#i know my blog is a mess and filled with everything and anything that interests my mind at the moment of writing/reblogging it but since i
theragethatisdesire · 8 months
much ado about nothing chapter 8 - plug!eren x reader - 18+!!!
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DISCLAIMER: this post contains MATURE CONTENT that is intended only for those over 18. minors and ageless blogs, please do not read below the cut.
um. hi. i am so nervous about posting this i could die, not because anything too significant happens, but it's been so long. this is not a super action-y chapter, but it's necessary, so bare with me. there's a good bit between the lines, so if anything's confusing, hit up my ask box or just hit me up to chat bc i love this story. we're getting close to the end, but i am .... sad about it. i love this eren. i love much ado. without further theatrics from me.... enjoy!!!!! <3
specific cws: swearing, mentions of drug use, alcohol, mentions of sex
want to catch up? series masterlist here<3
“Love is like a child, That longs for everything it can come by.” - The Two Gentlemen of Verona by William Shakespeare (Act III, Scene 1)
“It’s about time you got up! I got bagels from– oh, hey,” Historia falters when she catches sight of you and Eren, finally having made your first appearance for the day even though it’s well past 10:00.
“You again?” Ymir says with a snicker, walking past Historia with the aforementioned bagels swinging beside her legs with every step.
“Ymir!” Historia hisses, shooting you an apologetic look. Your face warms, knowing exactly what you look like right now: hair a mess, bruises covering your neck and chest, and the telltale sheen of guilt practically glowing in a halo around your head. Eren’s not much better off; there are angry red scratches down his entire back under his hoodie, and his eyes are hooded and heavy with that satisfied, I just got laid glimmer to them. He looks good like this, you think, sluggish and weighted down with the work he’d put in on your body all night and all morning. Cocky and satiated.
“Where are the bagels from?” You peek into the bag that Ymir dropped on the counter, shaking yourself out of your private admiration and sidestepping the obvious elephant in the room in favor of filling your grumbling stomach.
“That place on Melrose, but I only got three…” Historia looks sheepishly to Eren in apology.
“He’s on his way out,” you answer for him. Eren nods affirmatively, shuffling over to the doorway where his enormous sneakers are thrown alongside a small collection of yours and Historia’s shoes.
“Leaving so soon?” Ymir’s eyebrows raise in uncharacteristic interest, looking between you and Eren, who don’t seem able to truly meet each other’s eyes.
“Busy,” Eren grunts, slipping his shoes on, “I’ll see you–”
“Tuesday, right?” You say around a mouthful of bagel, still not quite meeting his gaze.
“Tuesday,” Eren looks to the sky like he’s mentally penciling you in to his schedule, nodding after a moment, “got it.”
“Merry Christmas!” You call out as he makes his exit, throwing a hand up in acknowledgement and farewell. A few heavy seconds of silence pass, the only sound in the room being the noisy smacking of the cream cheese bagel that you’re practically inhaling as Historia stares at you.
“That was…awkward,” Historia starts cautiously. You frown at her.
“What do you mean?”
“I’ve never seen two people that just fucked look less like they want to be in the same room,” Ymir says from the couch, punctuating her statement with a sharp laugh, “I mean, is it that awkward when you have sex?”
“It wasn’t awkward,” you cross your arms defensively, narrowing your eyes, “we’re just…casual.”
“Eren looked sort of tense,” Historia adds thoughtfully, a little line of worry appearing between her eyebrows.
“I’m sure his family’s been talking to him a bunch with the holidays coming up. Maybe that’s it, I wouldn’t know,” you shrug, not meeting Historia’s gaze. You can almost feel her smug, understanding nodding, seeing right through you.
“So you’re still not talking, then.”
“Of course we talk. You just watched us talk.”
“Not like you used to,” Historia counters, crossing her arms.
“So?” You scoff, letting your annoyance erupt in the form of tearing your bagel into little bite-sized pieces. Historia’s right, she’s right way too often for you to live with.
“You liked him. A lot. And he liked you. What happened?”
“You never told us,” Ymir echoes from the couch, “the last thing you told me at least was that you and Sasha went to Scout’s, Eren practically fought Floch, you slept with him for some reason after that, and the next thing we know, he’s here every morning.”
“Not every morning,” you mumble, rolling your eyes petulantly.
“That doesn’t matter,” Historia says impatiently, waving Ymir off, “it’s been weeks of…I don’t even know what to call it– this weird, awkward no-talking just-fucking thing. What happened?”
“We made up,” you shrug, staring at her blankly, “we’re fuck buddies. It’s not something that needs to be, like, picked apart and analyzed.”
“It absolutely does,” Historia argues, “you went from making goo-goo eyes at each other and staying up all night hogging the couch to what may the be the weirdest fuck-buddy relationship I’ve ever laid eyes on.”
“It’s not weird,” you groan, throwing your hands over your eyes in exasperation.
“Is it Breeze?”
“What?” you hiss, pulling your hands from your face to narrow your eyes at Ymir, “what would this have to do with her?”
“I heard she’s staying for awhile, just moved into those snazzy new apartments across from the farmer’s market.” Ymir is either unaware of or unphased by your immediate aggression. She delivers her statement matter-of-factly, twirling one of her many rings idly. Her nonchalance makes you prickle, and Historia notices.
“Is it Breeze?” Historia asks, watching your reaction carefully. “Are she and Eren talking again? Or is he with you?”
“I don’t know what Eren does in his free time,” you roll your eyes, “much less if he’s got anything going on with Breeze right now. It’s not my business.”
“Granted, I don’t see how he could even find the time to deal with Breeze with how often he’s over here,” Ymir scoffs.
“Don’t you two have packing to do?” you ask in a desperate attempt to change the conversation topic. Luckily, Ymir takes the bait.
“We finally finished,” she shoots Historia a meaningful glance, “but our flight doesn’t leave for another four hours, so we don’t need to head to the airport until noon.”
Great. Your patience has already worn thin with the both of them for the day, and just as you’re formulating a plan to bid them goodbye and drag your exhausted body into a shower, Historia jumps ahead of you with yet another question that you don’t necessarily want to answer.
“Have you heard from your mom?”
“Bits and pieces,” you answer, twiddling the hem of your t-shirt between your fingers, “she and Tom are in Costa Rica right now.”
“No invite?” Ymir questions wryly, cocking an eyebrow. Historia shoots her a reprimanding glare, but Ymir’s callous humor is exactly what you need at the moment.
“Of course not,” you say with a chuckle, shrugging, “but she sent me some sweet pictures. They’re cute together.”
“I think Tom is my favorite of the recent boyfriends,” Historia concedes with a small smile.
“He’s definitely better than that asshole from Dubai, that’s for sure.” Ymir nods affirmatively, the unspoken voice of reason in relation to your mother’s dating life.
A few minutes of idle chit chat later, you’re able to excuse yourself to shower, ducking behind the curtain and into the steaming, nonjudgmental spray of water. Your theory these days is that turning the water up to an unbearable heat may scald the weight of everything on your mind off of your shoulders. It hasn’t worked yet, but you’ll keep trying.
Christmas isn’t your favorite season by any means, not since your parents’ divorce. It’s a solitary season for you, one for contemplation and baking. You don’t not enjoy spending Christmas’ alone; after so many years, you’ve started your own little traditions, and while you know the concept of someone spending Christmas alone is objectively sad, you’ve grown to prefer your own company over that of your mother and her boyfriend of the year. She’ll send you her American Express information along with a text to “Go crazy! Anything your little heart desires!” and you’ll spend Christmas Eve playing Santa for yourself, watching movies, and stuffing your face with whatever sugary treat you decide to throw together.
Okay, maybe it is a little sad, but it’s your tradition.
Ymir and Historia leave for the airport, and unsurprisingly, Historia begs you to catch a flight to come with them because “No one should be alone on Christmas!”. You only falter when Ymir begrudgingly extends an invitation, the first year in the three you’ve known them that she’s done so. Ymir shrugs and blushes when you and Historia stare at her in disbelief, claiming it’s because you seem like you have a lot on your mind. She’s not wrong, but you wave them off to Ymir’s parents’ anyway, assuring them you’ll Facetime on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, just to check in.
You don’t consider Historia’s offer until you’ve curled up under a blanket, the fifth or sixth mind-numbing, standard Christmas movie you’d selected not quite doing the trick of silencing your thoughts. You open your phone, pull up your recent texts; maybe reaching out to someone for some lazy, technology-driven conversation will do the trick.
First is Historia, per usual, sending you a barrage of selfies of her and Ymir’s family playing a board game. Even in your melancholy state, the sight of Ymir with her mouth stretched comically wide around a plastic game piece, scowling through her ridiculous expression, makes you snort to yourself.
Second is your mother, sending you an update about her and Tom’s dinner reservation getting canceled amidst short-staffing at the resort restaurant. You roll your eyes at that one; for your mother, the end of the world will surely present itself as a minor inconvenience at a five-star establishment.
Third is Sasha, checking in amidst the holiday season. She tells you that Hitch loved the little self-care package that she put together as a thoughtful, but casual Christmas gift. You text your congratulations back to her, feeling an unfair pang of envy hitting you.
Fourth is…oh, god, you shouldn’t have let yourself get this far. Eren. He’s still saved in your phone as “Eren 10 Shadows User Jaeger”; instead of making you giggle, his idiotic, self-placed contact name only makes a hollow thud ring through the confines of your empty chest. Feeling a bit like twisting the knife, you start scrolling through your texts, frowning at how short and unsubstantial each message is.
> Outside.
> tonight? 10ish?
> Be there in 10.
> i can venmo you for the doordash
> Don’t worry ab it.
The most painful part of all of it is, if you scroll just a bit further, back into the crisper autumn months, the messages aren’t so dry. In fact, in hindsight, Eren seems smitten with you. The messages still give you butterflies.
> Are you in your office was gonna pick up 104 otw to yours but I don’t want it to get cold.:)
> Is developing the six eyes the key to getting you to like me as much as you like Gojo?
> Just did a drop at the library and spied you w your kiddos across the room I didn’t say hey bc I didn’t want you to yell at me (bc youre rude) but you look HOT.
> Got your fav cookie dough to soften the blow for you when we start shibuya arc tonight be there in 10 nerd.
You groan and toss your phone to the other end of the couch, digging the heels of your hands into your eyes. What are you doing? Why can’t you just talk to him, tell him that he’s all you think about, that every time he touches you, you swear that it burns an imprint into your skin?
Because it’s not real, your mind helpfully supplies. Breeze. Luke. Rumors. You’re clearly not over Luke if you drunkenly texted him that night at Paradis, right? Or maybe you’re projecting your old feelings for Luke onto Eren? Is that really something you’re prepared to gamble with?
And if you weren’t mess enough, Eren’s only been the commitment type for one woman in his life; out of the many that you know have rotated in and out, your statistical chance of becoming the second is slim. Not to mention the fact that the only woman he’s ever committed to has just moved in a whopping five minutes down the road from you, and is apparently interested in re-opening doors that you had assumed were closed.
With a huff, you grab your phone from where it's nestled into the cushions and check the time. 11:04pm. Still plenty of time to run down to the bodega and scrounge around for some cookie dough, maybe a cheap bottle of wine.
That’s motivation enough to shake you out of your wallowing state, and after you’ve pulled a pair of slouchy gray sweatpants over your pj shorts and thigh-high socks, you’re shoving your feet into some slippers and shuffling down the street, arms crossed over your chest in a feeble attempt to protect yourself from the biting wind. The shock of the cold numbs you to the bone, a welcome reprieve from the watery, shaky feeling that’s been brewing in your chest all night. You storm through it, noticing your breathing get a little looser with every step, feeling very much like you could stay out here all night, leave all of your problems cooped up in your lonely little apartment.
The bodega’s a certifiable ghost town, as expected. You only have your lucky stars to thank that the owners aren’t religious and are willing to stay open this late the night before Christmas Eve. You give a weak wave to the heavyset man behind the counter, a gesture that he doesn’t return. Figures.
Luckily, with most of the students on campus having left for home days ago, the shelves and refrigerators are still mostly-stocked with everything you’ll need. Item 1: cookie dough. A pack of the Pilsbury reindeer sugar cookies should do nicely; delicious and small enough that eating the entire package won’t depress you too much. Item 2: cheap wine. You round the corner a bit too quickly in your excitement, running headfirst into a tall stranger that you didn’t notice upon entering the store.
