#i love before crisis so damn much lmao
hcneybeed · 1 year
i decided to just say fuck it and make a separate blog for knife because i have 0 impulse control
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fadedin2u · 6 months
pick up and roll the dice (ch. 1)
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read in between the lines, i know you love me…
Summary: You’ve been best friends with Ellie since she moved into your neighborhood in elementary school, and now, you’re sharing a dorm room together at college. What could go wrong when you both start reading between the lines? Based on the song Hold On by The Internet.
word count: 2.5k
content: childhood best friends!au, dealer!ellie, fem!reader, college!au, modern!au, hurt/comfort, ellie’s a little bit of a player, ellie is a simp (not surprising), art major!ellie, kinda slow burn??
warnings: sexual harassment (mentioned), drug usage (weed), lots of cursing (what do you expect), men (mentioned), expect nsfw chapters in the future so MDNI 18+
notes: this is my first fic i’ve written for tlou, and it’s about damn time bc i’ve been lurking in the ellie williams x reader tags for months lmao, hope you enjoy! next chapter should be out by the end of the weekend! reblogs/likes are much appreciated :) let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
You’re welcomed into your dorm room by the smell of pot smoke. You walk in, already in a foul mood, shaking with adrenaline and anxiety. You drop your bag on the floor and kick off your shoes.
Ellie, your roommate and close friend since childhood, is sitting on her twin bed, leaning out the window as she smokes a joint. She’s dressed casually in a pair of old sweatpants and a t-shirt, her auburn hair haphazardly thrown up into a half-bun, most strands too short to all be gathered into a single bun. When she catches sight of you, she immediately can tell something is up.
“You okay?” Ellie asks, tapping the ash from her joint out the window.
You walk over to Ellie’s bed and melodramatically collapse face-first with a “Hmmph.”
“I’m dropping out.” You deadpan, your voice muffled by Ellie’s duvet.
Ellie takes a long drag from her joint and exhales a puff of smoke before turning to you, her eyebrows raised. “Huh? What?”
She sits up, holding the joint between her fingers before she gestures for you to clarify.
“You can’t drop out. What’re you gonna do all day? Sit around and eat Oreos?”
You stay face-planted onto Ellie’s bed.
“Yup. And I’ll be lazy and happy.” You say.
It takes every ounce of self-restraint inside of Ellie to not shove you off of her bed right this second. Instead, she leans forward and nudges your shoulder with her knee.
"Babe. Honey. Sweetie. Angel-Face. Get up. You sound like a dumbass right now.”
You roll over, and Ellie notices that your eyes are red and puffy, clearly having cried before coming back to the dorm.
“Hey! I’m having a crisis!” You exclaim, folding your arms over your chest.
Ellie’s face softens and her eyebrows furrow, concerned. “Hey… What’s going on? Want some of this?” She offers the joint to you.
You take it gratefully, taking a long drag. You shake her head, looking down at your miniskirt. “I really need to stop wearing this skirt in public… When I was walking back here, two dudes started following me and saying weird, gross shit. I tried telling them off, but I must have looked so pathetic that they just laughed… They followed me almost the whole way here.”
You pass the joint back to Ellie, saying sarcastically, “So, yes. In conclusion, I’m dropping out.”
Ellie is stunned silent. Her high buzz instantly fades and she reaches out to put a comforting hand on your shoulder. Ellie doesn't say anything at first, but she looks down at you with a worried expression on her face.
She puts out her half-finished joint, and scoots forward on the bed towards you. Her expression is stern and angry, and she seems utterly furious on your behalf.
“Did those fucking pieces of shit touch you? Did you call the cops?”
As she’s speaking, Ellie’s entire demeanor changes, and it’s obvious how upset these men made her. Ellie always seems to have a lot of rage built-up inside of her, but it’s amplified now.
You bite your lip, looking down.
“They didn’t touch me… I didn’t call the cops. I wasn’t thinking clearly, I should have called someone, but I was so freaked out, and… I’m sorry, Els.” You say quietly.
Ellie grabs your arm and pulls you towards her.
"It's okay, babe. It's not your fault."
Ellie leans forward to hug you tightly, rubbing your back.
"Those dickwipes should have never said anything to you. Let alone touched you. If they ever do that again, you tell me, and I'll take care of it."
Ellie takes a deep breath and sighs. She leans back against the wall and pulls you with her, keeping you close. You allow yourself to be pulled into Ellie’s hold, grateful, and you feel tears press at the back of your eyes.
“I’m sorry, I really don’t want to cry again.” You say, hiding your face in Ellie’s shoulder.
Ellie wraps her arms around you tighter, comforting you.
"Hey. It's alright to cry. Let it all out." She murmurs soothingly. "Don't be ashamed. You were just fucking harassed."
She holds you, continuing to rub your back and kissing the top of your head. Ellie feels sick at the thought of you hurting or struggling alone.
You sniffle as a few tears run down your cheeks, still hiding your face in Ellie’s shoulder.
“I just don’t understand what I can possibly do in those situations. And I feel like they happen all the fucking time.”
You wipe your face, “Like fucking yesterday! When I got catcalled at 8AM by the construction workers working on the new science building, and I was just trying to get to class!”
You shake your head, “I just feel so helpless in those situations, because they don’t even see me as a real person.”
"Well, you gotta make them see you as a force to be reckoned with." Ellie says, her voice stern.
She pauses, and lets out an exhale.
"These guys obviously aren't going to stop catcalling and harassing women, so either we ignore the comments, or we learn how to respond. It's a fucking shame that it has to be this way but..."
Ellie sighs and leans back. She rubs your shoulder with one hand, and her other hand gently rests on your thigh.
You feel your cheeks go hot, hyper-focused on Ellie’s hand on your leg.
“But, Els… I can’t fight for shit. There’s no way those guys could ever be intimidated by me the way you can intimidate them.”
You wipe your face, embarrassed by your tears. “Like, how could they possibly see me as anything other than a ‘slut who’s asking for it’, if I recall what they wouldn’t stop saying to me correctly.” You say, quoting the men who followed you home.
Ellie leans in a little closer and rests her head on your shoulder.
"I think that my girl can kick ass and dish it out as good as she takes it." Ellie's expression looks serious, and she gently squeezes your thigh as she speaks.
"Like, have you ever seen those videos on Instagram where girls absolutely own some big dudes? That'll be you, dude. Trust me, I know exactly what you're capable of. You just gotta learn how to take up space."
You laugh a little, wiping your face again.
“Is this you telling me that I need to take a boxing class?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
Ellie chuckles, and smiles as she squeezes your leg again.
"Hell yeah. Take a boxing class. I wanna see you punch a fuckin' guy's lights out the next time he wants to harass you."
Ellie pauses and takes a deep breath.
"If you're worried about money for lessons or fuck-all, you know I got your back, right?" Ellie says earnestly. "And if there's any guy who's giving you problems, just say the fucking word and I'll kick their ass for you."
You laugh again, sniffling as you hug Ellie.
“My knight in shining armor.” You joke.
You pull back, taking a breath. “Thank you though, seriously. Today was just an overall shitty day, and I’m just glad that I get to come back to our dorm and be with my best friend.”
"Anytime." Ellie's expression is soft as she smiles at you.
Ellie glances at the joint on her bedside table, and glances back at you.
"Wanna hit that? Or are you tapped-out?"
You go to pick up the joint, and use Ellie’s lighter to re-light it.
“Me? Tapping out? Please-“ You say as you smile at Ellie, taking a drag.
Ellie chuckles, watching you with a fond smile.
You pass the joint to Ellie. “Besides, I’m chilling the fuck out tonight. Today was garbage, and I don’t want to keep thinking about anything.”
Ellie chuckles and shakes her head as she takes the joint.
"I feel so bad that you had such a fucking awful day. I know you've been going through some stuff recently, so today was the absolute last thing you needed."
Ellie inhales a long drag, and looks down at you.
"Can I ask you something, though?"
You nod, “Yeah, what’s up?”
You take the joint, hit it, and pass it back to Ellie.
Ellie takes another inhale and holds the smoke in for a moment.
"Do you ever just... like... hate men?" she looks at you. "I mean, you know... with everything you experience, and the guys you described today. Like, you ever just look at a guy, and immediately start hating him?"
Ellie pauses, taking another hit, "I mean, it's all I can think about, half the time, and I just... I can't fucking stand them most of the time."
You sigh, taking a hit from the joint and nodding.
“Yeah. I wish I didn’t. I wish that most men didn’t act the way they do, but they do. It’s kinda hard not to hate people who objectify and demean you every day of your life just for existing.”
Ellie pauses before speaking, "Do you think that Joel might ever be like that? I mean, I don't think so. He's a good guy and all. Just... you never know."
Ellie pauses and sighs. She's obviously been worrying about this for a while.
"Am I being dumb? Am I being stupid for thinking like that? I don't know. I just… I'm worried that, one day, people I love like Jesse and my dad are going to turn out to be a couple of fucking perverts."
You pause, having known Joel for years, taking a hit from the joint.
“I- I don’t know. I think they’re good people, especially Joel, but you never really know, until they slip up,” You say.
You squeeze Ellie’s shoulder, “I do really think that Joel is one of my favorite people I’ve gotten the chance to know, and I have crazy high standards for men. Your dad would never do anything to hurt you, and I don’t think he’d do anything to any one else either.”
You pass the joint to Ellie.
Ellie takes the joint and inhales, then passes it back to you.
"Yeah, you're right. You're totally right, and I know that. It's just hard, because I have such a negative image of guys right now, but you're right."
Ellie leans back and relaxes, "I just feel like I've been having some trust issues lately, and it sucks, and I've been… paranoid about people."
She pauses, and her voice starts to falter. "I just don't want to be let down like I have, you know?”
You nudge Ellie’s leg with your knee, “Hey. I won’t let you down. Or, at least, I’ll always try to not let you down, no matter what.”
You smile at Ellie, “We’re a team. Always have been, always will be.”
Ellie's eyes light up, “That's right. We will always have each other's backs. We’re always going to be there for each other."
Ellie takes a hit from the joint, and leans back. "I love you, you know that? Even though I've been a total bitch, these last few weeks… I need you more than you could possibly know."
Ellie pauses and looks down at you. "You are, without a doubt, the best friend I've ever had in my whole life."
You take the joint from Ellie, hitting it with a smile on your face as you internally curse yourself for getting flustered. Your head feels fuzzy from the weed.
“The feeling is mutual.” You say, passing Ellie the joint.
“I never got to ask, by the way, but how was your date with that girl… Kaylee? Karlie?” You ask to change the subject, trying to remember the name of Ellie’s latest of many campus flings.
Ellie laughs, "It's Kylie." she corrects, smirking and nudging your thigh.
