#i know the question wasn't meant in bad faith
last-hourglass · 1 year
Heyyyy~ question of the “you don’t have to answer if you don’t want to” variety, but…. Is there any chance we’re gonna get another Last Hourglass chapter within the foreseeable future?
I LOVE your fic so much and I eat up your writing every single time I read it, and I am BEYOND excited to see where it goes!!
I appreciate the enthusiasm of the latter half of this ask so I am going to try my best to be polite about this.
Please do not ask me if/when this fic or any of my fics are going to be updated. I work a full time job. I have other projects to work on. I have straight up fallen out of this hyperfixation. I really, really would love to see both of my ROTTMNT fics through to the end, and I ALWAYS love to see new comments, but being outright asked about when new chapters are coming out or if they're happening soon just feeds my burnout even more.
Thanks for coming to my TED Talk everyone
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theflyingfeeling · 1 year
#i know i sound crazy (and maybe i am) but i'm so disappointed in myself for failing at the job interview tomorrow#yes disappointed in myself in advance lol you got that right! :)#i'm so disappointed in myself for freezing during the teaching sample or otherwise completely fucking it up#(i tried to go through it once just to see if there's actually enough content for 15 minutes but i kept fucking up and became so frustrated#so i just gave up)#i'm so disappointed in myself for coming off as an empty-headed idiot during the interview#(i have given practically 0 thought to any of the mandatory interview questions because i have no faith in myself at all so why bother?)#i'm so disappointed in myself for being so incredibly incompetent that i can't even answer the most simple content questions about my major#(i'm terrified to do research on the basic terms of linguistics in case the content questions have something to do with those#because what if i understand nothing or what if the questions will be about something else entirely?)#i know i'm full-on bullying myself at this point but i'm just...tired#i'm so tired of the emotional roller coaster of today. one moment i'm ugly-sobbing because i'm so stressed out and feel so inadequate#then i manage to pull myself together and focus for maybe half an hour max until i burst into hysterical tears again#all the while chanting in my head: ''i can't do this i can't do this i'm not good enough i'm not good enough''#by now i'm so exhausted that i wanna be like ''fuck it'' and go to bed and just. let go#i can't control everything so i should just go with the flow. whatever happens tomorrow happens for a reason right?#if i fail then i guess that proves i am indeed inadequate for the job. a bullet dodged by both parties etc.#it proves i wasn't meant for that job. it proves that i deserve unemployment. because i'm terrible at my job (or average at best)#i wish i could live like that (the ''fuck it'' attitude) but i want to succeed so bad 😭#i want to be perfect but i can't because i'm not and i know i'm being unreasonable because NO ONE is#ignore this please. i'm inconsolable lol
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fallenhunnyapple · 2 months
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After getting a bunch of questions from @ilikelookingatthings, its time to compile some more info about this AU! So here we are~ I might be rehashing some things said before for clarity and expanding on ideas
(the words are from Rule #34 by Fish in a Birdcage because it makes me insane and suits this AU a lot)
So let's break this down into separate parts.
Adam's Sexuality:
Adam is a closeted Gay man. This is something he's always been, but his pride and the enforcement of the Angels kept him from ever really pursuing anything while he was In Heaven. Lucifer was his first love and that memory is so deeply embedded into his heart that even without his memories, he still Feels the affection and attraction.
He doesn't have memories of the formative experiences that made him struggle in Eden and Heaven, but the internalize homophobia isn't going anywhere, and being the priest of a small town, he's faced with Homophobia often enough that he'll never feel safe being Out. Feeling attraction towards male constituents instead of the female ones made his sexuality very clear to him, even though he knew that if he were to feel any attraction it /should/ be towards women.
So meeting Lucifer and being faced with his ancient love, feeling unjudged by the one he's attracted to (Lucifer mentioned offhandedly early on that he's bisexual), of course he's still conflicted because this is Literally Temptation by the Devil himself, but he finds himself unable to repress everything when Lucifer is being so open and making him feel its Okay. Sure, its still to the Devil's own ends, but that doesn't make it any less supportive.
Adam's Ultimate Fate:
Adam is ending up in Hell. Whatever else happens while he's alive, there is no escaping that fact. Being in a sexual relationship with the Devil Himself is more than enough for eternal damnation. If it had been with a human, things may have been different, or they may not. He's Meant to stay celibate for this test, which incidentally goes against the very purpose of his creation, still etched into his soul despite not having the memories. And that in itself makes him more susceptible to being offered What he wants with Who he wants.
Lucifer makes it very clear to him at some point in the future that he wants him in Hell. Not as a way to spite Heaven, but because he wants _Him_, _Adam_ in Hell with him. And for the Years they have together, because Adam isn't being rushed to his grave or anything, he's allowed to live his full life, Lucifer will gladly push Adam further and further into Sin to ensure he'll come home to him in the end. Thwarting Heaven's plan is only secondary now.
Adam's Connection with the Divine:
The point of this test is to prove that Adam can be a Good Enough Person to make it to Heaven. The Angels are completely Hands Off. They're not meant to make him More than a Mere Human and interfering or speaking to him would potentially prophetize him and that defeats the Purpose. And once Lucifer gets involved, fighting over Adam's soul would make too much of a mess of things. They just have to hope that Adam makes correct choices and that ultimately, he does enough good to outweigh the bad and still ascends when the time comes.
Lucifer of course wouldn't be so keen on the idea. He probably knows that Heaven is Watching, but he would still do what he can to hide things from them. Adam is His now, he's decided, and he won't let them take him away.
Adam's Faith:
When Adam was dropped into the human world without his memories, he was more or less deposited outside a church so a priest took him in. He was late teens at that point, so he wasn't exactly Raised, but he was very influenced when the Church helped him when he was at his lowest and most vulnerable point. And he inherently had Faith because despite not having memories, he can still Feel it in his Soul that Heaven and the tales of the Bible are Real. So entering the Faith only made sense. Also as sort of a way to repay the Church for taking care of him when he needed it most.
He didn't really bother pursuing other interests or possibilities because he's fairly limited while living out of a Church, so it just makes sense to stick with what he was given instead of having to build up from Nothing.
Adam and Lucifer:
Lucifer goes into this whole thing with the plan to make Adam Sin enough to be condemned and disrupt Heaven's plans. It shifted from random impersonal sins to wanting to make Adam Sin with Him specifically when he noticed the now-human man Clearly had some feelings for him.
The thing is, Adam is at Such a base state, he's not all too different from how he was in Eden. Not exactly, of course, there are a lot of different factors. But there's still a sort of childish playfulness and naivete that is Endearing. Lucifer was Fond of Adam then and he finds himself becoming Fond of him now. Sure he's not going to jump into and real deep feelings or anything immediately, but its not /impossible/.
Lucifer doesn't hide the fact that he's The Devil for Long. Adam figures out very quickly that he's a demon and Lucifer never disputes that, letting him believe it for a time. But he doesn't lie about his name and he doesn't lie about his status. When Adam asks the right questions, he learns who exactly he's dealing with. Which would explain why he was able to walk on hallowed ground and why he could spray him with holy water from a super soaker and the most it did was tingle and sizzle a little bit.
Maybe there is some sort of Merit to Adam 'distracting the devil' as it were, but in reality, Lucifer wasn't actually... Doing anything or tempting anybody. Other demons use his name, but he personally doesn't want to deal with More Sinners in Hell, he already doesn't want to deal with the amount that's there, why would he try to tempt more? Adam is a special case because its at first to piss off Heaven and then because he genuinely just wants Adam to be by his side when he dies.
Adam will one day have his feelings reciprocated because Lucifer is a sap like that. And Lucifer will give Adam some of the first genuine affection he's ever had in his life, which only makes him fall harder. But they have plenty of time to figure themselves out.
It started as a way to get back at Heaven, truly. But it didn't take long for his goals to change. Less about condemning this Holy Man and more about Keeping Adam by his side. He does spend a lot of time on Earth because of this. Which is very new to him. He hadn't really been to Earth before this, but the scope of hos exploration is very small, so he mostly just sticks to following Adam around and being a nuisance.
He doesn't spend _all_ his time on Earth, he's still in Hell. But he was rather isolated there, barely taking care of his own duties as King as it was, so his absence isn't really noticed all too much except for the people who Know what he's up to. Which basically amounts to Asmodeus and his publicist (an OC I have that's more or less a constant in every universe who has to deal with Lucifer's public image good and bad).
Charlie and Lilith are not really on his radar. Sure he misses them both, but neither of them are actively in his life at that point, so his energy and mind are focused on Adam instead.
Adam's loneliness:
While his loneliness is certainly pronounced in the way he doesn't really have friends or true connections at the Church he lives and works at, it something much deeper than that. Adam has Always been isolated. Heaven was very isolating for him in ways he wouldn't know or think to express.
Adam was the first Human Soul in Heaven, but he wasn't Quite a Winner either. He was something More. He's in a position between the two that meanst he inherently felt Othered by both. That, plus his behavior and attitude made it incredibly difficult to make any real connections on Heaven. The closest was with his Exorcists, who respected and cared for him still as a superior so it never really went beyond that. Even Lute was still subordinate to him, even though he treated her most as his equal. But ultimately he was very lonely.
So that loneliness pervades into his Human life. He doesn't know how to connect with people, not really. And again, being in a position of authority over others makes him feel isolated again. He's the only priest at his church, so he doesn't have someone of his same rank to connect with either. And he's never had parents or siblings or any of those built-in relationships that teach you how to connect to people. He's a grown man who has always had to start from scratch.
And that makes it all the easier to fall into it when Lucifer offers him companionship. Not even sexual but just... Someone willing to talk with him and be silly and hang out.
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icycoldninja · 3 months
I’m feeling angsty today so I came up with the idea.
Can you write the DMC men when they’ve been in a relationship with the reader for a relatively long time and they thought that they’ve been truthful to one and another and understand their flaws and uniqueness but one night, while in bed, the reader mutter under her breath:
“ You’re too good for me, how? And why? To be loved and desired…is one’s closest feeling to being immortal in this vast universe yet…why me? Of all those out there?”
She muttered as she thought they were still sleeping, but in fact they’re listening very carefully what she says, the quiver in her voice and the cracked tone of one’s suspension of crying
Then they turned to ask her why she thought she didn’t deserve to be loved, she kinda replies that it feels wrong to be loved and feels wrong to love someone knowing you can’t return the gesture how you want due to wither their financial limitations or emotional limitations, even though one should never be deprived of such feelings disregard of race, gender and class
Then she muttered that:
“If anything were to happen to me, you need to move on, forget about me, fall in love with others and treat them like how you treated me and start a family with them, okay?”
“You should not bind yourself in the past for my sake…even though it pains me to see you with others…but to not let you move on would be my biggest guilt”
How would they initially react?
This one's gonna be a bit different since they're more like reaction headcannons than anything else. Enjoy.
Sparda boys + V reactions headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante cannot believe you just said that. He's shocked, genuinely, undeniably shocked.
-He loves you because you're an awesome, sweet person who dared to get close to him despite all his issues and emotional baggage; someone who stuck with him through his crazy highs and depressed lows, and he'll forever be grateful for that.
-Then he hears you yammering on about how you want him to move on if something happened to you, and wonders if you've gotten amnesia.
-What kind of monster do you think he is?! He could never get over you even if he tried, and besides, with him around, nothing bad could possibly happen to you.
-That's it, Dante can't stay silent any longer. He decides to wake from his pretend slumber like Dracula and tell you all this straight to your face.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil, the ever alert insomniac, heard every word you said and was quite upset about it.
-He chose you because you had the strength to stand before a son of Sparda and not quaver in your boots. You accepted him for what he was, and loved all of him equally, from Urizen to V.
-He was insulted by the next string of blasphemous words that left your mouth. How dare you suggest that he, the King of Motivation, would allow you to get hurt? Did you really have such little faith in him?
-He would not let you die--he would sooner kick the bucket than let you meet your demise, and even if you did pass away by some unfortunate turn of events, Vergil would never get over it.
-He could see it even now, how he'd lay his remaining human half to rest alongside your corpse, fully embracing the demon within him and going on to conquer the world, disregarding his brother and all that you'd built together.
-Vergil probably should have told you this, since the only reason you were saying such depressing words was because you needed comfort, but decided to keep silent. After all, he wasn't supposed to hear what you said, so he'll pretend he didn't. However, he will snuggle up to you so you can at least feel the comforting warmth of his presence.
□ Nero □
-Nero was awakened by your mumbling and managed to catch most of what you said. It took him some time to process everything since his brain was foggy, but once he understood what you meant, his heart broke.
-Why is that even a question? Why do you sound like you're about to cry? Are you considering leaving him? Are you terminally ill? What would make you say such a thing?
-Nero loves you because you're sweet and you care for him in ways no one else can. You're ready to die to protect him, and so is he--no one else could replace you.
