#i like being cute and pretty and handsome all at once but i rarely use handsome for myself
popponn · 1 year
weekend news, at night. [itoshi sae x reader]
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note: while im cooking i will take a break from writing by writing. no warning, use of japanese honorifics, written with post canon in mind but not explicitly said. a fluff, as usual. and am i truly in love with this guy now. writing something with him in mind is a stress reliever. somehow. un beated, not proofreaded.
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“Ah! Sae-san!” you swooned, your hands clapping dramatically as you smiled towards the flat, cold expression Itoshi Sae displayed within the TV.
Across you, another Itoshi Sae—the real one, the living one—watched you with an expression that was somehow even flatter. While you did realize the judgmental stare he was giving to you, who sat across him on the dining table, you chose to promptly ignore him. Sae, who had been watching this display for an hour, decided that it was time to question your brain, “What are you doing?”
“Hmm. Fangirling, I think?” you answered whilst propping your chin on your palms. Never once your eyes left the TV on the living room. “Sae-san’s expression there is really good. I like cool guy who is pretty dry.”
At that very moment, Sae truly wondered if you finally snapped. He had heard about the negative effects of overworking and you did sleep for two hours per day for a week. The fact you pretty much went on a full day hibernation yesterday was a testament to that. But then he remembered how you sometimes gets when teasing him and maybe the slight signs of insanity had always been there.
“I’m here,” Sae eventually decided to say.
“I know, Sae. You are,” you replied. You did not spare a glance towards him as you cheered the moment Oliver Aiku entered the screen, “Ah, Aiku-chan, as handsome as always! Oh, isn’t that Isagi-kun in the background? I miss him!”
Sae really wanted to go to bed all of sudden. He didn’t want to deal with you like this on a rare, empty weekend night.
Therefore, with that in mind, Sae closed his tab and stood up. “I’m going to sleep,” he told you before promptly walking to your shared bedroom.
He could only took a few steps before he was suddenly stopped by, hugging him with a cheeky smile staring directly into him. Sae frowned and your grin grew wider. A thin veil of apology laced your words as you wrapped your hands around his back even tighter, “Sorry. Was it to much for you, Sae-san?”
His eyebrows furrowed at the nickname, “Drop it.”
You laughed, then somehow pulled him towards the bedroom whilst walking backwards like a penguin. The sour expression Sae wore didn’t fade, however he followed you nonetheless without making you letting go of him. “Sorry, sorry. Really, this time. But seeing you being that rude while being so cute really refreshed me!”
Hearing your reasoning, Sae didn’t hold back, “Is your brain really okay?”
“Has anyone who overworked for a whole week ever have an okay brain?” you asked back lightly and somehow bitterly. As the two of you approached the door, Sae pushed the tablet he had been holding in one hand towards you.
“Hold it,” he said. Thankfully, you didn’t try anything funny this time, accepting it with one hand whilst draping the other on his shoulder. Sae rested a palm behind your head and opened the bedroom door.
You let out a coo, almost identical to the one you gave to the screen just a few moments ago, “Aw. Sae wants to cuddle with me?”
Sae didn’t even bother to gave you a reply as he closed the bedroom door, the two of still embracing each other while walking to the bed like a pair of actual goddamn penguins kissing each other.
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nymph-yoongi · 2 months
affection w/namjoon
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Word count: 767
Namjoon is not the most affectionate person, often preferring to just exist in each other’s company
That being said, he does like it when you cling to him; you bring out his soft side
If you’re shorter than him, he’ll rest his chin on the top of your head
Although he’s not very into PDA, he does like to be able to either see you or touch you, happy to even just observe you while you do something 
The way he shows his love for you most often is by making time for you and showing you that you’re a priority to him 
Spare time is very rare and precious, so he makes sure to make time for you, even if it’s not easy
He enjoys taking care of you and feeling like you can depend on him to provide, but it also warms his heart when you do anything to provide for him as well (cooking for him, buying him gifts, etc.)
When he’s working, he tends to fixate on what he’s doing and forget to eat; when you bring him food or water or send him reminders to take care of himself, he feels grateful to have you in his life
He’s not afraid to admit his flaws, but it does bring him a special kind of peace when the two of you just lay in bed and talk about your own flaws with each other; to know he can be imperfect and still be loved is a healing thing to know 
Likes having intellectual discussions with you about philosophy, cosmology, and just anything that lets him see more into the inner workings of your mind 
He loves when you match his energy, whether he’s being goofy and dancing around like a maniac, or if he’s in a more spiritual and thoughtful mood; it makes him feel like you understand him in a way few others do
Likes coming up with places to go with you and events/activities you can experience together
Prefers shared experiences to buying you physical gifts
Has a hard time being very cutesy, he almost always gets shy and covers his face, especially if he does aegyo 
Despite his shyness, he enjoys it when you compliment him; especially if you call him handsome and/or smart
He used to be insecure about his nose, so he still gets a little shy if you kiss him on the nose
Has a tendency to wrap himself around you when you’re sleeping together 
Can’t and won’t stop taking pictures of you
Even though he can’t post them, his gallery on his phone is mostly photos of you, whether you’re at a museum, in nature somewhere, or just looking cute while asleep
He loves doing little photoshoots of you and showing you off to the people that know about you
Since he takes so many photos of you, it makes him happy when you take nice pictures of him too
It makes him happy knowing that you feel the same urge to show him off, that he feels about you
It’s pretty common for you to either be on an adventure together or just staying inside with good books
He leaves you little notations in the books he’s already read because you once said it makes you feel like he’s reading it with you
Takes pictures of the scenery around him whenever you’re apart; plants, pretty rocks, crab, you name it, he’s sent you a picture of it 
“I didn’t want to bother the bugs under this rock but look how pretty it is!”
If he ever has to travel without you, he sends you the prettiest postcards he can find with the cheesiest messages on them 
“It’s raining here today; even the sky is sad you’re not with me”
Draws little Koyas on his letters and postcards to you
If he knows he’ll be gone from you for a long time, he’ll leave letters for you to read when you miss him 
Writes short poems for you when he’s feeling sentimental and will leave them on sticky notes and index cards for you to find
Writes snippets of songs about different mythos of soulmates when he thinks about you 
Tells you about the myth of humans being created; how we were all made with four arms, four legs, and two heads, then cursed to spend our lives wandering in search of our other half 
“Despite the distance, I feel at peace knowing that I’ve found my other half; I don’t feel the need to search for anything anymore. I found what I need”
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Plant monster reader x gravity falls headcanon.
Ford- like I said Ford is more like your father. It’s like those stereotypical tropes (I love them) where it’s a grumpy old guy x teenager without parents. Except reader is grumpy and not a teenager.
When Ford comes back home along with getting you back from Bill. He fights Stanley for A. Losing you and B. For teaching you swears
Before the portal he constantly talks to you, has you try’s new foods and such. You find it annoying but do it because you need to use him for “world domination”
You have multiple pages in the journal about you. Different drawings of you from baby plant to even when you started to eat people in weirdmageddeon. (Ford try’s to forget about that but seeing your size was really impressive and thought you looked pretty/handsome)
Once he gets back he tells you how he found other plants like you. He shows you the drawings he has off them. Before this he thought you were the only one.
He’s sad that he missed out on so much with you even if you don’t really age like anything on Earth.
He feels bad about the whole custody battle with Bill and just being with Bill in the first place.
You tell him what he missed, it’s not accurate at all and between Stan’s telling of the past and yours he doesn’t know what part is the truth and what is lies.
After being mad at Stan he notices yours and his brother’s relationship. He doesn’t mention it but he does in fact love that you two had each other while he wasn’t there.
Stan- fresh out jail uncle
You help him with the journals. You can decode Bill’s, his language is older and you can speak it. Ford’s is similar but off so Stan helps you figure out the difference.
He’s not too sure about trusting you but since reading Ford’s journals the parts where you’re in it he starts to see some redeeming signs
You two talk about Ford, Stan tells you Ford’s past while you tell him stuff you know about Ford. You bond slowly but it happens.
You both bicker a lot, you both don’t say sorry but will do a somewhat nice thing and consider that the sorry
He teaches you swear words, mostly subconsciously. He tells you about marriage and how it’s a scam
You don’t understand human culture a whole ton, like why would you date someone when you can eat them???
Stan and you watch tv, if he falls asleep with the tv on you’ll turn it off and ‘sleep’
When he has to leave, which is rarely but still. You get really lonely, you mostly change color for manipulation but this time it was just how you felt.
When Mabel and Dipper were born he called you and told you about them. You didn’t really care but it just felt nice to not be alone.
Ford didn’t celebrate his birthday a ton, so you hadn’t know Stan’s but when you found out you tried to make something
It was happy birthday written in cursive (and blood) even if it was one of his traumatizing events he cried and said it was dust in his eyes
He still doesn’t know where the blood came from and you two definitely love watching Duchess’s approval together
Soos- he’s like your first cousin
You try to eat him when he young, your excuse was “He’s cute enough to eat.”
He doesn’t really remember you when he started working at the shack.
Once you’re not all world domination, imma eat everything and everyone. You’re very helpful with Soos.
Handing him tools he drops with your vines. Holding him up if the ladder is too short. Holding the ladder so he doesn’t fall. Etc
You two talk a ton, Soos talks about random things, like Anime? No clue what it is and will just comment a few things here and there.
When him and Waddles switch bodies you genuinely don’t know what happening and he(Waddles) screams at you and runs.
You still don’t know what happened and when you asked Soos he just shrugged it off
You and him sing blanchin all the time.
You ask him to move you places or carry you around he does so, he understands not wanting to be left out.
You don’t tell Soos the full story of the past till Ford comes back but you do tell him stories.
You warn Soos about a talking triangle, you also both talk about the mailman being a werewolf.
Dipper- awkward sweaty boy
He stays far away from you. He’s read the journal and he doesn’t care if Ford wrote you in a positive light.
You scare him and you find it hilarious, but if Ford or Stan sees you doing it you get put in timeout (aka no sunlight)
You heard him singing in the shower and you start humming the song the next day. He panics and pretends he doesn’t know it.
You force him to play it on the radio because music is something only a real monster could hate.
Slowly and I mean slowly do you two bond. Mainly Mabel helping out, she’ll ask stories about Ford cause she knows Dipper will listen to them.
He’ll explain some human culture, not a whole ton but bits and pieces.
You both will talk about Bill, (your relationship with bill is rocky) but trash talking? You love doing it.
