#i just. if i give up on it i'll do it in the planning phase and won't subject myself to all that work only to give up half way
nathaslosthershit · 10 hours
A Big Decision (Teen Dad!Oscar AU)
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(Part 8 of Teen Dad!OP au [Can be read on its own])
Summary: It is time to pop the big question
The twins had finally gone down for a nap after spending so long fighting it. The kids, at age three, have started to fight them more and more, leading their parents to start discussing if it's time for naps to stop. Honey, being a stay at home mom, had needed the nap time as much as her kids had in the past, giving her time to catch up on chores or just rest for a little, so she was really trying to get as much time as she could with it. But maybe it truly was over.
She was surprised to see Oscar pacing in their living room once she went back downstairs.
“Well, aren't you home early?” She says as Oscar immediately wraps his arms around her, burying his head in her neck and kissing it.
“Missed you all, did what they needed from me extra fast so I could get home earlier. Thought we could maybe go out tonight?”
“Oscar, it's a friday night. Do you know how impossible getting a babysitter would be? The kids also take a while to warm up to babysitters, I don’t think it's a good idea.”
“Good thing I thought ahead then. Lando had a free night and has been begging to see them after the last ‘betrayal’ when they wore Sargeant hats. Even better, he said he would do it for free if it meant working towards being the favorite.”
“Oscar, you can’t get your coworkers to babysit your twin toddlers for free by dangling favoritism in their faces.”
“It was his idea! I am just capitalizing off of it. I got us a nice reservation too, we just need to let him now in the next…” Oscar checks his wrist where his watch usually rests but finds it missing, “uh now. So I need an answer quickly, are we going to stay home and eat the same leftovers we have had for the past two days, or are we going to make Lando Norris the happiest man alive by letting him watch our kids for free while we have an amazingly romantic dinner?” Oscar quickly asks as he takes his ex-fiancee, now girlfriend, in his arms.
“Fine, let's go out, we could use the night off. Let Lando know I appreciate him watching them for us.”
“Perfect, why don’t you go out, do something nice for yourself, I'll take over with the kids. We still have time before dinner tonight.” Oscar suggested in a strange tone as he kissed all surface area of her face.
“What is up with you today? I don’t mind it but you are so much more touchy.” She laughed.
“Don’t worry bout a thing.” Was all he replied as he walked away. “Tonight will be the best yet, I promise.”
That’s when it struck her, why he was being so weird. Surely, he was going to propose.
After the huge fight in Suzuka, she had called the engagement off, causing them to ignore each other’s existence unless it came to the kids, for seven weeks. Since they had gotten back together, life had been blissful. Sure, it was most likely the ‘honeymoon’ phase of their relationship, but even so, they had been so ready to marry each other before things started going downhill. Maybe days after they got back together isn’t the right time to get engaged, but they had been to hell and back together since they got pregnant at 18 years old, they were it for each other, always would be. 
Oscar taking off of racing had also been a blessing. It had been hard for him, certainly. But he had needed to learn how to put his family first again, a priority that got harder to keep up with since joining Formula 1. 
As she sat in the nail salon chair, getting what were hopefully her engagement nails done, she thought back to how far they’d come. 
Arriving home with her nails done, and after getting the most amazing massage, Honey was giddy as she greeted her, hopefully, soon to be fiancé. After an hour and a half of filling her head with wedding plans and thinking about their future when she would finally get to be Mrs. Piastri after 7 years, she was more excited then she was the first time he proposed. 
This excitement continued from the moment she stepped into the shower, till the moment she sat in her seat at the restaurant. Oscar had hired a driver for the night, saying it was a night all for them, no need to be careful of how many drinks they were going to have, he had also told her he had plans to take them to the beach after where they could finish the night with a picnic by the water and stay as late as they liked. 
There was one thing that was off about him though, while she had expected nerves, she had also expected excitement from him and soon noticed the more giggly she was, the more upset he seemed to be. Maybe he realized she had caught on?
She finally asked what was up after he spilt his drink.
“Seriously Osc, what is wrong with you? You claim this is such a nice night for just the two of us but you are a mess right now!”
“It’s nothing, I’m sorry I don’t know why I’m like th-”
“Bullshit. I thought I made it clear how awful of a liar you are Oscar Jack Piastri, just tell me. Please?”
Silence filled the air as he stared at her, words failing.
“I will get up if you don’t-”
“I had a meeting with higher ups at McLaren earlier today and was told if I don’t come back then I am out of the contract and I agreed to come back for the Spanish Grand Prix!” Oscar blurted out.
Again, a heavy silence landed on the couple, both of them daring the other one to speak first.
Then, without a single word, Honey got up from the table and walked to the car leaving Oscar at the table, tears starting to fall.
Part 2 coming tomorrow!
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wereh0gz · 8 months
The problem with having a whole fictional world in your head is that no one else will make art that makes you go insane for it and you're too tired and unmotivated to do it yourself
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reacting to their s/o being pregnant I Corazon, Doflamingo, Law, Smoker, Sabo, Ace, Kid
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Corazon, the gentle and caring soul he is, would notice subtle changes in your behavior and appearance before you even realized you're pregnant.
He'd probably start by making your favorite meal or fetching things you might need without even asking. Not because he knows exactly what's going on, but because his maternal instincts are subconsciously strong.
One day, he returned from work to find you asleep in his feather coat, nestled on your shared bed with a positive pregnancy test on the sideboard. Shocked, he slipped, inadvertently waking you up. As you opened your eyes, you saw the tall giant on his buttocks in front of the bed, all teary-eyed.
He'd approach you with a sweet smile and a gentle touch, hugging you in a warm embrace and assuring you that he's there for you no matter what.
"Mi amor, you've given me the greatest gift of all. I promise to be by your side every step of this journey, just as you've been by mine."
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Doflamingo's reaction might be a bit unexpected. He's not known for his compassion, but the news would still surprise him since he's always keen on protection.
He'd likely raise an eyebrow and give a smirk at the news, questioning you with his signature teasing tone, "Well, well, how unexpected. Don't tell me you forgot your pill on purpose."
Despite his initial demeanor, he'd keep a close eye on you, ensuring your comfort and well-being, even if he doesn't openly express it. Despite trusting Diamante and Trebol with his life, he would keep them at an arm's length away from you.
His soft side might manifest through subtle actions like providing comfort during late-night cravings, secretly getting things you wish for, or wrapping you in his pink feather coat.
"Well, well, well, it seems life has thrown us an interesting curveball. Don't think I'm going soft now, but I'll make sure you're taken care of. After all, I wouldn't want anything to happen to the future ruler of Dressrosa."
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Law, with his cool and collected exterior, might take a moment to process the news before his emotions catch up. He had already guessed what was up from your antsy behavior and Bepo telling him about your frequent late-night kitchen visits, but reality hit differently.
He'd likely pause, his gaze softening as he looks at you nervously biting your lip, almost certain he would react with disdain. Instead, a small, genuine smile would grace his lips, before he placed his hat on your head and embraced you in a warm hug, reassuring you of his stance.
Not much phased by obstetrics, he would start researching everything about pregnancy and childbirth, wanting to be as informed as possible to support you. Naturally, he would deliver the baby himself, his Room providing a secure and painless environment for you. He's too protective to let anyone else handle it.
While he might not show it outwardly, he'd be incredibly protective and make sure your needs are met, especially health-wise. Regular check-ups are a must, and if Shachi and Penguin annoy you, they can be sure to experience some rearranged limbs.
"You're amazing, you know that? I'm not sure I'm quite fit to be a father, but if we're going to navigate this together, I promise to do everything in my power to ensure you and the baby are safe and healthy. We've got this."
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Smoker would show a mix of surprise and concern upon hearing the news, his gruff exterior cracking just a bit.
He´d ask questions related to your health, ensuring that you're taking proper care of yourselves. He'd be on high alert, especially since he tends to smoke heavily.
As time goes on, he'd soften around the edges, finding himself more attentive and willing to offer help and assistance, even quitting smoking around you.
He might not express his emotions openly, but his actions would speak volumes, like quietly making sure you don't overexert yourselves or subtly rearranging your environment for safety.
"I never planned for something like this, but just know I've got your back. Make sure you're taking care of yourself, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask. I'll be keeping a close eye on you."
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Sabo's reaction would likely be a mix of joy and a hint of nervousness, as he'd want to ensure the best for you and the baby.
He'd start leaving cute notes or small gifts for you, showing his excitement in his own sweet way.
Sabo would take on the role of an unofficial cheerleader, always ready to provide you encouragement and reassurance.
He'd also engage in deep conversations with you about your future as parents and what you envision for your family. Luffy, Ace, and Koala would often visit and assist you with whatever you need.
"I can't even express how happy and blessed I feel right now. You and our baby mean everything to me. Let's face this adventure together, with all the love and support we need."
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Ace would be the embodiment of enthusiasm and excitement, immediately hugging you and spinning you around in a joyful embrace.
He'd become even more attentive than usual, constantly checking in on you and asking if you need anything.
Given his troubled childhood and strained relationship with his own dad, he might face phases of doubt. However, if you have his back as much as he does during his enthusiastic phases, you'll quickly pull him out of it.
You can bet he'd be doing research on how to be the best dad, and he'd share interesting and quirky facts he found on the internet.
He'd proudly proclaim the news to Luffy, Ace, and Garp, and he'd be the one organizing a surprise baby shower with Marco's help.
"I still can't believe all of this. We're going to be parents! I promise to make our family life full of love and appreciation. Just trust me on this."
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Kid's reaction might be a mix of surprise and a bit of concern about how this new development might affect his life plans.
However, as time goes on, he'd find himself growing more attached to the idea of becoming a parent.
He'd be the one to plan practical things like ensuring the home is baby-proofed and preparing for the baby's arrival in a pragmatic way.
Slowly, his tough exterior would soften, and he'd become more openly supportive and affectionate towards you, showing that he's fully invested in this new chapter of your lives.
"Honestly, I didn't see that coming, but I'm not one to shy away from challenges. We're in this together, and I'll do whatever it takes to make sure you and the baby are safe. You can count on me."
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lazyjellyfish300 · 4 months
Mom and Dad Are Fighting On Valentine's Day 💌
Miguel O'Hara x Fem wife reader
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Synopsis: same universe as Mom and Dad Are Fighting On Christmas. You and Miguel are married with three kids: Gabi(his), Marcus(yours), and Anthony(you two had him together). He falls back into his workaholic patterns and you two have a big fight that nearly ruins your big Valentine's Day plans. Word count 5.2k
Sequel-Mother's Day ending blurb
A/N: My last piece for my Valentine's Day special! I just love this man so much lol. Enjoy! Here's the first one I posted for V Day (this fic is completely unrelated to this one)
It was February 1st and one of the first nights you and your husband actually went to bed at the same time in weeks.
"Let's make a baby this Valentine's Day..." Miguel whispered as his large hand snaked under your arm to cup your breast. Your eyes fluttered, your phone slipped onto the ground, the spicy fanfic you were reading temporarily forgotten. You rolled your hips forward at his touch and panted softly.
"Hmmm....? ¿Quieres un otro niño conmigo, mi amor? (You want another child with me, my love?) He started laying hungry kisses on your neck, his breathing becoming more heavy and hot against your ear, which made you bite your lip. "We can have someone watch the kids...I'll take the day after off so we can have all night and everything..."
"Honey... the baby would be born in November?"
"Mhmmm..." Miguel was too busy caressing your now erect nipples and moving a hand to your crotch to really focus on your conversation.
"They'd be a Scorpio."
Miguel pulls back with an amused look on his face
"Baby...be serious. That's what you're worried about?"
You shrug. "I mean..."
Miguel scoffed and grabbed your breasts again. "I don't care when they're born...just want another little one running around...has your cute nose and everything..." His lips graze upwards on your neck until they come to rest on your jaw. "¿Qué dices?" (What do you say) he murmurs against your skin.
Your mind rushes with all kinds of thoughts. Anthony was quickly approaching his third birthday. You and Miguel had discussed adding just one more O'Hara to the family multiple times. It seemed like good timing. You missed the tender joy and even the sleep deprivation that a little baby brought with them.
You and Miguel had occasional quarrels over dividing housework here and there, but when it came to caring for the kids he was such a hands on father (when he wasn't going through one of his workaholic phases), that you didn't mind the extra labor a newborn demanded.
When people (rudely) asked you if you were done having kids, you couldn't give a firm no. One more child seemed like the perfect way to complete the family you and him built together. You were ready.
You look up at your husband, that irritatingly sexy smirk on his face as he gazes back down at you.
"Buy me dinner first?" You smirk back.
Miguel lets out a hearty chuckle, "I can handle that...I am a gentleman after all. Wouldn't want my pretty little wife thinking I have any ulterior motives..."
He leans down and you release more giggles as he blazes another trail of kisses between your breasts and down your stomach.
"You're impossible, O'Hara..."
The next morning, you two start your usual routine. You throw on your signature leggings and hoodie since you have three kids to wrangle, along with the morning carpool.
Miguel is rolling up his sleeves on his sweater as he leans over to plant a kiss on Gabi's and Marcus's heads as they scarf down their Fruit Loops cereal. He has to chase down little Anthony for a minute, and Anthony squeals as Miguel plants a goodbye kiss on his small chubby cheeks that are smeared with banana puree.
"Bye, baby..." Miguel gives your booty what he thought was a discreet love squeeze along with a peck on the lips, much to Gabi's chagrin.
Miguel grins and opens the door to the garage.
"Mmm- don't forget! Gabi has her book report presentation at 2 pm today!" You call after him.
Shit... Miguel remembers. That's going to be a tough one to squeeze in his already stuffed schedule. "Okay, I'll see what I can do!"
You groan silently to yourself. You knew him well enough to know there was a 99% chance he wasn't coming based on that response alone. You plaster on a fake smile and try to shrug off your worry for the kids' sake. "Alright munchkins, the magic school express is leaving for school, pronto!"
After dropping off Gabi, Marcus and two of the neighbors' kids at school, you drop Anthony off at your mother's for some quality time while you catch up on housework. Or at least some of the housework because you end up showering and taking a 3 hour nap. The demands of the past week finally caught up to you. You groggily shut off the alarm on your phone. The clock said noon.
You text your husband, "Are you going to make it to Gabi's presentation?"
No answer.
But, that was typical. Miguel could get quite busy at HQ and not respond for hours. Still, you kept your hopes up that this time he'd make an honest effort to be there to support Gabi.
After lunch, you go back to your mother's and visit for a bit, then you and little Anthony head over to the school for Gabi's presentation promptly at 2 pm.
Gabi breaks out into a smile when she sees you and her baby brother enter the classroom. "Sissyyy!" Anthony babbles, waving his chunky arm.
Gabi runs to the back of the class and picks up little Anthony to give him a squeeze hello, he giggles furiously, kicking his dangling feet as she spins him around. You give both kids a warm smile then take Anthony in your lap as Gabi walks to the front of the classroom.
She hesitates for a moment and her eyes dart from you and Anthony to the door, as though she was expecting someone else to walk through. You get a sinking feeling in your gut when you realize she's looking for her papa. Her face falls a little bit when the door remains closed and the class goes silent, waiting for her to begin. You look at Gabi and give her an encouraging nod, not letting any of the disappointment you're feeling make itself known on your face.
Gabi takes a deep breath and starts to give her book report presentation. You hug Anthony a little closer to your chest as you both sit and watch, silently vowing to "accidentally" forget to cook Miguel dinner tonight.
Unfortunately, that night you didn't even get the opportunity to bitch him out because he came home some time around 3 am the next morning only to have to roll out of bed 3 hours later to beat the morning rush hour.
All of the excitement and positive momentum you thought you and Miguel were building after his suggestion to spend Valentine's Day together starts to chip away, day after day. He comes home in the wee hours of the night, missing dinner, homework, and bedtime. The kids seem to notice. Marcus snaps at you as you struggle to help him with his science homework. "Daddy knows how to do this stuff! I want him to help me, not you!"
You try to act like that comment didn't sting and answer in a calm but shaky voice. "Daddy's at work. I'm doing my best to help you and I need you to speak to me in a kinder tone, please."
Marcus grunts in frustration, stomping upstairs and slamming his door.
And, to make things worse, he begins picking more fights with Gabi than usual. Doors get slammed and toys get thrown as early as 8 am when a dispute arises over who gets to pick which cartoon is playing on the TV.
In the evenings, you have to scream at the top of your lungs and separate them after they start kicking each other under the table while little Anthony wails because he hates what's being served for dinner. The night ends with everyone in tears and all three kids eventually sleeping in your bed because they're too upset to stay in their rooms.
Miguel winds up on the couch or doesn't even come home at all, leaving you with an uneasy feeling in your stomach with a painful side of resentment.
On Valentine's Day, you wake up and look over. Gabi, Marcus, and Anthony are all in a pile lying against each other on Miguel's side of the bed. It's 5 am. You slide out of bed, taking care not to disrupt your sleeping babies.
You walk quietly downstairs, a storm brewing in your chest, a seething monologue you plan to unleash on your careless husband asleep on the couch again. You had his favorite bourbon, new cologne, his favorite snacks, and some new socks that you were going to set out for him to wake up to. He could forget about all of that now. He didn't even bother to get you anything, or even climb into bed with all of you at least when he got home.
You were preparing to hold his feet to the fire and ask where the hell he's been, if he's remembered he even has a family, and, if his sorry ass doesn't start coming home at a reasonable time or even issue a nearly two weeks overdue apology to Gabi for letting her down, that he can scrap your Valentine's Day plans, cancel the hotel, and you'll return all his gifts back to the store. Things haven't been this bad since Christmas when you nearly got divorced.
