#i love his gloves sm you have no idea
deonideatta · 2 years
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Hand/glove studies ft loid
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anilovie · 5 months
Could I request something with a shy! Reader who has a huge crush on Anakin. And every time they see him, they just—run away. Lol.
This drives Anakin up the fucking wall, because he just wants to talk to them and see their sweet face and hear their beautiful voice. He thought their little crush was cute/funny at first, but as time went on, he actually fell harder. 😌💕
Eventually, he corners them and seduces them into looking at him. Like—cups their jaw with his leather glove and presses his thumb against their throat to force their neck back to look at him. 🥵 And then he just DEVOURS them.
I love your writing sm, by the way. 💕
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A.N: I loooooved this request. i could write about this for HOURS. lmk if you want more, sweet anon 💖
CW: fluff, lots of fluff, solely fluff, kissing and requited pining with a dash of fluff, gn reader
WC: 1.5k
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♡ Let’s be real. Anakin would certainly know you have a crush on him from the moment it forms.
♡ As the ‘Brotherhood’ book insists, Anakin is better at reading peoples emotions through the force than anyone else. So of course he’d be able to pick up on the way your nerves spike whenever he’s near, the rush of elation coming from you when he walks in the room, the stutter of your heart when you lock eyes and he offers a polite nod in greeting.
♡ He can feel how you stare at him from across the room when you think he’s not looking. Can see the goosebumps on your skin when he ‘accidentally’ brushes you. He can tell when you’re even thinking about him just from the way your heartbreak quickens and you begin to fidget with your hands.
♡ He knows everything about what you’re trying to hide from him.
♡ But you have no idea that he returns those feelings.
♡ It only makes your crush on him that much more frustrating. Because he wishes he could just sit you down someplace and talk to you for hours— stare into your eyes and study the way your face moves when you smile, and frown, and laugh, and cry. He wants to know every inch of you, to study all your flaws and perfections, to know everything about you.
♡ More than anything, he wants to just have you already, raw and real and unapologetically you.
♡ But you’re always making excuses to leave him early whenever you’re left alone. Always turn away when you catch him staring. You’re always crossing your arms or pulling your jacket tighter when he’s near, or hiding behind Obi-Wan, or cutting yourself short when you speak. And if he tries to flirt with you, you clam up and practically disappear in a puff of smoke.
♡ One time, he’s almost certain he made you cry. All he said was that you looked pretty, and tapped the bottom of your chin with his finger. That’s it. But your eyes got all wet and your lip started to wobble, and you quickly turned away, muttering some excuse about being late for an appointment.
♡ most infuriatingly, you’ve only been able to make eye contact with him a handful of times; much less hold it. Your pretty eyes turn wide with embarrassment, your nerves go haywire, and you rip your beautiful gaze away far too quickly for his liking.
♡ And force forbid you have to speak to him. Always staring over his shoulder when he talks to you, or at his chest, or his shoes, or your shoes.
♡ If you manage to get a few sentences out without stumbling over your words or cutting yourself short, he is so proud.
♡ If you’d only just look at him, you would see that.
♡ Though you can never seem to form a complete sentence around Anakin, to Ashoka you can’t seem to shut up.
♡ “Kriff, alright! I get it! Enough about my ‘hot master’!”
♡ In all honesty, you think Anakin merely tolerates you. You’re friends, and you work together, so you think he’s obligated to be nice to you.
♡ the only way you can come out of your shell around him at all is when he makes it glaringly, sickeningly obvious that he’s head over heels about you, too.
♡ Sweet smiles, soft touches, and gentle words of praise and adoration. Constant endearment and doting. It’s endless coming from him, earning constant eye-rolls from Ahsoka.
♡ he always lowers his voice so it’s in that soft, raspy register with you. He doesn’t even notice it, but you do. It’s like he’s reserved all of his gentleness just for you.
♡ most days, he has to call your attention to him, otherwise you won’t dare trouble him. For example, you’re hurrying past him in the starfighter bay, heart jumping into your throat as soon as you recognize that curly head of golden hair, when;
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“Hey— you just gonna walk right past me?”
You skid to a stop and turn back around, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry… thought you were busy. Didn’t wanna bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me. You never bother me.”
“Oh…” you laugh nervously, clasping your hands in front of you. His attention pins you to the spot, forcing your gaze to your shoes as you awkwardly rock back on your heels. “So, did you… did you need something?”
“Yes, actually,” he gestures with his head behind him, toward his ship. “Come with me?”
Your gut swirls in anticipation for what Anakin could possibly need to be alone with you for. You’re no genius when it comes to spaceships; you can only hope that whatever it is, you don’t make a fool of yourself in front of him.
Anakin leads you inside to the control room, and then abruptly stops. He turns to you with his arms crossed, intense stare piercing into your face, and comes right out with it:
“Why won’t you ever look at me?”
Immediately, your face grows warm. He gives you no time to even wrap your brain around the question before adding;
“You’re not scared of me, are you?”
As if to prove him wrong, you flick your eyes up to his face, and then quickly away. “I do look at you.”
“That hardly counts,” He scoffs.
It’s worse. He’s making it so much worse. The small space, the forced proximity, the confrontation— your heart is going haywire in your chest, skin breaking out in a nervous sweat. Your mind goes absolutely blank.
“Am I that hard to look at?” His tone is light, teasing, but there’s a hint of seriousness behind it.
“No— no, you’re not hard to look at, at all,” you quickly assure. And because your brain has melted, you add, quieter, “that’s sort of the problem.”
He’s silent for a long moment. And when you sneak another glance at him, you see a grin slowly crawling onto his face.
“Oh, yeah?”
“Shut up.”
“You think I’m handsome, hm?”
“Just a little,” you mutter, arms crossed defensively. “Doesn’t mean anything.”
You search for the exit, thinking it’s about time you get out of this situation before you quite literally pass out. With every word, Anakin leans closer to you, and your pulse has quickened to the point of dizziness.
“I think you like me,” Anakin’s voice has dropped to a near-whisper, rasping as he leans down close to your face. You’ve shrunk back as far as you can go, almost hitting your head on the control panel above.
You turn your head away, trying to escape him, only to find his arm already braced against the wall by your head, trapping you in.
There are so many thoughts flying through your head. This can’t happen— he’s a Jedi— you want him— you can’t breathe— is he getting closer?
“Look at me,” he demands. And it’s like he’s the pied piper: His voice controls you.
“There you go,” the corner of his lips tilt up. “Not so hard now, is it?”
“It is hard,” you whisper, eyes welling with overwhelmed tears. “You make me nervous.”
He can feel your fragile will shatter, bringing his other hand to cup your jaw, keeping your head tilted up with leather fingers. Even if you look away, you have no choice but to face him.
“Well, I’m proud of you.” His voice is incredibly soft. It’s not mocking or teasing or anything.
He’s proud of you. Anakin Skywalker is proud of you.
That knowledge coaxes you back to him, slowly, and you see true adoration shining in those glittery, softened eyes. Your shoulders finally relax, shaky breath filling your lungs.
“Please don’t make fun of me,” you beg, giving up on hiding what you truly feel for him. He’s forced it all to light now, anyways. “I know you can’t feel the same. And I’ll keep it to myself. I don’t want to trouble you—“
“Hey, hey,” he cuts you off, hushing softly. “What did I say? You’re never troubling me,” his gaze shifts between both of your eyes, as if unable to decide which to look at. “And who says I can’t feel the same? Who says I can’t feel more?”
Your attention accidentally shifts down to his mouth, and your mind goes absolutely blank again.
Pretty, plump lips curl into a smile. Mischievous, this time. Knowing.
“What’re thinking about, hm? Tell me, please. What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”
His face draws impossibly nearer, you almost go cross-eyed trying to keep looking at him. His breath tickles your lips, and you instinctively squeeze your eyes shut.
“Show me what you’re thinking,” he urges. And with a surge of confidence, fueled by the desire to just take what you’ve wanted for so long now, you lift your chin and close the last remaining centimeters between you.
“Mmm,” he immediately hums, appreciating your eagerness. He smiles against your lips, and it lights your body on fire.
You are kissing Anakin Skywalker.
His lips are just as soft as they look.
You finally know what Anakin tastes like.
These three thoughts are all you can grasp until you pull away too soon, stomach somersaulting from the soft sound your lips make as they break apart. Only he hasn’t had enough. Using the hand on your jaw to keep you still, he captures your lips in a bruising kiss, tilting his head to taste you deeper, harder— he lets his tongue swipe your bottom lip, coaxing you open, wanting to know if you taste this good everywhere— only the feeling of his hot tongue on your lip fills your face with unbearable heat, and you pull away from him with a gasp.
“Anakin—“ you whine, bringing your hands up over his to cover your face.
He’s laughing now, ducking his head so that his bangs cover his eyes. If the lighting wasn’t so dim, you could have sworn there was color blooming on his cheeks.
“What? Too much?”
Again, you’re left speechless.
But you’re not stupid. Of all the words he’d just spoken to you, all of the gentle touches and longing looks in the past, of how he’d just kissed you—
“There’s no need to be so shy around me, sweetheart,” he tries to amend. “I adore you. Everything about you,” he shakes his head. “I always have.”
He couldn’t make it more clear. A tiny, hopeful smile eases its way onto your face, but you bashfully push at his chest. “Okay,” you huff. “Just— just let me breathe for a minute, okay?”
He laughs again, but leans back and returns his arms to his sides so you can gulp in a deep breath. Your face is so hot, and your lips are tingling from his phantom touch. And he’s still just staring at you, unblinking.
“Stop looking at me,” you mumble, and he responds by affectionately squeezing your cheeks between his thumb and pointer finger, stealing a quick kiss on your pouted lips before you can complain.
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hanniluvi · 6 months
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[ DAY NINE ] of the advent calendar !
( 🤍 ) SYNOPSIS . who knew taking a bus ride back home on a cold day could be romantic?
( 。♡˚ ) PAIRING . classmate!niki x gn!reader
( 🤍 ) GENRE . fluff, classmates 2 lovers
( 。♡˚ ) WARNINGS . none ? ~~ WORD COUNT 0.8k+ ( 833 )
( 🤍 ) NOTE . HAPPY NIKI DAYYY 🤍🤍 the back 2 back bdays in dec okayyy 😍 LMAO ANYWAYS i love riks sm u dont understand . but yes yk i had to think of a cute kinda cliche fic idea for this !!! hope u enjoyyyy 🤍🤍
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"I have to go," Niki declared, catching Sunoo off guard as he put on his hat. Sunoo looked at him with confusion, and his confusion only deepened when Niki suddenly started running away. "Hey! I thought we were gonna—" Sunoo stopped mid-sentence, realizing Niki wouldn't hear him from where he was. Shaking his head, Sunoo continued on his own way home while Niki had places to be.