"The date was a fun distraction, even though Kylie is a complete airhead. And, uh..." Ellie pauses, her face warming with embarrassment.
"...she tried to kiss me, and I completely froze.”
Ellie takes a hit and shakes her head, "I can't believe that I turned her down! She's cute and a fuckin’ cheerleader. I should have gone for it, I probably ruined my chances with her."
You laugh a little, pushing down the spikes of jealousy piercing your chest.
“Ellie Williams froze when a girl tried to kiss her?” You tease, knowing that Ellie is normally fairly bold.
“What happened? Were you too nervous or something?” You ask, taking a hit from the joint and passing it back to Ellie.
Ellie's face is a mix of embarrassment and frustration as you tease her. Ellie pauses, thinking.
"...Well, I froze because... I… I don't know. She seemed like a nice girl, but she's so... shallow."
Ellie sighs, taking a hit from the joint, and leans back.
"I'm a horrible dater, I know. I just have such a hard time connecting with people, I don't know."
You frown, “Hey. Don’t beat yourself up. She just doesn’t sound like the right girl, and that’s totally fine. You don’t need to get mad at yourself for not having an instant connection with a girl just because she’s hot.”
You pass the joint to Ellie, “Okay, you have the rest.”
Ellie smiles at you as she takes a hit and holds it in.
Ellie lets it out and shakes her head. "...Yeah, you're right. I just think I'm just trying so hard to find a connection with someone, y'know?"
"It's just hard to really trust someone new… I've been hurt by a lot of people in my life, and the last thing I want is to get hurt again." Ellie explains, her freckled cheeks rosy.
You sigh, “It is really scary to be vulnerable like that with people, I… I really fucking get that.”
You play with the hem of your skirt as you talk, “But there are people who are good, and trustworthy, and won’t leave you in the dust. I mean, you’re proof of that for me.”
Ellie's expression softens as she looks over at you
"I guess we are really similar in that way. We're both traumatized, we're both paranoid, and we're both distrustful. Fuck, who could blame us?" Ellie says with a shrug.
Ellie pauses, "I'm just glad I have you. You're the only people who I think I can really be myself around. Everyone else can fuck off. But not you."
Your stoned, hazy mind is thankfully quiet as you lean against Ellie, the two of you sat side-by-side on her bed.
Ellie’s cheeks get more pink as you do, her eyes half-lidded and red as she pulls you into her.
“Just… Relax. You really fucking deserve it.” Ellie says softly, her voice low and raspy from the smoke.
You nuzzle your face into her shirt, closing your eyes as you melt into her, and everything is good.
Ellie looks down at you, her pupils dilated and cheeks flushed. She looks back up at the ceiling, clenching her eyes shut as she thinks, I’m fucked.
chapter 2
texts with ellie and reader
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oneshlut · 4 months
Hey, I just found your blog through a Varian headcanon and I’m in love! Could I humbly request a platonic Jax x reader where it’s the readers “birthday” (they day they came to the digital circus) and reader gets a bit down? I hope your day/evening/night is well, and remember to brush your teeth!
A/N: daaawww, hurt/comfort, my favorite (besides angst of course).. thanksies for the reminder--and for requesting, yesyes! hope you like what i did with this as much as you liked the var hcs :D (also super refreshing to see more platonic requests,)
Turning.. Something (Jax & Reader) [Headcanons]
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Rules For Requesting
Characters I Will Write For
Summary: It's your anniversary of arriving at the circus, your "birthday"! Unfortunately, birthdays at the circus serve only colorful cake and existential dread. Jax becomes worried for the first time in his life. (hurt/comfort)
Ah, holiday blues. Commonly associated with Christmas, of course, but also birthdays occasionally. Whether it be the fear of growing older, spending your birthday alone, or even being stuck in a digital reality where you can't remember your birthday so instead you have a one year anniversary as a stand in for a birthday. Whatever the existential crisis may be, they sure do suck! At least you can relate to Pomni now.
Birthdays in the digital world work a little bit differently than in the "real" world. Caine tries to track the time, but inevitably fails. Instead of celebrating your arrival once a year, you celebrate it when Caine feels it's been long enough. So your birthday is about once in a blue moon. However, when that blue moon hits, all the existential dread you left about 4 months ago all comes back to you. And suddenly the friends you've made.. didn't really matter. Not in the grand scheme of things. And, not to you.
That's where the isolating came in.
For the next few days after your "birthday", you didn't come out of your room for even a second. Surprisingly, your room was probably less colorful than the rest of the circus. Still colorful enough to give you a headache, though. You didn't have the motivation to leave either, it would all be the same anyway. You weren't close to abstraction, but you were definitely going to get there if you kept things up.
This thought worried Jax. And Jax never gets worried. At first, he brushed the situation off with comedy. Like he always does. With everything. But then as he's walking around the circus, he notices even less of you.
Jax isn't a bold person, but he definitely could be. This was one of those scenarios, one where he would take things into his own hands. Knocking on your door, he stayed patient for you to answer. Normally, he'd just yell for you to open the door when he wanted to hang out, but this was.. a different occasion.
Okay. Everything's fine. It's just been 22 knocks and they still haven't answered the door. He's sure they're alright. Not.
Eventually, his thoughts that wracked his head overcame him. With droopy ears and a heavy heart, he took out the key to your room, opening it with a slightly obnoxious creak.
If even possible, the sight of you curled up in a ball in the corner of your room had caused his ears to fall even farther from where they were before. Immediately dropping his persona, he fell to the floor on his knees to comfort you. Being probably the most serious he's ever been, he set a hand on your shoulder with caution.
You, on the other hand, felt horrible. First the horrid "birthday" you just had, and now you were just burdening someone else dealing with the same existential crap with your own problems. If only Jax wasn't so damn caring, then.. then. ..Hm.
Seriously? Jax? Caring about you? That sure wasn't on your birthday bingo card. If anything, you would've expected him to just pull a ton of pranks on you and make you feel even worse. Instead he was comforting you. Making you feel better.
Almost immediately, tears started flowing. Jax was saddened by the sight at first, but gave a bittersweet grin when you had launched into his arms for more comfort. Giving you silent sushes, he laid careful strokes on your back, making sure not to do anything more to upset you.
Somehow, you felt that your next birthday might be a bit better with Jax around.
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chimchiri · 9 months
I would LOVE to hear more about your wonderbolts hcs.
I don't see enough people talking about them, which is a real pity because I've been obsessed with them for 10+ years lol
(Side note, fucking in love with you Fleetfoot human design she's so cute)
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I love the Wonderbolts. So so much. And it's such a pity there isn't more fanart or fanfic with them.... Especially Spits and Fleets. But yeah absolutely ask me or tell me things about the WBs I LOVE IT.
Since Fleets is the one you mentioned why not go with her?
Ever since Rainbow Falls and seeing both her and Spitfire being ruthless in regards of winning (to the misfortune of Soarin unfortunately), I hc her as extremely competitive. I do that with all the WBs anyway, but I feel Spitfire and Fleetfoot and Rainbow, once she joins, are on another level. All the WBs love to win. It's a necessity to be kinda obsessed with flying and driven to win. But Fleets and Spitty? They live to win.
In regards to Rainbow I headcanon that, once Rainbow gets over her status of a Newbie and is seen as a true equal, she and Fleetfoot argue, compete and go head to head a lot of times. They will always one up each other. Be it a simple adhoc race on a vacation trip or them challenging each other to the chubby bunny challenge during lunch. They will compete for anything and everything. Usually it's Spitfire who has to put an end to it before it gets too crazy and they actually burn or break something.
That fits into Fleetfoot's general character I love which is that I hc her to be goddamn insane lmao. She is basically a warlord. She's not afraid to go crazy and is most definitely the one with the most experience in terms of drugs and alcohol. She just takes any risk which includes spontaneous hookups with either guys or girls on the many parties she goes to or loves. Honestly she's basically a fuckboy. Which doesn't mean she doesn't care or doesn't show empathy. She's willing to go to any length when one of her friends is down. But she's not one to open up easily herself.
Also I like to think she doesn't have many romantically intimate relationships and prefers simple hookups. Which intensified once High Winds (or Windy because I think it's a cute name) joined. I like to think Windy was the newest member before Rainbow joined and it lead to Fleets having a mental crisis lmao. I love Fleets crushing on Windy but keeping it to herself and not making a move on her. A sorta self-made one-sided romance.
And speaking of who joined when. I like to hc that Fleets is Spitfire's oldest companion next to Soarin. Soarin and Spitfire go way back to when they were younger. They're literal childhood friends. But Fleetfoot is after Soarin the oldest WB regaring years of service. Which makes her second in command to Soarin when Spitfire is either sick or gone for another reason.
Honestly I could talk about them for days. I love the WBs. I love Fleets. I love Spitty. Soarin. Rainbow. Windy. Surprise..... I love 'em.
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First Impressions (will be adding as I play)
DOMESTIC ZELINK THEH ARE SO FUCKING CUTE (like PLS he is such a gentleman and is still a short king, we stan— and Zelda always worried about him 🥺)
Link lost an arm to protect Zelda. My guy sets a HIGH BAR
Once I fully understand zonai devices it’s over for you bitches
Rauru my main man gets a love interest. What a dude
DID A TREE JUST FUCKING ATTACK ME WHAT THE FUCK KIND OF SHIT IS THIS those scrubs really upped themselves ig
TULIN MY CHILD IVE NEVER BEEN SO EXCITED THAT IS MY SON!!!!!! THATS MY BOY!!!!! lol I love that the game points you towards Rito first bc no matter what the game wanted me to do, I was going to Rito village first bc I wanted to see all my CHILDRENN
Where the FUCK is Kass.
Not me avoiding both the entire East portion of the map in preference of going to Gerudo to see Riju
YOOOOO GIBDOS????? Need the suns song
OH LIGHTNINGGGGGG interesting I am DIGGING THIS and we get to go into Gerudo without disguise???? BANGERRRRRRR
I want my HORSE 🥲 silence my trusty white stallion where art thou
I’ve made it to Hateno and I’m fucking sick of these Koroks, like get up you lazy tree spirit are you fucking KIDDING me
Yo where the FUCK is Kass.
Okay okay I’m having a time with paragliding so I’m just going to do Rito Village’s thing so I can get Tulin’s power
Lmao they’re not gunna kill off the babies like they did with the last champions…. Right?
