#i love crp so bad
crushedsweets · 5 months
oh the desire . . . and longing . . . and the ache. . . .
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adaki · 2 months
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GIRLS NITE OUT >_< ((clockwork could not make it)) (wip)
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yvezwiebel · 5 months
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Quite the Shakespearean Tragedy!! 💀⚔️💀
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marbledproxies · 11 days
i apologize for my rambling, none of my friends like creepypasta as much as i do, they dont get the hype :brokenheart:
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ask-mrxmts · 1 year
//working on an Abt pin since i havent a clue on how to make links work on mobile
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noctiispiri · 2 years
The MH community might ostracize me for such a hot take but I treat Masky and Hoodie (as Creepypastas) different from Tim and Brian (Marble Hornets), and I like both versions * You don't have to gatekeep people about it,
not saying you shouldn't shed some light as to where these two characters originated from if you wanted to
Just saying that you just respect each other and don't immediately assume the worst
Cause as much as the community don't like to see it, a lot of people saw (and still might be seeing) Masky and Hoody as part of Creepypasta. I don't know if Tim or any of the people involved in MH has said anything about it, but I'm willing to back down if they mentioned being uncomfortable with the concept.
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the-s1lly-corner · 2 months
Leaving lipstick marks on various CRPS 1/2
this is probably going to change because queue stuff but i might not write the second part of this with the other characters i write for unless theres a demand for it- brains going crazy but not for writing rn hisshiss characters: slenderman, splendorman, masky, hoodie, ticci toby notes: reader is GN and wears makeup CWs: none
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if you can get him to bend down so you can actually reach his face, he lets you pepper his face for as long as you want... assuming he doesnt have anything else that needs to be done
ive mentioned before that physical affection isnt something that slenderman does often, at least in terms of giving... but hes not going to stop you from showing your love for him however you like
if you can catch it, you can see the faintest raise in his cheekbones- hes smiling!
may lightly press where his mouth would be against your own mouth in his own gesture- even though he doesnt do this sort of thing often he knows its important to you... so he at least occasionally returns the favor!
the lipstick marks on his face dont tent to remain on his face for that long, though...
loooooooves when you kiss all over his face, loves getting affection from you in general
soft chuckles and giggles as you cover his face in lipstick marks, hes trying so hard to remain still for you so the marks dont smudge too bad
keeps the marks on his face for a while, usually until he needs to go interact with someone who isnt you... not that he wants to hide your relationship or anything like that- he wants to keep appearances is all!
will kiss all over you in return, even though he doesnt really wear makeup
you can sometimes hear the bells on his tentacles chime as you hold his face
the best youre going to get is kissing on his mask, he... doesnt like taking his mask off around other people.. including you... actually now that you think about it youre not sure if he takes it off even when hes alone
very still when getting kisses from you, its almost a little unnerving how still he is during the entire exchange
sometimes your lipstick leaves stains on his mask so sometimes he may deny you if youre wearing any makeup
not really anything mean against you... he just doesnt want random splotches on the material... you may be able to convince him to take it off so you can clean it for him
will occasionally nuzzle his face against your cheek after you kiss him all over
hes still like masky, but hes more likely to snake his arms around your waist to pull you even closer to him
his mask is made of a fabric so kissing it kind of... feels off.. on top of that you cant see the marks left behind that well due to it being black
though... hoodie may feel inclined to lift his mask up just enough for you to kiss on his actual face- he only ever pulls it up high enough to see the bottom of his nose
sometimes forgets to wash the marks off so when you see him lift his mask up to eat something you just see color splotches all over his skin
grinning the entire time youre kissing him
takes his little mouth cover off for you so you have more skin to kiss, though this only really happens later on in the relationship when you two are closer... hes not exactly ashamed of his cheek scar however he knows it may... put you off..
takes a while for him to warm up to physical affection although he wants it so bad, give him some time and hes going to welcome you with open arms when you want to leave your marks all over his face
literally... hes going to wrap his arms around you and pick you up- if youre close enough to a bed or couch hes going to fall back
typically turns into a bit of a cuddle session as well
sometimes hates that your makeup can leave patches of color, but he loves the attention more than he hates the cleanup
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bonbonshideout · 1 month
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Who I think the crp would target pt.1
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Ticci Toby:
Personally, I feel he would mostly target abusive parents, but if he's out and just bored out of his mind, he'll kill whoever he stumbled across. When ut comes to abusive parents, I feel he would be a bit stalkerish, he'll find a parent or an adult, stalk them for a few days, see how they handle life and treat their families, if he sees any forms of abusive in any manner, he'll go for their ass, at night, in broad daylight, he doesn't give a fuck.
