#i just wanted to figure out how to draw his hair but then i got carried away
Murder Drones Fanfic - A Mother's Wrath, A Father's Softspot, and Brave Girl
Tessa and J were in the library drawing pictures together laying on the floor. It had maybe been a week or two since J had been built and assigned to be Tessa's drone.
The 9 year old held up a doodle of her and J as slightly square-ishly shaped dogs. She giggled as she kicked her feet back and forth, "I drew us as Bluey dogs!"
J looked up from her drawing of a little shadowy girl with a beautiful white unicorn. "That's really good, Tessa," J encouraged warmly, "I'm really proud of you."
Tessa glanced over curiously. "What are you making, J?" she giggled, being a little nosy by slightly raising herself up onto her knees and elbows to get a better view.
The worker drone with the synthetic white ponytails finally relinquished and showed Tessa the drawing. "It's silly, it's nothing special..."
Tessa sat upright in a criss-cross-apple-sauce way before picking up the drawing and admiring it. "WOWIE! THAT'S SO PRETTY!" she exclaimed before explaining, "And I love the unicorn! Unicorns are the best horses!"
J sat up right, moving closer to Tessa. "Well, it's a rainy day today. Do you know what that means?"
Tessa trilled excitedly as she side hugged J, "We get to watch the archive of Bluey videos!" She packed up her art supplies and ran over to the part of the library where there was a television for watching movies and shows.
The two had spent the last 30 minutes watching episode after episode together, sitting on the floor together, laughing at the antics of the Heeler family. The Maid drone and her favourite human were in the middle of watching the episode about Bingo dreaming of being in space with her stuffed rabbit when Louisa walked into the library so she could read her true-crime novellas.
J quickly turned off the episode and whispered to her favourite human, "Tessa, I think we should get out of here, you know how your mother gets when she's in the library."
The young Elliott heiress nodded and took J's hand to try to sneak out of the library. She looked worriedly left and right as she reached the edge of the row of books before she started to bring J along with her.
"Just about home free..." Tessa whispered to J, the two were almost to the doors of the library when...
"TESSA JAMES ELLIOTT!" the Elliott Family matriarch shouted.
The ebony haired girl turned around, meeting her mother's gaze. "Oh.... h-hi Mother, we were just leaving.."
"You know the rules, young lady! And so should your drone!" Louisa snapped cruelly as she slammed her book down on the table.
Tessa flinched, hugging onto J like a scared koala. "W-we were leaving... honest!"
Louisa stood up, storming over to the girl and her drone, looming over the two like an ominous obelisk before she commanded, "Let go of your robot, Tessa."
Tessa held strong, refusing to let go of J. "NO!"
J hugged Tessa back and whispered, "Tess, you should probably listen."
Tessa shook her head no, making her braids fly back and forth. "I'm not letting go, J, you didn't do anything wrong."
Tessa didn't want to let go, she didn't care.
Louisa slapped Tessa hard, sending her flying back.
J looked on in horror at what happened, she went to run over to her favourite human who's right cheek was now red from the slap, when she was picked up by the back of her maid dress. She struggled a bit but gave up, letting herself be held like that to avoid any further punishment.
Tessa pleaded, "Mother no! It's not J's fault. Please, please!" trying to chase down her maternal figure who was walking with J towards the cellar door.
Louisa yanked open the cellar door and dropped J down onto the floor and commanded, "MARCH DOWN THE STAIRS, THAT'S A CORPORATE ORDER!"
J looked back at Tessa, her expression almost emotionless, save for a worried frown. She turned away from her favourite human and marched herself down the stairs, she didn't have a choice.
Tessa stared up at her mother, tears filling her eyes as she watched the woman lock the door. "W-we were trying to leave..." she sniffled, holding her face where it was sore.
"Do you think I care?" Louisa barked at her daughter, towering over the little girl like a monster, "You know the rules, when I use the library, no one else is allowed in! NOW GET OUT OF HERE OR YOU'LL BE OUT IN THE RAIN UNTIL YOUR FATHER GETS HOME."
The ebony haired 9 year old girl ran out of the room, too scared to scream or cry, her heart was breaking. Tessa hid in a closet under the grand staircase, pulling her knees into her chest and crying, since she didn't want her mother to find her crying.
J meanwhile, was in the dark and lonely basement of the Elliott Manor. She was distraught after everything she saw, and yet, she didn't feel much at all. "Corporate's spoken," she whispered to herself, the dark barely brightened by the LED light coming from the backs of her hands and her LED eyes. She walked around the dusty and cold space used for storing barrels of wine and rum as well as extra chairs for the ballroom. "Looks like this is home until Boss gets back."
J sat on the basement stairs and sighed, she wished she could've done something to protect Tessa, but, she couldn't do anything to disrespect her employers.
After some minutes of quiet brooding, the silver haired drone girl could hear gentle sobs coming from somewhere. She followed the echo that to J sounded like a precious angel crying to a vent in the ceiling. The maid looked up through the air duct into a dark room. "Is someone there?" J asked softly, she knew it was Tessa but, she wanted to not startle the little girl.
The girl in the room above stopped her sobbing and looked to the grate on the floor beside her. "H-hello?" she sniffled as she looked down, eventually seeing her favourite and only drone's eyes through the dark. "J.... I'm so sorry... I should have listened," she sniffled, her heart heavy with remorse.
J had her chance now, to get back a Louisa for hurting Tessa, J thought for a bit and instructed firmly but kindly, "Tessa, remember the story of Little Red Riding Hood?"
Tessa let out a small and sorrowful "mm-hmm" in response to J's question.
The maid drone called up through the small air shaft, "How she was a big brave girl when the wolf was going to eat her, and she hit him in the stomach with a table lamp and went to get help from the lumberjack?"
"Tessa, I'm going to need you to be a big brave girl and sneak into your Dad's office and phone him."
Tessa went silent for a bit and started crying again. "B-but I'm scared... I don't have you to protect me... what if Mother catches me? A-a-and how will I get into Father's office, he locks it when he's working or away."
"She won't if you're careful," J insisted pleading the sorrowful girl above, "Get to the ballroom's kitchen and use the dumbwaiter to get up to his office, "
Tessa responded with a little laugh at the word dumbwaiter, yet her voice still wavered with sorrow, "What's a dumb waiter?"
J couldn't help but smile a little at her favourite human's giggle, responding back caringly, "It's the little elevators the manor uses for food, the ones you hide in when we play hide and seek." She asked again, "So, are you going to be a big brave girl for me?"
Tessa responded, her voice still a little shaky from crying, but more sure of herself and the goal now, "I'll do it... I'll be a big brave girl for you, Jaybird..." She reached her little hand as far down as it'd go into the short air vent.
J reached up into the small duct, her finger tips just tapping Tessa's. "You can do this, I believe in you... Get to your Father's desk and call him from the phone and tell him everything.
Tessa pulled her hand back and whispered into the vent, "I'm going to go be brave now, thank you, Jaybird, you always know what to say." She stood up as tall as she could, dusting off her black overall dress and opened the closet door carefully. She looked around the room to ensure no one was there, she looked over to the library, seeing the frosted pane doors to the library still closed. She made her way along the wall carefully to make sure that if her mother was looking out the door that the movement wouldn't be as detectable. Once she got to the blindspot of the library doors, she took off her shoes and hurried to the ballroom, knowing that socks made far less noise from her midnight sneak-downs to the kitchen for cookies.
Tessa walked by one of the mirrors in the small corridor to the ball room and saw a small purple ovular bruise on her right cheekbone. She ran her thumb over it, pretending it was a battle stripe that she had painted on herself, and headed into the ballroom, doing her best to not step on the creakier floorboards along the edges of the room. Some maid drones were chatting as they worked polishing silverware. "Like I said 77, it's just dreadful, poor 1001, she's been having back issues, and not even Reginald can figure out how to fix that." 117 interjected, "Could you imagine having to dust the hallways with a hunched back from a damaged spine?"
Tessa dropped to the ground and crawled under some tables to get through without being spotted. She knew if any drone saw her, they'd want to chat, and that would get her caught in a heart-beat. She crawled out from one table and tucked and rolled to another one like a little spy, making her way carefully over to the curtains along the wall. She stood up as she made her way behind them.
A little hunched over maid drone hobbled by the curtains, her little voice greeting to her coworkers, "Oh... hello ladies," she held a hand on her back, "Alright, I've finished sweeping the vestibule... any idea what else I could do?"
Tessa peeked out from the curtains seeing the unnamed drone who always turned a blind eye when she went to steal cookies from the pantry but couldn't keep a secret very well. She held her breath.
"You could dust the curtains," 77 suggested.
1001 smiled at the idea and started walking over to the curtains after picking up a rubber carpet-beater. She did her best to hobble over to the curtains, happy to be able to do a job despite her disability.
Tessa shuffled as quick as she could while trying to not make the curtains move too much. "Shoot!" she whispered as she was just shy of the edge of the curtain, turning back to see 1001 glancing at her from the curtains' other side.
