#i like my men the way i live my life; in extremes 😂😂😂
butterballbuttnakey · 2 years
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luinhealthcare · 3 months
Gatto coming with Dr Time to cause a new trauma
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Joking xD
I have a question ^^)/
In LU HC how do the boys deal with other Hyrule races (gorons, zoras, dekuscrubs...)? Do they have specialized personnel?
Haha what a fantastic gif 😂
Honestly, I kind of humanized the other races, they still have different aspects to them but they’re not, like, completely different races. I mainly did this just to fit with the modern/normal setting, but in retrospect it also makes my life easier for medical stuff, because I can’t be bothered to theorize all the different ways to treat appendicitis in multiple species 😂😅
I had a post a million years ago that kind of talked about the other races, but I have not had any luck finding it so I’ll just cover some things.
Zora are typically paler than Hylians, and their hair color is extremely different, matching canon Zora color schemes. They also typically have some facial markings. And they have a larger lung capacity. Their people live by the water. For example, Mipha is quite pale, has coral red hair and amber eyes, and has some dots in her cheeks that match her hair. She’s a little diminutive in build compared to a Hylian woman her age. Many Zora tend to be a little taller than Hylians, though. Oh, and their nails grow out sharp like claws.
Gorons and Gerudo are both buff, typically very tan to chocolate skinned. Gorons are shorter and stockier, with white hair and black eyes. Their population is overwhelmingly male. Gerudo are very tall, basically look very similar to their canon counterparts (except their proportions are NORMAL. Their hips drive me insane, like they look ridiculous. Or overwhelmingly underweight.), and their population is overwhelmingly female. But there are male Gerudos and female Gorons.
Deku scrubs, Kokiri, etc are all very rare people to find and typically are never seen in Castle Town. Time is quite familiar with them, though.
Rito hail from the mountains. They have exceptional vision and traditionally wear their hair in braids. Hair color varies - men usually have brighter colored hair than women, and their eyes can do that fun little pinning that some birds can do when they’re excited. Their culture is very bird oriented - Sky and Sun hail from their region (they’re not Rito genetically, but they’re basically Rito culturally)
As for the medical side, they’re generally the same on the inside. Some groups are predisposed to certain problems more so than others (real life example, people with African descent are more likely to get sickle cell disease than those with European descent), and there might be certain doses of meds or kinds of meds that vary (real life example, it takes way more anesthesia to knock out a redhead than other people). So no specialties to just take care of Zora vs Hylian, but probably there are those who specialize in research pertaining to one group over another.
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shadowqueenjude · 3 months
Coming out with my truth 🙋‍♀️
So I read the Throne of Glass series before I read the ACOTAR series, and you know my favorite character is Lorcan (Chaol is a close second). And when Azriel was first introduced, I thought he seemed similar to Lorcan in many ways:
1. Being preoccupied with the same woman for 500 years
In Lorcan’s case, it was a little different. We don’t know when exactly Maeve took Lorcan in, but he reads as a teenager. Imagine being a poor kid on the streets, having these death powers you’re terrified of. Then this beautiful, rich queen takes you in and tells you you’re worthy and gives you a home and a life and a purpose. It’s only natural to develop an idyllic relationship and even a crush on them, especially when they’re actively manipulating you and abusing you using the blood bond. Unfortunately, poor Lorcan had no idea what the fuck love even was, so he thought it was love. Then he met Elide, his mate, and realized it was not.
In Azriel’s case, it seems like he’s convinced he’s unlovable and therefore he has latched onto Mor because he knows he has no chance with her (as she prefers women) but she’ll also never go away (or so he thinks). There are no stakes in going after someone like that, and so he continues to do it. When he finally stops going after Mor, he latches onto Elain instead, another unavailable woman. Because no matter how much he rants and complains about the cauldron, Elain is still Lucien’s mate and will never be able to give herself fully to him. I must confess I was genuinely shocked that Moriel at some point was endgame, but I am not at all surprised she retconned it because it would’ve been extremely icky.
2. Their mates are exceptionally well loved by everyone who meets them and they both have a cunty “mean girl” bestie who would literally die for them. Elide’s “mean girl” bestie is Manon, of course. Gwyn’s “mean girl” bestie is my bbg Nesta.
3. Both of them have strange shadowy “death powers” that are so rare and unheard of that no one really knows what they’re about.
4. Both of their mates have experienced some kind of SA.
Now, many characters have, but the reason it’s so important for these two characters particularly is how much it has affected them compared to other characters. Elide and Gwyn’s arcs, in many ways, revolve around their experience. Gwyn’s journey from being raped and rescued and brought to Night where she mainly lived in the library, afraid to come out because of what happened to her. Then later learning the mental and physical techniques of the Valkyries to eventually overcome it to an extent (but she still returned to the library at the end of ACOSF which shows she hasn’t fully recovered).
Elide’s SA in the Morath dungeons leading to her having difficulty believing in the goodness of men. In her POV saying that the only way she’d ever feel desire is with someone who she trusted so deeply all the horrors went away. Her finding that in Lorcan. Her journey from being a scared woman with some wits to being the bad bitch who lifted Lorcan’s axe to kill the ilken and came up with the plan to destroy Erawan.
Also a bonus: Azriel and Lorcan are the subbest men SJM has ever written😂
Things that we saw with Elorcan that I think we’ll see with Gwynriel:
In Kingdom of Ash, there is a scene where Elide watches Lorcan torture someone and she does not balk from it. I believe Gwyn will have a similar moment with Azriel.
With Elide, we saw her make the first move on Lorcan. Just like that, I think Gwyn will be pursuing Azriel.
We eventually saw Elide take up a leadership position as Lady of Perranth. I believe we’ll see something similar when Gwyn becomes the High Priestess of Prythian.
That was long. Anyway if you read this far thank you!
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Natal aspects from my natal chart + my personal experiences (planets in houses) *Part-1* ☃️
First of all, these are my experiences due to my personal placements in my natal chart so please take them with a pinch of salt. They are not facts. Every placement has good and bad sides and I’m not an astrologer too.
Saturn in 1st house
🖤Since I was a child, I was taught to be able to stand on my own feet and stay alone. My mother said she tried to stay away from me both physically and mentally as possible as she could because she was afraid that I would be too much emotionally attached to her. I was extremely soft and I relied on my parents at that time, so they didn’t want me to grow up as a weak person. That’s why I never tried again to rely on my parents, mostly emotionally because I know that I am the only one who has to pull myself up again and they aren’t.
🖤I have issues with my self-image and appearance, especially my body, since I was about 12 or 13. I feel like I’m not beautiful and I don’t meet up to this generation’s beauty standards.😐
🖤According to my mother, I started talking at about 3 or I guess even 4. It’s considered a bit late compared to my cousins and my brother. I don’t know if this placement is related to my talking stages but my speech was delayed and it was at the first stage of my life so yeah.🤷🏻‍♀️
🖤I think I’m responsible for every matter that happens around me even though I didn’t cause them.
🖤My parents have expected me to take care of my brother and his needs since I was about 10 and he was 5. I had to console him whenever he cried and I had to feed him, cook for him when they worked etc. They put too many responsibilities on my shoulders from the start so I wasn’t really carefree as a child.
🖤I’m also extremely hard on myself. I want to be perfect in every scenario and I feel this need to come out as a strong and independent person.
🖤My mother told me that when I was a newborn baby, I already looked like a 3-year-old kid. My facial appearances looked mature and till now, a lot of people still think I’m a lot older than I really am.😭
🖤My parents, especially my mom is really strict and they also have very high expectations on me. I feel judged by them quite often even when I’m doing well academically.
🖤They are also conservative, especially my mom. She yells at me whenever I tell her that I want to have a boyfriend but I don’t want to marry him and I will just live together and sleep with him. (It’s quite forbidden in our country and publicly considered as something we shouldn’t do).😂
🖤I am prone to anxiety. I often have anxiety attacks and I bite nails a lot too.
🖤Saturn also conjuncts my ascendant, so people also often tell me that I have prominent high cheekbones and I also think it’s true. But jawline? My jawline doesn’t look Capricorn rising-nish. I’m not also tall and slim. Actually, my body depicts exactly what a cancer rising with a cancer stellium would look like.
Lilith in 1st house
💃I’m not sexualized directly by men but every man I’ve met always wanted to chat with me about sex only. It’s really weird because my friends also have boyfriends but none of their boyfriends treats them like a sex toy. And I feel like a sex toy among those guys. They don’t want to take me out on dates and instead, they just want sex. I can’t tell if that is “sexualization” but I also get comments about my body a lot in both positive and negative ways.
💃Anyways, apart from men, I get stared a lot, not in a sexual way but in a more curious way like I’m an alien or some mythical creature popped out of a 13th century novel book.😂😭
💃I was also outcasted by my friends most of the times because they thought I’m too slutty (they said it themselves behind me). My ex friends bullied me and slut-shamed me so I have become a bad bitch since then. That’s why I don’t really care about friends in my life. They’re not my priority. Normally, I’m really bubbly and friendly but at times, my bitchy side comes up and forces me to stay detached from friends and never trust them.
💃Another thing I experience is I always have problems with authority figures. I hate it when someone uses their power to win something unfairly. But on the other hand, I’m secretly in love with authority and power because I want to own them and use them in a good way.
💃Some people also tell me that when they make an eye contact with me, they feel intense and intimidated but also warm and comforted at the same time (probably my cancer rising again lol).
💃I’m rebellious and I love weird outfits which are different from others.
💃I’m a bit open-minded when it comes to sexual matters (except when some random guy talks about sex out of nowhere for like 3 hours straight). I don’t feel ashamed to discuss about sex education whereas my friends see that as a taboo topic in the society.