LOL OKAY OKAY COOL THEY WONT CRISIS AVERTED but MAN I’ve fucked myself bc it is nearly 5a and my sister is coming over at 8a 💀
my HORSEEEE I HAVE MY HORSE BACK yo that is TRULY the best thing I missed my horse so much
Okay now I’m going to do the tears of the dragon quest bc WOOOOOHWEEEEE I miss Zelda
This was a fucking mistake it is 3am and I have to be up in four hours for work and I’m SOBBING bc ZELDA HAS SACRIFICED SO FUCKING MUCH I CANNOT DEAL WITH THIS LIKE WHAT THE FUCK NINTENDO
At least I have the sword 🥲
I’m loving everyone sending asks and talking to me about this game I love each of you SO MUCH… not as much as I love Tulin and Riju but still LOL
Yo I’m so fucking sad bc of Zelda rn I think I’m just gunna get a shit ton of shrines and explore the depths
THE DEPTHS ARE SO FUN AND COOL!!! I also think I found a temple in eldin ???? COOOOOOOOLLLLL !!!!!
What’s not cool? Yunobo being all macho macho man bruh when that is not the sensitive little Goron I know and love. Marbled rock roast? Sureeee Cuz that’s not suspicious.
Okay I’m going to avoid Zora’s domain and head to the great plateau…. Why the fuck is the Old Man’s Cabin inhabited by the Sheikah what the fuck is this
Okay so the Yiga are just camped out in Akkala too??? Bitches. Next thing you know Kohga is alive and in the depths LMAO
Now I’m going to Zora’s Domain bc it’s my last pit stop before I actually continue the story LOL… scratch that Imma head to Tarrey Town and see how the fam is doin! And !!! Hudson has a daughter!! Guess that answers my question as to how long it’s been between games lmao
I keep procrastinating Zora’s Domain OOOOFT but I’ll go there now for reals—Sidon is engaged??? Man was like “Omg bestie it’s been forevs btw this is my fiancé” like damn okay how long has it been since Link went to Zora’s domain
I’ve been searching for Kass and I’m having major doubt atp 🥲 I want my beloved songbird back
OKAY DUNGEON TIMEEEEE Imma do Yunobo and while I know it wants me to save Riju for last I simply cannot stay away for long so I’ll go there next!
Yo these temples are fire I got majorly concerned with the Wind Temple but it genuinely makes sense to have a more familiar groundwork for players to begin with that’s just different enough that you notice so it prepares you for the more complex classic Zelda dungeon twist the rest of them have
I’m annoyed all of their abilities require me like ‘asking’ their spirits rather than having a function button to summon it at will
Except for tulin bc he is my child and all is forgiven. And Riju bc she’s pretty and I love her
DID I FUCKING MANIFEST KOHGA BEING ALIVE AND IN THE DEPTHS?????? BITTTTCCCCHHHHHH I thought these people be straight up loyal but nah he ain’t dead, just chillin in the depths
Yo I thought I was at the end of the game but nope I find out that the Zelda I’ve been chasing is a puppet WOW who would have guessed 🙃
BUT THE WAY GANONDORF WAS LIKE “using her made it so easy to lure you into traps” like my man KNOWS
Okay okay fifth Sage down and now I’m going to the Hyrule castle chasm
Was no one going to tell me this might be difficult bc I’m just tryna sneak through but that ain’t happening LOL
I’m going to shower and eat dinner and THEN I’ll beat the game
Oh my god we back at the place we started I LOVE FULL CIRCLES
I’m going to fucking sob this has been such a good fight!!! Getting to use the master sword the entire time >>>>>
(Even though i legitimately used a lynel bow and bombs to deal most of my damage to Ganondorf… don’t judge me I am ✨strategic✨ and I only managed fo do real damage if I did arrows, arrows, dodge dodge dodge, flurry rush, backpedal it up)
ZELDA BEING MY HOMIE IN THIS DRAGON FIGHT WE LOVE TO SEE IT !!! She makes me so happy she went straight for Link to save him bc that’s simply instinct
Lifting her out of the water… Zelda waking up to the feeling of a warm loving embrace… telling Link “I’m home” and that she has “so much to tell” him… I’m going to need another box of tissues bc I be EMOTIONAL
Awe all the sages pledging themselves to Zelda
Link just being a silent supportive boyfriend bc homeslice can and will do everything to protect Zelda (and okay he already did a ceremony for this but let me have my shipper goggles on)
I’m just going to say it. This might be my favorite game. And I’m a diehard Majora’s Mask fan. Like that’s been my favorite for a WHILE. I miss the simplicity for some of the game mechanics but thoroughly enjoy the new creations we can make. I also understand zonai devices now so when Kass comes in the DLC it’s over for y’all
Anyway botw/totk zelink is canon and no one can change my mind
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i-bring-crack · 1 year
What are your headcannons about solo leveling characters?
Damn I have too many! Will probably condense it or just make it a series at one point, maybe after the anime and the game drops so I have ALL the info MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA—
And sorry for the late post.
Sung Jin-Woo
He always like to play games, referenced by the fact that he would often go to game cafes with his sister and even in the next timeline he would do those kinds of things too.
Pretty sure he also like to speed run things rather than focus on the lore of the game, so maybe he like first person shooter games or arcade like games.
He loves to cook because it takes his mind off the hunting job.
Cooking was probably one of the only hobbies he had after his mother fell to the eternal slumber.
He tended to work 3 kinds of jobs before he reawakened (in the game's dossiers he said he worked for a moving company of sorts, and also other kinds of part time jobs, so this is like half head half canon)
In the dossiers he also seemed to have a vision of his dad. I like to think that the moment his father met the Rulers, he asked them to give them some of their powers to let his son be awakened and be strong enough to pull himself through what ever crisis they be going through.
That or maybe Il Hwan actually had the power of a ruler to the point where he could grant an awakening to others.
I like to think he always cuddled with his sister after he finished each raid, like just to make him feel safe and happy to have come back alive.
He likely also had a huge fight with Jin-Ah before going to his first raid, it was so bad that he couldn't even focus as much on the raid at all and it's the main reason why he got lost in the first gate he entered.
He can't love other people past the ones he already knew in the other timeline and had gotten close to him.
I think that time when they really destroyed his human heart, they also might have literally destroyed his human side as well.
He does still love people, but I don't think he might be capable of finding more love than the one he already has.
Which is why Jin-Woo decided to keep Hae-In as his wife since it was the only romantic love of his past life.
And his closest friend like Yoo Jin-Ho is the one he decided to bring into the family since he couldn't really feel capable of letting other people inside his circle of love.
Others like Woo Jin-Chul and Lee Ju-Hee were probably still on his mind but he didn't try to get them close, which probably meant the Ashborn inside of him didn't know whenever Jin-Woo really loved them enough to integrate them into his family or just let them go.
Which is why he also didn't push Woo Jin-Chul out when he recalled all of his memories.
Like I really love to think about the implication that Human Jin-Woo no longer exists, just Ashborn with the memories of Jin-Woo and vice-versa.
Yet due to the constant battle in the dimensions I think the human side has faded almost completely and now Jin-Woo is empty of what he once used to feel.
(Also, did you know that the whole 'Jin-Woo slowly looses emotions' was actually a manwha only adaptation? Yeah I didn't expect that shit to come at me while I was looking back at the light novel)
E rank Jin-Woo was likely also jacked. I mean we see it in the side stories with Antares, but I didn't think it was THAT kind of jacked, rather more of a has a good physique but it doesn't show as much.
He taught Suho how to draw
He is probably a horrible artist (meanwhile his son is getting an art degree lmao)
(Another fun fact: Chu-gong creator of the Solo Leveling light novel actually has the same degree as Suho)
He likes scifi shows and movies, especially horror scifi.
Cha Hae-In
She likes to jump a lot, when she is happy she tends to jump her feet up a little.
She doesnt like to stay in one place and tends to move around.
She probably has like one extroverted friend in her track and field club that lets her feel at home in the club.
She is horrible at baking and not a picky person at all
There was at one point were i did think she was probably an orphan, which i do have a lot of headcanons about that idea too. I mean it probably came from the fact that we know nothing about her family, like not even the tiniest bits of her taste too, what she likes what she doesnt. And she is like one of the most important characters 😭🤌. I mean she doesnt have to be an entire wikipedia but like, at least something girl.
So I tended to think she was an orphan or homeless for a lot of the time. And this will get even more farstreched as i got a bit more into ~fanon~ headcanon. I wont put itnall but you know, just some bits
She did have parents at one point but her mother left, meanwhile her father almost never appeared in her life, she couldnt even their faces at times.
When there was a loud crash at her home she would often hide and wish she could run away from things, or at least fight back. (Got that headcanon due to the CJI dossiers saying that their powers come from their greatest fears)
She one day looked for a way to escape and just, ran.
It made her feel alive and as though she finally got a fresh breath of air. Now everytime after school she ran as far as she could and came back late in the night so that she wouldnt have to deal with anything at the orphanage or with her new, again, foster parents.
Then there was a time she got caught running on video, and it eventually went viral. Since the orphanage didnt want to deal with her escapes anymore, they put her on a new school to compete with the other athletes.
The training was horrible but she managed and eventually she wanted to be better than everyone else. The fact that for once she felt free from everything as she ran made her more emotions and adrenaline ghan everything in the world. So she kept running and running until one day she was unable.
At school it was hard for her to have friends since either they wanted fame or she never actually felt any connections with any of them, she couldnt even understand most of their problems at face value, it made her field so lonely for years that she rather decided to focus on her studies.
I wouldnt guess she would be bullied, but more of just ignored, completely.
Once she started to recuperate she wanted to go back to running but she couldnt win from before.
This is pre rewind so most of her life felt lonely, post rewind she definetly had her first friend and a better life (cough JinWoo) but pre rewind it felt like she had nothing and stuck herself to almost never talking. Maybe she would have a friend or two but she also moved schools due to the foster parents not liking a kid that ran away, literally, everytime she had problem or a fight.
Um sadness aside
She likes candy and ice cream
She hates bad smells due to her good sense of smell.
She also doesnt like strong perfume scents.
Hae-In grew up to me more matured mentally due to all the things in her life, but she still kept her moral compass as much as she could, mostly because she didnt want to deal with more problems in her life.
She likes bigger clothing, big sweaters, kimono pants, especially those who have big pockets.
Her ringtone is a cute pop song (like Omae Wa Mou(deadman), Dandelions(Ruth B) or Crush(tessa violet) lmao idk why i have this headcanon
She accidentaly cut her hair too short one time and decided to just go with short hair so that no one would notice.
Imma stop or she is gonna go through an angst arc bc of me
Woo Jin-Chul
He doesnt like coffee at all lmao, not even energy drinks, but he deals with the taste bc there isnt a lot of good drinks out there that can getvhis energy up in the mornings.
He has a sweet tooth too. And a spicy (tooth?) Taste bc his mother always did kimchi since he was young.
He likes thriller movies ever since he was young, he also liked to dig himself in data about crimes and murders.
