#i know the masks are important but i want to draw his gorgeous face
crouteann · 7 months
finn fflannidan….. my beloved………..
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bigmeandragonlady · 4 months
WELL IF YOU INSIST ... my turn to go a little insane with reaching. they really did layer a lot of symbolism onto the green boy - i didn't miss the little alchemical symbol for earth they worked into his design, the really big and obvious triple goddess belt buckle, the snake/8 or infinity/ouroboros theme, association w nature/plants and whats under the streets (the little tree peeking out of the sewer? or whatever it is in the bg mainly used for the street his bars on caught my eye), or the way they keep showing him in churches and how the. little white thing over his shirt makes it look a bit like a reversed clerical collar. the (maybe) ritual knife and the little knife earring with one of two red points on his design. gold and its connotations of perfection in alchemy (which is the metal he and kuras share while everyone else is silver 🤔🤔). white lilies being a funeral flower and also about faith and rebirth. just a lot of things pointing to distinct faces/masks + wisdom/knowledge + cycles/death/breaking cycles/rebirth. given one of the aspects of the triple goddess is the nymph/matron and how he seems to have a reputation for flings but everyone else important hates him in a sense/he doesnt seem to have any actual *close* relationships it seems to point to maaayyybe an aspect of his story is breaking self destructive interpersonal habits (i certainly expect a breaking of cycles in some sense, though maybe its just life+death if the idea about him being undead is right. and a lot of things seemingly point to that right now lol!)
since the game seems like it might draw a lot on alchemy, given one of the bgs, kuras, leander and mhin all are involved with it ahve have some kind of alchemical symbolism going on one way or another, other alchemy symbols might be interesting to think about irt them, especially the green lion devouring the sun for leander, which is basically a metaphor for how aqua regia dissolves gold. all of THIS bit is absolutely just my nerd ass reaching, but i think its also neat how each of the five characters could be applied to one of the major alchemical colors (green, black, white, red, gold). green is obviously leander but the rest could be fought over
his thing with vere especially interests me since it seems like something went down there that went REALLY bad. like we know leander has a savior complex (evident enough in what we see in game but also called out by name in the promo material) and thinks vere is gorgeous, he must have projected some damsel in distress shit onto him that vere didn't like but vere despite his bluster seems (at least in the day we know him) pretty bad at setting concrete boundaries (he always dances around it and keeps it vague before snapping! going 'you'll know if' 'if i didnt want you to i wouldnt let you' saying one question then letting you get multiple in before putting his foot down etc etc but i played a week ago i might be misremembering). despite it going bad leander seems to still think hes on okay terms with vere, and i think its interesting how before the twenty questions he asks you your opinion on the others, and if you're too negative he talks them all up (he apparently thinks theyre his friends after all!) and if you're too positive he warns you about how dangerous they are (makes sense given they. are. and he might feel guilty about letting you go wandering in a town known for its monsters alone). ive seen people trying to spin that as manipulative of him but currently to me it more just reads like trying to defend his friends vs trying to look out for you. but maybe i am just colorblind!
speakingof the questions though given the whole 'information is currency' thing and the fact you have an option to end the questions early i wonder if theyre a variable that will have an affect later... you ask too many questions there, you accrue some sort of debt
I DIDNT MEAN TO WRITE THIS MUCH ABOUT JUST HIM LMAO this is what i mean when i say it got me. im thinking thoughts. i want to know what his problem is so bad. anyway to end not JUST talking about him i like how ais' bracelet vaguely looks like a shimenawa, and i like how specifically its on the arm that doesnt have the tentacle 'tattoo' 🤔 also something i like about the flowers they gave them all is leander's is white lily but they gave ais the spider lily. extremely toxic, and a notorious symbol of the afterlife growing along the shores of a river that connects it to ours, but also like very associated w yanderes by anime lmao which seems to run contrary to what we've seen of him so far. i also think its fun here that part of its japanese name, higan, means the far shore. i think its connotations of the dead + remembering of the dead (since it blooms around the time of ohigan) feels like it fits with how the people who drink from the spring are technically preserved and remembered inside tha groupmind
the flower choices are very fun since only leander, ais and vere got toxic plants... kuras got a medicinal one and mhin got one with bitter but technically edible berries. alright the last thing ive wanted to mention to someone is that to treat us at the start it's obvious kuras would have had to touch our hands/arms, even if only accidentally, given we wake up without a shirt or bandages, but we never are given the chance to realize that and that he's unaffected too. actually we aren't told how we got to the clinic, are we? maybe im just forgetting. did he just happen to walk out there and see us, did another named character, was it known about or a complete accident to discover? id talk about my ideas for the curse but i didnt mean to send you five paragraphssss
OK... leaves this essay in ur inbox and runs. ty for your time, can you tell youre the first person ive been able to talk about this game to lmfao
hey Leander how about we find out what the fuck your deal is over dinner some time.
No, but i dig the amount of symbolism the team has put in these characters. Gives stuff to chew on while waiting and im a slut for symbolism.
I can see why Leander is like this with Vere, everyone seems to have issues with the Senobium and Vere is literally and metaphorically tied to their will. having such an old and powerful (dangerous) being would pull at his savior complex imo, regardless of what may have happened between them. (can you imagine leander saying/trying to break the enchantment on vere's collar, failling, and vere holding a grudge b/c he seems like the type)
Leander has some odd relationships imo, even compared to the others. he's got a real friends with everyone but is emotionally distant + avoid conflict (as seen repeatedly in the bar) vibe. he's one of the cast who's been around the city the longest (after vere and kuras) and i've been wondering why he targets Ais specifically with murder attempts. is it just 'i hate your vibe, you wanna make out after i poison you a few times?' is it really just the groupmind? In the oracle bg you can feel/hear something under the earth as you near the seaspring and i wonder if leader's thing (plants growing out of the grates + the silent crypt that keeps getting mentioned + 'as above so below' on the hound flyers) isn't kind of competing with it, creating a rivalry in that way. i'm dying to know what the fuck their deal is.
Which kind of leads into why i think Mhin is so so hostile with Ais: we know Mhin has some weird curse of their own involving a fucked up bird thing and i wonder if that entity is causing friction with Ocdeus. b/c mhin and vere's dynamic is pretty different, meaning it's not just a monster thing.
then again Ais might be lying to us about the whole 'for no reason' thing and we have no idea what happened between the five of them before we got there.
I always kind of assumed Kuras had gloves on while dealing with us since he's a (hopefully, maybe) a responsible doctor. but initially when he finds us? does he know more then he's pretending to with our curse? does it effect divine beings??? i need to know
thank you for the asks! you are also the first person I've talked to about this game lol
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jennagrinsoverml · 3 years
Do you have any Adrien-centric angst fics? Like, fics that will completely gut you emotionally and you have to lay down for an hour after you read it just to decompress?something like that?
I've recced angst fics before, but let's have some SADRIEN hours around here, shall we?
a fight that you were born to lose by @captainkirkk
When the prosecution starts throwing around the word victim in reference to Adrien, he has to stuff his hands under his thighs to keep himself from bolting out of the courtroom.
Adrien had felt unsafe during those last few weeks, but, until he had woken up and seen Father silhouetted in his bedroom doorway, that had only been paranoia. Father was controlling and cold, but he wasn’t hateful. Adrien was isolated. He was often hungry. And some weeks ago, when he had snuck out to visit Nino, sitting thigh-to-thigh on his bed while Adrien cried in that silent, crumbling way of his, he hadn’t argued when Nino put a hand on his shoulder and said, tentatively, That’s abuse.
But Adrien remembers being small and Father touching his hair after he’d aced another test; Father holding his scribbled drawings like they were something precious, and framing them around his office; Father, dressed as Hawkmoth, his eyes wild behind the mask, lashing his sword against Adrien’s baton; Father, collapsed against Mum, crying into her ashy hair.
Adrien finds out Gabriel is Hawkmoth, and Gabriel gets to bring his long-waited plan into action.
One-shot. (But a LONG one-shot--it's 18k.) This one really digs deep into the abuse that Adrien suffers at Gabriel's hands and the emotional fallout from that. Gabriel is really, really, really terrible here. Worse, I don't think it's OOC at all. This fic is gorgeous, but it's a hard read and it goes to some dark places.
Anhedonia/When Adrien Met Marinette... by @mikauzoran
Chat Noir hadn’t been lying when he told Ladybug he’d moved on. It was only when he found out that Ladybug was Marinette that he realized he was wrong. Meanwhile, Marinette thinks that she’s missed her chance when Adrien insists that he’s gotten over his feelings. Now, they’re roommates and making themselves miserable as they pine for one another, thinking the situation’s hopeless. Things finally come to a head, and they’re forced to sit down and have an honest conversation about their feelings.
One-shot. Adrien's just so sad and lonely and pining here, and I'm here for it. I really found myself getting swept away in his feelings as I was reading. This isn't dark and doesn't get into any heavy issues like some of the other fics on this list, but I found that it was very relatable and evoked a lot of emotion.
Adrien and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by @vickyvicarious
Chat Noir's used to bad luck - it kind of comes with the territory. But detransforming in the middle of a crowd of reporters is a little worse luck than he’s used to having.
And he hasn’t heard a thing from Ladybug since.
(AKA the "everyone finds out all at once" angst fic no one asked for.)
One-shot. Oof, does this one ever hurt. Adrien's painfully in-character, and the way he's trying so very hard to stay positive even as his life is completely falling apart and everyone keeps hurting him...it's so him and it packs a punch.
The Importance of the Black Cat by @chatonne-rousse
Plagg gets down almost two full wedges of cheese before Adrien sits down on the edge of his bed with a heavy sigh.
“Hey, Plagg?” His voice is quiet but doesn’t betray any emotion yet. That’s actually more worrying.
Steeling himself, Plagg swallows the last big bite of cheese and zips from the desk to perch on top of the globe, facing his holder. “What’s up?”
He heaves another sigh before looking up into Plagg’s eyes, emotions still unreadable.
“How important is the black cat?”
Adrien has a lot on his mind - concerns, questions, doubts. And right now, he has only one being to confide in. There is not enough cheese in the world to make Plagg want to handle this situation, but his holder needs him, and he knows two things with certainty: his very important place in the world, and that no one hurts his kitten. Not if he has anything to say about it.
One-shot. You want some season 4 flavour Adrien angst? How about some post-Optigami wallowing? I love the portrayal of Adrien and Plagg's relationship with the mix of light and heavy. Pretty sure I still owe Rosie a sequel to this one because I wanted to see more resolution afterwards and made the mistake of sharing my thoughts on that 🙈 It's just very thought-provoking!!
Working Past It by Taitai83
Chat is deeply hurt by Ladybug's actions, and he needs to process those feelings. He finds that confiding in a friend is helpful in finding clarity.
One-shot. Here, have some more season 4 angst! This one is shamefully overlooked. Go read it and help fix that!! Remember when Gang of Secrets came out and we all wondered how Chat would react when he found out Ladybug told someone her identity? This was an early stab at that, and I found the reactions and thought processes here to be so in character. Plus there's some nice marichat hurt/comfort, though purely platonic.
Timetagger 3 by rosebud1000
Years after Hawkmoth's defeat, Marinette and Adrien encounter Timetagger for the third time. And this battle hits closer to home than any other.
One-shot. Here we have some more of the fallout from Gabriel being a shitty parent, only we have an adult Adrien who is a father himself struggling to reconcile how his father acted with his own parental feelings. As a parent, I really felt this one.
Chat Noir's Family by fleurjaune
The thing is-
The thing is Adrien doesn’t actually mean to lie. Not at first anyway, but they have to keep their secret identities secret don’t they?
And his family, well, their tragedy is out there for the world to see and the world did see it.
One-shot. The more Chat lies about his life and his family, the more we learn about Adrien and see how he wishes his life was. And that chasm...really fucking hurts. I wish this sweet boy could have the kinds of relationships and family dynamics he lies about.
Partners by @karkalicious769
"Um." Alya fidgeted nervously as her earrings beeped their countdown. "Ask me a question that only Ladybug would know the answer to."
Chat Noir barred his teeth, and— Were they always that sharp? At least he wasn't growling again. "You are not Ladybug," he snapped.
"Just do it!"
It was all Alya had to go off of and she really needed to pull this partnership together before the akuma got any worse. She wasn't deluded enough to think that she could do this without Chat Noir.
One-shot. SPOILERS FOR HACK-SAN!!! And yet some more season 4 feels because let's be serious, this season is putting our kitty through the ringer. And this fic definitely does it, though by playing with the episode a little. Although we've got a tight Alya POV, Adrien's hurt and suffering is palpable, and made all the worse by how resigned he is. Read this and sufferrrrrr.
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pseudofaux · 3 years
omg, i'm so shy to be asking this, but if you're ok with it, a drabble about Ikesen Kenshin getting oral and accidentally giving MC a facial (and maybe he feels guilty about it, but it doesn't mean he didn't like it.)
I am sooooooooooooo okay with this, thank you for asking for it! This is a brilliant scenario for Kenshin! I put in some MC-wooing-him talk to carry the scene through, because I could see his sweet bun[s] having trouble, uh, letting go. I hope you’ll see this and enjoy. (Requests are closed, readers, but there are a lot to be filled in May and likely June, too! Feel free to follow along or just check in and enjoy as many as you like. A masterlist will go up when they are all completed.)
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She had never thought much of worshiping a man. Maybe because Kenshin worships her she feels safe to return his ardor in kind? She’s certainly doing that now, curling long trails with her tongue and kissing him every time she finishes. He feels good under her tongue, he feels good in her hands, he smells good and he tastes good, and it makes her want to bow formally before him. But she’s not going to stop what she’s doing.
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The thing is, as long as he is certain she is safe, he lets her do what she wants. If there was a way for Kenshin to comb through the entire country and then put it under a dome of glass, like a prize cake, he would probably let her walk around unguarded.
Well. Maybe not completely unguarded. But she has come to realize that when he knows she is as safe as he can make her, he relaxes considerably. And he always says yes to her requests, seemingly calm and pleased to be able to indulge her. Which is why they are here in his room and he has his elbows on his desk and his kimono undone and his beautiful throat-- his whole beautiful front-- is exposed to the air. And to her, on her knees between the strength of his legs.
Not that she can spend much time looking at the beauty of all of him, since she is very focused on what he gave her when she asked for it: an opportunity to put her mouth on him and just love him for awhile. This precious chance to touch him and show him how much she adores him without having to withstand his own overwhelming attention is rare. When she glances at his beautiful hands, she can see the tendons of them flexing... but he keeps them to himself, because Kenshin is a man if his word and his word was he would let her have her way.
He is all beautiful masculinity before her. Those hands, hanging tense off the edge of his desk; the black cuffs artfully (and only partially) hiding the strength of his wrists; all the lovely strength of his chest and stomach. He’s mouth watering. She’s grateful for that, because a wet mouth makes it easier to move her tongue over him and give him the kisses she knows he likes. It feels nice to have this kind of permission to drool over how gorgeous and glorious he is in her hands. The skin of his shaft is the most perfect, malleable warmth over his unforgiving hardness— she has poked herself inside her cheek many times expecting him to somehow bend. He doesn’t. No wonder she cries out every time he puts himself inside her. His intensity is one thing, but his body is a true marvel.
There is no crying out now. She’s been noisier than she meant to, though. It just feels so good to love him! She is so glad he let her do this! It’s everything to her, to be able to mouth at him, breathe him in, use her tongue and suck to draw forth his pleasure the way he endlessly seeks hers. Even now, she feels like he has only paused his constant search for ways to make her moan... and she is moaning anyway.
She had never thought much of worshiping a man. Maybe because Kenshin worships her she feels safe to return his ardor in kind? She’s certainly doing that now, curling long trails with her tongue and kissing him every time she finishes. He feels good under her tongue, he feels good in her hands, he smells good and he tastes good, and it makes her want to bow formally before him. But she’s not going to stop what she’s doing.
Instead, she tries to articulate the feeling in a way he will understand. It’s important to be direct with Kenshin. “I love how you feel,” she murmurs. “Thank you for letting me do this.”
His sound is strangled by his own throat, but she understands him perfectly.
“Do you want me to keep talking?” She’s careful to whisper the question right onto the tip of him and make her breath gentle and warm before she slowly takes him back into her mouth and as far into her throat as she can.
The dragon of Echigo hisses and his thighs flex beneath her hands. “You know I love your voice. Speak if you wish to speak,” he manages to say.
She sucks, lets her tongue drag along him until distance parts their bodies, and then she goes right back down. When she comes back up she whispers, “I love you,” and kisses, then sucks, the tender space below the head of his cock, just as beautifully as the rest of him. “I love you, Kenshin.”
His entire body stiffens against the desk, and his legs flex again-- more powerfully-- below her hands and around her body. She’s on her knees, tucked into him like a swallow in a nest. “It makes me happy to give you this attention,” she says slowly. It makes her feel very powerful to use her tongue on him. “It feels good for me to love you this way.”
Kenshin is always, always elegant, but he makes a noise that is not. It fits perfectly in her soul, like a jewel he ordered to be cut just for her.
“I know you are so, so strong,” she whispers, kissing him again, “And I’m grateful that you would let me take over.”
She slides one hand over the bump of his knee and brings it to her own body. “Do you know,” she asks, “That when I have you on my tongue I feel it here?” She pushes herself onto her hand to show him exactly where she means.
“Woman,” he says hoarsely. “Why would you feel such a thing?”
“Because I love you,” she whispers. “Because your body is perfect, and every time I touch it I want you. Sometimes just to hold me. But right now I want you so much more than that.”
His beautiful face scrunches up in disbelief, pleasure, and confusion. It’s no small thing to send a god of any kind into such a tizzy. “This is torture,” he manages to grit out.
“It’s not. I love you,” she tells him again.
He stutters over a curse and clears his throat. The sound is very low, not a growl but not far from one, either. “Let me touch you,” he demands. “I need to touch you.”
“Soon,” she promises, slipping her hands all the way to his, palms open and up to supplicate him as she laces their fingers and squeezes him. “I will. Please give me just a little more time.”
He lets her take him back into her mouth, slowly and fully, even lets her love him with her tongue again before he speaks. But when he does, it is too late.
“I don’t have—nrgh—”
Kenshin cuts himself off with a cry of her name, and pulls back his hips to splatter his cum all over her face instead of in her mouth. She catches a glimpse of his cock standing so proud and beautiful, and she wants to watch it, but she closes her eyes and opens her mouth, gently putting out her tongue to catch what she can.
It’s not as though he’s never come in her mouth. But he’s never done it without touching her— usually she is coming along with him, licked and lapped to senseless pleasure by his tongue while his hands keep her safe as her soul tries to fly.
There’s warm wet on her face. Enough that she knows there’s a lopsided mask of it across the tops of her cheeks and nose, and a thick, slow dribble flowing down the side of her face. He seems to be done, so she opens her eyes. His are narrowed and lusty, and that little bit frustrated he gets when she one-ups him sexually. She does not think it is possible to love Kenshin any more than she does right now.
“Thank you,” she says, cupping her hands to catch his cum before it drips onto the floor.
