#i made them last night out of impulse haha!
sysig · 10 months
I have made
the rough
of an improv card game
#It's late and I'm feeling impulsive it's fine#My subconsious offered a story-driven randomized roleplay game in a dream last night#The dream version was obviously fancier but for a rough draft it is cute as fuck#Made with two pieces of paper (I just realized I can make more cards from the scrap of one of them heeheehoohoo)#I've made the board and 12 cards as the starter pack and they're all adorable#The board is just a simple L-shaped grid with seven spaces - the dream version had something close to double that#I think making it modular/with expansions similar to card packs (lol) would make it infinitely replayable and expandable#Not that a longer game with more players would necessarily be more fun but it's still something you could do! Lol#Recommended number of players on the current model is 3+ with one of the players acting as the GM#The full version is also 3+ but with a little more wiggle room for early game - I think it could comfortably host 5+ including the GM?#Anyway the plot is a whodunit where the third player (including the GM) plays as the murderer - their goal is to get away with the murder#While the other players' goal is to find out who did it and why and then apprehend the criminal#It's not as set in stone as Clue - like there's no murder weapons or necessary locations - all that part is improv#The cards are all either Character or Location cards - Characters are easy to understand archetypes that the player has to embody#But depending on the order players draw cards determines what role they play in the story - so say they pull the Mad Scientist card#If they pull first then the Mad Scientist is the host of the party that the murder occurs at - if they pull second then the Scientist dies#And so on#So anyway I finished all the art for the Characters (9) and Locations (3) and they're all adorable I love them#I tried to make most of them gender neutral or at least open to interpretation but a couple of them lean a bit more one way#It'd be silly but the idea of special edition cards with alternate art to lessen the disappointment of getting a double sounds fun haha#Anyway - I'm gonna see if I can playtest it tomorrow :)
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worriedvision · 6 months
Had an angst idea that I needed to share with you. Just imagine x character that out of drunken impulse bought an engagement ring. Next day all sober x character considers returning the ring, but they just hide it telling themself that they'll do it later. Time pass and reader founds the ring getting emotional until they find out x character never had the intention (or not yet) to marry them
Gender neutral reader, gonna do this with Gorou lol. Angst ending because it's an angsty idea and I want an angst ending haha. Kinda short, at first I was gonna go with Alhaitham but Gorou seemed more likely lol.
"Hey, do you really love them? How come you never bought the ring?" A comrade asks Gorou, nudging him as he eyes the ring that seemed like a good idea. "It's not like you're just newly together."
"B-but what if they don't like it? I-I just want to be sure everythings right!" Gorou protests, the comrade pointing to the discount. "...I suppose I can keep the ring hidden until I figure the rest out..."
Well, he didn't think very far ahead. When he woke the morning after the drinks, he didn't hide the ring at all. He landed up forgetting about the whole evening, not remembering the conversation nor the thought of purchasing the ring due to impulse. You land up sleeping in, having had a busy day of work the previous morning and wanting the extra sleep.
You wake up to see the ring sitting right there, sitting neatly in an opened box. You gasp, excited at the idea of Gorou finally proposing to you - you never made the move, knowing how easy he was to fluster - before closing your mouth and pretending you hadn't seen the ring. The whole day, you were excited to have Gorou proposing - it didn't even need to be a whole special ocassion, even an evening stroll before he proposes would have been more than enough to satisfy you.
Unfortunately, he doesn't do this. In fact, when he returns to your shared room - you out running errands - his ears perk up in fear as he realises his mistake last night. He wasn't ready for a wedding, or for a marriage in general, there was too much on his plate. Too much at risk, and too much to go wrong.
He rushes to return the ring to the vendor, only realising you were standing close by after making eye contact - his hands now filled with the mora he got in exchange for returning the ring.
"You...I..." You trail off, riding down the high of a possible proposal when seeing Gorou rushing to return the ring. "Oh..."
Gorou doesn't even say anything - he didn't want you to get hit with the reality that he wasn't ready for proposing to you, he could tell you were excited based on how hard this hit you. He wanted to tell you that he loves you, that the ring wasn't a 'mistake' but rather he wanted to buy a ring worthy of you - not some discounted ring.
But all Gorou could do was watch on, opening and closing his mouth as he watches you walk away, the joy depleted with each step before you sprint away.
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The last installment of The Reluctant Male Bridgerton Re-watch.
We sat down and binged the last 3 episodes as he was busy on Thursday evening and leaving on Friday morning. So here's the recap until season 3 (in no particular order)
1) "these two have the best chemistry. Much better than the first couple. But i think cuz one doesn't look so young. I have no idea how anyone will beat them." Kanthony for the win!
2) "they tease each other like brothers, they did great casting." A/B/C
3) "ooh, someone is scheming the other one. Is he playing her or is she playing him?" Lord Featherington and Portia
4) "I think Edwina has the right to be pissed. But how are they gonna fix it so those two can marry?"
5) "uhh, Eloise keeps going back to this guy. Remember when I thought it was gonna be the Footman? Oops, got that one wrong!"
6) "so Colin is starting to like Penelope now heh? it's good to see that cuz he was so hung up on the other one, I couldn't figure how he was gonna start liking Penelope but I can sort of see it happening now." Said after the cake-purpose scene. But he unfortunately changes his tune at the end of the episode.
7) "the acting is much better this season. Like everyone is good. I think the Bridgerton mom is really good. And the Queen is good too."
8) "I predict Portia kills Lord Featherington during the ball." Haha! What a scandal that would have been!
9) "I like that there are so many unresolved storylines going into season 3. Like the art guy and Penelope and Eloise. Like it's not just gonna be about a couple, other things are happening. Season 2 was better than season 1 for that too."
10) "not gonna lie, I like this over Pride and Prejudice. It has funny moments and more drama. I'm not as bored. I'll watch season 3 when it comes out." So another Bridgerton fan was made in less than a month, nice!
11) "I like that those two fought. Like it made them interesting, but I think they'll make up, before Colin and Penelope at least." Gosh, I really hope Peneloise are back in season 3.
12) "ouch, she's had a rough night. I thought he was supposed to be kind to Penelope? But I guess that's the way guys are, all talk and everything is for laughs. But the way he says it, I mean, damn!" He actually read the scene as Colin making fun of Pen. I wont post what he actually said cuz I vehemently disagreed that THAT is how the show meant for Colin to perceive Penelope. And I was a bit shocked he viewed it that way. Anyway, he thinks Penelope shouldn't forgive and move on. I spoiled him about the books and showed him the Season 3 pics in hopes to turn the tide. It's interesting to note that his view of Colin hasn't been overly favorable whereas I think Colin is a great character. More impassioned and impulsive than the books but overly a good guy. His views on Penelope aren't as clear. He loves her reactions mostly. Although he says she's a better character in season 2 over season 1.
13) "geez, this show sure likes to show the guys going downtown on the ladies. Its like the Bridgerton sex trademark!" OMG, 🤣
14) "Okay, is everyone just watching these two make out? The moms are right there!" Epilogue, haha
So that's it. It's been a lot of fun watching through the eyes of a non-Bridgerton fan. Kept me more honest. Both Colin and Penelope are not perfect, but I can't wait to see them grow and develop as individual characters and as a couple. Season 3 cannot come soon enough.
Thanks for sticking around! I encourage everyone who can, find a reluctant male (it doesn't have to be your spouse, mine was my ex) and do your own re-watch. We could start a series, lol!
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goldenbloodytears · 3 months
Got me thinking after the last (one of??) question you've answered. How do you picture the day Danny killed the senior Johnson and the aftermath of it?
Good question. I don’t have the entire thing sketched out in my head but here’s a rough outline of the ideas I’ve had banging around inside my skull for a while.
The tome does all but outright say that Danny killed his old man on a wild impulse… so following along with that, I think it was an “accident” too.
I put the rest under a read more since I think it got a little long haha
I think Danny had long prior developed a fantasy where he would kill his dad, one where he thought out all the little minute details based on his dad’s habits. I don’t know if he would have physically written anything down plan-wise, but I view it as the originating behaviour of his later impulse and style of stalking, he just became more organized about it once he knew he would be purposefully hunting people later.
I think the situation leading up to the event was something like this. The old man tells Danny they’re going on a hunting/camping trip, whatever plans Danny has made previous to this does not matter—he is expected to drop them. They take a long drive out to the middle of nowhere, and it’s tense and awkward. They get where they’re going, setup everything…. And eventually they get into an argument. Possibly one which elevates into a physical altercation and Danny ends up pulling his knife.
I had the particularly unhinged thought last night of whether his old man would be proud of Danny attacking him or at least suddenly try to comfort him “it’s okay son it’s an accident” while he’s bleeding the fuck out in the middle of nowhere… this is admittedly where my ideas start to break down and get fuzzy.
The next part I’m not sure about, but I can see Danny trying to rig the scene afterwards… despite the fact it’s an accident. This is assuming he doesn’t just go into shock for a bit. I don’t think he would know what to do here, nor am I super sure either. Would he leave to try to flag down the cops or attempted medical help if his dad wasn’t quite dead yet? Idk.
There’s an entire alternate scenario in which Danny just buries his dad in the woods and then fucks off to new life, but that feels a little too… I’m not sure if it’s easy, but it feels rather fanciful? I kinda feel like it’s the story he would tell to make himself sound badass.
So I feel like either way he probably got caught that first time. Maybe his dad had invited some old friends of his for the thing but they only show up later to a dissociated bloody Danny and his dead dad a couple feet away.
I should probably note that I’ve been considering this incident as happening while Danny is an older teen or young adult. Within the 17-21 range. Mostly because I think part of their argument would be related to Danny’s plans for the future and his dad wanting him to follow in his footsteps.
If we do go with the outcome where he gets charged, then he ends up calling his mom to bail him out—he’s pretty understandably freaking out at this point as the reality sets in. She flys out and immediately takes over in being the mom he hasn’t had for years; she’s the one who takes care of his legal fees and finding him a really good defence lawyer. I think I’ve said it already but his mom feels massively guilty about the situation.
There’s a couple potential outcomes to the situation here, and also some things to note.
I think the resulting legal trial would be Danny’s first taste of the media’s interest in bad news on a personal level, deeper than the “oh look more bad news” when you’re watching the local news at six kinda deal. I don’t picture it gaining much more than local publicity however.
