#i may make an extra account for something else i am thinking of doing
explodo-smash · 9 months
Are you one of the people expecting bkdk to be canon? I just learned that there are people that sincerely believe Hori would have Deku and Bkg have an explicit confession of love. That he's going to be the first popular mangaka to have a endgame gay ship. I am in so many mlm ships of shounen but I've never had the delusion that the author would make them canon despite the evidences otherwise. Like I thought it's fine to ship mlm as long as we stayed in our lane and never harassed the author.
After speaking together, we do believe based on the evidence in the series that BakuDeku being canon is not an even vaguely unreasonable conclusion to reach. We think the story is written in a way you can reach that conclusion easily, so much that even casual viewers who aren’t shippers are questioning the nature/potential conclusion of their relationship.
One of the most consistent and convincing lines of evidence for us has been Katsuki taking on roles/positions traditionally reserved for female heroines/love interests (if you’ve seen anyone call him “narratively androgynous,” this is what they’re referring to). In the context of Jump magazine, we have a number of shonen heroines and love interests to compare Katsuki to. The similarities are so striking that many notable people (including the VAs for the anime) have taken to calling him the heroine of the series.
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However, we do think things like homophobia (whether it’s the writer or the audience/consumerbase at large– in this case we’re primarily referring to the audience), the safety of everyone involved, and timing are all unpredictable factors people have to take into consideration when writing/reading a story of this magnitude. Needless to say, if Horikoshi is indeed planning an endgame for bakudeku, he’d also have to take these factors into consideration.
Horikoshi has a record of being pretty in-tune with his fanbase. He definitely keeps some eye on bnha’s reception–for example, he mentioned a while back that both the people who love Katsuki and the people who hate him will have something to look forward to in this finale (we can now see what he meant lol). He’s very likely aware of the people who love bakudeku and the people who loathe it. 
Taking into account that he tends to be very intentional with his writing choices, he’s written this story in a way that not only centered bakudeku’s relationship over others (notably Izuku + Ochako’s, the character he’d presumably end up with if things were going predictably?), but also went the extra mile to distinguish their relationship as unique, closer than all their other relationships, the “biggest pillar of the story” (x, x). He didn’t have to do all of this. This extra push is what’s giving bakudeku that undeniable chance at an endgame right now, because it’s come to a point where no one can ignore the implications of scenes like this:
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On the flip side, we don’t think people’s hesitation is unreasonable. It’s scary! If bakudeku were to fall flat of all this buildup/our expectations, it wouldn’t be the first time the romantic implications between a pair of boys in a story like this was ignored. Hell it wouldn’t be the first time a popular pair in general, (gay or not) got ignored in favor of what the author just felt like doing, regardless of what any previous developments in the story or interviews or official artwork would have us believe. There’s enough written evidence that canon bakudeku wouldn’t be surprising, but there’s also (at the time of writing this response) still room for things to go another direction, for all of this to be recontextualized and passed as something else. 
As per social norms/patterns of behavior, this would be disappointing as hell but not surprising. Especially for people who have been let down before, we completely understand the need/impulse to distance oneself from the idea/hope that bakudeku may become canon.
In all honesty, if it turns out bakudeku isn’t canon or left open-ended (say, an ending where they’re partners of some kind/the closest to one another without that explicit romantic confirmation), we would be frustrated/heartbroken. Not because we feel like Horikoshi shouldn’t do what he wants, he should. But because there’s been a clear effort to bring LGBTQ+ readers into the fold, and tell and portray our experiences in MHA. Horikoshi has done a beautiful, incredible job of writing various LGBTQ+ and marginalized experiences as a metaphor in his stories. Toga is a prime example. This is something that readers around the world have noticed, and it’s something MHA is special for (see this data x, and the further context/commentary on it given here x). 
We think it’s intentional. This story and the relationships in it have invoked experiences close and personal to many of us. Things are in a state right now where we wouldn’t just feel baited, we feel like readers would have a right to feel unsatisfied.
That being said, feeling unsatisfied doesn’t equate to feeling empowered to harass or bother others. Especially not Horikoshi himself, and also including other readers who had differing expectations. This is really the case across the board. We should all be able to control our anticipation/expectations without becoming assholes. 
It’s not just the shippers, by the way. People who work on the series or work closely with Horikoshi have rooted for bakudeku to go beyond. Izuku and Katsuki have already done what a good chunk of the readerbase thought impossible and became friends. People see their writing, their potential, and they want more. The voice actors (x, x sorry for the crunchy pic it's all i've got atm), academics (x), musicians (x, x) , editors (x) and more have all kind of rallied around Bakugou and Deku’s bond, with a particular sensitivity towards the deeply and uniquely intimate nature of it + how it evokes romance.
We’d like to see MHA exist free of the burdens previous popular shounen series have had placed on them. But that’s a conversation for the ending. As far as the fanbase goes, I think it’s super important people practice humility and caution when speaking to others. We have NO way of knowing what will happen. People who have been traumatized by situations like this in the past have a right to be anxious, people in general are allowed to withhold judgment until we have all the information we need. However, we don’t think having hope or confidence that this narrative might lead us to a canon bakudeku is unwarranted or delusional.
At the end of the day one thing is true, and this was something we had to fight to “prove” much longer than we had to prove Bakudeku had romantic potential - it’s that Kacchan and Izuku’s lives are going to be forever intertwined in this new era of their world that births from the finale. 
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They’re forever intertwined in a way that’s not replicable for any other character in the series, and that’s amazing all on its own. We’ll just have to wait and see how far they take it! Thanks for reading if you got this far, and Happy Holidays!
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izzyspussy · 21 days
and one more thing. i like thinking about what if mickey was - depending on your definition - a virgin before he was with ian. it's really not much of a stretch tbh.
he's 16(?) their first time together
he's DEEPLY closeted
he may or may not be in denial, i go back and forth on this (and yes i know that extra-canonical sources have said he is, i don't care about the council's decision whether it's a stupidass one or not)
so like my thought is. he's pretty young. i know shameless has literally everybody fucking casually by the time they're fourteen but that is absolutely one of the most unrealistic aspects of the show lmfao. so anyway, he's pretty young. so there's that.
if we say he's in denial, and we take into account that he later is shocked by and very against the idea of pegging, it's pretty unlikely that he would seek out or ask for penetration even from women. and even in denial, it's not unbelievable that he wouldn't try rounding bases with women more conventionally either, although of course some people do. it might just not occur to him, or it might be too off-putting to go through with when he isn't being forced.
+ i kind of think that if mickey is in denial by the time of canon, it's the "i have more important things to worry about than getting a girlfriend" flavor, rather than a more "i am definitely into women and i can prove it" flavor. just because like. he really does have more important things to worry about. his one parent seems to be in jail more often than not and his siblings don't seem to have a collaborative relationship like the gallaghers do. mickey must have to spend a lot of time and energy on getting his basic needs met. if he has no interest in women, there's a readily available reasoning that has no relation to his sexuality (meaning he never has to think about it at all).
if he isn't in denial, he still can't hook up with anyone in his neighborhood. ian does while still closeted himself, but he's not as paranoid about someone telling on him as mickey is - not to mention ian doesn't care if other gay people know he's gay, why would he? but mickey doesn't just not want to be out, he doesn't want to be gay. just as much if not more, he doesn't want to be vulnerable. so he's not about to tell some kid at school, even if he knows for sure that they're gay too. he needs everyone around him to only know things that make him intimidating. so first of all, he needs to be bullying that kid. more relevantly, he needs to be seen as untouchable, which by necessity means he needs to be untouched. or at the very least not touched in any kind of way that involves even the remotest genuine intimacy, and a shared secret certainly is that - not even getting into the intimacy of doing something you have some type of Feeling about that can only be done with another person.