He gasps, or perhaps he’s only winded. “How could you— why would you do that, why did you stay there instead of moving?” he demands. He pushes her hands away, then touches the slow-moving fluid on her face. His eyes get wider. His tongue darts out to lick his bottom lip and she can’t tell if he’s so quick about it because he’s trying to hide the movement or if he doesn’t even realize he’s making it. But he is definitely into this like she is, and that makes her burn even hotter for him, that steady fire stoked so much higher.
She puts her hand carefully over his, because even when his interest is clear to her, it helps to be clear about it right back, so he has many chances to see it. “Because I wanted you to do that,” she tells him. “I like making you feel that good.”
“I would never dishonor you with this mess,” he breathes. But he is not looking at it like it is dishonorable. He looks like he wants to pin her down, and like it will be a matter of seconds before he does. “Your beautiful face,” he insists. He looks so wonderfully torn between distress and arousal.
“I’m kind of hoping you’ll do this to my face again sometime,” she confesses.
His eyes get even wider and he launches himself from the desk, catching her back and leaning her down to the floor like they are in the middle of a battlefield dance instead of his room. His cum immediately begins to slide toward her ear and she fidgets from the tickle.
“No,” he says, swiping it gently away with his hand and flicking it off with the same finesse she has seen him use to throw blood from a blade. “Take off your clothes. Now.” He is already yanking at her loose robes and stroking the skin of her belly with his knowing, oh-so-skilled fingertips. And one is just a little slick on her, his cum clinging like an oil. It makes her shudder.
“I will do anything you ask,” Kenshin says, pulling one of her legs out, then the other, so she can rest more comfortably on the floor. “Even that, if you wish. But another time. Now it is your turn.” He is so solemn and fierce it is hard not to grin, knowing what she is in for. Already there is the hazy look in his eyes that means he is planning her pleasure. “It is only right for you to make a mess of my face,” he tells her, wiping tenderly at her nose with the edge of her clothing.
He sees to it with all the precision of a god, and in the process makes her feel like she is receiving heaven’s every blessing. When she is a lax heap of limbs on his floor, he crawls back up to her mouth. Their kisses are sweet and slippery indeed. But the mess is manageable, and well-appreciated.
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sevlgi · 4 years
requested: yes
group: blackpink
pairing: rosé x fem!reader
genre: fluff, angst
contents: college!au, good girl!rosé, bad girl!reader
warnings: none
synopsis: They say opposites attract, and when the campus’s resident sweetheart falls for a bad girl, Rosé discovers just how true that statement is.
a/n: I’M SO SORRY FOR HOW LONG THIS TOOK ME OMGGGG  hope you enjoy, and I’m glad you like my blog ❤
word count: 3.6k
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Chaeyoung has never quite believed that opposites attract.
To be fair, she doesn’t have much experience to go off of. Despite being attracted to basically every person she meets, she hasn’t actually dated much. (As her friend Jennie jokes, she’s not bisexual, she’s by herself.)
And obviously, she’s not only attracted to people soft and sweet like herself. Especially in college, it’s more likely to find people in sweats and ratty T-shirts than people in pink sweaters and cute dresses.
It’s no secret that Chaeyoung is a hopeless romantic, convinced that she’ll find someone who she just works with. It’s also no secret that she’s determined to find someone similar enough to her that a relationship would actually work out.
Imagine her surprise when her next crush is the complete opposite of her.
You’re utterly fascinating to Chaeyoung; every little detail about you absolutely contradicts her, and she thinks her parents would faint if they saw you. Unlike Chaeyoung’s usually well-styled hair, you look like you’ve just rolled out of bed to go to class. Your leather jackets and heavy denim look stiff to the touch, and your dark circles, tattoos, and piercings are enough to ward all your classmates away.
But somehow, all of it just draws Chaeyoung in more. She’d never dream of dying her hair as much as you do, or getting as many tattoos as you have, but for some reason, you intrigue her.
She still doesn’t believe opposites attract. You might be gorgeous, but Chaeyoung is sure that your personalities would clash, and a relationship, however imaginary it may be, would never work out.
Of course, she’s also not willing to admit that she’s wrong to her friends, all of whom insist that opposites do attract. She just knows Lisa would gloat, and Chaeyoung is never giving her friends that satisfaction. 
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“Who’re you staring at today?”
Chaeyoung pouts at Yeri, who slides into the seat beside her with a knowing smile. Joy, on the other side, is already following where Chaeyoung’s eyes were earlier. “Hey. I’m not always staring at people.”
“Yes, you are,” the two other girls chorus. “Come on, you’re always searching for ‘your other half’ or whatever,” Yeri rolls her eyes. “You barely focus in class because of it.”
Studiously ignoring where you sit in the lecture hall (3 rows ahead and 2 seats to the left), Chaeyoung scowls and twirls her pen. “Rude.”
“You know I am,” Yeri smiles, beginning to scan the room as well. “So, come on. Who’s your pick of the day?”
Joy narrows her eyes; Chaeyoung’s a bit panicked to see that her friend is already zeroing in on you. “Wait… it can’t be her, right?”
“Who?” Joy whispers in Yeri’s ear, and the youngest girl’s eyes widen. “Chaeng, it’s not her, right?”
The blonde attempts to play it cool, asking nonchalantly, “Who are you even talking about?”
Both girls point at your back, the dark leather of your jacket and the two empty seats on either side of you making it unmistakable that you’re the one they’re pointing at. “Y/N Y/L/N. It’s not her, right?”
Y/N Y/L/N. Chaeyoung tests it out on her tongue silently before realizing her friends are still waiting for an answer. “It… maybe, what’s it to you?”
Yeri groans, and Joy shakes her head in what seems to be disappointment. “You have the worst taste, Chaeyoung. I mean, she’s cute, but…”
To be honest, the most surprising part of the entire conversation is that her friends aren’t even teasing about the whole ‘opposites’ thing. “What’s wrong with Y/N?” Chaeyoung can’t help but feel a bit defensive; after all, it’s her taste in girls that was being attacked.
Joy leans in conspiratorially now, despite the professor clearing his throat at the front of the classroom. “Okay, so, she’s kind of the designated bad girl? I don’t really know, but I heard she’s killed someone.”
“What? No, she set a building on fire,” Yeri argues, rolling her eyes when Joy opens her mouth to disagree. “Whatever, whatever. Anyway, she’s bad news. She’s a serial dater, too, and she doesn’t like cats. Who doesn’t like cats?”
Chaeyoung’s eyebrows scrunch together as her friends argue. It’s probably not likely that you’ve killed anyone or set a building on fire, but still… a serial dater? None of it sounds good.
“Anyway, she’s the polar opposite of you,” Joy sighs, patting Chaeyoung sympathetically on the arm. “You know, you’re sweet and soft, and she’s… her.”
Suddenly, the professor clears his throat again and raises his eyebrow at where the three girls sit. “Ms. Park, Ms. Kim, the other Ms. Park? Anything important?”
“No, sorry, sir,” Chaeyoung blurts out, cheeks red. She’s not even blushing because she’s been put on the spot, though; it’s because you’ve finally turned around to look at her.
Maybe it’s the eyeliner, but something about your gaze feels like it sees right through her. With the tiniest quirk of the corner of your lips, you turn back around and leave Chaeyoung fully flustered.
Yeah, definitely a player.
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Every day, Chaeyoung attempts to work up the courage to sit a little closer to you. She’s not making much progress; to be fair, you can’t blame her, when you’re usually given a 3 foot radius of empty space by everyone.
However, she discovers something new about you every day. She discovers that you drink black iced coffee (she drinks tea), and that you use mint flavored chapstick (she uses strawberry). You prefer cinnamon gum (which Chaeyoung thinks is a bit gross), and you only ever wear black socks (she wears white).
Joy really wasn’t kidding when she said you were Chaeyoung’s opposite.
Of course, it’s just the blonde’s luck when the professor announces a group project, and your name is the only one out of 40 that Chaeyoung knows.
It takes a lot of energy for Chaeyoung to approach you after class. “Hey,” she smiles; you don’t return it. “So, I was wondering if you have a partner for the project? If you don’t, I was thinking we could be partners…”
You look startled at first, though it settles behind a mask of calm indifference immediately. “You don’t have friends?” At the blonde’s wince, you roll your eyes, lips quirking into a smile. “Kidding. Sure. Let’s work together.”
“Great!” Chaeyoung beams, looping her arm through yours. You look even more surprised now, but it’s cute. Everything you do would probably look cute. “I’m Roseanne, but you should call me Chaeyoung or Chaeng.”
“I’m Y/N,” you offer. Your voice is quieter than Chaeyoung had imagined, but that’s probably her fault for thinking your voice was demon-like or something. “You’re a sophomore, right?”
“Right.” Chaeyoung has no idea how you know how old she is, but she can roll with it. “You?”
You nod, looking anywhere other than Chaeyoung face. “Yeah. Same. So, do you have any ideas for the project yet?”
“No, sorry.” She can’t help the smile on your face, still shocked that you’re holding a conversation with her and not murdering her already. “Let’s get coffee? We can talk about the project. If you’re free, of course.”
“I am.”
And that’s all it takes for Chaeyoung to grin again, grab your arm, and lead you to the nearest coffee shop.
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Chaeyoung likes the way you’re honest about what you want. When she offers to order, despite knowing what you want, you quietly ask for the iced black coffee and hand her 10 dollars even when she tries to protest.
You don’t ask about what she ordered, and you make sure she tipped the extra before opening your laptop and asking for ideas.
As the afternoon goes on, you seem to grow more comfortable, and Chaeyoung can let go of some of her slightly forced enthusiasm. She actually finds herself enjoying your dry sense of humor and sarcastic comments, though she can’t really make any of her own.
By the time she has to go to her next class, Chaeyoung’s actually making jokes of her own, and she has your number stored in her phone.
All in all, a successful day.
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You look surprised (or as surprised as you deign to look) to see Chaeyoung sitting next to you in the lecture hall the day after the project was turned in. “Uh, hey.”
“How do you think we did on the project?” the blonde asks, taking out her laptop. She ignores the way you stare at her, hoping that you didn’t want to just forget her existence after the project or something. 
“Pretty good. You’re smart, I just helped a little bit.”
Chaeyoung laughs softly, swatting at your arm. “No way, come on. You’re smarter than your leather jackets let on, too.”
“And you’re smarter than your overly sweetened tea lets on,” you tease, a smile twinkling in your eyes.
She scowls and swats at you again, but you dodge this time. “I thought we agreed never to mention that again!”
“You’re right, you’re right.” Chaeyoung misses the way you smile at her after she turns to the board.
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It becomes sort of a routine to sit next to you during lectures and copy off your surprisingly comprehensive notes. Chaeyoung can’t help but fall deeper and deeper at your ever-tentative smile, at each offhand, yet sweet comment.
All the little details about you, the tiniest things you notice, only make Chaeyoung fall harder. You buy non-cinnamon gum especially for her and keep 2 packs in your bag in case she wants some. Sometimes, you show up with a cup of so-called ‘overly sweetened tea’ next to your own coffee.
You see everything about her, and you both make the most subtle changes so that the two of you complement each other absolutely perfectly. Chaeyoung starts carrying blue pens because you prefer them, while you carry black ones in case either of you forget. You even carry a strawberry chapstick just for her.
Even Chaeyoung starts unconsciously enjoying the smell of your sweet mint chapstick; she wears it sometimes, not because she likes it more, but because she’s curious how it’d taste on your lips.
It doesn’t need to be said that Chaeyoung doesn’t just want to be friends anymore.
At first, she just wanted to understand you a bit better, to relieve her own fascination with you, but the more she learns, the more Chaeyoung is pulled in. It’s more than just a crush now, more than simple butterflies in her stomach.
Now, it’s an unconscious smile always tugging at her lips when you’re not with her, laughing at a joke that wasn’t necessarily actually that funny. It’s adapting to fit with you, and it’s accepting that maybe opposites do attract after all.
The only thing left is to introduce you to her friends.
“Are you ready?”
You frown, tugging at the sleeves of your leather jacket. Chaeyoung’s heart warmed when you offered to tone down your look for her, but she didn’t want you to change anything about yourself, so you just went with your jacket. “Sure, I guess.”
“Great!” the blonde beams, waving at Yeri and Joy, who she sees a few yards away from the huge table the two of you occupy. Behind them, Jisoo, Jennie, and Lisa lag, though they’re too far away to clearly see you.
Yeri’s expression isn’t exactly favorable; she stops right in her tracks to talk furiously to the others, and Chaeyoung frowns at the unreadable expression on your face. “Um… don’t worry, Y/N-ah. They’re probably just… talking about what to eat?”
“Sure,” you mutter, looking down. As the other girl has discovered, despite all your bravado and sass, you’re quite self-conscious. “It’s not like pizza is the only food this place offers.”
There’s no time for the blonde to reply; Jisoo, ever the tactful one, sits first and offers a tight smile. “Chaeng, good to see you. And you are?” 
“Y/N Y/L/N.” If Chaeyoung didn’t know you well enough, she wouldn’t be able to see past the mask of bored confidence you put on. “Jisoo, right? I’ve heard of you.”
The oldest girl flushes and nods. “Um, these are Jennie, Lisa, Yeri, and Joy.” They raise their hands or nod when their names are called, though their expressions are hostile.
Just as Chaeyoung opens her mouth to try and break the awkward silence, Lisa leans forward with her eyes narrowed. “So. What do you want with Chaeyoung?”
“Lisa!” The younger girl is usually sweet and puppy-like, but she’s also notoriously protective of her friends. Chaeyoung doesn’t miss the way your eye twitches just the slightest bit, and she resists the urge to put her hand on your arm. “Stop it.”
“What? You can’t deny this feels an awful like you’re introducing your girlfriend to us, and she’s the worst girlfriend you could have,” Lisa scowls, crossing her arms.
You sigh, shaking your head and standing up. Joy actually lurches back in her chair, as if expecting you to beat her up, but you just toss a quick smile to Chaeyoung, picking up the leather jacket slung over the back of your chair. “I think we’re done here. For your information, I’m not dating Chaeyoung, even though it wouldn’t be any of your business if I was.”
All the other girls stare at you, including Chaeyoung, as you continue, “You don’t know anything about me, so don’t assume. I appreciate that you care for Chaeng, but this is not the way to show it.”
With that, you’re gone, a light brush of your fingers on Chaeyoung’s shoulder the only way for her to tell that you aren’t angry at her.
As soon as you’re out of earshot, though, she scowls at her friends, hissing, “What the hell, Lisa? It was not your place to say any of that.”
The younger girl looks sheepish now, rubbing at the back of her neck. “I… I’m sorry.”
Jennie, though, rolls her eyes. “Come on, Chaeyoung. It’s what’s best, you don’t want to be dating her. She’s only going to break your heart.”
“I’m not that fragile, are you serious?” It’s honestly pretty uncharacteristic for Chaeyoung to actually be mad, but she can’t seem to control her words when her relationship with you might’ve been ruined. “It’s not your business anyway.”
Jisoo bites her lip, reaching for Chaeyoung’s hand across the table. “Chaeng, please. We just want what’s best for you, and Y/N isn’t that. You understand, right?”
No, I don’t. I don’t understand any of it. “Sure. I understand,” Chaeyoung exhales, sitting back. Despite everything she wants to say to her friends, she knows that they have good intentions, however misguided.
She’ll talk to you tomorrow. 
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You don’t show up to class the next day, and Chaeyoung sits alone in her usual seat, feeling empty when you’re not quietly making snarky remarks beside her.
It’s odd, and it really shows how much you’ve ingrained yourself into her life.
After a day of thinking, Chaeyoung has come to realize that, despite all her friends’ warnings, she does have feelings for you. She wants to be with you, to enjoy the little things and the small moments together, and she thinks you might feel the same way.
Obviously, she’s still too cowardly to actually go to you and tell you.
After you don’t show up for the next 2 classes, Chaeyoung dials your phone. You don’t pick up there, either, and she’s left to frown at her phone in the middle of the road.
She’s not a passive person, so she fully intends to do anything she can to make you talk to her.
On Monday, she decides she’ll text your roommate Miyeon, but she gets caught up in classes. On Tuesday, Chaeyoung thinks she’ll bring you some notes, but she forgets to write an extra copy. On Wednesday, she catches a cold and Lisa refuses to let her go anywhere.
A week passes exactly like that.
Finally, 9 days after the disastrous lunch, she manages to get your dorm room number from the office lady she bribes with homemade cupcakes. You’re always home for lunch, probably because you don’t eat with anyone but Chaeyoung.
Her heart thuds in her chest as she rounds the corner to head into your hallway, the buzz of other students around her drowned out by the ringing in her ears. She knocks three times- one, two, three- on your door and she waits.
You look terrible when you open the door.
The permanent dark circles under your eyes are ten times darker than usual, and your lips are dry and chapped. You wear a rumpled Disney shirt that Chaeyoung would tease you about if she wasn’t so concerned. “Um… cupcakes?”
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“Thanks for coming by.”
“No problem.” The blonde watches you pour out some cheap, college-student coffee at the tiny desk in the corner of the dorm. “I was just concerned. You haven’t been to class in a while, you know?”
You sigh and hand her a cup of piping hot tea, already sweetened just like Chaeyoung likes it. “Yeah. I know.”
“Hey.” Leaning over, Chaeyoung places her hand on yours, ignoring the way her heart skips a beat at the skin-to-skin contact. Judging by the blush on your face, you feel the same. “You can tell me anything, okay? We’re friends.”
You almost seem to wince, though Chaeyoung doesn’t know what for. “Yeah. I’m fine though.”
“Was it my friends?” the blonde persists, her eyes searching yours for an explanation. “I know that they were really rude, but I promise I don’t care about anything they say, okay?”
Scoffing, you stand up, seemingly to get more coffee, even though your mug is full. “I’m not that shallow, okay?”
“Then what is it?” Despite knowing she sounds desperate, Chaeyoung’s mind is racing for an explanation, anything that could tell her why you’re avoiding her. “Please talk to me.”
The beat of silence that passes only makes Chaeyoung feel more anxious, like her brain is spinning in circles inside her head, and she almost jumps when you speak again. “Do you… do you like me?”
“I… of course I do! You’re my friend, I like you very much.” The blonde is well aware that that isn’t what you meant, but she can’t help but avoid what she really wants to say as she babbles on, “Why? Do you want me to show my platonic love for you more often?”
“Chaeyoung.” You place your hand on hers and lean forward with a serious expression on your face that honestly scares Chaeyoung. “I know that you won’t tell me honestly any time soon, so I’m just going to say it first. I like you. A lot, and not as a friend.”
As the other girl’s jaw drops, you continue on, the overly quick speed of your speech letting Chaeyoung know just how nervous you are to say all of this. “I know that I have a reputation, and I know that I’m too closed down or boring, but you’re nothing like that. You’re so sweet and gorgeous, and I just… really like you. And I’m sorry.”
“Sorry? Why are you sorry?” Chaeyoung reaches for you again, eyes searching yours for any sign of insincerity. She doesn’t find any. “You’re not boring, Y/N, not in the slightest. And I like you too, every little thing about you.”
“I don’t think you know enough about me to say that,” you try to deflect, but the blonde shakes her head.
“You’re so sweet to me, Y/N, and it’s not your fault that no one else can see it, but I do. I see all the little things you do for me, and I fall for you more every day. Maybe I don’t know enough about you, but I want to learn. If you’ll let me.”
