#i mean. not to go off or anything. just having some thots lol.
mint-yooxgi · 2 years
{3} - Hotel California - Yandere!Demonic Entities!Ateez X Reader
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Yandere AU & Demon AU - Based off of This ask and Hotel California by Eagles
Genre: Mature, Horror, Angst, Slight Humor
Pairing: Ateez X Reader (Focus on San & Mingi this chapter)
Words: 11,810
Warnings: Mental Illness: talks of past depression. Whore Knee thots. This is a Yandere story, it will contain themes such as stalking, violence, obsession, possessive natures, and just general overall creepiness and swearing. You have been warned.
A/n: Hope you all enjoy this next update to this series!! I think it shows a different side to the guys, honestly. I’d love to hear any and all theories you guys have about the story so far, or even what you thing might happen next!! I’ve got a lot planned, but that being said I’m surprised this part turned out as long as it did lol, but as always feedback is greatly appreciated!! Enjoy~
Main Story - Part Two
Heaving a deep sigh, you look at your reflection in the mirror, fingers grasping onto the edge of the counter for dear life. Wiping at your cheeks with the back of your one hand, you move to turn on the faucet in the next moment. You’re sick and tired of crying; you’ve done enough in the past two weeks to last a lifetime, and honestly, if it were up to you, you wouldn’t shed another tear over this matter. You don’t deserve to be upset, nor do they deserve any more of your tears.
Testing the temperature of the water with your hands, you decide it’s a decent warmth. Allowing the water to gather in your cupped palms, you splash some on your face, rubbing at your eyes in the next second. Turning the faucet off, you grab the towel on the counter beside you, and dry yourself off.
This is your life now, and even though you still have trouble accepting it, crying about it isn’t going to change anything. You’ve shed enough tears for the life you lost, and you promised yourself earlier that you were going to stop wallowing in your own self-pity. You do not want to go back there again.
Shooting your reflection a weak smile, you close your eyes. The feeling of your lungs expanding and contracting as you heave another deep breath serves to ground you, allowing your eyes to open to meet your gaze in the mirror once more. With one final curt nod at yourself, you’re exiting the bathroom.
Stepping back into the main area of your room, you notice only San stands there now. Where the other two went, you have no idea. Your brow furrows, especially since San looks more interested in observing the painting on the wall of a field of flowers than turning to face you.
“They went to feed, by the way,” his voice cuts through the silence as he feels your gaze on his back, only momentarily though, for you’re shifting to look at the painting in the next second as you come to stand just a little ways behind him.
Oh, so badly does he want to turn and face you right now, but the feeling of your gaze flicking over his form, even only for brief a moment, prevents him from doing so. He knows you have more questions, and he will happily answer any and all that you may have.
“I know you’re curious,” he chuckles, and he hears you huff out a breath. “You need only ask, and we- I will tell you everything you want to know.”
“Stop reading my mind.” You reply, irritation slightly apparent in your words as you cross your arms in front of your chest. Then, as if deciding against your better judgment, “what do you mean by ‘feed’?”
This time, San cannot prevent the way he smiles as his body turns towards you. Finally, you’re asking about them. The mild curiosity he can sense floating through your mind surrounding them raises his spirits more than you’ll ever know.
“We can survive on regular food for a time, but we need something a little more substantial to survive.” He tells you, lips still tugging upwards at the corners.
“So, you do drink blood.” You say, eyes wide as you nod faintly in understanding.
“Yes, and no,” another voice coming from your open doorway draws your attention, turning to see Mingi entering your room. “It can sustain us, but it’s more of an aphrodisiac than anything. Something we only consume for fun every now and then.”
“It’s like alcohol that way,” San adds. “We don’t necessarily need it to survive, but boy, does it make things more entertaining.”
“Should I be worried?” Your attempt at a joke, needing to make light of the situation right now.
The two men share a brief look as Mingi comes to stand beside his brother.
“If you were to ever offer us your blood, then most likely,” Mingi replies, nothing but honesty interwoven with his words. “Right now, I don’t think even we would be able to tell you how we would act should we ever get a taste of your blood.”
Your heart skips a beat, fear coursing through your veins.
San shoots the taller male a narrowed eyed look.
“You don’t have to worry about us drinking your blood,” San assures you, turning his gaze back onto your figure. “We swore that we would never hurt you, or do anything along those lines that you’re uncomfortable with.”
“But if I offered, you would take it.” It’s not quite a question that you pose as you eye them warily up and down.
Of course, San immediately replies within his mind.
Without question. Mingi adds, unbeknownst to you.
Anything you have to offer them, especially if you give a part of yourself to them willingly, they will take. In a heartbeat. It’s one thing they’ve always wanted; one thing they’ve always desired.
“Let’s take it one step at a time, yeah?” San smiles at you, though you’re not very reassured.
You purse your lips, blinking at the two men before you. “You still haven’t answered my original question.”
“We just don’t want to scare you.” Mingi replies softly, San’s lips twitching as he nods once in agreement.
“Look, I said it earlier, and I’ll say it again, but if this is going to work, then we’re going to need to learn to trust each other.” You look from one male to the other. “Would you rather tell me now while I’m mildly curious, or have me find out later when I potentially trust you, and have it freak me out so much it breaks that trust?”
“Touché,” San’s eyebrow quirks, his expression mirroring the smugness he feels at having heard you say that you’re curious about them, even if only mildly. An expression which he knows is mirrored on his brother’s face right now.
“We need to feed on souls to survive,” Mingi tells you, watching as you stiffen, even if only slightly. He sighs, “see, I knew you would be scared.”
“Listen,” you echo his sigh, running a hand over your face in the process, “this is still a lot for me to take in. Two weeks ago I didn’t even know creatures-“ you hesitate, unsure of what to refer to them as, “beings such as yourselves existed. I’m still wrapping my head around the fact that you guys can teleport tremendous distances in mere seconds.”
“That’s not all we can do,” San smirks, loving the way curiosity continues to tug at your mind. “But how about we save that for later?”
“Why not just tell me now?” You quirk a brow, crossing your arms in front of your chest.
“Where’s the fun in that?” Mingi grins. “We have to keep you interested in us somehow.”
“Touché,” you echo San’s word from earlier. A moment later, and your eyes are drifting past their heads and to the painting on the wall once more. “Fine then. Tell me about that painting behind you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an art style like that before. I’m curious to know who chose it, and why you decided to put it in my room.”
“Oh, this?” Mingi quirks a brow, turning to look at the aforementioned artwork on the wall behind him.
“Yunho painted it.” San says, almost nonchalantly with a small shrug.
“He paints?” You voice, clear disbelief on your features as you take a few steps closer to examine the artwork in more detail.
“Paints, draws, you name it,” San continues, a small huff of amusement escaping his lips as he witnesses your eyes shine with a spark he hasn’t seen in them since you first got here.
Both men watch you carefully as you step past them to observe the canvas. Each cannot deny the way your look of wonder makes their hearts race inside their chests, even if it’s not something of theirs that you are admiring. They’ll be sure to share this with Yunho later. Their brother should be very pleased to know that finally something he has done for you has made you smile.
Sure enough, as you step closer, you take in the details of the painting. The colours are a soft pastel, blending well together and portraying an image of a clear spring day. A breeze drifts through the field of flowers. Flowers of which you notice are some of your favourites. The forget-me-nots dotting the canvas with their soft pale blue petals elicit a breathless gasp from your mouth as your lips part.
“Did he-“ the words die in your throat as your fingers come up to cover your mouth, the pads pressing lightly against your lips as you continue to stare at the canvas in awe. Your heart clenches slightly, and you have half the mind to ignore the feeling for the moment.
“When he gets back, why don’t you ask him yourself?” Mingi suggests, voice gentle as his eyes crinkle at the sides, a kind smile resting on his features.
You blink, seemingly collecting yourself and your thoughts as you clear your throat. You can practically feel the way that they’re both looking at you right now, soft smiles adorning their features. They’re gazing at you akin to how you were just looking at the painting: nothing but awe and wonder reflected in their eyes.
Finally, they’ve done something right.
“Anyways…” you swallow the sudden dryness in your throat, turning away from the canvas in the next moment as your hand drops back to your side. “I should probably unpack now.”
Turning towards your suitcases, you’re quick to close the distance between yourself and them. A few seconds later, and you’ve hauled one onto the mattress, unzipping it and throwing it open to reveal your clothes, some of which that have been haphazardly thrown into each compartment.
“Do you want us to leave?” Though it pains him to say it, Mingi manages to get the words out. Both he and San cannot help but to recall your words from earlier, echoing through their minds as they are both reminded of the shattered coffee cup that had remained in the lobby until Wooyoung had cleaned it up.
You pause for a moment, tossing the sweater you had just been holding in your hands onto the couch a little ways from where you stand now. You still cannot get over how grand this place is.
“Eh,” you shrug one shoulder, “just don’t make it weird.”
Besides, you know exactly which suitcase contains your more delicate items of clothing. That one you can simply unpack in the large walk-in closet without them peeping on things.
A warmth blooms in each of their chests, and San has to suppress the smile that wants to paint his lips as he sits on one side of the couch. Mingi, unashamedly, lets his content smile stretch across his face as he takes the opposite end of the sofa, your sweater resting in-between the two men.
A few minutes pass in silence, the two males content with just watching you work around the room. It takes you less than ten minutes to unpack the first suitcase, pulling another one along and plopping it onto the bed in the next moment. Only, as soon as you reach to unzip it, you pause, a furrow to your brow.
“Wait,” you subconsciously say your thoughts out loud, “what time is it?”
“Just past two in the afternoon,” Mingi supplies for you without so much as looking at a clock. “Why?”
You go to reach for your phone that rests charging beside your bed. Sure enough, Mingi is right. Seeing that it’s at full battery, you’re quick to unplug it.
“Well, like I said earlier, my parents are probably worried sick about me,” you say, going in to check your notifications that you’ve missed over the past two weeks. Sure enough, you see dozens of messages from your parents, and your sister, asking you where you are, and what happened to you. “I’m calling my mom. You two,” you turn to give them a sharp look, “stay quiet.”
Two seconds later and they can hear the familiar sound of a dial tone and then the tell tale ringing of an outgoing call. Each man watches you carefully, hearing your thoughts begin to consume you as anxiety takes hold.
What are you going to tell your mother? Will she even pick up? What if she starts asking too many questions? Are your parents okay?
It’s on the fourth ring that your mother answers your call, her face appearing on screen as a relieved smile paints your own features. You seriously didn’t realize just how much you missed her, or your father for that matter.
“Sweetie, oh my goodness!” Your mother greets you with a gasp, nothing but worry reflected on her features. “Are you alright? Where have you been? What have you been up to? What’s going on? Where are you?”
“I’m fine, mom,” you shoot her a smile, feeling as if a weight has been lifted from your shoulders as you see a familiar face. “I’m sorry I went a bit off the grid for a while, I just-“ you heave a sigh, running a hand over the top of your head, “needed a break from things.”
“Oh, sweetie,” your mother coos. “It happens to the best of us. As long as you’re okay.”
“I’m okay, mom. I’m okay.” You assure her, but at this point, you honestly don’t know if it’s more for her or for you.
“Where did you go?” She asks, and you can see her sit down on the living room couch in your family home, your father sitting on the opposite end as she angles the camera to include him in the frame.
“Hi, dad,” you shoot him a small wave as his eyes widen and he scoots forward to see you better. “I’m sorry for giving you both a scare.”
“We were worried sick about you, honey.” Your father voices softly, taking the phone momentarily from your mother’s hand. His concerned face fills the entire frame as he frowns. “We were about to put out a missing person’s report since you haven’t contacted us in so long, and you usually call or message every few days.”
“Yeah,” you chuckle awkwardly, shooting a sidelong glance at the two males sitting on the couch and watching your every move, “sorry about that.”
“What happened?” He mirrors your mother’s worried tone as he shifts to include her in the frame.
“I needed a break from work,” you reply honestly. “I took a weekend for myself, and it just made me realize that life is too short to be wasting my youth behind a desk at some stupid job that I’m already starting to hate. I just needed some time for myself.”
The partial lie falls from your lips so easily. Well, it’s like they say: the best lies contain partial truths.
“But not contacting us for two weeks?” Your mother stresses, her hand grasping at your father’s arm for support. You can just tell she’s getting a bit choked up. “Sweetie, we thought you died. Or something worse had happened to you. We didn’t know if we would ever see you again!”
“I know, mom,” you sit yourself on the bed, angled away from the two men so they don’t appear in the frame. “I’m sorry for worrying you, it won’t happen again. I promise.”
“Your sister was convinced that you met someone and ran away together,” your father jokes, attempting to lighten the mood if only slightly.
Oh, if only they knew the truth. You blink, gaze darting to the side to see both San and Mingi looking at you with amused quirks to their brows.
“You could say that,” you chuckle, shaking your head as if to dismiss the thought. “The running away part, that is."
Only, your mother doesn’t see it that way. Instead, a dramatic gasp is escaping her lips as she takes the phone from your father.
“Holy crackers! Sweetie! You did, didn’t you?” She smiles, her eyes shining at the thought.
“No, mom, it’s nothing like that-“
“Who’s the lucky guy?” She cuts you off with a wiggle of her brows. Then just as quickly, she adds, “or girl!”
“The important thing is that you’re happy,” your father adds with a nod. “And they treat you right.”
“Woah! Okay, there,” you hold up a hand, waving it frantically in the air as if to tell them to wait a second as a heat rises to your cheeks. “There’s no one like that yet! I’d tell you if anything were to happen.”
Your parents both chuckle, and you fail to see the way both males stiffen at your words. Sure, they’re upset that you’re essentially hiding them from your parents, but the language that you used only serves to kindle that spark of hope you gave them earlier today. There’s no one like that yet. 
Which means they still have a chance.
“Well, okay, sweetie,” your mother smiles knowingly as you laugh nervously. “If you say so.”
Oh, you can just tell she does not believe you. So, of course, you’re quick to change the subject. “How have you two been?”
The next thirty minutes are spent talking to your parents and catching up on all that you’ve missed. You tell them a bit about your little trip that you took considering your mother pointed out the luxurious room you seem to be staying in. (Both San and Mingi had smirked at that, pride filling their chests at somewhat gaining your mother’s approval for something, even if she is none the wiser.) She tells you about the day trip they took to the countryside, telling you that you’ll all have to plan something when you get back from however long you’ll be taking for yourself.
“Speaking of, how long do you think you’ll be gone?” Your mother asks, shifting her position on the couch as she leans further into the cushions.
“I’m not sure mom,” you reply, truthfully. “I won’t be back any time soon, that’s for sure.”
“Well, okay, dear,” she hums. “Just keep us updated and let us know if you need anything. We’re here for you, and we always will be.”
Your breath hitches in your throat, suddenly overcome with a tremendous sense of gratitude towards your parents. “Thanks, mom.”
“Seriously sweetie,” your father chimes in. “Anything at all, we’ve got you covered.”
“I really appreciate it,” you smile, a warmth settling in your chest and spreading throughout your body as you look at their happy faces staring back at you through the screen. “I should probably get going, though.”
“Alright then, sweetie, you have a good rest of your day!” Your mother cheers, her eyes shining in content at getting to talk to you once more after so long. “If you get a chance, you should call your sister. She’s also been really worried about you.”
“I will,” you promise, waving to both your parents. “Talk to you later.”
“Bye-bye, sweetie! Love you lots!” Your mother waves back, along with your father, both smiling at you fondly.
“Love you, too,” your lips twitch upwards almost sadly as you say your final goodbyes, ending the call in the next minute.
Tossing your phone onto the bed beside you after locking it, you rub your hands over your face. Your shoulders hunch as you take a few deep breaths to steady your nerves, conflicting emotions of utter joy and sorrow swirling within your chest. With a deep exhale, you’re dropping your one hand, tossing your head back as the other runs over the back of your neck, rubbing at the sore muscles there as your eyes close.
You can just feel their gazes on you as you crack your neck.
“Not a word,” your eyes snap open, turning to look at both males still sitting on the couch as a heat once more rises to your face.
San simply smiles at you innocently, while Mingi raises his hands in front of himself as if to tell you that he won’t say anything.
Despite the semi-embarrassment at having them listen in on that entire conversation with your parents, you still cannot deny the overwhelming sense of happiness you feel at getting to talk to them again after so long. Not only that, but gratitude.
You fumble with your hands in your lap, refusing to meet their gaze as you mumble a small ‘thanks’.
They simply quirk their brows at you in response.
“You know,” you finally turn your head to look at them once more, meeting each of their gazes as you continue, “for trusting me enough to do that.”
Still, you hate the fact that you feel as if you need their permission to do anything. You hate feeling trapped, like you’re not in control of your own life. That’s the part you resent most.
“Of course,” Mingi smiles at you softly, eye shining as your emotional thoughts wash over him, even the bitter ones.
“It’s like we said before,” San smiles, mirroring the fond look shining in his brother’s eyes, “we only want to make you happy.”
You nod, and although it’s small, in the back of your mind, you’re starting to finally believe them. A fact which could not make them any more glad than they already are, pride warming their chests as content growls build within. Again, finally, they’ve done something that’s good.
“Did you want to finish unpacking?” San asks, eyes flitting to your still unopened second suitcase lying on the bed beside you.
“Maybe later,” you shrug. “Can you show me to the kitchen?”
Immediately, San perks up even further, “if you’re hungry, I could make you something.”
“I appreciate it,” your lips quirk upwards, “but I don’t expect you to cook for me every time I want something.”
“That kind of defeats the whole purpose of us taking care of you,” Mingi jokes, a teasing quirk to his lips as you see San pout at your words.
“I am fully capable of taking care of myself, you know.” Your lips tug upwards in the corner, the ghost of a smirk gracing your features. “Been doing it for years.”
“We know,” Mingi grins. “We just wish you would let us do more for you.”
Only San truly understand the deeper implications behind those words, but you do not fail to catch the way both their eyes flash as they meet your gaze.
“Well, you can start by showing me the kitchen.” You reply with a nod, motioning to the couch with your one hand outstretched in the next second. “But first, can one of you toss me that sweater?”
It’s like watching two rabid dogs go after a piece of raw meat after being starved for two days. Mingi grabs the sleeves of the hoodie while San grabs the bodice, each tugging it in a different direction to pull it closer to them as they stand.
“Let go,” Mingi growls, his eyes flashing black in warning at his brother as he tugs the sweater closer to his body.
“No, you let go,” San retorts, his own eyes flashing black with a snarl on his lips as he pulls the hoodie towards himself.
Like hell are they going to let the other do something for you, especially not when you’ve asked them so nicely. It’s the whole bar situation of the first night all over again, each wanting to prove to you how they can provide for you. Whatever they can do to make you like them more for the moment, they will. After all, progress is still progress, no matter how small.
Shaking your head, you take a step towards them in order to make your way over and simply grab your hoodie from their hands. Only, before you can move more than two steps, you’re freezing in your tracks.
For the second time that day, the sound of tearing fabric reaches your ears.
Your lips part and your eyes go wide in shock as you watch both males turn to look at you with equal expressions of disbelief on their faces. In each of their hands, they hold a piece of fabric that was once your completed sweater, the material clinging on to it’s original form for dear life as the sleeves quite literally hang on by only a thread.
“My hoodie,” your voice comes out small, high-pitched in disbelief as your expression drops, a pout painting your features. That was one of your favourites, too.
“Shit,” San curses at the same time Mingi swears, “fuck.”
“Baby, we’re so sorry,” San says, eyes pleading with you to believe him as he clings to your sweater for dear life.
“Just-“ you’re so stunned that you don’t even register the pet name he’s just called you, sighing in the next moment as you pinch the bridge of your nose, “put it down.”
Gently, they place the sweatshirt back onto the couch.
“Seriously, we didn’t mean to-“ Mingi begins, before you’re cutting him off quite sharply.
“It’s fine.” It’s not, really, but it’s only a sweater. You’ll live. “Accidents happen.”
At least their remorse is genuine, each male standing there sheepishly as you exhale another sigh. Besides, it can most likely be fixed, but you’ll deal with that later.
“So,” you begin, “the kitchen?”
“Right!” San jumps at the opportunity to guide you, stepping around your couch with a small ‘follow me’ in the next moment.
Wordlessly, you let him lead you out of your room and down the hallway, Mingi following close behind. Neither of them say anything for the time being, thoughts consumed with the idea that they’ve just let you down after just getting you to open up to them slightly. The one thing you asked them to do for you and they’ve already screwed it up.
Then, a brief thought from you has them both perking up.
It can be fixed.
Even though it’s not technically directed at them, the fact that you even thought of a potential solution has their moods perking up momentarily. Perhaps things are not as bad as they seem.
“There are actually two kitchens on the premises,” San explains as he steps into a room not too far off from the bar area, if you recall correctly.
“Of course there are.” You huff out an amused laugh. “I’m guessing the other one is in the opposite wing?”
“That would be correct,” Mingi nods, already sitting at the counter on one of the stools.
“Then I guess you’ll have to show me that one later,” you hum, eyes taking in the details of the cabinets before you.
The kitchen is fairly large in size, bordering on a cross between the size of an industrial workspace, and a conventional home design. The countertops are granite, that much your can tell, and there’s a separate gas stovetop off to the side. A large fridge sits against one wall, as well as two ovens just beside it, stacked on top of each other. The cabinets match the design nicely, and you find yourself nodding your head subconsciously in approval as you take in the space.
Little do you know of the smile that graces San’s features at hearing your impressed thoughts. Finally, a space that is his, and he can share it with you. Plus, you approve? There is simply nothing sweeter in this moment for him than this feeling right now.
Walking over to the fridge, you reach out towards the handle. Only, before you can pull it open, you hesitate, unsure of whether or not simply raiding their food stash would technically be considered rude at this point.
“Go ahead,” Mingi assures you with a smile and a nod, even if you’re not looking at him.
“What’s ours is yours.” San adds, leaning against the counter with a content look on his features as he watches you pull the fridge open.
The sight that greets you has your eyes practically bulging out of your head. Each shelf is stocked with everything and anything you can think of, and more. You seriously don’t have to worry about going hungry while you stay here, for they have everything you could ever want - everything you could ever need.
Nodding to yourself, a faint smile tugs at your lips as you reach in to grab some fruits. In no time at all, you’ve gathered some apples, a few peaches, some grapes, a package of strawberries, and a melon, placing them on the counter beside the sink.
Turning back to the cabinets with your hands on your hips, your brow furrows. If I were a bowl, where would I be?
San simply smiles to himself as Mingi lets out a soft chuckle. Wordlessly, San is opening a cabinet, handing you two large bowls as you nod to him in thanks. Placing the bowls on the counter, you realize that you’re still missing two things.
Yet again, when you turn around, San is already holding exactly what you need, placing the cutting board onto the counter before turning around and grabbing two different knives from their holders. Though, you notice him hesitate before placing them down, keeping them held steady in his hands as he faces you.
You quirk a brow at him, hands still resting on your hips as you look at him expectantly.
“Forgive me if I’m a little hesitant to give you a knife.” He replies, worry furrowing his brow.
You know that they’re both probably worried that you’ll either try to hurt them, or worse, yourself. Only, you have no intentions to do so. Not only have they proven that they’re faster than you, so even if you tried to attack them, it would be pointless, but also stronger, too. Besides, they can read your every thought, and you’d rather not try to dissociate again to make your mind blank for a surprise attack.