so if he did want to hook up, he'd have to go Somewhere Else to do it. but now there are so many active steps he has to take, so many times he has to choose over and over again to go Be GayTM, some of which are already GayTM in themselves. he has to decide he wants it enough to do it. he has to decide how far away is far enough. he has to look up and find a gay bar. he has to figure out how to get there. he has to pick a date and time. he has to earn and save enough money for transportation and at least one drink. he has to make up an excuse to have ready if he gets questioned when he leaves or gets home. he has to actually fucking go to a gay bar. he has to actually go inside a gay bar when he gets there. he has to order a drink at a gay bar. he has to stay at a gay bar. he has to look at other men gayly. in person. on purpose. and be seen doing it. if no one picks him up first, he has to pick up another man. he has to communicate in some way to another man that he wants to have sex with him. he has to pick somewhere immediate to do it, because no way is he going to share enough time with this guy to get to a secondary location. and only after all of those steps, many of them likely to require several attempts, none of them easy, only THEN can he finally have the sex. AND!! even then, he still has to bring himself to Be GayTM enough to get involved with the guy's dick. it's easy enough to rationalize later that a mouth is a mouth and the gender of the person it's attached to doesn't really matter; it's much harder to say that about penetrative sex. less so if you top, but still.
so. in my professional opinion. it's very believable that before ian, the "furthest" mickey had gone was receiving a blowjob. and of course he would have skipped right over kissing. (like obviously it's also believable that he would go through all those steps; a teenager will go to the fucking moon if they're horny enough and ready + there's plenty of text to support mickey being the type of guy that if he's gonna do it he's gonna do it all. and it's also believable that he might have been sexually active or at least not completely inactive with women despite not being attracted to them, with textual support for that too. but that's not what we're talking about rn!)
so okay. sure, all that. but then why ian?
well. there's text to suggest mickey maybe had a little crush on ian already. constantly making a nuisance of himself at ian's workplace. staying long enough to put on a little (non-violent) show about it when ian's there, as compared to efficiently hitting and robbing kash when ian is absent. calling him an arguably flattering if crass (and it's mickey so flattering but crass is... just flattering) nickname that directly references his pubic hair - *katya voice* UN-PRO-VOKED!
ian is good looking, obviously. he's got the red hair, which is a preference i like to think mickey had before that being with ian just compounded. perhaps exponentially lmfao. ian also has a personality we can reasonably assume is attractive to mickey even before he knows him that well. he's assertive and brave enough to challenge mickey directly, and especially with kash to compare to ian is definitely a Big Tough Man (even if that's more in attitude than in body at that particular point). and the fact that he's not afraid and not overly aggressive either gives at least some measure of impression that he doesn't have much need or desire for the upper hand - nonthreatening without being weak, wimpy, or boring.
now. not all bottoms are subs. this is true. and not all subs like it rough, and some people who like it rough aren't subs even if they are bottoms. all true. i implore you to look at mickey. now look into your heart. now look at mickey. you know these disclaimers are, in this case, only disclaimers. as such, you KNOW that fight - and ian being the one to start it, even if he didn't win - got mickey so so fired up.
so. ian's hot. he's mickey's type. mickey is teenager horny generally, and now also horny situationally. they are in mickey's bed. mickey is in a mild state of undress. they are touching. ian is between mickey's legs. he's not taking advantage of mickey's hesitation - and he only threatened and then defended himself, never actually getting more aggressive than necessary, i.e. he won't hurt mickey if mickey gives him physical opportunity. the vibes say ian won't use knowledge of mickey's sexuality against him afterward. it's possible mickey already knows he's gay (he seems to, but i always took the potential indications as a continuity error since there's really no sub/textual reason why he would and there are many other such cases).
he's right there, right now, and mickey wants him, and he's safe. bada boom bada bang, baby.
and. one more thing. i like to think about. if mickey hadn't had sex before ian. and we accept that he was lying about having sex in juvie (which we do). and we accept that he was lying about having sex with angie (which we do). and we discount the 3.06 incident with svetlana, since it wasn't consensual (which we do). and we accept that the trucker lady he used to humiliate himself but didn't actually have sex with was the only sexual contact he had while ian was away because he was too miserable to want any, as seems pretty strongly implied (which we do). and if we accept that the show was tragically canceled in the s4 hiatus (which we do lol).
then. in that case. ian is not only mickey's First Time (depending on your definition) and First Kiss, but in fact his only "all the way" sexual partner and only kiss. (and also first and only given bj.)
like, don't get me wrong, i don't believe in or enjoy the First, Last, & Only thing in a purity or like one-true-love way, that shit sucks. however. in a possessive way? pretty sexy. and i know ian would agree. he told me so himself.
(i also just kind of like the idea for mickey specifically. like he fully believed that he would never ever in his whole life ever have the kind of intimacy he has with ian in the end. that it was straight up impossible and there wasn't any point in even so much as thinking about it. and then... he gets it anyway, on his very first try.) (disclaimer again: yes romantic and sexual relationships aren't the only intimate relationships, no monogamy and/or long term commitment aren't inherently more intimate than other dynamics nor are they mutually necessary, yes relationships that end have equal benefit and value to relationships that don't. post not intended to be representational or reflect a widely applicable worldview it's just about this one specific guy etc etc, brought to you by a polyamorous aromantic wejustdon'tknowsexual believe me i get it i know it i live it.)
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kotlcfairytale · 4 months
KotLC Fairy Tale AU Exchange
Schedule (in CDT)
May 29: Discord server opens. Tag nominations open.
June 12: Tag nominations close. Sign-ups open.
June 26: Sign-ups close.
June 29: Assignments are out.
July 27: Assignments are due.
August 3: Works are revealed, with all creators anonymous.
August 10: Creators are revealed.
August 14 (approximately): Discord server closes.
Assignment: The person you are assigned to make a gift for. You will receive a list of their requests and pick one to make.
Canon Tag: A tag that has been used enough that AO3's volunteers have organized into the tag list. These are the ones that appear on the dropdown menu when you're entering tags.
DNW: "Do Not Want," a list of things you do not want included in a gift for you. Everyone is encouraged to have one of these, and it must be followed by your gifter. DNWs must be reasonable, clear, and polite, but they can be petty ("none of this popular ship").
Exchange: A "gift exchange," where everyone receives a gift of a fan creation, and everyone makes a gift of a fan creation.
Match: When you offer something someone else requests, or you request something someone else offers, you "match" with them! You will need to at least have one offer that matches someone else's request in order to participate.
Offer: When you sign up, you will make a list of things you "offer" to create.
Pinch hitter: Someone who makes an emergency gift for someone whose gifter dropped out. You are welcome to participate only as a pinch hitter.
Request: When you sign up, you will make a list of things you "request" other people create.
Tag nominations: A period of time where people can nominate the relationships and AUs they want involved in the exchange. These will be the ONLY relationships and AUs permitted, so you want to nominate tags!
Treat: An extra gift you make with no expectation of a gift in return! You can make them for anyone in the exchange, whether or not you're assigned to them. It's just a fun and nice thing to do!
Gift Minimums:
Fic: 1000 words, with an ending
Art: A drawing completed to a level you would normally post as "finished"
Rules for Participating: 
You must join the Discord server and follow all rules listed there.
You must be 13 or older.
You must have an AO3 account, sign up through AO3, and post your gift on AO3. AO3 accepts fan creations of all types.
You must do your best to make a gift that meets the minimum requirements, and that you think your recipient will like, within the time of the event.
You must contact a moderator as soon as possible if you think you will not finish your gift in time.
You must keep your gift and recipient anonymous until creator reveals.
More information to come! I hope to see you all soon!
What counts as a fairy tale?
I am using a broad definition! Any story that contains fairy tale elements: enchantments, curses, witches, wizards, warlocks, magic, talking animals, fairies, fae, trickery, etc... is allowed in the exchange! This could include a classic fairy tale, like Hansel and Gretel; an adaptation like Tangled, Ella Enchanted, or Land of Stories; or even an original fairy tale!