A short pause occurs before you exhale quickly, swiping away tears Chaeyoung didn’t notice were about to fall. “Okay. I’d love that.”
“Great.” Chaeyoung sits back again, but just as you’re about to get up, presumably to busy yourself with a drink or something, she blurts out, “Can I kiss you?”
The surprised look on your face is so endearing that she’s already grinning when you smile softly. “Of course you can.”
The moment that you bend down and press your lips to hers, so soft and gentle, is the best of Chaeyoung’s life. She can finally taste the sweet mint of your chapstick, mixed with the unique taste of you, and feel the way your lips are slightly chapped against her own. When you pull away, Chaeyoung loves the flush to your cheeks that mirrors hers, and she can only grin when you move away to get your coffee.
Maybe opposites do attract after all.
“Hey, can I ask you something again?”
“You already did,” you joke, then laugh when the other girl pouts. “Sure, Chaeng. What?”
“Do you hate cats?”
An offended gasp escapes from you, matching your expression. “No, who hates cats? I think that’s the worst rumor about me yet.”
The blonde protests, “What about the one about you murdering someone?”
Sniffing and sitting with your coffee, you say, “I stand by my case.”
Cupping your face with her hands, the cuffs of her sweaters brushing up against your cheeks, Chaeyoung presses another kiss to your lips. The taste of mint and coffee, strawberry and tea, is the most perfect combination she could ever imagine.
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le0watch · 3 years
A Flower for Your Thoughts
The night is still young, the palace filled to the brim with young women hoping to catch the prince’s attention. Each young lady has her own dress, and the colors range from white to black, and the sizes from large and puffy to thin and flat.
They’re all so loud and persistent, and hardly give Prince Langa the space he desires. He doesn't even want to be here- it was a decision made by his mother and chamberlain back in their Kingdom of Snow. His mother was beginning to get worried that he was too lonely, and his chamberlain had suggested that they come here to try and find him a suitor. Because then, with a wife, Prince Langa wouldn't be lonely again.
And while Langa would love for a wife, this feels too forced, and not natural. The women here only care that he's a prince, and for the enormous amount of wealth and fame that comes with marrying him. None of them actually care for him… just his title.
He sighs heavily, sitting on the edge of a fountain somewhere in the large palace garden. He's been here a while- no one has been able to find and annoy him as of yet, and the sound of the trickling water was soothing compared to the yelling and calling of the women in the castle. He rests his chin in the palm of his hand, the loneliness he'd come to know so well back him settling in his gut.
“It's the same here…” he mutters quietly, staring at the cracks in the ground and the ants crawling through the grass.
Suddenly, someone flops down beside him on the fountain’s edge, her dress a brilliant blue that spills around her legs and feet. It splays out across the edge of the fountain, some of it brushing through the water beneath them. He flinches, ready for yet another suitor to try and woo him for his wealth.
“Where is everybody?” the girl says, and Langa is struck by how cute she sounds. He hasn't looked at her yet- afraid if he does, it’ll break the spell and she’ll start fawning over him. He feels her eyes on the back of his head a moment later, staring at him. “Did you get lost?”
A reflection of light catches his eye, and glances down at the ground eyes widening as they land upon a gorgeous pair of glass heels. He's never seen glass slippers, or shoes for that matter, but they go wonderfully with her dress.
“Pretty…” he mutters, before he realizes what he's doing.
“Huh?” the girl says, taken by surprise.
“Your shoes. I've never seen any made of glass before,” he explains, and finally works up the courage to look at the girl’s face. He nearly gasps, because she's even prettier than the shoes or dress she is wearing.
Her bright red hair is pulled into two braids that trail behind her shoulders, the rest of it a mess of curls on the top of her head. Her eyes are a gorgeous honey amber color, and they sparkle even in the dark of the night. Freckles pepper her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, and before he realizes what he's doing, he's looking at her lips, a soft, plump pink.
He has to tear his gaze from her lips as they turn upwards into a bright grin. So bright, Langa momentarily believes her to be the sun, and that morning had come early. Her beautiful blue dress contrasts prettily with her red hair and eyes, sparkling gently beneath the stars.
“Oh, you meant the shoes,” she says sheepishly, chuckling lightly. What a beautiful sound. He almost wants to take back what he'd said, and tell her that no, he'd actually meant that she was pretty.
“Yeah,” he responds instead, because his brain is slow and sluggish as always. This doesn't phase the girl, however, but makes her tilt her head to the side with a crooked grin.
“How long are you gonna stare?” she asks, making Langa jump out of his skin. Oh, great. She’d caught him staring at her like a buffoon- very unprincely indeed. But she instead exclaims, “Let's dance!”
That takes Langa by surprise. She was being so bold- she's not even asking him, she's just saying it like it would be the natural thing for them to do. “With me?” he asks, quite stupidly. Who else was there for her to ask? He blames his short circuiting brain on her and how pretty she is.
“Is anyone else here?” she says pointedly, her grin only widening. She sounds excited, and she grabs his hand, hopping to her feet and pulling him along with her.
He lets out a noise of surprise as he stumbles to his feet after her, surprised by her straight forwardness. Wasn’t he supposed to ask her to dance, if at all? Yet, he doesn't pull his hand away, nor does he say anything negative in response.
Once they're both standing, the girl waits patiently for him to get ready, bouncing on the balls of her feet. When he rests one of his hands in her hand and the other on her waist, her face flushes a pretty red, and she sheepishly chuckles.
“I uh- I’ve never actually danced before,” she tells him shyly, and he blinks down at her. She’s shorter than he is- but not by too much. Her head reaches just above his chest, and is peering up at him through her pretty red lashes. “So uh- could you teach me?”
Langa’s cheeks grow warm at her shy but excited demeanor, and for a moment, all he could do was stare at her pretty face. She flushes, and squirms a little under his gaze.
“I'm sorry- I shouldn't have asked if I didn't know how-” she begins to apologize, slowly pulling away from Langa.
But the prince quickly catches her, keeping her close. He smiles down at her warmly- the first time he's smiled in years since his father died- and gently guides her hands to their proper places, one on his shoulder and the other lightly gripped in his. His body buzzes from their intertwined fingers to his toes, a warm happiness settling in his gut.
He hasn't felt so infatuated in a long time- or ever, for that matter. But somehow, this adorable redhead had caught his attention. Maybe it was from how she treated him like an equal, or maybe it was due to her sunny disposition. Anyway, Langa feels as if his heart is going to burst from his chest at any second.
He's never felt in love before, nor has he ever experienced a crush. These are new sensations and emotions he's experiencing, but he's highly enjoying them.
“Your hands go here,” he explains, meeting her amber gaze. Her eyes seem to glow, like a pair of stars in the night sky above them. “And I will lead. Just follow my steps, and you'll catch on pretty quick.”
“Oh- okay!” she exclaims with one of her bright grins. He nearly melts under its warmth, but begins the most basic of waltzes, as to not overwhelm her for her first time. He listens to the faint music playing from the distant castle, taking the first few steps. She stumbles for a moment, and trips over his feet, but he steadies her each time. She flushes and apologizes sheepishly when she steps on his feet, but he reassures her with a small smile.
“Wow, you're a good teacher.” She sounds whimsical, and it makes him smile again.
“You're learning it on your own,” Langa points out. “I'm just guiding you through it.”
“Guess you're right about that!” she exclaims with another bright grin. He loves when he smiles and grins; she smiles with her whole face, eyes scrunching at the edges, the tips of her lips stretching to both of her ears. “Now, who might you be, anyways. I've been dancing with a stranger this entire time.”
“Wait, you don't know?” he asks in surprise, his eyebrows shooting into his hairline. Everyone who’s come to the ball is merely there to meet him and hopefully get him to pick them as his wife. Does she really not know- or is she just acting?
But no, in the short amount of time Langa has known this mystery girl, he knows for a fact that she wasn't acting, somehow. The genuinity shining in her eyes coupled with her curious smile proves that to him.
“Should I?” she asks, a teasing edge to her voice. She draws in a sharp breath of surprise when Langa twists her outwards, before pulling her back close to himself again. He smiles down at her, and she smiles back up at him, holding tightly to his hand. Her hand seems to fit almost perfectly in his.
“I suppose not, if you don’t,” he replies. She doesn't have to know right away, right? That would probably break whatever magical spell has set over them, and turn her from a fun young maiden to one just as desperate for his wealth as everyone else. “But you may call me Snow. That's what my mother calls me. And your name?”
The girl hesitates, her dress fluttering around her legs when Langa twirls her, holding his arm high to allow her room. When she’s pulled back in and they fall back into step, she finally says, “That isn’t too important.” Her smile dropped while she said this, making Langa’s heart plummet into his stomach. Oh no, he had upset her. Or, she just feels as if she is inadequate beside him. He has to remedy this instantly.
He opens his mouth to do just that, but the girl beats him by saying, “Why don't you tell me more about yourself, hm? Like why you're outside all alone.” She smirks up at him, her previous negativity disappearing in an instant. She's masking. Langa’s familiar with masking. He was basically raised to always have a princely mask over his face. He doesn't like her masking one bit. But he also knows he can't force someone to stop.
“Needed to get some fresh air,” Langa replies honestly. “It was much too crowded and loud inside, so I stepped out for a moment.”
The girl doesn’t respond until he's finished spinning her through the air, gaining a beautiful burst of laughter from her. Once she’s on the ground again, her laughter tapers off, but a smile remains on her face.
“And what are you doing here, hm?” she asks, and Langa's mind instantly begins rushing for an answer. “I thought only the maidens of the land were invited to the ball, not the men.” She’s teasing him, fluttering her pretty lashes at him.
He swallows heavily, butterflies in his stomach. This girl has to have magic, how else could he be feeling so much because of her all at once?
“That is true,” he says, wetting his lips nervously as he dips her low. She gasps before giggling, latching onto his arm to keep herself from falling. Even though he would never drop her. He doesn't want to tell her he's the prince, yet. Soon, but not now. Just a while longer as another random guy at the palace. He is enjoying it. “I work here. In the palace, I mean. I'm… an apprentice!”
Her eyes widen and she grins up at him, her flowing dress brushing against his knees. The blue of her dress contrasts amazingly with her bright red hair, and he thinks the color suits her.
“Snow the apprentice,” she says. Langa likes the way she says his nickname. Or maybe he just likes her voice. Maybe a bit of both. “I like it.”
Langa lets out a breath of laughter, and dips her for the final time in their waltz. They break apart, and he bows while she courtesies low to the ground. Her dress is like a halo around her, and she looks much like an angel on earth.
Once they've both straightened back up, Langa glances towards the palace, biting his lower lip. He’s sure that he is not yet missed- he could show her around the garden. Maybe even give her that flower… yes!
He holds up a hand in offering, and asks, “May I show you around the garden?”
She hesitates only a moment before she takes his hand, dipping her head shyly. He smiles, and she smiles back at him. He leads her through the garden, pointing out the plants he knows the names of.
“Those are my favorite flowers,” he says, pointing to a patch of blue flowers. “They’re called forget-me-nots. The story behind them just makes them all the more special.”
The mystery girl looks down at them, before releasing his hand to crouch in front of them. She picks one of the many buds, before turning back to him. A light flush colors her freckled cheeks as she stands on her tiptoes to slip the stem of the flower behind Langa’s ear. His breath catches in his throat at her close she is- her breath mingling with his, and he can see each time her pretty lashes flutter, and the way her lips hanging slightly open.
Once satisfied, she draws back, looks over her work, and then grins brightly. “It matches your hair!” she exclaims, and he's taken by her all over again. She retakes his hand, and he has to draw in a deep breath before he can speak again.
“Th- thank you very much,” he says, clearing his throat. He's sure he's blushing. His face is hot enough. He then tugs on her hand, “Now I want to show you something.”
“Haven’t you been showing me the garden?” she teases, but follows after him obediently.
He doesn't answer her, looking this way and that for the flowers he has in mind. Finally, he spots them: red hibiscus flowers. He tugs her along quickly, and she lets out a surprised laugh, stumbling a moment to be able to keep up with him. Once he's reached them, he gestures for her to sit down. She raises an eyebrow at him, but does so anyways, her dress pooling out around her on the grassy ground.
“Hope this doesn't ruin my dress,” she mutters, more to herself than Langa. He hums in response, but focuses on the task at hand. His father had taught him how to do this as a gift for his mother when he was younger, and they constantly did it for her when Mother’s Day rolled around.
He gathers a hand full of the brilliant red flowers before he steps to stand behind her, dropping onto his knees to reach her hair. He sets the fistful of flowers on the ground beside himself, and takes his gloves off. He then combs his bare fingers through her puffy hair, eyes widening at how soft it is beneath his fingertips. She stiffens at first, before relaxing as he gently cards his fingers through her hair.
Langa begins to part bits of hair into two sections, throwing the right side over her shoulder. She stays silent as he works, and when he looks at her freckled face, he finds her eyes lightly closed as she soaks in his soft touches.
He smiles softly at her relaxed expression, before beginning the braiding process. Each time he loops one large strand of hair over the other, he weaves a flower or two between them. He continues this until he's finished the first braid, smiling at his work. He guides the large braid over her left shoulder, and then quickly picks another handful of hibiscuses.
As he focuses on the right braid, the pretty girl in front of him hums softly. “Didn’t think you knew your way around a woman’s hair,” she says softly, lightly tracing the braid with her finger. “This is beautiful.”
“Just as you are,” Langa says before he could think it through. He hears her take in a sharp breath of air out of surprise, looking at him through the corner of her eye over her shoulder. He smiles at her with a wink, and her face turns a deep red similar to the flowers weaved into her hair. “My father taught me, so I could do this sort of thing for my mother. She's always loved it when I do it, so I thought you would as well.”
“I think I do,” she whispers, running her finger along one of the flower’s petals. Langa watches her for a moment, getting caught in how gorgeous she is just looking at the flowers in her own hair. Then, he shakes himself inwardly and gets back to work, weaving more and more flowers into the second braid.
When he's finished, he guides the second braid over her right shoulder. She traces this one as well, before turning to face him, grinning brightly at him, blinding him all over again. “Thank you very much, Mister Snow!” she exclaims, and grabs one of his hands. Their fingers weave together, and he looks at their interlocked hands with wonder.
“And thank you for letting me do it, fair maiden,” he answers courteously. She giggles at him, and he slowly brings her hand up to his mouth, pressing his lips against the back of her hand. Her breath catches, her face flushing an even deeper red. Man, red really is her color. “I've had such a wonderful time with you- please, I must know your name.”
She wets her lips nervously, her amber eyes sparkling with anxiety. He lowers her hand, and begins to lightly trace her knuckles with his thumb. She watches this for a few seconds, before drawing in a deep breath. She steels herself, before meeting his eyes.
“Okay, I’ll tell you,” she says, and he unconsciously scoots closer to her, his knees brushing through the grass. He stops at the edge of her dress, not wanting to drag his knees across the well sewn stitching or fluffy layers. She leans in close, like she's about to tell him a secret, and he leans towards her without noticing, holding his breath with anticipation. “My name is-”
She cuts herself off when the loud bong of the nearby clock tower sounds, her eyes going wide, grip on his hand tightening. He stares at her questioningly, still waiting for her to say her name, only for her to suddenly be pulling away, pushing to her feet while brushing the front of her dress off.
“I have to go,” she says, taking Langa by complete surprise. His mouth falls open as she begins to quickly walk back they way they’d come, dress swaying around her wildly. Her expression is one of regret, but she doesn't stop going, turning back for one moment to tell him, “It was a fun night. Thank you very much.” She does a small curtesy before taking off in a full on sprint.
Langa almost can't do anything at first. All he could do was stare where she'd just been, his hand, now empty, held out uselessly in front of himself. The grass where she'd been sitting has an indention in it from the grass laying across it.
Then, he snaps out of it, and scrambles to his feet, taking off after her. “Wait!” he calls after her. His heart is hammering in his chest- they were having such a good time, why did she have to suddenly leave? The ball isn't even over for another two hours. They had plenty of time, and he wanted to get to know her more. “Wait! Where are you going?”
“I'm sorry!” she calls back, disappearing around a corner. Langa runs as fast as his legs could take him, and finds her already halfway down the steps of the palace. Her dress flares out behind her in a mess of blue, brushing across the tops of the steps.
At one point, Langa’s heart stops when she seems to stumble and nearly trip over one of the steps. He hardly even notices the large amount of noise growing behind him; everyone inside must have taken notice of his plight.
But the girl catches herself, pauses to look back, and then takes off again. Langa stops at the spot she had- spotting one of her beautiful glass slippers. His eyes widen and he crouches down to pick it up.
Bad idea.
Because the girl manages to get into her carriage and the carriage takes off as soon as the door is closed. His heart plummets and even though he knows it's in vain, he still gives chase after the carriage as it pulls away.
“Wait!!” he shouts after the receding carriage, to no avail. He glances around for his horse, but is stopped when his mom appears beside him, panting.
“Who was that?” she asks breathlessly. Langa’s mind buzzes; no no! He doesn't have time to talk! He has to get his horse and get to her before he loses her! But his mom catches his wrist before he could run, stopping him in his tracks. “Snow!”
He snaps out of his daze, and looks down at her desperately. Kojiro suddenly appears beside his mother, looking between them with confusion. “She- I- She's the one, Mom! And she hasn't even told me her name!” he manages to exclaim.
His mother’s eyes widen, and she looks at Kojiro, who seems to understand her look. He peels away from them towards the palace guard, hopping onto his horse.
“Calm down, sweetie,” she tells him soothingly. He's trembling, he realizes. He doesn't want to lose this mystery girl and her pretty face and kind personality and the things she makes him feel. He’d just met her and started smiling again! “Kojiro and the guards will go and bring her back, alright? Just wait right here. They'll be back soon.”
Langa wets his lips, biting his lower lip anxiously. He tightly grips the glass slipper she’d left behind, the only connection he has back to her.
His mystery princess.
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catgrump · 4 years
Can you do a nsfw korekiyo x female reader birthday scenario? Love your writing btw, it’s a really good example to use for grammar and wording when I’m trying to write <33
Aww tysm Anon! My grammar may not always be perfect— sometimes I make bad grammatical choices on purpose, too— but I’m glad you’re learning and trying to improve your own skills!
This is a Non-Despair AU of course. Female!Reader in this case also means Cis Female, as that is what I am better able to draw experience from as a writer.
Read it under the cut! NSFW WARNING for sexual content!
Your boyfriend returned from the kitchen, having finished cleaning dinner’s dishes. You’re sitting on his couch, so you don’t see him, but you hear his soothing voice and gentle footsteps.
“Have you enjoyed your day, darling?”
You turn over your shoulder to see him holding a small velvet box about the size of his palm.
“Oh, Kiyo, you didn’t need to get me anything,” He handed the box to you, so you know it’s a birthday present.
You snap the lid up and inside the white satin lining sits a black faceted crystal pendant, entwined in black cord that’s been woven in a diamond pattern, securing it to the black metal chain.
“Kiyo,” you take the necklace out of the box and hold it in front of you, admiring its shine in the evening light, “This is gorgeous; thank you so much.”