“I’m so sorry, I wasn’t–” your voice cuts itself off as the man in question’s irritation slowly slides off of his face. A tentative murmur of your name comes through wind-chapped lips, bloodshot eyes widening in surprise.
“What are you doing here?” Eren’s brow crinkles almost comically, furrowing into a frustrated little divot between his reddened eyes as he tries to make sense of why you’re standing in front of him. “It’s Christmas Eve.”
“Technically not for another forty minutes,” you counter, checking your watch, “and I could ask you the same thing.”
“You know me, not exactly the family type.” Eren shrugs, a bit of the tension melting off of him. And he isn’t wrong; you do know. During the period of yours and Eren’s less-complicated friendship, he had divulged little bits and pieces of his home life, not enough to give you the full picture, but at least enough that you feel like an ass for not realizing why he was spending Christmas alone. Dead mother, asshole father, overbearing stepmom, try-hard brother. You can’t exactly blame him.
He looks heartbreakingly soft; wrapped in one of his classic massive hoodies, hair tucked beneath a cozy beanie, nose and cheeks kissed slightly pink from the cold winter winds. He’s clearly stoned, eyes heavy, muted, and slow-moving as he looks down at you. It’s all you can do to hold yourself back from cupping his face, breathing warmth back into him. Your fingers clutch a little tighter around the cookie dough in your hand, mimicking the swell of emotion that chokes your heart in your chest.
“Right, sorry.”
“That brings us back to square one. What are you doing here?”
The longing for closeness in your heart hasn’t quite outweighed the sadness and awkwardness of the situation, and you opt to deflect again. Unhealthy, but functional. “Buying wine.”
“And cookie dough?” Eren raises an eyebrow at your currently-occupied left hand. “Did you just get dumped by Santa?”
You narrow your eyes at him. “No. It’s my Christmas tradition.”
When Eren’s gaze softens into something thoughtful, green eyes raking painfully over your bundled-up form, you realize you’ve let your guard down. Even that simple statement has bared something to him, given him yet another piece of you to hold– maybe to drop. It sends a nervous chill over you, and you drop your eyes to the floor amidst a pregnant moment of understanding silence.
You flit your gaze back up to Eren’s outstretched hand. He’s holding a bottle of Pinot Grigio– your favorite kind of cheap Pinot Grigio, at that. When you dare to look up at his face, you can’t read it, no surprise there, but if you had to guess? Something like warmth, something like the beginnings of a familiarity you hadn’t realized had been growing.
When you hesitate to take it, a little too long apparently, Eren pulls the bottle back up to his face, squinting at it, and moving it further and closer from his face. With a stuttered chuckle, you realize he’s trying to read the label.
“Is this not the one? I swear I saw it in your fridge–”
“No, that’s it.” You reach up and pull the bottle from him, momentarily shaken out of your stupor. “Where are your glasses? Were you planning on stumbling around the bodega asking the clerk to read all the labels for you?”
“I left ‘em at your house forever ago,” Eren admits, a bashful hand running over the back of his neck, “keep forgetting to grab them on my way out.”
“That’s right.” Your face grows warm at the mention of Eren– the same Eren who’s in front of you, adorably bundled up and cheeks pink with embarrassment– in your home. The things Eren’s been doing in your home as of late.
More like I’m not giving you enough time to grab them, you reflect with a grimace. Eren’s presence in your life has been hot and momentary over the last weeks since your run-in at Scout’s; you’ve made a habit of not keeping him around long enough for conversation, pleasantries, even so much as nabbing those readers out of your nightstand. Even after this short interaction, a vicious stroke of memory reminds you why you’ve kept your distance– Eren’s charming. He’s thoughtful, he’s kind, he’s funny, he’s so careful with you sometimes it makes your fingers shake. And now, with him beginning to turn away from you, giving you a sad and half-hearted goodbye and preparing himself to check out with whatever meager snacks he’s gathered, you don’t think you can keep observing your emotional vigil anymore.
The first flutters of snow have begun to coat the ground and there’s a cold, Christmas wind rattling at the shop windows and you’re holding the bottle of wine to your chest so hard you might be bruising your ribs when you decide to take a chance on him.
He turns on his heel slowly, as if he’s about to raise his hands and call a truce. His eyes betray nothing but confusion, but if you squint, if you let yourself believe just a bit…you want to believe that he looks a little hopeful.
“Do you…do you want to come over?”
“Right now?” Eren cocks his head in disbelief. It crushes you a little how far out of the realm of possibility it’s become for you to just…want to spend time with him. The blow to your ego and his lack of immediate response nearly bring your newfound courage to its knees, but you push on.
“I can’t eat all of these by myself,” you lie, “and I have better food than that in my pantry.”
Eren eyes the two bags of chips he’s holding in one hand, looks back at you almost like he’s waiting for the punchline. You do your best to smile in a friendly, I-totally-won’t-cry-later-if-you-say-no type of way and snatch another bottle of wine off the shelf.
“I think they’re two-for-one anyway,” you say with an airy chuckle, “no one needs to be alone on Christmas.”
A shaky smile shatters Eren’s hesitant expression, and he cocks an eyebrow, raises his hooded eyes to the sky like he’s thinking it over. “Uh…yeah, I guess I have room in my schedule to keep you company.”
“Oh, get over yourself,” you scoff, the relief viscerally warming you from your growing smile to your fingertips, “and you’re buying after that one.”
“Some fucked up plan you got there,” Eren chuckles to himself, placing your wine and snacks on the counter, “tracking your fuck buddy down at the bodega and guilting him into buying you wine and snacks.”
“Eren,” you hiss, smacking him in retribution, masking the burn of his choice of words with embarrassment. It’s true, you’ve both wordlessly agreed upon it, but the reminder stings. You shoot an apologetic look to the clerk, but he’s entirely apathetic, reciting the total to Eren in a monotone voice. Your unnecessary chagrin only makes Eren giggle harder, earning him an eye roll from you.
The short walk back to your car is filled with some intentional tightrope walking between unnecessary etiquette (Eren insisting upon walking with you to your apartment, saying he’ll grab his car later; you pulling your Venmo app up, trying to assure him that making him pay was a joke) and the banter that you’d established between yourselves upon first meeting, the easy conversation you used to enjoy whenever you liked. Even as you both lull into that familiar rhythm of jokes, stomping through the light dusting of snow side-by-side, you can feel the precariousness of it all. Who’s going to be the first to decide that you’re too close? Who’s going to run away? Who’s going to wish they had run after them?
“Smells nice in here,” Eren remarks, bending down to tug at the laces of his heavy Docs once he’s made it past the threshold of your door.
“It’s about to smell even better.” Suddenly overcome with nervous jitters that Eren’s in your apartment with no part of his mouth on you, you scurry over to the oven to begin preheating it, urgently in need of something to do with your hands.
“Where’s ‘Stor?” Eren ambles along behind you, seemingly far more at ease than you judging by the way he slouches against the counter.
“Ymir’s parents have them come up that way every year.”
“You didn’t want to go?”
“It’s their thing.” You try to disguise the sudden tightness in your voice with a tinny note of disbelief, as if Eren should have inherently known that you elected this lonely Christmas celebration. “Hand me a baking sheet?”
“Down there.”
Your intonation must have carried the desired effect because Eren doesn’t press the matter further, following your instructions and producing a rectangular pan from one of the lower cabinets of your kitchen. You work wordlessly and in tandem with one another. Eren produces two wine glasses when he sees you scrounging around in the drawer for a corkscrew; he begins to scoop healthy dollops of cookie dough from the package with the spoon you hand him as you pour two not-so-healthy glasses of wine for you both. The silence is interrupted by Eren’s poorly-muffled snickers when he watches you take your first sip of wine.
“Am I that bad?” Eren directs a playful, but meaningful, glance at your wine glass, a fourth of which you’ve just knocked back in one sip. You feel your cheeks warming, and you stick your tongue out at him.
“Has nothing to do with you. Just…thirsty.”
"Is it awkward? Me being here?"
"I invited you," you say, not quite wanting to acknowledge that, yes, being around him fully-clothed is a little strange. It isn't an unwelcome strangeness, but you're not about to let that little confession fly either.
“We used to be friends,” Eren muses quietly, uncharacteristically outspoken. That makes your eyes widen; you almost wonder if he’s spoken without meaning to.
“We’re still friends,” you murmur against the rim of your glass, taking another large swig. Eren shrugs, very focused on portioning out the cookie dough. “We are.”
“I know.” Something about his voice shatters you, makes your fingers grip around your glass tight enough to break. You can almost see the self-provided rejection flitting across his face; it’s quick, but it’s cold enough to feel.
“Friends.” Eren’s eyes flit over towards you in a gesture of laying arms down, and his lips tighten in a smile that threatens you to challenge the tentative peace he’s building between you both. The word stings when it hits you, bittersweet and ironic. Another fourth of your wine disappears in a single sip, and you smile back in a way that you hope looks more kind than it feels disparaged.
The cookies are baked, the necessary seating arrangements are settled upon, the glasses are refilled, and soon you’re snuggled up on the right side of your couch, feet stretched into Eren’s lap, practically dozing off to a Christmas romcom. Eren is, surprisingly, enthralled, intensely focused on the television and leaning forward in a way that’s bending your ankles uncomfortably but is too adorable to tell him to stop.
“So he’s not going to chase her?” Eren turns to you, devastated and frowning a bit. You snort into your second glass, finding his furrowed brow and flushed cheeks funnier than the mayhem that’s been building on the screen for the last hour.
“You have to watch!” You kick him meaningfully.
Eren receives your kick like a child, groaning dramatically and shooting you a look cold enough to kill. He throws himself back into the couch, absentmindedly taking one of your sock-covered feet in his massive hands and kneading his thumbs into the arch of your foot. He presses into a particularly tender spot, working a soft groan of appreciation from you; Eren’s lips tighten, and he subtly moves your heels a little further away from his crotch, but he doesn’t stop his ministrations. He rubs firm circles into the sides of your ankles, running a thumb up your leg to the back of your knee, beginning to extend his massage up your leg.
A breathy moan falls from your lips, and though he doesn’t turn to look at you, the corner of Eren’s mouth quirks up.
“Feel good?”
“Mhm,” you hum, eyes fluttering shut. You can hear the rustle of Eren’s hair against the couch as he nods, the movie now long faded away into your peripheral focus.
Just as you’re beginning to truly melt into yourself, scooching just the littlest bit towards Eren so he can start rubbing at your thighs, something glimmers into your consciousness. Eren’s your fuck buddy, he said it himself at the store. The gooey, soft emotion that’s welling in your chest, the thing that’s rendering you spineless and malleable that you don’t dare to name– it’s unseemly. The realization crashes over you like a bucket of ice water, raising goosebumps on the back of your neck and causing your eyes to fly open.
Something sickly and sour curls behind your ribs, darkening the contented little glow that had begun to grow there. You feel sick, you feel sixteen again, you feel like a lamb being fattened up for the slaughter. Eren’s not Prince Charming; he’s your fuck buddy, just like he said. You’d done a thorough job of establishing that dynamic, and you remember that as sweet as everything around you might taste, it’s artificial. He’s here for something.
Eren doesn’t notice the change in your demeanor, the stiffening in your muscles; not until you’re climbing into his lap, at least.
“What are you–”
You cut him off by slotting your lips against his, gripping into his shirt with such a fervor that the self-loathing behind it could be confused for mindless want. Eren hesitantly reciprocates, hands sliding down your waist and landing firmly at your hips, leaving a soft impression in the skin there. You rake your fingers through his hair, kissing him deeper and more frantically, bringing your hands down to tug at the hem of your sweatshirt–
“Hey.” Eren’s quiet voice against your lips freezes you where you are, fingers still twisted in the bottom of your shirt.
“What’s all this?” Eren’s hand is against your cheek, brushing a strand of hair out of your eyes. It’s so gentle it nearly burns, scalds against the cold, callous arousal you’ve built up in yourself.
“I don’t understand.” Your voice is weak, all the fire you’ve contrived fizzling out as your words cross the barely-there gap between your mouth and Eren’s. Your hands fall into the space shared between your laps, fingers curling and uncurling to mask the tremble running through them. Your gaze stays fixed on them, monitoring for any visible signs of weakness, unable to glance up to meet Eren. “Did I do something wrong?”
