#i mean i am slightly annoyed at the people with filled beer cups in the mosh pit
shout out to the people at the concert that saw my small and easy-to-knock-over ass at the (edge of the) mosh pit and kinda watched out for me by shoving away the two or three people that danced ruthlessly away from me before they could knock me over they are literally the best
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btsxmalereaders · 4 years
Truth Or Dare.
Pairing: Bang Chan x Male Reader.
Warnings: None.
Requested ☆
Word Count: 1,7k
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There are colorful lights making the room look like a chaos, and your body is slightly covered in sweat from the nonstop dancing the entire night. An almost full red cup on your hand gave sense to your wasted image, although  you didn't even feel tipsy at all, not even slightly dizzy since you just started drinking your first beer, but the atmosphere surrounding you made it feel as if everyone at the party has lost their heads.
A popular song is playing out loud, the screams are not long in coming when Jisung, who started drinking long ago, speaks into the microphone to hype you all even more. It's not a big party, but you're all having a lot of fun celebrating Han's birthday, -hence why he's the most drunk tonight-, and it's even more safe and fun to be around with people you really trusted.
Felix is dancing with you with a huge smile on his face and often making fun of you since dancing wasn't exactly your forte, imitating your awkward jumps and hip movements, but you're too happy to even care of how ridiculous you could look.
"Wait! Wait-" Jisung speaks into the microphone,  grabbing everyone's attention immediately. "Guys, I am so glad you all are h-here. But I'm tired of danciiiinnnng"
You snort before taking a huge sip of your beverage and look around, noticing Minho is still at the bar his house had, denying with his head and looking with incredibility at the birthday boy, Jeongin and Chris were dancing near you too, almost lost in between the people, Hyunjin was talking to a friend on the couch while Changbin and Seungmin were filling their cups with vodka.
"Why don't we spice things up?" Jisung laughs and drops the mic. The music goes up again, which makes him roll his eyes and walk to you, grabbing your hands and looking at you with pleading and glazed eyes. "Why don't we play d-drunk or dare, hyung?" He hiccups.
You let out a breathy laugh. "You mean truth or dare?"
"It's the same thing!" Jisung shrugs. "C'mooon! This is gonna be reeaally fun."
You look at Felix, who simply smiles at you and nods. "Alright, alright. Gather the boys and whoever wants to play."
Jisung smiles and gives you a tight hug before walking towards Minho to grab a bottle from the bar and convince him to play.
"Truth or dare, huh? You're finally confessing to Chris?"
"Shut up, Lix." You squint, slightly hitting his shoulder.
"What? It's about time, you know? You've been drooling over him for years now and it's honestly giving me headaches."
"You're annoying."
"So are you two, being incredibly obvious about your feelings, yet so damn oblivious."
"Ugh, whatever," You murmur, taking the last sip of the drink and heavy sighing. "Never gonna happen. I'm destined to be single forever."
"God, I swear you're the worst." He chuckles and pats your back as he sees his friends walking to the almost empty kitchen. "Come on, let's go to the kitchen."
A few other friends decided to join you and decided to make things even more hard by setting a new rule in which if the person didn't fulfilled the dare, they had to take two shots of that bottle of vodka Hyunjin brought -which you despised.
With everyone surrounding the small table, some of them exchanging places and giving each other compliance looks, the game started. Hyunjin right in front of you, to which he immediately exchanged his place with Chris after he murmured something to his ear and a dangerous smirk directed towards you, wich made you tremble -and you wanted to excuse with the alcohol kicking in.
Jisung was the first one to spin the bottle and chose truth which was pretty easy since he only had to read out loud the last text he sent. Seungmin had to show the most embarrassing picture he had on his phone and Changbin told with detail how his worst date went. The game was pretty relaxed, although there were some lewd questions which made everyone either laugh or scream at the confessions made. You answered some questions and fulfilled the dares even though most of them were embarrassing or dumb; although that was better than drinking.
On a new round, Chris spinned the bottle and landed on you. Your cheeks immediately turned red, and for once you felt relieved that the lights couldn't let anyone see how nervous you were feeling. Felix, next to you, hit you with his elbow and that made you sigh.
"Good, okay," Chris laughs, his eyes fixed on you. It was as he knew how nervous you were feeling and he knew you would tremble under his gaze. "So, Y/N, truth or dare?"
Knowing him, if you chose dare he'd definitely say something you wouldn't want to do; after all he's your best friend and knows you like the back of his hand, so you squint your eyes and pick: "Truth."
His smile becomes bigger as you pronounce that word. Was this his plan all this time?
"Do you want to kiss me?"
There's not even a hint of hesitation on his voice, which caught you off guard. Gasps can be heard over the music and you swear his eyes could look into your soul.
"Dare." You say with a sigh, but that doesn't change his expression. Instead, he leans over the table and murmurs:
"Okay, then I dare you to kiss me."
By this point you swear every fiber of your body was shaking under his gaze. The side smile he's giving to you is making you blush, and before you can even react, he's already reaching the bottle of vodka, which is half empty, now.
"Or, you know, you can just drink." He murmurs as he pours the first shot on a small glass.
"Fine." You say, making everyone cheer. Chris arches his eyebrow and nods.
You roll your eyes at his arrogance. "Yeah, whatever."
Your body also bends over the table, so your face is a few centimeters away from his. His fresh breath hitting your face and making you feel over cloud nine. Everyone's suddenly chanting "Kiss, kiss!" repeatedly, so you sigh, closing your eyes and tilting your head as Chris gets closer and closer.
Just when you can feel his lips barely touching yours he stops, "You know, you are the one that has to do it."
One last small movement from you is enough to finally kiss him. His soft lips moving over yours, that velvety feeling that makes you feel like you're floating. Your eyes are shut, and little by little you stop listening to the noise everyone's making, so the only sense you're focused on is on the touch. Chris hands are now on your chin and back head, making the kiss deep, and after a few seconds of standing on that position, you decide to slightly open your mouth to deepen even more, moving over his pink lips that also part, now tongues meeting in between.
It's messy but intense, and really good for your liking. So damn good you swear you're seeing fireworks under your eyelids. A few seconds later you break the kiss, noticing you spent a good amount of time kissing that now everyone is watching you, perplexed.
No one says a word for a moment, until Minho clears his throat and asks who's next.
Meanwhile your eyes are fixed on your best friend, who's looking so good. His lips reddish and shiny from the intensity of the kiss you just shared. His chest going up and down as he tries to catch his breath.
You feel so dizzy that decide to walk away to the bathroom. Everyone's focused on the game that no one tries to stop you, although you hear someone's steps behind you and a voice asking you to wait up.
"Hey, Y/N, wait," Chris follows you through the halls of Minho's house as you get to the second floor. In front of a room you stop to face him.
"Uh, I-" He murmurs, feeling nervous. "Uhm,  I'm sorry- I mean. I probably shouldn't have pushed you like that."
You chuckle, denying with your head as you see him blush.
"Seriously?" You ask. "Channie, do you really think I didn't want to do it?"
"So you now admit you wanted to kiss me?" He grins, to which you roll your eyes.
"I hate you."
"I don't believe that after that kiss."
"Ugh, you're insufferable. What are we doing with that ego of yours?" You say, getting closer and taking the chance to bop his nose.
"So..." He arches his eyebrow again. "I just want to hear it from you. For real. You didn't do it just because of the dare, did you?"
There's a certain tone on his voice that makes him sound insecure; as if he didn't know if he wanted to hear the answer for that question.
You smile, "Chris, I know you know the answer to that."
"Do I? I just want to make sure."
Without hesitation you decide to close the distance between you two and pull him on a kiss; a softer one. This time your bodies fit perfectly, one of his hands tight on your waist and another one holding your back, as if he didn't want to let you go, while both your hands are over his shoulders.
Just when you start to feel heated again, a voice in the distance makes you separate.
"Get a room," Minho says as he walks past you to the bathroom. "BUT NOT MY ROOM!"
You both chuckle at that, and still holding each other you stare into each other's eyes.
"Was that enough confirmation for you?" You joke.
"I guess, yeah." He laughs and places another kiss on your forehead. "God, finally. I really thought we would never come to this moment. We were really stubborn, weren't we?"
"Yeah," You smile. "But I'm glad it turned this way."
For the rest of the night you both exchange more kisses and hugs, and when the party comes to an end, a still drunk Jisung winks his eye to you, "I'm like cupid. I'm such a genius, I was tired of you just being soooo oblivious and stubborn." He murmurs before falling between Minho's arms and pass out from the tiredness and alcohol flooding on his system.
Felix comes to you, patting your back and chuckling. "See? It was about time."
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taehyungs-perm · 4 years
midnight love - ch. 1
collab with @jimins-filter
jimin x reader; superhero au; childhood best friends to lovers au; ceo, billionaire philanthropist, playboy!jimin
genre: angst; lowkey funny; eventual smut
summary: playboy park jimin comes back to seoul city after disappearing for six years; too much has changed, especially you. living out your nights as nyx, seoul city’s dark knight, is a secret you’ve kept for as long as jimin’s disappeared. but what happens when a new hero named eros comes into town just as park jimin shows up at your front door…
word count: 5k
chapter 2
You stared at the main headline on the trending page of Twitter, clutching a cup of iced coffee, desperately trying not to crush the plastic cup as you sat on your bed. You didn’t know if you should feel relieved or annoyed that Jimin was back in Seoul. You clicked on the headline and your phone was immediately filled with pictures and videos of strippers, people doing lines of coke, and a wealthy array of booze.
Of course Jimin did this. It was so on brand of him: to go missing for six years and then show up unannounced and throw a giant, extravagant party (at his newly purchased penthouse in downtown Seoul, of course). In the most simplest terms, you were pissed. Even after all these years, you had held out some hope that when he came back the first thing he would do is come see you or call you. But nothing. No text, no call, hell not even a letter. You scoffed at your naivety. You clearly didn’t matter to him.
You rubbed your head in annoyance and threw your phone on the bed, trying to expel any thought of Park Jimin and focus on the case you had pulled up on your laptop. You’ve been working at it for a week now and any and all concentration you had mustered while drinking your 7th cup of coffee went down the drain when you heard a sharp ring from your phone. You picked it up from where you threw it on your bed, the phone screen illuminating your face in the dim light of your room. It was an unknown number. You hesitated for a second. It could be a work-related call, you realize, quickly picking up the call.
“Hello?” you answered, skeptical.
What the fuck? How did he get your number? Your mind was racing with thoughts, thoughts that you had long since repressed ever since he left without a word. When you didn’t respond, he repeated your name again. His voice was as silky and calming as it was last time you heard it six years ago.
“Jimin?” you whispered, scared that this was all an illusion, that his voice would just suddenly disappear. 
As much as you wanted to be mad at him, you couldn’t. You really couldn't. He was your kryptonite. From covering for him when he skipped detention to writing his college essays, you would do anything for him. Well, you used to. That was a different time, a different you. Back then, you knew you could depend on Jimin like he depended on you. But that was before he broke your heart and your trust.
“______” he said giggly. He was drunk. Why are you not surprised?
A surge of annoyance went through you.
“Back from the dead?” you asked, dryly
“It sure feels like hell since you're not here. Why didn’t you come?” he whined.
“Where? To the brothel you call a home?” You let out a shaky laugh of disbelief. “ I had work,  Jimin. In case you’ve forgotten, some of us actually have a job.”
“I missed you.” he said in a feather light tone, sending shivers down your spine.
You wanted to believe him, every ounce of your being wanted to believe he meant those words. But you knew Jimin. He was irresponsible, he was a playboy, he was reckless, and most of all, he was a liar.
“Jimin, what do you want?”  you said exasperated.
“I want you. Can you please come over? I just wanna see you. That’s all I want. I don’t want this party and I don’t want anyone in my house except you.”
God, he can spew some bullshit. “I have to work Jimin. I can't come over. I have shit to do” you said coldly.
“Please? I know fucked up ______ I know I did. And I’m sorry. I'm trying to make things right. With us.”
And just like that you were 18 again, falling for his words and his empty promises.
“Jimin..” you said trailing off, unsure of what to do. You offhandedly glanced at your clock, it read 1:25 am. It wasn’t that late. You normally didn’t go to sleep until 3:00 am anyways.
“My driver’s already at your house” he said quickly.
“Fine. But I’m only staying for 20 minutes. Then your driver is going to take me straight back home. Got it?”
“Got it, darling.”
You glanced in the mirror. You were wearing grey sweatpants with an unzipped grey hoodie, revealing your white Calvin Klein bra. Your hair was falling out of the braid you had put it in a few hours ago, with a few strands covering your eyes. You were tempted for a moment to change, maybe wash your face, but then the familiar surge of annoyance came back. You were there to hear whatever bullshit excuse Jimin had, nothing else, nothing more; it didn't matter what you looked like, the last person on earth you had to impress was Jimin.
You slipped on some slides and walked out of your apartment, spotting the black Mercedes on your driveway. You felt a gust of brisk air hit you as you slid into the backseat of the car.
“Ms. ______?” the driver called from the front seat, his eyes meeting yours through the rearview mirror.
“Yes?” you said, shivering from the cold.
“Mr. Park insisted I come here to pick you up, if that’s alright?”
“It’s fine. But this is a short visit. I won't be staying there long.”
The driver nodded and reversed onto the main road. The drive was short. You had just about scrolled through some emails before the driver had parked the car in front of a large black tower. The driver got out of the front seat and opened your door. You stepped out, suddenly feeling very under dressed. He escorted you to the front desk where he whispered something to the concierge.
“He will be taking you up to Mr. Park’s penthouse,” the driver said, presenting the concierge. “I will be waiting out front for whenever you would like to be taken home.”
You nodded and thanked the driver, and then followed the concierge to the last elevator on the right of the lobby. You stepped in and watched as he swiped a card and tapped a few numbers on the keypad of the elevator. High security, you thought.
You watched the number on the screen inside the elevator go from 1 to 69 in a matter of seconds. The doors swiftly opened leading straight into the living room. Your mouth gaped open at the sight. There were girls stumbling around in their stiletto heels drunk, wine glasses and beer cans scattered on the floors, a bra hanging from the chandelier, and too many naked people. You looked back at the concierge who seemed unfazed by the animalistic sight,  standing in the elevator only for a moment before the doors closed behind you.
You carefully made your way through the mess when you heard a familiar voice, “Please put on some clothes mister. There are designated drivers who will take you directly to your residence.”
You whipped your head and saw a completely distraught Namjoon with his hands covering his eyes, talking to a completely naked man.
“Namjoon?” You said incredulously.  It had been a couple of years at least since you last saw him.
“______!” he said, immediately breaking into his familiar dimpled smile. He pulled you in a small hug. “It’s been too long! What are you doing here?”
“Um..Jimin asked me to come.” You admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Oh..” Namjoon knew your history with Jimin, the long complicated story of nothing. “He’s in his bedroom,” Namjoon said, pointing down the long hallway to the left.
You started to make your way to his room but as you walked, the old feelings of butterflies started to creep up. God, stop it. Literally look at this. He’s an idiot, a fuckboy, a full on hot mess. You don’t need this. You don’t need him.
His bedroom door was cracked slightly open, revealing a soft stream of moonlight trailing into the hallway. You pushed the heavy door open as you exhaled all your stupid worries. The room was quiet but you noticed some strewn pieces of clothing on the floor here and there. You saw a corner of the black framed bed but it was covered by large frosted glass panels. You walked over to his bed and saw the one and only Park Jimin. He laid there, his arm covering his eyes and his brown hair all messed up.. He wore a simple dress pant and shirt, the top buttons unbuttoned. His shirt was slightly raised, revealing his defined V line.
“You have a wine stain on your shirt.” you said bluntly, wanting to point out the imperfections on the oh so perfect Park Jimin.
Jimin smirked, lifting his arm from over his eyes. He looked at you lazily, his eyes slowly raking up and down your body.  
“Nice to see you too beautiful,” he said sleepily.
“I’m here, Jimin,” you sighed, crossing your arms. You shifted to the side, looking at him exasperatedly. “What do you want?””
“Just wanted to see you,” He mumbled, tucking the escaped strands of hair behind your ear. Jimin leaned forward, balancing on his elbows, and whispered in your ear, “I missed you.”
You fought back a blush and pulled away. “No shit, you’ve been gone for 6 years.”
“I didn’t mean to be gone for that long, it just happened.”
“You could’ve called or texted.”
“It’s complicated.”
“Everything’s always complicated with you, Jimin,”
“C’mon darling, I’m here now,” Jimin said sweetly, trying to reel you back.
“You didn’t even fucking call me when you came into town. I found out through twitter!”
“Well, I called you now,” Jimin teased, sitting up on the bed, about to grab your arm.
You softly shook your head before walking towards his sleek black dresser and pulling out a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt.
“You should change,” you said, throwing the clothes at Jimin who caught them with ease. You turned around, your back toward him to give him some privacy. You faced the floor to ceiling windows that took up one part of his room, overlooking downtown Seoul. The lights of the city twinkled with wonder and the cool gray fog covered it with secrets.
You suddenly felt a body press against your back. Jimin’s arms wrapped around your waist and he leaned his head in the crook of your shoulder. You wanted nothing more than to just melt into his arms and forget about everything. But that could never happen. You turned around, trying to get him away from you before you did something stupid like kiss him. God, you couldn’t think around him.
Jimin obediently pulled away, stepping back so that the two of you were now facing each other. You saw that Jimin decided to forego a shirt, allowing you to get a better view of his sculpted abs. Your eyes immediately caught his tattoo that definitely was not there before: NEVERMIND written in all caps in a scraggly font. There were various scars littering his chest, some of them even looked fresh. What in the hell was he doing in the time that he was gone?
His voice came out genuine but you could hear a tinge of desperation that you hadn’t recognized before, “I meant it, you know?”
“Jimin,” you sighed. You looked up to meet his brown eyes. He looked at you anxiously, craving your forgiveness. “I don’t think you missed me. I think you missed your life.”
“I’m being serious ______. I really fucking miss you. I thought about you everyday,” he continued, trying to convince you.  
“Maybe I would believe you, but there’s four naked girls in your living room right now. Your actions beg to differ.” You grabbed your phone that you left on his dresser and walked to the entrance of his room . Just as you were about to close the door, you turned around to look at him. “You haven’t changed one bit, Park Jimin.”
You slipped off your slides as you re-entered your apartment, the sound of silence overwhelming you. Everything about him was running through your mind as you laid down on your bed, trying to process what had just happened. The scars on his body, the tattoos, his eyes: it was everything about him changed but nothing really had. He still had the same charming smile and idiotic behavior. You tried to close your eyes and finally get some sleep but you were still unsettled from the whole interaction with Jimin. Deciding operation sleep was a no go, you got up from your soft pillows and stretched your body. You knew only one thing would put all of this nervous energy to use: patrolling the city. 
You stepped into your closet and pulled out your suit: black cargo pants with a fitted athletic black tank top tucked in. Underneath your top, you wore a sleeveless blue turtleneck which doubled as a mask. You felt yourself fall into the familiar routine of suiting up, lacing up your boots and pulling your hair into a ponytail. You remember being so nervous the first few times you went patrolling, whether it was for your life or fear of failure, you can’t be sure. But now, you felt calm and relaxed. Even though you could never guess what new dangers would emerge from the depths of the city, you knew the citizens of Seoul could always rely on you. And at the end of the day, that’s what made you truly happy: helping others. It’s why you became a lawyer and it’s also why you donned the identity of Nyx.
Dipping your fingers in a pot of black face paint, you drew a crescent moon facing up on your forehead. You quickly put on your black gloves and pulled up the blue neck of your shirt so it covered your mouth and nose.  You stared at yourself in the mirror and didn’t recognize yourself; you only saw the beloved dark knight of Seoul city: Nyx. Grabbing your two daggers that were sheathed in black leather, you climbed out of your bedroom window. The only benefit of living in an apartment without a balcony was that right next to your window was the fire escape stairs, leading directly to the roof of your building. 
You peered down at Seoul, not seeing the beauty you had just seen from Jimin’s penthouse window, but rather witnessing the darkness and destruction that was slowly consuming the city. Your thoughts were interrupted when you saw the distinct crescent moon symbol that was flipped to form a “U" flash into the dark sky, the symbol of Nyx. It was coming from the Seoul City Police Department and you knew exactly who had signaled it.
You grabbed the nylon rope tucked into your pocket and pulled out a small metal tin. You clicked a button on the side of the tin, transforming it into a grappling hook. After securing the hook on the roof ledge, you rappelled down the building, safely landing on the ground. Tucking the rope and hook into your pockets, you made your way to the building’s garage where your beloved motorcycle was waiting for you.
You hopped on the bike and drove for what seemed like 10 minutes before arriving in front of the police department. You made use of your rope and grappling hook again, as you scaled the building to get to the roof. There, you saw a man with his back towards you wearing a long, black trench coat. 
“Detective Kim,” you called to the man, standing anxiously by the large spotlight with the Nyx symbol plastered on it. 
“Nyx,” he said whipping his head in the direction of your voice, “Good to see you. It’s been awhile.” 
It had been awhile. Detective Kim Seokjin had been only a small-time detective at the SCPD when you first started out. After realizing you both had the same goals and wishes for this city, you and Detective Kim decided to work together, confiding each other in your missions and reports on crime. 
You nodded, “Seoul has been quiet. Too quiet.”
“Isn’t that good?”
“Maybe. Or maybe it means I’m missing something.”
“Missing what?”
“I’m not sure yet. And that’s what makes me afraid.”
“Never thought I would hear those words from the hero of Seoul.”
“I’m not a hero. I’m just doing what I can.”
“The people of Seoul love you. That’s nothing to be ashamed of.”
“I’m not ashamed, but I don’t want them to depend on me.”
“Why? Planning a vacation?” he said teasingly.
“Maybe. This really isn't my day job. Can’t be Nyx all the time.” you said, smiling.
“Anyways, I wanted to update you on something that’s been going on. We’ve kept it out of the news so far but with how things are going, I have a feeling that this will make headlines soon. People at the office wanted to take care of it ourselves but I can’t stand by any longer. We need your help.” Detective Kim said handing you a tan file folder. 
You rifled through the file as he continued to speak, “There have been 2 robberies at the two major banks, Bank of Seoul and Seoul Holdings Inc.”
“When did they happen?”
“Bank of Seoul was yesterday afternoon and Seoul Holdings was two days before.”
“Any leads?”
“We think it might be mob related.”
You looked up from the papers to meet Jin’s concerned eyes, “We cleaned up the mob.”
“Maybe they resurfaced, or maybe this is something entirely new we are dealing with.”
“Any idea of where they’re going to hit next?”
“We think Seoul United.”
“Have a unit there at all times. Make sure they keep track of who is coming in and out. Based on these two robberies, the next one is going to happen soon.”
“Got it. I’ll form a team and get them down there as soon as possible.” 
You had reached the end of file when a small business card slipped out and fell to the ground. You knelt down and picked it up, flipping to the front of the card, expecting to see the business card of one of the banks. But it was just a blank card with a demented looking smiley face drawn in blood red ink.
“What’s this?”
“Right. I almost forgot. We found that in the empty bank vault at the Bank of Seoul.”
“Did you have labs run an analysis on this?”
“Yep. They found nothing. No fingerprints, no trace of anything on the card. Completely blank.”
“What about the ink?”
“It’s ink. Not blood.”
“Find out what exact ink this is. Maybe it can give us a lead on something.”
Jin nodded as you handed the file back to him. You grabbed onto your grappling hook. But before you slipped back into the darkness you called out to him, “Keep me posted.”
Waking up was too hard. You were far from a morning person, hitting snooze on your phone alarm until the last possible minute. Between seeing Jimin and meeting Detective Kim, you got a total of four hours of sleep, which was not nearly enough for your strenuous schedule. After hitting snooze for the fourth time, you had to scramble to get ready. You quickly brushed your teeth, washed your face, and combed your hair before changing into a black pantsuit. Slipping your laptop into your leather messenger bag, you blindly grabbed for your keys as you headed out the door, almost stumbling in your black heels. 
You made it to your office just in time, but because of your tardiness in the morning, you weren’t able to get any caffeine. You sighed, blowing the escaped strands of hair from out of your face, you knew it was going to be a long day. You opened your office door and saw your long time best friend sitting at her desk, opposite of yours. 
“Hey ______! Rough morning?” she said, chuckling at your state.
“Hey Sana,” you replied, giving her a quick hug. “ More like a rough night.”
“Who’s the lucky guy? I saw that Park Jimin is back in town,” she said teasingly, wiggling her eyebrows.
“Don’t even get me fucking started. “ You said groaning as you sat down at your desk.