But, he's not there. The couch is bare. He spent another complete day and night at work. Didn't even come home so he could be there for you on fucking Valentine's Day. At this point, you just feel like crying. Frustration reached its boiling point and threatens to bubble over. You check your phone, the last text you sent to him was last night at 5 pm.
"Making dinner. Marcus is struggling with his science homework again and got upset with me. Will you please come home at a reasonable time tonight so you can talk to him about it? Are we still on for tomorrow and letting my mom watch the kids?"
The message was opened and read at 7:45 pm with no response. You walk outside onto your porch and call him, pacing back and forth restlessly as the phone rings.
Miguel walks through a portal back into his office at HQ, Felicia Hardy and Ben Reilly in tow. Felicia and Ben are bantering back and forth as Miguel notices an incoming call from you. Miguel's eyes are bloodshot, not having had a blink of sleep in nearly 18 hours
"Someone's in troubleee," Felicia teases. Miguel tries to brush off the comment as he nervously answers and utters a loud "FUCK!" when he realizes what today is.
Deep down, Miguel knew he had been getting worse lately. Diving head first into his work, so adamant on protecting the multiverse that he made himself blind to your needs and the needs of his children, seemingly a purposeful self-sabatoge. It was something you both unpacked early on in your relationship for you to eventually discover he had a form of depression.
A lot of it could be traced back to all those times where he was a boy who grew up way too fast as he shielded Gabriel from the obvious abuse his step dad inflicted on their family. He would take his responsibilities almost a little too seriously, always needing to be the solution to every problem, even if it meant setting himself on fire, and to the detriment of anyone close to him.
You two also battled over the age old argument the majority of married couples faced: the disproportionate division of visible and invisible labor. This was no doubt something that was ingrained in both of you growing up as a pattern that you two were fighting to try and break: the woman handles everything related to the home and kids, the permanent project manager of the family with little to no emotional assistance from the man. Meanwhile , the man works full time and makes such a healthy living that he can sustain her and multiple kids on it at once. The only domestic tasks he should be concerned with are the lawn and any random repairs around the house.
You were very supportive of his mental health of course, but it was times like these where you just needed him home, needed to feel like you didn't have to weather this storm on your own. A very distinct part of the vows you made to each other on your wedding day.
Sometimes you found yourself crying at night or when a love song came on, asking yourself if marriage was really this hard, or if love and the ideas of it that got planted in your head from an early age were just things of fiction. Something you clearly weren't meant to experience. Hell, none of the women on your side of the family did. Your grandma had a shitty marriage but stayed, your mom and dad divorced, and your aunt couldn't make any of her three marriages work.
You hear Miguel answer and you exhale with relief. "Did you get my text?..."
Miguel pinched the bridge of his nose and nodded, "Yeah...Happy Valentine's Day... Lo siento, mi alma..."
(I'm sorry, my soul)
You cross your arms, his greeting and weak apology completely going over your head. "So, where the hell have you been? What have you been up to? I've said maybe 10 words to you in the past nearly two weeks. I've been doing this all by myself..." Your voice thickens and you begin to cry at last, "If you're hurting again you need to tell me..."
Miguel starts to interrupt you but you bulldoze over him, not letting him put out the fire that was lit underneath you. "I need you home. The kids need you home. I am not celebrating Valentine's Day with you in a hotel room tonight if you do not come home at a reasonable time this afternoon to see the kids before we need to drop them off at my mom's."
At that point, Ben makes Felicia giggle loudly in the background. The tone is flirtatious and breathy. The sound is awfully incriminating as it comes through on the other line. Miguel shoots a frantic, pissed off look in their direction.
Your heart does a death drop from your chest to your stomach as you hear it. The deep seated insecurity that always hung in the very back of your mind that liked to make unwelcome appearances, usually at the worst of times in your marriage. An unpleasant symptom of having a husband who was exceedingly physically attractive to practically anyone who laid eyes on him.
The fear he would eventually tire of you and leave you high and dry for someone else. Someone prettier. Someone younger. Someone who wasn't bogged down by responsibilities. Someone who hadn't shown him the worst of who they could be. Someone whose personality was more contagious than yours. Someone more intelligent and successful. Someone who was everything you weren't.
"Who the hell is that...?" you ask through clenched teeth.
Miguel's hand comes up, covering nearly his entire face as he weakly tries to defend himself. "That was....Felicia..."
Felicia. Of fucking course. Here we go again...You hadn't worried about her since the last argument you two had over Christmas when Miguel foolishly decided to throw it in your face that she was more pleasant to be around as a mindless way to hurt you in that moment.
The tiniest seed of insecurity planted that would cause you to spiral with overthinking whenever her name was mentioned, even when you knew she really had a thing for Ben and Miguel put in work to reassure you of the fact that you were still the sole apple of his eye. Miguel had probably just reset whatever progress you two made since then ten steps backwards.
He frantically tries to save himself on the phone but you're already checking out as we speak. "But Ben's here too! Ben's here, too! Babe! We were on Earth-5129, we've been stuck on missions that take all day. Their Sinister Six has been causing all sorts of problems. I'm not alone with anyone, baby, I swear to God. I just got carried away with work-"
"Oh, oh you got carried away alright..." Your tears are hot and salty streaks on your cheeks. "The kids and I will be staying at my mom's. Have fun on your little mission."
"Baby don't hang up I swear to God-..."
You hang up and set your phone down on the ground, crouching down so your head is in your hands and you're squatting in a near fetal position, not moving much except your shoulders gently shaking, causing you to try and rock in a soothing motion as you sob uncontrollably.
You cry and cry. You cry for yourself. You cry at the fact that you feel like a single married mother. You cry because you're frustrated you're not good enough at math to help Marcus with his homework. You cry at the memory of Gabi's disappointed, sad face when she had to give her presentation without her favorite person there to watch. You cry about your body and how you haven't felt beautiful lately, that unkind, irrational thought that perhaps if you were prettier, then Miguel would pay more attention.
You cry about not having enough time in the day to do the things you want to do and how motherhood literally has no breaks to just let you breathe. You cry about Miguel and how this marriage at times feels harder than it should be, wondering what happened to the man you married and just wanting him back.
After several minutes, you just sit and stare at the slightly overcast morning, the cold slowly announcing its presence, your emotions and stress had rendered you insensitive to its chill for most of the time you were out there. You tug your fingers into the sleeves of your pajamas and waddle back inside, pausing at the main floor bathroom. You make sure there is no evidence of tears before you get your kids ready for another day, determined to at least make their Valentine's Day magical even if yours was already off to a shit start. Emotions can wait, motherhood doesn't stop.
Later that night, Gabi and Marcus are passed out in the guest bedroom at your mom's, sugar high worn off once again, and little Anthony is snoozing peacefully in your mom's lap. She quietly rocks him in the recliner in her living room, her nose buried in a book.
She hears Miguel enter quietly, and she looks up. Disapproval obvious in her expression as she bookmarks her spot.
You didn't tell her you and Miguel were fighting, but she knows her daughter well enough to know something was wrong, and he was the cause.
Miguel greets her in a hushed tone so as to not wake Anthony. "Thank you for watching the kids tonight..."
Your mom acknowledges with a curt nod of her head. Miguel sits down. Before he can speak, your mom interrupts. "She's at the hotel..." She pauses, letting Miguel absorb the information. "She wouldn't tell me the truth, but I know my daughter well enough to know she's hurt."
Miguel takes a deep breath, running his fingers through his hair. "Yeah... I messed up big time."
Your mom continues, "All the kids are asleep. If I were you, I'd go fix it..." She takes a deep breath of her own, Anthony stirs a little. "I love you like a son, Miguel. But, I'm gonna say this nicely: you work too much. One day, before you know it, these sweet kids are gonna be all grown up, and you and your wife won't even know what to talk about anymore because you never made your marriage a priority."
Miguel nods slowly, taking in her words.
"Don't become strangers in your marriage like I did." Your mom says, looking sincerely into Miguel's eyes. It clicks for Miguel at last, and he knows what he needs to do. He just prays that you'll even let him get close enough to let you hear him out.
Miguel gives your mom a warm smile of appreciation and a stroke to Anthony's hair before he ventures out into the February air, off to go win your heart back once again.
You're curled up in the king sized bed in the executive suite of one of the fanciest hotels nearby. You and Miguel stayed there the night before you eloped, and it was your first time staying there since. You would have cancelled the room altogether, but it was too late by the time Miguel messed up, so you figured you'd enjoy it, even if you had to do it alone, dammit. If you were going to cry, then at least you'd be doing it while wearing the hotel's fancy bathrobe on the top floor with chocolate covered strawberries and champagne.
You popped one in your mouth to try and distract from your tears that threatened to leak once again as you watched Letters to Juliet on the flat screen TV. You sniffed loudly, and there was a loud booming knock at the door.
You stayed right where you were, having a hunch it was your husband crawling back, biting another chocolate covered strawberry, this time chasing it with a longer sip of champagne.
The knocks get louder and you mutter a "shit" when you hear Miguel start calling your name, his fist relentless against the heavy oak door. You get up cautiously, creeping towards the knocking.
"Abre la puerta, cariño, por favor!!!" (Open the door, dear, please!) Miguel yells. "Stop doing this shit baby, I'M YOUR HUSBAND! TALK TO ME!"
The neighbors across the hall open up their door and start chastising him. Something about "keep it down people are trying to sleep", "this is the first night we've had away in MONTHS", "take your relationship problems outside", to which Miguel loudly hisses it's none of their goddamn business.
You open the door, yank your disheveled, tall ass husband into your room, and slam it in the face of the Karens. Problem solved. You huff and turn around, making your way back to your champagne throne, not saying a word.
Miguel makes a loud sigh, trying to settle from 100 back to 0. "Sweetheart, I'm sorry..." His brown locks are unkempt, a little bit of stubble peppers his chin. His crimson eyes are surrounded by little bloodshot lines. In his hands he has a slightly wilted bouquet of pink roses, one of the last bundles they had available at the grocery store, and in the other, a little pack of caramel Ghirdadellis being held by a tiny stuffed gray hippo.
You take the stuffed animal from Miguel with a neutral expression on your face. "He can stay," you wiggle the hippo in your hand. "But you can't. "
Miguel groans. "Baby, NOTHING happened. I swear on our children."
You raise an eyebrow at the bold statement. "On our children?"
Miguel sits on the edge of the bed, pulling at the hem of your bathrobe. "If I'm lying, let God Himself strike me down where I stand."
"You're sitting," you murmur, unable to resist. Miguel gives an exhausted gasp of laughter.
"You know what I mean..." He says, trying to steer the conversation back on target. "I would NEVER do that to you in a million years. I was an ass, I know. I've been taking too much time at work and I neglected you. I neglected the kids..." He sighs and leans into your chest. You silently wrap your hands around his head, pressing him into you.
Miguel closes his eyes, taking a deep smell of your scent. All of his stress seemingly being tugged out of his head with every moment he stays squished against your heart. He tries to explain, "Ben and Felicia were laughing, that's what you heard on the phone..."
You take a steady intake of breath. "Miguel..."
"Te lo prometo...." (I promise you) He says earnestly, looking up into your eyes from where he's still sitting on the edge of the bed. "Te lo prometo" (I promise you) he repeats for emphasis this time, his voice reducing to a whisper, crimson eyes wide as though his pupils could pull you in and make you see the truth.
"You don't need to explain yourself..." You say, bringing your hands to cup his face. His eyes fluttered closed and he leans into them. When he reopens them, a thin layer of tears is evident.
When Miguel cries, you can't help but cry also. You press your tongue against the back of your teeth, and go back to playing with his hair instead to hold them at bay. "How'd we get like this, baby?..."
That sentence utterly breaks his heart because he's all too aware of his role he's played in being a strain on your marriage by now. This was unlike you two. He's unable to speak but a million thoughts sprint through his head. Life happened. We stopped making each other the priority. Yes, the kids' needs would ultimately trump everything else while they were still very young, but when was it going to be your time again? Instead of going back to the way things were, you'd have to get to know each other again.
Meeting yourselves again as the new people you evolved into, reunited over those tender words you promised each other on wrinkled paper you stole from a printer in a cramped city office building nearly 5 years ago. Your lovely face bore a jittery smile underneath your department store veil, Miguel's expression tender as though he could power a city from the affection on his face alone.
Now, on this late Valentine's Day night , he beckons you to sit next to him, which you do. He lays you backwards, following you and propping himself on his elbow. The shift causes one tear to escape, creeping into your hair. You sniffle, and Miguel looks at you with concern. "Life got in the way again...it's not your fault. It's mine..." He admits shamefully.
You stare at the ceiling, more tears trickling into your hair before you look at Miguel. "Why'd you marry me?"
Miguel gives you a soft smile and answers in a hushed tone. "I decided one day that I didn't want to be without you." He pauses and his smile disappears momentarily, then creeps back up again. "Do you still wanna be without me right now?"
You shake your head. "No...I was mad. But that doesn't mean I really want you to go. I've just missed you, baby... *sigh*.....can we end the night together?"
Miguel's expression liquefies, "Course we can...and tomorrow too, right?" He scoops you even closer. We'll take our time, maybe get breakfast at that diner you love? Take you shopping?...I got a lot to make up for," he chuckles.
You hum, bringing your fingertips against his broad back. "Yes please." You let yourself drown in his hug for several moments, then you say, "We really need to stop fighting and making up on all the major holidays. Hallmark is going to catch wind of it and make a film adaptation, just watch."
Miguel beams, a light snicker from his chest vibrates against your body. "Haha...you're right, baby. Can't keep letting them get away with it..." His hand moves to grip your ass. "I'll wait til St. Patrick's Day to act up instead..."
"Babe. No."
"I'm kidding!"
"No, just, no," you shake your head, trying to wiggle out of his grasp but he holds you firmly down, both hands moving under your robe.
"You're right, my apologies, Mrs...." he croons.
"O'Hara. That's Mrs. O'Hara to you." You prod the tip of his nose.
Miguel kisses the sides of your neck, his lips still contain the tiniest bit of chill from the outside. You sigh into it, your sweet sounds of surrender tickling his ears, evolving into a wave of warmth that covers every inch of him, making him tremble for what's happening next.
"Mrs.... O'Hara..." At the sound of his name, he slides two fingers into your pussy. Your lips fall open at the intrusion, a whine bouncing off the walls.
"Shh...." Miguel soothes, his fingers start moving in a circular pattern.
"Fffuck...," your back arches, encouraging him to go deeper. You've reached the point where you're completely vulnerable. Falling apart to your husband's sweet thick fingers.
Miguel kisses the top of your breasts, still coaxing the walls of your pussy. "There she is..."
"I love you so much..." you whine, almost desperate.
His eyes are completely intoxicated by the utter desire leaking out of your body and into his hand. "I love you, sweetheart..." his voice barely above a whisper, as though any noise that escaped him threatened to rip you out of the haze of pleasure you both were currently drowning in.
You lift your chin, capturing his lips in yours. Soft and wet, they move seamlessly as they had nearly thousands of times before. A familiar song and dance you two engaged in, yet seemed to take you to a place that felt brand new each time you did.
"Make love to me..." your murmur buzzes softly against his lips, leaving his breath hanging hot and heavy.
Miguel answers by making his kisses a little harder. Lingering for a second longer, his tongue weaving a little deeper, leaving yours burning for more contact. A steady stream that turned into a faucet. Every bit of you yearns for him. This man you loved so much. And he yearns for the same in return. He'd happily give into you any time.
He praises you as you take his cock. Your eyes closing momentarily to accommodate his size. He traces your lips, letting the bottom one drag down just a little, leaving an opening for his thumb. You suck it greedily, the callouses of his thumb massaging against the ridges of your tongue. You moan as you taste his skin, earning a low grunt from him in return.
"Mi luz(My light).....so, so gorgeous..."
The corners of your lips curve into a smirk as you continue, but you release it when Miguel begins thrusting harder.
"Shit...." Your head presses back against the pillows and Miguel leans closer to you, his soft breaths fanning you, his fingers combing over your hairline as he holds you in place.
"Swear your pussy drives me insane no matter how many times we've fucked..." Miguel groans in a low voice.
You wind your thighs tighter around him, your body on the verge of overstimulation. "Cum in me ... remember? Wanna give you another baby..."
Miguel lets out a moan louder in volume than any of the previous ones. "¿En serio, amor?" (Seriously, love?)
Your bodies intertwined in a knot of passion as he fills you completely with his cum. You hold him tight, intimate moments like these that only the two people occupying the bed would remember. The raw, dirty memory of the night you hopefully conceived your last child with him.
He stays buried inside you, not ready to separate just yet. Letting the afterglow of the passion wash over you both for several more moments.
Soon after, you're enjoying the steam of the shower as you and Miguel take turns washing another, the smacks of your lips together echoing off the tile leading to a wet slap as your hand comes up to steady yourself against the wall as Miguel dives between your thighs once again.
"Happy Valentine's Day, Mrs. O'Hara..."