Then you have where he might get charged with a lesser count like manslaughter, rather than homicide (this is related to my thoughts about him writing out his fantasies earlier… a good prosecutor would be able to argue he had criminal intent if his writings were found, whereas a lack of prior documentation heavily pushes the legal narrative more towards voluntary manslaughter by way of emotional distress)…. regardless of what he gets charged with, I’m a little stumped as to whether he could get a full acquittal or not.
The outcome I like is where he does get an acquittal (or extremely lenient sentencing), but his mom still has Danny move in with her and the family she’s got going, and there’s a brief period where he’s going to therapy or taking self-help classes (once again paid for by mommy dearest). Everything looks normal for a bit (I think the sudden “normalcy” drives him a little crazy tbh) and he gets his first journalism job at a paper… only to end up having the epiphany that the best way for him to get anywhere in the news world is to create the news himself.
He makes the conscious decision to go forward with what he’s doing at this point, after all, isn’t he hunting humans like his old man wanted him to do?
The only contention I have is that a criminal record could make things complicated, but at the same time explains some of his idiosyncrasies—like why is his background entry for dbd so obsessed with him not leaving any dna?? Well, maybe because he already has finger prints saved in a local law agency somewhere. Why does he use fake identities? Because he has a crime associated with his legal one, and because it provided more “protection” for what he’s doing.
At the same time, I think having a near brush with the law, one where he was lucky enough to escape without a criminal record, is enough to also explain the same things.
As a final thought, he definitely carries guilt about his dad’s death, like… his lore is pretty clear that he feels like his old man deserved a “better design” which makes me wonder if the original plan he had was a lot more… peaceful for Johnson senior to experience, or whether that’s just the reflection of “wow that really sucked” and not living up to the idealized fantasy he built in his head.
Also random trivia bit but I think he calls his mom on her birthday every year and tells her about how his life is “going” (probably making it sound way better than it is). She’s always chiding him to come visit and to call more often bc she loves and misses him.
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letters-to-rosie · 7 months
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talk revolution to me: arcane fanfiction playlist
there are few moments more exciting as a fanfic author than when someone makes something inspired by your work. in this case, we have a playlist made by @arrowdite, and in this post, because there were rationales for every song picked, I wanted to respond! the playlist is a work in progress, and this post is, too! thanks again, friend! 💖💖💖
check out the fic here!
1. Black Sheep - this is pulled from my regular Timebomb playlist. I think it fits the state we find Ekko and Powder in, regardless of the universe. Now that the truth is just a rule that you can bend / You crack the whip, shape-shift, and trick the past again
I really like the lines you pulled out on the past for this one. The vibe of the song, like sonically, is very Powder I feel, and the lines about the past really fit with how I just kind of drop the reader into the story, into Powder and Ekko's relationship in the main timeline, before I bothered to explain how they got like that in the first place lol. Their own lack of understanding about what really happened between them and the other's motivations when they were kids is such a big part of their arc, so these lyrics really fit, not just the ship in general but this... articulation, I guess lol, of them.
2. Run Wild - I imagine Powder listening to this song to hype herself up as she heads to The Last Drop in chapter 2. I think some of the lyrics in the chorus fit her when we first meet her, too: determined, but aimless. I’m on a mission and I won’t stop / No destination but it’s worth a shot
For two, she wasn’t going to go. She wasn’t. But then she got back to her apartment, dumped her bag out on the floor, and saw that stupid green eye staring back up at her. She has nightmares about green eyes, sometimes waking, sometimes sleeping. Her worst ones are the what-ifs—if she had just done something different that day, or any of the days preceding it, what kind of life would she be living? Some of the what-ifs hurt for their immateriality, while others make her happy for what she’s got. And with Viktor, the human manifestation of her meager impulse control, gone for the weekend, Powder put on some music, dolled herself up, and got on the move.
She'd be playing this while getting ready haha, dancing in her apartment and feeling angry in a way she can't express right. She really is wild in that chapter. And that aimless state is so important, because Ekko is kinda right when he says she's not offering any alternative, but that's not even what she's trying to do at that point. Plus, this song is just fun, and I feel like Powder would like it lol. I also really enjoy the Thutmose reference, bringing it back to Ekko!
3. Pathetic - Powder’s opinion of Ekko at this point in the story, revealed when he makes his first appearance in chapter 2. …It's been / 1460 days since we were alright / You're having trouble sleeping and I think I know why / 1460 days since we were alright / But now you're just pathetic, I said it
Okay, I just really like this one hahahahaha like?? I can't even describe what exactly it is about it, but after a couple listens, it just stuck in my head. But considering "pathetic" is a word Powder uses in their fight at the end of chapter 2, it gets that other layer of meaning. The irony here is that Powder doesn't know why Ekko has trouble sleeping—and in Ekko's POV, we see how different that night plays out to him. In her head, he's just this posturing villain, and he is like that a little bit, but she has no idea the cognitive dissonance she's about to inflict on this man. Until later, hehehe. It's also fun to imagine Powder dancing to this one with a hairbrush as a mic. I'm sure y'all get the vision.
4. Pieces Of The People We Love - A character song for Powder. She has lost a lot of people and carries their memories with her, across distance (Vi), change (Ekko), and even death (Vander, Tovan, Mylo, Claggor, her parents…). As much as it can pain her, she keeps those people close to her heart. I think this is one of her strengths. She may not know how to express it, but she has a lot of love to give. Like when her empathy is on display at the hospital; though she doesn’t know the people there, they get to her. She takes them with her. Decides to stop looking away. Start her club. In short, the pieces of the people she loves are what drive her to build a better future. And all our time together is tearing me apart / I can't hold you tomorrow but I hold you in my heart
I remember I was actually really nervous about writing Jinx as a main character, just because I tend to relate more to Vi in canon, but working on this fic led me to appreciating things that hadn't stood out to me before. Jinx literally keeps versions of the people she lost near her because of how heavily the trauma weighs on her. I wanted revolution!Powder to have some of that same energy. The song has this kind of anxious energy, and I feel like that connects well with how Powder feels throughout the chapter. She's really knocked off-kilter in chapter 3, and she has to decide how she's going to deal with not only what Ekko said but what she's going to do with these "pieces of people she loves," and that really is what motivates her. She takes off the blinders and decides to empathize with others. I'm like a proud mom lol I love her!
5. Memories - Chapter 5, Ekko and Powder’s reunion at the community center. How Powder remembers Ekko and how he appears to her now juxtapose each other in her mind’s eye. And it’s reciprocated: Ekko is baffled to see her. I imagine they’re both confused about how to rectify the discrepancy in their minds. My memories came back in the form of someone else / …Why won’t you love me now? Why won't you love me now? / …You shouldn’t be on your high horse, we’re not so stable anymore
Yeah, they were both very confused lmao. They both have very preconceived notions of who the other is, and they don't really take well to the disruption to that. I alluded to it in the notes, and he says it outright in chapter 20, but Ekko really thought Powder was following him lol. And Powder accuses him of stalking her, even though she's able to put together that he went to school in that neighborhood way back in the day and would probably have some connections in that part of the city. She's also very much on a project to knock Ekko off his high horse after he retaliates with that threat. But as the creator of this playlist pointed out in a comment on this chapter, Ekko's not the only one being self-righteous! Plus more Thutmose! Yayyyyyy (for those who might not know, he's one of the people who provides Ekko's voice for True Damage!)
6. Hard Times - Chapter 6, but applies to Powder’s whole situation. “Vi huffs. ‘You gotta stop being so hard on yourself, Pow.’ ‘Tell life to be softer on me.’”
Is this the time to admit that I fully fit into that stereotype that black people love Paramore? I have a friend who's black and Brazilian and apparently the stereotype travels lmao. But I actually hadn't heard this particular song before, and I really enjoy it! Another one for Powder to dance and have a crisis to. But the funny thing about the particular quote from chapter 6 that was pulled here is it was actually inspired by another song with kind of similar enegry? "Softer to Me" by Relient K, because I grew up during a time when "Sadie Hawkins Dance" and "Be My Escape" were big hits, and that band was pretty formative for my teen years. I used to listen to them and Paramore on playlists I made in the late 2000s, so the connection was really fun for me!
7. Same Soul - Another song pulled from my Timebomb playlist. This one is kinda meta. They’re in a different universe, literally, since this is an AU, so it’s like they’re meeting again in different bodies. But it also works in-universe, since they’re meeting again after so much has happened and they don’t recognize who they were to each other. Figuratively—but also, Ekko’s eyes are green now. Would your heart know if I met you in a brand-new set of bones? / …I’m just somebody that you used to know
Also just really love this one, particularly the chorus, and especially the one after the bridge. I also thought of it in connection to Powder's feelings about Vi and meeting her after her years in prison. There are places where I make it explicit that Powder's feelings about Ekko and Vi are interlinked in some ways (particularly the poem at the end of chapter 17). This also fits well with Powder's gradual realization of how different Ekko's life is and how he has different people in it, which comes out strongly in chapter 12.
8. Starboy - This song makes me think of Revolution-verse Ekko. He’s under so much pressure and has to present a particular image to be effective in a lonely, high-stakes role he doesn’t like to play. And from Powder’s perspective, he does certain things just to hurt [her]. Look what you’ve done / I’m a motherfuckin’ starboy
Ekko definitely plays mind games. It's one of the traits I pulled out of his Arcane portrayal and turned up to eleven to make an "antihero" version of him. The first verse of this song I feel like connects to that part of him, and the second connects to the part that is tired of the games that are part and parcel of the shimmer business and take up so much of his time to push back against, even if he dismisses them as uncreative (and even if that comes back to haunt him). Everything he does is pretty much calculated to keep that inner universe steady and keep his head on amongst all Silco's allies as he comes into that more... administrative role. And Powder does see him as having particular tools to hurt her because of their history, as well.
The mac and cheese is baked as it should be. It is Powder’s sole consolation in this stupid, awful world. She ought to be able to enjoy the scene in front of her, but she can’t. Every time she interacts with Ekko, she comes away feeling like trash. Their history gives him a unique ability to make her miserable, and she knows, somewhere deep in her bones, that Ekko isn’t going to let this lie. Their little peace is over, and as long as she keeps coming to the community center, she’ll likely have to prepare for battle on a regular basis.
