#i know i will probably regret saying it right after the first race but well
never-looked-so-good · 7 months
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📷 @/charles_leclerc Testing doneeeee. Cannot wait for the first race of the season next week !
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danadaria · 2 months
Steddie Olympic AU where Eddie gets on his first Olympics for BMX freestyle, and it's so weird because he has been in competitions for many years but nothing like this, something so big and with so many rules.
His background was being a hyperkinetic kid who didn't really care about his life, and somehow being fearless and doing acrobatics became his career. Still, even then it wasn't so serious.
His thing were the X-games and open exhibitions, with fire, hard rock & metal, tattoos, and having RedBull as a sponsor.
Behind the adrenaline he and his friends are a bunch of clowns who just wanted to fly and have the bones of a child forever.
But now he's here: in the middle of a giant line in an ocean of other athletes, wearing a fucking blazer from Ralph Lauren and with the lamest jeans he had to wear in his entire life.
And everything is kinda awful, because he lost sight of friends (Gareth and Max, both skaters, but they train in the same place), and he just heard there's no McDonald's at the Olympics this year.
He doesn't even like McDonald's so much, but god, he grow up hearing about athletes eating hundreds of burgers and mcnuggets for free, and sue him, but his inner child was super excited about it.
"Are you ok, man?"
Eddie opens his mouth to give a snarky remark when he sees the most beautiful man in existence – GORGEOUS v-shape, honey eyes, pink pouty lips, and kissable moles– looking at him with concern.
"Yeah, yeah. Everything is okey-dokey" He says lamely.
The most beautiful man in existence snorts at him.
"Okey-dokey? What are you? Five?"
"Probably. I was sad because I found out today there's no free McDonald's this year. Now that I know I'm not sure if it is worth being here"
Eddie's future husband looks surprised for a second and laughs at him.
"Are you serious?"
"Of course. I read some people ate so many nuggets they left the Olympics cackling like a chicken: I wanted to be one of them!"
"Oh, yeah. I ate lots of them post-competition"
"Ok, I give you that. But this year there's going to be international cuisine and all that jazz"
"Knowing me, I'm going to get too overwhelmed with the options and I'll end with the saddest oatmeal every day."
"You have lots of food opinions for someone that's on a sports event"
"Well, is either that or thinking that my biggest rivals are a bunch of 15-year-olds from Brazil and Japan."
"Oh? What's your sport?"
"BMX freestyle"
"That's the race in the mountains?"
"That's literally BMX racing."
"Right." He looked ashamed.
Eddie needed to fix that look, now.
"And you? What's your poison?"
"Poison? You mean my sport?" Eddie nods at him encouragingly. "Gymnastics."
"I can see it." Eddie looks at him approvingly, "You have the arms of a gymnast, big boy."
The face of Eddie's future husband turns a beautiful shade of red. And Eddie is just a second away to ask for his name, and his number to change the course of his life, when he feels a hand on the jacket's collar.
"Here you are, loser. We need to go this way!"
And before Eddie can say anything, Max Mayfield (his new arch-nemesis) takes him away from the love of his life.
He says bye with a hand before being cruelly separated, disappearing into a sea of people.
"Do you want to be murdered before or after the opening ceremony, Red?"
"Oh, shut up loser."
Steve is going back with his best friend to their apartment, feeling super frustrated. Somehow, 24 hours ago, he thought it would be a good idea to give his phone to his best friend for the inauguration night to avoid getting too excited and watching videos of the event until 4 am.
And now he was regretting ALL his life choices.
"You don't understand Robin, I met a super cute guy, but I couldn't get his name! I'm only going to search that and nothing else"
"Steve, you made me swear I wouldn't pass your phone on inauguration day, no matter the reason. You need to sleep"
"Easy for you to say. You didn't meet someone when you didn't have your phone!"
"I would understand better than anyone! I met the cutest girl competing at air riffle, aaaand I didn't have my phone either!"
"You gave her your presentation card, didn't you"
"Yes, sorry."
"See? Why didn't you make me buy some for me, too?"
They arrive at their floor. Steve knows they're a little obnoxious, but it was the first night and it's still early.
"Good night, neighbors! Isn't it too early in the event to be fighting?"
Steve looks up so fast, he probably hurt his neck a little bit. At the end of the hallway, sitting on the floor next to a very closed door, was Steve's meet-cute: All smiley, charming, and inviting.
"It's you!"
"Oh! Hi Mr. Gymnastics, and hi unknown lady."
"It's Robin Buckley," She says and goes straight to her apartment, "we probably going to see each other again, so good night".
And she closes the door firmly behind her.
"I didn't have. I mean. I don't have my phone to search for you."
The other boy looks at him, almost evaluating him, before giving Steve a big smile and offering his hand to stretch.
"Eddie Munson."
"Steve Harrington."
"So, would you-"
"There's a McDonald's near where I compete tomorrow. Would you like to go with me?"
Eddie stands up and walks until he's in front of Steve. He smiles.
"Would love it. After all, it was my childhood dream."
Steve smiles too.
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mirohlayo · 11 months
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( lando doesn't like when you give your attention to someone else, when all he wants is to be with you )
warning : fluff, some jealousy
word count : 2.7k
!! english not my first language !!
you greet acquaintances as you walk and try to find your way in the paddock. you walk towards the McLaren garage and then your eyes search for your boyfriend. shortly after, you find him next to oscar and some engineers. they're talking and have serious faces. you want to greet them (lando actually) but you decide to not intrude their conversation because it looks serious and important, probably about the qualifications. so you wait. a little long. maybe a little too long. lando doesn't seem to have noticed you. well actually you arrived 30 minutes earlier than expected and that's why lando have no idea that you are here, waiting for him.
so you keep waiting. and waiting. time passes and now you've been waiting for 20 minutes. you know very well that the conversation was going to last a little longer, races are really important for lando and his team because it's their jobs. so instead of wasting your time and wait for him, you decide to take a walk inside the paddock, because as time passed you got bored.
a lot of people are present of course. engineers, journalists, racing teams, staff and the drivers' friends and family. but now you're used to that crowd. you're dating lando for quite a while now and attending almost all his races enabled you to be comfortable with this environment and atmosphere. and actually you really enjoy it. being able to meet new people, having funny conversations with them, the stressful feeling of races and qualifications, happiness when the racing team does a good job. you know that you're a very lucky person to have access to all of that.
you keep walking slowly, observing here and there around the paddock. then you find hamilton, saying goodbye to some guys and he notices you right after. you smile at him as he walks towards you, smiling back to you. he stops himself in front of you.
- nice to see you here y/n ! he says with a great smile.
- nice to see you too lewis ! you answered.
- why you're taking a walk alone ? he frowns a bit and then raises his brows like he found something. your boyfriend is too occupied right ?
you laugh and nod.
- yeah, looks like he was having a serious conversation with the engineers, i didn't want to intrude. but it's okay, i enjoy walking alone around the paddock.
- would you like to walk with me a bit then ? i've finished checking things with my team and i'm not gonna lie i need some distraction, he adresses to you a big smile.
part of you want to decline your friend's offer but you remember lando is still in the mclaren garage and if you join him now he'd probably be still here talking, not having time for you. and it's been a while since you last spoke with lewis.
- okay, let's go. but just for like 10 minutes, otherwise lando will wonder where i am and search for me all around the paddock, you say in a grin.
- don't worry, i won't take up too much of his girlfriend's time, he joked.
you guys start to walk slowly, enjoying the presence of each other. lewis is actually a good friend of you. well it's thanks to him that you're now lando's girlfriend. you're one of his closest friend, you know him for some years now. one day, he asked you to come to watch him pilot. you said that you didn't have the time, too busy with your job. he had to beg you and made you free up time to come over and watch a grand prix. finally, you gave up and went a sunday to the race. and you don't regret coming that day, because it's when you met for the first time lando. and now he's your boyfriend. lewis really deserves an appreciation for that.
- when i think that at the beginning you were a supporter of Mercedes, he grin and look down at your mclaren hoodie. the number 4 was on the back of it.
- guess tastes change, you answered playfully.
- especially not because of one particular boy, he's now giving you a implicit look.
- oh please shut up, you say in a smile and hit his shoulder.
he laugh at you. sometimes you forget lewis can be very teasing when he wants.
- but it's okay, i like lando. especially because he got me rid of an irritating girl, he jokes and can't hide his vicious smile.
- you lewis !! you give him a blow in the ribs and  shoot a black look. you try to bite back a smile but his laugh and teasing can't help it.
- i'm not going to remind you that roscoe loves me more than you, you tease him. and well, it's the truth.
- don't even try to continue on this topic. you know it breaks my heart y/n, he says and place his hand over his heart like he was hurt.
- so dramatic, you laugh and roll your eyes.
you can't deny it but your teasing game with lewis is something that you really like. you missed these interactions with your friend. and so does he.
you both are so into your teasing game that you don't even realizes you're now in front of the mclaren paddock. and what you also didn't noticed was how lando is looking at you two.
he finished his checking conversation with the engineers and oscar not so long ago. he thought that you were already in the garage waiting for him. but how suprised he was when he found out you were not here. first, he thought you were just in the toilets, or in his drivers room. so he calmed down a bit and went to his room. but you were not here too. then he started looking for you, searching everywhere until he finds you here in front of him, laughing and joking with hamilton. you look happy, looking at him with a playful look and smile, slapping his arm and then shoot him back a black look trying not to burst out laughing at the dumb things he says.
lando can't help but felt his heart tightens. the way you are just having a fun time with lewis, laughing like it is the funniest moment of your life, your hand touching his shoulder so that you don't lose your balance because you have this habit of almost falling to the ground when you're laughing to hard. and that usually happens when you are with lando, when he makes you laugh because oh he loves the sound of your laugh and your big smile, especially when he's the reason of it. but seeing you in this exact state with his driver friend instead of him, he just doesn't like that at all. yeah, he hates it. and he also feel guilty about it. he likes hamilton because he's his friend, but above all because it's thanks to him that you're his girlfriend.
he feel like he has no right to feel like that, because originally you are a friend of hamilton and he met you after him, when you were already one of his closest friends. if lewis didn't bring you that sunday, lando wouldn't be bere to be yours. but he also can't stand seeing you being so close to him, like it's just the two of you against the world. he just wants to be the only one for you, to be the only one that make you smile and laugh like that. just him and you. just you giving him all your attention. maybe he was just a bit insecure.
he sigh and take a deep breath. then he walks towards you two. he stop himself behind you and in front of the other driver and you are still laughing like kids until lewis notices him.
- looks like the prince if finally here for his princess, lewis says earning a grin from lando.
- yes, i come to save her, he reply in a grin but with an annoying tone, that he hopes you haven't heard. it comes harsher than he wanted.
- i am a troublemaker or something ? lewis joked and tease his friend.
- of course you are, you're always bothering me when lando is not here ! you say, still teasing him.
- oh stop i already know you loves him so much and would rather be with him than me in any situations, the mercedes driver give a playful look to the mclaren driver while saying this to you.
- of course, he's lando norris. how can i not love him ? you reply softly.
lando feel his heart lights. he can't help but smile at your sweet words. you look so in love with him it just makes lando so so happy. he drop his gaze on you and you give him a big smile, the one he cherishes with all of his heart. he wrap his arms around your waist and pull you close to his body.
- oh please don't do that in front of me, lewis says and act like he was disgusted, just to tease and bother you.
- not my fault if you don't have someone to hug, you reply, defending you and your boyfriend.
- yes it is, he reply back to back.
- no, it is not.
and like that you guys keep arguing about why lewis never hugs people and that he's maybe in need of affection. and lando was just there, trying to follow the debate.
you are just giving almost all of your attention to hamilton instead of him. and lando just hates that. he just want to run away from you and eclipse himself for the whole day, distancing himself from you until you give him your divine attention. maybe he is childish for thinking like that, but he just feels so jealous right now. for him, lewis is just stealing his girl. he should be the one debating with her, not the one who is here on the side and just standing like a bot. he is getting more jealous and angry. and he doesn't like that.
so, instead of just explodes in front of you two, he try to get your attention by squishing your hand, or your waist. reaching his hand to replace a strand of hair on your face, pull the sleeve of your hoodie, randomly kissing quickly your cheeks or the back of your hand. he just keeps touching you gently and softly and each time you look up at him and give him some bit of attention he feels relieve and happiness fills his body. but not a second later you're back talking and laughing with lewis. and then he can't stand it anymore.
he walks away from you and left you here with hamilton, not even daring to look back. he feels like an idiot for his shit behavior towards you and his mate but he gets sick by just seeing you so close with an another man than him. he knows damn well jealousy is not something good in a relationship, but he's so done. he is so annoyed and irritated by what happened that he completely forgot he has the qualifying. he enter the mclaren garage in a virulent way, and some people notice it, oscar being one of them.
- hey mate, you look like you're going to kill someone, oscar joked as he comes closer to the driver.
- maybe because that's what's going to happen, lando reply in a irritating tone.
oscar get silent for a moment and frown. he examines lando's expression.
- what happened ? he asked cautiously, not wanting to make things getting worse.
- nothing, don't worry, lando reply coldly.
- you're sure ?
lando turn to face his teammate and calm down a bit. he sigh and pat his shoulder to reassure him.
- yeah, just some silly things i think about. he pause for a second and then he gives him a determined look. let's do our best for the qualifying mate !
oscar smiles and nod his head, even though he's still worried about his friend statement.
and then, the qualifying takes place.
you're now waiting for your boyfriend in his drivers room. you know something bad happened, or maybe you did something wrong but the way your lover just left you in the middle of the paddock like an abandoned child makes you worrying about him. he looked angry, furious and frustrated because his walk wast fast and he didn't even look back. you want to know and understand why he reacts like that.
the race just finish some minutes ago, and lando will come soon into his driver room to dropped some stuff out as usual.
and then the door opens. you meet his eyes, and they're a lot of different emotions in it when he realizes that you're here. you stand up and guide yourself to him.
- lan, you whisper softly.
you try to approach him but he moves and take a step back. you're hurt.
- can we talk about what happened please ? i know something bother you.
he lift up his head to meet your gaze. and he didn't expect to see your hurt expression on your face. now he feels even more guilty than during the race. because yes, he regretted his behavior and how childish he was towards you when he was on the track. he couldn't concentrate fully on the race because of you and his shit actions. and now seeing you in this state makes him want to kiss you and hold you tight. his heart is crying.
