#i know these are the least sleepy pictures but i thought they were good pictures
sleepyhead-poll · 5 months
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Meguru Bachira:
[No Propaganda Submitted]
Nagi Seishiro:
he is just so sleepy all the time... he makes his best friend carry him around piggyback so he can nap. he trains like 20x less than the other characters (they all play soccer) because of the constant naps but he's just as good if not better than them so he's using his time wisely it seems. what a guy
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churipu · 6 months
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featuring. toji fushiguro, yuuta okkotsu, choso x fem! reader
warnings. absolutely nothing
note. anon, first of all, again, i'm so sorry i accidentally put your post up in the queue list when it was unfinished and the pen symbol wasn't there so i screenshotted this before deleting the og post. i hope this post comes to find you by itself :(( second of all, thank you for liking the first part, means a lot to me <33 last of all, hope you enjoy this one!
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TOJI FUSHIGURO. i feel like he's the kind of person who doesn't mind having a sleepyhead gf, in fact he'll gladly sleep with her no matter what time or place. he'll just look and then you're asleep, all of a sudden he's asleep too.
people find it odd how you and him are able to just doze off anywhere, especially toji being a pretty "busy" man. would ditch his work sometimes just to have a nap with you, and i feel like he's the type of guy who would use you like a bolster when you both sleep. so you just lie there, arms by your side — while he on the other hand, is all up on you, holding you close to him.
sometimes toji would chuckle upon seeing you asleep at the most random time and places, in a diner, in a fast food restaurant, in the park standing up (and you woke up because apparently a kid bumped into your leg), just anywhere. he finds your sleepy habit quite interesting really.
"toji... 'm tired."
"when're you not, hm?"
he absolutely loves it when you just clung onto him like a koala for a nap, makes him feel proud (oh and i feel like he's the type of person who would take pictures if you sleep with your mouth open with a string of drool coming out of your mouth, he says that it's adorable. you don't think so though).
YUUTA OKKOTSU. yuuta is just so adorable. i feel like he gushes out a lot when you fall asleep on him, like he will silently fawn over you but at the same time he doesn't know what to do. should he let you be? wake you up so you could sleep in a more comfortable place? or carry you to the said comfortable place?
he just ends up waking you up because of how fidgety he is, "yuuta?"
"i'm so sorry, did i wake you up? sorry.."
honestly, you don't even care about the whole wake up thing. you just wanted to sleep so you always end up latching onto his side like a baby, "five more minutes."
it's never five minutes, longest is twelve hours. although yuuta doesn't mind — he even joins you for a bit, and if he has to go, he will make sure you're tucked in well and comfortable with a pillow fort he built just for you incase something (the monsters comes for you) happens.
CHOSO. i feel like he gets confused at first to why you're always falling asleep near him, he even asked this "Google" to that — and Google did not in fact help, but instead drove him into a state of panic because it told choso that you were dying. so when you fall asleep the next time, choso wakes you up almost immediately.
"don't die on me."
you didn't know what he was talking about and assumed that he was just messing around so you closed your eyes, and he had a full blown breakdown because he thought you were actually dying.
but when you told him it's because you feel safe to sleep near him, he's never been so much happier. and whenever you fall asleep, he always has a blanket ready for you both. so here's how it goes, you fall asleep and lean your head on his shoulder, he drapes the blanket over the both of you, he leans his head onto your head and falls asleep.
you both always end up in such an uncomfortable position after (either with your hand or foot in his face, or vice versa), but you guys never cared, at least the sleep was good.
"cho, get your foot out of my face before i bite them off clean."
"'m sorry, it just happens."
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pugh-bug · 27 days
No.42 Chapter 1
Art Donaldson x reader : slow burn friends to lovers
I finally wrote chapter 1, I hope you all enjoy it! I’m excited for this slow burn
You widened your eyes at Patrick’s casual declaration. As his words: ‘Art’s gonna come live with us for a while’ hung in the air, you watched your best friend of ten years destroy a churro like it didn’t matter. Flat No.42 had been your sanctuary for four years with nothing but Patrick’s film commentating disrupting your peace. The two of you had a rhythm. An understanding of how the other lived and wanted to live, a schedule for taking out the recycling that Patrick stubbornly ignored.
You had game nights, movie marathons all without anyone having to third wheel. You weren’t ready to give that up, not even for Art Donaldson a man you’d been acting a fool around since Patrick introduced you.
As usual your face concealed nothing.
‘Be good about this okay? Liam kicked him out to move in with his girlfriend, the least I can do is let him live with us for a while.’
You tried to picture watching tv with Art or looking up from your cereal in the morning to be greeted with his sleepy, cute face and messy curls. It took half a second before Patrick asked why you were smiling and even less for you to force a complexed frown.
‘Okay so when’s he moving in?’
Patrick wiped his sugar dusted hands on his ‘I told ya’ shirt, gaging your reaction with amusement. ‘Today, probably 6.’ So much notice - not that you were surprised the man once woke you up 2 hours before a flight he forgot he’d booked for the two of you.
‘Thanks for the heads up.’
Forever the most organised member of the fire and ice duo, Art was at your door at 6pm exactly. Patrick opened the door as if it was Christmas Day and Art was Santa himself, you’d seen him smile brightly countless times but he actually glowed around Art. It was sweet, only sometimes sickeningly, and you understood the obsession. Art was the type of person lonely people craved.
‘Have my room, I’ll take the sofabed.’
Art broke away from Patrick’s bear hug to widen his eyes. You couldn’t help but smile at Art’s reaction to his friends generous offer. Patrick had a way of being there for his friends in such a way that never made them feel like they owed him. He had always been kind because of who he was, not for any accolades yet it somehow seemed to amaze Art every time.
‘Y/N,’ He turned to look at you, walking over confidently. The two of you had only started hugging in the last month, and usually only at the end of days spent with Patrick. He always hugged Patrick first.
‘Welcome to our piece of shit flat,’ you chuckled, as Art pulled you into a short but sweet hug. It took all of your strength. and did every time, not to pull him even closer to you. He always smelt of strawberry scented shampoo and the occasional cigarette which on anyone else you would have hated, you didn’t smoke, but on Art was heaven.
Art liked his own space, as did you, so for a few hours you let him unpack and relax on his own whilst you caught up on work. It wasn’t until Patrick ransacked his/Art’s room for a tie that the equilibrium of the flat was disturbed. ‘I’ve got a date!’ He exclaimed, ignoring the horror in Art’s face. He’d been on his twentieth push up and hated being watched.
Rushing out the door, using one hand to dress himself and the other to text the girl he was going to be late, Patrick made a lot of noise. You and Art were stood in the living room watching his antics with equal amounts of amusement and judgement. When he finally made it outside, Art watched you lock the door behind him.
‘Lucky girl.’
You raised an eyebrow, not sure if he was joking.
‘She won’t feel it when he eats all her food as well as his.’
Art smiled at your quip, knowing it was absolutely true, and thought to himself how nice it was going to be to get to know you better.
Chapter 2
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tarjapearce · 11 months
Lips anon! Girlll you got me blushing hot like a tomato. Got me curling my toes lol
The way you write possessive Miguel is 😩 😩 😩
Pfftt imagine the morning after, she can't get out of bed. Got Miguel taking care of the kids for a day and nonstop questions from Gabi about what's wrong with mommy lol
"I thought I heard her crying last night. She sounded hurt :("
Miguel chokes lol
🤭🤭 Kinda tempts me to write something like... Hate sex 👀👀 with a Villain! Reader jsksk.
And OMG 😂😂 I can already picture this lol
At every turn you gave, your muscles screamed in protest. Laying on your back seemed the least of painful of positions to sleep. You didn't know what took over Miguel last night, not that you complained though, with everything happening you were lucky to shill manage in each other's pants without the kids interrupting.
He had woken up, smile on his face, relaxed. Contrary to you, sore, spent, a bird nest of a hair. He pulled you closer, hoarding you like a treasure. His strength was something that always amazed you. You hissed in discomfort, he kissed your cheek.
"Buenos días, chula." (Morning beautiful)
You grunted and rested your head on his solid yet warm chest. He chuckled and caressed your hair
"You feeling good?"
"I'm so not going out of bed."
"I'll get the kids. Worthed it? "
"Every bit of it." you smirked and rested on his chest for a little before the sounds of Benjamin's cries made him to slid off the bed and get dressed.
"I'll make it up to you ok? Just rest. " He kissed your forehead and let you recover.
Your hips ached, every bendable joint you had, popped as you stretched across the bed. Sleepiness taking over you, a goofy smile on your face. You'd gladly accept the consequences of teasing him too much again.
"Papa?" Gabi would sit on the dining table, eggs, refried beans, some sausages and tortillas were served on her plate.
"Hm?" He'd put Benjamin on his chair, a bottle of mashed pear puree on hand and a spoon on the other.
"Is Mama ok?"
"Is something wrong? He fed Benji a spoonful of his favorite puree as his tiny hand tried to take a hold of the spoon.
"Is she sick?"
"No, Solecito. She just wanted to sleep a bit more."
"Why was she crying last night?" Miguel blinked at her and Benjamin grabbed the spoon, splattering pear puree on his face with a bubbly squeal
"She sounded hurt and you were angry" Heat would spread on his face as he wiped the food away
"Were you fighting again?" He shook his head, tingle of pink in his ears as he pried the spoon away from Benjamin.
"N-No, Solecito, we were... discussing a movie. You know how Mama cries with movies"
Gabi just nodded and indulged in her food. He saved you some for later, mentally slapping himself for the ridiculous excuse he just made up.
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sweetcherryharry · 2 months
Begin Again — 05
Synopsis: Harry and Y/N had a secret relationship for almost two years, until they broke up. A year later, she shows up at one of his Love On Tour shows.
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In the City of Angels, Y/N awoke to the gentle caress of the morning sun peeping through the open curtains of Natalie’s apartment blinds. Slowly, her eyelids fluttered, waking up and shaking off the last bits of sleepiness.
As consciousness gradually flooded back to her, the memories of the night before began to resurface. The concert, her unexpected encounter with Harry, and the late-night heart-to-heart with her friends Natalie and Maia had all been overwhelming, to say the least. 
However, now, as the bright daylight filled the room, it all felt like a surreal dream, leaving her questioning the reality of the previous night's experiences.
The three girls were sprawled on the bedroom’s king-sized bed, Natalie curled up on one side of the bed –opposite to Y/N– and Maia, laid in the middle of both, her phone in her hands as she scrolled through her notifications.
The remnants of their sleepover –blankets askew, teacups littering the nightstands– were painting a comforting picture to the intimacy they had shared, the hours spent talking about Y/N's tangled history with Harry.
After their late-night chat at the apartment, Y/N felt the weight of their conversation on her heart like a heavy blanket. She had bared her soul, sharing everything from the thrill of their love to the quiet happiness they once shared and the lingering pain of their breakup. 
Talking about her past with Harry out loud had been a weird mix of relief and vulnerability. It was like the words themselves had dug up buried emotions, setting off a whole new emotional rollercoaster.
“Good morning,” Natalie softly said, her voice breaking the silence. "How are you feeling?"
Y/N forced a small smile. "Tired. Definitely tired. And... I don't know... overwhelmed, I guess?" It was an understatement, but the crazy mix of shock, excitement, and a fear that wouldn't go away was overwhelming and hard to put into words
A light groan escaped Y/N's lips as she swung her legs over the side of the bed. The world tilted slightly before finding its balance again. Exhaustion pulled at her body as if she'd run a marathon in her sleep. She closed her eyes, hoping for a moment's respite before facing the day.
"You sure you're okay?" Maia's voice was laced with genuine concern. "You look a little...off."
Natalie nodded in agreement. "Yeah, do you want to eat something? I can cook breakfast for the three of us, maybe even brew some coffee."
Y/N rubbed her temples, the dull ache intensifying into a persistent throb. "I just need...a few minutes," she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper.  
The bathroom seemed like a sanctuary, a place to gather her scattered thoughts and seek respite from the whirlwind of the past twenty-four hours. As she stumbled across the room, the cool tile beneath her bare feet provided a grounding sensation.
When she shut the bathroom door, her reflection in the mirror was like a reminder of how tough the night was for her. Her eyes were like, puffy and dull, not the sparkly ones she used to have. There were dark circles under her eyes from not sleeping well, thinking about the past and stressing about the future. Even her skin didn't look as good as it usually does, like it had lost all its color.
"You look like you've seen a ghost," Y/N mumbled to her reflection, a flicker of wry humor surfacing despite her exhaustion. It was true. In a way, she had seen a ghost –the ghost of her past– and it had shaken her to her core. 
As she splashed her face with cold water, the icy shock briefly reviving her senses, Y/N couldn't help but think about the surreal twist of fate that brought her face to face with Harry. 