“You went to his party?” she said shocked. “You know, I’m still offended he didn’t invite me. And after all we went through in college. I wrote so many essays for that punk—” 
“I didn’t want to go. He called me. Drunk off his ass.”
“Oh my god, really?” Sana said, pausing her rant about how ungrateful Jimin was and opted to lean forward in her seat to her what you had to say.
“Yeah and he asked me to come over.”
“So did you?”
“I did.”
“______!” She gasped at your actions.
“It’s complicated. But I went over and saw him.”
“What did he want?”
“Nothing. Or well he wanted to talk to me. See me I guess. He apologized.”
“For what? For leaving and not telling you? For breaking your hea—”
“For leaving Sana. He apologized for being gone for six years and for not calling me once.”
“What, he just said sorry and expected you to forgive him?” 
“Yeah I guess,” you said shrugging.
“Men are so fucking stupid.”
‘Tell me about it. Anyways, then I ended up meeting Detective Kim. Well, Nyx did.”
“Damn, you had a long night. What did he say?”
“He said there's been a couple of robberies, one at Bank of Seoul and the other at Seoul Holdings. They think Seoul United is next.”
“What's the plan?”
“He’s gonna set up a unit there to keep watch 24/7.”
“And what's our plan?”
You smiled at her words, “I was hoping Team Nyx could help me out.”
After a long day at the office and figuring out a plan for the bank robberies, you were completely drained and wanted to do nothing except curl up in your bed and watch Netflix. You got home, kicked off your heels, dropped your messenger bag to the ground, and started to walk to your bedroom, thinking about which episode of New Girl you were going to watch. 
Suddenly, the doorbell rang, interrupting your train of thought. You wondered who would show up at your place unannounced at this time. You looked through the peephole of your door to see none other than Park Jimin holding a bouquet of roses. You stepped back from the door exasperated. You thought you had been clear of your hatred for him the other night.
You felt your heart beating slightly faster. Stop it, you chided yourself. It was evident from the other night that Jimin was still the same: a player and a liar. There was no place in your already busy life for someone as reckless as Jimin; you needed to focus and Jimin was an unnecessary distraction. 
You opened the door to Jimin, his hair tousled from the wind. He was wearing a black blazer, with a black shirt tucked into a pair of, you guessed it, black jeans.
“Hi,” was all he said, standing in your doorway and giving his signature smile.
“What are you doing here Jimin?” you said, crossing your arms across your chest. 
“I just wanted to explain myself again. Our talk last night didn’t go as I hoped.”
“And what exactly were you hoping for?” you snarkily.
“Forgiveness?” his wide eyes locked onto yours. 
“Jimin...”  you started to trail off. 
“I’m sorry ______. I told you, I wanted to call you but I just couldn’t.” 
“That’s such bullshit,” you started to close the door but Jimin caught it, pushing it aside to step into your apartment. He closed the door behind him, and he glanced around your apartment, taking in the place before looking back at you.
“______ please, trust me. If I could have called you even for one second just to hear your voice, I would have.” 
You looked into his eyes and saw his sincerity. You didn’t know what to think. You wanted to believe him so badly.
“I—” you started to say but Jimin cut you off.
“I would never do anything to hurt you on purpose, you know that,” Jimin said looking at you intensely. “Can you please forgive me?”
You didn’t want to fight with Jimin anymore. As much as you hated him for what he did, you missed your best friend. And deep down, you knew he was right, that he would never hurt you.
You let out a deep sigh, “Okay Jimin, I forgive you.”
Jimin once again gives his charming smile. He looked like he was about to hug you but refrained himself from doing so. Instead, he handed you the bouquet of roses he had been holding, “For you.”
You were so caught up in your fight with Jimin that you didn’t register the peculiar color of the roses until he handed them to you. They were black roses. The color was as dark as the night sky. You looked at Jimin then back to the flowers. There was no way he would have known right? There were only two people who knew that you were Nyx. Jimin just came back from Seoul so he couldn't possibly know.
“Why black?” you asked carefully, studying his expression and body language for any clues that suggested he knew of your secret identity.
Jimin just shrugged in response. “It’s your favorite color.”
“You still remember?” you asked incredulously, shaking your head.
“You’re a hard person to forget,” Jimin said quietly. He took a step closer to you and you suddenly registered the nonexistent distance between the two of you. You felt his hot breath fanning your face and you felt like your heart was pounding so hard he could feel it. Jimin tilted your chin up so that you were forced to look at him, staring into his brown eyes. You shivered at the contact of his cold fingers against your skin. He looked at your lips before looking back at your wide eyes, silently asking for your permission. 
“I can’t,” you whispered apologetically, trying to push his hand away.
Jimin caught your hands, his metal rings pressing into your hands, as he tried to catch your gaze, “Why not?”
You finally meet his eyes looking at you imploringly, waiting for an answer. 
“I have a boyfriend,” you choked out, knowing those exact words would be like venom to him. 
Jimin immediately let go of your hands at that moment. His expression hardened and he clenched his jaw: his telltale sign of anger. He walked away from you to sit on the navy blue sofa in your living room, spreading his legs as he sat down.
“I see,” he said coldly. 
“You can’t be mad at me. That’s not fair.” You said irritated, turning around to look at him.
“I never said I was mad,” he said, staring at the wooden flooring, not meeting your eyes.
“Jimin, you left. You left for six years and you didn’t tell me. What was I supposed to do? Wait around for you?”
“I just—” Jimin ran his fingers through his hair with frustration before letting his face rest in his hands. “I just thought things would be the same when I came back.” He said helplessly.
“Well, you thought wrong.” you quipped, crossing your arms over your chest, looking away. 
Jimin was quiet for a moment before speaking up, “I’m happy for you. Really. I would love to meet him.”
“I don’t think that’s a good idea.” You scoffed.
“C’mon, we should try to move forward. At least be friends again.”
“Jimin, I just need some time. You can’t just show up in my life unexpectedly and expect everything to be the same. It doesn’t work that way.” You sighed. You opened the door for him, a silent indicator that he should leave. Jimin glanced at the door and your tired expression. 
He got up from where he was sitting and made his way towards the door,  “I understand ______. But know that I’m here for you. Anytime. I just want you back in my life again.”
He looked at you one more time before heading out, leaving you at the doorway as you clutched the black roses. You watched from the window as he got into his car, ignoring how the crushed petals slowly fluttered to the ground.
authors’ note: guysss this is @jimins-filter first posted fic (ah!). so there might be a few things that are a bit confusing in text but if you wanna see references as to how we came up with nyx’s character, Elektra’s costume and fighting style from Daredevil (the Netflix TV show) was a major inspo for Nyx, additionally we did take some style inspo (the crescent moon symbol on the forehead) from the Painted Lady from ATLA. We are super excited for this fic and hope you guys will love it. This is VERY different from strawberry girl so this is something different for me as well. give a follow to @jimins-filter her blog is aesthetic af. ty for reading and let us know what you think so far! 💜💜
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polite-pandemonium · 4 years
Digimon fic I will never finish
Writing has absolutely taken a back burner to the endless strategies, recommendations, reports, and presentations I’ve had to put together for work since October. I miss writing and feeling creative.
Since I still don’t have time to write (I’m currently procrastinating on putting together a deck for a talk I’m doing Wednesday morning by compiling this), in a bid to feel slightly creative, here’s some unedited scenes from various Digimon fics I will probably never finish. I have written thousands of words for this fandom that will never see the light of day, so may as well give them their time in the sun. Usual ships you’d expect from me - Sora/Yamato, Taichi/Mimi, and Takeru/Hikari, but I have labelled which scenes feature which ships below, cause this got long. 
(also, for some reason, almost ALL of these are sad? am I okay???) 
I am easy to find - taichi/mimi we’ve got something (kind of funny) - yamato/sora (taichi is there, too)  somewhere in her smile, she knows - takeru/hikari  to be so lonely - yamato/sora/jyou  combustible - yamato/sora  everyone’s gotta lean (sometime) - taichi/meiko, yamato/sora  you already know - takeru/hikari
I am easy to find taichi/mimi
in which Taichi and Mimi reunite for the first time in years at a party in New York.
“Are you?” Mimi broached the topic slowly. Something about the way he said her name made Mimi feel like she should proceed with caution. “Still with Meiko, I mean?”
Taichi was quiet for a moment, peeling at the label on his beer bottle. “Uh, no,” he responded, his tone tight. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. “We haven’t been together in a while.” He peered up at Mimi then, curiously. “Didn’t you know that? You guys were close, weren’t you?”
Mimi felt her stomach twist. “We were,” she looked down, “but life happens. We fell out of touch. I try to keep up with Facebook and Instagram, but even that can be difficult, especially with my job. With the exception of Jyou and Sora — and I guess Yamato, by extension — I don’t really talk to anyone these days.”
“Yeah,” Taichi said quietly. “We noticed.”
Stomach twisting even further, Mimi kept her gaze fixed to the ground. “I’m sorry. It’s hard. With the time difference and stuff; it got harder as we got older. And I speak mostly English here, so my Japanese has gotten kind of rusty, so I am sometimes nervous about picking up the phone. You must be able to tell; I sound like I’m out of practice.”
Shrugging, Taichi propped himself straighter up against the wall. “Yeah, a little, maybe,” he conceded. “Still. A long time ago, it would have been strange to think of a universe where you’re weren’t close with Meiko. You guys were tight as hell in high school...and yet here we are. I can’t believe you don’t talk enough for her to tell you something like this.” His tone sounded equal parts confused and judgemental, and Mimi felt herself bristle.
“I could say the same thing for you,” she raised her beer and took a long swig, the taste bitter on her tongue, pointing her finger at him accusingly. “I mean, you were dating her. Why didn’t she tell you that we fell out of touch? What, did she not talk to you enough for her to tell you that we weren’t close?”
Taichi chuckled softly. “Yeah, actually,” he lifted his gaze to hers and Mimi paused at the look of hurt in them. She hadn’t seen that look in more years than she could count. “That was kind of the problem. She didn’t talk to me about anything.”
Averting her eyes from his, Mimi took another drink of beer. How awkward. “Oh,” she mustered up. “I um...I’m sorry to hear that.”
Shrugging, he pushed himself off the wall. “Whatever,” he said, “Like you said, life happens. Sometimes you can only go so far with a person. Sometimes there’s places within them that you can’t reach. It...it happens.” 
“I guess so,” Mimi frowned. She couldn’t say she could exactly relate, could understand how he was feeling. Something about that made her feel unsettled in a way she couldn’t quite place her finger on. “How long ago did you break up?”
Raising his eyebrows, Taichi laughed. “Wow, cool, thanks Mimi,” he ran a hand through his hair, “haven’t seen you in six years, but sure, let’s rehash the details of my failed love life and arguably one of the most painful relationships in my existence to date. After we’re done with me, shall we run through your recent dating adventures?” 
“Sorry,” Mimi said quickly, flushing. She hadn’t thought of it that way at all; that it was too much, too soon. She was just trying to fill in the gaps. “There’s just…a lot I missed. A lot to catch up on.”
Taichi was silent for a moment; so quiet, she swore she could hear his breathing. “Yeah, I guess you’re right about that. It has been a while.” He paused. “I can’t believe it’s been eight years.”
Sensing a moment to break the tension, Mimi grinned cheekily. “Did you miss me, Taichi-san? Did you miss me this whole time we weren’t together? Are you stunned by how attractive and put together I have become?”
Rolling his eyes, Taichi polished off his beer. “Wow. Glad to see you haven’t changed.”
“What?!” Mimi exclaimed, “Of course I have! My hair isn’t even pink anymore; it’s rose gold!” 
we’ve got something (kind of funny)  sora/yamato, taichi/mimi
in which Taichi unexpectedly runs into Sora. 
Taichi arrived at Yamato’s apartment just as Sora was leaving. 
“Oh, Taichi,” she said awkwardly in the doorway. “Hi.”
A grin spread across Taichi’s face. “Hi, Sora,” he said, looking her up and down. Her usually neat hair was pulled back in a messy braid and she was wearing an oversized red plaid shirt that he was 95% sure was not hers. “Whatcha doin’ here?” 
Sora smiled back stiffly. “I was just stopping by,” she hitched her bag on her shoulder. “And now I’m just leaving.”
“Just stopping by, huh?” Taichi’s grin grew wider. “Pretty early in the morning to be just stopping by.”
“Says the person who is also just stopping by at 9 in the morning,” Sora said pointedly, stepping past Taichi to enter the hallway. “You and Yamato have something you want to tell me?” 
Taichi’s face fell. “Goodbye, Sora!”
“Goodbye, Taichi!” she called over her shoulder. “Have a good day!”
Glancing back at Yamato’s open door, Taichi saw the blonde leaning against the wall, arms folded, an annoyed expression on his face. He was still in his pyjamas. 
“This is why people don’t just drop by anymore,” he scowled, “you should have texted first.”
“Sorry,” Taichi said, not sounding sorry at all. He stepped into Yamato’s apartment, closing the door behind him as he bent down to take off his shoes in the genkan. “I was hopped up after my flight last night and couldn’t really sleep.”
Pushing himself off the wall, Yamato shrugged. “Whatever. You want coffee?”
“Sure,” Taichi flopped down on Yamato’s living room couch, stretching out. “So, you and Sora, huh?”
Yamato set a mug down on his counter, loudly, before responding. “What about me and Sora?”
Watching as his best friend picked up a French press, Taichi grinned mischievously. “You guys back together?”
Yamato’s eyes flicked up to him, his head still bent over their coffee. “I’m not answering that.”
“Okay,” Taichi conceded, “you guys sleeping together again then?”
“I’m not answering that either.”
somewhere in her smile, she knows  takeru/hikari
in which Hikari pesters Takeru about who he is taking to her brother’s wedding.
“I know,” she agrees, “it’s way too much. But it’s what Mimi wants and if it’s what Mimi wants, then it’s what Taichi wants,” she sighs. “Have you really not given the wedding date thing any real thought, though?”
He turns to her to answer and stops, feeling himself get distracted at the sight of a bead of sweat making its way down her neck. Just a little bit further and it would slip underneath her shirt, down to skin he could not see and could not touch. 
Despite the temperature, he finds himself feeling chilly.
“Takeru!” Hikari snaps, her features looking slightly annoyed. “Are you listening to me at all?”
“No,” he admits, biting into his ice cream. The wafer had gone soggy by now, the whole thing basically mush. “Not really.”
Whacking him on the arm, Hikari rolls her eyes. “Typical. Why do I even bother?”
Takeru grins. She’s so easy to rile up, even after all these years. “What’s wrong? You want my undivided attention, Hikari-chan?” he slips the honorific onto the end of her name, long abandoned since their early 20s, whenever he’s trying to be cute. Whenever he’s really trying to rile her up.
“No,” she says stiffly. “I just am trying to have a normal conversation with you and you’re barely even listening.”
Sighing, Takeru crumbles up the wrapper his ice cream had been in and leans down to grab his bag from its place on the ground. “It’s not that I’m not listening, but I just haven’t thought about this, so I don’t really have an answer. I’ll probably just ask Mizuki or Himawari from work, one of the girls I can have fun with without too much commitment.”
Hikari scrunches her nose. “Mizuki or Himawari? Those aren’t dates, those are just your drinking buddies.”
“Exactly,” Takeru says, pocketing the wrapper in his bag and setting it back down. “If I take a girl I have been on a few dates with or something, then she’ll think that this means more than it is and I do not want that.”
“Of course not,” Hikari rolls her eyes, folding her arms. “God forbid a woman think you’re actually interested in her.”
“Yes,” Takeru agrees. “God forbid.” 
Hikari shakes her head, sets down her ice cream cup. She hadn’t finished it, it’s soupy consistency now looking far less than appealing. “You know what I think you should do?”
“What, Hikari?” He leans forward, resting his hand on the railing between them. “What does my lovely, grumbly best friend think I should do?”
“I think,” she begins matter of factly, “that for the wedding, you should bring someone you like.”
He nods slowly. “Got it. Okay. I’ll bring Patamon then.”
“Idiot!” Hikari whacks him in the arm again. “No, I think you should bring someone you like. Someone you really, really like.”
The words stumble out of Takeru’s mouth before he can stop them. He’s not even sure he thinks about it before speaking. “Well, I really like you. So why don’t we go together?”
A beat passes between them.
to be so lonely  yamato/sora/jyou
in which Jyou has a realization.
“You know, I never even felt a reason to be jealous,” Jyou says quietly, fingers pressed to his lips. “I never felt even the slightest need to. Yamato was a part of your past and I was a part of your present and that was enough for me. I trusted you so much, that just knowing I was yours was enough for me. But clearly I was foolish. Clearly, I was foolish enough to think that what we had really mattered.”
“No, Jyou,” Sora raises a hand, tears running down her cheeks. “It’s not like that.”
“Then what is it like, Sora?” Jyou snaps. “Because I’m having a really hard time trying to compute what any of this is, never mind what’s it not.”
“It’s just...it’s Yamato,” Sora chokes out. 
Jyou lets out a laugh. “Yeah,” he swallows. “That’s what I thought.”
combustible yamato/sora
in which Yamato and Sora break up in Paris, during Fashion Week.
They stare up at the Notre Dame, or what’s left of it rather, covered up in scaffolding and tarps. It makes Sora sad to see the sight of it. The last time they were here, the cathedral had been strong, beautiful, and whole. After the fire had ripped through it, even with repairs, she could feel that it was never going to be the same. 
Much like them.
“Yamato,” she turns to speak to him. “This isn’t working.”
He’s quiet for a moment before replying. “What isn’t?”
Sora swallows. “You know, Yamato.”
He doesn’t look at her and that’s how she knows she’s right. His eyes drop to the ground instead.
“Yeah,” he agrees, “it’s not.”
Sora feels something well up in her. “It’s not that I don’t want it to work. It’s just not anymore and it breaks my heart.”
He nods. “I feel the same. But we can’t keep denying it anymore. It’s been years since it’s been working.”
This stings Sora, the implication from him that things have been bad for far longer than either of them acknowledged. While she can admit it to herself, to hear him say it hurts. 
“It hasn’t been that bad,” she folds her arms, feeling cold.
Yamato glances at her then and she feels a shiver run down her spine, for reasons she can’t quite explain. “No,” he looks back up at Notre Dame, “but it hasn’t been good either.”
A silence settles over them, both unsure of how to fill the space that has appeared between them.
everyone’s gotta learn (sometime)  taichi/meiko, yamato/sora
in which Taichi turns to Yamato and Sora following his break up with Meiko.
Meiko left him on a Tuesday and he had seen it coming a mile away. Things between them had been crumbling for months — probably even years — so it wasn’t a surprise to him when he stepped inside their (his?) apartment in Kichijoji after a long shift at work to find every trace of her completely gone. 
Well, that was partially a lie. He had expected Meiko to leave — but he hadn’t expected her to be so dramatic about it, just up and go in the middle of the day. 
He runs a hand through his hair, letting out an exasperated sigh, before pulling out his cell phone. 
Yamato answers on the second ring.
“Hi,” he says slowly, and Taichi already knows he knows exactly what happened; Meiko must have gotten to Sora first. “What’s up?”
“Meiko left,” Taichi leans again his counter, pinching the bridge of his nose. He can feel a headache coming on, strong. “I just got home and there’s nothing of hers here.”
Yamato inhales sharply on the other side, a little bit too convincingly. He definitely knew. “Fuck,” he swears, “Taichi, I—”
“If Sora already told you, don’t sweat it,” Taichi lets out another sigh. “I would say it sucks that everyone knew before me, but it’s not like I didn’t know this was coming.”
Yamato exhales. “Fuck, shit, Taichi, I am so sorry,” he says, and he sounds it, “Sora just found out maybe ten, fifteen minutes ago? And the two of us have been sick waiting for this call. I’m so sorry, I feel like an ass.”
“Don’t,” Taichi interjects, chuckling darkly. “It’s not on you that she thought it would be nice to tell my friends before she even told me.”
A beat passes between them. That wasn’t fair of him; Yamato and Sora were as much Meiko’s friends as they were his. Taichi cringes, wondering how awkward he made it for Yamato.
If he’s phased, Yamato doesn’t show it in his voice. “Do you want to come over? I’ll cook and Sora will go get beer.”
“Yes,” Taichi says without a heartbeat, picking up his keys off the counter. “Yes, I do.”
He shuts the door to his practically empty apartment. He’ll deal with it later. 
x x x
He goes to Yamato and Sora’s and tries to ignore the signs of their domesticity that he normally wouldn’t notice. The same signs that were all over his own apartment until meer hours ago. 
He never feels like a third wheel with Yamato and Sora. He never feels like three’s company. But something about that night, with them trying as hard as they could to make him feel even a little better, he feels it, intensely.
He drinks to make the feeling go away. 
He gets drunk, horribly drunk, and calls his sister, who doesn’t answer. Koushiro and Mimi are in Seoul. The chances of Jyou answering are slim to none, and if Hikari didn’t answer, Takeru wouldn’t either. He doesn’t want to talk to any of the others. 
He passes out on the couch and an hour later, finds himself leaning over the toilet, throwing up while Sora rubs his back. Yamato brings him water. 
He’s not sure if it’s how well they work as a unit or the unconditional kindness they show him time and time again, but something about it all breaks him, and he starts to weep on their bathroom floor. 
The tile is cold against his skin.
you already know  takeru/hikari
in which Takeru and Hikari reach a breaking point.
“Sometimes I look at you,” he says softly, watching the tears fall down her face, “and the years between us stack up. They stack up and up and it’s like, none of it matters. Sometimes I look at you and all I feel is the weight of things unsaid and all of the places I can’t reach. Sometimes I look at you and I feel like I don’t know you at all.”
Hikari winces, clearly stung. Something dark passes over her face. “Can you ever speak like a normal person?”
Takeru narrows his eyes. “What?”
“Speak like a normal person,” Hikari says slowly, punctuating each word. “Just say things the way a person normally word instead of making everything sound like a declaration in a novel. I get it, Takeru, you’re a writer. We all get it.”
Chuckling, Takeru shakes his head. “Wow. After all that, after everything I just said, that’s what you cling to? My verbiage?”
“Do you know why, Takeru?” Hikari snaps, her voice raising, “because you talk like that and it makes me feel like you think we’re characters in one of your books. Like you’re just projecting all of these things on to me, all these ideas of me and you and what we’re supposed to be. You tell me that you look and me and all you can feel is the weight of things unsaid? Who talks like that, Takeru? Who talks like that when you’re apparently sharing the deepest of your feelings?”
“Characters in a novel?” Takeru gapes, “are you serious right now? I am a writer, Hikari, it does make my feelings more verbose, but it doesn’t mean that I am projecting things onto you.”
“Oh yeah?” Hikari begins to pace, “cause you talk like that in moments like this and you call my lingerie exquisite and you tell me time stops when you’re with me and all I can think is you think we’re part of this grand, sweeping story when the reality is we’re just two fucked up people who had to go through some fucked up stuff when we were kids. We’re not anything special, you and I, Takeru. Not really. And it’s hard to take anything seriously when you act like we are cause it makes me feel like you’re right, you don’t really know me at all.”
Takeru is quiet. “What is that supposed to mean?”
“It means that maybe you just like the idea of me,” she says quiet, her voice still brimming with anger, “that you like the idea of being in love with your childhood sweetheart. That you think this codepency we’ve bred together is romantic and incomparable. That you refuse to take me as I am — a flawed human being who — and instead take me as your other half because of some ridiculous personality traits forced onto us when we were eight. Nothing you have ever said to me during all of this has ever felt like you were really saying it to me.”
Takeru feels like she shot him. “That’s because I can’t talk to you, Hikari,” he steps closer to her, “because everytime I do, you clam up and go somewhere I can’t reach. I’ve tried talking to you about this Hikari. I’ve tried practically our whole lives. And every time I get close, I stop, because I know it would hurt you and you’d go even further away from me. I’ve wanted to tell you what this feels like for years.”
“Yeah?” Hikari raises her chin, definitely. “What does it feel like?”
“It feels like I am being ripped in half,” Takeru shouts. “Every time we’re together, every time we sleep together, I feel like I am cracking open. I feel like I am cracking open in a bid to get you to finally see me, finally get closer and you just ignore it! There’s no way you haven’t known how I felt, Hikari, no way at all. And yet you still have been fucking me for years now. Years. And it is killing me and I know you knew that and you still went along with it anyway.”
Hikari is silent. 
“And I can’t figure out why,” his voice sounds desperate even to him, “I can’t figure out why you would do that. In the beginning, it was fine, but we were younger and I didn’t think it was going to go on forever without something changing. But nothing’s changed, Hikari. And it’s getting too hard. It hurts way too much. I can’t figure out how we got here and I can’t…” he swallows, “I can’t figure out why you’re okay with it. Why you want things to go on this way.”
