#i know burning the tip of braids
anderwater · 2 years
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∗ Flaming Fro Warren Lewis, of North Memphis, cuts hair by setting it on fire. He explains how he got the idea while remembering how he burned the feathers off of chickens which his mother later prepared for dinner. Lewis strategically waves the flames, at the ends of two long thin candles, around the heads of his clients and burns their hair. He’s quick to pat out the flame once the hair shrinks to the length that he desires. He says it also grows out more evenly that way. P-VALLEY S2.06 (2022)
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rainylana · 27 days
Eddie Munson x female virgin!reader headcanons
warnings: smut, oral sex both male and female receiving, reader is a virgin, so much fluff. enjoy! let me know if i missed anything! :)
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• he knows you’re a virgin, but he doesn’t say anything about it. he can tell by the way you struggle to keep up with his mouth, how you’re not sure where to put your tongue when he puts his between your teeth. your body is hot and awkward, never knowing where to put your hands.
• he doesn’t tease you about it. he kisses you slow so you can try and keep up, he keeps his hands above your waist so he doesn’t overwhelm you too quickly.
• virgins weren’t exactly eddie’s type. he wanted to be with a woman who knew what she was doing, who knew how to have a good time, be reckless and rough. his priorities changed when he started dating you. he had the urge to protect your innocence. he didn’t want to ravish you like he did other woman. he wanted to take his sweet time with you, wanted to take care of you.
• he eats you out first, your legs spread and tossed over his shoulder, arms stretched behind you to keep you upright. you’re in the back of his van, hair falling out of your braid as you cried, the new, overstimulating feeling of his tongue against your pussy making you blubber emotionally.
• you keep putting your hands between your legs, not sure if you’re able to handle to sensation. he’ll look up at you, pussy drunk and hazy eyed. “you taste so good, baby. you want me to slow down?” you do, so he does. he slows down and makes out with your cunt passionately, squeezing your thighs with his ringed hands, sucking on your clit like he was fighting for air.
• when you cum, you sob, your legs twitching on his shoulders. his hands hold you up so you don’t fall. he holds you close to his chest as you come down from your high, kissing your head and telling you how good you did.
• you get up the nerve to ask him to teach you how to suck his dick and he was extremely eager to teach you, happy to help you learn. it wasn’t as difficult as you thought it would be. you enjoyed watching his face morph into different emotions. pleasure, pleasure, and more pleasure.
• “careful of the teeth, honey.” he said, wincing just slightly as he lets his head lay back in relaxation, letting you play with him all you wanted. “now suck on the tip. that’s where we’re most sensitive, right down underneath it.”
• you apologize a lot for how messy you are. you’re eyes are watering and you’re drooling. you keep letting go of his cock on accident. he’s exceptionally bigger than what you had expected, the dark patch of hair slightly trimmed and kept up.
• he doesn’t want you to swallow his cum on the first try, so he quickly grips your jaw and pulls you off of him, squirting himself onto his bare stomach. your throat hurt a few days after, a few bruises in that back that you’d found humorous.
• when he finally fucks you. it’s sweet and slow. he’s got you flat on your back, completely naked and he’s making love to every part of your body, kissing and caressing your arms, your legs, neck and stomach, all the way down to your feet.
• “Ah, that’s it’s, baby.” He says with the tip of his cock pushing into your entrance. “Nice and slow, okay? You’re taking it so well for me.”
• he’s gripping the headboard, willing himself to not move any faster than what he’s already doing. you’re biting his shoulder, whimpering at the burning stretch while his cock is buried inside of you. his mouth is on you, taking in your whines as he bucks into you with his hips, moving a little quicker when he feels you tense up. “cum, baby. it’ll feel so good. cum with me.”
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luvacookie · 3 months
mr steal ur girl.
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eren notices an unfamiliar face at one of his frat parties…
❥ warnings : reiner bein a dick, unprotected sex (wrap before u tap), nicknames, squirting, porn w a plot, intended use of lower case, mildly proof read, shy-ish reader, black fem coded.
❥ cookie for ur thoughts ? : my first post, my first aot idea >~< ! idk how people will respond to this. i need to write a lil sum sum for con, i will work on it…
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“pleaseee ! you never come out with me! plus you get to be around reiner.”
pieck stared at you through the floor length mirror, adjusting her black skin tight dress as you ignored her and continued to scroll through your phone. as per usual, she was going to one of her parties hosted by her friends and as per usual she was asking you to join her.
normally you declined, opting to stay wrapped up in bed, catching up on one of your hour long k-dramas episodes or looking over work you did in a lecture.
parties were not your scene and they never had been.
“pieck… i don’t know…” you responded sceptically, curling the end of your braid around your finger.
“i can set you up with reiner, he talks about you all the time you know,” pieck said walking over to your bed.
you sighed, you knew she was just using your delusional crush on reiner to lure you in and unfortunately it was working.
you pushed your glasses up, exhaling defeatedly. pieck smiled and clapped her hands together, jumping up from the bed.
“we have to make sure you look cute as fuck so shower, skincare, makeup, whatever you need to do and by time you get out i’ll have a cute fit for you!” she said happily, digging through your clothes.
you hauled yourself out of bed, grabbing your towel and headed to the shower. you cleaned up nicely, freshening yourself up for the party. you put your braids into a half-up half-down with a side parting, laying your edges with a decorative heart.
pieck had picked out a two piece pink set for you with white string heels, you matched your accessories accordingly with pink hair clips and white glasses.
she smiled at you in awe. “you look so fuckin’ good right now! you seriously need to get out more.”
you looked down shyly, “are you sure pie’? this is so out of my zone.”
“oh my god, of course i’m sure, now come on. reiner won’t wait all night,” she giggled.
she grabbed you by the hand and dragged you to her convertible, making sure to let the top down so the warm night air hit your faces. the ride there was filled with vibes and giggles, your nerves slowly disappearing.
soon enough you arrived at the frat house, the musics blaring through all the open doors and windows. people were dancing on the lawn, cars pulled up in every direction. pieck dragged you through the crowd, stopping for a couple seconds at a time to say hi to her mutuals.
soon enough you found your way into the kitchen with her where the rest of your friend group was.
“hey guys!” pieck called out over the music and they all greeted her back.
“no fuckin’ way you brought y/n,” connie said, licking his paper and putting the blunt behind his ear.
you waved at him, smiling lightly.
“well damn, who woulda thought,” annie said from beside him, holding a red solo cup.
“she finally managed to convince me soooo…” you trailed off leaning against the counter.
“you look hot though,” sasha commented, a lazy smile on her face as if she was already high.
“mmm, cheers to that,” reiner said from behind you.
you turned around, looking him up and down. he had a simple white tee on that hugged his arms perfectly, a pair of black cargo’s with a silver chain. he handed you a cup and knocked it with yours, tipping the contents of it back.
you stared at him briefly, watching his throat move as he swallowed. you followed shortly after, pulling a face as the liquor burned your throat.
everyone spoke amongst themselves, pieck catching up on all the lost drinks, leaving you and reiner to have a sweet conversation.
“why don’t i see you out enough?” he asked, looking down at you.
you turned your head to the side, the eye contact making your stomach flip, “not really my thing.”
“they should be,” he followed up quickly, “you’re too pretty to be kept hostage in your dorm.”
you looked at him, smiling. “thanks.”
“no problem sweetheart,” he poured himself another drink, refilling yours too.
“you drink a lot?” he asked, sipping on his mix.
“not really, only when i come to these things, which is basically never,” you chuckled lightly, tasting your drink.
“i’m gonna have to force pieck to bring you out more, you’re too fuckin’ pretty darling.”
“rei, stop you’re making me feel shy,” you sighed, looking at him with obvious heart eyes.
he made a noise in his throat, a cocky smirk on his face. “dance with me?”
you stared, your brain slowly registering before you nodded. you turned to pieck, gesturing that you were going with reiner and she gave you a massive thumbs up in encouragement.
reiner took your hand in his and lead you to where the music was the loudest, putting your hands around his neck as his met your waist. he stayed with you like that for the majority of the song, his eyes holding yours.
your acrylics danced at the nape of his neck, as the grip on your waist slowly became tighter. he pulled you close enough for your chests to be touching, forcing you to look up at his height.
“are you even listening ? hellooo?”
“yeah..yeah, who’s that?” eren asked, ignoring whatever armin was saying.
armin looked around, “who?”
“her,” eren said, nodding in your direction.
“oh, y/n l/n. she’s in my english major,” armin said dismissively.
eren nodded, watching how you were slowly grinding on reiner, or realistically how your tits were moving in your dress. he had never seen you before, so how did you know reiner of all people?
as the song ended you pulled reiner down to your height, muttering something to him in which he nodded. you left the room, leaving reiner to join one of his other group of friends, though he didn’t see where you left to as porco joined him and armin.
you returned to the kitchen where connie was left on his own, tapping the ash off his blunt into the sink.
“you and reiner?” he asked, his words slightly slowed.
you poured a shot, smiling to yourself. “maybe. i don’t know.”
you tipped it back as he continued talking to you. “he likes you, you know that right?”
you reapplied your lipgloss, “does he?”
“for real, he talks about you all the time,” he inhaled slowly.
“that’s cute. i like him too,” you smiled at connie.
he exhaled and turned the roll to you, “you smoke?”
“no… i’ve only hit once before,” you admitted, staring at it.
“you don’t wanna hit that shit, probably laced,” came a deep voice from behind you.
you turned to see eren leaning on the door frame, staring at you. he was wearing simple grey sweats and a white tee, his hair pulled back into a messy bun.
“fuck off yaeger,” connie muttered, rolling his eyes, smoke exhaling his mouth with a string of cusses following.
he ignored connie, focusing his attention on you. “you’ve never been to one of these before have you?”
“do i stand out that bad?” you shook your head, the sound of your acrylic tapping the glass following.
eren walked round the counter, pouring himself straight whiskey. “oh you stand out… would’ve remembered your face.”
you tip your head to the side and glance back at connie who stares at you blankly. “what’s that supposed to mean?”
“means your cute, your boyfriend is lucky,” he comments swiftly.
“my boyfriend ?” you question, toying with the curly end of your braid.
“reiner. i would think so anyways after the way you were dancing with him,” he responds, a glint in his eye as if he was digging for information.
you look up and make eye contact with him. “he’s not my boyfriend—”
“not yet anyways,” connie interrupts.
you felt your face flush, unsure if you had turned a shade of red or not. you shook your head and had another shaky shot, the alcohol seeping it’s way into your bloodstream.
“what’s your name ?” eren asks, sipping vodka straight from the bottle that was left on the counter.
“y/n,” you responded. “don’t worry, i know who you are eren.”
he tipped his head to the side slightly, he liked the way you said his name.
he hummed, continuing his drink when his friend armin entered the room.
“are reiner and annie fucking or something ?” he asks, a twinge of annoyance in his tone.
you turned to look at armin, your heart slightly dropping. “what do you mean ?”
armin looks at you as if he hadn’t registered you were in the room, “n-nothing. just the way they were talkin’ and dancing and shit..”
you were sure you felt your heart drop this time. annie and reiner ? they had never gave an indication that they liked each other.
you looked off to the side, your throat slowly going dry.
connie noticed and sighed. “they like siblings, don’t stress it.”
you nodded, “y-yeah of course, i just need some air or something.”
you used that as your cue to leave, eren’s eyes following your figure as you walked past him towards the back garden.
you were slightly embarrassed, choking up in front of three boys, two of them you barley knew. you sat on a chair in the corner, taking a shallow breath and texting pieck.
y/n : i think i’m ready to cut pie
pie 🙇🏾‍♀️💓 : y ? e oksy?
you looked at her message and knew she was drunk, yet she still tried her best to check in on you.
y/n : yh dw abt me imma jus take an uber or smthin
pie 🙇🏾‍♀️💓 : olay
pie 🙇🏾‍♀️💓 : grt home sfe iky <3333
you sighed and turned your phone off, looking at the people in the garden. you heard giggling and saw reiner and annie trip over one another, clearly having a good time with themselves.
you turned your phone on and scrolled through your missed texts when you felt a person stood behind you. you looked up and saw eren’s green eyes looking at annie and reiner.
“what a prick,” eren sighed, looking down to meet your eyes.
“it’s cool. annie’s better than me by like tenfold so i’m not really shocked,” you responded, dropping your phone in your lap.
“don’t be fuckin’ dumb, reiner’s a blind asshole. he always has been,” he comforted you. “here.”
he handed you his lit joint and you took a hesitant hit, careful not to get lipgloss all over the paper.
eren watched you as you exhaled into the air, swallowing nothing. “you good?”
you nodded, “ ‘m good.”
you guys stayed like that for a while, exchanging useless comments and smoking. eren was glad that your mood had been lifted. at some point you had ended up back in the kitchen with your group of friends, high and definitely drunk.
pieck had everyone do body shots off of her stomach and made you dance round the counter like an idiot, something you were too drunk to question.
“where’d you go?” reiner’s voice said from behind you, his arms wrapping around your shoulders.
you tensed uncomfortably, though reiner was far too gone to notice. you wriggled out of his grasp, turning around to look at him. “s-sorry, i ended up getting distracted by eren and connie.”
eren nodded at whatever words mikasa was saying, his eyes focusing on the way reiner was forcing a conversation after abandoning you to fuck around with annie.
“yaeger? what were you doing with that bastard ?” reiner said, ignoring the way you rubbed your arm rather nervously.
“n-nothing, we was jus’ talking and shi—”
“fuck that, don’t hang around with that kid,” reiner cut you off, staring at you rather annoyed.
“reiner, i’m sorry he just—”
“why shouldn’t she hang around with me ? i’d say i’m a pretty fun time,” eren said lazily, sitting on the counter beside you.
reiner glared at him, “don’t start your bullshit with me yaeger.”
“i’d say you’re starting problems with me braun, tellin’ pretty girls they should steer clear,” he responded.
eren looked unbothered whereas reiner had become rather agitated.
he ignored reiner, turning to you, “wanna go some where else ?”
you looked at reiner then at eren before nodding, following his lead and taking his hand as he lead you somewhere else.
“fuckin’ hell. rei just got his bitch stolen by yaeger,” porco muttered, reiner still heard it.
“you good princess?” eren mumbled, the sound of his door clicking shut.
“mhm, thank you,” you responded from his desk, untying your heels as he pushed himself up on his bed.
“for what?” he asked pointedly, his eyes locking with yours.
“the reiner thing—”
“anybody with working brain cells could see that you were uncomfortable, i was just helping out,” he dismissed, his hands resting behind his head.
you nodded, holding eye contact with him. the room went silent, the only sound being the tapping of your acrylics against the wood of his desk.
eren sighed, patting the cover of his bedsheets. “c’mere, you too far away.”
you let out a little laugh, hopping off his desk and standing in front of him. he grabbed you by your hands and pulled you on top of him, settling yourself on his hips. he was less than bother by the sudden added weight of your own body, his hands meeting the side of your thighs.
“you really are mad pretty,” he mumbled, squeezing the fat of your thighs that was closer to your ass.
you exhaled, turning your head to try and hide your smile. he grabbed your face and turned it back to him, his eyes hooded with lust.
you stared at him and your eyes dropped to his lips and unfortunately for you, he didn’t miss it. you took a deep breath and leaned forward, encasing eren’s lips in yours.
his hands instantly moved to your ass, squeezing roughly. he kissed you back hard, pushing his hips upwards.
your hands travelled to the back of his hair, your acrylics burying themselves in the nape of his neck. he sat up properly so he could flip you over, a shear display of his strength.
he bit at the bottom of your lip, taking advantage of the whine you let out to slip his tongue into your mouth. his hands wondered down the front of your top, though he pulled away, inspecting your face.
“why’d you stop ?” you mumbled, your eyes darting towards his swollen lips.
“nothin’, just checking to see if you’re actually sober. you alright with this though ?” he asked and you nodded eagerly, tugging at his hoodie.
he laughed. “you’re a desperate thing aren’t you.”
“eren, please,” you mumbled, pulling him forwards with more force.