During tag nominations, people will "nominate" the specific AUs (fairy tales) they want included. These will be the only ones eligible for the exchange, so get an AO3 account and participate in tag nominations if you want to make sure something is included!
What if I don't match with anyone?
If no one wants to receive what you offer to make: We will give you an opportunity to offer more things. If you do not want to, unfortunately, you will not be able to participate in the exchange.
If no one offers to make what you want to receive: You can still participate. We will put you up as a pinch hit, meaning people can offer to make a gift for you without being assigned to.
What if I don't get a gift?
We will not reveal the works until everyone has a gift. If no one picks up a pinch hit, the exchange will remain closed until someone does. Everyone who participates will receive a gift.
What isn't allowed in the exchange?
For the comfort of the most number of participants: noncon, incest, bestiality, romantic relationships between characters who are canonically adults (over 18) and characters who are canonically minors (under 18), and NSFW are not permitted.
Considering the series, graphic violence and major character death are allowed, but only if the recipient says they're okay with receiving them.
My recipient requested ten things! How many do I have to make?
Only one! You can choose any of your recipient's requests to make, even ones you didn't originally offer.
Can I make more than one gift?
If you have more than one AO3 account, you may sign up multiple times. But please only do this if you're sure you can finish both gifts in time!
You can also be a pinch hitter, filling in for people who drop out, or make "treats"--extra gifts just for fun. But you won't receive extra gifts for either of these things.
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aquariium-ediits · 7 months
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@ Aquariium-Ediits 1 Year Blog Anniversary ++ 340+ Followers Celebration !
Welcome all ! ~ Can uu believe it's already been a year ? I'm honored to have come this far ++ I am super excited for what the next year will bring ! Event information under the cut , let us all celebrate together ^_^
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I have planned both a raffle and some edit prompts to celebrate ! The event prompts will run from February 14th until February 22nd , giving two extra days for catch-ups if necessary , and the raffle winners will be revealed on the 23rd . The themes are v self indulgent , but hey , this is celebrating me ++ this blog , so I think it's acceptable ! ;3
Day 1 (14/02) ; A fictional pair uu think would celebrate Valentine's Day together , whether romantically or otherwise :3
Day 2 (15/02) ; An edit that reminds uu of someone uu know (whether it's cuz of the character , aesthetic , etc , it all counts !)
Day 3 (16/02) ; An edit based off of uur favorite food or drink , or the favorite food/drink of somebun else uu know
Day 4 (17/02) ; A character edited in relation to a headcanon uu have about them (can alter their design as long as it's respectful , but can also just be editing them w a flag representing uur hc !)
Day 5 (18/02) ; An edit in black , grey ++ white that only uses one other shade of a color to make it pop !
Day 6 (19/02) ; Something based off of a piece of media that gives uu nostalgia !! (Children's shows , movies , or whatever else uu may feel fits this is all welcome :3)
Day 7 (20/02) ; An edit inspired by a Vocaloid song uu like ! (if uu aren't into Vocaloid , then I'd suggest listening to a popular song or two n basing this off of the vibes of it !)
Tag me and use #aquariium1year so I can reblog whatever you make for the event ! As a prize , doing all 7 days will allow you to request 2 things from moi even though my requests will be closed during this time .
Now , for information of the raffle . . . Reblog this letting me know uu would like to join ! I will spin a wheel and 3 winners will be able to each request 5 edits from me and I will work on them as quickly as I can ! (Guaranteed to be quicker than I complete requests , I will spend my lunch breaks working on em if I have to for y'all I promise🙏🙏) Note that all prizes must be from sources on my whitelist and the use of sideblogs or alt accounts for an advantage is prohibited ^^
Well . . . Hopefully all of this sounds like fun , and hopefully uu all are willing to celebrate this milestone with me ^_^ ~
May I request some help getting this party started ? ; @circuswhisprs @failboy @firstgf @utaicon @heartsymphonia @liardolls @mirai-exe @rwuffles @motherlyidol @ghostflora-s @lavendergalactic @fated-edits @cluvunies @essthereal ++ anybun else who feels like helping out !
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stormblessed95 · 26 days
Thank you for answering my ask Storm. I appreciate it. I am new to tumbler and have not read everything you have posted mainly focussed on the member dynamics in your masterlist. In your recent post you mentioned that the bullying had happened and that’s how I got to know. I believe in the same post or some posts after you said you were willing to engage in respectful discussions and after much diliberation I thought to myself, that it was ok to send that ask. And it was, coz you answered it so respectfully.
Even if I may not agree with you fully, I do see where you are coming from. Your blog is yours to moderate and that is that.
My gripe with this fandom is that a lot of fans do not allow for a difference of opinion which then just means that we are a cult. The boys are not perfect and it should be ok to call out some of the things they do if it is done in a respectful manner. It is really quite something for people to say that there is a need to police fans/solos or Jikook fans because look want happened to Taekookers. It is too late to make that call because now no fan would be able to take the Gandhian stance of looking the other way. History does define how the present is handled. Yes, it is negative approach but it is what it is.
In any fandom, big accounts have a moral responsibility to ensure that the same energy is given in calling out bullshit but a large number of the ot7 accounts are Taekookers so the same energy isn’t given and this is what has resulted in a whole lot of solo accounts who are unnecessarily hated on most of the time.
Thank you again for allowing discourse. I very much appreciate it.
Having a difference of opinion and not allowing anti rhetoric on my blog is not the same thing. And saying "I have these criticisms of Tae and I think that's fair" is fine, but it also doesn't change that it's the same rhetoric that his antis use against him and it's not something I'm interested in entertaining. I truly couldn't care less if people agree with me or not. That's always been the case. Just as it's always been true that I've held that this space is mine and mine alone. Y'all are here only if you want to be lol. You can feel however you want to feel, that doesn't mean I'm entitled to have to do anything about it nor does it mean I have to hold space for it. Which I think is the problem that occurs when you hit over a certain number of followers. I'm not quite sure when that transition happened for me, but sometimes I miss how my blog used to be 2+ years ago 😅😂
I love Tae. I love him so much. I love his bond with the members. I think there are for sure things we can talk about critically there. Just as there are things I think we can talk about critically for each member and for the group as a whole. Do I think now is the time? Probably not with all that is happening with k media and the harassment happening.
Do I think any of those critiques involve their relationships with each other, including how Tae interacts with JK, no. I think their relationship and how it works best for them, is not something we get to interject on. Opinions about that stem from personal biases and often, also anger about antis and the desire to protect other members from said antis.
I also agree that a large number of "OT7" accounts on Twitter don't give the same proper energy to calling out bad behavior because they are taekookers or diet solos/shippers. But then we shouldn't be calling them OT7 accounts, right? I promise there are really good larger accounts out there that aren't full of bullshit. You just gotta use your block button freely. Because not giving fake ot7 a platform, is a good way to start. But it's hard when it seems like no one else cares. I promise I understand that. I understand the frustration and the pain that brings. As someone who deals with haters who feel protected behind an anon label, I feel like I extra understand it sometimes.
Fandom spaces are going to be what you make of them. All types fandom can be full of so much bullshit. You gotta carve out a corner in it that brings you happiness and peace and do what you can that way. Or you aren't going to have any fun. And that's what fandom should be, something that is fun and brings you joy.
Thanks for replying kindly again 💜
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consolecadet · 2 months
big complaining. please do not give me advice on any of this unless 1) we already talk AND 2) you get my consent first
Virtually everything for me right now is in some state of "it is terrible rn but I just need to hold on for a few more weeks/months" and it just. I don't have a lot of grip strength with which to hold on rn.