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Ben Drowned:
He wouldn't really kill people, but instead, electronics; he would be one of those viruses that you'd find on social media. Once he gets ahold of your device, it'll go haywire to start. Suddenly it'll reset and seem like nothing happened, however Ben would 100% love to mess with the person, opening random apps, turning on/off any alarms they might have, call random people in the contact list, etc. He would end up causing the person to go insane— be it or not his intention— to the point they probably kill themselves.
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Jeff The Killer
Like Kuchisake-onna, I feel Jeff would wear a mask of some sort, go up to people, and ask if they think he's pretty, not matter what they say, he'll carve a smile into their face anyways. He just likes to do it. If ya run into him, group or alone, you'll most likely be found dead later on anyways. He likes to kill everyone he runs into
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Eyeless Jack
Steming from my headcanons for EJ — linked here — He would kill whoever he finds on the Appalachian trail. He would definitely stalk them throughout their hikes and find a moment where their guard is down and can make one swift motion. He prefers a clean and quick murder. He would probably use his voice to trick people into getting closer - like that of a skinwalker or wendigo - and get them that way. Usually leaving the trails unbothered and a way to keep people coming without much worry.
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Doctors, or psychward doctors. Just anyone in the medical field; they're what pretty much why she's kinda what she is now, she holds some sort of grudge, even if it wasn't entirely their fault. She especially hates those that work at psych wards because patients usually end up worse than they were when first arrival. She wants them all to feel what she felt and just understand the suffering they inflict on many people.
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Jane The Killer
I feel she wouldn't really kill anyone, she's mostly going after Jeff so she's trying to mostly keep people safe, if that makes sense? But if she were to kill, it would probably be security. As bad as she may feel for doing so, it tends to happen that they get in her way to find and properly locate Jeff.
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Nina The Killer
She just does it for fun. She kills whoever she wants to. She does prefer killing other serial killers, though, usually gives her a bit of a challenge, and she's always up for that.
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He doesn't have a preference, he'll see a passer by and spike their drink with some crazy concoction he's created and watch as they slowly start dying whilst taking notes of the effects of said poison.
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She goes for pedophiles and rapists. She tries to help kids when it comes to situations that she had gone through while she was alive, having two forms - which I detail more in my hc, linked here - she l9ves to terrorize these people and make them for crazy, though she doesn't like to get her hands dirty, she prefers making them believe they're hallucinating, which she probably can do. Usually driving the individual to commit suicide in probably the worst ways possible, as she likes to cause more damage when there's a higher chance of them committing.
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jumping-joey1104 · 1 year
TicciWork headcanons 😈
OMG I'll be honest when I first joined the fandom I hated this ship. But you can blame @necroromantics and @crushedsweets for converting me to their religion.
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Ok, so we all know how Toby would be the person to drink literal battery acid if he was dared to, Clock is the one that stops him from doing that
While she's a pretty distant lover, so is Toby which balances out perfectly in their relationship
They are loyal to each other, like Toby would joke around and say another girl looks hot then go into a whole speech on why Clockwork is better in everyway
I feel like they aren't very touchy touchy in public, so a common thing they would do is have a little thing to show that they care.
Like little kuniks where they rub there noses together or back hugs, simple little things that to others seem like a little thing but to them mean the world.
They both have similar outfit choices, Clock would steal Toby's tank tops and Toby would steal her old sweaters
Definitely have matching stuffed animals, not like a big squishmellow but two tiny beanie babies that are just different colors
Even though they're both very stubborn, whenever the other is feeling really bad or going through an episode it's like the other are the only one to actually calm them down.
But when they have to fight together? Dangerous level 100. Toby is very wild but powerful when he fights, add that with someone that's good at planning through fights and someone he listens too? Very dangerous combo
Everyone knows better than to get in between the two of them, while they're very much in love with one another they're also very protective in their silent way
Clockwork definitely bullies Toby a bit, making fun of how short his nails are before painting them so he would stop biting them. Or poking at his eating habits while cooking him something to eat.