“Says the demon holding them in his hands while he faces me.” You counter, a slight tilt to your head.
Again, Mingi chuckles, watching as San places the knives on top of the counter for you.
“Fair enough,” San hums, taking a step back to give you some space.
You shoot him a small smile in thanks as you step closer to the sink to begin washing the fruit. You get about halfway through washing when you notice San’s presence lingering just over your shoulder.
You shoot him a pointed look, “stop hovering. Sit.”
“I’m not-“ the protest dies in his throat as both you and Mingi give him a look. “Fine.”
Grumbling under his breath, San makes his way beside Mingi on the opposite side of the counter, pulling out a stool and sitting down right beside him. Carefully, he rests his forearms on the stone, mirroring the exact same position that Mingi is sitting in.
The whole time you work, both males watch you intently, smiles on their faces. They often think of saying something, but the silence that settles over the three of you is comfortable, and they are more than content to listen to your unfiltered thoughts as you move around the kitchen.
Honestly, this moment in time with you is so peaceful, that they can already picture your future together. They wouldn’t mind if every day were like this, a blanket of ease settling over you all as the day moves forwards. You’re making them so unbelievably happy right now, and you don’t even realize it yet.
San cannot help but let his thoughts wander as he shifts his position so that his head is leaning in the palm of his hand as his elbow rests against the counter. Exhaling a dreamy sigh, he watches you with a soft gaze, picturing moments like this with you in either one of his two kitchens. 
The two of you would be cooking together, perhaps you helping him to prep your favourite meal. He would come up behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist and burying his head into the side of your neck, inhaling your scent deeply.
Then, his thoughts shift, darkening along with his gaze as he pictures you being covered in his scent as he does so. The idea of you smelling like him, and him like you after a night of passion has desire swirling in his chest. His eyes begin to swirl with that all too familiar blackness as he envisions you begging him for more, leading to him taking you right on this very counter. Your legs would be thrown over his shoulders as he indulges himself in what he’s sure would be the best meal of his entire life. Fuck, what he wouldn’t give to be between your legs right now…
A harsh elbow to his ribs jolts him out of his all too vivid thoughts, Mingi shooting a side-eyed glare at his brother for his much too loud thoughts projecting themselves into his head.
Oh, please, like you wouldn’t be thinking the exact same things if you got a chance to see her working behind your bar. San rolls his eyes, noticing how Mingi’s gaze darkens. 
In the next second, Mingi’s thoughts are overcome by the same exact desires. It’s exactly as San suggested, Mingi picturing what it would look like for you to be mixing drinks with him behind his bar. Slowly, the image shifts, and Mingi can see himself standing between your legs as you sit on top of the counter, your hands tangled in his hair as he kisses you. You’d wrap yourself around him, pulling him in closer to you as his hands found purchase on your thighs, squeezing the flesh appreciatively and eliciting the sweetest of sounds from your lips, He’d kiss down your neck, biting on the skin there before sinking to his knees, your hands still tangled in his hair as his lips-
That’s what I thought. San’s smug voice is cutting through Mingi’s all too vivid daydreams about eating you out on top of his bar.
Oh, fuck off. Mingi grumbles. You started it.
Can you blame me? San has to resist the urge to quirk a brow as he sees you cutting into the fruit so delicately, the juices dripping down your fingers just like how yours would drip down his chin as he makes you come over and over again for him from his tongue alone.
Not one bit, Mingi replies, attempting to control his breathing as his gaze darts to your lips, watching as your tongue swipes out to wet them as you concentrate on cutting the fruit. Fuck, what he wouldn’t give to feel them pressed against his own, against his body, wrapped around his cock… You probably taste just as sweet as the fruit you’re cutting into, too.
It’s subconscious, and both males believe that you don’t even realize that you’re doing it, but the song that begins to float through your thoughts as you cut into a peach nearly has a groan escaping their lips. They didn’t think it could get any worse for them and their all too vivid desires practically drowning their thoughts in everything you, but then you start humming. That same damned song, too.
Pretty girl, you’re like peaches. You chuckle to yourself, forgetting momentarily where you are. Then, in the next moment, you’re chuckling to yourself as you toss some slices into the bowl before you. Oh, Jongin, if there ever were a contest for the most obvious cunnilingus song out there, you’d certainly be the winner.
“Who is this ‘Jongin’ guy, anyways?” San’s bitter voice manages to pull you out of your thoughts.
Your eyes widen, managing to drop the halved peach in your hands onto the counter in shock. In the next moment, you blink, seemingly coming back to reality as you pick up your dropped fruit to continue cutting it and tossing it into the bowl.
“Kai? He’s just some idol,” you reply casually.
“Yeah, we gathered as much,” Mingi replies, somewhat shortly.
You raise your head to look at both of them, noticing how they practically scowl at the counter beneath their hands. Realization crosses your features, and a smirk pulls onto your lips. Perhaps you’ll have a little fun with this while you can.
“Well, he’s an excellent dancer,” you begin. “Certainly knows how to move his body. Especially his hips, if you know what I mean.”
It’s faint, but you swear you hear Mingi growl.
“His first solo release was better in my opinion,” you continue, having finished cutting all the peaches and moving on to the last fruits you have left to add to the bowl. “More sensual.”
A mental image appears in their minds as you envision what appears to be a music video in your own. A man is enticingly rolling his body with an open shirt as backup dancers flank him on either side, the tune playing throughout your head. You lick your lips, and action of which does not go unnoticed by either of them.
“He’s from one of my favourite groups, too. Though, he might not necessarily be my favourite in the group.” You add. Then, almost dreamily, “he is very handsome, though.”
Honestly, you’re surprised the counter hasn’t crumbled beneath San’s hands, given how tightly he’s gripping it right now. Though, Mingi isn’t fairing much better, a vein in his neck popping as he strains against every nerve in his body to hunt this idol down and kill him for daring to consume your thoughts for more than a second. Especially in this way.
“You kind of remind me of him,” you meet San’s gaze for a brief moment as you lean forwards. “Your eyes are similar.”
His mind blanks. Did you just, in a roundabout way, call him handsome?
A smile faintly tugs at his lips, a sense of smugness washing over him. If only it could last…
In the next moment, you’re humming, as if disappointed in something. “Though, I think he’s taller.”
This time, your eyes briefly meet Mingi’s, and it’s now his turn to freeze. Is this your roundabout way of saying you’re into taller men?
Mingi’s heart races in his chest, a sense of satisfaction flooding his veins as his lips quirk upwards at the corners.
“Though, he’s not the idol I think is the most handsome, but that’s subjective,” you shrug. “I much prefer his best friend. His brother, if you will.”
At this, both men straighten, inhaling sharply. Just like that, you’ve managed to burst their little bubbles, their minds swirling with disgust at the fact that you would praise another man like this in front of them. The worst part is, now, there seems to be another.
“Taemin’s a bit of a dork,” you smile softly, your tone dripping with affection. “Well, a crackhead is more like it. He’s also a great dancer. Very kind, and very easy to love.”
This time, there is no mistaking the snarls that tear from their throats. A fact in which has your eyes going wide. Perhaps you’ve taken this a bit too far, you don’t want to push them any further than you already have. You still don’t know what they’re entirely capable of, and the fact that their eyes have bled black is in no way reassuring.
“Relax,” you’re rolling your eyes in the next moment, “I didn’t say I was in love with him. There’s a difference.”
You freeze, knife pausing halfway through the last apple you have to cut. You have no idea why you just said that. Why you felt the need to reassure them, or even clarify that simply ideology you’ve had since you were small, is unbeknownst to you. What you do know, however, is the effect your words have on them, for they both seem to calm down, even if only slightly, at this revelation.
“Are you in love?” San asks, somewhat quietly, clearing his throat slightly as he suddenly avoids your gaze. “With anybody?”
You take a moment to consider his words, an amused huff escaping your lips in the next second, “isn’t that just the million dollar question right there?”
They both look at you, darkness swirling in their gazes at the thought of you being in love with another. They know it’s way too soon for you to be in love with one of them, or one of their brothers, and even though they can hope, they know it’s not possible. It just doesn’t work like that.
“To answer that,” you sigh, placing the knives in the sink along with the used cutting board as you begin to clean up the small mess you’ve made, “no. I am not currently in love with anyone.”
Then, within your mind, even though you don’t mean to, you add: not even myself.
Both men are caught completely off guard by your mental admission, staring at you with wide eyes as you dig through some drawers for a fork after setting the now washed dishes off to the side to dry. A few moments later, and you’ve grabbed a smaller bowl, tossing some pieces of fruit into it so you can finally eat. Wordlessly, you push the larger bowls towards them, silently offering them some fruit as well.
“So,” you say, looking back up to meet their gazes as you spear a piece of strawberry onto your fork, “are one of you going to show me around this place, or am I meant to wander around on my own?”
Immediately, both males are on their feet, the sound of the stools that they had just been sitting on scraping against the floor echoing around the room. They watch as you move around the counter to stand beside them, fork resting against the skin of your lips as your tongue darts out to wet them. You quirk a brow.
“Follow me,” Mingi says, beginning to lead you back out of the kitchen and to the hallway. 
However, before you leave, you watch, practically mesmerized, as San leans over the counter to grab a piece of fruit from one of the bowls. Not just any piece of fruit, though. A peach slice. 
Without breaking eye contact, he pops the piece of fruit into his mouth. You have to strongly resist the urge to swallow the sudden dryness in your throat as you watch his tongue dart out to lick at the drop of juice that drips down the corner of his lips. He smirks.
“Are you coming?” Mingi’s voice from the open doorway manages to pull you out of whatever daze you were in, your mind reeling at the double meaning that could be interpreted in his words.
“Yeah,” you clear your throat, hoping that both men ignore whatever it was that just went through your mind.
Unfortunately for you, that does not seem to be the case. You can just tell from the way that San easily catches up to you, his fingers ghosting along the skin of your lower back as he guides you along the hallway, that he’s caught your all too vivid thoughts about what his tongue may or may not be capable of doing to you.
You purse your lips, a heat rising to your cheeks as you stuff a piece of melon in you mouth. Curse these attractive demons and their stupid handsome faces.
Little do you know of the way both San and Mingi smirk at hearing your thoughts wash over them. Yes, you may still be guarded from them, protecting yourself in the only ways you know how, but they can still affect you just as you can affect them. Knowing that you still find them attractive, even after everything, simply makes their chests swell with pride, that all too familiar feeling of hunger - of desire - for you swirling within.
“Well, we’ve affectionately labeled this part of the house your wing.” Mingi begins to explain, stopping momentarily to motion in the general direction you were heading in. “You’ve already seen the kitchen and the bar area, but there’s a few more rooms we think you might like.”
“My area?” You quirk a brow, wondering in the back of your mind what that particularly means.
“Your room is the only one on this side of the house,” San tells you.
Only, before you have time to register his words, Mingi is entering what appears to be a large gaming room.
Your lips part in shock as you take in the details before you. There’s a dart board off to the side, a pool table, a foosball table, a table for ping pong, hell, even a card table. Not only that, but there’s a large TV set up with ample sitting space with every console you could dream of resting on the vanity below. You’d bet anything that behind the cabinets resting to either side of the television there are board games, and every other type of game you can imagine.
“You guys really went all in for this, didn’t you?” You breathe, blinking a few times in shock.
“You don’t know the half of it.” Mingi chuckles, your expression of awe serving to fill both of their chests with a sense of pride as you take in the gaming space they’ve created with you in mind.
“Well, it’s not only just for you,” San adds, a teasing lilt to his voice.
“Fair enough,” you nod, placing another piece of fruit onto your tongue.
A few moments later and you’re across the hall, staring at a large home theatre. The plush seats line the room, evenly spread out, but still close enough together as they face the large screen. In fact, some of the recliners are actually couches once you take a closer look. The one at the back even looks more like a bed.
“Anything you could ever want to watch, we have,” Mingi informs you, and even though you don’t necessarily see shelves full of movies or anything of the sorts, you believe him.
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you reply, somewhat breathlessly as thoughts of watching your favourite movies and series flit through your mind. “Wait, can this connect to YouTube?”
“YouTube, Netflix, you name it,” San says, resting against the edge of one of the chairs with a proud smile tugging at his lips.
“But is there an ad-blocker for YouTube?” You quirk a brow. 
The last thing you want is to be watching a video and then get stuck with a bunch of ads. You honestly cannot stand that, it’s annoying as fuck. Besides, you’re so used to no ads on your laptop, that half the time when you have the option of watching YouTube videos on a bigger screen, you opt not to, just because of the ads.
“Of course,” Mingi grins. “Anything you can think of, we’ve provided for you, and if not, it takes us nothing to adjust things to your liking.”
“I see,” you hum, not wanting to admit how impressed you are already.
The thought alone, no matter how minor, makes them both smile as they lead you to the next room.
“A dance studio?” Your brow furrows slightly in confusion.
“A few of the rooms are for us, you know.” San chuckles, his arms crossed lazily across his chest as he sees you catch your own gaze in the floor to ceiling mirrors that line the back wall.
“You guys dance?” You turn to look at them, nothing but pure curiosity reflected in your eyes.
Little do you know how much such a simple expression means to them.
“Some of us do,” Mingi nods. “Well, more than others.”
“Wooyoung is the main dancer,” San adds. “Helps him relax. I try to join him when I can, but it’s mainly his thing.”
“Ah, I see,” you nod, spearing another piece of fruit on your fork to eat in the next moment.
If you’re being honest with yourself, you’re torn. You absolutely love watching people dance. It’s always fascinated you since you were younger, but you don’t quite want to go around asking them to dance for you. That would be a little too awkward for you right now, and besides, you don’t quite know if you want to, yet.
Unfortunately for you, these men cannot seem to leave your thoughts alone.
“If you want to watch us dance, all you need to do is ask,” Mingi hums, flicking the lights off while on his way out of the studio as you follow behind a little meekly.
“I know Wooyoung would be more than happy to perform for you,” San adds, sharing a brief look with Mingi ahead of him. “So would we.”
“I’ll- uh- keep that in mind,” you clear your throat, averting your gaze somewhat shyly at their offer as you continue on down the hallway.
There’s a few more rooms here and there that aren’t anything extravagant, but they’re still nice. There’s a few seating rooms, giving you ample space for you to hide away and read, or do whatever you’d like to do if you want to get out of your room but need some alone time. You can tell they’ve put a lot of thought into this, and you hate to admit it, but you’re touched. Each room is catered to your preferences, a few of the windows having benches to sit on in front of them just like you’ve always dreamed about having in your own place when you grew up. They really thought about everything.
Finally, you arrive at the last door in ‘your wing’ as they’ve so lovingly put it, and as soon as Mingi opens the door, a gasp is escaping your lips.
It’s quite a large room, a beautiful bay window stretching along the one wall and allowing sunlight to stream in, reflecting off of all of the instruments scattered throughout the room. A grand piano rests off to the side, more instruments hung on the walls surrounding the area. You can tell that each have been carefully placed, not just randomly put around the room.
Then, one instrument in particular catches your eye.
Your breath hitches in your throat as you take a step towards it, transfixed by the smoothness of its lacquered wooden body. Before you can stop yourself, the question escapes you, a tinge of hope lingering in your voice. Not only hope, but excitement. “Do any of you play?”
You’ve always had an affinity for string instruments: basses, cellos, violas, harps, guitars, you name it. However, there has always been one you’ve cherished more than the rest. An instrument that never fails to bring chills to your spine whenever you hear it being played.
The violin.
“We don’t,” Mingi shakes his head slightly, “but Yeosang does.”
You don’t understand why, but you find yourself clutching onto that bowl of fruit in your hands for dear life. It’s so brief, the thought that flashes through your mind, but you’re sure they still catch it. Especially when you see them both smiling at you so fondly as you exit the room, your cheeks flaring with heat.
Perhaps I’ll ask him to play for me sometime.
Then, softly, as he’s closing the door to the room, Mingi replies, “he would like that very much.”
You say nothing in return, opting to pop another piece of fruit in your mouth as you walk back towards the lobby. An area which you’re not quite sure really is a lobby anymore.
“Well, technically, this isn’t a hotel.” San offers, a lilt to his voice. “It was just disguised as one.”
“Yeah,” you scoff, somewhat bitterly. “I know that.”
“We hope you’d think of it as your new home,” Mingi says, softly, hope shining behind his eyes as he looks at you. “With us.”
You narrow your own at him in response, “too soon.”
Both males have the decency to look upset by your words, eyes drooping in sadness as they clear their throats.
“Anyways,” San begins to lead you towards the opposite side of the house. “You’ve already seen the dining room and the courtyard with the pool, so all that there’s really left to show you is our wing.”
“I’m assuming all of your rooms are on this side, then?” You quirk a brow.
“You would be correct,” San grins.
“Huh,” you let out a puff of air, “I don’t know whether to be grateful or amused by the fact that you decided to at least keep our rooms distanced. Though, I guess it kind of defeats the purpose when you can appear in my room in the blink of an eye.”
“We figured you would want a little bit of privacy from us at times,” Mingi nearly cringes as he hears the words escape him.
You huff out a dry laugh, “now, isn’t that funny how that works.”
The two of them say nothing as they lead you down the hallway. From the thoughts drifting through your mind, they decide it best not to show you the interior of their rooms right now. The last thing they want to do is upset you further, especially when you were all just having such a decent time together. Still, they point out who’s room is who’s.
“Jongho’s is the closest to the main foyer,” San points out a door on your left as you pass by. “Then mine on the right.”
“Wooyoung is beside San,” Mingi points to a door a little ways down as you continue walking along the hallway. “Then me.”
Across from Wooyoung’s room rests Mingi’s, him pointing out the door as you pass by.
“The other rooms are upstairs, but we’ll point them out when we get there.” San explains, to which you nod. “Anyways, here’s the other kitchen.”
Just as he says that, he opens the door and a similar kitchen to the first one greets your vision. Nodding, you enter, noticing only slight discrepancies in colour from the first, but it still has the same general layout.
Moving over to the sink, you’re quick to wash up your bowl, considering you’ve finished your fruit for the moment. San attempted to do it for you, but with one stern look from you (and a laugh from Mingi), he backed off with a pout on his lips.
“Alright, what’s next?” You say, drying your hands off with a towel before folding it and placing it back neatly to hang off of the rack you found it on.
“Well, there’s Yunho’s art room.” Mingi offers.
“You’ve already seen Seonghwa’s tailor shop.” San adds, a hint of a growl on his lips as you’re all reminded of what last transpired within those four walls the last time you visited, the memory flashing through your mind and causing both men to stiffen. It’s not like either of them wanted the honour of feeling your skin beneath their own touch like that first, or anything.
“Yeah, I’d rather not revisit that right now,” you sigh. It’s one of the reasons why you’re in this whole mess in the first place. “Upstairs then?”
“Upstairs it is,” Mingi nods, leading the way.
As soon as you reach the top of the landing, San is reaching for a door.
“Wait,” you reach out a hand to stop him, and he pauses with the doorknob held in his grasp, not even turned. “Is this the art room?”
“Do you not want to see it?” San frowns, confusion tugging on his features.
“I do,” you admit, your curiosity getting the better of you, “but I also have a few friends who are artists, and I know they wouldn’t like people snooping around or intruding on their space while they’re not there.”
“I’m sure he won’t mind,” Mingi smiles at you faintly. “Especially not if it’s you.”
“I don’t know,” you hesitate. “I just wouldn’t feel right invading his privacy like that.”
To you, art in any shape or form, has always been a reflection of a person’s soul. All of their fears, their deepest insecurities and flaws presented within their work. Not only that, but also their joys, their sorrows, and just who they are as a person, and what they value deep within. You would feel wrong, even given the situation, to intrude on his private workspace. Especially when he’s not around to be there to show you himself.
Both men share a look, hearts warming at the consideration that is flowing through you right now towards one of their brothers. It means more to them than you’ll ever know.
Yunho has always been a bit conservative when it comes to showing other people his artwork, even them for a time. They only know that he wouldn’t mind if you took a look because he told them as much before you came to them. You are the one and only person he is ready and willing to display his art for. Every time, and without question or hesitation, you would be the first one who would get to see it. That’s how much you mean to him.
“Alright then,” Mingi smiles at you, eyes crinkling at the sides as San backs away from the still closed door.
Continuing down the hall, they point out the last four bedrooms. Yeosang is the closest to the stairs on the right, while Yunho is across from him on the left. At the end of the hallway, Seonghwa’s room is on the left, while Hongjoong’s room is on the right, directly across from it.
Then, at long last, you come to the final room they have yet to show you. Anticipation lingers in you mind as you approach the grandiose double doors, intricately carved from the finest wood you have ever seen in your entire life. You hold your breath.
Then, as if in slow motion, each male takes a knob in hand, pushing the doors open to reveal the grandest sight you have ever seen in your entire life. You nearly fall to your knees at the beautiful library that greets your gaze, stretching on seemingly endlessly for two stories, books lining every shelf that your eyes can see.
They really weren’t kidding when they said they went all out to impress you.
You take a step forwards on shaky legs, mouth parting as your eyes shine with unshed tears, your entire being overcome by emotions at the meaning behind such a gesture. Sure, you knew there was a library somewhere in the house, and you couldn’t deny the way anticipation clawed at your mind the further you went on this tour without seeing it, but never would you have ever expected this.
It’s like having all of your fantasies come to life - the intricate details on the bookcases, the way the sunlight is filtering through the paned glass windows. Even the few seating areas you can see scattered throughout the room from your view at the top of the second floor balcony all seem to take your breath away.
For the first time in a long time, are you truly speechless, your heart and head both reeling from the emotions washing over you.
“You guys did all this,” you blink, voice the gentlest it’s ever been when speaking to them since you’ve gotten here as you choke on your emotions, “you did all of this,” your eyes trail around the room as your hands come to grip the balcony railing behind you as you lean on it for support, “for me?”
“And we’d do it all over again in a heartbeat.” San replies, seemingly just as breathless as you are as he takes a cautious step towards you, nothing but pure sincerity shining within his gaze.
“We just want to make you happy.” Mingi nearly chokes on his own words, overcome by his own emotions for the moment as your thoughts consume both of their minds. “You mean more to us than you’ll ever know.”
You don’t say anything in response, opting to turn back around to take in the vast space before you once more.
But to them, you don’t have to say anything. They already know. For, despite your better judgement, and probably your sanity at this point, you’re starting to believe them. A fact which could not make them happier than they already are in this moment with you.
“Who-“ so badly do you want to know which one of them was the one who came up with this idea, but the words die in your throat, almost scared of the answer you might get.
“It was Hongjoong.” Mingi informs you without a second thought, voice airy as he breathes the words out.
“It was all his idea,” San confirms, tenderly placing his hand onto your shoulder. The best part is, you let him, and this time, you don’t flinch or pull away from his touch.
The admission hits you like a truck, your sudden conflicting emotions now swirling inside of you. Yes, you are most certainly touched by the gesture - the thought alone that went into this place still has your head reeling. However, you cannot deny the way that your anger from earlier boils beneath the surface. He still broke into your apartment, with Seonghwa no less, and stole your collection right from under your nose.
The least he could have done was ask.
“Can one of you show me to my books, please?” Still, with the care and detail they’ve put into this place, that anger is dissipating fast. Besides, you don’t know if you have the energy to be angry like that all of the time.
“Follow me,” Mingi breathes, his own thoughts still reeling from the tender moment they’ve just shared with you. 