-How dare you ask him to move on if something happened to you? He loved you, and only you! If you died, Nero would be inconsolable, he'd probably fall into a deep, deep depression and overdose on painkillers or something, but this is all speculation.
-Nero would sacrifice anything and everything if it meant keeping you safe, do you should have nothing to fear.
-Nero knew the only reason you were mumbling such things was because you thought he was asleep, meaning you intended for these words to be kept private. As much as he wanted to keep that illusion alive for your sake, he couldn't let you say these things and go to sleep thinking so negatively. Thus, he arose from slumber and pulled you into his arms, repeatedly reminding you of how much he loved and needed you until you fell asleep.
● V ●
-V happened to flutter awake at the exact moment you began your nocturnal lament, mumbling about how you didn't deserve him, or something like that.
-V was taken aback, wondering why you would even think that when it was clear he was the one who didn't deserve you.
-Then you started muttering about how you wished he would move on, forget about you, and start a new life if anything was to happen to you. This made V's heart shatter.
-He could believe you would say that; you were the love of his life, the one woman who cared enough to stay with such a weak, physically pathetic, borderline invalid for so long and enjoy the experience. You'd left a lasting imprint on him, one that he wouldn't forget anytime soon.
-The very fact that you'd suggest such a thing was not only heartbreaking but also insulting. V wouldn't let you continue thinking like this any longer.
-He got up and immediately wrapped you in the tightest hug he could muster, whispering sweet words of affirmation into your ear until you broke down in tears, then covering you with kisses till you calm down.
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Real or Not (Pt 3/5)
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Dean Winchester x Reader
You and the boys meet up with Camila
@lacilou you wanted pain
A/N: remember before you get too mad at Dean there's 2 more chapters!!
If there was one thing you'd learnt in your life especially as a hunter was using the fake it till you make it method. Bobby always said to keep your shoulders squared and head held high, even when you were terrified because it put forth the idea that you weren't.
You'd been silent the entire two hour car ride. You didn't want to speak to Sam nor Dean. You'd even taken the backseat saying you just had a small headache and wanted a quick nap. Rather Dean believed you or not you weren't sure.
"Maybe he doesn't care" the moment the thought slipped through your mind you felt a little bit of guilt for having such little faith in the man You'd spent the last few years in the bed of and so long before that as a friend to. He cared he just didn't assume to think you would lie to him.
You actually almost dozed off about the time you felt the impala slow down and looked up to see Dean was pulling into a motel parking lot. You took a deep breath the moment you spotted Camila's mustang. You could do this, you were pretty damn professional when it came to the job, people were at risk.... kids. You could swallow anything you threw your way if it meant saving kids.
Sam glanced over his shoulder at you and you could see the unspoken question in his eyes "Sure you ok?" You gave him a small smile as Dean parked. You climbed out slowly, smoothing a hand down over your hair. You could do this.
The moment the door to room three twenty two opened you heard Donna's voice flash through your mind "No one can make you feel bad about yourself unless you let em"
Camila was well if you were being honest nothing short of gorgeous. She was five foot nine so she was leggy, dark black hair was braided back in an intricate style leaving her bright blue eyes clear. The moment she spotted Dean a smile split her face and you felt your heart drop. You could do this.
She walked over to the three of you, her attention clearly on Dean as she said "Thanks for coming. I knew I needed backup as soon as I figured out what I was dealing with" Dean nodded "Sure thing" then turned towards you "You remember Y/N don't ya?"
Camila's eyes narrowed slightly when she looked at you but schooled her features before Dean or Sam saw it "Of course! You're Vivians niece" you forced a smile onto your face "That'd be me" Dean reached out and pulled you into his side "Well since we're all caught up want to update us on the case?"
If looks could kill you'd either be in heaven or hell just from the way Camila stared you down once she realized you and Dean were indeed together and it wasn't just a rumor floating around the hunters mill.
"Of course Deany" you felt yourself bristle but held it in. Kids were at risk, you had to remind yourself that.
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The location of where the kids had to be was narrowed down to two places. You stood next to Dean, across the table from Camila and Sam. Like it or not this was her case and her lead. She smiled at you "Y/N, we both know these two work best as a team as why don't they take one location and we take the other" there was something in her eyes, a challenge. She thought you'd back down.
You returned her smile fully "Guessing we're taking your car then because mines home at the bunker" She nodded "Of course"
You were at the trunk of the impala taking one of the impromptu flamethrowers Dean held out. You were hoping your feelings weren't showing on your face but those hopes were dashed when he said "Y/N, you good?"
You nodded "Aces" he stared at you for a second then nodded "Be safe, come back to me in one piece" it probably shouldn't have bothered you but when he leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead instead of your lips you felt your stomach drop. He kissed Jody, Donna and Charlie on the forehead, not you.
You refused to fight before a hunt so you smiled "You too" then walked over to where Camila stood, very much looking like she was planning to feed you to a changeling.
"Ready to go?" You nodded as you heard the boys shut the doors of the impala. The moment the engine roared to life her smile dropped "a little strange he doesn't kiss you before a hunt, he always called it a good luck charm when he was with me" you felt your mouth fall open at her comment but once again that overly friendly mask fell into place "I'm kidding of course! I know this is a little awkward"
You laughed lightly but the only thought you had was to knock her perfectly white teeth down her throat and say you were joking. Instead you climbed into her car and shut the door.
You walked through the abandoned warehouse slowly, checking every corner. The further you walked the more you were beginning to think the boys had caught the action. Camila was nearby, you could hear her footfalls echoing.
"Ya know Y/N, how long have you been with Dean?" You rolled your eyes before saying "Should we really be discussing my relationship mid hunt" she let out a bark of laughter "Oh come on sweetcheeks. It's apparent thr boys caught the fun. Why can't we talk a little"
You spun on your heel to see she was about two feet from you "I've been with Dean a few years" she nodded slowly "when did you move into the bunker" you shrugged "a few months after they found it" "so right after me and him broke up?" You shrugged again "Don't keep up with other people's relationships"
You started back walking, with intentions to head outside but stopped when she said "Funny that timeline is around the same time I told him to move on that I wasn't coming back to him" You felt your shoulders tense "What are you trying to say here Camila?"
She walked around you to be facing you before a smile slipped onto her face "Dean got with you because he couldn't have me. Want me to pull up the emails from us talking? Of him telling me how he loved me?" You knew your face had fallen even before she said "Oh honey did you think he followed up this" she motioned to herself then to you "With that?"
You'd taken enough, you swung on her felt a sense of satisfaction when it connected solidly. Instead of trying to swing back she simply cradled her jaw and smiled despite the blood dripped from her now split lip "I hit a nerve. You know I could have him back tonight. He loved me more than Lisa or Cassie. I went through thinking he wasn't what I wanted but he is, and you need to face it"
"If he still wants you why is he with me then?" You asked, mustering every ounce of false bravado you could. She took a step towards you "Did you know he was looking at rings at one point? He would've stopped hunting if I'd asked. Does that really compare to you and him? Has he even said he loves you?" You didn't reply but your face must have shown because she made a tsk tsk sound "You poor thing"
You could feel your hands shaking by that point and damn her she grinned "Oh feel free to hit me again! I can play victim then! Dean I don't know what happened she just attacked me" you motioned to the door of the warehouse "Leave now"
She motioned around "What, are you gonna walk?" You squared your shoulders and got nose to nose with her "If Dean wants a two faced bitch over an honest woman so fucking be it but I won't be disrespected" she cackled like a mad woman "You're a crazy bitch" before turning and walking out.
You waited until you heard her mustang pull over to let the tears that had been threatening to escape fall. She'd just picked at every fucking insecurity you had. Maybe she was right, if Dean loved her enough to even consider giving up hunting maybe you should take yourself out of the equation.
You walked out into the cool night air about the time your phone started ringing. It was Dean. You answered it "Hello?" The voice that hit your ears made your heart freeze over. Camila replied "Told ya" you hung up and stared at your phone before hitting Donna's number.
You climbed into Claire's car and knew she had questions from the look in her eyes but luckily she didn't say anything besides "You headed to Donna's?" You nodded slowly before turning off your phone. Dean's number kept calling but you refused to hear Camilas voice any more. She'd won, you'd lost the man you loved.
@lacilou @saranghaey @stoneyggirl2 @marimarvelfan @roseblue373 @suckitands33 @backtotheshitshow @jackles010378 @leigh70 @diagnosedpsychosis @badassbitch-21
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foiledbyvoile · 8 months
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The last two episodes really got me over here pondering and shit. Didn't think my 2019 Alastor phase would make a comeback, but here we fuckin' are. Seriously though, what is his deal? I love that you can't quite make sense of him, but also I NEED to make sense of him.
Clearly he's somewhat emotionally invested in all this, that little (cute as fuck) scene with nifty the night before the battle showed us a sentimental softness in him, but he's also definitely cozying up to Charlie to use her powers for something big.
Something like breaking a deal he'd made, and I've got money on Lilith. That bad bitch seaside moment was too iconic, she's pulling strings and catching rays, living her best life.
But I need DETAILS, man. I wanna know what the stipulations of the contract are, I wanna know why it was made, what was gained and what was lost, if this deal gave him the power he wields in the first place. What does Alastor need to do to fulfill his end of the deal? I want the nitty gritty of it, man.
Speaking of deals, Alastor and Charlie??? I know we're probably meant to sweep it under the rug, Alastor says not to worry about it, it's not for Charlie's soul, the whole scene was just brushed aside...but what about the desperation he fucking reeked of?? He was beyond eager to make that deal.
Alastor held onto that information for months, waited for the perfect moment, when Charlie was backed into a corner and desperate, and he used that groundbreaking leverage for a favor. That could be anything! Like breaking a deal only someone with her power could, or, since he clearly likes playing the long game, it could be something far less definitive, easier for Charlie to get behind. Something like helping him make his next move.
(Then the next, and the next, and the manipulation continues--ideally, I'm sure. Narrative folly and character development will almost definitely nip that evil scheme in the bud.)
You gotta love that classic Alastor guile when he tells her it's not for her soul. What it really is is a foot in the door for him, and a show of good faith for Charlie. It's a chess move, and if Alastor is as conniving and methodical as I hope he is, it's the equivalence of moving a pawn.
But then he backs up that dubious display of altruism by introducing Charlie to Rosie and the cannibals. Would Alastor really implicate a close friend and her community for something he wasn't truly invested in? That's a genuine question at this point. It's pretty much confirmed in the song that Alastor is choosing to help Charlie, that he sees the potential in her, but again, for his own benefit.
Which brings us to the radio tower, post fight. The vibes I picked up were immaculate. He's incredulous, desperate, shaken and very clearly trapped in circumstances that drive him absolutely insane.
Alastor's all about control. I think back on his spiel to Charlie about maintaining that control with a smile, but even now, when Alastor is cracking under the realization that he doesn't have that, he continues to smile.
I'm really under the impression that Alastor literally cannot stop smiling. (I'm not counting the single-frame-debacle.) It's either that, or he's forcing himself to smile, desperately vying for some semblance of control in a moment where he well and truly has none.
Then there's the line, "Great Alastor Altruist died for his friends". It feels sardonic. Bitter, like he regrets putting himself in that position, but was it really a choice to begin with? Because he let himself get too involved, too comfortable, and realized that that sentimentality he'd developed has become a weakness?
I think he really was forced to protect Charlie and the hotel (it would explain the seven year coincidence, and Alastor appearing at Charlie's doorstep so serendipitously). This is almost cemented by the following line, "I'm hungry for freedom like never before, the constraints of my deal, surely you have a back door."
He almost died (again), for the sake of Charlie and her hotel. That's a helluva fucking thing for a being who's toppled overlords and held power like he has. No amount of entertainment is worth his own life, there's just no way he willingly pits himself against Adam for anyone's sake.
Assuming that the source of his power is also the source of his subjugation, and considering how Alastor openly strives for control--yeah, he's having a bit of a moment™.  
I do hope that there's some genuine conflict in him in regards to his relationship with Charlie and the gang. That everything he's doing isn't inherently selfish anymore, but he veils that 'weakness' under his perpetual guise of deviant mirth. Bonus points if he's tormented by the good Charlie brings out in him. He deserves the angst, the fuzzy-fucker (/affectionate).
Couple of side notes here:
Thoughts on the way Alastor's mouth is sewn up when he strikes the deal with Charlie? Was he made to smile all the time, is it just a design choice? Personally, I'm hoping there's some angsty lore there, like maybe it's part of his contract as some twisted joke, idk.
I have a love/hate relationship with the Alastor vs Adam smackdown extravaganza. Yes, it was rad as fuck. Yes, of course Alastor was going to lose. But the way it was handled felt like a bit of a disservice, Alastor's reaction felt ooc. But then again that could just be me projecting my perspective of Alastor unto the character.
ALSO, having a character who is well known for not swearing dropping some casual, outta pocket f-bombs was a bit trite. it's supposed to feel like a reward, y'know?