Once in a while he’ll come downstairs and sit at the couch just nursing a cup of water. You’ll wake up slowly and notice him.
At the start you’ll both ignore each other, then you’ll notice how his body is reacting. You each a vine out, like offering a hand.
You’ll talk about something stupid, basically showing how bad you are with humans. He accept and will tell you he still gets nightmares about Bill possessing him.
It’s not much but you tell him that Ford did too, and Bill’s gone now. The only thing here to harm ya is me. You move over to the couch and turn the tv on.
He falls asleep and that’s when you make ask Ford and Mabel how to handle this stuff without being so truthful as to why.
Mabel- glittery extrovert girl
She loves you, I mean a pretty/handsome plant that can talk? What’s not to love?
You often ask her for favors or advice. You ask her about what love is like, it seems to be an important thing to humans.
For advice it’s really stupid how you ask, you’re embarrassed to ask and she tend to make a scene sometimes.
She makes you sweaters and they say flower puns. Also decorated a whole area for you so you had a place that felt like a room.
She brings you to girls days, or girl sleepovers. You claim to hate it but you like to watch how they interact. Plus you’re awesome at games.
She asks you when your birthday is and you say you don’t have one. She freaks out and ask Grunkle Ford if that’s true.
When she finds out she throws the best party ever. She even makes a separate cake made out of flashlights (for uv) and dirt. (She will not touch blood)
You don’t react at all, Ford was against the idea since he knew Mabel wouldn’t be happy with the results.
You make some weird noise that sounds like crying but isn’t. You then yell about world domination and how you hate humans. (They all know you don’t mean it)
Like I said she asks about stories from you, she made a scrapbook for you, it has drawings from said stories.
Say Gideon didn’t go to jail and comes to the mystery shack, you try eating him. You claim it’s cause you can but you really do it for Mabel.
Bill- ex-dad
You three used to have fun.
Bill taught you about the mindscape, all that jazz.
Bill calls you Twoey and you don’t get it but did like.
Before everything turned to shit you two were close. I like to think it’s evil dad x daughter who thinks she’s evil but actually isn’t
You both pull pranks, find pain hilarious, the typical.
Once you notice how Billford is toxic and not cool. You don’t do anything to stop it but don’t do anything to help it.
Even if you didn’t have much knowledge on relationships you felt that it was wrong.
Bill notices this and manipulate you and tell you it’s normal. Then you’ll come back to being normal
Once they both go crazy and “break up” you try your best with Ford. (You make him sit in the sun)
When Bill takes you back? Just feeds you a ton and lets you be the “heir” to the throne. Not that he’ll die, surely not.
You hate him sure but there’s a part of you that actually had fun with him.
I have full fic for this and another headcanon if you wanna check them out
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iridescentdove · 1 year
Hey hey!! Can I request a Nikolai and fyodor (separate) x reader who’s really into photography and takes a lot of photos of them! Then gets super embarrassed if they catch them?
Nikolai & Fyodor x Photographer! Reader
The serene sound of a camera clicking as you relish in the peaceful autumn breeze. It was quiet, and calm – just as you always liked it. The scene was beautiful.
There was nothing better than you, your beloved, and your precious camera as you took photos under the warm sun.
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For quite a while now, Nikolai has been seeing you with your precious phone or camera all the time. He hasn't seen you without it nowadays.
Well, it sparked his curiosity – but he did know you had a knack for these kind of things now.
And honestly, he really likes your shots! It's always taken beautifully and the photo is clear as day. Most of the time you don't really show him, but special occassions you do.
You took a little photo of a bird eating once!
Nikolai was ecstatic when looking through them. There's a small sparkle in his eyes no one would have ever seen.
The fluffy, rare white birdies that flock around as you fed them. He loves it. Jing Yuan??
One day, you both decided to have a picnic. Just for fun, and to value the precious time you guys had while still free. Lots of snacks and ice cream!
Of course, pictures. You took lots of them. From the birds in the sky to the food you had made yourself.
Although they were beautiful, nothing compares to Nikolai.
The soft, golden glow around his body – the sun making his features similar to that of an angels. Oh! How handsome he is. The genuine, warm smile on his face blooming in joy.
You were at a loss for words. He was just too pretty to be true. All you could do...was raise your camera.
Well, you did try to be sneaky. Try.
Seeing him staring at the vast blue of the sky was a perfect angle in all honesty. But he looked the moment you took it.
And i now present to you, a teasing Nikolai.
He is downright DISRESPECTFUL when it comes to being a teasing, pretty boy of a lad like him. He stares at you with a glint of his green eyes, and you were dead right then since.
"Oh! Does my sweet birdy find me a photograph-worthy sight? Hm~?" He inches closer, face full of mischief.
You're just...flaming red. He's not even flirting man, that's overrated. Dazai crying in the corner
Although he does pester you to show him the glorious photo, you do so either way. And both of you enjoy looking at them all, smiles on your faces.
Since irl he's inspired by a writer, i headcanon he points to each photo and creates a small little story for it <3 cute!
And for the meme worthy photos...
Let's just say both of your stomachs hurt for laughing so much at his jokes. Uses random Gen Z humor he learned
"The bird shat respectfully. The manz was too stunned to speak, poo-poo on his rizz-worthy head."
In other words, it was a successful picnic ;)
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You'd never catch this mf off guard, EVER. It's so rare if you actually do, super incredibly rare.
Once in a blue moon.
But he appreciates it. Your love language is almost just sending him cute photos at this point, whether it be of you both or just him.
He's a hacker. I'd bet he hacks into your camera just to look at the shots himself bitch
Then again, you never fail to make his heart boom-boom. For a special occassion like his birthday or christmas, you'd prepare the gift wholeheartedly.
You'll print out the most prettiest photos of him you could find, and design it with aesthetic stickers and notes <3
It was the fanciest photo-card + letter he's ever seen.
Obviously rat, that's our gn kween (y/n)
And you may think he never appreciates it due to his calm and sadistic demeanor, but this man keeps it in his room and looks at it everyday with an actual genuine smile.
He'll never admit it, only when he probably feels romantic which is uh...let's countdown to 2738282 years /j
When you're just hanging out with him while he works, you just take photos for fun. His office may seem dark but your camera brings justice good phone? couldn't be me
But one particular time, you decided to attempt and be sneaky to take his photo.
The position he was in was perfect, so it was time.
You really thought you had it in the bag too. He just chuckles the moment you put the camera on him, and he turns around as you click.
You wanna strangle his ass <3
But oh hell, he's gonna be sly. Smirking at you all the while seeing your cute face turn completely red.
"милый, you seem to be enjoying yourself. Why not do a photo face-to-face?" He whispers, looking straight into your eyes as you nesrly die in fluster.
He's definitely having his fun teasing you, playing it out and making you look like a simp.
But the moment he stands up, fucking run
You're not making out of it alive the moment he gets his hands on that camera. He's merciless when it comes to teasing his bbg (ew /j)
Then again, at times he'll lie down with you peacefully, looking at the photos in silence.
He'll love every shot taken because it's you.
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oh-katsuki · 1 year
im listening to that fucking charlie puth song “i don’t think that i like her” because there is the INKLING idea of a fic / art there that i literally cannot put into words and it’s gonna make me blow up so here’s my best attempt.... 
tsukishima who is absolutely JADED about dating. not in a like... weird way... but just because he’s always hated it when people get close to him just because they think he’s handsome. hates when people behave that way.. feels like he’s being used. n to make things worse, when he does decide to give it a try... it never works and they always end up breaking things off right when kei starts to catch feelings. 
so when he starts liking you first... it drives him absolutely crazy. i mean... you haven’t even confessed to him (yet)... what’s he doing tying himself up in knots over you?? really... it’s the first time he’s liked someone this way and it makes him antsy... makes his chest hurt... makes him feel like his skin is crawling in a way that he (alarmingly) doesn’t hate. 
but see... he’s got this nasty little complex. kei doesn’t want to be close.. he doesn’t want to feel this way. hates how he gets red in the face.. how he feels like he has to clutch his chest whenever he thinks about something you did that was particularly cute. makes him gasp for air. it’s childish, really. a childish aversion to feelings and dating stemming from his middle and high school years. nothing extreme, but enough to be considered a complex.
yamaguchi, of course, figures out that kei likes you immediately. he knows his friend like the back of his hand, so it doesn’t take long for him to confront kei and wrench the embarrassing admittance from his grimy hands. 
in kei’s defense... it’s pretty hard not to like you. you’re friendly and upbeat, rarely ever gloomy and when you are, you get this earnest expression on your face that makes him want to fix all of your problems for you. you’re genuine, or at least you come across that way. kei and his complex know better. kei’s seen all of the tricks (he thinks). sure, maybe his ego is a little big for the bag it’s in, but kei likes to think he’s got it all figured out, feelings aside. 
“i don’t think i like them anymore,” kei admits one warm spring afternoon in yamaguchi’s dorm. 
the heat in the room that day is almost stifling and even the open window doesn’t help. for some reason, humidity creeps into the air early and kei adjusts the collar of his shirt. 
“oh?” yamaguchi spins in his desk chair. “what makes you say that?” 
“i’m over it,” he lies (unbeknownst to himself). “it’s all the same anyway. they’re just playing with me.” 
“you know,” yamaguchi laughs, “for someone who’s hardly ever had what could be considered a girlfriend, you sure are jaded.” 
kei shrugs his shoulders, avoiding sitting up to keep yamaguchi from seeing the pink covering his cheeks. 
“so what?” 
“so maybe don’t be like that,” yamaguchi rolls his eyes, not that kei can see it, but he knows that he does. 
“like what? practical? proactive?” 
“paranoid,” yamaguchi says. 
“whatever, i’m serious,” kei says, “i don’t like them anymore.” 
“right,” yamaguchi says, “i don’t believe you.” 
“you don’t have to,” kei scoffs, “but it’s true” 
course, kei knows somewhere deep down that he’s lying. of course he is, usually he doesn’t give so much as a word to yamaguchi about these things, let alone announcing to the world that he “doesn’t like you anymore”, but what else can he do? so kei and his complex convince himself that there’s no feelings. 
course that all flies out of the window when you come up to him in the library and kei once again has to resist clutching his chest like he’s having a massive heart attack. he “doesn’t like you anymore”, but you send his world candy-colored anyway. 
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bittermuire · 2 years
Be the first who ever did
unhappily married nessian one-shot, angst, hurt/comfort, nesta is sick
“Okay,” Cassian says, brushing by her, “I’m off. I’ll see you tonight at Helion’s.” He grabs his coat off the rack and swings it around his shoulders. “Don’t be late, alright? Six o’clock.”
