#i looked up how to save him and learning you can't feels like a huge slap to the face or a punch in the gut
You know, I think the most heartbreaking thing that I've experienced in I was a Teenage Exocolonist so far is that despite being able to remember your past lives and saves, despite being able to save so many people that died in previous lives, despite being able to go out of your way to save people and kill a faceless.
There's no way to save Kom. Kom's jersey will always be retired in the rafters before he was ready to hang it there himself. Anemone will always lose her brother and become susceptible to the human supremacists' idealology. Anemone and her family will always be hurt. All this cosmic power and intervention, and still some deaths and tragedies are inevitable. No matter how hard you try and how badly you just want everyone to be okay.
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bonbonshideout · 6 months
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Ticci Toby headcanons
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♤ He's clingy. If he likes someone or is even remotely comfortable, he would follow them around just to feel comfortable.
♡ He's... playful, he isn't the brightest, but he would try and play some pranks if he can, usually learn about you and see what can get you upset & use that on you.
◇ Mf got that crow brain. He would see anything shiny and take it. He's got a growing collection and even looks for things to give to his favorite people. Lyra originally gave him a box to store the items in, but it started growing a bit 'out of control', and so he has shelves and other boxes with random nick-nacks.
♧ His little cow? Lyra, 100%. When he was younger he had a lot to deal with and Lyra wasn't always able to be with him so she saved up some birthday money and bought him a cow plush, due to it being from his sister, he's kept it and carried it literally everywhere with him. Multiple rips and tears, but his mom always fixed it up for him. He loved it and would take to around as he grew older, though he didn't have it out in public like he did when he was younger.
♤ His hoodie is one of a kind and handmade. His mom was the one to have made it. Originally, he wanted a hoodie that was like any other, but he couldn't puck between a couple of them; his mom, in the end, decided to create a simple looking hoodie for him.
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♤ He doesn't remember much. Yeah, he might get occasional flashbacks, but they leave him confused. He wants to figure out what they mean but at the same time he's a bit scared of doing so.
♡ His hoodie? he loves it, covered in patches of different colors, or at least he tries to color match.
◇ He still has his cow, but he doesn't carry it around as much. He keeps it in a safe place; having a connection to it but not knowing its origins anymore. He baby's it occasionally when he does take it out of his little storage area. That thing has gone through way too much, put it out of its misery already.
♧ Lyra's spirit haunts him, but it's not supposed to be much of a tormentor; though he sees it that way, Lyra is trying to guide him in life. I believe the operator's doing some shit to his mind that's causing him to see Lyra's spirit as vengeful, or it's simply creating an image of Lyra and whispering into Toby's mind about he's at fault for everything.
♤ He's still got that crow brain, still finding things to give to people (Natalie) , a pretty rock, maybe a button, anything he finds, he takes it and saves them.
♡ He's strangely affectionate, he isn't the type to be overbearing, but he likes to hug Natalie whenever he can, usually she accepts them, but there are times where she isn't in a good mood and it upsets him a little— he gets over it quickly though.
◇ He's terrified of cars and probably motorcycles, too (blame Nat for that one). Occasionally, though, he is forced into either one due to Natalie for faster transportation. He hates it and curses her out through the whole ride, but he does see how convenient it is.
♧ In Spanish, there's a term for kids who don't know anything, the "no sabo" kid. He is that type of kid, but with German. He knows very little, and even then, he can't form proper sentences. He's trying to learn when he isn't busy murdering people or starting fires. Usually asking Natalie to help him out— even though she doesn't speak German— he just wants someone to practice it with.
♤ He HATES being seen as vulnerable or lesser than. He doesn't really know why to the full extent, but he does know that it just sucks. He wants people to know that he can do as much as anyone else can, heck, maybe more and better.
♡ I wanna say he had an ego, but it's more playful. He jokes about having a huge ego, but he could care less if 'someone offends him' (aside from the previous hc).
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I feel like some of these collide with some headcanons a friend might have? idk, I honestly forgot his entire essay 💀
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
I feel like big brother dabi frequently checks little sister reader out from her preschool so that they can do stupid shit together and he can one up his siblings on who spends the most time with her
He does! And it's not him "checking her out" as much as it is "luring her out" or borderline kidnapping her, but he's done it so many times now that Enji officially gave your school the green light to let the "brooding, scary villain" take you.
The bigger the age gap between you two, the more softer he is towards you. Like in this scenario, Dabi is like 20 something, while reader is barely 5.
As soon as Dabi picks you from school, he's taking your pink bag and hanging it on his shoulder while letting your small hand hold his two fingers as you both walk, all while humming when you tell him about your day and how you learned what a "verb" is.
He'll take you to a convenience store first, to get you something to eat. And sure, mama Rei always makes the yummiest meals with the best organic ingredients and papa Enji always take you to Michelin starred restaurants and gourmet ice cream parlours, they still can't beat the addicting taste of cheap convenience store junk food, which is all Dabi can afford at the moment. And the best thing is, he doesn't say no. You want two ice creams? Fuck yeah, he'll get 4! That's just a fantastic idea and he won't say no to it.
Then later he'll tae you to a park, where you'll be playing more by yourself than have him play with you. However, you can't play with other kids either without his permission. If you see kids your age at the play ground, you'll have to come to Dabi and ask if you can play with them. Sometimes he'll say yes, mostly he says no. That's when you have to huff and guilt trip him with your small voice and complain how no one ever plays with you (because everyone is busy) and now Dabi is sitting in the sandbox at your pretend restaurant while you serve him a sand cake. (On the inside, he's crying because his inner child wants to give you all the love and affection and everything he never got)
After playing, you're tired and looking like a complete mess, so while you sit im Dabi's lap taking huge gulps from your water bottle, he's combing your hair with his hands and tying it into pretty braids with cute bows (that he absolutely does mot carry around with him and no, those are not your pink hair ties on his wrist. That's fashion), all while he's narrowing his eyes at you as you're inhaling your water.
"Hey, slow down, brat. You'll choke and I won't save you."
If he has time, he'll take you to McDonald's and get you a happy meal, not getting himself one cause again- he's poor. But he will steal your fries though, and your drink. Not that you mind. No, no. You love sharing your food with Dabi, in fact, you'll probably be feeding him with your own hands.
"Here comes the plane, Dabi! Say ahh!" As you poke his closed lips with a fry.
Sometimes you'll ask about his scars. You're still too young to understand it all, and you being a curious kid, you often ask about his appearance. With gentle hands, you'll be tracing his staples and burn marks, asking if they hurt.
He'll shrug. "They used to, but not anymore." But maybe his tone wasn't convincing enough, or maybe you just needed an excuse to your Hello Kitty bandaids, but you're pulling them out pf your bag and placing them haphazardly on Dabi before kissing each boo boo to "make the pain go away".
You don't notice the misty eyes of your brother while you're kissing his burns.
Before the sun sets, Dabi is taking you back home (or else Rei will have his head), and you're so tired that you fall asleep while he's carrying you, drooling slightly on his shoulder as you mumble about Dabi and him being the best (which he obviously recorded to piss off his siblings. Shotou and Fuyumi are 1000% convinced that this was a deep fame and not you).
He'll tuck you in bed, maybe kiss your forehead before leaving. On his way home, he's looking through all the photos he secretly took that day of you,and there are even some very shaky, badly taken photos of him by you (because you wanted to take photos of your big brother too🥺) before Dabi settles on the one picture where he's looking ominous (but his eyes are soft) and you're in his arms, all giddy and happy.
New wallpaper 🥺💖
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simpjaes · 3 days
i feel like a stalker reader fic with a plot twist of sunghoon being a stalker even before reader was obsessed with him (kind of like a mastermind where he plotted how and when they would meet first) AND A FREAKY ONE AT THAT is only a fic that you could possibly write
and you're right about that bc i do believe i'd slay that shit if I ever got around to it.
a/n: this was meant to just be a thought but i got a lil lost in it lmfao.