His mother was a huge part of his life, the father somewhat too but his mother often took a big role in his moral compass and the way he looked back at things.
His father was a police officer.
He had a good life, the best from all of them, all things considered.
His innocence though... well he had been exposed to a lot of crime and violence since he liked to watch the news (his Tv didnt have a lot for him to watch and he didnt have any devices growing up bc his mother thought it was a bad idea to get him one so young)
(She was right, this man is now twice as workaholic)
He likes coffee shops due to the aroma and the sense of relaxation.
The people at the nearest cafe to the asossiation know his name.
He tends to be really strict with others but at the same time do other people's work.
Post rewind he had a diary of all the Evans that happened in the story, and I mean ALL the events from the start of the monarchs to Jin-Woo's eventually saving the earth.
He likely was always making theories and trying to find out more about this vague world due to all the information Jin-Woo gave him.
I think he would also like to invent some materials in the mean time. Those that use magic crystals or other kinds of magic to enhance people's lives or amplify their power
Lee Ju-Hee
Girl has a good memory of literally everyone she comes across
Ju-Hee would often confuse Jin-Woo because of her Busan dialect
Ju-Hee wasn't scared of the blood itself, she was actually quite fine seeing those kinds of thing.
What she was scared about was dying In a brutal way.
She would often step back and let the others handle on raids
Her fears kindo of passed away every time she was with E rank Jin-Woo, since if he could survive so many harsh things so could her
She didn't like him at first too but I think she then became his first and only friend throughout those four years of his life.
She liked to exchange things about her family but the other didn't say anything.
Yoo Jin-Ho
He hated being called a chaebol, kinda like a silver spoon child in our lingo, nepo baby, stuff like that so he often tried to hide his wealth
But at the same time it was very obvious.
And he suffered a bit of lack of friendship because of that.
He tried to get friends and they would all try to get him for his money or his fame
It was hard, he really just wanted simple things in life.
He even got his driver's license, some part time jobs and went to public schools because he wanted to experience a more casual life.
Since I think he would have felt really lonely inside his home where his father praised his two oldest sons but not him as much.
Sung Jin-Ah
Jin Ah is very greedy when it comes to everything honestly.
If she wants it, she would likely get it, but not out of someone's help rather her own accord.
For example she would have an interest focus on video games because she wanted to beat her brother all the time in the cafes.
And she would have an intense focus on medicine because she wanted to give her mother a chance to come back again
I think she even studied a lot of magic apart from medicine due to the new gates coming out of nowhere
Once her mother woke up she didn't stop though but she did go back to playing video games
And she noticed a few patterns withing those things that kinda looked the same as the monsters that invaded this world.
But she couldn't tell anything about that because all the sudden she lost all of her memories.
Although post rewind it would have been fun to see Jin Ah studying up on the lore of the monsters and making new medicine from the medical and magic knowledge beforehand.
Oh she is absolutely a fan of Kpop bands.
She has a poster of them. That's canon.
Choi Jong-In
He was once saved from a burning building by Yoon Ho, thus exposing him to his first gay panic when Yoon Ho introduced himself.
He likes spicy foods and warm meals
Yes even in summer
He has a very bad distance vision which is why he always tries to wear glasses even when he is fighting.
He doesn't like eating too much (part of childhood I will not explain now)
He likes to eat some lolipops to deal with his smoking addiction.
He had a white tiguer plush animal that he was fond of during his childhood, it was destroyed in a fire when he turned 15.
He wanted to make Hae-In fit in with the rest of the hunters so he gave her a modified handkerchief that covered the smell of mana.
He often learned how to sew because Hae-In was really reckless with her suit at first.
He and Hae-In have a lot of disputes of the money spent on the guild because Hae-In thinks the way he pays S ranks is too much whereas he thinks it's only acceptable to get this much due to their work.
He won't admit it but He sees Hae-In as a little sister. He will even look out for her image and stop a lot of rumors going around. Although Hae-In is too embarrassed and says he wants him to stop.
He still goes on to validate her efforts in the guild and everyone that he works under.
He absolutely has a side shift on inventing gigs to help enhance the powers of a person
You see those headgear Hae-In has? He invented it to attract more beasts to her surroundings.
He made some modified rings for him to enhance his fire resistance too.
Baek Yoon-Ho
He bought one ring from the White Tiguer guild, and never let go of it. No one noticed that since he always had a lot of handy rings on him.
Bro is allergic to dogs.
The first person to have laughed in his face in his tiguer form was Jong-In.
He often had a lot of help from Jong-In to establish his own guild, he always thought it was because at that time Hunter's and Reapers were in a battle of whose more powerful.
Thomas Andre
He had a lot of panics over trying to appear like a normal person that he tried to hide most of his emotions in case one of them would turn him into a monster
Pre rewind, IL Hwang had stood out in his life, he alway kept his words of encouragement with him.
He started to get a better public light after he helped rescue all of the inhabitants into Jeju before the ants tried to kill them all.
He and Eunsuk, the S rank that died in the third jeju raid, were the best of friends. He was a happy go lucky guy that also gave Yoon Ho a lot of encouragement in being a cool white tiguer who saves people!
He also had a really strong sense of Justice which is why he didn't retreat in the third raid and began to save the rest until at the end he was eaten in front of Byung-Gyu and Yoon Ho
It solidified Yoon Ho that he must never get attached to a lot of the hunters, even the S ranks. He was fine with being friends with Byung-Gyu bc he was willing to retire, but not the rest.
He started to also create a huge distance with Jong-In because of that. Jong-In didn't know why he suddenly started to act out that way which is what led to their constant fighting and bickering.
He is soft to a lot of things.
He likes puppies and kitties and gives the strays a lot of food. You can find the guildmaster just feeding kittens and dogs outside of the guild's building.
Jong-In has some blackmail material of him.
Liu Zhigang
He was born somewhere in the western region of Europe, but his family immigrated to Florida which is why he doesn't have a lot of those European traits on him.
His parents were very religious but his mother was lax about it, like she didn't care when he turned atheist.
He met Laura when they were teens.
Laura was his first friend when she brided him that she will help him with his school work and in turn she will be safe from bullying all toguether.
Thomas had a love for wrestling and sports.
Thomas liked to go fishing and often dragged Laura to those trips, as well as camping, hiking and skiing in Colorado one time.
Thomas has a collection of racing cars
Thomas goes every weekend to Norma's house to eat her cookies.
He sent a small gift (expensive and huge by everyone else's standards) to Lennart after finding out he had saved him.
Has a little sister that escaped from North Korea, she too became an S rank and is the viceguildmaster of Zhigang's guild
He tries everything to maintain his hair as long as possible.
And as pretty as possible
He was an wuxia actor before he got his awakening
He likes historical dramas
He likes to fight with a double pair of blades
He has a gigantification skill.
Beru has a Netflix account and watches dramas with Jin Ah and post rewind with Hae In
Igris tends to haunt the libraries just to read the books in them
Igris likes math and science
Beru likes to play with the sand and make burrows for himself when he was still young and alive.
Igris was very hardworking kid when he was alive
Igris liked angels a lot and had a lot of fascination with Bellion when he got to meet him.
Kaisel cuddles Tank when it gets too warm
Kaisel is female you can't take this from me.
Kaisel acts like a huge puppy.
Bellion has sensible wings
Bellion likes to eat cookies, why? Idk.
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gummy-sharks666 · 5 months
Sweetie, I have a new meal that I wish you to cook 😋😋😋 for the random hcs of bakugan characters.
Shun, Dan, Marucho and Billy.
Have fun!! ❤️🤩❣️
Gender: v gender-fluid/demi boy
Sexuality: I’m thinking his sexuality is also p fluid but he’s probably attracted to more fem ppl
A ship I have: haven’t seen s4 but I’ve been converted to the shunsellon agenda. They can be emo together <3 might be strange but I like shun/ace 🫣
BROTP: Dan definitely. They’ve had ups and downs together, childhood friends. A lot of ppl ship them but idk I just see them more as rlly good friends personally. Also fabia and Alice
NOTP: uhh probably Shun/Fabia. I think they’re just friends
Random hc: his favorite MCR album is Black Parade but hes too afraid to admit it bc then he’d either be called basic or he’d have to explain the reason is because of losing his mom and how the hard he relates to the lyrics
General opinion: I like him and HOO boy I shave a history with him for sure. He was def one of my faves as a child and definitely contributed to my gender crisis. Also began my love for Ventus and Ventus users. I don’t think I ever crushed on him but I wanted to be him so bad…
Gender: someone has to be the cis male of the group, it’s him
Sexuality: bi but definitely has not explored his attraction to masc presenting ppl as much. It takes him awhile to figure out he’s bi
A ship I have: THERAPY LMAO 💀 but fr I’d say either Spectra or Anubias, although I think those relationships would be more one sided (Dan not really noticing they’re crushing on him so damn hard). I think that’s why I like it so much too bc I’ve had MANY crushes like that before and i like angst… something something Pete Wentz lyrics be like
BROTP: Shun for sure, him and Runo strike me as the divorced couple who end up being besties after going separate ways and learning ab themselves more. Also Drago obvs
NOTP: Literally any female character in the show
Random hc: adhd for SURE
General opinion: I’d say season 1 Dan will forever be my fave. He’s a little shithead kid who gets the bomb dropped on him and he has to start reevaluating how he looks at the other people around him, but that starts to falter in the later seasons where he just becomes the stereotypical hero who gets all the buffs and does no wrong, which does his character such a disservice. I honestly like that he was such a dick in the beginning bc that’s how most kids are, but the point is they learn through meeting other people and experiencing shit. We were robbed of that for Dan after season 1 IMO. But overall he’s fine ig.
Gender: reads as a boy to me personally, now that I think ab it him being a trans guy is so real. Short trans kings unite 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Sexuality: his sexuality is fluid. He just likes who he likes, but I think he definitely tends to fall more for personality than looks
A ship I have: MARUREN OBVIOUSLY!! Literally one of the best things ab season 3
BROTP: Julie and Runo definitely
NOTP: uhhhhh idk honestly I haven’t seen him be shipped with too many ppl for me to be like “oh hell naw” 😭😭
Random hc: he def has a bakugan discord and probably a separate one for him and all the original brawlers from when the game first started. Him and Julie coordinate all the reunions and meetups
General opinion: I love this dude fr. He’s fucking LOADED but he’s still the sweetest kid in the universe. He’s not just hella book smart but he’s extremely emotionally intelligent too. I also relate to him with that whole gifted kid past a bit,,, hes honestly just all around a fantastic character I’m a big fan of Marucho. Def one of the best characters in the series
Gender: yknow what,, I’m gonna say it. Billy gives me transmasc vibes
Sexuality: straight
A ship I have: Canon, but Julie. I think they’re whole backstory connection, the falling out and reconnection was really cute. I hope they have a good rest of their lives together 🫡
BROTP: Jake. I think they’d be homies. Jake is the third wheel on his and Julie’s dates
NOTP: uhhh idk honestly,,, maybe klaus 💀
Random hc: huge fan of early 2000’s pop alongside Julie
General opinion: I think he’s cool. He’s not one they expand on a whole lot but him and Julie are one of the very few straight ships I rlly like
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evilwickedme · 1 year
So like explicit/lemon TimKon fic recs 👀👀
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ok I get it I should've done this one first xD like literally one of these came in AS I WAS ANSWERING ANOTHER ASK. here we go lmao
Fetching - Krypto is really good at fetching Kon whatever he needs. in the middle of a the night, Kon is horny. therefore...