"Hello, Miss Tessa!" 1001 greeted happily, waving in the direction in which she saw the girl, only for when the curtain moved for Tessa not to be there, "Oh... I must be seeing things...."
Tessa was under the table closest to the curtains, she had another 5 feet to go before she could get into the dumbwaiter. She had to do something... anything to distract the drones. She looked around for anything she could throw. There was no cutlery under the tables, not even a ball-bearing. She thought and thought before she realized she'd have to take a risk and pull the table cloth and knock the vase over on her table. She got out from under the table, kneeling at the edge to stay hidden. The little girl breathed in and out and shook the table cloth, making the small vase with a single rose tip over and spill.
The drones began looking around for the source of the sound. Tessa dove for the kitchen door and slid around the corner, leaving the 3 maid drones to assess the table and the mysteriously knocked over vase. She clambered up through the little square hole in the wall into the cubby of the little elevator. She closed her eyes as she pressed the button on the outside of the dumbwaiter and pulled her arm back in as the tiny lift made it's way up. Tessa exhaled, feeling she was in the clear, until... she heard a distinct voice coming from the room below the office, as she rode up in the elevator shaft. It seemed that Louisa had gone back to her personal study to get something. "M-mother..." Tessa worried to herself, "She's on the floor below Father's office..." she insisted strongly to herself in a whisper, "I can't back down now, I need to be a big brave girl and save Jaybird." She climbed out of the window-frame entrance of the dumbwaiter and began shuffling herself across the floor still in her socks. She made it to her Father's desk and stood on her tippy toes to grab the receiver. She pressed the button on the older style landline to get a-hold of her father directly as she thought to herself, "Why do we still have a landline, those are over 1020 years old."
The phone hummed slightly as she held the receiver up to her ear, hoping to get through to her father. She prayed softly to herself, keeping her eyes shut, and then...
"Hullo! Office of James Elliott, James speaking!" the man's voice echoed through the speaker. Tessa spoke up in her little Aussie voice, doing her best to still be mostly quiet, "Father... I... I need you to come home."
"Hullo Tessa," he greeted in a friendly tone before he sounded a little annoyed, "I really can't right talk right now though. I have a lot of paperwork to do."
"N-no wait", Tessa pleaded into the phone, trying to say quickly but also quietly, "Father... Mother, she... she got mad and took away, J.." Tessa explained further, her voice getting shaky with tears, "She hit me, and now I'm unsupervised."
"Uh huh, I see..." James' voice echoed through the phone, his tone becoming more serious, "Well, I thank you for telling me what's going on, Tessa, but I won't be home for a little bit."
Tessa got scared, her voice getting louder as she pleaded, "Father, please!"
All of a sudden, there was the sound of a woman shouting from the floor below and the sound of footsteps. Tessa left the phone off the receiver and climbed back into the dumbwaiter to try to escape.
When Louisa eventually reached James' room with a key, she saw the phone hanging off the hook, emitting a dial tone, and no one in the office at all.
Tessa hid once more in the under-the-stairs storage closet to stay hidden from her mother. She waited in hiding until her Father got home, listening to the shouting match ensue outside of the closet where she and J held hands through the small opening in the floor to keep Tessa from crying. She eventually emerged from hiding once she heard her James Elliott, the CEO of JC Jensen call out for her. "I'm here, Father.. I'm sorry Father," she greeted, slightly bowing out of respect.
The Aussie man in the top hat approached his 9-year-old daughter and soothed, "Oh, Tessie. I'm so sorry for what happened today." He picked her up into his arms, before he laughed, "Crikey! You're becoming a big croco aren't you?" He looked to her face and saw the now darkened bruise. He frowned. "Oh Tessie... I'm so sorry,"
Tessa couldn't help but laugh a little, drying her few tears. She pleaded, as she looked into her Father's more bold greyish eyes, "Can you let J out of the basement?"
James sighed sternly, "Of course, let's go together, alright?" He scowled as he walked along carrying his daughter, "I am very upset at your mother, she should know that you're too young to be left all alone. That's why we built J, so you'd have someone to watch you."
Tessa leaned her head against her father's. "I... I was really scared... but, J called out to me from the basement and told me to be a big brave girl."
James stopped walking and he couldn't help but smile. He ruffled Tessa's hair, messing up her already messy bangs, before he chimed in, "Well, I'm not exactly happy you called me away from work, but I'm glad I could help. You're going to be the boss some day, young lady," he put his top hat on Tessa's head over top of her bow.
Tessa giggled and clung to her dad like a little koala. "I am?"
"Of course y'are, so it's good you're practicing being brave now. CEO's have to be brave, you daft little dingo. Best part, you'll get to have all the drone listen to you, and you can put anything in your tea that you like," he suggested, implying his addiction to adding vodka or rum to his morning tea.
The girl's innocent mind went immediately to the thought of putting 10 lumps of sugar into strawberry tea and she giggled.
The two finally made it to the library and James approached the door, hearing the sound of kicking. "I command you stop, drone!" James hollered at the door before he realized it was Tessa's robot and it wasn't really his place to get mad at J for trying to break down the door to come save Tessa.
"J! I called in the cavalry!" Tessa shouted to the hatch on the floor, she gave her father's hat back and hopped down from his arms.
J called out from the cellar door, "I'm so proud of you, Miss Tessa."
The JC Jensen CEO handed Tessa the key to the lock and stood back as he watched his daughter open the door. He smiled happily, watching J run up the stairs and pull his daughter into her arms, lifting the girl into the air before pulling her into a big hug. "J, you're a very good and protective drone."
J set down Tessa beside her and stood tall as a reaction to the validation from her boss. "All in a day's work, sir," she proclaimed proudly, making a small two finger salute to James.
The well-dressed Aussie man closed the basement door and suggested to Tessa happily, "Well, how's about we make you another drone, so J has a helper."
J and Tessa liked the sound of that, both saying in unison, "Yes please!"
It had been a week, and the new drone was starting to get on J's nerves. J, the new little butler drone, and Tessa were in the library drawing Bluey characters. J scoffed at N's drawings, "You really aren't good at art are you?"
N chimed in proudly, "I know, but I'm good for a drone that's one week old!" He looked up to the girl with the ebony braids and the romper dress with brass buttons.
"That's the important thing!"
The three heard Mrs Elliott's footsteps approaching the library.
Tessa gathered up her art supplies and papers and hid them behind some books. She whispered to her drones, "Brave squad, it's time to go. N, you're on distract mode."
N took a microfibre cloth out from under his hat.
Tessa let out a little quiet giggle upon seeing the drone's little bald head. "We're going to have to give you some hair later, N," the little Aussie admitted before she was hoisted up by J onto the maid drone's shoulders.
J whispered to Tessa as she started walking briskly with the girl sitting on her shoulders, "Come along, kiddo! Let's get you to safety."
N ran over to Mrs Elliott's favourite place and dusted off the table.
Louisa approached, raising an eyebrow in annoyance at the butler.
N bowed politely and greeted, "Good Morning Mrs. Elliott, enjoy your reading. Would you like some tea?"
The wicked hearted matriarch of the Elliott household's stern expression softened slightly as she was taken aback by the drone being polite. "Chamomile, strong brew, two tablespoons of cream, and don't forget a table spoon of honey," she informed sternly.
N nodded and headed on his way out of the library. Once he caught back up with J and Tessa, the three all looked at each other with serious expressions.
The 9-year-old girl started giggling at how well their plan had went, she hopped off of J's shoulders and pulled N and J into a group hug. She squealed with delight and informed to her favourite butler and maid, "Ooooh! I love you two so much! You're my bestest friends!"
N smiled to J who just rolled her LED eyes before she nudged him with her elbow.
The End
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This was meant to be a sketch.....
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iizuumi · 1 year
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Hi I love him so much
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sysig · 5 months
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Getting closer, getting really close now I swear (Patreon)
#Doodles#Just Desserts#Villainsona#True Villainy AU#Just ignore how many times I've said that up to this point lol - I'm serious this time!#I always feel so bad designing TVAU outfits because Charm is always so miserable as a model haha#Could this be a contributing factor as to why it's taken so long?? No I enjoy drawing her like that lol#Made some design notes about the important elements of what I want for her True Villain look - more than just ''Her but Kaiein influence''#I'd still really like a nod to dragon scales of some kind but honestly her classic design is more that#Always going on about her spider theming how to make it dragony! It's the one thing I'm still hung up on lol#As for the rest I think it's Really getting close :) I got to actually turn her little ''shawl'' - I always knew it was Kaiein-related -#Into something that properly mimics his shape! It's all controlled by her tho it's not a part of his body - just magic-infused matter#Made to look like him so there's still that creep factor but it's more her body than his - she can control its shape :D#And I got to keep the jewels! Yesss - made it a motif! Now it's also on her hips and knees to break up her visual space yes very good#It's drips :) Y'know - like ink :) Finally figured that one out lol good job setting up my own symbolism me#And then some elegant drapey bits to match her ''shawl'' and continue to break up her space!! Yes! Good!!#I still haven't decided on a colour palette I think black and white is too obvious and too Kaiein but hmmm - she has a lot of colours#Lots of options to pick from but which is the Correct one - her hair would stay pink so maybe some of her pinks or purples#I'll play with some digital swatches later :)#I'm also so glad I could implement the hood design from one of the scrapped outfits ah <3 I love her in a hood she's so cute#I'm rather pleased with the way the spider web design breaks up her form as well - it's more subdued than the full bottom/shoes stripes but#It's also not very clear here lol the long ones that all the way down to her feet are the third from the center ignore that second one#The second lines out from the center host her wings! Very important!#Kinda reminds me of my holosona in a way actually :0 They /are/ both Evil-aligned hmmmm#All the more reason to colour palette! Differentiate the colours in my head#Really do feel like I'm approaching it now fdjsklafd getting close now!!
