#i love how they react when embarrassed or to compliments. they really are too cute for their own good.
vrystalius · 16 days
Hashira reacting to your affection
How will the hashira reaction to your affections?
Pairing: Sanemi, Kyojuro, Gyomei, Giyu x fem!reader
Types of affection included: kisses, hugs and cuddles, affectionate biting/nibbles, compliments
Note: I wrote this over the past few days and is by far the longest fic I’ve ever written! Enjoy!
Here’s the Upper Moons + Muzan version
Sanemi Shinazugawa
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Kisses: 8/10
Sanemi grumbles when you don’t kiss him on his lips. He needs at least one kiss on his lips every morning after waking up, and a kiss on the lips when making his way to the next mission. Intimate and long kisses are his favourite, especially when he’s holding you in his arms, making out with you in the dark of your bedroom. It makes him feel very loved and secure like that.
Cheek kisses are alright, Sanemi doesn’t mind them. Quick pecks here and there make him grin slightly, but he prefers it when you kiss him properly.
Forehead kisses make him feel like a child. It’s not a good feeling for him since it reminds him how much he’s missing his mother. When you kiss him on the forehead, Sanemi would grimace, but not push you away.
Neck kisses make him shudder and blush, especially when you sneak up behind him and surprise him with them. He’d gasp and turn his head to you, asking what’s your problem. You just don’t know how sensitive his neck actually is, and the goosebumps you’re causing (and perhaps cause something to stiffen in his pants). But in return, Sanemi loves making you squirm under him while he kisses your neck, nibbling down here and there. Besides classic lip kisses, neck kisses are his favourite as well. Only if he’s not the one receiving them.
“Hey, you missed. Come kiss me properly.”
Hugs and cuddles: 9/10
Sanemi loves holding you for hours at a time. Cuddles are his absolute favourite activity to do with you, just holding you and caressing your back. Sometimes he’ll just lay there, caressing your face with his calloused fingers and admiring you and your sleeping beauty.
Hugs in general are nothing too special for him. He doesn’t really like initiating them since that’ll make him look desperate (according to him). But sometimes, Sanemi would lay in your bed and open up his arms for you to join him. If you do, you just fell into his trap. He would wrap the blanket around you and roll you in with him, forming a blanket burrito. Now, you’re forced to cuddle him until either of you has to go to the bathroom.
“No, you can’t leave. I don’t care if ya have plans, I’m your plans now.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 6/10
It confuses him. Is it a joke? Are you challenging him? Or just trying to annoy him? Sanemi doesn’t mind, even if you bite down hard, since he is pretty pain tolerant. He will flinch or yelp quietly when you nibble on his hand or shoulder out of nowhere but if you do it during cuddles, Sanemi will just eye you, quietly judging… He grumbles when you leave a hickey on him. It makes him embarrassed if he can’t cover it up. Surely the other hashira are going to tease him every day until it faded… and probably even longer.
As mentioned before, Sanemi will nibble on your neck during steamy make-out sessions. He likes leaving hickeys on your collarbone and neck and in other obvious spots, obviously marking you as his.
“Hey, stop biting or I’ll bite back. I mean it.”
Compliments: 6/10
Compliments about his appearance make him feel proud of himself. Sanemi will brush you off and hide his blushing face, but on the inside, he’ll feel more confident and prideful. Pointing out how cool his scars look will make him less insecure about them. As long as you like them, Sanemi thinks.
Complimenting his skill as a hashira and his breathing style will make him flustered. Now everytime Sanemi uses a breathing technique, the only thing he can think about is how pretty you found the visuals. They aren’t supposed to be pretty, they’re supposed to be intimidating, damn it!
“Tch. I ain’t cute... and I’m not fucking blushing!”
Kyojuro Rengoku
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Kisses: 8/10
Regular kisses make Kyojuro blush just a little. Your soft lips on his feel like heaven to him, the way you cup his cheeks and pull him closer… He’ll return the kiss with extreme enthusiasm, making sure to either pull you a little closer and pour his love and passion for you into that act, or to place multiple pecks on your lips. Kyojuro just cant get enough!
Cheek kisses make him smile brightly and return the favour as well. After you finished kissing him, he’d place a hand on the area where you kissed him, feeling the lingering affection. Kyojuro feels like cheek kissed are convenient, meaning that whatever you are doing, he’ll find a way to steal your attention for just a moment by kissing your cheek randomly.
Forehead kisses feel intimidate and protective. Kyojuro would close his eyes and feel your lips on his forehead. In return, he also likes giving you forehead pecks. He’d cup your cheeks and tilt your head downwards for him, then place a warm and affectionate kiss on your skin.
Neck kisses make Kyojuro squirm. A lot. He doesn’t really like getting them. He jumps everytime he feels your breath on his neck… please don’t do this to him, his neck is just too sensitive and ticklish! Kissing your neck makes him nervous, so he’ll grow flustered everytime he does it.
“May I have another kiss? You forgot my other cheek!”
Hugs and cuddles: 9/10
Kyojuro loves, loves, LOVES cuddling you! He doesn’t care if he is sweating or you’re sweating, cuddling together with you is one of his most favourite things in the whole world. He adores holding you against his chest and taking in the feeling of feeling your skin against his. Sometimes, when you’re asleep, Kyojuro will just stare at your beautiful face. He’ll smile at himself and admire your beauty and think about how lucky he is. Kyojuro also likes warming you up with his warm body, especially in the winters. He’d pull you even closer and make sure that you two are properly wrapped in a blanket together and huddled up in the warmth.
He also adores giving out big bear hugs. Kyojuro would pick you up and spin you up in the air, holding you by your waist and just twirling him around. He’ll do that in public, in front of Shinjuro and Senjuro, in private and whenever he wants! Kyojuro loves you dearly and will demonstrate it everywhere! Even if it’s childish at times.
“Father look! I can lift her well above my head!”
“Put that poor woman down, you’re gonna drop her.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 8/10
Kyojuro doesn’t mind your random biting or nibbling. He probably does it himself! When you two cuddle together or simply make out a little, Kyojuro might switch over to kissing the top of your hand, nibbling down on it a little. He also likes nuzzling into your neck, biting down gently. He might even leave a little hickey here and there. Whenever you nibble or bite down onto his skin, he will laugh loudly and place a kiss onto your cheek.
“Do I taste good? I hope so!
Compliments: 7/10
Calling him handsome brightens his day almost as much you kissing his cheek. They make him grin and feel proud. He’ll push his chest out a little and blush, thanking you loudly for your kind words. Also, Kyojuro loves to compliment you. He is your biggest cheerleader and will support you with his words and actions however he can. If you’re feeling down, he’ll make sure to cheer you right back up with encouraging and kind words
“Thank you, my flame! Your words warm my heart!”
Gyomei Himejima
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Kisses: 8/10
Kissing Gyomei anywhere proves to be quite a challenge. You can’t really reach his face without having him to kneel or sit down, therefor the only chance you have to kiss him is early in the mornings when you two lay together in bed. That’s where Gyomei is the cutsest, all sleepy and sluggish. His voice will be even deeper and raspier and his hair is messed up. In those early morning hours, you have the best opportunity to give him kisses.
Forehead kisses are his favourite since that is the area you can never reach him normally. He connects those kisses with the times you two lay in bed and hold each other and the times you smother him in affection.
Cheek kisses are feel nice, but aren’t his favourite. He likes to return the favour though and kiss you on your cheek. Gyomei especially finds it adorable when you ask him to lean down in order to kiss him. It makes him cry a little everytime.
Regular kisses are nice. He likes it when you ask him to lean down, cup his cheeks and kiss him on the lips. It does taste a little salty though, given how Gyomei starts crying when kissing you sometimes.
“Apologies for my tears, dear pearl. May I have another kiss?”
Hugs and cuddles: 9/10
Gyomei adores holding you close to his larger body. He likes being the big spoon, but his favourite position would be holding you while his head is nuzzling against your soft chest. That way, you can run your fingers through his hair and trace the muscles on his back. He loves the warmth you give him. Gyomei’s absolutely loves running his large palm over your body, tracing your features. His hand will linger on your waist and rub you up an down, then it will travel downwards to your buttocks (if you let him) and caress your backside a little, then it would go down to your thighs and gently squeeze you here and there.
Gyomei likes hugs a lot. Your hugs are cute to him and how you’re trying to wrap your arms around his whole waist. He will lean down slightly and hug you back, mumbling quiet affectionate words to you. Gyomei is the best hug giver.
“Your body is my temple. I’d like to worship you more, if you let me.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 7/10
When you nibble on his shoulder like that, your behaviour reminds him of a feisty cat. It’s adorable and Gyomei will let you to as you like. As a way to tease you a little, he may pat your head the same way he would pet a cat. Gyomei won’t do it in return. He doesn’t always give out hickeys, but he doesn’t mind having them. Knowing that you left a mark on him for everyone to see makes him smile sightly.
“What do you require? Would you like me to pet you?”
Compliments: 8/10
Gyomei starts crying when you praise him. He’ll thank you and compliment you as well, trying to please you. He doesn’t always know what exactly to compliment, given that he is blind, so he sometimes compliments something very random about you. Hearing you giggle after Gyomei points out that your hairstyle _feels_ different but better than yesterday makes him cry and smile at the same time. Your laugh is the sweetest melody to him.
Gyomei appreciates your praises and compliments and the encourage him to keep training.
“Your skin feels so soft, my beloved.”
Giyu Tomioka
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Kisses: 7/10
Giyu tenses up everytime you surprise him with kisses. It’s not like he doesn’t like them, he’s just not used to get affection like that. But when you two are hanging out in private, maybe even making out, he’ll blush and return your kisses with eagerness. Your lips on his feel like heaven to him, or as close as he can get there.
Regular kisses on his lips make him blush brightly but he’ll eagerly try to reincorporate your affections by kissing you a well. Giyu isn’t very good at kissing though, but practise makes perfect! The more you kiss him, the better he’ll get.
Cheek kisses are one of his favourites. They don’t make him as flustered and they’re convenient. Giyu can just lean in and give you a quick peck on your cheek and remind you that he loves you lots. Sometimes, when you two sleep together in the same bed, Giyu’ll kiss your face all over.
Forehead kisses make him feel oddly secure and loved. When you cup his cheeks like that and lean in, kissing his forehead and playing with his hair a little. It makes his knees feel weak when you do that.
Neck kisses make him tense and flustered, especially when you sneak up on him. Giyu would let whimper your name and try to shoo you away, but give up after a while. He’ll try to stop himself from moaning…
“D-Don’t sneak up on me like that again. Ah…”
Hugs and cuddles: 8/10
Giyu likes cuddling you. It makes him feel safe and secure when you hold him in your arms like that. His favourite position is being the little spoon and you big spooning him, running your fingers through his black hair. Being held makes him feel incredibly relaxed and secure, being loved like this. His doubts about your relationships and insecurities vaporise for just a moment. He also loves to lay his head on your chest. In his opinion, that’s the best way someone could sleep at night. Giyu probably won’t initiate the cuddles himself, thinking you would just say yes to please him, but once you initiate the cuddles, he’ll happily oblige.
Hugs are a little complicated for him. He grows incredibly tense when you hug him in public. Giyu doesn’t really know what to do with his arms or hands, where to look or how to properly and respectfully breathe around you. He really is scared of making you uncomfortable or do something you might dislike. You’ll need to tell him that you’re perfectly comfortable with him hugging you back and hugging you at all. He can handle hugs in private a little better.
