#i like werewolves and i like happy chaos so heres him as a werewolf
ikanebula · 11 months
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the big bad wolf !
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sorcerous-caress · 11 months
happy halloween!!! could I request you to write were!shart reacting to the full moon for the first time and how the companions are on the receiving end with tav coming to control their puppy?
sending love love your writings!!!
Thank you so much!
Full moon and werewolf Shadowheart
[ fluff, nb!reader, were!Shadowheart ]
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Throughout her life, she'd always felt abnormally restless around the full moon. As if its light was desperately attempting to pull her closer with no avail, a call left unanswered.
She had always chalked it up to that moon witch and her unpredictable tricks, that it must be a pathetic attempt to steer her away from Shar. Not once did she suspect that it was her own body that was to blame.
After her lycanthropy reared its head out of the blue during your gang of misfits adventure through Faerun, did Shadowheart become acutely aware of the sudden changes in herself.
While the enhanced hearing and sense of smell was an added benefit, she could easily bury the primal surges of emotions that would come up every now and then. As long as she wasn't sprouting a tail or ears, as far as she was concerned, it was going smoothly.
Well, one night, when the moon seemed larger than it normal is, its light shining directly onto her. Tossing and turning ontop of her bedroll, Shadowheart woke up in cold sweat in the middle of the night.
Something was deeply wrong, she felt cold and hot at the same time. A primal scream left her throat as she curled around herself.
Waking up all of the camp, Shadowheart finally stood up in front of them. A fuzzy pair of ears twitching above her head and a wild agitated tail of fur swishing behind her.
Her eyes met yours, She growled, her teeth sharper and larger
Something deep insided screamed at her to bite, mark and claim you. She lunged at you in a second.
She was the first to act and immediately pull Shadowheart back when her teeth were mere inches away from your neck. Laezel quickly yelled at Karlach to come and help her restrain the midtransfomation werewolf.
Even the both of them struggled to restrain Shadowheart with her unusual strength.
Laezel barely reacted to any of the threats and promises of a brutal death that Shadowheart threw her way, it wasn't until Shadowheart started challenging her and targering Laezel pride did it start agitating the githyanki.
"Shut your mutt's mouth, or i will see to finding a muzzle myself." She sneered your way.
"Settle down now, Soldier." Karlach still kept a friendly demeanour as she held Shadowheart down, laughing awkwardly at her attempts to bite Karlach's fingers off despite the growing worry inside of her.
Man, this really wasn't the way to wake someone up. She was soundly sleeping, and now she has to keep a wild dog under control, oh well what else are friends for then?
"Uh Gale...a little help here, please?" With Laezel bickering with Shadowheart again, Karlach felt the werewolf taking advantage of the distraction to slip through her hold.
"A lycanthropy transformation in front of my own eyes, and i missed it." Gale was too occupied observing Shadowheart's state as a mage hand wrote down all the details in a floating scroll near him.
With curiosity filled eyes, he stepped closer to insept Shadowheart's teeth with no regard to the absolute chaos the three women in front of him were going through. Only when Karlach spoke to him did he snap out of it.
"Oh yeah, of course." With a simple incantation, he immediately paralysed Shadowheart with a hold spell. "Now, where was i?"
Getting even closer, Gale began inspecting her ears that seemed to have magically sprouted with no visible strains on her skin or head.
When Karlach let go of the now frozen Shadowheart, Wyll couldn't help but feel like it was a bad idea. While he didn't personally hunt down any werewolves before, he had heard many tales about how unpredictable they become when exposed to direct moonlight.
And true to his words, from the corner of his eyes he could see the fuzzy tail slowly breaking out of the magic hold.
Wyll wasted no time in pulling Gale away. The wizard was mere seconds away from getting his face clawed off by Shadowheart's sudden attack.
"Goddammit, Shadowheart snap out of it." He pleaded, attempting to speak reason to his friend.
What else could they do when a now fully transformed and unrestrained werwolf stood in front of them, bathing under the moonlight in all of her glory.
Shadowheart was going to tear them all limb from limb, Astarion was sure of it.
Chaos ensured as everyone frantically scattered and attempted to defend themselves, with no armour or weapons they were practically a slab of delicious meat on a silver plate for Shadowheart.
He needed to think of something and quickly.
His eyes met yours.
In quick motion, he immediately pulled you to his side, whispering in your ear to just play along.
Turning his attention back to Shadowheart who was tearing down the table Laezel was using to defend herself with, he took a deep breath then yelled.
"HEY! FILTHY DOG" he was immediately regreting his stupid idea, "HOW WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE ME DRAIN YOUR LOVER'S BLOOD DRY?"
To seem more convincing, he bared his needle sharp fangs against your neck.
A single droplet of blood tickled down youe throat, he could taste the delicious thing against his lips.
Huh, you know, you actually taste pretty go-
The world faded to black.
The aftermath
"Is he still not waking up?" You stretched your arms above your head, sitting down to your kneeling lover as she casted yet another healing spell.
"Chk. He's as fragle as dry twig." Laezel tended to her wounds on the opposite side, Wyll helping her disinfect the claw marks on her back.
"Well, that dry twig is the reason any of us kept our throats attached to our bodies," Wyll tried to reason as he eyed Shadowheart cautiously.
"Amazing, truely amazing." Gale was sitting on the other side of Shadowheart, occasionally searching her head for any traces of the ears that were there the night prior. "It just disappeared, a whole structure of flesh and bones with perfect connection and nerves vanishing overnight."
From afar, you could see Karlach finally coming back with the buckets full of water from the nearby river. "How is Astarion's condition? Still sleepy?"
"Yeah." You answered, looking at the elf laying unconscious on the bedroll in front of you. The idea of pouring water on him to wake him up did cross your mind for a second.
Feeling someone's eyes on you, you turned your head to face Shadowheart.
"How's your neck?" She whispered with concern in her eyes. "I didn't go too far, did ?"
Rubbing the marked flesh on your neck, you saw her eyes follow your fingers as you traced over the teeth and bite marks.
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v7lgar · 9 months
Can you tell me something about by blood?
Also I hope you feel better soon :)
thank you so much izzy, i'm really trying to get better jabdjsbdsjhf
so, by blood. it's dark ages, blacks are hunters for centuries and hunting every creature such as werewolves and so much more. sirius made a mistake and dark lord punished him by turning him into a vampire. which it's the worst punishment of all. mudding the pure blood with creature's blood. and dark lord wanted to punish him with james whose black's servant and sirius's friend, by using his blood while transitioning sirius into vampire. but something goes wrong and dark lord ends up dying too with james. and now all of the hunters are after sirius's head.
then there is remus, last of the werewolves bcuz hunters hunted his entire bloodline and cursed him with immortality bcuz he is the last werewolf on earth. there are twin curses, one of them is if u are the first creature, u can't die until u turn other ppl too. the other one is if u are the last creature on earth, such as remus, u can't die until u turn someone into werewolf. so in this case, remus and sirius are immortal.
so after sirius goes into hiding, walburga makes a deal with remus to protect sirius. surprised are we? hahahahshhs walburga is smth else in this story let me tell you.
on the other hand sirius is living in the woods by next to a village and he is doing chores to trying to live. then enter remus in the image and chaos ensues.
oh btw, regulus can turn into a snake? he is one of the gifted ones, and he is not happy with sirius killing james. like, not at all.
here is a snippet!
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koolkat9 · 2 years
A Vampire, A Werewolf and A Merman: Arthur’s Brother’s Headcanons
I’m thinking of this au again and now that the uk bros are canon and I’ve got Niamh I decided include them in more detail in this au.
After Arthur got turned and ran away, Dylan worked tirelessly to find all the information he could about werewolves. All the siblings researched the topic, but Dylan went the farthest with it because 1) His little brother is struggling with this and 2) It’s actually really interesting 
In his pursuit of knowledge and his brother, Dylan seeks out a real werewolf. As he expected it’s not easy, but while heading home from the pub one night with his brothers, they hear rustling in the bushes. Curious, Dylan follows and comes face to face with what he’s been looking for. Unfortunately, he startles the werewolf and ends up getting bitten as well.
Alastair is furious that Dylan could have been so careless while Dylan is surprisingly calm and unfazed
Dylan knows what to expect and knows how to deal with it so he starts learning how to control it
Though it doesn’t take long for Dylan to get a handle on his new abilities and wolf form, Alastair still suggests they leave, they have to find Arthur anyway.
Eventually they arrive at the town Arthur has come to call home and meet Afonso who recognizes them (Arthur had shown him pictures). He’s able to take them to Arthur.
The siblings are brought to Francis’s mansion. They’re all confused that this is where Arthur lives now. They’re all a little nervous to knock on the door because they find it hard to believe that Arthur is able to live here, but eventually Niamh is like “Fuck it” and knocks on the door.
Francis is the one to open the door 
“Ah Bon…jour…” Francis’s greeting died in his throat as he noticed his guest. Four sets of green eyes that matched his lover stared back at him. So these were Arthur’s siblings.  “Uh…Arthur! I-I…uh…Y-Y-You may want to come down to the front entrance…” He gave the group an awkward laugh. “He’ll just be a minute. In the meantime, why…why don’t you all come inside.”
An annoyed Arthur comes down, followed closely by Ludwig and their puppy. When he sees his family he almost crumples to the floor
Dylan is the first to run over to him, pulling into the tightest hug
Ludwig is so confused, still fairly new to his relationship with Arthur and Francis and thus not as aware of Arthur’s family and the drama that ensued. Francis gives him physical reassurance as they watch
Eventually the siblings are pulled into a group hug
The happiness is short lived however when Arthur realizes Dylan got turned and it turns into an argument
Francis intervenes and decides that they should all turn in for the night
The next morning, there is still tension, but Francis takes them on a tour-> When they get to the beach Dylan pulls Arthur aside and they talk things out and make up
Dylan starts helping Arthur learn more about himself and his abilities though he surprised to find Arthur has actually gotten a handle on some things already
Then the full moon rolls around and Dylan and Arthur end up transforming. It’s all well and good especially since Dylan has full control over himself 
Something sets Arthur off and he ends up running out and towards the town
Francis panics because last time Arthur had gone to town in his wolf form he almost got killed so Alastair immediately takes off followed by Dylan and everyone else
They catch up to Arthur who they realize is injured and extremely frightened-> Francis warns them all to give Arthur room, but Alastair doesn’t listen and tries to approach him-> He’s aggressive and angry which frightens Arthur more and in the chaos Arthur bites Alastair
Everyone freezes, but when Arthur hears someone approaching he bolts off and Dylan takes off after him
Niamh and Conner agree to take Alastair back to the mansion to treat his wound while Francis in Ludwig chase after Dylan and Arthur
Eventually they come home, Arthur is carried in by Ludwig and has passed out due to his injuries
Alastair, who was furious at Arthur up until this point softens and the state his younger brother is in
Arthur is guilt ridden when he wakes up the next day. He had sworn he would never bite anyone and now he bit his own brother and Alastair will have to go through the same thing Arthur did.
Luckily Francis and Ludwig are there to calm him down and convince him to heal up a bit before talking to Alastair and assure him everything would be okay
A few days go by and Arthur is able to get out of bed and he faces Alastair-> He goes to apologize but Alastair just hugs him-> No words are exchanged, but the rare affection is enough to pour out their feelings surrounding this whole situation-> Arthur’s guilt, Alastair’s anger but also his concern for his little brother and their relief to be reunited and their regret of how everything has went down
Niamh, who is very much into potions and elixirs, offers to work on a cure for her three brothers-> Dylan right away says no, Alastair shrugs saying it depends on what Arthur wants, everyone turns to Arthur unsure of where he stands
Arthur considers it for a moment, but declines. He’s come to love himself for who he is now thanks to Ludwig, Francis, Afonso and Alfred and he would never want to trade the life he has for himself now for anything. This life was made possible because he was a werewolf
Arthur’s siblings end up moving into the town, Dylan helps  Alastair and Arthur get a grasp on their abilities and things return to normal for the siblings or at least as normal as they can be now that they aren’t all under the same roof
They eventually introduce Arthur’s siblings to Al and Matt with Al latching onto Niamh and Matt bonding with Alastair and to an extent Dylan
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silverynight · 3 years
The haunting
Chapter 7
Izuku goes back to the counter, only to find Ochako looking right in the direction where Todoroki walked away with worry.
"What's going to happen? Can we stop it?" He blurts out, knowing Kirishima is right behind him.
"I'm not sure," she shakes her head. "But the prince was really pissed when he found out his father paid you a visit."
"I told him nothing happened!" Izuku says to her, sounding a little bit desperate; the worst thing is that the bad feeling is still pressing his chest from the inside.
"Nothing is going to change his mind," Ochako leans to stroke Izuku's cheek gently. "He already hates his father, but now... Listen, prince Todoroki really cares about you."
"I care about him too! He's my friend," Izuku assures her, holding back a blush.
His friend rolls her eyes at him.
"You know what I mean," Ochako says, frowning when she looks at the necklace around Izuku's neck. "You should give him a chance."
"Hey!" Kirishima protests over Izuku's shoulder, almost offended.
Reminding himself he doesn't have time for that, Izuku jumps over the counter and starts helping Mina with the drinks, although he finds himself really busy in no time, it doesn't help to forget about his concern.
He hopes Todoroki is alright, wherever he is at the moment.
The city alarm starts at midnight; it's been a while since Izuku last heard it, but he knows it always means trouble.
"Alright everyone! Get out!" Mina yells, standing over the counter and looking calmer than she probably feels. "Us humans have to go back home before the lockdown begins!"
Izuku finds really curious that the vampires don't need to be told twice to disappear from the place. He knows whatever is going on it has to do with them.
A lockdown. It's usually meant just for humans, because they're the most vulnerable of the three races that inhabit earth; it happened a long time ago, when the werewolves were more aggressive during a full moon, before a medicine was created.
When Ochako grabs him by the arm, Izuku notices how tense she really is.
"What's going on?"
"Todoroki must've challenged his father," the vampire says, looking around. "These kind of things always make vampires grumpy and they usually unfold chaos."
"Will Shoto be alright?"
"I'm not sure," Ochako mumbles with honesty. "But he'll be very happy when I tell him you're worried about him. Now I'll take you home and after I make sure you're safe I'll go find the prince in case he needs me."
"I can take him home," Kirishima says. Izuku is about to tell both of them he doesn't need babysitters, but he notices how concerned they are about him.
Ochako doesn't even argue with the werewolf, she just nods and ruffles Izuku's hair affectionately.
"Take care of him," she tells the redhead before rushing out of the bar.
After making sure everything is in order and closing the place, both Kirishima and Izuku walk Mina home before heading towards the green haired man's apartment.
On their way to the building, they find two vampires fighting on the street, but neither of them stop to see what they're arguing about.
When they hear a growl, Kirishima takes Izuku in his arms and gets out of there in the blink of an eye. The human doesn't even protest.
He just wants to go home.
He makes dinner to take his mind out of the concern he's feeling, it doesn't work though; he can't stop thinking about Todoroki.
"Katsuki will be here soon."
"He doesn't have to, I'm fine," Izuku mumbles. Of course he wants to see him, but he also knows the werewolf has a lot of things on his plate.
Kirishima chuckles, almost like he can hear the human's anxious thoughts.
"He's worried. There's nothing you or I could say that can actually stop him from coming to see you."
The redhead is so sure about that, it makes Izuku blush to the tip of his ears; even though he has an idea of how things work for werewolves, to him they just started dating.
He's so immersed in his own thoughts the moment he hears a knock on his door he almost jumps out of his skin.
Bakugo doesn't even allow him to think because he cups Izuku's face with both hands as soon as the human opens the door for him; it always surprises the Izuku how gentle he can be for someone who has a scowl on his face most of the time.
"Are you okay?" The werewolf asks at the same time Izuku notices the cut on Bakugo's cheek.
"What happened?" He mumbles, noticing a bruise on the werewolf's arm as well.
"Ran into a couple of blood drinking idiots," Bakugo says like it's not a big deal.
"Come here, let me take care of that," Izuku smiles sweetly, grabbing the blond's huge hand to lead him inside; he makes him sit on a chair while he looks for something to clean up his wounds.
Kirishima is watching them with excitement, Izuku doesn't understand why he looks so happy for them.
When he stops in front of Bakugo, the werewolf takes him in his arms and sits him on his lap, however, instead of protesting, Izuku just starts cleaning the cut on his cheek.
"You'll be such a good mate," Bakugo mumbles with a satisfied smirk. "But it makes sense, you belong to me."
Rolling his eyes, Izuku is about to point out they just started "dating" but he forgets what he wanted to say when he feels gentle lips on the curve of his neck.
"Kacchan, please... Eijiro is here."
"Don't mind me!" The redhead says. "Pretend I'm not here!"
Bakugo huffs when Izuku shakes his head, although his red eyes are glimmering with fondness.
He doesn't stay long, but he tells Kirishima to keep Izuku company and ignores every time the human assures him he can take care of himself.
Even though he tells Kirishima he should take the bed, the werewolf insists he can sleep on the couch.
The next day he convinces himself it's ridiculous for his friend to waste his time babysitting him and is about to tell him that when they both hear chanting outside, it's night again and there's a crowd of vampires marching down the street.
Izuku must admit that it makes him feel nervous for a moment.
"What's going on?" He whispers as the voices become louder and he finally hears a clear "Long live the King," over and over. "Do you think Shoto is–"
"Wait," Kirishima cuts him off, looking through the window as a pair of wolf ears appear on his head, they're the exact shade of his hair.
Izuku would be fascinated if he wasn't so worried and nervous at the moment.
"Can you hear it?"
He shakes his head because even though he knows they're still chanting something about his King, he's not so sure what are the exact words anymore.
"Long live the new King," Kirishima tells him.
"The vampires have a new King."
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theright-sideofme · 3 years
Mate. C. San. [Part 1]
Werewolf!San x fem!reader WC: 3.7k Warnings: arranged marriage, mentions of past verbal abuse.let me know if i missed anything
series masterlist | main masterlist Next Part
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As a child you were told stories about what lurked in the woods and why you were never to go in them alone. After all, “a young girl like you wouldn’t be able to protect yourself.” Those belittling words made you sick. You were very much capable of protecting yourself, you were just never allowed to. Your father made sure you stayed at home with your mother, learning how to become a “good wife” so he could wed you off as soon as possible. The old man was absolutely insufferable. Always commenting on how you were going to die alone if you kept up your stubborn antics, which only made you act up more. You didn’t want to be just someone's wife, you wanted to be your own person, with opinions that mattered and a voice that was heard, but that’s just not the life you were born into.
You remember the first time your father told you about the woods, it was around the same time you were beginning to realize your parents were utterly shit people. “Father, why can’t I go play in the woods?” “Those woods aren’t meant for little girls Y/n, it’s filled with all sorts of horrible monsters,” and that should’ve been enough to scare you, but it only intrigued you more. What type of monsters? What did they look like? Would they want to play with you? You were ready to bombard your father with all those questions, but the loud, whining howl cutting through the crisp morning air cut you off and had your father scrambling to get you inside. Ever since then you had felt drawn to the woods, a longing you felt in every fiber of you being. It was almost as if you were longing for a home you had never been to.
You sat outside, letting the sun warm skin as you leaned against the old oak tree in the garden, you felt at peace. This week had been hectic, lots of running around doing errands, getting ready for the arrival of a very well respected family. You were probably the least excited for their arrival, which was ironic seeing as you were probably going to be leaving with them. Their son had taken an interest in you at the king's annual Winter Ball and insisted that you be his wife. Even after turning him down on the spot, he was persistent. Eventually his father contacted yours and now they were on their way for a week of business talk regarding the arrangement of your soon to be engagement. You were sick, absolutely revolted at the thought of marrying this spoiled brat of a man who simply couldn’t take no for an answer.
Looking over to the woods, you sighed, wishing you could just run and just never stop. Run until you're so deep in the woods no one would ever be able to find you. What was really stopping you other than your father? Your own fears? No, it wasn’t that, you had more to fear at home than in the woods. The longer you thought about it, the more you realized nothing was holding you back other than the belief you couldn’t. Your entire life you were told you not to so you just believed you couldn’t, but in actuality there was nothing stoping you from standing up and walking right into the woods.
-- Except your mothers shrieking scream of your names.
“Y/n where the hell are you! They’re going to be here any moment!” And your peace was broken. All thoughts of running off into the woods being pushed aside, deemed a silly escape fantasy as you stood up to go put your mothers worrying to rest.
“Where were you” Hongjoong asked, even though he already knew the answer. San had a bad habit of getting too close to town, almost being caught more times than the pack could count. But there was one manor in particular San loved visiting, the Y/l/n manor. A huge, beautiful house surrounded by acres of land that belonged to the most well respected family in the country. Hongjoong believed San had a death wish to be getting so close to a house that belonged to a family of that status. San’s excuse was he liked the thrill, which was partly true, but not the reason he visits said house almost everyday.