You unclasp the back and separate the chain to put it on immediately, but Kiyo sits next to you and says “Allow me.”
You move so your back is to your partner, and he takes the necklace from your hands. You take your hair in your hands and brush it out of the way so it won’t get caught in the clasp.
As you feel the cold chain against your neck, you smile, and touch the stone, feeling the wrappings between your fingers.
You purse your lips. Maybe this is a sign.
When you first started seeing Kiyo, he made his preferences clear. You got an explicit understanding of what he likes because he values communication.
When he took rope out of a dresser drawer one night, you got anxious. But, since communicating is so important to him, you confessed you weren’t too sure whether you wanted to do anything like that yet.
“Yes, I understand,” he said softly, “the possibility of exploring new sensations can be anxiety-inducing. We do not have to do anything if you aren’t certain it is what you want to do.”
But the longer you’ve been together, the more you think about those ropes. The image of his hands gripping the jute strands has run through your mind countless times.
The smooth stone wrapped up, feeling the contrast between your fingertips... you can’t help but wonder.
“Kiyo,” you say, trying to work up your confidence, “I know it’s my birthday and all, but... maybe I could give you a present tonight, too?”
“Oh?” He’s intrigued
You turn around and kiss him, always happy he trusts you enough to not hide behind his signature mask when you’re alone together. When you pull away and look at his smile, you try to elaborate through the obvious fluster on your face, “I know you’ve always w-wanted to... tie me up.”
He brushed hair behind your ear, letting his hand linger on your cheek as he said “Darling, you know I’d only want to do that if it’s something you want, as well. But... I would be lying if I denied it outright.”
“I... want to try it,” you admitted, “Maybe we could do some simple stuff? See if I like it?”
He brought you back and tenderly kissed your lips. “I’d be honored,” he said after he broke away
He got up from the sofa and offered you a hand. With your hands entwined, he led you to his bedroom. The nerves are there, but Kiyo’s hand is gentle and reassuring.
Once he dimmed the lights in his bedroom, he began to kiss you again, delicately grazing his hands up and down your arms, then to your waist and hips. He stopped at the small of your back and held on tight, pulling your body flush to his.
Your hands are comfortably behind his back, playing with his silky dark hair. It’s one of your favorite things to do, whether you’re kissing him or not.
And now you feel him unzipping your dress, so you move your hands to unbutton his shirt. You both pull away, smiling as you undress each other.
The cotton sleeves and bodice slide down your arms and rest at your elbows as you expose more of his chest.
And with each button you popped open, the faster your heart beat.
You’ve been with Kiyo for some time now, it’s not like you haven’t had sex with him before, but you feel the way you did back when you were going to have sex for the first time. Your breathing is shallow and your chest is tight and you feel heat all over your body.
The dress fell off of you once your arms were down, and he removed his shirt, carefully setting it on the dresser that you knew contained what you asked for.
He brought you close again. His hands on your waist and yours against his chest, he whispered, “You are so beautiful,” into your neck before kissing it with force, bringing a sound from you for the first time tonight
As he sucked and nipped at your neck, he guided you toward the bed. You’ve been in here many times before, so you have a good sense of where it is, and didn’t need to be forced on once you felt the mattress and bed frame against the back of your legs.
He leaned forward, hair falling into his face, his palms pressed against the dark sheets. He gently explained “I thought perhaps we could try things that enhanced sensations you already enjoy,” one of his hands moved to your upper thigh and was brushing it delicately, “I’ll describe everything before we begin to make sure you approve. Is that alright?”
Your legs were instinctively spreading as you nodded your approval to him.
“Wonderful,” he started to kiss you and you felt his fingers begin to prod at you, stroking the fabric that still covered you up
You against his mouth as he found your clit and applied pressure, knowing exactly what to do to make you melt.
Your hips were already twitching. It was likely the anticipation that got you going.
His hand moved under the waistline and he slid two fingers down, feeling just how wet you’ve become. The fingers pressed against your entrance, and barely made it inside before he brought them back out again, and you couldn’t help but whine.
“Be patient, love,” he cooed into your ear before leaving you
You pouted and started touching yourself as you watched him approach the infamous dresser. You started taking off your underwear now— the waiting was unbearable.
“Make yourself comfortable, Y/N,” he beckoned, gesturing to the bed, now with rope in his hand, and something you couldn’t quite distinguish resting underneath the bundle of jute.
You moved from the side of the mattress to the center, sitting against the headboard. He smirked as he made his way back to you, feeling the rope in his fingers as he spoke, “I don’t want to start with anything too drastic,” he was climbing onto the bed now, straddling over your legs, reminding you of his full height, “If I bind your wrists to the bed frame, that’s all you’d need to fixate on the sensations.”
He explanations were sexy enough on their own. You tried to subtly grind your thighs together as you listened to his sensual descriptions of your body focusing on what he would do to you since you wouldn’t be able to move your hands. “This can be amplified even more if I were to blindfold you,” he offered, “How does that sound?”
As much as you like looking at Kiyo when you have sex, trying this is at least worth a shot. You tell him you want him to do everything he described.
You watch, biting your lip as he gingerly takes each of your hands and secures the rope to the bar that’s at the top of the otherwise hollow bed frame. Your wrists are above your head, embraced by... it’s less harsh than you imagined. When you saw rope in his hands previously, you imagined a coarseness to them that would scratch your skin. You can feel the teeth of the material constrict you, but it’s clearly cotton, or some other fabric you’d have in your wardrobe.
“How do you feel?” He asked
“Good,” you reply
“Wonderful. Let me know how this is,” he smirked again and his fingers returned.
You sighed with delight feeling him touch you again, and when he instantly was able to slide two fingers in, you gasped, feeling a heat rise to your face. You didn’t realize just how turned on you were, and felt sheepish that you were so ready so quickly. He curled his fingers and beckoned “Enjoying yourself?”
“Y-yeah,” you exhaled with hitched breath
“Good.” His fingers slipped out of you and then he pressed them back inside, deeper than before, forcing a shout followed by a dazed smile from you
“D-do that again, please,” you whimpered
He chuckled as he continued to maneuver his fingers inside you, now adding his thumb to your clit, making you write and drip. “Patience, darling.”
You whined, “Please, Kiyo, it was so good.”
“I’m glad,” he quickened his pace and your hips were bucking into his hand, “But I think you’ll enjoy it more in a few moments.”
His fingers slowly slid out and he looked you in the eye as he licked them clean. You tried to move your wrists to continue where he left off, but were quickly reminded that wouldn’t be possible tonight. You tried to bring your thighs together but your partner is in between them. You can’t recall the last time you were this in need but couldn’t do anything about it yourself.
Kiyo reached over and revealed a black silk piece of fabric that was under the bundle of rope before. “If you cannot see, your other senses will heighten,” he explained, taking delight in seeing you squirm beneath him
You frantically nodded your head in approval, and he chuckled as you closed your eyes. When you opened them again, it was black, and his hands were back on your thighs. He was right. It was all you could focus on.
Suddenly, his breath was against your skin, and you were starting to sweat as your legs were pushed further open. “I can work with my fingers once more if you’d like, but truth be told, I am craving release as well, and would adore sex right now. You look so beautiful, Y/N.”
Just hearing him ask and feeling his words reverberate against you made you feel yourself get even wetter. “Take me, then,” you exhaled
Kiyo sighed with a twisted pleasure, a bit away from you now, and you heard the buckle of his belt click, then the pleather of the belt slide through the loops on his pants. You heard fabric move and jostle and you imagined he was naked now. And when you heard the crinkling of plastic you knew he had put on a condom.
He held on to your ass and lifted your hips up. The tip of his cock was teasing you, making you shudder. “Are you ready, love?” He asked
You thought he would be able to feel how ready you were, but he does value communication. “Yes,” you sighed
He entered you slowly, and you were already starting to quiver. Your back was already arched and feeling him was all you could focus on. That, and the necklace. The crystal slid across your chest as he lifted you up. “K-Kiyo,” you gasped
“Is something wrong, darling?” He had stopped everything he was doing
“N-no, everything is good, but,” you took a breath, “did you want to take off the necklace?”
“I think the obsidian is beautiful against your breast,” he admitted, “But if you want it removed—“
That’s actually kind of sweet. Sweet, and also pretty sexy. “No, it can stay on if you like it so much,” you smiled, but were trembling, aching to get back to where you left off, “Please keep going; I need you— ah!”
As soon as you said ‘I need you’, he thrusted. Your legs brought themselves tighter around his waist as he steadied his pace.
Kiyo’s not typically one for noises during sex... or so you thought. You could now hear muffled grunts coming from him as he pounded into you. Did he always do that, and this is just part of the amplified senses thing; that you can hear it? It’s hot either way.
What was really amplified were the indecent sounds escaping your lips. You wanted to tell him how good he feels and how much you liked this but all you could speak were moans.
He took a stronger grip on your ass, digging his polished fingernails into the skin as he thrust hard, and you had your hips follow his.
Your legs were shaking against his back. You don’t think you’ve ever finished this soon and you so desperately want to keep feeling this but you can’t use your hands to control your legs. Your whole body is trembling now as he continues to slowly and forcefully pound his throbbing cock deeper into you, and you gasp, feeling your smile twist and contort as you cum, your hips continuing to buck against him, drenching his dick inside you.
He’s still going. You’re trying to catch your breath as he’s suddenly moved your legs off him, pressing them against his chest. His hands are clutching your ankles now, and you feel his dick throbbing inside you as he moves faster and faster.
Your breathing is shallow again and your hands are squeezed into fists and you’re cumming again in an instant, screaming with perverse pleasure
You can barely make out your partner’s scream over your own, but you felt it. Your legs were pushed forward toward your own body, along with Kiyo, keeling over as he came inside you.
You both were panting and sweating now. Once you both calmed down, he slid out, and you shuddered, having THAT feeling amplified now, too.
After a few moments, the blindfold was removed and you saw Kiyo smiling down at you. He was untying the ropes as he gently asked “How are you feeling?”
“Tired, in all honesty,” he laughed when you said that, “But that was really good. I think I’m starting to understand now.”
You shook out your wrist once you felt it free, letting the blood flow back. Before you could set your hand in your lap, though, he took it and kissed your knuckles. “I would adore to continue to show you new sensations, if you so desire.”
You smiled at him. “I don’t think I’m ready for full harnesses just yet, but we can maybe try to ease into it.”
“Of course, love,” he kissed your knuckles again, “I only want to show you pleasure.”
If you enjoy my work, please consider leaving a tip on Ko-Fi, if you’re able! 💛 Fics will always be free; this is just an additional way to support me. 
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fullbusterfantasmic · 4 years
Love potion ♋️
Chapter 3.5
✨Your POV As we enter my apartment I hold up a hand to stop him from immediately pinning me to the wall. I peel off my soaked jacket, and kick off my boots, he follows suite. Then Im back in his arms again, we’re as close as we can be while remaining clothed. I run my fingers through his always messy, (but somehow perfect) raven locks as I ask; “What brought this on? I...If you’re just drunk and horny...that’s fine...but if it’s something else then...”, I can’t bring myself to finish. Sensing my insecurity he brushes his lips over mine, mumbling “I’m not drunk”, before kissing me again. Gray is surprisingly warm for an Ice mage; Or it might just be possible that Im externally exuding the heat that all of his sensual touches and ever probing tongue have me feeling internally. It’s me that gives in to the demand for oxygen first, and I press my forehead against his after doing so. Our combined pants are virtually silent when in comparison to the devastating deluge taking place outside. I know this pouring rain belongs to her. I knew it as soon as those first few scalding droplets hit my exposed skin. Still, I didn’t feel it was appropriate to ask him out right. I chose to let him bring this fact up on his own, and I don’t need to press for answers as to why it’s happening because that’s included in his forthcoming explanation. ����Gray’s POV Now that we’re behind closed doors and prying eyes, those ten seconds it took her to hang up our wet coats isnt nearly enough time to reign myself in. It had to of done some good though; Considering I haven’t bent her over the arm of the couch, but engaged her in another passionate kiss, while continuing to lightly fondle her. After catching my breath, I decided it’s time to give ________ the explanation she doesn’t know that I owe her. “Before we go further I have a few things I need to say” I announce, tightening the hold I have on my gorgeous companion. “Its taken a lot longer than I wanted it to, but regardless...I’m still here holding you, with a clear conscience I’m able to tell you how important you are to me and after a proper explanation, if you’ll allow it...I want to make you mine _________”. She beams back at me, motioning for me to continue, so I do. “After you left Juvia and I this evening; I took her outside to talk, she misinterpreted the meaning behind my actions (to no ones surprise 🙄), and I stopped her just short of kissing me-“. I pause, noticing A small grimace on the beautiful face in front of me, quickly replaced by a mask of stubborn indifference. “-I stopped her because I didn’t want to let her kiss me, and break her heart a minute later, I told her we would never be together, that she has to move on because I’m ready to pursue something with you”. I clasp her hands tightly within my own, “I have too much respect for you _______, I refused to ask, let alone would I ever expect you to be my woman, and put up with Juvia’s antics! That’s why I had to set her straight...and you can see how that went obviously” I gestured towards the window and the raging storm beyond it as my explanation draws to a close. Minutes tick by with nothing being said, her eyes remain locked on the chaos taking place outside. The fear Id begun to feel evaporates instantly as her eyes return to my face; That brief glimpse into her soul reignites my ever growing desire to finally claim her as my own. “I’m sure we both agree that Juvia is a good person, and neither one of us want her in pain.... Forgive me, because this sounds so terrible...” she pauses as her hands creep up my chest. “But if that pain was necessary to bring me unimaginable pleasure...then I’m afraid she’ll just have to work through it...with our support and help of course” one of her hands comes to rest on my cheek. “Nothing would make me happier than to finally belong to the man of my dreams...Well, him fucking me senseless until sunrise is a close runner-up” she says giving me a smile as her eyes sparkle sensually in the moonlight.
Lemon Next Chapter
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dulce-pjm · 4 years
under the table
word count: 3.8k
genre: fluff
summary: you’re doing great! 100% amazing. a-okay! alright, no you’re not. but what does everyone say is the perfect cure for a heart that never had the chance to be broken? game night, of course! but knowing you, there will always be complications. 
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You’re at peace. 
When things are like this, the universe is in harmony. You’re tucked away from the rest of the world, cuddled up under a blanket next to the thing most important to you, a relaxed smile across your face. You think you could spend the rest of your life here, content and happy. Safe. 
But you’ve never been particularly lucky. 
“The fuck is a board game club?”
“It’s fun, I promise!” Mina looks you up and down as she stands in the doorway of your bedroom. You know how you look, sprawled on your soft comforter in sweats and a grease-stained t-shirt. Your laptop sits beside you, a trashy drama playing in the background, while your hands are occupied with your phone and a large bowl of popcorn. 
“But I’m having fun now.” You gesture to your well-planned setup, grimacing when Mina turns the lights on. “Dude. Warning, please.” She sighs, stepping into the room with a stern look on her face. You can already feel your stubborn resolve slipping. 
Mina shuts your laptop and moves it aside, plopping onto the bed next to you. She takes your non-butter-coated hand in hers. 
“Y/N, I love you. But it’s Friday night. We haven’t gone out in a month. A month!” You glare, offended she’d bring up the subject. 
“Because you know what happened last time!” Mina opens her mouth to argue, but shuts it quickly. This discussion always goes the same direction anyway. 
“This won’t be like last time,” she reassures, taking the popcorn bowl from you, much to your dismay. “I promise. You like games! It’ll be fun and tonight we’re betting, so if you win you might even have some cash to take home.” 
“But I’m so happy here.” You cuddle your pillow childishly, puffing out your bottom lip. Mina is not amused. She sighs, massaging her temples. 
“I didn’t want to do this,” she begins. “But you owe me, remember?” You cock your head, no memory coming to mind. She sighs in exasperation. “You dragged me to that stupid dance class last semester! By the end I thought I was gonna puke!” You scoff. 
“Oh, puh-lease, you were practically drooling over the instructor. He was so hot I forgot about the pain. Too bad he has a girlfriend now. I stalked him on Instagram.” Mina laughs, a light tinkling sound compared to your usual guffawing, abrasive and obnoxious. 
“So… you’ll come?” You take a moment to think, despite already knowing your answer. You were too easy to guilt-trip, you knew. Too trusting, too. But Mina was right, you did owe her. You sigh. 
“Fine. I’ll come.” Mina’s entire face lights up as she cheers and hurries to her feet. Your joints creak as you heave your limbs off of the bed while Mina begins babbling instructions your way. 
You were rather talented at board games. And silly banter. You might even have a chance at walking away with the money. This will be fun, you assure yourself. 
“...So, yeah. Just bring ten bucks. And maybe change first.” Her eyes take one last glance at your outfit in light disgust. “Be ready in half an hour?”
“Mhmm,” you groan, stumbling to your closet. You sniff one of your old sweaters and when no ungodly stench meets you, you shrug it on in place of your tee. Mina thanks you before trotting out of the room, taking away your snack with her. 
This will be fun, this will be fun.
Or, at least it better be. You make a mental note that, if this goes south, you aren’t leaving this apartment for the next six months. 
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After sprucing up your appearance and coating yourself with cheap perfume, you approach the supposed ‘board game club meeting’ (how the hell did that get approved, anyway?) with a newfound sense of confidence. Your smile is beaming, your shoulders are back and unbothered, your skin glowing. Wait, doesn’t that phrase mean you’re pregnant? You can’t remember. Not that pregnancy is even a remote possibility for you anyway. What with you never leaving the apartment and all.
You trail after Mina as she weaves through the library halls, before slowing in front of a corner study room. You’re astounded she made it here so easily, you had no idea this was even here. To your knowledge, this wing of the library was reserved for storage and staff. 
 Just as you’re about to follow her through the door, she spins to face you. 
“You know, I’ve been thinking and you know if you really don’t want to go-” 
“Oh my god, we’re here already! Let’s just go in!” You smile at her teasingly while she blushes. Despite how it might look to outsiders, you and Mina care about each other deeply. You appreciate how considerate she is of you.
 “Alrighty then!” She turns back around and throws open the door, drawing the greetings of everyone else in the room. Your eyes land on Mark, Mina’s boyfriend, who’s already shot to his feet and pulled Mina in for a kiss. 
You barely have time to scan the rest of the crowd before Mark’s wrapped you up in a hug, ruffling your hair. He’d always been friendly, definitely a little much for you. But his affectionate ways are perfect for Mina. 
“Hey! Didn’t expect to see you here.” He finally parts from you, allowing you room to breathe. You shrug sheepishly. 
“Well, here I am.” Your hands fidget nervously at the belt loops of your jeans. “So expect to lose.” Mark laughs, wrapping an arm around Mina. You suppress the part of you that’s immensely jealous of their easy-going relationship. You’ve never been able to achieve quite the same thing. Your relationships rarely lasted longer than a few months, at best. 
“I believe it. You always outplay me in Monopoly.” He throws a thumb over his shoulder. “But Yoongi might give you a run for your money.”
Your blood runs cold. Chills travel across your skin. A fire fueled by anger and embarrassment that had almost sputtered out over the past month is suddenly reignited, a blazing furnace beneath your face and chest. 
