#i know that adding the poll makes this look like fun and games
smidge-j · 1 year
Question for the technical side of tumblr.
Why does my computer disconnect from Wi-Fi, and won't reconnect without a restart of the computer, whenever I launch the game Euro Truck Simulator 2?
My Wi-Fi disconnects, every time without fail, but only while playing this one game.
Also how would I go about fixing this?
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seraphinitegames · 2 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 12/July/2024
Was a mixture of tasks this week!
First up was finishing up social media days, and what a difference having stable internet makes to that, lol! :D
Managed to get all the asks answered and scheduled for the month ahead—first month that’s happened in a while! There were some really juicy ones this time around too, so hope you enjoy those, hehe! ;D
Then it was onto the fun of doing the Patreon content! And I’m already excited to see what gets chosen for next month’s Summer Scenario Specials! The second poll for that (looking like vacation-themed…) will be up later too.
After that, I moved onto the edits, which I thought would take me the rest of the week. Instead, I managed to get them all done mid-week and get in another round of checks before sending it off to the final set of readers!
And with that done, I got stuck right back into Chapter Three! I ended up adding in an extra little section, which I was really glad I did because it gave me the perfect chance to give some real foreshadowing of something major coming up later, which I didn’t know how I was going to do!
I’m continuing on with Chapter Three now and will be pushing on through that next week, adding in edits and adjustments to Chapter Two as the readers get back to me over the next while, prepping it ready to add into the demo! Also a couple of things I need to edit for the Steam wishlist for Hosted Games before it can go up, but hopefully will be able to get that done super quick.
Chapter Two had SO much going on, I forgot how much was coming up in Chapter Three as well! There’s a major moment of the MC actually experiencing the training of becoming an Agent rather than just the game telling you it’s been happening off-screen, lol! But I don’t want it to just feel too much of a slog, so want lots of character interactions in there to help break it up all tailored to which Unit you end up doing that training with!
Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! <3
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omaano · 2 months
SW Hades AU July Update
Other updates: May - June - July - August
I've made a lot more progress with my Star Wars meets Hades AU project than I'd imagined - and absolutely none in other aspects, so let's see how the past month has been!
I have finished the character illustrations both for Maul
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and Omega, (look how cute she is in her pocket sized version! ^^)
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and I have also finally rounded out my Din collection, so that I now have 6 variations on his character art (helmet on and off, with Grogu and the darksaber, and with and without Grogu and the beskar spear in hand).
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Aphra has lines and flat colours too, as well as the very basic lighting layers on her!
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I'm real hyped to start working on her! I'm very proud of the dynamic pose I picked for her, too. I'll likely up the red in her jacket and gloves for a bit of a pop in colour, because all this brown everywhere is growing a little boring tbh. Like with certain other characters...
There has been some progress with Obi-Wan, but it's going suuuper slow, and I continue to preemptively worry about how I should completely redraw him for after his reunion with Cody, too. (Iirc Patroclus is standing with his spear in hand after he's reuinted with Achilles in Hades, and I also very badly want to draw him with his lightsaber ignited, but I feel that wouldn't be very good for him just, you know, hanging out in front of his little house on Tatooine...)
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And now I'm going to add my first ever poll for the next month in case anyone wants to weigh in on the order in which I add characters to this project:
I'm making no promises, but I thought this could be fun :)
This post is growing a little long, so I'm putting the rest about Obi-wan's background re-draw, and some musings on picking colours for Omega under the read more ->
There was no room for it in the previous update, but I'd fully redrawn one background finally for Obi-Wan's chilling spot!
It is the same setup as where you can find Patroclus in game, with the walls and the chasm and the doors out, but I added Obi-Wan's hut and a desert envisonment. (I've watched so many videos on how to draw in an isometric grid, because there was always something that just wouldn't work... I'd thought there was a trick to drawing squares and circles in this grid that I just couldn't figure out for the life of me - and it turns out that I was just careless and my grid wasn't tight enough so I had to eyaball distances and the width and length of things too much lol.) And now I'm faced with the difficult task of picking colours and figuring out if the character shading tricks also apply here or not.
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For now these colours are more for just to block in certain elements in the background, but I have some more desert/desolate looking backgrounds saved from other Supergiant games (they've got some really vibrant and dark colours, like wow!) as well to hopefully help me out moving forward.
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I'd redrawn those bulbs you can find over the door leading out of various chambers in-game, because I might as well go in full re-design mode bit by bit, and after some deliberation and googling I picked the Mandalorian Crusaders symbol as inspiration for it.
And now back to Omega for a bit:
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While I was working on the character illustration for Omega and Batcher I became very aware of how weird it is to pick colours for me. (I very heavily rely on preexisting colour palettes; I have multiple saved just for the Hades project like for Rex, Ahsoka, Cobb...) I'd been working on Rex and Cody last (Maul doesn't count because he doesn't have very human colours, so picking reds and purples and browns for him wasn't so shocking tbh), and aside from the armor paint and hair colour they very much share the very same colour palette. That was easy, I'd picked the skintones off Boba and the little portrait icons already, upped the saturation a bit because seeing the base skintone laid down scared me, and off I went.
(Laying down the first layer of flat colours is always super scary because they too often seem too dark and too grey/green, which I know will change after the complete shading is done but it still looks very off putting...)
So. The way the colouring in Hades made sense for me is that it works with pretty desaturated colours, there is a lighter shadow colour that's a bit more desaturated and the hue is shifted cooler but is still pretty cool to the original base colour (so much that I'd often have to turn it darker so that I'd see it laid down if I'm not sitting right), and another darker shadow layer that is a tad more saturated and warmer in tone. And there is also (a possibly slightly cooler shifted) and lighter highlight, and another more saturated colourful highligt (in the skin that is the bright, peachy orange for example). (and the little super bright pops of colour at the very very end. I hate adding them so much, but they are very important!)
But while I could pick the skin tones off of Rex, the problem I'd tumbled into was when it came to shading her hair (it's very important to me that Rex and Omega shared all these colours). Omega has a lot more hair (shocking, I know), and so shading that required a lot more than Rex's simple two-tones, and the "shadow" colour from Rex just didn't work, it was too saturated and warm in a larger quantity. So I tried to find another blond character in Hades, picked some colours off of Theseus... and those didn't work too well either, because those colours looked too pale and washed out compared to how lively her skintone was. There had been a lot of adjusting - I'd colour picked all of Theseus' colours and watched like a hawk where my colour marker moved both in hue and saturation a couple times in every which way and tried to mimic that in comparison to my base colour... and then you already saw how she ended up.
Here is the visual representation of the process:
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I do a lot of these swatches.
You can see them there next to Omega with the blues and the gold/metallic detail colours (the latter of which I'd ended up using in her crossbow), and up above with the Obi-Wan wip as well (I needed to pick a lot of colours from Chaos and Aphrodite to figure out how to go about his pale skin), but I also worked like this with Din and Achilles in the beginning, as well as trying to pick the greens for Boba's armor. Usually the first and biggest hurdle I run into is choosing my base colours... that's something I really need to work on; but after that this method really helped me feel a lot more comfortable with cell shading.
I hope it made sense to you, and it was at least a tad bit entertaining (or if I'd ruined the word "colour" for you for a while, I'm sorry XD, I know I'd used it a lot). This was really the first time I'd truly seen how I changed around the colours I worked with in a piece, and also tried to go a bit more consciously about shifting them around here (that's why I have all the screenshots XD) and thought I might as well share them here in this monthly update.
I've also switched over to using CSP and a display tablet, in the hopes that I can familiarize myself with them without the pressure of needing some fancy or very specific brushwork and work process. No texture, little need for pressure sensitivity - I hope to slowly pspsps my brain into accepting working with these, and build up some success and good experiences before I try sketching and drawing on it and maybe trying out some new unfamiliar brushes as well ^^;
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mayon3sa · 2 months
Synopsis:Having to clutch up the last round of a game is frustrating. What’s even more frustrating is getting clipped by one of the team members from the other team because they died. What happens when said clip ends up going viral and people start laughing at how the dynamic between the two strangers is. Not only does it end up going viral but it also encourages new friendships to be made through it and maybe even more than just friendships.