Nesta leans against the kitchen counter and nods. She’s never late. She’d be excommunicated by her husband’s friends—not that she’d really mind. He puts his hand on her shoulder and brushes a kiss to her forehead. “Bye,” she says, but his back is turned and he’s pretty much gone.
Without him and his interruptions, his footsteps on the penthouse floor, the place is coldly quiet. Nesta pads to the bathroom and starts to run water for a bath. It’s too cold today to do anything, and her head hurts, anyway. Sometimes Feyre will call and ask her to take care of Nyx, but there’s been no hurried voicemail today, no blinking time on the phone, and she knows the rest of the day will pass in the way of most others: slow, like molasses, tired and dripping, until someone cleans it up in time for the party, the dinner, the gala, the whatever. She puts a hand to her head and fumbles around in the cabinet for painkillers. After she takes a bath she’ll figure out what she’s going to wear tonight.
Out of the bath, she only feels worse. She pins up her hair and ties her robe, then goes to the guest room where she keeps all her clothes. There’s a lot of clothes. Being married to the general of the Night Court gives her a lot of money and a lot of time and a lot of clothes. Numbly she looks through the racks, head spinning.
After three failed attempts at putting an outfit together she shrugs on a pair of pajamas and falls into bed. Just a nap. Then she’ll be fine. It’s a party at Helion’s which means she’ll be flirted with relentlessly. Despite having a mate.
She hugs a pillow to her chest. Despite having a mate she’ll have to smile. All the time for hours. She’ll have to drink. “I thought,” she mumbles, in the morning-hazy room, “they’d have to back off once I got a mate.”
Then she drifts off. Ill at ease in some middle distance.
A horrible screeching noise wakes her up—she jolts up, heart hammering in her chest. It’s just her phone. It buzzes incessantly on the other side of the bed. She grabs around for it and mutters, “Hello?”
“Nesta?” It’s Cassian, against the backdrop of a hundred laughing, glittery voices. “Where are you? It’s six-fifteen.”
She sits up with a hiss. Her whole body hurts. “Oh, shit. Sorry. I’m—”
“You okay?”
“Yeah.” She swallows, her throat thick. “I was taking a nap and I think—I’ll be there in like, thirty minutes. Just need to get cleaned up.”
There’s a long moment of silence, filled in with the clinking of glasses, small greetings, buoyant laughter. Nesta can see it all in her mind’s eye; how she’s going to endure it tonight, she doesn’t know. She skipped the last party, feigning period cramps. She can’t skip this one.
“No,” he says finally. “No, stay there. You don’t sound good.”
She pauses. “You sure?”
“Yeah, of course. Helion can survive a night without seeing you.��
She laughs a little, relieved. “Okay. See you tonight.”
“Love you.”
She pretends not to hear and hangs up. Two words, very rarely three, one of those rare hallmark signs of the absence of the thing it says it is. He says it to her quite a bit, like a punctuation of their daily life. Love you, he says, as he goes out the door. Love you, he says, as he kisses her shoulder. Love you, he says. He just says it. She used to go to therapy to figure out what this horrible blankness in her is. Not even like a black hole, vengeful and destructive, but just nothing. Blank and unwritten and crumpled up.
She has, by all the standards that matter, a perfect life. She has a college degree she’s never had to put to use. She’s married to a wealthy, handsome, talented member of the Inner Circle, who’s also her mate. She has lots of clothes and lots of time. She has a cute little nephew who likes to go to museums as much as she does. She has a perfect life. Sometimes she sits in the searing hot bath and prays it’ll cut through to her blank-empty heart.
Love you.
Something. Something.
She pulls the comforter up to her chin and shuts her eyes, head pounding, head spinning.
She opens her eyes blearily to a warm hand on her forehead, a figure bending over her. “Nesta,” he whispers. Cassian brushes her hair back and drops to a knee by the bed, brushing a kiss to her temple. “You’re burning up.”
She blinks a few times to get the sleep out of her eyes. She feels horrible, much worse than she did before. “What’re you doing here? What about the party?”
“You didn’t sound good. I wanted to check on you.” He frowns, eyes tracking all over her face. “Have you eaten today?”
She shakes her head with a small sigh.
“Okay. I’ll make some soup.”
Dipping in and out of sleep, she barely makes out his retreating figure in the dark room, the sounds he makes in the kitchen, the painful brightness of the lamp he turns on as he comes back in. “Can you sit up?” he asks her quietly, holding a tray. He places it over her lap once she gets settled.
“Thanks,” she says.
If he responds she can’t hear. He hovers awkwardly in the room, eyes darting around. “Want to watch a movie? Or something? Or can I get you a book?”
She blows over the bowl of steaming soup and shakes her head. “No, that’s okay.” It is a little odd to have him around. In the rare instances where she gets sick, it’s a carefully concealed fact, contained to specific hours when Cassian isn’t around. Even her period is something she keeps secret. Not secret, but separate, rather. She doesn’t like to bother him with her vulnerabilities. He seems to share the sentiment. If he ever gets sick, she hasn’t seen it.
But she doesn’t feel good, and the soup is warm. She looks up at him in his dress pants and button-down, suit jacket cast off somewhere, dark hair made a mess by his hands. She pats the bed and smiles a little. “Sit down and tell me about what happened tonight.”
He grins, kicking off his shoes by the door and coming around to the other side of the bed. “Not a whole lot. You wouldn’t have liked it.”
“Really?” She takes another bite.
“Yeah. It was just… loud and busy and—”
“Fun?” She offers, smiling. He looks at her and laughs, a soft sound.
“Kind of. You know Helion. Anything he organizes is a spectacle. But you weren’t there,” he says matter-of-factly, “so there wasn’t much point in staying.”
Nesta blinks. She blows over the spoon.
He doesn’t really say things like that. Sure, there’s the love you, love you, but beyond that there isn’t much love, much affection, in their marriage. The mating bond is an old world mechanism of power and magic, and most power and magic has been collected and put in museums. Just last week Nesta went and saw Ataraxia, the great silver sword. There was once a time when it was wielded in battle, the same time when a mating bond might have been useful—but the bond clicked during her junior year of university, the only battles and woes being long nights and horrid professors.
And what choice did either of them have? To simply move on was unthinkable. Nesta was in the worst state of her life then. And Cassian was older, and rich, and handsome, and had everything. His best friend was married to her sister. They were mates, they were meant to be. He knelt down in front of her with a ring. Maybe it was really love, at some point. Maybe it was real. She had nothing and he had everything, and he had such strong arms she thought could hold her and put her back together. But now—
“I don’t know if this crossing the line,” he says, and clears his throat. He looks straight ahead and leans his head back on the headboard. “But I told Helion to leave you alone.”
Nesta turns and stares at him. He looks at her too, eyes flicking over her face.
“Sorry. I just thought that at the last dinner he was making you uncomfortable.”
“No, that’s okay.” She pulls her hair over her shoulder and tugs at it. She didn’t think he’d noticed. Helion, of course, had monopolized her attention as he always did, and though he seemed harmless he was also exhausting. She’d looked for Cassian across the table and had been surprised to see that he was already looking. “He was. A little.”
“Has he always been like that?” asks Cassian, and she’s surprised by the undercurrent of hardness in his voice.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
She shakes her head, starting to scowl. “Because he’s your—friend. He’s always around. You just want me to say that I don’t like being around him?”
Cassian looks at her like she’s grown two heads. “Yes. Why wouldn’t you?”
He doesn’t get it. He wouldn’t ever get it. She’s always been the problem: Nesta, with her unwashed hair in her dirty, cheap apartment, with her patchy resumé and hopeless future. Who was going to hire her? Then he showed up. A rare chance, misshapen with reality.
She looks away. “Forget it,” she says flatly.
“No, I don’t—”
“I said forget it,” she snaps, and his mouth shuts quickly before his brow furrows in something like frustration or confusion. She swallows and looks away. They were doing well moments before. “Let’s just turn on a movie or something.”
He takes the remote and puts on the first decent thing he finds. Katharine Hepburn stalks through the house with a face twisted up in irritation and Nesta shovels soup into her mouth, only half watching. She’s seen this one. She can’t remember its name.
For how good the soup is, it doesn’t help much once the credits are rolling. Her skin is hot to the touch and her head is thick and pounding. Seeing her discomfort, Cassian moves the tray off her lap and takes it to the kitchen. She burrows under the comforter.
“Can I get you anything?” he asks her quietly, leaning against the doorframe. “Do you just want to go to sleep?”
She shakes her head irritably. “Can’t sleep.”
“I can—” he moves to the dresser where Nesta keeps a stack of her favorite books, and holds up one. None other than The Hobbit. “I can read to you.”
About to rebuke him, she imagines, for a moment, what that would be like. She’s always liked his voice. Low and even and reliable. Closing her eyes, she sighs loudly and says, “Okay.”
“Okay.” She can hear the smile in his voice, and feels the bed dip as he settles on his other side again. “Chapter one. Here we go.”
But before he can begin she jerks up, fixing him with a glare.
His mouth twitches. “What?”
“You just don’t get it,” she says flatly. Propping herself up on her elbow, she studies his face, the smooth lines, the shadow of stubble, the dark incisive eyes. The mouth, quirked, full and familiar in more ways than one. In her more particularly self-loathing moments, she hates his face. Now she just wants to look at it. “You don’t get it at all.”
“Enlighten me,” he says, letting The Hobbit fall shut.
“People like Helion are everywhere.” The words spill out before she can grasp them back. Only a little of something flickers in his eye, but he puts it out quickly, listening and watching. She looks away and tries to explain. “Everywhere. Nice guys. Fun guys. They throw parties and think themselves superior because they go to the gym and dress well. They talk circles around those of us who are less witty, and enjoy themselves.” She scowls. “And when you’re pretty like me, these guys just swarm. And you, Cassian—” his eyes widen slightly— “you and Rhys and Azriel are surrounded by these guys and because I’m married to you, I see them all the time. I have to deal with them. All the time. And I can’t say a thing because I am perpetually on thin ice.”
He frowns. “What?”
“I’m on thin ice.”
“What does that even mean?” he says, exasperated. “That’s not true, Nesta!”
She looks down, a familiar burning working its way around her nose and behind her eyes. Does he really just not remember? She feels like the one girl in a Victorian novel who spooks at invisible things, the one everyone else whispers about behind their hands. The crazy one.