9. Undo - Chapter 8, the argument on the bridge from Powder’s perspective. You've been pouring gasoline in your living room / Light a cigarette while you complain about the fumes / Who are you to talk? / …Oh, come on, just say something / No, go ahead, tell me, what do I need?
Some of these lyrics kind of parallel a song I am trying to advance as a timebomb song, "Percogesic" by Gallant. But I think the lyrics here— You're so shook when I look right past you So surprised you don't get an answer Guess no one told you, now I told you We're not living in the forties Ain't it weird to feel small 'n stuff? —connect very nicely to Powder not answering Ekko's question at the end of chapter 8, even though it doesn't surprise him. He will get an answer, just not directly, and that's the surprise! But the lyrics in general remind me of them, how Powder is unwilling to give him that power over her; even though Ekko's presence does make her upset, he's far from the only problem she has. As she says at the end of chapter 9, "...she will handle Ekko. But first, she has to handle herself."
10. < Coping Mechanism > - Powder lost a lot the night of the explosion, including Ekko—from her perspective, willingly—to Silco. She sees Ekko as an adversary, but it’s because she feels betrayed. Now that he’s back in her life, she’s forced to look at some ill-timed big feelings in chapter 9. I've wasted so much time / Hating myself for trying / ...Had your eyes locked on someone else / No, you couldn't help it / Or could you?
Somehow this playlist beat me to announcing my headcanon that revolution!Powder would be a Willow fan, haha. Their energies match in my head. Plus, bi solidarity! But anyway lol, the song mentions voices in her head, which is very relevant for chapter 9, and there's this sense that the lyrics are questioning whether the situation in the song is predestined or not. I also like these lyrics for them: Fun fact, I really wanna fuckin' make you cry It just isn't right, so enticing just like you Mastermindin' every fight Rivers flowin' from my eyes No emotion from your side Fun fact, I'm the worst, it's true Fun fact, I learned it all from you I need a coping mechanism now, every night
11. An Honest Mistake - Chapter 9. Powder’s Anniversary feelings catch up to her. My old friend / I swear I never meant for this / I never meant— / Don’t look at me that way / It was an honest mistake
Powder really does see the accident as an honest mistake (because it was!!!), and I haven't written it yet, but there's a reason Powder doesn't see Ekko's expression in the scene where he finds her mid-breakdown. She's assuming he's looking at her a certain way, and she doesn't even know. I love drama lmao
12. Our Own House - Chapter 12, the porch scene. Powder’s group becomes official. It’s the culmination of and launching pad for so many things in Powder’s life, and for Powder as a character. We built our own house, own house / With our hands over our hearts / And we swore on that day / That it’ll never fall apart
The porch scene!! It really solidifies Powder's friendships with her club, and it so much of the politics I've been trying to explore is about that "own house" building. There are a lot of things we can't change, but building solidarity with people around us and working to build something that will take better care of us than the current system does is certainly a place to start. This gets a nice theoretical resonance in a book I recently read for class, Olúfẹ́mi Táíwò's Elite Capture: How the Powerful Took Over Identity Politics (And Everything Else). The theory is doing a lot lol, but he advances it in the hopes of putting forward this idea he calls "constructive politics," which is about building new rooms and houses, as he puts it, where we can create more equal ways of relating to each other and the world. A tall order, but I like to dream big. He also talks about how Pedagogy of the Oppressed was used in the liberation struggles of Cape Verde and Guinea-Bissau, and that is just super fucking cool haha.
13. Zanies and Fools - Chapter 12. The porch scene is such a pivotal moment for Powder, it deserves two songs. It may sound corny, but together, anything really is possible. (This song is a real-life reminder of that truth for me and I get emotional nearly every time I listen to it.) This song also recounts how Chance the Rapper met his future wife and I’m not saying that’s Ekko and Powder but I’m not not saying it 👀 I'm so powerful every time I look at you / No  memory of anything I couldn't do / …Everything will go right as it can / It's possible
It's true! If it weren't, there wouldn't be so much effort put into preventing solidarity on the part of the powers that be. If y'all will allow me a theoretical moment, there's this part in the Bible that says the wisdom of God runs contrary to people's wisdom, and I think that's interesting if we think of that in terms of how often we're told that humans are rationally selfish and human nature is greedy and violent and everything else. Acknowledging this is considered common sense, but we also know from practical experience that people are also often kind and generous, and we can choose to lean into that and cultivate it. Believing anything is possible is considered foolish, but how else do we change things, you know? Outside of the connection this could have to the porch scene itself, there's also a link to the way that Ekko sees Powder as constantly pushing what he thinks is possible, which is why she inspires him so much. They're so cute. Help lol
14. Montage - Chapter 13. Powder reminisces about the childhood she shared with Ekko. Tears soaked, we still make each other laugh / Fabricating a montage of our love / All the things we were gonna do fade away / We grew up and apart and we’re not the same
This one is a little funny to me just because it's so different from the song I chose to quote at the start. But it's a nice little flip side, because where I had a more... I almost wanna say cynical approach to that chapter, not necessarily in the content, but because I was the only person who knew where that moment would lead, it was almost like I was poking fun at it, but that's not how it is for Powder and Ekko. And she does make him laugh! That's how she gets through to him. The idea of the montage pairs really nicely with the play and the curtains that frame Powder's reminiscing in the chapter.
15. Let Me Down Easy - A song from Ekko’s perspective of chapter 13. Ekko expects Powder to tell him to fuck off forever when he offers, but it’s not what he wants. Despite how awful they’ve been to each other, despite expecting rejection, his care for her comes through. He holds her in higher esteem than she believes. I also like that the song mentions lemonade, a callback to the porch scene. It’s not a, a bad time, time spent with you / There’s cool lights and songs with good lyrics / We never have to talk again, whatever, up to you
Lol the lemonade needs to come back to tie things together in the plot. But this is a pretty good summary of where they are at this point. Ekko certainly doesn't think they'll be friends again, and he's willing to give Powder peace even if it means closing the door on the possibility that they could become close later. His care comes through, and he really doesn't expect the slightest bit of reciprocation, but Powder surprises him again (and gets ice cream for her troubles, lol).
16. Get Free - Another character song for Powder. I feel like this one could be Powder’s/this fic’s thesis statement: Not trying to get by / I’m trying to get free
I need Mereba to drop a new album because she keeps clowning us on instagram, and I have complained about this with a friend before lol. That said, I really think the title of the project this song (and "Black Truck," which gets quoted in chapter 25) comes from is really apt as well: The Jungle Is the Only Way Out. That phrase really sums up Powder's journey very well, and she really is trying to free herself from the structures that come more and more sharply into view as she applies herself to helping others and working towards change. And while this can be discouraging, she keeps pushing because she wants to be free. Very relatable feeling. Side note, I feel like "Sandstorm," another one of her songs featuring JID is a good timebomb song.
17. RICKY - An Ekko song. Particularly obvious in Chapter 16, at the hospital. “‘Catch more flies with honey than vinegar.’ Ekko scratches at his scalp. ‘But jealousy makes people do crazy things.’” His success doesn’t secure his safety. He has to deal with people he’d rather avoid or, at worst, would see him killed. But he’s successful because he takes wisdom from multiple—even contradicting—places, uses it the best he can, learns quickly, and doesn’t forget who he is. First they mockin', now they hoppin' / All on the wave 'cause they see me poppin' / Big-big-big large pockets, they start flockin' / Here's what I say when they ass keep knockin'
This is so funny to me lol. For reference, I quoted the title song from the ZUU album in chapter 6, and this is the track that follows it. There are a lot of themes (and I have a lot of feelings about Denzel's music, but this is not the time because otherwise we'll be here all day) about family and parenthood in Ekko's side of the story, so I think this is a good fit, even though it never occurred to me! He keeps things that belonged to his parents close and thinks about them often. Advice they've given him features in his inner monologue as well. But it's also true that people are trying to get things from him, and it's all catching up. (Chapter 16 also has a Denzel Curry song quoted in it, "Chrome Hearts" ft. Zacari and the Cold Blooded Soul Band; extra fun fact, I can rap this whole song lmao).
18. Dancing in a Daydream - Chapter 18. Ekko and Powder see each other at the club, on the balcony and dance floor respectively. This is, admittedly, the more angsty of the song options I had for this moment. I chose it because the lyrics describe a moment as temporary as the one they share. We've reached the palace but I'm betting that it won't last / Bright lights and mirror ball / We might be hurting but I'm ready for the free fall
It's fine if this is an angsty choice, because Powder's pretty angsty by the end of the chapter as she develops her plan to set things straight with Ekko, lol. The dream imagery of the chapter pairs nicely here. The song I picked for it is a pretty different vibe, and so is the song I could have picked but didn't think of in time, Kehlani's "Hate the Club," which is also a nice match. Between the three songs, you can choose your fighter lol. I like the name of this band, though. Fits the vibe, and me lol
19. Ego - Chapter 20. Ekko and Powder have a difficult conversation in Ekko’s hotel room. They’ve both been working on their egos, going by their ability to have one at all. (Thank you for recommending me this song forever ago, btw, it’s lovely.) Easy for me to care and you want me there / …I’m working on my ego
Y'ALL. This is my current favorite song. It has been since I first heard it. You gotta get like almost 4 minutes in before that switch comes in, but the strings and the bass... like it's truly magical. If you have headphones, I recommend using them. Done advertising lol. But that part at the end has nice lyrics for them too, as well as the beginning: Is that you, baby? Check when you're makin' no sense In this hotel bed Feels like, "What are we doin'?" Which is pretty on the nose lol, but I like it, and then toward the end: Don't wanna run Every time I get that feelin', I just rather be stuck Putting my favorite song at the most pivotal chapter, I'm emotional haha. The instrumental catharsis it provides matches the way the chapter is designed to build, too.
20. My Friend - By the end of chapter 20, Ekko and Powder clear the air. They reach a new understanding of each other. You’ve seen me from every side / Still down for the ride
These lyrics also capture part of why they work well as a couple; they work on most of their major issues before they even date, haha. On a more serious note, Powder really does get a real picture of what Ekko's dealing with, and to his surprise, she decides to stick by him and extend kindness. Just like in other situations throughout the story, Powder changes things by choosing to be understanding and kind. Perhaps it is cliche, but Powder/Jinx is a character who feels very deeply. I think it works.
