#i love my kickass grandma
py-dreamer · 4 months
Rant about shadowpeach (WARNING! Mac slander)
I'm sure you've all heard this time and time again but you know what screw it I'm tossing my 2 cents into the ring
I think my bias for Wukong definitely has a part in this but I will try to be as neutral as possible which is impossible. My personal opinions will absolutely shine through but it is just that: a personal opinion
I love my trio of gay monkeys, I really do.
Is Macaque a good character? Yes
I do think he's a genuinely interesting character, with cool mystery ,interesting backstory, cool powers, he's fun to watch, has a kickass theme song and aesthetic and I can see why a lot of fans attach themselves to them.
Do I love seeing him with Wukong? Yes
Their banter is fun, past shadowpeach can be sweet as sugar (or spicy, I don't judge) and their angst is real yummy.
What I don't like is when the angst is all Wukong's fault. And everyone and their grandma will harp on the Monkey king and just ignore all of Mac's bullsh!t. Especially in fanfics.
Like don't get me wrong, keep writing that good stuff! But like...jeez
The amount of smack that the golden monkey goes through in this fandom is like...yikes.
Look, I know we're all hung up about the bloody murder thing.
(Personally I'm on the theory that Wukong didn't actually kill Mac, if they were really that close he wouldn't have acted so casual upon their battle after he murdered him, but I digress)
And Wukong should be called out on that BUT.
Mac also isn't blameless here.
(If you like toxic shadowpeach, fine. But this is for peeps who think that Wukong is the only toxic one and Mac was just a victim.)
Take it from this perspective:
The two were really close during the brotherhood era. Wukong kept doing stupid things to gain power and getting them in trouble and in the final battle did something astronomically stupid and they all lost.
Then they all ditch him...leading to his imprisonment (five phases mountain) and torture (furnace and also being fed iron pellets and hot mercury)
Fair, Mac probably shouldn't have been trapped too but he visited once out of 500 years, had a fight and never came back by the looks of it.
He assigns himself the role of the warrior who always stood by his king's side.
And then ditched him in his time of need.
Mans really failed at his own self proclaimed job.
Fine, he probably should've taken a break, none of them were in the right state of mind and Wukong was being very bratty.
IF HE TRULY VALUED THEIR RELATIONSHIP (from the looks of his lil gay play, he did) HE WOULD'VE Y'KNOW. COME BACK AND TALK?!?!
If he really valued their relationship, outside of calling him a coward and LEAVING, never to visit again. Would that not be a perfect opportunity to communicate?
Like, my dude. He's stuck in the rock. He can't run. Could you not find the roots of the problem and solved it?
But lets say "He was too busy taking care of flower fruit mountain"
(despite him literally EATING one of the monkeys in JTTW, but that was JTTW and I don't think its canon in Lmk. But still, interesting to note.)
I'm sure his subjects were worried about their king? Did he never answer them? If he really valued their bond, could he not have I dunno, shadow portaled some monkeys to see their king or like put time aside to communicate and update the monkeys?
But lets say "He was too traumatized from the burning of his home and was too angry"
500 gosh dang years seems like a long time to take a break.
I feel like at that point, he should've let go of Wukong
We establish that their relationship is kinda wrecked.
They don't communicate.
He ditched Wukong for 500 years.
But when he see's the pilgrims decides that Wukong ditched him and the brotherhood..?
So by his logic, Wukong has abandoned ffm the brotherhood and him, after they ditched him under a mountain for 500 years, never visited, never talked, never tried to rebuild their relationship.
Sees the circlet being used, sees the pilgrims not trusting him, sees him go on this journey unwillingly, not allowed to leave the monk unprotected, and comes to the conclusion that Wukong is a traitor...?
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But plans to free him because he's being abused and forced to do it?
Pick a lane my dude. Did he abandon you or not?
He impersonates him, destroys what little trust the group had
hurts Wukong multiple times, till he gets banished. And tries to kill Tripitaka as he still had the bloody circlet?!
This isn't sad lover getting revenge at being abandoned.
This is bitter jealous ex getting petty revenge and still expecting to get back together like this.
Also he says he watched as the pilgrims tortured him with the fillet. If he watched them, he'd know that Wukong is also obligated to fight and most of the time he does kill them, despite the pacifist monk.
So tell me...
He does realize that like this was mandated by heaven right? And there'd be huge consequences to killing the monk right?
So basically:
Mac: yea so my plan is to impersonate you and commit crimes you didn't do, get you in trouble and inadvertently hurt you severely, traumatize you even more then kill the monk so we can go back to flower fruit mountain like we wanted to right?
Even though there will probably be astronomical consequences for you, me probably the rest of the monkeys for letting me kill this monk on the trip mandated by heaven. By failing to protect him, redeeming yourself and also losing a close friend heaven might probably put you under another mountain again probably forever this time, and I will probably use my powers to get out scotch free and we'd all blame you even though I killed him.
