#i just want to go home at 15:00 like everyone else :((((((
whomstdvelynt · 2 years
alright losers (/aff) see you in. roughly three and a half hours when school ends and also when my TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG REHERSAL ENDS.
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dollywheeler · 1 year
September 3rd, 1996
Dear diary,
I survived my first day as a Junior. Not that I am surprised because I'd planned everything perfectly. Almost everything.
I woke a few minutes before my alarm as I always do - I don't even know why I set it anymore, other than the fact I know the universe will screw me over the one time I won't. I went down to have breakfast with dad before he had to leave and went up to get ready after he'd gone at 7:15.
Whitney was late as usual when I went to pick her up, but I'd accounted for that so we were still out of her street by 7:50. We pulled into our parking spot at exactly 8:00. I don't know why that brings me so much joy.
Anyway, we went into homeroom together as Whit, Dylan and I all have Mrs. Haywood again. I hate that we only get our schedules during the first day - I never know what to prepare for. I know it's mostly introduction anyway and we won't need more than a notebook but it still irks me.
Today was the perfect example as to why. As usual, I'm one of the last to be handed paperwork - stupid double u - and everyone was already skimming over their classes and their teachers. At first, I assumed the murmuring was just the recognition of my last name on some people's rosters, but Whitney turned to talk to Dylan instead of me so there must have been something else going on.
Once I got the roster, I understood why.
My third period today was art.
With mister Byers.
Of course, he'd be here too. I mean, why else would they both come back? But did they both have to get jobs in Hawkins?
At least it distracted people from English with Mr. Wheeler, which I have seventh period - joy! Luckily, Zombie Boy returning is more noteworthy than Holly's weirdo older brother - small blessings I guess.
I don't get the hype though - he's just Will. Just one of Mike's lame friends.
And now he's going to teach my art class which used to be my one moment of peace during the week.
Dylan asked about my brother when we were walking into our next class. She apparently has him fourth period which sucks because it means I can't keep an eye on her to make sure she doesn't befriend Mike behind my back. She has a tendency to lull teachers into personal conversations, which everyone loves because it means a distraction from the coursework but I know only means we have more work at home later. It's not really her fault she's just so damn likeable, anyway. Her chattiness is exactly why she's one of my best friends.
It became apparent that Dylan wasn't the only one who'd recognized Mike's name, either. After my second period French class I caught Daniel's eye in the hallway. I swear his smile brightened upon seeing me and for a second today was perfect - until he asked about Mike. Apparently we both have him seventh period. I want to be happy we're finally sharing a class but what kind of sick joke is it that Mike will be there?
He couldn't be present for any of my birthdays but he's going to be watching every second of me hanging out with the guy I like? The universe is clearly out to get me.
I managed to smile and shrug through an explanation though, and I don't think it came off too weird. He continued smiling at me so that's good. We compared schedules and other than English we don't share any classes at all, which put even more of a damper on today.
We reached Mister Byers' classroom, but luckily he wasn't greeting students outside the door so I could send Daniel on his way before Will saw us. I took a deep breath and forced myself to walk in and find a seat without looking in the direction of his desk. I don't know why my heart was pounding - it's not like I thought he was going to single me out or anything. It was just unsettling I guess, to be near this person you used to know, who probably knows more about you than you do about them.
Or think they know you - I'm not six years old anymore.
When he finally started the class I was able to look up at him now I knew his attention wasn't on me. He honestly hadn't changed at all. He still had a bowl cut, which possibly endeared him to me a little bit. It was more mature now, of course, shorter, and overall didn't look too out of place. Maybe just because he's Will. He's always been Will. I don't know how I would have felt if he'd didn't have the bowl cut anymore. Mike probably would have thrown a fit. He always hated change - until he didn't, I guess.
There was something sad about his posture as he started his class though; Like his excitement had dimmed. He didn't sound like he used to when talking about his favorite colors or arguing crayon against pencil. I felt bad once I caught him glance at me before quickly redirecting his gaze and realized why.
None of this is his fault, after all, and I always used to like him most of Mike's idiot friends. He was always nice to me, and now I was being childish.
So after his class was over I hung back a little and went to say hi. He looked surprised but pleased to see me standing at his desk and it immediately made me feel a lot better. I apologized for not saying anything earlier but he said it was fine and he understood this must be weird. He said he was glad I still liked art and we talked about that for a moment before he sent me on my way to my next class.
Nevertheless, it was actually nice to talk to him, even if it was only briefly, and he didn't bring up Mike, which I'm sure was intentional.
Of course, seeing Mike was inevitable.
I tried the same tactic as I had with Will's class - just keep my head down - but of course Mike can't take a hint. He actually tried to catch my attention and greet me as I was walking in and I couldn't really ignore him in front of everyone - in front of Daniel - so I just forced a smile and nodded before sitting down as far away from him as possible. At least he wasn't wearing a nerdy t-shirt as I'd feared but a button-up and slacks - proper English teacher attire. Mom would have approved.
I tried to take notes even though I hate sitting in the back of the class, and as my attention was slipping anyway I had to try harder not to look at Daniel. Mike is not allowed to catch me staring at him.
Not that it's any of his business.
When the bell finally rang I already had my bag packed and was ready to bolt, but of course so was everyone else. Seriously, back of the class is not the most efficient seating arrangement.
"Hey, Holls, wait up!" Mike called me back, and I had to do my best not to visibly cringe. At least he didn't call me 'Holly Dolly' again. The room was still emptying and some were curiously glancing over at us so I just forced a smile and moved closer so they couldn't listen in.
He asked if I'd received his letter and if I wanted to have dinner tonight. I told him I had cheer practice and went home.
He probably isn't stupid enough to believe me but maybe he'll get the hint.
Anyway, mom was waiting on me when I got home. She asked about Mike. I didn't have anything to tell her, which made me feel strangely guilty. It's not my job to play telephone, but mom just looked so disappointed... I couldn't help but feel like it was my fault even though it clearly isn't.
I hope she won't ask again tomorrow. Or the day after that.
Love, Holly
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lizzie-is-here · 2 years
like the dawn
part xx- until the end of the line
“i knew i did from that first moment we met. it was… not love at first sight exactly, but familiarity. like: oh, hello, it’s you. it’s going to be you.” - mhairi mcfarlane
summary: 78 years later, you, steve, and bucky get your fairytail ending
wordcount: 1k
warnings: slight angst, cussing
taglist: @whelvedfeelingsstuff @sebsgirl71479 @rebloggingmyrecs @babyblublossom @local-mr-frog @thenyxsky @capsiclesdoll @moonlightreader649 @saranghaey @almosttoopizza @itsprashimusic @yourfavunsub
a/n: i’m so so sad to see this series go 😭 but i’ve really loved it fr and i’m excited to see where to go next. i’m not sure if i want to start another series or kinda just do some one shots or re-open requests, but ig we’ll see where it goes. love you all so, so much, and thank you for reading. i hope you enjoy 🫶
previous part | series masterlist
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“Is that everything?”
Steve nods as he sets the last box on the counter.
It’s only been a few months since everyone came back, but you all decided to move back to New York to be closer to everyone. Back to Brooklyn, precisely.
Natasha’s funeral was small. Quiet and personal on the lake at Tony’s cabin. A statue for her was being made, and would eventually sit a block or two from the tower.
Her absence was always noticeable, but everyone was slowly coming to grips with it. She would hate to see anyone wallowing.
You’d given your Romanian cottage to Wanda, who’d been intent on working on the grief of losing Vision. She called every now and then, showing you your healthy chickens and garden that thrived under her care.
Now, with Steve’s recent retirement and a bit of cash from the government as compensation, you all bought a large apartment back home.
Two arms, one metal and one skin, wrap around your waist. Bucky rests his head in between your wings and sighs.
“Don’t wanna unpack yet,” he mumbles. You laugh, turning around to kiss him before grabbing a box.
“C’mon. The faster we get done, the faster you can see your surprise.”
Both of your boys’ heads perked up at that. You had been hinting at it for weeks, but refused to tell them.
It had been a guessing game for a while now. A pet, another road trip, a shitty musical on Steve’s life? (That last one was true, much to your disdain.)
The one thing they hadn’t guessed was the small box tucked in the flowerbed full of phlox on your balcony.
“You never keep secrets,” Steve says as he starts hanging up clothes in the large closet. “Shocked you managed to keep this one.”
You gasp in fake indignation. “Steven Grant Rogers! How could you?”
“Yeah, Stevie,” Buck chimes in. “So inconsiderate.”
The blond rolls his eyes and kisses your forehead before grabbing a new box of clothes.
“I’m sorry, you are so very good at keeping secrets,” he grins.
Unpacking moves quickly from there, the three of you working efficiently as the sun starts sinking in the sky.
By the time you’re done, it’s 6:00. Stark’s throwing a party at 6:30, and he’ll throw a fit if you’re late.
He still bitches a bit when you make it at 6:15.
Most everyone’s there, smiling and filling each other in on the past months’ events.
Tony’s little girl is running around, Peter trailing close after her to make sure she doesn’t trip. Shuri and Bruce are in a heated yet friendly debate over AI, exchanging words that you don’t recognize, and from the look of T’Challa, who stands nearby, he doesn’t either.
Sam’s standing with your boys, annoying Bucky as Steve mediates. The new group, the “Guardians of the Galaxy” has huddled around Stephen Strange as the grumbling doctor creates various portals.
Everyone else is scattered about, drinking and enjoying each others’ company.
“Stark,” you greet at the presence behind you.
“Can’t get anything past you, can I?” he asks. You hum, glancing over at his new prosthetic. “How’s it been with the grandpas?”
“It’s been nice,” you admit. “Finished getting everything moved in today.” He nods, pretending to think for a moment before launching the question that brought him over in the first place.
“Soooo… Any upcoming fancy events we need to know about?”
You raise an eyebrow, not taking the bait. “Like what?”
“Oh, you know.” Stark waves a dismissive hand. “Two suits for them, a nice dress for you. White is really your color by the way. Plus, maybe it could have a nice cake at it. A few dances, nothing special.”
When you only deadpan at him, he continues.
“It could start with ‘W’ and end in ‘edding’-“
“Alright, maybe!” you finally say. “I haven’t given them the rings yet.”
Tony balks. “Seriously? Of all the people I expected to be nervous about proposing, it wouldn’t be you.”
You frown. “Why?”
“Listen, the three of you are madly in love. Anyone who’s anyone could tell you that, if any of us were made for each other, it’s you three.” He silently gags at his words, as if disgusted by the sappiness. “I hate it, but I’m right.”
He sips his (Morgan’s) sparkling grape juice. “Speak of the devils.”
You look up as your boys approach.
“Hey doll,” Bucky smiles before pressing a kiss to your hand. “Miss us?”
“Please,” Tony holds up a hand. “Spare me.”
He whisks away after his daughter, but not before nodding to you with a very obvious wink.
Maybe he’s right.
That night, as soon as you get home, your boys are pestering you for the surprise.
“Fine, fine,” you concede, opening the doors to the balcony. “Go sit down on the couch.”
When you present the small box, you can hear both of their heart rates quicken.
“Um, the last five years, I had a lot of time to think,” you begin. “It was horrible, being alone. Sure, not everyone was gone, but you two were, and every morning I’d wake up and-“ You pause to swallow the tears.
“Hey, it’s okay,” Bucky whispers. “You don’t have to talk about it right now, doll.”
You sit in between them, wings getting squished a bit on the plush couch.
You give a firm nod, pressing forward. “Anyways, when we were going back in time for the Stones, they had me do a test run.”
“Where’d you go?” Steve asks.
A pause. “I went back to our apartment. Before the war. And I grabbed this.”
You open the box, where three gold bands lie.
“My parents’,” you cut the brunet off. “My dad always promised my mom he’d resize and put a diamond on her wedding band when he had enough money, but… he never got around to it.”
Steve and Bucky each lift a band, with you doing the same.
“D’you want a traditional proposal?” Steve jokes. You chuckle, shaking your head.
“Nothing about us is traditional,” you reply.
All three of you wordlessly slip on the rings, before Bucky pipes up from your left with both pinkies extended.
“‘Til the end of the line?”
You and Steve respond in kind.
“Until the end of the line.”
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pbandjesse · 7 months
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I am just now getting out of my workshop. Which went almost an hour later that was supposed to. But I had such a good time. And while it only had five people we did great. And I felt super successful and super happy. I'm also very tired. And very glad to go home.
I slept better last night but I still didn't sleep great. I would let myself stay in bed until almost 7:00 and James laid with me for those last 10 minutes. I went and got washed up and dressed and I kept watching the clock. And thinking okay you have 15 minutes till you have to leave okay you have 11 minutes till you have to leave. And I have my morning routine pretty down path to 20 minutes. But I just felt like I was moving so slow. And things were hard to do.
I did not wear makeup today. Well I wore mascara. But I didn't wear eyeliner. My eye still is swollen a little and I just would like to see my face without it for a little while again. And my outfit was fine and my hair was fine. I caught it a little bit more last night. Gave myself some more layers. But I just keep thinking that I look like I did in 7th grade. When I kind of had like a proto mullet of some kind. Just kind of shaggy seeing hair but I didn't use hairspray so it was not as voluminous. But I felt slightly better about myself at least.
I left for work and I didn't really have to deal with any traffic. And I got to camp around 8:00. And it was so nice out. Like it was chilly today. But I just wore a sweatshirt and I was fine. I honestly could have spent more time outside than I did.
I would have my breakfast and around 8:30 Heather texted me a list of vendors that I could contact. I had to do a ton of research to find emails and some of the business names are not SEO optimized because like multiple people are having the same name as your business. I should be able to Google you and you come right up. I should not have to search for your email. Ridiculous. So that took me like an hour to find everyone I contact them. And then by the time I was done that Heather and Sarah and Elizabeth were all in and Heather get me another list of people to contact. So me and Sarah worked on that together and we would get about 25 people contacted. And hopefully we will have a couple people sign up.
once I finish that I would take like an hour to do some research about Uganda. Which is becoming more and more real and I'm still trying not to be very very anxious about it. I don't want to keep asking James to text Paul with all of my questions but I have a lot of questions. Specifically things about visas and vaccinations but also the hotel and the resort are they the same place? Turns out they are. We're staying in a five-star luxury resort. And it looks beautiful in the pictures. And so since now I know where we're staying I started doing research into what we could do on Wednesday which is our one day where we have nothing planned for the wedding. And I found a rhino sanctuary that isn't too too far and I think would be incredible. It's where the last white rhinos live in the wild and there's only like 22 of them and I just think it would be so amazing. I want to see something that I can't see anywhere else. And like we're already staying on lake Victoria which is the largest lake in Africa which is already incredible. But I really want to take advantage of as much as I can on this trip.
So I did a ton of research and I worked on a packing list. I mostly modified the Disney list so I could just utilize a lot of that stuff. Because it's still useful. I just took out the Disney specific things and I'll add in the Uganda specific things. And I texted James and we worked on our document together with all the information about the itinerary and need to know information. I think that we are being a really good team about this.
I had lunch but I was still really hungry and I just kind of remained that way for the rest of the day. Just really snacky. Eventually though Heather and Alexi had a meeting and Elizabeth went for a walk and when she came back she said that there was stuff that we could do to get ready for the open house this weekend. So I would go up to the hacienda and put tables and chairs away and start to sweep. But then my back hurt so I came back.
Sarah and Chloe went and picked up some chicks!! Which was super exciting and I absolutely loved holding in. They are my new best friend. They don't have names yet but two of them were half off for being a week older? Very silly. But it was so fun to have them around.
Soon me and Sarah jumped in the gator to get cleaning supplies and go to woodlands village and wipe down all of the beds while she swapped and then we cleaned pioneer cabins and it was nice to just do a singular task. I had a podcast going and I was just enjoying listening to my headphones and cleaning and it was a good time.
around 3:40 I finished up the last beds and I checked in with Sarah and after putting cleaning product and all the toilets I went back to the office to get my stuff and said goodbye. I needed to go home
But really what I need to do is eat. I was so hungry. And so I went to Wawa and I got a hoagie and I got chips to bring home for James. I sat in my car and watched a video while I ate my sandwich. I had entirely too much bread and cheese but it was great in the moment. And then I went home.
When I got home it was about 5:00. I didn't have to deal with too much traffic and when I got back I was really happy to see James. Sweetp too. And it was so nice seeing our kitchen all pink and James being so happy. And we just hung out for a little while. They had gotten the wrong tote bags out that I asked them for and we had a little bit of a laugh about that while they want to help me find the toepans I actually needed as examples. And then I gave them the trips I got them and they were really excited and we talked and laid on the couch while they worked on bread and soon it was time for me to go again.
I had to create appliance to do my workshop and it went so good. I got there right about 6:00. My first person came at 6:15 while I was still setting up. And I would have four women and one man and everyone was so nice. But man this workshop was a little above all of their pay grades. I think I gave him a lot more than they expected and I don't know I think that we all probably could have done it down a little bit. But we had two people completely finished their tote bags and three people mostly finished their tote bags. And it was great. We had conversations and we had stuff going on and I was troubleshooting and fixing machines and it was chaos but it was really great. And we all got to learn about each other and tell each other encouraging words and I think it was just a really really good time. And at the end once most people were leaving I got some really nice compliments. Parker's partner came and she said that I was super charismatic and she was awesome and I just felt like everyone really enjoyed the class and that made me feel really good. The last person to leave was the guy that came. I believe his name was Alex and he just moved to Baltimore this year and he really excited and he made a giant bag. And he stayed the extra 45 minutes so that we could work on it together to finish it and it came out great and I'm so proud of him. He had never sown a day in his life not hand sewn not machine sewn. And he was so brave and I showed him some hand sewing stuff as well and it was just awesome. I think if I was to do this again I would definitely want to have more sewing machines. But I think we did great with what we had and it was just a really really good class.