ANWAYS. Yeah. Good shit. I'm losing my goddamn mind.
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electrosquash · 1 year
This may sound stupid but how do I turn off blazeable on my blogs?
And how is this bad? Again, I don't wanna sound stupid or rude. Thank you for the heads up :]
Hi! No worries, you're not the only one with these questions.
On how to turn off the option to get blazed:
On desktop you can turn it off at this link: https://www.tumblr.com/settings/blog/#blaze It looks something like this
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On mobile it's in the account settings menu, there's a lof of screenshots in the additions to my other post like here (i haven't updated since i got a funny little bug that lets me add polls in reblogs of other people's posts so i can't screenshot anything).
Alternatively you can also log into Tumblr in your phone's browser and use the link above there. Don't forget to do it on sideblogs that you don't want to get blazed as well! You can also change the settings per-post in the post menu. I've actually enabled it for my complaint post that's circulating because it would be really funny :D
On how it is bad:
With the way it is set up, people can blaze your posts without active consent. This can be used to bully people, by digging out old or not-adapted posts that were not meant for a wider audience and putting them on blast. This can include vent posts, opinions you might have changed since then, selfies, niche things many people might think are cringe (like 2014 self-insert omegaverse fanfics and the likes ... idk if you've seen the drama that resulted from someone blazing their fic, it wasn't pretty), posts that were only meant to circulate in your carefully curated audience, and more.
Since Blaze's are registered in many minds as advertisement many people will react negatively to them so this opens up a way to bully a lot of people. As usual, people of colour, trans people, and other vulnerable groups will get the worst of it, many are already getting deactivated regularly because of coordinated reporting harassment and since people donate hate organizations all the time they will definitely use the option to make the life of a person they're targeting living hell for 10$.
Staff thought of some safeguards but there are several fallacies:
The option to cancel a blaze before it goes live: Not everyone has access to the internet every day, and staff might accept the blaze while you're asleep / at work / on a trip / in the hospital / on hiatus. Then when you're coming back to tumblr your notes will have turned into a nightmare.
The guarantee that staff will check every Blaze manually to prevent harassment: Let's take the case in which someone's old fic get blazed against their will. How can staff know whether it was blazed with friendly intent (to promote a friend's work) or ill intent (to get people to point and laugh)? They can't as long as it's not against the Terms of Service. In general there will be many false positives (Blazes that get rejected by staff despite being innocent) and false negatives (Blazes that get accepted by staff despite being malicious). After all, the people working at tumblr are only human too. But in this case, false negatives will have devastating consequences - and extinguishing a blaze after it's live will be too late.
Many people don't follow @staff, so many people don't know about this change. In fact many people on that other post commented that they didn't know what Blazes are at all! I think i've read that they will add a login banner to tell you and check your settings, but iirc they had banners like that for the original Blaze function announcement so i don't have faith this will prevent anything.
I should clarify that i don't think the feature itself is bad at all, but it should be opt-in so only people who want to participate get blazed (e.g. art blogs). Or add an active mandatory confirmation by OP instead of a veto option, this would prevent the issues above as well, i think that would be the best option - that way people could leave the option on. I know staff are currently getting bombarded with support requests / flames (please be civil to them guys!) (also sorry. but not sorry. i didn't expect my post to blow up but also i think these are legitimately troubling concerns and i won't make the other post unrebloggable). They're aware of these issues so i hope they will change to one of these options - if they add active mandatory confirmation by OP i would enable to option globally as well (Hint hint this means more money for you, @tumblr, because otherwise many people have and will turn this feature off completely) A bit more time between announcement and go-live (4/20 iirc) would have been helpful as well.
Here's the original announcement by the way:
And since i'm gonna pin the post as long as the other post is circulating: Listen to goatbed guys!
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ahgasegotarmy116 · 10 months
Falling Part Three | Jeon Jungkook
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Summary: Lana and Jae get closer and you ask Jimin for advice on how to deal with her while also trying to rationalize why Jungkook would be on earth Pairing: Angel f!reader x Fallen Angel Jungkook Word Count: 2.9k~ Warnings: Talks about doubting God and questioning why he let's bad things happen to people on earth as well as leaving heaven to join the devil. This is not meant to be harmful to any religion and I don't want to cause any doubt in God or your faith so if you feel that would affect you then please do not read. Nothing super in depth but still wanted to preface it with this. a/n: I finished this and immediately posted it after some rough editing but I wanted to get it out asap lol hope you guys like it!
Once Lana is done for the day I keep my head on a swivel trying to see if I can catch a glimpse of Jungkook anywhere. Is he a student? He has to be a student right? The only way he would materialize would be if the person he was assigned to has already turned 18. He couldn't possibly be a teacher because I would've noticed by now. Meaning he's highly likely to be in his Senior year just like Lana. There are so many kids here though, how am I going to figure out which students have turned 18 recently?
"Lana!" I hear her name being called from across the hall by that same boy from before. "Oh Jae! Are you all done for the day too?" she asks clearly wanting to see if they would be getting off at the same time for future reference. "Yeah I just finished, did you drive here?" he asks curious as well to see if she would need a ride home most days. "No, my mom dropped me off. I usually just hang around school for a bit and do some homework until she gets off work and comes to get me" she explains. 
"Oh okay, well if you want I could give you a ride?" he offers, clearly insinuating something else but it seems to be in a playful manner more than anything. "That's okay, she's already planning on picking me up today. Rain check?" she asks hopeful he won't feel bad about her shooting him down. 
"Sure. Would it be okay if I kept you company until she does?" he questions, she smiles and nods which seems to uplift his spirits again which is good in her mind. "Cool" he says and follows her lead to one of the table outside in the courtyard near the area her mom picks her up at. 
"So, how are you liking things so far?" she questions, hoping to find something that they can talk about for a while. "It was a pretty seamless transition thankfully. All of my credits transferred so I didn't have to worry about trying to make up for the ones that didn't" he answers. "That's great! Scrambling to make those up before graduation would've been really difficult" she cringes just thinking about the potential of being held back. 
"Plus the students here are really nice, and one girl in particular has caught my eye" he teases, messing with the strap on her bag, almost shy to admit. "Oh yeah? And who might that be?" she questions, catching me off guard. 'Where the heck did she learn how to flirt? And why is she already good at it?' I think to myself. 
"Oh, just this really smart, cute and funny girl that I met. I bumped into her on accident today though so I'm not really sure if she likes me or not" he continues. "Are you sure it was on accident?" she teases. 'What the heck Lana! Why aren't you the shy awkward girl I know you to be anymore?' I think to myself now slightly panicking. 'She must really like this boy so far if she's had a sudden change of character just to entertain his advances. This isn't good'.
After getting home her mom finally takes note of how differently she's acting. She calls out for her and Lana simply hums to show she's listening. "Did something happen at school today?" she asks, also a little worried about her. 'Thank God I'm not the only one' I chime in in my head. If this guy wasn't dressed like the definition of trouble I might not be this concerned but I can't help the slight panic I'm starting to feel.
"No, not really" she say and makes her way up to her room, with me following close behind. "Hey come back down when dinner is ready! No skipping meals today" he mom yells after her. "Yes mom" she responds and closes her door right after the words leave her mouth. 
Jae: Did you get home safe?
Lana: Yeah just walked in. Did you?
Jae: Yeah I did. What are your plans for the rest of the day?
Lana: Nothing really. I've got some homework to do but other than that I'm pretty much free. Why?
Jae: I wanted to see if you wanted to go for a drive
She pauses for a second and thinks about it. She's nervous but excited, that's for sure but I really really hope she'll say no. She knows that she isn't supposed to be hanging out with anyone, let alone a boy she just met after curfew. 'Please Lana, please but smart about this' I pray, not wanting to add another sin to her tally of not obeying the rules set out for her. 
Lana: Oh I don't know, I'm not supposed to be out late on a school night
'Yes Lana! Good girl!' I rejoice. Hopefully he won't push her too much, but I don't blame him for trying, Lana is a very pretty girl. 
Jae: It's probably because we don't know each other well too huh?
Lana: Yeah that too
Jae: It's okay I get it
Lana: But if you're free we could talk on the phone? That way we can get to know each other a bit better :)
Jae: Sure
*Jae would like to FaceTime*
"I said call, not FaceTime" she panics out loud while looking at herself in the mirror before pressing accept. 
"I said we could talk on the phone" she says frustrated at being caught off guard. "Are we not talking on the phone?" his voice resounds on loud since Lana hasn't put her Airpods in yet. "Well...yes" "Then what's the problem Pretty?" he says with a half smile, watching as her eyes widen at the pet name. 
"Why did you call me that?" she asks, biting her lip to keep a smile from cracking while occupying herself with finding her Airpods so her mom doesn't hear him. "Because you're pretty" he says with (not gonna lie) a gorgeous smile. Lana better be careful because I feel like this one is ready to break her heart. Once she finally finds them she puts them in and continues their conversation which I thankfully am still able to hear.
"Is it okay if I call you Pretty?" he surprisingly asks for permission. "As long and I'm the only one you're calling that then yeah I guess so" she says and I can feel her heart racing in anticipation to see what his response might be. "Who else would I call Pretty, Pretty? If I've got you I don't need anyone else" he says, his words sweet as honey warm up her skin. 
"You think you've got me?" she says raising a brow at him. 'Okay Lana, you've still got some fight in you' I'm glad to see she's not playing into his games too quickly. If I were her I would have this guy be putty in my hands before I let him call me anything. 'I- nope I'm not her. Yep, we're just gonna. Uh huh let's give her some privacy' I think to myself and quickly call Jimin to ask for advice. 
"Hey! Long time no see" he says when his hologram pops up. "Yeah sorry I've been really busy with Lana. A new boy just stepped in the scene and I'm not really sure what I should do to help protect her" I say and watch as he takes in the information and thinks on it for a second. "Lana has been a really good girl right? She's been respectful and honest and follows the rules, does well in school, all of that stuff right?" he asks listing off the things I've told him about before. 
"Yes, all of those are still true but I'm nervous. This Jae guy is a capital T for Trouble and I know I'm not supposed to judge but I have to discern on what exactly I'm supposed to do here. Plus her birthday is next month so hopefully I'll be materializing that day if things go according to God's plan" I say, reminding both him and myself of the sort of situation we're dealing with.
"You also have to remember she's still a teenager. Teenagers are supposed to grow up and mess up and get their hearts broken if life takes them down that path. It's perfectly normal for her to like a guy and for him to like her back. It's something new since she really hasn't shown any true interest in boys so I understand how you're feeling but just pray and watch over her. That's all you can really do until her birthday and hopefully by then you'll be able to actually help guide her if she's open to it" he says. 
Now that I think about it, I have been super on edge with her recently, even before Jae came around. Maybe I'm blowing things out of proportion. "Just watch, wait, and gather information about how their relationship grows and changes in these next few weeks so you're able to figure out a game plan before you materialize alright?" he finishes and I take it all into account. 
"Another weird thing happened today, my bracelet lit up when Lana and I were at school" I relay and I can see his face go from confused, to excited, to scared as well as a whole other range of emotions that I can't quite identify. "How could he even be there? Do you think he's materialized as someone's fallen angel? Are there even kids that are that bad at her school? I thought you said she was at a good one?" he asks, just as confused as I am.
"Doesn't mean there aren't a couple of bad eggs lost in the mix" I say, sitting down on Lana's bed to hopefully relax for a bit. "The only way that my bracelet would light up would be if he was in the same realm, correct?" I ask him to which he nods. "And when you fall you become a fallen angel, right?" to which he nods again. "So after all of these years there is still a possibility that he could've been assigned to be someone's fallen angel. Their bad influence so to say, right?" I finish. "Well yeah, but the odds of that are slim. Usually the angels who have fallen are left as slaves and can't come out of hell even if they tried" he explains. 
"Yeah but Jungkook's different, you and I both know that. He could've been taken under someones wing, for lack of a better term. They could've seen potential and drive in him. Plus his brother is there, he fell during the war between angels so he's been there since the very beginning. He could've found out that Jungkook had fallen and got him whatever job he wanted" I finish, showing Jimin the possibilities that could've caused our paths to cross again.  
Maybe all these years he's been leading people straight into the arms of Lucifer. I can't even imagine the horrors he's gone through or worse, taken part in or caused on his own. "Did you see him?" he asks the question that I knew he has been itching to ask. I shake my head and let it fall "I tried looking around but Lana had to get to class so I was stuck with her in there for an hour. When we left I kept on looking as best as I could to find him but he wasn't there". "Maybe try again tomorrow? You'll find him don't worry" Jimin reassures me and we end our call soon after that.