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yesimwriting · 4 months
in ur bestfriend!felix series do you think farleigh cares for the reader even if it’s just a little bit? like we all know how he can be (#1 shit stirrer) but it really got me thinking!! i don’t think he cared much when she first started hanging out with felix he was probably like ‘whatever just another one of his charity cases’ but would that change later on when he sees how felix really does care for her and she’s not going anywhere anytime soon or ever possibly sorry for the long rant!! i was rereading and the one u wrote were he refused to let her get high because of felix made me think 😭🫶
a/n omg me and @ker0senebunny were just discussing their dynamic potential
farleigh and reader have such potential for an oddly endearing frenemy arch,, they definitely still bully each other, but they bond over gossiping and (lightly, at least in reader's case) judging others, especially after farleigh finally realizies that reader isn't another one of felix's phases
also can def see them growing a smidge protective of each other?? like if farleigh makes a mean joke about reader they laugh,, but if someone else makes it they both kind of side eye each other 😭
anyways here’s a drabble that also briefly features slightly flustered felix and socially unsure ollie
"Here." Farleigh's standing in front of your spot on the couch, arm stretched forward lazily. You blink, eyeing what looks like a joint skeptically.
Farleigh isn't quite looking at you as he continues to hold out his offering, but he isn't moving away. You extend a hand, taking it from him cautiously. Smoking tonight wasn't really a goal, but you're not exactly feeling against it.
You sit up a little straighter, mentally debating if his attempt at socializing with you is a result of the small scale setting of tonight's plans or if he's just that high. Maybe it's both. "Thought I was on weed probation."
He sighs. "Do you want it or not?"
You tilt your chin up to frown at him, "Moody."
Farleigh's eyes finally meet yours. His scleras are tinged pink, making his gaze seem far off and slightly irritated. You bring the joint to your lips out of the instinctual desire to seem amicable. Farleigh's far from your best friend, but recently, there's been an undertone of understanding in your catty comments. More like Farleigh laughing with you than at you.
He steps past your legs before sitting next to you. Not the weirdest thing that's ever happened to you, but still, strange. Normally, on more low key nights like this, when it's just some of Felix's closer friends hanging around in an off campus apartment instead of a full fledged rager, Farleigh's close to the center of the action. Maybe he's more bothered by Oliver's presence than you thought.
After a beat of silence, Farleigh explains flatly, "It's different tonight." You're not sure you're following, but there's a good chance that Farleigh's high enough for it not to matter. "You're not drunk and tonight's...calmer, there's nothing for Felix to worry himself sick over."
You roll your eyes. "Felix doesn't get worried sick over me." You take another hit of the joint, pretending the gesture doesn't feel performative. "And either way, it's not his issue."
Farleigh scoffs. "Please."
"Please what?"
He leans forward, propping his head up on one elbow. "Sometimes you seem so smart, it's nice to know that in some ways you're still like a little kid."
Not the worst backhanded compliment he's ever hit you with. "Mhm."
Farleigh lets himself slump against the couch before extending a hand in your direction. A silent request. You hand him back the joint. "Oh, you're cold? Take my jacket. You're thirsty? I've already gotten you a water. You're tired? Give me a minute to say goodbye to some friends and then I'll tuck you in, lovie."
The general teasing is easy to dismiss until he tacks on Felix's favorite nickname for you. It doesn't feel right to hear it in a negative context. "Leave him alone. Felix is my friend and he's nice." You tap your fingers against your knee, body feeling much too relaxed for the annoyance that wants to break through. "It's not weird or anything."
Farleigh takes his time letting more smoke fill his lungs. "Defensive." You roll your eyes. "Look around, every girl here wishes Felix was that friendly with them." His sentence is a hint too loud for you to be comfortable. The last thing you need is for some girl to take it the wrong way and blame you for it. "His new lapdog probably feels the same."
It takes you a second longer than it should to get the reference. You're not exactly close with Oliver. He's new, and Felix really enjoys his company, but you've yet to bond with him. Something in you just hasn't been able to get there yet. Sometimes you'll see what Felix sees in him, but that isn't the same as feeling close to him. You want to like him, though, so you're sure it's only a matter of time before you click over something. Felix and you spend too much time together for it not to work out between you and Oliver eventually.
"That's mean." You turn to better face Farleigh, your shoulder sinking against the seat's cushioning at an uncomfortable angle. "Like really mean."
Part of the defense is instinctual. You're not one to make fun of people behind their backs just to act like you're friends in front of them. But it's also more than that. Felix wouldn't let anyone talk about you like that, and without him or Oliver there to fight against Farleigh's snark, it feels wrong to let that kind of thing go.
"Fine. Better analogy. Sometimes the way Oliver looks at Felix feels like he wants to be his escort, or something."
You understand what Farleigh's getting at almost immediately. There's this urge to please quality about Oliver that you can't judge him for. People want Felix to like them. People want Felix to love them. It's not a draw you'd ever fault anyone for falling for. But something about the concept of an 'escort' in this context makes you want to laugh. You bite your tongue.
Farleigh holds out the joint again. You take it back instinctually, taking a quick hit to avoid having to say anything right away. "Yeah, but isn't that everyone with Felix?"
You're not sure what the goal of your response is. A poor attempt at changing the subject and steering the conversation away from making fun of someone with no one there to defend them without alienating Farleigh entirely. It's a joke, and not a very good one, but with the way you and Farleigh start cracking up, no one would ever be able to tell.
"We're..." You try through a fit of giggles, "We're awful."
"No," Farleigh shakes his head once lazily, "Not awful. We're familial bonding."
You squint at him as he plucks the joint from between your fingers. "We're not related."
Farleigh brings the joint to his lips, taking a deep inhale. "No," he mumbles, "I'm just getting ahead of the inevitable."
It takes you a beat longer than it should to understand his reference. "Farleigh." He's smiling slightly, the look smug. "Felix and I are just friends. You know that."
His head falls against the back of the couch. "Does anyone ever get along with their in-laws?"
You steal the joint from him before letting your back hit the cushioning. "Shut up."
With your body angled forward, you can see the center of the living room. Felix is near the entrance to the kitchen, Oliver by his side.
When Felix's eyes land on yours, he grins. You smile back before finally bringing the joint back to your lips. By the time you're exhaling, you can see Felix nudging Oliver's shoulder.
"Here we go," Farleigh sighs, taking back the joint.
You ignore the comment in favor of tracking Felix's path across the room. The world parts for him, as always.
"Hi." You beam, stretching a hand forward as soon as Felix is within reach. He grabs your hand immediately, squeezing your palm against his. "Felix, Oliver."
Oliver nods once at the acknowledgement, "Hey."
Felix tugs on your arm gently. "Lovie, where've you been?" His thumb brushes against your knuckles. "Been looking for you."
"I've been here," you admit, "I was waiting for you guys to get back with everyone's drinks and then Annabel wanted to sit...and then Farleigh."
Felix nods as if you've said is something of great importance. "Farleigh treating you okay?"
Farleigh tilts his head, halfheartedly glaring at Felix. You grin. "Yeah, we're just chatting."
"Chatting," he muses, looking between you and Farleigh. Before you can respond, Felix is moving to sit, taking up the last of the couch's remaining space. He looks up at Oliver, noting the lack of room for a fourth person. Felix squeezes our hand. "Sit with me?"
You nod, instantly understanding what he's getting at. You're sure Farleigh will hold you leaving your spot to give Oliver the opportunity to sit next to him against you, but there's not much else you can do, so you stand.
Felix is pulling you towards him before you can fully register the fact that you're standing. You frown, an attempt at a wordless scolding. He beams at you, the picture of affectionate innocence.
As soon as you're sitting on his lap, he's setting one hand on your knee and the other on your shoulder. Felix is always warm in the same way. There's a soothingness to it, a familiarity that you can always trust.
Oliver doesn't move until Felix's hand drifts away from your leg to pat the now open spot on the couch. Farleigh leans back slightly to make it easier to throw you a look that seems to say that Oliver's proving his earlier point.
You don't generally find Farleigh's snideness funny. You're not in the habit at laughing at his comments or behaving differently in hopes of winning him over. But, there's something about the solidarity of the look paired with your high. You laugh.
"What?" Felix asks, leaning forward to rest his chin against your shoulder.
You shake your head. "Nothing." A pinch of guilt nips at you. "I'm--I'm high."
"Could tell." Felix grins, dipping his head forward to press a kiss against the start of your back. "Farleigh's a terrible influence, hard to imagine what the two of you were up to before me and Ollie got here."
Maybe it's the lingering guilt, or maybe it's because Oliver's been almost completely silent since he got here and you know what it's like to be that person. You don't know what it is, but something makes you want to look over at Oliver. "Don't know, what do you think we were up to, Oliver?"
"Oh," he starts, tapping a finger against the edge of his solo cup as if something about your sudden attention startled him. "Up to no good, 'm sure."
You smile. Oliver and you may not be close, but at least he doesn't have an issue with carrying on a bit. Some of Felix's friends do. The first time Felix left you alone at one of these things, you made the mistake of making a joke in front of a girl who just stared at you.
"Little faith," you accuse with a shake of your head that indicates a disappointment your smile doesn't match.
"We were talking about inevitability."
Felix turns his head to look at Farleigh, "And what's inevitable?"
Your nails press into the skin of your leg. Some instinct tells you to beat Farleigh to the punch. "Oh, our wedding, apparently."
Felix tenses. "Wh--what?"
"To Farleigh," you clarify as quickly as possible, "I promise I'm not planning on proposing any time soon, so you can relax."
His hand finds your knee again. "Right," Felix sighs through a dry laugh, "Cause I--" Felix pauses, his forehead falling to your shoulder. "Farleigh...he'll say anything when high, it's..." He scoffs.
You turn your head with no warning. Felix's head slips off your shoulder. He pouts. "So the thought of being married to me is that bad?"
"No." He stretches out the vowel sound in an attempt to buy himself some time. "I--" He leans in closer, eyes flitting away from you and towards your lap. "I didn't--not like--"
You laugh. "I'm making fun of you, Lex." His skin is still slightly flushed, a pink tinge to his cheeks that's almost masked by the low lighting. "Y'can relax."
Felix's lips part in mock offense. "Lovie." He leans his head forward, hiding his face against the side of your neck.
You giggle, lifting a hand to brush your fingers through his hair. "I know, I'm mean."
"Very." He's quiet for a moment, head resting against you even though the angle can't be comfortable. "It wouldn't be bad." Felix whispers the sentence so quickly and quietly you almost feel like you've imagined them.
Before you can respond, Felix lifts his head slightly, setting his chin back on your shoulder. "Me and Ollie were talking about leaving early, watching that movie you rented." He squeezes your arm, the gesture warm. "If you want to."
"Yeah," you grin, "Sounds fun."
taglist; @vader-is-hot @spiritofbuddha @getosangie @freyafriggafrey @ilovehyperfixating @aryiannarae @willowpains
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Imagine proposing to Shanks
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At a bar
You: [brooding over a drink by yourself]
Benn: [comes over and sits next to you, like a concerned papa bear] You've seemed really down lately, what's going on up there in that head of yours?
You: Shanks and I have been together for years, and ... I don't quite know what I was expecting, but I am not happy at the idea of being only his dating partner forever.
Benn: Is this because of the wedding we saw yesterday, down at the Chapple?
You: Sort of, now I know that I'm never going to get a traditional wedding like that, but I would like for him to wife me up.
Benn: You should tell him that because he's never going to come to that conclusion on his own.
You: I know, but I can already picture what his proposal would be like, improvised, sloppy, and probably involving alcohol.
Benn: [mutters to himself] Well, at least you know what you're getting into with him before you marry him.
You: what was that?
Benn: nothing. Can I offer you a piece of advice?
You: [nods]
Benn: Don't wait around for others to do something for you when you could do it a million times better yourself.
You: hmm, thank you for the food for thought.
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Two weeks later
Shanks: [tugging on the white collar of his button-up like it's choking him,] Why the hell are they making such a big fuss? Insisting I dress up, just to go on a picnic.
Benn: [straightening his captain's tie] Because they love your dumb ass, for some fucking reason, and they went through the trouble of planning a special night for you two. So you're going to dress up, look nice, stay sober, try to behave, do whatever they say,
Shanks: [mutters] I already do whatever they say
Benn: [gives him the side eye as a warning] And you're going to bring them flowers and this cake.
Shanks: yeah, yeah, it's just it's been ages since we've had time to do something special, we're out of the honeymoon phase, you know? We're like an old married couple, we only have sex once a week and everything.
Benn: Oh, I know, we can hear you two in the crew's quarters, we appreciate that it's the same day every week too. [puts the flowers and box of cake in Shanks's hands] Now get going, if you're late I'll kill you myself.
Shanks: Alright, don't shove.
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At the docks
You: wow, you made it on time.
Shanks: I wouldn't be late for our first date in over a year.
You: [winces at the reminder]
Shanks: [realizes he's made things awkward, he holds out his gifts] Uh, these are for you.
You: [can see Benn's meddling] Thank you, but we're actually going to have to wait for the boat to get here. I took your habit of arriving late into account when I made the plans, and the time I told you to come was forty-five minutes before you actually needed to be here.
Shanks: [puts his arm over your shoulder and presses a kiss to your head] You know me so well, and no worries if we have to wait, just means that I get more time with you, my love.
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On the boat
Shanks: [looks around the glass bottom boat in amazement] Whoa! Look look! There's a tiger shark.
You: I knew you'd like it, we have it all to ourselves tonight. We'll sail around the reefs, and have dinner.
Shanks: we get to eat.
You: yes, they have your favorite, you can even pick out which lobster you'd like to eat.
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After dinner
the boat captain: excuse me, we've landed on Firefly Island, you'll have two hours before we raise anchor and head back to the port.
You: thank you, [turns to Shanks, grabs his hand, and leads him to the heart of the island where all the fireflies are]
Shanks: [visibly resisting the urge to run around and chase them]
You: [rolls your eyes playfully] Go ahead, I know you wanna run, go get your energy out. Why don't you run around the edge of the clearing and herd them this way? [sits on a stone bench beside the pond in the center of the meadow]
Shanks: [kisses your cheek] aye aye
You: [waits until he's tuckered himself out, and has collapsed on the bench next to you] Sweetheart, are you having fun?
Shanks: the most fun I have had in a while, look at this jar of fireflies I caught. [holds up a large mason jar, packed with the luminescent insects] I know if I leave them in there too long, they'll die, but I wanted you to get to open it.
You: [gets down on one knee, positions the ring box on the side of the jar and unscrews the lid to let critters free]
Shanks: Isn't it pretty? [looks down at the jar to see the box on the other side of the jar] What'cha got there?
You: [sets the jar aside and opens the box to reveal the ring inside]
Shanks: [freezes]
You: ... I know I'm not going to get a fancy wedding in a place of worship or even a marriage certificate, but I would still like you to marry me. For us to be marriage partners, even if it's only in name.
Shanks: wh-... how ... [pulls out the ring and slides it onto his finger] it fits and everything.
You: [waiting for an answer]
Shanks: [notices your staring] what?
You: will you marry me?
Shanks: [pulls you into his lap, and kisses you] Of course I'll marry you, and no you're probably not going to get a fancy wedding, and you're definitely not going to get a marriage certificate. But I promise you, you'll get one hell of a wedding.
You: Thank you, love. [peers over to see Benn sopping wet in the bushes, taking pictures with a camera snail] Benn, what are you doing?
Benn: getting engagement photos, obviously.
Shanks: how did you get here?
Benn: I swam, now you two stop moving, so I can take a picture before these fireflies can eat the camera.
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ask-the-rag-dolly · 7 months
♪ ~ a little rag dolly , wishing your worries away ~ ♪
please read the faq ! ( updated as of 4/9/2024 )
a part ask-blog , part comic where ragatha is infected with a sentient virus that can talk to her - and somehow that's the least concerning part in all of this ?
there's no right or wrong choices here but these all definitely look like wrong ones
[ while this is mostly not intended to be a horror comic , please be warned that this will contain content that can be seen as disturbing such as depictions of mental illness and breakdowns , vomiting , self-harm , suicidal and intrusive thoughts , scopophobia , medical trauma - and possibly more i haven't listed ! if these things get too distressing it's okay to click away , your mental wellbeing matters more ^^
also disclaimer that a lot of the things here were written Before episode 2 so if there's some inconsistencies then you know ! ]
somehow doesn't work in mobile , please don't ask me i don't know how to fix it , blame tumblr idk lol
phase 1
phase 2
[ asks ] / [ ask2 ] - main posts
[ ooc ] - misc. posts
[ INTERMISSION ] - surprise !
[ non-canon ] - non-canon asks
[ ESSAY WARNING ] - mod rambles
[ doodles ] - art from yours truly !
[ THE INFLUENCER ] - old t.i tag ! design was by @/raggedabstraction
tadc influence au - green ?????????
[ you just opened : pandora's box ! ] - an achievement i give to a select amount of asks that completely ran the plot into a tree and exploded it <3
[ animations ] - ... animations !
[ office lore ] - backstory that i don't think is pretty important to this story but people are somehow invested in it so here you go
toybox - just me going crazy over my brotp ( zooble & ragatha )
[ more will be added ! ... if i figure it out ... ]
nooo inappropriate asks, please ! i will not hesitate to block you if you send one
my art is free to use ! use it for your icon , an edit , or even repost it ! my only condition really is to credit me (:
the only ship i'll lean towards is jesterdoll (pomni x ragatha) ! even then , it's not the main focus ( i prefer exploring more platonic dynamics honestly ! )
please be patient and do not take it personally if your ask doesn't get in , i am just one artist running this blog , not planning to get another mod , and i get a shitton of asks whenever i open the inbox . there is no 100% guarantee that your ask will get in
please do not dm me . i am not open for small talk . just take any questions or inquiries to the ask box if it's open . sorry but i will be ignoring any messages from this point on . it's nothing personal i am just severely mentally ill
magic anons are fine ! though note i will be very picky towards them and most likely won't accept any that exceeds 10 asks .
you can call me mod bee . for the sake of this blog , i go by she/her ^^ ( please don't bring up my main if you recognize my art style shfgsf )
[ guidelines are subject to change ~ ]
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mrsparrasblog · 2 months
Makarov x Price daughter pt.4
This chapter is just to explain what Price did in the whole year since his daughter is gone. Its different then the other ones I still hope you like it. I'll try to set myself a goal to publish the next chapter tomorrow.