I'm sitting in the car now finishing writing this and I'm about to go in and I'm really excited to see my husband and take a shower and then go to sleep. Because tomorrow we have so much to do to get ready for the open house this weekend. And I just hope that we get it all done. Because if we do not I'm coming in very early on Sunday to do it. And I don't want to do that.
Good night everybody. I hope that you are safe and happy. Until next time.
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tiredmamaissy · 1 year
I’m gonna rant to u because I have no one else to do this to(thank u issy)
So my day started out fine. It was raining(down here in south Florida is tough) and I was ready for my day off (I know I shouldn’t skip classes but I really didn’t want to go) so I thought maybe I should just stay in and have my bf come over. Maybe drink hit some nic then Gts. But no. As soon as I got off the phone with my friend, my boss calls me saying we’re short staff and I need to come quick since it’s 9:00 blah blah blah. That wasn’t the problem. The problem was when I got there (I work as a barista) things were chaotic. Mind you there was only like 3 people working behind the counter. So I finish wringing up peoples orders and shit (tired asl btw) and I guess I gave this dude 20 dollars in change instead of 15.(however the hell that happens) and I guess someone snitched and now I’m on the brink of being fired. Now I know my boss isn’t the nicest but 20dollars? Are you kidding! I could put the extra 5 since you need it so bad. But after that I get home and see my bf already there. After getting lectured tf out of, you think I’m going to be in the best mood? I was y bitchy and I was ‘doing too much’ so we got into an argument and he left(almost breaking my door when he slammed it) and I just fucking break tf down. Like I’m so stressed and tired and I just want sleep. I call my friend and tell her what happened and all of a sudden I’m in the wrong! She’s blaming me for my bad day saying I could’ve approached it a different way(I know I could’ve but just the way she said it irked me) she was all like ‘you do have a tendencies to be pretty bitchy whit all of us’. I was done. I just hung up and went to sleep. But now I’m back up and still pissed. She called me back a couple of times but I’ll just see her tomorrow. And my roommate doesn’t get back from Cancun until Friday so I have no one to talk to. I hope you understand and I HOOPPEE this doesn’t get eaten.
Hi love, received and not eaten! I’m really sorry to hear you’re having a bad day :( it sounds super eventful and stressful af. And then to have your support system around you now react in the way that you needed. Everyone makes mistakes but also not cool that your bf slammed the door. :/ sigh I’m sorry again and I hope your night/day gets better. Sending all my love and lots of kisses 😭💕❤️💖
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lgalacticjayl · 1 year
OK Transcription time for Tango’s Episode 6
idk if these even make sense or are interesting to read but I need them to go somewhere, spoilers obvs
10:51 AM  alright its friday you know what that means
[10:51 AM] tango ep
[10:51 AM] oh goodness the thumbnail
[10:52 AM] get married what?
[10:53 AM] perhaps warden
[10:54 AM] "theres that naked man"
[10:54 AM] comparing abs?
10:58 AM  never noticed the welcome home mat
[10:58 AM] tango tunneling omg
[11:00 AM] theft
[11:01 AM] "washed up"
[11:01 AM] bdubs? what?
[11:02 AM] fake trigger a scar trap
[11:03 AM] "oh hi cleo :)"
11:05 AM  what was that ambush??
[11:05 AM] bdbubs killed him hah
[11:06 AM] scar just right under his feet
[11:07 AM] tango fleeing again
[11:07 AM] nooooo etho
[11:09 AM] joel again
[11:10 AM] skizz killed bdubs and immediatly the whole family is after them
[11:10 AM] they are just jumping around
[11:10 AM] what is happening
[11:10 AM] oh
[11:10 AM] "I can't beat off 4 people"
[11:11 AM] "if u want to shoot them u have to shoot me son"
11:12 AM  nooo etho
[11:12 AM] he shot his dad
[11:12 AM] etho noo again
[11:13 AM] the crater grows
[11:13 AM] ok so we have grown from just tossing eggs at scars base
[11:14 AM] martyn's birthday party?
[11:14 AM] uh oh
[11:15 AM] weakness potion?? stealing from us again
[11:15 AM] and yup explosions
[11:15 AM] how did no one die
[11:16 AM] "the birthday's over, everyone leave"
[11:16 AM] thanks for the vine sound tango
[11:19 AM] just listening in on skizz's compliments
11:20 AM  etho red
[11:21 AM] BDUBS HOW
[11:21 AM] like a block away from an end crystal?
[11:21 AM] "I dont understand the physics of this world"
[11:21 AM] AH
[11:22 AM] not again
[11:22 AM] dropping bombs on skizz and impulse
[11:23 AM] etho again
[11:23 AM] AGAIN
[11:23 AM] just a full fight
[11:24 AM] jimmy killed by grian?
[11:25 AM] also white name? oh the ravanger is named grian
[11:25 AM] HAHAH impulse
[11:25 AM] just watched it fall on his head
[11:26 AM] tango that jump was so close
[11:27 AM] tango you idiot of course the pearl would kill you
11:27 AM  at least no extra time for anyone else
[11:28 AM] ok how many people died this session??
[11:28 AM] tango tunneling again?
[11:29 AM] omg the fleeing there
[11:29 AM] martyn kill
[11:29 AM] more tnt? impulse
[11:30 AM] scot and tango last to change again
[11:30 AM] NOOOOO martyn why
[11:31 AM] just hit him off
[11:31 AM] oh hes red now
[11:31 AM] hes finally pvping
[11:31 AM] "dont kill my son"
[11:31 AM] skeleton kill man
[11:32 AM] again tango dies in the least impactful ways
[11:32 AM] also i swear i heard lizzie's voice at some point?
there was so many deaths tango was doing so well, by avoiding everything but still
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genogenocrazycatman · 2 years
Throne - Chapter 15
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Throne [Archive of Our Own, FanFiction.Net]
Characters:  Original Female Character, Red Haired Shanks, Benn Beckman, Lucky Roo, Yasopp,
“I can be very disarming.”
“Looks like you’ve been disarmed,” I jabbed, not looking up at him.
Benn let out a loud laugh at that.
Shanks grinned. “You wound me.”
“Clearly, I’m not the only one.”
Hello people. So if you don’t know, what’s going on here then the simple version is that this a Shanks x OC fic.
If you follow me, and the One Piece stuff I write, then you’ve probably heard me talk about this fic. Hey look it’s finally here.
Chapter 15
 "Did you miss me, Captain?" I asked, leaning down and smirking at Shanks.
  "Like you even have to ask,” Shanks scoffed, resting his head in his hand. “Of course I did. So much so that I'm sitting here at this ungodly hour-"
  "It's like 8:00 am," I cut him off, deadpan. I slid into the booth across from him, picking up one of the menus from the metal rack at the end of the table and flipping to the first page. "Hardly ungodly."
  "The Devil’s hour-“
  “You know what- ” I glanced up at him again. “Since you’re awake, that may actually be true. You win this round.”
  Shanks shook his head. "Still feels like I lost."
  I smiled as I flipped through the menu. "Good. Someone has to keep you humble. I've seen your face all over the papers these past few years. They've officially put you in the same league as Kaido, Big Mom, and the Old Man. I'm sure Benn could use a break."
  "Beck’s probably half the reason we're in those papers," he retorted.
  "How is my favorite?" I asked.
  "Ruining all my fun," he said with an exaggerated pout.
  ‘How the hell is he cute?’
  "Good.” I nodded, setting the menu down. “I'd be disappointed otherwise."
  "What about you?" Shanks asked. "How are you?"
  The waitress made her way over to us at that moment, which I appreciated. The momentary pause gave me a second to think about how to answer.
  It had been two years since I'd hidden all my shit in Rayne's secret hideout and took to the seas, leaving the island that I had called home for over 20 years. How do you condense that into an answer fit for polite conversation? Not that any conversation I ever had with Shanks was polite.
  I prattled off my order before turning my attention back to Shanks, who was still looking at me expectantly.
  “You know, I was more aware of the outside world than most everyone else in Aurora, but knowing and experiencing are two totally different things. And I knew it was going to be hard, but some days are just brutal. Everyone else has a head start, and it feels like I’m desperately trying to catch up sometimes.
  “But it’s been worth it,” I answered honestly. “It’s been nice to just exist without worrying about stepping on toes or starting a witch hunt, getting to do things and see things like other people.”
  There was a lot more behind that, and I felt like I owed it to Shanks to explain, but now wasn’t the time. I just wanted to take a moment to enjoy reuniting with a friend.
  Shanks’s smile softened. “I’m glad. You seem a lot happier.”
  I calmed, relieved that he didn’t push further. “I am.”
  Shanks shifted in his seat, sitting upright. “I told you piracy would suit you," he said, smugness seeping into his tone. “It’s like you’re glowing.”
  I raised a brow at him, settling back and crossing my arms over my chest. "Captain, who said I'm a pirate?” I challenged.
  “I could be but an intrepid adventurer-“
  “Uh-huh,” he deadpanned.
  I narrowed my eyes at him, trying to keep up my stern demeanor. “Or I could be writing a book about-“
  “How to attract Trouble with a capital T?”
  “If I remember correctly, I am Trouble.”
  “Of course. How could I forget?”
  “I could be a bounty hunter,” I threw out there. “Here to chop off your head and deliver it to the Marines on a platter."
  "You like me too much to decapitate me."
  "But do I like you more than the billions of bellies I'd get in exchange?"
  "I'm worth more alive," he offered.
  "That's true," I conceded. "Guess I'll have to barter with Benn then. I'm sure he and I can come to some agreement regarding your surrender. I'd offer him a cut."
  "He'd probably pay you to take me."
  "True, I would be doing him a favor."
  We just stared at each other for a moment before bursting into giggles. I had forgotten how easy this was.
  "So Eliza, if you're not a pirate," Shanks started, as my food was set in front of me. "What are you?"
  "I was only sort of joking," I said as I picked up my knife and started to spread butter on the stack of pancakes in front of me.
  "About? The piracy or bounty hunting?"
  "Bounty hunting,” I answered.
  “So this is a plot to capture me. I see. The truth comes out.” He grabbed his fork, touching his food for the first time since I arrived.
  “You have some time before I do.” I doused my pancakes in syrup. “I’d like to at least see what the boys will offer me to look the other way.”
  "Then I guess it's good that they'll all be at the tavern tonight. Care to join us, Eliza?"
  "Just can't get enough of me, can you?" I joked.
  "Never," he answered, casual as ever. "Plus, I've got three years to catch up on. I got heard a little when we returned to Aurora, but-."
  "You went back?" I was surprised. "For what?"
  "Best sake comes from the West," he explained. "Plus, I was hoping to see my favorite bartender, but to my surprise, I found out that she left. And now the tavern employs her harem."
  “Oh no,” I groaned, hiding my face behind my hands. ‘The girls.’ "They're not my harem,” I corrected.
  "Really? Cause I think they're all in love with you. And isn’t releasing slaves a bit above a bounty hunter’s pay grade?”
  I dropped my hands back to the table, picking up my fork again. “So, you knew I wasn’t a pirate?”
  He shook his head. “No one really answered the question about what you had been doing. They were too busy telling us about how great you are, and how cool you looked, and how nice, and how strong, and-“
  “You can stop,” I said, pointing my fork at him.
  As a bounty hunter, I was picky about my targets. I didn’t target any old pirate with a price on their head. I wasn’t going to send someone to Impel Down for the rest of their life for something that any one of my brothers could be doing. But slave traders were fair game, and I could usually collect a pretty penny.
  For a few months there, I lingered in the waters surrounding the Sabaody archipelago, taking these bastards out before they could get to the auction house.
  I was able to get most of the victims started on their journeys back home, but there were a few who had nowhere to go or had been willingly turned over by their families. For the most part, they chose to start anew.
  After hearing me talk about Rayne and Gene, they’d asked if I could get them started to the West. I warned them that Aurora wasn’t welcoming, but they insisted, saying that after what they’d been through, they were sure they could handle a couple of jackasses. Plus, they didn’t have to worry about devil fruits or pirate family members, and Aurora was lowkey enough that they would likely never have to worry about being snatched again.
  I was glad to hear they were doing well, even if they were apparently embarrassing me.
  “Now you’re getting shy on me?”
  “Shut up,” I muttered.
  "You still don't accept compliments well."
  "Your hair's still ridiculous."
  "I know what you're trying to do," he said. His eyes focused on my hairline. "But I can't let that one go when you have a streak of your hair that isn't even the same color."
  "A standard color,” I countered.
  "Mine is natural. It grows this way. It’s more natural than yours."
  "I never said that your hair wasn't natural. And I’ve never accused you of dying it. It's just ridiculous. But so are you, so it fits."
  "You look like a skunk."
  "You smell like one."
  Shanks let out a giant yawn.
  “Did you not sleep?” I asked, taking in his appearance. His clothes were more rumpled than usual, and he had bags under his eyes.
  “I told you I was caught up,” he said, eyes glancing over at my journal, which sat on the table beside him. “You’re not the only one who was excited,” he settled back into his seat. “You know, you could’ve just met us at the tavern,” he said. “Though I do appreciate the theatrics.”
  “I thought about it,” I admitted. “I also thought about the possibility that I would walk into a tavern where a bunch of dudes vaguely remember me, and it would all be really fucking awkward, even though you’d probably be too nice to actually let it be awkward. So if you actually wanted to see me, you could reach out.”
  Shanks threw his head back and cracked up laughing.
  “Will you shut up?” I hissed, throwing a napkin at him as all eyes turned to our table. I hid behind my hand. “God, this is so much worse than if I had just shown up,” I muttered.
  “You’re not any better. There’s only one fucking place to stay on this damn island, and it’s not like you showed up once you knew I was here.”
  He blinked owlishly at me for a moment. “I could’ve gone to the inn,” he agreed as realization set in.
  “Captain,” I started slowly. “How long have you been at this table?”
  “About two hours,” the waitress said as she filled my coffee cup.
  This time, it was my turn to crack up obnoxiously. “I can’t believe you waited here for two hours!”
  He shrugged. “You’re an early bird, and you like breakfast. I figured you’d end up here eventually. In my defense, I was still half drunk when I came up with this plan and sleep-deprived when I decided to act on it. And I was right.” He gestured towards my pancakes.
  “You’re hopeless. What if I decided I wanted to get lunch? Dinner? What ab-”
  “I’ve been waiting three years to see you, Eliza. What’s a few more hours?”
  “If you can wait a few more hours, then you should go to bed, and I can meet you later at the tavern,” I offered.
  He waved me off. “I can sleep when I’m dead.”
  “With the way you drink, that’ll be sooner rather than later.”
  “You say that, but I’ve seen you put back an entire bottle of whiskey like it’s water and not have even a hint of a buzz. If I had to guess, you could out-drink half the crew.”
  I snorted. “Just half?
  “You could always challenge them tonight if you want to back those words up.”
  I pretended to think about it for a second. “Don’t tell them I’m coming. It’ll be a surprise.”
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angelsleepinggurl · 11 months
𝐒𝟏:𝐄𝐏𝐈𝐒𝐎𝐃𝐄 𝟔 | 𝐏𝐄𝐑𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋 𝐀𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐍𝐓: 𝘕𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮𝘪 𝘒𝘦𝘯𝘵𝘰 𝘹 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳
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Today you weren't going to make any mistakes. Absolutely none. That's why you woke up 15 minutes earlier to eliminate the chance of errors. You had spent the night before trying to memorise most of his rough schedule, which was yet you still managed to do it. It was currently 8:00 and you were getting Nanami his breakfast before going to the office.
"Hey can I order a plain black coffee with two sugar packets and a box of custard donuts?" I request, looking for the new card Nanami gave me to pay with for stuff like breakfast or lunch etc.
"Sure thing, anything else you wanna order ma'am.
"Actually can I get another cup if coffee."
"Sure your total is 1819.88 yen, if that's all then please drive through to pay."
Once you arrive at the office you spot the two friendly receptionists, Annalise and Darios giving you a friendly smile. " How's your first day treating you newbie?" Annalise asks, looking up from her computer.
"It's been smooth so far but I mean the day has barely started." I respond.
Darios pinches her arm quite harshly,"Did you hear that idiot, she's basically telling you that you asked her a pointless question."
"That wasn't pointless it was polite something that you wouldn't know about." she retorts, rubbing her pained arm. " Whatever, if you want Y/N you can have lunch with us, only if you aren't overwhelmed in emails and phone calls." she smiles at me.
"Yea you should, it would be fun getting to know you more." Darios pitches in
"Yea thats sounds nice, I hope I can." I respond.
Annalise looks down at the coffee you're holding in your hands, "Now go give that man his coffee whilst it's still warm."
"Okay, bye guys, nice talking to you." I say before walking towards the elevator.
"God, this job is gonna eat her alive." Darios tells Annalise, the both of them still staring at you as you walk away.
"Yea shes like a clueless deer."
"Isn't it deer in headlights."
"Shut up I make more sense."
You finally make your way up to Nanami's office, so you knock on the door and enter after hearing a faint 'Come in.' "Good morning sir, here's your coffee." you greet a smile on your face, only to not be met by a response. Nanami has his back to you, he seemed to be wrapped up in a phone call. Once he's done he turns to face you and gives a small smile.