“Out” San shrugged his alpha off, walking right past him and into the kitchen. Hongjoong didn’t leave it at that, not this time. He was worried about San and what would happen to not only him but the rest of the pack if he got caught.
“You can’t keep going out there,” San scoffed, not even sparing Hongjoong a glance as he got himself some water. “I’m serious, you’re putting all of our lives in danger by going out there so often” “I know what I’m doing” “do you? Then enlighten me because I have no fucking clue why you would actively put your life at risk just to get a peak at that stupid house!” Hongjoong’s voiced boomed through the entire house, which caught the attention of the rest of their packmates who quickly came to the kitchen to see what was going on.
“You wouldn’t understand” San mumbled, feeling a bit more humbled after Hongjoong had used his alpha voice. Hongjoong very rarely used his alpha voice and when he did, it was terrifying. Everyone in the house could feel the fear in their bones when he did, along with an overwhelming urge to back off and obey their alpha. San was no different, feeling the immediate need to tuck tail and run after pissing Hongjoong off so much.
Hongjoong hated using his alpha voice. He never wanted any of his packmates to feel like he was ever unfairly using his alpha status against them, but he just couldn’t help it when it came to matters that involved the whole pack's safety. At first he was fine with letting San look around, sneak peaks at the town and the manor. He thought if he let him get all his curiosity out he would be fine and he wouldn’t need to go back again, but he was wrong. After his first time visiting the manor he immediately went back the next day, and the day after that and almost every day for the past three months, and Hongjoong was more than worried for what it meant for the pack if he was caught.
“Try me” the alpha offered, so angry but also so desperate to understand San’s apparent need to go back to the manor so often. He wanted to help out the younger boy while also keeping him safe. San averted his eyes to the ground as he took in a shaky breath. “I saw my mate.” His voice was so quiet anyone with normal hearing would’ve missed it, but in the house full of werewolves, everyone heard it.
Absolute chaos broke out among the pack, everyone shouting questions at San about how he knew and what it was like. Words jumbled up together as everyone fought to get their question answered and to understand what having a mate was like. They all knew they had mates, every werewolf did, but San was the first in the pack to actually meet- well, see, his. Hongjoong stood with an indecipherable look on his face that made San uneasy.
“I-I know it’s dangerous for me to keep going there so often. I’ll start going less! I just- I need to see her, it’s the best thing I have since I can’t be with her.” San felt his heart break at his own words. He’d never admitted that to himself out loud and hearing those words leave his lips made him want to crawl into a hole and die, but it was the truth. San knew there was no way he was going to be able to be with you, you were the daughter of a highly respected lord, and from what he heard from the servants today, you were soon to be engaged. It was a cruel joke fate had decided to play on him.
“What do you mean you can’t be with her'' Mingi asked from behind Hongjoong, him and the rest of the pack slowly making their way fully into the kitchen. “She’s lady Y/l’n, daughter of the highly respected Lord Y/l/n” San’s words left his lips with a certain type of sadness that made the rest of his pack members feel for him. They couldn’t even begin to imagine what it must be like to find your mate and know you can’t be with them.
“San-” “please, no pity. I’ll be good, I promise” and despite his airy tone, the look in his eyes gave away how much he was really hurt. “Just, be careful when you go” was all Hongjoong said, not wanting to press him anymore.
It was another day of trying desperately to avoid every living soul who currently resided inside your families manor. You felt overwhelmed these past couple of days with everyone talking so warmly about the now settled engagement. Your father was more than happy to wed you off and your intolerable fiance just wouldn’t leave you alone. You could never find a moment alone, and moment to breath. But now, alone in your garden under your oak tree, you were calm. There was no one trying to remind you to keep up your perfect little image, no fiance rambling on about how excited he was to get you into bed on your wedding night, no father reminding you how lucky you were someone actually wanted to deal with you for once, it was just you and your tree.
Not too far away from you in the woods, unbeknownst to you, stood San. He kept an attentive eye on you, admiring you effortless beauty with total awe. There was a pang in his chest as he remembered his words from a few days prior, “- since I can’t be with her.” God it hurt. All he wanted was to hold you in his arms and protect you from everything evil and bad in this world. He wanted to shower you with affection and feel pride in his chest just from knowing you were all his, but you weren’t.
Almost as if you could feel his longing gaze on you, you looked up into the woods, head cocked to the side in thought. San was ready to duck down and hide, but then your eyes locked with his, and he was frozen, both of you were. You knew you should’ve been scared, you should’ve ran inside screaming for your guards, but you didn’t, you simply stared. You didn’t feel off put or uneasy by his presence, you almost felt comforted, as weird as it sounds.
San on the other hand was a total wreck, his heart beating out of his chest, sweat building up on the bone of his brow. He had no idea what to do, if he should do anything at all. And despite how scared he was of getting caught and potentially putting his whole pack at risk, he was happy to be able to see your face clearly. The calling of your name snapped both of you out of your little trances, San quickly ducking down, and you turning to see who was calling you. “There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you” you fiance said as he quickly made his way over to you. “Your mother wanted me to come get you for dinner” you simply nodded, pushing yourself up off the ground, not expecting your fiance to pull you up by your waist. The sudden action had San growling from behind his tree, watching the man with absolute hatred in his eyes.
“What do you think you’re doing” you asked, quickly pushing his hands off of you. “I was helping you up” “I don’t need your help” “Stop being so stubborn, we’re going to be married soon, you’re going to need to get used to me touching you” “touching me?” “Yes, last time I checked sex involves-” A loud smack echoed through the garden. He stood there for several moments, shocked, trying to assess if that really just happened. “Our engagement gives you no right to touch or talk to me however you so please, do I make myself clear.” Your fiance looked back at you with a darkness you’ve only ever seen from your father. “I don’t know who you think you are, but I am the man in this relationship. You are the woman. My women, my bitch-”
Your fiancé was cut off by a large, sandy wolf jumping in between the two of you. Startled you jumped back, your back now firmly against the tree as you watch the wolf snap and snarl at your fiancé.
You were more shocked than anything, looking at where the sandy colored wolf came from, realizing it was the same place you had just seen that man standing not too long ago. You quickly turned your head back to the wolf and stared in awe. It was huge, much larger than any house dog you had seen before.
Your fiance was soon calling out for the guards which promptly broke you out of your awestruck state. “You have to go, now!” You yelled at the wolf, gently tugging on its fur, which in any other case would’ve gotten your hand bit off. The sound of boots pounding against the floor started getting louder and you were getting more anxious. Not having time to think about why you wanted to save this wolf so badly, you quickly made your way in front of it and started pushing it back. “Go, now!”
San looked up at you, his the red fading from his vision as he stared at your face. However, he didn’t get to look long as the sound of boots soon reached his ears as well. Sparing you one last glance, he turned around and sprinted back into the woods.
“What is it, what happened my lord?” One of the guards asked as soon as they had reached the two of you. “W-Wolf! There was a wolf right there! It nearly tore me to shreds!” Your fiance began to ramble on, the longer he went on, the more the guards looked unsure of his words. “My lady, did you see the wolf?” “Of course she did, it was-” “no, I never saw a wolf.” Your fiance looked at you in total disbelief, but you remained with the same stoic face. The guards simply told our fiance there was nothing they could do since the wolf wasn’t there and led the two of you inside.
The entire diner your thoughts were full of that strange man, who you were certain turned into that wolf. It had to be him, there was no other explanation as to how that wolf got there that fast. Why was he there? Why did he protect you? Why did he make you feel so safe? Those questions lingered in your brain the entire night.
San thought it would be best to stay away for a while after the incident. He didn’t want to risk getting caught in case they were on high alert. So he stayed home, pacing in his room, running circles around the house, roughhousing with his pack mates, pretty much anything to keep him mind off you. It was harder than he thought, especially after being the closest he’s ever been to you, he longed to be that close again.
“San, you need to slow down-” “I’m fine” he responded in a short yell right before turning into his wolf form to go for a run. Seonghwa let out an exasperated sigh as he watched San disappear off into the trees that surrounded their house. “Is he gonna be okay” Wooyoung asked from behind Seonghwa, both of their eyes trained on where the sandy wolf just disappeared. “He’ll be fine” Seonghwa tried to reassure, but it was obvious that even he didn’t know.
You, however, were handling things differently. You had left your family's manor. Year after year you longed to leave and disappear into the woods and all it took was a strange man who you felt oddly connected to for you to actually do it. Why were you so drawn to this man? You didn’t know, all you knew was you needed to find him.
You were running as fast as you could to get as far as possible from your family’s manor. They were going to come looking for you, you knew that much. So the more distance you could put in between you and them the better. As you were running you could barely feel the burning in your lungs or ache of your legs, but rather the wind against your skin and the overwhelming feeling of being free.
You were free.
You weren’t tied down to your wretched family who only cared about selling you like cattle or the rules all of the entailed. No, not anymore. It was like the chains had broken and your cell door was left wide open, and you were free.
San felt different. He was more anxious than he had been the past couple of days, but in a good way. He had no idea what had changed or why he was feeling this way. He didn’t care. All he knew was if he didn’t get out his pent up energy he was going to explode. So out the door he went, ignoring the calls of his packmates and disappearing into the trees.
He ran and ran, enjoying the rush of the wind flowing freely through his fur as he let this light hearted feeling wash over him. He was so caught up in the feeling of running, he hadn't noticed his body had gone in auto pilot, leading him astray from his normal path and deeper into the woods to a place he had never been- a clearing.
There was a crystal blue lake shining like a glittering star in the moonlight. Lily pads were scattered across the smooth surface and flowers bloomed beautifully all around the edges. San hadn’t noticed any of it though. As soon as he entered the clearing his eyes were drawn to a figure sitting on the edge of the lake. And as if you sensed his presence, you looked up and smiled.
“Well hello there.” San’s heart swelled at the sound of your voice and he could’ve sworn his eyes were the personification literal of heart eyes. Your smile was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen, it was warm and inviting and everything he imagined home would feel like. One half of him wanted to scold you for being out here alone where you could get hurt, the other half wanted to run up to you and nuzzle into your side and let you run your fingers through his fur. He opted for the unspoken third option, slowly approaching you, watching you closely for any fear or discomfort, but he saw none. You looked oddly calm for someone who was now face to face with a giant werewolf.
“Why do I feel so connected to you?” You mused aloud with a cocked head as you scanned his face before staring into his eyes. The raw curiosity in your eyes was something of mirrored pure innocence.
San couldn’t answer, no matter how badly he wanted to. He was in his wolf form and he would rather not shift back in front of you. He figured this would be a conversation better with clothes on. So instead of answering, he nudged you till you were next to his back and then lowered himself to the ground, urging you to get on, and you did.
When you reached San’s house, you didn’t feel uncomfortable or out of place. You felt oddly calm, and it was starting to annoy you with how okay you were when it came to anything relating to this strange man. You should be running for the hills, calling the guards and wanting nothing to do with him. San lowered himself enough so you could get off his back and led you to the front door.
“San! I swear to- oh.” The man who was just yelling froze and just stared at you in shock, all of his prior thoughts gone. San noticed how you moved closer to him when Seonghwa had come out, your hands subconsciously reaching out for him and he felt like his heart could burst.
San simply looked up at the elder boy who seemed to understand what San wanted from him.“Um, hi. I’m Seonghwa. Let me get you something to drink while San gets changed.” You looked at San who simply nudged you forward. “That would be nice, thank you.”
You and Seonghwa sat in the kitchen just talking. You thought there would be some sort of awkward silence between the two of you, but in all honesty he was very easy to get along with. He asked you about your family and never pushed you to answer when you were feeling uncomfortable. He even made you a sweet honey rose tea that you fell in love with.
The two of you didn’t talk long though because San had rushed to shift back and get dressed so he could talk to you. San all but bursted into the kitchen, his lovestruck eyes landing on you in an instant. “I- wow, hi.” You couldn’t help but giggle at how cute he was. “Hi.”
Seonghwa sat there for a moment longer, watching as his younger friend looked at you with absolute adoration and how you met his gaze back with a sweet, caring smile. He thought the two of you looked like little lovesick puppies and you barely knew each other. Shaking his head with a smile, he made his way out of the kitchen to give you two some privacy, patting San on the back as he left.
“So, I’m a werewolf” “nice to meet you werewolf” “I- what no! I’m San! My name is San. Sorry, I’m kinda nervous.” You let out a soft laugh, the sound putting all San’s nerves at ease. You stood up so that you were now in front of him, holding your hand out for him to take. “Nice to meet you San, I’m Y/n.”
taglist: @itsyaapollochild
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solradguy · 2 years
BlazBlue Major Anon here! Happy Chaos talks about Vampires and Werewolves, as well as the term Demi-human, in his arcade story. He talks about how they contain information on parallel worlds, which is one reason why he likes Nago so much. Bedman is another example of a person who lacks a “universal ID” in the Backyard.
The theory as I’m told is that while Vampires have existed in Guilty Gear as Nightless, werewolves haven’t. They’ve appeared in BlazBlue though, and it wouldn’t be a overly long stretch to connect them into a multiverse.
It’s kind of a weak theory, tbh. For all we know, werewolf could be a reference to our Yokai pal.
However, considering Ragna’s current status in the far reaches of the Boundary and his astoundingly bad luck, I’m sure Happy a chaos could dig through the Backyard with a trowel and dig him out.
Would that mean the Backyard and the Boundary are connected? Just think of all the BlazBlue characters in GG! We could have Hakumen and Terumi and Nine and Ragna and the Amaterasu Unit and the Susano’o Unit. Oh!! And Nu-13! That’s all…
I think Sol would like Ragna in his own bemused way, but he wouldn’t like how Ragna has been beaten down by his fate in the Looping Worlds. He’d show him that he can fight his fate in some convoluted way.
Maybe he’d punch him and say something weird and convoluted like, “Did that hurt? If I punched you again, would it hurt again? If I kept punching, would you just give up and lay on the ground? Or would you catch my fist and punch me back? If you know something is coming, I know I’ll damn well try to stop it. What about you though…?”
It is pretty interesting that GG doesn't also have werewolves, considering how many other wild magical things it has going on, but also it's hardly expanded on the lore for its vampires either...
I still don't really know enough about BB to contribute much to this conversation though, I'm sorry ^^;; But I agree that Sol would do some kind of weird aggressively uplifting thing for Ragna if they didn't immediately try to kill each other first lol
Maybe one day we'll get a BB/GG crossover...
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maxfieldparrishes · 3 years
would it be harsh of me to ask for a bunch of,,like,,unposted ethanessa headcanons or something like that?? i miss the serotonin ur fics would give me ugh
not harsh of you at all! my executive functioning just sucks dong and i'm a horrible procrastinator when it comes to answering asks
so... unposted ethanessa headcanons... hmm... not really sure how much i've left unposted but!!! i will do this for you, and also for them because they are a Forever Ship
(jsyk these will be AU because i'm obsessed with the idea of them in the present day having a happy life and family together... also i'll be drawing on conversations i've had with @curioussubjects about the HML (happy modern life) AU) so here goes!!! under a cut because it got Long lol
ethanessa settles in either the pnw or maine, likely the pnw because there's some space for ethan during his time of the month but it's still relatively close to major cities (depends on your definition of close, tbf) (also i gotta represent my og turf! pnw represent!)
they have three kids - charles, claire, and celia. they are all thick as thieves which makes ethanessa sweat somewhat because of the potential of organized sibling chaos and shenanigans, but they adore their parents so they take it easy on them. mostly.
ethan is such a loving dad i can't even begin to describe him because i get too emotional!!! same with mom!vanessa... like they're not perfect people and they'd absolutely make mistakes as parents but their hearts are always in the right place!!! im crying omg
out of the three, claire and celia are both werewolves like ethan. this means that during every full moon there are 3 annoyed lycanthropes in the house and/or on the property--although now that ethan is older and more experienced with the shifting he's better able to control the urges, and he's made it a point to teach claire and celia how to better cope with the change while they're still young. claire will sometimes have supervised freedom while transformed; celia does not like transforming, does not trust herself, and will not leave the basement, even if calm/rational and if given the opportunity
charles is the most like van. magic shit. spooky ghosts. seances. freaky spellbooks. rituals that are Beyond Intricate. claire can deal with low-level shit, but anything above her pay grade (which is like... minimum wage) is sent to charles. charles is a nerd who loves lit theory and reads it for fun, philosophy and history, anthropology/sociology... academia in general; he wants to be a professor and publish incomprehensible papers when he grows up. also likes knitting to unwind, courtesy of ethan. would absolutely be bullied and stuffed into a locker if he wasn't so nice, cute, and friendly... closest out of the 3 kids to aunt cat, the sometimes-resident Cool Aunt
claire is the Social Butterfly of the three. she's the resident social (media) expert, keeps up-to-date on trends, tons of twitter/insta/snapchat/etc followers. absolutely has a hydroflask with stickers on it and an iced coffee obsession. chaotic middle child energy. super smart and cunning and protective of her family, absolutely the type to get into poli-sci for the activism, which she eventually does. loves cats even though they don't love her, animals in general, the environment, and being bisexual; does NOT love being a werewolf. she loves both her parents but would probably admit to being closer to ethan (is 100% a daddy's girl) probably the only member of the family who actually enjoys organized sports (was on the soccer team) once punched a guy who repeatedly sexually harassed her in the face, broke his nose, and was sent to the principal's office for it. ethanessa were proud <3
celia is the Artist in Residence of the clan. an absolute madwoman in the best way, she lives to create, is creating constantly, and is a fucking superstar bohemian who will one day go down in history and end up in museums. she works in a variety of mediums--painting (watercolors, oils, etc), ink drawings, sketches, clay--and always has something up her sleeve or on the backburner. gives off a vibe of being somewhat disconnected from reality, but she's very astute and observant. 100% the quietest and least social of the three kids, but also the kindest and most open-minded. can go through manic phases that result in an increased creative output but can also crash super hard, is on mood stabilizers and a diet high in omega-3s to help; the lycanthropy does not help AT ALL. 100% goes to school in paint-covered clothes, paints sets for the drama dept, has no social media at all but claire reps her sister's art on her own accounts and charles does too. has baby privilege; everyone loves her the most, including addy, the pet goat.
(they're all so supportive of each other i'm so!!!)
even though ethanessa are each other's primary partners, they are also both in a polyamorous relationship with catriona (and she with them) an anthropology professor, and the kids' Cool Aunt Cat
cat is literally a cat--she comes and goes as she pleases, she loves the kids like they're her own, she loves van to death and ethan only slightly less. far too self-directed and independent to ever be a dog, even if she is one of the most loyal and loving people ever
she's not always there bc she has her own apartment and her own life, but she spends a ton of time with the family when she can and wants to
the kids have all known her since they were born, grew up being somewhat co-parented by her, and idolize her completely, charles especially
brings yarn back from her travels so the fam (except for vanessa, who, bless her heart, SUCKS at knitting) can knit sweaters for addy (and sometimes scarves for van if the yarn is REALLY nice)
non-traditional family structures!!!
cat is the one who introduced charles to Theory and also tea. she gave him some hegel and zizek to read as a joke while he drank his genmaicha but he was absolutely enamored; told ethanessa later after he gave them all a lecture about lacan and the mirror stage at dinner: "i have created a monster. i am so sorry."
they don't have cats, but they do have dogs and a pygmy goat named adelaide, or addy for short
addy is the undisputed queen of the household and every single one of them would bend over backwards to make that goat happy
celia is addy's favorite person, because she's always on the floor doing Art, and doesn't mind it when addy climbs on her
addy has more instagram followers than charles and claire combined, because all 3 kids + ethan knit her sweaters and post pictures of her in them online. they have a schedule for it and everything, and the hype surrounding this tiny-ass goat is i n s a n e
ethanessa don't really use social media except to monitor the kids and keep in touch with fam because while they are not necessarily old they are also Old, if that makes sense
ethan goes deep into the forest during his transformations and usually it's uneventful... until the one time vanessa doesn't go with him, which becomes the one time he saves some lost hikers from a cougar and becomes a local legend as the town's Resident Cryptid
(this is a source of never-ending hilarity in the ives-chandler household. ethan is voted "hottest cryptid in the pnw" three years running and van gets it for him on a coffee mug. there is a close-up picture of his absolutely unimpressed face when he's presented with it on the polaroid wall and it is one of van's most treasured photos)
there's a well-intentioned running joke/bit in the town where they all playful accuse each other of being the HCITW (Hot Cryptid In The Woods). ethan almost got outed one day and left the grocery store sweating BUCKETS after one of the hikers he saved turned out to be the cashier in his checkout line, who said that he could have sworn he'd seen ethan somewhere before (ethan: "i just have one of those faces i guess???")
one girl in claire's class is absolutely CONVINCED it's ethan and she's absolutely right, but after claire takes her home one day to work on a project she's like "nah claire your dad couldn't possibly be a werewolf cryptid man he's way too chill and dorky" (claire: "don't tell anyone but that's the weed. at least the chill part is weed. he's just a dork naturally")
ethan is offended despite himself; van and charles have to leave the house to go walk in the woods because they're laughing so hard; celia is unbothered and only emerges from her room to change her paint water. claire thinks that she might one day marry this girl.
