#i love aur dearly
I know I'm always going to be busy, but I cannot wait until I can either just come home to a family, even if it's just my future husband and I and enjoy our time together, or stay at home and make our place a home worth living in.
Even with private violin/viola/cello/bass lessons that will most likely take place at my house, I am really looking forward to the solace of somewhere I can call home with a family.
Hopefully this will be my last big adventure before I settle down and marry the love of my life.
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forever-once-gone · 3 months
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Day 2: Seokjin - How he had once claimed you as his <3
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Part of the Love, Amour, Aur Pyaar drabble series for February!
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Word count: 6.3k (obviously, I am once again failing the task of keeping these short lol)
Content and Warnings: yandere au, supernatural au, love, murder, child neglect, fighting parents, child abandonment, reader has a disdain for her fellow humans, reader's father is a deadbeat, reader's mother disappears, Jin is a man (?) obsessed, possessiveness, illusions to future inter-clan wars, vows of commitment, death, starvation, kissing.
Author's Note: I have no self control. This is again much longer than it should be. At this point it would be considered a whole fic, not a drabble. Also, this is dedicated to @rosquilleta, @/teacakess on Ao3, and the anon who sent me a kind ask ONLY 😤. Thank you dears for commenting 🥰🥰🥰 You guys gave me motivation to write!
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You pulled your clothes off, letting them pool at your feet. The day had been rough, foraging through the woods all day took quite a load out of you. You had to go into the forest that surrounded your small town to gather some herbs and other plants and fungi to sell in your little shop. It was hard to maintain the quickly depleting stocks in your shop since you were the only person left who dared to venture into the accursed forest.
You once had a mother who cared for you dearly. She had been warm and loving, and had done everything she could do to raise you after your father had refused to stand up and divulge the fact that he—despite being the village leader’s son—was the secret lover of your mother when she had gotten pregnant. He would often sneak into your house by the outskirts of town when you were a child to try and convince your mother that he had had no choice.
“I’m sorry, dear, you know my father would never accept our relationship. A child out of wedlock? With an orphaned woman, especially from your lineage? It would never work. We’d no doubt be thrown out into the accursed forest, and where would that leave us? Leave Y/n?”
Your mother would never meet his eyes, she never had since the day he’d refused to claim you and your mother at the town meeting. Instead, she’d just make it clear that he had no place in her or your life any more. “I don’t know why you’re here, your highness.”
“Don’t call me that,” he’d beg. “I’m not a prince, I’m not anything like that. We are one, my love. Stop mocking me with those words. We’re equal here.”
“You may not be a prince, nor have any royal blood, but your words make it clear that you think you’re high above me. My lineage? What do you mean by that? You know as well as anyone that there is nothing about me that is cursed. Just because my family was the only one brave enough to enter into the forest, doesn’t mean that we’re cursed! You surely didn’t think I was cursed before I became with child!”
“Do not twist my words, my love. You know I do not think of you like that, but you must admit it is strange how every member of your family had disappeared in those woods for centuries. You cannot ignore how implicating that is, my dear.” He had raised his hands in an almost pleading manner, trying to play to your mother’s emotions.
But your mother had little to no feelings left for the one who had been her biggest betrayer.  “My family may have all disappeared into the woods, but that is only because we’re the only ones who actually dare to enter it! And you cannot ignore the fact that anyone else who was not in my family line who had entered the forest, did not ever return, even though it was all of their first time entering the woods. The fact that my family has, for generations, been able to enter and leave the forest for years, before we finally disappear. Compared to everyone who disappears the first time they enter,I think we may be the blessed ones, not cursed. Besides, nobody seems to think we’re cursed when they want the herbs, vegetables, and fruits we bring back from the forest.” Your mother saw you peeking out from the bedroom.
“Y/n, go back inside, dear. You do not have to hear this.” She began to walk towards the door, shooing you further into the room. “Go to sleep.” She softly clicked the door closed after giving you a reassuring smile.
You walked back into bed, pulling the various knit blankets over you as you heard your mother telling your father that he had overstayed his welcome once again.
Spending nights hearing your parents arguing in the next room over, was not new to you. As far back as you can remember, your father would covertly enter your house to try and get your mother to forgive him, to let him be a father to you. He would bring you clothes, sometimes toys, other times blankets to try and win you over. You would politely take the objects before your mother would usher you back into your room. 
But you knew better than to think that he actually meant to make it up to your mother. He’d always ask for forgiveness, but never ask to accept her and reveal to the village that you were his child. Your mother had questioned him the night of your ninth birthday—the last birthday you had with her—of what his true intentions were of coming here, night after night. He’d been a bumbling mess, too embarrassed to say in front of your mother that he really had no intentions of revealing anything. He really just wanted to relieve himself of his guilt, or at least, that’s what it had seemed like to you.
If he really cared, he would stand by your mother and yourself.
But then again, he never married following his parting from your mother.
You would wait to hear the front door shut behind your father. You would hear silence as your mother sat at the dining table for, usually, ten to twenty minutes after he’d left before she’d slink back into the room with you. She’d get into bed, and pull you against her chest. Her hand would smooth over your head, and sometimes she’d whisper apologises to you, thinking you were asleep.
She had been the only one who took care of you in your life, the only true one to care for you.
When your mother had disappeared in the forest only a few weeks before your tenth birthday, you had been beyond distraught. 
You had cried in the town square all morning and afternoon, when you had woken up and realized that your mother had not returned in the night. You had begged for someone to help you, to look in the forest for you, to find her. Everyone had walked right past all of you, ignoring your little crying form, clothes soiled from the dirt that you had collapsed in when the village leader had turned you away. 
Your father had seemed like he wanted to say something, hesitating when he had found you in the square on his way back to his home. But, in the end, he had walked away from you, leaving you to cry until you lost consciousness.
When you had finally come to, it was the middle of the night. No one was around. The air was cold. And your fingertips had lost all feeling, stiff as you tried to wiggle them around. You had sat up, hoping that you’d see your mother emerging from the forest at the edge of your vision, but you saw no such thing. No such blessing.
You had to pick yourself up from that cold dirt floor, and trudge your way back to your house by the edge of the glade. You had, again, hoped that you’d open the door to find your mother, tending to the fire in the fireplace. Perhaps, stirring a pot that she had hung in it, as she smiled at you, letting you know dinner was almost ready.
But life was not that kind to you.
The few weeks had been tough. You had to learn how to care for yourself all by yourself. You used up all the stored food that your mother would have sold if she had not disappeared. People had not come to your house expecting to buy anything, like they used to when your mother was still around. You had used those supplies and what you had to feed yourself, but when they had come to an end (other than a few jars of preserves, your mother had jarred only a few days before she disappeared that you did not have the heart to open yet), you realized you had to do something to find food.
You had properly dressed up for the first time since your mother’s disappearance. You had ventured out to the river that passed through the glade and bathed. You had scrubbed every last ounce of built up oil from your hair. You had put on your best clothes. You had picked up your basket from the shelf where you used to keep all the items your mother used to sell. And threw on the cloak your mother had sewed for you.
And you did what your family had always done when there was nothing left for them in the village.
You entered the woods.
Your mother had brought you into the woods intermittently from when you were young. You supposed she once had to take you every time when she ventured into the woods when you were a newborn, as there was no one else to take care of you. But by the time you had become old enough not to die of starvation or neglect if left alone for a few hours (about 2 and a half years old), she had begun to cut your trips to the woods. She would leave you alone at home with a snack and some water, promising to return soon.
Following that, she had rarely brought you into the forest. Only a few times in the year. And that was only because she had told you: “One day, I’m sure the forest will take me just like it did my father. Before then, I need you to learn how to navigate the forest, because it will become your only source of trading power with the other villagers, you understand me? It will be tough to be on your own—it was for me too—but I want you to be better prepared for the woods than I was when my father disappeared. I just don’t want you to starve like I did when it happened to me.” Her eyes had darkened. “Not one of those villagers will come to help you, Y/n. Not one.”
You repeated those words to yourself the first time you had entered the forest alone, following the routes that your mom would go through. You foraged for the berries she had shown you, the root vegetables that she had taught you to identify from the stalks that were visible above the dirt, and you checked the traps that your mother had left for small game.
Fortunately, each of the traps had worked and caught a small prey. But unfortunately, all of the animals had started to rot from not being collected all these weeks later. Some had even been scavenged, leaving mangled messes of flesh. You just released the traps, and pushed the corpses away with a stick before re-preparing the traps.
You unconsciously looked around, fearing that you may end up stumbling across your mother’s corpse in a similar stage as the animals you had scraped off the traps. For better or for worse, you had not.
Before the sun could get even close to setting, you returned home. And when you entered the house, a sense of heaviness pushed down on you. A heaviness that came with the realization that this was your new life. You were alone, left to fend for yourself in the forest if you hoped to survive. Left alone to mourn your mother. Mourn her, until you also, just like all your ancestors before you, also disappeared out in the forest.