“fuck. whatever you want princess,” he groaned, grabbing you by the neck and pulling you into a deeper kiss than before.
you moaned quietly as he untied the front of your shirt, revealing your lacy white bra.
“please tell me you weren’t wearing this for reiner,” he begged, rubbing on your tits.
you shook your head. “thank fuck for that.”
he pulled your skirt off, revealing your matching set, throwing the skirt somewhere in his room.
“fuck sake, y/n,” he muttered, eyes trailing the whole of your body.
you tugged at his zipper, “off, i want it off.”
he unzipped his hoodie with a chuckle, removing his shirt too, revealing his muscles. “makin’ demands now ?”
you rolled your eyes and pulled him back in for another heated kiss, your hands trailing down his body and palming his dick through his grey bottoms. he groaned, kissing you harder as you continued to stroke his growing hard-on through the material.
he pulled away and began kissing down your neck, leaving deep hickies as he went down, kissing all the way down your stomach till he got to the top of your lace thong.
he made eye contact with you as he placed a light kiss on your cover clit, watching as your mouth slightly dropped open. he pulled your panties down, stuffing them in his pocket whilst he rubbed on your clit with slow circles.
“you’re so fuckin’ wet for me right now angel. did you know that?” he asked, continuing with his agonisingly slow circles.
“mm fuck, eren, please—” you whined, your hands gripping his sheets.
“please what princess?” he teased, watching your body squirm under his touch.
you whined even louder. “fuck, i want more—” you cut yourself off with a shallow moan as he dipped his middle finger inside of you briefly before pulling it out.
“more what?” he teased.
you looked at him with round glossy eyes, “please eat me out.”
“that’s all you had to say princess,” he laughed, finally giving you what you wanted.
his tongue made contact with your clit and he licked eagerly, making his middle and ring finger stretch you out nicely.
“gotta make sure this pretty pussy is ready for my dick hm,” he mumbled on your clit, sucking on it roughly.
you babbled incoherent sentences, scratching as far as your hands could reach down his shoulders. your moans gradually increased in volume as his slender fingers worked your insides deliciously, finding that soft spot your own couldn’t reach with ease.
“f-fuck eren— feels so fuckin’ good,” you moaned gripping on his sheets harder.
just as you could feel your orgasm approaching, you could feel your phone vibrate beside you.
pieck was calling you, your thighs began to close but eren forced them back open. “answer it.”
“i said answer it and be quiet.”
you looked at him before doing as he said, his fingers working harder than before.
“y/nnnn! where did you gooooo?” pieck shouted down the phone.
“i-i went with— mm-fuck, eren—” you struggled, pulling at eren’s hand.
“to do whatttt? you guys are missing the party” she yelled, giggling shortly after.
you struggled to hold back a moan as eren sucked more feverishly on your clit, “ ‘m s-sorry pie’, w-we’ll be — fuckfuck— we’ll be b-back soon.”
pieck stayed silent on the other side for a moment. “ohmygodyouanderenarefucking?!”
eren laughed, the vibrations on your clit causing you to let a loud whine slip past your mouth, one pieck definitely heard.
you hung up on her and threw your phone on the floor some where, focusing back on eren. “that is y-your fault.”
he pulled up and looked at you, the lower half of his face covered in your slick. “i told you to be quiet princess.”
you rolled your eyes as he continued finger fucking you, his tongue slipping to your hole every now and again.
a strange feeling built up in your stomach, making you push him away by his shoulders. “mm— eren wait, f-feels like ‘m gonna—”
his dick twitched at the thought of you squirting from him eating your pussy, so he pushed your hands away. “stop, let me finish.”
“no— eren—”
he grabbed your arms with his free hand and held them to your side, licking at your clit more needly as he could feel your cunt clenching around his fingers. “i got you princess.”
you moaned loudly and the clear liquid drenched your thighs and his sheets, eren’s fingers still working you through your orgasm.
“f-fuck, eren— please—” you moaned desperately, tears sliding down the side of your face as you tried to squeeze your thighs shut.
“give me one more, i know you can y/n,” he mumbled, pulling your thighs open as his fingers working faster, grazing your soft spot every time.
you shook your head, feeling your second orgasm approaching harder than the first one.
“fuckfuckfuck, eren please—” you came around his fingers a second time, moaning loudly.
“there you fucking go,” eren smirked, feeling your cunt squeeze him. he slipped his fingers out and kissed your clit gently before coming back up to kiss you.
“you okay princess?” he asked quietly, looking you in your eyes.
you nodded lazily, fucked out from the two orgasms he gave you. “ ‘m good.”
“good cause i’m not done with you yet,” he exhaled, kissing you again.
he pulled his bottoms down, revealing his white calvin klein boxers that hugged his straining dick.
“this is your fault,” he said mimicking the words you said to him earlier.
you ignored him and palmed at his dick, feeling it twitch under the contact. you pulled his boxers down and let it free, continuing to rub it bare.
“fuckk—” he groaned, “shit, let me get a condom—”
“i’m clean,” you interjected, “and on birth control.”
eren looked slightly taken back. “are you sure ?”
you nodded desperately, “i need you please—”
“well shit. i’m clean too don’t worry,” he reassured you.
you nodded and continued rubbing his dick.
he moaned lowly before grabbing your face, “open.”
you opened your mouth and he stuck his fingers down your throat, the same ones that had been inside you.
he pulled them out and rubbed them on his dick, mixing your spit and his pre-cum.
next time i’ll have to get head, he thinks to himself before lining his dick up with your cunt. you moan loudly as the tip slowly pushed past your pillowy walls, hugging eren tightly.
“shit—” eren cussed as he felt your nails dig into his bicep, “you’re never fuckin’ getting rid of me princess.”
he bottomed out, making you whimper. he stilled, allowing you to adjust to his length. he watched your face for any signs of discomfort before slowly moving in and out of your cunt.
“fuck eren— you feel- so good—” you babbled incoherently, clawing deep marks down his back.
he nodded, lifting your leg to put it over his shoulder to get a better angle. he increased his speed, rubbing at your clit, making you squeeze his cock.
his hips stuttered. “stop doing that, gonna make me cum.”
“i want you to cum in me though,” you said, looking at him through your lashes.
eren scoffed and went deeper, thanks to the angle his tip kept assaulting your sweet spot.
you whimpered, “fuck eren— gonna cum—”
“no you’re not. hold it,” he grunted, gripping your hips and pulling you down to meet his base.
“eren,” you whined.
his pacing slowed down, his thrusts becoming sloppier as he neared his high.
“fuck— princess, i’m gonna cum—” he muttered into your ankle, nibbling slightly.
you squeezed around him at the sensations. he let out a deep moan, his cum painting the insides of your pussy white.
you came as you felt him empty inside of you, digging a crescent shape into his back.
“f-fuck,” you mumbled, watching him pull his dick out.
you whined at the empty feeling, though eren chose to ignore it. “imma be back.”
he picked his boxers up from the floor and pulled them on, walking to his bathroom. he walked out with a warm cloth, gently wiping the insides of your thigh.
“is your back okay? i noticed all the scratches and some were kinda bleeding…” you said sympathetically.
“don’t worry about me, i’ve had worse,” he smiled.
when he finished he put it on his desk and walked back over to you, kissing you gently.
“you good princess?”
you nodded dazed, causing eren to chuckle. he pulled you up and helped you get dressed, allowing you to fix your makeup and hair.
when you left his bedroom the party was still full swing, people dancing and drinking.
“ayeee ! there they are,” porco called out, clapping eren on the back when he sat next to him.
you were about to walk off to sit with pieck and sasha when eren grabbed your hand and pulled you into his lap.
you looked at him confused when he muttered in your ear. “didn’t i tell you you’re never getting rid of me ?”
you were sure this time you were blushing, especially when he kissed the dark hickey on your neck.
“alright, we get it, you fucked, get a room,” sasha fake gagged, giggling after.
eren made eye contact with reiner. “she won’t be able to walk next time we get a room.”
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hwaitham · 8 months
𝓼𝓪𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓭𝓪𝔂 𝓼𝓾𝓷 ⋆ ࣪˖ 𓂃𓋜
al haitham x f!reader . sfw . established relationship ノ fluff + suggestive ノ reader is smaller than haitham ノ kaveh!! ૮꒰ིྀ˶꜆´˘`꜀˶꒱ིྀა 
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"someone's up rather early."
al haitham's kitchen is teeming with light when he walks in on saturday morning: the pots hanging from the ceiling catching the sunshine from the open window (ting! ting!), the blue flame on the gas burner that billows out along the bottom of the stone pan that rests atop it, and you.
the warmest, softest light of them all, standing there by the stove in your—his—shirt, silk strings of an apron cinched into a messy bow at your waist as you busy yourself with frothing the masala chai, turn to face your lover when his voice reaches your ears and welcome him with a cheery, "g'mornie! breakfast's gonna be ready soon."
darling angel, little sunspot in the corner of his mind.
he hums sleepily, making his way behind you and draping his broad frame over your smaller one, strong arms curled around your waist and tenderly squeezing your ribs, chin propped on your head before he leans down to nuzzle his nose into your hair—sweet and sun-warmed.
you don't need to tilt your head up to know al haitham is keeping a watchful eye as you split even volumes of the chai into three mugs, stir a tablespoon of sugar into two of them. spread ghee over the hot stone pan and wait for it to sizzle before you pour on a ladle full of dosa batter.
had it been a few months prior, you would've felt nerves from tip to toe, afraid of his silent judgement—yet here you stand now, blooming like a rose under his gaze.
it's one that's caring, tender, when he gently reminds you to watch your fingers as you're cutting an onion and to flip over the dosa so it doesn't burn.
"dosa and chai for breakfast? you spoil me."
you open your mouth to reply, but the words leave your throat as a garbled mess of stutters and little hums when al haitham surprises you with lazy kisses fluttered over your cheek, and then your jaw, trailing southbound of your neck to your décolletage.
"haitham, stoppp!" you burst into a lovely little peal of giggles when he nips at your skin—playfully, hungrily—pushing your rear back into him and shrugging your shoulders in a failed attempt to get him off you. "what if kaveh sees?"
"then he sees."
his voice is low and nonchalant, but he only holds onto you tighter, protectively, digging his arms further into your ribs as if to remind you that he's already made his home there, that he's staked his claim.
"if the sight of me loving on you drives him out of the house faster, then i may just have to do it more often."
"you meanie." you quip back and stick your tongue out at him as you transfer the crisp dosa onto a plate, reaching for the bowl of batter to make another.
a squeak escapes you before you can do so, because your lover is tilting your chin up with his finger and finally giving you a kiss where it should be given, sucking and licking at your lips, wiping a bubbled bead of his saliva off the corner with his thumb.
it's rare for your haitham to get like this—outwardly clingy with his touch, but you know him well enough to understand why he's displaying such behaviour.
"you're not still jealous from last night, are you?"
ah, yes.
last night.
celebrations at lambad's tavern after al haitham's successful demotion from acting grand sage to mere scribe—celebrations in the manner of a feast of delicacies, followed by innumerable rounds of genius invokation tcg, and concluded with pints upon pints of beer; one for the master (al haitham), one for the dame (you), and one too many for the roommate who swilled them without restraint (kaveh).
and what a sight to behold was the kshahrewar architect—your bestest friend—at the end of the night.
blonde braid mussed and his clips somehow finding their way into your hair, hiccuping and sniffling and pockets emptied beyond belief, trailing at your feet like a puppy and slathering you with sweet words and blubbering drunkenly on your shoulder:
you're so pretty, you're so kind, i really don't understand why you'd entertain a romance from someone of the likes of al haitham... i can assure you, if he doesn't get down on one knee soon, then somebody else definitely will!!
"me, jealous of kaveh? what a joke." your haitham scoffs, burying his face in your hair to hide the irritated pout on his face.
"that sounds an awful lot like something someone who is jealous would say."
"'m not jealous."
"i don't think i believe—a-ah!"
you're cut off all of a sudden—him growling into your temple and tugging you back firmly into his chest, arms unraveling from your waist to weave his fingers between your own, drawing your attention away from breakfast as he lays his love heavy on you with heated kisses to the shell of your ear, nipping and tugging and seemingly overcome with some form of carnal desire.
"i'm—" your knees wobble and knock together when he licks at a particularly sensitive spot, caging you against the kitchen countertop and leaving physical manifestations of his love over the fragile skin of your neck.
and then it becomes awfully hot in al haitham's kitchen on saturday morning, despite the stovetop now turned off and chai no longer steaming, the sun hiding behind a cloud and covering his eyes to allow you and your lover the privacy you deserve.
"i need to make breakfast—i-i'm busy, haitham..."
he hums in dismissal of your protests, mindlessly thumbing at your ring finger before he bunches your shirt up past your hips, lowers himself onto a knee and kisses up the back of your thigh—touches once possessive, greedy, now softening and sweetening into something more reverent and devoted.
"as am i."
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
hi! first and foremost all of ur writing is GODSENT I’m hooked‼️ secondly, i saw ur requests were open and was wanting to see if you could write a neteyam smut where the reader is in heat and is completely insatiable so it leads to some thigh riding and it just isn’t making the cut so he just sits you on his face? and I love ur characterization so with lots of dialogue and him talking you through it pretty please🙏🏽 thank you for gifting us constantly !!
The heat that spreads
adult Neteyam x female avatar reader
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Warnings: explicit smut, minors dni, thigh riding, oral, face sitting, praise kink, heat cycle
Words: 1.9k
Notes: thank you so much for your kind words they mean the world to me!! 😭🫶🏻 I had so much fun writing this skfjdks
Being a Na’vi had it’s perks.
The newly unlocked strength, heightened senses of smell, inhuman hearing and the agility of your avatar body— it was incredible! But there were still some things you had to get used to. One of these things being the monthly heat cycle every female Na’vi goes through, once their bodies are fully developed. It’s a blessing and a curse. You still haven’t figured out when exactly it happens, you just know that it’s not regular and therefore usually comes as a surprise. But you and your mate are trying to make the best out of it.
Right now, you’re sitting on Neteyam thigh, helping him braid his hair, when it suddenly hits you. It starts with a strange yet familiar feeling in your stomach, a warmth that spreads from your lower abdomen right into your lap. It tingles. Makes your head feel dizzy and clouded. You can feel your pupils dilate, senses on high alert as you inhale your mates scent. Neteyam smells like rain, fresh cut grass and tree bark. "What’s wrong?", he tilts his head, some of his braids lazily fall over his shoulder and you swallow thickly. He caresses your cheek with his big hand, thumb gently brushing over your bottom lip. "'Teyam", it comes out as a whine and you blush, "I- I think I‘m starting my…" Neteyams eyes widen. Has it been a month already? He thinks back to the last time with a smug grin on his face, when the two of you couldn’t leave the nest for nearly three days.
You try to clench your thighs together for some friction but it’s impossible with Neteyams leg inbetween them. You curse the position your in, but then he shifts under you, the muscle of his thigh brushes against your clit and you gasp.
You don’t even mean to, but your body has a mind of its own and you slowly start grinding yourself against his thigh. "Please", you beg for his touch, "C-Can we, uhm…" Your eyes point to the weaved sleeping matt, that you two share, across the marui pod. A contented purr of your name rumbles in his chest, your toes curling into the soles of your feet as your name drips from his tongue like warm honey. "Keep doing that", he chuckles and guides your hips to keep moving, "We‘ll get to mating soon, my sweet girl. Now I just want to help you get to your release. The first of many." His words aren’t just promises, they’re vows. He enjoys the days of your heat more than anything, willing to bend you in every possible position until you’re finally satisfied. His stamina seemingly increased during these times, thanks to a certain hormone only the female’s mate could smell.
You whimper softly, the tips of your ears burning with an intense heat as you stare up at your mate through lidded eyes. Neteyams words sent your heart a flutter, stomach bunching into a tight knot as your nerves tingle like a live wire.