“No,” Eren murmurs, forehead pressed unwaveringly against yours, “you didn’t do anything wrong.”
“I don’t understand.”
“It was nice,” Eren says, a little breathless and disbelieving, “it was nice before.”
“So don’t you want…this?”
“I mean, yes. I always want this,” Eren punctuates his statement with an airy chuckle, rubbing his hands up and down your sides, “but I don’t always need it.”
“I feel like I upset you.” You can’t stop the embarrassed frown from working its way onto your face amidst your confusion. This…this is what you and Eren do. Now that it’s been refused, you don’t know where to put your wandering hands, where to tuck the rush of needing to touch him.
“I’m not upset,” Eren says, still barely audible as he thumbs at your chin, “you made my shitty day a lot less shitty, actually.”
“Why was it shitty?”
“My dad.” Something dark and coarse has infused his voice now, rasping against the warm air between you. Despite the rough tone of his voice, Eren’s moving a hand up and down your back soothingly, tucking your head into the crook of his neck. It works– your body goes slack in his hold, slumping against his chest and nuzzling your nose into his shoulder. “Won’t bore you with the details.”
“Tell me.”
“You don’t want to–”
“I do.” You pull back from where he’s pinned you, bringing your forehead back to rest against his. “Even if I’m just your fuck buddy. You can talk to me.”
Eren sighs, heavy and resigned. Even with your vision blurred by how close you are to him, you can see a wry smile twisting the corner of his mouth. “You’re not my fuck buddy.”
“I know. Friends, right?” You hardly dare to breathe against him, heart thudding viciously in your throat to the point that you worry Eren might hear. It’s not a word that encompasses what you feel for him, the mess you’ve both created between yourselves, but it’s your scapegoat, your fallback. No matter how many times you catch his lingering glance as he leaves you in the morning, no matter how often you delve into a bottle of wine and hover your thumb over his contact, no matter how closely he haunts your every thought. Friends.
The hint of a smile disappears from his face. Eren shakes his head against yours, fingers ghosting along your thigh, up your arm until he lands his hand over yours, curls them together in a loose fist against his chest.
“No.” You aren’t sure that you’ve heard him correctly, how quietly he speaks.
“No,” Eren confirms, tightening his grip around your hand, “we’re not friends.”
Your breath catches in your throat at the same time Eren’s eyes flit up to meet yours, doubling down on the little confession he’s breathed into you. You’re powerless to do anything under the weight of your fear, your relief, your confusion. It’s enough for now, the understanding that no, you’re not friends and maybe you’ve never been, hanging between you and making the air a little more palatable.
“Not friends.” A little nod from you draws a shaky exhale from Eren, an answering nod of his own, and it feels like you both have mutually agreed to set whatever’s been building, whatever’s too-hot-to-touch, to the side for the time being. It’s enough.
He holds you, and you let him, despite the growing ache in your hips, the restlessness of your feet as they fall asleep. Eren tells you about his father, the career path he’s still afraid to go down. You tell him about your mother, how the emotional distance between you always manages to somehow be greater than the geographical, how love is her number one priority except when it comes from you. Both of you listen in reverence as you map out your scars for each other, delving into what’s healed and skating carefully over the parts that are still tender.
The couple on-screen reunites with a zoom shot and a dramatic kiss in the Christmas snow. The soaring orchestral number that accompanies their reunification is one that’s just loud enough to cover the sound of you and Eren’s hearts beating in tandem, and the clatter of his phone vibrating repeatedly on the kitchen counter.
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falloutjuli · 1 year
Back on my shitposting Bullshit. This posts theme is something I had already done on my older writing blog and I always love making headcanons so here it is for JJBA. (Jodio not included yet)
 Feel free to drop in my ask box if you miss any character and wanna hear what I think or for literally anything else. (Please remeber to not send in too many charcters, Ill set the limit for now at 6)
Anyways, I hope yall get a kick out of my funky ideas. 
1-8 JoJo’s x Reader - Playing Animal Crossing Together
Short summary: My personal headcanons on the JoJo’s playing Animal Crossing with references to you and their friends.
Warnings: None. Only wholesomeness here., except for Joseph srynotsry
Loves it, huge fan of the tiny wholesome animal game.
Speedwagon showed it to him, knowing Jonathan would love it.
Jonathan puts a big effort into keeping his island pretty, villagers happy, filling the museum, sending gifts and letters to his friends and you.
Most wholesome player you'll ever encounter, that happily trades anything he has.
Loves to buy furniture and clothing for you to surprise you with it.
Wasn’t that big into it until he discovered the custom pattern function.
Now he's a menace, using loads of cursed patterns to paint his island in and give his villagers ugly shirts.
His own character wears a "Pussy Master" shirt.
Will visit Caesar’s and your island just to mess with you and gift your villagers ugly clothing and furniture.
Avid time skipper.
Biggest troll you two know and yet you love him.
Not interested, didn't know what it was until he saw you having fun with it.
He asked Kakyoin what the game is, and he happily showed Jotaro.
Jotaro eventually surprises you with a friend request on your switch.
He doesn't do much around his island, just places some stuff here and there.
Is absolutely obsessed over aquatic Villagers and filling the fish part of the museum to take pictures there with you.
Organized Town, pretty layout, casual player that takes his time to slowly work towards everything.
Will make his house gaming themed.
One part of the island is dedicated to recreating the cafe and fill it with references to you and his other friends.
Eager to get his friendship up with all his villagers, loves to give them gift and talks to them daily.
Loves the Nookmile tickets/ Kapp'n trips and goes on them whenever he can.
Froggy Chair obsessed.
Owns the Sanrio Amiibo cards and decorates with it.
Also has all the villager amiibo cards and everyone is welcome to borrow them to get their favorites on their respective islands.
Loves the museum and eagerly works on filling it, gifting anything he already has to you.
Cute natural island theme with loads of plants and occasional duplicated statues spread around.
Made a cute park for you that has lots of hybrid flowers and cutesy furniture.
Loves all villagers, but his favorites are the frogs.
Surprisingly organized in a sense?
Like you, Ermes, FF and her share a group chat where everyone posts their newest decoration updates, what villagers moved in and might move out, turnip prices.
You trade furniture for the catalog and help each other's museum, teamwork makes the dream work.
Loads of pictures of you four hanging out in the coffeeshop.
One room in her house is dedicated to you and filled with references to your relationship.
Anasui is banned from all islands, and you designed a custom pattern with his face and a red X on it that all of you have next to your airport.
Johnny wasn't big into it at first and then got completely hooked.
Only Horse and Mouse villagers.
Western themed all the way. Kentucky state flag as his island flag.
Loves Gyroids and has multiple in each room.
Gyro and he trade furniture and ignore the museum completely. They are only interested in decorating their homes and island to have it perfect.
Made it big with turnips but refuses to explain to Gyro how it works.
Was confused at first why you liked the game so much.
Yasuho and you made him his sailor outfit and buy him some furniture to start him up with.
You two explain the whole concept roughly to him and then let him play.
You never expected him to figure it out super quickly and making loads of money with turnips.
His house was upgraded faster than yours and Yasuho’s, he began making his own custom paths, made an orchard on his island.
He quickly takes a huge liking to the game and loves everything about it.
He leaves the island largely as it is, the only stuff he really decorates are his house, the orchard (reminiscent of the Higashikata one) and the little area with his villagers.
The rooms in his house are all dedicated to a person that he then decorates accordingly to. (You, Yasuho, Holly, the Higashikata Family etc)
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shadowzgather · 8 months
Mobile Rules
I like to keep my rules simple but I will add to them as I need to. 
1. No godmoding or Metagaming. If you don’t know what this is, then I suggest googling it and looking up examples of it. It kills the fun and enjoyment of the rp.
2. I do not engage in real world politics, religion or Social justice or anything of that sort. I rp as a means of escapeism and these subjects often lead to a lot of drama. I would like to avoid such things for my own mental health, please respect that. Tagging such topics are appreciated but not necessary. Just know that I will ignore things on these topics.
3.My muses are Multiship and Multiverse. Meaning that each ship is in it’s own verse unless stated otherwise. My Muses are Canonically placed in the Darkwing Duck 1991 and/or Joe Books comics universe but will interact with all other timelines. just be aware I’m not up to date with the new Dynamite comics and have seen none of the 2017 Ducktales or the older Ducktales comics. I have seen all of the 1987 Ducktales cartoon however.
4. You are free to not interact with my OC. Do not feel obligated to do so, though I will very much apricate it if you do. That said, filling out my interest tracker let's me know if I can toss them at you or not. I'm am an adult over 18 and will not interact with minors.
5. I don’t engage in things like Cancel culture and Drama. Leave me outta that stuff.
6. I’m a shy potato. I may take a while to reach out, but if I follow you, I want to rp with you. I’m just more apt to use sentence starters and memes to start something.
7. I don’t do reblog karma (but will respect if you do), that said I do follow Karma. If you don’t follow back in two weeks I will take that as a hint that your not interested in rping with me and unfollow. Less anxiety that way. This means I'm essentially Mutuals only. Private muses are for those that have 2 or more threads with me at least.
8. I don’t force ships and unless we decide before hand I will consider any Darkwings to be Alternate universe to the one in my Morgana’s. This goes for my Darkwing, Negaduck and other muses. They don't share the same universe unless discussed or listed in their Bio
9. That said, I ship anything and everything within reason. Obviously no pedo/gross stuff. I do reference a past Darkwing/Morgana though as it is canon to 1991 that they were a thing and am open to the idea of poly Morgana/Darkwing/Launchpad, etc. I ship the Vees as a poly but this is not necessary for those that don't see them that way.
10. Do not reblog threads you are not in. It messes up the tracker. If you absolutely must have an rp post I did on your blog and you are personal. you can screencap it and post it as a picture on your blog so long as you give credit.
11. For Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss rpers. I have seen a "New Laws" thing going around. I am not taking part in that. Read here for details.
12. Lastly I reserve the right to rp or not rp with anyone for any reason.
Final notes. “Speaking.” “Thinking/Telepathy” {“Radio/Television etc.”}
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lordmyst · 2 years
The Birth of a Dhampir- A Castlevania Mpreg Fic
This is the first story of the blog, and I decided to go with story that explained the birth of Alucard but in a world where Dracula gave birth to him. 
Content Warning: Mpreg 
Something to know: english is not my first language so some mistakes are expected but I did my best to make it understandable, feel free to provide some feedback. 
                                             The Birth of a Dhampir 
  The castle’s room was warm, the walls had torches that illuminated the room and a  fireplace that provided enough heat for the cold nights of the winter. In the sofa in front of the fireplace seated the lord of the castle, a full-fledged vampire that went by the name of Vlad Dracula Tepes, but instead of Tepes he liked to be referred by Fahrenheit, last name of the love of his life and last name he took after marrying her. Who would had thought that the vampire lord, who hated humans and  terrorized the towns of Vallachia for centuries, is pregnant with a dhampir baby. 
  He was reading “Paradise lost” by John Milton, he considered as his favorite novel by the humans, it was hard for him to understand that they would make a novel that would set an interesting explanation for how everything started according to Christianism and filled in the parts missing in the bible.  While reading Vlad felt some little bumps on his belly, he smiled and looked down his belly. 
“ What is wrong little one? Are you hungry or are you protesting for me  to go to bed?” Said the man by caressing his belly. 
  Then he noticed the sun rays that filtered from the window behind him, he looked back and saw how the sun was starting to rise from the horizon. He also noticed that his body started to feel tired and was also time for him to go to bed. So he stood up and placed the book in the place on the bookshelf. Then he went to the room that he shared with his wife.  He remove the bed sheets and fixed his sleep gown, which was a long, loose dress that had delicate embroidery at the end of the sleeves and skirt, as well provided comfort for him and the belly that had been growing for the past months. 
 He laid himself on the bed and looked at the empty side besides him, the one that belongs to his wife. “ I wished you were here with me” Said Vlad sadly, his wife had passed the last months walking around the towns of Wallachia taking care of the sick, Vlad had servants that helped him with his pregnancy, but he wished his wife would accompanied him in this stage of his life. Then the sleepiness started to take control over him and drifted into a deep slumber. 