Previous Part. next part
Four months he was away from his home, from his wife Tina, and you. God, he missed you and couldn’t wait to see you again. He planned the whole month how he would apologize to you for saying you were a disappointment. Of course, you weren't a disappointment; he just didn't know how to show it to you. You weren't his little girl anymore, so grown and independent. Tina needed him more than you, or at least he thought so. Tina was a spitfire, always getting in danger, disrespecting teachers, while you were a perfectly behaved little girl. Never once in his life occurred the thought that you could do anything wrong. So he neglected you, and he knew that was a mistake now.
During this time off, he would give you all the attention you needed and finally be the dad you deserved. If only you'd accept his apology. He finally arrived in Cardiff, his clothes still dirty from the long flight, his beard overgrown, and he looked a bit like a Neanderthal, but this time he couldn't wait. He rang the bell, Tina and his wife already running into his arms.
"Where is she?" he asked curiously, eager to find out where you were. You mostly took the day off when he came back from deployment. Maybe you couldn’t or did overtime again because a birth took longer than planned.
"Dunno," his wife said bluntly, not mentioning the fact that you hadn’t been home for three months. She saw you making out with an older guy again the day you went "missing". In her mind, you were a spoiled brat who didn't appreciate everything she gave you. She wasn’t your mother and still tolerated you. Shouldn’t you be grateful for that?
After 10 hours at home, your dad grew anxious. He always had a great gut feeling, and something felt off, so he needed to investigate this situation, making sure you were okay. You were his little girl, after all. Telling his wife a white lie, he went to the hospital where you worked.
The delivery station looked weird to him. Everyone was smiling brightly, as if there wasn’t any pain or war in the world. The midwives walked around in pink scrubs, and everywhere were damn cupcakes. It was the first time he visited you at work, and he felt guilty about how he reacted the day you told him you wanted to become a midwife. He should have been proud of you.
After looking around and not finding you, he asked one of the midwives, explaining that he was your dad and had returned from deployment. He got more confused when the midwife told him to sit down and your supervisor came out, taking him into her office.
"Look, your daughter was our best midwife apprentice, but she hasn’t been at work for the last three months without any notice," she explained.
"What do you mean three months? She loves her work," he said.
"We know that. If she ever gets out of her phase, she can come back to work. But for now, could you please gather her stuff from the locker?"
"Phase? What phase?"
"Her stepmom told us she had psychological issues, Mr. Price."
He never heard of it. Why didn’t his wife tell him before? He would have tried to be there for you. The midwife guided him to your locker, opening it for him so he could take your stuff out. His lips curved into a smile when he saw the pictures in the locker: one of your best friend and you at graduation (he missed it), a picture of you on your first day at work with pink scrubs, and a picture of him barely 20, holding you in his arms. You were so precious, such a little thing looking up to him. Dozens of pink scrubs, a calendar marked with vacation NYC and Taylor Swift concert. This didn’t look like a locker from someone who lost it.
"Where is my daughter? Don’t bullshit me."
"I don’t know."
"Her boss said you told her she is mental."
"Well, she certainly is. She sleeps around with men your age."
"Do you know where the fuck she is or not? When was she last here?"
"Three months ago."
"Fuck it! My daughter is missing, and you only told me about it now?"
"She isn’t missing, John. She probably married some old fart and ran off."
"Shut the fuck up." He never screamed at his wife. His captain demeanor was always something he left at home, but you were missing, and no one told him. What if something happened? After three months, the traces were hard to find. "Fucking hell."
He walked away to the only place he could think you were. But when your best friend called him a deadbeat dad for only searching for his daughter after three months, he knew something must have happened to you.
"Kate, please, anything will help."
"John, there is no trace of her. I'm sorry."
"We searched through every man she interacted with, Cap. She isn’t anywhere."
"She is there somewhere outside, Ghost."
"How many more innocent people will you kill, John? She is gone."
"We should hold a wake for her."
"She is still alive, Kate."
"John, it’s been a year. You know the statistics."
"I won’t stop until I see her corpse."
"Makarov will marry, holding a big public celebration and everything, invited us somehow."
"Why should I care if that bastard marries, Nick?"
"We found your daughter, Captain."
"Where, Kyle?" He asked desperately. He never lost hope after searching for you for a whole year. He wasn’t the man he was before. He was rougher, he didn’t care about anything anymore. He divorced his wife, killed just to have you back.
"You won’t like it." Please don’t be dead. His eyes started to tear.
"Where?" He needed to take his little girl home, bury you properly, a thing he never thought he needed to do, bury his own daughter, but the world was cruel for people like him.
"Alive"Kyle placed some articles of a Russian gossip journal on his desk.
"'Princess of Russia'," John read aloud. "Vladimir Makarov's longtime love was seen shopping for her wedding dress suspiciously holding her belly. Already pregnant?"
"We can't wait for the wedding of the century," Kyle continued, pointing at the article. "From worker to billionaire spouse, she is living the Cinderella dream."
John's heart sank. He knew what this meant. His daughter, his little girl, was about to become a pawn in Makarov's twisted game. And he would do anything to stop it.
Tag list: @multifand0midi07 , @whos-fran , @cassiecasluciluce , @the-faceless-bride
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caeunot · 5 months
johnnie x reader
new years angst (18+)
PSA: the johnnie i'm going to write about is the fictional version we all have in our minds, we truly don't know how he actually is and it's good to make a balance to avoid any uneasy or parasocial feelings when writing about a real person.
it had been a very long night for everyone, new years party's obviously only actually get started at 12 so the night only truly ends early hours of the morning. johnnie was fast asleep on his bed, the sheets unmade as he lay on top in the full clothes from night before. as he lifted his head he felt all the drinking all the smoking all the talking from the night before rush straight to his head, like a heavy boulder he has to now carry for the next 12 hours. this isn't anything new to him but that doesn't make it any more fun to deal with.
he gets up and looks at himself in his mirror, scrunching his face as he notices how he still had his makeup on, though completely different from the way it had spread all across his face messily from lying on it. he turns on the tap and splashes himself with the cold water, waking him up but also somehow making his migraine worse.
as he starts getting changed into something comfortable he starts remembering the events from the night before, as if in pieces he has to puzzle together.
one thing that remains the most prominent in his memory is the countdown for midnight, he was excited. he had a plan. he wore his best outfit and put contour and primer on his face to make that days makeup extra fancy(he never really does that). he had been anticipating this moment the whole night, his eyes darted around looking for something specific. he squeezed past a few people pushing one slightly too hard making him have to awkwardly apologize which he hated doing. but at that moment it didn't phase him and neither did the flashing lights and the aggressive music playing a bit too loudly in the background. his mind was focused on one thing only. you
his plan was that at the moment it hit 12 he would kiss you, in his mind he decided this would be the best option since if you weren't into it he could pull it off saying it was a friend thing. he was absolutely too nervous to actually just ask you out since he personally feels you are quite out of his league. he hoped this would spark something between the two of you. so that he no longer has to look away when you laugh at his jokes because of the prominent blush that would always come up on his pale skin, or the way he had to hide his enthusiasm when you were around. he was absolutely infatuated with you.
who did you think zombie was about?
but as he finally caught his eye on you with seconds to spare he started jogging towards you but as he was about to approach you, you turn to jake cupping his face and leaning in for a deep kiss. he saw the way you smiled as jake held onto your waist. the way your kiss lasted longer than the others around the room. suddenly he jolted out of his mind as he hears a knock on his bathroom door.
fuck. he thinks to himself as he puts his hand sloppily through his hair in attempt to neaten it. "yes?" he says, still sounding half asleep.
"can I talk to you" you say, wait. you say? johnnie is confused. you don't live here, he just shares this place with jake..
he bites his lip before answering, "yeah uh just- just gimmie a min I just got up". " oh ok no problem! I'll be in the living room, take your time alright?" you say, he waits for your foot steps to sound lighter before he leans against the door and slides down to the floor, hands in his hair he curses. curses how he could so easily give someone his heart and so easily let them tear it apart, even without them knowing they did. love was fucked and he was tired and his migraine was getting worse and he just wanted everything to disappear, but as much as he would love to lock himself in the bathroom forever he was also curious what you had to say to him.
around 10 minutes later he emerges from the bathroom still rubbing his towel around his wet hair from his shower, he walks into the living room to see you scrolling on your phone and his heart immediately starts aching. before you noticed he was there he took full advantage of being able to admire you, you had no makeup on which johnnie had never seen before, but god you might look even better without it.
he admired the way your hair was slightly messed up and the way you were still in the clothes from the night before, that tight black dress that has a low v neck showing off your breasts which he realized he was obsessed with, even in a normal setting you made it work.
"so what's up?" he asks sitting down next to you on the couch. "wait first before anything can i ask you a massive favour..", "hit me" he says with a half smile, "well as u can see im still sorta in my dress from last night uh.. i maybe slept over here last night and my place is pretty far and i have a splitting headache, would it be cool if i stay at your guys place tonight too?"
"oh sure no problem we don't mind! but what about your clothes? im guessing u didn't pack any extra in that handbag of yours." you shuffle in your seat feeling a lil embarrassed, "that's my second favour.. could i borrow some of yours? well uhm not yours specifically but your the only one awake at the moment and i dont wana wake poor jake"
johnnie got a bit red imagining you in his clothes, but nonetheless lent you one of his hoodies and sweats which fit you perfectly. as you were getting changed he couldn't help when his mind slipped to the fact you never wore a bra with that dress, meaning you would be wearing one of his hoodies completely bra-less which turned him on much more than he would have hoped for, especially since the two of you agreed to go get something to eat after you get changed.
the car ride was very silent and it was freaking johnnie out a little, once you two have ordered your food and are started waiting you decide to break the silence, "if im being real, i got wayy too blasted last night like i honestly don't even remember talking to you.. at one point i wasn't even sure if you were there, but saying that i barely remember anyone i spoke to haha". johnnie lets out a small laugh, "dont worry abt not seeing me, im not a party guy i always end up lurking in the shadows like a vampire instead of making conversation." you turn your head to the window looking out at the sun as it melts like honey into the blue sky as it sets.
the two of you ended up eating in the car because you guys were so hungry. as you guys made it back inside the house you see jake facetiming someone on his phone, you sneak up behind him and shove him a little while going "BAH", which made him jump like a cartoon character. "fuck you y/n im on a call" "not my fault your a scaredy cat", "dude that's just wrong im braver than u and johnnie combined okay" you guys laugh and jake takes his call to his room, leaving you and johnnie alone again.
"i like how he didn't ask why im still here" you ask slumping onto the nearest couch. "i think you scared him too much that he stopped thinking for a sec" he said plonking himself next to you.
"you down to watch a movie?" you ask, "sure sounds good! i mean what else is there to do anyways". "perfect ill choose kay!! since im the guest i get privileges heh", "whatever makes u happy miss y/n" he says giving a genuine smile which made your heart race slightly.
the movie dragged on for johnnie, not that it was a bad movie but for the fact that he couldn't stop thinking about how close you guys sat next to each other, plus the way you were still wearing his clothes and how absolutely gorgeous you looked in them. all of a sudden you turned towards johnnie as he was staring at you by accident, the two of you sat there in silence for a little before you broke it
"uh johnnie can i be honest with you", "sure y/n, what's up". "well let me get straight to the point, by the time it hit new years.. did you see who i kissed?" johnnie tilted his head in confusion, "you kissed jake.. don't you remember?". "honestly i don't remember anything past 11pm.. when i said i was blasted i really meant blasted. well the reason im asking is because there was someone specific i wanted to kiss"
"oh really? and who was that". "it uhm was you"
johnnie felt his face start heating up and without thinking he immediately pulled your face in for a deep kiss, "johnnie.." you whisper as the kiss ended, his hands still on your face and the two of you close enough to where you could see all the pores on face and feel his cool breath against your lips.
he doesn't respond, even the kiss took him off guard and he initiated it! he realized that you reciprocated his kiss and that gave him enough motivation to lean in for another, this one was more sloppy and more intense. you two wanted each other badly and it was visible, as some tongue was slipped you climbed on top of johnnie and felt his bulge already from his thin pants. that turned you on even more and you accidentally let out a small moan.
you started to feel johnnies hands gently hold your waist from under the hoodie, you started to get a tingly feeling as he gently graced his hands higher and higher till he reached your boobs, he let out a small whimper as he gripped and played your breasts. you take your hands from his neck and instead use them to take off the hoodie itself giving him a full view of your boobs now making him gasp mid kiss.
you start grinding on him gently while taking his shirt off, once its off you slowly get off of him and pull down his pants, "are you sure?" he said shakily as he sat more forward on the couch preparing for what's coming, "you don't know how long I've wanted to do this, yes baby i'm sure" you say which made him go even redder and before you get on your knees you see him biting down an excited smile.
as you pull his boxers down you take your hand and gently rub it back and forth before taking your tongue and starting right at the base, giving a mix of wet kisses and licks as you slowly go higher and higher. when you finally get to the tip you hear a small whimper and you feel the top of your hair being grabbed desperately, you slowly put the tip fully inside your mouth moving it gently back and forth and going faster and faster deeper and deeper making his member twitch inside of his mouth and as you start hearing him moan deeply you realize he has already hit his climax and ends up finishing inside your mouth. when he was done you take your mouth off with a plop and immediately go back up to johnnies absolutely flustered face, you have never seen him look so submissive.
without hesitation you kiss him with his cum still inside your mouth, making a mess as it spills onto both of your chests.
johnnie sighs in delight "fuck y/n how did you do that" -when he knew exactly how :)
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jade-green-butterfly · 8 months
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Oooh, my Harmonia...just got back from watching Trolls Band Together and my GOODNESS!!🤩✨🤩✨🤩Words cannot describe how amazed and engrossed I was into the whole movie!!💖💖💖Was it worth the seven month wait?😗TOTALLY!!😍😍😍It was absolutely fantastic, and I LOVED and enjoyed every single moment of it!!🥰
I was really getting into scenes, got quite a few laughs out of some scenes and was touched the wholesome ones~💕Branch's brothers were just as enjoyable on screen - John Dory still being my fave as he grew throughout the movie (LOVE Rhonda too!😁) Spruce/Bruce is such a lovable family man, Clay was (serious)ly awesome in his scenes and the tender moments between Floyd and Branch really got me...especially with the flashbacks...🥲 It was so great to see Grandma Rosiepuff again, though I do wish there was more feeling shown when her death was mentioned, hopefully the brothers will come to terms with it more in time...and Branch's bunker plan for them all, d'awww...~🥺So he DID build the bunker for all his family...😭 Viva was such an amazing character as well as she adorably bonded with Poppy (ooh, dear King Peppy, I know you were heartbroken at the time but c'mon...😅) and finally braved out of her comfort zone, and Tiny Diamond going through his big boy phase was real cute and funny😂Bridget and King Gristle were great too, it was lovely seeing them again along with the Bergens!😊 I had a feeling Velvet and Veneer were luring BroZone to them, they were such good villains with their goals and personalities but I am glad Floyd got through to Veneer in the end, and he saw the wrong he and his sister were doing, and came clean to everyone. And Crimp was a cutie and deserves better🫂(glad she got a hug from Poppy and stood up to Velvet and Veneer in the end😌) And it was also great to see some of the Snack Pack again too, including Prince D and especially my darling Cooper too, eeeee~!😍💗💗💗He looked so dapper!💝🥰 Speaking of Poppy, she was just as darling as ever~!😚I seriously LOVED her relationship and her undying love for Branch blossom so much here whilst supporting and fangirling for him all the way as they interacted, bless her~😊And that sweet BROPPY KISS!!🤭...🤩I was going 'YES!! FINALLY!!' under my breath, grinning from ear to ear in that moment~💙💖And that moment when I thought he was gonna pop the question during the performance during the end...hehe, maybe another time~😉But I certainly didn't expect *NSYNC to show up in their trollsonas near the end...what a twist!😮
The chase scene and perfect family harmony scene were truly epic and it really shows, it doesn't have to be perfect as long as we're altogether~💞💓All the locations of the brothers were stunning to look at, with Vacay Island and Spruce/Bruce's family, the creepy abandoned Bergen golf course with the Putt-Putt Trolls, and finally Mount Rageous - a whole lot of wonder to take in!💖Walt Dohrn, Gina Shay and the DreamWorks Animation Crew did such an fantastic job on everything!✨🌟✨And that huge BroZone hug...again, d'aaaaww~!😭
As for the songs...I'll be downloading the rest of the album now because they were all wonderful to listen to!🎧🎶Real boyband and 90's nostalgia~✨I know they're gonna be stick in my head for a long time, hehe!😆I have so many faves, especially all versions of 'Better Place'~😚
A greatly HUGE thank-you in a million to everyone Trolls for such a fantastic movie, which I wonderfully enjoyed all the way through, from start to finish!🌟👏👏👏🌟AAAHH!!💓💗💓I JUST LOVED IT ALL!! 😍🤩😍I give it a solid 9.5 out of 10!!😊👍✨Totally made my weekend~!🫶🥰
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trubblegumm · 11 months
I've closed my bloodbath patreon
Hi gang :D Not a serious announcement and it's pretty obvious but I just wanna clear it up because some people are probably still waiting for bloodbath. I probably wont be updating the series anymore (if I do, it's not going to be anytime soon.) It's a simple case of falling out of love with drawing tmnt art. I still hold the franchise very close to my heart, but alas interests move on. Just wanted to give an update since this is my main art account and not a turtle blog like @bloodbath-au is. If you want to still find the Bloodbath comic pages, I've uploaded most of them to AO3 here: BLOODBATH AO3 LINK
Anyways now you know if I start posting non-tmnt art on this account what's going on :) thank you for the support on Bloodbath it's been one of my favourite projects to ever work on, hopefully I'll be able to post more info on parts of the story I had planned on the bloodbath blog when I have more free time if you still want to keep in touch my new twitter is artmadeinhell can you guess what my new phase is
Bloodbath masterpost
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azulhood · 8 months
Johnny 13 accidentally gains a brother.