Like, the idea of Sunghoon being obsessed with you since fuckin' senior year of high school because he transferred there. He was vulnerable when he transferred due to home life stuff forcing the move, and he had close to no one save for a dad who was never home. You were the first person to say hello to him and that singular greeting made him grow attached.
and he'd like, watch week after week. sometimes you'd greet him in passing but never really approach him or anything. he would be too far attached already to approach you himself too, because he feels socially awkward. he is socially awkward. No one back at home liked him much either so his confidence isn't quite high enough to peruse you.
anyway, shoot to college. maybe....he's been like...yknow....doing his research on you since he transferred back in highschool. maybe he's doing the same degree path as you.....maybe he did some snooping to land in the same university, taking the same classes....at the same times as you.........
he's grown very smart about this tho bc like, you'd never second guess why you're always seeing that handsome guy everywhere. maybe you guys are just more alike than you could have thought. and you wouldn't grow your own little crush turned obsession until he you noticed how he ignored you.
you never saw him glance or stare. he'd brush you off any time you try to greet him, he'd always speak in class with confidence, making you feel like he's...very very very intelligent. and it's like, woah, he acts so different compared to high school. you're into him kinda....there's nothing wrong with a lil crush right?
lil crush turns HUGE crush when he ends up at all the same parties you attend. always lurking in a corner by himself looking handsome and untouchable, sometimes with other girls approaching him. these are the moments you'd catch his drunken eyes on you from time to time. Or maybe he's just catching you staring. you're not sure of yourself anymore by this point.
still he wouldn't make any moves or efforts to talk to you. little crush turns to big crush. big crush turns to you wanting to learn more about him...and learning more about him turns to you consistently checking in on his social medias that he rarely updates....asking about him around campus when you manage to land in a room where he isn't, hoping he shows up to more parties..etc.
you wouldn't realize the stalker behavior you're exhibiting til it was too late. he'd be all too fond of it though, knowing he's managed to catch your attention by giving you none at all. what a needy little doll.
It's not until you dead ass find out where he works part time and you're filling out your own application before you realize that maybe you're going a bit too far. when he ends up being there during your interview though, you're a bit too blinded by wanting to know more about him to think too hard about it.
and so, the two of you are working together, going to classes together, attending parties together...except separate. and it's driving you up a fucking wall because surely it's because he has a girlfriend right? but you never see her. you can't find any trace of someone he's with on social media. never on campus, at work, no where. so, lets say you guys end up at a party again and you really do lose it.
lots of alcohol in your system, sunghoon looming in a corner, side eyeing pretty girls who stare at him. you'd be the one staring the most, walking up to him while forgetting how to breathe, only realizing you might actually be in love with him when you try to reach for his shoulder with a brain so empty you forgot what you wanted to say. "Hm?" he'd hum at you with a raised, unbothered brow. His skin prickling at the way your shaking hand grabs at him. He calms himself through it though, having jerked off enough to the mere thought of these hands on him nightly since he met you. He knows how to calm down now. "I'm like, in love with you, maybe." You'd slur out, stupidly with an embarrassed but hopeful expression. Sunghoon's unbothered demeanor wouldn't change, but the setting would. He'd take your hand and guide you without a word, outside, into his car, and he wouldn't say a anything to you through it until he'd driven and parked somewhere entirely secluded. [He's sober btw, you make him drunk enough.] "Do you even know how much I want you?" He'd mumble so quietly you wouldn't be able to hear him over the thumping of your heart, but you stare at him, watching his lips move as he tries to speak. You watch him the whole time, feeling safe in this secluded spot with a man you've grown obsessed with. Your body reacts and moves on instinct as he sits there. You can't fucking stand being so close yet so far from him. "I don't know what you're saying to me." You'd mumble and slur out to him, far too drunk than you originally thought now that there is no loud and booming music to drown your thoughts out. "You never do." He frowns, leaning towards you and practically pinning you to your seat by energy alone. His entire body feels like it's on fire, cock twitching, heart jumping. "You want me?" You nod, breathing softly and deeply as you look at him. Of course you want him. "How bad?" He follows up. "As badly as I've wanted you?" You nod again. "You sure?" Another nod.
His eyes go vacant now as he stares at you, adjusting his body on top of yours in the cramped space of his car. You feel his nose nuzzle against your neck as he inhales deeply. He groans slightly at the scent, never able to smell you so fully except for in passing. This alone could satisfy him for life if he wanted it to. "Show me then." He nearly demands, wanting you to be the one to prove all of his work to get to this point is truly coming to fruition. Wanting you to make all of the first moves. Wanting you to do it all for him.
And, well...you do.
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So I have been thinking about how insecure Kafka would be about his transformation and what you think about it. He's such a a good boy and needs head pats.
~ SFW ~
I think, at first, he'd be really hesitant to do the old switcheroo in front of you because he doesn't want you to run, pissing (normally) down the street away from him.
He'd try his very best to control it. Even though he's not mastered all of the transformative power he harnesses.
Kafka would definitely feel insecure and scared that you may leave him if he changes forms in front of you too soon. He doesn't want to lose you, and he doesn't want to scare you - he is confident in his repair game, though. He has a plan in place for if he ever has to become his Kaiju self. He will cook you a romantic dinner at his place (so you can leave if you feel the slightest bit uncomfortable - he would do it at your place too, but he doesn't want you to have to feel bad about sending him away).
But as he continues to transform, he'll become more comfortable with his Kaiju self and learn to embrace it. Eventually, he'll want to show off his new skills and abilities to you.
He might love the idea of being so powerful and having such incredible strength.
I think this is also a huge boost to his ego (what little is there, anyway). He always dropped the ball on the 2nd part of the testing for the AKDF (Anti-Kaiju Defense Force) and having this ace up his sleeve not only helped him pass something he'd had trouble with in prior years, but he saved a comrade from certain freakin' death.
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~ NSFW ~
Don't fucking lie to me, I know you've thought about what Kafka's Kaiju cock might look like lol.
I think he sits around and practices honing his skills of only transforming certain body parts. Like, his torso, for example. Maybe you have a flat tire and need help changing it? He can hold the car up for you while you put the temp tire on. Or maybe - and much more fun - you're getting a little frisky with him and he wants to full nelson your ass but man, let's face it, he's not 18 anymore and THANK GOD for that because he's such a damn cutie now that I can't help but smile whenever I daydream about him!!
SO ... he transforms his upper body so he can hold you and slam his monster human cock into your expectant, fluttering little hole.
And his tongue. HIS TONGUE would wreck you. The tip alone would rip orgasm after orgasm from your body. If you've seen the anime, you know just how it moves, too. Like a whip. Way more flexible and longer than a lame human tongue. Am'I'right? Yuh, I'm right. Even if you don't agree ;).
You want some good head? Kafka's got ya covered!
You want to give some good head? Wait until he's returned to his human form. Not only that, but I think he wouldn't let you swallow his Kaiju cock. He doesn't want to hurt you. Maybe the first [fictional - I know -] man ever to care about not bruising your throat.
In conclusion, he's basically the opposite of Toji Fushiguro but still just as sexy.
@bakubunny @katkusuo @southside-otaku
@supersecretsaga @arlerts-angel
@trevengersprincess @viburnt
@darkstarlight82 (just in case this is rude and doesn't grab your attention)
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headkiss · 1 year
could I request joel and shy!reader, the first time that they share a bed/spend the night together? she learns that even though he is a grumpy old fart he is also a huge cuddler? I love your writing for joel!!
grumpy old fart made me giggle! here u go lovely!!! | 0.8k fluff
It feels like you’ve been walking for days, the heel of your beat-up shoes rubbing uncomfortably against your skin, your backpack feeling heavier and heavier on your shoulders.
Somehow, Joel looks unfazed. Of course, he’s got dirt all over and you’re sure he is tired, but he doesn’t look it. He’d probably keep walking until he physically couldn't anymore.
You don’t complain, because everyone’s tired and sore, and the last thing you’d want to do is cause trouble or annoyance.
Still, when you spot a motel in the distance, the relief washes over you.
There’s only one room left in the place that’s sleepable now, the rest of them blocked off or broken down from debris and years of being empty. Well, it’s technically two rooms; a door in between to conjoin them, and Ellie quickly claims one of them as her own for the night.
She shuts the conjoining door behind her, probably to have the privacy to clean up as much as possible with whatever’s in her bag.
You and Joel stand in silence for a bit, the one bed in the room sticking out a little too obviously.
“I can take the floor,” you offer.
“No, you take the bed.”
Joel’s stubborn, and cold, and often grumpy, but it doesn’t stop you from liking him. He’s risking his life to save the girl in the next room, and no matter how aloof he acts, the way he looks out for you says enough.
He’s a good man, even if he doesn’t believe it himself.
“What about your back?” You know it’s been bothering him, “you need it more than I do.”
“We’ll just share, alright?”
