#i mean... life is prettier with puppies!!
addicsvt · 2 months
11:11 pm
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pairing - established relationship | husband mingyu x reader genre - fluff/angst? word count - 800 warnings - not proof-read, negative thoughts, tiny bit of unspecified mental issues. synopsis - kim mingyu, the man who has never failed to steal your heart. a/n - happy super late birthday to my man <3 can be read as a pt.2 to sincerely yours!
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"gyu" you mutter, the nickname spills out of your mouth effortlessly. You don't really know how you ended up like this, how your head ended up on his lap, how you ever got the chance to meet someone as amazing as him, and how you think that you don't deserve him at all. Your getting side-tracked.
"hm?" he questions as you let out another sigh of contentment, you really could stay like this forever. Mingyu is too perfect, he's every girls dream. A pretty man who knows how to cook? Sign the whole female population up. It's times like these where you wonder why he chose you, out of 8 billion people, why you?
"your over-thinking again," he whispers softly, continuing to play with your hair. You always said that you were a closed book, but mingyu somehow managed to read every single page. He knew how you were feeling, he knew when your thoughts would get so loud, he knew when your thoughts would become self de-appreciating. He knew everything.
"i was wondering about something," you mumble. Mingyu knew how to keep you grounded whenever your mind was floating. He wasn't necessarily forcing you to stop over-thinking but when you started thinking negatively about yourself he would ground you, support you, be there for you.
"and what were you wondering about love?" he asks looking down at you with the biggest puppy eyes ever. You think that you might just fall in love with your husband again. He had child-like innocence and you just wanted to pinch his cheeks and pepper his whole face with kisses.
"i was wondering, why do you love me?" you question softly, this question had been running through your head all month day. Out of so many people, why you? He could've went for a prettier female idol, one that could match his status, why you?
"Your asking me that 2 years into our marriage?" He says sarcastically letting out a soft chuckle. To be honest, mingyu loves you for everything. He loves your pretty smile, your pretty eyes, your hair that he has the privilege to play with, your soft lips, everything. He loves your flaws (he doesn't really think they're flaws) too, he loves how you'll keep talking, he loves how you'll take an hour to decide between sushi or pizza, he loves how awkward you are in social settings.
"shut up! can't a girl ask a question" you protest slightly, but you don't really mean it. If someone asked you why you loved mingyu you would come up with a whole 2000 word essay. Mingyu would constantly re-assure you, tell you how pretty you were every single day, flooding your notifications with "ily, come back into my arms asap" messages every single hour.
"If you want the answer, I love everything about you." he began, he knew how cheesy he sounded but he didn't care. Nothing mattered when it came to you.
"that's cheesy." you comment laughing softly, you suddenly felt a finger resting on your lips. If mingyu tried to tell you what he loved about you he would probably run out of breath, you had so many amazing qualities that he would probably need a life-time to list it out.
"it's true though, i love everything about you. your smile, your sweet laugh, every single one of your moles, your dimples, your bread cheeks." He rambled removing his finger from your lips. You were too perfect for him, most days he would be left thinking how someone like you chose him. You were so charming and attractive how did no one else take you before him?? The world was missing out on you.
"shut up... your making me fall in love with you again." you grumble softly, you weren't annoyed, not at all. Mingyu smiled softly, that was his wife right there.
"I can make you fall in love again, wanna see how?" he snickered softly, you knew he was going to do something definitely. You always fed into his antics though, watching him smile like an adorable puppy after getting treats always made your heart melt. That was the main reason why you treated bobpul like he was your own child.
"and how will you do that?" you questioned, adding fuel to the fire. Mingyu didn't respond but smiled softly, trapping your lips in a kiss.
Mingyu has kissed you many times, but this time feels different. Your hair is messy, his hair is messy. Your wearing nothing but his oversized hoodie and a pair of sweatpants, bare-faced. But when he sweeps you into a kiss it makes your heart beat faster than it should've. Something about the suddenness of the kiss almost sent your heart into cardiac arrest. You were going to sue him for this.
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withleeknow · 4 months
rue de rivoli.
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pairing: hyunjin x reader genre/warnings: established relationship, fluff, semi edited lol, a little sappy and very self indulgent and inspired by a very specific instance in that one hyunjin vlog in japan 🤷‍♀️ word count: 0.9k
as always, i’d appreciate any thoughts or comments you may have, and please drop a like and/or reblog if you enjoy reading ♡
navigation / masterlist / ko-fi
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hyunjin might be the worst - and you mean it, the worst - travel partner.
it’s all because of that ridiculously expensive camera of his and the little hobby that he’s taken up on.
“hey,” he calls out softly, trailing a few steps behind you as he raises the camera up to his face again. “hold it right there.”
you huff out a breath in mild annoyance, blowing some hair away from your face as the air escapes from your lips.
“seriously? you’ve taken a gazillion pictures already. this is the third time you’ve made me stop in the past thirty minutes.”
“but the lighting is just perfect.”
“we’re only here for a few days! i can’t see all the places i wanna see if you keep making me stop every two seconds!”
it was cute at first, how he kept asking you to stop in the middle of the street to snap a photo of you. it made you blush every time he did, because he would take another brief moment to admire the final product on his camera’s display screen and tell you that even though the photo turned out great, it could never truly capture how beautiful you are through his eyes. then he’d press a kiss to your cheek or a swift peck to your lips before taking your hand and tugging you along, en route to the tourist attractions that you’ve yet to come across.
to be fair, it’s still cute, and despite your feeble irritation, you still let hyunjin take his photos every time he asks. mostly because he would start sporting a gigantic pout on his face, coupled with the way his eyes widen like a puppy begging for a treat.
“please? you look so pretty right now. pleaseee?”
you acquiesce - of course you do - because who can say no to a cute whiny hyunjin?
you roll your eyes half-heartedly, and a bright grin immediately spreads on his lips because he knows that he’s getting what he wants, the smile so brilliant that it brings out his whisker dimples and turns his eyes into adorable crescent moons.
he patters over to you on light footsteps once the shot has been snapped, proudly showing you his handy work even though you secretly think it looks the same as any other photo of you that he’s taken - sometimes it’s your side profile with your hair covering half of your face because you’re too awkward to look directly at the camera, sometimes it’s you in random poses because you’re never sure what to do with your hands while getting your picture taken.
“did you even take any photos of the scenery?”
hyunjin shrugs, pretty indifferent to your question. “yeah, a few.”
“a few? give me that, let me see... you’ve taken two hundred and sixty four photos so far and only a few are of freaking paris?!”
another shrug, then cue one of the corniest things he’s ever said to you in your entire life. “you’re prettier than paris.”
sure, it’s a massively cliché thing to say, and a teeny bit cringeworthy to hear if this were a sappy romance movie. but coming from him, you know the sentiment is entirely genuine because hyunjin is nothing if not one of the sincerest people you know.
it makes you short-circuit as you stare up at him. the sun behind him softens by a fraction as it starts to make its descent, and the slowly fading sunlight looks as though it’s found a home as his personal halo. to have someone as beautiful as him tell you that you’re prettier than the city of love itself is quite honestly a little surreal, no matter how long you’ve been together.
“that was the cheesiest shit ever,” you comment, pretending to gag but knowing perfectly well that he can see the rosy flush on your cheeks. you mutter something else - for good measure - along the lines of never going on a trip with him again.
hyunjin laughs that endearing signature laugh of his, then he twists the cap back on the camera lens and once again lets the device dangle from the strap around his neck. he pulls you toward him with ease and kisses you deeply with a smile on his lips, one that’s warmer than the parisian sun could ever hope to be.
no, hyunjin isn’t a great travel partner. yes, mostly because he takes up all of your time trying to take pictures of you instead of letting you freely wander to the spots that you’d spent a lot of time bookmarking on google maps beforehand. he might be the worst person you’ve gone on a trip with because when you’re travelling, you like to be productive with your time and be able to do everything you set out to do in the limited number of days you have.
but even then, maybe it’s not that terrible having to miss watching the sunset in front of the eiffel tower because more exquisite than all of the most renowned artworks displayed in the louvre and more enchanting than any view you can spot from montmarte is your hyunjin that you adore, who’s kissing you in the middle of a street which name you can’t even pronounce.
any irritation you had from before slowly melts away. you don’t even care (that much) that you’re in the city of love.
any city is love when you’re with him.
(even when he messes up your travel plans sometimes.)
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permanent taglist: @onlyycb97wife @starsandrqindrops @borahae-reads @abbiestearsricochet @cutiespaghetti @anthropologykpopmultistan @moonlinos @mjnhoz @caitlyn98s @piercidh34rts  @stayceebs97 @linocz @yaorzu-blog @biribarabiribbaem @kayleefriedchicken @extrhotjne @caitxx1 @palindrome969 @todorokiskitten @azuna-sz @meanergreener @nxzz-skz @jazziwritesthings @poutypoutybin @bookyeom @jisuperboard @wyzminho @amarecerasus @channection @lastgreatamericandynasty1 @judeduartewannabe @chanshyunjin @firelordtsuki (italicized = can’t tag)
all rights reserved © withleeknow. reposting, translating and/or modifying is not permitted by any means. [posted 04.03.2024]
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scented-morker · 11 months
Enha when their actress partner films with a hot actor
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jealous boyfriend enha! established relationship, actress reader, 1164 words, requested!!
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He pretends he's not phased at all
He knows you love him obviously, you spend like four hours a week crying and telling him how pretty he is and how much he means to you
But that was before he knew it was THE Song Kang
"Baby, he's literally the prettiest person ever!"
"You think he's prettier than me?" You pout
"Don't ask questions you don't want to know the answer to"
Homeboy is SWEATING watching you guys film
Literally saying a hallelujah when there's no romance between your characters
But when you come back and tell him he was right that it was the prettiest person ever he gets mad about it
But he wants to be the only boy you think is pretty 😔
Won't let you escape his grasp for the next week
Listen he likes to act all confident, but deep down he is a little bit insecure about his looks
So when you tell him you're filming with one of the actors who made "worlds most beautiful" list
😐 he is not impressed
On the outside he's all "oh that's cool"
But on the inside he's screaming crying throwing up
Wears the outfits he knows make you weak the whole week leading up to it
I'm talking turtle necks, rolled sleeves, rings, all of it 😵‍💫
His masterplan is working, and you get so affectionate you don't even want to leave him to film
He lowkey feels so silly about being jealous when on a film break you bring your costar over and introduce him to "the love of my life Jay"
Literally SO POUTY
"Noooo, baby do you haveee to??"
Acts like it's the worst thing to ever happen
"What if you just quit your job as an actress?? I can take care of you!! I'll pay for everything!! You'll never have to work again!"
"Jake, I like my job"
"But I thought you LOVED me!"
Insists on going with you to set (also leaves a hickey on you that your makeup artist is very mad about 😭)
You have to ignore him the whole time you're filming because you know he's making those injured puppy dog eyes and you just can't handle it
He literally is hanging out with the actor during one of his breaks tho so ???
He's all "yeah bro you're awesome" so you think it's all good now
But then you go over to them and he gives you the most mind melting, earth shattering, blush inducing kiss ever right in front of your coworker
You will never recover
Tells you he's more attractive than the other guy 🤪
You tell him because you want to be open and warn him
But he's all "okay and? He's not better than me, why should I be worried?"
You're like wow my boyfriend is so mature and cool
But you realize very quickly that he is, indeed, worried
"Hey y/n, be honest. Do you prefer blondes or brunettes?"
"Hey y/n, do you think idols or actors would make better husbands?"
"Hey y/n, do you think onscreen chemistry ever transfers off screen?"
"I prefer whatever color is currently on your head, you over anyone of any profession, and I wouldn't know because I don't need to worry about that seeing as how I'm in a very happy relationship."
He grumbles at your answers, mad you caught on
He's not one for pda but he does bring you a bouquet and your favorite drink to the film sight <3
The guy was one of his favorite actors!!
He was so so excited for you to work with him, until he found out he was your love interest 😐
"Sun, he's married." 😒
He boycotts the actors other shows 😭 whenever you guys hang out and watch dramas together he'll turn it off if the guy comes on screen
Eventually gives up on drama nights and makes you watch a bunch of enhypen performance videos instead
"Wahhh he's so handsome! Even more handsome then that actor, don't you think?"
"Yes Sun, you're way more handsome."
He's fishing for compliments but you don't care, willing to give him all the reassurances you have
You think he's gotten over it by the time filming comes up
But lo and behold... he's sent you an entire coffee truck with pictures of the two of you and messages about your relationship 😭
He wants SO BADLY to be okay with it 🥹
He was so supportive, celebrating with you when you first got the role and now coming to every filming that you have
Except he's noticed the slowly developing love story between you and the hottest guy on the show
So when you get the script for episode ten and read it to him he knows it's coming
"Oh, so you're like... gonna kiss someone else?"