He didn't plan for this to happen, it just did!
He was visiting his hometown, hanging around crime alley when a street rat tried to steal his bike having not noticed him.
The kid was in the middle of trying to Hotwire his bike when he couldn't help but comment. "It's the other wire, that one sets the alarm off."
"Thanks." The kid replied distractedly letting go of the slightly glowing green wire and reaching for the faintly glowing red wire.
A quiet pause.
The kid slowly turned his head so that he was looking into Johnny's eyes. "This is your bike, ain't it?" The kid asked having realised he wasn't alone.
Johnny smiled with maybe one too many teeth but luckily the kid didn't seem phased "Yep."
The kid nodded as if it was just his luck. "Ya gonna beat me up?"
"Nah, it's not like I ain't Hotwire my own fair share." He wasn't worried that the kid would steal his bike, and if the kid managed to pull it off the bike would just return to him.
"Come on kid, let's get something to eat." The kid narrowed his eyes in suspicion as Johnny walked away, that's fine, it was the kid's choice if he followed or not.
Curiosity and hunger seemed to win out as the kid fell in step beside him.
Johnny found the nearest bat burger (they weren't around when he was alive and not something he'd ever really get used to) and got a family meal with money he had 'burrowed' from the residents of Amity Park.
"Why you doing this?" The kid questioned after devouring three burgers and starting on his fourth.
Johnny shrugged. "Just know what it's like to go hungry is all." He didn't really know, maybe it was because the kid reminded him of himself or maybe it was just Phantom was rubbing off on him.
It was time for them to go their separate ways once the meal was finished and the few leftovers hidden away.
His bike was right where he left it "hey, kid. What's your name?" Johnny asked as he started the ignition.
The kid stared right into his eyes, like he was weighing Johnny's worth. "Jason."
"Jason Todd" The kid said it slow, like each word was a mistake.
Jason Todd,huh? Johnny committed it to memory. "Name's Johnny, kid." He gave back. "I'll see you around."
After that it became a sort of habit to find the kid, buy him food and listen to whatever was happening in town, whenever he visited Gotham.
The other ghosts thought it was funny, one of them even jokingly said "welcome to parenthood."
But it didn't feel like Jason was his kid. It felt more like... Having a little brother.
Yeah, that was it.
One day Johnny rolled into Gotham with a crisp one hundred in his pocket, unknowingly donated by the Manson family, fullly intending on buying Jason some new clothes, probably a few books, and maybe a new lock pick set.
But he couldn't find him.
Johnny searched crime alley top to bottom, he checked the police headquarters, checked every bat burger, checked the docks.
He ignored the growing pit of worry that in his chest.
Johnny finally found Jason in a swanky mansion that was obviously owned by someone who could give plasmius a run for his money.
Jason, book worm that he was, was found sitting in the mansions library.
Really one of these days Johnny should introduce him to Ghostwriter, they'd get along great.
"Hey, kid."
Jason jumped and whatever book he was reading fell out of his hands.
He lit up once he saw who it was. "Johnny, you're here!" That excitement turned to fear and worry "You can't be here, what if you get caught?"
Johnny waved the kid's worry away. "Don't sweat it, nobody sees me if I don't want'em to." Then it was Johnny's turn to be concerned. "What happened, I couldn't find you in crime alley."
Jason's face went through a complicated range of emotions. "I got adopted by Bruce Wayne."
Johnny's eyes flashed, he knew the horror stories about adoption. "He treating you okay?" The man would never breathe again if he wasn't.
Seeing the possible murder scene, Jason eased his worries. "Yeah, he's fine, it's just a bit weird."
Homicide prevented for now.
Johnny took a seat across from the kid in a chair that was probably worth more then Johnny owned living or dead. "Alright, fill me in."
And Jason did.
Johnny learned about how he was caught stealing the wheels off the Batmobile (he couldn't tell if that was bravery or stupidity) by the Batman which somehow led to Bruce Wayne adopting him.
"I think his other kid doesn't like me much, but it ain't bad here." Jason said as he finished his story.
Johnny quietly nodded as he absorbed the information and thought about where to go from here.
He had planned on getting Jason a nice home (woulda offered his own haunt if the living could live in the ghost zone) preferably in Amity where he could meet everyone. (Kitty would love him)
Here Jason had the chance to never go hungry, get into good schools, always have what he needed.
This situation was...ideal.
Even if Johnny wasn't happy with it. "You happy here?" What mattered was that Jason was.
Jason visibly thought about it. "...Yeah...I am."
And the decision was made.
"You know you can come to me for anything, right? If you want to get out of here or just want someone to talk to." Johnny needed the kid to know that.
Jason rolled his eyes but replied. "Yeah, Johnny, I know."
So Johnny left reluctantly feeling like he was making a mistake somehow.
Johnny was fighting Phantom with Kitty when he felt it.
He felt Jason die.
And Johnny s c r e a m e d
He nearly tore apart the ghost zone in his search for Jason's ghost.
There was no way that Jason didn't form a ghost with the amount of time exposed to Johnny's ectoplasmic self.
Kitty helped him search, everyone helped him search, even Phantom.
But he couldn't find his little brother.
Then he felt it.
He felt Jason come back to life.
He didn't know the details and he didn't care. All that mattered was that the kid was alive.
He tried to search the living realm for the kid, which would have been made a ton easier if the GIW wasn't shooting at him every ten minutes.
At some point he gave up looking and waited instead.
Jason would find his way home to Gotham at some point, all Johnny had to do was wait.
Johnny knew the second Jason stepped into the fair city of Gotham.
He broke many speeding limits and traffic laws on his way there but he didn't care.
Especially when he saw Jason on the streets, he looked different but Johnny would know that kid anywhere.
Johnny opened his mouth to call out.
But then Jason with him and his mouth snapped shut with a click.
There wasn't even a glimmer of recognition in Jason's eyes.
His brother didn't remember him.
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gojos-fr-bae · 2 months
𝔚𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔰 𝔇𝔬 𝔓𝔱. 1 (ℜ𝔢𝔪𝔞𝔰𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔢𝔡)
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Pairing: CEO!Gojo x Fem!Lawyer!Reader
Warnings: Cursing, drinking, smoking, strippers, giving head, thoughts of su1c1de, mentions of sex, vomiting, shameless flirting
Word Count: 2.2K
A/N: Heyyyy, so I finally redid this. It is mostly just part 1 and 2 together but I fixed it up to make it make more sense. I hope this is more like, uk, coherent and enjoyable to read. Hope you enjoyyyyy ❤️
Minors DNI
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A lawsuit.
He scoffed at the thought that someone would dare try to make an attack at him. He thought that it took a certain level of stupidity to try to attack the CEO of the most powerful tech company in Korea.
For once, someone had managed to leave his army of lawyers speechless.
A person was suing Gojo Industries because their phone had exploded in their hand. This at first didn't phase him. But as he sat there being served a 20,000 dollar fine, he couldn't help but stare at the woman who had caused his amazement as she walked out celebrating her victory with her client and associates.
That was a week ago, a week before he had to sit through the most brutal court hearings he had ever experienced. 
"Did you find her?" Gojo asked his assistant Nanami as he entered his office.
"Yes actually, now get off my back," He said in his monotone voice, slamming the file down on his desk
"Thanks Nanamiiin," He said, giving him his signature toothy grin, opening the file. "And you reached out?"
"Yes, her contract with Hanbada ends in two days and I've already scheduled an interview tomorrow at 11am."
"Alright that's all, you may leave."
"Now that that's settled, what the fuck are you thinking!?" Nanami asked, speaking to Gojo not as his assistant but as his friend.
"What do you meeean, why do I have to have some hidden motive to hire such a brilliant person to my legal team?"
"Well first of all, that's the first time I've heard you use the word brilliant in reference to anyone but yourself EVER, and second of all the last time you did this it was with that lady in marketing and got caught fucking her in the board room,"
"...details, details, wanna go to the club?" he asked, getting and picking his phone and car keys.
"Sure I guess," Nanami replied, sighing and taking off his tie, "But lay off the drugs for once will you, we have a meeting tomorrow morning and I don't need you to show up wrecked like last time."
"We both know I can't promise you that," He said, turning around to face his friend and lighting a cigarette.
"So, you excited for that interview you got comin' up?" your best friend Toji asked, placing your wine on the coffee table while opening his bottle of beer and sitting next to you on the floor.
"Mmm, I don't know, it's for the company I went against in my last case."
"The asshole who kept staring at you in court?"
"The very same."
"Fuckin' shit" He groaned, taking u gulp of his beer "Need me to take you?'
"Nah it's ok, if he does anything weird I'll kick his junk and call you.
"That's my girl" Toji laughed before playing the movie and pulling you into his side. "If that doesn't work pull out your knife and aim for the jugular."
"Yes sir."
"Satoru get your ass up so we can leave this shit hole." Nanami seethed at his so calledbest friend who was currently fucking some random stripper's throat. He was absolutely zooted.
"F-fuck Nanamiin, come on don-mmmhh," Gojo groaned, puffs of shisha escaping his lips.
"Fucking asshole," Nanami whispered under his breath, planning how he would murder his stupid friend. Why on earth did he still put up with his bs.
Everything hurts.
His head hurts, his arms hurt, his legs hurt. But worst of all, is the ache he felt in his heart. It was so unbearable it caused him to shed silent tears, wishing for his torture to end.
Why did he have to wake up? Why did he have to keep breathing, keep living, why couldn't it all just...stop.
"Get up, you need to get to work." Nanami said from across the room, feeling pity for the man laid down before him.
"Am I really that insufferable and unlovable?"
"Satoru, please."
"Why did she leave," his voice croaked, tears spilling from his eyes as he gazed out his bedroom window, laying still in his bed.
"I don't know Gojo, and I wouldn't say you're unlovable, insufferable sure but you know."
Gojo just sighed before falling out of his bed, and sprinting to his bathroom. All Nanami could hear were his friend's sobs while he threw his guts up.
"Sir, Miss L/N is here to see you."
Gojo sighed, running his hands over his face, careful not to rub the concealer and foundation covering his eye bags, contacts, blocking how red his eyes are from the bottle of whiskey and two cigarettes he had for breakfast.
"Send her in," he groaned, plastering his most charismatic smile he could on his face.
"Miss L/N, please, have a seat," he said, motioning to the seat across his desk.
"Thank you sir," you said in a soft tone, bowing slightly before taking the seat he offered.
"So, tell me about yourself"
"Oh, well I studied law at The University of Br-
" uh uh uh, that's not what I meant, I already saw all that on the resume, I want to know more about you" he said in a deep tone licking his lips while looking you up and down. Strike 1.
"Oh.. ok, well um... I'm from (Country name), I'm 22 and I love dogs…."
"(Country name) huh? No wonder you're so beautiful" Strike 2
"Hahaha, yeaaahhh. Anyways I would really appreciate a spot on your legal team. I researched it and noticed a lot of prestigious and highly respected advocates and attorneys and it would be my honour to work beside them," you said trying to shift the conversation back to a more professional tone.
"I'm sure you would do well considering how sexy you look in that suit," Strike fucking 3
"Alright you douche bag I'm not going to sit here and let you sexualize me knowing there's dozens of companies in the country who offered me well paying jobs so I wi-"
"We'll pay you 50,000 dollars per month"
"And where do I sign,"
So, you ignore all his passes on you but hear him out when he talks about work? How...curious.
Gojo stirred from his sleep...again.
He's waking up...again.
Why couldn't he just be at peace for once.
Suddenly he felt so nauseous. And then came the pain. The strong, unbearable, disgusting, white hot pain. 
He ran to  the toilet and gagged so hard, trying so hard to throw up the food he hadn't even eaten. 
When was the last time he ate? 
He couldn't even remember the last time he had a proper meal on a ‘good day’ let alone when he was throwing up so hard his vision was blurring. But then again, maybe those were his tears as sobs racked his body.
Make it stop, make it stop MAKE IT STOOP!
Why wouldn't it all just stop. Maybe it was the two bottles of gin he took before bed...or the five sleeping pills...or the 50mg cocaine. All he knew was that he was sitting on his bathroom floor wishing he took the entire bottle of pills, maybe then they would've been enough to stop his heart.
"Satoru, you're going to be late!" Shouted Nanami, annoyed on the other side of the door.
Gojo slapped his hand over his mouth to muffle his cries.
"Satoru?" Nanami tried again, voice sounding slightly more worried this time.
The lack of a response caused him to open the door, his stoic expression softening ever so slightly as he looked down at his best friend.
Satoru looked up at him before letting his shoulders shake, tears cascading down his face as he nodded his head.
"*sigh* Alright, let's get you cleaned up"
"She's here," Nanami said to Gojo, now in his office.
"Really?" the latter perked up, rising from his seat.
"Yes but if I may ask, why are you so interested in her?"
"You know she shut down my flirting?"
"And this shocked you because?"
"When was the last time you remember me being rejected by someone?"
"You want to go there?" Nanami asked, smirking at Gojo who rolled his eyes.
"Just tell me where she is"
"Staff room, pretty sure she's getting breakfast, you should try it some time,"
"The staff room?"
"Oh you're soo funny"
Satoru groaned before walking out of the office to go find you. 
Who knows, maybe he'll get lucky today.
"Hey~" a deep voice whispered in your ear, making you jump in shock and turn around ready to kill whoever was behind you. Unfortunately, that happened to be your new boss.
"Oh, Mr. Gojo, how may I help you?"
"Not much just um... getting coffee."
"Ah, let me make you some then, how many sugars?"
"FIVE? What the hell, it's like you don't even want teeth."
"I guess not."
You looked at him in confusion before making him the coffee but putting 4 sugars instead of 5.
"So, there's a company dinner tonight for all the new staff, would love to see you there."
"Of course sir, now if you'll excuse me I have to get working."
"Please, go ahead"
"Yes sir," You said before bowing and walking away from him as fast as possible, who knows, maybe you will trip on your heels, twist an ankle and have to miss the dinner.
"Woah, woah, woah, and where are you going dressed like such a slut?" Toji asked, leaning on the frame of the bathroom door, looking you up and down while smirking.
For the dinner you chose to wear a light pink, knee length satin dress with a sweetheart neckline. You even straightened your hair and were finishing up on your makeup.
"Well if you MUST know, I'm going for a company dinner."
"Dresses like that? Might as well just go naked and take birth control. I call dibs on Godfather."
"Yeah yeah, you're just happy ‘cause ur going to be alone tonight."
"Says who? I'm going to be so busy I had to fill up on condoms."
"As if you'll use them." you snorted, walking past him to pick up your bag and leave.
"You look gorgeous by the way" He whispered, making you turn around and smile at him softly.
"Thank you"
"Uh huh, yeah now fuck off the strippers get here in ten, I don't need them seeing your weird ass, might think I'm cheating on them," He snorted, making you role your eyes and walk out of your shared apartment, wondering why you still put up with him.
You walked into the reserved room with a few of your colleagues, making the meeting complete. And you did your best to ignore the fact that your boss saved you the seat right beside him.
"Great! Now that we're all here and situated, I would like to raise a toast to all of you and to all our new employees, welcome you to Gojo industries. I look forward to working with all of you. Cheers"
And while everyone was toasting, you couldn't help but notice how Gojo's hand was shaking. You also looked at his face and noticed his pupils were dilated.
"Uhm, excuse me sir, are you okay?" you whispered once everyone had settled down and were immersed in their own conversations.
"Of course, why would you ask?
"Well, it's just that you're shaking, so I was slightly concerned."
"Ah, I didn't even notice, maybe I just need some fresh air, excuse me."
He rose from his seat and made his way out of the room, but you couldn't help but notice how his breathing had sped up slightly and his shoulders tensed. Kinda weird but then again he seemed like a pretty odd guy so you chose not to question it.
You were walking through the restaurant when you passed the back door and heard some heavy breathing. You slowly walked towards it and cracked the door open and shock cannot even begin to express the emotion you were experiencing at that moment. 
There was your boss, squatting while leaning against the building wall. But what caused your surprise wasn’t just his heavy breathing. He was shaking so violently that even though you technically hated his guts you couldn't help but worry.
"Sir? A-are you ok?"
Instead of a response, his breathing quickened. He was...having a panic attack? What the...huh? 
"Uhm sir, please calm down." you said in the softest tone you could muster, putting your bag down and trying to pat his back.