21. Same Heart - You know I had to pick a song by Reed Shannon. This one has themes of reconnection while there’s action out in the streets. The moment Ekko and Powder part in chapter 21 feels like the start of something new, so I thought it fit. Baby, maybe we can do it again / Let’s restart, I’m your friend
In case you didn't know, Reed Shannon is Ekko's voice actor in the game AND in Arcane. As far as I know, he's the only voice actor from the game who reprised his role in Arcane. I love the 2000s r&b vibes on this one, very me. The fun thing is that Ekko realizes his feelings for Powder when he wakes up after the whole... hotel thing, and so there are a couple layers of meaning here. And it was just the night before that Scar was doing the stuff, so there was very much action in the streets! Really fun easter egg-type song to include.
22. Dirty - Caitlyn’s reveal in chapter 22 absolutely gets a song on this playlist. Full disclosure, I’m not convinced this is the one. But I like that it asks the question, “Do you love your neighbor?” because it has multiple meanings here: Piltover and Zaun are neighbor cities, and the rent strike is about helping your literal neighbors. And I like that some lyrics sound like they’re written by a schemer, like Caitlyn. I got a skeleton under the floorboard / I got a secret I need you to keep / …Aren't you fed up yet? / Do you have enough love in your heart / To go and get your hands dirty?
Caitlyn still has stuff up her sleeve in the plot! But she is very much a schemer, both in canon and the fic. Caitlyn's arc is very much about learning how the systems of exploitation that keep Piltover and Zaun in their places operate and using her influence to mess with that. Even if she doesn't get everything from the outset, she's determined to learn from Powder, and she's motivated by love, primarily for Vi, but also for the fellow people who are suffering under the name of the City of Progress.
23. Choose Me - Chapter 27, Powder and Vi’s fight. Powder is working hard to build a life she and Vi can be proud of, but they need different things. Vi doesn’t see what Powder does for Zaun and why, so Powder wonders how Vi can see her for who she is. How can Vi want her? I know there are places that I can't go with you / …I'd rather you choose me every day
OH BOY, there's a reason chapter 27's title has "tragedy" in it. Powder does want to be chosen by Vi, all of her, and not just the parts Vi understands. Vi's own trauma really does prevent her from seeing things from Powder's perspective. There are places she can't go because of how much pain they cause her, and while Powder's working on reaching out more, she wants the same from Vi. At the same time, Vi feels like Powder is choosing Zaun over her in a sense, so it works on both levels.
24. Call You Mine - Chapter 30. “Yeah, she decides later, lying in bed and looking up at the ceiling. She’s going to tell him.” Baby, can I call you mine, mine? / ‘Cause you're always in my mind, mind
This one is so hopeful! It's a big shift after the content of chapter 30, but Powder really is at that point where Ekko represents a bright spot in her life. They've been working to know each other better, and Powder's friends are cheering her on to go after something that would make her happy. It speaks to how sweet these two turned out to be in the fic, which was probably a surprise to everyone (including me lol, since it grew out of things I came up with as I was writing).
25. Hummingbird - Ekko and Powder steal moments when they can, resulting in long text convos and late-night phone calls. Pen pal on the night shift / She’s who I get away with / …And hummingbird, I know that’s our time / But stay on / Stay on, stay on with me / And hummingbird, I can never unsee / What you've shown me
The OG interlude! Even if it makes them both tired, they prioritize each other in those long convos and calls. You could almost imagine this playing in the background while the two of them are shown split-screen talking on the phone, lying in their beds.
26. Like 90s R&B - Ekko spends the night at Powder’s place and already she can’t wait to see him again. Feel like I was only seeking you, already got me feening for more / I spend all my time daydreaming, got me living for the weekend, oh no
I am an r&b girlie, what can I say. This one was a lot of fun! Powder really is in too deep, like the lyrics say. But so is Ekko, haha. I think the song will only fit more as they keep getting closer, getting frustrated with the things that make it so they can't be as open with their relationship as they'd want.
27. Offense - End of chapter 33. Powder announces herself to the wealthy of Piltover with her excellent award acceptance speech. Figured I should say some', but you don't wanna hear me vent / You can talk bad all day long, I will never be impressed / Dunno what I did to make you feel that you be earnin' my respect / …I said it with my chest and I don’t care who I offend, uh huh
Simz always has so much confidence in her music, haha. This song goes really nicely with the title of chapter 33, "polemics in free verse," which implies that Powder is attacking someone else's ideas through poetry. It really fits perfectly; Powder refuses to be taken in by the glitz and glamor, choosing instead to point out the people who make it all possible. All Power to the People indeed.
gif was sourced from here
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kwizard · 6 months
Mcytblr Gift Exchange Gift!
For @quilldesignz , hope you like it! Here’s a link to the Ao3, I do have it so only registered users can see it; but I’ll be posting the whole thing here as well!
And also, a thank you to asoftcacophany for beta-reading this for me!
Word count: 1020
Warnings/info: Canonical character death, not descriptive but mentioned; spoilers for almost all of Gem’s Secret Life episodes, Gem-centric & mostly about Gem and the Scotts; it’s angst will a happy/bittersweet ending
Summary: GeminiTay reflects on the events leading up to the death of herself and her bandmates, and the game called Secret Life.
Title: One Last Show
You see, Gem hadn’t meant to start a band. It’s a death game! You don’t have time to make a band!
Scott had mentioned it, as a joke, and then Impulse brought up his drumming skills, and Scott said he’d sung in a band before, and Gem could play piano, so how hard could keytar be, really?
“Gem and the Scotts, leveling up”
“Haha, Gem and the Scotts!”
“It sounds like an 80’s rock band”
…Gem’s not sure where the equipment came from, but fun times are limited in a death game after all, so she doesn’t question it.
‘Gem and the Scotts.’
Has a nice ring to it, huh? She didn’t know, exactly, what kind of band they were. They mostly did covers, and Scott wrote a few short songs, and sometimes they made it up as they went. It was… fun. They had fun together. Everyone was green, and happy, even if there were a few silly arguments.
It’s a death game. It was never going to last. People starting dying,
and failing,
and Gem, well.
She failed too,
didn’t she?
And now she was yellow. But it was okay, because she stayed. Stayed loyal, stayed allies, stayed in the band. And they let her, they trusted her (and she them). Then more went yellow, then there were reds. Then people started dying, permanently.
A band seems a little silly in face of all that, doesn’t it?
But they keep playing. Scott writes a little song for them, the first three out, and they play it, for everyone. And if Gem saw tears in the eyes of more than a few of those listening, well, she didn’t say anything.
And she definitely didn’t mention the ones she saw glistening in the eyes of her bandmates, and in her own.
Somehow, it was peaceful after that. Maybe losing some of their own made people more reluctant to fight.
Then she got her task.
‘Kill every non-red player,’ huh?
She could do that.
(She didn’t, in the end. Almost the entire server failed, caught up in her own task to bring about a red apocalypse. But she got close. And that was something, right? Only three players evaded the boogeymen, and if one of them happened to be her teammate, well… of course Gem wasn’t going to complain.)
More people started dying, after that. Gem’s not quite sure how her tasks didn’t take even a single person completely out, but she won’t complain. More time to be with her band, her friends (her family).
They… stopped performing as much, after that. Safer, they said. Less time to do it anyways. They had to prepare. Who has time for a band in a death game? (But they never stopped practicing. At night, when the server was mostly quiet, they went under their cottages and played, using whatever songs they could think of, and sometimes just making stuff up. Maybe Gem wouldn’t admit it to anyone but her bandmates, but those were some of her favorite memories on the server.)
Somehow, Gem hadn’t made many enemies. Most of the server loved her! She had to admit, being boogeyman with so many others, roaming the map for the remaining non-reds, commanding what was essentially her own army… it had been fun. While it lasted.
Soon, though, people started going after the non-reds. And she joined them! Of course she did. Why wouldn’t she? She was red, as of Scar’s misguided arrow during the boogeyman task.
But, well, maybe she killed her band last.
“You’re the last two! You’re the last two!”
And maybe they let her.
”I’d rather let Gem kill me”
“Gem me next”
She’s glad it was her. Not one of the rest of the reds, who joined her rampage, or even one who didn’t. No, it was her, and she would have let either of them do the same.
(And she knew—well, hoped—that they knew that too.)
All good things come to an end, though.
‘Win Secret Life.’
Gem stared at the paper as it appeared in her hands.
Everyone had the same, she was certain. Everyone would be trying to win, fighting for victory just to live that little bit longer.
They teamed with the Mounders, and Skizz, if only for a bit.
And even if Gem thought it was a little silly to ally with even more people.
“We’re making way too many alliances for a final episode”
It did work, though. Mostly. They waited until the rest were gone to turn on each other, at least.
And then Impulse was gone.
And most of the Mounders.
And then it was just her,
and Scott,
and Pearl,
and Scar.
Scott was low.
She knew it.
“Gem you need to kill me”
She knew he was right.
“I’m on two and a half hearts, if they get it they get the ten”
But that didn’t mean she wanted to.
“I don’t think I can do it, I think you’re gonna need to do it”
She didn’t want to kill him.
She did, of course. He was right, after all. And she was sure he would rather it be her,
his ally,
his bandmate,
his friend,
but that didn’t mean she had to like it.
“Go, Gem”
And she went. She ran, and she fought, and she tried. She really did. But Pearl chased her,
and Scar was helping,
“Ugh, two v. one? You guys are gross”
and she lost.
Of course she did. There were two of them, and they had more hearts, even with Scott’s ten, and it was impossible.
It still hurt, though.
Scar won, she thinks. From her ghost form, she thinks she sees Pearl die, and Scar pressing the button.
She doesn’t care though.
All she cares about is the fact that once again,
she has her Scotts.
Maybe in the next game, they won’t be a band anymore, won’t team, won’t even talk,
but for now,
she has her Scotts,
and her keytar, and Scott’s mic, and Impulse’s drums,
and they can have one last show,
just for them.
