, you remember Frypan telling you at dinner last night. 
Your day passed in relative silence aside from occasional chatter with the track-hoes or receiving orders from Zart. You avoided Jason as best as you could, and it seemed his embarrassment from last night still lingered as he was determined to stay on the opposite side of the field, despite still staring at you when he got the chance. 
Sometime near the end of the day, you’d run out of fertilizer, and as usual Zart had sent you with both buckets to refill them. The trek was definitely boring without Newt to talk to, but you managed to fill both buckets and head most of the way back without incident, injury, or going crazy in the silence of the deadheads. 
However, your luck was bound to run out at some point. 
Just as the rays of sunshine were poking out from the field ahead, you tripped on a particularly large tree root sticking out of the ground. Both buckets flung from your hands as you stuck them out, attempting to break your own fall. Pain radiated from your ankle, palms, and wrists as you landed harshly on the ground, staining your clothes and skin with dirt. 
After you processed what happened and pulled yourself up, you first inspected your palms. Wiping away the dirt, several scrapes and cuts revealed themselves, accompanied by irritated and angry skin surrounding them. Taking a moment to catch your breath, you tried your best to stand, but crumbled when you put weight on your right foot. 
Hissing, you pulled up your pant leg and tried to touch around the area, only bringing yourself more pain as you did so. Figuring out how to get out of here was going to be difficult, especially without abandoning the buckets of fertilizer. After some time, you managed to find a particularly large stick to support the weight you would’ve put on your injured foot, hooked one bucket handle on the crook of your elbow, and took the other in your free hand. 
As best as you could manage, you brought the fertilizer to Zart, who quickly took notice of your condition. 
“What the shuck happened to you?!” He exclaimed as you shifted your weight. 
Looking down at your foot, you sighed. “A large tree root got the jump on me, Zart. Now will you please help me to the Medjacks so I don’t have to use this shucking stick anymore?”
Almost jumping into action, Zart wrapped an arm around your torso and pulled your right one around his neck, helping you along to the other side of the Glade. You were beginning to see now why he usually sent Newt with you. 
Upon reaching the Medjack hut, Clint and Jeff took over for Zart, ushering him away to get back to work. You were grateful for the Medjacks and the care they seemed to take with you. They made sure it was relatively painless for you as Clint examined your ankle and Jeff cleaned the cuts on your palms, keeping casual conversation with you as they did so. 
It was only as Clint was wrapping your ankle — Jeff already having done so with the heels of your palms — that Newt came barrelling into the room. 
“We were wondering where you were,” Jeff quipped as he put away the roll of gauze he’d just used. 
Newt ignored the other two people in the room and came to sit on the edge of your bed. “What the bloody hell happened to you?”
“It’s not like I almost died, Newt.” You told him, but let him take your hands into his to look at. “I was getting the fertilizer from the deadheads and tripped on a root. It’s nothing more than a twisted ankle, I promise.”
“You promised you’d be fine today without me.” Newt corrected you, and you couldn’t help but chuckle. 
“And I was. I just lost my footing to a root. I’ll be back up and running in a few days. Right, Clint?”
The boy at the end of the bed nodded, taping the tensor bandages into place. “Exactly. After three days of no work and constant elevation, you’ll be just fine.”
Newt looked back at the boy. “Are you sure?”
“Yes, I am.” Clint said. “I’ll even have Jeff come check up on her twice a day to make sure her foot heals. Okay?”
Newt considered Clint’s words for a moment before nodding. “Alright.” 
Soon enough, the Medjack’s left you and Newt alone in the treatment room. It was silent, and Newt still held your bandaged hands in his, not daring to say a word. 
“Are you okay?” You asked eventually, feeling that you’d studied the boy’s face enough to gather that he was still deeply upset and in thought. 
Newt’s eyes snapped from your hands to make eye contact with you, and you could see the emotion pooling in his dark irises. “I dunno. I know it’s stupid, you’ll be fine, but… you were hurt. On the one day I wasn’t there with you.”
Turning your hands over in his, you grabbed his palms and squeezed. “But I’ll be fine, Newt. Look, I’m still healthy, aren’t I? Breathing, talking. That’s what matters. And it’s not your fault, it was just a silly accident.” 
“I know, I just… the thought of you getting hurt makes me want to go crazy.” Newt admitted. “You being safe is all I care about.” 
Your heart stuttered in your chest as your face warmed. “I… I didn’t know it meant that much to you.” 
“You do.” Newt stated. “You mean that much to me.” 
“Newt…” you whispered. “I think those slintheads were right.”
His face scrunched up. “What d’you mean?”
“I think… I think I like you. A lot more than I realized.” You gathered more courage with every word you spoke. “Newt… I think I’m in love with you.” 
You watched his eyes widen as you spoke, hands still interlocked. Newt seemed to be stunned by your impromptu confession, and even you were surprised by it. Up until ten seconds ago, you were unaware of how big your feelings for Newt were, but now that they were out in the open, it was easy to see as you looked back on things. Your thoughts ran at a hundred miles a second, flashing with the memories you made with Newt and how close you’d gotten over the past few years.  
It took you a second to pull away from the memories and realize that Newt had yet to respond. 
“Newt?” You called out, trying to get his attention. “I shouldn’t have said anything. Look, we don’t have to do anything about it, we can forget it ever happened—”
“No.” Newt interrupted. “I don’t want to do that.” He adjusted his grip on your hands, stroking your knuckles with his thumbs. “I… I love you, too. I think I have from the moment I met you.” 
Your lips stretched into a wide, blissful smile, and Newt’s expression soon matched yours. Slowly, he leaned in closer to you, shortening the distance until his lips were inches from yours. 
“Can I kiss you?” He whispered.
“I’d like nothing more,” you told him, and in seconds, his lips were on yours and your hand was touching the back of his neck and you were both in a state of bliss you could only dream of until now. 
You spent the next few hours with Newt, who sat next to you on the bed with an arm around your shoulders, talking mostly about how you both failed to notice your feelings toward each other for so long, occasionally disrupted by mini-makeouts. When the dinner bell rang, Newt promised to explain your injury to your friends and bring dinner for you both to eat in the Medjack hut. 
When Newt came back, two steaming bowls of chicken rice in hand, the blush on his face was unmistakable. 
“What happened?” You laughed as he passed you the bowl and sat on the bed. “What did they say to you?”’
“They didn’t say anything.” Newt corrected you. “They heard about my hauling ass across the Glade to get here from the council hall, that’s what. And they basically figured us out.” 
“Really?” You fake gasped. “It’s like they’ve been trying to tell us about this for the past two years or something.”
“Ha, ha,” Newt rolled his eyes. “Eat your rice. After you’re finished, I’ve got to take you to the Homestead.” 
“My hero,” you smiled, and Newt couldn’t help but to kiss you once more before you both dug into your meals. 
Once your ankle was healed, it was no surprise the uproar your friends caused when you were finally able to walk to breakfast hand in hand with Newt. After all, they had been waiting years for this.
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forever taglist: @mazerunnerrose @theboldandthebootyful @miraclesoflove @heliads
newt taglist: @superduperswitchbitch @jessimay89 @newtsmyhusbend @hehehehannahthings @fr-ogii @ghostofscarley @badbatch-simp24 @xhenix @letosart13 @erospecies @pariahsparadise @imabee-oralizard @ella33 @ellablossom @bluesongbird @1-800-isabellapotter @ajordan2020 @alexxavicry @uncontainedsmiles @thethreeeyed-raven
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multi-fandomsfreak · 6 days
Hiya, i saw ur requests are open and that you write for sonic series, so i was wondering if you could write sonic boom!shadow x fem!hedgehog reader? You can make up the story, and what happens! But i have to ask if it can be fluff. I read a little to much angst today cant handle more😭
I looove shadow sm, all and any shadow😆
Thanks! Drink,eat , sleep, shower
-Monty 🦔
Boom!Shadow Fluff HC’s With Fem!Hedgehog Reader
Hey there! Thanks for the ask!
I don’t know why but as soon as I saw this request was to have Shadow be in a hugging session with reader. Don’t know why but that was the first thought I had when I saw that you wanted fluff (by the way I kind of wrote this to at least be platonic but some views can be considered romantic in a way. You can view it as whatever). Plus that boy does deserve a hug, regardless of which Shadow it is. Also sorry if this is a bit shorter than my regular ones. Anyways, hope you like this. ~Blaze/Dawn
Pronouns: She/Her (Or At Least Fem Intended Since I Only Used She/Her Once)
Warning: ❌
Requested: Yes/No
Characters: Shadow + Mentions Of The Other Sonic Crew
Proofread: ❌
Credits: Icon by punkmp4 on Pinterest + Banner by emiljjj on Pinterest
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- ‘God today has been overwhelming’ Shadow thought to himself, his face clearly showing annoyance. Honestly he wasn't sure how long he could deal with another presence. The only thing that was currently on his mind and the only reason he even bothered to put up with the others was seeing you. A while ago he found himself becoming fond of you in his own brooding way. Normally he wouldn’t consider himself getting close with anyone especially since he’s known for being a loner but as he manages to spot you more often due to you often hanging out with that stupid hedgehog sonic and his friends he couldn’t help but get drawn towards you. It’s like you had some sort of aura about you that made him drawn to you. So he decided to hang out with you much to your surprise at him wanting to be around you but you weren’t going to complain.
- You’re the only person he actually tolerates out of everyone he knows. To him Sonic is too annoying, Tails is alright in a way but still isn’t too fond of him, Knuckles isn’t that smart, Amy is also alright he just doesn’t hang out with her too much so he doesn’t have that much of a bond with her and he just finds Sticks batshit crazy. So with you it’s like he’s getting some fresh air after being stuck in a room for hours. He actually enjoys being around you, you won’t get him to outright admit it but in a way you can tell he does because he treats you way differently compared to the others which doesn’t go unnoticed by them.
- Some of them actually find it cute (Mostly Amy) and some of them like to tease Shadow about (Most probably either Sonic or Knuckles) but you don’t mind it. You actually find it cute in a way as well. Managing to break his standoffish persona. Undeniably he kind of has a soft spot for. Often he finds himself getting defensive when someone like Sonic teases him for his said soft spot. Like Sonic could be saying stuff like “You really like her don’t you Shadow” which causes Shadow to tell him to shut up.
- Everytime he has a shit day or just wants to decompress he finds himself thinking of you. He could just be in a grumpy mood then he just sighs to himself and thinks to himself ‘I’m going to see [Name]’. It’s like his brain just automatically thinks of going to you as soon as he experiences a single bad emotion. He knows that you won’t judge which admittedly makes him happy inside. Honestly after having others getting on his nerves he rather have someone who knows how to calm him down. Honestly, this dude has so much built in anger it’s unbelievable.
- Eventually, after enough walking he managed to arrive at your place and immediately felt some sort of weight being lifted off of his shoulders. He knocked on the door crossing his arms waiting for you to open the door. He then saw the door crack open and saw the familiar hedgehog he actually likes. “Oh hey Shadow!” You said, happy to see your buddy again “what are you doing here?” You asked before he answered “apologies for interrupting you but is it alright if I stay here for a bit?” He asked to which you happily let him in.