(they aren't married but they are still dating!)
none of this isn't to say they don't have bad days. sometimes charles hyperfocuses on things that aren't real--ghosts of people and the ghost in the book and drifts away from reality. sometimes claire is too angry for her own damn good and, when the full moon hits, becomes more of a wolf than either her father or her sister. the period of time before celia's mental health issues were nailed down and treated was hard on everyone. sometimes ethan and vanessa run out of patience with each other. sometimes they all have moods where they just don't want to talk. they're all in step with each other anyway, and sometimes you just don't want to fucking talk.
but all in all... it's a solid family. the state of being alive, in and of itself, is far too messy to ever be perfect, but their life now is better than either van or ethan could have dreamed (especially considering their own childhoods...) there's so much love in there that all of them don't know where or how they can store it all. there is so much love that no one is hungry and there is love left over for those who might need a little more. it's open hearts and warm arms and a hand to hold in the darkness. it's fucking awesome. it's the best.
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mister-supernova · 4 years
This Isn’t Goodbye
Pairing: Hope Mikaelson x Reader
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No one expected today to escalate the way it did. The Salvatore School had its fair share of chaos this entire year, and having a group of grown adults barge onto school grounds with guns and bark orders while treating supernatural kids like the scum of the Earth surprisingly wasn’t the worst thing that was going to happen to you today. 
Without the ability to access your powers, none of the students could defend themselves and there was no one else around to protect any of you. The members of the triad were ruthless and especially dangerous with their Malivore mud bullets that could poison any student who crossed the line. 
Unfortunately, you and Josie bit the end of one of those bullets. It wasn’t even supposed to hit you, but a shard managed to bounce off the floor and dig into your leg. 
At first, you didn’t know you were hit until you could feel your energy escaping you with every minute that passed. You thought that maybe you were just dehydrated, then you looked down and noticed the blood seeping through your jeans--your blood. 
Part of you didn’t know how you were able to stay on your feet while you, Hope, Lizzie, and Jo were forced to go into the werewolf holding cells in the basement. Lizzie was tending to Josie on one side of the cell on a cot while you and Hope were sat up against the wall on the other side of the room. 
“You’re going to be okay, Y/n. I swear. Once we find a way to figure out what’s blocking our magic, we’ll get that out of you as quickly as possible.” Hope says, her voice wavering ever so slightly. It made you smile, hearing the big, brave, tribrid worry for you. 
When you first met Hope, you weren’t sure that she had any interest in you once so ever. She was the mysterious, martyr-complex heroine trying to find her purpose in the world. She never let herself get too close to anyone because of her fear of losing them. 
Like MG, you were Dr. Saltzman’s student assistant when it came to taming the out of control werewolves of the school, so you saw Hope more often than the other students did. It was probably two years ago--about a year after meeting Hope--that you guys spoke more than three words to each other. 
You made yourself comfortable around Hope fairly quickly after becoming friends. She would never say that you two became friends so fast, but you believe otherwise. 
Unlike the many other students who tried befriending Hope and ended up backing down on her due to the fact that she was very stubborn, you never gave up on her.
Instead, you continued to be your usual goofball self around her. You’d tell her one terrible joke every day and even though she acted like she loathed it, she always looked forward to hearing them.  
Sometimes you would catch her sitting alone at one of the tables in the library either reading for one of your classes or studying for an exam. You’d pull up a chair and sit right beside her, nearly talking her ear off for half an hour while she pretended not to listen when really she was taking in every detail. You knew this because you’d notice her smile softly from behind her book. 
The two of you grew close, but you never expected yourself to develop feelings for Hope that were deeper than friendship. You believe they started when she let herself really smile and laugh at your dumb jokes. Something about the way her eyes crinkled when she was really happy made your heart grow three sizes. 
You’ve made it a point throughout your friendship to tease Hope anytime you saw her show concern for you and your friends.
“Is this the Hope Mikaelson worrying about someone?” Your voice was already starting to sound groggy and you could feel the poison spreading up your body at a painfully slow pace, “You sure you weren’t shot, too?” You ask, feeling her head with the back of your hand which she quickly removes with her own, “You’re cute when you’re worried, Mikaelson.” 
“I can’t believe you're making a joke of this right now.” She tells you, not letting go of your hand. 
“Sorry. Would you prefer that I act out the excruciating pain this Malivore bullet is making me feel, instead? I could also make a list of every body part that feels like it’s on fire if you have the time.” The serious look in her eyes only made you smile more. You never let your sense of humor falter, even in your possible last moments. 
“Why do you always do that?” Hope wonders with a half-hearted chuckle as she shakes her head at you.
“Do what? Be unbelievably hilarious even though I’m on my way to my impending doom?” You hush your voice as low as possible so that Lizzie and Josie couldn’t hear you from the other side of the cell. As much as you enjoyed making a joke of this situation, you weren’t sure the twins would feel the same way.
“You just smile and act like everything is okay. Like you aren’t in any pain.” 
You in fact were in the worst pain of your life, but the last thing you were going to do was let her see that. The infection of the bullet had made its way to your lower back at this point and it felt worse than any other sort of pain you’d ever felt prior to this moment. 
Seriously, you’d rather shift into your werewolf form for the rest of the day than feel this bullet destroying you from the inside out. 
“Well, maybe--let’s say this situation goes sour and we can’t figure out how to get the evil mud out of my body--I don’t want you to see me in absolute agony and I don’t want that to be the last thing you remember about me.” 
Hope squeezes your hand, not even wanting to imagine how you must be feeling right now. 
You squeeze hers back, “But I know with you here, I’ll be okay no matter what happens.” 
Tears began to fill the bottom of her eyelids, making the usual spark in her blue eyes--that you also started to fall for--go dull. Seeing her on the verge of crying caused your smile to fade. 
She had lost so many people she cared about because of her and she didn’t want you to be the next. The thought of that hadn’t crossed your mind until now. 
“Hope, it’s going to be okay.” You tell her with the most assurance you could. You knew that the chances of you surviving this weren’t certain, but the last thing you wanted to see was Hope cry. The sight of that would be more painful than the bullet.  
She nods silently before leaning her forehead against your shoulder and squeezing your hand with all the strength she could muster. You squeezed back, assuring her that you still had a good amount of your own strength left. 
Then you pressed a kiss to the top of Hope’s head, “I’m not going anywhere,” you whisper into her hair, “There isn’t anyone else I want listening to my stupid rants and laughing at my dumb jokes. Come to think of it, I don’t think anyone else would.”
A small chuckle manages to escape the tribrid and when she looks back up at you, you can’t tell if she thinks you're the biggest idiot in the world or the greatest person to exist. You decided to go with the second one judging by the faint smile she was giving you. 
It wasn’t until a few seconds passed that you realized how close her face was to yours. Her nose could practically touch yours if you were to slightly rotate your head to the right. 
Super hearing or not, you were sure that everyone in the cell could hear how fast your heart was beating right now and it wasn’t because of the Malivore bullet. 
You glanced down at her lips for less than a second and that was all you needed to do to know that you really wanted to kiss Hope Mikaelson. It wasn’t like you haven’t wanted to in the past, but in this moment you thought that this could be your last chance.
“Hope, I-”
The moment vanished at the sound of a familiar vampire running towards your cell--MG. Josie remained on the bed while you, Lizzie and Hope talked with him from behind the bars that he had now unlocked. 
After being caught up on how his mother is an agent working for Triad and that there’s a terrifying bloody skull sculpture in the school tunnels that’s blocking off the witches’ magic, you looked over at Hope. 
“Looks like that’s your cue,” she looks at you and Josie, who is looking a lot paler than earlier, “The school needs you and so does Landon. Go be a hero, Mikaelson.” 
Hope gives you one last awed smile before taking a confident step towards you and gently pulling your neck down to meet her lips with yours. To catch yourself from falling forward in surprise, your hands find her waist and you let out a content sigh. 
For a moment, the pain from the Malivore bullet was long forgotten and all you had to focus on was the beautiful woman in front of you. You couldn’t care less that Lizzie, Josie, and MG were witnessing your first kiss with the tribrid. In your mind, they weren’t even there. For all you knew, it was just you and Hope in the world.
The kiss didn’t last nearly as long as you wanted it to, but given that some of you were in a life or death situation, you thought maybe it was for the best. When Hope pulled away, she leaned her forehead against yours while her fingers still traced along the back of your neck. 
“Now, you really better come back.” You say breathlessly, feeling another smile grow on your face. 
“You better be here when I do,” she whispers with a hint of seriousness in her voice. 
“Will I get another one of those if I am?” 
She smiles, taking a small step away from you, “We’ll see.”
this is my first time posting an imagine like this, so i hope you guys like it ;) i’m making this a little mini series (idk how many parts yet) but part 2 will be coming very soon! 
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omnivorousshipper · 3 years
It's so late but I finally had time!!! So going off of the vampire Deckard AU request 😁😁😁 Can we have a werewolf Luke AU where Deckard is just as oblivious. Then some time after they somehow find out about the other or their secret is spilled by family members and it becomes such a shock, but they also love each there so much it's not that big of a deal!!!?????
I'm sorry that's so long but I just got so excited when I read it and I love Werewolf/Vampire relationships and it matches them beautifully 😍💕💕💕
Based off this fic
I absolutely love the idea that these two are just so in love that they don't even notice that the other isn't human!!
Luke knew all about the small quirks Deckard had and accepted them without question. But, he was still nervous to reveal his own issues
Like turning into a wolf every time the moon was full. Or how his hearing and sense of smell was much stronger than any human's. Or that he had incredible healing abilities
He was able to hide all of these things from Deckard
Deckard had to wonder how Luke was able to smell his cooking from almost any distance away. One time, the man was down the street when he had called Deckard up and asked what he was making
Usually these incidents left Deckard glowing with praise so he didn't question how it was possible. He was all too happy that Luke loved his cooking
Another thing Deckard found odd about his boyfriend was how quickly he could heal
Luke had gone off on a mission and gotten shot twice in the leg. Two weeks later, Luke wasn't even limping
Deckard had been concerned, but when Luke had kissed him and treated him to a very exciting night, the concern flew out of his mind. Luke was healthy again and that was all that mattered
The only thing that annoyed Deckard was how much dog hair he found in the house. He was constantly vacuuming and lint rolling clothes. And he had no idea how it got there
Luke's dog had extremely short hair and didn't shed, so where was it coming from?
Deckard had asked Luke, who told him he trained with the police dogs quite a lot. But Deckard wasn't completely sure if that was true. How was the hair ending up in their bed?
Even with these little things, Deckard wasn't bothered and loved Luke even more each day they lived together
Smiling, Deckard couldn't help but love the organized chaos that was occurring around him. Many of the Hobbs were crammed into Sefina's kitchen as they all raced around helping to make dinner
He was cutting up vegetables, the knife feeling like an extention of his arm. It always felt calming to make food, even if his body could only digest small amounts. He was glad the Hobbs family ate so much
"How are you doing, Deckard?" Sefina asked, coming up next to him
"Good. Almost done here. Then I can help you with something else." Deckard smiled at the woman
She smiled back and patted him on the back
"We don't always find people who can stand being around so many werewolves." She told him casually. "Too rowdy for them. But you and your family are so good to us."
Deckard blinkes
"Werewolves?" He stuttered
"Yes." Sefina's smile decreased slightly. "One of the last families in Samoa, but we're coming back."
Deckard nodded shakily and sighed in relief when the matriarchal Hobbs left him to his task
How the blood hell did he not notice Luke was a werewolf?!
Luke raised an eyebrow as he saw Owen and Hattie sitting under a tree, sipping at bottles of tomato juice. Even vacationing in Samoa, all three siblings kept drinking that stuff
Walking up to them, Luke looked down at them unimpressed
"Aren't you two going to do anything other than sit around?"
Owen glared up at him and barred his teeth. Luke always wondered how his teeth looked so sharp
"You try not burning up in the sun, arsehole!" He hissed and pulled Hattie closer to him
"Just put sunblock on!"
"That normally works, but the sun's just too strong." Hattie shook her head. "Vampires don't usually burst into flames, but it'll definitely burn us pretty badly if we stay out too long."
Luke's mouth dropped open
"Vampires?" He choked out
"Yeah." Owen rolled his eyes. "We're not some stereotype, numbnuts. We can survive most things."
Luke only nodded before turning away
How could he not tell that the Shaws were Vampires? Hell, he even lived with Deckard!
That night, Deckard felt himself grow nervous as Luke stepped into their bedroom. He had been unable to catch Luke alone all day and now he could talk to him privately
As the larger man stepped closer, Deckard swallowed at the strange look Luke was sending
"I think we need to talk." Deckard said softly. Luke only nodded
"Luke, I know you're a werewolf-"
"Deck, I know you're a vampire-"
They spoke over each other before staring
"How?" Deckard asked
"Your brother and sister spelled it out for me." Luke chuckled nervously. "I'm sorry, I thought it would be easier if I didn't tell you about me being a werewolf."
"Me too." Deckard said quietly
They were quiet as they stared into each other's eyes
"Is this going to affect us?" Luke spoke up finally
Thinking for a moment, Deckard shook his head
"No, I don't think so. We've been living together pretty well and dealing with each other's issues so far. I think we'll be fine."
Luke smiled broadly
"Good, because I wasn't planning on letting you go."
Deckard chuckled before walking up to Luke. Standing on his toes, he brushed his lips against Luke's
"You know, I've never tried werewolf blood before."
Luke's eyes grew dark as he wrapped his arms around Deckard
"Guess we'll have to change that, huh, princess?"
I hope you enjoyed friend!
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pellucidity-is-me · 3 years
Remus Lupin Meets Newt Scamander
Summary: The year is 1971. Remus and his friends are invited to Slughorn’s annual Christmas party, and Remus is introduced to an unexpected guest.
Wordcount: 3086
"Remus Lupin!" bellowed Slughorn as Remus and his friends arrived at the party. Remus cringed. "Well, well, well! You ended up coming! Come in, come in. You boys are very well-dressed. Yes, yes. The festivities are in full swing!"
Remus could tell. It was so loud—louder and more chaotic than a Quidditch game, with shouts and screams and house-elfs running all around and the scents of tens of students and food and confetti and music—the music was so loud—and his skin was all clammy and the full moon was less than a week away... Heightened senses, to the non-werewolf individual, seemed to be a blessing. They were not.
Remus smiled at James, who was looking worried. "I'm fine."
"You're pale."
"I'm always pale."
"He's got a point," said Sirius, laughing. "Come on, James, let's go dance!"
"I'm not leaving Remus all alone. He's scared..."
"I'm not scared!"
"Boys, boys, boys," said Slughorn ambivalently. "I actually have someone that I want Remus to meet! Wonderful person. Very famous! I invited him here myself."
"I'll come," said James immediately.
"No, no!" chortled Slughorn. "You go dance! He'll be with me. He's okay! Right, Remus?"
Remus nodded. "You three have fun. I'll catch up later."
Sirius pulled James away, and James didn't protest. Peter followed them, his face alight with happiness.
And then Remus was alone. He wasn’t sure he liked being alone.
Wait, no. He wasn't alone. Unfortunately, Slughorn was standing right next to him... yes, Remus would have preferred solitude.
Slughorn put his hand on Remus' shoulder, and Remus jumped and shooed his hand away instinctively. "Calm down, my boy! I'm not going to hurt you! There, now, this way, then..." Slughorn was shouting over the music, and Remus' ears hurt. He let himself be guided away, trying not to inhale too deeply. He sort of wanted to go home.
Slughorn stopped in front of a man with a large gob of curly, greying hair and blue eyes. "Here, this is who I wanted you to meet! Have fun, you two!" Slughorn said something else that Remus couldn't quite make out before ambling away.
Remus, who now thoroughly regretted coming to the party, glanced at the man (out of the corner of his eyes, since it was impolite to stare). The man was tall. He was holding a glass of punch. He, like Remus, very much looked as if he wanted to be somewhere else. Remus stood there silently, unsure of what to do. "Well, this is awkward," said the man.
Remus tried to laugh. "Er... yeah."
"Yes," the man repeated, and then he lowered his voice a little. "Listen, I... well, I'm not a fan of parties. Too stuffy and loud. Slughorn's watching us, but if I create a distraction... we can slip out the back. Undetected. Sound all right to you?"
Remus nodded a little. He wasn't sure what the man meant by "distraction", but he reminded Remus a little of James. And James' ideas were sometimes stupid, but they usually worked out.
The man reached into a briefcase and pulled something out, clenching it tightly in his hands. "Here, watch carefully," he said, a mischievous grin spreading across his face. He opened his hand wide, and three pixies flew out. Remus gaped.
The pixies flew around the room—one landed right on top of Slughorn's balding head. Chaos promptly ensued. The man motioned for Remus to follow, and Remus did—sure enough, there was a door in the back of the office, and Remus managed to slip through without Slughorn noticing.
They ended up in the corridor, and Remus kept following the man. He guided Remus through another door. Now they were standing directly in front of...
"A broom cupboard?" Remus asked in disbelief.
"Shh!" said the man, pushing Remus into the cupboard. It was a very large cupboard, as cupboards went, and there was plenty of room for the both of them. Much better, at least, than the lavatory in which Remus had been trapped with James Potter earlier that day (it was a long story). 
The man entered behind Remus and shut the door, lighting up his wand so that they could see. "This is the largest broom cupboard at Hogwarts," he explained. "I spent plenty of time in here when I was your age."
Remus was confused. Why would anybody spend that much time in a broom cupboard?
"No, no," said the man suddenly, looking at Remus' face. "Not... not snogging or anything... how old are you?"
"Eleven," Remus said.
"Oh. That's probably not what you were thinking, then. Er, I didn't have a lot of friends. Came here to be alone. I don't like people much. Honestly, I'm surprised: this cupboard is in exactly the same condition as it was when I left. Sorry to push you in here, I just thought that perhaps Slughorn would come and hunt us down. I'm... er, I'm quite famous, and he was pushing me to come for what seemed like hours. I didn't want to, but he's... persuasive. Well. Annoying."
Remus giggled a little. He was entirely overwhelmed.
"I'm not sure why he wanted us to meet. Not a big creature fan, are you?"
"No, sir," said Remus.
The man waved his hand. "No need to call me 'sir'. I never grew up to begin with." The man chuckled nervously, and Remus was amused in spite of himself.
"You said you're famous?"
"Yes. A little. I wrote one of the textbooks. And did a bit of field work, some research, you know. I'm currently writing a children's book. Did a few political things, too, though I'm not proud of all of them. Erm, don't tell anybody. I don't... I don't really like being famous? I know that sounds like such a privileged problem, but I'm not a fan of being stared at."
Remus could relate. "May I ask you your name?"
"Oh! Right. You must be so confused; how impolite of me." The man stuck out his hand. "Newt. Newt Scamander."
Remus stared at his hand in horror. Newt Scamander?
"Do you know who I am?" the man asked.
Remus knew exactly who he was. Of course he did. Every werewolf on earth knew who Newt Scamander was, and not for good reasons. This man—the polite man standing in front of Remus Lupin, who was a werewolf—had created the Werewolf Registry.
"N-Newt... Scamander? Er, I..."
"Are you okay? Are you ill?"
This man was the reason that Remus had to suffer every single January—was why he was questioned by people who hated him—was why the Ministry knew about his condition and hated him for it. Remus had read Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. It was one of the most famous books on earth, and it had been penned by Newt himself. Remus had memorized the paragraphs that Scamander had written on werewolves. It was all correct, of course, but was also very scholarly. Remus ran through the words in his head, and there was no indication as to whether Scamander hated werewolves or not. No bias whatsoever—not one way or another.
It didn't matter, though. It didn't matter! Even if Scamander didn't outright say that he hated werewolves, his actions had certainly proved that he did. How could someone who respected werewolves as people possibly think that they should be marked and listed like animals? It was humiliating, it was degrading, and it was the worst part of the year by far besides Remus' twelve annual transformations...
Remus hated Newt Scamander.
Did Scamander know, though? If he had created the Registry, did he keep up with it? Did he pop in every so often and check the lists? Had he met Remus before? And why on earth did Slughorn think that Remus would want to meet Newt Scamander? Of all people?
Scamander dropped his hand and leaned in a little closer. "Being a magical creatures expert, I can read body language fairly well. You don't like me, do you?"
"I... sir, I..." It was not flattering that Scamander had just compared Remus to a magical creature, though he probably hadn't meant anything by it. Remus thought he might be sick.
"What's wrong?"
"I... er, my friends are waiting for me. I think. I should go..." Remus tried to open the door, but Scamander had locked it. That was disturbing. "Sir! I really need to go..."