At least, then, the ghosts of your ancestors could sigh in relief that there would be no more orphaned descendents/children fighting to survive in the glade anymore after you.
You took off the cloak you were wearing and stepped out of your muddied shoes. Only when you sat down at the dining table did you realize something had changed from the way it had been before you had left that morning.
There was a package wrapped up in a sheet on your table. Your breath stopped for a second; could this be from your mother? Was she still alive?
You carefully pulled off the sheet from the contents within, only to find some clothes, a bag of flour, and some goat’s milk along with a note.
I’m so sorry, dear Y/n.
I cannot be the father you deserve, but I will try to provide for you when I can.
Happy birthday, sweet child.
Your inadequate father.
P.S. I know you will not believe me, but I also miss your mother as much as you do.
Your disdain had grown for him tenfold that night.
Nobody bought from you the first few days after you ventured into the forest. You liked to think it was due to them feeling guilt for how they practically left you to die when your mother disappeared. But you knew the truth, it was much more likely they were worried that you were still unstable and could lash out on them. But after a week of you putting up the open sign by your front door, two mothers had come to you unabashedly, asking for the one of the types of root vegetables your mother used to get from the forest in exchange for a couple eggs.
When the two women had been able to leave your house unharmed, the others slowly made their way back to making their visits to your little house, offering trades and money for the goodies that only grew in the accursed forest. And with that, you had set a routine. A routine involving spending half your time in the woods and half your time in the glade.
And with this routine, you were able to brave your way through the days, then the weeks, the months, and even the years.
And before you knew it, you were twenty-five. Had spent much more time on your own than the time you had spent with your mother. Over fifteen years since she had disappeared without a trace. 
It had also been fifteen years since you had truly felt cared for.
Sure, your father still left you gifts here and there. But that didn’t make any warmth spread through your body. It didn’t help the fact that you hadn’t had anyone to laugh with in all these years. No one to talk to about anything beyond types of vegetables and game. The only time when you had a conversation longer than a couple of words was when one of the men from the village would try and haggle with you for a rabbit that you had brought back in from the forest that morning.
Your father was not much comfort either.
He still wrote you short messages when he would leave packages on your doorstep, but they were as worthless as all those visits he made to see your mother when she was still around. His reassurances were hollow, and you didn’t care to give him the time of day.
You’d become just like your mother, in that even when you saw him around, you’d always turn the other way. In a way, he brought you a bit closer to your mother, since your hatred for him made you understand her cold-shoulder towards him.
You never felt more alone than when you were in the glade with the other villagers, father be damned.
That is why, other than to sleep and to sell your goods, you tended to stay in the accursed forest as much as you could. Even though it made the villagers whisper how you must be more dangerous than your mother since she didn't spend nearly as much time in the forest as you did. To that, all you could think was that you didn’t have a child waiting at home for you to raise, unlike your mother. You were certain she would have done the same as you if she didn’t have to care for you back then.
Despite how there was not one other person in the first besides you, just being away from the village made you feel more at peace. You felt more connected with your mother, when you walked her routes, set her traps, and used all the tips and tricks she had taught you when you were young.
Your favorite spot, however, was the small lake in the forest. It was in the middle of a river—its offshoot didn’t cross into the glade, and the running water was always fresh. It was cold in the summer, and warm in the winter; how it exactly managed that, you had no idea. But you had fond memories of it. It was the place where your mother had taught you how to swim. This was the only place where you would see her just sit down and relax, unworried and free.
It had been her spot.
And now, it was yours.
You sat down in the cool water, feeling it wash off the sweat you had accumulated on the voyage through the woods. You were still near the shallow enough edge where you could sit on the floor and the water would only reach up to your armpits. It was nice to let go for a bit.
You sat in the water for a good ten minutes before you wadded deeper into the lake, figuring it was time for you to forage for the underwater plants that people liked to buy off of you to put into soups. You would swim down into the lake, and swim through the thick plant filled bottom of the lake that curled up into the water like bushes. You would push around the rock covered floor to loosen the roots of the plants to get them to release. The leaves would float up to the surface, where you’d collect them later on when you felt you had collected enough.
This time, as you pushed around the large rocks among the dense plants, you felt something warm. You pulled your arm back, expecting to see a fish shoot out of the thicket from your disturbance, but instead, nothing. You were taken aback. You reached out your hand again to see if you would find some freshly dead animal laying in the plants, but when you pushed the plants aside to see, you instead found a large, warm stone.
But it was strange, it was in the shape of a human head.
You felt your eyes bulge out of your head, as you broke through the carpet of plants you had released into the water, immediately kicking to the surface of the lake. You tried to gulp down as much air as you could before you dove straight back into the lake, kicking back to the stone head. You immediately started to check if it looked like your mother, but it did not. It instead looked like a man. 
Was this some sort of preserved human? 
No, it couldn’t be. It was very much stone.
You circled around the head, pulling away more plants to uncover more stones if you could. You didn’t find any more human head-shaped stones, but you did realize that the stone head was much more than just a head. It was attached to a rock body. It was an entire statue that had been shoved into the lake.
You continued to try and uncover more of the statue between taking breaks where you swam up to the surface for more oxygen. And after about ten minutes you had uncovered the whole statue from under the rocks and plants.
You were surprised that you had never come across this before. This large stone statue that just laid at the bottom of the lake. You just stared at it, honestly, unsure what to do now.
That is until the statue began to rise. You swam back from the statue as it seemed to float up through the water to the lake’s surface, bobbing around with the water plants. How could this statue be so light that it was able to float?
You swam up after it, coming up beside it. You pushed it, testing how light it was, and just from your one light push, it began to drift to the dirt beside the lake where your clothes were. The statue continued to bob around in the shallow water until you dragged it across the pebbles to the dry land.
The statue was of a man with one hand coming up to press the backs of his knuckles underneath his chin. The other curled around his stomach. His lips were full and slightly open. His hair was loose against his forehead. His eyes scrunched together with an expression of pleasure. The statue was also very naked, which made the pose very… suggestive.
You really did not know what to make of the statue.
Maybe this is just something that happens in the cursed forest? You find random statues? Statues that seemed like they were in the throes of passion?
But you doubted it. In all your years of coming into the forest, there really was not anything glaringly wrong about it.
It was just a regular forest. 
This was the first weird statue you came across.
Other than the fact that when people would venture into it, they’d never return, there was nothing really demonic about the woods.
You stood beside the statue, before you decided, you didn’t really care about it.
Like, what were you really supposed to do? Tell the other villagers? They wouldn’t care. They probably wouldn't even believe you. Or even if they did, they wouldn’t really have any plans of what to do with it either.
So, it was beyond your abilities to care about.
You left it lying by the shore and jumped back into the lake, going out to gather the plants that were floating around, waiting to be collected. You made quick work of it, gathering them all and bringing them to shore. You wrapped them in a cloth to absorb as much water as possible on them before slipping them into the basket with your other goodies.
You then turned to pull on your clothes, humming a little tune to yourself. And when you were all ready, you pulled on your cloak, picked up your basket, and began your trek back home, you were just about to reach the thickening of the trees—
That is until: “Hey! That’s not how this is supposed to go!”
You stopped in your tracks, your grip tightening on your basket.
Did that come from the… lake?
You slowly turned to the lake, and in between the trees you could make out… something.
Ah, this is the day you die isn’t it.
You thought to turn back around and try to make a break for it, but instead, you walked back to the lake, dropping your basket beside one of the trees.
If you were going to die, you were willing to accept it if it meant you’d be able to see your mother again.
When you made it back to the lake, you expected to see a demon or something of the like, but instead it was just the statue again.
But this time, it was standing up. Its arms fists at its hips with its lips frozen in a pout, as though it was mad at you. Its eyes were open this time as it glared at you.
Okay, magic statue it is then.
Was this statue the thing that killed all your family members before?
Well, you hoped it made it quick.
You walked up to it. Stopping just a step away from it. “Um, did you just speak to me? Like you, the statue?”
With a blink, the statue was in another pose, his palm pressed against its forehead, the other hand still against its waist. And without the statue’s mouth moving at all from its slight agape position, it said, “Yes, I did. Now, kiss.”
With another blink of your eye, the statue had once again changed its pose. Its arms were brought up behind his head, posing like a self-absorbed man trying to show off his arm muscles, as its hands pressed to the back of its head, out of sight. His eyes were closed once again.
You weren’t sure what to do. Were you meant to kiss this statue? You really did not want to. “I’m not going to kiss you. Forgive me.”
With another blink, the statue's eyes shot open. “WHAT?!” With another blink, the statue was right in front of you, nose to nose with you, as it bent slightly to glare directly into your eyes. Its arms were crossed over its chest, as it lamented once again, without moving its lips, “This isn’t how this is supposed to go! You’re supposed to kiss me!”