Rushing to the bus stop, Niki spotted you with reddened hands—apparently, you'd forgotten your gloves. The bus hadn't left yet, providing him with an opportunity to steal a few moments with you. Sneakily standing next to you, he nudged you a little, prompting you to look in his direction. With his head turned away, Niki pulled out a hot pack from his pocket, offering it to you.
"Thank you," you smiled, taking the hot pack from him. He simply nodded, and both of you turned a shade of red, and it wasn't just because of the chilly weather.
A slight awkwardness lingered between you both, but it dissipated as the bus finally arrived. Leading the way, you approached the bus entrance, with Niki following right behind you.
Finding seats on the bus, you and Niki ended up in the same row, side by side. The awkwardness from earlier lingered, but there was an undeniable cuteness to it.
As you settled into your seat, Niki hesitated for a moment before mustering up the courage to speak. "Uh, YN, do you mind if I sit next to you?"
“Oh I don’t mind—here,” quickly removing your bag off the empty seat, a small smile played on your face as you nodded.
He grinned in return, his enthusiasm evident. "Thanks,” Then, with a touch of shyness, he added, "But, uh, can I sit in the window seat?"
Chuckling at the request, you gestured toward the window. "Of course, have it." Rising from his seat, Niki offered a quiet expression of gratitude and slid into the seat, smiling at you as he tapped the empty chair beside him. Responding to the unspoken invitation, you swiftly took your place, feeling a gentle touch between your legs due to the limited space on the seats.
Despite the subtle physical contact, you couldn't help but smile, a hint of red tinting your cheeks at the unexpected closeness.
At one point, you noticed a familiar tune playing softly on Niki’s phone. It happened to be a song you both liked, and without a word, Niki pulled out his earphones and handed you one side, sharing the music.
You glanced at him with a playful smile, placing it into the left side of your ear. "Oh, you like this song too?"
Niki chuckled. "Yeah, it's a good one. Thought we could listen to it together as we wait for our stop.”
“That sounds nice,” and you two continued to listen along. With such similar music tastes, you two just had to exchange phone numbers so that you can send song recommendations anytime. You two were getting closer than you thought.
But as the bus neared Niki's stop, he reluctantly pulled the earphone out, giving you a warm smile. "I have to get off here. It was really nice sharing this with you."
"Goodbye—oh, hold on." As Niki rose to leave, the realization dawned on you that you still had his hot pack. Getting up from your seat quickly, you retrieved it from your pocket, you offered, "Here—"
"No, you can keep it," Niki declined, gently placing your hand, hot pack and all, back into your pocket. "I've got an extra—that one was just for you," he smiled, knowingly bending the truth, knowing that was his only hot pack. But, perhaps, he hopes you'd think of him later because of this gesture.
You returned the smile. "Thank you. Will I see you tomorrow?"
"You bet."
With a friendly goodbye, Niki exited the bus, leaving you in the now vacated window seat. Seizing the opportunity, you moved to the window seat, looking out at the passing scenery. The atmosphere inside the bus felt a bit different without him, but you welcomed the solitude.
As the bus moved along, you noticed a slight fog forming on the window. Absentmindedly, you drew a smiley face on the glass, only to realize there was already a message etched there. Through the mist, you saw something: “me + you = date?”
Right next to the message, there were blurry hearts, already slightly erased due to the fog. Since when did he have the time to write such a sweet confession in the most unique way possible? Were you that focused into the conversation with him that you didn’t bother looking around your surroundings?
Either way, your heart skipped a beat as you read the unexpected message. Blushing, you couldn't help but smile, feeling a warmth that lingered even after the fog on the window had cleared.
With a smile, you took out your phone, contemplating what to text Niki. It wasn't going to be just another song recommendation; you had something else in mind.
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ENHA PERM TAGLIST (1) — @flwoie @ixomiyu @haruavrse @shinsou-rii @bearseulgs @ilovewonyo @yenqa @dimplewonie @bubblytaetae @wtfhyuck @ineedaherosavemeenow @ml8dy @starikizs @wonioml @chirokookie @xiaoderrrr @neozon3nha @en-chantedtomeetyou @millksea @enhaz1 @eundiarys @hyeosi @ja4hyvn @judeduartewannabe @j-wyoung @thia-aep @vampcharxter @softpia @officiallyjaehyuns @itsactuallylina @hsheart @sweetjaemss @ahnneyong @hanienie @jwnghyuns @kpoplover718 @jiawji @rikizm @haknom @yeokii @wvnkoi @whoschr @teddywonss @shinunoga-iie-wa @isoobie @skzenhalove @misokei @s00buwu @ox1-lovesick @miercerise @litttlestars @enhapocketz
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alexwritingspot · 8 months
hii ! i LOVED your percy x reader sm!! and your writing is BEAUTIFUL !
ik you just posted recently but could you do percy x gn!reader with prompt 9? and possibly make it enemies to lovers? <3
Maybe even enemies can love each others…
prompt 9: “are you flirting with me? Took you long enough to understand it”
A shared punishment imposed by Mr. D, by the side of the great Percy Jackson leads you to finally face all the feeling that you had hid for so long…
A/n: Omg! Thank you so much! 😭😭😭 you have no idea how much this comment means to me, you literally made my day 🧡🧡 I’m not an English native speaker, so I’m always doubting about both my writing and my language skills, so having a compliment like this is just very appreciated! As always the prompt list is on my page. words count: 800
warnings: maybe cursing? Other than that none
It wasn’t like you totally hated Percy Jackson. He saved your life more than once and was after all a nice guy. But he got under your skin, a whole lot. You hated how everyone at camp saw him as the perfect guy, the handsome boy with a golden heart who saved Olympus twice and had chosen to refuse immortality to help the camp, heck, even his fatal flaw was a merit! But you hated it because it wasn’t absolutely like that… ok, maybe it was. But you hated how no one pointed out his flaws.
So here you were, forced to a shared punishment with the son of Poseidon because you two had ‘disturbed’ Mr. D’s breakfast with your bickering. You pulled up your sleeves and put on a pair of gloves waiting for the torture to end. You two had to wash the breakfast dishes in the camp’s kitchen and you both were left alone since Mr. D had left.
You watched the water pour from the sink faucet as you held out an hand and waited for Percy to pass you a plate… except he didn’t. When you turned he was juggling with some apples found around. You let out a tired sigh “have you finished messing around or do I have to clean up all of this by myself?” Annoyance dripping from your voice. With a single move he stopped throwing the apples in the air and put them down on a near wooden table “you should enjoy your life more, you know?” He teased, a smirk was playing on his lips and Oh gods, how much you’d like to smack it out of his sneering face! But you couldn’t, so you simply turned your glare back to the sink and said nothing else, you had to bite your tongue to not retort back.
He then came closer to the counter with a pile of dirty dishes in his hands, a light was entering the window and kissing his face almost poetically, his green eyes shining bright… what were you thinking?! You forced yourself to simply take a plate and you started washing it, well aware of his eyes on you. “You’re just gonna stay there all day staring at me or you’ll actually help?” You asked him in a very serious voice, and he laughed, how dared that- “relax, we have plenty of time and if you didn’t notice I’m helping you” he said, clearly amused, you side glared at him “how, exactly?” He put down the pile of plates and took a step nearer “I carried here the dishes” he pointed out, you rolled your eyes, and turned your head once again to give him a warning glance to not make you anger, but you stopped the moment his face came into your vision. Why did he need to have such a pretty face, you wondered. You ended up doing all the dishes alone as he stood there, until finally he spoke “I like your eyes” he said, you turned, confused, he had that same playful light as always “you what?” You ask, looking at him, your face scrunched up in confusion “You heard me” he said smiling, as he got nearer “do you want to play 5 questions?” He asked, you turned fully, your back resting on the counter as you dried your hands, the dishes could have waited
“Wasn’t the game ‘20 question’?” He shook his head “It’s funnier this way, you have to choose the most important ones” He said, your shoulders were touching and, oh boy, you didn’t mind at all “Who starts?” You asked, he went straight to speaking up “what’s your favourite colour?” You laughed a bit at the irony of the question “what about the talk you made about three seconds ago about the fact that this way we had to do important questions?” You mocked him “you didn’t answer” he answered back, ignoring completely your statement “I like green” you shrugged “like my eyes?” He questioned “like your eyes” you confirmed “my turn… do you like someone?” You asked, sure that the answer would have been a positive one, even if strangely the thought made you jealous. “Yes, a certain child of y/g/p, who has a really smart mouth” he looked you in the eyes and you could swore he was looking into the depth of your soul. You stood there, processing the information with your mouth slightly agape. “Are you flirting with me?” You asked, in total disbelief, he took a step closer, placing his hand on your cheek, even if he was warm it made you shiver “took you long enough to understand it” and then he closed the gap between your lips, with the softest kiss someone has ever gave you…
A/n: Hope it reached your standards! Feel free to request anything else! 🧡🧡🧡
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jelliessoap · 8 months
price x professional baseball player! reader hcs >:]]
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male!reader mdni probably long as shit
this idea has been rotting my brain tbh idk why but it’s so !!!!!!! idk but enjoy mwahahaha ( i love this gif sm )
- would meet after the mlb hosted a game in england.
- he didn’t go, you were having a bit of a tour with your teammates and went to grab a drink after a successful game. you were sat next to him at the bar and he struck up a conversation curious about the matching symbols on your hats.
- “never seen that football team before.”
- when you chuckled at him and answered that it wasn’t football finally hearing your accent he was intrigued and your conversation blossomed from there.
- relationship wasn’t a thought for either of you, you were in complete different countries and had busy schedules. but that didn’t mean you guys didn’t wind up developing feelings as time went on
- you guys were more so friends with obvious crushes
- price started learning more about baseball ( watching your game highlights on youtube )
- couldn’t and wouldn’t tell you much about his job though he mentioned it was military. you didn’t pry too much deciding it wasn’t your place
- you decide to fly him out to watch the first playoff game after he congratulated you on making it, before you even told him might i add. he had the time and figured he could use a small get away even if to america of all places to a crowded stadium. it was worth it to see you again.
