#i love and miss you terribly flappy
orangebunnit · 1 year
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Every year I draw my pet Flappy as a different old artwork. Here's the four most recent yearly chickens ♡ 2018: Poetry | 2019: Self Portrait with Straw Hat 2020: Water Willow | 2022: The Figure of Nathan
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xxsycamore · 1 year
🎼 an accidental serenade~ imagine singing alone in the kitchen while Napoleon stands in the hallway unnoticed, listening with a smile. When getting the chorus, however, he joins in as you dance, at first out of your line of sight, then making his presence known as he takes your hand for a drip.
Song that I had in mind was Sway (originally sung by Michael Buble, but this anon is partial to annapantsu's cover version)
Anon.... the scene you described is touching my soul, no kidding... even the song, the Dean Martin version, used to be in an oldie playlist of mine that I listened in my early ikevamp days, meaning that...surely some Napo thoughts have been thought... How I'm supposed to write now?! Thank you for this, hope you enjoy! ❤
[🎼] 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚞𝚗𝚔𝚗𝚘𝚠𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚕𝚢 𝚜𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚗𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚍 𝙽𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚎𝚘𝚗 𝚠𝚒𝚝𝚑 𝚊 𝚕𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚗𝚐。。。
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Like a lazy ocean hugs the shore
Hold me close, sway me more
The call of your name thankfully remains unvoiced behind Napoleon's lips, as soon as he approaches the kitchen. He meant to come and help you, since he returned home early today - to the mouth-watering aroma of one of his favorite dishes coming from the kitchen, no less. Recently you've been humbling his status as the master chef in the relationship, in a way he's simultaneously proud of you, and willing to show off- ahem, lend a hand, more often.
But it's the secret ingredient - love - that you're currently adding to the dish, that disarms him completely. He remains hidden behind the door, listening to your carefree song, accompanied by the clatter of utensils. A genuine smile plays on Napoleon's lips, listening to your melodic voice singing the lines:
When we dance you have a way with me
Stay with me, sway with me
An invitation is what he hears, the call of a siren, the most self-composed man would fall in - he never stood a chance, he's terribly, helplessly inlove with you - before the fire can consume him fully, he keeps the smile on, chin up, turning the doorknob.
Only you have the magic technique
When we sway I go weak
You sigh dreamily, the task at hand limiting your dancing steps as you linger above the stove, feet refusing to halt for long. You're feeling remarkably good today; the day is sunny and the perfect temperature of warm, the only thing missing from the picture being your lover, whose presence you try to preserve inbetween the lines of a love song.
Swaying into the chorus of the song with voice raising an octave, you make a turn, the voice of someone intertwining with yours making you jump - but strong hands keep you grounding in the rhythm of the song, raising one of your hands in the air, initiating a spin - at the end of which, the spinning world stopping at the image of Napoleon's face.
"Make me thrill as only you know how
Sway me smooth, sway me now..."
You've forgotten about singing, and here is it coming so easily to him - voice euphonious and rich, finishing each line soulfully; accenting on the word "you", eyes holding eyes same as the hands - push off, spin, pull in close. Yet, there is something so casual about it all, the flappy end of your apron swinging around you with every move, and notes of laughter breaking the rhythm when you pick up the song again in a sudden duet with your lover. You guess you DID serenade him just now, accidentally... why not sing the rest before he has the chance to make it about you?
The only one objecting is the stove, as sizzling noises get to the attention of both of you.
"All this swaying and swinging around, yet noone is there to give the pot a good stir... We got well distracted, didn't we, Nunuche?"
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∎ For You, My Valentine‼️ - xxsycamore’s 1000 followers celebration party | 💌 event masterlist
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stupidfateheadcanons · 7 months
Which servants do you think would play Mobile Games? (like Gacha, Idol games, Candy Crush, Fruit Ninja)
Gachas and Gacha-Adjacents
(don't spend money on gacha)
Tomoe Gozen
Despite being a #gamer, she wouldn't play most mobile games due to them, generally speaking, having pretty unskilled gameplay (unless some piece of canon I'm not remembering smites me down.) However, given all the hyper-intense Arknights blogging I've seen, Tomoe would be entranced by crunching numbers and solving her little military puzzles with her units. Also, she'd be into catgirls, and whatever the hell the Doctor has got going on with that scientist woman who hates them.
tries all of them. even the bad ones. ...especially the bad ones.
has one of those AI Waifu apps.
Fusehime, Okita, Ushiwakamaru
Touken Ranbu players (the sword boy game). Ushiwakamaru nerds out about the history of the swords, Fusehime is a #collector, and Okita just likes the simple gameplay of mowing down people with her prettyboy units. Nobunaga also plays, trying to piss Okita off with her luck in forging boys, but Okita genuinely loves the low-rarity units so it's only half-way effective.
Shuten plays a gacha game where all of the waifus are humanizations of alcohol. She's spent well over a thousand dollars trying to get Aged Red Wine, who's a milf that looks like Raikou. Don't question why.
Plays one of the more lore-heavy gacha games. Whales for her favorites and writes intense meta posts. She's very insistent that this is just the natural course of things.
Isn't huge into gachas generally, but he'll pick up whatever game has a Jeanne expy (or, because he considers Saber-faces to be 'Jeanne faces', Saber expies) to roll for the girl in question, max levels her, and then drops the game.
They play Obey Me and other Shall We Date games to debate over the best boys.
Gets invested in one hot girl in one game and her money is gone. The girl in question has glasses and a turtleneck like Medusa's casual form.
Plays gacha games with ranking and pvp elements like Epic Seven to lord his units over the plebs. Is also a pull streamer. A lot of his clips go viral, and the atmosphere of his streams are very fun.
Other Phone Games
Downloads one of those 'We're under fucking attack!' games. Nero is the woman in the ad.
A daily wordle girlie. Shares her scores on Servantgram with Sherlock.
Plays Angry Birds on her break.
Miss Crane and Phantom
Idol games. They're friends over it.
Nero and Elizabeth
They compete in rhythm games to get higher scores than each other.
Plays mobile fortnite on her bed.
Chloe and Emiya also play, but Emiya gets dumpstered by the other two.
Plays Stardew on her phone. Likes showing other Servants and her Master her farm layout and progress.
The Paladins
Collectively have an old iPhone 8 that still has flappy bird on it that they pass around. It's beaten to shit but still kicking.
Paul Bunyan
Needs to use the largest I-Pad ever, but she plays pretty basic Facebook-esque games like Candy Crush. In her Alt form, she posts game scores for likes.
Jetpack Joyride and the Hello Kitty games.
Author Servants
Hans gets them all into phone scrabble. They keep getting collectively mad at Shakespeare because he cheats and tries to make new words.
anderson voice: dumas that word is not allowed in scrabble
dumas: but it's a word in FRENCH
Ptolomey dominates
Among Us
The child servants generally play Among Us together, once it gets popular in Chaldea.
Jack: Loves to be the imposter because murder is fun! Pretty bad at keeping her identity hidden, though. LOVES the little hats.
Nursery Rhyme: Sees it as a game of Hide and Seek. Fails at being the imposter and doing tasks.
Jalter Lily: Does tasks, is decent at being the imposter. A generalist.
Voyager: Very good at doing tasks. Hates being the imposter.
Erice: Terrible at Among Us, but wants to play to hang out with Voyager. She gets really upset about losing, though. This genuinely affects her self-confidence.
Mephistopheles: Plays with the children. Pretends to be the imposter even if he's not.
Douman: Also plays with the children. Generally pretty wretched to Meph, but is a good and fun player otherwise. Hams up being the evil villain when they're shot out of the air-lock.
Pokemon Go
Da Vinci Lily with Goredolf
Erice with Voyager
Iskander with the very specific intention of conquering the world and catching a Pokemon in every city he conquers. Waver cannot keep up with him, so Iskander would -- in the hypothetical world-conquering scenario -- get one of those phone holders and drive the car real slow to help him catch Pokemon.
Guda is a shiny hunter.
Carmilla gets all the dogs, eventually branching out into other Dark types (with the occasional cute animal.) Defends her team's gym with a massively overpowered Houndoom.
Bakin has a full dog team
Rakou has a teddiursa she named Kintoki. Kintoki would catch Raikou a Raikou. Gotta do things for your momma!
Michi teaches Izou how to use a phone so he can have his little Pokemon.
Sei plays with the girl gang (Suzuka, Nobbu, Okita, etc. Murasaki is dragged along too.)
Honorable Mentions
Beni Enma
Doesn't play phone games, but does have a DS and 10,000 hours in the cooking mama games and their offshoots collectively.
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feelingofcontent · 2 years
DNP Rewatch: Opening Ebay Mystery Boxes! 📦❓
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Date video was published: 08/12/2017 (X)
DNP Main Channel Rewatch: 354
This is a video I forget about a lot for some reason.
0:00 - he did not leave the cat pictures from A HUNGRY Sleepless Night With Phil up above the bed. the houseplant is also gone from the background
0:06 - “ebay mystery boxes” is such a weird thing to exist in the world...does seem right up Phil’s alley though
0:08 - wonder if that’s the same Ben from all the way back in zebra
0:12 - Phil wearing black is very good
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0:21 - dramatic wide eyes there
0:27 - Phil stealing an idea from Buzzfeed this time, lol
0:38 - “I think this is a terrible idea” he knows this isn’t going to end well
0:49 - who the hell would spend that without knowing what they’re getting
1:01 - now I’m just scared
1:12 - Phil spending the big bucks there 😂
1:22 - Phil air quotes!
1:26 - and more! literally using his entire hands on these ones
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1:43 - “you hugged me with that” wot.
1:52 - Phil does not like to spend a lot for his videos
2:06 - “graphic design” 😂
2:13 - okay, not liking how Phil is using those scissors, yikes
2:24 - psychic Phil! although I’m not sure I would trust any sort of food from one of these boxes
2:42 - “I’m not worried if someone’s licked it” well...great
2:48 - why does lavender scented stuff just make you think of old people?
2:52 - Phil thinking a pastry brush is a makeup brush is hilarious but also not surprising
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3:00 - this was a good start
3:08 - he didn’t discuss the “paper hole reinforcements”
3:24 - that is an extremely specific guess
3:40 - jump scared himself there 😂
3:53 - again...would not trust any of the food. I don’t think I want to know if he ate any of it
4:05 - what...is an inflatable bra
4:13 - Phil does not like stupid dating “games”. he is very right though
4:33 - I’ve read too much fanfic I think 😳
4:47 - he was scared of this box when he first opened it, but now he’s impressed
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5:02 - that was ranked lower than the first one somehow? okay
5:10 - yeah I think the suspenseful music is justified for that
5:23 - “it doesn’t smell good” ...yikes
5:41 - NO THANKS
6:18 - oh, he’s putting those way to close to his face for comfort
6:39 - anything used that is sticky is just a bad time
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6:46 - I bet he took an immediate shower after this
6:50 - yep
6:58 - “something really sexual that I don’t understand” where has Phil’s mind gone?! um. 
7:14 - unintentional accurate toss lol
7:18 - ewwwww that looks gross
7:24 - noooooo, don’t touch your face!
7:44 - NOPE. I would not be using any of this stuff 😱
8:08 - I really hope not
8:11 - “yaaaay satan” 😂
8:28 - that was the worst reaction he’s had to anything...a full body horror shudder
8:32 - his little flappy hands are adorable though
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8:43 - now he’s just sad
9:05 - I would say it went slightly downhill and then off a cliff haha
9:27 - “never do this” great advice there
9:33 - Phil missed an opportunity for some merch promo here
This video is really kind of disturbing, but it was a good concept for Phil. I love to see him react to unknown things because it’s always a surprise what he’s going to say. Dan wanted to wash his hands just from watching it, apparently.
DNP were quite social at the start of August. The Lesters came to visit for Kath’s birthday, which Dan posted a funny series of reply tweets about (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). Then they played tour guide for Duncan and Mimei who were visiting from Japan (1, 2).
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evajellion · 3 years
2020 vidya ranking: #1 Bug Fables The Everlasting Sapling
You already knew that I was going to tell you that this was the best game I had played last year.
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Imo, this should have been indie GOTY back in 2019, but whatever, I guess I should explain why I ranked this one at the top.
Back in 2004, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door was released. I had sadly missed out on getting the original game on the Nintendo 64, but I was nonetheless very excited for the sequel. I got the game, still have my copy even years later… aaaand I got confused in Rogueport Sewers because I was a dumb eight year old, but I swear I picked up the game a second time. Got through all of the chapters, and had fallen in love with the game.
I loved the characters, the battle system, the story, the chapter progression, the cooking system, even the hidden lore and the amount of side quest scattered throughout the game. I even cried. It was the first time I had cried over a video game.
I wanted more, but then, Nintendo didn’t do it again. Sure, Super Paper Mario had a fantastic story, and a lot of people treasure that game the way I do TTYD-- I wouldn’t even mind if the series stayed in that direction. After that though?
Well, Sticker Star happened and stripped away all of the things I loved. Two similar games and one spin-off followed after that. Needless to say, me and several other fans of 64, TTYD, and Super weren’t happy about it. Seemed like I would never get another game like the one that was so dear to me ever again.
Cue me finding Arlo’s video about a cute little game called Bug Fables, just around the summer time. It had come out in 2019 and had been in development for some time by an indie studio. I was skeptic, but at this point I wanted anything-- besides, I actually love insects.
And after the first two chapters, which were a bit bland, I found it. I found the game I had been looking for. I was so afraid that this would be another Mighty No. 9 or Yooka-Laylee, but Bug Fables was anything but. Sure, it took inspiration from Paper Mario with its gameplay structure, but saying that this game is “just Paper Mario” doesn’t do it justice, because game can stand tall on its own.
I loved just about everything here in the same way I loved TTYD. Characters (except for two), the battle system, the story, the chapter progression, the cooking system, the hidden lore and the amount of side quest-- and there was even more than that.
“Gee what did Bug Fables have that Paper Mario didn’t?”
More than one super boss
A card game
Three party members in battle at a time
An entire side quest chapter that you can miss
An in-game randomizer
Higher difficulty settings
Actual quality of life improvements
And finally, a villain who doesn’t just get a mere slap on the wrist as punishment for their actions. It’s one of the things Super did far better than TTYD because Beldam being let off scott free in the ending always pissed me off as a kid. The final boss is less ham-fisted in general too.