All you felt was annoyance. Was the statue going to kill you or not? You were getting a bit impatient having to deal with its dramatics. “Is that so? And why am I meant to kiss you?”
In less than a second its posture had changed again. Its arms were still crossed against his chest, but this time he wasn’t leaning into your face. Instead, he was standing upright with his head looking off to the right with a deep pout. “The others did!” He whined. “They said I had to win you over, so that’s what I’m trying to do, but you are not cooperating!”
“Who are they?” you asked, adopting his pose with your arms crossed against your chest.
“You know! My people! The ones who govern this forest and our respective lands. I come from the Kim clan, one of the many clans in the nation. I was meant to tell you this after you kissed me.” He remained pouting off to the side.
“So you come from a group of statues?”
He left out an affronted gasp. “Good Earth, no! This is obviously a facade that was meant to woo you! We’re obviously not a people of statues. How absurd of you to even imply that.”
“Then what are you then? And why do you need to “woo” me?”
He changed his position again, now sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, his head propped up on his hand. He looked frustrated. “I would have explained all that to you if you had kissed me like you were meant to. If you want to know, you shall present me with a kiss.”
You sat down in front of him. “That’s unfortunate as I am not going to kiss you.”
His mouth fell open in shock. “I told you, I’ll tell you once you kiss me!”
“Yes, I heard. And I am not going to kiss you,” you insisted, also resting your head on the palm of your hand.
“But that’s what we’re meant to do! The elders told me that I get to be the one from our clan to finally have our turn to get a L/n human as a spouse! They told me I’m meant to come up with a ceremony to sweep you off your feet, and then you’ll be mine! I was only supposed to explain everything else to you after you gave me your hand.”
The statue shot in front of you, now sitting up on his knees, with his hands on either side of your body, his face only a few centimeters from your face again. This time he had his lips all puckered up, with his eyes all scrunched up as if he was prepared for a kiss.
“Now give me a kiss,” he demanded. “And then I’ll tell you everything you want to know. Plus, I can take you back to my lands with me. Now. Kiss!”
“That all sounds well and good.” You leaned back from the insolent statue. “But I’m still not going to kiss you, especially not if it's part of some ceremony.”
The statue was on the ground in a blink of the eye. His knees bent to the sky, as he covered his eyes with his hands. His mouth downturned in a frown. “Why did I have to get the L/n that was the most stubborn of them all?” He seemed to ask no one in particular.
You let him wallow in his self-pity, instead picking at the grass surrounding the both of you. After a few minutes of silence, you asked him, “Has your tantrum completed yet?”
Like a child he said, “no.”
“Well then,” you stood up, brushing the dirt off of your rear, and pulled your hood over your head. “I’ll be off.” You turned and were back on your route, picking your basket up as you passed it.
“Wait!” Finally a man appeared before you, no longer a statue, but a human looking man. His chest was rising and dropping quickly as he held his arms up in front of you, keeping you in place. It was good to see him actually moving, and not just teleporting whenever your eyes closed, it was starting to strain your eyes. “Look, I’m in my true form now, will you just let me explain?”
“Alright, but I will not be kissing you.”
“Yeah, I got that part,” he mumbled, pushing his purplish-pink, wet hair back from his forehead. “Can we sit? And I’ll explain.”
“Could you put on some clothes first?”
He sighed, but in an instant he was dressed in an immaculate, translucent set of fabrics that seemed to shimmer in the early evening light. The clothing was unlike anything you’d seen before. They were in hues of blue and green that flowed loosely over his body as though they were waterfalls that sprouted and fell from his body.
You wondered if they were tangible or something he had just magicked up. You wondered if you were to grab at them, would you be able to feel them or would your fist come back empty.
He walked past you, back towards the lake with his clothes dragging behind him. He looked luxurious.
He went to a different edge of the lake, with giant boulders. He sat down on them, letting his legs soak in the water, his form slumped.
You followed after him, and also sat beside him, but instead of dipping into the water, you sat beside him cross-legged.
He twirled his feet around in the current. “I thought you’d like my entrance. I thought you’d want something romantic for the first meeting you had with me.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, I was meant to win you over. You were mine to have, but it’s not that simple. We are not allowed to just steal you away, We need you to come willingly. We need you to fall for us.”
“We as in your people?”
“Yes, my people. We are known by many names to you humans: fairies, fae, elves, pixies, selkies, nagas, tricksters, incubi, demons, witches, immortals. We are shapeshifters, we have magick, we can come to humans however we please. It led to many folklore about us. Really, all those myths stem from our mating ceremonies.”
You waited for him to continue.
“We are only allowed to pick mates from one lineage. In every nation, there is only one family that we can take spouses from. It’s part of our laws, so we do not reveal ourselves to much more than we need to to humans. It also keeps our spouses from fighting amongst themselves, since most of them are on good terms with one another. It prevents clan wars.” He turned to look at you, his hair slightly drier than before.
You took a moment to take in his beauty. He was a handsome man, that you could not deny. You had never met a person with colourful hair like his, other than the one person in the glade with red hair. But this was so different from that. It looked like he’d dyed them with flowers like people did wool, something unnatural for people to have. You couldn’t help but wonder if that was his natural hair colour or if this was one of the perks of being a shapeshifter.
You hummed at him to keep going with his explanation.
“It was agreed upon centuries ago that it would be the L/n family that we would take partners from. As long as they had had time to have children to keep the family line going, we could take our pick of who we wanted. In return, your family got the ability to walk in our lands unharmed. Something that other humans would be… killed for trying to do.”
He eyed you to see what your reaction would be to him admitting to his people killing humans. He didn’t know how to feel when he saw no sympathy for the humans who had perished.
“It was my clan’s turn next to get a L/n, and of course, there was you. I had just turned twenty, and you had been twenty-one. I was entranced right away by you. I wanted to take you right away, after all, it was my birthright. But, the elders of the clans told me I had to wait. I had to wait for you to have a child, but how could I?!” He had turned right towards you, pulling your hands into his lap. “How could I let a human hold you close before I got the chance to? How could I let you raise children with a human, with someone other than me. I couldn’t bear it.”
He had pulled your hands to his chest. “But the clan leaders, Y/n, while they understood me—they had after all had to go through the same thing as I did before they got their L/n—but they told me I must wait. So I did. I waited even though it hurt me. I waited until you had a child so that I could finally take you away, but then it just wasn’t happening! You weren’t meeting people, you weren’t falling in love or having children! It had been five years, and it just wasn’t happening.”
He pulled one of your hands from his chest to come up and cradle his cheek in your hand. “So I spoke with the clan leaders, and they said I still couldn’t take you.” 
His arm came around your torso, pulling you against him. “So I decided, I was going to take you. Who are they to stop me from taking my spouse, my mate? Let them burn, I say. Who cares if the remaining clans will not have their own L/n spouses, I do not care. You are mine, and I refuse to wait any longer.” His other arm had come to the back of your head, bringing you closer to his face. “Kiss me, Y/n, and then I can claim you as mine.”
He tilted his head, flickering his eyes closed as he went to close the gap between the two of you, but you instantly put a finger up to his pursed mouth.
“Do you mean to tell me my mother is alive? She was taken by one of the other clans?” Your eyes were urgently digging into him.
The man pulled away slightly, his eyes opening back up slowly. “Well yes. All of your family members are alive in one way or another in our lands.” He could see the way your eyes hardened, he could imagine that you were worried for your mother’s state. “Once we take them, they become ours, Y/n. We tie them to our eternal life so they could be by our side as long as we shall live. We take good care of our spouses, that I can assure you. I’ve met her once before.” He cupped your face in his hands. “She is well, Y/n.”
You felt tears run down your face and onto his hands. “S-She’s alive?”
He nodded.
You collapsed against him in sobs, calling out for your mother. He rubbed your back, trying to calm you down the best that he could.
Fifteen years it had been since she’d disappeared—no, been taken from you.
Fifteen years.
It didn’t matter that she hadn’t come to see you in all those years, you could forgive her for that, but you wanted to see her now. You needed to see the only person who cared for you. You needed her.
You straightened up, wiping your tears away before grabbing onto the man. “Take me to her. I’ll do whatever you want, just take me to her.” You begged in a choked voice.
“I can only do that if you agree to be mine. Only if you kiss m—”
You pressed your lips against his.
For a second he didn’t move, just allowing you to ravage his lips. But once he realized what had happened, he immediately pulled you closer. He pulled you against him and kissed you back with as much fervor as you did. He felt jolts of electricity pass through his body as the vow between the two of you cemented in place.
You were his now.
And he was yours.
When the burning in your chest got too much, you pulled away from the magickal man. Just enough for you to breathe in some air.