His presence, his touch...it had felt like a jolt to the heart, a reminder of the past they shared. And now, even as she tried to process it all, the memory of their late-night conversation in the bathroom replayed in her mind.
A knock startled her back to the present. "Y/N?" Maia's voice, laced with a hint of worry, echoed through the door. "Are you alright in there?"
Y/N dried her face, smoothing a trembling hand over her hair in a futile attempt to reclaim a semblance of composure. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just needed a minute."
She unlocked the door, trying to school her expression into something resembling normalcy as she faced her concerned friends.  However, their gazes lingered on her reflection in the bathroom mirror, mirroring her own observations of her exhausted appearance.
Natalie, ever the mother hen, gently guided her back towards the bed.  "C'mon, rest for a little bit more. You seriously look like you could use it.”
Y/N let herself be tucked back into bed, the soft sheets a comforting embrace against her battered emotions and aching body. Yet, as Natalie and Maia perched on either side of her, a wave of resistance flickered within her.
"Guys, it's okay, really," she insisted, a hint of defiance in her smile. "I know I look a mess, but I'm alright." She knew they were just looking out for her, but the concerned looks and gentle coaxing brought an unexpected feeling of being coddled.
"We just worry," Maia admitted softly. "It was a crazy night for you."
"Crazy is an understatement," Natalie said, and took a deep breath before talking again, "And I think it's better you discover this news from us than the moment you touch your phone. The whole internet is going crazy about you."
Y/N's eyes widened, sitting up on the bed, both of her friends following, "The internet? Wait, what are you talking about?"
Maia and Natalie exchanged concerned glances. "Nat, maybe it's better if…" Maia's voice trailed off, her gaze meeting Y/N's confused expression.
Natalie sighed. "Okay, look, Y/N… You know that Tiktok I took and posted last night? It kinda, sorta…"
"Went viral," Maia finished, unable to suppress a nervous giggle.
Y/N sat up, her heart pounding. "Viral? As in, more than a few likes viral?"
Natalie pulled out her phone, sighing. "Try two million views and counting. People are freaking out about the pretty, mystery girl in the crowd that Harry wouldn't stop looking at."
Maia chimed in, her voice tinged with a mix of awe and concern. “The thing is, many people had posted –from different perspectives– how Harry wouldn’t stop looking at a girl with a green and black outfit at the pit. And, apparently, my video appeared on their for you pages, and saw the girl with that same outfit, and they put two and two together..”
Her voice trailed off as Natalie scrolled through her phone, a frown deepening on her face. "And now there's a comment on my tiktok about a girl that saw you –us– walking backstage last night… And then someone went to your profile and found all your socials, and dug up an old photo dump you posted back in 2021 on Instagram…you know, the one with a sunset?”
Y/N felt the blood drain from her face. The photo. The one with Harry's hand barely visible in the corner. 
Back then, she had asked him if it was okay to post it, and he had said that it was, assuring her that there was no way somebody would know it was him. It was the last picture in the photo dump, and his hand was in the dark corner of it.
But they had been proven wrong.
Her stomach churned, and the bedroom felt like it was spinning.
"That's how they're going to figure it out," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "They're going to know it's me, and then… they're going to go after him."
The weight of realization crashed down on her. This wasn't just a surprise encounter anymore. This was her carefully hidden past about to burst out into the harsh spotlight, threatening to upend her quiet life and unravel the secrets they'd gone to great lengths to protect.
And she couldn’t stop thinking about him. Not just his reaction, but the onslaught he was about to face. His career, built with such care and dedication, was suddenly teetering on the edge. The fans, who loved him unconditionally, were about to discover a chapter of his life he had intentionally kept hidden.  Her heart twisted with a pang of guilt, it was her past that was about to disrupt his world once again.
The specter of Harry's fans, his loyal and fiercely protective Harries, loomed large in her mind. Their passion for him was legendary, and the thought of them –along with the media– turning on him because of their shared past was almost unbearable. The online world could be a cruel place, and the toxicity it could spew was enough to make her nauseous. 
A wave of despair washed over her. She couldn't even bring herself to look at her phone, the source of this impending chaos. It felt like a ticking time bomb, Each notification likely included a countdown toward disaster.
Maia, her eyes wide with concern, reached out tentatively. "Y/N, are you alright?"
Natalie, ever the pragmatist, chimed in, but her voice was softer than usual. “Do you want us to... handle the phone stuff for a while? Block comments, report stuff, turn your account private?"
Their kindness threatened to break the dam of Y/N's composure. She blinked back tears, her voice thick, "I...I don't know what to do.”
Maia sat next to her on the bathroom floor, wrapping an arm around her shoulders in a gesture of silent support. "Hey, we'll figure this out. Together."
Natalie moved into action, her practicality a grounding force amidst the swirling emotions. "Coffee? I think we all need a strong cup right now." Standing up, she extended a hand to Y/N. "Come on, let's get out of this bedroom. We can strategize over caffeine."
A shaky nod was Y/N's only response.  Letting Natalie pull her to her feet, she stumbled out of the bedroom like a sleepwalker, the world a blur around her.  The two girls led her to the living room couch, where she collapsed, the exhaustion and emotional whiplash taking their toll.
Maia perched on the coffee table in front of her, her eyes filled with concern. "You look like you could use a blanket," she said softly, draping a cozy throw over Y/N's shoulders.
Natalie returned a few moments later with three steaming mugs. "Extra strong," she announced, handing one to Y/N. "For emergency situations only."
The warmth of the mug seeped into Y/N's hands, a small comfort against the icy dread clutching her heart. She took a tentative sip, the bitterness grounding her to the present moment.
"Okay," Natalie began, a determined glint in her eye, "Let's break this down.  What exactly are we dealing with here?"
Maia chimed in, her tone gentle despite the urgency of the situation.  "The video is getting a crazy amount of views, we know that. And people are starting to piece things together because of the photo, right?"
Y/N sighed. "Yeah. It's only a matter of time before they connect me to...well, to him." She couldn't bring herself to say his name out loud, as if speaking it would make the situation even more real.
"What about Harry?" Natalie probed. "Do you think his team knows about this yet? I mean, it's pretty likely they're monitoring social media..."
Y/N's mouth went dry. She hadn't even considered that. "I-I don't know.” she mumbled.
Maia squeezed her hand. "This must be so overwhelming. No wonder you’re freaking out."
Natalie sat forward, her brow furrowed in concentration. "Okay, so, worst-case scenario: this blows up big. Like, international headline big."
Y/N felt a fresh wave of nausea wash over her.  Worst-case scenarios swirled through her mind: relentless paparazzi, vicious internet trolls, the judgmental whisper of strangers. The quiet life she had built so carefully felt like it was crumbling before her eyes.
"But," Natalie continued, a flicker of steel in her gaze, "we're not going to let that happen. We need to be proactive. Strategic."  She turned to Y/N, her voice firm but reassuring. “Can you try to look at your phone? See what’s actually happening? We need to know what we're up against."
Natalie's words hung in the air, a mix of harsh reality and a glimmer of defiant hope. Y/N knew she was right; hiding from the situation wouldn't solve anything.  With a deep breath, she steeled herself. "Yeah, okay. I'll look."
The words felt heavy on her tongue. Taking another sip of coffee for strength, she reached out a shaking hand. "Can you bring me my phone?"
Maia nodded, eyes filled with sympathy. “Of course. Be right back.” She hurried towards the bedroom.
The silence in her absence felt deafening. Y/N stared at the fuzzy patterns of the blanket on her lap, her mind racing.  Natalie was right – they needed to know what they were facing. But did she have the strength to confront the storm head-on?
Maia returned, her usually bubbly demeanor replaced by an expression of surprise.  She held out Y/N's phone, her voice laced with disbelief. "Um, Y/N…"
Y/N's heart skipped a beat. "What is it?"
Maia held the phone up, the screen illuminated. "Harry's calling you."
A gasp escaped Y/N's lips. Her eyes widened, disbelief etched on her face. Harry's name pulsed against the screen, shining like a star against all the crazy stuff probably going on on social media. 
Every instinct in her body screamed to ignore the call, to shrink back from the inevitable hurricane of questions and consequences. Yet, a defiant flicker of something else sparked within her. She owed him that much, at least.
"W-what do I do?" she stammered, her voice barely a whisper.
Natalie and Maia exchanged a worried glance. "Well," Natalie began slowly, "you should probably... answer it."
Y/N's hand trembled as she reached for the phone. It felt heavier than she remembered, laden with the weight of a thousand unspoken words and a future teetering precariously on the edge of a knife.  With a deep, shuddering breath, she pressed the answer button.
Her heart hammered in her chest as the line connected. For a brief, agonizing second, all she heard was static and her own ragged breathing. Then, his voice cut through the silence, low and laced with a familiar concern.
hello! i missed you guys <3 i'll try to post more often, since i have much more story ideas i'd love to share with you! if you want to be added to the taglist, please reply to this post!
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thesirencult · 6 months
Kisses With Your FS
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We are in a holiday mood ladies and gents! I decided to create a series of holiday readings centered around our FS. The kiss under the mistletoe, what gift your future spouse would buy you, spending holidays with them, a Christmas getaway etc.
Sit back with your hot cocoa and relax !
Santa came early this year 🦌
Kissing with your FS feels like home. Their hands wrapped around your waist remind you of hallmark movies you watched when you were a young kid, fantasizing about that kiss under the mistletoe.
Your FS is gentle and caring. They are all sugar, no spice and their kisses show just that.
Love, adoration and dedication. Your FS will kiss you slowly. Sometimes they will steal a kiss while putting up the lights and while you are baking cookies. They will always keep it PG, especially if others are present.
Your FS reminds me of Ryan from Castle. He is honourable, simple and affectionate yet super smart and ready to kick some a$$ if he needs to. They could actually look like him or if they are a woman they will be fair skinned and have light eyes, even if they are brown they will be on the lighter side. Also, if they are a woman they would be a lot like Sookie from True Blood.
Remember what I said about the spice? I take it back, a tiny bit. They can get spicy but in the most sweetest way. They are good boys/girls/theys. The type you take home to mama. They could even work in the military/fire department/police force.
Kissing them will make you feel safe and secure. No one would ever be able to take that feeling away from you both. Give em a peck from me too. They for sure deserve it !
Under the mistletoe they will get giddy and excited. Their smile is amazing, like Colgate type of smile and you will love seeing how happy they get around you and right before they kiss you. They will look like a schoolgirl/schoolboy, a kid stealing a cookie from the jar. Stealing kisses is how they will show how naughty they are. I just know who wears the pants in this relationship and news flash, it is not them, lol.
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I can tell you one thing before I say anything about kissing.
Your FS finds you adorable. See that cat in the picture ? All cuddled up, not a care in the world, not a single thought behind those sleepy eyes.
Within every room you are the main event, at least for them. Actually, your FS will love kissing you when you are sleepy.
In general, the way you will find safety in their arms and ignore the whole world will drive them crazy. This shows me that your the way your FS kisses will make you feel loved and safe. It will also make you feel like a playful kitten. Your FS could be masculine (doesn't have to be a man) and they will make you feel safe to express your vulnerability and femininity.
They will not only love kissing your lips, they will love kissing your whole face and your hands/fingers. They will want to eat you up.
For them it will be pretty funny you melt into their arms cause you could be a very feisty person but with them you turn into a big baby.
I'm seeing a meme with a cat fighting with another cat and then going back to their mother and cuddling up like a baby.
Others will be like "Girl/boy/they who are you trying to fool?" And your person will say "Shhh they are sleeping. Don't mess with my baby." Meanwhile, over their shoulder you give the other person a hiss, lol.
Are you my "black cat 🐈‍⬛ energy" pile ? Well your person might be a whole tiger cause they seem to be thinking you are harmless and deserve every little kiss. This is giving "I'm a bad boy but I'll be good only with you." trope. Also, major Morticia and Gomez vibes. Height difference might be huge.
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(Yup, that below is indeed you.)
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lissomeingenuestuff · 2 months
CLARA BOW // charles leclerc - pt. 4
charles leclerc x figureskater!reader
part 1 part 2 part 3
summary: you're an aspiring olympic gold medalist who just wants to compete and have fun. on the way there, a handsome monegasque f1 driver slides into your dms and changes the trajectory of your life.
note: pt. 4 bby! i'm so excited to finally get into the main part of this story with you guys! you have no idea of the devilry i have planned 😈
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liked by y/n l/n, isabeau.levito, and 8,393 others
cassievilleneuve we weren't cool enough for the amex lounge 🥲
view all 134 comments...
carolinevilleneuve sleepy bears 🧸💙
y/n l/n at least my ass looks nice 🤷🏻‍♀️
cassievilleneuve speak for yourself i look like a potato 😭 thanks care
carolinevilleneuve anytime 😁
leclerclover43 y/n is so unserious i love her 😄 "at least my ass looks nice"
y/n l/n well it does, doesn't it?
leclerclover43 you're so right queen ofc it does 🤧
leclerclover43 also, any reason why you might be traveling?
y/n l/n 👀🤫
leclerclover43 oH
isabeau.levito vacation without me? 🥲
y/n l/n bby issy you have school!
isabeau.levito australia >>>>>>> school
isabeau.levito also, where did all these people come from? what did i miss?
carolinevilleneuve you missed the y/n x hot driver saga!? dm NOW
callsignice am i the only one wondering why y/n's going to australia literally like 4 days after the olympics ended? didn't she just get back home?