You have three characters at all times-- they’re your only party members and the only ones you need because they’re all perfectly balanced: Kabbu, Vi, and Leif. The third of which you won’t even meet until a bit into the first chapter. You don’t have to worry about wasting turns by switching your members out in this game.
The story starts off simple with the team of three collecting artifacts for Queen Elizant II, who seeks the Everlasting Sapling for an unspecified reason. About half way through the game and into the fourth chapter, the tone of the situation begins to shift, as the wicked wasps from the Wasp Kingdom also seek these artifacts for their lord.
This game doesn’t skimp out on being accurate to bug details either, there are little nods to how things work in real life, which is something I always appreciate. There isn’t really a dull moment in the story or a second where you feel stuck, because with the amount of Medals you get, there are plenty of strategies you can play around with.
Bug Fables is also… surprisingly dark, which perhaps isn’t unfitting of a game inspired by Paper Mario, given the direction TTYD and Super would get into. I can’t really spoil anything in regards to that, because much like with Three Houses, I would rather someone experience that themselves.
In terms of the flaws in this game, I can only think of two. One is regarding a terrible Flappy Bird game that’s required for 100%. It just shouldn’t be there, or at least be easier on the eyes.
The other is that this game suffers from having too many characters, when only four of them get actual character arcs: The main trio and the queen. You have some characters that get more fleshed out in side quests such as fellow team members or NPCs, but I feel like other “major players” suffer in the process.
Neolith is a big one. Cute nerdy moth who just exists as exposition for the artifacts and is a part of Kabbu’s backstory, but he never really does anything besides that, which is disappointing because he’s very cute. I would have loved more lore to him and Kabbu’s past, maybe a future DLC quest can solve that!
Your “rival team” also suffers a bit in this department. The team leader, Mothiva, is a snooty diva who never properly gets her comeuppance or realization that she needs to stop making everything about herself. I guess that’s the point, to give that vibe similar to old Pokémon rivals. But we’re supposed to believe she’s an official couple with her partner; Zasp, who just seems to simp for her in a one-sided way. Perhaps this could also be fixed with another DLC quest.
The worst of the bunch is Kina, Maki’s overly protective and possessive sister to the point of it being creepy. Unlike Mothiva, who is your rival, Kina is supposed to be a supporting cast member, yet she has even less likable traits. She stalks her brother and constantly wants to be with him, gets upset at the idea of him needing space, threatens a small caterpillar character-- you could remove her from the story and it changes nothing. There’s not even a backstory reason for her to be the way she is.
Mind you-- these are very minor nitpicks that don’t really bog down the game. Some may say the main villain of the game suffers from this as well since he shows up halfway into the game, I personally think he was handled perfectly, because you can piece together his motivations and backstory through lore.
Speaking of lore, I hope with so much in this game, that we end up getting a sequel. There are so many questions left unanswered, so much more I wanna know about! 
Other than that thought? The trio of Kabbu, Vi, and Leif and their story is just about perfect. I can’t thank Arlo enough for introducing me to it, and I think this game will catch on more in the future since Chuggaconroy said he was playing it on Twitter, and Fatguy just completed his LP of the game.
I think… we’re entering an age where we should start expecting this level of quality from indie developers more often. This game didn’t feel like an indie game, it felt like a grade a RPG. Which is funny, because that’s what Paper Mario used to be.
God speed, Paper Bug devs. Keep up the good work in the future, thank you for bringing back a feeling I thought I’d never experience with a video game again. I know it sounds cheesy and stupid, but that’s.. just how much Paper Mario effected me back then. Even now, it inspires the books I wanna write, and it’s safe to say Bug Fables did the same.
By the way, can I talk about how delicious some of the food items look in this game? This is insect cuisine, and even I would eat these.
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For recap on what the other games I had played this year were, just so you know how Bug Fables topped ‘em:
2. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
3. Animal Crossing: New Horizons
4. Story of Seasons: Friends of Mineral Town
5. Super Mario All-Stars
6. Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and The Blade of Light
7. Final Fantasy VII
8. F-Zero
9. Star Fox
10. Puyo Puyo Champions
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Slides and Serendipity
Part Four (4.3k)
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Part One   Part Two   Part Three
AN: Can we just appreciate how good he looks while literally just standing there doing absolutely nothing? It’s not fair. With that said, enjoy!
Warnings: Only language for now
I told him how I’d moved to the US when I was 18, right after finishing school. I’d always had a love for programming and when I was about 15 I had my first app up and running, but it hadn’t really been successful. At 17 some of my guy friends made me think of an idea that I wouldn’t be able to forget in the following years.
I was convinced that it could be my breakthrough but it would take up every minute that I could spare for the next few years because building the interface of an app with this magnitude usually took entire teams of people but I was doing all of the work by myself. By the time Tyler and I made it through the entrance I was telling him how during my freshman year of college I’d barely slept, writing code and improving like crazy.
“At one point I was so sick of it, I just wanted to do something else, anything else really, so I made this little game. It took me two days, although I probably could have done it in like four hours if I hadn’t gone out that night. The graphics were terrible and I thought it was stupid, a silly little distraction, but the friends that I’d shown it to loved it so I published it as a joke. No one could have predicted what would come and to this day I still don’t know what exactly happened”, I told him as we slowly made our way around the aquarium.
“So your little game became famous?” he asked curiously and I laughed dryly before giving him the last piece of information that he’d need to connect the dots, a look of shock now on his face.
“You made Flappy Bird?!”, he exclaimed so loudly that the actual birds around us quickly flew away. I put my hand over his mouth to try and avoid any further attention, even though most people had already turned around to watch us curiously.
“Yes I did but please be quiet. People weren’t exactly my biggest fans after I took it down”, I said and took his hand in mine to try to pull him along with me but he wouldn’t budge.
“Wow, like holy fuck I’m honored to be in your presence. I played that game all day long”
He smiled at me then and I was relieved that he’d calmed down again. With our fingers still laced together we watched some fish in silence before he spoke up again.
“Tell me about your life back then”
“I feel like people have kind of forgotten about me now but it was absolute madness then. I was 19 and racking in around 50 grand a day, which is something that no teenager should ever do. I did a lot of stupid shit as you can imagine but also became my own investor, so at least something good came out of it”, I told him, not really daring to look him in the eye. Only a handful of people still knew about Flappy Bird and while I didn’t regret telling him, I’d had to face all kinds of reactions before.
“Yeah I know a thing or two about being left unsupervised and making too much money as a teenager”, he said bitterly and I remembered some of the stuff that Mara had told me about him and his time in Boston. I go the feeling that he probably understood me better than anyone else.
We kind of dropped the topic for a while after that, instead just talking about his workouts and the upcoming weeks. I had noticed a group of teenagers recognizing Tyler a while ago but so far they hadn’t come up to us, leaving us to continue our conversation in peace.
A while later I heard him curse and turned around to see them taking pictures of us, making me swear as well. He tried to apologize but I wouldn’t let him as I’d kind of expected something like this to happen again and it wasn’t really his fault either.
I let go of his hand to avoid stupid rumors but didn’t step back from him. We continued walking, hands still brushing once in a while but neither of us reached out again. I asked Tyler to take pictures of me for my Instagram and he acted like a professional photographer, crouching down to get the best angles and everything. I wanted to get a picture with both of us in it but didn’t dare to ask anyone else. He posted some pictures as well but I made sure to stay out of the frame.
“I just remembered your other idea. Did it have the success you expected it to have?”, he asked me a while later, surprising me with the sudden change of topic as we’d just had a discussion on whether a sloth was a good spirit animal or not.
“Yes it did, actually more than I’d hoped and my sources also told me that you’re an avid user yourself”
“I swear if you tell me that you’re behind Instagram I am absolutely losing my shit”, he said, probably only partly joking and I had to laugh.
“Nah I wish but not quite. I guess you could call me your wingwoman though because I’ve heard that you met quite a few of your hookups through my baby Bumble”, I revealed, again laughing at his reaction. He looked at me as if to try and figure out if I was kidding before coming to the realization that I wasn’t.
I didn’t make a secret out of the fact that I founded Bumble, having given interviews and everything and it was probably the biggest reason why the media paid me any mind. If he’d googled me, he would’ve found lots of articles and pictures but I guess a guy like him refrained from googling anyone, including himself.
“I’ve been wanting to ask though, why Bumble and not Tinder? I know for a fact that the amount of people looking for hookups is higher on Tinder”, I said and watched him curiously.
“I was actually on Tinder for a little while but I didn’t like having to make the first move. I didn’t want to put myself out there with like pick up lines in case people would upload screenshots, but whenever I just wrote ‘Hey what’s up?’ people were giving me shit about the Tyler Seguin being basic so I deleted it. Bumble is nice because I only have to respond and I can just ignore the crazy bunnies until their profiles are gone”, he explained and I smiled, feedback always much appreciated.
“Well the Tyler Seguin using one of the most basic lines is pretty disappointing, I’d be mad as well”, I teased and he laughed, his eyes crinkling.
“With you I put in more effort, I mean I even made my dog steal your shoe and everything, kinda like a reverse Cinderella”, he came right back and we both burst out laughing again. Spending time with him was probably one of the easiest things I’d ever done. There weren’t any awkward pauses or moments and besides the fact that I was trying my best not to fall for his charms, I could easily count us hanging out among my favorite things to do nowadays.
Once we’d seen everything at the aquarium and barely avoided getting shit on by a bird we decided that it was time to head out.
“So I know that you said that you avoid Italian restaurants but there’s this German place in town and I feel like you’re best qualified to judge it. You have to tell me what to order though”, he said as we were walking back to my car. I wasn’t even that hungry but he looked so excited that I agreed to go anyways.
The restaurant was cute, actually reminding me of places I’d been to in Germany and when the waitress came to take our order I was surprised by her being German as well. I didn’t want to be rude towards Tyler so I kept our chat short but it always felt good to speak my native language again. She told me that the restaurant was owned by a couple from Germany and I vowed to myself to come back if I was ever in the need for some quality comfort food.
“I always remembered German to be quite harsh but it actually sounds kind of beautiful when you speak it”, he said afterwards as we waited for our meals.
“Well yea, you probably only heard people yelling at each other on the ice in Switzerland and the language there also sounds quite different from the one I grew up with. Angry German is definitely harsh but I don’t think you’ll ever hear that from me”, I assured him and he started pestering me about teaching him some slang.
The food tasted more authentic than anything I’d had in the States so far and it caused a feeling of longing to bubble up in my chest. For the most part I was glad that I’d left when I did but from time to time I still missed my old home, even if the US now felt more like my home than anything else.
“Do you miss Toronto?”, I asked Tyler, knowing that he probably felt the same.
“Yeah definitely, not as much right now because I just got back from Canada but whenever I feel down I wish my family could be with me to support me. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely love my life here in Dallas but I guess whenever things get bad it’s easiest to want to go back to your roots, you                                         know?”, he asked and I nodded, even if I couldn’t relate that much. I didn’t have such a strong support system as the one he obviously had but I could still understand him wanting to be surrounded by familiar things in those moments.
We talked about our lives outside of Dallas and his love for fishing and the peaceful look he got on his face when talking about his cabin that he had up north was completely different from what you’d expect because of the way the media portrayed him. Of course he mentioned parties as well and while some stories were crazy, I’d been to wilder parties and no one would ever give me shit about it because no one cared.
“I think it’s because it plays into the stereotype of the party-loving hockey player, like people actively wait for you to act out so they can say that they were right”, I said as were downing the last of our drinks. He was in the spotlight and people wanted him to behave responsibly, which I understood, but he was still a real person with real feelings and I could also see why he wanted to escape those expectations from time to time.
Tyler wanted to pay our bill of course and while I thought that it was a sweet gesture, I insisted on him letting me cover the tip at least. I wrote a little note in German on the receipt and then we left. We’d spent so much time inside that the sun was already painting the sky in reds and oranges, dipping everything around us in a beautiful light.
“I think I’ll really like it here”, I said to Tyler while I looked up into the sunset.
“I’m trying to help you with that”, he responded and I tried to talk myself out of feeling my heart flutter at the soft smile he was currently giving me.
This time his song choices were more laid back and I felt myself relaxing as much as I could without causing a traffic accident. He asked me to park the car at my house so we could walk over  to his place and I happily obliged, wanting to savor these last few moments together.
There was still a little bit of the sunset sky left by the time we made it back and I basked in its light as we slowly approached his gate. I was still humming one of the songs he’d played earlier when we made our way through his front door, four dogs coming at us with full speed. Soon enough we were both buried under masses of fur and wet noses, their excitement only slowly dying down.
“Thank you for today, I had a really great time”, I said to Tyler once we were both able to untangle ourselves and stand up again.
“So did I. I’ll see you tomorrow after practice, right?”, he confirmed and I nodded before leashing Yogi and thanking Tyler’s friend for watching him on my way out.
Back home I decided to be productive, so I pulled out my laptop and began researching people I’d want in my team when I got a facetime call not long after.
“Dude how was your date?”, Lisa immediately asked me as soon as her face filled my screen.
“It wasn’t a date and you know it”, I responded, rolling my eyes at her suggestive smirk.
“I don’t know, a guy going to the aquarium with you and then taking you out to dinner sounds pretty date-like if you ask me”
“Well I’m glad no one is asking you then”, I said before giving in and telling her about the day, not date, I’d had with Tyler.
“He sounds really fun, I’m surprised with everything that Mara keeps saying in our groupchat. Anyways, what were you up to before I called?”, she wanted to know and I told her about my mission to find people that I could see myself working with, which was honestly harder than I’d expected. Lisa and I had worked at an app development company in Denver together so she knew how eccentric a lot of people in our line of work could be.
“I think I can actually help you out with that one. Do you remember Mia from back in Massachusetts, the girl with the pretty handwriting that we met at the foam party back when we were Freshmen? She was in my recommendations on Insta a while ago and she told me that she moved back home to Dallas not too long ago. Even if she has a job already you’d probably be able to poach her if you wanted to and she might know some people as well.”
I remembered Mia of course, because we used to hang out a lot during our time in college. Afterwards we’d kind of lost touch, as it happened with a lot of people but if she was back in the area I’d definitely hit her up again, remembering her to make great designs. I asked Lisa for Mia’s info and then she told me the latest office gossip about my former coworkers. Leaving the company had been a risky move but because I’d always done a lot of freelancing and was sick of only following orders, I was confident that I could pull this off by myself. I’d already had requests lined up for when I’d start working again.