Joel suggests it before he really thinks it through, because he might have a hard time sleeping next to you. It’s to no fault of your own, really, he just doesn’t know how much longer he can keep you at arm’s length when he has this stupid fucking urge to hold you and protect you with all he has.
He’s not sure how someone like you wound up with someone like him, but he wouldn’t dream of complaining.
“Oh, yeah. Sure,” you say.
You like Joel more than you should and the thought of sleeping next to him has your nerves flaring. You’ve never slept next to him before, even when the body heat would’ve been helpful.
You’re quiet throughout dinner (a can of long expired Chef Boyardee split between three), busy thinking, trying to get your shit together because you shouldn’t be nervous. It’s just a bed. It’s Joel.
Happy with her meal, Ellie goes back to her room to read one of the new comic books you’d found a bit ago, leaving with a, “goodnight, dudes.”
Then, it’s just you and Joel again.
He cleans up the food as you pull back the blankets on the bed to assess the sheets. You decide on grabbing your sleeping bags and unzipping them to use as blankets instead.
“The ones on the bed are pretty gross,” you say when Joel peeks over at you, like you needed to explain yourself.
Joel knows you well by now, knows your tells and quirks, and he can see that you’re nervous, off, hands smoothing out the sleeping bags shakily.
“I can take the floor if you’re uncomfortable,” he says, walking over to you.
“No!” You answer quickly, “it’s not that. I’ve just- um, never shared a bed with anyone before.”
“You don’t have to do anything different. Just gotta sleep, okay?”
Right, just sleep, this isn’t special. You’ve gotta get a grip.
“Yeah, okay.”
“If you’d rather we can put the pillows in the middle.”
There he goes again, caring for you in small, simple ways that speak volumes.
“No, that’s alright.”
“Best get some sleep, then.”
You nod, and Joel walks around to the other side of the bed. You both climb in, laying on your backs for a bit. You can't seem to sleep, and he seems to notice.
“You good?”
“Huh?” You turn your head to look at him, cheek against the pillow, “yeah, fine.”
Joel lays on his side to face you, a distance clearly left between your bodies, “try to sleep, will you? You need it.”
“So do you.”
You’re on your side now, too, head level with his.
“I know.”
Your hand lays by your face on your pillow, and Joel’s hand inches towards it, his pinkie brushing against yours. You reach yours back, and then, your fingers are locked.
“Goodnight, Joel.”
You don’t know it but he falls asleep long after you, and by the time you wake, you’ve migrated, shifted positions. There’s a heavy weight over your waist, and only when you peek under the blanket do you realize that it’s Joel’s arm.
Then, you realize your head isn’t on the pillow anymore, but on his chest, the steady thump of his heart beneath your ear.
Rather than shift and wake him, you close your eyes and get a couple more hours of sleep, smiling at the discovery that Joel Miller is a cuddler.
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silverynight · 22 days
The boy with red eyes
It's been a month since he's been training in the butterfly estate as a kakushi, and he's finally been given his uniform. Tanjirou is really happy!
He has lost count of how many letters he has sent to his family since he left home, but there's been a lot of them. After that slayer saved him and his family from a demon, Tanjirou thought about becoming a slayer as a way to help the Corps and send his family even more money than he ever did as a charcoal seller.
In his mind, it was a perfect plan. However, Nezuko and his mother begged him not to do anything that risky because they wanted to see him again at some point.
Tanjirou has never been good at denying them things, so he agreed, but since he was determined to help the slayers in some way, he found out about the kakushi and decided to become one instead.
"Isn't that risky too?" Nezuko had sent him a full letter telling him all her concerns about the matter and pointing out how much his siblings, especially Rokuta, missed him.
Taking a moment to think about them, Tanjirou closed his eyes right before he explained the situation in his next letter. Of course, everything has risks, but being a kakushi usually meant arriving at the place after the battle and helping the injured slayers as much as he could.
He is sure none of them are entirely happy with his new job, but Tanjirou is determined to help. One of the slayers, Murata, saved them from a demon after all.
With an excited smile on his face, he puts his new uniform on and remembers that Aoi said he could leave the butterfly estate now.
It's been an interesting month of learning about wounds and poisoning, also different kinds of blood demon art and how to deal with them. A huge part of being a kakushi is knowing how to move without being seen and not making too much noise, so he's been practicing that too, with the help of other kakushi.
Since Aoi says he's really good with patients, they immediately send him to the Mugen Train or what is left of it.
That's where Tanjirou meets one of the nine hashira. Weirdly enough, he hasn't seen Kocho yet, even though she's the one who basically lives in the butterfly estate; Aoi says she's been really busy lately.
As the crows around explain the situation to the group of kakushi, Tanjirou can't help but feel a wave of gratitude and admiration for the flame hashira.
He, along with a few of his fellow kakushi, kneel next to Rengoku. His crow assured them he's still alive, but barely; the worst part of his injuries are the missing eye and an open wound in his abdomen.
Tanjirou refuses to give up so he starts working; obviously, the Pillar needs to get to the butterfly estate immediately, but first, he needs to make sure Rengoku doesn't die on the way.
At some point, while Tanjirou keeps cleaning and patching him up, praying to the gods for his spirit, praying to them to keep him in this realm, Rengoku opens his eyes.
Tanjirou takes it as a good sign.
"Stay with me, Rengoku-san!"
At first, it seems like he's not paying attention, or perhaps he's not completely conscious, but then the flame hashira manages to move one of his hands and touch Tanjirou's right cheek or at least the mask that's covering his right cheek.
"But she's waiting for me." He argues, although he smiles softly at Tanjirou.
He has no idea whom he's talking about, but if he's seeing the spirit of a loved one already, that's not a good sign.
"Maybe she could spare you for a while longer?" Tanjirou tries. He's done with the hashira's abdomen and his eye, but his fingertips are cold.
"I think she likes you," Rengoku comments, looking happier.
Tanjirou hopes that means he's fighting to stay alive, but just in case he adds: "Would you stay with us then?"
"I'll stay with you."
The next Pillar he meets is Kocho herself; Aoi is struggling trying to get her to sit and let her patch a wound on her arm.
"I can take care of it myself... later. I have a couple of things to do."
Tanjirou knows he shouldn't interfere, but he worries too much about the people around him not to try at least.
"We care about you too," he says then, prompting the two girls to look back at him. "You have done a lot for us that perhaps trying to patch you up is not because we think you can't handle it yourself, but it's a way to show we appreciate you."
Kocho remains speechless for a while before smiling softly at him, for the first time, Tanjirou doesn't smell any irritation in her.
"You're just like her," she mumbles, finally sitting down, offering Tanjirou her injured arm. He immediately starts cleaning the wound. "Like my sister. She had a beautiful heart, just like you."
"I bet she was amazing," Tanjirou says, noticing that Aoi is still looking at him in shock.
"She was."
Tanjirou doesn't ask what happened to her because he can tell talking about her sister still hurts Kocho, but he can guess.
"All done!"
"I like your voice," she smiles again, before leaving Tanjirou and a very surprised and confused Aoi behind. "I have work to do. Have a nice day."
The red light district is almost completely destroyed; Tanjirou knows he must focus on the slayers who took care of the upper moon, but he can't help but make sure the civilians on his way are alright too.
After making sure the blond one and the slayer with the boar head are fine, Tanjirou approaches a group of kakushi who are trying to convince a hashira to stay still and let them check on his wounds.
There are three women with him that, according to another kakushi, are his wives.
Tanjirou notices the sound hashira already has bandages on his face and arm, which means that his wives took care of those.
"Are you hurt?" He turns towards the women first. "Do you want me to check on you?"
"Tengen-sama, look at his eyes," one of them squeaks in delight; she's the only one who has her hair down.
"Very flamboyant of you," Uzui comments, smiling at Tanjirou. "They look like gemstones."
"Thank y-you..." The next thing he knows is that his wives are introducing themselves and Uzui agrees to have Tanjirou to check on his wounds.
Everything seems to be fine, Makio, Suma and Hinatsuru are alright too, so Tanjirou feels a lot better.
The Pillars are definitely stronger than the other slayers because not only Uzui is still conscious, he can also move.
"I only let my wives touch me like that," the hashira grins as Tanjirou grabs Uzui's face gently and tilts his head to the side to make sure his eye is not bleeding again. His wives start giggling at that.
Tanjirou thinks he's trying to tell him not to touch him anymore, although he doesn't smell upset, so he takes a few steps back from them.
"We're heading back to my estate, why don't you come with us, pretty eyes?"