Scamander held his hands up. "I'm not going to hurt you; I just want to make sure you're okay. In my experience, frightened animals tend to do reckless things—and although you're not an animal yourself, I like to think of magical creatures as people."
Remus was confused. In essence, Scamander had just compared him to an animal again. But then he said that magical creatures were people. Scamander was tilting his head now, and Remus felt a little like some sort of specimen of which Scamander was trying to gain the trust. The thought did not improve matters.
"I'm not going to do anything reckless... I only want to find my friends..."
"Pixies," said Scamander, completely ignoring Remus' pleas. "The Cornish variety. Not sure what they're doing now, but that horrid man certainly deserves it. Er, don't tell him I said that. There are only three pixies in that room, of course, but three can wreak as much havoc as ten. Fortunately, any somewhat adept witch or wizard can get rid of them. I expect someone has it under control. Most every staff member probably knows that they belong to me, of course, and they’ll keep them safe until I return. Cornish pixies also recognize faces; they know that I'm the one who feeds them. I've set them on numerous people, and they've found their way back every time. Quite useful, don't you think?"
"You shouldn't use a magical creature," Remus said boldly. During Scamander's speech, his fear had well given way to anger. "For any means. They're not tools."
"Good point, good point," said Scamander, unfazed. "I always try to give them a choice. If they prefer, they can go back into my briefcase. But I find that pixies often like wreaking havoc. So it's more of a win-win situation. I know what they want, trust me."
"I don't," Remus mumbled.
"Know what they want? Well, taking Care of Magical Creatures in your third year might help with that. That was my favorite class, you know..."
"No, trust you. I don't trust you, sir, and I want to leave."
"Oh." Scamander still did not look hurt; more like thoughtful. "Well. I suppose humans need choices, too. I'm sorry for keeping you here, I thought that perhaps I could help you feel more comfortable. But I, er, often overestimate myself. Hope you're all right. You don't look well, you know."
Remus tried the doorknob, but Scamander was still rambling, and the door was still locked. "I don't know a thing about humans, to be honest," Scamander babbled. "My wife always wants me to stick around, even when she verbally asks me to go away. Confusing, if you ask me. Not all magical creatures are the same, but at least they don't get bogged down with words. Language is ever so confusing, don't you think? Creatures don't do things like sarcasm and lying."
This one does, Remus thought dryly, and jiggled the doorknob a little more loudly. Scamander was obviously lost in thought, however. "I can't think of why you wouldn't like me, though. Oh, well... that sounded pretentious. I mean, you seemed to like me all right before I told you my name. What have I done that merits such fear? I don't think I'm particularly terrifying. I mean, not everything I've done has been good. Never really been proud of the..." Scamander's voice trailed off and his eyes drifted to meet Remus'. There was silence.
This was it. Scamander was going to kill him. Turn him over to the Ministry. Tell everybody.
"Well, that makes sense," Scamander mumbled. "Er. This complicates things, doesn't it?"
Remus suddenly remembered that he was a wizard as well as a werewolf. He pulled his wand out of the pocket of James' robes and tapped the door. "Alohomora," he said, and then he fled down the corridor.
Remus never once imagined that he'd be escaping to a party instead of from it.
It had been a very long day for Newt Scamander.
Currently, he was trying to catch a Pixie who was swimming in the punch when Slughorn tapped him on the shoulder. Newt inwardly groaned. "Sorry, Horace," he said. "The Pixies must have gotten loose while I was..."
"No matter, no matter!" said Slughorn lightly. "Where's...?"
Newt held up a hand. He really didn't want to know the boy's name. That would only complicate things further, and he figured that the boy deserved as much privacy as he could get. Newt lowered his voice. "You wanted me to meet him because... of his condition?" Newt wasn't a hundred percent sure that Slughorn knew, so he was being intentional about stepping around the subject. Although he wasn't sure how the boy could attend Hogwarts without the staff knowing...
"Of course!" said Slughorn, absolutely jovial and not nearly quiet enough. "Seeing as you created the Werewolf Registry. I figured he knew who you were! Oh, and there's someone else I want to introduce you to... a boy in Slytherin, an absolute magical creatures whiz..."
"Please lower your voice; I assume you're sworn to secrecy and we're in a public place," said Newt sharply. Slughorn definitely knew... unfortunately for the boy. "Do you actually know what the Registry is?"
"Of course," Slughorn scoffed. "The sub-department in the Ministry that keeps the Werewolf Register. I know you're much cleverer than I am, but I do know some things!"
"It's not pleasant, the Registry," said Newt. "Not pleasant at all. Sort of like..." Newt hesitated. He wasn't sure how to word this. "Sort of like staying at St. Mungo's, but you feel fine and all the Healers hate you and treat you like a criminal."
"Hm," said Slughorn, not comprehending this at all. That was fine. It hadn't been a very good analogy, after all. "So, how did it go? I figured you two would get along. You have a lot in common, you know..."
"Werewolves don't like me, Horace," said Newt slowly. He couldn't fault Slughorn for failing to understand a complex topic that didn't concern him at all, but it was a bit annoying. "I made their lives twice as complicated. The Registry was a good idea in theory—it felt necessary during the war—but it's incredibly badly-kept. So all it does is alienate werewolves even more. If they're Registered, they're subjected to dealing with the horrid Ministry workers who keep it. And the only werewolves that really need to be monitored are the Unregistered ones. I am not very well-liked in the world of werewolves."
"Oh," said Slughorn, looking remorseful now. "But he's..."
Newt shushed him. "I do not want to hear his name, or any other information about him. Just..." Newt rubbed the bridge of his nose. "Leave him alone, would you? I'm sure he has enough to deal with. Now, where is this Slytherin student of yours?"
Remus was hiding behind the curtains in the back of the room, drinking a glass of punch. It tasted a little odd so close to the full moon (the strawberries were over-ripe), but overall not bad. He wasn't exactly sure what to do.
On one hand, maybe Scamander wouldn't tell anyone. Then Remus could continue to stay at Hogwarts, even though he knew he was on borrowed time and his friends would find out at any moment. On the other hand, if Scamander did end up telling someone, he could be in serious danger. Logically, he should be in Dumbledore's office by now, all packed up and ready to go.
But he just couldn't bear to leave Hogwarts, even though it was loud and stressful and he was terrified out of his wits. Remus was a little odd like that. Perhaps, he thought with a smile, it was the Gryffindor in him: recklessly staying in a place that could turn on him at any moment. It was stupid, Remus knew, but maybe James and Sirius were rubbing off on him.
Or maybe it was just because he was all emotion-ed out today.
Suddenly, the curtain pulled back and Scamander was only a few feet away. Remus wasn't sure what to do, so he nodded at him and took another sip of punch. Maybe Scamander was going to curse him within an inch of his life. Or actually kill him. Or turn him over to the Ministry and come up with a false story about how he was an irredeemable monster.
Well, he was an irredeemable monster, technically. One night a month, at least. And there was nothing Remus could do about it now, was there? Remus figured that he really was emotion-ed out; he was usually much more expressive than this.
"Hey," said Scamander, a little breathlessly. "How are you?"
Remus looked at him and blinked. "Wonderful."
"I'm sure," said Scamander with an odd sort of laugh. "I'm not going to tell anyone. Thought you ought to know."
Remus nodded slowly. "Thank you." He wasn't sure what else to say.
"Well. Have a nice day." Scamander turned to leave, and then he paused and turned around again. "And... I'm sorry. Really." Then he gave Remus a small smile—still looking him in the eyes, to Remus' great surprise—and said, "Sorry. Leaving now."
Remus watched him go, entirely befuddled. Then he went to go join his friends, who were trying to teach a wayward house-elf how to dance. It was his last evening with them, after all, and what was a little noise and discomfort compared to what was going to happen next week?
Looking back, Newt was glad that he had gone with the simple apology. Because really, there were no words. Being famous and influential had more disadvantages than perks, but Newt had always been a responsible person.
Somewhat, he thought with a snigger as he remembered how he failed History of Magic for five years straight.
AN: This is a scene from my fanfic (link in blog description) and I totally forgot about it until I started editing it lol. Little bit of a Christmas special!
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halinski · 4 years
Red Light, Green Light
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I lost the original ask when I tried to post the other day but thankfully I had this saved! Thank you to the anon who sent this!! It was a great challenge and obviously it took me a long while (so I hope you’re still around!) but I’m actually quite happy with it :D I might finally be gaining some confidence with writing hehe lots of thanks to @kcfriedchicken​ for always putting up with me and cheering me on, and also to @livinginfictions​ for the thorough beta!! <3
[Read on AO3]
Derek blinked lazily at the clock on Stiles' desk, wishing he could close his eyes and keep dozing, pretend he hadn't seen how late it was getting because that meant putting an end to this. But...an alpha missing out or being late to his own pack meeting would not do. Especially if he popped up around the same time as Stiles, both of them smelling distinctly of each other.
No. This...whatever it was—well, relationship, yes, in a way—it was just theirs for now. Stiles’ and his. They hadn't put a name to it, mostly because Derek feared to bestow a cursed title upon Stiles. Connections like this generally ended badly. But this was something that was just theirs, safe and secure behind four walls, or car doors. For now.
Another minute ticked by, striking Derek's ears, drawing attention to the impatient little black hands, swinging further on and on, tempting Derek to dig his claws into the plastic and tear it apart, as if that would eradicate the concept of time so that he could continue to lie here with Stiles on his shoulder. If that was all his life consisted of from this day forward, Derek wouldn't mind. He'd always seen himself bleeding to death at the hands of an enemy, enduring inexplicable pain but now... 
He could spend eternity here in Stiles' room, on his tiny bed, and not be bothered at all, or alternatively, and more realistically, die happy on the spot in a good way.
He was half tempted to go public with their...relationship but it also made the fear of vulnerability stir inside his chest. It was one thing to have Stiles see his cracks and edges: to let him soothe them like balm in privacy, but revealing this thing with Stiles would mean letting the rest of the world know about his weakness. He knew the pack didn't mean him any harm, and yet...
Derek was working on giving the softness inside him space. It was a work in progress.
He sighed, another tick and tock of a minute having gone by, the planned event creeping closer. Stiles snuffled against Derek's shoulder at the sound, rubbing his scent into the worn grey shirt. His arm re-adjusted around Derek's torso.
"If you keep up with that all my shirts are gonna be shoulder free - but only on the right side," Derek said, amused and hell, proud even, at how quickly so many wolf-like behaviors had grown on Stiles; faster than anyone else in the pack, when he wasn't even a wolf. It spoke volumes of Stiles' understanding. Sure, he had been tactile from the start, searching for contact, and Derek had seen the hugs and shoulder pats he shared with his dad but this...it just felt right.
Derek was glad the human's eyes were closed because the smirk he was wearing may have been closer to a smile, and he didn't dare encourage Stiles’ ideas further. If he gave his cheesy thoughts too much room he would ruin their balanced give and take. They both found a necessary challenge in the other. Derek couldn't just surrender.
"You can buy new ones," Stiles mumbled, not caring to lift his head even the slightest bit. "Shit, it's not like you're poor. Don't be stingy. Let a guy enjoy himself."
Derek let out a light snort. "You've enjoyed yourself plenty. It's time we get ready."
Stiles just whined, slightly high pitched and grating, but a wordless communication Derek appreciated, if only for the fact that Stiles didn't necessarily need his words around him anymore. When he didn't want to, which...wasn't very often.
"Come on, let's go," Derek said, giving Stiles' a vigorous little back rub to try and get his system going, after which he managed to pull him up into a sitting position with him.
"This sucks. I'm going to excommunicate from the pack. Both you and me so we never have to deal with any responsibilities ever again," Stiles said, blinking unhappily into the room.
Derek swung his legs over the edge of the bed and stood, stretching his back. "And then I'll whisk you away and we'll live in a cave like real wolf-men for the rest of our lives," he quipped.
"Exactly!" Stiles exclaimed, a grin splitting his face. "This is why I'm dating you."
"Yeah, yeah. I get it. You only want me because I'm a werewolf." Derek let out a put upon sigh after slipping on his shoes and grabbing his jacket. Stiles joined him then, taking hold of Derek by wrapping his fist in the hem of his shirt.
"Come here, hot wolf-man," Stiles mock-growled, pulling him in. Derek went along easily, lips finding Stiles' blindly and letting himself sink into the warmth. Stiles' hand stroked over his cheek with the tenderness of a sunlit daisy.
God, Derek was a goner.
Derek gently nudged Stiles back, righting his head. Stiles followed his movement with a subtle lick across his lips, pupils all wide and open, as if he had a whole world in there for Derek alone to make his home in. But he couldn't let himself get distracted by Stiles again. 
"I'll race you," he blurted out to shake himself out of this delirious high. A challenge: one of the strongest motivators for Stiles. On cue, Derek watched the spark ignite in his eyes.
"I'm listening." Stiles smiled at him defiantly.
"I bet I can make it home, shower and be ready before you are."
"On foot? No way! I'm so going to win this."
"Oh yeah?"
"You're a goner, Hale."  Stiles was right about that on one count.
Derek met his gaze with equal glee. He held the moment just for a second longer, fingertips brushing against Stiles' nape. Stiles' pulse jumped beneath his thumb and Derek couldn't put the feelings in his chest into words, nor actions. The most he was capable of was resting his forehead against Stiles', just breathing him in.
Resisting the tangible temptation to give in to Stiles once more, Derek merely parted his lips to whisper, "Go!"
He ripped himself from the human and fled, holding fast to his next objective.
"Hey!" Stiles objected after a heartbeat, but Derek was already out the window.
Stiles screeched into the parking lot, foot on the break and hands pulling the steering wheel for a sharp left. He skidded to a halt next to the familiar figures at the entrance to Derek’s building - he still couldn’t believe his boyfriend had bought a whole building just to maintain his social isolation. Then again, having to listen to your neighbors do literally everything couldn’t be great. It would drive anyone insane. Stiles yanked the emergency break as he parked and left the car running, jumping out in one smooth move.
Isaac could shut it, he was totally smooth.
“You asshole!” Stiles ranted, pointing at Derek in frustration. “You cheated.” 
Derek did nothing but smile smugly, eyebrows openly laughing at Stiles.
“I don’t cheat,” he declared, arms crossing over his chest, now wearing a nice bright blue shirt. There was a light, earthy cologne crawling up Stiles' nose as he stood in front of this man of brawn. Stiles knew intimately how solid and strong Derek was beneath that sturdy dark blue top but instead of indulging said train of thought he had to expel it. The pack was probably used to his hormonal responses to Derek but he was supposed to be growing out of that phase.
Thank goodness for strong deodorant, Stiles thought,watching Derek's nostrils flare. He breathed in relief at the small nod that deemed him clean enough. Any lingering scents of each other scrubbed away,  and  a change of clothes. Dating a werewolf on the down low among other werewolves was a pain in the ass. Especially when assholes like Jackson would sneer and complain about the "ghastly stink" of artificial scents only when it came to Stiles. Naturally, he didn’t dare talk smack about Derek in his presence. 
"There's no way. You absolutely cheated," Stiles insisted and jabbed at those abs, just under Derek's elbow, where he knew he was ticklish. Then he bit his tongue lest he let anything incriminating slip and whirled around, grinning to himself at the quiet wheeze behind him.
"You done?” Lydia asked with an audible eye roll. How was it that all of Stiles’ favorite people had perfected that movement? 
“Yup!” Stiles declared, making a beeline for Erica to hook his arm into hers. Erica was bound to try to interrogate him about what kind of cheating Derek had done but Stiles was a sheriff’s son, and he had all his evasive techniques down. Of course, Erica had her own theories about him and the alpha, which may or may not have resulted in him confessing to her about his crush. Despite not being able to tell her about any of the developments, he found comfort in the fact that he could be sure she was rooting for them. “C’mon, bestie. Let’s go!”
Stiles didn’t miss the grin Erica sent Derek’s way before they turned and headed up into the loft, making a pit stop at the still running Jeep. The rest of the pack slowly shuffled after them. 
Somehow... no matter how organized Derek tried to be before a pack meeting or how sternly he glared and attempted to keep the pack in line, pack meetings always resulted in chaos and headaches. Right now, there was a discussion going on about cats and full moons that weren’t based on any scientific (or supernatural) evidence and Derek couldn't even recall when the conversation shifted.
Even Stiles was getting tired at this point, rubbing his forehead vigorously as he hung over the laptop. Derek hadn't heard him typing for the past 15 minutes and it hadn’t been long after that Stiles had stopped sending sullen looks his way and started stubbornly picking at the permanent stain on the table.
"Okay, let's wrap this up and get something to eat before I start tearing out throats," Derek sighed.
Stiles' laptop snapped shut before Derek finished the sentence.
Boyd smirked. "We haven't heard that one in a while," he commented.
"So, we're done, right?" Lydia declared, already packing up her things and slipping her shoes back on.
"We're done when I say I'm done," Derek said. "Any other questions left?"
Erica raised her arm from her lounged position. 
"Are we done?" she asked, without as much a hint of amusement, and Derek was. Derek was 100 percent done trying to deal with these teenagers. 
He gave her a long blank stare. Just to prove how much he meant it, before he turned from where he had been pacing and pointed at Stiles.
"Patty's. You're driving."
Then he marched upstairs to his private bathroom, just to buy himself some alone time, hanging out the tiny window and staring out at the tree tops. 
He loved his pack, he did. Sometimes it was all a bit much and he needed to breathe, though. He'd been the same even as a kid.
He waited until everyone had made their way into the stairwell before taking a deep breath and following. A small part of him was hoping Stiles would linger behind so they could have a moment but he quickly buried that thought with logic. They would be heard and how could he even already miss Stiles when they had just spent hours together?
Grabbing his jacket, wallet in the pocket, he pulled the door shut and ambled down the stairs. He didn't bother locking it. There was nothing to protect, and Derek made sure to chase off any stupid teens who wanted to screw around and vandalize the place. Any supernaturals wouldn't be bothered by a lock anyway.
The only exception was, of course, when Stiles was around.
Of course, the kids weren't even close to figuring out a seating order by the time he joined them. What did Derek even expect?
But upon approaching the Jeep, he found one seat occupied. The passenger seat. Derek stopped short. 
"Erica." Because of course. 
Her curls bounced as the young women turned to look and flash a grin at him. 
"Derek, hi! Would you look at that, we're matching," she said, shimmying in her own leather jacket, just as black as his, but newer and shinier. Derek wouldn't really say they matched, because Erica was a fashion statement in herself, a force of her own, and Derek was just…wearing a memento because it was comfortable. Whatever.
Derek crossed his arms.
Stiles came over to his side, leaning on him and in toward Erica. Stiles let his fingers tap lightly against Derek's pec. Thank God Stiles had always been reckless with physical contact and there was no sudden change in intimacy that could cause suspicion. Derek just had to make sure he didn't preen too much.
"Eyebrows basically mirrored, matching, with only a slight degree of tilt, I would say maybe like a good… 19%. And then we have a non-flared nose but alert ears and oh, dare I say… that freshly trimmed stubble really drives the point home,which is…Erica, I think you better move," Stiles warned, voice lifting from dramatic broadcaster to a cartoonist sing-song tune.
Derek chose not to acknowledge Stiles, because encouragement would surely only escalate this situation. Either in the manner of Stiles' antics, or instead with the fondness trying to bloom in Derek's chest.
Erica only proceeded to lean further into her seat, eyes flickering between the two of them with a certain glint.
"And why's that?" she challenged.
"Because I say so," Derek muttered.
"And he's the alpha," Stiles finished for him, straightening with pride. 
Erica gazed back between the two of them, lips pursuing with evident consideration of pushing further. Then she sighed.
"You know it's really not fair when you gang up on me," she said, but a smile still snuck its way onto her face. She turned towards the middle console and hiked herself up to clamber into the back. Halfway there, she stuck her hands out and called for Boyd's assistance, who gave a small shake of his head but quickly came to his girlfriend's aid. 
Derek bit back a comment while Stiles laughed at his side, and then detached himself from him. Before Stiles left to go grab his own seat, he left a gentle pat on Derek's back.
Two and a half hours, 12 burgers, 7 large fries (4 regular and 3 curly), 2 cartons of onion rings, some chicken, multiple stacks of pancakes, 4 waffles, 8 milkshakes, and a juicy mixed berry pie  later, they were back in the cars, making the 20 minute drive to Beacon Hills. Sure, there were plenty of places to eat in town but after discovering Patty’s diner one early morning while dealing with some kind of manticore-like creature nearby, they had deemed this the best reasonably close diner. Now, it was a regular thing.
Jackson led the way in his Porsche, of course, with Lydia right at his side and Scott and Allison in the back, while Jeep tailed them with Stiles at the wheel. Erica was splayed out in the backseat with her head resting in Boyd’s lap, quietly humming along to the radio. Isaac was smooshed over on the other side and yet still somehow found a way to rest his head on Boyd's shoulder and close his eyes. 