Three years ago, Nesta’s apartment was in boxes. She was wearing her favorite faded blue jeans, her soft gray shirt. She’d just washed her hair. On her left pinky finger was the ring her first boyfriend, Wil from third grade, had given her. She wore it whenever she was nervous, whenever she wanted evidence that someone loved her, had loved her. It was silly but days like those were all about getting to the end of them. Superstitions and expired memories and all.
Nesta had decided to get married. On her left ring finger was a simple square cut diamond, pretty, elegant.
Technically Cassian had made the decision. He’d picked the ring, decided where to kneel, specified the bush for the photographer to hide in. But Nesta had decided.
That horrible day. Cornered in her own apartment. Her little sister and her too-tall husband, Lord of Night, sitting on her couch. Her stringy hair, unwashed dishes, stacks of books, piles of laundry—Nesta, look at yourself. We’re here because we care. You need help.
I don’t need help, she’d seethed. Certainly not from you.
It had ended, inevitably, with cow-eyes and the mentioning of his name. Cassian—
Something about her being selfish. Him being patient. That he wanted to take care of her. That he loved her and was hurting and it was something she could fix. So when they left she called him and that week she had sex with him after a candlelit dinner and months later he knelt down and held up a ring and put it on her finger.
Nesta, I love you.
Her apartment was in boxes and her hands were shaking, had been shaking for hours. She’d placed a certain dependance on his loving her. She was getting married in three days—the dress was hanging up in Elain’s closet—the ring, the goddamn ring, on her finger—a cracked door in the townhouse, two voices, hushed, angry, low—I never asked to be shackled to her—Just marry her, Cassian, for god’s sake—the swerving drive back to her apartment in boxes and her hands shaking, shaking for hours.
It wasn’t as though she was unwilling to fall in love. She thought she might give it a try after the whole business of the honeymoon was over. She thought the routine of domesticity might win her over, the anti-depressants, the quiet.
And it wasn’t as though she hated him. She liked him from the start, to be honest. In the suffocating dining room he was a rare warm glow, a slow-blinking eye, an unasking gentleness. For a year he stood beside her. Put food on her plate. Filled her glass. Listened to her when she spoke, an unwavering attention on what she offered, when she offered it. God, she was only twenty!—she’d known him only a year, something like care, like tenderness, like fondness, like love, beating in her chest when she saw him—when she tripped on the stairs and he caught her and something she’d only read about in textbooks slammed fiercely into her heart. Mates.
That’s where it all ended, she supposed. And that’s where the budding feelings, the motivation to be better, were stubbed out. What’s the point? she used to think. We’re chained to each other. No matter who we are and what we do.
And his feelings, his motions, his attempts to romance her, went stale. She couldn’t purge the thought that he didn’t actually want her. It was only duty. Responsibility. They were mates, no matter who they were or what they did.
I never asked to be shackled to her.
I never asked to be shackled to her.
Nesta married him with a dry throat, with cold and sweaty hands. She honeymooned with him in Adriata, sat on the warm sand and let him kiss her mouth, tangy and tasting of wine. She moved into his penthouse suite. She bought all the clothes she couldn’t before and wore them to dinners and galas and auctions and fundraisers. She became a socialite, just like her sisters, just like her husband. She dealt with their friends. She swallowed all the hurt, all the bitterness, all the anger. She stopped yelling and shrieking and hissing and sneering. The strength to fight went somewhere she couldn’t find. She dealt with it, with being married to him; a tender truce, she knew he felt the same, and that only made it worse.
“It means,” she says, as coldly as she can manage with a wobbling lower lip, “that I’m the rude bitch you had to marry and I have to be reminded of it every day.”
He sighs, brow drawn tight, and looks down.
She clenches her jaw and refuses to cry.
“You’re not a rude bitch,” he tells her quietly, and looks up at her, his eyes piercing. “You’re wonderful. And I didn’t have to marry you, I wanted to.” A tear slips unbidden down her cheek and he wipes it away, his gaze unbearably, burningly soft. “What’s up with you?”
Shaking her head, she sits up and lays her head against the headboard. Her mouth hangs open as she tries to find the words. For so long she’s been angry—at who, she has no idea. She’s never hated him in the truest sense. She’s hated that she can’t hate him. And now he sits here beside her in their bed, her book in his hands, concern all over his face, concern and care; what would it be like to be loved, really loved? To be told the truth?
The truth, dreadful and true:
She starts to cry. Horrible, embarrassing, stuttering sobs. Her chest heaves and her head pounds and her skin burns as she cries, can’t stop crying.
“Nesta,” he says, sounding alarmed, unsure—then his arms are around her and she smells his cologne and it calms her down, somewhat. “It’s okay,” he murmurs. “It’s okay.” He says it over and over. He strokes her hair. She hiccups and chokes on her own spit and sobs and listens to his heart.
As she quiets, he pulls her closer, if possible. He holds her tight to his chest. He rests his chin on the top of her head. She closes her eyes, listens to his heart, and tries to breathe.
“I’m fine,” she says, and sniffles pathetically. Her head spins. “I’m fine.”
He strokes her hair, running his fingers through to the very dead ends. “You’re fine,” he echoes, a rumble in his chest. I know you’re not fine, he seems to say, and she’s grateful that he doesn’t.
They sit there like that for a while, Nesta cocooned in his arms, gathered close. His hand rubs up and down her back. He traces patterns. She keeps her eyes closed but feels him press a kiss to her hair, the lightest brush against her temple. All the while she doesn’t move. If she moves the whole thing will break. They’ll never find their way back again and this will be another one of those expired memories, without physical evidence, no evidence at all.
“Will you talk to me?” he asks finally, a hint of pleading in his voice. He doesn’t let her go or pull away. His breath ruffles her hair. “Will you tell me what’s going on, so I can help?”
She tenses and his arms squeeze slightly. Oddly enough, it doesn’t feel like she’s being trapped, forced to talk, forced to be held—it’s something different and maybe better.
“It’s stupid,” she says hoarsely.
“That’s okay.”
She takes a long, shaky breath. “I just wish that you could—” She breaks off, unable to say it. The truth, dreadful and true.
But he waits. But he holds her and waits and rubs her back, drawing pictures.
“I just wish that you could really love me,” she mutters, like it’s some stupid piece of gossip. He goes deathly still.
Looking into his eyes now, of all times, would be the worst. She keeps herself securely tucked under his chin and prays he won’t move.
“I do. I do love you.” His voice is thick. Insistent.
But she’s past believing him and too much time has passed. She sighs and says, “Don’t lie to me, Cassian, not about this.” His arms tighten at that but before he can say anything, she pushes herself off his chest and winces at the tear stains on his nice white button-down. “I’ve ruined your shirt,” she says. “Sorry.”
“I’m taking a bath,” she says lightly. His hands drop from her arms as she clambers off the bed. “Thanks for the soup.” She doesn’t look at him.
“Nesta,” he calls, but her back is turned and she can’t look back.
Looking at him now would be the worst thing of all.
nessian angst so true!!!!
I really did helion dirty in this but to be fair I feel like he WOULD take liberties with someone like nesta. men like that😒
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rodeoxqueen · 1 year
Greetings once again my queen. The idea of succubus/incubus in dmc has swirled around my mind like rotisserie chimken. Fluff and smut pretty please. They just reside in a human world, mostly chillin, not killing. Occasionaly sapping unsuspecting person for sustenance. Then one day they are get suprise visit from Dmc crew that expects dangerous demon, but its just this cute and sexy person with miscolored skin and teeny horns. Sparks fly and local sex demon soon learns there's more potent mana than the one stolen in backalley from occasional fling - love.
I love this idea so much I had to write something for this. I made this Dante/Reader coded.
Dante/ Sex Demon! Reader
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The DMC crew was expecting a dangerous demon indeed, a succubus/incubus sighting was rare.
You were in your demonic form when they gave chase and you fought like hell.
You were a lesser demon than the Spardas and you were quick to be captured and pinned by a devil sword to the wall by your shirt, also stolen from one of your victims.
In a bout of exhaustion, you returned to your human-ish form.
Demon and all, they just weren't expecting you to be so....cute?
Nero was surprised to hear a demon hiss like a cat like you did, trying to free yourself and near-begging for your life.
It wasn't your fault exactly for catching the attention of the crew, you had accidentally taken out a few humans with your soul-sucking powers.
With your submissive nature, the boys didn't find you as dangerous of a threat as they thought. Just a demon that got lost in the human world and learned to deal with it.
So they did what they always did: taking in another demon.
So there you were, a demon working with the great Sparda family.
You became the bookkeeper for the family business and came with for smaller missions.
Dante was immediately endeared by your tiny horns and engraved skin that was so pretty to look at. No wonder no human could resist you.
Vergil couldn't help but find your heart-shaped pupils and doe-like stare adorable. Like a cat almost, which he had learned to enjoy the company of.
You weren't used to kindness unless it meant the person being nice to you wanted to get in your pants.
So when Dante started just being nice to you and asking you to go to places with you, you were surprised. What did a demon like Dante want with a lowly sex demon like you???
You thrived off the kindness the Sparda boys gave you and you almost entered a moment of celibacy, not wanting to prey on humans anymore for manna. If they hated demons that preyed on humans, you surely wouldn't want to be one of those.
You weren't as powerful as before, but it was worth it to feel a sense of family and belonging.
The boys noticed you started becoming more human-like, with your horns becoming smaller and your engraved skin becoming more of a human tone.
As a sex demon, you tended to attract people just by just being. Sometimes you would wear skimpier clothing, more comfortable showing skin with your sexual nature.
"You're killin' me, baby." Dante would think internally as he would see you in such attire.
You and Dante had been flirty with each other for some time. You couldn't help it, seeing such a handsome demon every day.
It wasn't until your demonic energy finally tapped out and you became weak like a human.
Luckily for you, Dante had approached a rather severe rut when you had began craving for sex again.
The two of you were quick to get your hands on each other.
Dante had been acting strange lately, choosing to hole himself in his room and not coming out for a long time. The demonic energy leaking from him was enticing and you couldn’t help but rub your thighs together thinking just in its presence. 
You were embarrassed, demon tail with a heart-shaped end curling and flicking in the air in curiosity. 
You knocked on Dante’s door with a glass of strawberry lemonade. 
The boys told you Dante was in a rut and your heart skipped a beat. You didn’t see the knowing glance between Nero and Vergil when you ignored their comment about leaving him alone and leaving quickly to his room. 