The Electric Pull of Spring - dubiously villainous Jason douses Kon with sex pollen and sends him in Tim's direction. all standard sex pollen content warnings apply
Voices in the Dark - 5+1 times trans!Tim has wet dreams about Kon, and a fic showing Kon's POV
Oh Red / Burning Red - Kon really likes sucking Tim off. Tim is wants to know why. there's a red sun lamp involved
why is there plot and/or emotions in my smut
Nowhere But Forward - when Kon finds Tim in Paris during that whole year of hell when he was trying to find Bruce, Tim kisses him. this leads to a huge sexuality crisis and a lot of other difficult issues are brought up. the tws in the tags are pretty accurate definitely read them before you delve into this monster of a fic (148k! published over the course of like eight months!! like damn)
Scions is a bit insta-lovey which I usually don't go for but this was really good. au where Kon was raised by Lex and Kon and Tim are essentially corporate rivals. the plot is mostly just figuring out how to be in a relationship when Tim's a Bat and Kon's a Luthor, but there's some other story beats mixed in there
Practice Makes Perfect - Kon is trying to get someone to date him and is failing miserably. clearly the solution to his problem is that Tim and Kon practice dating. and kissing. and other stuff.
World's Finest Three: Romcom edition - 5+1 fuckbuddies to lovers, but really goes into Kon's history of being SA'd, so once again, keep that in mind before you decide to read
Where Our Pieces Fall in Place - yet another 5+1, this time of times Kon tells Tim he loves him and one time he tells him back. trans!Tim with mentions of dysphoria plus in general mental issues
okay these are just fics I can't believe I didn't rec last time. they're not explicit they're just really good and I wanted To Have Rec'd Them
Neverland On Your Telephone (And In Walks An Angel) is a fic that directly inspired the TimKon fic I'm working on. when Kon finally comes back in the Rebirth timeline Tim, who's currently dating Bernard, and Kon have a Conversation, and Kon tells him he'll wait for him, and I lost my Goddamn mind
Husbands with benefits - this isn't marked as explicit but afai can remember is actually is?? however since it's marked as mature I decided to put it here. anyway it's a drunkenly married in vegas au where both of them believe their feelings are unrequited and then they start sleeping together anyway 15/10
have fun you guys with the amount of people who asked for this is this flops I'm never making a fic rec post ever again*
*that's a blatant lie I love making these too much seriously enjoy tho
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runningfrom2am · 5 months
extremely late chapter 14 thoughts:
1. sejanus as much as i love you- maybe not throw yourself inside the house when coryo is having an existential crisis.
2. i love lennox because there should be at least one person who thinks the right way. i hope lennox keeps him on his toes so he thinks three times before doing anything.
3. “Unless you still didn’t see it that way.” ohhhh… the drama.
4. “the back cover of an old book about a man who hunted humans.” is the book “the most dangerous game”?
5. trying to materialise her morals with her prize must’ve been awful. only having money to hold as you’re in a train for that long with that many thoughts, i can’t even imagine.
6. i truly love the family r has and how even that makes her different than lucy gray. the latter was the oldest in her unit, as far as i know, while r isn’t meant to take care of anyone. also you are doing an excellent job at not casting them aside, as side characters usually exist for a quick second in fanfics.
7. Coriolanus Snow Being Honest To A District Woman? It’s More Likely Than You Think.
8. well, ladybugs bring luck.
9. thank you so much for not making her jump to his arms in a few seconds. she went through hell in that arena and at least half of it could be traced back to coryo. the emotional weight of that isn’t something that will lift quickly. she is bound to him by something greater than her feelings.
10. “I am yours for the walk and especially when I walk away.” MA’AM IS THIS FORESHADOWING IN A WAY?
welcome back bestie!! also i hope you had such a great birthday !!
1. yeah he was not thinking LMAO he was just like “on my way to see my friend !” and lucy gray was like “bro cmon read the room”
2. yes i love him :’) he was ready to swing immediately. i really love writing sibling relationships bc with my brother i’ve had so many different perspectives on it through the years haha, but now it literally doesn’t matter i’m like “this person is annoying” and he’s like “i’ll fight them rn” lol. i really think lennox needs to bring that energy bc r is WAY too gentle for her own good, even after all that she went through. he’s a good kid, of course, raised by the same parents, but he’s not nearly as timid and i love him for it.
and ANOTHER thing ab lennox- him and lucy gray both know more than her parents do, and both are clearly protective of her but she is still willing to give coryo a chance. he sees coryo as untrustworthy and a threat to r even though he knows she cares about him, but lucy gray is more optimistic ab it. idk, i feel like they see the situation clearly but in very different ways.
3. he’s like “shit i came all this way to be shut down didn’t i-“ lol
4. yes ma’am 🫡🤭 i mean i know it’s a short story but i have seen individual prints of it too (i had someone on wp be like “but that’s not a book it’s a short story” like girl i know pls-
5. no literally i would lose my damn mind. like you’re staring at an amount of money that can change your life and trying to convince yourself it is somehow worth it (which i know she could never do) would be actual torture i think.
6. i love her family so much, like realistically i can’t imagine r being the person she is without having a loving and supportive family.
also thank you! i love lucy gray and the covey too much to neglect them. especially maude ivory!! we deserved more of her in the movie!!
7. no literally. especially r’s mom. i think he doesn’t consciously know it either but r had talked about her mom quite a bit while she was in the capitol so i think he trusts her more than he would care to if he didn’t feel like he “knew her”. also i think important to mention that his fathers death also affected her so deeply and even physically.
8. that they do 🤭
9. AH you are so welcome. like as much as that would have been cute or whatever i seriously don’t think that was even an option for her it wouldn’t have made even a bit of sense. honestly, she was more likely to bolt back out the door and make a run for it hahahaha
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loopspoop · 6 months
Figured I would give some general headcanons for the AU besides just physical appearances because I’m bored and also feel like I need to contribute more lmao
* has some phantom pains from having his organic limbs removed
* autism and adhd! Our boy is sensory seeking and has a fair few thievery and history based hyperfixations. Ask him about the Jean de la Motte!
* Did have top surgery but he’s Genderfluid! Usually presents as male but we love and respect Miss Marie in this household damnit! (He/She) pronouns but isn’t picky about it
*bisexual and polyamorous! She’s dating everyone in the gang and pops!
*panics over power tools, needles, and loud sounds post cybernetics. It gets a bit better with time but trying to do repairs initially was hell
* started working with the stuff he uses for disguises to cover her cybernetics so she can seem like she’s fully human
*got super depressed once he realized he had cybernetics and had a whole crisis over not being entirely Lupin III anymore
*had a lot of issues with his cybernetics early on with malfunctions and small parts breaking off because the parts were just early installments placed there to hold space before upgrades could be made
* had the sensitivity turned up pretty damn high early on so Mad could keep him captive since it’s hard to move when everything hurts and you’re trying to recover from surgeries
* had pretty severe panic attacks early on that the gang had to learn to help her through
* had top surgery but is non-binary! (He/they) respect pronouns or he will slice you in half!
* did everyone’s top surgeries actually (except Fujiko, she did hers medically)
*asexual and panromatic! (In a queer platonic relationship with Pops and Fuji, dating Lup and Jigen)
*will chop bigots in half
*autistic! This is basically canon anyways though. They literally always wear the same outfit and eat specific foods or won’t eat at all I mean come on!
* they take every chance to pick everyone up
* when having a hard time he seeks physical comfort by laying with Jigen and Lup (usually has them act as weighted blankets for him)
* is definitely a mother hen but less of one than Jigen. They usually tag team mother Lup and then get on to each other when they aren’t doing enough self care
* guess what…they know how to drive and use a phone in this AU! They just don’t rely on these things as much as the others so it makes him seem like he can’t
* knows the most medically out of everyone which is good because the others are always getting hurt somehow
* very good at deep breathing as a way of self regulation which helps when things are stressful! They all take some time to do group breathing together
* they know sign language! They try their best to teach the others too
* collected a lot of books on robotics and swiped a lot of Mad’s notes and parts to keep up with Lup
*also emotional support for repairs and checkups. He had to hold Lup down the first few times (they all do not regard these memories fondly at all but it had to be done)
*has a sweet tooth and actually eats properly in this AU!
* has visual snow syndrome (look it up I also have it)
* he has anxiety! He just usually forces himself to not panic about stuff until the danger has passed. He shoves it deep down inside (not healthy at all sir)
* mother hen along with Goe. He’s a tightass about self care except for with himself which is when Goemon gets involved
* resident weighted blanket for the others (he’s very warm)
* gives the others ice to keep them calm in stressful situations (saves sour candies for Lup too)
* he puts his hair up a lot and usually puts up Goe and Fuji’s too
* when he gets stressed he closes himself off from everyone so he doesn’t blow up
* doesn’t like wide open spaces from his days in service because he feels too exposed
* wears his hat because his eyes are sensitive
* he’s secretly a good poet (he will never let the others know this)
* he turns on the live cam wildlife videos for everyone to watch to relax
* autistic? Who knows. Not Jigen
* he is gay. He is demisexual and he is trans 😌 (he/him) pronouns. Goemon did his top surgery! (He’s dating Lupin and Goemon, queer platonic with Pops, situationship with Fuji)
* he has OCD (wow he’s just like me!)
* had a hard time being overly protective of everyone after what happened to Lupin but had to learn to reign it in when everyone got too tired of him being that way
* does repairs on Lupin’s cybernetics because his hands are so steady
* knits and sews for everyone and because the repetitive motion calms him down
* when they first got out of Mad’s lab and Lup was not doing so great in recovery, Jigen would sing to him when the others weren’t around. Goemon would catch him and listen from time to time and take up the same practice when they forced Jigen to take breaks
* does everyone’s nails (she’s spectacular at getting their colors perfect)
* helps Lup with his cosmetics to cover his cybernetics to make them more realistic
* gets everyone comfort clothing (they’re stylish and comfortable obviously)
* takes care of the boys hair because they deserve soft clean hair
* helps Goemon get Japanese food wherever they are in the world
* Aromantic! Queer platonic polyamorous with everyone (idk what to label her and Lup, she loves him just not in the conventional way yknow? They have s3x and love each other just.. not conventionally!)
