#i love angry luffy i hate seeing him like this because that's not his natural state tho. really enjoy it
hauntingblue · 3 months
Luffy has been on point with his king's haki this arc so far..... really liking it
#like even passed out...... king behaviour#are zoro and kaido paralels bc zoro has been upping up his drinking lately lmao#a sinkhole...... well...#OTAMA IS ALIVE AND NOT CAPTURED????? OMG INU FOUND HER!!!!!!!#omg they are just DRAGGING luffy across the desert..... ENOUGH#ROBIN'S FACE WHEN SHE KNOWS LUFFY IS IN WANO AJSHAKAH#zoro just taking a stroll eating wasabi sushi akdhaksjsks WE ARE IN A CRISIS#luffy ate the fish and turbo spit the spines to the guards i know it#oh nvm its not luffy lmao#they bandaged his face so its just angry eyes#which btw kinda disappointed they just default paint the eyes grey now..... luffy sanji zoro etc.....#OH KID IN THE CELL!!!#ACT ONE OVER!!! THAT IS SO FUN!!!! THEY SHOULD HAVE DONE THIS WITH WCI TOO!!! ITS A MUSICAL MOVIE AFTER ALL....#i love angry luffy i hate seeing him like this because that's not his natural state tho. really enjoy it#talking tag#watching one piece#did they make mihawk even whiter???? dracula looking ass#perona is still living there lmaooo#she really is an edgy teen.... i love it. if you dont care i dont mind goodbye (she does care)#he said to be careful ooooooh..... that rrally is his father#wonder if he said anything to zoro lmao#is he teaming up with moria???? nvm moria is attacking him.... well done i guess... someone here proactive#why tf would he want absalom??? nvm he is bait....#avalo pizarro????? bizarre name lmao very spanish sounding.... disturbing#absalom gave uo his fruit???? to shilew.... oh my gooooooooood EVEN WORSE#absalom is dead i guess?????#devon lgbt queen i guess..... they got rep before the mugis... we are falling behind.... namivivi kiss when to top the scales#the rev army fighting fujitora and the other admiral..... wtf is blackbeard going to do..... THE END SCENE OOOF#episode 916#episode 917
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certainty2witch · 7 days
For Crocodad theory, imagine if the way everyone finds out isn't either of them admitting it. It's Sengoku being mad after the events of Marineford and deciding to hand over declassified info on the revolutionary army, collected by Cypher Pole, which proves that Crocodile is Luffy's birth parent, to Big News Morgan. Imagine everyone has just started their two years of training when they pick up the daily newspaper and right on the cover is confirmation that Crocodile is Luffy's parent.
Since you mentioned the revolutionary army, I suppose you’re talking about my revolutionary crocodile au, even if you talked about Marineford.
And i take some time for adding a bit of lore for my au because is important:
(Answer for anon’s ask after the ‼️‼️‼️)
Crocodile was never evil and with so he never did something wrong in Alabasta. But, he’s still a warlord, and a fake pirate, because he’s a revolutionary undercover.
But let’s say that the marines discovered Crocodile is a revolutionary and that’s a way for putting him in impel down?
Iva obliviously, since is there too, save him and bring him at level 5.5, they both wait for the right moment for escaping (imagine Croc being uncomfortable around all that extravagant people, he doesn’t like loud people, and Iva likes to torment him because they think Croc miss Dragon and Croc says he doesn’t.
Is the truth btw he just wanna run into Dragon’s arms and kissing him).
And with so, Impel down arc happens, but Croc is always with Iva instead of being locked at level 6. His reaction to his son almost dead is pretty devastating, just imagine that… I mentioned in a recent post that they have a deep and special bond when Luffy was little. With older Luffy this keep existing!
So Marineford is pretty the same with Doflamingo bothering him (lmao, sorry babe your love is busy with the world’s worst criminal, he’s not a single man), with him protecting Ace (this time for Luffy and only for him💕) and other canon stuff.
And he suffers seeing his son losing his sense after his brother’s death. He obliviously protect him and Jinbe from Akainu (in every au he always saves him in that scene *sigh* good daddy).
So after Marineford he and Luffy separate, and he finally reunite with Dragon.
And now about the ask.
But first i add little warning.
Cw //mention of gender dysphoria!
Somehow Sengoku knows and decides to reveal everything (my god you should just close that trap sometimes, stupid marine) I honestly can’t imagine why he would know something like that, maybe due to Garp? (Close that trap too!!) because yep Garp knows Croc is trans and Luffy’s other dad.
Crocodile never liked the idea of people knowing his secret: him being Luffy’s other parent. He knows in that world people like him are seeing in a bad way and if others will discover he isn’t cis, my god I’m sure people will keep misgendering him… and he would hate that. I imagine his past full of transphobic people, keep using wrong pronouns with him and forcing him to just be like “Mother Nature made him”… you know useless things like this. So well he grow up frustrated and angry, Iva was his light, the revolutionary army were his light. Even after hrt, Crocodile felt the oppression of not being cis (mostly when he got pregnant of Luffy). But in this Au, he with the support of others started to feeling more and more comfortable just being himself. He’s not cis? Who cares!
But if people will discover he is Luffy’s dad too and with so, the father that gave birth to him, i like to imagine him asking his friends (and love) some support. He is more comfortable being trans, but something like that is hard to handle anyway, because nobody asked for his consent! If that was his secret, and he wanted to keep that hidden, well there’s a reason.
I hope I explained everything at least in a decent way, feel free to ask for some more if you are curious or to ask something else in the ask box.
And correct me or tell me to change something, if you think is inappropriate please.
For a dear anon that i still didn’t answer, if you are seeing this, just know that your idea inspired me. I will draw what you said, because I know what to draw hehe but i need time because i have other art first 🙏🏻
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oneprompt · 3 years
Hey there sweets!!💘 how’re you?
Can I have hcs for Ace, law and zoro with a soft fem!s/o who apologizes a lot & over stupid things ??? Ty
authors note : hi , hun ! im doing quite well , prepping myself for the day <3 and this is so cute , i’d love to write such a thing. i struggle with this type of thing 24/7, i must admit ;; so , i shall be the master of this craft! the craft of... unnecessary apologies! ah! anyway , please enjoy these to the fullest , i hope i did alright <33
Ace x Apologetic! F! Reader Headcanons
• Ace is incredibly patient. He won’t scold you or anything for being overly apologetic, nor will he find you annoying. He’ll just softly remind you that you don’t have to apologize over every little thing.
• Hes thankful to have such a kind hearted girlfriend. You’re always so sweet to everyone and that makes him happy! Especially if you can get along with Luffy, which isn’t too hard..
• Ace still can’t wrap his head around how a girl like you got sucked into all this pirate business.. But regardless of your reasons, he was more then thankful that you went down such a path. Because if you hadn’t, he wouldn’t have met your kind soul.
• He thinks you’re the cutest thing in the world! Ace likes watching you scramble for your words and then laugh at yourself after, hearing your gentle voice slip in a sorry. It’s adorable.
• Ace can get a bit surprised by you sometimes. When you randomly come up to him and kiss his cheek, hands draped over his well sculpted shoulders, he’ll just freeze in his place. You’ll be a whole fountain of, “ sorry! “ in just a second. And he’ll be right there to laugh and assure you that he’s okay, that you just surprised him.
• He isn’t as affectionate as you but he’ll try and give you attention the best he can. Wether it’s a pat on the head after a tough battle or holding your hand as you two journey through the deserts of Alabasta.
Law x Apologetic! F! Reader Headcanons
• Law is in love at first sight. It’s not surprise that Law has a fondness for cute things and you are the living embodiment of cute.
• He loves your mannerisms, they remind him of Corazon. Whenever you’re a bit too clumsy, Law can’t help but chuckle as he’s reminded of his late father figure.
• Now, with the overly apologetic behaviour, he’s rather understanding but for with his stonefaced nature, his tone can make him seem annoyed or angry. But let me assure you, Law isn’t angry at you in the slightest!
• He loves to sleep together with you. Law already shares a bed with Bepo but you have to join, it puts him in a cuteness sandwich! It’s weird how such a big and bad pirate captain was almost as soft as you, just not as open about it.
• Law is always on your side to help you if you just got out of a fight, all injured. He’ll scold you immensely as he patches you up but as soon as you slide him a glance of your teary eyes and a “ im sorry... “ , Law will have his head in his hands. Why were you so cute!?
• His crew is a handful. If you ever mention how you feel like a burden, he’s quick to dump every bit of doubt out of your head, all with a singular kiss.
Zoro x Apologetic! F! Reader
• Unlike the other two on here, he’ll get annoyed and fed up quick for your constant apology. Not out of anger, he just hates seeing you doubt yourself constantly to the point of apologizing over everything you do.
• You try and catch yourself everytime you want to apologize after Zoro shouts at you about how ‘dumb’ it is for a pirate to be like that. Yes, Zoro used the ‘we’re pirates’ cover up. He didn’t just flat out love bomb you.
• Zoro does love your sweet personality, even if you can be overly kind to those who don’t deserve it. It gives him faith in the world, hoping that there’s more people like you out there.
• He goes insane when he sees you fight. Zoro loves watching you kick the absolute life out of someone and then just shakily say, “ sorry .. “ to them. It’s too funny. And oddly attractive. Zoro loves a woman who can defend herself and you? You got that 100%.
• Zoro gets really embarrassed with romance and seeing how you can casually hug him, hold his hand or even kiss him is infuriating. Why does a shy girl like you have more guts then him?
• He loves being alone with you. Zoro may grunt in embarrassment when you say “ i love you “ to him all the time but when you two are alone, he’s all over you, repeating the endless love he has for you.
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aceopmari · 3 years
If the Straw Hats Had a Reality Show Dedicated to Pirates Headcanon! Ft: Law!
With how infamous the pirate crew gotten, it was only natural that they were soon granted the rights to have their own reality show, like other famous pirates in the Grand Line and the New World.
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Get ready for Keeping Up with the Straw Hats!
Luffy: Whether it was his strength, or his childlike innocence, Luffy was a fan favorite!
He often ignored the producers suggestions to make the show more interesting.
Luffy didn’t like when the producers told him to punch a random person on the street when they were visiting an island.
Was not getting paid, as he owed the producers over 10,000 berris for punching the camera one time in anger, when the director attempted to take his meat away. The director was only making a suggestion for a much healthier diet for the star of the show.
Luffy also skipped out on a lot of confessional sessions. Mainly because he really didn’t have much to hide to begin with. But if he did go, it was mainly to either show appreciation for his crew or to make public declarations:
“Sanji’s cooking the BEST!”
“Do we get free meat with this show?”
“I’m going to kick Mingo’s ass!”
Zoro: The viewers found Zoro amusing! Whether it be him constantly getting lost, or his heated arguments with Sanji. The producers would rush over to him, cameras and all whenever they caught the two together.
Zoro was surprisingly popular with female viewers. They enjoyed watching him sweat whenever he would work out in the crows nest.
Zoro didn’t care about the show really. Just as long as he gets to work out, drink booze, and sleep, he’s good.
The producers always looked forward to his confessionals after he fights with Sanji:
“That damn shitty cook! Just who the hell does he think he is?!”
“That curly brow dumbass is gonna get himself killed one of these days!”
Sanji: Was angry that Zoro was racking in more views from the female viewers than he was!
Why him?! Why not me?!
He kicked the camera man straight in the chin when he told him that Zoro was naturally more popular than he was.
Sanji desperately tried to win over the female viewers by showing off his fighting skills or his culinary expertise.
He was excited when he finally got some fan mail from the fans!
It turned out to be from the okamas though…
If Sanji went to the confessionals, it was usually to cry about why women weren’t interested in him…or to talk shit about Zoro:
“Just what does he have that I don’t on this show?”
“Why aren’t all the beautiful ladies watching me?”
Little did Sanji know, he caught the eyes of Violet and Pudding.
Nami: An absolute slut for the camera! The producers LOVED her!
One couldn’t tell who was using who more. All that mattered was what would bring them more views and more money.
Whenever it was filming time, Nami would purposely wear a bikini without the jeans to draw in the male viewing audience.
Add the extra seductive act she would put on, and nosebleeds would cover millions of transponder snail television screens.
Loved to give tours of the Sunny and show off her designer clothes.
Would parade around the islands, using Momonosuke as an accessory to manipulate the fans into loving her more.
Nami LOVED to take advantage of the fanbase, often subtly asking for gifts mainly money through the fan mail she receives. Next to Robin, she had the most.
Nami became very vain and strict with the crew on how to present themselves for the camera and had to keep members like Luffy in check to make sure he didn’t do anything stupid to cause the show to be cancelled. But just in case, as a backup, she could always start an Only Fans.
One might say that the fame and fortune was getting to her head, as she would purposely start up drama whenever she was out on an island. Would probably steal from a city mayor if it meant she could get the fans taking for weeks.
Whenever she was in the confessionals, it was mainly to complain about Luffy’s or Zoro’s antics.
Would probably shit talk about Robin, although faking it the whole time, to get some drama started:
“Honestly! I wish Luffy would just use some common sense for once!”
“Robin thinks she’s all that! But everyone knows, I’m the prettiest girl on the show!”
“I’ll let you film me in the bath. It’ll cost you 1 million beri!”
Franky: Loved the camera! One sided on the producers part since they didn’t enjoy Franky’s sense of…ahem…style.
He would dance, be loud, or show off his cool body.
If he was in the confessional room, it was to complain openly to the producers on why they did him dirty.
“Hey! I saw last weeks episode! Why did you cut my scene out, bro?!”
Ussop: Although not nearly as popular as Nami, Ussop was interesting enough to get some viewers watching the show, even unintentionally.
Ussop used the show to make himself seem cooler, mainly through the confessionals.
The lies he told caught the attention of viewers worldwide, though very few could sees past his lies.
The producers didn’t care, so long as there were viewers.
“Yes it was I! The Great Captain Ussop who defeated CP9!”
“Wait wait! Cut that out! Cut that scene out! I meant SniperKing!”
Chopper: The Worlds Favorite Cutie Pie!
Choppers looks alone were enough to win the hearts of viewers! Mostly the female reindeer mink.
Combine that with his child like innocence and he’s instantly a popular household name!
On top of that he already has many sponsorships from multiple sweet brands. (Mainly cotton candy ones.)
Choppers pretty shy on camera and often does his usual dance when he’s nervous. The audience eats it up.
He doesn’t gossip. When it comes to confessionals, he’s usually talking about Zoro’s recklessness when it comes to bandages, or Sanji’s nose bleeding habits.
Jimbei: Not particular interested in TV or fame, but used being on TV to his advantage to spread his word and try stop discrimination against fishmen.
The producers found him boring and didn’t look forward to filming him, especially at confessionals…but at the very least, he was able to bring in views due to his former status as a warlord.
Robin: Had many admirers! She enjoyed being on the show. Often is seen on screen on a lavish shopping trip with Nami.
She does her part to make the show more interesting, whether it is be her dark sense of humor or putting her devil fruit powers to good use.
She once used it on a producer when he asked her to do something suggestive for views. After that, the producers never messed with her again, out of fear for their lives.
Not much for confessionals though, except when she’s expressing how amused she is at Luffy’s antics.
She may appeared to be calm and quiet but you better believe that the rumors she would stir up, would get the people talking!
Piers Morgans was having a field day with the headlines:
“Did Cat Burgler Nami Get Breast Implants?!”