I like the little headcanon that Toby is Clockwork's kinda anchor to reality while she's his protector. Like he would let her do his hair if she's mad because he can't feel the pain of the brush in his hair and doesn't care about being made fun of
Meanwhile Toby gives her little gifts constantly. He finds a cool looking stick? Gotta give it to Clock. Shiny rock? Already on her dresser. Dude's like a crow and Clockwork is his favorite human.
These two are one of my favorite ships in the whole CRP fandom next to Helen and Angel. And yes, maybe Angel and Toby would be able to convince their partners to go out on double dates
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adallinda · 3 months
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(Disclaimer : I don't wanna write sad head cannons and this is kinda cannon-fannon-ish like. My apologies if this is bad)
Sally William Headcannons
First of all I like the idea of Sally having a middle name. I likes this idea since I first got in crp and I always headcannoned that her name was Sally Maryam William
Sally kills but like doesn't at the same time. What I mean is that I think she drives her victims insane or drives them to the other killers (Tobias, Ej etc) .
Also I really love the thing about them living in a mansion. It's a great concept and even if it's unrealistic I'll still believe in it religiously.
I honestly think her favorite color is blue and pink. The concept of her favorite color being only pink is very cute but I feel like she would like other colors too!
I think she is a poltergeist, not a ghost. She can go through objects only when she wants too and I like to think she can make herself invisible or transparent. She uses this whenever she scares a victim. Making object fall off from where they were, making little appearances just to scare the victim.
Brotherly relationship between her and Ben, they're both children, I never understood why people shipped them. I see Ben more as an older brother of some sorts for her.
Favourite flowers : Queen of the night and periwinkle. They are so pretty and she just looks like the person that would love those flowers.
Fashion sense? Lolita, morute etc. I mean look at her then straight into my eyes and tell me she wouldn't be into Lolita and/or morute.
Best friends with Nina. I see Nina with a vibrant personality and very energetic, she just seems like the type to get along with Sally. I can totally imagine them painting or making bracelets together.
Sally isn't all innocent, she is a child, she's gonna be emotional. She can have serious moments, funny moments, angry moments like the rest can do. I've seen so many people saying she's all nice and never cries or gets mad like... Hello? I get that Sally is written with a bright personality but she ain't a robot.
I really like to think she likes to take walks through the woods and admire the animals. I think she is an animal lover, probably her favorite animal are bunnies.
Sally has nightmares about her past. No explanatory.
I totally see Sally loving ribbons. 🎀
Prefers splendor over slender. Splendor has a bright personality and enjoys making people smile. They tottaly have tea party's together.
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crushedsweets · 5 months
ok this is like 30+ asks LOL its mostly stuff about me/my art with a little crp sprinkled in im sorry... ill make a post thats actually answering the crp asks with real answers that arent "ILL DO IT EVENTUALLY I SWEAR" lololol
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YOURE BOTH SO SWEET i havent been this passionate about smth in so long so hopefully im here for a while... thank u guys for indulging me. it makes me happy to post LOL
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with love pls dont call me that buuuut. ninakate. ticciwork. ninatoby. ticcijack. ninajack. notice how its all in the same group...
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hiii i dont plan to anytime soon! IF I WERE TO, cody and rouge are probably 'next in line' to being put in my AU, but i have no plans to actually commit to that
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omg ok its funny cuz rn i HAVE ONE but its just me in it cuz im too lazy to organize all the bots and verification and whatnot. im also nervous about making a server cuz of some online occurrences that happened after u sent this HAHA so i'm kinda putting it off... but i reblogged tombs server and im sometimes active in there if u wanna join that one!
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no ur right theyre such a power couple. i know we joke about toby being useless bf and clocky being badass gf but they're both really cool together.
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I FORGOT I MADE THE TWILIGHT COMMENT LMFAAAOOOOOO I NEED i need. i need toby to find a random twilight shirt at a thrift and snag it for kate.
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ME TOOOO its so delightful. i have so much fun playing with them like barbies.. making them kiss n whatever. LMFAOOOO so silly but yk
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JEFF STANS ARE SO FUNNYYYYYYYYY i like you guys. laughing jack stans scare me but thats cuz that damn clown scares me... nothing that yall have done. youre just braver than me. LOL
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i will not do this...
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no literally its really bad. i hold horrible grudges BAHAHA but im working on it. im getting over my purple beef
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omg. i listened to it and that was really cool. i like that thank u sm for sharing
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IM SORRYYYY im so sorry. i feel like this fandom is so small and most of the fans dont really ship in general so it suuuucks shipping here.. but i love them..