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Playing Valorant alone was always one of your biggest fears, even though you were a professional player and had enough experience to speak up for yourself you always fell victim to the what if thoughts during certain games. Spiraling down those thoughts always seemed impossible to let go of ; Lucky something always distracted you from venturing any further into those thoughts
Speak of the devil and he shall appear, just as you were starting to worry your phone rang making you stop what you were doing and picking up the incoming call
“Y/N hop on val i’m on stream right now girly” Jirous voice rang through your phone
“I’m setting up my stream wait, in the meantime join the discord vc”
“Girl hurry up”
“Damn bro stop rushing me i’m almost done i'm fixing my mic, I’ll join the discord when i finish up bye bye”
“Hurry up if not i’m not playing with you bye bye”
Just as you were done setting up your mic you joined the discord vc to see shindo and shinsou also on the call
“I thought you guys were streaming why are you on call” you questioned
“Ehh we got bored and decided to just chill in call and hear you guys play val” Shindo said
“50 bucks y/n throws this game” shinsou said
“Haha hilarious you asshole, you wanna talk about throwing games let's talk about your two week lose streak back to back”
“Alright bro you didn’t have to do all that, just say you’re pressed and move on i guess”
“When i see you shinso it’s on fucking sight bro, bring your boxing gloves hoe”
“Or what”
“Oh my god both of you shut up, Y/N join my party i already sent the invite”Jirous voice interrupted you and shinou’s bickering
After nearly 20 minutes of you and Jirou playing you guys were approaching the end of the game with one last match having to take place in order for you guys to win the game. Saying you were exhausted was an understatement so needing some fun in the game you held a poll on your chat asking what you should do for the last round and surprisingly majority voted to play pistol only as it would’ve been fun. And that’s exactly what you decided on doing
“We should all do eco this round, with light shields and classical pistols” You had said to your team's general voice chat
“I’m down i’m getting bored of this game either way” a girl said
“Yeah i’m also down why not” Another girl said
“I mean why not we could win this round so sure” yet another girl also agreeing with your idea
“Jirou play eco this round let’s win this last round with thrifty that would be funny as hell” You commed
Just as the round started you lurked around b site playing around with your raze kit and knife making markings along the walls 
“Y/N there’s someone around the corner i set up cypher traps but they have guardian one tap and you're done for” jirou commed
“Relax i have roomba with me we’ll be ight”
“Y/N says that and she’s always first to die with than damn robot” Shinso said 
“Shut the hell up bro if i miss my shots i’ll get a medium to put a hex on you”
“Girl shut up and shoot 2 of them are coming to sight” jirou commed
“Damn bro y’all on my ass i know, i got it”
As Y/N as holding down b site two enemies had entered site you used paint shells as decoy and shot two of the enemies
“2 down, i think some might be lurking mid jirou tell iso to hold mid”
“Iso IS holding down mid dumbass look at mini map”
“Well not anymore she’s dead go hold down mid i’ll rotate to a”
“Shindo do you ever think about like what if dress to impress ever added a serving cunt category like imagine someone dressed up as maddie from euphoria” shinso talked into mic
“No because honestly think about it that would make the game so much better, i NEED that category added”
“I got sage, our phoenix commed 2 in a Y/N let’s rotate”
“Bro our whole team just full on died it’s just us” jirou said as she was checking player starts
“We’re winning this with hopes and dreams bro”
“Trust, trust i’ve been practicing my aim i can clutch this watch” y/n said
Just as Y/N and jirou were holding down a sight the enemy teams yoru had teleported behind jirou, though it was a good strategy on their part jirou managed to kill them, leaving the round between the enemy chamber, you and jirou. You do have to say as smart as the chamber was for using decoys they weren’t smart enough to kill jirou, they weren’t smart enough to realized you had your ultimate so just in time when they peaked you managed to kill them
‘THRIFTY’ was all that was heard as the round ended
Not wanting to leave a sour taste on the other players you left a message you thought was nice and Whitty on general chat ‘no scope :P wp’ 
“Alright jirou i think i’m gonna hop off i need to take care of my hedgehog bye jirou bye stream I'll see you guys hopefully tomorrow at the same time as today stay safe and hydrated guys”
“I FUCKING LOST TO A RAZE WITH NO DAMN GUN HOW BRO HOW” was all that was heard through bakugos stream
Just as he managed to somewhat calm down from the anger of that match he cut the clip and uploaded the rest to twitter
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A/N. AHHHHH i finally finished the first chapter im so exhausted ngl but yayyy
taglist.@twinnintwink , @sara4uuu , @captainshindo , [open just ask to be in it :))]
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guapoduoshipper · 1 year
Guapoduo domestic-fluff headcanons
Honoring the winning content of this poll, here's a list of headcanons I have from guapoduo domestic life:
Warning: a lot of fluff because I feel want it.
Cellbit drinks his coffee without sugar but, since Roier moved to the castle, he makes sure to always have it stocked in his pantry as he noticed the grimaces his husband makes when he invites him for a cup.
Roier stopped adding too much spice to the food so Cellbit can eat it without worrying about ending up with a burnt tongue.
When they play a board game or video game, they may insult each other, but it's only because of their competitive spirits, so it doesn't stop them from laughing and having a lot of fun.
It is increasingly common for them to stop speaking in English and communicate in their respective languages (Spanish and Portuguese) because they understand each other much better than before.
If Cellbit wakes up first, he kisses Roier's forehead to wake him up. If it's Roier, he pulls Cellbit's cheeks until he wakes up.
Cellbit has a picture of their wedding as his phone wallpaper, Roier has a funny photo of Cellbit.
Roier goes three times a week to his castle to feed and check that all of Bobby's pets are fine, Cellbit and Richarlyson started going with him as soon as they realized he was doing it.
Cellbit continues to take pictures of Roier without him noticing.
As he began to get used to the extended periods in which Roier could fall asleep, Cellbit began to write a diary where he tells his husband everything that happened on the island to keep him in the loop.
When they are lying down, they often tease each other with playful taps or tickles, their laughter heard throughout the castle.
Cellbit gave Roier a painting easel, he set it up on their bedroom balcony but has not yet dared to paint anything (canonically the last time he painted something was at Bobby's farewell).
Among all the investigation files on Cellbit's computer, there is a folder full of memes sent to him by Roier.
Cellbit's language of love is words of affirmation, Roier's is acts of service, but together their language is quality time.
When Jaiden is visiting them, they usually choose one of Bobby's favorite foods for dinner: tortas, tamales or pizza.
Cellbit used to have nightmares but, since he and Roier sleep together, he has been able to fall asleep more easily (this is partially canon).
Roier wakes up in the wee hours of the morning to look for Cellbit's hand just to make sure he is there, Cellbit always clasps his fingers.
Roier always sings while doing some household chore, if Cellbit knows the lyrics he starts singing it too, otherwise he just listens to him.
When Roier sings in Spanish, Cellbit tries to memorize the lyrics and then look them up and add them to his playlist.
If Cellbit falls asleep at his office, when he wakes up, he realizes that Roier slept on the couch right in front of his desk.
Cellbit likes to trace Roier's jawline with his finger when they are lying on their bed. Roier, for his part, tangles his husband's white locks between his fingers.
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tf-boi · 3 months
Game Over
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(Here's a story from one of the polls I made a while back. I hope you enjoy ;) The premise is me and my boyfriend keeps getting cock blocked by his little brother but tonight I get my revenge.)
"Mmmmm mmmmm" moaned Raymond making out with his boyfriend Sean. As they undress eachother their cocks became erect and rubbed against eachother.
Sean pulled off Raymonds underwear and released his musk into the room. With much anticipation he moves in on his meal. Suddenly a scream is heard.
"GODDAMMIT!!" Shouted Tony, Sean's brother, from across the hall. Raymond and Sean paused, kocked back into reality. They grinned and resummed. But as Sean began sucking Raymond off another scream echo'd. "MOTHER FUCKER!!"