“Roronoa Zoro: Honorable Swordsmen or Man Thot?! Gets Caught Sleeping with Wano’s Most Beautiful Woman!”
“Is Monkey D Luffy, Secretly Seeing His Crewmates Sister From the Germa Kingdom?!”
Brook: Fans loved seeing Soul King on screen. In some episodes he’s either playing music or he’s attempting a panty raid in Nani’s room. Which often results in him getting beat up by her every time.
Anything he says in the confessional‘s ends up with his signature laugh.
Law: Made a special guest appearance since starting hiw alliance with Luffy.
You can imagine his look of surprise, when the crew showed up on Punk Hazard with a camera crew and all.
He wasn’t at all interested in being on TV. His famous “I hate bread” made him an instant fan favorite. And meme along the fanbase.
He didn’t like that…
Law hated being followed around by the camera crew on the Thousand Sunny or when he simply just wanted peace. He frequently scolded the producers to stop or told Luffy to call off the cameras, but neither listened.
He only wanted to discuss the alliance plans in private with the crew and didn’t want the producers to catch any of it for the world to see.
As time went on, and Law was getting sucked into the Straw Hat shenanigans. He found himself wandering into the confessional where he would frequently complain about the crew. Mainly the captain.
“Mugiwara-ya will be the death of me…”
“Rorona-ya has no sense of direction…”
“How has the crew survived this long? They don’t ever strategize when it comes to making a plan!”
Viewer Reactions:
Sabo: Enjoys watching his little brother on screen, and always has a good laugh. Koala would often scold him for abandoning his duties to go watch the show.
Hancock: Would briefly abandon her duties as Pirate Empress for the whole day if it meant, she could watch Luffy on screen.
Took up most of his fan mail, and gifts that had meat.
Hancock would be envious of Nami and Robin on her screen, wishing she was their with Luffy.
Mihawk: Reality shows weren’t his usual choice of television entertainment, but he did watch, soley to watch over Zoro’s progress as a swordsmen. He would lie if Perona asked him if he found what he saw the slightest bit amusing.
Ace: He got a kick out watching his little brother on screen. Often laughing at Luffy’s antics. He saw that Luffy’s crew was slowly riding in more views on the reality show The WhiteBeard Pirates had. Ace wasn’t too worried but he knew he had to step it up.
Shanks: Often shaking his head and smiling in amusement at the sight of Luffy on screen. Would sometimes watch the show with Ace as the two spoke fondly of him.
Big Mom: Was furious that Luffy was racking in more views than her crew combined. Everyone used to love Big Mom’s wedding cake special episodes.
Garp: Nearly choked on his crackers at the sight of his crazy grandson invading his screen.
Smoker: If any marine soldier was caught watching, Keeping Up with the Straw Hats, you better believe that he’ll would be raised at HQ. in secret though, he would watch it. Not for entertainment, but more so to study the Straw Hats moves.
Buggy: Screeching out in jealously seeing Straw Hat Luffy was popular enough to be given his own show and not him.
Kid: Was sitting at a bar one night and spat out his drink in anger at the sight of Straw Hat on his screen.
Nearly popped a blood vessel when he saw Law on screen.
“The hell?! Even Trafalgar?! How come those bastards get their own show?!”
Killer remained silent. He knew the reason why the Kid Pirates never picked up the rights to a pirate reality show was because of how scary Kid was.
Dragon: Used the show as a way to keep up with his son. Although in secret, since he didn’t want his army to notice.
Germa 66: Mixed reactions.
“That’s no son of mine.” Judge would say.
Reiju giggled at the sight of the screen. After a mission, she would look forward to watching the show to see her brother.
Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji expressed annoyance and criticized Sanji. Although would never admit that they were each jealous that Sanji got to be on a reality show instead of the Germa Kingdom itself.
Yamato: Wants to be on the show. Not for the fame, but mainly to spread the word and tell the world what a horrible father, Kaido is and spread Oden’s legacy to the world.
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usopp-writes · 2 years
Whitebeard pirates week - day 2: Joining the crew
Authors note: I have wanted to write this for some time. My OC Portgas D. Ann is the twin sister to Ace and I wanted to write the conversation Ace had with her on the night he decided to join Whitebeard. It's mostly from Ace's POV.
In the future, I hope to be able to write more of the two together.
Ace and Ann (OC) SFW Word count: 1,328
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Ace entered his shared room with his twin sister, who lied on her back on the floor, legs resting on her bed, while reading a book. Under her head was a pillow and she lied on her blanket, indicating that she had made herself comfortable on the floor. It was an odd way to lie and rad, it would have been far more comfortable on the bed itself, but he knew his twin by now. She wasn’t one to do normal things, she took pride in being different and her own person.
“I have decided what I want to do next.” Ace said, before sitting on her bed, next to her legs.
Ann gave a hum and eyed him. “Out of the options you have, I doubt it is keep trying to take the old man’s head. You’re far, far from his level.” She’d told him this once, but also let him do what he wanted. Not once had she tried to discourage him from trying to kill Whitebeard, though he knew she was sure he would fail no matter how strong he became. Ace hated how insightful she could be and he knew she had foreseen his decision he’d just took, long before he even had thought about it.
An annoying grumble left his lips, his way to tell her he hated it when she was right. While he wanted to tell her his decision, he felt awful for having taken it without even as much as discussing it with her. She’d been with him since birth, always having his back – sometimes even his front and sides – she had always been there when he needed him and he knew she would continue being with him. So no matter what he decided, she would not leave him, but he was selfish and had not always thought about what she wanted. He’d thought she wanted the same as him, thought that she was content in whatever happened, as long as she was with him.
However, ever since they were forced onto the Moby Dick, he’d noticed that she was a lot more angry and moody. He missed her bright smiles, her teasing nature and her laughter. They had been sparse while they were here, even Deuce had pointed it out for him and Ace felt it was his fault. She was unhappy, he was sure of it, and all because he decided to stay and try to take the old man’s head day after day.
“Before I tell you, however, I want to know what you want and don’t give me the I’ll go wherever you go crap, Ann. Tell me the truth. What do you want?” He looked at her.
She picked up the bookmark and put it in the book, before closing it and placed the book next to her. Staring at the ceiling, she mused over his question. What did she want? It should be easy, but she just wanted to be with her brother until the end. She wanted to see Luffy archive his dream and goal, even lend him a hand if necessary. Still, it didn’t feel like it was all she wanted, but what else could she want?
“Ann?” Ace looked at her, as she’d been silence too long and he’d thought she had fallen asleep. Narcolepsy ran in their blood, she was just lucky enough to be hit as hard as him. Still, he could catch her falling asleep at random. She’d mastered to sleep while still standing, where he would just fall onto his face or back.
“When thinking about it, there is something I have wanted ever since we were kids.” She started, eyes still focused on the ceiling. “I dream of a place on the sea that I could call my home, surrounded with people loyal to each other and us. Where no one would really care what demon blood is running through our veins and … to just be loved for the person I am. You know, the same pure love Luffy gives us.”
Silence fell, as Ace stared at her, having not expected that. It was a pure and innocent dream; one he had to admit also was in his heart. He just wanted to be accepted, wanted to be loved and to know if it was good he (they) were born. Luffy’s love and devotion to them had giving them a taste of how life could be, when you had people that really cared about you and he wanted more of it.
“So what have you decided?” Ann broke the silence, head titled a little to look at him.
“I’ve decided to accept Whitebeard’s offer. I will become his son.” Ace looked at her, eyes asking for her permission to stay, asking her to stay with him and accept this crew as their family.
Ann chuckled and swiftly got onto her feet. “About damn time you figured out that it is what your heart wanted. You’re sometimes even denser than Luffy.”
“OI!” Ace pouted, though mostly he was upset that Ann had foreseen this outcome. She knew him better than he knew himself and he couldn’t even say the same about her. He didn’t know her as well as she knew him and it sometimes saddened him and other times angered him. Ann was like an open book with a lot of hidden pages you had to search hard for.
Poking his cheek, Ann smirked at him. “I think we should tell the old man about our decision, don’t you? I mean, he’s been waiting for so long for a proper answer, so let’s not let him wait any longer.”
“Are you sure that this is also what you want, Ann? I mean, it doesn’t seem like you’ve been happy here. You’ve been angry and sad most of the time.” Ace wanted to make sure that she really wanted this.
A sigh left her and she plopped down next to him, leaning her head on his shoulder. “I know, but I just tried not to get too attached, in case you decided to start all over again. It would have been hard to leave if my heart was here, you know?”
Ace mentally slapped himself. Of course that was the reason to her anger and sadness. It wasn’t that she wasn’t happy here; she was just afraid she would get happy here, only to have and leave it behind. He could understand that. While he’d been busy trying to kill Whitebeard, Ann had a lot of time to get to know the ship and the crew. Enough time to get attached and it were easy to get attached. So many had been welcoming and just accepted them on the spot. Heck, the Spade pirates had all – except for him and Ann – been divided into a division and gotten new friends. He wasn’t sure if any one of them would have followed him, had he decided to start all over again. Ann was the only person he knew that would follow him to the end and maybe even Deuce.
“Well, if you’re sure about this, then let’s do it. Let’s tell the old man that we have accepted him as our father figure, shall we? He does seem to be a good father, doesn’t he?” Ace smiled, grabbing Ann’s hand and rose, dragging her with him.
“He does seem like it. I have felt and seen the devotion and love here, Ace. It feels amazing and I do want to be part of it.” She smiled at him with the bright and warm smile he’d missed.
Smiling back her, just as bright as warm as her, he started to walk, determined to tell Whitebeard tonight that the two troublemakers now had accepted him as captain, as father. Today marked the day Ace and Ann joined the crew and unsurprisingly their new family threw them a huge welcome to the family party that lasted until the early morning.
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vemuabhi · 3 years
One Piece Boys Valentines Special!
Soulmate + One Piece AU where whatever happens to your soulmate will appear on your wrist.
Pairing : One Piece Boys X GN! Reader
Happy Valentines Day Everyone!
A/N : I was listening to I need you by BTS (Clickable). It gives the love vibes. Do listen to it if you want to! You wont regret it. the feels are just everyting!
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Note: in this Story it can be with any one piece boy you wish for. It can be Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, Ussop, Law, Sabo, Ace, Killer, Kidd, anyone you admire. anyone you like. for some charecters it maybe OOc but, I tried to make it as close to them as possible. It will be in his POV
“This is in His POV”
As the sun rays hit my eyes, I slowly open my eyes. I grunt as I rolled to the other side of the bed. I took a deep breath and as the usual morning routine I bring my wrist close to my eyes and see what is going to happen to my soulmate today. It said, “Falls down while taking a walk and takes the attention of the complete crowd”.
Most of the times it is small normal everyday life stuff. Once it was, “Studying for Test all night”, for which I felt Super proud and other time it was “Crying because messed the exam”, on that day I was also sad because they were crying and did hard work. Once it was “being called names” and other time was, “Moving away from that place”. Not gonna lie, I was furious because they had to go through bullying.
Most of my mood depends on how my soulmate is doing that day. If I see that they are happy and cosy, I feel happy. If they are sad because of someone, I get super angry. If they are depressed, I feel sad. But yes… I fell in love with them without even noticing. I know neither their name nor face. But I do know one thing for sure. I got one hell of a person. They are amazing and I’d love them no matter what. I’m pretty sure they also like me. Because sometimes I read that they were depressed and crying because of the injuries and problems I was having. Well they could also read what was happening to me because it’s how the world is. In those times I do feel relieved and happy because they do care about me and my heart fills with that fuzzy feeling.
I let out a chuckle as I read todays happening. I know it’s wrong to laugh when someone falls down but… I couldn’t help it. “So adorable”, I say to myself as I looked at my wrist and kiss the sentence. Then I lazily woke up from the bed and continued my routine for the day.
After lunch my buddy asked me, “Man… you sure are smiling today. Something happened?” I nodded and said, “It’s just that my soulmate will be super embarrassed today, so I can’t help but laugh”. He chuckled and we talk about the upcoming works to do. That night I go to my bed and plop myself on it. I think about how my soulmate is as I smile and sleep.
The next day I see that, “Getting a crush on the new boy next door”…. ‘Wait what? Did I read it correctly?’ I thought to myself as I reread the sentence for at least 10 times. ‘Oh lord… Imma kill that jerk’, I say to myself.
I know that crushes don’t last long and yeah I know that my soulmate loves me but…. what the hell?! I can’t allow that! “IF I SEE THAT JERK IMMA BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HIM”, I scream out loud making the people around me give me the weird look. I am so much pissed today that even the smallest things are pissing me off… ‘Is he that handsome?’, I thought to myself as I run my fingers through my hair. ‘Oh lord this jealousy doesn’t suit me. I hate this feeing’, I thought as I continued being moody for the rest of the day. I couldn’t sleep properly that night so I just stare at the night sky and keep thinking about them as I pout. I look at my wrist and whisper, “I am the only one for you. Get it to your head you idiot”.
I kept looking at my wrist and then I feel a slight sting on my wrist and I continued looking at it. Then I see that a new sentence was being formed. I have seen it many times but every time this happens it makes me so excited like a small baby. It is so magical. I read the new sentence on the wrist and blush hard. ‘Damn it’, I think to myself as I cover my face with my hand. I then again open my eyes and look at my wrist and read the sentence. ‘Continuing to be super happy because Soulmate is jealous’. I chuckle reading that sentence as my cheeks still remained pink. ‘So happy that Im jealous huh.. you little... tsk... still cute though.... Well at least now I know that you are smiling because of me’. I say and plop onto my sheets and close my eyes with a smile still lingering on my face.
After some days of normal peaceful happy days, with me and my soulmate being cheerful, I go to a new island with my buddies. It was a bright beautiful day. We explore the island, eat food and drink alcohol. Just like that the day was close to over and I was alone, walking in a park with the night sky beautifully lit with stars. Then I felt a slight sting on my wrist. I look at it waiting for the words to appear. Then, I see the words that I never expected but was waiting for the most to show up on my skin. I almost forget to breathe when I look at those words. My eyes wide open and heart beating faster than ever.
‘Meeting Soulmate’, was written on it. My eyes couldn’t believe what they were seeing. I take deep breaths and sit on the bench beside me. I was speechless. I was amazed by this. ‘but.. how am I going to recognise them? how are they going to react when they see me? Would they even like a person like me, who always gets into fights? who has lots of scars.. would they accept me? what if they reject me?’, insecurities build up with in my heart. ‘Or worst… what would happen if we don’t even recognise each other?’, I couldn’t keep my thoughts in control. the only thing Mattered was them. ‘I'll search for you. I'll confess to you. no matter how you look, no matter what your gender or pronouns are, I will try my best to find you’, I say to myself and run around the island. That was a sleepless night. I ran around all the places to find them. Asked many peoples if they were meeting their soulmate that day, but every single time I got the same response.
“No, I’m sorry”, said the person whom I just asked.
‘Where are you?’, I thought and continue to search for them. it was already evening, but I couldn’t find them. The complete day, I didn’t feel like stopping for even a second. But now…. I got to the same park again after running around the island. I had no luck finding them. ‘Where are you?’, I thought as I again sit on the same bench as yesterday… all alone still... ‘Did you see me but didn’t like me? Do you like someone else? If you did I’d know by now… where can I find you? Where are you?’, I placed my hand on my head and my elbow on my knees. ‘Did I not notice you even though we met?’, I thought some of the worst case scenarios as my tears began to fall down my cheek. I couldn’t help but sob silently. I was immersed in my thoughts then I saw a person crouch down before me with a kerchief in their hand. “Sorry to ask this when you are crying but, are you by any chance looking for your soulmate?”, they asked. I.. I was speechless so, I just showed my wrist to them, and they smiled and showed me theirs, it said, ‘Meeting your fated in the park’.