You watch as he grabs a clipboard with a couple of pieces of paper attached to it and hands it to you. "Here's a rough list of tasks for the day, lemme show you to your office." You follow the blonde-haired man to your new office which is just across from his office actually. On the door is a golden plaque that reads 'Personal Assistant' with your name written on a white card. As Nanami opens the door you take a good look inside the room, it's plain. White, Simple, Bland, but it doesn't feel that way. It feels like an amazing monotonous second home and it's just for me. "I've got things to do Y/N so make sure complete the list so you can leave today." Nanami informs but you don't give him half of your attention as you're so entranced with the view of the window wall at the back of the office. The view of the city stretching out, everyone's busy lives outside as you spectate from your quiet, white bubble.
"Time to get to work."
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After a couple of minutes maybe hours, you find yourself still not even halfway through the list. It wasn't your fault the system was so confusing. An exasperated sigh escapes your lips as you hold your throbbing head in your hands. It doesn't help that the room is deadly silent. When you were mere seconds from smashing the window wall behind you and jumping out, you heard the sound of an incoming Facetime call, you looked up to see it was from Naaila.
"Hey gurl! How's the new job going." Naaila greets enthusiastically, her face purposefully too close to the camera but you didn't even crack out a smile or a response as you had gone back to carefully inputting numbers into the system without accidentally deleting all of your progress.
 "Hellooo." Naaila calls out looking at the camera confused."Y/N."
At the sound of hearing your name, you jump slightly and force your eyes away from the screen. "Sorry it's just....it's just..."
"Damn this job hit you hard huh. Y/N FOCUS. You need to take a break." Naaila states intensely staring at herself.
"I can't I have to.... I have to...." you could even give your best friend a minute of your attention because of how determined you were to finish all of your tasks.
"Have you even had lunch yet?" your best friend asks with a concerned tone. "You know what I don't wanna hear it I'm gonna come over there and get you and scream at your boss for neglecting your human rights."
Just then Nanami opens your office door, so much for knocking. Due to your brain literally going overtime, you only end up staring at the man, with no thoughts in your head. "Y/N I'm having a lunch meeting in 10 minutes I need you to come with me I'll buy you lunch." Those words seemed to have sparked your brain again, you physically sat up at the sound of getting a permissible break.
It takes a while for you to even register a response, "Oh yea okay sure." you reply. Nanami nods and closes the door behind him as he walks out. At that sound, Naaila over the other end of the FaceTime call starts snickering.
"Y/N, he's totally hot I don't know how that wasn't the first thing you picked up on when you met him. And his voice is all like attractive." Naaila's goofiness puts a smile on your face.
"Ok Nana gotta go." You say, hurriedly stuffing items into your bag.
"You go get your sexy ass boss girl."
"Oh shut up." you reply, playfully rolling your eyes at her before hanging up.
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𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫…
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the-firebird69 · 1 year
Just when I thought things are getting worse he starts making it better and he's working hard and he's getting it done the project's going good give me a plea for help and it works and we still need more and he's saying it it's the job of a lifetime it will never happen again and it's my planet it's my namesake and I wanted to at least go as well as Hera's. So tons of volunteers are signing up it says again it's like the guy planet. So there's many more you have to bring your lady of course must have an eyeball in it. And I want to see more things I know what else is going on you can feel people in on the rest this is yes taking a break he says what are you so it's 1:00 a.m.
-they're wrestling a lot of people and pulling them out and I noticed trying to read a large was on the list of the rest so we have to be in here and I told them that our people and they said we are and I said no he's right on the list and they're moving out. The list of terrorists in a different they have a man's but really we never have a man right now it is and we're moving in for the job and he wants to have the labor another personal moved in fully campers or whatever we have to do and clear out old campgrounds because of the utilities in to the from the street at least I said that's not a bad idea and electrical so you find a few and clearing them out and we bought the land and the nearby the projects so probably get her assed so I can put walls in you can use our blocks.
Thor Freya of the last sentence or two
Oh yippee I get to talk about the block no I wanted to I'll get to use the block on the wall I heard it's cuz the extrusion method would be too visible downtown and the method is very interesting to us and we'll see how strong it is and what it can do so I'm going to watch and put it up and buy some and put it up it's going to be nice the stuff you can use for anything they have bunker types and they have garages complete with a roof system and doors and everything all sorts of stuff like that independent garages it is one of the best things I've ever seen it's going to go up shortly maybe tomorrow and get it work for a minute and it's quiet my comparison is true that makes a ton of noise it's vibrating the crap out of it and we'll see if we can get them to do it if not I'll put a fence up and put decent ones up okay feel like 10 ft with barbed wire and I'm sorry the assholes to do anything allegiance place it's very vulgar it's time for them to stop and we're going to make them
It's a great idea and they like it all over the place by the way it's like 50 of them and some of these double wide places closed and the 30 of them and they're pretty big and I'm going to pull them all out and that's one reason why they started failing the other is he decided not to replace anything so it doesn't make sense and we're going to get privacy says for 15 mobile home parks and 30 trailer parks to plow them over and set up for trailers those trailers everywhere and brand new ones too down here tons of them and we'll probably just go by them all up so we don't have to drag one here saves time.
-300,000 people that show county then 3 m 4m5m 7 octane from the south ate octane from the north and they're trying now and they're destroyed and a few different things happening why is there trying from the concept of South America five points is building up huge it's probably $700,000 octillion the fleet will be ready it'll be here I should say at 2:00 a m. the rest will be 7:00 a.m. it's really significant because of two men that start threatening the s*** out of everyone and it's earlier in the morning and Max and us and foreigners will start wiping them out and it's a lot easier and we have more time
Thor Freya
0 notes
pbandjesse · 1 year
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Today was not my best day. I tried really hard to not let other people's emotions and things that were outside of my control make me upset but they still did. And I had kind of a really bad emotional day and I'm shocked that I didn't just go home. I am happy to be in my hammock but I don't know if tomorrow will be better. I hope it will be.
And it wasn't all bad. I slept pretty well last night. My alarm was set for 8:00 and I woke up a little before and I was like oh I will get up when I hear a flag but then they didn't do flag I'm very confused about what traditions were keeping which ones were not this year because we also don't do grace anymore and I'm really confused about that. So I don't know what's up.
So I just laid in bed for a few extra minutes and then I would get up and I feel kind of gross for some reason. I watched my face and cleaned myself with best I could but I just felt kind of sticky. I don't know. I liked my outfit and I felt pretty cute. And I was determined like I said to have a nice day. It took me a few extra minutes to get ready and then I was like I'm going to take a walk. And on my walk I found blite beach afids. They were pretty cool to see honestly! But I was worried that they were maybe a species that would eat the tree. So I went to check with the office and after we googled it it seems like it would be okay and. I also handed in my impossible task paperwork and everyone was just like "alright close enough". And it seems like everyone else is just kind of half-assing so I don't feel as bad but I'm still annoyed that I was giving that task so late in the game.
I would go for a little walk after chatting with Chris for a while. And decided to try to find some more mushrooms to take pictures of. And I would find a few. I also ate some berries on my walk over to the lodge because I thought I could get a new box of milk but they did not have any. Instead I just took some butter for safe keeping. And walks down to the nature Lodge to say hello to Celia.
She was feeding the animals and I chatted with her for a few minutes and then I went over to homestead to pet the goats. And then back up to arts and crafts where I found a couple very nice red mushrooms. And I got to work fixing the hammock. And so far it's held all day. I went over it with a zigs stitch, so I have high hopes that it will hold for a while. Even though I'm still going to continue to badger stockade to buy me a new one even though I don't actually care. I just think it's funny.
I got all set up for the day and soon Tatiana was here and Annabelle came over to ask for some more yarn and I told her how nice her plants were growing because despite everything I am still trying to be friends because I can't help myself. And sue me and Tatiana were just waiting for our group.
Both of our morning groups were really nice. No problem. Everyone spoons are coming out really good and we did lose a few more markers through explosions. But I'm having a good time watching them make stuff and it's just been fun. But I started getting a really bad stomach ache again. It was different this time but still very uncomfortable. And so I was very much looking forward to much. I had had an uvert earlier but hadn't had much to eat yet today.
And lunch was a disaster. I had an absolute meltdown because I was so furious. They made us wait and did not have an answer if the vegetarian option was ready but it was it was in the warmer. So we waited for 15 minutes for no reason. And then it ended up just being carrots and I think zucchini and vegetarian chicken. Which is essentially what we had yesterday that I did not want to eat. And I took it and I was upset that I was going to make it work. But then I wouldn't be Tyler to tell him that I was upset and another counselor may comment about how it was better what they were having and what they were having was mac and cheese with hamburger meat mixed in. And I just became so furious that he would say that when I literally just have carrots a few cubes of zucchini and dry vegetarian chicken that I threw the whole plate away and stormed out of the dining hall and I had to literally keep myself from slamming the door behind me. And I don't know how great of a job I did because I see her TV stopped me outside to ask if I was okay because I was visibly angry. Which was very embarrassing.
But I told her I was okay. She tried to give me snacks when I told her it was food that was upsetting me and I just said no it's okay I'm going to go get something from the art building and I tried my best to calm down because I was on the verge of freaking out.
I hate how much food gives me anxiety. And I hate that when I bring my complaints and concerns to the office they want me to give them solutions but that's not my job I am not the chef. Im not creating menus. And like I wouldn't mind coming up with ideas except they just want to put the vegan vegetarian the gluten-free and the allergy options altogether! And I get that that's easier but it's also not a good idea! Because then we all just get the most boring option! There has to be something better we can do.
So I went up to the art building and I told Tatiana how angry I was and I grabbed my box of stuffing because I didn't want to eat the other mac and cheese and I went to the office to make dinner microwave. And I total FC now upset I was and that I hated that I had to keep coming to her with complaints because I know how busy she is but the food is just upset of me so much. And I would calm down but it took most of my lunch break because I was just so upset. And my stuffing was fine and smelled good but most of the herbs and stuff didn't come out of the box and so it was just kind of boring wet bread. And it wasn't even the right color. It was way too light. But at least it was a carved because I just needed something because I was so shaky and upset. I think if I hadn't been so shaky and woozy that I wouldn't have gotten as upset but I was still mentally so angry.
I texted James and we decided we would start coming up with an idea list for food. And ways that they can be vegetarian and on vegetarian. That doesn't deal with the other issues but it's something. And like I get it it's hard. And I don't really like eating fake meat so it's more difficult to explain what I eat to people but I don't want to just eat plates of stewed and boiled vegetables.
Tony came and sat with me at the office porch while I told them how upset I was and I think it helped just a little bit to talk to someone. And I stayed down there as long as I could and when I did finally process some of the food that I ate I wasn't as upset when Chris came out to ask if they could buy stuff to keep in the little fridge for me. But I told him But that wasn't fair. And I was not the only one having to eat the terrible vegetarian food. It's just very frustrating that because I am the quickest to get upset about it I'm having to be annoying all the time. I'm trying my best not to make it everyone else's problem but man doesn't feel like I am.
The afternoon would be better though. I would calm down and I would feel more like myself. Despite my stomach hurting and feeling a little gross. My groups were very sweet and I got to work on my knitting and during my half hour break I just sat quietly. The group that I had right after lunch was younger and they were very cute but they're painting was too thick and so they were struggling with finishing and so then they were staying later but I didn't realize that one of the kids came back to finish with Tatiana and so then Chris came out together first aid kit for me because I had two and then I was embarrassed because I was in my hair and I didn't realize that they were still kids in a group out front. But I don't think he cared. I was just trying to enjoy my little break before the older girls came.
The older girls would be so good. They were really into the stamping and they need me to bracelets and they didn't really care about me at all until the end when I was showing them my wedding pictures but mostly it was great and I was enjoying the counselor's company and one of the children was very funny and made a couple different keychains. I'm almost out of the cell phone charm attachment but I think that's okay. I think everyone else will just enjoy making a little charm. And we can figure out something with string probably.
Tatiana worked on cleaning up the building during our last program. She swept everything and I really appreciate that and we tried to tidy up so that it would be ready for the accreditation people coming tomorrow. I don't know if they'll come up here but I want to be prepared. So I reminded her to wear a camp shirt and we tried to just make it look nice in here. I wish it was a little more organized but there's only so much I can do and I don't have the containers that would like. It's all good but I think at some point in the next month I'm going to work on reorganizing again because I want to be able to pack things away in a more orderly fashion for the fall. So that next year I do not have to be as stressed out.
I hope I get another helper. I don't know if I will be able to make that happen but I'm going to ask kira and I think if I can have a CIT towards the end of the summer if that is possible you will see but fingers crossed.
The counselor said that the group had to leave at 4:00 and that led to a big upset because then I did not get to give the kids a warning that they were going to only have 10 minutes left so the four kids that were still working with absolutely freaked out and then one had a total crying meltdown because she was not finished. And I gave some suggestions of you can take the yarn to go home and glue it and she's like we don't own any glue and I said that's very hard to believe. But after she would not stop crying I said we would keep her peace and we would finish it for her and tomorrow she can come and get it. And that at least made her stop crying enough but they could go. And we will get it done. I feel bad that we got interrupted like that. Once the kids were gone me and Tatiana finished cleaning up and I went to go swim because I was not feeling good. I just needed to be in the water.
And it helped a lot. I got changed once I got down there and there were too many kids in the bathroom again but it was nice to get in the water even if it wasn't as hot today. I talked to the kids and some counselors. Couple of them came over to ask about metal casting and when we can do that again. And I checked with Elizabeth apparently and it was coming tomorrow so I should be able to do more this week which I'm excited about. And then once the kids free swim was over it got quieter for a while. I hung out in the cove and just enjoyed sitting by myself. My stomach was still hurting real bad though and I was very upset about that but I chalked get up that I had not had my afternoon snack and lunch had been so bad and just a lot of factors. Everything would be okay.
Once pool canoes started I did some little laps back and forth until I was too tired and then I floated for a little while. But then I decided once a child told me that when he got in the canoe he was going to aim at me then I was time for me to get out of the water.
I let Max know that I was going to take a shower so that he was not startled if he came in to start cleaning again. And I felt a lot better after I was clean and lotioned.
But I basically made up my mind that after I got everything put away up at the art building I was going to take my laptop and go sit at the lodge and work on my lesson plans for the National guard and if dinner was terrible I would go get Chipotle.
I would sit down at the lodge for a while and talk to CJ. And we brainstormed about a couple camp problems. And she got the Wi-Fi password for me because my laptop had forgotten it. And I was able to finish about half. I would move from outside to inside once the kids started showing up for dinner but then dinner was very late. And while I did appreciate that they were having chicken and biscuits and they had vegetarian chicken to go with the biscuits I was not interested. I did get a biscuit and a jam. And once I realized that the green beans had onions in it and I was positive in my choice and I headed out.
I went upstairs and I dropped off some stuff and got my car. I drove down to the office just to let Alexa know that I would be back in about an hour and then I drove to Hunt valley.
Was fine. I only ate part of it. I think I was just still very upset. But also the people in the Chipotle were being terrible. In other words. They were lovely. But everyone that had ordered online because everything was backed up and they had obviously had a huge rush because there were so many empty things. And people were just being so mean for no reason. Like I get it but also stop. I was a little disappointed that they had no sour cream but I would live. And I got my food and I went and ate in the car.
But like I said I only a little bit of it. I got like 10 bites in and it just tasted too salty and I decided I would save it for tomorrow.
I walked over to the Marshalls to see if I could find anything on my list. Because I'm out of a few things. I was able to get a leaving conditioner which can be pretty happy and it was a brand I already like. And I've got some candy and some hair ties. And the cashier was really nice. I enjoyed working on it for a while but I know that I was in there a little bit longer than I actually need to do. And then I went back to the car. I found a bird keychain who is so cute. I would have to fix the keychain part but the plushie was so sweet and just the most adorable little bird.
But nothing seemed interesting to me. I did get two apples but I can have a peanut butter and a couple fruit snacks and more lemonade powder. And a bag of chips. Just stuff that I can feel like not as weird. Things I would eat at home. And then I came back to camp.
I decided on the drive back that I would get a fun little bit. And I stop at Royal farms to get a milkshake. And it was great. My stomach continued to bother me but I was very happy with my milkshake and that made me feel so much better.
when I got back to camp I said hello to people as they were walking to the different areas. The camp program tonight would be a movie so it wouldn't start until after dark and so people have lots of cabin time which I'm sure was very and when I got back up here I am CIT laying on my picnic table and I told him he's more than welcome to wear my hammocks. And he said he wasn't sure so he didn't want to do it if I wasn't here. I was like no please still and he apparently also had a very hard day and was very upset. So I was able to get him a little bit of a reprieve.
I would fix the buttons on my sleep shirt because two of them had broken. And I fixed the keychain on the little bird. I put some other stuff away and tidied up. I did not make any more tote bags like I said but maybe tomorrow. I'm not back concerned about it it was just a thought if I had anytime. I mostly just wanted to rest and enjoy my milkshake and you know what that's what I did.
Charlotte came up at one point to figure out where the plug would work for the movie. And I showed her which one works consistently. She told me that that was the one that they used last week when the power went out in the middle of the movie but I find that hard to believe because that one's never given me any problems but I do trust her so who knows. At least the movie worked all night.
I don't know what movie it was but I think it might have been happy feet because after the movie the boys who were walking past the window were saying / chanting happy meat. And that is why I have guessed. I had been laying here for a while and brush my teeth and it was just kind of poking around on the internet. But I just heard the cord they had plugged the projector and get tug on so I went over to unplug it so it wouldn't get broken and just had a little chat with Charlotte and Kieran I know I am ready to go to sleep.