He pressed a kiss against the corner of your mouth as you panted. “I suppose it is time for me to give you my name now that you are mine.”
He pressed a kiss to your jaw before he whispered into your neck, “I shall give you my name, as you gave me yours through the completion of the ceremony of the vow. I give you my name: Kim Seokjin.”
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Reader won't even realize the gravity of him giving his name to you until they went back to his land and learned more about his people. He really meant the whole "I am yours, and you are mine" thing 😬
Just so you guys know, I wanted to write a bit more to explain why he decided to come to you as a statue, but then this was just already way too long, so I decided not to. Long story short: He was inspired by the Greek myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, and he thought he may woo you (as that is part of the ceremony, he must win you over), by replicating that myth. He thought you'd fall head over heels for his handsome statue self, and you'd kiss him without him even having to ask! Obviously, he was a bit over confident lol.
Maybe at some point, I'll write that Jin explaining to his partner why he did what he did later on in the month or maybe afterwards. I just wanted to write him being all pouty as he explained his plan, but oh well lol.
Anyway, please reblog and comment, it makes my day and motivates me so much! Have a good night!
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desi-lgbt-fest · 1 year
Something hilarious is happening in my home right now. Oky so first of all I am bi and has been a fan of shipping, gay stuff and all that for quite a long time. I even told about bl dramas to my sis and she also have watched it with me. Only she knows about my sexuality but I still think she is bit homophobic. But now to the main part, my sis is going to get married soon and she often talks with her fiance but one day, we were having lunch and she began to say about him and his best friend that how his soon to be husband went to his best friend house in diwali and instead of his own clothes, his friend wore his kurta out of stubbornness and then my mom suddenly commented "hmmm, kahin usko usse pyarr to nhi".and believe me I literally chocked on my food when she said this. Since that day start a new ritual at home, we all ship my brother in law with his friend by no other than my own mom. She keeps asking so "where is his other half? Aaj usske liye kya kya banaya? Wo to uska hi ghar h dono sath me pada rhta hai;birthday me sabse pehle uska laya cake katega tumhara thodi na;aur uske liye fasting bhi kiya hai kya, dono kissi vissi bhi karta hoga" My sister also tells us about him how he was making chicken for his friend even though he was ill. And my mom literally says"dekho to dono me kitna pyarr hai"And i was howling like a wolf from inside. My sister also laughs a lot on such japs. She knows my yaoi obsession and one day she herself was saying me, who would be the bottom from either of them'. God they both pushed me to this edge where I m really shipping them 😭after all these talks my sister asked "aajkal kya kya dekh rhi ho mummy".actually, my mother has always seem interested toward LGBT community. Like yeh she have talked about it as a joke or in jokes in past yet she never made any degenerate remarks about gays. It's always something sweet but still I can't believe my ears that an Indian middle aged woman is so chilling talking about his soon to be son in law in this way.i m certain now that my mom is a bl fan too. I know she would love it dearly.
Queer/ queer friendly mom and child and damaad and slightly homophobic sister sound like a veeery good plotline for fun family sitcom lmao.
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venusiangguk · 2 years
did u miss my reviews :3
to start i CANT BELIEVE U DROPPED THIS OUT OF THE BLUE LIKE I CANT EXPLAIN HOW LOUD I GASPED, had my coworkers confused. alr i made a list of what to touch on so let’s starttt !!
NARI’S SPEECH DEVELOPMENT. i cried. i fucking missed that pudgy baby more than oc & jk ngl !! she is so so precious i love her i will forever protect her… her asking abt oc. what The fuck is wrong with you. my baby misses her friend 😔
jk not going to buy groceries is so real like i Have Done this. avoiding is my coping !!
friends being true friends. the way they all check up on him in different ways is so 🫶 heart fluttering feelings are so fragile rn ..
WHEN HE CLOSED HIS EYES TO HEAR HIS BABY GIRL GIGGLING…. people cried. we cried stellaur !!
before i get into taekook heart to heart… the image of dilf taekook sitting drinking wine is so sexy let me get spit roasted rn i beg ..
taehyung calling dasom a manipulator is so hot cause YES !! she does it for a living let’s not be reminded that dasom is such a bad bitch but also a Bitch yk? he knows her better than us i fear.. she’s just protecting her baby tis all :(
“was having a baby to save your marriage apart of your plan?” people GASPED. KIM TAEHYUNG ?? no but u made him intellectual and intricate in this convo i loved it. he really told it to jk straight and let him recognize his faults instead of having a pity party & it was so so needed.
OC’S INSTA. give me a minute. the spa day. kill me. burn me. what the. no i’m teary eyed ?!? that woman LOVED nari and vice versa i need them back.
ok let me finish on the taekook heart to heart. i loved and enjoyed v much. hearing jk’s intricate thoughts was so nice and although made me very sad a few times, i appreciated it more than anything. tae we love u. jk we love u. stella we love u.
i Ache when you say his cock is hot and Heavy cause it IS !! Yes. hot and very heavy and leaking precum fUck.
sub jk. sub jk. we are summoning you… we yearn for u more than u yearn for oc… too far? we are all just horny mfs yearning for sub jk :(
he came !! a lot. and i digested. let me stop too much.
well stella. blown away as always. i missed your writing MORE than you could ever comprehend. please know you are truly one of the most talented writers on here i’ve ever had the pleasure of witnessing. the way you explain things and the way you Write is so captivating and beautiful and and. i love this and i love YOU. never stop. thank you for this. ur amazing <33
love yaz !! 🫶
yazzzz <3 yes i have missed ur reviews they are always so in depth n ur always so kind to me, i am so thankful for u i love u dearly <33
yes miss nari is slowly but surely expanding her vocab!! she still does Not like talking tho >:( n her finally being able to say oc's name AFTER she's gone?? a specific kind of pain 😭 she does miss her v much </3 (they both miss each other :( )
bts best friends in all the multiverses and all the aus 😤
im glad you took tae talking about dasom like that in a Not bad way!! i was worried about dasom coming off as a villain, when she is not, and him coming off as a hater, when he's not and is just jk's bestie <3
tae absolutley obliterating jungkook with his words like SIR?? can he take a breath??? but yes it was very needed, and it the end it was very helpful. thank god tae is a twin boy dad n has acquired superhuman patience <3
the insta </3 i loved incorportaing that!! im glad it's been well received so far~~
we all love u dilf jk pls get ur shit together <33
aur was very nervous about debuting dilf jks subby interest bc he has been very Soft Dom n thats it the whole time... but u do have a point... we all love a sub jk moment 🥴
and once again yaz <3 i cannot tell you how much ur reviews like this mean to me, i read them over n over they make me feel v happy n loved <3 hope u know i luv u <33 thank u <33
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thedimlaltain · 1 year
An Unsent Letter AND A Romance that Never Will Be
Dearest Caps,
Do you know I've sung love songs about you? You make me giggle like a stupid mess. Every couple of days, I develop a crush on you, that feels very new, but isn't.
This is a joyful letter. Do you know you're so fucking cute! Cats aren't supposed to be cute; how the fuck did you manage that. A close second to my favourite nephew. I feel so jumpy when you pull my legs. I don't even want to retaliate at that.
[This is a para in Hindi, basically lines in praise of her beauty, smile and laughter.] Arre, yeh toh badi jaldi khatam ho gaya. Mujhe toh laga tha lamba chalega. Meh, kya karein, itni hi acchayiyyan hai tujhmein. Teri smile kitni bekar hai pata hai? Aur teri hansi toh aur bhi ghatiya hai, tujhe hansta dekhkar saara mood kharab ho jata hai. Airport the jab tu mujhe lene aayi thi, pink plazzos, black kurti aur woh jhumke. Main toh shock mein chali gayi thi kuch seconds ke liye, bhoot dikh gaya ho jaise. I was so stunned -- activated the "what's the procedure" meme inside me.
I told you no, that I now officially identify as a liquid, well that's coz I melt when you're around. I melt looking at your pictures. I joke that I hope I don't evaporate coz that'd make me gender gaseous(this one is a stolen joke)!
You make me laugh and I like making you laugh, And I don't know whether our sense of humour matches or what but it's fun with you. Laughter is really essential to my being, as essential as finding or recognising or seeing beauty is. And I think having things light heared, to be able to have these moments, share these moments is nice. I think I'll get fed up of a friendship or a romance and get claustrophobic where there's little space and scope for sharing laughs.
When you pick up your phone to click my photo, I sink my face in my hand, "arre!” you say! Ab I wish I could explain to you, I feel nervous and shy and the butterflies start to kick in. Because when you pick up your phone, I KNOW that you are seeing me, AND I feel scared that you’ll see through me. That you’ll see in my eyes, the words that I try so hard to bury. So I hide my face, and in that I hide “Oh my god, I love you so much Capsey.”
