#i love her so much come back to meeeee
aenslem · 2 months
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DOCTOR WHO | Flux: Chapter Six - The Vanquishers
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thelov3lybookworm · 2 months
Not a bad decision
Summary: Dresses are stressful.
A/n: A short lil blurb like thing which was supposed to be posted during @/starfallweek, but i decided the other fics were better, so you get this now
(also i feel like i wrote this when i was sleepy even though i did not because this fic's writing feels a lil different from all my other ones 🤷🏻‍♀️)
well well guess who forgot to name the fic. IT WAS MEEEEE
anyways, Enjoy!
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Dresses were not something Y/n was interested in, that much would be clear to anything with a pulse and a brain.
They were something everyone around Y/n was interested in though, and she felt like a rabbit among deers as Feyre gushed about the new seamstress the high lady had hired with her sisters and Mor.
"Oh mother, I am telling you Mor, she makes the most wonderful dresses. The dress I wore last week that you loved? She made it."
Y/n tuned them out, or tried to anyway. They were too loud, so loud that even the mother would have begged them to shut up.
Y/n blinked, glancing up from where she was sharpening her daggers to keep them ready for if she had to go to a mission in the near future.
"Elain asked you what you were going to be wearing to the party." Mor told her, a knowing gleam in her eye.
"Oh." Y/n straightened, clearing her throat as she tried to think of an excuse to what she knew was coming. "Um, I think I'll be getting some new leathers, maybe a new shirt-"
"A shirt?" Nesta questioned, her eyes incredulous.
"Uh yes?" Y/n's cheeks were blazing, and she understood why it was shocking to the newer additions in the Inner circle like Nesta and Elain as they had only recently been made fae, and even then it had been rare for the to attend family parties.
"Y/n hasn't worn dresses in centuries." Mor explained, making Y/n deflate a little in relief.
"But why?"
"That, I don't know."
Y/n rolled her eyes at that. "Wearing a dress is not convenient. I can't fight in it."
And she looked weird in them. She never thought herself beautiful enough to look good or even begin to compare to the other beautiful females, so she never tried to wear anything other than her trusty leathers.
Nesta gave Y/n a look, and having become very close with Nesta to the point where Y/n had even started to consider her a sister, Y/n knew that look meant no good.
"No one is going to try to rip out your throat at a high lord's party you know."
Y/n smiled at Nesta, playing coy as Feyre announced that the seamstress had arrived and was waiting for them in the sitting room. "You never know Nesta, you never know."
"You are wearing a dress for this party. I won't take no for an answer."
Y/n's eyes widened when she realised Nesta was not bluffing. "I- I can't-"
"You will." Nesta muttered, her sentence ending in Y/n's cry of shock as Nesta grabbed Y/n's arm and dragged her over to where the other ladies had disappeared into the sitting rom.
Mother help me.
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Nesta knew about Y/n's harmless little crush on Azriel. Of course she did. She knew everything.
She also insisted that this crush was not harmless, giving some stupid reason how Y/n was getting shyer and more concerned about what Azriel thought about her, leading to her becoming more secluded.
Y/n did not believe Nesta's wild accusations though. She was sure this little infatuation would go away with time, even if it hadn't in the past three hundred years.
"Y/n, are you coming or should I arrange your funeral?"
Y/n rolled her eyes at Nesta's absurd statement as she began walking towards the door.
"And why would you do that?"
Y/n found Nesta glaring at her when she opened her bedroom door.
"Because it sure seems like you were taking your time dying in there."
Y/n laughed, but the sound was short lived as her previous insecurities came rushing back as she glanced down at what she was wearing. She was so scared of how weird she would look she hadn't even glanced in a mirror, and now felt like it was a bad idea to be completely unaware of how she looked because now, she wished to die.
Maybe Nesta should arrange a funeral.
"How do I look?" Y/n questioned, and by the soft look on Nesta's face, Y/n knew her concerns were clear in her voice.
"If I were Azriel, I would kill myself if I wasn't the one removing that dress tonight, I'm just saying." Nesta muttered, shrugging. Y/n gaped at her.
"What- I- I don't even know what to think-"
"Good then. Stop thinking and just enjoy the party. You're already late. All the guests have arrived, and starfall is about to begin soon. We need to hurry."
Y/n nodded, and with a last skeptical look at her dress, she hurried after Nesta.
Starfall was considered a sacred night, and more so in Velaris. Plus add to that the extra and huge show off that was Rhys. The party was bound to be extravagant.
And sure enough, when Y/n stepped into the main ball room where everyone was gathered, drinking and chatting and dancing, Y/n's eyes widened in amazement. It should not have been a shock, considering Y/n had been attending these parties as part of the inner circle for the past three centuries. But this was a party thrown by Rhys, and he had an unbeatable streak of always shocking Y/n with his over the top arrangemens.
"Y/n!" Came the whining voice of Cassian, and Y/n turned to find him running towards where Nesta and Y/n stood, his head turned to look at someone behind him.
Y/n smiled. "What happened?"
At that, Cassian turned to look at the two females, an adorable pout on his lips. "Azriel is not being very nice-"
Cassian's eyes were fixed on Y/n, wide and shocked. She blinked at him, glancing down at herself, doubt again creeping in before she made herself meet his eyes.
"Cass?" Nesta mumbled, a self satisfied smirk on her face.
He blinked, glancing at Nesta for a moment before turning back to Y/n. "You- you look good."
Blood rushed to Y/n's cheeks at that. "Thank you."
He nodded, his eyes running down her frame quickly before he seemed to remember what he came here for. "Azriel. He's fighting with me."
Y/n blinked. "Fighting? For what?"
"I begged him to drink with me, and he said no. And then he was being mean and not nice at all."
Y/n laughed, patting his shoulder. "I'll take care of him, don't worry."
He seemed satisfied. "He is right next to the refreshments table."
Y/n nodded uncertainly, then went off to find Azriel.
She found him exactly where Cassian had said she would, and she walked up to him with a deep breath.
"I heard you were bullying Cassian."
He turned to meet her eyes, then froze. Y/n had to stifle the urge to cover herself somehow with the way he was studying her form. He himself looked ravishing, clad in a tight shirt and a coat.
To get some semblance of control back, she snapped her fingers in front of his unfairly handsome ace, and he startled.
That in turn startled Y/n.
She, a mere fae, had managed to startle the spymaster of night court? This was certainly new.
"I- what? Did you say something?"
He... was he... blushing?
No why would he blush?
Was he?
"I heard you were bullying Cassian?"
His brows furrowed. "I haven't seen him since this morning though."
Y/n blinked, then whipped around to glare at where Cassian and Nesta were standing, off in a dark, secluded corner, and giggling among themselves.
Y/n folded her arms across her chest, feeling betrayed, but before she could think more about that, Azriel's voice broke her focus.
"Um, Y/n? Will you- can I have a dance?"
Y/n stared at his nervously shifting form, speechless. "You- you want to dance... with me?"
He nodded, his confidence seeming to increase as he extended his hand, his gaze boring deep into Y/n's eyes. So deep it seemed to touch her soul.
Blushing, she slid her hand into his scarred one, and, in a burst of boldness, ran her thumb over the back of his hand. The move seemed to shock him, but still, he led her to the dance floor, his back straight, wings high.
As she followed behind him, she could not help but glance around in search of Nesta, a wide smile on her face when her best friend gave her a thumbs up.
Maybe this was a good idea after all.
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Acotar Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392 @kennedy-brooke @tele86 @miluiel1 @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter @piceous21 @mybestfriendmademe @saltedcoffeescotch @eve175 @starsinyourseyes @starswholistenanddreamsanswered @cumuluscranium @byyalady @lilah-asteria @girlswithimagination @gardenofrunar
Azriel Taglist: @darthdumbasss @foreverrandomwritings @azrielsmate3 @celestialend @stqrgirlies-blog @tele86 @bakananya @xyzmeh @st4r-girl-official @caraaaaugh @nacho-nat @allllium
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yourlittlettoy · 20 days
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Just for the sake of using this blog like an actual blogging space 💁🏻‍♀️✨ let me tell you about how my first NEST went!!
For those of you that aren’t familiar, NEST is one of the biggest fetish gatherings in North America for us t-word enthusiasts! I’ve known about it since forever ago, and this may it was my first time actually attending. It was: everything I’d hoped it would be (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡ here are some highlights!
This gathering was probably one of the biggest I’ve ever been to in terms of the amount of friends I saw alone! There were pals from our Tumblr community, friends from Japan, everyone from my gathering friend groups, and lots of friends from my local community as well. It was really heaven to just be with all of my favourite people all at once and in one place (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡
The events were REALLY COOL! Definitely a gathering with one of the most comprehensive schedules I’ve ever experienced! I participated in as much as I could, but notably the squid games, auctions, and t-word-theatre (which is a big public t-word show where someone get’s got in front of an audience in a very theatrical way!) was super cool! Having said that…
I GOT KIDNAPPED!! Well, “napped” 😅 don’t worry, no real felonies here hahaha. When I applied to be ‘napped like back in the beginning of the year, I didn’t hear anything back at all about the process of how that was going. Knowing not every applicant ends up getting chosen, I didn’t let myself keep my hopes up. Long story short.. after I excitedly went to the t-word theatre event all pumped to watch someone get got… to my great surprise, that person was gonna be me lmao ‼️😱 I was kinda *taken* from my seat and tied to a chair in front of everyone, then a game show-dating show scenario played out with 3 bachelors behind a curtain answering questions (really funny and witty answers, might I add) that the show host threw their way 😆. Of course, then the host eventually asks the question “our bachelorette loves to laugh, how would you make her laugh?” … and basically I watched as all of them came through the curtain to come get me 😱 one by one…. And then !!! OF COURSE ALL THREE HAD TO COME AT ONCE 😱💀😵!!! And I couldn’t take it right so I was yelling “help meeee” hahaha ya know cause pooOOooOoOor meeeee 🤪😇. And the host was like… “sure I’ll help them” AND JOINED IN ON THE LERS SIDE 💀💀💀! ANYWAYYYY despite how extremely evil that was 😜🥺, it was 10/10 one of the coolest experiences of my life, I got an “I got napped” certificate AND it made me really happy when people approached me later saying they liked my scene (˘▽˘ʃƪ)・゚✧♡ THANK U NEST FOR CHOOSING MEEEE! 🩷
This was the first gathering I been to with a partner and he was beyond lovely and supportive and we didn’t struggle with feeling any kind of restrictions due to each other .. and this means a lot because I intend on going to gatherings for as long as I can and the fact that that won’t interfere with my love life is truly a dream come true for me :)
Oh, and I experienced getting t-worded by one of my most sadistic gal pals in a fully nylon body suit and 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫 I think my soul left my body that day lmaoooo RIP ME
Those are the highlights!!! This post really is a summary but happy to share more details if there are any questions 😁 thank you for reading and for following along this lil journey with me <3 I adore and appreciate all of you here with me right now! We’ve come a long way 🥰 maybe see some of you next year!!! 👀😙 that would be amazing!
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simpjaes · 5 months
I’m on my period dreaming abt Jaykeeeeeee as the number 1 Jaykeeee whore I thought I’d let you know I can’t stop picturing Jayke so obsessed with their girl they even eat her out on her period ;O
Don’t hate meeeee oymygod I love you smmmmmm ;’~D heartttuuuu<333333!!!!!
oomf all you had to do was say "saltburn jayke" but you rly went full out cotton candy slut mode with this but okay ily i guess
warnings: period munching, if you can't deal with blood don't read this bc it's a mess but they like it so............