You and Dante had a sexual tension that Nero could cut with his sword for some time. Dante explained he didn’t want to pressure you into anything since you were used to being used by humans. So for a long time, you fed off his demonic energy in slight amounts, going on dates and spending a lot of time together. It wasn’t anything you were used to, but it was well-welcomed. 
Demonic heats were common and could drive one insane. Your core ached thinking about those heats, where you were desperate to grind against skin and feel your center stretched by a ridged demon cock. You made your peace with other demons for some time, choosing humans to do such actions with. They were definitely lesser than a demon’s company. 
You were hungry again, and not for food. 
 A knock on the door and movement lead to Dante opening the door, shirt off as he usually did, but with a sheen of sweat over his chiseled skin. 
“Hey sugar.” He rasped, face tinged pink slightly at his predicament. A hot sex demon right in front of him, and he’s in a rut that’s never been as bad until now. 
“Hello, Dante. Can I come in?” You ask, giving him the glass, which he gladly drank from. 
“Oh, sure. I guess.” He lets you in. His room is a mess, with clothes strewn about everywhere and cups he forgot to bring into the kitchen. The curtains were closed, no natural light in the room. 
“How is your rut?” Dante blushed slightly. You were always one to ask blunt questions, human social code not of your own. 
“Hardest fucking rut I’ve ever had.” You blinked owlishly at him. Fuck, you were killing Dante. In that sexy fit and your beautiful face. 
Hell sure knew how to make their sex demons. 
“Why is that?” You asked, coming closer to Dante. He almost wanted to back away, your scent making his cock stir. 
He gulped, not used to this forwardness you came into his room with. 
“You know, I can fix that.” You lull, tail swishing behind you. 
“Oh really?” Dante exuded a slight dominance, looking down at you with lust sick eyes. 
“Sex demons are quite partial to other demon’s heats..” You smile. 
Dante remains quiet, a smile reaching his face when you come even closer. 
“Are you sure?” He asks. You nod softly, a sweet smile on your face and he swears he sees your heart-shaped pupils shine for a brief moment. 
“I want you, Dante. Let me scratch this itch of yours.” You two are so close that he can feel your tail coming around from your back to tap against his leg, coaxing him. 
You two kiss and it is electric. 
You’ve never kissed someone and felt the same spark you give to others. But this is different. This is Dante. Your Dante. 
“Come here, you sweet thing.” Dante pulls you close and kisses you, his back against his desk. He puts a hand on your rear, lifting you up to reach his hungry mouth. 
Your tail wraps around his strong thigh and he carries you to bed. 
You’re so excited, being fucked by a demon finally. 
Dante is a smattering of kisses against your neck and chest, both of you stripping away your clothes in a hurry. 
You’re in your underclothes when you see the hardening erection in Dante’s briefs. You palm him in his briefs and he groans. 
He takes off the briefs, hard cock hitting his navel, ruddy and thick. You lick your lips, fangs showing. 
You move around, Dante laying on his back as you give pretty little kisses on the head. 
“You’re such a little tease.” You giggle, letting him hit the back of your throat after some foreplay. You choke and gasp, but continue letting him use your throat for his own pleasure. Tears leak from your eyes as you feel that delicious lack of air. 
He’s the biggest you’ve ever had in your mouth and you drool all over him. You can already feel your strength returning to you just by his pleasure, slipping into your veins like the sweetest drug. 
Dante pulls you off his cock and gives you another kiss, tasting himself on your tongue. 
“Let me fuck you, baby.” You nod and take off the last barrier from feeling Dante’s skin against yours. 
He lays you on your back, fingers teasing your entrance. You’re already so slick and Dante can’t help but try a taste of you. 
You purr at the pleasure, celibacy broken as he continues to feed himself of your essence. 
Your legs wrap around his head and he groans again, raspy voice vibrating against your core. 
Dante is in absolute heaven here in between your legs. 
Your moans are like music to his ears. 
Eventually, Dante comes up for air. He sticks his thumb in your mouth, letting you suck on it. 
“Fuck, baby.” 
He grinds his member against your entrance, tapping his head against your slickness. 
“Is this okay?” 
You nod drunkenly, spirals against your skin deepening in color and your horns turning (f/c). 
Dante pushes in, hissing at your tightness. 
You let out a long moan, panting as you try to take Dante. 
“Oh my god~” 
Dante kisses your forehead, between your horns. 
Hours pass and you’re insatiable, riding Dante as you've gotten used to his length and both of you have lost your human forms much earlier. 
He’s trying the weight of his bed, springs creaking as he’s in his SDT form. You’re covered in spirals, horns spikier than before and claws out. 
You look ethereal to Dante, as he fucks you onto his cock. 
It isn’t until Nero comes back when the two of you are completely sated, laying on his chest and he returns to his human form again. 
You yelp when Nero passes the open door, moving the covers to hide your nudity. 
“Keep that damn door closed, you horn dogs!” Nero shouts as he runs away from Dante’s room. You had completely forgotten to close the door after you. 
Dante chuckles, keeping you closer. 
“This was fun. Thank you for keeping me company during my rut.” 
You kiss him on his cheek. 
Two demons lay in bed, completely at peace with the world and each other. 
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fandom-trash-xl · 1 year
If you're still doing headcanons I have a few ideas, no pressure though! Feel free to ignore: 1: How do you think Zarbon, Dodoria, and the Ginyu force would be as babysitters for Kuriza? I can totally see them all being goofy uncles (especially the ginyus I mean, come on, you can’t say that’s not cute) 2: Hoo boy, I live for angst. (Kind of playing off the Kuriza in danger headcanons) How do you think Frieza would handle him going missing (via being kidnapped or assassins or something) and
Not a problem at all! I'm always up for headcanons.
In terms of the original Z Frieza Force as babysitters, I feel like Kuriza babysitting ends up being one of those out of the blue side assignments that eventually most of the elites have to take on at one point or another. Basically, if Frieza needs to take on something last minute and needs someone to watch Kuriza, usually in the event of Berryblue's unavailability (she'd definitely be elsewhere in the Force fleet during the events of Namek, else she wouldn't make it Super), it falls on one of his most trusted associates to take a temporary non-combatant position for this high honor- he doesn't let just anyone manage his son.
I headcanon Zarbon and Dodoria as babysitters as being similar to Dude Dad's "If Toddlers had Bodyguards" videos. The Ginyus are definitely more of the fun uncles. Guldo could probably get some entertainment going with his time-freezing ability. The gig is often a group effort, all members of the force willing to pitch it. However, Jeice, Burter, Guldo, and Recoome almost never get tasked with a solo job. This is because, out of the whole Ginyu Force, Kuriza imprints the most on Captain Ginyu himself- it's mainly because of the horns; Frieza would be in his First Form during this period. Ginyu doesn't mind at all- in fact, he welcomes the title of honorary uncle.
Kuriza of course picks up a plethora of poses from Uncle Ginyu... somewhat to Frieza's dismay once he starts striking said poses obsessively. It was a long week before that phase died down.
If we have Kuriza around during Namek era, I headcanon that he stayed with King Cold during that arc. Frieza deemed it a bit risky to take him along to Namek; good foresight there.
Now that we've covered the fluff, let's dive into the angst shall we?
Kuriza going missing would definitely send Frieza into an anxious frenzy, often going sleepless until Kuriza is found, deploying search parties and recovery teams to seek him out. Of course, there's great motivation in the teams' search efforts- they'll not only be spared the emperor's wrath but the first to find him will be rewarded handsomely.
At one point, Kuriza briefly wanders off to explore out of boredom during one of Frieza's conquests... not knowing that his brief little roaming would result in a pack of troops being sent to hunt him down. Frieza gets worried sick. What if he had gotten lost? What if he had gotten hurt? Kuriza wishes his hand would be held a bit less when he gets older.
On an unfamiliar planet, where his dominion has yet to be established, Frieza is given justifiable reason to worry, as Kuriza being the heir practically paints a target on his head. Kidnapping for a ransom can be a risky move, as it's rare that Frieza will pay up... instead the kidnapper may pay him in their own blood. Plus, Kuriza has powerful ki attacks on his side, a pretty effective "stranger danger" whistle.
Assassins are a whole different matter; even an attempt is an act of high treason. I've actually used this concept in some older one-shots. Assassins are dealt with swiftly and often very bloodily, and since most conspirators stem from within a planet's government as a coup, the punishment is often more widely spread across the lands.
In the very dark event of the assassins proving successful, Frieza enters a state of utmost fury, rational thought switching off, and the coup planet is destroyed without a second thought, no matter what value was left on its surface... his mentality is overwhelmed by his emotional half; why should he care about what valuable resources this planet of traitors has to offer when they've taken his most valuable resource from him? After the initial heat, there is a depression soon to follow. Negligent parties are reprimanded accordingly yet he feels there's a pang of blame to be put on himself.
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destinyc1020 · 1 month
I wonder if the Justin/Blake drama also has something to do with how they are marketing the film. In all of his interviews he is talking about domestic violence and how this movie should shine a light on that. But in all of her interviews she is basically ignoring that and basically promoting it as a romcom.
I mean it is doing big bucks at the box office. Maybe if she had talked about the darker parts of the film not as many people would have gone to see it. Many teens are going to see it now and being blindsided by the topic. Perhaps that was their strategy, because no one ever expects to be part of a domestic violence situation.
Or they just wanted to put butts in seats so that they could make the sequel from book 2 (they have mentioned it a few times, so it was definitely planned).
Yea, you know what Anon, I think they probably just wanted to put butts in seats tbh. 🥴
But I will say that the way the film is shot is very ingenious, because it doesn't just paint her boyfriend/husband Ryle as a monster 24/7. It's very rare that people are like that anyway. It shows the reality, that people who are abusive can actually be quite handsome, well-liked in society, have some good qualities, be charming, even kind.... Like, obviously, if the guy was awful all the time, you wouldn't have fallen in love with him or been with him in the first place! Right?
So I just loved how they showed that very subtle nuance, because a lot of people wonder how someone can get into an abusive relationship, but that's exactly how! They're not a monster 24/7.
There were other things that made me appreciate the way the film was shot, but I don't say too much more because I don't want to spoil anything for anyone.
But if that was Justin's first directed film, then he needs to do MORE, because that was so well done.... especially for an amateur. 👏🏾😊
If you see the trailer, it's pretty obvious (to me at least) that Lily is a battered woman. I'm not sure why some teens thought it would be a happy go lucky story lol 😆 You can just tell from the trailer what the film might be about. Although, I will say that the film was MUCH deeper than I expected it to be!