I had a nosebleed and that was very discouraging and everything smells a little like blood now so I'm going to wash my hands again and then I'm going to try to sleep.
Tomorrow the people from the camp accreditation board are coming. I hope if they come up here I dazzle them. And I hope that everything goes well because you can feel the tension of how nervous everyone is. I hope you all have a great night and that tomorrow is better. I know at least my lunch will be because I put the rest of the Chipotle in the fridge in the office. Fingers crossed that it is a better day. Good night everybody. Until next time
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wh00pwh00p · 2 years
DnD short stories - high school au
I have a separate high school au for my dnd characters and this is a lil short story for my pairing of chambersite (shortened to chamber) and lovita :)))
Lovita checked the time through the cracked glass of her phone, “ah, shit”.
Chamber looked over with a puzzled look, “what’s the issue? You stuck on something?”. 
Lovita looked over at chamber with a grin that said ‘I lightly fucked up’. Chamber just sighed and chuckled, “what have you done now?.”
Lovita sighed, “Well its 21:00.”,
“…And that’s an issue why?”
Lovita just looked at chamber with the same grin as before but turned away slightly, 
“My curfew is 21:10.”.
Chamber was dumbfounded, ten past nine was Lovitas curfew… ten past nine.
“You are not serious”, chamber looked on with a face of disbelief and a light hearted accusatory finger, “no way your curfew is ten past nine! You are twice my width! It’s not like anyone’s going to fight you on the street.”
Lovita started laughing at Chambers' statement, having to calm down before she responded, “it’s not that! It’s the fact that we have to put the last of the younger kids to bed at 21:15 and they are notoriously a pain to get into bed.” Lovita stated as if it was a normal thing everyone did, “Along with the fact that my roomie goes to bed at 21:30 and she hates when I make too much noise!”
“And you have to help with that?” Chamber was used to putting her siblings to bed but she had never let it affect what she wanted to do, “don’t the adults do that? Doesn’t really seem like something you should have to do?”
“Uh well yeah, of course I have to help.” Lovita was almost confused that she had to explain this, “I am the oldest.”.
Chamber exhaled knowing that Lovita would probably not fully understand why she was confused, “pack your stuff then i'll drive” punctuating her sentence by throwing Lovitas bag in her general direction, “it’s a 10 minute drive right?”.
“Yeah, thanks, we should be back just on time” 
Lovita more or less threw her school equipment into her bag, that can be an issue for future Lovita to worry about. 
They both headed out to Chambers car and clambered in as quickly as they could.
“This doesn’t mean you’ve gotten out of learning calc though.” Chamber looked over with a grin, “I will forcibly sit you down so you don’t fail.”
“I wasn’t trying to do that!” Lovita retorted in gleeful defense.
Chamber chuckled as she started her car and backed out the driveway, “so what else do you do as the oldest? Do you get any perks?”. Chamber was just honestly curious, she knew Lovita lived in a group home with a bunch of other kids but she didn’t realize how much that meant she had to help with.
“Oh, well, I guess the perks are the fact that I get to learn how to drive the minivan and I definitely get more freedom than the younger kids…”  Lovita looked as if she was thinking with the next answer, “Then I cook dinner on Tuesdays and Thursdays, make sure the younger ones have gotten to the bus stop on time and, like I mentioned, help at bedtime. It’s not much but I’m glad to help out, there’s not exactly few of us and the carers appreciate a spare pair of hands where they can get ‘em.”
The rest of the drive was filled with idle chatter; clubs, tests, school events and so on until it stilled into a comfortable silence. Just the two of them.
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buckyalpine · 2 years
Can you not...
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18+ minors dni
Bucky x female reader
Your ex is trying to win you back, wonder what Bucky thinks about that? I LOVE THIS, tried to get the whole message but it got cut off :( For my very lovely @slutforsexyseabass .  Warnings: Fluff, Angst (mentions of cheating, swearing, lil violence), Mentions + illusions to smut, daddy kink  
Word count: 3.9k
Part 2 here
the supply closet
You groaned looking at the flowers that were waiting for you at your desk as you plopped down in your chair. You opened the little note that sat on your keyboard, already knowing who the flowers were from.
               Thought of you, hope you have a good day :)
-          Mark
Mark. Your ex, who also happened to work in the same office as you. In fact that’s how you met; you joined the company 3 years ago and Mark was the first one to greet you and show you around.  He brought you coffee in the mornings and soon enough he got your number and you’d started dating. Everything was fine until you caught him 6 months with his tongue down the secretary’s throat, hands shoved up her skirt, in the supply closet. I mean, at least have the decency to cheat at the office Christmas party like everyone else?
Safe to say the relationship ended immediately after but Mark was determined to win you back, blaming his slip up due to the stress of the job (as a fucking accountant? Ok Mark). He always circled around you, restocking your papers, pens, brining your coffee, which to this day, he still got wrong.
“Did you like the flowers?”
Mark sauntered over to your desk, after passing by at least 15 times hoping you’d talk to him first.
“Mhm, they’re nice. Thank you” You gave him a tight lipped smile as he stood there wanting to prolong the conversation.
“I remember you said you liked flowers and I saw some this morning, thought of you”
“Mark I-
“Y/n, seriously, nothing behind it, just thought of you, that’s all”
“That was nice of you” You nodded, excusing yourself to go to the restroom, hoping he’d be back in his cubicle by the time you got back.
Aside from the cheating, the other problem was Mark never actually did anything for you just because he thought of you. He’d never brought you flowers until you said you liked them. Then he told you that was lame and old fashioned but “fine I guess, I’ll get you some even if it’s corny”. He’d gotten you flowers maybe once after that and never bothered again until after the incident.
You returned to your desk, only to find something else on your desk waiting for you.
Thought you might like a snack!
-          Mark
You glared at the slice of banana bread at your desk. You hated banana bread unless it was homemade and with chocolate chips. Which you’d told him plenty of times but he had the attention span of a squirrel. You poked at the slice, deciding to wrap it and stuff it in your bag for Sam instead; he never said no to food.
As soon as it was 4:00, you dashed from your desk to make your way home, pretending you didn’t hear your name being called from the elevator; you didn’t have the energy to tell him for the 100th time you didn’t want to rekindle things and you had a boyfriend. That could eat him as an afternoon snack. You speed walked back home, fiddling with the keys, gasping when the door swung open.
“Welcome home babydoll”
Bucky pulled you into his arms, kissing you all over, having returned from a month long mission that afternoon. You threw your things to the floor, wrapping your arms around him as he picked you up and jumped onto the couch.
“Welcome home to you too sergeant” All the stresses of the day washed away immediately as soon as you were in Bucky’s arms. Your skirt rode up as you shifted to straddle him, kissing him deeply. He started to unbutton your blouse, slipping his hands under to feel your warm skin, burying his face in your neck, inhaling your sweet scent.
“I missed you so much baby”
“I missed you too James”
You stayed on the couch for a while, softly cuddling and kissing each other; something you loved doing when he came home from long missions.
“Oh! Here, I got you something”
Bucky got up from the couch, rummaging through his duffle bag, pulling out a small gift box. He grabbed the roses he’d left at the table, sitting back down again, pulling you onto his lap.
“Bubba, you didn’t need to-
“Shh, just open it”
You opened the small box, gasping at the ring that sat in the box. The gold band had a sun just like the one from your favourite movie Tangled, with a small sparkling diamond in the middle.
“Bucky…” You looked at him with glassy eyes, as he slipped the ring on your, kissing your temple.
“For my princess that I searched for my whole life”  
 “Baby, you didn’t have to get me roses too” You blinked back tears, looking at the flowers he brought you; he always came back with something for you and a bouquet of fresh flowers.
 “I will always get you flowers baby doll, they’re pretty just like you”
 2 years ago
Mark wasn’t prince charming, it definitely wasn’t a loss when you broke up with him but being cheated on still took a toll on you. You decided to swear off dating for a while until your friend introduced you to a very handsome super soldier.
“Look, you don’t have to come but Cass and AJ miss you. It’s not even a lot of people; it’s just Sam and his friend”
“The friend that Sam keeps saying is a pain in his ass?”
“All out of love, just come for dinner, you’ve been locked up in your house for long enough”
You rolled your eyes as Sarah laughed, knowing damn well you’d say yes to anything involving her kids.
“Aunty y/n!!” You were immediately tackled to the floor by the two boys, hugging you, and jumping with excitement before being effortlessly pulled up by a strong metal arm. You looked up, seeing the most gorgeous pair of blue eyes you’d ever seen looking down at you, and perfect pink lips turned up into a playful smirk.
“Hi, I’m Bucky”  
Oh, you were a goner.
On your first date, he showed up at your door with flowers, a gorgeous bouquet of red roses, not because you told him, but because he wanted to.
“I-sorry, I know it might seem cheesy but you’re the first girl I’ve gone out with in a really long time and I wanted to get you something nice and they’re pretty just like you so I-
You pulled him down for a long kiss, your heart already fluttering; that was the first time of many ways he made sure you knew how special you were to him.
 You cuddled with Bucky for a moment longer before putting the roses in some water and making your way over to change while he got started on dinner. You insisted on making it yourself but he refused, sending you off to shower and change. You piled your plate high with food, settling onto the couch with your comfort show playing in the background as you both ate. Another thing; he was amazing in the kitchen. After years of blandness and only eating enough for sustenance, he refused to eat anything that didn’t have flavour, especially after living with Sam and Sarah for a while.
 You’d completely forgotten about the flowers Mark had brought you after you mindlessly left them on the coffee table. Bucky glanced at them, with a sneaking suspicion before turning to you.
“Ugh, yeah, from Mark” Suspicions confirmed.
“Isn’t that your ex?”
“Yup, that would be the one”
Bucky shook his head at the pathetic flowers; they weren’t even ones you liked. Not that he wanted Mark to try and win you back but c’mon. At least put in a little more effort into your pathetic grovelling.
“He’s still trying to win you back? Hasn’t it been almost more than 2 years?”
“Mhm, he goes all out with flowers, dry pastries and coffee with too much sugar”
“And he knows you’re dating someone?”
“He knows there’s someone; he doesn’t know I’m with the most gorgeous man on the planet, who also happens to be a super soldier”
Bucky smirked, the wheels in his head turning. He wasn’t jealous. I mean, there wasn’t anything to even be jealous of. Still…
“Y/n, you have a visitor at the front desk” You could hear Stacey giggle, her voice at least 3 octaves higher than usual, her flirting voice.
“Who?” You never got visitors. You heard shuffling in the background and another high pitched giggle.
“Um hang on – of course you can go up, let me know if I can get you anything handsome- I can send them up?”
“Sure? I guess?” There had to be some sort of mistake, the person must have gotten the wrong name, plus no one was even allowed onto your floor unless they were granted special access.
“Here ya go y/n, grabbed you one on the way to work” You turned around to see Mark placing a bran muffin on your desk while he bit into a chocolate chip one.
“Thanks” You stared blankly at the food you wouldn’t eat even if you were 70 years old and constipated.
“So…did you hear?”
“Hear what?”
“Some big guy just came to the office, uh, not sure who though but everyone’s talking about it, news travels fast” Mark shifted on his feet, irritated with the way the girls were all swooning over the mystery man that was at the front desk when he came in, only having seen the back a very tall and muscular brunette. The doors to your floor opened and you heard a bunch of hushed whispers and giggles around you.
“Oh my gosh it’s him”
“How the fuck is he even more hot in person”
“Duh he’s hot but who is he bringing those for?!”
You shifted your attention from your loser ex to the commotion behind you, gasping when you saw your boyfriend nearing your desk, a giant bouquet of flowers in his arm along with a cake box from a bakery you had been dying to go to.  
“Hi babydoll” Bucky ignored Mark, who was gaping like a fish by your desk, immediately moving out of the super soldiers way, his eyes wide, sweating profusely.  
“Bucky?!” You giggled as he pecked a kiss on your nose, setting the things down so he could pull you in his arms. “What are you doing here?!”
“Been away from my pretty angel for too long, wanted to see you” Bucky grinned, feeling Marks stink eye on the two of you, rooted in place.
“How’d you manage to get all the way up here?”
“Wasn’t too hard, Stacy was very happy to let me in” Bucky smirked, winking, cocky little shit.
“Ever the charmer, Barnes” You rolled your eyes, undoing the ribbon of the cake box, revealing a selection of mini cheesecakes with different toppings. “OH MY GOD, this is from the place down the street?!”
“Mhm, saw you looking at the place earlier, thought you could try each one and tell me which one you like best” Bucky picked up the strawberry cheesecake, letting you take a bite, his tongue swiping off the crumbs that fell onto your bottom lip.
“And then I saw these and thought of my beautiful girlfriend” Bucky handed you the giant bouquet and you giggled because it was almost comical in size.  “I missed you”
“Bucky you didn’t have to; you just got me flowers yesterday”
“So? My baby deserves flowers everyday”
Most of the office was staring at the two of you with heart eyes, sighing at how sickeningly cute you both were. Except Mark, who coughed, hoping the two of you would break it up but Bucky pulled you in for a kiss that left you breathless before reluctantly letting you go.
“Uh- oh, sorry, James this is Mark, Mark this is my boyfriend James” You stuttered out, still reeling from the kiss, your face flushed, heart racing.
“Nice to meet you James” Mark plastered a fake smile on his face, turning on his heel and walking away without waiting for Bucky to respond. You giggled, burying your face in Bucky’s chest as he grinned, very proud of himself.
“Hey y/n” Mark placed a slice of banana bread in front of you, after monitoring the hallway to make sure it was free of super soldiers first.
“Uh, thanks Mark. Look, I have to be honest; I really don’t like banana bread, at all”
“Oh, no problem” Mark shifted closer to you, “Maybe I can take you out for lunch instead then?” He was going to take every opportunity he could to get you back (as long as Bucky wasn’t looking). You gave him an apologetic smile as he, continued to hang around your desk, fiddling with a pen, freezing when he saw Bucky enter the office.
“Hey babygirl”
You giggled hearing your boyfriend’s voice down the hall as he made his way over, this time with a small container in his hand and a cup of coffee.
“Hey Buck”
Bucky leaned against your desk, placing the coffee and container down, smirking as he saw Mark sheepishly putting the pen on back on your desk beside an untouched slice of banana bread.
“What did you bring me baby” You peered into the container, grinning when you saw a fresh loaf of banana bread inside. You broke off a piece, moaning when the chocolate chips melted onto your tongue, still warm from the oven.
“Sooo good Bucky”
“I made it myself babygirl, I know you only like it when its homemade, extra chocolate chips too. Here’s your coffee”
You kissed his cheek, feeding Bucky a piece while he held you close, staring at Mark as he slinked back to his cubicle.
Everyone around your office absolutely loved Bucky (except Mark), fawning over having the very handsome and sweet super soldier. He easily charmed his way into getting an all access pass and your boss was more than happy to let Bucky go and come as he pleased.
Over the next few weeks, Bucky became a regular at your office, making sure to visit at the exact times Mark would wander over to your desk. He’d whisk you away for lunch or coffee breaks, parading around with his arm around your waist, always walking you back to your desk before giving you a kiss good bye.
“Nice ring y/n” Mark leaned against your desk, trying to hold your hand under the guise of getting a better look at your ring. You flinched, yanking your hand away, taking a few steps back to create some distance between you both as he continued to step forward.  
“Thank you, Bucky got it for me”
“Oh, you’re still together?, Didn’t see him around in a while”  
“He’s on a mission, he’ll be back soon” You felt a lump forming in your throat, Bucky had been sent away for nearly 2 months and you missed him like crazy. Mark had been using Bucky’s absence to his advantage, trying to call you all the time and hovering around your desk even more.
“You know, I don’t understand how you can be with someone like that” Marks statement nearly came out as a sneer, his teeth gritting at he looked at the picture you had framed with Bucky on your desk, “The Winter Soldier, he’s never around for long”
“What did you just call him and what’s that supposed to mean?” Your eyes shot up as you glared daggers into him, making him shrink back.
“Yeah, what does that mean?” You both turned around to see Bucky stare at Mark, putting his arm around your waist protectively. Bucky had come straight to your office after his mission, metal arm on full display in his tight black t-shirt, his duffle bag was slung over his shoulder; his face was scruffy with stubble. His jaw clenched, daring your ex to answer, as he held you close to his chest.
“N-no-nothing, I- just, you’re away, and, um….” Mark swallowed thickly as Bucky pulled something from his pocket, ignoring Marks rambling as he stayed frozen place, too scared to move.
You wrapped your arms around him, while he smiled down at you, fastening a beautiful necklace around you; the dark chain had a small pendant made from black and gold vibrainum.
“You always said you missed me when I left for missions. Had it made for you after my arm was injured, polished a bit of the metal that came off”
“You got hurt?” You gasped, looking over his arm as he kissed you, shaking his head.
“I’m okay now baby, m’not going to be going on missions for a while though. Took some time off to be with my girl” Bucky’s metal arm whirred as his hand balled into a fist. Bucky glared at your ex as he slowly walked off. Giving you lousy gifts was one thing but trying to touch you? He crossed a very dangerous line.
“This is the address, you sure about going there alone?”
“He’s not gonna do anything”
“Yeah, it’s not you I’m worried about” Sam smirked, parking the car outside of Marks house “Just don’t get yourself arrested, maybe leave him with a pulse”
“Not promising anything”
Bucky got out of the car, taking large strides, banging on the door, his metal arm whirring as he clenched his fist, trying to control himself.
Mark opened the door, nearly squeaking in fear as the super soldier towered over him, his chest heaving.