You felt small sitting on his thigh, dwarfed by his much larger stature as you struggle to stay seated. You can feel the heat pooling rapidly in the pit of your stomach, heart beating hard against your ribs and pounding loudly in your ears as your breaths come out in short, rough pants. Your pussy clenches around nothing and it almost drives you insane. It hurts.
You experiment with different paces and pressures, trying to figure out the best way to get yourself off. It doesn’t take very long to find out what works best for you.
"You're dripping all over my thigh,” Neteyam notes amused. He’s mesmerized by the sight of you using him for your own pleasure.
You take a deep, shuddering breath, tongue darting over your dry lips as you swallow around the lump in your throat.
"'Teyam," you wail, voice turning into a whine laced with tiny hiccups. "It’s, fuck, it’s not enough… It hurts, I want to– need to cum so bad."
"I know, little one. You're doing so well for me", he praises, with his fingers digging into your hips he helps you move faster and cause more and more friction. Neteyam then tenses the muscles of his thigh, which completely changes the feeling. It’s so much harder now, the friction a lot more satisfying. "Better?"
You nod frantically, incapable of forming a coherent response.
Every rock of your hips is bringing you a jolt of pleasure. It feels so euphoric that you find yourself never wanting it to end. Everything‘s being stimulated with each buck of your hips and small shivers shot up your spine every time you brush your clit against his muscles.
You were growing wetter by the second, so much so that a wet patch was beginning to form on his skin. Which was making it easier and even more pleasurable for you to glide yourself up and down his thigh. When you brush your clit once more, you really couldn’t help the loud moan that left your lips.
"You’re close already, aren’t you? My sweet girl is going to cum just from grinding herself on my thigh", Neteyam chuckles teasingly and his intense eye contact is too much for you. You shy away from him but his free hand reaches for your face, thumb and forefinger digging into your jaw as he tilts your chin up. "No, you keep looking at me with those pretty eyes or I’ll stop." You can feel his hot breath against your skin, every hair on the nape of your neck standing up at his close proximity. "D-Don’t stop, please! Please I’m so– so close Neteyam!" Your breathing wavered, hot, burning coil in your stomach threatening to snap as you tremble. He‘s in complete control of your movements, strong hands digging at your hip so hard, you know it’s going to bruise tomorrow. He moves your body along to the rhythm that you desire. Your face twists with pleasure as you moan with complete abandon, his name like a prayer on your lips as your wet pussy slides across his thigh. Neteyam hums, voice deep and thick as he speaks to you in a hushed whisper. "It’s okay, little one. You can cum, let go for me."
You don’t hesitate to obey his command, the coil in your stomach shattering into a million pieces as your orgasm violently courses through you. Your body trembles and you scream your mates name with pure bliss, clinging to him like your life depends on it. Your movements falter, fingers numb as you hold tight onto his shoulders and what little sanity you had left. Neteyam forces you to ride out the waves of your pleasure high, pressing his leg hard against your clit until you beg for him to stop, crying that’s it’s too much but not enough at the same time. If he keeps that rhythm up, you’re sure you would immediately cum again.
Your legs are shaking and you pitch forward, burying your head against his board chest and seeking the warmth of his skin. His sturdy grip on you slowly eases, fingers gently threading through your braided hair and his other hand caressing your back to soothe the erratic beating of your heart. You hum with content as you press your ear against his chest, listening to his thundering heartbeat as you try to regain control of your breathing.
"How do you feel, my love?", he kisses the top of your head.
It doesn’t take long for the familiar heat to return to your core, spreading like a wild fire and you hide your blushing face in his chest. "Wasn’t enough", you mumble and it’s barely above a whisper. "Hm, I thought so", Neteyam grins, "my desperate little mate." You don’t even know what’s happening at first, as he maneuvers you into a new position. When your eyes fly open, you find your mate almost flat on the ground, laying right below you and with his head resting between your thighs. Your eyes widen when he playfully bites down onto the soft flesh of your thigh, careful not to actually hurt you with his canine. His hot breathe fans over the wet skin of your cunt and you shiver. "Neteyam, what are you–" He leans forward to place a sudden kiss right on your clit and you choke on your words. "Sit down", he demands and his words alone make you weak in the knees. One of his hands cups your ass and the other one your hip, with his three long fingers digging into your skin he supports you, pulls you down closer to where he licks his lips, ready to consume his favorite meal. You do as you’re told, carefully lowering yourself to sit on his face and immediately, his tongue darts out to lick a stripe from your dripping entrance to your clit.
He moans at your taste, at the way you fist your hands in his hair to anchor him so you can rut against his face. Against his nose and those puffy lips, so roughly that you can feel his head moving with the force of your hips. And yet he’s moaning uncontrollably, gasping and groaning your name and between slurps and sucks.
He’s a voracious pussy eater. Tireless, hungry, eager to please, but most of all responsive even though he’s nearly smothered under your weight as you ride his face.
"Holy shit— oh, fuck, 'Teyam you’re gonna make me cum again!"
His mouth and his tongue work overtime, swirling around your clit. Suckling on your lips. Sticking his tongue as far into you as he possibly can, ignoring his aching jaw to lick up every little drop of your delicious juices. Smothering himself and shortening his breath from stuffing his nose into your mound to reach as far into you as he can. And then– then, Neteyam does the one thing that he knows you absolutely love.
Taking a hand off your hip, he slips two of his fingers into your soaking wet cunt and curls them just right. Pairing powerful strokes of his hand with long sucks of his mouth, he coaxes you over the edge with such familiarity and such confidence that it takes your breath away. Literally.
"Neteyam!” You gasp, hands fisting in his hair and pulling as your thighs snap tight around his head. Your orgasm almost takes you out, it makes you shake like the leaves of a tree in a storm, your muscles jumping and spasming and making you twitch uncontrollably until it plateaus into complete, white-out inducing bliss. His fingers keep pumping in and out of you through the clamping of your walls, stretching out your orgasm until you’re slumping down ever so slowly, your body slowly going limp from the incredible pleasure.
With a gentle tap to your thigh, you untangle yourself from your mate, lifting your hips from his face. He’s glistening with your slickness and it makes you flustered. When he sits up, your eyes immediately fall on the outline of his hard and painfully neglected cock under his loincloth. It makes you swallow almost hungrily.
He grins at you, palming himself over the thin cloth as he repositions himself once again. With a hand flat on your chest he gently lays you down and then sits on his heels, right between your thighs. "Satisfied yet?", he tilts his head and licks his lips clean. You shake your head no and he chuckles. "What do you want? Talk to me, my sweet girl and I’ll do whatever you want."
"More. Please, I want… more."
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mysticdarling · 1 year
Calling them by their real name - part 2 (spicy)
Characters: venti, xiao, scaramoche (genshin impact!)
Warnings: established relationship, NSFW, breeding., biting, n!pple stimulation, primal, exhibitionism, penetration, smut, no pronouns used for the reader, NO MINORS.
(A/n): hello again, miss me? I apologize for my absence and im happy to announce this long awaited part i turly hope you enjoy your time with my naughty boys~ hope it was worth the long wait! Ps. (I suggest you read the first part first)
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The evening grew darker you didn't know if you should hide or just give up and hope he has Mercy. "Maybe he can only find me where the wind can reach…hmm where could I go without wind?" You talked your thoughts aloud as you walked around, enjoying the scenery of Monstadt. You came across a nice wooded area still feeling the soft Breeze, only getting more anxious by the moment. 
You wander a while on the brink of giving up hope before coming across a cave, which seemed to be empty, only harboring a put out campfire. It was a perfect place to hide out for a while so you did. You walked in no breeze to be felt not even a draft. 
The night began to brew and since you figured you would be there a while, you lit the fire and sat next to the controlled flames. So what if a Hilichurl was to wonder by, you escaped Barbados!…….so you thought at least. 
In a flash of a second a cool gust of wind found its way inside extinguishing the flames.
" oh Windling~ you truly didn't think you could hide from me in my own Nation right? I had fun acting as if I couldn't find you ehe!" You jump just from the sound of his voice, it making your skin crawl.
Venti got into the cave with you without hesitation or invitation taking a bite from an apple he  must have picked from a passing tree. "Me hiding?! Psshh noo i was just…Exploring! Yes that"
Venti busted out in laughter "I'm a god remember you cant lie to me windblume, more importantly I'm your boyfriend I would see before it left your tongue, speaking of your tongue I could think of a lot of places I want it to be right now" He flirted his eyes gazing you up and down.
"Venti!? Geez must you be such a pervert" You grumbled pulling his hat down over his face, soon feeling his slender hand grip your wrist. Venti pushed you down cradling the back of your head as he lays you back getting on top of you. " I've been looking forward to this my disciple, I almost immediately wanted to come running after you even before the rich wine reached to my lips" He pulled at the bow around his neck untying it  letting his cape fall to the ground. He started at your face cupping it softly before his hands wandered, taking in the beauty of every inch of you.  It wasn't long before he had you in nearly nothing at all, the way he looked, touched, made all your insecurities melt away. " Tell me Traveler do you think all of Monstadt could hear you if i make you loud enough?" he slipped off his shorts leaving the stockings, rubbing his rosy tip against your entrance.
You stared up at your bard, it was very clear you weren't speaking to him anymore no, you were talking to a god. "Venti maybe not here what if Adventures walk by or-" Your words were cut short, venti sinking himself inside with no remorse, an unexpected gasp escaping your lips. Your walls swallowed him whole, taking every inch of him as if your body was made for it. "Venti!" You moaned out only to be cut off once again by the bards chuckle.
" Oh windblume I don't want to hear that now call me by my name it sounds so beautiful coming from your lips" He leaned down whispering in your ear, the ends of his braids starting to glow against you. "Say it for me please my beloved" Venti begged, his breath against your neck sending chills down your spine. It was strange it was still your venti but his voice was different, serious, ethereal, too perfect for this world and the whole of tayvat. You felt your face burn with a blush as you turned your face away from the God of freedom "Barbados….my lord… BarbADOS!" It was as if something snapped inside Venti he wanted to defile his disciple. So he did, his hips struck you like lightning noises and moans filling the cave. Even as he was fucking into you Venti Whined in the orgasmic pleasure of your warmth. you couldn't tell which of you were louder.
"That's right, sing for me!" Venti relished in making such a mess out of you
"Mghh! W-Windblume… windblume.. ah! Y/N!!" With every word Venti's voice strained higher. He gripped the back of your thighs folding you to hit the most unholy spots inside you, it nearly made you melt into nothing. Your abdomen tenses reaching the highest point of climax before completely relishing in the finishing feeling. Venti wasn't close behind. He filled your every office before collapsing onto you panting with a huge grin on his face. He laid Apon your chest keeping his seed trapped inside you not daring to pull quite yet. " Now that is how you worship a God ehe"
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You ran to Liyue as you near the border from the neighboring nation, clearly excited to see your darling yaksha. Once you finally step foot you notice a dark figure, Xiao breathing heavily staring at the ground. This only causes you to hurry to worry filling your face. " Xiao? Is that you are you feeling oka-" Your words stop, in a blur Xiao tackling you in the grass. He stared down at you his fingers digging into the ground next to you. "xiao i-its okay now its me im here" you slowly removed his mask it disapping in your hands. " I'm ok...i didnt harm you did i?" Xiao put a hand against his head, making him shutter. "Y/n is it really you…. I'm not seeing things right…" He places the hand on your cheek feeling the warmth, his thumb pressing your lips, letting out a breath of full relief " i…i missed your visits and company" Before the golden eyed boy could continue you tugged him down by his necklace, pressing your lips against his, the kiss desperate, rough, feeling the shared breaths.
Xiao pulled back only when you both were breathless. " say my name" your lips parted "no my real name" His pleading eyes was enough to make you melt where you laid "Alatus" xiao couldn't hold back his blush, he trailed down your sides gripping the fabric before ripping it open finding you so beautiful exsposed under the moon. Xiao stared at you for reassurance with each touch before grabbing a hold of your wrist dragging your hand against his own chest his heart racing .
With a smile, your hands wandered down hooking a finger on his pants tugging them down  honestly surprised at his mere girth, but Xiao didn't leave you much time to think before he folded you. He Threw your leg over his shoulder, dragging his tip against your awaiting hole. "Y/n Please stop me.  If you don't stop me now I don't think I'll be able to"
Self-control was leaving his body as he spoke his golden eyes dilated and targeted on you. " I trust you Alatus-" As those words escaped your lips xiao rammed his cock inside. All at once you felt his teeth sinking into the of your shoulder trying to muffling himself. He was a rough lover not that he always meant to be but he couldn't control it, all he does for his life is fight for control so with you tends to accidentally let loose a little too much. His blows were merciless as he pounded into you under the night sky, grunting and panting with every move it all dissolving into pleasure.
"Alatus A..Alatus don't stop p-please don't stop" Xiao rutted inside you gritting his teeth as he came filling your needy hole. 
His cock twitched from the over stimulation but not daring to stop. Whining and shuddering with every movement "wouldnt…Gh! Dream of it." He hunched over you not daring to stop his hips for a second, even with his seed pouring out of you from around him.
Xiao was so worked up he was even overstimulating himself refusing to let it end as he jerked and whined his length twitching like crazy inside of you. Beads of sweat dripped down his neck, fucking you so hard his hips slapped against your ass making the most obscene sounds even after you did finish, Xiao still couldn't persuade himself to stop. He needed it, he desperately wanted to fill every orifice of you and by the time he did stop he did fill up every bit of your sore little hole. That night he was especially attentive, carrying you to his room in the inn, wiping you down with a warm rag. He served you for the rest of the night, whatever you may ask he will provide. Xiao made sure to remind you, all you need do is say his name. Even the one that was Heaven to his ears as it escaped your lips.
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Scaramouche grabbed your hand leading you to an old abandoned inazuma house. The house was pretty well preserved, apart from the few leaks in the roof and the smell of dust. "we should rest here. I'll get a fire going" Scara removed his hat a little doll falling out, you stared at it then looked up him "what a cute doll! it looks like you, did you make it?" You ask curious, him clearly trying to brush it off as he picks it up. "It's just a stupid doll. Don't think much of it." He shoved it in his sleeve huffing turning away. "...hey kuni i would love to look after him for you, so he doesn't fall into the fire" He froze for a moment before grabbing the plush doll out of his sleeve placing it in your hands. "You wouldn't have liked me.." He said quietly looking at the doll in your palms.
"You wouldn't have liked kunikazushi, he was gentle, he dressed in silks and was naive to the world. Me and you both know you like when I'm rough with you" Scara looked up at you from his eyebrows, his head still tilted down.
" I think I would enjoy seeing your soft side, I would love if you showed me"you cupped his face his eyes softening.
"In your dreams."  he said in a snarky tone, but with his height you picked him up with ease, setting him on the creaky but stable table. "ah! Hey what the hell do you think you're doing!?" Scaramouche struggled, clearly not used to being lifted off his feet.... by someone else "I want to see you every part of you kunikazushi please show me" you plead really making it hard for the puppet to refuse.
All at once he gripped your hair staring at you with a threatening glare. "y/n if you tell a single soul i swear no one ALIVE will believe you" He glared, you nodding in response.
Scaramouche relaxed becoming completely tender as he brought your hand to his cheek nuzzling against the palm " I love you  and I never want you to abandon me even if you grow to hate me please stay by my side" Scaramouche looked away almost embarrassed of himself, all while you melt like putty in his hands. "Could i touch you more y/n? I want to ingrain every inch of you into my mind so I'll know that I met someone as perfect as you" Scara eyes trailed over every inch of you, slowly dragging his hands down to your neck and then shoulders soon replacing his soft cold hands with kisses. He admired your whole body as if it was complex art, all the way down to your toes leaving a soft kiss as a pure act of humble adoration.
He stood a hand clasping your top. " I want to explore more will you let me?" once you gave him the okay he lifted your shirt dragging his soft tongue against the bud of your nipple. He captured it in-between his lips, suckling on as he stared up at you innocently, you so focused on the stimulation you didn't notice the Wanderer seemed to have switched places with you, he sat you displayed on the table. It was clear Scaramouche was starting to get more worked up then he originally meant to. He layed you back his hips so desperate whines escaping his parted lips as he grinded himself against you, not even able to wait until he gets you fully unclothed.