"He needs to report back to the butterfly mansion," a kakushi girl tells the sound hashira; she smells a little bit irritated. Tanjirou is not sure why.
"She's right," he says as Suma and Makio narrow their eyes at the kakushi girl.
"Well, I really hope you can pay us a visit soon anyway," Uzui smirks. "You'll always be welcome there."
"Thank you!" Tanjirou says sincerely. "I'll try to go there soon!"
Not all encounters with the Pillars are entirely pleasant.
Even though Tanjirou's life is dedicated to taking care of injured patients, he has to headbutt the wind hashira because he's pushing another kakushi away and hurting them in the process.
Tanjirou gets angry.
"What's your problem?" He hisses when the hashira is on the ground. "They're trying to help you! It's okay if you don't want them to touch you, but at least tell them instead of pushing them!"
Tanjirou helps two kakushi boys and a girl up while the others start shaking. He kind of expects the Pillar to attack him, but nothing happens.
There's only silence.
Shinazugawa is sitting on the ground, looking up at him with surprise and curiosity; he's no longer angry.
Suddenly feeling sorry, mostly because the Pillar has a red mark on his forehead and his chest keeps bleeding, Tanjirou decides to try again.
"Would you let me patch you up now?"
Shinazugawa nods, still staring at Tanjirou's eyes.
"Alright, please don't move."
For some reason, his fellow kakushi find it fascinating. Although, Tanjirou is the only one who takes care of the hashira because none of them want to approach him.
It seems Iguro doesn't like to be touched, but he allows Tanjirou to get closer because the boy asks for his serpent first.
"Are you alright?"
"I told you I'm fine already!" The Pillar hisses only to look confused when Tanjirou shakes his head.
"I'm talking to Kaburamaru."
"How do you know his name?"
"He told me. He's also worried about the bruise on your shoulder."
"Can you understand him?"
"Of course!" Tanjirou says, he knows the Pillar can't see his smile, but at least he hopes he can hear it in his voice. "He's very polite and kind!"
It seems like Iguro changes his mind about him after that, but he still doesn't let other kakushi touch him so Tanjirou has to work alone.
Tanjirou tries not to tear up when he reaches the swordsmith village; a lot of people died the night of the attack, but the two Pillars there did their best to keep the rest of the people safe.
Tanjirou is so proud of them.
He decides to help the kakushi who are trying to check on Tokito first, mostly because the mist hashira is one of the stubborn ones.
"I told you I feel better now," he whispers, slapping a hand away.
He either talks that low or he's feeling weak. Tanjirou gets closer and despite knowing he'll get his hand pushed away too, he tries to touch Tokito's forehead.
However, the Pillar doesn't do that. Instead he keeps looking directly into Tanjirou's eyes.
"You have a fever. If you don't have any major injuries, then let me give you something for that first."
"Your eyes. They remind me of someone..." He shivers, but gets closer to Tanjirou and smiles at him. "I like you."
"You were very brave," Tanjirou says and notices that the Pillar's crow looks ridiculously proud. "Thanks for saving the village."
Tokito's smile becomes wider and his face turns slightly pink. Tanjirou worries even more and asks one of the other kakushi around to bring him medicine.
"I tried my best too!" Suddenly, the love hashira is a lot closer, but at least it seems that she has already been patched up.
"They told me you were amazing!" Tanjirou nods, prompting her to squeak in delight. She turns red too, but the other kakushi said she didn't have a fever...
Must be something else. Maybe she's just tired.
"Oh, you're the kakushi with the red eyes!" Kanroji says, leaning forward. "Obanai has told me a lot of things about you!"
Then she tells him about the day he met him and when he gave her the stockings because she had mentioned that she felt shy wearing a skirt that short.
Tanjirou is glad that he has a good relationship with the serpent hashira now because he sounds like a very nice person, albeit with a sharp exterior.
At some point, Tokito complains he's not paying attention to him so Tanjirou has to give him a hug while the other kakushi bring a couple of stretchers for the injured ones.
Both Pillars end up falling asleep with their heads on Tanjirou's shoulders.
"Here. Take this," Aoi sighs, packing food for him and the Pillar he's about to visit.
The kakushi are not supposed to go to other Pillars' estates unless there's an emergency, but Aoi has told Tanjirou that Oyakata-sama is very impressed with the way he handles the hashira when they need it the most.
So Tanjirou has to go to the water estate, bring Tomioka food and perhaps convince him to rest for a while since Aoi told him he has two broken ribs.
When he knocks at the entrance, nobody responds, but Ubuyashiki was very insistent in the letter he sent Tanjirou, and he mentioned that he should do anything to talk to Tomioka.
So Tanjirou walks in without being invited. The Pillar gets surprised when he notices him there but doesn't say anything yet.
Then Tanjirou places the food in front of him.
"This is for you from Aoi," he says. "She also wanted me to check on your ribs, Tomioka-san."
"I'm fine," the water hashira retorts, but he doesn't ask Tanjirou to leave; instead he stares at his eyes. "You don't need to do anything."
"But I'd like to..." Tanjirou insists. "I know what you do for all of us and I'd like to show my appreciation in some way."
"Because a slayer from the Corps, one of you, saved my family a long time ago, and I'm still grateful for that. They mean a lot to me."
Tomioka keeps staring into his eyes while listening to Tanjirou's words, for a moment he thinks the Pillar is about to tear up, but he nods instead. Something changes in his demeanor.
"You can... see," he whispers, looking suddenly shy. Perhaps he doesn't like physical contact that much and that's why he often refuses help from the kakushi.
"I'll try to be quick," Tanjirou promises.
He helps the Pillar take his haori and the uniform's jacket off. Tomioka looks away and blushes when Tanjirou touches his ribs gently, barely using his fingertips. He notices bruises that haven't been properly healed and by the way Tomioka flinches in pain, Tanjirou is sure he hasn't rested enough.
"What?" Tomioka asks, slightly amused. "Even under the mask, I can tell you're pouting at me."
"You need to rest," Tanjirou huffs, feeling irritated. "You won't get any better like this! Come on, let's go to bed!"
Tanjirou knows how to deal with stubborn patients, so he manages to get Tomioka to say in bed for a whole day while Tanjirou serves him food and makes tea for him.
"Please take care of yourself better, Tomioka-san!"
At least he promises to try before Tanjirou leaves again.
Himejima is really kind; the other kakushi are intimidated by his size, but Tanjirou doesn't mind. He always asks before he's about to touch the stone hashira so he gives his approval.
"It's fine. You don't need to be that careful," he sounds amused. "I can tell when you're approaching me because you're very loud."
"Oh," Tanjirou mumbles, disappointed. "Maybe I'm not that good at being a kakushi after all, we're supposed to be good at hiding and not making any noise at all."
"I don't think you're bad at your job," Himejima assures him immediately with a gentle smile. "I can hear you well because I'm used to rely on my other senses a lot. It's because of my training."
Tanjirou feels a bit better; he keeps cleaning the wound on Himejima's huge arm before covering it with bandages.
"You have a beautiful voice. Very sincere," he says after a while, touching Tanjirou's hand. "What color are your eyes?"
Tanjirou is not used to describing himself a lot. He feels slightly flustered.
"Red. But it's not exactly a warm red; they're deep red with pink hues that are more noticeable when the sunlight touches his face."
Tanjirou looks in surprise at the kakushi girl helping him with the bandages. He didn't expect her to answer for him. She chuckles.
"Sounds beautiful," Himejima says. He turns a bit towards the girl. "Thanks for describing them to me."
"You're welcome, Himejima-san."
After that, the other kakushi relax a bit around the stone hashira.
Every once in a while, Aoi is called to the hashira headquarters to give her report to Ubuyashiki and his wife about how everything's going in the butterfly estate and give her opinion on the kakushi performance of the month.
They usually call her at the end of a hashira meeting so she gets to see all of them every now and then; she still can't believe how Tanjirou can say those people are kind and nice because right now they look like the most intimidating people she has ever seen.
She always knew Tanjirou was a weird boy, but not exactly in a negative way; he's just too sweet for his own good.
Aoi gets to know the kakushi before they become one because they usually train in the butterfly estate. Tanjirou was even easier to remember since he was constantly volunteering to help her too.
He also talks to her a lot, mostly about his family and the slayers and hashira he meets while doing his job. He's probably the only one who has met them all.