I also liked how it was sort of a rom-com, but not quite? 😅 I can't really explain it!
I also loved the fact that it had some joyous and cute moments as well. That's what made it confusing. Even we as the audience are thinking..."Sooo.... are we supposed to like this guy? Or, not?" Lol 😅 It was hard for us as the audience to not like him. That's how charming and nice-looking he was lol. Even when you know what's going to happen. Very well shot. 👍🏾
But it's really hard because in the end, I really just wanted them to be able to work things out, but.... sometimes, you just can't afford to do that with someone who's been abusive to you. So, you just have to leave!
I always say that if a man hits you once, he will hit you again. 😔 It's better to leave after the first hit tbh.
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gato3pero · 10 months
i’ve been a tumblr user since 2015, middle school, and yet i have, not once, attempted to post. so here i am now, 2023, almost out of highschool, finally picking up this goddamn cursed app out of the trenches. the trenches of apps that were EXTREMELY close to being offloaded for storage saving… thats how much i used it
and now, motivated by my partner (unknowingly) to give a single shit abt this app, here i am making an introduction post.
so first off, im robbie, zara, whatever. two names because im genderfluid and have fought and been annoyed of the name i had been given at birth, only to start accepting it again when i had finally been accepted with my chosen name. i make my own problems. hence, i use both, i don’t care anymore.
i go by any pronouns, i used to have a preference but i realized…
1. theres too many people in this world that aren’t going to care about what i want, and im tired of pushing that, not that its not awesome TO push that agenda, but personally its not something i have the energy for. 2. i literally feel comfortable with one pronoun one day, and then i don’t the next, so why even bother. and im not going to bother with making people ask what im comfortable with that day, because chances are, i don’t know myself.
another awesome thing, im gay! lesbian. i fancy all types of women and don’t plan on stopping. particularly adore handsome women, or handsome people in general, that can also be cute and pretty. (is it obvious enough my lesbianism is fluid? ofc no men, but ykw i mean.)
and most importantly, INTERESTS.
i have so many that im not sure i can name every single one to count, but i’ll make a list anyway
-splatoon, mario, legend of zelda, animal crossing, pokemon, anything studio ghibli, sailor moon, vocaloid, utaloid, demonslayer, fate series, black butler, soul eater, anohana, orange, bloom into you, five nights at freddys, DUNE, sanrio, genshin impact, cookierun kingdom, identityv, hermitcraft, grian, mumbojumbo, goodtimeswithscar, minecraft, cavestory, momodora, garfield, poetry, anime(not like that), nintendo, gaming, reading, art, painting, biology, science, marine biology, cephalopods, sharks, sea bunnies, princess jellyfish, monster high, the magnus archives, markiplier, gab smolders, roblox, the backrooms….and the list goes on!
basically, anything i repost, im interested in, and its cool if you are too, so if you bother to read this, and see i like anything that you like, i’d appreciate it if you gave me a follow, though there might not be much i post…
particularly, i would post art, fanart, or random thoughts, on the rare occasion that i do.
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fff777 · 11 months
Watched Mark and Jisung's Mix and Max Recording (omg it's 48 minutes?)
In typical Dream style, they had a very cuddly thumbnail
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The way they zoomed in Jisung's veiny arms
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Using various Dream songs for the background music did get me hype
Aw so Jisung asked Mark to do this with him
LMAO Mark being like "is this name going to be in the title of the Youtube video? if not, then let's go with INFJazz" XD
That's so apt, that Jisung the dreamer would come up with the inspiration for this performance.
AI covers are kind of freaky though. I haven't heard to any covers of songs, but I have heard people putting together AI clips to make it sound like someone is saying something and...yeah that is a little creepy that we can just fabricate stuff like that.
Jisung's just explaining his AI concept and Mark's just pointing his camcorder at Jisung thinking about how cute he looks being passionate about his idea.
Mark took a lot of words to explain his concept ^^;; He does have that habit in English too where he doesn't really get to the point ^^;;
The idea that if you can't live as a human, then you might as well end it...yeah that's the romantic in the two of them talking eh.
The photos they took of each other with their scribbles on it are so cute :3
Oh man, spending 4 hours to do the robot makeup. It looks really pretty though.
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After eight years, they're finally getting quality mathyung-and-maknae one-on-one time :3 Of course Jisung would find it awkward but Jisung gets cringed out easily and Mark is always So Much lol.
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Why did Mark make Jisung choose between Renjun and Jeno ToT What is he trying to accomplish?
Mark is so offended by Jisung's questions XD I'm guessing Mark wants deeper questions lol.
Jisung likes standing and pacing XD
Mark teasing Jisung is so cute though!!! (Saying that Jisung should try to sit down while thinking of (better) questions) Mark is usually the one being teased and he rarely teases other people, but Jisung won't do anything when he gets teased :3 It's all very cute.
Baby Dream pics!
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Dream are a second family so Jisung trusts Mark as much as his own family ToT
Mark: Do you want to practise once more or end it? Jisung: Let's practise once more. Mark: ...Ok Mark was expecting Jisung to end it so they could just go home lol, plan backfired.
Aw Mark filming the dance crew :3
LOL Baby Mark dancing in church wat
Jisung and Mark were revealed as SM Rookies at the same time. It's always a bit stark remembering that Jisung basically did things at the same pace as the rest of Baby Shinki, except he was 2-3 years younger than them, and it really puts into perspective how YOUNG he started.
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Jisung mentioned this before, that he was so shy when he was a kid and that's why he was encouraged to try dancing.
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Jisung started popping when he was EIGHT that's like grade 1-2 in Western school standards. To stick to that for that many years is huge.
YES! I would love to see Jisung perform Make a Wish.
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Yess I love that we've been seeing Mark and Jisung dance challenges :3
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LMAO Ending pose is just falling asleep
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I'm thinking how this video would be so good for the Marksung fans haha. We're getting everything, we're seeing them practising, we're seeing them do interview-type stuff, we're seeing them answer fun questions, we're seeing them talk about each other.
LOL Jisung is Mark 2 years ago aw.
Jisung trusts Mark as an authority figure and I think that fits. I feel like Jisung is the type to trust authority.
It's interesting that Jisung is more expressive in practice. In the actual Mix and Max video, it struck me how Jisung maintained an expressionless face to keep with the AI robot persona.
So cute :3
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1 spoon of misery and 1.5 spoons of handsomeness for the dystopia makeup lol
Jisung does look like a woodcutter not gonna lie
Oh the dancers' eyewear is cool
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I'm finding Jisung's often the one to say that he didn't feel satisfied with how things turned out. A self-critical perfectionist, I guess ^^;; I think Mark is kind of a perfectionist too. We see it a lot in the behind the scenes videos for music recording. He's always asking to re-record or to try doing things in another way for a better outcome.
Jisung's shy so they often add these flowers onto his blushy cheeks :3
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I think Mark enjoys trying to make other people laugh :3 Which is why he gets teased for his lame jokes, but it seems the dancers here appreciate when he tries to crack jokes and make the mood lighter and happier.
Mark and Jisung discussing how they always think they can do better. I was right - two perfectionists!
...Playing with hands and fingers...
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Tutting...sort of?
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I thought they were going to do the cheesy thing where you jump and land in another spot (or in this case, land as AIs lol).
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I agree with Jisung, it must be pretty rad dancing a concept with such fitting makeup & costume.
Lmao Mark loves it when Jisung doesn't follow instruction. To be real I think it's more like Mark appreciates that Jisung has a reason for not following instruction, and Mark encourages Jisung to have his own creative control.
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Oh man so Jisung was trying really hard to not look tired, RESPECK
I DO hope we get to see more Marksung projects :3 :3 This was so much fun. Like I said, this is great for Marksung because we got to see just how they work together, and how their relationship has grown a bit even though they've known each other for a while <3
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martianbugsbunny · 2 years
OUAT Thoughts Pt.52--Episodes 17-18
I have watched through S5E18; spoilers DNI. Also, spoiler warning for anyone further behind than I am.
—Belle basically told Rumple he wasn’t worth saving. What the heck, lady. And I’m pretty sure if my husband was about to be shot and killed, I wouldn’t hesitate to knock his attempted murderer to his death. Yeah, Belle sent Gaston into the River of Souls. Big whoop, he fricking sucks. And Belle knows how nasty he is! How could she possibly act like letting him kill Rumple was a better option?
—And exqueEEeze me, but this is not like when Snow or Emma acquired some darkness. Belle fell in love with the Dark One, for gosh sakes, she’s the princess most likely to do some dubious things!
—And it’s now confirmed that she doesn’t love Rumple. If she did, she wouldn’t need her father to break the sleeping curse. It’s obvious that Rumple loves her.
—Mulan was watching Dorothy and Red with the world’s most knowing look on her face and I am all here for it. But what about Mulan? She needs to get her happy ending! —Now that I’ve complained….Wolfie and Kansas, sitting in a tree! K-I-S-S-I-N-G!
—I will not get over them together. They have everything: falling in love ridiculously fast; a meet-cute involving the dog; similarly tragic backstories; adorable nicknames—it’s everything I want! And you know, Toto’s gonna love having a bigger dog in his life. Red is the the best possible second dog mom for him.
—It’s cool that Dorothy taught Toto to bark at witches. Very smart.
—I adore David for sending Snow back to Storybrooke. That’s some quality husbanding right there. But all of their promises to be reunited eventually? That means for sure at least one of them dies. And since they share a heart, they’ll probably both die. Leaving Emma (and Hook?) to raise Neal. So sad.
—I also adore Hook for helping David with that. I like that Hook and David are getting along better now. Their personalities don’t put them at natural opposition to each other, so now that David is used to Hook and Emma being together, them being friendly is the right move.
—Hades is an exceedingly strange man. Every now and then he makes a comment that catches me off guard and makes me laugh. His sense of humor is peculiar, and kinda shady, but I like it. Which annoys me to no end.
—He’s not particularly handsome imo, but he is attractive. He’s completely riveting. Regardless of whether or not he’s being an ass to my faves (which he is), I can’t deny that he has presence.
—Still hate Zelena. I will not stop hating her. I will not feel sorry for her ever. And I’m still disgruntled about her and Hades being together. They have little to no chemistry.
—They shouldn’t have put Hades in the same room as Gaston. Once again, the hextreme vibes appeared. How can they expect me to believe him with Zelena when he’s *meh* with her and acts the way he does around all these dudes? (The count, by now, is three. Three men he’s had way more chemistry with than Zelena. And I do predict more such occurrences in the future.)