Not like you were complaining, his tent causing enough friction to your sex to make you enjoy it, Hooking a leg around scara waist. Especially with the adorable noises he made causing you to unshamefully move your hips against it only getting more shutters and whines from him.
He gazed down inbeween, a blush filling his face watching you pleasure yourself on his hard on a wet spot  soon growing on to his shorts.
"Aww kuni you got yourself dirty its a good thing you don't wear those silks any more" you pull his shorts down with one swift movement his length springing out still painfully hard leaking pathetic amounts of precum.
Scara's embarrassed face only worked you up by the second, you didn't know if he was suppressing it or if he's really good at acting, but his innocence unleashed something deep inside of you.
You guided his cock unable to wait a minute more, his hands covering his face peeking through his fingers as he watches his cock sink inside whining from the tightness that surrounds him making him hunch over the pleasure overwhelming the poor little puppet. "Mm oh kuni  does it feel good?" You bit your lip clearly knowing the answer, watching his ears even start to turn red as he nods fast. Scara placed his hands on either side of you moving his hips at a comfortable pace. "i-is this okay y/n im not hurting you am i?" You shake your head in  response to wrapped up in the feeling struggling to even keep your eyes from rolling back. Scaramouche continued both of your noises nearly drowning out by each other. He hid himself into your neck, causing him to bury himself into the silky walls with no remorse  making sure you feel every inch of his member inside of your needy hole. a gasp escaped your lips unable to even scold him finding his embrace so soft and sweet, even if he's playing it off as a innocent moment with no Sinister ulterior motive.
Scaramouche's breasts were heavy against your neck he couldn't help but rut himself into you barely even letting himself pull out before pushing back, not wanting to leave your warmth for a second.
You were starting to get unbelievably close and you could tell by the way scara shuttered in your arms he wasn't too far behind. You couldn't help it you reached your Edge your abdomen tensing. " s-something's happening i don't think i can stop.. I can't hold on… please take all of it" with one loud yelp he released painting your insides with his cum so sensitive he's teary-eyed. Once you come down from the high you slowly wipe a tear that happened to make it to his cheek smiling like an idiot " you're so cute kunikazushi" As if on cue Scaramouche rolled his eyes burying his face in your chest "oh shut it." He grumbled as you tangle your hand into his hair. " welcome back scara"
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tomorrcwz · 3 months
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[ preview ] the possessiveness comes to the light when your ex won't stop calling you during sex
[ tw ] smut, sir kink, description of a female body, answering the phone during sex, piv, riding, possessiveness
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. minors do not interact .
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lewis raises his eyebrows. four times, for the fourth time your phone screen light up on the nightstand, the name 'ex' showing, causing you to reach out, hands that claw on his strong back letting go, to decline the incoming call. it irritates him but the disturbance won't stop him from pushing inside your pussy again.
"give me the phone, darling", is all lewis says, shortly pulling out to sit himself against the headboard.
he looks ridiculously hot like this, tattoos glistening under the sweaty film on his skin, a single braid having found its way from the ponytail. there's a smirk on his face as he pumps his length and you want nothing more than for him to say what you should do now.
And then he does. "Ride me."
You hand him the phone and grab the base his cock to hold it in place, so you can easily slip the length inside.
A loud wail escapes your throat when his heavy cock scrapes up your inner walls, and you slowly start to ride him. he slides a hand under your ass, forcing you to bounce faster in his lap. your back arches, leaning against his chest and your hot breath fawns on his neck, where you bit softly into it. his throbbing dick stretches you out, leaving a burn when he reaches the depth of your wet hole.
You don't notice lewis pressing the green button, accepting the face call.
"hi baby, look I—who the fuck are you and where's my girl?", the guy on the other side asks, voice gruff and laced with anger. you try to keep quiet, but lewis has different plans, bending his knees to fuck himself roughly in your spongy walls that make lewd, squealing sounds. the trill of humiliating your ex turns you on; you thighten around your boyfriend's fat cock, feeling an orgasm incoming. nails dig into his shoulders, your vision is blurry and you moan, head thrown back with the mouth agape.
"tell him darling, who's making you feel this good?", lewis grunts, seeing your creamy pussy leaving a white ring around the base of his cock.
"you, sir", you whine, "you feel so good."
needily you rock your hips in his lap, ignoring the fire in your legs; his thick tip gazes the g-spot over and over again, causing you to choke out mewls and cries of pleasure — you nearly have forgotten your ex. "who the fuck do you think you are, huh?"
"i'm the boyfriend", lewis bits out. "You hear that?" You let out a high pitch cry, legs trembling as you cream his cock and drench his balls and tights. "that's the sound of my girl coming around my dick. every single day."
limp in his arms, you rest your head on his shoulder to make room for him to mark you up; you feel warm at his possessiveness, taken care of and loved. lewis' pillow lips nibble on your throat while he chases his high, chanting curses before he pulls out, throwing you on your back and spill on your pudgy stomach. you reach for the white liquid, skoping some on your fingertips before licking them clean, sucking gently the bitter taste of him, making lewis groan. "my dirty little girl, hm?", he whispers, the naughty smirk he still wears changing into proud one.
"for you, i'm everything, sir."
having not forgotten the face time call, you grab the phone to face your ex, who looks straight out of a comic with his harden gaze and red-from-anger cheeks. with mischief on your mind you angle the phone and press an open mouthed kiss on his lips, all tongue and teeth. it's messy like that and you love it.
breaking apart, the screen is black.
"didn't know you could act like this, lew", you grin happily. the man only laughed in response as he got up to get you a cloth to clean you and himself; he knows that you're turned on by this side of him, and maybe, just maybe, he'd do it again, even though the thought of someone else hearing your sweet moans make him jealous. wordlessly, he puts on sportify, the voices of temptation singing his girl, and he goes down on you, ever so softly whipping your pussy.
humming from inbetween your legs, lewis states: "you're made for me, darling."
"I know", you reply, slowly drifting to the lands of dreams.
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rina speaks • ₊° ✧︡ ˗ ˏ ˋ . . [ 🪐 ] based on this requests! hope I did it justice x
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the-scandalorian · 3 months
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Pairing: Din Djarin x female sex worker!reader Rating: E, 18+ Word Count: 3.1k Content Warnings: touch-starved Din; reader is blindfolded; smut Summary: Mando makes regular visits to the healing baths. Note: A big thank you to @frannyzooey for always enabling my depravity and finding the dope ass images for my header ❤︎
He always waits for you inside the door.
“It’s the least I can do,” he says, when you’re surprised by the unexpected touch the first time. A light hand cups your elbow, guiding you to the middle of the room, until you can feel the smooth tiles that mark the edge of the sunken pool with your bare toes.
The marble is slick with condensation, heated by the same geothermal source that warms the spring water. The air is steamy and humid, braided with the rich scents of cardamom and argan oil, of rose from the petals you know are strewn across the surface of the bath. Candles flicker languidly in the shadowy corners of the room, but you can’t detect any of their light.
When you lower yourself to the floor—carefully, blindly—he checks the tightness of the black silk wrapped around your eyes with gentle fingers. He reassures himself it’s secure, that you can’t see a thing through the fabric in the dark, hazy room. A reassurance he needs every time.
You come to expect it. To expect him.
He’s consistent. He’s hesitant.
It takes dozens of visits before he lets you join him in the bath. You always offer; he always refuses—politely, always so politely: a no, thank you, eventually paired with a fleeting touch. A warm hand placed over yours. Two fingers stroked down the red silk of your dress. If you’re lucky, a squeeze to the thick of your thigh or a graze of your cheek. His denial is so soft, so warm—so regretful—that you ask every time just to hear him want it.
When he inevitably says no, you sit behind him on a velvet cushion on the edge of the pool instead, swathed in the inky blackness of your blindfold, your feet dangling in the warm water, and work scented oils into his skin and tension out of his shoulders, his neck, his arms, his back, his chest. Your existence is reduced to tactile information, your world narrowed to the sensations in your hands—the textures at the tips of your fingers. The taut muscles of his shoulders, the raised scars that litter his arms and chest, the hair dusted over his pectorals, the callouses on his palms. All slick with water, slippery with massage oil.
The helmet stays on for the first handful of visits. You know by the modulated sound of his voice, by the brush of beskar against your wrist when you work a knuckle into the base of his stiff neck. It disappears somewhere around the tenth visit. When he meets you at the door, your name sounds markedly different. You don’t mention it, don’t draw attention to it, but you do enjoy the unfiltered, raw quality of his voice from then on.
The noises he makes when you touch him are always better than you remember. Their tone and cadence mark a gradual progression from high strung and uneasy to mellow and sedate as the tension coiled in his muscles dissipates under your hands. The harsh exhales devolve into low groans, quiet grunts. Sounds of pleasure waited too long to be had, of physical release so desperately needed. Every once in a while, when you work out a particularly stubborn knot, he murmurs a hushed, rumbling oh, fuck.
Once, when you earn a delicious moan paired with a strained, needy fuck, just like that, he bites off the last word so harshly that you know it was involuntary.
It turns you on more than the touch of any client ever has.
Even with the blindfold, you can feel the burn of his eyes on your skin. Its weight is familiar from the start, when you meet him at the entrance to the baths, the echoing stone entry hall with its gilded fixtures and branches of guttering candles. A balled fist rested on the counter, he nods at you in all his armored glory, a cordial gesture that seems to gain gravity and intimacy each time he offers it. The black visor follows your walk down the long hallway to your rooms, dips to your hips when he thinks you’re not looking. Heavy, substantial. Pressure that could be measured, harsh enough to leave an imprint in its wake.
It stays on you until you shut the door between you, leaving you in the antechamber to tie on your blindfold and him in the main room to undress.  
When you knock and enter, you can still track his gaze despite the layers of black silk—the feeling of it like a searing brand. Settled on your face when you smile up at him. Dragged over the curves of your breasts when you shamelessly tip forward to trail fingers through the water and they just barely begin to spill over the low cut of your dress. Trained on the movement of your tongue when you part your lips and lick a slow, gratuitous line over the bottom one. Riveted to the dark space between your legs when you spread your knees unnecessarily wide and the fabric of your thin, short dress rides up your thighs.
You tell yourself not to hope for more.
Then one day he shows up, and you can tell something is off. His usual steady, controlled energy has been replaced with a pent-up buzz. He’s worked up. You can hear it in his clipped words, feel it in the extra touches. The hand on your lower back guides you to the pool almost hurriedly.
His shoulders are even tighter than usual when you get your hands on them, his back a series of stony knots. He groans when you work at the tension in his neck, your thumbs digging into the tautness at the base of his skull. And when you offer yourself this time, feeling optimistic that you’ll get your most reluctant no yet, a strong hand guides you slowly and wordlessly down the smooth stone steps to join him in the water.
Reflexively, you pull your dress up and over your head, tossing it behind you before the hem can catch in the water. You lose his touch in the process, but a path of goosebumps down your body echoes the course of his gaze as it pulls along your curves. You can feel his attention, his captivation at your nakedness in the fervent tension that snaps taut between you.
His invitation is so unexpected, though, that once you’re standing in the hot, waist-deep water, you’re stunned motionless. Disoriented. You don’t know where he is for a moment; you feel his hot gaze everywhere, all at once. You never actually thought you’d get this far with him, and now it feels daunting—the darkness of blindfold, the ever-changing line of his limits and preferences. You feel untethered.
Until the water shifts and he touches you.
“Beautiful,” he says, damp fingers following the curve of your cheek so lightly you can only just feel them.
You take his hand in both of yours and kiss his palm, soft lips brushing over rough skin. He catches you under your chin, and one fingertip traces your lips, his other hand settling on your waist, flexing. 
You don’t want to push him too fast, and you also want to take full advantage of this opportunity while you finally have it.
You part your lips, and his fingers still.
You let your tongue peek out to circle the pad of one finger, inviting. To your delight, he responds by carefully pushing two fingers into your mouth. When you close your lips around them and suck, he lets out a broken, pained sound, pressing down on your tongue lightly before he eases them back out and drags a wet line down your chin to settle his hand around your throat. 
You smile up at him, unseeing, as you trail fingers down his chest, the soft give of his stomach, dipping below the water as you reach the ridge of his hipbone. Moving slowly, always slowly, so he can stop you if he wants to.
Sure enough, his hand finds yours, trapping it against his skin. “You don’t have to—”
“I want to," you interrupt. "I want to touch you.”
It’s an understatement. There isn’t enough time to share all the myriad ways you’ve fantasized about touching him.
“I’ve thought about this since the first time I saw you walk in here in your armor,” you say, letting your voice pitch low. “What you’d feel like under all that metal.”
His hand disappears, and yours slips further down the v of his hips to wrap around the base of his cock. Hard, thick, big like you knew it would be. 
“I think about it every time I work my way down your chest. How easy it would be to slip my hands lower...to see if you enjoy having my hands on your body as much as I do.” 
He breathes out slowly, but his whole body is rigid as you drag your other hand over his shoulder, down his chest, a granite statue under your touch even as you start to work him over in long, luxurious strokes. 
“I’ve been dying to know, Mando.”
His cock twitches in your hand, his skin hot and slick as it pulls over his hard length. He isn’t relaxing into your touch like he usually does, and this white-knuckled, shallow-breath, penitent version of pleasure is not at all what you’d intended for him, what he deserves.
You tip your face up toward his. “I need you to relax for me. Can you do that?”
A rough exhalation. Noncommittal, a little wry.
You step closer, gingerly moving into his space. He lets you. The water shifts around you as you move into him, close enough that your breasts brush his warm body and you can place a soft kiss on his chest. His ribs expand in a rapid, deep inhale, a rough hitching breath, and his hand comes up to cup the back of your neck.
You press him backward with a palm to his sternum, and he resists reflexively, his feet planted firmly. A man not so easily moved. Who is used to doing the telling, not being told.
“Sit for me?”
He relents with a hum, going pliant for you as you back him up to sit on the submerged marble bench. He helps you climb up, strong hands guiding your movements, settling you onto your knees in a straddle over his lap.
You dip your head to find the crook of his neck and lavish open-mouthed kisses on his throat, below his ear, automatically respecting the limits of where his helmet would be, as you move your hand between your bodies. You’ve never touched above his neck and won’t change that now, even though you’re dying to trace the contours of his face, to fit your lips to his.
Perched over him, you can feel his body gradually relax under your attention, his posture softening, his breath dropping into a more natural cadence. His hands find your hips, your thighs, slide back to grip your ass, as you begin to increase the pace of your stroke.
“Have you, Mando? Have you thought about this?”
You feel him nod once against the side of your head. Jerky, frantic.
“Good,” you purr into his skin, letting your teeth drag over his collarbone.
He groans, his hips lifting off the bench to push himself into your grip harder. The heat that always simmers in your core when you’re around him grows and spreads. It’s overwhelming—so much of his bare skin on your bare skin, after so long with so little. Almost feverish as you move together in the hot water.
Your hand pauses mid-stroke; his hands tighten in protest, sliding you a tiny bit closer on his tense thighs. “Do you think about me?”
His ragged breathing stalls. He nods again. “All the time.”
You hum, pleased, and resume the tight pull of your fist. Your own arousal is approaching a blistering point, so hot and bright, and he’s barely touching you—one hand on your ass, the other dragged up your body to palm your breast, his strong thighs pressed to the inside of yours. He rolls your nipple between two fingers, and you gasp. 
“Feel so good,” he rasps, the heavy weight of his hands reverent as they catalog the slopes and rises of your body. “Just like I imagined.”
You can’t help but think about how easily you could sit on his cock right now. All it would take is a slight shift and tilt of your hips and you could catch the blunt head at your entrance. He’d stretch you so deliciously—that girth and length—but your wetness would let you work yourself down onto his lap until he was filling you completely. You’d fuck an orgasm out of him, riding him until he found his release in the tight clutch of your body, milking his cock until he shuddered from the oversensitivity.
One day. Maybe.
