#i literally fainted and broke my glasses that morning
jenna-louise-jamie · 6 months
just finished my rewatch of alex rider season 1 yesterday. i have so many thoughts! but my first thought is that wow i didn't remember it at all. like maybe bits and pieces. I'm pretty sure i was totally out of it the first time i ever saw it. i had just gotten the covid vaccine and i have a phobia of needles. like that scene where stellenbosch drugs alex to make him talk, that was probably me watching the show for the first time. i genuinely don't think i comprehended any of it.
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lacyscabinet · 1 year
Taking care of Nat after she got into a fight with her dad, please bless us with your writing (sorry if there is anything wrong, english is not my first language)
A/N: Hiii!!! you literally read my mind because i've been thinking about writing this one-shot for a while (also "bless us with your writing"!? Ur too kind <3) hope you like it!!!!
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It was a regular Saturday night, the soft chill of fall outside, a big contrast to the warmth of your house. Music was playing softly in the background, you scribbling in your notebook bobbing your head to the beat.
In your peaceful state you almost didn't notice the faint tapping on your window, curiously you perked your head up and noticed small pebbles being thrown at the glass.
Already knowing who it was, you got up and closer to the window, there she was, Natalie, your girlfriend
She was looking up at you and you couldn't help but notice her tear stained face, messy hair and...was that a bruise on her face?
You rushed to the front door, opening it quickly and motioning for your girlfriend to come in, after that you took her hand and led Nat upstairs trying not to wake up your parents, long asleep.
Closing the door behind you when you reached your room, you finally looked at her in the eyes, the once bright and full of life orbs you loved to stare at, now were just full of fear and sadness, and yes, that was definitely a bruise on her upper cheek
One of your hands fell on her waist and the other stroked her cheekbone, in an attempt to soothe the purple bruise
"What happened baby?" You asked, already knowing the answer
She looked down, Natalie never liked being vulnerable in front of someone, so when tears threatened to spill out again she lowered her eyes
"He was mad, he was mad and I was listening to music, he said it was too loud...and then..." her voice broke
"Hey hey... it's okay, it's okay now, you're here" you whispered, pulling her in for a hug, nestling her head on your shoulder Nat let out a loud sob
You held her tightly, stroking her hair and rocking back and forth trying to provide her some needed comfort
You didn't speak, the only noises were the loud sobs and heavy breaths coming from Natalie as she let all her pent up emotions out, she was the one who broke the silence
"I can't, I can't do this anymore, I'm so tired, so so so tired" she spoke between sobs
At that point, you decided in your head that it was time to do something "You are not going back there, you're spending the night" it wasn't a question, it was an announcement, your tone soft but firm at the same time "You're safe here"
At those words she pulled away from the hug and looked straight in your eyes "Thank you y/n" she said with a weak voice
You simply kissed her forehead "You can stay as much as you need Nat, but we can think about it in the morning, it's late and you need to rest baby"
Moving to your bed, you opened the covers, letting her climb in before you, and when you joined her she instantly wrapped her arms around you
"Nah nah" you said quickly, turning around "You're the little spoon today"
You saw a soft genuine smile on her lips as she turned around, waiting for you to cuddle her, and you did, you held her close and peppered kisses on her cheek, keeping her warm and safe.
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gourmetjello · 8 months
könig x fem!reader : over-apologizer
i have no idea how to use tumblr. it’s my first time using it but i think i’m trying it out lol also lowercase warning (i’m sorry!) , i’m used to writing in 3rd person pov so that’s what i’m going to do for now plus english isn’t my first language so bear with me for now lmao
könig’s about 17 in this fic and it’s not really a fluff nor angst or smut or anything like that, just a little romance-ish story.
the cold, chilly air felt heavy on top of the many bunk beds that were scattered around the messy dorm room of about 30 young austrian and half german men. there was one singular wooden nightstand in one of the corners of the room, the drawers wide open and filled with empty glasses of all the different kinds of dirt cheap alcoholic beverages you could think of. it was the first day of many newcomers and many of them were cocky enough to bring some drinks to celebrate their first night here.
one bottle was leaking inside the drawer as someone probably failed to put the lid back on perfectly, the rough, clear liquid leaking in small droplets. a part of the wooden surface was soaked with this disgusting liquid that smelled like straight up acetone. the faint scent of it obviously spread to the entirety of the whole room, however the boys felt comfortable even in an odor like this — they were mostly teenagers, after all.
a boy’s head was right next to the nightstand as his bed was the closest to the corner, his forehead was almost touching the wall of the piece of furniture that smelled oh so bad. he was the only one that was wide awake in this whole room full of snoring soon to be soliders. he silently breathed the smell in again, not knowing what to do with the fact that he was exhaling something that stung his nose so much — he wanted to yank the drawer out and just simply throw it away, but then he would have to pay for the harm the caused and he obviously had no money, just like everyone else here.
he turned and tossed around in the bed as his legs were hanging off of it, and as uncomfortable it seemed he totally accepted it. it’s not like he could magically make himself any shorter. he leaned down to grab the small plastic shot glass that was next to his bed on the floor — his hand blindly wandered around, fingers finally bumping into the thin material of the tiny cup. he slowly lifted it up, not too surprised to realize that it still had something inside it. the young man sat up in his bed, his head softly bumping into the bottom of the mattress above his bad. he totally forgot that he was in a bunk bed. he wasn’t used to this.
rustling of the bedsheets could be heard as he muttered a few curse words under his breath and decided to just go bottoms up with whatever was in that tiny cup. a little piece of yesterday lingered in his body now, at least.
something, that nobody was really expecting came — a sharp sound filled the room, waking everyone up from their coma-like, desperate and drunken sleep. a morning call echoed through the entire dorm, a tall and old-ish looking man in a full camouflage outfit basically breaking their door in as the doorknob made a sound that totally felt like it broke.
“good morning men!”
‘holy shit. it really is happening, our first day’ — thought literally nobody in this cold room. the solider could obviously smell the horrible odor in the room but decided to ignore it as they would have to learn how to get up this early, hungover or not.
as the tall young man was already awake, it didn’t take too long for him to actually get out of bed first. he expected a gentle praise or something at least for listening to the command of the man in the doorway, but the guy seemed totally uninterested in whatever was going on in the room. he just cared about waking up these boys and finally showing them what they signed up for and showing them no mercy. people in the military apparently just had an odd thing for breaking young soliders.
the bread they got for breakfast almost fell out of their mouths as the men from their room were basically barely functioning on one percent. their eyes were barely open as the small digital clock in the cafeteria read 6:12 am. they could barely touch the cup of milk in front of them, almost spilling it all over themselves while trying to drink it.
there was just one guy that sat alone at a desk, all by themselves. he didn’t really choose to be alone, he obviously wasn’t that big of a freak, but all the other tables were already filled and there was no space left for him. he didn’t really care about it too much, he was used to being alone — it was exactly why he joined the military. he almost expected this to happen and if he was going to be neglected by people like this his whole life, then he might as well just try to get rid of them somehow. as far as he knew, you could legally be a cold-blooded killer in the military, right? especially as a sniper.
his eyes scanned the others in the cafeteria, looking over to the females. they were in their camouflage-print jackets too. he was obviously a teenage boy so he tried to find someone to stare at, someone who looked like a dream come true, but fuck, he couldn’t even see who had big breasts as the loose uniform concealed their body shape perfectly.
while his eyes were still desperately scanning the girls in the area, he didn’t even notice that someone sat down next to him with a plastic plate in their hands. it was yet another man. he reached out and tapped the left shoulder of the guy that he just wanted to sit down next to, grabbing her from his spiraling thoughts.
“hey, would you mind if i sit here?” the guy asked. he had short curly hair and a face full of seemingly cystic acne. definitely a face that would scare off people, especially girls.
he totally caught him off guard, the taller boy flinching a little in surprise — “uh, no, it’s fine.”
“yeah. thanks, man. i wanted to sit here because, um, look.” the man spoke as he pointed towards the little velcro strip on his chest that was on the camouflage uniform. “we’ve got the same last name. you’re a könig too! quite common, eh?”
“that’s cool.”
“we have to friends after this, dude!”
“and.. okay, look at that girl over there..” the guy pointed at a girl that seemed a little like she couldn’t find her place in this huge cafeteria filled with people in the exact same clothes. what a maze to get lost in, he couldn’t even blame her for that. “we used to go to the same school and gosh.. it’s a shame that she’s the only person that i know for now. i wish i knew someone cooler instead.”
könig seemed totally uninterested but the person sitting next to him wouldn’t shut up about whatever he was blabbering about. he barely even paid attention to his speech. “she’s so lame. she never talks, like, bro, how can you go a day without talking? so weird, am i right?”
they didn’t have too much time for breakfast nor basically anything else they wanted to do. the day went by rather quickly and when they finally returned to the dormitory there was basically nothing left from their hungover ego they still had earlier. throughout their first day, they were made fun of, humiliated and stepped on, as expected. some people were desperately writing letters to their loving mothers, saying they wanted to give up on the whole ‘save your country’ and ‘keep our families safe’ image and they wanted to go home.
könig was laying in his bed as he couldn’t sit up comfortably and he was just thinking about what to do now. the room was silent and just filled with occasional groans of people that were in pain. sore muscles were basically something to be considered everyday things here, you’ll learn to live with them eventually. he sighed and gently reached into the only backpack he brought with himself here. he found it unnecessary to pack too many clothes as they were going to get uniforms anyways. the only things he needed were underwear.
his fingers looked around the bottom of the backpack for a few seconds until he finally found what he was looking for. he took it out with unreasonably shaky hands — it was a single cigarette he had rolled for himsef back on the platform of the railway station when he waited for the train to come. it was the only one he had left as he ran out of filters to put into the little stick that was a such a guilty pleasure of his. he knew that they probably wouldn’t care if he started smoking it in the room, but he already wanted to just feel something, some kind of danger.
he joined the military to feel action and thrill, to shoot people without being punished for it and not to be hungover all the time and to judge others in the cafeteria (however he loved trying to peek at the girls). he gently stepped off his bed, walking over to the dark and unpolished window they had in the room. he firstly tried to just open it, he examined it and he simply looked like someone who was trying to open it to get a mouthful of fresh air. however, when the tall man gently folded himself in a way that he could climb out on the window, many people immediately turned their heads towards him.
könig was lucky that they were on the floor level. he landed in a small bush that was basically nothing for him, climbing out of it with ease.
his heart was beating in his throat when he noticed someone a few meters away from him. they were in a camouflage outfit, very clearly in the uniform. the person he saw was crouching down, closely next to the wall. when he saw how the figure seemed feminine he immediately relaxed — there’s no way anyone from the staff would be a woman, right?
the shadow flinched once she heard the sounds of the bush moving, and when her eyes ran over the dark figure of a person, her body immediately began shaking. ‘fuck, fuck, fuck. i’m getting kicked out. i’m getting kicked out’ - was the only thing she could think about as she quickly pushed away whatever she was doing with her trembling and cold fingers. tobacco and a few little pieces of paper spilled all over the ground under them, getting all dirty and muddy.
the tall man towered over her as he stepped closer. all she could see was this huge shadow next to her crouching form, he could easily just step on her. he seemed like he could break her spine with just a snap of his fingers and maybe that was the initial source of her fear — she even forgot how scared she was of someone from the staff being the man in front of her. at that point, she was just begging for the gods she barely believed in to let her keep her life. she was silently pleading in her mind.
“gosh, you wasted it all.”
she heard the deep voice and she knew it was over for her. she thought she was going to throw up all over the place because of how shaky and nervous she was. and this was only her first day in the military!
“you roll it too? can’t afford packs?” he quickly raised his hand, the clumsily rolled cigarette hanging between his index and middle finger.
this couldn’t be staff.. right?
“it’s not mine! it’s not mine. it’s not-“ she spoke desperately. her voice was weak and shaky.
“then why would you be doing it, hm?”
she hesitated for a few seconds before thinking of an answer. she already embarrassed herself too much, there was no backing out now. absolutely no backing out, she was past the point of no return, or so she thought. he still stood there, above her and staring down.
“it’s for, um.. someone else. it’s for someone else. könig. it’s for könig.” she tried to stop stuttering so it wouldn’t be so awkward and embarrassing for her. beinh caught was already uncomfortable enough, but what kind of monster was standing in front of her?
“yeah. he’s um.. he came here yesterday. just like me. and he’s.. like, short, curly hair and- and, uh..”
“yeah, stand up. stand up, come on.”
“i don’t-“
“stand the fuck up already.”
the girl shakily stood up, her head perfectly looking into the chest area of the man in front of her. the velcro strip above his heart read an oddly familiar name — könig. she was stunned for a second, not knowing what to say and she accidentally choked on the air she was just gasping after. “w-what did you-“
“don’t act like he’s the only person with the last name könig. you’re being stupid. what is a woman even doing in the military? i get it, that dickface is trying to prove it to everyone that he’s the shit, but come on? you? are you here to do every little thing he desires or what?”
her eyes widened as the tall man in front of her mentioned her doing everything for that jerk. she tried to think of a way to defend myself. who even was this man? she couldn’t see his face. too tall. and it was too dark outside.
“i’m sorry, i-“
“i’m sorry, i really am, just..”
“why would you be sorry?”
“i, um..”
könig raised an eyebrow as his lips gently curled into a small smile. she was the first person he actually talked to in the military. he couldn’t believe that the first person he would get into a conversation with (or at least something like that..?) was the person that that fucker in the cafeteria was talking about. the girl that’s apparently such a lame person because she doesn’t talk too much. hm.
“yeah. see. you don’t even have anything to be sorry for, i just asked you a question and you’d rather apologize than give me an answer. cunt behavior.”
“don’t you dare say that again.”
“o-okay. i just.. i’m sorry for me being so-“
and just like that, könig slightly leaned down and pressed his lips against hers in an instant.
it all happened in the span of a few moments. he immediately felt how she was licking her lips in the cold as a reaction to the stress she suddenly got into, since he could taste the saliva on her chapped and shaky lips. his body was warm and hers was cold, just like ice. he could have even placed a bet that her lips were purple, from the fear and the chilly air outside.
he was a little bold for someone who had never kissed anyone before — but he needed to make her shut up somehow. he had enough of her apologizing so much.
eek! that’s my first oneshot ever here on tumblr !! i really really hope you liked it and please let me know somehow if i did something wrong. no idea how to use this app. and if you have any ideas on what i should write about then please let me know ! or, well, if there is a way to let me know ?
also please don’t reupload or steal or anything (is that a thing here?)
good night!
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ttuesday · 3 years
How would the VDL gang members be around their pregnant SO?
hello my dear anon who won’t tell me who they are, I hope you are having a blessed day <3 if you aren’t having a good day then I will gladly give you another slice of bread
Arthur is absolutely shocked when you first tell him. He can barely look after himself, how the hell's he suppose to help you look after a baby now too? He doubts himself and his ability to be a good father a lot.
Although the baby's not even born yet (and it'll be a few years before they even learn how to read and write properly) Arthur buys a new journal and keeps it in a chest under your bed. He says he's gonna give it to the baby someday.
He likes spending time with you away from camp. Arthur brings you to many different places but always makes sure there's a good view for the both of you to enjoy. He loves it because it's spending quality time with both you and the baby.
Arthur will ramble on about how ye should both enjoy sleeping throughout the night and not having to change dirty diapers just yet. He'll keep talking about how challenging but fun life's going to be once the baby arrives.
Dutch has always been very hot and cold with his affection. Some times he's all over you and other times he's too preoccupied planning all different types of robberies. 
When you get pregnant, Dutch tries his best to be there for you... Maybe he becomes a little over-bearing but he's doing it because he wants to make sure you and the baby are happy and healthy.
Throughout your pregnancy, Dutch will keep buying new things for the baby. By the time the baby arrives, he's bought 2 prams (Dutch said ye can use one in the summer and the other in the winter), a cot that's full of blankets, a lot of toys and of course, he especially bought the baby it's own designer outfits. 
... yes, he bought all of this with the money from the donations box
Charles has everything sorted. He stays cool, calm and collected for your entire pregnancy. Even in moments when you freak out, he keeps his composure and helps calm you down.
Charles holds back your hair when you get morning sickness and happily gets you a glass of water and some crackers for you to cautiously nibble on.
If that baby ever starts to kick too hard or decide it'll do a couple of somersaults in your stomach, Charles will hold you and soothe you through it.
A month before you're due to give birth, Charles surprises you with a wooden cot he's made for the baby. It has intricate and detailed carvings of animals out in a grassy meadows and flowers going up the side.
John really wants to help. The only problem is, John is terrified of messing things up. When you're pregnant, John sees you as being as delicate as a flower.
Sometimes he'll actually get scared to touch you in case he hurts you. John knows that it sounds foolish but he's still scared.
If you mention that you’re in any pain, John will presume you’re going into labor. One time when this happened, John ran out of the tent to go get help and before you could tell him you were fine, John fainted.
You wouldn’t think John is the type of person to faint a lot but the second he thinks the baby’s coming, he gets so overwhelmed that he just blacks out. He finds it amazing that you don’t pass out at the thought of it and he genuinely believes you’re one of the strongest people he’s ever met.
Micah becomes so SO protective of you after you tell him you're pregnant. He was protective of you before, always starting bar fights if a drunk tries to flirt with you but now he reached a new level of protectiveness.
Micah will try his best to convince you not to go out on jobs, saying they're too risky. Yes, You've broken Micah Bell. He now actually thinks about how dangerous a job is.
He doesn't even want you to do chores around camp in case they tire you out. Literally, Micah just wants you to sit there and not do anything for 9 months. And if Grimshaw says anything about you not doing any work, Micah will snap at her to mind her own damn business.
And if you want to go into town for supplies, Micah will insist on joining you. If you talk to Micah about how protective he's being and tell him to back off a little, then he might. He's actually very scared something will go wrong so he'll only back off if you give him a lot of reassurance.
Bill has absolutely no idea what he's doing. At the start of your pregnancy he was clueless and didn't know what to do or how to help you. And even months into your pregnancy, Bill's still clueless.
When your bump started to show, reality hit Bill. He realized that this was actually happening and he loved every second of it.
He comes up to you at random times during the day and starts talking to the bump, not to you, but to the bump.
When you both go to bed, Bill will keep on of his hands gently wrapped around your stomach. One night while he had his hand resting there, the baby kicked. Bill got so excited he started to cry. 
When the due date started to near, Sean suggested ye do a practice run of what to expect during labor... but in this situation, Sean wanted to be the one giving birth while you showed him what he’s supposed to do and how he has to help 
Sean also decided to carry around a watermelon for a day to practice being gentle... yes, Sean really did compare your baby to a goddamn watermelon. He tried his best and surprisingly, Sean only broke 4 watermelons in the day.
He broke the watermelons because he kept throwing them up in the air and failed miserably at catching them. On the bright side, at least Sean now knows it's a bad idea to do that with the actual baby.
Some times when he thinks you're asleep, he'll start talking to the baby. He woke you up doing it one time because he was singing to the baby but was completely out of tune.
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itsallyscorner · 4 years
Baby Mix → Baby Holland
The sequel to Baby Mix
Pairing: Little Mix member!reader x Tom Holland
Summary: The youngest member of Little Mix has something to reveal after not seeing the girls for months.
A/n: Set in Corona times, I know London lifted their lockdown restrictions for a while then initiated them again after. But anyway, this is set around that time when lockdown rules were lifted. I had so much fun writing this! I hope you all enjoy it🥰
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You felt a rush of excitement and nervousness through your veins as you walked around your home, making sure every corner was clean. You entered the dining room and double checked each plate, checking to see if they all had the essential utensils, a napkin, and a wine glass. You trusted Tom to set up the table, but today was a big day and you wanted to make sure everything was perfect.
“Darling, you don’t need to triple check everything in the house. Nothing’s moved since the last you’ve looked at it.” Tom teases you as he enters the dining room from the kitchen. He wore a tight black shirt, the sleeves rolled up to his elbows, with dark blue jeans. During the time in lockdown, his hair has grown out and he’s been working on his facial hair. You smiled at the 5 o’clock shadow that graced his face; it’s been known that he took forever to grow out facial hair, so to see that there was some light stubble on his face made him really happy. He was very proud of it.
“You look extremely hot right now.” You comment, meeting him in the middle of the room. His hands instantly place themselves at your waist, before one hand moves to rest on your growing stomach and the other on the small of your back.
“Is that the hormones talking?” He squints his eyes playfully at you. You gently shove him, only for him to pull you back closer into his chest. “No? I mean you always look good in whatever you wear. But it could possibly be the hormones?” You ramble.
Tom chuckles, his eyes gazing at you like you’re the only woman in the world. Well technically, you are the only woman in his world; besides his mum and grandma of course. But you were it for him, he wanted nobody else but you. Sure, you guys weren’t married, but that doesn’t mean he isn’t committed to you. The baby might’ve came before the wedding, but he will marry you one day.
“How are you feeling?” He asks you, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. Ever since the two of you have discovered you were pregnant, the morning sicknesses have gotten worse and worse. You were really hoping you’d be one of those lucky mothers who wouldn’t experience morning sickness, but with your luck it never happened. This morning you stumbled out the bed and into the toilet; today’s puke was probably the most horrible one this week, as gross as that sounds. Tom was behind you in an instant, tying your hair into a ponytail and rubbing soothing circles onto your back. It pained him to see you like this, he couldn’t do anything but hold your hair back, help you get your puke out, and whisper comforting things into your ear. He considered on canceling today’s event after you cleaned yourself up in the bathroom and snuggled back into the sheets, eyes red and puffy. Though when he mentioned on canceling, you declined immediately. You had both been anticipating today and you weren’t going to let some morning sickness postpone such a special event.
He looked at you concerned, scanning your face for any discomfort. Your lips quirk up to a fond smile as you kiss the worry away from him, “I’m doing much better than this morning, we’re both doing good.”
“That’s great, that’s all that matters to me right now.” He responds, pulling you into a hug. One thing you’ve noticed about Tom and your pregnancy was that he was very touchy and protective. Though he was already like that, it seemed like the pregnancy intensified his protectiveness, or just him in general. He was very alert of his surroundings, making sure everything was clean, that you were always comfortable, and that you weren’t experiencing any pain from the pregnancy. He was dedicated to making sure you were treated like a princess, you and your baby.
“You’ve got everything handled just in case they all come early right? I’m gonna head up and get dressed.” You pull away to look at him.
He nods at you, ensuring that he had everything under control, “Yeah, I’ve got it.” He pecks your lips before you pull away and head for the stairs. He watches your figure go up the stairs, just in case you trip or something, he would be there to catch you. When he sees you round the corner safely he yells, “Just give me a shout when you need something!”