It's a thing.
These days anyway. Then again, you probably shouldn't be surprised considering you've managed to bag two boyfriends who love you to the end of the earth and back.
It's the fact that they don't even compete. They actually contrast each other, where one may be too tired and the other is full of energy. Or one rough, the other too soft to lay a hand on you in a way that might sting.
It's kind of nice.
Especially during your period.
For months, every month, they try to encourage you. They're not grossed out. They're just your happy, pretty boyfriends, wanting nothing more than to taste another sweet flavor of you.
You could argue this flavor isn't nearly as sweet as they hope it to be, but it doesn't change the fact that they're the only one to make you feel safe and comfortable enough to allow such a thing.
It always started with Jake, rutting himself against you despite knowing what time of the month it is. Leaving little sighs of "please," and "blood doesn't scare me, it'll help your cramps." Followed shortly by Jay just behind you, hugging you away from Jake unemotionally just so you can feel how turned on he is. "He's right, baby, we can lay down a towel? Get in the shower?" You always denied it, up until this point anyway. Where Jake is already crawling between your legs where Jay is holding them open. You feel gross, but they don't entirely let you give in to that insecurity. The point is, you were okay with them fucking you like this, not tasting it.
They both seemed to be on a war path though. The second you nodded Jake was on his knees and Jay was jumping into action to give his girlfriend's boyfriend easy access. It's the fact that Jake likes it. Dips in like there's nothing seeping out of you but the sweet essence of arousal. Arguably, you'd think whatever it is he's tasting is much thicker than usual. Much more metallic.
But oh, when he pulls back with that drunken and crooked smile on his face, lips lined with red, dripping down his chin, you find it hard not to hide your face initially.
He looked so beautiful. Jay made sure you could see it, gently removing your arms with his own smile, flicking his head back to Jake as if he couldn't wait his own turn.
"Come on, he loves it. Don't be embarrassed." Jay says, voice seeped with ease and arousal. And Jake would remain silent, licking his lips, thumbing the blood against his chin up and against that same already bloodied tongue before Jay moves down and makes room for himself. Spreading your legs impossibly wide, Jay appears far more eager after seeing Jake enjoy himself with each and every scent and flavor of you. Licking up the blood like he was truly born a vampire. Like the blood fills him with life and youth. It kind of fucks you up, really, watching them take turns dip in as if you're not an absolute cramping mess before them, but they take their time.
All the way until your muscles are forced to tense, and then relax, and tense again, and relax again. The mixture of blood and cum shared between both of them to the point all they can do is moan into each other's mouth, both aiming at your clit in a mess of warmth. Feeling two tongues in the same spot has always been a lot to take in, but all of it paired with everything else, along with seeing that pretty red contrast with their moaning mouths, on the tips of their noses, smeared against their chins? What's not to love about mother nature at this point?
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blissxjj · 7 months
This one is my friend's request she sent me a message asking me to write for
"Write a scenario for when MC is afraid of something like some kind of phobia and asks the brothers for help some help her some tease her and some take advantage of the situation 😏"
Thank you so much for the idea<3
Swear words.
Lucifer: (Helps MC)
When you came running to his study like a killer was chasing you he was so alarmed that he stood guard from his desk when you hid behind him and said shaking
"T-there i-is a m-m-mouse in my r-room please..."
You didn't need to say more he just sprung into action and left his study mumbling something
You slammed his study door shut and he was surprised
Are you really that scared of mice they won't hurt you you are bigger and stronger than any mouse yet they make you shake in you shoes
He captured the little fella and let him out away
When he tried to enter his study room you slammed the door again
"Don't you dare come in here with it in your hand" you warned him
"It's outside MC i don't have it on me" he said
You crack the door to look at his hand and he signed when you opened it
"Seriously you are so extra" He said
You just rolled your eyes and left his study like nothing happened.
Mammon (Takes Advantage of MC)
It was mammon's cooking duty but being the good girlfriend that you are you went to help him with it
He was doing most of the work while you just handed him ingredients and tools
"Mammooooooooon!" Your scream was so loud Mammon dropped everything and came to your rescue
When he saw a little insects on the floor
Mammon picked it up laughing his head off at your scared figure shaking in the corner of the kitchen
"Mammon you stupid idiot throw it out" when you said that Mammon had a good idea in his mind slowly he walked towards you with the insect in hand
"What did you say?" He said teasingly
"I didn't say anything just throw it out" you said now realizing your mistakes
"Come to think about it you didn't tell me how much you love me today" Mammon pinned you to the corner with his empty hand
You were shaking at this point
"I l-love you so much Mammon" you said
"And~" he said getting the insect closer to your face
"And you will always be my first and favorite demon"
"Wrong answer"
"And you are so great and funny and smart and strong and handsome please get it off meeeee!" Your tears threatening to fall
Mammon just threw it out the window and chuckled
"That's not funny do it again and you will be single!" You said
"Oh really?"
"This is not a threat this is a promise try me m*****f*****".
Satan (Helps MC)
"AHHHHH!" you screamed running out your room and straight to Satan's
He was ready to yell at you for the noise, the door slam and interrupting his reading but he stopped when he saw your eyes all red and glossy
"S-satan why did the power went off like that?" You sniffled and he sighed
"Darling there is a storm outside it looks like we will be like this for a while" he said
All you can see is his shining demonic green eyes and you knew he could see in the dark and you couldn't so you just stuck beside him like a leech
"Satan baby can i stay here with you?" You asked
"No i am busy and you need to go as soon as the power comes back on" he said going back to reading his book
"I can't i am afraid of the dark and what if the power goes back off so please let me stay i won't speak i will just hold your hand and sleep" you said hoping he would change his mind but he didn't
"Fine i will go ask Lucifer then" you got up to leave when you felt him grab your arm and pulled you back down
"You really know how to get on my nerves human" he said
"You will let me stay?" You said
"Just stay quiet please" he kissed your forehead and went back to his book
Few minutes and you said
"Can you read me bed time stories?" You asked and he opened his mouth to reply but you closed it back up with a kiss and once you pulled away you added
"Pretty please my love" you said
Satan just stared for few seconds then said
"Pick a book"
"YAY! You are the best i would like you to read 'Flower with thorns' for me" you said snuggling close to his chest knowing that you will be asleep before the first chapter ends
Beelzebub (Helps MC)
You were working out with Beel...well he was working out you just worked as extra weight for him to carry
When he was done he picked you up bridal style and was rocking you playfully back and forth when he saw the look of horror on your face looking up the wall a giant spider was crawling on it
"B-beel" you said but before you say anything Beel put you down and killed the spider with his hands
When he came back to pick you up you backed away from him which made him confused but soon realized that he will have to wash his hands before touching you again so he went and took a shower as a whole and you did the same
Cuddling on his bed when you said
"Beel thank you for killing that spider earlieri don't know what i would've done without you" you said rubbing your hand on his chest
He blushed and swallowed his snack before saying
"I am glad to help MC i won't let anything hurt you" he said squeezing your hand
You give him a kiss before both of you drift off to sleep
Belphie: (Takes advantage of MC)
"Belphie STOP!" You ran to your room and closed the door holding it shut for dear life because Belphie was holding an insect in his hand trying to put it on you
He overpowered you and came in you screamed and ran around the room till he cornered you
You started to cry but unlike Mammon he is not that easy to convince
"What do you want" you said hiding your head in his cow pillow that was on the ground
He took a moment to appreciate the cute sight of you curled up on the ground and said
"How about a deal? I kill the insect and you give me your desert for a week" he said
"How about you stop being spoiled and protect me instead of scaring me" your words hit him right and he put the insect away and killed it he grabbed your hand to pull you up for a hug but you didn't want that
"Let me go i am mad at you" you said crawling away from him when he pounced on you and pinned you down to the ground and said
"Aw please MC forgive me i was just joking" he begged
"If you think i will let you off the hook that easily you are dead wrong Belphegor" you said
Yep he f up and he knew so when you called him his actual full name.
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colourstreakgryffin · 9 months
Headcannons for girldad tengen, specifically makio's child?
Ooh! Okay! Basically just Papa Tengen! I think he makes a really great father, to be honest
Uzui Tengen- Flashiest Father
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Tengen is so relieved when Makio delivers you safely. He is crying hysterically as he holds you in his arms whilst he kisses his lovely wife Makio several times. He was just so thankful both of you are okay and healthy
Tengen is very playful and with a vivid sense of imagination, he is able to play with you very well. Rather he has one eye and one hand, he can easily play pretend for hours. His acting is beyond convincing
Tengen is a extremely overprotective father, so he is hissy over boys approaching you(since due to the Uzui genes, you’re absolutely gorgeous) and he always drags you away from them, proclaiming you must never have a boyfriend until you are 50! Yes, he is one of those fathers
Tengen spoils you since he feels you deserve the most luxurious, gorgeous clothes and items ever! He will always teach you basic human humanity and morality so you don’t end up a spoiled brat, but he will buy you the expensive kimono or two everyday
Tengen hides his past Demon Slayer Corp history from you. Since it could cause lots of problems, he is defensive over you so the idea of you wanting to become a Demon Slayer or going out to hunt down demons makes his heart stop in fear
Throughout all of your childhood, Tengen is attached to you and follows you around, he wants to always play with you and be around you so anytime you leave, he crumbles apart. You’re his princess and he needs Makio to comfort him. Tengen does spring back when you come home running to hug him
Tengen did cry a lot when the white hair clump in your black grows out. You look just so beautiful and no child matches you, Tengen always claims. He is falling into pieces when you’re a teenager, you’re a showstopper and he can’t believe you’re his baby
Tengen likes blinging you out with cute gemstones and flashy colours. All throughout your childhood to teenagehood, he wants you to look so beautiful and eccentric, that everybody drops to the floor at the sight of you. You deserve to look like a real gemstone to your loving father
Tengen likes it when you wake him up by jumping on his back/stomach. You’re excited to see your daddy and he gets lots of pride out of that. That his firstborn loves him so dearly
Tengen isn’t really the jealous type when you spend lots of time with your mother, Makio and stepmothers, Hinatsuru and Suma but he wants you to come back to him as soon as possible. He loves you so much and he has lots of plans for games with you
Tengen willingly lets Makio teach you about girly things more since he trusts his wife to educate their girl perfectly, but at the same time, he wants to educate you himself since he just loves being around you. He loves holding, hugging and kissing his firstborn
Tengen isn’t favouritistic, but he has more history with you then all of your younger siblings so he thinks to always take your side but at the end of the day, he loves every one of his children and he will discipline you if you do wrong
“My Babygirl! She’s getting so big, get smaller. Please, I don’t want my little gemstone to grow up, she doesn’t love her father anymore! Always with her mother now, what about meeeee?”
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baxteravenue · 10 months
summary: during quarantine you find yourself finding comfort in an up and coming rapper from louisville who is pretty active with his fans, a couple later you end up messaging his fan number never expecting anything from it...
a/n: sorry if this sucks, this was one of those pieces i wrote mostly for me and what i wish would happen when i message that damn number lol, anyways hope you enjoy!!