You literally want to burst into tears, he's so precious and he looks like a little sad cat and just- 😭😭😭
"Yeah, but we've both been very open that we have partners! His girlfriend is on set all the time too! And you can totally be there when we film it!"
He shudders, "I'm not sure I want to"
But he goes anyway, and you introduce him to your costars partner
So now they're standing together, making small talk and looking away every time they say action
"I'm gonna need a drink," she mumbled after her boyfriend has to get his makeup fixed because of your lipstick on him
"Yeah, me too"
Listen, he is your number one fan
He’s seen every episode and won’t let you read him the script because he wants to find out with everyone else
He checks Twitter about it all the time too
So when soompi reports that there’s a new, very attractive guy on set— he sees it immediately
“Hey ynie~ can I come to filming with you?”
You’re so suprised, because he never wants to come with you
“Really? You’re not freaking out about it being spoiled for you?”
“I just want to be with you 🤷🏻‍♀️” he says it so nonchalantly like you’re not literally turning into mush because of it
So fast forward, your hair and makeup is done, costume on, and you’re finally getting ready to film
You’re on set while the scene before you is shooting, and your boyfriend lets out a gasp
“Who is that shirtless man over there?”
You look over and shrug, explaining the new character
“Why is he shirtless??” Man is so fixated on this
“He’s always like that.”
There’s been a shirtless actor walking around you all days of the week and you hadn’t said anything
Steps up the pda immediately, holding your hand during off times and loudly cheering for you during shooting
By the end EVERYONE knew you were dating
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meowpupp · 6 months
More puppy girl please!! Its soo good i love it sm
price finds your talkative nature cute. its another part of you he loves. you're always lively, yapping and rambling about this or that. he loves the sound of your voice, especially when you get excited, its adorable.
but something he finds more adorable? the sight of you on your knees, sitting pretty between his legs, whining unhappily around a gag.
price laughs, petting your hair, "thought you liked gifts pup?" his voice is condescending, a mean edge to it as he torments you, "i think you look prettier like this. don't you agree?"
his smirk only widens as you shake your head quickly, eyes wide. your hands reach up, trying to push it away, but price has it firmly strapped on. the gag is a cute pink bone, forcing your lips to part wide as you bite down. the straps dig into your cheeks, making them bulge. to you, it's uncomfortable. the stretch of your jaw and the bite from the straps digging in is uncomfortable. but to price? its his very own wet dream come to life.
price leans forward in his chair, elbows resting on his knees. "whats wrong pretty? don't like your new toy?" his head tilts, "want it off?" he tuts, petting your hair with a mocking pout on his face.
his faux sympathy act drops as you nod almost comically fast. he laughs, leaning back into his chair again. he takes a moment to light a cigar, and take a deep inhale, all while watching you closely through half-lidded eyes.
you grow more desperate, ears pulled back, eyes watering. you whine and whimper, the sounds filling the room all he does is shush you, hand tangling in your hair to push you back down between his legs.
"maybe if you use your big girl words ill take it off. just gotta ask me nicely sweetheart." he can barely hold his light laughter ter back as you whine loudly, pawing at the gag to take it off.
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aresojeroso · 3 months
★Picnic date with the slasher boys!★
Includes: Michael Myers, Jason Voorhees, Thomas Hewitt and Ghost face (Billy and stu).
•Neutral pronouns
•Just Fluff!
•Headcanons, of course!
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Jason Voorhees.
★He was a little insecure about it, if you where going to like the place, the food, etc. I dare to say that he was even more nervous than insecure. What if rains instead of being a sunny day?
★He tried his best to be a date, a special moment for you two, sharing the silent treatment, in a soft moment while the birds make their music between the trees.
★The view of you, delicate even if you where strong, in the green of the grass... He could spend hours and hours watching you in the woods, where the spots of sunlight caress you skin so delicate like a whisper... In that moment he only wishes to be a good poet, brave enough to say what he feels when he watches you, make a letter for you, sunlight or moonlight, you where precious to him.
★Probably will bring a bouquet of flowers, his mom raised a gentleman, even if the flowers are from the wild. He thinks they're pretty like you.
Even if you aren't a fan of flowers, probably he will find something that is pretty and for your taste. Crow skulls? Leaves? Little rocks? Don't worry, he has that covered. He may seem busy all the time, but he's a great watcher, he will know somehow.
★Read a book for him, he loves your voice. He can lay in the blanket for the picnic and listen to you for hours. His breath softened, his body relaxed... A day only for you.
★Both of you probably lose the sense of time, you fell asleep and he probably was to hipnotized for you to notice that the sun just set, the orange tones everywhere...
★He couldn't believe that you could look even prettier. Maybe you're an angel!
★He loves you.
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Thomas Hewitt
•A picnic? In this place? No, too much sun for you, he doesn't want you to have a sunburn.
•But your puppy eyes make him feel weak, even if his priority is to keep you save from everything...
•Then, something comes to his mind. Now he has a plan, so... He lets you know that is a yes, but not now, you'll have to wait.
•Days and days passed, you wondered what tommy was doing, Hoyt was always complaining about how Tommy wasn't working most of the time, then what he was doing? He promised...
•Until one day you find out why.
•He guided you after he appeared in the door of your bedroom, his eyes where full of energy, he couldn't wait to show you his answer.
•And he had a basket in his left arm.
•He offered to you his right arm, like a gentleman... Luda's Mae work!
•And then... He built a small place near to the trees in the farm, like a little cabin, but at the same time just a place with a ceiling, a clean floor, and a blanket above it so you can get a picnic date.
•He made it for you, just you.
•He loves you.
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Ghostface. (Billy and Stu!)
★Billy automatically says no, Stu says a very yes. It doesn't surprise you, sometimes Billy is like a vampire, allergic to the sun...
★Stu gets ready, he's so happy to spend time with you out, in, even the space! He loves everything that means being with you!
★Billy at the very end surrenders to your happiness and the energy from Stu... (And maybe Stu got annoying asf trying to convince him.)
★Both of you, Stu and you, decided to go for a quiet place (maybe that will make Billy more happy with) so, the nearest wood is the best option and at the same time Stu is happy to be in a place full of bugs, leaves, green, greeeeen! Even if he's not such a fan of nature.
★Billy approves the choice, so practically you have green light.
★Road with Stu singing the music from the stereo, Billy with his (fake) face of boredom. And you just enjoying them being them.
★Billy puts everything, the blanket, the basket, even the fucking food, just to save your life... And his too. Stu it's not the best at cooking.
★Once set everything... Billy will lay there, lazily, and will ask you to tell your day, an experience or something. He just wants to hear you.
★Stu plays with you, even hide and seek. Both of you run everywhere, challenging Billy to join! He does after a while (he cant say no for you two, and he knows that... but he got a pride to protect),and he's very competitive.
★They love you.
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•Are you sure that you want to go out with him? This was completely your idea, but he's not going to say no. He just doesn't care that much. Someone sees him? It's ok, he'll kill them anyways.
•Obviusly you have to dismiss him to not doing that, he agrees, but only because you offered a sort of sweets for the picnic. (Not because he can't say no toy your puppy eyes, of course not.)
•Internaly he's grateful that at the end you choose a place, still in haddofield, away from every posible person. You two alone, in a beautiful sunny day. (He's not a fan of heat an sun).
•He carries everything for the picnic, but you'll have to cook everything... At least he stoled some candies forma store.
•He takes off his mask.
•You two spend a quiet time in there, his just sit in the blanket, staring at you with his cold blue eyes... For him it's perfect, watching you for hours? It's his favorite hobby, he does all day. (But without you knowing it.)
•You don't know how, but after a while, he can't take off his hands from you. He's grabbing your little hand, your check, caressing your neck, your shoulder... Like if he was admiring a beautiful sculpture. (He's an artistic man, don't blame him)
•Then, while you both eat some delicious stuff (and probably diabetic for him) you enjoy his silence... That says more than a thousand of words.
•He loves you.
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Hi there! I hope you enjoy this and feel free to ask something to write! If I had mistakes on my writing, forgive me! English it's not my native language, I'm Mexican! So, if your native language is Spanish too, feel free to ask something on that!
Love to y'all!
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midnightarcheress · 2 months
Simon travels with you.
pairing: bodyguard!ghost x actress!reader cw: mentions of stalking/threats 3 | gold rush masterlist.
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the flight is strange. he was used to flying on an excruciatingly loud helicopter, with adrenaline overflowing on his bloodstream as he prepared to jump in the field, or in a simple commercial plane back to Manchester after a long deployment, dwarfing on cramped corridors and elbowing people sitting beside him. a private jet was far too removed from his reality.
but not from yours. from his seat on the back of the plane, he would glance at you from time to time, crossed thighs on the soft cushioned seats like you were simply lounging at your own sofa, not cruising miles up in the air, with eyes attentively going over the plans for the next few days with Daniel. 
he doesn’t understand half of it, but you’re some sort of spokesperson? ambassador? of cosmetic’s brand, whatever that’s supposed to mean. everything he hears just passes straight through his brain. he just cares about what he’ll have to do – follow you around like a guard dog who’s not allowed to bark.
“last time you promised me a day off, Dan. what’s the point of all this travelling if i can’t even explore the city i’m in?” a huff escapes your lips, utterly annoyed by the limitations of your schedule. a life too micromanaged to bear any autonomy.
“i told you there’s no time for a day off, you have back to back appointments–” the man stops, staring at the puppy-eyed gaze you give him, the magical pout that would get anyone on their knees, “fine. i guess i can arrange a free afternoon before we leave.” Simon can’t help the hint of a smirk forming under his mask after you got what you wanted, internally commending your ability to bend any resolve without lifting a single finger.
after landing, you head directly to the hotel to get ready for the big event. Simon’s stuck with you in a room that’s almost as big as his entire flat, bored out of his mind watching frantic people dolling you up – activity he sees no purpose in, since you couldn't get any prettier in his eyes. his eardrums are already hurting from the constant noise in the place, but still functioning enough to pick up the double knock on the door. 
you also hear it, shifting on your chair and glancing around the room as if you were looking for someone, until your eyes land on him. “Ghost?” you say, head tilting in the door direction, “could you get that, please?” he sighs and nods, pushing himself away from the wall to answer it.
the hotel employee hands him a bouquet of white lilies, courtesy of the brand, the man says. as soon as the lock clicks again, Simon notices your beaming smile at the arrangement in his possession, eyes shining like a child in the toy section. he passes you the bouquet, not missing how your smile fades into a frown the second you skim through the small card hidden between the flowers, raising an alarm flag in his brain. “something wrong?” 
“what?” your eyes dart between his and the paper in your hands, quickly tucking it in your robe pocket, “oh, no, it’s nothing.” your lips curve, barely so, tentatively brushing off the topic as you finish getting ready. his brows furrowed, not fully accepting your dismissal and sensing that you’re covering something, but he doesn’t want to press you in front of everyone. he just hopes that you’ll trust him enough to come to him if it’s another threat. 
he’d seen the content of a few of the letters you received, as a part of his briefing, just to understand what he was dealing with. some of them were pathetic expressions of emotion, serving you undying devotion and promises of eternal love, but some were filled with a predatory fury, a mixture of jealousy and hunger, visceral descriptions of how they wanted to rip you apart. all with the same signature. you never talked about the situation, never addressed to him the necessity of having a bodyguard. he could only imagine the turmoil of fear inside your chest.
a couple hours later, much to his relief, the event ended, allowing him to take you back to the hotel without having to hear any more french buzzing for the rest of the evening. 
“Ghost?” he stops on his way out, hand hovering on the doorknob and face turned to you. every time you call him, he feels a piece of his defence wall crumbling, determination to keep his distance slowly disappearing due the sweet sound that travels through the air. “can you, uhm, help me?” you look over your shoulder to the back of your dress, the zipper being impossible to reach without dislocating a joint. 
his brain momentarily freezes, scrambling to form a quick and coherent yeah, sure, or to simply shake his head in agreement. he takes a step closer, letting you turn around and move your hair before daring to touch you.
“funny how after the party there’s no one to help you clean up, right?” your eyes roam around the empty room and you chuckle, but the saddened tone of your laugh is easily recognizable, “so different from earlier.” his large digits find the invisible zipper in the fabric, slowly tugging it down as his other hand stays on your lower back for support. 
his heart is thumping loudly, the gradual exposure of your back being sufficient to divert his blood flow and make him feel something that he definitely shouldn’t. despite the profound temptation to trace your naked spine with his fingers and to lean closer to your soft neck, he steps back, clearing his throat and going back to the exit, “so, uhm, goodnight then."
you turn slightly, holding the gown by your chest and gently grinning in gratitude, “goodnight, Ghost.”
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lol took me so long to write this, i'm still scrambling with the ideas/scene sequences for the story (but now it has a name)
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ihavethedreamies · 3 months
Mine | Jaemin
Na Jaemin - NCT Dream
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Rating: M (18+) MDNI
Word Count: ~9.1k
Pairing: Jaemin x AFAB!Reader
Genre: Reader-Insert, Fluff, Jealousy, Friends-to-Lovers, Smut
!!This is smut…if that much isn't clear you should probably leave now!! MDNI!