- yeah, sure.
- why did you walk away like that ? something happened i know it, you start.
he avoid your gaze and start playing with his fingers. he's nervous. he does not want to reveal that he was so jealous of lewis because you would think he's such a kid and immature. a moment of silence fill the air. you notice that he looks nervous, so you try to help him.
- it is because of me ? you ask gently.
- not really, he answers still not looking at you.
- lando tell me what's wrong. i want to know because i'm confused and i don't want you to keep things to yourself. you can talk to me baby.
- i'm so sorry love, he says. then the second later, you're in his strong arms. he pulls you very close to his body and hide his face in your neck. so so sorry. i didn't intend to hurt you.
you sigh and gently rub his back.
- i'm not. just tell me how you feel lan. i promise i already forgave you, just tell me about your feelings please.
he goes silent for a minute, keeping you close to him.
- it's just... i didn't like the way the two of you interacted later. you were laughing a lot because of lewis and you kept making jokes with him. and i felt like you were ignoring me and enjoyed more his presence than mine. i don't like when you're close to an other man. i want you just for myself. i know this is selfish and childish because originally you're one of his closest friend but you were giving all of your attention to him instead of me. i was huh... jealous.
you move a bit away just to look at his face. you can see how guilty and hurt he is, like he was begging your pardon through his eyes. this picture breaks your heart in two. sometimes you feel like you don't deserve him.
- ohh my sweet boy... i understand how you feel. you have the right to feel like that. i was having fun with lewis because it's been a long time since we last saw each other and i didn't even think that it could have affected you so much. i'm so sorry love... so sorry. you know i also want to keep you all to myself.
- we're quits i guess.
you laugh softly and hug him. his hands rub your back slowly.
- i just want your precious attention y/n, lando says close to your lips.
- now you'll have it lando, you reply in a grin.
he smiles wide and pulls you closer. god he just loves you so so much, it sometimes hurts. he leans in and kisses you, squeezing your waist as you cup his face in your hands.
and you'll never leave his side, giving him all your attention for the rest of the day. and the rest of the week-end.
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satoruhour · 1 year
Loved the recent sukuna racer au 😭😭😭🩷🩷 can you elaborate a bit more on geto in the same racer au? 🥺🩷🩷🩷🩷
a/n: thx 4 this ask anon, this is rlly long bahaah i hope u enjoy! more context here. for recap, reader is in japan for an exchange programme.
wc: 4.3k
warnings: (fluff @ the start, smut comes in later) virginity loss, soft dom!geto, geto really really is obsessed w/ you, oral / cunnilingus (eats pussy like this! like i really don’t know what this position’s called), pet names, slight nipple play, clit stimulation, fingering, slight size kink, p -> v penetration, protected sex, n*sfw under the cut
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no one really knows how the two of you became so close after that fateful meeting. they’re still wondering how you drew suguru in so effortlessly — some say you planned it, others say it was just by chance, but you’re not too sure yourself when all you can focus on is the racer beside you muttering into your skin a year after.
it was a(n almost) blissful six months when you first start out. that day he did keep his promise, winning the race without breaking a sweat and you cheer for geto unconsciously, catching the curious eyes of gojo and nanami who exchange looks — maybe you’d finally be the someone to capture geto’s heart.
geto made an effort to u-turn back to the corner he was parked in with the passenger side to you and he leans over to open it for you, but in return it just gathers more attention. “shall we go?” you try your best to escape the prying eyes of the tokyo crowd, and with a wave to the other two, geto is speeding off once you’ve gotten into the car.
“so… why’re you driving me there?”
“why cinnamoroll? berry and cherry’s a hundred times better.” he comments, and much to your dismay, he just answers your question with a less serious question than yours.
“why not?”
“well i mean…” was this man really about to lecture you on sanrio characters? his explanation is brief, but detailed, and you can’t help but stifle a laugh — although a snort still leaves you — just as he turns into the next carpark that you were supposed to go into instead and he’s asking what? like he didn’t just ramble about two sanrio demon characters. 
“eh, it’s just cute that a scary, cool racer guy like you knows so much about sanrio.” you giggle when you watch him find an empty spot, and you’re trying to not let it affect you: the dragon that wraps around his bicep right to his forearm, the tense of his muscles, the addictive line of his jaw that trails all the way down to his collarbone—
you don’t notice your choice of words until geto uses that chance to fluster you instead.
“it’s just what?” he’s all up in your personal space like he was earlier before pulling away — a quiet, chilling tension that sends your hairs standing, left arm going behind your seat to park his car perfectly in the lot. his jawline is accentuated by how he turns behind to reverse (he hopes parking effortlessly would get you to like him more); suguru’s good at always making you want more, you realise that.
you’re mumbling and once he’s got the car in, his arm comes back round, a teasing hand pressed up to his ear. “what was that, hm?”
and maybe you were wrong to think he was being a decent person among the sneers and mockery of the crowd earlier, and you frown, thinking if you’d really want to entertain him. there’s a dilemma in you: what if he was just like the others, the loud, cocky ones who only ever cared about their cars? suguru looked just like the part, too, and if you weren’t careful, you’d probably end up being a trophy piece for him to bring around.
you just sigh. “thank you for driving me, geto-san.” it’s rigid as you say it, an inner turmoil within you; you hope it doesn’t show.
and he immediately regrets his silly question. he doesn’t blame you for standing your ground especially after the whole spectacle before the race started, watching in defeat as you slam the door to his Mazda a little harshly. hurriedly his eyes dart around the dashboard for paper, messily scribbling down an apology together with his number, along with some cash — he did promise to treat you to something in that cafe, but he was confident you’d want nothing to do with him; for now, anyway.
“hey, i’m uh— i’m sorry. it was out of line, enjoy the event, ’kay?” geto genuinely looked sorry, a sheepish smile spreading across his face and he hurries away before you can say anything. he’s lamenting over it upon returning, talking to gojo who could barely care and nanami who’s zoning out, about how you looked so innocent and stunning by simply sitting in his car.
and you? you’ve resorted to telling yourself how you’d only send a message to the mysterious number only after getting back home, after a shower, paper creased and unintelligible at some point that you almost typed in a ‘6’ in place of an ‘8’.
you’ve broken your own rule already once you’re stepping foot into your home because your finger immediately opens the empty chat, hovering over the button to send the message you’ve drafted two hours ago. your heart pounds and you feel dizzy — you never wanted to die so bad before.
suguru’s mood remains sour until later in the evening where an unknown number texts him with a faceless photo of a cup of cinnamoroll cappuccino and a crème brûlée with cinnamorll’s face on the caramelised sugar. he knows it’s you from the outfit you wore earlier and geto can’t help but smile, dwelling on what he could say to you that wouldn’t sound stupid.
god, geto was a racer. he was supposed to be cool and a natural at flirting, but he can’t believe he’s already deleted his drafted message for a fifth time, not noticing how you fluctuate between being online and off, too.
he doesn’t answer you like an idiot because while you’re nervous over the simple text, geto wants to tear his hair out — until he gets an idea; he’s off the bed in a minute, hastily grabbing his leather jacket and putting his hair into a bun.
eventually he manages to say something that sounds nonchalant.
[19:23, geto → UNKNOWN]: enjoy your cinnamoroll coffee?
suguru waits patiently when you type and stop, and type and stop, and he uses that time to sprint to his Mazda and to speed to a close-by 7-eleven. he was sure to find some sanrio merchandise in the store, face lighting up when he comes across a mediocre cinnamoroll keychain — and after a small battle with himself he also adds a duo berry and cherry keychain to the pile — he just needed to figure out when to give it to you.
a notification interrupts his daydreams.
[19:29, UNKNOWN → geto]: better without you here
he knows you’re joking with the way you send a sticker after.
[19:30, UNKNOWN → geto]: but thank you for the treat.
and for driving me
and for the number
geto chuckles, paying and leaving the store before he lets out a breath.
[19:31, geto → UNKNOWN]: want to come out for a drive? i really want to apologise for earlier
and every doubt ceases to exist, your contemplation ending right there, head snapping to your clock to look at the time. if you could get dressed fast enough—
[19:31, geto → UNKNOWN]: and also i just… want to get to know you
i’ll meet you at that same parking lot where we met. i’ll wait for you, okay?
—you could see the mysterious, brooding racer again. despite your outburst, you couldn’t deny the adrenaline you felt sitting in his car, bickering over which character was better, seeing the raise of his eyebrow on his attractive face. you don’t trust yourself to type anything else so you simply send a thumbs up emoji, jumping up to get ready in the darkening and freezing tokyo landscape.
shouting out an excuse, you bid goodbye to your parents and race out the door, white wisps of your hot breath appearing as you reach the car park in record time, seeing him nervously leaning against his Mazda. you smile. seems like you weren’t the only fidgety one.
“how’re you doin’?” geto clears his throat, but you just grin, getting into his passenger seat. the tips of your fingers tingle, you hoped the adrenaline would help you even a little.
“you called me out because you want to show off, right?” that loosens suguru a little, letting out a laugh at your unexpected comment.
“sure did.”
the next hours are spent speeding through the streets of shibuya, with you scared out of your mind at first. but when geto looks over to you with a blinding smile, you ease into his leather seats, slowly getting used to his sharp and precise turns.
geto is focused on drifting on specific turns, smile fading into a serious expression as he slams on the break and changes gear, steering the wheel sharply and you find yourself staring freely, a smile tugging on your lips at how so damn good he looked at the moment.
the night ends up with letting you try out the car for a bit, and even geto is surprised at himself because his RX-7 was something he cherished deeply, but to let someone try it was beyond him. he’s laughing with you, telling you that drift racers do not need to use turn signals and you burn in embarrassment, but other than that you have a good time, a quietness settling as he pulls up to your host home in japan.
“come to my next race?”
you bit your lip. you can’t lie, geto suguru is handsome as hell and you’re already hooked, unaware how the other wants you just as bad.
“sure thing, suguru.” the first name seems to catch him off-guard, even more so when you lean over the stick shift to peck his cheeks. 
geto spends the next five minutes touching the skin where you kissed it, the loud rev of his engine reflecting exactly how he felt.
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geto suguru was a goner.
every text, every call, every outfit (by god, geto did not care about what he wore, until he got with you) was for you. geto suguru was the gentlest with you, always asking if you’re okay with whatever he does. a hand on your waist, a peck to your cheek. he eases into the relationship, a plethora of night races lined up in his roster since he didn’t want you to miss any classes. nor could you underperform, because if your grades weren’t up to standard, you’d be sent home — your actual home back in your country. it came easy, though, apart from the sneaky makeout sessions in between geto telling you you used ‘your’ instead of ‘you’re’ in your essays.
“y’know you don’t have to wear it, right?” geto laughs, placing a kiss to your temple while your mouth twists at the shape of the miniskirt, gifted to you by his sister who had worn it in the same scene, too. your boyfriend only whistles when you place it to your front, hands tightening just a little around your waist when he sees just how short it is.
“so?” you emerge from the bathroom a little while later, his oversized shirt on you looking a bit weird with the miniskirt but his breath hitches when you pull the top up, admiring the way the miniskirt hugged your figure so well. “i’m not sure if i like it, su…”
“that’s cause you’ll need other sort of tops, baby,” geto simply smiles, beckoning you over with a hand. it’s criminal how easily you follow the gesture, moving to stand between his legs. his rough hands leave hot trails of fire along your thighs, inching dangerously close to your ass. “you’ll need,” an unsatisfactory kiss on the denim of your skirt, suguru frowns, “a crop top,” a kiss to your hip bone. “or maybe a halter,” a kiss to your other hip bone, “a tube top,” a kiss to your stomach, “or maybe even a cami?” the grin geto gives you is sickening sweet as he lists them off one by one, each kiss getting closer and closer, from your hands to your shoulders, until they finally reach your face and your heart is beating like you were in fucking seven minutes in heaven.
“how’d you know so much?” you’re twiddling with the hem of his oversized shirt.
geto exhales, placing a sweet kiss onto your lips, “when you’ve been racing underground for quite a bit… it’s easy to pick up on the fashion. but—” he melts all your worries away when he takes your cheeks in his hands, “but even if you weren’t dolled up, i’ll still be lookin’ at ya. you’d still be the prettiest girl in the room.”
“my prettiest girl.” suguru mumbles, getting lost in your lips again with a promise he’ll take you shopping the next day.
you ease into the miniskirts soon enough. though you don’t exactly abandon your old style, you also love the freedom of wearing teeny skirts with skin tight tops, legs and ass on display for all to see while geto simply smiles no matter what you wear. he thinks you look stunning either way.
“what do you think?” geto asks inwardly if you were really the same person who loved cinnamoroll, legs on display and safety shorts hugging your ass so well as you twirl around in your room — geto wasn’t opposed to just panties, either; he knows he can throw a decent punch. you’re donning the piece of apparel so well that he feels himself getting hard.
“i think my baby looks gorgeous,” suguru smiles, sauntering up to you before wrapping his bigger arms around your middle before coating your face and neck with kisses but your mind’s wandering into the gutter with how you can see both your figures in the mirror. you’re thinking just what it’ll be like to fog up the mirror with your shaky breaths as geto rams into you from behind, but you snap out of it before he notices, turning around in his embrace to land a kiss to his lips.
“a good luck kiss for my racer boy,” you giggle, hands getting lost in his hair. you’ve become more bold too, geto realises and he decides that maybe tonight he’ll have you before you leave to finish your university semester and his heart clenches at the thought of you leaving — six months is six months, after all. having to resort to facetimes and timezones and late night messages is the reality, but he’s willing to try.
if it’s you, he’ll try.
one thing led to the next; it was your miniskirt riding up your legs, it was the way you ran up to him after he wins, jumping into his arms knowing these were your last few days together. just like how you were obsessed with geto suguru, he was besotted with you.
“is this okay with you, (y/n)?” the way he says your name has you wishing he would do it over and over in that pleading voice of his — it’s just the first of many.
“you’ll be taking my first, suguru.” you mumble out as his lips trail from your jaw to neck, and it makes him freeze. maybe you shouldn’t hav—
“you want me to be your first?” geto asks breathlessly, like he’s been told he won the lottery. he couldn’t believe how you’ve been untouched this whole time, yet your sultry gazes and untamed hips say otherwise.