Tony has been on a losing streak on his online game and nightly his loud screams would interupt Raymond and Sean's fun. The pair took another look at eachother when suddenly another scream was heard. "You guys suck!"
"Forget it! Moods killed . . ." Sean said tossing his hands in the air.
Raymond rolled his eyes "He's been like this NIGHTLY for a whole month. I'm gonna. . ."
Before Raymond could finish his thought Sean put his finger on his mouth. "Its okay Ray Ray, he'll probably fall asleep soon. . . We'll try again then."
"Uggghhhhh. . . But I'm already turned off by his screams."
"Damn. . . Guess we'll try again tomorrow. . ."
Raymond lied in bed annoyed. He wanted to get back at Tony for cock blocking him these passed few weeks. As Sean got up to go into the shower, Raymond saw that Sean was taking his phone with him. He then hatched a scheme knowing that his boyfriend is gonna be in there for at least an hour, when Sean takes his phone in he spends most of the time watching videos and laughing at memes so he had plenty of time.
As soon as Sean closed the door Raymond quietly got up and walked into the hallway in the nude. He approached Tony's room with a spare key they had incase of emergencies and unlocked his door. Raymobd peeked in and saw Tony shouting at his screen with his noise-canceling headphones on. "Perfect he can't hear me. . .little brat" he thought as he approached his prey. As he got behind Tony he realized he was playing naked, his computer and several screens heating up the room causing him to be too hot and stripped down. Raymond almost drooled as he grabs Tony all of a sudden. Tony's focus on his game was his downfall as Raymond rippes him from his chair and bent him over his bed.
"What the fu-" Tony tried to scream however Raymond covered Tony's mouth with his hands. Raymond pulls out Tony's 'lucky' butt plug from his ass and shoves his cock in. Tony tried to scream put Raymond put his hand over gis throat turning them hollow. Tony was confused as his body began to warm up with a lustful sensation. He stopped struggling as he fell to his bed almost succumbing to his fate, drooling as his mind goes blank. Raymond began focusing on the shape he wanted as Tony's limbs began to shrink and sink into him. His neck expanding as what looked like forskin surrounds his head. His body going from a flat human body to a thick round shaft. Raymond grabbed a pair of Tony's underwear and sniffed it as his victim slowly shrinks. Veins appearing as he throbbed. Soon Tony took his final shape as a thick juicy cock, Raymonds normal pubic hair changing to the light purple color of Tony's hair.
"Thats what you get for cock blocking bitch!" Raymond exclaimed in joy. He rubbed his new cock admiring his work. "Oh looks like you added a whole 6 inches! Thanks a lot bro!" Raymond began to jack off moaning in joy having to hold in his load nightly. Days of having to fuck various coworkers and clients in the office bathroom are now coming to an end. His jerking off was cut short as he heard an annoyed voice. "Ahem . . . What do we have here?" An annoyed Sean came into Tony's room. "B-babe?! You're done fast!" Raymond stuttered.
"I was out of shampoo so I just rinsed my body off" Sean said tapping his foot "I said not to do anything. What the hell man".
"Well. . . I was mad and couldn't think straight. Besides his mind is blanked out for at least another hour. So we can finally fuck in peace."
Sean raised an eyebrow.
Raymond got on Tony's bed and spread his legs, Tony's dick body presented in all its glory. "You know you want us . . ." Raymond said full of lust.
Sean rolled his eyes. "Sure but as punishment I'm gonna do all the work. . . You have to stay still".
"Fine. . ." Raymond sighed. He wasn't opposed to having Sean do all the work but now he can't go all out like he wanted.
"Now lie perfectly still love" Sean said suggestively.
Raymond lied down with Tony fully erect, his partially conscious mind throbbing at the sight of his older brother. Sean opened his mouth and stuffed his face with Raymond's giant cock. "MMmmm MMmmmm" Sean moaned as he envelope's his former brother with his mouth. "God he tastes so good~!" Sean thought. He sensed Raymond's legs trying to wrap around him, but he raised his finger and wagged it side to side, telling him, 'No you are just my sex slave today, no moving'. Sean continued to deep throat the massive rocket before him as he also gave Raymond a hand job. "Slurp slurp, gulp" Sean moaned as he sucked in all of Raymond's precum. "Uhhh uhhhh . . ." Raymond felt his tip being licked so that Sean can taste his new cock, even feeling the tip enter his shaft a bit. Raymond gripped the bed as Sean continued to go down on him. Sean's lips tighten around Raymond's dick as he moved his head back and forth, until he slid Tony's cock body out of his mouth.
Sean enjoyed his boyfriend's new cock in his mouth long enough. He turned around and shoved Raymond's dick into his ass and started riding him reverse cowgirl style. Raymond gripped Tony's bed and curled his toes as his boyfriend pounds his new dick full force with his plump bottom ass. "F-faster faster!" Raymond shouted as Sean tightened his ass cheeks and bounced up and down his former brother like a thick dildo. As Sean kept riding he felt himself fall over all of a sudden as Raymond couldn't hold back any longer. He got up and started fucking his boyfriend like a wild beast. "Uhhh uhhhh .. . no fair!" Sean moaned into the bed "But keep going!!!" He screamed as his ass gets destroyed by his boyfriend's new cock, underestimating how much length and girth his brother's body added to it when Raymond absorbed him. Raymond pounded Sean's ass faster and harder as the pair moaned. In the corner of Raymond's eyes he saw a pile of clothes Tony took off when he striped down. Raymond grabbed a sock and stuffed into Sean's mouth. Sean moaned as his ass gets destroyed with his brother's sock in him. The taste fill his mouth as the salty sweet feeling fills his mouth, with a hot mess filling his ass. Raymond grabbed Tony's underwear and gave it a big whiff as he fucked Sean. Sean cums multiple times, soaking Tony's bed with his seamen, however Raymond didn't care that his boyfriend finished, he kept fucking him until Raymond came 3 more times. After pounding his boyfriend for what felt like an hour, Raymond bent over his boyfriend and grabbed him as he released his load into Sean's ass. Gallons of cum fills his boyfriend's ass and expands his stomach. The pair kept cumming until they fall over and embrace. The two kiss and Sean looks at Raymond's now limp cock, cum still dripping out. "Looks like my little bro made a mess in me~" Sean said rubbing his stomach. The amount of cum in him made him look pregnant. "Yeah, I'm glad he was cock blocking us for so long, that release was amazing!" Raymond said stroking his cock.
All of a sudden Raymond's dick started moving a bit on his own.
"Uh oh, looks like Tony woke up babe!" Raymond snickered.
Sean bent over and gave Tony a little kiss on the tip. "Sorry little bro, your new body is amazing so you are gonna stay like that! At least until you made up for all the times you cock blocked us!"
Sean and Raymond snickered as they prepare for round two.
Tony stayed as Raymond's dick for several weeks where the pair fucked several times a day.
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Batfam members by which obscure Olympic Sport(s) they would be (its a stunt for charity or something):
Bruce: His inquisitive nature leads him to ask: Is there a limit on how many Sports You're Allowed to Compete In? Not for him. He wins gold in Golf, Diving, Badminton, Greco-Roman Wrestling, Ice Dancing with Cass (she's not going to prom of course, so this is his best chance at a father-daughter dance) BMX Racing, Men's Skeet (he has nothing against sport shooting! Honest!), Dressage, and Weightlifting (wait? 860 KILOS??), and Beach Volleyball (Dick is his partner). In fact, he already did sports with Dick and Cass! Why not all his kids! Badminton with Bette (she's basically his niece, come on now), Tennis with Jason, Luge with Tim (Tim literally falls asleep on top of him), and 3x3 Basketball with Damian and Duke.