But you're still to blame for abandoning me, the brotherhood and your subjects even though I never visited you after our fight, calling you a coward, immediately leaving never to come back and update you on what happened. Its your fault the mountain is like this even though I never asked you for help or advice or even contacted you to let you know our home was destroyed.
Meanwhile I'm the victim and you never valued our friendship.
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This idiot-
In summary, he abandons his king, accused him for ditching them all comes back claiming to help him by antagonizing him, hurting him and puts himself in a position where he kinda has to do something?
Because Mac was set on killing the monk.
Everyone acts like he just visited, said something mean and Wukong played the stab game bit too hard.
But he tried to kill him and wouldn't back off?
Seriously what did he expect Wukong to do?
The fandom acts like he was given a pass to not die when he's already broken off the relationship and put Wukong in an impossible situation where Mac wouldn't freaking leave or let go about killing the monk.
I'm not saying that Wukong should've killed Mac on the spot. But I just wish that everyone stops acting like he was being such an asshole and killing him out of nowhere.
(for someone with six ears and is meant to be all hearing he sure is bad at listening)
Then he gets revived by the lady bone demon and let me check:
steals all of Mk's powers
tries to kill the kid despite having no bad blood with him
antagonizes Tang, ridiculing him and calling Wukong a coward despite ditching him under a mountain
makes a copy of the TEA van to kidnap and traumatize Mk even more
Traumatizes Mk AGAIN in the shadow play and steals his friends souls
Hold Mei and Sandy hostage for the rings and tries to squeeze the life out of them
Shooting the airship down (OOOHHHH WUUUKOOOONG this ape is down bad.)
Chokes Mei and uses her as a hostage again for the samadhi fire ritual
Immediately leaves after Mei's firey outburst
Wants to leave possessed Wukong to the clutches of LBD
never gives Mk the full story in the ink scroll that he tried to kill Sanzang or how he never came back.
I don't even think Macaque has apologized for any of his bullsh!t.
Some of his acts were necessary but he just makes it uneccessarily cruel and revels in their pain
And the fandom makes them all buddy buddy at the end, excuse all his actions and collectively hate Wukong?
Yes he does help Mk in fighting possessed Wukong but like LBD's reign would end the world as he knew it. What else could he do? DBK would probably do it in his position.
But he never apologizes to any of the cast.
I've seen fics where he does apologize which is good.
But he also never apologizes to monkey king?
But that will be in pt2. Yes there will be a goddamn pt2 cause I've not even scratched the surface when it comes to fanfics.
But I will take this chance to share a fic that does tackle this issue really well:
Fractured Pieces make a mosaic by @furornocturna
Cause this fic is genuinely so good I am vibrating at the seams, its one of my favs (also furornoctura's writing is good in general)
One of the only fics I've seen where the characters all call out Mac being a jackass and in an interesting way.
One day I will make some fanart for this but till then this will do
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Their writing is so yummy go check it out
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paradimeart · 1 year
Arcee's my wife but tbh her and Ratchet kinda hit the Violent Old People In Love part of my brain and I honestly dig it and oh my God I wish she'd been more relevant so she could be like Sari's kickass grandma and side with Ratchet when he asked Fanzone if he'd rather that Sari learn how to fight "in the streets" and also just generally be her awesome cool and pretty self
NO BC theyre realy cute in the s4 script read
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how to win over women: sword
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shannara810 · 7 months
"I'm not lookin' for somebody
With some superhuman gifts
Some superhero
Some fairy-tale bliss
Just something I can turn to
Somebody I can kiss."
Percy liked to sing in the shower.
This quirk of his was not born overnight. During his teenage years it would have been impossible between avoiding a monster here and Smelly Gabe there. Did it show up during his stay at New Rome? Nope.
If you asked him, Percy wouldn't really be able to tell you when it started. Just that one morning he had found himself humming a tune with a stupid smile on his face and since then he never stopped.
He didn't have a specific musical genre: everyday was different. And the best thing about his new musical hobby?
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"I want something just like this
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Oh, I want something just like this"
Luke liked to sing with him.
Percy came out of the shower, wrapping a towel around his waist. Luke was in front of the mirror, busy passing the razor over his cheeks. They had three bathrooms in the house, but privacy was almost unknown to them.
The blonde was smiling as his lips sang the next verse.
"Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo
Doo-doo-doo, doo-doo-doo
Oh, I want something just like this"
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Luke put the razor down and drew Percy by the hips. The blonde didn’t have to shave. He still looked twenty-ish or so and would look like this forever if he so wished, but shaving was one of those activities he said could help him feel human.
Percy: "You're so stupid 😁"
Luke: "Said the stupid who married me".
Things could get pretty hot between them in a second, whether it was for a sword fight or a fight in bed 😁. But sadly this was not the case because right at that moment the bathroom door swung open.
Percy: ...
Luke: ...
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Luke: "This was the plan sweetheart, but..."