“you’re such a little minx, teasing me and shit, but you haven’t lost your virginity?” his fingers caress your cheek and you preen at his tone, leaning into his touch. 
you hum and smile, “i never lose.” and you giggle when he laughs, capturing your lips in another kiss. the playful mood fades into the prior one, feeling the other get rougher with his kiss while his hands start to wander more.
“tell me to stop whenever and i’ll stop, okay, sweetheart?” you nod, squishing his face in your hands.
“i’ll be okay, su,” you grin before wrapping your legs around his pelvis, pulling him onto your needy cunt. he’s already hard, a dark spot forming at where his tip was. “i’ll be okay, especially when i fuck myself thinking it’s your cock.”
suguru’s jaw drops just a bit and he craves you even more by then, flipping up your skirt and pressing kisses along your thigh. he was determined to wipe the sick little grin off your face. he was determined to make you cum so hard you’d regret teasing him at all.
you hardly have any attitude for him once his tongue meets your pulsing clit and groans into your core, licking an experimental stripe up your folds. “better than your fingers?” suguru grins when he glances up and all he can see is your head thrown back, a subtle nod that’s got him back into feasting. he alternates between flicking your bud and sucking harshly, his calloused hands that you always admired around the steering wheel are now on your thighs, spreading them apart when you start to close them. by now your skirt’s soaked from how wet your pussy is, mewling and whining for your lover for more.
“you taste so fuckin’ good,” geto mumbles into your folds, giddy on the tangy sweetness of your juices that he has to reach down to squeeze his cock, “my girlfriend’s pussy tastes so good.”
“f-fuck… suguru don’t stop—” in the large bedroom, it’s filled with moans from you and the lewd sounds of your pussy, which escalate into a shriek when he’s suddenly pushing you up, weight transferred onto your shoulders and neck, not before making sure you have a pillow under you. “su—!”
“oh— ooh shit!” geto easily manhandles you as he props you up, your body bent uncomfortably while your hips continue to buck in his mouth and you aren’t sure where your legs go. it gives him better access to your cunt as he dips his tongue into your hole, nose nudging into your clit while you’re clutching onto his forearms for balance; his front supports you perfectly. geto’s onyx eyes bore into yours when he eats, moaning softly when he feels you clench around his tongue.
“you close?” he commits you to memory: how your toes curl and your stomach contracts. how your pussy flutters around his mouth and soft needy sighs turn into wanton moans. he feels so tense too, cock twitching in his underwear that it’s begging to be in you. “my baby’s g’nna cum, hm?”
“y-yes— ’m close mmf...” you can hardly manage a nod, moans escaping in between one worded sentences and you’re sure your legs are shaking from how good geto was giving it to you. with the hands that spread you out, one goes to your nipple to pinch it while the other plays with your clit, pressing and rubbing on it and a choked suguru leaves your lips.
“cum,” the one word has so much command over you, paired with the ministrations he was so skilled at that you’re clenching around air when you reach your high, euphoria crashing down on you with how you see white and your body feels tired already. “that’s my pretty girl, god, you’re cumming s’much.”
it takes awhile for you to come down from your orgasm, but despite your fatigue you already find yourself wanting more when you shoot geto a grin, heart fluttering at how he massages your thighs and bring you back down.
“you okay?” geto mumbles, pecking your knee softly, inwardly smiling at the way your legs still jolt and shake at your climax, “got my princess shakin’ and all.”
you giggle before you’re pulling him toward you, tasting yourself on his tongue as the kiss deepens, jumping a little when geto slips in a finger easily. you’re easily moaning into the kiss, reeling from just how one finger feels in you, slipping in so easily just how soaked your cunt was. 
gotta prep you for me, ‘kay? he whispers against your lips before a second goes in and you have to break the kiss to whimper. relax, baby, suguru’s voice is so intoxicating that you’re doing the exact opposite. you’re so tight that geto has to take a moment, imagining what you’ll feel like around him, but it’s not long before you’re begging for more that he starts moving his fingers into your cunt.
they are soft, gentle on you that you’re already tugging on his waistband, swallowing geto’s chuckle and comment about just how eager you are. in that bedroom, you’ve gotten him on his knees just by existing, pussy still drooling and your body contorted in such sensuality that he’s already worshipping you unconsciously. you gasp a little when he finally removes his underwear, eyes fixated on the pretty dick he’s got in his hand, leaking so much pre-cum just from eating you out. he makes quick work to grab a condom out from his bedside drawer.
“i’ll make it fit. gotta relax, yeah?” he hums into your skin before he rolls the condom over his cock as you watch, impatient. along with some lube, he smears your juices around with his tip, relishing in how you squeeze his forearms.
and when geto suguru sinks into you for the first time, tip nudging past your folds and stretching you out at first, a long whine leaves you just as geto groans out because you’re so warm inside that it’s got him dizzy. your eyes try to flutter close but geto mumbles that he wants to see how good he makes you feel, body hovering over yours like it’s forbidden. but he knows if he sinks into you with the feel of your tits on him, he wouldn’t last.
“s’big, suguru— ah!” eyes struggling to stay open, your arms hang around his neck, the feel of the rubber in you not entirely pleasant but suguru hitting all your spots is enough to make up for it. you’re just dripping and dripping non-stop that it leaks right down to the sheets before the other bottoms out in you, a teasing grin on his face. “told ya it could fit.” the stretch is borderline painful, and like a good boyfriend, he waits for a few to get you accustomed.
you roll your eyes with a soft smile, taking deep breaths before you feel like you could handle him, “move, please…”
“gettin' to it, my love,” geto’s cock is so big you swear you can feel him in your stomach, mouth dropping open when he moves slowly, grunting at your clamping hole, “i don’t think i can last long, baby.”
you breathlessly laugh, “yeah, me e-either.” your back arches off the bed as suguru starts to find a pace, thighs already burning from the taut pull of his muscles, something he’s done unconsciously because of how divine your cunt felt. with a hand you’re rubbing at your clit, evident it’s your first time when your hips are already bucking in mini shockwaves, sucking in his length that it’s not long before you’re moving your pelvis to meet his.
there’s the squelching noises of your pussy and little pants leaving you, pussy already convulsing around him with the release of the twist in your stomach. you’re clenching as you cum hard on his cock and it drives the other crazy, the tightness of your entrance that restricts his movement that he settles for short thrusts just to orgasm, spilling heavy loads of cum into the condom. geto groans into thin air, hips stuttering and pulling out incase there’s a rip in the rubber. it’s obvious you’re still unfamiliar with each other’s body in such an intimate setting, stuttered apologies and cleared throats, but soon geto’s leaning down to lock lips with you to quell the first-time awkwardness.
“was that okay? are you hurt anywhere?” you shake your head with a smile.
“that was more than okay, suguru,” you’re sleepy from the race, from the late night, and it’s clear all you want is sleep. it’s clear when you melt into suguru’s embrace and his heart feels like it might beat out of his chest when you find his hand to twine your fingers together, with his other one rubbing your thigh affectionately.
geto feels that same feeling paired with a certain dread when two weeks later you’re kissing him goodbye at the airport, pink luggage in hand while your nose starts to redden a little. you always know what to say, slowly getting used to geto’s habits. a huff when he’s annoyed, or a quick furrow of his eyebrows when he’s distraught. “it’s not the end of the world, baby.”
suguru only pouts, hands caressing your sides just outside the departure gate. “i know, i just— six months?” 
“you’ll survive,” you smile softly, brushing the bangs from his face, “you did it before me.”
“i know, but now that i’ve known you, you’re all i think about,” geto huffs, “i…”
there’s many more things he wants to say, how he’ll be sure to keep your things until you return, how thankful he is that you (willingly!) gave him an underwear of yours, how he struggles to breathe just seeing your name. he just hopes you’ll miss him just as much, but he restrains himself knowing your flight’s in an hour.
“you’re all i think about, too,” you mumble and swallow uncomfortably, ashamed to have tears already brimming at your eyes, “i’ll come right back after i finish the sem, alright?”
“i’ll hold you to that.” geto smiles, although it’s laced with a sadness, kissing you softly one last time and bearing himself for the countless texts and video calls to your foreign number. you both can taste the salt in your tears, sniffling like a lovesick fool at the immense feelings you have for this man.
love. you haven’t even said the words yet.
as the racer watches you pass through the departure doors, he gives one last glance to the cherry keychain hanging off your carry-on, giving a similar longing glance to the matching berry one on his bag.
geto leaves the airport before anyone can see the wetness in his eyes, too.
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adventuringblind · 1 year
Defensive Maneuvers
Max Verstappen x Leclerc!reader
Genre: fluffy with a pinch of angst
Request: yes! I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Requests are open for Max, Charles, Oscar, and lando. Don't hesitate to send me ideas!
Summary: The normally soft-spoken leclerc sister becomes the out spoken girl her family knows. What triggers this change? Max Verstappen and his ridiculous father.
Warnings: Jos being Jos, mentions of verbal abuse, mention of physical abuse if you squint, *best Daniel Riccardo voice* nooooot prooooofreaaaad
Notes: written in third person . I am neither the youngest nor have brothers, so I tried my best to get an accurate relationship depiction. Ironically, I'm the oldest with sisters.
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The Leclerc sister is known by her brothers as the baby of the family. Even Arthur, who is only older by mere minutes, holds it over her head that she is the youngest.
The constant teasing from her siblings made her learn how to use her quick wit. Verbal comebacks becoming her specialty at a young age. Because of her ability to be polite in public, no one suspects what she is truly capable of.
Her brothers tease her regardless but she lets them. Her sharp tongue making them regret not holding theirs.
Pierre had made this mistake once. Mainly under the influence of Charles convincing him to say something at her expense. The verbal lashing he received in response had him apologizing profusely. Charles doubling over in laughter as her practically lectured his friend. Needless to say, Pierre has yet to make this mistake again.
Charles was by far her favorite sibling. Lorenzo had a habit of bossing her around and Arthur shared a room with her. She loved all her brothers, but felt the most connected to Charles. She followed him around like a lost puppy some days. Ready to cheer him on at every Karting race.
This was where she first encountered Max.
After the race, she went to go congratulate Charles for a race well done. He was third but all the Leclerc’s were proud nonetheless. On the way over to him, she saw Max. He was at majority of the races Charles was at. The two had never talked formally, but they were aware of the others existence.
Something about the situation she was witnessing didn’t felt right. Max was standing with his dad, his knuckles turning white from gripping his second place trophy so tightly.
As she walked by, she almost fell over at hearing how his father was treating him. The slander leaving his mouth over his son placing second almost made her tear up. She was only nine at the time, but even she knew whatever was happening was wrong.
So she steeled herself, took a deep breath, and entered into the conversation. She walked up and tapped Max’s shoulder. He jumped at the feeling, not having seen you coming.
“Hello Max, Charles is busy with family but wanted to congratulate you.” She smiled warmly at the Dutch boy. Obviously taken off guard.
Jos turned to her, also not knowing how to handle this. “Not much to congratulate,” he sneered. The young Leclerc narrows her eyes at him. Not realizing how brash the older man is.
“What do you mean, Mr. Verstappen? There is plenty to congratulate.” She questions back, her tone mildly snarky. Obviously having no intention of backing down. The older man didn’t even bothering responding to her. He turns on his heels and walks away. Yelling back to Max “I’ll be in the car.”
Max looks between the girl who he’d never spoken too and his father. Unsure of what he should do in this situation. Thankfully the girl notices this. “Sorry for stepping in. He sounded unreasonably upset.” She apologized with a huff.
“Thanks actually- for what you did.” Max stutters out. No one had ever taken the time to defend him.it was an unusual feeling. He knows he can’t stay long though. “I should go. I’ll see you around- I guess.” Then he runs off. Waving as he goes.
She had told her mother about it. The older woman explaining what was probably happening at home. It made her sad for the Dutch boy. Having to hear that it happens more often then just races.
This was only the first encounter with Max. The Leclerc sister made it a point to find Max after every race and praise for a job well done. Much to his fathers dismay. She knew she couldn’t stop what was happening, but maybe her words would help ease some of the hurt.
The girls mother occasionally helped out with her quest. Walking with her daughter to find the Dutch and congratulate him.
It became a routine. One that Max was starting to enjoy. The seeking out now being reciprocated. The two even finding time to converse about things aside from racing.
Max’s father had started to become increasingly more annoyed at this fact. Pulling Max away from you. Spitting vulgar words at a child that wasn’t even his own.
Pascals had made a note that if she was directly insulting to Mr. Verstappen, it might make things harder for Max. She still made her snarky remarks and threw insults at the older man, but only loud enough to make Max chuckle.
Her brothers eventually caught on. Charles and Arthur saying nice things to Max in passing. Charles was more strained, but was trying nonetheless.
The brothers began teasing her relentlessly as they grew up. Her fondness for Max only growing. Her quick tongue seemed to falter when they brought up Max. She held a soft spot for him, as he did for her.
When Max and Charles were in formula 2, she was incredibly proud of both of them. She divided her time equally between the two boys. Still always making sure to sing Max’s praises loud enough for everyone to hear.
Originally she though Max’s father would cool down and maybe start to see how talented he is, but she was mistaken. The older man somehow seemed to get more competitive.
It was increasingly easier to talk to each other now since the two both have phones. She comforted over video calls as he ranted about something stupid his father said to him. He listens to her talk about her fathers battle with illness. The two became inseparable. Being the reason for each others smiles on most occasions.
Then formula 1 came. Charles driving for Ferrari and Max for Redbull. The youngest Leclerc baskets in both boy finally making it. Years of hard work paying off.
Max no longer lived at home. Having moved to an apartment in Monaco. This meaning the two could spend more time together. The, now young woman, takes pride in that fact she convinced him to move closer to her.
She’d become more outspoken recently. Opening defending both her brothers and Max. Most people knew not to say anything if she was within earshot.
The year is now 2021 and Max and Lewis are both fighting hard for the championship title. Max was visible upset at the end the race. Second place wasn’t enough if Lewis is going to keep winning.
The young woman immediately trying to find him after the podium celebration. She had seen the look in his fathers eyes and is now frantically trying to beat him to Max. Charles and Arthur found her in a frenzy. Confused because she is usually calm, her sarcastic remarks and opinions given so level that you’d think it was rehearsed.