My tennis elbow hurts more since I started OT, or perhaps I am just more aware of it. Either way it's really bothering me and making me sad
I recently developed eczema or something like that, because of course I did, and the second I stopped steroid cream it came back just as itchy and weepy, despite aggressive moisturizing. I cannot see a dermatologist until November but I have vague hope in the form of a different steroid cream I may try in one week
The three-day low-residue diet my dietician had me try backfired horribly after I stopped it and now I'm even more scared to eat, like, beans and/or onions
I have been having trouble accessing medical supplies that I can technically get by without but really shouldn't. Dealing with it requires making tons of phone calls and/or driving to a bunch of different pharmacies, something I have no time or energy to do rn
I'm in a BMW situation and cannot resume trying to sell it until it is resolved, though it's not a big deal because I am borrowing my sister's car and will buy it from her once I have sold the BMW
Reviewing KC's edits to Latent Defects is tiring and emotionally challenging (though I'm way less upset and dramatic about it than I thought it would be)
I keep spiraling about things like the election, genocide, and the climate
Covid cases have once again risen in my area and I am nervous about that because I've socialized a lot IRL recently and don't know if I was careful enough
I agreed to do an art project with a friend that I think will be really cool, but am worried will hurt my forearm too much and/or cause extra stress which I have little capacity for rn
I am having trouble keeping in touch with friends bc the first thing to go when I get stressed is The Ability to Message People. I also have a newish local friend who messages me a lot more than I am used to and I'm worried I'm making him feel sad and uncared for bc I am so slow to respond and don't message him first very often
KC's summer break is about to end, which means I am about to start having to get up earlier, which realistically means I am going to lose a lot of sleep while I once again struggle to adjust. Also means I'm gonna spend a lot more time driving again
The project I am managing is a MESS, we pushed the launch back, and I feel like it's my fault for 1) not knowing how to manage a project, 2) not asking for nearly enough help, and 3) being kind of mentally absent due to being itchy, in pain, and very cranky for basically the whole project. Though tbf multiple of my coworkers have been sick for chunks of it and also not able to pitch in as much as we expected. Also once we launch, then I have to help manage an online community, which, yikes
I would like a raise to offset the gigantic medical bills I seem to get stuck with every year, but I also fucked up something else at work recently, the one account I managed fired us, and worse yet I absolutely know that the company I work for is barely scraping by and cannot afford to give me a raise regardless of whether my boss wants to. I should probably look for another job but 1) I like these people 2) I have no energy or time rn and 3) much fewer companies are fully remote these days and I cannot physically handle commuting and working in an office
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dodriotrio · 7 months
Introduction Post!
Hello! Mylah made me make this account, and I see a lot of people making these "Introduction posts."
My name is Kane, I am a Pokemon ranger from Galar. Usually I work in the Wild Area unless I am needed somewhere else, so that is where you will usually find me. I also foster Pokemon when I have the free time, I will likely be posting about this a lot, haha.
Apologies if my Galarian is not the best. This is not my first language, and I am still learning.
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This is my trainer card, and my team! They are all very sweet Pokemon, and trained to help me work. I'll be using their Galarian nicknames on here, for safety reasons. These are not their actual names however.
You can use my Trainer ID to send Mystery Gifts, I do not mind! :]
I also have a roommate! She will use this account from time to time, I don't really think I can stop her......
Salutations friends, adversaries, colleagues! I am Kane's aforementioned lovely roommate. I won't dilly dally and provide the same content that he does splendidly, instead it will be my miscellaneous musings.
I also own a trainer card, though it has a noticeable lack of pokemon as you may see. I hope to change this fact eventually, but I am happy as is for now.
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Apologies in the near future, as I don't particularly have a good memory, so I likely will forget things unless I'm reminded often! :)
// rest of post is OOC!
*Sprite edits were done by Moth, using the gen 3 ranger M and Gardenia's gen 5 sprite
Hello! This is the OOC part of the introduction. Obviously, this is a multimuse blog run by both @act11as and @tinkerscrickets !
Moth's rotomblr hub is @battle-subway-aftershow
OOC posts by Moth will be in green text, and tagged with #ooc and #moth's yapping!
OOC posts by Tinker will be in red text, and tagged with #tinker's posting!
Trigger warnings on this blog should always be tagged as "[word] tw" for ease of convenience with blacklisting. Feel free to send an ask/message if we miss something!
Muses are adults, mods are both minors. Keep this in mind, please. Don't be a weirdo, etc etc.
With that out of the way...
No NSFW, or overly suggestive content/asks. If you send anons of any of these three, I (Moth) Will mock your ask relentlessly. Publicly sometimes, even. This is your only warning.
IN-CHARACTER Anon hate is perfectly fine! Mods reserve the right to delete anything they don't want to respond to, however.
*Almost Anyone can interact! Eeby Deebies, sentient pokemon, evil teams, etc! Just note that the muses may not always believe you, or like you. This is to be expected.
*Self-Insert fallers, please do not interact. Self-insert ocs are fine, but the idea of a real person on rotomblr being isekaid into Pokémon is not.
Mystery Gifts are now open! And Preferred! Feel free to go crazy with this ^^
Pelipper Mail, un-mail, and Malice are also open!
Musharna mail, (sending dreams) and Musharna malice (sending nightmares) are on!
Magic Anons are off, unless otherwise specified.
*Obviously, make sure to specify who these are meant for! Otherwise it's just free reign lmao
Some organizational tags:
#[nickname] the [pokemon] - General tag that will be used for posts mentioning certain pokemon!
#Kane's memos - Posts made by Kane!
#Hecate's giggling - Posts made by Hecate!
#Pokesitting for a Ghost - Semi-arc? Posts about Kane trying to care for @/battle-subway-ghost's pokemon, essentially.
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creep3r-chan · 5 months
My intro post or something I forgor
so like I saw several people making these introductory posts or whatever, and I wanted to make one too so...
Hi, I'm Creeper-Chan/Creeper(not Merryweather's)/whatever the hell you want, just no weird names that make me uncomfortable or my real name if any of you know me (which I highly doubt) and no baby names.
[Names you can call me:]
Creeper-Chan (obviously)
Anything else
Etc because I forgor
[Fandoms I'm in (and what I used to be in)]
Murder Drones (probably???)
Rainbow friends
Gravity Falls (I cried over Bill's backstory)
Bendy and the Ink Machine
Welcome Home
CRK (Cookie Run Kingdom)
Etc bc I'm lazy as hell
[Important Info!!!]
I will only be online after usually 5:00PM and weekends, after or before I won't be online at all.
Cussing IS allowed here, also sometimes towards me as a joke but if you call me cuss names and you mean it, just don't. Make sure to put "/j" if you do call me names, but if you forget then I understand. Just don't do it too often.
if you are somehow irl friends of mine, I HIGHLY advise you to not give out personal info. If you do on accident, I'll just delete it. But if it's on purpose, I WILL block you and unfriend you.
Pr0sh1tt3rs, P3d0s/gr00m3rs, Z00ph1les, toxic bitches, or just anything I don't like. If you interact, you're blocked.
Harass my fans and get blocked.
NSFW/NSFT is not allowed here. You can give me drawing requests, just nothing inappropriate.
[Speaking of requests...]
If you do give me a request, I may or may not do it depending on how motivated I am. If I don't do it, I apologize and I MIGHT do your request if I have time. But if you spam me, I'll tell you to stop. If you don't I won't block you (I will.) If the request is about a fandom I don't know, I'll try my best anyway.
I will joke about suffering and dying inside and stupid humor like that, so if you get offended then you can leave it's ok. I might make offensive jokes so if a joke I made offends you (for a good and valid reason) I'll change the joke or delete the joke itself. If you hate on me for making a comment that shouldn't NORMALLY be offensive, and trying to support it with invalid reasons, I'll just delete your comment and block you.
[Extra Info that's PROBABLY not important]
I like the color green and I like women. Uhhh I'm fucking stupid so beware 👿👿👿 /j (I am stupid though) I'm sleep-deprived I'm kinda new here but I think I got the whole vibe part correct so just give me tips on something if I did something wrong. I'm kinda annoying so if you feel annoyed I'll try my best to stop annoying you for a while
Check out my Pixilart acc
i have a YT account named ~[Creeper Chan]~ or @/creeperchan8504
Ok bye
Everything hurts
Help me
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quietwingsinthesky · 1 year
what do you think people would say about supernatural/the winchesters relationship if sam was female?