I didn’t know what to say. It was the first time I saw those shiny bright eyes and beautiful face. That was my soulmate. They got up and wiped my tears then, they said, “I’ve been waiting to meet you for a long time.”
That moment, I lost my control. I swiftly got up and pulled them into my arms. I buried my head in the crook of their neck and nodded. I felt their arms wrap around me as they rubbed soothing circles on my back. “I love you”, I confessed as they gasped.
I continued, “I know… I don’t even know your name. But… I love you. I love every single thing about you. Your kindness, your nature, your behaviour. I love how you are passionate about small things. The way you jam to the music everyone thinks is weird. The way you still be strong even after being bullied. I admire them so much. Those little traits of yours are mesmerising.", I stop and snif, then continue, "I never saw the guy who lives next door to you but I hate him with all my heart”. Then for the first time, they let out a very adorable giggle. ‘Oh... music to my ears when you laugh’, I thought.
Then we slowly pull apart. I see that their cheeks are flushed pink which was also too cute. They slowly reach up to my hand and kiss the place where the writing was making me blush. Because.. I do that many times and now, they kisses my wrist. They look into my eyes and said, “I also love you”. this made my heart flutter with happiness.
They sat down on the bench and I too obliged. We talked about all the things that we wanted to talk about and trust me my heart was about to burst when they leaned on my shoulder and continued talking with me. Thank you for being my soulmate, Y/N.
I hope you enjoyed it! Happy Valentines Day! Celebrate your valentine's day with One piece boys!
Did you like the story or the song. Tell me how you feel by giving me a Like, Comment and Reblog. Thanks for Reading!
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cienie-isengardu · 3 years
Some thoughts about the dynamic between the five Supernovas
...a.k.a. One Piece 1001 chapter
Spoilers ahead!
The previous one piece chapters felt at times dragged out a bit too much but were needed to set everything in the right perspective and to build proper hype for the upcoming fight between Emperors and Supernovas. Thanks to that, the chapter 1001 felt both refreshing and, generally speaking, is a good mix of awesomeness and solid humor. Even my lowkey interest in epic battle between those two forces increased but frankly, it still comes down to an already settled dynamic between (idiot) Captain Trio and non-captain Duo.
All because the contrast between those two groups is both palpable and amusing:
On one hand, we have three renowned captains, all strong in their own ways. So far the manga provided examples of Luffy-Law and Luffy-Kid dynamic and despite their character differences, when in need, they can work together well. It seems like Luffy and Kid share similar abrasive nature thus are more prone to argue with each other, while Law most of the time rolls with Luffy’s chaotic stubbornness. But once the three of them get together, all their brain cells apparently disappear and everyone tries to outdone the rest.
To be fair, this is nothing new. But as much as Luffy and Kid aren't a surprise here, Law’s behaviour is especially out of norm. As the oldest Supernova captain, Law usually was the one scheming and planning every step or two ahead. So far, he worked pretty well with Luffy and Zoro, even though both men stressed him hella way too much. But now he has some obsession to look as an independent factor, like he truly does not want the Emperors or Kid to see him as Luffy’s subordinate. Despite his usual pragmatic approach, Law allowed his pride to get in the way. To the point of getting hit by an attack easy to avoid. 
Though to be fair, the most surprising moment was Luffy who managed to talk two stubborn fellow captains into his game of “the first who flinch is the weakling”. I mean, a psychological approach (the mind games?) aren’t Luffy’s usual modus operandi. And yet, when Law acted on his hurt ego, Luffy was the cunning one, for a change.
And so the Three Captains get hit with a fireball because they are dumbasses who in middle of fight focused more on proving some manly (idiotic) matter of bravery and/or power rather than work together.
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(Thankfully, Zoro called the dumbass TRIO on their bullshit and really, he kept reminding Luffy to take New World seriously since Punk Hazard)
So, we have the Captain Trio that still didn’t figure out how to work properly together and most likely the Emperors are going to beat some shit out of them before their ego/pride and ongoing, not resolved strife will be put aside for some epic teamwork.
On the other hand, there is Zoro and Killer who also have some sort of rivalry between them - the reminder of their previous fight - but it didn’t go out of control like with the Captain Trio. Zoro told Killer he recognized him as the Kamazou (pointing out the characteristic laugh that we learned some time ago Killer outright hates) and both had a small talk about the result of said fight (Killer thinks he would win if he had his scythes, Zoro says it would end the same), yet I wouldn’t say there was palpable tension between them. Definitely nothing of the sort that is between the Captain Trio in which Luffy, Law and Kid like to derogatory each other and maybe even want to take the lead in the fight. Probably to prove their manliness or something like that.
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Zoro said to Killer “try not to get into my way” which is so different from Captain Trio’s interaction some chapters ago. The wording alone is an interesting way to show the established relationship between them. Zoro thinks he is the better fighter (and most likely he is not wrong), but it’s still less rude/arrogant than Kid’s from 1000th chapter
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or even Kid screaming at others to “don’t get in my way!” or Law and Luffy’s “stand back!”, from chapter some time ago. I mean, Zoro didn’t tell Killer he is useless (due to already lost fight) nor outright rejected the potential help coming from the other man. And in contrast to Captain Trio, the Non-captain Due straight up synchronized their attacks as one and went for cutting Kaido’s head - it didn’t work of course, but that is the difference between Supernovas little groups, isn’t it?
Law, Kid and Luffy have this ongoing rivalry since Sabaody Archipelago but never actually had a proper fight against each other. They have some common ground and shared moments of comradience (Luffy & Law whole deal with Doffy, Luffy & Kid’s time in Uden when Kid and Killer were saved by Straw Hat and his friends) but they can’t stand each other once the three are together and clash for totally childish matters even with two angry Emperors before them while Killer and Zoro actually hurt each other in fight some chapters ago, had a reason to hold grudge against each other (Killer was forced to work for Orochi to save his captain and was left behind bleeding without a second thought, then sent to prison, Zoro became a friend of Hiyori and Toko who Killer, as Kamazou, tried kill) but despite the small talk they kept cool head and showed potential for some good teamwork. And dunno, the 1001 chapter deepens my feeling from previous scenes that Killer and Zoro will play the so needed role of buffers (x) between the stubborn and prideful captains to balance their abrasive behaviour and thus help improve the general teamwork of Supernovas.
I mean, the last time when Kid and Luffy were actually working well was thanks to Zoro staying between them with Killer acting as voice of reason / figuring out enemy’s powers:
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So I really expect more mixing of Supernovas with each other in future.
I just want to say I love the dynamic between the five Supernovas and the amusing contrast between the Three (idiot) Captains and Non-captain Duo.
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amindofstone · 3 years
Match up, No. 10
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Anon said:
Hello! I would like the match up please I would like to have a Male character and here are stuff about me!
The thing I do mostly is like to care for others and help others, I mostly get tricked on very easily do to my kindness which will cause me to sometimes get very fiesty which not very but maybe like “ please just stop talking your being to loud.” In a annoyed tone, which is very rarely, I tend to like very many hobbies and I don’t judge people base on first glance I see what on the inside and not what on the outside, a weakness I have is my disability but I never allow it to stop me from my true goal in life! And I practically tend to like doing some boyish stuff like archery! I get a lot of compliments on my archery skill because a lot of people say I have the patients and the accuracy very good! My dislikes are I hate real cocky people who think there all good and don’t take stuff for granted I also hate people who look down on weak person as not a human but a animal. I hate peoples who take kindness for granted and use it for a selfish gain.
I stand at about 5’0 exact! I have long brown hair that gets a lot of attention because some people always say to me “ I die to have your hair:” I’m just a tiny bit chubby and have big blue ocean eye that gets a lot of compliments and a lot of people wanting it to. I very much get the attention for how smart I am and how kind I am! I also get some hate from boys when I prove them wrong that girls aren’t weak and I won’t back down from a fight if it means protecting myself, people or just anyone. I like to have some affection it doesn’t have to be a lot maybe just even a hand on the shoulder is fine! I also very do like to wear some baggy clothes and I do like wearing like summer dresses that are knee high. I also tend to get very excited from the smallest things. A lot of people think I’m a loner but when it comes to babies I’m all for them! My cousin even said “ she likes to be alone into babies comes in the picture and she all for them!” 💕I love children and my parents even told me “ your definitely going to be the house wife.” I don’t know if that a compliment or not but I’m taking it😂✌🏻 sorry if I shared so many!
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Hello there! How are you? I really enjoyed reading all those things about you. Believe it or not but the part in which you said that although you have a disability it is not holding you back to follow your dreams, was impressive. It truly made happy. I have two cousins that have a disability and get me sad every time I see them. But seeing them happy and keep doing whatever they want makes me always so damn happy. You seem to be such a sweet human. Someone bright and jolly. Please never ever change. You are such a strong and great human. Keep that attitude and make sure that even when you end up as a housewife don´t let anyone push you around or take you presence and work for granted. This world really needs more good humans like you. I am so happy you requested. When you mentioned housewife I instantly thought of Hinata (Narutos wife) and then thought about myself who is more of a mixture of Ino and Temari. That thought really made me laugh. LMAO!! Anyways I really hope you will like with what I came up with. If there is anything that bothers you or you don´t like, please tell me so I can change it. Other than that enjoy the little story I came up with. Happy reading!
Match up rules can be found HERE.
Warning(s): Maybe grammatical or spelling mistakes since English is my third language and I´m still improving in every aspect (Please have mercy on that.)
!!! Please do not steal my idea or work. Credit me if this is shared or published in any other platform or any other way. Please respect me as the writer and my work. Picture is not mine. Credits to: @/SK,Martins (Can be seen in the pic) (found on the internet) !!!
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· Well my dear anon. Like I mentioned before I think that you are a sweet and lovely human being. On top of that also simply adorable, fun and pure! Therefore I´d like to match you up with the future pirate king Monkey D. Luffy
· I think that you two would get along so well. So, SO WELL! Now hear me out!
· The way you two got to know each other might sound a bit of cliché but that’s simply how you meet. There was no princess in danger or a knight in a shinny armor but a clueless guy who wondered why a woman in a dress would walk around with arrows and a bow when they weren´t cupid. A simple human?! HA! Definitely not!
· Anyways that’s how everything started….
· The strawhats were docked on the island you were living in. At first they were anxious and didn´t want to leave their ship alone but when a worker at the harbor told them that the civilians on the island had cero problems with pirates as long as they didn´t do anything stupid or harm them. The whole crew got happy and started roaming around the island.
· Luffy being Luffy, screamed for food the moment his feet were on the island. And Zoro…. That guy yelled after him saying that if he gets to have food he wanted Sake. So, Luffy, Zoro and Ussop searched for a restaurant. Why Ussop you wonder? Well Nami send him with the boys because they otherwise would end up on the other side of the island. And Ussop compared to the captain and the first mate knew he had an actual brain and also knew how to use it.
· While the pirates were walking around the island you were helping out as a waitress in your uncles restaurant
· Everything went smooth. You served the people and had little chats with some of them. Some gave you too much tip and some other had you sitting with them and eat with them
· The people of the island knew you well. They knew you and loved you. Your uncle once even said that the only reason why his business was doing so well was because of you. The people never came for the food but rather for you. But you always denied it and told him that it was him and his food that was liked so much.
· Bu today there was something a bit different. A group of men you hated from the bottom of your heart came again. They were simply rude and egoistic. They were people from the wealthier part of the city, that was called royal neighbor. The reason why that neighborhood was called royal had nothing to do with the people that lived there. The only reason it was called royal was because it had a lot of wellness centers, hotels, casinos and parks. While this neighborhood, you were living in was given the name of idyll because of the beautiful nature. Landscapes that could have been painted and not to forget the dreamy beaches. But these group of young men simply didn´t understand that and thought of it differently. In a way that even the mayor couldn´t do anything else than just shook his head in embarrassment. But what could that poor man do. They weren´t doing anything against the law. They simply were annoying, stupid and egoistic.
· The group of young man, not older than 25, would always come once a week and have lunch in your uncles restaurant
· They entered the restaurant followed by three men you never saw on the island. At first you thought of them as sailors until you saw the green haired man carry three swords.
· You were in a dilemma. You didn´t knew if you should take care of the men that could have been pirates or the annoying group of disgusting men that always came. You gave your coworker a look and made sure he understood what you wanted. You were about to walk up to him and tell him to take care of the annoying group of men when you heard a plate breaking. You stopped in your tracks and instantly turned around.
· “This is our table. We always sit here. Now move you pathetic poor human.”, said Dean, the head of the group. You were mad. You were extremely mad and it took you so much energy and patience to not walk up to him and cut of his throat. But you calmed down and thought rationally. You took a deep breath and took your little notebook you used for writing down the guests orders when you heard a glass shatter right after Dean grabbed the customer at his collar and made him stand up. And this was exactly the moment you slammed you notebook and pen on the floor and yelled from the top of your lungs.
· “Watch out what you’re doing, you spoiled brat!”
· You stomped towards him and took a knife from a table on your way to him. “If you do not put him down in a bit and apologize, I swear to god I will make you regret waking up today and leaving your fucking bed!”, Dean knew you were no one to joke around with but his pride as a man kept pushing him. He chuckled and looked at you up and down while his friends that followed him like dogs laughed at your words.
· “Don´t make me start counting you pathetic version of a human.”, with furious eyes you looked up at Dean who still held the customer at his collar. “Look at that tiny girl trying to threaten…”, one of his friends was giving a comment but couldn´t finish his sentence because of you throwing the knife in your hand at him and cutting a bit of his ear and hair. You threw the knife with such a precise and strong grip that it ended up hitting the wall that was three meters behind him. “Watch out what you say because I don´t hesitate to drop the sweet girl attitude.”
· Dean looked at you with pure anger and let go of the man he was holding. He looked at his shocked friend and then back at you. “Today’s point goes to you. But the next time we come and this table is not free you will regret hurting him.”, said the angry man. “Listen here you little dumb spoiled creature. This table won´t be free for you. This is our table. Our property. You have no right to come and throw such a tantrum. And guess what, come again and I will be paying your parents a little visit and make them pay for everything you did. And I am sure that they won´t be pleased by your behavior since they are good friends with my parents and the mayor. Right? Now if I ever see you come here again I will make you pay. After today we will not accept your unacceptable behavior anymore. Now get the FCK OUT!!”
· After they left everything was silent for a few seconds but that change after your uncle started to clap and every person in the restaurant joined him. Your eye widened and your started to blush with a huge grin on your face. But that little moment of clapping didn´t last long. One of the pirates that entered the restaurant spoke up. “You did a good job but I AM HUNGRY!!!! Please FEED ME!”, you were confused. You didn´t know how to react and stood there like a statue.
· “Alright Sir. No worries. We will take your order in a few.”, said your uncle and approached you with a huge smile your notebook and pen. He pats your head with a proud smile. “You are such a brave and strong woman. I am so glad to have you in my family and I think it´s enough for today. Please take care of these men and then go rest: You deserve it.”, you nodded and smiled back to him. You pulled yourself together and made your way to the table of the pirates while your uncle left to take care of the broken glasses and the customer who had to deal with those stupid men.