  Hours of restful sleep passed time, but a sudden event would interrupt them. A poignant pain in his abdomen would wake Vlad up. He noticed that his water broke and that the little dhampir is to be born. He called for one of  his faithful servants, Lilith. In a matter of seconds, the succubus known as Lily appeared in the room. 
“ My lord, is there anything you need?” Asked Lilith while giving a reverence. 
“ Lilith, I think… the baby is coming.” Answered Vlad struggling. 
  That panicked the succubus and she went to the bed to help her master, the helped him laid on the bed and went to get some towels and water, some minutes later she returned and set everything for the delivery of the baby. 
“ So when I say push, I need you to gather your strength and push, ok my lord?” Asked Lilith, Vlad replied with a nod. 
“ 1, 2, 3, push!” 
 The eldest  vampire gathered his strengths and started to push, he thought that due to his state of being a vampire he wouldn't feel these pains but he would still considered it as one of the worse pains he had ever experience in his long life.  Hours had passed and Vlad felt that this wouldn’t ever finish, but when he heard a newborn’s cries he plummeted into the bed, his white hair was mess, his body was covered in sweat and his throat hurt for all the cries he made due to the pain. Lilith cut the umbilical cord and  covered the little baby with a blanket she found while getting the towels, and placed the little bundle on Vlad’s chest. 
“Congratulations my lord, you gave birth to a healthy baby boy” Said Lilith with a smile. 
 Vlad looked at the bundle that was placed upon his blossom,  it was so small and his little head was  covered  with a thin layer of blond hair. Vlad also noticed the little yellow eyes that looked at him in manner that for him it was the cutest thing he ever saw on his life,  He cuddled the baby with his arms and noticed that the newborn was trying to look for some nipple to get milk, that warmed Vlad’s heart and accommodate the little bay so he can easily breastfeed, this was a new experience but he was glad that he hadn’t to live in solitude anymore and got to experience motherhood. At the look that everything was okay, Lilith smiled and left the pair of mother and child alone.
 Lisa was  arriving from her trip, she hadn’t thought that this trip would take long than expected and had to leave her husband alone with his pregnancy. But finally, she was at home and she was goin spent a lot of time with her husband.  She looked and smiled  at the bag that she brought, filled with gifts for her husband and upcoming baby, she hoped he loved the gifts. 
   When entering the castle Lisa met with the succubus that she recognized as the one that is his husband’s right hand. 
“ Good day Lilith, has everything went well during my absence?” Greeted Lisa with a smile. 
“ Yes My Lady, I have something important to inform you” Replied Lilith. 
“ Yes Lilith, tell me.” This concerned Lisa, she was worried if something happened to her husband and child. 
“The Lord had gave birth, he is at your room with the baby.” 
“ Really! Thank you for telling me, I’ll go now.” Exclaimed Lisa, this answer made her suddenly happy, she wished she was present for the birth but either way she was glad that everything went well. Then she hurriedly went to her room and left Lilith behind. When she stood in from of the bedroom’s door, she was really nervous, she couldn’t expect what she would find when she opened that door, so she tried to calm herself and opened the door. The thing she saw impacted her in an unbelievable way, there was her husband, cuddling a little bundle that she recognized as their little newborn baby. It seemed the baby was fed, so they was soundly sleeping. 
  She entered the room and left her things on the floor, this made the vampire being noticed of her presence, he tilted his head and saw her, tears started to form on his eyes, he wouldn’t believed that his wife had finally came home. 
“ Vlad, my love, I’m home” said Lisa while she approached. 
“ My life,  you’re here. I had missed you ” Replied Vlad, then he felt how Lisa embraced him. 
“ I’m sorry for leaving you alone for so much time, never thought the trip would take me a long time. But, I decided to tend the sick here to be with you and the baby.”Said Lisa with a soft voice. 
Vlad smiled at what she said and placed his head on her shoulder while looking the little baby on his arm, this made Lisa to look at the baby. 
“ So this is our little angel?” Asked Lisa, she was met with the adorable sleeping expression of the newborn. 
“ Yes, Lilith said that he is a healthy baby boy,  but still doesn't have a name. I had been thinking of naming him Adrian but I don’t know if it would fit him” Explained Vlad. 
“Adrian Fahrenheit, I love how it sounds.” Reflected Lisa while looking at the baby. 
“Then Adrian Fahrenheit will be” Answered Vlad as a way to confirm what Lisa was saying. 
 The two adults looked at the little cutie pie that was on Vlad’s arms, Lisa passed her hand over the little tuft of blond hair of the baby, who at the moment he felt the unknown contact opened his eyes, Lisa was finally to see the adorable yellowish eyes of her little Adrian, and instantly fell in love with him. Vlad and Lisa looked at each other agin and gave to each other a warmth smile, they decide to enjoy this moment with their new little baby dhampir. 
Quick note: I know that Dracula have dark hair but I based him on his design of Symphony of the Night, that  is why he have white hair in this story.
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the-haunted-office · 1 year
(you can do them separately or al in one i don't care :D)
🍳     :( SENDER )makes breakfast for( RECEIVER ) 🧁     :     ( SENDER )  makes( RECEIVER )  favourite treat.
This has been a very interesting day for Thursday. It started off with Katsuko making breakfast for her.
Nobody ever has made breakfast for her, not like this. She's been served up with a complete meal of what looks to Thursday like the best, highest quality breakfast available in Mondstadt. It's definitely not what she was expecting when waking up to get her day started.
"Wow, Katsuko, Thank you!" she says sitting down to eat it even though she feels quite awkward. Being served like this makes her feel flattered and cared for, but it's also sort of overwhelming to her to be cared for in such a way. "Ha! You even brought that strawberry tea I really like! EXTRA thank you for that!"
Her day is already off to a good start!
🍏     :     ( SENDER )  packs( RECEIVER )lunch for the day.
The good start of her day is hours later continued by having lunch packed for her! She's somehow wound up with two lunches today - one from Etsumi, and one from Katsuko. Everyone is serving food to her suddenly! That's a bit overwhelming, although she does appreciate it. Is she really working that hard, or putting out the impression that she's not taking care of herself?
She stops and thinks about that for a moment as she looks at the two lunch boxes.
Yeah. She doesn't take very good care of herself, does she? Most nights she stay up entirely too late, and then she forgets to eat until her stomach is busy trying to digest itself. Maybe she's worrying folks and this is their way of saying she needs to do better in that area.
Well, the issue now is she can't decide which lunch to eat. Hmm.
She goes ahead and eats Katsuko's now and saves Etsumi's for later.
Of course that doesn't last - she's getting into the second lunch box about an hour later.
🖤     :     ( SENDER )  apologizes to( RECEIVER )for something they’ve done.
Later that day, after all her narrating duties are done and it's time for a shift change, Thursday is on her way back to her room when it appears Katsuko is still hanging around and stops her.
And apologizes to her for all the stuff that happened during that first month that Ghostday was here. After she thought they had made up and talked things through and put all that stuff behind them.
"It's all right. Honestly, it is. That whole month... that was just a big mess. A big mess for all of us. I wasn't in my right mind, and I don't think Ghostday was either. She's... got a lot to work through. And so do I, actually. Of course we can talk about it if you like, I'll be as open as I can. I just, uh... I have some problems there sometimes and it- it is something I'm working on, I promise."
🙏     :     ( SENDER )  lets( RECEIVER )know they’re appreciated.
After talking things through for a little while, Katsuko has said that she appreciates Thursday.
Thursday is filled with warmth at her words. Feeling appreciated is something she struggles with all the time, even when she knows she's appreciated. Sometimes... she really does just need to be told that she's appreciated to believe it.
She smiles. "I appreciate you too, Katsuko! You're one of my best friends," she says, and gently reaches out to take her hand if she allows it. "We can do this. I feel confident that we can."
👄     :     ( SENDER )  listens as( RECEIVER )talks about their day.
After that, the conversation feels a whole lot smoother. Thursday chatters on and on, as per usual, about anything and everything that happened during her day - including the fact that she got two lunch boxes and ate them both with an hour of each other.
"I mean, I am chonky for a reason, hahaha," she laughs.
She then moves on to detail the two stories she narrated today, including one for a pony visiting from Ponyville who went through a horror story - she's rather impressed with how resilient that little pony was.
"How about your day? What all did you get up to? I mean, besides cooking for me!"
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Do you have any suggestions for fellow users who may want to start writing too? Maybe tips on how to get started, how to attract readers, how you personally interact with followers in attempts to make connectiongs?
Well, when it comes to starting, my biggest advice there is to just write. You can't focus on the technical side (grammar, formatting, etc) when you don't have words to edit. You can't advertise a story that only lives in your head. You can't create a masterlist or spruce up a blog when there's no content to fill in. So start your journey by focusing on the ideas and stories you have and finding the words to tell them. That is often an adventure in and of itself, and hopefully you enjoy that process for what it's worth. Write for yourself... write a story you would read, write headcanons that make you laugh, write descriptions that make you feel something, write characters that feel like your friends.... And then you can figure out how you want to share it when you've gotten what you wanted from the experience.
As far as attracting readers, I know Tumblr is in a weird phase right now with many writers expressing frustration and disappointment over not having as much interaction as they saw in the past. I know that can be an intimidating space for a new writer to come into, but please don't let it deter you. Again, if you have fun with your writing process, that's what matters. Readership and interaction is just a wonderful bonus. The only practical tips I have here are to tag your works appropriately, so those who follow certain tags are able to find you and know exactly what they're getting into. And make yourself more visible in the fandom by interacting with others in some way, whether it's reblogging their works, sending asks off anon, participating in "games," leaving comments, etc.
On that note, I personally haven't put much effort into making lots of connections on here, but the ones I have made have been from coming across certain blog names over and over. I remember blogs who consistently leave me likes, even if they never do anything else. I take notice when a blog whose work I like follows me back. I treasure the blogs who send me requests or leave nice comments. And I then make special efforts to respond to them, tag them in things, or send requests for them to fulfill in return. It's often organic and connections emerge from seemingly simple gestures. You just never know where your next friend may come from!
Hopefully something in that mess of thoughts up there was helpful LOL. I guess my parting words will be to just go for it, don't stop yourself before you've even started. And you'll always have a friend in me. I can't guarantee I'll be interested in reading everything ever written, but I for sure will cheer you on and support your efforts!
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bxrningembers · 4 months
I like to keep my rules simple but I will add to them as I need to. 
1. No godmoding or Metagaming. If you don’t know what this is, then I suggest googling it and looking up examples of it. It kills the fun and enjoyment of the rp.
2. I do not engage in real world politics, religion or Social justice or anything of that sort. I rp as a means of escapeism and these subjects often lead to a lot of drama. I would like to avoid such things for my own mental health, please respect that. Tagging such topics are appreciated but not necessary. Just know that I will ignore things on these topics. I would also apricate Pokemon tw , Evengeon tw and real depictions of spiders as Spiders tw, (fiction is fine) to be tagged.
3.My muses are Multiship and Multiverse. Meaning that each ship is in it’s own verse unless stated otherwise.
4. You are free to not interact with my OCs. Do not feel obligated to do so, though I will very much apricate it if you do. That said, filling out my interest tracker let’s me know if I can toss them at you or not. Otherwise I will assume you don't mind me tossing them at you. I am an adult over 18 and will not interact with Minors.
5. I don’t engage in things like Cancel culture and Drama. Leave me outta that stuff.
6. I’m a shy potato. I may take a while to reach out, but if I follow you, I want to rp with you. I’m just more apt to use sentence starters and memes to start something. Plotting is hard for me unless I have something to work with from my partners.
7. I don’t do reblog karma (but will respect if you do), that said I do follow Karma. If you don’t follow back in two weeks I will take that as a hint that your not interested in rping with me and unfollow. Less anxiety that way. This means I’m Mutuals only. If I don't follow you back within three days? I'm not interested in engaging in rp with you, you are free to DM me or send asks that are not rp threadable however. Private muses are for those that have 2 or more threads with me at least.
8. I don’t force ships I will typically ask you before hand if you want to follow canon or not with a canon ship before engaging. I am not here just for the romantic ship though! All types of bonds are interesting.