Kate: Kate runs a poll on twitter asking for the "Straightest sport possible" and that's how she ends up doing a fucking 50 kilometer race walk. Why the fuck is walking an Olympic Sport?? I don't know Kathy, its for charity, just do it please. So for one day, Kate turns into Karen, and speed walks 3. Fucking. Hours. Kate is tempted to melt her Bronze of course its fucking bronze medal down into parts for nose piercings out of malic
Luke: Obvs wants to go into a combat sport. Which is why Dick purposefully tells he he wouldn't be able to do anything else, and dares him to try Artistic Gymnastics. He gets Gold in Rings and Silver in Pommel Horse and Vault
Dick: Dick wants to challenge himself by doing the other Gymnastics he's never done. So he signs up for Rhythmic Gymnastics! But...it's a women-only sport. Which is why Dick comes out as genderfluid and is a woman specifically for the games (cue Tim being fucking furious at Dick about enforcing negative stereotypes). And naturally, Dick wins. But also....you know...he kind of really feels...empowered with she/her pronouns. Like....it feels right. And thus, it took winning an Olympic Sport for Dick to realize he was bigender all along.
Bette: She's like actually a Tennis player, so that. Also, she idolizes Dick and wants to impress him with her super good Gymnastics skills. After winning the gold she bites it in tradition, and it actually bends. She actually ended up with a fucking poorly made tin medal fuck this is so embarrassing noone look at me
Babs: Curling, another weird fucking sport. It's basically like shuffleboard on ice. And honestly, like, its not an athletic sport. Honestly, you probably could do it in a wheelchair. And a huge part of it is technique and intellect. It was MADE for Oracle. After she wins Tesla reachers out for a sponsorship deal to make a robotic wheelchair, and Babs makes a working spaceship just to fucking spite Elon. She also hacks X and removes all the X branding, literally turning it back into Twitter.
Jason: I kid you not, in 2024 they will add competitive breakdancing To the Summer games. Jason is on the first U.S. team. It...you know there were worse ways to make money on the streets than street performing...and you know...it was fun too...I made like $74 one day outside an iHop. No shit fuck Babs don't look for it please don't fuck no please
Tim: Skateboarding has also been recently added to the Olympics. Tim isn't allowed to put his Superboy stickers on it because Young Justice happen to be involved in several international incidents.
Steph: Everyone remembers Steph lived in Africa, but no one even bothered to ask her about it, much less ask which country. Ethiopia, thank you for asking. Curious how they offered her citizenship right after she announced her Olympic plans. Steph wins gold in Speed Skating, giving the continent of Africa its first ever medal in the Winter Games. (She mentions this every single time possible)
Dami: Modern Pentathlon is by far the weirdest fucking sport in existence, but Dami loves it. He gets to swordfight, shoot things, and most importantly. meet a horse.
Cass: Karate kata. Cass in a combat sport would just be unfair, so she does the Kata, just showing off the execution and form. Ice Dancing with Bruce, as mentioned earlier. Her outfit is based on the Black Swan, of course. Frustratingly Bruce is much better at it than her, and she's unsure why. Until it dawns on her she's competing and he's having fun with his daughter. After she stops caring about scores, they two get the highest score in history.
Duke: Artistic Swimming. 2024 is the first year men will be allowed. "No Bruce, I'm isn't going to use my powers to see easily in the water, god." And showing off his abs to that pretty girl in his Women's Studies Elective is definitely not part of his choice of sport. Nope. (She's turned off by his puberty acne, and Duke cries in his room for 8 days straight)
Harper: No Bruce. No Steph. Fuck you Cass. No. No. No. Hey Harper, just wanna let you know, as part of the charity thing, we're doing a gala, and Bernard's busy. Do you think Cullen would like to go?...Fine Tim, I'll do it, for Cullen. Harper of course needs to do something to make an impact though. If she's gonna do this shit, she might as well have fun with it. Which is why she starts a one-woman crusade to add a new sport. It takes petitions, conferences, and a few million dollars in charitable donations to the IOC...but a new sport is added, and Harper Rowe because the Olympic's first ever gold medalist in Sumo Wrestling.
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kassiekole22 · 1 year
You're Beautiful
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Picture edited by me.
Pairing: Josh Washington x Fem!Reader Description: You reflect on the time when you finally decided were forced to tell your long-time crush — Josh Washington — how you feel. Warnings: Fluff, Friends To Lovers, Pining, A Lot Of Angst Towards The End. Word Count: 1.6k A/N: Fic #2 of the Until Dawn Poll Fic Challenge! Also, this is technically my very first Wendigo!Josh fic! It was pretty fun to write, so expect more in the future. 🤭 Until then, I hope you enjoy this one! 🖤 Josh's MasterList: 🖤 Main MasterList: 🖤 Kassie's Angels: @lorebite, @mornandil, @koexchange, @yesitsloulou, @mistmoose, @jasonexo, @fortune-fool02, @raven-the-cryptid, and @imahyperfixatedbitch. (If you want to be added to the taglist, let me know in the comments! 🖤)
"Truth or dare?"
I sat awkwardly in silence as the whole group stared at me with anticipation clear on their faces. I didn't know how I got roped into that stupid party game; it was more for twelve-year-olds than a bunch of people in their late teens.
But there I sat, contemplating my answer as my friends stared at me with a hungry look in their eyes as they waited for me to make a decision. If it had been anybody else, it would have been an easy answer: truth. But this wasn't anybody — this was Jess.
A few people knew about my crush on Josh: Hannah, Beth, Sam, Chris and even Jess too — though I knew that the others would keep their mouths shut until I was ready to express my feelings to him, I also knew that Jess was different. Now I'm not saying that having a friend with a bold and forward personality is a bad thing, but sometimes it can come with a price — and that price was my dignity.
Now don't get me wrong, it's not that I thought Jess would outright tell Josh about my crush — she was smarter than that. I knew for a fact that she would wait and leave me in a situation where I would have to tell him. And tonight was most likely going to be that night.
"Well — truth or dare, (Y/N)?" Jess asked again with a huge smirk growing on her face. The devilish and mischievous look in her eyes didn't help my nerves either. "You have to choose one."
Without giving it a second of thought and panicking due to all the impatient eyes staring me down, I blurted out a word that I knew I'd regret saying fast: "Dare!"
All the eyes widened in the room due to my bold answer, even Jess'. It seemed like nobody expected me to choose dare, since I was always the "play it safe" type of girl. But as fast as that shocked expression etched into Jess' features, a new and more sinister smirk grew.
"Ok." She sang angelicly as a new, and very fake innocence filtered through her voice. "I dare you to..."
I knew damn well that she was only dragging this out to add to the anticipation, because it was clear in her eyes that she already knew her answer. Her eyes burned holes in mine, as her smirk broadened with much excitement.
"Kiss the most beautiful person in the room!"
I nearly choked on my own spit as her words met my ears. Everybody began whispering and looking to see everyone else's expressions, which didn't help the matter. I had told Jess hundreds of times just how beautiful I found Josh to be, so she clearly knew what she was up to.
I glared her down as if I was trying to kill her with my mind, while she merely bit her bottom lip to repress a laugh. I looked around the room to see the ones who knew looking sorry and scared for me, while Emily seemed more focused on her nails than anything, and then Mike seemed almost ready for me to come to him with puckered lips. And then there was Josh, sitting there with a big smile on his face; it was obvious that he was oblivious of the situation.
I heaved a deep and defeated sigh before standing up, passing a very horned-up Mike, and shyly approached the guy I had wanted for so long. He stared up at me with a sweet smile on his face and a look of innocence in his eyes, which was weird for the dirty-minded fucker we all knew he was.
After inhaling and exhaling deeply one more time — almost as if to gain some sort of confidence I knew I wouldn't obtain by one more deep breath — I leaned down in front of him, and gently placed my lips against his own.
The room filled with audible gasps and more whispers, but none of it mattered or seemed incoherent in my now intoxicated mind. I melted into the kiss as my nerves seemed to die down, not giving a damn about what the others were saying or thinking. And to my surprise, he leaned into the kiss as well, seemingly enjoying it as his arms snaked around my form to hold me close. After what felt like an eternity, I pulled back to meet the gaze of a very flustered Josh. I couldn't help but smile at how his eyes were blown wide and his face was as red as a tomato; it was cute, though I knew his face most likely mirrored my own.