—MMMkay, I hate Gaston, big surprise, but he was right about one thing. The way to a bookworm’s heart is to tell them that ‘because it’s your favorite book, Imma read every word.’ That is just peak.
—I’m so tired of hearing guys saying how they’ve been looking for a woman of substance. It implies that a woman who is not shallow is a rare find, which I think is quite insulting. Also, not to go too deep, but we all know what kind of girls Gaston-types are thinking of when they say shallow, and I love those girls. Pink and makeup and girly-girl things? Bring em on, honey! If I had a girlfriend like that, whether or not she was the type of girl who wanted to have existential conversations (which is fr not for everybody, regardless of gender), I would adore her and love her so much she wouldn’t know what to do with me. And tbh, Gaston is more vain than he believes those girls to be, so….But, it’s very much in character for him to say something piggish like that, so I can live with it. Context is everything, friends.
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lazaruscorpse · 2 years
i think i've only gotten cuter as i've gotten older, and a lot of that is tied to being happier and to knowing who i am
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just-a-creep-babe · 2 years
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Ohmygod I swear I *tried* to make it cute but it. It Did Not turn Out that Way. Uhhh hopefully it’s still kinda cute though, like in a bit of a fucked up angsty kinda way? 🌸🥺👉👈
Requests are closed but commissions are open!
Masterlist: x
He gets back from work, and he’s exhausted
It’s no surprise, really
It never is
He’s covered in wounds and bruises; dried blood staining his ripped clothes and drenched bandages wrapped around his broken skin
He collapses on the couch and closes his eyes
You should let him rest
You know you should
But he’s always gone, and you’re always missing him
You know you’re being selfish when you get on top of him, straddling him
You don’t think you care, not really, anyways
He opens one eye to look at you, and the corners of his mouth tilt into a grin
“Hey gorgeous,” he murmurs, the exhaustion clear in his voice
“Hey handsome,” you answer
You let your hands wander up and down his chest, being extra careful not to press down too hard on any of the bloodier spots
Whether it’s his blood or not, you aren’t sure
You suppose it doesn’t matter, either way
He makes a noise at the back of his throat, something like a pleasant hum, and closes his eyes once again
There’s a quiet in the air as you touch him; a soft, gentle stillness in the cabin room
It’s a rare moment
You don’t want it to end
You lean in to press a kiss to his jaw
He hums again, almost like a content sigh, and tilts his head up so that you can reach his neck
You trail your lips down to his throat
His Adam’s apple bobs as he swallows thickly when you start sucking on his skin
You use your teeth, scraping them against his flesh, and maybe you’re a bit rougher than you should be
Maybe you’re frustrated that he’s always gone, that you’re always missing him, and maybe this is your way of getting back at him
It’s not his fault, you know that all too well
But you also know that he doesn’t mind it, doesn’t mind the pain—not even when you draw blood
He’s used to it
He likes it
You shift your weight above him, and feel his growing erecting twitch against your thigh
Your bites grow rougher, faster—more needy
You mark him up until he’s panting and hissing his breath in through gritted teeth
The jealousy and anger turns his skin red, coaxes possessive blue and purple flowers to bloom along his flesh
Jealousy reaped from his work always stealing his attention, anger sewn in from his refusal to choose you over everything
You move back up once you’re satiated, hungry eyes admiring the mess you’ve left behind
His gaze mirrors your desire
You tug up the hem of his hoodie, exposing his bruised stomach all the way up to his wounded chest
And in return, he slides his hands up your shirt to cup your tits, his thumbs teasing at your nipples, pinching and squeezing and rubbing
Your touch moves back down his torso, at the bulge in his pants
It doesn’t take long for you to free his cock from his jeans, nor does it take long for you to strip your pants and underwear
Your legs straddle his hips, positioning the head of his thick member twitching eagerly at your entrance
And then, all too slowly to savor it, you sink down onto his full length
He feels so, so good
The pleasure hazes your mind, lighting your skin on fire, and you swear it‘s better than ecstasy
His groan spurs you on, as does the lovesick look in his deep brown eyes, and the way his hands come to rest on your thighs—firm but gentle
You grind down onto him, and he reaches so deep, his cock deliciously hard and pulsing against your sensitive spots that you can’t help the way you sigh his name
“Fuck,” he cusses under his breath, his voice low and tired and gravelly
And you suddenly remember why you don’t leave him—why you can’t leave—even when you don’t see him for days at a time
You rock your hips against his, and his mouth parts, another groan escaping, as his eyes briefly squeeze shut before fluttering open again to admire you
You lean, kissing his pretty lips, and when you clench around his length, he sighs into the kiss
His reaction has your body moving on its own accord
You bounce onto him, driving your hips down faster and harder to feel more of him
His grasp tightens on your skin, squeezing flesh, but he makes no attempt to control the way you’re moving
He lets you ride him, use him at your own pace, his body means to an end for your enjoyment
Maybe it’s his way of making it up to you
His way of apologizing
You don’t know
You don’t care
He feels too good for you to worry about it anyways
He bites his lip, teeth digging into flesh, as his dark eyes trace up your body
You love the way he looks at you
Love the way he worships your form
His thumb reaches up to press snugly between your folds, right against your clit
And the way you clench in response has his hips bucking to meet you halfway for every thrust
You lose yourself to the feeling
Your thoughts scatter, unable to think, unable to focus on anything else but him and how good he feels
He rubs circles into your pearl, and when your movements stutter, he only speeds up
Your legs shake around him, your moans and pants mixing with his as you desperately whimper his name
When your orgasm crashes into you, it’s pure bliss
You ride out the high, every nerve ending in your body on fire, and he murmurs something about how beautiful you look when you cum around his cock
His hands reach up to grab your tits, flicking at your nipples
And when you cry out his name again, he cusses, cock twitching, and he pushes his hips as close to yours as he can so he can cum deep inside you
You feel it—warm and thick and oh so filling, and it’s almost enough to make you cum again
But instead, you slow your movement down, until you’re just grinding against his still-pulsing cock
His touch travels up and down your body, slowly, softly, memorizing every curve, every dip and bump of your skin
You don’t know how long he’ll stick around before leaving for his next job
So when you lean down to press your lips against his, you try to make it last as long as you possibly can
It’s not enough
It never is
But you know you’ll just have to accept it one way or another
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lollytea · 2 years
Never thought about it that deeply when looking at Hunter grom outfit art but that s so sweet and heartwarming<33
Boi rarely takes off the mask and when he does it s around ppl who at least to some degree dislike him (beside belos/raine/steve who i doubt compliment his looks) always tired and in armour.
Looks at himself in pretty clothes and oh! He s pretty handsome he concludes.
Once he joins Emerald trio/entrails he s positively confused by how everyone compliments each other efortlessly
In human realm they go out picking outfits and is flooded with "oh this colour suits you" "you look so good in this" etc he Doesn t rlly know how to respond but tries to compliment his friends back (althought very awkwardly)
It makes me insane to think about cuz its too cute!!!
I always imagined that Hunter never exactly saw himself as ugly per say, and was never reluctant to remove his mask if necessary, but his opinion towards his appearance hasnt been the best either. He's just been stuck with this face for his whole life that he can't even critically assess it. Who knows if he's ugly or not? Certainly not Hunter. He's been looking at this face for too long to properly tell. He's indifferent at best and sick of it at worst. His face is dull, boring, underwhelming. So the privilege of hiding it around people he doesn't know really boosts his confidence. When he's wearing a mask, he can be anyone he wants.
I know the grom art isn't canon but it's so sweet to think about him really seeing how nice he can look all dressed up and being blown away by the final result. Like hey?? Hey?? He's actually not bad looking. Which he feels a little hesitant to even think cuz its not something he's used to feeling. But...he's kinda handsome. Maybe? He's really not a great judge of what good looks even are but being in a nice suit (something he's never worn before.) really rearranges his perception of his appearance as a whole, as though he's looking at someone new. Has he always looked like this? Would it be immature to hope that he has?
Hunter assumed he never cared about his looks much. So why are his feelings about his own reflection so BIG all of a sudden? He just....isn't used to this. Its nice. Handsome. He might go as far to describe what he's looking at as handsome. The idea fills him with an unfamiliar kind of giddiness. Handsome.
Luz would come bursting in, all done up for grom to see the number King has done on Hunter. And as soon as she's in the door, Hunter struggles not to shrink in on himself. He feels weird all of a sudden. Put under a spotlight. Someone is looking at this strange new version of himself and he feels silly for thinking too highly of it. Maybe he is just seeing things and he's just a dull boy in a passable outfit. His gaze tears away from the mirror cuz it would be mortifying to be caught admiring himself.
King hadn't said much about Hunter's appearance. Just an approving thumbs up and a "better!" An improvement from his own attempts, sure, but Hunter is probably blowing this WAY out of proportion.
But then Luz gasps dramatically. "Look at you!!!" She fawns and Hunter is just about ready to throw himself out the window.
"Don't you dare laugh." He snaps, jabbing a warning finger in her direction. His ears are steadily heating. "Titan help me if you laugh it's over for you."
"Why would I laugh?" Luz asks, sweeping across the room to get a better look at him. "Why, I was gonna say you look positively ✨️Dashing✨️" She announces with a broad beam, bracingly tugging at the lapels of his blazer.
That was an adjective Hunter never would have thought up on his own...but now that it's out in the open...
"Oh." Hunter blurts dumbly. She wasn't mocking him. She was complimenting him. "Thanks."
Being complimented on your appearance is a very strange and surreal thing so his brain needs a moment to process it.
"I like your...." He begins awkwardly, skimming his eyes up and down Luz's outfit. "Tutu...?"
Always with the loud and bright attire. But with Luz being so very....Luz, she has a knack for making these looks work. It suits her.
"You look good." Hunter comments. "Ridiculous." He emphasizes, to which Luz grins in response. "But good."
She thanks him with a theatrical little bow. "High praise coming from such a spiffy looking fellow."
Hunter snorts. "Shut up."
"I'm serious," Before he knows what's happening, Luz has swung an arm around Hunter's shoulder, reeling him in close. Her cheek smushes against his.
"And...from one Prince Charming to another..." Her teasing voice drops to a low murmur. "I think the girls are gonna love us."
Luz laughs at the embarrassed squeak that Hunter makes, turning to leave the room as he shoves her off him.
She calls out for him to follow her. They're gonna be leaving any minute now. Hunter nods and obediently troops after her.
At the last second, he pauses and takes one last look in the mirror.