- As soon as you sat down you found him following you before plopping himself head down into your lap “had another one of those days huh?” You asked slightly chuckling before placing a hand on his head “you have no idea. I swear that damn hedgehog is out to purposely ruin my day.” He grumbled as he felt himself softening while having your hands running through his quills “oh come on he’s not that bad you know?” You could hear Shadow slightly snorting to himself before replying “you hang out with him, your used to his idiocy” you chuckled at his answer before continuing to play with his quills, occasionally seeing him nuzzle his head in your lap even letting out some noises indicating that he was enjoying the attention he was getting from you “your weird you know that Shadow?” You joked with him “no I’m not” he retorted back even starting to hug you loosely around your waist “yeah whatever you say” you smiled to yourself hearing Shadow scoffing to himself as the two of you enjoy each other's company. “thanks for being there for me [Name]” he quietly said but you could hear him very well “no problem Shadow”.
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etinceelle · 7 months
Okay so, just so you know: DIllon Goo is friends with one of THE biggest RWDEs on the internet, the one who came up with the "Monty's Vision" creed so many people spout.
If he got his hands on the show, there'd be no Bumbleby, no Nuts and Dolts, nothing like that. It would be COMPLETELY unrecognizeable.
If he doesn't just reboot the show, everyone would hate Team RWBY for "betraying" Ironwood, Robyn Hill and the Happy Huntresses would be treated as irredeemable villains, and Team RWBY's arcs would be based around having to "accept that they were wrong to defy Ironwood" and then "learning to obey authority".
It would not be RWBY anymore.
I appreciate people for telling me because I wasn't aware of this story. I should also say that a lot of people in the fandom should understand that not everyone know about every detail and event that happened in the RWBY history, especially for people like me who discovered the series way later. Just thought I might say it just in case because I saw some people talk about it as if we're supposed to know when that's not the case.
If I can tell my honest opinion it's that at the moment it's too early to confirm anything. This might not happen, this might happen, we don't know, and I don't want to jump to any conclusions or fast opinions with only a few infos I got yesterday and today about that. From what I know this behavior came from Shane, but even if he's friend with Dillon this guy cannot call the shots alone. I think the best thing would be for current CRWBY to be able to finish the story like THEY wanted, like they first imagined it with Monty, and how they imagined it so far. I honestly don't know what good option could be because at the moment it's probably the only interested buyer and the one that fits the best for the show's style. If CRWBY express discomfort and refuse to go for that way for the reasons people told me about, then let respect that because they'll be the one to decide in the end.
I like Dillon Goo and their animations, that's why I supported the idea, but in the end it's for CRWBY to decide and no one else. If they think there might be a problem and they might ruin everything, that's for them to decide.
I should also mention that people's behaviors using events for their arguments is their responsability. On this aspect I'm not aware of everything so I only speak with what I know. But there will always be people who will also distort stuff to be able to use it their favor.
As for the ships, Bumbleby is canon already, undoing that would be really stupid and would sign the end of the story. And Nuts and Dolts isn't canon, it's the fantasy of a lot of people included mine but we don't even think if this was planned to be canon or not at some point, from what I know that's not the case. I understand what you mean because this is not just about ships here, but I'm not gonna jump to conclusions with how little infos I got at the moment
With all of that said, I just hope for a good conclusion for everyone.
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catflowerqueen · 3 months
I know I said I was going to take a break from TSAMS, and I probably will double down even harder on that after what just happened in today's episode... but I just couldn't help myself after seeing posts from some of my mutuals and their followers.
Rant below. If you do read, please take it with a grain of salt--there is probably context I've missed since I haven't been keeping up with the series the way I used to considering how disappointed I've been with the direction the story has seemed to be heading for quite a while now.
Immediate thoughts:
Way to not tell Old Moon the whole story, Monty. Especially after hearing him tell you he has no idea who Solar is. You know perfectly well that New Moon is in this state, negatively interacting with his family, precisely because he is still trying to help another family member. Solar is family! Family who everyone else is grieving! You are intentionally leaving out tons of context, and at this point I am still half convinced you're doing it because you, personally, couldn't divorce Solar from the other Eclipse(s) who personally harmed you. So this is just a convenience, getting a Moon back who is more likely to enable you and go along with your shenanigans.
And it also makes me think that you, personally, just never got over Old Moon's death or respect his choices at all, that you would be willing to do the exact same thing New Moon is trying to do, just in a supposedly "cleaner" fashion: Kill someone else to get the loved one you personally want back. The difference being that, again, Old Moon chose to sacrifice himself so someone else could live, unlike like Solar, who was a casualty of someone else's cruel plot, and New Moon is going after people who have actually done a lot of harm and murder. Unlike New Moon, who I am pretty sure hasn't actually killed anyone yet. Or at least no one that the others didn't agree was an acceptable target.
It also reminds me of how generally off and combative Lunar has been toward New Moon this entire time. Like--I really, really don't think Lunar ever got over Old Moon's death in any sort of healthy fashion, and I do wonder if he isn't still doing some sort of weird, internalized survivor's guilt deal, since he at one time offered to be Moon's "happy" and protect him, but then just ran off with basically no warning and didn't get the chance to apologize or even say goodbye before Old Moon died.
Not to mention that Lunar knew from Solar what the likely consequences would be of trying to remove KC, but didn't think to/have a chance to warn Sun or Old Moon.
New Moon isn't Lunar's Moon... so Lunar just never bothered to really get to know him or kindle a relationship, especially since he got a shiny new sister with no pre-existing baggage to hang out with. Rather than confront or acknowledge his past with Sun and Moon beyond the fact that an Eclipse was around.
Seems like, in general, everyone else is now reaping the consequences of the fact that Moon isn't around right now to be the pillar who cleans up their messes and problems. Because that usually is his role--he works behind the scenes to quash what problems he can before they get bad, or he does the most to try and fix things and find solutions while everyone else just messes around and then blames him for not doing better when he fails.
Like... right before the first October takeover. Sun got upset when he found out Moon didn't really have a real plan to prevent the takeover from happening, and said he wished Moon had told him earlier... but did Sun even think to really ask? Or offer his own potential plan? It doesn't really seem like it! Because that was Moon's job.
It's always Moon's job.
The only times he's really gotten help are when Monty was involved--which even Monty today admitted was not always the greatest of situations--or when he had Solar.
But then he had neither, since Monty today has seemingly proven they never actually cared about New Moon as their own person. And Solar is gone.
Why are they so surprised now that Moon--either Moon--has hit his breaking point?
Also--they should have given New Moon Yahtzee to play with! Moon at least gave Sun a mirror to look at when he trapped him in that magic box, and they gave Ruin a Monopoly board and streaming abilities when he asked. Old Moon has a sunset and can't really perceive the passage of time!
But, no, New Moon gets absolutely nothing.
And they are surprised he isn't getting better? There are reasons why solitary confinement is considered such a harsh punishment! Getting no mental stimulation does things to a person, and I can only imagine that it is worse for animatronics, considering how much processing power they have and how fast their thoughts must move!
Final thoughts:
If they are using this an excuse to bring Old Moon back permanently, then I just feel like they should have done this very shortly after his death to begin with. That way it would have just been a case of a minor amnesia plotline--not murder, like even Monty admits it will be.
And, for that matter, why is it Moon who never gets a second chance after death? Lunar and Earth have "died," but they got to keep their memories. Eclipse and Bloodmoon have died, but they get both a pass for past actions--which is fair, since, again, they aren't really them--while still reaping the benefits of having those memories uploaded into them, to learn from or ignore at their discretion.
But New Moon got all the blame and consequences while getting none of the benefits, and now they just want to kill him off anyways.
It just makes me so angry and sad.
(And secretly kind of wondering if maybe we accidentally switched Point of Views to a different dimension without realizing it, and our original, beloved Sun and Moon/New Moon are still out there, somewhere, living their best lives with no idea of what the viewers are currently seeing. Though I would still be so sad for the versions we are seeing right now if that was, indeed, the case.)
...And that was quite a rant. Please remember what I asked about taking things with a grain of salt, and forgive me if I ended up being wildly inaccurate with any of my information or assumptions.
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joltyflare · 6 months
(Sun and Moon Show Theory #2: Eclipse Will Bring Solar Back)
This is a pretty common and obvious theory by now, especially after today's lore in LAES. It seems like it's very clear this is the direction the shows (SAMS and LAES) are headed. But I still think it's worth posting!
I think Eclipse is working on bringing Solar back. I also believe he will succeed at being the one to bring him back rather than Moon.
His motives are now more obvious than ever: He wants to prove himself. Everyone is constantly berating him and calling him useless and whatnot and we know Eclipse has always had quite the ego. We also know he is intelligent...and regardless of what he thinks about his status as being a mere copy of himself, we know that he is aware that he is still intelligent and still has his pride. He especially wants to prove he is the more "dominant" one between himself and Moon (unable to accept that New Moon isn't the same Moon he had this rivalry with and that he doesn't care to be his rival now). When he visited Moon and Moon started going on about how nobody would ever love Eclipse, Eclipse made that remark about him being unable to bring back Solar. The way he did this and then immediately mentioned wanting to prove who is the dominant one makes me believe that Eclipse feels like he can bring back Solar and one-up Moon in doing so.
Of course, another reason he wants to do this is because Puppet and Frank's words actually got through to him. He knows he needs a purpose to feel fulfilled. He always needs a goal to work towards, otherwise he feels incomplete. Apparently, at least for the time being, his goal seems to revolve around being superior to Moon. Ever since his first death that seems to be the case. Moon and Eclipse can't seem to get away from each other and seem to be drawn together like moths to a flame at this point. If he redeems himself, I still feel like it'll be hard for him to pass up this rivalry even if it does become a more friendly rivalry. But, regardless, the words of Puppet and Frank seemed to have sparked something within him that he couldn't shake off.
But there's also the fact he visited Earth and spoke to her. When he visited Sun and Moon's home, he simply seemed to be investigating (more on that later) but when he visited Earth he seemed interested in actually talking to her. He appeared to be there primarily to speak to her about Solar's death. When he asked her if she really needed Solar and she said yeah, he let out this long sigh. I can't help but wonder if that set him fully on the path to finding Solar. After all, she seems to be the only person to have shown him true kindness thus far and he's finally believing that she is genuine as well as starting to respect her as an individual. Maybe he's starting to care about her. He didn't mock her or anything and simply seemed curious on her thoughts. Some people were saying he could have possibly gone to Monty's place to investigate further but I find it doubtful, since Solar didn't have much relevance to Monty's home or anything like that. I think he was there for Earth and maybe trying to disguise the fact he was there for her by just turning and looking away from her as he spoke.
Anyway, that's it for the motive part of this theory: Needing a purpose, wanting to prove himself (especially to Moon), and maybe feeling a bit of sympathy and empathy (especially toward Earth).
As for the evidence...well, there's that whole conversation that sparked him even considering being the one to bring Solar back. Or even considering it to be a plausible thing that can happen. After Puppet and Frank practically ordered him to do this, he yelled at the air about how it was probably impossible and then muttered "unless..." despite seeming somewhat dismissive still. Then he apparently went into Sun and Moon's home to where Solar died, brushed his finger along the floor, and left. And he of course went to where Earth was for whatever reason...and, of course, proceeded to talk to her about her grief over Solar. He has also seemingly abandoned the immediate desire to kill Ruin. Then he went to Moon and was somewhat mocking him over the fact he couldn't revive Solar and then went on about how he wanted to prove to be more dominant...which is an interesting thing to just suddenly say.