He hears a faint “I know!” from upstairs and the sound of a door closing. He took that as his sign to get back in the kitchen and continue cooking. With the help from Sam, over FaceTime, Tom was able to get around the kitchen and make some proper food for your guests
You take one last look at yourself in the mirror. You wore leggings and an oversized knitted sweater that hid your small bump. You had light make up on, not bothering to put much since it was just the girls and you were all just having a casual lunch. You could already hear the commotion downstairs, Jesy’s contagious laughter, hints of Perrie and Jade’s voices, and Leigh-Anne gushing over some decorative piece in your house. You take a deep breath, preparing yourself to give them all the good news. In fact, they’re one of the first ones that will get to know about your and Tom’s secret. Your family and Tom’s being the first to find out the moment you both left the doctor’s office. The girls deserved to be part of the group who found out first, they were like your older sisters and have always been there for you since you’ve known them. They’re basically family.
You giddily head down the stairs with delight as the girls finally come onto view. Perrie screams, throwing herself off the couch and pulling you into a hug. You were stunned by the sudden force, though you tightly wrapped your arms around her, careful to not press your stomach against her.
“Oh! I’ve missed you so so much! It’s been so long, I hate being away from you all for months.” Perrie cried, pressing kisses onto your face. You laughed trying to dodger her.
“Let me smother you with love, I haven’t seen you in so long!” Perrie objected, hugging you one more time. “I miss you too, Pez.” You giggled kissing her cheek.
Jesy comes from behind Perrie and detaches her from you, “Babe, you look beautiful! You’re glowing, look at you!” Jesy cupped your cheeks then wrapped her arms around you.
“Oh my goodness, let me tell you, I didn’t even realize that was Tom.” She said when you both broke the hug. You burst out laughing, placing a hand on her arm.
“No seriously! I didn’t even know he can grow facial hair? I was expecting to see a boy answer the door not a man!” Jesy admits making you laugh even more at her genuinely shocked face.
“Are you still on about Tom and his beard?” Jade asks as she approaches you, Leigh-Anne right behind her.
“Isn’t it a shocker? I live with a man now.” You joke, wrapping your arms around Jade. She squeals, swaying the two of you side to side.
“Babe, your house is stunning!” Leigh-Anne compliments, hugging you and kissing your cheek. You wave her off, “You literally have a whole mansion. I still don’t understand how we have the same paycheck.”
You all settle in the living room for now, waiting for Tom to call for lunch. You could smell the delicious aroma of whatever Tom was cooking in the kitchen and your stomach couldn’t help but growl. Jesy eyes your stomach, “What’ve you got in your stomach? That sounded like an animal.” For a moment you were caught off guard at the mention of your stomach. You eyes widen for a second as you glance down at where your sweater was bunched up.
“Uh—I’m just really hungry.” You brush off her comment, face getting flustered. Jade playfully shakes her head glancing at the kitchen, “Has Thomas not been feeding you right?”
“No—he’s been absolutely amazing! Spending lockdown with him was a dream.” You answer chuckling. Perrie crosses her arms, “Lucky, I had lockdown with a football player. Do you know how difficult it is to live with one?”
“It couldn’t have been that bad?” Leigh-Anne chimed in, sipping on a glass of wine. Perrie huffs leaning forward in her seat, “I felt like a bloody housewife the whole time. I had to keep restocking my fridge every week because he eats everything—like seriously, our food never lasted till the weekend. Alex kept on eating my snacks that I had to start hiding them from him.”
“Are we not going to talk about how Jade found love during a worldwide pandemic?” Jesy mentions pointing at Jade, who has a teasing smile on her face.
She waves her finger at Jesy, “Nuh uh, we aren’t talking about that yet.” You gasp, “And why not?”
“We’re still getting to know each other, I don’t want to rush into things, ya know?” Jade’s face contorts in thought. “Like we’ve done a virtual date on Zoom and have been texting each other back and forth, we’ll see where it goes.”
“You’ll be fine and you’re taking things slow, you should be familiar with each other first before fully committing.” Leigh-Anne assured her. All eyes fell on Leigh-Anne then down to her left hand.
“HOLD ON—LET ME SEE THE RING IN PERSON!” You yell jumping off the couch to where Leigh-Anne was sitting. You sit beside her and take her left hand admiring the giant diamond on her ring finger.
“I can’t believe you’re engaged, I’m so happy for you Lee.” You gush pulling her into a side hug. She nudges your shoulder, gesturing to Tom, “You might be next.” She winked.
“You know, I think Perrie’s gonna be the next one actually.” You smirk at the blonde who rolls her eyes. “Like what Jade said, we’ll see.” She hums shrugging. Your stomach growls again making Leigh-Anne glance at your stomach.
“Oh my goodness” she laughs, moving to look for Tom. “Tom, is lunch ready yet? Your girlfriend’s stomach keeps growling!” You hear something clang in the kitchen before Tom pops his head out, “Lunch’s ready, I was just waiting for you ladies to wrap up the chit chat.”
You all move to the dining room where Tom had laid out the food. He’s made pasta, with some steak, Caprese salad, and garlic bread. Jesy makes a content sound as she scans the food on the table before taking a seat.
“I must say Tom, I’m quite impressed with the food.” Jesy compliments Tom. A proud smile forms on Tom’s face, his eyes switching between you and Jesy. “You heard that darling? Jesy just complimented me.”
“I know, I heard her Tom.” You laugh patting his chest. He pulls your seat out for you, then sits in the chair on your right side while Jesy was on your left. Across from you three were Perrie, Jade, and Leigh-Anne.
“We could eat now right?” Jade asks while reaching out for the pasta’s serving fork.
“Yeah, yeah, go ahead.” Tom nods his head at the food. You hear a whine behind you distracting you from the delicious food Tom made. Behind your chair was Tessa who tried to nuzzle herself between your and Tom’s chairs. Not only had Tom grown even more protective of you, but so has Tessa. The sweetheart trailed after you everywhere you go, she stayed in the same room you were in and would lay beside your feet. Though Tom was her rightful owner, she would bark at him whenever he got a little too close to you or your stomach. Tom wasn’t going to lie, he did feel upset and envious that his precious princess barely paid him any mind anymore. But to know that she was only doing it to protect you and her future sibling warmed his heart, so he got over it in an instant.
“Tess, no.” Tom softly scolded the dog trying to shoo her away from the table. She only let out more whines making your heart break. You placed a hand on Tom’s, “Just let her stay, she won’t bother anyone.” Tom nods and pats Tessa’s head.
Lunch goes by splendidly, it was full of laughs and catching up with each other’s lives. It was nice to finally be surrounded by your favorite people in the world after months being apart. Everyone enjoyed the food, complimenting Tom on his excellent work and not burning the kitchen down. Wine and drinks were passed around except for you, who stuck with a water and a small amount of soda. Usually you would also be drinking, clinking glasses with Jade as you down your drinks, but thankfully no one had caught on yet.
“Sorry, we’ve all been rambling about our experiences during the lockdown, what about you two? (Y/n)? Tom? You’ve both been quiet about your experience together.” Leigh-Anne apologized shifting the conversation to you and Tom.
“You could leave the shagging parts out, we already know what went down in this poor house.” Jade poked at you, sending an over exaggerated wink your way. You shake your head and turn back to Tom. The two of you share a look, the look, and make a silent agreement that it was time to announce the big news.
“Well we’ve been busy. You know, we’ve both been doing lots of promo. I’ve been promoting my new film and (y/n)‘s promoting the album with you guys.” Tom started, making normal conversation.
“Most of the time was spent resting, we took advantage of the free time before we have to go on tour and he has to go away for filming.” You continue. The girls nod understanding the situation.
“What did you guys do on the daily though?”
“Lots of puzzles!” Tom answers. “We had the typical move nights and shit.”
“We did lots of baking too!” You add glancing at Tom, who nods along with you. “We’ve actually got a bun in the oven right now!” You say, emphasizing your words. Leigh-Anne and Jesy share a look instantly catching on. Jade’s mouth gapes, her hand holding the wine glass going limp.
“After all this time! Thomas, it’s probably burning by now, shouldn’t you go and check on it?” Perrie scolds, turning back to the kitchen to catch a peek at the oven. She looks excitedly at you two, “What kind of bun have you guys made?”
Jesy’s eyes pan over to Perrie in disbelief, it was like the salad in the box situation all over again. Leigh-Anne holds her palm up to her mouth as the news sinks in. Jade swats Perrie’s arm, “A human one!”
Perrie’s eyes widen in fear, “A human bun? Like cannibalism?” Tom made a sound of confusion, his brows furrowing at her. You stifle a laugh behind your hand as you wait for Perrie to realize.
“They’re having a baby, Pez!” Jesy yelled making Perrie’s eyes grow in shock. The gears move in her head, “OH! Bun in the oven—BUN IN THE OVEN? You’re pregnant?” She screams shooting out of her chair.
You laugh hiding behind your hands. Jesy grabs onto your wrist, pulling it down, and holding your hand. “Wait, are you actually pregnant? You’re not tricking us?”
You shake you head, a giant smile gracing your lips, eyes getting glossy. “I wouldn’t lie to you guys, you guys are gonna be aunts.” You confirm squeezing Jesy’s hand. She gasps pulling you into a hug. Behind you she reaches a hand and playfully shoves Tom, “As if turning her into you wasn’t enough, you just had to insert yourself into her and make another one of you?”
Tom shrugs, though a smile was also on his face, “Hey, to be fair, you might like this one more than me.” Jesy gets up from her seat and approaches Tom.
“Give me a hug, you div.” She ruffles his hair like an older sister would and wraps her arms around him. Tom chuckles hugging her back.
“I know I give you a lot of shit, but I’m so happy that she ended up with you and not some dickhead. Congrats Tom.” She mutters into his ear, before pulling away from the hug and patting his back. Tom looks at her teary eyed, “Thank you Jes.”
“Wait—no! You’re our baby, you can’t have a baby yet. Stop growing!” Perrie cries coming around the table to engulf you in her arms. This time she was actually crying, tears of joy streaming down her face.
“But Pez, I’m already growing.” You giggle, pulling away from her to lift you knitted sweater up to reveal your small baby bump. The girls gasp, while you and Tom stare proudly at your stomach. Jade and Leigh-Anne join Perrie to hover over your stomach. Jesy looks from over your shoulder, staring at the top of your stomach.
“Can we please touch it?” Leigh-Anne asks quietly, looking up at you and Tom for permission.
“Go ahead.” You assure them. Jesy squeezes your arms, resting her chin on your shoulder. Leigh-Anne, Perrie, and Jade’s hands delicately come into contact with your stretched skin, fascinated by your little bump. Jade pouts as she strokes your belly with her thumb, “Oh, you’re so precious.” She coos.
Perrie rests her palm against your belly, “How far along are you?” You look at Tom over your shoulder, who’s been watching the special moment unfold between you and the girls.
“Four months.” Tom answers, the grin on his face feeling permanent as he talked about his little bean.
“Four months?” Jesy shrieked whipping her head to look at you and Tom.
“Yup, we wanted to tell you guys as soon as we found out but we decided to keep it a little secret for as long as we can.” You explain. “But then my stomach began growing and it’d be obvious, so we decided to tell you guys now since it’s still early.”
“Does anyone else know?” Leigh-Anne asks, hand still resting on your belly.
“Our families know, along with his best mates. But you guys are part of the first few people who know about it.” You reply. Perrie hums softly, cupping your cheek and pressing a kiss onto it.
“You’re the first people I’ve told who aren’t my immediate family.” You laugh. The girls began tearing up again.
“I can’t believe you guys told us.” Jade wipes her eye with the pads of her fingers.
“Why wouldn’t I? You guys are important to me and I love you all so much! You all deserve to know about it before everyone else.” The girls “aww” at you and pull you into a group hug, one of their hands still resting on you belly.
“I can’t believe you’re pregnant, oh my god.” Leigh-Anne expressed, her hand still on your bump.
“It’s hilarious how we were saying you were gonna be the first one to start a family. All of a sudden little missy over here gets knocked up.” Jesy points at Leigh-Anne before giving Tom the stink eye.
“Did they not teach you how to use protection in school?” She playfully teases Tom, back to her usual picking on him. “Or is your pull out game just that weak?” Perrie gasps, covering your belly with both her hands, “Jes! There’s a baby!”
Tom’s mouth drops, his face feigning shock, “You know, I really thought we were having a great moment here, Jes.”
Jesy scoffs, “Moment’s over—have you never heard of ‘Don’t be silly, protect your Willie’?” Everyone pauses before bursting out laughing at Jesy’s comment.
The night ended with the girls making plans of who would be the fun aunt and who would spoil Baby Holland the most. Jesy and Jade debated over being the fun aunt while Perrie and Leigh-Anne tried to outdo each other on who would spoil the baby with the most toys and clothes. Your belly was the main star of the night; the girls occasionally stroking your belly or pressing light little kisses onto it. As you both listened to the girls argue about who would be the baby’s favorite, you and Tom knew that your little baby would be in good hands with four amazing aunts to watch over them.
*tags with a cross don’t work*
@waxingmoonwrites @slutforsebstan @starslazyandcosy @xkonpinkx @dummiesshort @gypsystuf @kielemarie @wroetospidey @thatgirlangelb @have-aheart @adayasgeorgia @xeniarocks @sarcasticallywitty15 @agustdowney
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capsironunderoos · 4 years
Five Minutes
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Eggsy Unwin X GN!Reader
Summary: Eggsy gets a suspicious call from the reader who’s off on an assignment.
Word Count: 1.2k
Warnings: Death, blood, and mentions of the reader skipping breakfast, but not for any reason other than time and that feeling you get when you wake up too early and you can’t eat. 
Author’s Note: I had some requests to post this a while back and never did and I just randomly remembered it tonight. Also, I’m pretty sure the reader is gender neutral, but if I accidentally left in something that contradicts that please let me know! It’s kind of short, but I hope you guys enjoy!
Here’s a link to my masterlist: capsironunderoos masterlist
Your body is slack against the cool wall behind you, the silence of the hallway before you almost echoing and overpowering the footsteps you’re sure you hear from far off. 
The hallway has now begun to spin too, but maybe that’s just because you hadn’t had much to eat for breakfast. 
While you were a top agent for the Kingsman association, able to crack codes almost as fast as you could break someone’s neck, it would take an army just to get you to eat breakfast. 
Or a stubborn boyfriend who swore he only wanted the best for you, which equaled you not falling out at some point during your busy day due to the lack of sustenance in your system. 
At the thought of your boyfriend, a smile forms on your face and you slowly lift your watch to your eye-line, trying your best to combat the wave of nausea from moving. 
A few memorized movements later and you’re waiting to hear his voice cut through the comms in your ear. 
In the pause of waiting, you notice the excess sweat running down your forehead and your inability to catch a deep breath. 
You promise yourself that you’ll talk your boyfriend into taking you to lunch once you’ve got him on the phone. 
“Hello my darling.” 
His voice interrupts your thought process on where exactly you plan on talking him into going for lunch. 
“Hello Eggsy.” You reply cheerily. 
“It’s early. How did it go? I mean, it must’ve gone good yeah? You are calling me.” 
You giggle as he rambles, knowing how easily he worries about you. 
“It went well. I broke the code and sent the information to Merlin.” 
“Any bad guys?” 
“Not anymore.” You sing-song and he laughs, the noise temporarily clearing your muddled thoughts. 
“(Y/N),” he starts, and his change in tone makes you uneasy. 
“Are you still on site?” 
You close your eyes in defeat and press your head against the wall behind you. 
It would be just like you to forget the tracker in your watch. 
And the camera in your glasses. 
“What are you doing sitting down? Is everything alright?” 
You sigh and gasp for air for a moment, a ragged breath escaping your lips before you can answer. 
“Just needed a moment love. I skipped breakfast again this morning.” 
The sigh he emits isn’t one of relief, it’s more “I know you’re lying but I’m not going to say anything.” 
The line falls silent for a beat before he begins to tell you about his next assignment and then an update on Roxy, who’s been on assignment in America for a few months now. 
He’s trying to help you put your mind on other things besides what he thinks is just your stomach growling at you for skipping the most important meal of the day. 
You respond at the right times and he’s none the wiser, seemingly having forgotten, or just not noticed, that you haven’t moved from your spot on the floor. 
It hasn’t been happening for long, but you’ve tried your best to stop it. 
You’d noticed it earlier as Eggsy was telling you about Roxy falling in front of an important Statesman, but you’d refused to acknowledge that it was anything other than the residue from that close call with the knife. 
When you finally glance down to look at your side and take in the damage you hear Eggsy stop. 
Your fingers are stained red and sticky, and it takes an exorbitant amount of strength to pry them away from your side. 
You laugh and Eggsy is now the one who can’t catch his breath. 
“I didn’t eat breakfast today.” 
“I know, you told me.” He whispers and you can hear Merlin murmuring something in the background about being late. 
You don’t remember telling him. 
“I don’t remember that. I don’t even remember why I called you. Or what I’m doing here.” 
Your voice trails off and Eggsy wants to scream. 
He wants to yell and fuss. 
Why didn’t you call him sooner? 
Why didn’t you try to make it back to the airplane? 
Why did you call him and pretend everything was okay? 
Why had he just simply believed everything was okay? 
“Darling can you stay awake for me? Me and Merlin are on our way.” 
You hum, feeling faint and tired. 
“He came outta nowhere. I mean, you shoulda seen ‘em. Fast.” You slur and Eggsy can’t move fast enough to get to you. 
He knows it’s too far. Deep down he does, really. You’re quite literally a plane ride away. 
But he won’t accept that. He can’t. 
What kind of Kingsman would he be if he gave up on another agent? What kind of person would he be if he gave up on you? 
That’s what he tells Merlin to convince him to go to you. 
“Keep telling me about him, my love.” 
He knows that all of the pet names in the world won’t keep this from unfolding, but that doesn’t stop him. 
He wishes he could see you, instead of staring down the stark and empty hallway in front of you.
You hear him shuffling around and Merlin talking to him in the background, but all you can focus on is how the red of your blood has woven itself into the pattern of your favorite suit. 
“This...” you cry out suddenly, and Eggsy’s heart constricts, “was my favorite suit.” 
You’re surprised to feel cool tears streaming down your face and you slowly reach up to wipe them away. 
“I know, but we’ll have you another one made just like it, okay?” 
He glances to Merlin and Merlin nods. 
“Tell her.” He provokes and Eggsy can feel tears sitting against his waterline. 
“Listen, my darling, I love you okay?” He forces out and he can hear you sniffle. 
“I love you too.” 
Your weak reply nearly stops his heart, the only urge for it to continue beating being the feeling of the plane’s wheels landing against the earth. 
Eggsy has barely allowed Merlin to stop the plane before he is running, running, running. 
He rounds the corner and stops so fast that Merlin literally knocks into him. 
But Eggsy is stone. He is unmoving. 
You were this close to the door? One more turn and you could have been home. 
With him. 
His feet feel heavy as lead, dragging themselves to where you sit, body slumped against the wall. 
Your fingers lay open on top of your wound, blood still slowly wrapping around them. 
He can tell you’ve tried to wipe away the few tears you let fall by the messy streaks of blood that line your cheeks. 
Your red-soaked suit sends him over the edge and he crumbles onto the floor beside you, knees hitting your hip as he wraps his shaking hands around your face, turning you towards him. 
It took a mere five minutes to rip you away from the Kingsman.
From the job you adored, and the friends you’d made. 
From him. 
After everything, all of the birthdays and holidays and brunches and assignments and love, all it took was five minutes. 
“It’s not fair.” He murmurs to anyone who cares to listen and Merlin shifts behind him. 
Merlin has seen death in the field before, but he is speechless when it comes to offering a word of comfort now. 
Eggsy pulls you against him, your blood now starting to color his suit red. 
“You did so good darling.”
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3vendeadimthehero · 4 years
One of a kind Loki x reader (series) Part 2
I actually was surprised by how many people seemed to be liking the first part, so I decided to go ahead with the second part. 
The moment you dropped to the ground, Loki was running to your side, eyes wide with shock. One minute you had been fine, tinkering with your suit, the next the room was shaking and you had passed out.
Others had heard the commotion and of course, the first person to run into the workshop was your father, Tony.
"Y/N!" He screamed, rushing to your side and practically pushing Loki out of the way, all he felt was rage and he wanted someone to blame. So, of course, he blamed Loki. "What the hell did you do to her?" Tony yelled, kneeling by your unconscious form and cupping your cheek.
"Y/N! Y/N! Wake up. Come on, baby. What'd he do to you?" He demanded, not like you could respond, you had fainted, you were completely unresponsive.
Loki hadn't said anything, hadn't defended himself for a moment as he just watched Tony try and get you to respond to him.
"I didn't do anything," Loki finally said after a moment.
"Yeah! I told you to stay the hell away from her. I knew letting you into the compound was a horrible idea and the moment we do, what happens. MY DAUGHTER is HURT!" He screamed, getting up from the floor and moving closer to him. His eyes were filled with rage.
"and I DIDN'T DO IT!" Loki bellowed back, feeling rage boil within him as well. If Tony wasn't careful he could start a fight he didn't want to begin.
"Oh yeah, explain the shattered glass, my tools everywhere. Clearly there was some kind of struggle, genius,"
"You be careful of what you are insinuating,"
"What that you hurt my little girl?" Tony made one flick of the wrist and part of his suit enveloped around his hand, the same hand that then gripped Loki by the throat and forced him into the wall.
"What. did. you. do. to. her?!"
It was at that moment that the rest of the avengers in the compound had all began to wake up and come down to see what the commotion was. First it was Peter, followed by Natasha, Bruce, Wanda, Steve, Bucky, and then lastly, Thor.
"Mr. Stark what's going on here," Peter's groggy voice stated as he sleepily walked into the room, rubbing his eyes. He quickly stopped at the scene before him, running over to your side where you lay unconscious.
"Woah Y/N! Woah! Guys! Y/N's in trouble! She won't wake up!" Peter yelled.
Bruce was the next to get to your side, everyone else had to fight Tony to get him to let go of Loki, who was rather offended that Tony didn't believe him about what had happened.
Loki huffed when Thor yanked Loki away from Tony and Steve and Natasha held back Tony.
"Does someone care to tell me what the hell is going on at three in the god damn morning!" Natasha snapped. "What the hell happened!?"
"Ask. him." Tony managed to garble with Steve holding him in a choke hold.
All eyes then moved to Loki, who in response rolled his eyes. "I didn't lay a hand on her. She was working on that.. and she started.. to go rigid, the room shook. She broke the glasses. And then she fainted." He told them.
Tony opened his mouth to spout out something when Bruce piped up.
"Well, she never let us examine her after HYDRA. She didn't remember what happened, Tony. I mean they did experiments on Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, who's to say they didn't do something to her too, we need to get her to the lab, do some tests,"
"You cool if I let you go, or are we going to have to pin you down again?" Steve asked Tony with a raised eyebrow, reluctantly he tapped out and he was released by the other avengers and Thor stepped out so Loki could move freely as well.
All sorts of tests were done on you, but it wasn't exactly rocket science in discovering abilities, it wasn't something that just showed up on a scanner, the only other person who seemed to understand what you were going through was Wanda, who had explained to the rest of the team how it was difficult to control abilities at first, how it could overwhelm a person.