“I need to find Max.” She explained, panting from running around the paddock. They decided three sets of eyes would be better then one and split off in different direction.
She was so caught up in her search for Max that she hadn’t noticed her phone buzzing in her pocket.
A text from Charles reading: In the back of the Redbull garage. It doesn’t look good.
She took off running spotting snarled waiting for her outside. She could hear the commotion from Jos.
“I was going to try and break it up but they won’t let me in.” Charles gestures to the wall of Redbull engineers. She however, wasn’t going to let them stop her from getting to Max. She shoved her way through with determination and surprising strength. Immediately settling herself between the two Dutch men.
Jos had turned his anger towards her now. His finger getting dangerously close to her face. “You are part of the problem.”
She crosses her arms over her chest. “The only problem currently is you.”
“My son has been distracted because of you. His hopes for a title this year not getting any better because of you.” He spits. She can feel his breath on her face.
“Personally, I think Max is a good racer because he wants to be. Not because of you or me helping or distracting.” She lets a smirk form on her lips. “Your just angry because your finally running out of things to berate him about. Hard to be angry when Max is better then you.”
Jos’ face had turned red. She could feel Max’s anxiety increasing from behind her.
Then everything happened in slow motion. She hadn’t noticed Jos’ hand raised above her. Charles moved faster then anyone. Shoving Jos to the side, his hand not getting to connect with anything but the nearest wall.
He was raging now. Thrashing like a child who didn’t get their way. Pierre and Charles who had somehow managed their way inside kept a firm grip on him as Christian ran to get security.
The Youngest Leclerc. The one who spent her days defending Max in secret, keeping the haters at bay never letting Max go a day without know he is loved. Finally she turned around and stared deeply into his eyes. Blue irises glasses over from tears he’d been holding back.
She embraces him warmly. His face buried into the crook of her neck. “I’m sorry I wasn’t here sooner.” She apologized softly.
Max pulled away and gives her a confused look. “On the contrary, I think you were right on time.”
Security had come and grabbed Jos to escort him out of the paddock. Charles and Pierre now finding then tension between the two heating up. The two boys giggling. “I swear if you two don’t kiss or something I will no play nice with Max.” Charles laughed.
She didn’t care about the teasing. Just taking time to comfort Max. The two still conjoined in a loose hold.
Max leans his forehead against hers. “You know I’ve loved you for awhile right?” He smiles.
“You would be stupid to not.” She remarks. Max shaking his head at the remark. “But I have to agree with Charles on this one.”
Max doesn’t hesitate any longer. Placing his lips on hers. Pulling her as close to him as he can. He then pulls away, his lips still close to hers and voice barely a whisper.
“Thank you, for protecting me all these years.”
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forensicheart · 1 month
Max Verstappen x Reader
Summary: Max is furious after you cost him a win and the tension between you is high, maybe it's time for Max to settle it
Warning/s: Self degradation
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“What the fuck was that?” An angry voice yells from behind you making you turn around only to be pushed, two hands hitting your chest hard and making you stumble back.
“You did that on purpose didn’t you? Couldn’t handle another loss to me, huh?” The man standing before you accused.
“Listen Max, it was an accident, I swear” You tried to defend.
Max Verstappen. Formula 1 champion and your teammate. This wasn’t the first time he had yelled at you. When you first joined RedBull you had been a rookie to Formula 1, you had made a few mistakes that cost Max wins or even points. While the rest of the team had understood, knowing this was all new to you Max had not cared, seeming to be harder on you than anyone else on the grid.
“You still got on the podium” You knew fighting Max wasn’t going to get you anywhere so you simply tried to reassure him.
“Third place. I got third place Y/n. I would have won if it wasn’t for you!” The fire in Max’s eyes merely grew as he stepped closer to you with every step. “Whatever. You don’t get it. You’ll never even have a chance to win like I do. I mean how did you even make it into F1?” Max scoffed as he folded his arms across his chest. Max’s words in these moments had never affected you, you knew he was just mad, probably saying things he didn’t mean and would regret later. But as he spoke those words to you, ones he hadn’t said before, you could feel the tears welling in your eyes. Maybe you were just tired from the race, you hadn’t slept very well last night either having stayed up late to go over your strategy.
“You’re right. Sorry Max” You sounded noticeably hurt and this made Max’s eyes dart to meet yours only to find tears beginning to fall as you turned on your heel and walked away.
“Shit” Max swore once you were far enough away, his hands rubbing his face as he let out a breath.
Back in your driver room you gathered your stuff as sobs racked your body. You had never been so hurt by Max’s words but today you had finally had enough. Max was right, you thought, why were you even in Formula 1? You were nowhere near the talent of any of the other 19 drivers on the grid.
Once you were in your hotel room that night the tears had stopped but the thoughts hadn’t. You had doubted yourself like this before but once you were accepted into F1 it had all stopped, you had finally convinced yourself that you were good enough, that you were talented and ready for this step. And with one sentence Max had made all that confidence, all that hard work, come crumbling down. Now you sat in your bed, a pair of plaid pajama pants and an oversized white top covering your body as you scrolled through the hotel channels. It felt like you had been searching for a decent channel for forever before a knock sounded throughout your room. Glancing at your phone the time read 1:04am. Who the hell needed you at this time that couldn’t just text you? You made your way to the door regardless, pulling it open and almost closing it as soon as it revealed who was on the other side. With fast reflexes the door was stopped, the hand gripping the door tightly and you sighed letting it be open.
“What do you want Max?” Max gave you a look that you couldn’t quite decipher before responding.
“You told Christian you want to leave Red Bull” Now that certainly wasn’t what you had expected to hear him say.
“How do you know that?” You questioned.
“Why do you want to leave?” Max ignored you and made his way into your hotel room in a haste.
“Come on in” You rolled your eyes sarcastically as you let your door close shut with a click.
“Why would you ever want to leave? This is your dream Y/n and you’re amazing at it!” Now it was your turn to scoff at Max.
“That’s certainly not what you said earlier” That made Max stop his pacing and look at you stunned.
“This is about what I said earlier?” You only nodded, your arms folding across your body, suddenly feeling very vulnerable under Max’s gaze.
“Y/n. I didn’t mean any of that, I was just angry, you shouldn’t leave Red Bull just because of some small words I said” You shook your head, you could feel the tears coming back.
“They weren’t just words to me Max, you confirmed every doubt I’ve ever had about my talents. So I’m not only leaving RedBull but I’m leaving racing for good"
"Don't be stupid Y/n" Max scoffed causing you to sigh as your frustration grew.
"I'm just not cut out for this" You declared throwing your arms up as the tears became more evident in your eyes. Max stayed silent for a moment, his eyes searching yours as he hurried to find the right word before taking a slow step towards you, a gentle look on his face you had never received before.
"I understand the feeling Y/n, those words I said earlier? I swear that I didn't mean any of them, not even in the slightest. I have grown up having to always be the best, no exceptions, so any step back upsets me and that is no fault of anyone but myself" Max took a breath, hesitating as he reached his hands out to take hold of yours.
"I let my emotions take over at the worst of times and that is something I evidently need to work on. But you, Y/n, you are irreplicable, not just in F1. You are kindhearted, caring, selfless, understanding, you take care of others needs before your own. Your effortlessly entertaining and being your teammate never feels like a job. You're still new to this and I haven't done my part in helping you adjust at RedBull but your driving proves your worth in this team, in F1, without leaving any room for questions" You're left speechless, staring at him as tears silently fell down your face, your shock and appreciation evident as you took in the genuine look on Max's face.
"Max- I- I don't know what to say" You struggle to speak through your emotions but Max just raises a hand to gently wipe your tears away as he offers you a warm smile.
"Just promise me you'll at least give racing one more shot?" Without a second thought you find yourself nodding in agreement causing Max's smile to grow.
"Good. It would be a shame to lose such an incredible person" You offer Max the same smile he gives you and wordlessly he wraps his arms around you, pulling you into a comforting hold. Your arms find home around his waist as you burry your face in his chest.
"Let's get you back on top of that podium then" You speak with determination pulling back slightly to look up at Max once more.
"I think I can go a few races with it if it means getting you up there" Max's words make you smile widely as you burry your face in his chest once more. You were liking this dynamic a lot more.
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neonovember · 1 year
Carmen definitely has black cat energy, maybe more akin to something like a stray cat (saying that lovingly) but definitely is more cat boyfriend than dog boyfriend. Have to leave him alone and gain his trust and then he’ll be curious about you, and then won’t leave you alone 🥰😭
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this is completely true, carmen is kinda stand-offish and reserved at first and he is horrible at replying and calling you back because let’s face it he doesn’t really know how to communicate properly. but even after all that, all of that distance and reservations you force him to come out.
you drag him to a nice hole in the wall lunch spot, you take him for drinks, and then something just clicks in Carmen. Once he realises you aren’t going to leave him stranded he completely opens himself to you, and don’t try and tell me he wouldn’t be the most clingy mf after 😭 this man is literally a toddler yall!
So why not a little drabble down below? A sneak peak if you will. it’s likes 200 worth of word vomit and there’s allusion to smut to enjoy ;)
The busy streets of the farmers market spilled into the morning traffic, as Carmen rushes between crowds with two cups of coffee grasped against his chest.
They burned, really fucking bad, probably searing a third degree burn right under his pelvis but god did he not care, his legs ran with the wind behind them as he tried making it back to your shared apartment as quick as possible.
He had only left the warm bed where you lay 10 minutes ago, only after you had thought about ‘how good a coffee would be snuggled up here’ and Carmen had shouldered on a flimsy fleece jacket and his house slippers before racing out of the house to fulfill your request.
He didn’t regret it now, but he could practically feel his skin itch with a desire to feel you against him again. There had been a celebratory dinner of sorts for the beef after it got recognised as Chicago’s up and coming restaurant of the decade. Carmen couldn’t wait till you both made it to your apartment and just took your right there in the backseat of his car that now stood stationary in the parking lot.
Carmen can still taste you on his tongue and now he’s grateful he took a much needed day off to spend it with you.
Opening the apartment door, the smell of melted butter and grease washes over Carmen’s senses. Flipping of his slippers, Carmen past the kitchen, where used dishes lay on the stove top and the ingredients for pancakes lay open.
“Baby? I got our coffee?” Carmen yells out, and when there is no answer a sweat begins to break on Carmen’s forehead.
“H-honey? You there!?” Carmen yells louder, looking through the living room before entering the bedroom with haste.
“I’m right here Carmy, it’s alright” The sweet saccharine melody of your voice pulls Carmen from whatever fear inducing nightmare he fell into.
You’re here, back where your supposed to be. Wrapped around the covers that smelled of the both of you.
“Made us pancakes” You smile, the sun streaming in through the linen curtains so they dusted all over your gorgeous face.
If Carmen could shift his eyes away from you (which he can’t) he would see the pretty tower of pancakes dripping with syrup and berries plated on the bedside table. Hell, if he saw how well done they were you feared the coffee might get thrown across the room and Carmen will drag you up to his face.
“Got us coffee” Carmen whispered, placing them to the side, forgotten as his mind was consumed with feeling you against him.
“Just get in here already” You giggle, before the sheets are thrown to the side and the warmth of Carmen’s body encapsulates you once again.
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junkiespromise · 1 year
you are in love | ln4
lando norris x fem!bestfriend!reader
summary: where two childhood friends start to doubt about their feelings for each other
n/a: im backkk, i missed this anyway i hope you guys like this one, i hope it makes up for the time I was missing, remember my asks are open for any request, either eras tour one shots or any type of social media au )
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Lando was finally back in England, to spend his winter break with his family and friends. The cold air hit his face as soon as he got out of his car in front of the modern apartment building his best friend lived in. A glass revolving door stood in the middle of two giant windows that revealed the inside of the building, the hall and elevators.
He impatiently waited to see her after the doors of the elevator opened, they hadn't seen each other in a while, Lando was always too busy to visit her but did try to call her at least twice a week so he could hear her voice even if it was through the phone.
— So, what time is it there in… Where is it that you are now? I forgot —
— Abu Dhabi, it's almost nine o'clock I think, what about home, it's like six right? —
— Yeah, I have to go in a bit, I have you on speaker, getting dressed for a date right now —
— A date, with? Do I know him? —
— No, I don't think so, I know him from work, his name is Derek, he is from the USA I think, anyway, he is super super sweet. You would like him —
— If you say so, anyway, where are you and this, Derek, going —
— Um, I don't know, I guess probably a pub —
— A pub, for your first date ever, could've done something a little fancier, I would've taken you to a restaurant at least —
— Well first not everyone has your economic level, do they Lando and secondly, for your information he is taking me on a date not you — she, jokingly commented
— I wish I was — Lando said, under his breath, barely a whisper, she was not able to hear him through the noise of her blow drier.
— Did you say something? —
— What? Oh no, nothing at all —
— Well, I have to leave in like ten, so, thanks for this two hours Lan, I'll see you soon, right? I hope —
— Yeah, yeah. Abu Dhabi last race of the season so, in a few days I'll fly to you —
— That is, amazing, I've missed you lots, anyway, can not wait to see you, good bye —
The call cut off, before he could get to say goodbye, Daniel who sat by his side during the final moments of their conversation laughed at him.
— Just tell her you like her mate, it ain't that hard — His teammate said smiling, he swore he saw the connection between them.
— What are you even talking about — Lando, who had denied his feelings for his best friend ever since Daniel brought it up after the Silverstone grand prix, the last time she went to one of his races and he had annoyed Lando about it after that day.
— You just keep denying your feelings mate, just don't regret it when the one who ends up with her isn't you — Daniel replied, getting up from his seat and walking out of the room after hearing Zak calling them.
— Oh shut up Daniel — Lando said walking out behind him.
— So, how've you been — Lando asked her after hugging each other for a few minutes as soon as they saw each other.
— Great, lately everything has been going so good, and you? —
— Yeah? That's amazing, I'm good, kinda sad Danny's leaving though but I have the feeling he'll end up hanging 'round the grid anyway —
— Yeah, I saw that, It's really sad — she mentioned
— Okay stop, no sad stuff. We see each other after five months and get depressing, get in the car, I promised you a coffee date and I'm getting you that coffee. —
— Oh my god, yes, let's go, please — She said, excitedly, he opened the door to his car, letting her in.