My fingers were itching for something to do and I was starting to seriously consider moving up the deadline to get at least some work done. I wasn’t really good at sitting around, so I decided to text Mia to see if she wanted to casually meet up this week, while also hinting that I might be interested in having her work with me before going to bed.
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Katie picked me up the next morning and we caught each other up on the last few days while driving to where we’d meet the other girls for an early lunch. I had only spoken to Dominika and Alandra for a little while at the party but we’d hit it right off. They were funny and nice to me and greeted me with warm hugs as soon as we spotted them sitting on a table in the corner of the restaurant.
“You look amazing, I love your jacket”, Alandra said and I tried my best not to blush while returning the compliment. They all looked stunning in fact and I didn’t understand how people could hate so much on these genuine and great girls. We ordered something to drink and some light lunch and then Katie and Dominika started telling me how excited they were for the season to start up again.
“You’ll have to come to the games with us. I’m sure Tyler will ask you as well but even if he doesn’t, because he can be a little dense sometimes, you still have to come”, Katie said and I laughed at her insulting her boyfriend’s best friend. I’d been to quite a few hockey games in Denver and I’d always loved the atmosphere there so that was an easy yes.
“Anything exciting happen between you and Tyler since that super hot almost make out sesh in the pool on Saturday?”, Dominika asked and I hid my face in my hands.
“You guys saw that?”, I groaned, a slight blush now definitely creeping up my face.
“Girl I think everyone saw that and the way he was looking at you all afternoon... like damn”, Alandra threw in and started fanning her face with her hands.
Surely it hadn’t been that bad, now had it?
They continued telling me how I’d raised quite a few questions within the team, people wondering who ‘that hot blonde’ was that had managed to have Tyler wrapped around her finger.
“I swear nothing interesting happened since, the most exciting was perhaps a kiss on the cheek that night”, I said but I could tell that they weren’t fully convinced. I didn’t dare telling them about the hand holding, cuddling and all those other sweet moments out of fear of making a fool of myself. I knew damn well that he might only be that way to charm my pants off and I certainly didn’t need anyone else reminding me of that fact.
Soon enough it was time to head over to the practice rink and I got back in the car with Katie again. She was telling me about how Jamie first introduced her to everyone and how nervous she felt among all of those big guys and their better halves. I could totally relate to the feeling now, even if I’d already met some of them and wasn’t his girlfriend either, but being confronted with so many new faces at once still managed to freak me out.
Katie pulled into the parking lot right before the boys were coming through the exit. She greeted Jamie with a kiss while I tried not to drool over Tyler’s post-shower look. The guy wasn’t exactly taking it easy on me lately. I went over to hug him, secretly enjoying his smell before turning around to everyone hanging around in a loose circle.
“This is Liv by the way, for anyone who hasn’t met her yet”, Tyler introduced me and I tried my best to keep a neutral but friendly expression on my face.
“He’s told us how smart you are, so good luck on being the only one with any brain cells left between the both of you”, one of the guys chirped and I had to laugh out loud.
“Let’s not embarrass me any further please”, Tyler said before throwing his arm around my shoulder and slowly leading me towards his car, not without dirty looks towards his teammates of course. I could only wave at the girls with a shrug before we reached his G wagon and he opened the door for me, even holding out his hand to help me inside.
I told him about all of the stuff I’d need and while I’d need some stuff to be delivered, I was still convinced that we could get most of the stuff home today.
Tyler put on a snapback as soon as we reached the parking lot, unfortunately covering his beautiful curls but at least he refrained from wearing sunglasses inside. We grabbed a cart and made our way around the place, contemplating on shelves, desks and the best chairs before considering decorations. Tyler helped me with his input sometimes, but mostly he just let me do my thing and stuck to following my orders on what to add to the cart.
We couldn’t take the conference table I’d chosen with us of course, but everything else fit into his spacious car after getting the backseats out of the way. I was glad to have him assisting me today, as I would’ve never been able to fit everything in the Audi, let alone play Tetris the way he did.
I connected my phone to the speakers and had my hands full with multiple items when the display showed an incoming call from Mara. I looked at Tyler to see if he had anything against me taking it and after he shook his head no I accepted.
“Hey girl, just a heads up, you’re on speaker in the car and Tyler is with me”, I warned her before she could say anything stupid, like mention any of the things we’d talked about the last couple of days.
“Hi Tyler”, she said and I knew her well enough that she was probably trying her best not to squeal, successfully taming her inner fangirl.
“Hi Mara, I’ve heard a lot about you”, Tyler greeted her and gave me a playful wink.
“I guess it’s good that you’re both there”, she started and I immediately started to worry as this couldn’t mean anything good but my train of thought was interrupted by her continuing with: “I’ve got some news for the both of you. I’ve kept a close eye on the hockey blogs lately because of everything that has been going on and I’m so sorry Liv, but you’ve been spotted and identified.
“I guess you haven’t really been on your phone today but there’s pictures circling of you two on the hike, a video from the party with you two in the background, which really started this entire witch hunt and more sets of pictures just recently from the aquarium and you shopping for furniture together, I’m really sorry. Liv, you’ve also gained lots and lots of new followers on Insta and I guess your DMs must be blowing up as well”, she finished and if my hands were free, I’d bury my head in them right now.
I’d expected something like this to happen, but not a week after I met him already. I had a public account with quite an impressive following base as well because of my business and Mara went on to explain how the fans had pointed out the similarities in our recent posts and stories, concocting all kinds of crazy stories.
I couldn’t watch it at the moment, but the video from us at the party was apparently the worst. In all of the other pictures you could see us standing close to each other, occasionally touching, but according to Mara the video showed two girls lounging at the party with us in the background, Tyler’s arms clearly wrapped around me right after we fell into the pool.
Mara could sense that I wasn’t in the mood to discuss this any further because she hung up pretty soon after dropping that bomb on us. Needless to say that the rest of the ride was quiet, a loaded silence between us for the first time since we’d met. I could tell that Tyler was trying to figure out what to say to me but I doubted that anything he could come up with could lift my mood right now.
He helped me unload the stuff from his car in silence, both of us lost in our thoughts, only speaking up to greet Yogi. We carried the stuff into the office and except for me pointing out where to place the boxes for now, no other words were spoken after that for a while.
“I’m so sorry that you got dragged into this Liv, it’s not fair that the only thing people can say about you right now is about you supposedly dating a hockey player, you deserve better”, he finally said as he was about to leave and while his apology was sweet, it was almost immediately lost in the whirlwind of thoughts rushing through my mind at this point.
I felt exposed and watched, like the victim of an obsessive stalker. I’d been reduced to nothing but a fling in Tyler’s long list of conquests in a matter of hours and probably already had his fangirls threatening me. There was no point in trying to diffuse the rumors either, not that I’d demand that from him, because people always believed what they wanted.
I didn’t mind being recognized for the hard work I’d done all my life, but this was different. This wasn’t about my knowledge in programming or any of my ideas, people were now solely interested in me because of who I was supposedly with.
It was a weird feeling, being objectified like a butterfly in a glass case with no other purpose except to be studied closely and picked apart.
“It’s not your fault Tyler, it just comes with your lifestyle I guess”, I shrugged halfheartedly and he wrapped his arms around me. His hug gave me at least some feeling of comfort, although I couldn’t bring myself to enjoy it the way I would under different circumstances.
“I can tell that you need some space right now but if you need to talk to someone I’m always just a few minutes away and I’ll tell the girls to look out for you as well”, he said softly and with a kiss to my forehead he was gone, leaving me alone in the cacophony of thoughts screaming against each other inside my head.
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safebubblebycyg · 4 years
pastel and the punk {a drarry highschool au}:
"hey gays" harry said casually, sitting down at the lunch table all of his friends were at. they always met in the cafeteria before school started so they could discuss who's house they were at after school and what diner to eat at. pansy rolled her eyes at him and waved as did the rest of his friends. around the table sat most of harry's friends: ron, hermione, ginny, luna, and pansy.
ron had on a simple white t-shirt with his signature leather jacket and ripped jeans and a beanie that covered some of his fiery red hair. hermiones outfit never altered and today was no different. she wore a cropped black sweater with a leather skirt and ripped leggings. ginny was leaned onto her girlfriend showing her all of the bracelets that covered her arms today. her fiery red hair showed that she was definitely rons sister. the girl wore a black hoodie and black jeans, but still wore white converse, she claimed it added "necessary contrast". luna, much like her girlfriend, also had multiple bracelets on her arms but also had a ring on almost every finger too. lunas blonde hair was tied into a messy bun and she had on a mint green tank top that said "lover girl". her black ripped jeans and black converse seemed to darken her look though. pansy had her signature black lipstick with a cropped dark green hoodie. she worn distressed black jeans and doc martins to tie it together. harry himself had on a gray t-shirt that said "gay and not okay" with a black denim jacket over it. he wore black ripped jeans and black on black converse.
his group liked black to say the least.
but the only person missing was blaise.
blaise had gone to pick up neville and his friends today. why, harry had no idea, but nonetheless it was a sweet gesture. harry groaned loudly and took rons phone and hermiones book.
"can i help you?" ron mumbled while reaching for his phone.
"you can tell me why the hell you all are so boring and look like someone pissed in your cheerios this morning" harry demanded, shoving rons phone into his pocket and hermiones book into his bag. he grabbed ginnys phone and the girl simply frowned.
"blaise isnt here. which means neville isnt here. which means we have no one to have light hearted conversation with. all we do is talk in fluent sarcasm and flirting" pansy spoke bluntly, shrugging after she stopped.
"and why exactly do we need light hearted conversation?" harry asked, annoyed.
"because if we let you talk itll sound like "oh, draco, my sweet precious dragon. how his grey eyes shine under the lighting of the sun and his porcelain skin is so warm and soft and how his platinum blonde locks curl so delicately. but we're just friends and i dont like him more than platonically, nooo" and everyone is sick of your swooning" ginny laughed. harrys face burned red and before he could retort, blaise arrived.
"are we making fun of harry??" he asked light-heartedly as he sat down and pulled neville into his lap who blushed. "i do love a good teasing sesh before class" he winked. blaise had on some clean white jeans and dark violet converse that matched the crop top he had on.
"blaise! stop being nasty!" draco gasped, sitting down in harrys lap, setting his bag on the floor. harry smiled and wrapped his arms around the blonde. "hi, harebare" he smiled, and spoke gently towards the raven haired. draco had on a soft, yellow sweater on and a flowy white skirt. he had a sunflower crown and yellow converse to match.
"hello, my dragon. have a good morning?" he spoke quietly, attempting to not let the group listen into his conversation with draco. his attempts failed as they all spoke in hushed whispers so they could eavesdrop onto the conversation.
"mhm, blaise payed for my morning hot chocolate and i managed to get in some studying for my chem test on the way here!" he giggled and took a sip of his drink, holding it out to harry who took a sip and smiled.
"you got caramel in it?" he laughed. draco always had quite the sweet tooth. draco blushed softly and nodded, sipping it again.
"MERLIN, DATE ALREADY" pansy shouted at the two. draco choked on his hot chocolate.
"pAnsy?!" draco squealed. the girl shrugged and dodged dracos slap with a laugh.
"as endearing as this is, can i have my phone back??" ron asked, "i was in the middle of a good game of flappy bird"
"HARRY!!" draco shouted across the hall, grabbing the attention of the emerald eyed boy. the lunch bell had just rung and harry was rather hangry but nonetheless he waited for the blonde. "sorry, mrs. sprout held our class back to clean up. can we sit outside today?" he scrambled out as he wrapped himself around harrys arm.
"of course, let's just grab everyone and then we can head out, yeah?" harry spoke, unconsciously pulling his arm closer to him to drag draco closer. the two walked to the cafeteria in comfortable silence and smiled upon seeing their friends at the door talking. "hey, outside today?" harry asked once they were within earshot. everyone nodded and headed outside to sit in the grass. harry sat down and patted his lap, inviting draco to sit, which he gladly took.
"draco? have you ever heard of a chair?? or the grass?? or any possible place to sit that isnt harrys lap?" blaise asked jokingly, his arm slung over nevilles shoulders. draco simply rolled his eyes.
"im not sitting on the ground in a skirt." he pouted.
"im sitting on the ground in a skirt" hermione retorted.
"well, you arent a pretty princess like me!" draco stated proudly. pansy wheezed.
"who gave you that idea?" the black haired girl seemed to be holding back a fit of laughter.
"harry." all hell broke loose.
"NO BLOODY WAY HARRY TOLD YOU THAT" ginny laughed out. hermione and pansy were rolling on the ground laughing, blaise was leaning on neville trying to catch his breathe in between laughs while the boy was giggling, and luna sat calmly a bright grin on her face as she watched her girlfriend smile and laugh.
"he did! and im quoting from chemistry today, "you know, you're the prettiest princess ive ever seen, dray. you've even got a crown! therefore, you've earned the prettiest princess title. princess dray"" draco beamed from harrys lap as the raven haired boy buried his head in his neck and sighed. once the group calmed down, pansy spoke.
"and this is why you two should date. it's like beauty and the beast!! i mean, according to harry you're already a princess. well, i suppose hes not quiet a beast..." pansy spoke thoughtfully with a light-hearted tone.
"pastel and the punk!" neville shouted proudly. everyone let put a soft laugh and nodded with approval.
"does that mean if you kiss him, he'll transform from a punk rock beast to a pastel prince??" ron piped in.
"guess, c'mon, stop writing a fairy tale about us" harry sighed.
"we'll stop shipping you two once you actually admit your undying love for each other" pansy laughed out, taking a bite of her sandwich.
"we dont have an undying love!"
"hi dray" harry spoke softly, wrapping his arms around dracos waist. draco turned away from his locker and wrapped his arms around the raven haired boys neck, burying his face into his chest. "what's got you all flustered now, hm?" harry's voice was gentle as he started to rub dracos back.
"i have something to ask you but im scared and blaise and neville said i should and that itd turn out fine but im still scared" draco stumbled out worriedly. harry paused for a second before carefully lifting dracos head up.
"well, how about you ask me on the way to the diner after school, my pretty prince? we can listen to taylor swift and have the windows rolled down if it makes you feel any better. i promise whatever you tell me wont change anything. now, c'mon, pansy will kill us if we're late" harry softly pulled away from the boy and adjusted his flower crown. draco smiled, less stressed about the whole ordeal and slung his bag over his shoulder. the two were about to walk away before they heard it.