You slept through the rest of the night and didn't wake until evening the following day. When you did, you had been alone. Your father had gone to get burger king for when you awoke, other avengers were training. You were alone save for one individual that you didn't expect to wake to. Loki.
He wasn't staring at you or anything, rather his attention was drawn to a novel that he was reading, one of your favorites.
You scanned the room for a few moments before you decided to get his attention.
"That's got a sad ending," You said, voice a little scratchy, you immediately reached for the water your dad had already left for you for when you awoke.
"Not every ending is happy," came Loki's response. He swiftly closed the book, placing it on a side table before standing and making his way over towards you. It wasn't that he cared for you, he wasn't sure he was capable or deserving of anyone caring for him back, but rather he was curious of your condition.
You, personally hated hospitals, and after being captive by HYDRA, any type of isolation or captivity made you nervous, anxious. You were already pulling at wires, taking out IV's, monitors, everything you were attached to had to go.
"I'm not sure if that is a wise decision, Y/N," your name sounded foreign on his tongue and it made you stop for just a moment. However, you're just as stubborn as your father and immediately began resuming what you were doing.
"Didn't know you even knew my name," came your snappy response. "what do you care anyways?"
You stood too soon, the type in which the room around you begins to sway, the ground moving beneath your feet and your vision begins to fill up with hazy clouds.
"Woah," You said, throwing out your hands for balance.
Loki said something snappy back to you in regards to your original comment but it went unheard by your lack of balance and before he could come out to try and help you, Tony had arrived home.
"Don't even think about it," Tony growled at Loki, making his way over to you to make sure you were indeed okay.
"You okay, you stand up too quickly? You really should have just stayed in bed until we get this figured out, Y/N," He warned.
You shook your head at him in response. "No. I'm not gonna stay in bed all day. I'm fine. I feel fine. It was nothing, alright just forget about it," You responded, removing your hand from his and moving to walk away.
"It wasn't exactly nothing though, was it? You collapsed. OKay that doesn't just happen for no reason. and You're different,.. you've been acting differently," Tony knew PTSD better than anyone, you had helped him through it after the events of New York so he knew what it was like. But to you, it was different. He knew what was causing him to panic, you, on the other hand, you didn't. Which, in your opinion, made it a million times worse.
You paused in the doorway, one hand on the frame, your back turned to his as he spoke to you, his words only built up a rage within you, made your skin crawl with anger.
"Come on. I KNOW what you're going through! Why won't you let me help you, Y/N?"
He turned around, hand still resting on the doorframe when you finally snapped at him. "How can you KNOW what I'm going through? I don't even KNOW what I'm going through! I have literally no idea what the hell is happening, or what happened to me okay! They took that from me! Whatever happened it had to have been important otherwise they wouldn't have wiped my fucking memory and that makes it WORSE! At least you knew why you couldn't sleep at night! I don't! So just let me be and stop pretending that you know what I'm going through!"
Halfway through talking Tony had tried to raise a hand to signal you to stop your rant, to stop talking. You had thought he was trying to make you stop your rant so he could speak which only made you angrier. You only stopped rambling when he screamed your name, finally getting your attention.
"WHAT!" You snapped.
"Look..." He said, finger pointing to where your hand was resting on the doorframe. You gasped when you saw it, hand moving away from what you had been touching. The entire time you'd been talking you had been causing ice to come from your fingertips, freezing everything around you that you had been touching.
"Oh my god.... Did ... Did I do that?"
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dreamypeaches · 4 years
don’t wake up pt. 2 | rafe cameron x reader
summary: after spending the week hoping to see rafe again, sarah invites you to a sleepover at tannyhill.
warnings: SMUT, cursing, alcohol use
word count: 2.8k
a/n: thank you all for the wonderful response to part 1! this is my first time posting smut, so let me know what you think of it. i honestly think i did a good job rereading it, bc it is hot. there will definitely be one or two more parts to this, maybe even more idk. all i know for sure is there will be a lot more sexy times. enjoy :)
series masterlist
It had been a week since the Boneyard kegger and you couldn’t get Rafe out of your head. You hadn’t seen him since that night, at least not in real life. Your dreams, however, were plagued with him. The way his hands had gripped your hips, his lips on your lips, your neck, imagining how they would feel on other parts of your body.
Part of you had been tempted to drive down to Figure 8 and “run into him” somewhere. One morning, after an especially steamy dream, you almost asked Sarah for his number. But then you thought of the questions that would come with that request and decided against it. You felt pathetic, pining after a guy you’d spent a couple hours with. A guy who, by all accounts was an asshole and hated people like you. Why would he want a Pogue like you?
Still, you wanted to see him. At least once. Just look in his eyes and see if that same spark was there. You had even tagged along with JJ during the day more often than usual, hoping Rafe and his Kook friends would appear to antagonize one of your best friends. But he was nowhere to be seen. As the week came to a close, you resigned yourself to experiencing his touch in your dreams only.
You were laying in the hammock at the Chateau listening to music with Kie, who laid beside you lazily braiding your hair, when Sarah suddenly appeared. She practically jumped onto you and Kie’s laps, a grin on her face.
“Let’s have a girls night!” She proclaimed, “Ward and Rose are taking Wheezie and her friend on a mini vacation on the mainland, so I have Tannyhill all to myself!”
“What about Rafe?” You asked, trying to fill your voice with disdain rather than hope. Sarah scoffed and rolled her eyes.
“Don’t worry about him, I’ll make sure he doesn’t bother us. So?”
You and Kie looked at each other. Kie raised her eyebrows, a smirk on her face. You smiled back and nodded. Both of you looked back at Sarah.
“We’re in!” Kie said.
“Yay!” Sarah pulled both of you into a hug, already unleashing all of her plans for the night. After telling you to be there at 6, she left to prepare for the night.
“It’s been so long since we’ve had a night just us girls. I mean, I love the boys, but I could use a break from them,” Kie said, finishing the braid in your hair.
“Yeah, fuck the boys,” You giggled, though in your head, you were much more focused on one particular boy than the girls night ahead of you.
Kie drove you to Sarah’s house, arriving at 6:30. Kie complained about how long it took you to get ready for a sleep over. You just laughed and told her you needed to look good for your girls. If she had know the truth, her head might have exploded. You had worn your cutest pair of pajamas, a large shirt with short shorts that left little to the imagination. You’d even done your make up. Not much, keeping it natural. After all, it was a sleep over, you didn’t need to go all out.
You were disappointed when you didn’t see Rafe as you walked in, but assumed Sarah had probably threatened him with violence if he came anywhere near her friends. You tried not to let thoughts of Rafe distract you, actually wanting to enjoy the night with your best girl friends. Sarah had stolen a couple bottles of wine from her dad’s wine cellar, passing around wine glasses before heading up to her room.
The three of you quickly became tipsy on the wine, giggling at little things. You all were laying on Sarah’s large bed, giggling at Sarah’s sexual mishap with John B in the Twinkie.
“I thought my nipple was going to come off! Like I’m sorry, I know it probably hurt when I kneed your dick, but who bites a nipple that hard? So, moral of the story, never have sex in the back of the van.”
You and Kie burst into laughter, while Sarah contained her giggles, trying her best to look annoyed.
“What about you two? Any sexy stories to share? Y/N, what about that Touron from the kegger?”
Your laughter quickly faded as Rafe was brought to the forefront of your mind. You bit your lip, trying to hide a smile.
“Nothing happened, I haven’t seen him since that night.”
“Well, you need to track him down!” Kie exclaimed, sitting up on her elbow to look down at you. You just shrugged, not meeting your friend’s eyes.
“Y/N, you should have seen the look on your face when we were leaving. You had literal stars in your eyes.”
You shrugged and downed the rest of you wine, sitting up on the bed.
“I don’t know. If I run into him again, we’ll see what happens. I’m gonna go get some water.”
Sarah started asking Kie about the girl she had been talking to as you padded out of the room and down the stairs.
You made your way to the kitchen, where a happy surprise waited for you. Rafe stood cooking something at the stove. He was shirtless, wearing nothing but a pair of sweatpants. His back was facing you, giving you a moment to take in his form. Your eyes wandered his body, tracing his biceps and the curve on his shoulder blade.
“Hi, Rafe,” You finally said, just loud enough for him to hear. He turned suddenly, surprised expression quickly turning to a smirk. You looked into his green eyes and felt your heart jump when you saw it. That spark you’d been hoping for for the past week.
“Hey,” he replied. You slowly made your way to the cupboard, making sure to brush up against him as you passed.
“How’ve you been?” He asked. You shrugged, filling up your glass at the fridge.
“I’ve been better. I’ve been a little lonely, especially at night, you know? My mind starts to wander to certain places,” You moved back over to Rafe. Your chests were almost touching as he smirked down at you. His breath fanned across your cheek, sending a shiver down your spine.
“Maybe you need a little company,” He whispered, his low tone going straight to your core. You smiled at him innocently, moving so your lips were inches apart.
“Yeah I do.”
You noticed him start to lean in and quickly pulled away, skipping towards the stairs.
“That’s why I’m having girls night,” You called, keeping the innocent look on you face. His light eyes had grown dark, watching as you moved away. They followed the curve of you ass, very evident in the shorts you were wearing. You inwardly smirked at the effect you had and started up the stairs.
“Your grilled cheese is burning, by the way,” You called. You giggled at the quiet shit he let out and made your way back to Sarah’s room.
You, Kie, and Sarah spent the next several hours having as much fun as you could. After a few dance parties, a couple rounds of truth or dare, and intense argument about whether Hannah Montana or Miley Cyrus was better that almost turned violent, you all collapsed on to the bed, turning on a random movie. Sarah and Kie fell asleep quickly, but you were wide awake, replaying the moment with Rafe in the kitchen.
You rubbed your thighs together, wanting nothing more than for Rafe to touch you. With a groan, you hopped out the bed and quietly escaped Sarah’s room. You had been to Sarah’s house several times before, but your knowledge of the layout was reduced to the path from the kitchen to Sarah’s room. You tiptoed down the hallway, trying to figure out which room was his. You a few doors down from Sarah’s, you could see a faint light from beneath the door frame. You knocked a couple times, then stood, waiting. It didn’t take long for Rafe to open the door. He was still shirtless, but had removed his sweatpants, leaving him in just his boxers. He smirked down at you, a hand coming up to cup the back of your head.
“You fucking tease,” He said before crashing his lips onto yours. You were almost knocked off your feet by the force of it. You placed your hands on his chest to stabilize yourself. His other arm wrapped around your waist, pulling you flush against his chest. Without breaking the kiss, he moved you into his room, kicking the door closed behind him. His hand moved down to your ass, gripping hard as he lightly slammed you against the wall. He broke the kiss, brushing your hair out of your face as his eyes examined your flustered face. The same hand slowly moved down your cheek until it was gripping your jaw, forcing you to look at him.
“Fuck, you’re beautiful. Do you have any idea what you do to me? I haven’t stopped thinking about you all week, how I wanted to fuck you while you screamed my name.”
You let out a whimper at his words, breathing uneven. You could feel your panties become more and more soaked as his hand moved from your ass to your hip, playing with the waist band of your shorts.
“Then you come into my kitchen wearing this, getting me all worked up.” He laughed humorlessly, his hand diving below your waistband. His fingers ghosted across the soaked fabric that covered your center.
“Got yourself all worked up too, didn’t you?”
Your panties were pushed to the side, giving him space to run his fingers through your folds. You let out a moan as you nodded. His finger came up to his lips, sucking your wetness from them.
“Don’t worry, baby, I’ll take care of you,” He said before going on his knees in front of you. His breath fanned against your inner thighs as he slowly slid your shorts down your thighs. When they landed on the floor, you stepped out of them and kicked them across the floor. Rafe placed gentle kisses across your thighs and stomach, avoiding the spot you needed him most. You whimpered as his mouth hovered over your clothed clit.
“What do you want, baby?” Rafe said.
“Touch me, Rafe, please, I need you!” You moaned out. He was quick to respond, fingers deftly moving your underwear aside, giving him space to wrap his lips around your sensitive bundle, lightly sucking. You moaned so loudly it was almost a scream. Rafe gave a hard slap to your ass in response, looking up at you.
“Uh uh, not too loud, angel. Don’t want your friends to hear, do you?”
You shook your head quickly, hand reaching down to push him closer to your pussy. He chuckled before compiling, licking a strip up your center, thumb moving to rub circles against your clit. Your head fell back against the wall as he continued his movements. His tongue delved into you, flicking in and out. One of his arms wrapped around your thigh, holding you up while spreading you wider. You were already a mess of pleasure when he slowly pushed two fingers into you, tongue moving up to you clit. You bit your lip to surpress your moans, but it was difficult as his fingers started to move faster. It became too much and a single, long moan escaped your mouth. Rafe’s movements ceased. He removed his fingers from you and stood up, hand gripping your hair, pulling it to where there was more pleasure than pain,
“What the fuck did I say?” He asked. Your tried to rub your thighs together, trying to regain the friction you had lost, but he moved his leg between your own.
“I’m sorry, Rafe. Please, I’ll be quiet, I promise,” You whimpered.
He smirked at you.
“Yes you will.”
He kissed you again, tongue dominating your own as he explored your mouth. He dragged you to the bed, throwing you down on your back before returning to his knees, pulling you to the edge of the mattress. He nearly ripped your panties off, mouth diving back to taste your dripping center. His hand reached up, clasping over your mouth, while the other returned to your entrance, fingers fucking you roughly. It didn’t take long before you felt the coil in your stomach tighten. Your screams were muffled behind Rafe’s hand as he continued to lick and suck on your clit, fingers pounding into you. Your fingers tangled in his hair as you came on his fingers. You felt him smirk as you clenched around him, but his movement didn’t let up. He moved his hand up under your shirt to massage your breast while his tongue moved down to fuck your entrance. He went back an forth between your entrance and you clit, hand moving between both your breasts to roughly massage them. Your second orgasm came fast and hard, leaving you with stars behind your eyes as he lapped up your juices.
He moved up your body, biting and sucking across your torso, leaving bright red and purple marks like constellations. He reached your face and removed his hand, kissing you hard and allowing you to taste yourself on his tongue. He broke away, pulling your shirt over head and throwing it to the side before standing up, pulling his boxers off. You bit your lip as you stared at his cock, wanting nothing more than to wrap your lips around it. He stroked himself a few times, taking in your fuck out look and the hungry look in your eyes.
“Don’t worry, baby, you’ll get to taste my cock later. Right now, I want to feel you.”
He reached into his bedside table and pulled out a condom. He ripped it open and rolled it over his dick, stroking it a few for times. He stood over you, eyes once again raking over your body.
“God, look at you. You’re gonna take me so good.” He leaned over you, hand coming up to grip your throat. A moan started to escape your lips at the pressure, but he caught it with a kiss. He pushed himself into you as he kissed you, giving you little time to adjust to his size before he started pounding into you. He broke the kiss, holding himself up on his forearm as he thrusted into you. His hand tightened around your throat, muffling your loud moans slightly, leaving the only other sound in the room to be the slapping of skin and the dirty words Rafe whispered in your ear.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.”
“I’ve been wanting to fuck you like this for days.”
“Feel so much better than in my dreams, baby.”
“Taking that cock so well.”
After several minutes, his hand moved from your throat down to you clit, rubbing fast circles into it. Your eyes rolled into the back of your head as his thrusts became harder, hitting that spot inside of you. You were so close. His thrusts were becoming sloppy, you could tell he was close too. He leaned down again, fingers still working your clit, and whispered, “Cum all over my dick, angel.”
You did as you were told, coming with a scream of his name, for a moment not caring if Kie and Sarah heard. Rafe wasn’t far behind you. He suddenly pulled out, making you whimper at the sudden emptiness. He removed the condom from himself and gave a few short stroked before coming across your chest and stomach.
“Fuck,” He whispered, more to himself than you. You heard him walk to the joining bathroom, but didn’t pay much attention. Your eyes were shut tight, trying to catch you breath and come to terms with what just happened. You just fucked Rafe Cameron. Hard. And, if you’re being honest with yourself, it was the best sex you’ve ever had.
Rafe returned with a wet towel, cleaning his cum off of you before collapsing beside you. He pulled back the covers and pulled you into his side under them. You rested your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat in his chest. His hand gently played with your hair, a stark contrast to his actions before.
You laid their in silence, neither of you knowing what to say. Eventually, you heard Rafe’s breath even out, quiet snores vibrating through his chest that you found adorable. You untangled yourself from his arm, slipping off the bed to gather your clothes and redress. Sneaking back to Sarah’s room, you hoped neither of the girls had noticed your absence, or heard you screaming Rafe’s name a few rooms down.
The next morning, Rafe woke feeling cold. He turned over to where you had been lying, the nights events running through his head and he hoped that it wasn’t just a dream. But he smiled when he noticed a yellow sticky note on the pillow beside him with a series of numbers and a note in your unique handwriting.
Text me :)
taglist: @bluesiderudy 
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Sunflower, Vol. 6
(A Jerejean AU)
Part one.
Part two:
Tired eyes are the death of me
Mouthful of toothpaste before I got to know you
I've got your face hung up high in the gallery
I love this shade, sunflower, sunflower
Your flowers just died, plant new seeds in the melody
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This wonderful edit is by @91percentpynch which inspired me to start writing this AU. I adore her and Jean Moreau is the love of our life and the light of our existence and the moon of our sky.
The next time Jean stepped foot inside Knox florists was one month later because he couldn't get Jeremy the shop out of his head. There were hazel eyes and cymbidiums, yellow blonde hair and chrysanthemums and Jeremy and his bright smile.
Jean never wanted anything before. Want meant making yourself vulnerable, stripping down your walls. It had only led him to pain and hurt, blood and tears. But there it was again, this overwhelming ache, this annoying brightness that made Jean want.
The shop was empty except for Garfield sniffing a pot of hydrangeas as Jean was about to open the door, Luna bouncing beside him already.
The bell chimed and a second later, Jeremy's head popped up from behind the counter. He still had his stupid smile on his face that made Jean's heart stutter in his chest. And there were leaves and rose petals stuck in his flowy blonde hair. He waved enthusiastically at Jeremy and Jean smiled a small smile.
"hello" "hi" "how are you, Jean Moreau?"
Jeremy's French was so terribly Jean sighed.
"Jeremy your French is terrible" "I know but it makes you smile so it's win"
Jean didn't know whether to fling himself out of this world or to press his lips on Jeremy's.
"perhaps you can teach me. I can pronounce croissant" "oh mon dieu no" "or avant garde" "stop" "or crème brulée" "no Jeremy-"
Jeremy was staring at him, his smile wider than ever which just made Jean wonder whether he did something.
"did I something?" "You're laughing" "I can laugh" "it's the first time you've laughed that I've heard"
They were both blushing. Jean literally sighed and buried his head in his arms on the table. Jeremy laughed and Jean wanted to tattoo his laugh on his heart even if that made no remote sense.
"if it's okay I'm gonna sit here and sketch" "can I see?" "Maybe later?" "Okay"
He did. The studio was closed today as Aaron had gone home to visit his boyfriend and twin brother. And Jean got terribly bored at the studio alone. And he remembered he had Jeremy's card. So, he was back. He had been busy for a month with a lot of commissions so he had been talking to Jeremy via text. It was quite fun as Jeremy was just as bright when he texted.
He pulled out his sketchbook. There were all sorts of things that he'd sketched. Flowers and vines, hands and eyes, animals and birds. He had tattooed a few even. He looked around but his eyes landed only on Jeremy who stuck out like a sore thumb against the sea of plants.
He gave in and started putting Jeremy on paper. The mess of his blonde hair, wavy and long. His large eyes and pointy nose that dipped at the right angle. The curve of his cupid's bow and the freckles on his face, dusted across his cheeks and the bridge of his nose.
It was slow and delicate, the scratch of graphite against the paper because art came slow and eventual, like rainfall on a sunny day.
Jeremy was not short, just that Jean was taller by a few inches. He was tall and angular and had muscular arms and beautiful hands with nerves jutting out when he flexed his hands. His nails were almost always painted a bright yellow.
Jeremy came alive on Jean's sketchbook and the Jean took out his pencils to fill in the colour. He spent a good minutes trying match the colour of Jeremy's skin until he was fed up and went with the closest shade.
When he looked up, Jeremy was tending to a rather large bouquet of tulips and roses as he chatted with his customer. The hope blooming in Jean's chest wilted he saw Jeremy blush while talking to the woman.
Jean vented out his frustration by aggressively scribbling his pencil until the tip broke with a crack. He didn't even know why he was angry at this, this mess of feelings that had bloomed in his chest.
And why would Jeremy even like him? He was too broken, there were too many sharp yet delicate pieces of him that he himself couldn't keep a count of yet he was trying to piece them together, one by one. Why would Jeremy pick those up and cradle them when he could have someone who'd give him all he wanted. Jean had survived, barely and he didn't know how to live. Live in the way life was supposed to be lived in.
Jeremy noticed him and sat beside him after he handed the woman her bouquet. Jean didn't say anything but continues to colour his sketch as he felt Jeremy's eyes linger on him.
"Jean?" "Yes?" "Is that me?"
Jean didn't say anything but responded by slamming his sketchbook shut and gathering his pencils. Jeremy flinched beside him. He got up, eyes burning as he grabbed Luna's leash and walked to leave. She tilted her head in question but followed him nonetheless.
Be still my unsteady heart, he angrily reminded himself as he prepared to storm out.
Then they were, Jeremy's fingers closed around his wrist that made his heart hammer louder than ever that it was ringing in his own ears.
"don't go please"; the broken edges of Jeremy's whisper that told him to turn around.
"did I do something wrong?" "No" "then?" "It hurts" "what does?" "Everything?" "Okay" "you" "me?" "You hurt me"
The silence began to eat him slowly, creeping up from the ground. When he looked at Jeremy, his eyes had darkened to a stormy hazel and his frown was there, underlying. He loosened his grip on Jean's and stepped backward but Jean caught his hand again.
"I've never felt this way about anyone. But you are making me feel these, these emotions that made hope blooms until your girlfriend came here" "I don't have a girlfriend?" "The lady who came in earlier" "oh, she was my sister. She asked me- whether- whether you were my boyfriend" "oh"
There was Jeremy, blushing again, slowly lacing their fingers together; carefully, elegantly, slowly as if giving Jean time to pull away but their fingers tangled and oh, oh, oh, Jeremy was so warm and Jean was so cold. Because Jeremy was alive and warm and his heartbeat was faint staccato under Jean's fingers and Jean was cold and learning to live and his heart was a thawing piece of frozen flesh.
"well" "I'm sorry" "don't be, please. Would you like to have lunch with me?" "Okay" "do you like tacos?" "I suppose"
Jeremy laughed brightly as Jean let go and sat back down. Jeremy called a place and ordered food and came back to sit beside him.
"can I see the sketch?" "Yes"
Jean pulled out his sketchbook and showed the sketch to Jeremy. Jeremy's fingers were feather light on the paper as they grazed his own features, delicate and beautiful. When Jeremy looked back at him, his eyes were bright and twinkling and full of admiration for Jean.