Percy: "SHUT. UP. LUKE 😖"
Lee peeped out the door, grabbing his brother by the scruff and winking at them. "Sorry to interrupt you, we are going out with Grandma Sally ☺️. So don't worry and go ahead 😁"
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Percy hid his face against his husband’s chest, punching it. "I. Hate. My. Life!"
Luke: "Nah, that's a lie". He looked at their sons again. "You need anything, boys?"
Lee: "A sister would be nice this time 😁."
Percy: "UGH?! 😳"
How could his son be so calm? How could Lee live through the craziness their lives were without batting an eye?
How could Percy survive Michael's next attempt on his life for quote "spoiling his kid's innocence"?! end quote. (He had never intended to start anything with Luke. Not after Annabeth. Not after New Rome. It had been Luke the one to seduce him, thank you very much 😠).
Luke: "It's the Milligan genes. Nothing shakes us".
So what if Percy's life was a new brand of craziness? He had a husband he loved, two amazing sons, loyal friends and a kickass family ready to fight for them. Everything he had ever wanted.
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inkblackorchid · 24 days
me again! 😹 I love the headcanons you wrote ,thank you ! While reading them I imagined something else so I thought to give it a try !
Perhaps, do you think you could write Faithshipping married headcanons? That would be so cool , thank you in advance:)
Also ,I am so excited for more Faithshipping fanfictions. Also ,I love how you're giving Aki more time to shine and get actual development 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹
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@mathemagician93 Hope you don't mind me combining these since they pertain to similar topics!
Had to think about these for a while so they've unfortunately been sitting in my inbox for a couple of days, haha. But here we go, married faithshipping headcanons!
The proposal is a long time coming (especially to Aki and Yusei's long-suffering friend circle), but both of them don't know how to go about it at first.
I imagine Aki's parents are just traditional enough that they're basically expecting Yusei to propose, while Aki herself really doesn't mind who proposes, but ends up being too chicken to do it herself. (She doesn't think Yusei would reject her, but old fears are a bitch and she knows it would break her heart if he said no for any reason.)
Yusei, meanwhile, definitely has the courage to propose, but doesn't have the foggiest idea how to. What do people do when they propose?? (Jack and Crow are the polar opposite of helpful, btw.) He ends up taking Martha's advice of doing it in a simple, but heartfelt way.
It's not a big thing. It's a date, but not a date that immediately seems special. There's no crowd, only them. The question's quiet and earnest, and the memory of it belongs to them and them alone.
(For a couple of days, the others don't even know the big question came up. Everyone's offended as hell when they find out Aki and Yusei didn't consider it big enough of a deal to make a big announcement out of it. But big doesn't matter to them. What matters is each other.)
I imagine several parties would try to hijack the wedding planning. Among them, Jack, Carly, and Aki's parents. Nobody manages to keep their trap shut and not make unprompted suggestions, at any rate.
Despite the above, the wedding wouldn't be big and fancy, either. Everyone who's important is there, but nobody beyond that. Aki manages to wriggle the occasional input out of Yusei and puts together some kickass (floral, duh) decor.
(They both stress about the wedding. Aki looks more like she stresses, but in truth, Yusei's also worried he's going to make an idiot of himself. Fancy occasions were never his thing. But they manage to put their heads together and make it work, because that's what they're best at.)
Married life ends up not being all that different from the way things were before. I'd imagine they already lived together and tackled day-to-day life together before. Except now both of them are Dr. Fudo.
(Yusei wouldn't have minded taking Aki's name, but Aki's parents fussed and she wasn't too attached to Izayoi, anyway, so she happily takes Fudo.)
They absolutely manage to mix up their name tags for work (if not their lab coats outright) at some point.
Half of the nurses working with Aki know and are convinced she's married to Yusei Fudo (yes, that Yusei Fudo). The other half are dead convinced the others are just pulling their legs and that it's a rumour because it would be cliché anyway, etc. The reason why is that Aki doesn't see the reason to make a big deal out of her marriage (and knows Yusei likes his privacy).
By contrast, the entirety of MIDS knows Yusei's married to Aki Izayoi. Because he brings her up every second conversation—not even to brag (although he sometimes does), but simply because he thinks of her that often. (You cannot convince me Yusei would not be one of the most wife guys to ever wife guy.)
They are popular with literally all their neighbours because they're the most capable couple on the block. Your washing machine is broken? Ask Yusei about it. Your grandma tripped and fell? Better pop over to Aki.
They're good at dividing up the chores and know exactly which chores each the other likes to do less. (Aki's better at doing the laundry and hates cleaning the bathroom, Yusei's better at doing the dishes and hates dusting the furniture.)
Despite Aki's demanding work hours, being a doctor and all, Yusei still always manages to be awake earlier than her. He knows exactly for what time her alarm is set and always makes sure a cup of tea and something small to eat are ready for her by then.
In return, Aki likes to stay on top of making sure that Yusei's got lunch he can take with him to work. (Because she knows his abysmal working habits and the fact that he makes time to actually go for lunch too rarely.)