Realistically, I think Sam being a woman would have given the show itself free rein to be So Much Fucking Weirder towards her. I know this ask is mostly about the fandom’s reaction, but I need to set the basis that, given everything we know about how the show already is, Supernatural would have taken the Sam Experiencing Sexual Violence dial that is already at 9 and cranked that baby up to 20 and left it there for the whole run. And also, given everything else we know about the show, every time Dean ribs about Sam being gay in canon would either 1) stay that way but now have the extra layer of “Dean is really into watching girls fuck” on top of it to make it weird or 2) would just flat out be replaced with Dean hitting on Sam/insinuating something along the lines of ‘why would u ever want another guy? when I am here and all u need?’ because Dean is already a creep obsessed with his brother, can you imagine how it would’ve been written if he had a baby sister instead? Homophobia was the only thing holding the show back from flat out incest sometimes, I swear to god.
Okay, so. Now that I have established All Of That.
For one, we have to take into account how the fandom tended to react to female characters in general. Let’s see the forecast is uh. Bad. We are looking at huge divides between the “Sam is cool, we like her” and the “Sam is a bitch and the show should just be about Dean” crowds. (And the third crowd of “Sam should fuck her brother 😩”, absolutely wincest would still be a thing. It might be even more of a thing in this universe, but that’s all speculation.) Especially when s4 rolls around and Sam decides to be a little evil (and have a girlfriend? I’m assuming everything else in the show goes as is, and so would the Ruby plotline. Which means that’s going to awaken even more things in people than it already does. I would have stopped functioning if I saw girl!Sam/Ruby blood drinking and fucking on my screen as a preteen do you have any idea-) People are going to villainize the shit out of her for that, never let it go.
(Now, as the fandom ages, a lot of this is gonna simmer down like it did for real for characters like Bela. But in the moment? A goddamn war zone. Toxic waste dump.)
And we need to talk about the elephant in the room. Destiel. We already exist in a world where Sam will be completely sidelined and erased to get Dean and Castiel’s love story to seem like the most important plot of Supernatural. Now, I want you to imagine the absolute hell that would be to exist in a fandom where Destiel is the big slash ship and the other main character of the show is a woman. At best, continued sidelining. At worst, we are looking at “Sam is a bitch and the show should be about dean only” attitudes that carry forward into “Sam is a bitch who is in the way of destiel and should be killed off to get her out of the way.” Which you may note is usually a role given to female love interests that are despised for breaking up the main ship. This is because, for all intents and purposes, Sam is the main love interest in competition with Castiel for Dean. On a fandom level between ship wars of destiel vs wincest, but also textually, in the show, beyond shipping, Sam fills out that role in a platonic way as well and Castiel doesn’t. If Sam was a woman, this spells bad news for her. No woman gets in the way of gay ships and comes out unharmed.
Okay and now let’s talk about Lucifer because we need to talk about Lucifer, I’m a Lucifer blog, I’m a samifer girl, and I can tell you that none of these things would change for me if I was watching this version of the show lol. But! Remember what I said about the Sam Sexual Violence dial? Yeah. That is going to be. Extremely loud. Every time Sam and Lucifer are in the same scene. I guarantee you this is the universe where we get evil forced Samifer kisses at multiple points. This is absolutely the universe where, when Lucifer decides he wants a kid, he tries to get Sam pregnant first and only if he fails does he move onto someone else (and hint: he probably doesn’t fail.) Think about every Sam & Lucifer scene that ever happened and now reimagine it but the show can now be as weirdly sexually violent as it feels like because it’s “straight” now. The innuendos are out, and Lucifer is going to pin Sam against a wall at some point.
I’m very into this, but I feel like this would make the whole fandom situation around them a lot worse. People already get up in arms around samifer, or even liking Lucifer at all. If all that subtext became flat out text and people could gif “Times Lucifer sexually assaulted Sam on screen” into little gotcha compilations, it would be way more of a struggle to exist around here.
But like I’d still be into it so I’d definitely still be here, give me those comps, I’m gonna jerk off to them
ANYWAY. That’s what I think would change if Sam was a lady. Overall, not great, but I think there would also be a lot of people who find her relatable, empowering, etc, and really enjoy her as a woman. Probably the same people who like Sam now, honestly. If there’s any universe I got a chance to peak into, I’d want it to be this one. If only for samruby canon lesbian sex.
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antler-witch · 7 months
How do you know what’s a sign and what isn’t?
I’m in this online folk witch group and the other day a lady made a post asking about the meaning of something she experienced that she believed to be a sign. One morning she was making breakfast and cracked an egg as usual, but the contents of the egg had sent a shock down her spine—the egg had been full of blood.
This happens when a blood vessel is ruptured in the process of forming the egg. It’s not common but it’s perfectly natural and not harmful to the hen or the egg. A lot of people in the comments of the post were telling her this, so she edited the post to include something along the lines of “This is a witch group, so obviously i’m looking for witch answers. I didn’t think i’d have to make that distinction but i’m not looking for mundane explanations.”
If you search for spiritual and magical meaning in regular things in your day-to-day life, you’re going to create a lot of chaos for yourself (and you’re to be making a lot of misinterpretations!!). here's an example of what i mean—
Let’s say you’re going for a walk through your neighborhood, and you see a crow. There’s a lot of folklore around counting crows, and the spiritual symbol of seeing 1 crow according to such folklore is one of bad luck, tragedy, and loss. But it is important to take into consideration any other regular reason for a crow to be seen! If your neighborhood has trees, it likely has a population of crows. Thus, seeing one crow is no reason to expect bad luck and tragedy in your life.
so when am I supposed to know if something’s a sign??
Generally speaking, it would be wise to consider the possibility of something as a sign when it is repeated and when your intuition is alerting you to the presence of the sign. For example—instead of just seeing one crow on a walk, you see one crow everywhere you go. Not just as the animal itself, but in other places/forms as well. Maybe you see someone with a shirt that has a crow on it, and then you overhear someone say “crow” to someone else in passing, and then you see a post on social media by an account with the word crow in it, etc, etc, etc. At this point, it’s clear something is going on. Your intuition will also likely be alerted by these appearances of crows and you’ll maybe have an instinctive feeling that something’s up. THIS is what you should look for in an actual sign. One may then go the extra mile and perform some form of divination or meditation to confirm if what they’re experiencing is a sign and further clarify the meaning of the sign.
but what’s so wrong with asking others what something could mean spiritually?
it’s great to communicate with different witches and learn from others, but one thing you need to keep in mind is this: if what you experienced was truly a sign of something—whether that’s an entity trying to communicate, a sign of something that had yet to happen, etc—then that sign was meant for you. Not online witches or anyone else—YOU. it would be wise to try interpreting a sign yourself. Ask your intuition, meditate on it, pull a few tarot cards or break out the pendulum, whatever you need to do to narrow down the meaning of what you’re experiencing. And again, you shouldn’t be doing this at any everyday occurrence. You should be doing this when it really feels necessary, and when it’s clear that something is up.
main takeaway
to clarify !! i’m not claiming that the lady’s experience with the egg wasn’t a sign, it’s just that the isolated incident of the egg isn’t enough to assume spiritual meaning. There’s a possibility she experienced other things that day, like a reoccurrence of the color red, seeing blood more than usual that day, having a reoccurring feeling of doom or nervousness, etc. In that situation the egg could absolutely be part of a spiritual sign of something. Even in this situation however, she would be wise to interpret this on her own. The sign was meant for her—that means her mind and her intuition. In this situation she’d likely interpret the sign best and most accurately if she did it herself without intervention from others who have different associations with eggs, the color red, blood, and whatever else she was encountering.
utilizing critical thinking, being smart about your craft, and learning to rely on yourself and your intuition are some of the best things you can do as a witch!! practicing witchcraft and connecting more deeply with the spiritual side of your life doesn’t mean you need to throw logic, science, and reason out the window—you’ll find that very often such things work in tandem with witchcraft! science is your friend yall
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chevelleneech · 2 months
It’s not that serious, many of us are just having fun…
idk why we have to be extra cautious when it comes to Jikook content when the fandom can have a blast whenever certain pairs interact and call namkook or Yoonmin or whoever else married over the smallest interaction and go crazy for hours on main but we have to write x amount of warnings and being reasonable and all
unpopular opinion maybe but having to constantly tiptoe around Jikook content to make sure I’m not misinterpreted just kills all the fun for me to the point i don’t even post about them on my account anymore
It’s shipping after all, it’s not that big of a deal, or is it? can’t we just have fun and go a bit crazy this time?