- bought your bobble head
- did not care for the game until you took the field
- had no clue what was going on but he was cheering for you
- was so excited when your team won
- met up with you after the game and said it wasn’t that interesting but you saw the shirt he bought with your teams logo on it hiding under his arm
- bonus meeting option is some sort of charity event!
now for actually dating lord
- still has the bobble head from the first game of your he went to. he keeps it on the desk of his study and you’ve caught him smiling at it more time than you could count
- goes to all the games of yours he can.
- you live with him in england during off season but have to move back to the US when the season starts up again.
- you both have busy schedules and unpredictable jobs that require travel and at times spontaneous trips but you manage to stay in communication
- should there be a time say when john has a mission that you can’t reach one another you agreed to write letters and exchange them once he returned
- if he can’t watch your game in person its on a tv at base, if theres no tv it’s on a radio. does he understand any of the terminology despite your countless attempts to explain? absolutely not. but his ears perk up and his attention is grabbed whenever he hears the announcer mention your name, reminding him you were still out there.
- you play worse when john is out on missions because you’re worried about him and hoping he’ll make it home unscathed.
- he noticed this watching back on base once and when he got home he wrote a sweet little encouraging note on your glove/bat
- ‘Always watching, give me a good game, slugger. Be home soon. <3 John.’
- heard the term slugger in an old baseball movie you watched together and insisted on making it your nickname
- rented out your home stadium when he proposed to you
- dugout sex
- felt real damn proud of himself when your last name on your jersey changed to price. ( or was hyphenated! )
- you better believe you’ll be rewarded after a good game
- doggy with your jersey still on
- missionary with your jersey on and open so he can rub on your chest and look you in the eyes while he plows you
- “look at their mvp, crying on my cock— what would your team say luv?” omg who wrote that!!!
- he def has a thing for your uniform. those baseball pants show off your ass perfectly
- if he ever bottomed he’d be a power bottom
- would ride you and wear one of your hats you play in or your helmet if you’re a hitter. rimjobs
- you send him dirty pics in your uniform all the time.
- pics with your jersey unbuttoned, drenched with sweat, baseball pants hanging low and your uniform coved in dirt will have him feral for you.
- he’s just a perfect little supportive hubby thh
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kamii-2 · 1 month
omg!!! you should do a paige x softball player!reader fic where paige and the reader are in situationship and reader wants to make things official and paige doesn’t fully know what she wants until it’s like one of readers big games and paige is there in readers jersey and asks her after they win!
i read your kk hcs and saw the a/n and was like omg i love that bc 1)i’m a softball player 2)i love paige sm!
hi anon! i love this idea so much but im gonna change it up (i dont like the idea of paige wearing readers jersey but i like everything else) sorry if its nothing how you wanted it, if you want me to redo it just ask :) !!
warning(s): none (surprisingly)
genre: fluff
pairing(s): paige bueckers x softball player!reader
not proofread (i keep forgetting to add this 😭)
today was senior night and one of the most important softball games, paige and a few of your other friends were coming as well. you and her had been messing around for a few months now and you were starting to fall deep in love with her.
everything about her made you feel weak in the knees. her smile, her voice, the way she treats you, everything.
it was and hour and 30 minutes before the game and you were in your off-campus apartment getting ready. you were putting all of your things in your bag when you got a facetime call from paige. you answered and propped your phone up on the desk in your room, continuing to shove things in your softball bag. “hey.” she said with the phone set up in kk’s room somewhere. “hi.” you say back, “why’d you call?” you asked her. “to tell you that ice and kk are coming with me.” she answered, you smiled and said “okay, well i have to go get dressed so i’ll talk to you later. bye!” you said before hanging up.
you walked over to the uniform sprawled all over your bed and put it on. after you put it on you went in the bathroom and put your hair in a low ponytail. when you were done you put on some slides, grabbed your phone and keys, then went to your car to head to the field.
when you got to the field the game was starting in an hour and 13 minutes. the field was ready and most of your teammates were there. “hey y/n.” one of your teammates said as you walked in the dugout. “hi.” you said with a smile and clipped your bag to the fence, grabbing your cleats out and sitting on the bench to put them on. “are you ready for senior night?” another teammate asked you while sitting down next to you, “yes but i’m gonna miss you guys.” you said in a sad-ish tone.
after you got your shoes on, you talked with your teammates and coaches till the other team arrived at 5:00. the game started at 6:00 so this gave both teams an hour to practice before it started. you got a catching partner and threw back and forth till your coach called you guys over to practice batting and fielding.
it was currently 5:55 and both teams were in the dugout waiting for the game to start. when paige, kk, and ice got there you came out the dugout and said hi and giving them each a hug then going back in.
since you guys are home team you’re in the field first. you waited for coach to you where to go, “y/n, you’re gonna pitch.” he told you, you nodded and put your glove and face mask on.
you got some practice pitches in and the in and out fielders threw a ball around. at 6:00 the first batter walked up and got ready, you pitched right down the middle, she she swung and it went straight to you. you caught it and she was out.
in was now the last inning and you were on third base. your teammate had one more strike before she was out and you guys lost. the pitcher pitched a perfect pitch and your teammate swung, it went in between second and first and you ran to home. the pitcher had the ball when you about to be at home so you slid and the pitcher tripped and landed on you really hard, her face mask flew off her face.
you were safe but your hips hurt really bad and you were gonna be bruised and hurting worse for sure tomorrow. besides everything that jsut happened, you sat up after the other girl got up and cheered, winning one of the most important games of the season.
you were in the dugout sitting on the bench with your head thrown back, when ice and kk came in. “where’s paige?” you asked as they sat next to you. “she had to go back to her dorm real quick but she’ll be back in a little bit.” kk said. “i bet your hips hurt.” ice said while looking at you. “they do and bad but it’s fine it’ll go away.” you said while standing up, wincing in pain.
they got up and walked out the dugout while you put your stuff in your bag and said bye to them. now it was time for senior night.
“first up we have y/n l/n, she can play any position and is one of your best pitchers. despite being super clumsy and somewhat reckless, she’s one of our best players.” the coach looked over at you and you limped over to her, stand next to her at the pitching mound. “now on to her stats.” she said as she flipped to a page full of numbers, “she has played all 20 games we’ve been in so far, batted 28 times, struck out twice, hit by pitch 6 times, got on base by hitting 16 times, and got on base by balls 4 times. her highlights of the season are hitting 3 home runs, 1 grand slam, and been the winning runner 4, now 5, times.” your coach informed everyone while you stood next to her smiling super big. “y/n is a great player and i’m gonna miss her when she leaves.” your coach was tearing up and she turned to you and gave you a big hug, and you returned it, starting to cry too.
your turn was done so you walked back into the dugout being hugged by everyone and staying for everyone else’s turn.
it was 9:04 and you were walking out the dugout going to find paige and her friends. they were standing by the bleachers talking, “hey guys.” you said to them and they went up to you and said hi and gave you guys and were talking about the game. “are your hips okay?” paige asked you, “they hurt alot but it’ll go away eventually.” you said while placing your heavy bag on the ground.
“well me and kk are gonna go back to our dorm, our uber is here.” ice said and she game you one last hug before walking away, kk giving you a hug and leaving.
“y/n i have a question for you and something for you in my car.” paige said as she grabbed your hands. “what is it?” you asked her. “y/n l/n will you please be my girlfriend?” said asked with a smile and grabbing your waist softly so she didn’t hurt you. “yes, yes i will!” you said as you gave her a kiss.
she kissed back then quickly pulled away. “i have a big as basket full of stuff for you. i had nika and azzi help me pick out things for it.” she said as she held your hand started to walk. you grabbed your bag and followed her, “im excited to see it.” you replied as she took you to her car to get the basket. she opened the car door and handed the basket to you.
“thank you so much p.” you said to her giving the taller girl a kiss. “you’re welcome baby, ill see you tomorrow.” she smiled and got in her car to leave.
sorry if this sucks 😭 but anyway i hope you enjoy, have a good day/night, love you 💋💋
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hollytoshaw · 2 months
hiiii! i love your work and i just wanted to request a harry insta au but reader is american, all kinda inspired by “so american” by olivia rodrigo. thank you sm!💐💘
omg hi lovely!!! thank u so much @themirrorballgal !!!! i loveee this song sm so thank u for this idea. hope you enjoy!!! feel like this is a bit shit but i tried lol i'm v british so hope this isn't awfullll & sorry its a bit short!!!! xxx
so american | harry lewis
summary: y/n & harry being an iconic american x guersney duo
face claim: ig : gracie.mckenna_
'Drivin' on the right-side road, he says I'm pretty wearin' his clothes'
y/nusername posted a photo!
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liked by ksi & 490,039 others! y/nusername driving around my favorite place with my favorite boy! tagged wroetoshaw location : brooklyn, new york city
view all 3k comments
freyanightingale miss you!!!!
taliamar cuties
faithlouiseak come back to the uk soon <333
wroetoshaw driving on the left>>>
wroetoshaw nyc harder to drive in than london ffs ↳y/nusername stop your whinning u love it
harryxlewisfan stop it harry in nyc !!!!!
w2slover love this duo
ynharryfan mother and father
harryfan1 harry hating america but loving it since y/n>>>
ynharryfan2 pls do a nyc vlog w harry 😭😭😭
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y/nusername posted a photo!
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liked by wroetoshaw & 380,026 others! y/nusername first trip to guernsey!!!! tagged wroetoshaw location : alderney, guernsey
view all 3k comments
r0sielewis love you girl!!!
taliamar adorable
faithlouiseak omgggg <333
wroetoshaw pretty girl ↳y/nusername ❤️❤️
harryxlewisfan omg mom and dad in guernsey
ynharryfan harry calling her pretty in the comments i can't
harryfan1 omg she's met his family i can't
ynharryfan2 my usa queen finally made it to the channel islands
'And he's got hands that make hell seem cold, feet on the dashboard, he's like a poem I wish I wrote, I wish I wrote'
y/n_username posted a photo!
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liked by wroetoshaw & 380,026 others! y/nusername london archives tagged wroetoshaw location : london, england
view all 2k comments
wroetoshaw you know what they say about big hands ↳y/nusername big gloves?
ynharryfan i can't w these twooo
harryfan1 queen is in london towwwwwn
'When he laughs at all my jokes, And he says I'm so American'
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y/nusername posted a photo!