"Excuse me, Oyakata-sama," the mist hashira asks before Ubuyashiki has the opportunity to dismiss them. "I'd like to say something, if you don't mind."
"Of course, Muichiro," Ubuyashiki says as Shinazugawa glares at Tokito; he's probably bored now that they don't have anything important to discuss.
"When I was in the swordsmith village, I met a kakushi boy," he begins with a smile so sincere it's like for a moment, he's another person entirely. "He was sweet and took care of me really well... his voice was kind; I could easily tell whenever he was smiling because he carries his emotions in his voice and his eyes. I have never seen anyone look at me with so much genuine kindness in a long time."
Aoi knows he's talking about Tanjirou. There's no one else like that.
"Our boy!" Kanroji sighs dreamily. "He was so sweet, I wanted to squeeze him! But I was very tired then, although he gave me a hug when I asked him!"
"So you finally met him, Mitsuri!" Iguro leans closer to her. "I told you he was different! I miss... I mean, Kaburamaru misses him; he was very nice to him when he took care of my wounds."
"I met him too!" Rengoku says then, grinning from ear to ear. There's an enamored expression on his face already. "I think he was the only reason I survived at all. I was ready to cross to the other side, but his sweet eyes pulled me back!"
"Ha! Don't let him fool you!" Shinazugawa smirks. "He seems sweet, but he can get mad too, and his anger is quite fun to watch!"
Aoi heard about the headbutting incident, but the worrying thing is that the wind hashira looks happy about it.
Tomioka stares fondly into the ceiling, almost like he's lost in his own memories.
"He got irritated at me for not taking care of myself." He sighs. "Muichiro is right, you can tell a lot by listening to his voice, even though his face is almost completely covered. He cares deeply about other people."
"It's true," Himejima nods. "His heart is pure. He was very careful with me even though I told him there was no need for it. We talked about his family before he left; I wish he had stayed longer at my estate."
"My wives adored him," the sound hashira smirks, looking almost hungry. "Once this is all over, I'll make him my fourth–"
"Oh, fuck off!" Shinazugawa growls, baring his teeth at him.
That's when everyone starts talking at the same time. Aoi worries for a moment, but Oyakata-sama and his wife seem to be enjoying the situation.
"Wait!" Kocho cuts them off. "How do we know we're talking about the same kakushi boy?"
Finally! Someone is asking the important questions, although Aoi is surprised by the jealousy she notices in her voice.
"What color are his eyes?"
"Red." Everyone says at the same time, even the stone hashira, which makes Aoi feel a little bit confused.
"So it's the same kakushi boy," Kocho huffs, slightly irritated.
"It seemed to me," Ubuyashiki says then, prompting everyone to shut up. "That you wanted to say something else, Muichiro. You brought him up for a reason."
"Yes," Tokito nods, looking slightly shy. "I'd like to learn his name and perhaps... get him to work at my estate."
Chaos unfolds again, mostly because everyone wants Tanjirou to work for them too.
Aoi rolls her eyes.
"You should ask Tanjirou yourselves," Ubuyashiki says with a soft smile on his face. "If he agrees, you can have him working for all of you exclusively, if that's what you want."
All the hashira look ridiculously happy about that. Aoi thought it would take them a while to agree to share him.
Although she has the feeling that's not the only thing they want from him.
"Can we see him now?" Kanroji asks with an excited smile on her face.
"Of course. I believe he's in the butterfly estate at the moment. Aoi can take you there."
Great. Now she has to babysit hashira.
At the sound of his voice, all the hashira turn in the same direction. Aoi tries not to roll her eyes again, but it's becoming increasingly tempting the more time she spends with them.
Tanjirou is trying to get the boar head boy to stay still for once, but with very little success.
They're in the backyard now and she has no idea how Inosuke managed to do that if he just came back from a mission.
"Please, you have to take your medicine!"
Playfully, Inosuke pulls Tanjirou's mask down, making fall off his face.
The Pillars gasp and Kocho leans to tell something to Himejima as Tanjirou struggles to put it back on. He blushes.
After a while he takes the mask back and covers his face with it, but the damage is done; they all have seen the scar on his forehead, his cute nose and his red hair that is darker than his eyes.
Even Aoi has to admit that he's really pretty.
"You're so beautiful!" Kanroji says, blushing to the tip of her ears.
"Thank y-you," Tanjirou stammers, still flustered. "But please forget what you saw!"
Yeah, like that is going to happen.
"Oh! It's all of you!" He chuckles as he notices the rest of the Pillars. Aoi swears they make a disgustingly fond expression at the sound of his laughter. "I'm glad to see you again!"
"Would you marry–"
Kocho manages to hit Uzui on the face with one of her butterfly clips.
"Would you like to work for us?" Tomioka asks then, as they slowly gather in a circle around Tanjirou.
"I thought I already did?" He tilts his head in confusion and it's weird that even Shinazugawa seems to find that endearing.
"He means only for us, for the hashira," Iguro says, eagerly waiting for a response.
"You can stay in the hashira headquarters or here if you want. So you can take care of us whenever we come back from a mission!" Rengoku smiles with so much happiness, Aoi is sure she can hear the hearts in his voice.
Even though that should be impossible.
Tanjirou looks at Aoi then, almost like he's asking for permission.
"Oyakata-sama said it was okay if you wanted," she says reluctantly.
"Yes, I'd love to take care of you!"
Aoi is almost certain that they'll be coming here with a tiny scratch or headache, just to see him.
It's going to be a pain in the ass.
Tanjirou giggles when the Pillars start hugging him one by one; he seems confused with their enthusiasm, but since he's a sunshine, he probably thinks they're friends now.
Aoi sighs, well... at least she's sure the Pillars will let someone (Tanjirou) patch them up when they need to.
Even though she'll have to endure their obvious longing on a daily basis.
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monstersandmaw · 17 days
I love the Yautja inspired fic over on patreon! I can't comment there but I wanted to tell you. I love how unique they all are and I can't wait for Stark to come around to reader.
I was also wondering if Stark was not only a "I hate humans"-situation but a "While I nearly killed the reader I smelled them and shit am I turned on right now? Better hate them even more for it"-situation as well.
I adore Buddy too he is so cute and yet badass. Also Elder has this very calm and wise vibe. He seems like he's "fond of everyone" (in his team and reader at least) because he's so old and somehow finds everyone amusing and cute who doesn't have the experience he has. I love that. Also Alchemist is such a little freak (fondly speaking).
I'm also curious how Cannon behaves. I am super duper excited and AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA, thank you!
Can't wait for them to slowly integrate reader into their relationship.
I hope this isn't annoying. Sending lots of love and support!
*flailing* thank you so much!!
(EDIT: think I fixed this now so that anyone can comment on public posts????? I wonder, are you unable to comment because of a Patreon error or because it only allows certain tiers to comment? I didn't deliberately set that up, so if it's the latter, I can look into sorting it!!)
Anyway, back to the boys!
Stark doesn't hate humans, per se, but he does really hate change. It unsettles him and makes him feel like he's losing control. And he really likes to be in control... 😉. And having an alien species (the human reader) on board, messing with his mates' heads and hearts (and chemistry) is a big change for him. He'll come around, eventually, but he'll take his own time... (and some help from the others).
The reader's buddy, Runt, is super fun to write. He's definitely a lil cutie but he can kick ass too when he needs to. He's spent his whole life proving himself to others, so he's tough as fuck (maybe tougher than most others), but he's definitely got a very soft and submissive side too, which he enjoys exploring with his mates in the safety and privacy of their ship.
Elder is super calm, and definitely has a lot of experience and wisdom, but he knows how to have fun too. He will indulge his mates in almost anything, if they ask it of him too.
Alchemist is a huge freak, and they all adore it.
Cannon is Big Chill. Doesn't speak much but has a very deep soul/mind, is very affectionate with his mates, and Very Protecc. He gives amazing cuddles too :).
The next chapter with Runt is going to be a spicy one :). It's about time he got his reward for helping his human out and saving her life, after all! We also learn a bit more about my little headcanons for their biology in this one (it's basically just an excuse for some weird alien sexy times).
Thank you so much for taking the time to send me this! It means the whole flipping world that you did, and I'm so grateful. Thank you.
EDIT: Chapter Five is now up :) Reader POV
(If folks want to read it, all chapters are now free to access over on my Patreon - first chapter here. I'm not sharing new writing on Tumblr because of AI scraping issues, and I want to protect my work and efforts as much as I can. Anything that was free to read on Tumblr is (or will be after early release) free to read on Patreon. I realise far fewer people are going to click off-site to go read them, but that's something I'm willing to accept to protect my efforts).