“H-hi James, what brings you here?”
“We can talk inside” The look on Bucky’s face left no room for questions as he shoved his way in, locking the door behind him. Bucky grabbed him by the shirt, easily lifting him off the floor, throwing him against the wall.
“You. Stay. The. Fuck. Away. From. My. Girl”
“I-I don’t understand- Mark scrambled to his feet, pretending to be confused,  shrinking back as Bucky stalked towards him.
“Yes the fuck you do. The flowers, the coffee, all the shit she doesn’t ask for. I let all that go for her sake, she didn’t want to make a big deal out of it. But the second you touched her, you made it my problem too, you don’t fucking touch her”
“Well if she didn’t want it she should have said something” Marks voice wavered as his legs shook, trying to puff his chest out, looking something like a blow up penguin. If this had nothing to do with you, Bucky would have called Sam over to laugh. He almost felt sorry for the guy. Almost.
Bucky grabbed his arm, twisting it around, pinning him to the wall as he spoke directly in his ear, his voice dropping a few octaves.
“Listen to me. If you ever. Touch her again. I will kill you. You know exactly who I am. I don’t hurt people any more but I will break that rule in a heartbeat when it comes to y/n. Leave. Her. Alone”
You sat at your desk smiling as you played with the dog tags around Bucky’s neck. He had come over during your lunch break, feeding you chocolate covered strawberries as you sat on his lap.
“How do they taste baby?”
“Like it should be illegal for anything to taste this good, I love them”
“Really? Last time you said that was when you had your mouth around my co-
“Bucky!” You slapped your hand over his mouth as he chuckled, removing his tags, putting them around your neck instead.
“You look sexy wearing my tags baby” His lips brushed against your ear as he held your waist, his grip tightening as he saw Mark approach you, walking with purpose. He flinched for a second, seeing the silver tags hanging around your neck. He straightened his shoulders, after all it was still his work place, he could get Bucky thrown out if he wanted to, right?
“He-He’s not what you think y/n, he’s a monster”
“Excuse me?” You cocked an eyebrow, as Mark pointed an accusatory finger to a bored looking Bucky who was picking at his finger nails.
“He-he threatened me, at my house. Threatened to kill me just because we’re friends” Mark made a show of pointing to the bruises on his wrists, not even close to the ones you always had on your ass when Bucky was pounding you against the – “How can you date someone like that!? How dare he come to my house and tell me he we can’t talk, he’s just jealous, I bet- I bet he didn’t even tell you!”
Mark smirked in satisfaction as you looked up at Bucky in surprise.
“Bucky? Did you…?”
Bucky nodded wordlessly, his heart racing. He never wanted to disappoint you but he couldn’t stand seeing you get harassed on a daily basis. You grabbed Bucky’s face, pulling him down for a heated kiss, your tongue slipping between his lips, as he groaned, wrapping his arms around you, only pulling away for air.
“That is by far the sexiest thing anyone has ever done baby” You gripped Bucky’s shirt, if it wasn’t for being at work you could take pulled his cock out right then at there. “You protecting me is the hottest thing ever” You lowered your voice to a whisper just loud enough for Bucky and Mark to hear “If we were somewhere else, I’d be begging for your babies right now”
“You want that baby?” Bucky smirked, his cock stirring as your hand trailed down to his belt, teasing him.
“Mhm, you take care of me so well baby, I think I should take care of you tonight daddy ”
Bucky groaned, his hand giving your ass a squeeze, his lips brushing by your ear.  
“Yeah? You gonna be a good little slut for daddy tonight? Let him do whatever he wants?”
“Anything you want daddy”
Mark stood wide eyed, stuttering. Plan B, he could still get him thrown out. His eyes lit up as the CEO made his way through the office, nearing your table.
“I- he- well he doesn’t even work here! we’ll see what Mr. Hanson has to say about this”
“God, he’s throwing a tantrum, he’s like a toddler” Bucky snorted, straightening up as the CEO approached your desk.
“My favourite couple, hey James! How are you, how’s our new cap?” Mr. Hanson pulled Bucky into a friendly hug before giving you a quick peck on the cheek.
“Hey George, I’m great, Sam’s finally getting the hang of the shield”
Mr. Hanson, laughed, before continuing to his office, turning back for a moment. “Both of you remember, this weekend, my wife is making jerk chicken with rice and beans”
Mark swallowed thickly, he didn’t really have a plan C. Bucky snickered, popping a strawberry into his mouth.
You grabbed Mark by his tie, tightening it just enough for him to wheeze a little, while Bucky watched you with pride.
“He defended and protected me when you couldn’t take a hint. I didn’t report your pent up creepy ass to HR because I wanted to keep things civil between us but come here again with those stupid weeds you call flowers and I’ll kick your ass myself”
Mark gulped, scurrying off to his desk, grumbling when his text message to the secretary failed to send.
Bucky looked at you, his eyes darkened with lust as he licked his lips.
“So. About that offer?”
“Let me pack my things”
Part 2 here
The supply closet 
Tags: @glxwingrxse @hungryyeyes @sebsgirl71479 @beabutterfly987 @teambarnes72 @witchy-whore @jamesbuckybarneswify @slutforsexyseabass @chrisdrysdale @littlemarvelmenfan @buggy14 @whimsyplaty92 @sergntbarnes​ @needybabygirlstuff 
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bratshaws · 2 years
goodness gracious 16. brb x oc
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a/n: it's been years since I wrote smut my guys. I hope this is good because i loved it??? also, this shouldn't have to be said but minors DNI for the love of God. I'd have to block some people if it happens SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO lets not go there. (also if you guys ever watched POSE you'll see I was inspired by a scene from the show)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: oh boy, where to begin. SMUT, Bradley being horny ( and supportive) Bea discovering kinks, c o n s e n t is sexy.
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist!!)
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @shrimping-for-all @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix
@lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie
They were sitting on the corner of the club, where they could have a great view of the dance floor and the bar, the colorful lights above them blinked with different shades of blues and pinks and reds, giving the club goers an ethereal glow. The music was a mix of party songs from the 80s to the late 00’s, very eclectic and very fun for everyone involved if the amount of people on the dance floor was any hint.
Beatrice sat next to Rooster, her bare leg touching his clothed one, while he had one arm behind her, the tips of his fingers touching her shoulder as she drank a Mai Tai. It was strange being the one drinking instead of giving people drinks, but she wasn’t complaining. She was having a lot of fun chatting with everyone and having Bradley so close to her.
Ever since they got into the club he hasn’t left her one second. He stood like a tall strong shadow by her side, his hand on her waist or around her shoulder leading her around so she wouldn’t get lost. She didn’t mind, she was so happy to be there and she was happy he liked her dress. He seems to like her whole outfit really, his eyes moving to her every now and again. She felt so renewed and so confident, not only did she look good but her boyfriend seemed to agree one hundred percent.
He was just nursing himself to some beer, something lighter than she’d ever seen him drink before, probably because he was driving and would like to be sober when he did go home. Coyote says something funny and they all laugh, while Beatrice adjusts herself on the seat, crossing one leg over the other to be more comfortable. 
Rooster’s eyes move to her pale thigh immediately, with his laughter diminishing to a quiet chuckle. He was thankful at how dark the area they were sitting was and the table between them, or else everyone would know how he ogled his girlfriend’s legs. But would anyone really blame him? He waited until everyone else was busy talking amongst themselves to a topic he honestly didn’t pay attention to, before leaning down to whisper on Bea’s ear, “You look so beautiful.” he murmurs, the brunette holding the thin straw close to her lips, “Didn’t think it’d be possible for you to be even more gorgeous.”
Beatrice chuckled, shivers going up and down her body over his hot breath hitting her cool skin, “Thank you.” she replied back just as quietly, “I’m glad you like it.” she took a slow sip of her cocktail. He got even closer, his chest touching her shoulder and she had to bite back her smile.
“It almost seems you were trying to get something out of me,” he whispers, his gaze roving from top to bottom a few times, “Like a reaction.”
“Is it working?” she whispered back, “Or should I try harder?”
Bradley wasn’t expecting such an emboldened response from her, but that didn’t stop the smile on his face, “You didn’t have to try at all.” the arm behind her dropped so his big hand crawled up her thigh, squeezing the flesh under the table. Beatrice squeaked, covered up by a harsh sip of her drink, “I keep saying you could wear a potato sack and look beautiful.” He leans away from her after that, but his hand remains like a known weight on her leg, his calloused thumb rubbing the side of her thigh. 
Her lips curved up in a smile, but she kept on sipping her drink, sometimes adding in to the conversation - all the while with Bradley’s huge hand on her thigh - if time allowed. The music changed its tempo and Shells gasped, “Oh I love this song! Come on Bob!” The poor officer had no time to come up with a reply, because the blonde took him by the hand onto the dance floor, disappearing between the crowd of people.
Beatrice followed Shells with her eyes until she could no longer see her, mixing her drink with the straw as she considered going there too…but later, much later. They just got there after all and if she knew Shells, she’d probably take Bob to a corner of the club to have some privacy. So she leaned back on the seat, the alcohol in her cocktail giving her a bit of a pleasant buzz, well that and the handsome pilot with his hand on her thigh.
She took the time to stare at him since he was busy chatting with the others, the lights above them giving him a bit of a blue-ish glow. Her eyes followed his profile, to his pouty lips that she loved too much, then to the sharp curve of his jaw to the little scar he had there, before dropping her gaze to his neck. He had a nice neck, it was thick and his cologne smells stronger there.
 She wanted to bite it.
 She blinks in surprise over her own thoughts, the alcohol going down the wrong hole as she coughs behind a hand, trying to keep the sound to a minimum
But of course Bradley noticed, instantly turning to face her once he heard her coughing, his eyebrows furrowed in worry, “You okay?” she nods, her coughing quieting down, fanning her face to dry the tears that formed on the corners while watching Hangman chat with two girls not too far from them…weird how one of them resembled Evelyn with the only difference being the girl’s hair was much shorter than Ev’s.
“Yeah,I’m fine.” she coughs one last time, “It went down the wrong hole, is all.” and it burned a bit too much so she couldn’t help but clear her throat one more time, “I’m okay, Roos. I swear.”
“Do you need me to get water?”
“No, no, it’s fine.” she grabbed the hand on top of her thigh,curling her fingers around his palm to reassure him. His face eased a bit, but he continued looking at her with a ‘you sure’ expression before breathing out a sigh and leaning back on the seat. She let go of his hand, so he proceeded to rub his hand up and down her thigh soothingly, but once he looked away her eyes just got back to his neck.
Yeah she could bite it alright. She never even kissed his neck before, would he be into it? She never assumed she had a thing for necks, hands maybe, but necks? That was new for her. She chews on the thin plastic straw, following the line of the tendon that connected his jaw to his collarbone. 
How was this man real? Not only real, but also hers?
Beatrice sipped her drink quietly, uncrossing her leg when it started to get uncomfortable, switching with its twin only for his hand to return to the same spot on the opposite limb. His hand repeated the stroking motions while following the flow of conversation. The sudden sound of air coming up her straw made her pause, looking at her now empty glass with a frown, she didn’t even notice she was done with it. 
She wondered if she should get another, it was very good but she didn’t really want to get too drunk to the point she wouldn’t remember her own actions. She could handle being a bit buzzed up and having more courage than normal while still being sober. So she just set the empty glass on the table and joined the conversation every now and again.
There was a moment when Halo tapped her on the arm, “Bea do you have some lip balm?” she asks quietly as the music pumps around them “My lips are very dry right now.”
Beatrice nods with a smile, already opening her clutch, “Sure! I have it right he–” those are condoms. There were condoms, not one, not two, but about ten condoms inside her clutch. She looked down at it with her eyes slowly widening, when did she– wait, she asked Shells to pick her clutch while they were going out of the Hard Deck…oh my god. She blinked with her cheeks turning red, trying to hide from both Rooster and Halo what was inside her clutch, yanking the cherry lip balm to hand it over to the female pilot.
She closed the clutch with a ‘click’, then placed her hands on top of it in fear that somehow it’d open on itself and show everyone she now had a contraceptive method inside. She sent a quick look towards Bradley who seemed to be too busy laughing about an inside joke regarding Hangman to notice her own demise, which eased her tension just a little bit. 
Halo handed back the lip balm and Bea had never put something inside a bag so quickly, still holding it shut. Even if she was a bit freaked out about it, part of her brain was happy Shells put it in there, hoping she’d put them to good use. She inhaled sharply, playing with the ends of her hair, trying to calm her brain who was too busy being horny to think of anything else.
She was getting hot, too warm and she started to feel stuffy. She should go to the bathroom and try to cool down. Beatrice licks her lips before turning her head towards Rooster, “Roos’,” he faces her once he hears his name, “I’m going to the bathroom,okay?” She is already sliding off the booth to stand up, running her hands on the skirt of her dress to pull it down a bit.
Beatrice was surprised when he stood up too, “I’ll go with you, it’s too packed with people.” he explains, offering her his hand before she could stop him. With him being so tall and broad he could easily walk through the crowd without anyone stopping him, especially with him walking a bit ahead of her. Thankfully there was no line to the bathroom, making her sigh in relief when she saw the…weird image that was supposed to represent anyone who identified as female.
Was that an ice cube? 
She shook her head, giving her boyfriend a smile, “I won’t take long.” she says, leaning up to kiss his lips, pulling back in surprise when he tried to deepen it, “Roos!”
“You look too beautiful, you can’t blame me.” he murmurs, his eyes on her mouth, “Way too beautiful.”
Her body, which was already warm, seemed to boil over with the way he was looking at her. Like he was eating her up with his eyes, “I won’t take long.” she whispered, pressing a hand to his chest, “Okay? You can wait for me at the bar if you want.”
He looked over his shoulder seeing that the bar top was not too far from the bathroom and there was one empty seat that looked right at the door. “Okay. I’ll be there then.” he waited until she disappeared behind the door to close his eyes and run his hands through his hair in exasperation. He didn’t know how much longer he’d be able to handle this, not when she looked like that and smelled so good.
He didn’t want to pressure her into anything, even if she looked like sex on legs, he just wanted her to have a good time with all of them but especially him. He liked her being a little bolder, it was a nice change of pace that affected all of him. He could feel his body reacting and decided that he better go to the bar and not stand in front of the bathrooms like an idiot.
Rooster doesn’t sit down once he gets to the bar, he just leans over the counter with his arms crossed and asks the bartender for some water. He’d have to drive home after all. He thanks the guy once he sets the water bottle in front of him, bringing it to his lips to take a sip, looking over his shoulder to the bathroom to check if she was walking out or not, but no sign of her yet.
He wouldn’t get worried, the bathrooms were right there. She’d see him and go to the bar and they’d go back to their booth to enjoy the rest of the night. 
With the music lowering a little bit he could hear the female voice close to his left. He faces forward again to see a redhead sitting on one of the stools, nursing herself with a Cosmopolitan, she’s giving him a flirty smile while holding the glass up to her lips, “Hi.” he says curtly but offers her a quick smile.
“I’m Cassidy.” she says, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you here before.”
“It’s my first time here,” he says, not saying his name and  looking back to the bathroom just wanting for Bea to show up.
“Is it? You here alone?”
“No,I’m here with my girlfriend and friends.” He made sure to say girlfriend first, so she’d get the hint and leave him alone. He wasn’t interested, she was very pretty, but she wasn’t Beatrice. The redhead arched her eyebrows with an ‘ah’ leaving her mouth, sipping her drink but remained in the same spot.
“Girlfriend? Where is she?” she asks, making sure to look around, “Because all I see is a very handsome guy alone at a bar…and if I was her I wouldn’t leave a guy like you alone.”
He straightened himself when she leaned closer, giving them some distance, trying to remain polite, “Look, I appreciate it but I already have someone.” He says, “I’m sure you can get someone else for the night.”
“Why, you are a bit feisty aren’t you?” the woman replied, roving her eyes at his figure “I like ‘em feisty–” she couldn’t finish her sentence because a pair of arms wrapped around Rooster from behind, a very known pair of tattooed arms that he loved oh so much. Beatrice walked forwards until she was the blockage between the woman and Rooster, her eyebrows low but not showing any other type of emotion besides indifference to the redhead.
“Hi babe, did I take too long?” she asks without missing a beat, she stood a bit taller than the other woman even with her on a stool. Rooster blinked at the ‘babe’ she let out, she never called him babe and he couldn’t lie and say he disliked it. 
“Nope, not too long.”
She tilts her head to smile up at him then her face returns to it’s murderous neutral mask, “You are?” she asks the other woman, this time standing in front of him and draping his arm over her shoulder.
The redhead blinked in surprise but she didn’t seem too fazed, “I’m Cassidy…are you the girlfriend?” He didn't like how she said that. He didn’t like how there was a mock undertone when she asked if Beatrice was his girlfriend. 
“I am yeah,” his girlfriend replied, “I’m the girlfriend.” the woman, Cassidy, took a long sip of her drink, humming into the glass with her eyes still taking over the brunette that just showed up. Beatrice usually hates being looked over like that, like being analyzed thoroughly because of her body, but not tonight. “I think you should go now.” 
Cassidy scoffed a laugh, “I’m just enjoying my drink–”
“I don’t think you get it.” Beatrice cut her off, “My boyfriend probably told you he isn’t interested, which knowing him he absolutely did and you stay here. You think that by staying here you’ll make him change his mind in some way which is honestly really sad.”
Rooster’s jaw dropped at Bea’s words, but he didn’t say anything, he just enjoyed the verbal ass whopping she was giving Cassidy. The redhead on the other hand looked shocked and disgusted, “Excuse me?” and honest to God, if he wasn’t impressed with Bea before her next words absolutely took the breath out of him.