I chose that exact moment to lean in again, until my lips were just barely brushing his ear.
"You're the most beautiful man I have ever seen." I whispered softly, so no other could hear my intimate thoughts that were only meant to be heard by the one who meant to most to me.
My heart was pounding — not only from the adrenaline from what I just did, but from the amount of love I felt for him and the excitement I felt, knowing that this may be the start to a future together — a future that would change our lives for the better forever. I couldn't stop smiling, since the amount of happiness I felt couldn't compare to anything I had ever felt before. I knew at that moment that from that day on, things were only going to get better.
That feels like so long ago now...
Now I sit in a hospital room, eagerly waiting for the doctor to give us any kind of news. The only sounds I hear are my heart beat ringing in my ears — no longer due to the happiness I felt two years prior — the sounds of doctors and nurses rushing by to save lives, and the soft cries of Josh's mother as her husband holds her close. I can't stand it — it hurts too much, sitting here while completely powerless. The fear and heartbreak I feel is like nothing I've ever felt before, and I know there is a strong chance that it could only get worse.
I have been going to the hospital every day for two weeks, repeating the same routine as I wait for answers — but barely anything ever comes. So for the time being, I watch the clock intensely, counting the seconds as they tick by — insync with my heartbeat and only making it all the more noticeable. On one hand, I'm happy that Josh is still alive; but just knowing a tiny bit of information about his condition makes it hard to feel any bit of joy. I just want my baby to be ok.
After what felt like a lifetime of waiting, the doctor finally comes out and delivers the news. I'm surprised to learn that he is finally becoming himself again, and asked for one person to come see him: me.
The doctor leads me to a darkened room, and warns me to keep my distance. Apparently, just because Josh is slowly gaining his humanity back, doesn't mean his wild side has gone completely. So I have to be careful and cautious. I enter the room alone, though I know there are cameras on me, watching my every move.
The doctor told me that the only reason the light has been so restricted, is because of the sensitivity of Josh's eyes. Spending two and a half weeks in the pure darkness of the mine weakened his irises and pupils, causing the color to drain from them almost completely and leaving him almost blind. If he is in any type of lighting at this time, it would be equivalent to having his eyes on fire. So for this reason, the room must remain as dark as possible.
There was only a was only a very dull light shining over his bed, provided for seeing purposes for doctors and visitors. And thanks to that little bit of light, I can see enough to move around. And after a few slow and hesitant steps, I approach a bed.
Tears fill my eyes as I stare down at his weakened form; he barely looks like himself anymore. His left cheek is torn, his teeth are sharp and he's the most pale I have ever seen him look. I can't help but notice all the cuts all over his face and arms as well, and I shudder at the fact that I know exactly what did it. It breaks my heart to see his limbs strapped down to the bed, as if he was some sort of psychopath. Though what Josh did would seem pretty psychotic to a stranger's eye, I know in my heart that he isn't — he is just in pain and needs others to feel what he's feeling.
After a few minutes of quiet investing on my part, Josh slowly turns his head in my direction and opens his eyes. He gazes up at me with a look of sorrow and remorse — as if he's telling me he's sorry with his now pale orbs. I take his hand in my own, quickly noticing the sharp claws replacing his nails. Just as I look down at them in shock, he let's out a mournful sob.
"I-I'm- I'm- a-a-a m-monster-r..." His voice comes out so raspy and coarse, that I nearly don't recognize it. But the sorrow and pain in his tone is strong enough to tell me that he needs me more than ever.
I lean down and place a very gentle kiss to his bruised forehead, before whispering ever so softly, "You're still the most beautiful man I've ever seen."
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pkmn-smashorpass · 10 months
• “Why do you keep tagging ‘Markiplier’?”
This is why. He was literally my inspiration for this whole thing.
• “Is there a way to just look at polls? I don’t care about the rest of it.”
Yes!! Every smash or pass poll is tagged #JustThePoll
Conversely, asks will always be tagged #Ask
Sometimes I might forget to add the tag so don’t be afraid to send me an ask about a mistake I might have made!
I’ve also started adding a #PersonalLife for is someone asking a question just about me. Which I don’t mind at all!
• “Why only post one Pokémon a day?”
Cause we’re taking life slow and smelling the roses!!
• “Do you delete asks?”
I will delete asks if they’re rude, or overly sexual but sometimes I might just censor parts of it for fun. I might also delete an ask if I feel like we’re going on too long about one subject. Or, honestly, I might delete on my personal discretion. It’s never personal but I get so many asks that it’s gonna happen.
• “I should totally join the Discord right?”
Yeah you totally should!!! It’s a lot of fun!! And honestly not as sexual as you’re probably assuming. We just hang out and talk about Pokémon and there’s 2 specific and protected NSFW channels if that’s your thing but most of the conversation happens outside those channels.
Blog Lore if anyone’s interested
• Cofrgrigus Fucker
They were a beloved follower. Best known for being declared a coward for posting on anon and responding with “I would love to ask on my blog but that would ruin my incredible reputation for being someone who doesn’t follow a pokemon smash or pass blog” as well as making incredible propaganda fanart. They were the first person to make a side blog completely dedicated to responding to this blog. But one day they mysteriously disappeared and we will never know why but we will always honor and love them.
• “Cowards”
I can’t remember the first time it was said but we lovingly refer to many followers as cowards. You might be called a coward because you voted pass or because you ask on anon or for any reason. But it’s said with love and not with any hurtful intent.
• Asexual thread
The big thread started with one person saying “I’m asexual so I’m voting pass on everything” and many other asexuals coming in to say all the different ways they’re playing this game. All the way from “I pretend I’m smashing it with a hammer” to “I pretend I’m voting on if it’s dateable” to “I’m voting on if I want to transform into it”. And the point is that everyone can play this game however they want to.
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zombeebunnie · 3 months
Trembling Essence:💙Progress update!💙
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Hello hello and welcome new followers, here's how the game is coming along! This update is a bit late and might be kind of short. :[]
Firstly, thank you to everyone that participated in the poll before it ended. The overall results and responses gave me a better direction for the start of the game! It's good knowing that majority of you found out how to proceed and didn't have too much trouble with it. :,] If you still want to give your opinion on the start of the game feel free to comment!
Update progress:
It's time to talk about the scenes for the endings:
Last week I mentioned the two endings you could get that are from the [Extended Demo]. Now that they both have their own separate choice I went through and did some final touch ups. Even though they're almost finished I may come back and tweak them.
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I had plans to actually add timed choices in the [Extended Demo] but I didn't have the time( :P ) to add them in. I'm still working on how I want the design to look and where to place it so this is just a test example of what's to come. These won't be used often but they'll be in places where I feel the situation requires urgency. >:[]
The cave:
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Most of changes for this ending ranged from dialog adjustments to small immersive effects being added to fit the scene better. There's another variant ending mixed in there as well, you get the same outcome but it depends on what you do before then. I also dialed the exploration for this part back to it's original. Given the players(Y/N) state at the start, this section would've made the path too long for my liking and wouldn't fit the original symbolism I was going for.
The bridge:
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I had a lot of fun with this one since it's another favorite of mine! This one required a lot of tweaking since this area is only accessible to the player(Y/N) through two* different places.
The way to this area is not the same from the [Extended Demo] anymore and was expanded out from the courtesy of my play tester's suggestions. Most of the dialog changed and I'm still in the process of adding immersive effects here. I loved the way the original looked and decided to just revamp what I already drew. I even moved the bridge upwards to actually show the lead up to it versus being blocked by the dialog box. This one won't have a variant(?) ending but will play out differently compared to the [Extended Demo]. This is still a big work in progress and I didn't get a chance to fully finish this yet. :[]
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I didn't adjust the progress bar only because not too much has been updated for right now and I'm still working on The bridge section. :[]
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If you like what I create, please consider supporting what I do on kofi! All donations and tips help tremendously while I work on the game. A very huge thank you to those that have optionally bought the [Extended Demo] and the March 2023 demo on itch.io too, it really means a lot. :,]
Q&A / Ask box is open:
If you have any questions about Trembling Essence/Noah feel free to ask here or on itch.io please. This makes it easier for me to see and answer accordingly! I would really like to hear from you guys!