“I think you should go,” Hikari says.
Takeru nods too, throat tight. “I think I should, too.”
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horansqueen · 4 years
Stuck With You - Chapter 5
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Chapter 5 : Hey, Soul Sister
🡪chapter 1  🡪chapter 2  🡪chapter 3  🡪chapter 4
College Enemies To Lovers AU
characters // masterlist // instagrams // mood board 
I knew when we collided You're the one I have decided who's one of my kind
I can be myself now finally In fact there's nothing I can't be
I knew I wouldn't forget you And so I went and let you blow my mind
You gave my life direction A game-show love connection We can't deny
click here to be on the update list
                                     Louis' room was exactly like mine but with posters of bands and football players. I let my eyes roam on the white walls before they fell on him again as he sat on his bed. He tapped the place next to him and I sent him a small smile before joining him, sitting a bit further and leaning against the wall.
"So, what do you wanna drink?" he asked, opening the small fridge next to his bed.
"Beer is fine." I just said, shrugging a shoulder as I let my palms brush against the black comforter i was sitting on.
I noticed his bed was a mess and so was his room. There were books everywhere, a box of pizza on his desk and dirty clothes covering the floor.
"Thank god I didn't end up sharing a room with you." I added with a chuckle, taking the beer he was handing me.
"Why? Don't tell me your anal like Neil is."
I frowned but my lips curled a bit. I had noticed that Niall's side of the room was clean and in order but hearing Louis tell me he was actually anal about it was interesting. I took note of it, adding it to the mental list of 'things I know about my roommate', which was, let's face it, a very short list for now.
"Actually, i'm just as messy as you are, but now you got me worried about how Niall could react if I leave my stuff around." I admitted with a smile. "Perhaps i'm gonna try to keep my side of the room clean."
"Cheers." Louis chuckled. "Niall would be pissed."
I clinked my beer against his and we took a sip. I kept staring at him as his eyes fell on the bottle in his hands. He moved it slightly but I knew he was looking at it without really seeing it.
"He was pissed, actually." I pointed out, leaning my head on the wall and bringing my knees up, my feet flat on the bed. "He's mad at me and I have no idea why."
"No, Devon, he was angry at me, not at you. You did nothing wrong."
I was not sure he was right but I pressed my lips together and tilted my head. "And what did you do to him?"
Louis chuckled but this time, there was no amusement in his tone. He was sad, I could feel it. I wanted to be there for him but I didn't know what to do except listen to him. I was never good at giving advice, or receiving advice, actually. I always ended up doing what I thought was right and realizing way too late that it was not the right thing to do. There was no way I could really help Louis and I knew it.
"It's just a bunch of little things, you know? Realizing his dream of being a professional footballer, having the girl he likes falling for me..." he stopped himself and looked up in my eyes. ".. despite myself, of course. And just... not being there for him when he needed him the most."
Louis sighed loudly and swallowed his beer, putting it away near the pizza box before leaning his head on the wall too and closing his eyes. "I was a fucking bad friend. I still am. I'm still trying to be close to him despite knowing very well he doesn't want me near."
I licked my lips, feeling my heart twist in my chest. It just confirmed that I really couldn't do anything to help Louis and I hated it.
"I think Niall doesn't want many people near." I pointed out. "Has he always been like that?"
Louis smiled more and opened his eyes, shaking his head slightly. "No, not at all. Niall was always the light of the party, the one everyone loves, always surrounded by so many people it was hard to actually get his attention." he turned to me and smiled. "I'm the opposite."
"Me too." I let my lips curled.
I didn't want to admit it, but the fact that everyone was so in awe when it came to Niall actually fascinated me. People like him, to whom everyone seemed to be drawn, were so interesting, and at the same time, I could totally understand why. There was something emanating from Niall that even got to me after only a few days. So yea, he was the most annoying little shit I've ever met, but I still wanted his attention.
I cleared my throat, a bit embarrassed by the thought and very glad that it stayed in my head. Okay, Niall was intriguing, but he had also mentioned that I intrigued him too, and I didn't know what it meant.
"You either love Niall, or pretend that you don't."
I chuckled and raised my eyebrows at Louis' words. "What?"
"I'm serious!" he laughed a bit, turning his body my way. "Everyone who has said they hated Niall didn't really hate him, or if they did, after a while, they ended up liking him. He's just got the effect on people. I've always been jealous of that."
We remained silent for about a minute and Louis finally got up, grabbing the beer from my hands. "We're gonna need something stronger than that."
I laughed a bit and he got a bottle of vodka, serving me some in a plastic cup before sitting back on his bed, slightly closer to me. I watched him take a long sip and blinked a few times.
"So tell me, Devon, why did you come to this school? What happened at your old college that was so bad you had to leave?"
I breathed in, feeling my heartbeats accelerate, and drank half my glass before grimacing and coughing, almost choking on my drink. It made Louis smirk and he raised his eyebrows as my eyes watered, due to the feeling of burn in my throat.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
I looked inside my cup, watching the transparent liquid move as my hand shook slightly, and finally pressed my lips together, not daring to look up at my new friend.
"Let's just say I trusted the wrong person, dated them and ended up with a broken heart."
"Darling, that's everyone's story." Louis replied after a shot moment of silence.
He drank what was left in his glass before filling it again and I decided to do the same. I watched as he poured more vodka in my glass too and sighed louder than intended. I was getting past the tipsy stage and I wanted to share everything with Louis but instead, I just stared in his eyes and sent him a fond smile.
"I know we just met but.. that day in the hall when you talked to me for the first time? I felt something. Like, a connection or something. Have you ever heard about sister souls?"
He chuckled in his glass and swallowed hard before sending me an amused smile. "Like the song?"
"Sort-of." I rolled my eyes. "Except for the 'love' part."
"So you're telling me you're not in love with me, is that it?"
"I barely know you." I smiled more.
"But you know me enough to feel a connection."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes again, making him laugh. "Come on, Louis!"
"I'm just playing with you, Dev." he said, licking his lips. "I know what sister souls are, and I feel that connection too, if you wanted to know."
"Good." I replied low, nodding a few times before looking down at my glass again. "Besides, I'm never gonna fall in love again."
"You're not the one who decides that, love." he let out in a soft tone, making me look up at him. He raised his eyebrows and shrugged a shoulder. "If it happens then it happens. You've got no control over it."
"Trust me, I'll make sure of it." I argued, blinking a few times and feeling suddenly tired. "Love hurts too much and when you give your heart to someone, you become this vulnerable wreck human being. Not worth the pain."
I lied down on Louis' bed and yawned, letting my eyes close, feeling half conscious and right before I fell asleep, I heard Louis say something that I didn't have the strength to answer.
"You sound just like Niall."
Niall had ignored me for exactly eight days after that day I left the room to go spend time in Louis' and ended up falling asleep in his bed. He was back to throwing hurtful comments directed at me without really addressing to me personally. I was sad and it hurt me way more than I thought it would but I decided to pretend I didn't care and started playing the same game he was playing.
We ended up living together without acknowledging each other and I couldn't remember the last time Niall actually had looked at me. I didn't know why he was acting like that but it just proved to me that it was not Louis he was mad at. It was actually me, and I didn't know why. I also didn't want to ask, especially that I was pretty sure he wouldn't answer the question, or even answer me at all.
I had been busy working on my last painting and he was spending as much time as possible away from our room. I didn't dare following him but I was pretty sure he was working on his song in the music room, or shagging some random girls wherever he could.
The morning of our visit to the museum, however, I was surprised to hear his voice. We hadn't met with Daxia and Asher to talk about our project but I knew today was the day and perhaps, he knew he would have to sort of interact with me.
I saw him put a few things in his pockets and grab his backpack, zipping it quickly, but I still pretended I was not looking at him. The truth was, the longer he was ignoring me, the more I was looking at him, and the more I spent time wondering why he hated me so much.
"Look, we're both going to the same place." he explained with a sigh, not even looking at me. "I know you don't have a car, so, maybe you need a ride? I mean," he sighed again, stopping everything he was doing and closing his eyes. "You can ride with me."
I stood there for a few seconds, a bit surprised and speechless by his proposition, before finally blinking a few times and licking my lips. "Oh, uhm, yes, thank you, that's very nice of you." I agreed, stuttering a bit and letting a small smile spread on my lips.
"Alright. Cool." he just replied, putting his backpack on his shoulder as I grabbed my stuff quickly.
I followed him outside, remaining slightly behind him, and as we walked down the stairs, a few other guys waved at him.
"Hey Horan, are you gonna be there for the party this saturday?"
He turned on his heels when he was down the stairs and started walking backwards. "Wouldn't miss that for anything!"
He chuckled and I stared at the way he was smiling. A lock of his hair fell on his forehead again and it twisted in a cute swirl. I almost tripped on my feet but gripped the banister to get my balance back but unfortunately, it caught Niall's attention and for the very first time in days, his eyes met mine. He frowned a bit and chuckled before shaking his head slightly.
"Did you forget how to walk, Devie?"
I raised my nose up at the nickname he gave me but decided not to comment on it, knowing that openly be annoyed by it would be the perfect reason for him to use it again. I breathed in and tried not to sigh but he noticed and raised his eyebrows.
"Oh wait, it's because of me, isn't it?" he said with a smirk as his dimple dug deeper in his chin. "I look too good? You can't handle it?"
"Funny." I replied, my eyes getting smaller as I looked at him. God, he was annoying. And it annoyed me even more that the reason I almost tripped was because of that stupid hair lock falling on his forehead and therefore, there was some truth in his words. "This is gonna be a long ride." I muttered as we stepped outside.
He was still amused when we entered his car and although I was still annoyed, I couldn't help but let my lips curl as my eyes traveled on his car. It looked amazing from outside, and it seemed amazing to drive, too. When I looked up, he was sending me an amused smile and I pressed my lips together.
"You alright?"
I cleared my throat and shrugged. "Like I said, I love your car."
He started it and raised his eyebrows at me. "It's just a Jeep."
"It's literally my dream car." I admitted low, regretting it immediately after and glancing at the window.
"Then buy one."
I chuckled and rolled my eyes, turning to look at him again, staring at his face like he was an alien. "Do you remember how much you paid for it? I don't have that kind of money."
"I do." he finally replied after a few minutes of silence. "I bought it with my first paycheck as a model. I never had that kind of money before."
"So, you're a model." I repeated even if I already knew. He glanced at me and I did the same, and it made the left corner of his lips raise up.
"Yes, I am." he replied with a chuckle. "Me and my double chin, darling."
I smiled more at him, realizing how much fun and nice he could be sometimes, and just licked my lips. "What double chin?"
As an answer, he just smiled at me and turned on the radio. I started laughing when the Train song started playing and he turned to me with a frown.
"No it's just, I was talking with Louis the other day, and we talked about this song."
"That's not really the kind of music Louis listens to." Niall explained, raising his eyebrows as his eyes remained on the road.
"No I just asked him if he knew what sister souls were and he mentioned it." I shrugged, feeling suddenly a bit embarrassed. I was drunk and perhaps I had express a bit more of my feelings than I should have.
"That's a weird conversation to have." Niall simply pointed out with a frown.
I knew he was curious and I licked my lips. "I just feel... I mean, I barely know him, but that's how I feel towards him."
Although I could only see his profile, I noticed how his facial expression suddenly changed and I held my breath. He didn't answer, but he also stopped glancing at me and I didn't see a smile on his face for the rest of the ride. He parked and as he was undoing his belt, I turned to him and sighed.
"Why were you mad at me the other day? We were talking and Louis knocked and suddenly, you were rude to me."
"I have no idea what you're talking about." he replied, once again avoiding my gaze.
He got out of the car and I quickly did the same, grabbing my bag and following him. I had to walk quickly to keep the pace and I sighed.
"You know exactly what I'm talking about." I argued, holding the strap of my bag so tight that my fingers turned white. "You're doing the same thing right now. Louis thinks it's because of him but I know it's me. Why do you hate me so much?"
He stopped and turned to me so fast that my heart jumped in my chest. The way he stared at me made me swallow hard and in the three seconds it took him to talk, I had the time to notice that his eyes had turned the exact same shade of blue from his shirt. Why did I notice things like that?
"Look, just because we had a small conversation about futile stuff doesn't mean we're friends now. It doesn't mean I like you, or that I have to like you. It doesn't mean I care about you, what you do, who you befriend and what you want. In fact, I really don't care, okay? I'm stuck with you in that fucking room, and i'm stuck with you for that stupid project, but spending time with you is irritating. You're the most annoying person I've ever had the misfortune to meet, and I can't wait to get rid of you!"
It was a reflex. A simple reflex. I didn't have time to think about it, I just slapped him as he threw all those mean words at me, my hand hitting his cheek way harder than I thought it would. It took him by surprise and his lips parted as I held my breath, not really believing what I had done. After the shock had passed, he scoffed and shook his head.
"Great." he let out. "Stay the fuck away from me." he added, pointing his finger in my direction and I just took a step back as he left.
I realized that my heart was racing when I finally breathed in deeply but somehow, I couldn't stop the ache in my chest. My heart felt like it was stuck in a vice and I was not sure if it was because I had slapped him, or because of the hard words he had thrown at me. It made me realize that it was the very first time I actually touched Niall and I looked down, turning my hand to look at my palm. That was not the kind of relationship I wanted with anyone and I knew I should do something, but I had no idea what it was. I also couldn't force him to like me, and I closed my eyes, trying to get back to my senses.
There was no reason for me to want him to appreciate me but I did and realizing that made me a bit mad. I had promised myself that I wouldn't be this weak person anymore, and that I didn't need the approbation or the love from anyone, but the truth was, I was still human, and letting Niall be hot and cold with me over and over again was affecting me more than I thought and hoped it would.
I felt my phone vibrate in my back pocket and grabbed it, feeling my heart sink in my chest when I saw it was from Daxia. For some reason, I had wished for someone else... and that thought made me press my lips together.
'Where are you?' I read before blinking a few times.
I checked the time, noticing that I was late, and let out a low 'fuck!' before I ran inside. Deep down, I just hoped that this visit at the museum wouldn't be too awkward and hopefully, things would get solved between Niall and I. I thought about asking Louis but I decided to keep him out of this. I was a big girl, I could work this out by myself, right?
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outrebanx · 4 years
Dragonfly - Chapter 4
JJ Maybank x female!reader series
Summary: Y/N is invited to her first kegger, where she has lots of fun but there’s a fight which turns her night upside down (a shit summary i’m sorry)
Word Count: 3.5k 
Warnings: swearing, fighting - hasn’t been proofread so most likely bad grammar
A/N: I enjoyed writing a lot of this chapter, and I canny look forward to the next one which is going to be very angsty hopefully
Chapters 1 - 2 - 3 -
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You had fallen into a routine these last few days, getting up, going to work and then coming back home to have a meal with your dad before going surfing at night. Not that you minded too much, routines had always helped you cope with stuff, originally when your mum died all you wanted to do was carry on your days as if nothing had happened but your dad always thought this wasn’t coping - more just ignoring the issue.
This routine wasn’t like that, it was just the routine of a new life, which you were beginning to enjoy, in the Outer Banks. You had seen Kie most days at work, chatting whenever there were less people to serve in the restaurant, but you hadn’t seen the boys since the boat trip - even though they pretty much told you you were now part of their group, you couldn’t help but think they were avoiding you, especially as Kiara had said they normally come into the Wreck when they’re hungry, which they are most of the time. Any time these thoughts came into your head you quickly pushed them out, you had enjoyed being with them and you really didn’t want to try and push them away or make assumptions before there was any evidence - something you had done lots growing up, always thinking you were hated when you weren’t, and ruining friendships because of this. A new life meant you had to stop making old mistakes, especially ones like those.
The Wreck was emptier today than you’d seen it since you began working there, only a few groups of people had come into the restaurant for food, most people probably staying in the sun for as long as possible as the weather was amazing today, not a cloud in sight, just the hot sun. Not that you could really enjoy it when you were working, but your shift finished soon so you’d be able to do something then.
You were cleaning up a table of a couple that had just left when you heard your name being called out from the door.
“Y/N!” John B shouted, Kie behind him trying to tell him to shut up.
You waved at him, and began to head to a table, Kie, JJ and Pope all following closely behind him.
“Hey, how are you guys?” You asked
There was a chorus of “great’s” before Kie got up, saying she was going to search for some food as the guys were hungry
“What are you doing tonight?” JJ asked once Kie had left.
“Surfing probably, why?”
“We’re having a kegger at the beach later and we want you to come.” John B answered
“Yeah it’ll be your first time drinking properly with us and probably the first time since you moved here as well - so you basically can’t refuse.” JJ smiled at you, waiting for your answer.
“Okay, yeah I’d love to.”
All three boys whooped at this, and as Kiara came back to the table, she asked, “I’m guessing you’re coming then?”
“I am indeed, been a while since I’ve gone to a party though, I feel like I could be out of practice.” You laughed
“Bullshit, we all saw you drink on the boat the other day and I’m sure you’ll somehow show us all up again tonight.” Pope responded, the others just nodding their agreement.
“Good point - when abouts should I get there?”
“We usually set up around 9 so probably then, this means there’s some time before everyone else gets there just us.” John B said, oblivious to Kie muttering under her breath, “Yeah and then you guys will get into a fight like always.”
This comment set you on edge a little, you had never been a huge fan of violence, if need be you could protect yourself but it was seeing people you care about being hurt which upset you, and the way Kie made it sound, that could be a possibility.
“Okay I have to finish clearing up then I need to go home, so I’ll see you guys later.” You said, smiling at them as they all said bye.
You looked around your room, there were clothes everywhere from you changing your mind on outfits to wear tonight about 100 times, you didn’t know whether to keep it casual like during the day or put a little more effort in, both options needing you to decide on how much cleavage you wanted to show. Getting ready was always so stressful.
You collapsed onto your bed in defeat, still not sure what to wear before you heard your phone ringing, looking at it you saw Kiara’s name on the screen so you quickly answered it.
“Hi,” her voice came from the phone, “you alright?”
“Great other than the fact I don’t know what to wear, please help me.”
She laughed, “I felt like this could be something you’d have an issue with - my advice is shorts and a nice top, it’s my go to every time and it never fails.”
“Okay that’s narrowed it down slightly and I think I have an idea now, so you’re officially a life saver Kie.”
“I know,” she joked, “shit - my mum’s calling me so I’ll see you in a bit.”
“Okay bye” you said, ending the call as you stood up, ready to go through your clothes again, now knowing what you were looking for.
It didn’t take you long to find the outfit you were gonna wear, an off the shoulder black crop top and some black denim shorts - the whole outfit making your figure look great, filling you with confidence. You quickly put on some mascara and eyeshadow, then made your way downstairs to say goodbye to your dad for the night, only to find out he’d already crashed out on the couch.
Instead of waking him up, you just decided to leave him a note saying you’d be back later, grabbing some vodka from the kitchen you started making your way down to the beach to meet up with your friends.
They were sat round a fire when you arrived, JJ smoking a joint and the other three all focused on the conversation they were having. They didn’t notice you until you sat down next to JJ, quickly stealing the blunt from his hand and taking a hit before giving it back to him, a shocked and offended look on his face as he muttered, “the audacity.”
“You love me really,” you say nudging him, a smirk on your face that you knew annoyed him, he just shoved you off the log you were both sitting on, “you’re wrong there Y/N.”
You pouted at him as you climbed back onto the log, turning to look at the others, who had witnessed that interaction, Kie now having a smug look on her face, knowing she’d been right about there kind of being something between you guys.
You decided to ignore this, and instead began talking to Pope about what he wanted to do at college. Forensic pathology was the thing he was passionate about, you wish you had the same idea of where you wanted your life to go, but you still didn’t know, and at this point you just wanted to enjoy life for a little while so that’s what you were going to do.
The easy conversations lasted a little bit longer, then as more people began arriving at the beach, John B and Pope went off to man the keg and JJ had gone off to, in his words, “find his fun for the night.” You and Kiara had both made a disgusted noise at this, before deciding you’d rather drink some vodka and then go and dance together. So that what you did.
You didn’t know how much you’d had to drink by the time Kie had dragged you into where other people were dancing, shouting how she loved the songs that were playing tonight, but you were starting to feel the alcohol going to your head. This, of course, only made you enjoy all this more, being so relaxed and happy with others was not something you felt often, and you were going to love every second of it.
You turned to Kie, “Hey, I’m going to go and get some beer, do you want anything?”
She shook her head, then turned back to the group of touron girls who had joined your dancing as you began heading over to where John B and Pope were.
They spotted you and waved as you made your way closer, already holding a cup out to you, you sped up for the last little distance to reach them, taking the cup and saying your thanks.
“How’s your first kegger going then?” John B asked.
“I’m really loving it, I’ve had lots of drink obviously but the whole atmosphere is great, like there only seem to be good vibes, not sure what Kie meant by there being lots of fights usually if it’s like this.”
“Well I’m glad you’re enjoying yourself, but I hate to break it to you, there’s still a good chance of there being a fight, the kooks almost always start something, or at least act like dicks, which then starts the fight.” Pope said, patting you on the shoulder as he ‘broke the news’ to you.
“Oh great,” you sighed, “but at least I can handle myself and if you guys need it, I can always help you.”
John B laughed, “You in a fight would be something I’d pay to see to be honest, but please be careful and try not to get into a fight, I mean you’ve only known us a week, that’d be like the biggest sign that we’re bad influences and we don’t need that.”
You smiled at him, “I’ll try my best.”
“Good, that means there’s only JJ to worry about now.”
“Does he get into a lot of fights then?”
“All. the. time,” Pope said, taking a sip from his cup before continuing, “but in fairness, it’s usually to stick up for once of us which makes it slightly better, even if he’s still a pain in the ass.”
You chuckled, “I’ll keep a look out as well then, stop him before he does something stupid.”
It was silent for a few seconds, you all drinking and lost in thoughts, and just as you were going to return to Kie, John B said, “Hey, Y/N, I’m glad you’re in our group now, you make it better.”
You couldn’t contain your joy when he said this, so with a very wide smile you pulled both him and Pope into a tight hug, saying, “Thank you, it’s because I’m amazing.”
They both were still laughing as you made your way back over to where you last saw Kie, but when you got there, she had since disappeared. You sighed, wondering where she’d gone and when you turned back round, you were blocked by a muscular guy, who when you saw his face, you knew was Rafe from the restaurant the other day.
“Where you going pogue?” He sneered
“What’s it to you?”
“Just wondering, anyway I came over to tell you that you look good, and I could put aside the rivalry for tonight if you wanted to have some fun.”
You scoffed, “only if by fun you mean me hitting you with a golf club, but if not I don’t have much interest.”
He moved forward, grabbing you forearm in a tight grip, “You can’t talk to me like that you little bitch, you have no idea what I’m capable of.”
“Take your hand off me.” You say, ignoring his threat.
“You heard her man, get off her.” You turned around, seeing JJ now behind you, already looking like he was prepared to fight, he looked at you in question to see if you were alright, you just nodded before looking back to Rafe.
In response, Rafe’s grip just tightened, you winced slightly, knowing this would be leaving a bruise on your arm.
Without thinking, you lifted your other hand up, and punched him straight in the face. In shock he let go of you, stumbling back holding his nose and swearing.
He looked up to you, blood running from his nose, “you’re gonna pay for that you bitch.”
As Rafe moved forward, JJ pushed you behind him, ready to take the brunt of Rafe’s anger. Before you could even try and argue for JJ to not get involved, both him and Rafe were on the ground, JJ currently on top of Rafe and punching him in the face repeatedly.
This commotion attracted the attention of everyone else on the beach, you saw John B, Pope and Kie all running over trying to see what was going on and how they could help.
Just as you shouted for JJ to stop, obvious Rafe had had enough of a beating, Rafe’s other goons appeared out of nowhere, pulling JJ off Rafe and whilst one held him in a headlock, the other kicked him in the stomach, causing JJ to bend over in pain.
“NO! GET OFF OF HIM.” You shouted, Kie had a hold on your arms so you couldn’t move forward and get involved.
Pope and John B had now moved in on the fight, John B getting in front of the one who was kicking JJ, pushing him away, and Pope punched the other one, making him release the hold he had on JJ.
They retreated, hands in the air in defence, knowing they were outnumbered, and they had seen that Rafe was still on the floor, maybe even unconscious, you thought, a little happy at that outcome. All of that happiness vanished when you saw JJ, keeled over in the sand, grabbing his side in pain.
Both you and Kie quickly ran over to him, you knelt in front of him, his head moving to look at you, “Holy shit JJ are you alright?”