“What?” Mina’s smile becomes strained while you stand there, face void of emotion despite the thunderstorm raging inside. Her voice lowers to a harsh whisper. “I thought you said he wasn’t coming!” Mark, oblivious to the brewing conflict, smiles happily.
“Yeah, but his work thing got canceled, so I told him there was still plenty of room.” Pride beams off of his face. At any other time, Mina would congratulate him for his efforts to be inclusive and encouraging to their mutual friend. But right now, she was starting to be as panicked as you were pissed. 
Your mind is flooded with memories of fun conversation, casual flirting, and, ultimately, anxious nights spent staring at your phone screen, waiting for a very specific notification to appear. But it never did. You’re starting to see red. 
“God, Mark, I told you about this!” Mina turns to you, eyes frantic. “You know, if you just want to go back home, that’s okay. I’ll go with you, we can watch dramas and eat pizza and-”
“It’s fine,” you spit through clenched teeth. You force your fists to relax, allow a gentle smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes to settle across your lips. 
“A- Are you sure?” Mina touches your arm with concern, forcing you to tear your gaze away from a certain someone across the room. You shrug nonchalantly, forcing your smile to go wider. 
“Why wouldn’t it be?” 
“Y/N, you seriously don’t-”
“It’s fine, Mina.” She immediately clamps her mouth shut, knowing your will is set in stone by the harsh tone of your voice. She nods vigorously and steps back into the arms of a very confused Mark. 
“Okay, okay.” She puts up her hands defensively before smiling and facing the rest of the group. “Who’s ready to get started?” She’s met with cheers and smiles as Mark settles into a seat beside her and starts dealing cards, leaving one empty chair, across from Yoongi. 
You slide into it, meeting his intense gaze as he looks up from his phone. Not that it surprises you, but he appears exactly the same. He’s fucking gorgeous. His features are soft, yet when he meets your eyes with that piercing gaze and unreadable expression, he becomes sharp and intimidating. His greyish-brown locks just barely sit above his dark, umber eyes, effortlessly tousled. Even his taste is good, his outfit composed of a leather jacket and vintage band t-shirt, topped with a single hoop earring. 
God, he is so perfect. Was so perfect, until he’d ignited your unending anger. 
“Hey,” you mutter, words coming off much more bitter than intended. Whatever. It’s how you feel, anyways. 
“Hey,” he replies. “Been a while.” His eyes never leave yours. 
“Sure has.” Your nostrils flare against your will. “You doing alright? Gone on any more blind dates?” Yoongi’s lips twist into a scowl. 
“Can’t say I have. You were the one and only.” The staredown between you two could start wars. The negative energy you’re generating sends a chill down an unsuspecting Mark’s spine. 
Your brooding is interrupted when a shiny, white sticker is passed in front of you. 
“It’s a name tag!” Mina explains, looking between you two anxiously. “You can decorate it. It’s fun.” You internally roll your eyes at Mina’s not-so-sly attempt to break up your silent argument. 
You grab a stray pen to scribble your name, but just as the ink begins to meet the sticker, fingers tighten around your wrist. With his free hand, Yoongi takes the sticker from you, bringing it to his side of the table. 
��Let me do it. Your handwriting is shit.” You grimace. He isn’t wrong. You work to get your mind moving, you’re already behind in the insult-slinging. After a brief moment, Yoongi releases your wrist and snatches the pen from your fingertips, dipping his head to start writing. 
“So are your dialing abilities.” Yoongi pauses, his eyes lifting, a poorly built facade of confusion masking what you’re sure is smug pride. The little shit. 
“What?” he asks curiously, pen lowering. 
“You heard me.” You cross your arms and lean back in your seat, as if daring him to challenge you. This asshole had the nerve to pretend he enjoyed your company despite the less-than-ideal circumstances, treat you to a nice date, not call you ever again, NOT EVER CALL YOU AGAIN, and then pretend he didn’t know what you were talking about? God, you’d really dodged a bullet there. Or, you would have. If Yoongi had picked up the damn phone and taken a shot in the first place. 
After a few seconds, a smirk plays on his lips and he shakes his head, returning to the sticker. 
“I see you and Yoongi are acquainted!” Mark comments, throwing an arm over your shoulder while blissfully unaware of the situation. Oh, to be pretty and ignorant. “He’s a monster at Risk, let me tell you. He could probably take over the world if he really wanted to. Most of the time, he’s the lucky guy walking away with the payout.” Yoongi shrugs, eyes still focused on the project before him. 
“Or you guys just suck.” Mark laughs, the boisterous sound rattling from his chest. 
“Either way, he’s the guy to beat.” You nod in understanding as a plan hatches in your mind. You rub your hands together, not unlike a cartoon villain. Your fixed smile becomes slightly crazed and Cheshire cat-like. 
Interesting. Very interesting. So, if you were to, perhaps, theoretically, make some private bets and win this game night, Yoongi would be out a shit ton of money? Now that sounded like fun, Mina be damned. Screw closure and moving on, revenge is much more gratifying. 
When Yoongi finishes your nametag, you slap it on your sweater without so much as a glance, oblivious to the way his face falls. 
If it took every fiber of your being, you were going to beat Yoongi’s ass, steal his money, and never ever see him again. 
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Fuck, fuck, fuck!
How was it possible for somebody to be good at Candyland?! The game’s pure goddamn luck. But here Yoongi was, having claimed victory for three out of the six games played so far (you claiming the other three) and being well on his way to winning the seventh and final game: Uno. 
You, Yoongi, and Mina are down to three cards each, while Mark and the other participants are too caught up in rambunctious conversation to care that they’re losing terribly. 
Mistakes have been made. You had egged Yoongi on into raising the bets between you two from ten to fifty dollars. And now you were fearing you’d lose. But your will was still strong, refusing to give up so easily. And where there was a will, there were Draw Four cards. 
“Are you fucking kidding me, Y/N?” Yoongi groans, reaching to draw from the pile. But at the last second, his fingers flicker back to his hand, slapping his own Draw Four card onto the table. You sigh, banging your head against the table without an ounce of embarrassment or true anger. That time had long passed. Now you were just exasperated. 
Mina cries out in protest, but having nothing to counter with, she begrudgingly draws eight, eliminating her from the close race between you and Yoongi, having two cards each. Yoongi smiles apologetically, making you laugh quietly to yourself. 
When he wasn’t being an ass, Yoongi still made pleasant company. He was nice and sarcastic and introspective, never failing to add something new to the conversation. Despite your initial resolve, you’d found yourself opening up to him once again, obnoxiously cracking your own jokes and telling wild stories from your past experiences. Whenever Yoongi smiled or laughed at you, your heart soared. If only he had called you back, things could be different. 
But they weren’t. This is a war now. A war you intend to win. 
“What are you doing?” The question startles you from the goofy selfie you’re taking as you wait for the play to make its way around the table. You set down your phone, ignoring the way that, in the picture, your eyes are straight ahead, meeting Yoongi’s, rather than directed at the camera.
“Texting my nephew.” Yoongi cocks his head, brows furrowing. “He’s five and has a tablet for some godforsaken reason. We just send each other pictures of ourselves making stupid faces back and forth. It’s silly.” You don’t know why you’re suddenly sheepish, heat rising to your face. It’s probably the bad air conditioning in this place. Yoongi’s confused expression melts into a soft smile, making the furnace beneath your cheeks blaze hotter. 
“Cute,” he murmurs.
“What?” He shrugs, taking a sip at his soda. Your eyes narrow. What kind of game is he playing? Does he think flirting with you will distract you from the mission at hand? Because if so, he’s an absolute idiot. 
“You’re an idiot!” you’re yelling just a few minutes later. Yoongi’s practically cackling from across the table, clutching his middle with one hand, the other holding just one card. You still had two, but no matter. It’s pretty unlikely he’ll be able to play his hand anyway. “The cookie is the backbone of the entire Oreo! Without it, the whole experience is ruined! Don’t disregard it so easily.” Yoongi only snickers more, his gums peeking out from behind his massive smile. He’s enjoying the way you get riled up so easily, how quickly he can get under your skin with the most meaningless of words. 
“It doesn’t even taste good, Y/N. The least they could do is make it taste like sugar, since that’s practically all an Oreo is.” You roll your eyes. 
“That ruins the whole balance. The only thing you could possibly add to an Oreo to make it better is peanut butter.”
“Peanut butter?” Yoongi leans forward in interest and slight disgust. You nod assuredly, finding yourself leaning forward as well.
“Trust me, it’ll change your life.” Yoongi looks at you earnestly. 
“I’m pretty sure it’s you that’s the life-changer.” Your eyebrows pop upward, jaw momentarily dipping open before you snap it shut. No. No. You’re not falling for this again. You scoff and fall back into the incredibly uncomfortable chair, which only makes Yoongi smile proudly. 
“Y/N, it’s your turn.” Mark nudges you and you barely acknowledge him, slapping your blue four onto the pile easily. 
Yoongi looks at you oddly, lolling his head to the side. 
“What?” you snap, giving him your best glare.
“You’re done with your turn?” he asks, expression turning slightly concerned. God, he was such a fucking tease. 
“Yes I’m done, you dipshit. Play your turn.” You glance at your phone screen, seeing several notifications from your nephew and a scolding text from your sister for encouraging his behavior. 
Yoongi sighs, drawing his card when he can’t play. When you glance up, there’s a smirk on his face once again.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Yoongi’s smirk deepens. 
“You didn’t say ‘Uno.’” You stare at Yoongi. He starts to snicker again. 
“Fuck!” you shout, ignoring Mina’s many comments about ‘language!’ and ‘non-competitive dialogue!’ Yoongi laughs in your face, not even bothering to cover his mouth and try to spare you. You’re about to go ballistic, your fists clenched as Yoongi does the favor of drawing four for you, sliding them in front of you. God, you hate him. 
In the end, neither of you wins. Some freshman with glasses you didn’t know took the victory, teasing his apparent girlfriend for losing. Who even let freshmen in here, anyway? The participants decide that the winnings will be divided between you and Yoongi, since you both won three games, and the mini-bet between the two of you becomes null, with neither of you able to fully stake your claim.
But you’re the one who’s really been defeated. You couldn’t even succeed in getting a second date with this guy, what made you think you could beat him in board games?
You give Yoongi a small, meek nod before standing to go. Mina left with Mark already after double and triple-checking that you were okay to walk home alone. You make for the door, open the handle as unexpected tears threaten to prick at your eyes. 
You’re so pathetic. You’d let a fucking blind date get you so upset you’d barely left your apartment in the past month except to go to class. Could you really be faulted? You hadn’t had so much fun with someone in your entire life. You could feel the connection, the spark, between the two of you. You were certain this was the one that would last. So you took the leap, gave him your number, proposed a second date. But he never called you. Not once. 
You’re unlikable. Unlovable. You don’t deserve to win game night, let alone to win at life or relationships or-
“Y/N, wait up.” Yoongi’s found his way next to you as you trudge out of the library, staring straight ahead. 
“What is it, Yoongi?” You shoot him a dark look, only to find his ears tinged pink and his hand awkwardly scratching his scalp. 
“Well, uh, I was thinking.” The sentence ends, thought hanging unfinished in the air. 
“You were… thinking?” Yoongi jolts, like he’d forgotten you were here. His eyes never meet yours, contrary to his crude confidence from before. 
“Yeah! And, um-” He sighs, taking a deep inhale through his nose. “I think we should use the money we won and go on a second date.”
“What?” You’re openly gaping at him now. “Why?!”
“Because I really enjoyed our first date and I’d like another one.” You’re running out of air, sputtering on your breath. 
“But- But you didn’t even call me! I asked you out and now you suddenly change your mind?” After an excruciating moment, Yoongi’s eyes meet yours, panicked rather than unreadable. The image is unsettling and unfamiliar. You’re starting to feel dizzy. 
“Because you gave me a fake number!” You gawk at him in confusion. “Or that’s what I thought, until you were talking earlier and I put it all together.” He grins, seemingly finding his confidence again. “Your shitty handwriting made me misread your number. I almost thought it was on purpose until now, that you just wanted to get rid of me. But it was all a misunderstanding.”
The weight of his words settles on your shoulders, making your head spin. All a misunderstanding? All those stupid tears and endless nights over… a misunderstanding? You could laugh. You do, actually. The sound makes Yoongi jump as the two of you step outside, the night oddly warm despite the time nearly reaching midnight. A stupid, dopey grin spreads across your face. 
Yoongi doesn’t hate you. He doesn’t think you’re stupid or unlikable. You’d done everything right, well, almost everything right. It’s humorous, really. 
“So, uh… What do ya say? Tomorrow? Seven?” You smirk. 
“Bold of you to assume I’m free.” Yoongi’s grinning too, enjoying the casual banter significantly more than the way his face grew flushed and he couldn’t seem to spit out what he wanted to say. 
“Well, then cancel your plans.” His eyes flash wildly and you giggle childishly, taking delight in his antics. You nod, your cheeks beginning to ache. 
“Tomorrow at seven.” Yoongi grins as you prepare to go your separate ways. 
“Tomorrow at seven.” You spin and begin walking the other way, but not before Yoongi can call after you again. 
“What?” You laugh, yelling at him from down the sidewalk, the streetlamps barely illuminating his figure. 
“Check your nametag! And text me when you’re home so I know you’re safe!” You laugh again. 
“I don’t even have your number, dipshit!” Yoongi sighs loudly, the sound echoing down the empty street. 
“Just check the fucking nametag!” 
“Fine, fine!” You giggle as you peel the sticker off your shirt. Your giggle intensifies when you see its contents. 
Along with your name, Yoongi decided to draw a small picture that you could only assume was you, composed of an angry face, frazzled hair, and devil horns. And in the bottom right corner is a string of digits. You’re grinning from ear to ear as you stare at the piece of paper. You tell yourself to find a safe place to keep it when you get home. 
“Goodnight, Y/N!” he shouts, figure fading farther in the distance. 
You practically skip home, your body singing with adrenaline and joy. 
You muse that your world might never be in balance or harmony, not in your lifetime, anyway. 
But with you beside Yoongi, you thought it’d be pretty damn close. 
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earthfluuke · 4 years
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summary: individual ohmfong moments i couldn’t get out of my head.
everyone has been writing yearning fics (and i adore them so much), but i wanted to get some fluff out there. i hope you enjoy!
it’s second nature for ohm to slide into any open seat at their group’s table. full plate in hand, he’s just about to dig in when he catches phuak’s questioning eye, and his fork freezes a breath from his food. the silent questioning raise of his eyebrow has phuak shaking his head and motioning a hand to the opposite side of the table.
“sit next to your boyfriend, dumb ass,” he says, followed by the mumble of, “no wonder none of your girlfriends stayed with you.”
eyes widening, he turns to fong who can only send him a forgiving smile. scrambling to move his things, he falls onto the bench beside him with a sigh. head hung, shoulder slumped, he works out quickly, “i’m sorry. it completely slipped my mind, and i–”
“it’s okay,” fong assures, understanding as ever. “it’s…different. but we’ll get there.” he slides a plastic cup across the table to him and knocks their shoulders together. “now stop sulking, and drink that.”
ohm rises a bit, reinflates. he’s only ever remembered fong coming to the table with a signature blue hawaii in hand. there is none in sight, only this. taking a sip, he can’t help but feel it tastes a bit sweeter than any other time he’s had it.
they’re not there yet; but they’re on their way.
“oh!” he hears ohm exclaim as they’re walking out of their classroom towards the football field. just as he turns to ask what’s wrong, he feels a hand grab onto his.
eyes shooting down to the space between them, fong takes notice of how ohm’s fingers fit between his and curl over more than half of his knuckles. he soaks in the warmth ohm’s palm presses into his own and the feel of his thumb stroking up to his nail and back down again. he’s never held someone’s hand before, save for his parents a long, much younger time ago, so he doesn’t have much to compare to. even so, he doesn’t think any other hand would feel as nice. this is the hand he wants to hold forever.
allowing his fingers to close and rest between the ridges of ohm’s knuckles, he tightens his hold when ohm gives their arms an experimental swing.
“we’re boyfriends now,” he explains. “that means we get to hold hands.”
 it’s so innocent, so simple, but knowing that doesn’t help in slowing fong’s heart.
fong knows he has a very handsome boyfriend. it’s difficult to ignore when they’re meant to be studying in the library. ohm has a hand in his hair, head rested against his palm as a finger taps in concentration. his lips move with each word he reads, tongue sticking between his teeth when he gets to an exceptionally difficult section.
it’s too much sometimes, to just sit there and stare. actions have never been his strong suit; observations are more his style, but it’s not enough. leaning past the edge of his chair, he smooths a hand under ohm’s chin and up the cheek farthest from him. he pulls him the small distance he needs to in order to press a gentle kiss to the cheek facing him.
he hides the laugh that’s building in his throat when he moves back to find ohm wide eyed and stunned. the hand in his hair has slid down to where fong’s lips just grazed, and fong has to turn away from him to hide his pink cheeks and silly smile.
“i’m going to get some snacks. do you want anything?” ohm is too dazed to respond, so fong pushes back his chair and scurries off to the vending machines. it’ll give him the chance to calm down.
(and if he comes back with a few choice snacks he knows to be ohm’s favorites, then that’s just a bonus).
when fong is fast asleep, ohm can’t help but prop himself up on his arm and admire him. his bangs curl over his brow, and his cheek buries further into the pillow when there’s an especially cool breeze from the air conditioner. dark lashes fan over tan skin, full peach lips puffing out calm, even breaths. one hand clutches the blanket closer to him while the other lays on the sheets as though it’s looking for something.
he’s as gorgeous as he always is, but there’s something more special about a beauty that only ohm gets to see. there is a constant pull of wanting to grab onto that hand, remind him that what he’s reaching for is right beside him. but he cannot will himself to disturb him and instead resigns himself to only stare. he’s done enough to last him a lifetime, but he doesn’t think he’ll ever tire of it; not if he’s staring at fong.
“beautiful. sweetheart. babe. love!”
“um,” tine clears his throat, looking from ohm’s wide, hopeful grin to the top of fong’s head, the only part of him visible from behind the pages of the book he’s using to hide. “what are you doing?”
“trying to figure out which name i like the most,” fong mumbles from behind his book, clutching the binding a bit tighter when ohm throws an arm around his shoulders.
“the secret is that he likes all of them,” he says, continuing over fong’s protests, “i just need to find out which one he likes the best.”
it picks up again from there, in front of their friends no less. all fong can do is let him go on and on, each name more blush inducing than the last, and hope his novel does a good enough job masking how much he’s enjoying this.
“i’ll see you for dinner after my group meeting. okay, tilak?”
“yeah, sure – wait, what? hey! fong!”
fong is always a vision, but this. this. this is something completely different and so very far from even his wildest of dreams.
his sweater – a light beige with a v-neck that dips lower without the collar of the shirt he normally wears underneath it poking out – hangs loose around fong’s smaller frame. the shoulders pool upwards, the sleeves drape over his fingers, the hem hits far past the bottom of his torso. it doesn’t fit at all, and yet it does. there is something so right about coming out of the shower and finding fong lying on his bed, homework papers strewn out across the sheets and ohm’s sweater pooling up around his hips.
“i’m sorry,” fong is quick to say, fingers scrambling to tug it over his head. “it got cold, and it was the first thing i saw. i can give it back.”