9. That said, I ship anything and everything within reason. Obviously no pedo/gross stuff. I do reference a canon ships but will do so in past tense if you don't ship it. The exception is Pentious/Cherri as my Pentious never had a thing for her (He respects her as a rival and enemy but any bond Positive bond would be platonic. My Pentious does not like crass women and Cherri is very much that). I am open to the idea of poly ship, etc and chemistry shipping always comes first. I ship the Vees as a poly but this is not necessary for those that don’t see them that way.
10. Do not reblog threads you are not in. It messes up the tracker. If you absolutely must have an rp post I did on your blog and you are personal. you can screencap it and post it as a picture on your blog so long as you give credit.
11. I have seen a “New Laws” thing going around. I am not taking part in that. Read here on my main blog for details.
12. If your blog has no rules or a bio for your OC I will not follow back. That stuff is important to know. Likewise I need a Hazbin/Helluva verse if you are fandomless or from another fandom. Otherwise I'm not sure how to best approach your muse. You are free to DM me if you have ideas and some exception can be made in that case.
13. Mun =/= muses. Roleplay is a fiction and the views and actions of the characters are not reflective of the Mun.
14. Lastly I reserve the right to rp or not rp with anyone for any reason.
Final notes. “Speaking.” “Thinking/Telepathy” {“Radio/Television etc.”}
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clowningismyboyfriend · 9 months
Surprising 1989 Taylor’s Version Plot Twisssssssssst 🐍 New theory? THE MATH IS MATHING!
My gosh I don’t even know what to make of everything since I last posted; I have a never ending blog sitting in my drafts that just seems to be a chopping block mess full of constantly shifting theories that goes back and forth changing directions faster than my toddler on a sugar high unleashed in a toy store.
So, with no real clarity within my doomed-to-draft-hell, but feeling the need to be creatively vocal in my appreciation and acknowledgement about SOMETHING- ANYTHING @taylorswift , I thought I’d share with you my answer to a question posed in Taylor Swifts Vault, a fan page on Facebook.
So without further ado! The question:
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My answer… Probably a tad melodramatic, but I was just rolling with the punches and free styling the feels as they came through:
In the next few years? With her current trajectory all I can say is the sky is the limit! Taylor is limitless though. Her resilience ensures that! I can’t even begin to imagine how future Taylor could fill her current shoes so to speak. I know she will and she will do it admirably and with that unwavering, humble grace that is definitive of her (phenomenally talented) core.
Lyrics and melodies effortlessly flow through her and show us how open she is to receiving all that is good, great and wonderful - to possess the ability to polish, refine and pass on those gifts in a way that it unifies a collective consciousness shows she is truly a conduit between a higher power and reminds us that no matter what is going on in the world, with each individual we ALL feel- We all love and we all ache- it’s that shared connection through the lyrics and music that remains to be the most powerfully poignant and purest forms of shared release we could ever have.
The fundamentals in her approach seemingly haven’t changed but yet she manages to maintain a fresh, new and hopeful energy that is as warm and bright as the first ray of sun that stretches itself over the horizon, blazing an all encompassing trail that just gets stronger and stronger in her brilliance.
Or-If you’d prefer a more night time analogy- She’s the brightest star determinedly carving out her right to be a reliable, shining fixture looked upon with grace and fervour by a vast amount of appreciative onlookers who are eagerly watching on to see her glow get bigger and brighter as it pierces the inky blue/jet black tapestry of the skies, complimenting but also acting like a miniature moon; for she is a multi-faceted jewel full of wonder, mysticism, magnetism and a special kind of night magic that can only be felt rather than described.
… Et Voila!
I love how on reflection as I post this somewhat left-field blog, I noticed that I’ve significantly referenced the sky, sort of like an unintentional, underpinning theme that ties back to the 1989 Taylor’s Version..
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… And I also can’t help but notice the “S” in “Version” on the album artwork..
Let me zoom in real quick for y’all-
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.. Can you see it, too? The differences in the “S” shapes? The “S” in the word Version is definitely a snake 🐍
What could this all mean??
Well for starters it looks like I’m about to fall down a rabbit hole!
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Is it Taylor just throwing out a random snake in the mix again, as she’s confirmed she likes doing/has done in the past?
Is it an egg for Reputation? (Seems too obvious for me personally but hey.. Whoever actually knows with Tay!)
Is it a nod to her Chinese Zodiac and how she was born in the year of the snake? Given that 1989 is the album symbolic of her artistic rebirth that being a complete transition from country to pop?
.. She did say that she loves to slink around in different genres! You know what else likes to slink… 🐍🐍🐍🐍🐍
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I did see an interesting ‘Tok that speculates a double album drop, with one of the suggestive clues being the “1989” written on the good old Karma wall twice and I’m digging it. It’s a rebirth of an album that is symbolic of her artistic rebirth, two *ahem* too!
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I think the reference to the song “Glitch” PLUS the glitch-glitch itself was also a little hint.. Check out this post from @taylornation celebrating.. *another 2 reference incoming* TWO years since she advance-released Wildest Dreams Taylor’s Version:
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It’s been suggested that the double album drop will be an album completely full of collaborations, in honour of her 1989 world tour when she had just about every and any celebrity friend on the stage with her.
Some think it will be titled “Karma” but I feel like it will tie in with the sky theme feel of 1989 TV as a whole..Check out the lyrics out in “Glitch”-
“.. Nights are so starry, blood moonlit”
Maybe a Starry Nights Limited Edition? Guest Starring an assortment of stars? ⭐️
If Harry Styles isn’t involved in a Style remix of some sort, I will be shattered.
Especially with all the Harry eggs being teased, like the “Harry’s House” album release date in the “I Can See You” music video..
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I actually covered this in my first ever Tay-Spiracy #Swifttok when the idea of 1989 TV was just a dream waiting to be re-lived/re-leased, along with Presley Cash and her “random” capital S for Style caption on a Insta..
In that Tik Tok, which I have thoughtfully shared above, I will say that although I was mistaken about the release date for 1989 TV possibly being her birthday -The math throughout that ‘Tok is CLEARLY MATHING- I still feel like something will be released on her birthday and my gosh it would be a waste to ignore that level Swift-Math when it comes to 1989!!
..Dare I say it. Will her birthday be the release date for this supposed double album drop? What gives on the mysterious lack of collabs? Surely we will get a surprise something yeah?????!!!
Only time will tell!…
Thankyou for dropping by down town Clown Town DeluLu, where todays Clown Climate is feeling extra Clowdy, the current Clown crew is sitting at a comfortable 3 followers so far - but I’m not doing this (solely) for the likes and follows. It’s my form of escapism 💙 Clowning is my (other) boyfriend!
Until then,
.. I saw something they can’t take away
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guepedaddy · 2 years
My hot take is vander has a breeding kink , because <3 what do you think?
You released something in me I know have been here for my whole life but damn, breeding kink is one of my biggest weakness. And with Vander of all of people?
Vander with a breeding kink (and a bit of general nsfw hc)
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Okay, this time I'll try to correctly gather all my feelings for him. This man is Daddy. He has the muscle and the personnality. He'd take care of you, wrap you in his strong arms at night, loose it whenever something, even minor, happens to you. He'd set you on a table, slowly make-out with you, resting his hands on your ass or thighs, then hungrily kisses every bits of your skin until you're a panting mess.
But he can also be brutal. He won't hesitate to throw you on the bed, manhandle you as if you're no more than a ragdoll, and fuck you, deeply and fastly. He wants to see you drooly, unable to focus on anything else than his dick.
Now, on the breeding kink.
Let's start with how much he likes to see you covered in cum. When you give him a blowjob, his breath stutters whenever you lick the cum off your face; or even worse for his heart, when he cums in your mouth and then you open it to let his semence falls on your chest and thighs - and sex.
Okay, I've never seen such a sexual thing (though I thought I've already seen and read everything-), but. When the cum drops from your mouth on your sex, he'll loose it if you start masturbate with it. Two fingers, covered with his cum, deep in yourself. Locking eyes with him as you moan effortlessly.
He l o v e s filling you with cum, balls deep in you. Whenever he reaches climax, he speeds up, and then stay still a whole minute in you afterward, sometimes still sloppily trusting. He wants to be sure not a single drop of cum is wasted and everything is in you. Then he steps back and watch your hole dripping and your body shaking. The only sight can make him hard again, and he would masturbate knowing he was the one filling you up so well and making your hole so drenched.
He just wants you to remember you're his. I can imagine him say: "Filling you so well, love. Taking it all for me, all my cum in you. I'm going to make you so full, everyone will know you're mine."
And he wants everyone to see you swollen with babies. And oh my god don't get me started with pregnancy kink or else-
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I've clearly exposed the deep interest I have in cum - never thought I'd ever write this sentence (joking, I knew I'd write this sentence the moment I started this blog). Anyway, if you share the same interests as me, don't hesitate to send me your thoughts!
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
Hello there! Can I ask for some 1p America headcannons? I love your blog so much!
Abso-fucking-lutely. I’d be delighted to.
In all my years of running this blog, this is the FIRST time someone has asked me to do headcanons on Alfred. Weird, right? I gotta boil it down to how much I write about him that people get their fill, but... Who can actually get enough of this shithead?
This is gonna be such a cinch it’ll be like I’m typing out of my ass. Thanks for the ask, truly.
America headcanons
He comes off as quite outgoing and people-loving. And he is! Alfred lives to entertain others, and the world is his stage. But with how likable he is on the surface, comes a lot of hidden flaws and darker sides of himself that he isn’t exactly proud of.
Alfred has short, sandy blonde hair, which is parted in a cowlick towards the right side of his head. He’s young, so he’s in the midpoint between ‘cute’ and ‘handsome.’ Another thing he’s got going for him is how intense his boyish charm is. He’s the walking definition of it.
He’s also quite pale, but he picks up a tan quite easily in the Summer. In regards to his build, he’s a bit of an all-rounder. He’s six feet, has a fit and athletic body, and a good amount of muscles. Bigger guys often mistake that for being able to beat him in anything strength-related. He can and will break someone’s arm if he’s not careful.
He wears T-shirts, band shirts, hoodies, sweatshirts, baseball jackets, and just about anything an average college student would have in their closet. But his favorite has to be his brown bomber jacket he sticks all his patches on. He can’t go wrong with denim, either.
One of the few universal truths in the world is that Alfred is an extrovert. He has no problem striking up a conversation with classmates or teachers if he wants to ask questions, if not, tune into a subject he finds remotely interesting. He’s incredibly outgoing, friendly, and has great people skills. There’s no way the atmosphere can ever be awkward or boring when he walks in.
He’s a nice jock. Alfred is used to being popular and is rather confident, but he’s not an asshole about it. That’s why he becomes a bit of a magnet of just about everybody—people trust him with about anything and everything. If they do withhold information from him, he won’t mind either. “Alright, then. Keep your sea-crits.”
Alfred can be a bit insensitive. He could say something totally out of pocket, but people give him a pass for it because he ‘doesn’t mean it.’ He talks before he thinks, and might sound mean when he isn’t trying to be. If he really crosses the line, everyone will stare at him until he stares back with a shrug. “What? I’m just saying.”
He loves messing around. He’s got ten inside jokes going on at any given time, and if not, he’s pranking his friends (harmlessly, of course). Alfred would be the one to fill a pitcher with kraft macaroni juice and put it in the fridge to wait for unsuspecting victims. When someone falls for it and chews him out, he’ll just laugh and point. “Who said it was orange juice? It’s your fault for drinking my stuff. This is a warning.”
He’s easily excitable. When a movie plays, he’s the first to get into it, and boy, does he get it into it. If he’s going on a road trip, he’ll be bumping to the radio and scream-sing the lyrics until someone tells him to shut up—it’s no use when he sneaks in quiet humming until he’s singing again. “You don’t like Mr. Brightside? Weirdo...”
Alfred can be strangely serious at times. He’s smarter than he lets on, and nobody can predict when he decides to show it. But it’s no surprise that he’s clever when he’s a reliable guy. What does catch people off guard is when he says something so on the mark, it’s hard to believe he’s the same goofball ten minutes ago.
He’s fiercely loyal and protective. He couldn’t care less if somebody messed with him. But if they messed with his friend, they should count their days. Alfred is cunning and knows what will hurt someone, and he won’t hesitate to say it to their face if they deserve it. Otherwise, he’s not above punching someone if he’s angry enough. “You sure you wanna say that again?” Alfred will laugh menacingly, holding them against a wall. “Because I’ll really fuck you up this time.”