I check up on Lana's call and it seems like they haven't gotten up to too much mischief, just some harmless flirting here and there. "Lana! Dinner!" we both hear her mom yell. "Hey I have to go but I'll see you at school tomorrow okay?" she says, rushing to finish up so her mom doesn't get too suspicious. "Alright, goodnight Pretty" he says in a teasing tone that gives her butterflies in her stomach. "Goodnight Jae" she responds and quickly hangs up the phone before rushing downstairs. 
The next day at school Jae finds Lana in the same hallway they had met in and comes right up to her and swoops up her books again. "Hey!" she protests, trying to get them back just like yesterday. "Hello to you too Pretty" he says chuckling at her. "You really don't have to do that" she says crossing her arms awkwardly while they repeat the same steps they had done yesterday. "I know, but I want to. How did you sleep?" he questions glancing over at her while they continue on their journey. 
"I slept alright, what about you?" she asks looking at him and just now noticing the dark circles under his eyes. "I slept like a baby" he responds, clearly lying. "Are you sure? Because those bags under your eyes are telling a different story" she teases, trying not to prod but being open to the discussion. "Well for the amount of time that I did sleep, I slept like a baby" he chuckles and they continue on down the hallway.
Once they reach the classroom they do the same as before, hanging out right outside to talk when she notices a cut and a slight bruise on his cheekbone that she hadn't seen before since she had been walking on the opposite side of him. "Jae what happened?" she asks clearly concerned and on instinct grabbing his opposite cheek to keep him in place so she can inspect it. 
"It's nothing don't worry about it" he says taking her hand off his face gently and toying with her fingers. "It's clearly not nothing. Does it hurt?" she asks with her brows knitted together while she brings her other hand up and traces the area with a feather light touch. He flinches and hisses as if she's hurt him and she gets even more concerned before she realizes he's joking. "Don't do that! I'm worried about you" she says pushing on one of his shoulders a bit to which he hisses out in true pain. 
"Jae oh my gosh I'm so sorry. I-" she starts but stops when he places one of his hands on her cheek. "Don't worry about it, I'm fine" he says and makes purposeful eye contact with her, to which she decides to just look towards the floor after a second and nods, not asking any further. "Hey" he says and brings her chin back up to look at him again "Just trust me okay?" he asks and she just nods again in response. 
"I need words Pretty" he says using that pet name with her again, making her eyes widen a bit. "Okay" she agrees, "Okay what?" he says tilting his head at her in amusement, teasing to get a smile out of her. "Okay I trust you" she says, giving him that smile he was searching for. "There she is" he says, referring to her normal playful self. 
"Let's head inside okay?" he suggests and she grabs her books from him before he make moves to even push off of the wall he had been leaning against. He tries to reach out for them but she gives him a stern look telling him not to push his luck with her. "Alright alright fine" he says holding his hands up and decides to walk behind her when they walk into the classroom and follows her over to her desk. 
"Can I walk you to your next class?" he asks when she sits down and she nods in agreement but she shies away when he raises a brow at her. "Yes Jae I would love it if you walked me to class" she says and at that he gives her a half smile and runs a thumb over her cheek before he heads off to his seat. 
"My brain is total mush right now" Jae says as they finish up the lesson. "Oh come on it wasn't that bad" Lana laughs and shakes her head as they make their way over to her next class. "Hey Jae!" we all hear a voice say from behind. Even before his voice met my ears my bracelet lit up "Oh hey, give me a minute I'm just gonna walk Lana to her class" Jae says as they continue on down the hallway. "Okay, we'll be outside" he says and even though my head is telling me not to my heart has a mind of it's own making me turn to face him. 
The first thing my eyes land on is his bracelet that he seems to be fiddling with, him looking as confused as I was yesterday. No longer gold but it still sits on his wrist, beaten and tarnished so much so that it has turned into a dark matte black. Another reminder of how far he's fallen, as if his appearance and demeanor wasn't enough. 
He's dressed just like Jae, with piercings and those same burnt and twisted branches as well, his woven through other various tattoos on one of his arms of all shapes and sizes, a particular one catching my eye. He takes a look around to see if he could possibly catch sight of me but fallen angels can't see other angels until they too materialize. I can't help the few tears that fall from the shock of the state he's in especially when he heads back outside to a group of other guys dressed just like them. 
What are Jae and Jungkook involved in? And why for God's sake did he have to choose Lana?
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foolishdragon · 1 month
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Uhhh guess I gotta introduce my oc Indra. Shes a melanistic silkwing and has a whole Backstory ive been working on. Yesh. Its below the read more bc its quite big. Description in alt. @crypt3ral its quite big but i wanan dhow u this
Indra's mom: Eri
Indra's dad: Ulysses
Mistress: Rhyssa
Psocid's mother: June
Psocid's father: Thorax
Indra is a melanistic silkwing born a couple years after the Tree Wars in Jewel Hive. She wasn’t killed or thrown out because her family’s hivewing mistress thought she had such an exquisite appearance that she couldn’t get rid of her.
However… Silkwings couldn't be black, could they? This was something Indra was always puzzled by. She needed to know why she was the wrong color.
She believed it was because she was a hybrid. It was obvious to her. Silkwings never had black scales, but hivewings always did. After her metamorphosis, she didn't get an assigned partner because her mistress wanted her to focus on helping her. This was allowed because the mistress was rich.
Until she meets Psocid, an albino hivewing with no black scales. In fact, his scales had no color at all.
He is seen an outcast of the tribe. Hivewings belive his family has been cursed, to give them a godless heathen as a son.
Indra's misstress is the equivalent of a psychic and claims to be able to heal curses. Of course, Psocid is often brought with them as they spend more and more scales trying to get rid of their son's curse.
Indra is used as a marketing strat to give her more credibility. Like, she was able to connect Indra's parents with Clearsight to give her her black scales, so she would be seen as more respectful than those other silkwings.
Indra doesn't belive a word she says, but she is a silkwing so she gets no rights.
Again, she only doesn't get killed because her mistress insists she is proof of her powers.
During this time, Psocid and Indra become friends, since his parents and her mistress are often in deep private talks about lifting the curse or whatever and leave both alone.
Indra's mom worked for the hivewing mistress. There was a silkwing she loved and wanted to start a family with but he wasn't her assigned partner. She still had Indra with him, but when she was born with all black scales, her parents saw this as a bad omen, that what they were doing was wrong, so the guy left for a different Hive, and she gave Indra away to her mistress.
The mistress ratted her out almost immediately (but was allowed to keep Indra, as the guards didn't know that she had black scales, and again, she was rich. The only thing that can topple being rich is status). Her punishment for adultery was jail, and because she refused to reveal who the father was, she got stuck there for life.
Psocid's family, after the mistress slowly but surely drained them of their welth but their son was still white as snow and hadn't darkned a bit, started getting more and more suspicions that this "curse lift" wasn't working. They called her out, she acted like the problem was that they never had any faith in her so the healing process wasn't working, they shut it but decided to investigate.
Psocid's mother was a guard, which meant she had access to prison records. Soon she discovered that Indra's mother was in the prison (during the initial conversations the mistress let her name accidentally slip by) and went in to question her.
The mother wasn't eager at all to help a hivewing, but eventually told her story to Psocid's mother under one condition: she would be allowed to see her daughter again, even if its just once.
During one of the sessions, Psocid's mother exuses herself and goes to talk with Indra. She tells Indra that she can let her go see her mother, but she firstly has to gather proof that the mistress's powers are fake, and the best way to do that is by revealing that she didn't actually connect her with Clearsight, that she was simply born this way.
Indra, so blinded by the urge to see her mother, fails to realize that by doing this she is digging her own grave, by revealing that she isn't actually blessed.
After it gets out that Indra was born from an adulterous relation and that the mistress doesn't actually have anything to do with her black scales, the mistress is arrested for scamming dragons with her fake powers, and Indra also gets arrested for being a symbol of blasphemy.
Psocid's mother doesn't help her get out of jail, saying that she will not ruin her reputation by saving a silkwing. She does one good thing, and that is making sure Indra ends up in a cell close to her mother. But that's it, and only because the jail is mostly empty and she can choose whatever cells the prisioners get put into.
Indra's mother and Indra get to talk, and she reveals to Indra who her father really is. Indra is shocked she isn't a hybrid, like she was so sure of, but really wants to meet her father.
Psocid, in the dragon equivalent of "bring your kid to work", helps Indra and her mother get out of prison. He is risking everything to help them because he is really close to Indra, she was the only one who didn't make fun of his scales or thought he was cursed, or wanted to change him completly.
They escape, undetected. Psocid because of his sensitivity to sunlight is always covered in veils and fabrics, and blends in perfectly with the other fancy hivewings in Jewel Hive, so he uses that to lead both away. Again taking advantage of the fact no one looks at silkwings specially if they have a hivewing near them.
Indra's mother reveals Indra's father name, description and the Hive he said he would be working at.
But the mistress denounced them so now dragons are looking closely at silkwings. So they get spotted and have to run. This is brought to the attention of Wasp and she uses her mind control powers to possess Psocid and force him to bring Indra and her mother out of hiding.
But because Psocid isn't that strong physically nor does he have any hivewing powers Indra's mother can take him down. Using her silk Indra makes a little blindfold for him so that Wasp cannot see their location.
Indra insists they take Psocid with them because he saved them, and they can somehow find a way of cutting the connection with Wasp. Her mother argues that he'll just be a liability and could get them arrested. In the end Indra wins.
Her mother then says is best if they run away instead of going to look for Indra's father, as it will only put him at risk of getting caught too. She still loves him and doesn't want him to get in trouble for sheltering them. Indra reluctantly agrees. Wasp has been listening closely in Psocid's body and sends in guards to the location they're at.
Indra's mother and Indra, carrying Psocid with them, run away, out of Jewel Hive, and fly through the savannah. Guards pursue them, but they narrowly escape.
Eventually Wasp loses interest and lets Psocid go. She makes everyone belive she killed the runaways and everyone is like "good ridance, glad we got rid of the blasphemous hivewing and silkwing." Execept for Psocid's mother who is trying her best to find her son.
Indra, her mom and Psocid keep flying. They are flying along the river, and while Indra's mom isn't happy with walking so out in the open, specifically because of Psocid's scales, but there isn't any other option. She shields him as best as she can with her wings and Indra is doing more swimming than walking because her black scales absorb the sunlight and make her overheat. Her mom isn't happy about this either, who knows what kind of dangers are inside the water but there isn't much she can do.
Psocid feels bad. He feels like hes gonna get possessed by Wasp at any moment and let her know of their location.
They are going to Vinegaroon Hive, where Indra's father lives. They spend a while inside the Hive, trying to look for them, but eventually they give up and leave, unware that they have been spotted by some guards. Word travels, and reaches the ears of Psocid's mother, who up until now had been in a mad dash to find her son (or his corpse, since no one gave her closure on what exactly had gone down) hears the words "sickly pale hivewing traveling with a light blue silkwing and a weird dark colored silkwing" and starts making preparations to travel to Vinegaroon Hive.
Outside, just near Beetle Lake, there's a small fishing settlement. Its not big enough to call a town or a village, but some hivewings moved there so they could fish the well known fish from Vinegaroon Hive and, with permisson from Lady Vinegaroon and Queen Wasp, brought their families and silkwing servants with them.
One of those silkwings happens to be Ulysses, Indra's father, who sees her pass by and recognizes the pale blue scales of Eri, and how the black scaled dragon beside her looks nothing like a hivewing. He thinks he's hallucinating. Wasp had chased her around and then killed her, he had heard his hivewing employers say over the strange mind control Wasp had.
But one night, when everyone was asleep, he walked outside to drink water, and there she was. Eri, and his daughter, the one he abandoned as soon as she hatched. He wished he was wrong, but he only knew of one silkwing with scales as black as the night sky. They were accompanied by a white hivewing with big red eyes.
They meet, reconciliation or something, he apologizes for abandoning Eri and Indra, they ask that he help them.
"Help you... with what exactly?" He asks.
"I don't know. Hide. Get away. So we can live our lives. Psocid here is also with us." Eri says.
"I cant. I cant do anything. But maybe..."
Ulysses then reveals that up north from Beetle Lake, if the rumours are true, then there are dragons living there. No one has ever been able to confirm, because all that go there to investigate, including elite hivewing soldiers directed by Queen Wasp, either came back empty handed or never came back at all.
What do they do in such place? He doesn't know. But because not even Queen Wasp can get inside, it must be pretty secure. Eri doesn't buy this. She thinks its too convinient and too suspicious. Plus, the three of them are tired from the trip. Ulysses says that they could rest around here for a couple days. They can meet at midnight, and since the fields around beetle lake are filled with mounds, very tall grass and places to hide, they can stay safe for a while until they decide on the next step of their journey.
This continues for a couple days, but eventually, June arrives and starts searching Vinegaroon Hive from top to bottom. Being the dragon equivalent of head of the police force in Jewel Hive doesn't give her much authority in Vinegaroon Hive, but she is a desperate mother and does not let up, even if it puts her career at risk.