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miss--river · 1 year
💕 self-love time! talk about which ones of YOUR creations (edits, artworks, fanfics) you like the most then send to other creators to do the same 💕
thank you so much!❤️ sorry this took me so long to answer 😅
i'll start with jori since she's the first one i created! i know it may not seem like it lately but she's the main baby of the other 2 main babies i have! ive projected so much of myself and interests onto her that i became attached quickly lmao! she's also the one who i insert into every piece of media that im consuming and like enough. like, if im playing dead space i totally imagine her in the place of isaac. or if im playing a backrooms game she's the one running around and trying to escape from the monsters lmfao! her story has taken different shapes and changes since i actually brought her over from red dead online. her twin brother, mika, doesnt exist in red dead online and was solely create for cyberpunk purposes. i love the pic on the left because i just think she looks really badass lmao! and i like the one on the right because im not usually patient enough to set up sets and backgrounds but this time i stuck it out and i loved it! it's simple compared to what others can do but im still proud of it!
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next is the love of her life, driss! back when i first started getting into modding my game i actually shipped her with river. i was trying to get a cute shot of her and river looking out at the sunset over the ocean, but sine i was so new to modding i didnt know bigger characters like river had a different locomotion type so i couldnt get any poses to work. as a test i replaced an NPC couple with jori and driss and that was when i fell into a hole lmfao! i thought they looked so much better together so i kept them going! their ship name is Broken and Beautiful because both of them have past traumas that still effect them but they found comfort and understanding in each other. i love how soft both of these pics are! especially the fire behind them in the one on the right!
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lottie is my second of the main 3! she also started out as a red dead online OC! i usually try to make her come off as a flowery, cottage core, disney princess aesthetic type. she's the softest and shyest of my OCs but she can be fierce too! she smiles at strangers in the street and will lend a hand if they look like they need it but she does it with caution because... its night city lmao! i chose these pictures in particular because i just thought they were the coolest ones. i do have some pics that showcase her as soft and flowery but i just couldnt resist showing these ones instead! the one on the left was made to be a tarot card called The World. the pic on the right was me trying out a greaser AU on her! i really love how they both came out!
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the last of the main 3 is phoenix! i made her fully expecting to just leave her to collect dust, just like certain other OCs, (and i feel so bad for them 😔) but i became attached to her very quickly too. i based a chunk of her personality off of vash the stampede from the 1998 anime trigun. after a short while of that i actually ended up shipping her with him lmfao! currently she doesnt have a backstory because nothing has really inspired me yet but at least i know some things about her current life! i think these pics are perfect for show casing her as she currently is. she lives in clutter but not, like, dirty clutter if that makes sense? she just likes having stuff and buying things that interest her. i mean doesnt everyone? haha! she doesnt really save her money for anything other than rent and bills, everything else is purely impulse. her favorite treat is donuts and when she's willing to share one with you thats how you know she likes you! her favorite thing is to make people smile!
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onto stuff that i made for other people! i really loves these pics that i took of mishka and claire for @thelonestrider! mishka looks SO GOOD in purple! and claire is chef's kiss! i had a lot of fun taking pics of her! i got such freeing vibes from her so i had to have her enjoying the sun's rays!
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i took these ones for @holofishes and i totally consider wren to be one of jori's besties! i think they'd have so much to talk about and i get such warm vibes when i see them together! jori is usually very sweet and kind but when it comes to her friends she'd kick anyone's ass 😉 the sunflowers and butterflies in the first pic took so long to place! but it was totally worth it! they're both rays of sunshine!
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wysteir · 2 months
My heart is still fragile
Lots of folks tell me I shouldn't keep it that way, but I think I will
I've spent so much time trying not to feel anything, trying not to let things get to me, trying anything and everything
Now I have a mask I don't like using that doesn't even cover my whole face
Now I have silence /
/ Now I lost much of my voice
They're useful, sure
But I didn't grow or anything. The silence was good in some ways and bad in others. I HAVE always wanted to curb the impulse to just say whatever, I HAVE wanted to get to take a moment before I spoke. And the price I paid was losing much of my ability to speak up. I had to relearn that one, it's still hard.
I have a lot of trouble "naturally" engaging in a conversation beyond listening! If your reading this and think I've been doing a good job, I really appreciate it.
I am trying very, very hard
It's a little difficult with a fragile heart, it's really scary actually!!! I had to learn bravery, to get to somewhere better. I'm scared a lot of the time so I have to be brave a lot of the time and shit, it's exhausting when I have to actually think about it
None of the learning was fun
But I was blessed to have good friends, to make good friends, and to deepen friendships, over the course of the decade
Fell in love and drifted out of it
Indulged infatuations for worse, for better
I keep making mistakes! I just keep making them, and I hated getting back up and it was miserable and anything. But I really wanted to be able to get back up. I really really wanted to be kind, to be cool, to be sexy
It felt silly but hey, maybe it would help if it wasn't so serious. I wanted to smile, I wanted to laugh, I wanted to be alright
Hell on Earth I wanted to be alright
I wasn't before, I still kind of am not
It does get easier but you do have to go get it, and I don't think people talk enough about how much it sucks to go get it. Maybe they don't wanna discourage people or smth. Reader I hope you have the strength to go get it. I really hope you do, fuck it's so hard sometimes.
I basically made this post last night too but I still wanna say things about it I guess HAHA
FUCK it sucks to get up and go get it
I think it helped that I had a good idea of the kind of person I wanted to be
And it's funny, I didn't even become her!!!
I'm too silly with it it seems
I wanted to be one of those cool silent types, but I love to tell jokes and I love to meme. I think that was the downfall of a lot of things in my life, I was mostly doing things because I thought they were cool but I didn't put enough thought into having fun with the process
And now that I am, I dunno I think I look pretty cool doing my thing HAHA
Reader, do you think I'm cool?
I probably think you're cool, fwiw
All of my friends are pretty fucking cool
I think that's all I have to say for now
Reader if you made it here, I appreciate you a lot. You may cash in a sticker, a hug, or a smooch on the cheek/forehead, or all three if you're a greedy lil goober (but I won't get mad ufufufu)
Feel free to reply onto this - maybe don't reblog it with a comment but hey if you think a follower might need to see smth like this go wild.
You can poke me on discord too if you'd like
For the record, I DO bite, but only if you ask, or only if you're mean HAHAHA
Regardless, I'll see you tomorrow yeah?
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After that small fic I kinda want more if that's alright with you. Could I possibly ask for some dating headcanons for Mason? If not that's fine
- A
Mmh... Alright, Anon A. :-)
I'm not used to write in the headcanon-like manner, so it's challenging, but I enjoyed it! I hope you will have fun reading it. Also, I was kind of in a mood, sooo, it may be reflected in there, haha. ^^"
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Dating Mason is a lot of fun. They are outgoing, adventurous, and will keep pushing you out of your comfort zone.
Sometimes, they will accidentally push you too far: Dragging you to crowded places making you anxious, for example.
But they are also a caring partner and will stop as soon as they notice/as you tell them. They will apologize, and do their best to make you feel comfortable again.
It was a surprise to the both of us when you started dating. It happened naturally, slowly. You were close friends at first, and you spent more and more time together.
Until some lovely evening, Mason was laughing from an inside joke with you, and you kissed them, on an impulse. You couldn't deny your shared feelings anymore.
They do not show their love through gifts, even if they enjoy to offer you silly, random trinkets which made them think of you. Howewer, they like to go shopping with you, daring each other to try out bold and ridiculous outfits.
They are one to make jokes, and pranks. You will both help them with their mischief and be the one who gets pranked!
Mason is very tactile, touchy-feely! You will have lot of kisses, cuddles, petting, hands holding. And so much Public Display of Affection, haha!
They dedicate songs to you in their concerts. Yes, even if you are shy. And they gesture toward your seat.
Loving them is wild and fun, but it has also surprisingly depth. You will not be the same person with their love that you were without. You will both grown in this relationship.
For special days you celebrate (birthdays, holidays...) they cook you their special pasta recipe. :3
The two of you go out often, but whenever you can, you stay at home for cuddles, binge-watching your favorite shows, and being comfy together.
You are the one who takes the pictures they post on their social medias, especially the steamy ones. Of course, there's many you only keep for the both of you... :)
Since Mason is an independent, free spirit, people may think your relationship won't last, that it isn't "real, or strong enough", but they are obviously wrong.
Lot of healthy communication. You can talk about anything and everything, express your sentiments freely, and settle healthy boundaries without made felt guilty.
You help them during their hard times. Moments of doubts and insecurities, where you have to comfort and cheer them up.
You are so proud of the person they are. You support them in their projects, and they are here for yours as well!
Dating Mason is also having to deal with other people's stares and learning to laugh the bad comments off.
Also, Mason is b*tchy as f*ck during arguments - but they will never make you feel unloved or unworthy.
You miss them while they are working. Your relationhip may be long distance at times, but you always strive to phone/text them.
Or, when you can, you follow them when they have to travel for work!
Also: Clothes swapping between the two of you. Which is lot of fun.
To finish, I would say dating Mason will make you feel loved and cared about, but you will also grow more confident in yourself. You will share wonderful, joyful moments together, unforgettable stages, late night rantings, laughing until you are breathless... While also facing the world together, smirking at it, and give a big f*ck you to all the haters.
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(All this is for entertainment only, and it is fictional, about what I imagine dating Mason be like, based on their public persona, but they are their own person and this headcanon isn't meant to reflect a reality. Just entertain us, little people loving Mason's talents and personality.)
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bookworm-2692 · 7 months
🌲 favourite member/character?
🧨 favourite season and why?
🔥 if you were in the life games, how would you play it?
⚡️most cinematic death?
🌿 any favourite interpretations?
🔮 predict the winner of secret life
<3 love to hear your thoughts
Uhhhh sorry about the delay getting to answer this! I first saw the ask on my phone and wanted to wait until I got to my laptop and then forgot until I got another ask haha.
🌲 favourite member/character?
Oh man this is hard! I'm really liking Gem this season, and Pearl is always fantastic. Her Double Life was extra great, but I've loved her loyalty to her team and the way she's trying to get them to win in both Limited Life and Secret Life, even when her teammates are a bit pathetic (affectionate) sometimes (BigB and Mumbo...). I loved Impulse in Limited Life and how much he was trying to win without letting on that he was tryharding it... Also Skizz Limited Life my beloved <3. Skizz is wonderful and I wish he was in Double Life so I could've been introduced to him at the same time I was introduced to the rest of cast (apart from the two I had known about for a decade already). They're all fun and so wonderful!
🧨 favourite season and why?