He looked with such ferocity that for the first time Jean felt seen. He felt vulnerable and fragile and felt like Jeremy would break him the way he wanted to be broken, just to be healed again.
His smile was gentle and persistent, it made Jean's heart flutter again. And he was suddenly leaning closer towards Jeremy, closer and closer until their breaths mingled.
"I fear you'll burn me" "what?" "You're so bright like the sun I feel like you'll incinerate this very second until all that remains is nothing yet, yet I can't help but be drawn to you" "oh"
And Jean watched as Jeremy's fingers inched towards his face, slow so as to give Jean to pull away but Jean didn't, he wouldn't. And Jean's skin was on fire as Jeremy's fingers grazed his cheeks, traced the tattoo of the moon that has risen there and the trail of little stars that began at his cheek and cascade down like a starry waterfall down his neck and onto his back and into nothingness.
Jean's inhaled sharply as Jeremy breathed as he traced his finger delicately across Jean's face as if he was made of glass and too much pressure and Jean would crack.
Jean was toughened like a diamond or a rock and nothing could break him anymore but Jeremy. Jeremy made him feel like he was a delicate little thing, a bud, a blossom blooming on a dewy morning.
Jean moved and Jeremy's face was under his hands as the pupils of Jeremy's eyes widened. He rubbed his calloused thumbs across Jeremy's cheeks and Jeremy closed his eyes and sighed. When he opened them again, they were twinkling like stars.
"Hazel mixed with green" "huh?" "The colour of your eyes when you stand under the sun and the rays hit them perfectly"
Jeremy laughed and Jean leaned forward and looked at Jeremy. There was no hesitation, none at all. Jean let his feelings wash him over, trample him over and he had surrendered in this want. He pressed his lips against Jeremy's and they were soft, and warm against Jean's chapped and cold ones. And Jeremy's hands were gentle in his hair, carding through it.
When they pulled away, the unsteadiness in Jean's heart had calmed down as he looked at Jeremy. There was a faint pink tinge to his cheeks that clashed with his freckles and there was that lopsided smile that was different from his usual ones. Jean thought that this one might be special.
"I have nothing to give to you, Jeremy Knox. Except me" "and I'll try to give you everything you want" "I'm broken and there's too many pieces" "then let me pick them up with you, for you" "I fear you'll break me. I fear you'll break me and help me heal when I'm too shattered" "I'll try to make you feel less broken"
Jeremy didn't assure him that he'll make Jean whole. Jean supposed Jeremy knew that feeling whole was just bullshit. It was false hope and fake words for those who were afraid of the truth.
Jean pulled up his sleeves, to reveal his scars and tattoos and Jeremy was staring wide-eyed at him. Jeremy's fingers hovered around his arms and Jean whispered a quiet yes and Jeremy grazed his fingers against his scars, the flowers and vines tattooed around them and the sunflower on his forearm. Jeremy smiled at him through glassy eyes. Jeremy moved his fingers, slender and long and graceful against Jean's skin, like an artist mixing colours on a pallet, careful and methodical.
"you gave me the sunflower, Jeremy Knox" "I remember" "this one will never wilt" "I'll give you a million sunflowers more if you want"
Jean smiled, it was not as bright as Jeremy's but it'd do and pressed his lips against Jeremy's once more.
It felt a lot like blooming.
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lovelytarou · 4 years
late night rendezvous
— in which suna rintarou invites you to a late night drive
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pairing: suna rintarou x reader
genre: fluff, a lil angst
tags: suna waking you up at midnight to drive, late night driving basically, just you two being goofballs at midnight
a/n: i based this from the suna drabble i wrote a while back and it keeps nagging on my brain to write it. was actually gonna post it for his birthday but it's already the 26th at 2am here ://
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suna didn't expect his party to be wild this year. granted, he should have expected the twins planning one without his knowing. leave it up to them to cause mischief and be the biggest party people he has ever known.
it was crazy, to say the least. he had recognized a few people who were in the party – his teammates, classmates, schoolmates, even past relationships and acquaintances he most certainly isn't aware the twins invited. he even spotted a few volleyball opponents they fought before and wished him a happy birthday.
he was surrounded by all of this people but his mind is looking for another person.
the twins couldn't have forgotten about you, could they? you're just as close to them as he is.
“what’s up, sunarin?” atsumu patted him on the back rather harshly, making him stumble a few steps forward.
he swear to the gods, his strength can be abnormal sometimes.
“have you seen y/n by any chance?” he asked, neck craning to and fro like a giraffe, “you invited them, right?”
“about that...” atsumu winced at suna’s harsh glare.
“we sort of...forgot?”
suna gave him a deadpan look.
“really? of all people, you forgot about them?” atsumu could only whine in return as he profusely apologized to the birthday boy.
deciding to ditch the party, he got out of the crowded house brimming with music and alcohol and got inside his car. he fished his phone from his pocket and immediately messaged you.
what he didn't realize was that it was basically 2am in the morning, and it's a weekday. you're probably asleep by now, suna thought. but will that ever stop him? nope.
cursing under his breath, he pocketed his phone and drove away.
the series of knocks stirred you from your peaceful slumber. after doing a shit ton of tasks, you immediately headed straight to bed, completely forgetting about giving your gift to your boyfriend – who forgot to invite you for his party. you slept with a slight ache in your chest upon seeing the posts the twins have on their socials and can't help but feel a little jealous.
the knocks ranged from gentle to hurried bangs on your window. huffing through your nose in irritation, you rolled over to the other side and peeked an eye. you almost had a heart attack when you saw who was looking through the glass.
“for fuck's sake, rin, you scared the shit out of me! some of us need to sleep for 8-10 hours, you know,” you scolded him, keeping your voice down as to not wake the people in your house, a bewildered look in your face as you take him in.
he's dressed handsomely and you guessed the twins forced him to because he doesn't really like to put much effort into his clothes, but he looks great in them always.
“i missed you,” he blurted, eyes searching your sleep-laced ones as he reached for your hand.
“we didn't see each other all day, i figured we can catch up now?” he offered, biting on his lower lip. he knows you might say no considering how late it is but he was also hoping you would say yes.
he wanted to end his day with a memorable moment with you.
“at 2 in the morning, rintarou?” you gave him an exasperated look but the thump in your heart and the voice inside your head convincing you that you've got nothing to lose is louder than any logical reasoning right now.
“alright, i'll get ready in five minutes.” you pecked him on the cheek, pushing his chest slightly as suna mouthed a yes before climbing off your window.
honestly, you don't know how he does that.
you sneaked to your door after getting ready and made sure you locked it again before joining suna in his car.
once you sat down on the passenger's seat, suna did not hesitate to capture your lips with his. the kiss seemed to stretched on for hours, his lips tasting like the alcohol he consumed in the party and faint smell of smoke. you giggled against his lips before pulling away.
“go eat some mint, your breath stinks!” you teased, nose wrinkling in mock disgust.
suna rolled his eyes, “says the one who has morning breath,”
the insulted look in your face made him cackle loudly inside the car as he pulled out of the driveway, his hand supporting your seat behind your head.
you fumbled with your seatbelt for a moment and suna seemed to have noticed it as his hands replaced yours and slid it down gently with a click. his hair tickled your neck as his face was so close to you, you can smell his perfume and him.
“if you keep looking at me that, we won't be going anywhere, baby.” he smirked, catching your eyes staring at his exposed chest that's been revealed by his shirt.
gulping down your saliva, you just smacked his arm in retaliation, earning another laugh from your boyfriend.
“just shut up and drive, rintarou.”
and so he did. suna connected his phone to his car and turned up the music. your eyes widened in realization as you recognized the song, or specifically the playlist. it was something the two of you made one boring afternoon. you were just playing around and adding iconic songs and some underrated ones to a playlist named after the two of you. you didn't know he would keep it and play it now.
suna had a faint smile on his face once the first few notes of the song played. he hummed to the music, fingers drumming on the stirring wheel. you yourself is tapping yours on your lap, but later, suna interlaced his free hand with yours and squeezing it lightly.
you enjoyed this moment more than anything. maybe it's because you just woke up and it's literally in the early morning and suna dragged you out of bed and you're still a little drowsy, but this all feels like a dream. something you don't wanna wake up from. it might be the city lights cascading down the road, the empty streets you passed, or the fact that the world is most likely asleep at the moment and getting to share it with him of all people is truly something magical.
as you were crossing a bridge, you felt the urge to turn down the window on your side, letting the wind hit your face as you closed your eyes. you danced to the music, albeit stupidly, but you didn't care. you sang loudly to your heart's content but you might be singing the words wrong, yet in suna's eyes, as you scream into the night, with your hair being ruffled by the wind and the city lights flickering behind you – he can't help the laugh bubbling out of him, because god, how did he get so lucky to have you?
you urged him to dance with you to the song and he did so although you made fun of him and his robotic moves. you spent the whole ride just singing and goofing off in the night.
after a while, you guys stopped at a restaurant to get some food before going home. by the time suna drove to your house, it was almost 6am. he forgot he still had practice later, but when he's with you, you're the only thing that mattered to him.
in the end, suna ended up showing you how he was able to climb up your window and even tagged you along with it. you almost fell and broke a leg but good thing your troublemaker of a boyfriend was there.
“so, i guess this is goodnight?” suna sighed forlornly as he sat at your windowsill.
“more like good morning to me,” you chuckled, staring down at your linked hands that are both refusing to let go. “i had fun tonight, rin –oh wait! i almost forgot!”
he was left confused when you suddenly ran around your room looking for something until you emerged with a small neatly wrapped box in your hands.
“for me? y/n, you really didn't have to,” he scratched his neck as he stared at the gift.
“just open it, rin!”
you bounced in place as you watch his face closely while opening the gift.
“is this real? how did you–” he got the camera out of the box, you had gifted him a polaroid since you saw how he loves to ‘document’ things so much and you figured he might want to make a lot of memories, hopefully with you in them as well.
“y/n, i love it. i love you,” he then wrapped you in his arms, his chest feeling warm and fuzzy with overwhelming love for you.
“i love you too, and i'm glad you did or else all the money i've saved up for will be useless.” you teased, smiling fondly at him as he examined the polaroid camera.
“this is the best birthday ever,” he leaned for a kiss, tilting his head to deepen it. you soon have to pull yourselves away before it got any late.
“now go home, rin!” you practically shoved him out of your window, he went in for one last kiss before hopping off.
he walked towards his car but before he get inside he looked back to you.
“i'll take to you to lunch later!”
you rolled your eyes, knowing full well suna's going to be sleeping in til the afternoon.
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a-simp-20 · 3 years
Pt.1 Pt.11 Pt.111 Pt.1v [Wip]
[AIB Cast Masterlist]
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Please read part 1 of this story to get to know the characters that are going to be in here.
There will be some special characters in here,and that is: @niragis-right-hand-rabbit And @aceofspadegrass .these two have inspired to write this so please go follow them they are very great people 😆
Sumarry: Dori's Characters are stuck in the universe where Dori is,and now most of them need to start to get jobs,while the rest of his characters need to be in new school's
Warning!: Fighting(yelling), Mentions of a bit of blood
Genre: Fluff,Angst,Comfort,Crack
Ila woke up by stretching her limbs,as she got up from her bed and got ready for the day. She went down stairs to make some breakfast which was the typical Eggs and bread that she would always eat,After eating she heard a faint meow coming from behind her,she looked back to see her black kitten Niragi "Well good morning Niragi" She said as she patted the kitten's black head. Niragi meows as he rubs his head against It's fingers,she smiled down at him while picking him up and feeding him after that. After feeding Niragi she heard her phone ring,she pick it up "Moshi moshi?" She said through the phone " Moshi Moshi?,what do you mean by that gurl??" Someone said through the phone with a faint laugh " Oh it's you Chloe, I thought it was my boss or something geez" Ila chuckled as she sit's on one of her bar stools that were in her kitchen"so what's up?" "Well I was thinking maybe we could go to that ice cream shop that's near your house? I'll invite Ace too" Chloe said through the phone"sure!,but I have to visit a friend of mine after" Ila said "Let me guess who's this friend of yours is...is it Dori again?" Chloe giggled "yes,yes it is Chloe..why??" "Oh nothing,it's just that the both of you seem really close" She said " I mean we are close,but we aren't a thing you know" " Yeah yeah I know that,maybe me and Ace can a company you to his house?" Chloe asked " Sure thing" Ila said.
After how many more minutes of chatting she ended the call,she got up and went to her room to get ready.
Right now Everyone was in the living room, silence filled the air until Dori broke it"since today is Sunday,all of you could look for new jobs while I deal with Suguru,Ryuichi,and Mugi's new schools " Dori said,everyone nodded while Niragi just snickers is confirmation "um,Dori kun?" Taketo said" Yeah?" "I'm actually in a band...and uh,I don't know if I actually have a specific job...like what jobs are there anyway?" Taketo said,chuckling nervously "maybe you could go talk to a friend of mine,he's in a band and he plays the drums. He said that he needs an extra guitarist in his band" Dori said as he crossed his arms over his chest"what's the bands name?" Taketo said in excitement "oh it's called-" "Why are we focusing on his job?,you know we need jobs too right?. Dori kun?" Someone said,the voice that said that belonged to Fukami that was sitting right next to Niragi as Fanta was on his lap "I mean,you know what your job is right?,like you literally own a whole Café named 'Coffee and Vanilla' " "He owns a Café,tch!. My job is more better then a stupid Café" Niragi said with smug look on his face "Niragi!" Dori said to him"what?,you know what my job is right?" Niragi said,as he looked directly at Dori's eyes.
"Come on guys,we should stop fighting and figure this out ourselves" Ryuichi said"Y-yeah..i agree with him,please stop" Suguru said while adjusting his glasses "it's settled then,all of you already know what your jobs are. Now all I have to do is take Taketo to a friend of mine and then I'll deal with schools" Dori said,as he got up "tch!,this is bulls**t" Niragi said as he got up,and pushed Dori aside"excuse me?" Dori said with a glare at Niragi's back "I said that this is all bulls**t!" Niragi yelled,finally looking at Dori's direction"I was the one that let you live in this house,and fed you!,without me you'll be in the streets by now!" Dori yelled back "G-guys,please stop fighting.." Suguru said,standing up in between them "GET OUT THE WAY YOU NERD HEAD!!" Niragi yelled as he pushed Suguru aside"Niragi!,be careful of your surroundings!" Fukami said,as he helped Suguru get up from the floor"oo~,this will be some spicy sh*t" Mugi said,taking out his phone to record "Mugi stop that!" Ryuichi said,as he tries to grab Mugi's phone away from his hand which he succeeded "I AM STILL NOT CALM BY THE FACT THAT I'M IN THIS STUPID WORLD,I'D RATHER SUFFER IN THE BORDERLANDS THEN HERE" "Well there is no way you will come back to the Borderlands!,Niragi you're safe now here with us!. No more deadly games and Suffering,why?..why do you want to go back in to that world!?"Dori yelled"G-guys...i think I'm bleeding" Suguru said,Fukami looked at him with a worried look,Niragi looked toward's Suguru,his eye's widen as he saw the blood coming from his nose now on his white T-shirt "i-i am so sorry-" Niragi said,but was quickly cut off by Suguru"No! No!...it's okay..i'm fine" Suguru said while wiping his nose"No you're not fine Suguru,Dori kun..do you know where you keep the first aid kit?" Fukami asked"Yes,it's in the bathroom upstairs" Dori said,as he pointed toward's the stairs "ありがとうございます、どりくん[thank you very much,Dori kun]" Fukami replied as he guided Suguru up the stairs into the bathroom "Niragi-" "I knew it I was going to hurt you all" Silence filled the room once more,but Dori decides to break it" No Niragi please look at me, son-" "Son?,who do you think I am?..your son!?" Niragi said with a cracked voice"After all I said to you,you called me your son!?" Niragi once again said with a cracked voice,but this time he was crying a bit"Maybe we should give you guys some space" Ryuichi said with a soft voice "Come on Mugi,Fanta" Ryuichi called for the both of them"Tch,you two are just both worthless-" "Mugi!" Ryuichi yelled as Fanta growled at him"Okay okay fine,I'm coming" Mugi said as he stubbornly walked towards Fanta and Ryuichi that were halfway up the stairs.
Now all that's left was Niragi and Dori. Both of them sat on the couch in silence,neither of them wanting to start the conversation. Dori just blankly looks at his black wooden coffee table that was in front of them,right now in his head..he could only think of what he said to Niragi,particularly yesterday night when he was talking to his dog Fanta,he said that him and his characters make a good family.Niragi sniffles"Hey,Niragi...come here" Dori said patting the empty space of the large couch that was right next to him,Niragi got up quickly and sat right beside him,his head low and tears were falling from his face to the floor. Dori hugged him side Way's,bringing him close "It's all my fault that I hurted him..even though he is actually myself.." Niragi said,finally calming down"Niragi..i-" "Dori!,ya in there??" Someone yelled from the front door "Quick!,go upstairs!" Dori whispers to Niragi,as Niragi got up and went up stairs into one of the rooms"I'm coming!" Dori shouted as he walked towards the front door.
He opens the front door to see Ila,Chloe and Ace" You told me to come over right?,also..you don't mind if I bring my friends right Dori kun?" The hijab girl said,smiling softly at Dori"oh yeah it's fine,come in come in" Dori said as he moved away from the door so that the three girls could come in. He closed the door behind him as he guided the three girls to his living room"This is such a nice place you live in Dori!" One girl said,the voice belonged to Ace " Oh uh, ありがとう" Dori said smiling at her.
Dori went into the kitchen and gestures Ila to follow him there. Ila got up and excuse herself from her friends as she went to the kitchen where Dori was making some food"So,what is it that you want to talk about?" Ila asked him,crossing her arms against her chest"Well,I don't know if you will believe me or not...but um" Dori went silent for a bit,his eyes,his dark brown eyes..scanned across the kitchen room as he thinks on what he is going to say next. He bit his bottom lip and started speaking again "My character's are in my house" He said with a serious tone,Ila chuckled "what?" She said with a smile on her face while fixing her hijab "It's true Ila Chan,and what I meant characters..i meant that they are real people who looks just like me,that is right now in one of the guest room's" Dori said,looking her in the eyes,her also dark brown eyes"So your character's are right now in their room's- wait...HOW MANY of your character's?" Ila asked Dori "Six,six of them" "Which are?" "Fukami Hiroto, Niragi suguru..the Borderland version and the middle school Version of him,Taketo from EVEN,Ryuichi from Koe Koi,and Mugi From Scums wish" Dori explains to her,Ila's eyes widened "We will talk about this later-" "No!,Fanta come back!!" Both of them rushed out if the kitchen to look at who was yelling..turns out it was Ryuichi chasing Fanta l,running circle's in living room where Ace and Chloe was. In Fanta's mouth there was basically a black box that is meant to be a box for glasses "Wait..if Dori's there,who's this dude.." Chloe said,looking back and forth from Dori to Ryuichi thar finally caught Fanta"Ryuichi wait up-" Suguru went down stairs with tissues that were plugged into his nose,he paused at his sentence when he saw Ila,Chloe and Ace in the living room "Suguru come back here!,I'm not finish cleaning you" Fukami then went down the stairs"Oh,I did not know that we were expecting visitors"Fukami said,eyeing Ila and her friends from head to toe"Can all of you shut the frick up?,I'm trying to relax here ya know" Mugi pop's himself out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist,his bangs wet"what's all this rucuss??" Niragi then went out of his room with squinting eye's,which is a sign that he was annoyed "WAIT IT'S NIRAFFI!" Chloe then suddenly said,pointing a finger at Niragi "And Nerdragi" Ace said,pointing at Suguru "this is going to be one hell of a mess" Dori sigh's as he pinched the bridge of his nose while closing his eyes.
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staticscreenwriting · 4 years
The loneliest time of the year || Part two
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Part 2 of 4
Summary: With a broken heart and the fear of having failed as a father, Frankie returns to his parents house for Christmas. What is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year feels quite lonely. Though when an old friend shows up unexpectedly with her young son in tow, Frankie’s Christmas seems to gain a little more happiness. Can they help each other fight the ghosts of their pasts and overcome their fears ?
A/N: This is part of my 12 days of Christmas / Advent special. Likes, reblogs, comments are all much appreciated.
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
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On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Four messed up pies
By the morning of December 9th a heavy blanket of snow rests upon the world like a tick coat of marshmallow fluff. 
A restlessness surges through Frankie as he turns from his left to his right to his back then repeats the process all over again. He kicks away the blankets then pulls them back. Sleep doesn’t come easy these days. In fact sleep hasn’t come easy in a while. It’s a price you have to pay for leading the life he leads, has led. For doing the job he did. You see things, bad things, and they stay with you. Not always but in the quiet moments they creep back into your mind and all you can do is stare and hope they fade again soon. Fill your brain with other things. Occupy your mind.
It’s moments like these that his fingers are twitching and his body is aching for release. For something to numb his mind. Help him forget. 
There aren’t a lot of things that Frankie is proud of. In fact he can count them on one hand. One of them is his ability to fly. He's a damn good pilot … most of the time. (He is when someone doesn’t force him to navigate an overloaded plane across the Andes). He’s proud of Rosie. Despite his flaws and shortcomings he managed to create something so utterly perfect, that’s something to be proud of. And the. There’s the little coin in the pocket of his jacket. The one he fumbles with whenever he’s anxious or stressed. It’s gold and smooth and it proudly displays a big number 10 in the middle of a triangle on the front of the coin.
10 months. That’s a proud achievement. 
It could be more. It should be more! He really tried but after coming home from Colombia, one man less than they went in, after his girlfriend broke up with him and took Rosie with her. After everything. He needed the psi to stop. Just for one goddamn minute. He felt immediate regret wash over him when he woke up the next morning. Called Pope. Entered a 12 step program.
10 months and he feels better. He likes himself more now. But in those 10 months the voices have gotten louder, the images clearer, his heart feels heavier. 
With sleep being so far out of reach, he kicks off the blanket and drags his body out of bed. The smell of coffee hits his nose as soon as he steps out of his room, it drifts from the kitchen all the way up the stairs. 
His parents are sitting by the kitchen counter, mom holding onto a big steaming mug of coffee while his dad is deeply invested in the morning. Paper, glasses perched low on his nose. This is home, it sends him straight back to his childhood. If only, he thinks, if only he could provide this sense of warmth and domesticity for his own child. 
A knock on the front door shakes him from his thoughts. As he swings it open, a sharp sting of cold winter air whips at him, nips at his nose, his ears and his bare feet.
“Frankie hey, oh sorry did I wake you?”
(Y/N) is once again bundled up in layers of cozy clothes, keeping her warm and sheltered from the harsh weather. She looks cute. Absolutely fucking adorable. But in that moment, he doesn’t really notice that. Doesn’t notice Leo standing behind her either. His entire attention rests on the steaming pie she holds in her hands. 
“You made a pie?”
“She made 4.” Leo speaks up, his voice dripping with irritation and annoyance. 
“Thanks for throwing me under the bus, dude!”