They coordinate their days off to the best of their ability. What free time they have, they want to be able to spend together.
Yusei may or may not forget his lunch on occasion. Aki, on days where she's not stuck at work herself, may or may not pop into MIDS to bring her husband his lunch. (Yusei's coworkers find it hilarious.)
Hope you like these! And thank you so, so much, glad you enjoy my stories! Aki deserves every little bit of development I can give her. ^^
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lissomelace · 16 days
To Heal the Worst Wounds? 👀👀👀
Miriel and Elrond post-canon road trip (with a considerable helping of religious rebellion!) Thanks for asking!
Basic premise is that, upon Elrond coming to Valinor, the definition of healing and society there is a) kinda fundamentally antithetical to his ethos, and b) in general, superficially peaceful and actually suffering under control of the divine overlords there (Wherein the only lesson the Valar took from the Silm was that Iluvatar's children mess things up when left to their own devices). This is professionally and ethically abhorrent to him, as a healer and a leader, and personally devastating with regards to Celebrian. Excerpt below:
“It wasn’t like that,” he insists, mouth dry. “Don’t think I’m judging you either,” Miriel warns. “I’ve seen an awful lot of fucked up situations myself, both before and…after. And people can genuinely love each other in fucked up situations. That doesn’t make everything right.” “Maybe not,” Elrond says slowly. “But it was as right as it could have been, given everything that came before. And I have always valued what I learned, then. What they taught me.” He tilts his head. “Consider: you could be excoriating me for my lack of knowledge of basic survival fiber skills just now, instead of engaging in a tense vague discussion of my complicated family dynamics.” Miriel scoffs. “Who’s tense?” She pauses for a few steps. “And I wouldn’t scold you for that. You grew up in fucking Beleriand. You learned the survival skills you needed, or you wouldn’t have come here the long way.” She looks around, with something of the air of surveying all of Valinor. “Not like the Amanyar, these days. We got here, and we got soft.”
This is generally fun to write--Miriel is one of my favorite characters, and if I couldn't give Elrond his wife on his Super Not Fun Road Trip Rebellion Mission, I could at least give him a kickass great grandma, sort of (also to make up for the four parents/parental figures who are also Not Doing Great here).
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rayshippouuchiha · 1 year
I just need a moment to scream about Ranna 1/2. It's my first intro to Gender Bender stuff and that, Huh, am I Really a girl? Moments. I love the world building that we could see in the .... Product of it's Time shonen plot? Like, the acceptable humor of it's time but now horribly grates against my LGBTQ+ and gender equality sensibilities makes it a bit of a tragedy for me. Because the author had so many amazing ideas but they covered it in leecher humor when there were So Many ways it could have been a masterpiece? I mean, it was the 70s (I think?) so obviously there wouldn't be very many open-minded concepts from then but it still hurts, almost.
The gender and animal changing pools, the matriarchal Amazons, the Phoenix and Mollusc Tribes, Ranma's mom Nodoka (who really needs to kill her husband and stop scaring her kid) who is a complete badass (I'm sure Genma (the asshole who should've died on his "training trip") went on the trip because he was scared of her, the fic fodder that Ranma's training trip can give you, the Angst of Ranma's Nekoken (Genma deserved to die for that alone, death by cats asshole 🤬) and his possible grandma figure, the "Rivalry" between him and Ryouga (I'm pretty sure if Ryouga knew gay was a thing, he'd be one) over Ranma not making it to their fight because Ryouga got Lost (there's tons of fics right there for his Lost Trips, the Hibiki's are Directionally Cursed™).
My absolute fav fics are the Trans/Gender fluid Ranma ones. When they're on that journey, too. Just learning who they are. When I'm feeling shippy, then Ranma/Ryouga because they have a Connection. But Ranma xovers so easily. His girl form could be made into so many different Magical Girls (Sailor Moon, Wedding Peach, Tokyo Mew Mew, Cardcaptor Sakura, Shugo Chara, etc.) And his mom! She has no background beyond being a kickass swordswoman and housewife. She can be anything! She just made 3 bad choices. 1: marrying Genma, 2: letting Genma take Ranma on their training trip, 3: pretending that she'll hold Ranma to the contract he signed with his handprint at 3 to become a Man™.
I can't believe that Nadoka would kill Ranma over having a girl form like Genma thinks (but she would kill Genma). She was way too happy to spend time with Ranko (Ranma's go to name for his girl half) and mothering her. I fully believe she'd just be like, You're a woman, too, now so you need to be the Best Woman™ now, too. And just do Girl Bonding. Y'know, teaching Ranma how to look after themselves (cooking, cleaning, financials, more than the same clothes every day), shopping, and of course Swords. Nadoka deserves to pass on her Skills™.
I hate that all of Ranma's fiancees (that he only has because Genma kept selling his son for shit before leaving) are determined to marry him. They all click with Ranma on some level, but more like friends who just happen to be girls rather than wife material. Like, I feel bad for them, but they keep blaming Ranma for all the fiancees when they should be pissed at Genma for selling his son to so many people. Which is probably why I ship Ranma/Ryouga so freaking badly.