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Jack Harlow had always been one of your favorite artists since the early start of quarantine when you had seen a tik tok of a baby-faced rapper promoting a song that you had not been able to get out of your head. 
At first it was just his music, you loved it and literally couldn’t get enough that you would spend your quarantine listening to it and soon it followed with you diving head first into his  interviews and ‘Funny Jack Harlow Moments’... you were infatuated with and it bled into Twitter. 
You used your personal twitter, never fully committing to the whole stan persona because you were still kinda iffy about all that. 
In late 2020 and early 2021 Jack was still so active with everything and all the indirects he would get, he was especially active with the tweets that would come from you. You quickly became one of his favorite accounts.
You were super surprised one random day when he followed you, sending you a DM with your tweet linked to it.
YOURTWITTERNAME— dua lipa is stuck in my heaaaaaaad
JackHarlow: My song or u just gotta crush on her ?
JackHarlow: You comin to any shows? |
JackHarlow: Daaaaaaaaamn Y/N don’t treat me like a second choice
YOURTWITTERNAME: next time to do something problematic so it’s easier to get tickets
JackHarlow: Mmmmm
YOURTWITTERNAME: not too much now sassy pants
It was the first and last time that the two of you had exchanged more than a few words or emojis from when he would reply to you on the timeline but it was also the last time that the two of you would talk before he went on tour and stopped getting so active on twitter in general.
You also slowly but surely stopped talking about Jack on Twitter since going back to school in person and just finding a social life, leaving your parasocial relationship with him in the past.
That was until a week ago when he had randomly dropped another album, and decided to promote it by releasing a number that he would be able to communicate with his fans with. It made you smile, this album was for him and the people who truly got him. 
You couldn’t help it, even though you hadn’t thought about Jack in a while it still didn’t stop you from listening to his album and eventually messaging the number. 
Y/N: i love the album, i know I don’t know you like that but it  feels so you… proud of youuuuu
You never expected a response especially since you were so sure that his inbox was probably flooding with messages from other fans but on the other side of the U.S. Jack’s eyes had caught your name, his head flashing back to yours and his relationship from once before. His number one. 
Jack: I’m so glad you love it Y/N , your opinion always gonna mean so much to me
Y/N: questions so about meeeee
Jack: Funny girl huh? You the one who stopped texting and tweeting making me think I fell off
Y/N: WAIT.. not you really texting lmao i thought this was AI
Jack: {SELFIE} Hi
Y/N: still sexy i see
Jack: Staaaaawpppp dont make me blush
Texting Jack felt so weird this time, because it felt normal… like there was no gap between the two of you. Like the two of you had known eachother forever and had always been friends. 
When you texted he would respond and sometimes he would even text you first. Things even started getting insanely personal and close when he had requested you on Instagram, something that completely took you by surprise since you had never even given him your name like that.
Y/N: did u just request me?
Jack: Was that weird?
Y/N: I’m confused…
Jack: Nothing confusing just press confirm 
Y/N: ok smart ass u know what i mean
When you had finally accepted him he was quick to text you.
Jack: I’m lurking 
Y/N: are you now?
Jack: You’re really fuckin pretty how come I never knew that?
Y/N: i don’t know about all that
Jack: Why is ur face not plastered everywhere 
Jack: It should be everywhere 
Jack: Gorgeous 
You could feel your heartbeat increase and as much as you wanted to allow yourself to feel something you couldn’t because you didn’t know him enough to take it seriously. He could very well be saying this to all his fans. Because that’s what you were… a fan.
You were in a random Barnes and Noble when an unknown number started calling you, you gave your phone a confused look before declining it going back to looking at the shelves. 
Unknown: Answer the phoneeee
Y/N: do i know u weird ass?
Unknown: Damn ur mean
Unknown: Answer the phoneeeeee
Your eyes widened as a live picture of Jack Harlow sent after the last text and then the phone began ringing again.
Was Jack Harlow calling you? There was just no fucking way.
“Did I win a giveaway or something?” You spoke softly into the phone and you almost dropped your coffee as a familiar voice spoke back.
“That’s how you sound? This shit is crazy…” Jack sighed.
You giggled, “I’m confused?”
“You sound just how I pictured.” 
“Why are you calling me, Mr. Harlow?”
“I want to meet you Y/N…” Jack spoke lowly, “I’m gonna keep it a buck and shit if you wanna sell this story to TMZ let me know but I don’t really do this and you know people want a lot from me but I feel like you don’t and shit I may just be talking but… Why you laughing?”
You smiled, “Because you’re you and yet you're stumbling all over your words.”
“What would the world think?” You could almost hear his smile.
You bit your lip confused, “Why do you want to meet me?”
It was quiet for a second before Jack spoke. “Can I be honest with you?”
He let out a chuckle, “I believe that I have a crush on you, Y/N.”
“And what are you gonna do about that?”
And that was how you ended up in Las Vegas after being flown out by Jack Harlow…
You had told him once that you lived in Los Angeles, you didn’t expect him to remember but he did. 
Should you have been scared? A man you never met flying you to him to meet for the first time? Sure, but you weren’t because this was Jack, someone who you had been having regular conversations with daily for the past few months. The same guy who admitted to having a crush on you.
But then again this was Jack, a guy you really didn’t know if you were actually being serious. This could have been all a part of a really weird Hollywood cult initiation thing.
Jesus, everything that was coming out of your mouth sounded insane.
To say you were second guessing everything and anything was an understatement, and you were just about ready to hop on the next flight back to Los Angeles— Until you saw him, all covered up in a New Balance set as if it was doing a lot to hide his tall figure.
You smiled at him, instantly grabbing his attention making him do a light jog to you.
His smile was even prettier in person and if you took the time you could count all the freckles on his face. 
“Hi.” Jack smiled at you, before pulling a bouquet of…
“Are those Hyacinths?” Those were your favorite flowers, you don’t think you ever even told him that yet there they were in a bouquet in his hand.
Jack shrugged, smiling even bigger. “Like I said I was lurking and may or may not have found through a tweet about animal crossing, which by the way I would love to visit you on your island.”
He was perfect, insanely perfect.
You grabbed them, pulling the bouquet closer to your chest. “They're gorgeous, thank you so much.” 
“This is gonna sound really middle school but can I hug you?”
You laughed, before wrapping your arms around him feeling his wrap around you too. You could hear his heart beating.
You looked up at him seeing that he was already looking down at you, “It’s nice to meet you Jack.”
“Right back at you, pretty girl.” 
You felt like you were floating as Jack threw his arm over your shoulder, leading you through the busy airport to where his car was waiting. 
“Finally, they were just about damn ready to arrest me for parking here.” A familiar face appeared as you walked up to the car.
“Not your fault of course,” The guy winked at you, “I’m Urban.”
Jack quickly brought you closer to him, laughing. “She doesn’t care Urb, now get in the back.”
You smiled, “He doesn’t speak for me. Nice to meet you Urban, I’m Y/N.”
“I hope you chill him out, fame has gotten to his head.” 
“I’m sure.” You gave Jack a look before hopping in the passenger seat.
Jack sighed as he got into the car, “I’m not sure I like what’s going on here.”
The drive back to the hotel was full of laughter and getting to know Urban as he talked all the way back. You thought he was funny and could see yourself getting along with him. 
Your eyes widened as you rode the elevator up, having to tap the card and put a special code to ride up to a private floor that Jack was staying at.
“I’m not being promiscuous by the way, this penthouse has four rooms so you get your own, but if you want like your own room-room that’s cool too and I can make the call I just want you to be comfortable.”
“It’s fine,” You smiled up at Jack. “It’s perfect.”
“Like you.” Jack winked.
“And that’s my cue.” Urban groaned, “Let me know when yall are done being all cute and shit.” 
“Gonna be a while, I don’t think she can.” 
“Goodbye!” You could hear the elevator close leaving just you and Jack in the suite.
“I’ll show you your room, so I can put down your heavy ass bag.” 
“I told you, you didn’t have to carry it.” You said as you tried grabbing the bag from him, making him pull it up out of your reach.
“Nah, nah.” He shook his head, leading you to your room, the bag still being held up high, “I just did arm day so this is something light.” 
You looked at how toned his arms looked as he set down your bag on the dresser in the room he had for you. 
You sat down on the bed, “Comfy.”
“Better be, shit cost a ton.” He sat down next to me, “Still not used to all this.”
“Are you excited?” You asked him, “For tomorrow? I was lurking on Twitter and I saw that a lot of your fans are coming.”
“Yeah, I love em’.” Jack smiled, “Want to put on a good show for them especially for canceling so last minute last time. I even had my manager plan a little secret missionary party for them to get to know each other tonight.” 
“You’re so sweet, are you gonna make an appearance?” 
He shook his head, “Got something else planned for tonight.” 
Jack shrugged, “I don’t know, like taking a pretty girl out on a date.”
You nodded, “Hope she has a fun night… I might go visit that Jack Harlow fan party because you know I’m a fan.” 
“You’re more than that to me, Y/N.” Jack shook his head, “I hope you know that.”
You wanted to believe it, you really did. But seeing as Jack had chosen a weekend where Vegas would be littered with his fans making it easy to move you into the fan category if he wanted to in case people started asking questions. 
You nodded, “Okay.” 
Your eyes opened slowly as you woke up from an accidental sleep, you blinked as the once bright room was covered in darkness. How long have you been asleep? How did you even fall asleep?
The date, shit.
You quickly got up, heading to the restroom that was connected to your room brushing your teeth and splashing your face with water to wake you up some more. 
“She’s asleep… She got in early… No, it's only been like an hour and a half… Thanks, I'll let you know how it goes… I’m not talking to her… Enough, bye.”
You could hear him talking from the other side of the door. You waited for him to finish his conversation not wanting to interrupt anything. 
Slowly, you opened the door walking out in the living room area. His back was faced to you but it didn’t take long for him to turn around, giving you a smile.
“Have a nice nap, pretty girl?”
“Why did you let me fall asleep?” You asked, a little upset that you had wasted precious time with Jack. 
He stood up, walking over to you. “It’s okay you weren't even asleep for a long time. Plus that was my bad for booking you such an early flight. I would have done the same.” Jack took your hand leading you around the couch, “Hungry?” 
You gave him a deep stare, “Starved.”
Being around Jack felt surreal, almost like you were in a daze.
Eating breakfast, giggling like high schoolers, and just overall getting to know one another was unlike anything you had experienced previously. You were excited about it all— Until reality came to view.
Right when the two of you were about to head out to the dinner that Jack had planned for the two of you he had gotten a call that he had to take in the other room, leaving you with your thoughts about everything that was going on and how everything would end up when you eventually would have to leave.
You frowned as Jack came back in with an annoyed look, “I’m gonna make this up to you pretty girl. I promise.”
“What happened?”
“Club called, wanted me to do an appearance tonight supposedly it was on the contract which is bullshit.” He sighed, “I gotta be there for at least two hours.” 
“Two hours?” 
“Look when I come back we can—”
You felt like someone had slapped you in the face, “You want me to stay here?”
Jack felt like an asshole. “Pretty girl, it’s just… At these clubs it’s a lot and people take pictures and I don’t want them to ruin this.”
Right. Of course he wouldn’t  want pictures of the two of you together. Gosh, you hope your sadness and disappointment show on your face but when Jack looked at you again you could tell it did. He was looking at you as if you were a kicked puppy— like the girls used to in middle school when you wanted to hang out and they didn’t have the guts to tell you no but they weren't exactly gonna tell you yes either. 