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bakafurai · 1 month
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WOAH AU JUMPSCARE!!! hi yes this is my very self indulgent hamtoshi au I have lovingly called reversed fates!
Basically it's a ng+ au where Hidetoshi somehow travels back in time a year after wishing he could have done something to save Kotone and takes on the wildcard role in her stead. He's the only who remembers everything, but he quickly learns how little that actually helps him when it comes to the dark hour...
More details under the cut! (Huge shoutout to some of the peeps over in the Hidetoshi Server btw for their big brained ideas... ya'll are my life saviours i swear fjghf)
More details on the main gang's personas (+Hidetoshi's starting social stats)
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(Note: as of writing this I have not finished P3P so I don't have a list of the Personas from Kotone's compendium yet.)
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As for the velvet room, Hidetoshi gets his own Velvet Room attendant by the name of William, who I have shared a reference here, his velvet room basically looks like those film noir detective office.
Because of the nature of his arrival to the velvet room, and the fact that Kotone already filled her compendium, Hidetoshi is not allowed to fuse personas- he is however free to summon and use Personas from the compendium (William is... too nice and socially anxious to charge him money for it).
Some other info about the AU! >Kenji swaps roles with Junpei, while Rio swaps roles with Chidori. >In his au, Kenji knows Rio but hasn't seen her in 10 years so is unware she is also a persona user working with Strega. >Chidori is a regular student at gekkokan, a third year student who manages the art club. >Kotone remembers nothing, however the death incarnate within her does! The bad news is that Pharos' memories are scattered and he can only remember enough to know that he can't let her sign the contract... The good news is that Hidetoshi can see & hear him for some reason and doesn't hesitate to sign it if it means saving Kotone. >Did I mention this is a hamtoshi au? yeah this guy didn't get to confess his feelings last time around and he ain't about to mess that up twice...He just has to get to know her as a friend all over again. (oooh he internally yearns for her sooo bad you have no idea, he loves her so much) >Aigis is no longer here, instead taking her role is Makoto! He definitely wasn't there last time though... >Hidetoshi and Kenji are in 2-E, while Kotone and later Makoto are in 2-F.
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xerxeswitch · 4 months
Unpopular Belief about "Deities"
Please take this with a grain of salt. I know there's going to be some hurt feelings about this. Just block me and save your time because I do not answer to hateful replies. They will be blocked immediately.
Ahead of time, I'm NOT telling you to NOT worship them. If you feel that intimacy with the "gods" you worship, then go on ahead. If you find fulfillment with them, please continue and move on.
I just want to state my mind on what I find is a sinister trend with pagan "gods." (I'm well aware that it's unintentional for the most part)
Not all "gods" love you.
Not all "gods" unconditionally love you.
Not all "gods" even know you exist.
Not all "gods" care about your wellbeing.
Not all "gods" are accepting when you worship someone else.
Not all "gods" act like animated characters that I've seen people make them out to be.
Not all "gods" will change your life for the better. (At least all the time)
Not all "gods" want to be a different gender as you idealistically depicted them as...as some strictly stayed where they were known for.
Some "gods" are misogynistic.
Some "gods" are misandrists.
Some "gods" are predatory.
Some "gods" are manipulative.
Some "gods" see you as replaceable pawn.
Some "gods" are toxic and controlling.
Some "gods" are genocidal.
Some "gods" will look at you and ruin your life if you don't know what you're dealing with. Some "gods" are not the paragons of morality.
These beings have different personalities, traits, stories, and capacities for certain things or for certain people.
JUST because they are deemed as "gods," that doesn't mean they all have this one dimensional, demanded expectation of what makes them "gods."
Someone claiming the stories/myths about these "deities" are not to be acknowledged or that these "gods" shouldn't be questioned and unquestionably revered because they're "gods" -- are people I don't trust at all.
That could be potentially dangerous to new people getting into this.
What is a legend without the stories to know what happened?
...Or how they came to be along with their personalities, capabilities, and how they react?
The myths are absolutely something worth reading up on. You can't just will it away because they ruin YOUR desired vision of who they are/who you want them to be.
It's disrespectful to even the culture surrounding their flaws.
A lot of pagans/ex-Christians here are evangelizing them.
It's ironically painting them as all one and the same kind of being, and it makes the "gods" lose some form of identity and uniqueness.
Good or bad.
The myths exists. Without them, the concept of these "gods" wouldn't logically exist to us. It's a part of the culture too, good or bad. It's like history -- you can't erase history but know it and learn from it.
It'll be like saying, "I worship wendigos but don't listen to Native Americans about the part where they are known to eat people. These beings love and care about you. Remember that! They understand the time you put into them."
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...I can't help but think this whole thing stinks of "I can fix him" intentions.
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(The following is some rambling, FEH Spoilers ahead if you care)
I hope at the end of FE:Heroes life, that instead of it just becoming a forgotten mobile game, a fully fledged game is made out of it. Because I really do think having a FE game that have shorter Saga's would be really fun to play through. And just how much Alfonse could be challenged in a full game where he can MASSIVELY develop instead of the time strides he's made in the mobile game.
Of corse of a full game they'll need to change several things such as how much of their army is made up of heroes from other worlds. But having this HUGE skeleton with FEH for a full game could make one of the best, if not the best, Fire Emblem main line game.
Like, we have the set up to have Alfonse really turn into his own. He's gets to talk to past heroes and other world versions of those heroes. There is so much he can learn from them all but more importantly, so many people to compare him to. Just feeling like a failed leader because all these heroes that saved worlds are around him, while he's a prince in a world that's currently in a war with his neighboring country.
He keeps feeling this way until he meets the Summoner (Avatar Character). Someone from another world who isn't a hero. They're just an average somebody in that world. Even though they are able to use a Devine weapon that belongs to his family, he fights with them and grows closer as friends. He learns that it doesn't matter name or status, but what you do with your own strength to help everyone you can. And even when you can't save everyone, you can always work together with others to raise you and everyone to the point where you can save more people than you could alone.
While the first two Books of FEH didn't really do much for Alfonse, I do think in a full game they would be able to have a better foil with Bruno through these early parts. While Veronica is a very tragic character, she is more so Shernna's foil through the first book and then becomes a fascinating character through the rest of the books (so far). If the story would follow Alfonse's point of view, it would do wonders to REALLY push that foil with Bruno more and more until that foil changes into irony and tragedy that was played in the later books.
While Book 3 was one of the biggest breaking points for Alfonse's charcter, I really do belive that if Alfonse were to have a stronger written connection with Bruno early on. The death of Bruno would hit harder. We know Bruno and Alfonse were childhood friends to the point Alfonse's first actions we see is looking for Bruno (Under his fake name, Zacharius). Hell, you can make this hurt even more by adding an underlying feeling Alfonse had for Bruno. But seeing as Bruno meant a LOT to Alfonse at such a young age, where he was still getting compared to his father and other heroes. To just have someone that wouldn't judge you, have fun with you, and make you laugh. Most people would devolve some romantic feelings for that. While this seems more fanficy just because "Lead turned GAY for Enemy?!" It's use in a story here would push character development further.
Some of the best stories ever written i've read are about building up the base of a character. Only to destroy EVERYTHING about them. Leaving only their bare core and true thoughts on display. Only for them to either have the story end with such a melancholy finish that it just feels. Or give that charcter a way to rebuild themselves stronger, more ferm in their ideals then ever to change the odds. Alfonse is someone, if given enough time and attention in a full game, to be this charcter. He already has enough set up within FEH for this to become real. He really is burdened by the form of media he's in.
I don't really have any closing notes after that but yeah. Alfonse is actually one of the best Fire Emblem Lords when you think about it. Put him in the next smash game
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Danny's Evil Jaunt Pt. 3
(this is the chapter but I have work soon so I will tag everyone later a swell as links) @little-pondhead @im-totally-not-an-alien-2 (you two get tagged because your the big inspirations :D
warnings: swearing
Word count: 1.3k
Let it be known that Fright Knight loves his job. It's literally why he still exists. He exists to serve the King of the Infinite Realms and stand as the embodiment of Halloween and similar celebrations. That said, he feels conflicted as he gazes at the mechanical husk his future king shows off. 
Compared to a normal mortal, its stature was massive. Though for Fright Knight it was about equal height, possibly a little smaller. The inspiration was clear and a little flattering. The metal was shaped into a stylized Fright Knight, complete with a (mundane) sword.