"hey, malfoy! what's a freak like you doing with potter? trying to convert him, are you?" zacharias smith asked cockily, strutting up to the pair. harry whipped around, shoving draco behind his back. "oh, potter, please. you shouldn't be protecting the freak. hes just going to make you gay, like him. we dont need anymore freaks in the building. now move so i can beat the gay out of him- make him a little more normal" harry seemed to snap as he punched zacharias square in the jaw and right in the nose.
"another word out of you, smith, and you can bet every single ounce of money in your bank account that you will be expelled. i know too many people to let homophobic bitches like you go around picking on people weaker than them. now, scram! i dont want another peep from you unless it's an apology" and with that, harry took dracos hand and stormed off.
once they reached harrys car harry leaned against it and pulled draco to his chest, burying his nose into his hair.
"are you okay?" draco mumbled from his position tucked into harrys body. harry lazily nodded and sighed. he silently let go of the blonde and opened the passenger door of his mustang for him. draco got in silently and waited for harry to get in and start driving. once they were on the road, draco plugged his phone the aux, playing some taylor swift. he turned towards harry best he could in his seat and smiled nervously.
"im assuming the news cant be terrible if you're grinning, dray" harry laughed, keeping his focus on the road (be safe kiddos).
"okay well....i really, REALLY like you harry. like more than friends. way more than friends. like, i wanna kiss you so hard my lips are bright red, like you. like, i wanna cuddle you for a really long time and call you mine, like you..i promise it's okay if you dont feel the same! ive just been holding off telling you for a really long time bu-" harry cut draco off by placing a hand on his thigh, leaving the boy flustered.
"i like you a lot too, my dragon. id go as far to say i love you. so, so very much" harry smiled, pulling into the parking lot of the diner and smirking at draco. he leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss. "is this what they mean by opposites attract?"
"ugh, you're too cheesy"
"awe, you love me. be my boyfriend?"
"of course" draco beamed, kissing harry again. maybe pastel and the punk could work out after all.
all was well.
WOW okay this was kinda hard to write but whateva i kinda like it! and i really hope you did too!!
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lux-talks-a-lot · 4 years
New Episode Reactions!!! Pt 1
AHHH, I have so many feelings ya'll!! This episode was so awesome and the art was absoulty suberp! Thomas and the whole crew worked so hard to get this out and it really paid off! I just wanted to run through all the amazing things in this ep now that I've watched it once!
I'm warning you now this is mostly just me gushing about amazing and great everything is because it's very amazing and great! Strap in for spoiler central!!!
First of all the thumbnail is just amazing
Starting off with Thomas being incredibly relatble and awkward, we love to see it!
I love that this confirms that the sides just pop up in Thomas's day to day life and bully him, it's great
Side notw: I love how the artists drew Thomas in this, he looks adorable
OMG prinxiety poping out the godamn clothing hanging thing to call thomas old makes me very happy
I love that this whole episode is Virgil and Roman bonding, it is fabulos.
"You told me to say it!"
I love this so much
There is a whole lot of lying here but I have yet to spot a single snake boi :(
I know Jan had a whole thing last episode but like... I miss him :(((
"*long poetic description of feelings*"
"*SIGH* Cutie at twelve-o-clock."
Prinxeity's dual calling of bullshit when Thomas says he's not interested
Virgil pulling fucking boniculars just out of nowhere
"He's got some stickers on his laptop."
"Pretty gay~" *finger gun*
Virgil laying down introvert laws on stickers is great and very true (in unrelated news, I need to buy more stickers for my laptop)
Nico's a disney fan too!!!!
I kind of love that it was the Nightmare Before Chrismas sticker that sealed the deal for them because it's something that's very Roman and also very Virgil
Also how can you not take that sticker as clear sign from the universe that this will end in roman and happily ever afters, I'm with Roman here (when am I not tho?)
"You can live like Jack and Sally..."
I don't why Virgil calling Roman doofus is so funny and dorky to me but it is and I love it. I want them to get along but I want to keep the banter and little insults that don't mean much
"Why forget your spectacles at the retirment home?"
"Those jokes are getting old..."
"You would know..."
I love the gentle bullying
Seeing Roman and Virgil with the head sets and mics really makes me want to like make a rodio hosts AU, they'd defintly be interesting pair to listen to. Oh! or like a podcast thing or something! I'd listen to it!
Also the backseat driving from prinxiety is great
Also that godamn, you got five seconds thing gave ME anxciety
"great indeed."
boiled. mayo. carrots. what the heck thomas.
"The only logical next step. Go home and regret everything." Virge, buddy, pal, chill for like five seconds.
"No man!"
"Uh, it's RO-man. With an R? You're really struggling today."
Ro, buddy, pal, princey, never change.
"When it comes to anti-social etiquette, I'm a triple expert. An ex-ex-expert!"
"Easy tiger" This is flirting right? This is defintly flirting. They are flirting!
Roman doing the gay eyes and the little noises AHHHH, I'm dying, i'm deceased, my ghost is writing this
Side note: I'm really tempted to become a patron just to see the live action version of this scene alone, imagine my friends, imagine
Gay eyes have never worked for me either
"No DO look at youself Thomas. Because that was a test and you failed!"
"You were testing me!?!?!"
"Oh no, I was just panicking."
I love them
I also love all of Virgil's instenseness in this episode because honestly very relatable to my own anxiety but also the art was just really great
 “If you don’t have anything nice to say... you’re a dirty lier.”
God the whole pretend you’re leaving was so funny and gave me such secondhand embrassement, it was so good
“I hate to rain on your black parade, Gerard Gay -”
I missed him and his nicknames SO MUCH
Virgil and Roman literally pulling Thomas around and making him sit and stand is just so funny to me. it’s like Roman and Logan fighting over control of Thomas’s arms
“You’re making a mistake!”
“If I am I’ll add it to the list!”
Oh. My heart. Roman, darling, no -
Again with the pushing, guys
This poor random passerby who got accosted by Thomas’s awkwardness. I hope they had a good day at the mall at least
I love that it’s not just Thomas in the trash can but all three of them
This is another scene I would LOVE to see live action
“You were being a baby about the buttons and the pins had you panicking.”
It’s nice to see Roman helping Thomas get clean in the bathroom
“He’s got birds on the brain! You don’t wanna wing it, Virge? Alright let’s drum up a plan!”
I love the puns but I love Roman trying to help Virge feel better about this more even tho they didn’t end up going with this
“It’s like cyber-stalking but real life”
“So... stalking”
Virgil, sweetie, you’re doing amazing
“Speaking from the heart” Patton, buddy, is that you?
“The mall is where you go when you don’t know what you want because the mall has everything...”
Roman’s face at that line really killed me fam. He is going through some stuff, huh
Actually Roman’ and Virgil’s faces during the whole speech really killed me
All those theories about the next ep being Ro & Virge bonding through mutual dislike of Janus were sorta right
Also it’s interesting that Virgil is clearly talking about Janus but is still calling him Deciet
Also generally enjoying the calm Prinxeity team up and discussion for once
“No, he’s better off without me.”
AH no, thomas!
Damn I’m so used to Sides Angst the character thomas angst really hit me by the wayside
They are such disaster gays
Mishearing the guy and then instead of asking for a repeat, just going along with it is so terribly terribly relatable but god the second hand embrasment
“another chance at happiness squandered.”
break my heart why doncha ya
 The whole sequence of Virgil noticing Roman being so godamn sad and miserable and watching Nico walk away and his breathing speeding up and the wide eyed panic before he pushes thomas is literally my favorite part of the whole damn video! that wasn’t easy for him to do but he did it. for roman and thomas. so that didn’t squader another chance. he was so brave and i’m so proud of him
I really love Nico! He seems so chill and adorable and he took thomas’s flutered rambling so well! and he’s a writer!!! and he winked at thomas!!!
Mr. Florez!!!!
He’s writing a song!!!!!
The song explanation calling thomas out is kind of adorable
this whole meet cute is kind of adorable
brusied ego, aw does that mean Patton’s gonna be taking care of Ro like the last time Thomas got a brusied ego
MY SECOND FAVORITE PART OF THE VIDEO: Ro’s soft little “Shut up, emo” and the little hearts and his hand on Virgil’s shoulder and Virgil’s little smile at him and the whole calling Virge brave!!! It was all so so so good!!!!
End Card Time!!!!!
Thomas calling Roman a punk is adorable
Also Janus’s Corridor Of Stored Rewards!!! Amazing
Everyone coming back all excited and giddy really matched my own excitement and giddiness and I love it
Virgil’s purple sparkly eyeshadow because he’s happy is so so pure and amazing and I kind of want to try out that look myself
“Thomas I’m gonna need you to walk around the entire room - yes thank you- that helps somehow”
even more things to project onto Virgil with, thank you
I haven’t seen Virgil smile this much in one episode before and it is really watering my crops, clearing my skin, rasing my grades, saving my whole ass year -
The dark eyeshadow returning at Thomas’s subtweet is great and very relatable
Virgil asking what is things are never the same again but with light eyeshadow and the clearly more hopeful outlook on things makes me so very happy
I love Roman being excited but like we don’t see virgil so giddy nearly as often and it’s just so heartwarming
Roman trying to get them to go to France on V-day and Virge actually going along with the idea!!!
Virgil telling Thomas to do the happy flappies!!!!
Virgil’s face at ‘are u ready for this’ kills me
But the deepening panic voice when the dog barks and his reaction to Ro telling him to relax was great
in summary: I though based on the title this was going to be the other sides flirting with Virgil and honestly I wasn’t that far off
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cryptidyork · 3 years
Turquoise, fuchsia, amber, beige (I know you do but who doesn't want an excuse to ramble about their pets lol), rust, hot pink, rose quartz?
Thank youuuuuuu!
turquoise: favorite sea animal? Stingrays! Love those flappy boys, I miss going to the aquarium in Toronto cause you could pet them :(
fuchsia: favorite land animal? Dogs and owls :D
amber: what's saved as your phone's lockscreen? My D&D character, Leucis 
beige: have any pets? what're their names? Yes! I have Casper, a beagle/hound/bulldog/retriever mix, a tricolour, full pinstripe, partial dalmation crested gecko named Moxley, an albino rainwater leopard gecko named Link, and two roborovski dwarf hamsters named Dante and Vergil. I would happily die for all of them
rust: form of art you enjoy doing? I like drawing and writing but I’m terrible at both lmao
hot pink: did you/do you had/have strong feelings against the color pink? I definitely hated it growing up and I still have the tendency to avoid it because dysphoria but once I’ve transitioned, I really wanna give another shot. Guys in pink shirts are so good
rose quartz: rings or necklaces? I wear both sometimes but prefer rings, cause I like having having something on my hand that I can fidget with 
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junieyes · 5 years
paint me like one of them dead girls (3.1)
usual warnings: gore, violence, profanity shdhdh, uhhh zombies
(omg so turns out there’s a word limit on this shit)
The pilot must either be really good at praying or have some absurdly good luck.
You help him apply pressure to the nasty gash in his very not broken, elevated leg.
You also force him to take some painkillers. You’d have given him a drink but they don’t supply that in first aid kits.
“Are you a junkie?” He asks, blearily. “I can’t.”
You blink, taken aback. “What? No! Just take the damn Tylenol!”
He looks at you very uncertain but gulps them dry anyway. You’re not sure if this is shock or something else. You don’t know which you’d prefer.
(you half-wonder if he was drinking on the job)
First things first, stop the bleeding. Whether a wound this large can be stopped, you really don’t know. You’re only trained enough to wait for an EMT to get here. And as there aren’t any EMTs anymore… you are currently the most qualified person in this room.
Ohhhh boy.
You bite your lip, distraught. The only thing you can think of to use without wasting any bandages is… is your jacket. You fucking love this jacket. But the pilot is dying.
Making up your mind, you exhale sharply. He’ll buy you a new one when you get out of this. It’ll be an IOU. You’ll even get it down on paper.
You slip your arms out quickly, turning the jacket inside out. You cut off the bottom half of the body. The outside, although covered in blood, is waterproof. The inside material is relatively clean but you swab it with an antiseptic wipe and bundle it up, pressing around and between the pilots slacking fingers. He makes a painful sound but nothing else; his head lolls sideways. You pinch his nose.
“Wha?” He says, not anymore awake than before.
“If you sleep you die,” you say bluntly. “This is a team effort. You gotta help me out here.”
He breathes heavily, pupils looking a little glazed, but he musters a nod. Makes an effort to put as much pressure as he can on his leg. His forehead shines with copious amounts of sweat, strands of black hair wet and matted flat against his scalp; there are dark bruises along his jaw and nose and you think it might be broken but you can’t tell. You’ve never seen a broken nose.
He looks like shit, but not undead shit. He looks likes he’s about to hurl and die from blood loss, not from a disease or plague or whatever the hell infection is rampaging outside these walls.
It’s something. You can work with that.
The bleeding doesn’t completely stop but it does slow. Enough for you to clean around the area instead. It looks disgusting. It reminds you of a car crash when the hood is all crumpled back on itself and you can see the bits inside. The cut isn’t wide, as though a chunk has been taken out, but it’s long and serrated, and you figure it must be very deep for it to have bled so much. You’re not a damn doctor. It’ll need stitches is your uneducated guess.
You prepare yourself. This is going to be unpleasant.
Check his pulse – which, it isn’t steady or strong like when you compare it your own, but it isn’t debilitatingly weak either. It should be good for now, and you try not to overthink it. You might be severely under-qualified, but he doesn’t have anyone else but you. You’re the only thing standing between him and death.
You take a deep breath and fish for the needle and thread.
The door opens when you’re halfway down the pilot’s calf.
The surgical scissors are up in the air before you even think about it, extra pointy ends pointing away. They drip with blood. It’s not exactly the most dignified or even protective stance, but there must be something fierce and frazzled on your face because Leon takes a startled step back.
“Oh thank god,” you breathe, deflating. And then you perk up again, turning back to suture the wound closed. No time for dilly-dallying! “Where’s Claire?”
You don’t hear her footsteps alongside Leon’s. Unless she’s like, super fucking quiet. But you don’t hear her talking or breathing either so she mustn’t be there. You squint, eyes focused on the task at hand.