Frankie regards the exchange with a fond smile pulling at the corners of his lips. There’s something so distinctly familiar in the way she interacts with her son, so unapologetically her. The way she’s always been. But now grown up entirely. A mother. 
“Why did you make 4 pies?” He asks, eyebrows raised in amusement.
“Well I didn’t plan on making 4. The first one I mistook salt for sugar so you can imagine how it tasted. The second one I put way too much sugar in, might’ve been trying to compensate for my mistake with the first one but yeah that one did end up in the trash as well. The third … well I got pretty invested in an episode of unsolved mysteries and forgot it was in the oven so it turned out um — “
“Black. It was burned to a crisp.” Leo chimes up again, this time more amused than annoyed by his mother’s baking escapades.
“Yeah. It burned. But number 4 is looking pretty good.”
She looks up at Frankie with a smile so radiant it rivals the sun reflecting on the snowy ground. Pride shines in her eyes as she holds the pie towards him.
“Did you make me a pie?”
“Not exactly. It’s mostly for your folks. They agreed to watch this one while I got shopping for his Christmas presents.” (Y/N) explains, her tumb motioning towards the little boy over her shoulder. “This is a thank you to them for being literal angels. “
“Oh man you wouldn’t be saying that if you had to live with them growing up. I can’t tell you how many times dad unplugged my console while I was in the middle of a game.”
It’s a joke, of course it is. He really lucked out in the parents department and he’s not too proud or too shy to admit it. Maybe, he thinks, the good parent gene might’ve skipped a generation with him. His ex will surely agree with that statement. 
“Hey uh — you mind having some company while shopping ?”
“You wanna go shopping for toys?”
“I need to get some presents for my daughter.”
“Oh that’s right, you have a kid too. “
He doesn’t blame her for not remembering. He doesn’t strike people as the father type. And really, he hasn’t seen his little one in quite some time.doesn’t see her during the entire Christmas time. Is he really much of a father anyway?
“Sure yeah! I’d love some company.”
Maybe, Frankie thinks, this will help him drown out the voice. Those that tell him bad thoughts, whisper mean things. Maybe it will help him filter out the images. The blood. The suffering.
Frankie was never overly fond of the extreme commercialization of what should be a peaceful family holiday. But maybe this year he is,a little bit at least. Because those bright colors, the loud noises, the crowds, the ads assaulting you from every corner, that all will help drown out the dark. At least for a moment. 
“Alright lemme just get changed real quick.”
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On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Five days a week
“What the fuck is this?”
“It’s uh … it’s a … a game?”
“A game where you have to catch a piece of … poop.”
A wave of laughter tumbles from (Y/N)’s lips as Frankie holds up the brightly colored box, proudly displaying a drawing of a smiling turd. 
“It’s so dumb. And that says a lot coming from me, I can appreciate a good fart joke. But this is …. this is just dumb. “
“ It's what the kids these days want. I guess …”
“Would you buy this for Leo?”
“Absolutely not,” (Y/N) replies before taking the box from his hand and placing it back on the shelf between several more games of a similar kind. “But he wouldn’t like it anyway. Leo likes books and animals and fantasy movies. He’s so smart sometimes I wonder where he got it from.”
“You kidding me?” Frankie exclaims, “you’re so smart and if I remember correctly, you always carried around books when you were younger.”
(Y/N) just shrugs at his words though Frankie can’t make out a faint blush of red dusting her cheeks. “Leo is such an easy kid, always has been. Sometimes I wonder if that’s really the way he is or if he just tries to be that way because of me. Because he knows that I have to do all the parenting by myself and he feels he’s responsible for helping me along.”
“Don’t be silly. You’re doing good with him. Least you know what to get him for Christmas, what he cares about, what he’s interested in.”
His heart feels so heavy. His words seem to weigh down on his tongue like a stack of bricks. To admit your own failures to yourself is one thing, to admit them to someone else is quite another story.
“What do you mean ?”
“I — I have no idea what to get for Rosie. I don’t even know when I’ll see her next. She stays with her mom 5 days a week. I only get her on the weekends and even then her mom often finds a reason not to let her stay. Special occasions? I don’t get to spend those with her. Bet she doesn’t even recognize me anymore next time. She’s just a baby …”
This can’t be happening. He’s not going to start crying in the middle of a Toys R Us like a hyperactive toddler on a temper tantrum. Not in front of a beautiful girl who has been nothing but kind to him. This can’t be happening.
(Y/N)’s hand settles on his arm with a gentle touch. Almost as if she’s afraid he’ll break any minute now. And honestly, he might.
“Tell me about Rosie. I know she means the world to you and that’s all that matters Frankie. You’re trying. You’re trying so hard and I’m sure there’s lots about her that you know that no one else does. She’s your baby too. So tell me about her and we’ll figure out what to get her.”
And so they sit down on a swing set, one that’s definitely not meant for adults to sit on and have deep discussions, and Frankie starts talking. Once he starts it’s like a cork has been popped. It pours out of him, all of his pride and admiration and love for Rosie. All that has been brewing for so long now bubbles over. 
“... and she, she loves cuddling onto my chest and just listens to me. She doesn’t understand a word but she looks at me with her big beautiful eyes and it feels like I’m telling her all the biggest secrets of the universe the way she looks at me. Sometimes I sing and she — she falls asleep immediately.”
“That’s adorable.”
“Nah I think it's because my rendition of Eric Clapton is just real bad and boring.”
Their laughter is quiet, almost as if they are afraid of breaking the spell of this moment. Sometimes you find yourself at your most vulnerable during the big moments of your life and sometimes you do in the middle of a Toys R Us, sitting on a swingest that just barely holds your weight while a plastic giraffe looks over your shoulder and Kacey Musgrave’s rendition of “I’ll be home for Christmas” plays over the same overhead speakers that have been installed there in 1983.
“I just don’t want to disappoint her.”
 He’s already disappointing himself and that hurts bad enough.
“Frankie, let me be honest with you. She’s a baby, she’s not gonna care what you get for her. This is more about you than her. Whatever you get she’s gonna like it. Babies are easy to please, gets harder the older they get. We’ll find something cute for her but um … I think you should call her.”
“She’s a baby, she doesn’t have a phone yet.”
“ Really? I had Leo on a newborn data plan the second he popped out.”
Frankie raises his eyebrow in confusion.
“I was joking you dingus. Of course you’re gonna call her mom. There’s this thing, I don’t know if you’ve heard about it, it’s called FaceTime. You can actually see ther person on the other side. “ 
“ Very funny. I know what facetime is … “ 
“ Then call them. You said it yourself, the little one doesn’t understand a word of what you’re saying but that doesn’t matter. You’re there. You’re showing interest and taking initiative. It shows you care. And I think seeing her might be good for you too, even if it’s not in person.” 
“ You know, that sounds like a pretty good plan. “ 
“ Yeah? “ she asks him, a hopeful glimmer in her eyes, in her voice, in her entire being.
“ Yeah. “ 
“ Alright! Now let’s go find some presents for the little princess. May I suggest a cellphone? “ 
This time her laughter isn’t quite. It’s loud and radiant and the way her own joke amuses herself, is so goddamn endearing to Frankie. 
“ Ah shut up. “ he replies though his voice too is dipped in amusement as he throws his arm around her shoulders and they walk down the shiny linoleum floor, past dolls and teddy bears and Star Wars action figures.
And it feels right. Like the fit together perfectly. Like puzzle pieces slotting into place. 
And that feeling is damn scary.
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On the sixth day of Christmas my true love gave to me: Six-hour flights.
The floor of (Y/N)’s living room is covered in wrapping paper. Reds and greens and silvers and golds hide what once was a nice dark cherry wood floor. There are bows and ribbons and gift tags in all shapes and sizes and colors. 
“ Looks like Santa’s workshop in here, “ Frankie exclaims as he drops down on the floor next to her. All the presents they’ve purchased, neatly lined up in front of them, ready to be wrapped. Though to be fair, Frankie is quite sure he’s not gonna do a lot of wrapping himself. Sometimes you gotta admit defeat. And he ain’t too proud to admit that he is a horrible, horrible wrapper. 
“ Yeah, I know I’m making a big fuss over things like this. Wrapping and the tree and stuff like that. I just — I don’t know it just makes me happy when I see that my actions put a smile on the faces of the people I love. “ 
“ Oh I wasn't judging. It’s sweet. “ 
For a while they stay in comfortable silence. Just them and the radio playing old Christmas songs. (Y/N)’s hands do quick work on the presents, Santa’s elves would be jealous. 
It’s the first time in a long time, that silence doesn’t make him feel uncomfortable. That it doesn’t open up the gates for the voices to grow louder and the bad images to consume his head. No, this silence feels comfortable. It’s soft and warm. It’s tinted in golds and reds. 
Maybe, he thinks, maybe seeking the company of someone who exudes joy and warmth does him good. Someone who knows him but not the bad. Never the bad. The faults, yes, the fears even, but not the blood that stains his hands or the vices he so desperately tries to fight.
“ What was the best Christmas present you ever got? “ (Y/N) speaks up as she glides a pair of scissors along the ribbon turning it into shiny curls. 
“ Millennium Falcon playset.” 
“ You and a million other little boys. “ 
“True. What can I say, I was easily pleased. What was yours ?”
(Y/N) thinks for a moment before a wistful smile settles on her face. 
“My bubblegum pink roller skates.”
“Oh, I remember those!”
And he did. Squeaky pink roller skates with 4 pastel blue wheels and glittery silver laces.
“I remember the following summer all you did was skate up and down the street.  “
“Yeeeah but that wasn’t entirely because of the skates.”
Frankie combs his hair from his face, he really needs to get it cut, and looks at her in confusion. “Huh?”
Another chuckle falls from (Y/N) ‘s lips. “I can’t believe you didn’t notice.”
“ Notice what?”
“That I had the biggest crush on you.”
Frankie is grateful for the fact that he’s not taking a sip of his drink right then, it surely would’ve ended in a spit-take. He was a nerdy kid, a nerdy teenager too. Kinda shy, a little lost. He wasn’t usually the boy that girls fancied.
“Me? You had a crush on me? “
It doesn’t make sense, not really. She was the one that was fascinating and exciting. Though he didn’t think of her that way when they were kids, he knew she was beautiful even back then. He hadn’t been interested in her romantically because she was a few years younger but that didn’t meanie didn’t realize the magic she held.
“Yes, you. You were cool, Frankie. You were older and you knew stuff about cars and planes and you could name every Star Wars spaceship and you had a skateboard. “
“I was a horrible skater.”
“Sure but it wasn’t so much about the skating as it was about the aesthetic. You were cool and you still are cool”
Frankie shrugs his shoulder nonchalantly. She thought he was cool, still does. No one ever thought he was cool. He isn’t a smooth talker like Pope and even he himself can admit that look wise he isn’t even playing in the same league as Will and Benny. But if (Y/N) thinks he’s cool that must mean something. Right ?
“You were the one traveling all over the world with your dad and you thought I was cool?”
She sets down the scissors, let’s her hands rest on her lap. There’s a sense of nervousness exuding from her now. Like the words she wants to speak are resting on the tip of her tongue and yet they are so difficult to speak.
“Maybe that was part of it too. I never had a real home. Nothing stable at least. Except for my grandparents’ house. This was home and you were, you are, forever entwined with my idea of home. Sometimes I missed this place so much that I’d sit in my room and my little brain would think of all the fun adventures we could go on if only I was old enough to hop on a 6 hour flight by myself. I’d ask grandma about you every time I called and she always told me what trouble you got into.”
“Oh no.”
“Oh yeah and that only made you more exciting in my eyes. Then she’d offer to let me speak to you but I was too chicken shit to do it. Thought you might look right through my facade and realize how into you I was.”
“I was so oblivious, I can assure you I wouldn’t have noticed.”
“Well … it’s too late now.”
“I guess so. Just — next time you fall in love with me let me know, alright.”
Her laugh rings through the room like bells, like songs, like whispers of a childhood magic long forgotten.
“That only sounds fair. It’s a deal.”
“Good, now …. would you mind wrapping my gifts for Rosie?”
“Nope, but in return would you come see Leo’s play with me next week? My dad can’t come and I think Leo would like to have some more people there that support him. And he seems to think you’re cool so …”
“Huh guess if you both think so it must be true.”
“Don’t let it get to your head.”
“Of course I’ll come. “
She smiles and it sends a weird flicker through him. Like fire, like electricity. 
“ Now let me teach you how to curl the ribbon properly.”
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yawnjunie · 4 years
so you’re the artsy type, huh ❦ cbg (1)
Genre: fluff, university au, crack (get ready for a bad take on comedy)
Pairing: broke artist!reader x art sponsor!beomgyu
Word count: 7k
Summary: After spending way too much time chasing after an impossible dream, you weren’t too sure you wanted to continue with your lifelong passion— art. One eventful day at the museum steered you onto a road full of twists and turns, and you unexpectedly found yourself wading deeper into murky water with your new employer.
A/N: a huge thank you to @noiaeu​ and @halohyuka​ for being my beta readers! anyways here is a long overdue fic that was a 20k+ word monstrosity but is now a series. happy reading!
— blu and struz
You tapped your feet absentmindedly against the grimy tiles of the cheap burger chain as you waited. The atmosphere that usually felt bustling and welcoming now felt stuffy as your stomach churned each passing second. The waitress walked past your seat as she served the customers behind you, the fragrant aroma of the burgers on her tray prompting a vicious growl from your stomach. Sighing, you checked the time on your phone: 8:52pm. Scrolling past the inactive conversations with your “friends” (you didn’t really know what to call them because you tried to ask them out and got rejected; you’d kept those conversations anyway because you were too attached to them), you sent a quick message to a number you wish you didn’t need to text today. Without a second thought, you picked up your belongings and left the small burger shop.
Thank goodness, you knew just the perfect place to drown your sorrows in.
You called for the nearest taxi to the small food shop by the name of Mrs. Lee’s Mandu House.
“What happened this time?” A stout lady with an apron asked, peeking her head out of the kitchen, setting down a large bowl of dumplings in front of you. She made her way to the condiments shelf. “Kimchi?”
“Yes, please. I got stood up again.” You grumbled, stuffing a large dumpling into your mouth ravenously. Then, speaking through mouthfuls of food, you continued. “Maybe I should just stop trying altogether. Change my major to agricultural studies and move to the countryside while I’m at it.”
Food had never tasted so good! The savory filling of the dumplings literally melted in your mouth, and soon the blaring sound of the old AC and the sound of the kdrama from the TV had just blended into the background. It was nice not having to listen to anything.
“Aw, don’t say that.” The woman replied as she set down a pot of kimchi and a plate of kimbap on your table. The friendly ahjumma took her seat across from you and set down a bag of melon seeds. “Trust me, it’s going to be hard. You’re just in your first year of college! You’ll get there someday.” Then, she continued on to tell you about other people she knew who had it harder than you, but all that faded into the background noise, along with the AC and the TV. That sentence was the only thing you heard, and although there weren’t any lemons in the soup, everything that you ate suddenly started tasting sour. Sometimes, even the best food cannot drown out the bitterest words.
You’ll get there someday.
Foomp. You flopped onto your bed with a small grunt as your back met the soft mattress. Throwing off your glasses to the side, you massaged your eyeballs and then looked at the ceiling. It was grey. The same grey that you saw before going to sleep at night, the very same grey that greeted you when you awoke in the morning to another unexciting day. The more you stared at it, the more the popcorn ceiling looked just like a grey mass with a few monotone specks here and there.
You were always told to look to the future and stop dwelling on the past. And that was a long shot, given that all you saw in front of you was a blurry ceiling.
What is this feeling? You let yourself sink a little deeper into your mattress, lazily shifting your gaze to the left, where you saw your huge Gabriel Garcia Marquez poster taped to the wall. Solitude. Looking back, you supposed that was how you’d been living your life thus far.
Doing jobs here and there, never really achieving anything big.
Single as hell.
It was days like this that made you feel not quite sad, but just really demotivated. A reminiscent smile flickered on your face as you turned your head to stare at the wall, unto which the light that peeked through the overcast sky cast a faint shadow. Words like “lonely” and “outcast” didn’t mean a thing to you. The fact of the matter was, you didn’t have anyone, and the universe sure didn’t put an effort to sugarcoat that fact.
Rolling lazily to the edge of the bed, you finally sat yourself up. You walked over to your desk, pulled out the wooden chair, and turned on the lamp. Then, you took a moment to tie up your hair before looking down at what was lying under the spotlight of the lamp.
Amidst the blizzard of eraser shavings and the familiar scent of freshly shaved wood stood the lead outline of a girl. Shoulder-length hair up in a high ponytail, a soft, rounded nose, chapped lips, and blank, unsuspecting eyes with dark circles hanging below them. Looks like she’s never seen a day of joy in her life. Looking into the mirror standing to the left on your desk, a very tired girl with a dark face stared right back. Dusting off the eraser shavings into the trash bin next to the desk, you commended yourself for the superb self-portrait. 
At the insistence of the tightness in your right wrist and the crick in your neck, you set the pencil down and extended your arms to stretch your back. When your eyes fell upon the drawing once more, a wave of disappointment washed you back onto the shore of frustration. Yet another addition to the ever-growing pile of wasted white paper. A part of you argued that art was not a waste, which was true enough. Art made by you, however, was a different story.
What happened to me? All that time, effort, and energy never really amounted to much. After all, you’d only seen the world in black and white. It was as if someone took a giant paint tube and squirted an awful lot of grey paint everywhere.
After all, who’d ever heard of an artist who couldn’t tell orange from blue?
Even the song playing in the background mocked you with every word.
♪ I see trees of green,
red roses too ♪
♪ I see them bloom,
for me and you ♪
♪ and I think to myself
what a wonderful world ♪
You glanced around tiredly as you saw your classmate’s boyfriend carry a stack of canvases for them. For someone who, one: saw the world in grey, and two: had never gone on a date, the world was anything but wonderful. You felt your eyelids drooping despite the hard, wooden stool jutting into your buttcheeks. Drowsily, you turned your gaze to your art pieces. Noticing the other students coming in to set up their pieces, you straightened up your back and set your bag down on the stool. You took a deep breath and swung your arms nervously in an attempt to garner a sense of purpose and hope. You got this! You whispered encouraging phrases to yourself under your breath, smiling at the students who bothered to greet you first.
Today was your first time participating in a student exhibition. Although it was quite unconventional for first year students to be showcasing their work in the advanced exhibition, your teacher had been nice enough to make a spot for you. Well, it was more like you practically begging her to consider you, because of your current family situation. You terribly did not want to sound like that broke college student™, but sometimes, a little bit of courage to fight against the stone cold reality was useful. And of course, Ms. Kim, being the benevolent soul she was, granted you special rights to participate.
This year, the exhibition was being held in the empty room at the Museum of Modern Art. Attendance of the students was optional, but a good handful of them came, hoping to get a professional review, or even a sponsor for their art. The moment you walked in, you held your breath—the entire room was empty, all six surfaces painted white. It was the brightest room you’d ever been in, yet the temperature seemed to drop 100 degrees.
It’s fine. This time, things will be different, you told yourself in an attempt to shake off the dread that settled in the pit of your stomach. Fifth time’s the charm, after all.
It may have been your first time participating in a college exhibition, but you’d participated in countless art competitions as a kid. You were like a wildfire, and there was no award for a competition you entered that you didn’t win. Now, it felt like you were back to base one. After all, who has that easy of a life? Those days of your easy childhood life were long gone.
You tried not to think much as you sat uncomfortably next to your paintings. For the first hour or so, you made a point to look each passing person in the eye, a wide smile plastered on your face. The second hour, the corners of your mouth started to twitch beyond your control. By the third hour, you found yourself staring at people’s shoes more often than their faces. As the minutes ticked by, you kept your eyes trained intently on the floor, mouth pressed firmly closed. Glancing around the room, you tried to take your mind off of your worries. But you couldn’t help but be envious of your classmates, who were getting noticed by the professional guests.
That’s okay, there’s always next time. Guess today just wasn’t my day.
It was beginning to feel like no day was your day. A warm sensation pricked at the corners of your eyes when a voice pulled you out of your thoughts. 
“Ma’am, excuse me.” A woman in a worn out blue outfit approached your stand. 
Being as desperate as you were, you hastily wiped away your tears from all the yawning and slapped a smile on your face, mustering up the peppiest voice you could manage. “Hey! How can I help you? As you can see, I work exclusively in grayscale, and I mostly do portrai–” “Miss–” the lady interrupted, “it’s closing time. Could you please pack your things?”
Upon processing the sight of the tattered mop in her hand, realization hit you like a truck, and not just any ordinary truck— it was a Belaz 75710 filled with 496 tons of rocks and sharp glass. That was a fun fact you stumbled upon while scrolling on Instagram; the fact that you somehow retained this useless information made you silently curse yourself. Your smile was frozen in place as you gave a series of curt nods. “Oh. Okay, I’ll start packing.”
The kind woman nodded back and started to walk away, but stopped and turned just a few steps away. “Don’t feel too down. Sometimes, life just doesn’t go the way you want it to. It’ll get better, trust me.”
“Yeah.” You replied coldly, not bothering to mask your sadness. Attempting to muster a small smile in gratitude for her kind words, you gave her a thumbs up before she left the room. It kind of hurt, getting pity from the janitor. But in a way, you felt a little comforted. At least you knew you weren’t the only person struggling. Robotically, you placed the canvases onto your utility cart one by one, then started folding up the easels. When the janitor’s footsteps had faded away, the only thing disrupting the silence was the rain. 
Plip. Plop. With the accompaniment of the beating of the raindrops on the rooftop that rang in your ear like a dull symphony, it only seemed natural for your tears to fall. And this time, there was nobody to interfere with your sob session. 
And on that afternoon, in the empty art hall, you cried your heart out. There was only one question that gnawed at the back of your mind relentlessly, like a famished dog on a bone twice its size. Should I just give up on art? The thought of it just made you cry even harder. Art was your everything.
From the moment you’d grasped the thin body of the paintbrush on your doljabi, you’d fallen in love with art. Throughout your childhood, you’d spent your days drawing. From drawing on plain computer paper to painting entire murals on your bedroom walls - you did it all. Everyone was sure you’d become an artist when you grew up. You’d even kept a money jar by your bed, which you’d used to store money for new art supplies and eventually, art school. You were happy. You had a good eye for color. 
Thunder crashed outside as that memory resurfaced in your mind. Back then, you drew like there was no tomorrow when you could see colors. Until the world became dark when your colors, your precious colors were taken away. And the world remained dark ever since. They all pitied you, sending a sigh your way in condolence for your loss. You didn’t need or want their pity, of course. All you’d ever wanted was an answer, a reason to why they left your eyes. 
You wanted to blame it on something, but what could you do? Every night you prayed, praying desperately for your colors back. But every morning, the ceiling remained grey. So did the sky when you walked to work. Pushing your shabby cart with a loose wheel down the hallway full of eccentric art pieces, you didn’t even spare a glance at them. Well, other than to avoid being noticed by the few people who were still in the museum, to which you hid your swollen face in the opposite direction and choked back your sobs. Well, what can you do now, y/n? It’s not your first time participating in an exhibition anyway. There’s probably someone out there having it harder than you, so suck it up! Everything will be better once you get back home… 
Just when you were nearing the entrance of the museum, you heard a different pair of footsteps from your own behind you.