💃I hate my body when I can’t fit into some outfits that I love but I love to touch it a lot and I also love to sleep naked (except I can’t sleep naked anymore after my parents found out about that).😭😭
💃However, the room doesn’t go silent when I enter. I’m not that powerful though.
💃I also don’t care about what other people think about me. It’s like “fuck off” vibes coming out from me since I got bullied.
Moon in 3rd house
📚People tell me I’m smart. I don’t get compliments about how pretty I am but I get ones about how intelligent I am. However, I don’t really think I’m THAT smart but maybe almost. HAHAHHAH😝
📚I love to express myself by writing out on a paper or on websites or on apps like this. I just love to turn my emotions into sentences and sometimes they turn into short stories. Writing releases my stress.
📚I love to write and read a lot. A book, a cat and gallons of iced coffee are enough for me in a day.
📚By traveling, I gain knowledge, inspiration and happiness. It’s my stress reliever for all time.
📚I love to ride cars too (I know it’s weird but I even had a childhood dream in which I live in a van and travel around the country).
📚I love my brother a lot and I have a very affectionate and friendly bond with him. I also try so hard to get along well with my cousins and stay friendly with them even though they’re a bit fake.🙄
📚Back to my brain. My primary teachers always complimented me about my intelligence and my grades and I was always the one who got first prize in every year for 5 years straight. Not bragging but it’s true.🤣
📚My moods change very often and my mind is scattered. It’s like a wide field with multiple places to hide and suddenly, a clown shows up from nowhere out of the blue! For instance, at first, I’m on instagram. Then after a minute, I remember to reply dms so I go onto messenger. Then, not even a minute later, I’m on TikTok again. Then, I’m on Reddit. It’s like soooo scattered that I don’t even know how to describe. I think my anxiety attacks also come from this placement.
📚I’m not grounded. I like to meditate but I can’t be consistent about it because of my intrusive thoughts. I jump from one topic to another very quickly when I talk.
📚I’m not a very good listener. I’m always ready to talk about various topics. So if I listen to someone very patiently, then he/she is important to me or I’m going to ghost them soon so I’m being patient in the present time loll😭
📚I overthink a lot and I tend to forget about a lot of things too. On the other hand, I also have a photographic memory about certain events like how my mom breastfed me. I remember what she wore and how she looked very vividly although I was just about 1 or 2 at that time but I don’t remember what I ate as a breakfast this morning. Strange right?
📚I love to learn foreign languages because they challenge me and intrigue me!
📚I’m also curious about everything and often have questions like “how were the oceans created?” “were Adam and Eve real people or just myth?” and my thoughts spiral into a big infinite hole and I get detached from the reality and my eyes are like 💀DEAD💀.
📚I also tend to turn my emotions into a problem to be solved instead of accepting and dealing with them. I observe me and my feelings from the third party view and respond to them logically. It’s not that I’m not emotional but I rationalize my feelings from another perspective.
📚I love to contain full stops, exclamation marks, question marks at the end of every sentence. If someone doesn’t do that, I judge them secretly LMAO.😭
Jupiter in 3rd house
🪄You can say that I’m quite lucky when it comes to education. I stand out among others since I was a child due to my education success. My parents could also support my education financially unlike right now, they’re struggling for my brother’s.
🪄I am a quick learner and I have a large vocabulary. I love to use advanced words in my language (Burmese).
🪄I am also quite talkactive but only with people I’m comfortable with. However, most of the time, I get into trouble for talking too much. I spill all the tea without any intentions but that drags me into a big mess and that’s why I have to control myself a lot when I communicate with someone, not to share gossips or else I’ll be in trouble again.
🪄Most of the times, people think I exaggerate a lot but I don’t.
🪄I hate HATE misspellings. They irritate me Periodt.
🪄I’m also open-minded and not afraid to observe from other perspectives. But my beliefs are so strong like try to attack them and I’ll kick you out of my life forever.🦵🏼
🪄I love learning about various things and I also like to be seen as a nerd. As long as I’m learning something, I feel valuable and precious.
🪄I prefer intelligence to beauty. When I say intelligence, it’s not only about studies but also about the keys in communication, how to eat and drink with manners, how to fight back people with wits etc. I’m quite of a sapiosexual. I get turned off when someone doesn’t know about something they should know. I get turned on when someone is intelligent and knows exactly how to talk to someone. Appearances matters too but not very important as long as they have brains.🧠
🪄I also love to see arguments (not in an aggressive way) and I always guess why they have their own opinions by trying to be in their shoes. And I get turned on when someone I already admire gets passionate in intellectual arguments wisely.🥵
Pluto in 6th house
⚡️I love hardworking people and I also try hard to perform well in my daily routines. I put efforts even into tiny cases.
⚡️I have a very strong will when it comes to my career and I hate being told what to do. I’m still at college so I have zero experience about work places but I think I would be obsessed with my work because that’s how I imagine myself to be.🤓
⚡️When I get emotional, I try to stay as productive as I can and I shift my focus onto my daily routines, my studies and my ambition to suppress them. I know it’s bad but I can’t deal with all of them. Emotions are weakness for me.
⚡️I love and hate routines at the same time. My Gemini sun and 3rd house moon hate them but my Virgo moon and 6th house Pluto love them.
⚡️I get stressed out a lot when my routines are ruined. For example, I even feel like my life is a mess if I didn’t finish some work in a limited time. I want to cry when I’m not productive and I go on self-destruction mode if I feel like that. I waste more time if I know I’m not doing enough. And then I cry. And the cycle repeats. So, the only way to keep myself happy is to stay productive and to be perfect in every work I do.
⚡️I’m also very competitive among my peers (my mars Aries doubles it).
TW: Eating disorder
⚡️I hate diets and workouts (I don’t know if this is related to Pluto in 6th house though). I have three personal planets in hard aspect to Pluto. I also have an eating disorder. I’m trying to maintain my balance again but it falls back every time. Either I binge or I restrict shockingly. There’s no in-between. Right now, I’m in my binging era with inconsistent workouts (even though I HATEEE workouts).
⚡️I love cats but cats don’t love me I guess. Whenever I look in the eyes of cats, they get scared of me and run away without hesitation. But they love to receive cuddles from me and they let me pet them though.🥺
This is the end of this post and thank you for reading to the end. Have a great day fellows!
Part-2 will be about planets in 7th house to 12th house!!✨
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sakurahisuii · 1 month
Never Thought I'd Be Grateful for That..🤔
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👋🏽Hello Friends!👋🏽
While competing with a gratitude journal prompt, I was tasked with giving gratitude to something that changed my life. I thought about it for a few moments and decided that the best thing that changed my life was my mental health condition. At that moment, I decided that I was going to write about how grateful I am for my mental health condition.
I can exactly say that I never, in a million years, thought I would ever think that because of all the countless pains my own brain has caused me throughout the years.
This is my journal response:
"While my mental health conditions can be overwhelming, intense, and extremely hard to live with...
I am grateful to struggle on this journey (I never thought I'd ever say this), but my mental health conditions make me who I am today.
And I am proud of myself. I think my younger self would be proud of myself. Also, something I never thought I would say.
Due to my mental health, I learned
1. Who I am
2. How to be strong and resilient
3. My passion
4. My strengths and weaknesses as an individual
5. My skills
And for that, I am grateful."
While I thought about what my mental health conditions have done for me, besides giving me emotional pain, it was hard. But I know my mental health conditions (MHCs) are the only reason I am the way I am today. I started to think more and attempt to be more thankful. I took a deep breath and tried to think about what I've learned over the years and how I've changed over the years due to my MHC.
I can say that I am truly thankful for my mental health conditions. Now, don't get me wrong, I would love for it to be treated, but that's a lifelong journey that I'm determined to continue.
Every mental breakdown I had, I survived. I gained strength and resilience.
Learning more about mental health, I discovered my passion and calling.
Going through symptoms and just having the MHC, I gained an interest in psychology, helped others, and started a life that would never be the same again. However, when your 16 or 17, you don't really see it like that.
While I am more than my mental health conditions, they are a huge part of who I am. It helped me be as strong and wise as I am now. It helped me learn how to help others emotionally and how to just be a light for other people. I can say that I wouldn't trade this for anything in the world.
Like I said twice in this post, never in a million years did I ever think that I would say that I'm grateful for my MHC. I think almost everyone with MHCs would say that it's a curse rather than a blessing. It's hard to live with MHCs; it affects everything about you, your life, and everyone around you.
While having MHCs, I have discovered that I gain skills like creativity, empathy, active listening, interpersonal communication, organization, etc. All of these skills are things that I value in myself.
It took many years to come to this realization, and it's hard to be grateful for something that gives you so much pain at the same time. However, when you work along with your MHC, maybe it'll be a little more manageable.
Now, after reading this, I hope you have the opportunity to take a step back and think about how your MHC or even your difficult experiences shape who you are and where you are going.
If you can't, that's more than okay. It's truly not easy, but one day, you'll get there.
After all, in the (x-men) world of Marvel, a lot of mutants think their powers are a curse, but having powers is a blessing. It's up to you how you perceive them and how you use them (of course, with lots of support and resources).
Just think about it.
Until next time, friends!💝
P.s. I might've recently seen a certain anti-hero movie and then decided to rewatch certain hero team movies.😂
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franchufeuillassier · 2 years
Dak & Zeke; for anon
I have the pleasure to introdice you to the Dumbest Husbands on the NFL. Dont get attached theyll probably split this offseason and ill cry for a whole year
Dak and Zeke both were drafted by the cowboys in the 2016 draft and became best friends instantly
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(zeke the only dumbass that could forget a 5M bonus on his friend's car....)