“Mh.. can we cuddle a little longer? I’m… still tired.”
Affectionate biting/nibbling: 3/10
Giyu will just eye you judgmentally. Why are you doing that? It hurts.
“Ouch… why did you do that?”
Compliments: 8/10
You make him feel better about himself when you compliment him. As an acknowledgement of your words, he’d nod his head and smile slightly. Sometimes Giyu has a hard tome believing your words, but by you insisting on them being true, he began accepting them more and more.
Giyu will try to give you a lot of compliments back, but they sometimes come out a little dry and not the way he planned on making them sound.
“You did well today. I appreciate your presence.”
Hope you enjoyed this! My requests are open for the hashira as well as the demons. I am very picky with requests though and will only write the ones that truly speak to me- wich is actually most of them. :P
Note: 700 NOTES?? I am very surprised this took off so well- not that I am complaining. Thank you for all your reblogs, comments and likes <3 I appreciate every single one of you <33
Anyways, make sure to EAT, SLEEP and DRINK enough!
Take care of yourselves <3
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lyneira · 1 year
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♡ when you try to flirt with them ♡
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-> how the genshin men would react when you attempt to flirt with them
lyneira's 1.2k milestone event
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Thoma, Kaveh, Gorou, Itto, Venti
You'll have them sweating bullets, at the edge of their seat, heart racing, and blushing furiously as they endure your flirting and teasing. Despite that, they are absolutely LIVING for your flirting. They're not gonna admit it aloud (not yet at least) but they want ALL of the affection, love, and teasing you're giving them.
In this state, you can ask him for anything and he'd obey. Heck, ask for the world and he'll give it to you because this guy is ENRAPTURED by you. Bro is just so excited and eager about the way you're treating him
Like lowkey, if you were to tell him the numerous things you'd do to tease him, get close to him, and ask, "Would you like all that, hm?~", he's going to take a sharp inhale and breathe out a soft, "yes please" before he combusts right then and there
Xiao, Scaramouche, Diluc
Will probably hit you with a tsundere-ish, "What are you talking about baka...?!" in response to any smooth line you tell them, or a "Quit with that foolishness" when you try to flirtatiously put your hand on theirs.
Yes, he's going to tell you to stop, but it won't be very convincing with the shakiness in his voice and the vibrant blush that he's desperately trying to hide on his face. He's just feeling a mix of emotions right now, y’know? You're getting them all hot and bothered but they wouldn't dare admit that they're succumbing to your tactics.
They're playing hard to get because truly, you've easily got a hold of their heart and in actuality, it was him who wanted to be the one to catch yours first.
Cuts to the chase
Alhaitham, Dainsleif, Cyno
Like the previous dudes, they're also gonna ask you what you were doing, but would be serious about it instead. These guys don't like beating around the bush and your flirting is going nowhere, so he's going to interrupt you and make you cut to the chase. He'll do so by kabedon-ing you, slamming one hand against the wall which makes you yelp in surprise.
"If you want something, why not ask me directly?", he leans down, towering over your frame and lifts your chin gently with a finger, "I won't bite...unless you want me to"
Ayato, Baizhu, Kaeya, Childe, Heizou
As you flirt with them, they'll simply have a smile on their face, both pleased and amused that you have the guts to do so. Trying to seduce the flirt, eh? They find it all terribly cute. Yet, they won't say or initiate much up until they've seen you slowly lose your drive to continue flirting (due to their lack of response to your attempts)
"Is that all you've got, y/n? Don't get me wrong, all of this pleases me, but...", he places his hands on your hips and brings them closer to his own as he leans in close to your ear and huskily whispers, "...let me show you how it's really done" ;)
Would be a sweetheart
Zhongli, Kazuha, Tighnari, Albedo
Will look at you with such tenderness in his gaze, happy about your sentiments toward him. They'd also blush lightly at certain antics that you'd pull, but they overall have a better tolerance to your flirting in comparison to the mega simps and those who get embarrassed. They're too wrapped up in the thought that you admired him and held these feelings for them to get so flustered.
When you compliment him seductively, he'll chuckle softly and smile, "I'm fortunate that you think of me that way", he'll then caress your cheek with the knuckle of his index finger slowly and lightly before bringing it up to your lips and replacing it with the pad of his thumb, "I feel the same for you", he'd finish saying while rubbing small circles on your lower lip. Y'all should kiss already
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strawberryblue-blog · 4 months
Hey, hope you’re good. For the Barcelona football player povs, could you maybe do one about the moment he realised he was in love with you, thanks :)
summary: How would boys react when they realize they are in love?
words: +1.5k
warnings: none. cute, soft.
song recommendation:
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Pedri González.
You were probably one of his first loves. Maybe he once loved someone but not like he does you. He really wanted to take things slowly but after not being able to hide his feelings, he would accept that he is completely in love with you.
Although he still doesn't know whether to tell you, he trusts you and knows that you would never hurt him, but he will wait for you to tell him so as not to influence your decision.
But he is very in love and you will see how he begins to have different attitudes towards you, his hands look for yours all the time, his eyes do not stop looking at you, his voice changes when he talks to you.
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Ferran Torres.
You just got out of a relationship and didn't think you could fall in love again so quickly. But Ferran will not hesitate to tell you that her feelings have changed and now he sees you differently.
He really loves you, like you are the right person for him, he likes you with all your strengths and weaknesses. The way you laugh, when you seek his warmth, when he embarrasses you at his compliments.
He really admires and is proud to be able to say that he loves you. Because for him you are an honest, loving and kind person. So how not to fall in love with you?
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Joao Felix.
Like Ferran, Joao also just broke up from a somewhat complicated relationship and although he thought he would not fall in love again for a long time, you arrived to ruin his plans (in a good way).
It was inevitable for him to think that you were a great woman, with clear values, principles and objectives. A woman who knows she wants him and loves that.
Compared to his previous relationships, this time Joao feels that it is real. That you understand and complement each other, that you don't need to tell the world about yourself but that you love and support each other.
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Pablo Gavi.
For Gavi, loving you is something new in his life. Maybe she has had the odd romance but none like yours. He is completely lost in you.
Like a youthful romance and one of those that will last a lifetime. Gavi admires you, supports you and loves you no matter what. Willing to learn from you and everything that loving you entails.
He's a gentleman, he likes to be affectionate with you, tell you cheesy things, take you to cute places. He will show you to the world, because he loves you and he wants everyone to know it.
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Fermín Lopez.
You have known each other since you were little and how could you not fall in love with such a man? He is everything to you.
Fermín is the person that everyone wants by their side, affectionate, kind, careful and respectful. And he loves you unconditionally. He has loved you forever, since you used to play in the gardens of his house.
I always accepted his feelings for you and he was always direct because he knows what he wants and that's you. So he's an old romantic and will treat you like the queen you are.
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Marc Guiu.
Maybe at first he tries to hide his feelings, we all know that he likes to seem like a tough man but deep down he is not.
He is completely in love with you and he won't be able to hide it for long. Because he loves it when you laugh, when you get close to him, when You are free and fun.
He likes it when you care about him and take care of him, it makes him want to love you more than he should. So he will confess and he won't let you go, he is determined to have you in his life and he knows that you want it too.
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Héctor Fort.
You are the first girl he has liked since he can remember and it will be a little shy and embarrassing for Hector. He doesn't know how to tell you, act, or approach you.
He will probably feel a little insecure at first but he will gain confidence when you are the one who approaches him and shows him that you are also interested.
Everything will be like the first time with him, loving each other, understanding each other, taking care of each other, but it will be so magical because Héctor is simply in love with you in every way.
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forgeofthenine · 8 months
Here with another polite request and more compliments to your writing. I turned on post notifs so that I can read everything as soon as you post it. Thank you for feeding us so well with the tieflings content.
How would the tiefling bachelors react to you telling them you love them for the first time?
Thank you so much for the support Maira! It's honestly such a huge compliment to hear people have notifs on for my posts. This was a very cute prompt to write so I went a bit short and sweet with it (and even a bit silly in Dammon and Rolans parts). I hope you enjoy!
The bachelors when you say you love them for the first time
Dammon is so happy when you say you love him for the first time
He's definitely the type to happily say 'I love you' first without expectations of you saying it back
But when you do reciprocate he just beams
The grin on his face is so wide and handsome, the corners of his eyes crinkling slightly as he smiles
Gathers you up in his arms and gives you a little spin
Absolutely covers your face in kisses while telling you that he loves you in infernal
Dammon is absolutely glowing for days too, spends so much time thinking and daydreaming about it
So much so the others around him will call the poor blacksmith out
Cue Rolans snark about Dammon having more than just steel on his mind
He doesn't mind the distraction though, if anything he embraces it
It's just so exciting to know you feel so strongly about him
Dammon lives for hearing you say you love him, whether it's the first time or the hundredth
I think you might've broken him, honestly
His reaction is so cute, the wide eyes, how he stops whatever movement he might've been making
The blush that depends the red on his cheeks until he looks like a cherry-
Zevlor doesn't respond at first because he's honestly surprised you feel the same way for him as he does you
He realises he's handsome and can be charming when the need arises, but he never dreamed someone like you would feel so strongly for him
Absolutely wants to kiss you, might even do it before saying he loves you back
Might end up murmuring it against your lips before going in for a second kiss
Zevlors so flustered and sweet, wanting to reciprocate but feeling so out of practice
It's a huge self esteem boost for him though and you can tell with the way he carries himself just a little more pride
Another one that never tires of hearing you say those three words, they're all Zevlor needs to make his day perfect
Rolan is a confident man, some would say overly so
He never really runs out of things to say
Until you tell him those three words that make his mouth go drier than a desert in shock
The wizards loved you for months now, maybe since he first met you, but to hear that you love him too?
He's like Karlach where he just responds by near shouting 'I love you, too' back, the words tumbling out of his mouth before his brain catches up
It's genuinely embarrassing for him for a moment, until you pull him in for a kiss
Now he's suddenly a lot less worried about what he just said and how he said it
Despite his wonderful memory, Rolan craves hearing you say it more and more
He positively preens every time you say it and the sight of his pleased smile is honestly to handsome to bear
The only time he'll be less pleased is when you happen to let it slip around Cal and Lia
The two of you will never escape the kissy noises that follow or chants of the two of you 'sitting in a tree', but even the ever exasperated Rolan wouldn't have it any other way
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wonwoonlight · 1 year
conclusion number three | jeon wonwoo
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➝ Wonwoo x Reader
➝ fluff / slice of life / nonidol!au
➝ total word count: 1.4k
➝ notes, warnings: just them being cute. not proofread. wonwoo can be a lil ooc. Inspired by this post. i just love wonwoo so much, this is a wonwoo simp post. enjoy!
summary: you have a hypothesis you'd like to prove.
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Wonwoo, you've come to realize, loves being complimented.
He doesn't say it out loud, doesn't do anything that screams "compliment me!", but he's not very subtle about his smile either when someone genuinely compliments him about something.
It's something that you've only noticed recently, and you're still keen on proving this hypothesis by throwing in compliments on random intervals throughout the days just to see how he'd react.
"You look very nice today." You say out of nowhere when Wonwoo is looking down at his coffee.