To you, anon, as well as @felixdoriga. I was writing my reply to Felixdoriga as this came in, so I’m adding it here for both. (I am in no way insinuating Felixdoriga is the same person as anon.)
The short answer. I’m not saying be cautious nor am I taking things overly literal. I’m just saying, be realistic now, so later, no one circles back and blames each other for being let down.
No amount of queerness between two active duty soldiers in a reality show being aired on Disney+, is going to break a “gay scale” more than anything we’ve already seen. And since we already know how Jimin and Jungkook can get, it is odd to me that someone would insinuate they’re even more gay within the first two episodes of their travel series.
Below is the long answer, since I like to explain myself as thoroughly as possible.
To Felixdoriga: I don’t think I’m looking too much into it, since I also read their thread that is pretty much nothing but insinuations that Jimin and JK are going extra wild with their interactions.
That said, in the post anon is messaging me about, I make a point of saying someone else’s excitement will not be the same as another’s. Meaning, I think it’s important for everyone to manage their expectations and not run to blame the tweeter if the hype doesn’t match up with what they were expecting based on the reaction thread. However, the reason I said what I said in my response, is because I do genuinely believe that acting as if they are giving an 11 out of 10 on the gay scale, is ridiculous and could stem from straight up lying or not viewing JM and JK as people outside the ship. Because every little interaction is not A Thing, it’s them being them.
Yes, that person may have a different numbering system from what I would consider an 11, but unless they live somewhere where queer interactions are extremely illegal and they have never seen Jikook interact with one another before, what could they possibly have done to break the scale? On a platform such as D+, whilst they are enlisted? The realistic answer is nothing, so why set that expectation when you know shipping fandoms can and do consist of many people who are unable to manage their own?
Why put that level of expectation out there at all, knowing people who hate JM and JK will take it and watch AYS in hopes of being able to “debunk” the thread, and claim it as you (the tweeter) lying to gain engagement clicks?
I understand the person was excited and presumably had a lot of fun watching the episodes, but I do think there were better ways to tweet about how much fun it looked like JM and JK were having, without putting themself in a no-win position if their 11 = sitting beside each other or constant hugging while playing a game. Because calling something an 11 on a scale from 1-10 is not just having a different numbering system. It’s making it clear something drastic happened, and without trying to rain on anyone’s parade, that to me is simply unlikely.
And to round out what the above anon is saying, I’m not suggesting anyone tip toe. I’m suggesting people don’t hype up what’s happening in their heads, based on a Twitter thread that is insinuating they were interacting in the utmost gay ways, to something more reasonable. Because that person is 100% going to be hit with hatred if the hype they built isn’t lived up to. And while Jikookers aren’t the rudest this fandom has seen by far, our subsection is not forever innocent of being hateful. There’s bad eggs here too, and people tend to lash out when they feel embarrassed.
We can be excited. We can hope to see them cuddling and giggling the entire time, because they are cute together and they do have fun together, but short of them being physically affectionate in the ways we have seen them before (ear suck and hickey) within the first two episodes, there is no reason to make people think that is what they’re going to see on the 8th.
I think that person could have tweeted with just as much enthusiasm without the exaggeration. Assuming it is, as I’m not saying they’re lying. I haven’t watched the show so I don’t know, but you all are super excited to see “breaking the gay scale” level of interactions, when all that person could mean is, “They constantly shared drinks.” Which couple’s absolutely do, but we’ve also seen all the members eat off the same fork plenty of times.
So no, don’t shut down your excitement, but be sure to manage it. They’re not going to do anything to break any metaphorical scale of gayness, no matter whose numbering system is being used.
I imagine they’re just going to be themselves as much as they can be, which for years has been sus enough. Again, we have seen them repeatedly choose each other for emotional and fun things. We’ve seen them flirt like hell in interviews and on live. We’ve seen JK suck on Jimin’s ear, in front of thousands of people. We’ve seen proof that Jimin put his mouth on Jungkook’s neck, until it left a mark. We’ve heard the other members teasing them about the things they say to and about each other, and more. So we have a perfectly good scale of our own to compare the series to already, and if nothing tops hickey or ear-in-mouth action or a live booty call in front of fans… there is no broken scale.
And me saying to manage expectations isn’t to say Jimin and JK will do less or that the show won’t be interesting. I’m just saying, we’ve seen a lot of questionable behavior from them, which is why insinuating they’ve done even crazier shit than what we’ve seen, doesn’t make sense.
So once again, I will absolutely eat my words if something wild and actually does happen, but realistically, knowing who JM and JK are and what they’ve done in the past… they would have to be extremely coupled up for me to think they broke any scale of gayness.
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inkofamethyst · 7 months
March 3, 2024
It's so weird to already know what instrument I'm going to learn next (and also to have purposefully selected a time to learn it). Like, I didn't know I was going to want to teach myself the saxophone in high school, it just kind of happened (though these days I do lowkey wish I had gone for alto rather than tenor (will not make the same mistake with the bass, will prob go for a short scale)). Same with the uke--I was just bored one summer. But knowing that the bass is coming up (but that I'll be waiting over a year for it still (not a bad thing, as I'll be able to use this summer to learn more about my community at large)) makes me a bit antsy to just start playing. I'll be listening to music and will have to make a mental note of a cool baseline I'd like to learn (the "Life Will Change" bridge !!!!!!!!! (though I'll prob have to learn something like "Mask" from P5 before that if I want to play while singing (supposedly notoriously difficult on bass which is lovely)--slower, more repetitive)) but like, that's over a year away. I mean the wait gives me time to save and plan, sure, but I also just want to play something sometimes.
Speaking of planning, when I get to that fateful day next May of picking a bass (not sure if I want to go the cheap route and grab something used online or the Main Character route and have some hot guy in a guitar shop help me pick one out based on his expertise and then offer to give me lessons and then we fall in love (can you tell that Hadestown has pushed the dial right back over to R??) (though the guitar shop plan makes more sense for my first one (of one? of many? who knows) since I don't know any bassists and I don't know what I'm doing (yet))), I'm also going to have to decide whether I want to go for lessons. Honestly? I'm considering it. I know my whole deal is like "hur hur hur im a self taught multi-instrumentalist" (!!!! I'm a multi-instrumentalist !!!!!) but also if I can't find good videos on/am unsure about technique, might as well talk to a professional.
God I'm so excited to learn that instrument. Can you tell?
Speaking of saving, one thing about my savings goals notion page is that I wish it was more.. dynamic. In that, sometimes I save extra towards a goal one month, and it'd be nice if the suggested monthly savings amount went down to reflect the new minimum needed to reach that goal by the desired date. Or alternatively, change the end date based on the amount saved if the minimum payment stayed the same. I don't know how to code either of those, but they'd be a nice touch.