So if you knew him well enough, you’d also know how scary he can be. He doesn’t like his temper, but he can’t resist giving people what they have coming. “Some people need their feelings hurt.”
He has a crazy obsession with superheroes. Marvel, DC, it doesn’t matter to him. He’s an avid comic book collector, and will go on random tangents on the lore of his favorite characters. Some people might accuse him of having a hero complex, but he always denies it with this: “I’m a Batman fan, so your opinion is invalid.”
Alfred is a cinephile. He has great taste in movies because it’s so diverse. He will watch anything regardless of genre, country, or language. If he likes it, he’ll always have something to say.
He’s a nerd, and he’s proud. This guy is really big on video games and merch, and he’s convinced they’re the coolest things he owns. If he wasn’t so passionate, how else would he have an idea of what he’d be dressing up as for Halloween?
If you asked him what his favorite song was, he’d just say ‘Katy Perry.’
He enjoys learning languages and traveling. Alfred knows a good bit of Spanish, Japanese, and Mandarin Chinese. He’s a foodie and history-enthusiast to boot, so he won’t pass up the chance to experience things in person.
He has a weird love for strangers and neighbors. Sure, he may not know them, but that’s what makes it so much better! He’ll go out of his way to help someone when it’s unexpected of him, and never ask for anything in return. If they asked him for directions, for example, he’d just walk with them to where they needed to go.
Psychology + romance
If you know him, he probably already thinks you’re his friend. Getting out of the friend zone is another story and an experience in and of itself. If you laugh at his jokes and make it clear how much you enjoy his company, you’re already off to a good start. But to catch his eye, you’ll have to be more patient and observant than the rest.
Ironically, he’s the most afraid of not being accepted or well-liked. He can’t handle the idea of being ignored, dismissed, or made fun of. Alfred gets most of his support from the crowd, so it wouldn’t be ideal if it turned on him! That’s why he’s so hellbent on keeping his reputation under wraps as the fun and cool popular.
Ergo, Alfred has trouble getting over himself. He has a ‘perfect’ image he wants to be perceived by, so he struggles with feeling close to most of his friends. If he doesn’t come off as the comedic relief, all his layers start to break down. Only a small handful of people see him for who he is, including all his flaws and insecurities.
If you’re genuine with him, i.e. you don’t treat him like a celebrity or put him on a pedestal, he will start paying attention to you. Even better, you start disclosing your thoughts to him until he’ll feel it’s safe to do the same. He feels wanted on a personal level, so he won’t hold back on being honest. Soon, Alfred will prefer hanging out with you to other people because he feels more comfortable to be himself.
He’s very persistent with people he trusts. Alfred is used to getting what he wants, so he won’t stop pestering you until you go somewhere with him. Regardless of when or where, at 4PM, midnight, to a seven-eleven or to the movies, he will stop on the way there just to beg you on the phone. “Aw, c’mon. I want you to come. And you know you wanna come. So, pretty please?”
Alfred will ask you to go on bigger or longer trips as your friendship progresses. Somewhere down the line, he will text you ‘I need a new chair,’ and two hours later, you’ll find yourself at IKEA helping him pick out things he doesn’t need. If the weather’s good, he’ll take you to the beach or to national reserves to go camping and hiking.
He’s in denial at first, which doesn’t bode well for how much he expects from you now. If you make plans with other people, he will get upset even when he doesn’t have the right to be. Alfred can be quite selfish. He’s not above talking you out of something just so he can have you to himself. “We always have Fridays together,” He frowns. “Why didn’t you talk to me about it first?”
One of his love languages of quality time, so it’s no wonder why it affects him so. The only problem is that he’s not being honest about it. As a result, he might brood or bicker with you about the smallest things. When you finally snap and tell him to lay off of you, he’ll stand his ground.
“You saying you don’t like me?” Alfred murmurs.
“It’s your obsession with who I see and what I do.”
“You didn’t deny that you don’t like me, though.” He raises his brows, taking your wrist with a hand.
“That’s got nothing to do with it, though!”
“Yes, it does!”
“You’re being way too difficult about this,” You huff, giving your head a defeated shake. “I like you and all, but you aren’t my boyfriend. Why should I care about what you have to say with what I do with my time?”
“Why not?” Alfred leans in.
“Why can’t I be your boyfriend?”
He loves hard and is eager to show it. Another one of his love languages is physical touch, so when things become official, he’ll always want to kiss and hug you. Even when the situation makes it less than ideal, like a busy hallway or mall, he’ll trap you with his arms for good, hot make-out. Alfred has no qualms against getting frisky out in the open, so if his hands start to wander, all he needs is a sharp jab to behave again.
Alfred tends to be a little co-dependent in the relationship, so he’s even more susceptible to being jealous. That’s why he really values communication. It works out most of the time, but when it doesn’t, it’s usually him causing the problems. Fights will happen every now and then, but it won’t be long before they’re resolved.
Alfred will have to learn to be more patient, and forfeit control sometimes. Otherwise, he’s a very generous, caring, and sensual boyfriend. He will do anything for his partner, and try to do better where he struggles.
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sdr2lovemail · 2 years
Aesop with a quiet support reader? If you could make it angst filled I would love that. gender neutral please Thank you.
None of you are here for IDV, buuuuut this is my blog and I get to indulge in my interests.
Aesop is a character that I hold close. He means a lot to me. While he isn't good representation, he's still there you know?
This fic is more from his point of view but still second person if that makes sense.
I hope you enjoy!
Aesop Carl is not a good man.
At least he thinks so. No, he knows he’s not. He’s undeserving of such acts from you. You shower him with such kindness, such warmth, such…life. Aesop never thought it would be possible. For him to feel alive.
It was exhilarating.
He hated it.
For as long as he can remember, he was always told that death is better than life. To embrace dying. To let others enjoy the cold embrace of it. You ruined everything. Aesop already had the plan. He was going to let the Postman experience the joys of death. He sent out the letter to him. He prepared his coffin, comfortable and quiet, the perfect resting place. Yet you messed everything up.
You always hangout with the mail carrier. The two of you were alike. Quiet, never wanting to be in the spotlight. Even in games the two of you always tried to keep the attention away. Aesop liked that about you. You both made such wonderful candidates for his work. Yet, you couldn’t let him it seems.
It was after a match, the embalmer was hurt. He sat in the makeshift infirmary that somber doctor had set up. Aesop didn’t want help. If anything he would love to watch his wound bleed. To feel the effects of that game burn into his flesh. To see just how close to death he could reach.
You just couldn’t mind your business. That’s how you and that boy were different.
You overheard Aesop’s labored breathing from the infirmary. You just wouldn’t go away. Even when Aesop ignored you, gave you the cold shoulder. Having some medical knowledge, you patched him up. Though, he meant nothing to you. And you…he wanted you to mean nothing to him.
The kindness you would show him, even after he’s given nothing to you, was beautiful. He couldn't let death touch you. Disturb something so clean, so beautiful. He was being selfish.
Ever since that day, he got closer. Aesop shouldn’t have. It wasn’t right of him to indulge on his own whims. That’s not how he was raised. He should know better.
Love wasn’t the right word. Aesop knew he didn’t deserve it. No matter how much he craved the feeling, he knew he would only be surrounded by death. He welcomed it.
Under the gentle moonlight, he spilled everything. His mother, Jerry, his invitation, her invitation, his plans, Victor’s reward.
Yet, you still held him. Not backing away in disgust. Not running and yelling for help. Not begging anything and anyone to get you away from him. No, if anything you held him tighter. When was the last time he has felt this? This…alive?
You asked if he wanted to talk to a professional. There was a psychologist at the manor. Aesop didn’t like Dr. Mesmer. She never did anything to him. Never spoke to him, was never rude to him. Yet, she still reminded Aesop of something he didn’t want to remember. And that man that was always with her...It was too overwhelming. It was all too much for Aesop to handle.
Confiding in you was already a challenge. He didn’t understand his own feelings. He wasn’t normal, he wasn’t born like everyone else. He was never accepted into life from the day he was brought into it. Aesop was different, hated by life itself.
No, you didn’t hate him.
But that terrifies him.
You told Aesop you love him. That you would help him the best you could. He wanted to indulge in the feeling. To relish in your gentle touch. Your tender kisses. Your beautiful, pure love.
Your life.
Perhaps…Just this once, Aesop could enjoy the living.
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Hello @gluttonousfruit you are in fact my first request. (I did not forget about you in moving my blog.) I am super excited to have anyone ask me to write something! Also I would love to be friends! Feel free to message me through asks or in private DMs! I hope you enjoy the imagine!
Warnings: Fluff with a small amount of angst because Levi doubts himself 😞
Brothers Masterlist | Dateables Masterlist
Levi with an Animator S/O
"Okay MC, I know we just finished 'Swimming Only Leads to Hot Mermaids,' but I was thinking since we are already watching otomes, we should watch another series that everyone is recommending online!" Levi says this as he begins to pull out one DVD and place in another while bouncing on the balls of his feet like an excited puppy.
"I guess I could watch one more series, but it better be a good one. Sure the mermaids were attractive, but there wasn't much of a plot." MC says with a yawn. A quick look over to the clock, and it reads 11:48 PM in a blinding blue light. Not too late for one of Levi's normal bingefests, but a little too late for MC when they have classes tomorrow.
"No, I promise this one is good. Everyone is talking about the art style. They say it is so original that it's captivating." Levi walks to the small futon briskly and plops himself down next to MC as he continues to ramble about the art. His voice slowly trails off as the opening begins to play.
As the music fills MC's ears, they perk up and a small smile appears on their face. "Levi, could this perhaps be, 'I Went to Hell For a Weekend and Got Stuck in a Love Heptagon with Seven Incubi'?"
Levi faces MC in shock. The look on their face is quite smug. (In all seriousness, it reminds Levi of Mammon when he wins poker, but he doesn't want to be think about his brother while looking at MC. So he pushes that thought away.) This anime came out only the day before their bingefest. And even then, Levi had this copy pre-ordered for this very occasion and it arrived before any stores were selling physical copies. There is no way a normie like MC could have heard about its release. Does this mean MC isn't such a normie after all?
"You heard of this show already?" The surprise in his voice was impossible to hide.
"Yeah, I have heard of it." MC smiles and chuckles quietly, "I have never actually seen it, but I have heard the opening quite a few times."
"Oh..." Levi sighs. He was so stupid. Of course MC had heard the opening. It is all over his Devilgram and they were on their phone for part of the last show, so they obviously just heard it on there. Levi deflates looking solemn. It was just a pipe dream that MC would ever be interested in his yucky otaku interests.
"Hey! There is no reason to be all sad just because I know the name of the show. I still haven't seen the whole thing. My first time watching will still be with you Levi, isn't that special enough?" The smile on MC's face seemed sincere enough, but the words that came out of their mouth made blood rush up to Levi's cheeks. Their first... did they really mean to say it like that?...
As thoughts begin to flood Leviathan's head the show began. It was true the art style was captivating. So captivating in fact, that he forgot about his embarrassment. But MC's words still lingered in his mind as he watched the show.
"Well, I am dead tired." MC stands cracking their aching joints as they look at the clock. 2:37 AM. It was that late already? "I think I need to head to bed Levi. I have classes in the morning and I need at least a few hours of sleep."
"Are you sure?" Levi was just starting to enjoy MC's presence. At the beginning of the night, he was on edge trying to make everything perfect. Levi did want to mess up by being a yucky Otaku and give them a reason to leave him all alone. But as the night progressed, (and more snacks were consumed) he felt increasingly more comfortable with sharing his favorite shows with MC. "I have other shows we could watch to pass the time, or we could play this new game I got-"
MC walks over to Levi and gently sets their hands on his shoulders, "Games and anime are great, but what I need right now is sleep." MC watched as Levi's face filled with a blush and his eyes flashed with hurt. "I am not leaving because I am mad... or sad... or anything really. I just need to sleep, Leviathan." Their voice was barely above a whisper as they said his name. How could he disagree with them when they said his name like that; all the while, looking deep into his eyes. He felt like he could explode.