The stitches are coming along nicely, as much as they can under your unskilled hands anyway. Your technique is a combination influenced by poor attempts at embroidery and watching medical dramas at 10pm when you should really be sleeping. But his leg is coming back together so you must be doing something right.
The pilot hums, still dazed and sleepy-like. You hope it’s just the painkillers. You don’t have the energy or education to deal with more.
“I was too late,” Leon says, coming to kneel beside you. You don’t turn to him, just silently point at your torn-up jacket and make a gesture. “The noise attracted more of them. We didn’t have any more time.”
He seems to understand you somewhat vaguely because he picks up the bundle and hovers uncertainly around the gash.
“Pat it gently.”
He does, following the trail of sutures you leave behind. You ended up cutting the wrinkled, flappy bits of skin that’d been hanging on by sheer force of will. They were messing up your sewing. If this was a good move has yet to be seen.
“Did you tell her to climb the fence?”
“Couldn’t. It had wires at the top.”
You try very hard not to shrug. It’ll mess up your hand. “Better than getting eaten up by those things.”
Leon sighs. He sounds so tired. It makes you feel a little guilty for still feeling annoyed at him about earlier. But only a little.
“I found something.”
You frown. “What is it?”
“A crank.”
You really want to look at him. But no, you must persevere. The pilot – and you really need to get his name – will die if you look away. Maybe not die, but you don’t think he’ll appreciate you taking your eyes off of him while you repair his leg like an annoying hole in a pair of socks.
“A crank?” you repeat, bemused. “Why did you take a crank? What do you even need a crank for? And where’d you even find it?”
He holds the scissors when you give it to him. “East office. I don’t know why; it was just sitting on the desk. And it’s for the bathroom in this west wing. One of the pipes is blown and it’s steaming gas.”
You immediately perk up. “A bathroom?”
He laughs. “Yeah, a bathroom. If I fix it, you can, you know…”
Leg done. Last stitch in. You wrap it in bandaging for added measure. This time, you look up to the ceiling with a reverent expression. Finally, you can take a sorely needed bathroom break.
You turn to Leon. “That is the best news I have had heard since literally ever.”
He shakes his head, lips quirked. “Figures.”
The pilot interrupts you both with a grumpy exhale. “Are you done flirting? M’leg still hurts.”
You send him a flat look. Not that he can see it, considering his eyes are closed. You wonder how he’s still awake, honestly. It’s not like you had anesthesia. “I’m not giving you any more painkillers. I already gave you above dosage, so suck it!”
Maybe you’re being a little mean, but you really don’t know if it’s safe, especially with all the blood loss and shit. You don’t want to risk it any more than you already have.
(and also, you’re a little mad. It’s the end of the world; you should be allowed to flirt a little. You already fixed his damned leg.)
Finding some strength from… somewhere, the pilot lifts up his head, glaring at you unhappily. You are as intimidated as you would be by a floppy-eared rabbit. “Are you sure you’re a doctor?”
You sigh noisily. “I’m not!”
The pilot grumbles. He must be really out of it. Anyone in their right and sober mind would be pissed mad at you right now. You literally just performed surgery on his leg. That’s not right! You’re a history student, not a medical one!
“Is he going to be alright?” Leon asks, leaning towards you. You eye him a little. He doesn’t look particularly bothered by the pilot’s comment. Unless… you missed him blushing or some cute shit because you were too busy dealing with the pilot. Damn.
No! brain, shut up. There are more important things right now. You can lament over lost opportunities at a later time.
You shrug hesitantly. You won’t lie. You lean in to whisper though. If it were you, you wouldn’t want your faux-doctor and some random guy to be talking about your prospective future in front of you. “Maybe?” you say, and then really think about. “Yeah,” you amend, nodding with conviction. “He didn’t break anything, it’s just… a lot of lost blood. But I dunno if he can walk on it.”
Looking at the guy, Leon seems to contemplate something.
With some mild bemusement, you watch as he putters around, doing something with the cushions behind the desk. He even manages to move the definitely heavy safe off to the side.
“Help me pick him up.”
It takes considerably less time to move the pilot behind the desk than it did getting him to this room.
“I feel like a ragdoll,” the pilot says, almost pouting. You say almost because you refuse to believe a thirty-year-old man is capable of pouting. He looks highly put out. Now that must be the painkillers.
“Sorry bud,” Leon pats his back gently, crouching by his side. “We’ll leave you here for now. Take this–“ Leon hands him another gun he must have found recently, and some ammo. “Only use it if you have to. You’re safe up here for now, but you don’t want to attract any of the dead this way.”
The pilot snorts. “Thanks man.” And then his whole body sort of just… tilts a little and starts to doze.
You still haven’t gotten his name. You’ll get it later. It really is probably best that you leave him here, he won’t be much help finding that last statue piece.
After retrieving and cleaning your kit, you slip on your sad excuse of a jacket – what remains of it anyways. You hope you don’t look too bad. The bottom only comes up to mid-waist now. It’s not terrible, exactly, but it’s not how you envisioned yourself wearing it. You have the sleeves still, so that’s something.
The reason you don’t feel too embarrassed about your appearance is because Leon isn’t looking so hot either. You can suffer together.
“You think he’ll be safe?” you ask him in the main hall. “I feel bad for leaving him.”
Despite the shit you’d been mentally giving the man and the situation you found yourself in, you’d do it again. Of course you’d help him. How could you not? It just majorly sucks is all. Now you’re just super anxious that something terrible will happen while you’re gone. You’ve only known him for like, ten minutes, but you really don’t want him to die.
“He should be for now,” Leon assures you. “I’ve cleared out most of the rooms that I’ve gone through, and boarded up the broken windows.”
“Yeah…” you still don’t feel right, but there’s no alternative.
“Now.” He shows you the crank. “The bathroom.”
You squeak, stumbling back as the dead woman lunges out from the locker and grabs onto Leon.
Thinking fast, you grab the nearest object – a ridiculously ugly vase, what’s it doing in the bathroom? – and throw it at her. Or them, really. It breaks on impact. Huh, must’ve been a cheap vase.
“Agh!” Leon coughs out a mouthful of dirt.
You wince. “Oops.”
It distracts the lady though, so it works out in the end.
The crank goes in, and the steam goes off.
You walk in eagerly, and–
It’s a disappointment. Just like everything in your life has been so far.
Leon makes a gesture. “You don’t think you could–?”
You look at him unamused. “No.”
He puts his hands on his hips, looking up. “Yeah, thought so.”
“What’s that?” You ask Leon, waving to the device he’s holding. It has a ring of dull, elevated circular bumps, followed by printed arrows in a counter-clockwise direction. Below is a keypad of eight.
“It’s a portable safe.”
“Oh. What’s in it?”
Leon shrugs. “Let’s find out.”
When he finally puts in the correct sequence, the safe lets out a cute jingle, the nodes flashing green.
When you see what it’s inside, your face falls flat. “You’re joking.”
Leon pulls out a keypad key. It has a ‘2’ printed on it.
He opens his mouth. Closes it. “This is for the–“
He looks as perplexed as you feel. You wonder who did this and what they were doing with their life.
“And you were really going to work with these people,” you mumble, turning away.
He nods and sighs. Puts the key back into the safe and slams it into the locker it came from.
“We won’t be needing that.”
While you roll up some red herbs that’d been decorating the corner, Leon hunches over the computer outside the armoury.
“Dongle…” he mutters, noting something down on a paper pad.
You look over at him from over your work. “Are we really going to look for a dongle?” In this police station? Yeah, good luck.
He peers at you over his shoulder. It takes a lot of effort to not let your eyes drift down to his ass. “There should be some more ammo inside. It’ll be useful.”
“I suppose,” you say.
In the little side office – must be the captains or Chief’s, you think – you find a packet of gum (watermelon flavoured), some more ammo in the desk drawer which you stuff into your backpack, and a random battery that you also take just in case you find a radio. Behind the desk, sitting on a stack of files and pamphlets is a note. It gives you the combination to a safe relocated to the West Office.
You store that for later. Searching the rest of the S.T.A.R.S office lands you with a gun. It has a full clip of ammo.
Holding it very gently, you bring it to Leon. He’s typing something on the keyboard. Is he trying to hack it? Good on him. You approve.
“Hey, look what I found.”
He turns and blinks. “Where did you find that?” he leans around you, scrutinising the office as if another will magically appear.
You shrug. “In one of the drawers.”
He looks confused. “But most of them have locks?”
This time you turn away, feeling sheepish. “Yeah...”
It’s silent for a moment. You enjoy his mystified expression.
“Think you can open this?” He points to the armoury door.
You give him a look. “It’s electronic, Leon. You’ve been fiddling this thing for the past five minutes. If you couldn’t get open, then neither can I.”
He shrugs easily. “Worth a try.” Then he nods to the gun you’re still holding. “Keep that. It’s not regulation, but truth be told, I don’t think it matters at this point. It’s not safe that you only have a knife.”
You’re not so sure. “I won’t be shooting it though... I think I’m more likely to blow my wrist off if I try.”
“Better shoot yourself than getting eaten, right?”
“I mean, yeah – wait, no...” If you lose any body part to this bad idea, you’re blaming him. You would rather not lose a limb if you can help it.
“If something happens – which it won’t, not since I’m here – I'll take full responsibility. I promise.”
Letting him help you strap a holster that you find on another desk to your waist – your fashion senses are crying for help; being practical is not conducive to looking good – you mutter, “You’re so sure about that. A little full of yourself, don’t you think?”
Leon grins, blue light from the desktop glancing along his face. “Have I led you wrong otherwise?”
You are not impressed.
“We saw a helicopter explode three feet away from us. Y’know, I don’t think that would’ve happened if you hadn’t taken us there.” You point out. “I could have lived my whole life without that experience. It was really traumatic and I don’t think I'll recover, ever.”
“What?” His shoulders shake as he laughs. Unsurprisingly, it’s still as lovely as before and makes your stomach do funny things. Like indigestion, but pleasant. “I didn’t tell it to crash. It would’ve done that anyway. We just happened to have good timing.”
“I don’t think you understand the concept of good timing. There was nothing good about that at all.”
He shrugs, still smiling. He’s finished fixing up the holster to your belt. You don’t think he’s noticed, but his hands are still resting along either side of your hips. Not really incriminating, but you think about it.
“We saved that pilot, didn’t we?”
“But at what cost? You broke my rib.”
“Thought I fractured your liver, wasn’t that what you said?”
“Something along those lines…”
He clasps your shoulders, gently rubbing them in circles with his thumb. You flush, just a smidgen. “You’ll be fine. Hopefully you won’t even need to use it. And if worse comes to worst and you really can’t? just throw everything you can reach.”
You laugh. You’ve already done that (your knife, cough cough) and it didn’t work.
“I’m serious.” Why’s he laughing too then, huh?
Looking down, laughter dying, you wring your fingers. “I’m not totally helpless, you know. I meant it earlier. I can take care of myself.”
He removes his hands and rubs his neck. When he meets your eyes again, it’s sheepish. “That’s not what I meant. It’s just – it’s not right.” He starts to get frustrated when you stare at him blankly and exhales noisily. ”I mean, you shouldn’t have to deal with this stuff. Dead people? Killing and running away from dead people? None of this is sane. You should be, I don’t know, painting? Going to class? Having a night out with friends. Not seeing this.” He makes a wide gesture that encompasses the room and probably the entirety of Racoon City.
Now you just roll your eyes. Objectively, you can see his reasoning. It makes sense, now that he’s explained better. This isn’t a situation anyone should have to experience, neither you or him. People are literally coming back alive, undead. This only ever happens in fiction.
But you still feel compelled to argue. It’s the principle of it. You’re trying to get past your cowardly ways.
“S’not like I really have a choice. I’ve done it before, I can do it again.”
You cross your arms, cocking a hip.
Leon crosses his arms and doesn’t cock a hip. “But do you want to do it?”
You look away. It’s not something you’d lie about. “I mean, not really, no…”
He sighs. “That’s my point. If you can avoid it, if you can run – do it. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
You flush properly this time. Agh. Your resolve is weakening. He just wants you to be okay, and you’re being difficult about it. Maybe you’re both right. There’s nothing inherently wrong with not being able to look out for yourself, but…
You’re being stupid. Again. There’s proving that you’re not a total deadweight, which isn’t bad, and then there’s being an idiot and throwing yourself into danger – doing stuff you don’t even want to do, risky stuff too – just to make a point.
You don’t want to kill people anymore. They’re dead now, but you still did it. Killed them a second time. It’s not something to be proud of and not something you want to do ever again.
You clear your throat, tossing your head back. Your earrings are heavy on your lobes and the weight is comforting. Reminds you of better times. “Right, well.” You lean forward abruptly, pointing a finger so close to his nose that your skin almost touches his. His eyes fly downwards, trying to follow it. It’s cute. “You so much as get a papercut, I wanna hear about it. Got me? I’m taking this medic gig seriously. You are so not dying on me.”
He grabs your hand and gives you a thumbs up. “Got it. No dying. Wasn’t planning on it, but I’ll make extra sure not to.”
“Haaaah, you’re so funny.” And then you squint. “Painting, really? that’s what you think I do?”
Leon tilts his head considering. “Well, what do you do then?”
“History!” you say proudly, stepping back away from those soft emotions. “I was gonna be a history teacher. The kids’ll love me.”
He blinks, raising his eyebrows. He picks his stuff up from the desk and starts leaving towards the door. “You? A teacher?”
You thwack his arm, following. Guess you guys are done here now. The room is cleared, just the armoury room and its stupid dongle left for later.
“You sound so incredulous. What, you don’t think I can?”
“I think you’d be a terrible one.”
Your mouth drops open. You can’t believe what you’re hearing. “Excuse me?”
“If I had you as my history teacher,” and then he looks you up and down, scanning you rather, uh, intently. You clap your mouth closed. He meets your eyes, and for the first time tonight gives you a charming little smirk. “I’d never get any work done. I’d be too distracted.”
Oh, my god. You can’t believe he just said that. He literally just said that. What do you do? What do you even say?
Nice going, idiot. Real smooth.
Your face is hot. Is this what most girls feel like? Is this what guys feel like when you lay it on? Jesus. You want both to ascend to heaven and have the ground eat you whole. No in-between.
Unbelievable! And you’ve been trying to withhold from flirting since you met him!