Dil toh yahi chahta ahi ki table doosre chor par baith kar tumhari aankhon mein kho jaun [the heart just wants to sit across the table and get lost in your eyes.] I want to look in your eyes and see what they entail, what they have to tell. I want us to look into each other's eyes if that's what you want too. If and only if. I don't think friends do this, if this is what romance is, then be it. OR perhaps I;m romanticising eyes and weirdly staring into eyes too much, in which case, well! We have another thing to laigh about. And you can make fun of my cheese and bollywood. I wish I could ask you out on a date, I wish I could say, "I love you" to you sometimes. I LOVE YOU, you know. I want to flirt with you, and I want to let myself enjoy it. I want us to flirt with each other.
I feel bad, guilty for wriitng things I want from you. It feels selfish. But I want to be honest. It is what it is. Don't wanna hide it. Not from myself at the very least. From you, I probably will. I often find myself second guessing what to say to you. Consciously trying to decide whether what I say lies on this OR that side of the boundary. Whether I'll end up saying something overtly sexual or whether what I'll say is too "loving", as in the langauge makes you uncomfy or whether what I'll say will occupy too much space. I want to not second guess a lot of these times. I want some of these boundaries to disappear.
I am not exactly sure what romance is. You read a lot, nothing I'd say will be as poetic or as romantic as some of the things you've read. I'm not a poet, I'm a lover. I wish for us to find or make our own romance together. One that may or may not be in the books but it won't matter because it's ours. I so dearly want to find out with you what our romance could be.
I want to see the sparkle in your eyes when you come across something interesting, and when you find beauty and meaning and music and depth. And I want to bring hot water bags when your hands hurt from drawing. And cook halwa when you're cranky. You can be as cranky as you want. You don't have to hold it in.
For saying all of these wants, I know my hope isn't hope, but delusion rather.
And so, I just want to say, You take away cynicism from my life, and you know how cynical I am. You opened your arms and took me in and embraced me. I am so very grateful for that. I can't stop admiring how actively you live your life, how you take initiatives. I see that whatever you seek, you try to create and be part of processes that help you experience it. You don't yearn for what you seek, you live it. Everyday. You're so so kind. And authentic. And you create spaces so that people can be their authentic selves. How unafraid and unapologetic you are. I will forever be in gratitude for coming across you, and definitely in awe of you.
I love you.
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scalpel-mom-mori · 4 years
Y’all like my new header?
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i-am-kind-of-lost · 2 years
Gives you all the attention you need. 🫂.
I heard my uncle talk so much about shark tank ki saari iccha hi khatam ho gayi i will watch it after the hype has died down tho because of course I want to.
And i decided to hyperfixate on jab we met and make a playlist
And it kind of makes me wanna gatekeep that movie whenever I see that one reel on insta because like...*unintelligible noises* but like i also want people to love it
Idk do you ever go thru with this? Like you love something dearly and suddenly it goes mainstream ans suddenly the people who ignored it be like ooh i always loved it?
~ me
I haven't seen Shark Tank either. 15 episode hai. Abhi kaun dekhega. I do want to gatekeep movies as well. People in my school didn't like Kapoor and Sons when it came out. "Boring hai. Slow hai. Etc." I have always loved the movie. So ab jab log bolte hai "kya sahi movie hai, my family is exactly the same", it kind of pisses me off. I wasn't really on social media at the time so I can't judge how it reacted to the movie. But yeah. In terms of school friends, I do have that tendency as well. Man to mera bhee ho raha hai Jab We Met dekhne kaa.
I will gatekeep Mard ko Dard Nahi Hota if it ever becomes popular. I absolutely will. People didn't give the movie any love, and ab dekh ke jab koi bolta hai, "Aisi aur movies kyun nahi banti Bollywood mei" I just want to slap people.
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ft. a banner based on the minimalist cover i made [ which in turn was inspired by @anomaly00​ and @vespatrix​ <3 ]
only by uncovering the past can you discover the future;
One unlikely group of friends. One sorceress hell-bent on revenge. One chance to save the world - or doom it to destruction.
Fate has tied six friends together. Now, they have to chase Annelyrin, famed sorceress, across the dimensions, in the hope that they will be in time to stop her from carrying out her greatest plan of all — destroying the world they all love so dearly. All while navigating their feelings for each other and understanding that some things aren’t meant to be known.
and only by discovering the future can you save the world.
ELEVYNNE TRUE ; Guardian ; done with your nonsense ; i will love you until the last star winks out, and even after that, i will still love you.
CHARISS QUIRE ; Scholar ; young talent ; we lose and we love and you know what? i think i enjoy that bit that makes even me human.
AURE DECKER ; artist/shopkeeper ; quietly observant ; how i wish i knew what love looked like so i could paint it [ ... ] love is everything i’ve painted.
AISLIN GIVEROW ; poisoner ; motherly ; love is everything beautiful and everything painful, all at once.
CARHYS BLACKWAVE-ALTHERA ; spy ; constantly moody ; stop telling me that you love me when you don’t.
IANE KESLER ; Chairperson ; too charming ; love? my friend, i will not find love, not when there are so many others forcing theirs on me.
obligatory second header bc i love @rcvolutions​
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ID under cut !
FIRST HEADER ; a dark blue background with a sun-like icon on either side, enlarged so only part of it is visible. on the left, tilted vertically and layered on a constellation, is the tagline “only by uncovering the past can you discover the future”. on the right, a similar setup with a different constellation and the name “asena f.” right in the middle is the title “a flame in the stars”.
SECOND HEADER ; various photographs, all with darker tones. in the middle is an icon resembling an oval-shaped grey firework, and on top of that in cursive is the title “A Flame In The Stars”.
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tellywoodtrash · 4 years
What is HAPPENING on Sanjeevani, girl?! I saw some clips on my Insta and it had a wild!Gaurav Chopra?! A nervous wreck masquerading as Dr Ishani?? And she's MARRIED to GChops?! Ded!Dr Shashank?? Mysterious son and Dr Anjali in Germany??? What.
Hiiiiiiiiii friend! 😘😘😘
Loooooooong time! How have you beeeeeeeen?! 🤗🤗🤗
Lmao I can’t even beginnnnnnn to describe the clusterfuck that has been Sanjivani since like…. October, but lemme try and break it down in bullet points (if you know all of this already, just skip down to the “three years later” bit!):
Sid who was flirting it up and sexy dancing at a wedding with Ishani till 8 pm, suddenly at 8:01 pm remembers that he has a dead fiancee in his past (plus najaayaz issues) and suddenly starts calling himself a panauti, properly balls-to-the-wall believing in the phenomenon (y’know, as educated, scientifically-minded surgical residents/general medical wunderkinds tend to do! blaming things like their mother’s premarital pregnancy and an older family members’ developmental disorder on themselves!) and being passive-aggressive in trying to ward off Ishani to “protect her” from him.
Passive-aggressive has to be notched up to AGGRESSIVE-AGGRESSIVE coz Ishani’s a dheent who won’t take no for an answer; so he GOES AND MARRIES ISHANI’S BEST FRIEND ASHA, who has gotten knocked up by Aman (who tata-bye-byed outta the whole sitch. Props to him for being the smartest person in this show. He’s probably living an unfulfilled life somewhere, but seemed to come from wealth, so how sad can you really be when you have so much money????)
This whole SidAsha marriage was engineered behind the scenes by Vardhan - who found out that Asha was pregnant and threatened to set her Khap Panchayat from Haryana on her or some shit. He coerced Asha to take advantage of Sid’s “achchaai” by playing on his najaayaz kid feels and take responsibility for her.
Lots of angst and drama as Ishani and Sid struggle with their feels about each other while he’s married to a pregnant Asha, whom he’s pledged his support and name to.
Asha’s pregnancy hormones seem to make her batshit crazy and unable to make any reasonable decisions, and she keeps messing with Sid’s career; drugging him and making him fuck up important surgeries and what not.
All this, again, coz Vardhan. Vardhan wants revenge from Sid. Why? Because dun dun dunnnnnnnnnnn, Sid is Shashank’s son! Vardhan wants to ruin Shashank’s life and thinks the best way to do it is by torturing his kids, and thus is fucking with Sid’s career, and is fucking with Anjali (like, literally. 👉🏽👌🏽👉🏽👌🏽👉🏽👌🏽 Coz sis has daddy issues and reallllllll bad judgement when it comes to men.)
But why does Vardhan want revenge from Shashank???? Damned if we (including the writers) know. Something to do with Vardhan’s Dearly Departed Didi, whose photo he keeps staring at while gritting his teeth. I’m guessing Shashank’s stuck his pen in that inkwell too?
Oh btw, Shashank also confessed his feelings for Juhi, who seemed HORRIFIED at the prospect, but like 5 minutes later is cool with it and reciprocates with her own crushy-wushy feelings? Idk man, idk. It’s all very unclear what that whole plot point was exactly, beyond some vague conversations and ambiguous coy smiles.