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airawisteria · 11 months
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iiscpr · 6 months
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more bullshit
#this is such a good way to spend my time Im so fucking busyyyy#this also actually made me realise that its the second time ive drawn denmark as patrick/christian bale and its like. well its true but im#insane also#ive been wanting to do the fernanfloo meme for 50 years though because that most litearlly is already his outfit#but well anyways i got to give him a spiffy alternative fancy outfit that im kind of obsessed with#it may be that he doesnt have his stupid headband for 5 minutes or the bullet wound swagger but well i like him#litearlly no body is going to understand the context of the first meme until like. 6 volumes of my comic come out im crazy#well whatever. its for me ok.#i should have been working on my berserk drawing but instead.#my ranting#do you guys understand how long it took me to find the christian bale image without the goth bugs bunny i wanted to kill myself#then all i had to do was google ''christian bale so cunty'' and the second image on google was the fucking post...like goddd#''why is denmark in heaven'' well because the inbetween is all clouds so the backgrounds always are white please pleaspelaplseplease#i know i backed myself into a cornerrr thereee but pleaseee#Pleaseee#with that logic he should also be wearing completely white clothes unless theyre his normal outfit but i figured that would look Really Wei#Weird so i didnt do it#im aware no one cares and im inflicting these rules upon myself ok well the illness#...which is why i also tried to fit kyles binder beneath the dress which he would never wear bc of the dysphoria but i figured ok well. idk#the binder was built into the dress or something idk idk dont think about it too hard#''dont think about it too hard'' is the hardest thing 4 me. well i will think about it soo hard unfrotuantely#its 5 am#my art#kyle batillo#denmark newman#kar#it feels really weird to draw the 2 of them without ilya there. its like going to a hotel without the cuck chair.#like wheres my beautiful third wheel scowling in the background#cady will you tell him his hair looks sexy pushed back OK SORRY i should rewatch meangirls. for the millionth time#sad you cant see his giant gauges bc hair is covering but just remmeber theyre there k drew them.....
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tonariofjananda · 1 year
Good night, sweet prince.
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Based off @alphaofdarkness ‘s Wing! AU
#Bonchien Nicoli La Tasty Peach Uralis#Bonchien#my art#To Your Eternity#Fumetsu No Anata E#To You The Immortal#AHHHHHH didn’t get a chance to cross post this cuz I was at a 3 hour movie lol waaaaaaah!!! I been thinking bout him all day!!!#actually it’s kind of fitting to post this rn it’s nightime where I’m at#anyway#I would have lined and/or colored this in (that was the plan actually) but I fell in love with how soft it was#like I was gonna draw him with his full armor too but I realized belatedly I didn’t want to figure out how that would work with his wings 😭#and so I left him shirtless and drew some closed eyes as placeholders and then on a whim I gave him a pillow#and it became this soft thing!!!! 😭❤️ like he got tuckered out halfway through taking off his armor and just conked out :’O#I’m just sooo quietly in love with this… it was gonna be a little more silly/‘sexy’ so idk how this even happened lol#ANYWAY. I’d talk more about this art#BUT THIS AU GRIPPED ME BY THE HAIR AND WOULD NOT LET GO it’s so fun and I’m just AHHHH#like March AND Eko’s Itty bitty baby wings ;0; and Messar having the most preened wings#Messar 100% has a full care routine in place for those wings and I KNOW he’ll never admit it#GUGU’S BEING FIREPROOOOOOFFFF which I feel also adds an extra layer to when he and Kai wrap their wings around the whole group#like!!!! they’re extra safe!!!!!!!!!!!#and Tonari’s POISON COAT GGRRRR IM GOING FERAL but also like I’m thinking of that one scene from the movie Holes#where the lady paints her nails with poison and I’m just imagining Tonari plucking one of her own wings to write with whenever she needs to#like it’s an inconspicuous weapon too like she’s writing and next second WHAM feather to the throat 😩❤️#HAIRO’S THO. THAT ONE WAS INSPIRED. It hurts my heart that he has a complicated relationship with his wings but it’s so beautiful like#he has a disability!!! he now works harder to use his wings than anyone else!!!!!#and it’s kinda nice in a way cuz I feel like this could be a way for him and Eko to bond#since they both have had trouble with flying and whatnot#given her having a few wings that are smaller than the other like I kinda like the idea of him taking out Eko and March to practice flying#… gosh Kai and Gugu wrapping their wings around anyone I didn’t mean to circle back to this#but wow this AU has my whole heart Alpha I love it!!!
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bmpmp3 · 1 year
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doodling some old ocs and i swear to god these are four different people (green guys are twins and the white hair ones are a dead pop star (right) and a celebrity impersonator of said dead pop star (left)
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savanir · 3 months
DP x DC prompt [11]
Vlad is planning something big, something powerful and he’s using his wealth and connections to make it happen. Danny realizes that his parents' tech and his friend's aid isn’t going to cut it, and brute forcing the matter as Phantom is just going to ruin his reputation permanently.
What he needs is another different fruitloop, and thankfully for him the world is pretty damn full of them.
but he needs a very specific fruitloop, the one with a big company, advanced high end tech, so much money they don’t really know what to do with it and preferably they gotta be an absent figure, because Danny is on a mission, he’s not looking to get a new parent (he has his own)
and after some searching he finds his guy
Oliver Queen
Now he just needs to get in on that, and he decides to do that by using what little he managed to remember from Vlad’s “you will be the heir of Dalv,co” rants and Sam’s ideas on environmentalism. cause Queen apparently cares a lot about giving back to the little guy.
Which is great! very important, even if his business kinda suffers from how he goes about it (but Danny can help with that! somehow! he’ll figure it out, can’t be that hard) 
We can’t all be Brucie Wayne, but we certainly can try.  
So anyway, shouldn’t be too hard, he’s got some history in the field of environment stuff what with the whole purple back gorilla thing.
and Ollie takes one good look at this smart enthusiastic black haired blue eyed teen and is like, “oh neat! my very own Tim Drake Wayne” and he just goes with it.
Danny’s hidden power of drawing in rich people is truly something to behold…
Oliver is more than happy to just let Danny do whatever he wants as long as it doesn’t break the law or look bad on him, and no drugs, he was very clear on that.
and Danny is like great, I can now work on undermining Vlad and ruin his plans!
but then… Dinah…
“Oliver Jonas Queen!”
oh shit, full named…
“You are not going to do a repeat of Roy!”
Dinah is very effective, and the whole thing starts small enough.
Oliver personally shows him around in the company, makes sure to introduce him to the important folks.
that evolves into occasionally checking up on him, making sure he takes the appropriate amount of breaks.
then he takes him to a baseball match, he had multiple tickets… would have been a waste to refuse.
Then Dinah insists he tags along for dinner in a restaurant (there were some others, it was actually not awkward at all somehow, quite nice really), this grows into dinner at the penthouse.
It's when Oliver expresses the desire to teach Danny archery, telling him there are a lot of things in the sport that are also applicable to business stuff that Danny comes to a sudden and violent realization.
He's being parented!
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kingkat12 · 1 month
pornography (eric draven x reader)
WARNINGS: 18+, foul language, groping/fondling, dry-humping lol, mentions of substance abuse
summary: when you finally talk to Eric Draven in rehab, it doesn't take long before you get drawn together by a force stronger than anything you have ever encountered. it doesn’t help the situation that you eventually find out Eric has been drawing pictures of you… nude
word count: 2,337 PART 1, PART 2, PART 3
a/n: this is for all the girlies like me that just came home from watching The Crow and got their mind blown by how hot Bill was in it... holy fuck. had to write this blurb because I am so shaken up, I can't feel my face. enjoy!! there will be more parts hihi...
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"I fucking hate pink," 
I couldn't believe that was the first thing I said to him-- the dark and broody stranger I had been eyeing through my first few weeks in rehab. He stared back at me, confusion swimming in his big green eyes, probably pondering why I had sat down next to him in the cafeteria. "Pardon?"
"It's a little ridiculous," I tried, watching as he put down his cutlery, pushing his food away as he gave me his full attention. Tugging at my pink sweater, which we were all wearing, I let out a nervous chuckle. "Whose idea was it to put a lot of addicts in pink, anyway?"