He blinks, a little confused, though you don't miss the shy smile he sports that's gone as quick as it appears.
"Thank you? We've been sitting here for an hour, though?" He doesn't say out loud the question of why you're only saying this now, but it's there and you shrug carelessly.
Conclusion number one: compliments about his look doesn't bring as much as a reaction from him even though it's there.
When you pass by a pretty flower wall, you ask Wonwoo to take a picture of you, something that he happily complies with and never complains about. 
After taking a few shots, he proudly shows you the pictures and says that the pictures came out nicely though he can take more if there’s a certain angle you prefer. You're looking at him instead of your phone, haven't even properly looked at the pictures, but your hypothesis is more important now so you say it anyway.
"You're very good at taking pictures, aren't you?"
He tilts his head before he looks at you, then smiles before he adds nonchalantly as he scrolls through the pictures he’s just taken, making your whole face warm with his comment.
"You're just very pretty."
Conclusion number two: he can brush off compliments about his skill easily though he seems pleased either way. (Need to confirm by complimenting his other skill that can't be turned back to you. Smooth bastard.)
You stumble upon a small festival on your way to dinner. Deciding to eat there instead, you and Wonwoo make you way through the festival, looking at the stalls along the street. You swing your hand as you walk through the sea of people, a little too excited to notice you've been swinging it a little too much.
Wonwoo grabs your hand with a chuckle, and when you look at him in question, he shakes his head without offering any explanation.
Looking at your hand in his, you hum before you tighten your hold and feel Wonwoo returns the gesture.
"Your hand is very warm, I like it."
He stops in his tracks, his eyes soft as he pulls you closer to him.
"You're very cheesy today, aren't you?"
Hm. Of course he'll catch up. At least he'd never know why you're doing this.
"What? I can't compliment my boyfriend?" You try to sound nonchalant, accompanied by a shrug that Wonwoo doesn't really buy.
He doesn't prod though, because what's the use in prodding when he can just accept compliments from the person he loves? There's no reason whatsoever for him to hold it against you. So he shakes his head and you feel the soft brush of his thumb against your knuckle before he pulls you to walk again. 
You stop by a crepe stall because you're craving sweets, your body swaying a little due to your excitement; you can’t remember the last time you went to a festival, probably a few years back during university, and to be here with Wonwoo of all people makes everything exciting��even waiting for an overpriced crepe because you have him by your side.
You press your lips together to stop the embarrassing squeal that’s trying to get out of your lips when the food vendor hands you your crepe, which says a lot about how enthusiastic you really are about the whole thing. Wonwoo chuckles yet again, keeps it in his mind to find more festivals to go to if you're this enticed by the thing.
Seeing an empty bench a while ago, you make your way back there in hope it’s still empty so you can eat your crepe and the takoyaki Wonwoo has just bought in peace. Thankfully, it is still empty, an old couple sits on the bench next to you and a group of three guys on the bench next to them.
Wonwoo sets the takoyaki and the bubble teas between the two of you, enjoying the festival vibe as he nibbles on a piece of takoyaki. You happily eat your crepe too, though you eye his food and wonder if it’s good. You don’t usually like takoyakis, but they seem good today and you blame it on the vibe around you.
“Want to try some?” He asks when he notices you frowning at the treat he’s holding.
Your lips purse in thoughts, and he breaths a chuckle before he pushes it in front of your lips. You take a full bite, and regret it immediately because it’s hot and you panic when your crepe almost topples from your hands.
The sound of Wonwoo’s laughter fill your ears despite the noise around you, and even though he’s laughing, his hands are already busy taking the crepe from your grip and handing you your bubble tea so you can cool the inside of your mouth down. He hands you a napkin too, something you gratefully take as you cough into the thing.
You say a bunch of incoherent things which Wonwoo guesses is just you telling him to shut up, but the way your cheeks turn completely full and you’re flailing your hands are just nothing but adorable to him that he can’t help grinning despite his worry.
When you finally manage to swallow the takoyaki (which does taste good and you would’ve appreciated had the prior incident not existed), you hit him square in the shoulder for laughing at your misery.
“Good to know my boyfriend likes seeing me suffer.” You glare.
“You know it’s not that.” He says softly, the smile never leaving his face. Before you can say anything back, he absentmindedly reaches out to wipe the corner of your lip with his thumb, then licks whatever that was there and continues with his meal.
You blink continuously, your whole face warm and you have to bite your lip from smiling too hard. 
What the fuck?
It seems like something he does without even realizing, because when he notices you’ve frozen in place, he looks genuinely confused and asks what happened like he didn’t just do what he did in a very public place.
Wonwoo has never really been one for public affections though he takes care of you the same. He doesn’t mind holding hands; but that’s about it–everything else he does behind the comfort of your door.
“Hey.” He pokes your cheek. “Why are you lagging?”
“Not funny.” You look at him unimpressed before you take your crepe back in embarrassment, though that doesn’t discourage him to grin at his own little joke. “Also, nothing.” 
“Ah, young love.” You hear the grandma next to you say to her spouse, something that Wonwoo seems to catch too because he shares that look with you. “Remember when you used to do that to me, too?”
The grandpa’s voice is too small for you to catch on, but what she says next gets your heart beating in an arrhythmical beat and you force yourself to lock your gaze on Wonwoo despite your embarrassment, his eyes avoiding yours, the tip of his ears blazing red, and he’s pressing his lips together so hard as if to contain a smile.
“They seem very in love, don't they? The young man takes care of the girl so well, I hope our son takes care of his wife like that too.”
“You take care of me well, huh?” You whisper, and he pretends like he doesn’t hear you regardless of the way he looks down to hide his smile that he’s no longer able to contain.
You grin at this, and you take his face in your hands so he’ll look at you. You’re a little surprised at how warm his face is, and you decide to spare him from the teasing you were originally about to do and you say another thing instead.
“You do take care of me very well; I’m glad I have you with me.” 
Conclusion number three: Wonwoo loves it very much when someone compliments him on the way he is with you.
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munsster · 30 days
i'm so so obsessed with the winter in hawkins series!! i love a loser!steve and the kids pushing the steve x reader agenda
LITERALLY ME TOO! i am so glad u like it. truly nothing and no one compares to poor babygirl loser!steve. and now because i’m crazy, i came up with a billion headcanons for winter in hawkins au.
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robin was obviously definitely the first one to notice babygirls longing glances (does that make robin olaf or sven in this situation…)
of course, steve was catching strays from dustin long before but it was all conjecture for like the first month
once robin pinpointed steve’s desperation and utter infatuation with you, she was hooked and intent on finding dumb excuses for the two of you to be alone
aka robin is the WORST instigator and only encourages loser!steve
yes, she thoroughly clowns on him, but her heart says steve x reader ftw
the rest of the kids find out because dustin will. not. shut. up! about it
again, thanks to auntie robin only fanning the flames
(they came up with a group name for their shenanigans: the secret society consisting of everyone who thinks steve is her prince charming OR the prince charming project for short)
(dustin uses the full name every time)
(the main points at meetings include planning your wedding, drawing your future children, and anything anti-brad)
speaking of brad, steve still remembers exactly where he was when you told him you got a new boyfriend
he cried in his car after work that day
robin was in the passenger seat
she cried, too
that was really what spurred loser!steve on
before that, steve was minding his own hopeless romantic business, but the introduction of brad put emphasis on the ‘hopeless’ aspect
honestly, steve’s just glad he still gets to see you every weekend for game night
brad is not invited to game night
you don’t think he’d come even if he was
steve hates brad
regardless of br*d, steve is not shy about complimenting you on anything and everything
sure, it makes him a little blushy thinking about how you’ll react
with that dazzling smile he adores
and yeah, theres a tiny wobble in his voice when he gets your attention
but you don’t seem to notice
and if you do, you don’t seem care
(you always notice, and you think it’s sweet)
“i like your hair like that”
“really? thanks, stevie!”
oh he melts
whenever you compliment him back, he takes diligent notes
one time he wore the same shirt three times in one week just because you mentioned how it complimented his eyes
he also got a big head when you told him his sailor outfit makes him look dashing
sometimes the kids write out lists of really good and not at all embarrassing pick up lines
sometimes these lists suspiciously wind up in steve’s glove box or tip jar
one time a list appeared in his wallet
it’s weird that they practically pickpocketed him but it’s weirder that they had access to his wallet and didn’t take the twenty
robin has a secret scrapbook dedicated to you and steve
it has secret pictures (courtesy of el), ticket stubs, cute stickers, and random receipts
if you couldn’t already tell, everyone is very normal about the situation
steve gets to know you so well that you actually start saying things in tandem
he knows your ice cream order, your coffee order, what temperature you like the thermostat, the name of your first pet
he’s never been good at memorization but it feels so easy knowing it’s all attached to you somehow
he will often bring you random little flowers that seem so small in the palm of his hand
it makes him feel very proud when you tuck them behind your ear
even more so when you let him do it for you
one late summer night, steve hosts a sleepover
OR the kids begged and begged him to either ask you on a date or let everyone use his pool for the night and watch a scary movie and stay up really late and eat junk food
so because he’s a loser, steve hosts a sleepover
and his heart flutters when you show up on his dimly lit doorstep with a gaggle of children behind you
they push past the two of you and barrel straight towards the back door
you warn him, saying you’re pretty sure only two of them brought towels
he chuckles and assures you that they do this every time and he already has a stack set out
you laugh in response and he thinks this is what a heart attack feels like
just imagine how he survived the rest of the night basking in your company and the soft moonlight
you sat next to him during the movie and fell asleep on his shoulder and he swears he’s never been so still
and the movie was really scary
steve wishes brad wasn’t such a dick
especially because he’s made you cry now on a handful of different occasions
steve’s flattered that he’s the first one you call, but he’s heartbroken hearing your choked sobs through the receiver
it’s kind of like a routine the way you always apologize for dumping everything on him and the way he tells you he’d do it any time
for you
at this point, he doesn’t care how desperate he makes himself seem
he really cares about you
steve likes you, and brad could spare a couple teeth
but he knows you love brad blahblahblah que sera sera whatever
he should’ve asked you out when he had the chance instead of sulking and pining
robin still has hope three months into the relationship
she knows for a fact steve still has a raging crush on you
those big brown eyes give everything away
and the way he gushes about your phone calls and your cute sweaters
something happens and i’m head over heels
steve has your gift picked out a month before the holiday season
little does he know, you’ve got his picked out, too
“i saw this in a shop window and thought of you…”
“i remember you mentioning that you wanted one…”
they really are just two losers fated to fall in love
more like this
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awearywritersworld · 7 months
Awww I hope you have a great week too!!! Hope you have a great Valentine's day 🩷speaking of I wonder how Sukuna would react to reader gifting him chocolates or something for Valentines hehe :3
eep! thank u! i hope your valentine's day is swell as well<3<3<3
you can find the series this takes place in here, but it reads well as a stand alone too. thanks for asking about this love, it was fun to write!!!
warnings: fluff. banter. reader jokingly hints that sukuna is annoying enough to kill. mentions of a knife.
sukuna eyes you warily from his spot on the couch as you stand in the bedroom doorway, rocking back and forth on your feet. he's suspicious of the giddy look on your face, a forewarning that you're up to no good. it's obvious you're waiting on him to acknowledge you.