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Okay Dak. Okay.
I wasn't a fan in 2016 (sorry I'm European) so ive only watched the highlights but apparently they were very good and Dak won OROTY. Zeke was also nominated and got into the stage with him to receive it 🥺 Dak asked if someone had a knife so they could share it and i cry a lot (we will all ignore the facial hair and looks, okay?)
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That year they had a candy war???? Children.
After that season Zeke bought them matching diamond pendants (is that the word? Idk shiny diamond jewelry) with 214 because their numbers are #21 and #4 and the Dallas area code is 214 😭 Dak doesn't really wears his because he is an elegant man that wears suits and bowties but it's okay I'm sure he still appreciated it very much
The Salvation Army Kettle Celebration: i have no words, this is the moment that keeps on giving. Zeke got fined for it and nearly got dak fined too lmao i love a pair of clowns. It was also a very nice TD imho
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Dont lie to us, Dak, i know you secretely enjoyed it
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2020 was though on Dak (the ankle, his brother...) but zeke was a good bff
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When Dak injured his ankle in 2020 zeke scored a TD that same game and held up 4 fingers in front of the camera as a celebration for Dak :((
Hard Knocks was lowkey boring but it was also Extremely Iconic. If i had 1. Skills and 2. Patience i would crop every single dak-zeke moment of the series but I'm lazy so ❤️ i won't (i also can't gif but sometimes i still do so if you suddenly see me posting a 2 hours video of them don't call me out, im just a liar)
The best thing was THIS, in which Zeke literally watches a video tutorial to learn how to wrap a gift for Dak because "that's his best friend and it's the first gift he has wrapped in my life". Okay i won't cry. Zeke's bday was a week before (July 22nd and 29th) and Dak got him a diamond bracelet because NFL men like shiny stuff i guess. Btw the gift was a luggage/suitcase/travel thing/idk English is hard that matches Zeke's so yeah now they have matching luggage. Married i said. Also said luggage thing is worth almost 13k$ i dont understand rich people
"😁🥰✨💕going on six years💕✨🥰😁"
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Also enjoy a bonus "team wish Dak a happy birthday in a very loving way" video
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Some random photos, videos and tweets, as a treat
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(idk why its flagged as sentitive content they are DANCING)
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Poor Cooper Rush live slug reacting
Ceedee is the best but im putting this video here so you see the hug
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And this. Whatever this is. Yes, buying squirty penis guns because why not???
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allthingsfook · 1 year
Hi there - I'm wondering if I can get a ship please?
I am 5' 7", a little on the curvy side, long dark brown hair cut in a shag (I had it before Jake, so there). I have freckles everywhere and my eyes are green.
I love being out in nature - hiking, exploring, and just absorbing the stunning beauty of a variety of landscapes. At home, I'm typically curled on the couch though, learning about something that has caught my attention. My typical interests involve history and cultures. I'm a bookworm and usually can be found with either a book or laptop in my hands as I read constantly. I'm one of those people who can rattle off strange historical events. When I vacation, I love going to either national parks or cities for museums, parks, learning. I'm a plant mama and do garden when the time strikes. I love music. I can listen to anything from classical and opera to death core, and everything in between - with just a few exceptions. *cough, cough* pop *cough, cough*
I am a weirdo (meant lovingly) for long haired men who have confidence, but also are adventuresome. A man who is not limited by always having to look a certain way and can laugh at himself. I love to cook and bake with my partner - and cook huge for family and friends. Holidays would wipe the kitchen out for weeks!
I'm typically the quiet one in the group of friends, though my laugh can be mighty. I'm a bit shy, but can be counted on and have been know to be too loyal. I love quickly and deeply. I try to find joy in the little stuff always. I'm a family centered person, although most of my family right now happen to be found in friends as I live quite a distance from my family.
Thank you ahead of time! 😘
Howdy! You most definitely can get a ship!!! I’m sorry for not getting back to you promptly, but I hope that this ship will make it up to you and find you well!!!
Without further ado, I ship you with….
This was tough deciding between Jake or Sam, but my gut said Sam for various reasons. Let’s dive in!
First off, Sammy does not have a type! I think he’s in love with women as a whole and those who are more than what meets the eye grip him. I think Sam would swoon over your curves and emerald hue eyes.
One of the many things you and Sammy could enjoy together is basking in Mother Nature!!! He would always be game for getting out of the city to hike the hills and explore the country side. I can imagine Sam being extremely in touch and loving on those trips. Mostly because he is escaping from all the distractions of his career. He can bask in life’s beauty as well as yours! Sammy is definitely one to tell you that too! I can see the both of you spending the afternoon hiking in the hills with Rosie leading the way. You’d come to a break in the trees, leading out to a rock overlook. Extremely breathtaking. The both of you would stand in silence for a moment, until Sam breaks the silence and comments on how the view doesn’t compare to you. He’d then embrace you until Rosie barks with jealousy.
You’ll meet your match when it comes to diving into history and culture. I think we often forget how smart and inquisitive Sam is. He puts himself off as a goofball, which he is, but he’s much deeper than that. You’d be shocked by the knowledge he’d contribute to the conversation and fun facts he’d randomly blurt out of no where. Sammy is much like a sponge, always looking for an opportunity to learn and expand his mind. Sometimes it’s great and sometimes not 😂
The garden and house plants the both of you would care for would be both of your prides. Between the plants and Rosie, it’s like having kids!!!! It would make your morning to wake up to him hunched over dainty plants; pruning and carefully packing soil. He’d be so enveloped that he wouldn’t notice you standing in the doorway until you say good morning in a groggy voice. He’d startle and greet you with a warm hug and invite you to try some homegrown produce.
One statement that solidified the Sammy ship was your vast music taste with the exception for pop 😂 such a Sammy move. ALTHOUGH I think that’s a facade for him. I truly do think Sam loves select songs from every genre, it’s just a matter of finding one that resonates. Shockingly Sam might be the one that turns you on to a great pop song….. who knows!!!
And the mold you have created for your dream man, how well does Sam fit into that?
Long hair ✅
Confident and Adventurous ✅
A man that doesn’t take himself too seriously ✅
Someone who enjoys to cook/bake ✅
If you weren’t sold already, are you now? I mean no matter the style or length, Sam’s hair has always been beautiful, but I must say his current facial hair to hair length ratio is hitting different 🤌 Sam has such a secure outlook on himself. Not that he’s cocky… far from it, but he is so authentically himself and not ashamed of it. Building on that he’s always living! Sam is certainly a person who takes advantage of his time on earth and wants to leave nothing unwritten. How excited life would be with him 💕
As outgoing and theatrical Sam is, he certainly needs a little balance. No doubt you could be the source of that. Don’t get me wrong, I think you guys would compliment each other well. I think Sam sometimes might need a reminder to come home and take care of himself, and you may need a reminder to go on that impromptu trip you’ve always wanted to take.
Another key point that made me decide on Sam was the fact that you said you often love quickly and deeply. That screams Sam. He’s so sure of people and willing to find them a special part of his life. His love seems like a whirlwind experience. Though it might be chaos at times, it’s the most beautiful and pleasurable relationship you’d share.
I so hope you enjoyed the ship! As usual, pleaseee let me know what you thought and if it correlates to your lane (if you have one). I will also include a collage and song ship that reminds me of Sam!!!
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vannahfanfics · 1 year
Hello it’s Sel. I would like to get Naruto ultimate match up:)
So I’m 18 years old, short, sporty girl with black hair and Asian features. I have and love tattoos and obsessed with gym and sports. I never wear skirts and dresses, my style is a 24/7 sportswear.
I’m extremely introverted and I’m a very bad commutator, I never start the conversation first, it’s really hard to become my friend. People always assume that I’m mean or arrogant by the way I look (because of my 24/7 resting b*tch face😅) but my close ones know that I’m a very funny and kind person. My personality type is ISTP.