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liked by wroetoshaw & 310,029 others! y/nusername alexa play 'all american bitch' by olivia rodrigo location new york, new york city
view all 2k comments
freyanightingale come back soon!!!!
taliamar love ur face
faithlouiseak aaahh miss u b
wroetoshaw biggest american bitch ever ↳y/nusername okay guernsey bitch boy
wroetoshaw joke miss you my pfb ↳y/nusername wtf is pfb ↳wroetoshaw my proper fit bird x ↳y/nusername uk slang will be the death of me
harryxlewisfan their interactions>>>>
w2slover nowonder harry's been moody in sidemen vids recently, our queen is back in her homeland 😭😭😭
ynharryfan harry better get in his private jet and fly his ass over to nyc now
harryfan1 how has harry bagged himself y/n
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wroetoshaw posted a photo!
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liked by callux and 810,560 others wroetoshaw little miss america tagged y/nusername
zerkaa she's turned you soft
y/nusername love u my guernsey boy💙💙💙
miniminter cringe
sidemanxfan HARRY POSTING???
harryxlewisfan my faves
w2slover little miss queen of america more like
ynharryfan not a day goes by where i'm not jel of what these two have omg
sidemenfan2 logan x ksi got nothing on this duo
a/n: hope this is okay. thanks for all the love on my other works you're all fab and i love making these, i know i said i'd stop the social media au's for a while but they're so fun to make and don't take that long so i'm obsessed lol
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you couldn't keep me off for long 🤺🤺
how about the same three (dazai aku and fedya) but with a reader that runs super cold ?? i love this idea for no reason because dazai would tease, akutagawa would just be funny because haha sickly victorian children, and fedya has fuckign anemia so ofc he's cold 24/7 as well. ur writing style is also delectable i would like to eat it tysm
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(me when i read ur things)
OMG I LOVE THIS! (Bro thank you sm i seriously feel like my writing style is shit but I love you…and please never fend off)
to the anon requested the bsd men and cold fic it is underway, I currently have written half of it…the ones with all BSD men take longer to write 😞😞
off I go to writing this ✨✨
BSD Men With a Reader That Runs Cold
In this post: 💃 Osamu Dazai, Ryonosuke Akutagawa, Fyodor Dostoyevsky💃
Pairing: Fem!reader/BSDMen
Synopsis: BSDMen and a gf that runs cold.
Osamu Dazai
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Dazai is a man that burns with joy and passion in his everyday life. Consequently, his body temperature almost always runs high. And as the saying goes, opposites attract: you’re almost always cold, and Dazai, the man of your life, seems to have fire licking his skin constantly. He eagerly appoints himself to be your personal furnace, wrapping you in his arms when you shiver, and lending you his coat without you even having to utter a word. But his gestures come with a small price. Your boyfriend always teases you, his cat-like eyes smiling fondly as you glare at him, bundled in a mountain of covers and still needing his body heat. Dazai’s favorite joke is to propose sex as a way to warm you up. No matter how much he teases, however, he will always be ready to rescue you from the freezing cold that claws at your skin, enjoying the time he gets to spend holding you close to his heart.
You walked through the streets of Yokohama, shivering like you were experiencing your own magnitude level 5 earthquake. You were bundled up in a large coat, a scarf and gloves, even a small hat adoring your adorable face, and yet, you were still shivering so hard your teeth chattered.
Your boyfriend, Dazai, was walking leisurely in front of you, wearing only his usual trench coat, seemingly unaffected by the cold that held you tightly in its claws.
“D-Dazai!” You called, feeling as if you couldn’t take another step without shattering into a myriad of tiny ice shards.
“Yes, my belladonna?”
“M’ cold…”
Dazai sauntered over to you, leaning down to peck your nose. “Such a rare occasion, isn’t it, Bella?” He cooed mockingly, caressing your lips with his thumb.
You swatted his hand away, whining. “Stop teasing. I need solutions, not problems.”
“Okay, I have a great solution.” Dazai declared, looking in your eyes very seriously. You nodded, listening, blowing some warm air on your freezing hands, which still felt on the verge or falling off, even with your gloves on. Dazai’s hands took yours in his, warming them up with his own personal heat. “We go back there, and I fuck you so good — ”
“DAZAI!” You shouted, afraid someone could hear you. You rapidly checked around the both of you, terrified that a little kid might have been lurking in a corner. Returning to look at your boyfriend, you found him doubled over, laughing.
“I’m sorry, baby. I’m sorry.” He said, a hint of laugh still dancing in his tone. “Come here,” he said, opening his trench coat. You slid inside, instantly feeling warmer. Dazai closed the coat around you, holding you tightly against him, feeling a little proud when you stopped shivering. “When we get home, l’ll make you some warm tea.” He promised, already seeing your apartment complex in the near distance.
“And then we cuddle on the couch.” You said, starting feel your ears again.
“And then we make out on the couch, yes.”
Your joyful boyfriend started laughing, and you soon joined, your laughter intertwining into a beautiful melody, as you two walked home. Throughout the walk home, Dazai made sure you were completely covered by his coat, a perfect bundle of warmth. He promised himself he would always be there to hug you till you weren’t shivering anymore.
Ryonosuke Akutagawa
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Akutagawa was a normal person, who never felt too hot or too cold. When you burst into his life, all joy and laughter, he had to get used to you, and all your wonderfully eccentric behavior. But the one thing he struggled most with, was your abnormally low body temperature. Whenever you told him you were cold, he would stare at the various layers of clothes you were wearing, as well as the winter coat you had thrown over your shoulders. Akutagawa just…couldn’t understand you. He didn’t try to be mean or anything, his mind just couldn’t make sense of it. Akutagawa soon realized that his body heat helped the perennial cold that seemingly nestled, like a frozen rose, in your heart. Whenever you would be shivering at night, Akutagawa would tentatively wrap you in his arms, and warm you with his body heat. He would crank the heat up in your apartment, despite your protests about the price (he had enough money to spend). Soon, you feeling cold became another quirky aspect of your relationship, and also gave Akutagawa the opportunity to always keep you in his arms without explicitly voicing his desire to do so, which suited your touch-starved boyfriend perfectly fine.
You were at the Port Mafia’s annual Christmas Party: an event that lasted all night long, in one of the many ballrooms owned by the criminal organization. The floors were made of polished wood, and the ceilings were decorated with wonderful paintings, and delicate flowers engraved in the dark wooden beams that supported the high ceilings. The moonlight filtered in through the mosaic windows, coloring the partygoers in different shades.
You were sitting at a table, a glass of glittering champagne in your hand. You were wearing a black slip dress Akutagawa had gifted you. It adorned your body perfectly, a slit exposing your right leg. You looked gorgeous, and Akutagawa stared at you for a good 5 minutes without being able to say anything when you had come out of the bathroom, finding you the epitome of beauty.
The night had been fun: you had successfully dragged Akutagawa to waltz with you, holding you close. You could feel Akutagawa’s heart beat against your chest, a small smile twinkling on his lips. The moment had abruptly ended when Mori had called Akutagawa to raise a toast to the Port Mafia with the rest of the high executives.
You, being a low-level Port Mafia member, had given him a kiss to send him off, and had gone back to sit at your designated table. All the dancing had made you sweat, and now the droplets were cooling on your skin, making you already colder than you always were. You had decided to sip on your champagne to warm yourself up, but your exposed arms were not helping. You had started shivering, setting the flute back down on the table, and wrapping your arms around yourself to try and create a little heat.
“Are you feeling cold, (Y/N)?” Akutagawa asked, dragging a chair to join you. You nodded, sheepishly. Akutagawa glanced at you for a few seconds, his eyes zeroing on your shivering shoulders. He exhaled, not believing he was about to do this.
Slowly, Akutagawa removed his coat, an item of clothing that was seemingly fused to his body: he rarely took it off, and only in the comfort of your home, where he knew the both of you were safe from any danger.
You watched him in utter disbelief as he draped it around your shoulders: it was the greatest act of trust Akutagawa could ever commit towards you.
Seemingly not having moved you to tears enough, he scooted closer with his chair, wrapping you in his arms and holding you tightly against him, trying to transfer some body heat.
Akutagawa was known for not liking any form of PDA. You knew. He knew. The whole Port Mafia knew, which explained the shocked glance Chuuya threw your way.
But honestly, you didn’t care, and nuzzled your face in Akutagawa’s chest, glimmering tears sliding down your cheeks and ruining your makeup: Akutagawa always found proclaiming his love to you to be extremely difficult, but clumsily, through his actions, he always found a way to tell you how much you meant to him.
Your boyfriend felt your shoulders shake, and mistook you to be still freezing. He held you even closer, until he noticed the wetness on his chest, harshly pulling you away from him to check on you. “(Y/N)? What’s wrong?” His panicked tone made you laugh through the tears.
“You’re just perfect, you know.” You whispered, bringing his hands to your mouth, leaving a red lipstick mark on his knuckles. “I couldn’t have gotten luckier.”
Now it was Akutagawa’s turn to feel his heart melt, his eyes suddenly watering. He coughed, looking away, trying to maintain his cold persona.
“Akutagawa, it’s our song!” You squealed, suddenly hearing the melody play. “Let’s go dance!” You excitedly grabbed his hand, almost dragging him to the middle of the dance floor, his coat still around your shoulders.
Akutagawa almost protested, but the smile that was engraved in your eyes the minute you started swaying in his arms was a force too strong for him to resist. You two ended the night in each others arms, singing the song’s romantic lyrics to one another, the mosaic windows coloring each part of your faces with a different color.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Listen, Fyodor is anemic, he’s always cold. Russia’s harsh winters must have infected his body, because this evil mastermind is always shivering. And when the two of you got together, and you told him you were a person that generally ran cold, Fyodor smiled, saying he was the same. The two of you share the same struggles on a daily basis, and try to rely on one another for warmth, but with little to no results. The heat in your apartment is always cranked so high that Nikolai directly comes in shorts whenever has to come over. Whenever you two sleep, you have at least 5 covers and huddle in each other’s arms. Whenever you whine that you’re cold, Fyodor does hug you, but you both know it won’t be enough, so he throws a cover on both of you, and only then can you two start to warm up. A warm tea, or a warm milk, are mandatory every night, and you have a multitude of hot water bottles stashed in the kitchen. You use one almost every night. Still, even if Fyodor knows that hugging you won’t change much, he secretly adores sleeping with you in his arms, because the love that you so clearly feel for him is enough to warms his heart.