Both Cursed, both Amazing Martial Artists, Childhood Friends (for a while in middle school, Ranma's job was to escort Ryouga to class so he wouldn't get Lost and miss school), an actual Friendship to build on. I'm pretty sure Ryouga defaulted to Eternal Enemies over their missed fight because why else would he be so upset and feel so strongly over a missed fight with his best friend?
Anyways, sometimes I just get Feels about Ranma and I had to say it.
Ranma is a classic for a reason
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nic-liveblogs · 9 months
those mk & lloyd parallels got HANDS, any new thoughts on that or their interactions? (maybe save this ask till after the special, cuz uh... something occurs)
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i hear you and i see you ok 😭😭 its just that these past 2 weeks have been incredibly busy for me and also lack of motivation 🫠
but i just got covid so perfect excuse to finally think about this 😭 problem is that i mightve forgotten alot about lmk at this point so bear with me 💀
i think this mightve been mentioned in like previous posts but lloyd and mk just training and like talking about life would be very special to meeeee!! id love to see how our 2 protags of east asian inspired lego shows would interact!! idk they could go get therapy together because they are both very messed up theyd ask each other to seek help and then say nooo im fiiinee, bonding over secretive mentors me thinks like why do they do they keep secrets all the time!!! like idk id love a swap au between these 2 they r very interesting to me.. also both of them getting betrayed suckss. they could learn somthing from each other like lloyd is more wise in like the master wu sorta way and i think mk could teach him to let loose a little.. also they can both go apeshit mode hehehehehe i think ive already mentioned this in like another ask
i think red son would remind lloyd alot of him when he was younger like idk they try so hard to be evil but they got that goodness in them yk 😔😔
i think that applies to kai in the hotheaded sense like hes grown so much since he was 15 and i think hed want to help red son in the way he helped wyldfyre as well
lloyd: so yeah my great grandma is like a dragon..??
nya: and i turned into a dragon once!!
mei: thats sooooo cool my great great great great great great thousand times great grandpa was a dragon too!! do you guys wanna see my dragon!!!!
*lloyd and nya expecting some tiny dragon like riyu or chompy*
and then mei whips out her totally cool kickass dragon and they are both in awe like teach me how to do that!!!!
im pretty sure sandy is the builder of the time right?? there are so many builder characters in ninjago like pixal, jay, nya, sora, zane and i think they could probably geek out about it hehe
zane probably also knows about jttw since he knows like everything about everything yk i think he would listen to tang talk about it zane's sweet like thattt and tang can finally talk to someone who knows the full story 😭
one time someone asked about morro and macaque and like i still dont really know how to answer that like theyve both died ig thats cool 😭 shared trauma on dying lol, and also they were both like evil at one point and i guess reflecting back on it theyve both been like what was it all really for
ive said this before and ill say it again jay, mk, mei and maybe wyldfyre would totally go do some dumb shit together and get in trouble together 😭
and thats all i have maybe i'll think up something in the future? who knows!
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faemytho · 1 year
hi I’m here to ask you the truly evil question of who is ur favourite oc and why >:3
oh god where do i begin u asked the guy whos got over 400 ocs who qir favorite is
okok ive got a few LOL. basic rundown:
og - sakareth
splatoon - trip and silverstring (i cant pick i love them both)
cookie run - captain barracuda cookie
and rambling under the cut bc im insane.
WAHHH MY FAVORITE WANNABE PUNK EMO BOY! this is Prince Sakareth Wrathson, the demon Prince of Wrath and he is SOOO EMO. hes from my original fantasy project VMV, and hes got ✨severe trauma✨. go white boy go. i love him bc hes so cringefail and hes just like me fr. dunking him in water wont fix him but it WILL amuse me
(left is a picrew that no longer exists ((WAILS)), right is art commissioned from my lovely friend @moonstonemoonlight go comm them :3)
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SPLATOOB. ok i couldnt pick between my agent 3 oc and my little salmonling boy so im putting them BOTH. trip is so autism and they are soooo full of rage. silverstring is so SOFT and hes a battle musician bc he cant imagine being a fighter (which is hilarious, given his whole culture is about death and honor in battle LOL). i love trip bc theyre the most lazy and yet dramatic oc i have. and i love silverstring bc hes so weepy baby soft dummy.
(left is my art! its an old ref but it still holds up just fine. right is art commissioned from my lovely fiancée, @legendspeaker, featuring her octoling oc as well :3 u guys should also comm her)
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cookie run. oh my GOD. this is Captain Barracuda Cookie (or just "barracuda") and she was NOT supposed to exist. she was one of those ocs i made as a throwaway character and yet she invaded my brain. anyways, she's one of the few older ocs i have, and she's so kickass for it. grandma style. she's in the abysseel fic im writing with @legendspeaker, "(Chiaroscuro)"! she's like if tarte tatin was a fish, undyne from undertale, and your wine aunt. i love her bc can she be my mom. please. barracuda i love you
(picrew can be found here (>Link<) its a very fun picrew i do recommend it!)