He eyes his king as the Halfa clings to its arm. He rambled about how he was planning on taking the husk to a pocket that was populated with heroes with him to guard him, and how he wanted Fright Knight to help with ‘teaching it how to do those cool sword moves you do Frighty!’.
Has his king replaced him?!?! No, surely not! There's no way this heap of scrap could ever compare! He had been around for CENTURIES while this thing hadn't even existed an hour ago! The king still had his hands inside it making adjustments yet!
“My Liege! Please forgive any misgivings about this… thing, but may I know the purpose of such a creation? You said that it was for protection yet I am here.”
His king turned his head towards him, arms still hidden within the side of the imposter. “His name is Fright-bot, and he's gonna keep the heroes off me while I work! They get annoying when you're trying to do some welding and all of a sudden you have like three arrows comin’ at ya real fast.” the young Halfa finally pulled his glove clad hands out of the monstrosity.
“He's also for keeping my other works safe, that's why I need him first. I’m thinkin’ of keeping most of my bots in my ‘therapy’ dimension that Clocky showed me for convenience, and they need a guard! But I can't just have you away to protect them! You need to do head guard stuff! I know you want to protect me and stuff but I can’t just let you just out in the living world with me all the time!” the king continued as he slid the siding back onto the almost finished robot. “Besides! It's kinda like you're protecting me from afar! Since it’ll be your techniques and stuff. I just gave it a body and Tuck helped me with the learning algorithm stuff so you can teach it.” his legs finally released his hold on the beings arm, dropping into a handstand and falling back onto his feet upright.
The flaming kight considered this. While it’s true that he can’t always accompany his king (as much as he would like to) it would be nice to have some assurance that the King would be safe. Perhaps he could convince the King into some sort of deal…?
Well Danny could say that he’s extremely happy with the events that happened at the castle! He and Frighty came to a deal finally! Frighty would teach Fright-bot how to fight and stuff but Danny would have to put in a built-in alarm system that notified Frighty that something bad was happening, so he could come in and save Danny’s day. Overall pretty good! Now to start working on those blueprints, he was so excited!
‘Ok, who gave the kid permission to build huge robots?’ Oliver thought as he saw the Fenton kid perched on top of the mecha-knight looking thing, and pulled back on his bow. Just as he released the arrow the thing’s head swiveled around like an owl and caught the damn thing! The kid looked up at Ollie and smiled.
“HI MISTER ARROW!! HOW HAVE YOU BEEN?” the kid shouted at him and jumped off the robot. Oliver sighed and readied another shot but was forced off his rooftop position by the purple knight.
“Who's your friend there, kid? He looks like the wrong kinda crowd,” the kid’s grin grew wider as he unfolded that damn cannon and attached it to a slightly glowing tank on his thigh.
“Do Ya like ‘im?! I built him myself, his name is Fright-Bot!” The fanged grin of the kid did not get any less unsettling as the newly dubbed ‘Fright-bot’ landed next to Fenton again.
“Uh uh, real nice kid. Why don’t you calm down and give up for today, yeah?” Oliver made sure to keep the knight within his sight. It honestly looked like it could snap someone in half.
“Hmm? Ahh.. I don't think so Mr.Arrow, I worked really hard on Fright-bot and I wanna see how I can make him better y’know! I promise I’ll keep the damage to a minimum!”
“You have your fingers crossed behind your back, don’t you.”
“What nooo… I would never lie Mr. Arrow, it's very hurtful that you would even CONSIDER that I would do such a thing. I believe you owe me an Ice cream now!”
“Kid, there was a snowstorm yesterday. And I don’t think you need any sugar.” The bow pulled back and the Knight rushed.
It wasn’t a fair fight in the slightest, Ollie was out numbered and the goo that was glowing a slight blue-green did not help. Especially with the still slick roads, so it was only a matter of time before his legs were stuck to the concrete. Frozen actually, the goo turned into weird ice. Fenton had the big guy grab his arms while the kid himself searched his body, eventually finding his wallet. The one he brought on patrol in case he got a bit hungry. Guess he was really buying the kid ice cream after all.
“14..15..16..21. Nice! You think it’ll cover it Fright-bot? I don’t know the prices but I think it’ll be enough. You watch Mr. Arrow for me! I’ll be back soon I promise!” and like that the kid expertly glided over the iced roads and into the Ice cream parlor. To be fair to the kid, the Ice cream here was kinda expensive.
While the kid was gone Oliver tried to escape from the Ice and the robot, but neither were budging. Well until Roy came up and stabbed the focused robot in the back, somehow causing it to malfunction and release Ollie’s arms. It fell to the ground with a heavy thud as Fenton came out of the parlor. 
“Oh no! HEY! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!” Fenton screeched. Then released a guttural groan and whine. “Come onnnn…. I still had an hour left! And now I have to leave EARLY!” he honest to god pouted at the two vigilanties. 
Then a lazarus green swirling mass opened in between the opposing parties and out stepped another Fright-bot, this time with a much more intimidating demeanor. This one was bathed in purple fire and held a sword covered in green flames that gave off the feeling of nightmares. 
“MY KING! I RECEIVED THE ALERT AND CAME AS SOON AS I COULD'' it bellowed. Shaking the ground around them.
King? What, did Fenton make them refer to him as King? That felt weirdly out of character for what they had seen so far. 
“Frighty! You were just WAITING outside weren’t you!” Fenton yelled at the knight. The knight didn’t take his eyes off the two perceived threats. And picked up Fenton by the scruff of his coat.
“My King! I knew we couldn’t trust your safety with that pile of metal! Only I- FRIGHT KNIGHT, is worthy of protecting you! NOW YOU TWO. YOU ARE HEREBY GUIL--” the knight spoke and was cut off by Fenton. 
“We get it Frigty! Just.. Can you grab the Fright-bot and just take us home please… I told you this was a trial run to see how to improve him!” the child pleaded. The knight stared forward for a few moments before sighing and coming forward, yanking Oliver out of the Ice and flinging Roy and him out of the way. Then picking up the lifeless metal and carrying Fenton away through another swirling portal where it closed behind them seconds after they were out of sight. 
“Hey Arrow, what the FUCK was that?”
“A massive pain in the ass that keeps getting bigger”
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uncanny-tranny · 1 year
To parents of trans kids who are scared of their kids facing transphobia:
Don't force your child out of being trans. Don't force them to detransition. This is not how your child from facing transphobia. Realistically, you are pushing them toward more dangerous situations because they will be desperate to find acceptance from anywhere they can.
I can't imagine how it feels to be a parent and worry about your child's safety or life because they are trans in this world. You have my full sympathy. While I can't speak from the experiences of a parent, I can speak from the experiences of a trans person who was once a child and why the above line of thinking is dangerous.
When I came out as trans, there was a huge proportion of time where my dad was very resistant to my transness. I couldn't understand why, but I believe part of why he was so resistant was because he was afraid somebody would assault or kill me because I am trans. That is a huge burden for him to think about. However, he went about this (valid) fear in a very destructive way.
He threatened my transition, he threatened to force me to detransition, and he threatened a lot of things. I retreated away from him, I couldn't talk to him about anything. I felt confined, unaccepted. I am lucky my friends and school were accepting, because I was vulnerable. Others haven't been lucky - so many people in that position have been taken advantage of by truly evil people.
You might think that you are protecting your child by making them appear cis, but that isn't how that plays out. Your child won't feel accepted, and chances are that if something horrific happened to them, gd-forbid, they won't come to you about that. This isn't protection, and I am sorry to say that. I am sorry that this isn't simple.
Here is how you can protect your trans child:
Make it clear you support them
Teach them self-respect, and how to listen to their gut feeling
Teach them appropriate versus inappropriate ways people can interact with them. Make sure they understand what harassment and abuse can look like - verbal, physical, and sexual
If you are still concerned for their physical safety, sign them up for self-defense classes
Leave the floor open for them to express how they are feeling and what they are thinking. Be non-judgmental when they are upset or worried
Please remember that trans people are painfully aware of the consequences of being trans in a transphobic world. Hell, one of the first trans people I learned about as a kid was killed as a result of a hate crime. We are aware of the world we live in. We have to live with that knowledge, and that is why it is imperative that you allow your trans child to express who they are and how they feel. You very well could save them by doing so.
We protect trans youth by empowering trans youth.