"is there something i can help you with?"
"no?" he questions. "then what're you holding behind your back?"
"nothing!" you exclaim, your grin widening as you take a step in his direction.
he raises a brow. "is it a knife or something? have i finally driven you to murder?"
"you are annoying," you scoff. "but you're giving yourself too much credit."
"then what the hell is it?" he presses, a breath of a laugh passing his lips. "the look on your face is unsettling."
"unsettling?" you finally close the gap between the two of you, situating yourself on his lap with a pout. "now that's just mean."
he leans forward, ghosting his lips over yours and mumbling an apology, but you soon realize it's all a ploy when you feel his hand snake around your waist and reach for the box you're still holding behind you.
"oh my god!" you just barely keep it out of his reach, though it occurs to you that he could very well still grab it. he's just humoring you. "you're despicable! what an embarrassing lack of patience!"
"yeah, yeah. so what?" he smirks at you. "are you going to make me wait all night?"
"i suppose not," you concede, handing him the small box.
it's wrapped in paper adorned with cute little hearts. "what's this for?"
"valentine's day, silly!"
"you really thought i'd want a gift for some stupid holiday?"
"hmph, maybe i will need that knife after all." you poke at his cheek, scrunching your nose at him. "just open it."
the way he pulls the paper apart is surprisingly delicate, and after a few moments, he finds that the box contains cookies.
"it's my grandmother's miso butter recipe," you clarify, suddenly feeling a little shy. "you know, since we never got to bake them that night."
his gaze flicks up to your face before he gingerly picks up a cookie and takes a bite. he holds it to your lips, offering you a piece as well.
you accept, dusting the crumbs from your lips as you await his reaction.
"they're delicious," he compliments, his voice uncharacteristically soft. "thank you."
you beam at him before cuddling into his side, and it isn't long before all the cookies disappear.
later that night when he thinks you're asleep, he presses a chaste kiss to your forehead. "happy valentine's day, angel."
you aren't, however, so it takes everything you've got to hide the smile that so desperately wants to form on your lips.
and despite proclaiming that holidays are stupid, he still presents you with a bouquet of your favorite flowers on white day a month later.
when you throw your arms around his neck, expressing your thanks, he just grumbles, "whatever, brat. you don't have to make a big deal of it."
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jvnluvr · 1 year
jealousy, jealousy ; blue lock boys ♡
ft. sae, kaiser and isagi x f!reader
author's note: if only these scenarios i write would actually happen to me.. :( it's okay, maybe it'll happen one day. an idea i randomly came up with, kinda rushed but still put a decent amount of thought into it. i think i only can genuinely write good when i'm mad skdksj. anyways, enjoyy!! ♡
itoshi sae:
"she's actually, pretty cute..." sae could hear rin mumble next to him, noticing that he was clearly in some sort of daze.
he knew rin was just doing it to piss him off, and he hated to say it was working. everyone knew it, you and sae both liked each other. it's just the both of you were too shy too actually ask the other to be in an official relationship. still, he made it evident to let other people know not to flirt with you, cause worst will come to the worst.
"her outfit is also pretty nice, right?" rin mentioned yet another compliment about you. this time though, he was snapped out of his trance and he was talking to isagi, which the boy agreed with the statement.
it's like a fire erupted inside of sae. it didn't even matter at that point if people were able to see the fury on his face as he walked towards you. you were just minding your own business after all, giggling, chatting and catching up with your friends. well, that was until you were harshly pressed against a wall, the air almost being knocked out of you as your field of view drastically increased.
by just his cologne, you almost immediately know it's sae. but you still nervously look up as he's looking down at you with his usual bored eyes. however, the moment your gazes lock onto to each other, he's giving you that soft smile he only dares to show when you're around. it makes your heart flutter, cause why was he always hiding it if it was such a pretty look on him?
"um, is there a reason why you decided to pull such a bold move in front of everyone tonight-? huh-?" it was just a little sound you could make as he moved your chin up towards him to pull you for a kiss. it wasn't a short one either. he made sure to take his time devouring and remembering the way your lips tasted. at first, you had no idea to react, but eventually you were able to ease into the kiss.
it takes a while until sae is finally satisfied and able to let go of you. only then do you both realize how quiet the place has gotten, and that's when it hits that everyone is paying attention to the both of you. upon your realization, you put your head down in embarrassment, but it's not like anyone could see you really. sae's back was covering you.
he could hear the gasps and shocked noises from rin and isagi, but that's what makes his let out that deep chuckle. he kisses your forehead, whispering 'mine' across the skin as he grabs your hand. "where are we going-?" yet again you are merely cut off as sae drags you out of the area, with vivid plans to take you to his house, to make things official once and for all.
michael kaiser:
kaiser was definitely one to get jealous much easier. i mean, who can blame him? he takes great pride in his relationship, and you mean the absolute world to him ! it's only natural for him to get possessive over the one he loves. so when he sees some random guy leaning into you, he's outraged to say the least. but he's still in the middle of practice. noa would come for him if he left at any regard.
so when he goes on his little break, he tries to listen in a bit first. kaiser doesn't want you to think you're not capable of saying no yourself, but he's still there to rush in and protect you for whenever the time calls for it. "what's a pretty girl like you doing in a stadium like this?" this guy's tone almost makes him vomit right then and there.
"uhm, waiting for my boyfriend. can you please move? you're making me really uncomfortable." you say nicely, yet with a stern voice. kaiser's always liked that about you. your ability to still stay so calm in dire situations like these. you keep him balanced, and he loves you so much than words can express for that.
"c'mon, your little boyfie' doesn't hafta' know. just come with me for today." he really hates how insistent this man is. kaiser might be a bit of a jerk at times too, but he doesn't stoop down to this horrible of a level. he's really tempted to run in there, but again, he waits a little while longer.
"no thanks." it's simple, and you try to walk off, you really do. but the man grabs onto your arm roughly, which makes you yelp out in pain. he's almost trying to drag you away, to which you aren't able to retaliate as much as you has hoped to do. kaiser sees you, he does. so the instinct alarms loud in him, and he's picking up his pace to run over to you, quickly knocking the man out of his senses (literally) before turning around to you.
"sorry i didn't come sooner, baby. did he hurt you? i'm sorry-" you stop his chant of apologies by giving him a quick kiss and then wrapping your arms around him. even if he's sweaty, kaiser didn't want any more than to keep you in his arms forever. "it's okay mikka, he didn't pull too hard. thank you for coming." you kiss him on the cheek again as he does the same back to you.
"well first of all, he was ugly anyway. i knew you wouldn't go for him. second of all, i wish i had come sooner, really. i didn't want you to think that i thought you were incapable or whatever." you smile at him unconsciously as he talks. jealous michael was not only really useful, but he was also really cute.
isagi yoichi:
isagi is more of the "doesn't really notice but when he does he becomes 10000000x more clinger." (yes i just gave it a title shut up.) so when he invites you to his gathering with the blue lock boys, he wants you to enjoy yourself! he's off chatting with bachira and chigiri, but everyone once in a while he'll look at you to make sure you still have that gorgeous smile on your face!!
so when he looks back at you once again, he's a bit confused. you look great, of course! but it kind of seems like, you're having too much fun..? without him? his heart stings a little. isagi loves seeing you happy, but when it's with another guy? nagi at that? no, he's not happy at all now. he's the one who should be making you laugh like that, not him.
he quickly excuses himself from the conversation at hand and starts to walk over to you. you're sitting on a chair, back facing towards him. so to surprise you, he wraps his arms around you, gently putting his chin on top of your head. he makes direct eye contact with nagi, which almost looks like a death glare. "hey princess, what are you up to?" he coos at you, and since you can't see his face, you assume he's in a good mood.
"nothing much, yoichi! nagi was telling me about blue lock! how was the catching up going?" you say, smiling at nagi. but he gives you a barely visible one back as you suddenly feel your chair being turned around. you see your boyfriend's face, softly smiling at you. you couldn't help but think how adorable he was.
"i could tell you about blue lock too, y'know? come with me, cutie." he lifts you up from your chair, and you let out a small laugh. but then you remember about nagi. was he just staring at you both this whole time-? the thought of it flushes your cheeks, but when you turn around, the chair is empty.
"hey yoichi, what happened to nagi..?" he turns you back around, planting on kiss on your forehead and then one on your lips. "don't worry about it, baby! i'm sure he just saw reo and then walked off! come on, let's go!" he grabs your hand, lacing your fingers together as he drags you off. but when you hear your phone buzz, you see a new notification, a message from nagi.
nagi: your boyfriend is scary, tame him.
you couldn't help but let out a small chuckle once you realized what had happened.
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markiemelon · 2 months
honestly idk if you write anything except smau ( sorry i jst find out abt your blog ) but can you write something with sion ( nct wish ) x absolutely whipped head over heels reader who adores everything he does and he’s always shy because of that ( you can also write a yushi version too 💗💗 )
can’t help myself
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genre. fluff, crack
pairings. sion x whipped gn!reader
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11:11 am ੈ☆˳
you stood just outside the door of the dance studio, peeking into where sion and his members were practicing. dancing is truly his element, and you loved seeing him so passionate about it. after a bit, they wrapped it up and the guys left one by one, greeting you casually on their way out.
saying you’re obsessed with sion would be an understatement. it took everything in you to stop yourself from running in there and jumping onto your boyfriend, but you hate seeing couples get all touchy in front of everyone.. so with that in mind, you patiently waited for everyone to leave before running up behind sion and wrapping your arms around his back. “i missed you.” you squeezed him as tightly as you could.
hearing you say you missed him made him laugh a bit; it really hadn’t been that long.. but he was flattered, to say the least.
you noticed your reflection in the mirror on the wall in front of you. you could see your arms wrapped around him, and your head peeking over his shoulders. your stomach fluttered with butterflies, it was like a scene from a drama.
“i was watching you dance.” you smiled.
“oh. really?” he smiled back, and you could tell he felt embarrassed.
“yeah. you did so well.” you hugged him closer, if that was even possible.
he was caught off guard by your compliment, and you giggled at the way he desperately searched for the words to say in response. he just nodded bashfully, hoping you’d change the subject.
you pinched his cheek to relieve your cuteness aggression. “you’re so cute. i love you.”
it wasn’t hard for you to be honest with sion. saying “i love you” came naturally when you were around him. sion, however, was always left a blushing mess. your confident demeanor made him crumble.
sion turned to face you. you looked at him, eyes wandering over his features, admiring every single detail. when he shyly turned away, he noticed the grocery bag in your hand. “what’s in the bag?” he pointed. “oh. i brought you food!” you remembered, excited to show him. his flustered laugh was adorable. “you didn’t have to do that..” he brought his palm up to the nape of his neck.
“don’t be silly.” you nudged him. “you have to eat a lot after you dance like that.” you grabbed his wrist and led him out of the room to where a couch and table were.
after arranging the snacks on the coffee table, sion sat proudly before all the options. “which one do you want?” he presented two sandwiches to you.
"both are for you," you told him, not paying any attention to the food, instead focusing on evening out the way his fringe framed his forehead, ruffling his bangs in front of his eyes. sion flinched slightly at the unexpected touch. "you should eat something too..." he urged, his voice gentle but insistent.