My eyes darted down to his hands as I waited for his answer-- they were huge up close, and completely covered in tattoos. I hadn't noticed them from afar; I had only noticed the ones peeking through the top of his shirt when he would pass me by in the hall, or the big eye he had on his chest that I had seen while passing by his room. I knew it wasn't nice to peek into his room while he was changing, but I was quite frankly starved of any male contact-- any girl would go crazy in here. 
He eventually shrugged, giving me the answer I least expected; "I guess pink is supposed to be a calming colour. It's not that bad," I watched as the corners of his mouth tugged upwards, giving away hints of amusement. "Aren't you girls supposed to like pink?"
"Maybe," I mumbled, nudging food around on my plate with my fork. "I just don't like to wear it. It doesn't suit me."
The handsome stranger didn't seem to agree, another shrug following accompanied by a shy laugh. "I can't figure out whether you're being sincere or searching for compliments,"
This was most definitely not how I wanted to come off. I straightened up, resting my elbows against the table as I cleared my throat. "I'm just trying to make conversation,"
"... Why?"
"Because you've been staring at me almost as much as I've been staring at you," I put down my fork, hoping he didn't see how nervous I was. In truth, he had been staring-- it wasn't all purely one-sided. I had caught him staring at me in the courtyard, on my way to the shower, and I had also caught him lingering outside my room several times. He would usually leave when I came out, disappearing down the hall with speed I wouldn't even dream to catch up with. 
He finally gave in to a smirk, nodding to himself as he lowered his head. "Sorry," It was clear that he hadn't thought he'd be called out like this. However, something told me he wasn't too upset about being caught either. 
"Don't be," I said, feeling my anxiety ripping through my veins. Why was I indulging? "I just--"
It was at this moment that a guard appeared behind him, yanking him away from the table with a harshness that made me gasp. I clasped my hand over my mouth, watching as he barely reacted to the brutality. 
"Guys and girls eat separately!" the guard yelled at me, slamming his fist down on the table. 
My eyes widened, looking back at the handsome stranger. "But I-- I was the one who sat down here, he didn't do anything!" I protested, watching as the guard grabbed him and led him away. Groaning, I ran my hands through my hair, frustrated with the rules at this place. Why was it so fucking strict?
I eventually looked up just in time to see that the man had managed to turn around, smirking my way; "I'm Eric!" he said, holding back a laugh as he was shoved along the cafeteria for everyone to see.
Despite the horror washing over me for getting him in trouble, I managed to croak out my name as well. It seemed that he appreciated that I had at least tried to stick up for him-- What was it that I had just started?
My question would be answered a lot quicker than I had expected. 
A few days passed, and more looks and stares were exchanged. I was dying to talk to Eric again. I knew I hadn't been sent to rehab to make friends or get feelings for someone, but something was gnawing at me to talk to him again. I wanted to be around him constantly; what was happening to me? I recognized this feeling-- it was the same feeling I got when I really, really craved something... Fuck, how I missed drugs. Maybe Eric was turning into a substitute?
It wasn't often that the door to Eric's room was open, but today it was. I wouldn't have noticed it if I hadn't taken the extra lap around the institute as usual, hoping to get a glimpse of him through the small window in his door. But today, I didn't have to get on my tippytoes to get a look-- there he was, picking up several drawings that had been scattered around the floor. His room looked like a mess, completely unlike how I was used to seeing it through the tiny window. This looked like the result of one of those raids that the prison guards sometimes did when they suspected there were hidden drugs in a patient's room. 
I felt sorry for him; I knew how horrible it could feel to have someone rip through all your stuff. But as I bent down and picked up a few drawings that were at my feet, my lips parted in surprise.
It seemed I wasn't the only one caught off guard; Eric noticed me standing in his doorway, letting out a relieved sigh as he watched me inspect his drawings. He called out my name, leaning against the wall as he sized me up and scanned me, crossing his arms over his chest. 
I cleared my throat; "Is this... me?" I held up the first drawing of the bunch. It was a sketch of me sitting in the courtyard, and I was sure that it was me-- I suppose it was my shock asking for confirmation. 
Eric snickered, kicking off the wall. "Yeah... Sorry,"
"Stop saying sorry," I shuffled through the drawings, finding he had drawn me in multiple settings, and it was clear that I had been watched the few weeks I'd been here. "These are beautiful, Eric... I guess I'm honoured--" My words trailed off as I finally approached the last drawing. Was that...?
He didn't even try to take it away from me. Eric sighed, looking away as his cheeks flushed a light pink, similar to our uniforms. 
Judging by his reaction, I had a feeling he wasn't so against me seeing this. It was a sketch of me, after all-- nude. 
I had to swallow rather hard for anything to go down. I couldn't pinpoint why I wasn't absolutely horrified at this.  "So... this is what you've been up to in here, huh?" There was no stopping the smirk that spread across my lips, holding back a flustered giggle. "This is next-level pervy, do you know that?"
It didn't take long before Eric's big hands ripped the drawings out of my hands, turning away as he shook his head. "Every artist needs a muse, no?"
"A muse? How can I be your muse if we don't know each other?"
"That's not how it works," he mumbled, throwing away the drawings into a heap on the bed. "Your beauty is all I need to get inspired."
This was enough to shock me into silence. I inhaled a sharp breath, stepping into Eric's room despite knowing it was forbidden. "So now you think I'm beautiful?"
Eric hummed, finally turning to meet my eyes. "It hasn't been the biggest secret, has it?" There was something playful about him, shameless, as though it didn't matter to him that I had just found his handmade porn. "It gets a little lonely in here, I guess. These drawings just... run out of me like water. Can't control it."
There was something so unimaginably tantalizing about Eric. Everything about him made me want to jump him then and there-- was it maybe the result of my withdrawals that were turning my brain into further mush? In a normal setting, this would have creeped me out to infinity and beyond, but knowing this was coming from the man I had been lusting after from afar for several weeks made me excuse it in a heartbeat. 
I had no idea what possessed me to close the door to his room and lock it, knowing the repercussions could be severe if we were caught. But Eric didn't seem to mind; his green eyes widened, watching my every move like a hawk.
"It was really pretty and all... The drawing, I mean," I said, inching closer to where he had sat down on the bed. "But would you maybe want some inspiration for the next one?"
Eric's plush, pink lips parted, eyes rounding out in surprise. Despite his shock, his big hands reached out for me as I came closer, and he pulled me in between his legs. I could feel him caressing my back through my shirt, holding me with the utmost gentle touch. "I'll take all I can get," he murmured, looking up at me through his brows, a knowing smirk spreading across his face. 
I let out a giggle as he pressed his lips against my stomach through my shirt, enjoying the intense feeling of someone against my skin again after all this time. Eric pulled away, glancing at the door before slowly trailing his fingers under my shirt, testing the waters. 
It didn't take long before that wasn't enough for him-- my breath hitched as Eric grabbed my waist, pulling me down with him on the bed. I barely had time to think before the euphoric feeling of being kissed engulfed me. Our lips met in an open, soft kiss, almost as though we were scared to break the other if we were too needy or harsh. As I straddled him, I felt his hands tugging at my shirt, dipping back under the fabric once more. His fingers gently ghosted over my lower back, eventually ending up trailing small circles with his thumbs along the underside of my bra. 
If I hadn't been so starved of any human contact in here, I would've never jumped the opportunity like this. But none of us knew how long we had until the guards would bust us, and it only fueled the adrenaline pumping through our veins. Our kisses became desperate, hungry, and I let out a whimper against his lips as he took the liberty of cupping my chest, feeling me up to his heart's delight. I knew I had been waiting for this moment since the first time I saw him, and I wasn't about to let it slip through my fingers-- I decided to let him do whatever he wanted to me, no matter what. 
I could feel Eric's cock twitch beneath me, clearly aroused. It was also at this moment that he made me sit up, tugging my shirt off of me before laying back down to scan me. Was he memorizing my body for his next sketch? It wasn't every night that I had a handsome stranger beneath me like this, so I allowed him to trail his hands up and down my body, lips parting in delight. "Fuck... Yeah, this will do," he murmured, pupils dilating at the sight before him whether he wanted them to or not.
"You sure?" I asked, giggling to myself. My hands rested against his broad chest, letting out a sigh of delight; God, he was sexy. As I shifted in his lap, Eric's breath hitched as I seemingly sat down in the exact right spot. Almost as though he was possessed by instinct for a moment, he grabbed my hips, rocking me against him through the fabric of our clothes. 
Who would've thought I'd be dry-humping this stranger and enjoy it so much? My hands gripped his shirt, a quiet moan spilling past my lips-- I had forgotten this feeling. This was mostly something I did when I was a teenager, before I figured out how to have proper sex with my high school boyfriend. But it felt so damn fucking good, desperate; it didn't take long before I leaned back down, capturing his plush lips in another kiss. 
I craved him like water. I wanted him against me, in me, for him to take me in every possible position ever-- a deep, dark part of me knew I would be insatiable from now on. 
But our moment of ecstasy was interrupted when a guard started banging his fist against the door, his muffled yells barely registering through my arousal. Despite my dazed state, it didn't take me long to drape my shirt back on, climbing off Eric with wobbly knees. "Shit," I mumbled, turning to him with wide eyes. "I'm screwed. We're screwed."