I won't be able to do too much for the next few days but thank you guys for the encouraging support and patience, I really appreciate it! :,]
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the--rebel--fae · 22 days
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Hey everyone! I'm making this post again cause yours truly messed the poll up xD that's what happens when you make things half asleep 😅 Anyhoot! As I said before, I still plan to fulfill all the requests, I just finally got everything back normal from this crazy week--a fun little trip to the hospital, but I'm good now so don't worry y'all. But I do have a quick question for you guys...
As you guys probably know, I run an etsy shop where you can buy longer than usual story requests. So basically, yall would be getting longer and more personalized content than you do here--trust me it's worth it. Buy yea! I run that and I was thinking about adding a few more listings and that's where you guys come in! Y'all will help decide if this is actually a good idea or not. So without further ado....
A little background on what it is. So. If you go into my shop you'll see that I offer the ability to get a multi chapter commission of any anime or video game you'd like--long as I can look it up if I don't know it, I can write it. (Aside from horror games, those are the only ones off limits for very specific reasons.)
What I'm thinking is offering that as like a backup still in case I don't offer ones yall want and also offer specific genre multi chapter commissions so like you don't have to worry about me not knowing it, it'll be right there for ya.
So what do yall think? Just the regular multi chapter option nothing else needed or that multi chapter option and the specific multi chapter option where I have multiple options available to choose from? (That does include non anime and video game options will start becoming available for example Marvel!)
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abalonetea · 1 year
Hi! Do you have a quick rundown for people who are new to the summer fest? I know you've got a lot of planning and stuff for it, so please don't let this be extra pressure I can totally wait until the event starts if that's easier!
I absolutely do! We’re introducing several new features this year, so it’s going to be done a tiny bit differently than our previous years.
Let’s crack knuckles!
First off, the Writeblr Summerfest is a free to participate, do as much or as little as you want experience. The goal of the Summerfest is to bring the community together, share information on our stories, and just generally have a really good time! Fanfiction, original writing, DnD characters – it’s all welcome!
Every year, there’s a new theme. This year, I held a poll and the selected theme was haunted house! In the past, that’s only affected the merch (I do stickers each year!) and the blog theme. But this year… It’s going to affect a lot more!
To pair with the theme, there is going to be an over arching story. Several times a month, the story will progress, becoming a large prompt that anyone can take part in. The story will follow the exploits of a very specific haunted house that’s being explored.
Now, you can take any of your characters and have them explore this house. But as an added bonus, @mothersart has volunteered her time and services; she will be drawing Minkie Explorer Character Sheets, blind-bag style, for anyone that would like to purchase them. The character sheets will look a little bit like… THIS ONE … but will be designed to fit the theme of ‘haunted house explorer’. Consider supporting an amazing small artist and commissioning one when it opens up! FYI – the character you commission will be yours to keep fur-ever!
Okay, so! Overarching theme, overarching haunted house prompts to explore! What about beyond that, you’re wondering?
Beyond that, every single day that the Summerfest runs, from the first day of August to the last day of August, four fun games will go up! These games will consist of…
Moodboard prompts
Character questions
Writing prompts
Ask games
Occasionally, one of these will be subbed out for a Community Event, encouraging you to reblog/comment on other writeblr’s posts, make them gifts, and that sort of thing!
But wait, there’s still more!
Last year, Summerfest Bingo was introduced! The game goes like this: a bingo board matching the theme of the Summerfest (haunted house) will be put up! To get a bingo, you have to scour the Writeblr community, find a post that contains that bingo square’s prompt, comment on it, and reblog it! Keep the link to your reblog!
In our previous iteration of the game, those who completed it just got put on the Bingo Hall of Fame. More rules on how to submit it will be posted at the time of the game. That’s still going to happen! But as an added bonus, if you complete all three board variations, you’re going to get a special prize!
We’re still not done yet! There are two writing contests that you can enter! The first writing contest is free-to-enter, and the top three winners get a variety of prizes from story cover mock-ups to art. The second contest costs a small monetary fee to enter, and has a physical prize that gets mailed to you!
This will also be the second year for Writeblr themed Goodies! Last year, we did small blind bags! I’m still working on figuring out the exact specifics of the Goodies for this year, but it will either be another round of blind bags or Goodies that can be bought via an Etsy shop (it largely depends on how much extra money I can get pulled together for buying the merch tbh).
In short, it’s a free to play, do what you want writing festival, designed to help you share your works and fall in love with other writer’s stories as well, with optional pay-to-play games and merch available, too! I add at least one new event pretty much every year, and spend months putting it together.
During the Summerfest itself, I encourage comments and reblogs, and maintain @writeblrsummerfestreblogs best that I can to help ensure that these comments happen!
I am so excited for this year’s Summerfest!
This is my favorite way to give back to a community that has always been there for me.
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biolizardboils · 1 year
Hooray for Captain Underpants: The Unnecessarily In-Depth Writeup
Ages ago, Pilkey.com entered its golden era... the era of Flash content! From about 2003 to 2006, the site was blessed with a new layout, a jukebox, music videos, a LOT of games, and a banner adorned with different characters whenever you refreshed the page! The last thing doesn’t load in the Wayback Machine but trust me it was cool
Most of this stuff has thankfully been preserved, from YouTube reposts early on to those sites with hundreds of stolen games, to archivists scrambling just before Flash died in 2020. One of the early migrators, and the possibly the site’s star attraction, was a simple song with an accompanying animation.
Before George and Harold asked what could possibly go wrong... before Weird Al helped make Dav’s decade... before the Koji Matsumoto songs that I never listened to as a kid because the thumbnails scared me... only one song could encapsulate what these books stood for. Subsequently, only one video could provide an extended glimpse of Pilkey’s wacky world, in full motion and full color. 
I’m talking, of course, about Hooray for Captain Underpants.
In this post, I’ll be covering everything to be gleaned about its production and discussing its potential impact on future CU adaptations. Why? Because the Movie won this poll by exactly 1 point! @bestanimatedmovie​ let me know if you’d like me to stop interfering in your tournament lol.
According to the site’s New Stuff page, both the song and video were added on January 5th, 2005. The Free Music page lists its copyright date as 2004, however. It seems the song was created first, then held back until the accompanying video was ready a year later.
Speaking of copyright, I'd like to shine a spotlight on everyone who contributed to this gift to humanity! First, the song:
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Produced, Written and Performed by Josh Katz.
This guy’s perpetual voice-crack and rap-adjacent stylings make up most of the Extra-Crunchy CD O’ Fun. Outside of that, he’s better known as Rappy McRapperson, a tongue-in-cheek “gangster” act active from 1999 to 2017. I won’t be linking to his music since it's all rather... off-color; look them up at your own risk. I’m not sure how Dav found the guy and now I’m afraid to ask
Beat by Ben Petty.
Petty seems to have contributed music (and his garage) to the Rappy act. The only info I can find on him is tied to Rappy, so again, no links.
Children's Chorus: Mrs. Dean's Music Class.
Imagine having been in this class, your youthful voice immortalized for the ages! Where are these students now, I wonder? If only one of them spoke about it in a random subreddit or something...
Additional Vocals: Elizabeth Dean.
Besides the slim chance of one of her students having the same last name, this was probably the music teacher. I have an inkling on what “role” she plays in the song, but that’s for later.
The video lists two more parties:
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Animation by Wetland Animation
Googling this name only supplies animations of wetlands, but I might have found them under a different name. At the bottom of the home page, the site’s redesign is credited to both Dav and an “Eyeland Studio”. There’s an archive of their site from around the same timeframe, and whaddya know!
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Directed by Scott Hamlin
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This guy is the first (and only) name on Eyeland’s Contacts page! Well, not specifically Eyeland’s—apparently that’s just one of three branches of a bigger subsidiary named Games In A Flash? But this is an infodump about Captain Underpants, not the Flash industry, so
On to the actual song and video! I’ll be using this 4K remaster for reference. (And it’s a stellar remaster, might I add—judging from ancient videos of the original, every single asset and animation error is still intact!)