“I’ve had worse.” You scrunched your eyebrows, slightly confused how this wasn’t a big deal to him, or how anything could be worse, I mean he was covered in blood and was clearly going to have lots of bruises- but before you could say anything he looked up at you again, “how’s your hand?”
“Throbbing slightly but literally nothing to worry about, especially when you look like this.”
John B and Pope lifted JJ up by his arms, “Let’s get you cleaned up man.”
Kie reached her hand out to you, helping you up so you could follow the boys, who were now trying to convince JJ to let them help.
You couldn’t help but slow down, it was your fault he had been hurt like that, you should’ve kept your anger in check, then maybe Rafe would’ve gone away without any issues. Kie nudged your shoulder, “I know what you’re thinking, and this isn’t your fault - Rafe could’ve done something bad to you so its good you stuck up for yourself and JJ was there to help you out.”
When you didn’t answer, she grabbed your hand and squeezed it, “Trust me, this isn’t your fault.”
You nodded, not saying anything as you removed your hand from hers and tried to catch up with the boys who were now arguing who’s house was closer to clean him up.
“I can take him to mine,” they turned to look at you, a bit shocked at your offer, but understood why you wanted to help him when they saw the guilt on your face.
“Are you sure?” Pope asked
“Yes, I might as well clean him up as it was my fault he got into the fight, and I need to ice my hand anyway, so you guys can stay here for a bit longer if you want.”
“Okay, can you carry him on your own?” John B said, interrupting Kie who was ready to say it wasn’t your fault again.
“I can walk on my own man,” JJ muttered at John B as you went to put your arm around his waist, allowing him to put his over your shoulder, and supporting his weight.
“Okay then, we’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
“I’m sorry I ruined the night,” you said, looking down at the floor in shame.
JJ squeezed your shoulder as the other three moved towards you and engulfed both you and JJ into a hug, Kie reassuring you that you hadn’t ruined anything, except maybe Rafe’s nose - this earned a laugh from everyone, you included, and when you stepped back, there was a small smile on your face again.
The walk back to yours was slow going, JJ struggling to stay upright and you having to support more of his weight, there was a silence between you, neither of you really knowing what to say to one another, but you used the time to try and sort out the thoughts rushing through your head.
Once back at yours, you unlocked the door, checking the sofa, which your dad had now left, obviously to go and sleep in his bed where it’s more comfy, and leading JJ to the bathroom nearest your room.
You patted the counter, indicating for him to sit on it, which he did whilst letting out a small grunt of pain. Quickly searching through the cabinet, you found some bandages and some saline solution, which you put on the counter before running to the kitchen to get some ice for his hand.
He had zoned out in thought by the time you got back, only coming back to the present when you were standing in front of him, tapping his shoulder.
“Is it alright if I step in between your legs? it's easier to reach the cuts.” You asked
“You can stand between my legs whenever you want Y/N,” he joked, as he opened them for you to step between, you still weren’t sure how he can keep acting like his normal self when he was obviously in a lot of pain.
You stopped thinking and just started cleaning out all of his wounds with the saline solution, feeling awful whenever he winced underneath your touch, but this needed to be done to lessen the pain tomorrow and to make sure no cuts git infected. You had fallen into a concentrated silence, making sure you were hurting him as little as possible, not even noticing how intensely he was looking at you, entranced with how your eyebrows scrunched together in concentration and how you bit your lip, wincing whenever he did.
You were almost done when he spoke up, “thank you for doing this by the way.”
You looked up at him, making eye contact with his intense blue eyes, “I don’t like seeing you hurt, especially when you got into that fight because of me.”
Looking back down at the area on his stomach you were trying to clean, you noticed that there were a lot more bruises and marks than just from tonight, you were going to say something but if it was something he wanted to talk about he’d tell you when he was ready, so you just stepped away from him, washing your hands in the sink.
Only now you were washing your hands did you realise how red the one you had punched Rafe with had become, and that there was now already a bruise from where he grabbed you. JJ had noticed you pause, and looked to where your eyes were focused - he couldn’t stop way his stomach lurched at the idea you were in pain, he was used to it and even though he hadn’t known you for long, he didn’t want you ever to be in pain again.
He grabbed your hands, the water from the tap flowing over both your hands, “That fight wasn’t your fault, it was Rafe’s, and I’m sorry I didn’t get there sooner.”
You turned to look at him, a tear escaping you eye, which he quickly wiped away with his thumb, “well if it’s not my fault, then you’re not allowed to be sorry either, deal?”
He let out a small laugh, “Okay that works for me,” he went to open the bathroom door, “anyway I should probably get going, don’t want your dad seeing me.”
You grabbed his arm before he could move any further, “Nope.”
“I don’t want you walking on your own when you’re in this state, so you’re going to stay here, you can share my bed with me, obviously without any funny business though.”
His mouth had gaped into an ‘O’ in shock, “Are you sure?”
“100%, and then we can make our way together to see the others tomorrow.”
“Oh, okay then.” You led him to your bedroom, throwing him a pair of your dad’s old joggers for him to get dressed into, turning away from him as you changed into a large shirt and shorts, before getting into bed next to where he had already settled.
You could feel his eyes on you, so you moved onto your side so you were facing him, before smiling at him, “Night JJ.”
He smiled back, “Night Y/N” and you both drifted off into sleep.
Taglist: @jellyfishbeansontoast​ @tangledinsparkles​ @k-k0129​ @jjsbxtch​ @outerbankslove​ @obx-beach​ @emerald-xcd​ @danicarosaline​ @belledutchess​ @teamnick​ @justcallmesams​
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ktheist · 5 years
i give this soulmateship : 11/10
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a soulmate-esque fic.
pairings: jungkook x reader
words: 6.151
synopsis: in which your whole world shifted when you found out that your soulmate is the frat brother of your one night stand the morning after said one night stand.
alternatively, “these feelings are getting in the way of my heartless bitch reputation.”
“Just admit it, god damn it,” Jungkook throws his head back in frustration, if you look closer, you can see the lines forming between his brows, “we’re soulmates!”
“Too soon to tell.” The skepticism you’ve been wearing around your shoulders will be the death of you.
He pushes his sleeve to just below his elbow despite the marking being easily visible on the spot just below the crook between his thumb and index finger. That one spot you touched when your hand brushed against his as you were about to open the bathroom door somewhere in the frat you just had a one night stand at. Hosung? Hoseok? Ho-something is still waiting at the end of the hallway for a ‘rewind’ of what happened last night just because you were both wasted and barely remembered anything.
“Touch me, right here.” He smacks the skin on his forearm. Nothing happens. If not for a little pink painting the area where that loud ‘pap!’ landed.
“No, that’d be animal abuse.”
He doesn’t seem to care about the comment as you trace back from where you came from, ignoring the ‘who was it? namjoon? hoseok?’ (ah, so it’s hoseok) that closes in on your trail. Jungkook’s pep-talk goes on for another quarter minute before he curses and walks pass you into the room you’re heading.
“Motherfucker! That was my soulmate!” The scene is unusually arousing with your self-proclaimed soulmate on top of Hoseok whose morning wood is painstakingly visible in his nude glory while he pales at Jungkook’s unrelenting threats to ‘stay as far away from ____ as possible and if I so much as –’
While they’re at it, you gather what’s yours: bra, underwear, phone and shorts which gets swallowed by Hoseok’s shirt before making a beeline towards the door but not before trying to wave at Jimin with a hand full of bra that you quickly hide behind your back shamefully.
Just when you thought you’ve escaped the lion’s den. The lion comes running at you in a form of Jeon Jungkook with only a shirt and boxers on, shouting your name like a man madder than he turns out to be.
You barely made it into the Uber when he skids to a stop just inches from the vehicle as it begins to move.
“Don’t look but Jeon Jungkook is staring at you!” Han Na squeals as she pinches a handful of your oversized sweater that you changed into after dumping Hoseok’s shirt in the laundry basket.
Something tells you Jungkook can sniff the Hoseok off of that shirt if you came to class in it and it’s not going to be good.
“Can you not,” you attempt to elbow the girl with the hand which sleeve she’s clinging onto in her excitement which doesn’t seem to give the desired effect of shutting her up, “make it obvious that we know he’s watching?” 
“Yeah - no. I mean, no! Jeon Jungkook is your soulmate and I will not shut up about this until I have grandchildrens so the only time I shut up is when I’m dead -” At this point where her voice is a pitch (she might as well go up to the front and use the mic), you’re willing to accept any kinds of alternative even if it came in a giant ‘fuck you’ box handed to you by the gods themselves when you look up to see thee Jung Hoseok himself - except he’s more decent.
“Hey, is this seat taken?”
“Yes.” Han Na chirps almost instantly, waving him away with her hand only to frown when you forcefully lower it with yours.
She never liked him ever since he beat her in a dance off.
“Nope.” The ‘p’ pops a little as you will yourself to show a tweak of human decency.
“So,” Hoseok starts, eyes trained on the professor but nowhere does it shows that he’s listening to a thing the elder woman is saying, “you’re Jungkook’s soulmate, huh?”
You’re about to roll your eyes at the mention of fate before the next words get your jaw dropping on the ground and you can only hope you don’t look like an idiot.
“I was kinda hoping you’d say yes if I asked you out.”
Well, not actual silence since there’s none of that when the professor’s only taking 2 seconds break between her words but there’s definitely an awkward pause between you two. For one, you don’t expect anything to come out of a drunken hook up and two, he must either be dumb or brave if he chooses to ignore the glare of daggers shooting in his direction from a certain male specimen on the other side of the room.
“Hoseok, I...”
“How long are you planning to avoid me before you admit it?” Jungkook, out of absolutely nowhere (actually from the other side of the lecture hall), falls in step with you.
All that muscle wasted to a single cat and mouse game when he could be running for the track team.
“Stop stalking me.”
It comes as a surprise when he abruptly stops in his trek which consequently makes you stop a step after him. Cheeks puffed and mouth pursed. The image is almost comical for a guy with his built yet makes your chest full of something warm and tender.
“I’m not –” he balls his hands in the air as though he can grab hold of the frustrating situation and put a stop to it.
Taking a deep breath, he looks back at you with controlled exasperation and a cooler tone, “I am not stalking you.”
“Um, chasing after the car I left? Check. Following me around as soon as I get out of class? Check. I mean the list can go on if you continue stal–”
“Stop,” he presses his palm against your mouth, “using that word.” 
Eyes looking around in case anyone caught a piece of the conversation only to realize that he’s touching you without your permission and quickly retracts his hand as though they burn.
The look on his face screams ‘oh shit’ as his mouth stretches across his teeth into an unsure smile.
You fumble with your phone. All of a sudden swiping becomes the most difficult task to date as it takes almost a minute for you to access the front camera. And sure as day, the markings are there. Wildflowers bloom across your face where his touch is still hot. Purple, blue, yellow colors your otherwise natural skin tone. 
Jungkook notices the glance you give his hand that’s inked with similar wildflowers as he clutches it and unclutches it.
“Uh, sor-”
He doesn’t even get to finish his words because you’re already dashing down the hallway towards the washroom as though it’s some ink that can be rinsed off.
(But hey, you tried.)
The rumor about Jungkook’s floral engraved fingertips spreads like wildfire. The campus heartthrob found his soulmate. You can only imagine how many hearts he’s broken by using those hands out in the open to wave at his friends and perform those handshakes every time he sees his pals.
You, on the other hand, opts for a Kumamon printed mask. Han Na made a slip of a tongue that black would contrast glaringly against the colorful markings on your face if the mask sag lower than the markings line even just a bit.
The good news is, everyone’s looking for someone who has the same markings as Jungkook but on their hands. Not face. Which leads to you managing to lay low the whole week until the markings fade off and you’re finally soulmate-free. Or appear to be.
First thing you do is hop into an Uber to a party on Friday as soon as your class ends. Your friends are already (drunk) texting you to hurry up because apparently you’re the only one with a night class among your group of friends.
“You’re hereeee!” Han Na spills some beer on you while she hugs you, “girl, where’s your red cup? I’ll get-”
You manage to hold her before she fades into the crowd, saying that you’ll get it yourself and leaving her with your friends who are halfway to getting wasted.
It is in that moment that the gnawing guilt in the corner of your heart dissipates as your eyes catch sight of a certain well-built basketball ace with Jennie. Obviously whatever words they’re saying to each other consist of compliments with one objective in mind. To get into each other’s pants.
Almost as though you’re spiritually (ha!) connected, Jungkook looks up. Those hazed eyes turns twice their sizes as your lips part slightly from shock or a big fat guilt of being caught, you’re not sure.
Han Na has been glaring at Jungkook who’s been giving you the puppy eye since you came back without a cup and a whole lot of frown.
At some point, after a few cups of beers passed around, you’re laughing and dancing with the girls. Any unpleasant thoughts now pushed to the back of your mind.
You must have strayed away from your group when not-all-of-a-suddenly, Jimin’s hands are on your hips and yours on his shoulder as you both sway rhythmically. He rests his forehead on yours, sporting that cute, eye smile. Having been friends when people started talking about him after summer break once he put on some muscle and bleached his hair,boy would you be lying if you said you were far from joining the having-the-hots-for-Jimin bandwagon.
He starts to lean in and you wanted to stand on your tip toes to close the distance between you and him...
And then you’re embracing sheer air.
“Stay the fuck away from her, you hear me?” Someone shouts from somewhere on the dance floor.
Looking over to where the voice comes from, a circle starts to form on your left where a certain brown head is visible between the gap of drunken spectators. You push your way through the crowd, worry fills your chest as you internally dread the sight you’re about to see.
Sure enough, Jimin is on the floor, cupping his cheek while he glares daggers at his frat brother. You wedge yourself between the two men, acting as a human barricade. 
“Jungkook, seriously?” Your voice is hushed and rushed, eyes briefly scanning the crowd.
Some appear disinterested, some annoyed at the interruption but the most irritating ones are the ones taking out their phones as you speak.
“Get out of the way, ____.” He orders. The nerve of him.
“Or,” standing straighter, you challenge him through gritted teeth, “what?”
His gaze falters as though it’s a hypothetical slap to his face whilst your heart accelerates. Your body is pink and hot and yearns for him to touch you but if there’s one thing, you’re good at, it’s keeping your hands to yourself when you need to.
The tension is almost tangible. It tastes bitter than the feeling at the back of your throat. A part of you wants to step back and say sorry for laying your hands on another man when you know who Jungkook is and what he means to you. Another part, or the more reasonable one as you dupe it, tells you to walk away with your pride in tact. 
Before the inner war manages to convince you to do something stupid, a shout from somewhere in the crowd makes you break into cold sweat. And it seems, everyone else.
“Cops! Fuck!”
It feels like the series of events from the moment you found out who your soulmate is, leads up to this very moment: shouts, bodies pushing, panicked wails and red and blue lights pouring from the windows. When you look over your shoulder, Jimin’s already fled the scene probably the second someone screams ‘the cops are here!’
“We gotta run!” Are the last words that Jungkook said before all hell breaks loose.
You both start running.
Through the backdoor, into the hilly streets, past houses and buildings until you lose sight of your fellow college buddies who were running along with you, until the signature red and blue lights are replaced with the monotonous street light, until you spot a similar yet dissimilar markings upon people’s faces as they pass you by.
“Did we,” you pant, “run,” another pant, “all the way to the city?”
Jungkook laughs a breathy laugh, head lolled to the back while he looks at the sky as though thanking the stars for saving him - and you have a sneaky suspicion his gratefulness extends to your behalf as well as he squeezes your hand.
“Sorry.” His eyes go wide when it dawns on him (and you).
The blue, purple and yellow wildflowers paint both your hands where they touch, appearing darker in the absence of light as Jungkook releases his hold. Holding back the senseless impulse to grab that hand again, you slip your in your pocket.
“Thanks for saving my ass back there.”
He shrugs, “was saving my own ass but figured I’d bring you along.”
A flash of yellow enters your periphery, “look! there’s a cab, we can grab a ride back.”
“Wait,” Jungkook’s freezes for half a second as though the word left his lips before he can even register it, “what if they’re waiting for us?”
“The cops?” You lull your head slightly to the side, one eyebrow lifted questioningly.
“Yeah.” He begins, “maybe they figured out we’re all from the same uni and are waiting at the house. Uh, I don’t know.”
“Okay.” You nod, “so we hang around here for a bit.”
A good, solid thirty seconds past before he steps in front of you, halting you altogether. Lips set in a firm, serious line but the pink on his cheeks and ears only serve to make him less intimidating - if that’s what he’s aiming for.
“Be honest, why were you all over Jimin? Do you like him?”
“Uh,” you raise your eyebrows at him as though asking if he’s for real.
When his own don’t lift up, you realize your reluctance to answer is the reason for that flash of hurt in his eyes.
“It’s because I was talking to Jennie, huh?”
“What? No!” You take a step back as though the idea itself physically appalls you, “I mean I’m petty but not that petty and you,” you wave a colored index finger in his face in a warning manner, “are giving yourself too much credit.”
With that, you step to the side, leaving him behind only to have him fall into pace with you. Flushed cheeks and a cute pout, he shoots another round of questions, “why don’t you accept me as your soulmate? Do you... hate me that much?”
The street lamp under which you stop bears witness to furrowed eyebrows and the 30 seconds of interval you take to muster your words.
“You know when something doesn’t work out and the girl tells the guy it’s not their fault but it kind of is?” You take in a deep breath, hoping, praying to the stars that there’s a reset button because honest to Fate, Jungkook will either hate you or you’re going to hate yourself for doing this to a perfectly, attractive and amazing guy.
And the thing is, you know he’s amazing. You were in the same circle of friends at some point, had an intellectual conversation enough to shift the dynamics from acquaintances to kinda-friends, he may even be listed in your future-fuck-candidate but - 
“This time, it’s literally, literally me. I just don’t like the idea of getting with someone just because we’re ‘soulmates’.” Hands gesturing in the space between you and him, you sigh, shoulders sagging, “I mean before this, we’re just a friend of a friend’s and now you’re telling me we’re supposed to spend our whole lifetime together?”
Jungkook drops his gaze, shoes scuffing the hard concrete as he keeps his hands buried in his pockets. One heartbeat. Two heartbeats. Three heartbeats.
After the tenth count, he looks up at you with the same eyes he did that morning and your chest tightens, “I’m not telling you to spend your whole lifetime with me.”
“But give me a chance to show you my definition of soulmates.” His eyes literally sparkle like the stars as he waits for you to respond and you’re going over the pros and cons in your head.
The pros are: your soulmate is Jeon-fucking-Jungkook.
The cons: everything else.
“Okay, but,” You warn, heart palpitating. Somewhere in your head, sirens are going off as a part of you wills your body to turn the other way and run run run, “I can call this soulmateship off anytime I want when I know it’s not working out.”
“Deal.” The hesitant lines between his eyebrows ceases as he grins that grin that makes your heart skip a beat.
“Hey,” Jungkook plops next to you, that boyish smile on his face, “cute sweater.”
“Uh,” you hesitate for a heartbeat because Han Na is either going to kill him for last Friday, she doesn’t know the details but he’s easily her least favorite person when she put two and two together or she’s going to kill you for giving her spot out to the guy she’s going to eventually also kill, “thanks.”
It’s a grey, oversized sweater and the only one that you have in your closet that’s big enough for the sleeves to fall past half of your hand so the markings won’t be as visible while Jungkook dons his black and red jersey, the cuff stopping just a few centimeters past his wrist. 
“Nice pen.” You note the lack of notebooks on his table while the pen you saw him brought lies lonely by itself.
His cheeks turn red as he forces out a laugh, “Oh this? It’s Jimin’s.”
You blink, surprised, “you guys made up?”
“No, I sneaked into his room and stole it this morning.”
You can’t help but smile at his pettiness. Idiot.
As though the stars heard him, Jimin slides into the chair in front of him along with Han Na who’s shooting accusatory looks at you. You try to mouth ‘I’ll tell you later’ to her, only to have her use her hands to gesture her non-understanding, leading to Jimin noticing her and then looking over at you and Jungkook.
That makes the third surprised face that’s thrown at you today since Jungkook sat next to you. The second one was from Han Na and the first was from Jennie who passed your row to join her friends on the far left side of the hall.
“Hey pretty, how’s your weekend?” Jimin smiles and he makes it clear that he’s only talking to you with the additional pet name (much to Jungkook’s chagrin).
Before you begin to form a placid sentence in hopes to tone down the growing tension between the two brothers, the professor’s elderly voice greets the class. Jimin being Jimin, he turns his body to the front as he focuses on the lesson. Han Na gives you one last look that screams ‘this isn’t over’ before she turns to the lesson too.
Not long after, Jungkook snickers from next to you as you nudge his side in an attempt to tell him to focus while Jimin takes off the cover of his iPad and puts it back on and then continues scanning the floor below his seat. When Han Na notices the abundance of movements from the person sitting next to her, she must have asked even though you didn’t hear it. And then she starts mimicking his action of looking down as well.
“Give me,” you gesture below the table, palm facing the ceiling.
“What? No!” He half-shouts and half-whispers, gone is the mirth on his face, replaced by a look of betrayal and dissatisfaction as he holds the stylus.
“He’s clearly suffering.” You emphasize the last word, making the man look at his poor brother who’s getting more and more frustrated by the second.
Then he hands you the pen. You don’t miss the extra length between his fingers and the other end for you to take without having your fingers brush. Once you’re in possession of it, you toss it in the aisle next to you.
“Everything good, Jimin?”
The aforementioned man looks at you, distraught but still managing to shoot you a smile, “yeah, think I might have pay a visit at the lost and found. Can’t find my stylus anywhere.”
“Oh,” you throw your eyes to the floor under your seat, peeking through the gap and pretending to look until your eyes land on the piece of stylus that you previously tossed, “is that it?”
Relief washes over his feature as he practically leaps for the pencil as though a second late and it’ll disappear from his very eyes. Or so to speak.
“He was so gonna cry,” Jungkook comments from next to you once he’s sure Jimin is focused on what the professor’s saying.
When he meets your gaze, his hands shoot up in a surrendering manner, eyes wide as though you’re the one not making sense here, “I was gonna put it in his locker when I get back!”
You roll your eyes, “negative one point for the house of asshole-ry.”
Jungkook looks like he’s about to protest just as the professor announces the existence of a test in a fortnight’s time. Then he channels all his energy to panicking and asking the person on his other side about the test just because you sarcastically told him to pay attention in class next time, idiot.
The video’s of you, Jimin and Jungkook is out.
Though the last thing you want is to be caught up in a rumor between two attractive frat brothers, it doesn’t seem too bad minus a few random people coming up to you and talking as though you’ve been good old buddies. Taehyung being on of them. You’ve been hanging out with him for almost two days just because Eunha’s friends with him and invited him for lunch even though your group was faring perfectly well without his presence before.
“So, you’re Jungkook’s soulmate, huh?”
Before you manage to say anything, they’re already embellishing the answer one after another. It went from Jungkook being rejected to Jimin swooping in and then to the two boys having a beef over you. By the end of it, Taehyung is nodding and making all kinds of facial reactions.
“They’re pathological liars,” you explain, “half of those things aren’t true.”
The way Taehyung’s been nodding for the umpteenth time makes you wonder if his neck is okay. Before you manage to ponder further, your eyes fall on the group of boys that entered the common hall. Amongst them, the talked-about soulmate of yours.
It seems as though the spiritual, telepathic, hoodoo voodoo connection is real as Jungkook, for some unknown reason, scans the vicinity and his eyes land smack dab on you.
Your friends are making weird, kissy sounds as he begins to tread over.
“Guys, please stop.” You rub your temples, dropping your head in order to hide the heat on your face.
“Hey, sup guys.” Jungkook chirps, he sounds closer than you’d like as your friends collectively greet him back, some high-fiving him from the pap! pap! sounds.
The moment you’ve been dreading comes when Eunha nudges you and you can tell by the lack of chattering that all your friends are waiting, anticipating, “____, don’t you wanna say hi?”
Putting on a fake smile, you breathe out as you look up only to find Jungkook looking back at you with that boyish grin.
“Hi.” You half-whisper in exasperation.
“Hey.” His tone drops an octave lower, almost as though that ‘hey’ was a whisper meant only for you before he turns to your friends, grin widening, “you mind if I steal ___ for a bit?”
“Yes.” Han Na replies, curt, short as she smiles at him in a ‘bye-bye’ kind of manner.
She hasn’t like him much since you briefly and lightly explained why you weren’t acting yourself since you came back without a drink and crossed arms.
“No! Pffft. We don’t mind!” Nayeon says over the silence that lapses at Han Na’s response.