Everything about him was so damn beautiful. The kiss-swollen lips definitely didn't help how gorgeous I thought he looked right now. Despite the situation, knowing we were in deep shit, Eric let out a soft chuckle; "I don't think you're screwed enough, actually. We'll get to that another time," 
My eyes widened as I gave into a light giggle. There was no way this was happening-- had my naughty rehab dreams come true? The guard banging against the door was drowned out by the incessant ringing in my ears that festered through my mind as Eric leaned down to kiss me one last time; "I hope to see you around, if they don't kill us,"
"Yeah," I breathed, only now realizing how tall he was as I looked up to meet his gaze. This man was towering over me. Holy shit. "Can't wait to see your next masterpiece."
I couldn't wait. I really couldn't.
(a/n: PART 2, PART 3 here!! enjoy<33)
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hoshifighting · 25 days
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gym rat roommate!seungcheol
— WARNINGS: smut, seungkwan accidentally catch you naked (seungcheol's fault), oral (f. receiving), seungcheol cums untouched, ''begging'', reader tries to be unbothered as seungcheol eats her out, mentions of anabolics jokes and etc. — WC: 3.2k
you never thought sharing a dorm with a leo would be this damn exhausting. when you both got assigned to the same room, you thought it’d be fine—no big deal, just another dude trying to get through college, right? wrong. seungcheol is the textbook definition of a gym rat, spending half his life lifting weights, and the other half driving you insane.
“can you not leave your towel on the bed?” you huff, staring at the damp mess he’s made.
“it’ll dry,” he shrugs, not even bothering to look up from his phone.
“not the point,” you mutter, tossing the towel into the bathroom.
and then there’s the cabinets. oh god, the cabinets. every time he makes his stupid whey protein shake, it’s like he forgets how to close them. it’s a small thing, but it drives you up the wall.
“are you allergic to shutting doors or something?” you ask, eyebrow raised as you gesture at the open cabinets.
“didn’t realize it bothered you so much,” he says, smirking, which only makes you want to strangle him more.
but the stove? that’s where you draw the line. the dude can wash dishes, sure, but he leaves the stove looking like a battlefield, grease splatters and all.
“seriously, seungcheol, you gonna clean that or what?” you snap, pointing at the mess.
“i’ll get to it,” he replies lazily, which means it’s gonna sit there until you can’t take it anymore and do it yourself.
you two bicker like this all the time, the tension simmering just below the surface. it doesn’t help that he’s constantly complaining about your hair everywhere, or the makeup you leave on the sink when you’re rushing out the door.
“do you shed on purpose?” he grumbles, vacuuming for the third time that week.
“do you have to be such a neat freak?” you shoot back, rolling your eyes.
and don’t even get started on the tv. whenever you switch from his boring sports channels to something decent, like a reality show, he acts like you’ve committed a crime.
“i was watching that,” he says, voice low and annoyed.
“yeah, well, this is more interesting,” you retort, settling in for your dose of drama.
the only time you get any peace is when he’s at the gym, and those hours are like heaven. just pure, blissful silence. and for him? the few hours when you’re at your dance classes must be the only moments he’s not silently cursing your existence.
you always wished for a quiet roommate. not that seungcheol was loud—no, he wasn’t a screamer or anything, but his friends? they never left. you couldn't catch a break from the constant parade of guys stomping through your shared dorm like it was their second home. jihoon, one of seungcheol’s quieter friends, was looking for a new roommate at one point, and you almost packed your bags right then and there. the guy was a dream—silent as a ghost and didn’t have a herd of dudes wandering around the place like it was a frat house.
but nope, you were stuck with seungcheol, who never bothered to warn you before letting his friends take over the living room.
and that’s how you ended up in this mess.
seungcheol had left a few minutes ago for the gym, and you were enjoying the peace, taking a long, hot bath. everything was fine until you realized—you forgot your towel. with no one home, you figured it’d be safe to dash to your room and grab it. big mistake.
thinking the coast is clear, you slip out of the bathroom, water dripping off your skin, and make a dash for your room. just as you reach the hallway, freezing your ass off, you hear it—a rustling from the kitchen. before you can even react, seungkwan rounds the corner, a cup in hand, and both of you freeze.
you both scream like you’ve just seen a ghost, or, you know, each other naked. you bolt for your room, slamming the door shut behind you.
you can hear the guys in the living room getting startled, their conversation cutting off abruptly as seungkwan yells, “don’t come in here! for the love of god, stay put!” you imagine him standing there, one hand clapped over his eyes, traumatized for life—or not lmao.
from the safety of your room, you yell at the top of your lungs, “CHOI SEUNGFUCKING-CHEOL!”
you don’t leave your bedroom until you’re absolutely sure they’ve all left. you can hear them shuffling around, and then, finally, silence. when seungcheol knocks on your door, you yank it open, eyes burning with rage, and immediately start pounding on his chest.
“what the hell did i do?!” he asks, bewildered, as you keep landing blows on him, your fists connecting with his chest repeatedly.
“what the fuck, seungcheol! i’m going to fucking kill you!” you hiss, your voice barely keeping it together.
the boys who are just leaving freeze at the front door, eyes wide, before they scramble to get out, closing the door behind them in a hurry.
“whoa, whoa, what’s going on?” he stammers, trying to catch your wrists, wincing with each hit.
“what’s going on?! you seriously asking me that right now?” you shout, not giving a damn that he’s confused. his clueless expression only makes your blood boil more.
“i wasn’t even here, what are you talking about?” he says, sounding defensive, and it nearly makes you explode.
“you didn’t even fucking bother to tell me your friends were still here! i thought i was alone, seungcheol!” you scream, your voice reaching that pitch where even he starts to look worried. “and now seungkwan’s seen my fucking ass!”
his eyes go wide, shock written all over his face as he stares at you. “wait, what? seungkwan saw you naked?!”
“yes, you idiot!” you practically screech, your face flushing red with embarrassment. “he saw everything, and you’re to blame!”
“alright, alright, calm down,” he says, though his voice is anything but calm. “just… stop screaming for a sec, will you?”
“don’t tell me to calm down!” you snap back, but your hits start to lose their strength. “i can’t believe this is happening. fuck, i’m never gonna live this down.”
“it’s not that bad,” he tries, but you can hear the strain in his voice, as if he’s trying to convince himself as much as you.
“not that bad? not that bad?!” you glare at him, hands on your hips now, chest heaving. “seungkwan saw my naked ass, seungcheol! you have any idea how fucking mortifying that is?”
he bites his lip, and you can see him holding back something—probably a retort, maybe even an apology. but it doesn’t matter, because deep down, a part of him is seething for a different reason altogether.
“you’re not getting off that easy. i swear, if this ever happens again, you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life. i don’t care if i have to tattoo a schedule on your forehead, you’re gonna tell me when your damn friends are over!” you snarl, storming back into your room and slamming the door shut, leaving seungcheol standing there, more than a little terrified.
your luck was that seungkwan kept his mouth shut and didn’t tell anyone. he even apologized to you, which, honestly, wasn’t necessary since it wasn’t his fault to begin with. when he showed up at your door, looking sheepish, you waved off his apologies.
“it wasn’t your fault, seungkwan,” you say, sighing. “i don’t even know why you’re apologizing.”
“i know why,” seungkwan mutters, and you catch the way his eyes flicker toward seungcheol, who’s hovering behind him, looking a bit too innocent.
“he made you do this, didn’t he?” you ask, narrowing your eyes at seungcheol.
“are you really gonna scold me in front of my friend?” seungcheol whines, crossing his arms.
“it was your fault,” you and seungkwan say in unison, causing seungcheol to groan dramatically, dragging a hand down his face.
the next few days, you’re still so mad—the embarrassment has lightened, but the irritation lingers. you ignore seungcheol’s existence entirely, which seems to throw him off more than your usual bickering. but the result? the boy falls right into line. cabinets? closed. towels? hung up neatly. the stove? spotless, along with the dishes. it’s like he’s scared to mess up again.
he even starts working out at home, right in the middle of the living room, just so there’s no risk of his friends dropping by when he’s not there. every time you walk by and give him a dismissive huff, he sulks, pouting like a kicked puppy.
“you’re really not gonna talk to me?” he asks one day, mid-push-up, his voice a little too whiny for someone who usually acts so tough.
you don’t even bother to respond, just let out another huff and keep walking.
“come on, y/n, i’m sorry! what do i have to do, beg?” he calls after you, his tone half-joking, half-desperate.
you pause, glancing back at him, his big eyes pleading with you. you almost crack but manage to keep your composure.
you huff, slumping onto the couch, grabbing the remote to turn on the tv. seungcheol scoffs as he watches you, getting up from his spot and kneeling in front of you. you ignore him, your eyes glued to the screen, but you can feel his presence, and it’s hard not to notice how ridiculous he looks, sarcastically begging for forgiveness.