· “Hello gentlemen. I apologize for making you wait I ….”, “No worries I actually enjoyed the show. You’ve got a good and precise eye. BUT NOW MY ORDER! Get me everything on the second site please.”, you absolutely didn´t knew how to react. You were looking at the talking man with a straw hat and then to his friends with big shook eyes. “I know what you thinking but he always eats that much and manages to stay alive. No worries. And getting to my order I´d like to have number 17 and 22 on the menu.”, said the one with a unusual long nose. “I take the same as him but with three bottles of your best sake.”
· You nodded with a disbelieving look on the face wondering if the first one is really going to eat all of the stuff. But you gave yourself a light slap and made your way to the kitchen only to be confronted with overwhelmed and surprised faces of the cooks. You shrugged with your shoulder and went to get the pirates drinks.
· While you went to get their drinks you saw that more people sat down next to the three pirates what made sense since the table they were sitting on was a huge one that usually only families took. Taking the drinks you served the three and greeted the new costumers. At the table sat a beautiful woman with black hair that complimented you for your adorable and genuine smile. With a blush you gave the others a menu too and took their orders
· Slowly with time passing all of their meals were served and you said your farewells and left the restaurant earlier then thought because your uncle said that he will take care of the rest. Thanking him you left and made your way to your archery lesson although it would have been way too early.
· Every time you came your sensei’s face would glow with pride. But the malicious person he is he would then drag you inside and introduce you to another challenge he came up with.
Time skip because ya author is lazy for the first time in a while now. *apologizes in trilingual
· It was late in the evening. You were on your way back home and thought why not take the route that would lead you to walk across the beach. You were having a good time alone. The sound of the waves that crashed on the cliffs and rocks were beautifully calming. The feeling of the sand under you feet were relaxing. With a smile upon your lips you were lost in your thoughts when the same guy with the straw hat you saw in the restaurant looked at you while blinking a few times before he asked you if you were Cupid the god of love like Sanji told him.
· With confusion taking over your mind you stopped in your tracks. Who on earth was he and that Sanji guy and why did he call me cupid? You wondered.
· And there you were looking at him with pure confusion while he looked at you with huge impressed and curious eyes for good 2 minutes until you shook your head and asked him who he and that Sanji were. He smiled at you and let himself fall down to sit cross- legged in front of you on the soft, warm sand. Now how do you think he introduced himself? Exactly my dear.
· “I am Monkey D. Luffy the future pirate King.”, “Huh?”, “And Sanji is one of my crew mates and the cook on my ship. Now tell me are you Cupid or not.”
· “Why would I be cupid?”, “Well you are wearing a pink white dress and you have a bow and arrows. So I thought that you might be on your way to shoot some people with them to make them fall in love. So, are you Cupid?”,
· “Alright first of all Cupid is a mythological creature made up by humans. He or she doesn´t exists. Secondly you really don´t look like a pirate nor do the others in your crew beside that one green haired man with the swords if he is also part of your crew. Thirdly you want to become the pirate king? Why?”
· And this my dear was how you two started a conversation that was to 50 % about him telling you stories of his adventures, 25 % basically about nonsense. And the other 25 % were… well that was about you telling him that you weren´t cupid but a actual human with the name f/n l/n. But he actually never got it. Until now.
· Eight years after your first encounter with the weird men called Monkey D. Luffy you still were busy telling him that you weren´t Cupid. But by now you not only had to tell him that but also your son who rather called you Cupid instead of mama.
· Congratulations you have two idiots in your life you love to the moon and back and would actually fight Garp for.
· “Does he really think that your Cupid or is that supposed to be something like a cute name?”, asked Dragon, the leader of the revolutionary army
· “I stopped thinking about that long ago, Sir. I really don´t know how to answer that. But just to make it clear if that confused you too. My name is y/n not Cupid.”, you told you father in Law with a sweet smile.
· “Wait. Cupid is not your name?! That brat introduced you to me as Monkey D. Cupid!”, Garp looked at you and Dragon with disbelieve.
· “If you ever wonder why you husband is so stupid just please now that, that stupidity comes from Garp. Not me. I swear.”
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thousandsunnywrites · 4 years
Mister Sun
⤷ ficlet
part 1 |  part 2
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Ace x f!reader; romantic
⤷ synopsis: The only way to calm yourself down was by listening to Mister Sun by Barney. Sounds cute right? Don’t be a clown. This is a n g s t.
⤷ word count: 1,6k
⤷ a/n: aHHHHH heres my comeback from my hiatus 😎hope y’all liked it, i was writing when it was 4 AM and i downtripped to lots of sad songs, remembering how good and youthful life was before I became a boring old hag. das all folks, lemme know what u think as always! (((also im trying this new format just for ficlets/og works teehee)))
“Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun,” Ace cooed as his rough fingers gently combed through your hair, “please shine down on me.” You shift on his lap, clearly still startled from the nightmare, but unwinding as he continues his humming while swaying lightly. 
He was so warm against the cold night.
“You feeling better?” His head lulled a bit to the side, his loud yawn permeating the night air. Guilt bloomed in your chest for waking him up in these delicate hours, but you couldn’t help but need comfort. Your late mother always sang Barney’s song to calm you when you were younger, so naturally it was the only way to unravel your nerves, despite it being a child’s song.
“Thanks for doing this, I know it’s not really your style.” You briefly apologized. He waved it off. 
“No biggie, anything for my girl.” He grinned, his toothy smile shining against the moonlit sea. Your giggle follows right after, his smiles always made you feel like everything was gonna be okay. 
“Love you babe,” you dreamily sigh, still high off broken sleep. 
“I know.”
You nestled your head on the meatiest part of his thigh, and fell asleep. When silence pervaded the air, he pulled you tight to him and closed his eyes. The tranquility of the night made you follow suit a bit after.
All things continued well, you went fishing with Ace the next morning, catching a bigger fish than him and bragging about it to Marco. 
“Cheater!” Ace kept chanting as he demanded a rematch. “You just got lucky, lemme show you how it’s really done.” Grumbling, you acquiesced to his ramblings and hooked on bait.
“Ho,ho. You’re going down, lover boy.” You bore your sole into the wood of the deck, readying yourself for battle. 
“Ready!” He counted down, “Set! Go!”
Fishing lines cast into the sea, a brief moment passing by before a fish tugs on your line first. Messily reeling it in, your feet trip over themselves, cursing as the rod slipped through your sweaty grip. Meanwhile, Ace grunted as he fought against his big catch before victoriously reeling it in. As much as you hate admitting it, you lost.
“Yeah!!” Ace rejoiced, admiring his fish, “we’re eating good tonight boys! Fire up the grills!” The resounding cheers of the crew followed after.
Moments like these, seeing everyone, especially Marco, merrily hammered with booze and seeing Ace mingling with the crowd, occasionally falling asleep, yet his smile never fading. It was moments like these that you wished never left because eventually everything becomes a distant memory.
As a little girl, you believed nightmares disappear after mom sings you to sleep. As an adult, you realized nightmares are never really gone; instead it slowly builds itself in a steady, continuous stream until it becomes real.
It became hell.
The marines took Ace. 
Whitebeard rampaged.
And one thing leads to the other, you find yourself alongside his little brother on the battlefield. Ace looked disparaged sitting atop of the execution platform, protected by the best of the best.
“Ace!” With a determined look raging through his pupils, he grit his teeth and dug his fingernails through the log he was carrying, “We’ll save you! Y/n and I, we’ll save you!” His promise rang throughout the battlefield, commencing the beginning of the end.
The battle ensues, one thing leads to another and Ace is free, running towards freedom. 
Until Akainu provokes him.
“Ha, the loser from the dead generation finally met his time.” The magma man inched closer as the flames flickered off of Ace’s body, angry.
“Take that back.” Ace growled, his white-knuckled fist engulfed in his flames. 
Akainu snickered. “In other words, he’s an eternal loser who will never surpass Roger. Making all his underlings call him ‘old man’ and ‘father’ or whatever.... he got stabbed because his stupid ‘sons’ believed every word he said.”
“The old man gave us a place where we belong,” Ace lunged forward, fist in front, swallowed with rage, “don’t make fun of the old man who saved my life!”
He dodged gracefully, turning on his heel to jab Ace in the rib. They exchange punches, the belligerent admiral having the upper hand due to Ace’s lagging and recklessness. Akainu’s eyes shifted from the fire fist to the strawhat. 
Perfect, he thought, time to end this.
He leaped in the air towards Luffy, the magma on his fist leaving a trail behind him and a smile as wide as ever. He won.
His fist never connected with the strawhat. 
It bore a hole through Ace instead.
Even better.
Overwhelming dread filled the battlefield, especially in Luffy’s unwavering faith, because holy shit you’re not supposed to see right through him. “Ace!” Marco called from the other side, soaring to his side while everyone froze in fear as they watched the events unfold. Whitebeard can only watch in lament, knowing that he did all that he could and it still wasn’t enough. Luffy promised to save him, but why does it feel like he’s the one Ace saved? 
He was there, within your reach. Why couldn’t you do anything? Why didn’t you do anything?
How could you let him die? Out of all the things you could’ve done for him, you cried.
He was right there.
You rushed into the rumbling battleground, skidding against the concrete to plant yourself next to him. Luffy’s head whipped to you, holding Ace in his shaking arms. “Y-y/n,” Luffy trembled, and the look in his eyes said it all. He’s dying.
Ace exchanged a few incoherent words with Luffy, so melancholic that he went into shock, mouth agape as his eyes rolled back into his skull.
Swapping places with Luffy, you held Ace’s head on your lap. “Hey, don’t cry,” he brushed the hair clinging to your wet face, “don’t make that face. Doesn’t look like you.” He joked as you pulled him closer to your chest with your foreheads touching and hands shaking as it was on either side of his cheeks, screaming in frustration as tears stained the ground and shamelessly dripped over his face. The warm air contrasted with the coldness of Ace’s body.
“You’re gonna be fine,” your eyes scanned for a doctor, “you’re gonna live, you’ll be fine!” You called out to the nearest medic, asking them to save him. 
“I’m sorry ma’am, it’s already too late, not much to do!”
“Bullshit! You’re a fucking doctor right? What kind of a doctor can’t even save a man dying in front of him?” 
Scared, the poor doctor frantically skirted away, while Ace stared into your orbs, admiring them one last time. “No need to be upset,” he nuzzled his cheek against your thigh, “he can’t save me. Nobody can. My insides are fried.”
“Don’t talk like that!” If he wasn’t injured, you would’ve slapped the living shit out of him. “You’re not dying. I refuse. Get up.” 
“It’s no use.”
You heave up his weight, slinging his arm over your shoulder, only to come crashing back down. The others watched in pity because all you can do was repeatedly punch the ground in dismay like a child throwing a tantrum.
“You can make it!”
“Luffy promised we’d save you and I intend to keep my word.”
While watching you trying to save him in vain, unconscious tears wet his cheeks as he bit his lip. It broke his soul to know that he has to leave you like this and there’s nothing he can do to help you. He wants to live. For you. But he knows better than to dream, especially in the condition he’s in. He haphazardly tapped your face with the fading strength he had. 
“Y/n, calm down. I’ll be fine. Please don’t cry. Listen to me, yeah?” 
You nodded, knowing it was a lie, but acquiescing to hear your lover. 
“God, I’m so tired Y/n.” He took a shallow breath before continuing, “I wanna sleep but I don’t wanna go.” I don’t want to leave you alone, hangs on his lips.
This was the end of the line. You knew it was. His stagnant breaths told you so.
All of your movements stop, frustration replaced with empty acceptance. Ace can’t remember you like this, you thought, it’d only be harder for him. “Go ahead,” you manage to show him a forced smile, contrasting against your red nose and puffy eyes, telling him it’s okay. It’s okay to go. He was not nearly convinced, but it was getting harder to fight the sleep overwhelming his crisp body.
“Go sleep,” you encouraged once more, “I’ll be here for you, waiting for you.” You choked on the words as his smile relaxed, eyes fluttering shut. 
“Love you, y/n.”
“I know.”
“Thank you for loving me.”
Clenching your fists, you bit the insides of your cheeks, hoping to drown out the deafening world. Everyone was screaming, but your heart screamed louder. Don’t go, your heart pleaded, I need you. Please don’t leave me. 
But you knew better, Ace would’ve wanted to know that you’d be okay without him. You had to be strong. For him.
This is all that I can do for him.
Before all life left his body, you sang to him one last time, hoping it would provide him as much comfort as it did for you.
“Oh mister sun, sun, mister golden sun. Please shine down on me.” 
The wind gushed by, taking his last breath with it. The end of the beginning was concluding, clearing a new path for a new era in its place. The war raged, filled with metal clashing and the wailing of crestfallen loved ones. 
His vivre card burned, crumbling into thin air, as if it never existed.
Please wake me up from this nightmare.
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sinnbaddie · 4 years
I’m watching Dressrosa rn (first time) and I’m on the part where Doffy kills Rocinante.
So everyone knows that Doffy is like a ruthless greedy killer, and he loves destruction. But I feel like he can be human at times.
First take is when he’s going to kill his dad, he hesitates, and you can feel it a lot because it’s his father he’s killing not just some random slave, so it’s personal. But before the gun is fired, you can see him grunt and hesitate before pulling the trigger. He’s actually thinking about it because he knows that if he kills him he won’t come back from this. He’s always shown to hate his father because of revoking his title as a Celestial Dragon, and I feel like it’s because Doffy loves him at that moment, through that entire experience I genuinely don’t believe he hated his father as a person, he hated his actions, and that’s why he hesitates because he loved his father very much and I believe he is lying to himself (whether consciously or not) when he says he hates his father. The reason he pulled the trigger though is because he was reminded of how shitty he was treated regarding the title being revoked. It was such a dramatic and harsh change for him and he didn’t want to be treated like garbage, he didn’t want to be treated like a slave.
Second take is when he kills Rocinante. It’s not the first bullet that stumps him though, it’s the second round. He grunts with anger like he did with his father. And you can see him get physically angry. During this whole encounter with Rocinante he never smiles like he does present time. It’s more personal then Luffy, or Law. It’s his biological brother he’s killing willingly and he hates that he has to kill another family member he cherishes. My guess on why he gets rather angry is because of that. Rocinante is his last line to his family, after he kills him he won’t have any blood relatives left. And when he continues shooting him after Law recalls his memories with Rocinante, he looks withdrawn and numb. He looks empty. Then he scowls, and I believe it’s because no matter how much he wants Rocinante to be on his side, no matter how much he loves him, he can’t let him stop him. It’s too late for him and both of them know it. Like I said before, Doffy wasn’t mad at Rocinante, he was mad at his actions, and by pulling the trigger after hesitating he thinks it will help him cope with the fact that he just lost his last line. And the trigger to shooting him? Is when Rocinante says quote, “he is free!!” End quote. That says a stupid amount about Doffy’s character. He shoots him because he knows as he won’t ever be free no matter how many times he pays of other pirates, or knows about secret weapons that keep the Navy away, he knows down to his fucking core, he won’t ever be free, and he hates it. that’s another reason why he wants to destroy everything.