She's conducting this opperation alone. Involving her soldiers would attract too much unwanted attention, and doubting Queen Wasp's word would be, as her husband said, seen as treason and she could go to jail or even get killed for that. Her and Thorax had a huge fight over this, with him beliving that Psocid is dead and all of this is just her being in denial because why would their good Queen Wasp ever lie to them and really, what chances did a dragonet who is weak to the sun have of surviving in the savannah, and her fully ready to throw Wasp's judgment out of the window if it meant her son was alive.
Eventually she finds her way into the village, in the middle of the night, and sees Eri, Ulysses, Indra and Psocid.
"YOU!" She snarls at them. "Wasp thought you were dead, but look at you, just as alive as you were in the day you stole my kid from me."
"Mother, they-" Psocid tries to calm her, but it doesn't work. She says she's going to announce to everyone that they are still alive (without thinking of the consequences of calling Wasp a liar) and make sure they are dealt with this time, either rotting in jail or dead, and this includes Ulysses too, because taking care of prisioners is a crime, and so is cheating on your assigned partner.
June is making enough of a commotion that dragons are waking and walking outside to see what's up, so the group flies away as fast as they can, heading north, with June on their tails.
They pass by a little forest, and Indra and Psocid are confused because they've been told their whole life that trees were only avaliable in the Poison Jungle and Wasp had taken them all down, but there isnt time to question it with the hivewings of Beetle Lake curious to see what happened and June flying right behind them, trying to grab Psocid and go back to the Hives.
Up north they find mountains, with a long winding river, and have to land because they are all too tired to continue flying. The ground cover is strange, and Indra has a distinc feeling that this isn't what green grass is supposed to look like. June of course keeps flying overhead, and manages to snatch Psocid. As soon as hes out of the ground and before Ulysses, Eri or Indra have time to fly after June, vines shoot from below and pull them into the Earth, and Indra sees that the ground cover wasn't grass, but thick sturdy vines that pull them under the cover and return back to normal.
Three dragons are there, waiting for them. A silkwing and two brown dragons that they dont immediately recognize. They are shocked to know there are still some leafwings around, alive and kicking and that they have just been saved by a group of dragons that refuses to follow Wasp's orders and has been living in peace underground even before the Tree Wars.
These two leafwings, Eucalyptus and Snakeroot come from the Poison Jungle. They are from the first generation after the Poison/Sap split, when the "dragons from these two subtribes cannot interact" rule wasn't all that solidified. So they ran away togheter, and ended up on the other side of the continent. The silkwing, Metalmark, is a blind silkwing from Beetle Lake. Their mistress was an old, old hivewing, that cared a lot for them, even going as far as considering them a part of her family more than her own kids (who pretty much abandoned her the minute they got the chance to go live the more sofisticated life in the Hives) so when she died, she left some stuff on her will for Metalmark. Her kids didn't like this, and came after Metalmark to demand what they "stole" from them. Knowing full well they would not survive a trial against a hivewing, Metalmark ran away.
Indra wants them to get Psocid too, to save him from June, but the 3 refuse, saying he'll just be a liability because of Wasp's mind control. Snakeroot points out that getting them in front of two hivewings was dangerous as is, but Eucalyptus insisted. Indra retorts saying that Wasp thinks Psocid is dead, and if June ever reveals that they are alive and implies Wasp lied, they are more likely to execute her for treason than to belive her.
They still refuse, Metalmark remarking that they can't feel them anymore which means they probably are still flying and are impossible to reach. The canopy that serves as ground cover took years of dedicated leafspeakers to grow, and neither Snakeroot nor Eucalyptus are strong enough to move them very high, even working togheter.
Snakeroot, Eucalyptus and Metalmark take them deeper, to the actual settlement. To their surprise they actually start going up instead of down, and its revealed that the mountains have extense cave systems that go almost to their peak, so everyone doesn't need to stay 6 feet under. (Said by Snakeroot)
Aboveground, June has Psocid in a firm grip and is flying him back to the hives. However, the sun is starting to rise and Psocid doesn't have his veils, which means that his scales will likely burn in the sun as they dont have time to get to the Hives before the sun rises completly. June doesn't want to land, she saw the three silkwings being eaten by the ground, and is fearful that the vines will steal her son as well.
With the sun rising, Psocid insists even more, and June finally caves in and lands, in the forest they saw earlier. They both land in a tree branch, and don't say anything to eachother.
Psocid asks about the forest.
"Where do you think Wasp gets stuff to make paper from for all the books in her library?," June replies, "Where to you think she got all that treestuff to repair Mantis Hive when part of it collapsed? As much as she might deny it, we need the trees."
"But... doesnt treestuff come from shrubs? And the paper we use comes from silk, doesn't it?" Psocid asks.
"Those shrubs are more leaves than sap. Sap is what we use as glue to keep the hives togheter. If you get a talonful of treestuff from a shrub you're lucky. The trees just speed up the process enough for it to be profitable. And you're correct, most of the paper we use comes from silk, but the finest, most pristine books that end up in the Wasp Hive Library are made from real trees. We need the trees as much as we need the silkwings."
"I find it funny that we need the silkwings so much, yet treat them like they're less than dirt." Psocid says, even if he doesn't find it funny at all. Neither are laughing, and June doesn't say anything else.
The sun is up now, and they cannot leave the forest, not if they want to risk Psocid's scales burning.
Psocid asks about his father. June tells him he didn't care, that Thorax fully belives him dead. June is unsure if he cares about her either. She has the disctint feeling that if he cared he would have come with her.
While they wait for the sun to go back down, June does a bit of self reflection. She had been so caught up in trying to get her son back that she hadn't really thought of the consequences of actually bringing him back to the Hives and proving Wasp lied when she announced he was dead.
They couldn't go back to the Hives. But where would they go?
Psocid suggested they go back to the vine floor thing, and explained what Ulysses had told them. June sighs and agrees.
At sunset, when the sunlight isn't as harsh they can make it back.
Metalmark senses them and Snakeroot and Eucalyptus bring them both down, blindfolded for safery. Indra vouches for Psocid, saying that he's her friend and Wasp declared him dead, so she wont be possessing him. She does have her doubts about June, but Psocid swears she is on their side now.
The moments afterwards are very awkward. Psocid never had a good relashionship with his mother and June sees how much the stunt with Rhyssa damaged him and how being constantly trying to change him was not a "mother knows best" situation, and more of her trying to mold him to fit their status. They try to rebuild their relashionship togheter but it will take time.
The end (for now)
No, not really I wanted to add more but its a work in progress so no true ending for now lol.
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msookyspooky · 11 months
Slashers at a Haunted House
Severen please😳😩
Meant to post this over the weekend!!
Slashers at a Haunted House:
Severen Van Sickle
18+ • Short Story Imagines • GN!Reader x Severen from Near Dark • Smut • Exhibitionist/Voyeur • Fear & Adrenaline • Blood & Gore • Power Dynamics • Slight CNC • Oral with GN!Reader Recieving / AFAB & AMAB Anatomy • Sketchy Sex in Public Places
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"C'mon! Don't tell me yer scared of this lil spook shack." Severen teased with a lopsided grin. In that thick Texas drawl that sounded like it was from back when drawing guns and robbing train cars was a thing.
You huffed, arms folded as you saw the very sketchy haunted house in the rough part of town that barely had anyone here. "N-No it's just out of our way is all." You lied. Still human and very much still vulnerable to fear.
Severen grinned wider, his filed down teeth sharpened points that he flaunted anytime of year. Fall was just less questioning. "Aw, c'mon now. Don't tell me I'm dating a chicken shit scared of some guys in masks with ugly faces popping out at ya!"
You rolled your eyes, pouting a bit. "I am not that scar- AH!!" You screamed so much louder than you intended when a scare actor ran up on you out of nowhere in the dark parking lot.
Severen laughed loudly, head thrown back in the hearty gleefully impish way he did as the scare actor stalked away to find a new victim. "Ha! Aww, you really are a scaredy cat, aren't ya angel?" He cooed between snickers.
You glared at him knowing he saw the damn actor rushing you and said nothing.
He just drew you closer to him with a firm grip. "Hey...We're gonna have fun, alright? You'll see, sweetheart...Besides, have I ever hurt you or led you to some place you would get hurt?" He gave you a charming sideways smile.
You raised a brow because he has accidentally done both. He rolled his dark blue eyes with a tsk. "Gee, ya got so much faith in me I'm blushin' from the love I'm feelin' here."
You smirked a little at his sarcasm. "Okay...Fair enough. But I hope you know I'm going to be hanging onto you the entire time."
"That's the point!" He smiled "You can grip me as tight as you want. Break a rib or two; it'll just get me goin'." He whispered huskily in your ear. You ducked your head a bit with a smile.
His spurs jangled as you both walked in. You were excited but he seemed so chill. Like he was at an art museum not a haunted house with people in dark tight spaces jumping out at you.
You both were led to a room were a demonic 'birth' happened and the scare actor told some story to set the tone of the place. Severen heckled a tad just to nudge you and get a smirk or two but other than that he just had his hands in his pockets with you in front of him.
As soon as it came time to move through the scare house rooms; you instantly felt your adrenaline pumping. Going through an old wild west room with skeltons and outlaws wasn't too bad till a damn corpsey looking skeleton dropped from above down at you. You jolted back into Severen as he giggled and held you still.
"Calm down, sweetheart! It's just an old dusty bag of bones. You see Jess everyday; This should be nothin."
Okay, you did chuckle a bit at that as he grinned and moved you both on through. "Jesse would kick your ass if he heard that."
Severen laughed. "Ha! I'd like to see the ole saddlebag try!"
Even if you knew he was joking and deeply respected Jesse. Hell, Jesse was probably the only creature alive that made Severen behave himself.
You went through a 'cabin' with a bunch of inbred mutant hillbillies yelling and jumping out of walls. Banging pots and having fake guts that smelled putridly close to the real thing near you. Severen grinned like a kid at a candyshop while you were hiding in his jacket.
One tried to scare him and he hissed at them, showing off his teeth and the scare actor backed away. You could tell the actor didn't know what to say having gotten out of character as Severen just smiled and walked you and him on through.
"See? You don't got nothin' to worry 'bout. Jus' a bunch of loud fucks jumping out hollarin'... 'Boo!' He quickly grabbed your sides and you jumped before chuckling and shoving him away. All before an animatronic zombie sprung from the wall withering and groaning and scared the shit out of you enough to grab ahold of him again.
Severen got a good laugh out of that as you exclaimed, "Fuck this place!" Even if you were smirking a bit.
He gave a huffing sort of chuckle and slung an arm around you as he forced you through the next room. Strobe lights, a putrid smell in the air, a body jerking on a medical table and another one covered.
"Uh uh!" You mumbled trying to turn but he just turned you back around snickering while trying to push you forward. Using a quarter of his strength as you put your brakes on.
He sighed heavily. "Fiinne, I'll go first chicken shit." He dragged you behind him and you realized that was a mistake because they waited till he was halfway in before the one on the table jumped out at you and another sprung out from a hidden door in the wall. You practically jumped on Severen's back and he just stood there grinning. Letting the scare actors get up in his face to try and scare him as he looked downright out amused. He made a wise crack about health insurance to the doctors and then they just tried focusing on you as you, no matter what your size, dragged Severen by the arm out of there as he laughed his ass off. Tripping over his own two feet in his boots at being off balance by you.
"Okay, okay! We're goin'. Relax!" He laughed as you both rounded the corner to a much creepier area.
Some makeshift butcher shop that was almost completely dark with a few red lights. Fake dead bodies and body parts everywhere and a smell that imitated blood.
You cringed, "Ugh, this is neat but I hate it." You whined a bit having fun but also your human heart beating out of your chest.
"Really?" Severen commented taking a big whiff. "Smells as good as cherry pie to me!" He winked at you. "Though not as good. Guess comparing some artificial bullshit fragrance from the real thing."
You weren't even listening to him. Too preoccupied in what was happening. An animatronic dropped from the ceiling as a dead body right over top of his head and he just looked annoyed for the first time tonight when it dropped too low. All before a human scare actor jumped out at the same time and maybe it was the blood smell distracting him or the animatronic or too many distractions for even a vampire to comprehend it all but a guy with a butcher knife tried to grab Severen...And in a harsh motion Severen just instinctively lashed at him and sent him flying into the wall.
Your eyes widened and even Severen looked a bit surprised. "...Oops." He mumbled with a slight bewildered smirk.
The guy groaned, yelling out in pain as a rib or two was definitely broken. Severen sighed, shrugging at you before walking up to him and picking him up by the back of his head. "Welp, looks like the butcher is getting chopped. Can't have you gossiping...I'm damn hungry any." He joked while slamming the guy against the wall. "All this imitation blood is makin' me hungry as a tired hound!"