He’s close—you can tell by the strain in his voice, by his ragged breath, by the way his hands tighten on your ass. By the way he wraps one large hand around yours on his cock, tightening your grip. 
“Just like that.”
You’d give anything to see his face when you feel the urgent flex of his hips as he fucks into your joined hands, the jerk and shudder of his large frame as it curves over you, his forehead dropping to rest heavily on your shoulder as he moans brokenly through the pleasure. It’s the most intimate part of all of this—so human, so trusting. So tempting to reach up and touch his face, to put detail to what you’ve imagined so many times.
You regret that your hand is submerged in water, that you can’t feel his hot release slide over the dips and swells of your knuckles. That you won't be able to lick it off your fingers—to taste it, for your own pleasure and for his. To listen to the sounds he’d make as he watched you eat his come.
Instead, when it’s over, when he’s finished, the weight of his forehead lifts from your shoulder and his touch abandons your body. You resist the urge to search it out, to ask for it back.
You imagine how he looks unwound underneath you, his head tipped back against the edge of the pool, muscles slack. His body finally truly relaxed.
Your part is done. 
He’s never spent this long here, and you imagine he’s hyperaware of that. Always on a timeline. Some small part of you thought maybe—hoped—this time would be different, that maybe he’d linger, that maybe he’d want to touch you. You slide backward off his lap to take your leave reluctantly, but when you reach blindly for the edge of the pool, there’s the sound of quick movement through the water and he closes a hand around your wrist.
Relief courses through your veins.
He doesn’t say anything, just guides you. You can’t tell what his aim is until he arranges your body over his just so—just the way he wants you. He has you straddle his lap backwards this time, your back flush to his chest, your knees opened wide by the spread of his legs between yours.
You think about what he does for work, the command and skill it requires. Those capable hands and sure grip have wrestled so many bounties into submission—into handcuffs, into rope bindings, into his carbonite chamber—and here they are exerting their power and ability for the sake of your pleasure. Blunt instrument, suddenly fine.
His breath is hot by your ear, his heavy hand settling meaningfully on your inner thigh. “Can I—?”
“Yes. Fuck, please—”
You guide his hand between your legs, desperate, and his mouth finds the back of your neck. His mouth. Stubble scrapes across your skin, soft lips molding to the contour of your shoulder. The heat that’s been building in your body, that started as a low smolder in your core, has been growing to a rolling boil the whole time you were touching him. And his mouth on your body? Like striking a match to gasoline.
The reality of the situation, the surprise of this touch, ratchets your arousal to a precipitous height. It’s the sheer brazenness of it—the unflinching way he’s taking such a huge step. In the name of your pleasure, of his desire to taste you.
The offering of such intimacy, a secret shared.
A warm tongue blazes a lazy trail from the notch of your vertebra to your nape as two fingers slip into the slit of your sex, beginning a slow massage of your clit. Your mind goes blank.
It’s almost embarrassing how easily he makes you come, how little time it takes with his hand between your legs and his lips on your skin. He fucks you with two thick fingers, another swirling over your clit, and you wonder vaguely how he knows how to curl the two inside you just right against your g-spot.
You reach behind you to grip the back of his neck as you arch, your hips circling. He hooks his chin over your shoulder and you go molten at the thought that he’s watching himself finger-fuck you to climax.
“Are you going to—?”
“Yeah,” you breathe.
It's said through clenched teeth, a gritted jaw. He’s deriving so much pleasure from your pleasure, it's dizzying.
Teeth close over your shoulder and he bites down as you begin shudder and shake, as you clench and spasm around the thrust of his fingers—as you listen to his voice break on a groan as he feels it and draws it out—until the pleasure wanes and you melt back against him, boneless and sated, his strong body an anchor underneath you in the water.
You pant together, your head tipped back to rest on his shoulder, and all you can think about is how fucking close his lips are to yours. You could turn your face and kiss his jaw. He could angle your head and push his tongue into your mouth so easily. You’re so pliant; you want it so badly.
You consider asking. And then you consider the fact that he’s likely thinking about the same thing—your closeness is palpable, the tension a live, shivering thing—and he isn’t doing anything about it. He isn’t fitting a hand to your cheek to maneuver you just so.
You won’t ask for something he isn’t ready to offer.
When he finally does let you go, this visit that was so different from the others ends the same. He guides you back to the exit and hands you the robe that hangs by the door. As he helps you shoulder it on, he murmurs a sincere thank you, accompanied by a rumble of your name.
There’s one notable difference: as you're walking through the doorway, he catches your hand and squeezes it fleetingly before letting it drop.
The door shuts behind you with a click.
As always, a stack of credits far too high will be left in the room for you, and just like every other time, you’ll wait impatiently for his return. 
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shooting-love-arrows · 7 months
How would yandere! Slavic groom react to reader being a hunter?
𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐄! 𝐒𝐋𝐀𝐕𝐈𝐂! 𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 reacts to…a hunter! reader.
SYNOPSIS: Just when 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐜! 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 thought he knew everything about the love of his life, it turns out that it isn't case at all. PAIRING: 𝐘𝐚𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐫𝐞! 𝐒𝐥𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐜! 𝐆𝐫𝐨𝐨𝐦 x [Hunter!] Reader (gender not implied/mentioned) Tw. hunting, description of hunting but nothing drastic, cussing, delusional thinking, overprotective behavior.
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Yandere! Slavic! Groom flinched, when a gunshot rang from behind him. His eyes widened and a finger placed on a trigger, he watched in utter disbelief as the animal hit the ground with a dull thug. It was a matter of seconds, a moment of hesitation on his side, that has cost him a good catch. It took a moment for this revelation to fully sink in. Someone just stole his quarry right before his eyes! 
Yandere! Slavic! Groom clenched his teeth and snarled. Since all his primal instincts were active in that moment, his logical thinking was put aside. Instead, he let his anger take control. High on adrenaline, he swiftly lowered his gun and snapped his head in the direction from where the shot must have come from. Thick bushes blocked him from seeing the delinquent that was hiding in them and he only saw the end of a barrel peeking from it, metal glinting in the late autumn sun. 
“What the hell were you thinking, you bastard?!” He didn’t hesitate to insult the other hunter. The hold on his gun tightened, when he saw the barrel disappearing and heard bushes rustling. Oh, how he just couldn’t wait to punch this fuc –
“I shoot it first so shut up.” 
Words died in his throat when you emerged from the bushes instead. Eyes nearly bulged out of his skull when he saw your adorable self clad in a colorful cloak, all covered in leaves, your braided hair messy, sweat could be seen gleaming from your forehead and a big stain of dirt on all of your front from where you were laying on the ground. Despite all of this, in his eyes you looked devine, like an angel but – but…
“W-what are you doing here?” Yandere! Slavic! Groom stuttered, quickly fumbling with the safety of his gun. He felt his face and the tip of his ears heating up until it felt like it was burning. He just embarrassed himself in front of you and…! Not to mention…
Throat dried up when he realized what he had called you. 
“Hm, unfortunately my father fell sick. So my mother sent me to at least try gathering some meat for the winter.” You scratch your head, remembering how your mother thrusted your fathers trusty gun in your arms and shoving you out of the house in the directions of the woods.
There was a moment of awkward silence. 
“I am so sorry for insulting you–!” Yandere! Slavic! Groom lowered his eyes until he was looking at his boots and being brave enough to only shyly peek up at you from time to time. His shoulders were still tense and he couldn’t help but to bite his bottom lip, drawing some blood in the process. He felt ashamed and embarrassed for acting brash towards you – love of his life. 
Would that make him a lesser candidate for your hand? Do you think now he'll be a bad husband? Will you find out what he did towards those other lads who proclaimed to be your future husband's? And worse of all: you’ll not want him to be your husband at all!
“Let’s just move past it.” You cut him off and strapped your fathers gun on your back again. “You didn’t know it was me in the first place.”
With that, you started making your way towards your quarry. Your mother will be proud of you and your father might even give you a set of beautiful beads you saw in the market last time…but most importantly, you’ll have delicious meat to feast on during winter. 
And while you were stuck in your happy thoughts, Yandere! Slavic! Groom breathed out in relief after hearing your sweet words. They were like honey soothing his bruised ego, soured mood and reasonable fears. For now, he decided to push back those nasty feelings and focus on the current.
Now that he was made aware that you can hunt, perhaps even hunted in the past, he couldn’t help but feel even more attracted towards you. Yandere! Slavic! Groom even found your hunting skills arousing. You were just so enticing, he began to believe you might be doing it on purpose just to show your interest in him (not like you have to).
A chain of poisonous thoughts began to fill his mind, once again, feeding him imagines of the future you’ll share together. 
Yandere! Slavic! Groom wouldn’t mind taking you to some of the hunting trips. But only after he'll be sure nothing…unexpectedly would take place. Like you wondering somewhere off where he couldn't find you or worse, you getting hurt (he shudders just thinking about it!). And definitely not as a hunter! No, no, no! You're to be his companion, who he can show off his hunting skills and protect.
It’ll be so exhilarating for sure! Both of you, in the wild, letting your primitive instincts take control. Maybe you could do more than hunting…?
Before his mind completely went into the gutter, he made a mental note that he’ll need to hide guns from you once he’ll officially become your husband and start to live together. He doesn’t want you to use it when unnecessary or better yet at all. Why would you need to? You'll have him! He can hunt you whatever you want! Better yet, he’ll do it without you asking.
You might think you are a hunter now but in the end, you’re still his prey.
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All of the published posts on this account/blog belongs to @shooting-love-arrows. I do not consent to my works being: translated, stolen, published or reposted on this and other sites. Likes, reblogs, comments are highly appreaciated. Thank you.
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azrielsdove · 5 months
Hello :) Can I ask for a Cassian x f!reader angst? One where, from the moment they meet, S/n really likes him and tries to get his attention, but all she gets is a Cassian who is stiff and cold with her and fun with the others, and yet she somehow keeps going after him. Then he notices her, but she gives up for a while and now it's up to him to pursue her.
Never Enough: Cassian x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Suggestive, 18+
The General never showed any interest in you, despite your numerous attempts to capture his attention. You trained as hard as possible to try to get any word of praise from him, becoming one of the most deadly high fae in the Night Court. You laughed at all his jokes, agreed to all his ideas, and supported any plan he put out.
All so he could mostly ignore you.
If you got lucky enough he may look at you. Not kindly, really. Usually just a sharp glare or a blank stare. You were embarrassed by how badly you wanted him to like you when he so clearly didn’t. You spent many nights drinking with Rhys, complaining about his brother.
“I don’t understand it. I’ve done nothing to him. Nothing! Why does he hate me?” You grumbled, tipping a shot back as your friend laughed.
“As i’ve said a thousand times, he doesn’t hate you. I think he’s just not used to someone being better than him at everything.” Rhys teased, pouring you another one.
“That’s ridiculous! I am not better at him in anything. And besides, if that’s his problem he has some things to work on.” You rolled your eyes, welcoming the burning feeling of the alcohol going down your throat.
“I think he’s intimidated by you. You are funnier, sneakier, and way more beautiful than he is.” You glared at the High Lord, struggling to not roll your eyes again. You plucked the bottle from his hands, abandoning your glass.
“I’m serious, Rhys.” You said, voice a little somber. “Why am I not good enough for him? I wish I could just let it go.” You stared down at the bottle in your hands, swirling the liquid slowly.
“Hey, no,” your friend replied, coming to sit next to you. “He’s a fool if he doesn’t realize what’s in front of him. What if you step back for a little, let him realize what he’s missing without your constant presence.” You nodded, willing to try anything at this point. Even if he isn’t interested, maybe backing away will allow your heart to call for someone else.
He didn’t even realize he was waiting for her to show up until Azriel asked where she was. “How am I supposed to know? I’m not her keeper.” Cassian had answered gruffly, annoyed at her tardiness. He started warming up, sparring with his brother to get his blood flowing. They made it through the whole training session, and still she never showed up.
Cassian tried to pretend he didn’t care. It wasn’t his problem that she seems to have given up on training. She must think she’s too good for us now he thought, ignoring the small bit of worry creeping up in him. It was most unlike her to miss a training session.
It was then that she came strolling into the ring. Cassian looked at her, prepared to nag her for skipping out on training. He lost all train of thought as he took in how she looked in the Illyrian fighting leathers she donned. She had never worn them before, opting for simple athletic attire instead. No doubt another way to piss him off. The leather was tight on her thighs and chest, moving with each step she took. Her hair was pulled back into a simple braid that made Cassian wonder how it would feel to have it wrapped around his hand, tugging her head back as he pushed into her from behind.
He shook his head at that last image. No, he cursed himself, She’s untouchable. He watched as Rhys joined her in his matching leathers, the two of them dangerous together. She has decided to train with him now? Cassian pushed down the spurt of jealousy that ran through him, knowing Rhys didn’t know. How could he? Cassian prided himself on not reacting around her, on not exposing how desperately he wanted to bury himself between those thighs. She was not his to have, as he reminded himself constantly.
“What’s the meaning of this?” Cassian asked, gesturing between the two of them. He ignored the way Rhys’ hands were tightening the straps around her chest, fingers brushing the skin Cassian so desperately craved. His brother looked at him curiously, stepping away from her.
“We are training magic today. She asked for my help. Is that going to be a problem, General?” Rhys inquired, standing tall against his brother.
Cassian shook his head, placing his weapons back in their place. “Not at all.” He said curtly, before turning and leaving the ring.
The sudden change in her bothered Cassian for the next few days. She no longer laughed at his jokes or tried to get his attention, instead acting rather indifferently to him. He supposed he couldn’t be too upset, as this was how he had been treating her since they met. It was only deserved that she now threw it back at him.
He sipped a whiskey and watched her laugh and talk to Rhys, noticing the way his hand rested on her thigh. He hated the disgusted feeling that bubbled through him. No one should get to touch her like that but him. Cassian’s hand clenched on the glass as he saw her lean ever closer to his brother, whispering into his ear.
He wanted to stop them. He wanted to barge over there, pull her off of Rhys and kiss her until she couldn’t breathe. He wanted to show everyone that she was made for him, and only him. Instead he took a deep breath, taking a long drink from his glass.
No one could know. Cassian saw the way his brother had looked at her from the day they all met. He refused to take away any chance Rhys had at love, knowing that no one deserved it more than he did.
Even if it meant he gave him his mate.
“Cass,” Rhys called, looking for the General after dinner. Cassian poked his head out of his room, gesturing for his brother to come in. “Are you okay?”
He stilled at the question, unsure how to answer. He wanted to be honest with his brother, but he was too scared to upset him. “Yea, why?” Cassian finally said, clearing his throat.
Rhys leaned against the General’s desk, crossing his arms with a sly smile on his face. “You do like her.”
“What are you talking about?” Cassian shot out far too quickly, knowing he was failing to hide his ever-growing emotions.
Rhys laughed. “Oh brother, I had a sneaking suspicion you did. Why have you been so cold to her then?” His question was earnest, his eyes bright.
Cassian was confused. “I- Well. Don’t you like her?” He asked dumbly, mind struggling to handle this new information.
“Me? No, Cass. She is just my friend. Is that why you haven’t been going after her?” Rhys seemed stunned by this realization, arms uncrossing as he stepped towards Cassian.
He felt stupid. Idiotic. This whole time he had been reading their friendship as something more. “Well, yea Rhys.” He said, rubbing the back of his neck. “I’ve wanted her since the day I saw her. I just assumed she was with you, and I didn’t want to interrupt that.” Saying it out loud, Cassian realized how ridiculous he had been acting.
Rhys placed a hand on his arm, squeezing reassuringly. “It’s not too late,” he said gently, “but it won’t be easy. I’ve spent far too many nights drying up her tears over you.”
The sentence felt like a stab in Cassian’s heart, a deep disappointment in himself. “Oh,” was all he said, too upset with himself to continue this discussion.
“Don’t give up, brother. Let me know if you need any help.” Rhys finished, giving his arm one last squeeze as he departed the room, leaving Cassian to figure out how to fix the mess he had created.