Bea’s eyes softened, “You are a beautiful woman,” she says, “You don’t need to go after guys that say that aren’t interested. I’m sure there are single guys in this club and they’d be happy to take you out on a date or just for the night.” 
The redhead stared at the other woman with wide eyes, the Cosmopolitan held up to her mouth but never got there. “I-I…” There was a sudden look of shame taking over her features and she slowly slid out of the stool, “I…you are right, I’m so sorry.”
“It’s okay.” Bea smiled, but held his arm tighter against her body, “I love your dress, by the way…and your makeup. It’s really pretty.” but Cassidy, even if she was thanking Beatrice for the compliments, she felt too ashamed to stay there. So, she took her Cosmo and skittered away from the bar, leaving the two alone. Beatrice smiled softly, jumping when she felt his lips on her neck and his arms sliding around her waist. “Roos?”
He would be turned on if she defended him, he would and he had no shame in admitting it. But seeing her being kind instead? He had never seen anything like that in his life and holy shit he was not going to be able to handle himself for much longer. “You are unbelievable,” he mutters against her neck, “You can’t be fucking real, you just can’t.”
She giggled, his mustache tickling the warm skin of her neck, but she looked up to the unimpressed bartender apologetically, “Come on Roos.” she smiled, unwrapping his arms from her waist so she could lead him to a dark corner of the club. Much like that time in the mall, they were using the shadows in their favor so no one would see anything.
 He pinned her to the wall and her arms wrapped around his neck as their mouths slammed together,his hands gripping the sides of her dress around the waist, pushing her legs apart so he could press his thigh in between them. She gasped into his mouth, the sudden jolt of pleasure shooting all over her body, her hips almost moving forward to get more friction out of him. He tasted like beer and mint chewing gum, he smelled so good with his cologne and his mustache tickled her lips whenever he tilted his head to the side to deepen the kiss even more.
His hand slid back down to her thigh,gripping the thick flesh with his big hand creating the red impression of his fingers on her pale skin. Rooster sucked her lower lip into his mouth, chewing the plump flesh only to earn a mewl in response, her hips moving forward again and God he’s not going to last. His pants felt unbelievably tight, he wanted her. He wanted her badly.
Take a look at me
Tell me, do you like what you see?
She looked up to the speakers where the new song was being played. Do Me! by Bell Biv DeVoe and she couldn’t help but think how fitting it was. She breathed unevenly, her eyes glazed over and unfocused before she cupped his face to lift it from her neck. 
She just stared deep into his eyes, then grabbed his hand while biting her lower lip, pulling him out of the little corner they stood to the dance floor. Not in the center, but somewhere where they could have space and privacy from their friends’ knowing eyes. She hoped he wouldn’t be upset that they stopped their kissing to go there.
Do you think you can
Do you think you can do me?
He had his eyes on her, his hands on her, his whole body was at attention because of her. He didn’t know how he managed to do anything but look at her. She was the most beautiful woman in this whole place and all he could do was follow her every move no matter what. His eyelids lowered just enough, following the movements of her hips pressed against his and his hands cupped her waist.
There was no one else, it was them and only them right there. 
Kiss me,pretty baby
Touch me all over
Girl, what makes you think you can do me?
Do you think you can do me, girl?
He presses his face to the back of her neck when she turns around, her behind grinding against his hips and he just follows her movement. He doesn’t even hold her waist anymore, he just inhales her sweet lavender scent with his eyes closed, his whole body on fire. When she reached behind his head to pull him even closer, her nails scratching his scalp he breathes out a ‘fuck’ he isn’t sure if she heard.
Do me, baby (ho ooh)
Do me, baby (Do you think you can?)
Do me,baby (do me)
Do me, baby
“Bea,” he drags his lips to her ear, hot air hitting her equally warm skin, “Bea, you have no idea what you are doing to me right now.” she pushes her back against his hips, as if there could be any space left between the two.
“I’m not doing anything to you, yet.” she replied and he stilled completely, the fine thread snapped and he wrapped his arms around her waist, his tongue and teeth touching her neck once again.
He spun her around, holding her smaller hand, while his eyes were darker than normal, “Do you want to get out of here?” That was it, the one million dollar question, the one she was thinking about the whole week. The obvious undertones in his voice, the pure raw need coming out made a shudder dart all over her body.
So she just replied how she felt, “Yes.” 
It was what he needed, his shoulders relaxing and his mouth parting, but he didn’t say anything. Instead he took the two of them to their table where the others were chatting after Bea grabbed the fallen clutch by her feet - Shells and Bob had also returned in the meantime with the officer looking a bit roughed up but extremely pleased - yanking a few notes out of his wallet and tossing on the table before anyone could tell him otherwise.
Shells sent a look to Beatrice, the smirk on the blonde’s face only growing as she lifted her drink in a ‘cheers’ watching her friend be dragged away from the club. 
Beatrice tried to keep up with Bradley, the red bottom shoes hitting the floor until they reached the sidewalk. She could only watch him trek to the parking lot, looking around trying to find his car and letting out a sound of relief when he found it. 
They reached the Bronco and Bradley stopped, his chest heaving as if he ran a marathon. He furrowed his eyebrows, then looked up to meet Bea’s eyes, “...are you sure?” he questioned quietly, “I won’t be hurt if you change your mind.”
He was asking her if she wanted to go through with this, he wanted to know if she was okay going through with this. She let out a shaky breath, feeling tears prickle up in her eyes, “I-I don’t think I’ve been so sure before.” she replies and he eases out a breath he seemed to be holding, rubbing his face with his free hand then shaking it to focus, opening the car door for her.
She was so fired up that the simple pressure of the seat against her made her whimper quietly, clenching her thighs together to the point she felt she’d cramp them. Rooster inhaled once he got inside the car, turning the ignition and driving them out of there. “My apartment is closer.” is what he said, then gritted his teeth, “Wish it was closer than it is though.” he clenched and relaxed his hands on the wheel, rolled his shoulders, even cracked his neck trying to ease some of the tension on him.
The ride seemed to take much longer than it did, the atmosphere between the two was thick, thick enough to be cut with a knife. They were both warm with nerves and want, the simple movement of their clothes on their skins enough to make their bodies react. Bradley looked up at the traffic light, the red glow mocking him, halting him to a stop. He bounced his leg anxiously, not taking his eyes away from the light, begging with everything within him that it turned green.
When it did he breathed out a ‘thank God’ knowing that it was just a few more turns until they got there. Funny thing is he doesn’t remember much after that, he just remembers pressing Beatrice to his door, kissing her inside his apartment already. It was dark, he didn’t even turn on the lights, he didn’t really care much about it to be completely honest.
He cared about dragging his hands up underneath her dress, feeling the expanse of her thigh turn onto her hip and his breathing staggered when he felt the elastic of her underwear brush the pad of his thumb. Was that lace? When he slid his hand a bit higher, she panicked for a brief second, feeling his palm reach up to touch one of the softer parts of her body. She held his wrist without thinking, breaking the kiss to look down at the floor.
“Bea…you okay?”
Her confidence faltered for a second and her eyebrows furrowed, “I…” she licked her lips, he could feel her hands trembling while holding him, “I…I don’t want to disappoint you.” she couldn’t meet his eyes. She felt terrible, being hit with so much fear and worry after having one of the best nights she had in a while.
“You’d never disappoint me.” he says quietly, but lowers his hands from her hips, “Bea, look at me.” she doesn’t and he feels her trembling get even more intense. He licks his lips, sucking in a calming breath because he knew, he knew this fear came from her ex-boyfriend telling her shit. “Gorgeous, please look at me.” she looks so scared once she lifts her eyes, she looks absolutely terrified, her chin is trembling with nervousness, “You won’t disappoint me, there’s no way in hell you’d disappoint me.” She lets out a quiet sigh, then closes her eyes with a nod, whispering such a quiet ‘okay’ he almost didn’t hear it.
So he leans down once more, kissing her forehead, then the tip of her nose, her cheekbones, her lips then going down to trace her jawline with his mouth. His hands are on her clothed waist, so he uses it to guide her through his darkened apartment, pressing gentle kisses to her skin once she removes the shoes so it’d make it easier. They walk past the couch onto the hallway that leads to his room, where he lets go of her waist to open the door, leading her inside first.
She blinks while looking around, seeing it for the very first time. Much like the rest of his apartment, it wasn’t very filled with things. There was his bed in the center of the room with dark blue sheets and extremely comfortable looking pillows, a desk in the corner with a laptop on top - next to it a pile of files with a lonely pen tossed close to them, a door that led to an ensuite bathroom and a wall closet with dark doors. 
There was a large window on the left of the bed, where she could see the moonlight trying to sneak into the room through a space on the drapes. It was a large room, very comfortable and very Rooster. “Do you like my room too? I remember you saying you liked my apartment.”
She turns to face him seeing he’s still at the door and she has gotten closer to his desk, running her fingers over the wood. He was giving her space to calm down and check her surroundings, to make sure she was safe in this room. She felt safe, she did, her wildly beating heart slowing down to a nervous beating but she was less scared than before, “Yeah, I do…” she smiles, “It’s very you.”
“Very me?” he chuckles, pushing himself from the door, “What does that mean?”
“It’s…” she pauses, inhaling with a smile, “It’s very nice, it smells nice, it’s comfortable…it reminds me of safety. That’s why it’s very you.” 
Rooster’s eyes soften, his feet stepping closer to her and he cups her chin, tilting her head up. She looks a bit more relaxed, there’s some worry shining in her eyes still but much less than it was minutes before, “Do you still want to go through with this?” she nods eagerly, “Okay, let me know if there’s anything I do that makes you uncomfortable, yeah?”
He leaned down to kiss her again, it was so soft and sweet that Beatrice felt like she was falling, his large hands slid to her waist once more where he caressed the curve of where the waist turned to hips and she sighed against his mouth. He pushed her forward a bit more, until the back of her legs touched the edge of the mattress, his lips breaking apart from hers to kiss her neck.
She gasped, wrapping her arms around his neck. She felt the tips of his fingers touching the edge of her dress, slipping under the black fabric. He pulled back to meet her eyes, asking without using words if this was okay to which she nodded, biting her lower lip. Beatrice blinks in surprise when he turns them around so he’s the one against the bed instead, lowering himself so he was seated and his eye level was right in front of her breasts. 
Those whiskey eyes of his kept looking at her while he lifted his hands even higher, once again touching the elastic band of her panties, all the while the movement pulled up the dress’ fabric to her waist. She blushed a deep red, feeling his hands contouring her curves while exposing more of her lower body. Beatrice felt like she couldn’t breathe right, even more when he rolled the fabric up to her breasts, waiting for her to remove it herself. 
She inhaled shakily, crossing her arms to pull the dress off and toss to the side. She felt a mix of emotions: she immediately wanted to cover herself up but the other part of her brain told her not to. Her hands clenched by her sides as she kept her eyes shut, only blinking them open when he placed his hands on her bare hips, pulling her to stand between his legs.
Beatrice bit her lower lip nervously, his eyes moving from her face to her chest then to the rest of her body, “...No bra?” he questioned, his voice was so hoarse, like his mouth lost all moisture when he saw her. She shakes her head negatively, the blush spreading from her cheeks to her chest.
He sucked in a breath, trying to calm himself down and not push her too hard, but God damn it she was beautiful. So fucking beautiful. He looked up at her again, making sure she could see his reactions and would be sure she’d never make him feel anything but pure adoration when it came to her. The panties were lace, lilac colored with a tiny bow in the center and flower designs on the high rise of her hips.
God he was going to die. Happily.
Rooster stood to his feet, watching her eyes follow his movement while standing in front of her. He licked his lips, “Your turn.” she looks up confusedly, “I undressed you, it’s only fair.” Beatrice felt like a lump formed on her throat when he said it, spreading his arms a bit for emphasis. She didn’t know why she was nervous, she had seen him without a shirt many times but…it was something less sensual than this, it was at a beach where others were just as less clothed than he was.
But now she was practically naked in front of him. Her face flamed up but she slowly rose her hands to unbutton his shirt, one by one the Hibiscus patterned fabric separated to show more of the skin and defined muscles of his chest, the dust of chest hair he had wasn’t as intense as she saw in some others but she liked how it connected to the patch of hair disappearing under the waistband of his jeans.
He was so…attractive. He was all hard defined muscle and she felt like she ogled him for too long, not even seeing when the shirt dropped to the floor. “Roos.” she begins, which he hums in question, “You…you are very hot.” he laughs and she’s just mesmerized at how his pectorals seem to flex when he does. He leans forward so his lips are right next to her ear, their bare chest touching, pressing a kiss right below her lobe, her smaller hands dragging down his chest until they reach his belt.
“So are you.” he replies, enjoying how goosebumps formed on her skin as she fumbled on removing his belt, the sound of the belt buckle hitting the bedroom floor followed by the sound of his fly being unzipped only made it harder for him to focus. But he had to, he wanted her to feel good with him, to not worry about anything else. His legs felt cold the moment the jeans pooled at his feet, so he kicked them aside after stepping out of them, a pile of their clothes forming by the end of the bed.  
He pressed another kiss, open mouthed, to where her jaw met her neck before his arms wrapped around her waist so he could turn them around. She whimpered his name, then once more in a questioning tone when he just lowered himself so his hands were at the back of her knees. In a quick movement he picked her up so her legs wrapped around his waist, a surprised shriek leaving her lips as he chuckled, using the momentum to lower her down on his bed.
He pushed her forward a bit on the mattress, so she’d get comfortable only to stand above her with a pleased smile on his face. Beatrice dragged her eyes down his torso to his lower body and she could see the dark briefs low on his hips and the bulge that was impressive. Very impressive. “Comfortable?” he asks above her, to which she nods with a little smile. “Good…again, let me know if anything makes you upset.”
He straddled her hips so he could tower over her body on his knees and Beatrice felt like hiding herself again, but she chose to hold onto the sheets instead. Bradley’s eyes moved languidly over her body, stopping at her breasts “You have…amazing breasts.” he says, watching them move with the rise and fall of her breathing, mesmerized. 
He licked his lips the longer he looked,but decided to lower his face to hers, kissing her. Beatrice hummed against his mouth, her hands cupping his cheeks, her thighs clenching together when he deepened the kiss. She couldn’t help but whine displeased when he breaks away, pressing a trail of open mouthed kisses starting from her neck and going down to her collar bone, looking up at her to find out she was already staring down at him.
Bradley smiled against her skin, dragging his lips down to the valley of her breasts, her ribs expanding with a sudden gasp. He continued the eye contact, moving his mouth upwards to her right breast, “Okay?” he questioned right above her right nipple, the hot air making her whimper but she nodded at him, her legs still clenched together to have some relief, but he lowered his hips to lock against hers, keeping her legs open.
He could feel a bead of sweat sliding down his temple, then dropping from the tip of his nose to her chest. She slapped the back of her hand over her mouth when he lowered his own to her breast, failing to hold back her surprised yelp. While he was busy making sure her right breast got enough attention, one of his hands stopped supporting his weight so he could run it to the side of her body.
She gasped, whimpering his name behind her hand, feeling his fingertips trail down to the elastic band of her underwear. His teeth and tongue were making it harder for her to come out with something other than quiet mewling, her cheeks turning such a bright red that she looked like a ripe tomato. Bradley let go of her breast with a soft wet ‘pop’, smiling down at her, “Still good?” she nods quickly, inhaling sharply when she felt two of his fingers tracing the outline of her lips through her underwear, “Do you want me to stop?”
“You sure?” he asks and his smile only widens when she whimpers positively, “Has anyone ever eaten you out before?” her eyes snap wide open and after a few seconds she shakes her head negatively. Rooster licks his lips, still running his fingers on her underwear, “Can I?”
“...yeah.” she says softly, her breast cold because of his saliva all over it, watching through a heavy lidded gaze as he straightened himself above her. He slid out of the bed to kneel down on the floor, pulling her hips towards him with a quick movement,her legs open and dangling over the edge of the mattress. He was face to face with her dampened panties, those were very cute panties, curling his thumbs underneath the elastic to pull them down her legs.
Beatrice doesn’t know what to do, she’s currently looking at his bedroom’s ceiling, her body shuddering with nerves as he places both of her thighs over his shoulders. She feels his hot breath hit her and she can’t even make a sound, just the feeling of his mouth touching her almost makes her tip over the edge right there, “Holy sh–” she bites the back of her hand, trying hard to control herself the best she could, “O-Oh my God…Brad..!” she doesn’t know if he can hear her because of her hand, but he just moves closer.
It’s such a strange yet unbelievably good feeling, she heaves out a breath, her eyes fluttering shut when she feels his tongue enter her, his mustache brushing against her in a way that seemed to double the amount of pleasure. Beatrice tossed her head back, her hand falling on her side as a loud moan escaped her lips, suddenly feeling him move up to give her clit some attention, rolling the little bundle of nerves between his lips. 
She whimpered again, panting heavily as she felt a known pressure forming, “B-Brad, oh God–” she couldn’t even complete her sentence, a breathless moan leaving her lips when she felt one of his fingers brushing against her entrance. She wouldn’t be able to last much longer like this. Now he had his finger and his mouth pleasing her, she could feel him moving his finger slowly inside of her letting out a pleased noise when she clenched around it.
Her unfocused eyes were not looking at his bedroom door since her head tossed back with satisfaction, tears forming by the corners and sliding down her temples only to wet the mattress. Her hands stopped clenching the sheets to come up to his head, her fingers combing through his sandy tresses, pressing his face closer to her, “Brad, please– I-I can’t!!”