Ecstatic doesn’t even begin to describe how both he and San are feeling right now, but your reaction only serves to comfirm the fact even more. They are deadly in love with you, and they would do anything to prove it. From the looks of things, the wall that you had managed to put up around yourself after the whole dinner fiasco is slowly crumbling, and like hell are they going to let any of their efforts go to waste.
Finally, they’re making progress.
With every step you take, San helps to guide you down the stairs, hand moving from your shoulder to the small of your back. Both cannot help but to watch you with that same fondness shining in their eyes as you are brought right before your entire collection.
You can tell there was just as much care put into placing your belongings on these shelves as there was put into the rest of the library, if not more. Each piece is placed exactly where it would have been back at your apartment, your little trinkets angled just how you like them.
Perhaps you should give both Hongjoong and Seonghwa more credit. Perhaps you’ve been a little too harsh on them so far. After all, it’s clear that they care about you, especially if they went through all of this time and effort to plan this out and create such an elaborate place just for you. All of them did, and you think you’re starting to feel yourself truly relax, accepting your fate little by little, if today was anything to go by.
Carefully, you walk past the few shelves holding your collection, running your fingers over the spines of both your books and manga volumes until you reach the start of your albums. Quickly, and with the expertise of knowing exactly what you’re looking for, your eyes scan the different titles, finding the exact one you’re looking for.
Good. At least it’s still there, in tact, with everything still inside of it. You’d hate for your very first album of your collection to be damaged in some way, shape, or form. From the looks of things, none of them are, a fact which makes you smile as you slide the album back onto the shelf. Besides, it almost looks as if your entire collection has been cleaned. 
Taking a step back, you nod, approvingly, a weight seemingly lifting from your shoulders as relief washes over you. You’re still a little upset at the fact that your things were taken without your knowledge, or permission, and you understand that they probably wanted to surprise you with such a thing, but still. You just wish you had some warning. You suppose that that’s life, though.
“Okay,” you breathe out, a faint smile tugging at the corners of your lips as you turn to face both San and Mingi once more. Each still wear that look of fondness on their face as they continue to observe you, their hearts beating erratically in their chests as they are overcome with this moment they’ve been able to share with you. Really, they cannot wait to share it with their brothers when they get back, too. “I have one final question.”
“Anything,” Mingi’s response is but a tender sigh on his lips.
You take your time to look around the bottom half of the library, eyes catching on the glass doors that lead back out into the pool area. Honestly, you’re surprised you didn’t catch that the first time.
The longer you let the silence linger in the air, the more anticipation builds in their minds. Your own thoughts are still swirling with how grateful and impressed you are towards them at the moment, giving nothing away as to what you may want to ask them. A fact of which that has them holding on to every breath you take.
Finally, you meet their eyes, “where’s the garden?”
To say they’re taken aback by your question would be an understatement, both wearing equally dumbfounded looks on their faces.
“Uh,” San blinks, clearing his throat. “There isn’t one.”
“Not even a greenhouse?” Your brow furrows, slight disappointment lingering within your mind. Then, you quirk a teasing grin, shaking your head all the while, “all of this effort and you guys don’t even put in a garden."
“We can, if you want,” Mingi’s reply is instantaneous, worried that them not having added a garden could be the one dealbreaker to end what would have otherwise been a perfect day with you.
“What do you mean by that?” You eye him skeptically, thinking how it would be impossible to simply just add a garden.
“We mean exactly that,” San responds. “We can attach it just outside the library.”
Then again, stranger things have happened.
“You need only think of something you want, and we can provide it for you.” Mingi adds.
“So, if I wanted a room full of kittens to cuddle with?” You quirk a brow.
“Done.” San answers with a shrug, as if it would truly be nothing for him. Though, each of them would prefer if you cuddled with them instead. They already have enough to worry about with your stuffed animals. They don’t want to be competing against real ones now, too.
“A room inspired by the galaxy, complete with pillows and a moving ceiling to reflect the cosmos that I could observe whenever I wanted?” You question, still partially skeptical to what they’re telling you.
“If that is what you desire,” Mingi nods, clasping his hands behind his back.
“Is this apart of your teleporting thingy you guys do? Making stuff appear out of thin air?” Your brow furrows slightly as you attempt to wrap your head around what they’re implying.
“A part of it, yes,” San moves to sit in the chair closest to him, crossing his legs so that his one ankle rests on top of his knee as he leans back in his seat.
“I’m still not used to that,” you shake your head, recalling exactly how it felt to jump from one place to another not once, but twice today.
“It’ll take some getting used to,” Mingi chuckles, sitting in the chair opposite San as they both continue to watch you, eyes tracking your every movement.
“No kidding,” you huff out a breath, placing your hands onto your hips for the time being. 
Taking one final look around the room, you smile to yourself before moving to exit the library. Only, before you can get very far, Mingi’s voice is drawing your attention back to him.
“Where are you going?” There’s a tinge of worry in his tone, apparent on his face in the way he furrows his brows.
“Back to my room,” you reply, as if it were obvious. “It’s been a long day, and I still have to finish unpacking.”
“We’ll join you,” San goes to stand but your hand reaching out to stop him freezes him right in his tracks.
“I appreciate it, but I think I just want some alone time, now.” You smile softly at them as if to reassure them you’re not about to go back to your room and sulk, or cry, or wallow in your own self-pity like you had been the past two weeks.
They share a brief look.
“Alright,” San sighs, leaning back into his seat for the time being.
You shoot him a gracious smile, moving to exit the library. Though, before you do, you pause, your back still turned to them as your hand rests on the doorknob. Then, you turn to look at them both from over your shoulder.
“Thank you. Both of you. For this,” you say, your voice soft and barely audible in the room, but they still manage to hear you as clear as day. Your hand tightens its grip on the knob as you turn to face the door. Then, under your breath, as if you say it more to yourself than anything, “perhaps you’re all not so bad after all.”
Without another word, or even allowing yourself the time to process the words you’ve just spoken, you’re making your exit. The door slams shut behind you, echoing your final admission to the two men sitting there, stunned, in their seats.
Little do you know of the way their hearts race, veins flooding with a pleasant warmth as happiness spreads through their entire body, seeping into every pore. Growls of contentment build in their throats as their eyes fixate on the spot you had just been standing in, their minds screaming at them to simply chase after you - to pull you into their arms and show you just how unbelievably hopeful and happy you have just made them, and just how grateful they can be.
Progress. They’re finally making progress.
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gimmethatagustd · 2 years
If you're still doing the word and number/song game.... how about the word Gentleman😏.
And song number 25 (and Yoongi ofcourse... it is always Yoongi🫠)
i was genuinely shocked that i found gentleman in any of my wips
Like a true gentleman, he let you ride out the wave squeezing him however hard you needed to until you collapsed back onto the bed.
Eat it, eat it 'til you break a sweat / Lick it all, give your all 'til you outta breath (Ah) / Eat it, eat it, eat it 'til I cum / Gimme some, gimme some 'til I'm goin' dumb
» pairing: dom!yoongi x sub!reader
» genre: BTS | 18+ | established relationship | pwp | smut
» wc/date: 1.3k | January 2023
» warnings: bondage (tied wrists and ankles with rope, but that's it) | yoongi's tongue technology obviously | overstimulation
» notes: lol the song you picked was babydoll by ari abdul, but that's the song i used as inspo for my oneshot, "babydoll", so i'm giving you a different song 😌 i got a little carried away but it's yoongi eating pussy, can you blame me???
» masterlist | AO3 | send me ur thots 👅
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“What safe word do you want to use?” 
“Safe word?” 
“Yes, Y/N,” Yoongi huffs against the side of your neck. He bites down on your shoulder a bit too hard, and you let out a small whine of pain. “What’s your fucking safe word?” 
“Do we actually need one?” 
Yoongi sits back on his knees. The look he’s giving you is deadly. 
You’re a bit concerned by how much it turns you on. 
Your eyes flicker down to the items he’s clutching in his fists - fists he’s clenching because you’re being difficult again. That’s how you ended up here, isn’t it? The more frustrating you were, the more clothes Yoongi ripped off. 
“Yes, we do.” He unravels the black rope, detangling it so you see three strips of equal length. Your stomach twists. “How about the color system? Green for good, yellow as a warning, red for a full stop?” 
You nod. 
“Words. Or I’m leaving.” 
Ice water. That’s what his threat feels like washing down your spine. You don’t like the idea of being sprawled out naked on your bed, all riled up, just to have Yoongi leave. 
“The color system is okay. We can use that,” you elaborate. It finally satisfies him, and you’re gifted a lip-bruising kiss as a reward for finally cooperating. 
His lips distract you from his hands until you’ve got both arms pulled above your head. Your small sound of surprise is muffled by his tongue slipping inside your mouth, but he eventually pulls away to watch his hands as he ties your wrists to the bed frame. 
“I know you said you were up for exploring anything, but I don’t want to go too hard or too far with you too soon. This type of restraint is pretty vanilla, in my opinion. It’s low-risk, simple.”
Before you can say anything, he’s already at the foot of the bed, using the longer pieces of rope to tie your ankles. The ropes keep your legs spread. You’ve got enough slack to bend your knees, but you can’t close your legs. 
“How do you feel about this?” For a moment, the lust is gone. Yoongi stares up at you from between your legs with a gentleness that has you speechless.
“Y/N, color,” he tries again. 
You blink a few times. “Yes, yes it’s fine. Green. It’s fine.” 
You want him so bad it feels like your pussy is on fire. Your clit is throbbing so uncomfortably from the lack of stimulation, and you can feel your arousal trickle down to your ass. It’s embarrassing, but you can’t close your thighs to stop it. Resting your head back on the pillow so you can stare at the ceiling feels like the best option to hide your embarrassment. You know humiliation can be part of this type of roleplay, but you don’t think Yoongi means to do that. You’re just painfully shy around him sometimes. 
Suddenly, you feel something warm and wet flick across your clit and you cry out, hips bucking up in desperation. You hadn’t even felt Yoongi’s presence between your thighs, but it almost immediately disappeared. 
“Yoongi!” You gasp. 
You don’t get a response other than the feeling of his warm breath on your skin again. The tip of his tongue swirls along the inside of your thigh. 
He takes a bite, tongue swirling your skin again as though he’s soothing you through the pain. Earlier, he’d instructed you not to look at him. It makes everything more exciting; you can’t anticipate what he’s going to do. 
Just when you think he’s moving to repeat his action on your other thigh, Yoongi suddenly returns to your pussy. He laps up your arousal, licking over your entrance. With a pointed tongue, he presses a bit harder against your entrance, the tip of his tongue slipping inside before he removes himself from you again. 
“Ah, fuck, Yoongi. Please, Yoongi, please.” You’re practically crying, hips jerking every time you feel his breath against your skin. You’re frantic and he knows it. 
Licking a stripe up your lower lips, he sucks one side into his mouth, tongue massaging your skin. The slight nibble of his teeth sends goosebumps prickling up your thighs. If your nipples weren’t already hard from Yoongi’s lips on them earlier, they certainly would be now. 
“You’re fucking creamy, baby,” Yoongi groans into your pussy, and there’s something about the gravelly tone of his voice that makes you feel like you’re going to explode. 
His tongue slowly circles your clit a few times before he’s suddenly lapping against it with quick, sharp motions. The point flicks against you over and over again. 
He’s breathing hard; you can feel puffs of his hot breath fade cool against your burning skin. When he pulls away to catch his breath, you can see how his lips and chin practically shine with your arousal. 
He quickly unties your ankles and tosses the ropes to the floor. The quick action has you lifting your head, but a low grunt makes you pause. 
“Don’t you fucking lift your head,” Yoongi commands. 
You swallow down a whimper, yet it’s much harder to follow instructions than you thought. Your head starts to lift immediately. You get a peek of shocking orange hair between your thighs. A stinging slap to your thigh forces your head down. 
“Why don’t you listen? Hm?” His questions are snappy, but the chuckle that rumbles from his throat tells you he’s amused and not angry. 
“I don’t like you bossing me around,” you mumble.
Instead of letting your legs go, he squeezes the backs of your thighs and pushes forward and up, close to lifting your ass off the bed. The new position gives him easier access to your pussy when he props himself up on his elbows. 
“Do you want me to stop?” 
You shake your head, but you’re not sure if he’s looking at you. 
“Still green,” you say with a shaky exhale as Yoongi returns to your pussy. 
Now that he’s got you in this elevated position, it’s clear he’s no longer teasing you. He’s got a goal. The fast, consistent rhythm he adopts as his tongue laps at your clit is proof of that. You’re wet enough that the room fills with the sound of Yoongi’s lips sucking your clit and his tongue drawing circles and zigzags. 
“Ah, ahh, fffuuck, Yoongi, fuck, don’t… don’t stop…” 
You frantically pull against the rope around your wrists. He must have been worried about tying you up too tightly because you’re able to wiggle out of it. Your hands immediately dig into his messy hair. If he’s mad that you freed yourself, he doesn’t make any indication. 
No one has ever managed to get you off by only their tongue. Having a finger or two in the mix is usually what pushes you over the edge, but you’re quickly realizing that Yoongi isn’t like your other partners. 
With a low groan, Yoongi ruts into the mattress; you can feel each subtle thrust make the bed ram into the wall. The precise movements of his tongue, paired with the knowledge that he’s turned on by pleasuring you, are what finally make you cum. The force of it knocks the air out of you; you can’t even manage to moan, only throw your head back in a silent scream as Yoongi continues lapping at your pussy until you’re clean and trembling from overstimulation. 
You let out a long hiss of a sigh when Yoongi eventually pulls away. He lets your legs drop to the side and kneels between them, a smug look on his face. 
“How was it?” He’s a dick for asking and he knows it. 
You open your mouth, but still, nothing comes out. 
“That good, huh?” The smug look intensifies and there’s nothing you can do but try to catch your breath. 
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all rights reserved © gimmethatagustd on tumblr & AO3
do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my work
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joelsbeard · 3 months
haha it’s me again, ur writing is srsly addicting you’re never getting rid of me😝
could u mby write some hcs for joel and reader when they’re parents? let’s say they had sarah and she’s in the energetic kiddie stage so they literally never get to fuck anymore because they have to worry about her all the time, so when they do get some alone time they js go crazy with it?
little specific and i’m sorry about that😭😭 js wanted to see what ur thots on this areeee<333
LMAO the pre-outbreak!joel horny gets to all of us!!! I'm also planning on writing some fluffier stuff too with joel, reader, sarah, and ellie as well :)
Joel would be so understanding with not pushing you to do anything you don't want to, especially after giving birth. He tells you he'll wait as long as he needs to until you're ready ❤️ You also can't keep your hands off your man tho lol so you end up waiting ~ 2 months to have sex (doesn't mean you weren't fooling around before tho hehe)
He loved your body before you were pregnant, while you were pregnant, and after giving birth!! He thinks the extra meat on you (lol) and cute little lightning marks are adorable bc it just means you went through all of carrying and growing his baby and giving birth ❤️🥺
And he's always like "you're so beautiful thank you for growing our babies and protecting them for 9 months 🥺"
Obviously once you have sarah you guys are sleep deprived as hell during the little free time you get, but you also enjoy just spending time together as a family of 3 or just having the time to cuddle when she's asleep or if tommy is helping watch her.
Your first time together after giving birth is probably a little nerve wracking but it ends up all just being in your head since you and joel make sure to go slow, and if anything is sore he always stops to check in with you first 🥺
Once you adjust and it starts feeling good you're like "godd, did you get thicker since last time? You feel so fucking big babe🥺😭" and joel almost cums right there hearing you say how big he is 🥵 meanwhile he just laughs and is like "you're too sweet baby. But god you feel so damn tight, I can feel you squeezing my cock, you feel so damn good baby" and bc its been 2 months he's trying his best not to cum in like 5 seconds lol
Joel Miller is a tits man. I mean tbh he loves your tits and your ass, even your tummy and lil toes lol but if he was held at gunpoint and needed to pick one I would think he's a tits man.
He probably went nuts when you were pregnant watching your tits get huge lol, even when sarah's nursing he'll look over and be like "those were mine first little miss, fyi 😠" LOL or he'll always find excuses to stop what he was doing just so he can watch you and look at your tiddies like 😍 😭 men 🙄
Sarah and ellie probably both prefer eating directly from the boob vs bottles lol and whenever it's joels turn to take care of them he tries to give you alone time so you can rest, so when ellie or sarah are hungry and he has to feed them with the bottle and they wrinkle their noses and push his hand away he's like "i know, i'd prefer the real thing too huh babygirl, but you gotta work with me here so mama can get some rest" LMAO
I'm not gonna lie, once you and joel are fully sexually active again after 2 months, since it can be so hard for you to find time together and you also don't wanna leave sarah with someone else yet, when she's dead to the world you probably get a little handsy with each other 😭 you're like, she's only 3 months and she's asleep, she's not gonna be aware of what we're doing 😭. You guys are just too desperate for each other to let that opportunity slide lol. Or sometimes she'll be in her bassinet, her crib, or in her play pen and you and joel will take the baby monitor and go to some part of the house so he can finally rail you 😭
When she's around 3 or 4 and is more independent, you'll have tommy babysit her for a couple of hours at his house or something so you guys can finally get some alone time (thank god for uncle tommy lol) and he knows you two ask him to babysit to give yourselves a little break from running around after her, but also bc he knows yall need some of that alone time lol.
It was hard the first couple of times you had someone else watch sarah (even if its tommy) bc you and joel are such helicopter parents and you're always worried about your lil babygirl lol, but you guys also missed having that time between just the two of you
Joel probably gets a little more handsy with you at home than usual bc with taking care of sarah it's not like you can fuck when you want to, so he just has to settle for giving you more ass grabs and grinding his bulge against your ass like a perv when he hugs you from behind LMAOO
It's not always him that initiates it though, you'll rub your foot up and down his leg sometimes or wiggle your ass on his crotch lol and he'll be like "you think it's funny to tease me like that knowing i can't do anything huh baby? just wait til i get you back for that" but he can never tease you too bad bc he wants you too much and he feels bad sometimes when he makes you beg too much lol
When your milk ducts are clogged you know damn well who's helping you out with them lol. I mean, what can he do it's not like he wants to see his girl in pain 🥺 it's just a bonus that he enjoys helping lol. He's like I ain't no bitch if my girl's in pain imma help her even if it means i have to drink her damn breastmilk lol (not that he even minds it in the first place tho 😭 he basically gets an excuse to suck on your tiddies)
Or sometimes they get so full and sore and you're just like :( "babe my boobs are so sore :(" and joel of course is like 😈 "oh no my poor baby, you want me to hold them for you?" you always say yes lol, and maybe end up fucking oop
It probably turns him on knowing that not only did you carry and grow his baby for 9 months but that even after birth you continue to nurture her from your own body bc women are just amazing like that lol
When Sarah was around 4-5 you guys were full on fucking in the morning and you made the mistake of not locking your door (you were still getting used to having a child living in your house lol) and she ran in bc she wanted to bug you two to ask for breakfast. thank god she doesn't remember it much afterwards (but you and joel do 😳) and you just told her you were having a really big hug before you sent her to her room saying you'd be there in a minute. Poor joel basically went totally soft after that 😭
Other times you'd just make sure she was really focused on playing with her little dolls or watching a movie and you and joel would go to your room to fuck 😭
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nyxronomicon · 6 months
Nyx, my beloved - I am here to share some more thots regarding assassin choso x reader. (ps. I love, love, love a black turtleneck on a man so let's go with that and also, I pictured the yakuza boss being sukuna too!!)
choso starts second guessing if he should continue his work with sukuna. the man is one of the most violent, deranged criminal lords in the country but choso has been nothing but loyal towards him. he's been in this game since he was nineteen years old, trading his life into protect his younger brother, itadori, who ran with the wrong crowd.
itadori's mistake costed choso his freedom. all he's ever done is sacrifice but if it meant protecting his loved ones then he had no qualms. but now, with you in the picture, he can't but think if this life makes sense to him anymore.
I picture him standing in sukuna's office, his mind wandering to other places. maybe he can just work as a waiter, or bartender until he can figure out what kind of career he can build. he'll take any honest work at this point, as long as it means coming home to you with no shadows following behind.
the two of you can simply build a life together. maybe even have some kids. his throat tightens. he would love to see you as a mom. he saw you interacting with your friend's toddler recently and it nearly drove him wild. but it's not something you've both discussed yet and he won't push anything that you don't want either - but the possibility makes his heart flutter.
just wondering how a life with you can foster and grow.
he loses himself for a moment while speaking to sukuna, and his boss notices.
"choso" the man sternly calls out, snapping his attention back into place. "something on your mind?"
choso shakes his head, "no, sir.."
sukuna furrows his brows, his index finger tapping lightly against the surface of his wooden desk. "you've been distracted as of late. you know I don't like repeating myself."
choso straightens his back, two hands slipping into the pockets of his charcoal slacks. "I apologize," he expresses regretfully, "it won't happen again."
but he can't stop thinking of you even after sukuna repeats his assignment. can't stop picturing you in a white dress at the alter as he steps out of his office. can't stop thinking about how your honeymoon would be as he hops on his motorcycle to track his next target.
all the while sukuna sits at his desk, moves to open one of the drawers before sifting through the cabinet. he pulls out a file, flips through the stack of documents and photographs. he pulls out one where you're sitting right across from choso, the two of you at a coffee shop. his arm is draped over your shoulder, your cheek resting comfortably on his shoulder.
there are only a handful of people who sukuna trusts, and choso is one of them. he didn't join sukuna's gang on his own accord, but he turned out to be an exceptional asset. the king of the underworld narrows his eyes at the sight of your pretty face.
he can't have anyone coming in between his deadliest weapon. your lover is bound to sukuna for life, and he won't let choso go that easily.
also cannot forget that i love YOU too bb <3 <3 ok more under the cut heh...
!! dark content ahead !!
was i picturing toji as the kidnapper that disappears? no not at all why would i do that i would never....
cw: murder (you literally watch choso kill some guys lol), reader is kidnapped, BLOOD, reader wears a skirt, mentions of rough handling
Your struggle against your restraints as you come to. You're not dead, that's good. In fact, you don't feel any serious pain, maybe some bruising from rough handling but nothing major. You take in a deep breath. The air is cold, a little musty. You're blindfolded, sat in some cheap metal chair.
"Awake, sweetheart?" A man's voice bounced off the walls in the room. It was clearly empty. "You'll want to see this." The blindfold fell from your eyes but the man had disappeared just as quickly. You couldn't catch a glance at him, but you were sure this was the man that kidnapped you last night. Was it last night? How long have you been out?
"Hey, wait!" You shouted. "Let me go!" You struggled more, now able to see, though the only lights were spilling in from the hallway. Other than the chair, there was a little table. Your kidnapper had carelessly left the door open, and you saw a few men who looked like yakuza milling around in the other room.
Fuck. Yakuza? This shit doesn't happen to normal people. You struggled against your restraints again before seeing one of the men collapse with a hole in his skull. Shot with a silenced gun. Standing right behind where the man once stood was unmistakable. His twin pigtails and that tattoo across the bridge of his nose... it was Choso.
You watched as the other guys attacked him, and just like a trained assassin, he dodged and counter-attacked both men simultaneously. He now wielded twin daggers, the same kind yakuza are known to keep. In just a couple of minutes, the two men were gasping for air as their lungs filled with blood.