You were reading on the balcony when you felt a presence behind you. You turned, surprised to see Cassian there. “Hello,” you greeted, turning back to your book. You were still hurt by how he constantly acted around you, tired of putting up with it.
“Hi,” he said, almost shyly. He took the lounger next to you, sitting on it sideways so he faced you. “What are you reading?”
You looked at him sideways, confused by his question. “And you care, why?” You asked back, eyes returning to the book in front of you.
He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, looking down at the ground. “I just, uh, am trying to get to know you a little better.”
You sighed, placing the bookmark in your book and looking towards him. “No offense, General, but I really do not care to get to know you right now. So please, either be quiet or leave.” You felt a little guilty as you saw the crestfallen expression on his face, but a year of treating you like shit wouldn’t be forgotten because he suddenly ‘wanted to know you’.
You picked your book back up, pretending you didn’t notice the way his footsteps fell a little too hard as he left.
A few days later Cassian tried again, coming up to the training ring while you were with Rhys. You were too focused on controlling your power to notice him watching you. You breathed in, allowing the power radiating from you to wash over the ring. It was then that you sensed him.
You pulled a dagger from your belt, swiftly turning and pinning him against the edge with your blade on his neck. Your power slunk back into you, vision returning to normal as you realized it was Cassian under your hold. You couldn’t hide the small smile at the sight of him, eyes wide and at your mercy. “Spying on me, General?” You asked sweetly, pressing the dagger in slightly harder.
“N-No!” He gasped out, hands raised in surrender. You slowly removed your blade, stepping back from him. “I was wondering if you wanted to weapons train, that’s all.”
You pondered his answer, ignoring Rhys’ attempt to get inside your mind. “Fine,” you said, placing your dagger back into your belt. “I could use a good sweat.” You didn’t miss Cassian’s flush at your words.
You walked over to Rhys, shaking your head at him. “Stay out of my mind, High Lord.” You whispered, not enjoying the laugh that came from him. He grabbed your arm, tugging you close so he could whisper to you.
“Go easy on him. He’s not what you think.” You sent him a glare, mouth open.
“He was the one acting like a jerk until recently! Why am I expected to get over that because he’s been a bit nicer recently.” You shot out, annoyed at your friend.
“That’s not what i’m saying! There’s more to how he acted than just him being rude.” He gave you his charming smile and clapped your arm. “Now go train, lady!”
You rolled your eyes at your friend, sticking your tongue out in a very un-ladylike way as you made your way over to Cassian. He tossed you a sword that you caught deftly, twirling it around in your hand. As much as you loved learning how to control your magic, nothing compared to holding a deadly weapon in your hand. You prepped into a fighting stance, eyeing the male in front of you.
“Give me all you got, General.”
You shouldn’t have been surprised when he did. He swung at you, moving so quick the blade was but a flash in the sky. You dodged it in the nick of time, heart beating rapidly. This was the challenge you needed. You swung back at him, his sword coming up to clash against yours. The two of your carried on, every move becoming harder and deadlier.
You pushed your anger into fighting him, blocking everything he threw your way. You made a vicious swipe, coming close to slicing his arm. He rolled out of the way, countering with his own. The blade nicked the skin on your wrist, frustration coursing through you. You needed to win.
You pulled your blade back, placing the sword into its home on the edge of the ring. You turned, unnerved to see Cassian still kneeling in the sand. He had sunk down onto his legs, his head bowed to the ground. You hated the spark of worry that shot through you. You had never seen him so small.
You walked over to him, sliding down to your knees as well. “Hey, Cass, I didn’t mean it.” You said softly, placing a hand on his shoulder. It took everything in you not to jump back in shock when he looked up at you, tears streaming down his face.
“I’m sorry.” He said hoarsely, more tears coming. “I’m so, so sorry.” You instinctively pulled him into a hug, wrapping your arms tight around him. You had no idea why he was apologizing to you.
“For what? I was just teasing Cass, theres no hard feelings.” You soothed, running a hand through his hair.
The action only made him cry harder.
“I was so needlessly mean to you for no reason. I pushed you away and made you hate me. I wish I could take it all back.” He sobbed out. The words made you pull away and lean back to look at him.
“I don’t hate you.” You murmured, reaching up to cup his face in your hands. You brushed your fingers over his wet cheeks, wiping away the falling tears. “I could never hate you.”
His eyes searched yours, trying to find the truth in them. “I was horrible to you when you were only ever kind to me. I thought-“ he cut himself off, eyes casting downwards in embarrassment.
“You thought what?” You pried, running your thumbs over his cheeks again.
“I thought you were with Rhysand. I didn’t want to get in the way, so I tried to keep my feelings hidden. The only way I knew how was to push you away.” His words were quiet, ashamed.
You couldn’t help the laugh that bubbled out of you. “Me and Rhys? No, Cass, no! He’s just a friend.” You took a moment to process his words. “Your feelings?”
His eyes shot back up to yours, pupils blown and tears gone. “The second I saw you I knew I had to have you. I stayed away for his sake, only to find out how terribly wrong I was.”
You smiled wide, tears beginning to prick at your own eyes. “You stupid, stupid bat.” You cursed, laughter behind your words. “You couldn’t tell I was hopelessly in love with you?”
Cassian’s eyes flashed and he pulled you onto his lap, his lips catching yours. You sighed into the kiss, letting the hands on his cheeks fall back to tangle in his hair. One of his hands held tight to your waist, the other coming to cup the back of your neck. The kiss was hurried, needy. His tongue slid between your lips, exploring your mouth in a downright sinful way.
You kissed him until you thought your lungs were going to explode, pulling away to rest your forehead against his. You were both breathing heavy, the hand on your waist now drawing small circles on your thigh. “I love you,” he whispered, pressing a soft kiss to your neck.
“I’ve always loved you.” You responded, tilting your head back and closing your eyes as his lips ran over your neck. You gave a small moan when his teeth dragged over a sensitive spot, tugging on his hair as he bit down. “Cass,” you gasped out, pulling his face back up to look at you. You took one look into his eyes and the golden rope in your heart shot out, latching onto him.
It knocked the breath out of you, eyes wide as you looked at him. You assumed the unknown tug towards Cassian was your own foolish lovesick heart, certainly not the mating bond. You blinked at him, not breathing. He brought a hand up to your face, rubbing his thumb on your cheek like you had been doing to him half an hour earlier.
“Breathe, mate. Breathe.”
Air rushed back into your lungs, gone as quickly as it came when you pressed your lips back to his.
I hope this was what you wanted!!!! Thank you for waiting patiently while I completed this <3. Please let me know what you think!!
Also for all my Love and Loss readers, here’s some sweet friendship Rhys to heal your hearts 🫶🏻
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wishuroses · 1 year
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.⠀ ݁ ⸜⸜ 𓂃 𓇼 starry-eyed, neteyam sully.
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✶ pairings: neteyam x human!reader
✶ warnings: fluff, mutual pining, reader is a loner but neteyam still loves you, mentions of teyam’s toes (def needs to be a warning), love confessions, definitely not proofread whatsoever, uppercase intended!
✶ word count: 856
✶ a/n: the gears in whatever’s left of my brain are finally turning yes lordt. happy reading! :-)
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Contrary to popular belief, you loved being alone. Pandora is beautiful, of course, but with the way you were currently laid on your soft bed, belly first, calves crossed in the air, wrinkled pajama shirt tickling the back of your thighs, and your nimble fingers grasping the spine of the book you were heavily invested in–you’d say you were having one hell of a good time.
Unfortunately for you and your poor, unassuming heart, your me-time was cut short when you heard a loud thwack resound through the air, followed by a multitude of items falling off a nearby table.
You jolted upright, eyes fluttering around the dimly lit room in a panic to make eye contact with–
Oh. It’s Neteyam.
The clumsy boy was already crouched on the floor, stiff hand hovering over a fallen object and staring back at you with wide eyes, like he’d just been caught doing something he wasn’t supposed to.
“Tey?” Jeez, you’d have to put a bell on him. This wasn’t the first time he’d snuck on you like this, and it certainly wouldn’t be the last. “What’re you doing here? You scared the hell outta me!”
“My apologies.” He responded, ever so politely, towering back to his full height to place items back onto your desk accordingly. The ghost of a smile can be heard in his voice.
“It’s okay, Tey. It’s fine.” The sharp sound of a book being slapped on your bedside table permeates the space. “You didn’t answer my question though.” He rolls his eyes. “It’s so late. Way past eclipse.”
Neteyam hummed before turning to you, yellow eyes shining with mirth. “I missed you. Is that not a good enough reason?” he leans against your paint chipped wall, rough accent feeling like warm sugar against your ears.
With a scoff, you flop backwards on your bed, legs and arms sprawled out–something akin to a starfish. No, you thought as your sleepy-soft eyes burned holes in the ceiling, that is not a good enough reason. But you suppose it could suffice.
“Teyam, you know how your mama feels about me.” A pause, a soft shuffle, then the weight of a head dips across the expanse of your clothed tummy. Like routine, you bury your fingers in his braids, nimble tips grazing against parted roots. He gets butterflies every time you do this. “If she finds out you came here, I’m definitely gonna turn up missing.”
(You knew miss Neytiri was never fond of humans, and you understood that–embraced the fact–but you didn’t know what the hell you expected when she nearly launched you off her son when catching your hand wrapped around his wrist, standing a little bit too close. Everyday you thank Eywa for Jake knowing how to ease her out of things. Everyone knew he was her main weakness.)
“..Whatever.” Neteyam figured that was something that might occur, but at the same time, you knew he’d never let anything happen to you–and he made sure to drill that into your head every single change he got.
Your eyes dip down to stare into his, lips pursed and eyebrows furrowed almost sarcastically. “Yea whatever. Now get up ‘n help me make a pallet. I just know your knees are screaming for help.”
Neteyam perked up at this, and this time he sat upright. You could tell he attempted to hide his excitement, but the telltale sight of pointed ears eagerly flicking upwards gave it all away. “We are having a sleepover?”
“Yea,” the way your grin eclipsed your eyes had Neteyam’s heart ricocheting against his ribcage, “of course we’re having a sleepover.”
After a few minutes of whispered conversations and sounds of jostling fabric (chatting for five, and it took ten to make sure Tey’s feet weren’t touching the cool laminate flooring–he had passionately expressed how much he hated his toes being cold), you both were laid cozy on the blanketed floor, curled up against each other, Neteyam’s warm body encompassing your much smaller one.
Sleepovers with you rarely occurred, if not rare; he knew you were fully content on keeping to yourself, and he respected that graciously–it would never make him look at you differently, not ever. Not you. Neteyam feels the world fall on its side when he glances down to find you already eyeballing him, looking mutely through thick lashes like he’d just hung the stars.
The exchange was silent–almost as silent as you tended to be–yet it was comfortable. Neteyam could bask in you for hours, no matter what you did or didn’t do.
It was then Neteyam realized he would do anything for you, gift you the moon and a thousand other planets in the solar system if you’d asked him. A pair of lips pressed themselves against the crown of your head, your eyes blinking shut at the action.
“I love you.” He whispered, three-fingered hand reaching to cup the side of your face.
A small smile graces itself across your features, your own hand laying atop his, gently returning the gesture. He knew you loved him back.
You both decide to call it for what it is.
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saintels · 1 year
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BLURB after your messy break up with ellie, you begin to push every boundary you can.
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WARNINGS: Straight up porn. DOM! Abby. Spanking. Choking kink. Usage of strap-on. Pussy slapping. Profanity. Alcohol Consumption. Lesbian themes. SMUT. + Ellie slander lol. + For context, the song Abby and Y/N are dancing to is “Tenerte De Nuevo” by Nezza. I heard it and thought about Abby lol.
You stare up at her through thick dark lashes as your tongue slips out to find your straw. Soft lips coated with the slick sheer of your punch-pink lipgloss wrap around its tip, sipping the strawberry daquiri in your manicured hands.
A pout sits on Abby’s lips, brows arched as she looks down at you. Her arms are crossed, hands resting on her burly biceps.
“What do you want?”
You lean your elbow on the bar as you swirl your straw in your melting drink, your hip popped out. Her eyes travel for a millisecond, following the curve over your waist and hips that are barely hidden by your baggy low waisted jeans and tiny top.
“You looked lonely,” you frown and Abby knows better than to believe the expression on your face, “wanted to buy ya’ a drink.”
Abby too leans on the bar, hand now on her hip.
“Wouldn’t wanna get your girlfriend’s panties in a twist,” she grumbles, “where is she, anyway?”.
The correction has Abby raising her eyebrows.
“You don’t say.”
You had always been friends with Abby. Bestfriends even at one point until you turned 18 and went to college where you met Ellie Williams. By her own sheer luck, Ellie didn’t like Abby and for the next 3 years, drove a wedge between the two of you until your childhood friend became a stranger.
The bartender makes her way over to you, smiling as you lean forward so she can hear you better.
“Two tequila shots, please!”
“We only have house, is that okay?”.
You nod, turning your gaze back to Abby.
“I like your hair.”
You remembered how she loved her long hair and how she always loved doing it in a braid. It was cut short now. Extremely short.
Slipping the bartender some note bills, you take your order from her.
Your hand finds Abby’s as you pick up the salt bowl, eyes never leaving hers as your tongue flattens on the back of her hand before you sprinkle a line of salt.
You lick it off, eyes only leaving hers for a second as you throw back the shot and then bite into the lime.
Her sharp facial expression doesn’t change as she reaches for her own shot glass, throwing it straight back. She swears she sees something twinkle in your eyes. The taste burns her throat just the way she likes it.
That was hot.
The last beat of JLO’s “On The Floor” plays before it fades into the next track.
The rhythm of the spanish tune has you swaying your hips, placing down your drink and reaching to grab Abby’s hand instead.
“Dance with me, Ab.”
She doesn’t turn you down, instead she lets you lead her into the crowd of bodies on the dance floor.
Your hips sway to the harmony, your hands coming up to graze your hips and trail up your stomach.
Abby can’t stop herself as her hands reach out for your hips, guiding them towards her until your body rocks against hers.
She notices the tipsy flush on your cheeks and the end of your nose as your hands rest on her chest, bodies moving in motion together.
She doesn’t know if it’s the haze of the club or if it’s your perfume but she can’t stop the growing heat in her stomach.
God, Ellie Williams was a fucking idiot.
Her teeth sink into her bottom lip as she watches your blissed out state. Your eyes find hers burning into your skin and your arms circle around her neck. She doesn’t realise just how close the two of you are into your breath fans against her lips.
Up close, your eyes dance across her nasal freckles, giddy as you familiarise yourself again with her lust frosted eyes.
“Kiss me.”
She didn’t need to tell you twice before your lips pressed to hers, hungry and desperate.
Her fingers dig into your hips, the clashes of teeth and tongue in your heated kiss are sure to get you kicked out with a single glance from the bouncer.
That’s why you’re in your bedroom, caged by her solid arms on either side of your head as you lay bare underneath her.
Thick fingers brush down the soft skin of your stomach as she keeps you indulged in a slow, deep and sensual kiss. With each pull for air, your head subconsciously lifts to follow her lips, whining softly at the loss of contact.
Clothes discarded on the floor long ago, your bare skin is only illuminated by the milky glow of the moonlight and the vanilla and patchouli scented candle burning on her night stand.
The pads of her fingers graze over the lips of your cunt, instantly slicked with your syrupy nectar.
She stands up, pulling you by your legs to the end of the bed. She hooks her hands under your knees and lifts them until they’re pressed just below your shoulders. Her tongue flattens against your clit and you drawl out a long moan.
She feasts as if she’s been starving for decades, sucking your clit into her mouth along with two of her thick digits that are knuckles-deep inside of you, curling and thrusting to massage your gummy walls.
Abby doesn’t even care about how messy she’s being, your juices already dripping down her knuckles onto your bedsheets. Your knees press together, thighs almost crushing Abby’s head as your push her away, begging her to stop before you burst.
Your hips squirm, loud whimpers leaving your lips as your clit is hit with cold air when Abby pulls away.
Her fingers speed up, hitting the spot that Ellie never managed to hit.