Hungers sated, stress digested and drama enacted all through dinner, everything was starting to slowly settle. Even Derek's restless soul found sanctuary in the familiar scents of his pack and the rhythm of Stiles' fingers against the wheel as they corresponded with his heartbeat. Derek allowed himself to find comfort, sinking further into the seat and stretching his arm casually out to rest on the back of Stiles' seat. 
He watched Stiles' eyes flicker his way but halt and return to take in the sight in the rear view mirror. A small smile tugged at his lips and Stiles hummed along with Erica as if the swell of affection radiating from him was not at all related to Derek's action.
Derek followed his gaze back out to the street in front before he could get lost in retracing the slope of Stiles' nose and the starry path of moles down his cheek. The Porsche was growing ever smaller, occasionally disappearing from view entirely.
"You're going to lose them," Derek remarked. Not that it really mattered; everything still felt safe enough. As safe as it could, that was.
"If Jackson wants to flash his bougie car as some sort of compensation even  though he didn't even buy it himself, he can be my guest. I'm not pushing my darling today," Stiles said, making a show of stroking the wheel. He smirked. "Unless you want to pay for a full on “Pimp My Car” session?"
Derek snorted. "In your dreams."
"One day. Just you wait. You'll see."
"Upgrading anything about this—this—" Derek reconsidered calling Roscoe a piece of crap whenStiles threw him a warning glare, "—hunk of metal…would cost more than buying a brand new SUV, including A/C and all the good stuff."
"You know, if you give me that in cash, I could totally start saving up for that upgrade." Stiles gave him an impish little smile.
"Absolutely not."
"C'mon, Hale. Fork over the cash," Stiles sang, holding up a hand and rubbing his fingers together. "Otherwise I might have to start charging by the mile, along with a service fee."
Which Derek had absolutely offered Stiles before. Well, not payment by the mile but he had happily suggested taking care of all charges for the usage and maintenance of the Jeep. He had repeatedly insisted and it was Stiles who, more often than not, refused. 
"I think we might have to switch over to transport by taxi. That'll be cheaper as well as a smoother ride,"  Derek countered.
"What are you, 50? Have you ever heard of Uber? It's what all the—"
"Eyes on the road, Stiles."
"I am paying attention. Jeez, relax."
"And both hands on the wheel."
"Stop acting like my dad—"
"Oh my God, Stiles. I am not that old. Stop comparing me to your dad, of all people."
"Then stop acting like it. You're out here lecturing me like I don't always get you right where you need to be. With special bodyguard services, if I may add, which you will never get from any carpooling service." 
Derek shook his head at the smug smile on his mate's face. There was time for sweet praises to be whispered into burning ears from within warm embraces in bed later. For now, he just preened at the familiarity of the interaction. Nothing like some good old bickering to help digest a feast.
"It's red." Derek pointed out to the street light ahead.
"I have eyes," Stiles said, easing down on the brake a little harder. The Jeep eventually rolled to a stop before the empty intersection, the hanging mist seeping from the tall dark trees radiating a gleaming red.
Derek loved it when the world made it seem like time stood still.
Stiles turned to him.
"Red light," Stiles proclaimed, voice suddenly open and unguarded. It was like the silvery shine to full moon nights when they encased Derek in protection. He reacted to the words on instinct, habit pulling him forward. Derek leaned in without hesitation.
Letting his lips meet Stiles' didn't require any guidance. He'd probably find his way home to Stiles' soft touch blindfolded from the opposite side of the world. Kissing Stiles was sweet like honey and warm like a fireplace in the dead of a Siberian winter.
It wasn't a peck, definitely a longer interaction, but it was still soft and sweet. They were encapsulated in their own little world until they finally parted. Derek found those beautiful amber eyes and smiled.
"Green light," he said softly, having registered the quiet click and the now lightened fog outside.
Stiles breathed out between parted lips, a corner of them hiking up. He was just about to shift the car into motion when—
"What the ever loving fuck was that?!" Erica burst between them with a shout, nails digging into their sleeves. "What? I mean, this! You kissed!"
Stiles brought his foot down on the brake again hard, but he forgot the clutch and killed the engine instantly. He'd let out his own shout that fell quiet as the car came to a rocking stop.
Derek winced at the volume before he could register what was going on and then… froze. 
"Erica! What the hell," Stiles breathed out, throwing his hands up to his hair. His discomfort couldn't solely be attributed to the surprise from the backseat, Derek figured, chancing a look over to see the blush climbing up Stiles' face. Derek knew all too well how it started; with the pink gleam budding just beneath his collarbone before it expanded like smattering star dust all the way up his neck that found its heart in his cheeks. Right where Derek found the source of his happiness when they tugged up and bunched around Stiles' smile.
"No." Erica shook her head. "Not me. What is going on right here?" She tugged at their arms. "When did this start? How long has it been going on?"
"And how in hell did you manage to keep this a secret, Stilinski?" Isaac threw in, his head popping up beside the bouncy curls.
Stiles looked over at Derek cautiously. His heart was clearly doing double time and well, so was Derek's. They had always avoided discussing the possibility of an involuntary reveal so, honestly, it served them right. Derek should've known the universe would have a trick up its sleeve as soon as he relaxed.
But…this wasn't necessarily something bad. He was pretty sure that the pack wouldn't mind about this development. Chances were, it would bring them all closer together. Somehow.
Still, doubts remained. Fear crept through him on spindly legs, ready to strike with its black widow fangs at any moment. There was so much that could go wrong. So much-
There was a deep intake of breath from beside him. 
"It's not what you think," Stiles said then.
"Oh, so Derek wasn't just shoving his tongue down your throat?" Erica hummed, and she leaned forward to place her chin on Stiles' shoulder.
"There was no tongue involved!" Stiles exclaimed, throwing up an arm.
"There was a kiss though," Boyd intercepted.
Stiles glared at him through the rear view mirror. "You too? Betrayal."
"I am pretty curious about this," he replied, gazing over at Derek as best as he could past Erica's and Isaac's heads.
"Oh my god," Stiles breathed. "It was just…a game! It was—it was just a game."
"A game?" Erica had nearly perfected the signature Hale eyebrow lift. 
Stiles was not fully successful at covering up his jealousy. 
Nor the shame and upset at having to play the incident off. Derek wasn't having it.
"Yes, a game. The red light game. You spend hours on your phone. How have you not—" Stiles started.
"No," Derek interrupted. There was a quiet hitched breath as all heads turned to stare at the Alpha. He tried to remain calm, and turned to look at his mate.
"It's not just a game. It is our game but we're also dating." Derek swallowed, keeping his breath and words steady. "He's my boyfriend."
Erica's squeal almost drowned out Stiles' beaming joy, but all Derek could see was Stiles; and the unfiltered, sunshine-bright love shining off his exhilarated face. There was surprise there, and some hesitance, but it was overrun by excitement.
"I fucking knew it!" Erica laughed loudly, smacking a kiss to Stiles' cheek and quickly infecting him with her laughter.
It wasn't long before most of the car had joined in, searching for touch all around. Derek felt both pats on his shoulders as well as a grip near his neck, grounding him to pack amidst all the congratulations. It seemed funny now, worrying about the reception of this news. Derek ducked his head to hide his burning eyes.
Relief, happiness—he wasn't even sure what to feel first, but he almost felt like he didn't need to name it. All he had to do was let himself feel it for now. Stiles put his hand over his, squeezing it lightly. Derek took it.
"Wait, so this is why we found you two cooking together that one time!" 
Derek smiled, looking up to the road ahead with a lighter soul.
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Family Relations - Part 3
Summary: Your criminology teacher is acting all kinds of weird, which is the norm, except for the part where his eyes glaze over and he tries to kill someone. Stiles, the hero he is, tries to stop your professor with little avail until he gets some unnoticeable help from you. Stiles seems to find himself with you at the location of multiple attacks, just barely making it out alive. Through the bloodshed feelings, family, and friends mix to create a perfect blend of chaos and calm.
T/CW: Violence, not kidnapping but Stiles takes reader to a place she doesn't know and doesn't like 100% get her consent for it but also she's not upset about it, oh! and one cheeky sexual implication at the end
A/N: I'm about 90% sure I'm slipping into a depression slump and I won't be able to get it fixed for at least another month, so my update schedule - not that I have one - might be a little longer than usual.
Late night walks weren't unusual for you, you liked clearing your head before you went to sleep and you found that nature was always one of the best ways to do so. You'd been enjoying yourself in peace and quiet when an obnoxiously loud jeep started heading your way, the headlights glaring at you and the muffler failing to do a lot of muffling. You were waiting for it to pass but instead it stopped next to you, Stiles' head popping out of the drivers' side window.
"Y/n? What are you doing out so late?" You ran over to his side, the cool air making the metal of his car freezing to the touch.
"Taking a walk." You hummed, inspecting the vehicle and finding that it was painted blue with a special addition of duct tape on pieces that looked like they should be considered a safety hazard.
"It's 11:00 at night?" The moon shone brightly above you, a cloudless sky making it perfect for a nice outing.
"I like night walks."
"You shouldn't be out alone at night, it's not safe." Suppressing the instinct to tell Stiles that it only wasn't safe for people who couldn't break your bones without touching someone, you gave him a shrug and started walking away. His hand grabbed your wrist lightly, stopping you from continuing your stroll.
"No way. I am not letting you walk around at night on your own. Hop in, I'll drive you home." You gave him a pout and he got out of the car, hand still holding your wrist, to open the passenger door for you. As the door shut, a large gust of what felt like wind pushed the car to the side, the vehicle's wheels screeching in protest as a wide but shallow dent was made along the driver's side.
"You've got to be kidding me!" Stiles' complaints were loud enough for all of California to hear them but you were more focused on what just caused the dent. Getting swiftly out of the car, despite Stiles' protests, you stood in front of it, waiting for something else to happen.
You got your wish when a large vine made its way out of the thick of the brush and straight towards you and Stiles. Within a split second you were in action, bringing up a hand to create a shield, temporarily blocking the vine while your brain worked overtime to think of a way to defeat the plant.
"Stiles!" You called out to your friend, his voice replying from what sounded like miles behind you but in reality he was simply a few feet from where you were standing.
"I need you to duck!" You hoped your yelling was reaching him and you got confirmation when you heard a loud and broken 'what?!' in response to your request.
"Just do it ok, you have to trust me!" With that he called out a hesitant affirmative and you let the shield down for a split second to send a blade of air slicing through the vine, cutting it directly down the center as it fell to the ground. You held the shield up again for another five minutes, waiting for the enemy to return, when you had no response you let it down and quickly went to seek Stiles.
He was crouched behind Roscoe, shaking only slightly with adrenaline and a twinge of excitement. When he heard you call his name he stood up, spooking you accidentally by popping into your line of sight so suddenly.
"Are you ok?" You rushed to as a question before he asked the inevitable one of 'what the fuck is going on?'.
"I'm fine. Are you ok?" His hands were roaming your body, checking for injuries of any kind as he patted down your arms and tilted your head up to look underneath your jaw. You nodded, putting his fretting on pause for now.
"Now you're definitely coming with me." His words were surprising, he didn't even ask what you were or what you did, although knowing a werewolf will do that to you, you supposed. You drove in silence for about three minutes before you couldn't take it anymore, the lack of noise made you want to explode.
"Stiles where are you taking me?" He shook his head and made a zipping motion on his lips, signaling that he wasn't going to give you any information. He was shaking, buzzing with the need to tell you that he was taking you to his pack because that's what he does when these kinds of things happen, but he refrained from it because he knew his chances of actually getting you there would deplete greatly if he gave you even a hint of his plan.
"So, nice car..." He hummed in response, biting his tongue so he wouldn't spoil his mission. You frowned at the lack of communication and slumped back in your seat, head turned to watch as the city scenery whizzed past you.
When the ride was finally over you found yourself in front of an old townhouse, shut off and condemned what you were sure was 100 years ago. Its front was covered in ivy, the windows blocked from the flora that had conquered the structure. One step to the door was broken, the wood split straight through due to some unlucky bastard's step.
"Stiles where are we?" You asked as he opened your door for you, grabbing your hand immediately once you stepped out so you wouldn't escape. Stiles opted to ignore your question entirely and instead led you towards the door of the ancient home, and into its rickety structure. The halls were dark but he managed to sift his way through, muscle memory guiding him, and effectively you as well, towards the door that led to the basement.
He held your hand down the stairs before knocking on yet another door, this time metal, in the basement. When the door opened you had to adjust to the flash of light, taking his opportunity Stiles quickly dragged you into the middle of the pack meeting, standing next to you in the center of the circle.
"Y/n meet my pack, pack meet Y/n." His introduction was vague, but in his defense he was still shaken up by almost being smashed by a vine. Scott was beyond shocked when he saw you standing in the middle of the circle, and you gave him a sheepish wave, one hand still death gripping Stiles'.
"What is she doing here?" Derek cried out, standing to assess your threat level. Stiles pressed a hand to the older man's chest, pushing him away lightly to protect you, even if Derek could overpower him in less than a minute flat. Taking the hint the elder werewolf sat down next to Issac, who was, as usual, wearing his classic scarf and leather jacket.
"Well we were just attacked-"
"Attacked? Oh my god are you ok?" Allison jumped right into nurse mode cutting off Stiles completely, immediately getting up and scanning you for bruises, foregoing an introduction, before moving on to Stiles who waved her off animately.
"Yeah we are, but that's because Y/n did this whole forcefield thing and she told me to duck so I didn't see it but she sliced the vine and it was kind of awesome." Stiles' rambling brought the whole pack up to speed while you stood in the middle of all of them, looking understandably nervous. Your eyes kept flitting from Scott to Stiles, the only two people in the room you knew whatsoever.
"So, what are you?" A ginger spoke up from her perch on a bookshelf, eyes coming to meet yours with a look that screamed that she was on the defensive, despite not having been attacked.
"I'm a witch. I'm assuming that you're all werewolves?" You scanned the eyes of the participants, trying to catch sight of a glint in one of their eyes. When you saw none you internally shrugged before returning your attention to the group before you.
"Can I sit down now or do I have to stand like an exhibit this whole time?" Your nerves didn't stop your annoyance at the situation, you never liked being the center of attention. Stiles squished himself into the side of a chair, patting the spot next to him. You looked around the room trying to find another option, not that you didn't want to sit in his lap, you wanted to sit in his lap doing so many things, you just didn't want it to be weird. Upon seeing no other option you squeezed yourself in next to Stiles, who looked generally very happy considering an arm rest was most certainly digging into his ribcage.
"We're not all werewolves, I'm a banshee and Kira," The ginger pointed to an asian girl sitting next to another girl who looked amazingly uninterested at the entire event.
"Is a kitsune." Kira waved at you, smiling brightly and nudging the girl next to her so she would pay more attention.
"I'm Malia, and a were-coyote. Everyone else is a were-wolf though you're right." She went back to scrolling through her phone and disengaging from the conversation. You took in the information around you, nodding and trying to remember the names that were given. Stiles put his arm around your shoulders, allowing you to lean into him for a source of comfort.
"Well, anyways, we were just talking about the deaths that have been happening on campus and-"
"Are we seriously just going to ignore the fact that a witch just walked into our pack meeting? Is that something I'm supposed to not comment on?" A younger boy sitting on the couch spouted off and you snorted at his words. You were starting to like some of the people here, even if you didn't know their names.
"Hey kid," The boy stared at you before pointing at himself to confirm and you nodded your head.
"What's your name?" He made a vindictive gesture towards you before answering.
"Thank you! That's the kind of thing you do when you meet new people. My name is Liam, this is Derek because he won't tell you his name otherwise, he's moody." Liam pointed a thumb in the direction of the man next to him on the couch who was scowling at his words.
"The banshee is Lydia, and the guy who wears scarves all the time is Issac. Oh, and that's Scott's girlfriend Allison, she's not a were-wolf either she's human like Stiles." After listing off the names of several pack members he sat back in the couch triumphantly, looking over at everyone to see what they planned on doing.
"As I was saying, we just went over the attacks happening on, and apparently off, campus. Do you think this is magic Y/n?" You were pulled out of your head by Scott's question and you shook your head briefly before answering.
"I don't know what else it would be but I can't be sure. I've never heard of a spell or power that makes someone a killer out of nowhere." Your magical knowledge was limited to self defense mostly, something you picked up and perfected back in your hometown. You also had a significant extent of offensive knowledge which you picked up from watching other witches' attacks on you, but it was mostly theoretical.
The room feel quiet and the air became tense as everyone else looked at one another, like there was a joke you weren't in on. Finally Kira broke the silence.
"I don't want to bring this up as much as you don't but we all know this reminds us of the nogitsune." The room fell silent again and you tried to search through your brain for any knowledge you'd have on the unfamiliar word. When you came up empty you sighed, Stiles taking note and looking to see if you were ok.
"Sorry to be so out of the loop but, what's a nogitsune?" This time there was a collective sigh as they all looked at Stiles, waiting for him to explain as much as he wanted about his past with Void.
"It's a spirit, it feeds off of pain. It's immortal unless you kill it, which we did, and it can possess people. When we dealt with it last time it ended up killing a lot of people-"
"It almost killed me." Allison interrupted, clutching her stomach where you assumed there was a nasty scar commemorating the encounter.
"It ended up killing a lot of people with a sword, kind of like with these last few attacks." He finished, looking away and purposely avoiding eye contact as he said it.
"What are you not telling me?" With potential murderers on the loose you had no time for bullshit, and you knew that whatever Stiles said wouldn't phase you, not after tonight.
"It can possess people..." There was dead silence as everyone waited for Stiles to continue.
"It possessed me, and then it looked like me. It did a lot of things with me, it's a long story but that's kinda the gist of it at least." He looked deflated to be bringing up his past and you wrapped an arm around his back in support, rubbing his arm to comfort him and show him that you weren't upset. He turns to you with a hesitant smile, happily surprised at your lack of fear like you weren't just told that at one point a murderous spirit had possessed him.
"Ok, so the nogitsune sounds like our culprit but you killed it. So, what's up with that?" You heard Lydia mutter something about you being obvious and you chose to ignore it in favor of looking around the room to gauge their reactions to your question. The only one who looked slightly worried was Kira, so naturally you asked her your next question.
"Are you sure you guys killed it?" You were directing the question at Kira and she stiffened upon hearing it, sitting up straight as a board.
"Yes we are. Can we move on now?"
"I mean..." Everyone was once again quiet as Kira spoke up, voicing her opinion on the dark version of the spirit that she had.
"We don't know if it's dead. You can't really know, but we did a pretty good job and I don't think it'd have enough power to come back so soon. Again though, I can't be sure." Upon her information Scott stood up, collectively grabbing everyone's attention.
"Ok, does everyone have all their theories out?"
"What about voodoo?" Liam piped up while Scott muttered something that sounded like 'evidently not'.
"Vodou can't do that. Spirit possession isn't evil in Vodou, and actual Vodou dolls can't control people, especially not ones that're alive. I would say maybe it's a zombi but again, the perpetrators were living when it happened. Besides, there's no reason a Vodou practitioner good enough to pull this off would have any interest in murder, they have enough to deal with. Vodou is a practice, not the supernatural." While his idea was deflated Liam looked content with your answer and was prepared to listen to Scott, finally.
"Ok so for theories we have, nogitsune, and witch. Any other suggestions?" Scott gave the room a minute to start talking before he moved on, tired and wanting to get some sleep before the sunrise which was only in a few hours.
"Ok, Kira can you find all that old research we did on the nogitsune? Allison go back to Beacon Hills with Derek and Liam and look through the bestiary to see if we can get any information on witches-"
"Hey!" You interrupted, loudly proclaiming your lack of involvement in witch-related studies.
"Witches who want to kill people Y/n, not you. I think our best bet is the witch idea, unless it's something new entirely, then we'd be..."
"Fucked?" Isaac finished Scott's sentence for him, the action making Scott roll his eyes before returning to his speech.
"Alright, everyone be on the lookout ok? We're done here, let's go home everyone." Allison stood up from behind him as he finished, hands still intertwined. You got the feeling that Allison and Scott wouldn't be very vigilant tonight.
"So, home?" Stiles stood next to you after you both managed to maneuver out of the chair. You nodded and went with him out to the jeep, the night air making you freeze. You shivered when your back touched his car seats and he frowned, reaching behind him to feel around his back seat.
"Should I ask what you're doing?" You chuckled, arms wrapping around yourself to conserve body heat. Stiles triumphantly pulled a large piece of clothing out from his backseat making a victorious noise as he did so before handing it to you. Upon further inspection you realized that it was a hoodie and you thanked him while putting it on. It was big on you, the sleeves coming down over your hands to make little sweater paws and Stiles almost cooed at seeing how cute you looked. You tucked the hood under your head to serve as a neck rest and you closed your eyes as Stiles drove off to the address you listed.