It was the one sharp tug on his hair that broke the dam, the groan he let out vibrated all through her body and her eyes snapped open. Her legs clenched around his head and her back arched as her orgasm hit with full force,moaning brokenly but quietly, more tears coming out of her eyes. Her trembling hands slowly let go of his hair, her legs only remained around him because he kept them up but she felt like her body turned into jelly, getting soft and pleasantly spent. Beatrice’s lips parted as she panted loudly, her center clenching at nothing when he dropped her legs from his shoulders, his lips pressing more kisses to her heated skin until he reached her face once more.
She could barely see him through the blur of her tears, but she leaned up to kiss him the moment he got there. She didn’t care he just ate her out, she didn’t care he had her release all over his mouth. “God that was so good.” she whispered against his lips, moaning when he dipped his tongue into her mouth and she could taste herself. That was painfully hot, more than she ever thought it’d be.
“You are so good.” he replied, “Fucking delicious thing you are.” he didn’t want to tell her, but he was glad no one ever eaten her out before and that he was able to give her a good first time with it. “Could be between your legs for hours.” he says, enjoying how she giggled against his lips wrapping her arm around his neck, bringing his chest closer to hers. She whimpered, feeling there was no longer anything separating the two since his briefs were removed while she was still coming down from her orgasm.
He hovered above her with a smile, then he frowned, “Shit, hold on.” he quickly stood to his feet, which made Beatrice blink in surprise and push herself to her elbows, watching him rummage through his desk drawers then through his closet…all the while gazing at his bare ass without remorse, “God damn it, I thought I had some, they must be somewhere.”
Realization hits her and she looks back to the bedroom door, where she left her clutch on the floor somewhere, “Um, there’s some in my clutch.” some, yeah, some. “I-If you want.” he didn’t even hesitate, rushing out of the room with his feet thudding on the floor until he let out a shout of triumph, the click of the latch sounding louder before he rushed back inside the room.
“Got it,” he smiles, not trying to hide how his chest puffed up when her eyes lowered down his torso “See something you like?”
“I see a lot of things I like.” she replies, giving him a soft smile. He wasn’t massive to the point where it’d hurt her, but he wasn’t small either, clearly bigger than Eric ever was to be completely honest. She falls back on the bed as he rips the little packet open and gets prepped up, giving himself a couple of pumps just to get himself going even more. She smiled when he hovered over her again and she pushed herself to the center of the bed to give him more space.
Bradley licks his lips, looking down between them then back up at her, “You okay with me being on top?”
“I’m more than okay.” she says breathily, “I’m ready, Brad.” 
He sucks in a breath, keeping his eyes on her at all times before one of his hands disappears between the two, where he aligns himself to her entrance. She gasps, her eyebrows furrowing when he slowly pushes inside, the stretch burning yet making her see stars behind her eyelids when she closes her eyes. Her nails immediately go to his back where she digs them on his shoulder blades, creating crescent shapes on his skin. He drops his head to her shoulder, breathing heavily as soon as he bottoms inside of her, “Holy fuck you are tight.” he heaves out, “Holy fucking shit you are so tight.” She whimpers softly, but she has a little smile on her face.
“Brad…please…” Her soft voice on his ear almost makes him snap out of consciousness,but he pushes himself to his elbows so he could see her face as he moves. It’s slow at first, just enough for the two of them to get used to each other and he couldn’t help but stare at her flushed face, her half lidded eyes and red stained lips parted in silent gasps, some were whispers of his name that she repeated like a mantra. 
She couldn’t even explain how much she’s feeling, she was still sensitive from her previous orgasm, her whole body felt like it was on fire and he looked so beautiful on top of her. With his hair messed up and his face flushed, his own eyes seemed to be focused on her only and nothing else, “God…Bea…” he breathes out, groaning deeply in hi chest when she moves her hips to meet his, “Fuck…holy shit. Do you have…any idea how fucking sexy you are?”
Beatrice looks up at him with her eyes still half lidded but she makes a noise of questioning, “You are so sexy, when I saw you wearing that dress I had to control myself to not yank it up and fuck you in some corner of the bar. Would hate for that to be our first time together.” she blushed over his words, but her channel clenched around him, clearly liking the idea, “Oh you like that, do you? You like the idea of me bending you over?” another clench and a whimper leaves her mouth, “Fucking you hard? Is that what you want?”
“B-Brad!” his hips pick up the speed, and she tosses her head back in a moan, gasping when he leans down to bite her neck and lick the freshly made bruise. One of his hands drops down towards her ass, giving it a firm clench that yet again earned a pleased response out of her. He panted above her, but he smiled with a wicked idea appearing in his head: he gave her a quick little tap, not enough to be a spanking especially because he didn’t want to upset her, on her left buttcheek.
Beatrice’s moans got louder and she squeezed her thighs around his waist. It was just a love tap, but she definitely had a positive response to it. “Looks like we are figuring some of your kinks out Bea,” he mutters to her ear, enjoying how she clenched her eyes at a specific thrust, “You like being bent over, apparently you like being spanked too,” she breathed out his name yet again, “You like dirty talk don’t you?”
She nods without even noticing she did, her breathing hot and heavy on his shoulder. Bradley couldn’t even believe it, just finding out what Beatrice liked was giving him more power to go on, just imagining that what the future held for the two of them bed-wise was making his hips go faster. The bed frame started to shake with how intense their love-making was getting, but if there was one thing he didn’t care right now was to check if he’d need a new bed or not.
“Br-Brad…” God, whenever she said his name he just went crazy. “Brad, please…” her moans get choppy when his hips speed up and the sound of skin against skin echoes around them, mixing with their moaning and groaning. Bradley wrapped his arms around her waist, burying his face on her neck when his thrusts intensified, enjoying the sudden crack in her voice when he hit that special spot inside of her. She wraps her arms around his neck, both of her hands going up to his hair, his hips stuttered for a second and she couldn’t help the pleased grin on her face when he let out a loud groan. She opened her eyes just enough to see the muscle of his shoulder right in front of her eyes.
Bite it. a voice inside of her said, Bite it. She felt the pressure forming inside of her again, her moaning getting louder “B-Brad, I’m cl-close! I’m close!” 
“Fuck me too,gorgeous, me too.” he mutters against her neck. It’s one particular deep thrust that tips her over the edge, her breath hitching and her back arching like a bow as she lets out a broken moan with her whole body shuddering before she actually leans over his trapezius muscle and bites him like she wanted to the whole night with her nails dropping from his head to go down his upper back.
Bradley wasn’t expecting it, his hips stuttered once again and he groaned loudly, tightening his grip on her waist with his hips jolting forward repeatedly as he too reached the ending point of his own line. He huffed out against her neck, both of their hips still moving and spasming with aftershocks, their heavy breathing being the only thing they could hear inside the room as they slowly came down from their high.
Beatrice pulled back to see her teeth imprinted perfectly on his skin, “Oh no!Oh my God Brad!I’m so sorry!” she tried soothing the bruise with a hand, as if she hoped it’d go away if she did enough. He made a confused noise, lifting his head from her shoulder, his mustache and hair a complete mess, looking to where she was rubbing. She didn’t draw blood, thank God, but it was deep enough it’d turn purple.
“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice slurred, still drunk over the amazing orgasm he just had.
“I hurt you, I’m so sorry. D-Do you have any band-aids? Should I get some antiseptic?” she rambled while he just looked down at her with his eyes regaining their focus,a chuckle making its way out of his throat.
“Hmmm, don’t worry about it gorgeous.” he smiles, pressing a kiss to her lips, then another when she juts out her lower lip in displeasure, “Stop being cute, let me at least have a five minutes pause.” he says against her lips, loving when she took a moment to understand what he meant then laughed at him. He pulled back from her mouth to press their foreheads together, their noses smushing just a little bit, “You okay?” 
“I am more than okay.” she smiles brilliantly, her eyes shining with tears she didn’t dare to shed, “It was great, Brad.”
“Yeah, it really was…” he looked deeply into her eyes for a while, an unreadable gaze over his brown eyes, then pecked her lips one more time before he started to untangle himself from around her, “Let me just get rid of this yeah?” he says, sliding out of the bed and pressing a soft kiss to her thigh, walking bare feet to his bathroom.
In the meantime, Beatrice rolled to her side, deliciously spent and deliciously sore in the right places, watching him disappear into his bathroom with a little smile, supporting her cheek on her stretched arm. She heard the sound of his trash can opening and closing, then him washing his hands, smiling wider when he turned off the lights and walked back into the room. 
His smile never falters when he gets closer, crawling over her to press a trail of kisses from her shoulder to her neck, rubbing his mustache against her skin so she could laugh. He hummed happily, her lavender scent was no longer only on her body it was now on his sheets that he’d have a very hard time bringing himself to wash - well that scent and the other obvious one that is. He continues kissing her neck, but stops when the sudden sound of thunder makes itself known from the outside, the moon was now gone and the sky turned a deep blue.
“Hmmm…” he rubbed his face on her neck, “Looks like you’ll have to spend the night. Can’t go home in this rain.” 
Beatrice smiles softly, looking back at him, “You wouldn’t mind?” she questioned when he held his head above hers. His lips were still flushed a deeper pink from the constant kissing but the corner of his mouth lifted in a smirk.
“Nope,”  he replied just as the soft sound of rain was hitting the window “Wouldn’t mind at all.” 
They looked at each other for a little while longer, Beatrice’s hand coming up to caress the side of his face and after much time denying himself, he leaned into her touch, closing his eyes with a pleased smile. She rubbed the pad of her thumb on his cheekbone, smiling softly at him “...okay.”
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ultschan · 2 years
[7:00] "try not to burn the house."
arching an eyebrow at chan, you looked over your shoulder. there he was, trying to slip on his shoes and balancing himself as he looked at you with an amused smile.
you let out a chuckle followed by a sigh.
"that's funny because i remembered you set our food on fire two days ago. the advice should be for you." you shook your head. "why the hurry? are you going somewhere?"
"yeah, on a date."
chan, your roommate, is on his third date of the month which should be progressing a lot considering all of his stories after his day out with that someone was always something he talked to you about. he always talks about his date, about how they were such a good person and company, and how there was no second wasted when it comes to them.
here you were, being the ever supportive friend, encouraged him all the time. third dates should be the time they usually make things official— or so you think.
you turned your back on him, not wanting to let him see the disappointed look on your face. you actually planned on cooking dinner for the both of you. it was your first pay on the job that you have earlier this month so you wanted to treat him.
but it looks like the man has better plans than spending time with his roommate.
you weren't that special, really. just someone he met from 5 months ago. he had moved in after searching for the most normal and appropriate dorm near his university, a 15 minute drive from your home.
during those months, it wasn't that hard to have take a liking to chan. he was easily one of the most purest and kindest person you've ever met. on top of that, the guy was crazy talented and handsome. his personality was to die for. everyone would fall for this man.
you liked him way too fast for your liking. but honestly, you couldn't blame yourself and with someone like him, it was really bound to happen. just way too soon.
"have fun." you plainly said, trying not to show the disappointment in your voice. he chuckled and you felt his presence behind you.
he whispered. "i will." you saw his head lean over to the food you were cooking. he was too close that you had to lean back and look away, just in case he looks at you. you wouldn't want him to question the sour look on your face. "looks good. eat a lot tonight."
you nodded. "okay."
"wish me luck!" his voice fading as the approaches the door.
"okay. good luck!" and with one last breath, you heard the door close. your shoulders dropped and your mood immediately followed. "...i guess."
you took your food and went to the table. the seat in front of you as silence engulfs the atmosphere. it was lonely.
you were just a friend, a roommate. it's impossible for him to like you.
maybe you just need to start looking for somebody else.
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bing-bang-bingo · 4 years
- 4x3: c. 40:00 Cas comforts Dean after Mary makes a deal w/ Azazel
- 4x7: 15:50 Dean stops Sam from shooting Cas, then Sam mentions that he’s “heard a lot about him”
- 4x7: 39:00 Cas tells Dean he prayed he’d save the town, then he tells him about his doubts and Deans future troubles
- 4x10 & ???: Dean calls “last night on Earth” his best line. He uses this line on Cas
- 4x10: 27:15 “Castiel has this weakness. He likes you.”
- 4x10: 32:50 Cas looking jealous and sad when Dean kisses Anna
- 4x16: 7:30 Cas tells Dean he got in trouble for showing emotion and getting to close to Dean. 8:20 “I would give anything not to have you do this”
- 4x16: 39:00 Cas warns Dean to be careful while Dean is in the hospital, they discuss the first seal and saving Dean from hell
- 4x18: 31:30 Cas tells Dean how to save Sam from Lilith even though he’s not allowed to interfere
- 4x20: 38:00 Deans face when Cas tells him he “learned his lesson when he was in heaven”
- 4x22: 30:40 Cas considers rebelling for Dean. 33:00 He does. 35:20 He fights multiple Archangels for Dean
- 5x1: 5:45 Dean denies Cas’ death 8:25 “I learned that from my friend Cas you son of a bitch”
- 5x1: 31:00 Cas saves Sam and Dean from Zach
- 5x3: 6:10 Cas-“I need your help because your the only one who will help me”
- 5x3: 10:20 Dean fixes Cas’ tie and jacket
- 5x4: 38:50 “Don’t Ever Change”
- 5x8: 38:20 Dean makes Gabriel bring Cas back, then makes sure he’s okay
- 5x13: ?:?? Cas won’t let Dean meet with Anna because it’s not safe
- 5x17: 30:30 Cas and Dean discuss what it’s like to have a deadbeat dad
- 5x18: 25:15 Cas kicks Deans ass for trying to sacrifice himself
- 5x21: 3:50 Cas and Dean bickering like and old married couple then Cas gives Dean a heartfelt apology.
- 6x17: 18:55 “No you’re confusing me with the other angel, the one in the dirty trench coat who is in love with you.”
- 6x17: 38:00 Sam: “So you killed 50,000 people for us?” Cas: *looks at Dean*
- 6x19: 25:20 Bobby reassures Cas that they’ll be back soon, Cas acts like a worried and disappointed wife.
- 6x19: 36:25 Cas yelling “Dean!” when Eve bites him
- 6x19: 40:00 Dean is the only one who doesn’t think Cas is working with Crowley (he’s wrong but it’s sweet)
- 6x20: 4:50 Dean v v worried, “But Cas you’ll call right? If you get into real trouble?”
- 6:30 Crowley implies that Cas is distracted by Dean and tells him he reeks of the Impala.
- 7:20 Cas says that Dean taught him how to care and what to care about. Then Cas saves Sam (for Dean)
- 13:15 Cas says that the worst part of working with Crowley (basically his sworn natural enemy) is that it hurt Dean and that he hated lying to him.
- 25:20 Cas refuses to ask Dean for help because he has “sacrificed too much” even though it means Cas could die.
- 26:00 Crowley tells Cas he has a way for everyone to get a happy ending “with all possible entendres intended” while Cas stares longingly at Dean.
- 33:00 Dean is close to tears when he learns that Cas is working with Crowley, Cas says he did it to protect Dean.
- 35:25 “Dammit Cas we can fix this!” “Dean it’s not broken!” He then tells the boys to run from the demon cloud and Dean gives him the saddest look in the world before being forced to leave him behind.
- 38:00 Cas watches Dean sleep. “I’m doing this for you Dean. I’m doing this because of you!”
- 6x21: 22:40 “I do everything you ask. I always come when you call and I am your friend. Still despite your lack of faith in me and now your threats I’ve just saved you yet again. Has anyone but your closest kin ever done more for you?”
- 6x22: Dean to Cas- “Don’t make me lose you, too.”
- 7x2: 5:35 Dean nearly cries on screen when he thinks Cas is dead
- 7x17: Cas says “I remember ~you~” as soon as he regains his memories.
- 7x17: Cas ask why Dean didn’t tell him all the horrible things Cas did. Parallels the conversation Karen and Dean had about telling Bobby she remembered him killing her and her telling Dean that he had never been on love before.
- 7x21: The face Dean makes when he sees Cas again plus the prolonged eye contact when Cas says Deans name.
- 7x21: Hester telling Dean that when Cas first saved him from Hell he was lost- parallels- Lucifer/Jess saying she was dead the moment she met Sam.
- 7x23: 8:50 “Go ask him. He was your boyfriend first.” Meg to Dean about Cas
- 7x23: 32:45 “I’m sorry but I’d rather have you, cursed or not.”
- 7x23: 36:50 Cas steps in to protect Dean despite spending the whole season avoiding fighting and saying he won’t fight.
- 8x2: 25:00 Cas ran away to keep the Leviathans away from Dean. Dean refuses to leave purgatory without Cas.
- 8x7: 20:30 Deans reaction to seeing Cas all cleaned up.
- 8x7: Dean convinced himself that it was his fault Cas was still in purgatory because he’s a sweet idiot boy who hates himself
- 8x7: 35:00 The whole Dean and Cas conversation about purgatory and Cas doing stuff that puts him in danger.
- 8x8: 12:30 Cas just casually going through Deans stuff and Dean not saying anything.
- 8x8: 13:00 Cas offering to watch over Dean while he slept
- 8x8: 15:15 Dean talks to Cas about feelings and heaven even though Dean hates talking about feelings.
- 8x17: Cas fights Naomi’s mind control for Dean
- 8x23: 22:50 Dean and Cas sadly discuss Cas closing the doors of heaven and say goodbye
- 9x1: Dean prays to Cas and tells him he isn’t mad about the angels falling.