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I just realised something about the Stalking Jack the Ripper series..
Thomas Cresswell is just a guy version of a quintessential Plucky Victorian Heroine, and Audrey Rose Wadsworth is just girl version of Knight in Shining Armor - the Scientist with Shining Scalpel 😂.
Cresswell - pretty clothes, stylish hair, forced engagement, problem father, shady activities at night, always finding himself at the pointy end of a knife, awesome (secretly) lesbian sister and her gf.
Wadsworth - emotional baggage, troublesome (killer) brother, enemies, shady profession, filthy rich inheritance, cool cousin, always saves hero(ine) from the pointy end of knife by taking it instead, always armed thanks to awesome self-design thigh holster!! Not to mention kickass grandma.
"If she thought she could hunt Thomas, coerce him into marriage, and murder me in the process, she’d no idea who I was."
"I’d fight a thousand battles and die a thousand ways before I allowed any harm to befall my love"
"I did not know who I’d become, should I lose him. But Satan would tremble at my approach."
"Thomas. My brilliant, cunning, prepared man."
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moodbroads · 6 months
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(made in heroforge btw aint no way i can 3d model bruh) a book reader has ATLEAST 1 dnd oc /j
uhh yeah anyways say hi to my kickass orc-gremlin gurliepop swag grandma that i will never use cuz i have no clue how dnd works :') ft: puppy dog ears cuz they glitched and i loved it so much that i kept it
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fagsex · 1 year
my parental red flag is that i Am going to dress my kid up but like not for shows or anything my kids just gonna be in 3 piece suits and dress shows or perhaps a petticoat with train no matter the gender. ill dress up too if need be. like american girl dolls me and my kickass baby dress to the nines strutting on U and Ur 'i love french fries and grandma yes she bought me this onesie' Baby
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marashi96art · 1 year
Since I laughed at you for not having the anon asks on, I'll ask you a question. :P
Aside from Titanic, what other movies inspire you when drawing Cleon?
I love Keanu Reeves and Sandra Bullock so much that I want them to be my celebrity parents. But they are just best friends and always have been this way since they worked on the film Speed (1994), and The Lake House (2006) 12 years later.
When I first got into Cleon, they were the only "couple" in my mind and I have been preaching this ever since. I think they are my core of Cleon, and I rewatch Speed every month lmao.
I've also mentioned a few movies on my AO3 log, and here are MORE honorable mentions:
Action Movies:
Point Break (1991) Someone recommended me to watch Fast & Furious series for RE AU(and I have), but this movie is the OG of F&F series.
The Gray Man (2022) Kickass power couple saving a little girl, together. I use it for RE4 era ref, and I kinda have a reverse AU of Claire being trained to be an FBI agent to follow her brother's steps and Leon is just a random college boy.
Mission Impossible series I was talking with my friend about how Hollywood cliche Capcom can be.
RED (2010) & RED 2 (2013) If RE9 is about the OG team reunion like DI, they will be exactly like these movies, grandpas & grandmas still kicking ass.
Fantasy & Rom-com:
One Day (2011) Friends to lovers…The drama. In fact, my newest art has used this for ref, and you will see it in 2 days.
Now and Then (1995) Teenage Cleon. Childhood neighbors, enemies to friends to crushes lmao.
What Maisie Knew (2012) Spoiler alert I'm planning to draw a series of this. I'm not into Cleon having children but if they are, I'll do it my way ;)
Life as We Know It (2010) Enemies to friends to lovers again. And raising a baby together.
No Strings Attached (2011), Friends with Benefits (2011) Not really into FWB Cleon but you writers kinda like to write this? So I rewatch them recently, well, it could work.
The Mummy (1999) You cannot tell me Rick O'Connell didn't reference Leon's design. Again, gonna draw this soon.
The Huntsman: Winter's War(2016) Pretty average, I only use ref for outfit design but Jessica Chastain is so beautiful in this. (But my ideal live-action Claire is Rebecca Ferguson, just FYI)
Far and Away (1992) LMAO I've always thought of this movie as the prequel of Titanic.
Drive (2011) My favorite movie of all time. And I saw someone already draw it, I reblog it to my main account a few days ago. I will draw another one soon, my fav scene is not the elevator scene so, no worries.
Marriage Story (2019) Literally just rewatched it last night. I love the arguing/fighting scene so much, and it kinda suits my idea of how Claire will leave Leon for his drinking problem.
Wonder Woman 1984 (2020) I don't know why this movie got so much hate, but I think the part when Steve came back and later Diana has to let him go…Inspired me to draw Cleon.
The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (2011) Directed by David Fincher. It's more for Claire honestly. But the Scandinavian scenery is something I long for.