“Hey.” You jumped out of your skin at the tap on your left shoulder. Caught by surprise, you found yourself stumbling backwards into your cart. You lost your footing and down crashed your rear end. By attempting to hold onto the cart handle for balance, your art pieces now seemed to fall in slow motion, the cart suspended in the air as your mouth hung open in horror. You reached out to grab it, but unfortunately, you were an aching 2 centimeters short of saving your artwork. The cart toppled on top of your canvases with a comical crack, wooden splinters flying everywhere. The empty utility cart squealed defeatedly as it toppled to its side, a loose wheel still spinning.
You felt your head spin even faster, as you grew increasingly frustrated by your inability to comprehend what had just happened. Holy shit.
Strewn across the floor, battered and broken, lay hours upon hours of your time, your hard-earned money, along with the last strains of your hope of becoming an artist. F*ck!
Eyes wide and mouth agape, you turned to face the perpetrator of the tragedy. 
This is the part where he apologizes and promises to make it up to me, then gives me his contact info and we go on a date and he falls for me and we live happily ever after. Or so you hoped, you thought. The thought was so ridiculous that you could have burst out into laughter if it hadn’t been for the fact that the fruit of your blood, sweat, and tears was now a bunch of broken wood and torn cotton on the floor. F you and your last brain cell, y/n. Get yourself together and snap out of it. You were convinced that you were so sleep deprived from your K-drama binging session this morning at 4am that you’d convinced yourself that you were living the next episode.
Chances were low that the two of you would get together and live happily ever from an offense like this, but even so, he would have to compensate for the damages somehow. Now that you came back to reality, you realized that you couldn’t even make out what the guy in front of you looked like. “Okay, but what if he’s like, your next patron or something.” You don’t know if you muttered that out loud, but your odd behavior was really annoying you today. Shut up, it's not like he's Song Kang! Stop it! Nevertheless, you bet on the Balenciaga slides that he was wearing that he would pull out a business card the next moment.
You stared into the boy’s eyes expectantly and he met your gaze. You felt your pulse quicken as he opened his mouth to speak, eagerly awaiting your compensation. Hello hello, my next patron. This is the moment that marks my upgrade to a better life.
“I am so, so sorry about this.”
“You should be.”
As he spoke, the boy pulled his cap lower and threw on his hood. “Not just about me breaking your paintings, but also this.” Dammit, what have I gotten myself into?
And then he bolted.
🏃 💨
“Wha– hey! Where do you think you’re going?!”
He slammed his body against the glass door and ran into the rain while you followed in close pursuit. However, after a few wobbly steps, it occurred to you that you weren’t exactly dressed for the occasion, so you took off your heels and continued the hunt barefoot. 
Still, even under normal circumstances, you weren’t much of a track star. Wearing a blazer with suit pants and no shoes wasn’t helping your chances either, and the weather didn’t seem to plan on making things any easier.
The two of you ran through the heavy rain like cat and mouse. Clenching your teeth and your fists, you chased after the boy. He ran about two blocks before you caught up to him. As your calves grew sore, you considered hurling one of your heels at him.
The boy slowed down for a couple of seconds, looking around frantically. Mr. Kim.....! I told you to wait for me out here—!
Heaving a sigh, he turned around and began to run in another direction. And although he'd hate to admit it, today was one of the days where he had no choice but to admit that his choice of footwear today was a fatal flaw.
Somehow, despite the odds against you, you weren’t the one who ate the pavement. The boy tripped over the curb and slammed into the sidewalk, bellyflopping straight into a gargantuan puddle. Those Balenciagas did not help him run through the rain very well. You laughed in triumph and squatted next to his almost-lifeless body. 
“Gotchu now, you jer–” 
Boom! The world went white for a second, illuminated by the blinding clap of lightning. In an instant, the downpour increased tenfold, the raindrops now feeling like bullets against your skin. 
“Okay, maybe this isn’t the best place to have a conversation.” 
The two of you trudged through the rain—or, more accurately— you dragged the boy through the rain, your grip on his hoodie sleeve iron-tight. When you finally reached your car, you opened the passenger door and he went in obediently. From an outsider’s point of view, you might’ve been mistaken as an undercover cop. In fact, you were sure feeling like one as you apprehended the criminal.
You went around to the back and opened up the trunk, where after rifling through months' worth of empty bottles, fabric bags for shopping, and a variety of other car junk, you finally found your stash of somewhat clean clothes. After careful consideration, you chucked a worn hoodie and the swimming shorts you’d worn to the beach last year over the seat. Just in case, you also tossed your first-aid kit over. You threw your heels in and swapped them for a pair of nylon flip flops before slamming the trunk closed. 
You went back to the passenger’s side and opened the door. Taking in the figure of the drenched and bleeding boy, you kind of felt sorry for him. Which was stupid, considering he had just wrecked your life’s work and made a run for it. You tilted your head back and sighed, trying to sort your thoughts out. 
With all of your best art pieces now reduced to splinters, it was a cold, hard fact that you weren’t going to get a sponsor. Besides, even before they’d been smashed into smithereens, nobody had been willing to give you a chance. The probability of you finding a sponsorship was like the graph of the height of a ball thrown from a cliff at sea level, or the number √-1. It was not just in the negatives, but it was also imaginary.
Taking a sharp inhale, you talked as quickly as you could. “Listen. I’m going to go get what’s left of my art from the gallery. Just change your clothes and patch yourself up, then you can leave.” You paused to dig out a few crumpled dollars from your wallet, which you promptly threw at him. 
“Here, take this to get a taxi. I don’t know how far you live, but that’s all I have. Don’t get me wrong– I still think you’re a massive schmuck. And there’s nothing you can do to fix the damage you’ve caused.” Despite your best effort to remain composed, your voice cracked a little at the end. You stopped talking before you were to break out into tears again.
Without waiting to hear what the douchebag had to say, you slammed the door closed and strode through the rain back to the gallery, where your pieces still lay broken on the ground where you’d left them. A part of you was hoping that maybe, by some magic or miracle, the whole thing had been a dream, and nothing really happened. 
But reality was as cold as stone, and you were powerless to change it. So, as you always did when confronted with the unchangeable, you picked yourself up and carried on, struggling against the current. 
By the time you wheeled the broken canvases back to your car, the boy was long gone, all traces of his presence vanished except for the dampness of the left side passenger seat. You buckled on your seatbelt and tuned into your favorite radio station, then sped off into the summer storm. The storm, your artwork, it was all so out of the blue– well, in your case, grey.
The situation on the freeway was like a stuffy nose: irritated and congested. In fact, it would’ve been faster to moonwalk down the road. To make matters even worse, instead of music, the radio station was streaming ad after ad. Is this even legal? Exasperatedly, you tuned into a different station, then another one, but to no avail; all of them were on ad break. 
It was frustrating enough that the gallery was a complete flop, not to mention that your best art was demolished in a hit and run and that you were sitting soaking wet on a leather seat stuck in the middle of traffic. Now, even the radio had turned against you. You shut it off and sat in silence.
Thump. You sighed and leaned your head back against the seat, willing the migraine that was building up in your head to f*ck off. After craning your head to check the backseat one more time, to your vexation, you found that the asshat hadn’t even bothered to close the first aid kit.
Muttering obscenities under your breath, you reached for the kit, cracking your inflexible spine 4 times in the process. You rummaged through its contents, straightening them out, counting how many were left, and you were about to slam the lid closed when you saw the note. 
“Well, gee, that’s REAL helpful.” You scoffed, rolling your eyes at the ten numbers scrawled on the note. Your half a brain cell told you to quit being stupid and toss that note out the window.
The rest of your stupid self told you to call it. I mean, why not? You cursed yourself for how your brain worked– or rather, didn’t work– sometimes.
You licked your lips in brief contemplation before punching in the numbers in. The person on the other end picked up immediately. 
“Hello, welcome to Papa John’s Pi–”
You hurled your phone into the backseats and ripped the note up, throwing the scraps into the air like confetti before continuing the wearisome ride down through the rain. 
It took an eternity, but you made it back to your apartment, where you promptly crashed onto the couch. As per usual, you spent the rest of your waking hours scrolling through baking videos, even though you had neither the ingredients nor the time to be making any of the confections. At around 8pm, exhausted from crying and the events of the day, you dozed off without having a bite of the frozen pizza that’d just finished baking in the oven.
Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Bzzt! Your dreamless slumber was disturbed by the vibration of a string of text notifications and the glow that lit up the dark ceiling. Still half-asleep, you blindly felt around for your phone and attempted to read the message through bleary eyes.
It was from an unknown number.
Rubbing your eyes to clear out the nasty gunk, you sat up and read the message again, this time with clearer vision. 
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] Hello, sorry for ruining your paintings today. I will make it up to you.
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] Thanks for bothering to call, let’s meet at this address to talk about your compensation. My parents can’t know that I did this so it would be great if you could keep this a secret :(
What the f*ck. You muttered under your breath, eyes half shut. Did I call anyone? In your half-asleep state, you didn’t bother to recall. For a second, you considered blocking the number. But just in case this was just one of your dumbass friends who changed their number, you decided to give that person a reply.
[You] hello? is this papa john’s?? i would like a cheese pizza
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] oh sorry the voicemail was a prank for someone else
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] i’m the guy from the art museum earlier, remember
[You] okay why do you have my number
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] because you called me
[You] right. okay, what do you want
[You] unless you want to pay me back for all those damages back there, no i am not interested in anything else sry i’m a very busy person you know
You hesitated a second before pressing the send button. You’d just sent a lie; in fact, you weren’t really that busy. Apart from your part time job at the boba shop, you were actually quite free most of the time. During the summer, at least. In fact, your screen time had gone up by 42%, your daily average now totaling to a whopping 12 hours. After a minute or so of silence, you threw your head back onto your pillow and let out a loud sigh of relief. Peace at last! It also made you quite happy that the person who texted you was in the least, not some weird scammer. 
Ping! You celebrated too soon. Reaching for your phone groggily, you read the new message.
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] okay then i was going to ask if you were free tomorrow
Am I being asked out? You squinted at your bright phone screen in the dark. You might have been nearsighted, but you weren’t illiterate in pick-up lines.
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] i want to return the clothes you lent me
[You] it’s fine, you can keep that
Oh good, he was talking about the clothes, not anything else. Your millisecond of relief ended quickly when he sent another message.
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] oh also it would be great if we could meet up anyway? i want to talk to you about something that i had been meaning to say for a while
Oh, god. I knew it wasn’t just about the clothes. Lonely as you were, you would shoot yourself in the foot if you got into any relationship without landing a stable job or having any money. Scoffing amusedly, you stared at the screen as he continued to type. But dating someone like this? Never in a million years. Turning over to your other side, you thought about the many ways you could reject him.
[You] no sorry :(
[XXX-XXX-XXXX] we should set a date at the cannoli restaurant to talk about your compensation costs. i’m extremely sorry for ruining your beautiful artwork, and i know that my apologies will do nothing to change your current situation. since this is my fault, i’m willing to pay any amount you request (and i’ll pay to the best of my capabilities)... i’m assuming $50,000 would be enough to cover the costs for most of the damage? if monetary compensation doesn’t work for you, we can discuss other forms of compensation as well.
[You] i know it may not seem like it but i’m actually caught up in too much work to have time for dating anyone. you see, it’s just that i have lots of work on the side so i can’t really spare time at the moment. please don’t take this personally haha i’m sure you’ll find someone,,, like i don’t know how to say this but yeah…..you don’t wanna be w someone like me, it’s me not you
Huh? Just as you sent your message, another message popped up before yours. And if your life had a background narration, this very moment would have been “and in that moment he knew. He fvcked up.” 
With just one single message, you perhaps have ruined the only god-given opportunity to turn your life around ever. He’d just offered you money to cover the costs of your broken paintings... now that you thought about it, he could even be your patron! You couldn’t even get a patron even if you went out of your way to look for one on Craigslist, pestered Ms. Kim for any news from the Art Teacher’s Association, or even begged random people on the street in hopes one out of the million people would be willing to promote your art. Now, someone was asking to compensate you with tons of money, and you’d just rejected him in the most embarrassing way possible. 
[You] oh shoot
[You] i mean wrong chat, uh can you please stay on hold, i will get back to your compensation offer, yeah i will see you at the restaurant sometime thanks
XXX-XXX-XXXX is typing…
You did not bother to see what he had to say. Hurtling your phone onto your carpet, you let out a guttural scream of “I AM SUCH A DUMB@$$$” before pulling the strings on your hoodie tightly. And for the second time that day, you cried.
Leaving behind the upsetting events from a couple of days ago, you listlessly shuffled through the entrance. It was Saturday morning, and that meant groceries. The local Asian market was one of your favorite places to be; breathing in the familiar blend of spices that hung in the air was a cathartic feeling. The corners of your lips were turned slightly upwards as you bent to grab a basket.
First stop was the meat section, where the bugged-out eyes of dead fish followed you as you walked down the aisle. Cooking raw animal flesh wasn't really your thing, so you simply picked up a package of pre-cooked chicken and went on your way.
Next came the produce section where you felt up all the tomatoes, only bagging the ones that felt the right amount of firm and soft. You also added a pack of bok choy and mushrooms, perfect for cooking up a lazy soup.
Now that you were nearing the end of your expedition, it was time to head into the best part of the store: the snack aisle. Sometimes, when you were feeling more down than usual, you would blow the whole sum of your weekly grocery savings on off-brand shrimp chips and chocolate banana Pocky. One by one, you were doing all the things your mom had told you not to do when you moved out, from coating the entirety of your insides with nothing but sodium and sugar to shifting your sleep schedule by 15 hours. 
What was next, the-no-dating-boys-until-you’ve-gotten-your-Master’s-and-have-a-7-figure-job rule? You scoffed and rolled your eyes. Even if your stomach was totally trashed and your sleep schedule was nonexistent, you would never let yourself fall that far.
As you stepped foot into the chips aisle, you beheld the holy grail. From Hello Panda to rice crackers, wasabi peas to Yan Yan sticks complete with a chocolate dip, cream wafers to dried seaweed, you were in a sea of temptation. Being that broke college student™, you just gulped and kept walking. I can just feast on these goodies with my eyes.
Your initial plan had been to just walk through the aisles to admire and drool over snacks you knew you couldn’t afford, but you were stopped in your tracks when you reached the instant noodles section. 
At the end of the aisle, the shelf was bare except for a single lone pack. Even from a distance, you recognized it, all right; there was no mistaking the outline of your favorite instant ramen brand. 신라면. More like 神라면 (it’s more than just spicy noodles— it’s noodles made by the gods) you thought, eyes already tightly clutching at the packaging from 5 feet away.
From many a sleepless night of binge-watching third-rate rom-com dramas (though you cringed thinking back on it, this was an integral phase of your dark “past”), you knew where this was going–– but you weren’t going to sit around and let yourself fall into some overused trope. You gripped your basket tight as you swiftly made your way over to the shelf, just about setting a world record for speedwalking with a basket.
Sure enough, if you had been one second slower, you would’ve been ensnared in a sticky situation. Just as you were snatching up your prey like the pterodactyl you were, another figure was rounding the corner. Another broke college student™, it seemed, judging by the state of their hoodie, which was pulled over their messy hair, the strings tied in a bow to make sure the hood wouldn’t fall. Even though their face was concealed by their hood, you could see their reaction as they connected the dots from the bare shelf to the ramen pack in your hand.
“Hey–” they started, reaching towards you, but you promptly dropped the pack into your basket, spun on your heel, and noped out of the aisle before you could be confronted. You felt sorry because you could sympathize with their situation, but you were in no place to be kind to others. Not in this dog-eat-dog world. To survive, you’d have to stay on top of the food chain.
You were about to fall in line when you remembered that you were all out of Sriracha sauce. You could deal with giving up your Pocky and shrimp chips as long as you had your favorite condiment in stock; no matter how down you were, scrambled eggs with a heaping squirt of Sriracha always took you up to Cloud Nine. If you were going to leave something behind, it would never be the Sriracha sauce.
After grabbing a bottle from the condiment aisle, you scanned the checkout desks for the shortest line. Luckily, a new checkout desk had just opened on the left, so you scampered over and placed your basket onto the counter. The clerk was a kind-looking old woman, but was surprisingly agile for her age. As you waited for her to bag the large span of items that belonged to the grandpa in front of you, you opened up your phone to check your budget. You eyed the message app with two unread messages temptingly before going into your bank app. This was a lucky trip~ thankfully ramen isn’t too expensive. Even if it wasn’t on my grocery list, a few cents won’t make too much a difference. I think I can spare enough to get a Pocky next time.
At long last, the grandpa shuffled away with his cart filled with some veggies, a thick stack of newspapers, and an unusually large stash of rice crackers. While the clerk scanned and bagged your items, you continued to fiddle with your phone until she cleared her throat. 
“Would you like a single receipt, or two separate ones? Because there’s a divider between your items.”
“Excuse me?” “You and your boyfriend. By the way, you guys look really cute together, especially with your hoodies~ are you on a date?”
You spun around only to come face to face with the broke college kid from the ramen aisle. Well, that’s awkward. The cashier must have been blind or deaf (or both) because you didn’t even interact with that boy. You stole glances of the customer through your peripheral vision, trying to see what he looked like. Hmm, do I know him? He looked uncannily familiar. Just then, another realization dawned on you. A terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad one. Your expression quickly changed from one of confusion to one of pure shock.
Surprise, surprise. It was the douche from the art gallery. And he was wearing your old hoodie.
“I-I don’t know him.” Before he could open his mouth to say anything, you quickly looked away, feigning ignorance. Unfortunately for you, the old clerk had seen much in her day and your little ruse wasn’t going to slip past her that easily. 
“From the flushed look on your face and the stammer in your voice, I’m pretty sure you do. And I’m sure he would agree, wouldn’t you, lover boy~?”  
And… cue to the horrified look on lover boy’s face. The conflict that was playing out in his mind showed on his face; he knew that if he answered this wrong, he would be facing your wrath.
“Uh, well, the thing is…” He shot you a nervous glance, but your features were stone cold. At a total loss for what to say, the boy just trailed off and turned his eyes to his basket. Following his gaze, you looked over his items and immediately recoiled in disgust. 
Not a single leafy green (grey) in sight, no meat, no rice, not even one of the food groups necessary to sustain life. Strawberry ice cream mochi, Taiyaki, strawberry Melona bars, Choco Pies, strawberry Hi-Chew, strawberry Chocorooms, strawberry Pocky–– it seemed that strawberry was a recurring theme among his groceries.
Even though the sheer amount of sugar made you gag, a pang of jealousy flashed across your face. That was the life you’d longed for ever since you finished high school: living off of nothing but sugar and carbs, looking like a bum and not giving a damn about it, just chilling. 
Unfortunately, with the number of failures and setbacks that stained your past, a carefree life was something you could no longer afford. 
“Yeah, okay, we’ve met,” you cut in, saving the boy from the tricky situation. Skeptic, the clerk stared into your unblinking eyes for what seemed to be a solid 15 seconds before shrugging and handing you your groceries. You snatched up your fabric bag and went on your way, walking fast. The color in your cheeks was probably the same as a tomato. Your least favorite fruit.
Why him, of all the places? Why, universe? Where did I go wrong? You were about to drop dead from embarrassment. As you closed your eyes, you could see your tombstone: “Rest in Peace y/n, died alone and patron-less.”
However, what you didn’t know was that your day was about to get worse. A whole lot worse. It all started when you felt a familiar tap on your left shoulder. I swear– You took a deep breath in and let it out slowly to compose yourself and answered without turning around. 
“What in God’s good name do you want. And why are you wearing hobo clothes.” My clothes, you realized, a tiny bit weirded out.
“They’re comfy,” he pouted, stuffing his hands into the pocket of his newfound hoodie as if to show off. “Anyways, how come you didn’t check your phone earlier?
“Oh, uh,” you felt the pressure in your head rising as you recalled how you threw your phone down in embarrassment and cried. “Sorry, I was feeling kinda down because a certain someone sorta trashed my life’s work and my only chance of being successful in the industry, sooooo yeah. My bad.” 
Sniff. You looked up, startled, only to find that the boy in front of you had tears glistening in the corners of his eyes. His mouth was clamped closed, but his bottom lip was quivering and his eyebrows were turned up, resembling a small child trying to keep himself from bursting into tears after falling and scraping his knee on the pavement. “I’m sorry. I’m really, really sorry.”
Well shit. There were two ways you could go about this: one, let your superego do the talking like a good person and prevent the boy from having a total meltdown in the middle of the sidewalk. The second was letting your id run rampant, taking full advantage of his feelings of remorse and overall just being a jerk. Maybe you could be distant and lacking in empathy, but you weren’t an asshole because you wanted to be one. 
“Listen, I’m sorry for calling you a schmuck. A schmuck would not have bothered to keep in contact and a schmuck would not be on the verge of tears out of guilt. ...I accept your apology.” You were going to say that what he did was unforgivable, but you decided no to say that. After a pang of guilt jabbed into you, you bit your lip and softened your tone. 
“I know you feel bad, but you don’t need to cry; there’s no way to turn back time. So instead, let’s move forward and keep looking up. I’ll start.” Smiling slightly with a tilted head, you held out your hand. “Hi, my name is y/n. I know that we’ve technically met, but this is the first time we’ve met met. So, nice to meet you.”
He wiped his tears away with the butt of his palm and tried to return the smile, though his was more watery. “Nice to meet you, y/n. I’m Beomgyu.” You noticed the corners of his lips curl upwards in a small smile as he took your hand, shaking it firmly.
There was a pause of awkward silence as you let go of his hand, wiping your sweaty palm on your sweatpants. Well that was the most awkward introduction I’ve ever had in my life. Clearing your throat, you spoke again to clear the tense atmosphere.
“About my compensation.”
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that-good-trash · 4 years
That Should Be Me
Kaminari x Reader
Word count: 4,153
Warnings: None
Summary: You were everything to Kaminari, and he was everything to you. So why did he feel like he lost you? Was there a way to get you back?
Comments: Just a nice little romance fic that I threw together to try and cure my writers block. Enjoy.
The world was such a colorfully gorgeous place when you were in love. The sun seemed to shine brightly with warm rays that blanket over you. The best mornings were when you would wake up to sweet texts reminding you how beautiful you were and how much they missed you. The way your eye lite up when you looked at your phone caused your classmates to tease you. You couldn’t help how you felt so much emotion for your boyfriend. He was average to anyone else but to you he was amazing. He didn’t go to the same school as you, he didn’t go to school for being a hero at all. In fact, you had only met him by accident. You had been getting coffee for you and the girls. You hadn’t taken into consideration how many drinks there was gonna be and how you were gonna carry all of them. With two drink holders full in your arms you attempted to leave. One of the drink carriers fell out of your grip when the door didn’t open completely. You watched with horror as the drinks almost hit the ground. A boy had caught them in the holder, not spilling a drop. He looked just as nervous about them falling. He lifted the drinks up and went to give them to you but found he couldn’t. Your sparkling E/c eyes shimmered with gratitude. They were like whirlpools dragging him in. His mouth went dry trying to think of anything to say but lacked the ability to.