— So, you're gonna make me listen to Taylor? — He asked after getting in the car, their tradition was listening to her favorite artist when he drove so Taylor Swift was constantly playing through his car's speakers.
— How is that a question, that's offensive Lando Norris — She said jokingly, her phone automatically connecting to his car's bluetooth.
— Before we, um, get going, I got you something in Brazil, hope you like it — He said and handed her a small box, finding a small silver necklace inside.
— You are kidding! Lando I love it, it's gorgeous, seriously — Her fingers traced over the necklace looking at it with adoration, the boy beside her looking at her with adoration that she could not notice — Thank you so much, you didn’t have to. —
— When I saw it I thought you might like it, I'm happy I was right —
— Okay, let me put it on and we can leave, seriously Lando I love it — She confessed, their hands touched for a second when she gave him the necklace so he could put it on her.
Y/N placed her hair on her shoulder, so he could access her neck more easily. His hands grazed the necklace, making shivers run down her spine, the warmness of her skin contrasting with the coldness of his hands.
— Okay, we should get going, right? — She said, washing away the moment
— Yeah, sure — The car engine started and his hands reached the maneuver.
— So, how have you and this guy, Derek, was it? How's it been? — He asked, his eyes never leaving the road.
— Amazing honestly, I told he was super sweet, I'm taking him as a date to that party Max is doing next month — She commented, his grip over the maneuver tightened
— Yeah? Great, that's great — His mind spun around the words Daniel had said to him the day before their last race of the year, but still he could not get himself to admit his feelings.
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, dereklambert and 72,431 others
yourusername late night coffee date, and a gift from my bestest friend ♡
dereklambert when are you going with me to a coffee date.
yourusername whenever you want to ♡
landonorris bestest friend
yourusername ily ♡
lilymhe my favorites ♡
yourusername I LOVE YOU LILYYYY
landonorris dude…
lilymhe ladies first lando
user1 are she and lando dating??
user2 it literally says bestest friend girl…
— So, when is it starting again? — Y/N asked, straightening her hair in front of the mirror he had in his bedroom, they had a party that night planned by a friend of theirs.
— What? the party or…? —
— No, the season, when do you have to go back to traveling around the world —
— Like march or something but I think I'm gonna like do practices and stuff so I'll leave a bit earlier —
— Oh, so in like a month and a half, I'll miss you Lan — She said looking at him through the window.
— I promise I'll get you to come to more races, send you a private plane and all — He laughed walking up to her
— We should get going — Y/N said, turning around to face her friend.
— Sure, let's go —
Once already in the car, they kept chatting, Lando's eyes leaving the role for a second to look at her again, as if he could ever forget her silhouette.
— You didn't bring a date — Lando said after speaking about the party
— You didn't either, and? —
— Well I don't have anyone else to bring but you —
— Don't even lie, you have dozens of girls lining up to date you, besides we are bringing each other as a plus one —
— Yeah but I thought you would bring that guy you were talking to —
— Oh, um, we are not really talking anymore, I didn't feel much of a connection honestly — Lando didn't answer, he just looked at her, when they stopped at a red light, thousands of thoughts running through his mind at once. He prefered to stay silent this time.
— Anyway it's not that deep, not like I thought he was the love of my life but it is kind of awkward that I have to see him at work now —
— Then we'll find a job where you don't have to see him everyday — He joked making her laugh, oh how he wished he could be the only one to make her laugh that way.
Lando's eyes opened wide, looking at the ceiling of his room. The imaginary feeling of his bestfriends lips lingered over his as if it had happened.
He had dreamt of a confession that night, from him to her, kisses on sidewalks and an ordinary life by her side. And then he knew it, what deep down he was sure of all along, he was in love
— Hey Lando… — His friend said, looking down at him from the bed, the last letter being pronounced a little longer.
— You're my best friend — He blurted out, to her seemingly out of nowhere
— You're mine too Lando — She replied smiling at him. — Anyway, I was gonna ask if you wanted to make breakfast, I'm dying to eat something —
— Sure yeah, let's go —
Y/N got up from the bed wearing one of Lando's shirts and a pair of shorts, also his. His eyes took in the view, thinking about how he could get used to her sight every morning.
When he finally got up from the matress, he found her listening to music put on his television.
— They got burned, sorry — She said, showing the, now black, toasts she had on the plate, laughing he walked up to her and grabbed the plate, putting it back on the table.
— Don't worry, we'll make more — Lando said, grabbing his friends hand and twirling her around making her laugh.
— Grant me a dance first — He said and she nodded lifting her shirt a bit, pretending it to be a dress, Something by The Beatles heard in the background, locking them in their own little bubble.
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liked by yourusername, maxfewtrell, alex_albon, and 851,790 others
landonorris party on saturday, burn toasts on a sunday morning
yourusername that photo booth was the best thing ever
maxfewtrell i literally had to kick you out so you two could stop taking pictures.
yourusername hottest besties out there
landonorris of coursee
charlesleclerc dude…
danielricciardo lando norizz
landonorris shut up mate
user3 can they PLEASE just date already
Bahrain, first race of the year, back in the game. He had prepared himself for a month before it ready to start the season on top, at least top 10.
Unluckily for him, the race was everything but good for him and his team, Oscar dnf'd and he, well he ended up seventeenth, and with the three dnfs that meant he ended up last, on his first race of the season he was last, someone had to be of course but he thought the place would take it a Haas or a Williams, not a Mclaren and especially not him.
Where was he now? At the hotel bar, it was probably around 1 am and in front of him he counted around four now empty glasses that once had a drink. His phone was on his hand now, the phone number of his best friend appeared on the screen.
One, two, three calls later he decided to leave her a voice mail, confessing everything, to the last bit of love he had for her he poured in that message.
— I'm in love with you Y/N, so much since we were kids I think — That's the last thing she heard, after a minute of slurred words she could barely understand that was the only phrase she could hear clearly coming out of her best friends mouth through her phone.
She wanted to cry and scream into a pillow, break everything around her and jump and shput of happiness and go running to whatever part of the world he was in right now and give him the greatest kiss in the world.
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Right now, Y/N found her self infront of her bestfriends house, the message telling him she was there had been sent a few seconds ago. She played with her hands impatiently waiting for him to open the door of his home.
— Hey, come in — Lando who had also been waiting for her impatiently said as soon as he opened the door.
She walked through the door before him and sat on the couch by his side. Her eyes went from her lap to his hands and back to her lap, never once looking at his eyes, nervous.
— I don't want this to ruin our friendship Y/N, it was stupid really, I was drunk after that shitty race —
— Lando shut up — She smiled at him and her hands touched his now the contact made him stop talking — I love you too — The confession made him look up, his eyes on hers surprised
— You do, huh, um… I didn't plan what to say if that happened —
— You don't need to tell me anything, although I would like to hear you saying what you told me on that voice mail, but first — Her lips on his, like in his dream that last night they were together after the party. Lando's hands touched the end of her hair, something he knew she loved and then moved to her back
When they finally pulled away Lando spoke — I love you, so much, I dreamt of this, literally — He chuckled and moved a strand of hair that covered her face, his hand cupped the face of the girl infront of him, who smiled after his words.
— My mom is going to be so happy about this — She said laughing and resting her face on his chest
— Yeah mine too and Danny, oh my god, I think he was the first one to realize my feelings for you — He joined her laughter thinking about his friends reaction to the fact that they had told each other they were in love.
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liked by landonorris, yourbestfriend, lilymhe and 93,761 others
yourusername You can see it with the lights out, lights out. You are in love, true love
landonorris childhood friends to lovers like all the books you love
lilymhe love you two ♡
user4 danny being their biggest fans, i love this.
user7 actually my parents
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taglist ;; @amayakingw @f1wh0r3 @misiafix @dan3avocado @thtbwltts @myaurorasandsadprose @qualitygiantshoepsychic @myescapefromthislife @light-23 @magical-imagination-kgp @leclercsbae @here-comes-the-moose @leclercs-posts
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amber-sekio · 7 months
Relationship Headcanons
Fandom: BSD -Bungo Stray Dogs
TW: none? I think? 
I said it in my Soukoku fic, Dazai wouldn’t know affection if it slapped him in the face ten times 
Like he might realize when someone is showing interest in a sexual kind 
And he would probably notice if someone is crushing on him 
But like, if he likes them back? 
Man is blind 
He’s too busy panicking over read denying his own thoughts and feelings over you to analyze your actions 
He’s busy trying to think of anything but how pretty you are when he sees you -thank you very much 
No joke though, this can be applied to pretty much anyone he cares about 
I mean he practically had a heart attack when Atsushi gave him flowers 
Anyways if he finally admits to himself that he likes you then I could see him trying to push you away if I’m being brutally honest 
He doesn’t want to lose you and he believes that anything he wants that he obtains, will be striped from him sooner or later 
But…, in a perfect world he would eventually work up the courage to ask you out 
He would probably avoid directly asking you but this is Dazai so he could defiantly figure out some round-about way to ask 
As for the relationship? 
He would still be his teasing self 
But he would tone it down 
Not because he doesn’t want to annoy you but more so because he actually lets some of his masks down when alone with you 
He defiantly is very clingy to you 
Man has been touch starved for a long time and he fears attachment too much to be touchy with the ADA members 
But now he has you, who not only tolerates him but has decided to stay with him? 
Of course he’s not going to let this chance slip from his grasp before all this inevitably ends (he’s still in denial) 
He never cared much for holidays like Christmas or Valentines 
But now he wants to experience them, with you 
He’s always thinking, plans and outcomes racing through his mind, what ifs and regrets  
But like, if you ruffle his hair, his brain just stops. 
Like no thoughts, he short circuits 
When his brain returned to him the first time it happened he panicked 
Like, who gave you that amount of control? 
After that first time he continued to try and get you to do it without asking 
He needed his brain to shut up every now and then, and now he has a reliable source 
Anyways, he likes to be a spoiled princess 
No one can change my mind 
For all his predictions he will never be able to predict your love and kindness for him 
Someone give this poor man a hug 
Ugh, my heart 
I can‘t imagine him wanting to date a normal citizen, too much of a risk 
So you’d probably have to work in the Mafia 
Even then, dating you would still be placing a huge target on you 
He would actually take you out on dates before asking you out 
Dates with him would be romantic 
Like dinner by candle light vibes 
He’d be strategic on where you guys sit 
No need to be precarious on what you order, it’s all on him 
When he does ask you out he would be slightly flustered but it just makes him adorable 
Say yes, he doesn’t deserve to be hurt any more 
He would spoil you to no end 
If you want it, you can have it 
You’re the only one allowed to call him short 
He might get flustered from PDA in the start but will gradually warm up to it 
Nothing clingy, just hand holding, a hand around your waist, a quick kiss here or there 
But if he sees some guy hitting on you? 
Down right possessive, arm snug around your waist, shoulder to shoulder 
And if he’s drunk? Even worse 
Like he’s pulling you onto his lap just to make sure that asshole knows your taken 
If you do work in the mafia with him, he likes going on easier missions with you 
And while he knows that you can handle yourself just fine, he can’t help but imagine something bad happening to you when he isn’t there to save you 
He’s lost too many people in his life, please, don’t leave him as well 
He loves when you rest your head on his chest and listen to his heartbeat 
And while you do that he’ll run his fingers through your hair 
Chuuya loves to spoil you rotten as I stated, it’s his love language 
So sometimes he’ll just hand you his black card and let you go shopping with friends or something 
In fact, he encourages you to buy what you want 
Honestly? Where do I start with him? 
Like congratulations if you meet him and make it out alive 
I don’t know if I should congratulate him taking an interest in you though 
I feel like he believe that the interest he had in you was purely innocent curiosity 
But I also don’t think he would try to delude himself for as long as Dazai does 
Eventually he would notice that something was different about his interest for you than usual 
And while he would hesitate to put a name to it so quickly he would eventually give in after realizing there was no stoping this feeling from festering in him 
After coming to terms with his romantic? Feelings and interest in you he would definitely begin to manipulate you into feeling the same way for him 
If you don’t already that is 
If you don’t confess then he’ll definitely do the same thing Dazai did 
And when you agree, he of course knew you would, he makes you move in with him 
He can’t let his dearest other slip from his finger now can he? 
I feel like before ever getting into a relationship, you would have been made aware of his ‘work’  
Please, make sure the man eats 
And takes his iron pill 
Nikolai is getting a little tired of that daily routine despite how much he loves to be around Fyodor 
Anyways, dates aren’t a very common thing in fact, very, very rare 
I mean… what did you expect? 
Man’s a literal terrorist 
That being said, from time to time he’ll leave his ‘lair’ to spend time with you 
If you ask, he’ll gladly play the cello for you 
If he snaps at you for ‘bothering him with pointless things’ when you bring him his iron pill or food just listen 
Don’t bother him with such things 
And then same thing the next day 
And after some 4 or 5 days he’ll stumble from his room 
Staggering as he tries not to collapse or faint from both his lack of energy and his iron deficiency 
And when he walks into the kitchen trying to get the iron pill bottle open? 
Let him stumble his way over to you and ask for help before you finally do as such 
And he realizes just how dependent on you he’s become 
It’ll happen again eventually 
But as of that moment, it’ll at least be awhile before the cycle repeats 
(That last part of Fyodor’s was based upon some fanfic I read for him. I'm not sure who it was by, but I’ll tag it if and when I do find it.) 