"Make it stop, please" you hear him croak, his voice sounded so soft, so weak, so...broken. You'd had your fair share of panic attacks but through the more recent half of them, you had Toji to be a shoulder to cry on so you know that being alone while suffering like this was hell. And because of this, you kneeled down and pulled him against you, wrapping your arms tightly around him and placing his head against your neck.
Once you did he began to sob so hard you were pretty sure it was ripping his throat raw. He grabbed your dress so hard he feared he would never be able to let go.
He didn’t want to let go. Not yet.
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BOO! Two in one day?! who am I ?! That pole was absolutely useless wasn't it? also, am I picking up some toji x y/n?!
© gojos-fr-bae
118 notes · View notes
wardenparker · 5 months
The King's Queen - chapter 8
Javi Gutierrez x female reader Co-written with @absurdthirst
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Prince Javier of the Balearic Islands has always known that one day he would have to follow in his father's footsteps to be the caring and steadfast king that his people deserve. What he did not know is that he would be stepping into the next phase of his life alongside a woman he has never met before - and amidst a rocky sea of unusual circumstances of every kind.
Rating: E for Explicit! 18+ Word Count: 7k Warnings: *Blanket warnings for this series: arranged marriage, age gap, classicism, cursing, food and alcohol, mentions of American politics, deceased parents* Unnecessarily sexy use of a mirror, lingerie, size kink, loss of virginity, praise/worship, oral sex (f receiving), vaginal sex, unprotected sex Summary: The night is finally here, and taking the next step with Javi feels even more natural than you dreamed. Notes: Welcome back to the Balearic Islands and welcome to smut time! (Gif is representative of the vibe, not of reader's appearance.)
Ch 1 ~ Ch 2 ~ Ch 3 ~ Ch 4 ~ Ch 5 ~ Ch 6 ~ Ch 7
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The first people to rise from the dinner table are you and Javi, which is as it should be. Everyone is finished with their meal when the king is, and you are more than happy to leave present company tonight. You take Javi’s arm with a smile and say your good nights, sparing a sly smile for Maisie and Gabriela as you go.
“That did not seem as painful as I was expecting.” Javi admits with a reassuring pat to your hand. “Your father was more restrained, I think.”
“I don’t think he expected me to ever tell him no,” you admit softly. “I wonder if he was bitching to my stepmother about me in the stables because he knew he couldn’t do it at dinner.”
“If he was, we can find out, if you wish.” He tells you with a smirk. “The stables have cameras.”
“I honestly don’t know if I want that kind of knowledge.” You admit with a shake of your head. “But please. Less talk of my father and more of us? We weren’t parted long this afternoon, but I’d like to hear about your day.”
“Not another word.” He promises, smiling at you. “Julius had me read over more agreements. Sometimes I feel like all I do is sign things. I need a stamp with my signature.”
“If you had that, then anyone could sign your name.” An idea which is alarming for several reasons. “I know it’s tedious, querido, but it is important.”
“I know.” He sighs and shakes his head. “Anyway. What did you and your ladies do this afternoon? Your first official as Princess?”
"We talked about you a little." It makes you smile as he seems so surprised by that fact. "I went over a few things with Flores and Sebastian went over my schedule for tomorrow with me after he came back from the stables. It was...fairly uneventful." All accept the conversation with Maisie and Gabriela in your closet, but of course you don't want to give away the surprise they helped you plan for him.
“That sounds lovely.” Javi tells you with a smile, nerves settling in his belly as you approach your bedroom suite. “Although tomorrow the wedding planning begins, sí?”
"Sí." The planning will begin in earnest, and there will be so much to do that it makes your head spin a bit. Or perhaps that's the nerves of anticipation for tonight. You cannot truly tell at the moment. "Would you still like me to have two dresses, mi amor?" He had said so in your first conversation about the wedding, and if it is something he truly dreams of then you will make sure it happens.
“Only if you wish.” He doesn’t want you to feel like you have to. “I just know that the traditional wedding dresses of queens are not…” he struggles to find the right words. “Party ready.”
"Maisie has already been showing me examples of designs so voluminous I would take up half the room." It does make you giggle, though, and you hug his arm. "I'll talk to the dressmaker. See what she thinks."
“Whatever you want.” He reminds you, “Catherine’s dress was gorgeous and simple lines.”
"I'm afraid I might have a more...active imagination than the Duchess of Cambridge did." The grin you aim in his direction is only slightly guilty, not mentioning that you also do not have a fussy British granny to satisfy with propriety. There is only him and you, but you won't say it like that.
“Diamond encrusted trains?” He jokes as he stops in front of your suite door. The footmen are absent and he smiles at the way Julius took his wants to heart. He knows everything inside will be perfect.
"I'm not aiming to be Marie Antoinette." Diamond encrusted trains sounds like the latest Kardashian wedding dress, and you smirk. "But I do like a classic, princess-y ballgown."
“Then that’s what you should have designed.” He smiles again, imagining your first dance in a beautiful wedding dress. “If your dress is your dream dress, just wear it all night. I want you to be happy.”
"I have an idea, and hopefully it will be workable." Not thinking of anything but being alone with him, you push open the door to your suite and gasp the moment you step inside. There are stunning bouquets of multi-colored daisies dotted with red roses on every surface. Crisp white candles of all different shapes and sizes are lit in just as many places if not more, and you could swear that an ice bucket and tray of something are sitting across the room on the coffee table in your sitting area. It's a movie-perfect moment of absolute romance if you ever saw one before and you nearly sob at the sight of it. "Javi...you...did you do all of this?"
“The staff set it all up.” He ducks his head in embarrassment, wondering if it didn’t count because he had not placed the items in your room himself. “I know that we talked about tonight and…” He takes your hand and presses it to his mouth. “You deserve romance. For it to be something you remember, hopefully very fondly.”
“It’s beautiful, mi amor.” As nervous as you have been, something about all of it slips from your shoulders in the face of this much love. In the care he has taken and the thoughtfulness of wanting to make the night a complete experience. “And not something I am ever going to forget; I can promise you that.”
"Good." The relief makes his answer whoosh out, shoulders sagging slightly and his grin one of complete pride. Despite being king, being the most powerful man in the islands, he wants your approval. Your happiness. Guiding you into the suite, the door closes behind you and he examines the room with approval. The staff had outdone themselves under Julius's guidance and he will have to thank the man. But for now, he turns towards you. "There is champagne and strawberries." He tells you with a small smirk. "Tonight is just for us, and there is no right or wrong here. Whatever you wish, nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed of, Margarita." He wants you to know that he's not going to believe that you have to act a certain way or do certain things just because you are a Princess. You are a woman. One who deserves to have her every sexual desire fulfilled by the person you love. Him.
“It is for both of us, isn’t it?” Your arms slip around his waist to keep him close, feeling suddenly as though it is vitally important to be touching him at all times. Feeling as though if you let go, you may burst. “I…have a surprise for you also…though it is slightly less impressive and much less grand than all of this.”
“For me?” He’s surprised that you would do anything for him, his brows arching up. “Amor, you did not have to do anything for me.” He quickly assures you, hoping you are not panicking and making things up.
“It’s…small…” The smirk that forms on your face mostly has to do with how petite the lingerie Maisie gave you actually is. It barely covers anything at all. “But I think you’ll enjoy it.”
“Anything from you I will love.” He promises, cupping your cheek gently.
“Then I think we should pour some champagne.” With the thought he put into this, it would be a shame not to sit along at the beautiful flowers and share a drink before moving forward with the night.
Delighted that you seem to like his surprise, Javi guides you over towards the champagne bucket. Pulling the bottle from the ice, he makes quick work of popping the cork and pouring two flutes. “To the beginning of our intimate journey.” He toasts.
“And the rest of our lives.” You tap your glass against his, the distinct tinkling assuring you that you’re drinking from crystal tonight.
Javi takes a sip, smiling at you and then he bends down to pick up a strawberry off the tray so he can hold it up to your lips for a bite. “Try the strawberry with this champagne.” He urges, noticing that Julius had outdone himself. There are plain strawberries and then some that are dipped in chocolate.
For all the decadent combinations you may have tried in your life, this is not one of them. It’s doubtlessly your imagination that makes the strawberry the sweetest you’ve ever tasted and the richest chocolate, too. It’s your imagination that makes the taste of the champagne around them transform, but even so you’re practically giggling with delight at the discovery of how perfect one makes the other — both enhanced tenfold when you have them together. “That’s amazing,” you hum, careful not to drip on yourself in any way whatsoever, and grinning like the lovestruck girl that you absolutely are.
The heated gaze that Javi gives you isn’t the calculated one the playboy prince might have given the object of his interest. It’s the look of a man completely in love with the woman in front of him. He hums, setting his own champagne flute down to cup your cheek. “Let me taste.” He murmurs, right before his lips descend on yours.
And all at once, there might as well not be anything else in the room — no furniture or flowers or paintings or treats — because nothing else in the entire world matters besides him. Javi licks into your mouth and you sigh for him, letting him explore you easily and remapping every inch of his mouth while your tongues dance and tangle together in earnest worship. He doesn’t move from kissing you. Content to spend the rest of his life right here with his lips on yours. Holding you close, he can feel you start to tremble in his arms.
It’s overpowering in the best way possible, and with your knees literally shaking and threatening to come out from under you, you grip his shoulders that much harder. There’s something thick and magical and true in the air between you tonight and it has you moaning softly into his kiss as you pull him closer.
Javi doesn’t want to breathe. Everything and everyone beyond the doors to this suite fade into obscurity and he tilts his head, deepening the kiss slightly.
Without being entirely sure how you got there, you can feel the wall at your back. The blanket over your senses that Javi has pushed everything else out of your awareness and you could not care less in this moment. All that matters is him — is now. The way he tilts his head and the way he grasps at your frame. The way you’ve already forgotten where you left your drinks. The way the candlelight makes both of you glow even though no eyes are open to see it.
“I love you.” He promises again as he manages to pull his mouth away from yours.
“I love you.” It can never be said enough, and his beautifully flushed cheeks and heavy eyelids make you grin unrepentantly. “More than I thought possible.”
“You will let me know if you want to stop.” It’s not a command, it’s not a question. It’s a fact in his mind. If you want to stop, you will say something. “Or if there is something you do not like.”
“And so will you.” Although you highly doubt either of you will stumble on that circumstance tonight, if he should decide his grief is still too strong, you want to make sure he knows you are willing to stop any time.
The thought of tonight had fueled him through the paperwork after your coronation ceremony. He picks up your hand and starts to kiss up your arm. "Never." He drops another kiss higher. "In." Kiss. "A." Kiss. "Million." Kiss. "Years." Kiss. "Amor." Kiss.
"Javi." Gently picking his chin up with two fingers, you press a kiss to his lips when his head is level with yours again. "Take me to bed, amor."
"I can do that." Javi isn't a virgin, but he's aware that your first time should be special. Sighing softly as he takes your hand and guides you towards the large bed that the two of you have been sharing. Now, it will be used for something more than cuddling and sleep. "Turn around, Margarita."
Doing as he asks, you shiver with your back to him. Giving him power over the situation would be scary if it was anyone else but with Javi there is only trust and anticipation. Whatever happens next, it starts with heated kisses and the feeling of his broad hands caressing your skin. "I'm going to untie your dress." Javi hums, his hand sliding over your shoulder and across your chest to where the tie is fastened. "Look across the room." He whispers in your ear. "The mirror."
"Shit Javi..." You would tell him that there is no need to seduce you. That you already want him enough to have no reservations about this. But the second you look up and find his eyes watching you in the mirror, you're mesmerized. Suddenly there are no protests, only a thick swallow of air and a soft nod of your head that tells him you will follow his instructions to the letter tonight.
"My beautiful Princess." He murmurs in your ear, smiling at the fascinated look in your eyes, the darkness in them. "I want you to see how I see you. See how wonderful you are."
"The only thing I see is you." And maybe it's cheesy, but it's true. Despite most of his body being behind you in the mirror, all you care about is watching him. His smile is shy, almost bashful as he starts to pull your dress loose. Untying it and sliding his hand underneath the material to push it off one shoulder.
Even though you went through quite a bit of gleeful planning to make sure he would have something beautiful to see under your dress, you're still nervous. Alright, you're borderline terrified. But despite that, you help his hand slide the dress away from your shoulders and force yourself to watch his reaction in the mirror – hoping that he at least likes what he sees.
“Margarita.” He breathes out your nickname in awe when the delicate, see through, pale pink lace of your lingerie is revealed. “You– you wrapped yourself up for me like a treasured gift.”
“Surprise,” you huff softly, feeling your cheeks burn at the wonder in his expression. The awe in his eyes is impossibly endearing.
“I am constantly surprised by how wonderful you are.” Now he lets the dress fall to the floor, groaning when he sees your full body in the mirror. “Te amo.”
“Te amo.” If he didn’t have you in precisely the position that he wanted in this moment, you would have whirred you around to kiss him instantly. As it is, his hands start to roam, making you gasp when he touches the most sensitive places on your skin and swallow the sighs of longing while you wait for him to touch more. “I’ve thought about this more than you might think.” He groans in your ear. “Since that first night. I had hoped this is where we would end up. Naturally.”
“And here we are.” His fingers glide down your arms to let his hands rest on your hips for a moment. “Just where we were meant to be.”
“Just where we were meant to be.” He drinks in the sight of the lingerie and he twitches in his pants. “Did you wear this on purpose or do you normally wear things like this?” He asks softly. He had always given you time to change before coming over to your room to sleep so he wasn’t aware.
“I’ve never worn anything like this before in my life,” you admit softly, feeling a little embarrassed about it but that’s overridden by how much he seems to like it. “This is just for you, amor.”
“You look beautiful.” He promises breathlessly. “But you look beautiful all the time.” His hands slowly slide over your skin, worshiping you with a gentle touch.
“You’re always so handsome…” Little touches leave you breathless tonight, the anticipation building right down to your bones. “I’ve always thought so. Since…since the first time I saw your photo.”
Javi is proud that you find him appealing. His hands continuously moving as he maps your body. Despite holding you every night, he had kept his hands in respectable places. Now, he can indulge. “You are like a goddess, an angel that tempts me and soothes me.”
Gently, almost afraid to spoil the moment, you turn carefully around in his arms and reach first for his tie. Slow, seductive, and incredibly romantic is a wonderful tempo for this night, but you want to have him on the same page as you.
Javi watches you as you start to pull his tie free. Giving you leave to do whatever you want with him. He’s yours and you are his. That is what the two of you have promised each other. “What do you want tonight, amor?”
"Just you." It's the truest answer to the easiest question he could possibly ask, and when you pull the silk tie from the collar of his shirt, you drape it carefully over your nightstand and turn back to him to take the cufflinks from his shirt before you unbutton it.
There is something poignantly intimate about being undressed. Certainly it has happened before, but this time strikes a chord inside him. The desire and love are equal in the depths of your eyes, and it makes him shudder in pleasure as your fingers graze his body had the buttons slip from their slot.
It is certainly more careful work to undress Javi, his suits always being carefully styled and meticulously tailored, but you don’t mind. It’s almost the opposite, actually. The privilege of being the one to be allowed to undress him practically makes you shiver with anticipation.
He can’t be passive. Now when you are looking like that and gazing at him like he’s Adonis. Reaching up, his hands slowly slide up your stomach, hovering just below your breasts, looking so mouthwatering in their lacy cups.
“You’re allowed to touch,” you remind him with a small laugh, wondering if he is as nervous as you are from the way he’s hovering but not quite crossing the line yet.
“That’s good, Margarita.” He hums softly. “I want to touch you, want to make you feel good.” His hands move up and cup you, groaning slightly.
As gentle as he is, that first little bit of truly intimate contact is divine as you peel his shirt away from his shoulders. He’ll have to take his hands off you to fully take it off, but you don’t want that yet. You want him to explore any way he wants…so you reach for his belt buckle with shaky hands instead.
“You’re so gorgeous.” He rasps out. “I feel lucky, undeserving of your love. Your touch.” He wants to make sure you know how much he is in awe of this moment.
“Undeserving?” No, you can’t agree with that. Instead you lean forward and press your lips to his as you slide his belt open. “Mi amor, you deserve the entire world.”
“I don’t know if that is true.” He huffs, cock hard and aching as your fingers move to the clasp of his suit pants. “You deserve a night you will never forget.”
“Then I already have everything I deserve.” Before you touch his zipper, though, you look up for one last moment of confirmation before completely undressing him. If he changes his mind at any point you will respect it, and that includes right now.
He nods quickly, knowing that he needs you to set the pace. This is your first time and he will let you have anything, do anything you want with him. “Go on, amor.”
It’s not as though you’ve never seen a man naked. And not as though you’ve never done things before. But Javi is different. He is important. He is the rest of your life. And you love him so much more than you thought would ever be possible. When you strip his pants away the pair of charcoal gray boxer briefs underneath leaves very little to the imagination, and your pussy clenches at the first glance of your hand over the front of his briefs when you pull his pants down.
“It helps.” He tells you with a small smirk. “The crown did not wish to have a camera on my pants when I was attending events.” He explains.
“So they have your pants taken out?” The realization that he has to be dressed specifically to hide how big his dick is, is a very interesting one indeed. One that has you sputtering slightly and makes your cheeks even hotter.
“Along with making sure that my penchant for not wearing underwear is kept to the family wing of the palace.” He isn’t joking, but it is amusing, remembering that conversation with his father.
“Javi.” You can’t help but laugh at that, the giggle built out of you with absolute disbelief. “You’re ridiculous, mi amor.”
“As long as you don’t believe I’m boring.” He hums, smirking at you and biting his lip when your fingers slip under the band of his boxers.