But today's episode is what really sells this theory for me. I mean he was thinking really hard about something, openly said he's not planning on hurting Sun, Moon, or their family, and then needed to think some more and started talking to himself about how he needed code, a lot of power, and maybe something else? He seems to have almost everything he needs. He even doubts that Sun and Moon will even want his help, which makes sense when combined with how he has been treated by the two brothers since Solar's death. Yeah...all this is pointing in the direction of Eclipse reviving Solar.
It's obvious Solar will come back! There are very few people who even think he'll stay dead and even staff in the official server are as convinced as fans that he'll be coming back. Bringing him back, at least according to Puppet, is important to the balance of things as well. The way he died even leaves a lot in the air and makes me feel like his story would indeed not end there. I mean fans were in an uproar more than any death in the series as well, so there's that.
But my main belief is that they wanted to do a Solar redesign anyway. They never wanted to get rid of Solar and they seem to like killing off characters as an excuse to give them new models. A lot. Solar's model in VRchat was glitching a lot anyway and there were hints he'd get a new body regardless but this would make the most sense if we were to get the one we see in thumbnails. Regardless as to why, I think this is gonna be an exciting part of his return!!
I might make a post explaining why I think they'd have Solar die to simply get a new body for him. Some of it obviously has to do with a redemption arc for Eclipse and it ties in well with he plot but there's more things design-wise that make me feel it's the only way to give him the design we see in the thumbnails.
Anyway, yeah, I think Solar is coming back and I think Eclipse will bring him back. Also, no, I do not think Eclipse will have to sacrifice himself for this to happen...so I hope Eclipse AND Solar fans (such as myself) can enjoy the prospect of his return!!
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bruhhhh-huhhhhh · 1 year
Coming to cash in that comfort fic my dude, mental health be failing me lol-
So I see you write for Security Breach? Mayhaps I get literally any animatronic (except perhaps maybe chica) comforting the reader after a difficult breakup?
I haven't requested anything from anyone in like a solid year I am rusty I am soooooo sorry
Bro felt
But don't worry about it, I gotchu
I don't really think I managed to stick with one character lmao
Also older sibling Vanessa supremacy
[e/n = ex's name]
Nap time
Even though you really didn't want to, you came into work on time. You and your partner had just broken up last night, so sleeping was pretty much out of the question. It had taken forever, but dawn finally broke, meaning you had to head to work at the Pizzaplex.
With lots of effort on your part, you got up and dressed in your uniform. Then, you got going to work.
Just stepping into the building drained even more of your energy. Today was checkup day for all of the animatronics, meaning that you had to go through and run diagnostics on everyone.
Freddy was first. He was his usual self, being very kind and cooperative. The only thing he needed was some oil for his chest hatch. He did notice that you were acting off, though.
"Superstar, are you alright?" Freddy asked as you finished up on the computer. You just stared at him for a second, not registering the question, before nodding your head. He seemed skeptical, but said, "Okay. Well, if you need anything, you know where to find me," before going to tell whoever was next that they could come in.
Monty didn't give you any issues, even though he usually hated getting his checkups. He had a few scratches that he had to get fixed, but other than that he was fine. When you finished, he patted your back, which was weird.
Roxy was perfect, as per usual, with nothing being wrong at all. She sat and talked to you the whole time, mostly about herself, but the chatter was nice anyways. It helped keep your mind off (e/n). Roxy gave you a high five and left.
Chica was the last out of the four, which was good because it meant you were almost done. Just the DJ and Sun and Moon. Same as Roxy, nothing was wrong.
The whole process had only taken about an hour, leaving you about 45 minutes before you had to see the DJ. You were hunched over your coffee mug in the break room when Vanessa came in. It was odd, considering she worked night shifts, but the thought didn't really register. You were starting to feel the effects of not sleeping the night prior. "Hey, y/n," Vanessa said as she walked to her locker.
"How's (e/n)?"
You paused, feeling tears starting to well up in your eyes. "We, uh. We broke up."
"Oh, shit. I mean, I'm sorry. Didn't mean to bring that up." Vanessa pauses for a second before adding, "They sucked anyways. You deserve better."
For a bit the two of you just stayed in silence, before she came over and sat next to you, bumping your shoulder playfully. "We could go get drinks after our shifts if you'd like. Nothing like making that bastard regret leaving you. I mean, who would want to break up with you? You're so amazing and pretty. They're just dumb, I swear."
That made you smile slightly. "Sure. Come find me in the daycare whenever you're ready. I'll be in there until my shifts done," you say, downing the rest of your coffee and standing up. Vanessa lets out a "Whoop!" and you leave, going to check on the DJ.
Everything was fine with him, leaving just Sun and Moon. They both were horrible with Maintenace, but they managed to be somewhat okay if you were the one doing it.
When you reached the daycare, Sun was pacing by the door nervously. "Y/n! We've been waiting! Why aren't there any kids? Did we do something wrong? Is the Daycare in trouble again?"
He was referencing the time that one of the kids got a little too close to the edge of a structure and fell off. Thankfully, Sun was there and caught him, but the parents filed for negligence on the Daycare's part and it had to be closed down for safety inspections.
"No, Sunny. It's maintenance day, remember? Vanessa should have told you," you say.
"She's banned from the Daycare! She kept saying swear words around the kids!" Sun exclaimed, his head spinning in frustration.
"Okay, Sunny. I forgot, I'm sorry. Would you please sit down so I can do some checks?" You asked, gesturing to one of the kid sized tables. His head stopped and he sat down. Maintenance went well, except that Sun kept asking why you seemed so upset and tired. You told him everything, including your lack of sleep, and he gasped dramatically.
"That's just horrible! Y/n, you should be napping! You need sleep! Moon is gonna be so upset with you!" Sun said. Suddenly, when you said that he was good to go, he jumped up and went over to the lights. turning them off.
Moon came back to where you were sitting. Since he and Sun shared a mind, he already knew everything. "Please just sit for maintenance, Moon," you begged, already knowing what he was going to do.
"Fuck maintenance," Moon said as he picked you up like you weighed nothing and started to take you up to his and Suns bedroom. You could tell that Sun was berating him in their head for swearing.
Their bedroom was messy, but still livable. The bed was covered in various Fazbear branded stuffed animals. Moon gently laid you down, making sure that your head was propped up on a faz-branded pillow. He ran around and grabbed various blankets and even a few snacks before he sat down on the floor next to you.
"Sleep," Moon says, taking one of your hands into both of his.
"Moon, really, I'm fine. I have to check you, not to mention I'm still on the clock," you said, trying to sit up.
Moon softly pushes you back down and says, "Don't care. Go to sleep."
You sighed and decided to get a little more comfortable. Moon talked about random things, ranging from your how stupid your ex is to things that the kids have done since you've been gone. You start to drift off when Moon starts playing a lullaby.
"Goodnight, Starshine."
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13rsystories · 8 months
The night that changed everything.|Monty de la Cruz x y/n part 1.
Warnings: Bruce walker (but in my story he’s a good guy.), swearing,a little bit of smut (making out and some teasing ;) ) I think that’s it.
It was just a normal day in Liberty High School you were hanging out with your friends Jessica and Hannah until all the Jocks came over to your table Justin dating Jessica somehow meant you and your friends were now a part of the “popular” group. And as much as you HATED the jocks you didn’t mind the company.
“Hey guys.” Justin said wrapping his arm around Jess
“Hey” Hannah, Jess, And I said all at the same time.
Something felt weird the jocks seemed very quiet today, no random flirtatious things getting said to me from them like they usually would, no stupid jokes, nothing. I went to speak until I felt a certain jocks eyes on me I locked eyes with the jock. It was none other than Montgomery de la Cruz. But why was he staring at me like that? Was there something on my face or was it that I actually tried looking pretty today and he noticed?
“I’m having a pool party tonight as my parents are gone for a few days” Bryce Walker finally spoke up breaking mine and Monty’s eye contact with each other.
“Who’s down to come?” He asked the group
“Sure, Jess, Hannah?” I looked at my two friends with a soft smile.
My friends along with everyone else in the group agreed to going to the party I mean to be fair nobody ever says no to a party especially one at Bryce Walkers house. The bell rang for the last period of the day I grabbed my bag and started heading to math class which I ironically had with Montgomery.
“Wait up!” Montgomery yelled to me running up following me to class.
“Can’t walk yourself to class Montgomery?” I said jokingly a laugh following.
“I can I just…” he paused seeming a little nervous. “I just wanted to walk with you.” He said confidently.
I rolled my eyes playfully “Mhmmm” was all I could say before entering the classroom.
The afternoon went annoyingly long as I was watching the clock getting excited for the party later on tonight all while Monty decided he’d sit next me today instead of the blonde girl who seems like she has a crush on Monty. I looked at him confused as he sat in the seat next to me he just smiled at my confused look but today was not the day to sit next to me as the teacher decided the person next to us would be our partner for the entire year.
“Guess I chose the right day to sit next to you” he said with a small smirk
“Why’s that?, because I’m top of the class or because the blonde you usually sit next to isn’t exactly the smartest…” I said the last part pretty quiet but loud enough for Monty to hear.
He laughed at the last “maybe both of the options”
I laughed sarcastically and rolled my eyes playfully “Are those the only reasons?” I asked curious.
He looked away from me seeming to be nervous to answer the question
“You don’t have to answer the last part” I smiled softly at him.
Finally the bell rang and you could finally go home and get ready for the party, you packed up your things and headed out of the class you and Monty parted ways as you headed out of school to meet up with Hannah and Jessica like you always did. They both waved you down so you ran to them and like always you all walked home together.
“Guess who I got partnered up with for math for the rest of year?” I said looking at both the girls.
“Montgomery?” Jess asked not really surprised as you answered her with a yes.
“How’d you know?” I asked with surprise in my voice.
“Oh come on y/n you know he’s had crush on you since the first party we dragged you to” Hannah said with a smile
“No way, I mean he flirts with that blonde girl a lot I doubt he likes me.” I said in an annoyed tone.
“You do know that she’s just a distraction from you, right?” Both girls questioned me
“And how do you guys know that?” I questioned them this time.
“I’m dating Justin, I know a lot” Jess shot at me
“Y/n, hang out with him at the party tonight and see what happens maybe he’ll tell you he likes you” Hannah suggested
“Ugh fine” I finally caved in and we finally arrived at my house.
The two girls followed me into my house the 3 of us greeting my parents before heading upstairs to my room to get ready for the party. We always get ready at each other’s houses wearing each other’s clothes, good thing we all have the same size clothes and surprisingly the same size shoes too. I wore a black lace dress with my black bikini underneath as it was a pool party after all. Jess put my matching white crop top with a skirt and white bikini underneath and Hannah wore a flower dress with a random bikini underneath. We told my parents we were leaving and said our goodbye’s and grabbed my dad’s car keys and driving to Bryce’s.
We arrived at the party walking inside together like we always did and as soon as I saw him, Montgomery de la Cruz looking more handsome than he did at school. No I do not like him not in that way.. at least I didn’t think so.