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y/n l/n
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liked by oscarpiastri, charles_leclerc, and 22,691 others
y/n l/n cassie's man crush treated us to... whatever that is 😄
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cassievilleneuve i do NOT have a crush!!
y/n l/n bro be so fr i know more about him than i know about my own crushes 😭
sainzismysign don't be shy y/n, tell us, who's your crush 👀
y/n l/n i don't kiss and tell 😝
charles_leclerc Whatever that is it looks like a lot of sugar 😳 can i have some?
y/n l/n i'd get you some, but i don't need your trainer up in my dms threatening me 😔
charles_leclerc Andrea's an angel, I promise 🙏🏻 no threats
pierregasly Andrea, an angel? LMAO
charles_leclerc Pierre, fermez-la!
emmalechair yeah pierre let our boy shoot his shot!
carolinevilleneuve ...where did this picture come from? i don't remember going to a restaurant?
y/n l/n neither did i 😄 the man crush sent it to me
carolinevilleneuve @cassievilleneuve YOU WENT ON A DATE!?
cassievilleneuve IT WASN'T A DATE
y/n l/n liar 😆
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liked by danielricciardo, landonorris, and 390,986 others
mclaren Live footage of @landonorris lying straight to our face after going on a date and consuming his weight in sugar.
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alllyyyssson ehem eXcUsE ME!? LANDO WENT ON A DATE!?
jazzyruiz admin rlly thought they could slip the "lando went on a date" at the beginning of the caption and we wouldn't notice 😭
landosleni my husband is cheating on me!?!?!
landonorris IT WASN'T A DATE
mclaren Sure it wasn't, buddy 😛
danielricciardo why you lying
neonorangepapaya LMAO dragggg him daniel!
y/n l/n ✓ 2m
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Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit Melbourne, Australia
"Are you sure this is even a good idea?" Y/N bit her lip nervously, letting the hometown hero - Daniel Ricciardo - drag her down the paddock.
"Bit too late for second thoughts now, isn't it?" Daniel quipped, nodding his head at a passing mechanic.
"I'm not having second thoughts, I just... he didn't even invite me here."
"Which is the whole point of a surprise," Daniel pointed out. He turned back to look at her briefly, "By the way, where's your friend?"
At that, Y/N giggled, "With Lando. Those two have been joined at the hip ever since he picked us up from the airport."
"So it was a date!" Daniel crowed triumphantly.
"Obviously!" Y/N snickered. "What else could it have been?"
"He was telling everyone you were there too after the McLaren admin made that post."
Y/N scoffed, "Now, that's a lie! I was dead asleep in our hotel room. Cassie snuck out and I didn't find out until I woke up and saw that Lando sent me that picture, saying she was in good hands."
"I'm not surprised. I wouldn't want to be caught dead on a date with Lando either." Daniel nodded, mock thoughtfully.
Y/N giggled again, "I don't think that's why she didn't tell me."
He hummed, but refrained from saying anything else as they reached the Ferrari garage, bustling as it was with mechanics, engineers, and strategists.
Y/N came to a full stop as he called out, "Oi! Frenchman! Over here!"
An accented voice yelled back, "I'm Monegasque!", as Charles Leclerc emerged from the sea of red, clad in his own scarlet racing gear.
"Same thing," Daniel grinned, but Charles' attention was no longer on him.
"Y/N?" He blurted out in shock.
Y/N lifted a hand nervously and waved, "Hi?"
Charles stood there, staring at her like he'd seen a ghost, until someone behind him shoved him forward and he snapped out of his reverie.
"Uh, hi! Hi!" He laughed, hovering in front of her uncertainly. "What are you doing here?"
"Lando and Daniel invited me," Y/N bit her lip, cheeks reddening. "They, um- we thought it might be a nice surprise."
He didn't say anything for a moment, but just as she was getting ready to backtrack, his face broke out into a beaming smile and he pulled her into a half-hug - an uncertain one, the kind you give someone if you know them, but you don't know them enough to give them a full hug.
"Welcome to Ferrari," he stated loudly as camera flashes went off, pictures and videos recording the moment that would go viral on Twitter and Instagram for the entirety of that day. "The best team on the grid!"
tag list: @1655clean, @norwayxo, @thecubanator2, @theendofthematerialgworl, @c-losur3, @lightdragonrayne
314 notes · View notes
anystalker707 · 7 months
Dolled up [2/2]
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x [male, amab] Reader Summary: Sanji wants another encounter with you. Tags: He wears pretty lingeries / Demanding, but he's a bottom / He's gets eaten out / Just a princess / a PILLOW princess
Requested by anon [I LOVE how you wrote ‘dolled up’ with sanji and i was wondering if you could do part 2 to that? If not then just another sanji x top male readers fine! You don’t have to do it btw! Ty and have an awesome day!] A/n: thanks sm for your request <33 i hope you have a great day, dear!
[PART 1]
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          Sanji had noticed your persistent presence and gaze upon him. You eyed him differently after he showed up in your cabin for a midnight surprise, as if you were all the time picturing him wearing that lingerie under his normal clothes. There was something else, but he couldn’t quite get what it was.
Were you trying to figure something out about him? Studying him? He wasn’t really sure about it, but he didn’t feel like facing it directly. Some sort of superiority had been granted to Sanji the moment he found out how lost you were for him, and he wouldn’t throw it all away now. He loved the way your breath would hitch whenever he reached for something on the higher parts of the cabinets, making his shirt ride up just enough… It was good knowing he had such power.
“Excuse me,” you whispered, suddenly popping Sanji out of his bubble of thoughts and placing the ground under his feet again. Your hands were firm around his waist, gently moving him to the side so that you could walk past him and grab something from the fridge. He couldn’t even focus, mind going blank the moment your hands grabbed his waist and set him aside, so he looked down and let his hair fall more over his face in the hope it would cover his blush. Thankfully, you didn’t notice anything.
Sanji wanted the attention so badly, but he also didn’t want to be the one to give in first. This feeling bubbled up under his skin as the days passed; a presentment, though he didn’t know what for. At least until it was time for his night watch, that is.
Everything needed to be in the right measurement, and it lacked something, though Sanji wasn’t sure what. A quiet hum escaped his lips as he licked the sauce from his finger, shifting his weight to one of his legs with a soft sigh. He was a little sleepy and tired, but it was nothing he couldn’t endure. With a sigh, he was about to reach for a jar when he stopped midway.
Arms wrapped warmly around Sanji’s waist, soon accompanied by a presence behind him. It didn’t take him a lot of thought to know who it was, and his heart fluttered at the same moment.
“Doll,��� you whispered right next to Sanji’s ear, making his skin rise in shivers at the same time it heated up. “My princess.”
“Yours?” Sanji whispered back almost too quickly, in a mocking tone. He wasn’t reaching for the jar anymore, only resting both of his hands on the countertop this time. The fact you were there, finally interacting directly with him and touching him without restraints, somehow managed to calm down a tension that bubbled up inside him previously. It melted away in a pleasing feeling that still carried an anxious edge.
“Of course,” you whispered with a soft chuckle, nuzzling the crook of Sanji’s neck and having fun with the way his skin rose in shivers. “I thought I’d claim you before anyone else. Am I so wrong for doing that, or did I get the wrong message? Were you just using me the other day?”
Sanji couldn’t help but sigh at your assumptions, pausing as he glanced back to raise an eyebrow at you before he shook his head to himself. Your gaze remained the same before his vague response.
“You’re difficult,” Sanji muttered, smirking at the way you gasped in offense.
“Oh, I’m the difficult one here?” You clicked your tongue and kissed Sanji’s shoulder through his shirt, inhaling the cologne he used—it was floral, in soft notes that could be caught under the smell of cigarettes and something else, stronger on the back of his neck. Also through the thin fabric of his button-up, your fingers worked on his waist, caressing and looking for something. “You’ve been avoiding me the whole week. Do you know how lonely I’ve been?”
Sanji felt a sense of pride swell in his chest at the fact that you recognized his distance—that you missed his presence and felt miserable because of that. He exhaled, smiling. “Oh? So were you having fun with your hand instead?”
“Why would I when I have you?” You scoffed, and your words sent a sparkle down Sanji’s spine that ended in the warmth that started forming in his lower stomach. His cheeks heated up a little, and he had to look down, trying to contain the smile that fought to form on his face. “Or are you bored? Maybe I just got the wrong idea.” Your touch became lighter at the same moment you paused, but Sanji promptly placed his hands over yours and tugged on your hands to wrap your arms tighter around his torso while he leaned back against you, with his head on your shoulder. It was enough to have your heart going wild in your chest.
“Don’t be silly.” Sanji chuckled, turning his head enough to plant a kiss on your cheek.
A smile stretched across your face according to how you relaxed, tightening your arms around him before nuzzling the crook of his neck with a soft hum. Sanji’s fingers laced with yours, warm palms pressed to the back of your hands as he relaxed into your touches, sighing softly. It was nice to just be with him like that; your heart felt out of place with the unusual amount of happiness it felt, almost making you feel dizzy while pulling Sanji closer, wanting more of him.
Sanji gasped barely audibly as he felt your grip tighten around him, your forearms sinking just under his ribs, but still let you have that moment before he turned around to face you with his arms around your neck. “You know, I was kinda waiting for you,” he whispered as his index finger traced circles into your shoulder.
The new tone made you raise an eyebrow, studying Sanji’s apparently innocent expression as he eyed you from under his eyelashes with that small smile tugging on his lips. It was hard to resist, making something stir in your lower stomach, even more so when his fingers pressed to the back of your neck and rubbed against the skin soothingly. Since when did he have such power over you…? Well, it didn’t matter at the moment; you kept looking into his visible blue eye while he smiled and leaned in.
A familiar taste of lip balm was present on Sanji’s lips, which gave you an idea of the whereabouts of your lost lip balm, hinting at the bearings of your favorite shirt and a ring. Either way, every other thought aside from Sanji himself was erased from your mind the moment he deepened the kiss and tugged on your bottom lip with his teeth. His eyes were half-lidded, eyeing you with entertainment and the full knowledge of what he was doing.
“My dear, mon amour,” he mumbled against your lips in a soft pleading tone that you couldn’t resist.
          Nothing would happen if you two left the night watch for a while, right? You two weren’t near any island, in the first place, and it would be hard seeing Sunny in the dark, so there was nothing to worry about. The thoughts were buried in the back of your mind by the time you climbed on top of Sanji and pressed your lips to his, feeling the mattress shift under your knees as you opened up a space between his legs.
Sanji’s breath escaped his throat in short intervals that were permeated by gasps for air whenever there was a small break from the kisses. His arms wrapped around your neck, holding you closer as his legs wrapped around your waist, and he arched his back, sending both of you groaning when your hips ground together.
Aside from knowing his way around, Sanji knew you, and maybe a little too well. He knew which way he had to kiss you to have you whimpering into his mouth, and kept kissing you until you ran out of air. Entertainment played in his eyes while observing you try to catch your breath, faces just centimeters away from each other. There was a soft hum as he caressed your cheeks with gentle fingers before kissing your lips in a soft kiss that didn’t last longer than a couple of seconds.
You sat back on your legs, bottom lip between your teeth while your fingers carefully unbuttoned his shirt, slowly letting his torso come into view, all while Sanji lay there as if you were just doing the bare minimum for him. A small smile remained on his lips as he observed you, and you couldn’t help but get a little lost in him. He looked so beautiful like that, hair messy, hands above his head, cheeks with a light red tone…
A sigh escaped your lips as you finally pulled the light blue fabric away and there was a lingerie top you’d never seen before. The bralette was made of a thin and soft peach-colored lace with white satin details.
“Sanji,” you practically moaned, pressing a kiss to the exposed skin on his chest above the bra and below the delicate silver chain he used around his neck with a small gem as a pendant. You thought about gifting him a pendant with the initial of your first name so that he could use it around his neck, but you decided to keep it as a mental note for later, focusing on how his soft skin felt under your lips.