“no.” he holds his hands out to steady fong more than himself. when the neck of the sweater stretches back down and he can see him, ohm sends him a smile. “it’s…it’s good. nice. it looks nice.”
“nice,” fong repeats. the very tips of his fingers, the only parts that peek out from beneath the sleeves, smooth over the fabric. his eyes soften, the tips of his mouth curving up. ohm can’t the tingling feeling that spreads through him.
that single strand of hair. it’s as lovely as it is distracting, for fong at the very least. he supposes ohm must have gotten used to it, takes notice of it the same way he does to the air around him. but it’s so out place and somehow so perfectly put that fong cannot help but admire it.
it’s a flame, stark black and contrast to his skin, that draws his hand towards it like a moth. ever so carefully, with just a graze of his fingers, he pushes it back into place. brushing over his ear, his hand buries beneath the hair parted against his scalp, dark locks blanketing over it.
only then does ohm look to him, realize that there had been something out of place he hadn’t seen. what he does see – feel, sense, know – is fong. and what a wonder that is, to be more noticeable, more important, more vital than the air. to be what ohm needs to breathe.
ever changing lights flicker across the concert venue. sarawat’s band is on stage, but they’re impossible to pay attention to when fong has all of his focus. he’s beautiful in every color he bathes in, but ohm can’t help but be partial to the mixture of yellow and orange.
fong has always been a bright light, a beacon, an ever-present warmth. the colors paint him as the sun he’s always been, the very center of ohm’s universe. head back, ears turned up to the music, his eyes reflect gold when he turns to ohm to tug him close and sway them along to the bass beneath their feet.
purple and blue remind him of late nights where they’d forgotten to close the blinds. green brings memories of lying in the grassy field in the back of their high school, when all ohm could rely on was stolen glances and accidental hand brushes he’d hold nearer and dearer to his heart than he should have. pink and red mix together, and all he can see is love coating over full cheeks and a fuller smile that he is lucky enough to have directed at him. and then it’s back to yellow, back to orange, back to warmth so hot ohm could burn.
it’s a heat like no other. all he can do to cool is curls a single arm around the small of fong’s back and pull him close enough for their foreheads to touch. his heart still roars with flames, engulfs him in a love hot enough to melt.
wrapping himself around him, fong comments, “you really like this song.”
and all ohm can do is hum, hold him tighter, and soak in his warmth. “i think it might be my favorite.”
“how did you know?” fong asks. the two of them are staring up at the ceiling, peeling paint their replacement for stars. “that it was me, i mean.”
by all intents and purposes, it should be an easy enough question to answer. but it becomes difficult when it hits him that…it’s always been fong. there isn’t a moment where anyone else has taken refuge in his heart and made it their home.
“i don’t remember when it started. but i remember when i realized it couldn’t be anyone else.” the memory flashes behind his eyes in vivid detail, kept clean and clear from how many times he’s brought it back to the forefront of his mind. “new years eve of second year. after tine and phuak ditched us to find pretty girls to kiss at midnight.”
mouth agape when he looks to him, fong says in startled disbelief, “in your backyard when i almost burned my hand on that sparkler? that wasn’t as special as i was expecting. more embarrassing.”
“it wasn’t. and that’s why i knew. there didn’t need to be some big sign. i just knew that even in those simple moments, i wanted it to be you there with me. and,” ohm catches his eye, looks at him so he knows how much he means what he says, “it was the first time i got to see you smile. it wasn’t because of something stupid phuak did or something sweet tine said to you. it was just… because you were happy. i hadn’t seen anything that beautiful before.”
fong says nothing, only reaches down to grab his hand. but when he smiles – that smile – he tells ohm all he needs to know. it’s another one of those not so special moments; the two of them lying flat against the sheets, their hands twisted together between them. but that in and of itself makes it special.
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trashcreatyre · 3 years
I'm gonna explain one of my TMA playlists bc I've been wanting to do that for several months, and how else am I supposed to procrastinate my animatic project at one in the morning?
(here's the link to the playlist bc I think its pretty slappin')
Body Terror Song By AJJ-
I know that it could technically be a flesh song, but I feel like its a bit more vague than that? if that makes sense?
The Afternoon By Lemon Demon-
there's gonna be a lot of Lemon Demon songs in this lol- This one is also pretty vague, but for some reason it kinda reminds me of Michael specifically? I don't 100% know how to describe it.
thrifted youth By dalynn-
Most of the descriptions/reasonings in the general section are pretty simplistic and vague huh? I guess it just kinda fits the vibe? I might be saying that for a lot of the general ones-
Aurora Borealis By Lemon Demon-
this one reminds me of the season five, kinda feels like a jmart song. (also you'll probably notice that there's not much in the ship theme in this playlist. I like to keep my ship playlists separate from my more general ones, don't know why.)
Under My Skin By Jukebox The Ghost-
just kinda fits the vibe y'know? other than that I don't really know.
Turn the Lights Off By Tally Hall-
i can't actually remember why I put this one specifically- that's a bit unfortunate-
When He Died By Lemon Demon-
This one mostly just fits the vibe, makes me think about the really old Victorian era statements.
Ancient Aliens By Lemon Demon-
again, fits the vibe.
She Doesn't Sleep By Anthony Amorim-
Feels like a random statement tbh. also reminds me of Not!Sasha too.
Nightmare Fuel By Lemon Demon-
funky song- fits the vibe- I don't know what more I can say-
Everybody Loves Me by OneRepublic-
I don't remember actually???? I think It was an Elias one??? but thinking about it now that doesn't really make much sense???? I'm gonna keep it tho, fits the vibe, at least it does to me.
Bloody Nose By Jack Conte-
fits the vibe :)
Christmas Kids By Roar-
I think I saw an animatic to this one time? now I can only think of the season one archival staff,,,, my beloveds,,,,
La nuit en matin By OH MU-
imma be honest, I have no idea what this one's actually about, but It lowkey reminds me of the intro music during end of season three- y'know, the clown vibes :D
9 to 5 By Dolly Parton-
Archival staff moment
American Healthcare By Penelope Scott-
I guess it could technically be seen as an End themed one? but I put it on bc I felt like it fit the vibes (are you getting sick of reading vibes? i'm getting sick of typing it)
Butch 4 Butch By Rio Romeo-
mostly just the rat filled piano line,,,,,, and also it fits the vibes to me.
Oblivion By Grimes-
Kinda feels like a statement?? In a way?
Murders By Miracle Musical-
the vibes. hopefully thats the last time i type that for this-
oh yeah woo yeah, we're onto the specific Entities now B) lets start with the one that probably has the most, if not, it sure feels like it-
The Spiral:
Spiral Eyes By Rewenge-
yeahhhh,,,, I know it doesn't really fit the vibes all that well, But the title fits and I like it so-
The Distortionist By Ghost and Pals-
this one is SUPER obvious, but it fits REALLY well in my mind.
Out of Her Head (Outerlude) [From The Film Possibly in Michigan] By Korban Baxter-
I can literally picture this one- I lowkey wanna do an animatic of this one one day.
A Crow's Trial By Vane Lily-
OKAY- so this last one is because it's the song from an absolutely GORGEOUS animation/animatic by Akidachi on YouTube, I ADORE this animation. please watch it omg-
again, I'm like, 90% sure that The Spiral has the most songs on this playlist, definitely not a bias or anything. next up is the mf uhhhh-
The Corruption:
Spiral of Ants By Lemon Demon-
no explanation needed.
Maggot By Slutever-
Mostly just the name, but it's a good song too so-
Sick On Seventh Street By Sarah and the Safe Word-
fits the vibe title and actual song wise.
in retrospect under my skin probably could be here-
The Web:
Redesign Your Logo (Bonus Track) By Lemon Demon-
Feels like a very web song,,,
Boris The Spider By The Who-
Spider Dance By Toby Fox-
Yes,,, like from undertale,,,,,,,
i think thats it for the web (i swore there were more,,,,)
The Lonely:
Nobody By Mitski-
C'mon, you didn't think I WOULDN'T put this one on, did you?
This December By Ricky Montgomery-
idk what it is exactly about this one, just,,,, feels correct?
Blue Jay Way By The Beatles-
MANNNNNNN- i love this song, my mom hates it- that's unrelated- but I always just feel like there's fog or like, an eerie sea, or something- while listening to it. it feels very lonely-
I'm a Member of the Midnight Crew (1909) By Eddie Morton-
I have no idea why spotify suggested this song to me, but I will never not find it funny. Anyway- reminds me of the crew on Peter's ship :)
The Stranger:
Rattlesnake By Kabaret Sybarit-
Idk, feels like smth Nikola would sing at jon- idk how else to explain it-
A Mask of My Own Face By Lemon Demon-
pretty self explanatory lolll
The Slaughter:
War Pigs By Black Sabbath-
The Hunt:
The Hunter By Slaves-
maybe this one is because it's because it's litterally called the hunter, and that they say hunter a bunch, but it is fun to listen to-
Teeth By 8 Graves-
I cannot remember my reasoning at this current moment-
The Flesh:
Body By Mother Mother-
the lyrics do be fittin doe
The Dark:
Everything Goes Dark By The Hoosiers-
i mean- everything goes dark- what more do you want me to say-
Dr.Sunshine Is Dead By Will Wood and the Tapeworms-
i think its mostly the song's vibe and the title.
The End:
The Trick to life By The Hoosiers-
the trick to life is not to get too attached to it.
Memento Mori: the most important thing in the world By Will Wood-
remember death.
i think i'm gonna go from least to most for this- (spoilers, Jon has the most ones because I care him)
Cryptid Hunt- Demo By Averno, Sushi Soucy-
this one makes me think of the WTGFs,,,,,
You're at the Party (Bonus Track) By Lemon Demon-
makes me think about Micheal Shelley,,,,,,,
Saint Bernard By Lincoln-
Alice "daisy" Toner moment-
Mary By The Happy Fits-
mary keay,,,,,,
there used to be a gerry one too, but the more I heard it in the context of the playlist and him, It just didn't fit,,,,,
Ew it's Elias/jonah time-
The Fine Print By The Stupendium-
capitalism- jk- kinda- Idk, just feels like it fits because he really just kinda,,, doesn't care about his employees-
How Bad Can I Be? from the lorax-
I had to-
Boss 3 from the terraria soundtrack-
Listen- I don't know why- but- it has elias/jonah vibes- the vibes are fowl, but the song is good.
Ruler of Everything By Tally Hill-
Panopticon/eyepocolypes time-
Ayooo it's jon time- I really hope I can write out my thoughts in a way that makes any kind of sense- /foreshadowing
A Sadness Runs Through Him By The Hoosiers-
Goddddd,,,,, he's just kinda filled with sadness and survivors guilt, just like, all the time huh?
Home By Cavetown-
the lyrics are just- very him- like- I just gjbdjgsflkjns-
Broken Crown By Mumford & Sons-
frick- the foreshadowing was accurate- the best I can describe it is that the lyrics just???? y'know??? hhh why am I like this sometimes-
Sweet HIbiscus Tea By Penelope Scott-
i'm willing to bet that he never wanted to be the main character-
Honey I'm Home By Ghost and Pals-
I saw a Jon centric animatic to this one time- I can't for the life of me remember who by, But everytime I hear the moth lines, my brain goes ":0" Because I remember there was a time when people kept drawing moth jon- I don't know where that came from but I thought it was very cool.
Who Are You, Really? By Mikky Ekko-
I'm like- actually starting to get frustrated with how poorly im articulating my thoughts right now- this just isn't funny anymore-
Sleep By My Chemical Romance-
I'm not actually sure why for this one- I just remeber putting on my black parade CD, hearing this, and being like, "damn, that do kinda be jon tho-"
I hope you enjoyed my ramblings- tbh, all this sounded and read out better in my head. My words might not make sense, but I do like how the playlist is. also im very tired, maybe this would've been written better if I wasn't struggling to keep my eyes open lol. I'm gonna fall asleep now- or maybe i'll post a spiral themed doodle dump again, who knows. I don't know.
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raikangaru · 4 years
Our Nation - Zuko x Reader
Warnings: none
one shot
Today was another busy day in the palace, it had not been more than two weeks since Zuko and I’s wedding and the palace is once again preparing for another big event. The Fire Festival was happening tonight, this is going to be the revival of the once celebrated festival before Ozai had banned it. The maids help me get ready for the day and into my royal robes, red, maroon and gold silk layers are adorned on me. They tie my hair in a tight top knot before slipping in the Firelady hairpiece, they brush out the bottom of my locks before bowing and leaving me in my private lounge.
Zuko had woken up earlier than me, he had an important meeting to attend to. A knock had disrupted the silence in the room,”Firelady (your name), sorry to disturb but regarding the festival and accommodations for the Avatar. I would like to go over it with you”, my personal assistant stepped into the dressing quarters,”Yes of course”,I move to sit in the lounge seats, my personal assistant, Kai prepares the tea and sets it infront of me. “Shall we go over it?”,I gingerly take a sip of the tea.
About an hour has passed, Kai and I have finally finished finalising everything, everything was set and ready to go. I was informed that Zuko had just finished his meeting so I decided to give him a visit, bringing some tea and biscuits over. I make my way to his office, the servants all rushing through the halls stop and now to me, I just wave and smile at them. The guards that are stationed at Zuko’s door bow their heads and open the heavy door for me,”thank you”.
“Morning, my dear Firelord”,I giggle as I set the tray of tea and biscuits in his lounge table, his looks up when he hears his name. A playful smile sits on his lips but it’s visible that he’s tired, dark circles under his tired eyes clear from lack of sleep and stress. “I’ve brought you some tea and biscuits, maybe we can have snacks together”,I sit crossleg on one of his lounge chairs, he sits his papers down and walks over to me. “Thank you”,his smile never leaving his lips, he sits right beside so we’re face to face, we sit in comfortable silence but he quickly finishes his snack before heading back to his desk and reading over the files in his hands. I look over his table and see mountains of papers,”Zuko, is there anything I can do to help?”,I straighten my robes and walkover to his desk,”no it’s okay, I don’t want you doing anything too stressful”,he smiles. “I wanna help out, we’re a team rememeber.”he watches me as I drag a chair opposite to him,”besides it’ll mean more time to spend with each other later”,I say to him, he thinks to himself.
“Are you sure? Maybe there’s other things you’d like to do”,he asks me to make sure,”it’s not a problem at all, I’ve done my Firelady duties”, I giggle to him. It’s still odd saying that I have only been Firelady for a few days I wasn’t too familiar but my assistant Kai has been very helpful in informing me with my duties. “Alright, but tell me if it’s too much”,he’s too sweet. He hands me a stack and fills me in on what is going on, he tells me that Aang, the Earth King and him were working on a Harmony Movement but the Fire Nation citizens were getting abused by the Earth Kingdom. I agree with him that as the Firelord it is his first duty to protect his citizens, he feels that he has no choice but to pull out from the movement and that’s what he’s been stressing out.
“Don’t worry love, we’ll figure it out together”,I give him a reassuring smile, leaning over his desk to kiss him,”I’m so lucky to have you (your name)”,he sits backs in his chair already seeming less tense. “It’s cause I love you”,I say, “I love you”.
After helping out Zuko for a few hours, he had to leave for another meeting with his advisors and I had to prepare to meet with Aang and the rest. “Firelady (your name), the Avatar has arrived”,a servant knocks on the door,”oh alright, thank you”,I wave off the servant before getting escorted to the royal gardens. Zuko had not wanted me to be with the guards, many times have I told him I am more than capable of protecting myself but he insisted I have guards with me wherever I go.
“Guys! I’ve missed you”,I greet them, Katara and Suki hug me as we pull Toph in as well,”yeah sorry Zuko couldn’t meet you guys, he’s currently at a meeting. Which reminds me Aang he wants you to join”,I say gesturing a servant to bring him, I give Sokka a hug as well,”Don’t think I forgot you”.
I had entertained the rest of the gang in my private lounge where chatted away and ate some snacks, the door swings open Zuko and Aang emerge from the door, I move to make space for my ember eyed husband. I hadn’t actually properly looked at him today, he was gorgeous and so hot in his own royal robes. His body had definitely gained more muscle and grew in height, he’s the man of my dreams. He sits next to me and wraps his arm around my risk bring me closer to his, I rest my head on his shoulder as he continued to converse with the rest.
It was finally time to join in the Fire Nation festivities, we all gathered around the courtyard where Zuko will be giving an address to officially begin the festival. “Good evening, my dear citizens this marks the starting of the Fire Festival and this would not be the first and last time we will celebrate this festival! Keep safe and enjoy the festivities!”,the citizens gathered below all cheer and shout,”Long live Firelord Zuko!”.
Aang and the rest left to join in the festival, Zuko and I wanted to change into normal clothes rather than parade in our royal robes. We wanted to go as normal fire nation citizens and not as the royals, we had dressed up like when we had stayed at ember island. Gives me nostalgia, he looks even more hot reminds me of the days we had just started dating.
Zuko had instructed the guards to not follow us, they handed us our handcrafted masks, we had matching kitsune masks, his was black and mine was white. We roam the streets where all the food stalls were situated, we sat in one of them ordering whatever fired food they offered. “This actually is really good!”,I moan as I take another bite of the food,”you’re really cute, you know?”,he wipes the suace around my mouth. We check out the other stores and Zuko gifts me with a hibiscus hairpin, which his pins up in my hair, I blush underneath the mask. I wrap my arms around his neck drawing him close to me,”thank you so much my dear Firelord”,I whisper in his ear feeling him shiver under my touch. “You are very welcome my queen”,he pulls me in a hug, our masks preventing us from kissing each other.
“Come I’ve got another surprise for you”
We stand on a hill where it overlooks the festival below, the view was beautiful the colours and the lights below made the whole thing look surreal. “It’s so beautiful”,I feel a sense of pride in me as the Fire Nation have come so far, the streets are filled with people from different nations and they are all enjoying their time together. Zuko leads me over to the edge where an overgrown tree sits and a blanket underneath it we both get rid of our masks and he gestures for me to sit and he joins me but lays his head on my lap instantly my hand find their way into his black locks combing it and massaging his head lightly. “(your name), I love you so much and I’m glad I’ll get to spend forever with you”,he looks up at me, I blush madly and I’m glad it’s dark. “I love you Zuko”,I bend down to kiss him, savouring his lips on mine and as if on cue fireworks explode in the background, I break away and to stare at the lit up sky and down at the city below.
“We’ll fix our nation together”
m a s t e r l i s t
hey! i was thinking of writing a zuko x reader story and i am wondering if you guys are interested in reading. i love doing one shots but it would be nice to have an ongoing series in the blog. but anyhow please leave a like if your enjoying the one shots. thank you for all the support, have a great day!
all the love xx
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anika-ann · 4 years
The Best Mistake of My Life - Pt.3
Pairing: Steve Rogers x reader    Word count: 2950
Summary: A soulmate AU. They say having a soulmate is a blessing. Who wouldn’t love the idea of star-crossed lovers, right?
Despite the doubt you had your whole life, meeting Steve was a dream coming true. Too bad you had to meet his ‘family’ too.