So my positive character traits are only for those ones who I trust and like. I’m a very adventurous and spontaneous person. I really love risky and dangerous situations. I’m literally not scared of anything, the only thing I’m scared of is uncertainty about the future .I’m very loyal, I’m ready to do anything for my close ones and I expect them to be as selfless for me it’s really important . I really enjoy traveling, one of my dreams is to live in 5 different countries. I already moved from my home country to Europe. I like learning about different countries and cultures, that’s why I really like history, I love reading about the old events, legends and myths. Really enjoy watching documentaries about criminals. I want to be a sport manager, but if I never liked sports I would’ve been a police officer or detective. In Naruto world I would definitely be a Kunoichi it’s a perfect work for me😍 I’m completely not a lovey-dovey person, and I never express my love with words, it’s pointless and childish for me. I can be totally cold with my closest people with expressing emotions and feelings , but they know that I love and care because I show it with my acts. The only soft spot that I have is animals😩 I feel like a little kid with them, I have a dog and I literally treat him like he’s my baby(because he is🥺) And I hate with passion people who don’t care about animals. I used to be a horse rider until I broke my leg, but I still adore horses and one day I’ll come back. Maybe I’m a cold person but I need an opposite, maybe it’s a little bit selfish but I hate when people are cold with me. I don’t like intrusive people, but someone who’s more communicative and easier than me. I’m a very confident person, but I always expect more from myself and other people. Also I don't like being lazy and wasting time, I'm always worrying that I'm wasting my free time for nothing
So now about my negative traits😅 I’m too straightforward, I don’t think that it’s a bad trait but sometimes the truth turns out too rude. I often offend people without noticing it, but not intentionally, I know that if not me no one’s going to tell them the truth. I’m very short-tempered, I think that’s my main problem. I have anger issues, that’s why I was a trouble child in school and always was arguing and fighting with everyone😂 Now I’m more mature and calm but I’m still getting easily annoyed. I have a crazy mood swings, maybe I’m often unbothered and cold but sometimes i can be really loud. But anyways I can’t stand too childish, silly and immature people, I had friends like this and I always felt like I’m their mom. But good sense of humor is important to me. Sometimes I hide my emotions and how I feel because I don’t want to look weak, it’s a very bad habit. But I’m always here for people when they need to talk about their problems, people say that I could’ve been a good psychologist. I have very good intuition but sometimes I’m too judgmental and pessimistic
Sport is number one thing in my life. I love football, I play and watch it, I love boxing and can spend hours in the gym. I run in the mornings and trying to have healthy lifestyle. For me, my men, it’s extremely important him to be as sporty and active as me, one of my dreams is to exercise and train with my partner. I want him to be attractive, tall and have a good body. What I’m looking for in a guy: being very smart and mature, should accept me with my coldness and straightforwardness, being fun and spontaneous, more easygoing and communicative than me. He should be really understanding and know how to calm me down. I can be too picky 😂 He should be interesting and always ready for adventures:) In my life work and career will always be a number one thing, I don’t dream about marriage or something but I would love to have someone who will share my interest, who will teach me new things in life. So I think that’s it :) Thank you in advance🫶🏻
So sorry for the delay in getting this to you, but at last, here is your match-up! I've been dealing with some gnarly writer's block off and on for the last few months, amidst the endless struggle of medical school, but I seem to be getting my groove back and was thus finally able to make some time (and brainpower LOL) to write this up for you. Thanks again for commissioning, and also for being so patient! So, let's dive right in, shall we?
I match you with...
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Kiba Inuzuka from Naruto!
This one wasn't a hard one for me, LOL; it wasn't long into your vignette before I was just like "Oh, this is Kiba all the way!" I've got lots of reasons why I think he's the best fit for you, so without further ado, let's get to the analysis!:
First and foremost, you're the kind of girl that'll catch Kiba's attention! He loves sporty girls; their personalities and interests tend to match well with his, making for a good basis to build a relationship. Plus, he thinks sportswear is so sexy. He's happy to see you all dolled up, of course, but he thinks you're just as striking in sportswear and lowkey prefers it. What can I say? The man knows what he likes LOL!
Your introversion and R.B.F. might put off other suitors, but not Kiba. If anything, he respects a girl with a 'tude, so he's not afraid of approaching a girl who looks like she might rip him to pieces just for trying to start a conversation! He knows that a lot of times these brusque personas conceal a much kinder, softer person, so he doesn't take first impressions at face value. He's more than happy to take the time to get to know the real you—and, as I mentioned before, the two of you have tons in common!
Just like you, Kiba is adventurous and spontaneous; really, can you look at this guy and not instantly think "thrill-seeker"? He thinks your aspiration to live in so many different places and immerse yourself in different places is dope as hell. He's not stricken with wanderlust to your extent, but he's always keen to try or experience new things, so he's totally down for the ride. Admittedly, he's always found history and such pretty boring; but with you, it would be different. The zeal with which you seek and share various histories, myths, and legends is enough to spark his own interest, at least enough to happily let you gush about the things you learned with him and, as your relationship deepens, go out of his way to find things that you might find interesting. If it's something that puts a smile on your face, it could never be boring to Kiba! You're a little more up his alley with your interest in criminal justice, though. The man loves true crime; he could sit around watching television dramatizations and true crime shows for days. It just intrigues him, the way the perpetrators and investigators both think, and the shit they can do with science to solve seemingly unsolvable cases? Awesome!
Kiba is also fiercely loyal and selfless when it comes to those he cares about. It is also a quality he values highly in his significant other—just another reason that you two mesh so well. It's his loyalty that helps him deal with your apparent aloofness. One way in which Kiba differs from you is his readiness to express his feelings and affections; he's like a big puppy, desperate to be close as often as possible and always very open with how he feels. His primary love language is physical touch, so expect tons of cuddles and P.D.A. (to your comfort level, of course; he'd never overstep your boundaries!). Words of affirmation are his secondary love language, so it does admittedly baffle him at first when he finds that you aren't as open with your affections and, as you put it, even cold. The good thing is that Kiba is actually one to readily communicate with his partner, despite his outward gruffness, and he wouldn't sit on his unease for long before bringing it to your attention. Unfortunately, he's not the best when it comes to reading people, so he wouldn't be able to just pick up on the fact that you communicate more through your actions; he'd need you to tell him outright. Once you do, though, all is good! He's quick on the uptake and will soon be able to read the thought and care behind your actions with ease. :)
Kiba even shares some of your "negative" traits, such as being too straightforward. The man does not have a filter; he says what comes to his mind, and this can often come off as rude to other people. A lot of times, Kiba's trying to be rude because he doesn't take bullshit well XD Kiba also has his fair share of anger issues; he was a straight-up hellion of a kid, getting into fights and rebelling against authority. Like you, he's also chilled out as he's aged and matured, but not completely. You two would inevitably butt heads, passionate and hot-headed as the two of you can be. Don't sweat that, though! Kiba's always the first one to apologize. If he feels things are getting too heated, he's quick to step away before things spiral out of control; as soon as his head clears, he regrets fighting with you immediately and will slink back with his tail between his legs to beg your forgiveness, whether he was in the wrong or not. He always comes back with a gift of some sort—flowers, chocolates, something you like—but not to make his apology seem more genuine. He just wants to express his regret in every way possible and show you how much you mean to him!
Sportswear isn't the only reason that Kiba loves sporty girls, LOL. Kiba's a sporty guy, and he wants a gal that can keep up with him! He's into all manners of sports, but getting roughed up and dirty playing rugby or some other intense contact sport is his bread and butter. As one can imagine, he lives a very healthy lifestyle as well, one that includes many hours in the gym. You've definitely found a gym buddy in him! Whatever kind of exercise you like to partake in, whether that's running or weights or kickboxing, Kiba's down for it! He's just happy to spend time with you. :)
Finally, it goes without saying that Kiba loves animals, especially dogs. Literally, he won't date anyone who doesn't like dogs and animals in general; it's a huge part of his life, and he ain't givin' Akamaru up for nobody. You think your dog is a baby now? Wait until Kiba comes around. Your pooch is gonna end up rotten, just like Akamaru is!
I wanna circle back to the only point of real contention that would exist in your relationship: the fact that the two of you can get a little testy. Kiba's not exactly the most easygoing guy, but he is more communicative than appearance and personality would suggest, which is why I stand by matching him with you. I just wanted to delve deeper into that and illustrate through a scenario how good of a communicator Kiba is despite the occasional hiccup:
The two of you will spat. It's inevitable, given your personalities, and what couple is sunshine and rainbows 100% of the time? However, despite his combativeness, Kiba doesn't argue for the sake of arguing, especially not with his significant other. If he argues, it's because it's something he is very staunch about. However, Kiba will really dig in his heels and, after a point, refuse to see logic or reason.
As I previously mentioned, however, Kiba will never let a fight get too intense. He can recognize when things are heating up to a dangerous and unproductive degree, and when it hits that threshold, he just walks away. The last thing he wants is for him to say something that will seriously hurt you just because he's angry, or, heavens forbid, actually hurt you because he's just so riled up. So, regardless of if you're egging it on or not, he'll tell you that he's leaving to go clear his head, and then go do just that.
Kiba takes drives to come down from his anger, and he doesn't sit there stewing and trying to justify himself; he just mindlessly wanders, refusing to entertain any thoughts about your argument until he's of sound mind again—and then the regret hits him like a freight train. Of course it does. He doesn't enjoy arguing with you because he knows it hurts you, and he hates being the source of any pain for you. Justifying his stance in the fight is still the furthest thing for his mind, but now it's because he's desperate to make amends and show you that you're far more important to him then whatever silly debate the two of you were having.
It could be the middle of the day or the middle of the night; it doesn't matter. Kiba's gonna find something that he can buy that you like to show you that he cares. The man'll pick wildflowers off the roadside if he has to. He'll make sure to give you plenty of time to cool off yourself, and he'll always check to make sure that you're okay with him turning up at your door before doing so. If you're not ready, he'll wait until you are; pushing you doesn't exactly show that he cares, and he knows that despite how desperate he is to apologize. If there's a certain way that he knows to help you calm down without inciting your frustration again, he'll definitely do so.
Speaking of apologizing, as soon as you're face-to-face, that's what he's doing. You won't even be able to get a word out before apologies are tumbling from his mouth like a waterfall, and they're completely genuine. He doesn't want to manipulate you or make himself look good; he's genuinely sorry that he let things progress to that point and that he hurt you by arguing with you. Whether you forgive him or not, he just wants you to know that! He knows how important communication is to you, and he dropped the ball this time. He'll do better—and he honestly does! The further your relationship progresses, the more he learns about the way you think, and the better he gets at broaching topics that can cause tension. It takes him time, but he does his best to communicate in the way you need him to.
He's so earnest to make things right that he honestly forgets why you got in a spat in the first place. He won't even let the matter be brought up again until the both of you are completely good. Again, you're far more important to him than anything else could be!
Finally, here's the drabble that is included as part of the Tier III match-up! Given how sports are a big thing for both of you, I decided to do something related to that. Here's the two of you playing some good old-fashioned rough-and-tough backyard American football!:
"Are you sure that you want to do tackle instead of two-hand touch? I know your girl is tough, Kiba, but she's still the only girl here."