They chorus words of eager agreement. If you don’t know any better, you’d think they just want to be rid of you.
“So I was thinking,” Jungkook breaks the quietness as you walk down the hallway, completely unaware of the curious gazes shot his way, “this Sunday. You and me. Theme park.”
“Like a date?”
He rolls his eyes, “no, I’m gonna kidnap you and dump your body in a haunted house.”
This time, it’s your turn to roll yours but the smile on your lips gives away the playfulness of the atmosphere.
“I don’t understand how a date is going to change my mind.”
“You’ll see.” Jungkook winks and with that, he starts walking backwards, “wear something blue!”
You can’t help but snort at the navy blue bomber jacket he has on. The shade, similar to your jeans which is the only blue you have on. He doesn’t seem to mind when he greets you with a hi and a drop of his gaze to his white Adidas before looking back at you with a smile you can’t quite decipher, “you look good.”
“Thanks.” You comment, knowing his taste in fashion has always screamed ‘cute, attractive guy who’s way out of your league alert’, “you too.”
He runs a hand through his fluff of a hair and make a mental note to ask for his haircare routine.
The bullet train you take gets more and more packed with each stop. You don’t miss the subtle shift Jungkook does as he stands between you and the crowd, trapping you between the doors that doesn’t open at least for until five more stops.
“So what did you do last night?”
“Partied, you know, at Taehyung’s.”
“This Taehyung guy, is he nice?” He narrows his eyes.
“He’s okay, he’s Eunha’s friend.”
Jungkook smiles, nodding as his averts his gaze to something behind you where the window opens up to the cityscape.
A pause. A hard stare from your part and subsequently a sigh from him.
“Okay,” Jungkook gives in to your questioning look as he returns one that says ‘but you’re not gonna like it’, “I hear he’s been saying stuff about us.”
“Which is...”
“Harmless but I figured you’re not the kind of person that wants to get involved in rumors. He’s been saying we’re soulmates and you refused because of Jimin and something about Hoseok asking you out.” He shrugs, lower lip jutting out briefly, unbothered.
“He did ask me out.”
Just then, the train comes to yet another stop. The last thing you see is Jungkook’s baffled face before slipping past the crowd and out of the train. The afternoon air is chilly even with three layers of clothing. The streets of Yongin forever busy with the hustle and bustle of life. Something sweet and savory fills your nose as you approach a food vendor selling fish-shaped buns.
“Wait,” Jungkook calls from somewhere not too far away, “what do you mean he asked you out?”
He comes to a stop next to you as you pay for the buns, handing one to him as you continue walking in the same direction of the sea of people towards the flashy yellow gates of the park. 
“He asked me out and then I said no.”
“Oh, cool.” A look of relief washes over him as he nonchalantly nods but the smile he hides beneath the fish shaped bun does not get past your hawk-like observation.
Once you dump the paper bag that the buns came with, Jungkook’s already smiling from ear-to-ear as he looks at something behind you where the source of screaming comes from.
“Actually, the merry-go-round seems fun.” 
“You’re not for real,” the look on Jungkook’s face is almost comical as it starts to fall at the dawning seriousness that you’d rather choose sculptures of horses, ponies, carriages and what not than the heaving, suspended vessel he’s eyeing, “are you?”
“Unless, of course, you wanna ride something else then we can go on separate rides and have fun on our ow-”
“Merry-go-round, here we come!” Jungkook almost shouts as he begins on his trek, trailing behind him, you try to hold back your laughter at his obvious disinterest in the kiddy ride but preserved either way.
He looks almost surreal, like a modern knight as he playfully waves around his imaginary sword in his attempt to ‘protect the princess!’ who rides a violet pony just a couple horses away from you and Jungkook. Her hearty laugh rings like bell chimes as the ride comes to a stop and he got off first, holding his hand out for her.
“Are you soulmates?” She looks from Jungkook to you, her tiny hands wrapped around his finger and yours.
All of a sudden, an unbearable weight settles on your shoulder as you force a smile, “yeah, kinda.”
“Then why don’t you have pretty birdies on your faces like mommy and daddy?”
She had waved to a couple in their late 30′s on the other side of the rail. Their markings a monochrome of sparrows, apparent on their faces. A glaring pronouncement of ownership and commitment for those who’s found the other part of their soul.
“Well, because,” the pause you take is long enough to demand the gaze of the girl and Jungkook’s ‘I got this’ smile.
“Because we’re not ready to like each other like soulmates do.”
You thank the heaven’s that, in that moment, you’ve reached the exit slash entrance of the ride. Bowing to the little girl’s parents, you gush over how a sweetheart she is when her mother apologizes for her handfulness. She waves at you and Jungkook as one hand grasps onto her father before the family disappears into the crowd.
“You chose the first ride, now it’s my turn and I choose,” Jungkook grins, index finger pointing to the initial ride he’s been eyeing just as the vessel curves forward after remaining suspended in the air for three seconds, shouts of terror ensues, “that.”
Swallowing the lump in your throat, you can feel the bead of sweat running down your temple.
“Whoever thought about a floating boat is - AAAAAAAH!” There’s no telling whether you’ve lost your voice (you suspect yes, from the soreness in your throat) or whether it got swallowed by the half-dozen of voices from the rest of the people suffering the same, horrible, death-potent fate as you.
The machinery remains suspended in the air, defying the gravity that causes your hair to fall over your visage before it curves downwards without so much as a warning. Then, you’re back to having your mouth wide open like a flytrap, gripping onto the only thing keeping you from being tossed into oblivion.
It feels as though the ride goes on for hours before it actually stops and by the time it does, you realize you have your eyes screwed shut and the railing you were holding onto for dear life isn’t a piece of metal pole that you though it was  because for one, it wouldn’t have fingers and two, the thumb shouldn’t have the ability to rub half-circles on the back of your hand.
“You okay?” The creased forehead and troubled eyes are enough to tell you that you’re going to have to go through another week of sweaters and hiding under sleeves.
Jungkook’s free hand reaches for you only to stop halfway, an indecipherable look on his face before he stands up. The hand you’ve been gripping slipping away from your touch as he pockets them inside his jacket.
By the time you were off the ride, the feelings in your legs gradually return and you manage to walk properly, the warmth of his hand still lingers as your hands sway by your side.
“Sorry, I, uh, didn’t know you were af-”
“I was shook,” you cut him off, determined to get things straight, “not afraid.”
“If you mean screaming your lungs out like there’s no tomorrow is shookethness, then okay.” His tone is laced with mockery as a corner of his lips lifts up.
“It’s called freedom is speech, Kook,” you roll your eyes, trying and failing to hide the heat on your cheeks, “get with the culture.”
Jungkook never lets you live after that. He’s been abusing the word shook, shooketh or shookethness for every event which the word are not remotely applicable but also won a shark plushie for you. 
For the next few rides, despite in spite of himself, Jungkook chose milder ones namely the dodgems and scrambler and you go on to play a few games until you suggest the roller coaster. You take whole solid minutes to convince the basketball ace that you do want to get on the ride and deny every allegations tumbling out of his mouth about you choosing said ride because you want him to have fun too because ‘I’m having loads of fun already!’ he says as he gestures towards the gold fishes that you’re about to hopefully catch.
The sight itself is endearing and ridiculous at the same time because knowing the athletic male and the amount of sports he joins during your university’s sports week, stealing candy from a baby is more thrilling than gold fish-fishing.
“I’ve always wanted to go on these rides at least once in my lifetime.”
Silence lapses before Jungkook looks straight at you, “...that’s kinda sad.”
With a kick to the leg, you leave him calling (or laughing, you’re not sure) for you while apologizing and handing the 2 tickets worth of net back to the vendor. He slips in after you, the excitement of the twist and turns of the route already having him grinning.
“Wanna hold my hand?”
You’re not sure if he was joking when he holds out his hand, palm facing the sky but there’s no mistaking wide eyed gaze he gives you as you slip yours in his just before the train starts moving. Purple, yellow and blue begins to bloom over yours and his hands as your grip gets firmer with every dip and turn.
It doesn’t seem all that scary, these rides.
The subway is less crowded, the shocking red seats remaining mostly vacant. Your colorful hands clasp over the shark plush that you hug to yourself. Your side is pressed against the backseat, knees brushing against his while his index finger brushes the back of your hand before it hooks around yours as you catch the last train back. Outside, the star-like lights dot the cityscape. He’s humming an old tune that was popular back when you were children.
A thumb war begins to break out except you end up holding his index finger with your whole hand in an attempt to stop him from poking your poor shark plush. Something warm blooms in your chest as laughter tumbles out of the both of you.
“These feelings are getting in the way of my heartless bitch reputation,” you say, a moment later as you bite your lower lip.
A pause. A silence.
“So,” he fails, (terribly, if you may say so yourself) to contain the forming smile as his eyes do so as well, curving in crescent moons but brighter than the luminescent lights in the ceiling, “you’re saying you like me.”
“See, that’s the thing,” you wave your free index finger in at him, “you’re jumping to conclusions.”
“Tell me I’m wrong,” he dares, that glint in his eyes brighter than the stars that brought you together, “tell me you don’t think we’ll end up liking each other that day we started talking about peanut butter on pizza.”
You scrunch your nose in a muscle response, “which we settled is the equivalence of pineapples on pizza.”
“Which is a great topping,” the repeated raise of his eyebrow tells you to admit the superior fact of the matter but you shake your head playfully, “shut your cute ass up.”
Silence, a comfortable one, lapses as the train beeps, alerting the last remaining seconds before the doors close. You end with your backs against the rest, staring at your reflection in the widow directly across from you. Wildflowers ark Jungkook’s jaw as he rests his chin on top of your head and peeks just beneath your hairline. Nevermind the linger of the mark for the next few days.
“I give this soulmateship an 11/10.” You murmur underneath your breath like a whisper meant only for him as you feel the squeeze on your hand.
“I like you too, idiot.”
please leave an ask if you like what you see! check out my masterlist for more fics! :)
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Oooof. A Jax Teller imagine about him being very protective of you would be bomb. Make it angsty and smutty please😍
“Just in time”
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Hey love, here you go. I made it onyl angsty, it didn’t fel right to include smut. Maybve i went too far with this, but i was so excited about thuis write i had to keep it. If you want another one, just hit me up with a dm or ask. thanks for requesting,
Jax hates this place. Every inch of his body despises the people who comes here. He never even wanted to come here in the first place. It was a simple and quick job. He needed something from the owner, so him and his brothers came one day, barging into the bar, filled with horny losers, alcoholic old men, and scumbags. But the moment his eyes landed on the bar, he saw you, with those big Y/E/C Bambi eyes, and he was lost. Suddenly he wanted to stop, and not cause a scene. Anything to wipe that look on your face. The look of fear. Fear of him and the people he loves. So he changed his mind. No trouble, no guns involved, without any punch.  After that, he was there almost every night. Looking for your pretty face. Ohhh, and how curious he was. Everybody said to him, he has no chance. She turns down every men who ever talked to her. Young, old, poor, rich, black or white. Doesn’t matter. They said.
But he was stubborn, so he dug his way into your heart somehow. Slowly, but surely.
Jax watched you from a fair distance, not disturbing you while you worked. You asked him dozen times, to stop the security carnival, and don’t send anybody to look after you, but he never listens. Deep down you know, he means good, but sometimes you just want a simple day at work.
It’s a crowded Saturday night. Hot summer evening, cold beers, whiskey and vodka, drunken dancing in the middle of the room.
You sigh as you feel the exhaustion weighting your shoulders down. You need a long and hot bath after this. The bar is filled, but had to have a quick break. Say hi to Jax and the boys, maybe having a drink yourself. You deserve it.
As his name crosses your mind, you immediately feel the intense gaze on your body.  You smile to yourself. Damn you love this feeling. Fireworks, and butterflies and all. It’s nothing like them.
You grab a beer for yourself, gladly welcoming the coldness going down in your throat. Jax’s table is not far from the bar, you can hear Tig’s telling a story about Happy not understanding morbid jokes. You chuckle to yourself, catching a glimpse of the group. Your family.
“Y/N!” You hear a familiar voice next to you.
It’s the son of your boss. A little bit younger than you, but a handsome guy. Too bad he’s a complete asshole.
“You got a minute. Something is wrong with yesterday’s wine shipments.” He says, pointing to the back where the office and the storage has been placed.
“Yeah, sure.” You huff, not really hiding the fact, that this is the last thing you need tonight. Him and his problems.
You pass the office, to storage, following his steps. He’s talking about something, but you are too annoyed to listen to his stupid voice.
He’s guiding you to the wines, all in the same place as a couple of hours ago, the same amount you ordered last week. You don’t really know the problem here.
“Sooo… what’s wrong with the shipments. There was no problem with them…”
You stare at the paper in front of you, and the wines, trying to figure out what he means. Before you could speak up again, you feel him dangerously close. His breath is playing on your face and neck. You freeze in your place, praying for a different outcome than this whole thing feels to you.
You take a step away from him, but you pressed against the big piles of vodka boxes behind you.
“You know how many times I wished to be here with you?” He growls in a low voice, his last word muffled, because his lips crushes into yours. Now you are trapped between him, and a brick wall of booze. His mouth tastes like sweat and cigarette, his body fully pressing on yours, almost crushing you down and down. You feel yourself closer and closer to the ground, your panic retrained in your body as his rough hands grabs yours, twisting them to your back. You cry out in pain, slightly shifting under his weight.
His tongue tries to find a way into your mouth, almost succeeding when you open your mouth, to bite on his lips in full force. You feel the warm liquid flow in your mouth, tasting like iron.
“You little slut…” He lets go of you, but he knows better to distance himself from you. You see his bloody fingers leaving his mouth, lifting up and back, his fist ready to strike at your face.
Your eyes shut, waiting for the collision, but it never comes. Instead a big crash rings through the room, the echo of glass breaking comes back from the walls.
When you open your eyes, you see Jax on top of him, punching his face with full force, not letting him take a break. Alcohol fills the air, as it spills around the man on the ground.
You feel an arm pulling you out from the corner you were sucked in, calming down from the soothing Scottish accent.
“C’mon baby girl, let him take care of this” Chibs is taking you to the car, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, calming your trembling body.
Half-sack is in the car next to you in no time, listening to Chibs instructions, you couldn’t make out, because of the terrible noise in your ear. Blood is rushing so loud in your head you can’t focus on the outside world anymore.
You can’t feel time. At one moment you think it’s just second, the next time, you feel you have aged years. You are so caught up in your own world that Half-sack needs to shake your shoulder a little, to gain your attention.
“We’re here, Y/N.” He says, and you recognize the familiar driveway, and the lights on the house. HE he does everything, and you feel bad that he has to drag you through the house, taking care of you. He steps away from you when you are sound and safe on the couch.
“Thanks” You whisper, pulling the blanket on you from the side of the sofa.
When he disappears from you sight, you know he’ll stay in the house. You want Jax. You want him beside you, having his skin on yours.
The next thing you see is two blue eyes searching for yours, blonde strands flying around his face.
“Hey” You croak, instantly cupping his face, pulling him close, and connecting your lips with his. “Are you okay?”
“Am I okay? Shit Y/N, am I okay? He tried to..” Anger creeps up onto his check, flushing red, eyes dark as the night. “Are you hurt?”
“Nah, nothing series other than a death scare.” You smile sadly.
“I’m sorry darling, I should have done that a long time ago. I wanted to give space to you, to handle him, but this..”
“No more Jax. I’m just glad I got out.”
“He won’t ever do that again.”
You want to ask, but you have learned, it’s better not to.
“I love you” You breath into his mouth, crashing you lips onto his.
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Ten Pounds
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Pairings: Tom Holland x Deaf/HoH!Reader
Warnings: None
Summary: Tom learns sign language so he can communicate more easily with you.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I am Hearing. I studied ASL for two years and had quite a few Deaf/ HoH friends but I moved across the country and unfortunately have regressed in my knowledge of the language because I’ve had a hard time getting reacquainted. I had a difficult time writing this because I know that the Deaf/ HoH community has such a large range of ability to hear, speak, write, and/or lip read. I tried really hard to assume as little about the reader as possible but for the sake of this fic, I did not include any verbalization on the reader’s end or details on perception of sound. I also had a difficult time trying to figure out how to describe what was being signed, as I wasn’t sure whether or not to write it in English or gloss because I didn’t want to perpetuate the idea that ASL is just English signed word for word but I wasn’t sure if it would be more confusing written in gloss. ALSO I’m aware that this would most likely be taking place in the UK and I described American Sign Language but that’s simply because I don’t know any British Sign Language. Anyways, please let me know if this was alright or accurate or inaccurate and please inform me on how to write better fics like this! I’m open to criticism and to learning more about this but please don’t be rude about it. 
Tom arrived at Haz’s new apartment way before anyone else had to help set up for his housewarming party. It wasn’t a huge affair, only about fifteen or so of his closer friends, but he still wanted everything to look presentable. 
People began to show up around seven-thirty that night and soon it was all snacks and drinks and hanging out with everyone. For the most part, Tom found himself at least acquainted with most of the people there, since he and Haz were practically inseparable so it was a fairly comfortable party. 
“You are never allowed to drink that much beer again, Harry, I swear.” Tom spoke, reminiscing about the night before with a bit of a cringe tainted laugh. 
Harry looked offended, “I was not that bad!” 
“You were dancing on the table and waving your fucking shirt in the air!” Haz continued the story between sips of his beer, “I swear, I let you come over to my new place and you nearly wreck the place.” 
Sam chimed in, “Honestly, I’m embarrassed to be your twin sometimes.” 
Harry’s hands flew up in defense, “Okay, okay, don’t you blokes go acting like you weren’t all drinking either! I was not the only one who had a little too much!” 
The group of men laughed and joked, remembering Harry dancing like a stripper with his shirt off on the table. He did have a point: None of them were exactly sober the night before. 
Just as Haz was about to say something, Tom saw him look at the door over his shoulder, “Oh, wait. Someone just got here. Let me say hi real quick.” 
Tom let his gaze follow Haz as he walked over to the door, which had opened to reveal you standing there with a bottle of wine, looking like the most beautiful girl at the event, at least to Tom. He watched your face light up with a smile as you waved at Haz. He leaned down to hug you tightly and-
“Wow, Tom, stare a little harder, why don’t you.” Harry laughed. 
Tom whipped his attention back to his brothers, “What? I wasn’t staring.” He scoffed, crossing his arms over his chest with a feigned attempt to look nonchalant. 
He was staring. 
Sam gestured behind Tom with his cup, “Well, you better stop being weird cause she’s coming over here now.” 
“What?” Tom asked, eyes wide as he turned to check but by that time, Haz had already brought you and another blonde girl over to meet the group. 
“Tom, Harry, Sam, this is Y/N and Katy. I think you’ve met Katy before, though. Right, Tom?” Haz introduced you and your best friend Katy to the three other men. 
Tom nodded, “Yeah, I think we’ve met but hi again anyways.” He laughed as he shook Katy’s hand again just to complete the interaction. He got to you and shook your hand. “Hi, I’m Tom.” 
You took his hand with a smile but when he was finished speaking, he watched in momentary confusion that quickly turned to curiosity when you pointed to yourself and then (with a pointed finger moved from your ear to your chin/ moved two fingers from right to left). 
“Sign language? Oh shoot, I don’t- I can’t-” Tom stuttered, not really knowing what to say. 
You gently waved a single hand in front as if to say, Don’t worry about it. Tom watched as you tapped your thumb against your chest with an open five palm. Then you held up one finger. Wait a second. You dove down to grab your phone and quickly began tapping. 
“She says it’s fine, just wait a sec.” Katy translated for Tom, just in case he didn’t understand the very obvious signs like Hearing people often didn’t. 
Tom looked at her, “You know sign language too?” He asked in surprise and amazement. 
Katy nodded, “I’m an interpreter. Me and Y/N actually met at an event that I was interpreting for and we’ve been friends ever since.” 
“Oh, so do you interpret for her?” He asked, watching in amazement as her hands moved as she spoke, signing along with what both she and Tom were saying. He glanced over to see you waiting with your phone in hand, watching as she signed. 
She shook her head, “No, we’re just friends. I mean I help out in times like right now where there’s a conversation between Hearing people so she’s included but she’s capable of communicating herself.” 
You took that as your cue to hand him your phone: 
Hi! I’m Y/N but I think Haz already said that. Yes, I am (Deaf/ Hard of Hearing) but if you want to talk we can write :) 
Tom read the message quickly and looked up to see you waiting patiently for him with a kind smile. 
Hi :) I’m Tom. I’d love to keep chatting. Sorry I can’t sign :( 
You took the phone back and giggled: It’s fine. Most people can’t. I can show you your name if you want? 
Tom read the message and nodded excitedly, “Yeah that would be cool!” He voiced, cringing when he did. He wasn’t used to communicating like this. 
You laughed at his flusteredness. On a bad night, maybe the communication barrier would have annoyed you. Of course it got annoying having to baby step every single person who didn’t sign through this process. But there was something about Tom that you found cute. 
Slowly, you walked him through the signs. Your… name… T-O-M. 
He followed, trying his hardest not to mess up. He was even doing pretty well with the exception of mixing up his “T” and “M” with “N.” But he persisted, nonetheless, and got it pretty quickly. 
The way he looked so proud of himself made you giggle and you twisted both hands in the air, celebratorily. You texted back to him: Good job! 
That was probably terrible but thank you, he responded with a laughing emoji. 
The rest of that night had been filled with you and Tom talking quite a bit over a few glasses of wine. The conversation became natural quickly, even over text, which was an adjustment for Tom but he felt that you made it easy. You were nice and easy to talk to. Even after the night ended, Tom found himself wanting to see you again. 
“So how did you and Y/N meet? I mean, I didn’t think you knew sign language?” Tom asked Haz the next morning, helping him clean up from the night before. 
Haz shook his head, “I didn’t. I still don’t know much, honestly. But I was friends with Katy and I met Y/N at one of her parties and, I don’t know, we just sorta became friends. Katy’s been helping me learn sign but we still mostly just text to each other cause my signing is terrible.” He laughed. 
“Do you think you could teach me what you know? I want to be able to actually talk to her, y’know? Make it easier for her.” Tom asked, placing the chip bowls from last night in the dishwasher. 
Haz stopped sweeping the dining room long enough to make an immature face at Tom, “You like her! I freaking knew it!” 
“So what if I do? She was really nice!” Tom wasn’t having any of Haz’s teasing, especially when it was all true anyways. Why deny it? 
Haz nodded, smiling at the way his best friend looked just thinking about you, “Yeah, she is pretty nice, isn’t she? Don’t worry, mate. I’ll teach you what I know.” 
You and Tom had gone almost a month without seeing each other again. It wasn’t until you and Katy had just happened to run into him and Haz at a bar that your paths crossed. 
Tom and Haz sat in a booth in the back of the bar, celebrating a new role Tom had landed with a few drinks. “Hey! Look who’s here!” Haz drew Tom’s attention to the bar where you and Katy had just sat, “Katy!” He yelled just slightly above the noise. 
Katy looked over her shoulder around the bar until she saw the person calling her name. Her face lit up and she waved before tapping you on the shoulder. You glanced over your shoulder to see where she was pointing, waving at Tom and Haz when you saw them. The two men waved you over, inviting the two of you to sit with them. Once the bartender slid your drinks across the bar to you, you and your best friend joined them. 
Tom’s heart sped up a little when you slid into the booth beside him while Katy sat on the other side beside Haz. Before anyone could really say anything, Tom caught your attention, thinking for just a moment before signing, “Nice to see you again.”
Your eyes widened in surprise. “You learned sign?” You asked, shocked. Tom looked like a deer in headlights when you signed back and he tapped his fingertips against the palm of his other hand. Again? Slower this time, you signed, “You learned sign? Understand?” 
Tom looked adorably proud of himself when he understood, moving his fist up and down, “Yes. A little.” 
You began to blush a little and your face sparkled, as if to say no way! “Thank you! That’s so cool!” 
Tom loved how expressive you were, how even with a language barrier between you two, he could still understand at least part of what you were saying. 
You and Tom found yourselves caught up in each other again for the rest of the night, him trying his hardest to communicate in your language, even if it was still a little messy and imperfect. Nevertheless, you couldn’t believe he’d actually taken the time and effort to learn sign language for you! It was definitely flattering to say the least. 
Seeing their best friends so enamored with each other, Haz and Katy watched the two of you. “I haven’t seen her like this with a boy in forever. She’s been talking about him non-stop since your party.” Katy ratted you out, not really even having to whisper since you and Tom were so concerned with your own conversation that neither of you would have noticed they were speaking anyways. 
Haz nodded, “Same with him. He’s been practicing almost every day so he could talk to her.” 