Sanji’s chest rose and fell with a deep sigh, and he hummed in response to your touches, placing a hand on the back of your head to gently caress your hair and keep you close. A soft groan escaped your lips as you started nipping on his skin with firm hands around his waist, holding tightly as if to pull him even closer because it just wasn’t possible to get enough of him.
You nuzzled into Sanji’s bra, tugging on it just enough to expose his nipple so that you could latch your lips around it. As his nipple slowly hardened under your touch, Sanji whimpered, placing more pressure on the back of your head, so you complied—your tongue ran around the bud before you started sucking on it with a soft groan, relishing how Sanji’s moans grew louder once you started using your teeth.
“Fuck,” Sanji groaned as he arched his back, only relaxing back against the bed when you finally let go of his chest with a final lick across his nipple. His face was a brighter shade of red now, and his pupils were blown—your cock twitched the moment his eyes met yours, and you started moving again.
It was messy, but Sanji still helped you get undressed, taking off your shirt while you unbuckled your belt, but he didn’t undress himself, no. He waited for you to do it, going to the maximum of helping you a little by lifting his body off the bed, nothing more.
“I see you like my lingerie,” Sanji said with a sense of pride, grinning wide.
You paused and just raised an eyebrow at Sanji, without giving him much attention to his statement—it was obvious you liked his lacy garments, the way they suited his body so perfectly and gave him an extra touch of delicacy. It made you infatuated, clouding your thoughts whenever you looked at him or thought about him wearing them.
“You planned this?” You raised an eyebrow, slipping your hands under his panties so that you could cup his ass cheeks. “Or do you just go around wearing lingerie on a daily basis, princess?”
Sanji couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips, cupping your face lovingly. “Yes to both. The thing is that I like wearing the special ones for you.”
You smiled, sighing while giving his ass a squeeze—he moaned in response, arching his back as his legs wrapped around your waist again, but his cock met no friction, much to his displeasure. “So pretty,” you breathed and kissed along Sanji’s shoulder while your fingers kneaded on the fat of his ass until soft whimpers escaped his lips, though it wasn’t much of a hard task.
Reluctantly, you pulled a hand away from Sanji to reach for the lube in the bedside table, quickly retrieving it.
“On your stomach,” you said with a soft slap on his thigh, which caused him to groan softly before he turned over, allowing you to adjust a pillow under his hips. He was such a princess, indeed, a fucking pillow princess who didn’t want to do any work today, but you didn’t mind. You’d manhandle him around if he wanted to.
You knelt between Sanji’s spread legs, taking a while to observe him, taking note of the contrast between the delicate clothes and his muscular fame, his plump ass. How could he be so perfect? A soft sigh escaped your lips as you pressed a kiss to his lower back before gently tugging his panties to the side, just enough to expose his hole, while you tugged on one of his butt cheeks.
The cold lube fell against the warm skin, making Sanji gasp and squirm a little in anticipation, glancing over his shoulder to take a look at you, but your focus was somewhere else. Your thumb circled his fluttering entrance, spreading the lube around and earning yourself a quiet sound from Sanji that stretched itself for longer when your thumb pressed past the ring of muscles, spreading the wetness into his hole.
“Mmph, darling,” Sanji whispered as he arched his back a little bit, attempting to push his hips back into your finger, but it wasn’t of much use; your goal wasn’t to please him yet, just to spread the lube. He grabbed one of your pillows to hug, folding it in half to also give his face a good place to rest.
Silence filled the room for a moment, but it was just a matter of seconds before Sanji let out another quiet sound. His hole twitched when your tongue pressed to it, tasting the sweetness of the lube along with Sanji’s taste itself. It took a while, but he finally started relaxing, groaning into the pillow as your tongue lapped at him. Since there weren’t many opportunities in which you could have privacy with anyone on the ship—or even had the time for it—, you took your time licking along his hole, pressing your tongue flat to the fluttering skin without enough strength to actually penetrate him.
Sanji’s whimpers were muffled, but not inaudible, loud enough to reach your ears and make the arousal rise within you. Finally, though, your lips were closed around the flushed entrance and sucking with enough intensity to draw a moan from him.
“Good,” Sanji whispered, though cutting himself off when he felt your tongue finally pushing inside him, lapping at his insides in a very welcome intrusion. He tightened his fingers around the pillow, arching his back as he sought more pleasure, which you seemed very eager to provide him. Not only your tongue, but the way your hands kept a firm grip on his ass and the back of his thigh also had him melting, cock twitching and leaking inside the tight panties.
The consistent rhythm of the shallow thrusts of your tongue was enough to cloud Sanji’s thoughts, making him start getting lost in the pleasure you were able to provide him. He whimpered and hugged the pillow closer to himself when your tongue glided inside him just the right way.
Despite the pleasure that it brought both of you, your jaw started complaining about the straining; a sharp pain started tugging on your muscles until you were forced to pull back, moving your chin from side to side in a small massage while eyeing his glistening hole.
Sanji didn’t have time for complaining before your tongue was replaced by a couple of fingers; he let out a long, dragged moan while his hips squirmed under your touch, and he didn’t seem to mind the replacement. His skin rose in shivers at the same time his walls tightened around your fingers when your lips ran along his ass cheek, kissing and nipping on the soft skin at the same time your fingers worked at a slow pace inside him.
Your cock was painfully hard, dripping between your legs, but your desire to keep satisfying Sanji like that was bigger than the will to indulge in your own needs. Soft moans came from Sanji as he squirmed, arching his back and almost getting off the position if you weren’t holding him in place, though he became more still when your tongue worked along the rim of his hole as your fingers reached deep inside him. His breath hitched, and with the way he squeezed around you, it was obvious he was close.
The moans that came from Sanji were louder and longer until a particular one caught in his throat, and he came, slick walls clenching around your fingers until they were spasming with the afterglow, and he whimpered at how the overstimulation threatened to take over.
You would give him a break first, but your curiosity got the best of you; before Sanji could even catch his breath, you were making him turn over and tugging on the waistband of his panties. The sight was mouthwatering, and your cock ached as it throbbed more. Sanji’s cock was still half hard, messily covered in fresh cum and confined inside those small panties.
“Fuck, I’m down bad for you,” you moaned.
.𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟.
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leviscolwill · 10 months
moonlight, sunrise
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pairing: trent alexander arnold x fem!reader
summary: after trent's first time captaining his boyhood club, you can't help showing him your appreciation [wc: ~700]
contents: tooth rotting fluff, established relationship, captain trent ‼️, food mention, not proofread yet 🏃‍♀️
note: needed to write a little something for my boy <3
now playing: moonlight sunrise by twice (ready to be)
you were absolutely stoked when darwin scored a late goal for your team, winning newcastle 2-1. during all the game, your thoughts went to your boyfriend, who captained his team after van dijk got red carded. you knew how much his boyhood club meant to him and how much he adored it, so being vice captain was a huge honour. after the final whistle, you grabbed your phone to send him a quick text; "congrats on today's win my captain !! can't wait to celebrate with you tonight xx". you knew he wouldn't answer right away so you got up to prepare trent's surprise.
you put on your favourite playlist, and searched for everything you needed to make some pizzas, from the dough to the toppings, you had everything you needed. trent loved your pizzas, you weren't the best cook around but it was the one dish you could never miss.
you tried shaping the dough into little hearts, colouring them with bright red tomato sauce. your addiction to 'good pizza great pizza' helped you create the best pizza with trent's favourite toppings.
while you were finishing the last couple mini pizzas, you felt someone hug you from behind.
"they look so good, you really outdone yourself with these." you heard trent's voice in your ears.
"no ! they were supposed to be a surprise... please pretend you never saw this." you say in a disappointed tone, you must have been too distracted by your music to hear trent coming home.
"alright, alright. can i help you with the last one at least ?"
"of course not, you can't help making your own gift." you refused, but trent wouldn't take no for an answer. he placed the toppings to form a smiley face on the heart pizza. you snapped a quick picture of your masterpiece before putting it in the oven.
your boyfriend set up the table while you lit up some scented candles. these kinds of evenings were your favourites. the evenings when your boyfriend's was just yours, not the media's or the fans'. just trent, just yours.
trent was taken aback when you hugged his back, resting your head on his shoulder.
"you know i'm proud of you, right ? you did great today mister liverpool captain."
"i think you might have mentioned that a couple of times. thank you for believing in me pretty girl." he pressed a kiss on your lips before getting the pizzas out of the oven.
you ate your pizzas in front of a movie trent picked, of course, under the covers you brought to your living room, intently listing to each other's comments as silly as they might have been.
quickly enough, you fell asleep and felt trent's arms carrying you to your shared bedroom.
"where are we going ?" you asked him in a sleepy voice, even though you already knew the answer.
"to bed ratatouille."
"don't compare me to a rat." you huffed in disapproval of his newfound nickname for you.
"you're the rat that makes the best pizzas in the whole world."
you both cuddled up under your covers, and you felt tiredness get the best of you, trent must have felt it as well.
"goodnight, i love you." he said pressing a kiss on your cheek, after turning off the lights.
"i love you too, sleep well my captain."
trent's light strokes on your arm and his slow breathing lulled you to sleep swiftly. these were really your favourite nights, in the company of your favourite boy.
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azulock · 8 months
I love this slut of a man, so have a continuation for my first post in this blog, just in time for the 100 followers milestone!!
summary. now emboldened by how you seemed to be enjoying his habit of sending you nudes, Oliver tries somethin riskier: sending you a video jerking off. what's that between friends, right?
pairing. Oliver Aiku x F!reader
wordcount. 3,3k
warnings. nsfw (minors back off), male masturbation, cumshot, just oliver being an exhibitionist
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over the passing weeks you'd grown used to Oliver's complete shamelessness - and that's just what he wanted. when you never showed any sign of rejection towards his taste for sending you nudes, he just never stopped. and overtime it became like a habit - and he ventured to say he was getting better with a camera.
how often he'd send the pictures to you was anyone's guess. Oliver liked to maintain the surprise factor, but it also depended on how busy his schedule was. tho, you were guaranteed to never go much beyond a week without seeing him in all his glory - and oh, it was all glory.
although you liked to act aloof - something Oliver was used to already - sometimes you'd let it slip that you thought the sight was glorious as well. knowing you liked what you saw only emboldened him, making him feel like he could do more. and fuck, he definitely wanted to do more.
he'd been thinking of sending you something... riskier since this whole thing had started. from the first moment Oliver felt fully comfortable with this game - free to feed his exhibitionist tendencies - he'd wanted to inch towards something dirtier.
Oliver had been wanting for a while now to send you a video of himself jerking off. if you liked the goods in display on the pictures, might as well enjoy seeing them in movement, right? he just hadn't gotten around to it yet. fuck, he'd have to wing it this time around, wouldn't him?
(attachment: 1 image) good morning, guess who left the fucking blinds open again
the notification was the first thing you saw when you picked up your phone in the morning, right after waking up. Oliver started his day early, so this wasn't an uncommon occurrence. and you weren't about to complain, sometimes it was good to start the day with a little self love - and you were thankful when he'd provide the fuel for that.
when you opened the image, your eyes were graced with the vast expanse of a very soft looking bed, Oliver sprawled in the middle of the white sheets. the whole bed was lit by the gentle warm glow of the morning sun, his usual grin was replaced by a lazy smile, half lidded eyes framed by messy black hair looked at the camera from under heavy lashes.