Warnings: swearing, FLUFF, Steve’s friends being Steve’s friends... go figure
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Story masterlist
An average American had sex on the third date; taking the big step in a relationship, as your friend helpfully remarked when you told him about the upcoming event. Needless to say, Steven Grant Rogers was not an average American. He was Captain America, i.e. an Avenger, technically was 95 years old (soon turning 96) and was not used to the pace of 21st century relationship.
To be honest, you didn’t mind a bit; there was no physical pressure on your relationship. Sure, the man was such a fine specimen it should be illegal and you would love to climb him like a tree, but it was a nice change of pace. You never really liked the whole third date thing. When you felt like it should happen, it should happen, right? That was how you saw it, so you were alright with Steve being a bit old-fashioned when it came to physical stuff.
Of course, he was also your soulmate. While with other guys you didn’t feel the need to rush, with Steve, you somehow felt a need not to rush. Maybe you were overthinking his sensibilities, maybe not. The bottom-line was: you took it slow.
So, with the fact that a kiss on a cheek – from you to him – happened on your second date (if the diner counted as the first) given, you truly didn’t expect him to… push you into anything even resembling a second base. Hell, you weren’t sure you were on the first.
An average American had sex on the third date. You, having your third date with Steve Rogers, were about to take a different important step; to meet his friends. On a party. Steve’s (supposedly secret) birthday party. Oh boy. To say you were intimidated by the idea of meeting the Avengers would be an understatement.
And Steve wasn’t helping.
“They are… perhaps a bit much, but… they are the only true friends I have. I want you to meet my friends. I’d like to introduce you,” he stated while you walked side by side in a park at the end of your date number two.
Your hands had been brushing his and vice versa for several minutes now and you couldn’t handle it, simply interlacing your fingers with his. He gave you a sweet smile when you did so, signalling he was more than okay with it, drawing a circle on the back of your hand.
“But… what if they won’t, uhm, approve of me?” you asked, your insides uncomfortably clenched.
He stopped in his tracks, forcing you to do the same. His free hand slowly rose to your arm, gently squeezing.
“They will. And if they don’t… they will with time. You’re my soulmate. I think we have the most important approval in our pocket already.”
The smile he gave you was soft yet blinding, making your heart grow. You had only met the second time and you already seemed to know each other for months, responding maybe hesitantly, but instinctively the right way as if something between you was reaching out, guiding one another. It was wonderful. A bit scary, but immensely wonderful.
You were gazing into his eyes, swearing you could see galaxies. You quickly learned to love the little green in his irises, staining the sky blue, somehow making it… better. Your mouth acted on its own.
“Okay. I’ll… okay.” Did you just agree?! “What the occasion will be?”
He cleared his throat, lowering his gaze. “My birthday.”
“And before you think of going crazy about a gift for me-“ he stopped your train of thought before it started – how did he know? “-when you show up, it will be the greatest gift.”
Sappy, whispered a small voice in your head.
You love it, sing-sang your heart, melting.
“You’re serious, aren’t you?” you murmured and he flashed you a smile.
“Fine. But remember, you asked me not to give you anything…”
You bit your lip as you stared at him, your heart about as fast as your mind. The way he was looking at you… was it possible to look at someone you barely just met this way? If you didn’t think you must have appeared the same when looking at him, you would call bullshit. But here you were.
Before you could change your mind, you listened to the instinct coming from god knew where; you got on your toes, pressing a soft kiss to his cheek.
You retreated slowly, watching his reaction, rewarded by his gaze full of wonder and happy sparks.
“Early birthday present?” he muttered, his eyes falling on your lips for a split second. You licked your lips unwittingly, watching his eyes quickly turn away, his Adam’s apple jumping. Not a perfect gentleman then. Good.
“If the shoe fits… it’s just—it felt right. Was it weird? It was-“
“-perfect,” he finished, tightening the grip on your fingers interlaced with his.
You smiled automatically at his sincere expression.
“ ’kay.”
“Now let’s get you home so you can get your sleep. Can’t keep you awake with a work day in sight…”
“That’s really thoughtful, you know,” you said, meaning every word. “You are.”
“Which is why I think the party would be a good occasion. You can always hide in a crowd if it comes to the worst and Tony’s too annoying.”
You chuckled and started walking again, joy filling every ounce of your being as his thumb caressed the back of your hand once more.
A package was waiting for you at your apartment that evening, containing a mask, because apparently, it was a masquerade ball. You were glad Steve had got you a mask fitting with your dress; when he had asked a colour, you had assumed he had wanted to get a matching tie. This was much worse. And much better.
A taxi picked you up. And Black Widow waited for you at the lobby of the famous skyscraper, apologizing for Steve who was busy at the moment, the birthday boy he was, and she casually slipped in that she might have searched some database, found you via your ‘first words’ and sent Steve your way without him being aware.
You were shocked, no arguing there, but realized she had done… what she had been supposed to do.
“Oh… o-okay. Thanks, I guess…”
“You’re not upset?” she asked on the way up in the elevator, clearly surprised.
You shrugged. “Well, I already had the words on my skin, right? This was the way it was meant to happen then.”
The not so intimidating spy hummed thoughtfully, putting on her mask. Also, she looked absolutely gorgeous and you had no idea why Steve would ever look your way. Besides his soulmark. You were a lucky, lucky bitch, just like Ryan had said.
You followed Natasha’s suit, hiding your face as well. You actually felt better, shielded from awaiting prying eyes at least partly.
Natasha had smuggled you in with no trouble (because you weren’t an official guest, Steve’s idea so you had a bit of privacy, you loved him for it) and here you were, a second glass of champagne in your hand as you watched Steve leave the little podium after he thanked everyone for coming.
The good news was that no one had spotted you or tried to make conversation with you.
The bad news was that it included Steve who seemed too busy with anyone else; not for the lack of trying to escape as it seemed though.
You toyed with the idea of approaching him too, but you were too much of a chicken. When Hawkeye was talking to him for instance, you wouldn’t have come to interrupt them. However, you caught Steve scanning the room few times; you wondered if he noticed you… could he though, in the mask? You felt invisible, both in a good and a bad way. Maybe you should just-
“What’s a lady like yourself doing here, drinking alone?” a voice startled you on your left, nearly making you drop the half-empty (or half-full) glass. Your hand flied to your chest as if holding your suddenly thundering heart in.
“Jesus… you startled me… Mr.Stark,” you added in horror when recognizing him as one of the masked people on the podium earlier.
“Hm… looks like your conscience isn’t clean then, when you’re scared so easily. Why is that?” he pried and you gulped nervously.
Oh god, this meeting was already going even worse than you had imagined.
“I don’t know about that… are you enjoying the party?” you attempted a small talk, hoping he would leave you alone until Steve somehow found his way to you.
He scoffed. “It’s a party. So, always. Plus, my place. Party organized by me. I’m enjoying it plenty. You?”
Your throat closed up. "Not really my scene, Mr.Stark."
"That's interesting. Because I can't recall inviting anyone whose scene this wasn't. I didn’t catch your name, miss…?"
Ha. Inviting you. Sure. And your name? Of course.
"Isn't this S- Captain Rogers' party? I would think he was the one inviting people…" you couldn't help but snark, remembering Steve's uncomfortable expression when he had talked about the upcoming event. The thought behind the masks surprised you though – it was surprisingly fitting to Steve's personality. The masks were to remain anonymous, because all of the guest could be heroes in their own way.
"I threw it for him! And you're quite sassy. Who the hell-"
You were saved by Natasha Romanoff in all her glory, her hand delicately placed on Stark’s forearm as he gestured at you.
"Tony? We have a little trouble with the birthday surprise," she informed him swiftly and you barely hid the sigh of relief. You were starting to adore that woman.
"But-" he protested, his head turning from you to her and back and to her and back to you, as if he couldn’t decide what was more pending.
Oh please, let it be the surprise.
"They need you, right now."
"Fine. Keep an eye on her. I'm not done talking to her," he threw over his shoulder and the spy rolled her eyes as he blended in the crowd.
"...thank you, Ms.Romanoff."
"Natasha," she reminded you, lopsided smile on her face.
"Sorry. Natasha."
"Don't worry about it. Go some have fun," she beckoned to the dance floor and then to the bar as if you should choose whatever you preferred. You would prefer Steve, to be honest, anywhere.
"Yeah, like I said to Mr.Stark; not really my scene."
She grinned when you shifted uncomfortably. "Then I guess it's good that your knight in shining armour is approaching."
"What?" You whipped around to follow her line of sight, not seeing anyone, and when you spun back to her, she was gone. "That wasn't freaky at all…"
You shook your head, sipping on your drink again.
"Are you enjoying the evening, madam?"
A smile spread your lips at instant and you faced him, relieved. It was like everything was about to be alright all of sudden. You even accepted the fact he approached you as if you were a stranger, playing along.
"Captain Rogers, good evening."
"What gave me away?"
You chuckled, many possible responses flying through your mind.
Your voice tingling my spine. Your broad shoulders and arms which I want to hold me down. Your ridiculously pretty eyes. Your lips…
"You're hard to miss, Captain."
An almost patronizing smile graced is lips. "Please, call me Steve."
You bit your lip, not even having to pretend nervousness. God, he looked amazing. The perfectly fitting suit, the bowtie, the mask… he looked like a Disney prince. You didn’t mind imagining you were in a fairy tale; it simply felt like being in one.
"Steve," you repeated obediently, maintaining your role. "Isn't it a better question if you are? Enjoying the evening, I mean? It is your night after all."
"I do now," he emphasized, his eyes wandering all over you, settling on your partly hidden face. The mask was barely covering your upper face, leaving the better part of your cheeks and lips free. Still, it gave you the feeling of being hidden enough; nevertheless, in front of him, you felt naked, as if he saw right through. For some reason, it wasn’t scaring you so far.
"Oh? Why is that?"
"I found what I was looking for."
"Is... is that so? And…" you swallowed thickly under his intense eyes. "And just what were you looking for?"
You expected him to simply say ‘you’, but he managed to take your breath away, causing you to break your character in a fraction of second.
"The most beautiful and enchanting woman in this room, naturally."
His irises twinkled with mischief as he was clearly enjoying making you nearly squirm, but his pleasant voice held a serious note, not leaving a doubt that he meant every word.
"Christ, Steve, make me blush like a schoolgirl, why don't you… but thanks, I guess. Though you should probably have your eyesight checked."
"My vision is 20/20, madam, maybe better." He smiled warmly, reaching out a hand. "May I have this dance?"
You couldn’t say you weren’t taken aback. Mostly because… well.
"I'm not great at dancing," you admitted sheepishly, but accepted his hand in order to shorten the distance between you. You stood nearly chest to chest now, the feeling intoxicating. Despite fearing you would make a fool of yourself, you got chills from the proximity, pleasant ones.
"Just another prove of being perfect for me then. I'm not great either."
"So why did you ask?" you chuckled, relieved that at least you wouldn’t be alone in this. He tugged at your hand, pulling you even closer.
"Wouldn't forgive myself if I haven't tried to ask the prettiest dame of the evening and win a… uh, resemblance of a dance. Please?"
What you could see from his handsome face was pleading you. Who were you to deny him? Especially with how he was just dropping compliments like that, effortlessly? You could turn into a puddle of jello and you wouldn’t notice.
"You're too sweet, you know that?" you whispered and his smile widened when leading you onto the dance floor.
"I'm trying."
Tony smelled something fishy. Everything was alright with the surprise fireworks. Romanoff was pulling his leg. Why?
He soon found out or he believed so.
"...is that Capsicle dancing?" he blurted out when he spotted the broad shoulders (never admit that out loud, he reminded himself) with a hand on it.
"Hm?" The sneaky spy smiled absently, following Tony’s line of sight. She sounded unimpressed then. "Oh. Looks like it."
"Whom he would be dancing with- Romanoff! I told you to keep an eye on her!" he yelped when he recognized the dress… and the woman wearing them. Well, didn’t recognize; that was the problem really. Who the hell was she and how had she got in? This place was a Fort Knox, especially tonight. Invited guests only.
"I guess someone else has an eye on her."
"What's up?" Clint hummed as he spotted Tony’s indignation.
"He's- he's-!" he gestured towards the supersoldier, unable to form words.
What was happening here? Why was Romanoff so chill? They had an intruder! She might not look like it, but she was a part of the security tonight!
"Rogers' dancing. Stark's having a stroke," she explained, indifferent.
"Who's having a stroke?" Bruce joined them with a beer in his hand. Tony threw his hands in the air.
"Stark," Nat replied, Clint too busy watching Cap swaying calmly in the rhythm; more or less.
"No one’s having a stroke!" Tony hissed. "This isn't fu-"
"Is that Steve dancing? Who's the woman?" Bruce seemed intrigued, exchanging a glance with Clint.
"She's very beautiful. The captain chose his dance partner well,” Thor hummed behind Tony's back all of sudden, making the billionaire jump in fright. Natasha snickered. Tony pointed an accusing finger at her.
"Stop that! It's your fault! You were supposed to watch her, because I sure as hell haven't invited her."
"She wasn't invited?" Clint finally sounded alarmed and Tony shot him a grateful look. Someone cared!
"Relax, Stark. It is my fault, I was the one to smuggle her in."
“What?!” he cried out, causing few people around them to raise their eyebrows. Natasha rolled her eyes at them.
"Really? Is she a friend of yours? From… business?" Bruce pried carefully and Natasha snorted.
"Barely. But you'll meet her, don't worry."
"She is not posing a treat then?" Thor summed up nothing, his briefly tensed shoulders relaxing.
That was it?!
"Sure isn't," Natasha uttered, the corner of her lips twitching. God, Tony hated Russian spies and their secrets.
"Then I might ask her for a dance!” Thor exclaimed, his grin wide. “She is exceptionally beautiful lady indeed."
"Careful not to step on someone's toes!" Natasha called after him and he made his way to the dancing pair.
"I'm gonna ask her right after him!" Tony declared immediately, disappearing into the crowd and Natasha smirked. She knew you were nervous about meeting them and this was actually rather good way. She just hoped Tony wouldn't annoy the hell out of you.
"And by someone you mean Steve?" Bruce guessed, which earned Natasha a challenging eyebrow from Clint.
"Did you push her towards Steve or did you sneak her in here, because he asked you to?" Clint asked the right question like always.
She smiled at him playfully. "I'll tell you later. Stop being so nosy, Barton."
"Not fair…" He huffed and went to the bar for a refill, no doubt being determined to see how it would all play out. Natasha chuckled.
"Would you… like to dance?" Bruce asked all of sudden, making her lose her humour, only a brief smile remaining. Sweet.
"Sure, why not..."
Part 4
Tags: @cxptain​ @mermaidxatxheart @smilexcaptainx , @murdermornings​@irepostthingsiwanttoseelater , @polarcrystall​ @eliza5616​, @rayofdawnworld  @victor-criss-bish​ @skychild29​  @elysianecho​ @simmisblog​ @scentedsongrebel​ @orions-nebula​, @sergeantrosabellaswan​ @songofcosplay​, @ilovesupersoldiers​ @wxstedhexrt​
Tags are open ;) If you want in or out, shoot me a message or an ask :))
Steve from Spiderman: Homecoming taking a chair to sit with me:  
“So, your fic got a bit longer than expected. Again…. “
Oops? I need a lot of fluffy Steve, amazing Natasha and exasperated Tony in my life :D
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taraneedspizza · 3 years
okay i need to get this out there or i’ll implode
so I have a headcanon that inko midoriya was a vigilante at some point but I haven’t thought about it much until now and i am LIVING RIGHT NOW
But first a quirk explanation
Inko Midoriya
Inko has a quirk that can float small things to her and we have no idea how many things she can pull to her at once or her range of how far the objects can be from her. We don’t know much about her youth or her relationship with her husband (hisashi midoriya) so a lot is left ambiguous regarding the time before the main story takes place
Mitsuki Bakugo
Mitsuki can sweat glycerin from all over her body. glycerin is used in lotions and can moisturize your skin (explains why mitsuki looks so damn gorgeous) and can treat burns. it tastes sweet and is odorless and colorless but is flammable and, when mixed with certain chemicals, can be explosive (glycerin is used to make dynamite). We don’t know how much mitsuki can produce but maybe with enough training she could sweat a lot of it but we can’t say for sure how much
Masaru Bakugo
Masaru can sweat flammable acid from his hands but he has to sweat it out normally from moving around and stuff. It’s similar to mina’s quirk but he can’t forcibly secrete it like she can. when masaru rubs his hands together he can make explosions, and since the acid is like mina’s this acid (I would assume) can melt things too
Hisashi Midoriya
and finally, Hisashi Midoriya can breathe fire. We have no idea of the amount or range of his ability so for the sake of this headcanon that he can shoot it about 20-30 feet (6-9 meters) and can control the amount he can shoot
And now with this quirk explanation out of the way, may i present...
 My Vigilante Headcanon 
The time frame of this headcanon would be when they are all teens/young adults, so before the events of the Vigilantes series. The four of them met in high school and instantly became best friends. For some reason they got along very well despite two of them being hot-headed an the other two being more gentle, but the dynamic worked. 
One day they were hanging out and they along with some other civilians were taken hostage by some villains. all of them were bound but masaru was able to melt the zip ties around his and inko’s wrists and inko was able to discretely float a small pocket knife from one of the villains to her and freed the rest of the prisoners. Mitsuki then secreted some glycerin and threw it at the villains’ faces, (it tastes sweet, yes this is important) hisashi blew fire in their faces and knocked them out via explosion (it wasn’t that much glycerin). inko floated their weapons to her and armed all of the captives.
They fought similarly all the way out of the building they were being held in and bust out of the door just as heroes arrived on the scene. The heroes were shocked to say the least, that a couple of civilians were able to get themselves out of such a dangerous situation. They offered to have them go to a hero academy and train, but they were already almost done with school so they wouldn’t be able to. 
Later, the four realized they liked fighting for the sake of others and, mostly expressed by hisashi and mitsuki, punching jerks in the face who deserved it. They couldn’t go to a hero school since they were about to graduate so they decided to take self defense and martial arts classes, learning how to use different weapons and how to take an opponent down with just your fists. They trained their quirks in private, extending their range and overall strength of their quirks. The four of them also studied hero laws and how to work around loopholes in the laws so they wouldn’t get caught being vigilantes. (In the My Hero world, a vigilante is a civilian who uses their quirk to do hero work without a license. Basically a hero without proper paperwork or training)
By the time they were all twenty years old, they had come to the skill level of high ranking sidekicks of the top 10 pro heroes. 