“Fyodor, I’m still cold,” you whimpered, trying to huddle in his arms. The two of you had been cuddling in bed for thirty minutes, bundled underneath an avalanche of covers and duvets, each of you holding a warm water bottle. Fyodor was feeling…okay. Not warm, exactly but not as freezing as you were. You must have been tired: you usually felt colder when you were tired. Fyodor tried his best to rub his arms against yours, but to no avail.
“I can tell, myshka…you’re shivering,” he cooed, trying to tuck the covers around you. But nothing seemed to be working that night. Fyodor leaned back, trying to figure something out, his already fast mind moving at inhumane speed. “What if I draw us a warm bath?” He asked, caressing your cheek with the back of his hand.
Your eyes shot open, a glimmer of hope in your smile. “Yes…please,” you scooted out of his embrace, watching as your boyfriend braved the cold, sliding out of the sheets. You instantly felt colder, now that he was gone. You hugged his hot water battle as well, watching as his tall form slid inside the bathroom. You heard the water running. The harsh sound of water on marble soon changing to water sloshing on water.
You waited impatiently, jumping out of the bed when you heard his sweet voice calling you. You ran to the bathroom, trying to avoid the cold’s claws that reached for you. You almost threw yourself in the bathroom, closing the door behind you to not let the heat from the heater make its escape.
Fyodor looked at you lovingly, helping you slide your clothes off. You didn’t wait for Fyodor, almost throwing yourself inside the large bathtub. You instantly felt the cold hidden in your limbs wither and die, finally feeling at peace. The water sloshed around you as Fyodor joined you in the tub, his pale skin almost taking a pearl-like shade in the dim lights.
You happily swam towards him, falling into his arms. Fyodor welcomed you with a small smile, glad to see your cheeks flushed with heat for once. “We should do this more often,” you thought out loud, playing with your boyfriend’s hands.
“Noted, milaya.” He purred, feeling a drowsy sense of relaxation spreading throughout his body. “This sure is peaceful,” he murmured, sinking further in the bathtub, eyeing your naked body underneath the trembling surface of the water.
“Stop,” you laughed, noticing his gaze, swimming away from him and flicking some water in his face with your foot. Fyodor moved uncharacteristically face, grabbing your ankle and tugging you toward him, and pressing a kiss to your soft skin. You giggled shyly, hiding underneath the water.
Fyodor dunked his head underneath the water, meeting your eyes. You smiled at him, and he wrapped his arms around your waist, dragging you against him. He pulled both of you out of the water, watching as it cascade down both of your bodies. You laughed merrily; Fyodor laid his head on your chest, closing his eyes and humming quietly. You caressed his head, diving back in the water when you felt a sudden chill caress your spine.
You kissed Fyodor lazily, watching with half-lidded eyes as he opened the tap to let more scalding water fill the tub around you.
You two cuddled in the warm water for hours, sometimes kissing, sometimes just laying in each others arms.
You were falling in and out of consciousness, and barely noticed Fyodor lifting you out of the now lukewarm water, drying you and slipping your pjs on you. He then carried you to bed, tucking the both of you in, carefully. You snuggled against his chest, and peacefully fell asleep, finally warm, Fyodor’s hand held tightly in yours.
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y13evie · 10 months
Hi so I saw that you are open to write for house md and I'd like to ask for a chase fic. Like reader is house's kid and either works at the hospital too or gets admitted there but also knows chase and is in a relationship with him. Plot can be fluffy, smutty and/ or angsty I don't really care but I'd like to know how house would react if he sees them interact etc.
Idk if you see this or like the idea but I wish you the best and I really like your fics
hiiiiii anon!! i love this idea sm and i LOVE ROBERT CHASE WITH MY WHOLE HEARTT. dad house is so sweet and cutesy. i tried my best for u
tags: robert chase x houses kid! reader, one use of y/n, house is stubborn but loves u, just fluff
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this is embarrassing. never in your twenty-five years of life would you imagine yourself in the hospital that both your father and boyfriend work at. yet here you are, with a 4 cm laceration on your right hand. the triage nurse had just sent you off and notified you that a doctor will be with you shortly. from your room window you could see dr foreman patting a familiar face on the back, probably saying something along the lines of “this case is yours bud”.
as soon as chase read the report he hurriedly rushed into your room. you shot him a sheepish grin and lifted up your hand to reveal the gash.
“my god, y/n”, he sat down next to you and took your hand gently into his gloved one and inspected the wound. he looked up at you, as if asking for an explanation.
“maybe i shouldn’t garden alone. i picked up this clay pot. the way it was sitting had been bothering me for a couple days now. i’m guess i’m not as strong as i thought i was because i dropped it and as it shattered, it cut me up pretty good.”
chase sighed at your stubbornness, something that had drawn him into you since early in your relationship. he took one of his gloves off and gently stroked your hair. he rambled on about how you should really be more careful and call him if you needed anything too laboring done. you weren’t listening. you were staring into those blue eyes. you weren’t into all that cheesy romance stuff but god, those eyes are stunning. your moment was quickly put to an end when harsh tapping could be heard from outside your window. you knew that sound from anywhere.
“you decided to be the one to doctor on MY kid”
house, or dad as you call him, hastily shuffles into your room and gives you both a judgemental look. robert rolls his eyes,
“foreman gave me the case first, i'm just doin’ my job”.
house hobbles over to check your vitals even though it’s a minor issue compared to what they deal with on a daily basis. you know your dad loves you and cares but he’s not the best at verbally expressing it. you knew he would probably just sit there and observe, so you turn back around to your extremely, worried boyfriend.
“soooo” you drag out the ‘oh’ sound, to show him you’re not worried. “whatcha doin after work handsome?”. chase runs a hand through his blonde hair and lets out a long, exasperated sigh.
“i was planning to go on a cute and sweet date with you, but instead i’m gonna be dr. chase for another 12 hours”.
he sounded tired but you knew he was more than happy to care for his darling. just as you two were planning out your evening, your father and robert’s pagers began harmonizing. chase gives a quick but passionate kids to your temple. house makes his gag be known, sticking a finger in his mouth for dramatic effect.
your dad lingers in the room for a moment, giving your shoulder a squeeze. it’s still gonna take time for him to adjust to the fact his child is dating his co-worker. but you’re not his little baby anymore and he knows it.
when he heads out his parting words are,
“i’ll have someone stitch you up kid, stay put”.
you lean back in the bed and continue to add pressure to your wounded hand. a few minutes pass and your sweet boyfriend stops by again. and takes a seat at the stool beside your bed. he has the tools to stitch up your hand. to distract you from the pain, chase sparks a conversation.
“your old man..” he chews the inside of his cheek. you know exactly what he’s gonna ask. “does he like me? and not as a co-worker. does he think i’m a good fit for his kid?”. your heart sank at the thought of robert thinking he’s not enough. truth is, your dad did like him. though he would never admit it, the fact robert makes you happy, makes your dad happy. he’s real bad at showing it, but you know it’s true.
“he’s a grump, chase. he likes you. he might never admit it. but the fact he hasn’t beaten you to death with that cane of his really says something.”. you can tell your reassurance helped. you loved robert, and he loved you too. before you knew it the stitches were finished. he pulled out a sling from a cabinet so you won’t irritate the stitches too much.
“hey, i’ll get your discharge papers. we’ll have you out of here soon”.
chase pressed a kiss to your lips this time, and he stayed there for a minute. hand on your jaw to keep you steady. you moved your lips in unison, running your free hand through his hair. a sharp pain stabbed your hand and caused you to pulled away and gasp. he reminded you to take some pain medication once home.
before he headed out the door, robert whips around and sternly demands,
“i don’t ever wanna see you in here again.”
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lorkai · 3 months
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: I'm a little biased as always when it comes to those two but this was one of my best fics imo, look at their happy faces. They're so precious! I love them sm ipjwiojweoijg. There's probably some typos but I'm super busy with uni stuff + can't find the time now to proofread and this has been on my drafts for a while now, so I'm posting how it is. Tagging u bcs u asked, I hope u like this silly fic! @hanafubukki
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Not necessarily a warning but there's some suggestiveness at the start.
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"Today I'm going to steal Rook's hat!" Those were your exact words.
You said this at six o'clock in the morning, the sun still creeping across the sky to brighten everyone and everything another day, after having entered through the open window of Vil's room like a gremlin - how you did it he had no idea considering his room was on the top floor of Pomefiore.
And in that moment, when you gush about how smooth and soft Rook's hat felt to the touch, and how you would play with the feather and laugh at the surprised expression on Rook's face, Vil wanted nothing more than to turn to the other side of the bed and go back to sleep.
You threw yourself into the vacant space next to Vil, swinging your legs happily as you asked for your beloved's help. Your little puppy eyes making his heart clench and twist inside his chest, like it always did when you used that same trick time and time again.
Breathe, exhale. He remembered. He couldn't give in to your whims again, he remembered well what happened last time.
You invited yourself even closer to him, ignoring your personal distance to cup his face in your hands, fingers massaging the silky skin as you looked up at him. "Please, Mein Lieber."
For a long second, Vil wondered how he could love two persons as chaotic as you and Rook. You two were practically the same and more times than you should you followed the hunter around, imitating his mannerisms and making him laugh like that because you think it was funny. You liked imitating him and Rook loved to have you around, taking you to people watch while you both stated your observations on each person.
This and Rook liked to teach you the hunter ways. So far, you haven't killed anyone with your bad bow skills.
"Du bist die Liebe meiines Lebeéns." You whispered against his ear, consonants and vowels completely exaggerated and some pronounced wrong. And he ignored you, rolling his eyes, accustomed to your antics by now.
One of the different things between you and Rook is that the Chasseur D'amour would use flattery and his good observation to get what he wanted, you instead always chose to irritate people (mainly Vil) with your terrible German speech. Was it your only weapon or was it just because Vil couldn't bear such torture?
He preferred not to know.
You then changed tactics, preferring to fill his face with slow kisses but always avoiding the place he wanted you to kiss him. His temples, his cheeks, his nose, his chin, every bit of skin your lips touched made him feel dizzy. Vil could mentally hear Rook's whines if he were there, ignored, Rook was always so needy for his and yours attention.