“y/n, come on, forgive me, pleeease,” he drawls out dramatically, hands clasped together like he’s praying, his voice dripping with mockery.
you finally tear your gaze away from the tv, raising an eyebrow at him. “go drink your protein shake, cheol,” you say, your tone dismissive.
he rolls his eyes, placing his hands on your knees, and there’s something in his touch that makes you pause. “okay, okay, for real now. can you please forgive me?”
your eyes drift down to his hands, warm and firm on your kneecaps. he notices the way you’re staring and moves his hands to rest on his thighs, waiting for your response. you stay quiet, taking in the sight of him kneeling in front of you, looking almost vulnerable.
when he thinks you’re going to ignore him again, you finally speak up, your tone dripping with mockery. “do you really want my forgiveness, cheol?”
he hums in frustration, rolling his eyes again, as if he’s bracing himself for another sarcastic remark.
you let a small smirk play on your lips. “then why don’t you make the most of being on your knees, and put that mouth to better use?”
his eyes widen in shock, your unbothered expression leaving him stunned. you can see the gears turning in his head, but before he can even respond, you slowly spread your legs in front of him, your attention casually returning to the tv.
seungcheol nearly freezes on the spot, almost losing his balance as he processes what you just said. but the sight of you, open and inviting, has him swallowing hard, his throat bobbing as he struggles to maintain composure.
he doesn’t know where to start, caught between the shock of your command and the thrill that’s been building up inside him for ages. he hesitates for a moment, then reaches under your dress, his fingers grazing the edge of your panties—the ones he’s already had a peek at earlier. you keep your eyes glued to the tv, acting like you didn’t just ask him to do what he’s been fantasizing about for far too long.
seungcheol’s never been one for preliminaries; that’s just not his style. so instead of teasing, he pushes your dress up, exposing more of your thighs, and hooks his fingers around the waistband of your panties, tugging them down. his breath catches when he realizes you weren’t prepared for this—you’re not wearing the usual lacy things he often sees in the laundry, and you’re not wet—yet.
his hands are firm under your legs as he spreads them wider, leaning in closer. the anticipation coils in his gut as he spits on your pussy, watching the wetness slowly glide over your folds. you squirm just a little, the sudden sensation making you shift, but your eyes stay focused on the tv, pretending this isn’t affecting you.
the sight of you like this—so casual, so indifferent—only makes seungcheol more determined. he dips his head down, his tongue dragging a slow, deliberate line along your slit, tasting the mix of his spit and your skin. the thought that seungkwan got to see you naked before he did burns in the back of his mind, fueling his movements.
he starts off slow, almost gentle, but the more you keep ignoring him, the harder he goes. his lips wrap around your clit, sucking it hard enough to make you gasp, though you try to keep it quiet. he can feel your resolve slipping as he works his mouth on you, each stroke of his tongue more focused, more intense.
seungcheol’s goal is clear: make you forget about whatever the hell you’re watching on tv and finally give him the attention he craves. he wants to see you fall apart because of him, to know that he’s the one getting you off like this.
he moves one of his hands to your thigh, squeezing it as he bobs his head, sucking your clit harder with each motion. finally, you can’t take it anymore. your head tilts down, and you meet his gaze—his big, dark eyes looking up at you so fucking needy. the sight of him, lips slick with your arousal, head moving rhythmically between your legs, makes your jaw fall slack.
your hand instinctively reaches for his hair, fingers tangling in the strands as you grip him tighter, urging him on. seungcheol hums against your clit, the vibrations making you moan, your focus entirely on him now. the tv is forgotten, the show nothing more than background noise as you finally give him what he’s been aching for—your full, undivided attention.
his tongue flicks over your clit—fast, almost unbelievably so—and your body reacts instantly. your back arches off the couch, toes curling, and your grip on the remote tightens. you squeeze it so hard that buttons are pressed at random, the tv screen flashing through channels, the volume going mute, settings changing. but none of that matters anymore. the only thing you can focus on is the way seungcheol’s tongue works against you, driving you absolutely insane.
he grabs your hips, holding you down because you’re squirming too much, trying to grind against his face despite the overwhelming sensation. every time you move, he digs his fingers into your skin, a low groan vibrating against your pussy. your breath comes out in shaky moans, and even though you can barely string words together, you start talking dirty to him anyway.
“f-fuck, seungcheol—y-you're so fucking good at this, fuck—”
your words are laced with moans, stuttering as you try to form sentences. “y-your tongue... oh my god, i hate you—i fucking hate you,” you gasp, but the way you’re grinding into his face tells him otherwise. “i s-swear, you're gonna make me cum s-so fast, you asshole.”
the filthy words spilling from your mouth only fuel him more. he’s close to losing it, just from the sound of you, from the way you’re cursing him out between moans. his tongue flicks faster, relentless, and he watches the way you react, loving the way your body shakes under his control.
“y-yeah, just like that, don't stop—oh, fuck,” you manage to gasp out, your voice rising as he pushes you closer to the edge. he’s so turned on it’s almost embarrassing, the way you’re unraveling beneath him making him throb painfully in his pants. your filthy and breathless talk, your taste and the way youre wetting his tongue more and more, makes him feel like he could cum right there, just from the way you moan his name.
he’s obsessed with the way you’re falling apart, and when you start tugging at his hair harder, he knows he’s got you right where he wants. your head falls back, the tv now nothing but a silent, blurry background, and all you can focus on is the feeling of his tongue, his mouth, the way he’s devouring you like it’s the only thing he’s ever wanted.
“god, fuck—cheol, i’m so fucking close,” you moan, your body trembling as you teeter on the edge. he flicks his tongue faster, sucking hard on your clit, desperate to make you cum, desperate to feel the way you’ll fall apart completely because of him.
seungcheol’s hips grind against the corner of the sofa, desperately seeking some kind of friction. when he feels your breath catch, your voice going silent, he risks a glance up and sees you—your mouth open, almost like you’re ready to take him in, and your hand gripping his hair with an iron grip, showing no mercy. the way you’re spasming on his tongue, the tension in your body, it all pushes him closer to the edge.
he lets out a long, whiny moan against you, eyebrows furrowed in concentration, and then he can’t help it—his mouth slips from your clit, leaving it throbbing and aching, as his hand rushes down to grab his cock. he presses his thumb against his slit through his sweatpants, feeling the dampness already soaking through. he’s so turned on it’s almost painful, his hips bucking against his hand as he lets out a moan into the soft skin of your thigh.
“fuck, seungcheol,” you pant, spreading your legs wider, acting like you’re not just as turned on by the sight of him falling apart in front of you. “you really came that fast? i didn’t think the gym rat would be such a quick shot,” you tease, your voice dripping with mockery. “what, the anabolics making you weak or something?”
his eyes snap up, and he shoots you a glare, knowing damn well he doesn’t use that shit. “shut the fuck up,” he mutters, trying to sound pissed, but the effect is ruined by the way his voice shakes.
you smirk, your gaze mocking as you look down at him. “then stop whining and get back to work,” you command, your tone sharp. “or do i need to find someone else who can actually handle me?”
seungcheol’s jaw clenches, eyes stabbing you as he leans in again. he bites down lightly on one of your folds, making you jolt and laugh, the sound quickly turning into a moan as he resumes his task.
“that’s more like it,” you say, voice breathy, threading your fingers through his hair again, a satisfied smile on your lips as he starts flicking his tongue over your clit once more.
he grins against you, feeling the vibrations of your moan as you finally let go, focusing entirely on the pleasure he’s giving you. it’s a game for him now, teasing you just as much as you’re teasing him, determined to make you lose control all over again. the sound of your laughter + your moans is the only thing he needs, spurring him on as he buries his face between your legs, eager to make you come undone for him, and only him.
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tbaluver · 1 month
The Love And DeepSpace Men- Boyfriend Headcanons
parings in order: Xavier x Reader, Zayne x Reader, Rafayel x Reader, Sylus x Reader genre: fluff fluff a/n: i might make a part two of this i just thought this was a cute idea in my drafts (´。• ᵕ •。`) any likes and reblogs are always appreciated! enjoy!
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He is your weighted blanket whenever you need him. Literally and figuratively. When you sleep, he provides so much warmth. His head could be on your chest as he dozes off when you play with the locks of his hair. His arms would be around your body, occasionally pressing light kisses on your arms.
Your big baby. The warmth and softness of you and hearing the sound of your heartbeat soothes him. Therefore, he loves being the little spoon when cuddling despite the height difference between you two. He leans into your touch a lot so just hold him tight and run your fingers through his hair as he nuzzles his face into your chest.
He has the most confusing food combos he's cooked but you try them anyway. Sometimes it's not shocking to you that it's not your cup of tea so you decide it's best to just get take out instead or that you cook anyway. You both can cook your own plates at the same time in the kitchen or you'll help him cook what he wants even if the food combo is questionable so he doesn't burn the house down.
Will celebrate all of your achievements no matter how small. You were nervous about an exam? "Woot" Will be happy and proud that you got it over with and you'll both find something small or big to do to celebrate it
Cute date ideas would be stargazing or picnics in the park. Packing simple easy foods and treats while you both enjoy the scenery and afternoon. Or having a blanket out at the park while you watch the stars at night but he's looking at you.