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The first few shots include two villains getting inconvenienced in amusing ways—a bold directing decision, I must say. More seriously, I’d like to point out Prof. Poopypants’s color scheme here. It actually lines up with the two (yes, two) he has on the cover of Book 4!
He wears a muted blue suit on the front cover (at least in early editions) and a purple one on the back cover. Here, he’s wearing the blue suit and the frames of his glasses are purple. Coincidence? Yeah, probably, but it’s cool to know he had a two-outfit thing going on way before the Movie.
First off, nobody walks like this. Second off, what kind of school has searing mint green walls? Sorry, it’s just... not the color I had in mind for Jerome Horwitz lol. Anyway, here come the lyrics!
[GEORGE] Uh-oh.
[HAROLD] Here we go again!
Ah, the classic lines! Not much to say here, but keep the Boys’ voices in mind.
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Wedgie Woman has the smoothest animation in the whole video for some reason. (The perks of being a girlboss, I guess?) Her scene is a highly kinetic bit of slapstick, too—it makes me wish I knew how to make good GIFs.
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Meet George and Harold! They pull pranks and stuff! They're cool (COOL!) And they're mischievous!
Yes they are 💙 Also lol at “Gym teachers smell like stinky toilets”—I wonder what the sign said earlier.
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Krupp has a skin-colored line floating over his arm, and the walls drift to the left at the end of this shot. But also, Harold’s hair does a funny little bounce when they notice Krupp! Plusses and minuses, I guess?
Meet Mr. Krupp! He's not nice, he's mean! That was, until the day  he saw a Hypno-Ring!
... 🎵 and now you know the plot! 🎵
[CHORUS] [x2] Underpants, underpants, I like Captain Underpants! Underpants, underpants, Hooray for Captain Underpants!
The phrase “hooray for Captain Underpants” showed up often in the earlier books, usually in the Boys’ comics. 
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The syllables of “underpants” snap into place as the chorus sings them—almost like waistbands! Also, Captain’s antics here correspond with specific Book covers, and the background’s colors change to match! For Chorus #1 we have, in order: purple for Book 3, orange-on-yellow for Book 4, turquoise for Book 2, and blue for Book 1! (Not sure about the shot of him running towards the camera though.)
He flies up high in the air—he's not scared (Woosh!) Captain Underpants likes wearing underwear! He also likes fighting crime (Pssh!) Evil-doers beware, ‘cause it's superhero time!
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I'm just noticing this but what happened to the Dandelion of Doom here sdfghjk?? Is this a placeholder graphic that got left in? It looks much more book-accurate later in the video, which makes this even funnier.
And the lifestyle gets pretty rough (AAAH!) You gotta spend a lot of time fighting mean stuff like Talking Toilets and Professor Poopypants (Pssh!) When you're done, you do a little victory dance!
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This part kills me cus Poopypants was literally just standing there vkhjg. He even seems to sigh in resignation before the underwear hits!
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In the Hall of the Mountain King, babyyy! This scene is just the Underpants Dance Flip-O-Ramas from Book 7, but with extra frames—and it looks amazing! The four bad guys scowling at Captain in the background are the icing on top!
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Good lord, that’s like, highlighter yellow. Seriously, who painted this school?
OH NO! The world's in trouble again (AAAH!) The lunchroom lady really IS an alien!
Fair warning: if a Second Epic Movie ever happens and they confirm the Alien!Edith thing, I will post this part but bass-boosted to obscene levels.
And it's all for... thrills and laffs!
I was promised Action, Thrills, and Laffs—where’s the Action?? For shame, video! I want a refund!
[GIRL]  Captain Underpants, can I get your autograph?
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About that inkling I mentioned earlier: I think Mrs. Dean may have voiced Autograph Girl here! Her voice sounds the slightest bit older than the chorus singers, and that’s my only point of evidence, but I can’t think of any other reason for that Additional Voices credit.
[CAPTAIN] Tra-la-laaaaa! (Woosh!)
Captain Underpants should fly by MY school!
You and me both, Josh! I say despite no longer being in school Also I always felt bad that Captain just... flew off lol, I like to think that girl got his autograph later.
Bad guys and crime sprees, they don't even care— Now they stop in the name of underwear!
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This part is great dfghj. The smoothness, the Boys’ >:) look, the little detail of Booger Boy sniffling, I love it.
Hitting robots in the face and poking evil in the eye (Poink!) It's very fun when you defeat crime!
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If any British people read this, I’ve got a question: I know Dr. Diaper was renamed Dr. Nappy over there, but does that apply to the Movie too? Like, when Captain namedrops him near the end, did they have Ed Helms rerecord the line, or is he still called Dr. Diaper? 
[GIRL] I wish I could do it all day long!
That's why all day long, you listen to this song about—
You bet your Poopypants I do!
[CHORUS] [x2]
Chorus #2 introduces two more scenes of Captain fighting Poopypants and the Dandelion of Doom. The Poopypants one is based on a Flip-O-Rama, and while making this post I thought the Dandelion one was, too. I checked Book 3 while wrapping up and turns out I was Mandela Effect-ing myself, but, like, it’d make for a good Flip-O-Rama, right? Here, I even made a mock-up of what I “remembered”.
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Also when Captain flies up in this scene, there’s a green dot where he stops (possibly to mark his position for the animators). Have fun un-seeing that!
I’m guessing Josh voices Poopypants here. This and Go Poopypants are kinda weird to listen to in a post-Movie world. Pour one out to parents and teachers who read these books aloud, I imagine kids get sad if they don’t do Zee Accent. (I know I would.)
Now the day's been saved and peace has been restored— Captain Underpants isn't needed anymore (Awww!)
PERISH THE THOUGHT. Must one be “needed” to justify their presence? Do people not exist beyond the services they perform?? Captain is a good and happy and fun guy and I love him and he should be allowed to stay!
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Anyway, look at this pile of assorted bad guys! We can see, from left to right and from bottom to top: Either the Booger Boy or the Robo-Boogers, Dr. Diaper, The Harold 2000, Wedgie Woman, Dr. Diaper’s robots, the Dandelion of Doom, the two burglars from Book 1, one of the Alien Lunch Ladies, and... 
...The Inedible Hunk?? He’s an interesting pick, since he’s comic-exclusive and never comes to exist in “reality” like the others. This was his sole color appearance for 8 years until the In Full Color editions; he’s green there as opposed to yellow here. I think he looks suitably gross in both, though.
He's your pal, but also he's your PRINCI-pal! Sometimes he's ridiculous, sometimes inVINCI-bal!
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Krupp’s toupee just falls in from nowhere here lol. I like to think it got stuck to the ceiling after flying off at the start of the video.
But now, he's gotta enforce the rules By being mean, and being not cool So it's back to school life with a paper and pen, but then—
I called Katz’ stuff rap-adjacent earlier, but I’ll admit this part is pretty fire.
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Poor kid, about to get his yo-yo confiscated... In this moment, I’d gladly follow that sign’s instruction.
[GEORGE] Uh-oh.
[HAROLD] Here we go again!
You know how I said to keep the Boys’ voices in mind? Now, go find a clip from Epic Tales (or just use this) and listen to them there. You might find that they sound similar, despite being made thirteen years apart! Maybe DreamWorks had this video in mind when picking the show’s voice cast? Before the Movie and Epic Tales, Pilkey.com’s Flash videos were the only full-color, fully-animated CU Things for ages—I’d be surprised if they didn’t use them as references. 
More possible evidence: Harold’s shirt colors! They fluctuated a lot until the Movie and Epic Tales settled on green stripes. In fact, his default shirt in Epic Tales resembles the one he wears in this video!
[CHORUS] [x2]
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Thus ends the music video ever: with a wink and... whatever this shot is!