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oh my god i need to i keep forgetting. the nina art i jus tposted of her holding th eknife was kinda.. kinda referencing her behaviors..
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i do too!!! ive been neglecting them so bad im so sorry..
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like the IEPFB tea party scene
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is this a song
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i have not! i havent read alot of stories actually... i kinda like doing my own thing with them HAHA
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omfg i had a clocknina drawing but i ended up privating but i think i should unprivate it...
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ok actually im sorry i just am bad at requests omfg LMFAOO IM SORRY im so focused on nina ... forgive me...
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THANK YOUUUU youre very sweet i appreciate you!!! <3
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YEAH he's...one of the more tragic people. 100%. all loss
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wdym ? !
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THANK YOU CUPCAKE i really like nina.. or my version i gues si dunno.. i like everyone else's nina too. i like this nina we got going on together
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ok i keep grouping these together but also making them seperate im so bad at organizing these asks but HAHA I LOVE THEM TOO i swear ill try to get some ticciwork stuff out soon!!! my spring semester is almost over so hopefullyyy..
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this is how you know i suck ass cuz this was christmas time and im replying NOW. im so sorry. i initially planned to draw them hanging around a tree but i didnt get around to it then got embarassed and never replied.... but i agree it would have been cute. ha di notfailed. LOL
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arsenicalikat · 6 months
TOWL - Finale reactions and Holy Shit.
I'm pretty sure we started out with Rick thinking, Fuck, I'm going to have to kill Pearl.
It was way too easy for Michonne to break in. Like way too easy.
Beale, not really a citizen? That's a strange way to put it. They only kill for food or compulsion. Right? What does that mean? Is that a question? Beale sharing his time with Rick, sharing the weight? What the fuck does that mean?
Of course, it was in the cat. Just for Michonne.
But also, all those pictures of Gabe- it kind of sweet in a it didn't have to be that way kind of way.
Lol, Michonne Bodied that soldier.
Beale making Rick take his prosthetic off means he doesn't know how Rick will react. I wonder if someone else reacted poorly to the briefing. And his talking about killing Claimer Joe is wild.
"THe soldier in question has never been someone like you." Hmmmmmmmmm??? What does that mean? Does he want Rick as his successor?
How old is Beale? He went to Nam, twice?
Ummmmm, the teddy? like the first episode? But also shows how brutal the CRM is. Like they are moving stuff and droped a stuffed animal. It makes you wonder how they got it? Why?
Child evacuation protocol? 14 years? 1,000,000 strong hordes? Evolution of the virus? He thinks they are saving humanity. He thinks they are the ones who beat the odds.
He sacrificed Philly to save PA. Such a hardship; it's not like they could fight and save them all.
(I'm only a little sarcastic.)
Only 10% of children saved? What the fuck?
He admitted to Omaha and Campus Colony. Wow.
So, they want to take over the CRP. They want to take over the world.
The walkie going off during the meeting was kind of great. Her walking out of the meeting can be so bad.
He wants Rick as the leader. I felt like that might be coming.
Is Rick really thinking about Killing Beale in his office? That is such a bad idea. I love that Beale took the gun and the prosthetic but not his knife.
Is Beale trying to get Rick to bring in Alexandria? You know that shit isn't real.
Swear on the sword... Holy shit! You know, I don't think Rick has ever not taken a beating in a fight until now. That was the hottest freaking Rick kill ever. My god, I want to watch that over and over.
Please don't have to kill that man in the elevator. You can't leave a trail of bodies that lead to you. Bro, a blood pool? an actual trail...
I love how they came to the same decision at the same time.
ah, shit, he saw the blood. Rick always gets the shit kicked out of him before he wins. That was brutal as fuck.
"Is this yours?" "What's in it?" lol, a body.
Is Pearl going to be the big bad in the next season- I really want a next season, like so bad.
This is the shit we do.
Why the fuck did he leave his hand behind? That is such a good weapon/tool. I mean, that sets up for the comic hook hand, but man, I really liked that hand.
The balls on them to do that surrounded by all those soldiers. Holy hell. They should be pissing their selves.
It took Pearl forever to realize who Dana/Michonne was. Like, she was supposed to be smart.
But using Beale and that soldier to pull the pins? That is freaking smart. Then Pearl coming in at the absolute wrong moment is freaking wild. She just fucked herself, there is no way Michonne will let her live.