The guy grunted and tried to fight Severen and he just gripped his head and started slowly twisting to snap his neck in a quick death. "How's 'bout I show ya what actual blood smells like?" Severen purred out with a grin.
The victim he had threw the butcher knife and you yelped as it cut your arm...Jesus Christ, was that real!? Severen's eyes flared, sneering as he ripped the guys head clean off...CLEAN...OFF. You had never seen him do that! The sound of you yelping and smelling your blood set him on edge like no other as he ripped his head off and with the angle the guy was decapitated; that blood from the bodies arteries in the neck spurted out all over you like a damn water gun when he accidentally aimed it at you when he jerked to see if you were okay.
Blood went EVERYWHERE! On your face, your chest, your stomach and legs. Soaking over your clothes that didn't cover much anyways with you being down South in the fall. Your mouth hung open in shock as you outstretched your hands looking down at your body dripping red. The metalic smell hitting you in the face.
Severen cringed. "...Oops...."
You sighed heavily looking irritated but defeated as your entire everything was soaked in sticky hot blood.
Severen clicked his tongue against his teeth with a sheepish smirk. "Sorry, sugar...C'mon! The guy was askin' for it!..." He then came towards you with a concerned look. "Ya alright?"
You forced a smile. "Yeah, I'm fine."
He grabbed your arm. "Liar." He muttered as he gently brought your arm up seeing more blood on that arm dripping to your fingertips. "I can smell yer blood type anywhere, angel...YN...Yer bleedin' too much. That bastard really got ya." He lowered his head to smell.
"I'm fine."
He lowered his face more not letting to of your arm. "No, yer bleedin'." Releasing a shuddering breath and letting his warm wet tongue swipe firmly across the cut. Savoring your taste as his eyes closed. It kept bleeding as he darted his tongue out, lapping little licks over the thin cut before gently sucking. It missed arteries but it still bled.
You felt your stomach flip and heat rise in you. "U-Uh, it's okay...."
"Then let me clean you up. No use letting it all go to waste." He mused while kissing the cut. Groaning to himself at the flavor of you on his lips.
"Um, you're uh...You're wasting blood over there already." You mumbled with wide eyes at the headless body in a pool of its own blood a few feet away.
"No, I ain't." He corrected as he licked a splatter of the man's blood off your arm. "Besides, I ain't licking floor blood. What do ya take me for? A damn dog?" He teased with a husky voice. Blue eyes still hooded as he lapped at your skin. Licking down your arm and wrist before he brought your hand up to dart his tongue out in tickling licks to flicker over your fingertips like the tease he was before sucking your fingers clean of any blood that dripped down your arm.
You were definitely flustered, loins doing that tingling heat thing as you looked at his heavy lidded eyes gazing at you as he sucked and kissed your fingers. "S-Sev! Someone will come in-"
"No they won't." He reassured as he picked you up with his inhuman strength and pinned you to a wall in the corner. Knocking a few props away with his boot. "If they do? We'll jus' say it was part of the act."
He swiped his tongue over your neck and throat, grazing his razor sharp teeth over your vocal cords as you whimpered before licking a firm trail of his tongue up to your mouth. Kissing you deeply with a groan low in his throat. Gripping you and licking the blood from your face and lips before forcing you to taste it on his tongue. You didn't like the taste, still human and the amount of blood not appealing and yet you didn't hate it either. Not when it was him.
He pulled away, blood on his lips; making them look more full while tinted red. He grinned. That euphoria hitting like it always did with blood. Like the sexiest most happiest most wonderful drug as they described it.
They all pointed at the dead bloody, raving how realistic this was before leaving. Severen chuckled at how flustered you were. "Not the best acting abilities babe but with looks like this? Who needs it." He mused as he sucked at your bare nipples/sucked your nipples through whatever garment you had and you whined at the hot rush pulsing between your legs.
You gasped sharply as he ripped your drenched blood red shirt off of you in one clean jerk and you faltered with big eyes. He sucked on the fabric a bit in his hand trying to get that blood before dipping down to lap at the flesh before him. Sliding and swirling and flicking his tongue over your chest and navel. You covered your mouth with heat rising in you. Eyes darting around as you were scared someone might see. You saw a group of people going by and ducked your head in embarrassment at being exposed. Severen blocked you, grinning a bloody sharp toothed grin over his shoulder while looking like he was a scare actor 'eating' another scare actor.
"Sev, please...We'll get caught..."
"Sshhhhhh." He hushed as he kissed down your navel while turning you so you weren't too immodest to any passing people. "Best part? You can scream as loud as ya want and no one will be the wiser, darlin'." He swirled his tongue with a smirk at the blood on your stomach and worked his way down before impatiently sliddinhlg your pants down.
You covered your mouth tighter as he slid your pants and or underwear down to your upper thigh. Just enough to lick what was important. The blood from your shirt had smeared onto your pelvis and he greedily licked his tongue over your skin in firm, flat swipes.
You quivered a little feeling his tongue getting closer to your sex. You were throbbing, heat pooling down there as he smirked up at you. Kneeling on one knee with a satisfied groan like growl coming from his throat. "Mm...Someone's excited."
"B-Because you're..." You trailed off.
He giggled, "Don't go blaming me. I can smell it on ya a mile away just from licking your fingers but this?-" He gently swiped a finger over your privates to collect the liquid your body was producing already whether pre-cum or slickness. It was A LOT on his finger tips. Your body knew what it wanted before you did. Practically dripping as you whimpered at his finger swiping over such a sensitive spot. He continued, "This? What a naughty lil darlin' I have...Hmm."
He blew air on you down there as you flinched. "What should I do to such a naughty thing, hmm? I mean gee...I done cleaned off all the blood. What else is there?" He mockingly gave with faux innocence.
God damn, he was gonna make you say it?! His teasing was ridiculous!
"S-Sev please."
"Please what?" He asked blue eyes gleaming with mischief.
"Please...Lick me."
He hummed. "Ooh...Like here?" He purposely barely licked near you. Tongue flicked at your inner thigh. "Here?" He fluttered his tongue on your pubic area so close yet not touching the throbbing that you needed touched to cum. "Well gosh, YN! How am I supposed to know if you won't say it?" He remarked with a smirk.
"...Please...Lick my...Cock/Pussy."
Severen grinned like a Cheshire Cat laughing at how flustered you were. "Well why didn't ya jus' say so? Sure, baby. I'll lick ya...I'll lick ya reeaalll good." He drew out with a husky chuckle before diving his head down.
You had to cover your mouth as a strained cry tried to escape. His tongue in flat, wet, firm strokes lapped at the tip/your clit.
Jesus! He didn't warm up or even tease like he normally did. Just those firm but flexible laps as wetness collected on his tongue. Your hips twitched at the urupt stimulation. He grunted at your taste as he closed his eyes and had uour hips in a death grip. His rough hands holding them firmly as you could feel his cool metal rings on your warm skin. He kept a pace he knew you liked. No teasing, just him wanting you to come undone on his mouth in a public place.
He dived back down, replacing his hand with his mouth. Careful when sucking and licking you from his filed down teeth. You barely felt his sharp teeth so delicate it almost tickled as he held your hips still so he didn't accidentally hurt you. His tongue warm and wet with saliva as he spreaded your own liquids with his tongue. Groaning into you as his tongue lapped faster. Right underneath your tip/clit as you tried so hard not to cry out but failed. A strained groan falling from your mouth...It just made him be firmer with the base of his tongue. Going up and down, side to side, fluttering, swirling. He was an insatiable greedy menace lapping and licking like a madman.
He used his hand to replace his tongue. Firmly rubbing you to talk. "Don't be shy, baby. Cry, moan, hollar. Ain't no one gonna know what's what in here." His hand moved faster, fingers dancing lightly in a fast pace over your skin as you trembled and gasped out a moan. Unable to control it, unable to move away with his iron grip, people being able to pass by at anytime.
"That's my darlin'."
You gripped the wall behind you, chest rising and falling as your groans and whimpers and moans were more urgent. You couldn't keep quiet with what he was doing. Your adrenaline pumping so much from the fear of being caught.
Then he added a hand. What his mouth couldn't do because of his teeth or the position; he did with his fingers. Grasping your aching cock firmly to pump / inserting not one but two fingers into that slick needy heat to stretch you out deliciously and rub at your g spot. All while his tongue and mouth sucked and licked making smacking noises in between his moans. His eyes hooded as he was enjoying doing this as much as you were recieving.
Your hips went from flinching away to lightly bucking against his face. He chuckled in his throat before growling a low rumble in his chest that vibrated in his throat as he kept up a firm fast pace.
Loud moans were coming out of you. Head back as he was relentless.
A group of people came by and you felt fear grip you at them seeing you in the dark-ish corner, red light refelecting on you. Trying to cover your upper body and Severen feverishly lapping at you. His head of dark hair blocking the view of your genitals thank god but they still looked...And Severen purposely pumped you harder. Hand tighter / Fingers firmer as you felt the heat erupting in you against your will.
"Nnnoo! DONT!! PLEASE DON'T!" You yelled out breathlessly. Before screaming. Absolutely throwing your head back and releasing a groaning scream right as these people walked by all before an animatronic on the opposite side of the room jumped out at them and they ran screaming themselves...They thought your pleas and screams were part of the act.
You gripped Severen's hair hard and rode your orgasm out when he wouldn't stop. Bucking your hips with teeth gritted and a low growling groan escaping you as all that pleasure tingled every part of you. Erupting inside you and then fizzling out. He kept going and it overstimulated so bad you jerked his hair harshly to the point you could've ripped it out.
"Ow! Babe, that hurts...I can handle a truck hittin' me, a shotgun, cold cocked in the jaw, stabbed but hair pulling is off limits...Shit hurts!" He pouted and pulled away. He smirked soon after as he drew his fingers away from you and licked any cum he might've missed; clean.
You stared down at him, panting. You almost slid down the wall from the intense orgasm you just had as he quickly stood up and braced you. "Easy there...That was so good. That's my baby. You were s' damn sexy...Taste s' good on my tongue." He praised in a husky whisper in your ear while holding you and kissing your head.
You were limp a moment. If you could purr you would. That was one of the best you ever had and so kinky in public and just...Memorable for sure. And how he treated you made you weak kneed.
He giggling a bit. "C'mere." He hugged you a second. "I'd love to stand here holdin' ya, sweetie...Buuutttt-" He gestured to the body.
Reality set in as you realized you had no shirt now. You both heard the scare actors yelling and talking to each other a room away and you panicked. He shrugged off his jacket then his over-sized red flannel he wore. He quickly gave it to you, whether it was too tight or too loose didn't matter. As long as it covered you enough to get out of here. Your shirt he ripped off was evidence and would've been a red flag as soon as you exited anyways.
He slung an arm around you to support you as you pulled your pants up and adjusted his flannel.
"Welp, time to head out. This was fun, YN." He mused as he quickly led you away to get out of here before scare actors realized he killed their coworker and police were called. If you did get on camera; it wouldn't be the first. The clan was good at evading cops and hiding as vampires.
Once through the rooms he slowed his pace. Having his arm around you with a leisure stride and smile. Boots jangling with his spur on each step. The security guard stared at you both...Eyeing the red on your dark pants but it wasn't as noticeable as your old now destroyed shirt was. You and Severen smiled and walked out the building. Scott free.
He leaned down. Whispering to you. "Close one. Nights young. How bout we get to some place private so we can keep having fun."
You eagerly nodded with a smirk still on an adrenaline rush you just did what you did and just as excited to return the favor. He stopped a moment to kiss you, lifting your chin to let his lips meet yours before you both just smirked at each other and kept walking. The night was his. It was his playground and he was like an excited teen boy in love rather than a centuries old vampire so ready to show you his world. You didn't know how long you'd be human but not long. You were too enraptured with him, with the night that how could you not?
For now, he lifted you up with the strength of a superhuman as he rushed with you to the nearest motel. Both of you laughing and in love and needed to touch and get as much lust out as possible.
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queerfables · 1 year
On my post about what Aziraphale meant by "I forgive you", @rebloggyssia replied:
I love this interpretation! It was a really sad moment to witness so I had problems to analyze the scene. But after reading your post I did rewatch it and Azi was really angry for a moment like you said. So my question is: why? Was he upset about Crowley not sharing is point of view, their miscommunication or something else?
I touched on this briefly in one of the many reblog threads of this post, but I have some more to say (don't I always?)
Earlier, I said that I think Aziraphale is angry that Crowley loves him, but not enough to follow him. That's the proximal reason.
But to be honest, I'm not even sure if he's really angry with Crowley. I think more than anything he's just fucking furious about this whole unbearable, hopeless, endless situation they're in. It's been six thousand years. They survived the end of the world. They're as free and together as they've ever been and they still can't talk about it. Whatever changed after Armageddon, it wasn't enough, and here they are again fighting for their lives. They can't go on like this.