Humbled by this embarrassing and flattering experience, you wave him on. “I think it’s time we leave, don’t you? Find that medallion and all, get outta here, so…”
He has the audacity to laugh at you.
Scrunching your nose, you toss him a wary look and grab the knob. As soon as you try to step out into the hallway Leon surges ahead of you roughly pulls you back inside. You throw him an angry glare, rubbing your shoulder. “What was that f–“
Somewhere outside a demon screeches. The sound sends terror shooting through your veins, and breathing suddenly gets a tad bit more difficult.
He slams the door, holding the handle shut. The expression on his face is one of severe constipation.
“What… what was that?” you prod, poking him when his face screws up even more. You don’t need to have years of friendship with him to know what that face means. It means: this is sooooo not good. “Leon.”
He clenches his jaw. Looks at you. “Stay here.”
Your eyes widen.
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ineffable-writer · 4 years
1500 words of Ineffable Husbands on a train together
All my sketches of locations/situations/whatever turn into drabbles about these two eventually so I’ve started posting ‘em. 
The title is the summary. Literally just a description of my trip out to a weekend writing retreat, but with the husbands added in. I have no idea why I can read 8,000,000,000,000 drabbles of the two of them being domestic but I figure I can’t be the only one so?
Read it here. Or below the break.
Sketch written on a train from Edinburgh to Inverness
Crowley was bent into a checkmark, legs up on the carriage table and his back contorted to fit into the plastic, scrappy seat. His phone was out of battery. It had been for like half an hour, but he wasn’t going to forfeit his new high score in Flappy Bird, so he was having none of it.
“You are missing the scenery,” said Aziraphale, sitting beside him, beside the window. Back straight. Eyes as bright and blue as ever. Ridiculously charmed with the countryside. Which was just sheep, Crowley thought. Sheep and farms and a bit more vertical in places. They’d spent centuries pinging across this country like the ball in an ineffable game of table tennis, constantly moving by foot and by car and—his buttocks still ached in empathy for the past—horseback.
“I’m familiar with the look of sheep.” Crowley did not see the appeal.
“You’re familiar with- with that silly telephone,” said Aziraphale, with enough vehemence to imply that silly was understatement, but enough familiarity that Crowley knew he’d already been forgiven. Crowley leaned into Aziraphale’s shoulder a little, a reminder: I’m here, remember, I came on this trip for you. The angel smiled, did that little shifting wiggle of his shoulders that showed he was pleased. “I’ll never understand your fascination with that… thing.”
“You’d love it if you gave it a try. I’d lose you forever to Candy Crush.”
“No. You wouldn’t.”
Right. Ever since the end-of-the-world-that-wasn’t, Aziraphale had been going rather hard on the whole our side thing. They were still getting used to that. Six thousand years assuming that eventually, the angel would fuck back off to Heaven, and now he couldn’t make jokes even tangential to the topic. It wasn’t a bad thing. Just took some getting used to.
It didn’t require an answer. Just a smile.
The train to Inverness filled quickly. When they’d left Edinburgh, the cheap seats had been nearly empty; each stop let on a character or two, or three, or four. The tables filled first, then the row seats, as the overhead shelving cluttered up with bags and backpacks and market bags full of wrapped presents. ‘Twas the season.
Somehow no one joined their table, no matter how enthusiastically Aziraphale beamed at them, and eventually two new row seats appeared behind them to make up for the ones Crowley was so selfishly hogging. Instead the humans milled around them and talked and gossiped and—
Oh, I think he fancies it, honestly, he just pretends he hates the attention—
—you walk right up to the top and it’s the most beautiful view—
—hi how are you hi how are you hi how are you hi— Relax, darling, just relax, enjoy your trip—
Aziraphale glanced over his shoulder at the last, a poor overstimulated young man and his father, who was doing his best to help but still had to battle against the jostle and hubbub of the carriage. The angel brushed a bit of lint off his jacket. Suddenly father and son found their table to be less chaotic, less alarming.
“Oy. You can’t do that.”
“Do what?”
“Now I’ve got to go and inconvenience someone, even you out.”
“We don’t have to, you know.”
Crowley raised an eyebrow.
“That woman in the… hat is thinking infuriatingly eugenic thoughts, if you’re looking for someone to inconvenience. Have at it.”
“Now you’re just using me,” Crowley complained, but suddenly her cell phone battery was dead, and his was full again. The angel was right, of course. It wouldn’t be any fun ruining someone’s day if they didn’t deserve it just a little bit.
They passed through the country, the low and rolling hills, with the angled sunlight of late December casting golden shadows over the Highlands. Distant pines contrasted against the midday sunset—obsidian arrows against pink and blue and grey. They dipped in and out of tunnels like pens into an inkwell, brief forays into the black. They passed villages—Perth and Pilochry—made of houses from a dozen bygone days, Georgian and Victorian and modern and suburbian and sometimes a dozen at once. Mountains with snowcaps rose on the horizon and fell behind the nearer hills. The grass was yellow with winter, the trees marbled with green and brown.
Crowley had died in Flappy Bird and put aside his phone eventually. Aziraphale had not moved from his admiration of the windows. Crowley sighed and relaxed a little further and his head leaned against Aziraphale’s shoulder, now, rather than a simple lean.
“Why did you insist on the train, Angel?”
“Other than wanting to ensure we arrived in one piece?”
“Other than that.”
“It’s still here.” No one would overhear them, but Aziraphale’s voice was quiet anyway. “It nearly wasn’t.”
Again, no response required: Aziraphale knew Crowley understood he was only partially talking about the landscape. In the Bentley they’d have been alone together—which was beautiful, perfect, something they would never get tired of. But they would have been alone. Here, they were not alone.
The father and son had been joined by a woman and her small child, and the son was bonding with them over an ipad. A person of indiscriminate gender was tucked against a window, scribbling in a journal and wearing a sweatervest that would make Aziraphale proud. People all around them were drinking coffee and trading holiday plans and moving bags so the trolley could get through and existing. Wholeheartedly and completely here.
The sun had set, but the light lingered, and they hit the snow line—first in the distant hills, then in patches in the dark grass, then a blossoming white spotted with trees. The Highlands rose around them, true mountains now, great slabs of snow and rock with clouds that sank, low and foggy, into the valleys between them. Even Crowley was a little impressed. He relinquished his phone to Aziraphale for the price of exactly one terrible picture that got more of the seats in it than the mountains. When they got home, they’d frame it.
It hadn’t been Crowley’s idea to spend the holidays here. He’d have been happy to stay in Sussex with their usual tradition—cocoa, books, a general disbelief that no one was going to dump holy water all over him—but the angel had been struck with a particular sort of wanderlust lately. So here they were.
Kingussie. Aviemore. Please mind the gap when alighting from this train. The night was spilling like ink into the sky. Stonework gave way to lights nestled in the darkness, villages transformed into scattered diamonds. A man in a red tracksuit got on the train and sat across the corridor, his infant granddaughter in tow. She wore neon pink and curls to rival the angel’s. He held his hands around her, infinitely careful as she tried to learn to walk on a table on the train. She fell—often—but her grandfather caught her, and she had a downright beatific smile. Crowley’s heart warmed and softened at the edges. He took Aziraphale’s hand under the table.
Stars outside, now, a trip down memory lane that came in the form of icicle lights and streetlamps. The universe hadn’t been lit with the neon of a gas station or inflatable Santa Clauses, but somehow the train seemed to be gliding through creation, lost at the beginning of the world.
This is Aviemore. This train is for Inverness. Next stop is Inverness.
Crowley closed his eyes to nap, well aware that Aziraphale would be keenly aware of the evenness of Crowley’s unconscious breath and the closeness of their bodies. He didn’t sleep. Aziraphale was right. There was too much humanity around them not to bask in it a little.
The person in the sweatervest closed their book and they both felt a little pang of heartbreak echo through the car: heartbreak, loss, an echo of a grey day and a bandstand at the end of the world. Some healing loss, some missing piece. It vanished when they smiled at the baby—a smile that rosy could solve any problem in the world, surely—and angel and demon both felt a human identity swell in their chests. Someone squeezed the other’s hand, and then a man in a crew cut started in on a loud phone call in French and the angel’s face furrowed in concentration and Crowley chuckled, because of course Aziraphale was trying to remember enough to listen in.
It earned him a nudge with a rather-entangled-by-now elbow. “Now I thought you were sleeping.”
“We’re nearly there. Don’t have the time.”
“So you’re just watching me, then.”
“You’re entertainment.” In a moment he would get his legs off the table, even, and stretch, and crack his back loudly enough to make everyone around them wince. They’d pull into the station and Aziraphale would insist on enduring a taxi to their cottage, and Crowley would break the pay machines at the barrier to the bathrooms just to get his angel’s stupid enthusiasm out of the air a little, and then they’d both unpack their bags at different times—secretive—since they were currently pretending they hadn’t bought each other gifts.
But not yet.
He could pretend to sleep on Aziraphale’s shoulder for a little bit longer.
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precuredaily · 5 years
Precure Day 143
Episode: Futari wa Precure Splash Star 44 - “They’ll Disappear? Michiru and Kaoru’s Pain” Date watched: 20 July 2019 Original air date: 17 December 2006 Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/Rv2F5U7 Project info and master list of posts: http://tinyurl.com/PCDabout
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a jump to the sky turns to a rider kick
All Michiru and Kaoru want is to experience normalcy and the beauty of life with their friends Saki and Mai. Sadly, being ex-agents of Dark Fall makes this difficult in more ways than one.
The Plot
Saki, Mai, Michiru, Kaoru, and Minori all go to the zoo so Minori can draw animals, but the Kiryuu sisters have something weighing on them. Eventually we see in a flashback that they had a talk with Princess Filia about their conflicted feelings of wanting to be with Saki and Mai but belonging to Dark Fall, and she tells them that since they were revived using powers from both worlds, the destruction of either the Land of Spirits or Dark Fall could result in their own death. They don’t know what to do, and they haven’t told Saki and Mai about this, but Miss Shitataare and Dorodoron attack the group and reveal this secret. Their friends are understandably upset, and their attacks falter, but Michiru and Kaoru remind them that the cures themselves taught them that staying strong in spirit can allow someone to change their fate, that Saki and Mai fought for them, and now they want to believe in their friends. With new resolve, they manage to defeat Dorodoron, while Miss Shitataare retreats to fight another day. On the way home, Minori shows everybody the drawing she made of the monkeys, except that the monkeys’ faces have been replaced with Saki, Mai, Michiru, and Kaoru.
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The Analysis
The existential crisis that M and K are now in is heartbreaking. Since they’re imbued with power from both sides, the destruction of either light or darkness could destroy them. That’s a huge burden to shoulder, and their body language throughout the episode shows they aren’t taking it well. However, they want to believe in a way forward, in defying their fate, like Saki and Mai taught them! Fundamentally that’s what their character arc has always been about, and I’m glad to see it brought up again. Even knowing that they might be fighting towards their own destruction, they continue to battle against their former allies and help their new friends, because it’s what their hearts tell them is right.
Unfortunately, there’s some aspects of this plot that don’t sit well with me. Michiru and Kaoru essentially come from an abusive household. Like many survivors, they have feelings of guilt about leaving, because they have been told all their lives that this is where they belong and their only purpose is to serve Akudaikaan as thanks for creating them. This is the line that all the generals of Dark Fall shoot at them, that they should be grateful to him. Possibly due to the age of the show and cultural differences, the narrative does not acknowledge that this is an abuse tactic, and instead pushes messages like “they’re a family, they’ll make up with each other,” via the monkeys. This hits the girls hard, and makes them feel more guilt for not trying hard enough to persuade their father figure that they don’t support his actions. The message about changing one’s fate doesn’t seem like a counter to the idea about families belonging together, and maybe if they had tied those closer together I wouldn’t have as much objection. As it stands, it’s kind of a sour note for this episode.
The art direction here is all over the place. The characters range from adequate to just bad, with a few shining moments in close-ups. However, there are some great moments with the animation, such as this pan out and in as the Kiryuus are told that destroying Dark Fall might destroy them too:
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Their faces remain well-detailed in close-up rather than literally zooming in on the far model, the camera shifts perspective, it’s a well, composed shot.
It seems way too late in the show for fairy gags. They’re never terribly funny, someone speaks up at a bad time and their partner has to act silly to cover up their identity. At this point, Flappi and Choppi should know better. There are some good things to come out of this, though, in the form of Minori’s reaction to Saki and Mai acting goofy and imitating their fairies’ voices.
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Also it gives Mai an opening to talk to Saki, explaining that she’s noticed the Kiryuus seem strange. We know Mai is fairly observant and it’s a nice touch.
If there’s a downside to the revived generals arc, it’s that the revived generals... kinda suck, as characters. Their personalities were often paper-thin but now they’re reduced to archetypes. Or maybe these two in particular are just a bad matchup, as Miss Shitataare’s penchant for pointless disguises gets in the way of Dorodoron’s usually decent strategies. Point being, I didn’t like them in this episode, and I’m sorry to see Dorodoron go out like this. He was funny when he teamed up with Karehaan and was like “I’m not getting beaten today, no thank you!” so for this to be how he goes..... it was underwhelming. That shot of him dive bombing is pretty cool though.
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Last point of note, Michiru and Kaoru still don’t have any clothes of their own, they wear their school uniforms to the zoo. I really wish they would at least spend half of an episode going shopping, that would be a fun avenue for some character growth as they get to express themselves with clothes for the first time. They seem a little out-of-place wearing the uniform everywhere. Also, I don’t think it is ever explained where they live now, and that seems like an oversight.
Speaking of the uniform, it’s winter now and the cold weather addition to the YJH uniform is a crossover coat of about the same shade of tan as the winter top, with two rows of buttons and the Yuunagi logo on the left. In contrast to the Verone winter jacket, which was a different color from any other component of their uniform, this blends in much more seamlessly.
In summation, I do like this episode, I just think they aren’t handling Michiru and Kaoru’s ties to Dark Fall very well.  Someone needs to come out and say they don’t owe him their loyalty or compassion or anything just for creating them, but they won’t. I don’t think. We’ll see where things go.
Next time, it’s an episode I kind of already talked about! It’s Christmas time, and love is in the air! Look forward to it!
Pink Precure Catchphrase Count: 0 Zekkouchou Nari!