Third Life and Last Life are excluded because I have only seen three sessions of Third Life (was about to start session 4 when Limited Life was released) and none of Last Life (because I was gonna watch it when I finished Third Life and that hasn't happened yet). I think Double Life will always have a soft spot in my heart because it was the first one I saw and I loved the soulmates mechanic (I still wonder how things may have changed if, on a red life death, the one who died still dies, but their soulmate gets like a totem effect and continues playing as a solo red... I think that would have made it interesting, especially to see Pearl hunt Scott. I've noodled this as an au but not really come to any conclusions yet. Also what would Tango have done, being alone so early?? That sort of thing). Also I watched Pearl's POV first each week because she uploaded just before I went to bed on Friday night, and everyone else would upload while I was asleep, so that just made her win that much better <3.
I also loved Limited Life because Skizz my beloved <3. I loved how they had solid teams but the alliances between teams changed every five minutes it was so funny. I loved how cavalier they were with dying until they were like "oh shit" because it was the end and they were desperate. I loved making my life tracker graph for this season. Limited Life was a lot of fun.
Secret Life is also fantastic so far. I love the tasks and the interactions (and canon Gem in the life series!). Unfortunately, Secret Life is uploading concurrently with Decked Out running. During Double Life I managed to watch every single POV each week. During Limited Life I was busier, so I only managed to watch most POVs each week. For Decked Out, I was mostly keeping up with everyone's streamed runs, but behind on videos... and now Secret Life is happening... so I'm way behind on both, because keeping up with just one is a full time job and I like both. So I will definitely have to go back later and watch more Secret Life POVs because I just can't keep up with Decked Out at the same time.
So all in all... I think Double Life is my favourite. The Divorce Quartet stuff was great, and I loved Pearl so much. I might go have a poke again at some point about what may have happened if the final death disconnected the soulbond (especially if they players weren't aware that would happen, so Jimmy still dies first but Tango is alive... and then the chaos as everyone realises their red soulmate is no longer safe...)
🔥 if you were in the life games, how would you play it?
Oh man, this is hard! I'll be honest, I've hardly played minecraft in years other than a few hours here and there starting a new world and then getting too busy to continue. So I definitely don't have PVP skills and would probably honestly be a pretty wet cat. I guess try to find a solid team and try to build some houses/some basic wheat farms, and try not to die pathetically too quickly??? I don't like lying, so I'd be really bad at being boogeyman if that was in play. I don't think I'd betray my teammate, but I would probably be pretty easy to betray. I would definitely die in the bottom half of the rankings lmao.
⚡️most cinematic death?
This one is also hard. Ren and BigB in Double Life was good, with the absolute fluke of a dripstone kill. Also Double Life, but when Bdubs and Impulse became red as Ren was hunting Bdubs, and Impulse took the time to change the music disc to be thematically appropriate is absolutely iconic. In Limited Life, I think Jimmy's final death was fairly cinematic - surrounded by everyone, the fall, the lightning... the tragedy of it all really makes it. Grian's final death is only cinematic in its parallels - falling in the same manner as Jimmy, from skynet, especially as both of them are often interpreted as being birds. I think also Scott's death from green to yellow is cinematic, when the entire yellow server was chasing him, so it involves him escaping everyone, and then the swimming through water, Jimmy trying to kill him, and Scott desperately trying to swim to Martyn so that Martyn can get his time instead of an enemy. I'm not sure if Secret Life has had any cinematic deaths so far... wait actually. Jimmy and Martyn becoming red. From Impulse's POV he (or nvbzy) did a lot of awesome cinematic shots of the dragon fight, including the moment the intruders appeared and then two of them immediately died. Was very cinematic from Impulse's POV, though I haven't seen it from their POVs yet.
🌿 any favourite interpretations?
Hmm. I like that Pearl canonised Tilly having three lives too, she died on her yellow life at the end of the season, which means she's technically still there on her red life. I also like where I saw somewhere about Matchbox potentially being a reincarnation of Tilly?? This is less an interpretation and more based on the skin, but I love that Gem is corrupted by the End now due to the circumstances involved with how she became yellow. I am also now suddenly incapable of remembering any other interpretations, or at least forgetting what is canon and what is an interpretation haha.
Wait I do also love the post that mentions Gem being brought in as a Listener agent simply because Martyn and Jimmy are too pathetic right now lmao
🔮 predict the winner of secret life
I think Impulse has a good chance this time. He's a solid player, and his team is solid and loyal. He came second in Limited Life, and was fairly high in the previous seasons too. Limited Life really showed how much he's willing to work to win, and this time he won't have Scott kill him three times in a row lmao. Scott is also a really good player, but because he's won, he won't want to win again (Pearl has explicitly stated this as well, but Scott hasn't stated it but has shown it with his actions in Double and Limited Life where he very easily could have won again twice over but chose not to), so he will be able to help his teammates. Gem is good at PVP but she's a little more reckless with her hearts than Impulse - actually, Impulse and Skizz both have an advantage with experience being in UHC mode. So yeah, Impulse makes sense to me. And after Limited Life he deserves it. It would be funny if like Gem won on her first season though, or if somehow Jimmy won after becoming the second red so early. I don't think Jimmy will win but it'd be so funny if he did (and so cathartic if he broke the canary curse by winning).
Thank you so much for sending these asks in, and apologies for the week and a half delay in answering!!
Ask game questions here
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mariaofdoranelle · 2 years
TOG Anniversary day 2: Throne of Glass
Please don’t take this seriously, this is just me writing a suspicion I had until the end of Queen of Shadows haha.
Word count: 700 words
CW: mentions of sex.
Being the Queen of Assassins, Celaena Sardothien never thought she’d be a good mom. However, motherhood made her realize she was, in fact, a great mother. Loving, caring, attentive. To her surprise, she even enjoyed it.
So why the hell wouldn’t her puppy stop crying at night?
On the first day, Celaena let Fleetfoot sleep on her bed. To wake up with her sheets smelling like urine.
On the second day, Celaena gave her lovely puppy one of her tunics, so she could fell her mother’s smell and stop crying. Only to receive her tunic in shreds the next morning.
On the third day? She wanted to speak to Dorian. Immediately. Celaena had never been on his little tower, but everything had its first time. She grabbed her crying puppy and stormed towards it.
When she reached the entrance of Dorian’s room, Celaena rolled her eyes at the amount of guards there.
“Excuse me.” She could kill all of them without releasing Fleetfoot if she wanted to. But that wouldn’t help with the favor she had to ask.
“His Highness isn’t available.” Of course he wasn’t. Just like Celaena shouldn’t be available too. Fuck, she needed to sleep if she was going to become the King’s Champion.
She raised her eyebrows at him. “I was invited.”
That was enough to throw him off. With bulged eyes, he said, “Oh, s-sorry. You can go in.”
Dorian’s room was after some flights of stairs, and it was... not as luxurious as she thought it’d be. It was cozy, and every single wall space was filled with books. So much it almost distracted her from all the moaning coming from the four-poster bed. And the sight of Dorian’s pale butt plunging someone.
Celaena’s heartbeat started racing. Fuck, that was incredibly bad timing. As she started tracing her steps back, as silent as the Mute Master himself, whoever was underneath Dorian started screaming. Loudly. Loud enough to make Fleetfoot start barking. Enough to startle the couple, so there was no use trying to hide now.
Celaena could kill Fleetfoot now, she mused with gritted teeth. But she wouldn’t, because good moms didn’t kill their babies. It all happened so quickly. As she convinced herself not to kill her puppy, Celaena was cringing and two wide-eyed faces looked at her and—
Dear Mala
Was that Chaol?
Yes, it was definitely Chaol. Chaol’s pale bottom underneath Dorian’s pale bottom. Carnally. Because they... Yep. Celaena was going to die of embarrassment.
“I’m so sorry. I’m leaving. Now.” So she tightened her hold on Fleetfoot and started to run down the stairs as fast as she could. So fast the guards downstairs would hopefully think she wasn’t flushed from mortification.
“Celaena! Wait!” Dorian stopped her descent. Mildly dressed, thank Mala. As much as she wanted to run and never look back, he wanted to talk, and she owed him at least that.
She turned to her friend, but couldn’t look him in the eye. So, looking at the wall, Celaena whispered, “Dorian, I am so so sorry. I was angry, and I came to talk, but it was clearly impulsive and I had no idea, I promise.”
He sighed. “It’s okay, I just need you not to tell anyone.”
Celaena straightened her posture and forced herself to look at him this time. “I won’t. You have my word.” Dorian’s eyes softened, but then he smirked at her.
“Celaena, I’ll do you anything,” he dragged out the last word wiggling his eyebrows.
That was enough to perk her up. “Anything?” she smirked.
“Yes, anything.”
“I want Fleetfoot to be the most polite lady in this castle, and her current trainers aren’t doing their jobs.”
“So you want your very busy Crown Prince to train your puppy?”
Dorian smiled at her. “I’ll even teach her how to play dead.”
She grinned back. “Perfect.”
“Anything else, Your Killing Highness?”
“I want a servant in the morning. Fleetfoot makes the room smell like crap.”
“Consider it done. Do we have a deal?”
“Absolutely.” Dorian shook both Celaena’s hand and Fleetfoot’s little paw. It was always good to negotiate with him.
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turn2tech · 8 months
what the fuck just happened
ok um sorry for posting this on tumblr out of literally anywhere else but i just got out of a really WEIRD relationship and im honestly not sure what else to do!!!
tws: possibly toxic relationships? (past) physical/emotional abuse
holy shit wow where do i even start
this all happened so fast!!!
ok me and my bf of 1.5 years have broken up!!! It was our homecoming dance i invited them as well as our mutual best friend, and when they got there they told me they thought it was going to be a date. They acted very upset throughout the entire thing brought down the mood all together. I'm not saying that they aren't allowed to express their emotions, but the thing is, they were there when i invited the best friend. After that, i broke up with them while we were waiting for our parents to pick us up (we're freshmen). We agreed to stay friends.
After all of that, i invited the best friend over to my house, mainly so i could complain about how they were kind of a manipulative asshole throughout the entire relation (dw, ill get to that later) and we got to talking, eventually coming to the conclusion they we should also stop being friends with them.