Oblivion(2013), Edge of Tomorrow(2014) Both staring Tom Cruise. And I regret that I didn't go to the theater for both of them, at the time I thought the posters were boring, but they turned out to be really good, at least for my taste.
Not gonna put Romeo and Juliet (1996) on the list bc I don't use Leonardo DiCaprio for my Leon when drawing, I use Brad Pitt more, for he has a better fashion sense haha. Claire Danes is already perfect.
Some TV shows as well:
Full House (1987-1995) Uncle Jesse & Aunt Becky, just search them on Pinterest.
My So-Called Life (1994-1995) Angela Chase & Jordan Catalano. I Only use Jared Leto's appearance for ref; characteristically speaking, Leon is more like Brian in this show.
Peaky Blinders (2013-2022) For Noir outfit or Mob AU cuz why not?
Rougue One (2016 movie), Andor (2022) I love Star Wars and fuck…Cassian and Jyn are so Cleon-coded! I'm mostly into SW fashion, they have some dope jackets in Andor. Seriously go watch, Andor is as good as The Last of Us.
Ride with Norman Reedus (2016-) They got some cool bikes in the first season and Cleon bike date on PCH…My beach Cleon is inspired by this show actually.
I didn't even try hard to think about these and can still go on for days…Still, I think it's good enough for one ask for now hehe.
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evermorehqs · 1 year
Tumblr media
Francesca Framagucci is based on Franny from Meet the Robinsons. She is a 24 year old gifted human, music producer, and uses she/her pronouns. She has the power of animal control. Franny is portrayed by Ella Purnell and she is open.
An undeniably weird kid from the moment she was born, Francesca Framagucci was hardheaded, intense and had a weird thing for frogs. Sometimes that turned people off but Franny really couldn’t give a frack. Her mind ran at a mile a minute, her imagination moving even faster and her mouth? Don’t even get her started. There were these things called filters that she was pretty sure had never been a part of her DNA. What was a part of her DNA were the frogs in her grandma’s back garden and karate - thanks to piles upon piles of old movies her grandpa seemed to hoard like gold in his living room. She spent hours in the backyard catching those frogs, naming them and teaching them either how to dance or how to karate chop. And unexpectedly...they often let her. People thought she had a bizarre fascination with them, she just assumed she could control them. It turned out she was right. With frogs and karate, the young girl wanted for nothing else. Actually, there was one other thing, and that was music. Anything could make music and what more could you need? 
She could barely hold a tune herself but that was fine, Francesa was more of a conductor anyway. Telling people what to do came naturally and when her pupils were frogs or notes in a computer program, it wasn’t like anyone could complain. For years, Franny could be found creating different tracks based on every day sounds, a lot of them were amped up frog croaks which quickly turned into her signature sound. She took her love for thinking outside the box and made it a career, building her choirs and her repertoire. Things that she’d been made fun of became her strongest traits and she wasn’t going to apologize for it and thankfully, she had a family and found a partner who didn’t ask her to. That all changed when she opened her eyes one morning in Evermore as a young woman once again. All her memories, her life that she had lived, they’d all been reset with only whispers left in their wake.
❀ Michael Darling: Franny likes having someone she can push around, persuading them to join her in whatever crazy adventure she has concocted and right now that person is Michael
❀ Anya Romanov: Now there was a kickass lady who didn’t take shit from anyone and Franny could dig it. She was also incredibly talented and she was already planning on using Anya on one of her tracks
❀ Noura Brumble: She’s nice....too nice. Franny has a healthy dose of skepticism when it comes to people being so helpful without seeming to have a hidden motive, not because that happens a lot but it’s what she saw in the movies
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orchidyoonkook · 2 years
orchid (I GOTTA), tulip, gladiolus, + hydrangea 🫡
Orchid - favourite fruit?
All of them 😂😂. I love fruit so much it’s ideally what I’d eat all day everyday. I’ll say strawberry for the question but literally like: blueberries, raspberries, cherries, cantaloupe, peaches, oranges, clementines, etc. i love them all.
Tulip - lucky number?
3 & 7. Always have been.
Gladiolus- who do you look up to most?
Shit dude that’s a hard question.
Writing wise? I actually really look up to Ryen. She’s the one who got me back into writing after two years of not doing it again. I just felt so inspired by her work that it sparked it again for me.
People wise? My grandma, an Olympian who’s also very zen and just an really kickass woman. And my grandpa, who can make literally anything. I’m talking houses, cars, motorcycles, anything. From scratch.
Idol wise? Joon and Yoong. Joon has this outlook on life and art that, as an artist, I can only hope to have one day. He’s someone I’d love to just sit down with and talk about life with. Yoong for many reasons. He’s my bias because I relate to him the most (and he’s pretty). But he’s an ADHD kid who picked his passion and won. As an ADHD kid (who only found out she was recently) I can only hope for that for myself. My diagnosis kind of threw both a wrench in my life but also a lifeline. And so to see someone like me out there whose done it, he keeps me calm and hopeful that I can do whatever I want.