Doflamingo is fully aware he’s a monster. And I believe he envies Rocinante and his father because he’s nothing like them. He’s angry because power is his identity. Since the dramatic change of being in “heaven” and going to “hell” he’s furious. He needs power. Power is the only thing he actually has that can be a constant in his life if he can keep it, and when he loses it he loses himself because when he reflects on himself he always has power. He can’t imagine a world without him having power, without a world having power.
Now when you get to his “family” I think he has multiple reasons as to why he’s so protective of them. When people make fun of Pica’s voice he threatens them, when Law goes to attack Trebol he gets angry.
Reason One is probably due to him losing his biological family. His mother died of illness that could have been prevented if they didn’t revoke the title, his father he killed because he was angry at his actions, and Rocinante because betrayed him and was also angry at his actions.
Reason Two is probably because his “family” can keep him in power. His crew has to be crazy strong like him, and have to get shit done. His power is his identity, and his “family” helps hold that identity up.
I think apart of Doffy loves them, I just don’t think it’s on par with Rocinante, his father and mother. I also believe he finds himself comfortable when he’s around them. When you surround yourself with people like you, you feel connected and understood. The people in his crew are murders and have no qualms with killing. All of them are short a screw and batshit crazy.
Backtracking to when I said he envies Rocinante and his father, Doffy even says, quote “You’re so much like your father!” End quote. Notice how he doesn’t say “our father.” He knows he’s nothing like his father, he knows that his father was a kind man, and Doffy is the opposite of him. I fully believe that a small part of Doffy wants to be like Rocinante. He wants to be good, whether he knows that subconsciously or not is up in the air.
Before Doffy says quote, “You’re so much like your father!” End quote, he says quote, “Why do you wanna get in my way?!” End quote, and I think he’s talking to a part of himself and Rocinante. Like I said, he knows he’s a monster and he can’t become what he yearns for due past events. And because he can’t become what his father and Rocinante are naturally, his great idea is to destroy everything and everyone.
I think due to many pieces of his life, he became such a ruthless cold hearted bastard, (like growing up as a Celestial Dragon, having the title revoked and getting beaten to near death and starving, mother dying, etc.) he can’t change, but if it were different circumstances I genuinely believe he wouldn’t have turned out like that. Maybe not that entirely anyway.
Either way, Doflamingo isn’t such a ruthless cold hearted bastard as much as Oda wants us to believe. He can and does have human moments, no matter how minuscule, you just have to really pay attention to it because Doffy’s whole character is circumstantial evil.
This is my opinion on this and if you have a different one I’d like to hear it. Doffy is very complex, his relationship with human emotions is complex, and so is his relationship with other people, and I adore his character depth and design.
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gildedmuse · 4 years
I was totally going to post about what makes Raizo awesome, answer a question and fill a request but then my phone got destroyed. While I spend the next day or so fixing that. Here. Enjoy this....
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Poor guys, their dreams were crushed...And it was a simple dream. They just wanted mystical shadow assassins to be real. ...And now I'm imagining a crossover between One Piece and Ninja Turtles.
@gildedmuse replied:
Which one does Luffy inevitably ask to join his crew? Cause I feel like the easy answer: Michelangelo. But actually I think it would be Master Splinter.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can see Luffy and Law fighting to get all five on their crew, and being forced to settle on shared custody. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
I asked my brother and his expert opinion was, "I don’t know, you're probably right. But Donatello and Franky be bros."
Also, we agreed that Raphael is just an angry Zoro. Which I was like, "You don't think Luffy would ask Law to join his crew?" 
His reply, "Well, he hasn't asked yet. Probably jealous of all that sweet time Law got with Zoro on the way to Wano." 
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Clearly! 😂 I think Donny would get along well with Law, too, as would Leo, while Raph and Mikey would prefer Luffy if only because he gets into the craziest adventures.
And Master Splinter would just want to listen to his shows.
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo: We need a plan. 
Luffy: Good point, Lion Turtle! 
Luffy: Huh. I guess never heard you before because you're not a giant turtle ninja guy.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Oh my god, that's exactly what would happen! 🤣 And Zoro teaming up with Raph to pick on Sanji, while Donny joins up with Usopp and Franky to build some crazy stuff while Mikey rolls around the deck with Chopper like a dork.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael's and Zoro's Sole Interaction: 
Raphael: *Nods to Zoro* Nice swords. 
Zoro: *Nod returned* Nice Sais. 
Small But Morally In The Right Group Of Fans: Oh, well, I would ship the FUCK out of these two.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
That sounds about right!
Poor Master Splinter, I think he'd hide on the Polar Tang for some peace and quiet...
@gildedmuse replied:
Leo suggests all the most Law like shit only Luffy actually acknowledges him and takes it into consideration because he’s a goddamn ninja turtle. Law spends the entire time just over Leo's shoulder in various states of sullenness, outrage and indignation. This is exactly the advice he gave yesterday and Strawhat-ya straight up ignored.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I figure he'd just take advantage of it and work with Leo to get things back on track after a while, still muttering under his breath about how Luffy never listens to him.
@gildedmuse replied: 
For some reason all I see now is Law being like, "Alright, I'm agreeing to leave Leo here because God knows someone should reign in the Strawhat. But goddamnit, Raphael comes with me. You only get one!" 4
Luffy: Okay if we also keep the rat monster! 
Nami: No, Luffy, that doesn't make sense. There are 4 turtles and 2 of you! 
Luffy: Oh, yeah, thank God we have this navigator-
Bepo: That is not what navigation is! 
Luffy: What do you mean we only get one?
Law: -pointing between Zoro and Raphael- You. Only. Get. One.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I can definitely see Luffy just assuming everything Nami does as a 'navigator' thing. And Law trying to barter for Donny so he doesn't get stuck with Mikey. 😂
Oh my gosh, YES. 🤣
@gildedmuse replied:
You know Zoro tries to just stare down his captain as Luffy looks between the two like he isn't secretly nervous. Like... He believes in Luffy and their connection but also.... It's a goddamn ninja that's also a turtle and has goddamn awesome sai. So... You know, could go either way. He understands. It's a fucking ninja turtle.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
I would definitely be torn! And there's Sanji, egging Luffy on to keep the turtle. 😂
@gildedmuse replied:
Sanji: come on he's exactly like Zoro only useful! 
Zoro: Oi! 
Sanji: What? At least if we're stuck out at sea we can make turtle soup out of him. 
Chopper: Using food to guide Luffy's logic isn't fair! (Turtle soup does sound yummy though)
And Zoro just standing there like come on, Chopper, you too?
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Mikey asking to go on the Tang because he doesn't want to be made into soup, while Raph grabs him by the mask like, I'm not getting stuck with you!
@gildedmuse replied:
I love that both Raph and Zoro are like well, you know what? I've accepted my date of being forced to go with Law. That is some good sidekick vision. They know who the fucking protagonist is!
Actually, phone, I meant fate but fuck it. I'm sticking with date.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raph hates it, but he's a natural second-in-command. And he also doesn't want to be stuck with Leo. 😂
There are no accidents.
@gildedmuse replied: 
Raphael: Well, I'm choosing Law. 
Zoro: -At the same time- We'd obviously both like to stay with our actual Captains so- 
Zoro: Wait did you just pick Law? 
Zoro: -Eyeing Leo- 
Zoro: Yeah... I'm gonna go ahead and go with Law as well then.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy goes all anaconda on them, like NO! Law only gets one! Zoro's mine!
@gildedmuse replied:
On the sidelines Nami, Chopper and Usopp who do not want to be left without a super strong swordsman are just like WHAT!? 
Zoro can't explain. There's just something about some other dude with blades that he would definitely fight To The Death that he inherently trusts.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Sanji is trying to convince him to let Zoro go while Leo just tries to massage away a headache, and Donny raises a hand, like "I...also want to go with Law now."
Though I could also see Zoro taking Leo as a sparring partner.
And Usopp bartering for Donny, while Brooke quietly hides Master Splinter behind him.
@gildedmuse replied:
But that would be like Zoro taking Law as a sparing partner. Like I see it... I get where you're coming from. But there is sparing partners vs people you want to be on a crew with. Said with all the love in her heart. (Also, let's face it, it's Zoro. He can argue about it but whoever Luffy says they're taking... Those are now the people he would die for.)
@dragonprincess18 replied:
True...Zoro would do pretty much anything for Luffy. Except be nice to Sanji. There are lines.
@gildedmuse replied:
Also, for the record, Bepo considers them all minks and try to treat them as such and the turtles just like, "Well, no bro." And Bepo continuously shocked by this. Continuously.
I mean there are lines than there are fucking impassable mountains forever separating two spots.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yeah, Bepo would be so confused. 
Exactly, there are some things that can't be done.
@gildedmuse replied:
Luffy: Zoro, I need you to die for this crew
Zoro: I have already accepted this sacrifice and moved to make it so. Just as long as you become pirate king and my crew lives.
Luffy: Zoro, legitimately the only way the crew will survive is if you are nice to Sanji for like an hour... At most.
Zoro: Well, Captain, you and the crew can go fuck yourselves cuz that ain't happening.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Yup. That's a canon conversation they've had in their minds. No need to voice it, Luffy knows. It's hard enough when Zoro has to work with Sanji for two straight minutes!
In comparison, Leo and Raph are best friends!
@gildedmuse replied:
For the record, if you were writing some weird NT/OP fanfic that was also ZoLaw friendly that is right there how you would get Zoro on the Polar Tang. 
Law: Actually, we'd have to take the turtle bladesman. Obviously yours is too invested in staying here with you... And black leg-ya who will also be on this ship. 
Law: -I got your swordman. Whatcha gonna do Strawhat? But nonverbal cuz Law-
I mean yeah because Raphael clearly a second. I know this because I have an unfortunate love of seconds. Like just love a main character or at least the fucking leader goddamnit. But still... You always love your captain, even if he has a stick up his ass.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Luffy pouting, but letting Zoro go... Because he plans on never letting Law leave, either. 😝 Neighbors!
 It's an unfortunate truth. Especially when you're the second-oldest.
@gildedmuse replied:
Oh well you've broken me. That's too cute. Just Luffy pouting like fine... But NAMI NEVER LET THAT SHIP OUT OF YOUR SIGHT! 
Zoro just like "I'm an adult and also.... Two years."
Luffy: I will never. Let you. Leave me. 
Zoro: I am in no way trying to. 
Luffy: -Dark eyes of Determination- Never.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
And Law standing there like, I'm never getting away from this, this is my life now, what did I do to deserve this? While the turtles are mostly relieved they're all staying together.
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: -Despair- 
Bepo: There there captain. At least you got a Swordsman now. 
Law: I AM A SWORDSMAN! Leo-ya is a swordsman! Why does no one think of us!? 
Penguin: Well no one actually forgot about Leo, we just accepted him as staying with the Strawhats so.... 
Meanwhile, Across The Ship
Zoro: Alright, so Kid and Drake are out. Why not the Bonney Pirates? 
Nami: Again,not physically here. 
The only argument regarding Law being all, "You know what? Fine take him back" is regarding if it's Zoro's destructiveness or Luffy's stubbornness that drives him to the edge.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Zoro: It's me or the shitty cook. 
Sanji: I'm not going anywhere, mosshead! 
Zoro: See? 
Chopper and Usopp: 😭
Or both. Both is possible. And Luffy will still follow him everywhere because "We're allies, Torao! That means we're friends, and friends don't run from friends!" "THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS!"
@gildedmuse replied:
Law: GET OUT! 
Nami: Now would you say it was Zoro or Luffy's behavior that finally broke you? 
Law: Excuse me? 
Nami: Look, there is actual money on the line here, Law, so I will not hesitate to kill you.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law: ...Luffy. 
Nami: I knew it! Pay up! 
Usopp: Aw man, I swore it'd be Zoro's sense of direction...
@gildedmuse replied: 
Bepo is just like "Usopp is not wrong it's pretty bad you guys " No one pays him any attention. Maybe if he was a fucking ninja turtle....
When a Kung Fu polar bear just isn't enough
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Law is a grumpy panda teddy, and Luffy knows it. There's no denying it now. They've all seen it. Actually, I wouldn't be surprised if he and Mikey both read Sora: Warrior of the sea.
Poor Bepo, he's still cute enough for me! *hugs Bepo*
@gildedmuse replied:
I mean you know Raphael reads that shit but doesn't openly tell anyone right? Because I feel that is definitely true.
@dragonprincess18 replied:
Raphael has a reputation to uphold. And a baby brother to annoy. 😂
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danwhobrowses · 4 years
One Piece: Mini-Theory Mashups (Part 3, Wano Edition)
So, I’m bored XD And it’s been almost 8 months since Part 2, so why not do another theory dump huh? Before we were at 958 and since then 26 Chapters and a Pandemic have happened, so that has been plenty of time to theorycraft some new stuff, this one being all specific to the Wano arc and potential aftermaths from it.
Part 1 -> Here Part 2 -> Here None have been confirmed so far, but I still believe all of these can happen, but onto the newer stuff
Spoilers leading up to Chapter 984, just so you know
Hawkins Joins the Marines or Big Mom
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So, yes, I still think Hawkins is alive, you can fight me on that all you like! And I would love for Hawkins to be on Luffy’s side 100%, for the notion of him being a man of chances and Luffy just trampling all over that so he can also experience Law’s eternal headache. But in reality I think it’s doubtful, we do still underestimate the full extent of his strength, and why he went out to sea is still a mystery, but knowing what we know of Hawkins I don’t think he could handle the energy that emit from the Straw Hats for long periods of time. The flaw he also has is that he never takes unnecessary risks, which is why he’s a Headliner for Kaido despite hating it. But, if Kaido’s defeated then what is left for him? I don’t think he can be direct opposition for Luffy to be King, he was already jumped by Law (despite proving his tactical skills) so he would have to find a safer situation for him and his crew, and for me that’s either the Navy or Big Mom. For the Navy it comes down to any solidarity he has with X Drake, the SWORD infiltrator seems to get along well with his Worst Gen member at the least, and Hawkins hasn’t said anything bad about him, maybe he does pull a Jango and become an interrogator. I would see him more on Big Mom’s side though, like Hawkins BM likes to plan out her actions so the conclusion is inevitable, they are both overly patient in a way so their strategies fit, also being a Straw Man would entice Big Mom’s collecting nature. This way if BM’s crew does become a begrudging ally with the Straw Hats there’s still an option for Hawkins to return into view.
Yamato is not Nakama, but can be Grand Fleet
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I know everyone’s excited by Yamato, and also excited by Yamato. But I am not one of those ‘Yamato 4 Nakama’ people. Nothing against them at all but Yamato’s purpose does not fit the crew at all. I still stand by Team Carrot, since her goals offer more space to sail at sea and she has already established herself a position on the Sunny as the Crow’s Nest (hinted already with her being a Kingsbird in Zou), all of which Yamato has yet to demonstrate. Yamato’s primary goal is to be Kozuki Oden, which means opening Wano’s borders. But with being Oden would also be to feel cramped by the stationary lifestyle of Wano, so after the dust clears I do believe that Yamato will take to sea, just not with Luffy. Instead I can see them either commit to the remnant Whitebeard Pirates - since Oden promised Whitebeard to return to them after completing Roger’s voyage, or to set up their own crew, being one of Luffy’s allies/Grand Fleet. This theme with Yonko kids is also one I see with Katakuri as well, either by smoothing things with Big Mom or breaking off themselves (as hinted when the kids fractured a little over who BM’s successor would be).