His rough, chipped lips slowly descending though the queen's neck while his hands free from his gloves gently navigated Vil's sides and hips. He trembled in your arms.
"That's enough!" Vil looked at you, panting. He held you before you could kiss his eyebrows too. "I'll help you, but you better come here right now and kiss me. On the lips, darling."
You didn't need to hear it twice. The kiss began softly, a needy dance of emotions. But he wanted more, needed more until he was truly satisfied with it. You had woken him up too early, had disturbed him and irritated him. He needed this to restore his good mood.
He needed you like you needed him.
Time seemed to slow down as you met again for a kiss, and another, and another, and hundreds of others, leaving only a sweet freshness behind. That was how he described all the kisses he shared with you, all of them precious.
Vil felt you smiling through the kiss, he could feel the aura of victory and presumption that exuded from you. He bit your bottom lip hard to keep your attention on him, making you whine.
"However, the execution of this plan of yours will depend entirely on you, Liebling. I don't need to remind you that Rook is a great observer and will instantly know you’re up to something if you act differently.”
You nodded as if you were confident that your other lover wouldn't be able to notice anything. Or at least, that he didn't realize it until it was too late.
Later, after you had kissed Vil until he was beaming and satisfied, and his lips were softly swollen, you found yourself sitting on a high branch of a tree, hidden from view and engulfed by green leaves. Waiting for the right moment, watching your target.
You forced your eyes to follow every movement of your vulnerable prey, the one who was sitting a few meters away from you, resting in his usual spot and polishing his bow.
As promised, Vil was talking to Rook about a subject you didn't know what it was. His expression carried the usual serious air but it was accompanied by a calm smile. Rook had that effect on him. And in you too, as if he always knew what you needed to hear to smile, to laugh and to cry.
Yuu notices the way Rook tilts his head to better hear what Vil is saying and how Vil laughs at Rook's jokes. A few seconds go by, you very slowly starts to climb down from your hiding spot, at this point you didn't even need to think anymore, your hands knew where to hold and how to search. It was like second nature.
Finally on the ground again, you do your best to mingle with the tall trees and huge bushes. You can still make out Rook and Vil's figures, the hunter stood up, showing Vil his bow and arrows, and he demonstrated the correct way to hold it.
It occurred to you that maybe Vil was talking about some role he would need to play as an archer and you had to admit that captured Rook's attention perfectly. He was so excited while he explained this and that to his lover, you almost wished to forget your little plan and come closer to listen to him. When he goes on a rant, his beautiful green eyes lighten up while he explain and demonstrates, even more when he can answer some doubts.
'Focus, soldier', you thought to yourself.
The hunter handed his bow to the queen, placing his hands over Vil's and explaining how Vil should shoot to hit the target. And Vil did perfectly. As Vil gracefully executed the instructions, Rook's admiration was evident by his big smile.
As Vil's aim improved under Rook's guidance, you edged closer, careful not to disturb the serene moment. Careful to remember every little detail. You could feel the tension building within you, anticipation mingling with determination. As Vil hitted the target, Rook engulfed him in a warm and long hug, swaying side to side as if they were doing a little comemmoration dance.
This was the moment you had been waiting for, as Rook kept praising Vil, you were getting closer, silent, deadly, your hands strecthed to grab your prize. sensed the perfect opportunity to strike. Timing was crucial, very important for you mission, and you waited a little more, watching them.
His hat was so close now... The sun shone into it, making it looks so comfy. You almost wanted to rush, to grab and run but you waited just a little more.
Vil handed back the bow, still smiling. You could tell it was genuine, he was proud of himself to be able to hit the target even if he wouldn't use this knowledge anywhere. More than this, as he put a stray hair behind his ear, Rook stood on his tiptoes to give his queen a kiss as reward.
And was then that you emerged from your hiding place, your presence initially unnoticed amidst the rustling leaves. Before either could react, you grabbed his hat and ran as if your life depended on it. It was so much beautiful, so soft and comfy, you putted on your head, the last thing you saw was Rook's shocked but proud eyes staring at you.
You had accomplished your mission, feeling very proud of yourself. But now it was time to proceed with the next phase of your plan; run away from Rook.
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haikyu-mp4 · 1 month
hi omg i love your works sm !! each one is so cute and i love your dialogue for the characters 🫶 i've read most of them but i'll be going back to reread and reblog them bcos u deserve the love 🤍
i wanted 2 ask if ur requests were open ? it's okay if they aren't ofc !! but i had this idea earlier about dentist / orthodontist iwaizumi or oikawa ! and i've been looking thru the hq writers that i've reblogged from n u came up ! the idea is pretty broad but i was thinking more of a build up from patient-dentist (?) to lovers, smth like that ! idk if ure up for it then do ur magic but otherwise i hope u have a great day and i'm looking forward to reading more from u 💞💞💞
Unusual affection
thank you so much for your love!! I never wrote much AU before so this was such a fun idea and I hope I did it justice<3
word count; 1353 – gn!reader, dentist Oikawa AU, patient-dentist to lovers, suggestive
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You're not so fond of going to the dentist. Luckily, your teeth didn’t give you many problems growing up, but your parents were urging you to get a check-up appointment after you moved away to a new city. Better to establish a dentist before the issues come up, they would say.
So you did, you made an appointment with dentist Oikawa Tooru and made your way to his office a few weeks later. His waiting list wasn’t exactly short. Not that you had to wonder why for long because…
that is one gorgeous man!
“You need to floss more regularly,” he added as if it just came naturally for him, which it probably did. You lay on the seat as he looked over all the basic stuff, rinsing and picking at your teeth. Unfortunately, you couldn’t see yourself attracting him very much with your mouth wide open and lips scrubbed dry already, so you just accepted your fate.
“I’m not really a dancer but I’ll try,” Oikawa stopped what he was doing and the swivel chair he sat on slowly turned towards you. That’s like something Makki would say, he thought. And that’s not a compliment.
“How old are you, 10?” he asked but quickly cleared his throat when the secretary seemed to eye him from her desk. She always said he shouldn’t have an attitude with customers.
“Some would say I’m a 10 out of 10!” you responded, joyfully watching as his patience wore thin. Oh, how fun to find cracks in that perfect exterior.
He sighed, shook his head, and turned back to the monitor. You started looking at the ceiling, counting the dots and lines in the ugly pattern until you lost count and started over. Is that a headache creeping up on you?
Finally, Oikawa rolled back over. You blinked a couple of times to shake off the view of the ceiling and actually focus on him. “Open.” Wouldn’t mind hearing him command you like that in another setting, you thought, suddenly avoiding eye contact again but still doing as he said. Dentists are not supposed to be this attractive. “Your wisdom teeth on this side, do they hurt?” he asked, pointing to the cheek he was referring to.
You thought about it, humming in thought. “Yes, especially after eating. Lots of food gets stuck in there too.”
“We can set up another appointment to get them removed,” he informed you. “It should be mostly covered by insurance if I say it’s necessary.”
You nodded, licking your lips as they felt so dry from his gloved hands running over them. “Will…” he was about to stand up but stopped for a moment to listen to you. “…you be doing that?”
A small humorous sound left his lips, and it sounded so melodic you were in a trance. “That could be arranged.”
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Two weeks later, you’re back at the reception of your dentist's office, asking for Oikawa. You agreed to do the procedure with a local sedative, as you didn’t have that many close friends in this city yet that could pick you up, so two assistants were currently making sure you wouldn’t feel anything around your mouth for the next hours. Unfortunately, this called for you to stay quiet, and you were honestly just excited to see Dr. Hottie again.
Your prayers were answered, and after they left you to soak in the numb feeling in your mouth for about ten minutes, Oikawa walked through the door. “Hey there, little dancer.” he greeted you.
“Hi!” you cooed, but it sounded odd when you couldn’t feel your lips. You frowned, trying to look down at your lips for a moment before giving up. Oikawa clicked his tongue from where he watched you, shaking his head before putting gloves on. Everything he did seemed so elegant, but you had a sense there was a dorky side to him.
“It might hurt a bit, but just tap me if you need me to adjust, okay?” he informed you, looking into your eyes for an answer.
You nodded, sucking in a quick breath. His eyes were pretty. Swirly, like chocolate ice cream. “Yes, I got it.” You bit your top lip, sheepishly continuing. “My safeword is toothbrush.”
Oikawa seemed to chuckle under his breath, he hesitated to humour you but still gave in. “Good to know. I was half expecting a stupid joke about tap dancing.” he hummed before picking up the first tool he needed and swiftly getting to it. It wasn’t very fortunate, to have him stare at your face as your cheeks flushed red, but it was worth witnessing the self-satisfied smirk on his face.
The procedure didn’t take too long. He struggled with the lower tooth, so an assistant came in to help him and the two conversed like you weren’t even there. When it was finally done, Oikawa pressed a button so you were adjusted into a seated position. You let your lips run frantically over your chapped lips, reaching for the small cup of water he provided you. And had you not been busy with the aftermath of the procedure, you would have noticed the way he watched you for a moment too long before getting up and throwing away his gloves.
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Oikawa knew it was inappropriate. His breath shouldn’t have stuttered when he saw you in the waiting room for the check-up, he shouldn’t have sent you a small wave before calling your name to let you know he was ready for you, and he shouldn’t have put his hand on your back while leading you to his station. He just found you entertaining, that’s what he told himself, but he definitely looked off his game when you finally sat down for him to check the stitches from the procedure.
“Everything alright there, doc?” you asked, eyebrows furrowed. Oikawa waved his hand as if it was nothing, laughing under his breath.
“No worries, I was just-” he pursed his lips before pointing at you with the little tool in his hand. “Do you like pasta?”
Your jaw loosened in disbelief. “Pasta? I guess I do, is that bad for my teeth or something?” you asked a bit awkwardly.
“There’s this new Italian restaurant down the street. You should go there,” he said. “With me, I mean.”
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Oikawa’s penthouse apartment was pretty nice, so you two basically spent most of your time there after a couple of dates led to stumbling through your front door with your lips locked together. He had complained about the small bed and creaking floor of your apartment, which led him to take you home to his place the morning after.