As MC turns away, the demon in question then sighs mutters a quiet "okay" under his breath. "Don't worry, Levi. This isn't the last time I will watch anime with you. I promise we can do another one of these when another new anime comes out." MC begins to pick up their things. A blanket they brought with them to keep warm in Levi's cold room and the rest of their human snacks. "Besides, I really liked that one, and I have heard they are already making season two." As they speak, MC makes their way across the room to the gigantic tank.
"Wait. How do you-"
"Good night Henry. Good night Levi." And with that, MC leaves. Closing the door behind them.
How did MC know about a second season? Even he, the Great Otaku Levi, has not heard about a season two on any forums or on any other website... After thinking about it, Levi suspects it's probably on Devilgram like the opening was. To prove his theory, he pulls out his D.D.D. and opens up Devilgram to the 'I Went to Hell For a Weekend and Got Stuck in a Love Heptagon with Seven Incubi' page. He scrolls through their posts and finds the opening, like he predicted, but what he didn't predict was their most recent post.
"This show would not have been possible without MC. Thank you for making such a great story and great art to go along with it!"
Levi reads the caption once, twice, thrice and is speechless. The photo for this post is none other than his MC standing with a hand drawn piece of the protagonist. He can even see their signature in the corner when he zooms in! He knew that they liked to draw, but he never thought they would make an anime.
Without thinking, Levi gets up and begins to run to MC's room. He needs to know that this isn't some sort of elaborate prank that MC and Satan brewed up to make him like a normie more.
The door to MC's room busts open, "MC!" The room is completely dark except for the light shining in through the doorway.
"Levi...? Is that you? Is something wrong?" MC's voice is soft and laced with sleep. If this were any other time, Levi would have screamed over their cuteness, but today he had a mission. He immediately marches up to the half asleep MC and promptly shoves his phone in their face.
"Did you make 'I Went to Hell For a Weekend and Got Stuck in a Love Heptagon with Seven Incubi'?" MC sits up and squints as their eyes adjust to the blinding screen and look at the post.
"Um... yeah. That's me isn't it?" Silence takes over the room, before Levi begins to scream.
"WAHHHHH! MC, why didn't you tell me!" Thankfully with the phone only being pointed at MC, they can't see the blush spreading across his face.
"Well, I didn't want you to treat me differently because I make anime." Laying back down as they speak, MC tucks a pillow under their head and looks up to where they guess Leviathan's face is. "Besides, I thought it was really cute how you were fanboying, and I didn't want you to stop because you knew you were in the presence of the creator." A small smile makes it's way on to MC's face as Levi feels his own get hotter.
Now covering his face, Levi quickly makes his way to the door while muttering, "You can't just say things like that..." As he begins to close the door, he pauses and opens it up again while looking back, "Can you tell me more about your show tomorrow, MC?" His voice sounds small compared to his previous scream.
"Of course Levi. We can talk for as long as you like."
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fatui-gf · 3 years
Yessss another sub Genshin impact blog🤩 , oof I just found your blog , and I just wanna say it’s AMAZING , could you do a cat boy xiao one , that would be adorable 🥰.
First of all, thank you so much for the request!! I love this prompt so much, we have to spread more catboy xiao propaganda ngl 😳 I didn’t know whether you wanted this one to be fluff or nsfw, so please specify next time. ❤️ I added the short nsfw under the cut, it’s nothing risque, very soft because I wasn’t sure what you wanted and didn’t want to go overboard 😳
Sub!Catboy!Xiao x Softdom!gn!reader
Word count: 1115 words
Nsfw includes: begging, oral (m receiving), fingering (m receiving)
The sound of the rain hitting the windows filled the room. It was quite late already, Xiao was watching the water droplets race on the window’s surface, quietly cheering for one of them until the sound of knocking snapped him from said trance.
It surprised him, to say that he didn’t feel lonely would be a lie.
He slowly opened the door only to see you standing there, water dripping from your clothes, a small shy smile on your face. He was stunned. You looked great even after escaping from the pouring rain.
You greeted him with a simple “Hi”, his ears twitched as he heard your voice. He loved it so much and oh, how much did he wish for it to greet him and put him to sleep everyday. He let you into his house and showed you where the bathroom was so you could clean yourself up.
“I don’t really have any other clothes…” he said sheepishly as he handed you some of his own clothes. The thought of you wearing them was pretty exciting for him, though he wouldn’t say it.
You thanked him and went to change. He loved you. So much. The adepti could feel his cheeks gleaming with red, he clearly wasn’t ready to also see you wearing his things. Xiao kept playing with his fingers in anticipation. Fuck, he was nervous.
You could see him jump a little as soon as you entered the room he was in. You sat comfortably next to him, closer than you normally would, trying to pretend that you can’t tell how flustered this boy really is. Xiao tried to hide his expression to no avail.
His eyes shot open wide as you placed a hand on his head, gently scratching his ears. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t help but purr, moving his head closer to you.
“D-don’t think anything of it..,” he stuttered with embarrassment. His ears were! So! Sensitive! He knew he couldn’t let you notice that because then the teasing would never stop but he just couldn’t stop himself from leaning even closer to you, his eyes half open, cheeks practically on fire. This view was so endearing, the grumpy adepti was melting at your touch. It was amazing what you could do to him.
Not to mention the sudden pleasure he felt as you grabbed his tail. The purring got louder, you could say that you’ve tamed the beast. He grabbed your wrist and moved your hand, adding even more friction. He was so needy and failed at every attempt of trying to hide it. His pride was out of the window.
You grabbed his chin while stroking his ear, tears collecting in the corners of his eyes from the stimulation. He was so adorable and so squishy.
“Play with me… some more” a shameful request has left his mouth. He tried to be subtle, saying such explicit things weren’t something he’d think he’d do. He hoped to gods you’d understand.
At this moment, you pulled him even closer to your face, staring into his yellow hues. They were glistening, so beautiful, yet so filled with lust and need. You placed a peck on his lips just to then deepen the kiss. Xiao felt so many things at once, it was hard to collect his thoughts, he just laid underneath you on the bed, his body hitting the softness of the sheets. He placed his arms on your back, tracing your spine with his delicate fingers.
When you pulled away, he was just there, overcome by the nauthy temptations, breathing heavily with his tongue peeking from his open mouth. The texture of his tongue was not what you'd initially expected but it made sense for a catboy to have a slightly scratchy tongue. Honestly, it made everything this much more interesting.
Your eyes gleamed as you placed them on the visible bulge in his pants and you placed your hand right on top of it, tracing its form with your finger. His ears twitched again as he let out a meowy moan. Truth be told, that was one of the cutest things you’ve heard in your whole life.
“Damn…” he swore under his breath “P-please touch me already… I can’t wait any longer” Xiao breathed heavily, reaching for your hand and politely placing it at the top of his pants, trying to get you to undress him.
“I want you to beg” you demanded with a soft but stern tone.
“P-please, I’m begging you, I could get on my knees right now… I-I’ll do everything you want me to but please… just touch me, I can be your slut, whatever you desire, just please touch me, I can’t wait any longer”
“Good boy” you said and placed a peck on his forehead and then went to getting rid of the clothes he didn’t need anymore. This boy really had no shame now. He kept looking at you with his eyes glowing with need, precum already dripping from his cute dick. When you grabbed it, he let out another moan combined with meows. You put it in your mouth, your hands covering the part of his shaft that your lips didn’t, stimulating him with both. His moans and meows got even louder, echoing in the room.
“Pull your legs up, kitten” you said, pulling away from what you were previously doing. He obeyed and placed both of his legs in the air, spreading them, his tail wagging around. You put your fingers in his wet hole, fingering him with the tips of your fingers hitting his prostate. He let out loud moans with each thrust, desperately putting his own thumb in his mouth and biting on it, trying to muffle the sounds.
At this point he couldn’t even see straight anymore, his vision got blurry with the tears of pleasure collected in his eyes. He was a mess, all thanks to you.
With a few final thrusts, he came all over his stomach, wrapping his tail around you, trying to pull you closer. He adored your presence, your closeness, he wanted to have you with him forever.
Xiao couldn’t catch his breath, he was panting and looking over to your side with such longing in his eyes. After that, you helped him clean up and tucked him to bed.
“Can you stay the night with me?” the adepti asked, hoping you’d say yes.
“Sure, if you let me in for a second round” you said with a wink, making the poor boy blush again. Please, spare him for this night. He just nodded and patted the space next to him on the bed as an invitation.
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fruit-of-infidelity · 2 years
"What drew you to my OC", you say- sigh
[cracks knuckles]
[cracks simpery]
Ok I'll start from the beginning 😤 time to expose myself [breathes in]
I've been following your main blog for the longest time, before even daring to make an OC blog (bcuz war flashbacks). I always loved the way you wrote for EVERY boy and it was always so nice and entertaining to read you in my dash (still is 🏃‍♀️). So when I saw you made an OC it was like,,, instant follow and ALSO instant shyness. I wanted to interact so bad but there was this… odd anxiety that I feel when I try to interact with blogs I admire from the shadows kgjd. And I was just starting too, so anxiety levels were just 📈📈📈
In short, yes, I was initially dragged to your OC blog because I knew your writing style and overall understanding of DL beforehand, and seeing you hop in the OC train was just👀👀👀 hello there
However… although it's true that I followed you because you were behind that blog I liked, I knew that it was no guarantee for me to be also interested in the OC, for a number of reasons.
So what made me stay? 🤔
… trashes my previous statement Everything-
sdkjgdfg no fr, from Ryuuto's story, being Richter and Cordelia's son, to his design (OG and current sprites 🛐) and everything in the middle, his development, his personality, his interactions, and the way everything MAKES SENSE is just?? Godlike-
Because ngl, when I read he was a Sakamaki, I was like… oh, okay 👩🏻‍🦯 (not my dislike for S bros showing- SDJF) but then I read more into him, the idea of him being the child of that affair was so clever and interesting to read and learn about (Also it made the url just click in my head and that was so satisfying sFKDFJg). In truth, I'm a sucker for OCs that could as well have a certain role in the canon story that us mortals are not aware of until we meet them- And if it makes sense AND fills some gaps? i'm sold
Don't even make get started with the overall devotion and dedication you have that makes everything seem so effortless and natural, you seem passionate with everything and I love to see it 😩 (like,, Ryuuto's official voice actor? How dare you 👩🏻‍🦯 I didn't need my soul anyway)
WELP. I'm in love with everything you do, apparently 🙄 Not just biased (i hope-), but you clearly make people just LOVE your character; with his flaws, traumas, sass, playfulness, and secrets.
I swear when/if my baby learns about that side of Ryuuto, I- I think it'll be over for everyone involved 🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️
Lastly, Ryuulett interactions give me LIFE and I get so excited when I see you in my notes ;; tbh I had the feeling that she wouldn't like him entirely or viceversa, or her playful/daring attitude despite being a rather weak demon would get her in serious trouble at least- What a pleasant surprise to see them both being equally bold and equally teasing each other in the end HAHAHA. I love their dynamic so much and I'm always eager to see what's going to happen next😩🍿
So yeah,,, this is a whole mess, but I hope it makes sense (????)
What drew you to my OC?
// You- I- ROX!!!
YOU'RE SO SO KIND OMG, AAAAAA >< Over here making me blush rn, fr. I didnt know you liked my main, that's so lovely >< You've been following me since I BEGAN this blog??? 😩♥️
IM ON MY KNEES, YOURE SO LOVELYYYYY 🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️🙇‍♀️ IM SO SO TOUCHED TO HEAR YOUR WORDS AAAAA IM ALSO STOKED THAT IT MAKES SENSE TO YOU!! I knew I wanted a Sakamaki (i hear you rollin' your eyes, Rox, lololol <3-) OC, but like,, was SUPER worried because there are all these fanfics of Sakamaki-Sister OCs and didn't want ANYTHING like that, but also didnt want someone that was just a random in the lore, you know? Also making him NOT a bride/diaboy x oc character was something i was ADAMANT from the get-go, so Im SUPER FLATTERED 😩😩😩
THANK YOUUUU 🥺🥺🥺 Ryuuto is like part of my soul now, he's my son and i want to do EVERYTHING for him to make him as canon as possible for an OC (i just rlly hope im not annoying by delaying things, like his route, because im a perfectionist with it too ><). I just really, really want to make the best version of him that I can for his route, fo everyone to enjoy! Don't get me started on the extra scenarios for the other boys routes too. I have like five scenarios per-diaboy that slot within their canon routes to incorporate Ryuuto into them. But anyway, I'm rambling about that-
ALSO THANK YOUUU AAAAA!!! If he's someone you love? Mission accomplished. If he's someone you hate? Mission accomplished, too. So I hope ppl will be able to see his good, bad and awful sides!!