“Ladies you finally arrived!” Bryce said walking towards us and handing us a drink each.
“Hey Bryce, thanks for the drink” I smile and take a sip of whatever the heck he poured into the red cup.
“I plan on getting fucked up tonight!” Jess said
I decided to walk to the rest of the people at party and took a seat between Monty and Zach, oh Zach Dempsey the sweet and kind jock you have had a little crush on for a while but he didn’t feel the same as he had eyes for your friend Hannah. You chugged down the rest of your drink and all you could think of was your friends telling you that Montgomery de la Cruz had a crush on you. Don’t get me wrong he’s a VERY attractive guy but he’s also a jerk to so many people and you couldn’t date someone who gets into fights almost everyday at school.. at least that’s what you thought.
“I’m gonna go into the pool, would you like to come y/n?” A voice spoke over the loud music.
I looked at the person talking to me and realised it was Monty “uhh sure..” I said shyly
I stood up and started walking towards the pool getting undressed at the same time leaving myself in my bikini.
“Don’t have sex in my pool Cruz!” Bryce yelled out
I rolled my eyes playfully “He’s not that lucky, Bryce!” I yelled with a playful laugh following it
The jocks laughed with me as I put my dress on a pool chair and finally jumped into the water. As I floated back up I saw Monty staring at me as he took his shirt off leaving himself in his shorts, I couldn’t help myself and started staring at his toned abs he obviously noticed me looking as the next thing he says before getting into the pool caught me off guard.
“I know I look hot but what happened to “he’s not that lucky”?” He said with a smirk
“What?” I blushed and looked back at his face noticing the smirk.
“Don’t pretend you weren’t just staring at my abs y/n”
“I uhh.. was not!” I laughed nervously.
“CANNONBALL!” I heard Justin yell as he jumped into the pool with us.
Monty and I both laughed at Justin and finally Jess joined us in the pool meanwhile Hannah and Zach were both hanging out in the pool house watching Alex and Scott play a stupid shooting game.
“Aw how cute two couples in the pool together” Justin joked and both mine and Monty’s cheeks turned a light pink.
“We aren’t dating” We both spoke at the same time.
“Not yet” Jess spoke up and smirked towards me
“Any of you want a drink before I join y’all?” Bryce said coming from who knows where
“Yes please” I said looking up at Bryce.
Bruce came back now shirtless with two drinks in his hand and slowly sliding into the pool with you, Jess, Justin, and Montgomery. He gave you your drink and you thanked him with a smile, an hour goes by everyone else had left the pool and you and Monty had moved to the hot tub.
“Finally we’re alone” Montgomery said breaking the awkward silence
“Don’t bother trying anything Montgomery.” You said slightly serious but slightly joking at the same time.
“Oh come on y/n you can’t resist me” he laughed and smirked
I rolled my eyes playfully and before I knew it I straddled his lap and got closer to his face
“You’re right Monty, I can’t resist you” you smirked lightly
His arms wrapped around your waist now pulling you closer (if that was even possible). “God you have no idea how much I’ve wanted this” he says before breaking the inch between you and his lips you guys made out and suddenly you felt yourself start to grind against him. He groaned at the friction that came out of nowhere you smiled against his lips and pulled away now kissing down his jaw to his neck sucking and biting as you go.
“Leaving your mark, hm?” He said with a smirk
You nodded while kissing his neck and leaving a few marks on it, he tightened his grip on your wrist and moved your body against his now hard length. A moan slipped out of your mouth at the feeling of his hard on against your clothed core.
“Yesss get it Cruz!” Yelled Justin from a far
Everyone could see you both and suddenly everything stopped as you were now embarrassed.
“Fuck y/n, why’d you stop?” He hissed
“I don’t want my first time to be in front of everyone…” you whispered to him loud enough for him to hear
“First time?” He looked at you a little shocked
“Yeah.. I’m sorry I uh should go..” you quickly got out of the hot tub leaving Montgomery by himself as you were embarrassed.
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lilmissnatcat24 · 9 months
Turn Left Ch 27- The Monty Hall Problem
Forces work to separate Shepard and Garrus just as things heat up. (CW: drug use)
Relationship: Femshep/Garrus Vakarian
Archive Warnings in author's note
Additional tags: enemies to friends to lovers, slow burn, slow build, alternate universe- canon divergence, detective noir, sex club, anonymous sex, canon temporary character death, murder mystery, drug use, dom garrus vakarian, whump, smut, heavy angst, alien sex, dual pov, an overly sexual elcor named candy, earthborn, ruthless, fake/pretend relationship, dead dove: do not eat, identity porn, minor character death
Detective AU mixed with identity porn mixed with so much whump my fingers are bleeding
(or, start from the beginning here)
lil text blurb:
“You wanted to see me, sir?” 
The glass case that surrounded Medina’s office gave Shepard the distinct feeling as if she were a lobster in one of those all-you-can-eat buffets just waiting to be boiled alive and dunked in obscene amounts of butter. She always liked to say that Medina had a glass office because he was into some kinky exhibitionist shit and enjoyed torturing his officers with everyone else in the precinct watching as if it were some gruesome spacecar crash that they couldn’t turn away from. Today was no exception. 
His voice on the tool was strained and oddly formal when he asked Shepard where she was. Of course, she couldn’t exactly say she was hosting two fugitives in a C-Sec appointed safehouse, now could she? So she lied, like she did so often that came out easier and faster than the truth, spinning some yarn that she was meeting one of her moles that was starting to feel a little queasy about their placement. Medina didn’t yell, he didn’t raise his voice-- which for him was absolutely a first. In a chokingly polite way, he asked that Shepard come see him as soon as she possibly could, as it was a sensitive matter of great importance. And he actually said those words in that order like it was fucking 1876 or something. 
Medina, not looking up at Shepard, gestured down to the seat in front of his desk that she was convinced was designed with absolutely zero comfort and one hundred percent torture in mind. His eyes, jet black and piercing, were trained on his hands, his periwinkle tattoos bisecting his face in half down his nose and mouth. Shepard didn’t know if it was because she was spending a whole lot of time with turians lately, but she swore she could hear his subvocals. Or at least, she could feel the rumbling underneath her feet, as if they were an old generator running in another room. 
“Sit. Please. Do you want a water? Coffee?” Oh fuck. Medina was not a nice man. He didn’t do polite smalltalk. Either he was about to hurl the table across the office and shatter one of the walls, or he was about to tell Shepard that he was terminally ill, there was no in between. She shook her head. “Alright then. I’m going to give you a chance first. Do you want to tell me why you think you’re in my office right now?” 
Shepard had no clue. And this time, she wasn’t kidding around. She had gotten into so much trouble lately, the list of Reasons Why Medina Would Call Her Into His Office was so long that it stretched out past her desk and snaked itself onto the floor. So she shook her head, staring pointedly down at her knees. She figured the less blabbing she did, the chances that she would park her foot right in her mouth were present. 
“Nothing? Nothing at all that would make you think that I would want to talk to you?” 
“I paid Trent in Hacking fifty creds to jimmy the vending machines to my touch ID so that I get free protein bars,” Shepard blurted out. Medina just stared at her for what seemed like minutes, breathing in through his nose and out through his mouth. 
He reached underneath his desk for a datapad, tossing it forward until it skidded to a halt in front of Shepard. Hands shaking slightly, she picked it up, expecting the very worst. Her leading a charge against Fist in Chora’s Den, her breaking Wrex out of prison, her housing a fugitive, her letting Benezia’s daughter murder two asari in front of the precinct…
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DBD ramblings: episode SIX
Jenny says the thingy!
she sounds so mad on nooo
What is that drawing on her wall?? and that weird oval thingy??
I DESPERATELY need to know who told Niko!
help. or support. <-odd phrasing
he gives back the seaglass :(((
"I guess it doesn't represent emotional stability" then what does it represent?? and didn't she wear green in the Devlin episode?
wooden armadillo
the Light of Heart has its own soundtrack!
Also why is that one in a box and nearby it are other similar items including an identical white heart gem that are all not in boxes??
they're both like Niko, take a chill pill
the way he says it's just tragic is so funny
Do you think Mick found out about Angie waking in storms because he went outside during one to see if he could talk to Sedna?
why to the walruses never have tusks in this show?
why is there randomly a shot of a hand with one missing finger??
ANYWAYS r u fr?
oh this is the comic ref outfit!
I mean I know it's only a one-time use for por purposes, but it is interesting that someone would make a thing like that and it can only be used once. very odd that it would end up in the shop rather than being used by the creator. I wonder if whoever they were going to keep away found them and they never got a chance to use it.
It looks like Monty didn't arrive home until morning, even though it was the middle of the night when he talked to Edwin (I kinda wonder what Esther thought he was doing all night)
stuffed meerkat
"hey this plan won't work unless all the of them are really fucking stupid" "slut"
what was she gonna do if Monty said no? I mean, kill him, yeah. but would she, like, get some other ghost to get them to the woods??
The way Monty I SO decisive. He'll get it done... why? Does he hate/think he hates Edwin THAT much? Is he trying to be detached? This is "just" his job. Is he empathizing with Esther?
fun fact: knitwear, in Edwin's time, was still considered rather formal.
he's ALREADY dressed fancy this early in the episode!
I think it partly represents a departure from his school. That controlling environment made everyone wear one uniform, but today he is wearing a unique sweater.
The way he's looking at Charles👀 No WAY Niko didn't catch that!
Charles looks at Edwin when Monty shows up
The way his voice goes UP
Edwin just wants to talk things out with Monty and Monty is NOT having it. I can't blame him, he might not even know that Edwin wants to help him, he hasn't exactly had friends before.
Charles keeps watching Edwin for that whole line and then turns to Monty like "Are you seeing this shit?" and Monty is just like
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[ID: Debby Ryan in the film Radio Rebel ticking her hair behind her ear while gazing coyly into the camera : end ID]
and the girls are giving NOTHING. I want to see them!
That's actualy probably really worrying for Charles considering what haltend the day before.
The way Monty cocks his head to indicate to follow him XD
aww Crystal can't share things with Edwin and Niko doesn't wanna lie 😔 😢
Monty: Im so cool and have already moved on. look at me flirting with Charles. As if I'd ever say Edwin was kind or considerate.
Charles: yay we're friends now!
Edwin: Can we be so fucking serious for one fucking minute
This HAS to be when Monty figured it out. Something about Edwin's look..
"unlike Edwin, Gladys doesn't have anyone else" *looks him up and down* "just me"
first of all: He must be taking after Edwin with his dramatic-ass walk
secondly: dos this count as outing someone?? like he is making it very obvious what happened, right?
third: What is he playing at? Is he just being mean because he wants Edwin's feeling to be hurt just like his are? is he trying to make a realistic reaction? Is he trying to tempt Edwin to take the bait by making him desperate for his good graces? probably not the last one, since he thinks Edwin doesn't care. Maybe he is trying to get Edwin to prove he cares.
Why would he think someone was missing who wasn't missing??
MUSIC omg this is so funny
Jenny's outfit omg
Niko is the only one to mention the sweater lol
NIGHT NURSE! I guess she was knocked out for the whole last episode.
that music box is still going?? I would go insane.
where are the bodies of the other people she ate? where is the stomach acid?