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The type to kiss you in bed every single night and when you both wake up. He'll kiss you on the lips, or the top of your head while he cups your cheek.
He'll always listen to your problems. He's an amazing listener and he gives logical advice as well as encouragement and praises depending on what the situation is.
He's a busy man but he tries to plan dates with you at least two or three times a week. If he has a busy schedule he'll make it up to you. Some dates include checking out new cafes to try new sweets or bakeries.
He's also a gentleman! He'll hold any door open whether it's a restaurant, yours or his home, or the car door, etc. He always tries to pick you up and drop you off. He'll also wait until your inside your home safely before leaving. He'll always stay on the dangerous side of the road or sidewalk whenever you both are walking together. With him you're never walking on the wrong side of the road whenever he's with you! If you were both in a busy area, he'll let you link your arms together, or intertwine your hands together, or he'll have his hand on your back so he knows your with him.
He'll make the effort to call you whenever he can. During his breaks from work, he'll call to see how you're doing. Or he'll call you at night to wish you a goodnight before he does an operation because he might not make it back home in time.
When he comes home late at night, he's cautious on handling your sleeping form because he does not want to wake up your peaceful sleep. He'll tuck your head in the crook of his neck, his chin resting on the top of your head before pulling up the covers over your body.
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You are his muse. He is so in love with you that you fill up his mind so most of his works would be inspired by you. He would have many sketchbooks filled with sketches of mostly just you and sometimes of you and him. The sketchbook is filled with your side profile, your eyes, your smile, your hands, any parts of you that he has adored for years. One time he planned on drawing the scenery of the beach but he decided to sketch you instead. Or there would be times where you're at a restaurant and he'll doodle you on a napkin. Or when you're both at the beach, he'll grab a stick and draw you on the beach.
Being in a relationship with him basically means you will always have a companion. He'll trail on you wherever you go like you literally cannot get rid of him. When you want to shower by yourself, he'll stay on the other side of the shower talking about anything. He just likes having you by his side. You can sit near him while he paints a new canvas and sometimes he'll ask you your opinions. He'll also want you to travel with him if he had to fly out for exhibitions.
Although he can be very playful and a tease, he'll do anything for you. You just have to ask him. He's wrapped around your finger.
He'll buy matching jewelry for the both of you and he'll buy any dresses or outfits that he thinks you would love or that would look gorgeous on you.
He also loves loves it when you give him words of affirmation. He loves hearing when you compliment him or tell him that you love him and he'll also love doing that to you as well.
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He would reprogram Mephisto to like you and not squawk/ claw you. If he was far away from a business situation he would have Mephisto or Luke and Kieran keep you company. The twins will probably tell you any stories you want about Sylus. He'll also make calls or text you to update you on anything while he's far away.
On nights when he's not home, he'll intentionally leave some of his shirts out because he knows you sleep in his shirts as you drift off into sleep. He makes sure that they smell like 'him'.
Loves holding hands anytime he can with you. Or just loves having his hands on you. Always has his hand on your back or intertwined with yours or wrapped around your waist.
Makes time for you anytime he can. He'll literally just give you his card and follow you around while you shop. He's also the type of partner to buy you everything that you touch. If there's a time where you're upset about something that's sold out, he'll be searching for it and buying it overnight with the fastest delivery!
He'll also find your height difference funny. Sometimes he'll place his hand out on your head and tease you. Or sometimes he'll hold things above his head and find your expression funny because it's still impossible for you to reach.
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sysig · 2 years
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It’s enjoyable just to be around you 👑 👓 (Patreon)
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airawisteria · 1 year
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[ID: A digital drawing of Sora from Kingdome Hearts wearing a black hoodie with red and white accents, a black shirt with a white butterfly in the upper centre of the shirt, white and grey headphones and black jeans with silver chains hanging from them. He has his signature crown necklace and is lying down in a green, grass filled place with some of the grass ending up on his body. He has his eyes closed and his hands are behind his head as tears fall down his eyes. There is some generic warm shading done to the drawing. The drawing is set in Quadratum in some grassy area.]
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sanguineterrain · 3 months
Hello sanne! I have a request, if it inspires you: what about reader who's been hurt and has amnesia when they wake up. And Jason is there and reader gets all flustered because pretty boy alert!! Pretty boy is speaking gently to them!! And in actuality Jason and reader are together. I hope that made sense 😭 love your writing so so much!!
this is such a sweet request!
jason todd x gn!reader. tw medical setting, reader is on pain meds and has been in an accident, major major fluff, established relationship.
The first thing you notice is that your mouth tastes... not good.
You try to swallow and clear out the taste. All that happens is a useless smack of your tongue. Your throat is too dry for any swallowing to happen.
"...been out for about twelve hours. Yeah, I've been here the whole time."
You're pretty sure that you know that voice. You're drawing a blank on that voice's name, but you swear you know the voice.
"They're awake. Yeah, bye."
It's deep and warm and soft and yes. You definitely know the voice.
Okay. Opening your eyes.
You do so with substantial effort. Your vision is bleary. All you can make out are blobs of gray. You've got a lot of eye boogies in your eyes. You can feel them.
But you're not really sure about where your hands are at this moment in time, so the eye boogies will have to camp out for a little longer.
"Hey." The bed shifts. That warm voice gets closer. "Hey, hey. Y'thirsty?"
A straw taps your lips. You clumsily take it and drink until it gurgles and there's no more water.
"Yeah, I'll bet you're thirsty. Want more?"
You shake your head. A cool, rough hand pets your forehead. Oh, that's nice. That's very nice. The bedside manner in this hospital is impeccable. A little forward, but you don't mind. The voice and his hand are both very polite.
Time to try to actually see some shit. You hone in on your vision, putting every iota of brainpower into processing what your eyes are telling your brain.
A figure. A man. Huzzah!
Oh. Oh, wow. A very beautiful man. A big, hulking, beautiful man.
He's young, boyishly handsome. His eyes are bright. A scar is etched from the top of his right temple to his lip. There's a white streak in his dark hair. Is that a trend now? You can't remember.
"Where 'm I?" you ask.
"You're in the Batcave. How much do you remember, honey?" the gorgeous, beautiful, dreamboat nurse asks.
Well, you remember being in a car, and then being ejected from that car, and then hot, blinding pain, and then... waking up.
"Car accident?" you manage.
Pretty Nurse nods. Is he a nurse? He looks more like a biker, with his leather jacket and empty holsters. He looks like he could pin you down with one arm and—
Whoa. Chill.
"Yeah, kinda. There was an explosion. You hit your head pretty hard." He strokes the back of your head, frowning. "How do you feel?"
You feel like your head has an anvil tied to it. But it's okay, because look at this biker-nurse! Wowza!
He takes your hand (you have hands! Huzzah!) and strokes your knuckles with his thumb, which is fine, actually, because he has really nice eyes. You want to tell him.
"You h've nice eyes," you say.
Pretty Nurse blinks, looking startled. His cheeks go a little pink. "Oh. Um, thanks, baby. Y'sweet."
Baby? Do you really have that much rizz as a medical patient? You can't imagine how irresistible you must be when you haven't been in an explosion.
But then everything shatters when you look down and see a silver band on his hand. What the shit! He's married? Or engaged, at least. Son of a biscuit.
And he's flirting with you? What a pig!
You snatch your hand back, suddenly sour. Pretty Nurse raises his eyebrows.
"What's a'matter?"
"You have a ring," you say, voice dripping in contempt.
"I—" He looks down. "Uh, well, yeah. I do."
Devastating. "If you're taken, you shouldn't be flirting with me, jerk."
He squints. "Wh—oh. Oh. Huh."
Pretty Biker Nurse looks like you've just said something funny. You don't see what's so funny about infidelity. May God strike him down!
He smiles coyly. "D'you know who I am, sweetheart?"
"Yes," you say, glowering. "Y'just a no-good philanderer who should be ashamed of hi'self. Don't care how handsome you are; I won't enter your web of lies!"
He laughs, bright and sweet. Damn him! You need a different nurse. This one is the epitome of temptation.
"Oh, baby. Oh, you're too cute. Can I take your hand?"
"Not if you're gonna flirt more," you say, lifting your chin. "Dirtbag."
"Your moral code is incredible, honey. Good to know I'll never have anything to worry about, though I never doubted you. Can I show you something, though?"
He lifts your hand and on your finger is a gold band. More delicately shaped than his ring, but similar.
"Oh my God," you say, panic growing. "I'm cheating on my husband."
He laughs louder this time. "Your fiancé, actually. Wedding isn't till August. And no, honeylove. You're not cheatin', 'cause I'm right here."
He leans in and kisses your forehead. Your hackles raise for a moment until... wait...
"You're my fiancé?" you ask, eyes huge.
He smiles shyly. "In the flesh. Y'remember my name?"
You feel like it's a J name. "J..."
"Jason," he says gently. "Yeah, wow. They got you on some pretty strong meds, huh? Leslie said you should start to remember more stuff in a day."
Jason. Pretty Biker Nurse Jason. Holy moly. He's engaged to you? About to marry you?
"You are so pretty," you blurt.