THEYRE PEFECT!! DOUBLE THE SASS, DOUBLE THE BOLDNESS, DOUBLE THE TEASING?? It's always so so SO fun interacting with you and your baby 🥺 DEF give me some of that popcorn because it ALWAYS gets intense and I looooveee themmmm 😩
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willowcrowned · 3 years
Hi, I just found your blog and I love it! I have nevere laugh so hard thanks to chewku and I started reading some of your others AUs. Can I ask you if you'd like to continue a bit the Gray Apprentice AU? The one with Obi-Wan both a sith and a jedi? Pretty please? I would love to see hin and Maul bicker for everything but then they form a brotherly bond and Maul gets adopted by Lord Zannah.
Okay, thank you SO much for reminding me that this AU exists because I love it very dearly (to the point where at one point I was starting to write full-on scenes and stashing them in a word doc for later). You can ABSOLUTELY have a bit of the Grey Apprentice AU
Obi-Wan, unlike his master, isn't really one for sticking his nose where it doesn't belong. During tenure as Qui-Gon's apprentice, he's had a firsthand view of what results from judicious snooping, which is mostly messes that he’s had to help clean up, and that has never endeared him towards the practice, but this is different. This is more than justified. After all, it’s not often that one gets to look at a rival Sith’s ship, especially when that rival Sith is trussed up in the hold like a Takodana chicken on a festival day. 
Unfortunately, Maul’s ship is disappointing. Obi-Wan has long done away with his notions of Sith caves and fortresses dripping with filth and darkness, but he’d at least been expecting something more interesting than a closet full of black tunics and half a burrito wrapped up in the fridge. There should at least be some weapons— a few poisons, maybe, or a cursed pike if he’s lucky; Sith tend towards backups, and that extends to weapons as well as plans.
He frowns, looking around the hallway. He’s checked all the places he would hide things— inside the engine’s wiring, behind a second fake panel that is itself behind a wall panel, and even in the vents (though those are fairly obvious, and therefore a last resort)— but he hasn’t found anything. Obi-Wan reaches out with his senses, calling for the Dark in the hopes that the Sith-blessed weapons will call back, but there isn’t any response; the entire ship is peaceful, almost blank. 
Obi-Wan slaps a hand to his forehead, swearing. He’s been looking at this as though Maul is a fallen Jedi. Of course he’s not going to bother hiding the weapons carefully, he’s just going to mask them with the Force. Instead of looking for where they are, Obi-Wan should be looking for where they aren’t. 
He reaches out with the Force again, and finds several deeply suspicious blank spots. Obi-Wan grins. Perfect. 
Which is, of course, the moment Maul has to wake up and start making noise. Obi-Wan sighs. That’s the trouble with kidnapping people. They never let you look over their things in peace. 
By the time he gets to the hold, Maul is screaming (presumably with rage, though the bindings, physical and Force-created, are keeping him from moving even his face). It’s a rather funny scene— it’s always amusing to watch someone used to having power suddenly have access to none of it. It’s the panic, really, sort of like a toddler throwing a tantrum. 
Obi-Wan raises an eyebrow. “Hello there.” 
Maul, predictably, screams. 
“You know you’re just going to damage your vocal chords if you keep at that,” Obi-Wan says, undoing the bindings on Maul’s face, mouth and lips included. “Can we have a civil conversation now?” 
“I will defeat you, Jedi,” Maul hisses, eyes blazing with fury. “You will know the pain of my saber as your flesh is rent apart.” 
“Haven’t we already been through this?” Obi-Wan sighs. “I defeated you on Tatooine. You can’t seriously be expecting a do-over.” 
“I will tear you limb from limb. I will break every bone in your body, and feed the splinters into your muscle. I will pierce your skin with one thousand needles, crush your brain inside your skull. I will—” 
Obi-Wan gives him a flat look. “You’ll do nothing until I undo your bindings, which isn’t going to happen if you keep up with that.” 
“My master will come for me.” Maul’s eyes are filled with such fervor that Obi-Wan almost feels bad for him. 
“Maul,” Obi-Wan says, looking at him with a sincerity he hopes displays how utterly stupid he thinks it is that they have to have this conversation, “do you really think your master cares if you live or die?” 
“I will tear your beating heart from your chest, rip your spine through your back—” 
“Yes, yes,” Obi-Wan says, “we’ve been through this. I’m sure you know many ways to kill me gruesomely.” He huffs. “I mean, fuck’s sake, he’s already grooming a new apprentice. He won’t be finished cooking for another year or two, but you’ve not got more than a couple months before your replacement waltzes in and kills you.” 
“I have no replacement,” Maul growls. 
Obi-Wan wants to feel cheered that Maul has stopped issuing death threats, but the murderous intent gathering around the other man is somewhat dampening his triumph. “Yes, you do.” 
Maul opens his mouth, but before he can argue, Obi-Wan continues. 
“He’s been laying a trail, you know. Your killing my master was supposed to be the final straw for him to finally immerse himself in the darkness. Of course,” Obi-Wan adds, not very contrite, nor inclined to fake it, “he was then supposed to track you down in a little while, and kill you— for the light, of course. All that would be left then is the sacrifice.” 
“You lie,” Maul spits.  
“No,” Obi-Wan says, exasperated, “I don’t, and I know you know that because I can feel you listening to the Force to check. Sidious is going to do away with you, sooner rather than later, and you’re not prepared to face him.” 
Maul’s eyes widen, the implications finally settling in. 
“Work with me,” Obi-Wan offers. “Help me kill him before he can get rid of you.” 
“This is a trick— you want me to give away my secrets, to betray my master, to turn us against each other to take us down.” 
“Well, yes, that was the general idea.”  
Maul’s expression doesn’t change, suspicion still clouding his features beyond all else. 
“I’m offering you the chance to save your life,” Obi-Wan adds, gentler.  
“Very well.” Maul grits his teeth. “But know this, Jedi, after we have disposed of him, I will come for you and your master, and I will make you watch as I kill him. 
Obi-Wan rolls his eyes, disgusted. “Banites.”
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kakubun · 3 years
Hi! I'm not sure if this request is okay or not... but could I have some Seijoh 3rd years X a reader who's just barely 5 feet, and seems super shy at first but is actually really energetic, they just have a hard time talking to people? I've only been following your blog for a few days now, but I really love your content! 💕
seijoh third years x gen!reader
:000 thank youuuUUU, i felt like i went off topic again, sorry :((
i love you *cat noises* (also isn’t like barely 5 feet y/n’s nearly at any of the dudes’ crotch 💀 💀 )
also pray for me i have to see my homophobic english teacher almost everyday grr
i’m online on the weekdays and offline most of the time due to gadget restrictions :((, sorry for late late late written request 
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you were adorable, tooru loved you :33
that means a lot of headpats when you agree with him and it would always fluster you and you would always slide your mask up to hide yourself 
PLEASE the third years adored you, you were their favourite person 💀💀 they loved seeing you go all shy at everything they do and partly bullying oikawa which you weren’t
y/n: that’s wrong though.. i thought oikawa was correct?
oikawa: seeee?? *head pat* good darling~ you defitenely know who’s the right and wrong one in the situation💫💫
of course they respected you and never went too far with their teasing, yep they had boundaries but that doesn’t mean they can’t mess with you
oikawa: y/n-chan!! you’re supposed to defend me!!
y/n: when?? you were in the wrong though??
mattsun: agreed.
makki: correct. 
iwaizumi: the statement that they’ve said is genuine and truthful.
matsuhana + oikawa were the same bozos on you every single day 
they would do random bs there and then, making the others done with them 
hanamaki would bend near your ear and ask you to pass his bottle, matsukawa would randomly hold your chin to make him face you whenever you were talking to him and not facing him 
oikawa at one point wanted to take his shirt off like that one scene with suga (which i don’t understand when suga was like “hah, get used to it~” to yachi when they could’ve changed in a locker room or the club room?? like bruh it’s that simple 😎👍👍) but iwaizumi wacked his head and shouted at him to not do anything inappropriate 
and more stupidity involving matsukawa shoving you into his nasty ass sweaty chest by lifting his shirt over your head and hanamaki would wipe cream off your cheek when he purposely pushed it to your cheek  and oikawa sneaking you his fangirls’ chocolates when he couldn’t eat most of them in your bag (he loved his fangirls but it was too much to consume-)
that’s why you adored iwaizumi 
he wasn’t a piece of shit like some people- i mean he wasn’t bothered when you constantly hide behind his back 
you were.. interesting. 
you were pretty quiet and you look really reserved and soft, those thoughts were in his head when he practised his serves but what he didn’t noticed was you since he focused really hard 
you were stimming, you let out a loud woah and clapped, wiggling in your seat 
matsuhana were right at your side and stared at your reaction, holy shit you were cute when you were excited and rather loud 
you just joined the team with no knowledge of volleyball of course you’ll be amazed
well not actually no knowledge, bestie dragged you to their matches and after that you actually watch volleyball with your parents when they let out a relieved breath that you weren’t bothered anymore when they always asked if you wanted to watch any volleyball matches with them and you would join in
they thought it was out of pity but you genuinely wanted to watch it
they looked so cool, you couldn’t resist cheering for them 
oikawa noticed you cheering when you glanced back at the pair near you who were laughing and you whined for them to stop 
oh dear oikawa gushed and his best friend didn’t even noticed you and raised his eyebrow when he saw oikawa all distracted
days and weeks came by and you were suddenly bursting with energy and jumping up and down when they agreed with your strategy to perfect their game play and when they would practise and show off to you and you just wouldn’t stop getting over of how swaggy they looked 
you were pretty happy for the most part, your team fills you with euphoria over and over again and never fails to put a smile on your face 
the left you :DD everyday 
okay, here’s the thing 
matsuhana waved you over to them, wanting to talk to you and whispered to you secret agent style even though there was no need- 
oikawa’s fangirls
mattsun: do you know the unknown creatures that wait near the door at 2p.m. every afternoon??
makki: yeah, yeah the ones that are attracted to oikawa??
y/n: huh isn’t that-
you choked out laughing when you realized what both of them were referring to
of course you knew who they were
they were loud like you
well most of them, they would gush about oikawa but they were kind enough on not to do it in front of you often cause they knew majority of them were annoying :000
but bits of his fans, scary
fan: oh so that’s how usual volleyball practises are? gosh i would be so happy just to be near oikawa- oops sorry! 
y/n: :DD it okay
 they devoted their lives to a simp, an idiot who just loves aliens and volleyball and his friends 😔
you avoided them at every chance, the other fangirls actually protecting you ;’’’’DD but sometimes the mean ones got to you and you had a hard time defending yourself 
“you’re just a slutty whore whose all over oikawa, probably the same with the others. you probably had-” they droned on about very nasty things you would NEVER DO and some of the comments would jab at your heart and you would shake your head and run
you couldn’t hide it to the team and angrily fumed at yourself by troubling the team
oikawa didn’t wait, he grabbed your hand and asked where they were
you told him, crying and putting up your mask and facing the fans again and chills made you twitch a lot when oikawa commanded them to come over and apologized 
the fans froze, stuttering and being completely obvious that they didn’t breathed any of your air even though they did but oikawa rolled his eyes and coldly chuckle and approached them himself
you were panicking so you didn’t watch and look the other way 
it was a blur when he held your hand again and walked you back to the gym when the others anticipated  both of your presence
the team approached you and immediately trapped you in questions and oikawa cooled down and waved off that his business with the fans were finished 
you wiped the last form of your tears and tackled oikawa which made him squel and you lightly punched his chest and banged your head onto it multiple times
y/n: you’re fucking scary when you’re mad
he blinked at this and looked at you who pouted at him and he chuckled and rubbed your back when you hugged him again as a thank you 
the other members broke into chaos on how they were confused, why is oikawa getting hugged by their precious manager and saying that it’s not fair to tease y/n who was in a sensitive position and wanted oikawa to apologize 
guess everything was okay and the fans didn’t bother with you ever again
especially with your captain who bared his fangs to anyone that hurted you
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