* gives great advice honestly
* gives a lot of her comfort through gift giving and general acts of kindness
* does the heists when Lup is in recovery so that they have money to fall back on
*doesn’t double cross everyone like in canon because they love each other damnit
* steals parts from leading robotics scientists for Lupin to use
* bisexual! He’s dating Lupin and queer platonic with everyone else
* insomniac central get this man some weed or something so he can sleep
* knows sign language as well!
* bites stuff when he’s frustrated (a lot)
* did a LOT of research and safeguarding for Lupin (and for future chases obviously but let’s not get ahead of ourselves)
* surprisingly good at getting Lupin and the others through panic attacks and the like
* gives Lupin chocolate coins when he’s down (idk why it’s just cute and I like it)
* helps Jigen with doing Lupin’s repairs
* he’s actually staying with them once he figures out Lup is down for the count for a while because he feels guilty. He’ll act like he’s keeping tabs for ICPO but he’s actually just doing gay shit
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chthonicgodling · 7 months
okay so I don't know if this is in the realm of what you're in the mood of talking about BUT seeing that Loki was responsible for exploding thanatos (lol) I'm curious how well they knew each other ?? *if* they knew each other ??
this is going to be very, very, very long but before I jump behind a cut and answer your actual question, allow me to share & recap some crucial background information to paint the scene first for where we were - this was many years ago . Hmmm even this preamble is stupid long. I’m so sorry.
(OoC, around the year 2013 BUT our in-canon 5 year jump ahead took place in the middle of this duration so the actual in-canon year no longer matches up or— whatever)
the important refresher facts (and new info?) are, of course Loki falls into Elysium, the gang rehabs him, Loki comes around, sleeps around with the palace, ends up knocked up by Laphi with Fjöer; despite Loki briefly disappearing in panic he does eventually return (with… with an egg lmao) and this is NOT a crisis because Loki is learning to trust his new friends; Fjöer’s born —
Fjöer gets kidnapped to the mortal world. Loki relapses straight back into supervillainy and goes absolutely ballistic, torturing and almost murdering A Certain Key Player of A Certain Superhero Team while convinced he had something to do with it. He did not. Tory gets Fjöer back. To keep the peace in the mortal world, he promises that Loki will never, EVER leave the underworld again. To make this happen, Tory tricks Loki into eating the food of the dead, thus damning him to the Underworld in accordance with ancient magic laws. Loki (though feeling incredibly guilty) is horrified and enraged at this betrayal.
Loki proceeds to hack into the entire magical grid of the Underworld and recenters its magical essence TO HIM, now holding all the power of the whole realm in his very being and becoming the vessel for all those ancient magic binding rules so… now he can resume going wherever he pleases. This is SO dramatic that Tory fuckin rolls his eyes and gives the fuck up okay FINE LOKI YOU WIN just please don’t try to kill anyone again. ok deal:)
then our in-universe five year jump ahead takes place… now, approximately six and a half years after Loki first fell to Elysium —Loki’s just given birth to baby Rane; Tory is now heavily pregnant with his and Loki’s oopsie twins Eisa and Einmyria, it’s a high risk pregnancy made none the easier of the drama of that whole situation (long separate story). here we are. got it? good.
Now, your actual answer.
When Loki had first entered Elysium and was ~*bonding*~ with everyone, and unpicking the pieces of the trauma he’d gone through, slowly one by one the residents of the palace began to open up in very limited bits and pieces to Loki about their own tragic backstories. Curiously enough, EVERYONE’S tragic backstories centered mostly around this ONE individual, a mysterious evil god Thanatos who, Loki was informed, was currently imprisoned in Tartarus for the crime of kidnapping baby Neo, just before Loki had arrived.
Though everyone was kinda hesitant to share all the gory intimate details with this uhh, hostile stranger, as time went on and Loki opened up himself and everyone became friends Loki gathered more and more bits and pieces of info and found himself learning quite a bit about Thanatos. More than anything, Loki was taken aback by how much of an influence he’d had on so MANY lives, how much terror and fear he’d inflicted upon all these lovely people Loki had just met and kindave liked . Loki also was very alarmed by the thought of having such an alleged huge threat living in a jail cell like. Just next door. hello?!!! And… finally….. he also… didn’t really believe it was possible that one singular god could be so dangerous? Like, they’d successfully arrested him, soooo. What was even the big deal.
Cocky as ever, needing to have the upper hand, perhaps taking sick pleasure in the fact that everyone would be really, really mad if they found out what Loki was doing, BUT just mostly, curious like a feral horrible little cat - Loki snuck into Tartarus. He introduced himself to Thanatos, who seemed to be slightly delirious under the influence of Epi’s poison nightmares. Assessing the big scary legend of Thanatos before his eyes as not much of a threat at all, Loki decided to become fascinated with the thought of picking through his head…. And he figured it was best and harmless to do this under the guise of socializing. Loki FUCKING MADE FRIENDS WITH HIM.
He proceeded to secretly visit him in Tartarus about once a week for FIVE ENTIRE YEARS OF THAT JUMP.
What was the harm anyway? Though annoyed that Loki kept bothering him, Thanatos clearly had been put thoroughly out of commission and he didn’t really seem to have a real grasp on where he was or that Loki was not some sort of hallucination. Still, to be safe, eventually when Loki got pregnant with Rane, he temporarily stopped his visits, resuming them but briefly after she was born, before pausing again to deal with Tory’s pregnancy. In the meantime, through those gaps…
Loki’s cocky underestimating of Thanatos was in fact a fatal mistake, because the entire time they’d been together Thanatos had faked his delirium. Only ever saying just enough to keep Loki from detecting his whole ruse was a lie, while Loki was having fucking picnics Thanatos was studying the HELL out of him.
All that Underworld magic tangled up within him was accessible to Thanatos due to his own standing realm as God of Death, enmeshed into the Underworld himself - and without Loki detecting a thing, Thanatos spent five years discreetly SIPHONING out the powers to control the realm that Loki had amassed. Slowly but surely. Little bits, so that Loki wouldn’t notice.
During the double maternity leave, Thanatos from his jail cell managed to get ahold of Chal, who (VERY PRE EVERYTHING THIS WAS LIKE THREE YEARS BEFORE HER WHOLE THING) was loose in Tartarus trying to escape Ker again. Thanatos had now collected enough of the Underworld’s magic to track down the information about how to get the keys or whatever that locked him in. He sent Chal off to find that key and break him out. Eventually - Chal ✨did this.✨ Thanatos was now LOOSE, and they escaped together off the grid.
The palace discovered Thanatos was loose because, (secretly at this point), he now had a whole litany of magic abilities and he just started APPEARING in television screens and mirrors of the palace that November to give villainous speeches - clearly out of prison, clearly of his usual “sound mind”, and clearly making HUGE THREATS. The palace went into FULL LOCKDOWN panic and Epi and Loki - Tory was way too pregnant! - split up to go find him.
Loki found him (and Chal - what the fuck this was Thanatos’s kid??! This wobbly teenager?! Loki made a mental note to do something about that much later👀) immediately. In this confrontation, Thanatos played delirious again and Loki STILL WILDLY UNDERESTIMATING HIM, but slightly shaken at how panicked his friends at the palace were, made Thanatos promise to leave the palace alone in exchange for Loki not ratting him out and turning him in. Batting his eyelashes, Thanatos agreed. His own secret shield of magic he’d built successfully blocked out Loki’s built in lie detector - and, crucially, unwise to the tips and tricks of the Underworld, Loki did NOT make him swear an unbreakable oath. He,, took him at face value?!?! And flounced back to the palace to announce that he couldn’t find him but he probably would not cause any trouble.
And then Thanatos began to project himself into the palace.
You know Loki’s little clones? Haha since fucking when did Thanatos know how to do that?! Though these clones were not solid and he couldn’t lay a finger on anyone, he began to terrorize verbally everyone hiding within the palace, all the people he’d hurt - Maci. Eury. Hypnos. Hess. Bullied away again and again by Epi and Loki - keeping Tory far away, who again ahhhhh high risk pregnancy! - but coming back more and more, just over the span of mere hours, days, the palace began to break down into psychological torment - and the more time these Thanatos clones spent around Loki - the more he began to draw from him and. Oh god. Oh no. FEELING THE CHANGE, Loki realized what was happening. He realized what he’d done and enabled. In a rare moment of respite, He confessed. EVERYONE WAS FUCKING FURIOUS, just at his show of cocky hubris especially now that Loki, in increasing panic, was admitting that he’d grossly underestimated the danger of Thanatos and - LOKI, OH MY GODS, YOU DID THIS, FIX IT BEFORE SOMEONE GETS HURT. Thanatos was growing too powerful and Loki could no longer locate him oh my god oh my god oh nNOOO—
Unsure if Thanatos was copying his magic or fully DRAINING it away and, in horror suspecting the latter, Loki quickly began to formulate a plan with Epi. The Underworld magic he held within himself was meant to protect him and if he could somehow trigger that Defense mode into action, then surely that would be powerful enough to knock Thanatos out enough to— idk, figure it out from there? But how to trigger that? He and Epi began testing by fuckin attacking the shit out of Loki (after all this, Epi was more than happy to do this 😌) and letting that power indeed force field him back in retaliation so now it was just a matter of honing that to be stronger.
Before he could perfect it, Thanatos figured out how to make a partially solid clone, and straight from the balcony of the palace, kidnapped - um. a certain nymph of great importance to Loki (staring directly at the camera bc…. you know,, but this, is in progress due to Circumstances and may change, not important who this is rn!) OKAY WELL NO MORE TIME TO WASTE GO GET THIS FUCKING BASTARD NOW — Epi used dreams to find where [redacted] was being kept and they went on the attack.
But this was a trap - luring Loki there was all according to plan, because what Loki didn’t account for in his tests was how his defense magic would react to going up against ANOTHER budding vessel of the Underworld. And when Thanatos - who HAD figured this out - attacked him, that power rushed back — and Thanatos caught it.
draining Loki of almost everything within him and ✨also stabbing him✨ Thanatos now fucking controlled all the magic of the Underworld AND THAT INCLUDED THE ELYSIUM BARRIER. He collapsed the barrier that kept him physically out of the palace and went straight there, Epi tearing after him, Loki weakened and dying and collapsed in a heap. He broke into the palace - trapped Epi into a little bubble barrier of magic that he couldn’t get out of - and in a scene of utter chaos proceeded to get to attack Maci, Hess - Icy in the playroom before Meli managed to shield the rest of the kids away - Eury, in front of Epi - Tory, pregnant and hidden away was next once he found him and —
Loki reappeared.