Though, kind of on a similar note, saving so aggressively in January and February has meant that, after typical spending habits, I've been left with basically nothing at the end of the month lol. Everything else taken into account, I've got ~$200 for random discretionary purchases monthly. That's been perfectly fine (aka just enough) but it also feels a little tight? Idk. I suppose I can rationalize it by the fact that it will keep me from overspending and will allow me to reach other goals quicker but it still feels like I'm livin paycheck to paycheck hehe. But this will only last as long as my ultra-aggressive saving strats do, so for about another year, then I start letting up (if all goes to plan).
Also, went ahead and did the per-day calculations because I've always heard that it's cheaper to make your own food than to buy it, and I am actually saving so much by making my own meals every day*. Like, so much. Now, at my uni, getting breakfast or lunch a la carte isn't terribly expensive, but it certainly can and likely would add up.
*Granted, I do benefit from the occasional free lunch or dinner.
Can you tell I'm rationalizing anxiety with over-strategizing? I truly do not make enough money to be so focused (rationalization: start good habits early). The moneydiaries subreddit has fried my brain I think.
Thinking about putting on some fake tattoos at the end of spring break. Partly because they make me immensely, unreasonably happy, partly because I'm curious if anyone would ask about them hehe. The last time I did a full sleeve and met up with some friends (years ago) they were a lil shook.
Today I'm thankful for.. a lazy weekend. And nighttime rain storms.
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ninjakk · 1 year
I don’t know your opinion on bottom lwj (maybe you like it or have no problem with it) I personally hate it with a burning passion, not even from fetishized point of view. But because it literally goes against how the character is in canon. Regardless, I usually just block that tag in ao3, but now i come back to tumblr after not logging in like almost a year and one of the first things i see is a freaking fan art of JC supposedly doing LWJ (is not shown explicitly) and WWX looking and being supportive and i just wanted to throw up. Literally felt like someone hit me with a pokemon psychic attack, i of course blocked the account and the bottom lwj tag here (something I didn’t even think i had to do) but i still can’t erase that image out of my brain so i had to rant to someone. Since you seem like someone really nice and you’re always amazing when answering asks here i am. If this ask makes you uncomfortable please feel completely free to delete it and forget it.
Hello Anon!
Aww, well thank you 😙 that's very sweet of you to say.
So firstly, before I tell you my opinion - I actually know the image you are referring to and I did the exact same thing when the post assaulted my eyes. I mean, everyone has their ships but come on! WX and JC?! No thanks.
As for your question, I have no majorly strong opinion on bottomji. I have read a few fanfics that have worked out alright. Mostly YLLZ era WWX meets extremely horny and willing 'self-sacrificing' virgin LWJ 'taking one for the team' - which were quite funny. But overall I do find it a little strange, because by making LWJ 'bottomji' people tend to make WX somewhat out of character one way or the other.
The reason I do not have a particularly strong opinion on LWJ being the bottom, is because it's kind of implied in the extras that they may well have done such things during their very active and passionate sex life already.
Seeing that he’d nearly hit his limit, Wei Wuxian laughed heartily and kissed his lips. “Er-gege, what haven’t we done? Why are you still so shy?”
7S translations - From Dawn Till Dusk extra
To me, the above certainly implies they've done a lot more than we have witnessed and switching would certainly come into that.
Also, I actually think LWJ would do anything for WWX, if he should ask. Including switching things up every now and then if his dear husband wished.
Overall, I don't think LWJ switching positions on occasion is necessarily out of character, if done properly and the fanfic authors stay true to how the characters actually are and would react during such acts. For example, LWJ still being the more dominant one out of the pair. Just because he's bottoming doesn't mean he's suddenly going to be submissive.
That being said, the image you and I saw is of course just completely out of character! JC is homophobic for a start! It just wouldn't happen. Ever. Even if JC was interested in some strange alternative universe. WX just wouldn't! I'm also convinced that WX would not want to, nor be willing to engage in sex with anyone else, even a threesome or some voyeuristic partner swap - or whatever the hell that image was?!
Wangxian are too wrapped up in each other, too completely obsessed with each other for anything else. Not to mention LWJ would drink so much vinegar he would pickle! And I don't think WWX would fare much better, LWJ is his and I don't think he'd be willing to share either!
I can understand why you might find it a bit odd seeing the roles switched around, but I do think it's something that could possibly be an occasional occurrence in canon because of the lines I mentioned above. Though I do love their dynamic in the novel and that is definitely what I prefer. Overall, we all have different preferences and opinions I guess ☺️
Finally, my dear anon...please go and read your favourite fanfic or browse through some gorgeous Wangxian art to cleanse yourself of the image which assaulted your senses. It's what I did and I feel much better now lol!
Hope you have a lovely day 🥰
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sourcreammachine · 1 month
anyway. while i were ailing with covid i ran the uk election results under proportional representation
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i did single transferable vote with a form of automatic AMS on top, and the results are kinda eerily precise to a party’s share of the national vote
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eerily similar numbers
but anyway, i used existing constituencies (bc that’s the easiest way of getting data and of doing it, so that’s why the map looks kinda ugly, it’s not bespoke) and grouped them together in groups of eight. i chose eight because wales’ total number of constituencies is a multiple of eight, and scotland only has one too many and england only has one too few. simple as. northern ireland gets three groups of six instead. proportional representation is so cool because if this were an fptp map, NI would be hilariously gerrymandered in favour of unionists, with nationalists packed in the west and cracked out of belfast. i had no real choice with belfast, every seat that surrounds the city proper is very orange. but it’s okay, because it all ends up proportional in the end
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the constituencies on britain are in groups of eight, but each constituency sends only six members. the other two, one quarter of all members, pool upwards towards the regional AMS. i dealt with the extra member in scotland by making the Highland constituency span nine seats instead of eight (still sending six members), with scotland getting a bonus AMS member, and i dealt with the one-too-few members in england by making its least populous constituency, the unimaginatively named ‘Wightland’ (i couldn’t think of anything else), span seven seats and send five members. i could’ve solved this by having england annex berwickshire or something but that’s a horrible idea so no
it was actually kinda annoying to make them all groups of eight that made any sense. so that’s my excuse for any inexplicable decision, it has to be weird bc any other decision would’ve only made it weirder. this basically meant i couldn’t really edit it after a while without cascading consequences
so yes. 82 constituencies total. six (or five) members sent via the droop system, with no mandatory threshold. typically the first four or five candidates are elected in the first round, and only the sixth or fifth being assigned by transferring votes around
i didn’t use any data for what voters’ second preferences would be. i totally fudged it. sue me
the AMS-style seats are filled using the exact same ballot. their purpose is to restore the election to proportionality based on first-preferences, after the vote transfers may have caused the delegation to drift slightly from strict proportionality. all the votes are collected and we begin again from the top like nothing happened, then the parties that won STV seats are punished, being deducted the droop formula (for both STV and AMS seats) for every STV seat it won. if a party won STV seats on the basis of vote transfers this may cause its vote tally to reach all the way to zero and get them eliminated — such are the consequences for being overrepresented. now, of the remaining vote tallies, and only of the remaining vote tallies, a HARE tally is calculated and the single transferable election is run. these AMS seats are hare rather than droop, which has harsher tally deductions when a party wins a seat (being biased in favour of any nominally smaller party), because, as these seats only account for a quarter of all seats, and its a supplementary suite of members deliberately designed to be secondary to the STV members, i think its okay and fun to allow the smaller representation leeway in these seats. NI is the exception — its six-constituency seats send four STV members and two AMS members, up from a quarter to a third of all members. this, combined with the fact that it’s northern ireland, makes strict accuracy much more important, which is why NI’s AMS members remain droop rather than hare
using only one ballot, there’re two ways how the specific members elected on AMS could be assigned. either the parties could place all their regional candidates on a regional MegaList, or it could simply be a mathematical system where that party’s candidate that was carrying the most votes when they were eliminated gets elected. i prefer the latter myself
but anyway the results
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the story of the night (in terms of voteshare) was the total barnstorm of the independent socialists. they’re now forming a party together, name pending. for this election in retrospect i grouped them all together as an electoral force, working title New Socialists. i defined an independent candidate in this group if they were: 1) on the Transform Party’s Official Left List, 2) endorsed by the DiEM, 3) endorsed by various other organisations such as The Muslim Vote, or 4) stood for peace and socialism against the WPB. altogether this bloc gets nine seats in this model, up from five irl. adam, khan and corbyn win their stv races while hussain and iqbal get through on ams. the four new members are leanne mohamad who fell ~500 votes short of defeating w*s streeting, ajmal masroor who fell ~1600 votes short of winning bethnal green, and faiza shaheen who successfully spoiled the election against the starmerite party when they deselected her, all three of whom are elected via stv, and azhar chohan of slough being elected on ams with the momentum of candidates from across the region
there are also four seats for the WPB, including for g*lloway himself, disgraced be his name. but they had plenty of candidates everywhere, meaning they did get the proportional votes
so the final results were
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labour getting a cup more than half of the seats it got under fptp
this is of course with ‘first preferences’ not actually being people’s first preferences. under a transfer system people’s behaviour would change to be more likely to put the less-safe candidate first, with the stv seats going to agreeable candidates resulting from that and the ams seats returning representation to the little weirdos
with 323 for a majority labour would be 99 off. a labour-liberal minority coalition would sail 21 under, which could give the government a few wins on some things. probably el classico under this system would be traffic lights on 344, if it could hold
but anyway that’s what i’ve been up to while my nerves have been trying to escape my body wbu
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veryfandomobsessed · 2 months
Finally, a blog introduction!