Was that your boyfriend? You couldn't even imagine him doing something like this before seeing it with your own eyes. He was too sweet and kind. He'd never hurt a fly. This had to be someone else. And this someone else just brutally murdered three men like it was child's play.
The stranger looked through the open door, seeing your eyes wide and filled with fear. He started to rush towards you and half of you wanted to scream, but something inside you held it back. The very small piece of you that knew this was Choso, despite your adamant denial.
"Babe, fuck, I didn't mean for this to happen." As he entered the room, it was undeniable. It really was Choso. Or some cruel, sick joke from the universe.
"Choso?" You could feel the tears forming.
Without answering, he pressed his lips to yours, the feel of his mouth, the passion. He was warm and comfortable. He was home. Tears sfell from your cheeks, but it was from relief knowing it was him.
"Let me get you outta here, ok, love?" He looked into your eyes, worry set deep in his features before he moved behind the chair to untie you.
"Did... did you kill them?" You asked, letting your limbs drop as the rope fell to the floor.
Choso was silent. He stopped moving, he even stopped breathing. This was his fear. You'd find out about him and then...
"Yeah." He ripped off the band-aid. "I needed to protect you. Sorry, this was all my fault." You could reject him, you could leave him, but he'd die before letting you rot in this place.
"Your fault?" You turned to look at him, massaging the dents left behind from where the rope dug into your skin. He was covered in blood, but it was still him. Even if it was his fault, he risked his life to rescue you.
"I..." Choso was still frozen, adrenaline pumping. He needed to save you first, that was all he could think. "Let's talk later. Please. We gotta get out of here. Can you run?"
Choso helped you to your feet. You felt a little wobbly, but you could manage. "I think so."
He frowned. He hated seeing you in this state. He hated the thought of another man grabbing you. Your short skirt showed off the bruises on your thighs from getting manhandled. Bruises in places only he should get access to. He could kill everyone on this building for even considering laying a hand on you. He needed to find the kidnapper and slaughter him senseless. It's what he deserved.
"It's ok, Cho." You touched his cheek, pulling him out of his vengeful thoughts. "I'm ok."
He didn't think twice before pressing his lips to yours again, kissing you even deeper as you tasted someone else's blood on his lips. Had he not been holding you so tightly against him, you might have fallen over from the force.
"Fuck," he whispered, worry still decorating his features as he pulled away. "I'm so sorry. C'mon." He grabbed your wrist, thinking about you in that white dress with your beautiful smile for the hundredth time. But this time, he was determined to make that vision a reality.
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luaspersona · 1 year
Who are your favourite Bangtan writers on Tumblr? I’m fairly new here but based on your reviews, I trust your opinion implicitly 😅
first of all, welcome! here, have some flowers 💐
second of all, thank you! i love reviewing, so it means a lot when people trust my opinions lol 
ok, so. before we get into the blogs, since you’re new, i thought of giving some unsolicited advice that might help improve your overall experience as a reader here! i'll put them under the cut, and the blogs at the bottom ♡
⇢ follow bts networks (you can start through mine)! they reblog authors from their communities and you’ll get to know blogs that you wouldn’t come across otherwise;
⇢ in order to actually see what the blogs you follow post, and to not be done dirty by dumblr’s algorithm, go to your blog settings > dashboard > preferences and switch off the “best stuff first” option, because its point is to give visibility to posts that already have more notes and stuff, and you lose a lot of good works in the process:
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⇢ if you’re +18 (which i’m assuming you are, since you’re interacting with me), tumblr has been hiding some smutty content as of default and limiting the reach of the posts, so to not miss any good works, go to blog settings > account > contents you see and mark “show” in the community labels you feel comfortable seeing:
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⇢ last tip: if you enjoy these authors and you’re comfortable here, please consider reblogging! maybe reaching out through anon like you did now to tell them how much their work meant to you. tumblr’s not really a good platform for writers and the engagement is what keeps us going, so — if you’re ok to do so — please, share some thots ♡
ok, now onto the blogs 👏🏽 i’m sorry i can’t shut up
although it’s long, this is by no means an exhaustive list, but i tried to include all the authors i’ve read and loved (without exceeding tumblr's tagging limit), so i just know that you’ll enjoy anything from them!
@kithtaehyung, @suga-kookiemonster, @eoieopda, @here2bbtstrash, @uarmymoonlight, @taegularities, @vsualitae, @the-boy-meets-evil, @pjmparadise, @persphonesorchid, @noteguk, @yeoldontknow, @kpopfanfictrash, @vyduan, @yoongiphoria, @moccahobi, @sailoryooons, @xjoonchildx, @jjkeverlast, @minisugakoobies, @bangtanintotheroom, @jimilter, @ugh-yoongi, @chryblossomjjk, @chateautae, @magicshopaholic, @hot-soop, @yoon-kooks, @nabiolive, @casuallyimagining, @euphoricfilter, @jeonqkooks, @rkivian, @m-yg93, @daechwitatamic, @gimmethatagustd, @bratkook, @augustbutwinter, @matchy6812, @kookdiaries, @kth1fics, @here4btsfics, @yoongimingyu, @aquagustd, @snackhobi, @ppersonna, @sugalaritae, @jeonjcngkook, @sugakookitty, @baljinciaga, and i wanna shamelessly recommend myself too 👉🏽👈🏽
(if you’re tagged here and i haven’t reviewed any of your works yet, worry not, for i’m coming 🏃🏽‍♀️)
you can also check my reviews tag or my recs lists for more recs, but anyway *sighs* that's a lot more than you asked for, but i hope you enjoy your time here and have fun with these amazing authors 🫶🏽
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“Glad you’re here”
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Summery: Kevin needs some comfort one day and you reassure him. a long chat right next to you is just what he knows he needed. thats great, but somehow it leads to him in your bed and your mouth on his. you know... cause you know... you really wanna make sure he knows his worth and how much you love every part of him. oops I guess approximately a 40 min read
a/n: idk what this is man. Tumblr wouldn't let me post a longer than like two sentence post and so it's a little late. I had a dream about something like this happening like months back and now it's finally come to life! or.... not really to life but life enough lol I told one of my moots on here about the dream and she said "that's perfect fic inspo" so here we are. at this point I can't remember if the smut part was in my dream but oh well I aint complaining. I don't know if this is any good cause I haven't written smut in a minute but pleas enjoy and let me know if y'all have any hard thots or future fic suggestions. (it was so exiting when I got my first request you have no idea I felt like real writer who people actually enjoy content from and not much could top that feeling ya know) I probably won't get to them for a month lmao but still id love to hear them!
warnings/info: cursing, Kevin had a bad week, comfort, reader and Kevin’s type of relationship is never specified in this fic if that’s makes sense, kissing, smut, low key body worship, like a little bit toward Kevin from reader, oral sex (reader receiving), also Kevin fingers reader, reader is afab when it comes to smut but is gn otherwise, mentions of having to go get a condom but no sex is described, think that’s it! misspelled words and incoherentness im sure, ill fix them soon, Pls lemme know if there’s anything these
~this is simply a piece of fiction. my imagination onto "paper." this is in no way meant to be taken as an actual and real representation of anyone.~
a familiar knock on your door brings you out of the daze you once were in. For once you weren’t doing anything. Comfort flowing through your veins as you relaxed. You weren’t expecting anyone…. You glance at your phone to see Kevin’s profile picture pop up. A candid photo you took of him while he was laughing at something or the other on a Ferris wheel when you two were just friends. The message simply said “hey it’s me” weirdly dry and weirdly simple coming from him. but your heart still leaped for joy out of you chest when you read it. Somehow more peacefulness coming over you as you walked to let him in, though you were scared something was wrong.
you swing open the front door, still halfway looking at your phone. I mean, if you had a cute picture of him that was at your disposal at all times in your phone, you'd be looking at it still too. it was one of those pictures were only you could see. something for your eyes only... that sentiment seemed to be a running theme in your relationship. not that you minded, though. you welcomed it. relished in the feeling of being so damn close to him.
you don't even get to let out a word before his arms are around you, his head is in your stomach, and his heavy breath his flattening out your shirts wrinkles. he's on his knees as first but when he gets up you stumble backward further into your place, shutting the door with your foot. he steps back, half to regain his composer he lost the second he saw you worried about him, and half because he realized he was probably too forward. he kicks off his shoes and before you know it you can hear little quiet sniffs coming from the man.
"you good?" you ask, even though you knew that he wasn't.
he peels his face off your shirt as you tuck your phone into your back pocket so as to not have any distractions. you wanted, no needed to be fully there right now. completely zeroed in on him and whatever he needed. In a flash it was like a full 360 realization came onto Kevin. In a flash he's pulling away from you and trying to compose himself. "God, im sorry. I-I didn't mean for my visit to turn out like this." he just wanted to see your face, talk a little bit, not to break down the second he saw you. His eyes dart around as he plays with his own fingers.
You take his hand, guiding him to sit down where you previously were. and god does he really want to scoot himself as close as physically possible to you. but he doesn't want to come off too strong, or like he was needy or anything. but now he's sitting here in arms reach of you and he's nearly screaming inside for you to pull him closer. "Don't be sorry. I’m glad you’re here.” you tell him, softly but firmly. it was more than that thought, and he took the opportunity you'd given him to tell you why he was upset. "I dunno, it wasn't one big thing or anything. but sometimes... sometimes I feel like im too much, you know? or that im not doing enough all at once. But hat probably doesn't make any sense though. kinda stupid, right?" your eyebrows creased together like you were asking what the hell he meant.
Over the course of the better part of an hour he tried so so so damn hard to explain to you what he was feeling and why he thought his entire body felt like it was aching because of it. You listened for a while until you got up to bring the both of you a snack cause he looked a little hungry. he wanted to stay close to you, though, so he followed you to where you kept your snacks and back. and though he was siglent on your short walk, you could almost feel the heaviness that was within him. it seemed to seep through his pores and straight into the air. but you still listened to him, trying to put in what you thought when he needed it.
through broken sobs and quivering lips he had to bite to stop from betraying himself and what he was feeling, he stoped abruptly. "...Like right now." he said simply. "What do you mean?" You prompted. "Are you..." he needed to collect his thoughts and pick himself up, now. "Are you embarrassed of me?" You crained your neck forward, as if you somehow hadn't heard him properly and your ears had tricked you into thinking he had said what you thought he had. "um excuse me? yeah, im gonna need an explanation." you chuckled. and he couldn't help but smile along with your slight laughter. it was infectious. he didn't know why but it seemed like whatever you where feeling he started to as well.
"So far you've spent at least thirty minutes here with men trying to help me." you said. but you still weren't understanding. that was just something you'd do for him. as he'd readily do for you. it came as sedan nature to the both of you and you liked it that way. how you both were so close that either of you could just drop whatever you were doing and help the other. "Does that not seem bad to you?" you simply shook her head. "I had a dream that you were embarrassed of me and how...." he searched for the right words, "you know, needy I can get. And I know it was just s stupid dream, ok? But then I actually started thinking about it." scenes flashed through his mind, burried deep into his heart of all the times you've cared for him. whenever he's feeling insecure and he either came to you about it, or you noticed it, you helped him out of his rut. All the times he's felt sick you've rubbed his back and brought him a cold compress and Vix vapor rub. and sure, he's done these things for you as well... but right now it seemed like he was all the work and you just had to pick up his pieces.
he hated the feeling of causing you so much trouble. and he knew what you would say, too. that "oh no you're not. you need to stop thinking that way about yourself." and he knew it did. he really did know that. but what he also knew was who it seemed like he was acting. no, how he was acting. he wasn't coming to you for every single little thing but sometimes it felt too close to it for his comfort. and not only thing, but, though he knows how you've told him a million times that he's welcome and encouraged to talk things out with you or even just ask for some comfort, he's also well aware how much he's been doing it this past month.
How was it not driving you nuts already? it was sure making him pace around his living room thinking and hoping that you weren't mad at him for it. And he had tried to hold out, ok? he really did today. But then he started thinking about how you probably felt a little suffocated by his latest actions and how it portably looked to outsiders and it made him get all up in his head and that made him only want to come over more. eventually, though, he broke and now here he was feeling bad about even being here.
"you look guilty." you note. "that's cause I am." he admitted, "im sorry that its probably a little weird me coming over like this. or at least me calling you for like an hour because of these things." he swallows thickly, looking at his swinging feet, unable to stop their moving by the floor. you were about to say something but he grasped your hand, blinking a few times and you know you should just let him talk for now. "Is this not embarrassing to you? like, when you talk to people how the hell do you even mention me doing this? I wouldn't blame you if you don't.... you just, seem so happy even when im acting like an actual wreck and y-youre not tired of it? or ashamed? or--" you pull him into your chest, leaning back and bit and letting him fall into a half laying down position, wanting him to be more relaxed.
"you do this for me too, you know?"
"Yeah, but im not the now showing up and the others door like a mess right now. making you take time out of--"
"yeah, but..." you trail off for a moment as he lifts his head up to look you in the eyes. His dark soft hair is sticking up, almost comically, from you pulling at his. more massaging his scalp than anything though, but by the way you gently tugged at his strands he seemed to melt into you easier. "that's what the both of us are here for, no?" you feel him nod into your chest and your small laughter from it causes a vibration to go through your upper chest where he lays his head and into it. you take a deep breath, spurring him to do the same. and for some reason, it really calmed him. air filling his lungs along with you, it felt-- at least to him, that it connected the two of you. releasing, but really it felt like releasing all the negitivity and heaviness that weighed him down. stuck to him like a sickness, and felt like a glue on his lungs that made it hard to breath.
but now, with a clearer head, he listened to you. listened when you said there was no place you'd rather be than with him right now. listened when you told him that no, he's not embarrassing just because he has feelings and lets them out. and he even listened when you told him you're proud of him for still coming to you to talk it out. you wiped the tears from his cheeks with your thumbs and ran your hands through his hair so much it stuck up almost like from electricity. and among talking about other things, the day grew along side the both of you and your chatting. eventually his mind was eased and now taken off of what was bothering him.
He wondered how you could even do that, as he lay practically on top of you, wanting to fuse your skin together if he could just to get impossibly closer.
He leans in to whisper in your ear, “please. I-I I really need you closer” you look down at your bodies practically fused together, him basically on top of you, chest to chest and his warm nose, reddening from crying pressed into the crook of your neck. Puffs of air from his heavy breaths tickle your skin and you can’t help but smile as you pull him closer. “We’re already so close, Kev” but really, you knew what he meant. You felt it, too. His hardening dick pressing against your thigh. You could tell he’s trying to be inconspicuous about it, scooting away but you just pull him closer, fingers slicking around his back, thumb padding against his spine.
but you can feel him shiver against you. and not in the typical "I feel so good im practicluy purring" type of way. "You cold?" You ask. Though you know he wasn’t. The sound of him moving further on top of you come to your ears before his voice does. “You made me feel so good.” His face presses further into you neck, pressing a kiss into your rapid pulse. “I wanna make you feel good too… that ok?” You didn’t even need think about it before you nod.
a second later you're in your bed and he's laying on top of you just like before.
He keeps kissing at your neck. the pecks getting longer and more sloppy as the hand ticks on the clock, the only other soul in the room with you. he pulls you up with him so he can circle his hands around your back as yours travel under his shirt, riding it up and feeling his bare skin like it was second nature to you, but exploring like it was new to you all the while. a small smile graced his face and pulls his lips upwards ad he closes his eyes and just feels. feels your fingers on him and relishes it. his lips detach from your neck when he feels you on his lower abdomen. god he really looses his focus too quickly.
But how could he not with you, you and all your splendid glory right in front of him, feeling him up and now slipping your hands underneath the waistband of his pants, making him see stars when you start rubbing his hip bones. it made him get all tangled up in the moment it doesn't even register how you start laying him down. and at this point he doesn't really care as you capture his lips in a searing kiss that leaves the both of you feeling woozy. "open your eyes." you purswade gently. he does so, only for him to tug at the hem of your shirt. "Please," he sounds way too whiney and out of breath for the little that you have done, but he can't help it, getting a little ovewelmed by the thought and look of you, "I need more." you sit up on him, legs swung over either side of him and already dripping heat right above his.
You toss your shirt to the side and within a millisecond he's pulling you back down to him, wanting and needing to feel you on him. your chest presses against his and even though you're still wearing a bra he feels like he's in heaven. and "more" is what you start to give him; kissing down his body and telling him everything you love about him. starting with his shoulders, "you carry so much weight, mediforecly but still. Iove that bout you; how you're so willing to help shoulder a burden." you look up at him for a second, taking a break from just mumbling against his skin, "It also helps how they're so nice looking too. Gorgeous." you move to his chest, "I love you chest, know why?" he shakes his head, "its where one of the few biggest hearts I know is kept." you kiss right by where his heart is, hearing it beat rapidly under his burning hot skin. you go a bit further down his torso to his lungs, "these help you take deep breaths to calm down. im happy when you're calm so I love them." his eyes squint in a smile form your words
but suddenly he realizes as you start to kiss your way further down that-- “This is supposed to be about me making you feel good.” He pulls you up to his lips into a searing kiss that your body can't help but freeze in place from. his hips snap up into yours and you let out a surprised groan from the feeling. the pants you were wearing were thin, but still too much of a barrier from him. he stays underneath you, but now he's a bit more in control, wanting to make you feel above and beyond the love and want and all around good feeling you made him have all up until a moment ago. he sits up and his hands brush up and down your bare back, landing at your hips and keeping them there.
he just wants more. more more more until the both of you bursts. his mouth moves against yours in a way that made you think he was a dream. he sensed it too. and he only wanted to build on that feeling. he moves down to your collarbone and he has to tare himself away so as to not leave a hicky. he has to suppress a loud moan when you start moving your hips on him, grinding on his dick. he grips your hips tighter, thumbs pressing into your sides and the both of you parting lips just for a minute to look deep into each others eyes. he's knows that stare on you, though. a look of longing he wants noting more than to satisfy.
His hand hand travels down your torso to palm your throbbing core needing attention. the heel of his palm rubbing at your clit while his lingers work on your interance. even through the clothes you can't help but sigh in pleasure from his actions. Eventually you just can't take it anymore and you start humping his hand, wanting to realize but also not wanting to peel yourself away for more than a moment to take off your bottoms. under you, Kevin, hard as ever now, let out a whine into your mouth at your lust for him. it seemed like you no only had one thing on your mind and he loved it, chased after that need you felt and tried to expound on it.
you break away from him a moment later though cause, fuck this really isn't getting me anywhere. And help him tug his shirt up and over his head he complies it in his hand and puts it to the side to be long forgotten as you link your hands behind his neck and lean back with him as he chases your lips. he smiles into the kiss and it makes you do the same; a quite moment that wasn't ruined by him gently pulling at the waist band of your bottoms in question and you nodding against him. "oh yes please," you breath out, almost relieved, "I have to have you. thought you'd never ask." your tilt your head back, though you're not quite sure what for until he plants another open mouthed kiss on your sweet spot and you feel like blushing and moaning at the same time.
"Me too," he admits In your ear almost as a whisper, a secret only the two of you were able to share. "I wan-- need you closer." his fingers dance down, down, down, until he finds the wet patch you've made on your underwear. God he fucking needs it on his face, tasting you, smelling you, feeling you around him. better yet, why not get it straight from the source? damn it now he needs you on his face too. all the while he's rubbing you just how he knows youll shiver with pleasure and writhe on top of him, you're eyes are closed. and now thinking of it... and wanting you to know about it, makes him get a little bit bolder. "eyes on me, darling," he mimicked what you had said to him earlier. except this one was less commanding. he starts rubbing faster on your clit, making you pull him closer.
he can't take it anymore; with his free hand he begins to palm himself over his pants "I need you to see how you make me feel." you open your eyes to see the erotic sight right in front of you. his head thrown back and stroking himself over his sweats. you can tell he doesn't know what to make or do with himself. and to be completely honestly neither do you. his tongue is poking out to wet his lips as a high pitched keen meets your ears.
He feels like he really does need to-- need to show you how hard you make him. how else is he supposed to help you to understand all that he wants you to right now? You scoot his hand out of the way and replace it with your own "do I get you like this?" he presses his lips together and nods, barely able to form words with your hand moving on him now. "mmhm only you." the confession made you smile but you weren't able to continue the moment when he shifts so that you drop your hand and lay down further. "remember? you." he chuckles. he returns his hands to your heat, you tugging down your bottoms in the process.
Now that he sees you clad in just your underwear and bra, he can't help but crawl back up to eye level and give a quick peck to your lips. it was too fucking sweet to describe. with a cute smile pulling at his lips, he backs up and his fingers return to pleasure you. your underwear was sticking to your pussy uncomfortably now, wet patch now more visible. and as much as he wanted to tease you more, he also knew what you needed. he rolls down your underwear just as he would any other time. that was one of the things you loved about him, you thought as he dips his fingers into your wetness, testing the waters. you didn't know he was going to come over, you deffintly didn't know that it was going to turn into this. it wasnt like you wore anything special and dressed up, but he still loved it all. noticed was amiss, noting changed.
that was one of the reasons why you didn't mind having to spend so much time comforting him. cause he does the same for you an no matter if you dressed up or not he still gave you what you needed, not just sexually but in general. so of course you'd treat him the same way.
You make a sound of pleasure and now he's hooked, chasing more form you. dropping his entire body down further, he comes face to face with your glistening cunt. the fact that he made you like this-- god can barely think because of it. he takes an experimental lick up your folds and holds his tongue at your clit, putting hot, wet, and steady pressure on it. the muscle moves a bit more, kitten licking at your hole, sucking at your clit, and doing all the things that makes you wanna combust.
his tongue goes in and out, poking inside your gummy walls. and he feels like he's in heaven with you right now. He can barely handle it as he feels you clench around noting and you whisper out his name over and over again, pulling at his hair, tighter than before, bringing him impossibly closer. he grasps your hips to pull your up and even closer. the new angle hitting just right you can't help my moan. "fuck-- I-- I need--" you don't even know what you need at this point you just want more of this, more of him. He's eating you like a starved man, already drunk on how you taste on his tongue, wanting more.
While his tongue works on in between your folds his nose is getting wet bumping at your clit. His hands on your hips makes it perfect to grind on his face. but he doesn't mind, invites it, actually. He just holds out his tongue and lets you grind your way dangerously close to your high. He starts to move along with you, matching your movements as his dick twitches in his pants. the added pressure is just what you needed to go over the edge. you start to slow your movements on him, him picking up the pace so to help you ride it out. his hips rock into the mattress, wanting and needing to feel more. you're sounds proving to be too much without himself feeling something. You're moaning and groaning and whining along with him against you as you feel pure euphoria rush through you like a wave of perfection.