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magnusetdona · 3 years
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Hello there family! Back from the dead and ready to kick things into gear. Please bear with me as I update Brina's bio and her page but to help with plotting and to explain what's going on with our most elegant and wonderous badass babe of science and medicine I humbly present this to you! Below in are the current state of mind / things regarding Sabrina Mackie:
*** i tried to make it small that didn’t work so thank you so much for reading <3. gore tw, death tw, blood tw & mentions of these.
Bram Mackie: Supporting her brother's decision to become a supernatural in order to avenge their family and level the playing field in that regard what is done is done. For a moment it felt like she would lose him, like she had the tiniest doubt ( and still does ) that Bram would die and not complete the change. Now that he has and he's no longer in the hideout there is a stronger pull to make the journey into were-territory to do as she's always done and that's make sure he's alright and to take care of him. Brina has been trading in the black market for hard to find items like bacon, smoked ham hocks and specialty meats and things and plans on making a large spread as promised for him in his new home. The bacon/smoked ham hock / meat ( likely used for a polish hunter's stew - eden's heritage is showing ) will draw a decent crowd if not most werewolves in a decent radius. Bram hadn't approved of this sort of dealing before and certainly wouldn’t now knowing how often she’s frequenting insanely dangerous places to get these things but mackie’s tend to do what they want. ( she’s not told him the detail of her experiments or how she’s come up with a system to sneak into bite clubs and shady af places to collect samples that we will touch on later ). its her plan to make those who will now be involved with his life aware she is still a huge part of his and she still loses sleep over him knowing he's not in the other room now and how can she save the big bad werewolf from dying if she's not there?
Cardelle Mackie: With the injuries Cardelle has endured, both mentally and physically from his last altercation with a high vampire and their last conversation... Brina is concerned about him. With their older brother now a werewolf and on his own personal quest she'd holding the pieces of a tattered playing card and the tattered soul of her other elder brother, the much more handsome one she will aways tell him not knowing how to patch the latter up completely. Brina's ad a front seat to the differences between Bram & Card and now with Bram gone is again worried about how Card will react to this void knowing he's always competed with Bram to be better at everything instead of loving himself. Brina's noticed the uptick in drowning his sorrows and this has in turn made her push herself in the repair of the playing card and her brother. She's currently thinking of ideas on how to possibly help him out in all aspects of his life and quietly harboring deep resentment towards the vampire that so thoroughly wrecked him. Additionally she's torn between asking Card to move in with her or just move her things into his place and tell him she's living there now to take care of him and help him back to where he was and then better than before. She looses a ton of sleep thinking about how she can watch out for him and give him all the good things he deserves. If anyone can make steal ten seconds of happiness, Brina would steal them for Card not matter their cost.
Rory Mackie: She is still missing the other half of her soul. the chaos to her genius and its like losing part of herself - the phantom limb. Being twins she feels a special connection with her that is hard to explain that causes her not to give up in the search when so many others have moved on worrying about her. Brina didn't see her at SRS and since then I don't imagine the brothers with their own issues have had a chance to update Brina on this revelation. So for the moment every time she goes out to gather samples, wander the city discovering things and every chance she gets to speak to black market vendors Sabrina is looking for Mackenzie Rhys picture and all. The connection is fraying, not severed but if Rory were dead Sabrina would feel it and she dreads the day she might and then its one more step closer to being the last Mackie left alive and Sabrina even then would probably seek drastic measures to get her sister back. In short her family keeps her up at night wondering if they are safe and Sabrina doesn't give up on making sure they are okay and this connection out of every other is the one if she looses it will likely kill her. Brina would be lost if she loses Rory entirely.
Lucky Jones Adams: Lucky though not blood is a Mackie through and through. To the end of time and that last days to where eternity falls off into nothingness this is her sister for life. It's not like the connection she has with Lorelai where their souls are bound by some inexplicable twinness and a sixth sense though the way she feels about Lucky is the same. Her sister. A woman that helped raise her into the woman she became and while Sabrina is the first in a long line of Mackie's to hunt search for an alternative solution Brina would wrestle gods and slay demons if it meant Lucky would stay. She understands the disappearances, knows the struggles of the other without the exact detail. There are pieces Sabrina knows that the other one keeps close to her chest - Lucky is the lone wolf of their family but that doesn't stop this member of their small clan from worrying. Sabrina won't push it knowing she too disappears into her lab for days on end or travels about the streets of calamity slipping through crowds and what not and she admires Lucky for all she is. With her being back now and back to herself thanks to the Mackies and their hand Brina would love for one of her brothers to tell Lucky they love her. Brina is unaware that Bram has said this and Brina just wants to keep kindling their relationship. If anything were to happen to Lucky or hurt her with everything its not likely Sabrina would let her disappear again and Brina would be there constantly, earnestly to help Lucky keep a handle on all the things or just be a comfort. When the world is spinning she knows she can count on Lucky but Sabrina wants to extend the same love and care that she's always felt from Lucky now Lucky is around and back to being themselves.
Michael Fothergill: Sabrina's first and second encounters with Mike have been rather interesting ones. Meeting her brother's best friend and now fellow werewolf. He's crazy she'll give him that and the type of crazy her sister would readily enjoy but Brina has strange feelings about Mike. Having declared herself the defacto matriarch of their family ( she thinks this not that it's actually true ) accepting someone new into the fold is a task. She's not against him no - quite the opposite she is entirely grateful to Mike for all that he is. He's just the type of off the wall the family melds well with and during Bram's turning he was there and he held her hand while she was afraid for Bram's life and kept her safe in case something went wrong. Admiration. That is what she feels that and gratitude for him now that he is part of their lives and there for her eldest brother when she can't be. Goodness she has questions though about werewolves and the life they live and wants to be sure she can trust him with the life of someone she loves and by extension Mike is now someone she also cares and worries over and will when she stops by Bram's new place bring him food and be on him too to make sure he's doing alright. Brina plans on having lunch with him or asking for some time to better understand what Bram is going through - he's not blood but he has no choice in the fact he is now part of the family at least in her mind.
on the current state of the human faction: Brina has been keeping to herself, flying under the radar and honestly operating on auto-pilot. She does her work, eats, works, has a snack and then holds up in her lab for days. That or she switches out on the day she's not working to checking her plants and finding some other way to do something to keep busy. Or she's out on her own little scouting trip, wandering the city collecting more things, mapping more or spending time in the black market meeting interesting people or having dinner there trading there as well becoming quite the regular.. However hearing their commander has become a vampire now ( however unintentionally ) and Axel's moving up in the chain of command she's got a lot to think about. They are in a shambles really, she feels and she worries without a stabilizing force what will become of her entire life or the safe haven they built here. Brina might speak to Axel about moving locations now or even becoming Head Medic or more. Brina could never fully leave them - never abandon them because everything she does is to gain knowledge to better help them all and one day make it so they no longer need to hide and can roam around safely. Brina want's to help but she's not sure where to start knowing most everyone there and knowing everyone needs a hand. Tis stressful coming out of ones lab to find the rest of it in some form of chaos. These are her friends and they are like family and Sabrina is only one person who can’t do it all, patching everyone up and watch them go through it without suffering a little herself. She’s currently thinking of ways to help but has yet to approach anyone yet to do this officially If anything the recent happenings in short have inspired her to take on a more intensive role within the faction and work harder on the projects she’s got going on to protect those who are left. If anything she’s going to crack into that massive journal and have a plan to pull things together to help her human family.
regarding vampires:  brina is considerably guarded on her feelings on them around most people. truthfully she wouldn't have a problem with them knowing this is their form of sustenance and most at a base level are surviving like everyone else. she wouldn't have a problem if they didn't show a complete disregard for humanity both of those they drain and themselves. she can understand some of it but what for a woman driven by facts and knowledge, a need to understand the world and in turn make it better all of that is speculation. Adding in the general sentiment a hunter family has around vampires who they steal humans, keep them as feeders and show little regard for the lives they take even indirectly by robbing them of that person and all the knowledge of hundreds of years they refuse to share and hoard to themselves it angers her. Mostly because she wants to know why because her life is built on knowing why and making plans and fixing things. It wouldn't help either by the fact people she's cared about have been turned and they are different people now. all in all though she has a healthy fear of vampires, she won't go volunteering to be bitten but would show respect to one if one respects her and would like to have an honest and frank conversation with one to understand why they are the way they are, what drives them, what their weaknesses are and yes then how to fix them. She doesn't wish to kill any of them because they were yes once human even if they no longer remember. In all honesty her protectiveness even extends to them in some odd way and there are a few who inspire her to continue her journey. The only one she would gladly see dead is Demetri for what he did to Cardelle - this is one thing she hasn't voiced to anyone. 
regarding fae: There has always been bad blood between humans and fae and Sabrina isn't sure why. She can assume its because at one time humans were horrible creatures and some still are and to have soured a potentially incredibly fruitful relationship troubles brina. Again a being of understanding, hungering for knowledge and a way to build and protect their mutual interests ... she's wary. Wary only because of the way she's been raised and the way they have been raised knowing she herself is a rarity among humans who's interest is in science, medicine and understanding of the world reach farther than just helping humanity and they don't know her enough to trust her. Sabrina would like to cultivate closer relationships in hopes to seek a more harmonious discourse and stronger ties to heal old wounds and learn more about them to lend assistance. Would it be so terrible though to admit Sabrina is curious about magic, eager to study the small sciences and mysteries of a world that humans are denied access to? . Brina is still careful how to approach this thought knowing the power fae have is no joke and regardless of their classification any angered fae, pissed off is deadly and some are simply cruel for shits and giggles. She has a healthy respect for them knowing she if admitted into one's friendship or even tolerance is a gift.
regarding werewolves: She has a new found love and respect for them as Bram is one now. Growing up as a Mackie and the spawn of generations of hunters being told not to trust them and how dangerous they are now with an in via Mike and Bram she'd like to know more about them. Their transformation, their drive how they live and exist to understand more. Brina is no fool, will suffer no fools either and is perhaps the most careful of the Mackie. She's got plenty of things in her bag to protect and defend herself from every sort of being but she is excited quietly to meet more of them and this new part of Bram's life. They will see her quite often after all as there is no separating her from his life and in her expanding understanding to know worlds of knowledge hidden from her and perhaps share some of hers to help Bram's new family.
regarding witches: Sabrina while silent on most things as she is extremely quite on making her above opinions known ( while this is changing ) she is appreciative for witches though the sentiment is not always shared by others. She appreciates them and their craft again having a healthy respect and fear over their powers knowing she is mortal and they are in a way but supremely gifted. Were it not for Zyler Fane would the sickness that had been continue on and effect more and in the black market, Sabrina, has been gathering hard to find items for some of the witches there in exchange for this or that but never magic spells or curses but to gain their trust and ask for help finding persons she needs to. They are dangerous if they are dark and the magic they manage is nothing Sabrina balks at and she'd like to know more and plans on asking questions to understand slowly the witches thought process and again help make bridges and secure protection for a faction that needs it.
regarding merfolk: Sabrina understands merfolk and humans don't have the greatest history but she finds them infinitely fascinating. She too has heard of their wealth of knowledge and while she would jump at the opportunity to know it knows that is theirs and not a line to cross as mer are notoriously private creatures. Their desire to keep such knowledge private is what she admires being herself an incredibly private person. Perhaps that is why whenever she encounters one Sabrina feels honored and special. Heck, she even has dinner with one once every few weeks while both wander the black-market whenever or wherever it pops up. Brina would want to study and learn more about them with their permission though she is unsure how to do that since there is the matter of logistics to consider. Her previous dealings with mer would have her trust them sooner than she would most other species.
regarding demonic beings: The one thing Sabrina is deathly terrified of are demons. Memories are still burned into her mind, haunt her dreams and are the main reason she hardly ever sleeps. They have brought her constant nightmares since she was a child after having watched her parents meet their end at the hands of one. She's met a few before and it has always been the greatest struggle to remain calm around them, to hide all evidence of fear knowing Demons would chomp at the bit for a soul such as hers or to end her life. Yeah demons are a touchy, touchy subject and while she's grown bolder venturing into the outskirts of their territory and would love to free feeders / breeders alike she's know we'd get a full on panic attack. 
regarding angelic beings, Her experience with angels, Nephilim ( enlightened or otherwise ) and fallen angels is extremely limited. She's met them, spoke with a few but not had enough interaction with any of them to form an opinion one way or another. Truthfully, she has doubts about their being a god and as much as she is curious to understand and uncover divine mysteries she's not had the desire to go looking but is none the less thinking about looking further into them for scientific purposes.
regarding her experiments / personal projects Sabrina is when she is not in the infirmary/medical wing of the hideout is experimenting somewhere and is never ever without her satchel and its contents which is where that journal of hers is housed. Brina is currently working on several little experiments. Vampire repellant, studying hematology not necessarily for a cure but multiple applications, hybrid plants that are resistant to disease, medicines, salves and cooking recipes. She also sneaks out to observe, map and draw parts of the city studying that too. They are a way of escaping her own thoughts by filling her head with other thoughts not focused on her problems and on things she can figure out and analyze. Good god though Sabrina more often than not is risking her life just to collect samples. Heck, Sabrina has even snuck into places most humans wouldn't want to get caught dead or alive in and into places if she were caught would mean a fate worse than death. After all what human has been into a bite club and not gotten nibbled at just to collect blood since its laying all over or a girl that has tailed the worst persons. If people knew what she did to get her selection of samples they might faint out of sure shock. Bram at the very least would drop a brick. What remains a constant though in any of this, Brina is willing to go to the ends of everything risking her own life in the process if it means protecting others and ushering forth the day where humans don’t have to hide and her children if she ever has half a mind to have any don’t live in fear as centuries of persons have.
regarding her quarters in the hideout and potentially finding her own place: It's just an idea. Its a thought that has been floating around her head about looking for larger quarters or perhaps even leaving the hideout to set up her own home some where. With Bram where he is now, with the level of care she wants to see Cardelle given and if no when they find Rory again and if any of them ever expand the family or if she find love which she highly doubts a home as always been the dream. A place to raise the next generation and to have large family dinners and to be at peace. For now she just wants more space to expand her lab or just find a place to sleep in her current lab and more books
in general ...
her ringtone in general is the harry lime theme from the third man
she’s got a collection of rare books 
is studying midwifery thought a senior medic 
brina cooks for people she likes to make up for not being constantly around
if you’ve passed through the hideout, brina is one of the first to great you and she knows everyone there
cares entirely too much and remembers everyone’s birthdays. makes an effort while giving tough love most of the time to make people feel loved and seen
won’t tell you she doesn’t like to sleep because she has nightmares 90% of the time
is an insomniac ^
works way too much
her journal is HUGE, likely enchanted to keep stuffing more pages and is like the mary poppins bag but in book form. 
even though she barely remembers her parents she’s mastered her mother’s knowing look
has a solution for most things 
smol, stealthy & deadly science woman with medical knowledge ™
keeps whiskey on her not for herself but for medicinal purposes 
doesn’t know how to flirt and hasn’t been in love, doubts she will be or find someone she tolerates in that way.
her love language is theft and arguing.
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btsposties · 5 years
MATES (2) -M-
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―pairings: Jungkook x Reader (this chapter), BTS x Reader
―genre: smut, mature, slight e2l, College!AU, werewolves!AU
―warnings: smut duh, foul language, dirty talk, boys being rough, grinding, choking, fingering, spanking, jealousy, teasing, marking kink, the boys can’t control themselves around you, idk smut.
―summary: The Bangtan boys, a clique of seven extremely good looking, rich, smart boys on campus, quite adored by females, except no one was able to really get close to them and past their brotherhood. You never truly bothered to get to know them, until that one fateful day where you discovered their secret. You tried to avoid them, but alas they could always sniff you out because the boys needed you. 
Let the hunt being.
―part (1)
tags: @ayujaded​ @toddsgirl27​ @mrcleanheichou​ @yeontanie21​ thanks for the support!
“Say that again?” the tallest male blinked and tilted his head, listening carefully to what the other male said. The members were all gathered in the living room of their grand house.
“I think we found an Alphas Mate” the owner of the deep voice repeated.
“Taehyung...” the tallest frowned, “You want me to believe that a mere powerless, fragile human is an Alphas Mate” he raised an eyebrow still unable to believe the other.
“For fuck’s sake Namjoon, Jimin almost screwed her brains out on the sofa, he was acting like a damn bitch in heat, no normal female human would get him like that” another male chipped in, “even Jungkook is whipped for her” he pointed at Jungkook who in turn just shrugged his shoulder.
“Yoongi please, this doesn’t make sense, please think logically.” Namjoon insisted. Never in his many years of being with countless females or even werewolves had he felt any raw animalistic urges to mark them as his mate, let alone even considering a human as a potential mate for life.
“But it is true, Namjoon, you have to believe me, I couldn’t control myself when I met her. I know I like flirting and playing around with females but she...” Taehyung paused and rubbed the back of his neck, frustrated that the Alpha wouldn’t believe him, “She was so beautiful. I felt like she was so perfect for us like she would fit right in, so challenging, so wild and free!” he exclaimed, the excitement clearly showing. 
“Calm down there pup, she isn’t yours,” Jungkook said in a firm tone, making Taehyung nervously shift in his seat. Jungkook looked at Namjoon who just sat there pondering at the possibilities of the existence of such humans. A human who could stir up even an Alpha werewolf’s heart.
“I guess I need to meet this Y/N that’s making the pack go wild” Namjoon finally decided that he had to see to believe and that the words of his excited brothers were just not enough proof. “It could just be the moon or the hormones, was she on her period or something?” he turned to Jimin.
The smaller and gentler looking werewolf chuckled, “No, I would’ve noticed on our previous encounter, trust me.”  he giggled at the last part, making the reason too obvious.
“Then I must go pay the little Y/N a visit sometime,” Namjoon murmured to himself.
You had been extremely cautious on campus ever since your little incident back at the Bantang household. You dreaded meeting Jimin or Taehyung again, afraid of how you might find yourself tangled in their hands again. You had just accepted the fact that you had learned of their secret- or at least that they weren’t normal humans and that they were surely going to contact you again. Damn, were they going to kidnap you? murder you? prey on you like what the wolf wanted to with Little Red? did they have some magical powers that could erase your memories? “Holy shit, I’m fucked.” you barely whispered out loud.
“Why are you just staring at your lunch? I can always have it if you don’t want any” Jackson, your best friend waved his hand in front of your eyes, hoping you would come back. “What’s gotten into you lately?”
You let out a sigh, “It’s...nothing really, I’m just overthinking things” you took another bite of your peanut butter and jelly sandwich, lately, you just couldn’t find your appetite, mind preoccupied with Bangtan scared that they might show up the next corner you took, “I hope” you sighed again.
And just like that, two whole weeks had passed. Maybe you really were just being way too paranoid. Maybe they decided to leave you alone since you never spilled their secret. An implicit agreement of we won’t kill you if you don’t speak sort of thing. You decided that was most likely what had happened and felt like you should go back to your usual life without worries.
You walked into your most hated course of the semester, not because of the teacher or the subject, after all, it was just an ethics course that almost everyone had to take at some point. All you had to do was sit in class, read and hand in whatever work the teacher wanted you to write about. The reason for your hatred was because although you only had this class once every week, you shared the same room and roof as her - Sara. The annoying bitch that for some reason couldn’t keep her loud self to her side of the room.
“Huh, so it is true,” you heard her say. Great, here we fucking go again... you rolled your eyes and turned the opposite way from the source of the voice, the girl sitting next to you looked at you and shook her head almost taking pity.
You could hear the loud clacking of Sara’s heels, who wore heels every day to class anyway? “What do you want?” you deadpanned wanting this encounter to end as soon as possible.
“You see...” she sing-sang as she approached and stood in front of your seat, putting one of her palms on the desk and flipping her hair with the other hand. “There’s this little birdy that told me that you, Y/N, went to Bangtan’s house alone and fucked one of the guys,” she giggled and looked around the room, trying to catch everyone's attention.
“And where would you get that baseless rumor from?” you raised your voice challenging her, she was known to be a troublemaker, thus not a lot of people really believing the garbage that came out her mouth. Deep inside though, you were shitting bricks, did someone actually see you? the only one that knew was Jackson and no one else, and you knew that boy was loyal.
“Oh Y/N, someone saw you and of course, they told me. And now I’m telling the whole class!” Sara exclaimed and clasped her hands together clearly enjoying this, “So I guess it is true, isn’t it? You went to their house.”
You felt irked, why was she so annoying? You weren’t the type to be stepped on either, so you took a deep breath and readied yourself for chaos.
“Yep, so what of it?” you smiled.
Sara’s eyes widened a bit, not expecting you to admit that publicly, she then smiled, “did they give you their number? call you back? contact you again?”
You shook your head, thankfully.
“Then I guess they didn’t like you huh?” she continued and you raised an eyebrow at her statement because Jimin sure as hell looked like he was enjoying himself back then. “They dumped you just like the other girls, one fuck and forever dumped” she added.