"Can it, Naruto," Kiba scoffs at the perturbed blond, and you're caught between feeling bad for the guy for simply trying to be considerate and feeling a surge of pride at your boyfriend's unwavering confidence in you. Kiba throws one arm around your shoulders while the other holds up his hand for him to flip Naruto off. "My girl will be tackling your pathetic asses to the ground, not the other way around. Bet."
"Okay, okay, jeez! You don't gotta be such an ass about it," Naruto grumbles, half-heartedly returning Kiba's vulgar gesture before stooping over to scoop the scuffed, well-worn football up from the grassy ground.
"I'm actually on Naruto's team, remember?" you giggle as Kiba presses a kiss and a self-satisfied sneer into your temple. "So I'll be tackling your pathetic ass to the ground."
"Ohoho?" he laughs as he pulls back to cock a brow at your blatant challenge. "You won't even be able to tackle my dust, babe." When Naruto calls for you to get in position, he gives you a gentle push—one hard enough to get you moving, but gentle enough not to be a forceful shove. You stick your tongue out at him over your shoulder as you walk to where Naruto squats in front of Lee, preparing to hike the ball. Shikamaru lounges on the left flank, looking like he would literally rather be anywhere else; he probably does, but Naruto never fails to entice him into participating in their weekly football match with the promise of free ramen. As you stroll toward the right side, you are keenly aware of Kiba watching your every move. You're wearing the purple-and-black spandex joggers, matching racerback tee, and black sports bra that never fails to leave his eyes glued to you—and you may have done so deliberately, knowing that you'd be playing on the opposite team as him today. He's so engrossed in you and the sexy sportswear that hugs your body that he doesn't register Naruto calling out the play until the last second, just in time for the blond to hike the ball to Lee and then take off at blinding speed for the endzone.
Meanwhile, you race to your agreed-upon position on the right side of the field, ready to receive the ball if Lee can't get a direct shot at Naruto. Sure enough, Choji comes barreling toward Lee with full intent of bringing him down where he stands, and the ravenet begins frantically searching for someone to lob the ball at before he's brought down by two hundred pounds of raw power.
"Lee! Over here!" you shout and wave your arms above your head.
Lee wastes no time in responding to you, throwing the ball in your direction in the split second before Choji tackles him to the ground. You lithely trot backward as you track the ball's arc, following it until it drops right into your waiting hands—no, Kiba's!
"Later, babes." Kiba steals a kiss on your cheek before darting toward the opposite side of the field, leaving you in a stunned stupor. You quickly recover from his sneaky interception, shaking your head vigorously to get it back in the game before charging after him with a yowl. There's no way that you can live down such an insult, and the desperation of avoiding his grandstanding pours energy into your body; you catch up to him five yards outside of the endzone and all but fling yourself at him with a desperate cry.
Kiba yelps in alarm when you slam into his back and wrap both your arms around his middle to drag him kicking and flailing to the ground. In his wrestle to escape your grip, the ball slips from his arms and tumbles to the ground. Howls of "Fummmmmmblllllleee!" fill the air, followed by hoots of laughter and wolf whistles. Hardly surprising, considering that you somehow ended up straddling Kiba in your chaotic grappling.
"Hey," you puff as you sit atop him, chest heaving with ragged breaths and one hand splayed across his own, which was doing the same. The other raked through your hair to pull it out of your flushed, sweat-sheened face.
"Hey," he huffs back with a blank expression. It quickly twists into a sneer, and he winds his arms loosely around your waist. "That was a hell of a tackle."
"I told you that I'd put your pathetic ass on the ground," you tease with a wheezy laugh, admittedly still a bit breathless from your feverish sprint.
Kiba just hums, his fingers tracing idle patterns on the skin revealed from where your tank top was bunched above your hip bone. After a second, though, he tips his head back and shouts down the field, "And you losers wanted to play two-hand touch!"
"Yeah, yeah, we get it," comes Shikamaru's unimpressed drawl. "Are you gonna get up, or did she take you outta commission with that tackle?"
"I ain't outta commission," Kiba gripes back, then looks up at you with gleaming eyes. "I'm just enjoyin' the view~"
You roll your eyes at his flirty remark, but a smile tugs at your lips despite yourself. Just like your heartstrings do when Kiba nods his chin at you in a clear request for a kiss—and, naturally, you indulge him. You hold your hair out of your face as you lean down over him to press your mouth to his own in a sweet but lingering kiss. Not lingering enough, you note with a giggle when you retreat to find Kiba pouting up at you, clearly displeased at only getting one smooch—and a short one, by his standards.
"If you want more, you'll have to catch me~" you chime as you climb off of him and to your feet. As you brush blades of grass from your clothes, Kiba rolls over and hops to his feet; you brush a few grass bits from his tee shirt with a pretty smile, then whirl on your heel to begin flouncing back to your teammates. You don't make it far before Kiba is rushing up behind you to envelop you in a hug, and you squeal as he lifts you off the ground and whirls you around.
"Caught you," he grins before peppering your face and hair with kisses. You giggle and shriek as you wiggle in his hold.
"That's not what I meant, and you know it!"
"Oh, well, too bad. That's how I took it," comes his rumbling reply, and it is followed by another attack of kisses. Unfortunately for the rest of the boys, the game of football is put on hold as Kiba devotes himself to showering you with affection. Oh, well... Kiba was going to lose to you anyway!
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Hi there, just want to give a little feedback for 'Do you feel my hand, it is there' (you don't have to publish this ask). Y/N developed feelings for Minho way too quickly, there was little build up over there. For a doctor and someone who's in his late 20s, the way Minho’s character was portrayed did not mirror that. It was as if he was still in his early 20s and still a little immature. Doctors or someone with a fancy lifestyle don't really drink using a red solo cup, it's more fit for a uni student.
The chapters were also very short. The whole fic could've been combined in 4 chapters. The itilicization was very confusing and overused as well. It was all over the place.
Overall, you're heading in the right direction. Just a few adjustments here and there. I hope to see more of your works in the future!
oh no, I'm gonna publish this ask alright... 😇
first of all, I find it extremely hilarious how you've sent this on anon. you're truly a coward, to want to shit all over me and my work and then keep yourself on anon. that's literal clown shit right there. 🤡
second, let me make it CRYSTAL CLEAR that I do not need your feedback. whether it's good or bad. and if you have nothing good to say, keep it your fucking self.
y/n didn't develop feelings for minho too quickly. if you fucking READ between the lines throughout the fic, you'd realize that she always had a thing for him, but had been suppressing her feelings. but it's alright, I know your tiny, pea-sized brain could never grasp such a concept... 🥺
also, news flash - most men don't fully mature into their well into their 30s. even as adults, everyone acts immature at times. and when you've been under such pressure and repressing things for so long, I'm sure YOU'D act immature if you were in Minho's shoes. also, this is FANFIC. this aren't supposed to be wholly realistic. so use your fucking 💫 imagination 🌈 and realize that.
lmao and how the fuck do you know what doctors do and don't do?! 😂 you're getting butthurt over a single cup that was mentioned like, 2 times. get over yourself. 💀
I love how you're shitting all over my work under the guise of 'giving feedback' and then you're complaining about the chapter lengths. bitch, if you don't like it so much, STOP READING. no one's holding a gun to your head and forcing you to read my work. and I enjoyed splitting the fic up into separate parts, it made things fun. 😉
haha now you're criticizing my style... wow, you're truly on a roll now!! if the italics bothered you sooo much, you should've stopped reading. not everyone is going to mesh with my style and that's okay, but I sure as hell don't appreciate someone like you sending me this long ass 'advice' over how I write.
last time I checked, YOU weren't writing a 40.k word fanfic!! 🧐 and let me kindly remind you that I don't owe you a damn thing. I can write however I want, whenever I want. I'm not writing for anyone else's approval and I'm sure as hell not spending a month of my time writing a fic like this that has meant a great to me personally, only to have someone like you criticize almost every part of it.
get the stick out of your ass and go live your life instead of spending your time sending comments like this to writers who break their backs to MAKE FREE CONTENT FOR YOU. and I don't appreciate your little 'adjustments' at all. so I'm going to keep living my life and thriving while writing the shit I WANT to. and for your information... no, I won't stop using my style, so you can just fuck right off completely disrespectfully and go to hell. I hope you have a horrible day. 🙃
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comeplaywithmehun · 10 days
The instrumentals?! What the actual fuck??!
His voice!! I’m fucking obsessed, I simply cannot contain my excitement when I have my playlist on shuffle and squid comes on! My new fucking hyper fixation lol
I love how there are points during the more extreme, screamy portions of these songs where his overly passionate voice becomes humorous in a way, as if he is singing ironically…if that makes any sense lol
These songs though?! From this album especially, it’s as if they were made for me! It has a bit of everything I admire most about experimental music :)
And you can tell the mindfulness that went into the order of which they had organized this album as well! Each song transitions smoothly over to the next! Very ✨methodical✨, very ✨demure✨😂
Satisfying shit, gives me major Black Midi vibes
This 2010 one is like if “still” and “eat men eat” from black midis, welcome to hell album had a baby, and added some of the “egg” by the garden, extra sounds to scratch your brain in all the right ways😮‍💨👏✨
I swear 2010 is more upbeat and laid back compared to most of their songs but then transitions into nonsensical thrashing of instruments and sounds, only to go back to the smooth, upbeat, groovy sound😮‍💨👏✨
I’d die happy if they collaborated with swans and performed live?! That would be so fucking epic, squid is very similar to swans in a lot of ways actually, it’s freaky😆✨
The flyover’s intrumentals reminds me so much of radioheads same vibe with “life in a glasshouse” which I believe to be one of their more underrated songs, unfortunately :/
Ohhh also black country, new roads song
Marks theme!!