The hand-holding was sweet, though.
How the fuck did Thorne live through that?? Is he going to kill her? Like actually? Is it like Shane all over again? He has to kill her like he has to. Fuck her up, Michonne!
Get that man a gas mask, please.
They took it to the CRC/CRP. They took down the CRM. Free movement established. It's done.
Awwww! Omg! It's their babies. It's Judith. It's RJ. Rick sees his baby! "I knew it, Dad." Awwwwww.
"You're the brave man?" I lowkey hated that. "You can call me dad." Awwwww.
Believe a little longer.
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needyvampyres · 4 months
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jeff the killer ns/fw headcanon’s again because i love him and a lovely person requested, so i can’t keep them waiting any longer.
• if you tried hard enough you could make this man submit to you completely, and i think that in his head he’s doing it for you, his baby, and he’s most likely utterly obsessed with you because i don’t think this man acts on small amounts of emotion, that shit means nothing to him, what does mean something is when you’re all he can think of, when even the smell of you drives him crazy.
• i think you’d have to really force out his moans, but i’m telling you now that this man whimpers. i think if you’re on top and you’re moving real slow, since he’s beyond impatient he’d be whimpering and whining, begging you to just give him a bit more. it would be such a cute sight to see because normally you’re in this position lol.
• he definitely initiates everything and it’s never with his words, it’s with his actions. he grips your ass, drags his hands on torso and digs his nails into your waist. like even if you’re in public he will do all of these things and he even might (he most definitely would) drag you to a more private area out there and just have his way with you. pushing your face into a brick wall while his hand is wrapped around your neck, pounding into you from behind as he tells you how much of a slut you are for letting him use you whenever he pleases. he’d pull your hair back and whisper in your ear something along the lines of, “yeah, you want people to see you like this, don’t’ya, sweet thing? ya want them to see i own you.” lol yeah something along those lines.
• i do believe he is a panty stealer, like i said, he’s absolutely obsessed with you but when you’re not around he needs something from you so he can feel like he’s still close by. so, he takes dirty underwear from your laundry basket and cums into them, some he’s ruined so he’s replaced them because he felt bad, but others he just leaves right on top so you can see how desperate you leave him, even if it’s only a few hours.
• when you’re going out without him though he’ll cum inside of your underwear and all over you before you slip it on so it’s just marinating against your skin and each time you feel it heat envelopes your body and the moment you get home you’re basically ripping his clothes off from how much that turned you on.
• if you have a period, i think he enjoys fucking you on it but he changes his tactics because one you’re more sensitive and two, he is savoring the moment. he enjoys how the blood spreads all over his cock and thighs, how it looks on his face after he eats you out, how both blood and cum slide down his throat after he’s done. he goes deep each time and slowly pulls back, enjoying how warm and swollen you feel but him holding back doesn’t last long because his impatience ruins everything. he’d pick up speed but barely disconnect, barely pull back, so he’s completely buried inside of you feeling the overwhelming heat and the wetness that’s inside.
• this one is obvious but he’s definitely carving shit into you no doubt. i think a lot of them would be degrading like “slut” “whore” “cum dump” “dirty cum slut” shit like that and/or he’d carve like “jeff’s property” on your ass or “jtk” on your stomach. he likes branding you, he likes seeing the scar weeks after the occurrence but it doesn’t stop there, no. i believe he’ll reopen them like he does with his scars. he just can’t help it, he’d be so disappointed if they were to close and heal, so of course he has to intervene.
these are just the ones off the top of my head, feel free to comment what you think like if one of mine would be a bit different or if you have a completely different opinion all together, i love sharing with everyone! anyway, guys also let me know if you’d like more and if you’d like them for any other crp character except ben :). okay thanks guys, i hope you enjoy !!
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tyanis · 5 months
It's entirely possible I'm being too sensitive about this, but if a creator opens up about an illness of theirs that disrupts their creative output... maybe choose your words a little carefully when wishing them to get better.
I write a decently popular fic about my favorite ship and in the most recent chapter's notes I opened up about having CRPS. I didn't go into detail about my illness as I find writing out my symptoms somewhat distressing, but I did express that it causes pain and fatigue and intense brain fog thus making it difficult for me to write sometimes.
Most comments I received were great and nobody was intentionally hurtful.
But I did get a few "Get better soon because I NEED this story to continue!" or "Hurry up and get better because MY mental health needs it!" type comments. Often with nothing else added to the comment.