“Thank you so much!!!!” You grabbed the drinks from him waiting for him to reply but he didn’t. You awkwardly waved a few fingers since you couldn’t use your hand. You walked past him but stopped when he yelled for you.
“Go on a date with me!” You stopped and couldn’t turn because your cheeks were red. He almost screamed at himself because he had yelled it in front of everyone. You set the drinks down on one of the free outdoor table before quickly writing down on your phone number on your cup. You carried the drink to him and handed to him.
“That’s my favorite drink, you can treat me to one next time.” You weren’t dumb or completely shy like most people assumed. He was not expecting you to give him your drink and he definitely wasn’t expecting it to have your number on it. A huge grin spread across his face before you grabbed your friend’s drinks and fled before he could say anything else embarrassing.
That was a month ago and the two of you spent most of your free time together. You would go on dates and talk on the phone for hours. You had been scolded by Iida on more than one occasion for being on your phone during class. You and him were a loving cute couple. He was attending a normal high school with dreams of becoming a biologist. You supported him and he listened to you talk about hero things. The difference was that while you gave him your support, he didn’t seem to like the idea of you being a hero. The first fight you had was over your ‘reckless’ behavior. During training you missed an attack and received the brutal end of Kirishima’s fist. Kirishima felt so bad as you laughed at the swollen bruise across your cheek. You told him it was a good hit and it didn’t bother you. This bothered your boyfriend. He didn’t like you putting your life on the line. You stopped talking about school to avoid upsetting him. You loved being a student at UA and you loved him. You just tried to find the perfect balance of both of them. Though the more time you spent with your boyfriend the less you spent with your best friends.
“What does he have that I don’t!” Kaminari’s whining could be heard down the corridors of UA. He had thrown his head back running his hands down his face. Kirishima laughed while walking ahead of him next to Bakugou who was trying his best to ignore the bitching blonde. Mina rubbed Kaminari’s back in a fake comforting way.
“He’s got Y/n, that’s what he’s got.” Sero had to dodge his besties fist. He laughed while hiding behind Mina who rolled her eyes but was also laughing.
“Denki!!!” Your voice cut through the chatter of the crowds around them. You rushed around the students and directly into Kaminari’s waiting embrace. He wrapped his arms tightly around you before spinning. You giggled and to anyone watching they’d think you two were dating. Actually, until you told your classmates about your boyfriend, they all thought you and Denki were a couple.  Mina wanted so badly to be able to support both of you but it was hard since you were happy with someone else and Kaminari so desperately wanted to be with you.
“What’s up babe?” That was the thing with Kaminari, he came off as a playboy. He was smirking at you with the pet name slipping from his lips. You giggled since you were so used to it by now. He was your best friend. However, Kaminari wished you knew how much he wanted to be with you. He wanted the pet name to be real, not just something he said with false confidence. You knew he was playing around but he actually wasn’t. The term was enduring, and he wanted to tell you but couldn’t. Especially now looking at the diamond necklace around your neck with your first initial and your boyfriends.
“Denki! You better not be looking at my chest!” Kaminari flushed red and looked at his friends for help. Sero was laughing manically, clutching his middle while holding onto Mina for dear life. Bakugou had already abandon all of them to go to class. Kirishima looked like he wanted to follow the blasty boy but waited for the rest of their friends. “I wasn’t staring, I was admiring your necklace.”
You believed him, or at least the smile that spread across your face seemed like you had. You lifted the necklace holding the charms between your fingers. Oh boy how he wished you would look at him like you looked at the chain around your throat. You returned your attention to him letting the necklace drop against your skin.
“Denki. I want you to come to dinner with me tonight.” Kaminari almost fainting at your statement. You had Mina and Sero’s jaws on the ground. “I want all of you to come to dinner with me and meet my boyfriend”
There it was, there had been no way you were actually asking him and he was let down. He knew he shouldn’t have gotten his hopes up. Mina and Sero looked at their friend with pity. Sero bit his fist shaking his head, hurting for his buddy being done dirty like that. Kirishima smiled and nodded, he would be acting as the ambassador of the Bakusquad in Bakugou’s absence.
“We’d love to. When did you want to have this dinner?” Kaminari felt betrayed by Kirishima even though he wouldn’t be able to tell you no. “Tonight at 7, we have reservations at that Chinese hot pot place downtown. I hope that’s okay with you guys.”
“Sounds amazing, we’ll be there.” Kirishima flashed you his manly smile which you returned. You hugged Kaminari before running off to class. Kaminari was frozen not wanting to move. He had a permanent pout as his friends dragged him off to class. He would try to play nice but if a plug malfunctions and electrocutes your boyfriend it can’t really be helped. He thought about a million excuses to use to get out of this. He already had a hard time watching you text or hearing you talk about your boyfriend. He would literally die if he had to watch it with his own eyes.
“I’m not going.” Kaminari had his arms crossed while leaning against Kirishima’s door. Kirishima raised a brow before pursing his lips in annoyance. He was going to scold Kaminari about how unmanly that was but Bakugou beat him to it. “If I have to fucking go so do you dunce face.”
“But” Mina walked in through the open doorway pouting at his attempts to bail. They knew he liked you and that his was hard but they wouldn’t let him hurt you like that.  “No buts except yours out that door and to the hot pot place. We can’t keep them waiting.”
A groan of frustration and heartache escaped as Mina dragged in out by his wrist. Kirishima laughed walking out with an annoyed Bakugou. Sero was downstairs waiting for his friends and when he saw Kaminari he slapped his back. “It’s okay, if you wanna bail later just say you got a stomach ache and leave.”
With his friends by his side and a good back up plan to bail in his pocket Kaminari was ready to face his fear.
Laugher broke out amongst your friends as they made fun of something you had done during training a week prior. Your face was red from laughing so much and you were wheezing. Your friends just kept throwing out stories about you which flattered but also embarrassed you. Bakugou elbowed Kirishima when he leaned over mentioning the angry blondes soft spot for you. Sero chimed in mentioning how you were allowed to insult Bakugou playfully and not die. Mina talked about how gorgeous you looked in literally anything but also how you owned a lot of stupid clothing pieces. You choked on water before smacking her hand. She shrugged talking about how you owned mens Hawaiian style shirts and light up glasses.
Every time you laughed you would look at your boyfriend to see if he was enjoying himself. He was quiet but smiling. He would laugh once in a while which made you extremely happy. You wanted your best friends to get along with your boyfriend. As much fun as this was you weren’t completely happy because your favorite person wasn’t happy. Kaminari hadn’t contributed to the conversations and barely touched the food. Every once in awhile he would smile or nod along. It made you sad, broke your heart. Did he not feel well? You excused yourself to the bathroom to think of a plan on how to get him to tell you what was wrong. You skirt lifted up pretty high when you jumped up. Mina giggled when she caught sight of your underwear. You could be ditzy at times so you didn’t even notice it happen. Bakugou growled at your stupidity while Kaminari’s hand shot out pulling the fabric back down. He wasn’t even looking at you when he did it. You turned watching his hand return to his side. You didn’t catch the dark aura that surrounded your boyfriend but your friends did. Without any words you ran off. Sitting on the toilet you watched your phone screen typing and retyping questions for Kaminari. Eventually you dropped your head. “Did I do something wrong?”
“Y/n?” Mina called out for you as she entered the bathroom. She didn’t like the tension that was surrounding the table so she left to check on you. You opened the stall and she saw the sadness in your eyes. “What’s wrong.”
You got up and walked into her waiting arms. She hugged and rocked you slightly. The one thing about the Bakusquad was they were very protective of you. She knew something was bothering you even before you left the table.
“I think Denki is mad at me.” Mina was actually surprised by your statement. Never would she expect you to think that. Kaminari never gave the impression that he was upset with you, even today she thought he just gave the aura that he didn’t want to be around your boyfriend, not you. He always looked at you with admiration and longing. He was an idiot but not dumb enough to hurt your feelings. That’s why he was here. “Kaminari isn’t mad at you, he’s just being dumb. He doesn’t like your boyfriend.”
She knew that saying it was controversial and would cause problems but she had to say it so you didn’t think ill of him. You looked so confused. “Why?”
What could she say? Hey Kaminari is in love with and he can’t stand to see you with another guy. Or maybe she could say, hey the moment you left your boyfriend stared down the boys with a look that was laced with possession and jealousy. Bakugou looked like he wanted to kill him and Sero looked physically uncomfortable and usually he was the one that got along with everyone. She didn’t want to start drama.
“Well, um. He doesn’t like when other guys are around you. He’s kind of protective of you.” You looked unconvinced.
“I hang out with guys in class all the time, how is this different? This is my boyfriend. I just you guys to all get along.” Your hands play with the ends of your skirt and she just wants to hug you and leave the boys to take care of this. That’s not how this night was about to go. Outside the bathroom in the private seating area you had reserved things were heating up and not because the hot pot.
“You don’t own Y/n!” Bakugou snapped at your boyfriend who made a comment about how you should wear more modest clothes around boys. Kirishima was pissed along side the hot head.
“I don’t own her but she is MY girlfriend. She shouldn’t be showing her panties to every guy around her. Also, it seems like you guys have sleepovers together. That’s gonna stop. She will not be spending the night with a bunch of guys like some kind of whore.” Bakugou was ready to attack but he didn’t have to, Kaminari slammed his fist into your boyfriend’s face. The sound of his knuckles meeting the boy’s jaw could be heard through the thin paper doors. “She’s not a whore and you’re a fucking asshole.”
Bakugou smirked while Kirishima told him to stop. Your boyfriend rubbed his face before hitting Kaminari back. You ran out with Mina when you heard yelling. You ended up walking up as Kaminari hit him again. You screamed for him to stop and his blood ran cold. You witnessed him as the bad guy and he never wanted that to happen. He watched the harsh glare you sent him as you held onto your boyfriends bleeding face. “Y/n it’s not what you think!”
“Don’t… Just don’t.” You left with disappointment in your eyes. Your boyfriend won and the real story was never told. The Bakusquad knew the truth and were willing to tell you since they wanted you to break up with him. Kaminari left ignoring his friends. He harshly rubbed angry tears into his hoodie as he walked the darkening streets. He just wanted to protect you. He knew that guy was right for you and now he just lost the ability to prove he could love you the way you deserved to be.
“You can’t hang out with them anymore.” You had been icing your boyfriends’ nose when he spoke up, he was dead serious. You were mad but not mad enough to end friendships over this. “But they’re my friends.”
“Aren’t I your boyfriend? Don’t you care about me? That crazy red eyed demon said horrible things to me and that electric idiot hit me. How can you defend them when I’m bleeding?” You were mad when he called your friends insulting names. You knew this was a bad first impression but you didn’t want to tear apart your life because of this. You looked at him and he stared back with a stern look. You felt guilty like this was all your fault. “For now, I’ll give them space but I don’t think I can stop being their friend.”
This was a small victory for him but a lose for you. You couldn’t imagine a world where they weren’t in it, but this is what he wanted and you loved him, right?
A few days passed and you hadn’t talked to your friends and it was killing you. They didn’t avoid you so it was even harder. Kirishima tried to talk to you but you just ran off. Sero and Mina cornered you but you escaped. Bakugou tracked you down but you hid in the girl’s bathroom for hours till he gave up. Kaminari hadn’t gone after you and that part broke your heart even more. You wanted to ask him what had happened but couldn’t get yourself to go against your boyfriend’s words. This whole fucked up scenario and started affecting your work and training. You were distracted and tired. Everyone could see what that boy was doing to you, expect you, you couldn’t see his manipulation. Deep down you knew, how could you not. It was just hard to think that he was bad when he was so caring in the beginning.
“Y/n!” You couldn’t run when the whole squad excluding Kaminari approached you. They had you trapped, no where left to run. “Okay, tell me what happened.”
You stood in your UA uniform leaning against the fence surrounding the park that you had many lunch dates with your boyfriend at. You had texted him to meet you. Your friends had told you what was said by the man you were supposed to trust and love. You didn’t want to believe it but it had to be true. They wouldn’t hurt you unless they had too. You knew what needed to be done even if it hurt and left you with scars on your heart. The breeze blowing by lifted your skirt which you pushed down to avoid another incident like at the restaurant. You look up and see your boyfriend smiling at you. He hugs you before you can speak. “I was gonna ask you to meet up with me and then you texted me, what perfect timing.”
You wondered what he wanted to talk about and the possibility of him telling you the truth popped into your mind. You hoped he wanted to own what he had said and done. Oh boy were you wrong. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Oh, I wanted to tell you that I think you should quit UA. I think being a hero is to draining and it doesn’t look good on you. Your always getting injured and that hurts me. I can’t worry about you. I don’t want to have to fight for your attention. That school is bad for you. You should transfer to my school; you’d look better in our uniform anyway.” Talk about a blow to your chest. He hit you where it hurt. You loved UA and your dream, that you mentioned all the time, was to be an amazing hero. He wanted you to give up who you were to be his, his arm candy. You were strong, courageous, heroic but to him you were clumsy, reckless, and in over your head. You wanted to believe that he meant well but this wasn’t at all in your favor. You were a doll and everything your friends told you made perfect sense and fit directly into this puzzle. A puzzle you no longer wanted to be a piece of. “I’ll give you time to think about it.”
“No…No? What do you mean no.” He was looking at you with distain, like you just spit on his new shoes.
“I’m not leaving UA. Actually, the only thing I’m leaving is you.” You wore your confidence proudly. A girl passing by yelled that she was proud of you and that fuck him. You had to bite back the laugh that wanted to escape. You crossed your arms waiting for his response. He nodded and started pacing. He looked pissed, his lip twitching. He turned toward you dropping his arms by his sides and walked toward you. You stood your ground as he looked down at you. You looked him over before staring into his burning eyes. He was heavily breathing and for a moment you thought he was gonna hit you. “You’re a stupid whore anyway and I don’t need you. Have fun with your fucking gang bang.”
“I will.” He hadn’t expected you to get the last word and so proudly spoken to. You threw him off guard but he punched you off your feet. You were on your ass stunned. He turned to leave and you saw the girl from a moment ago yelling while running toward him. Another person came running cause your ex to ditch out. You helped yourself up thanking the strangers. Beside the pain of your swollen lip you felt good, free. You headed home with a slight pep in your step.
“Denki?” Kaminari was waiting outside the dorm building. He turned wanting to apologize but stopped. He saw your lip and felt rage course through his veins. He stormed passed you but you caught his arms stopping him. “He did this to me but it’s okay. I broke up with him. It’s actually why he did it. Fuck him though, right.”
You were smiling despite your bruised lip. Your eyes gleamed with life and happiness again, it was enough to calm Kaminari’s anger, for now. He sighed before going back into the dorm building. He returned with an ice pack. He held it to your lip earning him a huge smile from you. He smiled back at you causing your heart to clench. You hadn’t realized how much you missed him till he was in front of you. You lean against his side while he ices your wound. “Hey Denki, Mina told me you didn’t like my boyfriend before all the fighting happened. What made you hate him prior to meeting him?”
He could have lied and lived with the truth forever but he needed you. He loved you and would give up anything for you to realize that. This was the moment he could free himself from carrying this burden. If you broke his heart, he would still love you and be your best friend.
“I hated him because he had the most important thing in my life and I didn’t. He had your love, your heart. I, I love you and just wished that I could have been him.” He was red and he was sure he was about to go into cardiac arrest but hey he said it. You had wished that he had told you before, before all this shit had to happen. You wished that you never went out with that asshole but chased after Kaminari. You had liked him all this time but thought he was just being nice and flirting because that’s who he was. Hearing him be shy yet confident and tell you made you realize you could have had this all along. A happy ending with your favorite person. You started crying and hit him which made him think he fucked up. You held into his shirt sobbing while looking at him. He was scared and hated himself for making you cry.
“Y/N please don’t cry! I’m sorry, you don’t have to like me.” You hit him again before hugging him. He hugged you back with no hesitation. “I don’t hate you idiot. I just wish you saved me the heart break and told me earlier. I love you too Denki.”
His heart stopped and you actually could physically feel him breathing, you let go and waved a hand in front of his eyes. He looked like he had just overused his quirk but with a little more shock and less stupid. You felt like you should get somebody but before you could escape you were grabbed. His arms held you tightly against his body, his breath hot against your ear. “I hope you realize what you’re getting yourself into.”
“Denki, I’m well aware and willing.” You giggled and pressed your nose to his. He countered your cute sentiment with his own. His lips gently pressed into your own with hope that it wouldn’t be painful for you. There were sparks which was cliché and almost ironic but nonetheless there were sparks. Your lips moved forming themselves perfectly against his. Despite the swelling and bruising you felt that this was exactly how your first kiss should have gone. It could have lasted forever but that was unrealistic. You had to pull away to breathe. He laughed and your foreheads met when he leaned down, his arms holding your waist. You didn’t know it but there were now pictures and recordings of this timeless moment because a certain group was watching. They were happy for the both of you. Bakugou though made a mental note to take the squad out later to find your ex and repay him for your lip.
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kyber-crystal · 4 years
catch me under the mistletoe || s.r
summary: in which a certain bond is tightened during the magical holiday season
words: ~3.6k
warnings: none. some language i think,,, and rly shitty writing bc i wrote this over a year or so ago
a/n: we’re still days away from christmas lmao, but who cares
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“MERRY CHRISTMAS EVE EVE!” Thor boomed in reply, slamming his hand against a baking sheet.
“Shut the hell up!’ you hissed as you shuffled into the kitchen, a cranky look on your face. You grabbed the nearest pillow to you from the couch and chucked it at Bucky’s head. He winced and immediately stopped what he was doing. 
“Ow! What was that for?”
“For waking me up at nine-thirty in the morning on a Saturday, asshole,” you muttered, reaching over to pour yourself a cup of tea. “Do you ever shut up?’
“9:30 isn’t even that early. You’re just lazy,” he argued. “And why am I getting all the hate? Thor was in on this too?”
“Because Thor is a compassionate and kind being,” you explained, as the Norse god gave you an apologetic smile. 
“Merry Christmas Eve Eve, Lady Y/N,” he greeted politely. “I presume you slept well?”
“Yes, until Bucky started making noise…”
“I’m sorry!” Bucky exclaimed. “I’ll buy you more Cadbury tomorrow, okay? Is that enough?”
You nodded. “...Okay, fine.”
Steve hobbled into the kitchen, dressed in his Captain America pj pants (Tony got them for him last year as a gift) and wearing fluffy slippers. 
“Morning,” he yawned as he ran a hand through his hair to tame it, quickly kissing your forehead before sitting down in between you and Natasha. “How’d you guys sleep?”
“Got a solid six hours. Better than last week’s combined total of three, so I’d say not bad,” you replied. “You?”
“Managed to squeeze in five. So, anything new happen lately?”
“No, asides from the fact that the holidays are near and you two are acting like a couple,” Natasha rolled her eyes. You and Steve both averted your gazes and looked down. “Anyway. When are we gonna start getting decorations up?”
“After we finish eating, I guess,” Sam shrugged as he poured cereal into his bowl. “Ooh yes. I got more charms this time. Fuck the grains, Lucky Charms ain’t lucky if you got more grains than charms.”
“Shuri and T’Challa will be coming in approximately two hours. I advise you all get to work on decorating before they arrive,” FRIDAY’s voice came over the intercom.
Loki suddenly materialized in the middle of the lounge with a wide grin plastered on his face, as well as Pietro. “Did someone say decorate?”
“Have at it, brother, Sir Speedy,” Thor handed the several boxes of decorations over to him. “But please, don’t do anything stupid.”
You were all amazed and shell-shocked when a mere fifteen minutes later, the entire compound looked like a winter wonderland. The giant tree standing strong in the corner of the lounge was decorated from bottom to top with various stunning ornaments, garlands, and twinkling LED lights. 
Long story short, it seemed as if someone had punched Santa and made him throw up Christmas. Loki and Pietro nodded in approval at their work before exchanging a high-five.
“Can’t believe I’m saying this but,” Tony cleared his throat, “the jokesters really pulled it off this time. I’m proud of you both.”
The only thing left to do was hang the wreath up, and you decided to be the one to do so. You climbed up the ladder to hang up the wreath when you felt someone taser your sides. 
"Steven Grant Rogers!" you screeched, glaring at him as you wobbled and tried to regain your balance. "I could've fallen off, you bastard!"
"Oops," he shrugged, giving you an innocent look. "That was a complete accident, I'm so sorry."
"You suck," you stuck your tongue out at him before hanging the wreath up on the wall. 
"Told you the holidays were a magical season," Natasha whispered over to Wanda, and they both exchanged knowing looks. “Hey, Y/N, I still have some last-minute shopping to do. You willing to drive?”
“Sure, why not,” you shrugged. “But why can’t you take your own car?”
“I don’t feel like driving.”
“Alright,” you sighed, standing up and pushing your chair in. You leaned down to quickly kiss Steve’s cheek. “See you guys later.”
“Damn,” Sam wolf-whistled as you stepped into the elevator with her and Wanda, doors closing behind you. “She’s so oblivious.”
“To what?” Steve looked confused. 
“Y’all are so in love. Don’t try and go on with that ‘we kiss each other all the time’ bullshit because that’s not what people who are ‘just friends’ do.”
“But it is what just friends do. Y/N and I...we’ve known each other for a while...”
“Bullshit. I ain’t buyin’ that.”
After you finished your last-minute shopping, you returned home with the gifts all wrapped up and ready to go and decided to whip up a batch of gingerbread cookies. The party was due to begin tomorrow evening, and you wanted a head start so you wouldn’t be cramming mere hours before.
Soon enough, the warm smell of cinnamon and other festive aromas drifted through the air.
"Mmm, is that gingerbread?" You turned around to find Steve sitting there, chin propped on his hand.
“Yeah. When I was little, I’d help my dad bake them because he’d often burn the cookies. As a SHIELD agent, he was always busy and didn’t have the time to improve his cooking skills.” You chuckled, and a nostalgic smile appeared on your face as you recalled the memory. “I started cooking at a young age...it really helped me prepare to be on my own. It kinda became a tradition of mine to keep baking even after he passed...feels like I still have a part of him with me when I do.” 
The timer went off and you grabbed your oven mitts, pulling the cookies out of the oven and placing them on the counter. You put the second batch in and reset the timer.
"You smell like cookies," Steve commented, wrapping his arms around your waist. 
Your cheeks turned bright pink from the physical contact. He didn't let go, and you let your arms slide up his back and stay there, as you stood in his tight embrace, breathing slowly and heart beating rapidly.
Tony broke it up by walking in and coughing loudly. 
"Don't distract her, Rogers," he said, sitting on the couch with a slight smirk on his face.