Warnings: She/Her Pronouns used, Swearing, Kissing, Oral (F! Receiving), Fluffy Smut
Author's Note: This is for my bestest friend in the world. Jaemin is her ultimate favorite and this might very well make her explode. Which is the goal. She didn't ask for smut, but… That is why it’s a bit more…fluffy/vanilla than my other stuff, because it's for her >3>
There is a bit of cross-over between groups here. Changbin and Felix of Stray Kids are in it directly and Wooyoung of ATEEZ is mentioned.
Fun Fact: the middle pic in the banner is actually of Hyunjin
I am cross-posting this on Archive. Please reblog! If you know anyone that would like this or future fics but they aren't on here my name and icon are exactly the same on the other site. Happy reading!
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"Hey, you know my friend Changbin?" your friend asked as she applied her lip balm, looking in a handheld mirror. You simply blinked at this, considering it wasn’t even tinted and you pondered why she needed the mirror.
"Yes?" You shook your head, looking back to your laptop. You and Yuna were sitting at a table in one of the on-campus cafés . Studying in the library was hard because you two could get kind of rowdy and it was hard to stay quiet.
"He’s been trying to get me to set him up with one of my girl friends…" She drifted off, casting you a not very subtle look. You had never seen the guy, just knew he was a gym rat, and he was friends with your ex. Rubbing your eye as your vision blurred from staring at your screen too long, she leaned into your blind spot, which startled you when your eye refocused.
"What?" You grumbled and she sighed dramatically, resting her cheek on the table.
"Please?" She immediately started to beg, just repeating the word over and over.
"Oh my god, fine!" You relented. A bit hesitant since he was so close with Wooyoung. You weren’t sure if it was a good idea to go out with a friend of your ex.
"What if we do a double date?" Yuna could tell you were a bit hesitant, and the thought of tag-teaming was better.
"Okay, like a double blind-date thing?" you asked, and her face lit up.
"Yes! Bring me someone hot." She winked and you huffed. Going over your own friend group in your head, you tried to figure out who was best for her. You immediately threw your roommate Jisung out. He was way too shy and quiet for her, and she was a lot for anyone. Chenle was also out, that would be way too much loud in your life since he essentially lived with you as well with how much he was over. Renjun wasn’t Yuna’s type, she doesn’t go out with guys she claims are prettier than her. Mark was…something was going on with Yuta that you didn’t have the time to ponder on. Donghyuck could work but he, surprisingly, was pretty serious when it came to dating and wasn’t a fan of flings. Jeno? He could work, but you were pretty sure he was supposed to be going somewhere for a cycling race. That left Jaemin. The thought made your stomach twinge a bit, but you couldn’t pinpoint why. His stupid goofy grinning face flashed in your mind and quickly changed to the cocky smirk he wore when he flirted. Which he did a lot. You decided you were nervous for Yuna because he was such a flirt, but then again, so was she. Deep down you knew you had a bit of a crush on him despite the fact that you declared you never would. Every time some guy rose in popularity on campus, they were immediately disqualified. He had been your friend before that happened to him, but you begrudgingly followed the crowd as he rose to be number one pretty fast. I mean, you weren’t surprised, you had eyes. Jeno was also really high up there, but he seemed more like a brother to you. He was like a sweet puppy dog, Jaemin was more like a lion. Lazy and beautiful.
"I’ll ask Jaemin…" You mumbled to yourself, and she perked up.
"Wait, Na Jaemin?"
"Yes? That okay?"
"Fuck yeah, that’s okay, holy shit!" She cackled to herself, and you grumbled, typing out a quick message to him.
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What did that mean? There were two ends of the spectrum of messaging Jaemin. You either got very short answers like right then, or way too many emojis.
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You rolled your eyes and waited as the little dots bounced as he typed. Then they would stop, then start, then stop. What the hell was taking him so long.
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"When are you thinking?" You turned to Yuna who was typing on her phone, probably with her guy friend.
"Friday night, 7?" She didn’t even look up from her phone.
"Where?" You got ready to relay the information.
"Uh…he told you to pick." She sniggered at something else on her phone, so you went back to yours.
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He was getting on your nerves, and you pondered why the hell you even liked him. For probably everything else but how he texted, but that was beside the point.
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"Ask him if he’s okay going somewhere fancy. Our friend started as a chef at some place called Kwangya, but it’s pricey. Jaemin said he’ll pay for us." You put your phone down to pull up the website to get an idea of the prices. It wasn’t like a Michelin star-level place or anything, but it was nicer than most college students would usually go for. Looking over the menu you saw the cheapest entrée was still like twenty dollars.
"Oh shit, that looks good, let me ask him." Yuna leaned in, resting her cheek on your shoulder to look at your screen, then she went back to her phone.
"He said that’s perfect, he’ll pay for you he said." Your friend wiggled her eyebrows, and you exhaled through your nose.
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You rolled your eyes; he was so freaking odd sometimes…Most times. After all the details got ironed out, you both went back to studying and working before heading your separate ways around four. When you got back to your apartment, your eyes immediately found a foreign pair of shoes by the door. Jisung was always sure to put his on the shoe rack with yours, and Chenle’s were simply thrown somewhere on the floor, but these were set nicely by the rack. Who was there? Dolphin laughter could be heard from the living room, and you guessed Chenle had maybe brought someone. Jisung didn’t have too many people he knew past the other six. The rest of their friends would almost all just have their shoes in a pile or would use the rack…
"Noona~" Chenle shouted in delight as you came in and you couldn’t hide a smile.
"Hi, Lele."
"Did you get your program finished?" Jisung’s much quieter and deeper voice brought your attention as he came out of the laundry room. There definitely was third person there, an unfamiliar bag was resting against the coffee table. Maybe they were in the bathroom.
"Who is here?" you asked and Jisung stiffened, worried you might be upset. Little did he know, you could never be upset with your most precious.
"My friend Felix." Chenle was strewn across your armchair.
"The one from Australia?" You made sure you got it right and he nodded. He was looking at his phone as he typed, a growing look of distaste spreading over his face.
"What’s wrong?" Jisung asked the other guy, moving to sit back down on the couch, picking up his laptop. You could hear the washer going and you really hoped he didn’t put too much soap in again. As you joined them in the living room, you set your bag down next to the couch and flopped on the opposite end of your roommate.
"Jaemin." Is all he said, and you rolled your eyes, understanding his sentiment. Guess he was being weird with everyone today.
"I hope it’s okay, I might have stained the sink…" A deep voice caught you off guard and you turned so fast to see the owner your neck popped. He was…beautiful.
"What do you mean?" You finally registered his comment after a few seconds of staring.
"His pen leaked." Jisung answered and Felix showed you the faded blue stain on his hands.
"Oh, that’s okay." You assured him, still gaping. He came to sit back on the floor at the coffee table and gave you a smile made of sunshine.
"I’m Felix."
"Right, yes, I’m (Y/N)." You introduced and Chenle burst out laughing.
"You’re going on a double date with Jaemin?" The second youngest looked at you and you groaned, slumping further into the couch.
"I’m not going with him. I set him up with Yuna and she set me up with her friend." You corrected.
"Yuna? Song Yuna?" Felix asked and you nodded as you straightened back up.
"Oh, I’m friends with her too. Who is she setting you up with?" He looked up from the pen that he was holding, probably a little weary it might leak as well.
"Changbin?" When you spoke the name, his face shifted from slight worry of the writing device to an amused look. He sputtered a laugh, and you weren’t sure how to take that.
"You dated Wooyoung right?"
"He’s going to have a field day…"
"Why?" Was that a good or bad thing?
"Changbin’s liked you since before you broke up with Woo." The blonde huffed another laugh as he started to jot down notes from his textbook.
"Seriously? I’ve never even seen him… How did he know about me?"
"You were Woo’s background. You might still be, actually…" He mentioned it so casually, but you were once again shocked. You had broken up like four months prior.
"She’s Jaemin’s background too." Chenle had begun to chew aggressively on some licorice. Your licorice.
"Hey, give that back!" You stood so you could confiscate the candy and he whined pitifully and loudly. Then what he said hit you as you sat back down.
"I’m Jaemin’s background?!"
"It’s that picture of when you and Renjun fell in the mud at the park." Jisung finished and you sighed, rolling your eyes. He always had the embarrassing pictures.
"She’s still Wooyoung’s background?" The youngest turned to Felix.
"I think so…" The three boys fell back into the lull of whatever they were doing, and you sat and pondered.
"When are you going on the double date?" Jisung’s soft voice pulled you from your thoughts.
"Day after tomorrow, why?" You looked up from your phone and he looked deep in thought before he looked at his own phone.
"Just curious. I’m going to Chenle’s for a movie marathon."
"Avengers!" the other boy cheered.
"Where are you going?" Felix piped up and you were once again floored by his deep voice, especially with that pretty face.
"Kwangya. Our friend Taeil just got the position of head chef." you replied.
"He’s such a good cook." Jisung added and you nodded.
"That place is expensive…" the eldest boy was scrolling through his phone, presumably looking at the menu, then he giggled.
"Order the most expensive thing possible if hyung is paying." His mischievous smile was freaking adorable. You snapped, and pointed at him, "sure thing."
"Oh my god, I am so freaking excited." Yuna bounced as she leaned over your vanity, putting her lipstick on. Since Jaemin had told you to wear pink, you had your friend do so instead. Her dress was light pink with plum blossoms printed over the fabric, the tight dress ended about midthigh and had an asymmetric over-the-shoulder top. You were a bit worried about her walking in the tallest heels she owned, but she liked being near the same height as her date. She had her hair up in a curled ponytail and long pink crystal earrings. You had already gotten ready and had a natural makeup look on with pretty much just mascara, eyeliner, and lipgloss. Your dress was a deep purple with a high keyhole style top. There was a belt around the upper part of your waist and as the dress flowed down the purple faded into black at the end of a circle skirt. Your tallest heels were barely even heels, but they were black, and you had dark sheer tights on as well. Your black metallic hoops matched the bangle you had on your left wrist and the rings on your index and ring fingers of your right hand. Your hair was tied back and flowed down your back in loose curls. Not normally one for manicures, Yuna had gotten you both press on nails instead and yours were almond shaped, simply black with silver accents. Hers were the same pink as her dress with cherry blossoms. She couldn’t find plum blossoms, but most people didn’t know the difference anyway.
"I hope he meets your expectations." You huffed and she rolled her eyes.
"Girl, I know what he looks like, I couldn’t care less about his personality. I even broke out my fancy panties." She smiled and for some reason this really bothered you. You honestly didn’t know if Jaemin was the type to sleep with a girl on the first date, he didn’t talk much about his love life around you. You shifted on your feet, reaching behind you to adjust the band of your bra through the fabric of your dress. Your bra and panties were somewhat plain, just black with a little bit of lace. It didn’t matter anyway. Even if you really liked Changbin you weren’t going to bed him on that first date. Unless he was like…really freaking hot, which was a possibility. For some reason though, even thinking about it made you feel guilty. The thought of Yuna sleeping with Jaemin made you feel even worse, and you tried to ignore it.
"Is my makeup okay?" She shoved her lipstick back in her little bag, white with a gold chain.
"Yes. Mine?" She looked over your face quickly and clicked her tongue.
"Of course. Why’d you even ask?" She grumbled and you giggled as she fixed a few stray hairs, then you went out to your living room to wait. Jisung had left only about fifteen minutes prior, peeking his head into your room to say buy. He got a faint dusting on his cheeks seeing you all pretty and dressed up and he mumbled something as he left. Not even two seconds after you sat in your armchair, your phone went off.
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You shook your head; he had been acting weird the last few days and you wondered why he even agreed to this whole double date. He didn’t seem particularly into it… When your door buzzed, you didn’t even get up as you heard him keying in your door code.
"He knows your code?"
"They all do. They tend to come here when they are drunk." You shrugged, still looking at your phone. You had been scrolling through your pictures and deleting everything of you and Wooyoung. It still irked you a bit that you might still his phone background, but you weren’t going to tell him to take it off, what if it wasn’t? You weren’t sure if he knew about your date with Changbin either, and you hoped your past relationship didn’t come up. When Jaemin finally entered, you heard him coming down the hall, evidently still in his shoes. You were going to scold him when he finally came into view, but your words fizzled out. Fuck. He was wearing a white blazer over a black dress shirt. Said shirt was unbuttoned at the top, not starting till a little above the end of his sternum. A tie was tied around his neck loosely, the two ends tucked into his shirt, highlighting the exposed skin. His slacks were black as well as his shoes, and his silver-colored hair was styled up just enough to stay out of his eyes. When your eyes met his after you had scanned his outfit, the look was so intense it made you flinch.