“Never.” The deep breath you take before peeling away his boxer briefs is really just for your own fortitude. Apparently, up to this point, you had only been with boys. Javi is…mouthwatering. And all over again you have no trouble believing anything you ever read about him as the playboy prince.
For his own part, Javi is nervous. Wondering what you might think of him. Hoping that he measures up to whatever expectations you have about him. He twitches slightly in the cooler air of the room, released from the confines of his briefs.
“You’re an absolute dream, mi amor,” you assure him, seeing the nerves written all over his face. Instead of going down to your knees, which is the first instinct you have, you stand up straight again and put both your arms around him, drawing him in close to be able to just hold each other for a moment and share a kiss. It’s clear you’re both anxious but eager and you let your hands map his torso and hips for a moment while you pour your reassurances into an increasingly deep kiss.
He had never known he would be so nervous when being with the woman he would marry. It’s almost as if he were a virgin himself, but the nerves melt away into the kiss and he starts slowly becoming bolder in his touch.
While the moans that he drags from your throat may have started out polite, they are definitely not anymore. They’re hungry and needy, coming from deep in your chest or even down around your belly where his cock is currently trapped between your bodies. No matter where the sound originates — it might be your toes for all you know — it shifts slightly when you start to step backward, knowing the side edge of your bed is only a few feet away.
“You wish to lay down?” He is more assertive right now, but he still checks in. Wanting to make sure you are ready to lay down.
“I think we’ll be less nervous,” you admit, even though the thought feels silly out loud. “We’re used to being in bed together.” That’s a good point. Javi guides you back to the bed and follow you as you lay down, kissing you as he kneels and crawls with you, his cock bobbing heavily between you.
Every piece of Javi’s clothing is discarded now, and you feel acutely aware of the lingerie that still hugs your finger. It’s far more than just the pinky ring left touching Javi’s finger, but it seems to be something he likes a whole lot so you’ll let him decide when it comes off.
“If I could paint, I would paint this moment.” Javi wonders, his lips against your throat and up your jaw. “Capturing it forever, mi amor.”
“This is only for you, mi amor.” One of his hands cradles your cheek and the other is slowly tracing your side, and you shift to urge it downward without rushing him. “There should be something that is just for us.”
“Oh, I did not mean that anyone would see it.” He huffs, smirking down at you in almost gentle lust. “It would be locked away where only I could view your beauty. Remember that I have a literal angel as a princess.”
“It wouldn’t be very angelic…” you hum, laying kisses along the hollow of his throat. “To let you paint me naked, mi amor.”
“I should take you to our museums.” He chuckles. “Plenty of nude angels frolicking.”
“Maybe we’ll find it inspiring?” You tease, sighing softly when his hand finds your thigh and his thumb grazes the soft skin so close to the silk and lace covering your core.
“I’m going to taste you, mi amor.” He hums as he rubs soft, enticing circles over your thigh before moving his thumb over a fraction of an inch to press against you through the lace. “I’ve imagined tasting you at least a thousand times since meeting you.”
“Javi.” His name is a bare, plaintive whisper, but that’s mostly because he’s taken your breath away about a dozen times already tonight. His sweet touches are growing bolder every moment and if you melt into the bed never to be heard from again, it will be worth every second. “Whatever you want, mi amor. I’m yours.”
“You are mine.” He groans. “Just like I am yours. And I take care of what is mine.” The little clasps of the lingerie make getting to your covered cunt easy, unhooking them to expose your folds to his hungry gaze. “Beautiful.”
It might have been fussy to get into, but Javi clearly has no problem peeling away the fabric covering those few last places on your body, and you swear that you might spontaneously combust just from the wash of hot breath over your sensitive skin. "Yours," you breathe out, watching every tiny movement. "Te amo."
“Te amo.” The sentiment, the promise, is whispered out right before his mouth descends on your most intimate places. The king gorging on his queen to be.
Instead of a shock or a jolt, you melt even further into the bed, moaning softly as your eyes flutter closed for one long moment before you pry them open again to watch everything. Javi’s mouth is bliss. Quick flicks where they feel best and long laps when that is exactly what you need. It has you twisting underneath him in no time, fingers tangling in the sheets and breath coming in needy pants.
You are so soft, so responsive to him. Giving him wordless praise as you move under his touch. Javi's touch stays soft, grip light as he lets you move your hips as you feel like you need to. Not anchoring you down, but allowing you both to drift along the bed.
Your fingers comb through his curls, not pulling or scratching but anchoring you to him in one more place. Since you’re always feeling like you could float away, an anchor seems like a good idea.
Javi has always been a giver, the love 'em and leave 'em playboy image had been crafted by the press, in their attempt to scrounge for whatever tidbits of information they could. All of his previous lovers had been bound by non-disclosure agreements, a necessity so there weren't interviews talking about the future king's prowess as a lover. If interviews had happened, they would have said that Javier was generous, slightly submissive and intimate every time he had touch one of them. Now, with you, he's even more so. Wanting his future queen to luxuriate in his arms, in his bed, to be pleased enough that you would never seek solace somewhere else.
Having had every intention of watching him as he indulges in you, his attention is too sweet. It comes in waves too strong to deny. The overwhelming pleasure has you closing your eyes and moaning softly so that it's just for his ears. It's extraordinarily indulgent and so intensely romantic that if your whole body wasn't on fire from pleasure you might be tearing up over how loving he is.
Javi hums into you, taking your sounds greedily and keeping them for himself. Memorizing how you sound, how you look this first time together.
The vibrations roll through you, every sound from his lips increasing the pleasure and caring you off on an absolute cloud. The coil in your core is starting to tighten too quickly and you know that as much as you want this to last forever, there will be so many more nights like it to come. And for that matter? This night has only begun.
Javi's fingers caress your skin, sliding over the slopes and planes, reveling in the divots and creases. Coming underneath his tongue and circling your entrance lightly.
Pants and whines come with your twisting body, back arching and eyes popping open to not only be as close to him as possible but to watch the exact moment that your body gives in to pleasure. The way his eyes have darkened with desire but never leave you gives you an extra shiver of arousal that rolls all the way through your body even as you cum.
This is moment where you are completely his. This moment. When your eyes burst open even wider than before and your entire body lurches up in pleasure as you start to come apart for him.
“Fuck, Javi!” When you can finally take a deep breath again, you comb your fingers through his hair and whimper into the candlelit night. “You’re incredible.”
He hums, deflecting the praise even as he preens. “You are incredible.” He insists. “So responsive.”
"And you're the one who gave me something to respond to." You won't let him wiggle out of accepting your praise, even if you're feeling too limp at the moment to wag a playful finger at him.
"Do you want more, my love?" He asks, softly, stroking your hip and hoping that the night will continue.
The fingers that were buried in his curls caress his cheek, and you nod eagerly. “I never want to stop,” you confess, already addicted to the way he touches you.
“Then we will never stop.” He promises, smiling indulgently. “All of our state affairs will be conducted right here in this bed.”
“That might be awkward for some of your advisors,” you laugh, loving the way he completely and totally indulges in both you and in this moment.
“Perhaps a screen between us and our visitors.” He teases, kissing up your body and smiling at the way you laugh. It’s gorgeous and completely encompassing him.
“That will solve everything.” A sage nod is bowled over by a moan as he kisses between your breasts and your head falls back on the pillows again.
“Beautiful, my beautiful queen.” He praises, tongue circling your nipple before he sucks it into his mouth.
A part of you wonders if this is how he always is with new lovers, or if he is being especially attentive and romantic because he knows what tonight is for you. The fact that he is the first and only man you'll ever be with in this way seems to make every feeling that much more heightened.
He works your tits until they are sore, aching with the attention he is lavishing on you. The small cry of pleasure you give is almost pained and it's beautiful in its pitch to his ears. Your thighs squeeze his torso and he chuckles as he kisses back up your body to your lips. "Are you ready, my love?" He asks softly, wanting to make sure you are wanting to take the next step now.
"Sí." You've been all but begging for him the entire time he's been between your legs, but at this point your mind is blank to absolutely anything else. "Please, amor. More. Por favor."
“I cannot deny you.” He promises, thankful that you do not want to stop. “Wish to give you the world, amor.” Reaching between you, his fingers wrap around his length and guide him to the position. “Now, I give you myself.”
It is a fitting tribute, considering how your world has narrowed down to only him, but the words to point it out are lost. With the slow, steady push forward, your mind fades to fuzz and your voice sticks in your throat for a moment before a deep moan cuts through the night air. Every small roll of his hips is ecstasy, filling you little by little, and you swear you’ve never felt anything as divine before in your entire life.
Javi takes his time, bracing himself over you. There's no fear of pain, no issue with the archaic bedding and taking of your virginity, but he still slowly rolls his hips forward. Wanting the feeling of taking him for the first time to be nothing but bliss for you as he kisses along your jaw.
You pant his name as he fills you, grateful not to feel any of the pinching or pain that you had heard warnings of from other girls as you grew up. The concept of virginity might be made up but there is still a very real physicality associated with it, and having an experienced partner makes all the difference. For you there is nothing but pleasure and the all-encompassing feeling of being surrounded by the man you want to give everything to.
“Beautiful.” He whispers the words into your skin. Finding the strength to hold back. With you, everything seems so smooth, organic. As if this was always meant to be, and in a way, it has. His hand slides behind your head and cradles it gently as he groans, buried completely in the warmth of your body and hopefully your heart.
"So good." With your face buried in his shoulder, you press kisses to his skin and roll your hips to adjust to the feeling of being so full.
“You are so perfect.” His tone is strained, holding back as he waits for you to be ready for more than just him inside you.
"You can move, mi amor." One more shift of your hips makes both of you moan, and you let your legs hitch up higher on his hips so he can sink that much deeper inside you. "Please move. God you feel amazing."
The kiss he gives you is tender, meant to soothe your restlessness as he draws his hips back. Groaning against your lips at how tight you feel, how right you feel. Javi isn't inexperienced, but he feels like he's never had sex before. At least not had an emotional or physical connection like this before.
There is nothing hurried tonight. No rushing. Nothing but bliss as the two of you start to move together. His hands wrap under you to hold you close, encourage your back to bend and arch into his body. Your arms come around him just as tight. Your breath comes in shallow pants. And it's perfect.
Every moan you give him is music, a note in his ear that makes him move. Worshiping you with his own body, giving you everything he has and it still isn't enough.
If there was a word more than perfect, you wish you knew what it was. You wish you could express just how extraordinary this moment feels. How right it all is. And how grateful you are that this is where life has brought the two of you. Instead, all you can see to conjure for words are gasps of his name and moaned praise with every drive of his hips.
Javi takes his time. There's no pace that he sets other than one to make sure that both of you feel everything. Languidly rocking his hips with murmured praises, and hushed gasps shared between you. Tears building up behind his eyes as he stares down at you in wonder.
“Want to— fuck, so good—try everything with you,” you manage to gasp out between moans, adoring the loving pace but wanting to experience as much as possible. Even during the first time.
"We will, amor." He promises, holding you close and giving a sharp thrust to change the tempo.
The way that has stars bursting behind your eyes is immediate and you cling to his shoulders that much more tightly with your fingernails biting into the soft flesh of his back as you moan.
You like that. Javi twitches inside you and gives you another thrust, hoping for the same reaction. Wanting you to enjoy every second you are in bed with him.
The different angle and sharper thrusts hits something different inside you. Like breath being pushed into you and out all at once. It makes your eyes burst open again before you squeeze them shut tight, trying to hold on to that sharp shot of pure pleasure.
"Is that what you like?" He murmurs in wonder. "You like it a bit faster? Harder?" He loves the way your entire body tightens under him and it's squeezing him tight. "Tell me what you need, amor."
You want to try everything, and you've told him that, but whatever he's doing now feels like a revelation. "How deep can you–" The thought is cut off with a moan. "If I – oh god – hold my legs?"
Javi leans back, pushing your leg up onto his shoulder and leans forward again. Pushing deep.
"Oh, fuck!" All at once your eyes roll back in your head and your mouth falls open. "Oh my god–so fucking good, baby."
He groans, eyes darkening with desire and love. "Want you to feel good. Want you to cum for me, amor."
Under normal circumstances you really would pride yourself on being more articulate, but every time Javi pushes his hips forward you temporarily forget how to even think, let alone speak. All you know for sure is that if he keeps doing what he's doing now, it will not take you long at all to fall apart for him again. "More," you moan out, fingernails biting half-moons in his shoulders. "You feel so good, amor."
“Give you ev-everything.” He moans, nodding as he rocks his hips and dips his head down to kiss you again. Needing the extra contact and it presses him deeper.
You gasp into his kiss, the change of angle and how deep he feels inside you making you feel like a firework about to explode. A shiver runs down your entire body that seems never to end and your core tightens with determination. When you cum for him this time it will hit you like a freight train and leave you wrecked.
His hips knock against the back of your thigh, pulling grunts out of him that he pours into you. Still holding you as tenderly as he can while he thrusts harshly.
“Javi—” The sound of his name is always sweet to your ears but right now it feels like it’s an absolute prayer. “I’m—I’m going to—oh god!”
Javi groans your name, loving that you are coming apart for him. Watching as your mouth drops open and your eyes go wide before they flutter closed.
This is your new definition of bliss. Head tossed back with Javi buried deep inside you while you fall apart at the seams, pussy clenching his cock so tightly that he loses his rhythm right along with you. Existing only with him in such a deeply intimate and personal moment is breathtaking.
His breath stutters, caught in his lung and he’s unable to think of anything but you. The grip you have on him and the way your body begs him to follow you into bliss has him giving in.
Truly you thought the feeling of fullness couldn’t be any more complete, and then he starts to cum. Painting the walls of your throbbing pussy with his seed and making you groan all over again while the two of you pant for breath and cling to each other in the collapsed heap of your bodies tangled in bedclothes. It’s the closest to whatever heaven is that you’ve ever felt in your life and you swear that if there really is such a thing as soulmates, this is what it feels like to be with yours.
Your skin is sweat slick and his own is equally damp. Making it warm and wet when he collapses against you and tucks his face into your neck. Kissing your pulse gently. "I love you." He whispers softly.
"Te amo." You turn your head to kiss him, basking in the glow of his affection and the adrenaline high that comes from sex in general. Sex with Javi is a whole other level.
"Te amo, my queen." He whispers, smiling against your lips and feeling like he is finally whole. This is what it's like. He hums in delight, hoping that this feeling never fades.
“My king.” It’s almost odd to acknowledge, having grown up your whole life in a country without a monarchy, but here he is. He is deeply loving, devoted, king, and he is your king. Loving him is as natural as breathing, especially in this moment of quiet between you.
Javi reluctantly moves, aware that you should not be pressed down by his weight for too long and he groans quietly as he pulls out of you. "Wait here, I will get something to clean you up."
“Don’t be gone long.” There’s nothing you want less than for him to leave you, but clean up is…rather important.
He smiles at you and nods before he hurries into the bathroom so he can get the cloth and slide back into your arms.
Master Tags: @pixiedurango @chattychell @winter-fox-queen @lady-himbo @artsymaddie @princess76179 @paintballkid711 @missminkylove @pedrosbrat @ew-erin @sarahjkl82-blog @sharkbait77 @justanotherblonde23 @lv7867 @recklesswit @mylittlesenaar @f0rever15elf @gallowsjoker @steeevienicks @athalien @sherala007 @skvatnavle @thatpinkshirt @jaime1110 @girlimjusttryingtoreadfanfics @goodgriefitsawildworld @greeneyedblondie44 @littlemousedroid @harriedandharassed @churchill356 @ajathegreats-blog @haylzcyon   @beardsanddetectives @kirsteng42 @ladykatakuri @adancedivasmom @madiebear @tanzthompson @emilianamason @bigsdinger @xocalliexo @pedr0swh0r3 @avaleineandafryingpan @charlyrmv @avidreader73 @iceclaw101 @loveslide @elegantduckturtle @becsworld @julesonrecord @its-nebuleuse @itsrubberbisquit @mikeyswifie @guelyury @lizzie-cakes @for-a-longlongtime @vabeachazn @purplerain04 @weho2kcmo
TKQ: @storiesofthefandomlovers @mimimarvelingmarvel @patti7dc @missladym1981
My Masterlist!
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genericpuff · 2 months
How long do you plan making rekindled? I loved Lo at some point, But now I cant get enough of your version!! And I wanted to know how did you come up with the darker back stories for Rekindled?
I have a semi-detailed skeleton of the plot with basically every story beat planned out, but I can't definitively say how long it will be as I haven't actually scripted every single episode out yet.
Not to mention a lot of the time my scripts will change from their original versions, by the time I get to an episode I've planned ahead for I've either thought of new ways to do it or don't like how it's paced so I change it. Case in point, there was a specific scene I had planned for the next episode and then wound up not liking the pacing because it was too fast so I moved it to several episodes away and restructured everything on the fly, took a whole new text document and scrapping sketches to figure shit out LOL I actually do have up until Episode 70ish scripted out in my documents with like, actual notes and dialogue for each episode, but I already have sooo many of those crossed out now because of how much I've had to tweak and change as time has gone on. This is why I plan ahead well in advance though, so that if I do need to make those changes, I can make them long before the episodes are even due to be drawn (and believe me, they get changed during the sketching phases too LOL).