"i just ate before i got here. so please, help yourself." you gestured politely to the snacks, but he slid one of the sandwiches closer to you anyway. he took a bite, and judging by the way he reacted, it must have been really delicious. “where did you get these?” his eyes widened, inspecting the sandwich. “why is it so good..”
“i’m glad you like it.” you laughed at how cute he sounded, leaning over to kiss him on the cheek.
sion was quietly enjoying his food until he noticed you still weren’t looking away from him. he stopped chewing. his side-eye gaze flickered with confusion and shyness.. yet you stared back, shamelessly. you quite literally could not look away.
“y/n.” he stuttered. "why are you just staring at me?" his cheeks glowing a light pink.
"can i not look at my boyfriend?" you teased.
"i'm not doing anything special," he tried to hide his growing smile behind another bite of sandwich.
"well don't mind me," you dismissed his concern, your eyelids fluttering with affection.
he tried not to mind you, but it was hard not to.
"stop staring at meee" he eventually pleaded, the flush on his cheeks deepening.
"okay fine. just keep eating. i won't look at you." you playfully turned your head the other way to make him feel better… but of course, you discretely turned to look at him again. it only took a second for him to catch you peeking, so you quickly looked away, making you scoff at how ridiculous this situation was.
he tried to keep chewing but he had to smile. “stop!!!” he whined, mouth full. the sight of him, cheeks puffed out like a chipmunk, made you giggle more.
“sorry, sorry.” you catch your breath from laughing. “i just can’t help myself.”
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HI ANON I LOVE THIS REQUEST! TYSM 🫶🏼 I hope you like it! Also yeah I don’t just do smau! normally I just write LOL
perm taglist: @i03jae @dummyskirtz @sol3chu @yurikudon @onionhaseyoareumm @lexeees
*lmk if you wanna be added to this taglist to know when I post!
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obey-me-disaster · 2 years
Ohoho, I've come up with a fluffy idea and figured I'd come dump it on you because I am too lazy to write it myself. >:)
Various brothers have a tendency to fall asleep in MC's room or within their vicinity. One day MC manages to take off their shirt while they're alseep and draws all over their chest / shoulders/ stomach, this way its not so everyone can see and they dont get embarrassed. They write little poems + hearts + compliments + words of encouragement and "I love you!!" + "MC was here" written everywhere. After MC drew on them they put their shirt back on and went back to bed like nothing happened. Later the brother of MC's choice takes a shower / changes their clothes and finds MC's "artwork". How would they react?
This is so cute??! With the way some of them act like MC's room is their room this can very well happen.
This ask really got me out of the writer's block so I think I ended doing just a little bit more than you asked, hope you'll still enjoy it ^-^
Demon brothers x gn!MC
MC who writes cute messages on their body while they sleep
A/N: This was inspired by a chat with drunk Lucifer.
The likelihood of normal Lucifer falling asleep in MC's room is low. The chances of MC writing on his body are even lower. Drunk Lucifer on the other hand...
MC was just chilling in their room when Lucifer stumbled in. They knew he was drunk due to all the affectionate messages he has been sending them throughout the night but they were not expecting him to show up in their room.
MC rushed to check if he was alright but he merely brushed off their concerns saying he just wanted to see them before going to rest.
There was not much going through his head at the moment besides regretting the 'who can drink the most' bet with Diavolo and wanting to see MC before going to sleep. Between wanting to check up on them and trying to leave the room he wasn't sure when he ended up in their bed.
Maybe it was when MC insisted that they should give him some water before going to him, or it was when he decided to wait for them and ended up falling asleep.
By the time MC came back with a glass of water and a light snack he was fast asleep in their bed. Sighing MC put down the water and snack and went to cover him with a blanket. It wasn't everyday he got to rest and MC was sure as hell not going to wake him up.
As they approached they couldn't help but admire his features. He had a slight flush across his face, probably from the demonus he drank earlier, that made him look quite cute. Paired with the serene look on his face MC couldn't help but take a picture, it was not everyday the avatar of pride looked so relaxed, let alone sleep in their bed.
They wanted to let Lucifer know how much they loved him, how they wanted him to sleep in their room on other occasions, not only when he was drunk and of course, how cute he looked. At that moment, it was not possible, in the morning he may be hangover. If they leave a note about it he may not see it and sending him a text about it may have the same outcome so they settled on the only rational decision their brain could come up with at 3 am, writing on his body.
At first MC wanted to write on his hand, it would not fit all the things they wanted to write so they slowly pulled his shirt up. They looked over at him to be sure he won't wake up, they didn't want to explain why they were lifting up his shirt while sleeping.
Once they were sure he wouldn't wake up they begun to write various messages with little hearts along his torso. Once they were satisfied MC decided to climb in bed and go to sleep cuddled up to Lucifer.
By the time they woke up Lucifer was already gone, probably to avoid his brothers finding him in their room. Checking their phone they saw they got a message from Lucifer. He apologized for the trouble he caused so late into the night and told them to come into his room in order to thank them properly. MC started to wander if Lucifer will ignore the messages on his body or not. Even if he did, this whole incident started to become a habit for MC every time one of the brothers fell asleep in their room.
Meanwhile in Lucifer's room
He woke up not long after MC fell asleep besides him. It didn't take long for him to put two and two together and decided to leave before any of his brothers would barge in and start a ruckus.
In his room he started to undress so he could change into his pijamas when he saw something written on his torso. Going in front of the mirror he started to read all the sweet messages MC left on his body. He couldn't help but smile at the gesture. He snapped a quick photo of all the messages before deciding he should really make it up to them the next day. Who knows, he may end up sleeping in their room again just as they wished.
When is he not in MC's room? He might as well move there with how much he stays there. His phone charger, some of clothes and other junk can be found in MC's room.
Tonight was no different. He was sitting in his bed complaining about Lucifer while MC was finishing up a project for school. He tried to convince them to stop doing homework and spend time with him but to no avail. Frustrated he tried to give them the silence treatment. In his mind MC would come and beg for him to talk with them and stop doing all the school work, it was a full proof plan in his head.
What he didn't take into account was the fact that he would fall asleep in MC's bed and how could he not. The bed was so warm and soft and had MC's scent all over it. Add the fact that he was not being entertained by MC and they get a Mammon fast asleep, holding one of their pillows.
After 5 minutes of silence MC went to check on him and sure enough, he was fast asleep. The scene was all too similar to the one time Lucifer fell asleep, fact that gave them an idea.
They grabbed a pencil and went to pull his shirt up. He moved in his sleep a few times and tried to grab at MC but they managed to get away. No need to get beaten by a sleeping Mammon the way Levi did in the past.
With enough space for writing MC went to work. Small doodles of money and hearts and a few messages about how much they love him. They also snuck the words 'great Mammon' and 'first' here and there but they were not very noticeable.
Being satisfied with their work, MC pulled down his shirt and went back to finish their school project. It would take a while for Mammon to wake, late alone to discover MC's little surprise.
When Mammon woke up in the morning he realized that his plan to make MC beg for attention failed miserably but even with the failed plan he couldn't get mad. MC was holding tightly onto him.
He stayed like that for a while, trying to savour the moment for as long as he could. He didn't think to get up until he could hear his stomach growl, at which point he decided it's time to get up.
He slowly got out of bed and went to the bathroom attached to MC room to change his clothes and wash his face in order to freshen up.
When he took of his shirt he noticed something written all over his chest and stomach. At first he thought that some witch did something to him and was on the verge to go wake up MC when he noticed some little hearts from the corner of his eyes.
He pulled out his phones and took a photo of all the writing so he could finally take a proper look at the writing. When he started to slowly read all the cutesy messages written in gold from his chest and stomach he nearly dropped him phone right there and then.
He didn't know whatever to go wake up MC or not so he decided to do the most logical thing in his mind. Go to his room and start spaming their phone with messages. He tried to put on his usual tsundure attitude during their texts but it was clear he was over the moon about the whole thing.
He made sure not only to take a few more photos of himself with the stuff written by MC but to fall asleep in their room more often with a golden marker right next to him. he couldn't be more obvious
Levi is an introvert through and through. Being around crowds drains his energy and he has to spend some time alone in order to bounce back to his old self. But just because he likes to be alone from time to time in order to recharge his social battery it doesn't mean he likes being lonely.
He often goes to MC room and plays or watches something on his phone while MC does something else entirely. Just being in their presence was enough for him to not feel lonely anymore.
It was one of those night where his social battery was below zero but he really didn't want to be alone when he entered MC's room and went to sit on their bed. MC merely waved at him and went back to whatever they were doing.
They knew Levi would come into their room. Earlier that day Diavolo hosted a party which exhausted Levi to the core. They prepared for him some of their softest plushies they got from various brothers for him to hold.
When they first begun to do this Levi was afraid it would get awkward. Sitting in silence and doing different things seemed like a recipe for disaster but it turned out completely fine. It made their bond stronger, Levi could swear his intimacy level for MC went up.
Levi made himself comfortable and started to collect all his daily logins from numerous gacha games from his phone. The only time anyone spoke was when MC asked if he wanted some snacks but they were met with silence. They softly asked again in case Levi didn't hear them but they got the same response.
They went to check on him only to discover that he has fallen asleep while holding his phone. MC couldn't help but go grab their phone so they could take a picture. It was the first time Leviathan felt comfortable enough to fall asleep in their room. Once they were satisfied with the number of photos they took they went to grab a dark purple pen to start writing on him. They already did that to his older brothers, it might as well become a tradition of sorts.
Pulling his shirt up was definitely way easier of a task to do than they thought. The hard part came when they started to write. Apparently Levi was quite ticklish so he would squirm every time MC's been would be tracing anything on his chest, torso and shoulders. They wrote various references to romance anime that they have watched and the inside jokes between them. They tried to draw a small ruri chan too but didn't come out too well. Once they were satisfied they pulled his shirt down and let him continue his nap.
By the time he woke MC was no longer in the room but they did leave him a note saying that they went to out to buy something. Seeing as he was alone he took it as his chance to leave since he felt pretty embarrassed for falling asleep like that.
It wasn't until later that night, when he was preparing to take a bath that he noticed all the writing. He quickly went to a mirror and when he saw all the messages left by MC he nearly fainted right there and then. He felt like the protagonist of some romantic anime, or even beyond that since he has never seen a scene like that in anything that he has watched.
Even when he would try to deny that MC felt like that about him, those thoughts would quickly go away as he would stare down at the proof that MC truly love him.
He stood for quite a few minutes, thinking on the best way to preserve all of this when he realized that MC, in order to leave all the cute notes and doodles, would have had to lift up his shirt . That was the last thing he thought about before his brain started to malfunction.
Whenever Satan would feel angry at something and needed a way to calm down he would either go read a book, pet some cats, take his anger out on something in the forest or go stay in MC's presence. This situation was quite similar to Levi's, where he would go to MC's room just to spend time together in silence, while they would do different things.
And in the same way MC would prepare some plushies or snacks for Levi, they would prepare tea or sneak a cat in the HOL. While Satan reading in the presence of MC wasn't a rare thing, him coming into their room to read in order to calm down didn't happen too often. As much as Satan appreciates MC looking out for him and enjoys the small things they do for him, he wouldn't want to be angry in their presence too often. Especially during the times when he feels he doesn't have that much control over his emotions.
This time tho, it wasn't that bad. He couldn't say he felt truly angered, just annoyed at how badly the day went for him. When he entered MC's room they immediately could tell why he came, so they welcomed him in and excused themself to go bring some tea for him and something to drink for themself.