It also feels as though you’re hearing a live orchestra warming up before a show! I love it so much😭
I fucking love his overly dramatic sound👏👏👏👏👏👏✨✨✨✨✨
Helping me to rage out without taking these emotions too seriously lol
The instrumentals is like John L by black midi and the voidz general essence intermingled😆
Global groove was my introduction to squid!
They have to have some basic understanding of music theory to have made such a satisfying song through and through! Right?!
And the lyrics, so unsettling, but in a wonderful way
I’m so sick and tired of dancing, are you sick and tired of dancing??
You can get away with repetitive lyrics if you have good enough vocal range and depth behind your words😮‍💨👏👏
Global groove, I’d love to listen on psychedelics honestly✨✨
Pamphlets gives me The Smile vibes at the beginning! While the vocalist is giving punk rock shit similar to The Violent Femmes with such an intensity that his repeated “I don’t go outside” is giving me chills :) Have you heard of Thom yorkes newest band the smile?! They’ve got some funky shit!! Light for attracting attention is one of my go to albums, highly recommend! A hairdryer by the smile is one of the best!! Especially performed live?! So fucking sick:)
Also, a really chill one by them that holds a lot of meaning for me is “free in the knowledge”
It’s helped me get through periods of existential dread✨✨
If you like Radiohead, especially a moon shaped pool, you’ll love the smile :))
The music video for free in the Knowledge is one of my favorites!! I had that shit on repeat when it first came out :))
That’s why I don’t go outside~
I have more followers on here than I do on my other blog, which was originally intended to be musically based, so I could get it all out of my system but it doesn’t make sense to post on there anymore as I do not have a following😅
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ruminate88 · 14 days
Diary and healing journal after emotional abuse:
09/07/24 11:27 pm
Hahaha ME in my 30s, feeling like I’m 100 💀 BUT dancing around the house to music like I’m 20 again lol 😂 knowing something is going to eventually hurt a leg or something THEN get super hot cuz I have a sweatshirt on and I’m on my 2nd cup of coffee. I have one of those coffee mugs that is bluetooth so you can control the heat from your phone. YOU BET I keep that temp at the highest it can go. Who drinks cold coffee anyway? 😜 yuck!
The thing is, before I understood the affects of emotional abuse, i dated/was traumatized by 3 men in my 20’s. I got into my 30’s and everything falls apart!! I couldn’t even wear makeup anymore. My hormones went totally wack on me and even in the last few years felt sick all around. Extreme tiredness. Not even sleepy tired, I actually struggle to fall asleep some nights without a melatonin BUT no energy and the melatonin makes me even more lazy and drag. The wrong magnesium also makes me so tired. Gotta take magnesium citrate!!! 👍🏻 that one actually gives me a little boost but not a lot.
My mother’s body fell apart in her 50s. That’s like normal for the change of life. I’m not there BUT I have felt there at times. 😳I noticed similar symptoms though even with my mom in law who has ALSO now faced the change of life and fell apart in her body BUT ALSO, my brother in law (her son) is dating a girl who is a manipulative person and we’ve had to all put up with her (well I didn’t want to from the start!! I sounded the alarm but no one would hear me.) my mom in law questioned me so much almost as if I WAS THE BAD GUY! Then she finally realized the truth after a tragedy has already taken place this year. Now she believes me but ugh my stomach couldn’t handle all that and gave way.
between having already gone through betrayal trauma and abusive relationships, then covid, THEN my bro in law brings this girl around that constantly is causing problems with everyone accept me …. she doesn’t talk to me and blocked me on Snapchat (cuz she knows I know the truth about her) she can’t be fake with me, like she is with everyone else. She had to show her true colors to me early on.
seems like with toxic people in your life, there is always drama, turmoil, chaos, trauma, tragedy and health issues. I don’t hate that girl or anyone from my past but can’t function around them or trust them. They always got beef with everyone in their OWN family, let alone your’s. This girl constantly be fighting with everyone and can’t get along. Always losing friends and then some how those friends come back… guess it’s no different than when I went back to Cody the 2nd time. You some how find it in your heart to give them another chance BUT you always end up getting burnt. 🥵
I grew up in a loving, positive, Christian home where you’re told to love everyone and be nice!!! NO ONE prepared me for abusive relationships. I loved my exes as hard as I couid….. Jesus turned the other cheek. (So did I) I TOOK THE HURT, THE BETRAYAL and THE TRAUMA. I swallowed it all up and didn’t do anything back to them. I never tried to get revenge on anyone. You know why??? I wasn’t built to hate people. Yet, I have since learned to stand up for myself MORE and I’m learning you can’t just believe in people automatically. Not everyone that comes in your life has good intentions
I say it all the time, I can’t judge my exes BUT I discerned their actions and learn who they are. They broke my trust… I will NEVER see them the way I did when I was falling in love with them ❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹❤️‍🩹 EVERYTHING has changed but I still don’t hate them 🥰🥰 I love them deep in my heart and I always think about them and even when I’m sad or hurting from them, I’m not holding on to the anger PLUS don’t wanna live bitter. Yet I’m having to heal all these wounds from them and it’s been a painfully long and tiring process but I’m learning so much including patience 🙏🏻
be compassionate to yourself, learn what a healthy relationship is. Learn what real love is!!! Find a good group or church to be with and also be careful who you get your advice from and who you open up to! Not everyone is going to understand what you’ve been through nor can everyone help you!! Hope this helps 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹❤️ it’s ONE DAY AT A TIME!!!! knowing how to treat people and HOW YOU WANT TO BE TREATED can help 🙏🏻❤️‍🩹 (however it’s not a fix all over night. Healing takes time and it’s different for each person.)
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taenys · 2 months
i've just read some of the personal posts you wrote about your dating life and i'm like giiiiirl fuck these men 😭😭 i'm so sorry that they all SUCK this hard. i've been a super casual lurker for over a decade and if i remember correctly you used to identify as bi/pan at some point? are there any cute girls in your area or is it literally fuckboy city rn?
no girls. or if there are, they're all polyamorous (portland, oregon is big in the poly scene...) or "ethically non monogamous." the few girls i've matched with ghosted me relatively quickly so we never actually got to an in-person date. too many femmes, not enough butch women (my preference). very slim pickings, and girls are much more selective and we all want to be pursued lol so no one is doing the pursuing LOL. no one wants to make the first move.
men on the other hand, will fuck anything with a hole so i've always got hundreds of dudes matching with me and making "an effort" (at least in the beginning lol) so i've only been dating dudes for now.
also, i live an hour away from portland, so i'm actually in a small EXTREMELY CONSERVATIVE little rural town so another issue is the distance. even when i match with girls in the portland area, none of them can drive and ain't no way i'm killing myself to drive downtown portland to meet them LOL so dudes it is for now. they all love to drive (usually) so that's at least never an issue.
i have one guy left that i still talk to, but he's so busy with 3 jobs with evening and weekend hours, he responds to my texts like twice a week (and rarely flirts back lmao ugh). idek what we're doing anymore lol. i get that he's busy and tired and probably not in a place to be dating (and definitely not prioritizing it anymore). we matched in march and had a really good connection and 3 great dates, but then my summer schedule started and now we both are working like crazy and our schedules don't align as well. i keep telling myself to stop initiating contact, but then i'll crack after 3-4 days or he'll do my favorite thing and randomly send me a selfie and i'm back to chasing, waiting, and hoping for another date. he's so cute and so fun. but he's married to his work lol he legit has no days off right now.
but considering how busy i am at work right now too, i’ve stopped actively dating. i deleted all my profiles on all the apps back in may and i don’t plan on opening them up again until october. i need some time on my own. but i’ll keep that last dude on the back burner until he straight out tells me he’s not interested lol i like him too much and he’s stuck around the longest 😂 he’s the main character from the bear, carmy. he’s a professional chef who works at 3 different restaurants and is EXTREMELY passionate and dedicated to his craft, he legit has no free time. he only had one job when we first met so he had mondays off and so did i so that’s when we could meet up but now we both work pretty much all the time so i don’t view his “ignoring” as fuckboy behavior. he’s just genuinely busy working all the time 😭
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bearfeathers · 2 years
Most philosphers and holy men lived like Thoreau did, with others caring for them in some way while they did their thing. It is part of the reason why Thoreau did what he did, it was/is unusual for anyone to go off and do something like with real effort (instead of getting bored and/or losing your marbles). A lot of the really weird spiritual stuff came as a result of monks essentially starving or being sleep deprived and halucinating. Never really got into Thoreau personally though so...meh
Yeah, I think it's just the emphasis so many people place on "he went and lived in the woods!" Like... I mean, yeah, he was certainly in the woods alright lol. Like I said before, it's not that I think he never made any good points, I just think it's not really, like... impressive. To your point, he didn't really do anything that anyone else hadn't done but everyone nevertheless makes it seem as though this is a terribly Herculean feat. Overall, though, I think most of my beef comes less from Thoreau and more so from people in modern day who tote him as this father of environmentalism while also refusing to acknowledge that his perspective on the matter is very much a white man's perspective coming from a place of privilege. Like, if he fucked up and couldn't hack it in the woods, he could just go back to life. I essentially view that endeavor as being similar to a college grad backpacking across Europe or something; I'm not saying it's a total breeze, but rather that he had the luxury of returning to his regular life (and was not so very far removed from it in the first place imo).