"Fuck." Yuna whispered and you cleared your throat, standing and grabbing your bag.
"Ready?" he asked, forcing his gaze away from you. His face softened into a cocky smirk as Yuna came to stand with you.
"Yuna, right?" He scratched his neck casually and she nodded, giving her best smirk.
"Yes. Everyone knows who you are Na Jaemin." She finally stepped up to him and linked her arm around his.
"Let’s go." You forced a smile onto your face and led them out of the apartment so you could head to the restaurant. As they flirted in the elevator, it was like you could only kind of hear them, your ears ringing like you had gotten hit in the head.
"Is Changbin meeting us there still?" you asked Yuna, and she nodded.
"He should get there around the time we do." Leading them to the small parking garage next to your building, you get in the car and wait for the other two. Jaemin held the door open for your friend and she got into the back where he joined her. You felt more like a chauffeur like that, but you just swallowed down the bitter thoughts and left the garage to head the right way. When you arrived, the valet took your vehicle and there was a guy waiting outside near the door. He was short for a man but still a bit taller than you, and holy fuck was he built. He had a white button down on, the buttons struggling to contain him. A black vest struggled over the shirt as well, and his black tie rested perfectly on his chest. The sleeves were half rolled up near his elbows, his forearms on display. A thick black watch drew your gaze to his hands, a simple silver band on his index finger. His slacks, also black, hugged his thick thighs wonderfully and you wondered if they would split from the strain if he moved the wrong way.
"Woah." He whispered, recognizing your presence when Yuna shouted his name. He came to stand in front of you, his gaze was scanning but polite. You watched carefully as his eyes trailed over your face and neckline, before quickly jumping to your waist and legs.
"You’re even more beautiful in person." He smiled and your face warmed. He took your smaller hand in his where it was rested on your bag, bringing it to his face and placing a light kiss on your knuckles. You heard Jaemin scoff lightly, and you chose to ignore it, focusing on the man before you.
"Let’s go in, I’m starved." your friend groaned dramatically and Jaemin held the door open for her, very pointedly letting it go when Changbin followed. That gave him the opportunity to hold it open for you though, and you nodded in thanks with a smile as you entered the restaurant.
"We have a reservation for seven." Yuna leaned against the podium where the host was as she typed into the tablet.
"For four?"
"Please follow me." She grabbed four menus and led you into the establishment to a table in the back corner. The place was busy, but thanks to the ritzy environment, it wasn’t overly loud. The black and white décor and furniture were accented with different kinds of plants and other green things. Jaemin moved to sit down, pulling the chair next to him out. You waited for Yuna to sit but Jaemin was staring at you. Changbin shot Jaemin a look you didn’t notice, but your friend did. Changbin did much the same, sitting across from you and casually pulling the chair back with one hand for his friend. Your guy friend rested back in the chair nonchalantly, holding the menu in his hand on his lap, slinging his arm around the back of your chair. You didn’t even react, too busy looking over the menu, but the other two sure did.
"Order whatever you want, pretty girl." Changbin smirked when you glanced over your own menu at him, his resting on the table. You couldn’t help but marvel at his arms where they rested over the menu. His black hair was parted asymmetrically, his bangs brushing over his eyebrows. He was very handsome, in a more masculine way than Jaemin, who was more pretty.
"Are you sure?" you asked, Felix’s words flashing in your mind; you wanted to make sure.
"Of course." He smiled, looking back and you nodded, ignoring the numbers listed by each meal.
"Hello, I’ll be taking your order today." The waitress had come over and bowed slightly, ready to get your drinks. You simply ordered a water, not feeling like alcohol. Yuna did order a glass of wine, one that Jaemin picked out. He knew jack about wine, but he acted like he knew his stuff, he didn’t even drink. His order was simply for a Coke and Changbin ordered some kind of soda-liquor mix.
"Is this on two tickets or…" The waitress started.
"Two, me and her." Changbin nodded at you and before the waitress could start writing, Jaemin piped up.
"One, actually." You turned your head to look at him in shock and Yuna smiled coyly, resting his chin on her interlinked fingers. She hummed and Jaemin hadn’t even looked up from his menu but to meet your glance.
"I suggested the place, might as well. Tell Chef Moon Jaemin is ordering, so he better cook it really~ good." He smiled at the waitress, and she flushed a bit at the smolder, but nodded and headed off. His arm was still on the back of your chair, and you glanced at Yuna who bit her lip as she looked over the man next to you.
"What are you thinking of getting?" you asked your date and he hummed, flipping to the other side of the menu.
"The cream pasta looks good, but I don’t know if I would want chicken or shrimp." Changbin hummed, then looked up at you with a smile, "what about you, (Y/N)?" The way he said your name made your heart thump, was he normally so sweet or was he playing it up?
"She wants the lobster." Jaemin didn’t even look up from his menu and you glared at him. He wasn’t wrong…you loved it even if you didn’t get to eat it very often.
"It’s not even on the menu today." You tried not to snap at him.
"I think I’ll get the cream pasta with shrimp." You decided.
"Perfect." Changbin smiled and when the waitress came back with your drinks, your date ordered for both of you.
"Give me the steak." After Jaemin ordered, he took his menu and yours to hand them to the waitress. Yuna hummed, giving you a look, and ended up getting some kind of fish. When your guy friend ordered you grimaced. He knew you didn’t like beef, even just the smell bothered you. Though, if he was paying, especially with the prices being so high, you wouldn’t say anything.
"I know we don’t know each other super well yet, but you’re too good for Wooyoung." Changbin started and you gave him a shocked look. Yuna looked surprised at the comment as well and Jaemin huffed in what seemed like agreement.
"W-what do you mean?" you asked.
"This is the kind of place to go to. A beautiful restaurant for a beautiful girl. Let me guess, your first date was at an amusement park?"
"W-well…yes. We were first years in college though…"
"Still, you’re a lady not a middle schooler." He shook his head and you flushed some at the comments. You didn’t see yourself as a lady, but it made you feel special.
"Lady, huh?" The guy next to you kind of scoffed and you rolled your eyes. What was his deal?
"She’s more of a lady than this one that’s for sure." Changbin jutted his thumb at Yuna who sent him a scalding look.
"Fuck you, Bin."
"I would rather you didn’t." He smirked, turning the look to you. Letting out a small chuckle, your cheeks felt even warmer, the ice water a nice contrast as you took a sip. Focusing on the older man, you two passed likes and dislikes back and forth, just getting to know each other. You weren’t sure what the other two were discussing, but you could feel the tension leave Jaemin slowly. Yuna was batting her eyelashes every once in a while, and you had a feeling her heeled foot was brushing over his shin, if not higher. You tried not to think about it, going back to your date. When the food finally came, you smiled at how good the food looked and smelled. Luckily, your food more or less blocked the scent of Jaemin’s steak. As you twisted the pasta around on your fork against your spoon, as you went to bring it to your mouth, you noticed Changbin hold his own up.
"Cheers?" He smiled and you giggled, bumping your pasta swirl against his, then eating it. It really was so good, and you could tell it was definitely Taeil’s.
"I was surprised I couldn’t hear you from the kitchen." A familiar voice chuckled, coming up to the table."
"Hi, Taeil-oppa." You smiled at his comment to Jaemin.
"Hyung~" He cooed and you both huffed.
"I didn’t know you were going to be here too, (Y/N)." He glanced at the other two, "You’re Yuna, right?"
"Sure am." She seemed to be in a flirty mood, her tone was still lilted.
"You are…" He pointed to the other guy.
"Seo Changbin." He nodded respectfully.
"Double date?" Taeil’s gaze moved to you, and you nodded. He simply hummed before his gaze met Jaemin’s.
"Enjoy the food, I’ll make sure you get a discount." He bowed and then left and Yuna watched him leave.
"Really?" You deadpanned; she was literally on a date with Jaemin.
"I need to go to the bathroom, come on (Y/N)." She got up, grabbing her bag and you did the same to follow her. You really didn’t understand why girls always went to the bathroom together, but you would literally just follow along. When you got in there, another woman was just leaving, but otherwise it was empty. Yuna went to look in the mirror, pulling her make up bag out to touch up her eye makeup. You rested your back against the counter, it seemed neither of you actually had to go.
"Sorry that Jaemin is being weird." You grimaced a bit, your mouth going straight.
"Well, it’s obvious he is here for you so…" She didn’t seem bothered at all.
"Oh, please, girl. It’s obvious he’s jealous and just came so you he could keep an eye on Changbin. I’m more here to help you not be too uncomfortable, it’s just a bonus I get to flirt with Na Jaemin." She started to put on more lipstick, but realized she still had to finish eating, so that wouldn’t make sense.
"Y-you think?" You turned to look at her and she scoffed playfully.
"Here, I’ll play it up and see what he does." She got everything back into her bag and you both went back to the table. You had no idea what those two had been doing or talking about, but the tension was thick. After you sat down, the mood lightened, and a smile came back to Changbin’s face.
"Here, have more of the shrimps." He picked a few off of his plate to give to you before you could protest. Shooting Yuna a look, she winked, and stabbed a piece of fish with her fork, holding it up to Jaemin. She hummed and you made sure not to watch, so you missed his side look at you. The small talk continued with your date, and it seemed as Yuna notched up her flirting, so did Jaemin. You two weren’t so forward, keeping it more innocent.
"Oh, here." You noticed he had some sauce on his cheek, too far away for his tongue to reach. You grabbed your napkin and dipped it in your water so you could get it off. He smiled and the warm look made your face heat, and you sat back all the way down. You yelped when Jaemin curled his ankle around the leg of your chair and hauled you closer to him so he could whisper in your ear.
"The hell are you doing?" His tone was sharper than you had ever heard from him.
"What do you mean?" Your tone hardened as well. He simple glared down at you and you scoffed, aggressively yanking your chair back to where it was, resting your chin on your palm, closing yourself off from him.
"Sorry, he’s being a dick." you whispered to Changbin, but he didn’t laugh, just sent a look at the other man.
"What’s your deal?" He shot at Jaemin whose face immediately lost its flirty grin. He could be really freaking scary when he wanted….same thing with Chenle.
"I just have a problem with people who don’t know their place." He rose an eyebrow and you swallowed hard. You really wanted the chocolate lava cake on the dessert menu, but you were getting fed up. He offered to pay for everyone, so you stood and aggressively slung your bag on your shoulder.
"Let’s go Yuna. He can get home on his own." She immediately followed you and you stopped, looking at Changbin.
"I had fun with you, I’m sorry he’s being such a douche. I’ll get your number from Yuna." You smiled, giving him a slight bow and he nodded, watching in shock as you both left.
"(Y/N)!" Jaemin shouted after you and you just picked up the pace. Yuna’s heels clicked on the tile of the restaurant floor and then on the concrete as you left. Tears were pricking at your eyes, the warm drops cold in the blowing wind.
"Hey, you okay?" She stopped you, noticing your face starting to get blotchy.
"He’s a fucking jerk." You sniffed and she sighed.
"Hey, I’m not mad, I wasn’t expecting the world from the date-"
"Not that, how he was with Changbin. If what you said it true…" You licked your lips, and she wrapped her arm around your shoulder.
"The reason it hurts so much is because you like him. It’s hard to see someone act like a dick when you think highly of them." She informed wisely as you both waited for the valet to get your car. You wished you parked down the road so at least you could get away faster. Waiting outside meant there was the possibility of Jaemin getting to you before you could leave. Speak…well, think of the devil, and he shall come.
"(Y/N)!" He had pushed the door open so hard; the thick plexiglass wobbled a bit in the metal frame. You groaned and told Yuna to take your car back and began to storm down the sidewalk toward your building.
"Fucking- (Y/N), wait!" He dashed past your friend, and she knew your shorter legs wouldn’t get you far if he was going that speed. As he caught up to you, you almost took off your shoes so you could start running. You tried to not wipe at your eyes, your mascara was waterproof, but your eyeliner would probably smudge.
"(Y/N)!" Jaemin finally reached you, his hand wrapping around your wrist, and he halted you in your tracks. Why was he so freaking strong? When you tried to get away, he pulled you even closer, holding both hands to his chest.
"Let go!" You were full on crying, and he was a bit shocked at this. He did as you asked and you were going to turn around and keep going, but a car, your car, pulled up next to you. Yuna got out, handed you your keys and you went to get in. Before either of you could say anything, Jaemin grabbed the keys himself and went to the driver’s side. You scoffed as he shut the door but got in the other side.
"Can you get home?" you asked her, and she nodded, waving you off.