You try to even out your breath as he rubs at your hip bones, sitting up to keep himself from grinding on the bed, he can already tell he's not gonna last long enough to have you later too. "You--" you don't even know what to say as he brings you up with him, you know sitting on his thigh and you don't know if you can take it anymore. neither can he, seeing you cum-- it took everything in him not to follow along with you. he can't help but thrust his hardness up, barely feeling you in the end but he needs something, anything. just the thought of himself feeling your slick on his cock. that's all he needs, really; your wetness on him. he just needs to feel it. so he keeps going, angling his thrusts towards your pussy. he fucks himself into you, needing to feel you on him.
he locks his lips on yours as you rut yourself on his thigh. your fingers that were in his hair unties his pants and inches them down enough so that he get thrust up, getting his tip wet through one less layer. The feeling makes him press his lips harder on yours. he whines into your mouth and you don think you've ever heard a sound prettier. his hands are griping your hips, traveling to your back to bring you closer. you're grinding on his thigh as he tries to grind onto yours, the slick that travailed down your thigh making it easy to slide, rubbing up and down, his mind blank.
he's almost looses sight again with his lips moving in sync with yours. He breaks the kiss to watch his own hand go down to capture your release on them, fucking it back into you when you urge him to hurry up. he curls his fingers right where you want him to, pumping them in and out at the same pace he was thrusting into your thigh. you had just came so the feeling was ten times stronger than before. He senses what you're feeling and pecks your lips one more time before driving his fingers back into your heat. "give me one more? please I know you can." he nearly pleads with you.
You hump his palm, chasing your own high. a slow and intimate grind but enough to get you what you want and need. he feels woozy because of the feeling of your cream lathering up his fingers and forming a ring around the base, now dripping onto his palm as he watches his fingers roll in and out. a moment later and you're releasing all over his hand, his whining while he humps your leg taking it to a whole new level as you moan out in pleasure. and now he's rubbing the slick you've given him back into your pussy
your lips are back on his in an instant, unable to stay away for long after the leg shaking orgasm he gave you. he looks down at his boner. not realizing he had cum along with your with his release making a wet patch all on the front of his boxers. "you're still hard?" you chuckle. "For you? always." he smiles, more of a smirk than anything, back at you. breathing heavy and labored and eyes squinted.
"Do you have a condom?" he asks, half actually asking and half wondering aloud if you wanted to go any further, "I don't think I can keep on seeing you look so perfect without doing anything about it any longer." he wonders if he's even making sense. but when you peck his lips and reach over to your nightstand. he freezes, but he's back to life in a second when you turn to him with one.
“aren’t you glad you’re here?” You laugh, “you get to share you feelings and we get to have each other.”
He’s sure the way you said it must be a joke I’m some way but yeah, he's really glad he came over.
please leave a comment or reblog if you enjoyed!!
taglist: @itz-yerin
©️2023copyrightofshutupheathersorryheatherr do not repost, translate, or plagiarize my works even if you give me credit
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bettyfrommars · 1 year
Hi Betty
This isn’t the sneak peak I promised you I’m just high and having some thots. It would have just rotted away in my drafts otherwise so I hope you enjoy lol
cw for smut, fem reader, oral sex, overstimulation, unprotected sex, reader has like multiple orgasms, also vampire hunter!Eddie because he deserves his own warning 🫠
Vampire hunter Eddie comes home after a long day of monster hunting. The day had been a grueling one filled with nothing but blood and violence. But when he steps from the door of your home he sees you. As angelic as ever. It makes him want you more than ever. You aren’t even doing anything that enticing. You’re just sitting on the couch watching some tv when he comes in.
But he has a lot of pent up frustration from the day and he plans to take it out on you in the best way.
He leans down to you and gives you a bruising kiss. Firm and hungry. You know what he wants when he kisses you like this and you’re more than happy to oblige.
“Need you,” he says, his voice low and raspy.
“Then take me,” you respond simply.
He lifts you up into his arms with his supernatural-hunter-strength and carries you into the bedroom where he throws you onto the bed.
Now, when he gets like this you’re well aware that it means whatever clothes you are wearing will be ruined. So he completely rips them off your body like they’re nothing and flips you both around so you’re on top of him. He pulls you up to his face and makes you sit down on it. All the way down.
He doesn’t believe in this hovering bullshit, as he calls it. He’s strong enough you know he can take it. Besides, he wants you to suffocate him with your pussy. He’s told you as much.
His nose repeatedly brushed against your clit while his tongue fucked you. He made you ride his face until you came twice, your legs shaking around his head.
Then he’s pulling you off of him and putting you on your stomach with your ass in the air. One of his favorite things is to manhandle you in bed and you’re surely not complaining when you get to see his ridiculous show of strength. While you have your own vampiric strength that matches his pretty easily, you’ve always found much more fun to let him have the control.
He pushes into you, both of you moaning as you adjust to the stretch of him. He doesn’t give you too long to adjust because he’s thrusting into you in fast, hard and desperate strokes.
“Fuck you take me so well baby,” he groans.
His thighs slap against the back of yours and he reaches between your bodies to toy with your sensitive clit. It doesn’t take long before you’re coming again, tears pricking in your eyes from the overstimulation.
“Good girl,” he coo’s as he feels your walls squeezing him. He leans over your back which only pushes him in deeper as he places kisses down your back. The gentleness of his lips is in stark contrast to the way he’s rutting into you.
“Can you give me another one pretty girl?” He asks, a condescending lilt to his voice as he whispers in your ear. His hot breathe fans over your face and you moan. A throaty sound that makes his cock twitch inside of you.
“Just one more angel. Just one more.”
Your face smushes into the pillow below you as he keeps up his steady pace, never once faltering on the rhythm of his hips or the strokes of his fingers on your clit. Until you’re coming again coating his cock in your arousal and screaming out his name. He comes soon after you, filling you up with his release until it’s spilling down your thighs.
He slowly pulls out of you, both of you hissing at the sudden loss of each other. He flips you again once more so you’re on your back and leans down, smothering you in kisses and thank you’s. Telling you how perfect you are, how perfect you were for him, and how much he loves you.
The only problem with that is hunters have a rather quick recovery period, and it’s never taken much for you to get Eddie going again. So as the two of you kiss and soak in your hazy post-orgasm affections, you can already feel him hardening against you.
“Think you can take more angel?” He asks as he nips at the underside of your jaw.
You smile up at him lazily, “Always.”
Neither of you leave the bed until the sun has started to rise and both your bodies, even with their supernatural strengths and stamina, are too tired to continue.
I need to be put down
How much you wanna bet I’m not gonna remember this in the morning? If that’s the case, hi sober Gia!
You are too good to me, and I haven't even done the swampThing!eddie smut I promised yet 🫠
Stoned Inbox gifts are my favorite to give and receive, so thank you. This went perfectly with my morning coffee, now I need a cold shower.
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torturecave · 9 months
[uploading an answer from my retrospring, just bc i wanna document trolls-related things on here.]
whats you and avvys opinion on velvet in veneer from trolls 3 ?
We like them! They're good villains, I like that they carry the theme of: siblings. :) Speaking honestly, I do really think it is smart to have your villains' conflict be similar to your protagonists; the conflict between Velvet and Veneer isn't so dissimilar from what BroZone deals with at the start of the film. JD is overly controlling and micro-managing his brothers, preoccupied with their fame, associating all their value with being 'perfect'... Meanwhile Velvet feels the same, willing to do w/e it takes for her and Veneer to succeed — without their fame, they'll be "nobodies", there's no point in being anything less than super famous celebrities.
Now what makes me sad is that Veneer adores Velvet so much that he is willing to defer to her, regardless of how he gets treated. He's not quite like the self-respecting Clay and Spruce of the past, who get fed up with JD's treatment, walk out on him. I feel like it's a testament to how attached Velvet and Veneer are, that Veneer can't even conceptualize it being different without Floyd's suggestion. Sad puppy about it... Need to be there for sister? :( Though, I even get the impression that Velvet would be lost without him... Er. She seems, unstable, in a particular way, makes me feel like it drove their peers away growing up. Naturally isolating for Velvet to be so self-centered and pushy, unaccommodating. Explosive.
It's played for laughs BUT, me and Avvy try and internalize that in Velvet's perspective, her and Veneer came from nothing and had a terrible childhood kfkfjhg... That's. Her reality! Her parents made her feel attacked and like a victim. Regardless of whatever is 'true'... It makes her actions feel pathological and like she really can't, help it, or check herself. So between this and the two feeling very attached, I find myself sympathizing with Velvet a lot more than with JD... who just comes off as a normal jerkish guy LOL. I think his complex is like, annoying, because he doesn't even like doing it, so it's weirdly self-imposed and ignoring the protest of his brothers. I at least feel as though Velvet ENJOYS when things are going 'well' for them, she is relishing in it more, and Veneer is mostly her yes-man, not fighting her. They're like, thotting out, languishing in their luxury, at the very least.
I like their scenes overall, I like their dialogue back and forth, ehh I especially like their strange, ostentatious kitty outfits in that interview, it's just INTERESTING... The vibes ongoing here. They're a bit weird with one another in a way that's like... lol... [watches......] Though I will be real, these designs are not actually horny for us. We just feel like a general appreciation for them?
I'll say in general it's good what the rageons are adding, having these weird betty spaghetty dolls in this craft world, it's like yeah sure! Especially in tandem with the muppety hacky sack guys on Vacay Island. We're all for expanding the variety of 'races' in the world, I enjoy going beyond the dichotomy of Bergen vs Troll. In fact, bergens wind up feeling really distinct, pretty 'organic' feeling compared to these other two... I like that rageons feel boneless and rubbery, their clothes feel like some real polly pocket snap-on pieces, the architecture feeling like playset crystals, perfume bottles... Even the 'fruits' that Crimp loads into the smoothie-machine are soo fake looking, very different from what Bergen food looks like! Greasy pizza and fries, verrry different feel to it all.
Trolls is the kind of franchise where you just enjoy being shown Things in the world, the enrichment is knowing... 'oh, there's a place like this, and these things are possible as well!' I mean just hearing about Veneer's monkey makes us go UGHHh whats that look like, must be so different from fuzzy monkey-like creatures you'll see in the woods near Pop troll village, aouauu what is it some solid color plastic monkeys-in-a-barrel lookin' thing... That is the delight experienced. So it's stimulating to be shown a new location and new inhabitants. Fun bonus that I like Velvet and Veneer as individuals. :)
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zmeydeva-arch · 1 year
plots please!! please feel free to pick any from my list but off the top of my head you can spin: kell, freydís, kaghan, or adam!
▐ ⊹ ⁺ a little plotting meme ) ACCEPTING!
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¹· zoya & kell: starring directly at your grishaverse for him rn i feel like there are 2 routes to take here considering i have a mess of canon verses for zoya within her universe. BUT i think having kell as a little palace instructor given his unique skillset could be an INTERESTING concept or better yet and he could be the zuko to zoya's aang and help her get a better grasp on her corporalki abilities post dragon shenanigans. ROUTE 2 would be more of a ketterdam-flavored situation. not sure how kamerov as an alter ego plays into this verse but if he is doing secret maybe evil illegal stuff for maresh family on the down low i think sapphire is a good person to have in his corner/ NOT THAT SHE WOULD BE SO WILLING!! she has to get something out of it but it compels me somehow
CONVERSELY i decide to flip the script and make zoya a black london antari because why not and i can finally get the corruption arc i always dreamed of out of her. this verse literally is vibes alone right now and i haven't thought about it until this very second but i would be willing to develop it more if it is something that interests you
²· zoya & freydís: you are gonna need to hold my hand i am so scared right now. i know literally nothing about god of war but what i gather is we are heavy on the norse mythology here (again, something else i only have surface level knowledge on ) BUT if there is some sort of way for pantheons to mingle here i have been toying with a slavic myth verse for zoya on the down low. she is champion of veles who is sent to hunt the god perun in somewhat of a rehashing of their timeless war against one another. so oops as a dragon she swallows an aspect of the storm god and gains some of his divinity and memory in the process. so this is kinda similar to having uhh memories that are not their own and having to deal with it they can relate 🤍
of course i am always down for a way to work a character into the grishaverse. obviously the concept of past lives and sainthood is a known convention already. i don't want to presume anything about freydís' status in universe but perhaps skaði was a saint of old once. they could possibly follow a similar path to zoya in terms of reawakening grisha magic prior to the establishment of orders/ when it became corrupted and cut off from its source.
we can also figure out a regular fantasy verse here i have so many Thots i am sure we will stumble on SOMETHING
³· zoya & kaghan: my little web-winged faeries my cinnamon apples. i feel like kaghan could possibly make her worse in this universe and i am 100% here for it. we threaded them a bit but i would be down to develop this concept further in terms of him coming to her aid post her father's death. i also remember me saying i thought it would be interesting if they had been childhood friends in this verse ( so very far back considering how old they both are lol ) but falling out of touch once juris decides to form his own court and essentially go rogue. the ethereal court is very much new amongst the long-standing higher courts which means this war with the spring court will either completely destroy is status and credibility or solidify it as a universal power amongst the high fae. it means a potential powerful ally for kaghan and also i know they would have mad banter am i wrong?
i was gonna suggest i make an ac.otar verse for her but do you really want that? be real with me. you would have to theysplain the universe to me and i'm pretty sure you are so divergent it wouldn't even make sense to bother with it. anyway i just want more kaghan trying to instruct her and give her council in a very volatile time. not sure what the broader implications of allying with the night court would be from a diplomatic standpoint so i would like to hear your take on that! is there gossip? is there oo'ing and ah'ing from the audience or is everyone hardcore judging her right now.
⁴· zoya & adam: witchypoos!! witchypoos!! i honestly can't see zoya working very well in a trc verse but when i figure it out i will let you know. although, so far i am enjoying them in an urban fantasy setting. we don't get to see adam interact with other witches after persephone's death so i think him and zoya forming more of a study group around magic seems NEAT. she could get into harvard i believe in her so consider a la ninth house ( you haven't read it i know but here me out ) they have their own little occult secret society where they probably tamper with dark forces they shouldn't.
they have a writing seminar 5pm but also a seance set for 7pm sometimes you just gotta bring your lavender scented candles with you to class! but for real i like the idea of them being hedge witches while they go to this prestigious university. it is formal education by day informal education by night. how very dark academia of them!
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
how would your OCs react to each other, though? I mean, we know The Organisation kinda knows about Ciarán and werewolves, not sure with Adam
but, like. Adam meeting Abby or Ciarán? Max and Abby? (dogs don't like her, right?)
Max and Adam? Max and Ciarán? Ciarán and Abby?
Zach and Jude with them non-human peeps?
(imagine The Organisation sending someone after Adam and they find him when he's with Tay... please traumatise the poor child, they already lost both parents.)
The Organisation is mostly focused on vampires, werewolves, demons and witches because those are the most prolific. You can see their entry on Lycanthropy here
Max wouldn’t be that notable to him because of the fact he isn’t that much of a standout example, and if they took individual notes on every single one it would be too much basically elfnfltwkdk
They do know about Adam, or more accurately they know the force that he’s representing, but because he can pass it on it’s more just bc he’s a vessel for it.
Long answer so under the cut:
So with Max and Abby I definitely think he’d smell something off with her, but considering he’s more of a wolf I don’t think the dog thing would apply. Dogs only hate her because they’re so influenced by humans, who are her natural enemy in a way. I think she might be too evil for him tbh, but if they were to become friends I definitely think they would be the living embodiment of this meme:
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Just golden retriever w black cat energy
Max and Adam I feel would be bros… Just chilling with each other. Max may not understand 100% what his deal is but he seems harmless on the surface so why not be chill? I think they’re both probably stoners and might share some music tastes in terms of liking older rock bands.
It’s funny you should say Max and Ciarán bc I always had this concept in the back of my head of Ciarán coming to America similar to durarara’s celty… Gormlaith becoming a motorcycle and such. So they would just see each other on the empty highway and Max would end up racing this millennia old Fae w/o realising it 🤣 I think Ciarán has his playful side so it isn’t too far fetched to say smth like this would actually happen.
Adam and Abby I’ve definitely imagined meeting before. On the road, maybe hitchhiking on the same sun-baked strip of pavement. It would be an interesting conversation they’d have for sure. They’re similar but so different, I think Abby would feel some powerful energy from him and feel a little freaked out internally, while Adam would just be his chill self lol. One life, one death, both inhuman anomalies. Also the living embodiment of above meme.
Abby and Ciarán have the same problems as Max and Ciarán do in which it’s very unlikely that they’d actually meet… But let’s just say they do. They both give off that same cold, deathly aura but are very different in terms of what they are. I can imagine Abby maybe sighting him around an old cemetery at night, but I don’t think she’d be eager to meet him. She tends to be wary of mysterious entities that may be more powerful/older than her unless she’s summoning a demon or something. He’d probably not be too interested in her since he tends to favour those with more… lively qualities.
Fairly predictable that Zach and Jude are going to be antagonistic towards my slasher OCs 😬 It’s just the order of things. Once they find out that the people they’re talking to are werewolves/vessels for gods etc. it’s not going to end well. Jude is maybe the only one I could see having second thoughts about killing, say, Max because he’s mostly harmless outside of what is basically vigilante activity, but Zach is much harder to sway after all he’s experienced.
The Org going after Adam and Tay ekdndlrn… I feel like Adam is definitely preparing them to become the next vessel so if anything happens to him, they’ll end up taking it on. I think he’s a little too much for the Organisation to handle though, so no worries 😇
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vecnawrites · 2 years
More of a none smut ask if you had to rank your various Au’s in terms of wholesome which would be on top and which would be on bottom
Second, some wouldn’t count, since I am taking the way you put “Your” and meaning something that I personally created, so no commissions or rewards are going to be in this list!
Third, I won’t be doing it in order, since that would be too confusing, instead I will do a 1-10 scale on them to make things simpler! Read on!
Claiming of Joan Arc: Wholesome level: 0/10. A pretty dark one I wrote in the early days of my posting, back in 2019. The three actually do care for Joan, but they go about it the wrong way.
Yoga Neo: Wholesome level: 0/10. Neo is a horny, very unprofessional yoga teacher, lol
Benefits Of A Good Education: Wholesome level: 5.5/10. Actually pretty wholesome, but the fact that Weiss uses a debt to have sex with Joan keeps it from going higher.
Girls Saying “No!” To No Nut November: Wholesome Level: 0/10. These girls are thirsty.
Monster Girl In Beacon: Wholesome Level: 10/10. Incredibly wholesome despite the smut in it. Gonna reboot and make it a proper fic eventually!
Cross-Species Differences: Wholesome Level: 10/10. Very wholesome and more focused on the emotions than the outright sex.
Nora’s Bathroom Door Debacle: Wholesome Level: ?/10 Unsure about this one, lol, considering Nora gets stuck in a door and Jaune fucks her while she’s stuck, lol.
A Sister’s Temptation: Wholesome Level: Somehow 10/10 and -10/10 at the same time, lmao. Nun Pyrrha and Knight Jaune and how they feel for each other is wholesome, and a blowjob through a confessional booth slot is not at all wholesome.
An Aunt’s Affection: Wholesome Level: 7/10. Joan and Glynda love one another deeply, though the fact that they are fucking on school time is naughty as hell
A Sister’s Needs: Wholesome Level: 6/10. Saphron loves her brother, but the hypnosis takes away from the wholesome aspect quite a bit
Velvet: Shy or Kinky: Wholesome Level: 10/10. Despite the outright obscenity of what happens, the love between the three is very wholesome
Meeting The Mothers: Wholesome Level: ~8.9/10. Only two stories in the series so far, but its rather wholesome on the whole, particularly Emerald and Esmeralda’s chapter!
May’s Milky Morning: Wholesome Level: 10/10. The three are loving dorks
Rabbits Stew of Sexual Tension: Wholesome Level 7/10. While it is rather wholesome, it degrades fast, lol.
ArcSexual: Wholesome Level: 9/10. Saphron and Terra are loving dorks
Repentance: Wholesome Level: 9/10. Emerald just wants to make things better
A Slutty Bunny: Wholesome Level: 9/10. Velvet really loves her boyfriend, even as kinky as she acts.
Stress Relief: Wholesome Level: ?/10. Nora just wants to help, but is REALLY slutty in doing so, lol
ArcAngel: Wholesome Level: 10/10. They’re still babies at this point, so can’t be anything other than wholesome, lol
Glynda’s Video Collection: 0/10. Glynda hypnotizes students and makes sex videos with them. Nuff said.
Juane’s Education: 7/10. Nora really likes him and wants to help, though it doesn’t take away she is taking advantage of his naivete.
Thots And Prayers: 9.5/10 Both love each other but its not perfect due to Jaune’s lingering discomfort over being on a camgirl show, lol
No Nut November (compiled works): Ranges from 0/10 to 10/10. Very varied
Affections Touching Across Time: 8/10. Love and reincarnation, although it is slightly stymied by the fact there are deaths involved.
Pure Girl AU: 20/10 (Joan being a cinnamon roll) to -20/10 (Cynthia teasing everyone, Joan’s suitors being insatiable perverts, lol) A bit of both worlds due to how the Au is set up, lol.
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pipermca · 2 years
(Err, reposting this separately because I realized I was glomming a whole side "me! me!" post onto @decepti-thots' post about the Megastar book, and that was not my intention. So... Go read their post and then come back here. XD)
Oh man, that Megastar book!
I've had this book on my To Read list for ages. It's an absolutely ridiculous amount of money if I wanted to order a physical copy from the bookstore (it's only available here in hardcover for some reason???) but it's extremely reasonable on the Kobo ebook store. Maybe I'll buy it for my next book to read.
(No live blog/reading because then I'd never get through it, but I promise I would share my thoughts after I am finished with it.)
But also... I've had vague thoughts about possibly filing the serial numbers off of The Renegade and the Hound, and rewriting it as a were/shifter furry novel. (I've never made any attempt to hide the fact that I've been a furry forever, but if this is news to you... Well, now you know.)
Renegade is just a standard mid-fantasy adventure romance/chosen one trope with robots. Turning it into a furry novel would mean a bit of reworking of some of the "lore" (for example, managing to find a method for Shockwave's dark combiner magic to work - it's probably gonna be gruesome, lol) but I think it would translate extremely easily. Plus, no one outside the fandom (and very few inside the fandom, really) give a shit about Bluestreak and Hound, so it's not like people would read them and go "Hey I think this is Hound from Transformers." XD
Also, I have no intention of ever trying to sell it to a larger publisher; if anything it would be a self-pub, or I might market it to one of the small furry presses that are around.
Anyway, I've had that on the back burner for a few years. If I ever find my interest in TFs seriously starting to wane I might pull out my red pen and start marking up Renegade to see how ridiculously fuzzy I can make it.
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strawhatsoraya · 2 years
oh, oh u thot i was finished??? ha. ha! anyway, another request bc i'm greedy. obey me fic round 2: electric boogaloo; beel x reader, the prompt is: “your lips make me wonder what you taste like” and include food obvy (read: fruits), you already know what time it is w. me. i leave it all up to ur capable hands.
My love, it has been 12 days since you sent this ask. I could have sworn it was just last week?? What the hell have I been doing? I don't know. I don't understand where time goes or what I do with it. I have been working on this since Monday I think, and I started around 9 am and it is now *eyes clock* 2:51 pm and I am finally done proof reading, etc. (I did smoke after i had breakfast and I don't think that helped I kept reading the same sentences over and over).
ANYWAY. I finally have your fic request. I love Beel so much as you already know so I was more than happy to get this incentive to write him lol. It's my first time writing Beel so I had to really sit down and think about his characterization. I am a perfectionist so I feel like I could still do better *shakes fist at sky* but I'm also happy with what I wrote. I hope you like it too!