“I think we just accidentally played matchmaker.” Katy laughed, “Ten pounds says they’ll be dating by the end of the month.” 
The blonde man scoffed, “Ten pounds says they’ll be dating by the end of the week.” 
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let-me-write-shit · 4 years
Somebody To You: 13
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Friendly reminder to please Like and/or Reblog. It helps more than you think! :)
Word Count: 3,028
Warning: ANGST!!!!!!
Click Here For Previous Chapter & Other Completed Stories
PLEASE let me know what you think
Something about Friday nights at the bar always seemed to put Zoey in an energetic mood. As hectic as it got, there was always something new and exciting happening on the weekends. Groups of newly legal drinkers, bachelorette parties, rowdy swingers, there was always something. And the group of people she worked with on weekends only improved the fun. Andy was at his prime tonight, mixing and mingling with everyone that approached the bar while Brett flirted with all of the girls, Zoey was making everyone laugh, and a few other servers bounced around, as well. 
They had busy weekends down to a science by now, knowing where everyone was, what everyone would be doing, and reading the signs on when they might be able to take a quick break. This was, by far, the most organized bar she’d ever worked at. Zoey stepped out of the storage closet, carrying a box full of napkins when she bumped right into Brett.
“Whoa, if you wanted me to get on the floor for ya, all you needed to do was ask,” Brett grabbed his arm where the box had hit him as he stumbled backward, smirking. 
She could bet that he was so used to flirting for tips that it just came as second nature to him. Still, the idea of getting plowed by him in the closet right now seemed almost too good to pass up. Especially considering how Australian he sounded tonight. It’s been a minute. She smirked back, looking at him through her eyelashes, “Well, the closet’s free now if you want to meet me in there in five minutes?”
His eyes widened slightly before standing up straighter and stammering, “Oh, uh. Probably not a good idea right now, actually. It’s super busy out there. We can’t leave the others alone.”
“Oh, yeah. I was kidding,” Zoey laughed, blowing it off and countering, “I’m still out of a bedroom right now, otherwise I would invite you to spend the night.”
A week and a half ago after Zoey had gotten home from her date there was a pretty bad storm in LA. While she was on the phone with Harry, lightning had struck the top of their building and hit an electrical box that shut the power off on the top dozen floors of her building, including her unit. The electrical current that ran through her apartment had also caused their water heater to build too much pressure which made it burst, spilling water out of the utility closet and leaking into the hallways and the room closest to it, which happened to be Zoey’s room.
Luckily they were able to get the electricity back up rather quickly, but the damage had already been done. Water damaged the carpets, the underlayment, and the bottom of the walls. It even caused water damage to the ceiling in the unit below them. Thankfully the furniture was salvageable, and the building maintenance and property manager were very helpful in trying to get everything fixed and sorted for them, but it did take some time. They had to move all of Zoey’s furniture out of the room and into the living room to rip up all of the carpets, put holes at the bottom of the walls to get air circulation inside of the walls, and install dehumidifiers and drying fans around the back half of their apartment. It looked like a bomb had gone off in there, and because of this, they hadn’t had visitors over since.
He nodded, hesitantly admitting, “It’s okay. I have plans tonight, anyway.”
“Oh, nice. Another date?”
He paused, “Yeah, kind of.”
“Ooo,” she sang, teasingly, “Good luck. Hope they’re not as crazy as the last. How were her parents, by the way?”
He laughed, pushing her lightly, and walking away saying, “From now on I’ll have to mention it upfront. No parents on the first date.”
She continued on her way and began filling up the containers underneath the counter with napkins when Andy came over, smiling and lightly kicking her shoes as she crouched. Zoey looked up and grinned at her friend, pushing the box to the side and standing up, picking a piece of lint off of his shirt.
“I think Brett’s dating someone,” she told him.
Andy faked a frown and teased, “Awe. Are you sad ‘cuz your fuck buddy can’t fuck you anymore?”
She rolled her eyes, hip-checking him, “A little. He’s just being so sketchy about it. I don’t get why he can’t just be honest and tell me we can’t fuck anymore because he either doesn’t want to or because he’s seeing someone. Boys are annoying.”
Andy nodded, pursing his lip, “Girl, I get it. I don’t want to like boys, either. Shit sucks.”
When 1 AM rolled around, Zoey was exhausted. She made out pretty good tips, but she felt like she could have fallen asleep on the drive home. To her surprise, the living room lights were still on. Usually, Nancy and Aurora were in bed by now. They could have accidentally left it on. But just as the thought crossed her mind, a soft door closing and heels clicking caught her attention and she turned to see Rory stumbling in, gasping a little at the sight of Zoey.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you,” Zoey giggled, setting her bag down on the island.
Rory shook her head, her cute little mixed French and British accent squeaking, “It’s okay. I lost track of time. I should have known you’d be home soon.”
“Are you heading out?” Zoey noticed her roommate still fully dressed. Her eyes widened in realization, “Ohhhhh, are you going to Harry’s? I know he said he was thinking of coming home early, but I haven’t talked to him today, so I didn’t realize he did.”
Rory hesitated for a moment before stuttering, “Yeah, but it’s a quick visit. I’ll be back in the morning.”
Zoey nodded, yawning and dragging her feet over to the couch, “Have fun, you crazy kids!” she joked, plopping onto the sectional and muttering under her breath, “Can’t wait to have my bed back.”
“You can sleep in my bed tonight if you want. Since I won’t be here,” Aurora offered.
“Really? Thank you! Might actually be able to get a good night’s sleep tonight,” she grinned standing up.
Aurora paused for a moment before smiling back, putting her head down with a nod goodbye, and walking out the door. With another yawn, Zoey grabbed an oversized tee and a pair of sweatpants from the pile of her clothes in the corner of the living room, quickly changing, and headed towards Rory’s tidy white bedroom. 
Her roommate’s mattress had to be the most comfortable mattress she’d ever been on, by far. As soon as she hit the pillow, there was no stopping it. Not even her most nagging thoughts could keep her awake.
Zoey dreamed of life before all of this. Back to her boring Pennsylvania town with all of her boring adventureless memories. But not all of her memories were boring. She had a good life. It might not have been a fantasy life, but it was stable. She dreamt back to days with Jess, swimming in the pool, and nights with her ex-boyfriend, settling down after a long night’s shift at the bar. She’d be so exhausted that she’d practically crawl through the pitch dark apartment to find Michael already asleep in bed. She dreamt about how she’d climb into the bed beside him and he’d instinctively reach out and pull her closer to him, nuzzling his face into her shoulder to fall back asleep. She remembered that feeling of warmth and security encasing her as she drifted off to sleep.
Except that warmth and security wasn’t just a dream. As Zoey’s consciousness grew, she became more aware of the fact that there was someone in the bed with her, their arms wrapped around her stomach. Automatically her first thought was that Brett’s date must not have gone as well as he’d hoped. But she started to realize more and more that not only was she not in her bed, but the faint red glow on the inside of her eyelids told her that it was morning now, and the way this person’s arm rested across her side so comfortably, and the sweet, yet spicy scent of the person’s breath on the back of her neck was something she never encountered with Brett, who normally smelled of beer and stale peanuts. Zoey suddenly came-to, gasping and pushing herself away from the figure behind her, which caused them to sit up in a panic and gasp as well. 
“Harry? What the fuck are you doing here?” her vision barely came into focus.
“What am I doing here? What are you doing here? I thought you were Rory!” Harry’s eyes widened.
“Why the fuck would I be Rory?! Rory’s with you!” she shot back, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
Comprehension of what she just said smacked her in the face and she slowly took her hands from her face to get a good look at Harry’s face. She saw his expression range the emotions in a matter of seconds from confusion to realization, hurt, annoyance, and anger. Zoey sat up, eyes wider, holding her hands out and motioning for him to calm down. 
“Hang on a minute,” Zoey pleaded as he stood up, “I didn’t mean to say that, I was half asleep when I came home and you scared the shit out of me. I think I just misunderstood her last night.”
“I fucking knew it,” Harry ignored her, pacing the room, “I knew she was cheating.”
“Alright, now that’s a bit dramatic,” Zoey rolled her eyes, getting out of the bed, “You’re not dating yet, so let’s just relax. You don’t know where she is.”
“Where else would she be?” he shot back.
“Hello? She has other friends besides me and Nancy. Let’s not jump to conclusions. She said she would be back in the morning, let’s just make a cup of coffee. I’m sure she can straighten this out when she gets here and she’ll be so excited to see you.”
Under different circumstances, Zoey would have been excited to see Harry. But her head was pounding from the abrupt wake-up call that she honestly couldn’t figure out her sentiments just yet. She had to physically drag Harry out of the room and keep a hand on him at all times in an attempt to keep him grounded and from running off, whether it was her squeezing his arm, holding his hand, or grabbing his shoulders. He was so full of tension that it just barely worked.
They sipped their coffee at the kitchen island and Zoey did her best to distract him by asking about his final show and trying to talk about what he was going to do when he got back home to England, but it was no use. Harry’s eyes bore holes into the countertop gripped onto his mug so tightly that she was certain it would shatter any minute now when they heard the front door open. Harry instantly got to his feet, darting into view with Zoey at his heels, pulling him back by his wrists when Aurora walked in, her grin fading at the sight of them.
“Harry,” Rory breathed, taking a step back.
“Where were you?” He demanded, yanking his arm from Zoey.
Both girls recoiled, surprised by his tone and actions. Neither of them had ever seen Harry so angry before. It was completely out of character that it sent them both into a temporary loss for words. 
Zoey was the first to bounce back, giving Rory the biggest apologetic eyes she could muster, “I’m so sorry, Rory. I think there was just a misunderstanding. I thought you said you were going to Harry’s last night and I spoke before thinking. He’s just had a long flight, that’s all. I told him you were probably just with a friend and I misheard you.”
“I-” Rory stuttered, looking between the two, unsure of what to say.
“You were with Brett, weren’t you?” Harry accused, eyes glaring.
Zoey shot her head at Harry and gritted her teeth, “Would you stop it with the Brett thing? She wasn’t with Brett! You know him and I have a thing going on. Stop accusing her!”
But when she turned her attention back to Aurora, the color had drained from her face and her eyes glassed over. Zoey furrowed her brows as Rory’s gaze turned to her, pleading as she shot her hands over her mouth and let out a sob, tears finally spilling from her eyes, “Zoey, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to lie to you. It just happened. I swear this is the only time. I didn’t mean for this to happen. We were only planning on hanging out but one thing led to another. I’m so sorry!” she begged.
Zoey’s heart dropped at the sight of her friend and roommates anguish and guilt, trying to take everything in. All she could muster to say was, “Okay.”
“Okay?” Harry spat, “I fucking told you this would happen!” He turned his attention back to Rory who was still crying, “I came back here for you! I was going to ask you to be my girlfriend today! Instead, I come here to surprise you, find my best friend in your bed, and find out that you were sleeping with her boyfriend? What kind of person does that?”
His voice boomed so deeply that Zoey felt the vibrate in her chest with every syllable he spoke. It was so loud that it managed to wake Nancy, the heaviest of sleepers, who pitter-pattered down the hallway to see what all of the commotion was about. Zoey managed to squeak out a quick, “He’s not my boyfriend!” but no one heard over the screaming match that pursued. 
“Don’t you fucking dare try to insinuate I’m a whore! I’m not your fucking girlfriend! You had nearly half a year to ask me out and you didn’t! I told you I wasn’t going to sit around and wait forever!” Rory scowled at Harry. His jaw tightened with each word she hurled, “What was I supposed to think? You talk to my roommate you’ve only known for three months more than you talk to me! You fly back here just to spend time with her, you barely spoke to me that weekend except when you wanted to fuck! And that was only after you spent all day in her bedroom! You tell me what the fuck I was supposed to think!? How would you feel if I did that?!” Nancy softly took hold of Aurora’s arm to try and soothe the tension.
“Rory, I didn’t mean-” Zoey started, suddenly feeling guilty, but was cut off by Harry. 
“I was just trying to be a good friend! I told you that you had nothing to worry about! You knew Zoey was going through something and wasn’t in a good place! You saw her! Zoey’s been nothing but a good friend to you, so what are you even trying to say? First, you sleep with her boyfriend and now you’re accusing her of cheating with ME? You’re deflecting!”
“He’s not my boyfriend,” Zoey spoke louder this time, but again it fell upon deaf ears as Rory spoke.
“I’m not accusing Zoey of anything!” she turned her attention towards her roommate, her eyes softening, “Zoey, I’m so sorry, I know nothing happened between you and Harry. And I would never do anything to try and hurt you. I promise I didn’t mean for this to happen.”
“But it did happen, and I fucking said it would, didn’t I?” Harry, turned towards Zoey.
“Oh, you said it would happen?” Rory’s sarcasm dripped through her teeth like silk, “Congratulations! Once again, your instincts were correct! What do you want? A fucking medal? If you knew it would happen, why did you even come here?”
“Because I wanted to be with you!”
“If you wanted to be with me so fucking badly, why did it take you five months to figure it out?! You never really wanted me! I was just a convenience for you! That’s why you waited until the tour was over! You have nothing else to occupy your time with!”
“And that’s why you ran to fuck Zoey’s boyfriend, is it? Because he’s emotionally available for you?” Harry’s sarcasm intensifies.
“He’s not my fucking boyfriend!” Zoey screamed, standing in between them, causing the two to retreat, taking a step back. Zoey glowered back and forth between Harry and Aurora, frustrated at the disgusting display of animosity towards each other. She had half a mind to start screaming at them, but when she saw Nancy’s reassuring gaze, she took a breath and calmly reasoned, “Listen. Obviously, we all need to talk things out, but right now the tension is way too high and it’s way too early in the morning to think clearly. Let’s all just take some time to calm down.”
“How about I just go?” Harry retorted, pulling away from Zoey and storming towards the door.
Zoey watched him as he stomped to the door, shooting a glance at Nancy who mouthed, “Go.”
She quickly grabbed her phone and threw on the first pair of shoes she found before jogging towards the door. Rory grabbed her hand quickly, eyes still red and raw from crying. Her voice was so soft that it was barely a whisper, “Zoey. I’m so sorry.”
Zoey looked into the eyes of her roommate and it nearly broke her heart. She placed a hand over Rory’s and managed a sympathetic smile, “It’s okay,” she said, seeing the relief wash over Rory. “I’ll talk to him.”
Rory nodded and Zoey ran off, catching the elevator doors just before they closed and slipping in with a still fuming Harry. When the doors closed and the elevator began its descent, his arms jerked upwards, grabbing onto the back of his neck, doubling over as he shouted, “FUCK!” 
This should be fun.
Taglist for Somebody To You:
@thurhomish​ , @stilljosiegrossie​ , @odetostep​
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sheerbeautyreigns · 4 years
Part 2
Excerpt from my longer story Desire. More smutty shenanigans with Drew / Roman (Joe) thanks to Joe's lover Paul Levesque with added Seth (Colby) angst. Enjoy!
Joe awoke to the ringing of his phone on the bedside. He picked it up bleary eyed to see Paul’s face. He sighed, rolling onto his back.
‘Hey baby.’ He sounded pretty chipper for 9:30am on a Saturday.
‘Morning,’ Joe said rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He was so tired. Paul didn’t waste any time. ‘How was my surprise?’
‘I can’t believe it was Drew. You should have told me. I had a match with him. God knows what was going through his mind.’ Joe exclaimed. ‘Oh I know. I had a hard on watching it. You two work very well together.’
Joe rolled his eyes, propping himself up on the pillows. ‘I’m serious. I didn’t realise you and him…’ he trailed off. ‘Yeah a few years back, on and off. He’s a good guy. I trust him a lot. I would have asked nobody else for you and he seems to like you. How was it?’
‘He was great, nice guy…big,’ Joe started which caused Paul to chuckle. ‘Good! I’m glad. He left after didn’t he?’
‘Yeah, it just seemed to go fast.’ Joe shifted on the bed. ‘Don’t worry, I’m sure he can visit again. Would you like that?’ Paul asked. Joe was silent for a moment. ‘I miss you.’
He could hear Paul sigh on the other end of the line. ‘I miss you too baby. I know this isn’t ideal but I’ll see you soon.’ Joe threw off the white covers and got out of the bed. He stopped and looked out the window.
‘I’ll arrange for Drew to see you again Monday night and I’ll see you Wednesday at mine. ‘ It wasn’t a suggestion, more of a statement. ‘I love you.’
‘Love you too.’ Paul ended the call. Joe sighed as he gripped the phone, taking on the view from his hotel window. This whole situation with Paul was starting to become a bit of a mess over the past couple of weeks and he didn’t know what to do about it. It had fucked up his relationship with Colby and now Drew was getting involved. Why did Paul have to be so complicated in his preferences?
The next couple of days were pretty uneventful until Joe got to the arena in Richmond, Virginia for Raw. He would be teaming up with Chris in a tag match against Drew and Jinder. He hadn’t seen Drew since Friday night and there had been no contact since they didn’t have each others numbers.
They had agreed to meet at 5pm to go over their spots. Joe could feel his stomach flip upon seeing Drew again. Luckily he seemed unphased, unless he was really good at hiding it. They were so used to going through the motions that it wasn’t long before they were done. Drew had disappeared off to catch up with Sheamus. Joe spent his time getting a hair and beard trimmed.
The match had gone well and Joe found himself alone in the locker room which was unusual. He went about putting his hair up in a bun and removing his vest when Colby walked in. He hadn’t seen him since their falling out in Atlanta the week prior. He wasn’t fighting tonight, just doing some promo work so he was just wearing a t-shirt and black jeans. Joe looked him in the face from across the room and it was clear to see that Colby was being his usual stubborn self, refusing to acknowledge him. He hated that they weren’t speaking. Joe set his vest aside.
‘So you’re just going to pretend that I don’t exist?’ Joe started, trying not to sound confrontational. He watched as Colby unlocked his locker and took out his belongings.
‘I don’t have anything to say to you.’ He said, refusing to look Joe in the eye.
‘Stubborn as always,’ Joe said in an annoyed tone as the door opened. In walked Drew, wearing nothing but his ring gear and a white towel over his shoulder. ‘Hey.’ He said with a smile. ‘See that. Had the crowd in the palm of our hands.’ He said approaching Joe and pulling him into a hug. ‘Was pretty cool huh,’ Joe forced a smile. This was awkward. Drew dug into his bag that he had set aside. ‘I’m gonna freshen up. What time will you be at the Hilton?’ Joe could see Colby turn his head. Their eyes met briefly before he answered Drew. ‘Uh could be there in an hour. I have a couple of things to do here and I still need to check in.’ He handed his mobile to Joe. ‘Put your number in.’ Drew headed off into the shower area while Joe keyed in his number. Colby stood from across the room looking at Joe, spreading his hands. ‘Lemme guess. Paul’s idea?’
‘It’s not like that.’ Joe defended, knowing exactly what Colby meant. He was right but he wasn’t going to give him the satisfaction. Joe approached him so that Drew couldn’t hear them. ‘I miss you man. Can’t we just be friends?’
‘Not while you’re with Paul. He’ll do anything to tear us apart and you’re just willing to go with it.’ He started ‘No, that’s not true. You know there’s more-‘
‘Aah, don’t give me that bullshit. He’s got you messing around with Drew now and you just go with it. I know exactly what’s going on.’ He said, his voice becoming raised. ‘Will you keep it down!?’ Joe said glancing towards the shower area, hoping Drew wouldn’t hear. He couldn’t hear the water. ‘Don’t worry, I’m leaving.’ And just like that, Colby was gone again. Joe just couldn’t seem to catch a break with him anymore.
‘Everything OK with you two?’ Drew asked cautiously from the door frame, a towel wrapped around his waist. Joe turned around.
‘Yeah, he’s just being stubborn that’s all.’ Drew gave him a look that said he wasn’t really buying it. Joe wondered what Paul had told him about them, if he’d mentioned anything at all. He quickly changed the subject. ‘Right I need to shower and sort my shit.’ Drew smiled and disappeared to shower himself.
Since Joe had a few people to catch up with at the arena, Drew went on to the hotel and grabbed a drink at the bar. He got a text at 10:20pm from Joe to let him know his room number. Drew downed his beer and headed up to the 10th floor.
‘Hey,’ Joe greeted him with a smile. He had his hair in a neater bun this time and he was wearing loose fitting jogging bottoms and a black tank top. Drew smiled as he entered, already removing his leather jacket. ‘I’ve been looking forward to this all day.’
‘I don’t know what you heard in the locker room but…’ Joe started motioning for Drew to join him on the sofa to which he obliged ‘Did Paul tell you anything specific about what’s going on with me?’
‘He mainly said that he wants me to see you from time to time when he’s away.’ Drew answered.
‘Anything about Colby, what you can do, what you can’t do? I just wanna know.’ Joe searched his eyes hoping for some answers.
‘I am aware that you and Colby have a history and I think…no, I know that Paul isn’t too pleased about it. I’m sure he’s worried when you two spend time together. I mean, I’d be too if I were in his position.’ Drew tried to reason with him. ‘Its none of my business at the end of the day but he trusts me to do as I’m told and he knows I like you.’ Joe blushed hearing this. ‘I just want us to fuck. That’s all I want. I’m a simple guy. No dramas here.’ He continued, raising his hands trying to make light of the situation. Joe smiled. ‘So is it just a deal where you fuck me or what?’
‘Well, Paul’s given me free reign, obviously as long as you’re comfortable too.’ He suggested.
‘Like fucking you?’ Joe asked. Drew’s eyes lit up as those three words came out. ‘I thought you’d never ask.’ He could see Joe’s face light up. They wasted no time in getting undressed and moved to the bed. ‘On all fours.’ Joe instructed, grabbing the lube from the night stand, before kneeling behind Drew. The Scot winced at the sudden cool sensation on his opening. Joe was already hard at the prospect of fucking him. Whatever it was, when he was with Paul, he never got to fuck him. Paul was always on top. It had always been that way. The only other person he got to fuck was Colby but there was zero chances of that now. He decided to make the most of this opportunity. He took his time in fingering Drew’s hole, listening to his reactions, making him enjoy every moment. He withdrew his fingers and lined the tip of his cock up with the slightly gaping hole. Drew inhaled as he gently forced himself in, his muscles closing in around the hard shaft. It felt so good to Joe.
‘Christ,’ Drew growled at the feeling of fullness. ‘You good?’ Joe checked trailing his hands around to his pelvis. ‘So good.’ Drew responded urging Joe to begin fucking him. He started off slow, listening to Drew’s reactions and started picking up the pace. ‘Fucking hell,’ Drew let out as Joe fucked him harder now, not letting go of his pelvis, pummeling him into the mattress. He gripped the sheets below, trying to hold on, breathing heavily as Joe’s balls slammed against his ass. ‘I’m gonna come,’ Joe panted. ‘Do it,’ Drew growled, flipping his hair back, catching a glimpse of the intensity on Joe’s handsome face. He shuddered a few moments later as Joe’s seed filled him. The Samoan would not let go until he was completely drained. He withdrew eventually, falling to the bed on all fours, next to an exhausted Drew. ‘Fuck,’ Joe’s chest heaved up and down as he looked up at the ceiling. ‘Has that been building up for a while?’ Drew asked, rolling onto his side to face him. Joe’s head fell to the side. He nodded and smiled ‘You have no idea…’ There was a moment of silence as Drew’s eyes fixed on Joe’s. The Samoan tried to look away until Drew cupped his jaw in his hand and planted a kiss on his lips. Joe gently gripped his wrist and looked him in the eyes.
‘I thought kissing wasn’t allowed,’ he commented, licking his lips. ‘It’s not. I just can’t help myself.’ He leaned in and kissed him again, this time more passionate, their bodies becoming entangled on the bed. Once Drew had Joe on his back, he flipped him over and pulled his hips up towards him. Joe looked over his shoulder to see Drew with the lube in hand. ‘I’m gonna fuck you so hard after that.’ He warned with intensity in his blue eyes. Joe groaned into the sheets as Drew slid his fingers in. He was instantly hard again. He fingered him hard and deep, stretching him out. Joe barely had time to register what was going on until Drew was already sliding his thick cock in with a little help from the lube. ‘Aaaah fuck.’ Joe cried out, burying his head in his hands, his hair falling in front of him.