“Oh, yeah that makes sense I guess. Um…” You didn’t know what to say in a situation like this, you couldn't exactly argue the two of you were nothing. “I’m tired anyways so yeah… Have fun Jack.” 
Jack shook his head, “You’re not tired and you know what fuck it. I’m my own person and if I wanna bring a girl out to something I can.”
Okay, now you were confused which was easily filled in by Jack.
“My management has this thing with image, they portray me exactly how they want me to be and if a heartthrob rapper is who they want me to be I can’t exactly say no… or I couldn’t before.” Jack sighed, “Look Y/N… talking to you these past few months on the phone, in text, and everything in between that's the realest I’ve ever felt with someone in a really long time.”
“Mm-mm.” He shook his head, “I see the way you’re holding back with me and I don’t want you to. I flew you out to Miami because I needed to meet you, to see you, and I want to continue to see you because I really like you.”
“I’m nobody though, Jack. I’m just your fan.”
“And I’m obsessed that you're my fan but you're much more than that to me.” Jack smiled, “You’re Y/N, a girl who’s obsessed with Taylor Swift, and corrects people when they call Grogu ‘Baby Yoda’, you're someone who loves a cute drink even when they taste horrible, you're the only person I know that can spend hours at Barnes and Noble… You’re much more than my fan Y/N.”
You had spent so much time thinking all of this was one sided like you were the only one learning things about him but it just wasn’t true because he was listening. He was listening to it all, even the smallest details about you that you had only brought up for a second.
“That was the most romantic thing that’s ever happened to me.” You smiled.
“Not the paid for airplane ticket and expensive ass suite.” Jack smiled back at you cheekily. 
You shook your head, moving closer. “I’m gonna kiss you now.”
Jack leaned down, “I’d be offended if you didn’t.” 
And just like that, all the doubt and negative thoughts had washed away when his lips met yours because now you knew that it was all real. Every single feeling that you felt, every feeling that he felt… It was real.
The two of you pulled away breathless.
“I’ve been waiting to do that since you stepped off that plane, and I don’t think I’m ever waiting again.” Jack brought his hand up to cup your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “My pretty girl.”
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fluffistuffin · 4 months
Wally Darling X Reader
The reader misses Wally when he leaves to play with his friends. Fluff. Reader is real attached to Wally. Reader and Wally love each other dearly.
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It was one of those nice days where the wind brushed against yout skin, but the sun still kept you warm. A perfect day to lay in the grass with your favorite little puppet. Even as the laughter of your other neighbors game of tag echoed through the neighborhood you kept Wally close to your chest. Sweet kisses to his neck coaxed staccatoed giggles from him. "Stay with meeee~" You cooed to him.
He wriggled away from your affections, a little sparkle in his eyes showing he was still enjoying the attention. "Nooo!" He put his hands to your mouth. "I promised Juile I'd play with her!"
You made some fake chomping noises and pressed your mouth further into his hands. He yanked his hands back and laughed harder. You took the opening to pepper kisses all over his face.
He arched his back away from you as much as it could allow with you clinging on to his waist. "I promised!"
You just followed him making over exaggerated kissy sounds. "Julie has everyone else playing with her!" You whined. "Stay with meeeee!"
Wally reached for your face and pouted just a bit. "I promised." He was serious.
With a sigh you lossened your grip. "Okay."
Wally smiled and leaned in to press his mouth to yours. "Mmmmwah! Good bye…” He took a few moments to stare at your face, fondness ebbing in his eyes. “I love you!" He leaned to give you another kiss, longer than the last one. To which he giggled after.
You kissed him back before letting him go. When he finally disappeared behind the houses your whole body deflated.
If you took a nap maybe he'd come back sooner.
But… it was hard to sleep without him.
Who were you kidding! I has hard to do… much of anything without him. What else was there besides his perpetually smiling face? It was so easy to do the same when he constantly radiated love and positivity.
What else was there to do but wait?
So that's what you did, getting a bit sadder the longer Wally was gone. The sounds of laughter in the background only made it worse. Why you didn't you go play with everyone else, you didn't know. It would have been so much easier… but…
“Most?” You took your arm off of your eyes. There he was, as cheery as ever. Except… the space above his eyes were slightly creased… almost worried? He reached out and cupped your cheek. “Do you… need help?” He brushed the hair from your forehead and pressed a kiss to your temple. “I didn't know… how to get up…” Even through his monotonous speech pattern you could feel the tenderness. “For a long… time either.” Or maybe it was how gentle he was with everything, like it was the most important jewel.
You sighed when you fully registered what he had said, a chuckle sneaking out at the end. “My hero!” Wally helped you off the ground, even though it was mostly you, he seemed so pleased to have doneanything at all.
He reached for your hand, which you took gladly. “Let's go Home… it's getting late.”
“Can he snuggle?”
Wally's smile grew just the slightest bit. He opted to wrap both his arms around yours instead. “I would love that… I missed you.”
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j0kers-light · 6 months
Could you write a little something in which the joker thinks he has lost his light? She's not actually dead but maybe kidnapped during a robbery or something. He thinks he saw her dying but idk how he finds out she is still alive. He goes after her and retrieves her. Of course she is both mentally and physically scarred but with time she ends up healing those scars.
I know it's not very detailed, I'm sorry🥺
His Lighthouse: Just One Check (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Just One Check- Oneshot
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@darthjokerisyourfather hey hi love! Thank you so much for lighting the spark that cured my writer's block! This is just what I needed to get back to writing although I couldn't find a cool title for this one. Might change that later lol.
I hope I did this one justice, if not message me and I can try again! 😭
@blackreaderatrisk @twinkledinkle @clemdango04 @l3ejm @tears-of-amber @what-an-angel @darthjokerisyourfather @thatsnoteii @dollster @cheetahspy @kaidennnnn @urdariingdoll @motivation-idontknowher @ins0mniac-whack @spaghettificationandpretzels @reneisance @alittlesmartcookie @ninacutebee16 @carydorse
Let me know if you wish to be added to the official His Lighthouse taglist! 🖤✨ 
There was no telling what could happen at a bank in Gotham City. The average citizen risked the chance of being involved in a robbery or the greatest displeasure of being stuck in line for hours only for the teller to run out of cash halfway through. Both were a drag.
Today happened to be the former.
"It's just one check Joker. I'll be back before you now I'm gone." You already had your shoes on and were shrugging on a jacket when Joker intercepted you in the foyer.
He wanted you to stay with him today, not going out doing errands that could wait until whenever.
Joker watched your every move as you continued to get ready to leave him. Nothing he said persuaded you to stay so he resorted to straight up whining.
"Why can't ya wait til tomorrow? Come back and lay with meeeee..." His handsome pout was adorable and convincing... but it wouldn't work on you today.
"It can't wait. The banks will be closed tomorrow. National holiday, remember? Don't worry, I'll be back in an hour." You bounced back over to kiss Joker but he swatted you away, only to grab your face and smother you with kisses. Always loving you on his terms or not at all.
He hummed and tried to wrap his arm around your waist but you were hip to his schemes. You dodged his affections and made your way to the door. "Don't give me that look. I'll be back!"
"Yeah, yeah. One hour, Bunny. Your time starts errrrr now." He grumbled as you blew him a kiss and walked out the door.
He was serious about timing you but he added a few extra minutes for traffic. With that squared away, he returned to the couch to wait for your return.
It was just a check for a few hundred bucks, but you wanted to deposit it before it expired and/or you forgot about it.
You couldn't remember the last time you physically went to a bank. Normally Cindy's office handled your funds since you hated going in person. Perhaps your aversion generated from Joker confirming that criminals loved to rob banks based on certain statistics such as the bank's popularity and daily usage.
J went out his way to not hit the institutions you banked with so you could feel at ease whenever you did visit. He could be considerate when he wanted to be.
Thankfully, your personal bank wasn't well known and was just a quick fifteen minute train ride away. You arrived and walked into Darth HL. Bank, already sighing at the long line for assistance. You just wanted to deposit your check and leave but this might take a while.
You stood behind an elderly man and pulled out your phone to scroll through social media while you waited. The line hardly budged but patience was a virtue.
You were waiting for almost forty five minutes when four men burst through the front door and started yelling at everyone. You crouched down behind a decorative planter. A shame you had experience with armed robberies. It was simple Blüdaven instincts to duck and avoid being seen. You eyed the distance it would take you to run to the door and decided to stay put for now. It was too risky.
One of them passed around a box where they demanded people to drop their cellular devices into. They were organized and efficient. It was clear they weren't amateurs. They worked around the room in a fraction of a minute and secured it as their own.
No one had spotted your hiding spot near the financial advisor's desks and you wanted to keep it that way. The first time visiting a bank in months and it just so happens to be robbed. What were the odds? Joker was gonna be pissed. You froze.
You promised him that you'd be back in an hour!
"ARE YOU DEAF OLD MAN? PHONE NOW!" One of the robbers walked up to the same old guy you were originally standing behind and shoved him with the end of a semi- automatic.
You weren't the only one who was concerned that they would start using unnecessary force. Case in point, the old man was not backing down.
He stood straighter and stared the robber right in the eye. "We won't be intimidated by you... thugs." He croaked out.
You hit your head softly against the planter box. Now was not the time for heroics old man..
"Oh yeah? Well guess what old timer? You should be. We didn't come here to play games." The robber raised his gun to shoot but someone in the crowd, another wannabe hero, stole their attention.
"Have you no respect for your elders!?" They cried out.
The entire room went silent after that. The robber eyed the new guy up and down through his ski mask.
"You wanna get popped too? Be my guest." He pulled the trigger and you and the crowd gasped in horror as the poor guy was gunned down along with the old man.
There was no hesitation; it happened so fast. It wasn't about the money. These men were bloodthirsty and obviously deranged.
"EVERYBODY SHUT UP!" The leader shouted. Two men disappeared into the back while the other two patrolled the crowd and forced them to keep quiet.
All in all, only five minutes had passed since they entered the bank. It was the longest five minutes of your entire life.
Another guy in the crowd took a gamble and sent a text from their phone. His thumb hit the send button right as he heard footsteps stop behind him.
"I thought we said no phones. What's so important that you risked your life for?" He yanked the phone away and read the text.
Then a staring contest began. "Which one is she?" The masked criminal asked.
You strained to hear the reply from across the room but it sounded like, "I ain't telling you s__t!"
From your hiding spot you watched the remaining two thieves emerge from the back with large duffel bags leaking with banknotes. They gathered around their leader who was still arguing with the civilian caught having a phone.
"What's with him?" A thug asked.
"I recognized him from my old gang. Caught him sending out a text requesting backup with the code word Nightfall. Spread out and find her. This.. 'bank robbery' just got interesting."
Nightfall. You swallowed and tried not to draw any attention to your position. You knew what that meant.
Should your life ever be in danger, Joker created Nightfall and Daybreak procedures to protect his Light. Only insiders within his gang should have the knowledge to know what it entailed and who it protected.
You could handle a typical robbery– stay down and be quiet until the authorities showed up (what was taking the cops so long anyways?) but it wasn't safe here with your codename compromised. You had to leavenow.
They were beating up Joker's goon to try and extract more intel from him. You hated to use his suffering to your gain but while they were distracted, you pulled out your own cell to call Joker.