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For a Long Time; He Hoped
BEEL X FEM READER, NO PRONOUNS OR DESCRIPTIONS OF ANYTHING (ASIDE FROM CURLY HAIR ALL MY READERS DO BECAUSE I AM SELFISH)--BUT FEM READER CAUSE I DON'T WANNA MAKE ANYONE MAD WORD COUNT: 2.4k CONTENT WARNING: a heavy handed dose of angst, some fluff, messy eaters together in a kitchen might be too much for some so here have a warning, also reader sits on the kitchen island which might be frowned upon by some, my grandmother would have a fit because asses are not for kitchen counters and she would have beat my ass for sure, kissing, and that's all i can think of A SUMMARY: Beel always feels particularly peckish for something sweet after dinner. He can't find the treat of choice in the fridge so Y/N offers up a juicy nectarine in exchange. Beel comes to terms with the changes inside him, and wonders why this new kind of hunger feels so familiar. He takes a risk.
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For a long time, there had been something wrong with Beel.
A hunger that felt like more than just hunger. A hunger that was hard to explain, and was easily brushed off in between jokes and seemingly knowing glances between his older brothers. A hunger that threatened to eat away at him until there was nothing left, unless he ate back.
Lost in this sense of self preservation, Beel found himself in the kitchen with his head buried inside the open refrigerator. 
A sweet confection always pacified the hunger that seized him around this time of the evening. There was something about the way the cloak of the night grazed his skin that consumed him with melancholy. The bitterness loaded his mouth with words not spoken; things he wanted to bury and never think of again. If he ate–correction: devoured–it would all wash down his throat, to sit at the cemetery of his stomach.
Eating–correction: consuming–was usually a solitary experience for Beelzebub. It didn’t mean he ate alone. After all, he was always surrounded by his brothers all at once or separately. It was just that in the moments he pummeled food into his mouth, allowing his mind to go blank as he focused on the taste and texture of what he ate, was an adventure he hazarded into alone.
Just him and his thoughts, and the feelings in their respective tombs with offerings of food on their altars.
Tonight there was an anomaly. An honored guest with your name and your face. It unsettled him. He never shared food with outsiders. At most he’d let Belphie have a nibble of a sandwich because he worried his twin didn’t take in enough calories to support his body. Yet somehow you bested his logic. Yet somehow, sharing food with you felt different. It felt less like the disappointing sadness of splitting a double popsicle only for both to be holding on to empty sticks as the frozen juice melted on the ground. It felt more like separating chopsticks perfectly, the first perfect clean cut into a cake, blowing out birthday candles, the very first taste of your most favorite food.
It bothered him. He didn’t want to think about that either.
“Hmm,” he muses with a groan. “There isn’t any.” 
“There isn’t any, what?” you ask him.
You’re sitting on the counter, swinging your legs back and forth. You had slowly forgotten your manners the more time you spent in the Devildom. It was inexcusable, you knew. As it was, Barbatos and Lucifer could outmanner you, a human, any given day. It should embarrass you, and you know Lucifer would hold it above you, but you can’t bring yourself to care. You’re too preoccupied with the way Beel looks up from the fridge with a frown. You recognize the tilt on the corners of his mouth, the darkening of his violet eyes.
“No pudding. I thought I had some left..” he trails off and tilts his head. His hand tucks under his chin pensively. The thoughts skew in his head but they don’t sort themselves into anything that makes sense. Did he eat it already? He could have sworn he was saving it. It bared its teeth and bit down–making his stomach ache. 
Beel places a large hand on his belly, and you watch him with raised eyebrows. If you didn’t find something to distract him with soon, he was going to go through the wall into your bedroom again. You raise your hands up cautiously, palms facing out.
“I highly doubt anyone else ate it,” you insist, not wanting to start another little war. Mammon and Levi were finally speaking again after eleven days of them giving each other the silent treatment. “I have something I can share with you if you want it,” you finish in a song and lean forward to peer at his face with a crinkled nose. He looks away from his feet immediately, and the color in his eyes lightens–two sparkling amethysts glistening at you. You know you’ve trapped his attention now, and you grin, baring down your teeth on it to keep it in place. “If you reach into the bottom left drawer, in a little bag are some nectarines. One for you and one for me.”
Just like Beel, you didn’t often share your food. It had been a trait you noticed in him that made you feel a certain kind of kinship. He was also the one to always utter the kindest words when you first arrived. Despite knowing better, you had allowed him to creep into your heart at a sluggish pace; a caterpillar eating away at the leafy core of your heart. You hadn’t figured out what to do with the hole his appetite left behind yet. You didn’t like to think about it. You didn’t want to think about it.
“Let’s eat!” you chirp, clapping your hands together hoping to spur him into action. 
Beel was always reliable. He followed your instructions without protest and pulled out the bag. The rustling of the plastic was starkly loud against the silent air wrapping tightly around your shoulders. Now that you had thought about it–the patch up job you had been putting off–you couldn’t get it out of your head. You saw it in the back of your mind when you caught sight of Beel’s forearms, the muscles flexing as he ripped the bag open. You saw it in his hand, the way his fingers concealed the fruit as he washed them. You saw it in his soft smile, crooked and almost shy, as he offered you a nectarine.
You felt it in the way your heart ached looking at him, a sickness with no cure.
Your fingers wrap around the nectarine sitting prettily on the crook of his palm. Fingertips graze his palm and he blinks up at you. A breathy noise gets stuck in his chest, and he remembers. He remembers the first time he shared food with you. His thoughts at the time had been simple. You looked frail, and sickly. He didn’t know much about humans, and admittedly, he still didn’t know much. It just felt like he should feed you lest you die in the devildom under what should have been the protection of his older brother. Lucifer would have been so disappointed.
Would he be disappointed at Beel now, as he couldn’t fight the smile when he watched you bite down on the nectarine? Would he find his eagerness to feed you, the way it didn’t feel lonely or invasive at all, disappointing? Lucifer made his distrust of you no secret. You had jumped to protect him and Luke despite the tremble in your voice. 
Lucifer’s anger had brought many to their knees. There were no bruises on yours yet. Beel wondered how long could you keep them that way.
There was juice dripping down your chin. He reaches out without further thoughts, and brushes up against it with a knuckle. “You’re a messy eater,” he says with humor in his voice. Beel brings the knuckle to his mouth and sucks the juice off. His fleshy red tongue curls around his finger as he makes sure not to miss a drop. The taste is sweet and sour, refreshing enough to inspire the goosebumps on his skin. He takes a bite off his own nectarine hoping to replicate the taste and feeling, but it’s off, incomplete, as he chews. A frown settles between two straight eyebrows. He watches you as a different set of teeth gnaws at the pit of his stomach, burrowing its way out from its ancient tomb.
A hunger that wasn’t quite the same hunger. A hunger with teeth and claws sharper and bloodier than before. For a long time, there had been something wrong with Beel. But this? This was something else. Something new.
You look so happy to be sitting there on the counter, sweet juices dripping down your chin again. His hand moves towards your chin but he forces himself to stop; to not taste one more time. He could watch you and feel satiated. He could watch you and feel full. He tells himself as you take another bite, and another. His nectarine is long gone, so he chews on the pit noisily. The clashing of teeth drags your eyes away from your own mostly eaten fruit. You look up to see Beelzebub watching you, frowning even as he chews.
“Is it not good?” you ask him. You tilt your head, curls moving with you. Beel swallows the scratchy remains of the pit. Your eyes are big and soft; soft like your hands. His violet eyes seek your fingers, squeezing the nectarine. They are covered in juice, and he sees a drop make its way down your wrist only to taper off somewhere in your forearm. He sighs in defeat, a slow agony burning in his chest. He wants to follow the path of that sticky drop so badly, he starts to feel sick.
“It’s good, but…” he hates to lie. He never sees a point in it, and much less with you; however, Beel knows this too: some things are better left unsaid. He knows this and yet: “It tasted better from your chin.”
A fuschia color, one that evokes images of brightly colored macarons, takes over the apples of your cheeks. He swallows, annoyed at the way he’s salivating at the mere sight. He wants to bite them just a tad, just a bit, just a little nibble. He wants to hold your face in his hands and feel their heat. Would it hurt? Would it burn? Even if it did, he wants to know. You rip your hickory gaze away from his. You don’t dare to comment. Instead, you focus intently on gnawing the remaining flesh of the fruit from its pit. 
Your lips are plush, and look so soft as they move around the pit of the fruit.They’re shiny under the neon lights of the kitchen, glazed with juice. You drop the pit on the top of the kitchen island you’re sitting on. One of your hands moves, you’re reaching up to wipe at your chin but Beel’s fingers wrap around your wrist, stopping you from completing the task. 
“That would be a real big waste,” he murmurs, his tone so low you fear you misheard it but there was no mistaking the heavy heat in his eyes. There was no mistaking how he stared at your mouth until there was no breath left in your lungs. “Let me do it.” His breathing is broken by soft pants. It is something he tries to control. Beel leans forward and flicks his long tongue out. He drags it flat up your chin, collecting most of the nectarine juice. Unsatisfied with his job, he opens his mouth and sucks on the corner of your chin until the dried sweetness is gone.
Just like some things are better left unsaid, some things are better left untouched. The taste of your skin under the juice was new and nothing at all like he had imagined. Yes, it had been salty and delicious, but it did not satiate his hunger. It made it grow; fierce, bolder, more savage.
He is so close he can smell your breath. You’re panting too, and he sighs noisily, his arms slipping around you. Beel slams his hands on the counter behind your seat. You’re trapped in the cage of his heat. The nectarine smells even sweeter coming from his mouth. His eyes are on your mouth again.You swallow thickly.
There’s a drop of juice clinging to the corner of your mouth. You flick out your tongue nervously to collect it. Beel groans audibly, and curls his fingers into fists. The countertop is cold against the heated skin of his knuckles. He tries to focus on that instead of the festering hunger, the urgency to satisfy it, to fill his mouth with you. 
He has to kiss you. He just has to. Damnation was a game he was all too familiar with. What was another tussle with it, if not child’s play?
“You lips,” he starts and finds the need to swallow almost immediately. He pushes down so many words that want to bubble up. “They make me wonder what you taste like.” His descent upon your mouth seems painstakingly slow. When his lips finally push against yours, you feel breathless. Your fingers tangle in the fabric of his shirt as his tongue darts past your lips. He moves softly, exploring the inside of your mouth. He tastes the inside of your cheeks, and wonders what secrets you have tucked behind each molar. Beel curls his tongue around yours, a low hum thrumming between your shared breaths. He sucks on it with hesitancy. A fear mingles with his desire. He brushes it aside when he kisses you deeper, wetter, sloppier. 
His hands find the small of your back, and he crushes you against his chest. His tongue is relentless in its exploration, casting away inhibition for the sake of living in the moment. The sound of smacking lips, and sucking heat your body. Your hands slip around his shoulders, and slide up his neck. Your nails are long and they scratch his skin and scalp as you grab tufts of hair on the nape of his neck. Beel groans against your mouth, your lips now moist with his saliva. 
“This is good,” he says breathlessly against your cheek. He rubs the tip of his nose against it, before nibbling on it. You’re as sweet as you smell. “This is really good.”
For a long time there had been something wrong with Beel, but for now, he didn’t care. He didn’t even notice. You taste so sweet on his lips, on his tongue, he doesn’t need anything else for as long as you choose to stay wrapped up in his arms. When you hum against his kiss and hold him tighter, it feels as if you push through further than the depth of his skin. It almost feels as if you’re there, nestled inside his chest, waiting at the door.
For a long time, he thought there was something wrong with him but maybe he was just waiting for someone or something. Maybe he was waiting for you.
He hoped it was you.
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tonesplash · 3 years
twilight boys encountering a 'pick me'
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a/n: just felt like writing something fun w these three today. edwards is the longest because i like him. reqs are open :))
warnings: both edward and emmetts get a lil dark, seth has the only sane response, cursing and fem!reader
edward cullen
he has no choice but to know everyone in a 5-mile radius, so as soon as he lays eyes on them in his head, he's already like 'this fucking guy😒'
genuinely perplexed how they thought this was going to go
Edward is a curious man. Humans are weird creatures. So the first time they approach he is going to at least give them the benefit of the doubt.
As soon as they even spoke ill of you—
*Heavy sigh*
"Come on." And then throws his arm over your shoulders and walks away like a fucking diva, as many times as it takes.
if they are a little harder to get rid of
his first instinct is to protect, if he senses you can't take it or remove you from the situation if you are the type to throw hands lol
doesn't really matter who they are
"Edward, that was my lab partner, you dick."
"Yeah? They were about to tell me all about how you used to eat dirt and then ask out for coffee later. Do you want to turn around?"
if they don't take the hint, then boo hoo, they can face the consequences of messing with the guy willing to die for his s/o
Edward gets mildly psychological. he never touches a hair on their head, but his methods are a little... long-lasting
he won't tell you either, you'll just be curious and ask after your usually persistent annoyance
you asked how they were doing one night over the phone, and they'd shakily confessed to you that lately, just when they start to think they're alone, in tight rooms and smaller spaces, the lights will cut off, doors slamming shut and locking tight for sometimes hours until someone finds them. They ask if they can speak to Edward. He hits the end call button.
they don't answer your texts anymore :/
that, and the hostile stares across the lot, usually gets the job done
but if it's someone you absolutely have to be around, or you explicitly make it clear you want this person in your life for whatever reason,
he can muster the niceties, but that doesn't stop him from pressuring you to get rid of them, even if you think you aren't personally affected, hearing negative things flung around about you is mentally taxing to anyone going on for long enough, and he doesn't think forcing a fake friendship for any reason is healthy
if the reason you give him is something materialistic—say you are using them for their pool
he will pave it in your backyard like those guys on youtube using bamboo and mud if it means you listen to him
if they cross the line again he is absolutely that guy to stop the conversation with "and what do you mean by that?" "What is that supposed to mean."
until they respond, completely killing the vibe 🙄
emmett cullen
you already know what it is
anything this man thinks is coming out of his mouth right away
they try to be subtle, making little digs at you here and there, and smoothing it over with some personal anecdote no one asked for or acknowledges. Give him a second. Emmett is a little slow to catch things like this.
Maybe they take it too far, or if you complain about it at all–
*80+ years of American public school activated*
"The hell did you just say?"
and if they try to apologize, backtrack with some well-meaning bs to get on his good side?
absolutely DISGUSTING, begone thot
"People wouldn't hate you so much if you weren't so weird all the time" 🥴
Emmett isn't out to blow anyone cover or anything, but what are the Volturi going to care about a couple of American highschool write-ups
unrelated, but now I'm imagining one of the Cullens(probably still Emmett) having a prison arc because they keep beating high school children's asses until they are sentenced and then breaking out years later. it becomes a local legend and his mugshot is memed for years
he gets mean, but if they wanted him to stop, they wouldn't shit talk his girlfriend right in front of his face
Emmett is a car guy. I'm sure he identifies strongly w transformers. his first thought is always gonna be the car.
he isn't above dinging doors and bumpers, keying something mildly threatening, perhaps rigging it up to his jeep and hauling it to the far side of the parking lot and ruining their transmission for the entire school to see, if he's feeling wild
If they don't have a car? He at least has the self-control for some mild intimidation.
walking a crowd is always a risk. You never know who is going where at what time, who could step on a lace, stick a leg out, snatch their collar like scruff and yank sharply until they fall on their ass
It's petty, girl.
seth clearwater
He picks up on their dislike of you pretty quickly and is kind of worried for you cause–
Are you not aware? That this one person really seems to dislike you? Why is no one else talking about this?
he wants to be nice to your friends, so he waits for your cue, desperately side-eyeing you for the entire conversation, waiting for you to shut their jealously down
they say something rude about the way girls like you take care of yourself and he is just beyond over it and blurts "Okay—What?!"
really pitchy and confused, and also blinking incredulously because what the hell is their problem
Seth is a pretty persistent guy, and he not going to just let someone slip an awkward insult at you and continue to talk to him like normal
he'll be nice at first when they immediately apologize to you and him profusely and everything is cool again
until five minutes later, when you mention being a little tired and they cut in to ask him how you can even keep up with him, greedily eyeing the smooth brown skin of his arms, exposed by his sleeveless shirt, not subtle at all in their admiration of the lean musculature
"What are yOU EVEN TALKING ABOUT⁉️" he explodes, controlled in his anger but soo frustrated at having to listen to this crap, and then the unwanted advances.
he figured it was part of it with the redirection of every subject back to them, but he can't even think about that because that came completely out of left field and he can't just gloss over it again to keep the pace, mamas 😩 yes he says mamas, his sister is a lesbian i think its funny
completely bitches them out, but it's just an itemized list of every horrible thing this person has shown about themselves in the short time he has been around them — and after he has said his peace, calmly leaves
you follow him,ofc
633 notes · View notes
captnjacksparrow · 3 years
SNS Dynamics - Sasuke's Perspective
Lengthy post ahead
On completing my rewatch of Naruto part I and part II, many things which never made sense started to make sense. One among them is the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke. I used to ask why Naruto is going so far for Sasuke. And why Sasuke is helping out Naruto even though he wants to kill him. And I used to think that Episode 478 was retconned to make the final battle ends in a draw and Sasuke somehow made to reconcile with the titular character. Yet, I instinctively felt, ‘Something is very different about them’. But on careful rewatch, all the clues which consolidate their relationship was there. The way they love each other is totally on a different level and the creator very carefully planned this from the beginning of the Manga.
Though I really don’t like the ending for making every characters into a child rearing machine at an age of 20 to make way for an abomination called ‘Boruto’, I still loved everything till Episode 479.
I wanted to discuss about both Naruto and Sasuke's perspective. But that cannot be accommodated in a single post. So, I decided to start with Sasuke. Since Naruto's side of SNS is very open and vocal, we clearly knew what is going on in his mind. But Sasuke's side is usually very subtle but much more intense than Naruto which makes it worth analyzing.
Before getting to that, for most of the characters in the Naruto universe (I mean 99%), Sasuke is a person who looks cool, aloof, rude, overbearing, blunt, genius and emotionless. And that’s the truth. Except for Itachi and Naruto. So when I say he is rude or arrogant, it is from the people’s POV.  And since I always see myself in Itachi, I see Sasuke as that adorable innocent child who is very honest but forgiving.
I strongly feel that Sasuke has some innocent enchantment towards Naruto ever since he lost his family which later transcended into a bond which cannot be put under Friendship or Bromance. Enchantment, here I meant by, is not in a sexual way but more like the unconscious need to be in the presence of other person. Like walking beside each other eternally. Or even warming up next to a campfire near a chilly beach. You don’t want to fall into the fire but just enjoy the warmth. It maybe totally a platonic love like many claims to be. But his absolute disinterest in any other characters (even just as a friend) and the following traits he shows only to Naruto are clearly not just distinctive of platonic love either. It’s completely beyond platonic.
The following are the traits which Sasuke shows only towards Naruto, could have been avoided or delegated to other characters if the creator really wanted to assert their relationship as just friendship. There are lot of subtexts and emotions which I cannot accept it under the guise of bromance or friendship. It’s just not possible. If someone you like shows all these traits to another person, you should stop thinking about that person and move on.
The traits are :
Preferential Treatment
My body moved on its own
One and Only
Powerful Eyes
Unconscious Closeness
Preferential Treatment
This is the very basic and first thing you show to someone whom you love. Meaning, I will treat this person much different from everyone else. When I was exploring this trait, I couldn’t stop laughing in many places. Because Sasuke is such a trolling machine who mercilessly trolls people who are in his way. He also inspire certain amount of fear which makes him even more unapproachable.
He has this cold bearing where people find it extremely difficult to manage or approach him. It comes off as very rude most of the times. One such example is Sai told Sasuke that he will get along better with him than Naruto. Sasuke put a Genjutsu on him for comparing himself with Naruto. LOL.
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What's more funny is most people (Sakura, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Sai, Hinata) usually talk to him politely with honorifics like 'Sasuke-kun'. But he didn't give two shits about them and shitted them all mercilessly.
Here is the infamous proposal from Sakura in part 1.
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Well she deserved this one to be honest. Throughout the entire conversation Sasuke never saw her face and responded very bluntly even though she was pouring her heart out crying. There was no visible distress or sadness from Sasuke’s side.
Whereas with Naruto, in the final Valley of The End, we saw him turning towards Naruto and answer him properly when Naruto asked the same question of what Sakura asked. There were so many emotions throughout the battle and Sasuke’s pain of leaving Naruto was clearly shown. Which explains the difference of where Sasuke keeps Naruto in his heart.
The following is the one from Chunin Exams prelims where Sakura is begging for him to quit with tears. The response is an usual 'Stay out of my business'.
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Me: Sasuke!!!! Even I don't know how to approach you!!!! I understand you don't like to talk unnecessarily so you just shitted on Sai. But Sakura is your teammate, isn't it?
And then there is this little orange blonde who literally trolls Sasuke.
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I really thot Sasuke was going to trash Naruto too, like he could have easily said, 'Naruto, you should also stay out of my business'.
But then
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These words are something precious for Naruto. He wished for these words to come from Sasuke someday in his lifetime. But not at that time. And he was truly shocked and very excited. Believe me, when watching that scene, it was really great. But while making analysis like this, it’s absolutely hilarious.
This dynamics is similar to
Sakura: *cries unbearably* Sasuke-kun, I am worried about you. Don’t act so strong.
Sasuke: Shut up. Mind your own business.
Naruto: Bastard! She is worried about you.
Sasuke: Alright, I love you. Now shut up.
I thought all these childhood bickers were over by part 1 and we will never see it in part 2.
Nope. I was wrong. Kakashi and Sakura were the scapegoats here.
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Here's another round of applause from Naruto.
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And I honestly cannot comprehend what was going on in Sasuke's mind and why he is really rude to Sakura and Kakashi. It seems he was really irritated by their presence or he maybe thinking they were useless or both.
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When Naruto asks him something, he responds without any insults. What baffles me most is that during Infinite Tsukuyomi, Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto for his Revolution and awaiting his fated battle. And yet he answers him properly.
Can you see the pattern here?
He shits on people asking some question even with an utmost polite attitude but when Naruto asks the same question he was like "Alright Sweetie, Am gonna answer anything you want and say anything you like".
The following is the beginning of everything where Naruto can't even swear properly but still Sasuke couldn't even bother.
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In short, the way he treats Naruto is quite different and hilarious when compared to the others. With his cold bearing, he absolutely has no need to put up with Naruto's outburst but he still accepts without a care every time. RIP to those souls who got the short end of the stick.
He must have an extreme tolerance towards Naruto's tirades to the point where he can never insult him back. And I also believe 100% that, nobody dares to make such frequent insults on Sasuke to his face except Naruto.
I know SK shippers jump in here to say Naruto is not the only one. But still the dynamics between Karin and Sasuke is simply a mirror image of Naruto and Sasuke, probably she reminded him of Naruto and hence made some exceptions for her because Sasuke never gives a damn about any other clan other than his own, but when Kabuto tells him Karin belongs to Uzumaki clan, he was shocked. I am pretty sure the only other Uzumaki member he knew is none other than Naruto.
Now, does this means he is in super love with Naruto? No.
But the way he treats every other characters and how he treats Naruto exclusively speaks volumes and this trope shouldn’t have existed in the first place. The creator should have made Sasuke treat both of his teammates equally which could’ve deflected the shipping angle. 
Am not talking about how attentively he analyzes his enemies in the battles. Of course, in that department, Sasuke flies high. This is about how attentive he is to Naruto to the point where he can deduce what Naruto thinks and how Naruto looks without the need to communicate with him.