That makes Jason more shy. He smiles like he's done something he's not supposed to do. "Not as pretty as you, honey pie."
"No, you're... I mean, wow. Sorry I called you a jerk. How did I get with you? That's crazy. You're fine as hell."
Jason snorts, wide shoulders shaking. His cheeks are red. "Jesus, you're shameless."
Well, yeah. You're still not sure this isn't a dream. You have to let your fiancé know exactly what you think about him.
You prepare to tell him something smooth and romantic. Something about how kissable he looks.
"Y'look like a sexy biker."
Hm. Not exactly what you had in mind. Your brain feels like a blue raspberry slushie.
Jason grins. "Oh, yeah? That why you been starin' at me? Didn't know you had a thing for bikers. You're terrified of going on my motorcycle."
How does he know that? It's true; you like bikers from afar but you're not about to get on a death machine, thanks.
"You can rev my engine," you say, head slumping against the pillow.
"Oh my God," Jason says, clearly delighted. "Don't think I've ever seen this reaction to pain meds."
"Can't believe we're engaged," you say again. "How'd we even meet?"
"Well, I'm a vigilante of sorts, and the first time we met was after I saved you from a mugging. And then we kinda just... kept running into each other. You bought me coffee without realizing who I was. And we, uh, fell in love. As people do."
"You proposed to me in Spain," you say suddenly, the memory rushing back. "You... you wanted to prove you wouldn't put work above us."
Jason nods, lacing your and his fingers together. "Yeah, that's right. Three weeks in Spain." He pulls out his phone and shows you the lockscreen. It's of you two. Jason has sunglasses on. You're smiling. You can't remember ever smiling like that before.
Tears suddenly spring to your eyes, emotion smacking into you like an eighteen-wheeler. Jason leans in, concerned.
"Baby? Hey, what's wrong? Something hurts?" he asks, inspecting your head.
Your mouth quivers. "You... you love me so much."
Jason stops, tilting his head. "I... uh, yeah. 'Course I do. You're the person I love the most in the world."
That makes you cry, tears running down your cheeks. Jason's eyes widen in alarm.
"Sweetheart? What's—hey, it's okay. Why're y'crying, huh?"
He brushes your tears away with his thumbs, cradling your face. You sniffle.
"I'm s-sorry I called you a dirtbag," you blubber. "Y'not a dirtbag. You love me so much."
"Oh-ho, oh, honey. Baby, you've been unconscious for twelve hours. You're under heavy medication. I know you didn't recognize me, it's okay. Trust me, I've been called far worse," Jason says tenderly.
Dear God, you're a beast. What kind of person doesn't recognize their own fiancé?! You cry harder.
"I should've remembered you! I'm a bad fiancé," you wail.
"Aw, sweetheart. No, no, it's okay. C'mere."
Jason scoots you over slightly and pulls you into his arms. You cry into his shoulder, slobbering all over his sexy biker jacket. He rubs circles on your back.
"You're really cute and nice and I'm glad y'marrying me," you say, muffled in his shoulder.
Jason hums, the sound vibrating through you. "I'm really happy to be marrying you, sweetheart. You rock my world."
You sniff. "Really?"
"Mmhm." Jason kisses the side of your neck. "How 'bout you sleep a little more, hm? I bet you're exhausted."
Now that he mentions it, you do feel pretty worn-out. Especially after crying. And almost getting blown up.
"Will you be here when I wake up?"
"Absolutely, honey. I swear."
Jason eases you onto your back. Your eyes are beginning to feel heavy.
"Sleep, beautiful. I'm right here."
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justagalwhowrites · 3 months
Just to be Sure
Your husband Joel is desperate to get you pregnant again.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
CW: Breeding kink smut. Joel really really REALLY wants to knock you up. Lots of pregnancy talk. Reader has given birth before and is at the age where she can give birth again so choose your own adventure for age gap but I picture them about the same age with Joel late 30s. Husband!Joel. No outbreak AU. Creampie. No use of Y/N. Minors DNI, 18+ only
Length: 1k
A/N: Forgive me for this. I am completely baked and couldn’t shake the thought of Joel having an insane breeding kink. I think if there was no outbreak and Joel found a woman, he’d be DESPERATE to knock her up over and over. He is all about his family, wants so many kids to look after, he’s always begging her for just one more. This is that Joel. He’s filthy. I love him. Also I wrote this in an hour and a half while on an edible and barely proofread it fuck if we ball also sorry I wrote it half on my phone in bed OK BYE LOVE YOU!
“Fuck, Joel…”
Your voice trailed off, weak and breathless, your hands grasping uselessly at the sheets around you.
You weren’t sure how long he’d had you here like this, sweating and fucked out as your husband slowly worked his cock in and out of you. You just knew you had to be quiet, that your one year old was asleep just a room away, a feat that was damn near impossible as Joel pulled yet another orgasm out of you.
“What, baby?” He panted over you, one hand gripping the headboard as he buried himself inside you yet again.
“You…” You closed your eyes for a moment, trying to focus. “You don’t have to get me pregnant to..to…tonight, you know…”
“Oh I know,” he said, his voice heavy with need and scratchy with exertion. “Wouldn’t mind tryin’ with you for a few months, fucking this pretty pussy full of me every damn night, comin’ so deep in you that you’ve got part of me in you all day every day.”
“Joel,” you whimpered, you couldn’t help it, your pussy drawing tight and hot around him.
“But, see, I’m not sure I can wait that long,” he said, pressing somehow deeper into you and holding himself there for a moment, making your cunt clench around him, your legs scrambling for purchase as your next orgasm built higher and higher. “Need to put another baby in you now, need to see your belly grow, need to fuck you until you’ve got part of me in you for damn near a year.”
“Oh fuck!”
You moaned it louder than you should have, Joel’s large hand going from propping him up to clamped over your mouth as your orgasm took you, the heat of it shooting out from your core and through your entire being, your heart racing, channel throbbing.
“Oh goddamn,” he groaned, fucking into you even harder now. “That’s right little mama, pull another baby out me, that’s it…”
“Joel, Joel, Joel,” you panted over and over again into his hand, mind reduced to nothing but your husband and how damn full he made you feel, especially with his bare cock buried deep inside of you.
It had been a year almost to the day that you’d last fucked without a condom. You’d been right at the end of your pregnancy, desperate for Joel and desperate for something - anything - to kick start your labor. The last time you hadn’t needed a condom, your contractions started 20 minutes after it ended.
Ever since, you’d been taking precautions. Not because you didn’t want another baby - you definitely did - but because you hadn’t gotten the OK from your doctor yet.
Today, that had changed. You’d gone to your check up and your doctor gave you a clean bill of health, including the OK to start trying to get pregnant again.
You’d figured Joel would want to get started trying that night. You just hadn’t counted on him pulling endless orgasms as a part of trying.
“Think you got one more in you, baby?” He asked, freeing your mouth to run his hand over your hair. You just whimpered. “M’close, wanna come with you. Come on, you can give me one more, know you can.”
You couldn’t find the words as he moved to suck your neck, so you just moaned and nodded and clawed his body closer and tighter to yours.
You could feel him smile against you then, the pace of his pounding cock picking up, the tip of him hitting the spot inside you he’d long ago claimed as his own perfectly with each stroke.
“Come on little mama,” he panted. “Takes better if you come with me, need you to fucking come baby, need to feel you fucking come when I make you pregnant.”
You weren’t sure Joel was fully aware of what he was saying but then, you felt like you were moving of your own accord, too, your hips rolling up against his, frantically pawing at him in a desperate attempt to pull him so close that it was like his whole being was inside you.
This orgasm claimed you quickly, going from starting to build to taking over you in a matter of seconds. You barely had a chance to warn Joel before it hit you.
"I'm gonna come," you managed just half a second before your channel started to fluffer around him. "Fuck, I'm coming! I'm coming!"
"Fuck, that's it," he said fucking into you with two more deep, devastating strokes before you could feel his cock throbbing heavily inside, the warm spread of his spend in your most intimate place drawing your orgasm out. "That's it, fuck, come while I put my baby in you."
His cock gave one final, heavy pulse before he collapsed on you, panting for breath as you went limp below him. Even as he lay there, damn near exhausted, he still managed to fuck his cock into you a few more times, driving his come even deeper.
When he was satisfied, he sat up from you and watched between your legs as he slowly, gently pulled his softening length from your aching, swollen sex.
“So damn pretty like this,” he said almost reverently. You felt the comforting warmth of his come drip out of you and then Joel’s finger was there, scooping it up and gently pushing it back inside your spent hole as it struggled to close after being opened by his thick cock for so long. “Gotta keep me deep inside her baby, s’where I belong.”
You just whimpered a little, still not positive you could form words as Joel lay beside you, his hand skimming slowly over your stomach down to the place that had grown your first daughter with Joel.
“Think our baby’s in there?” He asked softly, thumb brushing your skin in a gentle rhythm.
“I hope so,” you smiled at him.
“Don’t sound like you’re sure,” he smirked a little back. “Might just need to leave more of me in you, just to be sure.”
Your smile grew as his hand slipped lower.
“Just to be sure.”
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