A/N: anyways, believe it or not, I love Chuuya just as much as I do Fyodor and Dazai 
I’m just not as confident in his character. Since I’m a lot like Dazai, he comes easy to me and by substitute, Fyodor does as well 
But Chuuya? Despite him being one of my 5 favorites along with Dazai and Fyodor, I just don’t resonate personally enough with him to write him really well
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alottiegoingon · 7 months
hc! shauna shipman has a crush on you
shauna shipman x fem!reader
summary: shauna is awful at hiding her crush on you and you're too slow to realize her feelings and your own
warnings: just fluff but characters are aged up anyway, shauna and reader being two awkward losers in love, VERY cliche and cheesy moments wow
valentines day bonus at the end<3
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it was just another friday when shauna shipman saw you in school. you were talking to your best friend lottie matthews in the cafeteria while making plans to go to the mall on the weekend and steal buy some new clothes for a party next week
you had the most genuine and adorable smile ever on your face and shauna didn’t even need to get closer to you to notice how beautiful you look. your eyes appeared smaller thanks to your huge grin and you were looking like a model even though you were just wearing your uniform from the soccer team. shauna didn’t care, you were stunning
you and shauna knew each other before that, of course. you were both in the soccer team, the yellowjackets. she wasn’t as popular as her best friend, jackie taylor, but she also wasn’t a loser too scared to talk to people her age like you. at first when you joined the team, you were terrified intimidated by her presence. it was something about how those dark eyes were always staring at you so intensely that it felt like she could see right through you and read your soul. it was scary!
eventually, you got used to it. well, only when you two got the opportunity to talk. it made you realize that shauna wasn’t that bad. she was just insecure
“you were really good today." was your awkward attempt to get closer to shauna and face your 'fear' of her once and for all
"just today?" her words made you freeze and you immediately regretted taking the first step when her death gaze met yours. "n-no! i mean, you did great today but you are always so good and i-" but then, in less than five seconds, she softens and begins to smile for some reason you didn't know but was too scared to ask. you quit talking immediately and it took you a while to figure it out that she was just kidding. oh, right. she was laughing at how cute you were all desperate like that
since that day you two would talk everyday. it was very awkward and even silent at first but gradually you became friends. jackie was obviously very jealous of you and she would give you death stares for the first few weeks until you fully got into her heart
slowly, that pair of brown scary eyes shifted into something more comfortable in the field. you weren’t scared to go to practice and see her anymore
every single morning before getting off bed, shauna shipman would pray to god (and she wasn't even religious) for you to talk to her again and you would be so upset when she skipped practice for the day cause that meant that you would be unable to catch her staring at you and make your heart beat faster when you both look away as fast as you can
shauna also wasn’t afraid of looking at you anymore. it began with curiosity filling her eyes as if you were some kind of strange creature from another planet. she would study every single inch of you and it would make you nervous cause you thought that she probably hated you. then, it overwhelmed her with happiness every time she had her eyes on you. she had this fuzzy and warm sensation on her chest and it made her heart race. her breath would get stuck in her throat every time you waved at her and skipped towards her after practice even if it was just to say hi
even in parties, the girls would be hanging out all together and shauna would be there glued to jackie with a blank expression, clearly not wanting to be there. she was so upset that she was forced to go that stupid party that she would say the meanest things just to annoy everyone like a spoiled child until you step in and her face goes all red IMMEDIATELY and suddenly she’s speechless
“hi… i didn’t know you were coming…” says shauna with the softest voice EVER after mentally cursing every single person on that party. she definitely knew that you were coming cause she paid attention to you in class and how you were planning to go to this party with lottie. she wasn’t all teeth cause she was trying to keep her reputation intact but it was so easy to notice her lips twitching to a cute awkward smile
when the party was getting too wild and crowded, you two would sneak out to somewhere quiet to talk and gossip, giggling until your stomachs were hurting and not being able to stop
"i know it will make me sound like a loser but i hate these crowded parties. sometimes i wish i was a koala. they sleep for hours and are always high up in the trees and far from people"
and shauna looks at you extremely confused like "what the fuck did this girl just said" but immediately agrees just cause she loves hearing you and would agree to anything you said
"yeah. me too" and she's staring at you with dilated huge ass pupils and a look of endearment
valentines day bonus
you and the girls were discussing valentines day a week before while practicing and you mentioned how you really wanted to have a partner to give you silly little cards and shauna was the first one to make fun of you and say how cheesy that was
shauna hated valentines day. the entire school consisted in a bunch of touchy teenagers kissing and hugging and it would make her want to throw up >:(
(secretly, she was just jealous of them. she was very good at hiding behing a tough shell and pretend that she was way too good for relationships. maybe she was just scared)
come on, why whould she want to receive a stupid card from someone she didn't even care about? it was so cliché and idiotic and she-
"happy valentines day, shipman!" you poke her shoulder before handling her the most cliché card ever. you tried to be cool but you were sweating like a pig when handling it to her and waiting for her reaction
the color vanished from shauna's face for a moment and went back to fully red while she was staring at you completely still, blinking in shock. she didn't seem mad or feeling like throwing up though. not at all. she grabbed the card from your hands and rolled her eyes after reading it
"the field is green the sky is blue soccer is awesome and so are you!"
"jesus christ, that's awful." she complains but you see a smile peeking into her lips when she looks away to hide from you. such a softie!!! "are you smiling?" you tease her
"of course not. shut up, alright?" she immediately shakes her head as an attempt to make her cheeks less red and her smile vanish.
"whatever. i have something for you." she tried to sound serious as she shoves her hand inside her backpack to let it out a pink card that made your eyes glow
"you koalafy to be my valentine"
"wow, shipman..." differently from shauna, you weren't scared to smile and show her how happy you were. its not like you were able to control it either way. but just like her, your cheeks were burning red and you felt special about her memorizing the stupid things you say.
"no. i don't wanna hear a word."
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sunny44 · 9 months
Marriage (Part 8)
Pairing: Max Verstappen x ex fiancée!reader Mason Mount x Fiancée!reader
Warnings: fights and that’s it
Summary: Max leaves his fiancée y/n at the altar on their wedding day but after years of regretting what he did, by a miracle of fate (or Lando) she appears in his life again.
Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
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I didn't have the courage to take the test.
It had been two days since the event, and I sat on the bed, staring at a pregnancy test kit, trying to gather the courage to use it.
Mason was at training, and despite being invited by Red Bull and wanting to avoid Max, Mason's media team insisted that attending the Monaco GP would be good for his image.
That was the reason for our trip.
I used the opportunity when I needed to pee and took the test. Once done, I put it back in the box and tossed it into my bedside table.
I spent the day working to distract myself. I only realized it was evening when I felt a kiss on my forehead.
"Been here all day?" he asked.
"Yeah, had a lot of work," I replied.
"Have you eaten?"
"I only noticed the time because you arrived," I said. He chuckled and kissed my forehead again.
"Well, then I'll get something for us to eat, and you stay right there."
I continued working until he left, only stopping when he returned and we had dinner.
After we finished, we went to the bedroom. I took a shower while he got ready to sleep.
"Love, can I borrow your charger? Can't find mine." he asked.
"Sure, it's in my bedside table, first drawer." I shouted back.
After drying my hair, doing my skincare and getting dressed, I went to the room. Mason was sitting on the bed with a paper in hand and a displeased expression.
"What's wrong?" I asked.
"Mind explaining what this is?" He stood up and practically threw the paper at me.
It was the letter.
I took a deep breath, realizing Mason had found the letter. The atmosphere in the room shifted, filled with unspoken tension.
"Mason, I..." I began, but he interrupted.
"Just explain what the hell this is." he insisted, eyes fixed on the letter.
I walked over, took the paper, and glanced at the content. I hadn't read it since he handed it to me. It probably contained words and apologies Max wanted me to know, and my heart raced.
"It's a letter." I stated the obvious, trying to buy time to gather my thoughts.
"I can see that." he replied with a touch of frustration. "But it's a letter apologizing and also a letter saying he still loves you."
Taking another deep breath, I decided to be honest.
"Max wrote this letter to me some time ago."
"How long ago?"
"Do you remember when I told you I became friends with Lando?" He nodded. "We hung out that time because he insisted on introducing me to his best friends that ended up being Max and Daniel."
"What does that have to do with the letter?" He asked, frustrated.
"After the party that he introduced us he talked to Lando about what happened. He made him help him meet me to apologize. So, he said he wrote this letter and handed it to me, but I didn't have the courage to open it."
"And why did you keep it?"
"I don't know. I thought maybe one day I'd have the courage to read it and that’s why I kept it. Perhaps I felt I needed a reminder of how things were before."
His expression changed from frustration to anger.
"You kept a letter from your ex in our house? Are you serious?"
"I was unsure what to do with it and couldn't bring myself to throw it away, so I kept it. It's a piece of the past I kept hidden."
"Why hide it, then? Why keep secrets from me?" Mason's frustration grew. "You lied again about this. Not long ago, you argued with me for defending you and then you do this, keeping his things."
"I thought I could handle it on my own. I didn't want to burden you with my past." I explained.
He sighed, clearly upset.
"Y/n, we promised transparency. Keeping something like this from me... hurts."
"I'm sorry, Mason. I should have told you about this and I know this now." I admitted, feeling a pang of guilt.
"But it's always going to be like this, isn't it? You lie to me about him, and it makes me think you still love him even after he left you at the altar like an idiot," he said angrily. "You were supposed to tell me about him years ago and then when I found out on the internet I’ve try to be cool with it because I saw how much it hurts you, even if I was angry that you e lied to me. And now this, im your fiancé and u was supposed to be the one you trust to tell me this things but apparently lying to me it’s easier for you.
“I’m sorry.”
“I honestly don't know if I can still do this."
"What does that mean?"
"I don't know if I can marry you." I felt tears fill my eyes. "I don't know if I can marry someone who lies to me."
"Mason, I..."
"I need some time." He left the room, leaving me there alone.
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Bonus scene!
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“So much work that I’m starting to get crazy”
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Taglist: @ironmaiden1313 @dudenhaaa27 @christianpulisic10 @gaslysainz @fanboyluvr @urgirlceci @justdreamersdream @aundercoverosh @newlifeforus @depressedriches @topguncultleader @luvrrish @tyna-19 @esposadomd @formulas-bitch
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plutoccult · 8 months
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x female reader
description: iwaizumi’s wedding day was a day you dreaded for many years. now that the day had finally come, you regret never telling him how you feel.
word count: 1.6k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: finally, a new theme! i’m on an angst GRIND, you guys. been feeling really unhinged lately thanks to my girl @intorder for giving me fuel for angst, who also beta read this hurt piece. oddly enough, my life has been pretty good lately, so idk why i thought to write this. i’ve never written for iwaizumi before, but he came to mind first when i thought of this idea. this was definitely inspired by that one scene in 13 going on 30, but i made it hurt even more. i hope i did iwaizumi justice, and i hope you all enjoy without crying?
tags: @toorubobatea @intorder @dragon-slayer5 @jeanboyjean @femme-lune @darthferbert @kob3nie @thelazyhuevito @multi-fandom-fanfic @sterieshinso @kiiyomei @chrybdcsm @alienlatteinspace @abonbonblr @luverofutoshi @p3ritwinkle @juuzou13
taglist form here
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“well? how do i look?”
iwaizumi turned around to face you as he showed off his suit. you couldn’t believe he was actually getting married today, and that the person he was marrying wasn’t you. it was hellish to shove your feelings down your throat for decades, especially when your friendship suffered god knows how many miles apart.
a part of you died the day he returned from california. you were so thrilled to see him, missing him so, but your heart shattered the second you saw he brought a girl with him. it was even worse when iwaizumi spoke to you about her, saying he felt like he knew she was the girl he would marry the second he saw her. you wanted to be that girl, and maybe you could’ve if you simply spoke up. after all, everyone always teased you two about ending up together growing up.
“you look great, iwa.” you force a smile. it wasn’t a lie, he was the most handsome man you’d ever seen, standing so proud and tall in his suit. not a single scratch or crease on his shoes nor any signs of wear in his jacket. as much as it pained you to see it, iwaizumi had grown up.
“you think so?” he asked, checking himself out in the mirror, scanning for any flaws in his outfit. “i could’ve sworn i saw lint on the back of my jacket.”
“oh, i can get it.” you offer. iwaizumi immediately said “yes, please” and “thank you” before you stood up to help him. his back faced you, shoulders as strong as ever, making this all the more difficult for you. if you were his bride, you probably wouldn’t be seeing him like this right now. it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, after all.
“how come your groomsmen aren’t up here helping you?” you ask, cursing yourself in your head for being so nosy.
“i’m sure you can understand i didn’t want oikawa up my ass before i go down there.” iwaizumi chuckled. you force yourself to copy his laughter, pretending as if you found this so hilarious. if oikawa were here, you wouldn’t be ridden with temptation right now. only he could stop you from saying things you knew you’d regret.
“i guess i should feel special then, huh?” you question. “be the first to see you like this…”
“mhm.” he replied, you see him nod in the mirror. “special privileges for my best friend.”
you felt your stomach tie up in knots as he said that. best friend. that’s all you were, that’s all you ever allowed yourself to be. it could’ve been you waiting for him at the altar, but instead you’re helping him get prepared to marry another woman, ready to beg him to run away with you.
you pretend to inspect the back of his jacket, knowing there wasn’t any lint anyway. it was absolutely flawless, just like him. this was torture for you, and you couldn’t stand another second longer.
“listen, iwa…” you begin to say. “i should tell you something before you go down there.”
“oh?” iwaizumi turned around to face you. you felt as if his eyes were piercing through your soul, making your heart race faster than it was before. “what is it?”
“i, um…” you hesitate. was it too late to go back? yes, yes it was. “i think you’re marrying the wrong girl today.”
“huh?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“i mean, i think you should be marrying me instead.” you blurt out.
“y/n, what are you talking about?” iwaizumi questioned. this couldn’t be real, this couldn’t be happening right as he was about to get married.
“i’m in love with you, iwa. i love you.” you admit, your heart racing upon your confession. you should feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders, but something heavy still lingered on top of you.
“no…” he shook his head. iwaizumi had rejected the possibility a long time ago. even if he loved you just as long as you loved him, you were just too late.
“yes. i am.” you say.
“you’re saying this now?” he asked you. it almost made him want to laugh. life was just so funny, he thought to himself. why couldn’t you have said this before? why did you wait until he was about to get married? if things were different, iwaizumi would be reacting to this much differently right now.
“i know i should’ve told you before you went to california—“
“should’ve? i wanted you to!” iwaizumi interrupted you, much to your shock. “everyone said you were going to before i left! i just figured they were just messing with me afterwards…”
you remember telling oikawa how you felt about iwaizumi, it was his idea to tell him before iwaizumi left for california. you had it all planned out in your head, but as you stood there at the airport, you couldn’t find the words anymore. you chickened out, cursing yourself on the way home and the days that would come. it only made you feel worse when iwaizumi found someone.
what you didn’t know was that he expected your confession that day. you should’ve known oikawa would run his mouth. he always meant well, always hoping you’d end up with iwaizumi, but look at you now, a delusional fool.