You prayed that he would answer since he rarely did. You sighed in relief when he picked up the phone on the second ring.
And for once he cut right to the chase. "What's going on?"
"They're robbing the bank. I need–" Anything else you were fixing to say was cut short when someone took your phone. Joker called out your name in panic.
Joker saw the distress message your security detail sent to the group chat and he was already throwing on his purple coat to rush to your location. He was taking the stairs down to your lobby but he froze when he heard a gunshot and you scream in pain.
All the air left his lungs hearing absolute silence before the call was disconnected.
Joker had to sit down for a second to process what he heard. His mind went over every possible scenario. He knew the odds but deep down he prayed to every higher power that you were still alive. You had to be or he would go even more insane.
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By the time Joker and men arrived at Darth HL. Bank it was swarmed with GCPD pigs and other emergency personnel. They all whispered the same verdict. A robbery gone horribly wrong.
No survivors and almost two million dollars was missing.
Coroners were still wheeling out body bags and Joker's life screeched to a halt watching each one being loaded into white vans. None would leave the premises until he was triple sure none of them held your body.
"Check. Every. Last. One." He ordered.
Frost wanted to rest his hand on Joker's shoulder but thought against it. J was slowly losing his grip on reality and his body tremors became more pronounced as more bodies were wheeled out the bank.
Thirty two bags in total. Thirty two times his heart would race until grief slowly kicked in.
It couldn't be true. He refused to believe his Light was gone. You kissed him goodbye over an hour ago. You promised you'd be back! Joker refused to imagine a life without you in it, so he simply chose not to. Deny. Deny. Deny. Deny until he knew for sure.
This did not happen at a tiny bank with only two locations in the entire city. You assumed smaller banks were protected from robberies and you weren't wrong. Larger corporations like The Bank of Gotham or Gotham Merchant's Bank were the usual targets amongst thieves. Bigger banks meant more money.
Joker had never heard of Darth or whatever HL. stood for until today, although his mind visualized the bank's logo that he saw on a letter one or twice. Some kind of bird carrying a tree branch in its beak.
It was a useless detail in the clog of his dark depressing thoughts. He couldn't think straight.
Why did you leave when he practically begged you to stay? So what if the banks were closed tomorrow? If you needed the money, Joker had plenty of it! It didn't make sense why you insisted on doing such a mundane task when cuddling with Joker was a far better alternative. Now his Light was gone and the world seemed so dark without you in it. Joker honestly felt like throwing up.
Over the throng of investigators roaming about and the sound of cameras snapping evidence, Joker heard an officer talking to the Commissioner.
"Sir, we might have a hostage situation here. We went over the security tapes and the suspects were seen carrying a young female along with the money out the back."
"Was she?..." Commissioner Gordon trickled off. The officer assumed he was asking about her status and weighed in.
"Alive, but it appears she's injured. I'm sorry, the footage is really outdated to be sure. This bank doesn't have modern security measures. Heck, their panic button isn't up to code. Could've saved their lives and alerted us sooner if it were. We won't know any more information until we get Analysis to clean up the footage back at HQ."
"Alright, good work Rodriguez. Let's work with what we got to create a description for the missing persons."
Their conversation was the spark that gave Joker hope. A possible female hostage. It would explain why he couldn't come to terms with you being gone. He felt it in his bones that you were still alive. He was a fool to not trust his gut.
Frost and the others regrouped after a while and gave Joker even more hope. "She's not in any of the bags. We.. we can't find her Boss." Mac sighed.
"That's because she's alive." Joker said.
The trio glanced at each other with mixed emotions. Denial was the first stage of grief and it was hitting Joker hard. Frost was the closest to J personally so he decided to be the bearer of bad news to his old friend.
"J, I know you... cared for B deeply.. but she's gone."
If looks could kill, Frost would be dead ten times over.
Joker's eyes were frozen pine staring at his right hand man. "My Light is not dead. One female hostage. I want her found." He growled.
There was no point in trying to convince Joker. Until he had tangible proof that proved otherwise, he would staunchly believe that you're alive. They all nodded and spread out to get leads yet there was still uncertainty in the air.
What if this was all for naught and if so? Who would remove the wool from Joker's eyes so he could see the truth?
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It took Joker and his men two days to find out who was responsible for taking you and another day just to track them down. You were alive after all. Getting you back however proved to be quite the challenge.
Gotham City was a huge landmass consisting of three connecting islands but Joker would leave no stone unturned in his search to find you. If he had to personally search every alleyway, then so be it.
He would not stop until his Light was safe in his arms, right where you belonged.
Deep in Chinatown and ironically not too far from where you and Joker first met, you were lying on an old, dirty mattress. You had a nasty cough and you could barely keep your eyes open for longer than a minute due to fatigue.
The four men that kidnapped you were standing around arguing amongst themselves and paid you little mind.
"This has gone on long enough! He's looking for her like a bloodhound. It's not a matter of if, but when he tracks her down, we're dead meat! We should cut our losses while we're still alive."
"I agree with Scotty. We should split the money and dip. We can't be on the run forever. He's got too much rep and power to try and escape as a group." The first two thugs nodded their heads right as another tossed in his two cents.
"Woah woah, wait a min. We can't just bail." He gestured to you lying on the floor. "She's seen all of our faces! That b__ch will rat us out! We should off her now."
Scotty took offense to that and bared his teeth. "You think she's in any position to snitch?"
You coughed again and they all glanced at you before returning to their meeting. It was going on day three and they were running out of safehouses to take refuge in. Right when they would settle in, Joker and his men would find the hideout, forcing them back on the run. This was the tenth move so far and each one put a strain on your already deteriorating health.
"Yall a bunch of pussies! Go ahead and run but the money stays with me. I'm the only one that deserves it!" Their leader said.
His comment quickly received backlash amongst the other three.
"Are you smokin dick? What's a dead man gonna do with all that money? He's gonna find her, kill you, and then us for helping your stupid a**. D__n it! I knew I should've said no when you hit me up. It's never a simple job with you!"
You felt like your chest was on fire and you jackknifed into a semi sitting position to cough. The sudden movement pulled at your wound. You were pretty sure it was infected and your fever was a result of the lack of medical attention administered to it. Between your blood loss and dehydration, they were unknowingly killing you.
"Can I please have some water?" You asked anyone in general. You tried opening your eyes but the light in the room was enough to have you cringing away like a newborn.
One of the guys was soft on you and bent down to help you drink from a plastic bottle. It was obvious that you needed help.
He guided the bottle to your lips. "Don't drink it too fast, there ya go. How's your head?"
Your voice cracked, "Still h-hurts." Scotty helped you lay back on the mattress before checking on your wound.
Upon first sight, it was still reddish brown from both dried and fresh blood. He peeled back the crudely made bandage– tossing out a half-hearted apology when you groaned, only to grimace at the infected entry wound.
"Judging by your ugly mug it ain't looking too good." Another guy bent down to take a look but Scotty batted their hand away. He didn't want anyone else touching you.
"She has a fever..." Scotty said. His leader scoffed and stood up, "Listen man! She needs medical attention!" He begged. Was he the only one around here with a heart?
"F__k that, we need a plan. The Joker is closing in on us and if I go down..." Their so-called leader laughed sharply to himself. "Y'all are going down with me."
Tires screeched outside and the remaining two thugs rushed over to the window to check it out.
They watched as some average, low level looking guys stepped out and walked into the apartment building across the street. For now, the coast was still clear.
"I've had it man! It's like I'm paranoid or something. Every little thing is making me jump and it's all because you," He pointed at Rico, "Got too greedy! You three can stick around and spend the money, whatever; I'm out." He grabbed his jacket from a nearby chair and left.
The remaining thugs stared at each other in silence. If Joey walked out on a job then it was serious.
"Look, Rico. I respect you man but Scotty got a point. This job has gone on long enough. Look at her. She's sick because you shot her like some deranged idiot and now you dug a hole you can't get out of. I'm not going down for your mistakes! Whatever you need the money for, is it really worth your life? We're talking about The Joker here. You gotta be ten toes down confident there's a way out before you get us all killed."
It was quiet for a moment until Joey burst through the door in a panic. He locked it back shut and started to frantically load his gun.
"Woah, what's got you all spooked?" Mike asked with a laugh.
"The clown. He's here! I told you he'd find her! Ohhhhh man, we're so f__ked!"
Everyone talked at once trying to make sure Joey wasn't pulling their leg.
"Whaddya mean 'the clown is here?" Mike asked outright. Then Scotty chimed in, "Did you see him for yourself?"
Joey shut them all up with a wave of his arms. "No! No! But I saw his trio! They were coming up the stairs when I spotted them! There was no other way out so I came back!" He turned to look Rico in the eye. "What do we do?"
"It was just those three?"
Joey nodded, "Yeah." He frowned when Rico laughed before responding. Their leader just brushed off his concern like it was nothing.
"No need to get bent outta shape, their lightweights! Especially the blond. He's just a frat boy playing henchmen, trust me." They all shared a laugh but Joey didn't join in.
He saw the look on their faces. Joker's men meant business.
There was nothing to laugh at in his opinion and he spoke up again to try and talk some sense into everyone else. "W-What about the other two? I heard the rumors. Frost is supposedly ex-military and the other guy is like some mercenary for hire."
You snorted in the background, "I'd start praying if I were you. Like it'll do you any good."
Your taunts triggered another coughing fit right as Rico heard footsteps coming up the stairs. He spun around to snap at Scotty. "Shut her up!" He hissed.
"I'm sorry." Scotty said to you before he covered your mouth and pinned your hands down.
It was a temporary fix to silence you as the roar of footsteps went past the apartment door. Everyone held their breath as they passed over and kept going. Rico watched them through the peephole with his hand hovering over his gun.
They all breathed a sigh of relief until Scotty yelped when you bit his palm.
You couldn't breathe. You sucked in some air so you could cough, much louder this time, and that ended with a concerning wheeze. The walls of the rundown apartment they held you in were paper thin and not the best for hiding. You easily gave away their position.
Rico turned to order Scotty to move you into the only bedroom right as the front door was kicked in.
Joey was the first to go. His body dropped dead and the other three scrambled for cover right as a shootout began. Only six shots rang out before Joker's voice silenced all motion.
"Mac! If you accidentally shoot my Light I'll rip your f__king head off!"
Joker sounded frayed and pissed. This wouldn't end well.
Mike and Rico dragged Joey's dead body out of the way before they took cover behind the couch that separated the small living room from the kitchen. Then they listened to their unexpected guests arguing.
"What do you suggest we do then, J?!" Mac yelled back. Joker scratched his head with the barrel of his gun. "Uh. Knock before you enter?"
"Unbelievable." Mac whispered to himself.
A gloved hand emerged from the hallway to playfully rasp against the door. "Knock knock, uhh anyone home?"
You cried out when Scotty tried picking you up. Joker heard you and poked his head in to locate you. "Bunny?!"
Frost dragged J back into the hallway right as a shot missed his head. They both looked at the bullet hole in the wall with intrigue. These common thugs were packing some heat.
"Uh thanks for the save." J said. Frost just shook his head.
He gestured for Mac to do this thing. The former frat boy grinned and raised his voice to carry into the apartment.