Kin’emon is the Next Shogun of Wano, Proven by Fighting Kaido
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This one is a deep take, because many have their eyes on the Kozuki children for this one; either Momo by bloodright, Hiyori for female empowerment or Toki because we didn’t see a body. But my bet for Shogun of Wano is actually Kin’emon, one of the few Wano characters we have the most exposure of, it’s through finding Kin’emon did the Straw Hats become embroiled in Wano affairs. Additionally, Kin’emon’s history is quite a storied development from the delinquent he was to the noble warrior he is now. Sure he is a tad perverted still, but current Wano perception is that Kin’emon is a master strategist, one of Oden’s oldest confidants and the man entrusted with the protection of Momonosuke. But what will establish him as the future Shogun will be near the conclusion of the raid, when Kin’emon helps the pirates fight Kaido. It may just be a single opening, but Kin’emon has one thing that can factor in as an edge against Kaido: he can cut fire. If his Kitsune-Ryu can negate Kaido’s super-destructive dragonfire, then Kin’emon may indeed be seen as a legend worthy of leading Wano as an open country, all while the Kozuki either remain in Kuri or rebuild until they are ready and/or willing to be Shogun themselves.
CP-0 freed Law, because they need Kaido distracted
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This panel mostly sells it for me. CP0 are of course the most secretive but also the most underhanded group of the World Government, they only have to face Orochi to request weapons because the Shichibukai system has put Buggy out of option and Wano is more technologically advanced. But Orochi is cocky, he thinks himself untouchable with Kaido by his side, so wouldn’t it be a ‘shame’ if Kaido was somehow incapacitated? That the alliance’s plans came to fruition and Orochi and Kaido fell to them? This plays into CP0 hands nicely, because while Kaido and co are preoccupied with the raid, CP0 can steal the blueprints for all their new and deadly technology Kaido has spent decades working on, saving Law also means he owes them a favour, and Law is definitely someone you’d want one day to request a favour from.
Kaido saves Momonosuke!
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The general story between Kaido and Momonosuke seems to be that Kaido expects more from Momo and is thus disappointed to find him to have no goals, no strength and no courage. Right now Momo is about to be crucified so Orochi can feel at ease, but interestingly Kaido (nor Black Maria) seem all to enthusiastic about this. I do think that many people can kill Orochi; Zoro, Hiyori and Denjiro being the top 3 options, but I think Kaido is also an option himself and the reason will be Momo’s Devil Fruit. It doesn’t feel like coincidence that Momo can turn into a dragon, nor that Momo’s dragon form has never been seen to Kaido or the wider public, right now Momo would be a goner because the mere presence of Kaido negates the number of infiltrating Samurai, Robin, Jimbei and the Momo Rescue Squad, but if Momo - like he often does when he’s scared - turns into a dragon, his tough hide would spare him from any blade or bullet Orochi has. The mere sight of a fellow dragon may be the trigger as well for Kaido to change his mind on Momo and finally, FINALLY toss aside Orochi, killing him or at least leaving him at the mercy of the nine shadows Toki prophecised.
Wrath of the Queen of Beasts: The Bewitching Kunoichi, Tama!
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Tama is of course not present in the raid, and there is good reason for that. The battlefield is no place for her to be endangered, but she may also be a decisive key to Luffy and co turning the tides. Tama’s Devil Fruit works on SMILEs and normal animals, so far she’s been able to turn Headliners such as Babanuki and Speed to her side, all of Udon’s SMILE guards are under her control as well as Hihimaru and Komachiyo. Add on the also-absent Caribou, Hitetsu and Onimaru and we may still have a vast army primarily populated by Tama’s new subordinates waiting to also raid Onigashima. It’d also be quite fitting that the ‘Animal Kingdom’ Pirates would be forced to fight actual beasts, one other beast that can be fought that Tama may’ve been seeking are the Mountain Gods, I’m unsure if the main god is still alive (I mean, Nola made it and she’s much older) but its son at least must have a part to play, and if Tama was really tactical the dango from the O-Shiruko would be her Kibi Dangos. The final cap to Tama’s importance to the raid and Kaido’s downfall can also be her friendship with Big Mom back when she had amnesia. Big Mom was angry in Udon because there was no O-Shiruko to share with the leftover towns, it’s this waste of food that also sets Luffy off to blow his cover in Onigashima, so if Big Mom also notices the waste of food with Tama in mind, this could also trigger her in the same way. She may not be directly involved, but Tama’s lasting effect on the characters themselves can still provide a key impact to the story.
And with that I’ll stop, I do have others but not really Wano-exclusive, and those that are can quickly be debunked within the next 2 or 3 chapters, so I’ll keep those close to the chest XD  As with Parts 1 and 2 feel free to expand on this for other theory videos/posts, I’m sure more digging can be found. Until next time!
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doctorgerth · 4 years
Matchup for @mysticaltigersorceress​
Thank you so much Coop! ♥️♥️ Can I ask for a Romantic (sfw) matchup? I’m 21, asexual with a Male romantic pref. I have medium length Auburn hair, hazel eyes, and lotsta freckles! Average female height and athletic with lotsa leg strength. And when I say athletic, I’m working out 4-6 days a week for minimum of 2hrs on average. I love to learn new skills, jack-of-all-trades. I love teaching even more. I tend to be reserved in unfamiliar situations, but mom instinct can override my anxiety. Once I’m over my anxiety, I’m a huge tease, sassy and sarcastic (to the point people think I’m flirting when I’m not). I don’t mind going out every now and again, but prefer staying at home most of the time. Very caring and altruistic. I can read people very well. Exception is that I don’t usually expect people to like me romantically or anything like that, so it takes me by surprise when it happens and I become an anxious disaster. I have apathetic/depressive slums when my schedule is thrown off/I have nothing to do (rip covid19) and hyperactive episodes that hit when/wherever. When I’m upset (angry, sad, etc) I get nonverbal and just need to take space for awhile until I feel calm again. I also talk without thinking about how it’s actually coming out which has lead to some hilarious and awkward situations. INFP (with extroverted tendencies) virgo, yr of tiger. *mwah* thank you again babe!
Sure thing sweetheart, thanks so much for requesting!! 💕 Hope you like your matches *muah*
Your match is…
Zoro (Scorpio, ISTP)
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Of course it’s the athleticism that started his attraction for you, he couldn’t help it! Zoro takes training and maintaining his body, strength, and health very seriously, so it’s always nice to meet someone with the same drive. You’re so very intriguing in general, and very few things catch Zoro’s eye, but you wow him almost every single day. You’re so eager and quick to learn new things, whether that’s him introducing you to something or anyone else, you always have this determination to understand or master something challenging and it’s your persistence that constantly impresses him. Having you to teach him new things is always fun to him but it’s also enough for him to watch you try to figure something out yourself! 
Zoro definitely shares a more reserved nature with you and very much likes his alone time. Since the two of you have plenty of adventures as pirates, you much prefer to spend quality time together in a peaceful environment when the time allows. You two are total introverts and thrive off of that much needed alone time. Re-energizing in your alone time is no problem, you two are never offended if one or the other asks for some privacy because you both completely understand and relate to one another in that aspect. Zoro has more extroverted tendencies when out in public, but he doesn’t like to waste time with meaningless conversations. If the situation calls for it, he will be outspoken and will encourage you to do the same. He’s seen your protective, strong-willed side shine on more than a few occasions, so he’s always a bit baffled to see you acting anxious in new situations. He’s not the best at verbal encouragement, so you’ll probably get a shoulder bump or maybe even a hand squeeze to calm you down. It’s taken him some time to learn how to ease your anxiety, but he’s determined to get it right! He always tries his best and that’s what matters most. When your mom instinct kicks in, he can’t help but be proud at how much of a force of nature you can be. Your teasing, sassy, and sarcastic attitude is a major source of enjoyment for him, especially when you pop off at a certain blonde-haired cook, or any enemy for that matter. You’re sweet and caring with a hidden diva within you and Zoro is very much into that. He’ll tease you right back and Zoro is quite skilled at sarcasm. When you get sassy with him, even if you’re being spiteful, he can’t help but be attracted to it. 
Zoro both loves and hates how well you can read him. This is beneficial for when he doesn’t want to talk about his feelings (aka most of the time) but it can also be bothersome to him in other ways. You know him too well and that can be a bit frustrating as he’s worried you always find him predictable and/or boring. He appreciates that you always know when he’s upset and how to cheer him up, but oddly enough, he finds himself wishing he was a bit more unpredictable and harder to read. After all, knowing him so well means he has to be completely vulnerable with you and that honestly terrifies him. You can always tell when Zoro is upset about something, and much like you, he gets nonverbal and needs some space to sort things out. This simplifies most of your arguments as you two both share similar coping mechanisms, but more often than not, you two find yourselves trying to battle your emotions alone. You two both need to work on being more communicative when you are upset about something! 
He is well aware of how much schedule changes can bother you, so he tries his hardest to not disrupt your plans while also taking you out for adventure when he’s noticing you slipping into your slums. He finds your hyperactive episodes and random outbursts very charming as they remind him so much of his goofy captain whom he loves and respects deeply. He might not ever express excitement as well as you, but just know that he adores how cheerful and silly you can be and he will do anything to keep that warm smile on your face!! 
Other potential suitors:
Ace (Capricorn, ESTP) - Ace thinks you’re the coolest what with your multi-talents and eagerness to learn new things. You two are very similar in that sense, constantly challenging each other with random stimulating activities! Your care for your body and health is also very attractive to him and he is always down to work out and train with you. Your teasing and sassy attitude is very fun to him and he will mess with you just to rile you up sometimes! Ace is very much extroverted so he will consistently push you out of your shell and kick your anxiety in the ass. He thinks you’re wonderful and he’s seen your extroversion tendencies shine and he just wants everyone to bask in the sunshine that is you! I feel like you and Ace have very similar personalities in that you both get bummed out when you have nothing to do but thankfully you two share similar interests and know how to keep each other occupied to avoid the depression.
Coby (Taurus, ISFJ) - Coby also thinks you’re super neat and loves to learn new things from you. He totally understands your anxiety, but the longer he’s been in the Marines, the more outspoken and confident he becomes! This helps him to both relate to you and give you that push to overcome your anxiety! But, when it comes down to it, Coby is also very much introverted and does enjoy some relaxing time one-on-one with you. When your protective mom tendencies spill forth, he can’t help but fall in love with you all over again. Coby hardly needs protection but the way you look after him regardless is so heartwarming to him! Your teasing and sarcastic attitude tends to throw him off at the beginning of your relationship, just because he’s constantly worried about messing up, but the longer he’s with you the more he picks up your habits! Coby is pretty sassy and sarcastic now and can match your wit. He finds your hyperactivity and randomness very endearing as well!
Luffy (Taurus, ESFP) - Awww, two asexual babies! You and Luffy are very very similar despite your introversion/extroversion differences. Luffy hates being stuck in one place for a long amount of time, so he’s constantly seeking adventure with you to keep life exciting for the both of you! You’ll never fall into a depressive slum as long as you have this sweet sunshine boy. He struggles a bit with your social anxiety because he is quite possibly the most extroverted person on the planet, so he usually just throws you into social situations without second thoughts. However, he can kinda pick up on the uneasy vibes from you so he’ll stick close to ya to make sure you feel safe and comfortable! You two also have very hyperactive and random outburst moments that can be both adorable and maybe a lil annoying to those around you. But hey, you’re just two goofs in love who know how to enjoy each other’s company and enjoy life! 
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flamingo-writes · 5 years
Missed Chance — Sanji x Reader; Zoro x Reader
Summary: Many things changed in the time you spent in Whole Cake Island, for both Sanji and you. At the same time, a lot happened in Zoro’s life since he arrived to Wano. You’re forced to face the situation and make a choice. So does Zoro. 
A/N: It took me an entire week to write this. Not only because of school, work, and homework, this story on its own was a complicated one. But, I finally did it.  I low key hate myself for writing this since this is an assault to my feelings and my favorite character, but hey, I don’t have control over my creative voice 
*adding an O- before the name is a sign of respect that was used  during feudal japan. This is seeing a lot in Wano. 
Word Count: 4K words (I told you, this was going to be a long one) 
Warnings: Angst. Not precisely a happy ending. Wano (manga) spoilers, WCI spoilers as well. 
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“That jerk…” Sanji hissed as soon as the both of you spotted the scene. 
Hell broke loose after Yasuie was killed, and X-Drake made an appearance. And finally, having running away from that chaos, the last thing you remembered was seeing Zoro running away with a girl hanging from his neck. And now, as Zoro lied on the entrance of a small house outside Ringo, said mystery girl was kissing Zoro.
“No. Sanji...” You said grabbing Sanji’s sleeve tightly as your heart continued to shatter more and more with every second “Please don’t say anything” You growled, as you eyes were glued to the scene, torturing yourself until finally the girl pulled back from the kiss. 
“But that asshole just…” Sanji looked at you, clearly angrier than you. However, you were not angry. At all. You were hurt, disappointed, surprised and at the same time dizzy. The world spinning faster than before, as a lump in your throat was pulling you down, crushing your heart with an immeasurable strength. 
“I know what he did” You snapped loudly, as your eyes filled with tears with the same speed your voice lowered “I saw it too” You whispered so lowly Sanji could barely hear. “But this is my business” Your voice was slow and shaky as much as you tried to keep it straight. “Not yours” You added.
Sanji looked incredulous. His empathetic nature immediately made his heart squeeze painfully, as he thought how unfair was for someone as nice as you suddenly was punished. He knew you liked Zoro for quite a long time. In fact, he was surprised that you were still in love with him even after two long years of not seeing him nor hearing anything from him. 
And deep down,he was always jealous of the marimo. Not because it was you.  He wished there was someone who loved him as much as you loved Zoro. It angered him how obvious your feelings for him were, and yet, the swordsman never seemed to notice. Especially now, that Sanji had new growing feelings for you, after what had happened back in Whole Cake Island. 
“I get that you’re trying to help. But please, stay away from it. I’ll see how I’ll handle this” You sighed deeply, as you tried to keep the tears inside by breathing deeply, and focusing on the bigger picture, where the crew and the alliance stood in front of Kaido’s crew. Trying to shut your feelings and bewildered thoughts. 
“Alright” Sanji murmured “But if that idiot makes you cry, or I see you cry because of that jerk, I’ll do something about it, okay?” You loosened your grip on his sleeve, and Sanji’s hand reached yours, squeezing it gently “Do not ask me to see you cry and do nothing about it”
“I will not cry” You reassured him by holding his hand tightly as you tried to recall the recent events from Whole Cake Island to help soothe your pain through gentler, happier memories. 
Upon feeling Komurasaki's lips on his, Zoro felt a lot of different emotions hit him at once. Even when he felt attracted for Hiyori, it wasn't enough to make him feel overwhelmed or confused. However, this kiss made his heart beat faster, and at the same time it felt wrong. He was not supposed to be doing this, as to why, he didn't know. It felt both wrong and good at the same time. 
He didn't kiss her back, but he didn't push her away either. Until Hoyori pulled away, blushing, she looked at Zoro. 
Confused about what to do or say next, he opened his mouth, ready to say the first thing that popped in his head. However, they both heard twigs breaking in the distance. As Hiyori turned around and Zoro quickly sat up, his heart shrunk and immediately he knew why the kiss felt wrong. 