He really couldn't thank then enough for all the things they do for him, so he just figured he would think of a way to surprise them once he is fully calm.
After MC came back with their drinks, both of them settled in a comfortable silence, doing their own thing. This went on for a while and before he could even realize, he fell asleep while hugging the book.
Being used to this by now, the gently took the book from his hands and put it on their, making sure to put a bookmark on whatever page Satan was on. After making sure everything was out of the way they grabbed their phone to snap a few pictuers of him and a marker and went to work.
While lightly lifting up his shirt wasn't that hard, MC got stuck on what to write for him. They made sure to write something unique for each brother and they wanted to do something like that for Satan too. Sure, they could draw a cat and make some cat puns, but Satan's range of interests went way beyond his love for felines.
A shiver from Satan snapped MC out of their throughts. If they kept his shirt up for too long he would wake up from feeling cold, so they had to act quickly. They started to think of all the love poems they heard Satan talk about and quickly searched for them on their DDD. While these wouldn't exactly be MC's words they would still carry the same sentiment.
As they start writing down various small love poems, MC made a mental note to actually think of one for the next time this happens. After thet made sure everything was written down, they made a small drawing of a kitten and pulled down his shirt.
When Satan woke up he was none the wiser about the surprise MC prepared for him under his shirt. He apologized for falling asleep like that and excused himself to go back to his room. All of his brothers could tell that he left MC's bedroom so much calmer than when he went in.
He went straight into his room to take a shower so he could properly go to bed after as he still felt quite tired despite the nap that he took. As he was about to step in the shower he noticed the writing across his chest and stomach.
As he went in front of a mirror to read he quickly recognized both the writing and the poems across his body. Those were all poems that Satan has talked about or from poets he has showed to MC. Across his chest there was a small message that said 'Despite them not being my words they carry the same sentiment. Next time I will come up with something just for you.'
If he, by some slim chance was still angry, this would have gotten rid of any and all negative emotions. He made sure to carefully read all the poems. He already knew them by heart, but since this was MC's hard work, it would be a shame to not appreciate it. He really had to come up with something to express his gratitude to MC as fast as he could.
Sleep overs between MC and Asmodeus happened quite often. Sometimes they were planned well ahead, sometimes they were on the spur of the and this one was of the latter kind. Both of them came back from a party and since neither of them felt like going on their seprate ways, they decided to have a sleep over in MC's room.
The first part of their sleep over was just taking of any make up and accessories they bad followed by changing into their pijamas. While in theory it may sound like this would be done in 10 minutes, it took them an hour, or at least it took Asmo an hour to officialy be done.
He would have been done way faster but he kept on stopping to tell MC about the latest gossip he heard. By the time he was finished getting into his pijamas he was beyond exhausted. All the hype from that party that kept him awake was gone and replaced with need to cuddle up to MC and fall asleep.
He wanted to stay awake and talk with MC a little bit more but he knew all too well that his body was drained from all the partying. Despite slowly falling asleep, he continued to tell MC about the latest drama his fans caused while holding their hand.
When his breathing became even and he stopped from talking, MC saw it as their chance to get up from bed and get a pen ready. They made sure to pick a glitter pink pen just for him. MC made quick work of his shirt, it was honestly shocking he was wearing clothes at all since he likes to sleep all natural. They started to write as many cutesy messages and draw hearts all over him. Asmo would softly laugh in his sleep here in there, probably being tickled by MC writing on his skin.
Once they have deemed that they wrote enough messages MC put the glitter pen away and went back to sleep, this time cuddling Asmo properly.
When morning came Asmo got out of bed way earlier than MC and went back to his bedroom so he could start his skin care routine which would take a while. Before all of that, he wanted to take a bath first in order to relax, but as he undressed he noticed something across his body.
He went to one of his many mirrors and started to admire MC's handiwork. He tried to recall to any time MC showed signs of being into body writing but he couldn't recall any specific moment. He couldn't wait to show MC his appreciation for their little surprise but before that he had to make sure to take a ton of pictures of himself with the writing on him to share on Devilgram. he lowkey started a new trend
Since MC's room was right next to the kitchen, Beel would often end up in their bedroom in the middle of the night after one of his late snacks and this time was no exception.
After having his fill more like emptying the fridge he decided to pass by MC's room since he felt like seeing them. He slowly opened the door,as to not wake them only to find out they were wide awake, watching a movie. Since he was already there MC invited him over to watch the movie with them and share some of their snacks.
Beel didn't need to be told twice and immediately crossed the room and went to sit next to them on the bed. As the movie went on and the snacks started to disappear, he could feel himself starting to fall asleep. With MC right next to him and with the room being mostly dark, it made it easy for him to fall asleep.
The only reason MC noticed that the demon besides fell asleep was from hearing him snoring. It made for quite the cute and MC decided to play with his hair. As their hand reached his head, Beel grabbed their hand and started to lightly nibble at it.
Quickly MC retracted their hand and got up to pick on of their pens. They were no longer in the mood to finish the movie so they figured it was just the right moment to write something on Beel.
MC gently lifted up Beel's shirt and tried to avoid being grabbed by the sleeping demon. They took a moment to admire his body. It was far from being the first time seeing him like but MC still couldn't help but take a moment to appreciate his body. Since he was the biggest out of all the brothers ment that MC had more space to write all sorts of compliments and words of encouragement. After making sure that his chest and abs were covered in all sorts of messages and small doodles, MC pulled down his shirt and went to sleep like nothing happened.
In morning Beel woke up and left the room while MC was still soundly asleep. He felt bad for falling asleep during the movie, but decided to think of a way to make it up to MC after his morning work out.
When he entered his bedroom he went straight into changing himself into some clothes ment for working out. As he took his shirt off he noticed there was something not only across his chest but across his stomach too. At first he thought he got some food on him from raiding the fridge but when he looked closer he realized there were words written on him.
He took a picture of them and started to read. It didn't take him long to realize it was MC's doing so he didn't waste any second and went back to in their room so he could express how happy he was to wake up with all those compliments on him. He didn't bother to put his shirt back on, there was no need to cover up MC's little surprise for him. imagine waking up by a shirtless beel picking you up in order to hug
MC's room is one, if not his favourite places to sleep in. Not only did he get to sleep surrounded by their scent, but if he got lucky he would get to sleep all cuddled up to MC. It was a win in his book no matter what.
To MC's dismay, he doesn't always announce his presence, so there were quite a few times where MC sat right on top of him without meaning to. To make matters even more difficult for MC, the bastard would require them to cuddle him in order to make up for the hurt that they have caused. If MC didn't know any better, they would think he was doing it on purpose.
Because of that, MC got in the habit to check if there was anyone in their bed before even thinking of trying to get on it. While the habit was a bit weird it finally payed off. There he was, the avatar of sloth in all of his beauty, sleeping and hugging close to his chest one of MC's plushies.
He looked quite adorable in his sleep. you wouldn't believe he was capable of murdering you MC tried to gently shake him awake but he wouldn't budge so they just gave up on the idea all together.
Since it looked he was not going to wake up MC went to pick one of their pens. In a way it was quite ironic that the person that sleeps the most in their room was the last one to get compliments written on him.
MC moved his body so that he would lie on his back. It turned out to be way easier than they would have expected. It honestly felt like Belphie himself moved so MC would have an easier time writing on him.
Lifting his shirt they started by drawing small constellations here and there, followed by some compliments and other cute messages they could think of.
Once satisfied with their work MC tried to get up from the bed when a hand suddenly grabbed. When they looked down they saw Belphie having one of his most insufferable smirks on his face.
At that moment the realization finally hit MC and made them feel quite silly for forgeting such an important detail. Belphie is often aware of what is happening around him while he is sleeping. That's the only reason he has grades high enough to rivale Satan despite doing nothing but sleep during classes. That also explains why he was so easy to move around a few minutes prior.
It was too late to be having regrets tho. MC was being held thightly by Belphegor and they just knew they are about to be teased relentlessly by him.
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thegoldencontracts · 5 months
Masterlist (Azul Ashengrotto)
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To Comfort - Hurt/Comfort, Reader Gives Azul a massage
Bridal Style - Fluff, Reader Bridal Carries Azul
Let's Play! - Fluff, Board Game Night With Azul
Too Late - Hurt/Comfort + Fluff, Azul accidentally sends you an embarrassing text
Kiss Kiss K.O~! - Fluff, Kissing Azul until he faints
Of Much Importance - Second request, Azul being tryhard and you teasing him :)
Ugly-Cry- Azul angst along with hurt/comfort, no readerI
Irrationality, Love - Azul's in denial until an odd confession
Don't Question Me! - Azul x Reader First date fic
The Baby Picture - A drabble where you find a picture of baby Azul and he is not amused
A Tsundere - You think Azul's a tsundere. He thinks he's not. Who wins (Drabble)?
Complimentary - You compliment Azul to tease him (drabble)
Flustered!Azul and Leona - Two fics for the both of them, requested <3
(Not) A Love Triangle - An idea I got from a post about the reader, Azul, and Jamil's weird relationship; azul x reader, jamil hates his life
Octopus-Lover - Jeiazu 1.1k thingy if you like jeiazu talk to me no one likes jeiazu more than me i will move mountains for a fellow stan
Denial - A quick Jamiazu drabble with blushy azul and jamil who is smug yet a tad confused
Run-Off - An Azul & OC daughter Angst Fic, Azula belongs to @imafrealinrainbow478484 (please tell me if the tag annoys you btw ^^)
Secrets - Cute little fluff fic, you catch Azul being all sappy and flustered about you
On The House! - Fic about you realizing why Azul's giving you free stuff
A Turn-Table - You turn Azul's flirting on him and he gets all flustered
A Touch Too Far - Hurt No Comfort, you try the breakup prank on Azul and it does NOT go well
Cuddled up - Smothering azul in cuddles and praising him
Tsundere!Twst - Housewardens x Reader but THEY'RE the tsunderes now
Cruel Rejection - Azul works up the courage to ask you out. It doesn't go too well.
What Do You Want? - You offer Azul a deal. He doesn't believe you.
Not Staring - Azul can't admit he's staring at you. How odd. Adorable, though.
Cute - People find Azul intimidating, snide, infurating, competent, stern and- Cute?
Because-! - Azul saves you from drowning, and he's rather furious. Why?
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Azul Kiss HCs - What it says on the tin, pure fluff
Schrodinger's Horror - Fluff HCs, Watching Horror Movies with Azul
Azul & Ex-Queen-Bee!Reader - Third request, HCs, what it says on the tin
Housewardens With A Tsundere Reader (Part 1) - Azul and a tsundere reader
Housewardens React To Being Ignored As A Prank - You ignore him as a prank, a bit angsty.
Overblotters with a Fairy-Godmother Yuu - No romance, overblotters with an MC that behaves and has powers like a fairy godmother.
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Azul in love - A cute little imagine about Azul being in love with you and flounding
He is... - Crackfic based on twst fanon stuff that i don't really find accurate
Flustered!Dormheads - What it says on the tin, short but sweet little thing
Plus-Sized Azul in NRC - Angsty scenario of plus-sized!azul
Overblotters When A Guy Flirts With You - What it says on the tin, mild angst.