"Well that was a little too close to comfort! Let's negotiate boys before the landlord starts charging damaging fees! Hand over the girl nice and easy and we'll leave the way we came. No fuss, no muss."
"Yeah right. As if you'll let us live! WE AIN'T STUPID!" Rico yelled right back. He stole a glance at you being corralled into the bedroom. You were sweating bullets and you looked absolutely miserable.
He still had the upper hand here. If he was gonna die here, he might as well get his revenge before heading out.
Rico yelled at his former boss across the way.
"Does she mean the world to you, Joker?" It was a rhetorical question yet he paused for dramatic effect, before answering it himself.
"Of course she does. You wasted thousands of dollars on her security. We risked our lives for some b___h we never met!"
"And? Your point?" Joker dragged out. Was this guy's problem? Risking your life was a part of the job description.
Mac and Neo both shared a 'is this guy for real?' look.
"That nasty cough you heard? That's nothing compared to the gunshot wound to her stomach. My gift to you for all the s__t you put me through!." Rico yelled.
The bedroom door slammed shut with you inside and that was Mike and Rico's cue to start fighting back.
It was two against four but the odds were in their favor with the apartment layout. They could pick off Joker and his goons the second they walked through the door. Revenge was within his grasp.
Too bad Rico didn't take into account Joker's desperation to get you back. J had only a brief glimpse of the room when he poked his head in earlier but he got a vague layout of the place in that timeframe.
With you tucked away in the bedroom, all Joker had to do was aim at the old leather couch the two thugs were hiding behind.
Joker nodded at Neo who was scoping the angles with his gun. The mercenary gave the thumbs up. He had a clear shot. J knew Neo would take it with no hesitation.
Mac saw the confirmation and sighed dramatically. As a farce, he tried to make one final deal.
"You sure you don't wanna settle? One million each, with immunity, we won't hunt you down blah blah jazz? We just want the girl back. There's no need for bloodshed."
"F__k you and—"
Neo didn't let them finish their sentence. It only took four rounds to pick off his targets.
It ricocheted off the ceiling light and the walls before sinking into the target. Frost and Joker rushed in and found the door to the bedroom before their bodies had time to hit the floor. Joker could hear the final thug inside freaking out along with you trying to calm him down, in between gasps of air.
"Scotty l-listen to me.. I can protect you. You've been so kind to me.. You have to... drop your weapon though. Please. Stand behind me. Let me s-save you."
"You can't help me! He's gonna kill me! I'm sorry Y/n. I'm so sorry."
Frost glared at J when they both heard you start to panic. Joker didn't care about the outcome; he just kicked the door in, saw Scotty holding a gun to your head and reacted.
"S-Stay back! I'll.. I'll do it!"
Joker threw a knife and it sunk into your captor's neck, killing him instantly. You fell with Scotty's dead weight and groaned when you landed on your wound.
Hands quickly pulled you away and you briefly noticed Mac, Frost, and Neo securing the room before your focus landed on Joker.
His eyes were frantically scanning you all over and they widened when he saw your infected gunshot wound. These idiots shot you in the stomach and failed to give you medical aid. Joker's worries shot to the roof seeing the wound oozing blood and pus.
You were burning up and losing unconsciousness.
"Bunny? Bunny, look at me?! No no noooo, stay with me, Y/n. C'mon doll." He cupped your cheek and gently patted it to keep you alert. He hated seeing your eyes struggling to stay open.
The adrenaline rush of Joker coming to save you had up and left. The only thing that remained was a splitting headache and a numb feeling that was spreading all over.
It had been three days since you kissed Joker goodbye and at times, you thought you'd never see him again. Now he was here, holding you close, pleading for you to keep your eyes open— but you were so tired.
He yelled at Frost to page Sarai when he saw your eyelids flutter close again. The doc would know what to do in this situation. Joker could only hold you close and keep you conscious until she arrived. There was no way he would risk trying to move you in such a fragile state.
"I'm sorry Joker." Your timid voice immediately gained Joker's attention.
"Nothing to be uh, sorry for mypretty girl."
"I.. it took longer t-than an hour." You reached up to cup Joker's cheek. He kept your hand there with his own.
"I am never going to a bank. Never again." You weakly jerked your head over at Mac. "Get him to do my finances from now on." You whined.
Joker cracked a smile watching you go back and forth with his book keeper. If you had the energy to make jokes then you'd be perfectly fine. Sure you'd have a nasty scar and a brutal recovery process, but nothing you couldn't handle with Joker by your side.
Joker looked up at Frost with a smug grin. "See? Told ya my Light ain't dead."
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samkerrworshipper · 8 months
Sam/Kristie request where Kristie is overly anxious about meeting Sam’s family for the first time in Australia? With Sam sweetly reassuring her that she has nothing to worry about ofc ☺️
pinky promise?
sam kerr x kristie mewis
no warnings just anxiety and fluffiness with a supportive gf sam kerr
lol wrote this instead of cramming for my exam tomorrow so pray for meeeee xoxo
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“Kris, open up, please.”
I tried to block out Sam’s voice, tried my hardest to ignore it, but I couldn’t. I couldn’t do this, I just couldn’t.
“Kristie, my love, open up.”
I couldn’t move, my whole body paralysed by the overwhelming fear that I was feeling at the moment. I’d been going alright, gotten up this morning, eaten breakfast with Sam and gotten changed and ready to go meet her parents for the first time, and just as I’d been putting my mask on and picking up my things to leave the house it had all come crashing down on me. Sam had seen me in an array of states, panic attacks, mental breakdowns, she’d seen it all but this had come out of nowhere. She’d been picking up her car keys when I rushed from the door of our hotel room, running directly into the bathroom and locking the door behind me.
That was what had gotten me here, sitting on the floor of a fucking hotel bathroom, trying my hardest to calm my breathing, willing the tears that were flowing freely down my face to just fuck off. This wasn’t how it was supposed to go, I had promised myself that I would be good for Sam, knowing how long she’d waited for this moment, it meant so much to her and I couldn’t bear to wreck it for her, but here I was, doing exactly that.
I heard the door click from behind me and open up, I hid my head very quickly in the shoulder of my jumper, not really caring that I knew I was going to now have to get changed all over again to take of what was now most likely a tear stained jumper, that belonged to Sam.
I could hear her footsteps cautiously getting closer to me, she was clearly a little bit unsure of how to approach this situation, but she also wasn’t a person who hid from confrontation, she faced it head on and I knew she’d do the same with this.
“Kristie, babe, look at me.”
I lifted my heavy head out of my shoulder, looking at the feet of my girlfriend who was standing about two metres away from me.
“Can I come sit down with you?”
Her voice was so calm but also so sure, there was absolutely zero room for confusion in her voice, she knew what she was doing, knew how to communicate with me.
I nodded and watched through bleary ears as the feet approached me and then slid down on the ground next to me, finding themselves next to my own.
Sam didn’t make any contact with me, besides our shoulders being beside each other and that was enough for me, just her presence was enough for me.
“Deep breaths honey, work on your breathing for me.”
I nodded into my own body, obeying Sam’s order and focusing on my breathing, slowly getting it to stabilise. My sobs slowly simmered down to silent crying, fat, wet, warm teards dripping down my eyelashes and onto my face, my face that I’d made look just right for Sam’s parents, everything had to be perfect.
“Good Kristie, you’re doing so well for me.”
Only once I’d calmed down did she initiate contact, very gently draping a arm over my shoulders, bringing my head that I’d tucked into my own body into hers.
“M’ sorry.”
Sam shook her head, one of her hands finding its way to my scalp and gently worming its way between the tresses and piecing their ways through the strands. Her other hand fell to one of my own, tracing little patterns into the sin along the back of my palm.
“You have nothing to be sorry for, how are you feeling?”
I brought my free hand up to my mouth, picking anxiously at my nails.
“I’m fine.”
Sam’s own hand came up to the one at my mouth, tugging it away back to my lap and then going back to her previous ministrations.
“You don’t have to do that with me.”
I bit down on my lip, I loved Sam, with everything I had. I loved how much she cared for me, but it didn’t make it any easier for me to talk about my feelings with her, even though I knew she would never judge me, she was the kind of human who accepted you no matter what and it was what I admired in her more than anything else.
“Do what?”
Sam’s hands continued their motions, slowly forcing me to relax a little bit more, my tense body slowly but surely giving in to her actions.
“Act like everything is alright in front of me, it’s very clearly not and it doesn’t have to be. Tell me about it.”
I cocked my head to the side, unsure about how to talk to Sam about this. She’d seen me mid panic attack, seen my at my worst but we’d never really talked about it, she’d helped me come down from it, let me vent to her whatever I felt like in the moment and then helped me book an appointment with my therapist for the first thing the next day, she’d never taken up the role of therapist, we’d never blurred those lines.
“Your parents.”
Sam’s eyebrow curled up at me, silently asking for me to explain.
“We were going to see them?”
I nodded furiously at her and I knew she was trying so hard to understand the source of my anxiety but she was clearly struggling with the lack of context.
“Kris, honey, I’m going to need a little bit more than that.”
I took a deep breath, tears were still dripping down my face but they were coming to a slow and felt less heavy against my cheeks.
“I’m meeting them for the first time and what if they think I’m not good enough, or that I’m not good for you? What if they hate me and they want nothing to do with me?”
Sam exhaled deeply, I could feel her breathing below my head, her chest moving up and down with every single breath that left her lungs.
“Kris, we’ve talked to them hundreds of times over skype, they love you, they are going to love you.”
She was right, we had talked to them plenty on the phone and skype, but it wasn’t the same, not to me at least.
“You don’t know that, what if they don’t? What if they hate me and then you hate me and we can’t be together anymore, you’ll have to break up with me and I can’t do that again, I can’t go through what happened with Rach, I can’t do it again.”
Sam nodded at my words, clearly taking it all in and trying to make sense of it all.
“Kristie, I’m not going to break up with you, I pinky swear, regardless of what my parents think. They are going to love you, I’m sure of it, but if they don’t then that’s okay, that’s their fault for not seeing everything that I see in you. You are so incredibly perfect and if they don’t love you as much as I do then that’s their own problem, they’re missing out. That’s not going to happen though, they are going to love you just as much as I do.”
I wanted to believe her, but my thoughts betrayed me and it sucked, because I wanted to believe her words but for some reason I just couldn’t manage to convince my brain that what she was telling me was the truth, apparently Sam noticed though.
“Kristie, have I ever lied to you?”
“You told me that you had a pet kangaroo when you were a kid.”
Sam snickered at my reply, but very quickly recovered.
“Have I ever lied to you about anything serious?”
I thought about it for a few seconds, sifting through my brain to try and find an instance that would apply.
Sam nodded at my response.
“Exactly, so why would I lie to you about this?”
All of a sudden I felt the damn break and I was a blubbering mess, throwing myself into Sam’s arms and sobbing directly into her jumper.
“What if I’m not enough for them or you? What if I can’t be perfect or right for them and they think I’m bad for you? What if they think that you are too good for me, your fucking perfect at everything and I’m not and what if they see that?”
Sam’s hands were now on my back, rubbing big circles into my back. She was cooing at me, like you did to a baby and I hated it but it felt so good.