Now you were sitting on the marble countertop in the bathroom with Oikawa standing between your legs, and it was similar to something you had dreamed up before when imagining life with a boyfriend. The difference was, you weren’t kissing or anything like that. No, your mouth was wide open as your handsome boyfriend checked your teeth before bed after you brushed them. “This is a bit unusual, don’t you think?” you managed to say, making him pout as you accidentally left a small bite on his pointer finger.
“You’re a bit unusual, but here we are,” he mumbled, but still hummed in appreciation at what he observed. “I knew the electric toothbrush would help.”
Finally, he leaned an arm on each side of you on the counter so you could have a kiss, which you’d say was a much better reward for being good at the dentist than the ones you would get when you were younger. “You truly are a genius, Tooru.” you cooed sarcastically. He kissed you again and hummed, savouring the aftertaste of your toothpaste. The expensive kind.
“Maybe I’m such a good dentist that my kisses clean your teeth,” he said, and it shouldn’t work. It shouldn’t be charming. It was cheesy, made no sense and created some disturbing mental images. But you savoured it nonetheless, accepting every kiss he gave you and returning it with the same sweetness.
Luckily, this dental nerd is all yours.
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circe69 · 1 year
heyyy! i love ur writingg sm I recently discovered ur blog - (I also love ur biooooo!), I had this idea and I thought I would share it w you!
imagine reader is simon’s wife/fiancé and a medic, and like an old married couple, reader tells Simon off in front of the rest of the 141 and he’s like lost for words 😭😭 that’s all, I just wanna hear your thoughts hahah! much love 💕
aww thanks so much anon! you're very sweet :3 hopefully this was what you wanted! sometimes i get requests and just run with it...lol enjoy!
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
"You seriously should not have done that, Ghost. What were you thinking out there?" You shouted as you walked into the shared kitchenette. You were following Ghost and trying to keep up with his large strides, but you were not even close to catching up.
"I was being careful, Y/N, but even if I wasn't, that's what I signed up for when I took this job." He slammed his handgun on the table and started ripping off his vest and gear in an inpatient manner. You were too distracted to notice that the rest of the troop was also in the kitchen, eating quietly as you entertained them with your bickering.
"Look, I'm just trying to make sure you know you don't have to-" You paused, "risk your life all the time." You were making a cup of coffee as Ghost caged you in from behind, pressing his chest against your back and kissed the side of you neck carefully, slowly. All you heard was the clearing of throats, most likely coming from Soap, and the heartbeat steadily thumping from Ghost's chest.
"Don't worry about me so much, Miss Medic." He started walking away as you slammed your mug down on the counter, "Well, you can't just tell me to not worry about you! For goodness' sake, I would've killed myself if you'd died." Tears were starting to brim at your waterline, and they would've poured if Captain Price hadn't abruptly stood up, "Simon, a word?"
Ghost rolled his eyes, reluctantly following Price like a little kid getting in trouble. All you saw was the two of them walk into Price's office and the door shutting behind them.
You turned back around to mix sugar into your now-cold coffee. "Don't worry about it too much, miss." Soap said as you sniffled, "As brilliant as the man is, he doesn't think he's worthy of being looked after."
Soap got up from his seat, folding the newspaper he was reading, and walked over to you. Putting his hand on your shoulder, " 'Ts not his fault though." He patted a few times before sliding the newspaper underneath your coffee mug, letting the spilled coffee soak through the material.
⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆
"Simon, you have to remember why that woman does what she does. It's not 'cause she needs you to be unwounded for insurance reasons, it's not like she needs you alive to stay hired. That woman loves you," Price said, pointing at the door signaling he meant you, the said woman standing in the kitchen.
Ghost sat down in a chair, leaning his elbow on an armrest and leaning his head on his hand.
He sighed aggressively, "I know." He rubbed his face with a gloved hand before he repeated, "I know, Price."
"Well then, do something 'bout it!"
Ghost looked Price in the eyes for a good minute before nodding slightly and standing up from his seat and opening the door to the kitchen. Price sneaked out from behind him, leaving the kitchen after whispering, "There's some paperwork that's calling me." Simon smirked knowing good and well that every paper he'd need was in the room they were just in, but quietly watched as Price walked off into a different room entirely.
You sat at the table, with your cup of coffee and blank eyes staring into space. Ghost stared back at you, hoping some satellite would signal to your brain that he was sorry, that he really did love how you needed him, but staring alone wasn't going to get through to you; he was going to have to speak.
He sat down in the chair across from you, the metal screeching at his size, his knees slightly bumping the table and making your coffee ripple.
"I'm sorry," he whispered. You finally looked up at him, resting your head in your palm. He loved the way your cheek looked smushed against your hand, the way your eyes looked at him when you wanted to say something but didn't know exactly what.
"It's okay. I was probably being a bit overprotective. Over someone that doesn't really need it." You said, gently placing your foot on top of his giant boot underneath the table.
He smiled at the action and started slowly bouncing his foot up and down, moving yours on top of his. "Who said I don't need it? I get into trouble all the time, you know that."
Chuckling at the thought, you said, "You're reckless," underneath your breath. He noticed, however, "So bloody reckless," he repeated as he stood up from his seat and circled the table around to you.
Ghost towered over you, and as you stood up, he still was over a foot taller than you. His chest was at your eye level, and he loved the way your chin upturned in order to look at him properly. Sometimes he'd pick up your jaw for you and hold it in place with his giant hand.
"You forgive me?" He said, leaning down to your face.
"Of course." You stepped a little closer, slightly teasing him by pushing your body against his.
His finger met your jaw, tracing the soft outline of it, while staring dead at your mouth, "Good." Ghost started to lean into you even more and put his lips on yours until the door opened, "WAHOOO THEY MADE UP! GAZ GET IN HERE NOW." Soap exclaimed at the sight of you and Ghost in close proximity, the way you should be. You heard Gaz running down the hallway, his dog tags rattling against each other before he slid on his toes into the room. He slammed a hand on Soap's chest, "See, I told you they'd be fine. They're practically already married anyways; nothing could break the old geezers."
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geekforhorror · 10 months
opinions on anakins mechno arm? sfw/nsfw whatever u want
you asked the right person for this bc i am an absolute WHORE for his mechanical arm. the fingers, the glove, the flexing, everything. i’m not even kidding.
because i love the ask sm, i have decided to turn this into head cannons of anakin finding out his partner has a thing for his metal arm <3
metal hand kink with anakin
when you bring it up for the first time, he’s a bit taken aback but also intrigued
he asks a few questions to learn more about it
starts off with him tracing his fingers against your cheeks and hair
once he’s more comfortable with it, he’ll start caressing your hips with it and sees the way you react to the contrast between your skin and the metal
notices the way you play with his hand if you’re cuddling after a long or stressful day
turns out you love the way it flexes whenever he’s stretching or stressed out
always takes in the way you get flustered when you ask for his mechanic arm/hand
you already know it boosts his ego
it also gives him some much needed self confidence because he was always insecure about it before he met you
he fucking loves it when you entwine his hand with yours
loses it at your guys wedding when you hold his hand
later finds out you like it with that slutty glove of his and uses it to his advantage
ok now for my fav part: nsfw shit!
LOVES groping ur ass with it
he can’t get over the fact that you want his fingers inside you
he knows you prefer his metal hand without the glove but you also love it when he has the glove on while fingering you
you drool over it let’s be honest here
he loves looking into your eyes just to see how far gone you are from getting off on his fingers/hand
he gives u permission to ride and dry hump it as well
anakin loves seeing the mess you make on it
lets you lick his cum off it
teases you about it but he loves it
he’s glad you told him about your kink
your kink gives him more ideas in the bedroom and loves experimenting it with you
am i done yet?
i think so.
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sanjithesimp · 1 year
♡ shameless ft. min yoongi♡
a/n: yoongi has a chokehold on me, idk what he has done but omggg. btw did anyone here went to see the live viewing? I LOVEEED IT SM…..anyways enjoy :)
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warnings: nsfw (minors DNI). pwp (very little plot). daddy kink. praising kink. degradation. oral (m!receiving). unprotected sex. creampie.
summary: yoongi + reader being touch starved and very horny
playlist suggested to listen while you read this <3
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it was his last concert in the U.S, he was exhausted but happy to see all the fans were enjoying his shows. you hadn’t seen him happier, you were so proud of him. and you would be lying if you said he didn’t look fucking hot, you had to control yourself from fucking him right after the end of every show, mostly because after getting to the hotel he would just switch off and instantly fall asleep. but tonight was the night, you wouldn’t let him go without rewarding him for the great work he had done.
this time when you went inside the car you whispered in his ear, while you caressed his inner thigh, each time moving further “i’m so proud of you baby, you did a great job out there” you could feel his heart beating faster.
“i’m so going to ruin you when we get back at the hotel” he said, his lips centimeters from yours, as he guided your hand to his growing erection. you audibly gasped at his words, as you imagined what he would do to you, the way he would fuck you until you couldn’t move a single muscle.
once you got to the hotel, you couldn’t wait to get to your room and strip every single piece of clothing you both had on. but yoongi had other plans, he liked taking control over you, he liked watching you beg. when he closed the door behind him he demanded you to get on your knees, or else you would be punished.
you watched him take off his black gloves removing them slowly, finger by finger to reveal his veiny hand. he knew exactly what he was doing to you, never failing to tease you.
motherfucker. you thought, as he had a stupid smirk on his face, enjoying torturing you.
“so darling, are you going to be good for me?” you nodded, as you stayed on your knees like he ordered.
“words, i can’t hear you, babe” he said as he threw his gloves somewhere in the room.
“i’ll be good, daddy” you say pouting, knowing that he loved it when you called him daddy.
he sat on the couch and signaled you to come to him. you started crawling, swinging your hips. you had his full attention, as he palmed the bulge forming on his sweatpants. his eyes darkened with lust, in his mind ideas of what he wanted to do to you. the way you looked so delicious with that small skirt and the small top that had squeezed your tits so that they were almost out for everyone else to see. it took every ounce of him to not cum in his pants just by looking at you kneeling in front of him.
“open up for me, love” he said guiding his thumb inside your mouth, and then making you suck on it, your tongue moving all over it. his groans and moans were more than enough to get your panties soaking wet. but you needed more of him, you wanted to taste him, have him begging for more as you sucked him off, have him cum inside your mouth, ruin you.
“babe, i want you…now, please” you said, looking at him as you massaged his firm thighs. you couldn’t wait much longer, you were starving.