Daddy Shashank is disappointed in his known/unknown kid(s) for their various missteps in personal/professional lives. Saare milke inhe paagal banaa rahein hai, yeh chutiya bachchein.
Lots of other miscellaneous fuckery is going on between Sid/Ishani which……. honestly, is exhausting and not worth getting into. Anyway, it’s finally found out that Asha is the culprit behind this dhai mahine ka dukh-dard-chutiyaapa.
Ishani takes a bullet for pregnant Asha, and goes into a coma. Guilt-ridden Asha tells Vardhan to fuck off, signs annulment papers, and finally gtfo, but not before giving Sid a clue about who’s really behind all this kaand.
Vardhan is like lmao, I didn’t need her anyway and goes about paying randomass people to frame Sid for medical malpractice. Ishani literally comes out of the coma and hightails it straight to the police station to save her man. (For the record: I wouldn’t even let a man interrupt an afternoon nap of mine.)
Oh btw, by this point Anjali was like bohut ho gaya and fucked off to go play a Naagin on Colors. Good for her. 🐍🐍🐍
Sid and Ishani start working on exposing Vardhan. Coz appropriate R&R after getting up from a goddamn coma, what’s that!?!??!? JUST SHAKE IT OFF!!!!!!!!! PFFFFFFFT, TAKE A CROCIN OR TWO!!!!
Lo and behold, Dr. Shashank is killed in an accident. (We haven’t really seen him for the last………………………………… like 20 episodes or so? So…. do we really care at this point? Not really. Mohnish didn’t even show up to shoot the dead body waale shots. For the longest time I was like PAKKA SHASHANK NAHI HOGA, FACE NAHI DIKHA RAHEIN, KOI AUR HAI YAAR!!!!!!!!!!! But nope, all the characters identify him by face……… So yeah, egg on MY face.)
Sid’s mummy drops the bomb at the cremation that Sid is Shashank’s son and should light the funeral pyre. A very cool fun appropriate time for Anjali AND SID to find that out!!!!!
Sid and Ishani channel their sads into exposing Vardhan. Hallelujah, finally a win for the unluckiest people in this show. FFS even the little child who got impaled on a rod and Nurse Philo’s daughter with terminal brain cancer have had better lives.
Sid proposes to Ishani. He says he’s been accepted into some program in America and wants her to come with to start a new life there. Ishani is like nope, YEH MERA INDIA SANJIVANI, I LOVE MY INDIA SANJIVANI.
Ishani’s Mama/Mami come for rishta talks and catch the two almost making out in an on-call room and are all hawwwwwwwwww cheeeeeeee sanskaaaaaaar, etc. They turn out to dislike Sid coz najaayaz. And are rudeass snobby assholes to him and his family. Sid is understandably quite mad.
Except for Drs. Rahil and Neil who have categorically maintained their Very Good Boy crowns 👑👑👑👑 throughout the run of this show. Gold stars to them for achieving the impossible. 🌟🌟🌟
Sanjivani is on fire. Like, metaphorically it was always on fire, but this time literally. Unhinged Ishani runs riiiiiiight into the burning building.
3 years later………..
Sanjivani has been rebuilt. By Gaurav Chopra whose name is Navratna Singh, lololololol. An appropriate name because he does seem to be quite thanda thanda cool cool. He reopens and invites all the old staff back to pitch in and restore the place back to its old glory.
Anjali is a guest lecturer in Germany and may or may not come back to Sanjivani soon, depending on her Naagin transformation schedule.
Rishabh now seems to be a semi-decent human being????? Still a bit of a self-obsessed idiot, but definitely seems to be not as much of an asshole.
Rahil is super-serious and also bitter that his best friend just fucked off to America and hasn’t bothered keeping in touch. No one knows where Ishani is.
Ishani is now some kinda nervous wreck who spends her time doing pottery, but not the sexy Ghost kind. Just very sad and jittery and constantly popping anxiety pills (which looked like green Cadbury Gems to me???????) She can’t seem to help a person who sustains a semi-serious injury near her, completely freezing up in the moment.
Mr. Thanda Thanda Cool Cool finds her at the pottery studio, seems quite familiar with her, and tries to gently persuade her to come back to her first love: medicine.
But ofc heterosexuality rears its ugly head and sis can only think of the trash boy that ditched her.
Mr. TTCC brings her to Sanjivani but she behaves exactly like a toddler on the first day of school. There’s having to be coaxed out of the vehicle, reluctant dragging of feet, weeping, the works.
Precap shows her yelling at TTCC and saying he’s the boss of Sanjivani, not her, and kis haq se pakda hai, chodo mera haath!!!!!!!!!! And he gently reminds her of the wedding vows he took, to never let go of her.
Looks like the poor dude may have invested and rebuilt all this just for her and……………… in the end he’s gonna have to let her go to Dr. FuckBoi, mirroring the end of DMG, which……………… *prolonged, defeated sigh*
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goron-king-darunia · 4 years
Annon-Guy: I know you said Marta wasn't your favorite character, but how did you feel when Richter apparently killed her at the Ice Temple and when she protected Emil/Ratatosk from Eternal Recurrence?
Well, both times I knew she wouldn’t die. She was the only playable character regularly in the party besides Emil so there’s no way they’d kill her. In the temple of Ice, I was more disappointed in Richter than scared for Marta. I like it better in Onshuu no Richter, both because it doesn’t paint Richter like an idiot (he can tell there’s no resistance so the Marta is fake) and because Richter seems genuinely happy and relieved that he didn't just kill an innocent girl. In the game, he just seems dumb and heartless. I know by this point he’s pretty aware that Marta can’t just give him the core, but he still didn’t try to take it off her before stabbing her.  I thought it was nice that Marta protected Emil, but it felt kind of cheap. Ratatosk is more powerful now than when he killed Aster by a wide margin. So even if the reflected attack is less powerful than a straight Ain Soph Aur, it still kind of sucked that she didn’t get hurt too badly and Aster died basically instantly. I would have liked it more if she pushed Emil out of the way (more sensible since it doesn’t endanger anyone and then no one gets hurt so it doesn’t feel cheap that someone survived the attack that instantly killed Aster.) I know the parallel is different because in the game, Aster is targeted and in the manga, Aster steps in front of Richter, but it still feels like massive favoritism and plot armor. Aster HAS to die for the plot to happen. Marta HAS to live for the plot to happen. Ratatosk, depending on how well you played the game, is MASSIVELY stronger by this point. The only reason you can use to justify Marta surviving is that either she loves Emil so much that somehow negates Ain Soph Aur, she’s light elemental so it negates the attack (lame game mechanics excuses are lame) or because Eternal Recurrance nerfs the attack so much that Richter is effectively more powerful than Ratatosk given that reflecting the attack doesn’t disintegrate him while absorbing so much of that power. I don’t WANT Marta to die, but imagine if she HAD. Preserved continuity and power levels, and now Richter has to contend with being involved with directly killing someone and actually having what he wants (or what he thinks he wants because Emil probably can’t be killed by destroying the decoy core.) and Emil/Ratatosk has to contend with the fact that their inability to take responsibility for Aster’s death and the world’s weather has just cost him someone he loves dearly. If they really leaned into the tragedy aspect that would be SO amazing. But that would also involve fridging Marta for the character growth of two men so I’m glad they didn’t do that. But still. Like I said I think it would be better if the former event didn’t paint Richter as stupid and cruel and the latter didn’t leave you with a billion continuity and power-level questions. But it does play into one of the issues I have with Marta that she doesn't seem to have any self-esteem or self-value and derives ALL her value solely by how pretty she thinks she is/ how desirable to Emil she thinks she is. I understand that for some women, being the cute princess lady that is beautiful and loved is a powerful thing, but if that’s going to be Marta’s THING then she should be secure in that. She should be confident in that. I would like her more if that wasn’t her thing. But if they made that her thing I would understand, you know? But I do enjoy the power and tragedy in the narrative of self-sacrifice and how the Manga tried to parallel what Marta did for Emil with what Aster did for Richter even though the manga heavily leans into Richter somehow having feelings for Aqua in the subtext which I don’t like because IT WAS NOT IN THE GAME. XD
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rahmaelsayad · 6 years
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First of all thanks for the landing site, new hats app status. If you are searching for the latest collection of Whatsapp Status to update your profile status then we must say you are in the right place. After doing lots of research and making remarkable efforts we finally manage to prepare the best collection of Status & Quotes for you all. You surely going to love this place for sure. Also, not all the below Status on Whatsapp is in 100+ different moods, you surely going to love this place for sure. This page is updated on regular basis, so stay connected with us. If you face any problems in copying these Whatsapp Statuses then report us, We will solve your problems as soon as possible. Now let’s directly jump into the collection, enjoy.