“Kristie Anne, nobody is perfect. I’m certainly not and you don’t have to be. You are enough, you are everything I ever want or need. You aren’t bad for me, they think you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. Nobody is perfect, my parents aren’t and neither am I. They don’t expect you to be perfect and you know that I don’t, so don’t worry about it, or try not to worry about it. Kris, if you really don’t want to go see them we don’t have to, I’ll tell them that we’re feeling sick of something, but I think we should, I think that you need to overcome this fear and just bite it in the ass by meeting them, because I can guarantee that it’s going to be nowhere near as bad as what you are making it out to be.”
I was clinging onto Sam’s sweatshirt with all of my life.
She nudged my head out of her sweatshirt, so I was forced to look at her eye to eye.
“I pinky promise.”
I rolled my eyes at her, and she smiled back at my normal annoyance at her childish actions.
“C’mon, let’s go, we’re late for brunch.”
I looked down at Sam’s phone, which was resting in her lap and realised she was right, we were running ten minutes late, which in perspective wasn’t that bad considering that I felt like I’d been sitting on the ensuite floor for four hours.
“Pinky Promise that if they hate me you won’t break up with me?”
Sam nodded at me, smiling and squishing my face reassuringly.
“I pinky promise.”
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sejanusxcoriyo · 5 months
Pretty Lil Thang
Pairings: Josh Andreś Rivera x Fem!Actress!Reader / Rachel Zigler x Tom Blyth
A/N: I know Rachel and Josh are together, and Tom also has a girlfriend, but my page is related to Sejanus. For this, she's gonna be dating Tom, cus chemistry. I wanted to try something new, so I tried a social media post! Please, criticism is appreciated 🫶🏾. I will probably be making this into a mini series.
Face Claim: Coco Jones (The pictures with Rachel and Josh just imagine they are Josh, and you)
Type: Social Media Au
Summary: You auditioned for Mai White, Sejanus' love interest in the Ballad of the Songbirds and Snakes. Rachel notices that you and Josh have taken a liking to each other. Mini series!
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Dividers by: @cafekitsune
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Ynuser Welp, filming starts soon, and my co star is pretty cute😋
Tagged: joshandresrivera, Theballadofsongbirdsandanakes
Liked by: joshandresrivera, Rachel Zigler, tomblyth, and 30,000 others
View all comments
Joshandresrivera I mean, you're pretty cute 2😉
↪️ynfan1 My new mom and dad😫
↪️rachaelzigler New power couple alert???🤨🤨
↪️ynuser oh hush, just a little innocent flirting🫶🏾
↪️rachelzigler mhm👀
Tomblyth no love for coryo?
↪️ynuser I read the book, I don't like you😂
↪️tomblyth you mean coryo right??🤨
↪️ynuser I said what I said🤷🏾‍♀️
Ynhater1 How did she get the role of Mai? I could do much better🙄
↪️ynuser yet you didn't, try someone else, toodles😁
Ynfan2 Josh and Yn, my new ship😫
Joshlover @/joshandresrivera I've loved you since la la land🫶🏾
Ynfan3 she looks so sexy, I am feral😭
↪️ynfan4 right? I just want to take a bite🫦
↪️joshandresrivera back off, she's mine🤺
Ynfan5 look at him defending his girl🥹
↪️joshhutcherson she's single😉
↪️ynuser don't you have a gf? Get out my comments, peeta, I am not tryna come between you and Ms. Everdeen🙅🏾‍♀️
Text messages
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Ynuser Three of my favorite people ever, love you guys🫶🏾
Tagged: joshandresrivera, rachaelzigler, tomblyth
Liked by: joshandresrivera, rachelzigler, tomblyth, and 42,000 others
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Ynfan1 she's holding on kinda tight to him👀
↪️ ynfan2 most of her photos of her and Josh😫
Joshandresrivera ❤️
↪️joshyn WHATS THIS^^^^
↪️ynuser miss you sm🫶🏾
Rachelzigler I'm supposed to be your bestie, IS MY SPOT BEING REPLACED??
↪️ynuser no, stop being dramatic
↪️tomblyth baby, leave them alone, let them dream of each other
(comment deleted)
↪️joshyn HUH???^^^
↪️ynuser @/tomblyth delete that now
Comments have been limited
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Ynuser Maybe I can see your appeal for Coriolanus
Tagged: @/tomblyth @/rachelzigler
View all comments
Rachelzigler you stole those...🙄
↪️ynuser we are best friends what's yours is mine🤷🏾‍♀️
↪️rachelzigler be glad I love you
↪️ynuser love you more bestie
↪️ynfan2 mother is mothering😩
Tomblyth well I thought all the photos looked good except for the last one🥹
↪️rachelzigler you look as handsome as ever😘
↪️tomblyth thank you ml❤️
↪️ynuser ugh, if you look closely you will find me burning alive in their fire😩
↪️joshfan1 same Yn same
Joshandresrivera 🎶what about me🎶 🎶what about meeeee🎶
↪️ynuser you also look handsome as ever🫶🏾
↪️joshandresrivera thank you love❤️
↪️ynfan1 love???
↪️joshynfan it's giving power couple!!!
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the-things-i-love · 2 years
As I’m counting down the hours to the Sumeru update, and I’m seeing that people seemed to like my word vomit for Gorou? Take this love for the Traveler. Our nearest and dearest in a world where Genshin is self-aware. (Also, thank you to everyone that enjoyed my Gorou one-shot??? What the heck???)
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✧Fandom; Genshin Impact
✧SAGAU (Self-Aware Genshin AU)
✧Characters; Traveler, Gorou (briefly mentioned), Lisa (mentioned once), Baizhu (mentioned once), Ayaka (mentioned once)
✧Pairing(s); Traveler × GN!Reader/Overseer, Lumine × GN!Reader/Overseer, Aether × GN!Reader/Overseer
✧Warning(s)/Genre(s); Possessive thoughts, use of the word ‘whore’ (as a term of endearement)
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Like a sixth sense, they feel something is coming. Or at least that kind of anticipation. Its in the way that their movements, their actions, your entire will is anxious. The phantom blips and trills of your actions have been ringing with greater frequency this ‘day’. Many had passed for the golden haired outlander, but something innate told them that it was but hours for you, their truest guide, their Overseer.
A thrill ran through them as they allowed the possessive thought into their mind. It felt right. After all, they were the very first to feel your presence. They were the first being in all of Teyvat, despite not being of Teyvat themselves, to taste the tug of your will. You may be Teyvat’s greatest divine, but you were their guiding light, their northern star... and they were your cherished. So of course they could tell the difference between their minutes and yours; between their days and yours; between your changing emotional states.
‘Today’, there was an excitement to your energy. Nervous, but excited. Delighted, maybe? What they felt, clearest of all, was that you were excited for them. Again, they shivered at the favouritism being shown to them. Favourite. Their sword-hand clenched. They were your favourite. No, they are your favourite. Why else would you always return to them? Default to them?
“Aww, Gorou, I just wanna pet your fluffy, little eeeears~!”
“Ok, but, why isn’t Lisa in the library waiting for meeeee? I miss you! Mommy? Sorry- Mommy? Haha!”
“Baizhu, you cheeky whore, get back here!!! I love yooooou, be playable already!!!.” 
“Gods damn, Ayaka! I’m so sorry it took me so long to build you, my lil’ yuki-hime!”
They let out a shuddering breath…
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What drew you so much to that puppy-boy general? They had almost the exact same build! And, not to blow smoke, but Aether considered himself much more appealing than the Inazuman general! No-one you had come across so far in Teyvat looked like him, sans his sister! He was beautiful! He was exotic! So why didn’t you dote on him? His cheeks puffed petulantly. But he shook his head, recollecting himself.
No, no. He was the soft twin. Gentle smiles and a soft, warm voice. That was how you described him, no? A… ‘soft boy’? These ugly thoughts didn’t coincide with his idea of that title. That wouldn’t do. He was your cherished. Your soft boy. He was whatever you wanted him to be. Your words, your will, you were his. His body, his soul, his everything was yours. Whatever you wanted him to be.
Aether’s hand came to rest over his heart. That was right. The two of you were one. He moved at your thought, he fought for your honour, he died and was reborn by your will. So, it only stood to reason that your excitement was his also. Yes, there was something exciting on the horizon. Something that warranted his fervent anticipation if it made his Observer so energetic…
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Her teeth ground together painfully, the sudden sensation of animosity pulling aggro from the hilichurls that should have been nonthewiser to her presence. She heard you curse before she leapt into action, Festering Desire practically singing with bloodlust as she dashed into the camp of forsaken. Lumine’s heart grew lighter as elemental energy coursed through her very being, following your will as it dispersed; decimating poor ‘mobs’ that had thought to attack the two of you.
“Hey! Paimon’s in danger too, y’know!” Oops! Three.
Flicking her sword to the side, watching it disintegrated before feeling it reappear on her back, Lumine took a deep breath. No. She loved the friends she had made here in Teyvat. These wonderful people that felt your presence as she did. A being as ever present, effervescent, eternal as you had a heart filled with far too much love for her alone to shoulder; even if the thought thrilled her.
She was the cool twin. Take names, and kick ass. Stoic but with a heart of gold. If she recalled correctly, this was your… ‘headcanon’ for her? Something you had just for her! Her cheeks coloured. Yes. She was your number one; your cherished among cherished; the one you always returned to. Her hands rose to cup her cheeks. She felt your love at her very core. You filled her so perfectly. It was ok that you loved her friends, wonderful even!
Just more cherished to shower you with all the love you deserved…
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A blippy trill filled their mind. That could mean a plethora of things. One in particular shot a terrific, icy stab into their heart; it could mean you were withdrawing your presence. That terror fled with the warmth of teleportation. By the Seven, you shouldn’t scare them like that! Appearing beneath a statue of the Raiden Shogun, their legs quickly carried them across the Inazuman landscape. Leaping across a waterway near the Sanganomiya camp, they shot out their wind glider; the musical theme being a gift you only granted them, yet more proof of your favour.
They came to a stop just outside of Yasumoto’s home. Oh, right. At the top of the ‘day’, you’d had them leave a dozen plants in his basket. They kept hundreds on hand so what was a dozen a ‘day’? Their heart stuttered as they heard you laugh. Could you be more perfect? Your voice alone completed them, but your laughter…
“Hope you’re as excited for Sumeru as I am!” You cooed their name, half laughing. Were you that excited? …Sumeru? Was that what you were excited about? Did you intend to travel to Sumeru soon? Another step toward their wayward sibling, another new adventure to embark upon with you. They felt light. Abuzz. How could they not be excited to share yet another experience with you? It was almost enough for them to miss that familiar, phantom trill. Almost.
“Ok, I’ll be back as soon as the update finishes tomorrow, promise! Get ready, because we’re gonna be busy!” Usually, their heart would drop as they felt your presence leave them. But you just weren’t playing fair. You were so excited, positively giddy to be traveling to yet another nation with them! They took a seat on the stone fence behind them, quickly transitioning to laying back; gazing up at the stars.
Of course they were excited for the morrow… so long as it meant more time with you.
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Glancing out his window, the man trembled. They had just been… laying there. For days. Should he go check on them? His instincts as a doctor were drowned out by a primal terror each time he happened to spot the golden-haired outlander waiting outside his abode. As if something in him knew that he flirted with death if he were to disturb the powerful person but moments away from him.
Yasumoto sighed. All he wanted was to collect his Naku Weeds...