- 9x1: Cas’ first instinct is to explain himself to Dean then to come help him.
- 9x1: Dean begs Cas to “for once, look out for yourself.”
- 9x3: 36:45 Dean to Cas after Cas came back from the dead “Don’t you ever do that again!”
- 9x6: Literally just Dean trying desperately the whole episode to hang out with Cas
- 9x10: 26:00 Dean and Cas talk about how Cas is doing and Dean offers him a rare sincere apology. Plus the “I prefer the term ‘trusting’. Less dumb, less ass.” dialogue
- 9x18: Cas’ little smile when Dean makes a joke about Honor Bars and Cas is just so happy to hear his voice.
- 9x18: Metatron’s illusion of Gabriel calls Cas Dean’s boy-toy
- 9x18: Cas can tell something is wrong with Dean, then Cas yells at Dean about getting the Mark of Cain
- 9x22: Cas chooses Dean over all of Heaven once again
- 9x22: The Cas and Dean conversation about the three of them being enough when an army wasn’t and Cas giving up an army all for Dean
- 9x23: “I’m blaming you for taking Cas’ grace.”
- 10x1: 5:00 Cas about Dean- “I miss him.”
- 10x2: 9:00 Cas’ reaction to learning that Dean is a demon
- 10x3: The conversation between Dean and Cas at the end of the episode. “You look terrible” “You on the other hand, your looking good.”
- 10x5: Deans reaction to Cas and Dean actors hugging and holding hands
- 10x5: “Put as much sub into that text as you possibly can.” *looks directly at fake Cas*
- 10x9: 15:00 Cas tells Dean he’s a good role model. Then asks him if he’s okay and when Dean lies and says he is he pushes it further. Dean makes Cas promise to kill him if he goes Dark
- 10x22: Dean and Cas fight and parallel Cain and his Wife.
- 10x23: Dean sees Cas’ bloody face in the mirror
- 11x1: Cas being more worried about Dean than himself even though Cas is under a spell that will kill him.
- 11x2: Dean calling Cas and stressing out when he doesn’t answer
- 11x3: Dean trying to coax Cas out of the attack dog spell, refusing to fight back when Cas was attacking, freaking out when Cas took a minute to wake up, refusing to let Cas heal him (because he “had it coming”), and refusing to let Cas apologize (because “there’s nothing to apologize for”).
- 11x10: “Dean, I came as soon as you called.” Also: “Stick your tongue out.” Dean-*does*
- 11x11: Dean realizing that something is wrong with Cas (while he is possessed by Lucifer)
- 11x11: Mildred says that Dean is pining for someone else(probably meant to be a reference to Amara, but she told him this after he had seen Cas for the first time in a few days.)
- 11x14: The sadness on Deans face when he realizes Cas is Lucifer and then his determination to save Cas
- 11x15: Dean getting kinda dark when he talks about what he’s willing to do to save Cas and he prioritizes saving Cas over bearing Amara.
- 11x17: Dean once again prioritizing saving Cas over saving the world. Sam reassuring Dean that they’ll save Cas (even though Dean didn’t say anything about what was upsetting him)
- 11x17: The camera zooming in on Dean after Michelle says that there is no normal after losing the man you love.
- 11x18: Dean refuses to put Lucifer in the cage or let him fight Amara while using Cas as his vessel.
- 11x18: The difference in the way Dean looks at Lucifer vs at Cas
- 11x18: Dean about Cas: “Lets go find that idiot and bring him home.”
- 11x19: Dean has been looking for leads non stop for a week since Amara took Cas
- 11x21: Amara uses Cas’s heart to find Dean, then shows Dean images of Cas beaten and bloodied to convince him to turn against Chuck
- 11x23: Dean’s face when he realizes Cas is back and Lucifer is gone.
- 11x23: Dean tells Cas he isn’t stupid and that he always helps
- 11x23: Cas: “Dean are you okay? How do you feel?”
- 11x23: Cas hugging Dean super tight before he goes off to die. Dean entrusting his life’s purpose (look after Sam) then thanking him for everything.
- 12x1: Cas seeing that Dean is alive and hugging him while his voice breaks.
- 12x1: Cas taking the job Dean have him very seriously
- 12x2: Dean adorably venting to Cas about his mommy-issues
- 12x3: Dean- “Morning sunshine want some coffee.” Cas- “No thank you.”
- 12x7: “Well at least I don’t look like a lumberjack.” They are such husbands
- 12x7: “Engaged in what Cas? killing you?”
- 12x8: Cas being so worried about what happened to Sam and DEAN that Kelly escaped.
- 12x9: Mary-“You left them!” Cas- *voice breaking* “Dean told me to go!” Also, just Cas looking so hard for them.
- 12x9: Cas blaming himself for Sam and Dean being taken
- 12x9 Cas knowing how long the boys have been gone down to the hour.
- 12x9: Cas’s voice and eyes when he hears Dean’s voice on the phone.
- 12x9: Cas killing Billie because “You mean too much to me” and “The world needs as many Winchesters as it can get.”
- 12x10: Poor Sam having to deal with Cas and Dean while they fight like an old married couple.
- 12x10: Dean immediately telling Ishim to go to hell when he insults Cas
- 12x10: Sam telling Dean to go to Cas when Dean thought Cas was in trouble
- 12x10: Cas immediately believing Dean about Ishim even though they’re mad at each other. Dean about to let Ishim kill him to save Cas.
- 12x10: Ishim comparing Dean and Cas’s relationship to Ishims relationship with his human lover, then saying he was going to cut Cas’s human weakness
- 12x11: “And Cas is my best friend.”
- 12x12: Dean about Cas- “My shy but devastatingly handsome friend here...”
- 12x12: Dean stressing out and voice breaking as he tries to comfort poisoned Cas
- 12x12: *looking at Dean* “I love you.” Then adds “I love all of you”
- 12x12: Cas- “Run.” Dean- “Cas, no.”
- 12x12: The look Dean gives Cas when he won’t stop staring at him after he’s healed.
- 12x14: Dean says some very harsh stuff to Mary after finding out the reason they Cas almost died at the lake house was because Mary was working for the British Men of Letters
- 12x15: Dean could tell something was up with Cas after talking to him for less than a minute, over the phone.
- 12x18: Sam trying to make Dean feel better about not hearing from Cas.
- 12x19: Dean literally always acting like a scorned wife when Cas comes back after long periods of time
- 12x19: Dean made Cas a mixtape
- 12x19: Cas- “I ~needed~ to came back here with a win for you.”
- 12x19: Cas- *gesturing between Dean and himself* “You mean... we?” Dean- “Yes, dumbass, we.”
- 12x23: Dean screaming for Cas when he attacks Lucifer and trying to chase after him forcing Sam to drag Dean back through the rift. A direct parallel to Dean pulling Sam away from Jess and the fire in Pilot
- 12x23: Dean kneeling next to Cas’s dead body looking up at the sky completely devastated.
- 13x1: Dean couldn’t bring himself to say dead when referring to Cas
- 13x1: Dean PRAYED to GOD to bring Cas back
- 13x1: “We just lost ~everything~. And now you’re gonna bring ~him~ back.”
- 13x1: Dean personally wrapping Cas’s body and giving him a hunters funeral.
- 13x1: The look of complete devastation on Dean’s face when he burns Cas’s body.
- 13x3: Dean refusing to help save Jack because he blames him for manipulating Cas and getting him killed.
- 13x4: The Empty to Cas: “I know what you love, what you fear. There is nothing for you back there.” He loves Dean and Cas fears that Dean doesn’t love him back.
- 13x5: Sam being worried about Dean who has given up all hope since Cas died.
- 13x5: Dean being so distressed thinking Cas is gone forever that he tries to kill himself
- 13x5: Dean seeing Cas alive again and they both have tears in their eyes.
- 13x6: Dean hugging Cas and saying he’s been gone for “too damn long”
- 13x6: Dean being immediately happier and nicer to everyone once Cas is back
- 13x6: Cas saying “Yes. Yes, he does” (in response to Jack saying Dean really likes cowboys) with the tone of an exhausted spouse.
- 13x6: “I told you, he’s an angry sleeper. Like a bear.”
- 13x6: Dean made Cas watch Tombstone with him.
- 13x6: Dean and Cas dresses like cowboy husbands.
- 13x6: Cas saying “I’m your huckleberry” to Dean in a deep accent and Dean looking away.
- 13x6: Their undercover names are Russel and Kilmer
- 13x14: The whole scene where Cas and Dean fight Gog/Magog and act like an old married couple.
- 13x14: The angry, dark look Cas gives Donatello when he tries to kill Dean
- 13x16: “Dean has him by the thigh!” Cas, jealously: “He ~what~?”
- 13x16: “and that includes the Cartwright twins.” Cas, again jealously: “what did you do with the Cartwright twins?”
- 13x19: Cas angrily confronting Naomi about forcing him to kill a bunch of Dean clones.
- 13x21: Cas secretly sliding Dean more pizza when Mary and Sam left the room.
- 13x21: Cas having to hold Dean back from going after Sam. Dean would have beat the shit out of anyone else who tried to stop him.
- 13x23: Cas trying to stop Dean from giving himself to Michael even if it meant losing Sam AND Jack
- 13x23: Cas sitting alone in the bum jet with tears in his eyes after Dean left
- 14x1: Demon: “How is it you lost Dean. I thought you two were joined at the... everything.”
- 14x1: Dean trying to save Cas from Lucifer then vs Cas trying to save Dean from Michael now
- 14x3: The look that Dean and Cas give each other when Dean comes home.
- 14x9: Cas almost being happy seeing Dean happy. And then having to force himself to not be happy so he doesn’t die.
- 14x12: Cas being phased at Dean for wanting to put himself in the box with Michael forever
- 14x14: Cas is the only Dean will let talk to him about Michael and be honest about how Dean feels
- 14x14: “No, it’s on us.”
- 14x14: Cas’s voice breaking when he talks about the possibility of Dean dying one day.
- 14x18: The pure self loathing in Cas’s eyes when he feels like he failed Dean by not telling him about Jack’s soul.
- 15x2: “You asked ‘what about all of this is real?’ We are.” THE MOST ROMANTIC LINE EVER. (Plus later Eileen and Sam have the same conversation but they get to kiss because homophobia)
- 15x9- 20:00 Dean said that they lost everyone they cared about, then added Cas specifically. Then he says “I had to bury him” not “we”
- 15x9- 23:00 Dean cries when he can’t find Cas. Then he prays to him and apologizes for letting him go. He falls to his knees praying to him and fully crying
- 15x12: “I created the world.” *shows Destiel*
- 15x15: This time when Dean sees Cas leaving the bunker, he stops him. (In reference to Cas saying “you didn’t stop me” when Dean got mad at him for leaving)
- 15x16: This is the the only version of Cas that rebelled for Dean. This universe is literally being saved repeatedly because of Cas’s love for Dean
- 15x18: CAS CONFESSES HIS LOVE TO DEAN then goes to mega hell for being gay
Anyway, Cas loves Dean and Dean LOVES HIM BACK, OKAY?!?!? Feel free to add more
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nctdreamcokr · 2 years
-‘ always precious ’-
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a cold war. it’s how chenle described it within the group, well, except when he’d be talking to either jaemin or yanna. but in jeno’s point of view, it was simply his bestfriends being too shy to approach each other after a long time of being… distant. nctzens notice it, of course they do. everybody does. but it wasn’t a fight, since they do talk. it was just.. again, distant. unusual to the jaemin and yanna they’ve been through the years.
but, the members couldn’t blame them. jaemin and yanna were bestfriends since 15 and 14 respectively, had feelings for each other, one moving on and the other having to act like he did when he didn’t, had to confront unsaid feelings and basically had to move forward adruptly from the whole fiasco for the sake of the group. to add, jaemin had to watch his first love be in a relationship with one of his bestfriends. and yanna had to act like it’s all normal when she beats herself up everyday about the chaos she caused within the group.
both feelings eating them alive for more than a year, making them unable to function as bestfriends anymore. at a point, jeno even brought up that they seemed so much like co-workers. which bothered yanna, so she tried. and jaemin did too, causing a more awkward air for them during “universe” promotions. because despite trying to bring “them” back, it wasn’t the same thing as actually talking about why things turned out the way they did.
that’s why, glancing at the members walking out the practice room and wondering why yanna didn’t seem like she was going home, jaemin put his foot back in his shoe. jeno noticed it, but kept quiet as he stood up and approached the girl.
“which move?” the pink-haired boy asked her, the girl immediately responding with their point choreography slowly— afraid that she was butchering it.
“i feel like i look dumb doing it”, she admitted, looking at the mirror and accidentally locking eyes with jaemin. jeno hummed for a while, thinking of a way to make the girl feel more at ease with the move. the scene was all too familiar to the two 00-liners, it took them back to yanna’s start of training with them. after she was told she’d be debuting in nct dream.
back then, yanna was too precious to be forced to move her body the same way they’re asked to. she was a good dancer, but it’s not news that the female trainees are asked to dance a softer way than the male ones. back then, at least. so to jeno and jaemin, they made it their duty to help the girl not have a harder time than usual. she wasn’t oblivious to that, but she was on the way jaemin’s worriedly looking at her as she stomped her foot in frustration— annoyed at how her body looks on their current choreography.
“you’re fine, you probably just feel weird”, the samoyed-eyed boy mumbled. he came up behind her and helped her focus on which body parts she should move to make her feel less awkward, pointing towards her shoulder and her waist. while the other was busying himself with his shoe, despite already leaving it on for the second time.
yanna’s gaze never left the floor, although focused on jeno’s words as her breath was getting heavier. the boy tried to ignore her sniffling, knowing for a fact that the girl would eventually talk if she wanted to. but as her shoulders shook in between small sobs, his hand involuntarily went to her back to comfort her. it wasn’t surprising, renjun did mention that the group’s resident cheerleader was having a hard day. but like they all know from six years of being her friends, ‘don’t ask unless she wants to tell’.
yet if there’s something jaemin knew differently than them, it’s that yanna doesn’t like being asked because she feared piling on other people’s problems. she’d rather keep it all to herself if that meant she’d be saving everyone from making adjustments for her. he wasn’t sure who else knew that about her, but it was always one of the reasons why the girl always seemed precious to him. no matter how distant they are and how fast time flies.
it took him a second to realize that jeno was leaving, mumbling about how the boy will get her some water while signaling the other to watch over yanna. and as the door closed, silence filled the air. unlike how other people think, it wasn’t awkward. but it did pain him to hear her sobbing quietly and not move even an inch.
so he did. finally taking his shoes off and placing them on the side, he calmly walked over to sit beside her on the floor. both leaning on the mirror and absentmindedly letting their arms touch for the first time in a while, the girl treating it like a warm hug as her tears rolled down even more.
“why are you crying?”, jaemin tried to ask playfully. the tone made her scoff, noting in her head that the boy was talking to him the same way he would always talk to jisung. but in a way, she felt comforted.
“what if i fuck this up and it ends up not doing as great as last year?” she mumbled her worries, still sniffing a bit. the doe-eyed boy looked at her, frowning.
“when have you ever fucked a dance up, yanna?” he asked, almost deadpanning. his mouth was rising up a bit, unexplainable in a way since he was only staring at the girl who looked like she was on the verge of laughing yet his reddened eyes were on full view. she looked funny yet pityful if you didn’t know her well enough, but jaemin did.
“you practice hard. you probably just feel weird because the dance is weird! who would dance like that on a dance off in the streets? or for free style? people would laugh before they even start clapping” he started ranting, piling on even more as yanna started snorting. he missed this. but for some reason, it felt different. not in a bad way.
“what?” yanna asked, noticing how jaemin paused for a second and smiled at her.
“i missed you”, he admitted. the girl could only sigh and rest her head on the other’s shoulder. and like jaemin realized before, it felt different. it was a different kind of happy, and probably the one chenle and jisung have talked to him about in random conversations wherein the two would be gushing about something incredibly random yet definitely similar.
“i’m sorry…” she mumbled, finally acknowledging the elephant inside the room. after more than a year.
“i wanted to let you deal with your feelings on your own, but then… i wasn’t sure how to ask if it was gone and it felt selfish to ask for you to be back as my bestfriend. i wanted us to come back naturally, but then.. i guess we both chickened out a bunch of times”, she continued. her tears rolling down her cheeks and into the boy’s shirt— he didn’t mind, a sad smile on his lips as the girl talked.
“you’re more than just a first crush or love, you’re my bestfriend. and i didn’t know if it was fair to want you back as one…”
on jaemin’s shoulder, pouring her heart out, was yanna huang. his first love. the girl who walked into his life and made a mark on it, teaching him the difference between platonic and romantic love. the one who gave him his first heartbreak as well. but despite that, his heart was happy having her back. happy that she was finally comfortable enough to lean on him again.
this was what jisung and chenle always talked about. that happy feeling when yanna asks jisung to do something and gets happy when he accomplishes it. that satisfied feeling chenle gets when yanna asks for a push or a bit of advice from him and follows it. the warmth the both of them feel when yanna’s in a mood and only likes talking to them instead of the other five.
it was entirely different to how renjun shared how happy he felt everytime him and yanna would go on dates. that he no longer finds offensive to know about.
yanna was precious then, as a trainee who knew no one but jaemin’s friend jeno. and yanna was still precious now, as his co-member for almost six years, his friend’s girlfriend, his bestfriend’s bestfriend and of course, his bestfriend. yanna’s always precious, no matter what role she’ll end up having in jaemin’s life.
“we’re bestfriends, yanna. we can always go back to being that.”
➻ requests are always open!
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