‘Time to teach you a lesson, you big fucking tease.’ Drew laughed arrogantly as he watched Joe squirm below him. ‘Pleeease,’ he moaned in between breaths, trying to relax his muscles around Drew’s cock. The Scot slapped him hard on the ass. Joe seethed, gritting his teeth knowing there was no way out of this. ‘Fuck,’ he grunted as Drew began to fuck him, rocking the bed with every thrust. Their moans and groans filled the room. Joe felt like he was in heaven and hell, his body writhing in the mix of pain and pleasure that Drew was dishing out. ‘You like that huh? He taunted, squeezing the ass cheek he had smacked moments ago. ‘Aowww fuck,’ Joe cried out again. When he thought he had had enough Drew slammed hard into him, his seed shooting into Joe’s hole. He grunted with each heavy thrust, sending Joe over the edge, caving into the mattress, a sweaty mess, hair everywhere.
When Drew had seen how limp he had become below, he withdrew immediately, lowering to the bed. He brushed his hair away from his face, seeing that his eyes were closed. Heavy, raspy breaths escaped him.
‘Joe, you OK?’ He tapped at his cheek. ‘Joe???’ he tapped faster this time before flipping him over on his back to help his breathing. Eventually his eyes fluttered open. He looked lost. ‘Joe, you OK?’ Drew said with panic, seeing how out of it that Joe looked. Drew came into his vision. ‘Sorry, sorry…’he apologised rubbing his eyes. ‘I was worried there. You were, like, gone.’ The Scot leaned over him making a fuss. ‘It’s OK, it’s happened before.’ Joe sat up in the bed and grabbed the bottle of water from the nightstand. He mouthed about half of the bottle. ‘Way to ruin the moment eh?’ Joe tried to make light of the situation in order to stop Drew from fussing.
‘You should get that checked out. It doesn’t seem normal.’ Drew looked concerned. ‘Don’t worry, it’s like some sort of euphoric high or something. Paul’s seen it before.’ Joe explained. ‘You were so intense.’
‘I can’t help it. I just wanted to fuck you senseless.’ Drew laughed, relieved he had come around. He looked at the clock. It was almost 12am.
‘Do you have to go?’ Joe asked, eyeing him. ‘Well, I’ve done my deed. I shouldn’t leave after you blacked out though.’
‘I’m totally fine now, don’t worry.’ Joe explained trying to brush it off. ‘I would though.’ Drew bit his lower lip and got up off the bed. Joe’s eyes followed him as he disappeared into the bathroom to take a piss. He emerged a few minutes later. Joe was still sat in the same position but now under the white covers.
‘I know I’m not supposed to stay but I don’t want to leave just yet.’ Drew said standing at the foot of the bed. ‘It’s completely up to you man. I won’t say a word.’ Joe advised. Gingerly, Drew walked around to the other side of the bed and crept in under the covers close to Joe who moved onto his side so he was spooning him now. Joe reached over and turned off the bedside lamp before pulling him close and kissing him goodnight.
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taehyungs-perm · 4 years
midnight love - teaser
collab with @jimins-filter
jimin x reader; superhero au; childhood best friends to lovers au; ceo, billionaire philanthropist, playboy!jimin
genre: angst; lowkey funny; eventual smut 
summary: playboy park jimin comes back to seoul city after disappearing for six years; too much has changed, especially you. living out your nights as nyx, seoul city’s dark knight, is a secret you’ve kept for as long as jimin’s disappeared. but what happens when a new hero named eros comes into town just as park jimin shows up at your front door...
You stared at the main headline on the trending page of Twitter, clutching a cup of iced coffee, desperately trying not to crush the plastic cup as you sat on your bed. You didn’t know if you should feel relieved or annoyed that Jimin was back in Seoul. You clicked on the headline and your phone was immediately filled with pictures and videos of strippers, people doing lines of coke, and a wealthy array of booze.
Of course Jimin did this. It was so on brand of him: to go missing for six years and then show up unannounced and throw a giant, extravagant party (at his newly purchased penthouse in downtown Seoul, of course). In the most simplest terms, you were pissed. Even after all these years, you had held out some hope that when he came back the first thing he would do is come see you or call you. But nothing. No text, no call, hell not even a letter. You scoffed at your naivety. You clearly didn’t matter to him.
You rubbed your head in annoyance and threw your phone on the bed, trying to expel any thought of Park Jimin and focus on the case you had pulled up on your laptop. You’ve been working at it for a week now and any and all concentration you had mustered while drinking your 7th cup of coffee went down the drain when you heard a sharp ring from your phone. You picked it up from where you threw it on your bed, the phone screen illuminating your face in the dim light of your room. It was an unknown number. You hesitated for a second. It could be a work-related call, you realize, quickly picking up the call. 
“Hello?” you answered, skeptical.
What the fuck? How did he get your number? Your mind was racing with thoughts, thoughts that you had long since repressed ever since he left without a word. When you didn’t respond, he repeated your name again. His voice was as silky and calming as it was last time you heard it six years ago. 
“Jimin?” you whispered, scared that this was all an illusion, that his voice would just suddenly disappear. As much as you wanted to be mad at him, you couldn’t. You really couldn't. He was your kryptonite. From covering for him when he skipped detention to writing his college essays, you would do anything for him. Well, you used to. That was a different time, a different you. Back then, you knew you could depend on Jimin like he depended on you. But that was before he broke your heart and your trust.
“______” he said giggly. He was drunk. Why are you not surprised?
A surge of annoyance went through you. 
“Back from the dead?” you asked, dryly
“It sure feels like hell since you're not here. Why didn’t you come?” he whined.
“Where? To the brothel you call a home?” You let out a shaky laugh of disbelief. “ I had work,  Jimin. In case you’ve forgotten, some of us actually have a job.”
“I missed you.” he said in a feather light tone, sending shivers down your spine.
You wanted to believe him, every ounce of your being wanted to believe he meant those words. But you knew Jimin. He was irresponsible, he was a playboy, he was reckless, and most of all, he was a liar. 
“Jimin, what do you want?”  you said exasperated. 
“I want you. Can you please come over? I just wanna see you. That’s all I want. I don’t want this party and I don’t want anyone in my house except you.”
God, he can spew some bullshit. “I have to work Jimin. I can't come over. I have shit to do” you said coldly. 
“Please? I know fucked up ______ I know I did. And I’m sorry. I'm trying to make things right. With us.”
And just like that you were 18 again, falling for his words and his empty promises. 
“Jimin..” you said trailing off, unsure of what to do. You offhandedly glanced at your clock, it read 1:25 am. It wasn’t that late. You normally didn’t go to sleep until 3:00 am anyways. 
“My driver’s already at your house” he said quickly.
“Fine. But I’m only staying for 20 minutes. Then your driver is going to take me straight back home. Got it?”
“Got it, darling.” 
You glanced in the mirror. You were wearing grey sweatpants with an unzipped grey hoodie, revealing your white Calvin Klein bra. Your hair was falling out of the braid you had put it in a few hours ago, with a few strands covering your eyes. You were tempted for a moment to change, maybe wash your face, but then the familiar surge of annoyance came back. You were there to hear whatever bullshit excuse Jimin had, nothing else, nothing more; it didn't matter what you looked like, the last person on earth you had to impress was Jimin. 
You slipped on some slides and walked out of your apartment, spotting the black Mercedes on your driveway. You felt a gust of brisk air hit you as you slid into the backseat of the car. 
“Ms. ______?” the driver called from the front seat, his eyes meeting yours through the rearview mirror. 
“Yes?” you said, shivering from the cold. 
“Mr. Park insisted I come here to pick you up, if that’s alright?”
“It’s fine. But this is a short visit. I won't be staying there long.” 
The driver nodded and reversed onto the main road. The drive was short. You had just about scrolled through some emails before the driver had parked the car in front of a large black tower. The driver got out of the front seat and opened your door. You stepped out, suddenly feeling very under dressed. He escorted you to the front desk where he whispered something to the concierge. 
“He will be taking you up to Mr. Park’s penthouse,” the driver said, presenting the concierge. “I will be waiting out front for whenever you would like to be taken home.”
You nodded and thanked the driver, and then followed the concierge to the last elevator on the right of the lobby. You stepped in and watched as he swiped a card and tapped a few numbers on the keypad of the elevator. High security, you thought. 
You watched the number on the screen inside the elevator go from 1 to 69 in a matter of seconds. The doors swiftly opened leading straight into the living room. Your mouth gaped open at the sight. There were girls stumbling around in their stiletto heels drunk, wine glasses and beer cans scattered on the floors, a bra hanging from the chandelier, and too many naked people. You looked back at the concierge who seemed unfazed by the animalistic sight,  standing in the elevator only for a moment before the doors closed behind you. 
You carefully made your way through the mess when you heard a familiar voice, “Please put on some clothes mister. There are designated drivers who will take you directly to your residence.”
You whipped your head and saw a completely distraught Namjoon with his hands covering his eyes, talking to a completely naked man. 
“Namjoon?” You said incredulously.  It had been a couple of years at least since you last saw him. 
“______!” he said, immediately breaking into his familiar dimpled smile. He pulled you in a small hug. “It’s been too long! What are you doing here?”
“Um..Jimin asked me to come.” You admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed.
“Oh..” Namjoon knew your history with Jimin, the long complicated story of nothing. “He’s in his bedroom,” Namjoon said, pointing down the long hallway to the left. 
You started to make your way to his room but as you walked, the old feelings of butterflies started to creep up. God, stop it. Literally look at this. He’s an idiot, a fuckboy, a full on hot mess. You don’t need this. You don’t need him.
His bedroom door was cracked slightly open, revealing a soft stream of moonlight trailing into the hallway. You pushed the heavy door open as you exhaled all your stupid worries. The room was quiet but you noticed some strewn pieces of clothing on the floor here and there. You saw a corner of the black framed bed but it was covered by large frosted glass panels. You walked over to his bed and saw the one and only Park Jimin. He laid there, his arm covering his eyes and his brown hair all messed up.. He wore a simple dress pant and shirt, the top buttons unbuttoned. His shirt was slightly raised, revealing his defined V line. 
“You have a wine stain on your shirt.” you said bluntly, wanting to point out the imperfections on the oh so perfect Park Jimin. 
Jimin smirked, lifting his arm from over his eyes. He looked at you lazily, his eyes slowly raking up and down your body.  
“Nice to see you too beautiful,” he said sleepily.
“I’m here, Jimin,” you sighed, crossing your arms. You shifted to the side, looking at him exasperatedly. “What do you want?””
“Just wanted to see you,” He mumbled, tucking the escaped strands of hair behind your ear. Jimin leaned forward, balancing on his elbows, and whispered in your ear, “I missed you.”
You fought back a blush and pulled away. “No shit, you’ve been gone for 6 years.”
“I didn’t mean to be gone for that long, it just happened.”
“You could’ve called or texted.”
“It’s complicated.”
“Everything’s always complicated with you, Jimin,”
“C’mon darling, I’m here now,” Jimin said sweetly, trying to reel you back.
“You didn’t even fucking call me when you came into town. I found out through twitter!”
“Well, I called you now,” Jimin teased, sitting up on the bed, about to grab your arm.
You softly shook your head before walking towards his sleek black dresser and pulling out a pair of grey sweatpants and a black t-shirt.
“You should change,” you said, throwing the clothes at Jimin who caught them with ease. You turned around, your back toward him to give him some privacy. You faced the floor to ceiling windows that took up one part of his room, overlooking downtown Seoul. The lights of the city twinkled with wonder and the cool gray fog covered it with secrets.
You suddenly felt a body press against your back. Jimin’s arms wrapped around your waist and he leaned his head in the crook of your shoulder. You wanted nothing more than to just melt into his arms and forget about everything. But that could never happen. You turned around, trying to get him away from you before you did something stupid like kiss him. God, you couldn’t think around him.
Jimin obediently pulled away, stepping back so that the two of you were now facing each other. You saw that Jimin decided to forego a shirt, allowing you to get a better view of his sculpted abs. Your eyes immediately caught his tattoo that definitely was not there before: NEVERMIND written in all caps in a scraggly font. There were various scars littering his chest, some of them even looked fresh. What in the hell was he doing in the time that he was gone? 
His voice came out genuine but you could hear a tinge of desperation that you hadn’t recognized before, “I meant it, you know?”
“Jimin,” you sighed. You looked up to meet his brown eyes. He looked at you anxiously, craving your forgiveness. “I don’t think you missed me. I think you missed your life.”
“I’m being serious ______. I really fucking miss you. I thought about you everyday,” he continued, trying to convince you.  
“Maybe I would believe you, but there’s four naked girls in your living room right now. Your actions beg to differ.” You grabbed your phone that you left on his dresser and walked to the entrance of his room . Just as you were about to close the door, you turned around to look at him. “You haven’t changed one bit, Park Jimin.”
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remywrites5 · 5 years
14 Fluff with wolfstar? 😉 /casualmaraudering
           Remus Lupin was willing to admit that he was a little bit obsessed with Sirius Black. Sirius often came in to the Karaoke bar where Remus worked to sing better than most of the others that came in. He was mesmerizing to watch on stage no matter what he was singing. He tended to go for more of the 70’s punk rock but every once in a while he would switch it up with a little Panic! At the Disco, Hozier, Beyonce, and all sorts.
           The last time he had come in he had done a rendition of “Somebody to Love” by Queen and Remus hadn’t moved for the entire five minutes that Sirius was singing. He had straight up ignored other customers who had been wanting drinks because he couldn’t stop watching Sirius. His coworker Marlene had just shook her head at him and served the people Remus was ignoring, knowing better than to try and pry Remus’ attention away from Sirius.
           Remus’ crush had gotten even worse when he’d discovered Sirius had a youtube channel where he posted covers of songs. Sirius apparently played piano and guitar, switching it up between videos. Remus had drastically increased Sirius’ viewer count since Marlene had been nice enough to drop that tidbit of information to fuel Remus’ pathetic pining.
           It was fairly slow for a Saturday night and it was just after nine o’clock when Sirius came in with his friends Lily, James and Peter. They grabbed one of the tables towards the front and Sirius immediately began filling out a slip of paper with his song choice. After he dropped it off with the emcee, he walked over confidently to the bar and leaned his elbows on it casually. He had on tight black leather trousers and a Sex Pistols t-shirt that had been cut to be a crop top, hitting just above Sirius’ belly button. Remus knew getting through the night with Sirius wearing that was going to take every ounce of his perseverance.
           “What’s up, Marls?” Sirius said, nodding to her.
           “Hi Sirius,” Marlene said, grinning in response. “What are you serenading us with tonight?”
           “Thought I might do a little bit of Elton John,” Sirius said, sliding his fingers through his hair. “I’m feeling extra gay tonight.”
           Marlene laughed. “You’re feeling extra gay every night, Black,” she teased him. Remus stood off the side pretending he wasn’t listening in on their conversation.
           “Pot, kettle, black and all that,” Sirius said with a smirk. “Your better half here tonight or are you sparing Dorcas the pain of listening to yet another night of karaoke?”
           “She has to work early in the morning,” Marlene informed him with a shrug. Remus realized he’d been cleaning the same glass for way too long and quickly switched to a different one. He didn’t want it to be obvious that he was eavesdropping. “When are you going to get a better half?”
           “Excuse you, I’m clearly the better half, Marls,” Sirius joked, glancing over at Remus. “Hi there.”
           “Oh, um, hi,” Remus said, giving a little wave. “Did you want a drink?”
           Sirius flashed him a smile. “Gin and tonic, two lagers and a ginger ale,” he rattled it off from memory. “First round is on me.”
           “Ginger ale?” Marlene echoed.
           Sirius’s eyes lit up with excitement. “Yeah, Lily’s pregnant. She’s off the sauce for the next seven months.”
           “Oh my god!” Marlene said, jumping up and down excitedly. “I’m going to go congratulate her! Can you handle the bar for a moment, Remus?”
           “Of course.” Remus gave her a quick nod and Marlene rushed off to go find Lily. Remus got to work making Sirius’ drink order, trying not to be distracted by the man himself. He quickly uncapped the two lagers and placed them on the bar before starting on the gin and tonic. He glanced up and found Sirius watching him intently, his head cocked to the side as if evaluating Remus. Remus couldn’t help the blush he could feel creeping up his neck the longer Sirius stared. He was so distracted that he overfilled the cup with soda water, spilling it all over his hand and the bar. “Shit.”
           Sirius laughed. “Am I making you nervous?”
           “Only always,” Remus said without thinking. He immediately wished he could take it back.
           Sirius blinked a few times and then smiled. He dropped his chin into his hand and looked Remus up and down. “We’ve never really talked before, have we?”
           Remus swallowed thickly and shook his head. “Not really.”
           Remus dumped out the gin and tonic and started over with a new glass. His hands were shaking from the knowledge that Sirius was watching him. He was so completely fucked that it wasn’t even funny. “I’m so sorry this is taking so long,” Remus said, wiping his brow and hands with a dishtowel. He was going all clammy from nerves. “I’m not normally this bad at my job.”
           Sirius reached across the bar and put his hand over Remus’ wrist. “Relax, mate.”
           Remus looked at Sirius’ hand and then his eyes flickered up to meet Sirius’ gaze. “If you want me to relax you really shouldn’t be doing stuff like that,” he said, wondering where all the word vomit was coming from. For some reason he just couldn’t stop. It was like his brain had stalled and any filter he had between it and his mouth was completely offline.
           Sirius snorted and took his hand away. “It is unbelievably cute that I can make you this nervous. It’s like finding out you have a super power.”
           “Yeah, except you’re using your powers for evil.”
           Sirius barked out a laugh at that. “I don’t think anyone would consider making adorable bartenders blush evil, mate.”
           Remus made a face at him and managed to finish making Sirius’ drink. It took concentrating on someone singing Maroon 5 badly to accomplish it.  He finished off by making the glass of ginger ale. He let out a shaky breath as he slid them across the bar towards Sirius. “That’ll be sixteen pounds fifty,” Remus told him, feeling slightly less anxiety-ridden now that he’d finished Sirius’ drink order.
           Sirius got out his wallet from his back pocket and gave Remus twenty pounds. “Keep the change.”
           “Do you need help carrying the drinks to your table?” Remus asked.
           “Nah, I got it,” Sirius said, putting the two bottles of beer in the crook of his elbow and gripping the other two glasses between his long, slender fingers with sparkly silver nail polish. “Thanks Remus.”
           “You’re welcome.”
           Remus was outside smoking on his break, needing to take a breather and get away from the constant singing. The worst part of being a bartender was the later it got the more annoying and more drunk people got. Remus just hoped to get through the night without having to clean up someone’s vomit.
           The back door opened and Sirius stepped out with his hands in the pockets of his ridiculously tight trousers. “Here you are!” he said brightly, walking over to Remus.
           Remus took a long inhale of his fag and tried to think of something to say in response. He was slightly thrown off guard that Sirius had apparently come looking for him. “Hello again,” he finally settled on, blowing the smoke out slowly, careful not to aim it right at Sirius’ face.
           “So what did you think of my performance?”
           “You put Sir Elton to shame,” Remus said with a shy smile.
           “Thanks,” Sirius said, chewing on his bottom lip. Remus watched him as he continued to smoke, thankful that the nicotine was helping to calm his nerves. “You don’t sing?”
           “Oh god no,” Remus scoffed, shaking his head. “I’d rather put this cigarette out in my eyeball.”
           Sirius took a step closer to Remus. “Well we can’t have that. Not that I don’t think you could pull off an eyepatch.”
           Remus chuckled. “Thanks…I think?”
           “Give me your phone.”
            “What for?”
           “I wanna give you my number,” Sirius said, holding out his hand expectantly. Remus grabbed his phone out of his pocket and handed it over without thinking. Sirius pressed the home button and the screen lit up to reveal his own face. He glanced up at Remus, his eyes wide with surprise. “Am I your lock screen?”
           Remus’ face went bright red in embarrassment. “You weren’t supposed to see that.”
           Sirius looked back down at the screen. “This is from one of my videos, isn’t it?”
           Remus nodded, taking another drag off his cigarette and letting it out shakily. He couldn’t believe he had done something so completely mortifying. Sirius was certain to think he was some kind of obsessed stalker. He couldn’t even say that Sirius would be wrong for feeling that way. In the video there had been a moment where Sirius had been singing while playing piano, his head bowed so his long hair hung in his face. You could see his reflection in the shiny black top of the piano. It would have been an aesthetically pleasing photo even if the subject didn’t enamor Remus.
           “The one where you did a cover of Le Vie En Rose,” Remus confirmed, dropping the end of his cigarette to prepare to run away if need be. “It’s my favorite.”
           Sirius passed the phone back and Remus felt his heart sank. That was it, he had officially blown it and Sirius didn’t want his number anymore. He took his phone back and tried to ignore that painful twisting in his stomach. “The passcode,” Sirius said with a small smile. “You have to put the passcode in.”
           “Oh,” Remus said, blinking in surprise. “I thought maybe you were having second thoughts.” He quickly typed in his passcode and handed the phone back to Sirius.
           “Well I mean I would expect my boyfriend to be my number one stan, so it seems like you’re already there,” Sirius teased, his thumbs flying over the screen as he added his contact information in.
           “I promise I’m not weird,” Remus said quickly. “I just really liked that picture of you and it’s basically art and no one would think I wanted to fuck the statue of David if that was my lock screen and…” Remus trailed off for a moment, something Sirius had said finally sinking in. “Did you say boyfriend?”
           Sirius laughed and held the phone out for Remus. “Trust me, Marls would have warned me if you were weird, and wouldn’t have encouraged me to come talk to you.”
           Remus rubbed the back of his neck nervously. “You’re not just doing this because Marlene talked you into it, are you?”
           “Definitely not,” Sirius said, grabbing the front of Remus’ shirt and tugging him forward slightly. Remus stumbled over his own feet but closed the gap between them. “I’ve been meaning to chat you up for ages, actually. My best mate James and I had an agreement that if he could get his wife pregnant then I would talk to you.”
           Remus huffed in amusement. “You said Lily was already two months pregnant,” he reminded Sirius.
           Sirius’ eyes lit up mischievously. “Oh so you were listening in,” he said, biting his bottom lip. “I thought so. And they only announced the pregnancy two weeks ago. Besides, I didn’t promise I’d be timely about chatting you up.”
           “Will you sing something for me?” Remus asked, reaching out and cupping Sirius’ face in his hand, letting his thumb brush over his high cheekbones.
           “What are you Ursula the sea witch?” Sirius joked, tilting his face and biting Remus’ thumb playfully. “Go on and kiss the – “ Sirius began to sing but was cut off by Remus capturing his lips. As much as he wanted to hear Sirius sing some Disney classics, he was much more interested in kissing him senseless. He splayed his hand over the small of Sirius’ back, touching his warm skin and holding Sirius flush against him as the kiss deepened. Sirius brought his hands up and gripped Remus’ biceps as he sucked Remus’ tongue into his mouth.
           “So…” Remus said, breaking the kiss after a few moments of intense snogging. “You said boyfriend? “
           “Yeah.” Sirius smiled, looking slightly dazed as he held onto Remus. Remus took it as a point of pride. “I believe I did.”
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liluwuzi · 4 years
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warntings: alcohol usage and roughhousing | 18+
word count: 1.5k
A/N: Hi, guys. I've been writing for a while, but goooosh, this is my first MHA-ff. Ok, not gonna lie, I did take a few breaks when I did start writing, sooo bare with me. :)
The vibration of the music interfered with the way of the alcohol was moving into your system. Unfortunately, your body wasn’t a stranger to the poison. You were at a frat party with your close friend Ochaco that you’ve known since grade school. A friend of the both of you invited to this party, although you did not see most of your friends including Izuku Midoriya. Izuku was the main person who invited you two to the party. You kindly declined, but he insisted that you should. He wanted his close friends around him when he found out that he made the football team. It was sort of odd that Katsuki Bakugo was a major influence in that decision. You meant to ask him about it, but it always slipped your mind. Ochaco broke you train of thought by tapping you on the shoulder. You, of course, kept moving through the crowd before she tapped again, making you turn around completely.
“What, what’s wrong?” You ask her, feeling a slight discomfort on your back side.
“Have you seen Deku?” Ochaco scanned her bubbly brown eyes around the room before they met with the blue eyes of the stranger that was behind you. “(Y/N)-.”
You felt a little nervous since your friend was acting quite strange. “Well, is he behind me?” You asked, chuckling slightly as you felt two intruding hands around your waist. “Izuku?” The alcohol in your system made you a bit light headed. Normally, you would have probably told your green haired friend off, but you felt comfortable in his arms. You, unconsciously, place your hands on top of the intruders.
“Tsk, tsk. Calling me by the wrong name already, sweets?” The intruder leaned towards the side of you, breathing heavily. “That’s your first mistake, freshmen.”
“You’re not-.” The young man’s hand travelled it’s way to your back side and squeezed your buttocks. You yelped, there was a tingle going down your spin or was it your kitty purring for attention.
Your friend finally came to her senses as soon as she seen that Dabi was about to have his way with you.