I know Sasuke suspected Sakura was acting strange before Chunin Exams when she said 'Good Morning' with some hesitation. But the difference here is that Sasuke can identify Naruto without even talking to him.
Funny thing here is that Sasuke was sitting somewhere far behind from Naruto and yet he could pick up Naruto getting freaked out without seeing his face.
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Who could forget about the famous ‘Where’s real Naruto?’ episode during Chunin Exams?. It would’ve been fine if this happened once. But the creator went ahead and made this thing happen twice under entirely different situations. And everytime Sasuke can find fake Naruto without fail. This scene conveys Sasuke is very observant towards Naruto’s appearance & fighting skills (the way he evades an attack).
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Now, being attentive to someone is not a special thing which attributes to love. But considering Sasuke’s personality who is aloof and focused on his own world, knowing Naruto like the back of his hand  is way too descriptive. Only someone who really understands the other person or constantly paying attention can find out such subtle changes. It doesn’t end here.
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This is the battle between Gaara and Naruto. Where Naruto was literally confused about how to save his friends from Gaara who is much more powerful. And yet Sasuke can find Naruto’s mood just by seeing him.
Me: Yes, Sasuke!!! Gaara happened to pass by Naruto and forgot to kill him on a whim!!! So, Naruto is scared to the shit!!
Also Me: You guys always bicker with each other and are not best of friends. Sasuke!!! How could you analyze his mood just by looking at Naruto????
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In Shippuden, There’s no inner monologue like the above, but whenever Naruto appears before him (Orochimaru’s hideout, Bridge, War arc), Sasuke gives his undivided attention to him. He even went so far as to advice him to pay attention to the battle. And I was like “Wait!!! you wanted to kill him... why pay attention to him at all? Geez”.
As much as you want to think that Sasuke doesn’t care about anyone, he does care about Naruto to the point where he doesn’t want him to be worried. How thoughtful just for a ‘teammate’.
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How did Sasuke knew that Naruto would worry about him?, I wonder.
But all these things started from this
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This boy has been noticing Naruto from way back when he was around 7 when he lost his family. Of course he would know every little things about Naruto because for some undefinable reason he couldn’t stop paying his attention to Naruto. A lineup of girls vying for his attention because of his cool appearance, whereas Sasuke simply loved Naruto without any reservations but because of his childish and warm personality which reminded him of his family.
‘I couldn’t stop paying attention to you’  and in some translations the words were ‘I couldn’t take my eyes off you’. Either way, these words are not for someone you see just as a friend let alone a brother.
I can go on and on about how protective Sasuke is towards Naruto. I can write a separate post about it. This is the most important aspects of this ship which makes it sail higher than any other ships.
Of course, this is the Ninja world where people wants to protect each other and at the same time kill each other too. Sasuke protecting Naruto and Naruto protecting Sasuke is not too special. In fact, one of the weak and pathetic character like Sakura was saved once in every three episodes by Naruto or Kakashi or even by Sasuke sometimes.
And yet here I am mentioning protectiveness as the most important aspect of this ship. So what differentiates?
The way Sasuke protects Naruto is one of the intense thing I’ve ever seen. When I watch this series, I gained this immense ability to put myself in other characters mind just like Naruto. When I put myself in Sasuke’s mind whenever he tried to protect Naruto under different conditions, I simply cannot put their relationship under Friendship.
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Here, Naruto is fighting Gaara in part 1 and Naruto was repelled by his own attack from the paper bomb. Sasuke being already battered by his curse mark bruise and he couldn’t move an inch. And yet he is shielding Naruto even though it is completely unnecessary because Naruto bumping into a tree log is completely normal. The creator even went under a lot of pain to draw that panel which took 40% of the page.
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Now you may question, many characters even died protecting someone. What’s so special with just shielding?
Like Hinata jumping in for suicide before Pain, Iruka blocking Mizuki’s attack, Tsunade blocking Orochimaru, Neji dying as a ‘Love Cupid’ for hinata and Naruto.... I can cite many things here. What’s common among them all is that they were all perfectly capable of moving around and yet decided to save Naruto.
But that’s not the only point. 
Is there any need for him to save Naruto? No.
Will Naruto die if he didn’t shield him? No.
Then why? He could have spent that energy trying to do something for Sakura rather than do a pointless shielding. 
And then there is Kushina.
Naruto’s mom was already on the verge of dying as she had Kurama extracted from her body and Jinchuriki without a Tailed Beast will die. Because of Uzumaki clan’s strong life force, she could hold off for a bit longer. When kurama attacked Naruto, she shielded him with her body and saved her son from an imminent death.
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Even though Sasuke didn’t die shielding him, but there is a semblance.
Both protected Naruto even when their body condition is worse. That is, Protect at all cost attitude.
I intended to put Land of the Waves arc here as it is very similar to what happens with Kushina. But that’s for an upcoming section.
Now, as a Mother her instinct to protect Naruto is very strong.
But who is Naruto for Sasuke? What makes his instinct so strong to protect someone who is not even related by his blood? Until and unless you love that person dearly you won’t do it.
That brings me to the next thing.
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Yeah, it kind of looks ‘very friendly’ to give a 3 layered protection to someone who is already powered up like you and most importantly you want to kill him.(Can I say that looks really romantic?). Anyways my point is different.
What really happens here is this
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It is a well established fact that Minato, the Yellow Flash is the fastest shinobi in Narutoverse. It wasn’t surpassed yet. He uses the Hiraishin No Jutsu to teleport at the speed of light. It was invented by none other than Tobirama Senju who is the fastest shinobi of his time.
We basically have two fastest shinobi in the battlefield here. And Minato being the fastest among them, definitely don’t want to blow up near his son for whom he died protecting him once. He wanted to teleport somewhere away and before he could do it, Tobirama teleported the bomb back to Obito.
What many fails to notice here is that all these things are happening in mere seconds. But Sasuke realized it real quick as usual and protects Naruto in an instant. How fast his instinct you may ask? Quicker than the two fastest shinobi on the battlefield and one among them is Naruto’s dad.
What I want to say is Sasuke’s protective instinct is quicker than Naruto’s father and similar to Naruto’s mother.
And you know, I questioned myself during the Chunin Exams arc “I think in the Zabuza arc, Naruto conveniently happened to be near Sasuke, So he protected him at the cost of his life. What if Sakura happens to be there? Would he have done the same? Maybe he would’ve died protecting her too.”
But all of my questions were thrown into drain by Sasuke as if he was able to read my mind. The answer is “Hell! I don’t care if she died. That’s her loss. I will not die for her sake.”
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This is really confusing, hilarious and romantic at the same time.
Me: Sasuke!!! I understand why you want to save Jugo... Even though you abandoned him in the Land of Iron. LOL. What are you going to do with Naruto anyway when the whole world is blasted off?
He proved this again in the Kaguya’s Lava dimension too. Before you tell me that he saved Naruto because he needs him to seal off Kaguya, the previous scenario nullifies your argument.
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And SS wankers shamelessly defending that Sasuke don’t want Sakura to die by Kaguya’s hands, that’s why he left her to die. Geez!!! Who the hell is Sakura to Kaguya anyway? Even if she were to die by Kaguya’s hands, it would almost look like how Obito died. It’s not bad at all. But falling into the lava pit, burning, screaming.... sssshhhh. Wake the f**k up!!!
Now how can you convince me that this is just Friendship? What’s more funny is Sasuke wanted to kill Naruto later at some point. Throughout the War Arc I was always confused as to why Sasuke even care about Naruto at all? He didn’t care about him ever since he left him 3 or 4 years ago and he doesn’t have to. After all everyone have their own paths to walk on.
Even if I put myself in Sasuke’s mind and see Naruto just as a friend whom I want to kill, I wouldn’t go under so much pain to save him. I would feel like it’s better for him to die by something else rather than me. Because I can’t bring myself to kill someone I know well.
These scenes are not just put there by chance.
Such a strong reflex to protect someone is only possible when you consider that person’s life more than yours.
Does any other ship has such things to show? I’ll wait.
Yeah Sasuke protected Sakura from Orochimaru and Gaara. But he also went so far to wait for Karin and awakened a new power to protect her. So does this means he love those girls?? No. He was just showing a team camaraderie. But it’s funny that later, he tried to kill those girls knowing full well they are unprepared to fight him. While with Naruto, it always comes with a warning. Try to understand this difference. Which is exactly why I didn’t put Sasuke saving Naruto during his Chakra training, or falling from the waterfall and many more. Because they are just a team camaraderie.
I don’t even have to compare with other ships, did Sasuke ever protected anyone like this in the whole series?. These are the things which could’ve been avoided or handled in a different way, like there was no need to emphasize on saving Naruto alone while ignoring others.
My body moved on its own
I don’t need to explain this any deeper. There are many people who says Sasuke is incapable of showing his true feelings. He is cold, rude, aloof and stoic so he always hides his feelings for everyone (mostly this line was used by Sakura wankers who wanted to portray that Sasuke always loved Sakura deeply but never shows). But they fail to understand the irony that one of the most beautiful line in this entire series was told by none other than ‘Sasuke Uchiha’, “My body moved on its own”.
Yet I find Sasuke shows his honest and heartful emotions before the people he loves. If he can show that to Itachi and Naruto, why not with Sakura?
I know those wankers try to say Sasuke repressed all his feelings until Chapter 698, so he has some romantic feelings for Sakura too. Bullshit!!!
Even though he repressed those feelings in his mind, his body always betrays him in the end and his feelings pours out from time to time. That is what this section explores about.
Man, this is the most painful GIF I have ever made.
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In his battle with Itachi, he was completely consumed by the feeling of revenge and hatred for his brother. But when Itachi approached him in his final moments with an intention (seemingly) to snatch his eyes, he still couldn't push Itachi away though he could have. Sasuke just looked into his eyes and let him do whatever he was about to do.
Why?, Because he loved his brother so much once that he don't know what to do but simply embrace that moment. These are the moments your mind says to close your eyes or even run away (he totally could have) but his body will not allow him to.
This is what I meant by your body betrays yourself. Even in your darkest moments, you cannot fake. You always show your true emotions towards the person you love. The more you suppress, the more it will burst out.
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Here Sasuke’s hatred is glaring through his eyes because Sakura is persuading him to not do something he wants to (as always). His only motivation is to kill that man. His resolve is a real deal.
But in a matter of minutes after giving that long hateful speech with some heavy determination, when he saw that hungry blonde boy who was tied up for trying to steal food, Sasuke just acted on his own and served him food even though he was told not to which could jeopardize his career.
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This bipolar dance is something to notice throughout the series and is always interesting to explore. When Sakura tries to dissuade Sasuke from something, he always retorts to insults or an angry stare. But when Naruto accidentally stands in Sasuke’s way, he always involuntarily helps him out.
In short, towards Sakura he was like “Even you cannot take that path away from me” but when turning towards Naruto, he was like “Well, I can risk everything for you at the cost of my path”.
This seals the real deal for SNS ship.
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At this point, for us viewers, Naruto is just an orphan who has no friends but always carries his life with a positive spirit hoping that someday he will be accepted by everyone.
Unbeknownst the fact that he already has one person who was willing to die for him and putting all his dreams into fire.
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Important thing to notice, It’s entirely at Naruto’s fault for them being in this situation. If Naruto had used a bit of brain to attack from outside the mirror, they wouldn’t have been in this situation. But still Sasuke plunged into the trap without any regrets. That’s the beauty of this scene.
What’s more thrilling is that the creator told us Sasuke loved Naruto in the very next chapter itself. 
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By making Haku jump before Zabuza knowing full well that he is going to die which is not very different from how Sasuke shielded Naruto.
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And not only that, but by making Naruto say “He really loved you”. I got to say the creator may sucks at writing Sakura and Hinata for God only knows for whatever twisted reasons. But when it comes to male characters like Naruto, Sasuke, Itachi, Obito... he was just amazing and on another level.
By indirectly drawing parallels between Sasuke and Haku in a matter of successive chapters.
By dropping indirect hints and crumbs like these to tell us, the audience, the motivations of the characters.
I always had the thought why did he risked his life for a boy who always fights with him? This became more emotional when we get to know the real reason for why Sasuke risked his life much later in chapter 698.
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Having faced all the turbulent things in his life, somehow seeing Naruto doing all those childish stuffs made him feel relieved. That warmth was what he needed at that time. He wanted to escape from it but couldn’t. That’s why he embraced his warmth unknowingly in his Team 7 days by constantly reaching out to him starting from asking tips, concerned about having breakfast and training with him to climb the tree.
Sasuke even come to like Naruto more than himself and that’s why he was willing to die for him.
This feeling is definitely not a bromance or friendship. It’s an innocent enchantment you hope to last forever. Which again explains why he tolerated Naruto’s insults and hostility all those times. Because Sasuke knew those childish things were the ones he got attracted to him ever since his childhood. Rather than saying tolerated, I should use the term enjoyed. He really enjoyed those moments being bugged by Naruto for no reason.
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Because just like Itachi said to Sasuke once, ‘If you are excellent you become alienated and arrogant even though you were sought after at the beginning’ . But Naruto pestering him means he is very curious about Sasuke which no one else tried. He was adored by those girls for his coolness and revered by those boys for his excellence but nobody really tried to befriend him. But Naruto tried to befriend him through Rivalry. That’s why Sasuke unconsciously started to like him. This also explains why he roasted Sakura for badmouthing him even though Naruto attacked him and tied him up earlier.
If Sasuke can show all these feelings even though he was trying to suppress it towards Naruto and Itachi, Why can’t he show a single normal feeling towards Sakura??? Because there isn’t one. Except for an old Team 7 camaraderie where he saw her as an acquaintance and nothing more.
Many NH shippers claims, but Hinata loved her ‘Naruto-Kun’. She jumped in front of Naruto to save him from Pain, when in reality she just acted selfishly and couldn’t pull out the Chakra rods. Meaning she failed whatever she was about to do.
Another interesting thing to cite for NH shippers, they claim for Naruto, Hinata is the most important person his life. Since when? With that shitty movie called ‘The Last’ with shitty retconned stuff? In all the 699 chapters he always claimed Iruka Sensei and Sasuke were the important people in his life. And you know what? For Hinata to like Naruto, he has to jump in to save her from the bullies. But for Sasuke he just saved Naruto without any validation. He saw Naruto and liked his presence and just did it. 
When you could accept that failed attempt as a love, why not accept Sasuke loves Naruto when in fact he succeeded in saving him and that too unconditionally?
This is one of the tropes which should have been avoided if the creator wanted Sasuke and Naruto to be just friends.
One and Only
This is something very special that is offered to that one person in his life. That is Naruto. Even Itachi knew it. That is the Power to influence Sasuke’s heart. This is the fact even Sasuke himself knew it and that’s why he wanted to kill him.
Now don’t compare this with the manipulation shit which Orochimaru and Obito were doing. It’s not that. Many Sasuke fanatics always blame Naruto that he is also manipulating Sasuke just like everyone. That’s totally wrong.
Manipulation is something you do by talking about some twisted facts and make the other person to do what you want to.
Naruto never did that. Ever. Whenever Naruto and Sasuke meet, they always talk about themselves and how they feel. Not the world, not Team 7 or anything. Which is exactly why Sasuke himself willingly left that space in his heart for Naruto when he left him in the Valley of the End which he badly wanted to destroy. Sasuke, of all people, know Naruto is also very honest.
Sasuke lost all his rationality when he went into darkness by stabbing Karin who was helping him in his battle with Danzo. She even replenished his chakra many times. He not only just stabbed her, after when he found her still alive, he decided to finish her off with his Chidori.
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And then the pink haired bitch appears before him and started to concoct lies with malicious intent to kill him. This provoked Sasuke more and more to reach this point.
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Believe me, when you are lost in darkness, all you need is a small light which can show you a path. Someone who can extend helping hands to lift you up with honesty.
Sakura, being a crass woman, riled up Sasuke further with full of nonsense.
If you want to picture the darkness,
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This is exactly how Sasuke feels. He is in so much pain and don’t know how to face it or deal with it. So he started to destroy everything he sees. For him Karin, Sakura, Kakashi are all just some pebbles in his way and want to trample them as he goes. His entire life has become farce after knowing his beloved brother’s real pain and miseries. Now he has no one left from his family.
Until Naruto appears.
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He may not be his family, but he is the only person left for him in this world. Which is established in many Naruto endings and even Sasuke himself accepts this with Sage of Six Paths. 
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But my Cherry Blossom queen really loved Sasuke, she only wanted the good of him. My question is ‘Then why the fuck she tried to kill him? She looked at Sasuke and find that he changed. She didn’t even bothered to find out what’s going on from his side.’ Then how is this considered as wanting only good for him? 
Surprisingly Sasuke calmed down a bit, the moment Naruto appears and even started to respond to him which he didn’t before with Kakashi and Sakura. Deep down Sasuke himself knew in his heart that the path he is going through is Self-destructive. Just like Kurama tells Naruto ‘Destroy everything you see’ in the Pain arc when he sprouted upto Eighth Tail, Sasuke’s traumatic mind tells him to ‘Destroy Konoha’.
All he needed was someone to extend an helping hand to tell him what to do without any malice. Naruto did that. Just like what Minato did for Naruto in Pain arc.
After clashing Rasengan with Chidori ,they meet inside the White bubble space and Naruto talks to Sasuke which evoked all his past memories which he never wanted to awaken.
That’s why Sasuke was visibly shaken with Naruto’s words. Because those were the words which mirrors exactly how Sasuke feels too. He was surprised and shocked that Naruto also felt the same way without him ever openly confessing those feelings.
When everyone tried to kill him for his monstrosity, Naruto is the only person standing there seeing him as his friend. Just like how Iruka saw Naruto way back in 1st chapter.
Believe me, even at the depth of darkness, when you see the person you love so much, you will stop and rationalize.
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That is exactly why Itachi left Sasuke in Naruto’s hands. He even admitted to Sasuke that his words will not reach him no matter what.
Sasuke may not have abandoned his ambitions at that point. But Naruto gave him a clear path. That is ‘Show all your hatred on me’ and then do whatever you want.
I know SS shippers will claim that back hug from Sakura changed his murderous behaviour during the Chunin Exams. Yes. That’s true. But right after that, when Sasuke was fighting Yoroi in a one-on-one combat, his Cursed Seal flares up again. He retracted that seal out of his sheer will and thought about both Sakura and Naruto who was freaking out without even knowing about the seal. So, it’s not only a Sakura exclusive moment. The creator even went ahead and drawn a panel asking Sakura to not say anything about the Curse Mark to Naruto. Why do that?
As far as I understand, Sasuke saw Naruto and felt the warmth of his family. He singled that out in chapter 698. When Naruto was placed in the same team as him, he started to extend his good side to his other team members as well. But the moment he decided to leave the village, he severed the ties with Sakura (was there ever one apart from considering her as a teammate?) by saying Thank You. Meaning, you helped me many times so thanks for all of that. What’s more pitiful is, he didn’t even look at her face for the entire conversation except for saying ‘You are really annoying’. There is nowhere in the manga where Sasuke singled out Sakura for making him feel anything and did something for her exclusively. It’s all in the context of Team 7.
If Sakura is the most important person in Sasuke’s life, he should have stopped the rampage the moment he saw her but instead he got riled up more and more. Which explains where Sasuke kept her in his heart. Literally nowhere. He threw her into the trash. LOL.
If Hulk can calm down after seeing Betty Ross and you call that love, why not accept Sasuke loves Naruto??
Powerful Eyes
You know, Even in real life, Our eyes always reflects our true feelings, just like how your body betrays your mind , your eyes even betray your body.
Just like how Itachi could never fake his evil brother act in his final moments.
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Just like how Sasuke couldn’t turn away from Itachi when he was approaching him to seemingly snatch his eyes.
Uchiha boys being a romantic bunch, always expose their awakening/ reawakening/ evolving their Sharingan in a most distressed situation. Just like Madara and Sasuke exposed their brimming eyes for Hashirama and Naruto. But in this department, Madara is wildly romantic as always. LOL. Despite losing 3 brothers, he awakened his Sharingan only when he was breaking up with his ‘friend’. And Sasuke, he reawakened / evolved Sharingan when trying to save / breaking up with his ‘friend’. Such a Biological defect!!!!
Poor Sakura pathetically fails in this department.
Anyways this part is not about Sharingan anyway. It’s about how such a powerful eyes becomes powerless before those Blue Eyes.
Eye Symbolism is something I really enjoy exploring in this ship.
Like I mentioned earlier, Sasuke has never shown his emotions atleast starting from Part II. He usually never shows any positive emotions like happiness, laughing, pouting, love, excitement (although he has shown all these towards Itachi and Naruto) and is known for negative emotions like anger, annoyance, hatred.
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Look at how Sasuke is glaring with hatred for her insensitive words. She deserved this to be honest.
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Now, is there any need to show your fury towards Kabuto?
Since the beginning of the Shippuden, some facts have been established strongly:
1. Sasuke has changed by leaps and bounds in terms of his attitude and hatred.
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2. Sharingan is pretty dangerous. Many characters including kurama acknowledges it. Sasuke is very adept at using his Sharingan.
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Orochimaru maybe right. But he doesn’t know the weakness. LOL
His hatred has reached to a point where he couldn’t think anything rationally and started to kill everyone, just like how Naruto kicked Sakura in his 4 Tailed Kyuubi Mode engulfed with the hatred of Kurama. Meaning, to reach his goal, Sasuke will kill anyone in his path without any hesitation. This shot is the representation of this.
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And yet when he saw those particular Blue eyes, he stops his rampage immediately and visibly shocked even.  That’s the look of ‘why is that blue eyes here?’
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You have every right to accuse me that I am over exaggerating this scene. I am not. Even I wanted to think that way too that I am deluding myself. The creator has only consolidated my view pretty strongly.
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There’s no need to emphasize on eyes at all. The anime team has went under so much pain to animate this scene in a satisfying and compelling way.
What’s more? The creator even went under further extent to draw a whole page in the manga focusing on their eye contact after the Rasengan vs Chidori clash. Meaning, Sasuke has calmed down visibly and became very easy to reason with.
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Trust me, even in your darker / vulnerable moments, your eyes will reflect your true feelings to the person you love. You cannot be stubborn. 
Now did it stop here?? Nope, it happened again in the Final Valley of the End battle too.
Sasuke is usually confident of his Sharingan (rightfully so) and likes to flaunt his eyes just like Madara. He was very sure that he was going to win.
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While Sasuke had a clear resolve to kill Naruto when he was showing his back, but the moment he comes close with those Blue Eyes, his heart even pounded strongly (in the anime), and lost the resolve completely which made his Sharingan retract itself unconsciously. Meaning, his eyes betrayed him.
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It’s funny that not even a minute ago he was very proud of his Visual Prowess as an Uchiha and his victory is inevitable but the moment he saw those Blue eyes, he just lost. You think I am again exaggerating?. Nope!!!
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Oh Dear!!! This doesn’t get more romantic than this. An inescapable gaze from those blue eyes he loved all along.
Sasuke!! What happened to your proud Uchiha eyes?. You just stole Chakra from Naruto, isn’t it? Hints like these are really heartwarming, to be honest.
My entire point is, every character from every arc hypes up Sharingan starting from Zabuza, Haku, Rock Lee, Orochimaru, Kabuto, Kurama and many more, but why put a weakness for Naruto’s eyes? 
What I really loved exploring is the way Sasuke totally expressed everything through his eyes in Episode 478.