The Underworld’s magic had bound himself to HIM. It was intwined within his bones, his genes. He’d done the work, laid the spells, it was loyal to HIM and not the leech who’d torn it from him.
Thanatos uncontrollable and unstoppable, his full unhinged reign of carnage, in his absolute peak hysterical villainy - it had been so long, so many attempts, he was completely insane unraveled by this point - screaming and GLOATING and grinning and advancing - stopped suddenly in his tracks as Loki staggered in the hallway and reached out to him. Bleeding out, Loki understood very very well now the threat that Thanatos really was and always had been.
The Underworld’s magic felt Loki reach for it with a snarl. And it stretched out to return to the vessel it properly belonged in…… all at once.
Thanatos exploded.
*twirls hair* and so Umm. in short..,,, um. yeah.
they knew each other. :)
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nerdyenby · 8 months
DR pt2 reactions (spoilers)
Episode 11
Opening scene hypeeeeeee!!!!! Love seeing them all work together, there’s definitely been a soft timeskip with Arin and Sora’s costume upgrades and how well they fit together
Lloyd’s handling Wyldfyre pretty well, respecting her boundaries while making sure she feels welcome anytime
Ray and Maya!!! Are they alive lol? Will we ever find out??
“The monastery works best when everything is in its proper place” *cue explosion*
Not listening to Zane is the cause of 85% of problems in this show
Kai and Wyldfyre’s rivalry is everything, actually
I will never stop gawking at the new animation, it’s so beautiful ;-;
Yayyyyyyy propaganda /s
Aye, Sora’s parents!!!! Seems like they’re having doubts mayhaps
Keep questioning authority kids, you’re getting there
Kids get it done!!!
I am begging all the water, fire/heat, and ice elementals to practice some critical thinking and remember that ghosts cannot touch water
The delivery on Nya’s “Whaaaaaat?!??” was so good lmao
“Eh, it never came up” LMAOOOOOOO he was so deadpan I’m dying
“How hard can it be?” Arin I stg why would you say that
Lloyd is so awkward I love him
Arin and Sora having a handshake <333
Episode 12
We love a villain whose pride is 90% of the reason they fail
If they start deadnaming Sora I’m gonna throw hands
I was so ready for them to confirm Kai’s age, should’ve known better tbh
Lloyd is such a good mentor, I could cry
They’re playing catch :((
Lloyd’s little “that was the last of our dinner plates” lmao
Has the Bounty actually operated as a ship before? In the course of the show?? Kinda love that they’re treating her like an actual boat now
Revolution counter: 1
That was so funny and for what
If they make it through this episode without mentioning Bentho I will be so sad
WAIT is the crab controlling the merlopians instead of the other way around????
So glad the merlopians aren’t the bad guys here
Episode 13
Kai isn’t handling not being the most unpredictable person in the group very well
Kai’s girlbossing his way through life, as he should
Zane being down to drink motor oil but not fly juice is so valid tbh
Frohickey and Zane’s dynamic is so silly I love them
Zane you literally have a human disguise lol, kinda love him being comfortable enough with who he is that he prefers to stay as a nindroid even in disguise tho
Is that his detective costume from prime empire???? Now I’m thinking about what the ninja’s closets look like
Wyldfyre causing problems on purpose my beloved, she’s such a menace, I love her
I’m really enjoying seeing all the seemingly forgotten species come back, have we seen these skeleton people since season 1??
“Ninjasplaining” IM DEAD
The lavatides have such fun character designs
How did the other realms know about the ninja before the merge? Like it makes sense, but how about the practicality of it??
“Ok this is just getting silly” this show makes me so happy you guys
Zane has a holiday, as he deserves!!
So ready to watch Zane lose a Zane lookalike contest, surely nothing could go awry
Challenging Kai with a character even more headstrong and proud then him is such a good move, it provides so many opportunities to showcase how much he’s grown
Poor Zane, this man does not need another ship of Theseus crisis
Damn, I’m kinda emo over this message
Episode 14
I miss Pixal so bad, man
Frohickey’s trying so hard, I would die for him
Sora honey, I love you but please check that cognitive dissonance, the things going wrong are not your fault, none of it is your fault.
This show’s comedic timing is everything, I never get tired of it
Fat rip to Clutch’s book, no brobrogoogoo today :(
“Long before the Merge, Djinnjago was destroyed” Nya, are you not gonna mention that you were the one to destroy it???????
“Bad news first: our mission was a failure, also we have no good news” Sora is so fucking funny you guys
Frohickey is having such a rough time, poor guy
Nya having a lightning dragon can be so personal
Sora the dragon’s name is Zanth!!!!! Best resolution to the “other Sora” thread imo
I love this guys attitude so much lol
Confirmation that Riyu’s a special lil guy <3
The depressed icon we never knew we needed
Arrakore my beloved
Zane and Frohickey’s friendship is so precious
Episode 15
I like how Kai and Wyldfyre didn’t have a specific moment of “oh hey you don’t suck” its just “we’re too similar and it’s kinda annoying but you’re cool sometimes”
Why didn’t we get to see Arrakore’s song :((
Nya’s being so chill with Arrakore being djinn, obviously he has nothing to do with Nadakhan but it’s still nice, he also seems massively less racist so that’s good
Nya’s dragon finally has a name, Jiro my beloved :))
Arin infodumping and Lloyd just “mhm-ing” my beloved
Asking nicely always works, apparently
I entirely forgot about Rapton lmao
Is it Cole time??? I want it to be Cole time
*motivational music* “all life is important” “… but that’s Rapton 🤨” I love Arin
HEATWAVE TO THE RESCUE!!!! Though where has he been up til now??
Lloyd being like “yeah sure, how impossible can it be?” and being entirely justified is the most him thing ever
Episode 16
Cole and Nya hug <3333
Someone other than Zane mentioned Pix, a day for the history books
Glad to see Cole’s as OP as ever lmao
Oh they’re so gay
I didn’t even think about that, it’s so fascinating that the earth is unsettled by everything that’s happened
That’s so sad what the hell, so in character for Cole to just adopt a buncha orphans tho
Sora I love you but that is the worst possible way to phrase that
Kai talking about the importance of other ways of helping and how combat isn’t everything and showing Wyldfyre a healing technique :(( I’ve been rewatching s1 and he’s come so far
Geo :(( things are better now, but change didn’t come soon enough for him and now he’s Lost
Borg mention!!!!!!
Also I love having a reference point for Sora and Nya’s skillsets, it’s also just so heartwarming to see adults who are wholly supportive and unafraid of younger people being better than them
Cole is so out of the loop lmao
Zanth :0
Oh you bitch
Cole and Geo are so in love :(
Episode 17
I entirely forgot about this plot point lol
Oh this is so dystopian
Kai in a mentor role means everything to me
They’re actually addressing Kai’s grief??? Hell yeah, fucking finally /lh
Alright, betting time: Jay or Pixal?
Lloyd and Arin are so silly, I love them
Zane really just sat in that office, huh (/ref but it’s so vague I’d be shocked if anyone got it)
It’s a part of the realm of madness oh my goodness that’s hilarious
“Are they safe for people?” “No” *proceeds to shove them both in there*
Zane had way too much fun with that superhero landing lol
Zane is having so much fun this episode, he’s just getting shit done and looking great doing it
So we’re not getting Jay back yet? Rip
Zane is so polite what the heck
Episode 18
So Wyldness confirmed to be the same realm as Imperium???
Is Beatrix gonna have the same origin story as Kalmaar??
Nya and Cole’s friendship is so tender and caring, they’re besties your honor
LaRow trash talking Rapton to his face lmao
Rapton redemption arc!??!????!
It’s so interesting seeing the backstory of Ras and Beatriz’s alliance after it’s already fallen apart
Wyldfyre did not need to be told twice lmao
From a psychological perspective, Beatrix is fascinating
Revolution counter: 2!!!!!!!
Episode 19
Lloyd letting Kai take point on wrangling Wyldfyre only for Kai to immediately match her energy my beloved
“You have no idea how foolish some of us can be!!” Pffff “-no offense Lloyd” PFFFFFFF
Interesting to go the “non bender revolution” route considering how few elemental masters there are compared to avatar where benders are a vast majority, but it’s a villain whose power hungry so makes sense and I’m entirely down
The quips this episode are impeccable
They built an hq??? Hasn’t it only been a week or two??
So much is interconnected in this season I’m kinda not following some of it, but I love it
Percival monologue going off!!!!!!
Sora main character fr fr
Kai and Wyldfyre are everything
Kinda iconic that Nya just hasn’t mentioned that she found Cole lol
That scene with the guard was so good!!!! The suspense and the realization of just how deep the resistance runs…. It’s such a good moment
Love that as soon as Kai has Wyldfyre even slightly reined in he’s down to let loose and make messes with her, as long as it’s for a good cause lol
That extra delivered with that cry holyyy
Heck yeah Rapton redemption :D
Rapton out here with the guardians of the galaxy motivation and I’m loving it
The fight choreography in this show never ceases to amaze me, holy crap
Sora’s speech goes so hard, I’m tearing up
Finally got confirmation the og ninja are in their twenties, thank god
One thing about Nya is that she will never pass up an opportunity to call her brother stupid
Episode 20
Rapton calling Dorama a “washed up clown” is everything I never knew I needed lmao
The stakes are staking
The glitch effect??? Hello spiderverse!!!
The platonic love on display this season is killing me, they all care about each other sm :((
That Rapton Nya interaction was so good and for what
Sora’s parents >:(
Deadnaming their kid and guilt tripping her saying she “abandoned you,” damn Sora’s response is so fucking cathartic as a trans person with unaccepting parents
I’m just here for the ride and having a great time
Lloyd doing ye ole Chosen One things, as he should
Kai and Wyldfyre hug <3333
Dragon heritage mention???? Mayhaps???????
That was cryptic, cool though
Lloyd sees so much of himself in these kids 😭😭😭
Jordana boutta get the Harumi treatment fr
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29daffodils · 9 months
KP Rewatch : Ep #4
okay, i know the rewatch event is over already and I'm just, barely alive (i caught a flu and some tonsillitis again, sue me, also i was being married off, well 😬), but here i am. 
once again, here goes nothing! 
during my initial watch, i totally missed this scene! so they didn't fall asleep together? porsche just went and crawled into someone's bed lmao, what a hussy [affectionate] 😂 
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but also, pete looks so scandalised! that's the look of someone who thinks they accidentally gave away their first time to some random character lol
kinn so deserves that existential crisis 😂
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listen, i will always say that i have loved vegas since he first appeared on screen with that cocky smirk, but this was the moment that i officially adopted him as my little meow meow 
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we love a confident self-assured man!
lmao, tankhun voiced my thoughts exactly 😂
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something tells me arm knows about the atticwife scene lmaoooooo
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he's so giddy! god i love arm so much!