Azul And Envy - Some thoughts on Azul being envious of others, complete with a fluffy ending.
Jealous!Dormheads - An overall look at dormheads and jealousy. Mostly fluffy.
Housewarden!Kisses - How does he kiss? How does he like to be kissed?
Twst Guys Confessing - How would he confess to you?
Pranking the Housewardens - How fun is he to prank?
Pining Dormheads - How he pines; the bits of affection that show even before a relationship.
With A Tsundere - You're a tsundere. But guess what? He is too.
How The Housewardens Show Their Love - How does he show you he loves you?
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Every Single Talent Azul Has -Self-Explanatory; always open to corrections, additions, or requests for more detailed citation
Is Azul Kind? - A theory based off of Azul's Platinum vignette
Every Unethical Act Azul Has Committed (And Why None Of Them Were Actually Illegal) - Also Self-Explanatory, I'm not a lawyer so I'd appreciate corrections
Can Azul Love? - A bit of my thoughts on the matter.
Jamiazu Ramble - Some thoughts on Jamil's feelings for Azul in the ship.
Twst Guys and Hugs - How do they prefer to give or receive hugs?
Incorrect Quotes
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Mixed Messages
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fr33time · 14 days
thank you for taking my request about subaru, it was so cute and subaru is literally my favorite character, he deserves the world 💕
i hope you don’t mind for another request about him 😂
i was wondering how he would react for a s/o who always teases him and stuff?
i feel like he would be flustered all the time 😂
thank you and rest well 🙏
A/N: I love doing requests for Subaru, he is so adorable. Hopefully next episode we see him more, it feels like its been a while since we’ve seen him, phew. I tried to think of as much as I could so enjoy them, I hope it’s up to standards! Tried to get one more submission done before tomorrow! I get really tired after work and I’m very bad at making myself do something, because I want to put my passion into it. Thank you anon for sending this in, have a nice day!
♥︎ Subaru Kagami with an S/O that teases him ♥︎
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divider credits: @xiaonyc
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons
Find my requesting rules here!
♥︎ Subaru is already shy during a relationship, but he has an even harder time when you tease him all the time. Sure he gets embarrassed but he finds that it’s a cute trait on you. He never really knows when to expect it, he tells himself that he can handle it next time you make a comment but ultimately fails in the end.
♥︎ When you first started to tease him, he wouldn’t respond for a few good seconds because of how surprised he was. He doesn’t really have many people around him that aren’t serious with him since he’s a ghoul and also the captain of Hotarubi. Plus Subaru just has a quiet look to himself in general! He finds it a breath of fresh air that you can have that kind of relationship with him.
…that being said, it’s not like he can tease you back cause he gets relatively silent. It’s not as if he doesn’t like it, he just hasn’t encountered a situation like this before. He gets little blushes on his face that can make you want to squish his face. Your best bet to easily flustering him is through physical affection or little comments that come out of nowhere, it catches him off guard so bad.
♥︎ Once he starts getting used to it, he starts to tease you back a bit more. Only in private though, he wants to maintain a slightly professional demeanour about himself… and honestly, he just gets really anxious thinking about teasing you in public. He’s very hesitant about it though, he’s worried that he’ll accidentally hurt you with what he says so he makes sure to choose his words carefully. He definitely says sorry after he makes a remark to you…
♥︎ He’ll bring it up to you if he doesn’t like something, in a worst case scenario where you may tease him too much in a less friendly way, he wonders if somethings wrong. But with reassurance he’s fine! He just worries a bit too much, and tries to communicate his concerns to you so that he can keep the relationship stable, you mean a lot to him and he doesn’t wanna lose you because of his tendency to bottle up feelings!
♥︎ The most he can do is give you little compliments that make you feel a bit embarrassed. He just does not have the heart to poke fun at you, sometimes he can play along if you’re having fun but not on his own, no way. He makes it so easy to tease him though, he will absolutely crack under pressure.
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sister-lucifer · 1 year
yo i want to see headcannons of any of the marble hornets or even ticci toby with a cottagecore fem s/o, how would they react with the way she styled herself? i mean.. they are a vicious ruthless monster and then here she is their s/o who is just love nature, 70s fashion, sweet and friendly like yk
Proxies with a cottagecore S/O 
Toby, Tim/Masky + Brian/Hoodie x Gender Neutral Reader (Separately) 
Genre: Fluff, Headcanons 
Content/Warnings: Toby’s section gets a bit suggestive because that’s how he is (small touches, staring, ogling, but it’s all light), a minuscule mention of blood, mostly fluff 
Like my writing? I take requests! NSFW or SFW for any fandoms in my bio (request rules + masterlist in pinned post)!
Also, please reblog! it’s free, takes two seconds, and really helps me out 
Feedback is encouraged and appreciated:)
Not fully proofread! Let me know if you see any errors!
Oooohhhh this boy 
Keep in mind, he’s about 19, 20 
Those horny teenager hormones are still coursing through him, and they aren’t leaving any time soon 
Seeing you in such cute little clothes gets him a liiiiittle worked up, he just can’t help it! 
If you’re wearing pants, he’s eyeing you up when you walk away, 100% 
If you’re wearing a skirt, don’t be surprised if his hands wander up your thighs 
He’ll stop if you tell him to of course, he doesn’t want to make you uncomfortable! But if he knows he’s got the green light, you know what to expect 
He also loooooves that you love nature! He loves it too! 
Be prepared to pick all the leaves and sticks out of his hair when he comes back home after a long day/night 
And also wash the blood of off him (don’t be surprised if he asks you to join him in the shower) 
AND be prepared for him to bring back random bugs, frogs, and other small animals and try to convince you to let him keep them
(do not let him) 
He’ll definitely be bringing back random plants and berries to see if you can cook with them 
He’s really good at foraging, although he’d be significantly better if he could remember what’s edible and what’s not 
He’s got some brain damage and ADHD but he tries his best yk 
Just pat his head and tell him he’s done good 
He also may or may not sneak into your closet to try on your clothes every once in a while 
Masculine, feminine, androgynous, he doesn’t care! He likes your clothes! 
Overall he’s rather sweet, if a bit oblivious; you may have to teach him a few things, but he’ll learn for you! 
Tim grew up in an old farmhouse, he knows a lot about this sort of thing! 
In fact, your cottagecore aesthetic is borderline nostalgic for him, it really warms his heart in a way he’s waaaay too embarrassed to ever admit, even if he personally doesn’t partake in the lifestyle 
He’ll totally adjust fine to the cottagecore life 
He’s had his fair share of experience with cooking with whatever he can forage from the woods (and he actually knows what can and can’t be eaten), so he’s very helpful in the kitchen! 
He’s also a very skilled hunter, so he’s more than willing to bring back a fresh kill for you to cook 
He’ll skin it and do all the dirty work for you, that way your job is easy 
In return all you have to do cook him dinner while he’s in the shower washing off the smell, and he’ll be happy
He thinks your style is absolutely adorable, even if he won’t outright say it! 
That’s okay though, because you can see it in the way his eyes widen a bit when you come down the stairs all dressed up in the prettiest little outfit he could ever imagine 
He’ll pause and look down, exhaling the smoke from his cigarette before looking up and giving a brief compliment: 
“Lookin’ good, sweetheart.” 
He’s kinda emotionally constipated, but you’ll learn to read him 
If you craft, please give him homemade gifts! 
Baskets, wreaths, flower arrangements, whatever little cottagecore trinket you can conjure 
You’ll have his heart forever 
One of Tim’s favorite pastimes is whittling, so don’t he surprised if he leaves a little deer statue on your beside table as a thank you 
Tim isn’t high maintenance or hard to satisfy at all, he’s more than happy to share a quaint little cottage with you 
All he needs is a kiss on the cheek when he leaves for ‘work’ to keep him warm until he can hug you again 
Brian is probably the most well versed on internet aesthetics, and dare I say may even be a bit cottagecore himself! 
It’s a lot more subtle of course, but you can see it in the way he hoards potted plants and persistently makes sure the hummingbird feeder and bird bath are full 
He’s also the most invested in nature, if that makes sense; he knows a lot about the native flora and fauna of his area and will always point them out to you if you’re around 
It’s not unusual for you to catch him staring out the window at the birds 
He doesn’t really like to cook and he doesn’t forage since it’s not something that’s ever interested him, but he has a way with sewing! 
He collects patches for his bags and clothes, and he likes to alter and add to his own garments 
He’s phenomenal with patchwork and fixing up tears 
Never again will you have to be upset about a rip in your favorite dress or a split seam in your best pair of pants! 
Brian will have it fixed up like new in no time 
You won’t even be able to tell it was ever torn! 
Although he doesn’t forage, Brian always brings a bag with him to pick up any plants he hasn’t seen before or wants more of
If he particularly likes one he’ll uproot it and put it in a pot to keep in your cottage 
Soon half of your house will belong to the plants, but it’s okay because he makes sure they’re arranged cutely 
He cares just as much about the aesthetic as you do, don’t worry 
He definitely likes to match outfits too! 
If he’s ever in town and sees a piece of clothing he likes, he’s buying another (or at least the closest thing) for you too 
Be ready for many fashion shows, all while he compliments every single outfit (and you’d better do the same for him!)
When he’s home there will certainly be many calm, domestic nights filled with mundane couples activities and exhausting laughter 
He’s a romantic at heart, and nothing will ever change that 
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goddess-of-green · 5 months
Four Being Praised and Called "Pretty Boy"
(Request: By @/beyondtheglowingstars) Hi hi! Loving what I've read from you so far and I noticed that requests are open (doing backflips in my head from excitement)
May I request Four's reaction to getting called a pretty boy and other such compliments over how pretty he is? <3 feel free to write it however you want
(A/N:) I love your stuff omg 😳 hi
and ofc!! Four really is a pretty boy, isn't he? they all are tbh
Contains: hc's + drabble, reader's gender is unspecified, "beautiful" used to describe reader, fluff
Word Count: 485
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♥ Unlike some of the other Links, Four doesn’t mind effeminate compliments 
♥ However, as a man in Hyrule, he is completely unused to hearing them
♥ As such, he is certainly going to get flustered (and likely confused) the first few times you lay those compliments on him (pretty boy blue-screened him) 
♥ You could lather him in the most sugary, affectionate praises and he’d accept it all with a smile on his face (he’d be red from his neck to his ears, but he certainly wouldn’t have any complaints) 
♥ He may get a little embarrassed if you do this in front of others, especially if he’s trying to exude a strong and brave exterior, but he’d never dislike the attention
♥ If you were married to Four however, he’d react a bit differently
♥ You could lay the mushiest, sweetest praises on him, call him gorgeous, beautiful, (babygirl), and he’d take it all in stride, used to your antics 
♥ And be careful praising him too much, or he’ll learn to throw it back at you; he can dish what he takes
Four was embarrassed.
He never saw himself as pretty. Sure, he knew he wasn't the most macho of warriors (hard to be, at his size) but pretty? That was a new one.
...Couldn't say he didn't like it, though. 
He could hardly do more than stutter and blush as you stroked his cheek, cooing about how pretty he was. For Goddesses’ sake, all he’d done was…
What…what did he do again? 
It was hard to think when you were so close to his face. So close and so beautiful yourself. You giggled, placing a flower in his hair. 