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About Me!
Hi! You can call me DJ or VFO! I am a minor, older than 4 of course so please stay aware of that. The only Socials I have are just a Tumblr and a Discord. But if I ever do get more I will add it here! I love all types of animation, mostly cartoons and stuff but I will probably have a main focus on a show but that doesn't mean I don't still love the others. Something that I will also do is draw my persona, usually in response to an ask but it represents basically my reaction to things, and yes sometimes I will be lazy and not draw the glasses and sometimes I will so interpret it how you wanna. I am definitely a big music freak so if you wanna suggest anything I'm all ears! I am Latina but I do not know Spanish despite me taking it for 5+ years but currently I've been learning Japanese. I also love plenty of stuff in the ocean and anything that's ancient lookin. I'm pretty laid back but somehow also hyper and I could yap about a character or something specific for hours, but I can hold back. I can't really think of anything else to say about myself so..
About the blog!
I started this blog about 2 years ago and it has been quite the journey from where I started to where I am now, with posting nothing to actually starting to serve up the art that I brew up. This is quite a multi-fandom Art Blog that might focus more on one thing more than others so just a heads up. Enjoy your time here and request stuff when my requests are open! If my ask box says requests closed, it doesn't mean you can't ask me questions. Spam liking is fine, don't worry if your doing to much, it's silly to see!!! Maybe sometime in the future I might make another blog for whatever, specific art, an ask blog, anything along those lines, there will also be occasional reblogs from some of my folk, not folk, and chains.This account is SFW!!
My Art!
Noticeably I put "VFO" on all my pieces of art that I post, if any of it gets reposted or taken without credit please let me know! I work hard on some of the art I do. Adding to the requests things I am busy and don't always have the time or energy to draw them, so if I have time and energy to I will do them! I also might do commissions sooner or later when I figure out a good way to do it. I do both traditional and digital, I mainly use my finger on my phone to draw but I'm trying to do stuff more on a tablet and such! Everyday I'm doing more to improve my art and try to learn as much as I can. My art style ranges a lot but I do try and keep it consistent. sometimes it can look like an entirely different person drew it but whether I draw something cutesy one day and something intense the next day I swear it's still me,I'm just trying to find what style or thingy I'm more used to. Only occasionally there will be blood and stuff included in my art but I will always but a TW to make sure people have a heads up. I also typically use more lighter colors for my drawings but sometimes I will change it so the lines are harsher (ex: black instead of the usual brown I use). You are free to ask me for tips and tricks or questions you have about my art because I love helping and giving some creative ideas!
Thats it!
I hope you have a wonderful Day or Night wherever you may be! Or mid day! Or evening! Military time hour your at!!!
Extra info below:
If there is more info I can think about, I will add it in my next edit, this was made 7/31/24.
To be able to contact my discord, you would have to be somebody who I've interacted with before and I know you're safe to chat with. you can send me your tag in asks WITHOUT being anonymous or in the Tumblr chat so it is clear and confirmed. it is completely my choice if I decide to add you or not.
Recent Edit: none
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thesoulbox · 10 months
Whoop!! Hello!! This is just some basic info about me and the such, as well as some other things I'd like you to know!! If you have any questions feel free to ask!
Name: Maple/Reese/Sol
Pronouns: She/He/They
Writing / Drawing / Animating / Painting / Reading / Roleplaying / Gaming
FNAF / TWD (Game + Show) / Warrior Cats / The Office / TLOU / DBH / Adventure Time + Fionna And Cake / TOH / Amphibia
As of recent I have been incredibly hyperfixated on The Office and FNAF (specifically Security Breach)
How long have you been on Tumblr?: I've literally never used it before but I've had an account for a little while for reading stories and such, I honestly have no clue what I'm doing :)
What are your socials?: I have a YouTube, an Instagram, and an AO3 account! I also have Discord but I'd rather keep that personal! Here are some links below!
Are writing requests open? Yes yes yes!! I'm thinking of making a fnaf sb oneshot book, so feel free to send in story prompts! (Extra points if its a Gregory and Freddy duo prompt or something with Gregory, Cassidy, or C.C ^^)
Is the art on your account yours?/May I use your art? All art on this account is mine unless stated otherwise! If you would like to use my art/catified designs that's fine! Just please provide credit!!
Will you do requests for other fandoms? I don't mind doing requests or prompts for different fandoms in my fandoms list! Just please note that I most likely will take longer on them due to my own inability to stay focused on something that I'm not hyperfixated on!!
What are your boundaries? I will not tolerate any kind of nsfw content nor will I create anything of the sort, I am willing to write graphic content (violence-wise) and I don't mind writing darker topics, just please do not take requests too far. Constructive criticism is allowed, just please be gentle!!
As for my personal boundaries, please do not pester me over requests or story updates, I get demotivated really easily and being harrassed doesn't help matters any. I'd prefer it if you used tone tags whilst talking to me, I struggle with tone in text!! My anxiety is a menace and I tend to freak out and panic over simple topics like, discussions of heart issues, discussions about death, pet loss, etc. If a conversation is becoming too much I will let you know, all I ask is that you respect my boundaries 😭(also please do not bring up nsfw shizbiz in my messages, it's just yuck.)
Do you accept questions/ideas? Yes of course!! Feel free to send it in the ask thingy or in my messages!!
Do you have OCs? SLAPS DOWN A BIG ASS BOOK OF TRAUMATIZED CHILDREN. You called? I'll occasionally post art of them, so keep a lookout for that! I'm also willing to answer questions about them as well! :)
How long have you been writing fanfiction? I've technically been writing fanfics since I was 10?? But they were self inserts and they were really bad, I used to write x readers when I was 11-12 but I eventually stopped writing fanfics to write my own stories. I'm just now starting up again on AO3 after a 3 and a half year break!
Are there any certain requests you want? Anything FNAF SB related would be an absolute godsend. like I said before, I am absolutely stuck on it LMAO
Will you share stories/headcanons/art here? I will be sharing my stories on ao3 here, as well as some little character headcanons I have! Along with some catified refs of them because I can't draw a human for the life of me. I will also be sharing oc art and animations here but don't expect too much of that LMAO
But uhh I believe that's all! I can't think of anything else but if you have any other questions, just message me! Dont make it personal though or I'll hit your kneecaps with a shovel!! I can't wait to learn more about you all, have a lovely day! <3
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