New Whatsapp Status – New Whatsapp Status Collection
If you make a boy laugh, He likes you. But if you make a boy cry, He loves you.
Bahut gurur tha sbko apni daulat pe.. zara sa zameen kya hili sb aukat me aa gye..
I told my parents I had my eye on a bike for my birthday. They told me to keep my eye on it because my arse won’t be on it.
Finding friends that have the same mental disorder as you.
It can take me anywhere between 0.02 seconds and 3 days to reply to a text.
Sometimes it is painful to see that the people most appreciate is false.
Girls with open messy hair, chubby cheeks, a dimple, and spectacles.. Aww, you look so cute.!
Opportunity tends to knock once, then it’s gone…temptation, however, likes to stand there and lean on the damn doorbell!
Make your nature simple, the time will not be wasted.
Hope is the power that gives a person the confidence to step out and try…..
Alone doesn’t mean lonely, lonely doesn’t have to be alone.
Beauty is power, a smile is its sword..
We all need mirrors to remind ourselves who we are.
Things r beautiful if u love them.
If I could be anything, l would be ur tear, so l could be born in ur eye, live down ur cheek and die on ur lips…
You say it best when you say nothing at all!!
Sometimes, i want to meet myself from someone else’s point of view!
Shit happens. Everyday. To everyone. The difference is in how people deal with it.
Maturity is not when we start speaking big things. It is when we start understanding small things.
Sometimes I’ts better To be Alone.. Nobody Can Hurt You!
God is really creative, I mean.. just look at me! 🙂
Last seen 1980! 😀
Thinking holds what you feel, feeling drives what we think.
A friendship that can end never really began !
I dont have a lot of friends, I just know a lot of people.
A friend is someone who knows all abt u and accept u as u are.
Right or Wrong doesn’t ‎exist! When u have a ‎CONFIDENCE.
Life is Just a Journey.
New status for whatsapp facebook
Be bold to own your mistakes in Life, accept your faults and improve your personality.
I speak for what i see, I stand for what I Beileve. I strive for what i want.
When u love someone, even though they hurt u nd break your heart, you still love them with all the little pieces!!
World is small and life is short.. Spread smiles and share peace.
People who tolerate me on the daily basis! are real heroes in my eye.
Life goes on with or without you!
I hate fake people. You know what I’m talking about. Mannequins. 😀
I am the circle, and the circle is me.
24 Hours Online!
Classic book is a book which people praise, but do not read.
Cheer up, tomorrow will be a better day, just believe!
It might take awhile, but eventually you’re going to find the good in goodbye.
When the past calls, let it go to voicemail.. it’s got nothing new to say.
Play the moments. Pause the memories. Stop the pain. Rewind the happiness.
Romantic are people that had never seen the other side of the things.
The Ones Who Are Crazy Enough To Think That They Can Change The World Are The Ones Who Do.
Love is not possible without sacrifice, and sacrifice is not possible without love.
Love is when u have seen the best and the worst of sam1,yet u still love them for what they have..
True love doesan’t have a happy ending. It has NO ending.
Call me crazy, but I’m madly in love with you and this won’t go away for a while, so get use to it..
New Status Quotes for Whatsapp FB
Sometimes you have to act like you don’t care, even when you do.
You have no idea how much l like you. How much you make me smile, how much l love talking to you, or how much l wish you were here.
Every problem comes with solution, but my GF don’t have.
Life is too short. Don’t waste it reading my status.
Give thanks for a little and you will find a lot.
What is known in the heart doesn’t always need to be uttered by Mouth.
Don’t feel special. Some people keep your number in phone list just not to answer your call.
After all we all are stories in the end.
Sometimes the person you trust most is the one who trust you the least.
Go for someone who is not only proud to have you but will also take every risk just to be with you.
New status latest quotes for whatsapp
Some People Change Your Life, Then Leave Without Explanation !!
The most eloquent silence, that of two mouths meeting in a kiss.
Play the moments. Pause the memories. Stop the pain. Rewind the happiness.
I Miss you dearly my heart aches, My head is lost, I really miss you.
The Ones Who Are Crazy Enough To Think That They Can Change The World Are The Ones Who Do.
Romantice are people that had never seen the other side of the things.
I think I might be falling for you. I love who you are and every little thing you do.
Life doesn’t get easier u get stronger.
Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.
Stop saying I wish start saying I will.
Love yourself love your day love your life.
Don’t let a bad day make u feel u have a bad life.
I’ve got nothing to bo today but smile.
Life is to short to remove USB slowly.
Nobody can teach me who I am.
It doesn’t have to be perfect to be beautiful.
Sometimes it’s not about missing someone. its wondering if they’re missing you
You know how you don’t want to miss them, but you want them to miss you
Absence makes the heart grow fonder
Love is missing someone whenever you’re apart, but somehow feeling warm inside because you’re close in heart.
If we evolved from monkeys, why are there still monkeys?
Dont talk if you dont have any good thing to say
A female can be your best friend and worst enemy. It all depends on how you treat her.
Remember, You are unique, but then again so is everyone else in this world.
Sometimes the right one for you is the one who was there the whole time.
If they can’t swallow facts, let them eat fiction.
I think of you in colours that don’t exist.
Guys who run girl’s account on Facebook are the ones who secretly buy barbie and comb its hair.
Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and its better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring.
Mujhe teri mohabbat ko sahara mil gaya hota.. agar tufan nahi aata kinara mil gaya hota…
Pluviophile: a lover of rain, someone who finds joy and peace of mind during rainy days.
Aarju honi chahiye dill me kise ko yad karne ki.. Lamhe toh apne ap he miljate he dost
Baharo phool barshao mera mehboob aya hain..
Saw a Chinese kid and a black kid wave to each other today. It gave me hope…for another Rush Hour movie…
They say what goes around comes around, passed a packet of chips and never came back.
Duniya main sirf 2 Chize Mashoor Hai, tere bhai ka Style, aur teri bhabhi ki smile.
Thanks to the words ‘dude’ ‘bro’ and ‘man’ I haven’t said my best friends name in 10 years.
Tu hi ye mujhko bata de.. chahu main ya na..
Ye zami ruk jaye, Ye aasma tam jaye, Jab tere chara samn aaye.
We finally hope guys you all enjoyed all the above latest collection of Whatsapp Status 2018, if you really enjoyed this collection then don’t forget to appreciate our efforts in comments below. On other hand don’t just go away, also check our previous articles on Whatsapp Status, cheers for the day and stay connected.