So he offers a solution that he hopes will protect them both and Crowley rejects it out of hand. And like, of course he's angry about that, but I still maintain that whatever miscommunication is going on between them, fundamentally they know each other. Maybe better than two beings on Earth or anywhere else ever have. Deep down, I think he knew Crowley would never do this. And so he's angry, too, that he has this offer Crowley can't accept, and it's an offer he can't turn down.
That's the whole problem, isn't it? Angel and demon are sides in a war, they're deeply ingrained identities, but they're also choices. It's a bad choice between ruthlessly enforced control with the illusion of peace and unpredictable violence with the illusion of freedom, but it's the choice they have. Pick your poison.
The fact that Aziraphale and Crowley have never had this conversation - what if we could be on the same side? - says pretty plainly that they know where they stand. Arguably, Crowley returning to Heaven never felt like an actual possibility and so Aziraphale always assumed that if he could, he would. I think this is really one of those places where Aziraphale's cognitive dissonance is working overtime to accommodate his conflicting beliefs. Heaven is Good and there's something fundamentally wrong with anyone who would reject it. Crowley is the best person Aziraphale kows, and he rejects Heaven. Aziraphale reconciles this by doubting Crowley's rejection is genuine, but he also never has to test it if it isn't really on the table. He never asks Crowley and it isn't because he takes it for granted. It's because he doesn't want to hear that he's wrong.
So Aziraphale doesn't know what to do with Crowley's refusal, and maybe he really is surprised by it. Crowley usually does cave in the end. But I think he realised this would be a hard sell. If we're taking the fight at face value, that's how I would explain his anxious behaviour when he starts the conversation. He's making a proposition he knows Crowley is going to hate. He's nervous about Crowley's reaction, and his performance of excitement is his own version of a temptation: see how happy we can be, if you'll only say yes?
Aziraphale has thousands of years worth of repressed doubt and longing and Heaven is offering him the chance to set right all the things he knows to be wrong. He wouldn't have to live with this schism in his heart between faith and love. Whatever mistakes Heaven made are mistakes he can fix. And then Crowley says: no, angel, you can't fix this.
This is the brilliance of the Metatron's manipulation. For thousands of years, Aziraphale has been torn between Heaven and Crowley. I'm being unforgivably reductive about the ideals Aziraphale is struggling to reconcile, but on some level, it really is that simple. Aziraphale loves Heaven, Aziraphale loves Crowley, and he cannot have both. Heaven shows Aziraphale over and over that he can't have both. Meanwhile Crowley swans around giving Aziraphale excuses to flip Heaven off behind the archangels' backs, working beside him to do the good that Heaven won't, and never, ever making him choose. Crowley might have Opinions about Heaven's priorities and Aziraphale might privately agree but Crowley will never make him say it. He'll never ask Aziraphale to reject Heaven as Heaven demands he reject Crowley. Heaven gives black and white ultimatums and Crowley shows him how to live in the grey.
And then Heaven says he can have both. Aziraphale doesn't have to choose, he can have Heaven, and Crowley, and the power to fix the problems he always railed against besides. It's the perfect move, because if Heaven says yes, it forces Crowley to be the one to say no. And to make sure he does, Heaven includes a condition that Aziraphale can live with and Crowley absolutely cannot.
This is why Aziraphale is angry. All of it. It's a 6000 year running clusterfuck of impossible choices and every time he thinks he sees a way out it gets snatched away. He's had four years of freedom with Crowley and it still wasn't enough for them to even talk about what's really between them, and now Heaven is back knocking on their door. He's repressed all of his anger towards Heaven because it was never safe to express it, and then Heaven pulls a neat little trick to make all of it Crowley's fault instead, and dangles everything he wants right in front of him while knowing it'll stay out of reach. Even if he sees right through that, he's completely powerless to change it. So he's angry with Crowley, and Heaven, and himself, and for this one intense moment, anger he couldn't show becomes anger he can't hold back.
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frickingnerd · 4 months
the aftermath of that night
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pairing: qrow branwen x gn!reader
summary: after a one night stand with qrow, you start to avoid him. but qrow demands to know why you're avoiding him!
tags: smut/suggestive, hook up/one night stand, idiots to lovers, angst with a happy end, confession (reader to qrow), oblivious!qrow, qrow calling reader 'sweetheart', angst to silly fluff
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“where do you think you're going?”
qrow had you cornered, his hand gripping your wrist, to make sure you wouldn't run away again – just like you had the last few times the two of you crossed paths.
“i-i'm busy… can i leave?”
you looked up at qrow. you didn't struggle, nor did you raise your voice. you didn't plan on making a scene, since you knew qrow would never hurt you. but you still didn't want to be around him…
“you've been busy a lot recently. but i don't buy it.”
qrow loosened the grip on your wrist, to show good faith. but he wouldn't let you go until he got answers from you.
“i don't think you're actually busy. i think you're avoiding me. and you've been doing that ever since we hooked up!”
you looked away, but it was already too late. even when avoiding eye contact, your reaction gave you away. qrow had figured you out.
“so that's it. i knew it…”
qrow mumbled and let go of your wrist.
“was it that bad? if you didn't enjoy it, you could've said something… or was it that good~?”
qrow tried to lighten the mood a little, but it seemed not to work on you. instead of laughing, you only seemed to lower your head further and stare holes into the ground.
“so it was that bad, huh?”
“no, it was… alright”
that didn't sound very enthusiastic.
“listen sweetheart, just tell me what's up. if you don't want me around, then tell me. but don't expect me to be able to read your mind”
you sighed, slowly raising your head. your eyes met qrow's and your words got caught in your throat. you opened your mouth, struggling to tell him what's been bothering you.
“i… i enjoyed it a lot. but i was… kind of hoping for more…”
qrow smiled amused. that certainly wasn't the answer he had been expecting.
“well, if you want a round two we could always just go to your place now or–”
“not like that–!”
the mere suggestion of that made your cheeks turn red. it seems you really had to spell it out for qrow. how embarrassing…
“i was hoping we'd do more than just… you know. that maybe… this wasn't just a one time thing… and that you'd ask me on a date or something…”
you were mumbling those words to yourself, but qrow managed to pick up enough of what you were saying to understand what you meant.
“sooo you're saying… you have a crush on me~?”
qrow was acting overly flirty and cocky. but honestly, he was just overcompensating, as he tried to cover up how flustered he was getting. he was used to one night stands, but nobody had ever cared to return for a second night, let alone a date! this was a first for him…
in response to his question, you only nodded shyly. you still avoided eye contact, scared of qrow's reaction. but he gently lifted your chin with two of his fingers, to make you look up at him and see his genuine smile.
“if you wanted a date, there was no reason to be shy and avoid me. you're obviously my type and now that i know i'm yours too, i'd love to take you on a proper date!”
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jq37 · 5 months
Here's my conspiracy theory for the Ratgrinders and Buddy Dawn: He was always meant to be a disposable pawn. They wanted the Bad Kids to go to the Last Stand and have Buddy be the cleric so they could kill him and leave the Bad Kids to die. And they wouldn't have to worry about failing because (and here's the crazy part):
They have a body double of Lucy prepared.
That would explain why Ivy wasn't shocked to see Fig disguised as Lucy (Ivy already knows there's a second Lucy around) and why the Ratgrinders specifically asked for someone from another school (they could write him off as "not technically part of the party" and thus, his death doesn't affect their grade)
It's really making me crazy that they haven't chased the "Ivy noticing Fig as Lucy" thread harder. I've been obsessed with it for so long at this point. It could just be a matter of Ivy clocking that it was someone in disguise as Lucy because she has high Passive Perception or something, but if not then it's a huge loose end! We've had body doubles on this show before (Lydia had one made by Aguefort I believe) so it is something that we've seen can be done. Still doesn't explain why she'd be so chill with seeing the double just casually at Fabian's house party.
I think Buddy is def a pawn. The only question is to what end. Killing Buddy to leave the Bad Kids to die is def possible--insane overreaction but that's kind of the nature of this season. I don't think they'd be able to claim that Buddy isn't part of their party--he's a transfer but he is a student--but I think they would be able to take The Last Stand if they wanted to and didn't want to go pass fail. Also, iirc, they didn't ask for a transfer. They asked for a *Helioic* cleric. Assuming I'm remembering correctly, that would mean there was something about that specific faith that they were interested in. My OG theory is that they were trying to create another Kristen they could control--like if you wanted to create Batman so you found a rich kid and killed their parents after a screening of Puss in Boots 2.
Even if they have a double of Lucy to swap in once Buddy is axed, I believe the rule is that if your party comp changes at all, you're cooked. And I think swapping your cleric would be a change in party comp. But who knows. Maybe there's something in the bylaws that can combat that? They really need to read those bylaws.
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fanfictionfangirl · 6 months
My take on Amaya and Magnifico as a Villain Couple:
Because why did they not get to be the villain power couple in this??????
I can totally see Amaya as a power hungry and ambitious woman that wants status and prestige more than anything else, and uses manipulation as her main tactic.
Or for Magnifico, he could either always have been self-centered, or every wish he denies gets absorbed by him, thus making all those wishes made with bad faith or malevolent emotions part of him, and over time turning him into a narcissist. That would work as both a metaphor for how power changes a persona and an interesting element to how the frick his powers work, because what was that???
And personally, I think he should have had the power to see people's intentions, a bit like colors or a feeling or whatever, with which he could know if someone wished for a knife to cook in the kitchen or if they were planning murder. Because that's a massive flaw I think. Though the canon orbs could work too, but I just think that it would be cooler.
And Magnifico would be clear that wishes can be dangerous and as such has iron rules when it comes to wish granting. Like that he will never do anything involving life and death for example. You wish for a kitty? Go to the local animal shelter. You want to resurrect your dead wife? Forget about that. You want a fire breathing dragon? That's a safety hazard, go home and become a firefighter. It would make so much sense.
And Asha could be wrong. You know, a protagonist who believes that they are right but actually aren't? I know, revolutionary. In her quest to make sure everyone gets their wish granted, she would accidentally cause both wonders and chaos, putting the people into a frenzy. Like in the film, they would start questioning Magnifico, who would then try to bring back stability to his kingdom. And then 'this is the thanks I get' would get to be an actual villain song!!!! He sacrifices so much time for his people, he brings balance and peace, makes sure that everyone is provided for and yet the moment something isn't perfect, they question him. Which would be where either his ego, or the negative emotions he's absorbed from the wishes come into play. He needs to get rid of this disturbance, so that things get back to normal. But it fails and people get agitated and he slowly loses his cool, becoming more and more aggressive with his approach, until it can't be justified anymore and is now purely about revenge. He's now a full villain. His background isn't, but his actions are. Now, Amaya sees a threat and she tries to get rid of Asha through manipulation. They are a duo, one working as her enemy, the other pretending to be her ally. And it would be glorious!!!! Because they'd be a freaking VILLAIN COUPLE!!!! Do you know how awesome that concept is!!!!!!!!! And I've been deprived of it!!!!!
How Magnifico and Amaya got together is a mystery in the film (except if I just never heard of it) and I think that would be fascinating if they were villains.
For their Villain Backstory, this is what my brain came up with:
When they were young adults, and Magnifico came into power, he spent hours every day harnessing wishes, deciding what to grant and what not to, and defending his decisions to the people who were still coming to terms with this new change. Wish granting was something new and coveted, but also something looked at with sceptism. One day, after the "wishing hours", a young woman come to him. Magnifico told her that the time for wishes was over and to come back the next day, but she wasn't deterred.
She told him that she was here for a wish not meant to be heard by others. He answered that he wasn't interested in such a thing, and that people should witness whatever he decides to grant to others, so that they too could judge his decisions. Seeing that he would not yield, she introduced herself as Amaya and that her wish was to marry him. Surprised, he looked at her, but shook his head and told her that he refuses. She told him that it could be true love, he told her that there was no love.
Amaya demanded to know what it was if not love, to which he answered; Greed. Ambition and desire for power was what pushed her to him like that. Unhappy, she agreed, but pushed on. As the king of Rosas, a country so new and so unstable, he did not have the strength and endurance to leader them in the long-run. One day he would collapse under the weight of the wishes and this country would fall with him. Magnifico tries to disagree, but she interrupts that if there was someone else, a partner who would talk to the people and stand by his side when he made the necessary decisions, then he would have the support needed to move on.
Conflicted and weary, he states that she wants the power of his eyes. Amaya confirms. She wants the power to see into people's heart and feel their intentions, which in turn is a burden to him, who has to feel them and yet make rational decisions over whether to grant their wish or not. More than that, she adds, is that whenever he has to reject a wish, he absorbs it and is saddled with the weight of its emotions. It's true, every wish he reveals and cannot grant becomes part of him, and a weight he has to carry. But the young woman is also a risk; she has very high ambitions. If Magnifico were to make her queen, Rosas would find itself with a leader who looks out for herself first. Seeing his indecision, Amaya says that in exchange for the title of queen, she will grant him a wish too. That surprises Magnifico, people don't grant him wishes. She tells him that she would learn to love him.