"Changbin will get me home." You nodded and got into your car; it was a bit weird riding in the passenger seat. The ride back was silent, tension rising in the car fast, and you tried rolling the window down. Didn’t help, just made more noise. You rolled it back up, the seal making a ‘shunk’ as it closed. You licked your lips, just watching out the window. No words were said as he parked in your spot in the garage. You wanted to fester a bit in the car, but he pulled your door open and stared you down, prompting you to get out. You slammed the door shut and stomped forward past him to get into your building. You keyed in your code to the side door and didn’t even hold the door open for him. You could hear him following you though and he did all the way up to your apartment. Your door slammed shut and you both stood in the entryway, panting. Sighing, you toed the straps of your shoe and kicked them off, storming further into your place. It seemed he had done the same and was hot on your heels. As you left the entry hall and started to head into the living room, Jaemin grabbed your wrist, and you yelped as he yanked you. You found your back to the wall, halted just right so your head didn’t bang into it. His hand slammed against the wall, pinning you in, the other one still holding your wrist. You gaped at him with wide eyes, your hand held up and against the wall as well. He was PISSED. He didn’t get mad like that too often.
"What the hell is your problem?" You tried to psych yourself up, feeling incredibly small. Not only did his harsh gaze make you shrink in on yourself, but he was also bigger than you really realized. Taller and broader, he fully surrounded you. He scoffed, looking away and you sneered. He finally turned back to look at you.
"Are you really that dumb?" His tone pierced you and tears came back, frustrated and hurt.
"What?" Your voice was quiet, you face had fallen flat. Jaemin licked his lips again, biting his bottom lip before pressing both together hard. His eyes met yours and your breath hitched.
"You seriously, of all people, asked me to go on a double date with you, but you were there for someone else?" His face was close to yours; he was so close in general that you had to tilt your head to meet his eyes.
"Then, you showed up looking like that, but it wasn’t for me." He motioned with his head down, and you shuffled. Jaemin’s leg had shifted closer, his knee touching the wall.
"You even went so far as to flirt with another man in front of me." His words made you look back up to him from where you had been looking at his leg between yours.
"What’s it to you!?" You countered, trying not to move too much, he was so close, "why do you care?"
"I care because I love you, and you’re supposed to be mine!" He finally got it out. All of the fight left you and you simply gaped at him like a fish. Jaemin swallowed, not sure how to take your reaction.
"You love me?"
"Yes!" The hand pinning yours up pulled away, so your arm came down to rest limply at your side. Jaemin then rested it on your elbow, the hand on the wall shifting so his forearm was pressed against the surface. His forehead met his arm, the side of his jaw pressing against the top of your head. Your eyes couldn’t help but fall to the swath of skin revealed by his open shirt, it was right in front of you after all.
"I really wish I could have done this differently." His voice was quiet, the sharpness gone, and he spoke right into your ear. The sound seemed to rumble through you, and you didn’t know his voice could get that deep.
"Love?" You finally managed to get out and he huffed, pulling back enough that you could see each other’s faces. Jaemin brought his hand to his tie, and despite it being loose already, he loosened it further and just took it off. The fabric floated to the floor, and he took another step back so he could take off the blazer without hitting you. As he shed the garment, he continued to move away, throwing the jacket down. He turned away from you and you slumped further against the wall, watching as he rolled his sleeves up, so they bunched above his elbow. You couldn’t help but stare at his revealed forearms, a watch gracing his left wrist. On his right hand sat the ring he and all your friends shared. You had one even, but you kept in your jewelry box and only wore it when you were all together. The more you looked at Jaemin, like really looked, he had gotten way more muscular than you even realized. He caught you staring and in any other circumstance he would have smirked, but he just huffed, nearly scoffed.
"My eyes are up here, (Y/N)." He clicked his tongue and he started to walk back toward you. He had put his left hand in his pocket, the right held up with one finger out, and he poked you hard on the forehead. You flinched and yelped when your head hit the wall. Jaemin sighed, letting his arm fall and putting his other hand in his pocket as well.
"You really had no idea?" The question was unexpected, and you honestly had trouble thinking about what he meant, still out of it.
"No idea about what?" You shook your head, trying to get your bearings and he sighed dramatically, a slight whine in the sound.
"Me loving you, dummy." You blinked in response.
"Well, what?"
"What about you?"
"About me, what?" He groaned in frustration and sighed really hard again.
"Do you like me back at least?" He finally decided to be direct. You simply blinked and he shook his head a bit.
"I’m going home-" He backed up and moved to leave, but you stopped him, gently wrapping your hands around his elbow.
"Wait." Your voice was so quiet he almost didn’t hear, but he halted immediately. His back was to you, so you stepped closer and wrapped your arms around his middle, laying your cheek on his back.
"I…I think I love you too." You truly didn’t know for sure, never really feeling that way. You were still in denial about having feelings for him at all only an hour ago.
"You think?"
"I really don’t know…I’ve never felt this way before-" Jaemin pulled away from you roughly, but then turned to you, his hands on your jaw. When you opened your mouth to continue, his lips met yours instead, swallowing the start of your next words. Honestly? Best kiss you ever had. You didn’t know if it was because Jaemin and you liked him so much, or if he was just good at it. With a whine, you brought your own hands to his, lightly gripping his wrists. Jaemin pulled back, his expression still intense but in a much different way.
"Tell me now if you don’t want to go beyond kissing, because I need to know before…" He drifted off, his eyes still pinned to your lips.
"Y-you can do what you want." Your words were shaky, along with your body, but it was more nervous excitement than anything.
"Yeah?" You hummed in response and that same cocky grin you were so used to spread over his stupidly attractive face.
"Don’t tell me that, love, I’ll hold you to it." He had leaned in as he spoke, his lips softly brushing over yours.
"Please." You nearly keened and he kissed you again. It was rougher than the last one, deeper, his hand wrapping around your ponytail and digging into your hair. He tilted your head to get a better angle. His other hand started at your waist before sliding down the sleek material of your dress till it landed on your butt. He squeezed and you gasped, allowing his tongue to slide into your mouth. Your head was swimming, and you weren’t sure if it was from lack of air or just how good it felt to have his tongue tasting yours. When Jaemin finally pulled back, you whined at the loss which made him chuckle.
"Come here, love." His arm wrapped around your waist, the other going to the back of your thigh, picking you up with ease. You whimpered, wrapping your legs around his waist and you kissed over his neck and collarbone as he headed down the hall to your room. Luckily Jisung was at Chenle’s, and little did you know, it was because Jaemin had told him, "if this night goes according to plan, you will not want to be at home." And while the plan hadn’t gone exactly as Jaemin planned, the end result was the same. Your door was closed but not set in the frame, so he was able to kick it to get it open. It swung hard and slammed into the wall, luckily there was door stop, and he kicked it closed as well. When he got close enough, he literally dropped you on the bed. You bounced with a yelp, and you stopped as you tried to steady yourself, your eyes drawn to him. With rapt attention, you watched as he deftly unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and untucked it, throwing it harshly to the floor. As he continued, the smirk on his face grew more and more devious, his confidence growing a little too much from your stare.
"Wanna touch?" He teased as your eyes traced every line and ridge of his torso. Without thinking, you nodded, and he laughed. The noise snapped you out of the trance, and you frowned.
"Jerk…" You mumbled and he chuckled, stepping forward slowly, prowling. His right hand gripped his belt and the waist of his pants, and when he was close enough, his hand went to your chin to tip your head. Jaemin crooked his eyebrow, and you wilted a bit under the look, more nervous excitement buzzing through you. When he stepped back, your eyes went to the hand on his belt and watched as he undid his belt, pulling it out of the loops with a snap and it clattered to the floor. Your mouth watered, and he tried not to laugh, "Your eyes are gonna burn holes through me." You flinched back, purposefully looking back to his face.
"Look all you want, love." he said, the smirk coming back. So, you did. Your eyes zeroed in on his hands, he first removed his watch, letting it clatter onto the floor as well. Same thing with his ring, he didn’t want the others having any part of this, even if it was through the friendship ring. Next, and you weren’t sure if he actually did it slowly or it played in slow-motion through your eyes, but he undid the button on his slacks, and they fell. You gasped, he did still have his underwear on, but he was just that much closer to being bare before you.
"You have too many things on." He decided and strode forward, falling to his knees at the foot of the bed where you sat. His hands went to your hips and pulled you all the way forward so hard and fast, you fell, back hitting the bed.
"Are these those tights that don’t tear?" His question threw you off a bit.
"Uh, no they were like a few dollars-" RIP. He just tore them right at the seam of the crotch.
"Jaemin!" You scolded by he ignored you; finishing ripping them and then pulled the pieces off. He could have just pulled them off normally… When the scraps were discarded, he flipped the end of your dress up, exposing your black panties and your face flushed as he just stared.
"D-don’t stare like that!" You covered your face with your hands then practically screamed when he unexpectedly buried his face between your legs.
"J-Jaemin!" You yelped, his tongue brushing harshly over the fabric, tasting your wetness though the material.
"Fuck~" He cooed at your taste, and you were extremely grateful he didn’t tear your panties off as well. What you didn’t notice though was that he pocketed them as his mouth met your bare cunt. Your back arched, breath leaving you, his tongue delving into your core. Jaemin let out an obscene groan as your walls clenched around his tongue and you whimpered. Why was he being so freaking noisy? Again, a startled yelp escaped you when his hands grabbed your thighs, roughly holding your legs open, preventing your hips from moving. It seemed he planned ahead because when he sealed his lips around your clit and sucked, your entire body jerked, the air leaving you.
"Jaemin! Wait, fuck-" You sucked air in harshly, the rising pleasure so intense and before you knew it, with one last flick of his tongue, you fell of the edge. He moaned as you whined, his voice fading into a low chuckle as your orgasm ebbed. Falling boneless onto the bedding, he got up from the floor and cooed at you.
"Oh, sweet love~" His normal playful tone was weaved with heat, his words seemed to rumble through the room. Gently, he helped you sit up, kissing softly at your neck and jaw as he pulled the zipper of your dress down. You let him pull the garment up and off your head, your glazed over expression going straight to his hardening cock.
"So pretty~" Jaemin huffed in delight, leaning over to kiss you again as he unhooked your bra and slung it somewhere to the side. With a mewl, you let him pick you up again to move your further up the bed, laying you down softly and making sure your head was settled on the pillow. His next kisses were incredibly soft, going from your mouth to the crest of your cheek, your jaw, neck, collar, sternum, the swell of your breast, then his mouth sealed over your nipple. It made you shiver, but he quickly moved on, kissing to the other side, and licked over your other nipple.
"Jaemin~" You whined, needing more. He smiled, not a smirk, going back up and kissing your forehead. The man laughed when your arms lazily wrapped around his neck, trying to get him closer to kiss him again. Instead, he let you kiss over his face, his hands going to your hips and adjusting you so your legs wrapped around his waist. When he grinded his still covered hard-on into your bare core you let out a low whine.
"I need you to let me go so I can get a condom…" He laughed when you shook your head no, holding on tighter.
"Okay." He relented, wrapping his arms around you again and you yiped when he easily hauled you up and got of the bed. Holding onto him like a child, he laughed at your antics as he stooped to get his pants and get his wallet.
"You always keep one there?" You grumbled and Jaemin continued to laugh, going back to the bed.
"No, love. I planned ahead~" He let out his characteristic little-shit giggle as he laid you down again, just as softly.
"Hurry!" You wiggled, letting your legs fall so he could maneuver and get his tight black briefs off. Your jaw went slack and the smuggest simper you had ever seen on his face. No wonder he was so freaking confident all the time.
"I’ll fit." He teased and you wanted to get annoyed but was too distracted as he rolled the condom over his cock. You swallowed.
"You’re sure you’re okay with this?" His hand gently went to your cheek, rubbing his thumb over the soft skin. You turned your head, kissing his palm, and the soft gesture made his smile soften as well.
"Okay, love." Jaemin shifted, lightly gripping your hips and you buried your fingers in his soft silver hair as he brought his cock to your core, stroking it through your folds before starting to ease in. You gasped, trying not to clench too hard. It had not only been a while for you, but he was bigger than you were used to. Your whole body shivered, and you tried to relax and not clench him too much. You watched his brow furrow; you were tight around him and he couldn’t believe he finally got to be inside of you.
"Breathe, love." He smirked, helping you relax as he bottomed out. The walls of your cunt fluttered around his cock, trying to get used to the stretch and you tried to not dig your press-on nails into the skin of his back. He would change that though, planning on having red welts decorating his back when he got done. When he felt you relax more around him, and your body wasn’t as tense, he brought your legs up higher around your waist and gave a very shallow thrust.
"Fuck!" You moaned and Jaemin groaned, starting a slow pace, not wanting to overwhelm you yet.
"J-Jaemin!" You threw your head back after he gave his first hard thrust, nearly pulling all the way out before his hips snapped, carving his shape into your core.
"Oh, love, you feel so fucking good~" He let out a breathy chuckle, sitting back on his heels more, the angle change let the head of his cock hit your sweet spot. With each thrust, he fucked a little noise out of you, every once in a while, it would be his name or nonsense babbling.