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Sasuke shows his vulnerability towards Naruto with just his eyes. These are not something you show to everyone. Even when Itachi departed finally after releasing Edo Tensei, Sasuke looked sad, shocked and pained but didn’t cry. He accepted the reality of it. The last time when we saw him crying, it was after knowing the truth of Itachi, facing towards the beach and was weeping unbearably because there was no one else for him in this world. But this time, he is next to the person whom he feels truly loved and he doesn’t mind showing it with his eyes.
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Well, on multiple rewatches, the clues for their love was already dropped in the 1st Valley of the End fight itself. Sasuke already lost his resolve to kill by balling his chidori fist rather than ramming through his chest. So the feelings inside the bubble are their honest emotions like always.
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The pain on the verge of their separation inside the white bubble is clearly evident from their eyes even in their monstrous form. Even in the manga it was mentioned that ‘I can’t turn my back  Vs  I am not letting you go’
But what they really wanted to be from their childhood was this.
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Look at Sasuke, how entranced he was on looking at that innocent boy. Now put yourself at Sasuke’s mind. Will you ever look at your friend like that??? Now, they are probably just 7 here, am not romanticizing. But Sasuke looks enthralled innocently.
But somehow, their paths separated them for who knows how long. But the pain in both their eyes is unbearable. Even the databook, mentioned that separating from Naruto is like ripping half of his body. Well, this proves it.
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Now, if they really wanted to portray this as friendship, they never should have given Eye symbolism at all. They should have gone with ‘I was always jealous of you’ thing, like they portrayed in that filler episode 450.I would’ve gladly accepted it as friendship. Because that’s how friends behave when they are jealous and I wasn’t feeling any romance at all. There’s no need of that lengthy monologue on how he was always looking at Naruto and felt pain.
I am telling you, I won’t be looking at my friend like this. 
Unconscious closeness
Remember, I’ve written in the beginning of the post that Sasuke enjoys the warmth from Naruto. Meaning, he likes that person’s presence unconsciously and want to be near him. Sasuke proved this many times.
This is the most intense and confusing section I have to dissect for this post. But it’s the most entertaining nonetheless, atleast for me.
Starting from the Land of the Waves arc, here Sasuke is speed walking to match up with Naruto.
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Initially I thought, he is trying to be competitive. But instead of walking ahead of Naruto to show who is faster, he just walks beside him. I find this really hilarious and adorable. This just shows Sasuke likes Naruto’s presence so much so that he wants to walk beside him.
Now many SS shippers tries to make this scene for themselves, when it is clearly not.
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If you notice Sasuke in the Bell Training, he compares his strength difference with Kakashi and determines to get stronger. Same with Might Guy, he compares Might Guy’s speed with his own Sensei. Meaning, he respects people with strength. Naturally, he should’ve asked her and Sakura would have given him tips wholeheartedly. Because she really succeeded in that training.
Why bother to ask a deadlast?
The only reason I could find is that he wants to befriend him in his own stubborn way. But Poor Soul!!! He didn’t get the tips anyway. LOL. But despite getting the short end of the stick, he never hold it against him. Just like he never held anything against Naruto when he tied him up in Episode 3. All he did was just flaunt how he escaped.
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Pretty cool for a 12 year old kid. Because If I were Sasuke, I would hold it for sure.
Once again Sasuke proves how he can care Naruto in his own adorable way.
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He could’ve said ‘I am going to train too” if he really intended to train. There is no need to say ‘Going for a Walk’ and ask Naruto about breakfast. This explains that Sasuke simply missed the boy’s prolonged absence and reached out to him in his own cute way.
Now all these doesn’t mean he was in love with him. It’s just a childish attraction which makes him act like that involuntarily.
I just added this GIF to compare with the next scene.
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Now Shikamaru falling on Naruto in an unconventional way doesn’t look anywhere romantic. Instead it’s the opposite. They are pretty friendly here.
But Sasuke’s approach to Naruto does looks undeniably sensual and I couldn’t deny the sexual tension that brings with it. (Even when I watched it for the first time having no idea of shipping anyone, I lowkey got creeped and thought, ‘Sasuke!! What have you become? ’)
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This scene is something even I can’t dissect. Because honestly I don’t know. Sasuke is a person who never appreciates physical touches nor does he initiates either.
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I get this crazy femme fatale vibe when seeing Sasuke with his sexy costume landing at a speed of lightning with his hands wrapped around Naruto and taunting near his ear about what was he doing there? The only reason I could think of is that maybe he missed him for 3 years which made him go unconsciously so close near Naruto. It’s also funny that he could’ve shoved his sword into Naruto’s heart before landing and no one could’ve batted an eyelid.
Damn you, Kishimoto!!! Is this scene absolutely necessary??? What are you trying to convey? Why do you give Sasuke, a sexualized aura?? I understand you love this character so much and you want this character to be desirable among women. Yeah, you succeeded by making Karin behave like a woman in heat, the moment they met. But instead of letting her get close to him, you made Sasuke to say ‘You... Don’t get so close’ whereas with Naruto, you made Sasuke to go willingly touch him in a half hugging stance. Geez!!!
Here comes the most interesting part in this section.
It may seem irrelevant at the beginning but trust me, it will make sense later.
Before that, I would like to appreciate the creator and especially the anime team to bring the battle sequence so lively and different in its own way. If you notice the purpose of every battle that happened in Naruto series, each carries it own meaning and deliberately distinguished. How you ask?
The fight between Deidara vs Sasuke.
Logically Deidara should be dead in the Gaara retrieval arc itself. There is no point for him to chase Sasuke who killed Orochimaru to whom Deidara had nothing to do with. It didn’t impact the story in any way. But the purpose of that battle is to show how far Sasuke has grown up in those 3 years. The way he can use his Sharingan to analyze his enemies abilities and weakness so quickly and take multiple steps ahead, the way he can use Genjutsu and other incredible jutsus in his arsenal were a visual treat.
Now, let’s analyze Sasuke’s arsenal of Jutsus. He can do Teleportation Jutsu, a decent Genjutsu, Chidori Senbon (needles), Raikiri (Chidori sword which ranges to 5 metres), Chidori Nagash (Chidori from his whole body), Transformation Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu Shuriken Jutsu with wire works, Kirin, Gokakyu No jutsu, Sword fighting, basic Hand-to-Hand fighting (I’ve never seen him do it ever since the Chunin Exams with Orochimaru), Archery fighting, Susanoo, Amaterasu and all the Rinnegan abilities.
Based on the jutsus he learned so far and how he applies in every battle, it all confirms two things:
Sasuke is a Medium-Long Range Shinobi
Sasuke’s battles are usually based on his Cleverness
Let’s go for Naruto. He can do Teleportation Jutsu, Sexy Jutsu, Harem no jutsu, Rasengan, Rasen Shuriken, Oodama Rasengan, Biju Dama, Tailed Beast Mode, Kage Bunshin No jutsu, Sage mode jutsu, Frog Kumite, Better Hand-to-Hand combat skills (better than Sasuke), Transformation Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu and all his Six path abilities.
Compared to Sasuke, Naruto’s jutsu variety is very less. But for every 4 punches from Sasuke equals 1 powerful punch from Naruto. Analyzing all of them,
Naruto is a Close-Range Shinobi except for his Rasen Shuriken
Naruto’s battles are usually based on his Jutsu Timing and Unpredictability
Now, Let’s rewind back to 3 years and look at the 1st Valley of the End battle. That battle was cleverly choreographed which carried very intense emotional baggage. Things we never knew about those boys until then were openly admitted and acknowledged. That is, for Sasuke, Naruto became his closest friend. For Naruto, he always wanted to be Sasuke’s friend way back when he was 6 or 7. For both, they already have some unexplainable bond by just looking at each other and smiling secretly.
The theme of that battle started as Am going on my own path vs I can’t allow you to tread on that dangerous path and ended up with I want to break our bond vs I don’t want to.
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Now, this posture represents, Naruto is the one who pursues Sasuke to stop him from whatever he was about to do. Meaning, Naruto is the one who is constantly reaching out and Sasuke as usual kicks him out violently, that is he is pushing him away. That’s the essence of the whole battle.
Considering all the battles in the Naruto universe, I categorize them as follows:
Best Calculated (and emotional) battle - Itachi vs Sasuke
Best Hand-to-Hand combat - Kakashi vs Obito (what a fight it was!!!)
Best Mega Powered Up battle - Hashirama vs Madara
Best Emotional battle - Naruto vs Sasuke (1st valley of the end)
Best Unpredictable/Entertaining battle - Naruto vs Pain
Despite having all the potential to fulfill the above categories, The Final Valley of the End Battle never bested in any of them.
As analyzed before, the boys have grown up to greater heights. I expected a battle between Cleverness of Sasuke Vs Unpredictability of Naruto
But what I observed was something so intense. That is Unintentional closeness.
This battle symbolizes one thing: I am going to kill you to get lonely vs I won’t let you kill me because you will be alone.
Being a long range fighter, I expected Sasuke to go for this.
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If you have to kill someone you love, it is best to keep your distance. Sasuke knows this full well when he battled with Itachi. Except for some Sword fighting, he maintained a certain distance to fight Itachi throughout, until the very end.
But when fighting Naruto, all I got was this.
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That’s when I finally understood that this posture means, the fight is very personal. Which means, Sasuke or Naruto won’t be fighting by sitting on top of each other with their enemies or anyone else. That’s just between them alone.  
There was no analysis or cleverness from Sasuke’s side or any Unpredictability from Naruto. It was very bland and Sasuke looked clueless throughout the fight.
It started with some boxing style combat, including stealing hand seals and then some power punches. Very quickly it propels to Susanoo vs Tailed Beast mode. I expected some Hashirama vs Madara level power battle.
But all we saw there was this.
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I mean, Come on!!! Man. Even the most Crazy and openly Romantic Uchiha, Madara himself never fought like this in Susanoo with Hashirama (Though Madara must be thinking ‘Damn Hashirama! I should’ve tried this with you’. LOL). Those mega battles carried variety of tactics.
Another thing I noticed was, Sasuke is the one who does lots of talking and constantly pursuing Naruto. Whereas Naruto is uncharacteristically quiet for the most part. 
And finally it leads to this.
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Sasuke was unconsciously getting closer and closer to Naruto which is the opposite of what he wants to do. Because of that very closeness, he couldn’t look at his eyes with his Sharingan and eventually got an uppercut. It’s like Sasuke was screaming, ‘Hate me’ and Naruto was like ‘Keep talking’.
Every jutsu he had for attacking from a long-range were forgotten. He didn’t even try to put Naruto under Genjutsu. I mean with his Rinnegan, he was capable of putting all the 9 Tailed Beasts into a powerful Genjutsu. Why didn’t he try that with Naruto? There was no Chidori Stream or Lightning Blade.
I can imagine Naruto doing close range fights with someone or even sitting on top of the enemy. Example, part I, Naruto head bumped Gaara. He was literally fighting with his Shadow Clones against a Monster so he had to get closer. Naruto monstrously punching Deidara not knowing the fact that it was a clay clone.
But Sasuke??? Can you imagine Sasuke sitting on top of the enemy and punching to pulp??? No way. Not a chance.!!!
In one way or other way, Sasuke was always in the close proximity with Naruto throughout the battle and touching each other which is totally uncharacteristic of him when compared to his other battles.
Every battle he ever fought was always at a distance which is the clear representation of his own character. He is calculative, analytical, precise and moves fluidly with a flair like a true Ninja unlike Naruto who is always reckless, noisy, powerful and clumsy. 
Sasuke is someone who never lets his emotions get ahead in the battle, unlike Naruto. This is evident from the War when he was yelling at Naruto to stop worrying about Hokage as they were Edo Tensei who can regenerate. Even when fighting with Itachi, he calculated every move and attacked Itachi without any emotions except at the very end. Sasuke in this final battle forgot who he was and telling us viewers “Am just gonna get closer to Naruto and punch him hard”.
In short, Sasuke completely forgot all his battle tactics he had with Itachi and let his emotions get ahead of his cleverness and got himself closer to Naruto which eventually ended up weakening his resolve to kill him. This is what I meant by Unintentional Closeness.
Anyways, what I understood was, the creator didn’t put all this by without any meaning. It’s all very deliberate and drawn carefully.
Moving onto the final and the most defining moments of SNS.
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When I watched this scene for the first time, I can’t comprehend the exact meaning. And I forgot about this later because of my excitement to know what happens next. But what I understood on my rewatch is that, the feelings exchanged here is very pure and innocent but distressing.
Sasuke already lost his resolve to kill by not ramming Naruto with Chidori instead balled up his fist. So he is not contemplating whether or not to kill Naruto.
Sasuke made every effort to leave Naruto and succeeded in it too. But somehow, accidentally, when faced with a person whom he considers so precious in such a close proximity, despite have a stinging pain in his arm, he is feeling the warmth he once felt. He just wants that warmth to prolong for some more time and he can’t able to evade it. So he totally gave in to that desire and feeling it unconsciously. Sasuke always watched Naruto (unbeknownst to him) and felt warmth, relief and weakness. This scene is the symbolic and innocent representation of all those feelings when he saw Naruto and he is exeriencing it for the final time. 
Does this means, does Sasuke wants to kiss him? No.
But every symbolism of that being happening is there. It’s just all open to interpretations. The creator could show us how Sasuke fell on his knees and staring at Naruto intently but never intended to show when he got up and left. I don’t understand this twisted mind of the creator.
Added to that, Sasuke was about to say ‘Naruto, I....’ God only knows what he was about to say. But every possibility of Sasuke confessing and kissing is there.
I know the creator cannot approach this directly considering the situations he worked under. But is there any necessity for such an intense scene? Even the anime creators loved this scene and made their own version of making Naruto’s eyes wide open and even more closer.
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I wont be watching my friend or sister like that. 
That explains all the way back to this fated accidental scene.
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There is nothing special about this scene. It’s all very clear that the kiss was accidental. It was really funny. But my point is why Sasuke never beat him to pulp or even push Naruto away like he did with Sakura and Karin? Why did he stood up for Naruto before Sakura? Why did he let go off Naruto even though he tied him up? Too many leeway for a single person in a single episode. And the most important part is, Sasuke thought it was intentional and remembers the taste. LOL.
Does this means he enjoyed the kiss? Not at all.
Most probably he was shocked to see Naruto in such a close proximity after seeing him from a distance for all those years. And he enjoys this as just another prank from Naruto in his own innocent way. But he won’t mind getting another one from Naruto either.
So, to conclude
I believe I made this post from an objective standpoint without making crazy theories and I don’t have to..... since canonical resources were plenty. Obviously my own bias will also be there which is unavoidable. But I tried to question the creative choices of why this scene even exist in the first place many times. Because those are the scenes which made the most impact inside me.
My first watch of Naruto gave me the benefit of doubt that ‘Are they in love? Nah... They are friends. Maybe I am just overthinking...  but why does it feel different??’ and that too only after finishing episode 478. After rewatching it again and again, it only consolidated my view.
For Sasuke, his worldly ties are pretty thin and runny. He was always a loner from the beginning even when he had his family. He never bothered to make any friends nor did anyone tried to befriend him. He was pretty close to his family especially Itachi. When he lost everything, somehow he got attracted innocently to Naruto and started to like him. But beyond Naruto he never bothered to add anyone in his heart. He considered Kakashi and Sakura were like his acquaintances who helped him a lot and that’s all.
Then after using Orochimaru, he gathered some high skilled shinobi for killing Itachi. But he made it clear that there don’t need to be any understanding but just co-operation would be enough. But along his way, he just abandoned Jugo, Suigetsu somewhere. He openly said to Karin that she is nothing but a burden to him. When his hatred reached upto a maximum boiling point, he didn’t even hesitate to kill Karin, Kakashi or Sakura. But the moment Naruto appears he calmed down. The proof? He was shocked to see Naruto at first. Then Naruto calls, ‘Sasuke!!!’, to which Sasuke responds with, ‘What?’. Despite becoming a maniac, he could find it in his heart to listen to Naruto.
It took an Edo Tenseified Itachi to bring him some rationality to question his beliefs about destroying Konoha. When Jugo and Suigetsu appear again, he casually asked them, ‘What do you want with me at this point?’, I mean, Come On, Man. LOL.  Even during the war arc, when things were about to blast off he only cared about Jugo (who helped him many times, so understandable) and Naruto (Geez!!! LOL).
Even after their final battle, the anime went so far as to create a scene where they were alone in a bright Konoha. But Sasuke looked very peaceful and listening to Naruto intently. When Naruto freaks out about Infinite Tsukuyomi, he casually laughs off and says ‘you still care about the world’. Meaning, he is happy there spending time alone with the person he loves. Doesn’t give a rat’s ass about missing anyone else. (How romantic!!!). Honestly, Sasuke wouldn’t mind if they were to stay that way forever. He would gladly listen to Naruto all day.  But when Naruto disappears he freaks out and starting to make up his mind about joining his brother.
It’s very clear that the people he adores are Itachi and Naruto. Towards Itachi, it’s super understandable, because he is his own brother. But Naruto??? Why should the creator go so far as to make Sasuke adores Naruto even after breaking up with him?
And why make Sasuke possessive about Naruto’s life? When Obito was about to kill Naruto with that Black Orbs, Sasuke blocked him and said ‘You are not the One to sever the past, I am’. I understand the logic behind Sasuke’s possessiveness on Itachi’s life because he destroyed his family, childhood and even Itachi wants Sasuke to be the one to kill him. But why possessive on Naruto? He is not related to him by blood. Naruto never did anything wrong to Sasuke to warrant any hate either. You will become possessive on something only when you truly hate it or wholeheartedly love it. There is no middle ground. My point is why put Naruto here at all in the first place?? Believe me, If Sasuke never paid attention to Naruto in the War arc, I would be the first person to jump out of this ship. 
Just to give you a basic example, Imagine you are living in a place far away from your family, friends and that loveable person. When Corona hits everywhere and forced Lockdown to travel outside the city, and the situation is getting worse day by day. Whom would you desperately reach out first? You would reach the person whom you are connected well in your family and that loved one. You will prioritize your friends only later. This is the Universal truth. Sasuke was seen showing that same instinct in the War arc towards Naruto whom he was not related by blood. And you all just want me to believe Sasuke sees him as just a friend?? Give me a break!!!
If all those traits I’ve mentioned above have been avoided to a greater extent, I would be happy to believe that they are friends. If not all, at the very least delegate some of the tropes to other people or share some of the tropes with other people along with Naruto. But dumping it all on Naruto alone makes me only curious and incredibly romantic too. 
It’s no wonder, Naruto would go so far as to reach out Sasuke even at the expense of his life.
Oh, Did I forget about the cutest and most exclusive trope to SNS?
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U-SU-RA-TON-KA-CHI, the most personal word which carries its own meaning and is only for Naruto. So funny that Sasuke has to spend a certain amount of energy to call Naruto using a 6 syllabic word rather than NA-RU-TO, a 3 syllabic word which is much easier.
Disclaimer: This post constituted everything from from Chapter 1 to 699 or Episode 1 to 135 (part 1) + Episode 1 to 479 (Shippuden) excluding fillers. Though Sasuke shinden novel was made into anime, I don’t want to consider that here. As much as I loved the prologue in that novel, I still don’t want to cite that here, as I consider everything after 699 is $$$$ making bullshit.
If you put yourself in any character in the Naruto Universe except for Naruto, and ask them, ‘What do you think about Sasuke?’. You know the answer from Sakura, she will say ‘Sasuke-Kun looks very cool and acts aloof, that’s why I love him’. Kakashi will say ‘My favorite student’. And all the other people will say somewhat similar, ‘He is an excellent Shinobi who belongs to the proud Uchiha clan and Naruto’s rival’
But Naruto will be the only person to say this.
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“Lot of fun to be around” ....... LOLLLLL.
Me: No, Naruto!!! Clearly not. No one in your universe can have fun with him except you. Go and Ask Sai, Team Taka or your own Team 7. They adore him for being Cool and Talented. But Fun is not the word that equates with Sasuke unless there is no You, Naruto.
Thanks for reading :-D
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rexsjaigeyes · 3 years
I want to ask if you have any thots on which clone boy would be the most patient with a partner who might take a while to cum (anyone on antidepressants might know what I mean here) and who'd be the most loving and make you still feel sexy even when you feel like you're killing the mood 🥺 (i hope this is okay to ask you)
Yes my lovely anon, this is a sweet thot and I'm honored you came to me with it 💕
I like to think that the vast majority of clones would be patient and caring lovers. But here are some who came to mind first:
Rex is the biggest gentleman in the GAR; he would be so sweet to you and wouldn't pressure you about anything. He is an extremely patient man, and if he feels like you're getting frustrated or upset about how long it's taking, he will do his best to help you relax and get you back into the right mindset (only if you still feel like going). Your pleasure is his pleasure, so he prioritizes making sure you're comfortable and ready for whatever he has in mind. That means lots of foreplay and taking his time to focus only on your body and how you feel. Sometimes you feel guilty, like you're forcing him to have blue balls while he only focuses on touching your body. But he always reassures you that he's a soldier — he is patient, and he can handle it.
We constantly talk about how Fives is the best pussy eater in the GAR and could stay down there for hours, so I feel like he should have an honorable mention. He definitely has the patience to make sure you're comfortable and feeling good. But even though he's kinda got that more confident mentality that he could make you cum as many times as possible, he never gets upset if it just doesn't happen. He never wants to pressure you or make you feel like you have to cum in a certain time frame or even at all if you aren't feeling it that night. If you're uncomfortable with anything, he'd much rather spend his time snuggled up to you and talk to you about all the things he missed while he was off fighting.
I’ve mentioned a lot about patience with Rex and Fives, so now let's focus on who helps you feel sexy even when you start to slip out of that mindset (ofc this is under the assumption that you consented to keep going).
Dogma is extremely understanding when you feel like you're having a hard time getting there. The first time you're together, it's a bit awkward because he asks a bunch of questions as you go: "does this feel okay," and things like "do you want me to eat you out or get more lube instead?" And all the questions kinda take you out of it for a moment, because he's being so kind but it's making you focus on the fact that you just aren't getting to the end. Eventually though, Dogma learns all your body language and what helps you stay in the moment even when your body doesn't seem to be working with you. Once he's comfortable with you, he knows he doesn't have to check in with you every five seconds, so he makes it his mission to make you feel sexy no matter how long it takes to get you there. He peppers reassuring kisses all over your body, and his hands take their time in massaging every inch of you. He takes his time with you, trying to build up your pleasure slowly so that you don't feel pressured to rush anything. And if nothing happens, he still reminds you how sexy you are in his eyes. The main way he does this is through praise, so expect lots of loving praise from Dogma no matter what happens. He just adores you so much, and never wants you to feel like you did anything wrong.
Some more honorable mentions:
Waxer – patient, loving, tries to help you feel sexy but never pushes you to keep going if you feel uncomfortable
Wrecker – extremely patient, knows that sometimes these things take a while and he's willing to wait
Echo – empathizes with you and knows what it's like to feel like something in your body's not working with you, is willing to take all the time in the world to help you feel good
Cody – never half-asses anything and will do anything in his power to make you feel sexy and make sure you feel good. He'll stop if you want him to, but otherwise he will keep going until you cum; it's like he makes it his personal mission
And that's all I could come up with for now. Hopefully this makes sense, it was purely stream of consciousness lol. Thanks for the lovely thot, sweet anon 💕
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