That’s right. A few petals had fallen into his hair. The group was walking through a thicket of flowering trees. He came out of it with a few pink petals in his hair and that seemed to trigger something for you. 
Now here you were, sitting with him and pushing flowers into his hair. Not that he minded, it was nice to feel your fingers in his hair. It made him grateful he kept it on the longer side, even if it got in his way sometimes. Not to mention how…sweet you were being. 
“W…What?” He blinked, coming back into focus as you stared into his eyes expectantly. 
You smiled. “I said, you look so cute like this.” You had an almost cheeky look on your face. Like even if you meant your words, you knew that they’d embarrass him. 
And embarrass him they did. His cheeks burned, and he couldn’t help but look away. “Must you say things like that? …I’m a warrior, you know.” 
You smiled, “I know, but that doesn’t mean you’re not lovely.” Your fingertips brushed his cheek. 
As you brushed gently under his eye, and over his red-dusted cheeks, he couldn’t find it in himself to argue. 
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sukiitoru · 1 year
Hello hello~ here for another niji ask, thank you so so much for doing my Sonny request <3
Anyway back on topic. May i request luxiem with an extremely flirty s/o? Or maybe just one if you dont wanna do all of them. Once again take your time and make sure to take care of urself
Hello anon! Glad you enjoyed the sonny request ♡︎.
Thank you for the wonderful request, I will do this with all luxiem members since this is an adorable request, and thank you for the kind words I sure will you take care as well ♡︎.
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
Mc is non-binary pronounce is they/them
Fandom: nijisanji en.
Pairing: luxiem x mc.
Category: cute fluff, flirty mc.
Flirty affection.
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Luca Kaneshiro
Luca is the type to be completely oblivious to any flirting directed towards him so he most of the time won't notice.
If he does notice he will respond with a 'pog' and he won't show any sort of reaction.
Unless you sit him down face to face and hit him up with the flirting he will be stunned for a second processing what you just said his face will turn bright red.
He'll be pretty flustered especially since it's his s/o his only respond is a soft 'pog' as he buries his head into Mc's neck.
After a while of being with mc he'll get used to the flirty comments and affection mc gives him but it never fails to bring a shy smile to his face and to make his cheeks a soft red as he chuckles in embarrassment.
He gets so used to it, he might flirt with mc back without realizing hitting them with a 'you too!', which works in most situations.
Mc would to need to find new tricks to make him flustered, like teasing him on stream, pinching his cheeks surprisingly gets him a little shy.
Luca is the type to pout and wait for you to flirt with him when you stop suddenly, or when you'd argue about something, he would just sit there and wait for you to fawn over him with a pout on his lips.
When he does get attention, his face lights up and he wraps his arms around Mc's waist, enjoying their attention with a big grin on his face.
Might test out some pick-up lines he found online and would say them to mc and wait for their response, mc responds most of the time with a laugh or a chuckle than mc tells him a better pick-up line and will kiss his entire face, his cheeks would turn red a huge smile on his face as he chuckles at the small kisses allover his face.
Just compliment and love this man, he loves everything you do anyways.
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Shu Yamino
Shu is rather shy when it comes to flirting not knowing how to react, his face turning red slowly as he looks down and covers his face with his hands.
Would appreciate a warning but it doesn't change anything really so he stops expecting one in the first place.
He's just so shy about it at the begining of the relationship, than slowly gets used to it and warms up to the idea.
Might drop a few pick-up lines here and there but would get super embarrassed after, would definitely ask for cringe pick-up lines from mc to use randomly on twitter or just say them in his streams.
When shu comes up to mc saying he's the 'master rizzler', mc is very confused but supports shu anyways.
They'll help him with pick-up lines, how to deliver them, silly things like that until shu comes up to them one day and just says "I've reached my goal as the master rizzler thank you for your sacrifice".
Mc is still confused but smiles and gives shu a kiss on the cheek anyways than goes back to what they were doing.
Even after a while in the relationship shu is still pretty shy about it, he'll just laugh with the most red cheeks you've ever seen.
They grow even darker in color as mc just coos at him and brings him into their arms for a gentle hug.
He'll just mumble against their shoulder incoherently, mc doesn't have the heart to tell him they don't understand what he's saying, so they'll kiss his head gently over and over again until he calms down.
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Ike Eveland
Ike is the best flirt avoider in this entire world, so when he gets another vox flirting with him left and right he just avoids it like normal.
Except his feelings for mc start to grow so their comments start to affect him just slightly, he still moves on from them not even acknowledging them but you'll see how his cheeks turn slightly pink showing he actually got affected by the comment.
When he and mc get together his reactions grow slightly, except of ignoring their flirting he'll smile gently at mc his cheeks slightly red as he looks at them, then back at whatever he was doing.
At one point something mc said made him so shy he just buried his head into Mc's shoulder with a whine.
Mc don't embarrass him please, he's just so shy about it.
As time goes on he gets used to them and his reactions goes back to normal completely ignoring the flirting except this time he'll have a small smile on his face.
Finds it very endearing and might get the confidence to flirt back with mc if he's drunk.
When he's drunk he finds the comments super cute and would go out of his way to say so to mc everytime.
He will then process to compliment mc and flirt with them for about half an hour.
Teach him pick-up lines and he will be even better than you at flirting it's the best thing ever.
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Mysta Rias
Mysta will play it off awkwardly at first face glowing bright red as he laughs awkwardly "you don't mean that" he would say with an awkward laugh.
His face will turn a deeper shade of red when you tell him you mean it with a straight face.
Will mumble a soft thank you rubbing the back of his head and just sitting there than will mumble a weak "you're awesome too".
As he slowly gets to know mc and gets together with them he'll start to get more comfortable with the flirting and will smile shyly at it now, might even pitch in with a few pick-up lines himself.
After he and mc get together he'll grow more comfortable with it, and will start to flirt with mc on a daily basis learning their tricks and using it against them.
Mysta pulls an uno reverse and starts making mc embarrassed by his flirting, then they both will just giggle like highschool girls and just bask in each other's company.
Mc will definitely try to flirt more with mysta and to make him embarrassed knowing that physical touch is more likely to make him shy.
Just hug him out of no where or kiss his cheeks and face, he'll be putty in your hands.
As time goes on flirting will be the norm in their relationship, they could be just chilling on the couch cuddling and they'll start flirting with each other like they just met in the club.
Mysta finds it very endearing as their bond grows stronger as flirting starts to turn into their very own love language.
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Vox Akuma
When vox first meets mc the first thing they both do is flirt with each other.
It's basically like a second language to them at this point from the amount of time they spend speaking it to each other.
Even before they get together they would flirt with each other all the time, which might annoy some people since it looks kinda cringe when you look at it from afar.
When vox and mc get together their flirting grows stronger, and they don't even take it seriously most of the time giggling after flirting with each other.
Both mc and vox find it a cute personality trait in each other and will tell each other how much they love it.
As they both get closer the flirting wouldn't stop, just growing more chill and turning into more compliments then flirting really.
They just love everything about each other and a day doesn't pass unless both of them tell each other how much they love and care about each other.
Mc and vox are a very affectionate and lovey dovey couple and they never deny it and just tell people about it all the time.
If they argue about something they will both sit on different sides of the room glancing at each other every once in a while with a pout on their face.
It will end up with both of them apologizing, and then cuddling and complementing each other to absolutely no end for the next day or two.
They love each other very much and they'll never grow tired of it or try to hide it.
Thank you for reading all support is highly appreciated ♡︎.
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luvrbug · 2 years
Hi! Your imagine was so cute 😭😭😭
If requests are still open, could you do the same boys reacting to the reader developing feelings for them and confessing?
Like, seeing how they react and how long it takes for them to finally accept the readers feelings by confessing they feel the same?
I hope you have a good day! ✨
FIRST OP REQUEST !!! thank you sm :] ive been checking my box every 5 minutes LOL.
WARNING; general kidd violence in his, marineford spoilers in luffy's
«─────────── « ⋅ʚ♡ɞ⋅ » ───────────»
▸ Falling for Law is easy. Sure, he's rough and abrasive on the outside, but he is just. the most loving protective person ever on the inside. Especially of you're part of his crew.
▸ Law pretends like its difficult to get into his heart, and to some it probably is, but to his crew? He's an open book. He overworks himself constantly, refuses to sleep, eats once in a blue moon ...
▸ safe to say, Law is a mess. I can see him as the type to have feelings for you looooong before you develop feelies for him. He keeps quiet, knowing that these feelings aren't appropriate to have twoards his nakama.
▸ If you start to take care of him (like bringing him food, tea, coffee, fussing at him to sleep) Law isn't dense enough to completely ignore what this means. He still keeps his feelings locked away, he doesn't want to put you in more danger. Being part of his crew brings enough misfortune upon you.
▸ The confession takes place in a tiny, battered tavern on some one-village island. Law is as tipsy as he can allow himself to be, and you're almost blackout drunk.
▸ His walls are softer, and he feels safe enough that he can sit a little too close for a captain and shipmate. His golden eyes are staring into yours, and without warning you lean forward and kiss him. Directly on the lips.
▸ Law is stunned. The shocked expression doesn't leave his face while he listens to you drunkenly wax poetic about how much you love him. He knew you felt .. more than friendship, but definitely not .... this for him.
▸ Before you can spew more embarrassing nonsense, Law kisses you. Operation; success. (penguin, shiachi, and bepo are all celebrating in the background. such supportive friends.)
Kidd + Luffy under the cut!
▸ He's not the easiest person to get along with. Kidd knows this. He's proud of it! Getting close to him is a feat in itself, but falling for him? An emotional triathlon.
▸ Kidd is even worse about the tsundere act than law. He spews the absolute MEANEST insults to his friends but he would decapitate someone for making you cry.
▸ Kidd is loyal and committed. He cares a lot about his crew, his few friends, and will stick to an alliance if all terms are met. He values the bonds he has even if he really sucks at maintaining them.
▸ The best way to show Kidd you care is to compliment his work, let him brood uninterrupted, and be just snappy enough to give him a good laugh.
▸ Kidd falls HARD. Especially if youve been showing him extra special attention. He gets all mushy and warm on the inside when he's around you and becomes 10x spikier in your presence. (the blush on his face is REALLY obvious, though)
▸ You will have to confess before Kidd literally explodes. Nothing fancy, or large. Maybe just walking into his workshop with a plate from dinner + kissing his cheek.
▸ However, if Killer somehow manages to wrangle Kidd into admitting his feelings, he will confess first. (because he has to beat you, obviously). Its rushed, screamed, and probably ends with your face being squished into his. (Killer is .. proud?)
▸ LUFFY IS SO EASY TO LOVE. He's so open and honest and loyal and upbeat that its just !! impossible to not develop some sort of feeling for him. its crazy how lovable this squishy boy is.
▸ Loving luffy can be .. equally frustrating. With how much danger he constantly is getting into it feels like he doesn't value his own life. He's so willing to put himself on the line for his crew, for YOU.
▸ Luffy happily bears his heart to you. All emotions, feelings, thoughts just fly out of his mouth with no concern for anything. If he likes you romantically, you'll know. He's probably blurting something out along the lines of "i just want to squeeze you all the time" or "you smell nice" or even an embarrassing "i wonder what you tatse like" ... he cannot shut up to save his literal life.
▸ The confession has to come from you. its simple, quiet (until luffy starts screaming), and very, very cuddly.
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