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POL??!!!? MY BOY?!!!;!  WHAT IS GOING ON!?!!?!?!
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wow, auntie, excellent example of parenting right there 👀 (okay, don't come at me. i have many thoughts about this but i'll not unleash them today).
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right with his mouth near (on) his dick lmaooooo
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ahhhh look at his dopey smile omg so cute!!!!
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i keep saying this, but pete is so done with porsche's dumbassery lmao
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vegas literally lives for fucking with kinn's head lmao
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okay, so i know porsche is pissed about being forced to join the mafia and he is rightfully pissed at everyone involved, but damn he does like to rub shit in big's face sometimes. though big did have it coming since he started it. but i keep thinking about how throughout the series he must have realised that while he carefully did his job to keep kinn safe and loved him from the sidelines while kinn never even looked at him that way, porsche gets all of it and more. 
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chay really came out with the big guns blazing lmao
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the most awaited introduction of this episode : kim's murder board 😂
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turtleneck pete was truly the best pete we got besides nakey pete 😂
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also, that is such an uncomfortable smile lmao, i wonder why that might be 👀
this smug bastard just casually chilling before the shit he's going to unfold on kinn (lmao, what a bastard, i love him so much)
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time just casually dropping what an asshole he is and that tay actually did something to get "back at him". say it with me, TAY DESERVES BETTER !!!
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the diamond being named "king of the night", maybe hinting at porsche? i dunno if it's me thinking too much, but porsche is literally a pawn in korn's chess game and in this ep, it's both kinn and vegas going after him. vegas losing the bid on the diamond and then simultaneously his plans of assaulting porsche (more than he already did) getting thrown off, it's almost like between him and kinn, porsche is the king and the later sequence of events will cement the fact the kinn both won the diamond auction bid and also porsche. huh. 
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look at vegas go!!!!!!
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turtleneck blurry pete is here!!
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damn okay porsche has some nice buttcheeks alright
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and then there is vegas, admiring himself in the mirror lmao
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and that's it for this episode!! thank you for reading! see you in the next one! i'll still be slow because my life is being upended at the moment, but i'll come back again! till then, adios!
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@ 🤠🐸
yall rly just are not getting what i had said in my original ask at all. like none of yall understand.
first of all, i can complain about it. thats what i did. i complained about it. let me explain this in a way that can make sense as to why im so upset about it.
imagine that regularly, every month for 2-3 years, you are given a piece of candy. now all of a sudden, youre being forced to pay for the candy. why do you have to pay for the candy? its always been free before so why now? it cant be because of a financial crisis, because the person supplying you has a steady income and makes more money than you have or probably will see in your whole life. i think its pretty fucking fair to be upset about it.
i dont expect it to change, i dont expect anyone to do anything about it. i dont expect everyone to understand, but god fucking damn it, i have grown up having even basic human fucking needs deprived of me because money is stupid and evil and yeah, yanno what, i think im entitled to being a little upset when yet Another Thing is being taken from me because i cant afford to give a rich white man money. no its not serious, i get that. but i dont know why me voicing that im upset about something automatically makes me childish and immature and apparently, according to past responses, a fucking loser who has no friends.
idk man. money is the root of all evil or whatever and i hate paying for art in general because its stupid that anyone even has the need to charge money for art or slap any kind of monetary value on it. i get that it sounds like im whining, but the way that i look at it, this kind of feeling for me runs a lot deeper than “i cant have my favorite content bc it costs money”
its very much a “its stupid that anyone should have to pay for these kinds of things because art shouldnt be monetized period but we live in a world where its Needed and that pisses me the fuck off because I HATE MONEYYYYYY I HATE ITTTTTT “ kind of thing lmao
like yall know how everyone is mad at streaming services for making you pay more for less shit when it used to be included in what you get??? its the same kind of vibe for me. why would i ever pay money for something that was free for half its existence or whatever lmao
idk i dont think anyone will really understand unless you grew up the way i did. its cool. its whatever. just maybe dont fucking attack me for complaining about financial situations/the ridiculous roundabout ways i have to go about getting shit that used to be free.
im not even mad about Erik himself being the one to do it. im mad that anyone does it. you should not force anyone to pay for shit that used to be free. shit should not cost more after time goes on. because none of it makes any fucking sense and money is stupid and grrrrrer whateverrrrrrr whateverrrrr it doesnt mattererrrrrrrr (thx to mod priest for putting up with all this btw love u dude, ur a pillar in this community truly and u see some of the worst shit that this fandom says and big props to you. i wont be commenting on this any further just for your sake tbh. much love, thank you for everything you do dude)
(thanks ⚡🩸 anon 🥺. Thats very sweet of you ❤️ love u too dude)
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atypicalsouda · 6 months
🚫If you happen to ship romantically with Fuyuhiko then I’d rather you don’t interact please.🚫
I downloaded literally all (with his eyepatch anyway) of Fuyu’s fullbody sprites today- so I’m gonna gush and rate them cuz I love my hubby 🥰
Part 1 cuz I can only have so many pics lol
insane f/o love below- I also get a lil suggestive so yeah
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Sprite 1: Sighs groans hand on hip
He’s dealing with those troublesome jackasses whoever they are. Such a disappointed parent. I love how you can see his eyelashes stillllllll jdndhdjdb my pretty baby ❤️
also since this is the first one- ever notice how his shoes have a slight heel? It makes me feel things. Sad things.
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Sprite 2: Contemplative. Not present thoughts too loud do not disturb
Mans is out here watching paint dry while having an existential crisis. Looking like a kid who got told we have food at home. In such damn cute waybdbbdhbdbdb 😩
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Sprite 3: Wow. WOW. woow. wOw.
Surprised babmboozled smackeldorfed. He can’t look away from me💕~
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Sprite 4: It’s Fuyuhiko. Normal.
Look at that face *sighs* that little thing he’s doing with his lip I love him so much 🥰 you keep on looking tough baby
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Sprite 5: yells fuck five million times lil angry vein pop
‼️Cw/tw for my horny ass‼️
Is it bad that I find this one so hot??? 🥵 When I see this one I can hear him yelling profanities and I just-
-think about him punishing me by-
ANYWAY I mean look at his fist lord it grew two sizes that day
9/10 only cuz it turns me on too much lol
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Sprite 6: Baby boy. Bababababyy
I love his posture here if that makes any sense-it probs doesn’t. Ugh but my absolute favorite thing about this one is his lips!! I love that you can clearly see that his upper is a bit bigger 🥺❤️ favorite way his mouth is drawn by a long shot. Might be one of my faves in general too
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Sprite 7: Number six’s twin brother. Almost
I love this expression he’s so concerned. Dealing with idiots again lol. And that mouth the same way as before toooo so cute ☺️ not much else to say tho
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Sprite 8: Cocky bastard vibes I wanna pinch his cheek
Look at that smirkkkkkk and I love when I can see his RINGS it’s so GOOD!! Ugh baby man ❤️
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Sprite 9: oh sweaty. Nerves
Tbh this one is kinda hot too 👀….for obvious reasons out of the game’s context. It’s the one to use as a starting point for a horny edit lmao
The best thing about this one tho is that you can see that blue jewel on the one ring 🥰 I love it I wanna kiss it like the king he is in my eyes
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There are no fucking words to describe how much I love this sprite/man. Or how this one makes me feel. I had it on a pillow that I slept with for most of the time I’ve been with him-before getting my proper body pillow. It means a lot to me tbh. Fave. You go on and adjust that tie. 😭❤️
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nyxthejinx · 2 years
I just saw your posts about the reader being diluc’s younger sibling and I was wondering how the reunion would turn out. I imagine that by the time they meet again years later that the reader has through the ranks of the fatui. Not exactly harbinger level (idk) but like its clear that they are important to the other harbingers and the tsaritsa. And they come back with signora during the beginning of the game to get venti’s gnosis and probably has a verbal smackdown with diluc (who is remorseful for their last interaction after getting years of self reflection and realizing he was at fault for almost killing them and ruining their relationship with each other). They probably fought each other when they first reunited (reader doing shady fatui stuff and diluc as the dark knight hero) and they manage to knock each others masks off and the reader retreats after theirs gets knocked off. I feel like diluc would probably apologize (not exactly forgive or be the same sibling dynamics but to civil again) and the reader basically isn’t having it and puts emphasis on how diluc cut them off back then and how now their roles are reversed leaving a stunned diluc behind. Not to mention their grudge with kaeya who didn’t even check on them after he left and basically let them get taken by the fatui.
YOO I kinda ran out of writer juice for today BUT before I forget, everything you said makes so much sense. It wouldn't be a tearful reunion, nor a completely violent one. (I apologise if it doesn't turn out great or anything like that I'm sleepy :') F)
If Diluc was still willing to talk with the Kaeya via mail, I can only imagine he'll regret the shit out of his actions as time goes by.
And while he goes thru existential crisis for abandoning a 13 y/o in a puddle of mud, just because they were protecting the secret of someone they loved, reader sharpens their hate for him.
What they don't expect though is to tear up from nostalgia after he knocks off their mask.
The harbingers, being fond of them in their own way, make sure to talk reader into cutting their bonds with their brothers once and for all. Since they hurt them and stuff. It's kinda manipulative BUT they have "good" intentions (and are right lmao).
Meanwhile Diluc feels twice the piece of shit because the first thing he does after three years of absolutely zero news about their sibling is to make them cry LOL.
He tries desperately to find something, anything about his sibling after that. He knows they're fatui, and yet despite his endless networks he can't find them. Hell he even asks kaeya for help, who gladly obliges him because he feels thrice the piece of shit and needs to apologise as well (with love <3)
In the end reader willingly goes to angle's share, while signora does her stuff with venti and the traveller. It somehow end up in a heated discussion between the three of them (though I doubt they'd force the subject if reader rejected their apologies) and bam: reader, fed up with their pathetic bullshit, pulls the collar of their uniform down and shows the scars Diluc left behind.
"How many times I tried to forget you, both of you. But this damn thing won't leave me alone. Here, are you happy now? Do you get why I can't sweep it all under the rug?"
And before it escalates further they leave, while Diluc and Kaeya just want to dig up a hole and die in here from the sheer amount of shame and regret.
Yes I'm feeling angsty today how could you tell? 😃
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