Oliver had one arm thrown over the top of his head, the other laid alongside his torso, a massive hand "casually" scratching at his lower abs - exactly at the start of his trimmed happy trail. he had one leg straight and one bent to the side, covers bunched around his knees, giving you full view of his massive thighs and equally massive cock, laying heavy over the side of his hip.
not a Pulitzer level photo yet, but you had to give it to Oliver, he was getting pretty good with a camera. also, nobody should be allowed to wake up looking this good. the most surprising thing tho, this one message barely ten minutes back - guess even athletes are allowed a Saturday.
you giving the neighbors a show this morning, Oli?
when you noticed it, you had already sent the message. generally, you didn't dignify him with such a fast response - least you allow his ego to grow too big. guess you were just too sleepy to remember that today, or too distracted. the moment you hit send, you went straight back to the picture.
god, it was criminal of him to look like that in the morning, fucking bastard. quickly, you found your eyes tracing down the expanse of Oliver's abs to his cock, where it laid heavy on his hip. shit, even when posed near the massive girth of his thigh, the damn thing still looked impressive - veiny, long and extra thick.
nah, forgot this is the 15th floor, doll? nobody around to see shit
his answer came not even two full minutes after your text, Oliver really had no shame. dragging your eyes away from the picture - much to the dismay of your already clenching pussy - you dignified him with a response. you guessed you didn't have much shame either for entertaining him like this.
good thing, I guess. and you waking up late today, what disaster happened for that? hey, I deserve a break, wanted to sleep in more but as you can see... no luck oh, poor thing, was it the sun that woke you up? or that thing between your legs? cause that morning wood looking downright painful it is a bit bothersome, yeah :'(
immediately following the text, Oliver sent you a photo. if god picked favorites, today he was one, 'cause this timing was sent from the heavens. the moment your message popped in, he was just about to jack off to get rid of the damn morning wood. good thing he'd been too lazy to just straight up do it right after he took that last picture. well, he was gonna take the chance.
you looked at the notification with a smirk. he was feeling bold today, you'd never really gotten two pictures in the same day, let alone within minutes of each other. opening it, there was no surprise - but it didn't mean you didn't enjoy what you saw.
this time Oliver was sat up on the bed, laying against the back rest, plush covers pulled up to his mid thigh. the phone camera looked down at him, that sly smirk back on his face, although there was still some clear sleepiness in his eyes - tho, if anything, looking kinda groggy made him more handsome.
once more, your eyes follow the path from his broad chest, past his abs and down that devious happy trail. he has his large cock held in one strong hand, fist wrapping it snugly, but his fingers not able to fully meet around the thick shaft. you lick your lips, unconsciously clenching your thighs together at the sight. his dick was straining, veins prodding from under the velvety skin, swollen head looking reddish and angry. fuck, you felt ashamed of how much you found yourself wanting to taste it.
poor Oli, is it too sensitive?
you'd taken a couple minutes to answer, and Oliver was already biting his lip in anticipation, fingers flexing around the base of his cock instinctively. but the moment your message pops up on the screen, he relaxes again, fist lazily sliding up his shaft. you were teasing him, that was good, and in his book, it sounded like an invitation. you were playing into the game and all he needed to do now was bridge that gap, then he'd get what he wanted.
yeah, a bit, not gonna lie what you think I should do about it?
oh, yeah, he was definitely feeling bold today. you wondered for a second if you should play into it - the setup was obvious, but Oliver had never been one for much subtlety. you thought for a few moments if you should join into his scheme. you could imagine that devious smirk in his face, the one that was at the same time beautiful and rage inducing.
a part of you considered shooting him off right here, right now, but another hesitated. on one hand, there was allure to taking him down a peg, so his ego doesn't get too big. on the other... well, there was no denying that your body really wanted to see more of him. would it be so bad? maybe, you just wanted to see this through to the end.
hmmm yeah, you earned a break, you've been working so hard for the team, you deserve getting yourself some release put those big hands to good use I guess
hook, line and fucking sinker. you never disappoint, playing right along with him. Oliver should remember to thank his lucky stars, 'cause you were giving him all the leeway he could ask for. now to push the envelope, and deal the deal.
ah, some recognition is nice, thank you. I deserve a little fun tho, maybe I think you could watch~ if you think that'd be enjoyable ;)
there is a pause before you answer, one that feels too long for Oliver as he watches his phone laying on the soft covers. not that it's enough to dampen his spirits though, it just generates anticipation as his fist lazily glides over his thick cock, sending a shudder down his spine. shit, even if you shot him down now he was already too horny, that hard on wasn't going anywhere unless he made it.
when Oliver doesn't answer straight away, you feel weird. on one side, it's good he isn't trying to make a video call, you don't think you'd be on the vibe for that - not yet. on the other, would he really do it? hell, what were you thinking, he obviously would. that bastard fed on showing off, much like a plant in the sun. so you decide it's for the best to leave him be now, dropping your phone on the bed and leaving for the shower.
you spend a good while under the running water - part of the time wondering how the fuck did you get in this situation. when you come back to your bedroom, almost half an hour after sending Oliver that text, you are met with a notification. and while it doesn't shock you at all, it still has you biting your lip in excitement.
(attachment: 1 video)
no text, just the video. throwing yourself in bed you open it, Oliver's voice filling your ears before you can even register the image on the screen. you watch as he adjusts the camera, chuckling and muttering an "oops" when he almost drops the phone.
you watch the image shift and move as he props his arm on one leg and readjust the phone so the camera angle catches from the top of his thighs to his head. dominating the foreground of the image, though, is his massive cock, encircled by a large fist lazily pumping up and down as he blows a kiss to the camera.
cocky bastard, nobody should look good from this weird downwards angle, and yet Oliver does. it's unfair, really. he tightens the grip around his shaft, grunting in the background of the shot when his thumb runs over the sensitive head, and you shudder, clenching your thighs unconsciously in response. shit, his hand was huge, and it still covered just a bit over half of his length. you can't believe your bad luck that you'd lost the timing to get ravaged by that monster of a cock.
Oliver starts off slow and lazy, shifting between tightening his grip around his cock to fist himself and letting his fingers glide over his length, tracing that sensitive vein on the underside of his shaft all the way from the base to the head. his tip is already glistening, precum gathering around it as he works himself without a rush - almost as if he doesn't have the most raging boner.
alongside the immaculate visuals, Oliver gives you the most sinful noises, grunting and groaning low and deep as his fist starts to slowly speed up. his voice sends shivers down your spine, electricity running straight down your pussy. you can hear his heavy breathing, sucking up air through his teeth when his fist squeezes hard around that gorgeous cock, the muscles in his abs tightening in response.
you don't even notice your parted lips until they start to feel dry, too engrossed on the sight of Oliver pumping his massive shaft to pay attention to anything else. you can see the precum leaking greedily from his engorged head now. every time his fingers squeeze near the top, more of the transparent pearly beads leak down from his tip to his thick fingers. the light from the sun catches on his skin, and it glistens from the liquid.
he takes in a sharp breath as his hand speeds up, the pooling precum making his movements easier. the image shakes for a moment before Oliver remembers to readjust his grip on the phone, darkened eyes meeting with the camera as he curses under his breath - his cocky exterior crumbling under the pressure of the building pleasure.
god, just from watching you can almost feel it, almost taste the salty precum on your tongue, sense the heat seeping from his heavy cock. it's like you could touch his tense muscles, tracing the bulging veins that travel down his strong forearms and into his large hands, straining painfully under the skin. fuck, it was unfair how enticing he looked, just downright sinful.
in the quiet of his room, all you could hear was a mix of his heavy breathing and the sound of his legs shuffling around the covers, out of view from the camera. your eyes could catch only a glimpse of his powerful thigh flexing as Oliver palmed the leaking head of his cock, smearing his rough palm with precum before wrapping his hand around his fat length again. he was moving faster now, aided by the copious amounts of liquid smeared around his heavy shaft.
Oliver was groaning as he pumped and tugged at his hard length in long strokes. his eyelids fluttered, hiding those beautiful dual colored irises that always made you swoon - though, you fought hard to never let him know. in the background you could pick the sound of his voice low and strained as he muttered something in Japanese, and although you didn't understand it, you could imagine what it was.
you watched intently as Oliver's chest trembled with a deep and animalistic growl, his hips bucking into his hand. your body shuddered, muscles tensing and reacting on instinct - that's when you noticed your lips were parted again, almost drooling this time. honestly, the view was hypnotic, you weren't even sure how long you had been watching, time had just come to a standstill. not that you minded.
you heard Oliver grunt, loud and needy, and your attention returned to the video. his fist tightened around his veiny cock, moving up and down faster and faster. the angle of the video had changed slightly, his face coming out of view, he was probably too gone to pay close attention to the camera anyway. his hips bucked again, and you could see his dick twitch in his hand at the same time a moan left his lips. he was clearly getting close.
deft fingers gripped his erection thigh, Oliver's large fist moving up and down at a voracious speed, his cock looking heavy and slick in his hand. his breath was ragged, tense panting, punctuated by loud grunts and deep, hoarse whispers in a language completely alien to you. fuck, it looked so hot, your intense gaze following his fist as it pumped faster and harder, working his throbbing shaft with desperation.
with a silent gasp Oliver thrust his hips into his fist hard, the image shaking for a moment before he fell back on the bed. he bucked into his hand again as a loud grunt left his lips, holding still for just a moment as his heavy cock twitched wildly, the first rope of creamy, white cum shooting from his tip.
his chest was rising and falling fast as Oliver pumped himself through his orgasm - it seemed long, even to you, his hips trembling breath coming in low groans. you watched mesmerized as rope after rope of cum spilled from his throbbing cock, shooting upwards before landing thick and sticky on his chest and abs, some of it streaming down his hand. fuck, that was a lot of cum, an obscene amount painting long streams of white all over his torso.
his hand milked his cock to the last drop, a long white string connecting the tip to his hip before Oliver rubbed his thumb over it, smearing his thick cum all over his swollen head. he was still panting, muscles still twitching from the intensity of his orgasm. fuck, this was downright pornographic - you were even breathing hard yourself.
you watched as Oliver's cum stained fingers let go of his cock with a satisfied hum. he stopped to breath for just a moment before adjusting the camera with a chuckle - his cock coming out of view as his face came into frame again. darkened eyes looked at you from under heavy lashes once more, the last thing you saw was Oliver blowing a kiss to the camera before the video shut off. shit, how the fuck do you even respond to that?
woah you were really pent up today, huh?
when Oliver saw your message, he had just come out of the shower, hair still dripping on his face and neck as he chuckled at the words in the screen. if he wasn't already used to your playful aloof behavior, he would have felt his ego slightly attacked. but by now he knew that if you really didn't like the video, you would have said way worse - you could be pretty merciless, he knew as much.
either way, this was the foot in the door, he'd get you to crack at some point. he had patience - and after, you were still in the other side of Europe, so this was the most fun your interactions could bring. with a shake of his head, Oliver slid his thumb over the screen, typing a quick reply to you before he pulled up a photo and sent it to you.
happy to see you enjoy~ and yeah, guess I really needed that (attachment: 1 image)
you opened the photo without even thinking, and your eyes were met with Oliver's face, a large smile lighting his features as he struck a peace sign. it could almost be sweet, were it not for how he was naked, muscular chest and abs stained by the white ropes of his thick seed. you can't help but chuckle at how cheeky the picture was - but he does still look hot.
there you go, teasing him again - not to say he disliked it, tho. but he could tease you too, and by this point he was still too high on his own actions, too emboldened to think too much through his words. well, after all you let him get this far, might as well step a little bit further.
you think? bet you wish you could clear that off of me
oh, he was feeling pretty daring today - a part of you wanted to make a mean joke about him being desperate, but you liked what you saw, and you didn't want to discourage him. besides, it's not like he was wrong, but he didn't need to see you say that, his ego didn't need any more growing.
oh I bet you'd love if I did that, huh? too bad you are still almost 2000km away from me, big guy oh doll, why do you torture me like this? but you are right, it's too bad, if you were here I bet I wouldn't have to use my hands
it was true, if Oliver could have a choice, he'd be giving you a far more hands on experience - but alas, you were on the other side of the continent. he would complain about it, but he wasn't just about to question his luck right now, least he lost it. besides, he was having too much fun for that. he'd take what he could have, and he'd milk it to the very end. but still, a guy could wish for more.
ooooh go betting, fuckboy, maybe some day you could just get this lucky don't tempt me with a good time, one day I might just show up over there ;)
shout out to: @wishiknewwhatiwasdoingwithmylife
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bumblesimagines · 1 month
i made breakfast.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
Love Quinn
i made breakfast.
let me just grab my things and i'll get out of here.
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
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The scent of pancakes drifting through the air filled your nose and reminded your stomach that you'd skipped dinner the night before, a gnawing feeling immediately blossoming in your stomach as your hazy, sleep-riddled mind began envisioning breakfast. Your mouth watered and you sighed, forcing your heavy eyes to open. You must've left a window open-
You blinked and blinked again and blinked one last time for good measure. You stared at the large, wall-length windows that gave a view of a neighborhood straight out of a magazine, a view you certainly never got when you looked out your shabby bedroom window and out onto the bustling, noisy streets of LA. You scrambled up, feeling the soft velvety sheets press against your palms as you took in the bedroom bigger than your apartment. 
"Jesus..." You whispered, running your hand over the covers that definitely were worth more than your rent. Everything about the bed felt cozy. The size of it, the soft mattress your body sunk into, the cool pillows that kept coaxing you into slumber, the warm covers. You'd be half tempted to go back to sleep if it weren't for the worry that replaced the hunger in your stomach. Who owned the bed to begin with? Certainly not any of your friends or exes, unless one of them secretly had a fuckton of money they kept hidden away for unknown reasons. 
The sleepy fog lifted from your brain, clearing away sluggish thoughts and any remaining exhaustion lingering in your body.
With a groan, you lowered the phone from your ear and pressed the bright red button, shaking your head as you made your way back to your friends. "No luck," You sighed, shoving the phone in your back pocket and picking up the dripping beer bottle. A chorus of sighs and quiet mutters followed, your friends exchanging looks and eye rolls. "Delilah's probably standing in front of a board full of pictures and little notes right now with her phone on Do Not Disturb."