“Abby, no!” you begged, shaky hand fumbling for her wrist, “Stop! I feel- I’m gonna- ah!”.
It coats her face and her chest, dripping down her torso. Her jaw slacks as her lips part and you can see her tongue press to the roof of her mouth as she seems shocked.
You feel a small part of you die inside when she looks up at you, your head hitting the bed as you cover your face with your hands. Your legs fall slack on the bed as she moves and suddenly big hands case your wrist, pulling your hands away from your face.
“I’m sorry-”
“Why are you embarrassed?”.
You look at her, stumped.
You stop and Abby knows you’re holding back.
“Tell me, baby,” she says quietly, fingers curling under your chin, “why are you apologising? why are you sorry for having an orgasm?”.
You gulped and responded in a small voice, “Ellie didn’t like when I made a mess.”
Abby scoffed.
“If you squirting means I’m doing anything right, make all the mess you want, Princess.”
She senses your uneasiness, large hand travelling to grasp lightly around your throat.
“I promise you, angel,” she tilts her head, “when you’re with me, you’re gonna’ forget she ever existed.”
The slight pressure of her grasp around your neck elicits a gasp from your lips, quickly swallowing it with a kiss. Her tongue slips into your mouth as you grip her strong biceps for leverage. Her kisses have you cloudy minded and drunk on her taste, blissed dumb to the point where you begin to let your cunt control your words rather than your brain.
“Need you so bad,” you say between kisses, “want your cock, Abby.”
She smiles against your lips, pulling back to look at you.
“Need me to fuck this pretty little cunt, yeah? will that make ya’ feel better?” she teases, massaging your tits in her hands, “needa’ be fucked dumb, don’t you, Princess?”.
You nod, chewing your bottom lip until it’s red and swollen.
The eight and half inches of black and pink silicone slips into your velvety walls with ease, your toes curling as you let out strangled whines due to the stretch. Your honeyed juices coat the faux cock perfectly enough for Abby to push forward smoothly.
You squeal when a loud smack! rebounds off the plush skin of your ass.
“Feel good, sweetheart?”.
Her voice echoes in your ears, your eyelids dropping shut as you savour it all.
Her hand presses against your stomach, making your hips squirm slightly, “fills you up, doesn’t it?”.
She doesn’t give you time to nod before she begins her rhythm, hips snapping into yours beastly as she mercilessly fucks your cunt.
“Oh my god,” you cry out, “Abby!”.
The curve of it, the length and her rhythm. You can’t help yourself now with the sounds swirling in your chest, letting go as she ruins your pussy.
There’s a dainty jingling in her ear as she hooks your ankle over her shoulder, the gold anklet dangling by her hair.
Your eyes squeeze shut as she bursts through the barrier of a deep spot you didn’t even know you had. The tip pushes against the sweet new discovery, butterflies in your stomach and fire burning the pump of your veins. Your back arches and your fist clench your sheets.
“Fuck, right there!”.
She continues to fuck into that very spot as uncontrolled moans and gasps leave your mouth. Fingers brushing over your clit, she rubs circles into the puffy bud.
“Such a little whore for this cock, hey pretty?” she taunts, “my pretty baby.”
A sharp slap is felt on your clit, your hips jolting.
“Say it.”
Her hiss tone has your stomach in knots as your fingers tug at her short locks.
“ ‘m your pretty baby, Abby.”
“Good girl,” she coos, placing a sweet kiss on the corner of your lips.
Your screams got louder the closer you got to your orgasm, the coils in your stomach unravelling as Abby whispered sweet nothings and praises into your ear.
Your world becomes blurry and you’re disoriented by the pleasure, Abby’s lips marking your neck with dark hickeys.
“So good, oh my god!” you cry out, your fists in her hair are clenched now and Abby knows you’ve hit your high.
“Open your eyes, baby,” she says, hand stroking your jaw, “want you to see who’s making you cum like this.”
Your eyes crack open as much as they can in your fucked-out state and you look up at her. Oh, how you’ve missed her.
You could feel her deep in your gut, euphoric senses grasping your hazy brain as her hips stutter. She gives one last weak thrust before she pulls out.
You writher, weak and dazed, underneath her.
Milky, sweet cum leaks from your pussy, a thick layer of it covering Abby’s strap-on.
Quickly undoing it, she discarded it with the stored reminder to wash it when she gets up.
Her fingers hold your face, searching for any consciousness in your blank eyes.
“You okay?” she says softly, thumb running over your cheekbone.
You hum and give her a small smile.
“Never better.”
Ellie who?
© lvrlina 2023 — do not copy, repost or translate my work onto any other platforms without my permission.
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won4ver · 2 months
✈︎ pretty little braids
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you would never have expected to find pink hair in your brush, especially not when you have black hair.
pairing : bf!riki x fem!reader
warnings + genre : fluff. slight angst. mentions of cheating through assumptions. profanity.
wc : 654
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You could feel your heart stop as the image began painting itself. Your hold around the brush grew loose, the bristles seemingly looking illuminated, as if a light was shone brightly down between them. 
Long pink hair was entwined deep into the brush, the hue opposing your dark hair. A small scent of vanilla wafted up as you brought it closer to your eyes for inspection.
“Riki, what the fuck?” You didn’t mean for it to come out as a question, but you couldn’t care less at that moment.
“What happened?” Your boyfriend barely looked up from his laptop as he responded, his eyebrows turned down as he focused on defeating the other player.
“I’m not even kidding, I’m literally about to throw up” His head snapped up at your words, his eyes growing wide as he saw you holding a familiar brush up beside your head.
“Whose hair is this?” You watched through narrowed eyes as he clumsily made his way over towards you, his feet nearly catching the edge of the rug and his eyes never left your own.
“I swear it’s not what it looks like” He tried grabbing the brush from your hands but was unable to due to you pulling it away from his reach. “It’s not? I think it’s pretty clear right now” You plucked a piece of hair from the brush, a look of disgust on your face as you raised it between the two of you.
“Because my hair is definitely not pink” Your tone was nothing more than accusatory, eyes burning as you shot arrows at the strand tucked between two fingertips.
Riki’s chest burned as he watched your walls close in around yourself, the usual look of love adoring your irises replacing itself with disgust. 
“It’s my sister's hair, I promise” A loud scoff left your lips at his excuse, his sister's hair? The same sister that lived in Japan?
“Riki, she lives in Japan” You deadpanned, voice void of humour. Riki shook his head, his messy hair falling over his eyes. You physically had to hold yourself back from brushing back his bangs, fingers itching as they clenched.
“She’s in Korea right now, we wanted to surprise you” Riki knew of your relationship with his sister, having met you through her. 
“Well, why would her hair be in my brush?” With one hand you made quotations, your sarcasm leaking through as your annunciation grew firmer. 
Riki’s cheeks became inflamed, red spreading from his nose to the tips of his ears. One of his arms scratched the back of his neck as he avoided all contact. “Um, it’s kinda embarrassing”
Riki backtracked immediately from the look of your face, his mouth opening to spill the real reason. “I wanted to learn how those pretty little braids that she used to do for you”
He trailed off as he watched your mouth drop open in remembrance. “I thought I’d learn ever since you told me how much you missed them”
The look on your face completely changed, melting into love as your blood raced to your cheeks.
“Oh…” You didn't know what to say, embarrassment crawling up as you remembered your accusations. Riki sensed your feelings, your demeanour immediately giving you away.
He gently ran a hand down the back of your head, stopping as he reached the base of your neck. “I love you more than anything, I’m sorry I made you think otherwise”
You shook your head back and forth, a small smile on your lips as you wrapped your arms tight around his waist. “It’s okay, even if I just had a heart attack”
Within the next few hours, Riki spent the entirety of the time pampering you, small kisses dotting your cheeks from time to time. He continued the acts of love until his sister arrived at his dorm, her pink hair tied into the little braids that you missed so much.
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pinknipszz · 5 months
how do the avatar kids ask reader out on a date?? 🥹💞💞
this was a fun one! i only wrote for three characters, but there’s a bit more plot than i intended. i hope you like it :) and merry christmas!
avatar headcanons | he asks you out on a date
⋆✮↪ ao’nung, rotxo, and neteyam
he tries to set something up with the help of his friends, but fails. ao’nung’s original idea of a date would be something nice, cute, and simple. he wants to take you to the nearby atolls. maybe you can collect pretty little seashells while he hunts your favorite fish, before cooking it over a nice fire for you. however, when ao’nung shares this idea with his ragtag team of friends, he’s teased for “growing soft.” he’s obviously fucking pissed, but the damage is done. he becomes insecure and decides to go for something more rambunctious and less domestic, like a “body surfing date” (even you’re confused about what the hell that even is). long story short— you end up injured, he spirals badly, and you reassure him that anything he comes up with is special, so long as it comes from his heart and not his idiotic friends. when you’re finally healed up, he takes you to the atolls.
he asks you out with the help of his spirit brother. the tulkun are intelligent creatures so, of course, rotxo seeks advice from his spirit brother. he doesn’t want to fumble his only chance with the most beautiful girl in the village! now, here’s the thing about rotxo’s spirit brother: he’s not exactly the youngest in the pack. his spirit brother is much older than other tulkun, which rotxo didn't mind when he first bonded with him. that aside, his spirit brother’s dating advice leans more towards tradition: gentle courting gifts, fleeting touches, and slow burn romance. he puts rotxo to work, insisting that he should cook your meals and braid your hair and such. he also patronizes him if he’s “rushing things.” mind you, he didn’t even ask you out yet! but when he does, he makes the sweetest promises, and you know damn well he’s keeping them.
he makes a fool of himself, courtesy of his dad. neteyam doesn’t like to make mistakes. like rotxo, he doesn’t want to fumble his chances of dating you. he swears that you’re the most beautiful na’vi he's ever laid eyes on! it’d be the biggest mistake of his life if he messed up. this guy wants you so bad, but he doesn’t know where to start. so, he does what he always does and consults his old man. jake teases him like “having trouble getting the girl?” or something like that. neteyam is salty over it but he takes a few deep breaths to keep his composure. jake finally relents his teasing and shares a few tips that worked on earth. immediately, sirens go off in his head at the name of the tawtute planet, but neteyam brushes it off. jake also explains how things were with neytiri. hearing stories that felt more familiar put neteyam at ease, giving him a big boost of confidence. however, when he tries those cheap tricks like draping an arm over your shoulder or reciting cheesy “pick-up lines,” you take it upon yourself to ask the big question yourself. truly, for his sake and yours.
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artemisthewh0re · 9 months
Choose You
College!Miguel O'hara x Chubby Black reader
Warnings: Smut, hurt/comfort, unprotected sex, piv, Gwen Stacy is a bitch (love Gwen but I needed a bully 😭), fatphobia, bullying, name calling (piggy, whale, etc)
A/N: This is really bad I'm sorry! I had a mild mental health crisis halfway through writing this but I hope you like it!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Your head hangs low as you eat your breakfast in the dining hall. The noise of the hall dulls your thoughts as you play with the runny eggs on your plate. That is quickly interrupted by Gwen Stacy slamming her tray on the table. Gwen is the resident Regina George of your college campus. You used to fly under her radar but ever since you started dating Miguel O'hara, the star quarterback, she has been relentless in her harassment.
"Hey piggy, I saw you sitting here so I brought you some food so you won't get hungry while you sit alone. I guess your "boyfriend" doesn't want to be seen in public with you," Regina mocks, gesturing to the tray she had slammed next to you. The plate has a heaping pile of bacon and sausage with at least ten pieces of toast on top.
"Gwen, fuck off. Just accept the fact that not every guy at this school is not up your ass," you retort. You pick up your tray and walk towards the trash can.
"Miguel is only dating you as a joke. No guy here would ever be into a whale like you." Gwen pushes you straight into the trash can that you had stopped in front of. The can tips over, spilling the morning's trash onto the floor. The room goes silent as your peers stop talking to look at you.
"Wow piggy, you're such a klutz," Gwen laughs, pointing at you. Your tray drops to the ground and you run out of the hall with all eyes on you.
The walk back to your dorm is one of shame and severe embarrassment. Tears start to spill down your face when you make it to your door. Your fingers fumble to open the stubborn door, but when it finally does you crash onto the couch and sob. Salvia dribbles down your mouth, mixing with your tears as you cry. Eventually the burn in your throat is enough to quiet you, but the evidence of your breakdown is still streaked across your face.
Your eyes are red and puffy with mascara smeared across your lids. The clock in your living room reads 10:40 am, making you 40 minutes late for your second class. You decide to skip the rest of your classes and spend the day wallowing in self-pity. A sigh leaves your chest as you peel yourself from the couch and pull out your phone from your pocket. Your lock screen is littered with worried messages from your boyfriend.
10:12 am: Hey babe are you coming to class???
10:30 am: Tell me if you're sick and I'll leave early
10:32 am: Seriamente text me just so I know you're okay!!
10:35 am: I got your homework for you btw
10:36 am: did I do something?
10:38 am: I'm coming over
You quickly type up a "I'm ok" message, but knowing your boyfriend he's probably already sprinting to your dorm. You rush to your bathroom to remove the smeared makeup from your face and fix your lopsided braided bun. Just as you finally get the last bit of mascara off your eyes someone knocks at the door. You give yourself a once over and head to the door. Your boyfriend stands in the doorway looking frazzled and out of breath with homework papers clenched in his hand.
"Why didn't you answer my texts?" Miguel asks as he steps into your dorm.
"I did, I was just taking a nap!" You exclaim trying to avoid his eyes.
"Mìrame. Why are your eyes so red? Did you smoke without me?" Miguel jokingly pouts his bottom lip as he grabs your face.
"No, I'm just not feeling good, baby. You can go, I'm just gonna skip class today."
Miguel's eyebrows knit together with skepticism. "Did Gwen talk shit to you again?"
What? No, I just want to stay in bed today!" Your voice starts to shake and a familiar throbbing runs down your throat. Despite this assurance, your eyes give you away.
"I'm so sick of that cabrona de mierda! I'm gonna have a word with her," Miguel turns to the door, ready to have yet another screaming match with Gwen.
"Miguel, please!" You plead, grabbing at his arm. "She talked shit but I'm fine now. I really don't want to think about it anymore and I really don't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I go crying to you every time she calls me a pig. It's not like you can actually do anything to her anyways."
"How am I supposed to stick up for you then? I'm not gonna sit around and let her be a puta to my girlfriend," Miguel sighs, turning back around.
You both stand in silence, unable to think of any real solution. Miguel breaks the tension by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug.
"I'm sorry, baby," Miguel whispers in your ear. "I just want to help you." His hands rub gentle circles on your back. Miguel's warm breath tickles your ear causing you to smile ever so slightly.
"You can help me just by being an amazing, supportive boyfriend," you say. Miguel lifts his head and kisses you. His lips feel plush against yours.
The first kiss is delicate, barely grazing your lips, but the second is more passionate. Your fingers entangle themselves into Miguel's dark curls. They feel soft and perfectly wrap around your fingertips. You pull Miguel closer to your chest, practically merging your bodies together.
"I need you Miguel," you say breathlessly against his lips.
"I guess I could skip my next class," Miguel smirks, lifting up his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned stomach and wide shoulders.
Your cheeks blush at the sight of him in his full glory. Miguel doesn't hesitate to get naked unlike you. Your fingers shyly tug at your graphic tee before lifting it above your head. Natural instincts make your arms fly to cover as much of your body as you can.
"Babe, I've seen you naked three times, stop hiding yourself from me. I already know how sexy you look topless," Miguel says, pulling your arms away from your chest. He quickly unhooks your bra while pressing kisses to your bust.
You grab Miguel's arm and lead him to your bedroom. The room is small with only a twin bed and a desk sitting in the corners. Miguel gently pushes you onto the bed with a look of lust in his eyes. His fingers spread warmth to your body as they trail down your stomach to your aching mound. He teases your clothed pussy, slowly pressing deep circles onto your clit.