Overall, I was never extremely taken with Mr. Thoreau. I remember thinking Civil Disobedience had some good points insofar as the thinking of the time went, but again, this was like over a decade ago and I should probably reread it before I go saying anything in it is any good. 😂
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the-bloody-sadist · 2 years
Ten Characters, Ten Fandoms, Ten Tags (except it's one tag bc I hate mass tagging, makes it feel less special lol)
Thanks for tagging me @chouchinobake ! Part of the reason I stay on Tumblr is how different and I suppose intimate (?) it feels to be on here. The whump community in general is such a home to me, but the oddity of this platform gives me a chance to do different things that I'd never be able to do on my Twitter/Instagram.
In any case, it just looks like I'm supposed to list ten characters from different fandoms and why I like them, so here goes. I'm going to limit it to anime, since there are way too many in manga/live action, and, as an organized person, I must restrain myself:
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Ash Lynx [Banana Fish]: I've seen basically every BL anime that exists, and yet out of all the boys I've loved from those (Mafuyu didn't make it to the list but he is ONE OF THEM), no one quite stands out to me the way that Ash does. He was such a fresh personality to get into, and I found myself fascinated by the complexities of his character. One thing about Banana Fish in general that I enjoyed was the lack of "need" for it to go through as a BL, if that makes sense. It was an action/gang drama first and a love story second. I am always most attached to characters that I feel like I could never accurately write if I tried, since it gives me great respect for the author. Ash being violent but not uncaring, angry at the world and yet still a victim to it, plagued by recurring trauma (the amount of predatory gay men in BF is absolutely insane btw LMAO I love that Dino has just stocked his gang with gay rapists 😂) and yet still a very dangerous character. It's a tragedy that it ended the way it did, but I guess that's part of why he sticks with me so much. Definitely #1 saddest of the stories I've loved.
The way he has such fondness for Eiji without the author feeling like they needed to actually put them in a confirmed relationship was just so natural to me. Of course, I needed fanfics to help my crumbling heart after the ending, way back when I first watched it, but I always valued that about Banana Fish. I just fucking wish Ash made it back to Eiji for a hug, dammit. The one thing I hated in the show was the lack of hurt/comfort balance. There was so little comfort that it felt like sometimes the emotional aspect was ignored in favor of the action, and that drove me batty. Regardless, one of the favorites for sure.
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Xie Lian [Heaven's Official Blessing]: MY SWEET BABU. Holy fuck, I didn't know whether to list Mafuyu here or Xie, because they're both somewhat the same breed of SOFT, MUST PROTECT to me, but Xie won out, since I have to have at least one bandaged boy on the list in the absence of Dazai. Words cannot express the amount of sheer devotion I have to this CREATURE. This is one of those stand-out shows that became a comfort anime for me. The soft-voiced Chinese VAs for Xie and Hua Cheng cause physical reactions lmao. It's a rare softie romance for my favorites.
There are some characters that are so fucking precious to me that somehow my sadist nature drains away, and I actually do not want to see them hurt. This is one of the very, very few. Nobody touch Xie Lian. I will murder you.
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Yozo Oba [No Longer Human]: Written by the one and only Dazai Osamu, there is no character I've ever read about that I relate to more than Yozo Oba. There was a fantastic anime adaptation that I recently stumbled across, which is where the above gif came from. It's called Blue Literature Series, and its biggest feature is NLH, but it features other famous Japanese writers' (from Bungo) stories as well. The anime adaptation gave me such a visceral perspective on Yozo after reading the novel, and I loved everything about the anime (besides the way they changed Yozo's "best friend" to a far better person than he was). In reference specifically to the character, though, Yozo is the ultimate depiction of the extreme fear of human beings and masked depression. I cried at so many moments from the book that hit right where I struggled in life, and I hardly ever reread things, but NLH was a major exception.
No lie, that shit had me saying "he's just like me fr!" 😀 lol... sorry
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Kaneki Ken [Tokyo Ghoul]: Yeah yeah, I know. Everyone has talked about Kaneki. But he really is amazing. No matter how memed this poor man is, he remains among the top favorites, both in the depiction of his warring personalities as well as the monster vs. human. The entirety of TG is just GORGEOUS in its world building, character design, and fresh perspectives on the old cliche of half human, half devil. His character arc always gets me going. But he's been talked about enough; everyone knows about him. I don't need to say much except that MAN he truly WAS wayyyy better in the manga. I was stunned at the extreme difference, and I get it now - all those fans who were pissed at the show. That's why I always watch the anime before the manga. It just gets better that way.
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Johan Liebert [Monster]: Besides the other antagonist you'll find a little further down in the list, this is my favorite anime villain of all time, I think. He's been hailed by many as one of the best, so I'm sure the subject is already worn out, but everything about this man had me crazy for him. His vicious backstory, his psychopathy, his incredible manipulation, and his treacherously low screen time. This is one of those characters where the lack of appearances in the show actually fueled my devotion, because the times when he did show up were absolutely BANGER, and his fucking presence is so intoxicating. He was fabulously animated too, and the whole show was such a good watch. The VA always has something to do with it for me, and Johan was no exception. (I watch everything in sub, just because the VAs are usually that gorgeous whispery-ear-fuck for mysterious characters like this 😂)
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Sebastian Michaelis [Black Butler]: I mean come on, who wouldn't like Sebastian. Honestly, nothing much needs to be said. Ciel makes him that much better. Their tension and dynamics, and the way that their relationship was set up is just incredible. Can't be beat, really. I wish I could go back to the first time I saw BB and watch it all again, cuz fucking hell it was so good. I love the contradiction of Sebastian's devil hunger for human souls being conflicted - not by the fact that he has a human half, but by the fact that he's signed a deal with a human, and has grown some semblance of attachment to that human, and that's what keeps him unpredictable. Will he care for Ciel in the end and choose not to follow through or not? Idk, that was my favorite perspective of his character and the whole show.
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Akihito Narihisago [ID: Invaded]: If you haven't seen this anime, you're missing out, firstly on one of my favorite VAs of all time 🥹 Kenjiro Tsuda, and secondly on a very emotional plot and story arc that I didn't expect for the genre of show that it was. Akihito is a detective in a virtual reality, trying to solve a murder. What I didn't expect was the constant appearances of a girl in this world that is Akihito's daughter, and how her face being on every victim made the case so incredibly personal that it was tear-jerking for me. Honestly, Tsuda's performance is probably the main reason why it hits so hard, but this poor man has to go through seeing his daughter's face on every mangled victim, watching her die over and over, and never being able to save her. And that's all he wants. He just wants to save her. I won't spoil any more, but good grief this one was a very unexpected favorite of mine.
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Zero Kiryuu [Vampire Knight]: ☺️☺️☺️☺️ Whaaaaaaaaaat? He was my first whumpy boy *pinches cheeks*, my first anime love, *squish squish* baby's first anime! Back then when I was a lazy first-timer, I was watching in dub. By now I've gone back and re-watched in sub after realizing the great and powerful Miyano Mamoru was the voice of my vampire crush, but I am not complaining over the English VA, because Vic Mignogna is the only comparable voice to do any of Miyano's characters. Loved that man. Wish he was still around. In any case, Zero is the ultimate angsty vampire and nobody will ever replace him for me.
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Yashiro [Saezuru wa Tori Habatakanai]: I...where do I even begin? T_T The sheer complexity of this man's personality makes him such an obsession to me. I would consume any and all media relating to him, no matter what it is. He's one of those characters that can endlessly be studied and picked apart. He has so much conflict, so many walls, so much pain. It's the ones who pretend they love self-destruction that really get to me. I love seeing Yashiro crumble because of Doumeki's insistent care, and words cannot express how many times I've watched the BLCD paired with the manga for the climactic first sex scene with Doumeki, and how emotional it was. It offered a whole new perspective in my opinion of how deep something as dismissed as erotica could go, and I strive for that same emotional and character depth in my own works because of it. The dynamics of this show in general provoked and inspired the story I'm writing of Ellum and Callyx, even if it existed long before I got into Saezuru. It helped me form it around what I learned from experiencing the manga and then the anime, and then the BLCD, and I can't fucking wait for the rest of this trilogy to come out so I can weep ffs.
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Iason Mink [Ai no Kusabi]: Ah, the man who created Taushin. Lol, way back when Sadist was a baby whumper, this was one of the first yaoi I ever set eyes on. Though set in the weirdest and most repulsive world for erotica imo, the dynamics of Iason the Blondie and Riki his little brat Pet will remain one of my favorite power plays, and remains the standard for what I keep looking for in other stories. The anime remake was so unabashedly uncensored that it remains hard to find something that matches it, as far as non-con and punishment/pleasure based relationships go, and I wish it hadn't been cancelled cuz that was a fucking shame. Despite the plot being rather boring, the tension between these two makes up for it, and the constant rivalry of enemies who basically remain enemies and are only reluctant lovers when it comes to it makes it so intriguing. Iason is THE Master of all Masters in my opinion, and was voiced so perfectly in both anime versions - that velvety, stern voice omg - and Taushin was heavily influenced by him, as well as the classism of Gailda, coming from Ai no Kusabi's rankings of Blondies and Pets, which I thought made for an interesting world. If not for Ai no Kusabi, I don't think I'd ever have come up with the story of Dancing with Death, even though Taushin and Angel have a much different dynamic, since Angel is obedient and nothing like the hard-headed Riki. I still owe it to that anime.