I know they don't mean any harm with it but... when you have a severe chronic illness, you constantly have it in your head that "I only have worth when I'm functional". And like... I'm a person. Not a content farm. Again, I know these people don't mean to hurt me. But I did have to delete a handful that I just couldn't look at. I also tried to explain to some that my illness isn't something that gets better. Just more manageable. But sometimes people just don't get it.
When I was first diagnosed at age 12, I saw my doctor's notes. Their top priority was getting me physically back in school. Pain treatment was second.
My quality of life was less important than me being put back into my shitty public school that had such a bad wheelchair ramp that I couldn't visit the school counselor (the door opened toward the ramp and offered no room to get around it in the chair). Because I had to be functional. And test scores. And absences are bad. All that shit.
Unfortunately there are plenty more instances of this that I've had to deal with for the past 25ish years from employers and family and doctors. But y'all ain't my therapist, so I'll just keep it at that. All that being said... maybe this is a just a me thing because of shit like that. Idk. Also, I'm not in the wheelchair anymore.
I hope all that made sense. Brain fog is rearing it's ugly head and all. And if you guys know my fic, just leave the commenters alone. They meant well (I hope), they just don't know.
And dont get me wrong. I love over the top enthusiasm in comments. But... just be more mindful.
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eldritch-nightmare · 9 months
like listen LISTEN writing a creepypasta story is way more easier than writing a character. think it's because of the 'rules' the fandom has created for no reason.. aka limiting creativity.
"you can't name your character x the killer it's cringe! you can't make your character x's kid it's cringe! you can't make your character wear a hoodie it's cringe!" etc.
I had this friend of mine who has written a crp character who she shipped with Liu and she was harassed out of it, they forced her to recreate her character to hate Liu. lmao what man :(
specially because crp fandom was filled with kids back then and still is. a fandom's like the spark that makes people try to create art and by limiting the works in it that just kinda.. ruins it. let us have fun with our "cliche" ocs. :(
took me a long time to make peace with myself and my s/i who I ship with Zalgo tbh. now I'm making it everyone's problem. anyway if I get more ranty we get into shipcourse and censoreship and I don't want that here lol
YEAH SERIOUSLY like i love this fandom i really do it has been a part of my life since i was 9 and yeah it definitely wasn't the best place for me to be at that age and i definitely had some bad experiences here but i don't think i'll ever grow out of it really. but the weird rules i've seen around the place is just so. tedious. you shouldn't be trying to limit the creativity of another person just because you think what they're trying to create is 'cringe'.
moral of the story here if u want to make an oc named macy the killer or eyeless jamie then go ahead. if u want to make ur oc the kid of zalgo or slender then go ahead. if u want to make ur oc be siblings w jeff nd liu or ben or toby or nina or literally anyone then go ahead. if u want to make an oc for the sole purpose of shipping them w jane or helen or anyone else then go ahead!! don't let people stop u from creating what u want to create. you aren't making it for them, you're making it for yourself. ship your ocs w your faves!! go crazy!! have fun!! create!! that's the whole point!! it doesn't have to be 'good' or original!! you just gotta have fun!!
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creek-ink · 1 year
Heya, what do you about the slenderman movie?? My partner and I had watched a few days ago and man, I have mix feelings about it (ー̀дー́)
ok. so.
I saw this in theaters
(in jeff the killer cosplay *cough*)
it had SO MUCH potential! and then it just spits in ur face!!
the slenderman design was fucking genius, and hell even the movie poster had everyone s0000 hyped bc?? it's bomb?? bombastic even??
it gave so many bad horror tropes and failed to deliver a n y of them. I would have been totally fine if the went a more camp route yk? kinda cheeky? BUT NOT!! it took itself waaayyy to seriously and mixed so many tropes that it all became a jumbled mess.
also how bad the slendermans mythos was? like they completely discarded any of his "lore", and I get it, he's got a lot of conteodicting lore. BUT FFS U HAD T H A T MUCH SOURCE MATERIAL AND U DID WHAT WITH IT??
-but I digress
I love the movie for the soul fact I got to see a pretty cool looking slenderman on the big screen after years of being a crp fan
and now I get to look back on a very silly, very cringy part of my life and just giggle abt it.
my friends r still telling jokes abt this movie to. this. day.
whatever! the movie was bad but the memories I have 4 it r so good <3 (sry for rambling lmao ik half of that is unreadable)
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