While he is flabbergasted, she explains that she will always see for herself first, that is why he is so uneasy around her, but when she loves him, she will look out for him as a priority too. And when he is a priority, so will all of Rosas be, because without Magnifico, there will be no Rosas. With this deal in front of him, where he gives Amaya the power to leader a country and gets what is needed to keep it together, Magnifico accepts. And with their wedding, Amaya is granted the title of queen and the sight to see people's intentions.
Is this flawless? Absolutely not, but I'd honestly give anything for them to have been a villain couple, where Amaya resorts to emotional manipulation as easily as breathing and Magnifico actually has good points.
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unicyclehippo · 2 years
Confession (one word WN prompt)
for @possibilistfanfiction
beatrice talks to mother superion in a way you don't really understand. it's serious and solemn but not forceful. like there's space around the words to breathe, space for something extra. to your untrained ear, it sounds a lot like respect. or, the phone calls always start that way but toward the end, beatrice answers questions more slowly. with more thought. with more hesitance. and then you doesn't know exactly what it is. trust, maybe.
you're eavesdropping, of course, tucked up at the kitchen table with a book of writing exercises that beatrice had bought for you, presented to you without fanfare because you'd been struggling, quietly, with gripping a pen and getting letters to come out the way you meant to shape them, which normally wasn't a big deal but there were some words that seemed important enough to be written down and you'd like to be able to do it, you'd like the option. you've been working diligently at it (will insist that you have, even when the page goes missing, ripped out of the book, because the lines you were copying transformed at some point to your name and beatrice's nestled side-by-side and that's. something to think about later.) but there you are, ankles hooked around the chair legs, pen clutched tight between stiff fingers, and you stop pretending to work and stare through the narrow window of the doorframe as beatrice begins to pace the little box of your apartment. her meticulous steps. three, from her side of the bed almost to the wall. then a slow, smooth turn. then comes the breath, the space around her words, the openness you've been waiting for since superion's last call, since the first time you heard it.
'yes, mother. i will, mother.' beatrice stops. turns toward the kitchen. she doesn't seem surprised to find you watching, so you don't pretend guilt. just wink at her. beatrice lifts her eyes to the ceiling for a split second—a nun's version of rolling her eyes—and then back to you. 'now?' she tilts her head like she's sizing you up, like your next training session is here and now. you grip the pencil hard enough that it creaks. 'of course. she's right here.'
me? you mouth.
beatrice nods.
you shake your head. no.
the choice—obey superion, be kind to you—presses beatrice's mouth into a flat line. 'may i mute myself, mother?'
beatrice lifts the phone from her ear and shows you, mutes it obviously. she sets it down flat on the tiny coffee table you'd found and picked out. it had a white and black chessboard feel to it; you'd thought beatrice would like it. it's too small, even for the awful low couch, but beatrice always takes her coffee there when she goes over the bar inventory or to read.
'you don't want to speak to her?'
'why not?'
god. she actually sounded confused. 'because she hates me, bea. duh.'
'she doesn't.'
you snort. 'uh yes she does. i'm the halo bearer who isn't fit to wield it, blah blah blah.' there's a flash of memory—dust in the catacombs, dust in your hair, your nose, the warp of a scar tucked out of sight. the surprisingly warm skin of a cold woman. a miracle, she had said, of the highest order. her voice had been shaking but her hand was perfectly still because when the world is breaking, she had a task, a path straight before her to walk. she was like beatrice like that (and you feel your fear give way a little because if she's like beatrice then she can't be all bad, can't be very bad at all). she had faith in their cause, in her own purpose. but surely she didn't have faith in anything vincent said anymore because vincent - vincent and adriel - and shannon - and so she couldn't possibly think that you were—
'yeah,' you hear yourself say. 'yeah, okay, i'll talk to her.'
beatrice frowns before she can stop herself but she picks up the phone and brings it to you. sets it in the centre of the table. what a bitch. if you want to take it, you'll have to reach out and actually take it. and then she says, 'i'm going to the store. do you want anything?'
'from the store.' she looks at the phone. says quietly, the first few words reluctant, like she's still deciding whether to speak them or not, 'mother requested to speak with you privately.'
'oh.' the call time keeps ticking up. superion hasn't hung up. you wonder if you leave her waiting for a few minutes whether she will. 'chocolate. icecream. pads.'
beatrice nods. takes her wallet and the keys from the bowl by the door and slips outside.
you look at the phone for another thirteen seconds and then snatch it up, shooting to your feet. you move toward the front door and shuffle into the corner, press your back up to it. unmute yourself.
there's a brief pause, then,
'ah. ava.' superion sounds the same as always. cool and clipped. you try not to feel extremely fond of it because she isn't beatrice and probably talks like that because she's got a stick up her ass, not because she's a very repressed lesbian. well. fuck, she could be.
'sup.' you wince. bad start. 'uh. be-atrice,' your tongue rolls over her full name, spitting it up, because what's gods rules about having a favourite nun? is that, like, bad? what about feeling fond about a nun? bad, right? 'she said you wanted to talk.'
'i did, yes. firstly, you should know that these calls are made on protected lines. you should never call me from another phone.'
there's no fucking risk of that, you think, and you say it too. 'yeah, there's no risk of that.'
'is that all?'
'no.' she paused. then, carefully, 'we haven't had much occasion to speak privately.'
'aside from when you tricked me into thinking the convent was under attack and then told me i killed myself? i think you said everything you needed to say.'
if you were hoping—and you definitely were—that being snide and bitchy would put her off, you are unsuccessful.
'that was wrong. i was wrong,' she says. 'you proved that when you returned to help our order. you proved that, though you should not have been asked to. i am sorry.'
your hand trembles. you want to break the phone, or yell at her, but there's only one safe phone and beatrice would be pissed and you don't think that you can yell right now with your breath all caught up in your chest. you wish—you wish you could breathe like beatrice had. you wish you could talk like beatrice did with her. instead, you just say, 'okay,' kind of awkwardly.
'okay,' she repeats. then her tone sharpens and you realise that she's been speaking to you this whole time sort of gently and that's. weird too. 'you returned to aid us in our task, which is not over. is more dangerous than ever. this is a difficult time even for those of us trained in the order. if you are having any difficulties, i want you to know that you can talk to me.'
'no, i'm good.'
'there is nothing you are struggling with?'
struggling? well. you took a train through beautiful countryside all the way to switzerland. you've seen so many beautiful things since you came back to life but this is so beautiful you forget to blink and your eyes go blurry trying to drink it all in - sky and lakes and trees and mountains that climb and climb and climb to the sky and you go breathless, which beatrice had told you was the altitude adjustment but you knew was love, tight in your lungs, for getting to see this. you'd taken her hand excitedly and she'd gone stiff and cold. you'd let her go, and she hadn't unfrozen. the announcement that you had arrived in switzerland had made beatrice look like she was going to puke for a few minutes—she picked it, she planned the trains, and she'd done it because it was far away and safe and secluded and you both needed to hide. you're coming to terms with the idea of life, a little terrified that it's going to be like this for a while (forever?). a weird mix of really fucking great stuff—dancing, feeling your body move and get stronger as you learn to fight, getting to train with bea, writing, sex, climbing rocks, swimming, stuffing your face with flaky buttery pastries, the feel of different fabrics on your skin—and really fucking awful stuff—betrayal, adriel, nightmares, falling, the tug in your gut when you sense a wraith and have to move on, leave it to hurt some innocent because you're undercover and you can't help—and then the just sort of uncomfortable stuff—beatrice telling you she organised her own train to boarding school and going quiet for an hour, the numb prickle in your fingers and toes when you wake up before the rest of your body.
'there's only one bed,' you hear yourself say, because there's a lot going on, apparently, and humour is your default. 'and beatrice is hot.'
you can practically hear her eyes slam closed like steel doors. 'temperature wise, i hope you mean.'
'yeah, sure. of course. temperature wise. it's summer. she wears a full pyjama set to bed. flannel. it might as well be a waterbed, i'm sweating so much.'
'very well. i'll arrange funds for you to expand your wardrobes now that you have found a place to settle. is there anything else?'
do you still think i'm a miracle? what am i doing here, training? i fucked everything up. why don't you take it out? why don't you tell beatrice to take it out? have you told her to do it, is she disobeying? the thought makes you shiver. would beatrice disobey to protect you? do you trust me with the halo or am i just out of reach?
'all good.' you can't bring yourself to call her by her title. 'i'm training hard,' you offer, because she hasn't hung up yet.
'that's good. that's very good. you will need that in the days to come. there are trials ahead of us, my daughter.'
the phone in its clunky military-grade protective case creaks in your grip. 'i'm not your daughter.' she doesn't apologise, or take it back. she also doesn't say it again, so. whatever. 'say hi to camila.'
'of course. i will speak with you again next week,' she says, briskly, and then, 'goodbye. stay safe,' and hangs up, which is a bitch move because you think it would have been really satisfying to hang up on her.
you shuffle out of the corner, by the door. the conversation has you all knotted up and, like, weird. you toss the phone all the way into the next room—safely onto the bed because, safe phone line, beatrice would be pissed, whatever—and fold yourself back into the chair at the kitchen table.
the page is blank and white, the letters are big connect-the-dot looking things that you're supposed to trace over with your pencil. house. mother. father. sister. brother. daughter. son. you rip that page out too and shove it deep into the rubbish bin beneath the vegetable tops-and-tails you'd thrown out, prepping a stir-fry together with beatrice in the tiny kitchen you share.
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coffeebanana · 1 year
How would you recommend interacting with a writer. If a story wasn't to your taste, or left you unsatisfied. But you still want to encourage, the writer. And show gratitude for the free entertainment?
Hi anon!
The short answer is, a simple "thanks for the fic!" or "thanks for sharing!" or even a few emojis will often suffice. You really don't have to let the writer know what you didn't like. At the end of the day, they're not writing the fic for you, and obiously not every story is going to satisfy everyone the same way--otherwise we'd all be the same and that would be a horrendously boring world to live in.
The long answer is probably unecessary, but I like to procrastinate on my WIPs talk 😂
There's a format of commenting that goes a little like this: "i don't normally like [X ship, X trope, the way X acts in canon, etc...], but i love the way you do it!!" And honestly I myself have used that before--mostly for tropes, though possibly for some ships as well. And on the surface, that's reads as a compliment. Personally, when ppl leave me that sort of comment, I'll usually interpret it as a compliment too--unless they're full on bashing the thing I love (which sometimes happens with people criticizing canon). And I do think it's INTENDED as a compliment. (That's how I've meant it, when I used it, so I do try my best to also interpret others in good faith.)
But it can also read as "I don't like this thing that you really like and I felt the need to tell you that." Honestly, I didn't even realize it would come across that way until I saw someone else point it out. And then...yeah, I started to notice the fics I get it on more (A lot lot lot of my ladrien fics, lmao.)
So I'm at a weird cross roads where I try not to use that anymore--unless it's with someone I'm fairly sure will understand how I mean it?because sometimes you do have more of a rapport with certain ppl and they'll understand what you mean--but I also don't want to say it's 100% a bad thing to say. I really do understand the intent.
Anyways, my point in bringing that up is that you never don't know what seemingly innocent "this wasn't quite to my taste" comment is going to read as an insult. And so if you really DO want to encourage said writer, I'd recommend sticking to the positives.
Another big thing that's important to me personally is: don't lie.
People have a tendancy to...I don't want to say be disingenuous, but certainly to exaggerate at times on the internet. You see that in the SCREAMING CRYING EATING GLASS types comments. And those are USUALLY sincere in the way that the emotions they convey are sincere. We as a society understand they're not literally eating glass but that they're in agony because the angst in the fic was so good and they want more. But then--something I've noticed--that sort of lingo has a way of slipping into a default response of sorts. And sometimes that makes me question if people really mean it?
This second thing is probably more of a personal thing than a response to your question, but since it's something I've been thinking about lately I hope you don't mind that I brought it up too. I really don't want people to lie to me about my writing.
Not even if it's "to be nice".
Maybe this is in part because I myself find it...difficult to be insincere with ppl, but I don't want false compliments--that's something I tell my friends too. If I write a trope or pairing you don't like? There's never any pressure to read it. I don't expect comments or kudos from anyone. And I'm not someone who in general believes people are insincere--that's not really fair to other people. But everyone has doubts at some point, and I feel like adding to that by straight up lying to make someone feel better just isn't the way to go? If you can't pick out a detail from the fic that you genuinely enjoyed, then maybe keep it to the simple "thanks for sharing!"
So, I guess the TLDR is: keep it short and sweet. keep it encouraging if that's really your goal. (and, if this ever happens to be in reference to something that I specifically have written? please don't feel like you HAVE to say anything at all)
Thanks for the ask!! Sorry I went on for so long LOL💜
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