Their “hero” names were reflective of both their quirks and hero gear (made for them by some dear friends of theirs who would later be the parents of Mei Hatsume) 
Inko Midoriya- Codename: Green Monarch (after he ability to make things “float like a butterfly” and her black flight suit with green monarch butterfly wings)
Mitsuki Bakugo- Codename: Sweet (after the sweet taste of her glycerin sweat and bittersweet attitude)
Masaru Bakugo- Codename: Sour (after the acid he sweats from his hands and a reference to malic acid that makes things like warhead candy sour. also cute couple names)
Hisashi Midoriya- Codename: Dragon (after his ability to breathe fire and his flight suit wings looking like dragon wings)
(ah, an unnecessary detail of their costumes and how they identified each other in a fight but hey i like details so shush) 
 Mitsuki had openings in her suit similar in concept to Aoyama in her hero costume that allowed her to collect and concentrate the glycerin so she could actively shoot it at people. Masaru had something similar but for his hands and both had weapons they could coat in their sweat to get more range. Hisashi had an extra addition to his mask that helped to concentrate his flame so that it went only in the direction he wanted. Inko had an addition to their night vision goggles/eyewear that allowed her to see in incredible detail what objects she could float and where they were located. All of them had various weapons on their person
All of them had flight suits that were color coded that would glow and adjusted to their quirks. They each had a symbol on their costume that depicted a dragon that referenced to their name(ish) 
Inko had a green fae dragon, Hisashi a red western dragon, Mitsuki had a purple amphithere, and Masaru had a yellow drake. The general symbol they shared was a four-headed multicolored hydra
The group specialized in stealth and sneak attacks by surrounding them, Inko disarming them, all of them weakening them via fisticuffs and flammable substances, and Hisashi with the finishing blow to knock them out. They would then leave the cleanup to the police but dip before they could arrive, using their wined suits to fly through the city from rooftop to rooftop. 
They never got caught but there were a few close calls. A few years later (when they were 23 judging by current ages and timeline) they decided to hang up their capes and settle down. With the rise in heroes and All Might’s influence, they didn’t need as many vigilantes running around. They had had their fun and they decided to start families of their own. And that is how it came to today.
I am beyond proud of how this came out, I’ve never fully fleshed out a headcanon like this before but I love it to death. I’ll be drawing their hero costumes soon so I’m excited for that! If anyone sees this and likes it, please feel free to input any ideas or additions to this!
Have a good day!
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muilkyu · 4 years
Treasure's Types of Dates
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🐷 Hyunsuk
"This would look so good with the new shoes I got last week." Hyunsuk gushes while picking up a pair of shades.
"Hyunsuk, that's amazing, but my feet hurt now. Can we leave now?" You whine. 
"Just one more store babe. I saw this dress the other night that would look adorable on you," he says. Then he walks away, spotting a different pair of shades that he just needs.
Thrifting dates are a must for both of you
You both drag each other to underground fashion shows when you can
If you are staying home you decide to have a runway date with both of you just playing around with different types of styles 
For lazy nights it's just face masks and a Netflix movie party
🐼 Jihoon
"Tilt your head to the left!" Jihoon yells from across the field of wildflowers he's crouched down eyes squinted holding his camera trying to get a good picture, "Extend your foot. A little more! Okay perfect!" 
The sky is a beautiful orange shade that compliments the wildflowers and your sundress. Jihoon was right about this being the perfect place for a photo. 
"Okay. You look gorgeous. Come look," He says again. You make your way over to him looking at the photo. He really does have a talent for photography. "These are my best ones yet. I don't know if it's the sun or the model I should be staring at more."
Jihoon likes to visit places where you can get a pretty picture
He finds the best cafes for dates. Even though he wants a picture before you can eat which can take forever
You often travel outside of Seoul to see even more of Korea
You got to Busan often for your dates just spending a day walking around and enjoying the city
🐯 Yoshi
"If you fall I will catch you."
"I trust you, but I also can't take the chance of that happening," You say placing a foot on the skateboard. It's staying still for right now, but any second it also could move forward, "Just hold my hands and guide me." 
Yoshi was 100% determined to teach you how to skate. Even though you told him you had no interest in skating. When he told you he wanted to teach you his face lit up so you agreed.
The type that wants to share his hobbies with you so that's usually your date idea 
Yoshi likes to make you laugh on dates 
You don't do too many dates at home unless you are playing a game or something
Sometimes you spend time helping him make art which leads to a big mess and paint staining both your cheeks and clothes
🐨 Junkyu
"We have been here before," you point out as Junkyu lays out a blanket on the grass.
"I know, but it gets even prettier every time we come back." He says laying down on the blanket.
"Don't you think we should go somewhere else next time? We have been to the Bank river on just about half of our dates."
Junkyu shakes his head patting the blanket, "Nope. Now let's lay down and watch the clouds."
Not the best at planning dates at all
You can tell he tries however so you let it slide
Dates are usually more relaxed than exciting
When you want to have full-on fun he makes you do something 'crazy' aka roller coasters
🐹 Mashiho
"Bend your elbow a bit more so you can aim properly," Mashiho says pushing your wrist back.
"I won't make it either way." 
Mashiho smiles, "Exactly why you have me as a teacher. Now bend your knees and shoot." 
You do as he says. You watch as the ball hits the back of the rim and then slowly falls into the basket. 
"You did it! I told you I was a great teacher."
Dates with Mashiho are always playful
You end up either playing a game outside or shopping for cute toys and plushies around Seoul
You pick up hobbies together that interest you both 
You rarely go out to eat or order food for dates, but when you are getting food you stop at a bakery for sweets
🦁 Jaehyuk
"We will take whatever the chef recommends," Jaehyuk tells the Waiter. He's decided to bring you to a very fancy restaurant, definitely one that you don't deserve to be at, but he insisted. 
"This is all so amazing Jae." You say looking around. You're sitting right next to the window which allows you to look out into the Seoul nightlife.
"I know right. I've always wanted to eat here and now I can with you it makes it all that more special."
Fancy dates. At nice restaurants and cafes. 
He likes to pamper you when you go out together so he doesn't hold back
All of the money he has saved up goes towards making you happy
A true romantic at heart he loves to spoil you and make you feel loved
🤖 Asahi
"Which color should I use for the flowers?" You ask digging through the pencil bag of markers. 
"Why are you adding flowers on my self-portrait?" Ashai questions. He's still sketching he's very focused on his drawing. 
"I know, but I went above and beyond and gave you a background. I should get extra points." 
He chuckles at that remark, "I'm highly doubtful you can beat me, but you should do pink."
Homeboy dates 
You end up trying to cook homemade pizza which turns out horribly so you just order in
One time he built a fort and you snuggled inside with a movie marathon and hot chocolate 
🦊 Yedam
"We should get green tea and a banana nut muffin," Yedam suggests as he looks over the menu. You're at your favorite cafe that's just down the street from your dorm. Yedam suggested you have a study date today which is exactly what you agreed on. 
"I want a muffin, but order a different drink. I'm not in the mood for tea." 
"Okay," he circles the option on the menu and sets it aside. A worker will walk past soon and pick it up. He unzips his bookbag pulling out a binder and a workbook ready to work, "What are you going to study?"
"I think I am going to start on my Language Arts report. I just need to decide on a topic." You say pulling your laptop out from your tote bag. 
Yedam smiles, "I can help you with that."
Study dates happen often because grades are important to you both
Sometimes you end up at a Karaoke bar because you would be a fool to not love his voice
You walk around in parks often just looking at the scenery and enjoying nature
🐰 Doyoung
"Are you sure you should be adding so much salt?" 
"I'm only adding a little bit. Trust me It Will taste amazing." Doyoung smiles. 
"After your strawberry jam disaster, I don't think I should trust you." You say looking down into the pot at the bright red liquid boiling. 
Shrugging off the comment Doyoung reaches for the sesame oil adding a teaspoon, "It will taste fine. Now can you please set the table?" He pushes you towards the table so you leave him to his work.
Doyoung is a wildcard for dates
At times he will bring you to a restaurant for a nice dinner
At other times he will insist on cooking something
Sometimes he finds really weird places for dates such as going to a token food market or he books a ceramics class
One time he tries to teach you a dance one can only imagine how that went
🐏 Haruto
"So what do you have planned for me today?" You ask pulling off your crossbody bag hanging it on your chair. 
"I was thinking we should watch a horror movie." He says. 
You laugh, "No seriously what are we gonna do?" 
"I am serious we should watch a foreign film together and eat popcorn." 
"Are you sure this is a good idea? The last time we watched one you wanted to be the knight in shining armor, but I had to walk you home." You point out recalling the memory from a few months ago. 
"I promise I can handle it. Let's pop some popcorn."
Spoiler Alert: You only made it 15 minutes into the movie before you had to turn it off. You ended up watching Wreck-It Ralph instead.
Haruto doesn't really plan for dates be just goes with the flow
Most nights you just enjoy the presence of each other talking for hours 
Haruto seems quiet but when he is comfortable he loves to sit and talk with the people around him
🐺 Jeongwoo
"Why did you tell me to wear pants?" You ask as you meet Jeongwoo. 
He just smiles, "With what I have planned you'll be happy you wore pants." 
"You're not going to win!" You shout while running after Jeongwoo. He's decided to bring you to an indoor jumping park. The floor is filled with trampolines and there are sections for different games. 
He has a head start already making it to the jumping area, "Hurry up. I want to beat you in dodgeball."
Jeongwoo has a lot of energy so most of the time he has you moving around when you meet to go out. 
Sometimes you're screaming your lungs out on a roller coaster other times you're racing him just to see who will win
When you want to just stay home your still moving around either just singing and dancing till you can't anymore or eating ice cream and watching YouTube
🐮 Junghwan
"There is a zombie behind you!" Junghwan shouts. He's right next to you, but he still feels the need to shout. 
"Kill it more me I'm still smelting the iron!" 
He shakes his head, "No you do it I have to go look for more diamond." 
"Wow, you're not gonna protect me from a zombie. I'm gonna take all the diamonds and leave you then." You say turning your character around to kill the zombie. 
"I was just kidding. I'll kill any monster that tries to hurt you."
Video Game dates at home 
You both enjoy taking each other down or working together to meet a goal in a game
When your not gaming for a date you just walk around Seoul till you find something fun
Him being from Iksan he's only really looked at bits and pieces so you just walk to you find interesting shops and stores
Thank you for reading. I hope you enjoyed!
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barnes-dameron · 4 years
Across the Way
Modern!Poe Dameron x reader
Summary: During the quarantine, Poe spots an attractive woman that lives in the building across the way.
Word Count: 2.2k 
A/N: this is inspired by the song “Across the Way” that I watched on Jake Gyllenhaal’s insta
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*not my gif
It was day 32 of quarantine, and Poe was about to lose his mind. He was a people person by nature, and having to be home was absolutely not his thing. At first, Poe thought it would be good for him. He could finally get around to cleaning his apartment, get some work done so he wasn't so behind, and work out his muscles. Well, he discovered that he hated cleaning, work kept piling up as he procrastinated, and he’d rather sit on his couch and watch TV than exercise.
He was sitting at his desk in front of his window, which overlooked the street below and faced another apartment building, similar to his own. Poe had some work to do that Leia gave out last night. He stared at his laptop for so long that his eyes began to sting. He brought up his hands to his face, rubbing his eyes as a frustrated groan let out from his lips. The minute he opened them back up, something caught his attention.
It happened so quick. He couldn't remember what caught his eye exactly, but he remembered the end result. There was a woman standing in the window of the apartment building across the street. He was mesmerized from her figure to the shape of her face. Poe has seen attractive women before, but he's never seen a beautiful one. She wasn't wearing any makeup, her hair wasn't styled in any way, and she was wearing simple clothes, an old t-shirt and sweat pants. How can a woman look so gorgeous with little to no effort?
Poe let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. He focused his eyes a bit more, trying to see what you were doing. He saw a book near the window ledge, as well as a potted plant. He couldn't see inside, but maybe if he squinted harder...
But BB, Poe's corgi, decided to let out a stream of barks, breaking Poe's concentration. He broke away from the window to look towards BB, who was barking at an ant on the floor. Poe let out a heavy sigh and rolled his eyes. When he went to look out the window to see the woman, she disappeared. She was no longer in her window, and Poe let out another sigh. He didn't even know your name.
Day 36 approached quickly, and Poe continued his monotonous routine. But he did add something new: looking out the window and try to see you. The woman in the window who comes and goes. Sometimes he’d catch a glimpse of your silhouette whenever you stood further in your apartment. He would then try to see if he had any telekinetic power and draw you closer. But alas, it would always fail. 
Poe sat at his desk, looking out the window whenever he wasn’t looking at his laptop. He didn’t see you at all that day. Poe would casually glance over at his clock and see how the time passed by. He didn’t get any work done that day. He was afraid he’d miss you if he looked at his screen for too long. 
The sun sank down as the dark curtain of night was pulling over the sky. The streetlights below began to turn on, illuminating the side walks in pools of light. Poe saw some apartment windows light up while others remained dark due to drawn curtains. 
Poe shut off his laptop, got up from his spot, and ate dinner alone, except for BB. He watched a movie to ease the loneliness, but all he could think of was you. He wondered where you were at, and if you enjoyed your day; what you ate today, or did something new and excited. The movie ended. Poe got up, grabbing his near empty beer bottle while doing so. He glanced at the window, out of good luck, and for the first time that day, he saw you. 
You were standing near your window, a glass of wine in hand. Poe whipped his hand up to glance at his wrist watch. It was around 10 o’clock. He looked back up at you, and to his surprise, you looked back at him. You never looked at him. Poe’s heart beat faster in his chest, he felt heat creeping up his neck to reach his cheeks. How is it that someone so far can feel so close? He took a deep breath. 
Poe raised his beer bottle to you, and was pleased when you returned the gesture with your glass. A silent toast, to what, Poe didn’t know nor did he care. He raised the bottle to his lips, draining it of it’s contents as his eyes remained on you, watching you sip your wine. When you pulled the glass away from your face, Poe saw you smile. 
Poe had trouble sleeping that night. He laid awake in his bed, your smile plastered in his mind. 
Day 45 came in a blink of an eye. Ever since the night of day 36, Poe noticed that you spent more time at the window as well. Sometimes he’d see you reading a book, other times writing in a journal. He was so enthralled in your being, that he could watch you do whatever all day. He did that once, too. Leia definitely wasn’t happy with him. 
One day Poe had a zoom call, but he didn’t listen to a single thing. That day, you seemed to be drawing something. He was so interested on how you concentrated with such intensity, your brows furrowed in the middle. It took Leia over the whole duration of the meeting to snap him out of his daze. He apologized profusely to her, but he didn’t mean it. He didn’t regret watching you. 
Today, Poe decided to do something to get your attention for a change. He found a speaker in his room, and grabbed his phone. Poe opened up his window, and placed the speaker on the edge. He set it on the loudest setting, and played music. Poe waited by the window for you to emerge from yours, and when you did, he was graced with your smile. Poe smiled in return, and began to play an air guitar in effort to keep up with the music. His heart skipped a beat when he saw you laugh. If the music wasn’t so loud, Poe was convinced that he could’ve heard it. For a split second he was disappointed for missing the opportunity. 
As the music continued to play, Poe started to dance along and was so pleased to watch you dance in return. Poe made up some crazy dance moves, but he was always bested by your eccentric ones. The entire time he was smiling as he moved across the floor before his window. He was having the time of his life until a knock at the door interrupted. 
Poe whipped his head around towards the direction of the door, and then went to answer it. Hux, his annoying neighbor who finds a problem with almost everything, stood on the other side, an annoyed expression draped across his face. Poe let out a sigh as he slumped his shoulders. He always hated Hux. Hux held such a high standard for himself that he thought Poe was ever beneath him despite the both of them living in the same size apartment on the same floor. 
“What do you want, Hux?” Poe asked, annoyance dripping from his voice. 
“Do you mind at all?” Hux began. “Your music is too loud. I can barely hear myself in a very important meeting that I happen to be conducting. So turn that music down, or I will have the landlord do it for you.” 
Poe rolled his eyes. The landlord was wrapped around Hux’s finger, and Poe knew he had no chance against him. 
“Fine,” Poe sighed in a rush. Hux nodded, and was about to turn around to leave before Poe replied back. “Oh, and Hux, ease up on the gel; you’re looking more weasely than usual.” 
Poe didn’t pretend to ignore the little pet name that Hux called him: Scum. Poe, choosing not to say anything that would take up more time, closed the door and hurried to the window. To his disappointment, you weren’t present at yours. Poe cursed at Hux. You probably thought that he left to go do something else. Poe approached the speaker, turning down the music before turning it off completely. 
Day 54 crept slowly. It was like time stood still in his apartment. The only pleasure he got was seeing you, but after that, time crept by at a tortoise’s pace. He tried not to think about you too much, but he always failed himself. Poe would catch himself looking far too often at the window, in hopes you would be there. He had done it so often that he was convinced it’s now a habit. 
Poe went by his day the same way. Around dinner time, he saw you bring your food to your window. His eyes widened in surprise. He quickly ran to his kitchen, slapped his leftovers into the microwave, grabbed a beer, retrieved his food, and rushed back to the table by his window. He smiled when you made eye contact with him once again. To him, it felt like a date. Granted there was no candle light and you two were in separate buildings, sixty feet away from each other. But for some reason, it felt perfect. There were no words spoken, but your expressions said everything. This was the first time during the quarantine that Poe felt excited. He genuinely felt happy. 
He didn’t get much sleep that night either. All he could think of was you. What did your voice sound like? What did your laugh sound like? What was your favorite color? Your favorite movie? What was your name? That question plagued him the most. He didn’t know your name. 
When Poe finally fell asleep that night, you were in his dreams. You were wrapped in his arms: no six feet distance, no face masks, no worries whatsoever. It was in Paris, at a little cafe. Your chairs were so close together, that you were half sitting on his. He had his arm around your shoulders as your head rested against his. The Eiffel Tower was in the distance, standing tall against a pale violet sky as the stars began to appear. It felt so real, that Poe woke up right away. He thought you were in his arms, but alas it was just the blanket. He cursed himself and shoved his head into his pillow, trying to go back to sleep and continue his dream. But it didn’t work. He’ll just have to wait until morning to see you. 
It’s now day 75. Poe was sitting at his desk by the window, per usual. This time, he occupied himself by looking down at the street below. The sushi place on the ground level of your apartment building was open so there was a long line of people standing six feet apart with their faces adorned with masks, waiting to get their food. Poe grew an interest in looking at the handmade masks of some people. He remembered on day 66 when you made one with your sewing machine, next to your window. 
He moved his gaze from the street to your window. You were there, and his heart felt light. Poe brought out the hand that was tucked underneath his chin to wave at you. He smirked as you smiled and waved in return. You held up your index finger, a signal for him to wait. He nodded his head, and you disappeared into your home. 
After a short while, Poe straightened his back and leaned forward on the desk as you returned to the window with a piece of paper in hand. He had to squint and concentrate his eyes a little to see, but once he read it, his heart soared. 
It was your name. 
Your name was written across the sheet of paper in big black letters, drawn on by a large Sharpie. His eyes scanned that paper a thousand times, taking in the letters. He said it aloud, trying it for the first time. He thought it had a musical sound to it. It rolled off his tongue naturally, as if he was meant to say it. He smiled to himself. He held a finger up to you before going on a search in his apartment for paper and a marker. The paper was easy, but the marker was harder. He had to settle for a dark pen, but he colored in the block letters as best as he can so it could be readable to you. 
Poe rushed back to the window, and held up the paper, pressing it to the glass. His name was written sloppily and rushed on the paper. For a minute, Poe felt a little self-conscious. He watched as you leaned in a bit, but butterflies flew rapidly in his stomach when he saw your smile and nod. 
There were two things that went through Poe’s head when he went to bed that night. One, he finally knew your beautiful name. Two, he couldn’t wait for the quarantine to be over. 
Who knew that he would meet the perfect woman during this quarantine? And she was only across the way.  
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