"Miguel," you moan. You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth as he continues his ministrations. Pleasure builds within your abdomen as Miguel's fingers move hastily against your cunt. His bicep flexes as his fingers push your panties to the side, giving your boyfriend a full view of your wet pussy.
"Is all this for me, baby?" Miguel teases as the pad of his thumb brushes over your exposed clit. The sudden skin-to-skin contact sends electricity up your spine.
"Only for you."
Your boyfriend's dark eyes are practically red with lust. He removes his hand from in between your legs, much to your dismay, and positions himself in between them. For the first time you notice his large bulge poking through the boxers he neglected to take off. Your brain barely registers his cock before he pushes inside you. A loud gasp escapes your lips as your pussy stretches around his girth.
"F-fuck!" you manage to stutter out. Miguel is gentle at first. His hips move smoothly like butter against your own. The initial pressure subsides and pleasure takes its place. Miguel plunges deep inside you, leaving you shaking with every thrust. Your thighs jiggle with the snap of his hips causing the room to fill with the sound of your skin slapping together.
"Jesus, you feel so fucking good!" Miguel exclaims. He quickens his pace to an impossible speed, eliciting pornographic moans from you. His shaft renders speechless as he effortly hits the sensitive spot in your pussy. Your hands quickly tangle in Miguel's hair as your orgasm nears.
"You like that, baby?" Miguel teases.
"Oh fuck! I love your fucking dick" Your words sputter out with each slam of your boyfriend's hips, but your message is clear.
"You love this fucking dick?" Miguel's ego grows larger by the second.
"I LOVE your fucking dick," you say practically screaming.
Your next sentence is interrupted by Miguel jackhammering into you with the last bit of energy he has. His fingers intertwine with yours as your orgasm rushes through your body. Your toes curl to the point of cracking as it makes its way down your legs. Miguel lets out a string of curses as he presses his head against your chest. A final grunt escapes his lips when he finishes inside of you.
His thighs tremble and his breath is shallow, eyes filled with a post-orgasm high as he lifts his head.
"I'll always choose you, baby," Miguel says breathlessly.
"I know," you reply back. You brush the wet curls out of your boyfriend's face knowing that even if Gwen bullied you, you still got the better end of the stick.
Your head hangs low as you eat your breakfast in the dining hall. The noise of the hall dulls your thoughts as you play with the runny eggs on your plate. That is quickly interrupted by Gwen Stacy slamming her tray on the table. Gwen is the resident Regina George of your college campus. You used to fly under her radar but ever since you started dating Miguel O'hara, the star quarterback, she has been relentless in her harassment. 
"Hey piggy, I saw you sitting here so I brought you some food so you won't get hungry while you sit alone. I guess your "boyfriend" doesn't want to be seen in public with you," Regina mocks, gesturing to the tray she had slammed next to you. The plate has a heaping pile of bacon and sausage with at least ten pieces of toast on top. 
"Gwen, fuck off. Just accept the fact that not every guy at this school is not up your ass," you retort. You pick up your tray and walk towards the trash can.
"Miguel is only dating you as a joke. No guy here would ever be into a whale like you." Gwen pushes you straight into the trash can that you had stopped in front of. The can tips over, spilling the morning's trash onto the floor. The room goes silent as your peers stop talking to look at you.
"Wow piggy, you're such a klutz," Gwen laughs, pointing at you. Your tray drops to the ground and you run out of the hall with all eyes on you.
The walk back to your dorm is one of shame and severe embarrassment. Tears start to spill down your face when you make it to your door. Your fingers fumble to open the stubborn door, but when it finally does you crash onto the couch and sob. Salvia dribbles down your mouth, mixing with your tears as you cry. Eventually the burn in your throat is enough to quiet you, but the evidence of your breakdown is still streaked across your face.
Your eyes are red and puffy with mascara smeared across your lids. The clock in your living room reads 10:40 am, making you 40 minutes late for your second class. You decide to skip the rest of your classes and spend the day wallowing in self-pity. A sigh leaves your chest as you peel yourself from the couch and pull out your phone from your pocket. Your lock screen is littered with worried messages from your boyfriend.
10:12 am: Hey babe are you coming to class???
10:30 am: Tell me if you're sick and I'll leave early
10:32 am: Seriamente text me just so I know you're okay!!
10:35 am: I got your homework for you btw
10:36 am: did I do something?
10:38 am: I'm coming over 
You quickly type up a "I'm ok" message, but knowing your boyfriend he's probably already sprinting to your dorm. You rush to your bathroom to remove the smeared makeup from your face and fix your lopsided braided bun. Just as you finally get the last bit of mascara off your eyes someone knocks at the door. You give yourself a once over and head to the door. Your boyfriend stands in the doorway looking frazzled and out of breath with homework papers clenched in his hand.
"Why didn't you answer my texts?" Miguel asks as he steps into your dorm.
"I did, I was just taking a nap!" You exclaim trying to avoid his eyes.  
"Mìrame. Why are your eyes so red? Did you smoke without me?" Miguel jokingly pouts his bottom lip as he grabs your face.
"No, I'm just not feeling good, baby. You can go, I'm just gonna skip class today."
Miguel's eyebrows knit together with skepticism. "Did Gwen talk shit to you again?" 
What? No, I just want to stay in bed today!" Your voice starts to shake and a familiar throbbing runs down your throat. Despite this assurance, your eyes give you away.
"I'm so sick of that cabrona de mierda! I'm gonna have a word with her," Miguel turns to the door, ready to have yet another screaming match with Gwen.
"Miguel, please!" You plead, grabbing at his arm. "She talked shit but I'm fine now. I really don't want to think about it anymore and I really don't want to give her the satisfaction of knowing I go crying to you every time she calls me a pig. It's not like you can actually do anything to her anyways."
"How am I supposed to stick up for you then? I'm not gonna sit around and let her be a puta to my girlfriend," Miguel sighs, turning back around. 
You both stand in silence, unable to think of any real solution. Miguel breaks the tension by wrapping his arms around you and pulling you into a hug. 
"I'm sorry, baby," Miguel whispers in your ear. "I just want to help you." His hands rub gentle circles on your back. Miguel's warm breath tickles your ear causing you to smile ever so slightly. 
"You can help me just by being an amazing, supportive boyfriend," you say. Miguel lifts his head and kisses you. His lips feel plush against yours. 
The first kiss is delicate, barely grazing your lips, but the second is more passionate. Your fingers entangle themselves into Miguel's dark curls. They feel soft and perfectly wrap around your fingertips. You pull Miguel closer to your chest, practically merging your bodies together.
"I need you Miguel," you say breathlessly against his lips. 
"I guess I could skip my next class," Miguel smirks, lifting up his shirt to reveal his perfectly toned stomach and wide shoulders. 
Your cheeks blush at the sight of him in his full glory. Miguel doesn't hesitate to get naked unlike you. Your fingers shyly tug at your graphic tee before lifting it above your head. Natural instincts make your arms fly to cover as much of your body as you can.
"Babe, I've seen you naked three times, stop hiding yourself from me. I already know how sexy you look topless," Miguel says, pulling your arms away from your chest. He quickly unhooks your bra while pressing kisses to your bust. 
You grab Miguel's arm and lead him to your bedroom. The room is small with only a twin bed and a desk sitting in the corners. Miguel gently pushes you onto the bed with a look of lust in his eyes. His fingers spread warmth to your body as they trail down your stomach to your aching mound. He teases your clothed pussy, slowly pressing deep circles onto your clit. 
"Miguel," you moan. You tuck your bottom lip between your teeth as he continues his ministrations. Pleasure builds within your abdomen as Miguel's fingers move hastily against your cunt. His bicep flexes as his fingers push your panties to the side, giving your boyfriend a full view of your wet pussy. 
"Is all this for me, baby?" Miguel teases as the pad of his thumb brushes over your exposed clit. The sudden skin-to-skin contact sends electricity up your spine. 
"Only for you."  
Your boyfriend's dark eyes are practically red with lust. He removes his hand from in between your legs, much to your dismay, and positions himself in between them. For the first time you notice his large bulge poking through the boxers he neglected to take off. Your brain barely registers his cock before he pushes inside you. A loud gasp escapes your lips as your pussy stretches around his girth.
"F-fuck!" you manage to stutter out. Miguel is gentle at first. His hips move smoothly like butter against your own. The initial pressure subsides and pleasure takes its place. Miguel plunges deep inside you, leaving you shaking with every thrust. Your thighs jiggle with the snap of his hips causing the room to fill with the sound of your skin slapping together.
"Jesus, you feel so fucking good!" Miguel exclaims. He quickens his pace to an impossible speed, eliciting pornographic moans from you. His shaft renders speechless as he effortly hits the sensitive spot in your pussy. Your hands quickly tangle in Miguel's hair as your orgasm nears.
"You like that, baby?" Miguel teases.
"Oh fuck! I love your fucking dick" Your words sputter out with each slam of your boyfriend's hips, but your message is clear.
"You love this fucking dick?" Miguel's ego grows larger by the second.
"I LOVE your fucking dick," you say practically screaming. 
Your next sentence is interrupted by Miguel jackhammering into you with the last bit of energy he has. His fingers intertwine with yours as your orgasm rushes through your body. Your toes curl to the point of cracking as it makes its way down your legs. Miguel lets out a string of curses as he presses his head against your chest. A final grunt escapes his lips when he finishes inside of you. 
His thighs tremble and his breath is shallow, eyes filled with a post-orgasm high as he lifts his head.
"I'll always choose you, baby," Miguel says breathlessly.
"I know," you reply back. You brush the wet curls out of your boyfriend's face knowing that even if Gwen bullied you, you still got the better end of the stick.
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Art: @shuploc
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cosmicck · 4 months
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𝓼𝔂𝓹𝓷𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓼: after sex, you would always feel bad due to the wounds you would leave not fully aware on how attractive they'd find it
𝓯𝓲𝓬 𝓽𝔂𝓹𝓮: headcannons/drabbles
𝓰𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓮𝓻: female or male
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tom, would sit at the edge of the while his feet would be planted flat onto the ground as the bed dipped, and the white cotten sheets of the hotel would crinkle under his weight. you were sat on your knees just behind him, the vaseline coating your finger then sliding off onto the red parts of his skin. the little winces that would slip through your teeth each time he would even slightly flinch or even clench his fists. the black braided cornrows were rested lightly on the front of his shoulders, and the big deep cat scratch scars that stopped a few inches above his back dimples and then accustomed with smaller scratches along the bigger ones.
he listened to the soft 'sorries' over and over. did you still feel bad? he personally couldn't stop fathoming over it. god, who wouldn't? it meant he was doing real good and he didn't care if it hurt, before you'd care for them now he liked the feeling surging through his body and chest as he woke up and heading to the bathroom just to see the red stinging wounds on his back in the mirror. it would bring pleaseant memories of your broken and heavenly like noises filling the room, his own hands harshly gripping your hips up to keep his tip angled at the spot where it felt good while he leaned over you. your thighs would shake as he would plunge himself deeper, and your hands would move from the bed to his shoulders as a longing groan would erupt from his throat feeling the tip of your fingernails drag longingly. if only it was you who felt what he felt, you'd understand not to feel sorry. "don't feel sorry, it isn't that bad." and a smile would be right on his lips.
your palms would sooth over the white tape-like bandage, making sure they would stick because the vaseline was still going into effect. "do you need pain pills or anything?" he'd only snicker at your question, finally turning to look at you with his eyebrow raising. "do you?" "shut up, tom."
(i couldn't find 2009-2010 black and white photos of gustav)
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—soft dominant
gustav, was always filled with medium to large circle band-aids, the skin around the tan edge of the band-aid was clearly irritated as the bit which was peeled showed the part of a bite mark on his neck. no one was an idiot, people around gustav would know why he would wear these types of things around his neck and collar bone as he wasn't able to use any excuse as to why he did. the ointments that you would apply from time to time, as in almost each time the two of you would make love(or even fuck for instance), gustav would be littered in marks from your teeth.
he wouldn't ever be able to tell you the way he liked it when your teeth sunk into the skin of his palm if he was ever fucking you in public and you couldn't stay quiet, he'd groan himself at the pleasurable chomp you'd give him. or if his hands were preoccupied with holding you up against the wall, his hips slapping against you while you'd moan and then mid way he'd get the wound on his shoulder and so on. each time again and again, he'd never want you to stop. the dirty thoughts winding through his mind if he'd watch you chew any sort or gum or trinket of the sort it would make him think of the edge of your teeth piercing his skin needily, wanting more from him than he did from you.
"does this burn?" you'd ask him, putting the alcohol wipe on his shoulder cleaning away all the access blood. there wasn't much of it, there truly wasn't as all you had just bit down a little too hard this time and only noticed last minute. gustav would only shake his head, not caring much to remind 'n reassure you once more. "no honey, just keep going okay?" his hand would rest inbetween your thigh, going to squeeze it out of love when he wanted.
(guys georg is so fine help)
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georg, no matter what position would notice the little bruises turn into big bruises after a night with you. i mean yeah, they hurt but craning his neck as his soft brown hair would sway to the side and he'd see the purple mixed blue mark around his neck it'd only get him erratic and wanting more from you with each passing day. he liked giving you the same treatment as well, what? you could have all the fun you wanted why not him? each time you would ride him and you'd grip harshly onto his shoulders, or put your hand around his neck and squeeze to make his eyes roll back. his rough hands would secure tight around your waist and squeeze as well, bruises having ended up on or above your hips and waist.
when you yourself was put on your knees, your hands would always be at his thighs one way or another and if he ever tempted you enough or push you down and mess up your gag reflex, out of instinct your first priority was to squeeze the flesh and muslces which sat on his thighs. plus you never ran out of room to squeeze either..it was a good thing. his hands on the back of your head, moans of want and need from his throat came like a melody to your ears as it had made you aware how good you were doing. "fuck..just like that.." he'd say to you, "careful, careful.." he'd whine if you were to bruise a little too hardly, the guilt would usually hit after yet it left a satisfying mark for him to admire like he always does.
an ice pack was given to georg as he place it on his bicep, the red bruise forming into a purple one as you'd watch it do so. a look of complete guilt crossed your face as you looked at him use the pack. you were just a little too rough tonight but he made you feel so good, your mind was entirely too clouded by the feelings. "don't sit there with your face looking like a little puppy just died in the front of you. you just went a little far, it happens." "yes..but it shouldn't."
(bill. bill stop staring at me like that)
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bill, knew you were on the side of bondage. few months into the relationship you came clean about what you really, really liked. he'd try it, and even end up liking it more than you'd expect. the rope burns of the red shibari restrictions would rub uncomfortably on his skin, yet he liked the feeling of it, the way you would overstimulate him riding him painfully slow making him squirm and whine wanting more of you as he'd try to fight against the binds like his life depended on it. feeling you clench as he wouldn't even be able to see you due to the blind fold covering his eyes, he could hear you but it was pain staking he couldn't see you, couldn't see your expressions of pleasure each time you'd forcefully let yourself down on his hip line with each slap of skin, both of your moans mixing together turning the both of you on.
you'd never bind his ankles. you didn’t know and nor did he, but the hateful feeling of washing eachother then seeing the big or small marks almost made you not want to do these types of things anymore. but to be fair bill would like to mess and poke at them recalling events from just last night or a few nights ago. his favorite part truly is when you'd give him aftercare, though it might not really 'count' as sex he just loved it. each time you'd unbind rope, cuffs, or anything that would keep him from moving. he loved the way you'd kiss the marks each and every time then replacing the kisses with ointment to make sure they'd heal quicker.
your head would lie on bills chest, your fingers swirling softly on his skin looking at the scratches of binds on his pale skin. "did it hurt?" his hands would move soothingly up and down your sides. "i wouldn't say it hurt in a bad way.." he liked how you tied everything tighter it was enjoyable to him, he couldn't wait till you'd do it again.
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—tagging: @tokio-motel @evieskiesss @jkgurlz @spookystudentruins
a/n: DAMN. im sorry i got lazy after gustav but we out💀
remember: most of my fics are now gender neutral, if you'd specifically like female/afab or male/amab or any sort of request please dm me due to my inbox malfunction
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