“i was going to, iwa. i just got scared…” you confess to him. “if i could go back to that day, i’d do it differently.”
“well, you can’t turn back time, y/n. it’s too late.” he said coldly, almost like a stab to the heart.
“why not?” you ask, desperately clinging onto your delusions.
“i moved on.” iwaizumi replied. he might as well be twisting a knife, even if he was merely speaking the truth. “we've both gone down different paths, we both made choices, and this is what i’m choosing.”
“i just thought…” you began to say, but fall silent.
“just thought what?” he asked, raising his voice. “that i’d give up everything i’ve built for a last minute confession? one that i gave up on waiting for years ago?”
you don’t say anything. what was there to say? it was exactly what that sick part of you deep down expected. how stupid of you to think he would drop everything just because you finally had the courage to confess your feelings. if there wasn’t a whole wedding waiting to happen, maybe iwaizumi would change his mind.
you look away in shame. even if you didn’t speak your thoughts aloud, you still felt disgusted now that the reality of your confession hit you. you were terrible to think this way. not just a terrible person, but a terrible friend too. it was unfair to expect such a tall order out of him, especially now.
“my family’s down there, my soon-to-be in-law’s are down there.” iwaizumi said. “we care about each other, you know?”
“i know.” you say quietly as you bite your lip.
“y/n, you…” he let out a sigh. “you don't always get the dream house… but you get awfully close.”
you look up to meet his eyes, tears streaming down your face. to him, you were always the dream house. if only you had known that before, you thought. iwaizumi felt ridden with guilt rejecting you like this, and it didn’t help that you were crying your eyes out.
“please don't cry, y/n.” he begged you.
“what? no, i'll be fine, i promise.” you force out a laugh, no matter how much it killed you. you saw the look in iwaizumi’s eyes. he knew you weren’t truly okay, but he also knew that you were letting him go. it was the right thing to do.
“it’s okay. i'm fine.” you wipe away your tears, trying your best to be strong. “i'm just crying because i'm happy. i want you to be so, so happy.”
you did, you wanted him to be happy. even if it wasn’t with you, you owed him the ability to be happy. it was the least you could do while you still had some of your dignity left.
“i love you, iwa.” you barely get the words out. “you… you're my best friend.”
you see iwaizumi’s eyes well up with tears, a rare sight to see. only you could produce such a reaction out of him. only you would truly have his heart forever, but life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to. it was just the way things go.
“i should go. everybody’s waiting for you.” you say, on your way out the door.
“y/n, i...” you stop in your tracks, waiting for what he’d say next, and it only crushed you even more. “i've always loved you.”
overwhelmed, you walk out of the room in tears, ready to bolt out of the venue without another thought. oikawa found you on your way out, asking what was wrong and where you were going, but when he saw mascara running down your face, he knew exactly what happened, and he knew he should’ve been there to stop it.
you insist to oikawa that he tell iwaizumi you were sorry before you finally left the venue. you couldn’t stand to be there a second longer, you just had to get out of here. as you head to your car, you hear the beginning of the wedding march play. the sound brought you to your knees as you violently sobbed. if this was rock bottom, then you finally reached it.
as much as you wanted to cry there forever, you force yourself to get up, finally finding the strength to get into your car. you didn’t know where you were headed, but you knew you had to drive off somewhere far away from here. if only you could just turn back time.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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marchiveeee · 4 months
HSL episode 12 is so unhinged/chaotic (?) [a long post with many screenshots yayyy]
As you guys might know, we can get up to 6 illustrations on episode 12, so A LOT happens. Some of those things are very laughable, but others are not so much... I'll talk about everything in order of occurrence.
!!!: I'm sorry if "unhinged" or "chaotic" is not the right word for what I'm trying to say. although I'm confident enough in English, it's still not my 1st language. btw, i tried to post this 3 times and something always goes wrong, I'm stressed, so I'll be really happy with an interaction
btw again, if you're brazilian and would like to see this in Portuguese on Twitter or here, please let me know!!!
Mrs. Shermansky being toxic af and the exact opposite of how a good educator should act [in my opinion]
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So... I get that she was worried about Candy and Castiel getting lost. But if you really think telling a teenager that the only thing they have ever done is to cause trouble is a good way to advert/encourage them to do the right thing next time is the best approach, please rethink your ways.
2. Mr. Faraize being a sweetheart, he is such a nice teacher
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I'm not saying that to be a nice teacher you have to sugarcoat everything all the time and just not scold your students at all. But Mr. Faraize was so nice about it all, he just seemed happy/relieved to know his students were well and safe.
Side [angry] comment about episode 11: Bro, that race was so unorganized!!!! The least the school should have done was provide extra maps in case of accidents like the one that happened with Candy and the LI. Mr. Faraize was wrong too, he shouldn't have let Candy and the LI [in my case, Castiel] proceed after hearing that we had been fkn lost bc we lost the map and we were just wandering until we found the right track. UGH... If that happened irl with my little brother or idk any kid that happens to be in my life, I'd be so furious... ANYWAYS!
3. Born to be a star
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He is loving the attention!
4. Violet, as always, being the most precious being in that school. [I'm sorry about the screenshot I used, I forgot to take others]
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She's just so sweet and adorable, I want to hug her. YOU'RE NOT DUMB, BABYYYY.
4. Armin's reaction to Alexy's secret admirer
before the declaration:
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after the declaration:
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Honestly, I was just so happy to see that Armin didn't out his brother when he heard that a girl was interested on him. I didn't remember the details of this scene bc I was probably 12 y/o when i first played it.
5. Candy being paranoid that half of the boys at SA will turn out to be gay/not straight
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This girl cracks me up istg... and why the fuck
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she was just so worried to ask Castiel bc she thought he would get angry. Girl, we don't do fragile masculinity here.
6. Candy goes completely sidetracked on her CasLys fanfic just to check Lys's tattoo and witnessing one of the biggest bombs of MCL
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I didn't get many screenshots from this part, because it's just sad when you know what it's all about in the end... but yeah instead of spying on Lys, Candy ends up seeing Nath's bruised body and is also caught by him.
Someone has probably done this already idrk, but I'm gathering some screenshots of moments that foreshadowed that something was just not right at Nath's and Amber's house... It'll probably take a while for me to post, but I'll try.
7. Nath being for real
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He was so right for calling her dumb!!!! I think I was ranting about this on Twitter recently when I replayed the beach episode…
8. Lys’s reaction to the whole story [an icon]
I regret not taking screenshots sooner, but I was just too distracted laughing my ass off! There literally was about 2/3 scenes of just: 
Lys: 🤨[...] Candy: [Doesn’t know what to say/says something stupid] Lys: 🤨[...] Candy: [Doesn’t know what to say/says something stupid
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Again, she doesn’t say anything [to get the image you need to go for this choice]
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And then he shoes you his tattoo! Bro, he was SO COOL about it! If Candy had just asked nicely… But no, she has to complicate everything omg istg 
I still laughed a lot tho, I think at some point in this episode Cas said that this trait of Candy and her need to know and talk about everything is what makes her fun. I agree with him. She is annoying sometimes but definitely entertaining for the gossipers.
9. May the fanfic continue
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Insert some dialogues here: Basically Cas sees Candy near them listening to their conversation and he asks what’s up. Candy approaches them and is like “uhhh…. Are you……….?” Then Castiel says:
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For my mind’s sake let’s just imagine that the “offended” was not for “I’m offended you thought I was gay”, but for “I’m offended that you thought I’m dating Castiel when he’s not on my level of gentlemanliness and when I deserve so much more than this grumpy angsty tomato head” (don’t get me wrong, I love Castiel and I’d die for him, but it’s either that or think of a homophobic Lys, which I don’t think it’s the case for him)
10. Castiel shoots his 29482904 shot with Candy, but she’s stupid
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Actually, one thing that I like about this scene is that it leaves open the interpretation of Castiel’s sexuality. Saying that he likes girls doesn’t necessarily mean that he is straight. I love to see that. And disclaimer: if you prefer to think that Cas is, in fact, straight, go ahead. That’s not a problem. He is not a real person and we’re allowed to imagine and speculate things, so this is just a headcanon of mine that he might be bi/pan or just simply not straight.
11. Amber and Kentin kiss
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That alone is just unhinged and chaotic. I don’t need to say much. 
BUT I’M SO GLAD HE IS BACK!!! He’s gonna be a little shit for a while, because I think my Candy lost some points with him bc of a wrong choice after he left, but that’s fine! I MISSED HIM!!!
I hope you had fun with this little throwback!
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lemonandlime22 · 1 year
Deuce x gn!Reader
Summary: Deuce helps you with groceries on a cold evening
Warning(s): cussing, not edited
A/N: just thought I’d write smth very self indulgent with one of my fav bois, its mostly just word vomit ngl lol
An uncomfortable shiver slowly spread through your back and arms as the uncharacteristically cold wind blew harshly into your body. It was the start of summer, just hours ago the sun was shining bright in a blue sky with not a single cloud in sight. But now as you walked back to Ramshackle with your arms full of bags, clouds were all you could see and the strong winds made it feel like it was winter. The only warmth that you could feel was the setting sun shining through a brake in the clouds at the horizon.
You would have worn a coat if you had known it was going to be this cold, but no! It just had to look like the perfect weather for a long walk from Sam’s shop and back. You internally cursed whatever had caused this fast switch as you curled into yourself.
“Hey! Yuu!! Wait up a sec!” Looking back you saw the blue haired boy running up to you and waving his arm to get your attention.
You quickly stopped walking and waited but kept looking back at Deuce. Once he had caught up he only took a deep breath before smiling and giving an awkward 'Hi'. This surprised you, especially considering how far he had ran in that short amount of time, then again he was in track and field so you guess it did him good.
After a very awkward moment of silence, Deuce perked up. "Oh right!" Your classmate shouted, "I meant to take this for you.."
Before you could question anything, he grabbed the grocery bags from your arms. "Uh- thank you? But you really don't need to-" You were cut off by Deuce quickly shaking his head. "No no no! I insist... Please, let me help you?"
He had asked with such a soft voice and his eyes could only have been described as an actual puppy's eyes. You truly didn't have the strength to say no to him. "I-I mean sure.. if you really want to..." You said with a sigh and walk next to him as he began to make his way to Ramshackle.
The cold chill of the coming night began to pick up, and now you really started to regret not bringing your jacket. But you refused to bring this up, knowing Deuce he's probably do something like give you his jacket if you said anything, and he was already carrying all your groceries for you.
Unbeknownst to you, Deuce was smiling like a mad man, he was so happy that had caught you on your way home. He had made a long list of things he wanted to do for you, to show that he cared about you. Trey told him that it was the little things that showed others how much you cared for them and Deuce was determined to make sure that you knew that.
In his mind if you do know, then you’ll be reassured enough to confess, seven knows he’s far to terrified to say anything.
While Deuce was lost in his own world, you were freezing your ass off right next to him. ‘How tf did it get colder?!?’ Was all you could think. As soon as a sharp cold wind went through, you gave in and hooked your arms around this to try and get some assemblage of warmth.
The first year's mind completely shut off for a moment after you interlocked your arms, but he never stopped walkin'.
And his mind stayed blank for the whole of the walk to Ramshackle, and even when he helped put the groceries away. It wasn't until he was walking out the door that he was finally able to have a coherent thought.
When you and Deuce were standing in silence at the doorway. As he was about to wish you goodnight, you spoke before he could.
"Well, um- Thank you for helping me." You said quickly before giving a chase kiss on his cheek before slamming the door shut
Just like that, his mind stopped and his heart raced for the rest of the night and most of the next day. Until he saw you at lunch.
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Strange Roommate
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pairing: vampire!ethan landry x reader, slight chad x reader
summary: chad’s roomie is a little weird but vampires aren’t real, right?
warnings: yandere, possessiveness?, blood, biting, marking, yk the drill, vampire!ethan, dark!ethan, manipulation, reader is kind of oblivious.
You didn’t even know Chad got a roommate until a few days after you settled in New York. To be fair everyone was busy settling in. Until Now.
At the first frat party since moving, You met Ethan. "Hey Chad, Who's this? You ask. Shyly, The boy replied, "Ethan. Nice to meet you." "Y/N, You grin. "He's my roommate, makes living in New York Cheaper, Chad say.
"I know, doofus, You laugh. That had been months ago. And you felt deja vu, since you were at another frat party. Somehow, you got good grades and could party at the same time.
He kept looking down at your neck a few times but brushed it off considering the fact that well, you probably had some bruises on there or something. Obviously had to have something to keep looking at your neck.
“Chad talks a lot about you, Ethan said. "Don't you, Chad?” Chad laughs nervously. "Don't know what he’s talking about.”
“It’s probably because we’re friends and I’m his favorite one, You tease and more so joking. Chad was actually in love with you. And everyone would tease him for it when you weren’t around.
Ethan’s were more so insulting than anything. But you’d never know. And nobody else quite knew why the talk of Chad having a crush on you made him so annoyed.
He hid his jealousy well by laughing. Sure, you barely knew each other, but he knew more about you than he led on. Deceiving You was quite easy, you were believing his nerdy, geeky act so far.
During that party, You noticed weird behavior from him. But you brushed it off. But overall, you found him really nice. and weirdly enough, enchanting? you weren't sure on why you were feeling like that but you were.
He tended to not be in the light and rather, the shadows. While everyone else seemed kind of exhausted, including yourself, he didn't seem tired. But that didn't seem so weird.
You have a few more drinks, before you were drunk. You could barely walk. "Whoa, Y/n, Chad said. "You're really drunk." "Noooo, You slurred, you struggled to walk. "You definitely are, let me help me help you, Chad said, wrapping his arms around your waist, helping you walk. You needed some water.
You slurred some words, probably made some weird comments which you might regret when you're sober. Somehow, You ended up home, passed out in your bed.
If you weren't drunk, Chad would've confessed his feelings for you. That was lucky for Ethan, who had grown obsessed with you. Chad murmurs, "I should you know, stay. Y/n shouldn't be here on her own." He decided on staying. You were drunk and leaving you by yourself wouldn't be the best idea.
You groan. Eventually, Chad falls asleep. But is woken up by some noise. Someone broke in your place. Chad could see someone standing in your bedroom door, coming closer to you. "Y/n! He exclaims, rushing over. He was so in love with you. But whoever it was, was so strong that Chad had been flung to the the other end of the hall.