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saccharii · 6 years
You Call Me Strong, You Call Me Weak
Chapter Four: Selfish
Other Chapters: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11
<<Previous Chapter -- Next Chapter>>
Adrinette May April, Day 9: Jealousy
Summary: Marinette’s friends will always be there for her, no matter what.
AO3 Link
Me: Okay, let’s try to keep these chapters short, like under 1k words. 
Me, after writing the chapter: Did I say under 1k? I meant under 3k, hahahaha.
Here’s a fun drinking game for this chapter: whenever someone smiles, nods, or blushes, take a shot.
“You know, this is kinda creepy,” Marinette said.
“What?” Adrien said, putting his hand on his chest in mock offense. “Blindfolding someone, shoving them in the back of your car, and whisking them away to places unknown is creepy?”
“Yeah, I’m definitely getting some serial killer vibes here,” she joked. “Where are we going, anyway?”
“You’ll see in a second; we’re almost there.”
The limo slowed to a stop at the side of the road, and Adrien got out and jogged around to Marinette’s side. At the sound of the door opening, Marinette reached her hand out and groped blindly about. Adrien caught it in his and pulled her from the car.
He waved at the Gorilla. “We’ll be back in about two hours or so.”
The man grunted and settled into his seat. Adrien wondered what he did while he waited for him. Did he read? Sleep? Play flappy bird on his phone?
“Hmm... the smell of gasoline in the air... the sound of water slapping against wood... are we at the Couffaine’s houseboat?”
“Maybe we are, maybe we aren’t.”
Marinette smirked.
Adrien led her along the gangplank, walking backwards with both of his hands holding hers.
She tripped when she reached the end, falling into Adrien’s arms. She grasped his shoulders to steady herself, and smiled up at him, still blindfolded. Adrien could feel his face turning red.
Marinette jumped out of his arms and ripped her blindfold off, blinking the sun out of her eyes.
“Wha- but, it’s not my birthday?”
“It’s a ‘just because’ surprise party,” Alya said.
Every member of their class, except Lila and including Chloe, were there. Honestly, Adrien was worried about the boat’s weight limit.
(When Alya had pulled Adrien aside to explain her plan to cheer Marinette up, Adrien had responded enthusiastically. He quickly volunteered to be the one to get Marinette to the party. Alya had thought that was a great idea.
“Don’t give her a choice,” she’d said. “Just tell her you’re taking her somewhere.”)
Marinette’s face split into a smile, tears gathering at the corner of her eyes.
“I- wow. This is- Thank you, everyone.” She wiped at her face.
Adrien squeezed her shoulders in a side-hug. Someone in the crowd of students whooped.
“Alright, mateys!” Anarka said, hands on her hips. “Now that the girl of the hour is here, let’s take sail before the vultures start circlin’.”
She and Ivan pulled the gangplank in, then she started up the boat’s motor. The ship lurched into motion and headed down the Seine. There was still a chance that someone would recognize Marinette from the shore, but at least the privacy laws protected them from the worst of the tabloids. Not that the laws would have much power over a person with a cell phone and a twitter account.
“Finally!” Alix crowed. “Let’s eat!”
The pink haired girl made a bee line for the sunroom/sitting room combo.
Someone had set up a white folding table covered with all sorts of sweets and snacks. People ambled over to it, patting Marinette on the shoulder and greeting her as they passed by. Marinette shot them all a shy smile.
Nino came up beside Adrien and Marinette and chuckled. “Alix’s been complaining that she wanted to eat the entire time she’s been here, and she was one of the first to arrive.”
He glanced at Adrien’s arm still around Marinette’s shoulders and shot him a wink and a discreet thumbs up. Adrien flushed and pulled his arm back.
“Marinette, did you see? There’s a ping-pong table on the upper deck. Wanna play with me?” Alya asked.
Marinette laughed. “Sure. But I’m terrible at it.”
“Me too. It’ll be great. Let’s go.”
Alya pulled Marinette through the crowd towards the back of the boat. Adrien’s lips turned up into a fond smile. Alya was such a good friend.
“It’s good to see her smile again,” he said.
Nino nodded. “That’s for sure. I’ve never seen her that down before. Not even back in sixieme when her best friend moved away.”
“‘Your greatest secret has been revealed and now you are in the middle of a massive media storm and also your family is in danger’ isn’t quite on the same scale as ‘your childhood friend moved away.’”
Nino gave a rueful laugh. “True.”
The two watched the girls play ping-pong in a companionable silence.
Alya served and Marinette missed the return. She scrambled across the deck to retrieve the ball. Marinette served and Alya missed the return. They kept up like this, occasionally hitting the ball back to their own surprise.
“You’d think that Ladybug would be better at stuff like that, wouldn’t you?” Nino said.
Adrien hummed thoughtfully. Ever since he found out that Ladybug was Marinette, he’d noticed something. It wasn’t that Marinette was better put together as Ladybug, (well, she was, but that wasn’t the point) but rather  that whenever Marinette really needed to step up to the plate she was always confident and sure footed, even when she was out of the mask.
Marinette stuck her tongue out of the corner of her mouth, her face scrunched up in concentration, and slammed the ball into Alya’s side of the table, sending it flying past her and over the side of the boat.
The two girls ran over to the railing and peered over the side in shock. Then they both burst into laughter, Marinette shining as brightly as she ever did.
“Soo... How goes it with Marinette?” Nino elbowed Adrien in the side and waggled his eyebrows suggestively.
“What do you mean?”
Nino snorted. “Don’t give me that. I’ve seen all the ladybugs you doodle on the side of your notes, and the way you blushed whenever Ladybug was around. And don’t forget all the lovesick sighs whenever someone mentioned her. You’ve been super tight with Marinette ever since everything went down. You’re always standing near her or touching her.”
“It’s not like that. I think she likes someone else.”
“Dude,” Nino said flatly.
“Hey guys!” Marinette said brightly from behind them. Her face was flushed a delightful pink and her eyes shone.
Adrien started. He hoped she hadn’t heard what they were talking about. He didn’t know if he could handle getting shot down by the same girl twice.
“We kind of lost our ball.”
“We saw,” Nino said.
“Oh, Marikins~”
Chloe latched onto Marinette from behind with no warning. She held out her phone at arms length and snapped a selfie. She withdrew her arms and began tapping away at her phone.
“Everyone is going to be so jealous. ‘Hanging out... with my bff... Ladybug.’”
“Don’t post that until after the party is over,” Adrien warned.
Chloe stopped typing and pursed her lips.
“I guess you’re right. We don’t want anyone to interrupt our time together, right Marikins? Tomorrow let’s hang out and go get manicures! You can come too Adrikins. Then we-” Her phone ringing cut her off. “Hello? What do you mean they’re out of stock?”
Chloe stomped off, haranguing the poor soul on the other side of the phone, and Marinette heaved a sigh of relief.
Over Marinette’s head, Alya and Nino seemed to be having some sort of silent conversation made up of quirked eyebrows, significant looks, and nods. Or rather, Alya was trying to have a silent conversation with Nino, who just scrunched up his face in confusion and shook his head. Finally, Alya rolled her eyes and dragged Nino away.
“We’re going to go get some food. You two have fun,” she said.
Marinette blushed, and she shyly looked up at Adrien.
“Do you want to, um.” She gestured towards the railing.
Behind Marinette Ivan gave him a thumbs up and Mylene nodded encouragingly. Did everyone know about Adrien’s crush? At least they were all cheering for him.
Adrien and Marinette went over to the side of the boat and leaned against the railing, looking out at the plants and buildings that lined the river.
“I love the view along the Seine. Everything is a mixture of the old and new. There’s so much history and so much potential. It reminds me of why I fight to save Paris.” She had a faraway look in her eye and a wistful smile.
“Yeah, it’s really beautiful,” he said, not looking away from her face.
They stood there in silence for a little while, their arms touching. Wind ran gentle fingers through their hair, and the occasional cloud passing overhead gave welcome shade from the unseasonably hot October sun.
“Look! Look! Mommy, it’s Ladybug!”
A little girl in a pink dress on the walkway nearby was pointing at them. Her hair was pulled back in pigtails and she had a ladybug plush clutched in one arm.
Marinette smiled and waved at her.
Murmurs of ‘Ladybug?’ and ‘Is that really her?’ came from the other pedestrians. Soon the walkway was crowded with people calling out for Ladybug and waving their hands back and forth.
Marinette’s smile became fixed; her wave, hesitant. Before all this she’d never shrunk away from the admiring crowd. But now... Adrien hated that such a thing was ruined for her.
“We should go down below before any more people get here,” Adrien suggested gently.
She nodded and he hesitantly placed his hand on the small of her back. When she didn’t draw away, he pressed more firmly and she let him lead her across the deck and through the sunroom to the stairs.
Several of their classmates scowled at the shouting people with no effect. Alix made a rude gesture and Adrien winced. He was not looking forward to seeing that on the internet later.
The wooden stairs thudded reassuringly under their feet as they descended. Adrien had been below deck on yachts before, but that was nothing like the cosy combined kitchen and living room they found themselves in. It was small and a bit cluttered. Guitar music floated through the air. It felt more like a home than Adrien’s actual house.
Marinette breathed deeply in the way Adrien now knew meant she was holding back her emotions. She sat down on a low, yellow couch and Adrien took both of Marinette’s hands in his and squeezed them.
“I’m going to get you something to drink. I’ll be right back, okay?”
“Okay,” she whispered.
He jogged back up the stairs and headed to the snack table.
“Water, water, where’d they put the water?” he mumbled under his breath.
“Here,” said a voice from behind him. They nudged his arm with a cool plastic water bottle. “They’re in a cooler under the table.”
Adrien turned and took the bottle from Nathanael.
Nathanael shrugged. “How’s she doing?”
He picked at the label on his own water bottle and refused to meet Adrien’s eyes. Adrien knew the other boy still harbored feelings for Marinette, but surprisingly it didn’t bother him.
“She’s... alright. She’s strong, she’ll pull through. She’s just been shaken by everything that’s happened, and this kind of brought it back?”
Nathanael nodded, and they lapsed into an awkward silence.
“You should probably go back below... She needs- well, you’re good for her.”
Adrien bid a stilted farewell and headed back to the stairs, careful not to make eye contact with anyone else.
At the bottom he came to an abrupt halt at the sight of Marinette sitting next to a black and blue haired boy, her body pointed towards him. She giggled uncontrollably into her hands, her shoulders shaking with mirth, and the boy (Luka, Juleka’s brother from the music festival, Adrien remembered) smiled warmly back at her.
Adrien couldn’t see the expression on Marinette’s face, and he wasn’t sure he wanted to.
“So then she says, completely deadpan, ‘I’m a pretty princess.’” said Luka.
Marinette burst into a fresh round of giggles. “I’m sure you’ve never let her live that down.”
“Definitely not. Every time I catch her doing her makeup I ask her if she’s a pretty princess.”
Adrien plastered a smile on his face, strode over to the couch, and handed her the water bottle, making a point to look at Marinette and only Marinette.
“Here you are.”
Marinette beamed brightly up at him, the events of several minutes ago forgotten.
“Thank you, Adrien.”
Adrien sat down on the couch next to her, as close as he could without pressing his body up against hers. Marinette turned so she was facing straight ahead, not towards either Luka or Adrien. He was counting that as a win.
“Luka was just telling me about the time Juleka got into her mother’s makeup case back when she was in ecole maternelle.”
Adrien’s smile became a little bit sharper as he turned to nod at Luka. He couldn’t ignore the other boy anymore without being unbelievably rude.
Luka nodded. “And thus started a makeup experimental stage that’s lasted the last ten years. Mom loves it. She bought her a huge makeup kit with all sorts of colors.”
Marinette smiled wider at the both of them, and Adrien felt the jealousy gripping his heart soften.
“Hey Adrien, I saw that you were in that class photo reshoot you guys took for Juleka last year. I just wanna thank you for that. I know my sister doesn’t always show her emotions well, but it really meant a lot to her.”
“Oh, uh, you’re welcome? I don’t think I did anything special...”
“Yeah you did. You’re a good guy, Adrien.”
Why did Luka have to be so nice? If he was a jerk, Adrien could get in between him and Marinette with no guilt. But no, Luka had to have everything. He lived a carefree life on a houseboat with an easygoing mother. He played in concerts and could come and go as he pleased. If he dated Marinette, he’d never have to cancel because his father scheduled a last minute photoshoot or because he was grounded because he hit the wrong note while playing the piano.
(Adrien honestly had no idea how his father would react to the idea of him dating Marinette. He didn’t think his father would be open to Adrien dating anyone at all, let alone letting him be exposed to the danger that would come along with being Ladybug’s boyfriend.)
If... if Marinette chose Luka, Adrien would step aside. Her happiness was the most important thing to him, and even if it hurt like hell, he’d support her. But he was selfish. As long as he had a chance he’d hold onto it. Luka and Marinette weren’t dating yet; he still had time to win her over.
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houses-of-healing · 6 years
(pt 1) Hey Bofur, it's Cheeky here! I don't actually think I've written in in 3 years or so... anyway it's been a while. I wanted to drop by partly to say I'm okay, I finally got to move back home, I brought a house, I got married, things are pretty good. But I have also been struggling these past few weeks. My anxiety and depression have been a lot worse due to things happening in work and just before Christmas/New year I was diagnosed with PTSD. I'll be undergoing trauma therapy (cont)
(cheeky pt 2) Soon and I’m really very scared, it will probably get worse before it gets better but I know in the long run this will help me. I had a miscarriage a few weeks ago too whilst at work and whilst I do not know if I ever want children, certainly not now… It still heart a lot that I felt I couldn’t even do that right… I think maybe I must have told you just under 3 years ago about the real cause of mum’s death, she committed suicide…. after the miscarriage I went to her (cont)(Cheeky pt3) grave and felt angry for the first time which helped. I’m just a little scared and alone, work has left me feeling very isolated recently and I feel like i’m always on the verge of something terrible happening because of my mental health. I do have two really good friends but am worried one will be sitting away from me soon (the other already is) and I fear separation anxiety. We’ve talked it through and I know nothing in our friendship will change, they’ll always be there :) (cont)(Cheeky pt 4) for me and we can chat all the time. But I’m just a little afraid and don’t have many places to turn. Coping mechanisms weren’t working like they used to, I remembered this place was a great coping mechanism, that you’d said you’d always be here for me and hold my hand if I needed it. I feel perhaps I relied on you too much in the past and it’s why I stepped away, but to get me through this rough patch I’m asking to speak to an old friend. Love Cheeky(pt 5 Cheeky) Dearest Bofur, my apologies, I realise I did write in about a year ago! My sense of time is appalling, but either way it has been too long! Re-reading some old messages has certainly made me feel better for now, thank you for all you do. I hope you are well :)
Friend Cheeky, it’s been a very long time since we’ve heard from you!!! 