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Griffith [Berserk]: It's insane to me how long it took for me to finally watch Berserk, but for years all I saw was that ugly bastard with the name Guts in reference to the acclaimed manga and its disgustingly animated show. I never had an interest in reading the manga, so when I discovered the existence of Griffith through one of my friends who was urging me to read it, I realized that the story wasn't what I'd thought. Then, seeing the movies that existed with far better animation, I instantly got into it and was hooked. My gods, the character arc of this man. It remains one of my favorite tragedies, only outdone by Kaneki's. AND THE BEAUTY OF THIS BOY GOOD GRIEF LMAO it's so hilarious to me how pretty he is in a male-driven male-gaze manga, if you know what I mean. 😂 Like this story in general just stands out, and Griffith is the shining star. I got so attached to him, and to see him imprisoned and betrayed and just...JEEEEz. It hurt so much. And it felt so good to see him turn, no matter how horrifying. Still can't really put up with the infamous Casca/Griffith scene as it felt a little misplaced 😂
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The Red King [K-Project series]: I feel like this anime is very under the radar, so allow me to introduce you to yet another badass man voiced by Kenjiro Tsuda. Everything about him is just...MUAH. He is a little elusive in the movies (there are several of them), so his screen time is criminally low for how obsessed I am with him, but when he's there he's THERE and is GLORIOUS. As the leader of a gang, in a world where each king rules a color and that color means their gangs have a certain ability - so for crimson there is fire, of course - he is the ultimate stern leader. They contrast this in the movies SO FANTASTICALLY by having this man taking care of a young girl, an adopted daughter of sorts, and showing off his soft spot for her and her alone. Oh my gods, I can't even begin. I just...I live for it. He is a kind leader, but the stoic and cold type, you know? One of my favorite personality types. He is easy to anger, but this girl that he protects adores him and he treats her like a little princess. I need to stop lol, I can't ramble too much, but I'll just say his rivalry with the Blue King, who used to be a good friend (enemies to lovers ship here I come) is heart-wrenching, and his eventual fate which I will not spoil absolutely destroyed me. The end.
I did 12, and I'm not sorry. I couldn't leave out The Red King or Griffith okay. I couldn't. I tried to not list the purely obvious ones, such as Bungo characters, Vanitas no Carte characters, or fandoms where I've made it quite clear how much I like certain people lmao. But they'd nevertheless be part of the list if it weren't limited to ten (COUGH 12), and I wanted to list characters that I had something particular to say about. A lot of them are made better by their counterpart or romantic interests in the show, such as Yashiro being perfectly matched with Doumeki, Zero being put to so much tension with Kaname, Johan being an incredible antagonist to Tenma, Iason showing off his power because of Riki's constant defiance, and The Red King having his soft spot with the little girl. And I mean, who would Griffith be without Guts?
I would list Gojo, but there's nothing to say about him that hasn't already been said, and that's just BARKBARKWOOFWOOFGGRRRR
Hope you enjoyed reading. And I hope you might've found some new anime because of it! K-Project seems lesser known, but my gods it's gorgeous, it's ship-city, and it's a fascinating plot heavily featuring on one of my favorite things: COLORS.
Thanks again for the tag 🖤 it's nice to be able to obsess over my favorites for a reason 😤
Tagging @lustfulcat ☺️☺️ if you feel like it, my sweet!
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ashdreams2023 · 2 years
Hi! I was wondering if you could do a marvel character match up with me?
I’m a girl, bisexual and give off so many Bi vibes, but have a preference for men, 5’7, super curvy, oh and I have glasses.
I have the most curly auburn hair ever that goes down to my waist when wet and combed. My favorite color is emerald green. I love the dark and nighttime because there are no worries until when the sun rises. I can go days without going outside or being with people. I love being alone but I would also give anything to be showered in affection and cuddles. My love language is word of affection and physical touch since I’m extremely touch starved.
I fall in love with boys in books who treat the one they love like a queen. And boys on tv who are so misunderstood you just wanna tell them that you do understand them.
I could spend millions of years and a day reading books with tea and a comfy sweater. I would die without music and kinda have a fear of silence. I’m good at drawing but not painting or basically using any color. I have a LOT of sketchbooks. I sketch people, and would love to sketch my partner.
I have always been smart, smarter than most my age but I’ve always felt I’ll never live up to the podium my older brother had built up. My parents, my teachers, all my family expect so much from me that I can’t give. My brother will always be better than me and I’ll never be able to live up to him and it makes me feel paralyzed and useless.
My dad is never home and has so much anxiety and ptsd that my biggest fear in life is that I will end up like him. He doesn’t treat my mother the way she deserves and I’m scared of him when he’s in that mood. The only thing that anybody has every told me is that I’m like him and i don’t want to believe it.
I’ve always been insecure about my name because it’s a boys name for a girl so I use my middle name.
Thank you for reading all of that.😂
-Izzy (James)
Got the perfect one for you!
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Loki would be in love with your hair, just hugging you from behind to feel is against his face
He’ll tease you about your glasses but nothing major just to get a laugh out of you
Loki is also touch starved so baby expect a lot of cuddles and trying to touch you randomly during the day
He needs all the praise he can get, sometimes his own thoughts are his worse enemy so knowing you would there to talk him out of it I’d nice
Loki will treat you like royalty, when he’s utterly and deeply in love you he will worship the ground you walk on
Please telling you want to draw him will be both a curse and a blessing, he would give you every pose in the book but is quite impatient with the results
He would make tea for both of you when he’s around so you can read in peace with music in the background
Definitely understand where you’re coming from with the older brother thing
If Loki could he would erase all the fear inside your body and replace it with only happy memories
Honestly Loki would just give anyone a stern look who thinks your name is boyish
"Honestly Midgardians don’t know the meaning of minding their own business"
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dayseternal-blog · 3 years
So, what's your top 5 musicals of all times? 👀🎤
Is this Imanga once again allowing me to jump on my soapbox for things no one else cares about!!!!!!!!! 😍😍
Starting from Top-Top-TOP FAVE to Also Top Fave!!:
1. Cats
Did I watch the recent movie? Nooooo. I'm way too scared to see if they ruined my #1 beloved musical as much as others say they did. I have loved the stage musical since I was a little girl because of the white cat, Victoria. Since I danced ballet, her beginning solo made me 🤩. People never understand why I love Cats. I just love the dancing!!! so much dancing!!!...and the fun songs...and the magic....I don't actually care about plot that much. BUT Cats does have a plot!!!!!!! Mr. Mistoffelees saves Old Deuteronomy and Grizabella gets reborn in the Heaviside Layer!!!! My childhood dream was to be cast in Cats as any one of them. Race doesn't matter because everyone's in makeup and wigs anyway 🥺 I'll be on Broadway in another life I guess...
2. West Side Story
The dancing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And the music, of course, is just...the best. I had the opportunities to play the soundtrack on the clarinet in my high school orchestra AND dance a ballet piece in my last high school production, so the music is injected in my veins, I swear. Also, who doesn't love watching "gangs" of men dance with so much grace. I just adore this musical 💕💕 Every moment is so vivid and heartfelt. My third NaruHina fanfic was based on this musical.
3. Grease
John Travolta. omg. He's such a ham. As a kid, I did not at all register how absolutely uncool the T-Birds are...like the Pink Ladies are way too good for them. What I love about Grease is that there is so much more to appreciate about it when you're older and can understand what all the characters are talking about lolll. But also the songs are so much fun, the coming-of-age angst is real, and somehow, after alllll of the hijinks, the characters actually mature??!! This musical has arguably some of the best character development ever. Also the 50s poodle skirts context is just so cute.
4. Les Choristes
Coming in, completely unexpected with NO dancing whatsoever, is Les Choristes. I first watched this with my French Class, no subtitles, we had to try to comprehend it by ourselves. My teacher stopped the film and replayed scenes twice while we filled out worksheets about what was going on. I don't know what it was about this scene... "Action; réaction" where Rachin grabs his own talking hand, we just thought it was hilarious. We'd burst out laughing each time. Besides that, this film is beautiful. It's like a French Kinpachi-sensei with singing. We thought that Pépinot was just the most adorable little boy ever. The song "Cerf-volant, volant au vent, ne t'arrête pas..." that whole song was my internal soundtrack for those blessed weeks. And then when the movie was over, like absolute fangirls, we squealed over grown Jean-Baptiste Maunier, the actor for bad boy singing prodigy Pierre Morhange. Gosh. Good times. ONE DAY, FRANCE, ONE DAY.
5. The Sound of Music
Classic. As a small kid, I used to sing the songs in the shower! The songs are extremely kid-friendly despite the heavy stuff going on in the movie. In high school, the first dance I ever choreographed for a show was for the Ballet 1 girls to "My Favorite Things," and it turned out really, really cute. My older sister likes to tweak the lyrics for "The Lonely Goatherd" to be about me and my husband, and she actually sang it at our wedding😂. Basically, this musical is precious, and Julie Andrews is such a show-stealing star!!!
After that, honorable mentions in no particular order are My Fair Lady (plot & romance are good, Audrey Hepburn is 💗), Moulin Rouge! (soundtrack is amazing...Nicole Kidman and Ewan McGregor omgg, omggggg 😩), On the Town (this soundtrack IS my heartbeat, also GENE KELLY and FRANK SINATRA), The Phantom of the Opera (nothing beats watching this live), Fiddler on the Roof (has grown on me tremendously over the years), Rent (also has grown on me over time), A Chorus Line (I, uh, live vicariously through the auditionees' stress), Singin' In the Rain (classic, also, GENE KELLY), and Flower Drum Song (ok, it's like the first majority-Asian Am cast ever so I excuse the dated racism, the songs are fun).
My tastes in musicals run old thanks to my mother. I was watching at a young age films that made no coherent sense to me, but I didn't care. I just loved the music and dancing. I've ended up dancing to the majority of the soundtracks on this post for various performances, and noowwww, I feel like watching Cats. And Les Choristes. And On the Town. but it's really late.
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