Now everything makes sense. 
As if everything in the puzzle finally fit together, you finally made sense as to why the boys hadn’t shown up since then. That must be it. The rumor was true then, you were just another girl they fucked -or almost- and dumped. You let out a small relieved sigh confusing Sara. You were glad that they weren’t out there plotting to kidnap you for knowing their secret, they were just bored of you and since you had kept your mouth shut, they let you free. Right? 
Sara pursed her lips together, not liking the way you were ignoring her attempts at ruining your day, “I would feel so bad knowing that I did so badly in bed” she cleared her throat trying to get you to react to her.
“Right.” You hummed.
Sara frowned, she wasn’t satisfied with your reaction. You, on the other hand, could give no shits about childish Sara at the moment, too happy to finally have your mind at true peace. Just as Sara was about to say something else, the professor entered the room and asked everyone to sit down, making the upset Sara cross her arms and stomp back to her seat.
You were so preoccupied with texting Jackson and sharing your little feud with Sara as you walked down the halls that you had failed to notice the tall male that stood still staring at you as you approached his way. Face glued on the phone and to no one's surprise, you crashed against the body, the person's solid chest making you smack your phone to your face. Ah- Dammit, not again... you took a step back and rubbed your hurt nose while putting your phone away.
“My bad” you offered a dry smile.
“Y/N” he smiled showing his dimples.
“Hm? Yeah, do I know you?” You analyzed the male in front of you, his hair was combed up and dyed ash silver, sun-kissed skin, around 1,80. He wore very casual clothes: loose gray t-shirt ripped jeans and sneakers. It would be a lie if you didn’t admit that he was very attractive.
“N-, Y-yes? Maybe? I’m not sure...technically no, heh.” He looked down flustered and for a second you could’ve sworn that he was blushing slightly, “I’m Namjoon, nice to finally meet you Y/N” he extended his hand to shake yours.
You took his hand and shook it lightly, shy at first but then slightly confused. It wasn’t too rare for guys to ask you out or try to get your number but something about him seemed different, he spoke to you as if he really knew about you. The man called Namjoon must have sensed your confusing state, so to get things going, he moved to the side gesturing you to keep going on your way.
“So, how have you been?” surprisingly, the male decided to keep walking next to you, slowing down his pace every few steps so he wouldn’t get too ahead of your short steps. Honestly, you couldn’t help but find this cute. “I was wondering perhaps you would like to talk for a bit, somewhere more private?” 
Is he a stalker? am I in danger? You pondered, honestly weirded out at what Namjoon had suggested, you had no reason to go somewhere more “private” with him. “Uh, Namjoon... I don’t know you. Honestly, this is so stranger danger to me.” you said bluntly, cutting the bullshit.
“Huh. Guess I need to hang around a bit more around campus then...” he murmured to himself, you were still unsure on whether or not you should let your guard down in front of the handsome male. Suddenly he let out a laugh, taking you a bit by surprise.
“Okay then, if that’s all then I need to be on my way...” you waved goodbye as you picked up your pace, wanting to get away from him. There was something strange about him that you just weren’t sure what it was, your safest choice was to keep a distance from him.
Namjoon sighed, “I know that you know, Y/N” his voice dropped a few octaves as you slowly registered what he meant, you felt your heart drop and cold sweat breaking as you came to the realization of what he was referring to. You turned around wide eyes. It can’t be...no, I thought this was over.
“W-what do you mean?” you stuttered as you saw how Namjoon’s expression turned from friendly to serious, his stare piercing you, almost too intimidating. The man started to walk towards you, hands tucked in his jean pockets. 
Namjoon towered you, definitely. Eyes looking at you fiercely, one of his hands coming up to caress your cheek with the back of his fingers, “Y/N, the boys told me that they went crazy for you. I mean both Jungkook and Jimin? Taehyung I understand, he’s...easily excitable...” he trailed off and tilted your head slightly to the side exposing your neck, “You smell sweet, I guess that’s different from others...” he mumbled to himself.
Your breath hitched, unsure of what to do. This man, this Namjoon guy knew Jungkook, Jimin, and even Taehyung. He knew that you knew about them, was he one of the Bangtan? You weren’t sure you had seen him around, what did he want? Your mind was all over the place, nervous and yet curious about what was to happen as you listened to Namjoon. Something about him captivated you.
“Let’s go home Y/N,” he said and grabbed your hand, taking you to what you assumed would be the Bangtan household, to what he would call home. “We need to talk, all of us.”
You followed.
You weren’t sure why you followed Namjoon, you should’ve run for it, called Jackson, the police, your mom, oh how would she have screamed at you for not listening to your stranger danger radar. Yet here you were, getting out of Namjoon’s expensive Audi who-knows-what model sports car, you weren’t too knowledgable in that area. You were however somewhat familiar with the grand house you were about to enter, your last adventure with Jimin flashing past you as you saw the sofa, this time the house looked clean and organized.
“Y/N!” you heard a male shout as you entered the house, you looked up to find the familiar boxy smile man coming out of his room and greeting you from the second-floor balcony that looked over the living room and entrance. You smiled at him, he must have used his sharp senses and noticed that you were here- 
Oh, right...oh god, you had just willingly entered a house full of non-humans, why do you make such poor choices in life? Is this okay? was this it? Was this how you would die, in the hands of seven beautiful men?
“I need to send my location first” you announced just in time for everyone to hear. The rest of the Bangtan Boys were gathering in the living room some faces familiar, some not. You took your phone out and texted Jackson: I’m at the wolves den. Bangtan boys invited me over, I willingly stepped into this house again...curse their charms and good looks. Pray for me.
You could hear a loud and cheerful laugh coming from a brown-haired male as you sent the text to your friend. You looked up to find him trying to hold back his laughter, “We won’t hurt you, trust me, if any of us did anything to you the Alphas would have their fangs on our throats” he chuckled, you could notice that he had a very loud and bright personality.
“Okay, listen, I’m sorry I found out about your secret, I’m sure you don’t feel safe with me knowing...but I actually came here to say that I won’t tell anyone, I haven’t and I have no need to.” You turned to the unknown faces and smiled, “I don’t have anything to gain from that” you assured.
You were standing in the middle of the room, the seven boys all surrounding you, listening. Their expressions unchanging, as if focusing on something else and not on what you were saying.
“This human is the one?” a small-framed very fair-skinned male asked, “I’m not quite convinced, sure she’s banging from head to toes, she looks like she has personality but an Alpha’s Mate? not too sure about that” he slurred his speech, “didn’t you say you jumped her when you saw her, huh lover boy?” he pointed at Taehyung, your eyes turned to him horrified. Just what had they been talking about without your knowledge?
Taehyung nodded and Jimin came forward, “Now, don’t go all denying the fact that you all don’t smell her” Smell you? did you stink? You were uncomfortable with his remark, “She smells so sweet, I can’t describe it, it makes me go crazy even now” he winked at you and smirked. You rolled your eyes, you hated when they treated you like that, all superficial charms and empty words, you were too used to it.
All eyes were on you, their pupils dark, you felt like hopeless prey in front of them. Looking around the room you decided that you didn’t want to be the center of attention anymore and eyed the empty seat next to Jungkook and went to it, “Okay, you wanted to talk right Namjoon? Let’s talk!” you smiled nervously as you settled next to Jungkook who held his breath and lowered his head.
Namjoon observed the pack’s reaction to your presence, amused at the way Jungkook had just reacted now. He watched how the youngest of them let out a deep breath before leaning back on the sofa and turning to stare at your side profile. Meanwhile, in your seat, your hands slightly brushed against Jungkook’s when you went to push your long hair back behind your ears, a nervous habit of yours. Immediately you felt the strange sensation on your hands once again, it traveled up your arm and made your heart pound. Am I having a stroke or something? You touched your forehead anxiously checking for fever or sweating. Anything really that could explain the tingling.
“Y/N, let me introduce you to the pack as one of the Alpha’s,” Namjoon finally felt like easing the tense atmosphere, “We are a pack of werewolves, nothing too different from your species honestly, just stronger, better looking, faster...you could say that we are more enhanced humans” he explained.
“We also turn into big bad wolves” a male you have yet to be introduced to joked, “think of us as humans that sometimes act like canines who may or may not turn to big dogs when too emotional.”
You sat there trying to take everything in, time flew by as each member tried to chime in and tell you about their species although honestly, this was too much for you to take in. You turned to Namjoon when he loudly clapped two times to gather everyone’s attention.
“Okay okay, so let’s wrap this up it’s getting late for Y/N, I’m sure she has plenty of information she needs to take in,” Nanjoon proceded to point at Jimin and introduced every member to you, “That’s Jimin, you know him. That’s the oldest Jin. Yoongi, he’s a bit snarky but you’ll like him. Taehyung, no need to say anymore. This is Hoseok, he’s quite hyper. Then there’s me Namjoon and finally...” Namjoon looked at the figure next to you. Your body too aware of his presence.
“Jungkook” you breathed out and turned to face the male. His stare was piercing, lips slightly curling into a smirk as he reached out to gently hold a strand of your hair and letting it slip past his fingers.
“Nice to see you again love” Jungkook whispered to you.
“He’s the youngest, a bit tough and hard to read sometimes but deep down he’s a softie” Namjoon teased and received an Aish, Hyung from the younger one. “We have many things to discuss with you but we need time, I just want to make sure however that you know the following things...” the Alpha’s expression turned serious and everyone in the room quieted down.
“One: You cannot and must not tell others about us.” You nodded.
“Two: We are not the only ones of our kind, obviously.” You gulped and nodded, never really having thought about it. Were you hanging out with other werewolves without knowing?
“Three: Bangtan is not like the other packs, we are quite...unusual” you raised an eyebrow curiously, “Do you know what an Alpha is?” he asked you.
You gave it a thought, “Well, I guess it’s the leader? Of the pack? I guess” Namjoon hummed approvingly of your response.
“In a simple way yes. It’s the one that leads a pack, the dominant one.” his eyes slightly shifted to your left, your eyes following the direction of his gaze. “Bangtan...” he sighed, “Bangtan has three Alphas,” he said with slight annoyance in his tone.
“So you mean...Jungkook is an Alpha...” you reached the conclusion since Namjoon didn’t leave the gaze off the younger one even though he was talking to you. He must be referring to him as one of the Alphas, you thought.
Namjoon nodded, “and the third one is our lovely Jimin, though he might not really act like one. Don’t let him fool you.” Namjoon set his sight on you again, “Packs are not supposed to have more than one leader do you know what I mean Y/N?”
“N-not really...”
“We will decide and must decide who the top dog is” you sensed the tension in the air, this must be a sensitive issue for the pack. You weren’t sure why he was telling you this information.
“Y/N, you’ll help us” Jimin’s soft voice filled the room and the contents in your stomach turned, feeling a bit nauseous you frowned at Jimin, almost asking him to rephrase what he had said because your ears couldn’t believe him.
“I think I’ve overstayed” you got up and scrambled to grab your bag and headed towards the door, “This is not my problem, I appreciate that you guys trust me, but this is just too much, I won’t tell anyone but please keep me out of this.” your hands reached for the door handle only to have a large warm hand grab your wrist and stop you.
Your eyes opened wide, still not used to the superpower shenanigans that the boys were capable of doing, you pulled your hand away and looked at the owner of the hand that stopped you. Jungkook. 
“Y/N, let me take you home.” 
“No thanks, I’m fine.” you opened the door and it was dark outside, realization hitting you that Namjoon had been the one to give you a ride and that you were going to have to walk back home alone at dark in a very lonely neighborhood, it was at least half an hour walk. You pressed your lips together and took a deep breath, you had to do this, it’s too late to turn back, you weren’t going to embarrass yourself asking them for another ride after being the one to rush out.
“I wasn’t asking you,” Jungkook said dryly and stepped outside with you, he took out the car key and the same Audi sports car flashed its lights and unlocked itself. “Let’s go” he grabbed your hand and guided you to the car. The hand that Jungkook held felt incredibly hot and tingly, you blushed at the thought of holding his hand and settled in the passenger seat trying to ignore the rise in your body temperature.
“It wouldn’t be too crazy to assume you already know where I live”
“Yep,” Jungkook admitted. Of course they knew, they had probably investigated everything about you by now.
The first few minutes of the car ride was awkward. Pure silence and the sound of the car moving to its destination. Your hands holding tightly onto the seatbelt, unsure of what to. Next to you, Jungkook’s eyes were focused on the road, once in a while, you could hear him sniffle. “You can just leave me on the other side of the road so you don’t have to turn around-”
“Nah” Jungkook responded.
“I just don’t want my neighbors to see me come out of this flashy car, they’ll think I’m with a pimp or something” you almost facepalmed hard at the lame excuse. 
Jungkook turned to you and you could feel he was judging hardcore, “Y/N...” he frowned, “just what kind of reputation do you have with your neighbors? Getting out of a nice car doesn’t mean you pimped yourself out that doesn't make sense.”
You opened your mouth to refute but he was right, you sighed, “I...just feel a bit uncomfortable here, you’re just- you’re impossibly intimidating Jungkook.” you confessed eyes straight on the road.
Jungkook couldn’t help but chuckle, “Am I really?” he turned to you once more, this time his expression different, mischief in his eyes.
“Are you serious? You’re just so quiet, and tall, to me at least. Big and everything I see you wear is black! You also look like you’re ready to break someone's face if you wanted to just for the fun of it.” 
Jungkook looked down at his clothes. Yep, black hoodie, black cargo pants, black boots, black hair. He almost laughed at your comment. “Well damn Y/N, now that you say it, I see what you mean!” he smiled amusingly, corner of his eyes wrinkling a bit. Your heart almost jumped out of your body.
“Plus, you guys don’t exactly have the best reputation around, especially with women” you added, “I’m not sure why you guys want me to help, I really don’t wish to involve myself in any Twilight Jacob werewolf-vampire dispute or whatever problem you guys have.”
Jungkook frowned, “Vampires don’t exist.” 
“Oh, but werewolves do?” you deadpanned.
“Yeah, well- not the types from romance novels, those kind vampires don’t exist.” he rubbed the back of his neck slightly uncomfortable with the topic, “As for werewolves, it’s complicated.”
“Complicated is an understatement,” you rolled your eyes, this conversation was ridiculous. Part of you just couldn’t believe the monsters you thought were fictional were very much real and breathing next to you. The other part of you very much so believed it all, after all, you had personally witnessed the powers. 
“Do you like scratches?”
“Huh?” Jungkook almost stopped driving, unsure if he understood your question, “what do you mean?”
“You’re a dog right?”
“Wolf. Werewolf. Part wolf.” he corrected you as saw a small pout forming on his lips not really liking you comparing his species to a regular household canine.
“Same thing, so do you?” you didn’t know what had gotten into you but your curiosity was getting best of you, you had to know now the answer, you didn’t wait until Jungkook verbally gave you an answer and reached out to him. You put your hands behind his ear, your fingers slightly tangling with a few strands of his hair and gave it a go.
Immediately, Jungkook tilted his head to the side, “stopstopstop” he giggled, “y/n this is dangerous, I’m driving!” he was trying to hold in his laughter. You pulled your hand away satisfied with the confirmation of your thoughts and burst out laughing.
“You can’t tell the others about this” he gave you sheepish smile.
For a second you were lost at the sight of this Jungkook, it was different and new seeing him show a softer side of him. You hadn’t noticed that he actually had very soft yet manly features: big doe eyes that you just discovered now that you had taken a good look at him- they weren’t that intimidating now that he wasn’t looking so serious, thin upper lip, his longish dark hair just reaching below his eyes. He looked very youthful, playful, innocent-like even.
“Stop staring so much, or I can’t promise I’ll control myself before I get you home if you keep this up” his words smacked you right back to reality. You whispered a quiet sorry and wanted to hide, Jungkook had just caught you staring.
“I wasn’t staring. I was just...taking in details of your face” you lied, “not every girl is dying to get in your pants Jeon.” you frowned.
Jungkook smirked slightly unable to hide his enjoyment, he set an arm on the window sill and rubbed his lips, he sucked in a bit of air through his mouth and looked at you sideways tilting his head back a bit, “Am I really just that handsome?” he raised and dropped one eyebrow cockily. 
You couldn’t help but burst out laughing at his silly expression, of all the things that could happen you didn’t picture yourself laughing with Jungkook during the car ride, both of you giggling at his endless exaggerated meme-able expressions showing you how “handsome” he could be. You were laughing uncontrollably the whole time this happened, truly comfortable with the Bangtan member. Maybe they were decent people after all.
“Jesus stop Jungkook! Focus on the road!” you laid your hand on top of Jungkook’s, giggling and his grip on the staring wheel tightened, his eyebrows furrowed and you let out an audible gasp. It was as if there was a spark when your hands touched. You immediately pulled your hand away and held it close to you dumbfounded as tingling started to take over it.
“I-i think I’m showing signs of heart attack or stroke, I don’t know, my hand...” you nervously spoke. Jungkook, on the other hand, slowed down and steered to the side of the road and parked the car on the almost empty street. He sighed before turning to look at you.
“Jungkook, I’m worried. It keeps happening whenever I’m around you guys or I don’t know if it’s a coincidence but i-”
“Calm down Y/N” Jungkook cooed, grabbed both hands and lowered them down, “Please, breathe” he whispered with concerned eyes. He could hear your heart quickly picking up the pace and you panicked, “trust me, it’s not something bad, just breathe, don’t panic.”
You took a deep breath in...and a deep breath out while looking at his lowly dimmed face. His hands felt very warm holding yours and although there was a tingling sensation, there was no pain or any other symptoms, your heartbeat going back to a steady and normal rhythm, your panic most likely the reason for its rapid beating. You somehow managed to calm down while doing breathing exercises with Jungkook, who watched you carefully the whole time.
“Looks like your hearts back to normal” he smiled, “you’re not having any sort of heart attack, you just panicked” his thumbs rubbed calming circular motions on your palm, “this tingling that you feel Y/N, I feel it too.”
“You do?” He nodded.
“It’s a sign,” he whispered lowly almost inaudible, “that we’re meant to be.”
He looked at you with half-lidded eyes, his gaze so soft and sincere that your body started to react to him on its own. Jungkook’s gaze dropped to your lips and he slowly leaned his body in, also acting on instincts. As if you could feel his very warm body heat spread over, you also started to feel the warmness in your cheeks as you could feel his face draw closer and closer. You felt like you were under a spell.
“Jungkook...” you mumbled and he stopped his movement immediately, his eyes traveled to yours as if waiting for permission to continue and you responded by lowering your shy gaze down to his lips, you weren’t sure if this was correct, you weren’t completely registering what was happening as you were mere seconds from kissing Jungkook. And it happened.
His soft lips touched yours lightly, lips slowly exploring yours, almost scared of hurting you or perhaps he was giving you a chance to back away before it was too late. But you gave in, you leaned forward and responded to his kiss by deepening it, intensifying it and Jungkook loved it.
“God you’re driving me mad right now” Jungkook pulled away to look at your expression, your half lid eyes were staring back at him, your lips slightly parted and breathing heavily. Your face truly begging for more and it was costing Jungkook inhumane self-control to not just take you right there. He cupped your cheek and his thumb caressed it as you melted into his touch, he was being so gentle with you that you just didn’t know how to coherently respond to his actions.
“I should get you home now” he whispered and left a kiss on your forehead, you both settled back in your seats, Jungkook once again focused on the road and you on the warmness on your forehead on the place his lips had touched. Your whole face was heating up, you hadn't said a peep, the mind too preoccupied replaying everything that you had failed to notice that you were home.
Jungkook got off along with you and stood next to you as you were a nervous wreck trying to open the door to your home. “Jackson’s not home?” he finally spoke.
You nodded and opened the door, the familiar smell of your house invading you. Coffee and food, mixed in with the lavender smell from the air freshener. “Do you want anything to drink?” you asked as you took off your shoes and settled your bag on the counter.
Jungkook didn’t expect you to invite him in, all he wanted to do was really make sure you were home safely. He looked around the house, it was pretty normal, not too messy yet organized in its own way. It suited you. He took a step in and closed the front door making sure to lock it.
“Water is fine, I’ll stay until Jackson’s back” you hummed as you went over the fridge and passed him a cold bottle of water. You told him to make himself at home, turned on the tv and that you were going to change into something more comfortable.
Oh god, why did I invite him in? It just happened so fast I couldn’t stop myself, he did give me a ride, this is just a small thank you- You spoke to yourself as you quickly put on your usual home clothes. A thin, loose, very worn out t-shirt and pajama shorts. You rushed out of your room not wanting to keep Jungkook awkwardly alone in your living room on his own for too long.
“Do you usually wear that at home?” Jungkook frowned eyeing you from head to toes and stopping his gaze at your chest. Oh. You froze in the hallway as you were making your way to the living room, and stared back at Jungkook who was sitting on the sofa eyes glued on you.
“I can see your tits poking, y/n” Jungkook was an honest man.