Also Chan from stray kids. Chan’s only two years older than me, but successful and maintains his professional composure so well. It shows me that a good life is achievable if you try and dedicate yourself. And that’s something I need because I struggle with my neuro divergence in the workplace a lot. So he’s nice to look up to to see you can still be a crackhead and good at your job. (I know Chan isn’t ADHD, he’s just close to me in age and successful)
Hydrangea - proudest moment?
Lots!! But most recent is graduating college in the pandemic in a very difficult program with honours. I worked my ass off for that and I got it.
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oakhold-cheerios · 2 years
Long review of my time with Pokemon Violet
Scarlet/Violet spoilers down below
I love the game. These sets of games are on the same wavelength as Pokemon BW/BW2 in terms of the characters and their motives.
I want to say hats off to Dir. Clavell. Director Clavell is a great ‘how you do fellow kids?’ old character in the game, actually, because he is one who just wants to see their pupils flourish and be great at studying in the academy. And when he heard about the whole Team Star and what went awry with them, instead of blatantly expelling them for their mishaps, he took what he heard about Team Star, what’s up with Penny and her friends, and, in in the best and most constructive way, gave them the opportunity to actually make the Academy a much more awesome place by turning their bases into training grounds for any student who wants to be the very best like no one ever was. He wants to keep up with the younger generation by having a chat about what their passions are. The whole Treasure Hunt thing was amazing. You’re doing great, Director. 10/10 such a chill old man (plus that disguise he had was so kickass lemme tell ya). We need to see more IRL people be like Director Clavell someday.
For the Pokemon League side of the games. The Gyms leaders are, as usual, mostly not interesting, BUT!!! Larry is interesting. He’s such a normal guy, but not in the usual kind of normal guy way. He has a PhD in Accounting. He has a thing for Normal-types. He has a thing for birds (me too Larry, me too). He knows how many Normal/Flying types Pokemon are out hence the reason Larry’s a Normal-Type Gym Leader AND a Flying-Type ELITE FOUR MEMBER. He’s got an office job that must’ve got some really good salary. He pays his taxes like the good civilian he is. He yeets his pokeball in a baseball-like manner; has he played baseball before? He truly is The Exceptional Everyman, and I understand why some parts of Tumblr is appointing him as a Tumblr Sexyman candidate. Also I think Ryme being a Ghost-Type Gym Leader, Grandma Rapper, and a Teacher at The Academy is really great too.
What about Nemona? Pretty much like Hugh, she wants to see us grow strong and powerful with her bc she knew how much potential we’ve got. But at the same time she needs to learn where to set her boundaries. She’s a little too fun. There’s Penny. She’s an introvert computer hacker who has a thing for Eeveelutions. She has an assortment of anime that she wants to binge-watch. She got promoted to fixing the LP security system bc she hacked into them in the first place. Wow what a great person actually. :)
All I can about Arven is that he should be besties with N :)
But what the hell was going on about Arven’s Mom/Dad?
Oh my god. The idea of an AI being really aware that they’re insanely programmed by the original Sada/Turo to protect the Time Machine from going haywire, the fact that the AI Sada/Turo has little control over whatever insane program it’s been prompted with, it’s all so.... auuuughghuhghghghhh... gives me ‘Do Computers Dream of Electric Sheep?’ vibes honestly. That AI has passed the Turing Test in so many ways... but why?
The AI Sada/Turo knew how much damage that the Time Machine may cause to Paldea’s ecosystem, and that they needed someone powerful enough to shut the machine down, but at the same time the AI knew that they're aware that they are programmed to protect instead, and that if they ceased to operate, the Time Machine would cause damage to the ecosystem beyond Area Zero. So pretty like how N farewelled us before leaving for distant travels and leaving us emotionally broken, the AI has chosen to go to the Time of The Dinosaurs/The Time of Future via the Time Machine, leaving us sad and Arven too. Arven was devastated when he realized all of this, and I feel so bad for him, but not just him. I feel bad for the AI that has been programmed to protect the thing that causing a paradox, knowing that they’ve got no control over it. I feel bad for the Professors because they had to sacrifice their quality family time to build an AI clone of themselves as some form of way to keep Arven company and to give a program that the AI has accepted, everything about the program basically, even knowing the risks that the program carries. The real Sada/Turo recklessly sacrificed themselves to the territorial Paradox Legendaries secretly in order to protect what they’ve love the most from the worst kind of dangers, that being their own Kuraidon/Miraidon, their Arven, and his goodest boi Mashiff. The AI knew the truth, and had to accept  everything about it.
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I fucking love baklava. It has to be homemade, though, because every time I’ve bought it from a bakery, it has been soggy and overly sweet. My grandma used to have a really kickass recipe, but she died. I haven’t had it in sooo long.
Ooo I want your Grandma’s recipe so bad, I’m not in contact with mine anymore (I used to call her yaya but I reserve grandma for her only now) and I loved all the food that she made but I haven’t had it in so long either- it’s crazy how much I miss Turkish food
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