"Or," Tessa began with a giggle, half her body leaning into her girlfriend's side. "She's totally getting railed by that cop. What was his name? Devin?"
"David." George corrected her with a snicker, earning a glare from you. He raised his hands in mock surrender, more snickers escaping him. "What? We all know he's been trying to get with her since you two broke up. At least he had the decency to wait, (Y/N)." 
Swallowing down the beer, you shook your head. "I don't want to hear about Delilah or David or her ditching us for whatever reason. She always does this." You sighed, pressing your lips against the rim of the bottle and dropping your eyes onto the bar. A shimmer of disappointment swam with the bitterness, almost morphing into regret before Tessa leaned over, her vanilla-scented perfume invading your nostrils. 
"Well," She purred. "There's a pretty brunette at the end of the bar whose been eyeing you since you walked in here. She's real pretty. I bet a little chat, some drinks here and there, and you'll forget all about Delilah by the end of the night, hm? Why don't you give it a shot?" You turned your head and sure enough, right at the end of the bar sat a vaguely familiar brunette with her eyes locked on you. 
Oh, God, the pretty brunette. You squeezed your eyes shut and wracked your name for a name. Hope? Faith? Verity? Something along those lines, one of those names hippies or real rich people gave their nightmare children. You remembered her eyes, vibrant and an almost grayish blue that sparkled brightly with pure glee under the dim bar lighting. Her hair was brown, dark at the roots but lightened toward the end, her let-down strands framing her face just right. She'd been so eager to talk to you, to even listen. The second you sat beside her on that barstool, her attention never left you for more than a second. Damn. A pretty good score, if you had to be honest.
"Hey, you're awake! Good morning." A sweet voice greeted you, and there she was, standing in the doorway. She smiled widely, the bracelet wrapped around her wrist jingling with each step she took into the room. Even it looked expensive. 
"Morning," You cleared your throat and eyed your neatly folded clothes on the chair by the vanity mirror. Better save your ego then take a sugar-coated blow. "Let me just grab my things and I'll get out of here." You told her, getting up from the far too comfortable bed and making a beeline for your clothes. You grabbed your shirt, and then a hand enveloped yours. 
"It's alright, (Y/N). No worries, I promise." She smiled, her fingers curling around yours. "Please, use the bathroom if you need to. I put a spare toothbrush in there for you. You could take one of the robes and shower if you feel like it. I made breakfast for us. I wasn't sure what you'd like so I made pancakes with scrambled eggs and bacon."
"Oh, uhm..." You could certainly get used to her lifestyle. "That's... kind of you." 
"Of course." She placed her other hand on your shoulder and leaned in, pressing her lips against your cheek. "I don't know if you remember but I'm Love. Love Quinn."
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aussiepineapple1st · 1 year
How Long? (Part 1)
Leon x F!Reader
Summery: You and Leon are being sent international, the reports of a group from another Government Organisation dealing with Umbrella's experiments.
Words: 1,727 Contains: Domestic Leon, Good Husband.
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Your phone rings at 2:34 in the morning, Leon's arm reaching over you as it was on your bedside table. Eyes opening with his scent filling your nose, the ringing beside your head pulling you from your sleep quickly. Answering the phone Leon puts it on loud speaker. "Condor and Owl." Leon answers.
"Leon, (Y/N). So sorry for waking you both. You have been given orders from the President about some information that just came to his attention. The report read of a Bioterrorist Attack on a village in Central-Southern Europe. Your briefing will be held at 7am, Room 9." The all too familiar voice of Hunnigan came through from the other side of the line. 
You rub the sleepy dust from your eyes. "Thanks for giving us a heads up early, Ingrid."
"Anytime." She then ends the call, the phone's screen showing the current time, date and a picture of you and Leon as the lock screen. Leon lays back in the bed, his head hitting the pillow with a "PFF" sound and a groan. At least you guys got to sleep a little longer, and you didn't live too far from the DSOHQ and Offices.
"Europe, huh?" You repeat after a small amount of silence.
"I wonder what it could be this time." Leon leans over you once again to put your phone back in it's place on your bedside table. This time, though, he stays leaning over you. Looking down and pressing a gentle kiss to your lips, you looked so cute laying there with sleepy eyes, hair messed and spread over your pillow.
You were in your Late 30's, Leon in his late 40's. Both of you were getting older and going to each job was starting to get harder and harder. The only way you were both going to get out, was if you died on the job or until you died of old age. And right now the both of you were hoping it would just end soon, the only thing keeping the two of you alive was the thought of leaving the other behind. You smile as he kissed you, wrapping your arms around his neck, kissing him back. He pulls away from the kiss and lays his head on your chest, arm wrapping around you and tucking under your back as he gives a disgruntled sigh.
"We should get some more sleep before having to wake up in a few hours." You suggest, rubbing Leon's back and getting comfortable in your new position. 
"Mmm.." Was all he hums as he was already on his way into the escape of sleep.
You give a smile and exhale a laugh through your nose before it comes to your mind once again.. You have been holding off, not sure what Leon would think about it. Maybe in the morning.. No.. You WILL tell him in the morning during breakfast. He needs to know. You fiddle with the wedding ring on your left hand, your thumb spinning it on your finger. "What's on your mind?" Leon could feel the motion of your fiddling on his back, it was a nervous tick you did when you were thinking about something important.
"I'll tell you in the morning.. Just go back to sleep." You instruct. You could feel his face scrunch up on your chest but he doesn't say another word, trusting you would tell him or he was going to have to pester you if you didn't.
You had finally managed to fall asleep after about 20 minutes, feeling Leon's comforting weight on your own body as he slept. Waking up to your usual Alarm of 6am Both of you lay there for a moment, waking up before Leon rolls off of you and sits up. Rubbing his face and hand through his hair, he stands up and makes his side of the bed before walking downstairs to have the first shower. You watch him until he was out of sight before getting up yourself, pulling the bedsheets up and heading downstairs to start making the two of you breakfast.
Bacon and eggs on toast, seeing as you wanted to tell him what had been plaguing your mind the past couple months. You made him a nice coffee in the expensive coffee/hot chocolate machine he had bought you as a birthday present last year. Done by the time he was out. Hopefully this would soften the blow from the body slam of information you were about to drop on him.
"Bacon and eggs? This must be serious.." He says doing up the buttons on his navy shirt, making his way to the island bench and sitting on the stool his meal was placed in front of. He was a little nervous, the look he gives you was one of concern, uncertainty and fear. You never made breakfast for the two of you, it was usually him. The last time you had made breakfast was when you told him you had declined the offer of Chief Advisor, the DSO needed to fill the position after Simmons was killed in China. That or when it was his birthday or ended up getting home late from a separate job, but those times didn't count. You were both there this morning and both about to head out on a job, so the fact that you had made him breakfast sat sideways in his gut. He also couldn't think of any type of of news you might want to convey to him as nothing other than the usual jobs had been happening in your lives.
"Yes.. I'll have a shower and tell you when I get out." You walk towards the bathroom, showering and getting dressed, you both needed to leave soon. Walking to the kitchen Leon was cleaning up, having finished his breakfast and coffee. You stand at the island bench starting to eat your own breakfast, now cold from waiting until you got out of the shower. You couldn't bare to eat with him if the news backfired, not wanting to ruin his favourite meal.
"Alright.. You're back from the shower." Leon leans his side against the island bench, standing beside you as he dries the frying pan with a tea towel, his ice blue eyes burning a hole in the side of your face.
You sigh and put your fork and knife down, turning to face him, your eyes lock with his. He could see the uncertainty and nervousness in them, his brows furrowing. "I'm pregnant..."
Leon's hands stopped drying, his chest had stopped moving as he unknowingly held his breath, eyes widening. You search his face for any sign, whether it be good or bad, just anything. "Leon, breathe.." You say taking the pan and tea towel from his hands to place them on the bench in case he dropped them. "Leon, say something.. Please?" You almost beg as you take his hands in yours.
He exhales after your reminder to breathe and holds your hands tight, looking down to the rings on your fingers. "I... How long?!"
You were surprised, his tone wasn't angry, in fact it was one of intrigue. "Almost three months now."
"THREE...!" He pulls his hands from yours and laced them in his own hair, his eyes still not leaving you. "So you were when we...?" You nod at his question. "And the last one?!" You nod once again.
"And in the Alaskan Mountains." You add.
Leon turned to the side, leaning his lower back against the bench, his face resting in one of his hands, his other arm across his chest. "Leon? Honey, I need to know what you're thinking.." You plead with him.
"I.. I don't know. I can't let you go on this mission, you've already been pushing your body too much. What if you get hit in the stomach?!" His bottom lids had become wet, though you couldn't tell what emotion had caused it, he was all over the place right now.
"What? I don't think they will allow me to just not go when I'm needed." It was a difficult situation to be in, especially with this line of work.
"I'm sure they can make an exception, you could miscarry." 
"I know, Leon... I have thought about it every single day since I found out." You weren't fighting, but voices were slightly louder than if you would be having a normal conversation. "I thought I should tell you before we go on this job." You say tucking your hands under your arms, neck sinking into your shoulders as you look to the side.
Leon looks to the clock, you had a little bit of time before you had to leave. Turning back to you he wraps his arms around you, he heard you sniff and he tightened his hold. "You still haven't answered me." You say snuggling into his front.
"I'm happy.. I just.. It's difficult to think about this kind of thing."
"I know. But I'm glad you're not upset."
"What?!" Leon grabs your arms and pushes you away from his body, looking you dead in the eyes. "I could never be upset about this. Yes, we're getting older and yes, our job probably isn't the best or safest for a baby. But I could never be angry or upset." His bottom lids now let the tears spill from his eyes.
You reach up to place both hands on either side of his face, your thumbs rubbing away the tears. Tears of happiness. "Thank you.. But I promise to be careful, just like I have been already."
Leon didn't like the sound of it, now knowing you were pregnant meant he was going to have to keep a closer eye on you. He nods and reaches up to take your hands in his, kissing your knuckles. "We should get going.."
You nod in agreement, pulling away from Leon you take a few more mouthfuls of your breakfast and racing to grab your gun holsters and pouches, strapping them around your waist and thighs before attaching the gun holster to the back of your belt. Heading out to Leon's bike you pull on your own leather jacket waiting for him to hop on first before you slide on behind him.
"Read?" Leon looks back to you as he starts the motorbike.
🏷️: @phoenix666stuff @maehemthemisfit @greywardensaywhat @growingupnrealizing
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love-hatred-stuff · 10 months
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genre: angst, bestfriend/soulmate!bucky
warnings: short mention of drinks, (Gabriel from part 1), mentions of physical pain through mental pain
excuse any mistakes
part 1
»You still haven’t talked to her?« Sam could see it in Bucky’s face the second he set foot in to this room.
He shook his head.
In all the years they’ve been friends, Sam did not once see Buck this distressed and miserable.
»She’s not talking to me anymore.« His once strong and hard voice is now hushed and faint.
It’s like he’s replaced. A drunken and lifeless soul captured his body.
»Come on. Don’t be so upset about it, just give her the space she needs and she will come back sooner or later.«
Bucky’s face contorted, knowing you probably wouldn’t.
»I am, Sam! I’m giving her so much space! But it’s been two weeks now and I can’t do it anymore. She’s found herself a new best friend, if not more than that. Gabriel is there for her now. I should find my peace with it, shouldn’t I?« He looks at Sam with tired eyes.
»I’m really sorry, man. I really thought she liked you back«
»I don’t just "like her", I love her. And she doesn’t. That’s inconvenient for me, but I can’t force her, especially when I fucked up like I did.« Bucky’s aware.
Not that you made it hard for him to understand. You didn’t even answer his texts anymore.
You’ve just said goodbye to Gabriel, who brought you home after a night out with him. You two met quite a lot over the last two weeks and you could say that you’ve become really fond of him. He was good company. He’s a gentleman, a happy and charming person, someone who’s good at keeping you entertained and content.
At least for a little while. Because although you thought Gabriel was a good chance at getting over your annoying feelings, that you still had for Bucky, it just didn’t work out the way you had wanted it to. You were still always thinking of your former best friend.
And sure, he hurt you with the things he’d said to you that night, but your heart still bled for a man you wasn’t supposed to love. You thought that that was finally a good reason to get some distance between you two, so you could start over and forget about him for a little bit.
You were tired of being so intimidated by feeling all those butterflies in your stomach when he was near you. Tired of feeling the constant need to feel his hands against you. Tired of wishing you could lay your lips on his and never let go.
So you felt almost relieved when he finally broke your heart. When he finally slipped. Your perfect picture of him was now damaged. You hoped it would drain your undying affection for him.
And it had worked, the slightest bit. Since you didn’t have to communicate with him for a good while, it gave you a fraction of the time you needed to make your heart forget about the power he had over you.