“STOP STARING” you shouted and covered yourself. Out of habit, you had taken your bra off when you had changed, a routine you did every day at the end of the day. As you were about to turn around and head to wear something more proper, you felt something pull you back and stop you on your tracks.
Turning around you realized it was Jungkook, again using his insane speed to get to you. “Does Jackson get to see you walk around the house like this every day?” his tone was low, dark, he almost sounded mad.
“No- Yes- Maybe?...” you stepped back and Jungkook stepped forward. You were clearly trying to put some distance between you now that you felt exposed, but he didn’t quite get the message through. You couldn’t help but blush at the fact that Jungkook was staring at you, knowing that just a flimsy fabric was keeping him from seeing your direct skin. 
It’s not like it was the first time a man admired your body or that you hadn’t been with a man...It’s just the fact that it was the Jeon Jungkook that was the one that was staring you down, he somehow made you feel flustered.
“Stay back. I don’t like it when you guys get too close to me.” He continued stepping forward.
“Why not?” he paused and tilted his head to the side waiting for your answer.
“I- It’s weird, I don’t know, I can’t control myself. YOU guys can’t keep your hands to yourself” Jungkook lips slightly curled up, he found your flustered self cute.
He continued to corner you until your back was facing the end of the corridor, he looked very composed, confident, unlike you. His big innocent doe eyes no longer there when his hand reached to touch your lips. 
“Show me what he sees every day” he whispered leaning down next to your ears.
Your body was on fire, there was something about Jungkook that made you so attracted to him despite barely knowing him. You gulped nervously and lowered the arm that was covering your breasts, you immediately felt your sensitive nipples perk up and rub against the fabric, clearly visible through the shirt.
Jungkook took a deep breath in, “Jesus Y/N, look at yourself” his hand went down to cup your breast and gave the nub a few circles with his thumb, “you should at least be considerate with your roommate, how much self-control do you think humans have?” his hot breath was on your neck, his hand gently fondling your breast before he rested both his hands on your hips. 
He was right, you hadn’t realized how uncomfortable this could’ve been for Jackson, maybe he hadn’t said anything because this was your house after all. You saw him as a really close friend you could trust and he was very respectful of your space so you had never once realized that your comfort could be a discomfort to others.
You gasped when you suddenly felt Jungkooks large hands get under your shirt and grab your breasts harshly, “Don’t go thinking about others when I’m right here Y/N” he warned, “focus on your Alpha” you let out a moan when he pinched your nipple as a form of punishment. You felt your lower region tighten and wetness on your panties, you were so incredibly turned on by the way he was showing his dominance over you, you didn’t know you had this kink.
His lips claimed yours once again, this time the kiss was more intense, both of you desperate and holding onto each other while you paused to take a breath, “Wheres your room?” he asked breath shaking and you pointed to the room to your left. It didn’t take a second for Jungkook to barge right in as he pulled you in along with him.
He held your thighs and lifted you up easily and you wrapped your legs around his waist, kissing him as he walked towards your bed. He dropped you down and stayed above you never once leaving your lips, you moaned into the kiss when you felt him grind his hips right between your legs, you could very much feel his length hard against your clothed core.
“Y/N, tell me if you don’t want this” he mumbled as he lifted your shirt up and left small kisses around your chest, he then took your breast into his mouth and gave your nipple a bite and pulling it with his teeth, you hissed at the mix of pain and pleasure. He continued to devour you, leaving kiss marks all along your breasts and every once in awhile biting down harshly, you were sure you were going to be covered in marks the next day. “Tell me Y/N” he asked again.
“J-Jungkook!” you could only moan in response to his treatment, there was no way you were able to give him a coherent answer and he knew it, he was only having fun with you. Jungkook never gave you a chance to rest or to process anything, his lips, and hand touching you all over never giving you a chance to catch your breath. You felt his weight off you for a second only to be drowned again in pleasure when you felt his slender fingers slide between and over your clothed core.
“You look so beautiful to me right now” Jungkook whispered as his fingers slowly slid up and down, he stopped at your dripping core and slightly pressed in, teasing you, making you wish he had taken your shorts off so you could feel him inside, “God, the faces you make when I touch you like this.”
He added even more pressure and your back arched, hands grabbing onto the bedsheets and moaning out his name. You moved your hips to get more friction, to have his touch all over your pussy, you wanted release, you wanted him inside, you just weren’t sure what you wanted anymore but you needed more of Jungkook.
“Please, please just fuck me already” you finally begged him as you held onto his arm, your hips never stopping as you chased after your orgasm. Jungkook’s breath hitched and he completely pulled away and stood in front of you, admiring the messed estate you were in.
“Take it off and show me your pretty little cunt” he took his shirt off and you could’ve sworn you felt yourself wet even more. Jungkook looked at you in a very erotic and cocky expression, his eyes full of lust. He licked his lips and growled as you took your shorts and panties off together, revealing your wet dripping core to him. You bit your bottom lip and started to slowly, teasingly touch yourself for him, you parted your folds and showed your glistening core to the man before you, showing how your pussy was aching to have something inside.
It took every ounce of self-control for Jungkook to not jump you right then, but he didn’t because he too also enjoyed the teasing game. He slowly pulled his pants down enough to reveal his clothed member. Your eyes followed his every movement, you gulped when you saw how big he looked. “You think your pretty little pussy can take me?” he taunted you palming his cock. 
You nodded and circled your clit with your slender fingers, letting out a small moan trying to seduce him over, you could hear the wet sounds your fingers made as they rubbed against your dripping cunt.
“Fuck yourself, show me,” Jungkook ordered and your body obeyed. You slid two fingers in and arched your back, hissing as you felt a bit of burn, you started to slowly pump your fingers in and out of you while letting out small whimpers. 
“Just look at that cunt taking in those fingers so well, keep going, stretch yourself more or it’ll hurt when I fuck you,” he praised you as he stood there watching, he pulled his boxers down and his thick member pop out, he let out a groan as he started to slowly stroke himself spreading the precum all over his cock.
“God, please come here” you begged as you saw the glorious figure masturbate in front of you, “Jungkook, fuck me” your fingers headed for your clit as you rubbed hard on the nub, raising your hips as you edged near your orgasm, “please, please” you whimpered desperately. 
Jungkook snapped.
He lunged forward and crawled on top of you, lips crashing into yours for a messy kiss, his hands all over you, grabbing your breasts harshly and giving them a slap making your skin go red, you winced at the pain and pulled away from his lips, “I’m so close” you warned him and he pulled your hand off your cunt. You let out a gasp when you felt your orgasm fade away due to the lack of stimulation, “What are you-”
“I’ll have your first orgasm” he whispered hotly in your ear and flipped you on your stomach, he pulled your hips and easily put your ass in the air with his strength, your stomach filled with butterflies as you loved how you were being manhandled. 
“Fuck!” you cursed when his hand suddenly came in contact with your ass. The sound resonating in the whole room, “That hurt-” before you were done saying the sentence, his hand came down on your skin once again.
“I’m punishing you for teasing me so much” his tone was low, he grinned when you told him to not slap your skin so hard, “Can’t you take a bit of pain, my love?” he asked as his hands caressed the now bright red skin, trying to ease the stinging, “Sorry, sometimes I forget humans are so fragile” he went for another slap, this time much gentler. 
“Please stop teasing me” you softly asked with your face to the side pressed on the pillow, “I can’t take it anymore.”
“Impatient aren’t we? I’ll reward you this time.” he kissed your flush ass cheek, “for putting up with my teasing.”
His hands were on your hips again as he flipped you around, he propped your legs open and slid two fingers inside you without warning, your eyes widened and you gasped at the sudden intrusion. His larger fingers filling you up more and reaching in deeper than your own. He started out with a merciless pace, wet sounds filling your room as he helped you reach your high.
His lips roamed your body leaving kiss marks all over until he just like the other Bangtan stopped at your neck, he gave a long sensual lick, sending goosebumps all over your body, you could feel his lips curl into a smile and you heard a small chuckle, he must really be enjoying your reactions to his every touch. He pulled his fingers out and slid his middle and ring finger back in, you held your breath knowing all too well what was about to happen.
Just as you were about to protest that you weren’t going to be able to take it so roughly, you felt his other hand make it’s way to your neck, his long fingers wrapping around your thin neck, getting a good grip around it he tightened his hold. “Jungkook!” you gasped when you felt your airway tighten, his lips traveled to your ears as he filled your head with filthy sweet nothings making you blush harsh as you imagined it all.
“Can my bitch come all over my fingers for me?” he pressed his whole body onto you, trapping you under his hold, he gave your breast a kiss and the other nipple a bite and pulling it, your back arched at the pain, your whole body on sensory overload, the whole time Jungkook pumping his fingers in and out of you.
Jungkook pulled away from your body, letting go of your neck and your eyes lost focus as your body regained its normal breathing. He stayed on his knees, he opened your legs up further and leaned forward, putting his torso between your legs and supporting his weight with his left hand next to your body, his torso preventing your legs from fully closing in. You gulped, you knew what he had in mind. 
Jungkook gave you a wicked smirk as he tilted his head slightly up and looked at you with lustful eyes, “I’m going to make you lose your goddam mind Y/N, you’ll forget what Jimin even tried to do to you” he curled his fingers upwards, searching for that spot, the one that would make you snap and break, “I’ll have you thinking about me and your pussy is going to wet your panties as you remember how I made you cum”.
He found it.
“Jung-!” you barely got his name out as his fingers started to furiously pump in and out of you. He pushed all the way in and moved his hand up and down with his fingers curled inside, the palm of his hand also rubbing deliciously against your sensitive nub. You were seeing stars, you were a moaning mess, body covered in sweat, hair sticking to your forehead, your body was trashing all over the place, 
“Jungkook, I can’t-” you groaned and grabbed the wrist of the hand that was fucking you so well, you couldn’t take the extreme feeling, you felt your whole body lose control, “God I- going to-” you were a loud mess, you held onto his wrists hoping he would slow down a bit but he slapped your hand away and pinned it down with his free hand.
“You are going to take it all” he continued to watch the faces you made, his cock twitching, desperate to be inside your sopping cunt, “I love seeing you like this” he bit his bottom lip and added more force against your clitoris with his palm, hand rubbing up and down, “God Y/N please come all over us both” he urged.
You nodded desperately, your orgasm just a few seconds away, your legs fighting to close together but Jungkook stopped them and made you take it all. 
And then it hit. You screamed out his name.
“Fuck, that’s it,” he whispered as your body tensed, your legs started shaking and his hand slowed down a bit as your orgasm took over, you felt your juices spill, with Jungkooks movements making it sprinkle everywhere, you felt some of it fall on your thighs, most of it dripping down to your ass cheeks, you felt the mattress dampen as you shut your eyes and let it all out.
You heard Jungkook curse as he pulled his fingers out of your sore region, his hands landing softly on your thighs drawing circles helping you come down from your high, he watched as your chest breathed in and out rapidly, he listened to your heart pounding inside trying to calm itself after an intense orgasm. 
“I might have ruined fingering for you,” he suddenly said.
You rolled your eyes and grinned, half agreeing with him and shifted your body to the side to look at him and your breath hitched, you saw how Jungkook was still holding a massive hard-on, his cock standing proudly in between your legs, you honestly for the first time felt worried being with a guy, not too sure you body was going to be able to take him after that.
“What’s wrong love?” he followed your gaze and looked down at himself, smirking, his eyes flipped up and met with your horrified look, “don’t worry love, I had plenty of fun this time” he smiled, the corner of his eyes forming wrinkles. He rubbed your inner thighs lovingly and stepped down the bed, pulling his pants back up and searched for his shirt.
You stared at your ceiling, feeling the soreness creep up and take over your legs, you let them slump down and let out a sigh. Why were the guys so irresistible to you? You normally weren’t so easy to sway. Your thoughts were interrupted when you felt the side of the bed dip as Jungkooks figure sat at the side next to your spent body. 
“How are you feeling?” he pushed a couple locks of your hair away from your face, “I...got a bit carried away, I really was just going to wait until Jackson was back-”
Your eyes widened.
“ARE YOU FUCKING HOME?!” you heard Jackson shout outside in the living room followed by the slam of the front door, “I’m going to murder you for leaving me hanging after you said you were at their house!” he voice grew louder as he was closer to your room.
Your heart was pounding, you jumped up and scrambled to put on your clothes, this time also putting on a bra underneath. The whole time Jungkook stayed seated and watched you panic, a playful smile plastered on his face. You ran to your bathroom to check yourself out and make yourself more presentable. when you stepped out you froze when you saw Jungkook still where you left him, you didn’t know what to do. Your eyes scrambled around the room for solutions and stopped at your window. 
No way, this is the second floor...
“Y/N?” Jackson knocked on your door.
“I’m here!” you shouted back, stared at Jungkook and silently mouthed ‘you need to leave’, “I’m in the bathroom, I’ll be right out!” you told your friend.
“Why didn’t you answer my calls?” Jackson asked through the door.
You grabbed your phone and unlocked it, 5 missing calls and 10 messages all from Jackson. You own loud moans and Jungkooks fingers inside you probably made it hard for you to notice anything. You were busy reading the missed messages from your concerned friend that you failed to notice Jungkook had gotten up from where he was.
“Sorry, I-” you were suddenly interrupted as you were pulled into a kiss, his hands cupped your face as his lips met yours so suddenly that you didn’t have time to react when he had already pulled away, “What?...” you whispered.
He rested his forehead against yours, your faces merely inches apart, “I hate when you pay attention to other males when I’m right here” he murmured.
“Y/N?” You turned your head to the door, the voice reminding you that there was another person in the house. 
“Jackson, I’ll be right there” you lied and heard Jungkook chuckle behind you.
By the time you turned back to Jungkook, he was gone from where he previously was and was opening the window. He can’t be serious...you told yourself. 
Oh but he was. 
He took a look outside as if calculating where he would land if he were to jump from there. Thankfully only your empty grassy backyard was waiting but it was still a long way down. A frown suddenly formed when you knew that Jungkook was indeed going to jump down from your window.
“No! what are you thinking? You’ll hurt yourself” you whispered really low as you grabbed his arm and tried to pull him back in, he already had one of his legs dangling outside, “Are you stupid? just wait until he goes into his room, just wait here.”
Jungkook grinned and his youthfulness really showed this time, his playful nature showing when he poked his tongue out, “You really have a lot to learn from our kind, y/n” and with that, you watched as Jungkook’s body slipped out the window and fell down.
You poked your head out the window in time to catch Jungkook landing smoothly on the ground with a squat to soften the fall, kind like how cats would always land on the feet. He got up and looked to see you watching him, he smiled, waved at you and jogged away, you watched him until his frame was out of view and stepped back in your room dumbfounded. 
What the actual fuck was that? How could you not be one bit hurt from that?
You finally stepped out of your room and headed to the living room where Jackson was laying on the sofa eyes busy on his phone.
“Sorry, I was taking a shit”
He looked at you in disgust, “You’re nasty.”
You giggled and went to join your best friend on the sofa, you went to hug him as usual when he suddenly froze and looked at you. You noticed he glanced at your body briefly and frowned, “You stink, go shower you nasty person.”
You tilted your head to the side, he had never said anything like that before, maybe you did smell like sweat after your little session with Jungkook, you blushed as you stood up a bit too conscious and wondering if you did smell, “Yeah, I had a long day. I’m going to take a nice relaxing bath.” 
“Yeah, you better wash that stink off,” You slapped his shoulder playfully at his remark, you smelled your shirt but only picked up the scent of fabric softener and the body cream you always used.
Huh, what smell is he talking about? You wondered.
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thatnerdwolfnell · 4 years
ok but what if... headcanon request for arcana main 6, lunar chronicles, and marauders all meeting up? Who'd be friends and who's immediately starting a fight?
HEH HEH HEH ohhhh yesssssss. This is the kind of bullshit I live for.
This is long and not well broken up but here goes
Arcana main 6 + Marauders + Rampion crew
Okay so Sirius sees cinder and he's just like "damn muggle technology got WILD"
Julian is losing his shit. He's asking a shit ton of questions that Cinder frankly doesn't have the patience for. But luckily our resident Nerd Genius ™ Cress is happy to oblige.
Sirius and Thorne INSTANTLY hit it off. Something about that raw chaos just sticks them together. That and the wealthy childhood and being estranged from their family.
Now Remus and Wolf can smell the like "wolfishness" on each other but they're both completely socially inept so they just kinda like....stare at each other. Like what are you even supposed to do? Do you say something?
They both also think Muriel is a werewolf or something because he smells like Inanna
So Remus is thinking "what are the chances that there are 3 werewolves in a room together? What the fuck?"
And Wolf is thinking "that is the skinniest special op I've ever seen. Do they not feed this kid?"
And Muriel, (not being a werewolf or a genetically modified super soldier, and therefore having a normal sense of smell), is kinda off to the side confused out of his damn mind because WHAT THE FUCK IS HAPPENING. People don't usually pay him this much attention. Or if they do, they usually SAY something.
Probably Scarlet notices how weirdly still Wolf has gotten and asks what's wrong. And he just kinda quietly explains as discreetly as possible.
So of course she immediately marches up and introduces them, not caring that they could be dangerous because she likes to see what's what before she judges people.
Remus is internally screaming because frankly Scarlet is pretty intimidating despite being like 5'3 or whatever.
Eventually they get it sorted that Remus isn't a special op, and Wolf isn't really a werewolf but upon hearing what a werewolf IS and what that entails, he's about ready to adopt this kid.
He's got the dad instinct ON POINT
And Scarlet turns to Muriel like "okay but of course YOU were a special op, right?" And he's just like "uhhh no...I just have a pet wolf...but she's not really a pet she's like...my best friend." And they're all like "I'm sorry, you what?"
James makes friends with Cinder and Kai very fast. He's a pretty wholesome guy and he just makes friends very easily.
Asra ends up joining up with Sirius and Thorne because he's got enough of a chaos streak that it works, but then him and Sirius start talking about magic and honestly the differences are amazing to them.
Nadia pegs Kai as a fellow diplomat almost immediately and they try to sort out exactly WHY they're here, and negotiating how to get out when they realize neither of them have any idea.
Portia and Lily bond over being amazing redheads
Remus and Nadia bond over tea.
The four of them and Cress talk about starting a book club.
Julian would annoy the SHIT out of Jacin. Jacin doesn't trust him and he frankly doesn't like people enough to deal with him.
Winter starts spouting her crazy shit and Asra is completely unfazed. He's just like "yeah that's a mood." It's not even clear if he realizes she's hallucinating.
Remus immediately HATES Lucio. He's dealt with stuck up pricks before and Lucio's demeaned just instantly rubs him the wrong way.
Cinder reacts basically the same way. He reminds her of a lot of the Lunar Court and half of what he says triggers her lie detector.
Sirius probably wouldn't have minded Lucio too much, he just struck him as hyperactive and dramatic and he could relate to that. But seeing Remus seethe is enough to make him ready for a fight. Remus is usually a pretty good judge of character.
Luckily James is there to de-escalate the situation before it gets out of hand. He's pretty much a pacifist unless someone comes for someone he cares about or he sees injustice.
You know who WOULD start a fight: SCARLET I mean she's usually about 3 seconds away from ripping assholes to shreds on a good day.
She has no patience for Lucio but she can ignore him or talk to someone else.
The person she CAN'T ignore is Julian who heard about a sci-fi werewolf soldier and got curious as hell.
He doesn't mean any harm he just thinks it's the coolest thing ever and his curiosity can make him come across a little insensitive.
Scarlet is immediately defensive. Her boyfriend is NOT a sideshow act.
Wolf calms her down and says it's fine. He knows Julian wasn't trying to be rude but he'd rather not talk about that stuff if he doesn't have to and definitely not to a stranger.
Nadia and Winter actually end up being very good friends. Nadia knows what it's like to not be taken seriously. And also what it's like to be the hottest person in your country/moon.
Iko is AMAZED by Nadia, the purple hair, the eyes. She's sure she's an android and she's surprised when she's not.
Our power bisexual Scarlet is honestly a little attracted to our distinguished bisexual Nadia. (Who isn't attracted to Nadia honestly?) she doesn't actually like her like that she just noticed that Nadia is very beautiful, and then felt kinda bad about it.
Cinder and Muriel actually get along really well. They're both hands on introvert types and they don't mind not talking.
Nadia and Cinder actually both do mechanics and get into a really in depth conversation about machines that NOBODY else can understand.
Nadia doesn't usually relax like this but they're joking and laughing and cinder is someone she can be real with.
Cress fangirls a little over lily and James' relationship, because they're just so cute.
There's no fights here despite the few near misses. They all kind of realize that they're fighting for the same thing, they all just want a free and happy life for the world whether that's from fighting wizard Nazis, or space dictators, or the LITERAL DEVIL their motives are pretty similar and they can kind of relate to each other. They're on the same side despite their differences and that's what matters.
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