The constant tickle he felt in his gut whenever you were close finally made sense when he saw you two standing a few meters away from them. It hit him like a train. The closeness you two always had from the very beginning, an instant electricity pulling you together, he never really thought much of the strong bond tying you together. Not until he suddenly saw you holding Sanji’s hand as the taste from Hiyori’s lips lingered on his. He suddenly realized how further away you were standing now.  Instantly knowing, things would hardly be the same again. 
That afternoon, you met Hiyori, a very kind girl. Throughout the afternoon you avoided the topic, and instead talked about coming up with a new plan, discussing everything that had happened, along with Luffy’s imprisonment and the recent events of everyone blowing up their covers…
You couldn’t help but compare yourself to Hiyori. Everytime she looked back at you ad she smiled politely, it hurt. She was gorgeous, she was kind, she was gentle, you could see why Zoro liked her. You could see why would anyone would like her. It made you think if Sanji liked her too. And suddenly you were afraid that your only company would dissipate as well, just like Zoro did.
The rest of the day, you kept the criticism flowing through your head. Silently pulling you down while maintaining a poker face. The lump on your throat came and went all day long, as you tried your best to keep a straight face. The pain bleeding through your eyes was very well hidden behind a mask looking exactly like your face. Almost as if your usual strong eyes were untouched. 
At night, the cool breeze infiltrated the house, like a gentle howl waking Sanji up in the middle of the night. When he realized his eyes were open, he was lying on his side, facing the spot where you were supposed to be sleeping. 
“[Name]” Sanji whispered sitting up as he looked around the empty house. Zoro asleep next to your empty bed, and Komurasaki sleeping not far from Zoro. Sanji ignored the close distance those two had, his mind focused on finding you. 
The moonlight lighting the house just barely. And it was when he realized the main door was slightly open. Standing up, he silently made it to the door, and slid it slowly so it wouldn’t creek and wake Zoro and Hiyori up. 
“[Name]?”  Sanji purred poking his head outside “[Name]” Sanji whispered when he saw you sitting on the steps and walked closer to you. Your knees were close to your chest, as you hid your face behind one of your hands. “[Name]” Sanji whispered sitting next to you, his first instinct, wrapping an arm around your shoulder “Are you alri—” He stopped when he saw tears falling down the sides of your face. 
“I’m sorry, Sanji…” You whimpered “I said I wasn’t going to cry but…”
“Hey, hey, it’s ok” Sanji murmured pulling you close and hugging you tightly. “Cry all you need. You can’t keep bottling your feelings...It’s not healthy” You hid your face in his neck as you clung to his yukata. 
Whether if it had been his gentle words, or his arms holding you tightly, closely, you immediately broke down crying. Clinging to his clothes, you hid your face in his neck and cried. Your heart shattering more and more with every breath, as if you were breathing broken glass. Sanji didn’t dare to say anything, knowing all you needed right now was silence and a tight hug. 
Your pain was contagious to Sanji’s kind heart. After what you did for him in Whole Cake Island, he couldn’t help but wanting to help you like you’d did for him not so long ago. He wanted to soothe your pain away, just like you’d done with him. He even wished that his arms had the same effect yours had on him. He wished for you to go through the same realization process as he did back when it was you holding him while he cried inconsolably. 
Strangely enough, Zoro woke up to the sound of your soft crying. When not even the loudest noise could wake him up, the very low sound of you being in any sort of danger was enough to wake him up. He sat up, concentrating on the sounds surrounding him. He noticed the two empty beds next to him and the soft wind blowing inside the house along with soft whimpers.
His gut twisted painfully as he realized you were crying, and his lower throat began burning when he realized it was Sanji who was there with you comforting you over his mistake. Following the sound of your voice, his heart squeezed as he heard you speak. 
“I don’t understand” Your voice was shaky “Did I do something wrong?” Zoro peeked from the door as your face was resting against the cook’s shoulder. 
Sanji looked at you and moved lightly, holding your face in his hands, as he rested his forehead on yours, 
“You didn’t…” He whispered “Love, this isn’t your fault…” He assured, wiping away the tears from your cheeks as you kept sobbing silently.
“Love?” Zoro whispered to himself.
“That dumb marimo couldn’t see how you were always there for him, it’s not your fault he’s that blind…” Sanji added as Zoro frowned and bit his tongue, thinking Sanj was playing dirty by adding more wood to the fire. 
“Don’t talk like that about him” You cut him off, very much to Zoro’s surprise. 
“Why do you defend him? Even after you saw them kiss?" Sanji asked confused as you shoo your head and pulled his hands off our face gently. , 
"Have you never been in love, Sanji?” You began looking at him in the eye “Even after breaking your heart you can't help but keep loving them. At least until your heart heals and you're able to move on…" your gaze moved away from Sanji's and it was when you noticed Zoro was standing by the main entrance.
"I'm so sorry, [Name]" Sanji purred running one of his hands through your hair. 
"I am too…" Looking back at Sanji, you felt your chest ache gently. It didn't burn as much as it did earlier, it still hurt, however. 
The guilt twisted Zoro's stomach more and more as he couldn't help but keep watching you and Sanji. The blond kept brushing your hair, staring very gently at you, as you every now and then peeked through your eyelashes to meet his eyes. 
The sweetness in his eyes was new. He didn't use to look at you like that. And you knew exactly when it started. You'd be lying if you said you didn't feel anything new since that event. That night changed everything. It changed the way you felt towards your friend. 
Leaning his forehead against yours, Sanji purred you name, so very softly, so very gently. And you knew what was he thinking. As his face got closer to yours, you were ready to welcome his lips into yours when your heart beated painfully.
"Sanji, don't…" You mouthed upon feeling his nose against yours “The last thing I want right now is to keep adding to the overwhelming mess of feelings I am riht now..." Sanji stood still processing what you’d said and sighed deeply pulling back. 
"You're right...I'm sorry" Sanji answered. 
"It's okay" 
"We should go back inside" Sanji purred as you looked back inside the house and saw Zoro. 
The eye contact between the both of you made his heart stopped dead cold. It felt like an eternity the brief second you two looked into each other. His thoughts slowing down time, as he wanted to both mend his mistake and figure out what was with the sudden closeness Sanji and you shared. 
"Let's say a little bit longer" You said looking away from Zoro and towards Sanji. 
"Whatever it is that you want, love" Sanji whispered kissing your forehead as you rested your head on his shoulder. 
You bought Zoro enough time for him to return to his bed and go back to sleep. Once you thought enough time had gone by, you told Sanji that you were now ready to go back to bed. Silently returning inside the house, you saw Zoro on his bed, not entirely sure if he was asleep or not. Hiyori sleeping next to him, the close space left between those two brought back painful flashbacks as you tried to shake them off. 
Sanji remained next to your bed until you finally fell asleep. The few minutes it took felt long. Long enough for him to fall asleep shortly after you did. Lying just next to your bed, remaining close to you. One of his arms holding you close to him. 
Sharing a bed with you for the second time in just a few days confirmed the feelings that had been sprouting from his heart bringing the answers to the questions in his mind. The night was short, and the morning slightly bitter, since the next morning, Sanji woke up to Zoro's worried inquire. 
"Where's [Name]?" Zoro growled after he checked the house twice, and peeking outside as well. 
Sanji, still deep in slumber recalled his memory, and the last thing he remembered was your smell caressing his nose, your slow breaths cooing him to sleep, and your silhouette lying next to him. 
"What?" Sanji murmured as his eyes adjusted. "What do you mean…" He reached his arm towards his side, where he remembered you were asleep.To his surprise, nothing. You weren’t there. 
"Where is [Name]?" Sanji said, adrenaline kicking in for a brief second.
“That’s what I’m asking, you dumb cook!” Zoro growled, as Komurasaki slid the main door open and walked inside. 
“No need to get grumpy so early, Zorojuro. She’s meditating outside”  She began, her gentle voice actually having an impact on Zoro’s mood. 
Without saying anything, he left the house at once, as both Sanji and Hiyori exchanged look. 
“Zorojuro has told me a few things about [Name]...She surely sounds like a strong woman if she’s able to keep up with his training. It’s impressive” 
“Yeah, she is strong. They were...are very close friends” Sanji answered.
“He told me that too…She’s lucky, for having Zorojuro’s complete and utter trust on her” Sanji looked at Hiyori as she sighed. He could tell Hiyori was feeling slightly jealous, and thought about the irony of the situation. However, he didn’t reply. 
"[Name]" Zoro said walking towards you, as you sat on the ground. 
"Morning…" you whispered turning around briefly, smiling at Zoro and then returning to the landscape. 
"[Name], I'm sorry" 
“About what exactly? You haven’t done anything wrong…” You said, breathing deeply and concentrating on your breath. 
“That kiss...I didn’t…”
“Hey, it’s okay” You sid cutting him off “I’m not mad at you and you didn’t do anything wrong, you shouldn’t be apolgising in the first place…”
“[Name]...” Zoro whisered.
“Look, when I realized about my feelings for you, I knew you didn’t correspond to them...and I knew that I was going to eventually end up hurt, so I told myself ‘Hey, we should really make the most of it, enjoy it while we still can’” You said feeling Zoro’s stare on you. “I wasn’t expecting for it to end so soon...But it’s okay, it’s the natural flow of things, isn’t it? I’m okay…”
"[Name], she kissed me, I-I didn't kiss her back I-" 
"Does it really matter, Zoro? Regardless of what happened, my heart aches…” You snapped interrupting him “Besides, she really likes you. She's gorgeous, she's very kind, goddammit she's perfect. And I know you like her" 
"Okay, I like her, but..She’s not you…[Name], I—”
“When did you start feeling things for me, huh? Was it when I told Luffy I was going with him to bring Sanji back? After I got afraid that he might not return?”
“The lack of your presence hit me, [Name]. And I was constantly thinking of you…” 
“I was constantly thinking of you too, Zoro. But that doesn’t mean anything...When I heard Sanji had left, I his departure hurt as well. I was afraid that I was going to lose a friend. That didn’t mean I was in love with him…Just because you were thinking of me doesn’t mean you have feelings for me, Zoro” 
“Then what’s with the sudden pet names and the hand holding between the two of you?” Zoro barked keeping his voice low enough so no  one in the house would listen. 
“It’s not all of a sudden...Many things happened in Whole Cake Island, okay? Are you jealous or something?”
“As a matter of fact, I am” Zoro answered bluntly. “Besides, you don’t get to tell me how I’m supposed to feel. When I said I was constantly thinking of you, I knew what kind of feelings I was feeling. And trust me, is not what you feel for one of your friends, it feels different” He waited for any sort of reply, but you didn’t even dare to look at him. In the end, Zoro sighed bitterly “I’m losing you, isn’t it?”
It took you several seconds to answer, and before you did, you took a deep breath, feeling the anxiety building in your chest 
“For how long have you had feelings for me?” You  finally said.
“I don’t know” 
You gathered the strength necessary to keep talking, 
“Look, you had me for almost three long years…” You began “Zoro, whatever this is, we have to get over it, otherwise we might end up hurting even more people than ourselves…” You said looking at the house where Komurasaki and Sanji were talking on the steps, several meters away from where you were talking to Zoro. “You have Hiyori, and I have Sanji. If we didn’t happen was for a reason. Do not waste a second chance that’s been presented to you” Zoro gazed at the house, looking at Hiyori as your voice faded out. 
Eventually, Zoro and you returned to the small cottage, where Sanji greeted you with breakfast. During breakfast, Sanji and you made most of the talking, telling stories on how’s life for the Strawhat Pirates, funny stories and difficult times you lived. 
Once breakfast was over, you and Hiyori helped Sanji clean as Zoro trained. Once the house was back to its untouched appearance, you sat down to keep talking. However, having barely slept throughout the night, you quickly dozed off while resting your head on Sanji’s lap. 
“You two are very close, aren’t you?” Hiyoi asked upon noticing the gentle way in which Sanji was playing with your hair and the sweet look he was giving you as you slept comfortably. 
“Actually, we didn’t use to be this close. Not until recently. I got into a lot of trouble and she was always there for me. She got in trouble a few times because of it, but she never cared and always returned to my side…” 
“She’s amazing” Hiyori said. “The more I hear about O-[Name], the more fascinating she becomes. She’s strong, she’s kind…” 
“She is amazing, yes. It took me so long to realize how amazing she is…” 
Zoro, finally exhausting his stress through training, and after getting slightly lost, he made it back to the house. He heard Sanji talk before he slid open the door and saw you asleep, and Hiyori talking to Sanji. And after making eye contact with the cook, he spoke. 
“Oi, Erocook, can I talk to you?” Sanji nodded gently before scratching your head gently, waking you up. 
“Angel, can you lift your head real fast? Gotta have a word with the marimo” He whispered as you growled still slumbered and did as Sanji said before resting your head on the floor and falling back asleep at once. “Hiyori-san, would you keep an eye on [Name]-chan real quick?” 
“No problem, Sangoro” Komurasaki smiled warmly as Sanji made his way outside the house with Zoro. 
Zoro was several metres away from the house, looking at the landcape, thinking, breathing deeply and slowly. Even after Sanji reached him, he cook waited for Zoro to start talking, however, he took a while. Zoro was still trying to shut down the voices in his head, and trying to put his thoughts in order before talking. 
Sanji grabbed a cigarette and lit it, asking a deep drag and blowing the smoke into the wind as Zoro finally turned around and faced Sanji. 
“What exactly happened in Whole Cake Island? Between you and [Name]?” Zoro asked bluntly. 
Sanji took another drag and closed his eyes. 
“Have you tried asking her?” He sighed the smoke through his nose as he spoke. 
“Yes, but she didn’t say much…” Zoro said in a low voice. 
“Look, long story short” Sanji began taking another drag “I was an asshole. She punched me in the face. The next day, she slapped some sense into my head , and then sneaked into my room and kept me company even when I told her not to do so” 
Sanji noticed the way in which Zoro clenched his jaw. With another drag, Sanji continued his story 
“She was caught by my family and sent to a prison cell, she then escaped without anyone noticing and returned to my room. I was in a very delicate mental state when she found me, and she stayed with me that night” 
Zoro glared at Sanji who chuckled slightly amused by Zoro’s reaction.
“Nothing like that happened that night...I was hurt; in a lot of pain...not physical pain… anyways, she stayed there, next to me, holding me and comforting me. Eventually we both fell asleep. When I woke up, I was still in her arms”
“So that's how it was…” Zoro whispered. 
“Before that night, I never really thought of [Name] in that way, but waking up in her arms did something to me…Now, I don’t know how this was like for her. I’m just telling you my side of the story.” Sanji concluded
“I am losing her…” Without looking at Sanji, Zoro mouthed, lower than before, still Sanji could hear him. 
“And let me tell you, you are an idiot for letting her slip away” Sanji added. 
“I can’t believe I’m losing her to someone like you” Rising his voice a little bit, Zoro looked up to Sanj, who exchanged a cold glare with the marimo. 
“You’ll have to believe it. Especially because unlike you, I won’t let her get away that easily” Sanji growled taking another drag of his almost done cigarette. “What about you?”
“What about me?” Zoro asked. 
“Hiyori likes you, man. Don’t make the same mistake twice…You already hurt [Name], if you do the same to Hiyori-san, I’ll kick your ass. I haven’t kicked your ass because [Name]-chan asked me to” 
Zoro chuckled bitterly as he looked back into the house. He thought about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours. Still hurt and confused, he remained silent, thoughtful. Maybe you were right. 