Lucky Kashi had a lantern when he was swallowed
"dying isn't available to me" TMN generally views death as a mercy. Earth=bad, afterlife=good, but also, if she were a dead soul, she'd be taken care of by others instead of 24/7 work for eternity.
"it would be a shame for you to die" she isn't above death threats, even though having too many dead souls is supposedly part of her problem
do you think Kashi ate the corpses? what did he normally ear?
oh no the music box
Also is that a breathing asshole??
Edwin: don't worry about Gladys :)
Monty: can you not be condescending for one fucking minute?
"clear the air" *rainbow lense glare*
everyone has the capacity to hurt people, Monty. If that's your criteria, prepare to have zero options out of any sign.
Did I mention how badass the visuals for this show are?
are those Norse runes?
kinda weird how there's one big tree separating Monty and Crystal from the boys. maybe a living/dead thing?
Si THAT'S what it takes to convince Charles. People in obvious danger.
Monty's face??
*hits tree with stone*
are these enchanted stones reusable?
Monty's reaction to Crystal losing her abilities!? He's like "oh shit"
I wonder if he was depending on her to figure out the plan so he could blame her to Esther and not be at fault, but also not kill the boys, or something
Edwin in his head: Oh no our friend didn't tell us what was wrong! She was willing to jeopardize a case just to stop us from helping her :(
anyways. "tone" is made up and he had a valid question. Charles already asked if she was okay and he didn't have to be redundant, and he just wanted relevant important information.
why does he randomly add the Monty thing into the conversation?? and how does the not liking her thing relate???
so they think it's a blindness/pain thingy
what are her earrings?
so NOW they figure out that the ghosts are being *consumed*
I see someone say Death picked up the moose, but if she had, the boys would have had to hide.
complete obliteration
oh my god she literal wanted that twink obliterated
✨️why would anyone even do that✨️
why's one lantern look like a fucking camera
do characters HAVE to bring up horror movies every time they split up? I mean, I think they do, actually.
the quiet footsteps as they switch spots...
also if peepers in Washington are anywhere NEAR what they are in my state, there is no way those guys could hear eachother at night in the woods.
why is this scene so trippy
redemption arc core
oh the music did a weird thing
1. Does Kashi want to stay inside the fish??
2. why would she go back to sleep. She would feed again.
not sure how the glowing works but okay
what do you think will happen by fuckin. poking it
they play with *fear* alot for David
the yellow scratch for magic!
Also this is like. the first time he *actually* uses that cricket bat.
why does breaking the constructs of mirrors dispel David?
scratch still there glowing yellow on the ground
me when I climb up a fucking tree
Monty's really just fuckin chillin, huh?
Edwin finally learned how to talk about feelings, y'all!! he interrupts but he is so so sweet about itt!!!
THE WAY MONTY JUST FUCKIN. SPINS AROUND. it's like he was just waiting for a reason! he had that son locked and loaded, man
why are the trees glowing?
oh it's the lantern. kill me.
"but I promise you that I care"🥲🥺🥲🥺🥲🥺🥰
it's easier to go along with killing someone if you can convince yourself they're a terrible person, huh? Makes it easier to pick one side, to stick with the woman you've been following your whole life?
Also both of their facial expressionssss I could DIE
Monty: aww🥺 you care about me🥺🥺
aw shit..
um, heyy Eddie boy, let's go NOT be in the middle of the woods in the dark at night haha how's that for an idea uhh
Edwin: *spells out what the fuck in facial expressions*
okay in all seriousness the rise in urgency before CK even shows up is so. I don't even know the adjective! compelling?
Edwin is still all serious and caring and Monty is all of a sudden deflecting even after that moment, so Edwin is confused as fuck, and the rushed tones and fast walking and ask if a sudden the fucking?? lantern??? goes out????
Also the tree-filtered moonlight in this scene!? TO DIE FOR! it's so pretty and pulls the color scheme together.
he's weirdly defensive about the tree thing but okay
this scene never fails to leave me dumbfounded. like, CK kisses this child on the face to prove a point (said boy, Monty, makes a face of "who the fuck do you think you are") then proceeds to call him a gross bird and tell Edwin that he ""owes"" him a thank you kiss.
Honestly I think this really speaks to CK being so entitled. Like, he definitely isn't good to Edwin by any means, but he also wants Edwin to actually like him, so he always gives himself plausible deniability. oversimplified, but I don't want to dwell too much on this fucker for an annotation post. Monty? Monty's just a fucking bird to him, something he would eat, food he can play with. Much less of a person than his own cat self, or than Edwin.
Esther was cheated on. She was betrayed. She turned to her magic, and eventually her patron goddess, Lilith, who would give her a gift and one day in the future, take it back.
so, in Monty's point of view, Edwin's love for Charles is mutually exclusive with giving any shits about Monty. He hasn't been around very long, he thinks of things in a simplified view because it makes more sense (and what's more human than that?) and Esther's backstory is all he's got for any negative experience with a man. So he turns back to his patron goddess, who would eventually take back the gift she gave him.
holy fuck, I'm actually crying now.
He can barely get out Charles' name awww
the way Edwin has nothing to say when Monty tells him how obvious his feelings are...
Do you think Monty felt stupid for not seeing it sooner?
I am not sure what Edwin's speechlessness means, but it leads to one hell of a falling out.
nobody wants to kiss your tuna-breah ass, cat.
nothing about you si far can be classified as 'nice' bro. don't threaten your crush.
I never asked to be human. With all these feelings.
Monty comes back😢😢😢
there's a table and a sandwich, clearly means something
^^look who knows symbolism
She just met these ladies and is already ready to spill about her ghost problems! after a minute she stops like wait if three ppl aren't psycic this week sound stupid as hell
I wanna learn about these other ones!! and Iris (eye pun) too!
also I'm not sure what country Iris' accent is from, but her clothes are giving America to me, so we have some idea as to how long Crystal's family have been on this continent. but relevant atm just interesting.
What kind of other powers does she have?
Iris lists off some different types of women in their family with the magic. priestess, shaman, and artists. Crystal's mom, Maddy Surname, is an artist!!
the line "no desperate mistake" always gives me CHILLS
oh, so NOW violence is okay?
teethface, what the fuck
Charles explaining his kiss with Crystal🤝Crystal explaining her inherited magic: IT'S IN HERE *points at skull*
I love Jenny's outfit in this scene
causing the emotions... in your eyes.
the way she needs a cue to sit down
At least Jenny is self-aware
this scene is so sweet and I love the music
I don't think Ed gets your shroom joke, Charlie.
AN APOLOGY (that's like, two now, right?)
Even when confessing, Edwin can't say it directly (well, until...)
well, y'all didn't know you'd see Monty, right? so are you saying he dressed up nice just to come out to you??
I love that Charles smiles when Edwin starts talking, like.
Charles is like "yay my friend is coming out to me! I'm a cool, safe guy!" then he's like "don't worry bbg hoy don't even have to finish your sentence I can see ur having difficulty there" and inadvertently messes up a little but like. idk. It's a really nice scene.
*hands on shoulders* *eyes locked* "don't matter one bit to me"
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He's been waiting entirely too long to have an opportunity to bring up CK LMAO
he's like aw yeah my bud my bro just came out to me as gay he's opening up and being vulnerable hell yeah- wait NOW I can stop acting like I don't think CK was trying to get in his culottes!
the angle??
Charles with the debate skills
tHe AfTeRlIfE iS iNcApAbLe Of A fUcKuP well then what's your job? cleaning up nonexistent meses??
*presses paper like button* *intensely breathing hell creature awakens*
so the thingy is caught between hell and not-hell because of what Edwin believes 🥲🥲🥲
me when I question everything
camera thingy??
so how were they planning to get Edwin to L&F with the bracelet?? would it fall off when he went to that plane??
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hummingbird-of-light · 6 months
In Our Favor
Part 135
McCoy woke to gentle kisses down his face. Slowly opening his eyes he smiled as he looked at his husband. Soft Gaelic words greeted him and McCoy closed his eyes again happily as he said good morning.
“It’s early,” he murmured a moment later, peeking an eye back open to look at Scotty.
“The problems of jet lag,” Scotty laughed. “We’ll make do.”
A short while later found them up and dressed and headed for the kitchen following the scent of delicious things. Francine stood at a counter, dishes in front of her. She turned as she heard them.
“Oh good morning ye two!” she exclaimed, stopping her work to come hug them both. “I didn’t expect ye up yet! I’m not quite finished, but the kettle’s hot if ye want tea.”
“Sounds great,” McCoy said. He followed Scotty to the other counter as they prepared their cups.
“It’s all coffee at the academy,” McCoy said.
“Nae,” Scotty disagreed. “They just don’t have any tea out where ye can find it.”
“Ok,” McCoy conceded. “But it’s always better here.” He smiled as he dropped his sugar in.
“What do ye lads have planned today?” Francine asked. She looked over her shoulder with a smile.
“Nothing,” said Scotty.
“Whatever you want,” McCoy said.
“We’re all yours Mum.”
“First breakfast,” Francine said, bringing a dish to the kitchen table. “Then I want to hear all about the academy.” She returned to the counter. “How everyone is doing.”
“Of course,” McCoy said with a grin at Scotty. They finished preparing their cups and moved to the table.
“I’m nearly done; would ye go get Granddad please Monty?”
“Sure,” Scotty said. He left his tea on the table and left the room.
“How’s he doing?” Francine asked quietly as she brought the last breakfast dishes to the table.
“He’s doing great,” McCoy answered swiftly and proudly. “He knows more than a few of the instructors.”
Francine beamed at his words.
“I’m so glad to hear that! I always knew he’d do great things. All of you lads; I’m proud of all three of my lads.”
Warmth flooded McCoy at knowing he was counted in with Scotty and Robbie as Francine’s lads.
“Thank you,” he answered quietly as the sound of footsteps drew closer. A moment later Scotty entered behind Granddad and they sat down as well.
“How’s Jim doing since…,” Francine looked at Scotty knowingly.
Scotty looked over at McCoy and McCoy glanced back.
“It was better when the Hammersley left.”
“Good,” Francine said firmly. “Both those boys needed away from Frank. Winona Kirk should have paid more attention.”
“Can’t change the past dear,” Granddad said.
“Jim and Spock are always welcome, ye lads make sure they know that,” Francine told them.
“Yes Francine.” “Yes Mum.”
“Have seconds! There’s plenty,” Francine said. “I suppose ye’ll take the winter holidays to your home to celebrate ,” she said to McCoy.
“Maybe,” he began, “we can all celebrate on Georgiares for the winter holidays. I’ll talk with Mother about it soon.”
“That’d be lovely,” Francine said.
Part 136
"How about ye lads relax for a bit while I go shop some groceries and when I get back, ye can help me bake some scones?" Francine asked after breakfast and Scotty exchanged a glance with Leonard.
"That sounds like a great plan. But we could also come with you and help carry the bags," Leonard offered with a gentle smile. Always the gentleman prince. However, another voice had a different idea.
"Or ye could help me in the garden. The plants need water and we also need to plant a few new bushes."
All eyes wandered to Granddad who was already getting up from the kitchen table, looking ready to get to work.
"Aye, of course. Anything ye need, a sheanair."
Scotty knew that his grandfather wasn't the youngest lad anymore and from time to time he needed help.