"Hold on, love." He grunted, getting up on his knees more, his strong hands gripping your thighs so hard he would leave bruises, and threw your legs over his elbows. Jaemin smirked, rolling his hips and as the head of his cock hit the deepest part of your pussy, you came. It was sudden and your breath halted, and he froze, eyes clenching shut. He wanted this to last longer, and while he knew he could go more than one round, he really wanted to prolong it. You shivered slightly when it was over trying to catch your breath and he groaned, shifting on his knees, and grabbing another pillow to shove under your hips.
"Okay, get ready~" He practically giggled, and he began to fuck you in earnest. Your cunt was sensitive from cumming twice, but it still felt too good, and your mind was starting to fog. Your hands that were digging into the bedding scrabbled, gripping his back, not wanting to tear your sheets. He groaned as the rounded ends of your press-on nail dug into his skin, scratching down and leaving stinging lines all over his back. Jaemin chuckled deeply as you whimpered and moaned.
"You’re so good for me, huh?" You whined in response.
"Like my cock?" Whine.
"Fuck, I love you so much." He slumped forward, burying his face in the crook of your neck, sucking, and licking at the skin. His thrusts stayed hard, but they lost their rhythm as he got closer to his own release. Your hands moved to around his shoulders, one still scratching up his back, the other in his hair.
"Love~" You mewled, and he huffed, burying his cock as deep as he could and came. Someday, he vowed to feel the raw heat of your pussy around him. Slowly he pulled out and you whimpered, feeling incredibly empty. He realized then that he had only brought one condom…
"Great." He grumbled, but when he saw you laying there, eyes unfocused and body limp, he realized that might be for the best. Smiling softly, he leaned down, brushing the sweat-soaked hairs from your forehead and laying a kiss there.
"Be right back, love." Jaemin pecked your lips and got off the bed. You were only semi-conscious as he went and cleaned up. He came back quick, helping you get under the covers, and he turned the ceiling fan on, so you didn’t get too hot. Somehow, you managed to stay awake as he took a cold shower and you mewled for him when he came back.
"(Y/N)~" He cooed dramatically, back to his goofy self. He had put pants back on but left his shirt off, knowing you would ogle him. Giddily, while giggling, he wiggled under the covers with you.
"You’re cold…" You mumbled and he nodded with a hum.
"Warm me~!" He opened his arms to you, and you tiredly shuffled closer and slumped into his hold. You were too tied to really appreciate laying on his half-naked body, and he soothingly pet your hair, nuzzling the top of your head.
"I love you." Jaemin whispered and you mumbled something, and he huffed, "what?"
"Love you too~" Your voice was slurred with sleepiness, and you nearly instantly fell asleep. He soon drifted off as well, but about an hour later, he was awoken by a commotion.
"Chenle, wait!" Jisung shouted after him but couldn’t get to him in time as he dashed down the hall and threw your bedroom door open. When all he saw was Jaemin propped up, glaring at him with a lump next to him, the younger stopped dead.
"Get out of there!" The youngest scolded, purposefully NOT looking as he grabbed the other one and hauled him out.
"THEY FUCKED!" Chenle nearly screamed and Jaemin collapsed to the bed with a groan and Jisung dragged him down the hall, trying to get him to shut up. You grunted a bit and Jaemin smiled, you were so cute. Your eyes fluttered open and he smiled warmly.
"He’s so freaking loud." You pouted and he dramatically acted like he had been shot in the heart.
"Oh~ So cute~" He enveloped you into his arms, holding you close and rocking back and forth. It forced a tired giggle from you, and you went limp again when he finally laid still.
"You’ll be my girlfriend." It was more like a statement than a question. You hummed.
"Of course." You ran your fingers over his collarbone, finally getting to feel and see him. Another cocky grin spread over his face as you didn’t hold back, your hands stopping on the waist band of his pants. He smirked, rolling on top of you, making sure you didn’t hold his full weight.
"For now~" You furrowed your brow, wondering what he meant. One day, my wife.
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Master-Master List
NCT Master List
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tabithatwo · 1 year
it's yellowjackets / jennifer's body parallels time!
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hi hello keep reading if you would like to hear about shauna/jennifer and jackie/needy, here's my totally noncomprehensive, very much off the cuff thoughts on this very complex and interesting dynamic!!
(i'm not getting into the basic parallels, i'm gonna assume you know the karyn kusama of it all, the heart necklace, the homoerotic female friendship, the death)
yellowjackets is so brilliant because it feeds you stereotypes and absolutely does not deliver on them. there could be an entire paper on each girl and how this is true for them specifically, but walk quickly with me because i want to get into the nitty gritty gory fun stuff! a brief oversimplified example: nat is referred to as a burnout, some would assume she's a loner based on that, but she cares about the team as a unit more than arguably anyone else. (this is common in real life too, our stereotypes often don't hold water in reality and yj reflects that beautifully!)
now to the jackie/shauna of it all. it would be oh so incredibly easy to look at jackie and think she's the jennifer of the duo. we are set up to see her as prettier, more popular, more demanding. but that illusion falls apart QUICKLY if you pay attention to the things that jackie actually says and does. she's not a mean girl. she's actually one of the kindest on the team. she doesn't pick on shauna, she clings. there are plenty of takes on this on tumblr so i won't exhaust it, my adhd loves to digress and meander but i'm forcing myself back onto the trodden path to this point: people look at the first few minutes of the pilot and they immediately decide that they know who these girls are. the audience typecasts jackie as a jennifer and shauna as a needy. the popular, bubbly girl and her shy, bookworm best friend.
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a lot of people, especially casual viewers who don't study this show like its their job (god, wonder what that would be like lol) understandably stop here. but to me the BRILLIANCE of yj is that they don't actually make it HARD for you to undo your initial impressions. the material is there. it isn't hidden. it isn't some deeper self of each character that is unraveled throughout seasons. they push, push, push to see just how far they can carry our deeply held stereotypes/expectations. how forward and violent can shauna be, with viewers still clinging to a shy and sweet girl, who was really their own creation? how kind and honestly pathetic kicked-puppy can jackie be, with viewers still clinging to a mean girl, who was really their own creation? how far will we go to warp the characters intentions, so that we can keep them in the box we understand them in? they ask this of the viewer and of other characters, but AGAIN i digress.
so, while this might sit strangely with some, yes i think that jackie is very much aligned with needy if you peel back just one layer. but far above and beyond that, shauna is so very fucking jennifer.
the overall veneer is thinned immediately in yj. there isn't one girl in the stands and one on center stage. jackie and shauna are both on the team. they go to the same parties, they play the same sport, i would argue that shauna isn't even coded as "less pretty" (please note the word coded, because i'm not saying needy is literally less pretty than jennifer, i am simply saying that we have hair, makeup, clothing, glasses trends that we use to stereotype characters, are you with me?)
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so now what? now these girls are both and neither. shauna thinks that she is the needy to jackie's jennifer. jackie wears the necklace and the introductory shots frame her as important. but we're already diverting from that set-up.
our absolute clearest common denominator here is one that i rarely see people mention funnily enough: JENNIFER IS A SUCCUBUS. she CONSUMES. she KILLS. she WANTS and she TAKES.
now before you get TOO EXCITED!!! i see some of you getting ready to say i'm a shauna shipman hater, put the pitchforks down!! shauna is one of my favorite characters of all time. i love her crazy ass so deeply that it's alarming. (i don't hate jennifer, either, for the record.) i love her largely for WHAT she is. i think sanitizing or sweetening her is a disservice. she's amazing and complex and wounded and capable of deep love. but she also, quite LITERALLY, consumes.
her character is sex and desire and violence and obsession and consumption. and it's AMAZING. she's POWERFUL. she's our main framing character (in this dynamic), rather than needy. the scripts are switched. jennifer dies and needy lives, and that's one story. that's clearer cut, simpler, made for a horror film. but here, jackie dies and shauna lives, and that story is deep and rich and goes on to include a whole lot more death and destruction and chaos.
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shauna tells us herself that it excites her. she likes it. she is this girl. this woman. she reminisces and she recreates and she covets.
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jennifer tries to consume needy, shauna literally consumes jackie.
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there's more to this story, obviously. you could deep dive and mine for the intricacies of the set up and fall of stereotype and expectation, or collect all of the exact parallels. but i'll stick with a few, because this is a quick outburst of thought.
a huge one, who is taking whose boyfriend?
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here's another personal favorite of mine, just for kicks
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is it too complex to neatly tuck away? absolutely. they're different stories with different themes. shauna isn't simply a teenager possessed by a demon. it runs far deeper. as is the essence of this show.
but if you want to look at parallels, look at the one who has been holding the knife the whole time.
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hitomisuzuya · 1 year
Scaramouche x fem!reader. Smut. Oral sex in an alleyway. Degradation. Forced love confession. Alcohol use
a/n: I...I lied 😂 Someone I know is gonna find me and force me to sleep. But anyways, @xxventiswindblumexx stirred my brain to life again after I read their delicious Scara smut earlier. It was chef's kiss amazing. I borrowed a little inspiration from it, so some credit goes to them. I hope you don't mind, dear. There is a really dumb joke in this. 😭 I'm only making fun of myself with it.
You were out drinking at a tavern to celebrate another mission complete ahead of schedule. You were engaged in a playful drinking game with Childe. Scaramouche watched you quietly.
"Ha!" You exclaimed, wiping your mouth and smacking your glass onto the table. "You can admit defeat, Childe. It's fine. I won't laugh at you," you slurred slightly, giggling, "much." You added with a smirk.
Childe threw up his hands in defeat. "Okay, girlie. I know when I have been beat. I know you aren't a lightweight. By the way," he said, handing you a folded piece of paper. "Here is the new safe house codes. They reset today, remember."
"Oh, thanks," you took the piece of paper, and unfolded it to read. It said YMCA. You squinted, "Wait...this isn't enough letters, the code is usually four letters..ohh.."
So maybe you were drunker than you thought.
You crumbled up the piece of paper and put it in your pocket, a flush of embarrassment coating your cheeks. "...Whatever, thanks. I need some air," you grumbled, stumbling a little as you moved around Childe.
"Awwww come on, don't go," Childe.slurred, trying to pull you into his lap, "I didn't laugh at you even though the look on your face was hilarious."
"Stop, Childeeeee. I like someone else, remember?" You danced away from his hands.
Scaramouche narrowed his eyes. What you'd just said, that you liked someone made him curious. Romantically? Who was it?!
You'd followed him around like a puppy for months. The first time he told you fuck off and leave him alone, you only cocked your head, and flashed him that stupid gentle smile and said, "Hush, I know you don't mean that. You've been letting me sit with you for hours now. We've been sitting here in a companionable silence for awhile now and I swear I saw you nodding off. You feel comfortable around me, admit it."
He didn't. For months he treated you with the same contempt he would anyone else. But on the inside, you were starting to make him feel things he didn't think were possible. You made his chest tighten like he had a human heart. Once you started saying those kinds of things to him, he eventually silently accepted it and stopped calling you a pest.
Scaramouche remembered the first time he took a lock of your hair between his fingers. "Pretty.." he murmured in a moment of rare weakness. You'd looked away, blushing, "But..your hair color is much prettier than mine..who even likes blondes anyways...we are kind of dumb sometimes..."
He remembered bringing the lock of hair to brush against his lips, he eyes wide with anger at himself for showing weakness in front of a pest like you. He'd ordered you harshly to leave his sight moments after.
When you left the tavern, Scaramouche got up, and headed towards Childe. "Next time you do that, I'll break all of your fingers," he said, serious with his intent.
"Don't worry, I get it," Childe said, "But you know, if you aren't careful, someone else might get there before you." He sounded no longer inebriated. "You are more obvious than you think. At least to me you are."
Scaramouche glared, offended. He brushed off Childe's comment and followed after you out of the tavern. He found you across the street in an alley, resting your head against the wall, your eyes closed as you breathed in the chilly night air.
"Who is it?" The question spilled from his mouth.
"Huh? Oh, Scara, it's you. My equilibrium is a little off, so I couldn't hear you all that well," you replied, massaging the bridge of your nose.
"I said who is it!?" He snapped, smacking a hand on the wall next to your head. He knew it wouldn't take much for you spill who it was.
"Eek, alright, I'll tell you, just gimme some space would you?" You pushed your hand gently against his chest.
He crossed his arms, waiting and glaring.
"You caught me, Scara," you said, blushing as you traced the toe of your shoe through some dirt. "It's you that I like, okay? You don't have to scream at me about it. I would do anything for you."
Scaramouche regarded you coldly for a long moment, making you fidget nervously. "Okay, I'm gonna go, forget this ever happened." You waved at him as you turned to leave. And there it was, that stupid gentle smile of yours.
"Prove it!" he barked forcefully.
"What?" You had to make sure you'd heard him correctly.
"Did I stutter, slut? I said prove it. Prove that you would anything for me. Get down on your knees and prove it!" he was taking the anger and frustration he felt inside himself out on you. "What are you waiting for? Your mouth practically begs me to ruin your throat with my cock everytime you smile in that stupid way."