“Oh, hey, Dabi. We were just looking for our friend.” Ochaco chuckled nervously, twiddling her fingers behind her back.
The black-haired boy stepped away from you, you turned around to see that it wasn’t your green haired friend, but one of the seniors. The brother of your friend – Shoto Todoroki. You tried to speak, but words wouldn’t come out.
“What are you two doing here? Upperclassmen only.” He grabbed one of the beers that was on the table which was filled with plenty of alcoholic refreshments. “This isn’t a place for girls like you.” Dabi chuckled, opening the refreshment with his teeth before taking a swig.
Izuku did not inform you two that freshmen weren’t invited. This was your first college party after all. Before the both of you could even speak, there was an arm that wrapped around Dabi’s neck. The blonde appeared from the other side of his shoulder, smiling from ear to ear. His golden eyes scanned the two girls’ body and chuckled. Dabi didn’t look too pleased to see him.
“Dabi, are you hogging all of the beautiful ladies from me?” His friend slurred a bit before taking Dabi’s bottle and took a drink from it.
“You’re so annoying.” Dabi glared at the blonde. “Keigo, I’d like drinks without your lips on them.”
The one that he called Keigo smirked once again, which turned into a toothy smile. “Oh, where’s the fun in that, old friend?” Keigo approached the two girls with both of his palms out. “Who were you looking for again?”
You tilted your head a bit, confused by his gestures. You were clearly annoyed by the drunk bird brain. You decided to pour yourself a drink by the station so that you could ease up a bit.
“Izuku Midoriya.” Ochaco answered him, frowning that you’re drinking again. She knew how you got sometimes. Wreckless and fighting, mainly when you were with the infamous bakusquad.
“Oh? The boy with the undercut and green hair?” Keigo nodded, removing his arm around Dabi and directed his thumb behind him. “He’s out in the back. We were back there. Having a little fun.” There goes that smile again, you thought, sipping from the red plastic cup.
Dabi sneered at his friend as they both walked towards the patio. “Come.” He signaled you both to follow the two. You both followed them both outside. You felt the cool breeze against your skin since you were wearing a yellow crop top and a pair of jean shorts. The patio was a nice setting, there was a pool and a couple of patio chairs around it. The moon shined bright along with the pool lights.
Outside, you found a shirtless Katsuki that was laying down in one of the patio chairs. You could tell he was out of it. He had his hand on his head and his beer in the other. You felt your body warming up again, not because of your red cup.
“Deku!” Ochaco arms were now around the greenette’s waist. Izuku cheeks were as red as his swimming trunks. She frowned, pulling back from him. “You smell like beer.”
Keigo laughed, “I mean, their partying with the captain of the football team, what are they supposed to smell like?”
You rolled your eyes at Keigo’s behavior. How could Dabi even be friends with this asshole? They are polar opposites. Speaking of, Dabi was sitting on the other side of the pool with another beer, on his phone.
“You.. know, Ochaco. Don’t call me that in front of people..” Izuku finally returned the hug to his old friend, whispering something in her ear.
A set of eyes were on you, but you kind of just shrugged it off. Drinking the rest of your cup, your body was exploding with an energy of pure ecstasy and Keigo detected it.
“Sooooo, you never told me your name. You’re kind of quiet. You always like this?” He approached you, but this time he wasn’t smiling.
“It’s (y/n). And no, I’m not always this quiet. I am checking out my surroundings so guys don’t try to take advantage of me.” You smile up at the cocky Keigo and he returned that smile.
“(Y/N).. That’s pretty cute.” He ran his hands through your (h/c) hair, intangling his hands into your hair, pushing head forward gently into his chest. “Watch your mouth.” He whispered into your ear. “Then again, I like my girls with a little bit of bite.” Keigo then released you from his grip and laughed. You just glared at him, not sure what to say. You hands curled up into fists, you were ready to risk it all at this moment.
“(Y/N)! I think I’m about to take De-Izuku back to the dorm!” Ochaco’s sweet voice distracted you from your violent thoughts. Keigo was taunting you, he kept his eyes on you for the most part. You sighed, directing your attention to Ochaco and your drunken childhood friend. “Alright, I think I should go too…” You were feeling a bit weird after all.
“Oi…” The crimsoned eyes met with yours. You could feel Katsuki calling out to you. “Why are you even here, nerd?” He narrowed his eyes slightly before standing up from his spot. You noticed he was walking correctly, so he wasn’t that drunk.
“Let’s go.” He commanded, approaching you with that famous walk of his. Katsuki told his captain farewell along with his teammates. He grabbed your hand and made sure that he waited for Deku and Ochaco before heading out of the party with his hand intertwined with yours. This is the first time that Katsuki ever shown this type of emotion towards you.. Emotion because he hardly explains them in words.
“What the hell were you two doing there!?” He was almost yelling at the two girls. Izuku was clearly out of it. Your friend just looked at Katsuki and sighed. You didn’t want to tell him that this was Izuku’s idea, so you took another approach.
“Oh, I’m sorry, dad.” You had a pretty much sarcastic tone. “I wanted to have a little fun besides studying.” You rolled your eyes at the blonde.
“Tch, that was so stupid of you. I saw the whole thing. You were going to risk your college education over a stupid ass brawl.”
You rolled your eyes yet again. Who was KATSUKI BAKUGO lecturing? He was the main one that was getting into fights whenever you all were out at multiple parties.
“Newsflash, asshole! I do what I want!” You were ready to pounce on Katsuki and ready to show him what you were going to do to Keigo.
Katsuki snarled, yanking you towards him as you two walked. He placed his arm under yours so that you wouldn’t snatch away from him.
“You guys are staying with me for tonight and I don’t want to hear shit about it.” The blonde glanced toward Deku and Ochaco before heading towards the apartment buildings.
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probably-writing-x · 4 years
Guzmán x Reader
Request by @parkerschurros : Hi! I love your writing sm. If you are still taking requests could you do a guzman and female reader sort of enemies to lovers kinda thing where they’re sort of sassy to each other but it’s just jealousy/sexual tension and one of them catches the other flirting with someone else as a party and everything just comes out. Thank you so much!
- - - - - -
“You’re never going to win, Guzmán,” You roll your eyes, throwing another ball and sinking it into one of the half filled cups of beer.
“Don’t you remember what happened last time?” He cocks a brow, gulping the drink in one.
You let out a laugh, “You cheated, that’s enough to make you think you’ll win?”
“Enough for me to know I distract you,” He shoots a wink in your direction before throwing another of the balls and landing it on your side.
You and Guzmán had known each other for all of a few years and the entirety of that time had been filled with irritation, anger and arguing. He annoyed you more than anyone you’d ever met. From arguing in class, yelling at parties, prancing each other - you’d never ceased to stop that continuous battle that had never really had an obvious cause.
“Okay honey, I have places to be,” You smirk, landing the ball in the last cup on his side and finally ending this far too competitive game of beer pong.
“Cheers, love,” He grins, raising the cup in your direction before downing the drink.
You roll your eyes and head back away from him and into the crowd of people that had built around the party. Samuel was hosting and the cramped flat made it near impossible to stay away from Guzmán for too long.
“Hey (Y/n),” Omar smiles when he sees you, he was leaning against one of the kitchen counters with Ander beside him, “You look great by the way.”
“Thanks,” You grin, “As long as Guzmán doesn’t spill any drinks on me tonight, I should stay that way.”
Ander lets out laugh, “You guys are seriously impossible at this point, why do you hate him so much?”
You glance over to where his attention was focused on a girl you hadn’t met before. She was petite with bold features, slim and a fair bit smaller than him. Her brunette hair fell in formed curls around her shoulders and she shot him a smirk that told you she probably had intentions tonight.
“I don’t know,” You mumble in response to Ander’s question, thinking way back to the first time you’d ever met Guzmán.
- - - - - -
“With her times Guzman, she’s fast enough to beat you. If you seriously want to take on swimming competitively, you need someone to fight against. (Y/n)’s good enough for that and I won’t listen to you complain about it anymore,” His swim coach explains, grabbing his things from the side and walking out of poolside.
Guzmán grabs his towel from the bench and drags it over his face, “So what are you? Just here to prove to me that I’m a shit swimmer?”
“I’m just here to keep my scholarship,” You shrug, “I don’t particularly care if you’re a good swimmer or not.”
“Scholarship?” He scoffs, “So you’re just trying to keep up your image of being a Las Encinas kid? You’re like the rest of them?”
“I’m not like anyone. You trust fund babies wouldn’t know how to distinguish a poor kid from another one though, would you?”
“Watch yourself, (Y/n), okay?” He shakes the towel through his hair, “This place will eat you alive with an attitude like that.”
“I didn’t need your advice, Guzmán.”
“We’ll see about that, love.”
- - - - - -
“Maybe she doesn’t really hate him,” Omar nudges Ander and they both raise their brows at you knowingly.
“Oh relax,” You roll your eyes, “We’re not going through this again, we all know what happened with Lu.”
“Ahh you mean when she realised her boyfriend cared more about annoying you instead of being with her? When she started picking up on how he watched everything you did instead of focusing on a word that she said?” Omar laughs, “You’re telling me that’s equivalent to hating someone?”
- - - - - -
“Guzmán you’re late,” The professor points out the obvious as Guzmán strolls into the classroom, his hair still damp from the pool.
He takes the seat in front of you and you can’t help yourself when the opportunity is there.
“Don’t worry, I’m sure if you keep practising you’ll be matching my times soon.”
“You think I can’t beat you?” He turns around and focuses on you, yet to even pay attention to his so-called girlfriend sat beside him.
“You think you can?”
“Don’t pay attention to her, darling,” Lu brushes the lapels of his jacket and tries to turn him towards her, “She’s just trying to keep hold of that scholarship for all it’s worth.”
“If I beat you by the end of this year, you finally let me take you to the club with me. If not, and you somehow win, it’s your call, love.”
“Why are you so obsessed with getting me to the club?”
“There’s something so tragic about watching the princess lose her crown when the opportunity presents itself.”
- - - - - -
Your eyes fall back to Guzmán who’s still chatting away to the girl who’d taken his fancy. You’d spent years with a seething annoyance towards everything that boy did. From everything he said to everything he did - it’s like the two of you met each other for the sole purpose of finding someone who you despised.
Maybe it’s the alcohol in your veins but you find yourself thinking back to some different times with Guzmán. The boy had always encouraged you to be your best - never letting you get away with less. And, when it wasn’t him you were competing against, that boy was damn supportive.
- - - - - -
“Aiming for a personal best today, (Y/n)?” Guzmán calls as he walks along poolside.
It was a termly swim gala today and you were competing in the majority of races. You hated how it was split into females and males. Lord knows if you got the chance to swim against Guzmán at a time like this, you two would both put in excess effort to make sure you didn’t lose the crown.
“Aiming to beat your time,” You shrug, shaking out your limbs as you walk towards the podiums to start.
“Good luck, Princess. Don’t let that crown slip too far.”
Lu glared at you from her position on the podium only directly next to you, “Guzmán, aren’t you going to wish me luck?”
He tears his eyes away from his opponent to look at her for a split second, “Good luck, Lu.”
“I don’t know what he sees in you,” She mutters under her breath, evidently recognising the demise in her supposedly perfect relationship.
“He doesn’t see anything. I’m just competition.”
Maybe you don’t even believe it. Why did you two put so much emphasis onto each other instead of anyone else? Especially when he was in a relationship. When was the last time he focused that much attention onto Lu?
When the gun sounds, you dive in and it instantly feels like an instinct. You become completely unaware of everyone and everything around you. Though, when you breach the water, you find yourself focusing in on a specific voice above the rest.
“Go on (Y/n)!”
And that tone, normally so cocky and irritating, gives you that push to go just a little bit faster, push a little bit harder. Right until you touch the wall on your last length.
As you pop up out of the water and tread on the surface, Guzmán is instantly crouching on the side in front of you, grinning with some level of pride.
“Personal best!” He beams, “You’re really set on beating me, huh?”
“I’m set on staying well away from your so-called fun at the club.”
He laughs and shakes his head at you, clasping your hand like he would do to one of the boys, “Good job, (Y/n).”
- - - - - -
“Fuck,” You weren’t really sure at what point you’d decided to start walking towards Guzmán with evident intent.
You weren’t even sure when you’d left Ander and Omar. But here you were. Making a direct like towards Guzmán across the length of Samuel’s flat.
“Guzmán, can I speak to you?” You say, not caring about any of the words this other girl was saying to him.
He looks at you with a look between a frown and a smirk, “Is there a problem?”
He glances toward the girl and doesn’t care to say anything more as he follows after you to wherever you were leading him.
And somehow, you find yourself in the only empty room here. The bathroom.
“Is this where you try to kill me o-“
“I fucking hate you Guzmán.”
His face falls slightly, “Is that what you brought me in here for? Because I was having a nice conversation with... well I can’t remember her name but she seemed nice.”
“You’re infuriating!” You exclaim, “You literally make my blood boil, I don’t think I’ve ever met someone so irritating!”
“You’re hardly easy to deal with either, love,” He was getting defensive.
Sure, the two of you hated each other. But you’d never explicitly said it like this.
“And yet somehow, you’re the only reason I’m where I am. You force me to get up out of bed in the morning and train so I’m not falling behind. You make me keep my wits about myself and not let people take advantage of me. You make me say what I think and you provoke me beyond belief so I have to force myself to keep composure.”
He swallows the lump in his throat. This could go one of two ways and he was sure of the outcome that he wanted.
“You make me feel...something. Beyond high school drama and Las Encinas, you make me want to do better. And I hate you for it.”
“It’s your fault, you know?” He scoffs, “You’re the reason for all of that. I was cruising along just fine at school until you came along, I was the best swimmer on the team, I had Lu, I had everything. And then this scholarship kid shows up who’s faster than me, smarter than me, funnier than me, wittier than me. And all of a sudden, it felt like everything crashed and I just had to focus on her.”
It’s you that’s stumped now.
“Yeah, I might piss you off and wind you up and make jokes and shit,” He continues, “But it’s only because I fucking hate that you made everything in my life turn on its head. And, somehow, beyond all of that, you’re still this genuinely good, caring, conscious person. And it infuriates me because I don’t understand how someone can have all of... that.”
“Looks like we’re both to blame for each other’s demise then.”
“Something like that,” He scoffs, glancing down at his feet.
“I fucking hate you, Guzmán,” You let out those final words before you grab at his shirt and push him against the wall, uncertain as to what any sort of reaction from here would be.
He stumbles at first, mentally too, as he tries to muster any composure he had left in him.
“Always so competitive,” He mumbles, flipping you around so you’re now pressed against the hard brick and he looms over you.
“You told me if I beat your time, it was my call.”
“Then, what is your call, love?”
With that, your lips crash against his in a twisted battle for dominance, both of you not wanting to give in so quickly. It’s messy and your hands aren’t really sure where to go or where to be. But it works. It’s like every single neurone in your body fires at once and you’re electrified by a madness that lasts longer than any argument between you two.
His hands are all over your back as yours move into his hair until you’re both losing any power in your lungs. He pulls away, chest rising and falling in time with your own.
“That was your fault, love.”
You hum in response, “I didn’t hear any complaints.”
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thirsty-x1 · 5 years
Prove Me Wrong I | Lee Hangyul
|| Part II ||
badboy!hangyul x foreign exchange student!female sumthin (i leave the juicy stuff up to you lmao)
↬ Pairing: badboy!Hangyul x fem!reader
↬ Genre: Smut
↬ Warning: mentions of alcohol, explicit language, dirty talk,  semi-public sex, slight hair pulling
↬ Word Count: 2k
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Being new wasn’t really the best thing. However, it was good that technically ‘everyone’ was new, but being a foreign student... You were going to draw attention anyway. It was something you were already used to, introducing yourself over and over again, but it still brought some nervousness to be in front of everyone. Inhaling deeply, you entered the classroom, the professor wasn’t there yet and everyone was already interacting. Almost every seat was occupied, the only one left being at the back of the room. Taking notes would be harder then. Everyone stopped chattering as the professor came in. The class started quickly and for a second you thought you were lucky because he seemed to have forgotten about introductions and stuff, but he suddenly stopped dead on his tracks.
“Ah, right, we have an exchange student.” Fuck, no, really? Now? That was going to be even worse. He read the list and looked up squinting his eyes. Maybe there was another exchange student... “Y/n?”
Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath you raised up your hand. The next five minutes were about where you came from, what differences had you noticed, how long had you been living there, and so on until he continued with the class. You couldn’t really see one of the words in the board and the context didn’t help, so you looking to your right to ask someone but the girl sitting next to you seemed extremely focused...So you turned left and noticed for the first time the guy sitting next to you. He was wearing rather flashy clothes, at least compared to the rest of the students in there. He seemed to be already distracted by his phone, so it was better than your other choice.
“Sorry, I can’t really see what’s on the board...” He didn’t even bat an eye. “Um, excuse me...” He finally directed his attention to you, his expression showing he was...annoyed?
“Heard you the first time. Can’t see shit. Stop bothering me.” His informal talking plus the swearing took you by surprise. It wasn’t something very usual in their culture... What was wrong with him? You tried again.
“Ah, sorry, but I really need to take these notes...”
“Why do you keep talking to me? Shut up already.” You clenched your fists and gave him a sarcastic smile. You were going to find someone later and ask them.
“Fucking asshole...” The curse left out your lips before you could even think about it. You knew you had to be respectful and all but why with someone like him? Although it seemed like he heard you, because he scoffed at you and mumbled something back. You stared at him and he maintained the eye contact. You weren’t going to back away, you had many of these shitheads back in your hometown and if you didn’t stand up firm from the beginning, they would annoy the fuck out of you. However, the smirk that crossed his face wasn’t something that you were prepared for. 
At the end of the class the professor took attendance and you paid attention to the moment he would mention the guy’s name. At almost the half, you heard it. Lee Hangyul. You had to keep it in mind.
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A few weeks had passed and you were getting used to everything around. You made some friends and to see the cultural differences was interesting. Tonight you were going out for some drinks with the whole class during the orientation period. Music sounded in the background as you applied make up and got into your clothes. Even if it was a casual meet up, one of your friends suggested that you changed for a party since some of them were going to a club nearby. You were already slightly panicking: what could you wear that was appropriate for both a casual meeting and a party? Giving up easily just put a dress on and some high heels not too flashy but not dull.
The meeting was fun and seeing the rest of the class get drunk rather quickly, but the face you wanted to see the most wasn’t around.
“Hey, that Hangyul guy... He doesn’t get along pretty well with the class, doesn’t he?” What was there to lose?
“Ah... He is a weird one. Doesn’t hang out with anyone at University, gets into fight sometimes but isn’t really the bully kind of guy, you know? He has some bad reputation around here so it’s not really the best thing to hang out with him.”
What a long description to end it up like that. It’s not like you were super curious about him, but... There was something off. Like, why did he attend every single day if he didn’t care? Sure, money and grades were a thing but if he was such a ‘bad boy’ shouldn’t he just... drop out? You forgot about him as you swallowed the soju and beer shot.
Not long after the meeting, you were dancing at the club. It wasn’t too different, maybe there was less straightforward people but that wasn’t a bad thing. You were going to the bathroom when you bumped against someone on the way, the drink they were holding now dripping down their clothes.
“Oh, sh– I mean, sorry!” The flashing lights made it hard for you to see the stranger’s face. Their strong hand wrapped around your wrist as they dragged you to the bathroom, took you inside and locked the door. Fear ran down your spine until you saw their face. “What... You are here?”
Hangyul looked at you annoyed. “Fix this.” You questioned him as he signaled his black shirt.
“It was your drink and you spilled it on you, there is nothing for me to fix, now if you excuse me...” You were aiming at the door when he blocked it, staring you down with hooded eyes.
“You bumped into me. Was it on purpose?” Rolling your eyes wasn’t even remotely close to show your irritation. “So you planned all this, didn’t you? Ah, I knew I could be attractive but not to this point...”
“Jeez, egocentric much? Give me the shirt so I can get the shit out of here.” He seemed pleased as he took it off, unbuttoning it to a slow pace, seeming to enjoy the slight blush that spread on your cheeks as you saw his toned body. Snatching the piece of clothing from his hands, you threw it on the sink and turned the water on, closing it after a few seconds. “Done. Now let me go.”
“Why do you keep pretending you hate me, huh?”
“Who said anything about hating, just let me–” he pressed against you, his skin hot against your hands as you pushed him but still he didn’t move an inch.
“Let’s have some fun, I know you been asking around for me, why don’t you let me show you who I am and what I can do?” His voice dropped low and you couldn’t help but to feel shivers all over you. Maybe it was the alcohol hitting in but a random hook up didn’t seem like a big deal...
“You are all talk.” You stared right back and he arched an eyebrow.
“Let me prove you wrong then.”
His lips smashed against yours aggressively, his hands roaming down your body, the heat between you growing intense each second. He tugged on your bottom lip playfully and hissed as you palmed him over his pants, the feeling of his hardening member turning you on. Steps and a soft knock on the door distracted you.
“Y/n? It’s me.” Shit. Shit, shit, shit. “Is everything alright?”
“Ah yeah! Everything is–” You had to hold back your moan when Hangyul slipped his hand down your underwear and started rubbing your clit harshly.
“Are you sure? Wait, I’m going to get in...” The handle moved but the secure didn’t let anything happen. Hangyul smirked as he felt you getting wetter.
“No! Uh, it’s a mess in here, just...” His middle finger slid inside of you and your breath hitched up.
“Quite the exhibitionist, aren’t you? Getting off at the possibility of someone seeing you like this, completely wrecked...” He whispered in your ear as he fingered you at an extremely slow pace, adding a second finger and stretching you out.
“Ah, I see... I’m not feeling too well so I’ll get going, yes? Tell me when you get home.” Did she notice? No idea, but you simply hummed out a response and she left.
“Fuck... Stop that...” You finally let out and he complied, burying them and stopping his movements, having you become a whining mess.
 “Can’t wait to feel this tight pussy around me.” His lips attached to your neck, sucking harshly as you grind your hips to feel some kind of friction. 
“Then do it already.”
He lifted you up and placed you on the cold marble surface, you hissing at the contrast between temperatures. He pulled a condom from his back pocket and now it was your turn to raise an eyebrow, to which he simply shrugged without giving any explanation. He unzipped his pants and took out his cock, your mouth watering at the sight of his fingers putting the preservative on. He looked at you once as if to ask for permission to which you nodded and he filled you, being careful at all times.
“So tight... I’m going to fuck you so good.” The dirty talk was really getting the best of you.
“You keep talking but not showing anything.”
He gave a quick thrust, a pleased sigh coming out of your lips. Soon he was ramming into you hard, your arms around his shoulders, your ear right next to his mouth, listening to every grunt he left out when you clenched down on him. He pulled down your dress strips and unhooking your bra, his hands quick to cup your breasts and massage them. You hid your face on the crook of his neck, trying to muffle the sound of your voice against it.
“Let me hear you, let everyone hear who is fucking you so good.” The slight shake of your head was enough for him to pull your hair and make you stare at him, his gaze making you feel exposed to your very core. “Do as I say.” His hips snapped even rougher than before, his pace becoming slower if you broke the eye contact.
“I-I’m... close...” Your words were barely audible but he seemed to understand them perfectly.
“Cum for me, princess.”
That’s all it took. Your nails scratching his back, your moans falling of your lips uncontrollably as your whole body went numb. He smirked and his pace faltered, spilling inside the condom as he groaned against your neck. You didn’t move and he didn’t either, both trying to catch your breath. Finally he pulled out of you, throwing the condom in the bin as you put your bra back on and fixed your dress. You checked yourself in the mirror just to realize the mess he made of you: your neck and chest full of red marks that would soon turn into purple ones, your lips swollen and your lipstick smeared all around them, not to mention your hair. You sighed and tried to fix your looks a bit, eyeing Hangyul in the corner zipping his pants and appreciating his slightly tanned skin and his muscles, unconsciously tying up your hair and washing your face a few times. Once you looked good-ish, you walked over to the door.
“You’re not going to say goodbye?” He laughed as he leaned over on the wall.
“Uh, goodbye.”
“Now you are feeling shy?” You resumed your actions ignoring him. “This was too good, we should repeat it.”
You thought about it for a few seconds. “Maybe.” You opened the door and as you were going out, he called you again.
“What am I supposed to do with his?” He pointed at his wet shirt. You shrugged.
“Not my problem.”
You walked away giggling as you listened to his complaints, thinking about the next time you would see each other.
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I’m not too happy with this one but hey, what you gonna do. Also thought of maybe making a second part to put more detail into his bad boy image and its origins 👀
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