Half an hour later, Scotty and Leonard had changed into clothes that were allowed to get dirty and were standing in the garden.
The sun was shining bright above their heads and it was already quite warm for that time of the day.
"Can't believe that Scotland is warmer than San Francisco at this time of the year," Leonard chuckled, looking up at the sky.
Scotty shrugged his shoulders.
"Aye, well, it always depends on the direction the wind is blowing. Cannae know if it won't be cooler later on."
A sigh escaped Leonard at hearing that.
"And I already had my hopes up."
"Oh, poor Lenny," Scotty said, pretending to sulk with pity, before he grinned and pressed his lips onto Leonard's. The prince leaned into the kiss.
"Oi! Less kissing, more working!"
Quickly, Scotty pulled his head back and the couple looked over at Alasdair who was already holding a spade in his hand. Even though his words had sounded quite serious, there was a smirk on the old man's face.
"Aye, aye, sir!" Scotty retorted, saluting. Leonard only laughed next to him and soon enough they got to work.
"Thank ye so much for helping Alasdair, lads. I would have done it myself, but I cannae find the time with work. I'm so glad I got the weekend off to spend it with ye," Francine said gratefully while they were sitting in the kitchen, preparing everything for the scones.
"Sure thing, Francine. It was nice to spend some time outside and to do some physical work. At the academy we only use our heads most of the time. So a change is quite nice," Leonard said with a genuine smile on his face.
Francine chuckled softly.
"I can believe that. But I'm quite sure that it won't take too long until ye can get yer hands on patients... and machines." She looked from one boy to the other.
"I already have some engineering projects I'm working on," Scotty exclaimed, proudly puffing his chest.
"Oh, I'm sure ye do. Ye always had, after all. My wee genius." Francine reached over the table and ruffled Scotty's hair.
"A mhàthair!"
"Oh, don't pout. I'm just so proud of ye."
"And so am I," Leonard said, also raising his hand to ruffle his husband's hair, but the Scotsman was faster and pulled it away.
"Stop touching my hair, will ye? I don't want any dough in it!"
They all laughed and soon enough the dough was ready to get baked.
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Some Lingering Questions, Part 3
Today the big question is: what's up with Barnaby?
Is Barnaby incompetent?
There is a consistent mismatch between what we're told about Barnaby and the things that Barnaby actually does. Barnaby does act like an idiot, like the four times he overindulges, and there's no denying that he's a very cruel person (c.f. Magic, Ghosts, Danger, & Death).
However, it's my read that Barnaby is the de facto head of the Fortescue family. His parents are apparently very checked out (The Horrors of Castle Wisenshire). We are both told and shown that the Fortescues have a vast investment portfolio, and Barnaby seems to have granular, unchallenged control over their investments (Dead Man's Debt, Ironhook's Bounty, Fate of the Dimmer Sisters, Magic, Ghosts, Danger, & Death). There is no suggestion that Barnaby has to consult his parents or any sort of board or advisor in order to direct investments worth thousands or tens of thousands of Coins.
Never mind how I came to this bullshit figure, which involved an inflation calculator, modern construction estimates, and the price of the Graybar Building, but I think Barnaby's investment in Astor HQ could reasonably be pegged at something like 6 million USD in 2023 dollars. I cannot translate that into Coin for you, because that's not how Coin works (BitD CRB). But if Barnaby is not a good investor, then presumably the head of their finances (his father, perhaps) could just remove his ability to invest. Either Barnaby is very good with money, or he has control of the family's finances, or both. The amount of money Barnaby spends on being an idiot is far outstripped by the amount of money that he makes for the family; if all nine of Barnaby's ruined coats cost 50 Coin a pop, he paid all of it back in one stock trade in The Fate of the Dimmer Sisters.
There are two complicating factors. The first is that Mike is a very pragmatic player who takes sure bets over long odds. I said what I said; is just murking everyone in the level not more pragmatic than forty-five minutes of elaborate stealth? Until very recently, Egbert consistently used bombs over his mace because the bombs are more powerful*, and as much flak as Mike gets for it, Andy agreed once he saw Egbert's character sheet (A Fete Worse Than Death). Mike rolled the most crits of anyone in OitD, and that's because they were all Resolve (command, consort, or sway) rolls. If you always do the thing you're the strongest in, you will always have a character who gets more done, regardless of their characterization. That's how math works.
Second, I don't think Barnaby wants people to know if he's competent or not. I don't think it suits his purposes.
2. Was Barnaby in line to become a Brightener?
We know that the Fortescues have been a powerful/moneyed family since before the Cataclysm (Wedded Redemption). They were among the Brighteners from the beginning (The Horrors of Castle Wisenshire), and they still maintain a seat, currently filled by Earl Montgomery Fortescue (To the Depths!).
Barnaby has never been told about the Brighteners (The Horrors of Castle Wisenshire), which is unsurprising. The level to which Uncle Monty actually cares about the mission anymore is up for debate, but almost certainly he was going to try to keep on living. The only other relative of Barnaby's that we know is Percy Pomeroy, Monty apparently having no children and Barnaby apparently having no siblings, and Barnaby is the one Uncle Monty wanted to draw in.
Barnaby is also able to convince the Red Sashes and Roth at the Barricade that he's turned on the Hobbyhorses to join the Brighteners (Magic, Ghosts, Danger, and Death). I don't think the Red Sashes are great evidence, but I think Roth ended up knowing a lot about the Brighteners. If Roth thought it was a reasonable development, it probably was.
* Egbert's bombs were being calculated at 3d6 (9) damage, and his mace was 1d6 (3) or 1d6+1d8 (7) with smite. It should have been 3d6+2+3, 1d6+4+3, and 1d6+1d8+4+3, respectively, which gives bombs and mace+smite an even 14 average damage. Johnny has since leveled up the mace, which is now hands down the better choice; the mace also should have counted as a magical weapon.
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crewofthegoldrush · 2 years
I'm feeling bad that I don't have any new art to share and probably won't for a few weeks, so to make up for it and to give myself a kick in the pants to get working on this, I want to share the full "prologue" for fool's gold 2
I don't usually like to reveal a lot of my works in progress because I really do like the surprise, but I'm okay posting this because everything is going to get a new coat of paint, it features a conversation Ive already drawn, and I'm no where near finished editing. The final print will be longer, new/fixed dialogue (I don't always remember to write Monty with her cowboy accent lmao) and more exposition but for now, I hope you enjoy a draft!
You tap the floor twice with your tail, your signal that you were finished for today, and let her help you pick yourself off the floor. "If I didn't know better, I'd say you were tryin' to beat me."
Aubrey's lip turns up at the side. "Of course I'm trying to beat you."
You watch her settle against the ship's railing, familiar even on this ship that wasn't yours. You take your place next to her, hyper aware of your petulant body language. You take a swig from your flask, offering it to her after cleaning the spout with a gold glow.
She raises a brow at the metal container, eyeing it wearily, and you manage a grin. "It's just water."
Looking more at ease, she shakes her head anyway, and you let it hang limply in your hand as you fold your arms on the banister.
"Something is bothering you."
You glance at her; Aubrey has mimicked your casual position but her eyes are as intense as they always are as she simply watches you. "It's been months since we started this, Aubrey. Shouldn't I have more than the basics by now? It shouldn't be this hard, should it?"
You were certainly better than where you were when you started. But compared to her, who had picked up firearm training so well that you had very nearly finished her gun by now, you feel indignant at your slow progress.
Aubrey hums. "You don't need to be so hard on yourself. As you've said many times, your heart is not fully in it yet, right? Your magic is improving and there are plenty of regular distractions."
She was right about that - it was hard to truly focus on leisure time when the two of you were still expected to handle your regular duties, now, you suspect, under the watchful eyes of the Tains. Nevermind the fact that, with your ship still seized, you and your team were attending to various matters, both personal and necessary. You yourself had taken up bounty hunting again to keep your coin stock healthy enough, and there were days you didn't see Harper at all.
"Besides," she continues, gesturing for you to hand her your flask, and you do. "Muscle memory is one of the first things you need to train. You are not there yet, but I'm confident that you will."
She tucks your flask away. "You are too stubborn for the case to be anything else."
You grin at her backhanded compliment and the way she just stole what she probably assumed was indeed alcohol from you, something Harper would do for Demetrius. "I can always count on you to humble me, darlin'."
"Just do your homework. Which you haven't been, I've noticed," she adds with a humorous look. 
"Like you said, I've been keepin' busy."
Her gun and silencer were almost finished (as was the one Tequila begged you to make for her), but it wasn't just that - you had taken it upon yourself to keep an eye on almost everyone's business. 
Including hers.
"Speakin' of homework - have you been doin' any of those readin's?"
A few months had passed since Lohn Ender, the professor who studied all things dreams in Koranburg, had written you back to let you know he was not able to accommodate a visit, and that if you wanted more information you would need to come see him in person. A firm 'no,' considering he and the other professors were assuredly not pleased that their object of interest had been seized by another country.
But you had a back up. Arthur Weekes, Breezy's father, was an expert in his field about the planes of your world and beyond. You had reached out to him to ask for any and all reading recommendations on the subject of Dal Quor. He had responded eagerly and sent more than just recommendations but a whole crate of books as well.
Breezy had only been a little weirded out that you were now pen pals with her parents, but otherwise seemed to find the situation delightful.
You had loaded these books up in the library, telling Harper that you had faith in Mr. Weekes to be objective, and that if she wanted to pull on this thread, you would help her.
It was a hard topic to broach for the both of you. You had learned from Harper that the creatures known as the Inspired - the ones that your whole crew had seen in their dreams thanks to the proximity to that crystal - were supposed to be angelic, protecting the country of Riedra, and you firmly believe she genuinely thinks this. But she had also learned that you and your team had witnessed Dal Quor first hand and that there was nothing angelic about it. You have no doubt she believes you, and them - they did not know she was from Riedra, and have no reason to be lying about this.
It was not your place to question her handlers - far be it from you to 'splain to an assassin spy a damn thing about her own country. But the conflicting accounts was intriguing to both of you.
Aubrey leans against the railing, looking out over the docks. "Some. It's certainly strange to read about dreams. But it's familiar. I never used to have them before frequenting Khovaire, so I had to be taught how to correspond in ornoric language."
You turn your head at her sharply, shocked and immediately invested. "You've never had your own dreams?"
You watch her think that over, as if unsure what or how much to tell you. It wasn't unusual for her to speak about her past as Aubrey, but it was certainly rare and she was selectively forthcoming, compared to Harper who seemed to have less issue giving you pieces of her past so long as she was vague about it. "Mostly, no."
Her eyes dart around the deck where you two are quite alone, a motion you probably would not have noticed had you not been so blatantly staring.
Again she hesitates, but then admits, "In my country, we dream what the Inspired wishes, as you saw. They protect us from evil spirits that can take over a dream; to do otherwise is dangerous, unnatural. But I soon learned that…I've realized that this is how everyone's nights are, and that it is normal.
"When I am like this," she continues, gesturing to herself, "I can resist dreaming, should I choose to. It was a bit difficult after I lost that journal, but I still can. But as Harper, when I am with you all - I do dream more and now that I know it is normal…it is harder to resist."