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souvenir116 · 4 months
lestappen mermaid au! charles could definitely be a siren, luring people out to sea with his voice and his looks.
i don't know who max would be in this au yet. It could be modern au and max doesn't believe in myths until he sees charles' tail with his own eyes. Or it could also be a historical au with max as the captain of a ship. Or even max as another merman who is fascinated by humans and their culture but charles is the one who's weary of them and this would lead to lots of conflicts.
just ... mermaids!
Charles would be definitely the prettiest mermaid/ siren 🥺🥺 Imagine if Max is only being around the sea, angry or sad about something, and all of a sudden a rich, alluring voice calls to him, and when he turns his back his mouth falls with the scene front of him because it's the prettiest boy he's ever seen in his life 🥺🥺 Charles realizes that something's upsetting Max so he tries to talk flirtingly and take his mind off with a seductive smile, but after a few minutes Max realizes, the way Charles talks, the way he's so perfect with everything, his face, his chest, he's not much like a real human and he's been in the water for kinda too long without not much of needing to move to keep himself float.
And Charles definitely sees the moment when the realization hits Max, the moment he's about to get scared and retreat, therefore, he acts quick and tug at Max's face before pulling him into a kiss quickly <3 There's nothing for Max to stop him, and before he knows, his lips are captured by Charles', and he feels his brain chemistry getting altered as his eyes fall shut obedient while he kisses Charles back with desire.
He can't get Charles out of his mind after that night... it's like Charles captured him in a spell and Max wants nothing more than to be trapped in this bubble because Charles makes him go crazy literally <3
Or like you said, he's a captain that gets lost in the huge ocean and one day he meets Charles, or even further, Charles saves his life as he's about to pass out. He's the first thing Max sees after waking up and it feels like he doesn't want to wake up to another scene anymore in his life <3
And them being mermaid/mermans is also perfect!! Imagine if they actually can't stand to each other but one day Charles goes "listen, watch me and learn how its done" and tries to seduce people and got them until his spell to prove his point but oh they get closer so much during it!!!
send me fic ideas and we'll yap about them <3
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Ooh ok. I'm glad I could be your first MM ask! How would the Meister be with a partner who's on the shier side when it comes to romance? But very physically and verbally affectionate in private? How would he handle them being a little more reluctant or uncomfortable with grand, sweeping gestures in public?
"Private Performances" Music Meister x Reader
Oooooo yes yes! I can't tell, is Music Meister a popular character for writing? I feel like he's a bit like Killer Croc- not the most popular but his fans are very into him. Also ya'll like an s/o/reader that's shy, huh?
TW: implications of mind/body control via mm's powers
Be prepared for every room you walk into, he's the light and the star of the show. Because of shyness, maybe that's a good thing! He'll take away a bit of it from you. And yet you're still on the edge of the stage light... So you still might get attention that's overwhelming. Just ask if you need a breather and he'll make sure it's quiet for you.
He will go for PDA because he loves cheesy romantic gestures, but he'll do his best to pull it back in for you if that's too much. Holding your hand or a small kiss on the cheek. Mostly he just wants to be near you and have that confirmation that you aren't like. Embarrassed to be seen with him. That's a genuine fear! He was that nerd in high school who got asked out as a joke! Well. Until he started to sing, but that was a darker chapter in the whole thing-
The point is, you make sure he knows you're into him in public even in a small way, he's happy. In private... Oh, the way he falls ever deeper under your spell. You could ask him for almost anything when you give him all that affection at the end of a hard day. In some ways, he likes how special it is that you "save" this for him, like a private performance.
He might teasingly use his powers to steal a kiss if he's feeling some kind of way. Either a little jealous or needing a pick-me-up. He won't do it in public or anything untoward/unseemly. No, he learned his lesson on trying to force affections with his powers. Yet if you're into that... well, he could make it work.
As for not liking sweeping huge gestures- To clarify, this is not a problem as in a deal-breaker. It is a problem in the sense that being a showboat is written into his DNA. He will try to remember. He will do his best. Clarence is also just flighty enough that he'll forget, do a grand thing as a surprise and then remember with abject horror that you don't like that. He's like. Popping balloons and telling dancers to get lost in an almost comical manner because OH BLAST IT, he forgot AGAIN- PLEASE FORGIVE HIM.
He'll write songs for you, playing on a keyboard in your living room. Casual clothing, his glasses off, his eyes looking at you in that goofy lovestruck way... I headcanon my version of Clarence Rinette has synesthesia, seeing blots of colors in his mind depending upon the sound. He coordinates these songs for you in coordination to pastels. Soft colors that remind him of those feelings for you. Verses of devotion, vulnerable and at your hands.
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002yb · 1 year
I don't know, I just really like the idea of a reverse!robins au, you know??? Just little baby Dickie being an absolute menace to a slightly older Jason, and just being completely obvious with his little (huge, enormous, really) crush on Jason, and just Dick being a possessive and jealous little shit as a kid, before they started dating just cracks me up. And like everyone knows about his crush, but they all think its so cute and innocent, and it'll probably go away, right???? Right???? Something like this probably
So I think I may have answered an ask with similar vibes here. (: Here's some thoughts inspired by the first link though! Super cute vibes, kudos to mlim8!
Dick emulating Kon because he genuinely believes Kon is the definition of c o o l g u y. Like, how else could Kon land Tim? The man is playing out of his league; he's a legend. Peak aspiration. Of course Dick is going to be smitten with his older brother's cool boyfriend; Dick needs to learn all the tricks of the trade. He's got his own babygirl to win over. C:
(The term 'babygirl' comes from an overheard conversation and while Kon laughs about it, Tim gets so embarrassed. Despite how he tells Dick to not say that, Dick refuses).
Anyway, Kon? Thriving. Some might call his moves cringe, but Dick is so earnest and hopeful and Kon feels like fucking superman no one can touch him. ;U;
Damian nagging both Tim and Jon about Kon's influence on Dick because Dick won't listen to him; he can't be deterred and Damian is losing his mind over how Dick keeps winking and finger gunning and throwing out these truly terrible, punny lines at Jason and ahhhhhhhh
Basically Damian not liking Kon because of the impact he's had in Dick's life. It's created a hassle for Damian, but more than that? Big brother might be a little jealous. ;3;
Extra detail: Damian didn't like Kon even before Dick came into the picture because he became a distraction for Tim. It's an ongoing argument between Damian and Tim, actually. Damian is convinced Tim keeps Kon around for the sole purpose of annoying him (this isn't the case, but Damian is convinced)
Tim scoffing about it and telling Damian that his envy is showing. Just get laid, damn.
Which Damian gets indignant because no )<
To which Tim smirks a bit and purposefully badgers, 'Alright, Brother Complex (affectionate nickname), if you're threatened by our baby brother stealing Jason from you, then—‘
And Damian hisses because shut up, Drake. Fuck forbid father hear such crass speak omfg Damian will bury Tim himself.
Jason does have a crush on Damian though. The brother complex goes both ways. Or rather, it's a transference sort of deal for Jason that lingers big time because in this verse, Damian chose to save Jason from Joker, consequences be damned. The point stands, Jason is very sweet on Damian.
When Dick realizes this, devastation. Betrayed by his own partner!? Because...maybe Damian would have a similar batman stint where Dick was his Robin?? Yes.
Anyway, Dick refusing to talk to anyone, even Jason. Which is how they all know Dick is distraught.
So despite how it pains Damian, they send in the b i g g u n s: Kon. (:
Who hypes Dick up so hard. Just a bro looking out for his little man, y'know? Kon might hype Dick up a bit too much though because when Dick finally leaves whatever high nook he's sequestered himself away in?
Dick walks right up to Damian and challenges him for Jason outright and the family is caught in a perpetual state of ∑(゚ロ゚〃) because omfg Bruce is right there watching this play out and Jason is his babygirl, first and foremost.
But Damian accepts the challenge if it means having his brother back. And Damian, the sap, kneeling and drawing Dick in for a hug because fuck, having Dick be mad at him? Someone so happy and hopeful and wonderful? It was like a stab to the heart ngl.
And yes. While Damian's brother complex persists, there's zero intent to act but he still plays into this challenge of Dick's because it's highly motivating for the little punkass twerp.
Meanwhile Jason is just...there. Dumbfounded after Dick winks and shoots finger guns his way with a declaration of: 'you're gonna fall for me some day, babygirl.' But don't worry, Dick will catch him.
And Tim groans because Dick, please.
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