You closed your apartment door and got rid of your coat, walking into the kitchen to get yourself a glass of water. You had a few drinks tonight and you felt really sleepy now that Gabriel wasn’t there anymore to keep you going.
You breathed out and enjoyed the silence for a moment when a knock on your door destroyed your peace.
You frowned and wondered who it might be.
When you arrived at the front and opened up, you had to suppress a surprised gasp as you saw who was disturbing you this time of day.
»Hey- uhh- I wanted to ask if… if you got a minute for me?« His voice was small and you wouldn’t have heard him if not everything would’ve been so utterly still around you. The only thing you heard was the paper wrapped around a flower bouquet that he was holding in his calloused hands.
»What? Why? I- no! I don’t have a minute. I was just going to bed.« You shook your head in disapproval.
You weren’t ready to talk to him yet. You wanted to keep your peace for yourself for a moment longer.
»Y/n… please. I’m sorry. I just miss you and I think I’m going crazy without you. I have these voices in my head and- and they won’t calm! I can’t! Nobody could make it go away, Y/n!« As you studied his face you watched the desperation grew with each passing moment that his eyes begged you to let him inside.
»Fine.« You were upset with him but you still cared for him, so you couldn’t help but let you heart have the control over your actions.
You stepped aside for Bucky to come in. He breathed in the smell of your apartment. He missed it so much. It made his chest feel a little lighter to be near you again.
You followed him. You felt so anxious seeing him again. Feeling his body heat rise made you grow cold.
»Look-« He turned towards you suddenly, looking at you with glossy eyes.
Bucky wanted to touch and feel your skin against him so badly but he didn’t wanna make you uncomfortable. Causing his hands to shake vividly around the flowers he was still holding onto for dear life.
»I wish I could do more than apologize to you. But I’ve ran out of ideas how of to get your attention when you ignore every little thing I do. Which I don’t blame you for! I just- I thought that this was my last option. And I’m not over exaggerating when I say I think I’m going to die or at least live in constant pain if your not gonna give me another chance.« James wished he could do something to turn back time and keep his mouth shut instead of attack your feelings like he did.
»I took my jealousy out on you- And you didn’t deserve that! You deserve so much better! Better than me. If-« He paused, not believing how far his desperation was driving him to say what he was gonna say.
»If you like Gabriel, I will- I will let you two be. I just can’t stay away from you any longer. It gets so hard to breath and every single pore of mine screams at me like I’m about to burst into flames. I don’t want to feel like that anymore. Because if I don’t have you with me I’m alone. I know that you’re not something to loose.«
»Bucky, I don’t know what to say- I don’t know if I can act like nothing happened. It really stung what you said to me. I realize that it wasn’t nice of me to act the way I did when Gabriel was around. But you also could’ve been gentler. But it’s not like I want you to die-«
»For you, I would. I love you.« Bucky had been a ticking time bomb, which had now exploded. He couldn’t keep it in any longer.
»What?« Your shocked expression told him quite a lot.
I received so many wishes for a part two, so here it is! I really hope you all like it and sorry for the little cliffhanger! I suppose that means, more is coming^^
Also; I used some references from the song “compass” from the neighborhood
@jbuckybarnesfan @emerald-writes @ozwriterchick @blackgirlbydna @winterslove1917 @cjand10 @floralwsloki @vicmc624 @kandis-mom @nikkivillar @kjah97 @xjasam4lifex @errinallene
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lil-elle · 2 months
Locked Out
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group: xikers
pair: stranger!minjae x fem!reader
genre: fluff, college au, boy next door (I guess??)
word count: 1.4k
content: no warnings, just like one or two curses ♡ (istg I can't write without them)
a/n: HAPPY MINJAE DAY 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉 (also yes there will be a part 2, it's already pretty much done im just sleepy and wanted to at least post this ON mjs bday)
part 2 is HERE
“You're kidding….” You mumbled as you searched frantically through your bag for your dorm key. You'd pulled almost everything out of your bag at that point and yet there was no key to be seen. Desperately, you yanked on the door handle, hoping by some miracle it wouldn't be locked, but you weren't surprised when the handle didn't budge. You sighed defeatedly as you leaned back against the sturdy door and slid down, mind flashing back to your roommates words: “I won't be back until tomorrow morning, okay?”.
Slowly packing the things you'd pulled from your bag back in it, your mind raced through possible alternatives to sitting sadly outside your dorm all night. “Stay with a friend?” You didn't have many close friends that you'd feel comfortable staying the night with. “Go to a hotel?” Probably the most comfortable solution, but…expensive. “Bust the door down?” You chuckled to yourself as you pictured your weak body barrelling into the door as if you yourself were a battering ram.
A sudden door clicking open perked your attention and you lifted your head to see the door of the room across the hall open, a pretty boy with caramel brown hair and thick framed black glasses peeking down at you.
“Um…you okay…?”
It was only the beginning of the semester and you weren't exactly the type to go around introducing yourself to your neighbours, so this boy was a complete stranger to you. You didn't recognise his face, voice, or know his name. Nothing.
“Uh…” He looked down the hall confusedly and that's when you realised you'd just been silently staring at him, your face going red from embarrassment as you quickly stood.
“S-Sorry! I- um…I'm just…locked out, is all.” You muttered embarrassedly, prepared for him to laugh at you for getting yourself into such a stupid and silly situation.
He stepped out of his apartment, looking at you with a concerned expression, far from the amused expression you were expecting.
“Oh um…Did you…have somewhere else you could go?”
You felt slightly flustered by the care he was showing, something you weren't used to, especially when it came to college boys. You couldn't deny that it made your heart skip.
“Oh I-I don't actually…I was probably going to go to a hotel…I guess.” You chuckled awkwardly as you looked at him, getting a good look at his face and realising how handsome this boy actually was. You saw him look up and down the hall again, unknown thoughts running through his head, before his eyes landed back on you. He swallowed and took a breath in before speaking.
“You could…stay with me if you wanted?”
Your mouth fell open slightly and you just stared at him. You couldn't deny that it probably wasn't a very good idea to accept such an offer from a stranger, especially a man, but you also couldn't deny how genuine he seemed. While you weighed up the pros and cons of his offer, he stood nervously waiting for a response.
“I-I'm sorry, that's probably weird, isn't it?” He stuttered anxiously. “You're not going to stay the night with a stranger…” He scratched the back of his head. “I didn't really think before I spoke…idiot..” That last part came out whispered towards himself and you couldn't help but feel an amused smile pull at your lips.
This boy was different. Not like any of those cocky, confident assholes you now call exes. Or those sleazy, playboy dirtbags you surrounded yourself with in high school. This boy seemed kind yet unsure, like all he really was trying to do was offer some help to someone in an unfortunate situation but he didn't know quite how.
A small giggle escaped your throat despite your desire to hold it down, and he looked at you with a slightly shocked and nervous expression.
“Sure…that's very nice of you…” You smiled at him and he suddenly perked up, a smile crossing his face as well and his cheeks filling with a little pinkness. He was like a kid asking you to buy him a toy and you'd just said yes. It was cute.
“Well, c-come in!” He smiled brightly, stepping aside so you could enter. You swiftly pulled out your phone and texted your roommate about the situation as you made your way into his living room, so she knew just in case he did end up being a creep or a psycho. Slipping your phone back into your pocket, you slid your bag from your back and looked over at the boy now making his way to the kitchen.
“Um so…can I just put my bag down here?”
He nodded with a soft hum of agreement and you placed your backpack on the coffee table.
“You hungry?” He called out and you spun around, seeing him grab out what looked like boxed leftovers from the fridge. It seemed like either him or his roommate was quite the cook.
“Oh! U-um it's okay, you don't have to-”
“All I have to do is heat some of it up, don't worry. You a fan of uhhh…” he spun one of the boxes around in his hands, clearly he isn't the one that made it then.
“...Curry? Wait no…no, yeah, I think it's curry…”
You giggled softly as you walked over to him, placing your hands on the island counter and leaning over slightly to see the food in his hands.
“I'm assuming you're not the one that made this?” You spoke through giggles, turning your eyes to look up into his. He left out a soft amused sigh.
“Yeah…Hunter- my roommate is a big chef. Meanwhile…” he removed the lid of the container and sniffed the contents, “I just eat whatever he makes for me.”
“Makes for you? Wow, lucky!”
He chuckled and placed the container in the microwave to heat up for 2 minutes.
“Well he said he feels bad that he's never around so he makes extra for me as like compensation? I guess?”
You leaned your chin on your hand as he spoke. His voice was soft and something about the way he talked kept your full attention.
“Never around?”
“Oh yeah, he's always doing stuff like going to the gym or dance practice, going to the beach, the park, hiking. Y'know, the outdoors-y type.”
“Bit strange to be outdoors at, what, 8pm at night?”
He chuckled awkwardly and scratched his neck.
“Oh…yeah he's probably just out with some girl tonight.”
“WOAH? A player too?” You said amusedly as he laughed and pulled the curry from the microwave, stirring it around before placing it in front of you with a fork.
“Kinda. Loves outdoors and good with the ladies? Complete opposite to me.”
You gingerly poked at the curry with the fork, stabbing into a piece of chicken and blowing on it lightly.
“You're not good with the ladies? Come on~ I'm here right now, aren't I?” You teased before popping the chicken in your mouth. You knew the flirty undertone that the words you spoke held, but you said it anyway. “Why is that?” You thought as you stared up at the boy's smiling flustered face.
“I-I brought you in out of the kindness of my heart, not because you're a girl.” He explained, a shy smile and a small blush on his face. “I would've done the exact same thing if you were a guy.”
You smirked, swallowing your bite and pointing the fork towards him.
“That's still gentlemanly. Plus…maybe you swing that way.”
He let out a short laugh as you continued eating with a satisfied smile on your face.
“This is really good~” You remarked, too distracted by the food to notice the way he was looking at you, expression soft and admiring.
“...I don't think I caught your name.” He spoke up after a few seconds and you looked up into his eyes.
He smiled and stuck his hand out.
“I'm Minjae.”
You grasped his hand and shook it, feeling a slight electric shock when your hands met. Or maybe that was just the feeling of your heart skipping as he held eye contact with you, his caramel hair falling delicately over his forehead and his glasses sitting low on his surprisingly pretty nose. Either way, you felt something, familiar yet different from anything you'd felt before. You were looking forward to getting to know this boy.
@chocoeon @hyunukitty @ihyeokzu @cake1box @chiiyuuvv @shortnstupid @dogyunslover
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carlsainz · 1 year
𝒅𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕 - 𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒂 𝒇𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒊𝒍𝒍𝒊
summary: you and luca are best friends but are always acting like a married couple. could it mean something more? pairing: luca fantilli x reader requested: yes a/n: here i am shaking as i post this one. i really hope you like it and please remember you can request blurbs!! not proofread warnings: cursing word count: 2,4k lowercase intended.
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“i once believed love would be burning red
but it's golden
like daylight”
daylight, taylor swift.
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lulu 🧚🏻‍♀️
i don’t care if it’s 2am, i’m lonely, come watch a movie
you looked at luca’s text as if you were hallucinating or still dreaming. looking at the clock, you could see it was literally 2am. he’s lost all his senses, you thought.
sitting down and drinking some water from the cup on your nightstand, you finally felt awake enough to understand the world around you. your best friend had sent at least 30 “hey” before sending the last message and you couldn’t believe he woke you up for that.
dude are you crazy?
lulu 🧚🏻‍♀️
it’s 2am and i was SLEEPING
lulu 🧚🏻‍♀️
i don’t care, come watch a movie
where’s adam?
lulu 🧚🏻‍♀️
no idea dude
dont you have practice in the morning?
lulu 🧚🏻‍♀️
day off
i fucking hate you
lulu 🧚🏻‍♀️
no you don’t
it was a picture of him laying down and blowing you a kiss. he was lucky you loved him. you got up and threw on a hoodie over your pajamas, but of course the hoodie was luca’s. silently, you snuck out the apartment you shared with your friends and closed the door behind you.
yawning, you quickly made your way out of the building and got into your car, starting the engine and heading to luca’s. it didn’t take long for you to arrive and soon you were knocking on his door.
“it’s open,” was the muffled sound that came behind the door.
opening the door and closing it behind you, you could see his content smile to see you there.
“hey bubba,” you said, taking off your shoes and laying by his side.
luca immediately snuggled you close, smelling the scent of your hair and humming.
“stop it, you look like a child.”
“i can’t help it, your hair smells so good.”
“whatever,” you uttered. “what are we watching?”
“oh, about this,” luca started and you looked at his face. “i lied, there’s no movie, just cuddles.”
“i’m gonna kill you right here, i can’t believe you made me come here at 2am for cuddles, luca giulio.”
“damn not this again,” he whispered. “i just miss my best friend, that’s not a crime.”