You tilt your head, thinking about how seeing her dream in Dal Quor was how you knew she was alive after the mutiny. "Was it a comfort then? The crystal?"
Aubrey glances at you with a look you can't completely read, but it is pleasant. "I suppose. I find many things a comfort as Harper these days."
You grin. "It must have been buckwild for you when you first had a nightmare."
She gives a bark of a laugh, rolling her eyes. "Don't remind me. Apparently even toddlers dream and I certainly handled it like one, I imagine."
"Tell me about it?"
She rests her chin in her palm. "Like hell."
You burst out laughing. "Fair enough. So tell me this then. If you can choose to resist dreaming as Aubrey, but Harper can't - or doesn't, or however…who do you sleep as?"
It is very rare that you can take her by surprise but you see the question jolt her, her eyebrows raising, body straightening, hands dropping from her chin. Her eyes stare ahead at nothing before falling to her hands against the banister, brow furrowed in thought. You get the feeling she wants to shift. 
"I - "
The question sounded innocent on the surface but you realize the full implications of what you have just asked her to admit. Does she duck her head, pretend her doubts are fantasy, rely on what she knows as Aubrey and resists? Or does she embrace the possibility of what Harper has taught her and allows herself to dream?
Is that something you could ask her to say out loud?
Aubrey does eventually open her mouth to say something but you interrupt her.
"- I also gotta know," you say, leaning over dramatically, practically pressed against her shoulder, "d'you still sleep naked? I think that's a better question, actually."
Again you see the surprise clear on her face before her cheeks turn a touch pink and she snaps an indignant, "For Khyber’s sake, Montgomery."
But her lips turn up just enough, especially as you grin wickedly at her. She pushes your face away. "I'm never living that down am I? You will give me no peace, will you?"
Her fingers pressed against your cheek, you smirk at her. "Maybe if you'd admit it was funny as hell, I'd be inclined to forget it eventually."
Aubrey gives you - not a smile, but she certainly isn't frowning or scolding you. "In your dreams, as they say."
She straightens, pulling her hand away. "Now, if you are finished humbling me, I think I'll get some sleep. And you should as well, yes? You have a Gala to prepare for soon, do you not?"
You beam - how could you forget? "I get the hint. G'night, darlin'. Don't be late for firearms trainin' tomorrow."
"When am I ever?" She leaves you with, before nodding her good night to you and turning away.
Her hair is turning brown when you call out to her. "Hey -?"
She pivots, looking back at you and you see her face is still Aubrey's - she looks pretty damn good with dark hair.
"So - 'man of my dreams' - phrases like that don't mean much where you're from, huh?"
"No," she says simply. "But I can be taught, I'm finding."
With a shift in her stance, your flask sails towards your head with a speed and precision that takes you by surprise; by some miracle, you catch the damn thing an inch before your face.
"As can you. Good night, Sheriff."
You watch her shift to Harper, who gives you a final smile. You give her an admittedly dopey one in return, and as she walks away you think perhaps that was your answer.
You picture her with blonde hair; pretty damn good too.
hey look if you don't include obvious foreshadowing is it really a prologue?
Thank you for reading this preview for pure gold! I'm really excited about this one. And I'm just going to apologize now for how very mushy this fic will be, but if you've been following me all this time I have a feeling that will not be a surprise
I'm most excited for the chapter leading up to their date, which features a sort of cat and mouse game between them in a casino that was just as fun to draft as it was to play (watching the other players get actively invested in helping me was a delight I can't express) with a payoff that I still cherish & feel thankful for to this day - and it wasn't even the kiss! I really hope I do it justice
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toomanyfandomssss · 3 years
His Girl - Seven
Violet and Octavia were talking when they heard the voices of Clarke and Finn as they made their way back into camp.
"I need boiled water to make the medicine."
Bellamy then spoke up, "Get Clarke whatever she needs."
Wells left to go dig the grave.
Violet followed Octavia over to Bellamy.
"It's about time. They're gonna kill Jasper." Octavia was the first to speak up. She went to walk past him to see what the guys had set down.
"Octavia just stay there." Bellamy had tried to hold her back.
"Bell stop." she shoved past him. Violet watched Octavia with furrowed brows and went to follow her before Bellamy grabbed her hand and pulled her to him.
They watched as Octavia crouched down and uncovered Atoms lifeless body.
"There's nothing I could do." Bellamy tried to explain.
Octavia held her hand up at him, "Don't." She covered his body and stood up and walk past the couple. Bellamy tried to grab her her but she wasn't having it.
Violet turned to Bellamy. "I'm gonna go after her."
"Wait!" Bellamy stopped her. "It wasn't my fa-"
"I know Bell. She's just upset. She'll come around."
As she went to leave he stopped her again.
"Bell wha-" He interrupted her with a kiss that left her breathless.
"Go ahead," he motioned her along. She walked backwards for a moment touching her lips. "Right," she said breathlessly. She left to go find her Octavia.
"O wait!" Violet yelled as she caught up to her.
"Vi I really don't want to talk about it."
"You don't have to." Violet instead just wrapped the girl up in her arms and held her tight. Octavia let out sigh and reciprocated the hug as she slightly sobbed into the older girls shoulder. "Just let it out O, I'm here."
They stood like that for a few minues before Octavia gathered herself up and wiped away the tears. "We should go help Clarke with Jasper."
"Yes. We should." The two started walking into the drop ship. "Hey V?"
"Yeah O?
"Can you stay with me tonight?"
Violet smiled. "Of course. Anything you need."
Both Octavia and Violet watched as Clarke fed Jasper the medicine. Octavia running her hands down his face.
Clarke looked up at Octavia, "I'm really sorry, about Atom."
Octavia stiffened up at the mention, "I guess we're gonna have to get used to people dying here, aren't we?" She looked down at Jasper and spoke softly, But not you. You hear me? You're not allowed to die."
Violet smiled at the interaction. She felt good that Jasper was going to make it through this. Not only was he great person and she adored him, but he was another person that would look after Octavia.
"Smooth." Finn remarked watching Monty cough down the whiskey he had found in the old car. Monty handed the bottle to Octavia.
"Disgusting, Love it." she passed it to Finn who then passed it to Violet. After taking a swigg of the nasty old whiskey a familiar voice was heard.
"Can I, uh, get a hit of that?" Jasper had woken up making everyone get up and walk over to him.
"Jasper!" yelled Monty.
"Lets start with the soft stuff." Finn gave him some water. "Welcome back buddy."
"Was that a dream or did I get speared?"
Clarke came up the stairs "You'll have a very impressive scar to prove it."
Jasper lit up, "My savior!"
Clarke smiled. "Thank you, for not dying. I  don't think I could've taken that today."
"Well, I'll try not to die tomorrow if that's cool. " Jasper replied making everyone laugh. He spotted Octavia and smiled "Oh hello!" he soon passed back out, exhausted.
Violet waited a moment before standing up and walking over to the door. "O, I'm gonna grab some things and then I'll meet you in your tent. Take as long as you need."
Bellamy found Violet in his tent, grabbing a blanket and some clothes.
"Where are you going." he sounded panicked.
"I'm staying with O for the night. She asked me too."
"Oh, ok." he let out a sigh of relief. He walked up to her and took her things from her and set them down. He grabbed her and held to him like it was the last time he was ever going to see her.
"Bell, Clarke told me what happened. It wasn't your fault." He nodded but didn't let go. He cupped her face and looked into her eyes. His gaze trailed to her lips and back up a few times before he kissed her passionately. Their lips stayed connected until neither of them could breath. He trailed kisses down her neck and gripped her waist. Eventually she had to stop him before he got to far.
"Bell, hey Bell!" she pushed him away slightly. "As much as I'd love to continue, your sister needs me right now. He nodded, agreeing.
"I know, I just missed you angel."
She smiled. "I missed you too."
Violet walked into Octavia's tent with her things. There the girl was laying down just staring up at the ceiling.
She placed down her blankets and changed before laying down next to Octavia. There was a few moments of silence before the Blake girl spoke up.
"I can't believe he's just gone. Just like that."
Violet nodded, "I know I barley knew him, but he seemed like a good person. A good guy."
Octavia smiled "He was." she scooted closer to Violet and laid her head on her chest and wrapped her arms around her. Violet started to run her fingers through the O's hair.
"I'm really happy my brother found you.  You are by far the best thing that's ever happened to him....To us." Octavia told the older girl.
"I love you like a sister O. And I will always be here. Never forget that."
Violet was standing with Charlotte helping her out with things around the camp when they over heard Murphy and Conner get into a spat. Violet rolled her eyes as she listened to Murphy be a complete dick the the poor guy. Luckily Bellamy came over and demanded his most loyal follower to get Conner some water.
He looked over to Charlotte and pointed to the large branch on the ground. "Hey! You got this?" Violet raised an eyebrow at the boy. Nonetheless, the twelve year old reached down to grab it. However Bellamy stopped her before she did. "Just kidding." Violet smiled and shook her head. She watched as he lifted the branch and carried it away.
Charlotte giggled, "You're drooling."
Violet looked at her and shrugged. "He's hot. I can't help it."
Suddenly there was a yell, Conner "What the hell is wrong with you Murphy?" "I'll kill you!"
Violet grabbed Charlotte hand ready to protect her just in case.
Murphy smirked at the boy, "You wanted a water break." He addressed the rest of the camp, "Get back to work!"
Violet returned to work but not before shooting Murphy a harsh glare followed by a look of disgust. Where does he get this shit? She thought.
Murphy was still barking out orders when Clarke suddenly barged out of a tent and charged towards him. "You son of a bitch!"
"Woah" he laughs "What's your problem?"
Clarke holds up a knife. "Recognize this?"
"That's my knife. Where'd you find it.?
"Where you dropped it after you killed Wells."
Murphy looked around at the crowd forming. "Where I what?" he continued "The grounders killed Wells not me."
Clarke denied it, "I know what you did, and you're gonna pay for it."
"Really?" he looked past her, "Bellamy you really believe this crap?" He received no response before Clarke spoke again.
"You threatened to kill him. We all heard you. You hated Wells."
'Plenty of people hated Wells." Murphy stated matter of factually. "His father was the chancellor that lock us all up."
Clarke yelled at him "Yeah but you're the only one that got into a knife fight with him."
"Yeah I didn't kill him then either."
Suddenly Octavia jumped in, "Tried to kill Jasper too!" A quiet "What" was heard from the boy himself.
Murphy looked around. "Come on this is ridiculous I don't have to answer to you. I don't have to answer to anyone."
"Come again?" Bellamy's deep voice rumbled.
Panicked, Murphy walked up to his leader, "Bellamy, look, I'm telling you, man I didn't do this." Despite the fact that she didn't like the kid very much, something told Violet that he was telling the truth.
"They found his fingers on the ground with your knife. Bellamy shook his head. He couldn't help him.
Clarke started speaking to the crowd, "Is this the kind of society we want? You say there should be no rules. Does that mean we can kill each other without-- without punishment?"
Murphy walked back up to the blonde, "Look I already told you I didn't kill anyone."
"Clarke make we should listen to him." Violet tugged her arm a bit but it was no use.
"I say we float him!" Conner offered. Suddenly there were many voices heard saying "yeah float him!"
"That's not what I'm saying." Clarke tried but it was too late.