Congratulations on the marriage--I hope it is a long and blissful one. There’s certainly a lot to address here, but I want to tell you first and foremost congratulations. 
You’re allowed to rely on others when you need help--and you are certainly allowed and welcome to rely on us when you need to! We are here to help folks heal, after all. :) 
I’m very, truly sorry about your miscarriage. Unfortunately as a male dwarf, I’m not very well-versed in human women, uh, reproductive bits, but I can understand that it’s a very hard situation to process, whether or not you were hoping to carry a child. You can view it as a loss--not of a life, per say, but of a missed chance at being a mother/caretaker. Let yourself grieve over this, be angry, be sad--go through all five stages of grief and then some! But let yourself have time to process this event--and eventually accept it. Whether or not you want to have a child is totally your responsibility, of course--but this event doesn’t shut the gates on having children. It’s only a missed opportunity--whereas I think human women have definitely more than a few chances at pregnancy. 
It is normal for your mental illnesses to “flare up” during stressful times of life. But you’re taking the right steps to get through this. I’m unsure of where you’re at right now, since I’ve no idea when you sent this in! (It looks like it’s been a long while though...) 
I would suggest continuing therapy, but mention how you’re facing some difficulties with isolation at work, feeling separation anxiety and loneliness in your personal life, as well. I would start up a hobby, if you can! I know that’s some cliche advice, but it’s helpful. You start to make friends that way, too. For example, volunteering at the library because you love reading can make you find new friends who love reading books just as much as you do! 
If it helps you a bit, you can pretend that we’re there with you, when you’re doing things that make you very anxious--or when you’re feeling at your worst. Remember that we’re with you! Bofur is there with you, with his silly flappy hat, lass! (Lad!) (Friend!)
Come in and check in sometime, Cheeky. We are glad to hear from you, any time any day, any emotion!
Your friend always,
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blindinhawkins · 7 years
Little love
link to ao3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/12506896
There is little love, like the way you love a favourite sweater or a stuffed animal that followed you through your whole childhood. There is also big love, like the way Bill loves his little brother Georgie. Then there is out of this world love, like the way Eddie loves Richie.
Eddie would never tell Richie that he loved him, or at least harboured a crush big enough to impede his everyday life. It was embarrassing and shameful. It was wrong. You don’t fall in love with your best friend. Maybe you become best friends with your partner, but not the other way around.
It came sneaking up on Eddie slowly, like a wolf stalks it’s prey. When it pounced, Eddie was far too weak to defend himself. It left him speechless and numb, like his mind had just floated out of his body and soared into the sky. When Richie told him he looked cute with that blush on his face in a terrible Texas accent he just stood up and left.
Weeks had followed where Eddie despised Richie, moving through a denial that he later realised was part of the five stages of grief. Of course his other friends noticed something was wrong and they kept asking if something happened. Did he fight with Richie? Did his mom finally convince him Richie was a bad influence? Did he just grow tired of Richie’s never ending rambles about anything and everything?
Eddie couldn’t explain his own feelings because that meant it was real. Right now he couldn’t handle real. Bill had invited them to a sleepover, just as usual, and Richie had taken it upon himself to annoy Eddie to death. He even had the guts to roll out his sleeping bag right beside him like the jerk he was.
Eddie laid sleepless for most of the night, listening to the other’s soft snoring and deep breaths. It was hard being this close to Richie when he went to such great lengths to avoid him. He knew the other boy felt hurt by his avoidance, had heard him telling it loud and clear to Ben just the other day. But he masked it quite well behind jokes and silly voices, just like he always did.
“Bill?”, a small, trembling voice came from the doorway. Eddie turned and saw Georgie standing there, a teddy bear under his arm and tears on his cheeks. He sat up, nudging Bill awake at the same time the boy repeated his name a little louder but still as trembly.
“What is it?”, Bill grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes with one hand.
“I had a bad dream.”, Georgie whispered. Bill sighed, and fresh tears gathered in the young boy’s eyes.
“C-come here.”, Bill said after a moment, pulling his blankets back and patting the mattress. “You can s-s-sleep h-here.”
Georgie tottered over, climbed into the bed and placed his teddy bear beside him gently.
“Good night, Eddie.”, he whispered when their eyes met.
“Good night, Georgie. Sleep well.”, Eddie whispered back and laid down again, turning over so young prying eyes wouldn’t see the tears in his own eyes. He could just about make out Richie’s unruly mop of hair in the dark of the room, and he wished he could curl up under his arm like Georgie had just done with Bill.
As Eddie stood outside the cinema watching Richie get closer and closer dread filled him to the brim. Why the fuck did Richie have to be the first one to arrive? This was all a setup, he thought frantically, Richie was never on time. What time was it? How long had he even been waiting here? Was-
“I like your shoes.”, Richie said pensively when got close enough, like he was somehow afraid Eddie would turn the other way and run screaming. Considering how Eddie had treated the boy of his affections lately it wasn’t surprising.
Eddie looked down at his pristine white sneakers. His mother had bought them for him the other week, after he got a “nasty stain” on his blue ones. Really it was just a speck of dirt that probably could’ve been easily wiped off, but Sonia was having none of it. So here Eddie was, staring at his shoes and blushing like a sundried tomato, wishing their other friends would just show up to save him from himself.
“Thanks, Richie.”, he mumbled. “Where are the others?”
“Bev is visiting her aunt, Bill had to stay home with Georgie because he’s sick and his parents had to go out and do something, Mike has whatever with his farm as usual and Ben is probably in the library studying for that test. Did I miss someone? I’m surprised you’re actually here since I was coming.”
“You missed Stan…”, Eddie said, biting his lip nervously.
“Oh right, Stan couldn’t stand being here with just the two of us when the others cancelled. He told me to figure out what the fuck is wrong with us.”
The biting comment made Eddie flinch, he wasn’t used to Richie being that straight forward. He had learned as they grew up together that the taller boy had a major problem with expressing his own feelings about certain topics, despite his usually big and flappy mouth. Eddie supposed he had pushed him far past his breaking point by now.
“I’m sorry, I-”
“What are you even sorry about? You did nothing. That’s the goddamn problem, Eddie! You did nothing! Now would you please tell me what I did that was so horrible that you have been avoiding me like the plague for the last three months? Did I open my ugly mouth one too many times?! Was it the jokes about your mom? Just fucking tell me so I can move on with my life, with or without my best friend!”
“Richie, I can’t-”
“Can’t what?!”
“I can’t tell you!”, his voice broke and tears gathered in his eyes. “I can’t tell you because you will hate me!”
“What?”, Richie’s face scrunched up as he scoffed. “Why would I hate you more than you hate me? Does it even matter to you?”
“Of course it matters to me!”, he protested, raising one hand to hit Richie but lowering it as quickly. “Fuck!”
“Fuck, indeed.”, Richie muttered, turning to walk away. “This is pointless. Bye.”
“No, fuckhead!”, Eddie roared, grabbing Richie’s arm and tugging him back. “You will listen to me, you dumb idiot! I can’t tell you because you will hate me but I’ll do it anyway! I’m in love with you!”
Richie stared, and stared, and Eddie shrunk under his gaze. Suddenly realising just how tall the other boy was he released his arm from his grip and took a step back, mouth hanging open in shock at his own outburst.
“Say something!”, he pleaded after a few seconds that might as well have lasted a year.
“I don’t know what to say.”, Richie mumbled, turning back around and walking away.
A scraping sound followed by a very distinct “Oh, fucking shit!” woke Eddie up in the middle of the night. Bleary eyed from crying himself to sleep and barely conscious he sat up, squinting at his window. Just outside he noticed a crouching form he would recognise anywhere. He scrambled out of bed to let Richie in, hushing him harshly when he toppled over and slammed down on the floor. An intense moment followed where they both listened for any movement in the house, but the faint noise of Sonia snoring relaxed them both.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”, Eddie hissed, softly kicking the boy on the floor.
“I think I just told my mom I have a boyfriend.”, Richie whispered, eyes wide like a spooked owl. “Do I have a boyfriend?”
“How the fuck would I know?!”
“It would be you. You would be my boyfriend.”, Richie hastily stood, towering over Eddie’s small form. “Will you be my boyfriend?”
“Richie, you-”
Soft lips interrupted his planned scolding, and it was the sweetest feeling he had ever experienced. Richie’s hands found his waist and pulled him closer, Eddie’s knees going weak in the process. As their bodies molded together Eddie pulled back.
“What the fuck?”, it held no malice, but Eddie would be damned if he didn’t try to be mad at Richie for pulling something like this.
“Will you be my boyfriend?”, Richie repeated the question, warm breath hitting Eddie’s face and making him see stars.
“Yes. What the hell, Richie? Yeah.”
“Good. I had to think, I didn’t mean to hurt you earlier.”
“Does your brain even do that?”, Eddie barked out a laugh at his own question, looking away in shame. “Well, I’ve been an ass.”
“That you have, Eddie my dear. But I love you. And I forgive you.”
Eddie put away his shoes carefully, tucking the laces inside and aligning them perfectly. They were just as white and clean as the first time Richie had seen them six months ago, and he was amazed by the fact. Though he figured if anyone could keep their shoes clean it would be Eddie. His own shoes were dirtier than the muddy sandbox in the park they had just gotten back from.
“I have this frame that’s never been used.”, Eddie said. “I wanted to put our picture inside it, is that alright?”
“Do whatever you want, Eds. It’s your picture.”, Richie chuckled with a shrug, following Eddie up the stairs to his room.
As they sat on the bed, Richie watching Eddie carefully frame their picture, he thought of how stupid they both were. Stan had said, when he found out about what had been going on, that they were both so stupid it was a miracle they even had brains. Then he knocked on Richie’s head and proclaimed it sounded hollow so he probably didn’t.
“I’m gonna put this right here, so I can be reminded every day of how ugly my boyfriend is compared to myself.”, Eddie explained, putting the now framed picture on his nightstand.
Beverly had brought her polaroid camera to the park, snapping picture after picture and handing out the good ones to Richie and Eddie. The smaller boy had quickly picked a favourite, one where Richie was hugging Eddie from behind and laughed so hard his eyes were squinted into mere lines behind his glasses. Eddie was laughing too, but Richie thought he looked as beautiful as ever.
“I can take that, as long as I’m your ugly boyfriend.”
“Always.”, Eddie murmured fondly and rested his head on Richie’s shoulder.
There is little love, like they way you love your favourite shoes or a framed picture. There is also big love, like the way Georgie loves his big brother Bill. Then there is out of this world love, like the way Richie loves Eddie.
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This was always my favorite Fairly Oddparents episode as a kid but this morning I watched it on TV and just realized how goddamn wild and strangely disturbing it is and I think we really need to talk about it.
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-Timmy’s parents leave on what is easily the most luxurious vacation ever disguised. First off: where do they get all this fucking money and time off of work. Second: They show Timmy all its features and still have the FUCKING GALL to refer to it as a “business trip”. What dicks, right? Speaking of dicks...
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-Yugopatamia is goddamn full of phalluses look at their fucking phallus palace
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-For those not familiar with the show, the Yugopatamians are an alien race who thrive off of violence and things that would be detrimental to humans (likewise, physical affection, sweets, and cute/pleasant things are painful and threatening to them). For Mark’s birthday, he receives radioactive waste as a gift. His friend comments how lucky he is because he only received medical waste as his birthday gift. This implies that he received used syringes and medical instruments and all sorts of bodily fluids and discarded body parts to enjoy GODDAMN
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-Mark has an obsessive love for Vicky and misses her terribly. Because of Timmy’s wish to send Vicky far away, a message is forged to Mark claiming she wants to go Yugopatamia with him. So of course he and his pals travel to Earth and proceed to KNOCK HER UNCONCIOUS AND KIDNAP HER.
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-Since Vicky is no longer available to babysit Timmy, he’s sent to Flappy Bob’s Learn-A-Torium, a sort of concentration camp obsessed with education and safety, complete with a “math lab” (hmm...). Timmy tries to play Whack-a-Mole but is instead forced to watch a documentary about how Whack-a-Mole encourages violence against moles that will eventually lead to their extinction. If you wanted to be even more fake deep than I’m being right now, you could also over analyze this as commentary on censorship, but I digress.
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-Timmy gets fed up with the Learn-A-Torium and tries to wish Vicky back, but Cosmo and Wanda are unable to as their magic can’t get in the way of true love, meaning that the one-sided, interspecies love between a malicious alien tentacle beast and a teenage girl is true and pure in this world. Alright then.
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-Timmy travels to Yugopatamia to rescue Vicky but Mark will only hand her over if he’s bested in Death Combat (his words, not mine). He then gets into a fucking awesome giant mech that shoots electric waves and tries to kill a ten year old with it.
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-His shots miss somehow and Timmy transports him the Learn-A-Torium where the friendly, colorful atmosphere that overwhelms him and puts him in immense pain, and ends up suffering what I can seriously only describe as a brain aneurysm.
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-Mark does survive somehow and surrenders Vicky, but Timmy assures him that when he turns 16 and no longer needs a babysitter, she’s all Mark’s. Timmy ends up feeling guilty about ruining Mark’s birthday and grants him two gifts. The first is that he will spare his life (DEADASS THIS IS WHAT HE SAYS), and the second is the Whack-A-Mole game that, instead of containing robotic moles, now contains the two instructors from the Learn-A-Torium. Mark readies his mallet, but the instructors defend themselves with healthy fat-free soy cubes and we hear Mark scream in pain, so we can only assume that they’re going to be fighting each other for a very long time on his spaceship... Well anyway, Vicky and Timmy are back on Earth and all is back to normal so I guess it ends happily enough.
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JK TIMMY KNOCKS OUT VICKY AGAIN AND SMILES EVILLY. In conclusion I still really enjoy this episode because of how good the writing it is and Rob Paulsen’s performances as Mark and Peppy Happy Gary but MOM HOLY FUCK!!
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