 “Zoro, whatever this is, we have to get over it, otherwise we might end up hurting even more people than ourselves…”
He’d lost. He was now well aware of it. And he cursed at himself for not realizing it sooner. For having realizing his feelings for you when it was too late. Although, he knew this wasn’t the end of everything. You’d still be friends, right? You still had to take Kaido down. Maybe, you two would be able to make amends during the mission. Maybe go back to the closeness you two shared, as friends, of course.
As for Hiyori, what could be done about her? Zoro did feel something for her. He thought about the mistakes he made with you, and how he could avoid repeating them. Should he seize his time with Hiyori? He already let his time with you go to waste...H thought about the possible outcome of everything. 
“I’m going back now” Sanji announced turning around and walking back to the cottage. 
In the meantime, Zoro remained there, staring into the landscape. He sat on the ground, ready to meditate, to appease his thoughts once more, and trying to bring some peace and resolution to the sprouting questions in his mind. 
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vemuabhi · 3 years
Heart to heart / Alone together - LawSan
Annyong Haseyo!! This is my third piece for LawSan week! 
I hope you guys like it!
Thankyou for letting me take part in this @lawsan-week​
Writing : Heart to Heart / Alone Together
I kinda ended up using both of these again because they felt right.
Word count : 1.3K
Warnings : None
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Law observed that counting till now, it was the 6th time. The cook avoided him. 'Did I do anything wrong?', a train of thoughts were running in his mind of all the possible scenarios of what ever he did. 'Does he... he knows about my crush... on him', he panicked. Anyway, he wanted to find out. No matter what, he wanted to know.
As Sanji was serving food, Law took the blond's hand and whispered, "What happened? Talk to me". Sanji blushed at his sudden contact and tried to break free from his grip. But he didn't let go. It wasn't a hurting one, it was instead a pleading and desperate one. This got the attention of the navigator and also the archaeologist.
 "SANJII I WANT MORE MEAT!!", Because of Luffy's demand, Law let go of Sanji and he took the chance to leave. After the chaotic Lunch, Law laid down on the deck with his hat covering his face from the sun rays. He sighed thinking how to make the cook talk to him.
"So, need help Mr. Doctor?", a voice made the raven haired man to remove his hat swiftly and look at who it was. Because of the sudden light of the sun, the doctor squinted his eyes to focus who was in front of him. There stood the two ladies of the ship. The orange head navigator sneaked beside him in a blink and looked at him with curious eyes. "Nee~~ Trafalgar, it seems like you want to talk to our chef, can I ask why? I saw you were trying to ask him something".
"Its nothing like that and none of your business actually", Law said as he leaned back trying to ignore them."Oh! is that so, then I'll ask Luffy to talk to Sanji about this", She said as she started to walk.
'Talk to Mugiwara-ya!?!?', he remembered all the plans and destructions because of his alliance with him. If his feelings or something personal like this... he doesn't want to take any chances.
"Wai...Wait", he said as he positioned himself again. Nami smirked as she came back and sat beside the doctor. Robin took the other side and two of them started to listen to the doctor.
Law sighed and said, "Its just that, I feel like he is avoiding me for some reason and... I... I really need to know the answer why he is not being his usual self around me so I asked him. That's it. Not a big deal" he ended hoping to lose their interest, but sadly, that wasn't the case yet.
"Why do you care so much if he avoids? Didn't you try to avoid some of us in the beginning?", questioned Robin making the man gulp.
"Yeah, we practically had to take awa- *Ahem*, I mean had to get close and be in your personal space", said Nami. 
The doctor knew they destroyed his personal space. But now he really wanted them to leave but they were so stubborn.
"Do you like Sanji?", questioned Robin. Because of the sudden confrontation he gasped but didn’t say anything.
"Eh!!! Really!?!", exclaimed the navigator.
"No wonder you want to talk to him", added Robin. He exhaled and asked, "Why do you two have to show this special interest in my personal life?"
"But we want to help. Robin and I had an idea which could get him to talk to you", hearing this the man looked curiously at the navigator.
She smirked and asked, "Do you want to know about it Tra~fal~gar~?"
He clicked his tongue as he looked away and said, "I...I would... appreciate it"
Nami smiled with victory and Robin giggled. He could only blush as the girls discussed about the plan. 
“Sanji is really stubborn. So to make him talk about something, won’t be done with simple and pleading ways. You need to get stubborn for that sake”, said Robin as Law seriously listened.
“So... to make him talk, we need to make sure you are alone together. We will make sure that to happen so just listen more carefully now”, Nami cleared her throat and continued to explain the plan which she and Robin had in their minds to the doctor.
At that time, a certain blond came out just after finishing his work in the kitchen. The trio on the deck caught his eye. He didn't knew what they were talking about but... if he was totally being honest with himself, he didn't like how the doctor was talking to the girls like that. He wasn't angry at the ladies. He was angry how... Law was talking to them but not... him.
A while after he made drinks for the ladies, he came out of the kitchen and gave it to the them as he swooned.
“Sanji kun, could you get us the new perfumes you brought for yourself on the previous island”, Nami asked and Sanji said, “Ofcourse Nami swan~~ I’ll get them for you~~” as he swayed away.
Sanji went to the boys room and as soon as he opened the door he was pulled inside. The door was shut now. Sanji’s back made contact with the door as two strong arms were placed beside his form. Law didnt look at Sanji yet.
“Wha.. What happened? Let me go!”, Sanji protested. 
“Did I do something? Please tell me why are you avoiding me”, Law asked as he looked up to face Sanji. The blond could see the hurt in the latter’s eyes.
“Nothing. Just let me go now. I need to give something to Nami san”, said Sanji but Law didn’t move. 
“You are talking about the perfumes right. If you wont tell me why you are avoiding me, I’ll just shamble them in the ocean”, Law seriously said making Sanji gasp.
“Don’t you dare. Nami san asked for it. I won’t hesitate to kill you if you do that”
“Like I said. I won’t do it, if you give me the answer. So tell me what I did and I’ll go”, Law said as he came a bit closer to the cook.
Sanji’s cheeks turned red at the sudden moment of Law. 
“Do you hate me that much to avoid me every time”, Sanji’s eyes widened. He didn’t hate Law. He didn’t knew his actions would hurt the doctor like this.
“No. No you idiot! I don’t. I feel weird around you. So i avoided you”, he answered making Law confused.
“Wait what?”, the raven questioned making the blond avert his gaze. Sanji knew Law wouldn’t leave him till he gets a proper reply. 
The cook exhaled and said, “Chopper checked me for any diseases but I’m totally healthy. But... I dont know why...My... my heart beats faster around you. I unintentionally get nervous even if you just look at me. My legs shiver when I serve you food making me always think whether you’d like it or not. Whenever you talk with the ladies I FREAKING GET PISSED AT YOU FOR NOT TALKING TO ME. BUT I DON”T HATE YOU!” 
Sanji inhaled after shouting. He was expecting a serious answer from Law but he was shocked when he heard him laugh. Law moved back as he placed one of his hand on his mouth and the other on his stomach. He continued to laugh. This made the cook embarrassed. 
“Why the hell are you laughing now HUH?!”, he walked towards the doctor and shook him by his collar.
In between his laugh, Law answered, “Its... Its just that.. I only wanted to have a heart to heart honest talk but... You confessed your feelings towards me, just now. Oh poor you, didn’t even knew you liked me. You thought you were sick. So cute!”, Law ended as he wiped a tear from the corner of his eye. 
Sanji blushed and kicked the doctor before he reached for the perfumes. Just when he was about to open the door, Law hugged him from behind and placed his hand on the latter’s. 
“Wait, I am sorry, I laughed. I really like you too. But the way you confessed, It was just that, you were too adorable, I couldn’t sto-”, he didn’t even complete his sentence because the Tsundare nature of the cook took a step ahead and the doctor was thrown away from him.
“*Ahem*, dont ever tell this to anyone.”, Sanji said as he opened the door. 
“So its a secret then. Okay, whatever you say babe”, Law said it only for Sanji to gasp in surprise, He didn’t expect him to say that.
“SHUT,,,SHUT UP BAKA”, Law laughed as Sanji shouted.
I hope you liked it. Sanji is definitely Tsundare. He would shout, blush get embarrassed very easily. Law would love these adorable actions of him... agh... I am falling in love with these two. Help. 
Please Like, Comment and Reblog to support me! Thankyou for reading!
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Shanks Romantic Headcanons
▪️ I know he seems like he’d be the most perfect boyfriend/husband in the world, and in many cases he would be, but it’s incredibly 50/50.
▪️ This is the case with any pirate. He’s out at sea almost constantly, and that means he’s away from you almost constantly. And yes, this means you are not a part of his crew. He’s very serious about that.
▪️ However, he isn’t gone from you because he doesn’t truly love you or want to be with you. You’re always in his thoughts. When he goes to sleep at night, he wishes he could be back at home with you holding you in his arms. When he stares out at the sea, it’s as though he’s trying to look for you across the horizon. 
▪️ He returns as often as he can. He won’t go out of his way unless there is some dire reason, and his visits are rare (Maybe once or twice every two months).
▪️ When he returns, he always brings something back for you. It’s a promise he makes to himself and to you. Jewelry, clothes, gems, pictures, records - you gather a very large collection of gifts from his travels over time. Your favorite, though, is the wedding ring. 
▪️ You’d always assumed he’d never marry, or want any sort of commitment like that, but when he came back with that gift behind his back and surprised you with it, you knew you assumed wrong. It was a beautiful ring, and surely would have been expensive if it were actually purchased. You didn’t ask how he got it, the diamonds and the rubies laced throughout the piece, too enraptured to care.
▪️ He told you that, even though you likely won’t have some big, fancy wedding, the kind he knows you deserve, he wants you to know he loves you the way a husband loves his lover. The ring would mean he’d always come back for you.
▪️ Despite this promise, and that he keeps it true, it’s still lonely without him. In many ways, you can’t help but feel that you’ll never completely have Shanks. Rather, he’s taken by the sea. 
▪️ He always makes you laugh, no matter what. 
▪️ He’s a great judge of character, observant and keen, and can tell when you’re feeling sad about something. First he tries to make you laugh, succeeds, then he gives you that gentle look and caresses your cheek, asking you to tell him what’s wrong. You can’t tell if Shanks is purposefully manipulative or not, considering he knows just how to make you open up to him. 
▪️ Although he won’t let you officially be a part of his crew, he invites you to party with them all the time. He loves it, actually, and his crew of course love and respect you. 
▪️ If you’re the party type, that’s perfect. You’ll be drinking, singing, and dancing all day and all night. He always urges you to sing a song or dance for everyone, and if you do, everyone’s always cheering you on like you’re the best performer ever. 
▪️ Shanks watches you like you’re the most amazing thing in the world. Like you’re a gift from the heavens. He thinks you’re beautiful whether you’re shy about it or letting loose and being free. He just likes to watch you.
▪️ He’s not going to make a deal out of it if you don’t, but he does enjoy having a meal cooked for him when he visits you. Food is one thing, but your food is something else entirely. It’s best when you have his favorite food ready for him - Shanks is made the happiest man alive.
▪️ So proud of you. He doesn’t necessarily keep your relationship secret, but he doesn’t share it either. It’d be extremely difficult to keep you a secret anyway, and since he doesn’t want you to feel like he’s ashamed, he doesn’t.
▪️ So yes, whenever he gets the chance, he goes on and on about his S/O and how perfect they are and all the things you do, big or small. He can talk anyone’s ear off so long as it’s involving you.
▪️ Protective as he is over you, like anyone would be over their lover, if someone were to bad-mouth you he doesn’t let it get to him. It’s all talk. And if it isn’t? Well, Shanks is still a pirate.
▪️ Chases you around the house threatening to tickle you, laughing the entire time.
▪️ He’ll go on and on telling you about his travels, about how proud he is of Luffy and excited he is to see him again. 
▪️ Whenever he comes back again to see you, one of his favorite lines is: “My god! You’re even more beautiful than the last time I saw you!” 
▪️ He likes dancing with you. When you’re cooking, he’ll come up behind you and wrap his arms around you, swaying side to side. Or he’ll turn you around, take your hand, and just dance around all jolly. He enjoys dipping you backward too - anything that gets some sort of a reaction out of you.
▪️ He likes making you blush and shy, yes, but he likes making you smile most of all. If you’re smiling, then he knows you’re okay. 
▪️ Sharing your problems with him and talking to him puts other husbands to shame. He’s the best listener because he actually cares. He wants to hear everything you have to say, he doesn’t get annoyed or bored. 
▪️ Likes having you sit in his lap while. Just in general. He could be holding you, kissing you, or just casually being there. 
▪️ Likewise, he’s very touchy whether you’re in public or alone. It isn’t always sexual and most of the time isn’t. When it is, you’ll know.
▪️ A child is never planned with him. He doesn’t particularly want one, but he doesn’t not want one either. If you get pregnant, then so be it. A great part of him will regret it though, if only because he knows he isn’t the kind of man who can step away from pirate life to raise a child.
▪️ Like with you, he’d do his best. If you get pregnant, he promises to. If he weren’t a pirate, he’s guaranteed to be the best dad ever. 
▪️ During your pregnancy, he stays far longer on the island. If he has to leave, he tries to return as quickly as possible. He’d hate to think that something could happen to you in that vulnerable state and he wouldn’t be there. 
▪️ After the baby is born, every time he comes back it seems like it’s grown so much. It makes him feel as though he’s missing out on their life. Shanks doesn’t typically let things bother him, but this gets to him.
▪️ When he is home, he’s fantastic. Doing everything he can to make sure your child knows they have a daddy who loves them.
▪️ However, he doesn’t do much to dissuade them from being a pirate. He isn’t ashamed of what he is, after all, and telling his child to not be a pirate would make it seem as though he’s a bad guy. 
▪️ He loves kissing you everywhere, but especially your neck. His facial hair tickles your neck and always makes you giggle, which is a sound that he loves.
▪️ He’s a surprisingly good singer and can play the guitar, so chances are he’s going to sing some sort of cute ballad to you. He may or may not have written it while he was out at sea.
▪️ He loves to take walks with you and spend time out in nature. Stargazing with blankets on the grass beneath you is a preferred way to spend a night. 
▪️ Hates arguing, especially with you. If there’s something serious that you’re having a disagreement on, it’s very clear he’s doing everything he can to not let it result in anger. Very rarely does he get serious or angry with you, but on the off chance that he does, it’s pretty intimidating. 
▪️ He’ll never physically intimidate you on purpose or anything, but the seriousness in his tone and perhaps raising of his voice is startling. He’s also very tall, standing at 6′6″ ½ , and his stature and power is something you forget since he spends so much time being jovial and unassuming. 
▪️ Shanks isn’t the type to leave angry. He instantly apologizes, deflates the situation the best he can. It’s very easy to forgive him, since you know he doesn’t do anything with the intention of being cruel. 
▪️ But again, arguments are extremely rare. 
▪️ If you truly want to and you beg him, he’ll take you out on his ship with him and his crew. To some island that he knows isn’t going to be dangerous of course, and across safe waters. He’s very careful though, as if there’s constantly a lingering fear in the back of his mind while you’re with him. He isn’t the type to worry like that, but with you (And especially if you bring your child) he can’t help it. 
▪️ Then you remind him that he’s one of the Yonko and he says out loud, “Oh, I am, aren’t I? Ahahaha” As if he forgot how powerful he is in the first place. 
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