It's so dumb but he watches himself smile stupidly as he makes one last adjustment to his collar. He's standing to his full height now, and as he leaves the house for the evening, he can be heard whistling, glowing with a new strange kind of pride that he's never experienced before.
I could absolutely see Viney and Skara jokingly calling Hunter "Hot Stuff" or something equally ridiculous. (They have similar nicknames for each other and Willow.) Especially after he scores them points during derby practise and they're gassing him up.
At first Hunter is a little confused. ("It's moderately cloudy?") There are definitely a few slang words that haven't yet reached his vocabulary, so this particular sentiment has to be explained to him.
Oh. Hot. Hot as in attractive. Okay. He gets it now. Interesting use of the word.
The explanation Viney and Skara gave him was so in-depth that he knows he's not going to be comfortable using that adjective in regards to anybody any time soon. Or well. He won't be saying it out loud at least.
Hot Stuff definitely sticks as Viney and Skara's default nickname for Hunter. He usually just scoffs and rolls his eyes in response to it. But Willow never fails to catch him look away and bite down a smile. She always teases him a little over it.
"You love being called that, I know you do~" She grins as Hunter blushes furiously.
Would be so cute if Gus and Hunter did most of their clothes shopping together while in the Human Realm and after they get home, Camila gets all the witch kids to show off their new outfits and parade around in the living room for her. Of course she goes "Ooooh don't you look cute?" At all of them. Which would make every single one of them blush. Camila would dote on the kids in their new clothes, I know this for certain.
Anyway Gus and Hunter helped each other pick out their respective clothes, which results in Gus NOT getting the shorts with the star shaped sequins ("It's October." Hunter insists. "You'll freeze.") And Hunter getting talked into the occasional loud and flashy garment cuz Gus told him that this one was his colour and THIS one would look so good on him and THIS ONE
Basically what I'm saying is Hunter being complimented on his appearance becomes a sure fire way to convince him to do anything.
Obviously when they do their little living room fashion show, Gus waits in the hallway with Hunter before they step in and prefaces it by announcing "Are y'all ready to see the best looking boys in Gravesfield??" Which is met with cheers and applause.
Gus takes to calling himself and Hunter "Best Looking Boys in Gravesfield" very often. Hunter still hasn't gotten used to it.
And ohhhhhh hubtlow...h tunltow....hfunmtlow....the brainworms this ask gave me because I started thinking about hutntntntlow....
I don't know if they're dating yet at this point. It's possible they're taking things slow. Maybe they both understand that the feeling is mutual but they're uncertain on what to do next.
But on one occasion, the atmosphere is just intimate enough that Willow is brave enough to reach out and touch Hunter's face.
She runs her fingertips across the cut of his jaw, a ticklish sensation that makes his breath hitch. Both hands cup his cheekbones, thumbs gliding just beneath his eye-bags.
The warmth of Willow's smile nearly knocks him unconsicous. "I like your face." She whispers, like she's sharing a secret. "It's pretty."
Hunter struggles not to melt into goo right then and there.
His face is pretty.
"You're smiling~" She singsongs, and Hunter knows she's correct, as he can feel the corners of his lips straining to reach his ears. He has to look away from her, because this is embarrassing. In a good way. Which is weird. Until he met Willow, he would never be able to fathom feeling embarrassed in a good way.
He has to pin his gaze at his criss-crossed legs for a moment, his hands squeezing his calves and he can feel it still. The big dumb elastic grin that is impossible to wipe away.
Willow proceeds to completely and utterly obliterate him by pressing the pad of her finger to the bridge of his nose and gently stroking down the hooked slope.
"I always thought your nose was very regal looking." Her lovely voice fills his ears.
She likes his nose.
He's helpless to the little squeak that escapes him.
Her knuckle have found the crook of his chin, which she uses to tip up his face a little.
His gaze meets hers and just like always, there's that electric jolt down his spine that she tends to give him.
It's only now that he realizes that she's blushing too. And he's not surprised. How in Titan's name could she say things like this without blushing?
If Hunter even tried anything like this on her, he'd go completely mute in his efforts to spit the words out.
"And you've got the most beautiful eyes I have ever seen in my life." Says Willow, like she has no intention of letting his heart catch a break.
The neurons in Hunter's brain have devolved into fireworks.
Okay. Okay. Fine. FINE. He is unable to take this anymore.
Hunter asks Willow to have mercy on him in the only way he can, in his flushed, speechless state. He tips forward and buries his face in her shoulder.
He hears her giggles, picking up the slight breathlessness.
"Okay, pretty boy~" She teases, her fingers taking to carding through his hair, which is not merciful in the slightest.
Pretty boy.
Pretty boy.
Pretty boy.
Hunter is going to explode.
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sunghun · 3 years
enhypen with an s/o who’s very affectionate
(but they get shy when it's reciprocated)
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requested: yes :p
warnings: cursing
note: fingers crossed that i didn’t get too repetitive lmao
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희승 | heeseung;
heeseung would fucking LOVE an s/o who’s affectionate and u can’t change my mind
like any time you hold his hand
or rest your head on his shoulder
he’s just gonna . fall in love with u all over again
doesn’t matter how long you’ve been together
like it could be 2 weeks or 10 years
you cuddle into his side??
mans heart is gonna go crazy
when he sees that you get all shy the second he snuggles into you??
prepare yourself bro bc he’s gonna get extra clingy with u
bc he thinks you look rlly cute when you’re embarrassed rip <3
like overall i don’t see heeseung as being a Super Clingy Boyfriend (unlike some ppl *coughcough*)
however if you get shy/embarrassed about him giving you lots of affection and cuddles
you now have a heeseung attached to ur hip 25/8
(enjoy it while it lasts tho bc eventually he’ll need some space and you may not see him for a few hours lol)
제이 | jay;
now we all know how jay can look pretty intimidating sometimes
and putting aside how hot he is
when you first started dating him you were kinda hesitant to be super affectionate with him
bc you weren’t sure if he’d like it or not :(
and you didn’t wanna make him uncomfortable :((
but after you’ve been together for a bit and you realize how much of a softie he really is
you can now have your hand permanently in his congrats <3
but also that’s a two way street :)
bc now that you’re both comfy w each and such
jay has absolutely no shame in being The World’s Most Affectionate Boyfriend
like we all know how he is with jungwon
imagine that 10x
and when he sees how shy you get when he’s all cuddly with you
you just KNOW that he’s gonna do it even more
bc he thinks his baby looks so cute when they get embarrassed :((
“jayyyy stoppppp”
“baby you were the one hanging off my arm not 2 minutes ago wdym stop 🤨🤨”
제이크 | jake;
literally thrives off having ur undivided attention wbk
like you could literally just lean your head on his shoulder
and this dude will straight up be like ❤️o❤️
nevermind the fact that you’ll even snuggle up against his arm??
doesn’t matter how often you get affectionate with him
jake’s heart will still speed up anytime you so much as hold his hand
and then if you get shy when he returns the affection????
congratulations he has just fallen in love with u even MORE
(if that was even possible)
legit thinks you’re the cutest thing he’s ever seen
goes crazy anytime you hide your face in his shoulder/arm/chest
“babyyy omg you’re so cute when you get shyyy” *squishes ur cheeks*
expect lots of kisses on your cheeks :D
성훈 | sunghoon;
so i know we all headcanon sunghoon as someone who isn’t really super affectionate or into pda and stuff
and while i am still sticking with that
i think once you two have been dating for a while
and you’re both really comfortable and confident in your relationship
he would just like . stop giving a fuck lol
but usually it’s you giving most of the affection
you wanna hang off him not unlike a monkey?
you wanna hold his hand and swing ur arms back and forth while you walk down the sidewalk?
oh you want to sit on his lap during movie night with all ur friends?
no problem babe as long as ur comfy <3
like you could do anything with him and he would remain Unfazed
but on the rare occasion that he actually initiates it…..
you just . don’t know what to do
and you can’t help but get super shy
and sunghoon just MELTS
like damn.
that’s his baby.
and they’re so cute :((
idk man this already feels too long but sunghoon just loves you a lot
and thinks you’re the sweetest and cutest thing on the planet :(
선우 | sunoo;
thinks ur really cute :((
but also uses it as opportunity to stroke his own ego
“omg babe i know i’m really handsome but you don’t have to flatter me this much 🙄”
also idk why but sunoo strikes me as someone who would be very affectionate when in a relationship
so if you’re not used to that and can get flustered easily by affection, then…..
idk what to tell u.
you’re gonna be hiding your face in ur sweaterpaws a whole lot i guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
which of course just amplifies how cute u look to your boyfriend
will definitely squish ur cheeks
a lot
like to the point where you’re gonna have to start batting his hands away almost every cuddle session
“lemme squish!!!”
“sunoooo stawwwppp they’re sore 😠😠”
“but. but squishy 🥺”
basically sunoo’s either gonna squish you or snark you and you will never be able to tell which one until it’s too late </3
정원 | jungwon;
you are getting TEASED to the max lmao
like normally wonnie just lets you hang off him like a koala without rlly saying or doing anything
you could be holding his hand and swinging his arm back and forth super aggressively and he’ll just be like “whatever”
but the second he starts wrapping his arm around u without you physically making him
and he sees that ur getting all shy and shit
prepare yourself chief
“omg y/n what’s wrong? why are u hiding your face??”
and you’re just . suffering.
but really the only reason he teases you is to hide the fact that HE feels all shy
like y’all could be dating for 6 months and he’ll still be hit with sudden moments like
“oh my GOSH they’re my s/o and i can hold their hand whenever i want 😯😯“
but ofc he can’t have you knowing that you still fluster him
bc he’s an aquarius and we all know how emotionally constipated they are
so he’ll just lovingly tease u :’)
니키 | niki;
probably worries that he did smth wrong at first rip
bc literally every time he tries to cuddle up to you
you just?? scooch away?? and then won’t look at him????
is very sad bc now he thinks u don’t like his affection even tho you constantly attach urself to him
but also very petty so one day he just like
tackles u onto the couch
and smothers his love onto you
“uhhh riki?”
“shhhh. we’re cuddle while we watch TV, and you’re gonna like it.”
and i mean yeah you do like it
but also you’re trying not to squeal and squirm and hide ur face
good thing he’s too focused on the movie playing loool 🙃🙃
eventually your heart stops racing and you calm down enough to start running your hands through his hair while he naps on ur tummy :’)
and after that everyone lives happily ever after
you guys are so cute goodbye 🤧🤧
taglist (OPEN) - @blaqpinksthetic @heelariously
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