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thenerdnextdoorxo · 1 year
can i request an AOU avengers cast x teen!reader. so the reader is starring in the movie as wanda’s like badass kid sidekick sister or whatever role you come up with and she’s the complete opposite of your average kid bc she’s so quiet reserved and uptight like even with rdj jokes she’s just straight faced bc her parents are rarely around bc they’re very successful in Hollywood but when they do get the chance to be around her they always criticize everything she does and generally dog her(mainly her mom) so the cast just wants her to have a different experience from that and have fun while shooting a film
This is an old request, sorry for taking so long T-T also this gif is adorable
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You worked with marvel ever since you were ten, they were basically family to you. You were the youngest there, so naturally you were cared for by everyone. When you don't have anywhere to stay, one of them would offer you to stay at their place. If you want to go somewhere but don't want to go alone, just call one of them and they would immediately go with you. The fact that your parents are not always around makes them even more protective of you.
Your parents are famous Hollywood actors, and for that, they never really where around. They were always traveling and leaving you alone most of the time. When you where younger, you were convinced that you didn't need an adult in your life at all, so whenever some adult tries to help you, you would get annoyed. Frustrated even. You feel that way with every adult except the cast of the Avengers. They never made you feel that way.
Today, you were expecting to see your parents. You were not excited at all. With the new avenger movie coming out, you knew they would criticize the shit out of your performance. They did that every time a movie you were in came out. You would think that the amount of time that they criticize you would make you numb to their comments, but you weren't. You felt each and every one of them. But you hopped that they won't do the same thing today because you thought that you did amazing in the movie. Apparently you were wrong, they started criticizing you about literally everything.
You were confused, you did the best you can, is it not enough? these thoughts has been haunting you even the next week when you had an interview about the new movie and while you were preparing for it, the cast noticed how you were more quite than usual and looked like you were deep in thought about something. Some of them, like Robert and Scarlet tried talking to you to cheer you up a bit, but it didn't work. Then they decided to tell Lizzie about it since she is the closest to you. "She isn't alright I can tell, she didn't even laugh at my jokes, everyone likes my jokes," Robert said.
Lizzie started to get concerned about you, that was not your nature, what is going through your mind? She walked up to you while deep in thoughts and sat next to you. "Hey," She said. "How are you doing?"
"I'm doing fine," You said, not even having the energy to look at her. "Is there something wrong? You know you can tell me. It's okay," She said slightly rubbing your shoulder. You couldn't hold your tears back. How could they be so nice to you when you probably ruined their movie because of your bad performance. When you started crying, the cast gathered around you to know what is going on. When they heard your explanation, they all were heartbroken. How can your parents do that to you? You were their child!
They kept on reassuring you that you did amazing and the fans loved you so much, there is no need to listen to your parents because they are dead wrong. The cast refused to let you live with your parents because they didn't appreciate you at all so they made you live with them and brought you with them to go to trips to make out what you were missing from your parents.
Quality time.
Guess who has a final tomorrow but decided to write a fic instead of study? meeeeee
my requests are open :)
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daaydreamy · 11 months
AND spellcaster!harry coming to his house after a long day and finding everything a mess like all his potion bottle’s cut into pieces and like everything is floating and mb if him and y/n have a cat it’s like floating in the air running from a couch chasing it and y/n just sitting peacefully on a floating chair while reading a book ❤️
welcome home
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summary: harry comes home to… something.
warnings: none.
pairing: harry styles x fem!reader
“I’m ho-…”
Harry’s lips parted in shock from the sight he just came home to, looking around in pure astonishment. He let the keys in his hand fall to the ground and he started walking around, seeing spilled potion bottles that were from his little potion closet that nobody was supposed to open and mess with because those potions were very real and could lead to some very strange things when used in the wrong ways.
The most obvious thing though, was that almost everything in the house was floating as if gravity wasn’t a thing anymore.
“Harry, if you do not fix this immediately, I’ll make noise all night. I do not enjoy floating.” Rutherford, the talking grandfather clock in the living room, suddenly boomed, causing Y/N’s head to lift up from where she had been reading a book, smiling once her eyes fell upon Harry.
“Hey, baby.” She smiled sweetly, waving at him from a floating loveseat, book in her lap.
“Hey, babe, er… what- what happened?” He chuckled awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck as he looked up at her. He glanced at their cat that was also floating, running after one of her toys that was very close to the old wood of Rutherford. He looked back behind him where all the potion bottles were opened and dripping onto the floors, some of them bubbling and sizzling.
“I know just as much as you do.” She shrugged and Harry scrubbed a hand over his face, pinching his nose.
a/n: i love spellcaster!h so much 😭😭😭
🏷: @crow-i-guess, @planetflos, @harrycanyonmoonn, @bxtchboy69, @sweet-as-lilacs, @lyricalniall, @venusincleo (couldn’t tag you!), @bxbun111, @tenaciousperfectionunknown, @emispleased, @goldenhrry, @cinnamongirlrry, @manifestrry, @sadqn1, @judesgfirl, @taylorsreputationsversion, @violetsandfluff, @phoebebridgersforqueen, @a-strange-familiar, @moonlightbea-33 (couldn’t tag you!), @famedrs-blog, @coochiesteak, @blahblahblah-888 (couldn’t tag you!), @milesisntdonewritingyet, @harrysgoth, @walkingintheheartbreaksatellite, @cinnamonlola, @youcan-nolonger-run, @velvetrylie, @vamprry, @ellie-loveshs, @gorlsinmultifandoms
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onboardsorasora · 4 months
I read some prompts and I couldn't stop thinking about Dewis so here I am, again, I'm your inbox, again, bothering you, again.
1. “You… You learned to cook my favourite meal?”  -> Daniel calls his nonna so she could teach him how to make authentic Italian minestrone.
2. “My love, why don’t you just use the whole closet instead of three quarters of it?”  -> Lewis hording every closet in every property that Daniel owns.
Helloooo Mael! I love it when you 'bother' me lol
Prompt one called to meeeee, it feels very sugar baby Daniel. and this totes wasn't a reason to get to use the banner lmao
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Lewis dropped his keys on the new bowl in the entryway, the clink of metal meeting porcelain doing more to loosen the tension in his body than the guided meditation playing through his airpods. He was finally home. 
Travelling back from the factory should have been a routine thing– it normally was. But with weather delays and just overall chaos, he was home a day later than he wanted to be. And way more annoyed.
He paused the audio that usually helped but hadn’t done much to dampen his annoyance at missing date night completely. Daniel had assured him many times over the last twelve hours that he understood it and it was alright, but Lewis wouldn’t let himself off of the hook that easily. He’d swung by the florist down the street before coming home– the least he could do was go out of his way a little to apologise.
Once the soothing tone stopped Lewis realized that there was a distinct lack of a particular sound. Namely, Roscoe’s claws skittering across the living room because they forgot to clip them down again. They always forget.
Instead, there were the soft tones of what he’d come to realize as Daniel speaking Italian. It was a sound he absolutely loved. Walking further into his home, Lewis clocked something else, the scent of something yummy, comforting. With a confused expression, Lewis made a beeline for the kitchen.
Three things made itself known to him at once. He found Roscoe, he was being rocked like a baby in the crook of Daniel’s arm. Another knot of tension released.
Daniel was speaking softly on facetime to someone Lewis didn’t recognize but felt looked familiar because Daniel had her face. Daniel was gazing softly at her, his apron askew because of Roscoe’s bulk. Lewis’ shoulders lowered from his ears.
Bubbling on the stove was a pot of what smelt like minestrone soup. His favourite. Lewis sagged against the doorway, staring fondly. 
Daniel spun quickly, jostling and apologizing to Roscoe when he grunted. “You’re home!” Daniel’s grin was wide, happy. He quickly said goodbye to his Nonna and ended the call before crossing the room and giving Lewis a lovely welcome kiss. Roscoe seemed to get with the program and woke up, struggling to get from one set of tattooed arms to the other.
Lewis giggled. They exchanged gifts, Lewis cuddling an excited Roscoe closely and Daniel clutching his bouquet fondly.
“You made soup?” Lewis asked leadingly. Daniel was suddenly shy.
“Nonna walked me through it, it’s her recipe.” Daniel picked at an errant petal in his bouquet so he didn’t have to see Lewis’ reaction. He hoped he liked it, they both knew Daniel didn’t cook, but he figured with his Nonna’s watchful eyes he couldn’t have possibly fucked it up. He hoped that was enough for Lewis to give it a try. “I figured since you were having a shit day, you’d like some comfort food.” He rambled.
“I love it.” Lewis cut him off, Daniel bit his lip. “It will be amazing because you made it for me.” He wanted to head off the ‘but you haven’t even tried it’ that he knew was coming. Daniel was very predictable.
“Are you sure? Because I won't feel bad if we order something else.” Daniel murmured, still attempting to give an out. Lewis chuckled and pulled him into a kiss to shut him up.
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sugoi-writes · 2 days
Hi Party People! A Kofi question✨️
(Mentions of crowdfunding, perks, some personal stuff, etc!)
I want to do a lil somethin-somethin with my Kofi... I just-- kinda set it up and honest to God, I STILL dunno how it works all too well???
But, I think I want to try something...
Im currently wanting to/trying to help hazelfoureyes raise some money to get her mom some TEETH (Read about it here). I know that for some of us, it can be pretty tricky to find the means, or do much more than shares/reblogs... HOWEVER:
What if I told you that I wanna scratch your back, for scratching theirs? I'm thinking of making Kofi more... rewarding for you????
Here's what I mean... picture this...
Kofi could also work as a more ✨️personable experience✨️... for every Kofi, YOU, YES YOU-- will have a catered-to-you blurb written for ya! By me, y'boi, Sugoi👈😎👈
Want the Deer Man to scream your legal name with reckless abandon? YIPPEE🎊 Wanna have your OC ride his, or Luci's or SOMEONE'S face? DONE 💦 Want a kink so specific that you need to scream about it because it's not on paper yet? COOL-- WITHIN REASON!!! No Kink Shaming Here, Love ♥️💦
I dont-- I don't want this to be disingenuous, but-- I want this to kind of be a way of giving thanks, too? A way of being like "Thank you for crowdfunding for teeth, here is SMUT OR FLUFF OR WHATEVER💦"
Would... would anyone be interested in something like that? Would that be fun?
Some promises I could make:
I am so long winded so blurbs would probably be FULL-ON flics... and I write decently fast. Hell, your blurbs would become Priority Number One
They would be a Kofi-exclusive! Just for yall! 🎊
If you want a personal copy, I'll DM it to you and you can SAVE that shit, if you REALLY want to! FUCK IT, I'LL MAIL IT TO YOU (mostly jk on the last bit, but an enby can dream~)
I will try and write most ANYTHING at least once-- so, fuck it!!! SEND ME THE GOODS
I would be willing to write for things in the Hellaverse, BNHA (once I catch up lol), Dungeon Meshi, KNY, and... shit, hells, I might write for **redacted**-San again--
POINT IS... I love you guys, and I love Hazel. And I want to help a friend out. So if that helps YOU in the meantime... then, fuck yes???
If this is a good idea, comment or PM me because I have been wracking my brain about it and it makes me nervous AF
Please see THIS POST for direct contributions!!! Hazel would appreciate it: ANYTHING HELPS AND YOU WILL GET A VIRTUAL SMOOCH FROM MEEEEE
Thanks for coming to my TED-Talk✨️
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