“such a needy bitch…” he said, and then he removed his sweatpants and boxers, only to reveal his painfully hard cock, precum dripping from his red tip. you took him with your free hand, while the other massaged his thigh. you stroked him first, from the base to the tip, teasing him with your thumb watching him throw back his head, hissing at how sensitive he was.
you gave a few kitten licks before taking him all in, never losing eye contact with yoongi. he couldn’t resist whenever you did that, watching as you took him all in inch by inch until you bottomed out and chocked on his big cock. he watched as you bobbed your head up and down, drooling all over his cock, as you played with his balls. your makeup smudged and your eyeliner ruined as you gagged over his length.
“fuck, you’re going to make me cum if you don’t stop that..” he said as he gripped the armrests of the chair until his knuckles were white. he bucked his hips as you lapped your tongue and grazed his cock with your teeth. you wanted to make a mess out of him before he ruined you too.
you bobbed your head a few more times before he came hard on your mouth, you swallowed every single drop of it. “good girl” yoongi growled as he cleaned the corner of your mouth with his thumb.
“as you’ve been a good girl, i will make it up to you” he said as he helped you get on his lap, and pulled you in for a kiss tasting himself. his hands roaming all over your body, moving under the small top you had on, cupping your breasts, feeling your hard nipples as you moaned in his mouth. one of his hands traveled under your skirt, only to find your soaking wet panties.
“you’re so wet and i haven’t even started with you babe” his fingers teased your cunt over the fabric sending electric shocks through your spine, making you whimper and squirm. he then took off the rest of your clothes, leaving you completely naked.
he took one of your breasts on his hand, and started sucking on it, his tongue making its magic as it played with your hardened nipple, his teeth grazing your soft skin as you clawed your nails on his back and begged him under your breath for more, just as he liked it.
“i want you inside me, y-yoongi” you whispered, as your pussy ached to be filled with his cock, you had been waiting for a long week for it. you took him in your hand and gave him a few pumps.
“as you wish, my princess” he said, as he took over and lined his cock to your entrance, teasing your cunt a few times before finally pushing himself inside you, inch by inch, you enjoyed the burn as your gummy walls adjusted to his length until he bottomed out.
his thrusts were hard and fast, making you leave red marks all over his back, as his lips attacked your neck, sucking on your soft delicate skin until he left no more space for marks. he liked it when you wore the little marks proudly, letting everyone know you were his.
“you like it ?” yoongi asked as he pressed his thumb on your swollen clit, rubbing small circles making you clench around his cock.
“it feels so good” you said, as you rolled your hips to the rhythm of his thrusts, you could feel your orgasm building up in your belly. as you were getting closer, his thrusts started getting faster until you creamed all over his cock, while he continued fucking it all back as he tried to reach his own orgasm.
he then placed a hand around your neck, squeezing lightly. “what a good girl you have been all night, i love you” he said before kissing your lips passionately, his tongue playing with yours. he filled you up with his cum until it was dripping down your thighs.
“i love you too, yoongi” you said, as you both moved to the bed and laid side by side.
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mosaickiwi · 5 months
momoo auugh i had another idea a bit ago but i forgor </3 totally not self indulgent but could i request an angel who's normally very touch-aversed (with gloves n all) carefully reaching out to redacted to just hold their hand or something small without their glove(s) 👉👈 a quiet, tender moment with angel and redacted. i need the comfort lol
hope that made sense, i love your work sm!!
hiii hiiii shalls <3!!! Immediately started on this when I got it for no particular reason hehehehehe :3c happy birthday!!
14 Days With You is an 18+ Yandere Visual Novel. MINORS DNI
~Touch Averse Angel~
[REDACTED] perked up beside you at the sound of your voice. You’d been quieter than usual, milling from store to store lost in thought as he trailed not too far behind along the pier. It was meant to be a simple shopping date. But you were too distracted to even remember what you'd bought despite the bags at your feet.
You were staring out at the ocean, trying to work up the courage to hold his hand. It had happened a couple of times before. Only with your gloves on, once you'd mentally prepared. Never for too long, either. You wanted it to be different this time.
It took a second to realize they were still waiting, patient for whatever you wanted to say. The silence had lasted longer than you meant it to. 
“Can we...” you began, unsure if you could even say it. You weren't prepared just yet as you turned to look at him. “...Can you go get me something warm to drink?” you asked.
Their response came with an amused smile, snake bites tugging up with the corners of his mouth. “Sure thing, Angel. Guessin' you want the usual?” You silently nodded. “Be right back.” 
He obviously knew you meant to ask something else, but he didn't pry. Instead, he sauntered off towards a brightly patterned stall further down the pier.
You immediately fussed with the fabric of your gloves, hurried to pull them off and shove them away in a coat pocket. An embarrassed huff escaped as you turned to lean forward on the wooden railing, arms crossed to stave off the cool breeze that came to brush at your fingertips.
Maybe you were overthinking it. You didn't need to announce that you wanted to hold their hand. They'd get the message loud and clear if you just went for it.
The old wood of the pier barely creaked under his boots as [REDACTED] came back. A tall cup was set on the railing next to you, scarred fingers wrapped far at the bottom to hold it steady.
“Thanks,” you said as you reached for it. He let go as soon as you securely grabbed the top. 
His blue eyes seemed to zero in on your hands. They took a sip of their own drink before asking, “Gloves bothering you?”
“Something like that,” you mumbled as you mustered up the courage again. Steam from the drink wafted into your face as you took a few sips to warm up and think it over. He wasn’t quite in reach anymore, but you’d take the next opportunity as soon as—
“I have another pair if y'need ‘em,” he said softly. 
The dark-haired man pulled a set of gloves out from his jacket. They weren’t in his style, nor his size. You watched as he placed them on the railing, just as he did with the drink. Had he always been carrying around an extra pair for you? He wasn’t even wearing any of his own.
“Um, thank you,” you repeated and fell silent, a little caught off guard. You took the gloves and fiddled with them for a moment. The fabric felt softer than your other ones, and a lot warmer from being hidden away in his coat. It was comforting.
The gloves had to be stashed in another pocket for now. Yet again he didn't question your actions, despite how odd you were being—how odd you'd been all day. You drummed your fingers on the styrofoam cup as you glanced at him from the corner of your eyes.
For once, he wasn't looking at you. He was leaning back, one hand dangling off the edge of the railing while the other held his drink close to his mouth. Every so often he was biting his lip as he swallowed with a tiny wrinkle to his brow.
You shifted closer and began to reach for him.
They were quick to notice once you moved, eyes widening and darting between your face and your hand—your bare hand—that was slowly inching towards theirs on the wooden surface. There was clear anticipation in the way his fingers curled and uncurled, though he otherwise held still. Somehow his patience to let you take your time helped calm your nerves. It took a few more seconds until you eventually felt the warmth radiating from their hand.
His skin was a little rough in some places. You delicately traced over the faint veins running along the back of his hand before tucking your fingers in to touch the softer side of his palm. The angle seemed awkward, but you were determined to see it through. They slightly turned their wrist to make it easier for you to hold on. 
Neither of you spoke while you settled into the feeling for the first time.
Everything about it felt different without the barrier you normally had. It was new, but comfortable. You didn’t mind how cold [REDACTED]'s fingertips were compared to the rest of him, or the way his thumb draped loosely over your unsteady knuckles. A silent sort of reminder that you could pull away whenever you needed to—except you wanted to stay like this.
If it wasn’t for the rather hasty swig of his drink that he took once you carefully tightened your grip, you would’ve seen the beginnings of an uncontrollable smile on your partner’s face.
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lolbotvr · 2 years
If requests are open, could I get bob with a reader who just totally melts at his voice? Because I cannot be the only one-- ty and have a wonderful day/night!!
Omg you are not the only one- his voice is so gahdidieiwiso I love it sm it makes me feel things one should not be allowed to feel. Also have you seen the tiktok of Bob’s voice actor?! Ahhhh
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Bob x Reader who Melts at his voice:
Warnings: suggestive ideas hinted, mentions/implication of murder and cannibalism, gender-neutral reader (they/them pronouns), lots of teasing, 3rd person, Bob’s voice
(^Tell me if I missed anything or if I should add/remove anything!)
Didn’t specify if they wanted hcs or a oneshot so I chose small headcanons with short oneshot. Sorry if this isn’t so good but I tried my best. Tysm for the request! <3
Totally uses this to his advantage.
Always tries to find different things to say to you to see what has a better effect on you
Loves seeing your knees get weak because of him
Bob loves when he’s cuddling you and then he leans into your ear to whisper sweet nothings and facts and watching you melt into his arms
Loves to praise you to see how flustered you get
The first time he noticed your reaction to his voice was when he was just telling you how much he loved you
He noticed how you began to shift and fidget with your fingers as he spoke
So he experimented with you by lowering his voice, subtly praising you with it’s huskiness
You were practically done for after that
The sound of their boyfriend entering their home already had them perking up. They brought their head up from their pillow and turned themselves around to rest their body weight on their elbows as they patiently waited for Bob to enter the room.
It was practically routine: Bob comes home after his ‘hard work’ and then they either snuggled or…
(Y/N)’s thoughts were interrupted with Bob entering the room. He waved his gloved hand to them and welcomed in his dark voice, “Hello, darlin’.”
They were already feeling the blush creep onto their cheeks as they struggled to say back, “Hey, Bob.”
Bob made his way over to the bed they were sitting on and sat next to them, leaning his face into theirs with his eyelids half closed. He then smiled and asked, “What’d you do while I was gone, darlin’?”
(Y/N) could feel their heart practically melting at his tone, “W-Well, I laid here and… took a nap.”
“Ah,” Bob nodded, rubbing his hand across his partner’s thigh teasingly, “So you must be well rested, eh?”
If their face wasn’t already red, it was now.
And Bob seemed to take note of this.
He raised a finger and began to teasingly trace it over their chest as he lowered his voice and expressed, “Y’know, you’ve been awfully quiet today. Anything I can do to help with that?”
“A-Ah, no… I…I’m good.”
(Y/N) was used to Bob’s teasing manner, but this specific moment felt more hardcore to them. Not that they were complaining. Not at all.
Bob chuckled, “Well that’s a shame. I really thought I could help. Wouldn’t you want me to… mess you up? Help you get more comfortable with that sweet voice of yours?”
As Bob spoke, (Y/N) could feel themself begin to practically shrink away into the bed. Bob smiled to himself, proud of his success.
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