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sdgew · 3 years
It appears that the crime alleged against the poor victim was that of getting drunk and trading with these two very men
Whether lured by dreams of fortune or fun, 7,151 people visited last summer and left with 1,860 pounds of garnets. It appears that the crime alleged against the poor victim was that of getting drunk and trading with these two very men, and that they were sent for probably by way of showing them “what a nigger would get by trading with them.” This circumstance at once marks them out as belonging to that band of half-contraband traders who spring up among the mean whites, and occasion owners of slaves so much inconvenience by dealing with their hands. Besides, I love my son dearly. He will also host a media gathering in Akron on Aug. It all went swiftly. "We were up 25 when I took my starters off I'm so happy," Unaegbu says. Excited about how he playing, but it starts with those guys up front giving him some time to sit back there and see things. Dany glimpsed Ser Barristan sliding closer, a white shadow at her side. After the Seventh Day is time and place, said Tracy Adler, director of the Wellin, stands as an abstract representation of the spiritual world. It’s surprising how cheap they are, really . adidas 43 1 3 Here Nancy Barnum and Virginia Moore relax in one of five standard passenger compartments aboard the Pan American Airways Clipper No. The air smelled of pines instead of salt. fekete női bakancs Still, we have never had the privilege of hearing what people from the other side of the great divide had to say about the experience of trudging to the end through the late years of their natural lifespan.. Inside the Senate, Baucus' appointment would create a vacancy atop the panel that Senate Democrats would fill. Colorado State is No. Even Lord Too-Fat-to-Sit-a-Horse. To top it all off, 2 year olds don't yet have the language to express feelings, so they resort to pitching fits. Everything will no doubt be as I wish it, and therefore if I warn her now it is really more for her sake. Something that has not happened since 2005, against Zimbabwe. But my poor and affectionate mother understood and appreciated it all. The bottom plate is covered with tiny holes through which pressurized gas forms bubbles. The dragon moved awkwardly on the ground, like a man scrabbling on his knees and elbows, but quicker than the Dornish prince would have believed. Hishon was able to pick up an assist in a tight checking 2 1 loss. The triarchs fear an attack upon Selhorys, plainly.”. Devyn Sealskinner presented him with a sealskin hat, Harle the Huntsman with a bear-claw necklace. Just a blind girl, just a servant of Him of Many Faces.. Elsewhere a pair of cizme din denim cyvasse players waged war outside a tavern. I'm too small for university, so this is it.". The shaft of it was six feet of gnarled oak, the head a stone as big as a loaf of bread. An AOB is a document signed by a policyholder that allows a third party a water extraction company, a roofer, a plumber, for example to "stand in the shoes" of the insured and seek direct payment from the insurance company. If you smoking with wood chips, you should keep as much smoke around the chicken as possible. Two spearmen dashed for shelter. Following the war Max married Doris Croft of Bakersfield. This is the main administrative tool you use when controlling the functions and parameters of your Mac Mini server network.Click the ezentity_quot+ezentity_quot icon to load the mini menu of items you can add. March 21, 1995, in the 12500 block of Daisy Lane in Glenn Dale, according to McQuillan. The spears were eight feet long and made of ash. There was a tremendous excitement, and a great popular tumult. As far as security is зимни обувки adidas 2016concerned, there is a red panic button which goes thru to a local security company, plus there is a phone to call 000. Their garrons were sure-footed beasts that ate less than palfreys, and much less than the big destriers, and the men who rode them were at home in the snow. Catnip, which is a member of the mint family, is an herb that was originally imported from the Mediterranean. If you notice medical symptoms or feel ill, you should consult your doctor for further information see our Terms and conditions.NetDoctor is a publication of Hearst Magazines
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bigyack-com · 4 years
Rani Mukerji, Saif Ali Khan to have Hum Tum reunion in Bunty Aur Babli 2. See first pic - bollywood
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Saif Ali Khan and Rani Mukerji are reuniting on screen after a gap of 11 years. And this time, they are coming back as the ‘senior’ Bunty and Babli in the fully rebooted sequel. Saif and Rani are a much-loved jodi, having starred in films such as Hum Tum (2004), Ta Ra Rum Pum (2007) and Thoda Pyaar Thoda Magic (2008), and their infectious chemistry always got a thumbs up from fans. The 2005 hit Bunty Aur Babli (2005) had Rani with Abhishek Bachchan in the titular roles. “It got tremendous love and appreciation from audiences, which led to the sequel. Abhishek and I were both approached to reprise our roles as the originals in Bunty Aur Babli 2 but, unfortunately, things didn’t work out with him and we will miss him dearly. As a team, we are so happy to welcome Saif. I have lovely memories of working with him and I’m really looking forward to creating something new and exciting with him in Bunty Aur Babli 2. Hopefully, the audiences will give us the same love that they have given our earlier films,” says Rani about the film which is being directed by debutant Varun Sharma.   The much-anticipated sequel will see a time leap of 10 years and feature two pairs of ‘Bunty and Babli’. Siddhant Chaturvedi of Gully Boy fame and newbie Sharvari are one of them. Now, with Rani back in the franchise and Saif in tow, it will be interesting to see the dynamics between the two on-screen con couples in Bunty Aur Babli 2, which is produced by Aditya Chopra. Sharing his excitement about joining the franchise, Saif says, “It’s a completely rebooted sequel and is set in today’s time. It is a fantastic script that hooked me instantly. It is an out-and-out entertainer for the entire family to sit and enjoy and this is what I loved and connected with. Also, it’s a new role for me, new language and milieu and that’s what I really look for in a script. I also love the dynamics between the originals and the new Bunty Babli in the film. It’s fresh, hilarious and extremely engaging. Rani and I have always had a lot of fun working with each other and I’m looking forward to our creative collaboration again.” Follow @htshowbiz for more Read the full article
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badmashtiger · 6 years
the unspoken
“ Many times I am lost in my own thoughts… I have developed more trust issues. I ask myself if I can love again and trust again? The one person I trusted the most broke it in a different level”
People say time heals everything. I do not know if I agree with it, but it does maybe make some wounds less painful. I know I did broke the trust at many levels. To the woman I dearly love, but at same time lied and was dishonest, and always scared to lose her. Truth is and was, I loved her and always wanted her to be part of life. Nafasam, because of one bad apple, does not mean the whole garden is filled with bad ones. You should trust. I know if you will love someone, you will give everything to that person; just the way you did for me. 
"I always thought Nafasam would drink the whole ocean just to save me from drowning. But you drowned me completely and let others drown me too."
This one stung me, and first I didn't agree with it, but when a thought of it; I could understand where you were coming from and you were not wrong for saying this. For you Nafasam I would battle and stand many storms and did, but certain category storms can even demolish the strongest buildings. Nafasam In the family I might be the strongest pillar for parents, they see me sometimes as saviour and someone who they can be proud of on every front. I know from deep inside I am the worst son when it comes to character. I was told, I am a pleaser, who try to please others. Little angel would be shattered, and so much more. 
Does this all make me a coward? Yes, we as humans have so many vulnerabilities, and the little one is the most precious one. 
Did I let others drown you, Nafasam I got blinded, and unintentionally it did... 
"I don’t think Nafasam understands the hurt he put me through. I don’t think he understands how it feels to hurt someone…"
No one will know the pain until they go through it. I do feel pain, maybe not as intense as you... I wish all your pain was given to me and you would be set free from all pain. 
"I don’t need pity from anyone and that’s not the reason I am writing, but I want him to know how badly it affected me.. I will never be able to put it into words.."
Nafasam It is not about pity, And I know you do not need that from anyone. One thing which we both loved was when we shared things. The way we have shared thoughts with each other and opened up, I know I have never opened up to anyone even close to that; same goes for you, and I know that.
"I have beautiful memories with him but I also have the most hurtful moments of my life with him. Why did he do that? Why did he not know my heart?"
Why! I know we need to know our WHY! in the perfect life, I would choose you to be with. Like you said, We get hurt the most by someone we love the most. I never want to hurt you! 
Remember we talked about want and needs! It is not i do not need you in life, but at same time parents and little angel; they Need me in their life. Not to take anything away from you and our love! Khabi kisi aur kay liyae jeena parta hai. Jan where ever I am in life, personally, financially or any way.. it is because of their blessings and duas. Kash may yeh blessings may aapko bhi shamil kar sakta.
maybe you think, why you are the one who have to suffer the most. I honestly do not know! it is me who should be the only one in pain and suffer.  
By the way love your quote, In your case, Aap to achai bole gaie hamesha. And You do have pure and clean heart, You wont do Nafrat! 
I have a confession to make! I have been a creeper a bit. I missed you. I had a rough idea of your location but did have confirmation in last two days. Today I did stop by at your branch, before going in made sure it was after 5 and you were off... waisaaye your cute car helped me find your workplace :) .. Went inside to confirm your location by the Christmas tree! Manager David seems like fun guy ;) I took a picture of your Christmas tree. I think I still have good detective type skills, but failed at the most important investigation and I still have not find.
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orthographewrites · 7 years
✆ // “” // ⁇ // ø // @ // & // ツ // $ // ♀ (hit me with some for addie ~)
Send “✆” for a MORNING text:
[text:] Morning! Slept well? Just checking in to see if those plans still stand? Would be lovely to have you around tonight :)
Send “⁇” for a DRUNK text:
[text:] adddiiiieeeee our barr has a TURTLE a tURTLE can you belive??? [text:] he so mad just loook[text:] image sent
Send “ø” for a LATE NIGHT text:
[text:] I can’t sleep :/ Are you awake? I’d text Taylor but he’d get pissed if I woke him up 
Send “@” for a SCARED text:
[text:] I can’t reply to you right now Addie, I’m sorry [text:] A student had an allergy attack she can’t breathe at all and I promised I’d follow her to the hospital until her parents arrive, I’ll contact you later but shit this is terrifying
Send “&” for a LOVING text:
[text:] Don’t work yourself up over him, Addie, you know he didn’t mean it. And I promise he did see your new shirt, how can he have missed that? Fit you like a glove [text:] I’ll be here if you need to rant 
Send “ツ” for an EXCITED text:
[text:] YES!! He’s going to graduate, can’t believe it :’D Little guy was behind in almost half of his classes and look at him now! See what support can do? We need more of it.
Send “$” for an ACCIDENTAL text:
[text:] I might be free this Saturday, if nothing else? Been awhile since I sat aside time for this, my fault really. Can’t say I meet too many who actually dare be the one who asks out the guy ;) [text:] Whoops, wrong text! Hopefully Taylor doesn’t see that! Would be awkward to explain ^^’ Ignore it
Send “♀” for a HEARTBREAKING text:
[text:] Uh... this will probably sound strange but... do you ever get the feeling that no one really cares about you? Like... you’re just there for the sake of filling some space and you could literally move out of town and no one would really take note of it? I guess it’s my own fault really, for never demanding space but I don’t know, it feels weird[text:] You know what? Ignore it. I don’t know where I was heading with that I’m sorry
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scalpel-mom-mori · 4 years
I love Aure dearly but she really shouldn’t be rbing my posts encouraging her to make bad decisions or people to waste her time
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