Me, being the irrational and impulsive prick that i am, told someone that max was close too! I told him the next day at school, not realizing i forgot to tell him that the confrontation itself was going to happen at a later date, and him, confused, went to class and asked my boyf what happened.
blah blah blah yada yada yada i said some stupid shit in a group chat, insulted them while trying to explain the situation, and was just kind of bitchy about the whole thing. Without hearing my side of the story, everyone immediately took max's side and kicked me. I understand it to an extent, but even to this day they refuse to get my perspective which is really concerning to me. I had someone i knew inside the group chat still, and they sent me screenshots of everyone saying how they never liked me in the first place and how AND I QUOTE "only ever talk about cartoons and video games." Like... damn. I would genuinely rather be punched in the face and have my nose broken by a complete and utter stranger on the street then to see that.
A few days after, the friend that started this all insisted that apologizing to the bf directly would fix everything. I gave a whole ass SPEECH about how i was in the wrong about the things i said, but i still felt our relationship was unhealthy for me. They didn't add me back to the group chat, nor did i ever have someone ask me for my side. Oh, and the inside friend? refuses to defend me in fear of getting kicked out as well.
The mutual best friend actually made amends with the bf so they aren't on bad terms, but in truth they are only there to report what he has said about me. He has said the following:
that i was emotionally distant
i ... smelled bad????
i didn't give them enough "physical affection" (i frequently said no to making out)
And that just got me thinking. The entire reason i was emotionally and physically distant was because of, well, physical and emotional abuse ive suffered in the past. Ive had terrible relationships, and even more terrible friends. I told them about this several times, and that it's not their fault im this way! clearly they don't care and have decided to take it personally, which is not my problem.
So you know what? ive got a couple of gripes with you too.
you never(rarely) showered and actively admitted that to me
you were a compulsive liar that lied about fucking EVERYTHING
you frequently emotionally presured me into staying with you, using the phrase "I'd probably kill myself if we ever broke up haha" frequently
you faked being scene (dressed the part, did not listen to the music LMFAO I JUST REMEBERED THEIR FAVORITE ARTIST IS MITSKI HELP)
yes, you read that last part right! the NIGHT we broke up they went to all their social media accounts and changed the flags in their pfps, as well as the pronouns in their bio, oh no, im sorry, HER BIO. I am pissed and angry and mainly sad that i didn't see the signs earlier. And hey, if you read this far, thanks.
Anyways, there's actually a lot more inbetweens to this story, including the collapse of an entire friend group, rumors, and a musical (not fucking kidding), but im tired and typing this just made me really sad. goodnight.
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yourmoonmomma · 11 months
Happy birthday bby! Hope you enjoyed your day, you totally deserve it!✨️🩷🩷
What have you been doing as of late? Update us👀👀
Thank you so much lovebug!! <333
OKAY OKAY get ready for a lot of short stories about what I've been up to LOL:
Last night Jayson & I got into a fight when I got home after work, because we were supposed to go to the speedway today since they have a monster truck event, and he said not to bother buying him a ticket, since he doesn't want to go even though he knows how excited I am for it. So after our fight about it, I reach out to my friends that are going, and asked where they are sitting, so I can try and get a solo ticket near them. BUT by the time my friends answered, all the tickets were sold out, so I can't go :( Which made me yell at Jayson more lol. I went to the casino to watch Tyler's band play, and hung out with his step-son, Gage, for a while. My friends invited me over to play on their bouncy castle, which I might do tonight after Jayson & I get back from seeing Barbie.
The day before that, so my bday, I didn't do much lol. I napped for most of the day, and only worked like 3 hours max haha. After work, I went to my parents and had dinner with them, and then we went out for ice cream & tried a new ice cream place. It was very yummy. The ice cream place also sells banana milkshakes, which is rare, so I texted Collin to tell him (since he loves banana milkshakes), and then texted Tyler to let him know they have tiger tail ice cream (as that is also somewhat difficult to find). My parents bought me The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo and Oathbringer, which are two books I very much wanted :3 I immediately started Oathbringer lol. Then I came home & fought with Jayson and then felt sad for the rest of the night.
The day before that, so Wednesday, after work I went to Dan & Ally's, as Ally & Mik had a "surprise" planned for me for my birthday. The surprise was decorating the house, as you can see (at least a bit) in my pinned photos. We drank all night long, and did some shrooms, and I got way too drunk lol. I guess Isaac wanted to tattoo "23" on me (which given his 19 tattoo... makes sense), but didn't, for whatever reason. I do not remember any of that though LOL. I didn't fall asleep until like 4am.
Tuesday was a peaceful night. Bought some joints, and went for a walk at sunset to have a smoke. Ended up swinging on a swing set for way too long, it was so much fun omg. I highly recommend!
Monday night I went over to Tyler's after work, and we hung out in his "man cave", trying to find one of those silly hotdog/weiner cooker things to buy. We watched some food show too that he likes, and he was telling me about how he wants to open up a place that only sells philly cheesesteaks (and was quite shocked to hear that I had never tried one). When I got back, I was mad at Jayson again, because he didn't bother asking where I was or why i was out for so long or who I was with.
Last Sunday, Jayson & I went to the beach for the day, and I got very very drunk - I did not realize how much drunker you get in the sun lol. We have a beach tent, so I laid in that for most of the day, as the beach was semi-flooded so the sand was more mud than anything & the water was very cold. I also burnt half of my body (the half that was not quite in the tent). Jayson & I picked up chinese food on the way back in, and then I drunkenly (or exhausted from the heat) passed out on his bed for a couple hours LOL.
And Last Saturday, I impulsively drove almost 2 hours away to go to a bar that Tyler was playing at, and stayed until he left (so like 3am). Drove back in an awful storm, the highway was flooded, and the lightning was literally blinding. Very scary drive, but made it home safe (and so did he). And I had fun! Some boys hit on me at the bar, which was really funny to me. The one was like "come here often?" and i was like "I cannot believe you are trying that line on me". I told him no, through laughter, and that I came to support the band, as I work with the drummer. And his whole attitude changed, which was equally funny to me. He was like "Omg you know the band?! Can you ask them to play more Tragically Hip next time?! Please please please!?! I'll owe you my life!!!" Very funny!
And yea! That's been my week! Tonight we have to start watching Cleo, Jayson's step mom's cat, for the week while his parents are at their cottage. And we are going out for dinner & to see Barbie, like I think I already said.
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catboyebooks · 1 year
i’ve still got more chapter 5 stuff to talk about. is anybody surprised? since the last two posts were more character-focused, let’s talk about The Plot. specifically the events of this chapter. specifically the ways in which the events of this chapter bear (heh) similarities to the events of dr1. this one isn't going under the cut either, fair warning.
not saying anything groundbreaking here, but the sdr2 killing game very closely parallels the dr1 killing game. without even being exhaustive about it, let me point out some of the similarities in the murder cases:
in chapter 1 of both games the motive relates to the memory wipe, the murder takes place at night, the victim is killed by being stabbed repeatedly, the murder is instigated by someone who is not the killer (in both cases, also, the instigator is someone close to the protagonist), and the killer is collared around the neck and strapped to a pole as part of their execution
in chapter 2 of both games the motive relates to the past / secrets. the murder takes place near the water / in an area where people might get ready to go swimming, and the victim is killed with a single blunt-force head injury by someone who acted impulsively rather than out of actual animosity towards them. there’s an attempt made to frame another student for the murder as well as confusion over whether a famous serial killer might have done it. familial relationships, specifically sibling relationships, factor heavily into the motive. while the protagonist and deuteragonist conducted the bulk of the investigation together in chapter 1, this time it’s mainly the protagonist and tritagonist who do so, with less direct input from the deuteragonist
in chapter 3 of both games the crime that takes place is a premeditated and particularly cold double murder. the motive is something unexpected and difficult for the others to understand or relate to. a major point of confusion during the trial is the sequence of events during the killings, and misleading photo/video evidence is staged by the killer in order to further this confusion
in chapter 4 of both games the characters start to become preoccupied with who the traitor might be. a robot/AI “dies” this chapter. the person to die is the most physically powerful member of the group by far, raising doubts as to who could have killed them; in fact, the “murder” is actually a suicide / suicide pact done to ensure the rest of the group’s survival, and in the aftermath of the trial the survivors feel inspired to work together and try and end the killing game. one member of the main trio, who has had a particular approach to the killing game since the outset, changes strategies during this chapter’s trial and no longer believes the killing game ought to be won. this same character shows off during the investigation/trial by doing something that looks like it should be fatal
now, in chapter 4 of sdr2, the characters learn about the previous killing game and komaeda is quick to point out the parallels. most of what happens in chapter 5 is masterminded by him, so i think we can infer that the parallels between 1-5 and 2-5 are intentional on not just AI!junko’s part (obviously some of the similarities, like similar motives, are things she has direct control over), but on komaeda’s part as well. 
there’s an interesting dynamic that plays out between komaeda and monokuma this chapter. for the sake of brevity (haha! that worked out well) i didn’t get into this in the previous longpost about komaeda, but i do think i have to talk about it here. 