The two of you pulled away from each other, looking away quickly to avoid further embarrassment. 
"Speedy Gonzales, Parker, you better put those props away or no party or cookies for either of you," you scolded as Pietro and Peter were parading around the lounge.
"Darn. I look really attractive in this headband," Pietro whined. 
"Yeah, it really brings out the color of your eyes," you said sarcastically.
"Thanks, Y/N," he imitated your tone of voice. 
Shuri arrived soon enough, and immediately took to watching Vine compilations with Peter on the couch as they ate the few samples of the cookies you’d given them. The compound grew rather quiet, and you relished in the feeling of peace before someone could come along and screw it up again. 
The next day quickly came and went. One by one, the rest of the guests began to arrive: Strange and Wong, the Guardians, Loki, even Fury and agents Coulson and Hill. How Tony managed to convince them to come, you had no idea. 
You were dragged away by Natasha to get ready upon her insistence that you were forbidden on seeing Steve before the party. Despite your protests (”The fuck? This isn’t even a wedding? Why are you treating it like one?), she didn’t budge. Knowing her unmovable determination, you allowed her to dress you up and do your makeup. 
“Wow, gold really is your color,” she propped a hand on her hip as she spun you around so you could look at yourself. 
“You’re a miracle worker, Romanoff,” you laughed. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. I’d be so lost.”
“That’s why we’re friends, isn’t it?” Natasha gave you a little wink. “Dress to impress, love, dress to impress.”
The Christmas party was now in full swing - it was just after dinner and everyone was walking around, laughing and drinking at the bar or just casually conversing with one another. You were bored of wandering around and had already talked to pretty much everyone in the room, so you decided to look around for Clint and T’Challa  because you didn't know what else to do. 
"Hey, mind if I join you?" you asked, holding your simple glass of ginger ale (You hated alcohol). "Stark ditched me because he's busy working the music."
"Sure," T’Challa  nodded, motioning to the empty seat beside him, and you slid into the booth.  "How's it going for you so far, Miss Y/L/N?"
“Just Y/N is fine,” you laughed, setting your drink down on the table, “I’m doing alright. What about you? I forgot to ask how the flight here was.”
“We were able to get a couple hours of rest on the way here, so I’d say it was a nice flight.”
“That’s good,” you nodded. 
“Kinda off topic, but hey, why aren’t you talking to Capsicle? He was looking for you earlier,” Clint spoke up. “Go talk to him.”
“Come on! Just talk to him. It’s not like you’re some teenage fangirl terrified out of your mind to even look in his direction.”
“Fine,” you huffed, standing up. “See you guys later?”
“See you,” the two men said in unison as you walked away.
Your eyes scanned the room for Steve’s familiar broad-shouldered figure. They finally land on him, standing in the corner with a crystalline champagne glass in his hand, standing next to Bucky with a faint smile on his face. 
You take one look at him and you swear your heart stops. He was literally the human form of perfection. The black suit he wore only further accentuated his lean, athletic build, with chiseled features and a sharp jawline that had to be sculpted by the gods themselves. Your mouth practically waters at the sight of him. The collar of his shirt is rolled down slightly, holy crap- and his eyes- they seemed to be shining even more brightly tonight, if that was even possible. They made you swoon, and you never swooned. The effect this man had on you… 
As soon as he met your gaze, he couldn’t help the wide grin that spread across his face. His eyes immediately brightened at the sight of you standing there in your shimmery, gold gown, his heartbeat picking up speed. 
He gave you a quick once-over before looking straight back into your eyes. “Hey, doll. You look...amazing.”
“Thanks,” you chuckled lightly, feeling your face flush, “you look great, too, Captain.”
Bucky cleared his throat. “So you’re not gonna make a comment on my appearance, huh Y/N?”
“Oh! Sorry,” you apologized, “Bucky! You look so...different!”
“Decided to go back to that old 40’s look. Tony insisted on it and I caved, so here we are,” he explained, gesturing to his clean-shaven face. “What do you think?”
“You look great,” you beamed. 
“Romanoff pick out your dress?” You nodded, and he made a little ‘ah’ in realization. “She has good taste.”
“I know. I never would’ve found this on my own. Hope Tony doesn’t mind losing 2 grand from his credit card.”
“He won’t. Uh, anyways...I’m gonna go join Clint over there for our pool rematch. We have at least fifty bucks on the line now that Strange and Quill are joining in,” he motioned behind him to show Dr. Strange and Peter Quill arguing over how much money should be put in. “Catch you guys later?”
“Sure,” you nodded. “See you later.”
You turned back to Steve to see his baby blue eyes still boring into you. Normally you’d feel like shrinking away underneath his gaze but instead, you hold your head high and maintain the friendly smile on your face. 
“So, how’s the party been going for you so far?”
“Other than Tony ditching me to DJ, I’m great,” you laughed, “and you?”
“Parties aren’t really my style, but I decided, why not just let loose for tonight?” he replied, “It’s Christmas. There’s no need to be in a foul mood.”
“I mean, you can’t possibly stay grumpy when you’re watching Peter and Shuri battle it out on the dance floor.” He glanced in the direction you were looking at to see in fact, Peter and Shuri, holding a dance-off as several people cheered them on.
“Staying on that topic…” he paused for a moment before speaking, holding his hand out to you, “may I have this dance?”
“Of course, Captain,” you give him a goofy grin as you took his hand and he leads you to the dance floor. Once the two of you arrive at the center, the crowd immediately parts to make room and the music immediately switches from a fast-paced pop tune to something much slower. 
Steve doesn’t hesitate to pull you into his arms, pressing you close to his body. Right away you’re hit with his fresh scent of berry aftershave and pine, and clean linen. You find yourself leaning into him as he gently places his hands on your waist and your arms loosely wrap around his neck, swaying gently to the beat of the music. 
“You’re pretty good, if I do say so myself,” you comment, sending him a flirty wink. He laughs in response, the corners of his eyes crinkling as he does so. 
“You’re not so bad at this, either,” he grins, the intensity of his gaze making your breath catch in your throat. He twirls you outward before bringing you back in, quickly catching you around the waist again. “You’re very light on your feet.”
You continued to dance and twirl around the floor, onlookers thinking to themselves that this most certainly wasn’t the first time you’d done something like this before. The lights overhead twinkled with each step you took as you spun around in delicate circles, the gold of your dress glittering brightly. With the feeling of Steve’s warm hand on your back and your feet gliding smoothly across the floor, it felt as if the only people in the world at that moment was just you and him, no one else. You’re too busy to realize everyone’s stopped what they were doing to watch you two. Like Cinderella and her Prince Charming, Hercules and Megara, Beauty and the Beast - you had everyone believing you were a match made in heaven.
You’re not sure how long you stay wrapped up in each others’ arms for. Maybe it’s about half an hour later when the music switches again that you finally snap out of your trances.
“That was nice. Thank you,” you gave Steve a single nod. “I had fun.”
“Likewise, Y/N,” he looks you square in the eye as he gives you yet another million-dollar smile. Oh my god, his smile-
You make your way over together, his hand still on the small of your back, to where the rest of the OG Avengers were seated around the couches.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t the lovebirds themselves,” Sam smirked as you sat down, Steve putting his arm around the couch right behind your head. “Saw your romantic little moment back there.”
You rolled your eyes. “Lovebirds, my ass.”
“Language,” Steve teased, nudging you in the side. You shot him a ‘look.’
“Well, you’ve been quite the eye-catcher tonight,” Natasha folded her hands in her lap, nodding in approval as she observed your appearance. “If I were Rogers, I’d take you out on a date right away. Or if I were a man in general, I’d just straight up marry you.”
“Nat, with the way we act around one another, some people think we’re already married.”
“Ooh, damn,” Clint let out a low wolf-whistle, twirling his drumsticks around his fingers. “Sounds like someone’s hot property.”
“Shut it, Barton,” you gave him a death glare. 
 “Okay, anyone against Y/N and Cap being a couple, please raise your hand,” Pietro announced, and when nobody raised their hands, he pointed at you. “See! No one’s objecting. You’d make an amazing couple.”
"Why are you guys so determined?"
"This ship has to happen. It is not going to die. Not on my watch," Sam declared. 
“What even is a ship-” Steve began, but was unable to finish his sentence as Maria Hill was approaching your group. 
"Merry Christmas! So I've heard this is the new power couple," she said  as she made her way over and sat down as well. "How's it going?"
“Ooh, another ship member!" Clint pumped his fist up in the air. 
"Damn right," Sam gave Hill a thumbs-up.
"Of course I'm on board," she smiled. "I'm all for it."
You let out an exasperated sigh. "Seriously. What is it with you guys and shipping people together?"
"It's 'cause y'all cute," Sam wiggled his eyebrows up and down. "Y'all really gotta be cute like that. My heart can’t take it."
"Y/N," Steve noticed that you were looking uncomfortable and jerked his thumb behind the two of you, "want to go get some soda or something to eat?"
"Uh, yeah," you let out a sigh, brushing out your dress, "yeah. That'd be great."
"Don't have too much fun!" Tony called after you.
"Remember to stay safe and use protection, guys!" Clint cupped his hands over his mouth and shouted.
“Well, that was chaotic,” you breathed out as you took a sip of your champagne before setting it down on the counter. “I’m honestly not even surprised by the team, anymore...kinda got used to it.”
“Yeah, you grow immune to the jokes after a while,” he shrugged. 
“You know…” you thought for a moment, a wistful yet sad smile appearing on your face as you looked out ahead, "Mom always got so excited around Christmas Eve. She wasn’t a huge alcohol lover, but made an exception for champagne. And hot chocolate. No matter how cold or warm it got during the month, she had one mug of it every day-" 
You stopped for a moment to compose yourself again. "And Dad---he would make us sing along to every single Christmas track that came on the radio."
"Hey, are you alright?" Steve's brow furrowed in concern as he placed a hand on your forearm. 
"I'm okay," you smiled sadly. "I just really miss them."
“I know. I miss my parents, too. My mother...she’d love you, you know. Ma always talked about having another daughter, but was unable to. Loved hot chocolate, like your mother…and never missed the chance to catch the sunrise or sunset, no matter the occasion.”
“She sounds like an amazing person,” you looked up at him. 
“She was.”
You spent another hour or so talking together, feeling the tension lift from your shoulders with each passing minute. Talking to Steve came so naturally so often- that was why, when you couldn’t fall asleep at night, would go out to the balcony with him and talk until the sun rose. You just continued your conversation, until giggles and whispers interrupted your chatter.
"What do you want, guys," you rolled your eyes at the team, arms crossed and smirking at you and Steve. Shuri especially, had a rather evil grin on her face, and so did Clint, Bucky, and Sam. 
"No...what they're trying to say is...uh..." Steve scratched the back of his neck and with an awkward chuckle, pointed to the mistletoe hanging above your heads. 
"Mistletoe," you said softly, feeling your face heat up. 
"Yeah," he spoke in a quiet voice, a light pink shade dusting his cheeks. 
"Kiss her! Kiss her! Kiss her!" the entire room began to chant.
"Rules are rules! You're not leaving until you two kiss!" Clint sing-songed.
The air around you had suddenly grown thick with anticipation and suspense as everyone fell silent, waiting for what was to come next, your heart beating so fast that it was making it difficult for you to catch a breath. Your gaze slipped down to his lips so he took this as a cue to let his arms slowly snake around your waist and you placed your hands on his shoulders, feeling as if everything was all going in slow motion. 
Although the kiss didn't last very long, you made sure to take in every detail. His lips were so soft and warm, you could feel one of his hands on the small of your back as he pulled your closer, the other resting just below your shoulder blades, and you could feel the butterflies going wild in your stomach. Your heart was beating a million miles per hour, it seemed, and the sparks.
It could've been hours, or weeks, or even months until you finally broke apart but when you did, you were both grinning like fools and the team was trying their hardest to hold back their excited squeals.
"Merry Christmas," you whispered.
"Merry Christmas," he breathed out, before wrapping his arms around your waist again to bring you in a second time.
“Clint! Get up!” Sam lightly tapped the archer’s cheek. “Get up!”
“I think he’s dead.” Peter whispered. 
“No, he just passed out from shock,” Shuri shrugged, but then gave him a high five. “Anyway, good job, Pete! You did a pretty amazing job of hanging that up there in time.”
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saeyoungs-sunflower · 4 years
As Sweet As It Is Bitter (Jumin Han)
I personally feel that this part of Jumin’s story doesn’t get talked about enough. So I wanted to give my interpretation of it.
Warnings / Notes:
Spoilers for the Secret Endings
Alcohol abuse, grief, general sad times. Big ol’ bag of angst here.
Brief mentions of violence/injury.
This isn’t intended to be Jumin x V, but if that’s how you wanna read it then go for it. It’s down to your interpretation/what floats your boat.
Before You Go - Lewis Capaldi
Say Something - A Great Big World
Saturn - Sleeping at Last
Bridge Over Troubled Water - Simon & Garfunkel
Artwork also helped inspire me when writing this, especially art by the absolutely incredible @sikuzxxx​ . They are ridiculously talented and I encourage you to check out their art if you haven’t already. Here are the pieces that inspired me most: 1 / 2 / 3 / 
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It was straightforward, really.
Unlock door. Enter. Shut door. Hang up coat. Take off shoes.
It was routine, the same as it was yesterday and the same as it will be tomorrow. Yet, it couldn’t feel more wrong. Something as simple as unlocking a door became foreign to him when a steady hand was replaced with clumsy fingers, and a quiet mind became swarmed with static.
Jumin loosened his tie and undid the top button of his black shirt. He stepped into the centre of his penthouse, a bouquet of chrysanthemums under one arm and his head reeling. He stood motionless, staring out into the city through the large glass panels. He couldn’t understand.
He couldn’t understand how it was that, despite everything they had, this was the way it ended. After every family dinner, every walk home from school together, every bottle of wine shared, this was the way God had planned their friendship to come to a close. Before, he would have guessed that it would end in a hospital, with silver hair and cracked skin, fond memories and shared joy in abundance; but instead it ended with bullets and screams and whatever it is that nightmares are born of. It was no place for the end.
Jumin surveyed the room, a dark and hollow space only visible by the illumination of nearby buildings. He was completely and utterly alone.
Therefore, for the first time in his twenty-seven years of life, Jumin Han let himself break.
He took out a bottle of red wine, pouring himself a generous glass. And then another, and then another, until he gave up on the glass all together, instead opting for strangling the neck of the bottle as he emptied it of its poison. With every drop that passed his lips, the scene that played in his head grew more vivid as reality began to blur.
The scene started with him sprinting through the building, guards on either side of him as they rounded the corner, stopping in their tracks when they spotted the intimidating doors that lay ahead. He had made one step towards them when he heard the gunshot, and then did not hesitate to charge towards the doors, bursting through.
He can see his body now, limp and resting in a pool of rich red. He could literally see the life flowing out of V with every passing second as he merely looked on, utterly helpless. He couldn’t help, he was too late.
He didn’t say goodbye.
With a frustrated grunt Jumin stumbled towards the bedroom but stopped himself halfway, his eyes landing on the bunch of flowers that he had brought back from the venue, already starting the wither and the petals starting to fall. That was the first crack.
It started with a single drop gliding down his cheek, that rested on the tip of his chin before falling onto his dark tie. He impatiently wiped his face, standing tall and looking straight ahead, but it all in vain. Without warning nor control, every tear that had remained unshed had surfaced and poured.
He should just go to bed. Leave this day behind him. He had his closure now, it was time to move on and to be the man he was before all this chaos. To be Jumin Han again.
Then why did he remain where he stood?
Jumin dug the heels of his palms into his eye sockets hard enough to see stars as his knees buckled beneath him, his frame crumbling to the floor. He was renowned for his stoicism, practicality, and his unwavering ability to keep whatever pain that threatened to bite to only get as far as barking at his door. But tonight, he let himself entertain the torturous idea of the hypothetical, the ‘could have’s and the ‘should have’s that may have saved the life of the only man, the only human being who he wanted to be by his side until his last breath. The one who stayed with no conditions attached, who loved Jumin truly and effortlessly. A companionship, a bond like no other; Jumin and Jihyun. The rich kids. As similar as night and day, but just as perfectly matched. Friends, brothers.
What if he had tried calling him an extra time? What if he had gotten into his car and hunted him down himself? What if he called the helicopter five minutes earlier? Was that all it took? Could he have done it?
But he still couldn’t understand. His door had always been open, his light always left on, waiting for V to come to him. To ask for his help, to tell him where he’s been hiding away, and why he thought that the darkness was more forgiving when walked through alone.
He wanted to scream, not realising that he already was until his voice broke and died out.
He just simply couldn’t understand how V didn’t realise his own worth. How he didn’t know the extent to which the world needed his kindness, his warmth. How he could let his life be thrown away like that, a life as rare and giving as his was.
Maybe it wasn’t that Jumin couldn’t understand, perhaps he just wouldn’t. If this was the bliss of ignorance, then what kind of hellish agony did knowledge feel like?
Jumin’s hands trembled as he grasped the empty wine bottle so fiercely that his knuckles turned white, contrasting the red of his blood-shot eyes. His impulses took over as he launched the bottle at the wall, droplets of red wine scattering across the cream walls as shards of glass showered around him.
He rested his forehead against the icy floor and slammed his fist against it, hardly registering the sharp pain of glass piercing his flesh. He intertwined his fingers whilst he desperately prayed. Not to God, but to whom he had lost.
Please, V, not yet. Don’t let go yet. Tell me it’s not true.
We were going to grow old together. You were going to be my best man, and I yours. What about all the laughs, smiles, memories, that now we’ll never have? We were meant to have longer than this. I’m begging you, Jihyun. You always believed in magic, please believe in it one last time. Come back.
For the love of God, don’t leave me here alone.
Minutes, maybe hours past in that position, until his tears ran dry and his voice grew rough. Jumin tried to move, but the dizzying effect of sitting up meant it took him a moment to become steady before he dragged himself to the wall. He rested his back against it, elbows on his bent knees and his eyes fixed on the ceiling.
Grief was a funny little thing. It gnawed at you from the inside, feeding on everything that had any flavour of regret or devastation. But, in a twisted sort of way, it was such a beautiful thing to love so deeply that the wound was just as deeply felt. Unfortunately, the love Jumin felt during his grief also ate away at him, since it was left abandoned with no place to go when the one person it would run to was gone.
Perhaps God saw how tired and wounded his friend was and showed mercy on him by letting him rest, by bringing him home. In that case, was Jumin not home? Did Jihyun not have a home on earth at all? What a tragic life, if the only home you have to go back to at the end of the day is Heaven. But at least Jihyun had peace now, even if that was something that Jumin couldn’t provide.
Jumin used these ideas in an attempt to convince himself that grief was bittersweet. He only wished that the taste which lingered on his tongue was as sweet as it was bitter.
He didn’t know when he fell asleep, but he did recall the flashing images of Jihyun’s lifeless and icy body as it laid frozen before everything went black, and he slowly began to slip into the realm of a dream.
A warm light pierced through the darkness, revealing a tall figure as they made their way towards Jumin, and his eyes pricked when he identified the burst of mint-coloured hair.
Jihyun embraced Jumin and his tears resurfaced, streaming down his face before floating away into the oblivion. Jihyun pulled back, looking into the eyes of his oldest friend, his voice soft as he spoke.
“You’re okay, Jumin. You’re not as alone as you’ve tricked yourself into believing you are, alright? I’m never too far away, but you’ve also got to take a look around you. Stop being afraid now. Stop letting your emotions run just below the surface. If you open up your heart, you aren’t going to bleed out; you’re going to set yourself free.”
Jumin’s lips curled into a faint smile, “Always so cheesy.”
“That’s me,” Jihyun chuckled. “Be brave. For me.”
“If it’s for you, I’d do anything.”
“Then live. Please, for Christ’s sake, Jumin. Just live.”
“…Alright. But,“ he had to ask, he had to know, “Jihyun, what could I have done-“
But Jihyun faded away before Jumin had a chance to finish, before he had time to ask what could have saved him, and to say everything that he didn’t get to say the day he left. To say thank you for everything he taught him, to ask where it went wrong; to say goodbye. But he disappeared, just like he did before. Without warning, without explanation. As if he was never there at all.
The light of the morning sun blinded Jumin when he pried his eyes open the next day, a pounding in his head and every movement sending a wave of nausea through him. He found himself lying in fragments of glass, the ringing in his ear returning as he sat up straight. He checked the time.
8:17am. He would usually be at work by this time-
His thought was interrupted by an incoming call, every ring feeling like a strike against the head. Jumin squinted as he read the contact name before answering.
“Assistant Kang.”
“Mr. Han, is everything alright? You are scheduled to have a meeting in less than an hour, would you like me to cancel it?”
“No need, just push it forward by an hour. I’ll be there soon,” Jumin croaked, his voice coarse and weak.
“…Mr. Han, if I dare to make a suggestion, I think you should rest today. You must have had a rough-“
The woman on the other side was caught off-guard, which was evident by the pause before her response, “Y-yes?”
“Move the meeting,” he attempted to say sternly, but it came out with a tinge of desperation, “Please.”
“…Okay, sir. I will see you soon.”
“Yes, see you soon.”
Jumin hung up, prying himself off the floor when his gaze once again fell on the bunch of white flowers, some now stained with red wine. He reached for the only pristine one, extracting the flower and moving towards his desk, taking out two pieces of parchment paper and the heaviest hardback he could find on the bookshelf. With careful hands, he placed the flower in the middle of the sheets of paper, before slipping them between the pages of the book. Lastly, he rested a paper weight on top and stepped back. Jumin never used to be overly sentimental, but he had experienced a lot of firsts recently, so what was one more?
He showered, he ate, he dressed himself. He fed Elizabeth the Third and brushed his teeth. There was a knock at the door as he was fixing his tie in the mirror, and he told them to enter as he smoothed down his jacket.
“The car is ready when you are, sir,” said Driver Kim.
“Thank you. I’ll be down in a minute.”
“Yes, sir.”
When he heard the door click shut, Jumin peered out the windows, looking out into the sky where the clouds gathered and the sun shone. He smiled. An unconvincing one, but a smile nonetheless.
It was a pleasure, old friend. Rest well now. I will see you again, but not soon. I have some things to do before I join you.
One day he would be able to start afresh. One day he could fulfil Jihyun’s wish. To seek help, to open up his heart, to set himself free of his threads. To live.
But today was not that day. Today he had to be the Jumin Han that everyone knew. Executive Director, heir of C&R International. Leader of the RFA.
It was routine, the same as yesterday and the same as it will be tomorrow.
Put on shoes. Shrug on coat. Open door. Exit. Lock door.
And yet, it couldn’t feel more wrong.
He let his mind wander on the drive to the office as he watched out the car window, letting the sun’s rays caress his face. It was a comfort, a gentle and constant reminder that his friend was, indeed, never too far away.
I miss you, and I won’t forget you, but I’ll let you go now. In time, I’ll do what you’ve asked of me. Be patient, have faith.
I will live. For you.
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