You stumbled forward, your body moving without thinking and did as he asked. "You just keep those annoying, pretty eyes on me."
Again, you did as you were told. You pumped your hand on his cock once you took it out of his shorts. He groaned when you swirled your tongue around the tip. Taking hold of your fine hair, the color that bewitched him so suddenly, he curled the ends around his fingers a few times, before gripping it tightly.
He thrust harshly into your mouth, making you gag before you started breathing through your nose. "Archons, you are really proving that you are a slut for me. I think deep down, I always knew," he panted quietly as your throat convulsed around his cock.
You tasted precum in the back of your throat. You mewled, never once breaking the tight suction of your mouth on his cock while you sucked, flattening your tongue against the veins that bulged to the surface.
"Fuck you are good at this," he hissed, moving your head to bob as you greedily sucked. "I should've ordered you on your knees a long time ago." When he felt himself about to fill your throat, he pressed your mouth all the way down on his cock. "Now drool and deep throat me like your depends on it. It's not like you haven't thought about doing this since we first met."
He held your head in place as he cummed. You coughed, drool spilling from your mouth onto his thighs as you swallowed, your fingers pawing against his shorts. He yanked you to your feet. Your eyes were hazy with adoration only for him.
"Get up and wipe your mouth. Let's go, it's cold out here and I'm not finished with you yet."
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a/n: Whew. Goodnight, everyone. I'm sorry if this was too much. Scaramouche really brings out the absolute worst of me.
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ryejifics · 7 months
Christmas shopping
Yeji x reader
Type: fluff
A/n: I'm sorry for going ghost. I've been so busy and had writers block :,). But here's a Christmas story to start the holiday season!
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"Babe! Look at this one for our puppy!" Yeji pulled out a Christmas sweater with a reindeer on it. "Aw, put it in the cart, love." You smiled and pushed the cart with yeji's hand in yours. She excitedly skipped, looking around for Christmas gifts for the loved ones. "Ryu would love this!" She jumped, grabbing a blue hoodie. "And I know who would love this!" You showed her a candle of her favorite scent. She quickly nodded excitedly and put them both in the cart. "Next we need Lia." She hummed and looked around. "Ooo, this sloth plushie is cute!" She put it in the cart. "Oh, and this for Yuna!" She put the nail polish in the cart. "Last but not least, we need Chaeryeong." She looked around when you found a new t-shirt for her. Yeji approved, and you put it in the cart. You guys checked out and walked to the car.
"Baby, I'm cold." She pouted at you and tugged on your shirt. "How about we go get some hot chocolate?" You saw her face light up as she nodded quickly, shoving everything in the trunk. Once you got to the small cafe, you let her get whatever she wanted. You were smiling from ear to ear, holding her hand across the table. She rubbed her thumb against your hand softly and told you a story from practice with Itzy. Once the drinks got to you two, you both drank them slowly and talked more. You couldn't stop staring into her eyes. She looked so cute drinking her hot chocolate. "What?" She blushed when she noticed you looking. "Nothing, you're just so.. pretty." You smiled and admired your beautiful girlfriend. You couldn't ask for anything else. She was so perfect. A minute later, you started to giggle. "Yeji.. you have a chocolate mustache." You giggled and took a picture. "Hey!" She wiped it off and playfully hit you. "You're mean!" She pouted, and you placed a soft kiss on her lips. "Come on, pouty pants. Let's go home." You paid the waitress and walked to the car. On the way, you passed beautiful Christmas lights and decided to give Yeji a photoshoot. "Yeji, how about a photoshoot? The lights would make a pretty background for an even prettier girl." You smiled at her and got out your camera. She posed as you took pictures of her. She even blew a kiss at you, which made you blush. After you finished, she took cute a couple of pictures with you. Even kissing you under the mistletoe you found. It was the perfect end to your day. You loved Christmas shopping with the love of your life. You couldn't wait to do it all over again next year.
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luveline · 2 years
hey! this is my first time requesting and i’m a little nervous so i’m choosing to do anon!
i was wondering if we could get boyfriend eddie sweeting talking/comforting his reader gf that has alopecia? i personally have it and i haven’t seen it anywhere. :)
hi!!!! i love u ty for ur request i went with the r having a small/medium sized patch of hair missing that can be pulled into a ponytail, i hope that's okay! ♡ fem!reader
It's small enough to hide but big enough to be obvious that you're hiding something. Eddie swears to you that you can't see it now you've tugged it up into a ponytail, but Eddie's a huge liar. He'd spare your feelings before ever admitting he can see it.
"Are you lying?" you ask. He definitely is.
"Seriously, baby. You can't tell... and even if you could-"
"Eddie!" You scramble to the mirror and turn, trying your best to spot the bare patch by yourself.
"I'm just saying! I'm just saying, you don't have to worry. You don't have to hide it."
"Of course I do. It's not exactly the fashion."
"Since when do we care about fashion?"
"I'm not walking around with my scalp showing."
Eddie follows you to the mirror. He holds your shoulder firmly in one hand and brings the other to your head to smooth down your hair. He's careful as he encourages a band of hair over to the side, his fingertips unbearably kind. He tightens up your hair tie and takes your small can of hairspray into his hands, shaking it.
"You can't see it," he says as he sprays your hair flat. "I promise. Please don't worry about it, angel."
You bite your tongue, furious with yourself as a freak wave of tears wells in your eyes. "I can't not worry about it, Eddie."
"Let me worry about it."
"You- you'll tell me if it looks obvious?"
He puts down the hairspray and turns you by your shoulders. His eyes match his expression, fondness furthered by the puppy dog's he's giving you. "I swear on my life." His smile turns wry. He chucks your chin. "You're fucking beautiful, you know that?"
"I'd be much prettier if I weren't balding," you say hotly.
Eddie loathes your self disgust. His smile drops into a frown, his hands rigid over your shoulders. Slowly, slowly, they relax. His fingers trail down the lengths of your arms until he's found and stolen your hands.
"You couldn't get any prettier. Physically impossible. Unfeasible. Nothing will change that, ever."
You look down at his hands, ring-clad, callus-wrought. The juxtaposition of them isn't lost on you. He's the softest touch you've ever met.
"Are you sure?" you ask weakly.
"Yes." His response is immediate. He shakes your hands until your lift your gaze to his angled head, forehead inclined seriously. "I'm sure. Positive, sweet thing. You're aces."
You relax.
"We don't have to go, you know. We could stay here, spark up, let me show you how much I mean it?" He wiggles his eyebrows at you suggestively.
You slap his chest. "Shut up." You take a deep breath. "Better take me before I lose my nerve."
He chuckles and pulls you out of the bathroom by the hand.
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obsessive-clown · 2 years
🖤-  Wendigo!Grabber x GN!Reader | Beauty and their Beast
Well hello my little rabbits! I am so very sorry I never wrote and released this sooner!! I have been very busy dealing with things in my personal life along with having to handle my mental health and school. I hope this makes up for it!!! I might even start doing asks for this version of The Grabber or write headcannons but I’m not sure, maybe if you all told me what to do that would help. Either way, enjoy this part... TW: Posessive behavior, mentions of forceful grabbing, strattling(?), very very very minor gaslighting
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” Bunny? You’ve been awfully quiet. I told you already, nobody and nothing was down here with you. I’m not— There’s nothing in this house other than me and you.”  Were you hearing this right? Did he just put you down for that? Sure, it sounded insane but you were being honest with him. You’d been here for what, a week? Three? A month maybe? He’d always threatened you for lying, telling you how much he hated when others lied.  ”So you’re just going to call me crazy? Say it’s all in my head? How am I the cr-“  ”I never said anything about calling you crazy, Bunny. I’m happy you’re telling me the truth, however.”  From how he spoke, you could tell he was smiling. Like he’d just seen the puppy he just got do the trick he’d worked so tirelessly to teach it. Breathe, you had to breathe. You closed your eyes for a moment, hearing the noise of boots scuffing against the concrete floor, abruptly stopped and followed up with the sound of a figure flopping on the mattress with you. You shot your eyes open, your captor sitting just a few inches in front of you, his masked face just inches from yours. He’d chosen the bottom half of his smiling face again, showing his positive mood for the day.  ”Tell me your name, Bunny! I’m sure you get tired of that silly nickname, don’t you? I can see that precious little nose of yours scrunch up every time I call you that.”  He was going to know your name one way or the other and there was a large chance he already knew. You'd lost count of how long you'd been down there anyways, so surely your name has been printed on the newspaper at least once. With a drawn out sigh and The Grabber's eager eyes widening, you told him your name.  "Y/N. Y/N L/N."  His nails tapped against his mask, the thought of him not believing you clawing at your mind. The threats he made and what the ghost boys had told you he'd done when they lied made your heart race.  "Y/N L/N... Such a pretty name. Much prettier than bunny." Did you hear him right? Did he say your name was pretty? People who always wanted to impress you or make you like them would compliment your name but his compliment seemed genuine. Suddenly, your face felt hot, the man that kidnapped you made you blush. Of all things he could have done, he managed to make you blush. Stuck in your mind, you felt two large, warm hands gently grab your face. "Now what could that mean? Your cheeks are as red as cherries, bunny." Once again, his tone gave away his smirk, he knew what he was doing, he must have. He repositioned himself, now on his knees, towering over you. He smelled nice, like a nice cologne and oddly like the fresh cut wood section of a hardware store. "I hope my little bunny isn't coming down with something, that would be such a shame." HIS bunny? His tone was almost posessive, obsessive even. He slouched down, placing what seemed to be a kiss on the top of your head with the mouth of the mask. You felt him getting closer, your first instinct being to push away and press your back to the wall. So you did, you began to scoot back but one hand let go of your face and gripped your thigh, yanking you forward. He sat back down, putting you on his lap, if you were to look from anyone elses perspective, it looked like you were strattling him. Before you could act, he completely released your face, placing one of his hands on your back to keep you close and held your wrists with the other. His head rested atop of yours and his shallow breathing echoed in the dead silent basement, then the rumble of his chest felt almost soothing as he spoke, almost encouraging you to rest your head against his chest. "Something told me you'd be different, Y/N. You're such a good little bunny, my good little obedient bunny. At least you don't judge me, or don't judge me out loud at least, hm?" ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Well, this chapter was very fun to write, especially when I was speedrunning it so I could charge my laptop. Again, I am so sorry this took so long to come out, I’ve just been very busy so I hope you guys can forgive me!! I hope you all liked this chapter. Remember to take care and stay safe!!! I’ll see you little bunnies later.
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vivioluh · 1 year
my favs !!!
key: fluff (F), angst (A), suggestive (S), crack (C), mature (M)
note: mostly all of my reposts are just fics!!!! these are only my favourite, but every fic i repost is really good :)
updated as of january 24th
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✩ bangchan ! 빙찬
(S) pretty, stupid. by hyungszn
╰┈➤ lip gloss makes pretty boy prettier.
(M, ~6.2k) ghostface by bruh-changbin
(M, ~3k) pussydrunk by seungminheart
╰┈➤ eager to please chan eating you out... say less
(M, 2.3k) bulge kink by straykeeds
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✩ leeknow ! 리노
(F, ~18K) enemies to lovers project by softukiyos
╰┈➤ 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘫𝘪𝘴𝘶𝘯𝘨'𝘴 𝘱𝘴𝘺𝘤𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘺 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘫𝘦𝘤𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘴𝘶𝘱𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘣𝘦 𝘴𝘪𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦 -- 𝘥𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘴𝘵 𝘦𝘯𝘦𝘮𝘺, 𝘭𝘦𝘦 𝘮𝘪𝘯𝘩𝘰, 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘮𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘴𝘦𝘦 𝘪𝘧 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘣𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘧 𝘪𝘵. 𝘸𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘵𝘸𝘰 𝘰𝘧 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘩𝘦𝘢𝘥 𝘰𝘷𝘦𝘳 𝘩𝘦𝘦𝘭𝘴 𝘧𝘰𝘳 𝘦𝘢𝘤𝘩 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳, 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩, 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘴 𝘴𝘵𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘨𝘦𝘵 𝘮𝘶𝘤𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘤𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘪𝘤𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥.
(F) routine by ronnierites
╰┈➤ it was your routine.
(F) hairtime by ppiri-bahng
╰┈➤ your daughter does your husbands and your own hair
(F, S, A, ~26.5k) lost in translation by moonjxsung
╰┈➤ The older brother of the boy you babysit is an enigma, in every sense of the word- and you’re determined to figure him out.
(a/n: lost in translation is seriously one of the best fics i’ve read on here. the plot, the setting, the characterization; everything about it was my perfect cup of tea)
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✩ changbin ! 창빈
(M, ~10K) kind regards by staytheword
╰┈➤ Seo Changbin. Every time you get an email from me, you feel your blood boil. What a conceited, terrible human being. You have to work together, but it doesn't mean you have to like him. In fact, you only feel hate towards him. So what if you have no idea what he looks like, so what if you have never met him? Nothing could change your mind about him. Right?