(as i’ve been over repeatedly) monokuma handed komaeda the information about shsl despair clearly intending for him to react by doing something batshit insane. that’s why he’s happy to go along with it when komaeda takes the reins this chapter — i mean, komaeda basically says “you don’t need to give us a motive this chapter, i want to know who the traitor is and if i don’t get a confession i am going to blow up this entire island” and monokuma not only has zero objections, he seems to be in a great mood most of chapter 5. of course, monokuma would have known all along that the “bomb threat” was just a bluff intended to keep everyone else distracted, but i don’t think he realized that he counted as part of Everyone Else here. 
the bomb threat serves to accomplish a few things — it keeps the other survivors preoccupied while komaeda sets up his own murder, and it ensures nobody has an alibi for his murder because they all split up to investigate. however, komaeda’s unhinged villain act in 2-5 isn’t just to convince the others that the bomb threat is real, it’s also to convince monokuma that komaeda has indeed snapped and is now acting with malicious intent towards the others. and it works. during the trial monokuma actually praises komaeda’s plan and makes it very clear that he admires it, but he’s misinterpreted the takeaway — he thinks komaeda’s goal was to show the others True Despair by trapping them in an unwinnable stuation. 
back to the parallels with the previous killing game, i think another big reason why monokuma is all too happy to let komaeda take charge here is because chapter 5 of the last killing game is when junko really started losing control of the situation. after sakura’s suicide in 1-4, the survivors resolved to work together to solve the mystery and end the killing game, leading junko to become increasingly desperate in her attempts to keep the murders going. she tried killing naegi herself, and when that didn’t work she reused her sister’s corpse to set up a fake murder so that she’d have an excuse to execute kirigiri or naegi. i’ve talked about this a bit before but it does feel like AI!junko is playing her side of the game more aggressively this time, particularly starting in 2-4 with the funhouse motive (never before has she imposed a time limit for committing murder). this is, i’m sure, why she chose to give komaeda the info on shsl despair. monokuma doesn’t seem to feel Threatened by komaeda in the same way that he did with naegi and kirigiri (figures, since komaeda has actually been in favor of the killing game and does not announce his intent to stop the killing game / take down the mastermind the way naegi and kirigiri do), but the rest of the group has been relying very heavily on komaeda to solve the mysteries, and it certainly makes the situation more difficult for everyone else if they don’t have komaeda as an “ally” of sorts. last time, it was the survivors working together as a team — in particular, the main trio working together — that ultimately derailed the killing game, and this time monokuma is trying to ensure that Does Not Happen. so it’s no wonder that he’s in such a good mood this chapter, it looks like komaeda is doing exactly what monokuma hoped that he would! 
however, it also appears to be slowly dawning on monokuma throughout the course of this chapter that komaeda has figured out way more than he anticipated about the situation, and that this might be A Problem. at several points beginning during 2-4’s trial and continuing into 2-5, komaeda makes comments hinting that he knows they’re in VR and that he knows the mastermind is planning something much bigger after the killing game ends; he’s vague about it so it’s not clear exactly how much he knows, but it’s enough to get monokuma agitated. during the scene where komaeda confronts monokuma alone at the end of 2-4, monokuma initially seems quite confident and pleased that his plan is working but gets shaken towards the end when komaeda implies he knows what the mastermind is planning to do when the killing game ends, so this is definitely a worry monokuma has before 2-5 even starts, but the rest of komaeda’s actions appear to lull him into a false sense of security. 
one thing komaeda does this chapter feels particularly pointed, though. and yes, pun intended, i’m talking about the impalement. the way junko staged mukuro’s body in 1-5, she was lying flat on her back with a knife in her stomach. komaeda stages his own death so that he’s discovered in a similar position, but rather than stabbing himself in the stomach with a knife, he uses a spear, just as was actually used to kill mukuro. lemme point out again that the spear was a totally unnecessary element of his murder, it was 100% for show as the poison would have killed him anyway. i don’t think AI!junko, observing the setup for this, would have noticed the similarities to the way she staged her sister’s body at first — most of the setup would have involved komaeda tying himself up and stabbing himself and i’m sure that kept her distracted. but when hinata’s investigating komaeda’s body (hehe) monokuma comments on the spear, calling it “the spear of gugnir” without explaining the reference. he seems a bit shaken by this. komaeda going to such lengths to imitate mukuro’s chapter 5 body discovery, including throwing in a reference to her actual cause of death, feels very much like he’s telling junko that he knows who she is — and since they all know the mastermind of the previous killing game is dead, if he knows they’re still dealing with junko, that must mean he also knows it’s VR.
regarding komaeda’s final video message, which monokuma redacts parts of — the mastermind of course would have witnessed komaeda recording this video, and presumably didn’t worry too much about whatever he said at the time because at that point komaeda was already setting up his own murder, and the rest of the group might not even live through the trial to view the video. while ofc i have to take a guess at exactly what was redacted, it sure looks like monokuma removed some references to everyone being former shsl despair and at least one reference (which could very well have been vague, but i think monokuma is generally displeased that komaeda figured this out and would have redacted it anyway) to the killing game happening in VR, but he didn’t redact the instructions on how to enter the ruins. he must still think it’s possible to turn the situation around in his favor, especially with both future foundation agents out of the picture, no more main trio, and only five people left alive. i think this means that junko still doesn’t understand what komaeda was actually trying to do in chapter 5 — like i said before, i think his actual end goal was for the group to survive and make it into the ruins, hence why he left instructions, but none of the characters seem to have realized this. (hinata actually got the closest. there’s a moment during 2-5 trial where he thinks that maybe the only reason komaeda put them in such a despair-inducing situation was to force them to overcome it together with the combined power of their hope, or something.)
there’s other 1-5/2-5 parallels beyond the way the body is discovered this chapter, of course. both trials, it feels like the group is being rushed along and there’s a(n entirely justified) sense that they’re headed towards a trap. both trials also involve a metaphorical trust fall — in 1-5 naegi has to trust kirigiri and allow suspicion to be directed onto himself (the alternative is a bad end), and in 2-5 the entire group has to trust in nanami’s assertion that the only way for them to live is to vote her guilty. in both of these scenarios, also, the person being executed is particularly friendly/kind/optimistic, and they’re set to be executed via crushing. neither of the executions are “real” either in that naegi survives and nanami wasn’t alive to begin with. 
i’m sure i’m gonna keep talking about parallels between the cases in this liveblog, as well as when i end up eventually talking about ultra despair girls and dr3 and ndrv3 on here, but i did want to talk about the way komaeda sets up his murder in particular because imo he 100% did that shit on purpose. anyway that’s the post
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somewhereinthepines · 2 years
Thank you for such a detailed answer to my ask regarding Chris's reaction to Laura biting Ryan! It gave me so many questions about what you'll decide to do in the story (being pre-game) but I think I'll just wait for the chapter to come out and enjoy finding out as I read! (If you can't tell, I'm very excited!)
Also, I'm curious: In your response, it sounded like Chris would murder Laura as his human self rather than mindlessly kill her as a werewolf. What state of mind would he be in? In ASB there are a lot of moments where Chris struggles with guilt (which is written really well btw). Would he have a lot of internal conflict over killing Laura or do you think she pushed him too far after hurting the people he loves to the extent that she did?
haha, no problem! i’d love to chit-chat about those two any time. and well, i can’t say much about the last chapter atm, bc i love it, when people sort of go in blind (past hints in the tags), but as i promised to a few people, this fic won’t be a death fic or like too heavily canon events related. and i’m happy to hear it! hope, that you will enjoy the final part of this story too! 
yeah, i kinda think, that he would snap at her as a human. bc if he did it as werewolf, it would have been a bit less personal, since animals can understand only that much lol. and tbh, they didn’t striked me as hella intelligent species in the game, so i doubt that in werewolf form, chris would have made so many connections as to why, he’s angry at laura. vs just being feral and wanting to kill everything. 
but mm, i think that it would have been a moment of his actual breakdown. like if he woke up with so much mess on his hands, i imagine, that as he’d be stuck with realization that not only had he fucked up (failed to keep conselors safe), but that it all also might be in the open now too (murder coverage and such). and then, it also depends on how many people chris himself would have ended up killing. like his parents, bobby. and okay, uh, let’s imagine that at least half of counselors dead as well (technically, he would assume that it his fault, even if it’s jacob’s really lol), his parents/his brother are dead or all 3 of them are, ryan was endangered and STILL a werewolf, just as cursed as chris is. and then, kaylee is dead. i can’t see him taking it well. i can’t imagine him letting laura live after that. part of it will be his fault, naturally. he’d know, that part of it always, always going to haunt him, but then, laura also guilty. for so many things, really. for not simply driving to a motel, that night. for not caring enough to actually learn, who the first wolf was, simply assuming that it was chris, and going after him. instead killing his daughter. she’s also guilty for sort of being a reason why ryan would go with her. ryan, who got stabbed, bit and who saw the absolute worst side of chris, who he assumed was such a good man. so in a moment, from chris’s devastated and enraged perspective, it would be all her fault. in that single moment, i imagine that nothing would feel more justified to him, than shooting her with silver or snapping her neck. i think, that it would be murder in a fit of anger. an impulse. and since chris is still a werewolf, he’d be more aggressive as well, so no chance to sit back and think about it, bc there isn’t anything to think about for him. kaylee, his child, was killed by some chick, who didn’t even bother to make sure, that she killed the right person. 
and at that point, chris literally had lost it all, basically. he failed everyone and what is one more murder to the whole bunch, that he commited already? the guilt would come after, but less so the sentiment of killing laura tbh. more just, that he did an awful thing again and it won’t fix anything. and realistically, while games/media love doing the whole ‘accepting that someone had no other choice, but to kill someone who you had loved’, well, irl this reasoning won’t stick. it would be meaningless and unacceptable either way. 
hope, that it anwsers it, haha.
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Fate/Grand Order’s singularity, “Realm of the Thanatos Impulse, Traum - Life and Death of an Illusion”
Part 8
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Kadoc, Mash and Master had a short & serious conversation when not-Dr. Roman implied that Chaldea had a traitor on board, and Kadoc suspects Holmes. It’s true that his appearance is kinda suspicious like who summoned Sherlock Holmes? His materialization has lasted all way to now and his master is most definitely not human because of that for sure…
Buuuut with no substantial evidence that the traitor is truly Holmes Kadoc suggested to erase the memories of this conversation since Holmes might figure out about this conversation on that night
As if this wasn’t such a death flag for Holmes!! Haha! *chokes back some tears*
Well I really hope I can get Sherlock Holmes one cause dang it he’s refusing to come home waaaahhhhh!!!
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Waking up in the morning we find Seton(?) and seeing his cloaked figure it’s quite obvious as to who it is lol
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Master being silly during a battle
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Another silly moment that I liked
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Motion sickness is the worst *nods*
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Silly moment number 4. Believe in Don Quixote and Sancho~
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Lmaoooooooo Don Quixote & Sancho are such a silly servant I love them
Don Quixote’s second noble phantasm, ‘Return to Reality’ is rather sad and it makes them disappear when used for too long but this was Sancho’s plan to release Vlad III from his restraints. Using that noble phantasm tremendously depletes Don Quixote’s strength as the example shown below:
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HAHA!!! I loved this imagery of Don Quixote rushing at Holmes only to be stopped by Holme’s arm even though this caught Holmes by surprise lmaooooooo!!!
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Goredolf then tells Master to do a pratfall and of coooourse we agree to that!!!
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Hahaha!!! I’m truly loving all these moments!!
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Thanks to Don Quixote’s second noble phantasm we rescued Vlad III!!! Whoopie!!!
But when Vlad III came closer to Master and once again declared that he has returned to them as their servant it made me blush goddammit!!! -///- 💦 This scene made realize again that Vlad is one of my favorite servants 💕💕💕
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