What more is there to say? Besides some mashups and this amazing trap remix, this song’s legacy is an understated one. Pilkey.com has seen multiple redesigns since then, eventually retiring its Flash content; two new, higher-budget theme songs were made, and it’s hard to compete with Weird Al himself. Yes, Hooray’s time in the spotlight is long over, and it’s probably too late to reach out to anyone involved in its creation. After all, who’s gonna laud a potty-themed Flash video as their claim to fame?
Surprisingly, that question has an answer. And the answer is (drumroll please)... this Redditor!
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This has been an unnecessarily in-depth write-up about Hooray for Captain Underpants—thanks so much for reading this far! For my closing remarks, I’d like to plug that one trap remix again, discovering it made me die of laughter
Say hello to a former member of Mrs. Dean’s Music Class! (Except don’t actually go bother them about this, please respect their privacy.) I found this by complete accident last year and saved it to share here later, and now’s as good a time as any! I suggest that we heed their command and start worshipping them immediately!
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best-underrated-anime · 11 months
Best Underrated Anime Group I Round 1: #I2 vs #I7
#I2: Three girls start a fun club and get into shit
During recess, Olivia, a foreign transfer student who doesn’t know English, plays a game of “look-the-other-way” with Hanako Honda, a loudmouthed airhead. Their rowdy behavior spurs the ire of Kasumi Nomura, a deadpan loner constantly teased by her older sister for her tendency to lose games.
Not willing to compete, Kasumi declines Olivia’s offer to join the fun, but eventually gets involved anyway and dispenses her own brand of mischief. Soon, a strange friendship blossoms between the peculiar trio, and they decide to form the “Pastime Club,” where they are free to resume their daily hijinks.
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#I7: Older brother plays catch-up with his younger sibling
On a fateful summer night in 2006, Mutta Nanba and his younger brother Hibito witness what they believe to be a UFO flying toward the Moon. This impressing and unusual phenomenon leads both siblings vowing to become astronauts, with Hibito aiming for the Moon and Mutta, convinced that the eldest brother has to be one step ahead, for Mars.
Now an adult, life hasn't turned out how Mutta had pictured it: he is diligently working in an automotive company, whereas Hibito is on his way to be the very first Japanese man to step on the Moon. However, after losing his job, Mutta is presented with an unexpected opportunity to catch up to his younger brother when the Japanese Aerospace Exploration Agency, commonly known as JAXA, accepts his application to participate in the next astronaut selection. Despite self-doubts about his prospects, Mutta is unwilling to waste this chance of a lifetime, and thus embarks on an ambitious journey to fulfill the promise made 19 years ago.
Titles, propagandas, trailers, and poll under the cut!
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#I2: Asobi Asobase - workshop of fun -
It’s really funny and hilarious and kind of hard to pin down the demographic and who they were trying to get to watch the show because the girls uniforms are ugly, they make ugly faces and funny noises, and one of the main characters has a strong fear/disgust of men. I live and then I had a really fun time watching it because it’s so out of pocket with the stuff they do.
Trigger Warnings: Gender Identity/Sexuality Discrimination.
One character is implied to be a trans girl and is called out for it by the main characters in a way that suggests they are uncomfortable with it. Her boyfriend is okay with it, though.
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#I7: Space Brothers (Uchuu Kyoudai)
Have you ever wanted to see adults pursue their dreams in anime, even those they abandoned along the way? Do you enjoy space or the arduous process to become an astronaut? Do you like characters being so well-rounded while still being positive even if they fail? Well, this series is exactly that, but with a touch more wholesomeness. Ranging from comedic moments to heartfelt revelations, this series feels so grounded in reality while still having that air of positivity around it, it just motivates you to follow any dream you might currently have. It is a long journey, almost 100 episodes, but it uses it well to flesh out not only the main pair, but many of the side characters, each coming from different backgrounds. A very character driven story that sometimes doesn’t shy in mentioning the risks of space exploration, but also presents us with the marvel and importance of it.
Trigger Warnings: Discussion of possible death. It’s not in depth, but there were moments where they did discuss the possibility of death since it has a high risk of happening in space.
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If you’re reblogging and adding your own propaganda, please tag me @best-underrated-anime so that I’ll be sure to see it.
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hueynomure · 7 months
WIP Reblog Game
Thank you @coffeebanana for the tag! I'm not one for very long fics and/or starting posting plotty stuff if I don't already have most of the fic written out (too high of a chance of having to correct/retcon shit) so I'm adding fics that only live in my WIP folder lol
List the titles your top five priorities for WIP updates (link your fics for new readers!)
An upcoming scene, event, or detail in each fic that you’re looking forward to writing
Bonus: make a poll for your followers to vote on which top 5 WIP they are most excited to see an update on!
Then tag 10 writer friends!
Are Hexagon Square Dances a Thing?: Born as a LoveyWeek entry, I got stuck on the very last chapter fml
Uncovering, Unraveling (working title): Imagine Marinette had accidentally outed her Loveybug identity (as in Woven In) to Cat Walker in the (Un)Suited plotline... basically Farewell Gifts but make it smut lol
The Merits of Bagging a Hero (working title): Adrien and Marinette are invited at Alya's and Nino's place for their usual wine&dine night. Everything is going fine, Mari being flustered and Adrien being oblivious as usual - until Alya brings out the topic of hero-specific free passes and the two become inexplicably passionate about who would be the best hero lay between Ladybug and Chat Noir...
Poker Face: Loveybug AU, Cat Walker angst
Heart(s) on Her Sleeve: Companion piece for Poker Face, Loveybug's side of the angst
Tbqh the biggest motivation for getting this done is getting it over with, which is probably why I've been having so much trouble tackling it lol. I'll just say that I initially intended it to end with platonic Mariwalker buuuuut there may be some smooching hehe
Turns out I'm a SUCKER for scenarios where Cat Walker learns Marinette is Loveybug lol I will have a lot of fun writing the surprise conversation (won't go too much into details bc spoilers) they'll have about his feelings... with Adrien still inside Marinette, both of them deliberately avoiding addressing the fact or doing anything at all abt it lol
This will be 200% crack and I will have SO MUCH FUN writing the most batshit stuff I can come up with. Alya, ever the shit-stirrer, figures out Adrien is Chat Noir halfway through the conversation and spends the rest of the fic basically eating popcorn and fanning that trashfire of a debate lol
Chat Noir is a necessary outlet for Adrien. When Cat Walker has to pick up Loveybug's slack, his energies and enthusiasm are slowly but surely drain until the only reason he dons his mask, the only reason he gets out of bed, is Loveybug's unrestrained and unconditional affection. This can't last - and yet, it's his duty to carry the weight and not let anything show. I'm gonna enjoy writing the pressure building >:3c
There's one phrase to describe Loveybug!Marinette: bracing for punishment. She's too raw with all the Loveybug intensity, she just CAN'T turn into Ladybug, so she just keeps pouring her heart out knowing that at some point, somehow, she will be horrifically punished for it. Just like with Kim. Just like every time she tried to confess to Adrien. But as a hero, the consequences of her mistakes could be... she doesn't want to think about it. She keeps her head low and prepares for the worst, dreading and longing the moment when she'll be forced to wear Loveybug's lovestruck smile again.
Anyone I would have thought to tag Kayla has already tagged, with the excellent exception of @asukiess, so I won't be tagging anybody else! Feel free to join in the fun and consider this a soft tag if you (yes YOU reading this rn) want to tho :3
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krystalrage · 2 years
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So tragedy struck while adding on the wings. Unfortunately it’s just too heavy for the skeleton I built and it’s front feet collapsed under its weight. This is just about exactly what it would look like if it was totally completed though!
Below the cut will be a poll for what I should make next, and a few extra comments about the sculpt
As I mentioned, it just got too heavy, and this is as close to completed as it can be without breaking the front legs entirely
For the record, everything is completed except the connection to the body on the other side, the elbow membrane on the near wing, and reattaching the nails; the other wing is not attached and the hands have been glued into these positions so it can stand this last time before I find… somewhere to put it. It’s about 9 inches long and 7 inches tall so it’s a bit bulky
All in all this was a very fun sculpt! I technically know how to make the legs so they don’t collapse now, so this may be something I revisit in the far future!
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