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✩ hyunjin ! 현진
(F, S, 2K~) lost by jinhyun
╰┈➤when hyunjin invites you over to watch a movie. or maybe two.
(M, ~2K) hide the scissors by 97percentsteamy
╰┈➤ Hyunjin has run out of ways to insinuate he's way too horny for you so he makes a shocking declaration.
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✩ seungmin ! 승민
(F, A, ~20K) eighteen by soobnny
╰┈➤ it takes you a while to realize being known is being loved, and kim seungmin just so happens to be an expert in the study of you.
(F, ~2K) home run by latteseungs
╰┈➤ technically, adding your birthday as seungmin's baseball jersey number was not really against any rules
(M, ~4K) good puppy by woooahaee
╰┈➤ your boyfriend is sick of his friends calling him your pet until you tell him you agree with them
(F) time by ronnirites
╰┈➤ little moments of love
(F, ~2.5K) the things we define as love. by soobnny
╰┈➤ a study of love through the lens of a tired photography student who has long given up on romance
(M) hair pulling by straykeeds
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✩ han ! 한
(F, ~2K) met odd by soobnny
╰┈➤ you get to know han jisung under strange circumstances or alternatively “we live in the same floor and the room between ours always has really loud sex so now we’re both in the main lounge at 2am… do you want this last bit of ice cream?”
(M, ~8K) one click by seospicybin
╰┈➤ Han has a habit of stalking you online and wishes to get to know you in real life. He finally gets his wish after one night of accidentally sliding into your DM.
(M, ~3.5K) request by smoonjis
╰┈➤ Jisung as a cute nerdy college librarian who's very famous around the campus for being cute but has no idea about it.
(F) drunk confessions by hyunniesgirl
╰┈➤ Prompt 17: "I’m not drunk. Can a drunk person do this?" "You’re not doing anything." "But… I sent you my love. Did you… did you not get it?"
(M) track list by huihuiheart
╰┈➤ Jisung sends you his completed tracklist at 3am hoping for input, only there was something unexpected on the list instead.
(M) treat her right by quokkawritesarchive
╰┈➤ jisung boy best friend who treats reader right and fucks her until she forgets about her ex.
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✩ felix ! 용복
(F, ~7K) my treat by skzhua
╰┈➤ brownie boy was a myth for you. since the first day you had stepped on the campus, everybody would be praising brownie boy. you could not believe that a grown man was kind enough to be giving out free food, good food. when brownie boy heard about your suspicions, he was more than willing to prove you wrong.
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✩ jeongin ! 정인
(F, A, ~47K) 24 to 25 by awooghan
╰┈➤ “stay for christmas?” was a phrase jeongin first uttered to you when you were both ten years old, but neither of you had any idea the bond those three little words would hold as the years go by.
(F, ~1.4K) touch by luvtora
╰┈➤ 'physical touch refers to expressing and receiving affection through touch, physical closeness, and other forms of physical connection'.
(F, M, ~10.9k) better and better by seungminheart
╰┈➤ a weekend getaway with your best friend is the cure for all your stress; at least, its supposed to be. so then, why does he end up spending the whole trip stressed instead...? OR, jeongin has been obsessed with you for years. (unfortunately for him, you are painfully oblivious to it all. guess he has no choice but to fuck the shit out of you until you notice.)
(F, M) looking out for you by skzwaves
╰┈➤ relationships at work are a no-go for you but the tension you feel with your coworker makes you rethink your morals
(M) voyeurism by tasteracha
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✩ ot8 !
coffee shop series by hanjisick
╰┈➤ downtown, hidden in a strip of small businesses, every local’s favorite coffee shop could be found. one step inside, and it’s easy to tell why. the walls were covered in vines and paintings, small knickknacks and vases, a few plants here and there. a dusty record player sat on the wooden shelf for the eight boys to dance around to all day, singing along as they cleaned dishes and served warm cups of coffee. which drink would you choose?
(M) dry humping w skz by hyunjinfairy
╰┈➤ you dry humping with your skz boyfriend
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the really complicated story no one asked for on how i became prom queen (karma is real)
i graduated and it doesn't matter any more but i still need advice bc idk how to life :D
academic rival (let's call him gingerbread -- no i will not be providing context for this name)
agatha (girl who i used to be friends with)
marjory (everyone loves her)
nelson (guy i've been friends with since we were kids)
eugene (guy i've liked since like i was born)
so for context gingerbread and i were dating in sophomore year, we broke it off because i said we're better off as friends (he's emotionally immature and i still had unresolved feelings for eugene) and i said we can still hang out as friends and he took advantage of that and we were basically hanging out more than when we were actually together. but then junior year begins and all of a sudden he hates my guts.
turns out he had a religious awakening over the summer and won't date anyone who isn't from his religion. so he developed a crush on marjory.
but then this year marjory rejected him and started dating nelson. but look guys i've known nelson my whole life but i would never ever date him because he did in fact go out with marjory while still with his ex. he's just weird. so gingerbread tried to intervene but because he's a possessive weirdo it came off badly.
and then i went to him and said hey. bestie. stop. this isn't a good look on you. leave them be. and then we got into a huge fight where he basically said our relationship never meant anything and i lost it. then he spent the rest of the month apologizing and buying me things and being all puppy dog and saying he didn't mean it and i eventually i relented.
i realized i still liked eugene and i wanted to ask him to prom but when i told my friend agatha she told me eugene has a girlfriend from outside school who he's going to prom with and that she's much prettier than me (her words not mine). AND THE WEEK AFTER AGATHA GOES AND ASKS EUGENE TO PROM AND EUGENE SAYS YES.
so i talked to eugene's friend about this and he told me that agatha's been telling people that gingerbread and i are back together and he said eugene only agreed to go as friends.
infuriated as i was i still went to prom with my friends because it's my prom and i won't let anyone ruin it for me.
the night before prom gingerbread calls me and asks me to vote for his two friends to be prom king and queen.
i was like yeah ok whatever (i didn't vote -- i genuinely so busy my dress had to be taken in for shortening and that was a whole thing)
and then guess who gets voted prom king and queen.
me and eugene.
it was the most insane moment of my life i swear it was straight out of a frigging dream.
did we live happily ever after? i don't know. we spoke all of that night and then in graduation and i haven't seen him since (WHAT DO I DO)
but the repercussions of this? gingerbread is PISSED. so the girl gingerbread wanted to be prom queen is his best friend's girlfriend and everyone was texting her like do we vote for you? what's happening? and she was like no no no do not vote for me vote for (me) and eugene. they had a whole campaign because everyone knows how strict my parents are and the fact that i was allowed to go was such a miracle they wanted it to be celebrated (eugene was just a bonus, they were trying to make their ship set sail)
so agatha was left alone for the rest of the night sulking (*insert jojo siwa's karma* jk i don't endorse that), gingerbread glared at me the whole time, nelson and marjory came and congratulated me and eugene and i had our almost happily ever after.
my problems?
what do i do about eugene
how do i fix things with gingerbread (he's been such a good friend to me for so long and i feel so so bad even tho i know it's mostly his fault but i want to fix things before i leave and never see him again)
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bluiex · 2 years
Thinkin bout' Double Life Swap AU except like, it's just the box bros and scarian. Big B & Grian are soulmates and Ren & Scar are and like- what that would change (of course, scarian secret soulmates I MEAN- 🤭🫣💋)
Like Scar is bitter and rejects the whole soulmate idea and only really changed after Grian encouraged him so he stays bitter (and very jealous he isn’t GRIAN'S soulmate) but Grian still follows him around, Grian finds Big B at the cliffside and while excited about being with his close friend from evo feels upset its not a certain someone else so he ends up seeking scar down anyway and just.. following him around like a lost puppy almost
Scar would still settle in the jungle for his jellie panda reserve, leaving Ren in a similar state to Pearl except Rens more ✨ salty ✨ cuz like he did nothing wrong so Big B invites him to stay with them which is awkward for grian cuz y’know, partly the reason Scar doesn’t want him
Box never exists either cuz you think Grian would let that monstrosity exist? absolutely not, idk whether the red velvet keep would still be there or if a prettier version of box would exist instead
WAIT I JUST HAD AN IDEA- Ren follows the same death sequences but this sends SCAR down to red and Scar and Grian are back to the desert again.. red and green red and green AHH 💗💗 i have.. brainrot please help
(sorry this is so long omg i just needed this off my chest like rn <3)
I LOVE THIS Scar is bitter about soulmates, especially when Grian isn't his. But he's happy Grain came looking for him, and starts the secret soulmates thing with him. Scar is happy to chill out in his jungle with the jellie pandas. GOSH THO LIKE the angst potential in this?? If we follow the same death sequences, Grian is gonna kill Scar. GRIAN WILL KILL SCAR. *lays on my side* The funeral would 100% be sadder and more heartfelt than it was with BigB's Also I feel like the red velvet keep will still be a thing, since that's what Grian wanted to build. and Grian does what Grian wants lol
Ren would go absolute sicko mode, people would be even more scared of him than they were of Pearl. He'd be happy Big B likes to hang with him but.. his soulmate broke his heart, mans wants revenge, and that revenge gets him and Scar killed by Grians hands--
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dottores · 2 years
MORE SANZU HCs BECAUSE I LUV U MWAH MWAH but the childhood friends to lovers trope teehee
childhoodfriend!sanzu who might've fallen a little bit in love when you approach him when he's alone at the park and tell him how pretty he is, even while his scars are healing
childhoodfriend!sanzu who follows you around like a lost puppy after that, even transferring schools
childhoodfriend!sanzu who watches as you tell the people who gossip behind his back about how he looks to fuck off and that he's prettier than they'll ever be (he tears up a little and refuses to let go of your hand for the rest of the day and he decides then that you will be best friends forever)
bestfriend!sanzu who goes to the same middle school as you and watches as you grow, but also notices other boys watching you grow and hates when they leer at you behind your back, so he might pick a fight or two (also so you can fuss at his wounds later)
bestfriend!sanzu who gets his schedule changed to match yours, and is actually really smart so he catches up easily (the only reason he was in the regular classes was because he never tried but he'll try if it's for you)
bestfriend!sanzu who gets so irrationally angry when you agree to take another boy to the dance and doesn't talk to you for the rest of the day, but when he catches you crying about it he apologizes and bashfully admits that he wanted to go with you to which you admit that you wanted to go with him too
bestfriend!sanzu who becomes boyfriend!sanzu when you childishly declare that you're getting married and you'd never want anyone else anyways
boyfriend!sanzu who scares off any gross high school boys that think they can get near you by just standing menacingly behind you
boyfriend!sanzu who will sneak into your window in the middle of the night just to pout and whine about the fact that you didn't give him a goodbye kiss when he dropped you off at home earlier
boyfriend!sanzu who walks you to every class and will even leave his class early to get to yours before it ends to make sure he's on time for you (what teacher is dumb enough to think they can stop him???)
boyfriend!sanzu who proposes to you right after high school graduation, to which everyone says you're both insane but you wouldn't have it any other way <3
fiance!sanzu who waits until you're finished with schooling to properly marry you because he can wait forever and he wants you to prioritize your career first
fiance!sanzu who picks you up from work one day, but when you hear your co-workers gossip about the man in the expensive suit and maserati who's rumored to be in bonten, you decide that that job isn't for you anymore because who were they to judge? (when he asks later you just tell him that it wasn't the right fit and you have to pinky swear because he was about to go in and threaten some people)
fiance!sanzu who's more into wedding planning than you are, but realizes one day that all he wants is you, so he plans a small wedding with all of your important people and host it in your penthouse (this may or may not have been the first time bonten!mikey has ever been caught smiling and it's sure as hell going to be the last, but you're both just happy you got to witness it)
fiance!sanzu who tells you how pretty you are at the stand, which may sound insignificant to everyone else but you recall your first words to him and immediately burst into tears and he starts panicking
fiance!sanzu who promises that he will build you the life you want, no matter what the cost is
I love you sm and you deserve all the kithes and sanzu love <333
i’m so mentally and physically ill over this it’s not even funny, i was literally punching the bed on the verge of tears haruchiyo just following me around like a lost puppy i’m crying so hard, kids are so mean they would have been so mean to him at school cuz of his scars i just wanna pick him up n hug him i’m so upset AND HIM THROWING A TANTRUM OVER ME GOING TO DANCE W SOMEONE ELSE IM SO ILL HE SO WOULD IM GONNA THROE UP HE WOUKD BE SO MAD AND UPSET AND MOSTLY CUZ HE COULDNT GATHER THE NERVES TO ASK ME HIMSELF BEFORR SOMEONE ELSE DID i’m so ill sneaking into my bedroom for a goodnivht kiss and walking me to and from class and proposing after graduation my heart hurts so bad i want him so bad i’m so upset
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