Chad groans, knowing he was bleeding somewhere. But it was too late. You were sleeping peacefully from being drunk and simply tossed and turned under the covers.
A smile plastered across your face even in your sleep. But a hand was caressing your face as you slept and watched you sleep. For a moment he was considering turning you. But he decided on not to. Humans were more fun, and you certainly were.
And he could hear your heart race as he comes even closer to you. You groan, tossing and turning more. But he was here for a reason. He was thirsty to say the least. And wanted your blood.
Sure he could’ve easily manipulated you but that wasn’t as fun was it? Well, it kind of was, but at the moment he wasn’t thinking logically.
He bit down your neck as gentle as possible. Blood coming from your neck as he fed on you. Your blood tasted better than he imagined. But the bite mark may show people who you belong to. You suddenly begin waking up. Probably from the bite. And he quickly hid.
“My neck hurts, You whine, rubbing your neck to help the aching pain go away. “y/n! Chad says, coming in. “Chad? What are you doing here? You ask.
“You were drunk, I needed to make sure you were okay, so I stayed and then… something broke in, Chad said. Your eyes widen.”What? I mean, thank you for staying with my embarrassingly drunk self but someone’s here?”
You feel something wet on your hand and look down. Blood. You wanted to scream but you didn’t. You got up and went to your bathroom to see what it was that was making you bleed.
You mentally were panicking as you saw you had been bitten it looked like as there was a bite mark. But who or what bit you? Chad was right. Someone was definitely in your home.
“Okay, uh… don’t freak out… you begin.”someone’s definitely here.” “I know! Chad exclaimed but made sure to not sound annoyed because he wasn’t annoyed with you. He could never be annoyed with you.
“And the person had super strength too… Chad added. That’s when you put two and two together. “This might sound so dumb but what if it’s a vampire? You say.”I mean, super strength? This bite mark that oddly looks like a vampire bit me.”
“Vampires aren’t real, Chad pointed out. “They aren’t supposed to be, You murmured.”I feel kind of dizzy.” “Don’t die on me! Chad said.
“I’m not going to die, You say more so softly.”Just tired…” that’s when you passed out. Whether it was from the blood or your nerves you weren’t so sure.
When you woke up, Chad wasn’t anywhere in sight only Ethan. “Ethan? What are you doing here? You say.”And why is some blood on your mouth?”
“I just needed to feed, He whispers. You scoot back and you say,”did you… feed on me? Are you a vampire?”
Using his thumb, Ethan wiped your blood from his mouth while smiling and showed his fangs. That confirmed your fear. Ethan really was a vampire and you needed to run as soon as possible.
“Why did you bite me… you say, trying to stall him as much as possible. “To feed and mark you, because you’re mine, He says.
“Where’s Chad? You say.”I mean.. I swear he was here.” The smirk forming on Ethan’s face told you all you needed to know and you bolted out the door, you thought you had a chance.
Unfortunately he was a vampire and vampires were super fast, faster than any human. So he caught up to you really quick, grabbing you by the waist.
“You can’t run, I’ll always find you, Ethan said. “No, you won’t… you insist, escaping and running even further even though you knew he’d catch you. And you were right. He caught you.
“You’re lucky I’m going easy on you. I could’ve turned you by now, Ethan said. “I don’t want to be a vampire, you frown. “That’s why I said you’re lucky, Ethan said.
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middleearthpixie · 1 year
Hello! Can you write something sweet for Lindir x female human reader? Just something cute 💛 Thank you.
Hi there, Nonny! Thank you so much for this. I confess, I have never written Lindir before, so I hope I did him justice for you... 💜
The Fountain
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Summary: You and Lindir are reunited, but you aren't certain he still feels the same way about you as he once did...
Pairing: Lindir x fem!reader
Warning: None. Just fluffy fluff
Word Count: 2.3k
You could barely hear your own thoughts over the racing beat of your heart as the coach rolled over the bridge into Rivendell. It had been years since the last time you laid eyes upon it and you wondered how much it might have changed since then. 
Finally, the horses drew to a halt and a footman opened the coach door and brilliant golden sunlight spilled into the dark interior. 
You leaned forward, and bit back a smile as Samara said, “Careful. You wouldn’t want to fall headfirst out of the coach in front of Lord Elrond. That’s probably not the impression you wish to make.”
“No, you’re right, it isn’t,” you tapped your left foot, which rippled with pins and needles, “but my blasted foot is asleep, so perhaps you should go first.”
As you’d expected, your maid looked thoroughly horrified, shaking her head as she said, “I could never do that, my lady. Your mother would kill me if she found out.”
“I wouldn’t tell her.”
“She would still find out. She always finds out.”
“Very well.” You gave your foot one last shake, but most of the tingling had stopped so perhaps you weren’t taking too great a risk in putting any weight on it. Either way, you held your breath, reached to grip the side of the coach to steady yourself, and vaulted from the coach.
The pins and needles that had flooded your foot only moments ago now prickled up your leg, but at least you didn't stumble as you found yourself staring up at the footman. You’d forgotten how tall elves were. All of them. There was not a single short elf to be found anywhere in all of Middle Earth. Of that you were certain.
“Welcome to Rivendell.”
A shiver tickled along your spin at the low, smooth voice that you had not heard in forever and when you turned and saw him, you couldn't help your smile as Lindir added, “Foot fall asleep again?”
“How did you guess?” You turned to him and your heart skipped a beat, just as it always had when you were younger and you met those warm, dark eyes. 
“Because,” he swept toward you, his dark hair sleek, shimmering with shades of gold and russet in the sunlight, “I know you sit with your legs curled up beneath you until you can no longer feel them. It’s nice to know some things never change.”
He stopped before you, his smile as warm as his eyes. “It’s good to see you.”
You gazed up at him. Like all of the other elves, he towered over you, slim and elegantly handsome and you remembered a time where you would have slid your arms around him and hugged him close. But now, you weren’t so certain that would be appropriate. After all, so much of time had passed.
He solved your dilemma by engulfing you in a hug so tight, it took the breath from your lungs and in an instant, you felt as if you’d come home. In a way, you had, for though you were of Man, you had been raised not far from Rivendell and had spent a good part of your early years there, welcomed by Elrond and his people. 
“I have missed you,” he murmured, giving you a squeeze. “You are just as I remember, you know.”
“Oh, I don't know about that,” you told him as you reluctantly pulled away from him. “But it’s nice of you to say.”
“And who is this?” 
He gestured to Samara, who bobbed her head. “Miss Samara Greene,” she replied softly. “I am in her ladyship’s employ.”
“And where is his lordship?” Lindir looked back at you. “Last I heard, you were married.”
He said it softly, but there was no mistaking the hurt in his deep voice. Hurt you never meant to cause and regretted causing to that very moment. But the decision to marry had not been yours. 
“He is not coming,” you replied, casting a glance at Samara. “He and I are no longer a couple as of the first of the year.”
Perhaps it was only your imagination, but you’d swear his eyes widened ever so slightly. But then they were back to normal so perhaps you had only imagined it. Either way, he bobbed his head. “I am sorry to hear that.”
“I’m not,” you told him without thinking. “He was an ass and I’m far better off without him.”
Samara gasped, but you knew Lindir well enough to know that, despite his outward neutral expression, the small crinkles at the outer corners of his eyes only showed when he smiled or when he fought off said smile. They showed now. He fought off a smile.
“You’ve still not learned the art of mincing words, have you?”
“I’ve not and I think I never shall. Will that trouble you?”
He chuckled softly, shaking his head. “Not one bit. Come, and have a bit of refreshment. MY lord Elrond is not here at the moment, but you will be able to catch up a bit at supper this evening.”
With that, he offered you his arm. “I’ll have your servant shown to your chambers, but I would love it if you would come walk with me a bit.”
“I don’t think—” Samara began.
But you cut her off with a gentle, “I’ll be fine, Sam. I’m in good hands.”
Samara’s forehead creased and a slight scowl tugged down the corners of her lips, but all she said was, “If you say so.”
“I do. I will see you later.”
“Arun,” Lindir turned to the taller of the two elves standing just behind him, “Please show Miss Samara to her chambers.”
“Aye,” Arun bobbed his head, then to Samara said, “If you will follow me.”
Samara didn't look at all convinced, but nodded and did as she was told, falling into step behind Arun, who lead her away from the main drive, up a white marble staircase, where they vanished from view.
For the first time in many years, you were alone with Lindir and all the while you’d been in the coach, you worried that seeing him would be awkward, that conversation between the two of you would be stilted. You’d loved him so much for so long, and had crushed him when you told him your father had arranged your wedding to another.
You slipped your arm through his, trying to ignore how thick and solid that arm was beneath yours. He was tall and slender, but you knew firsthand the muscle beneath that slim build. Knew it and knew it well. 
He broke the silence with a low, “So, where should we go?”  
“You lead. I’m afraid I’ll only get us lost, it’s been so long since I was last here.”
“I wouldn’t let you get lost. At least,” he looked down and grinned at you, “not too lost, anyway. Not that much has changed around here. A band of dwarves passed through not too long ago, which made things interesting.”
“Dwarves?” You looked up at him as he led you up the same staircase as Arun and Samara had gone. Only at the top, the white stone walkway went in several directions, like the spokes of a wheel. In the distance, to the west, Elrond’s palace gleamed all white marble with gilded edges and adorned with collages of lapis lazuli and other various stones. In the opposite direction, a welcoming forest where you’d spent hours as a child climbing trees and playing games with your friends. They always accepted you, didn't hold being of Man against you, just and Lindir never held it against you. In fact, he used to tell you how he liked that you were not elven. That you were unique, as he’d described it.
But he led you down a different spoke, one that led up and behind the palace to the north, but then wound away from it as well, and you smiled as the soft rush of water floated toward you. “The fountains?”
“It was months before Elrond could bring himself to turn them back on. He only did so a few weeks ago, you know,” he said as you crested the gentle slope and the tiered fountain came into view. It looked as if it had been carved from the rock itself, but you knew better. It was sculpted of the same marble as Elrond’s palace, trimmed with gold and lapis lazuli as well. Four tiers high, each one fed the one beneath it, emptying into a pool that was waist deep. As you drew near it, a gentle, cool spray rose from that pool, bringing back memories of splashing about in it with the man beside you.
“Why had he turned them off?”
“The dwarves. They found great joy in playing in it. They were an… interesting bunch to have in residence. Very high-spirited and very messy. They drank most of our wine, ate themselves silly, and splashed about naked in the fountains.”
You fought back your laugh, but couldn't contain your smile. “And so Elrond shut them down?”
He nodded. “He wanted to have it cleaned out in case they… left anything behind.”
“What? I didn't say they had, nor did I order it. It was all my lord.”
“And did he ask to have it shut down after you and I—”
His hand came up to cover your lips gently. “Shhh… he does not know about that and he never will.”
“He never found out?” 
His hand muffled your words, but he shook his head. “No. He never did. And I’ve never told a soul about what happened that night.”
His voice grew softer, as did his eyes and you swallowed hard at the memories you’d tried for so long to forget. “I owe you an apology,” you told him, catching the hand he’d put over your lips in your and as the moment you touched, his fingers tightened about yours.
“You owe me nothing,” he told you, giving your hand a gentle squeeze. “It was beyond your control.”
“Still… it wasn’t fair to you and I—I just… left.”
“Again, also beyond your control.” He caught your free hand in his to squeeze that as well. “So, what happened? With your husband, I mean.”
“My ex-husband. We knew we didn't suit and he found another he preferred above me.”
“He is a fool.”
Lindir said it softly, just as he said most things, but there was no mistaking the intensity behind his words. You felt them clear through to the core of your being and you shifted to link your fingers with his. It felt so right. For the first time in years, everything felt right.
“Lindir, I can never possibly make up the hurt I’ve caused you.”
“There is no need to,” he replied, shaking his head. “You’re here now and I am hoping you’ll remain here. With me.”
Those were the last words you’d ever expected to hear him utter to you and your heart beat faster, rose as if it had wings, and you found yourself holding your breath. “Are you certain that’s what you want?”
“Is it what you want?”
You nodded slowly. “I’ve regretted leaving here every moment I’ve been gone, but I didn't dare let myself even hope a moment like this would come. I was so certain that another would have won your heart and you’d be happily married with a passel of children.”
“I thought the same, to be honest, but there is no other woman I wish to be the mother of that passel of children. You’ve had my heart since we were but children. And now you’re here and I am hoping like mad you will stay.”
He moved closer, and before you could say anything else, he leaned in and his lips met yours. His kiss was exactly how you’d remembered, soft and sweet, his lips warm as they moved against yours. His hands tightened about yours as his lips parted and his tongue caressed yourself in a slow, teasing stroke that set your head to spinning at once. 
You gently pulled your hands free, eased your arms about his waist, your hands flat against his firm back, and smiled as he wrapped his now free arms about you, bent you back slightly, and deepened his kiss further. Butterflies came alive within your belly, their wings battering your insides to leave you almost lightheaded as he slowly drew back and broke the kiss. 
Then, he pressed his forehead to yours, whispering, “I’ve missed you, love.”
“I’ve missed you as well.”
“So, you will stay?”
“Do you wish me to?”
He smiled. “More than I have ever wished for anything else in my life.”
“Will Elrond allow it?”
“I think so. He’s quite fond of you, you know.”
You pulled back just enough to meet those beautiful, fathomless dark eyes. “Then yes. I will.”
“And you’ll allow me to court you?”
“Did you think I wouldn’t?”
He let out a low chuckle, and brushed your lips with his once more, then without warning, swept you up in his arms. Those butterflies multiplied as he moved off the walkway and headed in the direction of the fountain. “What are you doing?”
“I told you, Elrond had it shut down and cleaned and I think we should be the ones to take advantage of the fact that now they are pristine once more.”
“And if we are caught?”
He smiled. “We worry about that when and if it happens.”
“Will you find yourself in trouble?” 
“Again, we worry about that when and if it happens, and even if it does, ask me if I care.” He paused as he reached the fountain and then lowered you back to your feet. “Unless, of course, you’d rather not risk it.” 
You smiled up at him, winding your arms about his neck and as you pulled him toward you, you whispered, “I’ll risk it,” just before his lips mets yours again. 
@lathalea because she asked to be tagged!
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