"Why not? It's justice." Conner argued.
Clarke denied it, "Revenge isn't justice!"
Conner threw his arm up in a chant "It's justice. Float him!" Everyone started chanting "Float him!" after that.
Murphy tried to run but someone tripped him. Many of the one hundred gathered around the boy and started beating him as Clarke tried to get them to stop. They bound his arms and legs and rolled him down a hill. Violet held Charlotte close. "Charlotte get out of here you don't want to see this."
As Violet tried to make her way to help Murphy she was grabbed. "Hey!"
"You're not going near that." Bellamy held her tight and talked into her ear. She could only watch on helplessly as her boyfriend kept her tight against his chest. The criminals were stringing Murphy to a tree. They were going to hang him.
Clarke charged up to the two addressing Bellamy, "You can stop this! They'll listen to you!"
Conner turned to the two leaders, "Bellamy! You should do it!."
"Bell NO!" Violet screamed. The crowd started chanting Bellamy's name.
Clarke kept trying, "I saw you in the woods with Atom I know you're not a killer. Bellamy don't do this. Don't"
Bellamy looked at her before pushing Violet towards Octavia and storming over to Murphy. "NO!" Clarke continued to plead. "You can't do this! Bellamy!" Bellamy then kicked the crate holding Murphy up. "NO!" Clarke screamed once again. "NO BELLAMY NO!"
He turned around and shoved her, "This is on you princess! You should've kept your mouth shut!"
Finn came shoving through the crowd and yelling, "What are you doing! Cut him down! Charlotte get out of here now! Cut him down now!" Conner drew a at him warning him if he got any closer.
A high voice came through all the fighting, Charlotte, "Just stop okay! Murphy didn't kill Wells! I did!"
"Oh my god," Clarke said before taking the axe from Bellamy and cutting the rope down.
"Bring out the girl Bellamy!" Murphy's strangled voice came from outside the tent.
"Why Charlotte?" Bellamy questioned the little girl.
"I was just trying to slay my demons. Like you told me." She defended.
Clarke jumped in, "What the hell is she talking about?"
"She-she misunderstood me. Charlotte that is not what I meant."
Once again there was a yell "Bring the girl out now!"
"Please don't let them hurt me!" Charlotte cried out.
Bellamy turned to Finn and Clarke, "If you guys have any bright ideas, speak up." He waited a moment for an answer. "Now you stay quiet."
"Those are your boys out there!" Finn reminded him.
Bellamy yelled back at him, "This is not my fault! If she had listened to me those idiots would still be building the wall."
"Hey you want to build a society princess? Lets build a society! Bring her out."
"No!" "Please Bellamy"
Violet, who had just been watching the whole ordeal spoke out, "Okay, Finn and Clarke, you take Charlotte out the back, Bellamy and I will distract Murphy. Got it?" Everyone agreed and the three left quickly. Violet turned Bellamy, "You ready?" "Yeah, stay behind me angel."
The couple walked out together, Murphy lighting up quickly.
"Well well well look who decided to join us?"
"Dial it down and back off."
"Or what? What are you gonna do Bellamy? Hang me?"
"I was just giving the people what they wanted."
"Yeah. Yeah, that's a good idea. Why don't we do that right now." Murphy turned to the crowd. "So who here wants to see the real murderer hung up? All in favor?" Only four or five hands went up making Violet feel a little bad for the guy. They just really hated him.
"I see. So it's okay to string me up for nothing but when this little bitch confesses, you all let her walk!?" There was a pause. "Cowards! All of you Cowards!"
"Hey! Murphy! Murphy. Its over." Bellamy yelled.  Murphy steps back, "Whatever you say boss. As Bellamy turns to walk away, Murphy hits him with a log making Octavia scream "YOU SON OF A BITCH!"
Violet immediate ran over to him and started checking his pulse and wound.
Murphy bursted into the tent and when he saw that she wasn't in there he stormed out and screamed, "Charlotte! Charlotte I know you can  hear me! And when I find you, you are gonna pay!"
Octavia and Jasper managed to wake up Bellamy after a few minutes. He stood up and looked around. "Did Murphy go after Charlotte." The two nodded. Bellamy looked around again. "Where's Violet?"
"Where is she Octavia?"
Octavia swallowed, "She went after them."
Bellamy immediately got angry, worry blooming in his chest at the thought of Murphy or a grounder getting to her. "You let her leave camp alone!?" He yelled at his sister.
"I tried to convince her to wait but she wouldn't listen. She wanted to get to Charlotte before Murphy did. She was extremely stubborn about it."
Bellamy huffed before taking off towards exit of the camp.
***** Violet luckily had found Charlotte and was dragging her through the woods, intent on avoiding Murphy and his gang of idiots. Suddenly a hand clamped over her mouth and an arm when around her waist. She started screaming and clawing at the arm.
"Hey! Hey. It's me. It's just me angel." She stopped struggling and he let her go but kept her close. "What the hell did I tell you about leaving camp alone?"
"Just because were dating doesn't mean you can control me."
"Is that so?"
"Hey!" "MURPHY I'M RIGHT HERE!" Charlotte started yelling,
Bellamy grabbed her. "LET ME GO!" Charlotte screamed at him. "Hey! I'm trying to help you!
"I'm not your sister! Just stop helping me!" Charlotte started running again, "I'm over here!" Once again Bellamy grabbed her arm. "Are you trying to get us all killed?"
"Just go! I'm the one they want!"
"Ok Charlotte. Listen to me. I won't leave you."
"Please Bellamy!"
Bellamy hauled the twelve year old over his shoulder as she kept screaming. "Vi come on!"
They came up to a cliff, Murphy not far behind them. The had no where to run.
"Bellamy! You cannot fight all of us give her up."
"Maybe not. But I guarantee I'll take a few of you  with me."
Clarke and Finn showed up, "Bellamy! Stop!" She turned to Murphy, "This has gone too far, Just calm down and we'll talk about this. There was a pause before Murphy grabbed her arm and held a knife to her throat.
"I'm sick of listening to you talk!"
"Let her go!"
"Back off! I will slit, her throat!"
Violet went to walk forwards but Bellamy pushed her behind him, "No," he growled.
Charlotte cried, "Please! Please don't hurt her!"
Murphy looked at the girl "Don't hurt her?" Charlotte shook her head. "Ok I'll make you a deal, you come with me I will let her go."
"Don't do it Charlotte," begged Clarke.
Charlotte went to walk forward but Bellamy pushed her back. Charlotte fought against him, "No! No I have too!"
"Murphy this is not happening."
"I can't let any of you get hurt anymore. Not because of me. Not after what I did." Charlotte's last words before she turned around and jumped of the cliff to her death. Bellamy and Clarke sat at the edge and watched, Clarke in tears screaming no over and over.
Bellamy turned around and made eye contact with Murphy, "Bellamy," he pleaded. But Bellamy was blinded by anger sadness and guilt and tackled Murphy, punching him over and over again.
Violet had to sit down, still trying to catch her breathe after what just happened.
"Bellamy Stop!" Clarke begged. "You'll kill him!" Finn went to grab him.
"Get off me! He deserves to die!"
"No! We don't decide who lives and dies. Not down here."
"So help me god ff you say people have the right to decide--'
"No! No I was wrong before you were right." "Sometimes it's dangerous to tell people the truth. But if were going to survive down here, we can't just live by whatever the hell we want, we need rules."
"And who makes those rules huh? You?"
"For now we make the rules. Okay?"
"So what then? We just take him back and pretend like it never happened?"
"No! We banish him."
Bellamy walked over and grabbed Murphy, dragging him over to the edge of the cliff. "Bellamy! Stop!" Clarke yelled after him. He ignored her.
"If I ever catch you near camp, we'll be back here. Understand?" He threw him back down and addressed the gang of idiots. "As for the four of you, you can come back and follow me, or go off with him to die. Your choice."
Bellamy walked over to where Violet was sitting, staring down into the abyss where Charlotte's lifeless body now was. He cupped her face. "Hey, come on, lets go home angel." She nodded and grabbed his hand, the two walking back to hand holding tightly onto one another.
The group had arrived back at camp physically safe but haunted by what they just witnessed. Clarke and Bellamy told everyone what had happened and why they had banished Murphy.
After the crowd had dispersed, Bellamy found Violent and took her by the hand and walked towards their shared tent. When the got in he immediately clung onto her. "Oh Bell," she cooed. "I'm so sorry." She rubbed his back.
"Come on, lay down." He did as she said and she laid down with him. He put his head on her chest and shut his eyes. Violet ran her fingers through his hair which soothed him into a deep sleep.
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catflowerqueen · 1 year
Ironically, Eclipse might have actually done Sun and Moon a favor in the interpersonal relations department considering that Freddy actually said he missed his old friends. Which is probably the nicest and most positive thing he’s said about Sun and Moon in… a while. Suffice to say, I really don’t think this “revenge scheme” is going to work out the way he planned, for multiple reasons.
First of all, since Sun and Moon didn’t actually get kicked out (and Earth really was the MVP of the episode to be able to pull that off), this probably isn’t really going to affect them all that much unless Eclipse did some other things as well. Sun and Moon had already been basically abandoned by everyone unless they needed to ask for help or favors, and all this is going to do is make them even less likely to come and visit them. Not to mention that Sun and Moon being effectively fired just means they’re going to have more time for Moon to regain his scientific/technological/magical knowledge and then plot how to fix things. …Which actually could lead to a scenario in which Moon makes another star, come to think of it, perhaps even modifying it in similar ways to Lord Eclipse’s.
 Anyways… the second reason Eclipse’s plan isn’t going to work is that if his end goal is to make “friends” to cure his desperate loneliness, it’s just going to end up with another betrayal situation unless he keeps resetting everyone with the star constantly or actually changes how he acts and legitimately grows as a person to become nicer and drop his ”all about me” “I’m a poor victim” attitude.
The third reason is that if Monty did manage to remain unaffected, then he’s just going to be gunning for his own revenge eventually, more than likely.
I do wonder how far Eclipse was able to modify things, though. Did he manage to affect the cat? …Did he even know about the cat? Does the effect extend to hard copies of things, like printed out paperwork or children’s drawings? What about Moon’s various business ventures? Was he able to affect the Trashcan Guy at all, assuming he is still alive (which he more than likely is, let’s be honest)?
My guess is that he didn’t actually mess with the lawsuits at all, though. Fazbear’s is messed up enough on its own, and Moon and Monty got up to some pretty shady stuff. And laid a bunch of false trails to cover up other stuff. And the lawsuits probably didn’t even really name names or specifics in that regard all that much, so if they were complaining about one of the daycare attendants, they probably would have just said “the sun/moon-themed one,” and could have very easily been a reference to something Eclipse did in October or Bloodmoon… being Bloodmoon, and yet the blame would have been pined on Sun or Moon anyways since they were the only actual animatronics who worked there.
…Though that does make me wonder what Eclipse claimed his own backstory was in the altered memories.
And while I don’t blame Freddy for his actions today given that he is under the influence of Eclipse, I do still want him to offer an apology once the situation is (hopefully) resolved and they fix everything. Based on past examples when stuff like this comes up on the show, though, and how Freddy and everyone else are just horrible friends to them in general, my guess is that it’s unlikely to happen.
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