“it wouldn’t be if we haven’t seen each other in a while but we were together the whole afternoon!”
“okay i’m guilty.”
“i don’t know why we’re still friends.”
despite saying that, you got closer to him and intertwined your legs together like you always do. luca kissed your forehead and you started running your fingers through his hair. soon, you drifted off to sleep and only woke up the next morning hearing giggles.
groaning, you snuggled even closer to luca, that immediately and unconsciously brought you closer to him and the giggles were higher.
“look how they look like a couple,” someone said.
more giggles. “at this point they can’t even hide anymore.”
“hide what, you bunch of idiots?” your voice was muffled and sleepy.
“shit, we woke her up,” you could recognize rutger’s voice.
carefully turning around, you saw him, adam and johnny sitting on adam’s bed staring at you and luca. “you’re all very weird.”
“and you and luca are dating.”
“no we’re not.”
“keep lying and we’ll keep pretending to believe.”
“listen here, you little shit-“ you started but stopped as soon as you felt luca’s face on the crook of your neck.
“what’s going on?” he asked, voice hoarse. you felt shivers on your whole body but tried to hide it.
“these idiots were staring at us while we slept.”
luca opened his eyes and made a disgusted noise. “get out of here, all of you.”
“that’s my room too,” adam protested.
“i don’t care,” luca retorted.
“get out,” you said.
johnny giggled and said “the lovey doveys want to spend more time alone.”
“shut your mouth druskinis.”
while they said something, you were completely static at what luca just whispered “it wouldn’t be too bad if we were dating.”
you pretend he didn’t say anything and kept acting normal.
until a week passed and you were once again cuddling with luca. after a huge win, everyone was out celebrating but you and your best friend decided to stay at his dorm to start watching daisy jones and the six.
halfway through the second episode, you couldn’t stop thinking and hit pause on the remote. looking up, you could see luca’s questioning face.
“what happened?”
you sighed, sat down and just spilled the thought that was consuming you. “do you ever think what would be like if we just kissed?”
he just stared at you for a whole minute and you could feel your face burning with shame. “you know what, never mind.”
“no, wait,” he held your chin and grinned. “do you wanna kiss me?”
you rolled your eyes but mumbled “yeah.”
the smile he opened was one of the biggest you’ve seen yet and he just whispered “c’mere.”
you bent down, focusing only on his face and when your noses were touching, you stopped. both of you smiled and you could feel luca’s hand going straight to your hair, while the other caressed your cheek.
he angled your head so your lips could finally touch. the chemistry was absurd from the first second of it, your movements simply fitting together like you’ve been doing that forever. you felt luca’s smile before he deepened the kiss and you adjusted yourself so it could be more comfortable, and that meant on top of your best friend.
you kissed and kissed and it was like time stopped for both of you, it was your moment. it just felt right, like every cliche book you’ve ever read and dreamed about.
when the air felt needed and you had to break the kiss, it was like bursting a bubble. you came back to the real world and realized you were straddling luca, your best friend, and his hands were on your hips.
“wow that was-“ you started laughing.
“i know,” he smiled. “we should do that again some time.”
and so you did. after practices and games, at parties, during study sessions, watching movies. everything was an excuse to make out and you weren’t complaining. of course no one knew about that, it was your little secret, but the boys were already betting, not knowing what was happening, when you two would reveal the relationship. 
after relaxing weeks, you started getting a lot of work to do and could barely see luca and the boys and even attended their games. one day, luca was missing you so bad he decided to go to your apartment just to scroll through his phone while you did your things. 
opening the door with his spare key, he saw daisy, one of your friends and she just waved, already used to him being around. 
“hey where’s y/n/n?” 
“on her bedroom,” daisy replied. “it would be good if you could make her eat something, she's been there since she came back from class in the morning.” 
luca nodded and went to your bedroom. before he opened the door, he could already tell something was wrong. he heard you sniffling and was hit with a wave of worry. 
when you noticed him inside your bedroom, you tried to wipe your tears and force a smile. 
“hi lulu, what are you doing here?” 
“what’s wrong, princess?” he cooed and closed the door behind him, going to sit by your side on the floor.
with that, you started violently crying and luca wrapped his arms around you. all the time he was whispering sweet nothings in your ear, trying to calm you down and he did that until you stopped shaking and crying.
“do you wanna talk about this?” he asked.
you sighed and held him closer. “i- i just have so much work from school, i’m not dealing very well and think i need help.”
“lemme see,” he mumbled, reaching for one of your books and reading its content. “i’m pretty sure steve can help you, your major is the same and he’s almost done.” 
“but i don’t wanna disturb him.”
“i promise you won’t, he loves helping everyone study and he already said you’re like his younger sister.” 
you felt your heart warming. “really?” 
he just hummed against your hair and kissed your head. “feeling better now?” 
“yeah, thanks lulu.” 
he softly laughed and held your head between his hands. “you look so cute with this red nose,” he said, kissing said nose. 
“stop, i must be terrible right now,” you laughed too. 
“nah you look just fine,” he kissed both of your cheeks before giving you a quick kiss. “do you wanna eat something?”
“i’m not hungry but i suppose i should.” 
“yes ma’am,” he responded. “what about you pack all your books and put something on your laptop so we can watch?” 
“even gravity falls?”
“especially gravity falls.”
“you’re the best,” you said.
“i know i am,” he gave you a smug smile and a quick peck before getting up and heading to the kitchen. 
you did as he said and waited on your bed, even though he was taking longer than you had expected. when you were almost napping, he opened the door and laid down with you. 
“where’s my food?” you pouted. 
“what do you think about sushi?”
“the answer is always yes, lulu,” you responded. “but what were you doing that took you so long?”
“i was just doing the dishes, i know it was your day so i wanted to help.” 
“i love you so much, fantilli,” you said before you could think. it wasn’t like you haven’t said that before, it just felt… different this time. 
meanwhile, luca felt his heart beating faster than ever but couldn’t understand why. 
“damn thanks buddy,” he replied and you just pulled his hair playfully. 
you laughed and he unlocked his phone to order your food. it was a great night and he was beside you the whole time, helping you to feel better. he even texted stevie while you weren’t looking to ask for his help, to which he promptly responded he could give you as much help as he could. 
it was on a random afternoon that you realized you had fallen in love with your best friend. you were on your daily run, listening to taylor swift, when you paid attention to daylight’s lyrics. the realization made you suddenly stop in the middle of the sidewalk while you stared at the sunset with shades of golden. 
of course you had dated other boys before, but never really loved them, just heard about this feeling. in the books you’ve read, love was always something that burned, consuming the characters, until they were full of it. but what you felt was really different. 
your love for luca started small, like a seed, and it’s been growing every single day with his actions; he earned it. you realized that love was now a full grown sunflower, golden as the daylight shone through its petals. perhaps taylor wasn’t wrong when she said love was golden like daylight. 
you followed your way home and started getting ready for luca’s game. with his jersey on, you and your friends headed to yost and sat close to the boards. 
during warmups, you saw luca looking around the arena until he saw you. he opened a big smile and skated towards you, playing with a puck. luca grimaced, making you laugh and then threw you the puck. before he skated to where the rest of the boys were, he blew you a kiss and you blushed very hard, sending a kiss back. 
your friends just laughed. “so when’s the marriage?” lucy asked. 
“oh shut up lucy,” you blushed harder and started distracting yourself on the phone. 
it was working until some girls started whispering behind you and you could only hear “yeah, she’s luca’s girlfriend” followed by “shut up, she’s literally in front of us!” 
you smiled and decided to tell him about your feelings after the game. of course they won, with a luca goal, and you went to the tunnel to wait for him while talking to the other girls that were waiting for their boyfriends. it didn’t take long for him to show up and you ran towards him. he lifted you, spinning and you could only giggle. 
when he put you down, you smiled looking at his face and controlled your urge to kiss his pretty lips. 
“i’m so proud of you, lulu.”
“that means a lot to me, princess,” he whispered, pressing a gentle kiss on your forehead. 
you laughed and just said “did you know some girls behind us thought i was your girlfriend?” 
“oh they did? maybe they’re not so wrong.” 
you just looked at him in disbelief and continued “i need to talk to you, do you have a minute?” 
“of course, come,” he guided you to the parking lot. 
it was cold, so he hugged you to keep both of you warm. 
“lu, i realized something this afternoon and i need to share it with you,” you started. “it’s alright if you don’t feel the same, i just thought you should know because it's a good thing, i think.” 
he gave you an encouraging nod. “i’m in love with you, and i’ve probably been for a while now but just realized today. you just light up my life since day one and i couldn’t imagine myself without you-“
luca didn’t leave you to finish, because without seeing it coming, his lips were on yours, the kiss more passionate than ever. he quickly broke it just to confess “i’ve been in love with you since the day we first kissed but just realized like last week and it’s very good to know you feel the same.” 
“yours is the brightest soul i’ve ever seen,” you smiled and he connected your lips again. 
he was pressing you against a car when you started hearing loud cheers and whistles. of course the boys had to transform that into some kind of mess but you didn’t mind, just laughed, hiding your face on luca’s coat. 
you could hear very loud rutger, johnny and adam telling the other boys to pay for the bet. and you couldn’t help but giggle and mutter “idiots” under your breath, but affectionately. 
luca hugged you and put his head on the crook of your neck. “now we need to go to your home to make up for the lost time, huh?”
taglist: @woodruff-edwards @matsmarts
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rainstops · 8 months
pen meets paper, head meets pillow
alhaitham x gn!reader
summary: you overwork yourself, but you really had to get a good grade on this test. clearly alhaitham cared more about your wellbeing than you did yourself.
a/n: based on true events!! minus the fact that i have a boyfriend to take care of me
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It was late, yet you were unsure of how late exactly. not like it mattered to you anyways. all that mattered was that test tomorrow.
being a student, has often left you feeling dumb. especially around most of your friends who immediately understood any topic. your grades were average at best, and you could not let them drop by any chance. sure you were good at a lot of things, that a lot of people were not good at, but why could you just not get better grades? no matter how hard you tried, how much you believed you finally understood the current topic on hand, you were never pleasently surprised.
thats why you were grateful for your boyfriend. even if sometimes, people made you feel stupid, alhaitham has never made you feel that way. quite the oposite - whenever you needed it, he was more than happy to help you and explain anything you needed to know.
he was just in the room right next to yours, but you couldnt ask him for help. it was the middle of the night and he was sleeping.
just a little more you thought.
just another hour or two and then-
"hey why arent you in bed", alhaitham was standing behind you, hair messy and a sleepy yet concerned expression resting on his face. seeing alhaitham worries or concerned, was pretty new to you. sure sometimes he was worried about things, but never did he really let it show.
"i have a test tomorrow", you replied, as if that explained why you were disregarding how tired your brain and your body were. you were neglecting your health, and alhaitham seemed to be more aware of it than you were. "so? you need to sleep [name]. a test isnt nearly as important as your health", alhaitham looked down at what you were writing. papers were spread all over your desk, messy notes, graphs, pictures and at least two books. or maybe three. you couldnt really tell under the mess.
but alhaitham realy grew concerned when he saw your face. your eyes were sleepy as never before, and as equally teary. why you were crying, you didnt even know yourself. maybe it was because you were tired, or maybe because you didnt really understand the topic.
without another word alhaitham started cleaning up your desk, collecting the papers and put them into a neat pile on the side of your desk.
"hey- wait im not done-", alhaitham did in fact not stop. he continued closing the books and collecting all the pencils you had used.
as much as you wanted to protest, as much as you wanted to tell him that you needed to study more, you knew he wouldnt hear it. and surely you were also too tired to actually do anything against it.
"alhaitham i cant fail this test, i need to get at least a C. if i dont-"
"if you dont go to sleep youre not going to get even a C, because your brain wont have enough rest, and youre not going to get a good grade no matter how much you study", alhaitham didnt want to hear what you were going to say. maybe if he wouldnt have cut you off, he wouldve never heard the end of it.
"come on, go to sleep", reluctantly, you got up from your chair, and alhaitham took you by the hand, to lead you to your bedroom.
when he turned to look at you, you were rubbing your sleepy eyes. even when you were tired, you were just so cute, alhaithams heart skipped a beat. and he was so glad he was there - he didnt even dare to think how many times you had put yourself through this while he wasnt there.
you layed down on your soft bed, and under the cold sheets, but alhaithams warm body made up for the weird feeling off the cold against your skin. his arms wrapped around your waist, and he somewhat burried his face in your shoulder.
a few minutes had passed, in comfortable silence and just listening to each others soft breaths and heartbeats.
"[name], please dont overwork yourself like that. its not good for you", you were already asleep when he said that.
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a/n: storytime,, today i collapsed in school because i overworked myself for a test... i fucked up the test anyways...
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