What I can confirm for certain is that the current 'arc' we're in right now is definitely the bulk of the story. And that's not to say there isn't any content afterwards, more like the pacing just gets completely turned on its head in the last 30-40% of it where shit gets N U T S and just can't go back to the same energy that it was in the beginning. Without spoiling, there's a certain 'turning point' in the plot and everything after it isn't quite as long as the stint of story we're in now. This is mostly because the arc we're currently in is still establishing a bunch of stuff like the Underworld Corp, Persephone's schooling, etc. and once that turning point hits, it's basically all character development and focusing on the consequences of everything setup in the first arc.
I guess if I had to illustrate it, the story progression in the end will look something like this?
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It's basically just this slow and chill climb that, once it hits that sharp peak, doesn't ever return to normal levels LMAO So I guess enjoy this part of the story while you can because it's the chillest it'll ever be w(°o°)w And boy, I am EXCITED for that peak, but we have a long way to go before we get there. As for how long, well, I'm hoping I'll be able to have Rekindled's story wrapped up in the next 2 years, tops. Just depends on how the update schedule goes, and assuming the plans I have put down for the plotting don't change in any major way. I don't have as much of the latter half of the story actually scripted out yet so for all I know it could wind up being way longer than anticipated, but right now I have a pretty good sense of how the story beats will play out in relation to each other.
So it's kind of a wait and see thing, at least until I have every episode scripted out, and even then I won't be 100% sure because things are always being tweaked and fixed and changed on the fly! I'm guessing it won't go much longer than 170 episodes, give or take, but that's a very very VERY rough estimate.
Regardless, Rekindled still has a lot more story to tell, and I'm hoping y'all enjoy the ride with me <3
As for the darker backstories, y'all don't even know yet. Like... I've got stuff planned. Stuff that even Banshriek (my BG assistant) doesn't know about. Stuff that I keep buried very deep in Rekindled's episode documents that won't see the light of day until they have to be ripped out of the deep dark trenches of the characters' own buried secrets, and by that point, the toothpaste will be out of the tube, there will be no going back. So, again... enjoy it while it lasts. Because I don't pull my punches. And maybe even you won't be able to look at me the same way again once the final blow has been dealt.
Sleep well.
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jesswritesthat · 2 months
Iwaizumi Hajime: Brothers’ Best Friend
Fandom: Haikyuu!! — [ Masterlist ]
Summary: 2.5k, fluff
• It can be hard when you catch feelings for your brother best friend, but the least you can do is be mature about it and turn it into a game.
Warnings: a few insults
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Iwaizumi Hajime had been 5 things to you over the years, some you'd regretted, many you'd denied, but there's 1 he'd finally accept.
He was your ‘brothers’ best friend.
Even from a young age, Iwaizumi Hajime had always captured your interest - most would often sway towards Oikawa but considering he was your older brother figure as your families were quite close, you saw quite enough of him already.
To anyone, your favouritism was evident, including to Oikawas' parents who regularly took you to collect Tōru from his Volleyball club practices.
Gingerly you walked past the child players who varied in height but were all taller than you, some recognising you and side stepping so you could locate your targets faster.
All while Tōrus older sister filmed the humorous ritual. You strolled toward the familiar pair, Oikawa immediely breaking into a blinding smile and picking you up with a prideful greeting. Iwaizumi halted beside his partner whilst he lifted you (there was only 2 years between you but at this age you'd yet to grow).
However, it was not your brother you wanted - no, he held you in his arms only for you pout and kick in his grasp.
Adhering to his childish personality, the cute Setter scoffed whilst mumbling curses as he passed you to his best friend who had his arms open already, used to this familiar favouritism behaviour - a smug look sent to his partner as you settled immediately with a content grin.
Happily you allowed Hajime to manoeuvre you to a piggy back position and carry you over to your amused family.
"This'll be good blackmail in the future y'know, I think for all of you~" Tōrus sister finally pressing stop on the recording, you supposed that at her age she had it out for her 'siblings'.
He was a crush.
A phase you'd told yourself, just some ridiculous school girl crush that'd pass eventually because above all else, he was a good friend.
"Hi (Y/n), Iwaizumi is here y'know." Oikawas sister said it with a playful mirth to her silky tone, knowing smirk situated on her face upon seeing you light up.
"Iwa?! Really~"
"That's the guy you talk about, on the high school team with your 'brother' right?"
"Yes! You have to me him -them- c'mon." Eagerly you dragged your friend into the kitchen where the two volleyball players were conversing.
"Hey guys."
"Awh! Chibi-chan, did you miss me? I know I'm amaz—"
Fluently you ducked under his open arms, flying straight into the unsuspecting but easily prepared Iwaizumi who only groaned in reply.
"Tch, not as amazing as Iwa-chan apparently."
"You've grown (Y/n), and who’s your friend?"
"Yeah, that's how life generally works Iwaizumi, oh and this Yuki."
"Nice to meet you. Oi, careful, you sound like Crappykawa and one of those is enough thanks." Iwaizumi chided after introductions, leaving you shaking your head but excited to ask your next question.
"How was the game? God I can't wait to start Aobajohsai next year! I'll finally be able to watch you guys for real."
"We won 2-0. Next year you can come to our practices too. We still need a manager and since Crappykawa is going to be Captain, he might put in a good word."
"Not likely, especially since you'll take Iwas' side in everything." Oikawa sneakily replied, giving you a childish face which you naturally returned.
"That's because he's usually right Tōru."
Once finishing your conversation, you left for your own home like originally planned with Yuki, also glad she’d finally met the two most important people in your life.
“Wow, you’re big brother figure is really good looking~”
“Ew no, did you even meet Iwaizumi? He’s so cool, he’s the arm wrestling champion at Aobajohsai.”
“You know we don’t stand a chance, they’ll be thirds years whilst we’re first years.” She’d awkwardly added, but you remained charismatically confident.
“You’re not thinking ahead, I’ll have a chance one day but until then there’s a bunch of cute guys in our year.”
“Yes, speaking of, I finally got the courage to speak to Tadashi-kun today~”
He was a protector.
"Back. Off." Every word was deadly punctuated, standing as a warning all on their own without needed the back up of Iwaizumis dangerous glare.
"Who are you?!" The pestered had glowered, having followed you from your friends’ party that night.
"Take another step and you'll find out."
"Iwaizumi, it's fine— I can handle this." You had every intention to, but Iwaizumi stood protectively in front of you and fingers twitching to punch this scoundrel if he dared make a move to touch you, it was best to leave it.
"Whatever.” Then he was gone, storming off in the other direction much to your joint relief.
“(Y/n) you need to be more careful.”
“I was careful! That’s why I messaged Oikawa the second I noticed him following me.” Hold on, why the hell was Iwaizumi here then?
“Creeps will target students walking alone, especially ones like you.”
“Don’t you think I know that? I’m not and idiot an— what do you mean ‘like me’?”
“What? You’re, y’know— you’re ours!” He seemed stifled by his response but he couldn’t exactly tell you it’s because you were considered attractive.
"You can stop treating me like a baby, I'm 16 Hajime! I can take care of myself, besides..." There was brief hesitation but your emotions were too strong. "I need to get used to you and Tōru not being around, don't I?"
It was a low blow, you knew that, but had every right to be angry at both the world and him, especially with that bubbling feeling of betrayal being so fresh.
"What? So protecting you suddenly means I'm treating you like a child?"
"What else would it be?" You bit back again, knowing by this point you were only being hurtful.
"That I—" A pause.
"That I care about you dumbass, is that so hard to believe? I know you're growing up but that doesn't mean me -or Tōru- are gonna stop looking out for you just because we're on the other side of the world."
"Sure it doesn’t, I'm going home." Despite his words being full of honesty, you turned your back on him and started walking.
"I'll walk you."
"No, I'll walk myself thanks."
"It wasn't a request."
Eventually you arrived at Oikawas’ house, storming in and ditching your shoes in his porch - the pretty brunette heaving a knowing sigh. Oikawa would give you a minute, Iwa having now walked into the house moments after without a word, and that’s when Oikawa followed your path and hesitantly knocked on his own bedroom door for entry.
"Don't be mad at Iwa-chan."
"Yeah yeah 'he's only trying to look out for you' and 'Hajime is protective over people close to him', heard it all before Tōru." Came your muffled reply, face hidden in your arms on the setters bed.
"...Guess you have but uh, this is different."
"It's because he's going to miss you, our Ace won't ever admit that but it's true. Not seeing you and dealing with our chaos all the time will be weird for him. You were near the top of his list to tell once he’d made his decision about California y'know?" Tōru sat tentatively beside you, a reassuring hand patting your back in aid of comforting you.
"Doesn't make it hurt any less, finding out I'm not only losing my big brother but his best friend too."
"You're more upset about me though right?" There was a preganant pause, quite honestly you weren't exactly listening but it was enough for Oikawa to sit abruptly from the bed. "Right?!"
"Fine fine, I'm taking that as a yes, but anyway, Iwa-chan just wants to make sure you're gonna be okay in life before he leaves (Y/n)."
There was another silence, a quiet sob escaping you that you’d desperately tried to cover up.
"…Where were you? I needed you Tōru and you weren’t there…"
You felt him cease up, the pain laced your voice and he knew it was partly because it’ll be this way for the foreseeable future, but this time wasn’t his fault.
“Iwa-chan was here when I got your message, he was out the house before I could even put my shoes on. So I waited here for when you came back.” They really were the best team. “Anyway, I’ll prepare my sisters old room for you to stay tonight.”
Awkwardly you shuffled into the kitchen, finding the Ace situated at the table, already changed into a t-shirt and joggers he had here and tiredly brooding over some freshly made tea.
"Hey..." The quietened whisper from your lips surprised even you, let alone Hajime who looked up from his cup with a softening frown.
"Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, I um, I wanted to apologise. You were only trying to help and you even walked me home after I was a crappy friend so..."
"Anytime." There was a hanging silence again, hugging yourself a bit before the brunette awkwardly cleared his throat. "I uh, I understand you were upset, and butting in on the situation probably wasn't necessary so I'm sorry too. It just pissed me off."
"We're good then?"
"Yeah, we're good."
Pausing at the entrance, you sighed quietly - bare feet quickly tapping on the floor and before Hajime could check the origin you'd engulfed him from behind, arms wrapped around his chest and nose buried in the nape of his neck.
"I'll miss you too Hajime."
You heard his breath hitch, muscles tensing under your touch and tentative fingers gracing your own with a gently sigh.
Then you pulled away slightly, the same moment he'd looked back to you, gazes meeting for only a few sacred seconds like sharing a thousand words. Softly you smiled, both of you laughing as your fingers slipped from his figure and you'd walked back to the guest room. Only to find Oikawa sat expectantly on the bed waiting for you.
"You tell him?"
"Not quite. But I said enough."
He was a traitor.
Not a phase. It must be a familiarity thing then, Hajime had always been present in your life since you could remember. There wasn't a prolonged period of time when he hadn't been involved - at school, at home, with Oikawa, even on vacations, or via social media.
Maybe once he'd left, once he was no longer around, the constant familiarity wouldn't influence your feelings anymore.
For now though, when you were gifted a moment alone with him that’d likely be your last, you decided it couldn’t hurt to express your feelings. Calmly and nonchalantly.
"I like you Hajime."
"I like you too (Y/n)." He paused, soft and sentimental smile gracing his lips briefly as if resenting his next words. "But you know there's the age thing."
"I know, but I'm in it for the long game."
You could tell your confident statement caught him off guard, yes Iwaizumi knew the topic of conversation was to be handled with care but that didn’t mean he wasn’t perplexed by you.
"I don't want you to wait for me or anything, considering I'm heading to California."
"I had no intention of waiting, our paths will cross again. It's nice knowing you're out there, I'm out there, and we both know. That's enough." You shrugged, leaning back far too casually for the situation.
"Knowing we're both out in the world, I can play along with that."
"Besides, I'll win in the end Hajime."
"Oh yeah? What makes you so sure."
There was a playful smirk on your lips as you sat up a little straighter, hands clasped and head tilted in curiosity. "Well, date me now?"
"No way."
"Okay, then date me later?"
"..." Despite his snapping reply earlier, he now furrowed his brows in thought. "You don't even know what we'll being doing in the future."
"You're not saying no."
"..." A flicker of realisation when meeting your competitive gaze.
"See." You smirked. "That's what makes so sure."
"The long game huh?" Iwaizumi smiled "Count me in."
Oikawa joined you both then, stepping out onto the field and standing before your sitting figures.
"I'm still going to hate you though." A playful punch hitting Iwaizumis’ shoulder as you rose to your feet. "For leaving. I can't hide those feelings very well."
"I know, and it's okay. Hate me for as long as you need to."
“You two done? Let’s go~”
However it was the text later that night which left you more confused than ever.
[ Iwa: Finally. ]
[ (Y/n): Huh? ]
[ Iwa: I didn't give you an answer earlier, so that's it. ]
[ Iwa: Date you finally. ]
[ (Y/n): What does that mean? Eventually??? Later??? Iwaaaaa!!!! 😭 ]
[ Iwa: You're playing the long game remember?  So you'll just have to wait I guess. Anyways tell Shittykawa he better be up early tomorrow, night (Y/n) x ]
[ (Y/n): Tōrus' right, you are mean! 💀 ]
He was a friend.
"Someone grew up good." Iwaizumi nodded to you in greeting when you’d shown up to Oikawas’ family home, yourself gladly embracing the former traitor.
"Iwa-chan! That's my little chibi-chan!" Oikawa was quick to chastise, even at your expense.
"Tōru I'm not so little anymore, I'm a grown assed human with a job and rent for crying out loud!"
"With a petty attitude to boot." Oikawa mocked, sticking his tongue at you like you were children again.
"Wonder who they got that from Crappykawa?"
"How dare you compare me to him Iwaizumi?! That's it, we're enemies now - prepare to lose."
"I just got back from California, can't we do things normally for once? Like unpack, then celebrate my graduation by going out for dinner together like old times?"
Yourself and Oikawa looked at each other with offended expressions, mirroring smirks etching onto your lips once you'd set your attention back on an irritated Iwa.
"Nope!" You devilishly grinned, Oikawa already holding up Mario Kart controllers as he finished off.
"We're going to my place to have a tournament, loser buys dinner!"
“Woah, us ‘idiots’ threw you a graduation party. We’re the best friends ever, you should be thanking rather than insulting us y’know.” Oikawa pointedly corrected referring to the destination later tonight.
“Yeah, when Tōru got back from the airport, we even tried making you a cake!”
“Guys… thanks so much…”
“Iwa-chan, congratulations on your graduation.” Tōru proudly cemented, next you gladly followed. “And welcome home.”
He was the love of your life.
It was a beautiful summers night in Tokyo, and you'd come to congratulate Iwaizumi on his recent job offer as the Japanese Olympic Volleyball Teams fitness trainer.
You didn't think you'd be sitting beside him staring up at the stars though, a blissful warm breeze allowing you to truly feel the moment.
It seemed Iwaizumi was the same, content smile upon his face.
"It's nice to see you (Y/n), I'm glad you made it."
"Well it's easier when you don't have to catch a flight from the other side of the world." It was evident to whom you’d referred, his absence always being felt in some way.
"Heh, yeah I got to speak to him over video chat though."
"Ugh that means he didn't get the slaps he deserves." Was your witty reply, Iwaizumi laughing alongside you.
"Nah, but don't worry I managed to scold him for anything ridiculous he came out with."
"Like beating everyone?"
"Exactly. With the team I'm gonna train, I'll kick his ass." It amazed you, that even as best friends their rivalry continued into adulthood.
"I hope you both do well Hajime."
"Hm, I hope Japan and Argentina get to face one another most of all."
"You miss him."
"Yeah." A sentimental smile and Iwa turned to you. "And I miss you too."
The atmosphere once again settled into that of comfortable tranquility. You supposed there was only one last thing to say then.
"Well Iwaizumi Hajime, I have one last question for you tonight."
"I know, you've been waiting. So go ahead." It was a challenge, the brunette facing you with an expectant smirk that matched your own.
"Date me now?"
"Don't you remember? I said date you, finally."
"Finally?" You mimicked again, still not knowing what he’d meant by that phrase.
"Guess the long game is over now huh?" Iwaizumi shrugged nonchalantly, despite his mocking tone which only left you sarcastically retorting.
"Shut up asshole."
"It meant, I may not have been your first love (Y/n), but I have every intention of being your last." His sentiment surprised you, especially if this is the thought he had when typing that text all those years ago. "If that's okay with you obviously."
"It is Hajime, then it's your call."
"(Y/n), will you finally go on a date with me?"
"No." You'd said it proudly, Hajime only knowingly smirking. "You don't get to take the victory lap now. This is my game, and I asked you first. You owe me an answer."
"Ah man, it was worth a shot but the only true loss here is missing the chance to be with you so yeah."
"Don't get all sappy on me Hajime! It doesn't suit you."
"Hey! I said I'd date you (Y/n), aren't I supposed to be a little sentimental with that." Though he seemed confident, Iwaizumi hadn’t hidden his blush very well.
"You might want to make another call to Oikawa, I'm sure dating his 'Chibi-chan' will have him back here in no time. Don't you need his permission huh?"
"Already got it." Iwaizumi seemed smug about it, no doubt probably asking prior to this encounter since he already knew what you wanted to ask - but you had your own surprises.
"Funny, I did too."
"You asked his permission to date me?!"
"Duh, you're his best friend. I got permission before you even left for California~"Not explicitly, but you assumed Oikawa had always known how you felt.
"You really had me from the start didn't you?"
"Yeah, but you had me too Iwa.”
Iwaizumi Hajime was (and had been) your everything. But you were always his everything too.
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